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Skimming the news ... Anne Kurtz: Greatest Generation, page 12. SAnna Maria TheIslanideIr Turtl ime, cpaqe 4. "The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992" www.islander.org Top Notch 'Hair gone wild' The final weekly winner in the 2006 "Top Notch" Islander photo contest is by Dr. John Lafferty of Lakeland of his son Logan, center, and Logan's best friends, JR Willers, left, and Reston Bronson, right. His prize is an Islander "more-than-a-mullet-wrapper" T-shirt and a certificate for Minnie's Beach Cafe, and the photo will go into the pool of weekly winners eligible for a grand prize that includes $100 from The Islander, a dining certificate from Ooh La La! Bistro, a bottle of champagne from Anna Maria Island Liquor and Wine, dinner for two at a Chiles Group Restaurant and framing of the winning photo by Decor and More. The grand prize winner will be announced in the Aug. 9 edition of The Islander along with some "runners up." Rotten Ralph's rises to top pick for Bradenton Beach City Pier By Paul Roat, A new-new franchisee with a familiar "rott name apparently will soon be awarded the francs to operate the Bradenton Beach Historic Bri4 Street Pier. Rotten Ralph's Restaurant will take over ope tion of the pier, contingent on Bradenton Beach C Commission approval Thursday and in the wake of \ ithdra'% I of Harry's Continental Kitchens from c tention to manage the establishment. Harry Christenson, owner of Harry's, had b awarded the franchise to operate the restaurant on pier, at the east end of Bridge Street fronting A Maria Sound. However, he resigned from the cont July.25. "I have had some serious i-.s.ues come up in last \%eek that make it \eir difficult or me 10to conti % ith this project." he \ rote to the cit) commission Rotten Ralph's has operated a pier-based restaul Back-to-school nighi Thursday at AME Anna Maria Elementary School, located at 4 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, is hosting an open ho and back-to-school night from 4:30 to 6:20 p.m. Th day, Aug. 3. The open house for parents and their kindergar first- and second-grade students will be from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Classrooms will be open and parents encouraged to visit the campus with their stud during this hour. PLEASE SEE SCHOOL, NEXT PA at Galati Marine for 19 years. Owners Kay Russell, en" Dave Russell and Doreen Russell have vowed to create hise a similar establishment in Bradenton Beach. dge "We would have an 'old Florida' feel and.decor, with a casual, relaxed atmosphere supporting local art- era- ists and business owners," the Russells said in their City request for operating the business. "Consistency and 'the customer service would be of utmost importance. We ,on- have had top-quality food at the best prices on the Island for the past 19 years. The menu would be very similar een to what we have now, with a variety of different food the to appease everyone from young to old, including items nna for kids and the health conscious. The menu would, of ract course, have to include grouper." the The iestauiant will be open For breakfast, lunch and nue dinner. 1. The Russells will pay the city $8,000 per month as rant a franchise fee to operate the establishment. In other pier business, two bids were received to demolish the damaged structure, remove the decking t and replace the pilings under the restaurant portion of the pier. Wood Dock and Seawall of Cortez bid $199,730 to do the work, while Marsac, also of Cortez, bid $270,000 700 for the project. )use City commissioners will select a contractor to do urs- the work later this month. The board has previously agreed to secure a $2.2 million line of credit for work ten- on the pier. 4:30 And the city learned last week that it had received a are $294,000 grant from the state of Florida for installation ents of floating docks.and an "educational kiosk" adjacent to the pier. The grant, from boating improvement funds, GE does not require any local funds. Volume 14, No. 39 Aug. 2, 2006 FREE Wildlife center has needs, launches supply drive The Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center of Bradenton Beach has been caring for and releasing back to nature injured, orphaned and displaced wildlife for more than 19 years. It also provides educational programs through its Web-based newsletter, "Care Talk," available at wild- lifeinc.org, its Wildlife outreach booth, seen at art fairs in Manatee and Sarasota counties, and through numer- ous programs offered at schools, senior citizen centers and civic organizations. Recently, the organization reached a crossroads. After nearly two decades, the facility in Bradenton Beach, the home of Ed and Gail Straight, has worn out. It's time to either retire into the sunset, or undergo a major refurbishing of the rehab facilities, according to the Straights. Given the pressing needs of the wildlife commu- nity, ever more severely impacted by rapid develop- ment and habitat loss, they chose the latter. At $10,000 (and counting), they are entering the last phase of constructing completely new cages, mews and decking bringing the Center back to a state-of- the-art facility. "Such a project has had a huge impact on our budget," say the Straights. "In tough financial times, we are turning to our supporters, but in a way you might not first expect by presenting a Critter in Crises Bleach Drive." So far, this season, on its way to its annual 2,000- 3,000 animal and bird cases, center volunteers have cared for otters, fawns, ducks, foxes, ospreys, yellow- crowned night herons, tortoises, screech owls, baby songbirds and on and on. What do they all have in common? "A potpourri of poopery," say Ed and Gail. And the antidote to all this excrement is bleach, and lots of it. Thus, the center is asking for donations of the following supplies: Bleach (all we can get!) . Paper towels. Dawn dish detergent (the best for removing oil from feathers and fur). Laundry detergent (they do many loads a day of PLEASE SEE WILDLIFE, NEXT PAGE Joselin Presswood rescued this tiny screech owl from her aunt's driveway in Holmes Beach where it was found unable to fly and delivered it to Gail Straight of Wildlife Inc. for nurturing. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy I- ~-I--~ss~- ICe-~"l L~ I 2 0 AUG. 2, 2006 N THE ISLANDER Wildlife Inc. needs our help CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 blankets, towels, rags, etc.). Gift cards from Come See Come Save, Lowe's and Home Depot for caging supplies. Small bottles of water/soda for volunteers. The center will also gladly accept monetary donations. All supplies can be delivered to the Wildlife Educa- tion and Rehabilitation Center at the Straights home, 2207 Ave. B, Bradenton Beach. Financial contributions may be sent to Wildlife Inc., P. O. Box 1449, Anna Maria FL 34216. Wildlife Inc. is a nonprofit organization and all con- tributions, whether monetary or in-kind, are fully tax deductible. For more information, call the Straights at 778-6324. School starts Monday CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 A "back-to-school" format is planned for grades three through five. Parents may choose to attend either of two 20-minute sessions, at 5:30 p.m. or 6 p.m., when teachers will present an overview of classroom procedures. Classroom assignments are posted now at the school. Parents will also be able to visit the media center, computer lab and new art room in the renovated wing of the old school Building No. 9. Information will also be available about the physical education program, reading and gifted programs, as well as the Anna Maria Island Community Center's before- and after-school program. At the open house cafeteria staff will be present to help parents open lunch accounts. Parents can open their own account if they plan to dine there often with their child. The Parent-Teacher Organization will offer for sale pre-packaged school supplies designed with the specifi- cations of each of AME's teachers at the open house. Parents will also be able to sign up for membership in the PTO at the open house. For more information, call the AME administrative office at 708-5525. Uniquely breakfast The Rev. Jill Salazar, S.wedding specialist and owner of Unique Ceremonies, hosted the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce new member break- fast July 12 at the Sun V,. House Restaurant in Bradenton Beach. The ..2 1 Idnext breakfast, which is open to all chamber members and guests, is at 7:45 a.m. Aug. 9 04 at the same location and will be sponsored by Florida Power and 1Light. For reserva- tions, call the chamber at 778-1541. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose Holmes Beach budget tops $12 million The Holmes Beach City Commission began its budget process by establishing a tentative tax rate for 2006-07. At the recommendation of city treasurer Rick Ashley, the commission agreed to a maximum millage rate of 1.9 mills the city's current millage rate. A mill is $1 for every $1,000 of assessed value of property less any exemptions. This rate can be lowered through the adoption of the budget at the public hear- ings in September, but it cannot be raised by elected officials. The overall proposed budget for the city of Holmes Beach is tentatively scheduled for review at the first of two public hearings at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 12. The proposed budget amount is $12,233,903 up from the current budget of $10,147,903. It includes reserves and carryover amounts from the 2005-06 budget. It also includes funds previously budgeted for the Key Royale Bridge. Some increased expenditures in the new budget include the salary and benefits for an additional police officer per Chief Jay Romine's request. The entry-level position will be assigned to the day shift, he said. Another anticipated expense is budgeted on bor- rowed funds for the Key Royale Bridge replacement at $3.7million. Stromwater drainage projects are planned and paid out of the stormwater utility fee, including relocating a storm drain at Gulf and Marina drives for $90,000, work on the Holmes Boulevard basin at 74th Street, amounting to $115,000, and the south end of the Holmes Boulevard basin for $210,000. Commissioners were given a copy of the proposed budget at the July 25 work session and copies are a\ ail- able to the public at city hall. Residents will be allowed to comment on the proposed budget during two public hearings in September. Exceptional Cuisine World0ass Wine que aers & Ales ine Tasting featuring 5 fabulous Spanish Wines,,-.. Thursday, August 3 from 5pm to 7pm. Light hors-douevres will be served. Don't miss the fun:' .. 'Check our future a for more summer wine tasting events every other Thursday. RE DISCOVER 01- i4s4 41oi st NIw, AA 1 - ^/^i^fA~~i4^t _M\^ ^ O90"o$ -K4*W T4t L4t RE STAU RANT 111 South Bay Boulevard Anna Maria Island : 941-778-1515 Northern Tip Of Anna Maria Island : Across From The City Pier Lunch: Every Day 11:30am-4:30pm Dinner: Sun-Thurs 4:30pm-9pm : Fri & Sat 4:30pm-10pm www.thewaterfrontrestaurant.net The soul of Ewu 0peej Maria Islan In addition to Beef Wellington, Potato-Crusted Grouper, Bouillabaisse, Veal Marsala and Rack of Lamb, we're serving up live music! Wednesday,tjazzipianist Tom Benjamin.' Thursday, BISTRO JAZZ TRIO. Friday, pianist Bud Tilles entertains. Happy hour at the bar 5-6:30 nightly 2 for 1 wine/beer S Open nightly for dinner- Sunday breakfast/brunch 8-1:30 5406 Marina Drive ~ Holmes Beach 941.778.5320 www.oohlalabistro.com 00, -""Pop-. IIT. of Am THE ISLANDER AUG. 2, 2006 a 3 Anna Maria starts comp plan workshops By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Three years after Anna Maria began the long and arduous task of revising its comprehensive plan - and four months after the March 2006 due date to the Florida Department of Community Affairs the city commission held the first of several planned workses- sions July 24 to review all parts of the document as recommended by the ad hoc committee and planning and zoning board. Professional planner Tony Arrant, who has guided the city through the process since its incep- tion, noted that it will likely take at least another year for the revised plan to reach the DCA for initial review. On the plus side, however, Arrant said there are "very few issues in Anna Maria" that might raise a DCA objection. By Paul Roat .. Fireworks on the Fourth of July have been a nadi - tion for decades. Now, the fate of the custom ma\ be in jeopardy at least in Bradenton Beach. : Bradenton Beach Code Enforcement Board mem - bers last week ruled on five violations in relation to the 'July 3 festivities sponsored by the BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 G u If Drive N. Ed Chiles, o%\ ner of the establishment, has been [putting on the show for about 15 years. However. last : month's affair apparently drew afoul of citl parking rules, erection of the tent and use of the tent for'guests without the necessary permits, and commercial, use of property designated by the city as a preservation zone. Code enforcement board members eventually reached the conclusion that parking just to the south of : *the restaurant on restaurant-owned property, although .'historically acceptable since the 1950s, was a.moot Point because not enough evidence was provided to offer a ruling. *. Chiles had'presented the city with a conceptual parking plan for the property and said he would work Despite the three-year time frame for the docu- ment to reach the commission, Arrant had high praise for those involved in the comprehensive plan and the information gathering that took place when"the ad hoc committee first met. "This is one of the most progressive action of any government I've worked with," he said. What the city has on its proposed future land-use map is what is actually land use that is there no.\\, rrant noted, not what someone though might be there. Arrant cautioned the commission before it began, however, that the FLUM is a "general land-use map," but once accepted by the DCA, zoning in the city must be consistent with the FLUM. Zoning "can be more restrictive" than the FLUM, '"but not less," he advised. He also observed that it became clear to the ad hoc committee during its two-year deliberation, that in a league of their own Anna Maria Mayor SueLynn celebrated 80 years of a wom- an's right to vote and National 4-Women's Equity Day with a proc- lamation given to Peggy McCarthy of the League of Women Voters at the July 27 city commission Meeting. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin with the city to develop the site. Regarding the tent, utilized for VIP guests to view the fireworks and partake of the restaurant's fare, code enforcement board members determined that the res- taurant was" in violation of city codes for not getting a permit for its erection. Chiles and his attorney, Ricinda Perry, said that the tent had been a part of the fireworks special event permit for the past few years and should have been known to city officials, but code enforcement board members disagreed. No fines or fees were levied in the determination of the violation regarding the tent. Board members deadlocked on the matter of com- mercial use of the restaurant in the area zoned for pres- ervation. And the fate of the fireworks next year? Chiles said he didn't know what he would do at the end of the 4 1/2 hour session. "I feel like the guy sent out to clean out the out- house and then having to listen to the complaints about how his clothes smell when he comes back." Chiles said. Cops rush to aid officer in Bradenton Beach By Mike Quinn NewsManatee Publisher. Special to The Islander An argument led to a call for help to fellow officers in Bradenton Beach July 27. Shortly after 8 p.m., a Bradenton Beach police offi- cer was dispatched to the 200 block of Bay Drive North in reference to a w arrant for James Huff, 27. Apparently, a neighbor and acquaintance of the man, Christopher Kluza, had notified police of the warrant against Huff. When Bradenton Beach police made contact with Huff, his girlfriend, Trinia Martin, 33, ran out of their apartment and began attacking the neighbor, Kluza. The Bradenton Beach officer called for backup aid, and officers from Holmes Beach, Lohgboat Key and deputies from the Manatee Count\ Sheriff's Office began to respond with lights and sirens blazing. Meanwhile, the BBPD officer ordered the woman to stop beating'on Kluza's face. She continued hitting Kluza, according to reports. . The BBPD officer was able to place Huff in hand- cuffs and turned to attempt to separate Kluza and Martin, but she hit Kluza several more times. Kluza also attempted to restrain Martin as she con- tinued hitting him. Eventually, the BBPD officer was able to place Martin in handcuffs. Trinia Martin was charged with battery and resist- ing arrest. Huff was charged with violation of probation for domestic battery. since the 1989 comprehensive plan was adopted, Anna Maria's current zoning is "not consistent" with the 1989 FLUM. Once the commission adopts the FLUM and com- prehensive plan and it's approved by the DCA, zoning ordinances must follow that are "consistent" with the FLUM. The commission also discussed public comment during the worksessions. Arrant again had high praise for the city, noting that Anna Maria "has one of the most progessive public input policies" that he's seen. The public gets to com- ment on anything. But for anyone who wants to be "on the record" for the comprehensive plan, that has to be done at the public hearing the commission will schedule when it concludes its worksessions. And the comments must be directed toward the comprehensive plan, not other issues. He noted' that about half the people who spoke at the planning and zoning board public hearing discussed zoning, which has nothing to do with the FLUM or comprehensive plan. Mayor SueLynn said she was distressed that few members of the public showed up at the ad hoc commit- tee or planning and zoning board worksessions to pro- vide input, "just at the end when they said they didn't like it." That may well be the case, said Arrant, but at some point, the commission will have to set a public hearing and take public comment, then vote "yes" or "no" on the comprehensive plan as recommended. Commission chairperson John Quam suggested that public comment at the worksessions be taken at the end of the meeting, not after each line item has been discussed by commissioners. Commissioner Duke Miller agreed. "Just inform the public that the real objections should take place at the public hearing." But SueLynn noted that more and more attor- neys are showing up at public hearings representing someone's opinion, often turning a meeting into a civil trial. Arrant said that lawyers get "paid to be intimidat- ing," but the commission should remember that a public hearing on the comprehensive plan is legislative, not quasi-judicial. "If an attorney is going to act like it's litigation, then you act like a judge and say 'over ruled,'" he'said. Commissioners agreed to have Arrant lead them through each individual line and section of the proposed comprehensive plan. After a five-hour session, the commission agreed to meet again in a comp plan worksession from 10 aim. to 3 p.m. Aug. 21. Only one member of the public attended the July 24 worksession. Mee tings Anna Maria City Aug. 10, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 708-6130. Bradenton Beach Aug. 3, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. Agenda: Final reading and public hearing on outdoor lodg- ing ordinance, pier update, negotiations with Rotten Ralph's Restaurant at city pier, approval of bid for new pilings and deck at city pier, and approval of invoices. Aug. 8, 1 p.m., scenic highway committee meeting. Aug. 10, 2 p.m., city commission work meeting on new employee hirings. Aug. 10, 4 p.m., code enforcement board meeting. Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., 778-1005. Holmes Beach None scheduled. Of Interest Aug. 9, 11 a.m., Island Emergency Operations Center meeting, Fire Station No. 1, 6001 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Fireworks next year in Bradenton Beach? 4 M AUG. 2, 2006 T THE ISLANDER Better beaches for more turtles By Jim Hanson Islander Reporter At the halfway point of the sea turtle nesting season on Anna Maria Island, there are 110 nests on our beaches compared with 97 for all of last year, said Suzi Fox, the turtle permit holder and director of Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch. "There are far fewer false crawls," she said of the zipper-like tracks the female turtles leave in the sand when they come ashore to nest, then change their minds and head back to sea. Some years there are twice as many false crawls as successful excursions., ashore by mother turtles. This year there are fewer false crawls than nests. "That, I think, comes from much better people behavior on the beaches," said Fox. "People are being careful not to expose lights to the beach, so turtles aren't frightened away. And there's less litter to obstruct them umbrellas, chairs and so on left out overnight." Mote Marine continues study of nesting sea turtles By Billy Malfese Islander Reporter Two healthy loggerhead turtles named "Sundae" and "Little Island Mama" were released at Lido Key in the Gulf of Mexico on July 26 after being deemed healthy by state officials and caretakers at Mote Marine Laboratory. Both were discovered this January suffering from cold temperatures and parasites in the blood, but both are "completely healthy and should be fine on their own," said Charlie Manire, chief veterinarian and head of Mote's Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Hospital. Both turtles were equipped with flipper tags, which is a microchip that will provide information to Mote on the turtles' whereabouts. Mote scientists are now using satellite tags on some turtles to learn about sea turtle migrations to help under- stand and evaluate potential threats turtles face when they are far from our area's nesting beaches. The researchers are attaching the satellite-linked tags to eight loggerhead sea turtles this summer. Mote began using satellite tags to learn about sea turtle migra- tion and movements in July 2005 when they attached tags to five female loggerhead sea turtles that had nested on Casey Key in Sarasota County. Since the 1950s, scientists have used flipper tags to identify and study individual sea turtles. Mote has con- ducted tagging studies in the months of June and July peak nesting season on Casey Key since 1982. The studies confirm that female loggerhead turtles migrate to nest every two to four years and have repro- ductive life spans measured in decades. While scientists have learned a lot about sea turtles' nesting habits on shore, 99 percent of a turtle's life is spent at sea. And while they're under water, it is much harder to gather data-about their life cycles. '-The tags transmit a signal to a satellite as a turtle surfaces for air and then the data is sent to us via e- mail," said Manire. The 2005 turtles were tracked as they na\ igated through complex\ currents and danger zones of hear) boat traffic. dredge actii\ nt and red tide, he said. E\entuall\. all fixe turtles settled into their home ranges, hundreds or even thousands of miles away from Sarasota Counts. Four of the fi'e tagged turtles were international migrants. Besides tracking the turtles daily locations. researchers also learned how% fast the turtles swim, the water temperatures the\ prefer, and the after r depths they t. pically inhabit. To see maps of \ here those sea. turtles tra\ eled and follow this s ear's tagged turtles, go to the Web site: w\\ .seaturtle.org. Turtles migrate long distances from a feeding ground back to the beaches "\ here they were born. BW attaching satellite transmitters to follow the turtle migratorN journey s. \% e can better evaluate potential threats far from the nesting beaches.. The stud\ found that Sarasota's turtles journeyed to distant feeding grounds many hundreds of miles away in the northern Gulf of Mexico, around Cuba and the Bahamas. Seven of those 110 nests have hatched out already, the tiny hatchlings breaking through the eggs' shells and battling their way to the surface of the sand, then scrambling down into the Gulf of Mexico. Sea turtles dig down a couple of feet, deposit a hun- dred or so eggs and cover them to let the warm sand and sun do the incubating, about a two-month process. And turtles are still coming ashore to make nests while earlier nests are hatching, a healthy phase of the cycle that absorbs most of the attention of Turtle Watch volunteers. About the only non-hatching program they are doing now are the morning tours for visitors of their beach domain. These start at 7:15 a.m. Wednesday and Saturday at the Manatee Public Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, on the beach at Manatee Avenue and Gulf Drive. The guided tours are free and open to the public. Call Fox at 778-5638 to arrange a spot in a tour of your This year, scientists began their studies earlier in the season, during May, because sea turtles can nest up to five times within a summer. "We were able to learn where turtles reside between nests, before they migrate homeward to a distant forag- ing ground," said Dr. Tony Tucker, manager of Mote's Sea Turtle Conservation and Research Program. Dr. Tucker, with help from staff and volunteers, has tagged four turtles on Casey Key this summer including Tuttle. who was tagged on May 24 and then laid four nests on Ca.se\ Key. Redlow, whose tag was sponsored by the Coastal Wildlife Club. was tagged May 25 on Manasota Key and has already traveled more than 1,800 miles, partly because of currents generated during Tropical Storm Alberto. Genie was tagged on Casey Key on July 17, and is named after the founding director of Mote Marine Lab- oratory, Dr. Eugenie Clark. After Genie's eggs hatch, scientists will study the eggshells and unhatched eggs to learn about marine pollution. A small DNA sample taken from Genie will also help scientists learn about her genetic makeup and a few barrifcles iemon ed from her shell will help researchers situd the distribution of barnacle species. choice. Of the seven nests hatched so far, a few baby turtles have been misled to their deaths by shoreside lights, Fox said. Turtles instinctively head for light upon hatching, for eons the reflected ripple of the sea but nowadays also artificial lights ashore visible from the turtle level of the beach. Island residents have learned of the dangers their lights pose and have been very good about shielding them from the beach or just turning them off during the nesting season, said Fox. The deadly incidents have been in front of rental properties in Bradenton Beach. For the next few weeks, Turtle Watch volunteers will be providing printed warnings and instructions for turtle safety to resort rentals. All in all, though, local turtle watchers are pleased with the public's response and the low mortality rate among hatchlings. Mote Marine Laboratory volunteers 5 n n ssp. prepare a e to carry "Sundae," .... t puli alsoa female loggerhead turtle to shore for release. The turtle weighed in at over 200 pounds but its age was S .i unknown. Islander Photos: Bdlh Malfese Lastly, Ariel was tagged on July 18 on Casey Key and is sponsored by a third-grade class from Connecticut. The class also adopted a turtle during the 2005 nesting season. Turtle names are chosen by the organizations or individuals that helped sponsor the satellite tags. This year, the public also helped name several turtles after a naming contest earlier in the summer. Four remaining turtles will be tagged this week on Casey Key, which hosts the second largest nesting assemblage of logger- heads in the Gulf of Mexico. The sponsorship of a satellite tag allows direct public involvement with the science that helps ensure sea turtle survival. Individuals can contribute to the sponsorship of satellite tags or educators can adopt a turtle for their classrooms. Visit www.mote.org for more information about satellite tagging and other areas of investigation within Mote's Sea Turtle Conservation and Research Program. "'The turtle patrol program is invaluable in our research. the people that walk the beaches every daN really help," said Manire. He also mentioned that the sooner that sick animals are found, the sooner we can help them. "Little Is- landMama" ; takes her first dip ihI the-Gulf since this January SLIMwas release on July 26 along with "Sundae" by Mote Marine Laboratory. THE ISLANDER M AUG. 2, 2006 U 5 -Wt ~r~2 &A*Q~.S '"5. ., v'A"m -. Wt_ 7 -J., *;.~t~4~-~- 4.j V4 - 47,4 a~727 416 -A4* W-- ''' r-~ 2 ~ v-r R 7t ,*I PX1 6 0 AUG. 2, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER Wow! Big budgets The three cities on Anna Maria Island are formulating their millage rates and budgets, like most other govern- ments and taxing bodies. And doing their best, they say, to keep their millage rates down. But as anyone knows, property values have increased greatly in recent years, and with plenty of sales to new owners, come newer, higher accessed values. All that translates to greater income to the cities. It's not surprising that they can "maintain" last year's millage rate, or, as is the case in Bradenton Beach, reduce it only slightly. Just to our south, the professionally managed town of Longboat Key includes fire service, unlike on Anna Maria Island, which has an independent fire district that budgets and taxes on its own. Longboat Key has a population of approximately 8,000 permanent residents similar to Anna Maria Island. Its tax base, however, includes lots of big, expensive homes and tall condos, and its proposed millage is 1.465 for a general fund budget of $15,729,000, not including capital expenditures like beach renourishment, which the town funds through two independent taxing districts. There are similarities and there are differences, obvi- ously. One obvious difference between Longboat Key and the three Island cities is professional management. You could see some differences, too, if you regularly reviewed meeting agendas and items up for consideration -by the various commissions. In the three Island cities, speculation and consider- ation, even "dissection," takes place among the commis- sioners, who seemingly aren't always "equipped" with sufficient information to make decisions. None of the -Island's three cities has a grant specialist, for example. But on Longboat Key, for example, we noted a simple agenda item on the town commission's consent list for a state-funded grant for litter pickup on Gulf of Mexico Drive a state roadway. Do either Bradenton Beach or Holmes Beach, both with thoroughfares of the same state road, have knowledge of such a grant to help fund their public works depart- ments? Doubtful. Most elected officials wouldn't know such funding exists. And it's jusXt one teeny-tiny example of why, with a $12-plus million dollar budget in Holmes Beach, Anna Maria's proposed.spending of $2.373 million, and Bra- denton Beach's $3,831,315 spending package, we need professional management. . The Island's collective city budgets are more than $18.4 million.: Maybe it's not so much "jacked up," but it's a lot of money and who doesn't think a professional manager could make better use of what we have, find funds to supplement our budgets and be able to not just "run the city," but fund improvements that the entire community could enjoy? ,We're all being "jacked up" to believe this is the best we can get "for the dollar." TheI Islander AUG. 2, 2006 Vol. 14, No. 39 V Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org S 'V Ediorial Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org ..~. ... Diana .Bogan, diana@islander.org Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org Jack Egan S' ck Elk . t d '' ~Jinm Harnson ' V Cc'oribuors Ke.'in Ca''assi, kevin@islanderorg Jess-e Brisson Dor alone, , David Fulch R:-b-ri Hoble Came Price. " Edna Tieman " V -d ertii,,na Sile' Nar., Arr rc.e rare ,ic, .lnder.org V .Accouriingo Sert icS Mlelissa Burlker V Production Gr3pic ' Kel*I r.lcC::.rrm..k adsiInader org S- Lisa Wilhiamrs hi ,isaIsander r g .. V DiigrbiuliC'n ": . Urane Bouher + ' ROSS Rober .? R ",s .* .,Lisa W illiam s ... . I0 otners nem. s'i.iandcerorg Single copies Iree. Quantities or hive or more. 25 cents each. ,1992-2006 Editorial, sales and production offices: , S'Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina'Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 S WEB SITE: islander.org FAX 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978 SLICK Thanks for the memories It hardly seems fitting that the only gratitude I can express is "thanks for the memories." I spent my best and most productive years working. on Anna Maria Island. Well, I called it work but others wouldn't agree with me. All my customers taught me things just by allow- ing me into their lives on a daily basis. There were those who have supported various mission adventures I went on throughout the years, those who have helped me put clothes on peoples' backs and food in their pantries-as well as furniture in their homes all have made me realize that my job went far beyond being your mailman. .. I will never forget those years and ican only hope that the person who will now serve you will take as much away from the experience as I have in just know - ing the kind men. women and children of Bradenton Beach. . Lest I not forget the dogs your pets were also some of my best friends as they were sometimes the only ones home to greet me. I v\ ish I could take the time to personally thank each of you for these memories and your kindness. As I say goodbye and turn the pages to a new adventure,' I will continue to do as I hae done for so many years -- pra) that the place where I place my feet will be blessed. I have said this prayer for all the places my feet have taken me in Bradenton Beach. ,I strongly believe God has made all of you extra special in his eyes. Larry AMaschino. Bradenton 'Over.reaction' explained In response to a July 26 opinion letter in The Islander: : By "over-reaction," I was referring to the advo- cation of a constitutional amendment forbidding the burning of the American flag. I was not referring to SQL I .S B ACN-A TALK ASOUT ACiT'A4-A JU TIAE SP&ET1. \ &'I By Egan ignoring the action. In Jim Kissick's letter, he aptly quoted our leg- islati6n already in effect as to proper disposal of a flag no longer useable. Our constitution is a beautiful document. Let's not clutter it up with-temporary reactions to insur- gent's provocation. We can arrest miscreants for disturbing the peace, creating a hazard, arson or whatever. I stand by my term "over-reaction." Treat the action with the contempt it deserves. Rosemary Heger, Holmes Beach , Have your say The Islander welcomes and encourages your opin- ion letters, The Islander accepts original letters of up to 250 words and reserves the right to edii for length and gram- mar. Letters must include the city )ou reside in for publication and a phone number (for verification only). Anonymous letters will not be printed. All letters to the editor remain on file at The Islander and a\ ailable to the public. Letters are published on a space-available basis with regard to timeliness of the material. Writers are limited to one published letter per month. Address letters to Editor, The Islander; 5404 Marina Drive ;Holmes Beach FL 34217, fax to 941-778-9392,, or e-mail to news@islander.org. Regrets The Islander newspaper apologizes for an error last week in the story on homeowner insur- ance reported by Billy Malfese, which should have attributed some of the information provided to the Bradenton Herald. Bonner Joy, publisher -?. _ I THE ISLANDER M AUG. 2, 2006 I 7 Anna Maria to proceed with coastal district By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Ask any lawyer a direct question and you'll get an answer: Maybe. That seemed to be the case July 27 when the Anna Maria City Commission reviewed an opinion by attor- ney Nancy Stroud on the city's proposed coastal overlay district. The COD would control new construction in those areas within the Federal Emergency Management Agency's A-I flood zone and seaward of the coastal construction control line. Stroud indicated the city might be sued because of the COD, and then again, it might not be. In her report, Stroud said property owners landward of the CCCL but within the proposed district might be "inordinately burdened" by the COD restrictions under the 1995 Bert Harris Private Property Rights Act that was passed by the Florida Legislature. That "might" result in lawsuits against the city. They might even win, maybe. Then again, said Stroud, the ordinance isn't all that bad. Her opinion was that the proposed COD is "gener- ally consistent" with the city's current comprehensive plan, zoning and land-use classifications and property owners seaward of the CCCL were already controlled by those measures prior to adoption of the Bert Harris Act. In addition, environmental and safety restraints imposed already by state and federal laws and agencies limit further construction seaward of the CCCL. Put another way, the COD would likely have no effect on the future value of those lots, but might pres- ent a problem for owners of property landward of that line. Stroud, however, offered some solutions to that part of the problem, such as eliminating private roads, gated communities and inclusion of the commercial district in the COD. City attorney Jim Dye agreed, maybe. "It's extremely difficult to predict what will happen under a Bert Harris claim," he said, but suggested that the city could apply Stroud's suggestions citywide. Commissioner Duke Miller agreed that the city should only be concerned about lots seaward of the CCCL and suggested that Dye and city planner Alan Garrett proceed with an ordinance that included Stroud's sug- gestions. "That tidbit about private roads was worth .the price" of Stroud's fee, he said, noting that some unde- veloped properties within the proposed COD have no public access at present. Anna Maria resident Jack Egan, who owns several large undeveloped lots seaward of the CCCL, said he has no plans to build anything on his properties and agreed with the proposed ordinance. The COD would not restrict further new home construction within its borders, but would eliminate lot-splitting or accumulation to build several homes on one or more parcels. The COD border would essentially include all property seaward of North Shore Drive and North Bay Boulevard, although the ordinance will clearly define its boundaries. A moratorium on new construction within the pro- posed COD borders remains in effect until Oct. 13. In other business, the-commission gave final approval to an ordinance that would eliminate the cur- rent requirement to combine non-conforming lots to build a new house. Dye clarified that the anyone who currently has a plat of record, or non-conforming lot, can build on it as long as they meet the setback and lot coverage requirements. The ordinance also does not increase the city's den- sity or the number of platted lots, said Garrett. The commission also approved a measure to have Dye and Garrett prepare a draft ordinance to adjust the setback requirements for "through lots" those with, a backyard that adjoins a street. An ordinance passed several years ago inadvertently denied about 31 through lot property owners the ability to construct a pool in their back yard. The draft ordinance will be sent to the planning and zoning board for review and a recommendation to the city commission. The Islander, headlines announced: Anna Maria city commissioners voted to make drinking an alcoholic beverage in a public place a second degree misdemeanor that requires an auto- matic court appearance. Previously, violators were hit with a civil fine of $55, but the city had no way of collecting the money if the offender didn't pay up. Failure to show up in court will result in an automatic arrest warrant, the ordinance said. Cortez residents voted not to join a state plan to make the village an "enterprise zone," and eligible for business loans to assist the offshore gill net fish- erman put out of business by an amendment to the Florida Constitution last year. Residents agreed the state would have too much control over development in Cortez if the village were in the plan. Date Low High Rainfall July 23 80 92 .20 July 24 78 87 .10 July 25 74 94 0 July 26 80 94 0 July 27 78 93 0 July 28 75 93 .20 July 29 79 93 0 Average Gulf water temperature 870 24-hour rainfall accumulation with reading at approximately 5 p.m. daily. ROTTEN RALPH'S WATERFRONT DINING LUNCH & DINNER 7 DAYS FULL BAR SERVICE 902 S. Bay Blvd. Anna Maria SOTTEN Located at Galati Marina 778-3953 SRALPH / / ./ Gulf of Mexico ALL-YO-CAN-A FIH & CIPSB ALL DAY -EVEY DY! 8.9 B i r Qs E2 M -M,'F 9B QL o m ar s a.% Ua-c d w :-' U -an:u '- 'B"r-B -'aB B' m- -'E -a-z i We'd love to mail I you the news! I We mail The Islander weekly for a nominal $36 per year. It's the per- I fect way to stay in touch with what's happening on Anna Maria Island. More - than 1,400 happy, eager-for-Island-news paid subscribers are already receiving * B .The Islander where they live ... from Alaska to Germany and California to B Canada. S We bring you all the news about three city governments, community hap- * U openings, people features and special events ... even the latest real estate trans-| B actions ... e\ erything you need if your "heart is on the Island." We're the only 1 newspaper that gives you all the news of Anna Maria Island. The Islander is distributed free locally. But if you don't live here year-round, B or if you want to mail the paper to a friend or relative, please use this form or U log on to islander.org for secure e-mail transmission. . BULK MAIL U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (allow 2 weeks for delivery) B I lOne Year: $36 .6 Months: $28 Q 3 Months: $18 U U.S. FIRST CLASS AND CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS | S- .One Year: $140 ....... 6 Months: $87.50 L 3 Months: $52 Q Single, Issue: $3.50 FIRST CLASS MAIL, U.S. ONLY, Maximum Four Weeks Call for mail rates to Europe or other countries. * MAIL TO: * ADDRESS CITY ; STATE ZIP i Credit cardpayment: -Q 0I J No. , Exp. Date Name shown on card: * MAIL START DATE:' SsTaThe Islander Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 B CHARGE IT BY PHONE: (941) 778-7978 - OR ONLINE AT islander.org 1 - 8 0 AUG. 2, 2000(i THE ISLANDER Islanders: Beware of computer identify theft By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter When long time Island resident Barbara Sato dis- covered identify thieves had used the Internet to break into her bank account and fleece it for a considerable sum of money, she was a bit stunned. Whenever she did her Internet banking, she always assumed that her bank had the appropriate firewall and security to prevent hacking and computer ID theft. In addition, Sato has anti-virus and firewall protec- tion on her own computer in addition to the computers at her office. "1 was shocked. I couldn't figure out how some- one could have broken into my account. The bank said it wasn't their fault," said Sato, who now has myriad forms to fill out and telephone calls to make to get her money back and block any future theft attempts. One of the most common identify theft techniques that snares the unsuspecting consumer is an e-mail claiming to be from your bank, Internet provider or credit card company. The e-mail usually states that the company is having computer problems or upgrading its security and needs to double-check your account information. It asks you to click on the link provided to be directed to the company Web site, where you are asked to provide your account number and password so that the "bank" can erifn \\ho you are. The technique is called "phishing," said Robert Sesterhenn of Computer Network Services, and "you would be amazed how many people fall for it. It's just an easy w a) for thie' e; to break into your account with- out hacking " Sato said she has seen such a request in her e-mail, bubi ne\ er opened the message orsubmitted a reply. Da'e Billings of Anna Maria Network Inc., the company \ that takes care of the computers at Sato's office, was able to trace that request back to a Web site in Great Britain. "\ hen we followed it up, it was just a personal Web site, but it looked very official," he said. "They even had the bank logo and the same log-in page the bank uses. It was very smooth." Billings cautioned, however, that banks don't send e-mails saying "Dear customer," or "Attention account holder." "The bank will send an e-mail using your name and usually follow that up with a letter. Don't ever open a link to a bank Web site. Go directly to that site Pawsitively Pets & Property Services Inc. P.O. Box 265, Bradenton Beach, FL 34217 Quality Pet Sitting Bonded Insured 761I75 11 Pet Stters INTERNATIONAL * Free Checking * Free Online Banking * Free Online Bill Pay * Over 32,000 ATM s I COAST BANK OF FLORIDA F c,, ; ', l | w ',':. ,..' l ,.r r ,. 1-877-COASTFL wvw..costfl.com yourself," he stressed. An unsuspecting customer might use the link given in the "phish" e-mail and log-in as directed. If you do that, you're in trouble. That's all thieves need to steal from your account, he said. And anyone using the Internet for banking or to make on-line purchases using a credit card shouldn't automatically assume they are protected from identify theft. Sesterhenn said having anti-virus protection and a firewall are a must for anyone doing on-line banking or making credit card purchases via the Internet. And make sure the company you are doing business with has appropriate security. It might be the company's computer that allows hackers to steal your information, he said. When you see a company's URL address on your computer, said Sesterhenn, it should read "https" if it's a secure site. The "s" at the end of http stands for security, he said. If the address doesn't show the "s," he emphasized, "your computer might be secure, but that site isn't and the information you give them could be stolen." In addition, a secure Web site will usually have a lock icon indicating security in the lower right-hand corner. Occasionally when people go to an Internet site, they will see a message that says something like: "You are about to enter an unsecure site. Do you wish to continue?", Enter that site only if you're not going to give them any personal information, a credit card number, bank account information or a Social Security number. "That site is an open invitation to identify thieves," said Sesterhenn. Sometimes, even with the best firewalls and spam blocker on your computer, someone will go to a Web site and get a pop-up ad telling the user they've won something for free. "Don't open that ad," he said, especially if you have just come from your Internet bank account, plan to go there during your current session or are making an on-line purchase during the session. Even if you open and close the site right away, the pop-up ad could have a "Trojan Horse" that will imme- diately infect your computer, searching for any informa- tion on your bank account or credit card. If you've just completed a transaction, the Trojan Horse might be able to send that information back to identify thieves. Despite the advertisement claim, "nothing is free," he said. "It may cost you your bank account." And never open anr "attachment" from someone you don't know unless your computer's anti-virus pro- tection declares it to be safe. Other techniques and procedures that Islanders can employ to prevent Internet identify theft are to make sure they are using an anti-virus program that scans their computer daily, and run their ad-aware protection regularly, if not daily. If you do discover you're the victim of identify theft, immediately call your bank and credit card com- panies and obtain a Florida Identity Theft Victim Kit from your local law enforcement agency. For more information on prQtecting yourself against computer identity theft, call Sesterhenn at 778-3620 or Billings at 518-3236. Both men have a number of Island clients and can offer professional expertise .to - ensure you and your computer are protected. Anna Maria keeps tax rate in new budget By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Anna Maria taxpayers won't be facing any ad valorem tax increases in the upcoming 20i06-07 budget, at least not from the city. Commissioners at their July 27 meeting gave preliminary approval to 1. 5 million budget for the coming year that will keep the tax rate at 2.0 mils per $1,000 of assessed evaluation. The milage rate can't be increased at the September budget hearings, but can be lowered. At the same time, the commission met its stated goal of having a reserve fund of 35 percent by elimi- nating or reducing several expenditures, including more than $100,000 for the Lake LaVista dredg- ing project because it won't be done again.until the O+1- ",o-2o -JoA nn Mancuso -1- O '. ',,,,,,- ,i -, L e e -. ... ,,I W .ORALS .COM SImprove the Quiality of Your Life SCarol Greer Siemaszko B.A. Ed., MA. Psych CERTIFIED COUNSELOR S./ AND LIFE COACH 941-794-1492 | Perico Island Bradenton 2007-08 budget cycle. City treasurer Diane Percycoe said the reserve fund will be at 31.91 percent in the 2006-07 budget and will hit 37.1 percent if all revenues and expenditures in the proposed budget are met. The commission also approved a transfer of some $110,000 from the contingency fund in the budget to the reserve fund, leaving $50,000 for emergency spending. Apparently concerned about the potential loss of staff employees to other municipalities, the com- mission also approved a 5 percent pay raise for the building official and the five staff members who are not department heads. The city clerk and public works director will each receive a 3.5 percent pay hike in the new budget. OPEN J Mon.-Fri. 7s3oam-7pm Sat., Sun., Holidays ,73oam-5pm WALK-INS WELCOMVIE We're available to tend to your urgent care needs Fever/Infections Minor Lacerations Simple Fractures Sprains PINNACLE MEDICAL CENTER 315 75th Street West Bradenton 941-761-1616 FRESH MULLET SALE ore than a ulle, Wrappedr THi Islander FRESH MULLET T-SHIRTS! S,M,L,XL $10 ISLAND SHOPPING CENTER 5404 MARINA DRIVE 941 778-7978 WWW.ISLANDER.ORG Experience breaktIra.ugh botanical formulas that deliver poa"er lul triera- peutic benefits Aedo sp, facials massages arid boav treatments re.c'n.- nect you T,, the Earth through the pc'.,er Ot touch and trie life force of piar.t, Book your personalized spa treatment today. AVEDA, Skf13l tyle salon spa a store 5311 gulf drive ami 778.5400 WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO I ? FROM 1-BEDROOM .- a n n a ,a r i a APARTMENTS / Gulf Coast TO R E N T A Lst5-BEDROOM R E N T A L S EXECUTIVE HOMES 5319 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach (West'side of Island Fitness Plaza) TEL. 941-778-3699 -TOLL FREE 1-800-865-0800 FAX 941-782-5606 E-mail '.ac.alrnrian'ijreri.ai. co.:rr Web www anmrcrentri ils comn T 4D3 THE ISLANDER 0 AUG. 2, 2006 3 9 City wants to give variance, but Olesens want more By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Anna Maria city commissioners were in a gener- ous mood at their July 27 meeting, agreeing informally that property owner Gary Olesen and his family are aggrieved and likely entitled to a variance for their home currently being remodeled at 504 S. Bay Blvd. Olesen, however, seemed to want more than just a variance. While he said his family has never been opposed to a variance, he'd like the city to vacate a beach access adjacent to his property because it "makes our house legal and clears up a lot of wrongs done in the past." The Olesens obtained a building permit earlier this year to remodel their home, but work on that project was halted in April after building official Kevin Dono- hue discovered that the construction was infringing upon an adjacent beach access still owned by the city. The Olesens have presented correspondence dating from the 1980s and 1950s indicating that city officials then considered that they owned the 10-foot easement in question. Research by city attorney Jim Dye, how- ever, failed to find any legal vacation or dedication of the access by the commission to the Olesens. Efforts by Dye and attorney Craig Colburn, rep- resenting the Olesens, have failed to resolve the issue, although commissioners indicated they believe the Olesens do have a hardship because they've already been given a building permit and should be granted a SAM meets Saturday Manatee County Commissioner Jane von Hahmann will be the guest speaker at the Save Anna Maria Inc. meeting Saturday, Aug. 5. The meeting begins at 10:30 a.m. at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. SAM President Sheila Hurst said the meeting fol- lows a roundtable format and is a forum for Island resi- dents to discuss issues that concern the Island commu- nities. The club is also looking to fill three positions: his- torian, phone secretary and corresponding secretary. The tasks for these positions can easily be done at home and would be a good w\ay for someone with limited mobility to get involved with the group, said board member Billie Martini. The historian is responsible for gathering news clippings and sorting through items collected by club members to be placed into scrapbooks. For more information, call Hurst at 538-3256. variance. Olesen, however, asked the commission if they would grant a variance to allow the work to proceed immediately, then follow that up with a vacation approval. Not so fast, indicated Commissioner Dale Wood- land. He said he's opposed to any vacation and Mayor SueLynn noted that the city's comprehensive plan for- bids it from vacating any beach access. "I'm perplexed," said Woodland. "I think you should be willing to take the variance." Olesen said he would, but he'd also like a vacation of the easement. While the commission consensus was to "fast-, track" a variance request to get the Olesens back into construction as soon as possible, Dye pointed out that the commission can't just immediately approve a vari- ance or vacation. There's a legal process, depending upon which avenue they choose, he said. "If you are changing ordinances and vacating alley- ways, you have to have a public hearing," noted Dye. Any variance or vacation request must be submitted to the planning and zoning board for a recommendation before it comes to the commission for a public hearing, he added. Dye suggested a meeting among himself, Colburn, the Olesens and a commission representative to discuss all options and find the quickest way to resolve the dilemma. The commission agreed and Mayor SueLynn appointed Commission Chairman John Quam to rep- resent the city at that meeting. Anniversary celebrated with family reunion Lois and Tomn McGann, seated in front, are sur-ou ended by their eight children. who canmie from near and far - Sarasoia to Seattle to celebrate their parents' 50th wedding anniversary. The McGanniv were married Aug. 17, 1946, at Bethany Lutheran Church in Hartford, Conn., and'Tomi worked fir the U.S. government as a mathematician before retiring to Anna Maria Island in 1977. The "kids," left to right, are Sue, Jeanne, Beth, Kerry, Marylou, Paul, Kenneth and Don. Lois and Tom have 16 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. THIN Is1tk WILLS TRUSTS ESTATES JAY HILL Attorney-at-Law 778-4745 Anna Maria, Florida VA~l No need for temporaries Replace cracked or chipped teeth and unsightly metallic crowns utilizing our computer-aided design... Save time in your busy schedule. Creating bra ift#l smiles on AmnijaM~aria Island & L.ongboat Key "Tropical Bugs Need A Tropical Service" CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Beaches Bradenton Sarasota Parrish 778-1337 794-1005 365-2893 776-0779 Full Service Exterior and Interior Now Accepting Visa , '." ^.. and Mastercard s' Island Pest Control Inc. SERVING THE ISLANDS MORE THAN 20 YEARS State Certified/Licensed and Insured Locally owned and operated I DR GY YATRO-S I~)~; l( AUd.J. 2 2006 TIHE ISLANDER e 7Tues.-Fri.10-6 -,4 y Sat. 10-4 ., TAccepting major 8= 'V-' ~ and Watch Repair ..... 7358 CortezRd. W.Bradenton, FL (941) 798-9585 ,, Island Florist You Know Why! 941-778-4751 800-771-7163 5312 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach www.island-florist.com RAI)lEI'S RE ' SHELLS & GIFTS ,I The Island's Largest Selection! Shells Shell Craft Supplies Sea Life Mirrors Jewelry and Handmade Seashell Christmas Ornaments 778-321 1 - 5508 Marina Drive Holme.s Beach Across Irtm ISIan3, Lrbrary l --- J'Just ask for me - I'll -,, l ,- ,.u hind No need to go street .hopping in New York City.. H rove al the famous designer names! ,'-, ,,,,, L LAtW? Metalhel Mention this ad, get 10% off 412 10th Ave. W. Palmetto 722-9916 6605 Manatee Ave. W.* Bradenton Outlet Mall 773-1204 Streetlife ALL WATCH BANDS In Stock 40% Off ' 75% OFF Invita Watches 40% OFF Estate Jewelry Island police reports Anna Maria City July 22, 9500 block of Gulfside beach, found prop- erty. A woman turned in a cell phone she reportedly found on a bench. Bradenton Beach No reports. Holmes Beach July 21, 3900 E. Bay Drive, Publix, theft. A woman reported her computer and Palm Pilot stolen from her car. July 23, 500 block of 77th Street, found property. A woman found an abandoned bike in her driveway. Police confirmed the bike as one reported stolen and it was placed in the Holmes Beach Police Department impound area. July 23, 3007 Gulf Drive, Anchor Inn, theft. A woman reported her sunglasses stolen. July 24, 5801 Marina Drive, skate park, criminal mischief. According to the report, a block of wax had been used to draw graffiti on the skate ramps. July 24, 300 block of 58th Street, theft. A man reported his laptop computer, circular saw and screw- gun kit missing from his residence. July 25, 4500 block of Gulf Drive, driver's license. A man was arrested for driving with a suspended license. July 26, 5358 Gulf Drive, Syn Flex, harassment. A woman reported receiving harassing phone calls at work. Jul\ 26, 6600 Gulf Drive, Resort 66 Motel, theft. A motel guest reported the theft of prescription pills that he had left on his nightstand. July 26, 500 block of 70th Street, theft. A woman reported a FedEx delivery containing a bank check stolen. According to the report, the FedEx delivery person reported that a young male came from the side yard of the home and signed for the package, and the driver provided a copy of the scanned signature, which was illegible. The woman was advised to confirm with the bank whether the check had been cashed, as it was for a large sum and RE/MAX business card exchange RE/MAX Gulfstream real estate at 401 Manatee Ave. W. in Holmes Beach hosted the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce business card exchange on July 26. RE/MAX agents at the event were, from left, Sharon Harris, Sharon Villars, Judy Karkhoff, Tina Doxtator, Barry Grooms, Kimberly Mills, Gary La Flamme, Sherry 0 '' i K 0. R~icRhardson, Karen Cox, Rod Rawlings, Dina Tallen, Jeff t^ Prater and Kim Bailey. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose OCj ZN0Island real estate sales '"'-~ ~ ~ 0 ,f^. ,' i n a' ^ j Wednesday, Aug. 2 7 to 8 a.m. Pier Regulars meeting at the Anna Maria City Pier, 100 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria. Information: 778-7062. Thursday, Aug. 3 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Open house for kindergarten through second-grade students at Anna Maria Elementary School, 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 708-5525. 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Back-to-School presentations for third-, fourth- and fifth-grade parents at Anna Maria Elementary School, 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 708-5525. .Saturday, Aug. 5 7:30 a.m. to noon Nature walk at the Felts Audubon Pre- serve, 4600 24th Ave. E., Palmetto. Information: 737-3169. 8:30 a.m.- Kiwanis Club meeting at Cafe on the Beach, Manatee Public Beach, 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. 10:30 a.m. Save Anna Maria Inc. meeting with guest Jane von Hahmann, county commissioner, at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. "Mermaids and Manatees" art activ- ity for kids at Mote Marine Aquarium, 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota. Information: 388-4441. Admission fee. Monday, Aug. 7 10:15 a.m. Gulf Coast Writers meeting at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Informa- tion: 778-3209. Tuesday, Aug. 8 Noon Anna Maria Island Rotary Club meeting at the BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 350-4326.. Wednesday, Aug. 9 7:45 a.m. Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce sunrise breakfast at the Sun House Restaurant, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach. 9 a.m. Welcome breakfast for new families at Anna Maria Elementary School, 4700,Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 708-5525. 10:30 a.m. Friends of the Island Branch Library book club at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341. Ongoing: "The Art of Uncle Monday" exhibit at South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton, through Aug. 20. Infor- mation: 746-4131. Fee applies. Coming up: Reception for Judge Lee Haworth, circuit judge candi- date, at the BeachHouse Restaurant Aug. 10. Murder-Mystery Dinner Theater at Manatee Players Aug. 11-19. Family origami at the Island Branch Library Aug. 12. 216 52nd St., Unit 9, Villas of Holmes'Beach, Holmes Beach, a 3,122 sfla /4,684 sfur 4bed/3bath/ 2car bayfront condo built in 2006 was sold 07/12/06, Moreland Marine Development Corp. Holmes Beach to Ferreria for $2.300.000: list $3,200,000. 204 52nd St., Unit 3, Villas of Holmes Beach, Holmes Beach, a 3,122 sfla /4,684 sfur 4bed/3bath/ 2car condo built in 2006 was sold 07/12/06, Moreland Marine-Development Corp. Holmes Beach to Ward for $1,800,000. 208 52nd St., Unit 4, Villas of Holmes Beach, Holmes Beach, a 3,122 sfla /4,684 sfur 4bed/3bath/ 2car condo built in 2006 was sold 07/12/06, Moreland Marine Development Corp. Holmes Beach to Gibson for $1,800,000. 208 52nd St., Unit 5, Villas of Holmes Beach, Holmes Beach, a 3,122 sfla /4,684 sfur 4bed/3bath/ 2car condo built in 2006 was sold 07/12/06, Moreland Marine Development Corp. Holmes Beach to Martin for $1,750,000. 600 Manatee Avenue, Unit 122, Westbay Cove, Holmes Beach, a, 1,179 sfla / 1,559 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1977 was sold 07/12/06, Spaulding to Maynard for $300,000; list $345,000. Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at Gulf-Bay Realty of Anna Maria, can be reached at Gulf-Bay (941) 778-7244. Current Island real estate transactions may also be viewed online at www.islander.org. Copyright 2006. Featured sale: This condo at 600 Manatee Ave., Westbay Cove Unit 122, Holmes Beach, sold in March 2004 for $305,000 and in July 2006 for. $300,000. The cost per square foot is $254. Islander Photo: Jesse Brisson would likely require the person to provide identification. July 26, 3800 block of East Bay Drive, theft. A woman was notified by her bank of fraudulent check activity on her account. According to the report, checks were made out to and cashed by a man the woman told police she had hired to maintain her condo. July 26, 100 block of 48th Street, theft. A woman reported a necklace missing from her mother's jew- elry box. July 27, 500 block of 59th Street, theft. A man reported a boat motor stolen off his sailboat. July 27, 4000 Gulf Drive, Manatee Public Beach, burglary. A woman reported three credit cards and cash stolen from a purse she had left in the trunk of her car. According to the report, the driver's door lock was "popped" out, and access to the trunk was made using the latch inside the vehicle. Obituaries Oliver Glenn Barnes Oliver Glenn Barnes, 89, of Bradenton, died July 28. Born in Larender, Ga., Mr. Barnes moved to Man- atee County from Lithia, Fla., in 2001, after having resided in Brandon from 1956 to 2001. He owned Florida Industrial Tire Company and invented the segmented tire, used in the agricultural industry. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He was a member of West Bradenton Baptist Church. Visitation was July 30 and memorial services July 31 at Brown and Sons Funeral Home, 43rd Street Chapel. He is survived by wife of 67 years Cora Louise; daughters Glenda Slattery of Fort Lauderdale and Jen- nifer Stewart of Fort McCoy, Fla.; son Ray of Anna Maria; sisters Irene and Ann, both of Tennessee; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Ruth Bernice Culbreath Ruth Bernice Culbreath, 95, of Cortez, died July 23. Born in Cortez, Mrs. Culbreath was a homemaker. She was a member of the VFW Auxiliary, Anna Maria; Cortez Fireman Auxiliary; Cortez Historical Society; and Florida Institute of Saltwater Heritage. She was a member of First Church of Christ, Cortez. Visitation was July 27 and services July 28. Memo- rial contributions may be made to Cortez Historical Society, P.O. Box 663, Cortez FL 34215. Broi n and Sons Funeral Home, 26th Street Chapel, was in charge of arrangements. She is survived by daughter Laurella Staigerwald of Cortez: son Richard of Cortne z; sisters Polly Staiger- wald of Lizella, Ga., and Bessie Kromrey of Ellenton; brother Vernon Mora of Cortez; six grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild. Teen writing contest winners announced Teen writers were the focus of an open-mic night at the Island Branch Library in which the winners of the Friends of the Island Branch Library writing contest were announced Wednesday, July 26' Teens and pre-teens were invited to submit original short stories, essays and poetry for a chance to win a gift certificate to Books-a-Million and haye his or her work published. The contest was one aspect of a three-part summer writing workshop led by Islander reporter Diana Bogan. The first segment focused on publishing opportunities, the second was a forum to get feedback on projects, and the third was the open mic for teens to read his or her work. "I was happy to see the level of creativity among the contest entries, and the high degree of writ- ing skills from even the-younger participants," Bogan said. A winner and a runner-up were chosen for each of the three categories based on comments provided by members of the Friends of the Island Branch Library and Bogan. The following entries were awarded a $15 gift certificate to Books-a-Million as runners-up in their category: Catie Curry's essay "One Wish," Jordan Fletcher's poem "Apologetically Speaking," and Alli- son Cosgrove's short story "Parrot Drawing." All entries have.been included in a chapbook (19th century term now used to describe a "pocket-sized" edition) Bogan published i iti the help of the-Friends group entitled "Inspired to Write." A limited number of booklets are available at the Island library and the Islander newspaper office. One copy will be included in the library's permanent collection. Reception honors Judge Lee Haworth Ed Chile- \% ill host a reception in honor ol Lee Ha\ north. incumbent candidate for circuit judge. at the BeachHouse Restaurant Thursday. Aug. 10. The reception \\ ill begin at 5 p.m. and there is a rec- ommended donation of $100 for Judge Lee Haworth's re-election campaign. The BeachHouse is located at 200 Gulf Drive N. in Bradenton Beach. For reservations, call 926-1950. Larry Raymond Getch Larry Raymond Getch, 63, of Northfield and South Deerfield, Mass., died July 20. Born in Bradenton, Mr. Getch was an electrician and master craftsman. He was a Manatee High School graduate and served in the U.S. Navy aboard the aircraft carrier USS Wasp. He was a member of Local Union No. 7 IBEW and worked at Northfield Mount Hermon School in South Deerfield. He is survived by wife Ann Christine McAllis- ter; daughters Theresa Ann Giroux of Williamstown, Mass., Christine Marie of Westminster, Vt., Barbara Jeanne Clark of Hinsdale, N.H., and Elayna Rose of Millers Falls, Mass.; brothers Jerry W. of Bradenton, Frank A. Harrison of Bradenton Beach, and Ted. A. Harrison of Blairsville, Ga.; sisters Betty H. Doug- las and Esther M. Hauber, both of Bradenton; mother Clara M. Harrison of Bradenton; nine grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. Ruth A. Gilmore Ruth A. Gilmore, 87, of Bradenton, died July 24.. Born in Columbus, Ohio, .; r-, Mrs. Gilmore moved to Mana- t_-t' tee County from Lakeland in 1987. She created approximately 15,000 handmade teddy bears, or "Threadbears," in 26 years. A celebration of life will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 8, at Griffith-Cline Funeral Home, Island Chapel, 6000 Marina Gilmore Drive, Holmes Beach. Memo- rial contributions may be made to the Pelican Man Bird Rescue, 1708 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota FL 34236. She is survived by daughters Sandra Mullon and Patrice McLaughlin, both of Holmes Beach; five grand- children; and seven great-grandchildren-. THE ISLANDER E AUG. 2, 2006 a ,11 AUGUT 15TISLW '1- CRUISE & DINE MONTH!! Enjoy eating out and not paying for it?? S r Dunriig .*iigui, b,,'A u.y Holland iintrha (rimi'c of F ,, s ry ,,r ti' r and rst i'cn a gil e~.rrit'at.es Book anInside or IBokaalnyr .tandardOutside a.in: IGet d.nnr for 2 ith wi. Don't forget passports will be required by Dec. 25th, 2006 for travel outside of the U.S. Fantasy Tra -a6C-ed.Badento -_[ 1 10> a "Award-Winning" Grooming All Natural, All Organinc, and All Holistic Never Tranquilized - Just Loved! Advantage & Frontline Flea Protection ii' Profe55!CoVlil~ Nall Caire & 5pci SLIMMER ASPECIA~r, IMcmvici~re c~i'id Pedidiicte. Pivi(k ovicd White RFllII et r I rikiviiiW r X - -5 5OPPj'5 OF PARAo1IE BAY '-k4' Conez Rd. W\. BracnioLnnn 794-8888 FEATURE dNG SolidGold . Wellness - S Innova Pinnacle Cal. Natural Avo Eagle V Canidae Frozen Raw Food 761-WOOF (9663) 7338 Cortez Road W. Bradenton Winning author Islander reporter Diana Bogan presents Angelina Bornard with gift certificates for Books-a-Million and a "More-than-a-mullet-wrapper" T-shirt for her winning short story entry in the Friends of the Island Branch Library Teen Writing Contest. Bornard, 11, wrote "Colors," a story that captures the thoughts and feelings of a girl living in a concentration camp. Her story is featured along with fellow contest entries in the chapbook "Inspired to Write, available at the Islander office and the library. Islander Photo: Jolie Bell Fire budget increase includes major loan That reported $1.28 million increase in the West Manatee Fire and Rescue budget for 2006-07 isn't what it seems, said WMFR Chief Andy Price. While on paper, it looks like the WMFR budget went up nearly 28 percent, Price explained that the budget has to show a $945,000 loan for a new ladder truck as revenue. The same amount appears in the expenditure column. Once the $945,000 is deducted from the proposed budget, Price noted, the actual increase is only about $280,000, or just 5 percent above the current 2005-06 budget of $4.57 million, Price noted. The public hearing on the budget is scheduled for 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 17, at Fire Station No. I on Marina Drive in Holmes Beach. 5341 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach, FL 34217 778-3636 ORECK VACUUM, ALL 3 PIECES FREE$139Value , FULL 3-YEAR WARRANTY! U $ 199.VALUE P FREE I - 1, 8 Attachments 12 si I Weighs 8 Ibs. Strong enough to pick Al , Hotel Strength up a 16 lb. bowling ball. REPAIRS 7 DAYS A WEEK I.S IICA'AF1LE KamofSarasot 4892 S. uim ral nte adnsPaz H u s: o.Fi.,1 -,S at 0-, Sun 1 - 941-24-841 AMI L&- ---- -------------- ---- ----.l Trips) j -iO Tit"Av . A7i, 12 Jf LY 12, 2006 U TlE II SLANDER 1i. J;ENFI ACTION ." by Rick Catlin Anna Maria vet kept her enigma secret for 35 years When you first meet Anna Maria resident Ann Kurtz all 5 feet and 100 pounds of her your first impression is that she looks the part of your favorite grandmother or aunt, not that of a spy or secret agent. You'd have a hard time believing that she worked on one of the most top-secret projects of World War II and kept her mouth shut about it for more than 35 years. She was ordered not to tell her parents, her husband or her friends what her real war-time duties were. It was an order that the U.S. Government first gave her in 1941 and stood until 1976, when the govern- ment officially released the fact that the Allies had been decoding German military signals during the war through "Operation Enigma" also know as "The Ultra Secret." To put it simply, during the war the Allies were stealing the mail of the German military. Ann White was a senior at Wellesley College in Massachusetts when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. But unknowingly, she was already aiding the war effort before that day. A language major concentrating on German and French, Ann, some other linguists, and a few mathema- ticians were approached in the fall of 1941 by "some- one in the Navy," she said. The man simply asked the group if they wanted to work on a project solving puzzles. She didn't realize until later that the FBI had checked out everyone's background before they were invited to join. "We were just told it would be top secret and would be vital for the country. That's all we were. given and we were sworn to secrecy. It was just an act of faith to accept the conditions. We knew we were going to be at war someday, but this offer was very vague. Still, I had a special talent for languages and wanted to help." Ann volunteered for this unique "class" of 10 people who would meet once a week at night to learn cryptoanalysis and solve alphabet puzzles in German and Italian. Since Britian was already at war with Italy and Germany, Ann figured right away the work had something to do.with the war. After Pearl Harbor, Ann continued working her puzzles for the Navy, graduated in 1942 with a degree in German, and was immediately sent to Washington, D.C., to continue the job. Anna Maria resident Anne Kurtz, nee White, as a U.S. Navy WAVES ensign during World War II. Even in Washington, however, the security remained. "I, had an idea what we were doing, but I had been told to keep my mouth shut. All I could tell my parents was that I had a job in communications and not to worry about me." In September 1942, the Navy formed the Womens Accepted Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES). Ann trained in Massachusetts, was commissioned an ensign in the U.S. Navy and sent back to her job in Washington, D.C. "When I got commissioned, everything changed. I went back to work and the first day I went into the office and was told by my commanding officer that I was now in the Navy and I would be shot if any leaks were traced to me. The CCThinted that without our work, we could lose the war and that thought struck home." By now, Ann realized that her "puzzles" were actu- ally the German military's orders and messages to its various commanders on land and sea. Her job was to decipher the meaning of the "puzzle" or "enigma" of the code so the Allies -would know what the Germans were planning. The Germans used a cipher machine called "Enigma" to send coded messages to its military units. Because .the Enigma could make billions of combina- tions of letters of the German alphabet, the Germans thought its code could never be broken. But it was. Assisted Living Quality Accommodations for Seniors ,z" Sunny Bower Bradenton Marella House Brai,-ni.r -_ Our Island Home Ann Ma, :o.. Family Owned (941) 219-2106- - & Operated Assisted Living Facility Affordable Monthly Rental Nos.5178,9577,10140 Full Range of Services www.anniesfamilyhomes.corn The scales of justice could bankrupt you! R ,our business liability insurance is here to protect you if you are sued. But, as your assets grow, so should your protection. Contacr us today and we'll tell you about the "No Problem" , business umbrella protection > available from Auto-Owners . Insurance Company, .p Ufe Mom Oar Hosmo nss s woo Jim Mixon Insurance nc. 5412 Marina Dr.- Island Shopping Center Holmes Beach (941) 778-2253 jim.mixon2@verizon.net OUR OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR LUNCH NOON-1 DAILY. In early 1939, the Polish Army had secretly obtained an Enigma machine and turned it over to British intel- ligence, which made a replica and sent it to the United States also secretly, because the U.S. was still techni- cally neutral at this time. The British built the world's first computer at Bletchley Park in England to unlock the secrets of Enigma and shared those secrets with their Ameri- can counterparts, even before the war engulfed the United States. It was "ultra" top secret work under penalty of death, and Ann took her pledge of secrecy to heart. Even though she roomed with two other WAVE ensigns, neither worked on Enigma, and Ann had no intention of talking about her job. For all intents and purposes, she was in communications. "We never talked about what we did. Our biggest concern after work was getting enough food with our ration coupons. I just told people I worked for Navy Communications." Even with that cover story, however, Ann was pretty sure the FBI was keeping tabs on her. "I remember our neighbor was always on her bal- cony trying to hear our conversations and I was even tailed by soWeone one night after I got off duty. I'm positive the FBI spied on us daily. Our rooms were probably bugged." The Enigma was serious and deadly business. Ann was trained in-firearms and worea .45 caliber pistol on nights when she was the officer in charge, although the Enigma encrypting offices were. sur- rounded by fences and before anyone could access the building, there were. two checkpoints heavily guarded by armed Marines. The Navy, however, wasn't taking any chances that its secret would get to the Germans. Ann was. told to shoot anyone who entered the building with- out authorization. But just cracking the Enigma code for one message wasn't cause for a celebration party. The Germans changed the code at least every month, sometimes daily, so what combinations were good on one day might be invalid the next day. Many. times, occasionally for weeks on end, Ann and her Enigma team were unable to decipher messages. Those days were tough on Ann and her colleagues because they knew those signals could easily be order- ing a German submarine to a particular location to sink Allied ships -- and Allied lives would be lost. Ann was oi duty the night of June 5, 1944 early morning on June 6 in Normandy, France. "We decoded the German messages about the laid- ings and we" learned from Enigma that the Germans had intercepted a message to the French Underground that the invasion would take place within 48 hours. The PLEASE SEE GREATEST, NEXT PAGE G lo". D u. C h . Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, ELCA 1oser 4Hvnwtrial QImitu uitu (unJtlurdl A Non-Denomniinaional Christian Church Re%. Garn A. Batei Ser ing the Community Sinde 1913- Come Celebrate Christ Worghip Service: 10am Children's Church School: 10am S Transportation & Nursery Available 512 Pine Ave, Anna Maria 778-0414 www.roserchurch.com 4- Greatest Generation CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 15th German Army went on full alert. All we could do was wait. "We were a bit worried because 'this was it,' and we thought the Germans would be ready, but the land- ings succeeded." From the messages she deciphered, Ann realized the German 7th Army in Normandy, commanded by legendary Field Marshall Erwin Rommell, was never given the alert message from the 15th Army about the invasion. Through Enigma, Ann also knew that Rommell was not in Normandy on D-Day, Field Marshall Gerd Von Runstedt in Paris had no intention of asking Hitler for reinforcements to stop the Allied landings, and that the German High Command believed any landings in Nor- mandy were just a ploy before the real invasion at the Pas-de-Calais area near the France-Belgium border. When the movie "The Longest Day" about the D-Day invasion came out in 1962, Ann had to watch with family and friends and not be able to tell anyone that the Allies knew that same day how the German Army reacted to the invasion. If she had talked, some- one might have asked her how she knew, and she couldn't tell them. "So, I had to watch the movie and keep my mouth shut," she remembered with a laugh. One interesting message she decoded during the war was that a German supply submarine known as a "Milk Cow" was headed toward a rendezvous with another German sub in the Atlantic. She even learned the "Milk Cow" submarine commander's name and the exact time and location of the rendezvous. The Navy, however, calculated that if its planes and ships bombed the supply sub when it surfaced in the middle of nowhere, that would alert the Germans to the fact that the Allies were reading their messages. "So, they decided to let it go," Ann remembered. Years later, around 1961, Ann and her naval officer husband and children were stationed in Norfolk, Va., when her husband brought home a German naval offi- cer and his wife for dinner. Imagine Ann's surprise when she was introduced to the German officer. It was the same man who had commanded the "Milk Cow" that the Navy had almost bombed out of existence. "I was still under secrecy, so I couldn't tell him that I already knew his name and what he did in the war. It was quite strange. We eventually became friends with 2005 SMALL BusINEss PERSON OF THE YEAR blland Ch i op retie Ctent r oDr. Kathleen Goerg Now Offering Thai Massage! Lic# MA33390 778-0722 3612 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach, FL 34217 Visit our Web site: www.Islandchiro.com _Hurricane -WatcI1LLC Affordable Home Hurricane Protection .(941)794-0183 hurricanewatch @verizon.net winstorm-stoppersmi Berei'cnsu't sniut r' in Ann An latia and mid nii e in North Carolina, Ann Kurtz leads an active life. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin he and his family, but I never told him what I knew." Indeed, Ann never even told her husband, Naval Officer Larry Kurtz, whom she married in 1944, about Enigma, although she believes he guessed enough. By the time the war in Europe ended in May 1945, Ann had been doing cryptoanalysis for almost four years. "When I was discharged, I was told that I still could not talk about what I had done, not to anyone," she said. Sadly, her parents died without knowing what she actually did in the war. It wasn't until 1976 that the "Ultra Secret" became public and the U.S. government released her from her pledge. After her wartime service, Ann's life was anything but dull. Ann and Larry lived the life of a Navy family, including stints in Hawaii, California and Japan. She had a son and daughter and earned her master's and doctorate degrees in German and French. Ann always took up teaching positions wherever her hus- band was stationed. In 1978, she accepted a job at a university in Iran, which was then ruled by the Shah. She escaped the Islamic revolution of 1979 on the last Pan Am flight PATRICIA STAEblER STATE CERTifiEd GENERAL AppRAiSER COMMERCIAl ANd REsidENvTiAI INVESTMENT CoNSu[TiNq ESTATE DEcisioNs EmiNENT DOMAiN-~ REAl ESTATE TAX 941.705.0123 Fl LiCENSE RZ 2890 409 PETREl TRAil BRAdENTON, FL 34212 INVESTIGATION Our firm is investigating an accident that occurred on Via de Luna in the early morning hours of August 4, 2002. The accident involved a pedestrian who was struck by a cement truck. If you have any information about this accident, please contact us: 850-444 4402 Kerrigan Estess Rankn McLeod Thompson,LLp ATTORNEYS AT LA W 400 E. Government Street Pensacola, Florida 32502 The hiring of a law firm is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. THE ISLANDER 0 JULY 12, 2006 N 13 allowed to leave the country. She is currently writing a book on her Iran experiences. She was once asked to work for the KGB the former Soviet Union's intelligence and security divi- sion. She declined. In 1991, Ann joined the Peace Corps, serving for four years in what was then Czechoslovakia. Ten years ago, she finally got to visit Bletchley Park. A copy of the original computer and the story of Enigma are on display there. She is retired from teaching, but still gives talks and lectures on her war-time and Iranian experiences. Unlike most part-time Islanders, Ann summers in Anna Maria and takes her winters in North Carolina. She has a daughter who lives in Tampa. Her memories of her days on Operation Enigma - (OP20G-M) in Naval terminology are as vivid as ever. "It was a great time. We all felt we were doing something for our country. We didn't feel special or heroic, it was just that we wanted to use our talents to help the war effort. We were proud to do our part, and I kept my vow of silence until the Enigma became public." One thing seems certain. If the government had told Ann to keep her mouth ,shut forever about Enigma, this story would never have been written. Ann Kurtz is no longer a secret member of the Greatest Generation. "The Greatest Generation" column is for Island, Longboat Key, Perico Island and Cortez veterans, man or woman, who served in the armed forces of any allied country (U.S., Canada, Britain, Holland, Norway, France, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, the Philip- pines, etc.) during World War II. We'd like to hear from you. Please call Rick Catlin at 778-7978. AME newcomer breakfast The Anna Maria Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization and Principal Kathy Hayes: will host a welcome breakfast at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 9. Families new to AME are invited to meet other parents and family members of students, school staff, learn how to become involved at school, and learn about lunchroom, office and guidance counsel- ing procedures.. The PTO hopes the informal breakfast will help new families make a smooth transition at AME. For more information, call 708-5525. Turn to West Coast Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. for technical expertise, customer satisfaction and Carrier systems that are second to none. Serving the Island communities for 34 years, we'll make sure you're as comfortable with us as you are with your home comfort system. * Unmatched Carrier expertise, efficiency and reliability * Factory-trained technicians * Residential and commercial * Ask about our 6 months same-as-cash financing* WESTPDOAST AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING IN< 778-9622 5347 Gulf Drive, No. 4, Holmes Beach Business Center, Holmes Beach *flriced~ge wllsr rn rth lursio ro [1. ltE of prurctk,.ii bo no mninimurn mon~ily pa.'rrrents willbk, 0uci prior Ic, Ellapraaumlrn e.epi'mon drIasipo aumtfd oan 1yr~if .bt1ing erqremomsL and 11 you gray fite ash sEnerpncn1P ( udham prIam to 1Um.1aramclmon -briod 'mnplrallo rnlue, no i~rraimchalrrges wal mn due an ma1, purcvm %llndjardkP'R Is 19.50', D; sthuxL rote APR [a 26 991; MlrimuirmontPly flonce c rge 1J S 50.* Turn to the Expertsr 14 AUG. 2, 2006 M THE ISLANDER AME's Hayes: New year, traffic flow By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter Anna Maria Elementary School Principal Kathy Hayes is ready to welcome the Island school's staff and students Monday, Aug. 7. Teachers are back on campus this week to pre- pare for the school's open house Aug. 4. Hayes said parents are encouraged to attend to meet new staff members. This will be the first time students and parents will have an opportunity to see the renovation of Building No. 9, a classroom wing from the former facility, transformed now into the school's art and music wing. The renovations were finished shortly after summer break. But due to an increase in student population, music classes will not take place in the newly reno- vated facility. An additional fifth-grade class will uti- lize the music room, and music classes will be held in the auditorium. Hayes said it's the first time in a recent years, that AME has had to add a 16th class of students, and that moving music to the auditorium will actually benefit the program. "We had the option of moving music class to an available portable, but found it more advanta- geous to use the audio-visual equipment in the auditorium to enhance the program," said Hayes. "Much of what [music teacher Loryn Haber] does is production oriented, it would be a much more enhanced program." New faces With the growing number of fifth-grade students, Hayes hired Jacque Goens, formerly of Rowlett Ele- mentary School, to join Anne Kinnan and DeAnn Davis to teach at that grade level. Two new first-grade teachers also join the staff this year: Becky Demo, who previously taught at Ballard Elementary; and Lauren Waite, who has a master's degree in elementary education and is an Island resident. AME's other first-grade teacher returns to school with a new last name. Heather Bosch was married during the summer her married name is Nyberg. AME first-grade teacher Carly Carlsward also married during the summer, but will not return to AME this year, Hayes said, because she moved to Virginia with her husband. Coach Gene Burr will not return to AME this year as he now has a full-time position at Kinnan Elementary School. Filling the vacancy is Barry Borell, who moved to the area from Ohio. Some teachers are making grade changes. Kathy Granstad moves from third- to second-grade; Phyllis Omilak will loop with the students from her second- grade class last year to third-grade; and Janie Ensworth moves from fourth-grade to third-grade. PLEASE SEE SCHOOL, NEXT PAGE Island, Key, Cortez morning bus schedules Anna Maria Elementary School Route 70, Bus 122 Time Bus stop 8:07 Marina Drive & 67th Street" 8:08 Marina Drive & 68th Street 8:09 407 72nd St. 8:10 Marina Drive & 75th Street 8:12 Marina Drive & 82nd Street 8:17 Gulf Drive & 75th Street 8:18- Gulf Drive & 72nd Street 8:19 Gulf Drive &.68th Street 8:20 Gulf Drive & 65th Street Route 87, Bus 566 Time Bus stop 8:1.4 Gulf Drive & Willow Avenue 8:15 Gulf Drive & Palm Avenue 8:17 309 Pine Avenue 8:18 Spring Avenue & Tarpon Street 8:18 Spring Avenue & Bay Boulevard 8:19 Bay Boulevard & Crescent Drive 8:20 Bay Boulevard.& Hibiscus Road 8:21 .Bay Boulevard & Alamanda Avenue 8:21 North Shore Drive &.Gladiolus Street 8:22 780 N. Shore Drive 8:22 Shore Drive & Newton Lane 8:23 Shore Drive & Linda Lane 8:24 Shore Drive & Pine Avenue 8:27 Gulf Drive & Pepper Tree Lane Route Time 7:33 89, Bus 107 . Bus stop Turn around at Gulf of Mexico Drive & Albritton Fruit ' -- - - AME 'Welcome Back' menu .Monday, Aug. 7 Breakfast: English Breakfast Pizza, Yogurt, Cereal, Toast, Fruit I Lunch: Shrimp Poppers or Chicken Tenders, Steamed Carrots, Fruit Cocktail, Juice Bar | Tuesday, Aug. 8 Breakfast: Chicken Gym Patty on a Biscuit, Cereal, I Toast, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Fruit Lunch: Mac and Cheese or Fish Nuggets, Fresh Baked Roll, Green Beans, Peaches Wednesday, Aug. 9 Breakfast: Pancake on a Science Stick, Yogurt, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Breaded Chix Pieces or Mini-Corn Dogs,, I Broccoli \ h Cheese Sauce, Baked Chips, Apple- sauce I Thursda\, Aug. 10 . Breakfast: French Teacher Toast Sticks, Cereal, ' Toast, Bagels, Fruit Lunch: Popcorn Chicken or Sloppy Joe, Curly Fries, Fresh Garden Salad, Bananas with Strawberries I Friday, Aug. 11 Breakfast: Cinnamon Math Roll, Graham Crackers, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Pizza or Grilled Cheese Pleasers, Corn, | Veggie Cup, Fresh Fruit Cup Juice and milk are served with every meal. S -I _-I-------- ---- ---- 7:34 7:35 7:37 7:38 7:39 7:40 7:48 7:53 7:54 8:04 8:05 8:06 8:08 8:10 Gulf of Mexico Drive & Exeter Drive Gulf of Mexico Drive & St. Judes Street Gulf of Mexico Drive & Dream Island Road Gulf of Mexico.Drive & General Harris Gulf of Mexico Drive & De Narvaez Drive Palm Drive & Broadway Gulf Drive & 11th Street South Gulf Drive & Third Street South Gulf Drive & Second Street North Avenue C & 22nd Street North Avenue C & 24th Street North Avenue C & 25th Street North Gulf Drive & 28th Street Gulf Drive & 30th Street King Middle School Route 80, Bus 561 Time Bus stop 8:27 75th Street West & 24th Avenue West, 8:34 Manatee Avenue West & 107th Court West 8:41 11901 Manatee Ave. W. 8:43 Manatee Avenue West & Sixth Avenue West (north side) 8:44 Gulf Drive & Harbor Drive 8:46 Gulf Drive & 51st Street 8:49 Sixth Avenue & Manatee Avenue 8:50 Gulf Drive & 36th Street 8:50 Sixth Avenue West & 35th Street 8:52 Gulf Drive & East Bay Drive 8:53 Gulf Drive & 28th Street 8:54 31st Street & Avenue E 8:55 East Bay Drive & Sunbow Bay 8:59 Manatee Avenue & Bristol Bay Drive 9:00 Manatee Avenue & Flamingo Drive Route 87, Bus 566 Time *Bus stop 8:46 Pine Avenue & Crescent Drive 8:47 Tarpon Street & Spring Avenue 8:48 Spring Avenue & Bay Boulevard 8:50 Bay Boulevard & Crescent Drive 8:51 Bay Boulevard & Poinsetta Avenue 8:53 780 N. Shore Drive 8:55 Gulf Drive & Magnolia Avenue 8:57 Gulf Drive & Oak Avenue 8:58 Gulf Drive & 85th Street 9:00 Marina Drive & 71st Street Route 70, Bus 122 . Time Bus stop 8:49 Marina Drive & Key Royale Drive 8:51 Palm Drive & 76th Street 8:52 Palm Drive & Clark Drive 8:54 Marina Drive & 62nd Street 8:55 Marina Drive & 56th Street Sugg Middle School Route 89, Bus 570 Time Bus stop 8:39 Avenue C & 26th Street 8:40 Avenue C & 22nd Street 8:42 5370 Gulf of Mexico Drive (Centre Shops) 8:49 Gulf of Mexico Drive & Bay View Drive 8:50 Palm Drive & Broadway (rear of Chevron) 8:55 Gulf Drive & 11th Street South 8:57 Gulf Drive & Second Street North 9:04 43rd Avenue Terrace West & Palma Sola Boulevard 9:06 43rd Avenue West & 81st Street West 9:07 79th Street West & 41 st Avenue West 9:09 40th Avenue West & 76th Street West Bayshore High School Route 62, Bus 540 Time Bus stop 6:42 Cortez Road & 101 st Street West 6:45. Cortez Road & 115th Street West 7:01 Gulf of Mexico Drive & St. Judes Street 7:04 Gulf of Mexico Drive & General Harris 7:07 Gulf Drive & First Street North 7:09 Gulf Drive & 12th Street North 7:11 Avenue C & 22nd Street . 7:15 Cortez Road & 127th Street West 7:16 Cortez Road & 124th Street West, 7:19 .Cortez Road & 101st Street West 7:22 Cortez Road & Coral Boulevard 7:25 86th Street Court West & 44th Avenue Drive West 7:30 Cortez Road & 80th Street West Route Time 6:23 6:38 7:14 7:16 7:19 7:22. 7:23 Manatee High School 76, Bus 523 Bus stop Gulf Drive & 29th Street East Bay Drive & Manatee Avenue (Publix) Manatee Avenue & Perico Bay Boulevard Manatee Avenue & Flamingo Drive 75th Street (west side) & First Avenue West 11 th Avenue West & 68th Street West 11th Avenue West & 62nd Street Court West Route 87, Bus 566 Time Bus stop 6:50 Pine Avenue & Crescent Drive 6:54 Pine Avenue & Bay Boulevard 6:55 Bay Boulevard & Crescent Drive 6:59 Bay Boulevard & Alamanda Road 7:01 North Shore Drive & Newton Lane 7:02 North Shore Drive & Cypress Avenue 7:02 North Shore Drive & Coconut Avenue 7:04 Gulf Drive & Magnolia Avenue 7:04 Gulf Drive & Willow Avenue 7:05 Gulf Drive & Oak Avenue 7:07 Gulf Drive & 85th Street 7:08 Palm Drive & 77th Street 7:08 Palm Drive & 71st Street 7:09 Palm Drive & Key Royale- Drive 7:10 Marina Drive & 62nd Street 7:11 Marina Drive & 57th .Street 7:13 Gulf Drive & Haverkos Court 7:14 Gulf Drive & 46th Street AME new year CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 Hayes also plans to hire a new teacher's aide as a replacement for April Jonatzke. Jonatzke is now the director of the Anna Maria Island Community Center's TLC program, the before- and after-school program', which is hosted at AME by the Center. Traffic rules The biggest thing Hayes said parents should know for the new school year is how to manage the traffic patterns. Parents planning to drive their children to school should enter the northern most driveway, which is the one adjacent to the auditorium. Cars can queue up two at a time, drop students off in front of the auditorium and then exit the drive by making a right turn onto Gulf Drive. Hayes noted that the entry for the car loop is close to the exit of the bus loop and parents should avoid accidentally entering the bus loop exit. To avoid traffic delays, there will be a right-turn only policy when exiting the school during arrival and dismissal times. Holmes Beach Police Officer Pete Lannon, the school's resource officer, will be at the crosswalk near the bus loop on Gulf Drive to assist students who walk or ride bikes to school. Hayes noted that Lannon will not be directing traffic in the parent's car loop. Bus riders will be dropped off at the gazebo and then supervised on their walk over to the auditorium. Students must arrive no later than 8 a.m. for breakfast in the cafeteria. Parents bringing students to the Center's before- school program are welcome to use the southern- most driveway, near the cafeteria, where the pro- gram takes place. Hayes said parents and visitors are welcome to park anywhere they choose, including on the bus loop during the school day. There will no longer be parking in the field behind the school. For more information, call 708-5525. THE ISLANDER U AUG. 2, 2006 M 15 2006-07 AME PTO officers elected New Anna Maria Elementary Parent-Teacher Organization officers are ready to take on their responsibilities for the 2006-07 school year. The new PTO President is Shannon Dell. Work- ing with her will be Stacey Seagul, vice president; Maggie Cucci continues as treasurer; Becky Walter, assistant treasurer; and Trisha Hackworth, secretary. One of the first projects for the new school year is the sale of school supply packages during back-to-school night Aug. 3. That will afford an opportunity to meet the new board members, join the PTO and sign up for a committee, said Dell. Wednesday, Aug. 9, the PTO will co-host a welcome breakfast for families new to the school this year with AME Principal Kathy Hayes. Over the summer vacation, the PTO allocated funds raised at its May 2006 Spring Fling. The PTO exceeded its $24,000 goal, raising $40,000 - its biggest success yet through ticket and auc- tion sales. The money is being spent on library and science books, a large format laminator, a digital camera for each grade level, and a laptop computer to replace one used by the parent organization. Each teacher will also be given a $200 stipend to purchase class- room supplies. The remaining $3,800 was ear- marked to provide some type of shade coverage for the playground. A cash call at the Spring Fling event raised an additional $5,500 that has been designated for the physical education program and athletic field. The PTO is waiting for school board approval to pur- chase a backstop and fencing for the refurbished baseball field. For more information about the PTO, call the school office, 708-5525. Anna Maria Elementary School will be following the Manatee County School District dress code this year. The following is a checklist of apparel and/or items that should not be worn or brought to school: Sunglasses. Hats, visors, bandanas or other head apparel. Visible, pierced-body jewelry other than worn on the ear. Cut-off pants or shorts. Unbuckled belts. Clothing that exposes the midriff. Ill-fitting sweat pants or warm-ups. Suspenders hanging down, including overalls. Shirts advertising alcoholic beverages, drugs or bearing questionable language or artwork. Known gang-related symbols. Spandex-type dresses. Beachwear. Any clothing, accessories, jewelry or hair style that may be a distraction to self or others that have obscene or drug-related phrases therein. Jeans with holes, cuts or slits above the knee. Gym shorts or soccer shorts that are not proper length (two-thirds of the length from waist to middle of knee). Footwear not secured at the heel. Electronic equipment to include, but not limited to boombox, camera, CD player, camcorder, cell phones, pagers and laser pointers. Glass containers. Male students choosing to wear a "net" shirt.must also wear an undershirt or an overshirt that buttons. Tank tops are allowed, but should not be loose around the arms, and female students should be sure that straps cover undergarments. Dresses should cover the entire back, and the neckline should not plunge. Spandex skirts, shorts and pants can only be worn if covered by an overgarment of fingertip length. However, Spandex-type shorts and trousers are not deemed appropriate for males. For more information, call AME at 708-5525. DISCOUNT LIQUOR* COCKTAIL LOUNGE COUPON GOOD AUG. 2-8, 2006 wuine ar, an l/ve jazz )QDeanes$a,3 Trnjoq / 5406 Marina Drive Holm6s Beach 778-5320 Smirnoff Vodka MANATEE COUNTY'I Seagrams VO $ 9991.75 #l IDEPE WI T2 199 1.75 S BEVERAGE DEALER a a LTR r Fntastic Fish & Chips! Seafood TW All-You-Can-Fat Fish & Chips $719 MN 11 Poker 7 and 10 pm FAI si $M Karaoke 8pm Sun-Fri-. 4-til late 2-JI P in Sat ~ .noon-til late CIosed Mon k 12012 Cortez Rd. W.- 792-4822 OPEN FOR LUNCH ALL WEEK. 00te Stone Est 1967 %e water(y ALAsxw KING CRAB LEGS. IN THE HISTORIC VILLAGE ON THE NORTHERN END OF LONGBOAT KEY. WE ARE A LARGE PARTY AND CHILDREN FRIENDLY RESTAURANT. HAPPY HOUR LUNCH SPECIALS SUNSET SPECIALS S 4PM-6PM 11:30AM-3:30pM 3:30PM-6PM. 11-:30AM-9:30PM DAILY PHONE 383-1748 800 BROADWAY ST. Elementry school rules, dress code (D16TQ40 "...the best little restaurant in florida" JAMES BEARD FOUNDATION Beard Invitation-September 2005 ZAGAT GUIDE: Best Food and Service in Florida Top estaura s in America FLORIDA TREND: Golden Spoon Hall of Fame Eight Golden Spoons WINE SPECTATOR: Award of Excellence: 12 years 941-778-6444 6600 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria Island, Surfs1de www.beachbistro.com 16 i AUG. 2, 2006 u THE ISLANDER Endless summer winds down, school nears By Kevin Cassidy Islander Reporter When the last day of school ends in late May, it's hard to fathom how quickly summer vacation comes and goes! Teachers (this writer included) will be back at work for three days when your find yourself reading this sports column, while kids in public schools get started on Aug. 7. Twenty or so kids made the best of their last days of summer freedom by attending the second session of the Bluewater School of Surfing surf camp held at White Avenue beach in Holmes Beach, July 24-28. Due to the fickle nature of the waves or no waves on Florida's west coast, Bluewater owner-operator William Kimball focuses on making sure the kids have fun. During the camp-ending award's ceremony, Kim- ball reviewed some of the camp lessons by asking questions of the camp participants. 'His final question summed up the mission statement for Bluewater School of Surfing: "Who is the best surfer?" Kimball screamed. "The one who is having the most fun" came the chorus from the kids! Kimball and his local surfing instructors, Spencer Carper, Kevin Kirn, Ben Handley, Joey Mattay and Brandi Brady, taught the kids the surfing basics, includ- ing how to paddle, stand up and ride, while also giving them instruction on surf etiquette, how to purchase the right surfboard, identifying the different types of waves and what to do if you get caught in a rip tide. In addition to the surfing lessons, the kids skim boarded, had surfboard paddle relay races and played dodge ball on the beach. The campers were fortunate to get some glassy little waves on July 27 so Bluewater held its camp surf- ing contest on that day. The judges had a difficult time separating the haves from the have nots as everyone surfed extremely well. In fact, the top four tied for first and had to go through a tiebreaker formula to determine the first-through fourth-place winners in the contest. Alexia "Electra" Yavalar came out on top to claim the first-place trophy, while "Gnarly Charlie" Johnson -3232 East Bay Drive Next to Walgreens 778-7878 r-- --------1----- 1 finished in second. Brooke "Fishy-Fishy" McIntosh earned third place and some bragging rights in the McIntosh family. It seems that "Fishy-Fishy" is the first of the surfing Mclnfosh clan to have earned a trophy in a surfing contest. This despite dad Brett and Uncle Scott McIntosh being accomplished international surfers. Tyler "San Diego" Yavalar earned fourth place, ahead of fifth-place finisher "G.I. Joe" Phillips and sixth-place finisher "William Wallace" Kaklis. Logan "Horseshack" Reiber was succinct when asked how the camp went for him. "Pretty good," he stated. He quickly added, "Now I'm gonna ask my dad for a surfboard." For more information about the Bluewater School of Surfing, check them out on the Web at www.bluewatersurfing.com. EAT-IN OR 00 TAKE-OUT $1 DOFF I Any Size Pizza I I FREE DELIVERY! I SOMA PIZZA, I w' & ITALIAN RESTAURANT . Specializing in Veal Chicken Fish Pasta Makers of the World's Largest Pizza v I Open 7 Days 11AM to Midnight 201 N. Gulf Dr. Bradenton Beach S -,,,, 778-0771 or 778-0772 1 a.p. BeLL fiSH m company mi;m RRY Snapper, Shrimp, E Pnish nd mIslanduch more. Harry's Way! See you at our d4-Course Prix Fixe $29.95 941-7(941) 383-0777 a.p. BeEL fis compaNy inc. Fresh Seafood Since 1910 Great selection of locally caught Grouper, Snapper, Shrimp, Panfish and much more. Planning a fishing trip? Call about our big selection of frozen bail DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAY See you at our docks! 941-794-1249 4600 124th St. W. Cortez, Florida - Tyler "San. Diego" Yava- lar, Brooke "Fishy- Fishy" McIntosh, Alexia "Elec- tra" Yavalar, "Gnarly Johnson, "William Wal- lace" Kaklis and "G.I. Joe" Phil- lips pose with trophies they won during the Bluewa- ter School of Surfing's Islander Photo: Kevin Cassidy Key Royale golf news The men and women of the Key Royale Club in Holmes Beach were out getting their swings in during the week. Monday, July 24, saw the men play in a nine-hole partners low-net golf competition that produced a two- way tie for first place. The team of Mark McCartney and Dick Grimme tied for first with the duo of Bob King and A. Beham with identical 68s. Second place went to the team of Bob Kral and Earl Huntzinger, who were a shot back at 69. The Key Royale ladies teed it up the following day for an individual low-net game that included a putting points competition. PLEASE SEE SPORTS, NEXT PAGE "The best hamburgers and the coldest mugs of beer this side of Heaven." , -Atiass Puffu www.DuffysTavernAMI.com Pat-Geyer Proprietress OPEN 11-8G CLOSED TUES. 59TH & MARINA DR. HOLMES BEACH 778-2501 THE ISLANDER AUG. 2, 2006 i 17 Sports CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 Joyce Brown and Cindy Miller both fired a one- over par 33 to tie for first place, one shot better than the trio of Roswitha Fowler, Nancy Grimme and Jane Winegarden, who each shot 34 to finish in a three-way tie for second. Roswitha Fowler, Nancy Grimme, Sally Keyes, Cindy Miller and Teddy Morgan finished in a tie for first in the putting points game, while Miller also earned some bragging rights with a birdie on hole No. 6. Jeannette Cashman made some noise with a chip-in on No. 7. Wednesday the men were back at it for an 18-hole, individual low-net game. Dick Grimme and Web Cut- ting finished in a tie for first after firing identical three- under-par 61s. One shot back were Vince Mercadante and Dick Rowse in a tie for second place. Third place went to Fred Meyer and George Womble, who shot 65, while Bob Jorgensen and Dick Mills both shot 67 to tie for fourth place. Horseshoe news Ron Pepka helped partner Tom Rhodes to his third consecutive trip to the winner's circle during July 22 horseshoe action at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Pepka then teamed up with Jimmy Spencer on July 26 to start his own winning streak as the duo defeated_ the team of John Johnson and Gary Howcroft by a 23-7 score in the championship match. In Wednesday's semifinal match, Johnson and Howcroft defeated George Landritus and Herb Ditzel 22-9 to advance to the finals. Tom Rhodes and Pepka defeated the team of Debbie Rhodes and Steve Doyle 22-12 in the July 22 finals. Tom Rhodes and Pepka advanced to the finals thanks to a 23-19 victory over Tom Skoloda and Herb Ditzel in the semifinals, while Debbie Rhodes and Doyle defeated Sam Samuels and Hank Huyghe in the other semifinal game. Samuels and Huyghe won their opening playoff game against Ron Boelman and Jay Disbrow by a 22- 15 score. Play gets under way at 9 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Warmups begin at 8:45 a.m. followed by random team selection. There is no charge to play and everyone is welcome. Jessica's Beach Lounqge } Happy Hour M-F 4-7pm b Thursday 7pm MJ .KoKo RAY&SORRY Do, 111 7th St. N. Bradenton Beach (next to the Green Turtle) 778-0830 'Stoked for golf' Max Marnie concentrates as he putts for par at the Pinebrook-Iron- wood Golf Club during the stu- dent tournament that followed five weeks of golf les- sons. Looking on are Jake Parsons, David Stokes and Hallie Mattick. Islander Photo: Billy Malfese , 17. Stokes tourney showcases young golfers' new skills By Billy Malfese Islander Reporter The first annual Bud Stokes Junior Golf Program culminated its five-week course in beginner golf with a tournament July 24 at the Pinebrook-Ironwood Golf Club in Bradenton. Steve Dietz, an 18-year PGA professional, taught the fundamentals of golf to about 10 kids ages 8 to 13 in the course sponsored for the Anna Maria Island Community Center. "This year turned out great, I really think.these kids learned a lot. Next year should be even better with more kids and a year under our belt," said Dietz. Dietz is the golf director and instructor at the Ben Sutton Golf School in Sun City.. The tournament setup had the golfers split into two teams of three, with the rules resembling a popular golf format called "scramble." Scramble 'consists of all the golfers on the same SCHNITZELHAUS U The Best German Restaurant on Florida's West Coast Every Friday Bavarian Haxen (Pork knuckle with bread dumpling and red cabbage) Please phone ahead 24 hours Reservations a must! 778-1320 HOURS: MON-SAT 5-9:30PM Anna Maria Island Centre 3246 E. Bay Drive Holmes Beach OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Kitchen 11:30am-10prm Full Bar 11:30am til late nite Full food and liquor service and daily Specials that'll BLOW YOU AWAY! 778-5788 5346 Gulf Drive, in the S&S Plaza ---------- - ICap al b 's P : I I I House of Pizza I Buy regular price buffet 8i aI nd get second for I $2,99 With the purchase a 0 2|- of a soft drink . I 792-5300 10519 Cortez Road W. Mon-Sat 1 iam-10pm Sunday Noon-9prn PLEASE PRESENT COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 31, 2006 : team each taking a shot and whichever shot is deemed the best is used as a starting point for the next shots. The other golfers retrieve their balls and set them next to the chosen ball. All players shoot again, take the best shot from this group and so on until the hole is made. The number of times it takes to make the shot, using the best shot after all players swing, is tallied. The two teams of golfers were pretty even, with one team shooting a 45 and the other 41 over the course of nine holes played. "I'm very pleased with how this program turned out this year. Steve has taught the kids a great deal about the game of golf and I am excited for next year," said Janet Stokes, wife of the late Bud Stokes, for whom the program is named. Stokes' sons, David and Tim, flew in from Michi- gan to watch the tournament and see how the program had developed. The Center and Stokes are both optimistic about the program's future success on the Island. All-you-can-eat Pancakes &.Sausage s$ $ 95 Mon-Fri7am-noon Sat-Sun 7am-1pm Evening entertainment! 4-8pm Wed ~ Larry Rich Thurs & Sat ~ Rick Boyd Fri & Sun ~ Tom Mobley Mon & Tues ~ Mark Cravens + * Monday Italian Night e .)) All-you- $795 can-eat -4-8pm TUESDAY 4-8pin SUNSET SPECIALS .* *+ **, +* + rACO a. FAJITA -WT-V Every Wednesday 4-8pm All-You- $ 95 Can-Eat .79 S-COMBO Fll FRY- ~ 2-8 pm with fries and slaw 400G rie $8095 OPEN 7 AM 7 DAYS A WEEK BEER & WINE 4000 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-0784 18 0 AUG. 2, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER, Tales of times past on Palma Sola Bay Ah, the good old days! Award-winning Islander cartoonist Jack Egan offered the following from Charlie Jones, who grew up in Manatee County and remembers the good old days when time on the water wasn't so much a thing for fun but an event to put food on the table. The following is Charlie's recollection of one of those days spent on the water just to the east of Anna Maria Island. Memories: A day on Palma Sola Bay The year is 1939. My older brother, Claude, is set- ting up a fishing trip to our favorite spot the grouper hole. We will get the 16-foot rowboat loaded for the 1- mile trip: equipment includes fishing lines for grouper, a quarter-inch grass rope for sharks, water, oranges, a couple of mullet for bait and a cane pole to catch pin- fish. Before I start loading the boat, I must take care of my pets. They're three raccoons, two grey foxes and a 3-foot alligator. They get their share of fresh fish and Purina dog chow. I enter the 12 by 12 wire cage that I built over a 10-foot oak tree stump, broke off during a hurricane. This is the home for the raccoons when they are not out playing. They have a spacious home in the oak or in a hollow in the stump. - Time to load the boat and get under way. Claude will row the boat from our landing at Route 1, Braden- ton, now known as Palma Sola Boulevard, non-stop, the one mile to the grouper hole. He pulls on the oars in a steady rhythm, the oar-locks rattling under his powerful pulls. Claude, with his natural muscular build, broad shoulders and well-developed upper body, makes the boat skim along. We didn't lift weights in those days - we worked. Arriving at the fishing hole, I began to probe for tlhe rocky bottom with a 10-foot piece of pipe. We want to anchor very close to them. As I probed, I was holding my right hand over the end of the pipe. Suddenly, I hit a rock which was about 2 feet higher than the last probe. The pipe cut a nice round hole in the palm of my hand and I carry that scar to this day. We anchor so that we can catch pinfish from the bow of the boat and fish in the rocks from the stem. A 4- to 5-inch pinfish, or grunt, are the preferred food for the black grouper, red grouper or occasional jewfish, A$nno Solria ZslonaT3aes ?Moon Date AM HIGH AM LOW PM HIGH PM LOW 1 FQO -.u 2 5 2I- 22 0i2 'p s [.; S03 I 4 12 4q) .6 u I 56 22 2 11 4 AuJg4 646 24 n_ 112 AugS 5^ 5 -32 4 ;: a 916 4 6 24 -'I u." liOS !n .02 -u: A I o 4 1 I I I 4 o 29 on 44 -i 2 F FMAug9 2-20 1.6 '.5:13 1.4 11:59a* 2.9 7:25 -0.1 SCortez High Tides 7 minutes later -lows 1:06 later' DOCKS-N-DECKS Specializing in docks and decks Maintenance Painting Cleaning Repair (941) 779-1839 docksndecks@verizon.net Licensed and insured T4. L) ,4 \^ FISHING LICENSES* LIVE & FROZEN BAlT% TERMINAL TACKLE SUNGLASSES & HATS : *PENN*SHIMANO#ST. CROIX Q Everything You Need for Florida Fishing fIUSLAND DIBCIik ----IITACKLIFl:- 5503 MARINA DRIVE at CATCHER'S MARINA (by Holmes Beach boat basin) 779-2838 OPEN DAILY (major credit cards) now called Goliath grouper. Our lines are set. The shark line is baited with two mullet heads and a small fillet. It is set so that the tide will keep the line taunt. We land several black grouper, one red and a 15-20 pound jewfish. On this trip we will not string the fish and tie them over the stem. The last time out, a shark struck the stringer and made a quick, easy meal of all the fish. My job, other than fishing, is to keep the boat bailed out and pull the anchor as quickly as I can if a shark hits. Today is the day. Claude shouts, "We have a shark!" Ijump to pull the anchor, staying low in the boat to keep from being thrown out when the shark gets to the end of the rope. I barely get the anchor off the bottom when the boat lurches violently. I keep my footing, my heart is pounding and Claude is sitting on the bottom of the boat, holding onto the shark line. The boat moves about 50 feet and the shark line goes slack - did the rope break or did the leader, a 4-foot-long dog chain, break? The boat lurches violently again and the shark breaches on the opposite side of the boat in a spray of foam and water. About six feet of the shark comes out of the water. This is pretty exciting for an 11-year- old boy. At this point, the line broke. Upon inspection, it separated where the chain was wired to the grass rope. We have a good catch. It's time to head home, clean the fish and have a "good old southern fish fry" with the family: fresh fish, grits, baked sweet potatoes, cole slaw, milk, buttermilk or tea. All enjoy a wonderful meal that only mother can prepare with her special loving touch. More Palma Sola memories There's a wonderful little book that's-probably- out of print now, titled "Around the Palma Sola Loop with Fred Hall," a tale of the people who lived north of Palma Sola Bay before and after the first world war. It was a time of moonshine, mischief and struggles, as people fought poverty, skeeters and sometimes each other, but a community in the true sense of.the word. As Fred puts it in the book's preface regarding the area, "Truly a most unique community, composed of high pine woods, swamps, hammocks, salt flats, marshes, rivershore, bayous and bays, and an amalga- mation of souls with a truly live-and-let-live conscience, a wide variety of desirable and practical talents, with a live-off-the-land-and-sca ability, plus a real compassion ....ack PURE id Service Station P e. ertlfied Full utorroti,,e Repair P 5333 Gulf Drive Holrnes Beach 779-0487 [at the corner of Gulf and Marina Drive] WOOD DOCK S& SEAWALL CUSTOM DOCKS SEAWALLS BOAT LIFTS ; Design Build Permitting Sales Service Supplies 792-5322 StateCert. d12044 CortezRd., W. CRC049564 I UN L E PETE WANTS YOU TO DRIVE A CLEAN CAR! 24-hour self-serve car wash Complete auto detailing Quick lube AMERICAN CAR WASH 5804 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach 778-1617 MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED --I By Paul R.Galitt for others, whether or not deserved."' Below is an excerpt from that book. "Palma Sola Bay was not inviting to the commer- cial fisherman, although the- shallow mossy bottom areas teemed with speckled, trout, which meant suc- cess for the hook-and-line fisherman. Johnny Adams made out fairly well as a trout fisherman, and poled his 14-foot cypress skiff to the Cortez fish house, and in the best of times received 4 cents a pound for his catch. "Sawfish of all sizes, from 14 inches to 14 feet, ganged up, multiplied and played havoc with the net fishermen in Palma Sola Bay. Should the fisherman surround one or more bottom fish, the big one simply tore up the net until nothing was left to salvage but the cork and lead line, which meant many hours of hard, dirty labor. "Most any kid in Palma Sola would sell you a 6- or 8- inch saw for a quarter, or a 4-foot specimen for $4. Sawfish harvesting was not considered a profitable occupation. "The bay did have its favorable characteristics. Much of the bottom was literally paved with giant cohog clams. Snook were easily caught or gigged. but in those days snook %w ere scrap fish and not fit for the table, and they were the prime enemy of mullet fisher- men, as one 6-pound snook could and would make a. man-sized hole in the gill net. "Ma~N be the fact that Palma Sola Ba\ had more stingra\ s per square foot than any other nearby) after r was the reason so many and such large sawfish were around. The fishermen said the saws lived on stingrays- and clams." Good stories, huh? ... and a sad story Florida mystery readers will probably remember- the Dairy Queen on U.S. 301 in Sarasota as immortal- ized by Stuart Kaminsky in his Lew Fonesca novels. . Well, it's all memories now. - The fast-foot, slushy ice cream emporium closed forever July 30 to make way for offices. Or condos. Or something other than Blizzards. At its inceptriN. it wasz-: the second Dairy Queen in Florida. ,Another landmark bites the dust to make way for "progress." SSandscript factoid This '%as sent from a friend and. although I do not ad\ ocate the consumption of spirits, it may be of some interest for those of \ou \\ ho ma\ so imbibe. "If you had purchased $1.000 of Nortel stock one )ear qgo. it would now be borth- $49 . "'With Enron, you Nould have had $16.50 left of the original $1,000; WorldCom. you \\ would have had less than $5 left. "But if you had purchased $1,000 worth of beer one year ago, drank all the beer, then turned in the cans for the aluminum recycling refund, you would have ,had $214! ' "Based on the above, the best current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle. "It's called the 401-Keg Plan." POUDU PROULmT" FEA4TUING DOCKS BOAT LIFTS SUNCOAS T SE41 DOCK & BOAT LIFT 941-923-6996 ff1,r ,t ,1 },i.' TIHE ISLANDER 1 AUG. 2, 2006 0 19 It's all macs, all the time, everywhere, right now By Capt. Mike Heistand Mackerel fishing is the hot ticket right now, although the nighttime shark catch is also pretty good. Offshore action for grouper and snapper is excel- : lent in the 100-plus depths, with trolling working the best for the better hookups. Inshore action for redfish has slowed, but trout and catch-and-release snook are still a good target. Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of Parrot Cove Marina said, "The summer snapper bite is on inshore. Small pilchards or shrimp will produce well. A trip last week produced about 50 mangrove snapper to 17 inches and a number of juvenile gag grou- per. Several snapper were also taken on small white jigs and on fly gear with a closer minnow." He said that he has also been catching catch-and-release snook to 30 inches, trout to 23 inches, scattered reds to 29 inches along with big ladyfish and jack crevalle. "Bait is still Good day on the water Dan Howe and friends brought in a good catch of snapper and amberjack while fishing last week. Pictured, from left, are Don Chandler and Alan McRae, both visiting from Atlanta, Dan, David Gryboski, and a smiling Big red Kyle Korabek reeled in this big redfish while fishing with Capt. Zack Zacharias out of Cortez. CAPT XKE' Br~ Alexandra Howe in front. readily available this late into summer and the shrimp are beginning to break out of peewee stage," he added, plus "a respectable tarpon was hooked on a topwater Mirrolure in Palma Sola Bay. The silver king was lurk- ing beneath a school of frenzied ladyfish." Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle at Catch- ers Marina in Holmes Beach said offshore fishing is excellent if you get out to better than the 100-foot or more depths, with superb grouper and snapper catches. Trolling is a good way to boat the big ones, Bill advised. Inshore action is also good, with lots of mackerel, red- fish and catch-and-release snook being caught. Snapper fishing is starting to pick up, and nighttime shark fish- ing is excellent right now. Capt. Thorn Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez Road said he's been putting his charters onto trout and redfish, most caught while wading and using artificial bait. Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said fishing has been good of late, -with lots of hookups of Spanish mackerel, a few redfish, some small grouper and even some rare hog fish. Jesus Rosario at the Anna Maria City Pier said fishers there are catching mackerel, snapper, small sharks and snook at night, but mackerel are the best bet. Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said he's seeing lots of black drum by the docks and near the Snead Island Boatworks. Mackerel are thick near Snook Trout Redflsh Tarpon Grouper v Colda . 941-704-6763 sumotimefishing.com C M Howard Insliore/NearshOr: Cp arkS Howard USCG d/ln .HaiB-Jia~r *** *'* p\':. n ,' the Sunshine Skyway Bridge in Tampa Bay, and he's hearing of some catch-and-release snook being caught from Terra Ceia Bay. Boaters report that redfish are getting hard to find, though. Capt. Rick Gross on Fishy Business out of Catch- ers Marina in Holmes Beach said he's catching lots and lots of mackerel, and redfish are getting harder to get, but bait is plentiful. At Perico Island Bait and Tackle, reports include lots of redfish being caught near Prices Key in Palma Sola Bay by wade fishers, with the lower tides produc- ing the better catches. Boating fishers are catching lots of mackerel on the artificial reefs. At Skyway Bait and Tackle, reports include "tons" of mackerel by the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, plus small sharks,.grouper, snapper and bluefish. On my boat Magic, we caught mackerel to 33 inches, some 12-pound redfish, plus a few trout to 20 inches. Good luck and good fishing. Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing guide. Call him at 723-1107 to provide a fishing report. Prints and digital images of your catch are also wel- come and may be dropped off at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to news@ islander.org. Please include identification for persons in the picture along with information on the catch and a name and phone number for more information.. Snap- shots may be retrieved once they appear in tie paper. INSHORE SPORTFISHING CHARTER BOAT eat Captain Steven Salgado Owner/Operator Lifetime experience in local waters Full & Half Day Trips Custom Trips Available U.S.C.G. Licensed Custom-built Privateer Fishing License, Ice, Bait & Tackle Furnished Anna Maria Island Florida 778-9712 PROFESSIONAL FISHING ACADEMY Presented by IMG Academies and Cay Clubs International Featuring World-Renowned Fishermen Captains Norm & Darrin Isaacs Fish with the Pros! * Three and five-day sessions available Ior Juniors (Ages 12-18) and Adulls * Multiple locations: Clearwalei. Bradenlon/Sarasola and Maralhon Key * Captain's School beginning September 2006 (scholarships available 5500 341h Street West Bradenlon FL 34210 800.872 6425 941 752 2600 Fax.941 752 2531 Email: netsales'imgworld com wwvw IMGAcademnies.com CHARTER BOATJAN MARIE A ~ Da r A.- L l.-L; ACADEMIES 20 M AUG. 2, 2006 m THIE ISLANDER IAS L-AA AERIAL PHOTOS of Anna Maria Island. View and purchase online: www.jackelka.com. FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp, crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call James Lee, 941-795-1112 or 704-8421. LONGBOAT KEY HISTORY "From Calusas to Con- dominiums" by Ralph B. Hunter. Signed copies avail- able at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. 941-778-7978. ESTATE SALE: 9am-3pm Saturday, Aug. 5. Furniture, clothing, artwork, surfboards, etc. Don't miss this! 123rd St. Ct. W., Cortez, half block from Cortez Road. SALE STOREWIDE: GORGEOUS crystal antique chandelier, was $295 now $150. Seaside mermaid boxes, frames, clocks 50 percent off. All sterling jew- elry 50-70 percent off, 48 Matchbox cars with case, $20; all cookbooks 25-50 percent off, Christmas embroidered shirts regularly $24.98 now $8, all sizes. Select seaside oil paintings, watercolors, prints, 60 percent off; select gifts antiques, ruby glass, vintage and costume jewelry 50-90 percent off. Niki's Gifts, Antiques and Jewelry, open seven days, 9:30am- 5pm, 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. YARD SALE: 9am-4pm Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 5-6. Furniture, books, housewares, jewelry, women's clothing, etc. 2415 Ave., B, Bradenton Beach. KARATE ON THE Island: Ages four through adult. Call 941-807-1734 or visit www.islanddojo.cmasdirect.com. KEY WEST FANTASY Fest: 6 days/5 nights aboard 65-foot sailing vessel, Lex-Sea. $1,895 per couple, per cabin inclusive, maximum six passengers. Bring your own beer and attitude. Depart from Cortez Oct. 25. Information and reservations, 941-713-5958. AVOID FORECLOSURE: We will help today. Call today, don't delay. 941-778-4495. FREE MOVING BOXES, including 2-3 wardrobe- size to first caller. 941-704-0817. BUTTERFLY PARKBENEFIT: Purchase a personal- ized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park. Two lines, $40.Three lines, $50. Forms at The Islander or call 941-5.18-4431 for more information. FREE GUN LOCK. Yes, free. Just for the asking. Courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserva- tion Commission. Free at The Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be sorry, be safe. Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor 778-0455 REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA www.greenreal.com One of the biggest names in mortgages is right in your own backyard. WXVhen you choose Chase you .Vare guaranteed by a variety of products offered by one of the nations top mortgage lenders. 1 Plus. the knowledge of loan officers like Ron Hayes % ho I are firniliar ith and dedicated to your local iommunr. So, .hadtemer your mortgage needs tied rie. idiustable rac lumbo. g.o errnmenE. call Ron /,LiLf tor a free consultror,n it (9-1) 61-9808 (24-i hours) or 1800) 559-8025. .c0 CHASE re #ngagilllCIIIIII 'M I GUARDIAN AD LITEM volunteers needed: A guard- ian ad litem is a trained volunteer appointed by the court to represent and advocate for the best interest of children who have been abused, abandoned or neglected. Make a positive impact! Call 941-744- 9473 or visit www.12circuitgal.org. BILLIE JOE: I'm a 2-year old male cat, very hand- some, black and white. Need a special person to adopt me, my family was evicted. Neutered and microchipped. 941-920-1411. FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough .-for adoption. All food and medical provided. Julie, 941-720-1411. ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes. All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened. Please, call 941-922-0774. 1989 MERCEDES: 560SL convertible with hard top. Champagne color. 105,000 miles. Very good condi- tion. $12,500. 813-645-2599. WANTED: DOCK SPACE or slip. Rent or lease for 30-foot boat. Electric and water preferred. Call 863-559-8889. 2002 J16 CAROLINA skiff with 2003 25-hp four- stroke Yamaha, in warranty. Performance trailer included. 941-730-3553 or 941-778-2391. $5,900 or best offer. LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater and near shore fishing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle provided. 941-723-1107. PURCHASING/INVENTORY CONTROL position ,for busy electrical contracting company. Parts dis- tribution, invoicing and accounts receivable experi- ence a plus. Must be computer literate with excel- lent verbal and written communication skills. Call- 941-778-1999. SWanted: Part-time house cleaner detail. $13/hour. 10-20 hours a week. Available any day. Richard, 941-778-3519. BONUS! CLASSIFIED ADS are posted early online at www.islander.org. |> Prudential Palms Realty Michelle MustORa..o,, 941-809-3714 www.michellemusto.com PERICO BAY CLUB: BRADENTON 827 Walerside Lane: 2BR/2BA updaled, lumkey furnished, 1,069 sf. S409,000. email: mi(hellemusto@prudentialpalmsrealty.com 4~. ~.i1 *.ii Al /~ i~t~I ~i it~, '1- Y^.-1 . 42 RIVERVIEW CUSTOM This custom Spanish-style 3BR/3BA home with views of the Manatee River and open- floor plansoffergracious I ing fordicscnminatingtastes. The high ceibngs and arched entry to the living room. complete with fireplace and balcony overlooking the river adds just the right touch. A -gourmet kitchen, complete % ith pantry closet, is designed to be the center of family gatherings or entertaining. Way too many features to name! $989,000. \Gulf-Bay Realty I Jesse Brisson / Broker Associate, GRI 941-713-4755 NOW HIRING CNA/HHA/LPN/RN: Call now to join our dynamic home health care agency team. Full- time/part-time positions available. First In Care Home Health Agency, 941-746-8400. NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Res- taurant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call 941-778-3953. SEEKING PIANO PLAYER evenings for Ooh La La! Bistro. Music range from classical to jazz. Call Chef Damon, 941-778-5320. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Tingley Memorial Library. Duties include checking books in/out, reshelving, and generally assisting library patrons. Call Eveann Adams, (941) 779-1208. SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and intermediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10 per half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended. Local teen, team competitor. Call 941-778-0944. BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, 941-756 5496. BABYSITTER, PETSITTER, dog walker: First-aid certified, 13-year-old, eighth-grader, female, great with kids and animals. Call Kendall, 941-779-9783. NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia, 941-761-1569. Red Cross certified. ENSURE YOUR CHILD'S safety while you relax. Call Gemma, 941-447-9657. Responsible, reliable and experienced, with a love for children. Red Cross babysitting and first-aid certifications. DOG WALKER, PET sitter, child sitter and odd jobs. Tenth-grader, available after school and weekends. Zach, 941-779-9783. RED CROSS first-aid certified babysitter certified. Call Alex, 941,-778-5352. GETYOUR BOAT washed without the hassle. just give me a call. Regular scheduling available, perfect for when you're out of town. Call Richard, 941-447 9657. BABYSITTER/PETSITTER:. RESPONSIBLE, Red Cross certified. Experienced with kids and pets of all ages. Many Island references! Transportation available. Weekly and monthly rates available. Call Hilary or Natalie. 941-778-5181.- PAYTON AND DINA'S cleaning service: We do yard work, dog-sitting, house cleaning and we run errands. We do not mow grass. Open 3-5pm every day! 941-538-8829. READY TO MOVE IN! Brand new 3BR/2BA, two-car garage wilh den, 2,053 sf, near Prime Al i 7 Oullels Mall in Ellenton. Neu- Shlal colors, upgrades galore, Quiet ul-de-sac lot on pond/ S preserve. Close to 1-75 and 275, commuter's dream. Two-year bumper-to-bumper and 10-year structural home warranties. Very low HOA fee. Room for pool. MLS #529860. $369,900. Call Melanie Johnson 941-704-7394. WAGNER. REALTY . s*...... ..,*s..s*.................. *.. o lQ)ecome ,7o aradise Call Deborah Thrasher for all your real estate needs! : 941-518-7738 or debmthrash@aol.com OPEN WATER VIEWS AND STEPS TO BEACH! Quiet north end location! Turnkey furnished! Boat dock! Hot tub! New tile floors and new kitchen cabinets. Offered at: 10.41 ACRES off state road 70 in quiet subdivision, beautiful property with pond, can subdivide into five-acre parcels. Reduced at: $599,000. ISLAND CONVENIENCE STORE WITH GAS! SREDUCED TO $149,900 & INVENTORY! Super opportunity : : to own Island business! : Deborah Thrasher/RE/MAX EXCELLENCE : : 24 North Blvd. of the Presidents, Sarasota, FL 941-383-9700. ********************** ******* O O ******** . a*. R R t N'. U~~ S - N THE ISLANDER 0 AUG. 2, 2006 21 IS A N -RCLA S SIVIEDS KIDS FOR HIRE ads are FREE for Island youths under 16 looking for work. Ads must be placed in person at The Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. MAN WITH SHOVEL: Plantings, natives, patio gar- dens, trimming, cleanup, edging, maintenance. Hard-working and responsible. Excellent references. Edward 941-778-3222. LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint- ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine Car Service. Serving the Islands. 941-778-5476. Sales Rentals Call now for your Property Management , Property owners- 1 ,., Call us to I I'78-2307 1-800-306-9666 rent your v Ir. rnmamoDreale,:a; *:. m properties! Unbeatable.. ". service for fljAl j. over*35 FRAN i years! l or 9701 Gulf ve' SStERViNG THE -tREA SINCE i9'0 MLS Anna Maria ANNA MARIA REAL ESTATE LLC BAY PALMS WATERFRONT SELLER FINANCING 3-4BR/2BA canalfront, ceramic tile, granite counters, heated pool and Jacuzzi. Family room, dock. $1,179,000. ANNA MARIA CONTEMPORARY 4BR/2BA open plan, vaulted ceiling, elevator, four-car garage. Bamboo flooring, turnkey furnished. Near beach. $1,350,000. GULF PLACE CONDO 3BR/2BA turnkey furnished, tennis, heated pool, beautiful beach, on-site management, excellent rental. $995,000. KEY ROYALE NORTH POINT HARBOUR 2BR/2BA waterfront home. New seawall, 20,000 lb. boatlift. Community heated pool, tennis. $870,000. FABULOUS GULFFRONT OCEANA CONDO 3BR/2BA turnkey furnished on beautiful beach. Small pets, open plan, elevator, carport, shutters. $1,999,000. SUN PLAZA WEST CONDO 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished, Gulffrbnt complex, heated pool, secured entry, beach, tennis. From $675,000. WILDEWOOD SPRINGS CONDOS 2BR/2BA Tuscany villa. Mexican tile, patio. $399,900. 2BR/2BA lowest price in Wildewood!!! $269,900. HOLMES BEACH POOL HOME 2BR/2BA open plan. Vaulted ceiling, wet bar, deck, large lot, fenced yard, pool and hot tub. $599,900. BEACH HOUSE LARGE LOT 4BR/2BA just steps to white-sand beach, turnkey furnished, deck. Seller financing. $1,299,000. GULFFRONT WATER'S EDGE CONDO 2BR/2BA condo. Gorgeous view, updated, turnkey, beautiful walking beach, secured lobby. $995,000. PERIWINKLE COTTAGE 2BR close to beach. Great income producer, Italian tile, fire- place, turnkey furnished. Charming! $649,900. OLD FLORIDA ANNA MARIA NEAR BEACH 3BR/1.5BA Cracker cottage-plus studio apartment. West of Gulf Dr. Just steps to finest beach! $875,000. HOLMES BEACH WATERFRONT 3BR/2BA home. Tile, pavers, fence, room for pool, new dock, direct access to Tampa Bay. $799,900. KEY ROYALE BAYFRONT 3BR/2.5BA home. Panoramic view, split plan, room for pool, 88-foot dock. 122-foot waterfront. $2,500,000. TRADEWINDS RESORT VILLA 1BR/1BA turnkey furnished. Heated pool, just steps to beach, rental program, small pet. $325,900. SEASIDE BEACH HOUSE CONDO 1BR/1 BA turnkey turnishcd. Sautillo tile, pool beautiful beach: Direct Gulf view, manager, excellent rental. 5-9'. ,)01. ANNUAL and SEASONAL RENTALS 779-0202 (800) 732-6434 ANNA MARIA MLSISLAND REAL ESTATE LLC Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com COMPUTER OBEDIENCE TRAINING. Is your computer misbehaving? Certified computer service and private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. 941-545-7508. ISLAND PRESSURE CLEANING for great results, wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable, reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. 941-778-0944. CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist. Experienced certified technician for communica- tion electronics offers wireless and cable networks, upgrades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and train- ing. Call Robert, 941-778-3620. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod- eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. 941-720-0794. PROFESSIONAL I.T. SERVICES: Complete com- puter solutions for business and home. Installation, repairs, upgrades, networking, Web services, wire- less services. Richard Ardabell, network engineer, 941-778-5708, or cell 216-509-1945. FIND GREAT DEALS on wheels and everything else in The Islander, 778-7978. F^-- Iv ,I7 7 IlllaA BRADENTON-19600 E STATE ROAD 64 Unique home situated on 20 acres w/ 2 acres of mature grapes and spring fed,perennial stream. Directly across from Lake Manatee State park which protects views, provides additional riding trails, swimming and boat launch. 3Bd 2Ba $1,795,000 BRADENTON BEACH CLUB 2BR plus office/ PALMETTO-4607 ARLINGTON ROAD BRADENTON BEACH SANDCASTLE Gulf den, 2BA, open plan, granite, underground Full Bay views are unbelievable! 100' seawall, front newer construction, complex only has parking with elevator. 1/2 block to beach access, total remodel includes Maple cabinets, Corian 8 units, covered parking, pool, 3 bedroom, 2 Wonderful location on Anna Maria Island. counters, new appliances, new tile and carpet, bath, beautifully turn-key furnished, elevator. Bradenton Beach Club has two heated pools, newly painted, new A/C and oversized garage. 3Bd 2Ba $1,699,000 spa, fitness center and a boardwalk that leads Amazing sunsets! Only 17 minutes from St. to the Bay. $689,000 Pete. 2Bd 2Ba $985,000 t:94 11366-8777 www.skysothebys.com Sch_ O~tee ts tfdepefi&diff OwvAwd Operawata_ I-<. 22 i AUG. 2, 2006 U THE ISLANDER ;I S L A N CLEANING COUPLE: A few open slots for offices, condos, houses, etc. We also do errands and hurricane checks. Honest and dependable. (941) 448-7119. CUCCIO TILE: Many Island references. Free esti- mates. Licensed and insured. 941-730-2137. EXPERIENCED CERTIFIED TEACHER avail- able for tutoring in math, science and reading for elementary-to college-level students. $35/hour. 941-524-4177. CPA BOOKKEEPER AVAILABLE for temporary and/or part-time work to assist with your small busi- ness or personal accounting/reconciliation needs. $35/hour, two-hour minimum. 941-914-2037. ANNA MARIA ROCK School at School for Con- structive Play. Lessons in guitar, drums, piano, bass guitar, saxophone, flute, theory. All ages. Call 941-778-1747. HANDYMAN SERVICES: PAINTING caulking, interior carpentry, custom mirror and other inte- rior/exterior general household repairs. Offering quality services since 1994. Reliable. Call Colin at 941-376-0541. LEWIS MOBILE CAR wash service at your home, office, anywhere inside or outside. Wash, vacuum- ing, detailing. Henry Lewis. Cell (941) 465-6963. MASSAGE THERAPY: Licensed 10 years, seven years with physical therapist. Available for relax- ation, injuries, chronic pain. Serving Island and west Bradenton. House calls or my residence. Jeff Rogers, 941-713-2694. License no. MA22438. PET PHOTOGRAPHY at your home. Summer spe- cial, 10 percent off. Visit snaparts.com. 941-356- 7303. Snaparts@aol.com. PETS, DOGWALKING AND housesitting. North- west Bradenton. Reliable, references available. Call 941-794-3933. PRIVATE PHOTO CLASSES: Learn how to use your camera or how to buy a new one. Paula at 941-356-7303. PRESSURE WASHING, GUTTERS cleaned, lawn care, trimming, odd jobs. Senior discounts. Call John, 941-773-6689. MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clari- net. Beginning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, 941-758-0395. BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigera- tion. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call William Eller, 941-795- 7411. CAC184228. ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional cre- ates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www. jackelka.com. 941-778-2711. NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing mas- sage in the comfort of your home. Call today for an appointment, 941-795-0887. MA#0017550. TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years experience. References available. For a reasonable price, call Sebastian, 941-704-6719. CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, land- scaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. 941- 778-5294. ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. Monthly and quarterly accounts available. If it is broken, we can fix it. Call 941-778-2581. CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING: Top quality lawn and landscape maintenance. Now accepting new accounts at great rates. Please call 941-778-2335 or 284-1568. SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander. En f 5mepimr Price'::$769,O00 *3 Beidroomi-, 2. ~t Gran'te Coun~ters- 0 Lqro v .e~*A rom Syst~ni ~%O9- 65thSt. $779,000 JR'S LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE Lawns, native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup. Island resident 25 years. Call 941-807-1015. SHELL DELIVERED.and spread. $42/yard. Hauling: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free esti- mates. Call Larry at 941-795-7775, "shell phone" 941-720-0770. KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean- ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City of Anna Maria resident. Cell 941-448-3857. NATURE'S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residential and commercial. 30-years experience. 941-729-9381. STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Complete clean- ups, installations, native plants, palms, aquascapes, rock and patios. Shell installed $42/yard. Shark Mark 941-727-5066. VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, inte- rior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island references. Bill, 941-795-5100. JOE UNGVARSKY CONSTRUCTION Remodeling contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed and insured. Many Island references. 941-778-2993. License #CRC 035261. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING free esti- mates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at 941-778-1730. CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island ser- vice since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now Gertifying back flow at water meters. FL#RF0038118-941-778-3924 or 778-4461. GREAT PRICE REDUCTION! OWNER MUST SELL this beautiful build- ing lot zoned duplex. Priced now below market. At last, a realistic seller for the buyer in need of a spacious lot for a two-family dwelling. Over 11,400 sf and PRICED TO SELL. $589,000. AVAILABLE 1BR/1BA upstairs apartment $675/month plus utilities. 2BR/2BA canal home $1,300/month plus utilities. Annual lease, first and last plus security. No pets. "We ARE the Island!" SINCE 1957 Marie Franklin, Lic. Real Estate Broker 941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-225Q E-mail amrealty@ verizon.net Web site www.annamariareal.com SALES & RENTALS 419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216- PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291 EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294 www.betsyhills.com k^. ? -NL -,41 _ RARE DUPLEX WITH FOUR BOAT SLIPS Charming waterfront duplexfeatures 2BR/2BA upstairs apartment with open great room floor plan, vaulted ceilings and skylights, and deck overlooking Bimini Bay. Downstairs apartment offers 2 or 3BR/2BA, tile floors, wooden cabinets, and sundeck at water's edge, along with four boat slips on deep, navigable channel. $975,000. Iy.S A NER -C ASS F IEDuiS TILE -TILE -TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, 941-726-3077. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod- eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. 941-720-0794. CUSTOM RENOVATION/RESTORATION expert. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Thirty years experience. Insured. Meticulous, clean, sober and prompt. Paul Beauregard, 941-779-2294. KEN &TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and shutters. Insured and licensed, 941-748-4711. TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed. Why pay retail? Island resident, many references. Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor Coverings. 941-792-1367, or 726-1802. JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy- man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pres- sure washing and tree trimming. Call 941-778-6170 or 447-2198. SMike .J Norman .. Realty 3101 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, FL 34217 (941) 778-6696 Office Vic Caserta (941) 778-4364 Fax Realtor, fluent in 1-800-367-1617 Toll-Free Italian, Spanish and English (941) 778-6943 Home n(941) 730-1062 Cell 31Years of Professional Service EXPERIENCE REPUTATION RESULTS TOWNHOUSE/VILLA-3BR/3BA Heated pool, gazebo, upgrades. $598,000. ARBORS 2BR/2BA-golf course, turnkey, clubhouse. $263,900. MARTINIQUE N.-Direct Gulf view, corner with garage, storage. Updated. Shows beautifully. $899,000. KEY ROYALE-Canalfront lot. 9,450 sf. Golf course view. $699,000. HARBOUR VILLA CLUB- 2BR/2BA, turnkey, boat dock. $794,900. DESOTO SQUARE VILLA 2BR/2BA, gated community. $175,000. THE LINKS AT PINEBROOK Golf course view, beautifully furnished. 2BR/2BA. $260,000. VACATION, SEASONAL AND ANNUAL RENTALS LUXURY GULFFRONT VILLAS, CONDOS, HOMES 5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807 yrealt7@aol.com www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com REALTORS GULF FRONT CONDO-Serene Gulf vistas can be yours at a remark- able price. Spacious 3BR/2BA with private lanai overlooking white sandy beach. Undercover parking. $795,000. Call Lori Guerin, Real- tor 941-773-3415 or Carmen Pedota, Realtor 941-284-2598 eves. GULFVIEW CONDO 2BR/2BA full Gulf view condo, second floor, corner unit. Offered at $825,000. Call Michel Cerene, Broker-Associ- ate 941-545-9591 eves. CANAL FRONT ANNA MARIA-This large 3BR/3BA family home is an easy walk to Jhe beach and has great expansion potential. Tile and wood floors. The master bedroom is the ultimate master suite with a spa bathroom and a kitchenette. Auto generator keeps the whole first floor running. $1,195,000. Call Lori Guerin, Realtor 941-773-3415 or Carmen Pedota, Realtor 941-284-2598 eves. SINGLE FAMILY-Centrally located, one blockto beach. 2BR/2BA spacious home on corner lot. $635,000. Call Joy Murphy, Realtor 941-730-2820 eves. AZALEA PARK 4BR/2BA, in Bradenton open floor plan, fireplace, family room, plus Florida room, roof November 2002, steps to com- munity pool. $415,000 Call Zee Catanese, Realtor 742-0148 eves. I 5910 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770 1-800-741-3772 info@smithrealtors.com Web site: www.smithrealtors.com 2 WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more. Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in- home consultation. Island references, 15 years experience. 941-778-3526 or 730-0516. HANDYMAN SERVICE: Winton's Home-Buddy Inc. Retired banker, Island resident, converting life-long hobby to business. Call 941-705-0275 for free estimates. IMPACT WINDOWS AND doors. Exclusive dis- tributor: Weatherside LLC on Holmes Beach. Free, courteous estimates. Jeld-wen Windows and Doors. Lic.# CBC1253145. 941-730-5045. THIRTY-SIX YEARS craftsman experience. Interior, exterior, doors, stairs, windows, trim. Pressure wash. Driveway paint. Dan Michael, master carpenter. Call 941-518-3316. TUB AND TILE refinishing: A division of D.J. Murphy Painting Inc. Save up to 80 percent over traditional remodeling costs. Call us with your kitchen and bath needs. Don't buy new redo! 941-751-1245. Licensed, certified and insured. INTERIOR SURFACE RENOVATION: Drywall, tex- ture, paint, tile, wall and ceiling repairs, Fred Wein- gartner, 941-586-3656. BEAUTIFUL TORTUGA INN 2BR unit has a WOW!!IIl QUALITY AND LOCATION Old full kitchen and furniture. Garden view and Bridge Village. Top-end luxury, pools, steps to the private beach, pools, bay, and docks, slip, 2BR, bonus room, living, dock. Flexible rental, on-site management. kitchen, dining, private elevator, turnkey $470,000. home. $999,900. IM Realtor .., 941-315-0908 GREAT SUNSETS 3....:. I.u.T. ,,.. -. -I "I- 301 0 Beach.2BRtownhousestylekitchen,living, -,. dinette. Upgraded throughout and new o furniture. Fantastic for rental or second home. $599,000. 44W Realty Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker Kimberly Roehl, P.A. 941-447-9988 Investing in Property Leads to Opportunities OUTSTANDING BAY WATERFRONT C:prur ng ,,nsve (3, fl v w ITn Roy31e home ofers., 2653 !1r.l living ,re.. Dock and 10.001 1lit $I 96'?9 ISLANDER'S RETREAT: 2BR Gulfwatch BEACHTREASURE: Enchanting and meticu- condo that is comfortably decorated and lous describes this beachfront complex and turnkey furnished encouraging relaxing the location of this 2BR turnkey furnished Island lifestyle. Attractive rental policy or condo that has front-seat views of the pool ideal for your own beach oasis. $429,000. and spa. $749,000. t3UUIHIIlUUUUI. UI tL-Iu.Q,)urpIriIIwaI e lUnIJ~JLMlnU'N*1LUl MI ..,,.I"I'J* views from this updated, large 4BR duplex kitchen and family room area with beauti- with an open floor plan, bamboo floors and ful wood floors, custom cabinets, granite multiple decks including a roof deck with counters, stainless appliances and turnkey endless possibilities. $709,900. furnished with heated pool. $799,000. www.michaelsaunders.com. KimberlyRoehl@michaelsaunders.com 4400 Manatee Ave. W. Bradenton 941.748.6300 THE ISLANDER 0 AUG. 2, 2006 M 23 umply the Best 4-4 CORTEZ FISHING VILLAGE Five minutes to beach and great restaurants. Hardwood floors, 1BR/1BA, large workshop and garage $255,000. ACROSS FROM BAY Existing duplex in great neigh- borhood 2BR/1.5BA and 1BR/1BA. Easily converted to large house. $439,000. BAYFRONT Large 2BR/2BA house with new tile floors throughout, plus great mother-in-law apartment. New dock on deep sailboat water. Great view. $995,000. FABULOUS BAYFRONT LOCATION Faces North East to Skyway. Older frame house but plenty of room for tear down and large new house. $999,999. KEY ROYALE Lowest price on Key. Beautifully fur- nished 2BR/2BA, overlooks boat basin and down canal with boat slip. Tastefully landscaped. View of Bay. PALMA SOIA PARK Exceptional 1950's classic. Huge 3BR/2BA, open plan. Beautiful terrazzo floors. Thirty foot Florida room. Light pours through lots of windows. Spectacular, move-in condition. $439,000, 399,UUU CANALKUIN I I e perfect get away. 1BR/1BA new dock. No bridges. A must see! GULFFRONT NEW LUXURY HOME 3BR/2BA, heated pool. Exceptional views, turnkey furnished. $1,950,000. Mike 800,367-1617 N m JV 941-778-6696 orman 3101 GULF DRIVE Realty INC HOLMES BEACH Ofrecemos servicio de ventas en espanoF www.mikenormanrealty.com ~,2hl~ loo, 24 3 AUG. 2, 2006 N THE ISLANI)DE1I sSandy's Lawn Service Inc. Sandys Established in 1983 j La n Celebrating 23 Years of Lawrie Quality & Dependable Service. SCall us for your landscape 778-1345 and hardscape needs. Licensed & Insured Paradise Improvements 778-4173 Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist .... Replacement Doors and Windows Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault Fully Licensed and Insured Island References Lic#CBC056755 SWACN Q lEALTY IC 'I 0 1 7) I I' '1'l- l, Ir vI)O : NO I'I I )AI)I:NT' I'O mI :A '1 1. IIADOLD &MAMLL REALTOR , Office: (941) 778-2246- (941) 792- 8628 ./ ' E-mail: haroldsmall@wagnerrealty.com * USA FENCE KS Specializing WHITE VINYL FENCE CRC016172 941 -750-9300 HAUL-AWAY Removal of all types of trash, debris and junk. 720-221 7 The Paver Brick Store 8208 Cortez Road W. Bradenton 34210 (941) 794-6504 9:00 AM til Noon, or by Appointment Pool Deck, Patio and Driveway Renovations Design Build Curtis _Cark & Assoc lnrc.__ Vinyl Siding A Aluminum Speciallsis SVinyl Siding Soffit Custom Break Work Corrugated \0 (941) 713-SIDE ( 1 Storm Panels (941) 713-4 33 Acrylic& - Vinyl Room 6A (9410 776-9-10: - -* '" Conversions State Lic # SC-CO56;'80 Thanksfor saying "lsaw itin Tle Islander TNT ROOFING Reach more than REROOF SPECIALISTS TILE METAL 20,000 people SHINGLE FLAT weekly with your FREE, 6 yr. ith your Maintenance Program ad -for as little as 100% FINANCING $20.00 AVAILABLE $20.00! Experienced in: ALL REPAIR TYPES Call Nancy 941-556-ROOF 778-7978 941-556-7663 727-341-1600 FREE ESTIMATES Licensed & Insured WW.islander.org {Lic. #CCC1325742} www.islander.org Anyone can take a picture. A professional creates a portrait. 4 ELKA ... ; PHOTOGRAPHICS ;' ,." '.^ 941-'78-2711 -'' ,., w4'it:jacke/ka.co . A W 9ER- C ASSI DS RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal. Wedebrock Real Estate Co., 941-778-6665 or 800-749-6665. SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR two master suites-/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/ dryer, garage, designer furnished with tropical yard setting. One of the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/weekly. Call 941-713-0034 or e-mail: gamiller@tampabay.rr.com. GULFFRONT CONDOS: 3BR/2BA, 2BR/2BA, 1BR/1BA with breathtaking sunsets. Pools, Jacuzzi, walk to shops and restaurants. Available weekly, monthly, seasonal. 901-301-8299 or e-mail- captko462@aol.com. WEEKLY RENTALS: Alecassandra villa, 1 BR/1 BA, $700/week; Island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; Gulffront cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Braden- ton Beach Club, 2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call Kim Fisher, Wagner Realty, 941-778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com. BRADENTON BEACH: NEWLY remodeledlBR/ 1BA suite with full kitchen, fully furnished, one block from Bridge Street, three minute walk to beach. Sleeps four only. No pets. Now taking reservations for summer. Available weekly, monthly or seasonal. 941-776-3696, or e-mail bjustin628@tampabay.rr.com. ANNUAL OR SEASONAL: New home, 55-plus park, across from beach, turnkey furnished, 2BR/2BA, central air conditioning, heat, washer and dryer, carport. $1,100/month, call for seasonal rate. 941-778-4349. ANNUAL RENTAL: 3BR/2BA Palma Sola Park. New kitchen and bath, new paint, large yard. $1,600/ month. First/last/security. 941-778-5445. ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/1 BA Anna Maria waterfront apartment with dockage. $1,300/month. Furnished or unfurnished. Cable and water included. First/last/ security. 941-778-5445. ISLAND CASTLE: FABULOUS French Normandy home. 4BR/3BA on best beach and quiet street in Anna Maria. 941-794-8202. ANNUAL RENTAL WESTBAY Cove: Lower unit,. 2BR/2BA waterfront, unfurnished. Includes water, sewer, cable. Old Florida Realty, 941-778-3377 or 941-713-9096. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, townhouse: 2BR/2BA with balcony and view of mountains. Weekly or monthly rental. Call Paige at 941-798-3448. LARGE 2BR/2BA VILLA: 55-plus, furnished/ unfurnished. Great location, quiet, modern. 941-750-0648. HOLMES BEACH ANNUAL 2BR/2BA, Gulf-view, large deck, washer and dryer, office, two-car garage, office. Steps to beach. $1,400/month. 941-545-6118. WEEKLY/MONTHLY/ANNUAL rentals: wide vari- ety, changes daily. SunCoast Real Estate, 941-779- 0202, or 1-800-732-6434. www.suncoastinc.com. ANNUAL: ISLAND HOME 2BR/1BA with garage and fenced yard. Newly remodeled. $1,200/ month plus utilities. Small pet OK. 941-795-8979. Credit check. ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA riverfront condo. Downtown Bradenton. Gated, pool, gym. Washer/ dryer, carpet, tile, Corian counters Covered parking. $995/month-plus. 703-680-1676. HOLMES BEACH: 30 yards to Gulf beach, 2BR, appliances, ground-level home with laundry. No smoking or pets. Year lease. $950/month. 1-800-894-1950. BEACHSIDE GROUND LEVEL: 1BR/1BA, great views, like new, sleeps four, $770/week or spe- cial seasonal rates. 106 72nd St., Holmes Beach. 863-529-3579. FISHING FOR a good deal?'Look in The Islander, 778-7978. ANNUAL HOLMES BEACH duplex: 2BR/2BA com- pletely remodeled, furnished, washer and dryer. $1,000/month plus utilities. 941-778-1819. 2906 Ave. B, Holmes Beach. PALMA SOLA: 3BR/2BA, two-car garage, pool, lanai, block to bay, $1,700/month. Sandpiper mobile: block to beach, 2BR/1 BA, 55-plus, $850/month. 1BR/1BA, 55-plus, $750/month, August through December 2006. 941-778-3051 or 775-338-9492. ANNUAL HOLMES BEACH condo.at Sandy Pointe: 2BR/2BA furnished, washer and dryer, covered parking for two cars. $1,200/month plus utilities. 813-486-9535. NICEST HOME IN North Beach Village. Total remodel 2006. Heated pool, sun desks, screened patio. One minute to beach. Private cul-de-sac, tropical landscape. $900/weekly. Amivacation rentals.com. 407-765-4445. 55-AND-OVER BRADENTON Beach mobile home rental. 1 BR/1BA, steps to beach or bay. $800/month, $300/wee.k. Available April through December. 941-779-4634. ANNA MARIA DUPLEX: 2BR/1BA, private yard, fireplace, close to community center, $1,025 plus. utilities, no pets. Call 941-756-8787. FURNISHED MOTHER-IN-LAW apartment, canal view with a large deck, dock and saltwater pool to share. Apartment has private entrance, bath and kitchenette. All utilities except telephone included. $350/week or $850/month. Perfect for a clean and quiet individual! Please e-mail tlyonsrq@verizon.net or call 941-928-8735. Leave message for informa- tion and availability. ANNUAL 2BR/1 BA: AIR conditioning, washer and dryer, water, large pool, cable, Parking only 200 steps to beach. First and security. $950/month. 941-779-1586. CORTEX ROAD CONDOS: Canal access to Gulf, dock. 1-2BR furnished. Book for now or next year. Yearly or monthly. More information, 863-687-4052 or 863-686-5705. 2BR/2BA CONDO AT the Waterway in west Braden- ton. Boat slip, pool, washer and dryer, water-view. Annual or long-term. 941-773-3375. HOLMES BEACH 1 BR/1 BA: 750 sf apartment. 100 feet from bay. Includes water and trash. First, last and security deposit. 941-587-1456. HOLMES BEACH 2BR/1 BA beach house. 1,400 sf, one and one half blocks to beach. $1,150/month. Furnished, $1,300/month. First, last and security deposit. 949-813-4900. WATERFRONT SHORT-TERM rental. One, two and three bedroom, beautiful. Call 941-779-9074 or e- mail: gwalker43@hotmail.com. BEACH RENTALS WATERVIEW! Steps to beach! Anna Maria 2BR/1BA and 1BR/1BA furnished, screened porch, washer and dryer. Utilities included starting at $250/week or $900/month. 941-747-3321 or 941-219-1042. I *' ~a ii~' THE ISLANDER 0 AUG. 2, 2006 U 25 ^ ISLA NDERC ASSDI 1BR/1BA ELEVATED DUPLEX: Gulf-view, garage with air conditioning, storage room. $900/month, $900 deposit. 941-778-7535. Holmes Beach. ANNUAL DUPLEX: CHARMING 2BR/2BA, Florida room, washer and dryer hookups, tile floors, carport, $1,000/month; 2BR/1 BA washer and dryer hookups, carport, $900/month; 1BR/1BA nice, clean, $700/ month. Dolores M. Baker Realty, 941-778-7500. SABAL PALMS CONDO: Completely furnished, first floor, 2BR/2BA, washer and dryer, porch, heated pool, clubhouse. $975/month plus electric. First, last and security. 941-778-4451.75th Street, North west, Bradenton. LEASE 1,200-sf, second-floor office or retail space. Great Gulf views, two bathrooms, all carpeted and painted, good parking. $695/month. First, last and security. 941-778-4451. SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals. 1 BR/1 BA or 2BR/1 BA with pool. Walk to beach, shopping, restaurants. 941-778-3426. Web site 2spinnakers.com. WATERFRONT PROPERTY 2BR/2BA located on deep-water canal with large dock and views of Tampa Bay. Reduced $779,000. 941-779-1512. FOR SALE BY owner: Best value on the Island! 2BR/ 2BA, one-car garage, gourmet kitchen, new windows, updated baths and more. Two blocks from beach. $615,000. 941-778-8677. 406 Bay Palms Drive, Holmes Beach.. 3BR/2BA: One bedroom used as a den/office/ playroom, enclosed lanai, tiled with carpeted bed- rooms. 1,400 sf, county water/sewer, citrus trees, near Brentwood school in Sarasota. Reduced to $274,900. 941-379-4196 or 941-954-7474. KEY ROYALE: Holmes Beach. Direct bayfront, gor- geous view of Skyway, 3BR/2.5BA, two-car garage, private dock. $2,500,000. North Point Harbor canal- front 4BR/3BA, five-car garage. Elevated with new -lappool/spa/waterfall, seawall and dock. $872,500. 2BR/2BA, two-car garage, renovated ranch with new seawall/dock/20,000-lb lift.- $989,500. Both with community pool and tennis. Call Lynn Bankuty, Realtor, SuriCoast Real Estate, 941-737-1420. C P R: 941-794.1515. Sales, rentals, property man- agement. Coastal Properties Realty. www.coastal- propertiesrealty.com. BAYVIEW AND CANALFRONT with pool. 2BR/2BA open plan, new kitchen. Totally upgraded. Dock, three.davits. Owner motivated. Not a drive-by, must see inside! By owner. Call Herb Dolan, 941-705- 4454.404 21st Place. Bradenton Beach. WEST OF GULF Drive: 57.75x114 foot lot in Holmes Beach. 125 Neptune Lane. $559,000. 941-778-4246. DESIRABLE ANNA MARIA lot for sale by owner, 50x1 10 feet. 117 Willow Avenue. Asking $500,000. 813-837-6224. LONGBOAT DUPLEX: 4-6 bedrooms on canal. Deeded beach access. Rent it out or redevelop (adjacent property available). $799,000. Mary Ann Namack, Longview Realty, 941-383-6112. LOT FOR SALE: One block to Gulf. 50x100 feet, cleared. $539,000. 215 71st St., Holmes Beach. (941) 778-4036. HOLMES BEACH DUPLEX: 4BR/2BA great annual rental history. Updated, close to beach and bay. $539,000. 941-778-5482. ALMOST ISLAND HOME: Adorable 1BR/1BA. Brand new furnished, bay windows with water view. Hurricane Force-3 manufactured home. One mile from Anna Maria Island and one block from Intra- coastal Waterway with new marina and boat ramp. Land owned. Home owner's association optional. $159,900. 941-224-6521 BRAND NEW 2BR/2BA villa with garage. Only $89/ month fee. $225,000. Bill, 941-518-9300. TRIPLEX: IDEAL LOCATION WITH great appeal. Beautifully updated and maintained, new roof, turnkey furnished. Beach access just steps away, bay views, boat dock, ample parking, great income rental. Room for a pool. Convenient to restaurants and shopping. $875,000. 111 8th St. S., Braden- ton Beach. Bridget Spies, ReMax Properties, 941-308-6763. MSL# 313022. TRIPLEX FOR SALE: Just steps to the Gulf of Mexico! This triplex is on beautiful Anna Maria Island, Fla. Currently, a rental property with a yearly income of $34,800. Rent out two units and live in the other. Rent annual or seasonal. Walk- ing distance to shopping, restaurants and trolley stop. Asking $599,000. Easy to rent or create your own Island hideaway! Call 646-842-0096 for more information. BEACH CONDO: LIKE new. Priced below appraised. value. 717-392-4048. ANNA MARIA 3BR/1 BA home. Updated, fully fur- nished, ground-level. Two blocks to Gulf. $515,000. 941-727-5789. WEST BRADENTON: OPEN noon-4pm Sunday. Six months condo fees paid!' Free-standing, pri- vate three-bedroom upgraded condo with two-car garage, new lanai. Call for details, 941-792-0763. $309,900.5605 Whipporwill Ct. off 59th Street West, Tanglewood. REDUCED $151,000! BUY now and save Real- tor's fee and more. Brand new 3BR/3BA, steps to beach, elevator, granite, bamboo floors, Gulf view. $999,000. 941-932-7131. 747 Jacaranda; Anna Maria. LONGBOAT KEY PAINTING 0 DESIGN, INC. | Faux painting Cabinet refinishing Furniture restoration Custom painting Jackson Holmes, owner (941) 812-3809 HANNA PAVEMENT SERVICES INC. 941-761-8546 Asphalt* Seal Coating Repair Striping Junior's Landscape & Maintenance Lawn care PLUS native plants, -..,- mulch, trip, hauling and cleanup. " Call Junior, 807-1015 OI3' - Don't suffer r-e Relief is a phone call away Cft6 7RZr PIZ ,4cA C XC 792-3777 C c ~ 6607 3rd Ave. W. -Bradenton ,*FlA, When's the last time you tasted coffee in an old-fashioned "diner" mug? The Islander I l.iJ Sirippir. Cnt-r 5404 Marira Dr.'e Phone r, 4 --94S S. JEL WEN. alv S "NDow dows00 Impact Windows and Doors S Elusive Disuibutor Wealheiside, LLC S Based in Holmes Beach S:i' 1 ': FREE COURTEOUS ESTIMATES I 941-730-5045 r ------------------------------- -- ----- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- 'HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance. We accept ads by fax with credit card information, 778-9392, at bur Web site (secure server) www.islander.org, and by direct e-mail at classifieds@islander. org. Office hours: 9 to 5, Monday-Friday, (Saturday,10 to 2 as needed). CLASSIFIED RATES BUSINESS OR INDIVIDUAL: Minimum rate is $10 for up to 20 WORDS. Additional words: Each additional word over. 20 is 50 cenis. Bo:-: $3, One- or two-line headlines, line rate plus 25 cents per word. WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD AND VISA! You can charge your classified advertising in person or by phone. We are sorry, but due to the high volume of calls we can not take classified ad copy over the telephone. To place an ad by phone, please be prepared to FAX or e-mail your copy with your credit card information. (see below) USE THIlS FORM, FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: One word per blank space for minimum charge.- 20 words, I .. 1 21 31 Run issue date(s) Amt. pd Date Please indicate: Ck. No. or Cash For credit card payment: [ No. Exp. Date Name shown on card: Billing address zip code: House no. or post office box no. on bill I E-Mail address:. [for renewal purposes only] The Islander lan der Fax941 778-9392 Hol404 Marina Drive s lander Phone: 941 778-7978 Holmes Beach FL34217 E-mail classifieds@islander.org ------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ,, _, ;, cr.'_i"- s bers receiyeo . The isldarder. out of4owh outofitte -^' and out of +theQ.Uited Stptes. We . go to Alaska,i England Germany,' Canada;. Hawaii and nearly dalf points in : between. These ,revs-huhgry sbbsdrib- ers. can't wait to get their hands on','the best news on Anna Maria Island." ThI Islander Island Shopping Center* 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 . 941 778-7978 e-mail: news@islander.Org - - 26 E AUG. 2, 2006 N THE ISLANDER ,A* D S CANAL HOME FOR sale in Holmes Beach by .. owner. $790,000. Call 717-392-4048. COSTA RICA: GET out of the rat race and find your Shangri-La. Local Realtor offering homesites start- ing in the $40s and homes starting in the $160s on the Caribbean coast. Be a part of my neighbor- hood in paradise. Call Robin Kollar, broker, Gulf-Bay Realty, 941-713-4515. MILLION-DOLLAR VISTAS with cool mountain breezes high atop the Smokies between presti- gious Highlands/Franklin/Dillard. Exclusive, pri- vate, secluded. Huge homesites from $175,000. 800-679-7976. www.highlandspass.com. EAST TENNESSEE: NORRIS Lake. 5.6-acre wooded lakefront lot, $66,500. 5.1-acre wooded- view lot, $28,900. Call Lakeside Realty at 423-626-5820, or visit www.lakesiderealty-tn.com. MURPHY, N.C.: Aah cool summers, mild winters, affordable homes and mountain cabins, land. Call for free brochure, 877-837-2288. Exit Realty Moun- tain View Properties www.exitmurphy.com. GULFFRONT LOTS: $595,000. Homes starting mid- $300s. New master-planned oceanfront community on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus .Christi, Texas. www.cinnamonshore.com. 866-891-5163. NORTH CAROLINA: COOL mountain air, views and streams. Homes, cabins and acre- age. Free brochure, 800-642-5333. Realty Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St.- Murphy, NC 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com. LOOKING TO OWN land? Invest in rural acreage throughout America. Coastal, mountain, waterfront properties, 20 to 200 acres. For free special land reports: www.landbuyersguide.com/fl. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA: Escape to beau- tiful western North Carolina mountains. Free color brochure and information. Mountain properties with spectacular views, homes, cabins, creeks and investment acreage. Cherokee Mountain GMAC Real Estate. cherokeemountainrealty.com. 800-841-5868. GATED COMMUNITY TWO hours from Atlanta and the coast. 1/2- to 3-acre parcels from the $40s. Incredible sunsets and summer breezes! Private location, amenities. Call 866-882-1107. KENTUCKY: LAKE CUMBERLAND limited land sale. Up to $10,000 off all waterfront parcels! Par- cels with generous 120-foot frontage are being discounted for a limited time. Awesome amenities! 866-462-8198. KENTUCKY/TENNESSEE LAKE overview parcel. 2.16-acre high-ground parcel offers some of the best views up and down Lake Barkley. 90 minutes to Nashville. Very close to Land Between the Lakes recreation area: $62,000. 866-339-4966. NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAIN acreage near Asheville, N.C. One-to eight-acre parcels. Gated community with amenities. Four-plus miles of riv- erfront! Just five minutes to town of Hot Springs. Phase 11 opens fall 2006. 866-292-5762. TENNESSEE:3.73 ACRES JUST $69,900. Beauti- ful three-plus acre parcel. Central to Chattanooga and Nashville. Mature hardwoods. Close to state park, 15 area golf courses. Gated, clubhouse, fit- ness center, nature trails. 866-292-5769. VIRGINIA MOUNTAINS: Five acres with frontage on very large pristine creek, very private, excellent fishing, canoeing, good access, near New River Trail State Park, $39,500. Owner, 866-789-8535. www.mountainsofVA.com. FRONT PROPERTY Panoramic views of Skyway Bridge and Tampa ay with 135-foot seawall, pool and deep-water dock with boat lift. 3BR/3BA, 3,000 sf on two lots inriprivate setting. A-short walk to the Gulf. Must see to appreciate. *Lots of extras. $2,495,000. Virtual tour at www.flrealtour.com/020806236/realtor. Call John Zirzow, Agent/Owner (941) 778-9171 Markey Realty GEORGIA/NORTH CAROLINA: Captivating moun- tain views, lakes, rivers, waterfalls. Homesites start- ing at $39,900. Log home kits at $39,900. Limited availability. Call 888-389-3504, ext.700. LAKEFRONT PRE-DEVELOPMENT OPPORTU- NITY! www.grandeharbor.info. All water-access homesites direct from the developer. Most ame- nities already in. Far below market value, from $79,900. Possible 18-month no payments! Call now! 888-BY-LAKES. WESTERN NEW MEXICO: Private 62-acre ranch, $129,990. Mountain views, trees, rolling hills, pastureland, borders bureau of land man- agement. 1930s stone homestead and barn ruins. Horseback riding, hiking, hunting. Perfect family ranch, electricity. 100 percent financing. NALC, 866-365-2825. LAKE ESCAPE AT the Ridges Resort and Club. Bed and breakfast at our beautiful lakeside moun- tain resort in Hiawassee, GA. $99 weekday to $139. TheRidgesResort.com. 888-834-4409. DIRECT OCEAN-ACCESS properties! Starting at only $79,900! Properties up to three-plus acres available! One day only sale! Aug. 12. Call today for reservation! 866-950-5263, ext 1105. LAKE ESCAPE AT the Ridges Resort and Club. Bed and breakfast at our beautiful lakeside moun- tain resort in Hiawassee, GA. $99 weekday to $139. TheRidgesResort.com. 888-834-4409. DIRECT OCEAN-ACCESS properties! Starting at only $79,900! Properties up to three-plus acres available! One day only sale! Aug. 12. Call today for reservation! 866-950-5263, ext 1105. LOOKING FOR A GOOD DEAL? You can read Wednesday's classified at noon Tuesday at www. islander.org. And it's FREE! Cindy M Jones '. ,G CRS, Sale Associate .|RelsDUNCANn "Real 'Estate Inc .* -i:. 779;pq4.f ;: ".I ,: '. ,- ^ .. - A S FEATURED LISTING BEST BUY ON THE ISLAND!!! You: get the house for free when )OU bu). this d-uplex lot in central Holmes Beach Ijuststtes"to the Gulf. Home is a beautifully refurbished 2 B R.2B A %iith porcelain tile Ioodrs, granite counters and more. Lots of room to enlarge, add a pool or teai do% n and build t\\o aild condos. TROPICAL SUNSET Spacious 2BR/2BA condo in four-unit complex just 100 feet to the beach. Large heated pool, covered parking, upstairs sundeck are just some of the features. Located in Holmes Beach close to shops and restaurants. $589,000. RI V ERV7IE W BOULEVARD CUSTOM Open-floor plan offers gracious living for discriminating tastes. Sweeping views of the Manatee River, 3,200 sf under air witth 3BR'3BA. Observation tower, elevator, hardwood cabinets and floors, granite countertops and much, much more. Ask about the energy saving features. $989,000. ANNA NIARIA CANAL HONIE Tranquility and gracious living in this spacious home. Covered deck, Swedish hot tub room, art studio, dock and lift, fireplace, giant walk-in closet and room for a pool. $985,000. FULL GULF VIEWS! Unobstructed views of the Gulf from this adorable 2BR/1BA turnkey condo in Bradenton.Beach.-Low association fees, no rental restrictions, and zero maintenance. $499,000. 539GufDrv Hln sBec 4850 51stSt.W.#1103 Bay Pointe at Cortez First Floor 2BR/2BA Condo in new gated community. Turnkey furnished,,all appliances, close to heated pool, only minutes from Gulf'beaches. Hurry won't last at only $219,000. 941-761-9512 Countrywide i-lorie Loans is close by and ready to help you get the home of your dreams. ICompetitive rates . Nf Local experts with the power to say "YES" to your home loan. HUp-front approval* at the time of application. As little as no-to-low down payment options available to make qualifying easier. S Loan amounts to $6.million. f Construction financing available. . Pam Voorhees Home Loan Consultant 401 Manatee Ave. W. Holmes Beach pamvYorhees @countrywide.com www.pamvoorhees.com Countrywide HOME LOANS (941) 586-8079 EOUAL HOUSING LENDER 2003 COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. TRADE/SERVICE MARKS ARE THE PROPERTY OF COUN- TRYWIDE FINANCIAL CORPORATION AND/OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES. ADD APPROPRIATE STATE, LEGAL. UP-FRONT APPROVAL SUBJECT TO SATISFACTORY PROPERTY REVIEW AND NO CHANGE IN FINANCIAL CONDITION. SOME PRODUCTS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE IN ALL STATES. PRICES AND GUIDELINES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. RESTRICTIONS APPLY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THE ISLANDER N AUG. 2, 2006 0 27 - II 11p "Copvriqhted Ma IF U Syndicated Content, a Available from Commercial News Providers E-. I .*. 0 S S Wantto keep in touch? Subscribe to the "best news!" Call 941778-7978 and charge it to Visa or MasterCard. W-AG-N-ER REALTY "&9 11W& UGMpieioaalw-939 LF~AflING RIMSATE ,AomrANIFSg/ 'THF WORLD'' 2217 GULF DR. N. BRADENTON BEACH (941) 778-2246 (800) 211-2323 e-mail: *ami@wagnerrealty.com www.wagnerrealty.com 7Teatured 7Propertie& of -. RENDERING .' 9 LUXURIOUS VILLAS ON THE BAY! Gated community with S elevators, garages, docks and designer interiors Io please the most discriminating! Marketed in conjunction with RJ Realty. Karen Day, 941-778-2246. MLS#531443. From $2,500,000. u(ftimmll rdl RESORT IN PARADISE 'Tropical landscaping surrounds si( charming units only steps away from beach. Immaculate,l family owned, and clientele keep coming back Possible owner financing. Karen Day, 94 1778-2246. MLS#529518. $1.650,000. TENNIS ANYONE! Oreal nlroduc .lory pricing lor this beaulilul bay sid1e i rinis reori community Enjoy playing where the pros play' Kelly Belisle, 941 751 0670 MLS#529835. $4,3,900 NORTH TIP OF LONGBOAT KEY tIis 3BR/2BA Iree-slanding condo has been renovated New ilchen baths, windows, doors, elecinc. plumbing, a/c tool and garage. Room ior a pool. David Moynihan, 941-778 2246 MLS#531516. $640.000. " R ........... ..x-q w PERICO BAY CLUB Beaulilully maainianed arid lur nished 2BPj2BA villa in galed community rwo milres IC Gull beaches: Moveinandrltind) rerinoy Kathy Tobin 41T 77822416 MLS#524I318 $400 Ori) -- .. . -------- ... .. .. .. .... . BRAND SPANKING NEWI Light bright 3BPJ2BA RUNAWAY BAY CONDOS tNow available iwvral1 HiddenLae,C,)ndi),rmiinurjesliroTibeac3h vaulied diirn I or -'BRP unlis,. t.aiironi prlside and Other view.; i,:rened inar., )rjeca ilnached garage i laie view, SiT upjdaled phone lor ,elIs On 4'.1e rnia.ri pool, .pa lil,,es NonrevacualiononrE Fernny Bray. .-1 I. '78.2246 PfH.ed I349 01)900-.)4 000 94. 778-2246 MLS#52.375 1.359.900 ESCAPE TO VILLAS CARISSA! A I ruly unique lhlestyle is found here! Luxurious, pnrivale enclave wilh the tlimeless, tropical setting that is Anna Maria Island. Each residence has an elevator, private pool and summer kitchen too! Gina and Peler Uliano/ *The Royal team, 941-761-3100. MLS#533139. $1,249,000. PARADISE FOUND This beautiful Robb andSluckylur. nished unit will beg you to go on vaca tion Great week- end retreat or use as seasonal rental Kelly Belisle, 14 1-751-0670 MLS#525579. COASTAL LIFESTYLE CONDO Wonderful baysrie $530,000. lenn,, reason and community. Greal seasonal rental opportunity or jus a relaing weekend gelaway condol Kelly Belisle, 941-751-0670. MLS#522465 $525,000 ISLAND HIDEAWAY Sludio aparimenr wilr I 5 BA anr garage wood lioors Neslled in Holmes Biea'h close 10 shopping. rtelaurjnls and Ihe beach Bee ySmiin anrid E ll5rretn 94- I778-2246 MLS#527222 $169.000. IC ~ i lCT II I F -- IF ----- ----LC IE ---F- ~1C11 -CI III -- - -qm ap- 4 O O o . Oie.. a, - 28 AUG. 2. 2006 U THE ISLANDER I-i "r -T'' ..--i . I' B a new"- es b Southwest Flo da's t ex- "rienced build Wisteria Park is a new neighborhood in Northwest B: .:i'.:f offered by Neal Communities. There is something for c 1.-L with maintenance-free and traditional single-family hoiri.'- a i,.il twelve floor plans with two-story options, ranging frc it -, ii - to 3,341 a/c square feet. Visit Wisteria Park today and toor our four beautiful new models. A *-'. where imem orics will be m1 f yini y will gather i ,. ,'; w ill feel welc . 1.,J1 privaUte moments will > cherish . . i : ,l ;.,. ,. i i, h ,, lL'i.,Ji ,.:D.i'i[ Ia,:n. |l I .:,l' t tht { [,111:W. ii u ,..irit h.:,i : l i(.a LI4J.,t:'.53)r IOwiIehS41.it": I o,: d.: L h.:-.0ii.: 1 4 -t1- .-;t,6 i. Toll-.1i c c ,- -.-w92-3'-. n I J, '!,. i -d t ,i,... I I .'. bi.dficfl ..ri Fl.: r.| j j .4 ;'- C t l,-., l.j. l; ,.p.,;ri ,- I- I, l i' "*i ,T -.* W F_, n L'_-.u r,,:l ri,-..-.,'-. ', : ,i> ,v p .'* 1. Perico Harbor Stewart Elementary School Anna Maria Island & Gulf Beaches Geraldson Farms Produce Robinson's Preserve King Middle School. Botanical Garden Park U.S. Post Office Rivertown Marina. Urgent Care Medical Center INEALCOMMUNITIES. Building. Home. Life. www.nealcommunities.com CGCA 17845 FAA |