Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Opinion
 Section A: Main continued
 Section B: Islander Classified...
 2006 Storm Special
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00074389/00074
 Material Information
Title: Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Uniform Title: Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Creator: Islander
Publisher: Bonner Joy
Publication Date: May 31, 2006
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Manatee -- Anna Maria
Coordinates: 27.530278 x -82.734444 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
System ID: UF00074389:00074

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page 1
        page 2
        page 3
        page 4
        page 5
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page 6
    Section A: Main continued
        page 7
        page 8
        page 9
        page 10
        page 11
        page 12
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        page 17
        page 18
        page 19
        page 20
        page 21
        page 22
        page 23
    Section B: Islander Classifieds
        page 24
        page 25
        page 26
        page 27
        page 28
        page 29
        page 30
        page 31
        page 32
    2006 Storm Special
        page 1
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        page 20
Full Text

Skimming the news ... Anna Maria Island map inside, page 16-A.

S Anna Maria


Isl ander'
s n-cli
l,,-a ur

"The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992"


Volume 14, No. 30 May 31, 2006 FREE

Consolidation officially 'more dead' on Island

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
A l,'ic.-cti'in by Anna Maria City Commissioner
Duke Miller and endorsed by the commission that the
city participate a "tri-city study to'determine the feasi-
bility of consolidating services" will get apparently get
short shrift from Holmes Beach.
Holmes Beach Mayor Carol Whitmore said "don't
bother" when informed of Miller's suggestion.

"We've tried this three times in the past and they've
all failed because of Anna Maria. They are wasting their
time. Myself and the commission are against any study
of consolidating services with Anna Maria."
That was a sentiment echoed by Holmes Beach
Commission Chairman Rich Bohnenberger.
"We've been there and done that" on consolidating
services, he said.
"We've tried to consolidate police, public works

departments and building departments and each time it
did not turn out because Anna Maria rejected the idea.
I'm only in favor of [a study] if it saves Holmes Beach
taxpayers money.
"Other than that," he added, "it's a waste of
He did say, however, that if .any commissioner
wants to place the issue of a tri-city study on consoli-
dating services on the agenda, he won't object.

Wind insurance issue

still blowing strong

By Billy Malfese
Islander Reporter
The Island is in a dilemma.
.Insurance companies that provide wind insurance
policies on Anna Maria Island either want to charge
residents outrageous premiums for coverage or do not
Swantm to offer any coverage.
Nevertheless, how much can you really blame
them? With the average value of a home and property
on Anna Maria probably nearing $1 million these days,
if a hurricane capable of causing major damage hits
to reat tthe area, the insurance, c. ni- ;cm c and re-insurance
companies are going to become bankrupt trying to
provide compensation for everyone whose houses are
SThe increasing premiums that the companies are
charging have become preposterous, according to some
Official mascot at Anna Maria Elementary homeowners, and a meeting sponsored by The Islander
The Anna Maria Island Elementary School dolphin and Save Anna Maria on May 25 sought solutions to
sculpture created by Kelsie Wishenhunt was unveiled the matter.
May 23. The dolphin is the Island school mascot. Featured guest was state Rep. Bill Galvano, who
Pictured with AME students are, from left, AME Prin- attempted to offer-an amendment to an omnibus insur-
cipal Kathy Hayes, Trudy Moon and Wishenhunt. ance bill during the Legislative session to correct the
Trudy and Stewart Moon commissioned Wishenhunt problem only to have it lose by one vote.
to create the sculpture as a gift to the school. Islander Galvano, a long-time Manatee County resident,
Photo: Diana Bogan said the decision not to pass the amendment is "arbi-

Tax relief possible for Island hotels, motels

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Hotel and motel owners on Anna Maria Island got
some welcome news May 24.
Speaking at a public meeting at the Holmes Beach
City Hall, Manatee County Commissioner Jane von
Hahmann said a legislative amendment by the 2006
Florida Legislature allows individual counties to enact
legislation to defer property taxes for hotels and
The law allows each county to designate its own
"working waterfront" area where any deferment would
apply, she added.
But it's only a deferment, she emphasized, and
would apply only to hotels and motels that meet the
state's definition, she said.
Still, it's better than the ever-increasing property
tax bills the "'mom-a.nd-pop" motels on the Island have
faced the past several years, tax bills that have forced
many owners to convert to condominiums, von Hah-
mann noted.
"We can't survive without the tourist industry," she
said. "But this is not the answer, it's only a band-aid
for now."
Von Hahmann held the public meeting to show
county commissioners there is support on the Island

for tax deferment legislation. She'll now ask the county
commission to support an ordinance that would create
the "working waterfront" district and establish how
long the deferment might last. Von Hahmann suggested
a fixed-cap based against a specific year might be one
solution in the ordinance.
"My goal is to maintain the Island character. I
fear we are losing that, so developing this ordinance
is worthwhile," even if it is only a temporary measure,
she said.
Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce Presi-
dent Don Schroder, who is also president of the Citi-
zens Against Runaway Taxtion group, urged the public
to volunteer to work on the ordinance and provide input
to the county commission.
Schroder agreed that tax deferment is not the
answer and urged the public to write their elected
representatives in the legislature supporting property
appraisal and tax reform. The legislature is scheduled
to take up the issue in its 2007 session.
But tax deferment is at least a start.
"We've made the first step in a long journey," Sch-
roder said. Real tax and property appraisal reform can
only come through the Florida Legislature.

trary and capricious" and mentioned that after the deci-
sion was made, he knew of a couple of legislators who
voted against it who had changed their minds on the
The main question at the forum involved how the
arbitrary number of 1,000 feet from the Gulf of Mexico
in Manatee County for coverage by Citizens Property
Insurance Corporation, the oft-called "insurer of last
resort" in Florida, came into existence for what prop-
erty can be insured. In Sarasota County, the "line"
is drawn near Interstate 75, affording residents from
the barrier islands eastward wind coverage at reduced
The history of the matter apparently began in the
early 1980s, according to Oswald Trippe Ins. Co. agent
Christiaan Huth, whose father, John Huth, formerly
owned an Island insurance company. When residents
were first trying to get wind and hurricane insurance
on the Island, he said, and before changing its name to
Citizens, the Florida Windstorm Underwriting Associa-
tion (FWUA) visited the Island and determined which
areas would likely need insurance. Residents insisted
then that the entire Island needed to be covered, but that
request was denied.

In this issue:
T Islander Scl "Ston-Ren Scction" Mv 2006

qe ~-C~-~PL ~C ~LIC-C C~ ~-L ~rC~sl~C I Iq -~ I lr = ~ ~

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2-A 0 MAY 31, 2006 U THE ISLANDER

Cortez hosts record hammerhead shark

By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
A huge hammerhead shark caused more commo-
tion ashore last week than it ever did in the water, as
Cortez village hosted the marine giant on its way to
Mote Marine Laboratory.
Caught on tackle off Boca Grande, it is a record for
its kind that towed its captor far out to sea and fought
savagely against its ultimate submission.
"It's huge," said Karen Bell of A.P. Bell Fish Co.,
where it was trucked to be frozen awaiting mounting
by Mote Marine Laboratory. "It must be very old. What
an unbecoming end to such a majestic creature."
She was hostess to half of Cortez and many other
visitors who dropped in to the waterfront facility to see
the shark.
At 14 feet, 3 inches and 1,280 pounds, it is the
biggest hammerhead ever caught on tackle, the previ-
ous record being a 991-pounder caught off Sarasota in
1982, according to records kept by the International
Gamefish Association.
Clyde "Bucky" Dennis, 34, of Port Charlotte,
caught it, and that was no accident. He has been looking
for a record hammerhead off Boca Grande, where the
sharks' major food, tarpon, began their run recently.
He used "a 6-foot stump-puller stand-up rod
strapped to an 8/0 Penn reel loaded with 130-pound
braided line. Bait was a 20-pound stingray on a 12/0
hook with 24 feet of 600-pound leader," said the St.
Petersburg Times.
When the shark started to run, friends jumped
aboard Dennis' 23-foot boat to help. The shark towed
them 12 miles into the Gulf before they could sink a
flying gaff into it.
"After an intense struggle, they gaffed the shark
around the dorsal fin, fought it for another 30 minutes,
then sank a second gaff behind the right gills," said the
Times. "A tail rope completed the capture."
Towing the huge animal back to Gasparilla Marina,
Dennis backed a trailer into the water and bulled the
shark aboard, got it weighed and notified Mote. There,
Dr. Robert Hueter, director of the Center for Shark
Research, called Bell to arrange to have it preserved

A 1,280-pond
shark caught
offshore of
Boca Grande
ended up in
a commercial
freezer in
Cortez await-
ing taxidermy
for Mote Lab-
oratory. The
shark was
trailered to
A.P. Bell Fish

by freezing until he could get it mounted for display at big as this.
Mote. "It looks like it had a bad day," he said. "I'll bet half
Walter Bell, president of the company, said his of Cortez had seen it by sundown it's more popular
plant had seen many sharks in its day, "but nothing as than all of us put together."

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~I-.-;- ...
..-. .,.

Anna Maria city commissioners and Mayor Sue-
Lynn may have a little extra money in the 2006-07
The Manatee County Sheriff's Office has proposed
a 2006-07 contract for law enforcement services in the
city of just $603,000, a bare 3.8-percent increase from
last year's $583,000 contract.
And last year's contract was essentially the same

amount as the 2004-05 figure.
Mayor SueLynn said it appears law enforce-
ment costs are finally leveling off after several
years of double digit increases to the Anna
Maria treasury. Between 2001 and 2004, the con-
tract increased about 75 percent, climbing from
$330,000 in the 2001-02 fiscal year to $580,000
for the 2004-05 year.

Y 1. 'j.-

i .

', i~luu6)l (0 eoi IL lift U h a1 nc( tin i. '(.-,/I 1it d IN~II(11./ t/St IL'tr; I luh Ph, Paid R, 7

Wind insurance draws Island ire

Later, FWUA settled on a coverage area for state
assistance measured within 1,000 feet of the Gulf of
Mexico. At that time, 1,000 feet was a reasonable dis-
tance, but not for the nmo-re developed Anna, landa
Island of 2006. Today, residents either cannot get their
houses insured, or, if the\ can, the premium likely has
increased many fold
There was also speculation that the people in Sara-
sota County and the Longboat Ke\ portion of that
county had more politic lI clout. their "high-\ ind zone"
area is far more comprehensive e.
Last week's meeting drew more than 60 people.
and raised many questions to the problem that may
see many people possibly going "bare" this hurricane
"Will we still want to live here with:all of this?"
asked resident Sharon Jorgenson.
-Agent Pat Osborne of Boyd Insurance said that
damage .sustained during Hurricane Andrew "wiped out
all of the State Farm col lections from Day 1 of it cover-
ing property. "
"Then .we had all' of these other storms, and it
wiped out a lot of Other companies," Huth chimed in.
He said there \\ere more than 5,:000 claims made in
last year's Hurricane Wilima aftermath alone.
"This situation will field commercial properties
complete \ aluless ori the Island," said resident Ran-
dall Stover. :
'Questions of how\ to ind solutions to the high cost
of wind insurance and \\h\ all of Anna Maria Island
is not included in the "V-zone," or high-velocity wind
coverage area, were answered in the discussion as best
In a relentless effort to resolve the matter before
June 1 and hurricane season, Galvano sent a letter last
week to Kevin McCarty, commissioner of the office
of insurance regulation in the Florida Department of
Financial Services,.asking for immediate stopgap cov-

erage for at-risk property ov. ners i n banlier islands and
within 2,000 feet of the ciat line
"This pi iblem hli reached epidemic proportions.
he ore. "-and I cannot e\pie,, to ou iin stronger terms
the need to create some slor of .safer\ net hir tlhoe
affected b- it.
Galiano suid at the meeting that he had not \et had
a response to his letter, and he had resenr ations that his
request for immediate relief \v iiuld be addressed.
It's possible, he indicated. that no real solution can
come until next year's legislative decision
Tom make matters worse folr some Islanders. Gal-
,ano contiimed that only "habitable" or residential
properties qualify for the state-subsidized wind insur-
ance. No commercialbusiness, large or small, is cov-
ered by Citizens.
And Galvano said he know s businesses are at risk,
but until a task force can be formed. v\ which he also has
requested, that problem is not being addressed
Galvano suggested that residents should continue
to write letters to him and the other members of the
Manatee County legislatm e delegation. The landerr,
along with SAM, has started petitions that will be
sent to Galvano to demonstrate the impo stance of this
matter to Island residents and anm one can stop by The
Islander office to sign up and show support for Galva-
no's effort.
The billions of dollars of damage done to, Florida
from Hurricane Charley and the disaster of Hurricane
Katrina in Louisiana and the northern Gulf Coast prove
why insurance companies do not really want to gamble
their money to insure an Island that could be under
water in only a matter of hours.
Galvano also mentioned that two members of the
minority party called for a special session in the legis-
lature regarding this issue. The chances of this happen-
ing are slim, he said, and a decision will likely not come
until next year's session.
All we can do now is cross our fingers that we will
make it through another year. Time is of the essence,
and hurricane season is upon us.

Only slight increase in

proposed MCSO contract

f'~" -


THE ISLANDER 0 MAY 31, 2006 E A-3

Tax solution offered
And tax appraisal is the crux of the problem for
Island hotel and motel owners.
Attorney Chuck Webb said the Manatee County
Property Appraiser often uses the "comparable sales"
method on Anna Maria Island to determine property
value, instead of the income or "cost" approach as
allowed by law.
That usually results in a "highest and best" use
appraisal that compares a motel or hotel to a condo-
minium, resulting in staggering increases in appraised
value and subsequent taxes.
Webb urged hotel and motel owners to ask the PAO
to use the income approach in valuing their property.
They should provide the PAO with their income state-
ments before they receive their TRIM (Truth in Mill-
age) notices in August. While the PAO is supposed to
ask for the statements before setting the value of a hotel
or motel, owners should ensure the PAO gets the infor-
mation as soon as possible.
And don't just blindly accept your tax bill, Webb
said. He urged affected owners to appeal the TRIM
notice to the value adjustment board and have their case
heard before a special master.
While most hotel and motel owners in attendance
welcomed the news on tax deferment, one owner noted
that any legislation enacted by the county won't affect
their upcoming tax bills in August. Those ad valorem
taxes are for 2005, a year of inordinately high increases
in property values.
"And we got walloped the year before that," said
one motel owner.
Von Hahmann said she'll move as fast as possible
to get the county commission rolling. "I'm hoping it
can be done in six months, in time for next year's tax
bills," she said.

Wind insurance petition
I I am a registered voter in Florida and/or [ a Flor- I
ida property owner and I hereby petition the Office
of Insurance Regulation and the Florida Legislature
to take all necessary action to provide stopgap cover-
age for wind insurance through Citizens Property
S Insurance Corporation for properties at risk on bar-
ni-r i l.. rsla and other coastal areas. I further request
I a t-l-. F:rc e be immediately formed to correct ineq-
uities and determine a standard of eligibility ratings
Sfor windstorm coverage through Florida's insurance
Spool. We urge you to take emergency measures to
allow property owners in harm's way in the upcom- I
ing hurricane season. We further urge you to recon-
sider Bill No. HB7225CS offered by state Rep. Bill
SGalvano (Dist. 68) in emergency session or by any
means possible.

\ddrc : .i: i c.zi

Mail or deliver to The Islander, 5404 Marina
SDrive, Holmes Beach FL 34217. Or submit at.
the Web site: www.islanderorg.


Anna Maria City
-June 5, 7 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting on
comp plan.
June 8, 7 p.m., city commission work session.
Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive,

Bradenton Beach
May 31, 4 p.m., WAVES committee meeting.
June 1, 7 p.m., city commission meeting.
June 6, 9 a.m., WAVES committee meeting.
Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N.,

Holmes Beach
May 31, 7 p.m., planning commission meeting.
Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive,

4-A 0 MAY 31, 2006 S THE ISLANDER

Anna Maria City ready for hurricane season

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
It may be a subject that a lot of Islanders would like
to avoid, but hurricane preparedness has been upper-
most in the minds of Anna Maria Mayor SueLynn
and her staff the past few months, particularly after
the numerous near-misses during last year's hurricane
The mayor made her presentation on hurricane pre-
paredness at the city commission's May 25 meeting and
she's confident the city is ready for the worst.
After attending numerous hurricane preparedness
conferences, the mayor said the one thing she's gotten
out of these seminars is "Be prepared."
In fact, she said, "We should all be prepared to be
off the Island for four to seven days during a major
hurricane." Everyone should be ready to provide food,
water and shelter for themselves and their family for at
least the same period, she added.
The mayor's plan is to move city hall to the Shore-
walk Villas on Cortez Road if a hurricane and the
subsequent storm surge is expected to inundate the
Island. That's considered a "high-and-dry" area by the
National Weather Service in the event of a major hur-
A Category 5 hurricane's storm surge in the area
would make Bradenton "an island," and restrict move-
ment back to Anna Maria Island, even out of Manatee
Prior to that, however, staff will move needed
files and equipment into already-purchased off-island
storage containers and relocate to Shorewalk. Sue-
Lynn said she would expect at least a four or five day
period when no one would be allowed back on the
Island, but the city would have a central location to
stay in operation.
The city has already purchased a generator to get
city hall up and running again for use when city hall
reopens and people are allowed back on the Island.
She suggested that if the city wants the staff to work
around the clock during a hurricane, it should consider
a temporary increase in financial compensation.
The mayor would also like the commission to con-
sider allowing portable housing on an emergency and
temporary basis in the city in the event housing is
destroyed by a hurricane.
She also urged all commissioners to take their own
precautions for safety and noted that for the city to
receive federal preparedness dollars in 2007, all com-
missioners must pass a hurricane preparedness test.
City staff will assist commissioners with study materi-
als for the test.

Incumbent Anna Maria City Commissioner
Duke Miller announced on Sunday he would seek re-
election to office in November. It would be his third
term as city commissioner.
Miller said the commission and the city have
made "great strides" the past few years in solving a
number of long-standing city problems, while at the

In addition, commissioners were designated to
work at the Manatee County Emergency Operations
Center during a hurricane and liaise with her and the
staff at Shorewalk.
"The city is moving forward. The staff is ready and
the plan is ready," SueLynn said.
The mayor also said a number of revisions to the
city's emergency ordinance are needed and Commis-
sion Chairman John Quam scheduled discussion of
those items for the June worksession.

Setback requirements
After a healthy debate, commissioners agreed in

same time maintaining the "character" of the city.
"I'm gratified to have the opportunity to help
us meet the challenges ahead and I look forward to
serving another term," he said.,
The terms of Commissioner Linda Cramer and
Mayor SueLynn will also expire in November, but
they have not yet announced their intentions.

New bridge this
summer, maybe
The Florida Department of
Transportation has already
posted a sign at the Key
Royale Bridge in Holmes
Beach notifying motorists
that construction of a new
bridge is expected to begin
this summer The DOT, how-
ever, has previously said that
only one lane of traffic
would be closed to vehicular
traffic during construction.
The DOT did say that the
canal under the bridge would
likely be closed to boat traffic
for between nine and 12
months during construction.
Islander Photo: Bonner Joy

~6 Weather
S Service
map shows
the storm
surge flood
Areas in
that would
be created
by a Cat-
egory 5
All of the
SmoAsi eW and most
n A n areas near
any water
t 3 would be
pol flooded.

B "

12-inch- high a nd 12-inch-wide ru e to 36inches by
36 inches.
The measure had been sought by the pool construc-
tion industry to allow pool equipment alongdwith air


plea for the commission to consider the case of 32
property owners in th e city himself included -
that can't build a pool in their backyard because
the commission changed the setback requirements
in 2004. Those property owners have a rear yard
adjacent to a street, he said. Prior to that change,
tCommissioners could have easily installed a
Alberut noted that it was likely just n oversight, but
now "I can park a car or boat intmy back yard, but Ib
Resident Larry Albert made an impassioned

can't build a pool, unless it's just 3 feet by 4 feet."
t he commission agreed to have SueLynn ask the
planning and zoning board to look at the issue and deter-
mine if any amendments to the ordinance are necessary.

Traffic ordinance changes
Commissioners voted unanimously to amend the
traffic regulate on ordinance to return Cedar Avenue to
open parking on both sides with no parking at the west
end; add odd and even parking onmy bJacaranda Road

and Rose streets; apply no-parking regulations on both
sides of Spruce and Cypress, and add angular park-
ing on Alaanda Road east of the Northe Shore Drive
There was no public opposition to the traffic and
parking changes.

Sandbar restaurant site plan
The commission also granted an extension for the
submission of the final site plan by the Sandbar restau-
rant to June 30 and scheduled the hearing on the final
plan for June 29. The commission also changed the date
for its regular June meeting from June 22 to June 29.

Miller to seek re-election in Anna Maria

TIE ISLANDER M MAY 31, 2006 0 A-5

Nine may not be enough as R aces more suits

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Already facing six separate lawsuits filed against
it since February, financially and legally troubled GSR
Development LLC was hit last week with three more
civil actions, in addition to seven liens against projects
in which either the company or GSR principal Robert
Byrne is involved.
On May 19, Chief Management Inc. of Cortcz
jumped into the battle to get paid by GSR, developers of
the Villa Rosa subdivision in Anna Maria, filing a lawsuit
claiming the company owed it $268,000 after it failed to
pay a promissory note for a second mortgage for prop-
erty at 401 S. Bay Blvd. in Anna Maria. The suit alleges
that GSR principals Byrne and Steve Noriega gave per-
sonal guarantees for the loan.
Further complicating the GSR legal troubles,
Holmes Beach resident Cynthia Graeff filed a legal
action on May 23 against GSR, alleging the company
owes her $29,500 for a loan she gave GSR on Oct. 21,
2004. Byrne and Noriega personally guaranteed the loan,
the suit claims.
Just two days later, on May 25, JD Paradise LLC
joined the fray with a mortgage foreclosure action for
$384,211 against GSR for property at 518 Key Royale
Drive in Holmes Beach.
According to the Florida Secretary of State Web
site, JD Paradise LLC is owned by James and Debbie
Bangma of 535 Key Royale Drive.
In addition to the Chief Management lawsuit, the
Graeff action and the JD Paradise foreclosure, the once-
promising real estate world of GSR Development LLC
already faces:
A mortgage foreclosure action for $2.1 million by
Synovus Bank of Tampa for the Hibiscus condominium
project on Fifth Street South in Bradenton Beach.
A lawsuit filed by Sherry Gray of Bradenton for
An action by Longboat Partners LLC for default
on an $800,000 note.
Legal action by Ed Furfey of New Jersey against
Byrne and Noriega for an undisclosed sum.
A lawsuit filed by James M. Dornan, as trustee
of the Dornan Family Trust, for a $100,000 deposit on
the now stagnant Rosa del Mar condominium project in
Bradenton Beach.
A suit filed by Randy Moore, also for a $100,000
deposit on a Rosa del Mar condominium.




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Tie Islander
SINCE 1992

The value of all the lawsuits against GSR, Byrne and
Noriega totals some $3.8 million, exclusive of $1.06 mil-
lion in liens against GSR/Byme properties (see separate
story) and the unspecified amount in the Furfey case.
A high-level source close to one of the legal actions
said he would not be surprised if more suits were filed
against the company in the very near future.
"I also understand they have a potential buyer for
Villa Rosa, but he's not going to get involved until all the
lawsuits are cleared up," said the source, who asked not
to be identified.
Efforts to reach Byrne and Noriega for comment
were unsuccessful.

GSR contractor owed more
than $1 million
While GSR is facing a slew of legal actions, Spec-
trum Management Inc. of Tampa has halted all work on
four Byrne/GSR projects in Holmes Beach, two in Bra-
denton Beach and one in Anna Maria and terminated its
building permits, according to the respective building
But Spectrum wasn't content to just pull its permits
on Byrne and GSR. On May 19, company president Paul
Gallizzi filed seven liens totaling more than $1 million
in Manatee County Circuit Court against Byrne/GSR
projects, money the company claims it is owed for work
The liens are against a number of GSR/Byme Island

Lovebird lost on Anna Maria Island. May 14.
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projects, including:
The Villa Rosa model home at 523 Villa Rosa Way
in Anna Maria.
110 Seventh St. S. in Bradenton Beach.
112 Seventh St. S. in Bradenton Beach.
109 Fifth St. S. in Bradenton Beach.
208 56th St. in Holmes Beach.
407 74th St. in Holmes Beach.
312 60th St. in Holmes Beach.
518 Key Royale Drive in Holmes Beach.
The liens total $1.073 million and none of the prop-
erties can be sold until the liens are satisfied. According
to the lien documents, the total value of all work Spec-
trum did for Byrne/GSR on these properties was $4.65
But Spectrum's troubles are not just with GSR and
its principals.
Several sub-contractors have filed liens against
Spectrum because they haven't been paid by that com-
pany, although Gallizzi said he paid one sub-contractor
out of his own pocket.
"I really don't want to comment further at this time,"
he said. "I hope everything works out and I get paid and
I wish GSR well."
In Bradenton Beach, the building department has
declared building permits on two GSR projects in that
city as "null and void" and is requiring new permit appli-
cations for 110 Seventh St. S. and 112 Seventh St. S.
The department had previously repealed the company's
building permit for the Rosa del Mar condominium proj-
ect on Gulf Drive.

I. Johnnie be gone
Work crews on Friday
r ~ began demolishing the
former Leverock's Restau-
''. rant at the east end of the
'1 Anna Maria Island Bridge
, in preparation for a new
retail project by the St. Joe
S- Co., owners of the prop-
Serty. Preparation work on
St. Joe's 686-unit condo-
minium project adjacent
to the restaurant and
.. Perico Harbor Marina has
already begun.- Islander
SPhoto: Jack Elka

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Call this your 3 a.m. wakeup call

"It's not the despair I can take the despair It's the
hope..." John Cleese, Fawlty Towers
There is an urban legend as to why Manatee and
Sarasota counties have been spared the brunt of hur-
ricanes for the last hundred-plus years.
The legend varies with the teller. In dian maidens
are involved in the myth of unrequited love for Spanish
explorers and, in their dying breath, a request to the Gods
to spare this region from the wrath of deadly storms.
There is also. some quasi-scientific data involving
water current patterns in the Gulf of Mexico that adds cre-
dence to the matter of why storms veer from our shores.
In fact, according to what I've seen, we've had at
least seven storms of varying intensity that have come
close to Anna Maria Island without really impacting us
directly since 1870.
The problem with the urban legend is that nothing
has happened in most of our memories, so we believe it
to be so. Just because not many of us remember a thing
doesn't mean that that thing hasn't happened.
Please, please prepare now for yet another "very
active" hurricane season.
As you'll read in this week's special section in
The Islander, surveys indicate that those within the
reach of any type of storm in the Atlantic and Gulf of
Mexico apparently are woefully unprepared for such an
event. Of course, Islanders are smarter than the average
coastal resident, but for the few who are new, here's a
personal hurricane plan:
First, dig out your insurance policies and read
them read them a couple of times. If you've got a
question, call your agent for an answer. Beef up the-
replacement value if you need to, and make sure you're
covered in the event of wind, flood, fire ... all the rest.
Now put them into your hurricane "grab" box.
Get as many of those plastic tubs as you think you
need to store the stuff you cherish. Root around and
get the family albums and important papers or special
books and put them in the tubs now.
The smart,money lies in taking those tubs and
storing them in a high-and-dry storage spot on the
mainland. Now.
Sit everybody in your household down and talk
through a hurricane plan. Hey, call your extended
family members and neighbors over, too, and come
up with something that works to keep y'all safe if an
evacuation is ordered. Who's going where? Exchange
phone numbers of a select out-of-state contact with
whom you'll be in touch all of you. Once you've
worked out the details, write it down and make lots of
copies to exchange.
There's a lot of info in this section about hurricane
kits. There has also been some confusion in the media

The Islander
MAY 31,.2006 Vol. 14, No. 30
V Publisher and Editor
Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org
V Editorial
Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org
Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org
Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org
Jack Elka
Jim Hanson
V Contributors
Gib Bergquist
Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org
Jesse Bris'son.
David Futch
Robert Noble'
Carrie Price
Edna Tiemann
V. Advertising Sales
Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org
: .Office Manager
Connie Brannon, connie@islahdei.org
V ., Prc',Jj,_i: r, ,, pd nics .' .
II, i[ 1:CCrrnr,:1. ads@islander.org
Lisa Williams, lisa@islander.oig
V Distribution
Urtlan.r er.;u-:, h,-r
Ross Roberts .
(All others: news@islander.org)
Single copiesfree. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each.
1992-2006 Editoriil sales and production offices:
: Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive
Holmes Beacr FL 34217
WEB SITE: islander.org
FAX 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978


.- s --
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about how much you need and for how long you should
be prepared to deal with the disaster on your own. The
best advice is'to aim for the long picture seven days
on your own.. I -
So Hurricane Brillo, as we call the big one that
we're destined to undergo one of these days, is threat-
ening the Island. You've been ordered to.evacuate, and,
of course, you do. Walk around the house a few times
and imagine.what 100-mph winds will do to the prop-
erty. Trash cans? Lawn furniture? Grill? Garage? Beef
up the big garage door, which is the most vulnerable
part of your house. Shutters. Bracing. Sandbags, or that
nifty canned foam aerosol insulation stuff that is a-mess
to clean up afterwards but works wonders to keep water
out of your house..
SThe "tool-time" commentary in the hurricane sec-
tion pretty much says it all for stuff you need, but there-
are a few other items "that should be in your vehicle
anyway. Those cans of "fix-a-flat" or whatever they're

I was very sorry to read of the recent death of Bar-
bara Lacina of Holmes Beach. She was one of the core
leaders of Save Anna Maria Inc., all during its several
years of battling to preserve the low drawbridge for
its remaining years. She was also a.tireless volunteer
in other community causes, especially those directed
toward respecting the environment. Shewill be missed,
both from a community side and personally, by those
who knew and worked with her..
Bob VanWagoner, former Holmes Beach mayor,

Shark obituary?
Given the desperate plight of sharks worldwide, the
story of the Florida man who recently killed a "record-
breaking" hammerhead should have run on the obitu-
ary page. Hammerheads are fascinating and complex
animals. They are one of the most highly evolved types
of shark. The wide separation of the eyes gives supe-

called are invaluable, and more than just one. News-
paper colleagues in Punta Gorda post-Hurricane Char-
ley were going through cases of the stfff a week as
they drove-through debris and roofing nails that were
everywhere. Buy lots of the stuff, or be ready to be
SRemember that the tedium of riding out the post-
disaster is going to be about as disastrous as any storm..
There's no electricity, no TV. What will you do for
entertainment? I like books, kids like the electronic
game toys, but they gobble up batteries like cookies.
The post-disaster period is going to be about as disas-
trous as any storm. Parents will understand this concept
very, very well.
The whole point of this exercise is for you to think
- NOW about the worst-case scenario of a storm-
We hope to see you all on the other side of this-
storm season.

rior vision, and the frontal lobe between their eyes is
spanned by sensory organs that detect changes in pres-.
sure and electrical fields.
There are few "sporting" events more blatantly tes-
tosterone-driven than trawling for-sharks. Those who
catch these animals take unabashed pride in the per-
ceived bravery it takes to bait a hook and fake-out
a fish. Readers who think these amazing animals
should be protected instead of persecuted should visit
Jennifer O'Connor, People for the Ethical Treat-
ment ofAnimals

Thanks woman's club
The Friends of the Island Branch Library wish to
thank the Anna Maria Island Woman's Club for its gen-
erous donation bf $500 (upon the club's disbanding
recently). The donation will be used for the enhance-
ment and support of the Island library.
Marcy East, president

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Slice it...

i1t's Maloney:
B I, rmEl r H.rNolmc B1 :- h rCiI,.
C ,-,rrm i ,,r-r -on .,1,:l.n I ..aI re,

An excess of recess
For the last eight or nine years that I know of,
Holmes Beach city commissioners, myself included
until this year, have annually sponsored a "There Ought
To Be a Law" contest among fifth-graders at our Island
Elementary School.
The idea was to find out what the kids believe
us adult legislators were overlooking. I thought you
might like to know what concerned some of this year's
entrants, so here goes:
There were almost as many different suggestions as
there were entries, but a few stood out because of their
repetition. High on their list requiring attention was
draw bridge openings, pedestrian crosswalks, school in
general and adults in particular.
Savannah Schield, for instance, thinks there ought
to be a law prohibiting the Longboat Pass Bridge to
open if there's any traffic on Gulf Drive there because
of, he jams that the open bridge produces.
Dayle Hoffman says the Manatee Avenue draw-
bridge shouldn't be allowed to open during school
dropoff and pickup hours because openings often make
kids late for school and Mom and/or Dad late for
Pedestrian crosswalks got a lot of attention. Danny
Krokroskia says there is no point in crosswalks if they
are not enforced. Mikey Dolan says the crosswalks are
not marked clearly enough. Chris Pate thinks we need
more crosswalks --like one every 50 feet or so on
main roads.
School got plenty of attention, too. Madeleine
Wilson wants school uniforms because it would ease
"what to wear today" decisions and end bullying by
those who criticize your choices. Neasg Calleja says
four and a half hours of school a day is plenty, and six
hours is too much.
Emma Carper wants recess to last at least 25 min-

utes to allow kids to stretch arms and kegs that have
been falling asleep during long class hours. Phillip Bid-
dulph says recess is very positive becauLe It "' jog' peo-
ples' minds," but warns that it can also "take away from
learning" because some kids get worn out at recess.
Eli Pellegren wants more physical education and
recess to help fight the growing problem of obesity
among kids.
Meanwhile, Mallory Kosfeld is worried about the
backpacks today's kids carry full of books and stuff,
because when they grow up, they will be "hunched over
like cripples." She wants such packs, by law, only on
Hallie Mattick is upset that the new school year
starts in August and is looking for a law that would
instead start it after Labor Day, mainly because we cer-
tainly don't need extra time for "snow days like they
do up north."
Our adult behavior was the subject of more than
just ignoring crosswalks, and Olivia Alstrom and Emily
White both feel there should be a law forbidding drivers
to use cell phones in moving cars. Cell phone or not,
Kayla Aritt wants all of us over age 80 to take new driv-
ers' tests, which, she believes, will "cut down accidents,
incidents, and slow traffic"
Adults littering, both on and off the beaches, would
be cut down, according to Alexandra Gavrilis, if every
litterer is fined $100 on the spot. Nichole Pierce wants
the beach cleaned up professionally on a more regular
basis than it is now, not only for appearance, but for
safety as well, by removing cans and bottles and things
capable of seriously injuring bare feet. In the meantime,
Isaiah Beaton would like to see trash cans every 100
feet on the beach to help ease littering.
Many, including Taylor Wilson and Hailey Dear-
love, want bike-riding safety to get more attention.
Others, David Graves and Emily Rappe especially,
would like to see more scooters and less cars on our
streets to ease both traffic and air pollution. All want
scooter and bile riders to be required to wear helmets.
Courtney Schmidt would like all three Island cities to
settle the sign-size problems.
Like in previous years, I still get somewhat con-
cerned every once in a while because it appears that a
Mom or Dad is into the contest, like when kids express
on their computer-printed entries their concerns about

In the May 30, 1996, issue of The
Islander, headlines announced:
A Memorial Day dispute between two men on
Coquina Beach escalated into a near riot involving
more than 40 people. At least 50 police officers were
called to the scene and the beach was closed for the
remainder of the day.
Holmes Beach Mayor Bob VanWagoner shelved
his own plan to replace the architect working on plans
for a new city hall with his own hand-picked committee
after determining it would be too time-consuming for
a volunteer committee.
The presence of numerous stingrays in the
waters along Anna Maria Island prompted the Mana-
tee County Parks and Recreation Department to issue
guidelines on how people should walk in the shallow
waters near the beach.

"1998 zoning laws." And especially when I see fifth-
graders write that they are alarmed about the animal
"euthanizing" going on near here. I never even heard
that word until my U.S. Army basic training in World
War II.
However, when coming across words like "cigeret,
pursion, and hospital frunt door," I am more inclined to
believe they really were written on their own.
I trust that Holmes Beach city commissioners who
have the opportunity to read all the contest entries will
give some consideration to the kids' requests. After all,
statistics prove that these kids are probably going to be
spending a lot more years on the Island than many of
the rest of us.
Note: A photo of former Commissioner Maloney
and the "Oughta Be a Law" contest winners appears in
this issue.

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,iMi .. m..ia .. 6:' i:, i-lo
Dr. Feelgood award
Four fifth-grade students from Anna Maria Elementary School were recognized for their health
and vitality. Nichole Pierce, Dalton Hicks, Chase Stripling and Courtney Schmidt had perfect
attendance for 2005-06 180 school days. Schmidt received an additional award for having
perfect attendance as an AME student for six years kindergarten through fifth-grade. Islander
Photos: Diana Bogan

a-^itBB ^glow 49 M W ..- .,-*. .--,. ":' *-.'....- -,- igWSl" M .- a B
Rotary award
Anna Maria Island Rotary Club member Jim Dunne presented
Danny Krokroskia and Julian Botero with the Service Above Self
Award. This is the fourth year for the Rotary-sponsored award,
which is given to a student whose leadership and character serve
as an example for others. Pictured, AME Principal Kathy Hayes
shows the students the plaque, which will hang in the school office
displaying the names of all Rotary honorees.

Revolutionary awards
Fifth-graders.Stephanie Purnell and Molly Stoltzfus
were AME's recipients of the outstanding citizenship
award sponsored by the Sons and Daughters of the
American Revolution. The award is for demonstration
of dependability, leadership, patriotism and upright
character through ones words and actions.

Party time
After the formalities of the graduation and award
presentations, AME fifth-graders gathered with their
parents in the courtyard for cake and punch. Parents
also had an opportunity to purchase T-shirtsfea-
turing AME memorabilia and bricks, which will be
placed in a new courtyard.

Year in review
Kia Kern, Kira Noble and Samantha House check out the 2005-06 Anna Maria Elementary School yearbook
from cover to cover, including their class page. The yearbooks are provided to every AME student free of charge
thanks to the help of community sponsors. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan

AME thanks yearbook sponsors

Anna Maria Elementary School would like to
thank the many sponsors who make it possible for each
student to receive a yearbook free of charge.
AME media specialist Lynn McDonough oversees
the production of the yearbook, which is printed at
the Manatee County School District's in-house facility.
Island businesses and AME families sponsor a page,
providing the funds for the full-color keepsake.

This year's sponsors- include Kumon of Bra-
denton; Annie's Homes; Ellenton Animal Hospital;
Advanced Auto Works; Webb, Wells & Williams P.A.;
Autoway Ford; Mike Norman Realty; Anna Maria
Island Rotary Club; Kern Construction; Danielle's
Day Spa; Karen Ellsworth; Deb Seiger; and the Wash,
Moore, Burgess, Yavalar, Schmidt, Glavan, Fritz and
Hicks families.

AME graduation




Anna Maria Elementary School fifth-graders gath-
ered in the school auditorium for their final elemen-
tary school assembly to recognize student achievements
during the school year.
AME guidance counselor Cindi Harrison and Prin-
cipal Kathy Hayes recognized students who earned
high marks all year, had perfect attendance and for par-
ticipation in the school speech contest and Sunshine
Math program.
Stephanie Purnell and Molly Stoltzfus were this
year's recipients of the Sons and Daughters of the
American Revolution Outstanding Citizenship Award,
given to students with strong leadership skills, upright
character, patriotism and dependability.
Anna Maria Island Rotary Club Member Jim
Dunne presented the Rotary Service Above Self Award,
based on citizenship. Students learned about the Rotary
Club motto throughout the school year and the award is
meant to exemplify the characteristics upheld by Rotar-
ians worldwide.
The 2005-06 recipients of the AME Rotary Club
award are Daniel Krokroskia and Julian Botero. Their
names will b6 engraved onto a plaque with past winners
and displayed in the new school office.
Also awarded at the ceremony were certificates for
those students achieving outstanding scores on the Florida
Comprehensive Assessment Test. Students who scored a
Level 5 in reading or math include Dylan Allen,-Molly
Stoltzfus, Kayla Aritt, Isaiah Beaton, Julian Botero, Chris
Pate, Dalton Hicks, Billy Annis and Mallory Kosfeld.
Hicks and Annis scored a Level 5 in both the reading and
math tests, and Beaton and Stoltzfus received a perfect
score of 500/500 on the reading exam.
Four students were recognized for perfect atten-
dance: Chase Stripling, Nichole Pierce, Courtney
Schmidt and Hicks. Schmidt received an additional rec-
ognition because she not only had perfect attendance
for the 2005-06 school year, but every year at AME
since her first day of kindergarten.
At the end of the awards ceremony, Parent-Teacher
Organization President Lynda Hicks passed out scien-
tific calculators purchased by the organization for each
of the graduates.
After the ceremony, students gathered with parents
for refreshments in the "dolphin courtyard" in front of
the school.

THE ISLANDER 0 MAY 31, 2006 A A-9

Anna Maria Elementary bids Thomas farewell

By Diana Bogan
Islander Reporter
The Anna Maria Elementary School auditorium
was the scene of an elegant reception for second-grade
teacher Deborah Thomas' retirement celebration. The
event was hosted by AME staff and the Parent-Teacher
Attending the May 21 event were many of Thomas'
family members and close personal friends includ-
ing her childhood babysitter, as well as Tim Kolbe and
Jim Kronus, both former AME principals who worked
with Thomas during her 33 years at the school. Many
members of Delta Gamma Kappa, Thomas' sorority,
also attended.
AME Principal Kathy Hayes said the reception was
a "small way of showing how appreciative we are for
all [Thomas] has done.
"You represent the best of what Manatee County
has to offer," Hayes told Thomas.
A slide-show presentation of video clips and
photos dating back to when Thomas first came to AME
were shown.
Kronus recalled that Thomas would sit in the front
row at faculty meetings and give him "those looks" -
the ones that told him, "Oh gosh. I'm not going to bring
that up again." And he said, "When she'd come in shak-
ing a finger, I knew to listen. I have many fond memo-
ries and thank her for her wonderful dedication to the
Several people took the stage to speak, among
them AME fourth-grade teacher Joan Sackett, who
shared an adjoining classroom with Thomas her first
year at the school. Sackett said she looks forward to
seeing Thomas continuing the Kids' Live Christian-
based after-school program that meets at AME, and
seeing her volunteer back at school and compete on the
bowling circuit.
"I thank her for being who she is, and helping me
be who I can be," said Sackett.

Family affair
Family and friends ofAnna Maria Elementary School teacher Deborah Thomas gathered May 21 for a
retirement reception. Guests included members of Thomas' sorority, Delta Gamma Kappa, AME staff retired
AME teacher Pat Whitfield, and former AME principals Tim Kolbe and Jim Kronus. Members of Thomas'family
also attended, including her brother John Williams and sister Johncyna McRae, both pictured with Thomas.

Islander Photo: Diana Bogan
Judy Arnold, who has been Thomas' teacher's aide
for more than 20 years, created a memory book con-
taining as much of their class activities as she could
find. "Working with Deborah, I learned something
every day," Arnold said.
Thomas said she was honored people took the
time to come to the reception. She joked that now that
people had the opportunity to meet her family, "You
can see why I am the way I am." She admitted to being

straight-forward and the type of person to tell-it-like-
Thomas said she has been very close to her family
at AME and her church, and like any family that
fights and makes up, "We've been there for each other
throughout the years.
"I will enjoy the summer and I might shed a tear
the first week, but then I'll get over it," joked Thomas.
"What more can I say, but thank you?"

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Three amigos
Graduating Anna Maria Elementary School fifth-
graders, left to right, Eli Pellegren, Paulo Fonseca
and, center Phillip Biddulph, enjoy lunch at
the BeachHouse Restaurant in Bradenton Beach.
Islander Photos: Diana Bogan

Creative company
Sharing their lunch table with AME art teacher Gary
Wooten, center, are departing fifth-graders Mallory
Kosfeld, Emily Rappe, Cady Chennault, Madeline
Wilson and Molly Stoltzfus. Each year the Beach-
House Restaurant in Bradenton Beach hosts the
Island school's graduation lunch.

Moving on
Anna Maria Elementary Coach Gene Burr has
applied for a full-time physical education position
at Kinnan Elementary School and will most likely
not return to teach at the Island school next year
Burr has been teaching part-time at both AME and
Kinnan, but the other school is initiating a pilot
program to offer PE classes three times a week to
every class, allowing the school to employ two full-
time teachers and a PE teaching assistant. Burr said
Kinnan Elementary is closer to home, and although
he'll miss the Island school where he has taught for
26 years, it will be nice to have a shorter commute
during the few years remaining before retirement.
Islander Photo: Diana Bogan

2006-07 AME PTO

officers elected
New Parent-Teacher Organization officers were
elected at the organization's final meeting of the
school year in May. The new officers will be ready to
take on their responsibilities for the 2006-07 school
The new PTO President is Shannon Dell. Working
with her will be Stacey Seagul, vice president; Maggie
Cucci will continue as treasurer; Becky Walter, assis-
tant treasurer; and Trisha Hackworth, secretary.
One of the first projects for the PTO will be the
sale in August of school supply packages during back-
to-school night. That will also be a good opportunity
to meet the new board members, join the PTO and
sign up for a committee, said Dell.

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AME grads
Kayla Aritt and Hailey Dearlove goof off at the BeachHouse Restaurant before heading back to class at Anna
Maria Elementary School. The fifth-graders were at the restaurant to celebrate the end of the school year
with their classmates.

Artist of the Month
Jean Trask Ehlis has been named Artist of the Month
by the Island Gallery West, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes
Beach. A Floridian for 17 years, she comes from a
family of artists in Nova Scotia. Selected works will be
on display through June at the gallery, whose hours
are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

Tingley After Hours club
meeting next Wednesday
The Tingley After Hours Book Club will meet at
3 p.m. Wednesday, June 7, at the Tingley Memorial
Library, 111 Second St., Bradenton Beach. The meet-
ing is open to the public. Details may be obtained by
calling 779-1208.
Breakfasting Kiwanians
to hear of Meals on Wheels
Jennifer Springer of Meals on Wheels will discuss her
volunteer agency's works and needs when she addresses
the Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria Island Saturday.
She will speak at the weekly breakfast meeting of
the club at 8:30 a.m. at the Cafe on the Beach, at the
Gulf end of Manatee Avenue in Holmes Beach.

'Decoding Da Vinci'
at Island Baptist
A special seven-week program titled "Decoding
the Da Vinci Code" is in its second.week at Island Bap-
tist Church, with the Rev. Dale Lawson inviting the
Island to come and participate.
The sessions are at 6:30 p.m. every Sunday at the
church, 8605 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. The first was last
Sunday, May 21.
Pastor Lawson will lead discussions and "explore
answers along with the audience." The meetings are to
"answer questions about Jesus' true identity in response
to the book and the movie, 'The Da Vinci Code.'"
The pastor uses the book "A Quest for Answers,"
by Josh McDowell, and gives each person attending a
copy. Also part of the program will be the DVD "Dis-
cussing the Da Vinci Code" by Lee Strobel.
Additional details may be obtained by calling
'Son Treasure Island' kids'
program at Island Baptist
Registration is open for "Son Treasure Island"
vacation Bible school for youngsters at Island Baptist
Church June 26-30.
It is open to those who have just finished first-grade
to those who have just finished fourth-grade, said a
church spokesperson. It will include skits, crafts, games
and songs "in an Island atmospheres."
The program will be from 6 to. 8:30 p.m. at the
church at 8605 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Additional
information is available at 778-0719.

Keep Manatee Beautiful to be
Rotarians' topic June 6
lnrid l\ lcClellan, e'\ecuii\ e diricior of Keep Manatee
Beautiful, will tll Iksla.nd Rotiurn.a.n Tiueda of the work her
volunteer organization does for the Island and the county.
She will speak at the lunch meeting of the Rotary Club
of Anna Maria Island at noon June 6 at the BeachHouse
Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Further
information may be obtained by calling 713-0042.

Islandwide blood drive

next week
By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
The Islandwide blood drive is only a week and a
half away, and sponsors are urging Anna Maria Island
residents to be ready to donate to save their neighbors'
It is especially poignant with the looming hurricane
season, with its threat of massive casualty lists and the
Manatee County blood supplies needing strengthen-
There are few requirements for a donor age 17
and up, 1 10 pounds or more, good health. And a will-
ingness to be of help to others.
The sixth annual Islandwide drive will be from 9
a.m. to 4 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday, June 10 and
1 I. Bloodmobiles will be parked at the BeachHouse
Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach; The
Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach; and
Publix Super Market, 3900 E. Bay Drive, Holmes
The donations benefit not only patients in local
hospitals but the Anna Maria Island Community
Center, Anna Maria Island Privateers, Wildlife Edu-
cation of Anna Maria Island, and the West Manatee
Fire & Rescue Volunteers an anonymous foundation
gives $100 in each donor's name to whichever of those
charities the donor picks, or splits the proceeds four
ways to benefit each cause.
You are a good candidate to receive blood as well
as donate it, for one in every seven people end up need-
ing blood. It's a big order, for Manatee County needs
about 90 donors a day to keep the supply up.
Blood is busy, having 70,000 miles of blood vessels
to cover every 20 seconds. There are eight blood types
in the human body, but it could be more complicated:
Cows have more than 800 different blood types.
Additional details may be obtained by calling

Multi-fishing tournament

Father's Day
By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
A multi-day, multi-generational fishing tournament
is being arranged for the Father's Day weekend by the
Anna Maria Island Community Center.
It isn't limited to fathers and their offspring, but
Dads and kids are urged to participate solo or in mul-
tiples. It is scheduled for Friday, June 16, through
Father's Day, Sunday, June 18
Just for kids will be abig fishing event on Saturday,
June 17. It will be the Anna Maria Island Privateers
tournament for kids under 12 at the Anna Maria Island
City Pier from 9 a.m. until noon.
Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. for a $20 fee, which
will include tournament T-shirt, lunch donated by the
City Pier Restaurant, and ticket to the awards banquet
the next day. Fishing tackle will be supplied, along with
lots of advice and encouragement.
The three-day family tournament will have "great
prizes" instead of cash awards for the winners in off-
shore and inshore categories, said the Center.
Participants may register by June 12 at the Center
for $225 per boat. The fee rises to $325 for registration
after June 12.
A captains' meeting/party will be at the Center
Friday evening, June 16, with a menu from local restau-
rants. The tournament will begin at 6:30 a.m. Saturday,
June 17, with an awards banquet at noon Sunday, June
18, including a fish fry catered by the Chiles Group
Entertainment will be by the Dr. Dave Band and
include a raffle and door prizes.

Turtles on Island to be topic
at SAM meeting Saturday
Marine turtles and other sea life that share Anna
Maria Island with people will be discussed at a meeting
of Save Anna Maria at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, June 3, at-
the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes
The discussion will be led by Suzi Fox, head of the
Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch. Further information
may be obtained by calling 778-2549.

THE ISLANDER E MAY 31, 2006 E A-11

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12A9 MA '\Y 31. 2000 U til tISLAND)ER

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L- r~~- L

The FiL';.i.l. Comprehensive Assessment Test
scores in reading and math for Anna Maria Elementary
School fourth- and fifth-graders were released just days
before summer vacation.
The scores are representative of all students who
took the FCAT exam and do not exclude students
who may have disabilities or needed accommodations.
Although not a stellar year for AME across the board,
the school does have some stand-out accomplishments
this year.
In fourth-grade, 75 percent of students achieved a
proficiency level in reading and, in math, 78 percent
achieved proficiency levels. Scores for 2006 are sub-
stantially lower than the past two years totals. For
example, 91 percent of last year's fourth-grade class
was proficient in both reading and math.
AME students still rank above district and state
Fifth-grade students also took the FCAT reading
and math tests as well as a science test.
In ic.'. -93 percent of AME lifth-graders scored
3 or above, a steady improvement from the past two
However, in math, the percentile dropped to 67 per-
cent of fifth-graders achieving a 3 or greater compared
to 76 percent in 2005.
Granted, AME fifth-graders maintained scores
above state and district averages in math and reading.
but where Island students really excelled this year was
in the science portion of the FCAT. Statewide, only 35
percent of fifth-graders achieved a proficiency level,
and districtwide the percentage was even lower at 32.
At AME, 69 percent of fifth-graders achieved a
level three or above.
Several students were singled out for individual
recognition for their achievements on the FCAT. In
fourth-grade, Noell Niemann was recognized for earn-
ing a perfect score of 6.0 on the FCAT writing exam.
In fifth-grade, Dalton Hicks and Billy Annis scored
a level five in both the reading and math FCAT, and
Molly Stoltzfus and Isaiah Beaton achieved perfect
scores on the FCAT reading exam.


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Reading perfection
Anna Maria Elementary f ii.-.I,- .,i rs Molly S,.?-i;,,
and Isaiah Beaton achieved a perfect score on the
reading portion of the 2006 Florida Comprehensive
Assesmenl Test. That means they answered all 500
)multiple choice and reading comprehension questions
correctly. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan

No es this week: Are
By Jim Hanson
Islander Correspondent
No marine turtles have come ashore in several days
now, and there is evidence that potential mother log-
gerheads are just catching a few rays in the Gulf.
After an unusual season-opening surge of nesting,
the rate has not only fallen off, it's zero. And Suzi Fox
claims to know why.
She heads the Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch, so
she has been keeping tabs on turtles for many years
While no turtles have come ashore lately, there are
a lot of them offshore in the Gulf of Mexico. Fishers,
commercial and recreational, help keep Fox informed
of what they see in the water, and they have news.
There are a lot of the prehistoric reptiles basking
on the surface of the sea, the waterfolk have told Fox,

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Help for Mote
Birgit Sesterhenn, president of the Rotary Club of
Anna Maria Island, presents a $500 check to Joe
Mathis, vice president of Mote Marine Laboratory
and Aquarium volunteer board of directors. The
donation comes from the club's Extravaganza and
Casino Night fundraiser and is to go into Mote's
$12.7 million annual research budget.

turtles just goofing off?
and that leads her to a theory:
The Gulf has been calm for several days, no strong
winds or currents evident, no disturbances. So she sus-
pects that egg-filled turtles need to take it easy when
they get the chance, just rest up a bit in anticipation of
the egg-laying exertions.
The quiet waters and calm conditions and lolling
turtles hold true for the whole Gulf Coast, Fox said, so
maybe it's so, but who's to respond?
So here the Island sits, nine nests in one big splurge
and seven false crawls and then no action. A false crawl is
the zipper-like track a turtle leaves in the sand even when
she decides against nesting and goes home to the sea.
Good news is the absence from now on of beach
renourishment activity, which by agreement with Man-
atee County and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is
interrupted June 1 so the turtles can reproduce.


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THE ISLANDER E MAY 31, 2006 U A-13

Holmes Beach can't settle dock dispute yet

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Maybe if Hugh Holmes Sr. hadn't created so many
canals when he first planned developments in Holmes
Beach, there wouldn't be so many problems today with
docks, canals and who owns what along the numerous
As if the T-end canal and Sunrise boat basin prob-
lems weren't enough for the city to deal with, city
commissioners were asked at their May 23 meeting
to attempt to settle the McCaleb-Lindahl lawsuit over
dock space at the end of the canal between 71st and
72nd streets with some legislative changes.
The essential issue in the problem, according to
city planner Bill Brisson, is that the city codes require a
10-foot setback at the canal end for a dock, and prop-
erty owners can extend their dock outward into the
canal 20 feet. In other words, there is an overlap of 10
feet that the owner of property with a dock at the end
of a canal and the two property owners adjacent to that
property can claim.
The McCaleb-Lindahl lawsuit is regarding which
adjacent property owner is allowed to expand a dock
into the canal.
Sound confusing?
It is, said Brisson, who suggested that the lawsuit
could be settled if the commission agreed to change the
city code on the canal setback requirements.
"So if we took away the 10-foot setback, that would
work?" asked Commissioner David Zaccagnino.
"It would if they both agree," replied Brisson.
Commission Chairman Rich Bohnenberger sug-
gested the commission first contact both parties to
determine if they would agreed to the recommended
legislation before proceeding.
But Commissioner Roger Lutz, an attorney, won-
dered why the city was trying to settle a lawsuit.
"I hate to get in the middle of pending litigation,"
he said.
Speaking for the city's law firm, attorney Jim Dye
said the idea is to fix the problem through legislation
because there are other areas in the city where the same
problem could arise.
Lutz, however, suggested the city should let a judge
decide the McCaleb-Lindahl issue before taking any


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Bohnenberger again wanted to know if both parties
would agree to the proposed legislation to settle their
dispute. While McCaleb has reportedly agreed, Steve
Lindahl apparently indicated to Dye that both parties
were deadlocked.
Without any agreement between the parties to let
the proposed legislation settle their dispute, commis-
sioners were reluctant to proceed.
Dye then said that McCaleb had just asked for a
"shade" meeting with the commission and Lindahl,
where the parties and their attorneys and commission
will meet without the public to seek a resolution. Boh-
nenberger scheduled the shade meeting for Tuesday,
June 13 at 6:30 p.m.

More canal problems
But discussion of the city's canals didn't end with
the McCaleb-Lindahl problem.
In April, Bruce Hammond had approached the
commission with documents that he claims prove own-
ership of a dock in the Sunrise boat basin.
While research by City Attorney Patricia Petruff
and a thorough title search has said the city owns the
docks and bottom land, Petruff agreed in April to exam-
ine Hammond's documents for proof of ownership.
Returning to the May 23 meeting, Petruff said
that Hammond's original 1959 deed only says that the
owners should "have a designated spot" for a dock.
According to a senior partner in her law firm, said
Petruff, the 1959 deed does not describe any particular
property and there is no way to locate said property on
the canal bottom. Therefore, Hammond's deed "does
not give the person any specific rights."
In her opinion, Hammond does not own a dock, he
just has a "right" to a dock as do others in the area. "He
has a priority," for a dock, said Petruff.
In fact, Hammond doesn't even own the property,
noted Zaccagnino, who researched the property through
available online records.
Petruff agreed. Her research found there is a new
In addition, Petruff refuted Hammond's claim he
was being taxed separately for the dock. She said she
could not find any evidence of that claim at the Manatee
County Property Appraiser's Office and his tax bills do
not reflect a separate charge for a dock.

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In other business, the commission passed the first
reading of an ordinance to amend the police officers
pension trust fund and approved a motion to use the
disaster management services of Crowder-Gulf Disas-
ter Recovery and Management under the terms of
a contract the company already has with Manatee
The commission also endorsed Tarpon Springs
Mayor Beverley Billiris as second-vice president for
the Florida League of Cities.

Cop shop
Fifth-graders Mike Dolan, Sarah Scott and Stephanie
Purnell shop for items at the "DARE shop" using
credits earned during their Drug Abuse Resistance
Education course taught by school resource officer
Pete Lannon, an officer with the Holmes Beach Police
Department. Lannon offers items such as bumper
stickers, bracelets, pencils, hats and shoelaces with
the DARE logo, thanks to a donation by AME teach-
er's aide Pat Comcowyk, who lost a son to drug addic-
tion. Students earn DARE dollars through participa-
tion in class. At the end of the school year, Lannon
hosts a DARE graduation for the fifth-graders, and the
items they purchase serve as a reminder for all they
learned in class. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan

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14-A 0 MAY 3 1, 2006 i THE ISLANDER

Es~ I

Wednesday, May 31
8 to 10 a.m. Blood drive at the Longboat-Lido-St.
Armand Keys Chamber of Commerce, 6960 Gulf of
Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 383-2466.
5:30 p.m. Dolphin Communication Workshop for
teens at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive,
Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341.
Thursday, June 1
2:30 p.m. Irish dance lessons at Duffy's Tavern,
5808 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information:
Saturday, June 3
7:30 a.m. to noon Guided nature walk at Felts
Audubon Preserve, 4600 24th Ave., E., Palmetto. Informa-
tion: 737-3169.
8:30 a.m. Kiwanis Club meeting at Cafe on the
Beach, Manatee Public Beach, 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes
10:30 a.m. Save Anna Maria Inc. meeting at
the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes
3 to 8 p.m. "Tranquility Jam" featuring local bands
and silent auction at the Anna Maria Island Community
Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information:
778-5447. Proceeds benefit families of Zane Zavadil and
Ryan Costello.
7p.m. "Hooray for Hollywood" dance recital at Bay-
shore High School, 5401 34th Street W., Bradenton. Infor-
mation: 748-4476. Fee applies.
Sunday, June 4
2 p.m. German band concert outdoors at Gloria
Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.
Information: 792-6963. Bring your own chair.
Monday, June 5
10:15 a.m. Gulf Coast Writers meeting at the Island
Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.
Tuesday, June 6
Noon Anna Maria Island Rotary Club lunch at the
BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton
Beach. Information: 713-0042.
Wednesday, June 7
7 to 8 a.m. Pier Regulars meeting at the Anna
Maria City Pier, 100 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria. Information:
3 p.m. The Tingley After-Hours Book Club at Tin-
gley Memorial Library, 111 Second St. N., Bradenton
Beach. Information: 779-1208.
5;30 p.m. "Markets for Teen Writers" presented
by Islander reporter Diana Bogan at the Island Branch
Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information:
Rummage sale at St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248
S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach, through June 3. Informa-
tion: 778-2508.
"The New World in the Eyes of Explorers" at the


Irene St. Cyr Bartel
Irene St. Cyr Bartel, 77, of Anna Maria, died May
Born in Summerville, Mass., Mrs. Bartel operated

Irene BaCtel

a pet-sitting business on Anna
Maria Island for many years
with her late husband Ben. She
worked in the food industry. She
was a member of Women of
the Moose in Bradenton Beach,
VFW Auxiliary of Palma Sola,
and the American Legion Aux-
iliary Kirby Stewart Post 24.
She was a member of St. Ber-
nard Catholic Church, Holmes

Visitation and a service was May 28 at Griffith-
Cline Funeral Home, Island Chapel. A service at the
Bradenton Beach Moose Lodge will be announced at
a later date.
She is survived by brother Carl A. Magnusson of
Tewksbury, Mass.

Edward der Mateosian
Edward der Mateosian, 91, of Bradenton, died May
Born in New York City, Mr. Der Mateosian was a
research chemist with the Barrett Co., and a physicist
at Brookhaven National Laboratory. He was one of the
founding fathers of nuclear spectroscopy. During World
War II he worked at the Naval Research Lab. He was a
graduate of Columbia University.
A celebration of his life was May 26. Memorial
contributions may be made to St. Hagop Armenian
Church and Cultural Center, 7050 90th Ave.,N., Pinel-
las Park FL 33782.
He is survived by daughters Maro Lorimer of
Holmes Beach and Lisa of Chicago; sister Florence
Mardirosian of Arlington, Va.; and nephews Dr. Haid
Mardirosian of Arlington and Gregory Mardirosian of

South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton,
through June 4. Information: 746-4131. Fee applies.
Art by Jean Ehlis at Island Gallery West, 5368 Gulf
Drive, Holmes Beach, through June 30.
*"Seas the Day" family festival at Mote Marine Aquar-
ium June 8.
Keep Manatee Beautiful golf tourney June 9.
Islandwide Blood Drive June 10-11.
Illustration workshop for teens at the Island Branch
Library June 14.

City faces possible

legal action over

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Anna Maria city commissioners were in somewhat
of a quandary at their May 25 meeting when attorney
Craig Colburn, representing the Olsen family at 501
South Shore Drive, asked them to follow city guidelines
for the past 53 years regarding a five-foot easement at
his client's property.
Colburn said Building Official Kevin Donohue
originally approved an extension of the existing struc-
ture, but in April, rescinded the building permit because
it was encroaching onto a 5-foot-wide city right of
He produced copies of numerous correspon-
dence between prior city building officials and the
Olsens which indicated the city agreed that it did not
have a right of way at that location. Colburn asked
the commission to make a decision in favor of his
client, or face the possibility of a lawsuit against the
Otherwise, predicted Colburn, "We are headed for
The commission must decide if Donohue made a
mistake in issuing the permit or in issuing the stop-
work order, he said. "We are asking the commission
to direct the mayor and staff to follow the rules" as set
down the past 53 years his clients' family has owned
the property.
Hold on. a minute, said Commissioner Linda
"I feel like this is a hearing. Our attorney has indi-
cated the party could appeal the decision to the com-
mission," she said, asking if that's what was happen-
City Attorney Jim Dye responded that he wasn't
sure, but the deadline for the Olsens to appeal Dono-
hue's decision has passed.
While some commissioners might have felt Col-
burn and the Olsens had a point, Dye said legally, the
commission can't take any action.
Now, the only legal avenues left to the Olsens are
to ask for a variance, a vacation of the right of way or
to file an action in civil court. There is no "informal"
way out of the situation, he said.
"The right of way is an asset," for the city and there
is no legal record the city has ever given the Olsens the
right of way in question. Dye noted.
Colburn said that to seek a variance would imply
that his clients don't own the property.

Ih "edditn

special awming

Juw 7.

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give us a call.

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The Islander

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Jack Elk.
,, ~ ,'" ";" ;-
: .'''" -

THE ISLANDER E MAY 31, 2006 E A-15


Island police reports
Anna Maria City
May 24, 200 block of Gladiolus Street, lost prop-
erty. A student visiting from England reported the loss
of his passport.
May 25, 300 block of Coconut Avenue, warrant
arrest. A driver was arrested on a Sarasota County war-
rant during a routine traffic stop.

Bradenton Beach
May 13, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bridgeport Resort, bur-
glary. Two women were accused of stealing plates and a
candle from the van that a party planning company was
loading after an event. According to the report, one of
the women admitted to the theft, stating it was a prank.
May 18, 2512 Gulf Drive N., Circle K, trespass
warning. A man was given a trespass warning for
reportedly harassing a clerk.
SMay 18, 103 Gulf Drive N., Big Olaf Creamery,
burglary. The back door of the business was found pried
open and money was reportedly stolen from the cash
register and locked cash box.
May 18, 100 Gulf Drive N., Circle K, theft. A
woman reported her purse was stolen from behind the
sales counter. She found her purse discarded in the
bathroom, but her wallet and cash were missing.
May 19, 2408 Gulf Drive N., Via Roma, burglary.
Someone reportedly stole a Magellan GPS unit from a
rental car.
May 20, 2400 block of Avenue B, criminal mis-
chief. A car windshield was reportedly smashed with
a concrete block.
May 20, 300 block of Gulf Drive South, stolen
vehicle and drug paraphernalia. Ernest.Guins Jr., 41, of
Riverdale, Ga., was arrested at the scene of a vehicle
accident. According to the report, Guins had no Florida

driver's license and his Georgia license is suspended.
Additionally, the 2000 Ford Taurus he was driving had
been reported stolen in Palmetto. Inside the vehicle,
officers reportedly found a small metal scale and other
drug paraphernalia. The report indicated that Guins is
on parole from Georgia.
May 22, 2400 block of Avenue B, aggravated
assault. A man was arrested after he allegedly threat-
ened another man with a knife during an argument.
May 24, 318 Bay Drive S., Old Bridge Village
condos, grand theft. A man advised police that both side
view mirrors on the outside of his car were stolen. The
vehicle had been parked in the covered parking area.
May 25, 107 Gulf Drive N., city hall parking lot,
towed vehicle. A Ford Explorer was found parked in
the building official's marked parking space and was

Holmes Beach
May 19, 5424 Marina Drive, Jessie's Island Store,
theft. An employee reported finding two bottles of beer
missing-from a six-pack container.
May 21, 3607 E. Bay Drive, Sandy Pointe II, theft.
A man reported that the bike he keeps on a suspended
bike rack was missing, and that another bike was put
in place of his.
May 21, 200 block of 56th Street, theft, A man
reported the theft of his two bicycles and at the same
time reported finding an abandoned bicycle in the
vacant lot across from his home.
May 22, 5424 Marina Drive, Jessie's Island Store,
theft. A clerk reportedly caught a teen shoplifting a
bottle of beer. The teen was arrested and his friend was
given a trespass warning.
'May 23, 4255 Gulf Drive, Island Village, theft. A
woman reported a radio stolen from her vehicle.

Honored for service
State Rep. Bill Galvano, right, presents certificate of appreciation to Christine Olsonfor her efforrti after her
daughter, Tiffiany, was killed in an auto accident along with her boyfriend Dustin Wilder Dec. 7, 2005. Olson
told Galvano of the nightmarish night of the deaths, and he expressed appreciation for her strength in ultimately
making emergency contact numbers readily available to law enforcement officers. The presentation was made
on the Rod & Reel Pier, workplace of Olson, Tiffiany and son Derek. From left with them are Shawn Olson,
Holmes Beach City Commissioner David Zaccignino and Derek Olson.

p- I\ Improve the Quality
of Your Life
Carol Greer Siemaszko
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Featured sale: This North Beach Village condo at
6250 Holmes Blvd., Unit 24, Holmes Beach, sold in
February 1991 for $108,500 and in May 2006for
$450,000 for a $341,500 increase in 15 years. The
new cost per square foot is $353. Islander Photo:
Jesse Brisson

Island real estate sales
2311 Ave. C, Bradenton Beach, a 2,604 sfla / 2,692
sfur 4bed/2bath duplex built in 1962 on a 100x100 lot
was sold 05/11/06, Holmstrom to Nationwide Land
Development and Property Etc. for $1,000,000.
7202 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, an 896 sfla
/ 1,446 sfur 2bed/lbath/lcar home built in 1964 on
a 85x115 lot was sold 05/12/06, Huss to Quality
Developers of West Florida Inc. for $580,000; list
7702 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, a 1,080 sfla /
1,500 sfur 2bed/lbath home built in 1957 with deeded
boat slip on a 88x106 lot was sold 05/12/06, O'Bryon
to Anna Maria Investment Group Inc. for $560,000.
6250 Holmes Blvd., Unit 24, North Beach Village,
Holmes Beach, a 1,272 sfla / 1,338 sfur 3bed/2bath
condo built in 1990 was sold 05/11/06, Gusching to
Pullen for $425,000.
2418 Ave. C, Bradenton Beach, a vacant 50x100
lot zoned R2 was sold 05/11/06, Pfeiffer to Nationwide
Land Development and Property Etc. for $400,000.
Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at Gulf-Bay Realty
ofAnna Maria, can be reached at 941-778-7244.
Current Island real estate transactions may also be
viewed online at www.islander.org. Copyright 2006.

Date Low High Rainfall
May 21 74 90 0
May 22 72 89 0
May 23 74 86 Trace
May 24 74 -86 Trace
May 25 75 .90 0
May26 74 -90 0
May27 73 90 0
Average Gulf water temperature 82-.
24-hour rainfall accumulation with reading at approximately 5 p.m. daily.

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THE ISLANDER MAY ;1, 2006 U A-17


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- -A U MAY 31, 2006 E TllE ISLANDER

At card swap
Wende Webb of ServPro and Dr Gary Mester of
the Mester Chiropractic office chat at the business
card exchange hosted by BrightHouse Networks at
the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce office.

Irish dancing lessons start
Anna Maria Island Celtic Dancers will give free
lessons in their art at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, starting
June 1, at Duffy's Tavern, 5808 Marina Drive, Holmes
"Not quite 'River Dance' but much fun," said John
Corbett, Dancers' spokesman. Further information may
be obtained by calling 778-2416.

Restaurants close
Woodson Brothers Seafood Grille at 7423 Manatee
Ave. W. recently closed its doors after four years in
operation. The brothers are originally from Cortez and
the sons of former state Sen. Marlene Howard.
The Cafe Colorado at 6701 Manatee Ave. W. also
closed its doors recently after less than two years in

Record sale
Sales agents for Michael Saunders and Co. real
estate recently sold a vacant lot in the Palmer Point
section of Casey Key in Sarasota for $5.325 million,
a record for a single-family home lot in the area, the
company said.
Saunders agents Linda Driggs and Tom Stone rep-
resented the buyer and seller respectively.
The company has offices in Bradenton, on Long-
boat Key and throughout Sarasota.

Winemaker, winemaker
Harry's Continental Kitchens hosted
a winemaker's tasting and dinner
that filled the house and delighted
the guests May 23. Present from
Stanley Lambert Premium Barossa
Winemakers ofAustralia were Jim
Lambert, Hal, Lynn and Harry
Christensen of Harry's, and Lindsay
S Stanley, winemaker. Dinner included
tasting of six Stanley Lambert wines
and a menu prepared under the
direction of Chef Michael Auer of
accompanying appetizer; salad, three
entree courses and dessert. Islander
Photo: Bonner Joy

'Shakey' suspect captured
The second of two suspects involved in the April 12
burglary of the Shake Pit restaurant in the 3800 block
of Manatee Avenue West in which the safe was "towed"
out of the restaurant has been arrested, according to the
Manatee County Sheriff's Office.
Following the original break-in, Jason Jenkins, 26,
was taken into custody, but suspect Bradley McGahey,
23, remained at large until last week.
The restaurant is owned by Holmes Beach resi-
dents Bob and Debbie Crowe.
German concert Sunday
A free outdoor concert of German music is planned by
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 4, on
the church grounds, 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.
The music will be by the band from Sch-
weiberdinger, Germany. A church spokesperson said
those attending should bring their own lawn chairs or
blankets. Details are available at 792-6963.

Coupon Good May 31-June 6, 2006

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TIE ISLANDER E MAY 31, 2006 E A-19

Island elementary students lay down the law

Two fifth-graders from Anna Maria Elementary School
were recognized at a recent Holmes Beach City Com-
mission meeting for their participation in the annual
"There Ought to be a Law" cOntest. Students are given
the opportunity to put into writing what they believe
city commissioners should make into legislation.
The winning submissions came from Olivia
Alstrom and Sarah Scott. Following is each student's
perspective on what "oughta be."

Ban using cell phones while driving
By Olivia Alstrom
We have all seen drivers talking on their cell
phones while driving. There are probably more than
150 million cell phones in the -United States: That
means millions of distracted drivers talking on the
phone, doing everything from business to making
dinner dates, while driving their two-ton cars or sport
utility vehicles. Do we understand the problems caused
by their use'?
Dialing numbers, receiving calls and holding conver-
sations on cell phones while driving eats away at the
concentration required of motorists. We see people all
the time driving slower than normal, swerving down
the road unaware of what is happening around them.
They don't put on their turn signals and often miss their
turns. Some people even write down notes, text mes-
sage and read their e-mails. These distractions make
them more prone to cause an accident.
Numerous studies have shown that the reaction
times of drivers using cell phones is slower than the
reaction time of drivers not using cell phones. When
you put a 20-year-old behind the wheel with a cell
phone, their reaction times are the same as a 70-year-
old not using a cell phone. It is especially dangerous
while merging and changing lanes. I have seen this
happen to my own father, who failed to stop fast
enough because he was on his cell phone and hit the
car in front of him.
The risk of collisions when using a cell phone is
four times higher than when a cell phone is not being
used. Cell phone distractions cause more than 2,600
deaths and 330,000 injuries a year. Would you like to

be one of the people killed or the one to kill an innocent
With cell phone companies offering less expen-
sive ways to purchase phones and more features being
added to them like music, it will only cause more acci-
dents. Our government and individual states must pro-
tect their citizens by making a law to ban cell phone
use when driving a motor vehicle. Some states have
already made this law, but Florida has not. I think Flor-
ida should make this law.

There ought to be a law
By Sarah Scott
There ought to be a law about cutting down trees.
Yes, trees make paper but they also make oxygen and

There ought to

Winners in the
annual Holmes
SBeach "There
SLI ought to be a law"
long* 6 t Iw contest forfifth-
grade students at
Anna Maria Ele-
mentary were, front
from left, Sarah
Scott and Olivia
Alstrom. Both stu-
dents were
awarded a U.S.
Savings Bond from
the city, presented
byformner City
Commissioner Don
S 5" 'Maloney, left, and
City Commissioner
David Zaccagnino.
Islander Photo:
I- Rick Catlin

homes for animals.
In Holmes Beach, houses that have been here a
long time adorned with trees and bushes are knocked
down and turned into another condo or hotel. I think
that there are really too many condos.
Really, do you want to tell your grandchildren how
beautiful it used to look? I'm a child wondering why
are they cutting down trees?
The palms are what make the Island an Island.
If they cut our palm trees down and turn them into
condos, why don't they just call it condo beach? Or,
since there won't be a beach, we'll just have to call it -
the "Land of Condos."
There ought to be a law about cutting down trees.
If they keep it up, your wonderful Island community
will become a community of condos.

*apo fAour nafitg%,
5-6:3r at tle
wine aor, on #iue jazz
on we9nesagQ
5' ttrurs~aa nfRts r


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S20 N MAY 31, 2006 0 TIIE ISLANDER

Kingfish fade, but macks start filling up slack

By Capt. Mik e Heistand
Bait is all over, and that makes fishing easier for
Either inshore or offshore action.
Tarpon are finally starting to make an appearance,
and they're rolling both in the passes and out in the
nearshore waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
Farther out in the Gulf, kingfish reports are mixed,
depending on which guide you're listening to, but the
run should be about done by now. Grouper are still a
good bet, and mackerel are taking up the slack left by
the kingfish exodus.
Backwater action for trout, snook and redfish is
also good, plus a few flounder and some lingering
. sheepshead.
Oh, and cobia are starting to hit as well.
Capt. Wayne Genthner of Wolfmouth Charters
said nearshore kingfish action "is still sizzling hot, with
numerous catches in the 15- to 30-pound class by my
half-day clients using dead and live-wired threadfin her-
ring fished with 6- to 12-pound tackle into chum slicks
while anchored over hard bottom in state waters." He
said he's also getting his clients onto huge barracuda
while engaging the macks, and black tip sharks that
seem to be everywhere this spring. "Cobia have been
in the mix as well, plus a few almost-keeper grouper,
which appear to be colonizing some of the shallow-
water reefs we've been fishing." Backwater action for
tarpon is scheduled in the next few days, and he's look-
ing to use some circle-hook crabs to see what comes to
the boat.
Capt. Tom Chaya of Dolphin Dreams said that
tarpon fishing is picking up around the beaches and
Sunshine Skyway Bridge area, and the silver kings are
hitting on small crabs and large threadfin herring. A few

Happy redfisher
Ken Ladiim of Bradenton caught a 30-inch snook
and a 23-inch redfish while fishing with Capt. Gary
Huffman aboard the Tuna Breath.

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Permit this permit on board
Ken Ward of Tampa caught this 32-pound permit while fishing with Capt. Tom Chaya.

large permit are also being caught off the St. Pete reefs,
and reds and snook are providing good action in the
Capt. Thom Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez
Road said he's catching trout, redfish and snook.
Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle at Catch-
ers Marina in Holmes Beach said there are good
reports of good-size mackerel catches offshore. Tarpon
are being caught most days, plus a few cobia. Offshore
action includes lots of dolphin -the fish, not Flipper -
plus good snapper fishing in about 100 feet of water.
Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said fishers there
are catching mackerel, a few cobia and some snook.
Jesus Rosario at the Anna Maria City Pier said
the action there also includes some mackerel and
snook. There are tarpon rolling by every day, he added,
but the hookups are slim-to-none to date.
Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said
he's finding lots of snook being caught, plus some black
drum and a few scattered sheepshead.
At Perico Island Bait and Tackle, reports include
good-sized redfish in the back of Palma Sola Bay, plus
a few flounder and some sheepshead.
At Skyway Bait and Tackle, reports include
mackerel from the Sunshine Skyway Bridge area, plus
redfish near Joe's Island.
Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of
Parrot Cove Marina said he took John and Carole
Brigham out for an enjoyable day of non-stop action
with schoolie kings to 10 pounds and huge Spanish
mackerel to 6 pounds off the beach of Longboat Key.
"In north Sarasota Ba), they nailed a number of catch-
and-release snook and keeper redfish."
On my boa 1 Mlagic. we caught lots of dolphin up to
24 inches, mangrove snapper to 5 pounds; amberjack


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The Islander

to 30 pounds, scamp to 22 inches in length and a few
keeper-size gag grouper.
Good luck and good fishing.
Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing
guide. Call him at 723-1107 to provide a fishing
report. Prints and digital iinages of your catch are
also welcome and may be dropped off at The Islander
5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to
news @islander org. Please include identification for
persons in the picture along with information on the
catch and a name and phone number for more informa-
tion: Snapshots may be retrieved once they appear in
the paper

Keep Manatee Beautiful golf
tourney coming
The Keep Manatee Beautiful-sponsored golf tour-
nament, postponed from April, will be Friday, June 9,
at the Tara Golf & Country Club, 6602 Drewry's Bluff
Road, Bradenton.
The tournament seeks to make up for the state
legislature's reducing and ultimately eliminating fund-
ing for the organization. Its 2005-06 state grant was
reduced by $7,350, and the 2006-07 grant was killed
for all Keep Florida affiliates, the Manatee group
A four-person best-ball scramble v. ill begin \\ith
a 1 p.m. shotgun start. Registration costs \var- from
$250 to $500. Prize events are closest to the pin. longest
drive, putting contest, and a hole-in-one prize of a new
Hyundai Tiburon from Jenkins Hyundai. An awards
reception will follow golf play.
Details may be obtained by calling 795-8272.

Charter Boat

Backwater Near Shore Up to 7 miles out in the Gulf
Snook Redfish Trout Flounder
Mackerel Snapper
Light Tackle Fishing Reservations a Must!
Tackle, bait, ice, fishing license provided!
Capt. Mike Heistand USCG Licensed

NL 11 1 2 1' iii
un I '1 : 1 1 111. i
I "n .'7 ` 4 I' 4l -
F r. 1 7 I I 'I 1. I 42 I 1:1- I I7
S .I..,..- S .S PI S ?. 117 S 1- D i
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t .iu 04 r, : I -1 3 I .1 I 411 1
-, Ciorie. gri T,des mi,-,nu ,i r-- K. 06 laier

THE ISLANDER M MAY 31. 2006 0 21

Mystery revealed this w weekend for Forida fiction fans

Readers, writers and fans will be gathering just to
our south this weekend for mingling, participating in
panels, book-signing and enjoying an intimate, casual
"Mystery Florida: A Conference To Die For, Chap-
ter 2," is Friday and Saturday, June 2-3, at the Holiday
Inn Lido Beach, on the beach just west of St. Armands
The cost is $99 a person and patron sponsorship is
available for true fans of the genre.
Many of the Sunshine State's finest mystery writ-
ers will be panelists and speakers, including James
O. Born, Cal Branche, Tom Corcoran, Tim Dorsey,
Terry Griffin, Stuart Kaminsky, Jonothan King, Chris-
tine Kling, Bob Morris, Barbara Parker, P.J. Parrish
and Randy Wayne White. Additional authors will be
attending and signing their books Friday at a free-to-
the public event called "Mystery Mingle."
The event will also feature Crime Scene Sarasota,
a look at the professionals who gather clues ahnd.help
solve crimes, presented by a team headed by Lt. Bruce
Whitehead, lieutenant-in-charge, Sarasota Sheriff's
Office Forensic Services Unit.
With attendee registration limited to less than 100,
this will be an intimate setting in which fans, authors
and readers can get to know their favorite authors.
The Mystery Mingle, which is the largest mystery
author-signing event on the west coast of Florida, starts
at 5 p.m. Friday. Circle Books, a conference sponsor,
is gathering authors in the Gulffront Lido Room of the
Holiday Inn for a festive-yet-relaxed book signing and
informal conversation.
Mystery Florida begins in full Saturday at 8:30
a.m., with panel discussions and a luncheon and spe-
cial award. Throughout the day, attendees will have the
opportunity to chat with their favorite authors and pur-
chase books to be signed.
Panel authors will be the guests at the special
patrons of Mystery Florida Saturday after the confer-
ence. For a donation of $500 per couple, the patrons'
dinner includes admission to all events as well as an
invitation for two for fine dining and mysterious talks.
The conference is sponsored in part by Circle
Books of St. Armands Circle and the Sarasota County
Film Commission.
Further information is available at 388-2850.
Oh, and proceeds from the event will benefit the
Tingley Memorial Library.in Bradenton Beach and the
Longboat Library on the key.

: .,.,

By Paul Roat.' I r

Hurricane factoids
OK, so I'm lazy, but some of the following have
been growing green stuff since 1 uncovered them some
years back and they've never seen print in our annual
hurricane section. Enjoy!

In 1972, an East Pakistan cyclone killed
200,000-500,000 people.

Worst in history
In 1900, a hurricane struck Galveston, Texas, and
basically washed the city away. About 15 percent of the
population drowned.

Storm surge is the biggest threat hurricanes pro-
duce in Florida. Two computer models are used to
determine risk for coastal areas. MEOW is Maximum
Envelope of Water,. and used to gauge the amount of
water likely to be pushed ashore by a storm. SLOSH
is the Sea, Lake and Overland Surge from Hurricanes.
and is used to produce maps showing what degree of
flooding is expected from storms.

Stay alert!
Hurricanes can intensify very, very quickly. In
1992, Hurricane Andrew went from a Category 1 to
a Category 4 storm in 36 hours. In 1969, Hurricane
Camille went from a Category 1 to a Category 5 storm
in 48 hours.

Hurricane myths vs. facts
Just because you've always done something doesn't
mean that thing is right.
There are several myths about hurricanes that
we've probably believed for years and years. Unfortu-
nately, we've wasted a lot of time doing things that are

Dr O.C. "Doc"
Walker of
Holmes Beach
.. .is a long way
from home and
home 's warm
climate, but he
took his
hometown news
along when he
went to Alaska,
shown here at
the harbor out-
side Skagway.

Islander in islands Anniversary in Mexico
Jim MeircIe of Holmes Beach takes the news to the David Teitelbaum of Bradenton Beach took his
U.S. I itgin lislanis fot three widiriers at St. AMaartin's Islander south for a seagoing party and sent the fol-
Hidden Forest. wheri h said -tlie hospirali't was ,_,iin.g mis sati withl his photo: "High time in Mexi-
.ijit atdorble." He is proprietor ot'Alrcer's Uphol- C.' l'at'I-rs celehbting 50th high school gradua-
stery in Holnes Beach. tion."

pretty useless. Here are some myths and facts about
hurricane season.

Taping windows protects the glass
Taping windows will do little or nothing to prevent
breaking in a storm. It is a waste of effort, time and
tape. The tape provides little additional strength to the
glass and no protection against flying debris. Once a
hurricane warning has been issued, spend your time
closing up shutters or putting up plywood over your
windows and doors.

Open the house windows on the lee side of the storm
to balance air pressure or the house will explode
The difference in air pressure between the inside of
your house and outside in the storm does not cause the
house to blow up, since no house is built airtight. Hurri-
cane winds are intense and variable, and open windows
even on the lee side can allow flying debris to enter.
Once a window or door is shattered, intense winds can
enter and rip the house apart trying to get out.

Any emergency shelter will do
if an evacuation is ordered
Storm shelters will open depending on the severity
of the storm. Not all shelters may open. Check the radio
or television for shelters that are open. Remember that
shelter space is not adequate for the population, and
conditions are somewhat primitive, so the best course
of action is to stay with friends who live far away from
the coast or low-lying areas.

More pet smarts
I've spent a big part of my life letting dogs lead-me
around, and that isn't even beginning to touch on past
There were a few hard-learned lessons.
I once gave a mutt I had a bite of supper. In the wee
hours of the morning, when I got up to ... well ... I found
myself skating across the living room in the dog puke
caused by my special treat. I guess it was indeed a treat.
The ASPCA has hit on a bunch of tips for pet
owners for the summer season. I'll bet you're going to
read these and think, Jeez, of course! but ...
Never leave alcoholic drinks unattended where pets
can reach them. Alcoholic beverages have the potential
to poison pets.
Do not apply sunscreen to pets or insect repellent
products not labeled specifically for animals. Remem-
ber that pets lick themselves. A lot: Ingestion of sun-
screen products can result in "gastrointestinal upset."
Keep matches and lighter fluid out of reach.
Never use fireworks around pets. My previous
doggie would curl up into a bowl, all 75 pounds of her,
whenever there was a loud noise. My current mutt wants
to go bite the noise. Thunder is always exciting at my
house and fireworks is a new kind of adventure.
Keep your pet on his/her normal diet. Any change
of diet, even for one meal, may give your dog or cat
severe indigestion and diarrhea (see above nighttime
skating story).
Do not put "glow" jewelry on your pets, or allow
them to play with them. While the luminescent sub-
stance contained in these products is not highly toxic,
excessive drooling and gastrointestinal.irritation could
still result from ingestion.
Keep citronella.candles, insect coils and oil prod-
ucts out of reach. Of pets, too.

Sandscript factoid
Here's one that was missed in this week's hurricane
special section: Comfort.
Tool-time David said that the most important tool
one could have before, during or after a big storm is
one's personal comfort. Sleep well, eat well, be as calm
as possible.
You're not going to be able to. function if you're
doing the wakeful tossing-turning sleeplessness in a
90-degree house at 3 a.m. You're also not going to be
worth much to anyone if you're cut, bruised, dirty and
miserable at the same time.
Chill, he advises. Your roof will still be missing
tomorrow. Splurge on a hotel somewhere, if you can
find one, crank down the AC, luxuriate in a long shov. er
and get a good night's rest.
The problems xnon't be gone come morning, but
they won't seem to be quite as huge.

22 M AY 31, 2006 M THE ISLANDER

Cortez Cove Marina a successful age 2

By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
Cortez Cove Marina and Boatworks will note its
second birthday Thursday, May 11, and among the cel-
ebrants are the owners and Arno Prigger, who keeps it
all going.
It is the transformed property that for many years
was the Sigma Fish House on the Cortez waterfront, its
always controversial and often gaudy history behind.
It's a going concern now, under Cortez ownership and
professional management.
Its colorful past began with its founding about 1960
by "Big Bubba" and "Little Bubba" Capo. Junior Guth-
rie bought it in 1979 but ran into unrelated problems
and lost it, sold on the courthouse steps to Chester Bell.
He sold it to Tony Huang, Oriental businessman and
financier who turned it into Sigma Seafood and later
ran into troubles of his own with the U.S. government
and headed home to Taiwan.
S In 1999, Piero Rivolta, Italian businessman and
entrepreneur, bought it, dredged the boat basin, rebuilt
most of the slips and tried to turn it into a marina with
boat rental and onshore living accommodations. So
many Cortezians objected so strongly and so vocifer-
ously that he abandoned plans until Karen Bell and her
partners bought it.
It lay more or less fallow for quite awhile as the
partners waited somewhat patiently for government
permits that finally cleared in May 2004. They even
abandoned the "marina" in its name for awhile, for
-some Cortezians claimed there is no provision for a
marina there in county regulations and why, er, rock the
They fervently but quietly hope now that the tur-
bulence surrounding Cortez Cove is all past, that the
course ahead will be much smoother sailing.
It appears that will be the case, with Prigger at the
Shelm. He has managed to keep most of the marina slips
occupied and the boatworks busy. He and the operation
have met with general approval among Cortezians, for
this is a saltwater village in need of just such opera-
That was Bell's idea when she arranged the pur-
chase of the marina from Rivolta. She manages the fam-
ily-owned A.P. Bell Fish Co. just down the waterfront,
which owns and operates a fleet of fishing boats, and also
owns Star Fish Co. The captains had nowhere to work
on their vessels, so she set out to give them room.
Early on, Cortez Cove installed a big Travelift, a
self-propelled lift that can handle 65 tons of boat up to
65 feet long. Prigger manages the 30-slip marina for
the owners and leases space for the boatworks business
She has built for himself.
Boatmen can have him and his staff do the work on
their boats, or moor them there or haul them out and

The Cortez Cove Marina and Boatworks turned 2 years

work on them themselves -just what Bell had in mind
from the beginning.
Probably a measure of the quality of the yard's
work and the reputation it already enjoys is Rivolta's
continued use of its services: He builds high-end cruis-
ers up to 40 feet in Sarasota's Northgate area, trucks
them to Cortez Cove for launching, final fitting and
Prigger took the long way around to get here.
A rangy quick-moving man reared in Germany, he
became a sailor of impressive competence on his long
way to Australia, where he-headquartered for awhile
captaining charters, sailing in the big races Down
Under, and cultivating his skills.
He was on the Atlantic Coast when Rivolta imported
him, and he stayed on to become a mainstay of Cortez
Cove. He owns two boats, a 35-foot sailboat and a small
power cruiser. He lives in Cortez near his job not that
anyplace is very far from anywhere in Cortez.
In his interesting German/Aussie/Yankee/Southemer
accent, he boasts of Cortez Cove as a "full service and
do-it-yourself' works, well protected from storms that
is attracting boats from Sarasota and points south, with
other yards closed now and occupied by condos.


x..-~ C~

Arno Prigger of Cortez Cove.

Cortez Cove features a ;, ,. I lift that can accommodate 65 ions of boat in lengths to 65 feet.

World Ocean Day festival

at Mote Aquarium
The first World Ocean Day Family Festival in
Southwest Florida will be Thursday, June 8, at the
aquarium at Mote Marine Laboratory, 1600 Ken
Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota, on City Island off the south
ramp of the New Pass Bridge.
The festival, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., will be
cosponsored by Mote and WGCU Public Media to
"fdcus public attention on the sensitivity of our marine
There will.be booths by area environmental and
conservation organizations ranging from sea bird
rescue and protection to Mote's high-tech sea turtle
monitoring program.
The program will be:
11:15 a.m. opening ceremony, with prayer cere-
mony by native American writer Gabriel Horn (White
Deer of Autumn) and his wife Amy Krout-Hor, former
Dakota language teacher and writer, followed by the
Girls Inc. choir.
Noon to 12:45 p.m., interactive music concert with
Rosie Emery.
1 p.m., solo performance by Girl Scout Kristina
Smithman of the song she wrote, "One River, One Sea."
1:30 p.m., Bob Killian will lead a singalong with
his tunes.
Further information may be obtained by'calling

-A`-;35r J~

THE ISLANDER U MAY 31, 2006 0 23

Price wins most.valuable-player baseball award

By Kevin Cassidy
Islander Reporter
Tommy Price was named as the most-valuable
player for the 2006 Anna Maria Island Little League
season at the season-ending awards ceremony May
Price was undoubtedly the most-feared hitter
during the season, though Duncan Real Estate's Blake
Wilson and West Manatee Fire District's Connor Clo-
harty and teammate Daniel Janisch didn't exactly put
opposing pitchers' minds at ease when they strolled to
the plate.
Price finished with an impressive batting average
of over .600 to finish in second place in those stand-
ings, but he also led the league with eight home runs
and was one of the top pitchers and catchers during the
Wilson was the league's top hitter with an impres-
sive .683 batting average a record, according to
league president Andy Jonatzke, also athletic director
of the Anna Maria Island Community Center, where
the league plays its games.
Before the league went to official Little League
rules, Tony Terry, playing for the Island Kiwanis team,
posted a batting average close to .800 with several
home runs deposited into the canal waters beyond the
center-field fence.
Morgan Stanley catcher Chris Pate won the rookie-
of-the-year award for his stellar play behind the plate

and a batting average of over .300 for the season.
Jake Rappe was awarded the sportsmanship trophy,
based on his overall attitude and skill on and off the
Congratulations to all of the players, coaches and
parents for another great season of baseball on Anna
Maria Island.

Horseshoe news
Jimmy Spencer of Anna Maria Island Privateers
fame teamed up with Karl Thomas of Vancouver Island,
Canada, to be the outright winners of the May 24 horse-
shoe competition at the Anna Maria City Hall pits.
The Spencer-Thomas team was the only team to
win each of its three pool play matches, leaving the
other four teams to battle it out for second place.
Walker Herb Ditzel of Anna Maria emerged from the
three-team battle to claim second place by defeating
Ron Pepka of Bradenton and England's Peter Watson
by a 23-16 score.
Debbie Rhodes of Cortez and Tom Skoloda of
Anna Maria defeated walker John Johnson by a 21-10
score to win the May 20 horseshoe competition. John-
son advanced to the finals by defeating the team of
Pepka and Hank Huyghe 22-9.
Play gets under way at 9 a.m. every Wednesday and
Saturday at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Warmups
begin at 8:45 a.m., followed by random team selection.
There is no charge to play and everyone is welcome.

cut lines:
Rookie-of-the-year award-winner Chris Pate of Morgan Stanley, batting champ Blake Wilson of league cham-
pion team Duncan Real Estate, MVP Tommy Price of West Manatee Fire District and teammate and sportsman-
ship winner Jake Rappe, pose with their awards from the Anna Maria Island Little League.


PC)O. Box 1539
Sarasota. FL 34230

SUNCOAS T phone 941-792-5685
DOCK & BOAT LIFT fax 941-366-9069
"PROUDLY SERVING A,. I1.. M RIi Fo. o IER 20 rArHS!"

Key Royale golf news
The Key Royale women were back on the course
May 23 after a two-week hiatus due to rain, but Joyce
Reith was in midseason form. She posted a one-
under-net score of 31 to defeat second-place finisher
Cindi Mansour by one stroke and third-place finisher
Mary Selby by two to capture first-flight bragging
Mary Miller's 31 was four shots better than second-
place finisher Jean Tourt, who finished with a 25, while
Pat Rice shot a 36 to claim third place in flight two.
Dolores Jorgensen was the top putter on the day
with 14 putts, while Roswitha Fowler, Jean Holmes,
Mary Miller, Joyce Reith and Tootie Wagner tied for
second with 15 putts. Jorgensen also had a chip-in on
hole No. 9 to add to her round.

Boys basketball camp next week
Manatee High school boys' varsity coach Brian
Reeves is hosting a basketball camp June 5-9. For $60,
players will receive 15 hours of instruction on the fun-
damentals of basketball and a camp T-shirt. The camp
runs from 9 a.m. to noon for high school-age players,
while the middle school-age camp runs will be noon-3
To register, contact Coach Reeves at 714-7300, ext.
2147, or e-mail him at reevesb@fc.manatee.kl2.fl.us.

Join Her-icane golf challenge
The Manatee High School Her-icanes girls' soccer
team is hosting a fundraising golf tournament at the
Bradenton Country Club at 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 9.
For only $100, golfers can test their skills at one of
Bradenton's most exclusive and challenging layouts in
a four-person scramble.
Players who register before the Aug. 1 deadline
will receive a goody bag, post-tourney banquet, paid
cart and greens fees and guaranteed fun throughout the
day. Also on tap area straightest-drive contest, two
closest-to-the-pin contests, a putting contest and raffles
for tons of prizes. The field is limited to the first 100
golfers, so don't delay.
The Her-icanes are also looking for sponsors for
the tournament. For $800, the Hat Trick package
includes a golfing foursome, banquet, a tee or green
sign on the course and a banner which will be displayed
at all Manatee Her-icane home soccer games. A golden
goal sponsorship includes a golf foursome and a tee or
green sign on the course for $500, or fund a tee or green
sign for the tournament for $125.
To sign-up your foursome, list your four players
and their phone numbers with a check written out
to Manatee Girls Soccer Booster and mail it to me,
Coach Kevin Cassidy, 3610 York Drive, Bradenton FL
To sign up for sponsorship or for more information,
call me, writer/coach Cassidy at 751-6602.

Snook" Trout Redfish Tarpon Grouper Coba.

C apMark Howard Inshore/Nearshore!
..)Mark Howd USCG liceised/losUred

We'd love to hear your
fish stories, and pictures
are welcome, too.
Just give us a call at
778-7978 or stop by our
office in the Island Shopping
Center, Holmes Beach.
TLei Islander

Everything You Need for Florida Fishingq

:'L .


(by Holmes Beach boat basin)
(major credit cards)


----~ --_L

-24 N MAY 31, 2006 T THE ISLANDER


AERIAL PHOTOS of Anna Maria Island. View and
purchase online: www.jackelka.com.

FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp,
crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call
James Lee, 941-795-1112 or 704-8421.

LONGBOAT KEY HISTORY "From Calusas to Con-
dominiums" by Ralph B. Hunter. Signed copies
available at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive,
Holmes Beach. 941-778-7978.

ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open 9:30-2 Tuesdays and
Thursday. 9-noon on Saturdays. Always clearance
racks. 511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. 941-779-2733.

FOUND: MALE RABBIT, gray and white. Holmes
Beach. 941-778-5590.

LOST LOVEBIRD Lovebird lost on Anna Maria
Island, May 14. Very friendly bird, loves people and
goes by the name "Sneaky." Height is 6", yellow col-
oring on head and under body with orange coloring
between eyes; green wings with turquoise back. If
found please contact Denice Jordan, 813-391-8944
Tampa-, or email DJordan27@tampabay.rr.com.

KARATE ON THE Island: Ages four through adult.
Call 941-807-1734 or

BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a personal-
ized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park.
Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Forms at The
Islander or call 941-518-4431 for more information.

Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor
; 778-0455


Multifamily beach home on the Gulf in the heart of Anna
Maria. Excellent rental history with a high percentage of
repeat clientele.This is a rare opportunity to own a part
of island paradise. Call Jennifer at 704-2810


DUPLEX LOT in Holmes Beach Bay Palms.
Tropical foliage surrounds spacious lot for duplex
and removal of older structure provides a lovely
building site. Asking $649,000. Open to offer.


Ve ARE the Islan
SINCE 1957
Marie Franklin, Lic. Real Estate Broker
941778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250
E-mail amrealty @verizon.net
Web site www.annamariareal.com


FREE GUN LOCK. Yes, free. Just for the asking.
Courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserva-
tion Commission. Free at The Islander newspaper
office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be
sorry, be safe.

GUARDIAN AD LITEM volunteers needed: A guard-
ian ad litem is a trained volunteer appointed by
the court to represent and advocate for the best
interest of children who have been abused, aban-
doned or neglected. Make a positive impact! Call
941-744-9473 or visit www. 12circuitgal.org.

FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to
foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough
for adoption. All food and medical provided. Julie,

ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes.
All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened.
Please, call 941-922-0774.

2001 BOSTON WHALER Outrage. 26-foot center
console, twin 225-hp Mercury Opti-max, full
electronics, low hours, full cover. $55,900.

experience selling pontoon boats, runabouts, deck
boats, fishing boats from 16-32 feet. Feel free to call
Dan at 941-778-7556.

2003 TRIUMPH 19-FOOT Bay boat. Center con-
sole with T-top. Four Stroke Yamaha 115-hp with
165 hours. Loaded with options, storage, cooler,
rod holders, casting decks. Excellent condition with
recent bottom paint. $12,995. Call 941-224-5015.

BONUS! CLASSIFIED ADS are posted early
online at www.islander.org.

DUPLEX $599,000

304 65th St. Holmes Beach
3BR/2BA Coral Shores Saltwater canal
4604 Bimini Drive

Tina Marie Doxtator, P.A.
All Aces Realty www.tinahelpsumove.com

nCall us i 8-2307 1- 800-306-9666
rent yOUlj ... franm Creok 1 1m.31i corn,
properties ,.
Unbeatable ,'
sery.ir. for j 1 ..S ,, aM.i
-over35 FRAh
- years! v ....
SB' 1 : '.' *, r 9701 GZi;"nve

MESMERIZING GULFSIDE VIEWS! A leisurely sort of luxury
pervades this 3BR townhouse with soaring ceilings, labor-
saving kitchen, liberally-sized closets, inviting master suite with
lazyloft upstairs. creatively-sized 2.5-car attached garage with a
Te'as-sized storage room Grab a rare find in Island
Village before someone else does! Sensational
at lust $609,.000 Call Jim ur'Alessio 19-11 73;-0606.

Ji 'Aesi 34 2n laeEatBrdntn

1990 MAKO 21-FOOT, cuddy cabin, Johnson 225,
both boat and motor refurbished in 2000, trim tabs,
GPS, Sitex depth-finder, downriggers, trailer. Must
see. $10,000. 941-795-7738.

LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on
the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater
and near shore fishing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait,
tackle provided. 941-723-1107.

SEEKING PIANO PLAYER evenings for Ooh La La!
Bistro. Music range from classical to jazz. Call Chef
Damon, 941-778-5320.

NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten
pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Res-
taurant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call

FULL-TIME OR PART-time housekeeper for local
area motel. Call 941-778-2780, ask for Janet.

SEEKING A RELIABLE and pleasant person for the
wash-and-fold department of local laundromat. Call

JOB WANTED: HARD worker seeks part-time
busboy job on Island. References available.
941-778-9789, or cell 941-920-3840.

BUSY ACCOUNTING FIRM seeks full-time book-
keeper to assist with accounts, daily record keep-
ing, payroll. QuickBooks and Excel expertise a
must. Call Jamie, (941) 748-2683.

ONLINE SERVICE: Did you know you can place
classified ads and subscribe online with our secure
server? Check it out at www.islander.org, where you
can read Wednesday's classified at noon on Tues-

Open, light and bright, completely updated, 1BR/1BA condo. New
furnishings; appliances and custom window coverings. Tranquil view
over pond with fountain and.partial bay view. Relax in the largest
heated pool on the Island, enjoy tennis on lighted courts, fish from the
bayfront dock, or entertain friends in the newly decorated clubhouse.
Deeded beach access. Runaway Bay ~ 1801 Gulf Drive N., # 271.
By Owner 941-778-8327. Agent participation welcome. $359,900.

I :. .' ;'I

Well, almost everyone...
Anna Maria Island's longest-running, most award-winning
newspaper ever is favored by Islanders and visitors at newsstands
and by mail-order subscribers. And Baby Evan Talucci of Holmes
Beach highly recommends reading The Islander every week.

Thie Islander

SINCE 1992
Web site: www.islander.org


THE ISLANDER E MAY 31, 2006 0 25



ness, building with additional income, beer and
wine, $1,690,000; Breakfast/lunch turnkey restau-
rant in busy Bradenton plaza, beer and wine,
$79,990; Pack-and-ship, great Sarasota location,
good franchiser support. $99,900; Pet grooming,
profitable business in strategic location, good cus-
tomer base. $75,000. Bait and tackle, profitable.
Great Cortez location, motivated seller, $65,000.
Confidentiality agreement required for details.
Longview Realty, 941-383-6112. For more great
business and realty buys:

SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and
intermediates. Free skimboard use with lessons.
$10 per half-hour lesson, three lessons rec-
ommended. Local teen, team competitor. Call

BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with
kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, 941-756 5496.

BABYSITTER, PETSITTER, dog walker: First-aid
certified, 13-year-old, eighth-grader, female, great
with kids and animals. Call Kendall,

NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia, 941-761-1569.
Red Cross certified.

ENSURE YOUR CHILD'S safety while you relax.
Call Gemma, 941-447-9657. Responsible, reliable
and experienced, with a love for children. Red Cross
babysitting and first-aid certifications.

I \ Gulf-Bay Realty
Jesse Brisson
Broker Associate, GRI
MINI RESORT: Two duplexes, four units in
Bradenton Beach directly across the street from the
beach. $649,900 each duplex.
FULL GULF VIEWS: Unobstructed-views from this
adorable 2BR/1BA turnkey condo. $499,000.
LOT: 101X12-foot lot. Build one or two units in
central Holmes Beach close to Gulf. $689,000.
SANDYPOINTE: 2BR/2BA impeccably maintained
condo close to everything. Must see. $355,000.
sf condo with pool. $579,000.
CANAL HOME: Tranquility and gracious living
abound in this spacious home. Many features.

DOG WALKER, PET sitter, child sitter and odd jobs.
Tenth-grader, available after school and weekends.
Zach, 941-779-9783.

RED CROSS first-aid certified babysitter certified.
Call Alex, 941-778-5352.

KIDS FOR HIRE ads are FREE for Island youths
under 16 looking for work. Ads must be placed
in person at The Islander newspaper office, 5404
Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.

MAN WITH SHOVEL: Plantings, natives, patio gar-
dens, trimming, cleanupp, edging, maintenance.
Hard-working and responsible. Excellent refer-
ences. Edward 941-778-3222.

LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint-
ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine
Car Service. Serving the Islands. 941-778-5476.

computer misbehaving? Certified computer service
and private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice.

wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reason-
able, reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured.

CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist.
Experienced certified technician for communica-
tion electronics offers wireless and cable networks,
upgrades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and train-
ing. Call Robert, 941-778-3620.

TOWNHOUSE/VILLA: 3BR/3BA Healed pool, gazebo, upgrades. 5598,000.
ARBORS 2BR/2BA, golf course, turnkey, clubhouse S263,900.
MARTINIQUE N.-Direcl Gull view, corner with garage, storage.
Updated. Shows beautifully. S899,000.
KEY ROYALE Canalfront lol. 9,450 sf. Golf course view. S699,000.
BAYVIEW- 4-5BR/4BA, induding guest quarters. Large master suite. 51,330,000.
GULF VIEW. Holmes Beach duplex or 4BR/2BA home. 5799,000.
HARBOUR VILLA CLUB- 2BR/2BA, turnkey, boat dock. 5794,900.
BAYPOINTE- 4BR/3BA villa. Fight month new. 5251,000.
5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807
yrealt7@aol.com www.tdollyyoungrealeslate.com

ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod-
eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens,
baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519,
#CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting
MasterCard/Visa. 941-720-0794.

puter solutions for business and home. Installation,
repairs, upgrades, networking, Web services, wire-
less services. Richard Ardabell, network engineer,
941-778-5708, or cell 216-509-1945.

CALL DAN'S RESCREEN for your free estimate
today. Affordable rates, quality work guaranteed. Pool
cages, lanais, windows, doors. Call 941-713-5333.

Bondable, with much experience available any-
time. References furnished. 770-832-7319.
Ewingwt @earthlink.net.

CUCCIO TILE: Many Island references. Free esti-
mates. Licensed and insured. 941-730-2137.

WILDLIFE REMOVAL and relocation: Problem solv-
ing for all animals, big and small. Call Joe, West-
coast Nuisance Wildlife Service, 941-778-3455, or
cell 941-720-4152.

THE ROYAL MAID Service: Licensed, bonded,
insured. Professional, experienced maids.: Free
estimates, gift certificates available. Call now,

MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet.
Beginning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray,

case Natural setting surrounds
S '+-- this 3BR/2BA home with
open water views, boat
-- dock, hot tub, steps to
beach and turnkey
furnished! Offered at
BAYVIEW DUPLEX includes lot on bay!
3BR/3BA and 1BR/1BA duplex or 4BR/4BA home
with boat docks and gorgeous view of Sarasota Bay.
Offered at $969,900.
Super opportunity to own Island business!
Offered at. $169,000 & Inventory.
-^^i 'Deborah Thrasher
RE/MAX Excellence
(941)518-7738 .
(9411 383-9700 DebMThrash@aol.com
+ O O0, O OO O 00 O 0


KEY ROYALE 3BR/2BA single-family on deep large canal.
Kitchen updated. Large caged pool, great dock, boatlift.
Turnkey furnished. $1,100,000. Call Michel Cerene, Broker,
(941) 545-9591 evenings.
CANALFRONT 3BR/3BA home in Anna Maria with new
guest quarters. Updated electric, new air conditioning/heat,
updated kitchen, vaulted ceiling. Sailboat water, no bridges to
'bay. Turnkey furnished. $749,000. Call Lori Guerin, Realtor,
(941) 773-3415 or Carmen Pedota, Realtor, (941) 284-2598.
KEY ROYALE -This outstanding 3BR/3BA canalfront home
has been renovated, updated, and added on. Extensive
pavers, brick walk and patios, new barrel roof 2004, 75-foot
seawall, 50-foot dock with 13,000 Ib boatlift, this home
is' lovely inside and: out. A 27-foot Sport Craft with twin
150s will stay with full price offer. Offered at $1,650,000.
Call Zee Cafanese, Realtor, (941,1742-0148 evenings.
GULFFRONT CONDO Serene Gulf vistas can be yours
at a remarkable price. Spacious 3BR/2BA with private
lanai overlooking white sandy beach. Undercover parking.
$795,000. Call Lori Guerin, Realtor, (941) 773-3415 or
Carmen Pedota, Realtor, (941) 284-2598.

5910 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217
Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770
1-800-741-3772 info@smithrealtors.com
Web site: www.smithrealtors.com


r ~1 -r 1F~ I


26 M MAY 31, 2006 T THE ISLANDER,

1 1 '

BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refriger-
ation. Commercial and residential service, repair
and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County
and the Island since 1987. For dependable,
honest and personalized service, call William Eller,
941-795-7411. CAC184228.

ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional cre-
ates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding!
www.jackelka.com. 941-778-2711.

NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing massage
in the comfort of your home. Call today for an
appointment, 941-795-0887. MA#0017550.

TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years
experience. References available. For a reasonable
price, call Sebastian, 941-704-6719.

HANDYMAN WILL BARTER services for lodging
near beach for summer months. Call Thomas,
941-807-2210. References.

commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, land-
scaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured.

ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair.
Monthly.and quarterly accounts available. If it is
broken, we can fix it. Call 941-778-2581.

CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING: Top quality lawn
and landscape maintenance. Now accepting new
accounts at great rates. Please call 941-778-2335
or 284-1568.

native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, clean-
ups. Island resident 25 years. Call 941-807-1015.

installation. Huge selection of plants, shrubs
and trees. Irrigation. Everything Under the Sun
Garden Centre, 5704 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.

KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean-
ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City
of Anna Maria resident. Cell 941-448-3857.

SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $42/yard. Haul-
ing: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free esti-
mates. Call Larry at 941-795-7775, "shell phone"

installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Res-
idential and commercial. 30-years experience.

ups, installations, native plants, palms, aquascapes,
rock and patios. Shell installed $42/yard. Shark
Mark 941-727-5066.

SARAMANA TREE COMPANY: Serving your area
with fast, friendly and dependable service. Great
rates. Call 941-400-2887 or 941-224-0848.

VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/
exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island refer-
ences. Bill, 941-795-5100.

ing contractors. In-house plan designs. State
licensed and insured. Many Island references.
941-778-2993. License #CRC 035261.

mates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at

CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING.Island and off-Island ser-
vice since 1975. Repairs and new construction.
Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certify-
ing back flow at water meters. FL#RF0038118-941 -
778-3924 or 778-4461.

TILE -TILE -TILE. All variations of ceramic tile
supplied and installed. Quality workmanship,
prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil,

ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod-
eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens,
baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519,
#CCC057977, #PE0020374, Insured. Accepting
MasterCard/Visa. 941-720-0794.

All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting.Thirty
years experience. Insured. Meticulous, clean, sober
and prompt. Paul Beauregard, 941-779-2294.

KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements
Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops,
cabinets and shutters. Insured and licensed,

TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed.
Why pay retail? Island resident, many references.
Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor
Coverings. 941-792-1367, or 726-1802.

JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy-
man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pres-
sure washing and tree trimming. Call 941-778-6170
or 447-2198.

WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more.
Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in-
home consultation. Island references, 15 years
experience. 941-778-3526 or 730-0516.

HANDYMAN SERVICE: Winton's Home-Buddy
Inc. Retired banker, Island resident, converting
life-long hobby to business. Call 941-705-0275 for
free estimates.

PAINTING BY CARLOS: Exterior and interior paint-
ing. Faux finish, wallpaper, stain, popcorn ceiling,
woodwork, pressure wash. Office 941-761-4071 or
cell, 941-580-2421.

IMPACT WINDOWS AND doors. Exclusive distrib-
utor: Weatherside LLC on Holmes Beach. Free,
courteous estimates. Jeld-wen Windows and Doors.
Lic.#CBC1 253145. 941-730-5045.

ishing, texture, interior carpentry. 941-320-2506.

RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal.
Wedebrock Real Estate Co., 941-778-6665 or

online at www.islander.org.

are posted early

Pam Dial, PA
(941) 704-4962
<45a4- oa$.

Smuggler's Landing 2BR/2BA water-
frontcondo withden.Almost1600sf with
40-foot deep-water boat slip: Vaulted ceil-
ings, built-ins and wet-bar.$699,000..

., ',,ti, c

Smuggler's Landing -2BR/2BA Remod-
eled unit with glass enclosed lanai over-
looking your 40-foot deep-water boat
'slip. $589,000.
I I^. ,,

Mariner's Cove tiegaral ihrin hrumi, wiI Mariner's ove BR/2BA, 1800UU+ st
deeded 24-foot boatslip. 4BR/3BAwith over condoin exclusive Mariner's Cove. Deeded
2,700 sf of living space. Just completed in boat slip on deep-wafer canal opens
Dec. 2001 and is like brand new. $899,500. directly into the Intracostal. $675,000.
I"'9- f' .. I .. .1

Harbour Landings Estates Approx. 1/3 Riverview Blvd -Newerhome in Riverview
acre on deep-water canal in the estate section district Over 3,400 sf with 4BR/3.5BA and
of Harbour Landings. Lot comes with 40-foot pool. Almost one acre loton Warners Bayou.
boat slip on protected basin. $879,000. With newer dock and davit: $1,475,000.
Pver 20 years experience specializing in waterfront & boating properties
www.floridamoves.com/pamela.dialpa pamela.dial@floridamoves.com

$415,000 "
One of five original fishing
cottages on one lot, all from c. re e
the 1930s. This cottage has REAL ESTATE

floors and is nicely turnkey ---
furnished. Peeks of Tampa 941 7 4
Bay from the garden. 941778-0455
Maureen Dahms 9906 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria
Owner/Agent, Cell www.greenreal.com
(941) 730-0587

Sr. ip4tg Mna cl. LLC,
6842 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key 941.387.9004
Tracy@L27financial.com www.Latitude27,com

SPalms Realty
S Michelle MAusto
SFine Homes Specialis/
P esdent's Circle Rerlpieot

1301 N. Bay Drive.
Dired boyfront, 2BR/2BA
1,079 f, nicely furnished.


752 N. St. Judes: Canal-
front home, 3BR/2BA,
1,925 sf and boat dock.

E mail: michellemusto@prudentialpolmsrealty.com

THE ISLANDER 0 MAY 31, 2006 0 27

ISA 9 C L A 9E

SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR two
master suites-/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes
to beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/
dryer, garage, designer furnished with tropical
yard setting. One of tlhe finest rentals on Island.
$1,600/weekly. Call 941-713-0034 or e-mail:

1 BR/1BAwith breathtaking sunsets. Pools, Jacuzzi, walk
to shops and restaurants. Available weekly, monthly, sea-
sonal. 901-301-8299 or e-mail captko462@aol.com.

WEEKLY RENTALS: Alecassandra villa, 1 BR/1 BA,
$700/week; Island duplex, 2BR, $800/week;
Gulffront cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton
Beach Club, 2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please
call Kim Fisher, Wagner Realty, 941-778-2246.

1BA suite with full kitchen, fully furnished,
one block from Bridge Street, three minute
walk to beach. Sleeps four only. No pets. Now
taking reservations for summer. Available weekly,
monthly or seasonal. 941-776-3696, or e-mail

MONTHLY RENTAL: 2BR/2BA with den. Furnished
condo on canal. West Bradenton. Five minutes to
beaches. $2,100/month. June through November

COZY EXPANDED MOBILE home in 55-plus resort.
bayside, furnished, parking, walk to beach/trolley.
$800/month, annual. $1,400/month, seasonal.
518-473-1169 or rgumson@mail.nysed.gov.

ANNUAL OR SEASONAL: New home, 55-plus
park, across from beach, turnkey furnished,
2BR/2BA, central air conditioning, heat, washer and
dryer, carport. $1,100/month, call for seasonal rate.

BEACH LIVING: SEASONAL, Furnished one room
efficiency. Utilities included. Gulf views and large
decks. 941-505-1962.

HOUSE FOR RENT: North end, annual 3BR,
spacious, clean, steps to beach, tranquil setting,
$1,500/month. 941-778-3006.

FISHING FOR a good deal? Look in The Islander,

SANDPIPER 55-PLUS: Furnished 2BR/1 BA bright,
cozy mobile home. Large kitchen, wood deck, nice
- location. No pets. $625 monthly. 941-779-0556.

LIDO BEACH: 2BR apartments. Delightful and
modern with porch/lanai in garden setting. Across
from beach, walking distance to St. Armands Circle.
Eight minutes to Sarasota Main Street. Fully fur-
nished, including full kitchen and laundry room.
Available weekly, 941-383-2566.

caged pool on canal in Holmes Beach. Month-to-
month lease, $1,500. 941-778-3006.

KEY ROYALE: 3BR/2BA house on canal with
dock, all new inside, two-car garage, community
pool/tennis, washer and dryer, fireplace, pets
OK, $2,250/month. Westbay Pointe & Moorings,
2BR/2BA condo, second floor, water view, fur-
nished or unfurnished, annual lease, $1,500/month.
72nd Street duplex, 2BR/2BA, second -floor,
loads of storage, garage, 360 yards to beach,
no pets, $1,200/month. SunCoast Real Estate,
941-779-0202. www.suncoastinc.com.

Oetf f /1M eaolpstate9 -
419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291
EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294

Endearing 2BR/1BA old-timer within steps of and spacious 2BR/1.5BA home just one short
the sparkling Gulf! Features include wood floors to the Gulf! Situated in a mixed residential/comr
and pine ceilings, and original claw foot tub. Holmes Beach district, the property offersfive g
Built in 1924, this rustic charmer is a diamond which can be rented to various businesses. 9
in the rough! Zoned ROR. $599,900. foot lot with room for expansion, large eat-in ki

Visit our Web, site at

! Light

built-in display cabinets, Pergo floors plus carpeting,
and spacious sun deck. $1,495,000.

Expandable. office center in two buildings on Pine Avenue and Crescent Drive in
Anna.Maria, with attractive landscaping and ample parking. Property includes two
buildable lots; one lot has only a utility shed on it, which could be replaced with
another office building. Current tenants include a real estate firm, a mortgage broker,
a podiatrist, and an apartment tenant. All have been tenants for five or more years.

J jim An derrson Licensed Broker
Jim Anderson Realty Company
PO Box 1789 401-B Pine Avenue Anna Maria, FL 34216
941.778.4847 toll free 1.800.772.3235
_wvw.jimandersonrealty.com e-mail: jim6805@aol.com


--- SPANISH MAIN Wonderful detached 2BR/1BA villa
on Longboat Key. Water views, close to the clubhouse
and deeded beach access. Spanish Main Yacht Club has
much to offer and is a beautiful and exciting 55-plus
community. $395,900.

RIVERVIEW BLVD. Custom open floor plan offers gracious living for discriminating
tastes. Custom home with views of the Manatee River boasting 3,200 sf under air with
3BR/3BA. Observation tower, elevator, hardwood cabinets and floors, granite countertops
and much, much more. Ask about the energy-saving features. $989,000.
A WATERLOVERS DREAM! Wonderful master suite with a grand deck overlooking
the bay, 4 guest suites + a grand room, and a gourmet kitchen opening up onto a wrap-
around deck with bay views. Easy boat access Bay and Gulf. Offered at $2,795,000.
LARGE LOT 101x112-foot lot located in central Holmes Beach. Many possibilities on
this property including room to build two homes. $689,000.
ANNA MARIA CANAL HOME Tranquility and gracious living in this spacious home.
Covered deck, Swedish hot tub room, art studio, dock and lift, fireplace, giant walk-in
closet and room for a pool. $985,000.
WESTBAY POINT & MOORINGS: Rarely available 3BR unit, overlooking canal.
Spacious bedrooms and eat-in kitchen. Over 1600 sf, heated pool and spa in a beautifully
maintained bay-front community. $599,000.
GREAT VALUE! Home with Deeded Boat Slip. Ground level 2BR/1BA home
in a quiet neighborhood. Bright and airy with an open floor plan. Short walk to
the beach and just steps from your boat. Great winter residence or investment/
renovation potential. Priced to sell at $575,000.
MINI RESORT Four units in Bradenton Beach directly across the street from the Gulf! Room
for a pool, great rental history, Gulf views from roof top sundeck. Property is ripe for condo
conversion or just sit back and let the income roll in. Each duplex offered at $649,900.
1 AND 2 BEDROOM CONDOS Enjoy fabulous sunsets from your rooftop deck! Just
one block from the beach and centrally located in Bradenton Beach. Walk to Historic
Bridge Street, restaurants, shops, and marina. Turnkey furnished & ready to rent. New
heated pool and rooftop deck! Wonderful island escape! Starting at $329,000.
FULL GULF VIEWS! Unobstructed views of the Gulf from this adorable 2BR/1BA
turnkey condo in Bradenton Beach. Low association fees, no rental restrictions, and zero
maintenance. $499,000.
BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME 75 x 106 lot across the street from the beach in central
Holmes Beach. Walk to shops and restaurants. Architect plans available for a custom designed,
beautiful ground level home permissible on this lot, or build up for gulf views! $627,500.
SANDY POINTE: Impeccably maintained 2BR/2BA condo in central Holmes Beach
within walking distance to shops, restaurants, and the beach! No rental restrictions make
this condo an instant income producer. Heated pool, covered parking, storage, washer dryer,
and new water heater! Don't wait come see this tastefully done unit today! $355,000.
derful open-beam ceilings, new flooring, new dock, no bridges to bay. Short walk to
beach, botanical park and a great restaurant. $779,000.
Coastal designed 3BR/2.5BA home with 18-foot ceilings, granite countertops, stainless
appliances, wood floors, 8-foot French doors, two open decks, Hardi Plank siding, a swim-
ming pool and much more all close to beach access! This is a must see! $849,000.
539 ul rie HlesBec
A A St~co

~ c~ Irs-IT

280 MAY 3 1, 2006 U THE ISLANDER

Sandy's Lawn Service Inc.
Sand's Established in 1983
Lawn Celebrating 23 Years of
Seric* Quality & Dependable Service.
778.1345 and hardscape needs.
Licensed & Insured

Paradise Improvements 778-4173
Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist
SReplacement Doors and Windows
Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault
Fully Licensed and Insured Island References

1 '1P 221 C.III,' IT Y I V: N T IJI' 'N' I N li)N I IhI. 11 217!
Office: (941) 778-2246 792- 8628
E-mail: haroldsmall@wagnerrealty.com

CRC016172 94 1 -750-9300

Removal of all types of trash, debris and junk.

FREE 6 yr.
Maintenance Program
Experienced in:
Licensed & Insured
ILic. #CCC1325742}

WCIIWO-kNus Out7At E

anna maria
Gulf Coast
Now accepting annual rental
properties on Anna Maria Island
Over 20 years
Real Eslale



Massage by .
Nadia ;


Anyone can lake _'
a picture. pi.tur
A professional aI-. "- &'
creates a portrait.


941- "8-11 -
wwM'./jackelka. coin '*

BRADENTON BEACH ANNUAL rental: Ocean/beach
view from yard. Single 2BR/1BA, washer/dryer, big
back yard, pet OK. Clean house! Great neighbor-
hood! $995/month. 2204 Ave. C. Also, small 1 BR/1 BA,
$695/month. 216-701-5334 or 216-469-2857.
SEASONAL DUPLEX: 2BR/2BA with laundry.
Three-minute stroll to Gulf, north end of Island.
$2,200/month, three-month minimum.

ANNUAL RENTAL IN Holmes Beach. One block to
the Gulf. 2BR/1 BA. Close to trolley stop and stores.
Washer and dryer on premises. $1,100/month, utili-
ties included. Call 646-842-0096, soon!

$800/month. Seven-month lease. One in Bradenton,
two in Sarasota. Call Jackie, 941-929-7165.
and shopping. Three-to six-month lease, no pets.
$800/month plus some utilities. 703-790-0077.

2BR/2BA waterfront, unfurnished. Includes water,
sewer, cable. Old Florida Realty, 941-778-3377.

ANNUAL GROUND-LEVEL Gulffront condo,
2BR/2BA, pool, washer and dryer, $1,600/month.
Call Islanrd Real Estate, 941-778-6066.

lift, washer and dryer. Call Island Real Estate,

GROUND-LEVEL DUPLEX nine houses to beach.
2BR/1BA, $1,100/month plus utilities. Call (941)

tub. Watch the sunrise from roof top porch.
$1,525/month. Call Island Real Estate,
LUXURY. 2BR/2BA CONDO: Perico Bay. Yearly,
waterview, tennis courts, pool, clubhouse.
$1,500/month. 941-792-0568. Available now.

ANNUAL 3BR/2BA with garage in Holmes Beach.
Washer and dryer hookup. No pets. Available June
1, 2006.941-778-7039.

SUMMER SUBLET, JUNE and July. Great deal
to the right tenant. Perfect family getaway or
romantic beach house. $3,500 for two months or
$2,000/month. 3BR/2BA, 1 block from beach, Mex-
ican tile, big yard, deck, outdoor shower, plants,
piano, skylights, full of paintings and books. Fam-
ilies welcome. Pet negotiable. Utilities included.
941-778-7930, or cell 941-855-0444.

duplex, washer and dryer, ground level, non-
smoker, $875/month plus security and utilities.

DUPLEX: ANNUAL 2BR/1BA. $1,000/month. 200
steps to beach. New appliances and paint: 206 73rd
St., Holmes Beach. Call first, 941-778-2658.

LUXURY 2BR/2BA CONDO: Beach access, tennis,
pool $875/week. 2BR mobile home $800/month,
$700/month annual. 863-688-3524. Cell

ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA home, bay views,
huge two-plus-car garage, $1,350/month. Fran
Maxon Real Estate, 941-778-2307.

VILLAGE GREEN POOL home: large lanai
2BR/2BA, near Blake Medical Center. Annual,
$1,300/month, plus first and deposit.

ANNUAL RENTALS: 2BR/1BA home with garage.
$1,350/month. 3BR/2BA waterfront pool home,
$3,250/month.Call Betsy Hills Real Estate, P.A., at
941-778-2291, or e-mail Jason@ betsyhills.com.


VILLAGE GREEN VILLA: 2BR/2BA two-car garage.
1,900 sf, just beautiful. End unit on cul-de-sac, pool,
pets OK! $1,200/month annually. 941-725-4425.

SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals.
1BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to beach,
shopping, restaurants. 941-778-3426. Web site

Lake condominiums, west Bradenton. Close to
beach. Starting at $329,900. Call Cori Woods,

deep-water canal with large dock and views of
Tampa Bay. Reduced $795,900. 941-779-1512.

FOR SALE BY owner: Best value on the Island!
2BR/ 2BA, one-car garage, gourmet kitchen, new
windows, updated baths and more. Two blocks from
beach. $615,000. 941-778-8677. 406 Bay Palms
Drive, Holmes Beach..

3BR/2BA: One bedroom used as a den/office/
playroom, enclosed lanai, tiled with carpeted bed-
rooms. 1,400 sf, county water/sewer, citrus trees,
near Brentwood school in Sarasota. Reduced to
$274,900.941-379-4196 or 941-954-7474.

PERICO ISLAND: 1,170 sf, lovely 2BR2BA condo.
Great water view/porch. Eat-in kitchen. Concrete
built. $325,000. Agents welcome, 941-792-7828.

504-819-0867 or 504-391-0324.

1,500 sf 3BR/2BA, private dock and davits. Sail-
boat water. 130-plus feet of seawall. Room for a
pool. Ready for remodel or build new. Incredible full
bay views. $999,000. Mike Faber, 941-504-6345.
RE/MAX Gulfstream Realty.

KEY ROYALE: Holmes Beach. Direct bayfront, gor-
geous view of Skyway, 3BR/2.5BA, two-car garage,
private dock. $2,500,000: North Point Harbor canal-
front 4BR/3BA, five-car garage. Elevated with new
lap pool/spa/waterfall, seawall and dock. $872,500.
2BR/2BA, two-car garage, renovated ranch with
new seawall/dock/20,000-Ib lift. $989,500. Both with
community pool and tennis. Call Lynn Bankuty,
Realtor, SunCoast Real Estate, 941-737-1420.

C P R: 941-794.1515.
www.coastalpropertiesrealty.com. Sales, rentals,
property management. Coastal Properties Realty.

LOT FOR SALE: 57.75x114 feet. Great location
one block from Gulf beach. $569,000. 125 Neptune
Lane, Holmes Beach. 941-778-4246.

"Copyrighted Material
FSyndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"

.g 94 1


THE ISLANDER N MAY 31, 2006 M 29

4 9 m 4 9ASIF.E=D

ANNA MARIA ISLAND Club: 2BR/2BA condo. Fully
furnished and equipped. Best-kept condo complex
on the Island. Beautiful beach, pool, hot tub, sauna
and sunsets. No more left on the Island like this!
$969,000. 317-873-3307 for instructions on virtual

REDUCED $128,000: BEACH duplex. 4Br/2Ba
pool-size lot, partial ocean, exclusive area. Rare
weekly income. $599,000. 205 71st St. past beach
Bistro on Gulf Drive.-Janet, 941-538-033, Realty
Executives Solutions.

REDUCED! Large Anna Maria lot, deep-water
canal, no bridges, custom plans available. $650,000.
Details at http://mysite.verizon.net/talbotl, or call

concrete structure with enclosed downstairs. 3,300
sf total, easily convert to single-family. $529,000.

REDUCED $128,000: BEACH duplex. 4BR/2BA
pool-size lot, partial ocean, exclusive area. Rare
weekly income. $599,000. 205 71st St. Past beach
Bistro on Gulf Drive.-Janet, 941-538-0233. Realty
Executives Solutions.

*bayside condo with deeded 35-foot deep-water
dock and carport, pool, tennis. $539,000.

ANNUAL 2BR/2BA elevated duplex with screened
porch, deck, Mexican tile, covered parking, washer/
dryer, yard care. Available now. $1,050/month. Call

FOR SALE: BRIGHT and clean, furnished 1BR/1 BA
condo on Cortez Road, near Bradenton Beach.
$150,000. Call Jackie, 941-929-7165, or

OPEN HOUSE 1-4pm Saturday and Sunday Bay-
view and canalfront with pool. 2BR/2BA open plan,
new kitchen. Totally upgraded. Dock, three davits.
Owner motivated. Not a drive-by, must see inside!
By owner. Call Herb Dolan, 941-705-4454.404 21st
Place. Bradenton Beach.

$45,000 WILL BUY 566 sf of living space next to Bra-
denton Beach City Pier. Excellent condition, very clean,
ready to move into with all appliances, plus washer
and dryer, central air conditioning and heat plus 2005
20-foot Landau Bandit pontoon boat and new 20-foot
Continental trailer. Boat slips available to members of
boating club and owners. Annual dues $50. This is
a steal. Bill, 250-769-7531, or 250-215-1275. Three
hours time difference at west coast.

WATERFRONT TOWNHOME with deeded dock,
pool, 3BR/3BA, large storage room, two-car
garage. Former model, many upgrades. $825,000.

Brand new furnished, bay windows with water view.
Hurricane Force-3 manufactured home. One mile
from Anna Maria Island and one block from Intra-
coastal Waterway with new marina and boat ramp.
Land owned. Home owner's association optional.
$159,900. 941-224-6521.

JUST REDUCED, PRICED for quick sale: Condo,
2BR/2BA, 100 yards to beach, 8-unit complex,
1,100 sf, pool, walk to restaurants, shops and
beach, turnkey furnished, $499,000. 941-713-0042
or 941-713-2155.

WATERFRONT HOME WITH a pool. Only $575,000.
U.S. designed, built, and renovated by famous
architect middle name Lloyd-. Must see. Call Car-
leen at Smith Real Estate. 941-224-6521.

KEY ROYALE: Remodeled pool home. 3BR/2BA
caged pool and spa. Boat dock. Let's make a deal.
Priced $40,000 under bank appraisal for quick sale.
Vacant and move-in ready. $879,900. Call Fred/
owner at Real Estate Mart, 941-756-1090.

off Palma Sola Bay. No flood zone. 3BR/2BA, two-
car garage, large fenced lot. $335,000. Real Estate
Mart. 941-756-1090.

ADORABLE CONDO: Move-in condition.1BR/1BA
plus den. New paint, tile, doors, toilet, large lanai,
pool. Only $149,900. 941-795-2832.

$396,900.2BR/2BA by owner. Unit completely ren-
ovated with new tile throughout.except plush new
carpet added to bedrooms. Kitchen remodeled:
new appliances, pantry, laundry area and break-
fast bar. Master bath: large walk-in closet, sepa-
rate dressing area with loads of counter.space.
Screened lanai overlooks protected bird sanctu-
ary and waterways. Covered parking for two vehi-
cles with extra storage room. Condo tastefully turn-
key furnished in quality beach decor. Small pets
and vacation rentals allowed. Condo resides in
an extraordinary location where you cross over
a quaint wooden bridge and find the small com-
plex nestled amongst mangroves and a nature
preserve where solitude abounds, yet just a
short walk brings you to the beaches, stores
and trolley. Incredible price that won't last long.
Shown by appointment only. Call 941-518-9275.
For more details and pictures go to Web site: http:\

DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance. We
accept ads by fax with credit card information, 778-9392, at our Web site (secure server) www.islander.org, and by direct
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Faux painting Cabinet refinishing
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go to Alaska, England, Germany, Canada, Hawaii
and nearly all points in between. These news-hungry
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"the best news on Anna Maria Island."

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Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive
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941 778-7978 email: news@islander.org

30 M MAY 31, 2006 THE ISLANDER

A 9D E A S 9L' E I D

3BR/2BA WEST BRADENTON. Close to beaches.
2,095 sf, pool. 7508 19th Ave. W. $399,500. Rose
Bay Real Estate. 941-751-0582.

DESIRABLE ANNA MARIA lot for sale by owner,
50x110 feet. 117 Willow Avenue. Asking $500,000.

PRICE REDUCED! Two bedroom, extra-large bath
with Jacuzzi tub. Huge kitchen, bay view and
directly across from Gulf beaches! Million-dollar
views for only $169,900. Seller motivated. Call Jill
Sullivan at Keller Williams, 941-232-9783.

CLUB BAMBOO SOUTH: Direct Gulffront. Every-
thing is new in this professionally decorated condo.
Great rentals, on-site management, pool and more.
Priced to sell fast at $459,000. George, work
312-321-7501. Cell 847-707-3859.

NO ASSESSMENTS FOR one year! Runaway Bay
2BR/2BA. Everything new in 2006. Great view of
pond, guarantee on air conditioning and more! Best
in the complex at the lowest price in complex and
I will pay your first year's assessments. $385,000.
George, office 312-321-7501. Cell 847-707-3859.

VILLAGE GREEN VILLA: Your hurricane getaway!
2BR/2BA, two-car garage, new kitchen, paint
and carpet, cul-de-sac, pool, pets OK! $299,900.

a TVA lake, approximately 90 miles long in North-
east Mississippi. A small gated community with
private 30-foot covered boat slips, pool and spa.
There are only 13 undeveloped lots left. The lots are
priced from $49,900 to $150,000, including boat slip.
Property taxes range from $500-$1,500/year. Call
Bailey at Bailey Williams Realty for more information.
Office, 800-748-9051. Cell 662-415-7999 or.Anna
Maria, 941-778-1356, You will be glad you called!

lake resort, a private, gated community with
both lake-view and mountain-view homesites. Lots
starting at $29,900. Call today! 931-243-4871.

NORTH CAROLINA: 10-acre gated equestrian com-
munity with riding trails. Never before offered with
20 percent pre-development discounts. 90 percent
financing. Call 828-312-1263, or 828-312-3765.

NORTH CAROLINA GATED lakefront community
1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never before
offered with 20 percent pre-development discounts,
90 percent financing. Call 800-709-5253.

tiful western North Carolina mountains. Free color
brochure and information. Mountain properties
with spectacular views, homes, cabins, creeks
and investment acreage. Cherokee Mountain
GMAC Real Estate. cherokeemountainrealty.com.

MOUNTAIN PROPERTY! Interested in buying prop-
erty in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina?
Call Active Realty today at 800-979-5556, or visit
our Web site at www.ActiveRealtyNC.com.

MURPHY,N.C.: Aah, cool summers, mild winters,
affordable homes and mountain cabins, land. Call
for free brochure, 877-837-2288. Exit Realty Moun-
tain View Properties. www.Exitmurphy.Com.

NORTH GEORGIA: New homes in a gated moun-
tain community nestled in the foothills of the Appa-
lachians. Golf, tennis, lake, pools. For information,
678-232-8415, or www.benttreegeorgia.com.

rolling vista views. One- to 5-acre parcels from the
$40s. Grand opening event June 2 4. Planned
clubhouse, nature trails. One hour from Chatta-
nooga. Two hours from Nashville. Call for appoint-
ment, 866-292-5769.

Atlanta and the coast. Waterfront community with
incredible moss-draped hardwoods. Planned club-
house, docks, and more. 1/2 to 3 acres from
the $40s. Minutes to historic Eufaula. Call owner,

lakefront or view retreats. Rolling hills, mild climate.
One- to over 40-acre sites from $40,000. On the
border, 90 minutes to Nashville. Phase II selling
now! Owner, 866-339-4966.

VIRGINIA MOUNTAINS: Five acres with frontage
on very large pristine creek, very private, excellent
fishing, canoeing, good access, near New River
Trail State Park, $39,500. Owner, 866-789-8535.

75-mile view and hardwood trees. Financing avail-
able at $59,000 with little down. Perfect for log
cabin. This one won't last. Call today, 800-699-1289,
or www.riverbendlakelure.com.

GEORGIA: BLAIRSVILLE in the north Georgia
mountains. Land, homes, commercial and invest-
ment. "Everything we touch turns to sold." Jane
Baer Realty, 706-745-2261 or 800-820-7829.
www.janebaerrealty.com, janebaer@alltel.net,

WESTERN NEW MEXICO: Private 74-acre ranch,
$129,990. Mountain views, trees, rolling hills, pasture-
land, wildlife, borders Bureau of Land Management.
Picturesque homesite at 6,700-foot elevation. Horse-
back riding, hiking, hunting. Perfect family ranch, elec-
tricity. 100 percent financing. NALC 866-365-2825.

FLORIDA LAND BARGAINS. Opportunities to own
your own farm, ranch, woodland or lakefront home-
stead. Old Florida at its best! Still affordable! Call
866-352-2249, or www.fllandbargains.com.

BENT TREE: GOLF ard tennis, gated community in
the north Georgia mountains with clubhouse, pools,
lake, stables. Homes and lots available. Craft Inc.
800-822-1966. www.craftrealestate.com.

first year.* Western North Carolina mountains near
Brevard/Cashiers area. Two 11-acre homesites. Water-
falls, streams, great views. Limited time offer. McKeough
Land Company, 866-930-5263. *Restrictions apply.

HOW TO ADVERTISE in the Islander Classifieds:
DEADLINE: MONDAY NOON for Wednesday pub-
lication. CLASSIFIED RATES for business or indi-
vidual: Minimum $10 for up 20 words. Each addi-
tional word over 20 words is 500. Box: $3. Ads must
be paid in advance. Classified ads may be submit-
ted through our secure Web site: www.islander.org
or faxed to (941) 778-9392 or delivered/mailed to
5404 Marina Drive; Holmes Beach FL 34217. We
are located next to Ooh La La! in the Island Shop-
ping Center. More information:(941) 778-7978.

Unique waterfront
Some with 39-foot
boathouse and
44 foot deepwater
boal slip. As an
added bonus this
3BR/2BA home that
was rebuilt and
enlarged three years
ago also has a
1 BR/I BA mother-in-
law apartment, which would be perfect for a home office if you don't
want your mother-in-law to visit! Gourmet "main home" kitchen, see-
through gas fireplace, heated pool and many more extras. 4,900 sf
under roof. Possible owner financing available for qualified borrowers.
A must see at $2,250,000. 502 72nd St., Holmes Beach. Ted E. Davis
Real Estate. Owner/Broker. By appointment, (941) 778-6155.


r.,ioenr in a smaI, c.ijoivp neri~riboriarod in ifr mcirairlalr ai are or Annarj Mjru IairaFu
Erilov irjrqul aJby viliaiS. uVfoinlouI ,-,uldocir living pacv4 goriaeauE rlerPmer ~io mfra[s nd
tlarulaluI Iarnis( 3pirig Fr'jn i r. rjjrarra) r,.iIi~ ia ,ne gr~ aad tra~ajr I,.~ Ir~ arlj~rcr .I~iaa' IIca:r~r,,)
in Intd danrira rolom hi', SBR. 5B8A ria.rl honmea lull c -cal i::ij m ln in' fla. Tr,,' ; ridronau Iuy
a:u~li~ar jbirij.rv, and mrnrel A lu uriou ,',r ve ornrcar mria hm mirh dJrlI brv ji i0i jcc t
1,:' Ire Iarina Baaj -Id hr. GijH Oi Mf i',:a j lqaIejdi ar. ri an eIr, .jlir l- irn mufr, v,1 mrrilrjfl'
VVlhrul aui a ,lrutil hi, r; par3dict. In pprade$e 2,795O,00

ISLAND CONDOS FROM $299.000 I jnu lrw cm nir
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AFFORDABLE ISLAND CONDOS: Totally redesigned 2BR condo with Gulf
views for $344,900. Updated 2BR condo with great bay views $334,900
and 1 BR with bay views, only $289,900. Can't beat these prices!
UNIQUE TOWNHOUSE: Expanded kitchen/dining room and a hot tub.
Across from beach, low fees, community pool. 3BR, two-car garage. No
condo rules! Now only $570,000.
SIDE-BY-SIDE NORTH BEACH VILLAGE townhomes, each with two
master suites, four porches, two-car garages, close to pool. $585,000 and
NO STREETS TO CROSS TO THE BEACH: Many recent upgrades, 4BR,
four-car garage 10,000 sf duplex corner lot. Just $839,900.
RENTALS IN PLACE: Island duplex with annual renters in place, totally
renovated in 2003. 9,060 sf lot. Drastically reduced to $575,000.
VILLA SOFIA: New in 2003, private heated pool. Rental income,
GULFFRONT: 2BR/2BA for $669,000. Sixth floor 2BR/2BA with amazing
views and upgrades, $849,000 and Longboat Key Gulffrontfor $789,000.
Heated pools, tennis.
VILLAGE GREEN HOME: Beautiful home with many new improvements
temporarily reduced to $268,900 for a quick sale!
GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY: Ground-floor condo totally updated in a private
setting. Lots of amenities! Heated pool, clubhouse, etc. Just $144,900.
L5rsaTEs Pams' www.Wedebrock.com

? W11 1. 1.

4/5BR beach house on 3/4 acre
lot on the Gulf of Mexrco. Open.
& screened gulf view balconies &
porches.$4,800,000. 748-6300:Kathy
Marcinko, 713-1100 orSafdy Drapala,
725-0781. 527811

tumkeycondo overlooking Gulf. Remodeled
with Tommy Bahama furnishings. New
A/C. Great complex: elevators, heated
pool, sauna, tennis courts & good rental
policy. $989,000. Jody Shinn, 748-6300
or 705-5704. 529979

beach access, short distance to beaches.
Nice bright& open interior, newerappliances,
wood laminate floors. Secured complex
w/corimunity boat dock, heated pool & spa
overlooking bay. $799,900. Jody Shinn,
748-6300 or 705-5704. 525665.

PLAYA ENCANTADA. Superbly maintained Gulf-front complex w/ extras. Include'
2BD, turnkey furnished, built-ins, partial Gulf views, updated kitchen, hurricane
shutters, view of heated pool and jacuzzis. $795,000. Kimberly Roehl, 748-6300
or 447-9988. 525492
GLAMOROUS FULL BAY & GULF VIEWS from this cozy, tucked away condo. Dock
w/ deeded boat slip, large storage.unit beneath, low association fee, large loft area.
Easy access by way of Cortez Rd. & close to beach. $749,900. 'Cindy Pierro, 748-6300
or 920-6818.523777
POOL HOME w/over 3,000 sq ft. Hardwood floors & Plantation shutters throughout.
Wood cabinets & granite kitchen. Crown molding & custom built-ins in master suite, den
&,family room. Oversize garage, newly resurfaced pool & patio In private setting. $650,000
Kathy.Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767:529187
COME LIVE THE GOOD LIFE In this charming bungalow. If the interior of this 3BR doesn't
charm you, the setting on the street will. Rushing dock in back. $629,000. 748-6300. Judy
LaValllere, 504-3792 or Ann DeBellevue, 720-7614. :518185
SUNRISE TO SUNSET views of Regatta Pt. Marina & across river to downtown Bradenton
off balcony. Totally renovated, w/hardwdood floors, Corian counters, hurricane shutters
& more. Boat slip available for lease. No bridges to Bay & Gulf. $590,000. Cindy
Pierro, 920-6818. 528934
RUNAWAY BAY. Excellent investment in a furnished 2/2 cdhdo on Bradenton Beach
w/liberal rental policies. Bay front complex w/.pool, tennis, fishing, boat access,
shuffleboard & exercise facilities. Priced well. $399,000 Victoria Horstmann, 748-6300
or 518-1278.529381
HOLMES BEACH. $10,000 Remrodel Allowance provided by Seller. 2BD villa on Anna
Maria for under $400,000 with water views. 1 block to 2 beach accesses in Holmes Beach,
deeded access to Spring Lake forfishing and canoeing, attach enc. garage & room for pool.
$378,500. Kimberly Roehl, 748-6300 or 447-9988. 527673
CHARM & CHARACTERI Spacious eat-in kitchen opens to great room w/beautiful stone
fireplace, tile flooring, cathedral ceilings & separate dining room. Pool w/community
lake, gazebo & close to beaches. $359,900. 748-6300 Kathy Marcinko, 713-1100 or
Sandy Drapala, 725-0781. 529542
VILLAGE GREEN. Neat & clean home has easy care wood laminate flooring throughout.
Enjoy your lush:yard while relaxing in the 26 x 11 Florida Room. Popular Malibu
Model is sure to please: $259,000. Ruth Lawler 748-6300.or 587-4623 or Maryann
Lawler, 586-8257. 527169.
'S i *A 5' 4 'g ~ Z 5

Simply the Best

I-- eh
UNIQUE SET UP Desirable Anna Maria duplex.
Each side faces a different street. 1,860 sf. A must
see for $699,000.

ADORABLE COTTAGE Hardwood floors, large
garage/workshop. Located in historic fishing village.
Walk to great restaurants and the beach. $255,000.

2BR/2BA fully furnished home already in a rental pro-
gram. A must see! Only $550,000

g m ,'

KEY KUYAILE Lowest pnce on Kxey. Beautinuily
furnished 2BR/2BA, overlooks boat basin and
down canal with boat slip. Tastefully landscaped.
View of bay.

3BR/2BA, heated pool.
Exceptional views, turnkey
furnished. $1,950,000.

nished one block to beach. Large screened porch and
pools. $499,000.

)RHOOD Priced :to sell, this duplex
A across from bay. $499,000.

$289,000. VACANT BUILDING LOT in quiet neigh-
borhood near beach. Cheapest cleared lot on the Island:

Mike 800-367-1617
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THE ISLANDER 0 MAY 31, 2006 0 31


SiiCL a

3BR/2BA home. Ceramic tile, breakfast bar, backyard
with pavers, room for pool. Fence, new dock. Direct
access to bay. $849,900.
3/4BR/2BA updated canalfront home. Dock and boat
lift. Ceramic tile, new large kitchen, granite counters,
heated pool and Jacuzzi, family room. $1,179,000.
4BR/2BA, turnkey-furnished. Open plan, vaulted ceiling,
breakfast bar, eat-in kitchen. Bamboo flooring, elevator.
Near beach. Four-car garage. $1,350,000.
3BR/1.5BA Old Florida Cracker cottage and studio
apartment. West of Gulf Drive, in Anna Maria City. Just
steps to gorgeous beach. $875,000.
3BR/2.5BA home with 122-foot panoramic water view.
Split plan, breakfast bar, foyer entry, room for pool,
88-foot private dock. $2,500,000.
4BR/2BA elevated house, just steps to gorgeous beach.
Furnished, breakfast bar, eat-in kitchen. Seller may
finance! $1,450,000.
2BR charmer, close to beach! Great income producer with
view of Gulf! Italian tile, fireplace, furnished. Patio with
pavers. $649,900.
2BR/2A Gulffront condo. Turnkey furnished. Updated.
ceramic tile. Excellent mid-Island location. Pool, secured
lobby, under-building parking. $995,000.
3BR/2BA nicely furnished first floor unit. Just steps to
heated pool. View of beach, tennis, great rental, on-site
manager. Ceramic tile. $995,000.
2BR/2BA waterfront home. New seawall, 20,0001b boat
lift. Community heated pool, tennis. Island's finest resi-
dential area. $989,500.
3BR/2BA. Turnkey furnished condo. Views of Gulf.
Tennis, heated pool, beautiful beach. Excellent rental with
liberal rental policy. $995,000.
2BR/2BA. Turnkey furnished. Close to Island beaches.
Heated pool, tennis, clubhouse/fitness room. Carport.
Short drive to shopping and restaurants. $349,900.
1IBR/1.5BA Seaside Beach House condo. Turnkey fur-
nished. Sautillo tile. Gorgeous view of the Gulf. Beautiful
beach. Excellent rental.-$799,900.
3BR/2BA, turnkey-furnished condo on beauciful ,i walking
beach. Open plan, breakfast bar, walk-in closets, elevator.
Small pet. $1,999,000.
2BR/2BA turnkey furnished. Gulffront complex, secured
entry, heated pool and sauna, tennis. Great rental. Central
Holmes Beach. From $675,000.
1BR/1BA Turnkey-furnished villa. Heated pool, steps to
deeded white sandy beach access. Rental program in place
on-site manager. Small pet. $349,900.
4BR/3BA waterfront home. Auto-clean lap pool, hot tub
and waterfall New seawall and dock. Five-car garage.

From $700 / month

Condos/Homes: $500 week / $1,000 month

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RONT Key Wesi-style rome eon
ilboal waler Boailh open floor
an, tour-car garage wor,,kout
om and 30-toot screened aal-
)ny. Becky Smirr or Ell SlarretI,
41) 77822-16. MLS#520397 .

f thie l.W)eek

ANNA MARIA ISLAND CLUB Panoramic STORYBOOK COTTAGES Just steps io ine WATERFRONT DUPLEX Island duplex in BEACH DUPLEX Prime Holmes Beach CORAL SHORES GEM Boaling paradise!
Gull views Irom Ihis lully lurnished 2BR.'2BA beach. A 2BR, 1BA collage wtlh a iBR, iBA walenrcni selling. 2BR.'2BA plus family room location within sleps ol Ihe beacr unique 10.000 lb Ili private d.ick, alw.ater carnal
lop lloor openplan condco.Well.malailalned, bungalow Livie in ore and rent Ihe c.her and .2BR.'1BA .urrenlli leased LOCaled in duplex 3BR,2eA ground floor unit and a ml utesiromGuli,shopping reslauranis and
heated pool. secured elev.alor, covered orr renl bolt. Anne. MilIer 941-i 788.2246.. quiet area ollsland., Canal with dockage Dave 1BR, 1BAuni abivegaracge Daeve Molriynhan, nore.Furnishred JoeCort.,b. i41778.224
parking Date Monnlan t911I 778.2246 MLSt518824~,I,25 000 Mi.rynharn, 1941) ;82246 MLS#518143. 941l778.2246 MLS,52J807 5775000 MLS519236 $559,00)0
MLSS518199 ,$899.i00i 799.500
L IIYD~. PMAL... h

.. -lia iiiwilill --------
furnished unii oherinQ sipa;ious Iloor plan one bredro tjni l uniBrealhiaking, li* Ir rri
wiln eal-in kircnen, Dreakilai Dar, walk-in private balcony. Healed po0,l and more
closets. fireplace and Iwo balci:onies. Dave Turnkey lurnishel Bill Greene or Dee
Mvloynihar, 941) 778 2246 MLS#507333. Dee Burke 19411 383.5577. MLS'2;99657
$565.000 $54 1001

CANALFRONT HOME Orjc'rruriity t. oarr
in desifaraOI' walnrDirol community of .,ral
Scores Easi Fre adler rcanalr.-Eadci~. arnd
Sedw,aalt i& wvoriov P;IErFEutrslEri 441)
-,T622-16 MLSvSc,9417. $495 1)1

several 1 C:r 2BR urniis. baylronl piol side value a5llrii home in s. ,ughl-aher east iCiruntr
and ,:lher .visew Some upd.aled prone lor nei.hbornocod Fenrced /ard.communrypool
deliaai OnCr,. l rentals j94 11 778-2246 Irnnis counrl. andi lO annual tee Won I lasi'
MLS40U0001340 Pnce d i,349.0i00.149-14 00 Gina and Peler UlhanoRr yal Team. 19411
741.-2500 MrLS#521489 1288.000






----- ---------



Special "Storm-Ready Section" May 31,2006
Hurricane Season: June 1-Nov. 30,2006


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, good for 'season'

. recovery post-big one
S.. Paul R,-.
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Neighborhoods were awash, and oil coated the surface of the water after Hurricane Katrina churned through
Louisiana last year Photo: Courtesy FEMA

... and the survey says: We're dumb

Although Anna Maria Island residents may be far
brighter than most, the results of a recent survey regard-
ing hurricane preparedness is frightening.
The survey was conducted by Mason-Dixon Poll-
ing & Research of 1,100 adults in Atlantic and Gulf
Coast states between April 26 and May 2. It has a
margin for error of plus or minus 3 percent.
Some of the findings:
56 percent of residents don't feel vulnerable to a
hurricane or related tornado or flooding.
60 percent have no family disaster plan.
68 percent have no hurricane survival kit.
83 percent have taken no steps to make their
homes stronger.
13 percent said they might not or would not evac-
uate even if ordered to leave.
"Katrina was quite a national wakeup call, yet it
seems too many residents are still asleep," said Max
Mayfield, National Hurricane Center Director. "We're
facing another active and potentially deadly season. It's
vital that residents of hurricane-vulnerable states take
the threat seriously and get prepared."
Hence the National Hurricane Survival Initiative.
The initiative, funded by sponsor Plylox, with addi-
tional support from Progress Energy, Travelers insur-
ance and BellSouth, aims to educate residents in hur-
ricane-vulnerable states about the risks and steps they
can take to protect themselves.
According to the report, "One alarming regional
survey finding was how long many residents would
wait before evacuating and how far they would go, fac-
tors that increase the chances of evacuees getting stuck
in gridlock and caught on the road a most dangerous
place to ride out a storm.
"One in five said they would leave only 12 to 24
hours before a storm makes landfall, and one in three
said they would drive as far as possible, trying to outrun
the storm. In fact, emergency managers say residents
should only go as far as necessary to find a safe shelter
outside the evacuation zone."
According to Florida Division of Emergency
Management Director Craig Fugate, that's just plain
"We need residents to know they can't outsmart,
outguess or outrun a hurricane," he said. "Hurricane
forecasts give us a warning, but these storms' direction
and intensity are subject to change dramatically. People
can't wait until a storm is bearing down to prepare and
have a plan."
Another concern is that of the elderly. "Of the
13-percent of residents who reported they are respon-
sible for an elderly or disabled person, one in three had
no disaster plan for them if a hurricane threatened."
The knowledge gap was also huge, according to
the survey. "The deadly threat of storm surge was one
of the most serious knowledge gaps revealed by the
survey. A total of 68-percent did not know storm surge
represents the greatest potential for loss of life from

a hurricane even after witnessing the destructive
force of storm surge during Hurricane Katrina. Experts
say storm surge can account for deaths well inland, yet
13 percent of coastal residents said they would not or
might not evacuate even if ordered to do so."
Got insurance? Many don't. "The survey also
revealed as many as a third of residents may not be
adequately insured. One in three of those surveyed
said it's been three years or longer since they reviewed
their insurance coverage and an equal number said they
didn't have or weren't sure if they had replacement
coverage. Given the huge growth in property values in
many areas, these residents may not have adequate cov-
erage to rebuild if they suffered catastrophic losses."
And about half tho-.e surveyed thought they had,
flood insurance as part of their homeowner policy,
when in fact it is not included in homeowner's insur-
And then there were these chilling results of the
94 percent didn't know that garage doors are the
structural component most likely to fail during a hur-
ricane. :
70 percent wrongly thought most tornadoes occur
within three miles of the eye of the storm. In fact,
tornadoes associated with land-falling hurricanes are
spawned in rain bands that reach hundreds of miles
from the eye of the storm.
81 percent did not know that storm intensity is
the least reliable forecasting projection. That's signifi-
cant because it means residents may not realize that a
Category 1 or 2 storm could be a Category 4 or 5 at
50 percent still thought masking tape would help
keep windows from shattering. In fact, masking tape
.offers no protective value at all.
67 percent thought candles or kerosene lamps are
suggested items to use in the event of a power failure.
In fact, emergency experts warn that they are significant
safety hazards.
For more information, visit the Web site:

Street or river? After Hurricane Katrina hit the New
Orleans area last year, it was hard to tell. Photo:
Courtesy FEMA

Things aren't looking

good for 'season'

recovery post-big one
By Paul Roat
"Hurricane season" starts June 1 and continues to
Nov. 30.
As we've found out, though, hurricane hell can last
for weeks, months, and even decades.
The start of hell is warm water. Thunderstorms
form. Rain falls. Wind blows. Thermal air currents start
to shoot up into the sky. More storms. More wind, and
the wind starts to push counterclockwise.
And the usually placid waters of the Gulf of
Mexico, or the Caribbean Sea, or the Atlantic Ocean,
become a host for a tropical wave, or a tropical storm,
or a hurricane.
We've been living in a post-hurricane season for
several years now. In 2004, Hurricane Charley was
armed and ready to make landfall at the Sunshine
Skyway Bridge, but veered to the east and hit Punta
Gorda instead.
Then came Hurricane Francis. And Hurricane
Jeanne, both again veering away from Anna Maria Island
that year, causing some damage but not the devastation
that our neighbors up and down the coast experienced.
Last year was the same for Islanders, but horribly
different for others. Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Rita.
Hurricane Wilma, at one point the strongest-ever storm
on record.
Rare is a news report, be it TV or print, that even
today doesn't carry a mention of 2005 storm damage
and the resulting aftermath in what's left of the northern
Gulf Coast.
The history we've watched is the lesson of tomor-
We've focused for years on the need for evacuation
in the face of a storm. The care needed to secure our
property. The supplies necessary to get us through the
"storm event," as emergency management officials like
to call the stormy as it approaches.
But it's only been in the past few years that the
devastation has really gained a name, and that name is
Although the federal and state government offi-
cials, as well as regional and local authorities, proclaim
they're about as prepared as they can be for a disaster,
the hard fact of the matter is that all of their planning
probably won't be enough.
Sure, you can expect government to get you off the
Island in the face of a major storm. We proved thatAug. 13,
.2005, when Hurricane Charley threatened and we left.
But think about having to fend for yourself for the
next few days, or weeks, or, as we're seeing in New
Orleans, months? Are you ready for that?
Emergency management officials are not-a bunch
of dummies. They advise us to be prepared to be on
our own for at least a week if a big blh\\ comer toward
Seven days worth of water a gallon a day per
person plus food, clothes, medicine, alternate light-
ing, comfort items, whatever.
Evacuation shelters are havens of last resort.
Remember the pictures of the Superdome after Hur-
ricane Katrina hit New Orleans? Of course, the condi-
tions here will not echo those in the Big Easy, but it
sure won't be easy trying to bed down amidst 200 or so
people on a hard floor for a night, let alone a week.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency,
reeling after the debacle of Hurricane Katrina, has dras-
tically reconfigured itself.
There are almost three times the number of
employees within the agency today as compared to this
time last year.
There is a new director, and the No. 2 person is a vice
admiral with the U.S. Coast Guard a good thing for
those who were mesmerized by the TV coverage of Coast
Guard choppers lifting victims from devastation last year.
The agency is also planning to "pre-deploy"
people in areas where storms approach to provide a
quicker response for victims, and communications have
improved through satellite hookups. Claim processing
is also better now than then.
Will it all be enough? Probably not.
Emergency management officials predict that it
could take a community up to five years to fully recover
from a Category 3 (winds of 111 mph) hurricane.
They estimate 10 years recovery time for a Cat-
egory 5 storm.


How hurricanes came

to be named
Katrina, Rita and Wilma are familiar names to hur-
ricane watchers, but the naming of storms is a relatively
new aspect in the science of studying whirly weather.
An Australian weatherman, Clement Wragge, was
the first to use female names in describing tropical
storms in the late 1800s, although he also named sev-
eral after politicians whom he particularly disliked.
Meteorologists in the U.S. military picked up the prac-
tice during World War 11, naming storms after their
wives and girlfriends.
In 1951, weather officials began to use names to
designate storms, using common military titles of Able,
Baker, Charlie and the like. Two years later, female
names became the norm, with the next two hurricanes
Dubbed Alice and Barbara.
Complaints poured into the National Weather
Bureau from women upset that they were being sin-
gled out in describing wicked weather, but the practice
continued until 1978, when hurricanes in the eastern
Pacific were alternately named for men and women. In
1979, nomenclature for Atlantic hurricanes followed
suit with Hurricane Bob the next "male" storm.
Six bisexual lists of hurricane names have been
developed by the World Meteorological Organization.
The names are short, easy to remember and commonly
used names from the English, French and Spanish lan-
guages. To receive a name, a tropical low-pressure
center must develop at least into a full-fledged tropical
storm with wind speeds at 39 mph.
The lists are repeated every six years, although the
names of killer storms are retired from use.
2006 hurricane names for the Atlantic Ocean:
Alberto Helen Oscar
Beryl Isaac Patty
Chris Joyce Rafael
Debby Kirk Sandy
Ernesto Leslie Tony
Florence Michael Valerie
Gordon Nadine William

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The Mississippi coastline was flattened by Hurricane Katrina last year Photo: Courtesy FEMA

Another 'above average'

storm season predicted

By Paul Roat
In an all-too-familiar refrain, hurricane forecasters
are predicting another "above-average" storm season
for the Atlantic basin.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-
istration has crunched the data and determined there
is "an 80 percent chance of an above-normal hurri-
cane season, a 15 percent chance of a near-normal
season, and only a 5 percent chance of a below-normal
According to a report released last week, "The out-
look calls for a very active 2006 season, with 13-16
named storms, 8-10 hurricanes, and 4-6 major hur-

g never looked so gooc

Evlebror Cuto rn Fiborglast DoOr A252

ricanes. This prediction indicates a continuation of
above-normal activity that began in 1995. However, we
do not currently expect a repeat of last year's record
Average storm years yield 9.3 tropical storms, 5.8
hurricanes and 2.2 major hurricanes (those with wind
speeds above 111 mph).
Dr. William Gray of Colorado State University has
indicated similar numbers. His pre-storm season report
is scheduled to be released May 31.
Both NOAA and Gray will release an updated
Atlantic hurricane outlook in early August, just in time
for the August-October peak of the season.


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Stuff you know, or may not have considered

Here's a list of items experts strongly advise you
have on hand to weather a storm, in no particular
Fire extinguisher. Clean containers to store water,
one gallon per person per day. Food, canned or dry.
Manual can opener. Hand tools: Hammer, nails, ax,
knife, pliers, handsaw, screwdrivers. Electric drill with
screwdriver bits to install bolts for window protec-
tion. Unscented bleach to purify water (eight drops per
gallon). Soap. One flashlight per person with spare bat-
teries. Battery-operated radio. First-aid kit: Bandages,
gauze, scissors, petroleum jelly, antiseptic spray, hydro-
gen peroxide, antacids, aspirin, thermometer, rubbing
alcohol. Extra prescription medicine. Matches, pref-
erably wooden. Disposable eating utensils and plates.
Toilet paper. Mosquito repellent. Gallon-size plastic
freezer bags to fill with water to make ice. Needle
and thread. Whistle and air born. Disinfectant. Grill or
Sterno stove with extra fuel. Oven mitts. Lantern with
extra fuel. Garbage bags. Rope or heavy cord, 100 feet.
Tarpaulin to make temporary roof repairs. Chainsaw
and extra fuel. Backup generator and extra fuel.
OK. Now for the real advice.
The Islander conducted a totally unscientific poll
of a handful of the handiest folks we could think of and
asked them a "tool time" question:
What are the most important tools you could have

your tool _
box now
thoughts to
what you'll g
need after ,
a hurri-
cane to
after the
storm's -



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Hurricane my

Justbecause you've always done something doesn't
mean that thing is right.
There are several myths about hurricanes that
we've probably believed for years and years. Unfortu-
nately, we've wasted a lot of time doing things that are
pretty useless. Here are some myths and facts about
hurricane season.

Government will take care of me
In Hurricane Andrew's aftermath in 1992, lines for
.-~eau e o '.. a ,... ,on o ehn .,..- .
men ht hig is ih.

before, during and after a storm? And please keep the
price to less than $100.
Tool Tim gave the matter quite a bit of thought
and provided a thoughtful answer of one of those nifty
inverters that you can plug into a cigarette lighter in
your vehicle and transform the DC current from the car
battery to power stuff in your house.
No, you can't run your air conditioner off it, but
you can charge your rechargeable batteries you do
have those, right? cell phone, laptop computer, even
"juice" a fan or light in your house if/when the power
goes out.
Get a big one. Bigger is definitely better in this
case, so splurge.
Tool Jack was a bit more pragmatic, and offered
the best advice in quite a while: Heavy-weight gloves
and work boots that are nail-resistant.
"If you're trying to clear debris, you're gonna be
useless in a half-hour if you're all cut up and limping,"
he said.
Jack then went into post-disaster mode, suggesting a
raft of debris-clearing items. Get a little sledgehammer,
something you can swing for a long time, to break up
what's left of your roof which is now in your driveway.
A crowbar-type device would be good to have, too,
and some sort of saw or shears to cut through that

rths vs. facts

water, ice and food were often 5,000 people long. It
also takes the government several days to mobilize its
forces to care for people. Although many lessons on
post-disaster recovery were learned after Andrew, It is
still strongly recommended that you be able to provide
for your family for at least three days food, water,
medical supplies and the like. Prescriptions for two
weeks are advised.
And anyone who watched television last year after Hur-
ricane Katrina knows that government aid is, well, slow.

cheap metal that seems to be everywhere in any type
of rubble.
Don't forget a shovel to dig up what's left of your
landscaping, and a rake to finish the job.
And Jack suggested lots of big, heavy, industrial-
size plastic bags for all the debris. He should know: His
son lost his mobile home to Hurricane.Charley in Punta
Gorda and did a lot of cleanup down there.
Tool Jo Ann suggested a screw gun, or cordless,
rechargeable screwdriver, as No. I on her handy hit
parade. Actually, so did the rest, but not at the top of
their lists. Make sure you've got a set of sharp bits,
and that you can find the chuck and maybe spring for
a couple more for when you lose the first one if your
device requires 'em. Spare rechargeable batteries are a
good idea. Remember that inverter mentioned above?
And another echo from the tool crew was a chain-
I know, they've got all those sharp moving parts
that can take off your leg, they're noisy, and lots of
people are scared witless about them thanks to a cult
movie from the 1970s.
But chainsaws are just tools. Look before you cut,
figure out what you're doing, and you should be fine.
And then there is the generator issue.
Tool Tim pointed out that the most dangerous
aspect of a generator is the fool that hasn't read the
directions of its use.
No, you can't set it up in your living room if you
want to live through the night.
No, you can't run it 24/7 unless you want it to
No, you can't get crafty and work one of those
male-to-male electric cords that let you plug the gen-
erator into any outlet and power up the whole house,
unless you want to electrocute the electric company
crew working three blocks away only to discover the
juice that flows, augmented, from your generator to
No, you can't figure to pour more gas into the over-
heated generator while it's running on empty unless
you want to blow yourself up when you spill the fuel
on the hot parts.
Speaking of fuel (another scary issue), depending
on size and consumption rate, generators and chain
saws need quite a bit. That means you'vegot gal-
lons and gallons of gas sitting around in your garage or
carport or somewhere for a long time, just wishing for
a match to explode.
Be careful with all that.
And, of course, all the above is assuming that there
is an Island or a house to come back to after the big

Hurricane tips

for boaters
Big storms can mean big trouble for boat owners.
The best advice to secure your boat, be it large
or small, is to make sure your boat insurance is up to
Other precautions to take include the usual advice
for anyone used to Florida's often-stormy summer
Is your bilge pump operating correctly?
Is your battery fully charged to run your bilge
pump correctly?
If your boat is stored out of the water, have you
removed the drain plug?
If your boat is on davits or a lift, do you have-the
boat high enough out of the water to ensure it won't
float away even in extreme high tides? And have you
secured it with extra lines to the dock or seawall?
If your boat is in the water, have you secured it
with extra lines to the dock or seawall, with adequate
fenders and rub-protection to ensure the boat won't
break free?
Have you removed all extra gear from the boat?
Extra stuff can become missiles in high winds, or could
collect in the bilge and foul the pump. Remove the
bimini top if it has one, too.
Don't try to trailer your boat off the Island during
an evacuation make plans to get the boat to mainland
safety well before a severe storm is forecast for our


Know your evacuation shelter, where and when

All the emergency shelters are on the mainland at
various schools, many of which may be unfamiliar to
Islanders, West Bradenton and Cortez residents. The
locations of shelters, the best routes to them, and the
order in which they are likely to open, are good things
to know before they're needed.
Barrier islands such as Anna Maria and Longboat
are the first to be evacuated, their residents the first to
need shelters. Nobody wants to need one, but it's reas-
suring that one will be available if the need arises.
Laurie Feagans, Manatee County's chief of emer-
gency management, and her staff have identified shel-
ters and made preparations for in the event there is a
need for evacuation.
Feagans strongly advises people not to go to a shel-
ter until officials announce through the media that it is
open. She noted that shelter openings may vary with
each emergency, so stay tuned to local media. A shelter
for special needs persons and a pet-friendly shelter are
designated by Feagans at the time the need arises.
People with special needs may request assistance
with evacuation and should register now with the West
Manatee Fire & Rescue District, 6001 Marina Drive,
Holmes Beach, or by calling 741-3900.
The shelters are:

* Bashaw Elementary School, 3515 Morgan Johnson
Road, Bradenton.
* Bayshore Elementary School, 6120 26th St. W.,
* Braden River Elementary School, 6215 River Club
Blvd., Bradenton.
* Braden River Middle School, 6215 River Club
Blvd., Bradenton.
* Braden River High School, 6545 State Road 70 E,
" Freedom Elementary School, 9515 State Road 64
E., Bradenton.
* Haile Middle School, 9501 State Road 64 E., Bra-
* Johnson Middle, 2121 26th Ave. E., Bradenton.
* Kinnan Elementary School, 3415 Tallevast Road,


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Public hurricane shelters should be havens of last resort, as this picture of the Superdome in New Orleans last
year indicates. Photo: Courtesy FEMA

* Lee Middle School, 4000 53rd Ave. W., Braden-
* Lincoln Middle School, 305 17th S. E., Palmetto.
* Manatee High School, 1000 32nd St. W., Braden-
* McNeal Elementary School, 6325 Lorraine Road,
* Mills Elementary School, 7200 69th St. E., Bra-
* Myakka City Elementary, 37205 Manatee Ave.,
Myakka City.
" Nolan Middle School, 6615 Greenbrook Blvd.,
* Oneco Elementary School, 5214 22nd St. Ct. E.,
* Prine Elementary School, 3801 Southern Parkway


W., Bradenton.
* Rowlett Elementary School, 3500 Ninth St. E.,
" Sea Breeze Elementary School, 3601 71st St. W.,
* Tillman Elementary School, 1415 29th St. E., Pal-
* Willis Elementary School, 14705 The Masters
Ave., Bradenton.
* Witt Elementary School, 200 Rye Road, Braden-

Feagans stressed that shelters should be a "last
resort" for residents, and that staying with a friend or
relative on the mainland is the best option during an



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'Belt and suspenders': Get your home, appraised

Property values on Anna Maria Island have sky-
rocketed in recent years.
If you bought your home five or 10 years ago, you
probably figure it's worth two or three times that price
today. You know that fact, any real estate agent on the
Island will confirm it, but will some insurance adjuster
in Nebraska believe you?
Why not make it a firm deal and have your house
appraised by a registered real estate appraiser.
The same is true for your possessions.
The American Society of Appraisers points out that
"victims of floods or hurricanes discover after disas-
ter strikes that their memories and photos of cherished
objects are not enough to satisfy insurance companies
when making a claim. Appraisals are as important as
wills. They help people prove the exact worth of a piece
of property. An appraisal performed by an accredited
appraiser will stand up in court, with the IRS, or the
insurance company if need be.
Here are a few tips:
Take an inventory of the items in your house;
open cabinets and closets and document contents with
video or photos.
Store photos, appraisals, insurance policies and
other documents in a safe place.
Inventory your possessions. Make lists of what
you own, who made various items, what you paid for
them, etc.
Keep sales receipts. You can use them as a back
up of your inventory.
Get valuables appraised and keep the documenta-
tion in a safe place.
When working with an accredited appraiser, keep
these thoughts in mind:
Hire an accredited appraiser to ensure that you
are receiving an ethical and accurate appraisal and one
backed by years of training and experience. Ask for
a resume from a potential appraiser. Every accredited
appraiser should readily supply one as well as refer-
ences from former clients.

Fire compounded floods in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Photo: Courtesy FEMA

Don't use an appraiser who offers to buy the item
or charges a percentage of the item's value. That is a
conflict of interest.
Tell the appraiser anything you know about the
item's origin or where it was purchased. The appraiser
will take a few days or more to research the item's his-
tory and the marketplace.
You should receive a written report describing the
item itself, the reasons for its assignment of value, and
which type of valuation was conducted: Replacement
value, fair market value or market value. The appraisal
report will then serve as documentation for the IRS,
insurance company or legal system.

Biggest hurricane ever
On the planet Jupiter, a whirlwind-looking event is
called the Great Red Spot. It was first seen by Galileo
300 years ago. It is about three times the diameter of
the Earth.

North of the-equator, hurricanes spin counterclock-
wise. South of the equator, they spin clockwise. So the
question is: Which way does a hurricane spin if it origi-
nates at the equator?


Got your

family plan

You've got your shutters, you've got your hurricane
supplies, you're ready for the storm.
Does everyone in your household know what to do
in the event of a major storm?
Federal, state and local officials' communication is
vital before, during, and after a hurricane. With the new
storm season starting, now is the time to make certain
your family will not be separated in the aftermath of a
Here's what to do:
Discuss the type of hazards that could affect your
family. Know your home's vulnerability to storm surge,
flooding and wind.
Locate a safe room or the safest area in your home
for each hurricane hazard. In certain circumstances, the
safest areas may not be your own home but another.
within your community.
Determine escape routes from your home and
places to meet. These should be measured in 10s of
miles rather than 100s of miles.
Choose a meeting location. Should your family
become separated during a storm, you should have
a reliable pre-determined rendezvous point at which
everyone can rejoin the family.
Complete a family communication plan. Include
contact information for family members, work and
school, meeting locations and emergency services.
Choose an-out-of-town contact who family mem-
bers can call to let them know where they are, espe-
cially if the family is separated. Everyone should know
this contact's phone numbers. After a disaster, it is often
easier to make a long-distance call than a local call
from the disaster area.

.,C ***t
i. 1' ~

Be prepared before the storm threatens, as Hurricane Frances (pictured) with wind and rain bands reaching out
from the storm eye for hundreds of miles, did in 2004.

Keep emergency telephone numbers by your
phones and with your valuable records and make sure
your children know how and when to call 911.
Stock non-perishable emergency supplies and a
Disaster Supply Kit.
Use a NOAA weather radio. Remember to
replace its battery every six months, as you do with
your smoke detectors.

Take first-aid, CPR and disaster preparedness
Plan for family members with special needs.
Make a plan now for what to do with your pets if
you need to evacuate.
Check your insurance coverage and remember,
flood damage is not covered by homeowner's insur-


I "

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Pane Protection Hurricane Shutters Inc.
Phone 941-737-1316 Fax 941-527-1480 *Lic. #CG C036141

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Don't plan to weather any of these storms on Island

Hurricanes are categorized based on
the power of the storms. Storm catego-
ries allow emergency management offi-
cials to determine time and need of evac-
The Manatee County Emergency
Management Division notes that "a Cat-
egory 1 hurricane will kill you just as
fast as a Category 5 storm, with the
exception that in a Category 5 storm you
will be under a lot more water."
Hurricane veterans have noted it is
extremely difficult to walk around in
winds in excess of 50 mph 24 mph less
than even a Category I storm.
Hurricane forecasters use a "disas-
ter-potential scale." called the Saffir-
Simpson Hurricane Scale, to assign
storms into five categories. Rated from
least to most powerful, the five catego-
ries and damage potential are detailed
It's important to note, though, that
Tropical Storm Gabrielle in 2001 caused
massive flooding, power outages and
damage to the area with winds of about
70 mph not even a hurricane.
And don't forget all the damage on
Anna Maria Island caused by the four
hurricanes of 2004 which didn't come
very close to our shores.

Category 1
Winds of 74-95 mph. Damage is
primarily to shrubbery, trees, foliage
and unanchored mobile homes. Some
damage may occur to poorly constructed
signs. Storm surge is expected to be four
to five feet above normal. Flooding is
expected on barrier islands. Low-lying
coastal roads may be inundated. Expect
minor pier damage and small craft to be
torn from exposed anchorages.
Hurricane Agnes in 1972 was a Cat-
egory 1 storm, leaving in its wake 122
deaths and $2 billion in damage. Hurri-
cane Erin in 1995 was also a Category 1
storm, causing 11 deaths and $700 mil-
lion in damage, mostly to central Flor-
ida. Also, Hurricane Allison and Hurri-
cane Noel of 1995 were Category 1 hur-
ricanes at peak intensity.

Category 2
Winds of 96-110 mph. Damage
caused by wind is considerable, with
some trees blown down. Major damage
expected to exposed mobile homes and
poorly constructed signs. Some damage
to roofs, windows and doors of buildings
expected. Considerable damage to piers,
marinas and small craft in unprotected
anchorages. Storm surge is expected to
be six to eight feet 'above normal with

damage as
it passed by
the Island in
2004, as
Anna Maria
City Com- .
Dale Wood-
land could
attest a he
"ir\-''t t' ihe '
Anna Maria'
City Pier

Little ws left of the Interstte-90 bridge i Mississipi after urrice Katrina 's
Little was left of the Interstate-90 bridge in Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina's

passage last year Photo: Courtesy FEMA

accompanying flooding.
Hurricane Cleo in 1964 was a Cat-
egory 2 storm, devastating Florida's
east coast and-causing $500 million in
damage. Also, hurricanes Erin and Mari-
lyn in 1995 were both Category 2 hur-
ricanes when Erin's eyewall hit the Flor-
ida Panhandle coast and when Marilyn
passed through the Virgin Islands. .
Hurricane Frances in 21004 was a-
strong Category 2 hurricane.

Category 3
Winds of 111-130 mph. Large trees
will topple. Practically all poorly con-
structed signs will be blown down.
Expect structural damage to small build-
ings. Many mobile homes may be
destroyed. Storm surge nine to 12 feet
above normal. Serious flooding along

barrier islands and coastal areas. Large
exposed buildings will be damaged, and
smaller structures will be destroyed by
wave action and floating debris.
Low-lying escape routes will be
cut by rising water three to five hours
before the arrival of the hurricane center.
Terrain continuously lower than 5 feet
above mean sea level may be flooded
inland to a ditance of eight or more
Hurricane Bets\ in 1965 was a Cat-
egory 3 storm that killed 75 people
and caused $1 billion in damage. Hur-
ricane Marilyn in 1995 was a Category
3 storm, killing eight people and causing
$1.5 billion in damage to eastern Carib-
bean islands. That same year spawned
Hurricane Roxanne as a Category 3
storm at landfall on the Yucatan Penin-

- -- ..

* .~.., a;

Hurricane Jeanne in 2004 was a
weak Category 3 storm.

Category 4
Winds of 131-155 mph. Shrubs and
trees gone. Extensive damage to roofs,
windows and doors, with most roofs
on small homes destroyed. Complete
destruction expected of mobile homes.
Storm surge 12-15 feet above normal.
Major damage is expected to lower
floors of structures near the coastline or
on barrier islands due to flooding, waves
and floating debris.
Terrain lower than 10 feet above sea
level may be flooded, requiring mas-
sive evacuation of residential areas as far
inland as six miles.
Hurricane Donna in 1960 was a Cat-
egory 4 storm that killed 50 people and
caused $500 million in damages to Flor-
ida. Wind gusts were estimated at 180
mph in Donna.
Hurricane Opal in 1995 was also
a Category 4 storm, killing 59 people
and causing $3 billion in damage,
mostly in the Panhandle, although
some damage occurred on Anna Maria
Island as the storm tracked to the north.
Also in that year, Hurricane Luis was
a Category 4 hurricane while moving
over the Leeward Islands, as was Hurri-
cane Felix. Hurricane Georges in 1999
was at one point a Category 4 storm,
killing more than 500 people and caus-
ing more than $2 billion in damage.
Hurricane Floyd, also in 1999, was
at one point a Category 4 storm as it
passed through the Bahamas, but had
weakened before its eventual landfall
in North Carolina.
In 2004, both Hurricanes Charley
and Ivan were powerful Category 4
storms, with winds of 145 and 135 mph,

Category 5
Winds in excess of 155 mph. No
trees, shrubs or signs. No windows,
doors, small buildings, mobile homes.
Storm surge more than 15 feet above
normal, resulting in extreme damage to
structures less than 10 feet above sea
There will be major damage to
lower floors of all structures located
less than 15 feet above sea level and
within 500 yards of the shoreline. Mas-
sive evacuation of residential areas on
low ground within 10 miles of the shore-
line may be required.
A 1935 hurricane on Labor Day
struck the Florida Keys with winds in
excessof 200 mph. A total of 408 people
died as a result of the hurricane. Hur-
ricane Camille in 1969 was a Category
5 storm, and Hurricane Gilbert of 1988
was a Category 5 hurricane at peak
Hurricane Mitch was a Category 5
hurricane, and was the third-deadliest
storm on record, with more than 10,000
deaths in Central America.
Hurricane Andrew, recently reclas-
sifed from a Catagory 4 to Category
5 storm, came ashore on Florida's east
coast August 25, 1992. Sustained winds
topped 155 mph, with gusts more than
175 mph. More than 60,000 homes
were destroyed, 200,000 people left
homeless, more than 2 million people
evacuated, 15 people died and damage
was estimated at-$20 billion. Hurricane
Andrew was the third most intense hur-
ricane last century, and caused the great-
est property loss of any hurricane in the
United States.



Leave, and avoid

becoming a

storm statistic
By Paul Roat
Mention tropical disturbances or hurricanes like
Andrew or Charley or Jeanne or Katrina and everyone
has a story:
"We looked out on the flooded golf course and
saw one of the tees moving. Literally moving, squirm-
ing, wriggling. With binoculars you could see that the
tee was covered with snakes trying to get away from
the flooded roughs onto higher ground."
"We walked down flooded Gulf Drive to watch
the storm-driven waves crash through the broken glass
fronting the old Trader Jack's Restaurant in Braden-
ton Beach. The waves crested somewhere inside the
building and washed onto the road in a rush of swirling
"We were awakened to a peaceful sound with
frightening overtones: the gentle lapping of waves.-
against the side of our bayfront house as the storm
surge, greater than anticipated, inundated the Island."
"We were awakened in the night by a phone call,
asking us to evacuate our mobile home, but when we
put our feet on the floor there was a foot of water
"We went out to check on the storm and, going
out the front door, stepped in ankle-deep water. One
more inch and it would have been inside the house -
and this was a storm that no one expected to amount to
"We didn't get our power back for five days."
"We didn't get back to our house in New Orleans
for six weeks. The power was still out, and we had to
throw the refrigerator away.
Storm stories are as numerous as the people on the
Island. And therein lies the biggest problem we've got
to face when not if, but when Southwest Florida's
own Hurricane Katrina comes calling.
We had our wakeup call last year when we watched
the aftermath of the Mississippi coastline post-Katrina.

Sa t d e ad h as s n he in te aa sh of te
Even a tropical storm can cause significant damage and havoc, as shown here in the area south of the Manatee

Public Beach.

There literally was nothing there. Bridges were merely
pilings. Where houses once stood were clearings with-
out even a shred of debris. Homes more than 20 miles
inland were covered with water from storm surge.
What to do if the big one comes?
We've been playing Lotto with our properties on
the beaches, going against the odds year after year with
our property and savings lodged on a barrier island that
is not meant for humans in times of high winds and
Hurricane experts warn us not to test the elements
with our lives.
We've all watched the devastation that New
Orleans and Miami suffered after their own version of
Hell, Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma, came ashore last
And don't forget that Hurricane Charley was fore-
cast to make landfall at the Sunshine Skyway Bridge

on Aug. 13, 2004, before it veered to the east and dev-
astated much of Charlotte County and beyond.
Yet despite the doom and gloom of what you will
look at and read in this special hurricane section, it
won't hit home until your house, belongings and price-
less mementos of 10 or 20 or 50 years are scattered
across what's left of the neighborhood.
But don't let objects or property take the place of
When the warnings come, take heed and leave.
Don't think to stay and save your property.
Disaster preparedness officials have probably the
best answer to anyone who foolishly chooses to stay on
the Island in the face of a major storm.
They ask for their names, and names of their next
of kin so they can be contacted to identify the body.
When hurricane evacuation orders come to this part
of the coast, leave the Island as soon as possible.

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rC~~altin ad'acefr evacudihian-


Bradenton Beach

Police Department
Call our communications number
for evacuation assistance:

If you need further information,
call city hall at 778-1005.



Right now, before hurricane
season begins:
Enter the hurricane season pre-
pared. Recheck your supply of boards,
tools, batteries, non-perishable foods
and other equipment you'll need to
secure your home and prepare yourself
for evacuation from the area, if neces-
Prepare or update your Hurricane
Survival Kit. The kit should include:
Medicines (at least a two-week supply);
special dietary foods that are non-per-
ishable; blankets, pillows and sleeping
bags; flashlights and lots of batteries; a
portable radio and lots of batteries; extra
clothing; lightweight folding chairs,
cots; personal items; infant necessities;
.. quiet games or favorite toys for children;
important papers; and snacks.
Develop a plan for where you'll go
if you need to leave the Island. Friends
on the mainland or, as a last resort, hur-
ricane shelter locations should be identi-
fied and a route to the safe shelter plot-

Eminent threat
If hurricane advisories list South-
west Florida as a threatened region, pay
attention to local weather broadcasts for
further updates, and:
Fill your vehicle with gasoline and
be sure to check the oil, tires and wiper
Gather your Hurricane Survival
Moor your boat securely or evacu-
ate it to a safe mooring.
Be prepared to board windows or
Protect them with tape or storm shut-
ters. Remember, damage to small win-
dows is mostly caused by wind-driven
debris; damage to larger windows may
come from debris as well as wind pres-
Bring indoors all outdoor furni-
" ture, plantings, lawn ornaments and any-
thing that can be moved. Secure out-
door objects that can't be taken inside.
Garbage cans, garden tools, toys, signs,
porch furniture and other harmless items
become missiles in hurricane winds.
Stock up on drinking water. Bath-
tubs, jugs, bottles or pots can be used,
or buy bottled water. Remember, water
service may be disturbed for days or

Hurricane Charley aftermath pictures offer a good reason to prepare for all

longer after a hurricane. You should have
one gallon of water per person per day,
and you should have at least a three-day
supply. A bucket of bathtub of water can
allow you to flush the toilet.
Stock up on non-perishable food.
Remember that electricity may be off for
days or longer and cooking may be dif-
ficult, so make plans to prepare food or
have food that can be eaten cold. Check
to make sure you have a can opener that
can be operated without electricity.
Check all battery-powered equip-
ment and stock up on batteries. Hurri-
cane experts are recommending you not
use candles due to the threat of fire. An
untended flashlight won't start a fire, but

a candle or lantern might.
Stock up on cleanup materials:
Mops, buckets, towels, cleansers and the
Make arrangements for boarding
your pet. There are some pet-friendly
shelters that will open in Manatee
County, but the animal must have all its
shots and paperwork to prove it, and be
in a cage or carrier.

Prepare, prepare, prepare
If hurricane advisories list South-
west Florida as a possible landfall for
a hurricane, begin making preparations
for the storm:
Board all windows.

Be prepared to leave. Remember,
traffic leaving the Island will be heavy
and slow. Hurricane authorities predict it
will take 12 to 17 hours to evacuate the
Island, so plan to leave early.
Watch or listen to local news
broadcasts for shelter openings.

If officials order an
Leave your swimming pool filled
and super chlorinate. If possible, remove
the pump, otherwise cover it.
Turn off electricity and water to
your house.
Turn off gas valves at the appli-
ance, not at the main valve.
Let your friends and relatives
know where you're going.
Check with neighbors to make
sure they have a safe, timely ride out of
the area.

After the hurricane passes:
Be patient. Access to damaged
areas will be limited and you may not be
able to return to your home immediately.
Roads may be blocked by trees and live
power lines, and emergency crews will
need time to first make the area safe.
Expect security checkpoints, so
make sure you have valid identification
showing your proper local address.
Do not drive unless you must,
and don't sightsee. Roads should remain
clear for emergency vehicles.
SAvoid downed or damaged electri-
cal wires.
Beware of snakes, insects and
animals that may have sought higher
ground to avoid flood waters.
Re-enter your home with caution.
Open windows and doors to let air cir-
culate and dry out the house.
Be cautious with lighting matches
and fire until you have checked the area
thoroughly for gas fumes.
Be cautious running a gas-pow-
ered generator and only operate it out-
Assess and photograph damage to
structures and contents to hasten insur-
ance claims.
As soon as feasible, report any
broken power, water, sewer or gas lines
to authorities.

Pawsitively Pets
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2005 'absolutely' worst hurricane season

By Paul Roat
Absolutes are always fraught with journalistic
terror, but the 2005 Atlantic Ocean hurricane season
warrants such phrases.
Most intense.
Most costly.
It was not a pretty year, although Anna Maria
Island was spared again from the wrath of the most-
named tropical storms ever to make an appearance in
our part of the world in one six-month season.
The season experienced 28 storms, making it the
most active season on record. It has had 15 hurricanes,
seven of Category 3 status or better one short of the
1950 season's record for major storms.
And it's the first time ever that all the "names" have
been used up in either the Atlantic or Pacific for hur-
ricanes we also had to watch Alpha, Beta, Gamma,
Delta, Epsilon and Zeta.
It was a helluva year.
The information for this article comes in a large
part from Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia. For more
information, go to www.wikipedia.com and search for
hurricanes 2005.

Some more records
Although Hurricanes Katrina and Rita were the
most destructive storms to hit the United States'in 2005,
Hurricane Wilma set a record of its own as the most
intense hurricane ever charted in the Atlantic basin.
On Oct. 18, Wilma's central pressure was measured
at 882 millibars, the lowest ever posted.
Also in the running were Hurricane Katrina as the
fourth most-intense Atlantic hurricane on record (cur-
rently sixth) when the storm's central pressure dropped
to 902 mb on Aug. 28, and Hurricane Rita as No. 3
and the most intense hurricane on record in the Gulf
of Mexico after reaching a pressure reading of 897 mb
Sept. 21.
Katrina was the third most-intense hurricane on
record to make landfall in the United States in terms of
pressure, following the Labor Day Hurricane of 1935

Hurricane Katrina left the beaches of Mississippi strewn with debris. Photo: Courtesy FEMA

and Hurricane Camille in 1969.
Oh, and Katrina, Rita and Wilma were the three
most intense storms everin a single Atlantic hurricane
season. And that trio recorded the first time.that three
Category 5 storms were recorded in a single season -
And then there were Hurricanes Dennis and Emily,
both in July, which constituted the two strongest storms
on record in July.
Remember Hurricane Vince? Probably not, because
we were otherwise occupied, but Vince made records
as the storm that formed the farthest north and east of
any tropical storm in the Atlantic, and the first storm to
make landfall in Spain and mainland Europe.

By the numbers
Just so there's some perspective if there can ever
be a perspective after the last two years of back-to-back
hurricane hell in the Atlantic the season average is
about 10 named storms, with six of them being hur-
ricanes and two of them being classed as severe.
By storm, or hurricane, 2005 included:

Tropical Storm Arlene
On June 8, a depression formed off Hondurus and,
the next day, was upgraded to Tropical Storm Arlene. It

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14-13 2006 STI'()O I SP'E(IAL U TI0 E ISLANDER,

2005 hurricane season

headed north, spreading tropical-storm force winds and
heavy rains to the Cayman Islands and Cuba. It entered
the Gulf of Mexico on the morning of June 10, and the
storm strengthened to just under hurricane strength.
Arlene made landfall just west of Pensacola on the
afternoon of June 11. Arlene was the most intense land-
falling June storm since Hurricane Allison hit the east-
ern Panhandle in 1995.
The only death attributed to Arlene was a woman
caught in riptide at Miami Beach.

Tropical Storm Bret
An area of disturbed weather in the Bay of
Campeche developed into Tropical Storm Bret June 28,
the first time that two tropical storms developed in June
in nine years.
The storm made landfall in Mexico June 29 as a
weak tropical storm. It continued inland, producing
heavy rain over Veracruz, and dissipating June 29.
Hundreds of homes were damaged, and several
towns severely flooded. The only reported fatalities
*were the two occupants of a car that was swept away
by floodwaters.

Tropical Storm Cindy
"On July 3, a tropical wave formed in the northwest
Caribbean Sea. After fluctuations, it became Tropical
Storm Cindy July 5 and headed north in the Gulf of
Mexico, eventually making landfall near Grand Isle,
The storm caused heavy rainfall and tornados in
Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and even
Three deaths were attributed to Cindy two in
Georgia and another in Alabama.

Hurricane Dennis
The season's fourth tropical depression formed in
the southeastern Caribbean July 4, became Tropical
Storm Dennis the next day and a hurricane July 6 as
it moved west-northwest toward the southern coast of
Hispaniola. Just south of Cuba, Dennis reached its peak
as the strongest recorded Atlantic storm to form before
August. On July 8, Dennis passed over Cuba close to
Havana. It regained status as a Category 4 storm in
the Gulf of Mexico, and made landfall as a Category 3
storm southeast of Pensacola July 9-10.
Dennis claimed at least 70 lives. Total damages are
estimated at $5-$9 billion USD.

Hurricane Emily
Formed in the Lesser Antilles July 11, the storm
quickly became Hurricane Emily and struck Grenada
July 11 as a Category 1 storm. Passing over the island,
it eventually reached Category 4 strength July 15.
It passed south of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands,
making landfall on the Yucatan Peninsula July 18.
Emily made its second landfall in rural northeast
Mexico near Boca Madre, Tamaulipas, as a Category
3 storm.
Emily caused at least 14 deaths.

Tropical Storm Franklin
Tropical Storm Franklin formed south of the Baha-
mas July 21 and headed north, then northeast over
the Atlantic, becoming disorganized by July 24 under
the effects of shear and drier air. It moved erratically,
sometimes wobbling in place, inching closer to Ber-
muda while barely remaining a tropical storm, eventu-
ally paralleling the East Coast of the United States and
strengthening to near hurricane strength before fizzling
out in the North Atlantic.

Tropical Storm Gert
A tropical depression organized July 23 in the Bay
of Campeche and became upgraded to Tropical Storm
Gert early the next day. It made landfall on the coast
-of M Iexico south of Tampico late on July 24. It moved
inland over central Mexico before dissipating on July
25 in roughly the same area as Hurricane Emily just
four days earlier and caused major evacuations.

Tropical Storm Harvey
A lingering tropical wave due southwest of Ber-
muda eventually turned into a depression Aug. 2, and

Hurricane Katrina as it approached the northern Gulf of Mexico coast.

Tropical Storm Harvey the next day. It passed south of
Bermuda Aug. 4, soaking the island but causing little
damage and eventually dissipating.

Hurricane Irene
In a classic hurricane pattern, what would eventu-
ally become Hurricane Irene formed west of the Cape
Verde Islands Aug. 4. Irene cycled between apparent
re-intensification and significant weakening, becom-
ing disorganized in the early morning of Aug. 10, but
strengthening to a Category 1 hurricane on Aug. 14.
The storm veered north and dissipated off the coast of
Newfoundland, never posing a threat to land.

Tropical Storm Jose
Tropical Storm Jose formed in the Gulf of Mexico
and achieved a maximum wind strength of 50 mph
before it made landfall in Mexico on Aug. 23. It then
rapidly weakened and soon dissipated as it moved
inland. While drenching Mexico's Gulf coast, Jose
forced some 25,000 residents from their homes in Vera-
cruz. Eight deaths were attributed to Jose's heavy rains
in Oaxaca.

Hurricane Katrina
There are arguments made that what would become
the costliest hurricane on record had its genesis in a
tropical depression that formed east of the Lesser Antil-
les Aug. 13, then somewhat dissipated. Nonetheless, an
area of disturbed weather developed Aug. 23 over the
Bahamas and evolved into a tropical storm and eventu-
ally Hurricane Katrina Aug. 25, making landfall later
that day in South Florida and emerging into the Gulf of
Mexico. Katrina rapidly intensified to Category 5 status
on the morning of Aug. 28, weakening to Category 4
status as it turned north to hit southeastern Louisiana.
Hours later, it crossed Breton Sound and made its third
and final landfall as a Category 3 hurricane near Pear-

lington, Miss.
The Mississippi and Alabama coastlines suffered
catastrophic damage from the storm's 30-foot storm
surge. New Orleans escaped the worst damage from the
storm, but levees along.the Intercoastal Canal and 17th
Street Canal ultimately were breached by storm surge,
flooding about 80 percent of the city. To date, more than
1,800 people have been confirmed dead across five U.S.
states. Damage estimates from Katrina are pegged at
$75 billion.

Tropical Storm Lee
What would become Tropical Storm Lee formed
east of the Lesser Antilles Aug. 28. It fluctuated in
strength, at only one time reaching tropical storm-force
winds, and eventually dissipated Sept. 1, never posing
a threat to land.

Hurricane Maria
Tropical Depression 14 formed well east of the
Leeward Islands on Sept. 1, at one point reaching Cat-
egory 3 strength before it dropped to tropical storm-
force, never threatening land as it moved north in the
Atlantic, although the remnants of the storm triggered
a landslide in Norway that killed one person.

Hurricane Nate
Tropical Storm Nate formed south of Bermuda
Sept. 5, becoming a hurricane two days later. It passed
south of the island, causing little damage, and dissi-
pated in the central Atlantic. The storm did delay deliv-
ery of supplies from Canada to victims of Katrina in
the North Gulf, though.

Hurricane Ophelia
Formed in the northern Bahamas, Hurricane Oph-


2005 hurricane season
elia gained its name Sept. 8. It stalled off the coast of
north Florida for two days, then moved slowly toward
North Carolina. It never made landfall, but caused
extensive damage to the Outer Banks and Cape Fear
as it moved toward Nova Scotia and eventually dissi-

Hurricane Philippe
Beginning life as a tropical wave, Hurricane
Philippe became a hurricane Sept. 18. It eventually dis-
sipated Sept. 23 south of Bermuda.

Hurricane Rita
What would become the season's 18th tropical
depression formed over the Turks and Caicos Islands
Sept. 18, becoming a hurricane two days later. It reached
Category 2 status as it moved south of the Florida Keys
into the Gulf, and became a Category 5 storm. Rita made
landfall near the Texas/Louisiana border on Sept. 24.
Major flooding was reported in Port Arthur
and Beaumont, Texas. Cameron and Calcasieu Par-
ishes in Louisiana were devastated. Offshore oil plat-
forms throughout Rita's path also suffered significant
Six people were confirmed dead from Rita's direct
effects, and total insured damage from the storm is esti-
mated at $8 billion. Over 100 indirect deaths have been

Hurricane Stan
Tropical Storm Stan formed Oct. 2 in the Gulf of
Mexico, and made landfall on the Yucatan Peninsula,
weakening to a tropical depression, but upon reemerg-
ing into the Bay of Campeche strengthened into a hur-
ricane. Stan made landfall Oct. 4 on the east coast of
Mexico as a Category 1 hurricane.
Stan was associated with a large area of loosely
organized but very heavy rain activity over Mexico and
Central America. Torrential rainfall caused catastrophic
flooding and mudslides, which were responsible for at
least 1,153 deaths in six countries; 1,036 of these casu-
alties occurred in Guatemala alone.

Unnamed storm
Previously lost in the shuffle of all the storms, the

lt. lOu .GlM ;oasts m: .Pm protect or,7 oe'y

"Your Gu/f Coast Storm Protector"

Aid to Katrina survivors was provided by West Manatee Fire and Rescue District firefighters and many other

volunteers and organizations from Anna Maria Island.

NHC has now brought forward an initially unnoticed
unnamed subtropical storm during the postseason anal-
ysis. This short-lived subtropical storm formed Oct. 4
south of the Azores and was absorbed by an extratropi-
cal low the next day.

Tropical Storm Tammy
Tropical Storm Tammy formed off Florida's east
coast Oct. 5 and made landfall near Jacksonville late
that same evening. Tammy then moved rapidly inland
across southern Georgia and Alabama before dissipat-
ing into a remnant low that drifted south into the Gulf
of Mexico.

Hurricane Vince
Tropical Storm Vince was named Oct. 9 in the
east Atlantic easi-southea1t of the Azores, and was
upgraded to a hurricane later that day. It briefly
reached hurricane status and is thought to be the only
storm to have developed so far north and east in the



990 o ulf Drive
Anna Maria

Atlantic. It made landfall in Spain and caused minor

Hurricane Wilma
The tropical depression that would eventually
become Hurricane Wilma developed southwest of
Jamaica on Oct. 15, became a hurricane Oct. 18 and
reached a record-setting pressure of 882 millibars by
Oct. 19 as a Category 5 storm.
Wilma weakened slightly to a Category 4 before
hitting the Yucatan coast. It drifted over the peninsula,
bringing heavy rain and wind.to an area hit by Hur-
ricane Emily only three months before. The storm then
moved quickly across southern Florida on Oct. 24 as
a Category 3 storm before racing northeastward and
becoming extratropical.
Wilma caused 60 deaths and billions of dollars in



i i


Hurricanes: what they are, how they form

Special from U.S. Department of Commerce,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
National Weather Service,
and American Red Cross
There are no other storms on earth like hurri-
Hurricanes are products of the tropical ocean and
atmosphere. Powered by heat from the sea, they are
steered by the easterly tradewinds and the temperate
westerlies as well as by their own ferocious energy.
Around the hurricane's core, winds grow with great
velocity and generate violent seas.
Moving ashore, they sweep the ocean inward while
spawning tornadoes and producing torrential rains and
Timely warnings have greatly diminished hurricane
fatalities in the United States. In spite-of this early
warning system, property damage continues to mount.
There is little we can do about the hurricanes them-
selves. However, the National Hurricane Center and
the National Weather Service field offices team up with
other federal, state and local agencies, rescue and relief
organizations, the private sector and the media in a
huge warning and preparedness effort.

Where they start, how they grow
In the eastern Pacific Ocean, hurricanes begin
forming by mid-May. In the Atlantic Ocean, the Carib-
bean and the Gulf, hurricane development starts in

2005 hurricane season
Tropical Storm Alpha
This storm developed in the eastern Caribbean Sea
Oct. 22, moving northwestward as a tropical storm and
making landfall in the Dominican Republic and Haiti.
Alpha, as the 22nd named storm of the season,
broke the record of the most storms named in one
season in the Atlantic and was the first such storm to
force forecasters to use the Greek alphabet for naming
A total of 26 people have been reported dead
because of Tropical Storm Alpha.

Hurricane Beta
Formed off the east coast of Costa Rica Oct. 26,
what would become Hurricane Beta eventually reached
Category 3 status as it made landfall on the coast of
Nicaragua. There were reports of extensive damage to
homes and a loss of communications.

Tropical Storm Gamma
Late on Nov. 13, after nearly two weeks of inac-
tivity. a tropical depression formed-west of the Lesser'
Antilles. Heavy rainfall caused mudslides, killing 32
people. Wind shear prevented further development of
the s\ stem and it dissipated south of Jamaica.
Parts of the storm reformed, though, and Tropical
Storm Gamma was named Nov. 18. The storm made
landfall in Honduras, killing 32 people there.

Tropical Storm Delta
Tropical Storm Delta formed with tropical-storm-
force winds on Nov. 23, when a strong non-tropical
low near the Azores slowly drifted southward and
attained tropical characteristics while entering increas-
ingly warmer waters. The storm was never a threat to
land as it moved toward the northern Atlantic.

Hurricane Epsilon
Hurricane Epsilon formed as a tropical storm on
Nov. 29 in the middle of the Atlantic. It reached hur-
ricane strength on Dec. 2 and defied forecasting by per-
sisting for over a week before dissipating.

Tropical Storm Zeta
Tropical Storm Zeta became the final storm of the
season when it formed on Dec..30, six hours short of
tying the record of Hurricane Alice of 1954 as the lat-
est-forming named storm in a season. Zeta dissipated
on Jan. 6, 2006, having become the longest-lived Janu-
ary tropical cyclone in Atlantic basin history. It never
threatened land.

June. For the United States, the peak hurricane threat
exists from mid-August to late October, although the
official hurricane season extends through November.
In other parts of the world, such as the western Pacific,
hurricanes can occur year-round.
Developing hurricanes gather heat and energy
through contact with warm ocean waters. The addition
of moisture by evaporation from the sea surface powers
them like giant heat engines.
The process by which a disturbance forms and sub-
sequently strengthens into a hurricane depends on at
least three conditions.
Warm waters and moisture are two conditions. The
third is a wind pattern near the ocean surface that spi-
rals air inward. Bands of thunderstorms form, allow-
ing the air to warm further and rise higher into the
atmosphere. If the winds at these higher levels are rela-
tively light, this structure can remain intact and allow
for additional strengthening.
The center, or eye, of a hurricane is relatively calm.
The most violent activity takes place in the area imme-
diately around the eye, called the eyewall. At the top of
the eyewall about 50,000 feet most of the air is
propelled outward, increasing the air's upward motion.
Some of the air, however, moves inward and sinks into
the eye, creating a cloud-free area.

What hurricanes can spawn
Storm surge is a large dome of water, often 50 to
100 miles wide, that sweeps across the coastline near
where a hurricane makes landfall. The surge of high
water, topped by waves, can be devastating.
The stronger the hurricane and the shallower the
offshore water, the higher the surge will be. Along the
immediate coast, storm surge is the greatest threat to
life and property.
If the storm surge arrives at the same time as high
tide, the water height will be even greater. The storm
tide is the combination of the storm surge and the
normal astronomical tide.

Hurricane-force winds, 74 mph or more, can.
destroy poorly constructed buildings and mobile
homes. Debris, such as signs, roofing material, siding
and small items left outside, become missiles in hur-
Winds often stay above hurricane strength well
inland. Hurricane Hugo in 1989 battered Charlotte,
N.C., with gusts of near 100 mph about 175 miles
inland from the Atlantic causing massive destruc-
Widespread torrential rains, often in excess of 6
inches, can produce deadly and destructive floods.
Tropical Storm Claudette in 1979 brought 45 inches of
rain to an area near Alvin, Texas. Long after Hurricane
Diane subsided in 1955, the storm brought floods to
Pennsylvania, New York and New England that contrib-
uted to nearly 200 deaths. And Hurricane Agnes fused
with another storm system in 1972, producing floods
in the northeast which contributed to 122 deaths.
Hurricanes also produce tornadoes, which add to
the hurricane's destructive power. These tornadoes
most often occur in thunderstorms embedded in rain
bands well away from the center of the hurricane. How-
ever, they can also occur near the eyewall.

Our problem
All Atlantic and Gulf coastal areas are subject to
hurricanes or tropical storms. Although rarely struck by
hurricanes, parts of southwestern United States and the
Pacific Coast suffer heavy rains and floods each year
from the remnants of hurricanes spawned off Mexico.
Due to the limited number of evacuation routes,
barrier islands are especially vulnerable to hurricanes.
People on barrier islands and in coastal areas may be
asked by local officials to evacuate well in advance of
a hurricane's landfall. If you are asked to evacuate, do
so immediately.
The nation has a significant hurricane problem. Our

Post-Hurricane Charley saw little but stumps for much of central Florida. Trim your trees now for safety later

Save millions, trim trees now

By Jini Hanson
Islander Correspondent
Those lovely trees for which Florida is envied
around the country can become our deadly enemies in
a heavy storm. So trim them beforehand. Like now.
Laurie Feagans, chief of emergency management
in Manatee County, likes trees and other plant life, but
she likes safety more. Downed trees and boughs get
in the way of emergency crews in a storm, interrupt
electric power and they cost taxpayers millions in this
county alone.
Companies and business places and homeowners
need to start right now trimming vulnerable parts off
trees. Especially branches that stretch over houses, Fea-
gans said, for they are very real threat.

There are other aspects to falling trees electric
power interruptions, for example, and delayed emer-
gency vehicles and the possible reduction of the life of
the county's landfill.
Florida Power & Light's Don Sayre said that trees
near power lines are a special problem, since the power
outages that result can exacerbate the distress of a
Homeowners are urged not to trim trees on their
own if they interfere with a power line, he said. FPL's
Web site, fpl.com, has a list of registered tree contrac-
tors in our area that can do the job.
There are also some other power-related tips on the
So prepare now. Keep trees trimmed.


shorelines attract large numbers of people. From Maine
to Texas, our coastline is filled with new homes, con-
dominiums and cities built on sand waiting for the next
storm to threaten its residents and their dreams.
There are now more than 45 million permanent
residents along the hurricane-prone coastline, and the
population is growing. Florida, where hurricanes are
most frequent, leads the nation in new residents. In
addition to the permanent residents, the holiday, week-
end and vacation populations swell in some coastal
areas 100-fold.
A large portion of the coastal areas with high popu-
lation densities are subject to inundation from the hur-
ricane's storm surge that historically caused the greatest
loss of life and extreme property damage.
During the past few years, the warning system has
provided adequate time for people on barrier islands
and the immediate coastline to move inland when hur-
ricanes have threatened. However, it is becoming more
difficult to evacuate people from high-hazard areas
because roads have not kept pace with the rapid popula-
tion growth.
The problem is further compounded by the fact that
80 to 90 percent of people living in hurricane-prone
areas have never experienced the power of a major hur-
ricane. Many of these people have been through weaker
storms, producing a false impression of a hurricane's
damage potential. This impression often leads to com-
placency and delayed actions which could result in the
loss of many lives.
During the 1970s and 1980s, major hurricanes
striking the United States were less frequent than the
previous three decades. With the tremendous increase
in population along the high-risk areas of our shore-
lines, we may not fare as well in the future. The
danger potential will be especially high when hurri-
cane activity inevitably returns to the frequencies expe-
rienced during the 1950s, as experts are predicting in
the upcoming years.
In the final analysis, the only real defense against
hurricanes is the informed readiness of your commu-
nity; your family, and you.

Is your home
read), for
hurricane season?

rurricane Wildolw Fin


-i .,. .- .

Hurricane Wilma, the most powerful storm ever recorded, passed far to our west but still brought strong winds
and high waves to the Island.

Don't forget the critters

If you're frightened by a hurricane, think for a
minute about what your pet may have to go through.
That's what some officials based in California have
United Animal Nations' Emergency Animal Rescue
Service wants us all to include the family cat, dog, bird
or any other animal companions in our disaster plan.
"Many animals are injured or killed during disas-
ters simply because no one thought about their welfare
when planning for a disaster and there was no time to
do so when disaster struck," said UAN President Mer-
cedes Flett. "We've seen too many animals left
behind, dogs tied in a backyard when their families fled,
cats abandoned in a house with rising waters and horses
trapped in barns."
Her tips:
Make sure all animals are wearing identification,
such as on a collar or tag.
Identify temporary living arrangements for ani-
mals in advance, such as a friend or family member, a

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Little dogs get nervous in storms, aSForrest Gump
can attest.
kennel or motel that accepts animals, so that animals
don't have to be left behind when an evacuation is nec-
SAlways keep photos of animals on hand for iden-
tification if the animals are lost during a disaster.

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Check boat insurance coverage now

Before the start of hurricane season is definitely the
time to check on your insurance policies, especially if
you have a boat.
And according to attorney John W. Merting, you
should review not only your insurance policy but also
your marine-insurance application.
Merting, a maritime attorney, said, "Marine insur-
ers usually issue policies to all who apply and in gen-
eral only 'underwrite' and thoroughly investigate an
application and policy when there is a claim. Florida
dramatically restricts this practice of 'post-claim under-
writing' for other types of coverage, but maritime poli-
cies can be governed by federal law, which permits a
policy to be voided if the insured doesn't accurately
disclose certain information in the application.
"Florida marine insurance policies are not subject
to statutory minimum standards like other types of
policies," he continued, "and many marine policies
are written through substandard companies and sur-
plus lines companies. This means the Florida Insur-
ance Guaranty Association doesn't cover the company
if it becomes insolvent. Florida law requires a 'notice'
be stamped on the declaration page of policies writ-
ten through a 'surplus line' insurer; avoid such policies
unless you have literally no other options."
Merting said there are also some exclusions in
many policies, which include alcohol consumption,
sinking ships and "acts of God."
"Another consideration to keep in mind is your
policy's description of who is included in the term
'insured,'" Merting said.
"Some policies include everyone in the owner's

This photograph illustrates the need for good boat insurance and the need for lots of lines to secure your
craft, too.

household and everyone who is operating the boat with
the permission of the owner. Others limit it to only the
named owner and no other family members unless they
are at least as old as the named owner. That means that

if a husband owned the boat and his wife was one day
younger, she would not be covered. Obviously, children
and anyone outside the household would likewise be
excluded from coverage."

Living in post-disaster world on Anna Maria Island

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

By Paul Roat
"There is little doubt about it sooner or later,
another big hurricane will come. Atmospheric scientists
and emergency planners agree that it's just a matter of
time before some portion of Florida is struck by another
catastrophic hurricane. No one knows when or where it
will strike, but we do know that eventually it will blast
ashore somewhere and cause massive destruction -
perhaps even greater than that caused by Andrew. Since
there is nothing anyone can do to. alter that foreboding
reality, the question is: Are we ready for the next great
That quote is from Jay Barnes' book, "Florida's
Hurricane History." Unfortunately, his assessment is
True, especially for residents of Anna Maria Island.
Islanders h a e been spared the direct hit of a hurri-
cane in recent years. Historically, five hurricanes passed
across the Island, one of the worst in October 1921.
That storm turned the area north of Pine Avenue in
Anna Maria into a shallow sandbar. Today, that's the
largest land area of the city. Passage Key, just north of
the Island, once had a fishing village and freshwater
lake. Since the storm, Passage Key has been little more
than a sandbar, and now officially a wildlife refuge.
That storm was a moderate Category 1 hurricane,
with winds of about 100 mph. Imagine what a Category



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5 storm with 155-mph winds would do.
Damage would be in the tens of millions of dollars
if a major storm made landfall on the Island. If evacu-
ation orders are not heeded, loss of life would be hor-
But the challenge will come after the storm through
redevelopment. Do Islanders want to rebuild the Island
as it looks today, or is there a better way to live on this
narrow strip of sand?
Those questions have been partially answered
in the "Islandwide post-disaster redevelopment plan
for Anna Maria Island," prepared by the Tampa Bay
Regional Planning Council.
The plan is the result of hundreds of hours of work
by elected and appointed officials, staff members and
citizens peering into crystal balls in an attempt to come
up with some vision of the Island in the literal wake of
a hurricane.
Taking into account existing land uses and poten-
tial redevelopment, transportation, drainage, and other
issues, officials have produced a document that will
serve as a springboard for rebuilding the Island.

'After the storm
When the winds have abated and the water has
receded, post-disaster efforts begin. There are three
stages to this process:

pus for all your

surance needs...

Immediate emergency period. Debris will be
cleared, search and rescue operations undertaken and
an initial assessment of damages to the Island will take
place. This process is expected to takeseveral days.
Short-range restoration period. Minor or moder-
ately damaged structures may be repaired plus damage
assessment of all buildings. This process is expected to
take several weeks or months.
Long-range reconstruction period. This period
will allow for full restoration of services, reconstruction
of all structures and infrastructure repair. This process
could take several years.

Crystal ball?
Although the post-disaster redevelopment plan
offers a broad-brush approach to rebuilding the Island,
it also offers some "opportunities" for making things
better than today. Among the thoughts to be considered
are the following:
Consider the overall redevelopment of the Island,
rather than just one community or one neighborhood.
Consider compatibility when redevelopment
occurs. One ground-level house in a neighborhood of
stilt homes is an example of incompatibility.
With widespread destruction comes an opportu-
nity to rid the Island of exotic plant species such as Bra-

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Knowledge is power, useless without action

By Norris L. Beren
Executive Director of the Emergency Preparedness
Educational Institute
Well, the annual surveys are out, the predictions are
in, and the hurricane industry professionals and govern-
ment leaders are already on television and attending
conferences communicating old ideas and creating new
ways to get Southeast U.S. residents and businesses to
take hurricane preparedness seriously. "Do something,"
they say. "Get prepared now; do not wait until all
the plywood, batteries, coolers, generators and canned
goods are gone."
Try this little self-test at home with your family and
see how you do. If you are satisfied with the results,

zilian pepper and Australian pine and to replace non-
native trees with traditional Florida plants and trees.
Development of an Islandwide bicycle and pedes-
trian pathway should be considered.
With massive property loss comes an opportunity
to acquire sensitive lands for the public. While officials
in all three Island cities agreed not to use municipal
funds for such acquisition, state or federal funds could
be used to add more public beach or bay accesses.

A look ahead
Here's an interesting footnote to post-disaster plan-
ning from the Virgin Islands.
In 1995, Hurricane Marilyn struck the Caribbean
islands, killing 11 people and causing $1.2 billion in
damage. Islanders there repaired their homes, busi-
nesses and resorts.
In 1998, Hurricane Georges struck the Virgin
Islands. This time, though, no one was killed, and
damage was estimated at $55 million. The difference
was credited to stringent building codes that ensured
stronger and safer new homes that were better able to
withstand a strong storm.

then you are prepared. Pretend that next Friday night
around dinner time the power goes out, the wind and
rain begin to get violent and, now let's see, you have no
air conditioning, no fan, no phone service, no computer,
no TV, no radio and no cooking facilities. Ah, but you
still have your cell phone.
OK, better eat what foods you have that will prob-
ably begin to spoil shortly anyway. What will you do
tomorrow? You can't go out because there are hurri-
cane-force winds blowing and debris everywhere. What
can you do? Read, play games with the kids if you have
any, talk on the cell phone with out-of-state relatives
or friends until the battery runs out. Have a spare bat-
tery? How about a charger in the car? Maybe tomor-
row when the wind dies down you can get to the car and
charge the cell-phone battery. Meanwhile, be careful of
the drinking water. You have some bottled water, don't
you? Uh oh, the roof is leaking; get the plastic (you

Can you come up with a better example of the power
of hurricane winds that this scrap of lumber that
went through a palm tree? The picture was taken
by National Weather Service Director Max Mayfield
outside of the agency's offices in Coral Gables after
Hurricane Andrew in 1992.

have some, don't you?) and cover everything. The bat-
tery-operated radio is great for giving you local news.
Well, power lines and poles are down and trees have
fallen everywhere. Local authorities advise you not to
go outside yet.
After 24 hours of this, you're ready to get life back
to normal. You need some water, the toilet water is
yucky as you flush; and the kids want something to eat
since the chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter are
You know, one trip to the grocery store with a
list of preparedness supplies could have avoided much
of this stress and anxiety. Nevertheless, a majority of
people recently surveyed admitted that they do not
know what they need and are not prepared for a hur-
ricane. Preparedness is not about what can happen or
what if a disaster or emergency happens, but what are
the severity of the consequences to individuals and fam-
ilies if it does?
Gov. Jeb Bush said, "It's horrific to think people
who are not prepared are putting other people's lives in
jeopardy by not being prepared."
Yet a survey released in May 2005 by the National
Hurricane Survival Initiative showed that the level of
knowledge about hurricanes by East Coast residents
is woefully inadequate. Despite all the media cover-
age, radio and TV interviews, graphical discussions,
published checklists, federal, state and local public ser-
vice announcements, American Red Cross and FEMA
announcements, the average resident could only answer
eight questions correctly out of 20 about his knowledge
bf hurricanes preparedness plans. Lack of knowledge
combined with a lack of action is an invitation to a
family disaster.
Fifty-six percent of those surveyed said that they
felt "not too" or "not at all vulnerable," according to a
Mason-Dixon poll. However, 47 percent of those sur-
veyed had no disaster plan for the hurricane season.
Maybe, just maybe, when people start hearing
about Hurricane Alberto, the first storm of the 2006
season, they will wake and say, oh my God, it's coming
here and I don't have any toilet paper!

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John Luchkowec

Pat Palmeri-Bates

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"Um, where do you want
this shutter thing to go?"
(The Other Installation Guys)

Worried About Your

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If You Want It Done Right,
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Your One-Stop Shop
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Reduces UV fading of furniture and fabrics

-- -caught unprepared!

/ Protection

Strong, durable, flexible woven polypropylene fabric
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Easy to put up and take down, and store away
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v iew
****r screen VS a


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.View from u -
View from Outside

View from Inside


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* Sound insulation "
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SOpenView "
iL Shutters "Up"

Closed View with Shutters "Down"

Fo aRE o0I roilMt i i is io l to oo rm gg k ad OWO N1am 4 m SATURDAY

in place

- :t:i