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... Display our fla. page 15. "The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992" www.islander.org Volume 14, No. 34 June 28, 2006 FREE I 'Hermit' first 'Top Notch' photo contest winner of 2006 Kim Klement of Bradenton has captured the first of six weekly Top Notch contests that began this week in The Islander. Her shot was taken at Andros Island in the Bahamas in May. Her prize is an Islander "more-than-a- mullet-wrapper" T-shirt and a certificate for Minnie's Beach Cafe, and her photo will go into the pool of six winners eligible for a grand prize that includes $100 from The Islander, a dining certificate from Ooh La La! Bistro, a bottle of champagne from Anna Maria Island Liquor and Wine, dinner for two at a Chiles Group Res- taurant and framing of the winning photo by Decor and More. For contest information, see page 4. CART head supports TDC tax position By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Don Schroder of the Citizens Against Runaway Taxation organization said he fully supports an initia- tive by the Tourism Development Council to draft leg- islation that would change the appraisal methods used by the state's property appraisers. "We want to be cohesive and work with them," said Schroder. "I think the TDC initiative is great and we're both working toward the same goal of saving our mom-and-pop motels. I certainly hope we can be involved in their process." At its June 19 meeting, the TDC voted to ask Mana- tee County legal staff to draft a proposal for presentation at its August session. TDC member Sandy Haas-Mar- tens said the TDC wants to present the proposed legisla- tion to state Rep. Bill Galvano and the entire Manatee legislative delegation when it meets in October. "We need to get it to them before the legislature meets next January. I really believe they will be behind this," Haas-Martens said. And the problem is not limited to Manatee County. She said 40 of Florida's 67 counties. are experienc- ing the same taxation and property appraisal problems as Manatee County. It's a problem that the state needs to address quickly, she indicated. CART is currently working with Manatee County commissioners to draft an ordinance that would allow the county to defer tax payments above a certain level in areas designated as "work- ing waterways." Those areas would include Anna Maria Island. At issue is the methodology usedby Florida property appraisers in determining assessed value of PLEASE SEE CART, NEXT PAGE Mayors spar over paid parking, security at Island beaches By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Bradenton Beach Mayor John Chappie and Holmes Beach Mayor Carol Whitmore were like a brother-sister act at the Coalition of Barrier Island Officials meeting June 21. The two engaged in a "respectful" verbal exchange over paid parking at Island beaches run by Manatee County. Chappie said his police department wants the county to look at paid parking for Coquina Beach as a means of security control, while Whitmore said the Holmes Beach City Commission is adamantly opposed to paid parking, particularly at the Manatee County Beach. "This is a very serious issue" for Bradenton Beach, said Chappie. "You can't compare our city with Mana- tee Beach or Bayfront Park." The issues for Chappie concern security and safety at Coquina Beach, Cortez Beach and Leffis Key. On any given weekend, there are more people in Coquina Beach than live in Bradenton Beach. People are "cruising" the beach just for something to do because it's "free," he noted. Unpermitted parties, gang gatherings and, in some cases, fights, have occurred at Coquina Beach. There is so much traffic it creates a safety problem on State Road 789. Large groups and families can bring their barbecue units and beach equipment and camp out on Coquina Beach all day. And there is no pattern to park- ing. People can just park anywhere they find an empty space. "It's gotten out of hand," said Chappie. "We want a safe place for people to enjoy." Whitmore suggested the Island cities work with Manatee County to find acceptable solutions, but paid parking does not appear to be one of those, according to Manatee County Commissioner Jane von Hahmann. There's no consensus among commissioners for paid parking at any of the county-run beaches on Anna Maria Island, she said. Chappie indicated that his city would deal with its issues at Coquina Beach, one way or the other. "But we're all in this together," shot back Whit- more. Maybe, but Bradenton Beach has a unique set of PLEASE SEE BEACHES, NEXT PAGE 2 E JUNE 28, 2006 E THE ISLANDER Beaches subject of attention CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 problems, fired back Chappie. Whitmore said these problems go back to the ever- increasing population in Manatee County, particularly in the eastern section. "Sooner or later, everyone comes to the Island." For Holmes Beach, the main issue is parking at Manatee Public Beach. When the lot is full which Whitmore said seems to happen every weekend these days people will park anywhere, including the state right of way along Manatee Avenue. Holmes Beach police officers have been reluctant to ticket these offenders, Whitmore said, but von Hah- mann suggested that a few tickets might cure the prob- lem. "We're close to doing that," Whitmore responded. "We've never had a parking problem until this year. We want to try and educate the public first." Von Hahmann said the county commission will hold a special meeting with Island elected officials to discuss these issues and seek solutions, but no date has yet been set for that meeting. Consolidation, again, too In other business, the BIEO discussed the consoli- dation issue, which has been around Anna Maria Island since 1950, perhaps even earlier. Whitmore said the Holmes Beach City Commis- sion wants another Island city to "take the lead" in any consolidation of services study. After four prior failed attempts by Holmes Beach to consolidate Island ser- vices, it's time for another city to step up to the plate. Anna Maria Commissioner John Quam said his city is now in favor of studying consolidation of services, but would like each city to pay its proportionate share of any study cost. "Then show us your proposal and I'll take it to the commission," responded Whitmore, but Holmes Beach Commissioner David Zaccagnino said the commission consensus is for Anna Maria to do the study, then bring it to Holmes Beach. Holmes Beach Commissioner Rich Bohnenberger added, "I'm from Missouri. 'Show me.'" Beachwalker treasure? NOT! Just one beachwalker, Islander photographer Edna Tiemann, walking from 23rd Street North in Bradenton Beach to the Manatee Public Beach, collected this trove of trash in one morning. And she does it almost every morning with the same volume of results, as dp many beach/environmental-conscious folks. The beach trash is mostly toxic to marine life, and hazardous to everyone and everything else. It's expected to be worse after the July 4 holiday, so, please, everyone do your part and pick up beach litter! The Islander CART, TDC in accord on taxes CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 properties. Appraising property at the "highest and best use" usually means a mom-and-pop motel is compared to a similar condominium for value. While that means good news for tax coffers, it often spells doom for small motel owners on Anna Maria Island, who have seen. their taxes increase an average of 84 percent the past- three years. The result of rising appraisals and accompanying higher taxes has been that more and more mom-and- pop motels are converting to condominiums because. owners can no longer afford the taxes. CART was formed two years ago in an effort to stem the loss of small businesses on the Island. The Florida Legislature plans to create a committee during its 2007 session to study all aspects of property appraisal and taxation in Florida. The soul of Europe i the h l Mf ria Maria Is xcetionial Cuisine woradss Wine iqueLagers & Ales Loday Friday if mt 6:30pm ry Hors D'oeuvres SDrink Specials .- -. - RE-D 1 DISCOVER O4Lr404 ^t~ ,ddINEW In addition to Beef Wellington, Potato-Crusted Grouper, Veal Marsala and Rack of Lamb, we're serving up live music! SWednesday, jazz pianist Tom Benjamin. Thursday, the BISTRO JAZZ TRIO entertains. Happy hour at the bar 5-6:30 nightly -- 2 for 1 wine/beer Open nightly for dinner -~Sunday breakfast/brunch 8-1:30 5406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 941.778.5320" www.oohlalabistro.com E 1 WWI" sH E RE-STAU R AN T 111 South Bay Boulevard Anna Maria Island : 941-778-1515 Northern Tip Of Anna Maria Island : Across From The City Pier Lunch: Every Day 1l:30am-4:30pm Dinner: Sun-Thurs 4:30pm-9pm : Fri & Sat 4:30pm-10pm www.thewaterfrontrestaurant.net -rr -r - cr-- --l --- --. '. I Im. -A THE ISLANDER M JUNE 28, 2006 3 3 Up in smoke? =' -io .-' ;+. Chiles fireworks a two-day spectacular "'(ireat fui., re: fl oolh'. great beach nI.id great re" oi ks" are promised b, the Clhile-- iiiouip S Ii i[ %%0 \ 111i1. L l .i ild lestail nti ti; I nde- pendeniiie lD.\ h-lid.0, I lat,.t, i 'it hcli .nA.'tIIiii-IIcd i. icdiil.' thi.ti Edi Chilel;s li.i,. .pic d it i I\ ,.' c\ IinIL]'. .lIl\ - .it the Bcla lilHo- e..I. liil .il .11ithe iiL dbar. Both I\ ll itart ii l te e:l \ d r\rkie r- ight aillt r stinstct. Thei\ are the 1nl\ fire" tork- shlio.'s on the I.l.ind Lhis hiolida i\. a Jid the public is tI ited to both. said Clules. A\ none iican bring a blanket for I it ing rom the beach. rhie Iirst e\trai\ igiI.nzi. Nlonda\ at the Beach- Hous e. 200 (ul I LDri\ e N.. Bradenton Beach. \\ ill feature a i"big top'" tent foi dining and Iirex\orks. :s \\ell as seating in the dining room and on the deck. Tables at $550 \ ill seat eight and ofter a special piogiamin buffet dinner, uinlinited draft beer and \' ine. reserved parking, aind hlie enter- tain meant b\RPliM. The second spectacular. Tuesday\ evening at the Sandbar Restaurant, 100 Spring .A\ e.. Anna Maria. %\ill pro\ ide another special menu and more entertainment b\ RPMI The fireworks e\tranaganzas are dedicated "to the lot ing mnemor\ ot Jim Ta\ lor for all the \ cars of jo\ and ondermeni his lire" orks, sho\ s brought to e\ erS one," said Chiles. Additional details ma\ be obtained and reser- \ajions made b\ calling 770-222' tfor the Beach- House. 778-0144-I for the Sandbar. Up in smoke, but little damage While the smoke rising from the Cortez waterfront on Tuesday, June 22, may have tsemedil like something w-.as really ablate (above), the smoke came from a piece of equipment that caught on fire at a const auction site. Fire crews from West Manatee Fire & Rescue (below) arrived and quickly extinguished the blazc. There were no injuries. Islander Photos: Rick Catlin Privateers parade on 4th of July The traditional Independence Day parade by the Anna Maria Island Privateers will travel the Island from end to end Tuesday, July 4. There won't be any marchers or other pedestrian participants, for the route is much too long. Everyone will be on wheels, whether truck, car, motorcycle, bicycle or whatever. Honored guests in the parade will be the Manatee Olympic torch bearers for 1996 Olympic Games, who carried the Olympic torch through their territory 10 years ago. They will be in automobiles for the parade. After the parade is"finished, they will be honored along with paraders and the public at a reception at the Sandbar Restaurant, 100 Spring Ave., Anna Maria. The parade will kick off at 10 a.m. from Coquina Beach, proceed north mainly on Gulf Drive and Marina Drive to Pine Avenue and wind up in Bayfront Park. 'Visionary session' scheduled by SAM on Saturday A "visionary session" to discuss the future of Island communities is planned by Save Anna Maria Inc. at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, July 1. The meeting will be at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Sheila Hurst, presi- dent of the organization, said it will be a general meet- ing and invited the general public to attend. "Bring your good ideas so we can all work together for the benefit of our Island." Meetings Anna Maria City June 28, 10:30 a.m., capital improvement advisory committee meeting. Agenda: Engineering report, Gladi- olus Street drainage update and priority list for 2006-07 road project budget. June 29, 6:15 p.m., special city commission meeting on Sandbar Restaurant site plan. June 29, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. Agenda: Legislative update by State Rep. Bill Galvano, second reading and public hearing on non-conforming lots, first reading on sign ordinance, first reading on animal control ordinance, beach access at 502 and 504 S. Bay Blvd., and review of appraisals for city property. Anna Maria CitO Hall. 10005 Gulf Drive, 708-6130. Bradenton Beach June 28, 4 p.m., WA\ES committee meeting CAN- CELED. June 29, 1:30 p.m., special city commission work meet- ing on city pier. June 29, 4:30 p.m., code enforcement board meeting. July 6, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., 778-1005. Holmes Beach July 5, 7 p.m., planning commission meeting CAN- CELED. Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, 708-5800. Holiday Closures Government offices in Anna Maria, Bradenton Beach, Holmes Beach and Longboat Key will be closed Tues- day, July 4, for the Fourth of July holiday. EARLY CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: 2 PM FRIDAY-JUNE 30 ds that will appear in the July 5 edition of TIeF Islander Our office will be open until noon Monday, July 3, and closed through July 4 in observance of the Fourth of July. We wish y'all a happy and safe holiday. 4 M JUNE 28, 2006 M THE ISLANDER Cortez agrees on sharing woods cleanup By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent With the two women most immediately affected agreeing in principle but disagreeing in application, Cortez is moving to clean up an offensive and poten- tially dangerous patch of woods. Karen Bell, owner of the Star Seafood Market & Restaurant, was victimized one night last week by an intruder who kicked in a door panel and took $700 from a safe. Linda Molto, longtime Cortez activist, was told by a neighbor that he had seen an intruder in her unat- tended house, a man who had been in similar trouble there in the past. Both women felt the incidents probably could be traced to a wooded tangle on Cortez Road nearby, known as a haven of the homeless and drug users. Both want the woods cleaned up so police can see what's going on in that private property and forcing the inhab- itants to move on. Where they disagreed was whether the historic village's prime action organization, Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage, should help finance such a cleanup. The problem was aired Thursday night at a FISH meeting at the schoolhouse. There, Mary Ann Norman- Ellis told the meeting that she and other villagers were "worried about the safety of our children and the bad impression" made by the woods because of the home- less and suspected druggies there. She wanted FISH to join other financial donors wanting to clean it up. Bell earlier had agreed that cleaning up the area was probably necessary, although noting Cortez "has always had a tolerance for aberrant people," just as the village is traditionally tolerant of what residents choose to keep in their yards fishing gear, etc. - ~'U -.-4S.,. This wooded area of Cortez, opposite the post office at 121st Street Court West and Cortez Road, is a concern to villagers as a haven of the homeless and drug users. Islander Photo: Paul Roat Molto agreed, especially after her suspected intruder was arrested by Manatee County Sheriff's Office deputies, but said FISH was not organized to undertake such projects but was committed to "preser- vation of our commercial fishing heritage." In the end, FISH voted almost unanimously to con- tribute to the cause,.with Bell voting with the majority and Molto casting the lone dissenting vote. -The $250 approved for the cleanup was just half what the property's owner, Ham Jones of the Seafood Shack, had pitched in, FISH members noted. But they viewed it as an indication of strong community support for clearing out undesirables. The total cleanup cost was estimated at $6,000 to $9,000. 'Top Notch' contest continues this week If you've got a great snapshot, we've got a contest you could win and some prizes! - The Islander photo contest is under way. Five weeks of winning pictures remain to be featured on the cover of The Islander and one photo will be a grand prize winner with prizes and gift certificates awarded by the newspaper and local mer- chants, including $100 from The Islander, framing of the win- ning photo by Decor and More, a dining certificate from Ooh La La! Bistro, a bottle of champagne from Anna Maria Island Liquors and a dining certificate from the Chiles Group . The weekly deadline is noon Friday throughout the contest with the next deadline July 7. Weekly winners receive an Islander "More-than-a-mullet-wrapper" T-shirt and a dining certificate from Minnie's Cafe. Judging begins with a selection of pictures that may include abstract photos, still life pictures, landscapes and sce- nics, candid unposed snapshots, action, holidays, humor and animal pictures. Nothing is overlooked, including greatkid pics, sentimental moments and moments of personal triumph. Send or deliver your favorites (no limits) weekly to Top Notch Contest Editor, The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217. Digital contest entries should be submitted in the original JPG format via e-mail to topnotch@islander. org or on CD. No retouching, enhancements or computer manipulation is allowed. Complete rules and entry forms for the contest are published below. Please attach a photo contest label to each photo or CD you submit. E-mail entrants must submit the label information in the text of the e-mail, one photo attachment per e-mail. Photos without entry forms will be disqualified. Addi- tional photo labels are available at the newspaper office or they may be copied. Top notch past winner Donald Steffen captured a winner last year with this sunset at the Manatee Public Beach. Islander photo contest rules 1) The Islander Newspaper's Top Notch Photo Contest -is strictly for amateur photographers. Amateur photographers are those who derive less than 5 percent of their income from photography. 2) Black-and-white and color photographs taken after Jan. 1, 2004, are eligible. This allows for extended eligibility. Photos previously published (in any format/media) or entered in any Islander or other competitions are not eligible. 3) Photographs may be taken with any make of camera. No retouching or other alteration (except cropping) is permitted NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE PHONE DATE PHOTO WAS TAKEN: LOCATION PHOTO WAS TAKEN: _I have read the contest rules and affirm that this entry is in compliance with them. SIGNATURE: of negatives, prints or electronic photo files; no composite pictures or multiple printing will be accepted. Digital photos may be submit- ted in their original JPG file format (via e-mail or CD) or a printed photograph. Slide (transparency) photos are not accepted. 4) Entrant's name, address and phone number must be written clearly, in ink, on the contest label and affixed to the back of each print, or listed similarly in the e-mail message along with the digital photo attachment. One e-mail per photo submission. Mail entries to The Islander Top Notch Photo Contest, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217. E-mail digital entries to topnotch@islander.org. 5) Entrants by their entry agree that The Islander may publish their pictures for local promotion. Entrants must be able to furnish the NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE PHONE DATE PHOTO WAS TAKEN: LOCATION PHOTO WAS TAKEN: I have read the contest rules and affirm that this entry is in compliance with them. SIGNATURE: original negative or original digital image if requested by the contest editor. All photos submitted become the property of The Islander. Photos will not be returned. The Islander and contest sponsors assume no responsibility for negatives, CDs or photo prints. Entrant must know the name and address of any recogniz- able persons appearing in the picture and those must be en- closed/attached with the entry. 6) Employees of The Islander and their immediate family members are not eligible to enter the contest. 7) Any taxes on prizes are the sole responsibility of the win- ners. Any cash prize won by a minor will be awarded to a parent or guardian. Prize rights are not transferable. NAME ADDRESS CITY - STATE PHONE DATE PHOTO WAS TAKEN: LOCATION PHOTO WAS TAKEN: I have read the contest rules and affirm that this entry is in compliance with them. SIGNATURE: THE ISLANDER; JUNE 28, 2006 i 5 GSR principal, wife hit with lawsuit By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter The legal woes of GSR Development LLC piin- cipal Robert Byrne of Holmes Beach continue to mount. He and estranged wife Arlene were hit with a $50,000 civil complaint for "unjust enrichment" last week by Melvin and Carol Yudofsk\ of Key Royale, Holmes Beach. The Yudofskys allege that on Feb. 2, 2001, they loaned $50,000 to New Roads LLC, a company owned and/or controlled by the Byrnes. The money was never repaid, the suit claims, and the loan was not put on the books of New Roads LLC as a liability. "The defendants have been benefited or enriched unjustly" to the detriment of the Yudofskys, the suit alleges, and asks for return of the $50,000 plus inter- est. According to available online records, New Roads LLC was formed on July 3, 2000, with Byrne as its principal agent. The company was voluntarily dissolved on Jan. 22, 2004. In addition to the suit against Byrne and his wife, GSR was slapped with a mortgage foreclosure action on June 23 by M&I Marshall & Ilsley Bank and Gold Bank. Named as defendants are GSR and principals Robert Byrne and Steve Noriega along with Phyllis and Frederich Fechner, among other defendants. The total amount of lawsuits and liens filed against GSR, Steve Noriega and/or Byrne now exceeds $12 mil- lion, exclusive of an as yet unspecified amount in a legal action filed by Ed Furfey of New Jersey. Twelve law- suits, legal actions and liens have been filed against GSR/ Byrne/Noriega since March 1, and more are expected. Stung by a rash of lawsuits the past four months, GSR and principals Robert Byrne and Steve Noriega have fired back. On, June 21, GSR, Byrne and Noriega filed a lawsuit against Jonathan Dittman of Baytown, Texas, claiming a loan Dittman gave the company had an "unlawful rate of interest" as defined by Florida statutes. Byrne and Noriega asked for an award of $274,000, which is "double the interest paid plus interest on the usurious interest paid, attorney's fees and the costs of this action." The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Byrne and Noriega by attorney William Terry of Tampa. Barford to seek commission seat Former Temple Terrace mayor and currentAnna Maria planning and zoning board chairperson Fran Barford has an- nounced her candidacy for a seat on the city commission. Holmes Beach proclaims July 4 Jim Taylor Day The City of Holmes Beach has issued a proclama- *tion declaring that July 4 will be "Jim Taylor Day." Taylor, a Holmes Beach resident who died earlier this year at age 50, was in charge of the annual fire- works displays on Anna Maria Island hosted by the Chiles Group of restaurants that took place to celebrate the New Year and July 4 holidays. Taylor was a dock builder by trade, operating Taylor- Made Marine Construction, but it was his Taylor-Made Pyrotechnic Entertainment that brought him joy and so .many others the great enjoyment of fireworks. Anna Maria and Bradenton Beach are also expected this week to name July 4 as "Jim Taylor Day." She is a former city council member in Temple Terrace and served as mayor of that city for six years. Barford is also a member of the Anna Maria Island C ommu- nity Center board of directors and a member of the Anna Maria Island Historical Society. Barford "I feel I have had valuable ex- perience in local government that would contribute to the well being of the citizens of Anna Maria," Barford said in explaining her decision. "I love this community and would like the opportu- nity to serve its citizens," she added, notingthat preser- vation of the "unique character" of Anna Maria would be a major objective for her as a commissioner. Barford has been an Anna Maria property owner since 1987 and she and husband George moved to Anna Maria permanently in 2004. S-- - . W\ : -S Have a party or private meeting in our unique setting! -941-778-7370 9807 Gulf Drive Anna Maria - INVENTORY u REDUCTION ON wil GRADY-WHITE ~t & SCOUT BOATS i l AT CANNONS .MARINA! P CANNONS .~-I4 A'i M A R I N A QUALITY STRENGTH COMMITMENT SINCE 1955 6040 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key (2 miles from north end) Open 7 days a week 8 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Cannons.com 941-383-1311 We're worth the trip! CELEBRATING 51 YEARS ON LONGBOAT KEY! SALES SERVICE RENTALS ."IL" ; Fa YAMAHA fijBoat ~h When you want the best ... and GSR fires back with its own suits 6 M JUNE 28, 2006 T THE ISLANDER 35 cents to a dollar? Given enough time, everything comes around again. Consolidation of services among the three cities of Anna Maria Island is a good example. It was broached even before the first city incorporated on the Island, and is guaranteed to come up again and again as it should, as the political climate evolves. Congestion at the beaches is another example of the rolling cycle of currentevents. More than 40 years ago, boisterous beachgoers were a concern, especially at Coquina Beach, which then was a long, sandy, bare stretch of shore except for wild kids, beer drinkers and occasionally lots of trouble. The solution then was to break up the long strip of surfside parking to curb the cruising of cars up and down the beach and prohibit alcohol. But always lurking has been the concept of charg- ing to go to the beach. A few dollars cover charge on a carload, the reasoning has been, and maybe fewer cars will come. OK, here it comes yes, charging for parking at the beach should be brought to the table again. It's time for another discussion of the matter. But that should only be one of a slew of elements that Island leaders, county officials, business owners and others should discuss. Coquina is the biggest beachfront park in Manatee County, drawing the largest number of visitors and the current focus of concern. It's currently divided into five segments, six if you count the Leffis Key area. What about having a land-use planner take a pencil to the layout of roads, parking and amenities currently present to come up with a better plan? Couldn't something be designed to provide better traffic flow and improve public safety? There are pavilions, concessions, boat ramps, rest rooms, fishing areas and all sorts of amenities that are slapped onto areas that could perhaps be better orga- nized and, as a result, better managed. Also worth bringing to the table is reintroduction of bridge tolls. It may be time to think again about tolls on the bridges to Anna Maria Island, something that his- torically was a fact of life for all. It may provide a better solution than parking fees at the public beaches and the funds could support Island infrastructure needs. The point: Beach congestion is nearing a break- 'ing point. And we can't stop folks from going to the beach. And we are rightfully proud of our wide, sandy shores. Why not make them more user friendly? Let's put our heads together and take this cycle on the full course for solutions. Maybe we're ready to pay the toll. The Islander JUNE 28, 2006 Vol. 14, No. 34 V. Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org V Editorial Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org Diana Bogan,'diana@islander.org . Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org Jack Egan . Jack Elka Jim Hanson V Contributors Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org Jesse 'Brisson . .Don Maloney David .Futch ,, S"-Robert Noble SCarrie Price Edna Tiemann V Advertising Sales Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org V Office Manager Connie Brannon, connie@islander.org SV Production Graphics ;. Kelly McCormick, ads.@islander.org . Lisa Williams, lisa@islander.org V Distribution Urbane Bouchet Ross Roberts Lia ,WilliamrT - (All others: news@islander.org) Single copies free: Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. 1992-2006 Editorial; sales and production offices: Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEB SITE: islander.org FAX 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978 SLICK By Egan opinion SAM the bulldog Wind insurance, high taxes, auxiliary roads, traffic congestion, Grassy Point, comprehensive plans, build- ing explosion. These are only a few of the topics members of SAM (Save Anna Maria Inc.) have been asked to take on. Note I said "take on," not just talk about. SAM has had a reputation as being a bulldog with what they take on. What we need, though,.are some young pups to work with us. Dues help, but workers are desired. I have been told every: problem has:a solution. So join us and help solve the problems that besiege the Island. Please join us Saturday, July 1, 10:30 a.m., at the Island Branch Library in Holmes Beach. Billie P. Martini, Holmes Beach Great Fathers Day event SThanks to the tremendous time and,effort of Steve Bark and his entire team at Bark Co. Realty Inc., the secorid annual Anna Maria Island Community Center fishing tour- nament turned out to be another great Father's Day event benefiting the Center's youth sports programs. A heartfelt thank you also to all the individuals and businesses who volunteered and opened their wallets to support the children and teens that participate in the youth sports programs. It was especially wonderful that this event included a chil- dren's competition, and congratulations to all the participants and winners.Itis by yourbeliefinandsupportoftheAnnaMarialsland Community Center that makes our motto a reality '"Commu- nity Success Through Participation and Involvement" Events like theCenter Father's Day fishing tournament have been an important source of funding to ensure that youth sports and recreational equipment is available and in safe con- dition. It enables the Center to keep measuring and improving the quality and content of our youth sports program while keeping program costs affordable and insuring that no child is ever turned away due to a parent's inability to pay. By your belief in and support of the Anna Maria Island Community Center, our goal to continue our successful youth programs and adding new programs is achievable. Dear Steve, sponsors, volunteers, donors and partici- pants -.on behalf of allthe children andteens that benefit from your support and partnership, we thank you again. Pierrette Kelly, executive director AMICC Bullish on Anna Maria For those pessimists among us, I would like to point out a number of reasons why owning and living on Anna Maria Island two years from now may just be the deal of a lifetime. Weather, weather, weather. The lasfthree months were just a mere sample of what we enjoy virtually year 'round. Hurricanes ard red tide, hopefully, will be ancient history (I've lived on the Island 15 years and have evacuated a grand total of one day, for Charley). Tidemark. When finished, this unique resort will attract the attention of boaters and sportspeople worldwide. St. Joe. Their new development in Palma Sola will also promote the Island to many people willing to spend over $700,000 for a Florida lifestyle. Tax-relief Proposed-changes-to-the-property tax. structure will encourage small businesses to remain and expand. Baby boomers. Which sane ones want to retire in Pittsburgh or Milwaukee? Education. Our new elementary school is one of the most modern in the country. Grandparents. There is no finer location for grand- parents seeking an idyllic beach location for their family gatherings while being only one or two hours removed from the greatest array of amusement centers in the world. Yes, house sales and prices are down and taxes and insurance rates are up. Things look bleak at the moment, but two years from now there probably won't be a house available on Longboat Key for under a million dollars - and that will make us look awfully inviting. I'm bullish, how about you? Bob McCaffrey, Holmes Beach 'Dillion THE ISLANDER 0 JUNE 28, 2006 U 7 Obituaries Melvin 'Mel' Dittman Melvin "Mel" Dittman, 85, of Holmes Beach, died - June 19. ,-,_. Born inl Butler County, Ohio, Mr. Ditt- man moved to Manatee County from Hamilton County, Ohio, in 1986. He was owner of Dittmano Foods in Hamilton for 15 years, then Husman Foods in Cincinnati, Ohio, until his retirement. He was a life member of Elks No. Dittman 1511 in Bradenton and a life member of the Moose Lodge in Bradenton Beach. He attended Roser Memo- rial Community Church. Memorial services will be at the church at a later date. Memorial contributions may be made to the church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216, or the American Heart Association, P.O. Box 21475, St. Petersburg FL 33742. Griffith-Cline Funeral Home, Island Chapel, is in charge of arrangements. He is survived by his wife of 59 years, Montez S. "Tez"; sister Erma McCreary of Oxford, Ohio; and many nieces:and nephews. Patricia 'Pat' Stevenson Durbeck Patricia "Pat" Stevenson Durbeck, 81, of Heath- row, Fla., and formerly of Holmes Beach, died June 21. Born in Boston, Mass., Mrs. Durbeck sailed to Bradenton in 1959 with her late husband Windsor, yacht builder, and their two children. She attended the Julliard School of Music in New York City. She remained in Bradenton for over 45 years and enjoyed several lead rolls in musical productions performed at the Manatee Players theater. She was very active in many boards, including the Art League of Mana- tee County, Junior League, Meals on Wheels, Bra- denton Opera Guild, Manatee Players, YMCA, Girls Club of Manatee County, Garden Club of Manatee County, Bradenton Yacht Club, Bradenton Yacht Club Galley Maids, St. Anne's of Christ Episcopal Church, Cultural Arts of Manatee County, Monday Book Club, Monday Bridge Group, Tuesday Lunch Bunch, German Group, Women's Resource Center, the Links of Pinebrook Owners Association, R&R Club of Heathrow, and the Heathrow Women's Club. She worked for many years with Ina Baden Estate Sales and Julie McClure Estates Sales. Memorial services were June 24. Griffith-Cline Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. She is survived by daughters Sheryl Johnson of Heathrow, and Edythe Buehring of Illinois; son Steven Durbeck of California; sister Mary Sturges of New Jersey; brother George Stevenson of Maine; granddaughters Allison Johnson Price of Heathrow and Kaitlyn Anne Buehring of Illinois; and great- grandson Connor James Drake Price. Paul M. Tamson Paul M. Tamson, 85, of Bradenton Beach, died June 22. Born in Holland, Mr. Tamson moved to Mana- tee County from Franklinville, N.J., 13 years ago. He was a retired electronics technician with RCA in Camden, N.J. He attended Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Holmes Beach. Private services will be held at the church. Griffith-Cline Funeral Home, Island Chapel, is in charge of arrangements. He is survived by wife Elsie; son Diederick William of Bradenton; and sister Nelly of Hol- land. In the June 27, 1996, issue of The Islander, headlines announced: Manatee County environmental projects coordina- tor Jack Gorzeman dismissed reports that funding for the next Island beach renourishment project is in jeopardy, saying the 2000 renourishment project is "on track." That project will include a portion of Anna Maria, which had opted out of the 1992-93 project, he said. Holmes Beach City Commission Chairman Luke Courtney has threatened to sue the unnamed authors of a newsletter that criticizes himself, other commission- ers and Mayor Bob VanWagoner and claims he acted illegally. He called on the authors to come "out from under the rocks" so he can proceed with a libel suit. The Bradenton Beach City Commission agreed to move the city into the computer age of law enforcement by putting money for a police computer system tied to state and national computers into the 1996-97 budget. The computers would be placed in police vehicles and linked to a central computer at the police station. Date Low High Rainfall June 18 76 92 0 June 19 75 92 0 June 20 75 91 0 June 21 74 89 0 June 22 75 92 0 June 23 74 92 0 June 24 75 89 0 Average Gulf water temperature 860 24-hour rainfall accumulation with reading at approximately 5 p.m. daily. JAY CRAW RD!n Friday & Saturday jk ne 3o O ei/djUui I Celebrate / 4th of Jul' Weekend With U Is ;.' *Jay's material may be unsuitable for children. BEST PRICES ON THE ISLAND! Pitchers of iMmosa Bud Bloody Mary SBud Tequila Sunrise Miller Lite Screwdriver Only $7 g 2for 6 ROTTEN RALPH'S WATERFRONT DINING 902 S. Bay Blvd. Anna Maria LUNCH & DINNER 7 DAYS FULL BAR SERVICE ROTTEN Located at Galati Marina 778-3953 .. ... ,- ....-- A- tAL. H'S-.... .. .Lex .co ._. Gulf oF Mexico AL*YU AN- IH&CISALDY-EEYDY 89 We'd love to mail you the news! . We mail The Islander weekly for a nominal $36 per year. It's the per- . Sfect way to stay in touch with what's happening on Anna MariaIsland. More than 1,400 happy, eager-for-Island-news paid subscribers are already receiving SThe Islander where they live ... from Alaska- to Germany and California to Canada. S We bring you all the news about three city governments, community hap- Spenings, people features and special events ... even the latest real estate trans- actions ... everything you need if your "heart is on the Island." We're the only Newspaper that gives you all the news of Anna Maria Island. 'The Islander is distributed free locally. But if N ou don't live here year-round, Sor if you want to mail the paper to a friend or relative, please use this form or log on to islander.org for secure e-mail transmission. SBULK MAIL U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (allow 2 weeks for delivery) O One Year: $36 Q 6 Months: $28 O 3 Months: $18 U.S. FIRST CLASS AND CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS One Year: $140 L 6 Months: $87.50 L" 3 Months:. $52 - S I Single Issue: $3.50 FIRST CLASS MAIL, U.S. ONLY, Maximum Four Weeks Call for mail rates to Europe or other countries. MAIL TO: ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP Credit card payment: Q EE. Q LI No. : Exp. Date Name shown on card: MAIL START DATE: n . S The Islander Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 S CHARGE IT BY PHONE: (941) 778-7978 M OR ONLINE AT islander.org E EENEUM U UNUHENUE EEUUEEE EUUUE 8 0 JUNE 28, 2006 ITHE ISLANDER Two restaurateurs offer bids to manage pier restaurant Two respondents to a Bradenton Beach request for proposals to operate the restaurant at the city pier have : i. come forward. 'Kay Russell, Dave Russell and Doreen Russell t of Rotten Ralph's in Anna Maria submitted a pro-, i posal to run the soon-to-be-renovated restaurant at the pier, at the foot of Bridge Street on Anna Maria Sound. Harold R. Christensen, Lynn Christensen and Hal Christensen of Harry's Continental Kitchens of Long- boat Key also submitted a bid. : The Russells are proposing to pay the city $8,000 per month to operate the restaurant, with food similar . to what is offered at their Anna Maria location. The Christensens are proposing $8,500 per month to the city, with a menu and ambiance that would fea- ture an "angler's retreat with Caribbean soul." Both proposals include offering breakfast, lunch and dinner, with beer and wine offered to patrons. Public generation The city commission will weigh the merits of the The Publix Super Market in Holmes Beach is ready fdr any emergency with the installation of new generator proposals based on highest revenue to the.city (40 per- cent of the "weight") and best proven ability (60 per- designed to keep the store fullyfunctioning for at least 24 hours in the event of a power outage. Publix officials in Lakeland said the company plans to have generators at 360 stores in hurricane-prone areas by midsummer. cent). The generators can operate as long as 72 hours with the addition of a bi-fuel (gasoline and diesel) option, offi- The matter is expected to come forward at a spe- cials said. Manager Jeff Williams recalled losing power up to (i~ht tites andfood losses of up to $50,000 per cial city commission meeting at 1 p.m. Thursday, June 29. occurrence previously. The new generator will maintain the full itoret r~ efigeration. Islander Photo:Paul Roat Anna Maria City denies Olesen 5.foot claim By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Anna Maria city attorney Jim Dye has again rejected a claim by the Olesen family of 504 S. Bay Blvd. that the city vacated a 5-foot-wide path of beach walkway to the family years ago. "I do not believe the question of whether the city vacated five feet of the beach walkway has been con- vincingly answered," hewrote to Craig Colburn, the Olesen's attorney, on June. 20, The Olesens had been constructing an addition to their house on the property earlier this year when work was halted by building official Kevin Donohue because of concern the Olesens were encroaching onto city property. The Olesens countered that their family had used 'Cracker's' books again available Although thought to be long ago "sold out," the proceeds to go exclusively to the Anna Maria with the passing of columnist and author Gib Island Community Center endo\w ment fund. Bergquist on June 11, it was learned that supply Some copies remain, and are again offered for of the compilation of his columns and short stories sale, with proceeds to the Center endowment fund, titled "Cracker's Crumbs" is indeed available. at a discounted price of $10 at The Islander news- The book was arranged and printed for paper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, Bergquist by family and friends as a "surprise," and orby calling Liz Christie-Cline of Holmes Beach all the costs were covered by those good folks with at 778-8519. HOLIDAY GARBAGE and RECYCLING PICKUP SCHEDULE Waste Management of Manatee County will not be picking up garbage or recycling on Tuesday, July 4, 2006 in honor of Independence Day. Tuesday's GARBAGE and RECYCLING will be picked up on your next regular pickup day which is Friday, July 7th. Thank you and enjoy a safe weekend!! the five feet since the 1950s without complaint from the city and produced a number of letters written by prior city building officials indicating the Olesens had o\\ nership!use of the 5-foot section. But Dye responded that "tlere has been no evi- dence presented or uncovered that there has been any intent of the city to abandon that right of way." He indicated the letters produced by the Olesens "at best indicate a mistaken impression on the part of the city staff at that time that the city previously vacated its interest in the five feet. The letters do not show an act of the city commission in 1982, or earlier, to vacate the walkway." The city includes the alkw ay in its inventory of beach access points and the 1989 comprehensive plan sho\ s the \ alkw ay as city property, he added. The Olesens can either apply for a \ariance. request a formal vacation of the property in question, or pro- ceed \% ith a civil action agamst the city, Dye has previ- ously indicated. WILLS TRUSTS ESTATES JAY HILL Attorny-at-La w ,778-4745:-. Anna Maria, Florida European Quality Hurricane Rolldowns STRONGEST Maximum Impact-Resistant Aluminum HURRICANE Electric Motor or Manual Operation * Professional Installation SAlso available with decorative coverings jWASTE MANAGEMENTl of Manatee County For more information, call 753-7591 Call today for a Callto view our model FREE ESTIMATE! 941-794-0077 8-10 Week's Delivery FL/B Approved PhO I tt;IUON ON THE MARKET THE ISLANDER M JUNE 28, 2006 U 9 County calls for beach bash special meeting By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Manatee County commissioners plan to hold a special meeting to discuss beach issues, particularly security and parking at public beaches, after hearing concerns raised by Bradenton Beach Mayor John Chap- pie and Holmes Beach Mayor Carol Whitmore at the commission's June 20 meeting. County Commission Chairman Joe McClash said no date has yet been set for the special session. While Whitmore and Chappie in particular were concerned about safety and parking at the county's public beaches on the Island, one issue that got a deaf ear from the county was paid parking. It's an issue that's been discussed several times in the past, said McClash, and the current commission isn't interested in the idea. But the commission is concerned about roving gangs, especially at Coquina Beach, lack of permit- ting for some beach activities and overcrowded parking lots. Whitmore said that as the county's population con- tinues to rise, the pressure on the Island facilities will also climb. "Sooner or later, everyone who moves to east Man- atee County will find their way to the Island. This past year, I've seen the busiest weekends I'ie ever seen and Islander featured on NPR Friday Islander Billie Martini is scheduled to be included in airing of National Public Radio's StoryCorps proj- ect at 5:30 p.m. Friday, June 30. Martini, an Island residentfor more than 50 years and former city commissioner in Holmes Beach, recorded her reminiscences of the Island in its early years in Decem- berfor StoryCorps. The project conducts oral histories of people throughout the country, and visited St. Armands Circle, where Martini " was interviewed. The broadcast .' will be aired locally on WUSF, 89.7-FM. Islander Photo: "- Paul Roat AA......i * Free Checking * Free Online Banking " Free Online Bil Pay * Over 32,000 ATM s ;eo'ms. S.--BANK OF FLORIDA ,, ,fr i i .. r j ,i F u I ct1,r tn i r ti, 1-877-COASTFL wwv.coastfl.com . I've lived here more than 40 years," she said. "And it's going to get worse every year." McClash indicated that elected and law enforce- ment officials from all three Island cities and Manatee County should attend the special session. "I don't know if we can come up with answers immediately, but we will at least recognize what the problems are and start from there," he said. Chappie indicated that his concerns about public Rotary recaps AME In the absence of guest speaker Lynne McDonough, Anna Maria Elementary School media specialist, Island Rotarian Jim Dunne gave an impromptu report on the status of the club's partnership with the school. The Anna Maria Island Rotary Club is extending a helping hand in supporting the school's literacy ini- tiative. The most recent program is the Rotary Reader Patch Club, which was introduced to students in late March 2006. Dunne said the idea for a reading program in which students earned patches for reading books within spe- cific genres began when AME teachers McDonough and Karen Newhall received a grant to purchase posters for the new media center aimed at getting kids excited about reading. 1 N YjTINC Invitations* Postcards Stationary 795-5131 Brochures Newsletters Fax 7955134 Business Cards Forms Flyers a@b S o m sales@baileyprint.com Menus Programs Labels Mon-Thurs 8:30-5:00 B/W to Full Color Fridays by appointment INVESTIGATION Our firm is investigating an accident that occurred on Via de Luna in theearlymorning hours of August 4, 2002. The accident involved a pedestrian w\ho -was struck by a cement truck. If you have any information about this accident, please contact us: 850-444 4402 Kerrigan Estess Rankin McLeod Thompson, LL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 400 E. Government Street Pensacola, Florida 32502 The hiring of a law firm is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. safety at Coquina Beach have been building for some time, but culminated when he learned recently that some local musicians and rap artists had planned a major beach party at Coquina Beach for area youths on June 9 and had even distributed flyers advertising the event. Law enforcement officials met with organizers and persuaded them to cancel the event, which had not been permitted by the county. literacy partnership At the time, Dunne said McDonough wrote a letter to the club regarding a "Hats off to Reading" program in which kids earn patches to sew onto a hat, and the idea evolved into sashes for the Island kid's patches. Students read a set number of books from one genre in order to earn a patch, similar to a Girl or Boy Scout patch, to sew onto their sash. Kindergarten and first- grade students earn patches with the help of an adult reader. In the six weeks of school before summer vaca- tion, Dunne reports that 300 AME students read 2,900 bi5,ooRs. Students received a "book passport" in order to log their summer reading and earn book patches when school resumes in August, said Dunne. Dunne said one of the International Rotary Club's initiatives for the coming year is to promote literacy, and he has received inquiries from other clubs about starting a similar programs. Dunne said several Island Rotary members also serve as reading tutors and in the fall the club will spon- sor a writing contest for AME fourth-graders. The con- test is named in memory of the late Gene Moss, who was a Rotary member and teacher. Students will learn about the Rotary Club's philosophy and be asked to write an essay based on one of its four principles. The winning essays will be kept in a binder in the school's lobby the first essay in the book by Elizabeth Moss is about her husband. Dunne concluded by urging the club to consider how it might help fill the AME library with enough books to meet the needs of its students, and to consider volunteering as a tutor. "The club should be proud of the foundation it has given the children on the Island," said Dunne. McDonnough will be invited to speak at a future club meeting and give a more detailed report about the reading program. Manage Psylla PopulationsTo Slow Spread of Citrus Greening Disease Citrus Greening Disease (CGD) is here to stay.A systemic disease that can kill an infected tree in three to five years, CGD is proving to be much more difficult to control than canker. Symptoms often don't show up in infected trees for up to three years. By then, it's too late. Management of CGD depends on controlling the insect that spreads the disease the Asian citrus psyllid. An Integrated Pest Management program, including both biological and chemical controls to keep all nursery and young trees psyllid-fiee, is the most effective means for controlling the pest and limiting the disease's devastation. It is also important to protect the mature trees, especially during the spring and early summer flushes. Groves should be scouted regularly, and those where psylla are present should be treated. For quick, economical management of infestations, depend on Lorsban-4E insecticide as part of the treatment rotation. Foliar-applied at a rate of 5 pts./A, Loisban helps keep psylla populations under control and provides broad-spectrum protection against other pests found in groves, induding citrus rust mite, scale, mealybugs, aphids, whiteflies and fire ants. Beneficial insects are also important to psyllid control, and the quick knockdown action of Lorsban allows for fast recolonization of beneficial populations. For more information on recommended psyllid treatment schedules for management of CGD, contact your local county ExtensiQn.office. For additional information about Lorsban*-4E insecticide, see your local ag retailer. *.Dow AgroSciences racideimark of Dow gro AiSdnces LLC I.onrbm-4E is federally Rc-tricted Us Pcescide. Always rend ild follow Libel directions. www.FarmSmart.com "Tropical.Bugs Need A Tropical Service" CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Beaches Bradenton Sarasota Parrish 778-1337 794-1005 365-2893 776-0779 Full Service Exterior and Interior Now Accepting Visa ' __- and Mastercard .. Island Pest Control Inc. SERVING THE ISLANDS MORE THAN 20 YEARS State Certified/Licensed and Insured Locally owned and operated 10 M JUNE 28. 200(i TIlE ISLANDER S..' Cruising Vacations Tours V', Business Travel Travel Giftsi i Non -Profit Fundraisinq A ,, Av AyIWeyH NMHe CALL SANDY YOUR ISLAND TRAVEL L GIRL 504-8844 r... ',- ~ l* S- - - ~ EREA" TIRTLEI A Unique Gift Shop I I S,, -,, FREE Shell Necklace (with Ad) 701 Gulf Dr N, Bradenton Beach (941) 778-2943 Island Florist You Know Why! 941-778-4751 800-771-7163 5312 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach www.island-florist.com June's Honey-Bee of the Month ' Isabella Grace-Abrell Age 11 months. daughter of JoAnn Grace of Holmes Beach. She plays beautifully. Isabella is a .. sweet little girl, very friendly l and happy. Full-time daycare Monday-Friday 7am-6pm For children ages 6 weeks to 5 years 3 nutritious meals daily, plus healthy snacks l Y A Fuiji lli:ffi by quality and experienced SDAYCARE l:rli Hre professionals 5382 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-2967 Privateers award $11,000 scholarships The Anna Maria Island Privateers have awarded $11,000 in college scholarships for 2006, with the top Whitey Horton scholarship going again to Erica Hog- gatt. She is a nursing student at Manatee Community College who plans to transfer in the fall to the Univer- sity of Florida. The $3,000 scholarship is given in the name of the late Whitey Horton, a longtime member of the Island civic service group. Hoggatt, of Bradenton, is a repeal winner, having received last year's Horton scholarship as well. Two other scholarships were given in the names of longtime Privateers leaders, the late Dick "Red Dog" Cline and Greg "Shiprek" Davidson. Those schol- arships, for $1,500 each, go to Kimberly Kuizon of Holmes Beach, who is studying communications at MCC, and Austin Eason of Bradenton, law student at Florida State University. Kuizon also received the scholarship last year. The first-year award Bridgit Miller Memorial Scholarship went to Brittany Brooks of Bradenton, who is studying fashion design at the Fashion Institute of Technology. Elise Mundy of Anna Maria, student at USF, was awarded the $500 Sandpiper scholarship again this year to continue her courses in physical therapy. Deanna and Brian Stephenson, daughter and son of Holmes Beach Police Lt. Dale Stephenson, both repeated their last year's Privateer scholarships of $1,000 each. Both are students at USF, she in psychol- ogy and he in marketing. Nikki Donate of Bradenton was awarded a $500 scholarship again in 2006 to continue in business administration at MCC. Nicki Mauriello of Bradenton again won a $500 scholarship for forensic studies at MCC. Details are available at 778-8519. ..c Ambrose attracts butterflies, mayor, art to park Artist Woody Candish created this steel butterfly obelisk for Barbara and Michael Cohen of Sarasota, who in turn gave it back to him, and he offered it to Holmes Beach Mayor Carol Whitmore, who imme- diately thought of placing it in the butterfly park adjacent to city hall that Nancy Ambrose conceived, organized and manages. Whitmore consulted with - The Islander, where Nancy is the account executive, and the plot was fashioned to install the piece at the garden and surprise Ambrose on her birthday, Wednesday, June 21. Ambrose was duly surprised and all that enjoy the garden will now have the Candish artwork to enjoy along with the fluttering butterflies and the plants that attract and host them. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy Cortez complex gets OK, praise By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent The first of three major developments on the north side of Cortez Road in the historic fishing village won preliminary approval by the Manatee Board of County Commissioners, and approbation from commissioners and county staff. It is the Bradenton Boat Club, on the old C&C -I II -\1j Justaskforme- I'll be the bag behind the counter No need to go street I. T ve all the famous designer names! 1:1. opn in n New409* Metallici ]iLJj,)JLld ii ii 1*.||_ Accessoiie*erleu l0 412 10th Ave. W Palmetto 722-9916 Original location in the Bradenton Outlet Mall 773-1204 6605 Manatee Ave. W. Mention this ad, get 10% off -t .- .: . tyeed up ti, ea?. Ofau.11 ,1 jO% r- ------ ---- Join Today AndI njoy July And August FOR FREE* I i Curves is a great place to lose weight, get lit and hate tn this suminer. A-nd no% you'll onl\ ha e to spend 31) '. minutes and a lot less mone I to do:it. Slo u'll just hate to see the summer go. SThe power to amaze yourself.' 4228 60ih Sr. V., Bradenton 5366 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach 794-2878 779-2878 :MHS grad Diamant SAnnamaria Diamant graduated from Manatee High School and will attend Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton in the fall on a Bright Futures Schol- arship. She is a fourth-generation resident of Anna Maria and was captain of the Manatee High Sugar S'Canes dance team her senior year at MHS. Any Anna Maria, Perico, Longboat Key or Cortez graduates not yet featured may call The Islander, 778-7978, or e-mail news@islander.org to be included in future edition of the newspaper. Marina's, 4.78 acres, to become a three-building, 272- boat dry storage facility plus 22 wet slips. It represents a major redesign from the original proposal, Aristoile Shinas of the county planning staff told the commissioners at the hearing last week. The first proposal was for storage for 330 boats in buildings villagers, planners and commissioners found too mas- sive. Commissioners expressed appreciation of the reduction in scale by the developer. It met and cor- rected all of the staff criticisms and made the complex more in keeping with the village's one-story aspect, said Shinas: Maximum height for the three buildings will be 49.feet, and extensive landscaping will minimize the impact of the large buildings. he noted. Boat rentals, including personal Iatercraft, are ipecificall3 excluded and hours of operation will be limited to meet earlier concerns of residents. "It will be in line with the Cortez guidelines," he said. "It will keep the Cortez atmosphere even though it is not in the village itself." The village, on the south side of Cortez Road, is a designated historic district with a design and zoning overlay exempting it from many of the county's construction requirements and preserving it from aggressive development. Jane von Hahmann, Cortez. resident and county commissioner, noted that nobody appeared in opposi- tion at the hearing. BBC will add to the appearance of the property "which has been in some disarray," she said. "It meets the letter of the county's building code." The project now faces the long, complex route through the county's departments and regulatory agen- cies. Still to come are consideration of two other major projects along the north side of Cortez Road, the Holi- day Cove RV Park and Hunter's Hill, both proposed for residential development. The Hunter's Hill proposal has shown no activity in recent months, but the Holiday Cove proposal was made in an early presentation to the county and received a reception decidedly less warm than that accorded Bra- denton Boat Club. It was to be discussed Monday night at a public meeting in Cortez, but information on the matter was not available at presstime. . IIIIIIIANll~ffals .................- Deep-water grouper season over By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent Deep-water grouper commercial fishing is over for 2006, closed as of-Tuesday, June 27, in federal and state waters.. It affects a number of boats fishing out of Cortez, said Karen Bell of the A.P. Bell Fish Co., which buys much of the commercial fish harvest in this area. It is a significant jolt to the commercial fishing industry but not unexpected the same thing hap- pened a year ago, but Bell said hopes had been for the quota not to have been filled quite so soon in 2006. "About 80,000 to 100,000 pounds of the deep- water grouper are landed here in the average year," she said. Lee Schlesinger of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said the National Marine Fisheries Service determined that the annual harvest quota of 1.02 million pounds of the fish had been reached by Tuesday. "Federal regulations require NMFS to close the commercial deep-water grouper harvest in Gulf federal waters when the annual commercial quota is reached," he said. "The Florida FWC rules also prohibit com- mercial harvest of these species in state waters when adjacent federal waters are closed." The shutdown prohibits harvest from. now through the rest of the year of misty grouper, snowy grouper, yel- lowedge grouper, Warsaw grouper and speckled hind. "Canadians will be most upset by this," said Bell. "They really like yellowedge, and buy all of it they can get. It's a really nice fish." Commercial grouper fishing in federal waters for those species will reopen at 12:01 a.m. Jan. 1, 2007. THE ISLANDER J JUNE 28, 2006 N 11 RAD)ER'S REEF SHIELLS & (GIFTS The Island's Largest Selection! Shells Shell Craft Supplies Sea Life Mirrors S Jewelry and Handmade Seashell Christmas Ornaments 778-321 1 5508 Marina Drive Holmes Beach Across tr.:m Island Library I I I ,(with Ad) 301 Gulf Dr S, Bradenton Beach (941) 778-8607 Writing workshop for teens at library - The summer teen writing workshop at the Island The contest is open to writers in two groups: ages Branch Library continues at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 9 to 13 and ages 14 to 19. There are three categories Ju I 28. Islander Reporter Diana Bogan will facilitate the workshop in which teens will have the opportunity to share their writing with peers. Participants are asked to bring either finished pieces or works-in-progress for peer review. At the start of the workshop, Bogan will give tips on how to evaluate and offer constructive feedback to fellow writers. Bogan will facilitate an.open forum and critique as part of the creative process. It will allow the writers to get reactions to their work and discover where the strengths and weaknesses lie in their writings. Teens considering submitting entries in the Teen Writing Competition sponsored by the Friends of the Island Branch Library are encouraged to attend. for submissions: poetry, short story and essay. Contest winners will receive a gift certificate to Books-A-Mil- lion. Entry forms are available at the Island library and submissions are due by July 7. There is no entry fee and all submissions will be considered for publication.. Workshop participants are not limited to those interested in participating in the writing contest. Any teen interested in gaining feedback and meeting fellow writers is welcome to attend. In July teens will have an opportunity to participate in an open mic night an event open to the public at which teens can share some of their work. Contest win- ners will also be announced at the open mic night. For more information, e-mail Bogan at diana@ islander.org, and include "teen writer" in the subject line. S, A Tropical Department Store FREE I Shell Necklace (with Ad) I S5336Gulf Dr N, Holmes Beach (94) 778-5909 I (neixtto Hurricane Hanks formerly Barefoot Traders)' the Sterling anvil HANDCRAFTED WISHBONE EARRINGS STERLING $18* 14k GOLD $84* *prices subject to change 5341 GulfDrive / Holmes Beach, FL 34217 / (941)778-3636 On Anna MarialIsland Electrifying feat .4 worker for Branch Bros. Tree Service was dropping off mulch using a "cherry picker" at Anna Maria Elementary Shl cooSaturday when he knocked out power and the fpo'ler pole as he li'as leaving. He hcki'y escaped injury' and unluckil left the area of homes on Hariborside Drive North without power, hIbr Florida Power & Lightl workers (inset phoio) were quick to replace and restore the sert ice in about three hours. Islander Photos: Joanie Mills Gulf Coast Writers group to hear original writings The Gulf Coast Writers group will fea- ture readings of original writings by mem- bers when.it meets at 10 a.m. Monday, July 3. at the Island Branch LibrarN. 5701 Mlarina Drive, Holnes Beach. Further information may be obtained by calling 778-3209.- Island Young Professionals car wash Saturday The Anna Maria Island Young Professionals will have its first fundraiser Saturday, July 1, a car wash in the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce parking lot. It will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the lot at 5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Additional details may be obtained by calling 224-3528. , SHIHA LA , Your Beach and Shell Shopl FREE ; / Shell Necklace I I 12 M JUNE 28, 2006 M THE ISLANDER First Coquina Beach outdoor fest a success By Billy Malfese Islander Reporter Coquina Beach was host site to the first annual Florida Gulf Coast Sports Commission Outdoor Fes- tival June 24 with some 2,000 folks in attendance throughout the day. One of the event's coordinators, Jef Germain, did not expect there to be such a great turnout since the event was the first of its kind here. Throughout the day, anyone could take out one of 60 kayaks to try for free, attend clinics ranging from kayak fishing to paddling techniques, take a guided water tour by Leffis Key or just relax and enjoy the great food and shopping available from the numerous vendors. The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary was present in full force as well, as the public boat launching ramp on the bayside was closed and the "no wake zone" was extended for the day due to the mass amounts of kayak- ers and canoes. There were numerous seminars going on through- out the day, including information on basic kayaking techniques, secret camping spots on the Manatee River and how to pack your kayak and use it for fishing. A main event for the day was the Paddle for Par- adise, where kayakers were asked to paddle into the water all at once for a photo opportunity. The prime purpose though, according to Germain was, "To raise awareness of the need for safe, improved access points and facilities for paddle sports throughout Florida." Also at the festival were food vendors with every- thing from smoked mullet to shaved ice, kayaks for sale and two up for raffle, along with exhibits from Mote Marine Aquarium, the South Florida Museum and the Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch. Manatee County Parks and Recreation and the Braden- t* -.T : I t .. ""' " Some 2,000folks of all ages attended the first annual "Outdoor Festival" hosted by the annual Florida Gulf Coast Sports Commission at Coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach. Those attending were able to test drive a kayakforfree. Islander Photos: Billy Malfese ton Area Convention and Visitors Bureau hosted this family-oriented event. The county sponsored a radio commercial which was aired from Jacksonville all the way down to Miami to advertise the event. Germain said, "We wanted to have something to attract all different kinds of people, especially fami- lies." The goal is also to have it occur yearly, in June, and for it to become an event that the locals and tourists can look forward to every year. Numerous seminars and clinics ranging from how to pack a kayak to how to fish from it were offered dur- ing the event. The staff from Kayak Explorers, among other businesses, helped explain basic techniques of paddling to eventgoers. We'l keep your Mother in a home. Her own., We can be with your mother a fewe hours a week or every hour every day. We can prepare her meals, help her with her medications, and assist with such personal 'needs as bathing and dressing. Call (941) 794-9033 today for a free in-home consultation visit. eiI're the next best thing to real family. a . YOU CAN FEEL BETTER! Prime Delight is a delicious pomegranate juice with CoQ10 and plant adaptogens. AMS Health Sciences (AMEX:AMM) Call Loretta Owens (941) 778-2658 Free tasting at The Good Earth During Super Wednesday July 5 5-6pm Northwest Promenade 6717 Manatee Ave. W. The scales of justice could bankrupt you! R'sh our business liability insurance is here to protect you if you are sued. But, as your assets grow, so should your protection. Contact us today and we'll-tell you ' about the "No Problem" business umbrella protection available from Auto-Owners Insurance Company. 1Aluto-Owners Insuwrane Lite Home Car Business ~ Jim Mixon Insurance lnc. 5412 Marina Dr.* Island Shopping Center Holmes Beach (941) 778-2253 jim.mixo2@verizon.net OUR OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR LUNCH NOON-1 DAILY. First-time kayak us- ers were offered a free chance to demo a kayak out on the beautiful waters sur- rounding Coquina Beach and Leffis Key. Professional Nail Care & Spa 5oPPE5 OF PARADISE BAY 7342 Cortez Rd. W., Bradenton 794-8888 5L MMER SPECIAL $5 OFF S* Manicure and Pedicure PinR and Waite Full Set SBikini Wax Pawsitively Pets & Property Services Inc. P.O. Box 265, Bradenton Beach, FL 34217 Quality Pet Sitting Bonded Insured 761-7511 Pet ttrs INTERNATIONAL S, sLyPLTPUT U , HOME FURNISHINGS INC. . Come see our 10% OFF unique style or let us Furnitre Customize or rejuvenate Refinishing/Painting your furniture!F Refinishing/Painting yurfurniture!with this ad Shop 941-795-4788 Cell 941-962-0567 Surfing World Plaza (next to Tyler's Ice Cream) 11804 Cortez Rd. W., Cortez, FL ,-p..- r .,,. .. .. .. . "- .._ --- S: .. ..,,_ - : H HA21 11- THE ISLANDER U JUNE 28, 2006 M 13 Summer, B-ball, crabs ... joy of sports By Kevin Cassidy Islander Reporter The Anna Maria Island Young Professionals (AMIYP) recently sent two Holmes Beach youngsters to the Central Sarasota Hitting Clinic sponsored by the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Adam and Joel Hart, who both played last season for Morgan Stanley teams in the Anna Maria Island Little League, learned a great deal about hitting in the two- day intensive hitting camp. Barry Jones, senior group account executive for the Devil Rays, got Adam and Joel into the Devil Ray camp at no cost to their parents. According to Will Bouziane, president of the AMIYP, it was a project of the AMIYP philanthropic committee, which is dedicated to assisting Island youth in their development. NASCRAB update The June 14 story on NASCRAB referenced Ellen Benjamin as the "Richard Petty" of the sport. Does that make Ellen's husband Ross the Danika Patrick of the circuit? Ross Benjamin won his first NASCRAB title June 22 after just 181 attempts. Ross joked while modeling his "coveted NASCRAB T-shirt, "This is the first $181 T-shirt I've ever owned." Congratulations, Ross! A would-be sports writer now takes on the dis- tinction of the longest streak without a victory in NASCRAB. Horseshoe news Two teams emerged from pool play with 3-0 records in the June 17 horseshoe competition at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Herb Ditzel and Ron Pepka rolled past Mitch Soffer and George McKay by a 22-12 score to walk off with the duck-shaped trophy. Wednesday, June 21, saw only seven participants, but the competition was close with no team managing an undefeated record. Pepka and Soffer defeated Jimmy Spencer and John Johnson 21-11. Play gets under way at 9 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Warmups 'begin at 8:45 a.m. followed by random team selection. There is no charge to play and everyone is, welcome. Key Royale golf news The golfing ladies of the Key Royale Club mixed IOCK $CiL00L MUSIC LESSONS FOR ALL AGES S FEATURING LESSONS IN: Guitar (All Styles) Drums S *Intro To Piano/Keyboard Bass Guitar Saxophone S* Flute SMusic Theory Center athletic director Andy Jonatzke gives Daniel Pi- mental instructions during the "Driven" basketball camp. it up a bit in their weekly golf game. On June 20, the ladies played a fun game called "three club," in which each player chooses only three clubs to use during their round of golf. Nancy Grimme must have chosen the right clubs, winning first-flight honors with a one-over 33. Lois Biel and Joyce Reith tied for second with 34, while Roswitha Fowler and Diane Miller came in third place with pair of 35s. Rose Slomba fired a 29 to capture Flight 2 honors, four shots ahead of Terry Westby. Jane Winegarden fin- ished in third place with a 38. Eloise Miller's second shot on hole No. 6 found the bottom of the cup. Join Her-icane golf challenge The Manatee High School Her-icanes girls' soccer team is hosting a golf tournament at the Bradenton Country Club at 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 9. For only $100 per golfer, players can test his/her golf skills at one of Bradenton's most exclusive and challenging layouts in a four-person scramble. A goody bag, cart and greens fees are included in the fee for all players who register before the Aug. 1 deadline. Also included with early registration is the post-tourney banquet and awards party. On tap are a straightest-drive contest, two closest- to-the-pin contests, a putting contest and raffles for tons . J - Betron Thompson drives to the hoop as Phillip Dudevoire defends during the "Driven" summer bas- ketball camp at the Anna Maria Island Community Center. Islander Photos: Kevin Cassidy UORECK VACUUM ALL 3 PIECES FREEl139Value FOR2999 FULL 3-YEAR WARRANTY! :'I S199 VALUE I FREE . .8 Attachments 12j i SWeighs 8 bs. Strong enough to pick aiIi rJ e M Hotel Strength up a 16 Ib. bowling ball. REPAIRS 7 DAYS A WEEK 42S. TrirSri, nte adns Plaza H 0 I I S I I I I ous Mo.Fi .,106 St, 0-,Su. 1- 9 1 9 4 1 4 A A Turn to West Coast . Air Conditioning J ' & Healing Inc i I' Ior technical expertise, *;j .',-.N customer satisfaction and Carrier systems that are second to none. * Family-owned and operated since 1972 * Factory-trained technicians * Residential and commercial * Ask about our 12 months same-as-cash financing* WEST COAST AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING INC 778m9622 5347 Gulf Drive, No. 4, Holmes Beach Business Center, Holmes Beach 'FilpancF iliar-i~ c jol d 'nJ no In- lh [ hW'r trhim (ti h diV fi PUfL.;rn.b tnt ni' iilknlfrium mIrp lu pm'mnntfib 04It bn sidi pritr fnIth rP e Iro ulio bAIraticn Jlg 1 b rId .tifd (Al ripjur b uilli fin jg i l 3n d 0 I 1 u p i r ni r e .; j 4 t p -'i f ia ur c b 'p a pguiori Ihn t rhromni lI'r p'mrlurlol orpirdabor dln rd I th h'l'.irtn mdn wIlI no dub on tie purhire a rrd3 '1 APR ,. 5.5E, CS' OY,' nl, APR 1% 2d 99% M iulmuo motifhlf !ninari bth~e is q o L5 lurn to the E;ptrl. of prizes. The field is limited to the first 100 golfers, so don't delay. The Her-icanes are also looking for sponsors for the tournament. For $800, a business can purchase the Hat Trick package, which consists of a foursome for golf and the banquet, a tee or green sign on the course and a banner which will be displayed at all Manatee Her- icane home soccer games. A golden goal sponsorship package includes a foursome and a tee or green sign on the course for $500, or just a business sign on the course is $125. To sign up a foursome, list four players and their phone numbers and include the list with a check writ- ten out td Manatee Girls Soccer Booster and mail it to me at 3610 York Drive, Bradenton FL 34205. For more information, call me, Her-icane Coach Cassidy, at 751-6602. More Center news Adult pickup basketball is being played in the Cen- ter's air-conditioned (cool) gym for only $2 per player from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday. And pickleball, the fastest-growing sport in the United States, is being played indoors at the Center on Tuesday from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Pickleball, a combination of tennis and badminton, is played by two or four people using wooden paddle/racquets and a whiffle ball. If you are over 21 years of age and inter- ested in this exciting new game, stop by the Center. Cost is $2. For more information, contact the Center at 778- 1908. rL I B L I II I I - AI * 14 JIINE 28, 200(i THE ISLANDER Island youth 'driven' to basketball success 'The main goal of the camp is to get the kids to realize that if they put in the effort, they can accomplish anything.... Andy Jonatzke, Center sports director By Billy Malfese Islander Reporter Young players are honing their skills at the Anna Maria Island Community Center's second annual summer basketball camp titled "Driven." The advanced version of the basketball camp focuses on some techniques that players may have not learned during regular season play and gives them the conditioning they need to be better players. This two-week camp focuses on an array of drills helping to improve defense, offense, sportsmanship, independent thinking, ball handling and shooting, all the while teaching the player to have fun with.the game. With close to 20 players attending daily, the campers get intense coaching on the more advanced tactics and strategies of basketball. "Driven" camp runs Monday through Friday from noon to 2 p.m. and is organized by the Center's sports director, Andy Jonatzke. Jonatzke said, "The main goal of the camp is to get the kids to realize that -if they put in the effort, they can accomplish anything. We want them to have fun, but also learn a lot along the way." The motto for the camp is to "be driven and com- mitted" to become a better basketball player, not only in the physical aspects of basketball, like shooting and playing defense, but by encouragement to have a good attitude, display sportsmanship and to think indepen- dently and make good decisions on and off the court. On top of learning the basics and new skills, the players are split into teams to compete in scrimmages every day. Conditioning and the importance of warming Brandy Booth, Anna Maria Island Young Profession- Sals secretary, Scampers Joel S and Adam Hart S and AMIYP S president Will Bouziane took Time for a photo at the Anna Marial '. Island Cham- ber of Com- merce office. .- .. . up and stretching are also stressed. Another popular part of the camp is the "hot-shot" competition at the end of each day, when each player has one minute to score as many points as they can by making baskets from various locations on the court that are marked with varying point values. At the end of the camp, awards will be given out for the overall winner of the "hot-shot" competition, best defensive player, best sportsmanship and the most improved player. For more info on the Center's summer basketball camp, contact Jonatzke at 778-1908. Calling all World War II veterans For the past four years, The Islander has run a story on alternate weeks about the war-time expe- riences of World War II veterans who live in our readership area. Sadly, the number of veterans of the "Greatest Generation" available for the column are gradually dwindling. Their numbers will not increase. After four years of calling every WWII veteran I could uncover, I'm appealing to those veterans whose story has not yet been written, and any member of the public who knows such a veteran, to please call me. I want to write their story now, before those AN INTERDENOMINATIONAL COMMUNITY CHURCH HARVEY MEMORIAL PASTOR r STEPHEN KING _-- Sunday 9:30am 779-1912 www.harveymemorial.org 300 CHURCH AVE. BRADENTON BEACH 2 BLOCKS NORTH OF BRIDGE ST. CLOCK TOWER UPDATE your look! Kaj hTXaut (941) 713-7223 Looks Salon (next to Albertson's) 7455 Manatee Ave W., Bradenton 2005 SMALL BUSINESS PERSON OF THE YEAR island ?' Chiropractic I Centpa t Dr. Kathleen Goerg Now Offering Thai Massage! SLic# MA33390 778-0722 3612 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach, FL 34217 Visit our Web site: www.Islandchiro.com veterans are no longer around for anyone to hear their story. Readers of the "Greatest Generation" columns will understand that the stories do not glorify individuals or war, recount daring deeds, or give accounts of the great battles of WWII. These are simply the stories of ordinary people in extraor- dinary times. Regrettably, a number of WWII veterans have indicated they have no interest in telling their story, and that's understandable. But if you don't tell your story now, who will be around in a few years to tell your story? i/ .. Ilmprov the Quality / of Your Life S' Carol Greer Siemaszko B.A. Ed., M.A. Psych S CERTIFIED COUNSELOR '\ / AND LIFE COACH S941-794-1492 Perico Island Bradenton *.y -- 0 ' FAT Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Stain & Odor Control Tile and Grout Color, Cleaning and Stain Control! 778-2882 or 387-0607 www.FatCatCarpetCleaning.com LARRY & NANCY HOUSE, OWNERS Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, ELCA Pastor Richard Baker Saturday 5pm Service of Celebration Sunday 9:30 am Worship Service SNursery available al 9:30am Sglnriadeiluheran corn S .6608 Marina Drive 7' Holmes Beach 778-1813 To all WWII veterans, I'd like to.hear from you if for no other reason than you can say to your chil- dren, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, "This was me during the war," and he or she can proudly say "this was our dad/granddad/great-grandad." The stories are written about any man or woman who served in the armed forces of the Allies, including the United States, Britain, Canada, Aus- tralia, New Zealand, Norway, France, Belgium, Greece, the Netherlands, Poland, Denmark, South Africa, or the Philippines, etc. Please call me, Rick Catlin, at 778-7978, or e-mail rick@islander.org. U sejr 3fhemirial Tm nunitgv TItprd A Non-Denominational Christian Church Rev. Gary A. Batey Serving the Community Since 1913 Come Celebrate Christ Worship Service: 10am Children's Church School: 10am Transportation & Nursery Available n 512 Pine Ave, Anna Maria 778-0414 www.roserchurch.com OPEN MLon.-Fri. Taoam-7pm Sat., Sun., Holidays 73oam-5pm WALK-INS WELCOME We're available to tend to your urgent care needs S Fever/Infections Minor Lacerations Simple Fractures Sprains ( I PINNACLE MEDICAL CENTER S 315 75th Street West Bradenton 941-761-1616 VWe're Totally G 1! In fact, we're global times 1,400 plus! More than 1.400 PAID subscribers receive The Islander out of town, out of state and out of the United States. We go to Alaska, England, Germany, Canada, Hawaii and nearly all points in between. These news-hungry subscribers can't wait to get their hands on "the best news on Anna Maria Island." The Islander Island'Shopping Center* 5404 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach FL 34217 941 778-7978 email: news@islander.org THE IStANDER JUNE 28; 2006 M 15 I!1 A-' i; JUNi 28, 2006 THIEI ISLANDER aIkmxmf o hx Ef16 m %2m %M iz~i~j~ O=P (ZVi Gc ca Real Coffe Realty y " COTTAGE OR CAPPUCCINO BEACHFRONT OR BREAKFAST... LET US HELP YOU 9906 Gulf Drive Anna Maria [][A2 (941) 779-0034 Contact Judy Karkhoff for Professional Property Management Services 401 Manatee Avenue Holmes Beach 941-778-7777 or -B] 866-266-9911 www.gulfstreamfirst.com F, 4Z n,' II I- -j 'U" r C Li 0 < Z) LTU Wo~~ O 4 IfI00 -' /0u 4, - /0/0 71'-4, I- zo ..... .... W W 4 -ND-.rp 760 ruidw"St.. N. toiyh0ml Key 20v 10 crul F1 dh14cofl 8COch 1to op4 Avt.. .ioa M iJnd FBml 94-1-3832391 941B779F22Z IA21 9 7780.444 V islt wwwGm upeasandwich corn for Menu Itcms. Creat Gifts aiiZSpeIal Event PFlWnidnl Restaurant &Bar U I l Island Shopping Center 5418 MArina Drive- Holmes Bedch INeal tl e ii 'tereiction of Gtilf ariid lanni k 778-2169 E FUN,.-N The Store with the Birds! Special Events with Birthdays ~ Anniversaries Weddings ~ Holiday Parties 31 Corporate Events Groups up to 50 For Reservations call 782-1122 www.thesunhouserestaurant.com .. at,the traffic circle in Bradenton Beach ATTENTION INVESTMENT - PRutH P iY OWNERS 4 WGuifstream a , Qj ';3 ~1 1 E-1 .I"~~ ti t~P : 1 -I * ., t: Ot' I II I I a-a ---~lcaiL ,OP THE ISLANDER 0 JUNE 28, 2006 M 17 C 1 A 13 X B B EE 1--j _i'E l A F- 1= V HOME OF THE MANGO-MACADAMIA ENCRUSTED GROUPER FREE 2 GLASSES OF WINE or a piece of Key Lime Pie with any Iwo regular priced dinners, with this ad. Open Daily Live Music Fri, Sat EARLY BIRD SPECIAL E.veredy *4--6 pmn Buy, orn enlrree "g el ses::,n. nree HALF-OFF VJ ,.1.111r. -.dij i ,: -, :.]:.: ,,. |E Where the locals and the stars love to dine! Denzel Washington said: "Great food! 103 Gulf Drlue Bradenton Beach 779-1930 :1" - .. o.. S".-- ,- vv, *Fresh Fish Spsecials [9ll0 i'e-Cold Beer & irne ap& r ___ ___ ___ - 10 0 0 I O'D 0 AV a AV 3y V RSL1UJo3 VA 0 AVI inl Ae puelu H D N 3ARnI Jing T-j- 00 zw 00 . .1 n c'. j ac l II r N.. < U < di CJ iLo Lo L,> w UIejZZZ (DZZMMXEL' - T -N Cl M< Ir z 0o .0 .iQ z CL ) L ZZ7,- In 'it zo c-, o ci : ..*:z Wz OLL,< 'r ->w S0 L i L m < L, Za 9999TMC-L(LVr E- Ul) :~0 dc -~ Cl C l Cd C ll Ca(1 C.J C.A Cl JI 7t - Zd i-~ :Q ZWU mmm m Ium jL mmm .) :Q M MM 0M C M mmm:co :-Jmmumm im a I :j :z .: WjOCa :OF- ....... Z U Lu4 W z c r a7o 3: 3 0 W L T E E 2Lu < AM-M po 13 in ca m.fm com m m r-' IT jCQ M M M Cl MM '.J Ci > Mo < n z 0u~u a =)a: 00 00000ZO 0000 UU0LI0000000,0 <0u LLI D 21 ulwU11 DIm C) U crr Lu -1 ;1W IL L-,7 I m -,r C') CD- a Z~c~ D Z4 00>LLL -1 z U) .. . :F-. :0 F0 EE U LLo Z > 5 C.)T a: Oct z o m 0 0 DC 0Z! Dr0U *r CI ) _II.UI - I~~~~~E~oa20--r ;r:C M,:r X- I P iPzz~Ic Sarlwels I lwles Ps PT,&Le , Open D3jlv* 4pm Midngnt Eat In or Ta'e Oui 7 TVs 1 BIG Screen 778-8118 3244 E. Bay Dr. Holmies Beach (nextiow.algreens)n W i1M Ilm m EW W M MMM Wl K MKIK"W"WlI Check out our new, chic dining area and wine bar! Happy Hour, 2 for 1 drinks, 5-6:30, [4 5406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 778-5320 r c '.Windows and Doors W thersidLLC Based in IolmesBei h I QL* SV~tEOUSS ETymm A ^ w ar d. < IIt 0 UCCl urn -LJ >- 2 onD WY -0 S ]IHO Ainel --'i"N :0 C33 :0 wo< :) 5go3U -j , DUT D "m4 0? 00( nZ <. mirZ O T (r LLI :3 _r I I-- I 7PNIC u, v, v, ul ~m u:o, ~ co,,,, r, C3 h 7 0) '' , 18 0 JUNE 28, 2006 U THE ISLANDER ,' ,. I VI'I-.,-- SC/ 0 I I *. *. '" ' I-* '*. .. i ,7 .\ -.'*, ,D . -... .. .... .. . .. .... ... ..... wo c c re 751 0 C CL v 0 K 03 a. 13 0 0 C mg in 03 CL a 0 p. re 03 'A 03 a. 5. 0 p.. 0- c) 0 pap \0003 Ctio 'A Jgn 00 CL o -. C) C 00 / <0. 0 a -s O ~CDI p 00 Z CL00 C D 0 CD. P o" *t o--O C 00 CD 0 p p- (D aH 0 - m ( CDIU) 44C L CL - 0i -) vC C 0 3 CD , 1 -0 -Q C) 0 00 d5'o00 S= CD -' = e --I 004,0 1-0 -0-h 0 2.0 C) C) CL -D FO o0( 2-S 0 C~ '~n"=. S a E3 r- 0 0 ~. 00 (D 0 UO3 ; v CD OcOr ae c r Eq 13 B 030 C CD mm ,a 00f U) s 0 C) rl (D: 9 (. A 2t (D CD _~ O~ exi" -P 3 03. \D <3 UI L4 I o'. 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' 9.0 x0 00, ~C)O00, 00,000 a.2 p. 0 0:c 00(00 o ZI- o ~W-t) cn =s Ul 0 CD 0 r---i ( 10 -A -D I' *0 Z 4- p CD c) M o O 0 p* m C -' 0 CA3 aC 0- Jo 0- 0- 0 0% -0 ow 0 ~~CD03- 5 CD C C PIN~ 0c 00~ 503 CD0 CD C . >0 00 00 0 u C) 0 ((D U.0 i-.C DC 0 3 -' C- 000CD I. *5'.~~:0 "~0 0~1.~3 ~a- C)Z CD:I CL 0 a. 11 C) -0 5. o0 ~ o0 0~03 ce) o 4m) 2c 0 0Uo ~ 0 00 p R 8 0i- 0C CD-CD 0 "* 00 -00 0 0 U0 -. o 0 -d -0 C3 N) (ta)tZ p C) 0 j 0 C C/J c0 < td CD C)~ U) CDi3 C- C,- - sla By Biz id ]By Rick Catlin Choice photography JoAnn Mancuso recently started Your Choice Portraits, which provides on- site photography services and special- ity photos. Islander Photo: Rick Ciatlin Your choice for portraits JoAnn Mancuso spent a number of years working at the Holmes Beach/Bra- denton Beach post office, so she's well acquainted with Anna Maria Island and Islanders. But she always had a love of pho- tography and for the past few years, has been doing it professionally. She's learned the specialty art of taking photo- graphs and recreating the old black-and- white look and hand-coloring black-and- white photos. JoAnn became such an accom- polished photographer that she won the prestigious J.L. Abbott photography award from the Manatee Art Center in 2003. She recently opened Your Choice Portraits, which provides on-site pho- tography services for weddings, parties, family portraits and for people who just want to have a special photograph cre- ated in a unique style and look. JoAnn likes to work directly with her clients and comes to their location to discuss the type of photo and style they want. She works by appointment and is available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. seven days a week. To reach JoAnn, call 730-8295 or visit her Web site at www.yourchoice- portraits.com. Two years for Ginny and Jane E's in Anna Maria Ginny and Jane E's at 9807 Gulf Drive in Anna Maria will celebrate its second anniversary on July 1. Located at the old IGA building, Ginny and Jane E's is a combination store with something for just about anyone. In addition to vintage furnishings with a coastal flair for the home and garden, Ginny and Jane E's offers a gourmet grocery, bakery and cafe, bulk coffee, Internet service and fresh, exotic flowers. The store will be open July 4 for holiday visitors to the Island and local customers. In addition to the Anna Maria loca- tion, Ginny also has a store at 5602 Marina Drive in Holmes Beach. For more information on Ginny and Jane E's, call 778-7370. Island real estate sales 1325 Gulf Drive N., Unit 261, Tortuga, Bradenton Beach, a 1,378 sfla 1,532 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1976 was sold 06/05/06, Tortuga Partners LLC to Tortuga PBDT LLC for $850,000. 1325 Gulf Drive N., Unit 269, Tortuga, Bradenton Beach, a 1,378 sfla 1,532 sfiur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1976 was sold 06/05/06, Tortuga Partners LLC to Rainbow Investors LLC for $800,000. 1325 Gulf Drive N., Unit 267, Tortuga, Bradenton Beach, a 1,378 sfla 1,532 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1976 was sold 06/06/06, Tortuga Partners LLC to Casa Cortez LLC for $800,000. 603 Ivanhoe Lane, Holmes Beach, a 2,125 sfla / 2,924 sfur 3bed/2bath/2car canal- front home built in 1972 on a 90x105 lot was sold 06/06/06, Heyer to Solaz for $790,000; list $799,000. 1325 Gulf Drive N., Unit 260, Tortuga, Bradenton Beach, a 1,378 sfla 1,532 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1976 was sold 06/05/06, Tortuga Partners LLC to Tortuga CGP Properties LLC for $750,000. 1325 Gulf Drive N., Unit 270, Tortuga, Bradenton Beach, a 1,378 sfla 1,532 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1976 was sold 06/06/06, Tortuga Partners LLC to Tortuga BJP Properties LLC for $675,000. 1325 Gulf Drive N:, Unit 171, Tortuga, Bradenton Beach, a 1,378 sfla 1,532 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1976 was sold 06/05/06, Tortuga Partners LLC to Tortuga CGP Properties LLC for $650,000. 1325 Gulf Drive N., Unit 162, Tortuga, THE ISLANDER E JUNE 28, 2006 U 19 French beer, not fries, tops at Duffy's Tavern Pat Geyer, proprietress, and 'daughter Peggi Davenport celebrated the status of Duffy's Tavern in Holmes Beach as one of the leading on-premise sellers of the premium French lager Kronenbourg 1664 at a party Friday that included Brewery representatives from France and staff from the S Tampa distributor. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose Bradenton Beach, a 1,105 sfla 1,216 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1976 was sold 06/06/06, Tortuga Partners LLC to Tortuga BJP Properties LLC for $650,000. 1325 Gulf Drive N., Unit 268, Tortuga, Bradenton Beach, a 2,087 sfla 2bed/3bath condo built in 1976 was sold 06/06/06, Tor- tuga Partners LLC to Tortuga Penthouse LLC for $650,000. 1325 Gulf Drive N., Unit'163, Tortuga, Bradenton Beach, a 1,105 sfla 1,216 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1976 was sold 06/06/06, Tortuga Partners LLC to Casa Cortez LLC for $650,000. 1325 Gulf Drive N., Unit 170, Tortuga, Bradenton Beach, a 1,378 sfla 1,532 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1976 was sold 06/06/06, Tortuga Partners LLC to Rainbow Investors LLC for $650,000. 1325 Gulf Drive N., Unit 160, Tortuga, Bradenton Beach, a 1,378 sfla 1,532 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1976 was sold 06/06/06, Tortuga Partners LLC to BCD Tor- tuga LLC for $650,000. 5200 Gulf Drive, Unit 307, Martinique South, Holmes Beach, a 939 sfla/ 1,1.50 sfur 1 bed/1 bath Gulfview condo built in 1970 sold 06/08/06, Boyd to Kenyon for $509,900; list $539,900. 3607 E. Bay Drive, Unit 104, Sandy Pointe, Holmes Beach, a 976 sfla / 1,065 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1996 was sold 06/05/06, Redstone Ridge LLC to Sheridan for $335,000; list $349,000. Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at Gulf- Bay Realty of Anna Maria, can be reached at (941) 778-7244. Current Island real estate transactions may also be viewed online at www.islander. org. Copyright 2006. OPEN FOR LUNCH ALL WEEK. SEst 1967 Q4'e waterfy ALASKAN KING CRAB LEGS. IN THE HISTORIC VILLAGE ON THE NORTHERN FD OF LONGBOAT KEY. NEW OUTSIDE PATIO AND DECK. HAPPY HOUR LUNCH SPECIALS SUNSET SPECIALS 4PM-6PM 11:30AM-3:30PM 3:30PM-6PMJ 11:30AM-9:30PM DAILY PHONE 383-1748 800 BROADWAY ST. .......A-I -. l A, ai.UiA *- 941 -778-6641 5606 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach Hours: Mon-Thurs 4pm-11pm Fri-Sat 11 am-12am Sun 11am-11pm WE DELIVER -------- --- -- ----- PICK ANY THREE EACH CHOICE $6 * Large 1-topping pizza Any 2 bread sides Any chicken side Mix and match must order at least 3. Deep Dish and Add'l Toppings Extra. Limited time offer. Delivery charge may apply. 3 Medium 1-Topping Pizzas S 15ax Additional 1-Topping Pizzas $5 Deep Dish and Add'l Toppings Extra. Limited time offer. Delivery charge may apply. CH "...the best little restaurant in florida" JAMES BEARD FOUNDATION Beard Invitation-September 2005 ZAGAT GUIDE: Best Food and Service in Florida Top Restaurams in America FLORIDA TREND: Golden Spoon Hall of Fame Eight Golden Spoons WINE SPECTATOR: Award of Excellence: 12 years 941-778-6444 6600 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria Island, Surfside www.beachbistro.com - I I 20 0 JUNE 28, 2006 E THE ISLANDER -.Wednesday, June 28 10 to 11:45 a.m. Youth Creative Arts and Crafts class with Dianna Grover for ages 5 to 12 at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. Information: 713-4720. Fee applies. 5 to 7 p.m. Anna Maria Island Chamber of Com- merce business card exchange at Surfside Realty, 8208 Cortez Road, Suite 4, Bradenton. Information: 779-9412. 5:30 p.m. Writing workshop for teens with Islander reporter Diana Bogan at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Informa- tion: 778-6341. Bring writing for critique. Thursday, June 29 10 to 11:45 a.m. Youth Creative Arts and Crafts class with Dianna Grover for ages 5 to 12 at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. Information: 713-4720. Fee applies. Friday, June 30 10 to 11:45 a.m. Youth Creative Arts and Crafts class with Dianna Grover for ages 5 to 12 at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. Information: 713-4720. Fee applies. Saturday, July 1 7:30 a.m. to noon Guided nature walks at the Manatee County Audubon Society Felts Preserve, 4600 24th Ave. E., Palmetto. Information: 737-3169. 8:30 a.m. Kiwanis Club meeting at Cafe on the Beach, Manatee Public Beach, 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Anna Maria Island Young Pro- fessionals car wash at the Anna Maria Island Cham- ber of Commerce parking lot, 5337 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 224-3528. Donations requested. 10:30 a.m. Save Anna Maria meeting at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Monday, July 3 10:15 a.m. Gulf Coast Writers meeting at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes - Beach. Information: 778-3209. Sunset Fireworks over the Gulf of Mexico and "Third of July" party at the BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 779- 2222. Fee applies for VIP party. Tuesday, July 4 10 a.m. The Anna Maria Island Privateers Parade from Coquina Beach to Bayfront Park with party to follow at the Sandbar Restaurant, Anna Maria. Parade viewing all along the route. Sunset Fireworks over the Gulf of Mexico and Fourth of July party at the Sandbar Restaurant, 100 Spring Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-0444;: Wednesday, July 5 7 to 8 a.m. Pier Regulars meeting at the Anna Maria City Pier, 100 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria. Informa- Teen programs scheduled in July at library Weekly programs aimed at teenagers are scheduled every Wednesday in July at the Island Public Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. There will be a special guest each week to aug- ment the week's topic, none announced yet. The teen program schedule: July 5, comic workshop; July 12, pizza party; July 19, "views of outer space;" July 26, party and open mic for contest winners. Other events in July at the library: Family Storytime, 10 a.m. Thursday, July 6. Friends Book Club, 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 12. School age summer program, 10 a.m. Tuesday, July 11 and 18. Family origami with Judy Pruitt, 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday, July 8. The library opens at 10 a.m. daily except Sunday, closing at 8 p.m. Monday and Wednesday, 6 p.m. Tues- day and Thursday, 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday. It will be closed Tuesday, July 4, Independence Day. The phone number is 778-6431. Help for Special Olympians Getting $2,000 worth of help from the Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island is Matthew Sanders of the Special Olympics, who received the check from club president Birgit Sesterhenn. Tom Creed, Special Olympics coach and Rotary director, is with them. He and Patti Bishop coach Sanders' tennis team. The donation is from funds raised at Rotary's annual Island Extravaganza and Casino Night. tion: 778-7062. 5:30 p.m-. Comic/illustration workshop for teens at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341. Bring work for critique. Ongoing: Art by Jean Ehlis.at Island Gallery West, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, through June 30. "The Art of Uncle Monday" exhibit at South Flor- ida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton, through Aug. 20. Information: 746-4131. Fee applies. ' Enjoy IslandLife Harry's Way! 4-Course Prix Fixe $29.95 (941) 383-0777 www.harrysiatchen.comr -~;- 4 ~..., j~!I ~ Upcoming: Art Festival at Coquina Beach July 8-9. Youth art class at the Anna Maria Island Art League July 10-14. Anna Maria Island Rotary Club meets at the BeachHouse Restaurant July 11. Sit-N-Knit class at the Anna Maria Island Com- munity Center July 12. Nearly-end-of-summer teen pizza party at the Island Branch Library July 12. "As You Like It" at Island Players July 12-16. a.p. BeLL fisH dompaNy inc. Fresh Seafood Since 1910 Great selection of locally caught Grouper, Snapper, Shrimp, Panfish and much more. Planning a fishing trip5 Call about our-. big selection of frozen baitl DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAY See you at our docks! 941-794-1249 4600 124th St. W. Cortez, Florida- - -- ---.-. ',--- ....... CaHouse of Pizza House of Pizza Buy regular price buffet a I and get second for 1 $ 99 0 with the purchase 2^! of a soft drink 2 792-5300 10519 Cortez Road W. i Mon-Sat 11 am-1 Opm Sunday Noon-9pm PLEASE PRESENT COUPON EXPIRES JULY 31, 2006 ---------------- a THE ISLANDER M JUNE 28; 2006 0 21 Streetlife Island police reports Anna Maria City June 16, 600 block of North Shore Drive, missing endangered adult. While on patrol a deputy observed a suspicious vehicle parked in a driveway. According to the report, the deputy ran a check using the tag number and found a report for a missing endangered adult. The owner of the vehicle was located and did not to appear to be in any danger. The deputy filed a report with the appropriate agency. June 17, 200 block of Sycamore, felony criminal mischief. Debris was dropped down a vent pipe in a two-story home under construction. June 17, 300 block of Hardin Avenue, animal com- plaint. Aman walking his dog on a leash through the Anna Maria doctor faces more sex charges A doctor living in Anna Maria and arrested in Manatee County June 5 for sex crimes against a juvenile boy now faces similar charges in Orlando. According to Channel 6 in Orlando, Dr. George Pyke, 57, was arrested by Seminole County author- ities last week for sexually molesting a boy under the age of 12 during the early 1990s when he lived in the Orlando area. The Orlando victim only recently came forward to accuse Pyke after he learned of Pyke's June 5 arrest in Anna Maria, according to the news report. "There is a strong possibility that there may be other as-yet-unknown victims," said a Semi- nole County Sheriff's Department spokesperson. Authorities are also investigating another Seminole County sexual assault incident allegedly involving Pyke, the report said. Pyke was formerly the team doctor for Lake Brantley High School. His name does not appear on the Florida Department of Law Enforcement's convicted sexual offenders list because he has not been convicted of a sex crime. Pyke retired from practice in 2001 and then moved to the 700 block of North Shore Drive in Anna Maria, according to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office. Former Anna Maria MSCO deputy suspended. The Manatee County Sheriff's Office announced last week it had suspended deputy Kevin Anderson for six weeks for using poor judgment when he sent sexu- ally explicit photographs of himself to a woman he met on the Internet. Anderson worked at the MCSO Anna Maria sub- station for four months on the midnight shift before he was transferred May 16 to the MCSO's East Mana- tee substation. The incident took place before Ander- son was assigned to the Anna Maria substation, the MCSO said, and his transfer was prior to his suspen- sion. When's the last time you tasted coffee in an old-fashioned "diner" mug? The Islander 54(Nl M alnna.b Drne Phone 941 77.,"97S neighborhood reported that a Doberman pinscher came from one of the residences and attacked his dog. The owner of the Doberman helped separate the dogs, nei- ther of which was injured. June 18, 300 block of Magnolia Avenue, informa- tion. According to the report, the passenger door of a passing van was damaged when a dog ran out into the street and hit the car door. The dog was not injured. Bradenton Beach June 5, 900 block of Gulf Drive North, battery. According to the report, a police officer noticed a man and woman who appeared to be arguing. The officer witnessed the man grab the woman and throw her to the ground. Although the woman did not ask to press charges, the man was arrested based on what the officer witnessed. June 15, 100 block of Third Street South, disorderly intoxication. A man was arrested for reportedly yelling at motorists and pedestrians. June 19, 100 block of Seventh Street South, aggra- vated assault. A man was arrested after initiating a fight with two men on the pier on two separate occasions. Holmes Beach June 17, 300 block of 58th Street, battery. A man was arrested after he admitted to beating his girlfriend.. According to the report, he told police he never thought he would hit a female, but he had just had enough, and requested to be arrested for his actions. June 17, 3000 block of Gulf Drive, warrant. A man was arrested on a Manatee County warrant. June 17, 2700 block of Gulf Drive, drug arrest. Tyler Fahey, 22, of Sarasota, was stopped for speeding. An open container of alcohol was reportedly found in his vehicle and a cigarette pack containing two mari- juana cigarettes was found in Fahey's pocket. June 18, 3015 Gulf Drive, Citgo, battery. According to the report, a man pulled his motorcycle into the sta- tion to refuel. With him was a female friend. According to the report, the female friend's estranged husband also pulled into the station. After the ex-husband spoke briefly with the woman, he reportedly lunged at the man, starting a physical altercation. The ex-husband left the scene before police arrived. [ Please phone ahead 24 hours Reservations a must! 778-1320 HOURS: MON-SAT 5-9:30PM Anna Maria Island Centre* 3246 E. Bay Drive Holmes Beach -I.Br')Y Jessica's Beach Loungej k Happy Hour M-F 4-7pm 9 Thursday 7Ppm SK o RAY & N SORRYaDe o 111 7th St. N. Bradenton Beach (next to the Green Turtle) 778-0830 Ports Pub & Grill SUN-KARAOKE 91v-idhi.t MON-IMPORT ft1BUCKET NIGHT | TUES I RESTAURANT Av APPRECIATION l 4 NIGHT ,, 2 $1.75 uwe lls s .."'" Jr^fts. Free pool. 6218 Cortez Rd 794-2489 S i All-you-can-eat Pancakes & Sausage 95 MonFri am-noon S59 Sat-Suna 7am-1pm Evening entertainment! 4-8pm Wed ~ Larry Rich Thurs & Sat ~ Rick Boyd Fri & Sun Tom Mobley Mon & Tues ~ Mark, Cravens Monday Italian Night All-you- $795 can-eat 4-8pin TUESDAy 4-8pm.in fI SUNSET SPECIALS rACo & rAJur-A Every Wednesday 4-8pr, All-You-8 '"95 Can-Eat 0l'l SEAFOOD COMBO FRB F FRY 2-8 pm with fries and slaw X .ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT OPEN 7 AM 7 DAYS A WEEK BEER & WINE 4000 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-0784 22 K JUNE 28, 2006 M THE ISLANDER Sunny, sandy summer beach fun ahead this weekend Although Memorial Day is usually considered the unofficial start of summer, and June 21 was the official start of the season, the Fourth of July weekend has always seemed to be the real start of summer. Roll in the sand, splash in the surf, sizzle some meat and veggies on the grill and gather family and friends for fireworks ah, summer is here! And at .least for some of us, that weekend has to include the Sunscoast Offshore Grand Prix powerboat race off Sarasota, and all the festivities that ensue. Yeah, some have referred to the high-speed boat races as an "offshore tractor pull," but it's something of a rite of the season and generally a heckuva lot of fun. In its 22nd year, the races are supposed to be the longest-running continuous site for the offshore racing circuit, which in this incarnation is sanctioning Super Boat International/American Power Boat Association. The late Gene Whipp dreamed up the concept. His vision was to have boat races and other surrounding events on the July 4 weekend. Somebody suggested that a not-for-profit group reap any financial benefits from the races, kids were thought of as a good beneficiary, and the Florida Center for Child and Family Develop- ment was formed. It's gotten gazillions of dollars over the years the kickoff party alone usually raises about $100,000 for the agency. There's a lot more to the offshore grand prix than big, fast boats making lots of left turns in the Gulf of Mexico. Festivities stretch out through 11 days. High- lights include: World's Largest Offshore Party Thursday, June 29, starting at 8 p.m. at the Hyatt Sarasota. Cost is $15 at the door. Parade of Boats down Main Street in Sarasota Friday, June 30, starting at U.S. 301 and Main Street at 6 p.m., followed by a block party by the Main Street merchants. Driver/Sponsor Party & Concert Event at Robarts Arena/Sarasota County Fairgrounds Friday, June 30. Doors open at 7 p.m., music starts at 8, cost is $15 at the door. Powerboat Dry Pit Party at Sarasota Fairgrounds, plus Motorcycle "Patriotic Poker Run" and Bike Show Tax, driver, fishing license office to serve Island A new office of the Manatee County Tax Col- lector has .opened on Manatee Avenue West to serve Anna Maria Island and West Bradenton. It is a full service facility, said Ken Burton Jr., the tax collector, replacing the old downtown office, which was partial service. In addition to taxes, the office will handle driver license renewals, fishing and hunting licenses and voter registration. Kathi Seger is the supervisor. \% ith Robin Boone as assistant and Barbara O'Toole and Joe Fiorisi associates: The new facility is in Suite 200, 7411 Mana- tee Ave. W., Bradenton, its entrance on the south side of the new Wagner Realty building near the Albertson's store. This is the nearest to Island. Details may be obtained b% calling 741-4821., ,Advertise here and reach more than 20,000 .people weekly with your ad -for as little as $20! TI Islander FISHING LICENSE LIVE & FROZEN BAIT' C* TERMINAL TACKLE SUNGLASSES & HATS E *PENN*SHIMANO0ST CROlX Everything You Need for Florida Fishing Car Show, with the powerboats on display, Saturday, July 1, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The poker run starts at 9 a.m. Race day for the Suncoast Offshore Grand Prix will be Sunday, July 2, with heats beginning at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. The course is from New Pass, between Longboat Key and Lido Key, south to Siesta Key and then back ... 'round and 'round. The Sarasota Reds baseball team hosts Fireworks Night July 3 at Ed Smith Stadium in Sarasota. Gates for the baseball game against the Lakeland Tigers open at 6 p.m., game starts at 7 p.m., and fireworks follow the game. Admission is $5. Fireworks at Bayfront Park in downtown Sarasota are at dusk July 4. Oh, and there is supposed to be a special military flavor to this year's events, with a U.S. Air Force fly- over of the race course July 4 at 1 p.m. This year's course appears to be one of the shortest in distance in years, which means lots of action for beachgo- ers on Lido Key. The course historically has been all over the place: One year the boats did a loop inside Sarasota Bay from Big Pass to New Pass, and another year there was a run up to the city pier in St. Petersburg. Fans complained that there wasn't anything to see for a very long time, so the course got shorter and shorter. And, of course, the action got hotter and hotter. Then there was the year the weather turned bad, they delayed the race, then ran it in Sarasota Bay. Tiny course, lots of bounce, not much in the way of viewing spots, but the race did go on. Offshore race tips Nary a boat race has taken place that we've missed for the past 22 years. It's not the race itself, but the spectacle that's always been fun, and the whole event is indeed spectacular. Here's some "insider's tips" for the Suncoast Off- shore Grand Prix. Get to everything early. It's kinda like what they say about a hurricane evacuation.- the traffic and volume of people are going to be much, much worse than you could possibly imagine. We used to pack up and figure to get to the beach on Lido at about 8 a.m. for Nhat \%as then the 1 pjm. start. We'd park, then go grab breakfast at either the Holiday Inn or someplace on St. Armands Circle. By the time we were done, parking was full, people were everywhere, but we had the prime viewing spot. Don't miss the parade,.this year Friday night. It's one of the most wonderfully decadent events you can imagine. July 4 fireworks at the waterfront in downtown Sarasota are hit and miss. usually hit. The show was superb for a bunch of years, then got a bit lame. It's hard to describe the difference, but to see and hear and feel a great display versus a so-so set of lights and booms tells the tale. Be prepared to walk a lot. Dunno why, but any ,big event always seems to involve a lot of walking. And if somebody can explain why they take their pets to any of these types of events, please let me know. - Most of the dogs I know turn into crazed beasts at the sight and sound of fireworks, either trying to transform into a teeny, tiny ball, or a berserk runaway. It can't be fun for the critter, and it sure isn't pleasant for those of us around the manic creature. Happy Fourth of July! More beach news Dr. Steven Leatherman, "Dr. Beach," has come up with his best beach listing for the year. Florida had two on his top 10 list: Caladesi Island State Park in Dunedin took the No. 2 spot, and Barefoot Beach Park in Bonita Springs came in at No. 10. Both beaches are beautiful and, to paraphrase a colleague, "Been there, done that and, in this case, did NOT get the T-shirt." Both of Florida's top picks by Dr. Beach are tran- quil, semi-deserted oasis-like spots far from'the usual maze of Sunday beachgoers. Beautiful water, pristine beach, great spots to work on that tan or. book. The prize winner this year, by the way, was Flem- ing Beach Park in Maui, Hawaii. I haven't been there yet. The complete list this year is as follows: 1. Fleming Beach Park, Maui, Hawaii. 2. Caladesi Island State Park, Dunedin, Fla. 3. Ocracoke Island, Outer Banks, NC. 4. Coopers Beach, Southampton, NY. 5. Hanalei Bay, Kauai, Hawaii. 6. Main Beach, East Hampton, NY. 7. Coast Guard Beach, Cape Cod, Mass. 8. Coronado Beach, San Diego, Calif. 9. Hamoa Beach, Maui, Hawaii. 10. Barefoot Beach Park, Bonita Springs, Fla. . And here's a suggestion for a summer vacation: Why not hit all the past winners? They are: 2005 Fort DeSoto Park North Beach, Fla. 2004 Hanauma Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. 2003 Kaanapali, Hawaii. 2002 St. Joseph Peninsula State Park, Fla. 2001 Poipu Beach Park, Hawaii. 2000 Mauna Kea Beach, Hawaii. 1999 Wailea Beach, Hawaii. 1998 Kailua Beach Park, Hawaii. 1997 Hulopoe, Hawaii. 1996 Lanikai Beach, Hawaii. 1995 St. Andrews, Fla. 1994 Grayton Beach, Fla. 1993 Hapuna, Hawaii. 1992 Bahia Honda SRA, Fla. 1991 Kapalua Bay Beach, Hawaii. Sandscript factoid Basic rule of thumb for fireworks displays seems to be the cost runs about $1,000 per minute' if you see you've got a $30,000 fireworks, show, expect it to. run about 30 minutes. AERIAL PHOTOS OF ANNA MARIA ISLAND -- & . DOUG HUGENBERG P.O. Box 1539 Sarasota, FL 34230 SUNCOAST phone941-792-5685 DOCK & BOAT LIFT x 941-366-9069 PROUDD} ERIt t ,\ 1 ,\3 MARIA FOR OVER 20 E .Rs!. PIRATEY F"ry Vm7rh' N*moor Go-Karts Laser Tag Mini-Golf Arcade The Pit Stop Grille 941-755-4608 5410 HWY. 41 BRADENTON 5503 MARINA DRIVE at CATCHER'S MARINA (by Holmes Beach boat basin) 779-2838 OPEN DAILY (major credit cards) ) -7 TIE ISLANDER a JUNE 28, 2006 a 23 Now's the time to catch those big macks by the beach By Capt. Mike Heistand Mackerel are the best bet in our waters right now, with great catches off the beaches and in Tampa Bay. Redfish are also thick in the backwaters, especially near the mangroves along the shore. And one lucky angler caught a 6-foot blacktip shark from a dock at Palmetto Point in Terra Ceia Bay last week using a cast net, of all things. Capt. Tom Chaya on the Dolphin Dreams in Holmes Beach out of Catchers Marina said he's find- ing "plenty of tarpon schools on the beaches and passes, lots of Spanish mackerel throughout the shallow Gulf reefs and plenty of large sharks in bays near the Sun- shine Skyway Bridge." He's also putting his charters on redfish and snook on the outgoing tides. Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of Parrot Cove Marina said that local waters are "get- ting back to the pre-Tropical Storm Alberto state of clarity. I don't know yet if this is a good or bad thing regarding good angling action. Redfish were the big deal inside, with fairly numerous fish on good tides running up to 30 inches, as well as catch-and-release snook, scattered trout, flounder, mangrove snapper and jack crevalle. The beaches have been giving up Span- ish mackerel, bluefish, bonito and sharks, as well as an occasional tarpon hookup." Capt. Zach said he expected snapper fishing to pick up in the next few days offshore, with best baits to be small pinfish, sardines, white bait, shrimp or chubs. Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle at Catch- ers Marina in Holmes Beach said mackerel are every- where right now, especially along the beaches, and red- fish are the hot ticket in the bays. Offshore action con- tinues to be extraordinary for dolphin, wahoo and tuna, with trolling baits working best for the better hookups. Bottom fishing for grouper and snapper is also good in the Gulf, but most of the action seems to be around the 100-foot depths or better, Bill said. Capt. Thornm Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez Road said he's putting his charters onto a bunch of small catch-and-release snook, keeper-size redfish, mackerel and keeper trout, with both live and artificial bait working well for him. Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said fishers there are catching lots of Spanish mackerel, blue runners, lady- fish, yellowtail jacks and a few barracuda. There is also lots of whitebait hanging around the pier, he added. S. - Moon Date AM HIGH AM LOW PM HIGH PM LOW Iun 2. I 2" I 1.11 I- 2'- 4 4 14 1 4" 14 I 5 I ( G 1. i ' urn 3 1 5 )5 3 2 ii U Sul I 5 3i r L4' I 2 4 2 I I' 0 i u l\I 2 ^ i'. I I ,' I I i 1 I I 1 1 I . S Jul, 4 641I 21 4 I-.1 IJ - S Jul,, 5 7 12 1 12 t I 0 20 1 4 2 44 0 5 ni H i" Hn -. rr,,] iIj luiu r I j: I ':'. ,l. r| Charter Boat "MAGIC" Backwater Near Shore Up to 7 miles out in the Gulf Snook Redfish Trout Flounder Mackerel Snapper Light Tackle Fishing Reservations.a Must! Tackle, bait, ice, fishing license provided 723-1107 Capt..Mike Heistand USCG Licensed .11 ar Monster red Matt Bera caught a couple of 20-plus-pound redfish, like the one pictured, while fishing with cut bait in the Gulf of Mexico with Capt. Mark Howard of Sumotime Charters. Capt. Howard noted that the fish were released. Jesus Rosario at the Anna Maria City Pier said there are "tons" of mackerel around the pier, plus some small sharks and catch-and-release snook being caught at night, plus yellowtail jacks. Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said redfish are hitting in Terra Ceia Bay,- but most of the action is very close to the mangroves along the shore. Mackerel and sharks are also being caught from the outside of the bay. Capt. Rick Gross on Fishy Business, also out of Catchers Marina, said his charters are catching mackerel in the mornings and snook and redfish in the afternoons. Whitebait is everywhere, helping the good fishing, he concluded. At Perico Island Bait and Tackle, reports include redfish still being a good catch in upper Palma Sola Bay at the higher tides. Trout are starting to hit better, and mackerel is a wonderful catch right now. DOCKS-N-DECKS Specializing in docks and decks Maintenance Cleaning , Painting Repair (941) 779-1839 docksndecks@verizon.net Licensed and insured At Skyway Bait and-Tackle, reports include mack- erel from the Sunshine Skyway Bridge area, lots of reds from Miguel Bay, and mangrove snapper near the shipping channels in Tampa Bay. On my boat Magic, we've been catching plenty of redfish in the past week, most in the 18- to 27-inch slot limit. Offshore action included mackerel to 30 inches and a few dolphin to 24 inches in length. Good luck and good fishing. Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing guide. Call him at 723-1107 to provide fishing report. Prints and digital images of your catch are also wel- come and may be dropped off at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to news@ islander.org. Please include-identification for persons in the picture along with information on the catch and a name. and phone number for more information. Snap- shots may be retrieved once they appear in the paper. UNGLE PETE WANTS YOU TO DRIVE A CLEAN CAR! 24-hour self-serve car wash J Complete auto detailing Quick lube AMERICAN CAR WASH 5804 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach *778-1617 MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED Snook Trout Redfish Tarpon GrouperW Coblia 941-704-6763 sumotimefishing.com CaptMark Howard lnshorelNearsho;r .a.M, a UscG rcen~ir^ CHARTER BOAT JAN MARIE mmolfr's"ll mm ul1,5031.4ueF PROFESSIONAL FISHING ACADEMY Presented by IMG Academies and Cay Clubs International Featuring World-Renowned Fishermen Captains Norm & Darrin Isaacs Fish with the Pros! * Three and five-day sessions available lor Juniors (Ages 12-18) and Adults * Multiple locations: Clearwater, Bradenlon/Sarasola and Marathon Key * Captain's School beginning September 2006 (scholarships available) ACADEMIES 5500 34th Street Wesl Bradenlon. FL 34210 800 872 6425 941 7522600 Fax.941 7522531 Email nelsalesilmgwoild corn lNww.lMGAcademies corn (AC.-L , L 24 M JUNE 28, 2006 U THE ISLANDER I AS FOR SALE: ELECTRIC golf bag carrier, nearly new, battery and instructions included. Seat, covered holder for balls, tees, etc. $250. Call Bob Elliott, Key Royale Golf Club, between 8-10Oam. 941-778- 3055. CANON CAMERA EQUIPMENT: Canon EOS 20D camera with 18-55 lens. Canon speed light, 580 EX, Tamron 18-200 lens, Canon 28-135 F/3.5-5.6 image stabilized lens, extra battery. Mint condition. $1,800. 941-778-2711. TWO DESIGNER GLASS-top end tables, painted dolphin base, $50 each; shell floor lamp, $50; three chests of drawers, $35 each; two desks, $25 each; antique set of Nippon china, $35. 941-778-4451. ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open 9:30-2 Tuesdays and Thursday. 9-noon on Saturdays. Always clearance racks. 511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. 941-779-2733. GARAGE SALE: 9am-5pm Wednesday-Saturday, June 28-July1. Miscellaneous household items. 210 69 th St., Holmes Beach. SALE! NIKI'S GIFTS and Antiques. All sterling jew- elry, 50-70 percent off. All clowns, collectible spoons, cows, stuffed toys, 50-60 percent off. Select antiques, costume and vintage jewelry, furniture, art, crystal, cups and saucers, salt and pepper sets, cookbooks, 30-80 percent off. Open seven days, 9:30am-5pm. 941-779-0729.5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. New un Market Longboat Key condo. 2BR/2BA corner views! Active community, docks. $449,000 Call to View 536 r Lor Dou Sanrnfl Holmes Beacn 3BR/2.5BA with attached 1BR/1BA. R2 and room for pool. Walk to beach! $795,000- Cal to View WAGNER REALTY 30 Gulf of Mexico Dr. igboat Key, FL 34228 dr L I 941.224.0933 Licensed REALTOR GARAGE SALE: 8am-noon Saturday, July 1. Golf clubs, bicycles, tools, ladders, clothing, household items. 234 85th St., Holmes Beach. LOST KITTEN FROM 210 54th St., Holmes Beach. Three weeks young, gray with blue eyes, needs mom. Call 941-778-0268. Small cage at front door if no one is home. KARATE ON THE Island: Ages four through adult. Call 941-807-1734 or visitwww.islanddojo.cmasdirect.com. KEY WEST FANTASY Fest: 6 days/5 nights aboard 65-foot sailing vessel, Lex-Sea. $1,895 per couple, per cabin inclusive, maximum six passengers. Bring your own beer and attitude. Depart from Cortez Oct. 25. Information and reservations, 941-713-5958. LEARN SPANISH: NATIVE teacher dictates classes to home. Beginners, intermediate, advanced, diverse schedules. 941-536-1170. BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a per- sonalized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park. Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Forms at The Islander or call 941-518-4431 for more information. BONUS! CLASSIFIED ADS are posted early online at www.islander.org. 9etty 9M1 fealsstate, u SALES & RENTALS 419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291 EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294 www.betsyhills.com y. BEAUTIFUL BAYOU CONDO Charming 2BR/1BA, fully furnished ground level hideaway, decorated in a blue and white nautical d6cor. Ceramic tile floors, plantation shut- ters, fully equipped kitchen, and boat dock with direct bay and Gulf access! Bay views from kitchen. $419,000. FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough for adoption. All food and medical provided. Julie, 941-720-1411. ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes. All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened. Please, call 941-922-0774. ONLINE SERVICE: Did you know you can place classified ads and subscribe online with our secure server? Check it out at www.islander.org. 1996 CADILLAC SEDAN DeVille: White with blue coach roof. 80,800 miles, nonsmoker, all power, chrome wheels, fresh tuneup and brakes. Cold air conditioning. Very sharp! $5,500 or best offer. Jim, 941-920-9227. 2003 TRIUMPH 19-FOOT Bay boat. Center con- sole with T-top. Four Stroke Yamaha 115-hp with 165 hours. Loaded with options, storage, cooler, rod holders, casting decks. Excellent condition with recent bottom paint. $12,995. Call 941-224-5015. PONTOON BOAT FOR sale: 20-foot Fiesta. New seats and new Bimini top. Must sell. $350.941-779-2228. 1996 CENTURY 18-foot, center console, 115-hp Yamaha. 86 hours. GPS, depth, trailer. Very clean. $6000 or best offer. 941-920-9227. FOR RENT: DEEP-water boat slip, north end of Anna Maria, easy Gulf access. 941-794-8877. QUIET FRIENDLY NORTHWEST NEIGHBORHOOD! One short block to Palma Sola Bay! Large Double Lot! Endless Possibilities!" $325,000. Maureen Dahms Owner/Agent, Cell (941) 730-0587 reen REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA 941 778-0455 9906 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria www.greenreal.com NORTH BEACH VILLAGE Roomy and bright town- home in Holmes Beach. Largest floor plan with two-car garage, hurricane shutters, three decks and has plenty of storage. This sought-after community is centrally located, has a heated pool, low maintenance fees and is a short walk to the beach! $569,000. BEST DEAL ON THE ISLAND Island original converted to contemporary chic. Granite counters, ceramic tile, open and sunny, French doors onto deck and pergola. Plenty of room for pool, one block to beach. Duplex lot with 9,100 sf. $595,000. SPANISH MAIN Wonderful detached 2BR/1BA villa on Longboat Key. Water views, close to the clubhouse and deeded beach access. Spanish Main Yacht Club has much to offer and is a beautiful and exciting 55-plus community. $395,900. A WATERLOVERS DREAM! Wonderful master suite with a grand deck overlooking the bay, 4 guest suites + a grand room, and a gourmet kitchen opening up onto a wrap-around deck with bay views. Easy boat access Bay and Gulf. Offered at $2,795,000. BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME 75 x 106 lot across the street from the beach in central Holmes Beach. Walk to shops and restaurants. Architect plans available for a custom designed, beautiful ground level home permissible on this lot, or build up for gulf views! $627,500. NEW CONSTRUCTION! LOW MAINTENANCE HOME! Construction complete! Coastal designed 3BR/2.5BA home with 18-foot ceilings, granite countertops, stainless appliances, wood floors, 8-foot French doors, two open decks, Hardi Plank siding, a swim- ming pool and much more all close to beach access! This is a must see! $849,000. Ill Reach more than 20,000 people weekly with your ad -for as little as $20 Call Nancy 778-7978 The Islander www.islander.org 5,...MAK Grf-46+ AMEY~A 67#v 41uhAIX ~q~* AVE* o771- U16 MIK00 Ss I I ~ql~i~i~SB~i~ THE ISLANDER M JUNE 28, 2006 0 25 F I E AD BOAT LIFT: 25,000 pounds, one year old, 'four motors, 25-foot walkway, garaged, half price, $6,900. Anna Maria area, 678-642-6715. SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander. LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater and near shore fishing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle provided. 941-723-1107. BOAT CAPTAIN NEEDED for occasional week- ends. Must be nonsmoker and very reliable. Call 941-920-5692. NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restaurant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call 941-778-3953. NURSES NEEDED FOR long-term home care for lady with spinal injury. Hoyer lift. Full/part-time avail- able. Travel opportunity. (941) 383-6953. PART-TIME HOUSEKEEPER needed at the Coco- nuts Beach Resort. Must be able to work weekends. Please call 941-778-2277. DUPLEX $599,000 304 65th St. Holmes Beach BERMUDA BAY CLUB $749,900 1437 Gulf Dr. N. 3BR/2BA CORAL SHORES Saltwater canal 4604 Bimini Dr. t Tina Marie Doxtator, P.A. SGuifstrid6 941-705-8462 www.tinahelpsumove.com becomee 7o draie! . Call Deborah Thrasher for all your Real Estate needs! 941-518-7738 or DebMThrash@aol.com OPEN WATER VIEWS AND : S A STEPS TO BEACH! Quiet : north end location! Turnkey " furnish-ied! Boat., dock! Hot tub! New tile floors -and new kitchen cabinets. *Offered at: $799,000. S10.41 ACRES off state road 70 in quiet subdivision, beautiful property with pond, can subdivide into five-acre parcels. Reduced at: $599,000. :ISLAND CONVENIENCE STORE WITH GAS! Super opportunity to own Island business! REDUCED TO $149,9000 & inventory! Deborah Thrasher/RE/MAX EXCELLENCE 24 North Blvd. of the Presidents, Sarasota, FL 941-383-9700. *.@S..........e ......o.o..o.............. REALtOR. 31 Years of Profssional Service EXPERIENCE REPUTATION RESULTS TOWNHOUSE/VILLA-3BR/3BA Heated pool, gazebo, upgrades. $598,000. ARBORS 2BR/2BA-golf course, turnkey, clubhouse. $263,900. MARTINIQUE N.-DirectGulf view, corner with garage, storage. Updated. Shows beautifully. $899,000. KEY ROYALE-Canalfront lot. 9,450 sf. Golf course view. $699,000. BAYVIEW-4-5BR/4BA,including guest quarters. Large master suite. $1,330,000. GULF VIEW- Holmes Beach duplex or 4BR/2BA home. $799,000. HARBOUR VILLA CLUB- 2BR/2BA, turnkey, boat dock. $794,900. BAYPOINTE- 4BR/3BA villa. Water and fountain view. $251,000. VACATION, SEASONAL AND ANNUAL RENTALS LUXURY GULFFRONT VILLAS, CONDOS, HOMES 5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807 yrealt7@aol.com www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com BUSY ACCOUNTING FIRM seeks full-time book- keeper to assist with accounts, daily record keeping, payroll. QuickBooks and Excel expertise a must. Call Jamie, (941) 748-2683. SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and intermediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10 per half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended. Local teen, team competitor. Call 941-778-0944. BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, 941-756 5496. BABYSITTER, PETSITTER, dog walker: First-aid certified, 13-year-old, eighth-grader, female, great with kids and animals. Call Kendall, 941-779-9783. NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia, 941-761-1569. Red Cross certified. ENSURE YOUR CHILD'S safety while you relax. Call Gemma, 941-447-9657. Responsible, reliable and experienced, with a love for children. Red Cross babysitting and first-aid certifications. DOG WALKER, PET sitter, child sitter and odd jobs. Tenth-grader, available after school and weekends. Zach, 941-779-9783. Sit, Prudential Palms Realty o M ichelle M ustoRe.aor 941-809-3714 www.michellemuslo.com PERICO BAY CLUB: BRADENTON 920 Waterside Lane: Furnished lakefront villa, 2BR./BA, 1,132 sf. 5379,000. 827 Waterside Lane: 2BR/2BA updated, turnkey furnished, 1,069 sf. 5409,000. 940 Waterside Lane: Lakefront villa, 2BR/2BA. 1,292 sf, furnished. 5429,000. AZALEA PARK NW: BRADENTON 1015 85th Cl. NW: 3BR/2 5BA. 2.242 sf, fireplace, community pool. S399,900. email: michellemusto@prudenlialpalmsrealty.com GRAT PRICE REDUCE %( ] -)' OWNER MUST SELL this beautiffi IU building lot zoned duplex. Priced now below market. At last, a realistic seller for the buyer in need of a, spacious lot for a two-family dwelling. Over 11,400 sf and PRICED TO SELL. $589,000. Celebrate your 4th with above purchase. Have a safe and happy July 4th holiday! "We ARE he Island!" SINCE 1957 Marie Franklin, Lic. Real Estate Broker 941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250 E-mail amrealty@verizon.net Web site www.annamariareal.com RIVERVIEW CUSTOM This custom Spanish-style 3BR/3BA home with views S of the Manatee River and Sopen-floorplansoffergracious livingfordiscriminatingtastes. S[The high ceilings and arched entry to the living room S it" complete with fireplace and "-- balcony overlooking the river adds just the right touch. A gourmet kitchen, complete S7 .t with pantry closet, is designed S -S3a ,- to be the center of family ' f-i-'-,! I L .-L- rE:;-,3-1, gatherings or entertaining, .- cl ~~ Wl ay too many features to .name! $989,000. Gulf-Bay Realty l e, Robin Kollar Broker / ^ 941-713-4515, RED CROSS first-aid certified babysitter certified. Call Alex, 941-778-5352. GET YOUR BOAT washed without the hassle, just give me a call. Regular scheduling available, perfect for when you're out of town. Call Richard, 941-447 9657. BABYSITTER/PETSITTER: RESPONSIBLE, Red Cross certified. Experienced with kids and pets of all ages. Many Island references! Transportation available. Weekly and monthly rates available. Call Hilary or Natalie. 941-778-5181. PAYTON'S CLEANING SERVICES: I do cleaning, dog sitting, carwashes and yard work. You can contact me at this number, 941-778-3759. Open every day! READY TO MOVE IN! Brand -Av *. new 3BR/2BA, two-car garage 'with den, 2,053 sf, near Prime Outlets Mall in Ellenton. Neu- tral colors, upgrades galore, quiet cul-de-sac lot on pond/ .preserve. Close to i-75 and 275, commuter's dream. Two-year bumper-to-bumper and 10-year structural home warranties. Very low HOA fee' Room for pool. MLS #529860. $369,900. Call Melanie Johnson 941-704-7394. WAGNER "M REALTY Wish'nr emer ene Fe ane happy PeurLh eF eJuly rom eeryne L ... Am Isasn4 Pace ReAllty (941) 779-9320 www.islandplacerealty.com 411 Pine Ave Anna Maria Nearly 3,800 sf of linely appointed living space in this on-grade, two-level, canalfront home with four bedrooms, five baths (all bedrooms are suites) caged pool, dock and short walk to Gulf beach. Call for new price. APOSPOROS & SON REALTY, LL 941-387-3474 REALTORS ISLAND CONDO 2BR/1BA Sea Pirates, Rental producing condo across from Gulf, heated pool, professionally decorated. $455,000. Call Susan Klement, Realtor, 941-720-4107. ISLAND HOME REDUCED 3BR/2.5BA with fireplace. Corner lot on canal with new dock and caged pool. New kitchen cabinets and granite countertops. New metal roof. $575,000. Call Carleen Weise, Realtor, 941-224-6521 evenings. KEY ROYALE 3BR/2BA Single-family on deep large canal. Kitchen updated. Large caged pool, great dock, boatlift. Turnkey furnished. $1,100,000. Call Michel Cerene, Broker, 941-545-9591 evenings. CANALFRONT-OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY_2-4-238 CHILSON, ANNA MARIA 3BR/3BA home with new guest quarters. Updated electric, new air conditioning and heat, updated kitchen, vaulted ceiling. Sailboat water, no bridges to bay. Turnkey furnished. $749,900. Call Lori Guerin, Realtor, 941-. 773-3415 or Carmen Pedota, Realtor, 941-284-2598. I 5910 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770 1-800-741-3772 info@smithrealtors.com Web site: www.smithrealtors.com 2 - V V C01- VVVVVV.01 I I I till O-Vi I I /10,- 26i JUNE 28, 2006 N THE ISLANDER ISLA, ND;. ER S FI D KIDS FOR HIRE ads are FREE for Island youths under 16 looking for work. Ads must be placed in person at The Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. MAN WITH SHOVEL: Plantings, natives, patio gar- dens, trimming, cleanup, edging, maintenance. Hard-working and responsible. Excellent references. Edward 941-778-3222. LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint- ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine Car Service. Serving the Islands. 941-778-5476. COMPUTER OBEDIENCE TRAINING. Is your com- puter misbehaving? Certified computer service and private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. 941 - 545-7508. ISLAND PRESSURE CLEANING for great results, wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable, reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. 941-778-0944. CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist. Experienced certified technician for communica- tion electronics offers wireless and cable networks, upgrades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and train- ing. Call Robert, 941-778-3620. CALL DAN'S RESCREEN for your free estimate to- day. Affordable rates, quality work guaranteed. Pool cages, lanais, windows, doors. Call 941-713-5333. THOUSANDS OF HOMES ONE ADDRESS WVVVVWW.MICHAELSAUNDERS.COM HUL.l ll GH U UI. 0TUI P0dIrjuIi y '.,Dn Or3,:Jr noui',- cn 'ji' acfe ot on thie Gul Cf Mi ,,co Ope6n :.c reenid Oullt ecwt jiior,, & porcre.. $ 80).0l(u ,48.6300 Klr.y Mjr.:r. 713-1110 ,n:.r 'andy l r3,apI.1 725-0781. 527811: KEY ROYALE HOME. Bay waterfront 2653 SF of living area; 3BR, separate dining, living & family rooms. Custom kitchen w/island & breakfast room, mstr. suite w/sitting room. Rolladen shutters for storm protection, screenedpatiow/raiseddeck&spaleadingout todock& I0,000LBlift$1,999,999. Kimberly Roehl, 748-6300 or 447-9988. 521918. ANNA MARIA ISLAND. V,,NEc Cu tlay .P./way Oriate Toaualty ,er, vaiek ior.lo'1 ruraeC'm 2BAza,,uaahw'anotn,,:, Abhaul; 5,t l''r' EUo,, C ap.ou3rirrj 74l8-6.300 MniLuuAI WAI MnH! zu ut- watr IIUIltUII Bimini Bay. 5200 sf home w/water views. Private dock w/deep water boat access. Updated, 6BR open plan includes office, library, den, bonus room & pool w/spa. No deed restrictions, park RV/boats alongside. Close to beaches. $2,349,000. Jody Shinn, 748-6300 or 705-5704. 527474. ISLAND LUXURY W/VIEWS OF GULF from 2 balconies! New 4BR townhouse w/extras across street from beach. 9ftceilings, elegantarchways, gourmet kitchen w/wood cabinets, granite counters, stainless steel appliances, ceramic tile floors, crown moldings. All BR's access balconies w/views. Elevator from 2 car garage to living area. $1,375,000. Jody Shinn, 748-6300 or 705-5704. 530642. METICULOUS 3BR POOL home with dock lift & seawall located on sailboat water on BImlnl Bay. Fantastic views are captured from almost every room. Key Royale Home, open water - no bridges. $1,300,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. 529619. CAN'T BEAT VIEWI Direct Beachfront, top floor, 2BR turnkey furnished condo overlooking Gulf. Remodeled w/Tommy Bahama furnishings, solid surface countertops, 18" tile, & new A/C. Great complex w/elevators, heated pool, sauna, tennis courts & good rental policy. $989,000. Jody Shinn, 748-6300 or 705-5704. 529979. ISLAND LIVING in 3BR elevated home directly across street from gulf beaches. Spacious, w/open floor plan, cathedral ceilings, large great room & kitchen w/ breakfast bar, inside utility room & nice sized BR's. Gulf views from wrap around porch.$899,000 Jody Shinn, 748-6300 or 705-5704. 530811. BEACHBUNGALOW. Coastaldesign3BRw/spectacularkitchen &familyroom w/woodfloors, custom kitchen cabinets, granite counters, stainless steel appliances. Turnkey furnished. Porches, heated pool, & Holmes Beach location close to beaches. Investment property ready for enjoyment. $825,000. 748-6300. Kimberly Roehl, 447-9988 or.447-9988. 527574. DIRECT, BEACHFRONT view 2BR, turnkey furnished condo overlooking Gulf. Adjacent to lfoeguarded beach. Unobstructed Gulf views from living/dining, mstr BR & patio: Smaller complex w/heated pool & trop. landscp. No rental restrictions. $799,900. Ally Howell, *748-6300 or 224-6378. 530750. GULFWATCH CONDO. 2BR turnkey furnished, light & bright end unit condo w/extras in terrific condition. Ready for enjoyment or ideal investment property. Bay side w/deeded beach access. $459,000. Kimberly R6ehl, 748-6300 or 447-9988. 521492. RUNAWAY BAY. Excellent Investment In a furnished 2/2 condo on Bradenton Beach w/liberal rentalpolicies. Bayfroritcomplexw/pool,tennis,fishing,boataccess,shiffleboard&exercise facilities. Priced well. $399,000. Victoria Horstmann, 748-6300 or 518-1278. 529381. CAYMAN CAYVILLAS. 2 BRend unitlocated inacharming island neighborhood directlyacross .from the Beach. Enjoy peek of the Gitlf from your lanal. This turnkey condo is a delightful get-a-way or investment. $359,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. 524503. ANAEA .* 3 *0 7 .63 ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod- eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. 941-720-0794. PROFESSIONAL I.T. SERVICES: Complete com- puter solutions for business and home. Installation, repairs, upgrades, networking, Web services, wire- less services. Richard Ardabell, network engineer, 941-778-5708, or cell 216-509-1945. CLEANING COUPLE: A few open slots for offices, condos, houses, etc. We also do errands and hurricane checks. Honest and dependable. (941) 448-7119. CUCCIO TILE: Many Island references. Free esti- mates. Licensed and insured. 941-730-2137. THE ROYAL MAID Service: Licensed, bonded, insured, Professional, experienced maids. Free estimates, gift certificates available. Call now, 941-727-9337. EXPERIENCED CERTIFIED TEACHER available for tutoring in math, science and reading for elementary- to college-level students. $35/hour. 941-524-4177. LET ELLEN HELP: Companionship, shopping, cleaning, cooking, over-nights. 941-518-3054 or 941-779-0555. References. HIGHLY QUALIFIED, LICENSED CNA/HHA: Total personal care, bathing and dressing. Meal prepa- ration, housekeeping, respite care, transportation, shopping. Call 941-345-6155. SUN PLAZA WEST 2BR./2 BA, ne\w carper, . excellent condition. Renr e\e n second week - 20 times per \ear! Tennis court and headed pool. Price reduced. $5 0.,i 1. NORTH BEACH V\'1AGE Turnkec furnished S3BR lhonmni v.ilt r\,-cajr .gaiage. Seps to p,-ol. N lotiovated seller. $5-9,0l00. It GREAT VACATION HOME in Holmesit Bea.ch. T\wo blocks frh'om beach. urnkev Furnished. Zoned R2 rear down and build a . duplex. $775,000. BAYFRONT BIMINI BAY Noted architect, Gene Aubrey's secluded Marina Isle home. State So die art kitchen. SouLth American multi-colored tile throughout, master suite plus rwto bedrooms. " Spectacular bay vie\s, open Florida-sr Ie tropical] beauty with private lMe.ican style courtyard, pool and shared deepwater dock. $1,500,000. CLEANING BY HELENE: Honest, reliable, excellent references. Longtime resident. Weekly, bi-weekly, rea- sonable rates, free estimates. Call 941-778-5717. CPA BOOKKEEPER AVAILABLE for temporary and/or part-time work to assist with your small busi- ness or personal accounting/reconciliation needs. $35/hour, two-hour minimum. 941-914-2037. ANNA MARIA ROCK School at School for Constructive Play. Lessons in guitar, drums, piano, bass guitar, saxo- phone, flute, theory. All ages. Call 941-778-1747. SANDY'S CLEANING SERVICE: Exceptional clean- ing and decorating island references available. For unbeatable service, call 798-9484. QUALITY CLEANING: WE offer professional clean- ing services. Highest quality at affordable prices. "We guarantee our services." 941-379-8372. BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigera- tion. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call William Eller, 941-795- 7411. CAC184228. TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years experience. References available. For a reasonable price, call Sebastian, 941-704-6719. CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and com- mercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, landscaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. 941-778-5294. COLD u.L .. %RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE INC. Pam Dial, PA (941)704-4962 ;. Smuggler's Landing 2BR/2BA water- Smuggler's Landing 2BR/2BA Remod- front condo with den. Almost 1600 sf with eled unit with glass enclosed lanai over- 40-foot deep-water boat slip. Vaulted ceil- looking your 40-foot deep-water boat ings, built-ins and wet-bar. $699,000. slip. $589,000. Mariner's Cove Eganoi tiwn rnimin wair Mariner's Cove 28RP2BA, 1800. ci dele, 2.41001o'it:';.,ip i, 4BR/3BAwiinciver ,:corIr e.:lu.ive Manner's Cove oDeejd 2,700 sf of living space. Just completed in boat slip on deep-water canal opens Dec: 2001 i jnaiJn iih [trand, nei w 's99 500 direarlly iP n:, i he Iilr3aicSlJ i$65 000 Harbour Landings Eslales Appro. 1'3 Riverview Blvd jNeer njmeI i Ri,,vruiew ,cr-on deep-wat1er :jnaIin1h'ale eI'tionlO di:irinl Over 3 400 St wain JBR/3 58A and of Haricur Landings LClcorme witn-4(1-1II pool.Almost one acre loton Wamer'sBayou. boat slip on protected basin. $879,000. With newer dock and davit. $1,475,000. Over 20 years experience specializing in waterfront & boating properties www.floridamoves.com/pamela.dialpa pamela.dial@floridamoves.com rAPPY 0rf OfWF 1W? PRESTIGIOUS NORTH END This custom-built home I-ML on the north end .. o f Anna Maria i. -. offers over 2,600 tSf of living area with 3BR/3.5BA. r Red oak hardwood . floors, custom ,. HM___'_i_______ kitchen and wet bar for entertaining. Casual, open floor plan. Expansive white sandy beach, with great access directly across the street. Offered at $1,350,000. e .9 REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA ps- 4i Kati *..... t,, .-._ l WEST OF GULF DRIVE- This 2BR/2BA with a 1BR/1BA studio is on two lots west of Gulf Drive in Anna Maria. Excellent rental history and priced to sell at $995,000. 41 778-0455 www.greenreal.com .9906 Gulf Drive Anna Maria Ken Jackson, 778-6986 hy Geeraerts, 778-0072 Maureen Dahms, 778-0542 Kate Eiseler, 778-5115 Evelyn Mitchell, 778-1952 THE ISLANDER M JUNE 28, 2006 M 27 LA 9 -ER LA SSIF9 ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. Monthly and quarterly accounts available. If it is broken, we can fix it. Call 941-778-2581. CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING:Top quality lawn and land- scape maintenance. Now accepting new accounts at great rates. Please call 941-778-2335 or 284-1568. JR'S LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE Lawns, native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup. Island resident 25 years. Call 941-807-1015. PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN and instal- lation. Huge selection of plants, shrubs and trees. Irrigation. Everything Under the Sun Garden Centre, 5704 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. 941-778-4441. SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $42/yard. Hauling: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free esti- mates. Call Larry at 941-795-7775, "shell phone" 941-720-0770. KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean- ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City of Anna Maria resident. Cell 941-448-3857. NATURE'S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. Tropical landscape specialist.. Residential and commercial. 30-years experience. 941-729-9381. STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Complete clean- ups, installations, native plants, palms, aquascapes, rock and patios. Shell installed $42/yard. Shark Mark 941-727-5066. VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, inte- rior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island references. Bill, 941-795-5100. JOE UNGVARSKY CONSTRUCTION Remodeling contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed and insured. Many Island references. 941-778-2993. License #CRC 035261. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING free esti- mates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at 941-778-1730. CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island ser- vice since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certifying back flow at water meters. FL#RF0038118-941-778-3924 or 778-4461. TILE -TILE -TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, 941-726-3077. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod- eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. 941-720-0794. CUSTOM RENOVATION/RESTORATION expert. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Thirty years experience. Insured. Meticulous, clean, sober and prompt. Paul Beauregard, 941-779-2294. KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and shutters. Insured and licensed, 941-748-4711. TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed. Why pay retail? Island resident, many references. Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor Coverings. 941-792-1367, or 726-1802. JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy- man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pres- sure washing and tree trimming. Call 941-778-6170 or 447-2198. WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more. Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in- home consultation. Island references, 15 years experience. 941-778-3526 or 730-0516. HANDYMAN SERVICE: Winton's Home-Buddy Inc. Retired banker, Island resident, converting life-long hobby to business. Call 941-705-0275 for free estimates. PAINTING BY CARLOS: Exterior and interior paint- ing. Faux finish, wallpaper, stain, popcorn ceiling, woodwork, pressure wash. Office 941-761-4071 or cell, 941-580-2421. IMPACT WINDOWS AND doors. Exclusive dis- tributor: Weatherside LLC on Holmes Beach. Free, courteous estimates. Jeld-wen Windows and Doors. Lic.# CBC1253145. 941-730-5045. THIRTY-SIX YEARS craftsman experience. Interior,. exterior, doors, stairs, windows, trim. Pressure wash. Driveway paint. Dan Michael, master carpenter. Call. 941-518-3316 or 941-778-6898. INTERIOR PAINTING BY "Sisters." Decorating and popcorn removal. Call Nancy, 941-756-9595, or Ellen, 941-779-0555. References. TUB AND TILE refinishing: A division of D.J. Murphy Painting Inc. Save up to 80 percent over traditional remodeling costs. Call us with your kitchen and bath needs. Don't buy new redo! 941-751-1245. Licensed, certified and insured. RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal. Wedebrock Real Estate Co., 941-778-6665 or 800- 749-6665 . SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes.Beach, 4BR two master suites-/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/dryer, garage, designer furnished with tropical yard setting. One of the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/weekly. Call 941-713-0034 or e-mail: gamiller@tampabay.rr.com. ANNUAL RENTAL: 3BR/2BA Palma Sola Park. New kitchen and-bath, new paint, large yard. $1,600/ month. First/last/security. 941-778-5445. ISO YOU HAVE SPOKEN! WE HAVE ST D NOW available An enclave-of 25 luxury residences in a gatedcommun.ity by Rowe Homes,; each with a breathtaking view of Palma Sola Bay. Located on Palma Sola Boulevard just 1/4 - mile. north of.Cortez. Four styles to choose from with square footages from 2,800 to 4,200. Introductory pricing from $895,000, including a standard bay-view lot. 8227 37th Ave. Cir. W. *Bradenfon www.pabnavistahomes.com: 28 n JUNE 28, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER Sandy's Lawn Service Inc. Sandy's Established in 1983 Lawn Celebrating 23 Years of SariCe OQuality & Dependable Service. Iv l1Call us for your landscape 77841345 and hardscape needs. itS Licensed & Insured Paradise Improvements 778-4173 Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist Replacement Doors and Windows Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault Fully Licensed and Insured Island References Lic#CBC056755 WAGNEQ REALTY ' S 2217 GUIX DRIVE NO TI[ BMTAD NION BEACH.l, F 1 ' HAQOLD SMALL REALTOR - Office: (941) 778-2246 (941) 792- 8628 "'f;' E-mail: haroldsmall@wagnerrealty.com US A FENCEKES Specializing WHITE VINYL FENCE CRC016172 94 1 -750-9300 HAUL-AWAY Removal of all types of trash, debris and junk. 720-2217 j 1 '-Wi do T ea me ts Hutr IoglsB ind -Hoe urisins&ce ors 11 rdg tee 'rdetnRec :'7213 TNT ROOFING REROOF SPECIALISTS TILE METAL SHINGLE FLAT FREE 6 yr. Maintenance Program 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE Experienced in: ALL REPAIR TYPES. 941-556-ROOF 941-556-7663 727-341-1600 FREE ESTIMATES Licensed & Insured (Lic. #CCC13257421 WWRISLANDER.OG anna m ari a Gulf Coast PROPERTIES (941)782-5609 Now accepting annual rental properties on Anna Maria Island Chris ,-' Eagleberge Over 20 years Real Estate experience H(W:TO RELAX ON AN ISLAND..., Massage by Nadia 941.795.0887 I VACATION RENTALS: 2BR'apartments across from beautiful beach, $375 to $500/week. Winter and spring dates available. Almost Beach Apartments, (941) 778-2374. GULFFRONT CONDOS: 3BR/2BA, 2BR/2BA, 1BR/1BA with breathtaking sunsets. Pools, Jacuzzi, walk to shops and restaurants. Available weekly, monthly, seasonal. 901-301-8299 or e-mail captko462 @ aol.com. WEEKLY RENTALS: Alecassandra villa, 1BR/1BA, $700/week; Island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; Gulffront cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach Club, 2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call Kim Fisher, Wagner Realty, 941-778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com. BRADENTON BEACH: NEWLY remodeled.1 BR/1 BA suite with full kitchen, fully furnished, one block from Bridge Street, three minute walk to beach. Sleeps four only. No pets. Now taking reservations for summer. Available weekly, monthly or seasonal. 941 - 776-3696, or e-mail bjustin628@tampabay.rr.com. MONTHLY RENTAL: 2BR/2BA with den. Furnished condo on canal. West Bradenton. Five minutes to beaches. $2,100/month. June through November 2006. 708-532-2149. ANNA MARIA: TAKING winter reservations. Cozy mobile home in 55-plus resort. Bayside, furnished, parking, walk to beach. $1,400/month, seasonal. 518-473-1169, or rgumson@mail.nysed.gov. ANNUAL OR SEASONAL: New home, 55-plus park, across from beach, turnkey furnished, 2BR/2BA, cen- tral air conditioning, heat, washer and dryer, carport. $1,100/month, call for seasonal rate. 941-778-4349. LIDO BEACH: 2BR apartments. Delightful and modern with porch/lanai in garden setting. Across from beach, walking distance to St. Armands Circle. Eight minutes to Sarasota Main Street. Fully fur- nished, including full kitchen and laundry room. Available weekly, 941-383-2566. KEY ROYALE: 3BR/2BA house on canal with dock, all new inside, two-car garage, community pool/ tennis, washer and dryer, fireplace, pets OK, $2,250/ month. Westbay Pointe & Moorings, 2BR/2BA condo, second floor, water view, furnished or unfurnished, annual lease, $1,500/month. 72nd Street duplex, 2BR/2BA, second floor, loads of storage, garage, 360 yards to beach, no pets, $1,200/month. SunCoast Real Estate, 941-779-0202. www.suncoastinc.com. DUPLEX: ANNUAL 2BR/1 BA. $1,000/month. 200 steps to beach. New appliances and paint. 206 73rd St., Holmes Beach. Call first, 941-778-2658. ANNUAL RENTALS:; 3BR/2BA waterfront pool home, $3,250/month. 1BR/1BA upstairs apartment, fur- nished. $750/month. Call Betsy Hills Real Estate, PA., at 941-778-2291, or e-mail Jason@betsyhills.com. ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/1 BA Anna Maria waterfront apartment with dockage. $1,300/month. Furnished or unfurnished. Cable and water included. First/last/ security. 941-778-5445. ANNUAL RENTAL IN Holmes Beach.One block to the Gulf. 2BR/1 BA. Close to trolley stop and stores. Washer and dryer on premises: $1,050/month, utili- ties included: Call 646-842-0096, soon! FLORIDA KEYS WEEKLY rental: luxury 2BR/2BA condo. Spectacular Atlantic views! Marina, ramp, dockage, gated, pool, private beach, tennis. Maria@ flycapers.com/720-1712. ISLAND CASTLE: FABULOUS French Normandy home. 4BR/3BA on best beach and quiet street in Anna Maria. 941-794-8202. ANNUAL RENTAL WESTBAY Cove: Lower unit, 2BR/2BA waterfront, unfurnished. Includes water, sewer, cable. Old Florida Realty, 941-778-05 or 941 - 713-9096. ANNUAL: ATTRACTIVE 2BR/2BA with Florida room. Washer and dryer hookup, dishwasher, car- port, $1,000/month. Nice 2BR/1 BA, washer and dryer hookup, carport, $900/month. 1BR/1BA close to beach, $700/month. Dolores M. Baker Realty, 941-778-7500. ANNUAL HOLMES BEACH 2BR/1 BA new apart- ment, close to beach. Includes all utilities ahd cable. $1,000/month. 941-545-6118. BEACHSIDE GROUND LEVEL: 1BR/1BA, great views, like new, sleeps four, $770/week or special seasonal rates. 106 72nd St., Holmes .Beach. 863-529-3579. LEASE A $345,000 condo in private, gated Braden- ton island community and share increase in equity 50-50 with us. We pay taxes, condo fees, water and standard cable. You pay mortgage ($1,570/month), phone, electricity. 2BR/2BA, recently renovated, fur- nished or not.Two minutes to beach. 24-hour guarded gate. Lighted tennis courts, clubhouse, heated pools, Jacuzzi, bike paths. Washer and dryer in condo. No pets, no smokers. 941-720-4307. pericocondo.com. BRADENTON BEACH BUNGALOW: 3BR/2BA totally remodeled. Six-month lease, pets negotiable. 105 N. 12th St. $1,100/month. 888-929-9316. HOLMES BEACH: 1BR/1 BA apartment. 750 sf, 100 feet from bay. Newly updated, includes water and trash. First, last, security deposit. $775/month. 949- 813-4900. HOLMES BEACH: 2BR/1 BR, 1,400-sf beach house. 1.5 blocks to beach. Unfurnished, $1,100/month. Furnished, $1,300/month. First, last, security deposit. 949-813-4900. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, townhouse: 2BR/2BA with balcony and view of mountains. Weekly or monthly rental. Call Paige at 941-798-3448. VILLAGE GREEN VILLA: 55-plus, 2BR/2BA two-car garage. Just beautiful unit on cul-de-sac, pool, pets OK! $1,200/month. 941-725-4425. 2BR/2BA FLAMINGO CAY townhouse: Waterfront with boat slip, pool, cable. Furnished or unfurnished. Six-month minimum. $1,050/month. First, last and security. 941-798-3842. ANNUAL RENTALS: UPSCALE two and three bed- rooms, pool. Homes located on Anna Maria Island for rent. Call Island Real Estate, 941-778-6066. ANNUAL RENTALS: EFFICIENCY, 1BR/1BA, fur- nished or unfurnished from $650-875/month. Call Island Real Estate, 941-778-6066. ANNUAL: NORTH HOLMES Beach. 2BR/1 BA, Flor- ida room, separate locked storage. $950/month plus security. Includes water, sewer and, trash pickup. Call 941-778-5391. APARTMENTS ON PALMA Sola Bay: Studio, $700/ month plus security. 1 BR/1 BA, $740/month plus security. Rent includes utilities. Call Jerry, 941-448- 8100. Ask about free rent. ANNUAL RENTAL: 1 BR apartment, half block from beach. Completely remodeled. $800/month unfur- nished, $850/mohth furnished. Includes cable, water and trash. 941-779-0470. PARADISE IN COMFORT at Palm Breeze rentals in Holmes Beach. Two beautifully furnished units in a Key West-style home on a large corner lot. Each unit has 3BR/2BA, washer, dryer and fully equipped kitchen. Heated pool, bikes, grill, etc. Just bring your -clothes and a toothbrush and enjoy. www.apalm- breeze.com. 941-730-5126. ANNUAL 2BR/1.5BA Holmes Beach duplex: $825/ month plus utilities: Landlord pays trash and lawn. Call 517-230-4648. HOLMES BEACH ANNUAL 2BR/2BA,-two-car garage, office. Steps to beach. $1,600/month. 941-545-6118. CONDO ON THE beach: Available July 8-15. Sleeps four, turnkey, pool, hot tub. $550/week. 941-778-5152. ANNUAL HOLMES BEACH duplex: 2BR/2BA com- pletely remodeled, furnished, washer and dryer. $1,000/month plus utilities. 941-778-1819. !'094 *0 * t "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" 0* ,* 41 , .* 9*. * JS ANDER C ASSIIE IS ANDER C ASS iD HOLMES BEACH: CHARMING 2BR/1.5BA, Florida room, garage, workroom, laundry hookups, large tropical yard, gazebo, Mexican tile. $1,350/month plus utilities. 941-726-1898. CORTEZ/BRADENTON BEACH area. Spacious 1 BR/1 BA furnished apartment (resort style). $995/ month, includes utilities, cable, laundry, parking. 941-791-2725. ANNA MARIA ANNUAL: 2BR/1BA with lanai and garage, washer and dryer, Terrazzo floors, new kitchen cabinetry and central air conditioning. $895/month plus utilities, water and refuse fees. 941-778-8456. ANNA MARIA SEASONAL: Six-month minimum. Fur- nished 2BR/1 BA with washer and dryer, lanai, garage, terrazzo floors, new kitchen cabinets and central air conditioning. $2,000/month. 941-778-8456. SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals. 1BR/1BA or 2BR/1 BA with pool. Walk to beach, shopping, restaurants. 941-778-3426. Web site 2spinnakers.com. PRECONSTRUCTION PRICES! Lakefront Hidden Lake condominiums, west Bradenton. Close to beach. Starting at $329,900. Call Cori Woods, 941 - 761-0444. WATERFRONT PROPERTY 2BR/2BA located on deep-water canal with large dock and views of Tampa Bay. Reduced $779,000. 941-779-1512. FOR SALE BY owner: Best value on the Island! 2BR/ 2BA, one-car garage, gourmet kitchen, new windows, updated baths and more. Two blocks from beach. $615,000. 941-778-8677. 406 Bay Palms Drive, Holmes Beach.. 3BR/2BA: One bedroom used as a den/office/ playroom, enclosed lanai, tiled with carpeted bed- rooms. 1,400 sf, county water/sewer, citrus trees,-, near Brentwood school in Sarasota. Reduced to $274,900..941-379-4196 or 941-954-7474. KEY ROYALE: Holmes Beach. Direct bayfront, gorgeous view of Skyway, 3BR/2.5BA, two-car garage, private dock. $2,500,000. North Point Harbor canalfront 4BR/3BA, five-car garage. Ele- vated with new lap pool/spa/waterfall, seawall and dock. $872,500. 2BR/2BA, two-car garage, reno- vated ranch with new seawall/dock/20,000-lb lift. $989,500. Both with community pool and tennis. Call Lynn Bankuty, Realtor, SunCoast Real Estate, 941-737-1420. C P R: 941-794.1515. Sales, rentals, property man- agement. Coastal Properties Realty. www.coastal- propertiesrealty.com. ANNA MARIA ISLAND Club: 2BR/2BA condo. Fully furnished and equipped. Best-kept condo complex on the Island. Beautiful beach, pool, hot tub, sauna and sunsets. No more left on the Island like this! $969,000. 317-873-3307 for instructions on virtual tour. REDUCED! Large Anna Maria lot, deep-water canal, no bridges, custom plans available. $650,000. Details at http://mysite.verizon.net/talbotl, or call 610-247-9496. OPEN HOUSE 1-4pm Saturday and Sunday Bay-, view and canalfront with pool. 2BR/2BA open plan, new kitchen. Totally upgraded. Dock, three davits. Owner motivated. Not a drive-by, must see inside! By owner. Call Herb Dolan, 941-705-4454.404 21 st Place. Bradenton Beach. DESIRABLE ANNA MARIA lot for sale by owner, 50x1 10 feet. 117 Willow Avenue. Asking $500,000. 813-837-6224. LONGBOAT DUPLEX: 4-6 bedrooms on canal. Deeded beach access. Rent it out or redevelop (adjacent property available). $799,000. Mary Ann Namack, Longview Realty, 941-383-6112. LOT FOR SALE: One block to Gulf. 50x100 feet, cleared. $539,000. 215 71st St., Holmes Beach. (941) 778-4036. HOLMES BEACH DUPLEX: 4BR/2BA great annual rental history. Updated, close to beach and bay. $539,000. 941-778-5482. UNIQUE CUSTOM 1950s Holmes Beach 3BR/3BA. Exposed Cypress beam ceilings, fireplace, over 2,100 sf, plus nice large efficiency. Walk to your boat dock or beach. All offers considered. $650,000. Can show anytime. Cell 513-378-9100. TWO LONGBOAT KEY cottages for sale or trade! 660 Linley St. Call 813-478-0909, broker/owner. TWO BEAUTIFUL HOMES for sale on Anna Maria Island by owner! For more information, visit www. coxpristineproperties.cbm, or call 941-778-8281. BEAUTIFUL TWO-ROOM professional office, Anna Maria Island. Ground floor, lush landscaped, over- looking bay, plus kitchenette, bath. Share copy machine, cleaning,, private parking. Prestigious location. 941-778-3113. VILLAGE GREEN VILLA: Your hurricane getaway! 2BR/2BA, two-car garage, new kitchen, paint and carpet, cul-de-sac, pool, pets OK! $299,900. 941- 725-4425. 2BR/2BA LAKEFRONT CONDO: Attached garage, newly remodeled, new roof, premium location, min- utes to beach, northwest Bradenton. Owner moti- vated! $264,900. Must see! Call 941-962-5704. FIND OUT WHAT your home is worth online, visit: www.Manateevaluesonline.com. Coldwell Banker. MEADOW CROFT SOUTH condo, near Blake, 2BR/2BA lakefront with carport, pets welcome. $195,000. Carol Heinze, Coldwell Banker Real Estate, 941-778-5059. ALMOST ISLAND HOME: Adorable 1BR/1BA. Brand new furnished, bay windows with water view. Hurricane Force-3 manufactured home. One mile from Anna Maria Island and one block from. Intra- coastal Waterway with new marina and boat ramp. Land owned. Home owner's association optional. $159,900. 941-224-6521. YES! YOU CAN live in Perico Bay Club. Updated, fur- nished 1 BR/1 BA condo. Reduced to $289,900. Call Marilyn Trevethan, Island Real Estate, 941-778-6066. TVN EHE GIS NDE UJNE28 00 2 I.... m* e It IG SPA (I7 7777p 77-77 7G~e a R Realty , LONGBOAT KEY PAINTING & DESIGN, INC. S Faux painting Cabinet refinishing Furniture restoration Custom painting Jackson Holmes, owner (941) 812-3809 Junior's Landscape & Maintenance Lawn care PLUS native plants, - mulch, trip. hauling and cleanup. - Call Jiunior, S07-1015 cz SThanksforsaying"lsaitin Thel Islander APPEAL ATE LW Presswood Law Firm, PAi'.. Ci'l wnd Criminal Appeals. Kendra D PresFood Employment Law , 1806 Manatee Ave. W., BradentFL 34205;749-6433 www.presswoodaw.com . ----------------------------------------- -- ----- -- -- -- --- ----------------- rHOW TO PLACE A CLAAD D AD DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER -vance. We accept ads by tax with credit card information, 778-9392, at our Web site (secure s ct ermaI al classiheds@islander. org. Office hours: 9 to 5, Monday-Friday, (Saturday 10 to 2 Ctt ' CLASSIFIED RATES BUSINESS OR p to 20 WORDS. Additional words: Each additional word over 20 is 501, Box $3, One- or two- WE ACCEPT c large your classified advertising in person or by phone. We are sorry, but due to the high,. volume of call copy over the telephone. To place an ad by phone, please be prepared to FAX or e-mail your copy with your cred ee below) USE THIS F I FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: One word per blank space lor minimum charge 20 words. . 'I. I . I Run issue date(s) I Amt. pd Date Please indicate: Ck. No. or Cash ____ For credit card payment: I No. I Exp. Date Name shown on card: . I Billing address zip code: House no. or post office box no. on bill E-Mail address: [for renewal purposes onl ] The Islander ne. Pax: 941 778-9392 5404 Marina Drive Phone: 941 778-7978 -Holmes Beach FL 34217 --- _- Isan-- E-mail classifieds@islander.org :~::.:; ~ ~-~:;~ ;~-~~ ~-~11~1~ ~ ~ ::~-~ ~:::::::. 30 0 JUNE 28, 2006 3 THE ISLANDER I S L A N IRALESTATE ELEVATED DUPLEX: HOLMES Beach. 4BR total, concrete structure with enclosed downstairs. 3,300 sf total, easily convert to single-family. $529,000. (941) 807-5449. HUGE SWEEPING BAY views from 2BR/2BA bay- side condo with deeded 35-foot deep-water dock and carport, pool, tennis. $529,000. (941) 807-5449. GULFFRONT CONDO BY owner. Anna Maria Island Club, 2BR/2BA turnkey unit. Newly remod- eled kitchen and bath, best Island complex. Can be shown July 5-13. 941-778-9259, or 440-725-4586. Call after July 4. $899,900. HOLMES BEACH 3BR/2BA Home built in 2005. $599,900. 307B 59th St. RoseBay Real Estate. Laurie DellaTorre, 941-232-3665. WEST BRADENTON HOME with pool, minutes to Anna Maria Island beaches without paying the high taxes and insurances. 3BR/2BA. $365,000. 7508 19th Drive W. RoseBay Real Estate. Laurie Del- laTorre, 941-232-3665 SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander. REDUCED TO SELL! Anna Maria Island. Canal- front, Holmes Beach, Florida. 2BR/2BA. $699,900. 527 70th St. RoseBay Real Estate. Laurie Della- Torre, 941-232-3665. VILLAGE OF THE Arts home located in Bradenton, Florida. Zoned professional, commercial/residential! 2BR/2BA, $245,000. 1414 11th St W. RoseBay Real Estate. Laurie DellaTorre, 941-232-3665. PERICO BAY CLUB CONDO: 2BR/2BA, 1,486 sf, hurricane shutters, 24-hour security, pool, tennis, minutes to Anna Maria Island. 1389 Perico Point Circle, Bradenton. $469,000. RoseBay Real Estate, Laurie DellaTorre, 941-232-3665. ALMOST ANNA MARIA: Furnished 1 BR/1 BA trailer with two carports. Land owned, optional HOA, new marina and boat ramp on Palma Sola Bay. $87,500. 813-748-7995. Owner/Realtor. HOLMES BEACH AREA: charming canalfront home, newly renovated, 3BR/2BA. Granite kitchen. 1.5 miles to beach. Sale, $599,000, rent $1,600/month, or lease with purchase option. 614-296-5053. AVOID FORECLOSURE: We will help today. We buy past due mortgages and notes. Call today, don't delay. 941-778-4495. 3BR WATER-VIEW home in pleasant Palmetto. Shady pergola and great neighbors.Three-car garage. Price $310,000. Call Carleen, 941-224-6521. VILLAGE GREEN VILLA: 2BR/2BA, two-car garage. Immaculate, family and living room,.screened lanai, Priced to sell, $249,900. Denise Langlois, Coldwell Banker, 941-725-4425. ARBOR OAKS: IMMACULATE 2BR/2BA nestled in a private community only minutes from the beaches. Must see! $339,000. Call Piroska Planck, 941-730-9667. VILLAGE GREEN: BEAUTIFUL, bright corner unit, only minutes from beaches, shopping, and restau- rants. $249,900. Call Piroska Planck, 941-730-9667. COSTA RICA: GET out of the rat race and find your Shan- gri-La. Local Realtor offering homesites starting in the $40s and homes starting in the $160s on the Caribbean coast. Be a part of my neighborhood in paradise. Call Robin Kollar, broker, Gulf-Bay Realty, 941-713-4515. Reach more than 20,000 people weekly with your ad -for as little as ., $20.00! Call Nancy 778-7978 The Islander www.islander.org 206 66/IAf5/reel l '- re cons/r! clion i ...... .. zpricin from $s879z, g00o. "'7fed/o" """a"dtg /eA7ese we/-oappohi2edsin2yfe- HAuIjfoffJexico aqncare o nty o r leps o iaoe eac. r our cooeref o cfanas /alow inufyen! 2O9iVs of.fe A/slan dzundaimaofeauly. Coaslaldesidnsfsfea/urny aoooJ 2,44Js/,3-e,2:j 6aL6 calinir5, yrani/e lops, 6zm2oo Jfexl/wo-caryaraq&; devaato poo f/ oor syadnccus/om fix/ares. RcB PRlOPERTIES COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE CYor- more 'n/oz-m a/itoni yo /o 0 ow.,rcfiPro. corn or calf 941-753-902!. m'ultiple family dwell- ing. The propertyis - also designated ast residentialoffice/retail.-, (-8) du/a) on the - ut~e Land Use- 8 B8Aw garage. Use as a beach rental or rebuild. View of Gulf. Direct 941-321-9601 berl - OfRce 941-778-7777 Kim@KimbertyMills.com lla www.KImberlyMIHs.com M1 W4 MLS#530300 Gutistream _ I REAL ESTATE Continued I q rTSLAND CLASSIF-ED BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. Escape to beautiful west- ern N.C. mountains. Free color brochure and information. Mountain properties with spectacular views homes, cabins, creeks and investment acreage. Cherokee Mountain GMAC Real Estate. cherokeemountainrealty.com. 800-841-5868. LAKEFRONT AND LAKE-view properties nestled in the hills of Tennessee on the shores of pristine Norris Lake. Call Lakeside Realty at 423-626-5820, or visit www.lakesiderealty- tn.com. GULFFRONT LOTS: $595,000. Homes starting mid-$300s. New master-planned oceanfront community on beautiful Mus- tang Island, near Corpus Christi, Texas. www.cinnamonshore. com, 866-891-5163. BUYERS MARKET: COASTAL North Carolina 95-100 per- cent LTV financing. Call CCL Inc. Realty, 800-682-9951. COOL, WESTERN NORTH Carolina mountains: escape the heat, hurricanes and high prices. Homes, cabins, lots, acre- age, investments. Prudential Great Smokys Realty, downtown Bryson City. Call 877-476-6597. BENT TREE GOLF and Tennis, gated community in the north Georgia mountains with clubhouse, pools, lake, stables. homes and lots available. Craft Inc. 800-822-1966. www.craft- realestate.com. 82 BEAUTIFUL ACRES: all useable, North Carolina Virginia border, four miles from 1-77. 180-degree view. Blue Ridge mountains, trout stream, barns. $2,900 per acre. Pictures. 336-786-5122, or 336-682-8686. AMY GORDAN REALTOR * Dedicated to service * Expertise in renovation and rehabilitation properties. * Island, waterfront and area lifestyle specialist. The JEWEL of Gulf Coast Real Estate Contact Amy for all of your REAL ESTATE needs! 941-779-1811 G.ayl Simyson Schulz.. SBroker/Associate Trust a professional with more than 22 years experi- ence to handle your real es- tate needs. Specializing on i the Island and Bradenton. Home Sales Property Management Commercial Leasing Vacation Reritals Jim Anderson Realty Company PO Box 1789 401-B Pine Avenue Anna Mora, FL 34216 941.778.4847 toll free 1 800 772.3235 ,'.' i;manderscnrelty.comrn emoIl qayle5 I I'tlornpaboy.rr cor, ASHEVILLE, N.C., AREA homesites: One- to eight-acre par- cels from the $80s. Gated, riverfront. Just outside Hot Springs, N.C. Awesome owner's clubhouse. Nature trails, river walk. Phase II Fall 2006: Preview now. Call 866-292-5762. ESCAPE THE HEAT and head to the mountains of North Carolina. Call for details about Round Mountain Falls. 866- 930-5263. EUFAULA, ALA., WATERFRONT 1/2- to 3 acres from the $40s. Gated with planned clubhouse, docks, and boat ramp. Two hours from Atlanta and the coast. Rolling terrain, beautiful hardwoods. 866-882-1107. KENTUCKY LAKEFRONT PROPERTY: One- to 40-plus-acre parcels from the $40s. On Lake Barkley near Land Between the Lakes. Lakefront, view and wooded sites. Phase II open now! Call 866-339-4966. LOOKING TO OWN LAND? Invest in rural acreage throughout America. Coastal, mountain, waterfront properties. 20 to 200 acres. For free special land reports: www.landbuyersguide.com/fl. VIRGINIA MOUNTAINS: FIVE acres with frontage on very large pristine creek, very private, excellent fishing, canoe- ing, good access, near New River Trail State Park, $39,500. Owner, 866-789-8535. www.mountainsofVA.com. WESTERN NEW MEXICO: Private 74-acre ranch. $129,990. Mountain views, trees, rolling hills, pastureland, wildlife. Bor- ders Bureau of Land Management. Horseback riding, hiking, hunting. Perfect family ranch, electricity. 100 percent financing. NALC, 866-365-2825. WANT A "HOUSE" FOR YOUR BOAT? SUnique waterfront law home with 39-foot boathouse and 44- 'f Pfoot deepwater boat slip. As an added bonus this 3BR/2BA home that was rebuilt and enlarged three, years ago also has a IBR/IBA Smother in la w apartment, which would be perfect for a home office if you don't want your mother-in-law to visit! Gourmet "main home" kitchen, see- through gas fireplace, heated pool and many more extras. 4,900 sf under roof. Possible owner financing available for qualified borrowers. A must see at $2,250,000.502 72nd St., Holmes Beach. Ted E. Davis Real Estate. Owner/Broker. By appointment, (941) 778-6155. Th s cott Norrs, Broker Associate Direct: 941, then extensio-545-8706n # r recorded info E-mailnd Scott@Scohedule a Norris.comwing. www.ScottNorris.com FOR ALL YOUR3915 Cortez Road Bradenton FL 34210. Single family homes just minutes from Anna Maria 1/2BLOCK FROM PALMA SOLA BAY. What a great value! -- This 31BR/2BA sits on a largelot with beautiful landscap-. ing, mature trees, private yard and large screened lanai. 615 Immaculately maintained:$344,900. Ext. 1037. HERON'S WATCH. While only a few-traffic lights separate you-from Anna Maria Island, you'll never want to leave this.- gorgeous 2003 3BR/2BA decorator home with heated pool and lake views. $459,900. Ext 1017. Call 1-800-606-8194, then extension # for recorded info and to schedule a showing. FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS I KEY ROYALEVACANT LOT Only lot aalable ,Ke Roy1e. I Baiy Boit dock alowed //615 Kej Rople Drve THE ISLANDER U JUNE 28, 2006 0 31 ANNA MARIA REAL ESTATE LLC PERIWINKLE COTTAGE 2BR charmer, close to beach! Great income producer with view of Gulf! Italian tile, fireplace, furnished. Patio with pavers. $649,900. HOLMES BEACH WATERFRONT 3BR/2BA home. Ceramic tile, breakfast bar, backyard with pavers, room for pool. Fence, new dock. Direct access to bay. $799,900. OLD FLORIDA NEAR BEACH 3BR/1.5BA Old Florida Cracker cottage and studio apartment. West of Gulf Drive, in Anna Maria City. Just steps to gorgeous beach. $875,000. BAY PALMS SELLER FINANCING 3/4BR/2BA updated canalfront home. Dock and boat lift. Ceramic tile, new large kitchen, granite counters, heated pool and Jacuzzi, family room. $1,179,000. CONTEMPORARY ANNA MARIA HOME 4BR/2BA, turnkey-furnished. Open plan, vaulted ceiling, breakfast bar, eat-in kitchen. Bamboo flooring, elevator. Near beach. Four-car garage. $1,350,000. KEY ROYALE BAYFRONT 3BR/2.5BA home with 122-foot panoramic -,at[r '.iev.. Split plan, breakfast bar, foyer entry, room for pool, 88- foot private dock. $2,500,000. BEACH HOUSE LARGE LOT 4BR/2BA elevated house, just steps to gorgeous beach. Furnished, breakfast bar, eat-in kitchen. Seller may finance! $1,450,000. GULFFRONT WATER'S EDGE 2BR/2A Gulffront condo. Turnkey furnished. Updated. ceramic tile. Excellent mid-Island location. Pool. secu red lobby, under-building parking. $995,000. HOLMES BEACH GULF PLACE CONDO 3BR/2BA nicely furnished first floor unit. Just steps to heated pool. View of beach, tennis, great rental, on-site manager. Ceramic tile. $995,000. KEY ROYALE'S NORTH POINT HARBOUR 2BR/2BA waterfront home.. New seawall, 20,0001b boat lift. Community heated pool. tennis. Island's finest resi- dential area. $945,00.0. GULF PLACE CONDO 3BR/2BA. Turnkey furnished condo. Views of Gulf. .Tennis, heated-pool, beautiful beach. Excellent rental- with liberal rental policy. $995,000. - PERICO ISLAND CONDO 2BR/2BA. Turnkey Furnished. Close to Island beaches. Heated'pool, tennis, clubhousc/fitness room. Carport. Short drive to shopping and restaurants. $349,900. GULFFRONT HOLNMES BEACH CONDO 1BR/1.5BA Seaside Beach House condo. Turnkey fur- nished. Saurillo [le. Gorgeous view of the Gulf. Beautiful beach. Excellent rental. $-99,900. FABULOUS GULFFRONT OCEANA CONDO- 3BR/2BA, turnkey-furnished condo oi beautiful walking beach. Open plan. breakfast bar, walk-in closets, elevator, Small pet. $1,999,000. SUN PLAZA WEST CONDO 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished. Gulffront complex, secured entry, heated pool-and sauna. tennis. Great rental. Central Holmes Beachl. From $6'5,000. TRADEWINDS RESORT 1BR/1BATurnkey-Furnished villa. Heated pool, steps to deeded white sandy beach access. Rental program in place on-site manager. Small pet. $349,900. NORTH POINT HARBOUR -KEYROYALE 4BR/3BA %waterfront home. Auto-clean lap pool, hot tub and waterfall New sea" all and dock. Five-car garage. $889,000. WILDWOOD SPRINGS. 2BR/2BATuscany vdla. Remodeled, Mexican tile, hard- wood, courtyard-patio, den and fireplace. Extra storage room. $399,900. -2BR/2BA updated villa, Corian counters, courtyard. SEnclosed lanai, tile, greenbelt views. Lowest price in Wildwood! $269,900. ANNUAL and SEASONAL RENTALS 779-0202 (800) 732-6434 t MLs SiflCoast REAL ESTATE LLC Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive SHolmes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com 3+ 32 ,JUNE 28, 2006 TIHE ISLANDER "Copyrighted I SyndicatedtCo Available from Commercial 8 P lateria ntent News Pr I p 'p p oviders" I Want to keep in touch? Subscribe to the "best news!" Call 941 778-7978 and charge itto Visa or MasterCard. WAGNER REALTY MOg People Home Sw 19 2217 GULF DR. N. BRADENTON BEACH (941) 778-2246 (800) 211-2323 e-mail: ami@wagnerrealty.com www.wagnerrealty.com 'ea tzured 'Propelrties LLASAT HOLMESBEAC HGaled clave of just nine tlonhomes on e Inlracoaslal waterway 3.100 o0 space plus two car garage d laige bonus room Marl eled in rinunction wilh RJ Really. Karern iy, 941. 78-2246. MLS#509327. arming at $2.500.000. f thie 1) 'eckl TROPICAL GETAWAY No* available 12 condos at Siam Gardens You'll Inrd touniarns and arlitacts along Ihe garden palhs erchanling. Bike to Gull beach pier, quaint shops. Becky Smith and EIIl Stlarert, 941 778-2246 $210,000 10 $599,000 RESORT IN PARADISE Tropical iiracicaping cur SNEAD ISLAND HOME 3*.rBR!2.5BA Crorg~rju. bay GREAT COUNTRY HOME Cu-rrim Ion] Wror 9 Jr.4 MARINERS COVE Oh ,i boarconi iop 1,5rji 3BR.12BA, ISAD UPE BrdriI acrrieebk. rouniis ci.. crinrminrnq rolconly 4iep )v~ay lirorn ,,avviwh2 lieon TerraC'ia Bay Pariorarnicuini" ER.18P'EA onr10flu ues -I Formal living room na(,d a 2111710 gaied icomrrrurniry, t~o pirjIlrioslrmic. elrvator, dupl.A, RfBi2A eaCh side complel.4y tumphed, b~acflImmaculip e ramly canedaa.3fd ieiefliIE Ikeep l!(frliycu( Jlc pria~e dod' iewih ih, wicess o Gul.l. aiily roQiFvo O ecd mlrs bri ~ a proir-:led deep daier I-lol bociilip Oave Mopnifan, enclo-'rrd wo-car g arageeacfl side cioce toueah jim corniirabacI KareriDay,94I 778..?246 MLS9#052918 ~anille :ourilerv-pS, d ll-orji,. l. Jay Heajerry afdnd raluripre--.irjr- Bonnie Advrri' 41-72,2800 941 1778 2246 ML. 02'5255 $ 19,500. Zi) 941I-,77622146 MLS#529883 $697.91)"' $1'. 65:0001)cr Erp~ndaPichier 9441727. 2800 MLS#524cJ84 ML-#:io9908i $749,001i). $I21V(11') NORTH TIP OF LONGBOAT KEY Ttiio 3BRi2SA FABULOUS GULF VIEWS Primrered Irhined jurm PERMC BAY CLUB beruldully i-rairir.irwo and vir BRAND SPANKING NEWt Lijgll triJgI :iBRj2BA free iaridirJ 1:urido has bten lrnnoupdPedNwhicrien. anip u orlrOhaki[00 v deala~rT nighddBHKiI'A villa inpikg',rid ;rituty rho Fmic: ri)HildieciLail cn~rdo Mrijjlw II ri mb~j(riaulimlicolingr WIT ins v.'n.w doort 4e lr[IC, bariiJ hartt~lil, d u~ll -n*nsr I,,I ie~: l ~ a r* iv ~lLah:ll~ iadi r1.y ain1Tt. n rjijuair car*T~'y mi~ a w roo nl pari j3gii. CRoo1.-r a pool. Daid Moyroirur. Molrraro, 941 7;6 2a rL& 46 946 1 II -2A6 LSIS45i24 ir"1i8~ o.ip~~ jfiau.Irrc, uyBj cill '"A 2246 %4U0Ilr$-0 (11li9r? 4 Msdi: a%'u RUNAWAY BAY CONDOS r Jw available several or 2J6R unil tbaylfunl. pool *idn and orllie views i Some updlated prrnI lcr ediala,. ,zilteril3,l 941 7 2)46 :Tice. )4'd, LI" '.494 000 I I I d I' I -- " |