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Skimming the news ... Be sure to vote Tuesday, Sept. 5! Anna Maria ie Islander Showing now, page 17. "The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992" 'Suspicious substance' prompts beach closures By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Manatee County health officials ordered beaches on Anna Maria Island closed to bathers around 2 a.m. Aug. 23 as a precautionary measure after discovering a "sus- picious substance" had washed ashore that resembled debris from an oil spill. Access to the water resumed at 10 a.m. that morn- ing after county and federal officials determined that the substance wasn't from an oil spill or a tanker emptying its tanks in the Gulf of Mexico. But that was just the good news, according to infor- mation from Manatee County Environmental Health Director Charlie Hunsicker. That "substance" turned out to be a "high concen- tration of algae associated with red tide. The red tide feeds on this algae," he said. The substance, identified as Trichodesmium com- bined with the red tide algae, Karenia brevis, was found on the beaches of all three Island cities and along the Island's bay side in Anna Maria. Because of the "oily, greasy, black" appearance of the substance, it initially prompted fears of an oil spill, said Hunsicker. After county and federal officials analyzed the sub- stance that night, however, they ruled out an oil spill and determined it was red tide algae and trichodesmium. The oily looking substance, Mote Marine Labora- tory officials determined, were dead ragged sea hares. The critters emit a purple dye when threatened or dying, a color that bears a resemblance to petroleum in water. The U.S. Coast Guard along with federal, county and Holmes Beach officials worked until around 2:30 a.m. that morning to find samples of the substance and analyze its content. Holmes Beach Mayor Carol Whitmore said she was first alerted to the presence of the substance by the Holmes Beach Police Department around 9 p.m. Aug. 22, just after the city commission meet- ing had adjourned. Seeing red Beachgoers were noticeably absent at Manatee Public Beach last week following reports that red tide had reached portions of Anna Maria Island. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin www.islander.org Catching some serious air Dion Davis gets some air from a high ride on the surf during semi-final action in the pro division at the annual Back-to-School Skimboard Bash contest held at the BeachHouse Restaurant. More on the event, page 20. Islander Photo: Kevin Cassidy Whitmore contacted Manatee County Adminis- trator Ernie Padgett, then called Hunsicker and Tom Larkin of the county health department, who brought in federal investigators from Tampa. Officials closed the gates at Coquina Beach and turned away persons from parking at the beach while awaiting word on the nature of the substance. Larkin said that the trichodesmium is a "nitrogen- fixer," meaning that it pulls nitrogen out of the atmo- sphere and places it within the water column. Since plants use nitrogen as a food - think fertilizer - the addition of trichodesmium to red tide apparently served as a jump-start to the bloom. Some of the red tide readings taken last week were at extremely high levels, some at 55 million parts per liter. Fish kills begin at 100,000 ppl. While access to bathing in the waters' resumed at 10 a.m. Aug. 23, the presence of red tide along the Island's shores appeared to keep beachgoers away in droves last week as lifeguards at Coquina Beach and Manatee Public Beach posted yellow caution flags for swimmers. Red tide hurts economy It didn't take long for the news that red tide had struck Anna Maria Island to result in an economic downturn for Island accommodation owners. Sabina Muesel-Buehler of Haley's Motel in Holmes Beach, Ken Gerry of the White Sands Resort in Holmes Beach and Marge Moran of Club Bamboo in Bradenton Beach all said they received cancellations Aug. 24, just hours after the red tide was found along the Island's coastal waters and the incident was reported in the PLEASE SEE RED TIDE, NEXT PAGE Volume 14, No. 43 Aug. 30, 2006 * FREE GSR seeks emergency $11 million sale of Villa Rosa By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Embattled GSR Development LLC filed a peti- tion in federal bankruptcy court Aug. 25 asking for an emergency order allowing it to sell its Villa Rosa property in Anna Maria along with two other adjacent parcels it owns. The petition claims GSR can sell the land to Gaspar Properties Inc. of Tampa for $11.5 million. After all liens and mortgages against the properties are paid off, GSR will net $2 million, which it claims is much- needed operating capital. In the emergency petition, GSR attorney Richard Prosser claimed, "It is in the best interests of the estate and all creditors that this motion be granted because the sale of the property will produce net proceeds to the estate totaling approximately $2 million." Prosser also said the sale is "critical" to the successful reorganiza- tion of the company. The sale, however, would not pay off any of the esti- mated $3 million in unsecured claims against GSR. Gaspar Properties Inc. is a Tampa-based develop- ment company with Hamilton T. Jones of Davis Island in Tampa as its president. The company has extensive real estate holdings in the Tampa area. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for Sept. 10 at the federal courthouse in Tampa. Davis wants in At the same time GSR was filing an emergency petition to sell its properties on South Bay Boulevard in Anna Maria, Island businessman Kent Davis filed a petition Aug. 25 inr federal bankruptcy court asking that he be named to the creditor's committee. The current six-member committee has no Island residents and Davis claims there should be some Island representation as GSR conducted the vast majority of its real estate transactions and projects on Anna Maria Island. Davis has a $600,000 unsecured claim against GSR, but was originally excluded from the creditor's com- mittee because of a separate project with GSR principal Robert Byrne that is not part of the GSR bankruptcy. TRACK K ING Hurricane Season: June 1-Nov. 30, 2006 Ernesto heads toward South Florida Tropical Storm Ernesto %\as forecast to be a Category I hurricane \\hen it makes landfall Tues- day night in South Florida. National Hurricane Center meteorologists said Monday the storm \\as -weakening as it passed across Cuba. ' it was expected to strengthen over the Florida Straights. Hurricane warnings are in place for much of the Atlantic coast of Florida and the Florida Keys. Ernesto reached hurricane strength o\ er the week- end but upper-level wind shear weakened the system. TMie Islander HAVE A HAPY AND SFE LABORDAY ~sls~lL~ �L-~LC~-- ~-c-LFL--~a - ~Lls 5 - �-~I-- I �IIl 2 0 AUG. 30. 2006 TIHE ISLANDER Red tide no threat to baby turtles By Jim Hanson Islander Reporter Mother Nature has been taking care of baby sea turtles through millions of years of red tides and is still doing so. So says Anna Maria Island's Suzi Fox, who holds the state sea turtle preservation permit and is director of the Island Turtle Watch. The hatching season is about half finished and she said she gets dozens of inquiries from people worried about the babies trying to survive in the infestation of red tide. Not to worry, said Fox. She hasn't done any- thing about it - can't, hasn't had to try, for nature has taken care of that. Turtle babies are born with a tiny food sac that functions similarly to the umbilical cord in air-breath- ing creatures, she said. It contains enough nourishment to sustain the baby turtles for three to five days, long enough for the hatchling to swim out to sea and start on its own natural diet. "Red tide doesn't affect their food, for they're not eating," said Fox. "It doesn't affect their breathing very much, for they're breathing hardly at all at that stage: They're concentrating on getting out there in the water." It may not even have affected adult sea turtles, she said. "There haven't been any mortalities in at least two weeks." As for the sea turtle nesting season, the nesting part appears to be over. No mothers are coming ashore now to dig their nests and deposit eggs there. "The mamas are busy foraging for food," she said. Red tide hits Island beaches CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 media - including area TV networks. The only good news, said Muesel-Buehler, is that August is traditionally the slowest month of the year for tourism. Hopefully, the red tide will have gone by late September, when the first winter visitors begin to arrive on the Island. "They don't eat during the mating time or during the nesting time, so they have a lot of eating to catch up with." Sixty-seven of the 109 nests laid on the Island have hatched so far, meaning some 6,000 babies headed to the Gulf. A few haven't made it to sea and survival. Lights distracted the hatchlings of two nests in recent nights, luring them at least to danger and more likely to death in the dry, lethal upland. Abeachside resident in Holmes Beach picked some out of his swimming pool with a pool skimmer, Fox said, and others fell through a grate into the city's storm drain system in Bradenton Beach. City utilities workers lifted the grate and Turtle Watch volunteers rescued eight hatchlings swimming around there. For further information or to report a turtle problem, call 778-5638. No visitors allowed Beachgoers were turned away Wednesday morning at the gate at Coquina Beach, where parking was prohibited and visitors to the concession stand were denied access pending the determination that red tide had reached portions of Anna Maria Island. Islander Photo: Jo Ann Meilner :eptional Cuisine o ass Wine eLagers & Ales MNonday - Friday 0pm to 6:30pm Hors D'oeuvres Drink Specials !R - ANNEW __^^flml OVMI"4.'-4 j 4dj W T" tA RESTAU RANT 111 South Bay Boulevard Anna Maria Island : 941-778-1515 Northern Tip.Of Anna Maria Island : Across From The City Pier Lunch: Every Day 1 l:30am-4:30pm Dinner: Sun-Thurs 4:30pm-9pm : Fri & Sat 4:30pm-10pm www.thewaterfrontrestaurant.net In addition to Beef Wellington, Potato-Crusted Groul Bouillabaisse, Veal Marsala and Rack of Lamb, we're servingup live music! Wednesday, jazz pianist Tom Benjamin. Thursday, BISTRO JAZZ TRIO. Friday, pianist Bud Tilles entertains. Happy hour at the bar 5-6:30 nightly - 2 for 1 wine/beer Open nightly for dinner -Sunday breakfast/brunch 8-1:30 5406 Marina Drive - Holmes Beach 941.778.5320 www.oohlalabistro.com The~ coialif .r 4 h -! ;13'* .'Th~i p~ ~ OiL444 4-044 per, I WATFIFRON r- THE ISLANDER M AUG. 30, 2006 3 3 Insurance solutions, maybe, crisis continues By Molly McCartney Islander Reporter Florida's insurance crisis is threatening the future of many small businesses on Anna Maria Island. Some owners say they don't know how they are going to make it. Others see a ray of hope in a new Florida insurance program due for final approval today, Wednesday, Aug. 30. If it goes forward as expected, some agents may be able to begin issuing new wind policies for some small businesses as early as Friday, Sept. 1. The good news is that a few of Anna Maria Island's small businesses, including the Pine Avenue General Store at 307 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, expect to qualify for new wind insurance policies that could become available Friday. "I'm hoping it works out," Pine store owner Sandy Mattick told the Islander. The bad news is that many other Island businesses - such as Home True Value Hardware in the Island Shopping Center in Holmes Beach - are located in buildings that don't appear to be eligible for the new state wind policies and the potential savings that might come with the new business insurance program. "This is a serious situation," says Tony Caminite, who has operated Home Hardware for three decades and never had an insurance claim. "The new JUA is limited, but it's a step in the right direction," said state Rep, Bill Gal\ ano. a Republican. who has been leading the effort to find solutions to the current insurance crisis. He said a special legislative session is needed to address this issue. The insurance problem for Caminite and other ten- ants in the shopping center, which is owned in part by Hugh Holmes Sr., is its location at the intersection of Gulf and Marina Drive. "I am 1,010 feet from the Gulf of Mexico, so I am 10 feet outside the wind pool," Caminite said. That means the shopping center doesn't qualify for cover- age through the state-run Citizens Property Insurance Corp., which traditionally has provided wind policies to residential and commercial property owners who couldn't find insurance through the regular carriers. Since the Island Shopping Center doesn't qualify for Citizens. the center ha, been purchasing insurance on the open market at prices that have skyrocketed this past year and then passing'those costs on to Cami- nite and other tenants, including Sun & Surf, the Sand Dollar, Island Florist, SunCoast Real Estate and The Islander newspaper. Island Shopping Center Lenants had hoped that the new commercial wind insurance - which is being made available through the recently established Flor- ida Property and Casualty Joint Underwriting Asso- ciation - would provide their owner with a more affordable police and that the savings would trickle down to them. But the only policies approved so far by the JUA are limited to wind insurance for a commercial structure valued at no more than $1 million. Island Shopping Center, with an estimated 40,000 square feet, has an estimated replacement value of more than $4 million, according to its tenants, and is therefore not going to qualify for the new JUA wind policies. That could change in the future, according to Dan Sumner, executive director of the newly estab- lished JUA board. Once this first program and providing wind cov- erage for small business with property valued at $1 million or less, Sumner said, then "it is expected that the board will evaluate whether there are small busi- nesses unable to find co\ erage for property valued above $1 million." Meantime, the Island Shopping Center and other non-residential owners, such as the Roser Memorial Community Church in Anna Maria, are faced with paying huge insurance bills or going without wind coverage. Roser. which is also located outside the wind pool area, has had no wind insurance for three months. When its policy was canceled in May, the church found only one company N killing to write a wind policy and that company wanted a premium of $225,000, with a deductible of $100,000. Congregation chair Sherry Oehler said the church, which paid $19,000 for wind insurance last year, was not able to afford a $225,000 premium and has gone without wind coverage. Ton\' Cainite. -,I Ir tf 'Hoinc True I l i Hard'ar'e in the. Isiaun Shopp!inke Center, Holmes Beach, hopes for solutions-to high insurance rates., lsinde r Photo: Bonner Joy Lucks for Roser that there is apparently no mort- gage, or going "bare" would not be an option. Oehler had hoped that the church would qualify for the new JUA program now starting. But the church properties are valued at about $2 million - twice what the new JUA will accept. Hardware store owner Caminite, says his monthly payments to the center for insurance jumped $475 in March and will climb another $345 in September for a total monthly increase of $820. He pays a monthly lease to Holmes in addition to his monthly payments for insurance and taxes. , Hugh Holmes Jr., manager of the center, had not responded to the Islander's phone call for more infor- mation at press time, but he did say in an Aug. 16 notice to his shopping center tenants that he was having to pass along another increase for insurance because of a $40,000 mistake in an earlier calculation. "I hate to be the bearer of any additional bad news, but we had another windstorm insurance increase," the notice from Holmes Jr. said. He went on to explain, "After we were quoted and paid the first increase, I received a call from Mixon's (Insurance) office inform- ing me they were quoted incorrectly, and increased the premium an additional $40,000. We had no choice but to pay. This additional was retroactive back to the origi- nal renewal -date in April." Jim Mixon Insurance also did not return the Island- er's phone calls by press time. In his notice, Holmes Jr. also expressed hope that the state "can do something about the insurance crisis, but until it does, I guess we all have to pay." One merchant in the shopping center closed and moved shortly after the first insurance increase for tenants in May. And those remaining, including Home True Value Hardware, are worried about how long they can keep going. "People tell me to increase my prices," Caminite says. "But every time you do, there are people who can't or won't pay and you begin to lose market share." Caminite said he personally has reduced his bottom line from 10 percent to 8 percent to accom- modate the extra costs of insurance and other gro%\ ing expenses, such as taxes. "If I am able to do that, that is one thing. But a guy with a family has other costs and he can't do that." The hardware store owner said he was also dis- tressed by stories in the area daily papers in w- which insurance officials were quoted as saN ing that the solu- tion to Florida's insurance crisis is to increase premi- ums and reduce regulation. "There is no logic to this," Caminite said. From his perspective, the problem is rooted in part in the way in which the insurance industry operates. "First the agent comes in and takes a cut. The com- pany issues the policy and takes a cut. Then the major carrier, like Lloyd's of London, takes a cut. So very little is left for the actual coverage. There are simply too many hands in the pot." Anna Maria Island's other shopping centers have also been hard hit by the insurance crisis. Barbara Rodocker, who developed the four build- ings that make up BridgeWalk motel and the Sun House Restaurant in Bradenton Beach, said she paid about $16,000 for wind insurance last year. "But my agent, who has been with me a long time, came to me and said he was sorry to tell me that my insurance this year was going to cost me $65,000. I said 'no.' I said I would go without insurance. He said the mortgage company wouldn't let me do that. I had to have insurance. I said I wasn't paying $65,000." In the end, Rodocker's agent was able to find a solution by repackaging the coverage. With all four buildings in one policy, the total value had pushed her into a higher category and raised the price to $65,000, she said. By insuring the four buildings in four separate policies, the price came down and she ended up paying about the same for wind insurance this year as a year ago. "Iam not a person who gives up," she said. "I have been in this business for 35 years and there have been times when I thought: Why not go condominium and get out. But that would destroy our community in Bra- denton Beach." Rodocker said she has never had any big insurance claims. "But I have paid my premiums all these years ... then I see these companies come in and say it wasn't wind damage, it was flood ... or they say it wasn't flood damage, it was wind .... I think we need a group to go to Tallahassee and ask what these companies are doing with our money ... all these rate increases ... what are they doing with the money?" The Anna Maria Island Centre shops and Westbay Plaza, on Gulf Drive near its intersection with East Bay Drive in Holmes Beach, have wind and other insurance coverage through their parent company, the Benderson Development Company, headquartered in University Park, near Sarasota. Walgreens, Ace Hardware and Shells restaurant are among the tenants in the Benderson shopping center, which contains an estimated 81,400 square feet, accord- ing to Benderson's Web site. Chuck Smith, risk manager for Benderson, said he has coverage for all of the company's properties spread through seven different insurance companies. "We are a national developer and we only have a small percentage of holdings in Florida, maybe only 15 percent, but when we buy insurance, it is a large, master blanket policy. This year we had a 67 percent increase due to the fact that 15 percent of our holdings are in Florida." Smith said that he attended the town hall meet- - PLEASE SEE INSURANCE, NEXT PAGE Meetings. Anna Maria City Sept. 7, 6:30 p.m., public hearing on 2006-07 budget. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 GulfDrive, 708-6130. Bradenton Beach Aug. 30, 4 p.m., WAVES committee meeting. Aug. 31, 2 p.m., city commission work meeting. Sept. 5, 7 p.m., public hearing on 2006-07 budget. Sept. 7, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., 778-1005. Holmes Beach None scheduled. Iolines Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, 708-5800. Primary Election Primary election for various federal, state and county offices will be held from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sept. 5. Polling locations will be at Anna Maria City Hall for that city's voters, Bradenton Beach City Hall for that city's electors, and Gloria Dei Lutheran Church and St. Bernard Catholic Church for that city's voters. Holiday Closures Government offices in Anna Maria City, Bradenton Beach, Hplmes Beach and Longboat Key will be closed Monday, Sept. 4, for the Labor Day holiday. 4 0 AUG. 30, 2006 U THE ISLANDER Fire district wants higher impact fees The West Manatee Fire & Rescue District Commis- sion will hold a series of public meetings next week to discuss its proposed resolution to increase impact fees in the district. The increase will only affect new construction within the district, said WMFR Chief Andy Price, and does not affect existing residential or commercial build- ings, he emphasized. A WMFRD press release said the resolution directs the Manatee County Supervisor of Elections to place a referendum on the November ballot asking district voters if they would support an increase in impact fees on new construction. Results of a 2005 impact fee study said that the district has a "significantly lower rate compared to other fire dis- tricts," according to a statement from the WMFR district commission. In addition, the release noted that impact fees in the district have not been raised since 1985. -7- 7P, The district would use the revenues gained from the impact fees to purchase capital equipment. Informational meetings on the referendum will be held at 7 p.m. Sept. 5 at the WMFR fire station No. 1 on Marina Drive in Holmes Beach, at 7 p.m. Sept. 6 at the station at 10315 Cortez Road W., and at 7 p.m. Sept. 7 at the WMFR station at 407 67th St. W. in Bradenton. For more information, contact Deputy. Chief Brett Pollock at 741-3995. Florida Rep. Bill Galvano hai bec ,ain o kint r.' end the insurance crisis. Insurance crisis continues CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 ing on Aug. 11 at the Anna Maria Elementar. School auditorium to hear what people had to sa\ about their insurance problems, although he did not speak at the meeting. "I understand what is going on here," he said. "I know it is nasty out there." - For Mattick and her Pine Avenue General Store, there remains the question of how much it will cost her to get the new JUA policy that would provide her with the wind coverage she needs. The JUA board has agreed tentatively on a basic rate of $1.49 per $100 of coverage, although that rate can be adjusted upward or downward, depending on individual cases, officials said. The board is waiting for a review of that rate by the Florida Department of Insurance before formally approving it. Mattick expects that the premium for her store, based on the proposed rate. would be about $1,800 a year. "That's nearIl t% ice what I paid last year for wind coverage," Mattick said. But she will be glad to pay it, she said, because she's had no wind coverage since it was canceled in July. E-mail or mail your comments about insurance to Rep. Gala ano at bill.gali ano@mN floridahoulse.gov to help him to continue building a record that can be used to develop solutions to the insurance crisis. His mailing address is 1023 Manatee Ave. W., Suite 715, Bradenton FL 34205 The Islander also wants to hear from you about your insurance problem and your ideas for solutions. E- mail ne" s@ islainder.org or mail to 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217. Insurance questions, answers Why are insurance rates rising so quickly? What is Citizens? Why am I being assessed for Citizens insur- ance if they are not my insurer? The state has a Web page that tries to address these and other questions. To see what the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget has .to say about insurance, go to www.myfloridainsurancereform.com/fac.htm Prize winners Winning the top prize among campers at the Relay for Life were Kathy Wagner, left, and Laura Royal, both of Sunbelt Title Co., shown here with John Luchkowec, who chaired the event at Coquina Beach. Wagner and Royal set up the tropical hideaway that was judged best camp site.: Relay for Life winners honored All participants were honored but prize winners were singled out for special tributes at the post-relay party of the Relay for Life, which was in June at Coquina Beach. The event raised $28,000 for cancer research, education, advocacy and patient services. The party was at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Holmes Beach. Four individuals who raised more than $1,500 each. were honored: Barbara Szumski of Coldwell Banker, David Zaccagnino of Rotary, Brandy Booth of the Chamber, and Nancy Ambrose of The Islander. Sunbelt Title Co. won the award for best camp site at the overnight event. Top money-raiser was the Island Aussies combined team of the Anna Maria Island. Chamber of Commerce, the Island Rotary Club, and the Island UPS store. The Islanders team from The Islander and T. Dolly Young Real Estate came in fundraising second; and the Panama Jacks and Jills;team from Cold- well Banker, third. The team spirit award went to the Island Aussies. Next year's Relay for Life will be March 9 and 10 at Coquina, it was announced. The, Relay will have a table at the Bayfest celebration Oct. 21 to sign people up, and they may volunteer with Luch- kowec at 350-4326 or the American Cancer Society at 745-1214. Parrot Cove sailing right along By Jim Hanson Islander Reporter Parrot Cove Marina in Cortez is open for business and will remain open, said owner Bob Gertz, defend- ing his business against rumors of foreclosure and a "sheriff's sale." He's merely involved in litigation that threatens to drag on for months, he said, and he's confident of coming out on top. It's a complex judicial situation that now has moved to another level. of court. The other side in the argument says it merely wants to be paid for work done, and will.hang in until that's settled. In a letter to The Islander and in interviews, Gertz explained, "We are in a lawsuit with Duncan Seawall pertaining to some dredging work they did or didn't do for us. They allege we owe them more money) than we think we do, so they placed an $88,000 mechanics lien on our property and sued us." In slow-moving court action, he said, one judge removed the lien, then in the normal rotation of judi- cial responsibilities, another judge took over and held a trial where Parrot Cove representatives did not appear because, Gertz said, they Were not notified of the trial. The judge allowed Duncanito file a lien for $98,000 and to set a mechanics lien sale, which Gertz stopped by posting $116,000 bond. He appealed the decision and the lien to the Circuit Court of Appeals. where the case now awaits action -."probably in a year or so," said a spokesperson. Duncan, meanwhile, just wants the money it believes Gerts owes for work done dredging the marina. Steve Liebel, president of Duncan, said his firm dredged the marina basin, completed its contract, and got only a "small part" of the money it earned. The marina on Palma Sola Bay at the northeast edge of Cortez remains in business, Gertz noted. He is so confident of prevailing that he is going ahead with plans to refurbish the building on the property and eventually convert it to his prime resi- dence. THE ISLANDER U AUG. 30, 2006 5 5 TDC unveils new logo, advertising tactics By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter "Florida's Gulf Islands: Anna Maria, Longboat Key, Bradenton and Lakewood Ranch." The new logo unveiled by the Bradenton Area Convention and Visitors Bureau at the Monday, Aug. 21, meet- ing of the Tourist Development Council raised a few eyebrows. Concerned with "truth in marketing," Chairman Joe McClash responded, "It's confusing. Two of them are not Islands. There's nothing wrong with the locations but we're not being technically correct." Susan Estler, marketing and public relations direc- tor for the CVB, assured the TDC that focus groups responded overwhelming to the Florida Gulf Islands branding and marketing officials had no problem with the additional geographical markers. Larry White, executive director of the CVB and council member, said it was his idea to include Bra- denton, since it is the biggest city in the county and it has an established identity worldwide. It serves as a geographical marker. White said the new addition of Lakewood Ranch promotes the four corners of the county. "Lakewood Ranch has interesting amenities, including a world- class golf course and three hotels are planned on the property," said White. "It's a fine addition that is two to three years overdue." Other council members, including: David Teitel- baum and Kent Davis, of Anna Maria Island, noted that the new logo is "brilliant" and "simplistic" in design. Rev. James Golden quickly moved to approve the logo and the motion passed. Council members also received a review-of plans to market Manatee County. Plans include partnering with Jet Blue to promote its new service to New York's John F. Kennedy airport from Sarasota-Bradenton Interna- tional Airport. Promotions may include mention in the Airlines in-flight publications. - Estler said they will also be partnering with the Sarasota CVB to solicit features in newspaper publica- tions in Europe. There has also been discussion about partnering with Osceola County and Kissimmee to offer European travel packages that would feature incentives to plan a vacation to both the Island and the theme parks. A Visit FLA representative stated that several pro- motional events are under way. Harley-Davidson has a motorcycle poker run that will come through the Island. Visit FLA works closely with travel writers and will host several writers in November for a tour of sev- eral counties, including Manatee, featuring the theme "Florida's Critters, Characters and Coastlines." A video submission has been made to Rachel Ray's Hidden Treasures program and Visit FLA has recently secured national exposure on "Wheel of Fortune." A property owned by Teitelbaum will soon be featured in one of the game show's prize packages. Davis suggested marketing the area as a travel des- tination based on its culinary assets. Council member Sean Murphy, owner of the Beach Bistro in Holmes Beach, said he has been working on this type of pro- motion and has a group of writers from Coastal Living magazine coming to the Island Aug. 30. Other means of promoting the area include sport- ing events. Joe Pickett of the Florida Gulf Coast Sports Commission reported on county sporting highlights, including some big draw events, such as gymnastics, Special Olympics, wrestling and basketball. METV, the local government sponsored channel, has produced a promotional video showcasing a variety of sporting activities, including beach tennis and volleyball. Pickett said the outdoor festival held at Coquina Beach was a big success and plans are already under way to expand the event, possibly partnering with Fort Myers and Port Charlotte. which both host- similar events. Pickett said the three events would be promoted together, urging outdoor enthusiasts to visit all three. Sporting events, such as a fishing tournament and "Paddle for Paradise" K aaik race. w would link the three city events. Pickett said the goal is to help each other out in pro- moting itself as a tourism destination for activities. In the last few minutes of the meeting, Davis shared an Islander cartoon from a recent edition suggesting that the primary issues of concern is not hurricanes and red tide, but taxes and insurance. "This is a black cloud hanging over us the whole year," Davis said. He suggested the TDC make a formal statement in support of those working on tax and insurance issues. Rev. Golden said that although taxes affect tourism directly, insurance issues have a much broader effect and are already being dealt with by other entities, and, therefore, the TDC should refrain from adding itself to the effort. Murphy requested that the issue be addressed at a future council meeting. "We spent two and a half hours talking about marketing and the last 15 minutes of the meeting on the two most important issues - taxes and insurance. It should have been first on the agenda." Kent noted that insurance rates do have an impact on tourism. For one, the increase in room rates is going to pay insurance costs, not adding to the rental owner's profit margin. White closed by advising council members, "We're singing to the choir. We have no power to do anything to change it. We are a marketing organization - that's the extent of our authority." He offered to put the item on the agenda and invite a representative from an organization or entire that can take action to hear the council's concerns. Barbara Lacina memorial set by SAM organization Sa e Anna Maria Inc. is planting a tree and dedicat- ing a plaque at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 30, in memory of Barbara Lacina. Lacina was a longtime Anna Maria Island resident and member of SAM "and a tireless worker in support of her beloved Island communities," said SAM Presi- dent Sheila Hurst. The ceremony will be at poolside of Westbay Cove, 600 Manatee Ave., Holmes Beach. Further information may be obtained by calling 778-4255. You've seen us...now | ? it's time to go in! One of our 11 locations is right in your area! 5344 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach Bring this ad to any Richard's, receive 10% off! Visit our website to find your location: www.RBlaardsWholeFoods.com -c - t ROCHELLE URLEY CIRCUITT JUDGEg GROUP 21 44 a es -iligcf ng Effetive Trial Attorney SDiversified Legal Experience p'4 R .O. BOX 48622 * Sarasota, Florida 34230 * 941-350-0390 r "e jo 10C www. voteforcurley. com Paid for and approved by Rochelle Curley, NOP candidate for Circuit Judge, Group 21 ,'~ 'zp 2' ~0 'I, ft I; ~ - . .r� 6 E AUG. 30, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER Like a bad movie? It was like a bad "B" movie.... Not the cult kind, where you want to see it again to catch the good lines, but the bad kind, where the monster doesn't look real or the gladiator's girlfriend's bobbie pins are showing in her hair. And it was splashed everywhere, on the network news and in the syndicated press. In this scenario, a green, black and blue-ish oily slime took over the beaches and the brains of some city officials on Anna Maria Island, which lead the scientists to think it may actually NOT be in the Gulf water .... but rather in the water coolers. Not to be strayed from their task, samples were tested in a faraway laboratory, the same one where Dr. Jekyll met Mr. Hyde and Frankenstein was pieced together, bit by bit. It was, after all, a dark and stormy night and the meeting on the beach after midnight brought to mind the worst fears .... But lo, it was not a toxic spill, but a toxic mix. It was - and is - the dreaded red tide. Red tide moved to Anna Maria Island waters last week from further climes to the south. The toxin-emitting red tide apparently was spurred into action by another algae, this one commonly called blue-green, that some scientists say can be a precursor to the.more harmful red tide. The blue-green goop can darken the waters but causes little in the way of damage. And the red tide bloom seems to be its usual, patchy self. The uninitiated or uninformed often come to the conclusion that red tide will blanket an area and cause widespread problems. In reality, one area may be a "hot spot" for the toxin, yet a few hundred yards up or down the beach can be clear. Much of the sneezy, coughing red tide impact on humans is dependent on wind direction, but this time of year, the winds clock all around the compass with little rhyme or reason. The rampant bad press that followed the late night discovery of a "suspicious substance" infuriated at least one local charter boat operator, who said he'd lost that day's charter and another, "thanks to a knee-jerk reac- tion" of some officials. He lost at least $1,000. The prologue: Don't blow off the Island just because of a red tide outbreak. And if you do start to sneeze or cough, why not pack up and try a different beach? Take the kids and the beach chairs to Bayfront Park for a change. Or try out the beach at the Sandbar Res- taurant and enjoy a tropical - not toxic - drink. It's not all bad news. Really. Hurricane Ernesto may help blow it all away, but that's another story. This tale ends with a red sunset. Islander AUG. 30, 2006 * Vol. 14, No. 43 V Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org V Editorial Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org Jack Egan Jack Elka Jim Hanson V Contributors Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org Jesse Brisson Don Malone David Futrich Robert Noole Carrie Price . Edna Tiemaiin -V Advertising Sales Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org V Accounting Services Melissa Burkett, melissa@islander.org V, Production Graphics Kelly McCormick, ads@islander.drg Li-.a Williams h E3a, a@i sander -rg V LJi-irioubltr- Urbane Bouchet Ross Roberts Lisa Williams. (All others: news@islander.org) Single, copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. � 1992-2006 *. Editorial, sales and production offices: Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEB SITE: islander.org FAX 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978 - '*-~.: a -- - SLICK By Egan � Take it to the top Why do Americans continue to suffer and die from cancer? Cancer is the second leading killer in our country, taking the lives of an estimated 560,000 Americans this year alone. One in. two men and one in three women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. We have to make cancer a national priority and wage an all-out war to find a cure. The American Cancer Society has set a goal to find a cure by 2015. Increased funding is needed for cancer research. But in the president's budget for 2007, funding for the National Cancer Institutes would be cut by $40 mil- lion. That comes after a $35 million cut this fiscal year. Instead of moving forward and funding an all-out war on cancer, we.are going backward. We all need to write a letter, call or send an e-mail to the president, our senators and representatives to let. them know that these cuts are not acceptable. It is easy to make a difference, so won't you join me? Remember, we all have the potential to get cancer and the potential to find a cure. Nancy Ambrose, Holmes Beach Stick to planning, city planners We have issues before us concerning setbacks and how we use our land under consideration by the Anna Maria City Commission. Both of these issues, if approved as proposed, will have a considerable long- term impact on how the city will "look" in the future. Anna Maria City has hired a city planner to address the setback issue and, as usual, all of the usual buzz- words are being bandied about for why we should do this or that. Planners should stick to planning and not practice architecture. Why hasn't the city brought in a few of the really good architects that we have in the area to consult on these issues? What is being proposed will have a major impact on the cost of a structure and the time it takes to construct - an issue that both the commission and planning board have exhibited little concern about in the past few years. If the commission and planning board truly cared about what this city looked like and if they had any desire to operate on a professional level, then they would put into place a statute requiring all buildings, both residential and commercial, to be designed by a licensed architect, signed and sealed by that architect, and sealed by a structural engineer. With the setback issue at hand, it only seems rea- sonable that professionals in their field be consulted, and not have our elected "officials" practicing architec- ture without a license. Eugene Aubry, Anna Maria They'll be back We would like to take this opportunity to say how much we enjoyed our recent vacation on Anna Maria. We have just returned with our son arid daughter to our home in Northern Ireland after three wonderful weeks on the Island where we not only felt the warmth of the sun but also the warmth of the local people who made our holiday complete; We met such wonderful, welcoming people who made us feel so at home in your beautiful part of the world. We could not believe how day after day we were greeted by such caring people. We were amazed, when cycling around the Island, motorists would stop to give way to us even when they did not have to. We were disappointed not to see the museum, which was closed for redecorating, but we were so warmly greeted by staff who gave us an invita- tion to return the next week. Unfortunately we ran out of time, so if for no other reason we will just have to return next year to do just that. In this day and age it is so refreshing to be among such friendly people, in shops, on the street and just everywhere we went. When telling people back home where we have been, we just say Florida - we don't want too many people knowing about "the little piece of paradise" that we have found. ' , The Kane Family of Ireland THE ISLANDER M AUG. 30; 2006 7 7 'Sign' of Anna Maria times: yes, no, maybe By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Anna Maria had a new sign ordinance Aug. 24 - for about 90 minutes. Then, they didn't. Commissioner Chris Tollette originally voted in favor of the sign ordinance, which passed 3-2, then changed her mind later in the meeting. That meant the public hearing on the ordinance was resched- uled until Oct. 19 when the measure will likely be defeated - unless any other commissioners changes his or her mind on the issue. Commissioners spent more than an hour at their meeting discussing the pros and cons of a controversial sign ordinance that would limit the size and number of signs on residential properties in the city. Passing a sign ordinance, however, is not a science. While all the commissioners appeared to desire some form of regulation, attorney Mike Connolly, an expert in sign ordinances hired by the city to study the proposed ordinance, said the city could not have a "content-based" ordinance as that would be an infringement on the right of free speech. And local sign ordinances are among the most controversial and challenged laws in the United States, he added. The proposed ordinance, said Connolly, is "not content based," but anyone can challenge a new law in court. He advised the commission that there are "issues" with any sign ordinance. Commissioners rehashed their discussions from prior worksessions on the ordinance, particularly concerning the proposed size limits of the signs. While the commission tried to steer clear of sin- gling out the real estate industry as the culprit for the proliferation. of signs in the city, the intent of the ordinance became clear after some commissioners said they wanted a smaller sign with the option to add an attachment or rider, while others preferred one size that would include everything, including a "for rent" notice. Flags that would be placed to designate .the location of an open house were not included in the ordinance. The commission consensus was to restrict resi- dences to one sign at a maximum of 4 square feet, with no riders or attachments. Residences would be allowed to add signs for 30 days prior to an election, but they would have to remove the signs the day after voting. But local real estate agents weren't about to "sign off' on the proposal. "It's discriminatory," said Island real estate agent Don Schroder. Not only that, it limits an agent's ability to sell a property and that hurts the local economy, he said. "You are taking our tools away. You are overly restrictive," he added, and reminded the commission that the real estate market is in a "perfect storm," with high property taxes and insurance rates, climb- ing inventories of properties for sale and few buyers in the market. He also chided commissioners for failing to attend the recent forum conducted by state Rep. Bill Galvano on wind insurance for Island properties. "None of you attended the wind forum and we needed you there," he admonished the commission. He asked commissioners to consider that real estate agents are "trying to help people" sell proper- ties. Commissioners should look ahead to the day when they will want to sell a property. Despite Schroder's pleas, the ordinance passed 3-2, for at least an hour, until Tollette had a change of heart and re-opened the vote. Because the ordinance originally was approved in a public hearing, Commission Chairperson John Quam, who supported the original ordinance, said the public hearing would have to be re-opened for another vote. That will take place on Oct. 19 when both Tollette and Commissioner Duke Miller will be able to attend. The ordinance is not in effect at present because it's current effective date is not until after the upcoming election. Miller, Quam and Tollette originally supported- the ordinance, while Commissioners Dale Woodland and Linda Cramer were opposed. In the Aug. 29, 1996, issue of The Islander, headlines announced: * The Bradenton Beach City Commission proposed lowering its ad valorem tax rate from 2.8304 mills to 2.7597 mills for the 1996-97 budget cycle. * Former Bradenton Beach Mayor Katie Pierola and former Anna Maria Mayor Dottie McChesney both announced they were leaving the Island and moving to the mainland. McChesney and her hus- band are moving to Parrish, while Pierola and her spouse will move to west Bradenton. * Some Cortez residents called for an investi- gation into the financial affairs of the Cortez vol- unteer fire station after a former Anna Maria Fire Control District inspector admitted he took $3,600 from the station's fund in the early 1990s. Date Low High ainfall Aug.20 73 92 0 Aug._21 78 92 0 Aug. 22 77 -93 0 Aug. 23 78 93 0 Aug. 24 77 88 1.10 Aug. 25 80 93 0 Aug. 26 72 92 .20 Average Gulf water temperature 89� 24-hour rainfall accumulation with reading at approximately 5 p.m. daily. Ralph's Platform: Room for all God's creatures right next to the french fries! ROTTEN RALPH'S \\ ...WATERFRONT DINING LUNCH & DINNER 7 DAYS * FULL BAR SERVICE 902 S. Bay Blvd. * Anna Maria TT N ' Located at Galati Marina * 778-3953 B H ..ul. of Mexico AL' O -A -A FIH CIP LLDA -EVR DY!$89 Ii I I U I| I U U U I U w U U, I ' U U I U I We'd love to mail you the news! We mail The Islander \\eekl\ for a nominal $36 per year. It's the per- fect \ a\ to sta, in touch %with \\hat's happening on Anna Naria Island. More than 1,400 happy. eager-for-lsland-ne\ws paid subscribers are already recei\ ing The Islander \\here the\ live ... from Alaska to Germany and California to Canada. We.bring ou all the ne\\s about three cit\ governments. community hap- penings, people features and special e\ ents ... even the latest real estate trans- actions ... everything you need if your "'heart is on the Island." We're the only newspaper that gives you all the news of Anna Maria Island. Thelslanderis distributed free locally. But if ou don't lite here year-round, or if you want to mail the paper to a friend or relative, please use this form or log on to islander.org for secure e-mail transmission. BULK MAIL U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (allow 2 weeks for delivery) C QOne Year: $36 O 6 Months: $28' C 3 Months: $18 U.S. FIRST CLASS AND CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS i ' C Si * Call for m MAIL TO: '" ADDRESS I CITY U Credit card SE .p. Date * MAILSTAF I i Island ie Year: $140 IJ 6 Months: $87.50 FI 3 Months: $5 ngle Issue:.$3.50 FIRST CLASS MAIL, U.S. ONLY, Maximum Four We ail rates to Europe or other countries. STATE payment. i4 0 3 No. ZIP DA'T: E ' ',JName shown on card RT DATE: Thle Islandder Shopping Center * 5404 Marina Drive * Holmes Beach FL CHARGE IT BY PHONE: (941) 778-7971 OR ONLINE AT islander.org 2 iee s ! : I - I " - I :I . 3'4217 I i I U U U U U I I U U UI U U .U U ,U U U- Il~~eee~~~d~~L~~~~~~e~~~~~~~~ee~~m~g~~~~ L191411PBI�a~�lsr~�9IP111191~�IIIII~~Pr~ - 8 N ATUG. :30. 3 OO, 26I'l E ISLANDER Anna Maria to get road repairs, drainage improvements By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter After four-and-a-half years of pushing for much- needed road improvements and drainage projects in Anna Maria, outgoing Mayor SueLynn got her wish at the Aug. 24 commission meeting - and without any of the usual arguments. Commissioners readily approved a list of road and stormwater drainage projects submitted by the capital improvements advisory committee that totaled $1.1 million in estimated construction costs. The commis- sion will use its already-approved line of credit in the 2006-07 budget to finance the projects. Tom Wilcox of the city's engineering firm of Baskerville-Donovan Inc. and the CIAC added two small drainage projects to the list - one on Chilson Avenue and the other on Bayview Place - that brought the total to just over the originally proposed amount of $1 million. Commissioners did not dispute adding those two projects. Wilcox said the city can piggyback on several cur- rent road and stormwater government contracts in the state to "get good prices" and get the projects moving quickly. He also had good news regarding the Crescent Drive/Gulf Drive/Willow Avenue-basin drainage proj- ect. The Southwest Florida Water Management District has approved a matching grant of $539,000 for the proj- ect. The city's portion of $269,500 will come from the line of credit. Commissioners approved $742,000 for road improvements and the remainder of the $1.1 million for stormwater and drainage projects. Phase One of the road improvements project will include a number of city streets. Those scheduled for a full-depth reclamation, in "�-.,KO I RME4 j A ,." I Luau contest brings out best 'Island style' Kim Ibasfalean of Captain Kim's Charters and Dennis Lochrie of the Island Subway restaurant took top honors in the "best-dressed for a luau" contest at the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce business card exchange at Whitney Bank Aug. 23. Both winners received gift baskets for their extraordinary efforts. Islander Photos: Nancy Ambrose order of preference, are: * Bayview Place from South Bay Boulevard to the end. * Blue Heron Drive from South Bay Boulevard to the end. * Kumquat Drive from South Bay Boulevard to the end. * LakeView Place from the start of the road to the cul-de-sac. * Spring Avenue from its west end to Gulf Drive. Thirty-one city streets or portions of those streets are scheduled for mill and overlay, with the first 11 priority projects on Jacaranda. Other streets scheduled for mill and overlay in some or all locations, in order of preference, are Loquat Drive, Los Cedros Drive, Maple Avenue, Newton Lane, Palmetto Avenue, Park Avenue, Palm Avenue, Pepper- tree Lane, Spring Avenue and Willow Avenue. Eleven streets will have an asphalt overlay in some sections, including Alamanda Road, Crescent Drive, Gulf Boulevard, Hardin Avenue, Lakeview Drive, Mag- nolia Avenue, Pine Avenue and Spring Avenue. Fifty-two city streets will have some sections milled and overlayed, beginning with Alamanda Road. A complete priority list of all road improvement PLEASE SEE ROAD, NEXT PAGE A-4 TRUSTED NEIGHBOR. RESPECTED JUDGE 17-year Veteran Circuit Judge Top rated in Bar Association Poll "Exceptionally Well Qualified" by Sarasota Civic League Honored as a "child advocate" and "commended for dedicated service to abused and neglected children," by the Governor and the Florida Supreme Court Helping citizens understand divorce, custody, and child support issues.See his acclaimed free educational video: "Family Law in a Nutshell" at http://12circuit.state.fl.us Recommended by Sarasota Herald Tribune - "NO CONTEST" between Judge Haworth and his opponent. Desert Storm Veteran -Was in the first group of Allied forces into Kuwait, and led the Department of the Army's investigation of Iraqi war crimes. Endorsements: Sheriff Charlie Wells, Sheriff Bill Balkwill, State Attorney Earl Moreland, Public Defender Elliott Metcalfe, Senator Lisa Carlton, Senator Mike Bennett, Rep. Bill Galvano, Rep. Ron Reagan, Pat Glass, retired judges Lynn N. Silvertooth, Robert J. Boylston, and Robert E. Hensley. P www.JudgeHaworth.com Paid Political Advertisement, paid for and approved by Lee Haworth, non-partisan incumbent candidate for Circuit Judge, 12 Circuit, Group 13 � . .' ' 'i THE ISLANDER M AUG. 30, 2006 9 9 Murder-suicide investigation completed by police By Paul Roat Law enforcement has, for the most part, concluded its investigation into the murder-suicide Aug. 18 at Coquina Beach. "We have concluded our investigation and deter- mined it was indeed a murder-suicide," said Bradenton Beach Police Chief Sam Speciale. He said the official closure would take place after the results of autopsy and toxicology tests are com- pleted in the next few weeks. The events began before dawn that Friday when Orland Nathan Hanks, 32, went to Michele Smith's home in the 4400 block of 102nd Street in Bradenton, just east of Cortez. He left his car at a nearby shopping center and made Smith - police believe at gunpoint - drive to the south end of Coquina Beach in Bra- denton Beach in her car. Witnesses saw Smith and Hanks arguing on the roadside, then the pair went onto the roadway. Hanks shot her in the head, Bradenton Beach Police said, then Road projects moving ahead CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 projects is available at city hall. Commissioner Duke Miller took time to thank SueLynn, who elected not to seek another two-year term in the November election, for spearheading the CIAC, the road and drainage improvements list and line of credit. In other business, commissioners extended the preliminary site-plan approval for a project at 303 Pine Ave.; approved a change order of $16,000 to the just-completed Gladiolus-North Shore Drive drain- age project; transferred $24,592 to cover the cost of emergency drainage repairs; and passed the ordinance that would allow swimming pools in the rear yard of through lots - those lots where the front and back yard abut a city street. went to a nearby wooded area and shot himself in the head with the .38-caliber pistol. Bradenton Beach Police Lt. John Cosby said Hanks had Smith make cellular phone calls to her parents and sister before the inci- dent. The calls explained that a man with a gun was holding Hanks her and she did not think she would survive. Police said Hanks and Smith had had a tumultuous -By Jim Hanson Islander Reporter New approaches may yet move the Florida Maritime Museum into the Seafood Shack, with interest rekindled in Tallahassee and other mon- eyed interests. Roger Allen, manager of Cortez historic sites, told a meeting of the Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage board of directors last week that he had talked with Tal- lahassee people who encouraged hope that the Shack proposal isn't dead after all. Two top staffers of the Florida Communities Trust met with him in the past few days and indicated that a reworking of the proposal "may make it fundable," he told FISH directors. The trust is a major player in the restoration of historic places. "There is a growing awareness that-communities on the coast are in trouble," said Allen. "They are under enormous pressure from condominium developers and relationship. They had moved into a house together in March, but he moved out several months later. She had an injunction placed against him in July, an order that denied him having any contact with her or coming within 500 feet of her home. He was also barred from owning any firearms. One mystery that is still unsolved in the fateful events that led to the shootings was where Hanks got the gun, which police said was barely in a condition to fire. Hanks had a history of stalking, and had an injunc- tion placed against him from seeing a previous girl- friend last year. other commercial interests that could just flat eliminate places such as Cortez." That is unfortunate in many ways, he pointed out, not least of which is that working communities that provide real jobs are being replaced by condos occu- pied by part-time residents who add little to the general economy. FISH is putting together a community-wide com- mittee whose goal will be to eventually acquire the Seafood Shack, move the maritime museum there and keep its marina in operation - without the proposed boat ramp that drew such strong opposition from some residents the first time around. Allen said there has been some interest in join- ing the committee among members of the Cpncerned Citizens of Cortez Coalition. CCCC was formed by residents of the upscale north side of the village who earlier this year defeated the move by villagers to have Manatee County buy the Shack for public use. Seafood Shack proposal for public use still lives 10 i AUG. 30, 2006 M THE ISLANDER S0-. -- i, We have a few cabins left for the J Decr9th E3teprn Cgribbeln 7 nights from I "P ' * ' . , ,rf I ri.3i0 .ei l ;i r,,r *'. .ill ,i * ..u -.L 11 ir p ri, t i :1 .r ' I r ,:,in :r our u : ,i on :r -i.' ppre ia , ,tin rij, J',', : ,lrj join lth' Fjrii.a -,' Trj i- iC,rn''.' - Fantasr, ir [ i-630 Corn.. Tre d. We ier.,n -n Open-- La te-795.3 , e le0 r80,7, n , ,, * New & Custom Jewelry,. Remounts * Appraisals * Repairs * Estate Jewelry (4 O CITIZEN and Watch Repair 7358 Cortez Rd. W. * (941) 798-9585 Tues.-Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-4 Accepting major credit cards & ATM Card Dean Brown, Master Jeweler and Watchmaker for 24 years Pawsitively Pets & Property Services Inc. P.O. Box 265, Bradenton Beach, FL 34217 Quality Pet Sitting * Bonded * Insured 761-7511 t INTERNATIONAL j^ -3 August's l. Z Honey-Bee of the MonthJ . Austin Mabrey - Age 6 1/2 months. Son of Jennifer and Bryan Mabrey of Bradenton. Austin is S " very happy, smiles a lot, loves to play peek-a-boo, is learningto crawl and loves his big sister, Cora. � Full-time daycare Monday-Friday 7am-6pm SFor children ages 6 weeks to 5 years 3 nutritious meals daily, plus healthy snacks * Fully staffed by quality and experienced DAYCARE child-care professionals 5382 Gulf Drive * Holmes Beach * 778-2967 * - ' ' Just ask for me - I'll t, rir U , i t-rir h nj ll, ' * : l. ' - l ' . N n iei.t (lii' Lrt i S' No needto go street S .ppi , n png i n , I.' ... .* It, t1i.j hl I ii" J " ,,j T-;t Mention this ad, get 10% off ' 412 10th Ave. W. * Palmetto * 722-9916 6605 Manatee Ave. W.* Bradenton Outlet Mall � 773-1204 INVESTIGATION Our firm is investigating an accident that occurred on Via de Luna in the early morning hours of August 4, 2002. The accident involved a pedestrian who was struck by a cement truck. If you have any information about this accident, please contact us: 850-444-4402 Kerrigan Estess Rankin McLeod & Thompson, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 400 E. Government Street Pensacola, Florida 32502 The hiring of a law firm is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written inf.-madrior, abow our qu ification; a3nd -..perience. MCAT free to Island this Labor Day weekend Manatee County Area Transit has announced that the free Beach Express will operate this Sunday and Monday (Labor Day) from downtown Bradenton and the Beachway Plaza at the intersection of 75th Street and Manatee Avenue. Free parking for beachgoers will be available for Beach Express riders at the two public garages in downtown Bradenton. Coolers, beach chairs, umbrel- las, boogie boards and other beach items are welcome aboard the express, said MCAT manager Ralf Heseler. Experience has shown that providing extra Beach Express service will lessen the impact of vehicles on Anna Maria Island during holiday periods, he noted. "Recent holidays have found traffic congestion and parking to be challenging for residents and visitors who Labor Day not just for labor By Jim Hanson Islander Reporter It started as a tribute to organized labor and its workers, and ended up a celebration and day off for Americans of every occupation and level. It's Labor Day, which this year comes on Monday, Sept. 4. Many business offices will be closed and public workers will get the day off - except for, as usual, police and firefighters and hospital workers and other emergency workers. It is not, as many believe, the first day of autumn that comes later in the month, on the 23rd, a Saturday. Labor Day, like so many things, is shrouded in minor mystery and some controversy. Some records indicate that Peter J., McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and co-founder of the American Federation of Labor, was its No. 1 founder. But other records show the honor goes to Matthew McGuire, a machinist, who first proposed the holiday while serving as secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York. Whatever, the first Labor Day was celebrated on Tuesday, Sept. 5, in Ne\% York CitI in accordance w ith plans of the Central Labor Union. In 1884, the first Monday in September was designated as the holiday, .and it had. -tuck ever since. The U.S. government's attitude is clearly expressed: "The vital force of labor added materially to the high- est standard of living and the greatest production the world has ever known and has brought us closer to the realization of our traditional ideals of economic and. political democracy." The U.S. Labor Department provides some figures that show how it all affects us: There are 150 million Americans age 16 and up in the labor force, 15.8 mil- lion of them. union members, with 4.5 million people working at home and 10.3 million self-employed. want to enjoy the Gulf beaches," Heseler said. "This Labor Day may not be any different. The free Beach Express is a great way to have a fun beach experience without the traffic and parking hassles." The Beach Express delivers riders to the Manatee Public Beach, where they can pick up the always-free Island Trolley to any destination on Anna Maria Island. The trolleys are air-conditioned in addition to open-air seating at the rear. On Sept. 3 and Sept. 4, the Beach Express will oper- ate to Manatee Public Beach every 90 minutes, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Express also stops at the WalMart on State Road 64 and will pick up any beachgoer for a free ride from any MCAT stop along Manatee Avenue. For more information, call 749-7116. Scot for birthday .4 bt of 'Scotland came to Key Royale at the parry cel- ebratin- t[he SthO/ bitrihda oil Mlar' Ryan of Hohne. Beach at the home of Jeantne Rocamus. Bagpiper" Jorian P. Crmig brought iis bagpipe to nte'rtain at the party. By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Anna Maria city commissioners slogged their way through several elements of the revised comprehensive e plan in a five-hour worksession Aug. 21, but failed to reach the capital improvements element, the controver- sial land use element and future land use map portions of the plan before the meeting adjourned. Discussion of those elements will take place from 10 a.m: to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 27, in another worksession. Commissioners did discuss the traffic, housing, infrastructure and recreation and open space elements of the plan and agreed on several revisions. The commission also scheduled a special meeting on the comprehensive plan for 4 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 3. The planned six-hour meeting Oct. 3 is not the required public hearing on the plan. said.Commission Chairman John Quain, but comm-issioners will vote to approve revisions to the plan at the meeting and ask pro- fessional planneti Ton) Arrant to prepare the final draft of the plan that will be presented at a public hearing. Once the commission approves the final draft of the plan, it will schedule a public hearing to adopt the docu- ment and forward it to the Florida Department of Com- munity Affairs in Tallahassee. The DCA will then review the plan and either approve it entirely or return it to the city for further revisions to comply with state regulations. Work on the comprehensive plan revisions began in April 2004 and the plan was due at the DCA by March 2006. More worksessions for Anna Maria comp plan L- THE ISLANDER 0 AUG. 30, 2006 U 11 Streetlife Island police reports Anna Maria City Aug. 21, 300 block of Tarpon, information. A woman reported that her ex-boyfriend came to her home and knocked on her door for approximately an hour. He was gone by the time deputies arrived. Aug. 21, 200 block of Lakeview Drive, burglary. Two bikes were stolen from a garage. Aug. 22, 8600 block of Gulf Drive, driver's license. A driver was stopped for driving with an obstructed view. The man reportedly gave the deputy a false name and was also driving with a suspended license, in an unregistered vehicle, and with an improper tag. Bradenton Beach Aug. 18, 400 block of Gulf Drive North, drug arrest/grand theft. Two people were arrested in conjunc- tion with a car-theft investigation. Jerome Anderson, 38, of Tampa, was charged with grand theft auto, and Robin Lowrey, 48, of New York, was arrested for pos- session of crack cocaine. According to the report, an officer was dispatched to recover a stolen vehicle at a Circle K store. The car was reportedly in possession of its owner, who told police she saw her car, which she had reported stolen Aug. 11, as she passed a residence in the 400 block of Gulf Drive North. The woman used an extra set of keys to take her vehicle from the resi- dence. Officers responded to the residence and report- Obituaries Madge Daisy Davis Madge Daisy Davis, 98, of Sarasota, died Aug. 22. Born in Newfoundland, she moved to Sarasota from Rochester, N.Y., in 1976. A gathering of friends was held Aug. 26, and funeral services followed. Maniasota Memorial Funeral Home, Ellenton, was in charge of arrangements. She is survived bN son and daughter-iin-law Frank and Jo Adele Davis Jr. of Holmes Beach; daughter and son-in-law Bett and Walt Spangler of Sarasota; six grandchildren: eight great-grandchildren; and three great-great-grandchildren. Helen S. DeForge Helen S. DeForge, 80, of Bradenton and formerly Anna Maria Island, died Aug. 25. Born in Detroit, Mich.,_Mrs. DeForge came to Anna Maria Island from Heidelberg, Germany, 35 years ago. She was a porcelain artist and displayed her works at the Anna Marialsland Gallery West and Artists Guild Gal- lery. She was a member of the Anna Maria Artist Guild. edly could see several people through the glass-paneled front door. Lowrey was seen sitting at the kitchen table with what appeared to be crack cocaine on the table and a glass pipe in his hand, which he reportedly tried to hide when the officer knocked on the door. He was arrested for drug possession. Anderson was also in the home, seated on the couch and in possession of a set. of car keys belonging to the vehicle that had reportedly been stolen. Aug. 19, 1800 Gulf Drive N., La Costa condomini- ums, grand theft. All of the plumbing PVC pipes con- necting two pool heat pumps were reportedly cut. One heat pump was also taken from the construction area. Aug. 20, 500 block of Gulf Drive North, traffic arrest. A driver stopped by an officer had an expired driver's license and no insurance. Holmes Beach Aug. 18, 3200 block of East Bay Drive, theft. A woman reported that the renewal stickers on both of her company vans had been ripped off. Aug. 21, 5600 block of Flotilla Drive, lost tag. A driver was stopped for driving without a tag, but upon closer inspection, it appeared the boltholes were rotted, causing the tag to fall off. The tag was reported as lost. Aug. 22, 5201 Gulf Drive, A Paradise Realty, forg- ery. The company received a check written from an account the bank reported had already been closed. World Organization of China Painters and International Porcelain Artists and Teachers. She was a member of Palma Sola Presbyterian Church. Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 30, at Shannon Funeral Home Westview Chapel, 5610 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton. Memorial contributions may be made to Anna Maria Island Gallery, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217. She is survived by husband John D.; sons Daniel R. of Tampa and John Scott of Bradenton; daughter Sandra Lee Efros of Cleveland Heights, Ohio; sisters Dorothy Litkenhaus of Cincinnati, Ohio, Virginia Mihalik of Detroit, Cecelia Plante of Annapolis, Md., and Ber- nice Comptois of Detroit; and grandchildren Michael Scott of Bradenton and Hadassah and Yehudah Efros of Cleveland Heights. Robert Keyser Robert Keyser, 66, of Illinois, died Aug. 22. Memorial services will be held at a later date. He is survived by wife Karen; mother Hariett of Holmes Beach; five children; one sister; two brothers; and 11 grandchildren. Bizzy summer grads Bizzy Bees Daycare at 5382 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, held a graduation celebration at the end of summer for the children moving into kindergarten. Pictured in cap and gown are, front row, from left, Christian , . Daniels and Madison DuBois. Back row, from left, Jacey Leon and Aiden Grumley. 941-778-4751 ~ 800-771-7163 5312 Marina Dr. * Holmes Beach www.island-florist.com k, Profe5si5ovaI Nail Care & Spa ' 5HoPPE5 OF PARADISE BAY .. . 7342 Cortez Rd. W., Bradenton . M 794-8888 . 5AMMER SPECIAL $5 OFF * Manicure avid Pedicrtre * Pivnk avid White Full Set * BiinVi Wax ' , HOME FURNISHINGS INC. Coe our 1 0 OFF uttue styfe or let us 1 0% FrF customize or rejuvenate Refinishing/Painting Your furniture or ours yourfurniture! with thisad Shop 941-795-4788 Cell 941-962-0567 Surfing World Plaza (next to Tyler's Ice Cream) 11804 Cortez Rd. W., Cortez, FL * Closed Sun. and Mon. � S. -I.eI[n I I B I =J;!IIi:. 31i ,ORECKVACUUM: ' AL 3 PIECES FREE39ue , I FOR29 i FULL 3-YEAR WARRANTY! S199 VALUE FREE 8__ 8 Attachments 1 mo w 1i Weighs 8 Ibs. * Strong enough to pick TiV , , Hotel Strength up a 16 lb. bowling ball. . REPAIRS 7 DAYS A WEEK. qdLmWAxff'W*ECKVacuums of Sarasota 4892 S. Tamiami Trail, in the Landings Plaza Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10-6, Sat, 10-5, Sun., A12-5ml 941-924-1841 AMI 16 W.- ;.�- 'a.W -.�i ".i-. -.W.- 'i..w --� "- �w - a 12 0 JULY 12, 2006 * THE ISLANDER Island visitor forms global ties among students By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter Judy Gilmour has been visiting Anna Maria Island with her family for more than 30 years. In fact, it's family that drew her attention to the Island in the first place. Gilmour is a cousin of longtime Islander and former Holmes Beach Commissioner Billie Martini. Martini was a teacher's aide at the Island elemen- tary school and, like her cousin, Gilmour has also followed a career path in education. She is currently the assistant principal at Neston High School in the small English town of Net,on. centered between Chester and Liverpool. Gilmour said Neston is called a "market town" because it has a weekly market. It's also an old mining town. Gilmour has been working in the school system for 34 years, having worked her way up from a young teacher. Her responsibilities at Neston include enrich- ing the curriculum with community development. Neston High School is a public school with 1,600 students of all abilities aged 11 to 18. The school is a specialist college focusing on both sci- ence and the visual arts. Gilmour said Neston is unique because most specialist colleges only choose one focal point. As a specialist school, it must offer innovative aspects of teaching, initiate a capital project and take part in community development. "In our community plan, we looked at creative ways to involve more of our local community and build bridges." Neston's capitol project is its Leonardo DaVinci Center with an eco-lab to study the environment and an e-learning center for information technology. The eco-lab provides an opportunity for local com- munity members to become involved with the school, providing assistance to students who are cultivating Bridging communities Judy Gilmour is an annual visitor to Anna Maria Island from England where she is an assistant principal at Neston High School. Her duties include developing ties with the international community in an effort to raise awareness and learning opportunities for her students. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan Sultenfuss-Mirani wed Kimberly Sultenfuss and Sunil Mirani were mar- ried Aug. 5 in a ceremony in Rome, Italy. She is the daughter of Steve and Carol Sultenfuss of Longboat Key, and she attended grade school at Anna Maria Elementary. Both the bride and bridegroom gradu- ated from Georgia State University. The bridegroom is employed by e-Bay. After a honeymoon in Italy, they plan to make their home in Miami. everything from flowers to potatoes in an "adopt-a-lot" type program. The school also has a Sure Start Center for pre- school children and their parents to become involved with campus learning. In developing community ties, Gilmour: has reached beyond local businesses into the international community. "We want to develop global citizens," said Gilmour. Gilmour has partnered Neston with schools in France, Germans, Holland, Poland, South Africa arid New Zealand. She also helps elementary schools connect. Students are given the opportunity to build relation- ships with others through an e-pal system (via e-mails). Students also have opportunities to visit other schools and host visitors at Neston. Funds were recently raised to bring two teachers from a school in Capetown South Africa to Neston to share artwork and lead a class in beading. Neston students recently visited a Dutch school for independent learning. Classrooms there had glass walls and an internal e-mail system that students use after gathering for briefing sessions. In addition to experiencing a different approach to learning, her students learned about cultural differences, such as Dutch students ride their bikes to school. "The program helps students understand more about cultural similarities and differences," Gilmour said. "Real friendships are formed between students as well as teachers." Teachers actively build relationships among the international community and share ideas and examine how teaching and learning is experienced in different parts of the world. Students have shared artwork. which can be viewed online at the school's art gallery : www.nestonhigh. cheshire.sch.uk, click on the "community" link to access the projects. They also share recipes for local dishes that stu- dents make, taste and grade, said Gilmour. This year students are having funlearningo sing "Frere Jacques, in several different languages. Gilmour said. "We are always trying to extend our friendship network," she said. "People are people, we all want the best for our kids - to be happy and lead success- ful productive lives. The cultural differences make life more interesting and exciting. "It's been a very positive experience. The visits enrich everyone's curriculum and I've found our stu- dents are asking more questions about other countries. Students have also taken the initiative to help other communities. For example, they decided to raise matching funds during a school fundraiser for water fountains to also benefit three villages in South Africa. Half the funds went to provide wells in three different African villages. "They are seeing themselves as part and parcel of a larger community and will progress to be part of a global economy," she continued. "Kids are very gener- ous and thoughtful in many ways. I believe friendship is the key to peace." EARLY CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: ^ 2 PM FRIDAY * SEPT. 1 ia at will appear in the Sept. 6 edition of The Islander Our office will be closed Sept. 4 in observance of Labor Day. We wish y'all a happy and safe holiday. THE ISLANDER M JULY 12, 2006 0 13 Jazz on Islands 2007 in planning stages By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter "The entire Island will be filled with music for two weeks and it will all be free," Larry White told mem- bers of the Tourist Development Council recently. White, executive director of the Bradenton Area Convention and Visitors Bureau, is planning a summer jazz festival for August 2007. Anna Maria Island and Longboat Key will set the stage with its outdoor beach venues for the 10-day music event. White said the festival will be billed as "Jazz on the Islands" but also feature a few venues off the Island. In cooperation with the Island chambers of com- merce, White hopes to place stages at Coquina Beach, Bridge Street, Manatee Public Beach, Holmes Beach City Hall and on Longboat Key. The CVB is partnering with the German firm Jazz- Radio Ltd., which operates the Berlin radio station JazzRadio 101.9, to promote the festival internation- ally. This is Europe's only 24-hour jazz radio station. and it attracts listeners via satellite and on its Web site at www.jazzradio.net White noted that Clearwater has a ticketed festival and Sarasota's festival in April is also successful. The goal of the Island festival is to create a draw during the summer months and embrace jazz in all its forms, he said. The partnership with JazzRadio will make the fes- tival unique. Julian Allitt, chairman of JazzRadio, said the station has 281,000 listeners; 24,000 of those on the Web. Allitt said the station doesn't play every form of jazz, it features mainstream, swing, soul, Latin, elec- tronic and smooth jazz. The station will be using its connections with the Jazz Institute of Berlin to bring musicians to perform at the festival. Local jazz musicians may also be recruited to perform. "There is so much potential here," said White. The TDC approved White's preliminary plans and set aside $200,000 for promoting the event. Council members requested a detailed budget to its Oct. 16 meeting. Cortez flats' scallop revival discussed By Jim Hanson Islander Reporter An admittedly faint possibility of reviving the once- rich bay scallop fishery off Cortez was presented at a meting of the Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage board of directors last week. It reminded old-time Cortezians of the days when one could fill a basket with the delicacy in a short while in the shallows south of Cortez, so productive of sea- food that the local people called it "the Kitchen." The scallop beds vanished in the early 1970s for reasons not understood. John Stevely, Sea Grant extension agent attached to the Manatee County Agriculiural Extension Service,' asked if FISH would be interested in partnering with Sea Grant in opening a scallop culture program. The answer was a definite yes, tell us more. Such a program is highly speculative yet, Stevely said, for raising scallops has-been tried in the past and hasn't been promising. He said his interest grew out of clam culture programs tried over the years, including Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, ELCA some at Mote Marine Laboratory. "In the past, people have tried to grow scallops in cages," he said. "We have a long way to go before scallops grow here in quantity again, if ever." A scallop starts life as a larva so tiny it is invisible to the naked eye, he said, and floating in bay water it develops in two weeks to a maturity that lets it settle to the bottom and become a scallop. At that stage it is about the size of a period at the end of a printed sen- tence, Stevely said. It would be necessary to catch them in great num- bers at the stage just before they stop swimming and settle to the bottom, he said. They feed on micro-algae in the water and live only a year or so. He envisioned a small stocking project in the bay - "a small effort requiring small funds." Of the 400 species of scallop around the world, the bay variety is considered the best for human food. Its habitat, eel grass, is disappearing. The bay scallop has developed in two subspecies, A.i. amplicostatus being the one found in Florida waters. TIMOTHY GROGAN Attorney at Law Bankruptcy Foreclosure Defense Family Law 941-794-0974 * Bradenton, Florida 2Risjer fflemnrial Tmmnuntg ifi9ur4d A Non-Denominational Christian Church Rev. Gary A. Batey * Serving the Community Since 1913 Come Celebrate Christ SWorship Service: 10am Children's Church School: 10am Transportation & Nursery Available 512 Pine Ave, Anna Maria 778-0414 www.roserchurch.com Puzzled? ish'somebody C-..ul..l-.i hClp ..11 :JI. n c - l insurance puzzk i . . ,erlc. , r -' : .i ',cal l , professional independent i r:r.r,,i-,c er . e agencyrepresentingAuto-. .i.r...r-. . I we're up to the challenge For peace-of-mind prot-.:t.-.r. C " ( and all your insurance re'_,.> ~_ \. ' contact us today! -P.I.P-" ,.4uto-Ownersm Isurance Life Home Car Busines Jim Mixon Insiranc Ine. 5412 Marina Dr.* Island Shopping Center * Holmes Beach (941) 778-2253 OUR OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR LUNCH NOON-1 DAILY. jim.mixon2@verizon.net Jollies meet Duffy's The "Jolly Red Hatters" of Fairlane Acres mobile home park in Bradenton congregated for lunch and "colorful" conversation at Duffy's Tavern of Holmes Beach. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy Roser thrift shop reopens Saturday The Roser Thrift Shop, 511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, is scheduled to reopen for the season Saturday, Sept. 2, after being closed for the summer. Hours on opening day will be 9 a.m. until noon, and regular hours from then on will be 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday and Thursdays and 9 a.m. to noon Sat- urdays. The shop is sponsored by the Women's Guild of Roser Memorial Community Church. The money it raises goes to scholarships for area students, the Anna Maria Island Historical Society, Anna Maria Island Community Center, and various charities. It also helps the church financially with special projects. Additional details are available at 779-2733. PATRICIA STAEblER STATE CERTifiEd GENERAl AppRAiSER COMMERCiAl ANd RESidENTIAl-. INVESTMENT CONSuLTiNq ~ ESTATE DEcisioNS EmiNENT DoMAiN- REAl ESTATE TAX 941.705.01 23 Fl LicENsE RZ 2890 409 PETREl TRAil * BRAdENTON, FL M342 12 A J1 "Tropical Bugs Need A Tropical Service" CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Beaches Bradenton Sarasota Parrish 778-1337 794-1005 365-2893 776-0779 Full Service Exterior and Interior Now Accepting Visa , and Mastercard .^ Island Pest Control Inc. SERVING THE ISLANDS MORE THAN 20 YEARS State Certified/Licensed and Insured * Locally owned and operated 14K 0u. AUG . 30,2006 TB ISELANIDER AME.PTO seeks committee volunteers By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter Shannon Dell, Anna Maria Elementary School's new Parent-Teacher Organization president hosted an information session Friday, Aug. 25, for parents inter- ested in volunteering at the school throughout the year. The 2006-07 school year will feature some new fund- raisers and events in addition to its annual Fall Fest and Spring Fling, that offer numerous opportunities for volunteers, said Dell. The first fundraiser the organization will kick off is "Art to Remember." Volunteers are needed now to help in art class as children create work that will be featured on keepsakes parents can order. PTO secretary Tricia Hackworth said volunteers can expect a one-time commitment of one hour on this project and are welcome to assist with their own child's art class. This year there are new products available to adorn student art include the covers of a scrapbook and recipe book. Parents will receive order information within the next week. Volunteers will also be needed to help distribute orders when they arrive. Another volunteer opportunity that begins early in the school year is the gift-wrap sales. Merchandise arrives in mid- to late-October and volunteer tasks include sorting orders - a time commitment of an hour or two for up to three days during school and at dismissal time. Volunteers are needed to organize the school's annual participation in National Walk-to-School Day. Held in early October, the event raises awareness about safe routes to take to school for walkers and bikers. These volunteers would assist School Resource Officer Pete Lannon as members of Parents on Patrol, and would also be needed during school arrival and dismissal to direct children and parents safely through high-traffic areas. In late October, the PTO hosts the school's Fall Festival - a fundraiser featuring food and games. The festival will return to school grounds this year follow- ing several years at St. Bernard Catholic Church during construction of the new school. Volunteers are needed to plan the event, organize and run game booths, sell tickets and more. "There is something for everyone," said Dell. In January the PTO will organize its first 5K Fun Run and Walk. Volunteers, especially those experienced in participating in events for' runners, are needed to help plan and organize the event. Volunteers will also be needed on race day. In the spring, the PTO has two major fundraisers. The first is the Scholastic Book Fair. Volunteers are needed to assist the committee chairperson during the weeklong event. "This is basically like running a book store," said Dell. Volunteers help set up and break down the book displays and help is needed at school while students purchase books. Volunteers also work one evening when the book fair is open to the Island community. ~ Improve the Quality of Your Life Carol Greer Siemaszko B.A. Ed., M.A. Psych CERTIFIED COUNSELOR J .,. AND LIFE COACH g 941-794-1492 I Perico Island * Bradenton & 2006-07 PTO board The Anna Maria Elementary School's Parent-Teacher Organization hosted an iinfomational sc siin in ilth school auditorium Aug. 30. Listening to AME guidance counselor Cindi Harrison. stihdit,m. discuss volunteer procedures are, from left, Becky Walter, PTO co-treasurer; Stacy Siegel, PTO vice president; Shannon Dell, PTO president; Tricia Hackworth, PTO secretary; and AME Principal Kathy Hayes. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan The PTO's other spring event is the Spring Fling dinner, dance and silent auction. Like the Fall Fest, there are several subcommittees involved in planning the event, from securing auction items to planning food vendors. Planning usually begins in late December or early January. PTO volunteers are also needed for the following projects: * Campbell's Soup labels - A volunteer collects the Campbell's Soup Labels from a collection can at school. The volunteer is responsible for sending the labels, keeping track of school points online,, and order- ing school merchandise earned with the points. * Hand tiles - A volunteer is needed to get hand- prints from new students for tiles that are later mounted in the halls, writing names and years on the tiles, having them fired and mounting the tiles on the walls at the end of the school year. Volunteers with artistic skills are also needed to paint tiles for business sponsors. * Kindergarten welcome - Near the end of the school year, a volunteer committee will need to plan an informative breakfast to welcome new parents to AME at the start of the 2007-08 school year. * Memorial bricks - Volunteers are needed to sell memorial bricks for the school's peace garden. This involves taking orders and collecting money at vari- ous school functions. Help is also needed to deliver completed bricks. * PTO dinners - Each month the PTO hosts a fainil\ dinner in the school cafeteria prior to student performances. Volunteers set up the cafeteria, help during dinner and \\ ith cleanup. Help is also needed organizing restaurant sponsors. * School store - The school store is open Tuesday mornings in the auditorium. Volunteers sell school supplies before school - a one-hour time commitment. Dell said that with enough volunteers, the store could meet student demand and be open on Thursday mornings as \\ ell. * Yearbook - AME media specialist Lynn McDonough chairs the yearbook staff. Volunteers assist in soliciting community sponsors and gathering photos throughout the year. McDonough also needs volunteers to help shelve books and assist students in the media center through- out the school year. Art teacher Gary Wooten relies on volunteers to decorate for student plays, make costumes and help in the art room. Harrison is seeking volunteers for the school's upcoming peace day celebration. This week volunteers are needed to help third-grade students create doves out of recycled materials. Students will "fly" their creations during the Sept. 21 event. For more information, call the school administra- tion office at 708-5525, contact Dell at 794-5050, or e-mail her at shannonsmiley@aol.com. - OPEN Mon.-Fri. 73oam-7pm Sat., Sun., Holidays 78oam-bpm WALK-INS WELCOME We're available to tend to your urgent care needs Fever/Infections * Minor Lacerations Simple Fractures * Sprains PINNACLE MEDICAL CENTER 315 7.5th Street West * Bradenton 941-761-1616 p' eren e r. e t:reak.Itiru ri or. :,otor...-,i ... .. ' .. .- r f,..r,7 ,iulS tr,,3 , e h.eli. rC - A ,rljI tri-, r, - . ' "... '- - r i iri.'] -, o Ir, o3, Ireaormertl'. recc-rin- . .. .... ..-" .. . r, e. t ,ot:.,j w. tri- E:rr, I rcjr, tre pm:.i.er ' _ t ,c ,r t r:. r i lrrj e ire :,r.:', cr. lron rs Book your personalized spa treatment today. ;5311 gulf drive * ami * 778.5400 6422860t St. W.,Bradenton 5366 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach ) /# "' I S794-2878 779-2878 I _______ w S1 A .*AdBIMIiMA M01 ^ ^ , � ii -- THE ISLANDER U AUG. 30, 2006 M 15 By Jim Hanson Islander Reporter The financial crisis.that threatened the restora- tion of the historic Burton store in Cortez may turn out not to be a crisis after all. Pisa visitor Aamie Fish of Holmes Beach with her Anna Maria Island news at the Tower of Pisa in Italy. Even if it is, it may well have been solved through a rerouting of the store's move from the west end of the historic fishing village to its des- tination at the old schoolhouse grounds. The store has sat on blocks across the street from the Coast Guard Station Cortez for more than a decade. It was rescued from the scrap heap by the Cortez Village Historical Society when it was cut off from the old Albion Inn when the inn was razed to make way for the station. Now it is to be moved to the grounds of the 1912-built school, which is being converted to the Florida Maritime Museum. There, the store will be restored and become part of the histori- cal facilities. The foundation was set on the site and the mover preparing to transport the old building when money reared its head: The route planned for the move crossed a number of utility lines that had to be moved out of the way. That would cost $2,500, according to estimates a few years ago when the project was getting under way. Now, however, the cost would be $10,000 to handle the Verizon lines and $6,000 more for the Cingular lines. The $16,000 would virtually wipe out the restoration fund. Now, though, mover Brett Johnson has what appears to be a solution - reroute the move to Cortez Road instead of through the village streets, which would cut the cost to much nearer the origi- nal $2,500 estimate although no one has a firm figure yet. The store started its life in 1896 when Wil- liam Bratton built a small building on his dock. He soon leased it to Jesse Burton, who developed it as a small general store, post office and community center. His family lived upstairs. A couple of rooms were added as rentals in 1900, then in 1906 the building was expanded to hotel size and it became the Albion Inn, with the original store attached. When the hurricane of 1921 hit the village, it destroyed nearly all of Cortez except the Albion, the store, and the brick schoolhouse built nine years earlier. Together, they gave shelter to Cortezians while they rebuilt their lives. Cortez may have solution to Burton store crisis WILLS * TRUSTS * ESTATES JAY HILL Attorney-at-Law 778-4745 Anna Maria, Florida N " A , 0,, , N R O LL E D Why Vote for Frank Brunner on September 5th Deep Roots, Deep Commitment Product of local schools. West Point Graduate in 1989. Tried & Tested as a Combat SLeader in the I tt Gulf War "Frank Brunner is the kind of Business & community Le Business & Community Le Proven Conservative LeaderManatee County Healthcare Administrator & Ex needs to Control & Manage Growth while Director for Manatee Crime St representing our Traditional Family Values in a 10 Years of County Wide El Fiscally Responsible Manner. he always puts the Experience improving schools & people of our community first. He IS one of Us explosive growth while cutting tax ra and he has earned my vote." --former a row towst rate since 1 Commissioner Jonathan Bruce www.ElectFrankBrunner.com Political advertisement paid for and approved by Frank Brunner, Republican for County Commission Dist. 6 ader. executive toppers ected managing ate 10 years in 1987. Relax in comfort as you pursue your goal of a happy, healthy smile. "I want to completely change your perception of what it means to go to the dentist." -Dr. Ytros Scouting roundup Thursday at AME Representatives from both the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts will be at Anna Maria Elementary School at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 31, to provide troop information for Island families. Representatives will also host a "Scout Rally" for students Aug. 30 during school, which will feature a slide presentation for students of scouting events and provide a brief introduction to the organization. For more information, call Scout leader Robert Hicks at 737-2377. -- MQNU Monday, Sept. 4 No School. Tuesday, Sept. 5 Breakfast: Chicken Patty on Biscuit, Cereal, Toast, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Fruit Lunch: Macaroni and Cheese or Fish Nuggets, Roll, Winter Mix, Peaches Wednesday, Sept. 6 Breakfast: Pancake on a Stick, Yogurt, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Breaded Chicken Pieces or Mini Corn Dogs, Broccoli with Cheese Sauce, Chips, Applesauce Thursday, Sept. 7 Breakfast: French Toast Sticks, Cereal, Toast, Bagels, Fruit Lunch: Popcorn Chicken or Sloppy Joe Sand- wich, Curly Fries, Veggie Cup, Strawberries and Banana Friday, Sept. 8 Breakfast: Cinnamon Roll, Graham Crackers, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Pizza or Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Corn, z: Mandarin Oranges, Fruit Cup Juice and milk are served with every meal. Coast Guard Auxiliary offers course on boat safety Flotilla 81 of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is offering a safety and seamanship course in Septem- ber at its building in G.T. Bray Park, 5801 33rd Ave. W., Bradenton. The free two-day course will be from 8:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sept.16 and 23. Cost of materials will be $30. For further details and registration call 795-6189 or 761-4847. ] DR GY YATROS I~ Yl~)~ �IIIYI~IIIII�� _ L _I - �-�lsRLCI�III- -----------W��l a. 16 0 AUG. 30, 2006 T THE ISLANDER ad Biz By Rick Catlin Anna moving up Ron Valdez of the Holmes Beach branch of Wachovia Bank was recently promoted to county-area business manager for the bank. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose More awards for Galati Yacht Galati Yacht Sales on South Bay Boulevard in Anna Maria was recently presented with several prestigious awards, including an award from Cruiser Yachts as its No. 1 sales dealer for 2005 and the Dealer of Distinction award for the same year. In addition, Carver Yachts gave Galati Yacht Sales the Top Carver Dealer Worldwide award for 2005. These awards recognize Galati Yacht Sales unparalleled commitment to cus- tomer service and highlight its continued dedication to exceed customer expecta- tions, said Joe Galati. "I'm very pleased and proud to receive these awards. This recognizes On the move Almarode's BBQ recently moved to its new h0 Ltiiioi at 8799 Cortez Road W. adjacent to Shutter Vue. The rt,imint ii, Wafinrmerlv located in the 7800 block of Cortez Road West. Pictured are owners Kevin Almarode and server Linda Bergeron. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose all the hard work of the entire Galati organization. From sales to service to the support staff, it truly takes a team effort to make this possible," he said. For more information on Cruisers or Carver Yachts, call Matt Condon at 850-654-1575, or go online at www. galatiyachts.com Curves anniversary Curves 'On the Island' fitness center for women is celebrating its second anniversary Aug. 30 with everyone invited to the party at 5366 Gulf Drive in Holmes Beach. CJ's Deli and Cafe will be catering the affair and, from Aug. 30 to Sept. 2, Curves is offering new memberships at a grand opening price of only $49. an award-winning staff member? Call Island Biz at 778-7978, fax your news to 778-9392, or e-mail us at news@ islander.org. Island real estate sales 218 52nd St., Unit 6, Villas of Holmes Beach, Holmes Beach, a 3,122 sfla /4,684 sfur 4bed/3bath/2car bayfront condo built in 2006 was sold 08/10/06, Moreland Marine Development Corp., Holmes Beach, to Odom for $2,300,000. 625 Ivanhoe Lane, Holmes Beach, a 2,400 sfla / 3,702 sfur 4bed/3bath/2car bay- front pool home built in 1979 on a 130x137 lot was sold 08/07/06, Walmsley to Tillet for $2,200,000; list $2,695,000. 210 52nd St., Unit 1, Villas of Holmes Beach, Holmes Beach, a 3,122 sfla /4,684 sfur 4bed/3bath/2car bayfront condo built in 2006 was sold 08/10/06, Moreland Marine Development Corp., Holmes Beach, to Rose- mury for $1,750,000. 608 Dundee Lane, Holmes Beach, a 1,486 sfla / 2,274 sfur 2bed/2bath/2car canafront home built in 1967 on a 90x115 lot was sold 08/07/06, RT Southern Invest- ments LLC to Lam for $835,000. 6200 Flotilla Drive, Unit 281, Westbay Point & Moorings, Holmes Beach, a 1,114 sfla / 1,426 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1979 was sold 08/08/06, Stella to Guy for $450,000; list $539,000. 8402 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, a 1,211 sfla /1,703 sfur 2bed/2bath home built in 1957 on a 80x100 lot was sold 08/11/06, Laurie to Culhane for $400,000; list $525,000. Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at Gulf- Bay Realty of Anna Maria, can be reached at Gulf-Bay (941) 778-7244. Current Island real estate transactions may also be viewed online at www.islander. org Copyright 2006 Got a new business going up in Anna Maria Island, Cortez or Long- Featured sale: This home at 608 Dundee Lane, Holmes Beach, sold in September boat Key? How about a new product or 2005 for $820,000 and in August 2006 for $835,000. The cost per square foot is service, an anniversary, a new hire, or $562. Islander Photo: Jesse Brisson GAUSE Turn to West Coast Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. for technical expertise, customer satisfaction and Carrier systems that are second to none. Serving the Island communities for 34 years, we'll make sure you're as comfortable with us as you are with your home comniort system. * Unmatched Carrier expertise, efficiency and reliability * Factory-trained tecnmciaris . * Residential and comrnerciial * Ask about our 6 months same-as-cash financing* WEST-COAST AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING INC :.t 778-9622 5347 Gulf Drive, No. 4, Holmes Beach Business Center, .' Holmes Beach . . . 4 BBJBJB.. Lifelong Manatee County Resident Pd Pol. Ad. pd.for and approved by Bob Gaue, Non.Partisan candidate forSchool Board ' .,! ? .-': ? -.. i; *. , .. .. . .- . ': ... " ' . ' , /,-* ',; . . ... - . . . * '_: ; ., . "*. . .. '; , '-,. : , A '/"* ,''* * * ' ' '� ''.*'^ ,'y ' L . . THE ISLANDER 0 AUG. 30, 2006 U 17 Wednesday, Aug. 30 8 to 9 a.m. - "Good Morning, Longboat Key" break- fast at the Longboat-Lido-St. Armands Keys Chamber of Commerce, 6960 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 383-2466. 9 a.m. - Save Anna Maria Inc. memorial tree planting at Westbay Cove, 600 Manatee Ave., Holmes Beach. Information: 778-4255. Thursday, Aug. 31 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. - "Identifying Strategies that are Public Relations in Nature" small business suc- cess workshop at the Longboat-Lido-St. Armands Keys Chamber of Commerce, 6960 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 383-8217. Fee applies. Saturday, Sept. 2 7:30 a.m. to noon - Nature walk at Felts Audu- bon Preserve, 4600 24th Ave. E., Palmetto. Information: 737-3169. 8:30 a.m. - Kiwanis Club meeting at Cafe on the Beach, Manatee Public Beach, 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Sunday, Sept. 3 6 to 9 p.m. - Concert on the Lawn featuring Pocket Change at the Ritz-Carlton, 111 Ritz-Carlton Drive, Sarasota. Information: 309-2008. Parking fee. Tuesday, Sept. 5 Noon - Anna Maria Island Rotary Club meeting with a presentation on the Rotary Leadership Institute at the BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bra- denton Beach. Information: 350-4326. Wednesday, Sept. 6 7 to 8 a.m. - Pier Regulars meeting at the Anna Maria City Pier, 100 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria. Informa- tion: 778-7062. 8 to 9 a.m. - "Good Morning, Longboat Key" break- fast at the Longboat-Lido-St. Armands Keys Chamber of Commerce, 6960 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 383-2466. Coming up: * "How to Market Your Web site and Web Place- ment" workshop at the Longboat-Lido-St. Armands At Gallery West The "Red Hot Poppies" exhibit of digitally enhanced photographs by Richard Stewart is at the Island Gallery West, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Stewart photographed the poppies during a trip to the Aegean coast of Turkey and prints them on canvas and watercolor paper. Keys Chamber of Commerce, Longboat Key, Sept. 7. * "Review! Review!" opens at the Manatee Players Sept. 7. * Gulf Coast Writer's meeting at the Island Branch Library Sept. 11. * Excel Level 1 at the Longboat-Lido-St. Armands Keys Chamber of Commerce, Longboat Key, Sept. 12. * Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce Sun- rise Breakfast at the Sun House Restaurant Sept. 13. OPEN FOR LUNCH ALL WEEK. SEst 1967 SeWaterfYO ALASKAN KING CRAB LEGS. IN THE HISTORIC VILLAGE ON THE NORTHERN END OF LONGBOAT KEY. WE ARE A LARGE PARTY AND CHILDREN FRIENDLY RESTAURANT. HAPPY HOUR LUNCH SPECIALS SUNSET SPECIALS 4PM-6PM 11:30AM-3:30PM 3:30PM-6PMi 11:30AM-9:30PM DAILY * PHONE 383-1748 * 800 BROADWAY ST. � ,I. RN- I - 18 M AUG. 30. 2006 N THE ISLANDER by Rick Catlin Perico resident dreamed of Naval aviation for World War II Robinson "Sky" King of Perico Island was just 17 years old and a senior in high school in Des Moines, Iowa, when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, bringing the United States into World War II. "After Pearl Harbor, we all knew we were going to be drafted," remembered Sky. While a lot of his classmates opted for the Army or other branches of service, Sky always knew he was going to be a pilot. "Even when I was just a teenager, I would pay 10 cents to ride the trolley out of town, then walk another mile to the Fort Des Moines airport to get a ride in a plane. I was bound and determined to be a pilot." He also thought being in the Navy sounded pretty good, and he enlisted in the Navy's V-5 flight school program on his 18th birthday. "I was supposed to wait about six or eight months until my class was ready, so I enrolled at Drake Univer- sity. I got called up in early 1943 and went to pre-flight school in Iowa." That school was mostly physical training mixed with some classroom work. The idea there was to sepa- rate the "men from the boys" and about 10 percent of Sky's class dropped out. From Iowa, it was on to Tucson for flight school where Sky and his fellow cadets trained in an open- cockpit WACO bi-plane, a throwback to World War I. "But it was our first real flying and I loved it. I wanted to be a pilot so bad I begged our instructors to give me another chance if I messed up." Fortunately, Sky passed through Tucson with "flying" colors, .. . All-you-can-eat - . Pancakes & Sausage S$ 95 Mon-Fri 7am-noon Sat-Sun 7am-1lpm Evening entertainment! 4-8pm Wed ~ Larry Rich * Thurs & Sat ~ Rick Boyd Fri & Sun ~ Tom Mobley * Mon & Tues ~ Mark Cravens SMonday Italian Night ^ -,,. All-you- $795 can-eat . 4-8pm TUESDAY 4-8pm - Z SUNSET SPECIALS T-COX. & rFAAJTAY Every Wednesday 4-8pm, Al-You- $795 Can-Eat f �a'Et. � ****� * �* 'SEAFOOD . COMBO F -- H FRY ~ 2-8 pm c > 9f,, : with fries and slaw ?s_'m-s. lALL-YOU-CAN-EAT o aS $4395 OPEN 7 AM * 7 DAYS A WEEK * BEER & WINE 4000 Gulf Drive * Holmes Beach * 778-0784 Ready for air Naval aviation cadet Robinson "Sky" King during his World War II training to become a Naval Aviator. although a number of his pals "washed out" and were sent to the regular Navy as enlisted men. Sky eventually headed to Texas for advanced flight training. He received his coveted aviator wings and his commission as a U.S. Navy Ensign in February 1945, then got married to his high school sweetheart, Marilee, in March. Sky and Marilee had to wait to get married because the Navy had a rule that you couldn't be married or get married until you graduated and got your wings, Sky recalled. Once commissioned, Sky qualified for carrier landings, fully expecting to be sent to the Pacific The- DISCOUNT LIQUOR * COCKTAIL LOUNGE , COUPON GOOD AUG. 30-SEPT. 5, 2006 Popov Vodka MANATEECOUNTY's Bud or Bud Lite 15 #1 INDEPENDENT 20 PACK BOTTLES 399T #1 INDEVERAGE NT DE $1499 BEVERAGE DEALER OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Kitchen 11:30am-10pm * Full Bar 11:30am til late nite Full food and liquor service and daily Specials that'll BLOW YOU AWAY! 778-5788 * 5346 Gulf Drive, in the S&S Plaza a.p. BeLL fisH compaNy inc. Fresh Seafood Since 1910 Great selection of locally caught Grouper, Snapper, Shrimp, Q" Panfish and much more. >? �Planning a fishing trip? Call about our , big selection of frozen bail' DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAY See you at our docks! - 941-794-1249 .-. .400 124th St. W. Cortez, Floridas _: . - .-- - -.--- - ...... , Capaib 's' House of Pizza * Buy regular price buffet g I l and get second for 1 i $with the purchase � of a soft drink ' 792-5300 * 10519 Cortez Road W. Mon-Sat * 11 am-1 Opm * Sunday Noon-9pm PLEASE PRESENT COUPON * EXPIRES SEPT. 30, 2006 ... . mmm am mm mm mm . mm ..... mm mm y ,< ,f ,� <�� H ^ seafood bar a GRIN ?~~~A ^ " itol Bii& rlI antastic Fish & Chips * Seafood |TUM IH- All-You-Can-Eat Fish & Chips 7" 7 SWtaMMPW~Poker 7 and 10 pm | fW I Arig5 f Karaoke 8 pm G WIM - ~ Texas Hold 'em 4-7 pm Sun ~ 4-til late * Closed Mon Closed for vacation Sept 4-27 12012 Cortcz Rd. W. - 792-4822 ater, where the Navy was operating dozens of carrier task forces as the Allies were advancing on the Japa- nese mainland. Alas, it was not to be. "I got orders to New Orleans to be a flight instruc- tor. I didn't know whether to be happy or sad. On one hand, I didn't want to leave my buddies, but I was also just married. It was just the luck of the draw. I guess I was fortunate to get a stateside assignment." From March 1945 to June 1946, Sky taught aspir- ing Naval aviators the fine art of aviation. He had 36 students and all but two of them got their wings. He laughed at the irony of a 21-year-old pilot teaching 19- and 20-year-old "kids" how to fly the Navy way. "I was a kid teaching kids, but I got them through the course," he remembered. Sky was discharged in 1946, but remained an active member of the U.S. Navy Reserves. He returned to Des Moines, but the nearest Navy aviation center was in Minneapolis, about a two-hour drive once every four weeks. Sky went to Iowa State and earned a degree in engi- neering in 1950, while remaining a reserve Navy pilot, part of the UR13 Transport Squadron. He eventually became the commanding officer of the squadron and retired from the Navy in 1968. Interestingly, Sky and his crew would fly their C-54 to Hawaii several times a year as part of their ongo- ing training. It was quite a change coming from the frozen prarie of Minnesota to the shores of Honolulu and Wakiki Beach during the middle of winter. That could explain why a lot of guys and gals in the reserves were always begging for a free ride to Hawaii, even if it was only a two-day stop for Sky and his crew. "It was mostly the WAVES (women members of the Navy) who would ask for a ride. Sometimes I said 'yes' and sometimes I said 'no.'" But Hawaii wasn't always a tropical vacation. On one return flight, Sky lost one of the four engines on his plane and returned to Honolulu. After two days waiting for a new engine, he took off again PLEASE SEE GREATEST, NEXT PAGE THE ISLANDER M AUG. 30, 2006 M 19 Greatest Generation CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 on the dreary 14-hour flight back to Minnesota, only to lose another engine! It was back to Hawaii for another engine change. The third time Sky took off, he thought about just making the long flight on three engines, but thankfully, the engines held and he never had to cross that bridge. Indeed, Sky has been pretty lucky during his 50 years of flying. Even the time in the early 1970s when he was flying into Des Moines with his second wife, Nancy, and three of her children with weather threatening to close the airport. "I was flying a single-engine plane," recalled Sky. "I was about 20 minutes out when the engine quit." While that might have prompted panic among some less-experienced pilots, Sky kept his cool. "Nancy told the kids to start praying, but I figured I had enough altitude where I could just dead-stick (glide) the plane down into a pasture." Unfortunately, he was flying at night in the clouds. But Sky has always been lucky. He happened to see the runway lights of a small airport outside Des Moines and glided down to a perfect landing. There was another good aspect of that landing, however. "Nancy told me if we were going to fly again, we'd have to do it in a twin-engine plane. I'd always wanted a twin-engine, but if I had brought it up to Nancy before, she'd have said it was too expensive. So, I ended up getting my wish and bought a Piper Aztec," he laughed. Sky had lost his first wife in 1971 and married again the following year. Between he and Nancy, they have eight children, 19 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. They lived in Fort Lauderdale before moving to Perico in 1994. "It's been a good life," said Sky. "I owe it all to the Navy. I'm proud of my service. I was ready to go to the Pacific, but I didn't get sent. I'd do it all over again if SCHNITZELHAUS L The Best German Restaurant on Florida's West Coast Every Friday Bavarian Haxen tPork knuckle with bread dumpling and red cabbage) Please phone ahead 24 hours Reservations a must! 778-1320 HOURS: TUES-SAT 5-9:30PM OPEN SUN. SEPT. 3 Anna Maria Island Centre * 3246 E. Bay Drive * Holmes Beach A Island Life Harry's Way! 4-Course -" Prix Fixe " -$29.95 (941) 383-0777 - w%+arryskjtchen.com "The best hamb ,rs' and the coldest mugs beer this side of Heaven." -A lis _Puffg www.DuffysTavernAMI.com PafGeyer, Proprietress OPEN 11-8-CLOSEDTUES. 59TH & MARINA DR. * HOLMES BEACH * 778-2501 Robinson "Sky" King enjoys the study in his Perico Island home where he has pic- tures of all the various planes he has flown during his 50 years as a pilot. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin I had to." any allied country (U.S., Canada, Britain, Holland, - Just another member of the Greatest Generation. Norway, France, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, "The Greatest Generation" column is for Island, the Philippines, etc.) during World War II. We'd Longboat Key, Perico Island and Cortez veterans, like to hear from you. Please call Rick Catlin at man or woman, who served in the armed forces of 778-7978. Estuary program launches series of 'conversations' The Sarasota Bay Estuary Program has begun a series of "community conversations" that will extend into the winter season, beginning with one at the Braden River Library. That meeting was Saturday morning, and its suc- cessor will be from 10:30 a.m. until noon Saturday, Sept. 9, at the North Sarasota Library, 2801 New- town Blvd., Sarasota. S TAKE-OUT $1 OFF � y / Any Size Pizza I FREE DELIVERY! - OMA PIZZA i & ITALIAN RESTAURANT I I Specializing in Veal * Chicken * Fish * Pasta Makers of the World's Largest Pizza Open 7 Days * 11AM to Midnight _ S 201 N. Gulf Dr. * Bradenton Beach 778-0771 or 778-0772 11.------- ------- ALMAkOIDE' $ HICKORY IMOKEI) VIRGINIABBQ New Location Now Open 8799 CotezRd W (Just West of Palm Sola Blvd) Buy huch or DHner, t 0 Hal0 The program plans October meetings in Braden- ton Beach, Longboat Key and Osprey, all designed to raise interest in the program and advise residents of Manatee and Sarasota counties how they can become "environmental stewards," said Julia Burch, public outreach coordinator of the program. Additional information may be obtained by calling 955-8085. Full Pound King Crab Dinner All Day Mon-Thurs GueZqdSt if Oka~D~ua 'adq 7am.- 9ppL S'o575 ' 900 u 7~t Y. (Ja~tmQsc 9-778-1919 1� ~~ r.~.r rr :i :r r ~ '� 1.1'1. pd tL ., ~J~ITu~. 131Bn r' ~is~3ep;�ri�;i(+.,.,�ili c'r.ii,~......;.r r~. �:i l'r.r:�'"7e""""''*;-' 20 0 AUG. 30, 2006 T THE ISLANDER Flying fish on Suwannee, manatees visit Cape Cod A couple of buddies went on a paddling trip in northern Florida a week or so ago. Armed with a pair of kayaks, they hit a few springs, waters and rivers in the Big Bend and Panhandle - Manatee Springs, High Springs, the island around Cedar Key and the Suwannee River, among others. It was in the Suwannee that they had some interest- ing encounters. As you may have heard, sturgeon tend to move into rivers and streams in the summer from their usual deep-water Gulf of Mexico haunts. The river vacation is to spawn, and some scientists believe that the fish jump from the water in an effort to attract a mate. The sturgeon were definitely in an amorous mood when Jack and Jeff were on the river. Jeff first thought that the huge splash he heard was Jack goofing around. Not for long, as fish after fish leapt from the water. "It was like watching Polaris missiles coming out of the water," Jeff said. They counted 15 jumps in their three-hour paddle. Remember that sturgeon aren't your everyday, average-size mullet leaping out of the water. They,get to more than 12 feet in length and weigh hundreds of pounds. The paddling pair said the biggest they saw leap totally out of the water was at least a 6-footer. There have been six human-sturgeon "interactions" so far this summer, with the humans bearing the brunt of the impact with the hard-skinned fish. Several people have ended up in the hospital after the incidents. Environmental regulators are in the process of installing signs on the Suwannee to warn boaters to beware of flying fish. Manatee makes it to Cape Cod A wayward manatee has managed to swim up from its usual Florida home to Cape Cod, a distance of 1,000 miles. The sea cow, nicknamed Marvin, has gone far- ther north than any other critter of his kind and has prompted concerns that if it doesn't turn around and head for home soon, it may be stricken by cold water. The manatee was spotted a few weeks ago in the Hudson River off Manhattan. About 12 years ago, another manatee went on a walkabout - swimabout? - to Chesapeake Bay. It had to be captured and returned to Florida as the waters cooled and it became obvious it wasn't going to make the trip home without some human intervention. Marvin has outdistanced Chessie, the previous wanderer, by a few hundred miles. Manatees can travel up to 30 miles a day, so Marvin had better start high-tailing it home, pronto. Manatees have problems with water when it gets much below 68 - degrees and, with fall coming up north, this wayward marine mammal may soon need help finding its winter quarters. No clue as to why the critter decided to go on an extended northern vacation. Stricter rules for wildlife violators Break the environmental laws and you could face UN E PETE WANTS YOU TO DRIVE A CLEAN CAR! * 24-hour self-serve car wash * Complete auto detailing * Quick lube AMERICAN CAR WASH 5804 Marina Dr.. Holmes Beach * 778-1617 MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED WOOD DOCK & SEAWALL CUSTOM DOCKS * SEAWALLS* BOAT LIFTS Design * Build * Permitting Sales * Service * Supplies S 792-5322 Statee 12044 Cortez Rd., W. CRC049564 By Paul Roat. some jail time. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Com- mission has increased penalties for repeat offenders of the state's laws regarding fishing and hunting. The laws "increase the penalty for hunting or fishing with a suspended or revoked license, making it a criminal offense, increasing the fine and adding jail time and suspension of the license," according to the FWC. The changes came at the urging of a number of con- servation groups in Florida and beyond. The changes include the following, according to the FWC: Level 1, noncriminal violations are those which do not directly impact natural resources, such as hunting or fishing without a license, deer hunting without an orange vest and violations of wildlife management-area rules. First and subsequent convictions result in a $50 fine plus court costs, unless the person was convicted of having no license. In that case, he would have to pay the cost of a license,'too. Any subsequent violations of having no license would result in a fnandatory $100 fine plus the cost of a license. Level 2, criminal infractions are those that directly impact resources, such as exceeding bag limits, fishing or hunting during closed seasons, violating artificial- reef requirements and illegally feeding wildlife. First conviction, a second-degree misdemeanor, results in a fine of up to $500 and 60 days in jail. Second conviction in this category and within three years is a first-degree misdemeanor with penalties of a mandatory minimum fine of $250 fine and up to a year in jail. A third con- viction within five years and Level 2 or higher is a. first-degree misdemeanor with a mandatory $500 fine, a year in jail and a mandatory one-year suspension of all FWC recreational licenses and permits. Fourth and sub- sequent convictions within 10 years adds a minimum mandatory fine of $750 and a three-year suspension of all FWC recreational licenses and permits. Level 3, criminal violations of fish and wildlife laws are those that directly impact resources. These are considered more serious violations, such as pos- session of commercial quantities of freshwater game fish, taking deer or turkey during a closed season or with use of a gun and light at night, possession of three fish in excess of the daily bag limit of trout, snook or redfish, taking 1,000 pounds or more of illegal finfish or 100-plus lobsters, stones crabs or blue crabs. A first conviction, a first-degree misdemeanor, results in a fine of up to $1,000 and up to a year in jail. Second con- viction within 10 years and within Level 3 or higher results in a first-degree misdemeanor and up to a year in jail with a $750 minimum mandatory fine and man- datory three-year suspension of all FWC recreational licenses and permits. Level 4 is the most serious criminal fish and wild- life violation that directly impact natural resources, and includes possession of a counterfeit license, molestation or theft of freshwater fishing gear or lobster, stone or blue crab traps, lines or buoys, or illegal sale of deer, turkey or marine fish that ate illegally harvested. First and subsequent convictions are viewed as third-degree felonies and could result in up to a $5,000 fine and five years in jail. Hunting or fishing with a suspended or revoked license is a first-degree misdemeanor, up from a non- criminal infraction which carried only a $50 fine, court costs and the cost of the license. Anyone convicted of violating the law now will face a mandatory $1,000 fine and five-year suspension of all FWC recreational licenses, and could be sentenced up to a year in jail. In other words, don't help yourself to any crabs in someone else's traps unless you want to face some serious penalties this crab season. Sandscript factoid Chessie, the manatee that visited Chesapeake Bay in 1994 and had to catch a plane home, apparently decided the whole adventure was so much fun that it took off again the next summer, ending up in the waters off Rhode Island. This time, the manatee did the return trip unaided by humans. CENTCOM travels Lt. Col. Judi Murray gave her Islander newspaper a command- ing role at the Central Command Forward Headquar- ters in Camp Asayliyah, Qatar. DOCKS-N-DECKS Specializing in docks and decks Maintenance Painting Cleaning Repair (941) 779-1839 docksndecks@verizon.net Licensed and insured I es Beach PURE .i -^ .Gas and Service Station , CertiiieJi * Full Autorrotre Repoir - 5333 Gulf Drive * Holmes Beocr- 779-0487 [at the corner of Gulf and Marina Drive] GREENS FEE AND CART 39 12:00 Noon GREENS FEE AND CART $ 12:00 Noon 30 Until +TAX 2:30 pm GREENS FEE AND CART $2: After + AX P" BIG SUMMER CARD s26+TAX Until 12 Noon 20TAX After 12 NoonD | in advance RAE SUBJECT O CHANGE 'm![lvtS[S'lwBl! suslll ^^^t~ rill I!. ivfslir ^^^ Charter Boat "MAGIC" Backwater * Near Shore Up to 7 miles out in the Gulf Snook- * Redfish. Trout * Flounder Mackerel * Snapper Light Tackle Fishing Reservations a Must! Tackle, bait, ice, fishing license provided! 723-1107 Capt. Mike Heistand USCG Licensed ���;�l';���-*$~a�- T' p�picr: THE ISLANDER 0 AUG. 30, 2006 M 21 Friday fun: Snook season opens Sept. 1 By Capt. Mike Heistand Mackerel, snapper and redfish continue to dominate the fishing scene in the backwaters. Offshore, grouper and snapper are still a good mainstay, still in the 100-foot-plus depths. Amber- jack catches are also being reported off the deepwa- ter reefs. Snook season opens Sept. 1. Please remember that the slot limit has been narrowed, with keepers now mandated at 27- to 34 inches only. You can keep one fish per fisher per day, and don't forget that snook permit on your fishing license. Capt. Tom Chaya on the Dolphin Dreams in Holmes Beach out of Catchers said he's found bay fishing and water quality excellent this week. "Plenty of reds around the oyster bed were hitting," he said, "and mackerel and trout were being caught fishing bait schools in the deeper grass areas." Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said pier fishers are still catching lots of Spanish mackerel and snap- per. Jacks are "invading" the pier most days, he said, and snook are lurking under the pier but not hitting - maybe waiting for the opening of the season? Jesus Rosario at the Anna Maria City Pier said it's mackerel catches in the morning and catch-and- release snook at night, plus some flounder, snapper and small bonnethead sharks. Capt. Thorn Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez Road said he's putting his charters onto legal-size catch- and-release snook, keeper redfish and a few good-size trout, plus lots of mackerel Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle at Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said mackerel are coming off almost every fishing pier in, off or near the Island right now. Offshore action is steady for grouper and snapper in about 100-feet of water, and amberjack seem to be lurking off the deeper water reefs in the Gulf now. Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said black drum are coming on strong right now from the cut, with catches reported of 12 pounds. Mangrove snapper is also a good bet, with most catches within the legal slot limit. There are also some good reports of bonnethead and blacktip sharks coming out of Miguel Bay. Capt. Rick Gross on Fishy Business out of Catch- ers Marina in Holmes Beach said he's finding fishing to be pretty excellent., ith good catches of redfish on the higher tides coming from the mangroves in the bays and Spanish mackerel in the Gulf. At Skyway Bait and Tackle, reports include small grouper and snapper, big yellowtail jacks and mackerel near the Sunshine Skyway Bridge area. In Tampa Bay,. look for snapper and redfish, with incoming tides seem- ing to work the best for the better catches. Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of Parrot Cove Marina said he's finding fishing to continue to be strong despite some patchy red tide in CA T M W..ESm , CHATER All shapes, all sizes Anna Maria neighbors Tom Farrell, Bill Starrett and George Kyd are pictured with some of Tampa Bay's finest catch. The trio was guided by Capt. Gary Huffminan aboard the Tuna Breath. Islander Photo: Courtesy Capt. Gary Huffman the area. "Keeping live bait alive is the big challenge, catching fish is easier," he said. He advises that anglers use live shrimp or artificial bait to bring in the big ones. "Shrimp will stay alive quite well, even during the worst of red tides, if they are in a really good aerated well," he said. He's putting his charters onto some big redfish catches, sometimes up to 40 per day and up to 34 inches in length, as well as speckled trout, Spanish Mote 2-for-1 admission price runs through September The aquarium at Mote Marine Laboratory is launch- ing its annual "September splash" ticket deal of "buy one, get one free" during the month. .Itincludes admission to "Shark Tracker," a new interactive exhibition Which visitors track sharks in the wild in Mote scientists' program. A new 15,000-gallon tank features bonnethead sharks, a new species-of inter- est to Mote. Free painting programs focusing on sharks will be offered to children from 11la.m. to 1 p.m. every Satur- day in September, Mote said. Hours at the aquarium are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. every. day. Regular admission is $15 for adults, $10 for chil- dren ages 4 to. 12. under 3 free. Details may be obtained by calling 388-4441 . INSHORE SPORTFISHING CHARTER BOAT ,10leat 40 Captain Steven Salgado Owner/Operator Lifetime experience in local waters Full & Half Day Trips Custom Trips Available U.S.C.G. Licensed Custom-built Privateer Fishing License, Ice, Bait & Tackle Furnished Anna Maria Island Florida 778-9712 mackerel and mangrove snapper. On my boat Magic, we've been catching several sharks to 30 inches in length, plus redfish, mackerel, mangrove snapper ans some trout, but the trout action has slowed a bit. Good luck and good fishing. Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing guide. Call him at 723-1107 to provide a fishing report. Prints and digital images of your catch are also wel- come and may be dropped off at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to news@ islanderorg. Please include identification for persons in the picture along with information on the catch and a name andphone number for more information. Snap- shots miay be retrieved once they appear in the paper. .' .- - _- _--. t-_ ,- - --.- : . _t __. a-| S... . . . - Moon Date AM HIGH AM LOW PM HIGH PM LOW ' Aug30 3-32 2.4 1050 05 605 1.6 9.05 1.4 FQ Aug 31 4.08 2.4 - - - - 12.10 05 "I Sep I 4-54 24 - - - - 1.42 0.4 Sep2 6-08 24 - - - - 307 0.3 Sep 3 7:35 25 - - - - 4 10 01 Sep 1 9 -14 26 - - - 5) 00 ' Sep5 12-4" 17 331 1 I 10 13' 27 539 00 I Sep6 1247 17 4 34 I3 11 2a' 28 14 01 I I| _ �- Conrl High ] rd i " mfnule' lati r - 10*'. I 06 iji.1F ta r Snook * Trout * Redfish Tarpen * rper S�. , -' '4.* 941-704-6763 sumoti mefishing.com Capt Mark Howard Inshore/.Near' ,t MUSCG licensed/ FISH TALES WELCOME We'd love to hear your fish stories, and pictures are welcome, too. Just give us a call at 778-7978 or stop by our office in the Island Shop- ping Center, Holmes Beach. The Islander #FISHING LICENSE LIVE & FROZEN BM T TERMINAL TACM.E * SUNGLASSES & HATS E *PENN*SHIMANO*ST CROIX veryhIng You Need or Florlida Flshing" .. ...-! .. , . pISLANO DISCOUNT -TACKLE"I laaaa 5503 MARINA DRIVE at CATCHER'S MARINA (by Holmes Beach boat basin) 779-2838 OPEN DAILY (major credit cards) CHARTER BOAT JAN MARIE SWN r ." S m lar~a 1.'r-N captaifl.glefn@ verizoiLnet 22 0 AUG. 30, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER Skimmers show off board skills at BeachHouse By Kevin Cassidy Islander Reporter For the fifth consecutive year, the Back-to-School Skimboard Bash at the BeachHouse Restaurant enter- tained a crowd of 200 or so onlookers with great skim- ming, good music and "interesting" commentary from Joe Bonk of Ormond Beach, who has been announcing skimboard contests for 17 years. Judges were locals Ben Handley, Tom Rudek and Bluewater School of Surfing owner William Kimball. Once again, however, the contest, which took place Saturday, had to overcome unforeseen conditions. Three years ago the field was halved due to Hurricane Charley's wrath, and this year spectators and contes- tants had to deal with a thunderstorm that had canopies and umbrellas flying as well as the noxious red tide that has descended upon Anna Maria Island beaches. Ironically, the contest raises money for red tide research with a portion of each entry fee and raffle ticket sales going to the research. The red tide didn't deter the entrants, with more than 100 participants in nine divisions pulling off a variety of entertaining tricks, like pop shove-its, back- side 540s and the invariable attempt for some "big air," which is what the crowd likes to see. Local winners included Blaine Jenefsky in the minis (8 and under) division and Giorgio Gomez in the menehune (9-11) division. Neil Carper and Izzy Gomez finished in second and third place respectively in the minis, while Luke Shakelford took second and Bradenton's Bryce Hamilton grabbed third place in the menehune. Blake Tyre claimed first place in the men's 18-21 division with Joey Mattay grabbing second place. Other winners were Matt Smetts of Venice in the boy's 12-14 division, junior men's (15-17) champion Alesi Fernandez and senior men's (22 and over) champion John Schrader. Islanders represented themselves well in the 15-17 division with Spencer Carper, Kevin Kim and Josh Riccio taking second through fourth places. Melanie Gannon captured the girl's 14 and under divi- sion, while Michelle Srioud was the 15 and over winner. The professional division, with $1,200 in prize money, was extremely competitive. Austin Bleiweis pulled off some unbelievable tricks to claim first place ahead of Stephen Bradford, who was competing for the first time as a pro. Dave Armstrong and Pete Anderson rounded out the championship-round contestants. Key Royale golf news The men and women of the Key Royale Club some- how got their swings in between the many rain showers that hit the area Aug. 21-25. On Monday, Larry Fowler carded a two-under 30 _ to win the men's nine-hole, low-net golf competition. Jim Dunne, George Heiber, Dan Hayes, Russ Olson and Dick Mills were one shot back to finish in a five-way tie for second. Charlie Knopp and Gerry Elson tied for third with a score of 32. Joyce Reith fired a three-under 29 to win the ladies' nine-hole, low-net game Tuesday. Joyce Brown, Diane Miller and Sylvia Price each shot 33 to finish in a three- way tie for second place. In addition to the low-net game, the ladies played what's called a "hate 'eri" game, where they choose three holes they hate before the round and don't count strokes on those holes. Reith came out on top of the "hate 'em" game as well with a score of 25 to finish two shots ahead of Nancy Grimme, who shot a 27. Rosewitha Fowler and Diane Miller both shot 28 to finish'in a tie for third. Gerry Nelson fired a five-under-par 59 to win the men's 18-hole, individual low-net game on Wednesday. John Heiselman was four shots back with a one-under 63 to claim second place. Dale Hudson (64), Dick Mills (65), and Chris Collins (66) rounded out the top five. Still room in Her-icane golf challenge There are still some spots available for the Manatee High School Her-icane Golf Challenge at the Braden- - ton Country Club at 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 9. For only $100, golfers can play Bradenton's most exclusive and challenging layout in a four-person scramble, To sign up a foursome, list four players and their respective phone numbers and send with a check pay- able to Manatee Girls Soccer Booster and mail it to me, - -Coach Kevin Cassidy, at 3610 York Drive, Bradenton FL 34205. The event is a benefit for the girls soccer team at.MIHS. For more information, _calLm aat751-..60Q2,.., . - --? - Rides like this earned Stephen Bradford a second- place finish in his first venture into the pro division during the skimboard bash at the BeachHouse Res- taurant. Islander Photos: Kevin Cassidy ." :-L - -f : - " - ' ",, - - " . - . .-. '. " -" -, - - . "2 " " " ' ." 2 . .".-'"' .: r:" " - F ': r " . " , . . " "" -,_-7-,-..!k,..-; '-.,-::,- ,: ' - - ~ ~ ~... :. -. " # ._ ' _ . ." _ , ,- , - - . . . ' ; ., " . . . _ - _ . - ., . < Justin Boisclair throws up a wall of water during semi-final action in the pro division at the skim- board contest. With the autumn schedule of programs coming soon, summer activities continue for .the Anna Maria Island Community Center. While the Center complex is occupied with planned construction, the programs will be at the -activities hall of St. Bernard Catholic Church,. 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach, for months ahead. Sit 'n' Knit will be from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday with Barbara Hines as instructor. The program is in four sessions, at $32 for mem- Dion Davis gets some air during semi-final action in the pro division at the annual skimboard contest held at the BeachHouse Restaurant. Austin Bleiweis won the professional division of the Back-to-School Skimboard Bash on this ride. He got some big air, kicked the board to his hand, then somehow got the board back under his feet and nailed the landing to produce a huge roar from the crowd of onlookers. bets and $40 for nonmembers. Muscles and More continues from 9 to 10 a.m. Tuesday and Thursdays with Sherry Fideler instructor. Cost is $5 per class for members, $8 for nonmembers. Two levels of plates are offered with Laura Bennett as leader. Her intermediate class meets from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Saturday and beginners from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Tuesday and Thursdays. Cost is $4 per session for members, $5 for non- members. Summer schedule goes on for Center I SANDE CASSIDS THE ISLANDER U AUG. 30, 2006 0 23 GLASS RATTAN OCTOGON table with four rattan chairs $150, sleeper couch with hideaway mattress $50. 941-778-4526. SOFA AND LOVESEAT: cream, fitted slipcover, easy wash and dry, like new. $300 each. 941-779-2106. FURNITURE FOR SALE: mission- style king bedroom set. Headboard, footboard, matching side rails and frame, eight-drawer dresser, two night stands, $850. Mission-style lighted entertainment center, coffee table, end table and library table, $600. Leather couch (butterscotch) $500. Loveseat (twin sleeper, red) with matching ottoman with hidden storage, $300. 941-538-9309. DINING SET $175, King, queen, twin bedroom sets $50-100, chest $25, waterbed $50. Call 941-730-4689. AERIAL PHOTOS of Anna Maria Island. View and purchase online: www.jackelka.com. FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp, crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call James Lee, 941-795-1112 or 704-8421. LONGBOAT KEY HISTORY "From Calusas to Condominiums" by Ralph B. Hunter. Signed copies available at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. 941-778-7978. BIG YARD SALE: 8am-? Friday, Sept.1, through Labor Day week- end. 305 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. YARD SALE: Starting at 9am Sat., Sun. and Mon., Sept. 2-4. Many families, all kinds of nice items for sale. The sale will be held inside the recreation hall. 2601 Gulf Drive N., Sandpiper Resort Recreation Hall.- SALE: NIKI'S GIFTS, Antiques, Jewelry. All sterling jewelry 50-70. percent off. Select gifts, antiques, oil paintings, prints, salt and pepper sets, cup and saucers, thimbles, vintage Lubite purses, collectible shoes, vintage and costume jew- elry and crystal 50-90 percent off. Open seven days, 9:30am-5pm. 941-779-0729. 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. LOST BIRD: INDIAN Ringneck. Yellow with red beak. Name is Sun- shine. Call Sabina at Haley's Motel, 941-778-5405. MISSING CAT: FAMILY pet, inside cat. Orange and tan, small and friendly. Name is Woodstock. Last seen Aug. 13 on 62nd Street, Sea- side Gardens, Holmes Beach. If found, please call 941-778-7770.. KARATE ON THE Island: Ages four through adult. Call 941-807-1734-or visitwww.islanddojo.cmasdirect.com. KEY WEST FANTASY Fest: One cabin left. 5 days/6 nights aboard 65-foot sailing vessel, Lex-Sea. $1,895 per couple, inclusive, bring your own beer. Depart from Cortez Oct. 25. 941-713-5958. BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Pur- chase a personalized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park. Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Forms at The Islander or call 941- 518-4431 for more information. SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander. FREE GUN LOCK. Yes, free. Just for the asking. Courtesy of the Flor- ida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Free at The Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be sorry, be safe. GUARDIAN AD LITEM volunteers needed: A guardian ad litem is a trained volunteer appointed by the court to represent and advocate for the best interest of children who have been abused, abandoned or neglected. Make a positive impact! Call 941-744-9473 or visit www.12circuitgal.org. BILLIE JOE: I'm a 2-year old male cat, very handsome, black and white. Need a special person to adopt me, my family was evicted. Neutered and microchipped. 941- 920-1411. FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough for adoption. All food and medical pro- vided. Julie, 941-720-1411. ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes. All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened. Please, call 941-922-0774. BOAT SLIPS FOR rent, up to 50 feet. Two minutes to Intracoastal Waterway by Cortez. Parrot Cove Marina, 941-795-0088. BOAT DOCK FOR rent: 50 feet, lighted, power, water, private access. Call 941-778-3013 or 941- 778-7589. LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on the charter:bbat "Magic." Full or half day backWa- ter and near shore fishing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle provided. 941-723-1107. CHURCH SECRETARY/ADMIN- ISTRATIVE assistant needed for Island church. Hours are Monday through Friday, 9am-4pm. Comr- puter proficiency in MS Word, Excel, Publisher a must. Experience in Power Church or other church membership software, PowerPoint helpful. Call 941-778-0719. NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restaurant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call 941-778-3953. NURSES NEEDED FOR long-term home care for lady with spinal injury. Hoyer lift. Full/part-time available. Travel opportunity. (941) 383-6953. PART TO FULL-time handyman needed for Holmes Beach area properties. Please, fax resume to 941-866-9078. PART-TIME HOUSEKEEPING posi- tion available at local area motel. Phone Janet at 941-778-2780 WANTED: WILDLIFE CONTROL technician. Job requires working in heat, on ladders, roofs, attics. Appli- cants should possess good commu- nication skills and be able to do light carpentry work. Valid, clean Florida driver's license, be able to pass a drug test and background check. .Please call 941-812-1666 or e-mail jeff@floridawildlifetrapper.com. /na~~6i2;~PU~i * 1 & 2 Bedroom suites. * Large heated pool. * On-site rental management. * Over 90,o occupancy in first half of 2006. * Prices start at $449,000. Advantages of ownership: * Winter home. * Unlimited vacations. * Sharing with family/friends. * Outstanding rental income while VOu are away. BaryG ul 494 8500. G ' J,` . " ', -- o..,s.p : Sales website: www.IslandResortCondos.com I1LANtD VACATION -J - PRO~PERTIE3.1 LLC 3001 GULF DRIVE HOLMES BEACH, FL 34217 bOWM/E R al 4 oqCm 24 0 AUG.. 30, 200(i THE ISLANDER S L AW� N 1 iniW.W - ND1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT FOR busy con- struction office. Part- or full-time. Computer experi- ence necessary. 941-761-7770. SEEKING KITCHEN HELP and servers for fine dining restaurant. Apply in person to Chef Damon, Ooh La La! Bistro, 5406 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. SEEKING PIANO PLAYER evenings for Ooh La La! Bistro. Music range from classical to jazz. Call Chef Damon, 941-778-5320. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Tingley Memorial Library. Duties include checking books in/out, reshelving, and generally assisting library patrons. Call Eveann . Adams, (941) 779-1208. BEACHFRONT RESTAURANT: THRIVING busi- ness, building with additional income, beer/wine. $1,690,000. Confidentiality agreement required. Longview Realty, 941-383-6112. SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and intermediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10 per half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended. Local teen, team competitor. Call 941-778-0944. BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, 941-756 5496. BABYSITTER, PETSITTER, dog walker: First- aid certified, 13-year-old, eighth-grader, female, great with kids and animals. Call Kendall, 941-779- 9783. NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia, 941-761-1569. Red Cross certified. We have two annual rentals and a few Winter rentals available too. Call us today! "We ARE the Island! " SINCE 1957 Marie Franklin, Lic. Real Estate Broker 941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250 E-mail amrealty@verizon.net Web site www.annamariareal.com BEAUTIFUL TORTUGA INN 2BR unit has a WOWI!!!I QUALITY AND LOCATION Old full kitchen and furniture. Garden view and Bridge Village. Top-end luxury, pools, steps to the private beach, pools, bay, and docks, slip, 2BR, bonus room, living, dock. Flexible rental, on-site management. kitchen, dining, private elevator, turnkey' $470,000. home. $999,900. Bill Jay Bi Realtor -- . | . k 941-315-0908 GREAT SUNSETS .i.:r .l.- h .:ij unr Ij*Z C r Beach. 2BRtownhouse style kitchen,living, , H dinette. Upgraded throughout and new / oriz furniture. Fantastic for rental or second , R alty home. $599,000. - R t SALES & RENTALS 419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 * PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291 * EVENINGS 778.2632 FAX (941) 778-2294 * www.betsyhills.com -ANNA MARIAHIDEAWAYNEAR GULFTasteful and elegant3BR/2.5BA home within steps of the Gulf! Amenities include stainless steel appliances, sunny Florida room, circular driveway, outdoor shower, sprinkler system, and lovely landscaping. $799,900, furnished. ENSURE YOUR CHILD'S safety while you relax. Call Gemma, 941-447-9657. Responsible, reliable and experienced, with a love for children. Red Cross babysitting and first-aid certifications. DOG WALKER, PET sitter, child sitter and odd jobs. Tenth-grader, available after school and weekends. Zach, 941-779-9783. RED CROSS first-aid certified babysitter certified. Call Alex, 941-778-5352. GETYOUR BOAT washed without the hassle, just give me a call. Regular scheduling available, perfect for when you're out of town. Call Richard, 941-447 9657. BABYSITTER/PETSITTER: RESPONSIBLE, Red Cross certified. Experienced with kids and pets of all ages. Many Island references! Transportation available. Weekly and monthly rates available. Call Hilary or Natalie. 941-778-5181. PAYTON AND DINA'S cleaning service: We do yard work, dog-sitting, house cleaning and we run errands. We do not mow grass. Open 3-5pm every day! 941-524-9350. KIDS FOR HIRE ads are FREE for Island youths under 16 looking for work. Ads must be placed in person at The. Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. AFFORDABLE, RELIABLE NURSING care. 24 hours. For assistance with doctor appointments, taking medications, grocery shopping and errands, call 941-876-6503. CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org ! S, welcome J7o � ra/dise! *: 9 Call Deborah Thrasher for *i S941 all your real estate needs! *- a 941-518-7738 or debmthrash@aol.com : " ..,.., OPEN WATER VIEWS AND * STEPS TO BEACH! Quiet north end location! Turnkey * furnished! Boat dock! Hot tub! New tile floors and new � kitc hen cabinets. Offered at: 1N.,$799,000. 10.41 ACRES off state road 70 in quiet subdivision, beautiful property with pond, can subdivide into five-acre parcels. : Reduced at: $599,000. . SISLA - rm GAS! REDU 5 P U unity 0 to owl I__ L--U UU-I IU---- Deborah Thrasher/RE/MAX EXCELLENCE 24 North Blvd. of the Presidents, Sarasota, FL 941-383-9700. * S *~ e ***** O **SSS * **SS ** **SS **S S **S* RIVERVIEW CUSTOM This custom Spanish-style 3BR'3B.-\ ainme with views ol the M:Lnatee River and open- irlarpl.aniioffergracious 1i~ ie Ihoa dl ci nininatingtastes. The lhigh ieihlings and arched enter toi the living room complete ilth fireplace and balconl: o erilokiing the river add-s .ist the right touch. A goumluet kiichen, complete with panuy closet, is designed to be the center of family gatherings or entertaining. Way too many features to name! $989,000.. Gulf-Bay Realty Jesse Brisson Broker Associate, GRI 941-713-4755 MAN WITH SHOVEL: Plantings, natives, patio gar- -dens, trimming, cleanup, edging, maintenance. Hard-working and responsible. Excellent references. Edward 941-778-3222. LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint- ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine Car Service. Serving the Islands. 941-778-5476. COMPUTER OBEDIENCE TRAINING. Is your com- puter misbehaving? Certified computer service and private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. 941- 545-7508. ISLAND PRESSURE CLEANING for great results, wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reason- able, reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. 941-778-0944. CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist. Experienced certified technician for communica- tion electronics offers wireless and cable networks, upgrades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and train- ing. Call Robert, 941-778-3620. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod- eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGCQ61519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. 941-720-0794. PROFESSIONAL I.T. SERVICES: Complete-com- puter solutions for business and home. Installation, repairs, upgrades, networkingWeb services, wire- less services. Richard Ardabell, network engineer, 941-778-5708, or cell 216-509-1945. Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor 778-0455 n reen REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA www.greenreal.com rn . One of the biggest names -in mortgages is right in your own bac, arhd. ,l , Chi,j ,i ,ou of product- ,o,,red b, ,or- ,= ,tt-h n r ,,:,n, (,:,p , ort.. i e k ,- derU iLu. .Je ,,O lede-of loar, ,-.ffic- r: l1, Ron Haes h.. rI , ... r l.a l ,- .. i-m lur.iv. .':. . h iqt .er ,_,ul r.or[t gjae n-cd; - t...ed r _re. idiu t.tble r.e-, lumbo cg:errn ni .::Jl Ron ...'a ' tor a . he, .:nsilr.:ar,:. n at (941 i 61-9808 24 hours) or (8001 559-8025. O CHASE.. U j ii-.r.j ...r.;n:,i,-( ;:r>:a-.: - 2j r tf'bi11m REALTORS GULFVIEW CONDO 2BR/2BA full Gulf view condo, second floor, corner unit. Offered at $825,000. Call Michel Cerene, Broker- Associate, 941-545-9591 evenings. CANALFRONTANNA MARIAThis large 3BR/3BAfamily home is an easy walk to the beach and has great expansion potential. Tile and wood floors. The master-bedroom is the ultimate master suite with a spa bathroom and a kitchenette. Auto generator keeps the whole first floor running. $1,195,000. Call Lori Guerin, Realtor, 941-773- 3415 or Carmen Pedota, Realtor, 941-284-2598 evenings. SINGLE FAMILY Centrally located, one block to beach. 2BR/2BA spacious home on corner lot. $635,000. Call Joy Murphy, Realtor, 941-730-2820 evenings. 5910 Marina Drive * Holmes Beach FL 34217 Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770 1-800-741-3772 * info@smithrealtors.com Web site: www.smithrealtors.com J Cindy M. Jones G I, CRS, Sale Associate DUNCAN Real Estatc . Inc 779-0304 773-9770 31-0 Pine Avenue- Anni Maria *IIJi I f h' a, ~ A _ '~f-i 1 Zn i~E I tl1~-4i~~ Irj'i'l[55 irti THE ISLANDER N AUG. 30, 2006 0 25 - AI"EA CUCCIO TILE: Many Island references. Free esti- mates. Licensed and insured. 941-730-2137. EXPERIENCED CERTIFIED TEACHER available for tutoring in math, science and reading for elementary- to college-level students. $35/hour. 941-524-4177. HANDYMAN SERVICES: PAINTING caulking, interior carpentry, custom mirror and other interior/exterior general household repairs. Offering quality services since 1994. Reliable. Call Colin at 941-376-0541. PIANO AND VOICE lessons by New York profes- sional artist/teacher. By appointment. Palmetto. 941-729-2244 SAn Island Place Realty We are looking for annual properties to manage! Rent your home to one of our qualified tenants looking for homes! Please call either Sue or Adele at 941-779-9320. 411 Pine Avenue * Anna Maria * www.islandplacerealty.com ISLANNA MARIA S&Cnoast REAL ESTATE LLC OLD FLORIDA - ANNA MARIA NEAR BEACH 3BR/1.5BA Cracker cottage plus separate studio apartment. West of Gulf Dr. Just steps to finest beach! $875,000. FLAMINGO CAYWATERFRONT POOL HOME 3BR/2BA plus den, heated pool, new roof and landscaping, dock and boatlift, direct access to Intracoastal. $859,000. HOLMES BEACH POOL HOME 2BR/2BA open plan. Vaulted ceiling, wet bar, deck, large lot, fenced yard, pool and hot tub. $574,500. HOLMES BEACH WATERFRONT 3BR/2BA home. Tile, pavers, fence, room for pool, new dock, direct access to Tampa Bay. $799,900. ANNA MARIA CONTEMPORARY 4BR/2BA open plan, vaulted ceiling, elevator, four-car garage. Bamboo flooring, turnkey furnished. Near beach. $1,350,000. GULF PLACE CONDO 3BR/2BA turnkey furnished, tennis, heated pool, beautiful beach, on-site management, excellent rental. $995,000. KEY ROYALE NORTH POINT HARBOUR 2BR/2BA waterfront home. New seawall, 20,000 lb. boadift. Community heated pool, tennis. $870,000. FABULOUS GULFFRONT OCEANA CONDO 3BR/2BA turnkey furnished on beautiful beach. Small pets, open plan, elevator, carport, shutters. $1,999,000. SUN PLAZA WEST CONDOS 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished, Gulffront complex, heated pool, secured entry, beach, tennis. From $675,000. WILDEWOOD SPRINGS CONDOS 2BR/2BA Tuscany villa. Mexican tile, patio. $399,900. 2BR/2BA lowest price in Wildewood!!! $269,900, BEACH HOUSE - LARGE LOT 4BR/2BA just steps to white-sand beach, turnkey furnished, deck. Seller financing. $1,299,000. GULFFRONT WATER'S EDGE CONDO 2BR/2BA condo. Gorgeous view, updated, turnkey, beautiful walking beach, secured lobby. $995,000. PERIWINKLE COTTAGE 2BR close to beach. Great income producer, Italian tile, fire- place, turnkey furnished. Charming! $649,900. KEY ROYALE BAYFRONT 3BR/2.5BA home. Panoramic view, split plan, room for pool, 88-foot dock. 122-foot waterfront. $2,500,000. TRADEWINDS RESORT VILLA 1BR/1BA turnkey furnished. Heated pool, just steps to beach, rental program, small pet. $325,900. SEASIDE BEACH HOUSE CONDO 1BR/1.5BA turnkey furnished, Sautillo tile, pool, beautiful beach. Direct Gulf view, manager, excellent rental. $799,900. BAY PALMS WATERFRONT HOME 3BR/2BA.canalfront. Private dock. Direct access to Tampa Bay and Inrtracoastal Waterway. $679,000. ANNUAL and SEASONAL RENTALS 779-0202 * (800) 732-6434 ANNAMARIA W Mis Suhioast REAL ESTATE LLC Island Shopping Center * 5402 Marina Drive Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 * www.suncoastinc.com CLEANING BY HELENE: Thirty-year Island resi- dent. Weekly, bi-weekly, detail oriented, honest, reliable, excellent references. Free estimates. Call 941-778-5717. CONSCIENTIOUS HANDYMAN: CEILING to floor. Texture painting, fixtures, etc. Drew Hudson, 941- 812-5073. EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR painting by "Sisters." Decorating and popcorn removal. Call Nancy, 941- 756-9595, or Ellen, 941-779-0555. References. D&E HANDYMAN SERVICES: Drywall, finishing, texture, painting, trim, demolition. Free estimates. Dwayne, 941-524-0299, or Elda, 941-524-9046. UNHAPPY WITH YOUR house cleaner (even if it's you)? Call Shirley at 941-778-4515, or e-mail: smundell@tampabay.rr.com. BUYING NEW WINDOW treatments? Avoid mis- takes! Let me measure you windows before you purchase.Years of experience. Call Shirley at 941- 778-4515, or e-mail: smundell@tampabay.rr.com. MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet. Beginning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, 941- 758-0395. FIND IT! BUY IT! SELL IT FAST! In The Islander. Hl tRTY-i"gi BRADENTON-19600 ESTATE ROAD 64 Unique home situated on 20 acres w/2 acres of mature grapes and spring fedperennial stream.Directly across from Lake Manatee State park which protects views, provides additional riding trails, swimming and boat launch. 3BR/2BA $1,795,000 7516 MARSH ORCHID CIRCLE Absolutely charming condo beautifully turn-key furnished in a"cottage style" decor.Best location in the Preserve Golf Club atTara.The living/dining room and screened lanai overlook a lovely pond and preserve with privacy. $289,000 HOLMES BEACH - 5601 FLOTILLA i DRIVE Largest rental property. on island. Sleeps 18! 7BR/6BA, 3 kitchens, heated pool with dock/boat house. Great cash flow. Will consider trade. U I i itmVL J5-jU4-J1t nAoY. oxlArI vEL5 uI j n ..UstOII1 'LAEIN JuAJN n BLUB million. unllar home at ground level, 12 feet above sea level built unobstructed full views of the Gulf of Mexico to meet Miami Dade Code for 140 mph wind load. with incredible direct sunsets, Listen to the Protected mooring on 200 feet of sailboat water, waves lapping on the beach. The oversized 45-foot dock, 12,000 Ib boatlift. 4,000 sf open screened lanai with Bar-B-Q, has stairs down floor plan. Three miles from 1-275. $1,740,000 beaches. 3BR/2BA SEVERAL e ONDOS AVAILABLE. $1,649,000 PALM AIRE. COUNTRY CLUB - 5523 COUNTRY LAKES TRAIL Best home in the area at this price!Totally remodeled,private backyard, caged pool.4BR,beautifully landscaped,great location between Sarasota and Bradenton.PalmAire Country Club offers golf and tennis. $499,000 0 I LL - 1I .9Wt vv *4 t'N. LirectL. DeayuIron IUL with incredible sunsets. Small gated enclave of custom homes. Lot has deeded boat slip. Enjoy Anna Maria without the island traffic, the sugar sand beaches of Cortez beach are just five minutes away. $995,000 It ICiI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^^^^HlH~e^.^'Jk.^i^S I *BB�giiMiaa~g~i BRADENTON BEACH - 244 17TH ST 2BR plus office/den, 2BA, open plan, granite, underground parking with elevator. 1/2 block to beach access. Wonderful location on Anna Maria Island. Bradenton Beach Club has two heated pools, spa, fitness center and a boardwalk that leads to the Bay. $599,000 PALMETTOU-46U7 ARLINGTON ROUAD Full Bay views are unbelievable! 100' seawall, total remodel includes Maple cabinets, Corian counters, new appliances, new tile and carpet, newly painted, new A/C and oversized garage. Amazing sunsets! Only 17 minutes from St. Pete. 2BR/2BA $985,000 U BRADENTON BEACH - SANDCASTLE Gulf front newer construction, complex only has 8 units, covered parking, pool, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, beautifully turn-key furnished, elevator. $1,699,000 t:941/366-8777 www.skysothebys.com _____- ____ '_.' _________&^ ie ,^^ i A u Oma 260 AUG. 23, 2006 U THE ISLANDER fVvv^& " fI~sir~'ff~~i BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigera- tion. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call William Eller, 941-795- 7411. CAC184228. ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional cre- ates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www. jackelka.com. 941-778-2711. NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing mas- sage in the comfort of your home. Call today for an appointment, 941-795-0887. MA#0017550. TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years experience. References available. For a reasonable price, call Sebastian, 941-704-6719. CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and com- mercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, landscaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. 941-778-5294. E ,'-, Prudential Palms Realty Michelle Musto, PA Re.lior 941-809-3714 www.michellemusto com PERICO BAY CLUB: BRADENTON 920 Waterside Lane- Furnished lakefront villa, 2BR 2BA. 1,132 sf. S359,000 827 Waterside Lane: 2BR. 2BA updated, one-in garage, 1,069 sf. 5399,900. 940 Waterside Lane. Lakefroni villa, 2BR, 2BA, 1 292 sf S399.900 THE TERRACE: HOLMES BEACH 3100 Gulf Drive #5: Steps to the beochi 2BR. 2BA lownhouse. furnished, heated pool and views of Gulf. S499,900. email: mi(hellemuslo@prudentialpalmsrealty.com SALES 419 Pine Ave. * PO Box 2150 * Anna Maria FL 34216 ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. Monthly and quarterly accounts available. If it is broken, we can fix it. Call 941-778-2581. CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING: Top quality lawn and landscape maintenance. Now accepting new accounts at great rates. Please call 941-778-2335 or 284-1568. JR'S LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE Lawns, native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup. Island resident 25 years. Call 941-807-1015. THE GRASS HOPPER Man will give*your lawn the TLC it deserves and beat most prices. Residential and commercial. Call for free estimate, 941-755-4474. GULF SHORE LANDSCAPING: Lawn care, pressure washing, landscaping, owner operated by Island res- ident. Exceptional value! Licensed and insured. Call 941-726-7070. www.gulfshorelandscaping.com SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $42/yard. Hauling: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free esti- mates. Call Larry at 941-795-7775, "shell phone" 941-720-0770. CANALFRONT HOME * 506 68th ST. * $599,500 4604 BIMINI DR. * $575,000 DUPLEX * 304 65th ST. * $599,000 120 OAK AVE. * GULFSIDE * $699,000 1437 N. GULF DR. * $748,900 .s ./ . Tina Marie Doxtator, P.A. WGulfstream 941-705-8462 www.tinahelpsumove.com Simply the Best KEY ROYALE fully furnished 2BR/2BA with large patio, boat dock and view down the canal. Room to expand. Best value and lowest price in Key Royale. $679,000. Mike o00-367-1617 Norman 310177GUF DRIVE Realty INC HOLMES BEACH Ofrecemos servicio de ventas en espanSl www.mikenormahrealty.com KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean- ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City of Anna Maria resident. Cell 941-448-3857. NATURE'S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residential and commercial. 30-years experience. 941-729-9381. STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Complete clean- ups, installations, native plants, palms, aquascapes, rock and patios. Shell installed $42/yard. Shark Mark 941-727-5066. CLOUD NINE LANDSCAPING: Mulching, shell- ing, plant, sod and tree installation. Full landscape installation. No job too big or too small. Excellent ref- erences. Fully insured. Please call 941-778-2335. VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, inte- rior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island references. Bill, 941-795-5100. JOE UNGVARSKY CONSTRUCTION Remodeling contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed and insured. Many Island references. 941-778-2993. License #CRC 035261. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING free esti- mates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at 941-778-1730. , . Melanie, JohnsonBroker/Re.to \ AGNER REALTY 941 704-7394 WEST BRADENTON Cozy and cute 2BR/1 BA old Florida-style bungalow. Quiet neighborhood, large, fenced yard. $168,900. ELLENTON Brand new 3BR/2BA, den, double garage with great upgrades on a cul-de-sac and pond. Near Prime Outlets Mall. $349,900. SARASOTA 2BR/2BA end unit condo in popular Central Park II. Great location and great amenities. $234,500. *- Mike .' Norman - ' ealty INC 3101 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, FL 34217 (941) 778-6696 Office Vic Caserta (941) 778-4364 Fax Realtor, fluent in 1-800-367-1617 Toll-Free Italian, Spanish and English (941) 778-6943 Home (941) 730-1062 Cell AUCTION TWO WATERFRONT LOTS: 7089 Longboat Drive North Longboat Key Initial bid at $1,025,000 Auction at the Bankruptcy Court in Tampa September 25, 2006 at 11:00 am To pre-qualify: Contact Robert Davenport at Brasota Mortgage Company 941-746-6119 FRONT PROPERTY P 7, Panoramic ,. iews of Sk', way Bridge and Tampa Bay with 135-foot se)v. all, heated pool and deep-water dock with Sb:oar it ' 3BR.'3BA. 3 000 sf on two lots in private setting. S.. Eritirdel, updated Large master suite added and kitchen is top of ihe lirne in e .'er,' way. A short walk to the Gulf. Must see to appreciate. Lots of extras. $2,495,000. --- Virtual tour at ~,..rt. flrealtour.com/020806236/realtor. Call John Zirzow, Agent/Owner (941) 778-9171 Markey Realty VA -1RREWLT01R. 32 Years of Professional Service EXPERIENCE - REPUTATION - RESULTS MARTINIQUE N. Direct Gulf, corner, garage/storage. Updated. Shows beautifully. $859,000. KEY ROYALE Canalfront lot, 9,450 sf. Golf course view. $699,000. BAYVIEW 4-5BR/4BA includes guest quarters, large master suite. $1,330,000. IRONWOOD 1-2BR, extra storage. $139,900. Great buy! HARBOUR VILLA CLUB 2BR/2BA turnkey, boat dock. $794,900. LINKS PINEBROOK Golf course view, sixth floor, turnkey. $260,000. SANDY POINTE 3BR/3BA, pool, upgrades, turnkey. $598,000. DESOTO SQUARE VILLA 2BR/2BA, gated, pool, clubhouse. $175,000. VACATION, SEASONAL AND ANNUAL RENTALS WOODLANDS 2BR, heated., pool, ten minutes to beach. LUXURY GULFFRONT VILLAS, CONDOS, HOMES 5508C MARINA DRIVE * 778-0807 * 800-956-0807 yrealty3@aol.com * www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com - ' *-/ , owners- .' Call us to , 778-2307. 1-800-306-9666 rent your , franmaxonrealeetate con properties! I .,a c-n Unbeatable seryic for -over 35 . FRA*WM " years! , . , m 9- ..- .. " - GulfDariv Id SERVING THE AREA SINCE 1970 MLS Anna Maria THE ISLANDER U AUG. 23, 2006' 27 CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island ser- vice since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certifying back flow at water meters. FL#RF0038118-941-778-3924 or 778-4461. TILE -TILE -TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, 941-726-3077. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod- eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. 941-720-0794. CUSTOM RENOVATION/RESTORATION expert. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Thirty years experience. Insured. Meticulous, clean, sober and prompt. Paul Beauregard, 941-779-2294. INTERIOR SURFACE RENOVATION: Drywall, tex- ture, paint, tile, wall and ceiling repairs, Fred Wein- gartner, 941-586-3656. KEN &TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and shutters. Insured and licensed, 941-748-4711. TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed. Why pay retail? Island resident, many references. Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor Coverings. 941-792-1367, or 726-1802. JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy- man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pres- sure washing and tree trimming. Call 941-778-6170 or 447-2198. WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more. Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in- home consultation. Island references, 15 years experience. 941-778-3526 or 730-0516. HANDYMAN SERVICE: Winton's Home-Buddy Inc. Retired banker, Island resident, converting life-long hobby to business. Call 941-705-0275 for free estimates. BONUS! CLASSIFIED ADS are posted early online at www.islander.org. IMPACT WINDOWS AND doors. Exclusive dis- tributor: Weatherside LLC on Holmes Beach. Free, courteous estimates. Jeld-wen Windows and Doors. Lic.# CBC1253145. 941-730-5045. THIRTY-SIX YEARS craftsman experience. Interior, exterior, doors, stairs, windows, trim. Pressure wash. Driveway paint. Dan Michael, master carpenter. Call 941-518-3316. TUB AND TILE refinishing: A division of D.J. Murphy Painting Inc. Save up to 80 percent over traditional remodeling costs. Call us with your kitchen and bath needs. Don't buy new - redo! 941-751-1245. Licensed, certified and insured. RANDY'S REMODELING: WINDOWS, door, insula- tion, drywall, interior trim, carpentry, finishing, tex- ture, demolition and exterior repair. 941-320-2506. QUALITY TRIM CARPENTRY: Specializing in inte- rior crown moulding, door, window and base trim. Licensed and insured. Kimball Wood, 941-744-9892 or 941-400-4319. FISHING FOR a good deal? Look in The Islander, 778-7978. Y Live directly across from pristine beaches and produce income at the same time! Ten year track record. Perfect as designed, or rebuild multiple units. Gulfsideisa4BR/3BA and the bayside is a 2BR/IBA. Open kitchen with bar. Dine-in or enjoy sunsets through French doors that open to the balcony. Top floor engulfed by master suite with private balcony. Surrounded by gardens and plenty of drive-thru parking. $699, - $779,000 Stully0 0 0imnea Countrywide Home Loans is close by and ready "St to help you get the home of your dreams. w Competitive rates. C-.I W Local experts with the power to say "YES" to and your home loan. :5S --- sh S WUp-front approval* at the time of application. c- S As little as no-to-low down payment options .. '. " -_" .. - available td make qualifying easier.. Of Loan amounts to $6 million. - _- Construction financing available. '.. COMING Pam Voorhees SOON Home Loan Consultant ._ 206 56th S. $849,00 -401 Manatee Ave.W. Holmes Beach pamvoorhees@countrywide.com 12 47 St $89900 wWw.pamvoorhees.cornm 2 10 77th St. $799,00 trywide - 4 3. 21277th St.$849,0: COuntrywide 4808 Gulf Drive 4808 Gulf Drive - 312 61st St $849, HOME LOANS . - (941) 584,8079 EaUAL HOUSING LENDER@�2003 CouNTRYto.E HoELoANS, INC. TRACE/SERVICEMARKS ARE THE PROPERTY OF COUN- * i TRYWIDE FINANCIAL CORPOATION AD/O ITS SUBSIDIARIES. ADD APPROPRIATE STATE LEGAL UP-FRONT APPROVAL. SUBJECT '' TO SATISFACTORY PROPERTY REVIEW AND NO CHANGE IN FINANCIAL.CONDITION. SOME PRODUCTS MAY NOT BE AVAEIABLE IN ALL .- r STATES. PRICES AND GUIDELINES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANE WITHOUT NOTICE. RESTRICTIONS APPLY, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. _C a _ . n0 EARLY CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: 2 PM FRIDAY * SEPT. 1 at will appear in the Sept. 6 edition of The Islander Our office will be closed Sept. 4 in observance of Labor Day. We wish y'all a happy and safe holiday. I _� ~fB~ 28 0 AUG. 30, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER Sandy's Lawn Service Inc. Sandy's Established in 1983 Lawn Celebrating 23 Years of SOrviCe Quality & Dependable Service. eCall us for your landscape 778-1345 and hardscape needs. |lLicensed & Insured Paradise Improvements 778-4173 S Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist Replacement Doors and Windows Steven Kaluza - Andrew Chennault Fully Licensed and Insured * Island References Lic#CBC056755 Q-'WAGNEQ QEALTY . 2217 cGU DlIVE NO R'I BADEN'PON DACII. F HAROLD SMALL REALTOR� Office: (941) 778-2246* (941) 792-8628 E-mail: haroldsmall@wagnerrealty.com k- ALL USA FENCEKINDS Specializing WHITE VINYL FENCE CRC016172 94 1 -750-9300 0 1 HAUL-AWAY Removal of all types of trash, debris and junk. 720-221 7 The Paver Brick Store 8208 Cortez Road W. Bradenton 34210 (941) 794-6504 9:00 AM til Noon, or by Appointment Pool Deck, Patio and Driveway Renovations Design - Build Curtis Clark & Assoc. Inc. wner Sde g SA Aumnmim Specdalsta Vinyl Siding * Soffit * Custom Break Work . Corrugated (941) 713-SIDE Storm Panels s (941) 713-7433 Vinyl Room (941) 776-9403, " Conversions E L,. s C..Cutc.780 - " PA Cleanin 'Services Residential * Rentals * House Sitting Reasonable and Reliable * Ursula * 524-7599 WWWISLANDER RG anna maria Gulf Coast PROPERTIES (941)782-5609 Now accepting annual rental properties on Anna Maria Island Chris Eagleberger Over 20 years Real Estate experience HO W TO R ELA X ON AN ISLAND.. Massage by Nadia 941.795.0887 Anyone can take a picture. A professional creates a portrait. ELKA ., PHOTOGRAPHICS 941- 778-2711 www jacke/ka. con 4 9 m 4 9A--S FI RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal. Wedebrock Real Estate Co., 941-778-6665 or 800- 749-6665. SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR two master suites-/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/dryer, garage, designer furnished with tropical yard setting. One of the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/weekly. Call 941-713-0034 or e-mail: gamiller@tampabay.rr.com. VACATION RENTALS: 2BR apartments across from beautiful beach, $375 to $500/week. Winter and spring dates available. Almost Beach Apartments, (941) 778-2374. GULFFRONT CONDOS: 3BR/2BA, 2BR/2BA, 1BR/1 BA with breathtaking views. Pools, Jacuzzi, walk to shops and restaurants. Available weekly, monthly, seasonal. 901-301-8299 or e-mail captko462 @ aol.com. WEEKLY RENTALS: Alecassandra villa, 1 BR/1 BA, $700/week; Island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; Gulffront cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach Club, 2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call Kim Fisher, Wagner Realty, 941-778-2246. www. wagnerrealty.com. BRADENTON BEACH: NEWLY remodeled BR/1 BA suite with full kitchen, fully furnished, one block from Bridge Street, three minute walk to beach. Sleeps four only. No pets. Now taking reservations for summer. Available weekly, monthly or seasonal. 941- 776-3696, or e-mail bjustin628@tampabay.rr.com. ISLAND CASTLE: FABULOUS French Normandy home. 4BR/3BA on best beach and quiet street in Anna Maria. 941-794-8202. ANNUAL RENTAL WESTBAY Cove: Lower unit, 2BR/2BA waterfront, unfurnished. Includes water, sewer, cable. Old Florida Realty, 941-778-3377 or 941-713-9096. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, townhouse: 2BR/2BA with balcony and view of mountains. Weekly or monthly rental. Call Paige at 941-798-3448. LARGE 2BR/2BA VILLA: 55-plus, furnished/unfur- nished. Great location, quiet, modern. 941-750-0648. WEEKLY/MONTHLY/ANNUAL rentals: wide vari- ety, changes daily. SunCoast Real Estate, 941-779- 0202, or 1-800-732-6434. www.suncoastinc.com. ANNUAL: ISLAND HOME 2BR/1 BA with garage and- fenced yard. Newly remodeled. $1,200/month plus utilities. Small pet OK. 941-795-8979. Credit check. ANNUAL HOLMES BEACH duplex: 2BR/2BA com- pletely remodeled, furnished, washer and dryer. $1,000/month plus utilities. 941-778-1819. 2906 Ave. B, Holmes Beach. NICEST HOME IN North Beach Village. Total remodel 2006. Heated pool, sun desks, screened patio. One minute to beach. Private cul-de-sac, trop- ical landscape. $750/weekly. Amivacationrentals. corn. 407-765-4445. 55-AND-OVER BRADENTON Beach mobile home- rental. 1 BR/1 BA, steps to beach or bay. $800/month, $300/week. Available April through December. 941 - 779-4634. FURNISHED MOTHER-IN-LAW apartment, canal view with a large deck, dock and saltwater pool to share. .Apartment has private entrance, bath and kitchenette. All utilities except telephone included. $350/week or $850/month. Perfect for a clean and quiet individual! Please e-mail tlyonsrq@verizon.net or call 941-928- 8735. Leave message for information and availability. ANNUAL 2BR/1BA: AIR conditioning, washer and dryer, water, large pool, cable. Parking only 200 steps to beach. First, last and security. $950/month. 941-779-1586. 2BR/2BA CONDO AT the Waterway in west Braden- ton. Boat slip, pool, washer and dryer, water-view. Annual or long-term. 941-773-3375. ANNUAL BRADENTON BEACH: ocean views from big back yard. 2BR/1 BA. Washer and dryer. Pet OK, no pit bulls, etc. 2204 Ave. C. $995/monthly. 216- 469-2857. ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/1BA duplex. Anna Maria City across from beach. $925/month plus utilities. 941-778-7003. SEASONAL RENTAL: NORTH end of Longboat Key. One bedroom villa on bay with dock. Beach on side. Private, beautiful views. Call for rates. 941- 374-0304 RENOVATED 1 BR/1 BA: walking distance to shop- ping and beach. Tile floors, washer and dryer, lawn service included. $725/month. 941-735-5375. TEMPORARY ISLAND RENTAL: One month or more, September through January. 2BR/1 BA duplex, newly remodeled, one block to beach. $975/month. 941-807-5449. ANNA MARIA DUPLEX: 2BR/1 BA, private yard, fireplace, close to community center, $1,025 plus utilities, no pets. Call 941-756-8787. ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR townhouse 500 feet from Gulf. Updates with granite, tile in kitchen, baths. Patio, private yard, washer and dryer. $1,350/month. 941-778-4548. MONTHLY RENTAL: 2BR/2BA with den. Furnished condo on canal. West Bradenton, five minutes to beaches. $2,100/month. June through November 2006.708-532-2149. FOR RENT: 3BR/1BA nicely furnished home. Updated, ground-level, walk to beach. First, last and security. $950/month plus utilities. 941-727-5789. LUXURY! BEACH HOUSE:. Gulf views, 200 feet to beach, 3BR/3.5BA, sleeps nine, pool-spa, elevator, gourmet kitchen, granite tops,five TVs, golf cart. Check pictures, prices, availability at www.costalotta.net or call 863-581-3252.3600 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. ENJOY SUNSETS FROM large balcony, glimpse of the Gulf, steps to beach. Annual, updated 2BR/2BA, living and dining rooms, kitchen with granite coun- ters, garage and office, recreation room with access to patio. $1,500/month. 941-545-6118. 55-PLUS MOBILE home resort. 1 BR/1 BA turnkey fur- nished. Steps to Gulf and bay. Available September through December, $800/month,'or $700/month for two months or more. Includes utilities. 941-778-6207. BEACH HIDEAWAY: 2BR/2BA, covered parking, large storage unit, balcony out back. $950/month. 941-746-8666. 2411 Ave. C, Bradenton Beach. BRADENTON BEACH ANNUAL: 2BR/1BA home. Ocean views from big yard. Washer and dryer. Pets OK. 2204 Ave.' C. $995/month. 216-469-2857. CHARMING COTTAGE: ANNA Maria. Ground level, steps to beach. Washer and dryer, cable, utilities included. $1,700 month, multiple month discounts. Available Nov.1. 813-388-0444. ANNUAL 2BR/1 BA DUPLEX Holmes Beach. $925/ month including garbage and yard service, near beach and shopping, large backyard, pets consid- ered. 941-224-4091. ANNUAL: ANNA MARIA 2BR duplex just renovated, all new. $850/month plus security. 941-778-6088. ROOMMATE WANTED FOR furnished 2BR/2BA house in Anna Maria. Five houses from beach. Washer and dryer, no pets. Quiet professional grad student preferred. Credit check required. $445/ month plus half utilities. 941-778-8201.. KEY WEVT WATERFRONT vacation condo: 2BR/2BA sleeps six at the Galleon Resort and Marina. Regularly $2,700, only $1,800 for the week, Oct. 7-14. Nancy, 941-518-4431. BRADENTON BEACH 2BR villa on the bay with dock. Ground-level, washer and dryer, great view, sleeps four. $1,500/month. Willing to share. Call Jean, 863-558-4081. BEACH HOUSE: 2BR/1 BA, garage, storage shed, new roof, new air conditioning. Quaint. Close to beach, west of Gulf Drive. Call 813-690-5143 or 813-681-9111. 112 81st St., Holmes Beach. FURNISHED 2BR/1 BA. Sandpiper Resort, steps to the beach. Sale price, annual and seasonal rates on request. 941-778-2912. SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals. 1BR/1BA or 2BR/1 BA with pool. Walk to beach, shopping, restaurants. 941-778-3426. Web" site 2spinnakers.com. RENTALS RENT fast when you advertise in The Islander. TNT ROOFING REROOF SPECIALISTS TILE * METAL SHINGLE * FLAT FREE6yr. Maintenance Program 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE Experienced in: ALL REPAIR TYPES 941-556-ROOF 941-556-7663 727-341-1600 FREE ESTIMATES Licensed & Insured {LIc. #CCC1325742) THE ISLANDER 0 AUG. 30, 2006 0 29 .A C ASD WATERFRONT PROPERTY 2BR/2BA open-plan with great views of Tampa Bay. Canalfront, walking distance to beach and restaurants. $779,000. Diane Miller, 941-779-1512. FOR SALE BY owner: Best value on the Island! 2BR/ 2BA, one-car garage, gourmet kitchen, new windows, updated baths and more. Two blocks from beach. $615,000. 941-778-8677. 406 Bay Palms Drive, Holmes Beach. 3BR/2BA: One bedroom used as a den/office/ playroom, enclosed lanai, tiled with carpeted bed- rooms. 1,400 sf, county water/sewer, citrus trees, near Brentwood school in Sarasota. Reduced to $274,900. 941-379-4196 or 941-954-7474. KEY ROYALE: Holmes Beach. Direct bayfront, gor- geous view of Skyway, 3BR/2.5BA, two-car garage, private dock. $2,500,000. North Point Harbor canal- front 4BR/3BA, five-car garage. Elevated with new lap pool/spa/waterfall, seawall and dock. $872,500. 2BR/2BA, two-car garage, renovated ranch with new seawall/dock/20,000-lb lift. $989,500. Both with community pool and tennis. Call Lynn Bankuty, Realtor, SunCoast Real Estate, 941-737-1420. C P R: 941-794.1515. Sales, rentals, property man- agement. Coastal Properties Realty. www.coastal- propertiesrealty.com. BAYVIEW AND CANALFRONT with pool. 2BR/2BA open plan, new kitchen. Totally upgraded. Dock, three davits. Owner motivated. Not a drive-by, must see inside! By owner. Call Herb Dolan, 941-705- 4454. 404 21st Place. Bradenton Beach. DESIRABLE ANNA MARIA lot for sale by owner, 50x1 10 feet. 117 Willow Avenue. Asking $500,000. 813-837-6224. LONGBOAT DUPLEX: 4-6 bedrooms on canal. Deeded beach access. Rent it out or redevelop (adjacent property available). $799,000. Mary Ann Namack, Longview Realty, 941-383-6112. LOT FOR SALE: One block to. Gulf. 50x100 feet, cleared. $539,000. 215 71st St., Holmes Beach. (941) 778-4036.- HOLMES BEACH DUPLEX: 4BR/2BA great annual rental history. Updated, close to beach and bay. $499,000. 941-778-5482. ALMOST ISLAND. HOME: Adorable 1BR/1BA. Brand new furnished, bay windows with Water view. Hurricane Force-3 manufactured home. One mile from Anna Maria Island and one block from Intra- coastal Waterway with new marina and boat ramp. Land owned. Home owner's association optional. $159,900. 941-224-6521. BRAND NEW 2BR/2BA villa with garage. Only $89/ month fee. $225,000. Bill, 941-518-9300. 2BR/1BA COMPLETELY REMODELED. All new appliances, new washer and dryer, large yard, plenty of parking, five minutes to beaches! 941- 761-9512. 4423 102nd St. W., Bradenton. TRIPLEX: IDEAL LOCATION WITH great appeal. Beautifully updated and maintained, new roof, turnkey furnished. Beach access just steps away, bay views, boat dock, ample parking, great income rental. Room for a pool. Convenient to restaurants and shopping. $875,000.111 8th St. S., Bradenton Beach. Bridget Spies, ReMax Properties, 941-308- 6763. MSL# 313022. BEACH CONDO: LIKE new. Priced below appraised value. 717-392-4048. WEST BRADENTON: OPEN noon-4pm Sunday. Six months condo fees paid! Free-standing, private three- bedroom upgraded condo with two-car garage, new lanai. Call for details, 941-792-0763. $309,900.5605 Whipporwill Ct. off 59th Street West, Tanglewood. REDUCED $151,000! BUY now and save Realtor's fee and more. Brand new 3BR/3BA, steps to beach, elevator, granite, bamboo floors, Gulf view. $999,000. 941-932-7131. 747 Jacaranda, Anna Maria. OPEN HOUSE: 1-4pm Sunday: New home, 3,746 sf 3-4BR/3BA, granite/cherry kitchen, three screened verandas. $829,000. Horizon Realty, 941-725-7000. 303 58th St., Holmes Beach. CANAL HOME FOR sale in Holmes Beach by owner. $790,000. Call 717-392-4048. UPDATED 3BR/2BA: 1,560 sf, tastefully furnished and decorated, sold turnkey. For sale by owner. Buyer's agents, 3 percent. $599,900 Appointments only. 813-818-8314. 8104 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. www.bohnenberger.homesindeed.com. PERICO BAY CLUB: 3BR/2BA with full bay views! Granite countertops, glazed porcelain tile, carpet, designer furnishings, plantation shutters and more. $575,000. 941-792-4803. HOLMES BEACH AREA: charming canalfront home, newly renovated, 3BR/2BA. Granite kitchen. 1.5 miles to beach. For sale $599,000; rent $1,600/month, or lease with purchase option. 614-207-7878 BEACHFRONT CONDOS:TWO 1 BR/1 BA, new con- struction, designer furnished, breathtaking views, Jacuzzi. Great rental, walk to shopping, restaurants. Both $995,000 or each $519,000. Captko462@aol. com. 901-301-8299. HOLMES BEACH AREA: charming canalfront home, newly renovated, 3BR/2BA. Granite kitchen. 1.5 miles to beach. Sale, $599,000, rent $1,600/month, or lease with purchase option. 614-207-7878. BRADENTON BEACH 2BR/2BA end unit with full Gulf views. Turnkey furnished, stainless-steel appli- ances, granite, boat docks, tennis, pool. $659,000. 941-388-5238. FIXER UPPERS: BARGAINS, these homes need work, lowest prices. Call for a free list with pictures. Free recorded message, 800-946-4016, ID#1048. Re/Max Gulfstream. r--------------------------------------------------------------- SHOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD' DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance. We accept ads by fax with credit card information, 778-9392, at our Web site (secure server) www.islander.org, and by direct e-mail at classifieds@islander. org. Office hours: 9 to 5, Monday-Friday, (Saturday 10 to 2 as needed). - CLASSIFIED RATES - BUSINESS OR INDIVIDUAL: Minimum rate Is $10 for up to 20 WORDS. Additional w ditional word over 20 is 50 cents, Box: $3, One- or two-line headlines, line rate plus 25 cents per word. \ WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD AND VISAI You can charge your classified advertise L- , ut due to the high volume of calls we can not'take classified ad copy over the telephone To to FAX or e-mail your copy with your credit card information. (see below) USE THIS FORM FOR YOUR CONVEN.yW minimum charge- -20 words. ----------- -------------- Run issue date(s) Amt. pd Date ____Please indicate: Ck. No. _or Cash __ For credit card payment: J J = No. Exp. Date Name shown on card: _ I Billing address zip code: House no. or post office box no. on bill_____ I E-Mail address: ____ [for renewal purposes only] The Islander pr � Fax: 941 778-9392 5404 Marina Drive Ia FL Phone: 941 778-7978 Holmes Beach FL 34217 E-mail classifieds@islander.org L - - Yl' LONGBOAT KEY PAINTING & DESIGN, INC. S Faux painting * Cabinet refinishing Furniture restoration * Custom painting Jackson Holmes, owner (941) 812-3809 HANNA PAVEMENT SERVICES INC. 941-761-8546 Asphalt* Seal Coating * Repair * Striping Don't suffer 0C _ _ Relief is a phone call away C ? XZ P R'4AZ A c 792-3777 -~"---6607 3rd Ave. W. * Bradenton Junior's Landscape & Maintenance Lawn care PLUS native plants. - mulch, trip, hauling and cleanup.-. Call Junior, 807-1015 4 " JELIYWEN. r I' Impact Windows and Doors I Exclusive Distributor Weatherside, LLC Based in Holmes Beach S 1 FREE COURTEOUS EsnMATES I 8I 941-730-5045 .... .* .. LIC# CBC1253145 - I Get your mail the old-fashioned way. Call 778-7978 for FREE homedelivery on-Anna Maria Island, Perico Island & Flamingo Cay. TIY- ISlander:j ABBA OPERA SNEAD BUSS FLAN DUPED TITLE APET CUDDLEFISH ANT I MADDER RE ROOFS ESTEE ARMADA ORNE ESTER CREATED PAL IN DAV I ES CLEANER SPADES NAVE PLUS AIDS PODDEDPLA-NTS KAA TAD OBOE HUSK AT I LT EASIER ATOMS STUDIO TARDI LY PLANE STANDING H0 DADS RAINY GIURNE Y NAME AARE TREE HAT TE Y BUDDINGHE.ADS MAXI1 NIAS RUMP SPE-WED MALODOR HAMPER ANKLE SERAPES RATIOI ASCH AT 0 NER T0 NED APPEASE SHUDDERBUG PFFPUDDING H0 NI ABASE RARER ER10O ADDS TIRED SN ART NEST 30 M AUG. 30, 2006 M THE ISLANDER IAS L NEW 2005 CONDOS: Close to beaches, gated com- munity. 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom models. $139,900- $250,000. Keller Williams Realty. 941-932-1288. OPEN SATURDAY AND Sunday 1pm-3pm, refresh- ments served. Remodeled house, 4BR/3BA. $899,000. 941-730-3653. 408 Poinsettia Road. Anna Maria. Island Team, Wedebrock Real Estate, 941-730-3653. REDUCED DRAMATICALLY! RUNAWAY Bay large 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished. Everything new in 2006! Great view, close to beach, great rental complex or second home. Call for more details. $369,000. George, 312-321-7501. ISLAND TOO EXPENSIVE? Distress sale in north- west Bradenton, close to beaches and Island, one acre, 4BR/3BA home. Extremely motivated owner, selling $100,000 below market value. 6907 Ninth Ave. Dr. N.W. $475,000 or best offer. 941-794-6777. LOT: ONE BLOCK to beach. 57.75x1 14 feet. $529,000. 941-778-4246. 125 Neptune Lane, Holmes Beach. TRIPLEX FOR SALE: Just steps to the Gulf of Mexico! This triplex is on beautiful Anna Maria Island, Fla. Currently a rental property with a yearly income of $34,800. Rent out two units and live in the other. Rent annual or seasonal. Walking distance to shopping, restaurants and trolley stop. Asking $599,000. Easy to rent or create your own Island hideaway! Call 646- 842-0096 for more information. PERICO ISLAND PATIO home: 1.5 years new, 3BR/2BA split plan, shabby chic, master bath, vanity, wood-look floors. $435,000. Rhonda, 941-761-8135. BRADENTON BEACH: Two 2BR/2BA condos, Unit D: Open floor plan with soaring ceilings to upper loft master bedroom. Relax and enjoy the spectacular bay views, Just steps to the beach! $599,900. Unit B: Totally remodeled. New kitchen, granite countertops, spacious master bedroom, master bath, Gulf and bay views! $699,000. Sue Maxey, Keller Williams Realty Manatee, 941-538-1719. FOR SALE: ALL new beach house. 1BR/1BA, fully furnished, all appliances. Sandpiper resort #521. 55- plus community on the Intracoastal across the street from the beach. $175,000. You can't get on the Island for less than this! 317-873-3307. FROM OUT-DATED TO fabulous! West Bradenton 2BR/2BA, family room and garage. $249,900.Carol Heinze, 941-920-8089. Coldwell Banker Real Estate. MOUNTAINS OF NORTH Carolina: No hurricanes or air conditioning. Call Tina Hampton, Realtor, born and raised in Anna Maria. Toll-free 866-861-4444. tinah @ skybest.com. GULFFRONT LOTS: $595,000. Homes starting mid- $300s. New master-planned oceanfront community on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi, Texas. www.cinnamonshore.com, 866-891-5163. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA: Escape the heat in the beautiful peaceful mountains of western North Car- olina homes, cabins, acreage and investments. Chero- "kee Mountain GMAC Real Estate. cherokeemountain- realty.com Call for free brochure, 800-841- 5868. WITH TENNESSEE'S BEAUTIFUL lakes and moun- tains, you are sure to find the perfect spot to call home. Call Nancy Gaines, Gables & Gates, 865-388-7703 or 865-777-9191. www.nancygaines.com MURPHY, N.C.: Aah, cool summers, mild winters, affordable homes, mountain cabins, land. Call for free brochure, 877-837-2288. Exit Realty Mountain View Properties. www.exitmurphy.com.. NATIONAL BUILDER: ZERO percent down when you own land! Home built on your lot starting at $58 per square foot. Call for free color brochures, 800-622-2832. EAST TENNESSEE: NORRIS Lake. 5.6-acre wooded lakefront lot, $66,500, 5.1-acre wooded-view lot, $28,900. Call Lakeside Realty at 423-626-5820, or visit www.lakesiderealty-tn.com. Kln D~TW A AmArri imA hAni '.IITAl IQC Achawilla mran FLORIDAOTOSATEo NORTH CAROLINA: COOL mountain air, views and streams, homes, cabins and acreage. Free brochure, 800-642- 5333. Realty Of Murphy, 317 Peachtree St., Murphy NC 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com. NORTH CAROLINA: BEST buy in mountains! Owner financing, three acres with spectacular view. Paved road, gated, restricted. 3,400-foot altitude. $95,000, Bryson City. Call owner! 800-810-1590. www.aewilliams.net. " CUMBERLAND PLATEAU, TN: Spectacular one- to five- acre parcels from the $40s. Bluff view, .wooded or pond sites. Clubhouse with fitness center. Nature trails. Min- utes to Fall Creek Falls State Park. Call 866-292-5769. LAKE BARKLEY WATERFRONT: 2.51 acres of lake- front property on the Tennessee/ Kentucky border. Par- tially wooded, in a quiet area off of the main channel in a large cove. $44,500. Call now, 866-339-4966. NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS: Seven acres on mountain top in gated community, view, trees, water- fall and large public lake nearby, paved private access, $99,500. Owner, 866-789-8535. NC77.com. GEORGIA/NORTH CAROLINA: Captivating mountain views, lakes, rivers, waterfalls. Homesites starting at $39,900. Log-home kits at $39,900. Limited availabil- ity. Call 888-389- 3504, ext. 700. LAKEFRONT PRE-DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY! www.grandeharbor.info. All water-access homesites direct from the developer. Most amenities already in, Far below market value, from $79,900. Possible 18- month no payments! Call now! 888-BY-LAKES. WATERFRONT WILMINGTON, N.C.: Historic port city. Coastal development, the bluffs on the Cape Fear. Fastest growing county in North Carolina. Grand opening fall 2006. Direct ocean access. Pre-construc- tion incentives to call now. www.thebluffsnc.com 866- 725-8337. Cape Fear Bluffs LLC, broker. WESTERN NEW MEXICO: Private 62-acre ranch, $129,990. Mountain views, trees, rolling hills, pas- tureland, borders bureau of land management. 1930s stone homestead and barn ruins. Horseback riding, hiking, hunting. Perfect family ranch, electricity. 100 percent financing. 866-365-2825. INUiJl- I l H UMf"ULliv M IVIJUUNI IMIINO. I6 iieVIII ll aIea PALMA SOLA PARK: 3BR/2BA cedar home with guest starting at $89,900 for spectacular parcels with views, TENNESSEE DEEPWATER PROPERTIES! Starting apartment, two-car garage. $595,000. Carol Heinze, waterfalls, mountain streams, amenities and much at only 39,900! Won't last! Call now! 866-950-5263, 941-920-8089. Coldwell Banker Real Estate. more. Call for appointment, 866-930-5263. ext 105. If you could afford it how much would you be willing to pay for a luxury single family 2BR/2BA direct waterfront home, just steps from the sound of waves caressing the seawall,with long range views of the deep water Intracoastal with access to Gulf and Sarasota Bay, yachts passing through glorious sunsets, a romantically lighted bridge to Longboat Key in the background, deep sea fishing and top restaurants near at hand, both docks available and all this in a deed restricted, zoning protected (no condos) historic site with miles of some of the finest white sand beaches on earth just a healthy stroll or bike ride away. If you had the money or credit burning a hole in your pocket would you be willing to pay a couple of million dollars for such a property? Well, hang on to your captain's hat. Here comes the most exciting Bradenton/Anna Maria Island real estate news you have heard in years. The property just described is for sale by owner right now on a first come basis for only $499,900. Call 941-792-7335S or 941-704-5852 THE ISLANDER M AUG. 30, 2006 M 31 2-D BY RICHARD SILVESTRI / EDITED BY WILL SHORTZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ACROSS 1 Pop group with a hit Broadway musical 5 "Dido and Aeneas," for an early English example 10Three-time Masters winner 15 Smack 19 Pastelerfa offering 20 Had 21 Challenger's quest 22 Agitated, after "in" 23 Affectionate aquarium denizen? 25 Opposed to getting more angry? 27 Changes a mansard 28 Popular women's fragrance 30 Force in the Trojan War 31 French department 32 Glyceride, e.g. 33 Hatched 34 Monty Python member 37 Two-time L.P.G.A. Championship winner Laura 39 Grime fighter 40 Dark suit 42 Hub of a wheel 43 Grade enhancer Answers to this week's puzzle on 29 44 Does one's part 45 "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" invaders? 49Trombonist Winding 52Tiny amount 53 Preceder of Peter in a phonetic alphabet 54 Ear flap? 55 Listing 57 Less taxing 60 They're all that matter 62A little flat? 63 At a slow pace 65 Evening thing 66 Sub 67 Wannabe surfers 68 Pluvial 69 Cot on wheels 70 "There's _ for that" 71 Rhine feeder 72 Peach or beech 73 Panama, e.g. 76"Miss Pymr Disposes" author, 1946 77 Lettuce in the spring? 81 It's long in fashion 82Actress Long and others 83 Beef cut 84 Discharged 86 Stink 90It might raise a stink 92_--length 93 Ranchero wraps 94 Sine or cosine 95 Author of "Chaim Lederer's Return" 97 One offering compensation, maybe 98 Fit 99 Calm 102 Very scared insect? 104Tainted tapioca? 107 Start of the Order of the Garter's motto 108 Bring down 109 Not done as well'? 110 Switch attachment? 111 Puts on 112 Beat 113 Sty sound 114 Home, informally DOWN 1 Patriots' grp. 2 Memory, sometimes 3 Invited 4Sci-fi figures 5 Concert hall 6 Made pants? 7 Certain Prot. 8 Low-- 9 Stuff on tape 10 Union members 11 Number in C.B.. lingo 12 Suffix with novel 13 Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei 14 Actor William of "My Three Sons" 15 Desperado 16 Newscast segment 17 Sowing machine 18 Cremona product, for short 24TV's Michaels 26 Stretch 29 Part of many a Civil War statue 32 Get out of 33 Blockhead 34 It's administered in H.S. 35 Capital whose Parliament house is called Fale Fono 36 The best time to elope? 38 Choice words 39 First or economy 41 Loot 43 Feather in one's cap 46Hypnotist's directive 47 Deceiving 48 Old Nick 49 Young warmonger? 50 Others, in the Forum 51 Pour _ 56 Lyricist's need 58 Faithful servant in "As You Like It" 59 Lesser cut, usually 60 Not native 61It fades in the fall 62 Play up 72Beat 63 Pointer's reference 74 Bit of skating ,4rD,.. practice 65 Oenone's husband, in myth 66 Like a defendant in court 68 Police car feature 69Purplish 71 "So long" 75Marigraph activator 78 Take in too little 79 Rub the wrong way 80 Cubans' locations 81 Cousin of a herring 85 Went back and ' 86 Kind of acting 87 Near 88 Tour de France cyclist Floyd 89 Newspaper piece 90 Like Captain Kidd 91 Modem-day rhymer 93 Olympic skater Cohen 94 Awaken 96 End of many a race 98 Way up 99 -Asiatic 100ing 101 Hazzard County lawman 103 Category in baseball's Triple Crown: Abbr. 105 Athletic supporter 106 Caught on to Wantto keep in touch? Subscribe to the "best news!" Call 941778-7978 and charge it to Visa or MasterCard. 2217 GULF DR. N. BRADENTON BEACH (941) 778-2246 )LTY '(800) 211-2323 A Ge-mail: ami@wagnerrealty.com .... . .... .. . -.. . - - www.wagnerrealty.com Bringag P fyeopIklow Since1939 oLEADING REAL.ESTAT .,e COMmAN IFS ,,/.THf WORLM ACCESSBYBOATONLYIJewfish.KeyiIand Elevated. RESORT IN PARADISE Tropical landscaping ESCAPE TO VILLAS CARISSA! Lurunoui, private CASA DEL MARE! New townhome 350 leel from cypr-sspciriSandbeam 3b485.5lunderroolhomeonihe surrourid; ii. harming until Only step. away from ernclavewim[nropial:selnri lha3'.AAnna Marna lildij bea:nh partial GUll view, upgrades, elevailr, two Inrd'raallalWalenray,drarrj.iic tiayiews.,700 hl.idoC beach Imrrma'm ulale.family owned, and clierlee eep Eachresidenreriascarielvtalo pnrivailep'j)lanid;ijumTmier talconieP0 Pool available CarolynJoue Cordrey. two:iralslone fireplaces prvalebeach ArineE Miler, coming back Possible owrer Financing Karen Day Ilichenloc,'GnaarndPeierillariofTheRloyallam Gir3 941776' 33ij0 MLS4533262 1.%9,000 941 778.2246 MLS#535344 $1.950.00(0 941 778-2246 MLSu529518 $1.650.000. UlJano 94.17,61. 3100 MLS#5i3139 $1 249000 DIRECT GULFFRONTIII EnlVy sunsel views Irom screened lanai ihal also overlook.'. pool Urnil has ever beer rented. Turnkey lurnished 2BR/2BA plus laundry Karen Day, 941-778 2246. MLS#515942. $799,000 CORAL SHORES Enjoy a swim or go boaling Ifrom ih.s 3BP/2BA 1,890 sl home New 14.32 pool doe', covered boal lift and more. Ane E. Miller 941 778-2246 MLS# 535474. $789.000 FAUULUUS GULI- VYIWS PrimTe end lrnlgned unrl clleting spacious Iloor plan wih ea.l-i krichen. brea.lasi bar. walk in closels. frepia.e" aind Iwo balconies. Dave Moyniharn. 941 778,2,46 MLS507333.'1]-%5,000 ' ' . 1 I . : . * . . .. BEACH DUPLEX Prime Holmev Beach loca lion wirtin sleps ol Ihe beach Unique duple' 3BR/2BA ground floor unil and a BR/BA ijunil above garage. Dave Moynihan 941-778-2246 MLSR524807 1.775,000 LUXURY ON THE ISLAND Beauldul lownhome, new in 2005, 3BP/2 5SBA Iwo-car garage pool. elevator Corian and lie Walch he suriselS Iron iwubalconiesi Car.lyniJoeCordrey.,94 .776.3300. MLS5524055 1749,00O0 . ' " ' CONDOWITHSPECTACULARBAYVIEW.Theview ABSOLUTE DOLLHOUSE! Thoroughly mrnjrr, unroldsas.vouwall. Ilhoughlronl dco,,r .'B/2BA den wilh old Florid3 ,:harm i land i.ojage ha3 ,ri .sile Ovel 1.400sl in peaceful erling Healed po,, Tenrni,, marnagmer, Deeded beach fishing pier on tray. pel welcome. No sleps Io climb Joan OClshzelws1. pool Bec"y Smolh or Elli Slarren, 941 7;8.2246 941-761.3100 MLS#530772 1530,00" MLS.124049. '39').90( NORTH WEST BRADENTON Ouiei secluded waierioni community wih beach, pool, spa docd0 , tennis clubhouse,'Spacious upgraded wuoner. lul boating lift yyl. Rir.I Horlon, 941.778 2246 ML. .533119 1.'6000 BRAND SPANKING NEW! Light bright i3R,,BA HiddAl rdl,6 Tnj minuleilrnr:mte,i'.h vajIulle jj ling .Cened lanri onec: r anac.hed gar.iage Lateview., pool. pa lrines; Hon eva:ua:ian .one Penny Bray 9441 - 765, MLS#53475 ,5'a-9.9r0 BEACHFRONT CONDO Top floor middle until wil fabulous view of Gult. 2BRIlBA condo in a well maineriea len.unri complex in Holmes Beach Healed pool Near restaurants. Dave Moynihan, 941 7782246 MLSuai85j964 599 500. NEWER HOME IN HERON'S WATCH! Don I mrss Oul )n lhi 3BP'2BA S3ridpip.r morel home is ready ior immerrliale oi:upanwy: JuOl a liw miles Irom ihe Gull teac:ne; Gina and Peler LilianolPoval Team 941 761.3100l MLi9i;'80i 1355 0001 � .,-' --.. .- -.. . ) . , I I * - - - - - - -' ' ' ' ' 1 ' l * .- - -i ' . . . - . - . r 'I \i 'i, 1 : 11 I ' r - II~---- --~--~--- 32 0 AUG. 30, 2006 T THE ISLANDER SWISTEA -A Bra,-d new ho-,e,-s by Southwest Florid.'s C:.c t experienc-a--, . .. Wisteria Park is a new neighborhood m NIorth-.. it Br:diint:i..n offered by Neal Communities TI-ictr i eihinri l't :c one with maintenance-free and ti .idt,:,ion i l - Iitiil, h ome .iLnd twelve floor plans with two-tor:, option-, rorni trh nt 2 ,0J - to 3,341 a/c square feet. Visi: \\\'Er . -r r':.d i, ind LIour OuL four beautiful new models. A place where m; i. . l i ;z i.Uc, fam ily I !' ,.,,, !*I,. j friends will i *l ./c.. and private momcna i, l clh ihcd. I J111drit L-**fcl~'L URAI In h-Piet: 6 7. 712-33pnr 1. Perico Harbor Anna Maria Island & Gulf Beaches S, Robinson's Preserve Botanical Garden Park Rivertown Marina Stewart Elementary School Geraldson Farms Produce King Middle School , U.S. Post Office Urgent Care Medical Center NEALCOMMUNITIES Building. Home. Life. www.nealcommunities.com CGCA 17845 r,1.-.rt F 1. rid 3 -.4 lod,�k op., J v m p r-,. . '�.u rid i , . --. F. r. |