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Skimming the news ... Anna Maria Island map, page 10-A. SAnna Maria islander Isa Golf record set, page 4-1B. "The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992" www.islander.org Volume 14, No. 24 April 19, 2006 FREE Report: Island tourism still down By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter While it would be hard to tell from all the vehicular traffic and beachgoers on Anna Maria Island the past two months, the latest occupancy figures from the Bradenton Area Convention and Visitors Bureau indicate tourism to the Island is considerably down from last year. The CVB reported that March occu- pancy "of 'thie Island"-accommodations surveyed was 77.3 percent, a far cry from the reported 94.3 percent occu- pancy rate for March 2005. At the same time, however, the CVB said occupancy of mainland accommo- dations for March 2006 was 91.4 per- cent, just a few points off the 94.6 per- cent for the same month last year. Occupancy on Longboat Key slipped as well, falling from 87.4 per- cent for March 2005 to 80.2 percent for March 2006. Overall, occupancy of all accom- modations in the Bradenton area was at 83.4 percent for March 2006, about 10 percentage points below the March 2005 average of 93.1, the CVB reported. The argument that room rates on Anna Maria Island are hurting tourism doesn't seem to stand up when com- pared with room rates in Sarasota. The average daily room rate on Anna Maria for March 2006 was $161.90, a -.7-percent increase from-last year at the- same time. Sarasota, however, reported an average daily room rate of $190.52 for March 2005, although 2006 figures are not yet available. Sarasota's average daily rate for January 2006 was $168.96 compared with the Bradenton area's $135.59 average for the same month. At the same time, however, occu- pancy of Sarasota accommodations climbed from 52 percent in January 2005 to 67 percent in January 2006. Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Mary Ann Brockman has previously indicated that a large number of Sarasota's winter visitors had been coming to Anna Maria Island for a day visit, as indicated by the sign-in sheets at the chamber office in Holmes Beach. Tourism industry officials have said previously that red tide, pipes on the beach for the renourishment project and warm weather up north all contributed to the tourism decline. On the plus side, a late Easter in the winter season should boost April occu- pancy figures, CVB officials have said. While stay-over tourism to Anna Maria Island might be down for the first three months of 2006, Holmes Beach Police Chief Jay Romine, a 20-year vet- eran of the force, said traffic this year was the worst he's ever seen. "Of course, I say that every year, but this year was definitely the most traffic," he said. Remembering Zane, hoping the best for Ryan A beautiful day, Easter Sunday The Kiwanis Club ofAnna Maria Island presented its 42nd Easter Sunrise Service at the Manatee Public Beach and the continued success was evident bZ the thousand or so attendees. A welcome from club president Al Guy was followed by music, prayers, scripture, hymns, a sermon and an offering of more than $4,600, which is shared among the participating Island churches. It was a beautiful start to a beautiful day of Christian celebration. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy Return of Anna Maria parking nightmare By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Just when Anna Maria residents thought that Pandora's parking box had been locked, sealed and freeze-dried, someone in the city.may have found the key and reopened the box of old wounds and evils. Commissioners agreed at their April 13 meeting that a petition from Cedar -Avenue residents to ha\e open p:uking on their street qualified as an "excep- tion" under the historic parking and traf- fic regulation ordinance approved last September. The residents wanted to eliminate the "odd-even" parking policy and return the street to its prior parking configura- tion of September 2005. But that prompted an outcry from Commissioner Linda Cramer, who said it was her understanding that the ordi- nance would not be revisited for at least one year after it was in place. If Cedar Avenue residents get an excep- tion, Cramer said residents of Palmetto and Oak avenues, who had previously demanded resident-only permit parking, should be allowed an exception to opt out of the ordinance. "It's unfair" that the commission is now considering Cedar Avenue and is already making more exceptions, she said. While Crmner agreed that Cedar. Avenue could opt out of the parking plan, she indicated Palmetto Avenue res- idents should have the same option for permit parking. Only if they want open parking, responded Commission Chairperson John Quam, and only if 100 percent of the residents agree. Commissioner Chris Toilette, how- ever, wondered if the commission was now changing the plan and opening the door for other streets to bring petitions against parking. "We're not changing the ordinance," countered Quam. Cedar Avenue resi- dents did not have a petition last Sep- tember when the commission exempted four streets from the "odd-even" ordi- nance. Now, they do. What about other streets opting out of the plan? questioned Toilette. The commission will not consider an exemption if just a few residents want open parking, said Quam. "The rule is," said Commissioner Duke Miller, "that if you have a park- ing problem, you are out of luck unless you want open parking. I'm not saying I'm in favor of that, that's just the way it is." Miller had originally been a pro- ponent of resident-only permit parking, but opted for the "odd-even" plan after several other compromise proposals he brought to the commission failed to garner support. Cramer, however, countered that Remembering crash victims These two crosses were placed in the water last week near where the SUV carrying Zane Zavadil and Ryan Costello crashed through the bridge rail into the water A solitary young woman hugs one of the crosses. For more on the crash, see page 3. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin Quam had previously said that the ordi- nance would be in place for one year before the commission would consider any exceptions. Now, she claimed, Quam is chang- ing the policy. PLEASE SEEPARKING, NEXT PAGE ~1CC inn ~.-7 ;jr ;-. ~' ;"' ~ a ~.-- "t _ r. r. .-.--lei '4- iL~.r~~ -rd I--:~--i- - 2-A U APRIL 19, 2006 M THE ISLANDER FWC makes fish, crab busts in area Five people have been charged with fishery violations by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation officers. Charged April 12 with fishing with illegal gillnets were Michael E. Cook, 35; Trever J. Flathman, 19; and Nicholas O. Wettstein, 20, all from Bradenton. The trio were stopped in Longboat Pass with the. oversize nets. On April 14, two people were charged with theft and illegal sale of crabs as the culmination of a five-- month investigation by FWC officers. Wilfredo Leon Gonzalez, 23, and Marisela Gon- zalez, 20, were charged with illegal sale of more than 580 blue crabs and some stone crabs. FWC officers said the pair had been taking crabs from commercial traps, a third-degree felony, and selling them without a proper saltwater products license, a second-degree misdemeanor. FWC officials said they intended to file more charges at a later date against the Gonzalezes. Parking plan nightmare CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1-A If any other beach-access-zone streets have 100 percent of its residents in favor of changing its parking to resident-only, will the commission reconsider?_she asked. "No," replied Quam. "Then it's not equitable," Cramer responded, sug- gesting the commission might want to reconsider the entire ordinance. "I feel we have a lot of issues with this parking plan," and what the commission is doing with Cedar Avenue is "precedent setting." Other commissioners disagreed and will have a final vote on the Cedar Avenue request at their April 27 meeting. Cramer said she was not done with the parking ordinance battle. The September 2005 parking ordinance took at least 28 years of various commission and committee studies dating back to the first-known cit3 -sponsored parking studh in 1977 to come into existence. A type of rubber sidewalk has bounced into the streetscape of Bradenton Beach. Workers from KBI Inc. installed a new bit of sample sidewalk at Cortez Beach last week. The mate- rial, called Flexi-Pave, is made mostly of recycled rubber and is under consideration by city and county officials for a multi-use path to stretch along the Gulf of Mexico under the trees from Fifth Street South to the Longboat Bridge. The material which constitutes Flexi-Pave, said KBI Director of National Sales Gunny Hundertmark, is from old tires. The tires are shredded, then a binding agent is added to hold the material in place. Basically, the sidewalks, driveways, decks, paths or other surfaces are flat pieces of rubber. Of particular interest to local officials is the fact that the material is porous, producing a more "green" aspect for hardened surfaces that promises to reduce stormwater runoff issues. The pilot project runs from Gulf Drive to a hand- icapped-accessible beach access between Ninth and 10th streets south in the city. The application process went quickly last week, as officials from the city and county watched the mate- rial get layered onto the ground in movable forms, not unlike spreading cake dough in a pan. The product cures in about a day, and is resistant to chipping or cracking, unlike asphalt or concrete. Cost is estimated to be approximately the same as asphalt, according to Hundertmark. Checking it out Bradenton Beach Mayor John Chappie, left, learns about the Flexi-Pave material from a KBI Inc. employee. The recycled rubber product Swas installed :dZI 'in a pilot L sidewalkproj- ect in the 900 block of Gulf Drive South last week. -" Islander P ul RPhoto: "Paul Roat ional Cuisine lass Wine !^ers & Ales al weekend breakfast e last weekend in May You'll love our Potato-Crusted Grouper. Tender fresh grouper-is sauteed and crusted with flaky potato and served awithPommery mustard sauce...Mmmm. ___, Happy, hour at the bar 5-6:30 nightly -2 for 1 wine/beer SOpen nightly for dinner Sunday breakfast/brunch 8-1:30 5406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 941.778.5320 www.oohlalabistro.org ~ -DISB OVER. ty -- jlilt! a 4A!! R .E S T AU R A N T 111 South Bay Boulevard Anna Maria Island : 941-778-1515 Northern Tip Of Anna Maria Island : Across From The City Pier Breakfast: Sat & Sun 8am -1130am : Lunch: Every Day 11:30am-4:30pm Dinner: Sun-Thurs 4:30pm-9pm : Fri & Sat 4:30pm-10pm www.thewaterfrontrestaurant.net Green sidewalk product installed in Bradenton Beach The soul of ,urope i-1 the hiearf i of AnnI -M a ra" I a^ ^ r^ S S1 ^ 0 TIE ISLANDER APRIL 19. 2006 U A-3 Bradenton man still critical after bridge crash A young Bradenton man remains in critical condi- tion in a Tampa hospital after a late-night crash on the '-. . Anna Maria Island Bridge April 8 killed the driver.:. ... Zane Zavadil, 19, was killed at the scene. Ryan Costello, 20, remains hospitalized. Florida Highway Patrol troopers originally described Costello as the driver, but after his father and .'' *. others protested, FHP reversed that assertion and deter- mined that Zavadil was driving the 1991 Toyota sport .- .. .: utility vehicle.t "t Bradenton Beach Police Sgt. Chuck Sloan and Holmes Beach Police Officer Mike Pilato were first to. . arrive at the scene. The pair saw a rear wheel of the' vehicle sticking out of the water of Anna Maria Sound just south of the bridge. .. : K- "No one had come out of the car, so we decided to : go in the water to try to save the occupants," Sloan said. '""'' i.- '. "We went to the end of the bridge and started to"r .-. - disrobe," Pilato said. "It was about 100 yards from - shore, and when we got there. West Manatee Fire & Rescue had arrived and threw down a mask and fins. Sloan went down the passenger side and dove down." Manatee High School 2005 graduates and friends erected this memorial sign on the Anna Maria Island Bridge "I felt a body in the passenger seat, but I couldn't last week at the location where an SUV carrying Ryan Costello and Zane Zavadil went off the bridge near get it out because of the seat belt," Sloan said. "I went midnight on April 8, killing Zavadil and leaving Costello in critical condition. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin up and borrowed a knife from Pilato, cut the seat belts , and pulled the passenger out and got him to shore." "I kept trying to get the driver out of the car," Pilato said, "but the current and the wind kept slamming the door in my back. Sloan came back and we both went . under and I was able to cut the seat belts and get the driver out. "The Coast Guard had arrived by then, and we got the guy on the boat and they transported him to King- fish Boat Ramp and then to the hospital." Both officers agreed the water was over their 1 L heads. i Services for Zavadil were last week, and hundreds- ..' of people packed the Westminster PresbN terian Chuich --.:. ; - in Bradenton to remember the x young man. Visitation on More than 1,000 people attended the visitation in the Island drew more than 1000. He was attending the remembrance of Zane Zavadil last Thursday evening .. Fire Science Academy and was a cadet at West Manatee at the Griffith-Cline Funeral Home in Holmes Beach. ' Fire and Rescue District. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin By Paul Roat A new vision of Bradenton Beach is coalesc- ing. Members of the city's Waterfronts: Accessi- ble, Viable, Environmentally Sustainable commit- tee met last week in an ongoing process to deter- mine the path upon which the program will pro- ceed in its two-year mission to improve, enhance and preserve the city's waterfront and be\ ond. The process is funded for the most par b\ a grant from the Florida-Department of Comimuni ty Affairs through the Waterfronts Florida program. "But this is all a waterfronts community," facilitator Dr. Thomas Taylor told the dozen or so members present. "It's not just along the shore.". After a brief session in which members out- lined elements they did not want the city to suc- cumb to high-rise buildings, proliferation of run-down structures, loss of commerce and loss of a sense of community the group went to work on what they wanted Bradenton Beach to become or continue to be. Highlights of the Gulf of Mexico shore included adequate parking and clearly delineated beach access.points, restoration of natural habi- tats, vista preservation and public use of the jetties at Cortez Beach. The group had mixed views on Australian pine trees. with some urging preseratoron and others lobbying for the exotic species' removal. The bayfront vision included enhanced boat- access points, more docks and parks, boardwalks and enhancements to existing boat ramps at Coquina Beach and elsewhere. There was also a move for tax incentives for those who protect the natural habitat along the shore -- keep the maniagro\es or seagrasses and receive a tax break, in other words. SWithin the "do\ ntow n" portion of the city, from Cortez Road to Fifth Street South, goals mentioned included controlled and managed park- ing, increased parking, city acquisition of vacant lots on Bridge Street for use as a "town square" for events, enhanced lightipig that meets wildlife needs, instillation of underground utilities and maintaining the area as a family friendly zone. Along Gulf Drive, the group viewed the future as having curbs along the entire road, with safe pedestrian crosswalks, streetscaping that features native plants, sidewalks and removal of the "nega- tive" signage in the city. As to cultural and recreational activities, the group lobbied for more history programs to pro- mote the heritage of the city, expanded fishing and beach activities and even a regular farmer's market. There was also discussions of more non-tradi- tional means of transportation, such as horse-and-7 buggy rides or expansion of the trolley to connect with Bridge Street at the bayfront. Offshore oil and natural gas exploration was generally panned by the WAVES committee mem- bers, who proposed expansion of offshore fishing reefs and enhanced recycling programs and preser- vation and enhancement of natural habitats. Better stormwater runoff management was also touted. Key issues to be discussed in future meetings include parking and traffic, preservation of natural/ native habitats and removal of exotic species, and preservation of historic structures. The next WAVES meeting, and the continuation of the visioning process, will be at 6 p.m. April 19 at city hall. Refreshments will be served, and all are encouraged to attend and offer their "visions." TiltI I ,t I atI ihL Ftic iand '.c % itt it -.o' .\,. I dipla.\'Ld 1li '.N IL' ,t American flag during the gather- in to' rcimiiiit r Zavadil on the Island. His father ti a rceid lpa1au~ Jdt and he had been attending iU wi, to bec ome i firefighter at the time of the crash. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin Meetings Anna Maria City April 19, 6:30 p.m., environmental education and enhancement committee meeting. April 24, 7 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting. April 27, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 708-6130. Bradenton Beach April 19, 6 p.m., WAVES committee meeting. April 20, 1 p.m., city commission meeting. Agenda: Hurricane evaluation, update on Florida Gulf Coast Sports events, board appointments, approval of invoices and commission reports. April 20, 6 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting. April 27, 4:30 p.m., code enforcement board meeting. Biadenmon Beach Cit\ Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., 778-1005. Holmes Beach April 20, 7 p.m., planning commission meeting. April 25, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. April 26, 10 a.m., code enforcement board meeting. April 28, 1:30 p.m., police retirement board meeting. Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, 708-5800. Of Interest April 19, 7 p.m., Coalition of Barrier Island Elected Officials meeting, Anna Maria City Hall. April 24, 9:30 a.m., Sarasota-Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization meeting, Sudakoff Hall, USF- New College Campus, Sarasota. Vision of Bradenton Beach future under creation 4-A M APRIL 19, 2006 U THE ISLANDER New curator organizing maritime museum By Jim Hanson Islander Reporter Fascinated by Cortez's part in "an important time in U.S. history," Karen Geis is taking over as curator of the Florida Maritime Museum in the historic fishing village. The museum has been aborning over the past sev- eral years, with "Chips" Shore and many Cortezians as devoted midwives, but without anyone assigned exclu- sively to its nurturing. Until now. Geis arrived last week to begin organizing and documenting artifacts that have been accumulating for years, and sorting them for permanent display in the museum at the old schoolhouse that is almost ready for human occupancy after an exhaustive rehabilitation. She reports to Shore, who as Manatee County clerk of the circuit court is responsible for all things his- toric in the county. Directly responsible for the school building, its resurrection and the museum as manager of historic sites is Roger Allen. Shore is seeking political support and funding from all conceivable sources, including the state he returned last week from just such a mission to Tallahas- see to buy the Seafood Shack property as a perma- nent home for the museum. The county commission has turned down a proposal for direct purchase of the Shack but apparently remains receptive to some form of shared purchase. Shores is a history buff, and the new curator should V .reaearac~ a Karen Geis is the new curator at the Florida Maritime Museum in Cortez. fit right in: She is finishing work for a degree in history from the University of South Florida. She said she has loved history since childhood in Chicago. Cortez represents a vital, still active part of "an important time in our history, the Great Depression and World War II," she said. She added that she is most impressed by Cortez's concern for preserving what it has lived through since its founding in the 1880s. Kindergarten registration, immunization at AME Thursday Kindergarten registration for the 2006-07 school year will take place at Anna Maria Elementary School from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. April 19. The Manatee County Health Department's mobile immunization van will be at the school during registra- tion hours to provide free vaccinations for children of all ages. The following vaccines are mandatory for kinder- garten entry: Five doses of DPT, unless the fourth dose was given on or after the fourth birthday. Four doses of polio, unless the third dose was given on or after the third birthday. A second dose of measles vaccine, preferably measles/mumps/rubella, spaced at least one month apart with the first dose given on or after the first birth- day. Three doses of the hepatitis-B vaccine. One dose of Varivax, or a documented case of the chicken pox. To register students for kindergarten, parents should bring the child's birth certificate bearing an offi- cial seal, Social Security card, immunization record, Proof of physical exam within the year and proof of residency. A school nurse will be available to review records and answer questions during the day. AME is located at 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. For more information, call 708-5525. Qma-l~r dzunityb~;~ ~ I~Nti11 tb~k 4p$"u 3 S~. ,. ,~tFC- Mo -F I ; ~ _.1 ; ..-.. -~.... St~.14 . .:_. _-. .. . PUBLIC NOTICE FROM THE CITY OF ANNA MARIA IE CLEANUP 8 a.m. 3 p.m. Saturday April 29 at the Anna Maria City Pier parking lot pLEASE Yard waste must be separated from other refuse. Sorry no refrigerators, A/C units, batteries, .... tires or paint will be accepted at this cleanup. (RAIN DATE May 6) Remember ... Monday is recycle pickup day in Anna Maria. Please set your blue bin at the curb. For questions about recycling, call Anna Maria City Hall, 708-6132, ext. 25. ~ .s IT ~BL"7~=i 00 THE ISLANDER N APRIL 19. 2006 U A-5 Commission compromise derails sign confrontation By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter An expected showdown between local real estate agents and the Anna Maria City Commission over its proposed sign ordinance failed to materialize at the April 13 commission meeting when commissioners agreed to a number of proposals in the ordinance favor- able to the industry. Real estate agents had flooded the commission chambers in anticipation of a battle over the proposed ordinance after similar sign ordinances in Holmes Beach and Bradenton Beach had produced an industry outcry. But the commission moved quickly to resolve a number of serious issues in the Anna Maria ordinance regarding residential signs, agreed to a maximum sign of 4 square feet for signs on a residential property, not restricting the number of word lines in the sign, elimi- Snating restrictions on the number of colors for the signs and allowing either a metal frame or a wooden post to support a sign on the property. Mayor SueLynn pointed out that a sign hung on a wooden post would probably need a permit from the building department. The commission also agreed that residential signs could have an information box and one "add-on," or rider attached, and allowed a residence to have a sign naming the house attached to the dwelling, in addition to the residential sign on the property. It also allowed signs advertising seasonal or weekly rental to remain on a property, even when the structure is in use. Commissioners delayed a decision on temporary off-site signs such as "garage sale" until its May work- session, when it will also address commercial signs in the proposed ordinance. The measures brought approval from the real estate professionals in attendance. Island real estate agent Kevin C. Van Ostenbridge, speaking for Island real estate agents, had brought a number of proposals to the commission, some of which differed from those of the commission, but was pleased by the commission's compromise effort. He noted that the proliferation of signs has been generated by the market. But not everyone was happy with the proposed sign ordinance. Several local residents said the city is acting like it owes the industry. The city should start with eliminating all signs and work its way up from there, they said. While that brought applause from the audience, the commission rejected that notion and scheduled further discussion of the ordinance for its May 11 workses- sion. Sign of untroubled times Anna Maria City Planner Alan Garrett showed the city commission the difference between a 3-square- foot sign and a 4-square-foot sign at the April 13 commission meeting. Commissioners opted for the larger sign. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin Attorney Michael Connolly of Sarasota, acting as city attorney after Jim Dye recused himself because he is an Anna Maria rental property owner, said the city had to'be very careful not to make the ordinance "con- tent based." In other words, it should not be directed specifi- cally toward the real estate industry. He also noted that the Florida Supreme Court recently ruled against a Neptune Beach sign ordinance, saying that "visual clutter" of real estate signs was not a compelling reason for the city to restrict signs because that ordinance was "content based." Cities do, however, have some control over signs, he said, and can regulate size and.location, among other issues. In other business, the commission also agreed to vote on a proposed amendment to the building set- back ordinance at its May 25 meeting that would allow mechanical equipment, such as pool heaters, to encroach up to 36 inches in the side setback. The request was brought by Max Powers on behalf of the pool industry. Powers had previously pointed out that the 2003 setback ordinance had inadvertently meant that most pool equipment had to be placed in the backyard, a hardship for some pool owners. Commissioners also agreed that the amendment should allow the equipment to be as high as 36 inches, but must be "soundproofed" to eliminate as much noise as possible from reaching adjoining households. SueLynn, however, said the commission is setting a "dangerous precedent" because the amendment is geared to a specific industry. Commissioner Duke Miller agreed, saying the commission was entering "dangerous territory" with the amendment, but agreed to have the commission for- mally vote on the issue. Anna Maria City code board has vacancy By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter With the departure of Anna Maria code enforce- ment board member Gordon Atkinsonr to the foothills of Tennessee, Chairman Bill Iseman is looking for at least one new member for the board. Atkinson attended his final meeting April 4 as the board disposed of two code violation cases without imposing fines. In the' case of the property at 237 Chilson Ave., the board found that the Louloudes family had brought the property into compliance with all the reported code violations with the exception of the swimming pool. As code enforcement officer Gerry Rathvon was ill, she was unable to inspect the pool to see if it had been cleaned as ordered by the board at a prior meeting. The Louloudes family reported that the pool has been brought into compliance, but no pictures were made available and no inspection was performed. '4 The board opted to give the property owner until April 20 to have the pool brought into compliance and Rathvon will schedule and complete the pool inspec- tion before the board's May 8 meeting. The board also found the Pelletreau property at 319 Tarpon St. in compliance with the city code. An abandoned boat had been located on the prop- erty and the board had ordered the property owner to remove the vessel by March 20. City Attorney Jim Dye delivered a report from Rathvon to the board noting thatwhile the boat had not been removed by March 20, it had been taken away by March 28 when Rathvon inspected the property again. The board found Pelletreau had brought the prop- erty into compliance and closed the case with no further action. Anyone interested in serving on the code enforce- ment board should contact Mayor SueLynn at city hall, Iseman said. City hall can be reached at 708-6130. lifestyle salon L spa e store experience the difference , hair nails skin body 5311 gulf drive " anna maria island . J 778.5400 Swww.~2salon and spa.com THE 2006 GRADY-WHITES ARE IN! -. ..: -::.-5 VISIT CANNONS ..- -" AND SEE W-I-AT IS -.."3-:- ., COMING IN DAILY! *. .. % .- ECOLEBRATING-50 YEARS.IN THE SAME LOCATION ON L NGBOaT KEN tere 6040 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key NONS (2 Miles Firom North End) M A R I N A Open7daysaweelk SALES SERVICE RENTALS COMPETITIVE QUALITY COMMITMENT SINCE iSS: 8 a~m. 5:30 p.m. cannons.com r 941-383-1311 We're worth the trip! WYAMAHAelel 1 L ..11 .h. Wh 1 he l .a A Valued Client Speaks Ed Chiles The Chiles Q1oup, Sandbar, The Beach House & Mar Vista I'\e used Boyd Insurance t, r over 26 years, and l they've al\\was been great to work with. They're solid uad professional, and the fact that they are local is an added bonus. T., i.r.w de m' 1r.n i'," IrodL CtS Jnd rlce- '.\e ihi\ chcse n tn represent uali those insurance I-arrsi't hat baw eamnid and nmauit.ined a ohd repurail..n for service and financial stardjli Oar lit of earners un:lud -\Atna. Auto Ov nert. Blue Crw. BlueSlheld, FCCI, Hanover Flunda, The Harttord In'urance Co Home Builder insurance Pr.jgram, ING Fmanaial John Hancock LincolIn Lik Met l. k Ni' :.n,,'A .d F[ri.ncial, Prmuicipal Life Si Paal Tri.eler; Uirdie,] Ha.li Care, Zi ..nnc ai ell a ,.r'.,uri s Munuil Find cumpanies. We're doing all -we can to insure your future! BOYD INSURANCE & INVESTMENT SERVICES 717 Manatee A\enue \Vest. Suite 300 07 10th Avenue West Bradenton. Florida 34205 Palmetto, Florida 34221 941-745-5300 Fa\ 941-7-15-257t 941-722-0564 Fax 941-729-3312 www.boydinsurance.com Boyd i.i, ,r ,..:.- .. ...ient Services' staff members are licensed by the State of Florida, and many c .ar rl-: *..: .r.:ll:..l dvisor in Insurance (AAI), Certified Insurance Commission (CIC), . ij L.I.. iJ ..J.:.-.... ,r.,- Tr:.i'.,0 _. ,.'.-.._.. cc il F.. I..ll _'-'r1.- 1 7'^ '" G-A E APRIL 19, 2000 TIHE ISLANDER Opinion Farewell, winter friends And so it's over for another year the "high season" has ended. Easter weekend traditionally marks the peak of our busy tourist season on Anna Maria Island. But summer is becoming more and more of a "high- low season" on the Island. Rates are somewhat lower for accommodations, sure, but occupancy is decent espe- cially compared with other areas of Southwest Florida. There are a lot more "no vacancy" signs visible in Manatee County's beach communities than you'll find in Sarasota, for example. And so we have our Island back to ourselves - somewhat at least until the masses arrive for Memo- rial Day and July 4 celebrations. No more long lines to buy groceries. No more long lines at our favorite restaurants. No more packed trolleys, or the mishaps when they can't keep the scheduled rounds for all the traffic. See you next year, winter friends! Trying to reason with season Although the other season, hurricane season, doesn't officially begin until June 1, storms don't usu- ally carry calendars and, with the waters of the Gulf of Mexico already at 74 degrees and rampant predictions of above-average storms this year by forecasters, it's time to think ahead. Now is the time to dust off your insurance policies and go over your content coverage, check the wind and flood provisions, and generally give them a good going-over. Insurers don't write or work on policies if a storm is brewing, so April is a good month to check that you're covered adequately and make any necessary changes. Remember those storm shutters you've been putting off getting? Now's the time to invest in protection for yourself and your home while you still have time. Also check supplies such as water, batteries and other necessities of storm season that you may have tapped into during past months. Stock up. And the best advise of all is to invite your mainland friends, the ones that live high and dry in a nice house far from any waterways, to the beach for a weekend. Enjoy thelazy days on the Island with them now. The chances of their returning the favor when you need a safe haven in the face of an approaching storm might improve. Call it another form of hurricane insurance. Let's call it the "Welcome Plan." Thie Islander APRIL 19, 2006 Vol. 14, No. 24 V Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org V Editorial Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org Jack Egan Jack Elka Jim Hanson V Contributors Gib Bergquist Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org Jesse Brisson Don'Maloney David Futch Robert Noble Carrie Price V Advertising Sales Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org V Office Manager Connie Brannon, connie@islander.org V Production Graphics Kelly McCormick, ads@islander.org Lisa Williams, lisa@islander.org V Distribution Urbane Bouchet Ross Roberts Lisa Williams- (All others: news@islander org) OV0 ME4 ~V Aeard fi wi Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. 1992-2006 Editorial, sales and production offices: Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEB SITE: islander.org FAX 941 778-9392' PHONE 941-778-7978 SLICK. By Egan Opinion .: ** .. .. "- ; .- " A bully's game Re: "Board says 'junk' boat must go away." This article's picture is the equivalent to posting a red letter "A" on a scandalous adulteress. Is this paper's mission to-shame people into compliance with codes and code enforcement? I would assume that would be the job of others and not a waste of newspaper space. Amusingly, the picture, taken out of its fairly hys- terical context, is pretty arty. It is a decline of our civili- zation that the frothings of the condo bards and neigh- borhood associations have become the individual hom- eowner's blight via code enforcement. If Noah were building his ark in a town like this, we'd not be alive to read such a ridiculous slew of arti- cles to shame and humiliate persons already suffering fines and legal fees. In short, it's a bully's game. I .am glad to live in Cortez where boats lounge in yards, unused Harleys gather weeds, and there's a rugged sense of individualism where people live in their homes. It is no small reason that places like Cortez are heavily featured in historical, cultural and other stud- ies. People visit to feel its spirit. They are real places that retain the sense of Florida not the actuality of increasing property values that make the finger-point- ing whiner of today the victim of a more financially well-off finger pointer in the future. I think there should be a movement away from maintaining "property values" and to maintaining cul- ture, heritage and a sense of fun, life and individuality. A fisherman said to me the other day an ex-Vermonter demanded he move his commercial fishing boat. He was visiting his mother on the way home from work. The irate neighbor yelled, "I didn't come to Florida to see this!" And I ask people like that man and others like him, what did you come to. see? Or did you want to make it as bland and dull is the place you escaped from? .Florida's value rests-in .its, wn sense of ,self. To '- . erase that with a wall of condos and roads lined in simi- lar fences is a degradation of something unique and pre- cious. Trust me, the property values will rise even if you stick a rusty RV on your lot and sit outside drunk in your underwear singing Jimmy Buffett songs in a fal- setto. Rhonda K. Kitchens, Cortez Eye appeal I.have never seen a more appealing photo of a child as that which appeared on the cover of your March 29 issue. Edna Tiemann is to be commended.for capturing the innocence, beauty and grace of Kylee Moscato. Thank you for sharing that with us. Mary Shaull, Holmes Beach Great garden tour The third time was a charm for the Island Garden Tour, with more than 500 garden lovers visiting five lush tropical gardens on the April 1 tour. The tour raised just under $7,700 for the Anna Maria Commu- nity Chorus and Orchestra, setting a new record for the event. In addition, another $1,500 was raised through in-kind contributions, bringing the total to just under $9,200. Thanks to all who contributed to this success: the garden owners, a hard-working committee, the volun- teers at the gardens, and, especially, the tour spon- sors. This year's sponsors were The Herald, LaPensee Plumbing, the Anna Maria Island Property Report, Island Real Estate, Anna Maria Garden Club, the Sand- bar, BeachHouse and Mar Vista restaurants, Pickwick Stage, Island Garden Club and Duncan Real Estate. Thank you very much to The Islafiter for helping the tour with your recent stories, which helped spread the word about our event. And last, but not least, thanks to all who came and meandered through the gardens. . K -.r ., ,-! > ., '. ... ",*, G ,. ,-,/c T .- .. *i: ....i Jngwag yoU Slice it.. Co rnf i Hriz r.1a on Keep them laughing There are worse things than losing an election (as I can attest), but there is nothing worse than losing your convictions. I believe that it was Adlai Stevenson that first said that, and I agree. And so, I write the following "Slice of Maloney." When I was at the Syracuse University School of Journalism, a professor there advised me, after reading some of my fiction and even after reading my words of truth that I should concentrate on humor only. "Doing so," he said, "lets writers like you get away with murder. That's because readers THINK you're kidding." If you've read anything under my byline in the past, I hope you realize that I'm always trying to heed that advice, even though it's not always easy. Like right now, I feel as though I must react to the attitude elected officials in Bradenton Beach have .already exposed, and the same attitude I read that the Holmes Beach mayor says she will pass to her com- mission. That attitude: To hell with no matter what the voters of those two cities asked them to do, they don't want to pay anything for an Island consolidation study until Anna Maria comes on board, which, of course, they hope will never happen. Now, let's see if I can come up with some humor about that. The first laugh I got was to hear that those two cities wanted Anna Maria to join them in the consolida- tion study. In otherwords, they wanted some consolida- tion before they they would agree to consider consoli- dation. Second laugh came from the fact that it's taken those two cities' mayors more than four months to give anything to what the majorities of their voters asked them to do. Four months, and then only that they finally came up with an excuse to ignore them. I guess that's because there were far more impor- tant things to do than listen to voters. Instead, they - Holmes Beach elected officials have been deep since then into how often the bridges to the main- land should be opened, where golf carts should be allowed to run, or who should own, rent or whatever the T-end canal docks in their city. What worries me is that the former concern has been discussed for at least five years that I know of without reaching a decision, and the same goes for the-latter for 10 years. I don't know how long Bradenton Beach has wor- ried about what a pier eaterie should be, and right now they are concerned with that city buying private houses for some reason. So, maybe four months ain't so bad after all. There is a slight hope that Island consolida- tion might be getting somewhere about real estate signs yet. Last week, they argued trying to have all three cities agree on the measurement of those signs. Some consolidation progress, but only IF they ever agree. I hope the subject of brick pedestrian crosswalks never comes up. The ones Holmes Beach has already installed are quite enough. But, back to humor. Why would elected officials of a 7-mile-long, 1-mile-wide Island like ours back away from a study voters requested? Could it be that such a study might show residents how they could be pro- fessionally managed with less than three mayors, 14 commissioners, three police departments, and three of everything else as well, like public works and other city departments? All that is apparently OK as is, however, only as long as all real estate signs are the same dimen- sions. My biggest personal regret is that I don't have the mere $25,000 to foot the bill for that survey, a sum that the mayor of one and the commission of the other of the two cities feel is a waste without Anna Maria. I'm seriously trying to figure out how I can raise it myself and.finally work toward getting to an end of a 40-some years discussion of consolida- tion. That price is cheap compared to the tens of thou- THE ISLANDER N APRIL 19, 2006 A A-7 sands all Holmes Beach taxpayers will have to share to pay for the one-year-earlier construction of a replacement for the current Key Royale Bridge a bridge that the Florida Department of Transportation people have assured us time and again is "struc- turally sound" and will last as is for many years. All that's wrong with it now is described by the DOT as being "primarily because of undersized lane dimensions." It is "functionally obsolete," which refers only to the bridge, despite being appropriate, I believe, to describe the current Island's form of gov- ernment as well. While I'm busy trying to raise $25,000, I trust that the City of Anna Maria which has been blamed by the other two cities for their backing off the study - will finally give their voters the right to express their feelings about participating in an Islandwide consoli- dation study. That's a right they denied them on last November's ballot. What the hell, even if the vote doesn't turn out the way the mayor and commission there want it to, just ignore them. But that decision would be another form of consolidation. But like I promised, back to the humor I'm com- fortable with. The professor was right. Here goes: These two Irishmen, Pat and Mike, were in this pub and ... Date Low Hig infall April 9 70 86 0 April 10 66 84 .20 April 11 66 86 0 SApril 12 65 85 0 April 13 65 86 0 April 14 70 86 0 April 15 70 87 0 Average Gulf water temperature 740 24-hour rainfall accumulation with reading at approximately 5 p.m. daily. E Dining at Rotten Ralph's May I- Become Habit Forming I;P' SMmosSa Bloody )Ma3?y StTequila unmPise Soeewdriver 2 for 6 ROTTEN RALPH'S i WATERFRONT DINING (L ,LUNCH & DINNER 7 DAYS FULL BAR SERVICE 902 S. Bay Blvd. Anna Maria ROTTEN Located at Galati Marina 778-3953 RALPH S i SGulf of Mexico - ALO-A-A FISH &CHIPSALLDI EVRYIDAY $8.9 We'd love to mail you the news! We mail The Islander weekly for a nominal $36 per year. It's the perfect way to stay in touch with what's happening on Anna Maria Island. More Than 1,400 happy, eager-for-Island-news paid subscribers are already receiving SThe slander where they live ... from Alaska to Germany and California to SCanada. We bring you all the news about three city governments, community hap- penings, people features and special events ..- even the latest real estate transac- Stions .. everything you need if your "heart is on the Island." We're the only . Newspaper that gives you all the news of Anna Maria Island. S The Islander is distributed free locally. But if you don't live here year- Sround, or if you want to mail the paper to a friend or relative, please use this . form or log on to islander.org for secure e-mail transmission. BULK MAIL U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (allow 2 weeks for delivery) Q One Year: $36 6 Months: $28 I 3 Months: $18 S U.S. FIRST CLASS AND CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS. * IU One Year: $140 Q 6 Months: $87.50 0 3 Months: $52 S Q Single Issue: $3.50 FIRST-CLASS MAIL, U.S. ONLY, Maximum Four Weeks * Call for mail rates to Europe or other countries. MAIL TO: * ADDRESS * CITY STATE ZIP' * Credit card payment: I] E [E No. S Exp. Date Name shown on card: .B , S.MAIL START DATE: - i- The Islander S Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 S CHARGE IT BY PHONE: (941) 778-7978 r OR ONLINE AT islander.org , i lU m Ii i ni Iii i i Im niiI l ieiL I Remember ...s w sR m Pitchers of Bud & Miller Lite Only $7 8-A 0 APRIL 19. 2006 TIIE ISLANDER Island school dedication May 1 By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter The long-awaited grand opening celebration for the new Anna Maria Elementary School is just around the corner. Construction crews are working around the clock to ensure all is ready for the May 1 dedication ceremony, says AME Principal Kathy Hayes. In the past few weeks the area in front of the school has been transformed from a pile of dirt to a landscaped space filled with new trees, a newly paved bus loop and parking lot, covered walkways and light posts. Hayes said parents should be pleased with the park- ing lot and driveway, which will allow three times as many cars to line up for student drop-off and pick-up times. Light posts have gone up for the parking area and playgrounds, and covered sidewalks now lead from the parking areas to the school and connect the art/music wing and auditorium to the main building. The grove of oak trees in front of the school will feature an outdoor dining area. Pavers from the former school's patio will be used for the new picnic area. A donation from the Anna Maria Woman's Club has helped ease the expense of putting the pavers in place, said Hayes. The pavers will form an L-shaped patio to hold picnic tables. Hayes said the school hopes that local businesses will pitch in by sponsoring a table and an umbrella that will display their company name. 301 Gulf D - Hayes said much of the landscaping has been put in place, with more still to come. To date, 81 palms have been planted on campus, 24 new oaks have been installed, ferns and foliage for the front of the school building are expected to be coming soon. A new sign has been ordered for the front of the campus. The marquee will face north and south to be visible to all passing traffic to display school announce- ments. Flagstone retrieved from the front pillars of the former school entryway will be used to create a planter around the new marquee. Hayes said the sign will be lighted at night. Mote Marine Aquarium has delivered its donation of a saltwater aquarium for the school's main lobby. - -;A1 -IT-, ^- 1 -1- 1-^ 1 ^ n-L -,mfx. r lhq p frP t-1 - Hayes saiu omter schools in uhe county nave IIrscu watr S.t dM I aquariums, but she believes AME is the only school to have a saltwater aquarium. Your Beach and Shell Shopl The first few fish, including a yellow tang and rain- Sbow-banded shrimp, have arrived in the tank, and more QF*REE ---- - / Shell Necklace I 1 ISANDE (with Ad) I .. I Tropical Department Store r S, Bradenton Beach (941) 778-8607 I , Shell Necklace (with Ad) f Dr N, Holmes Beach (941) 778-5909 icane Hanks formerly Barefoot Traders) S- - -- ......... .- Turn to West Coast Air Conditioning l & Heating, Inc. :l ior technical expertise, .' L customer satisfaction and Carrier systems that are second to none. * Family-owned and operated since 1972 * Factory-trained technicians * Residential and commercial * Ask about our 12 months same-as-cash financing* WEST COAST AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING INC 778m9622 5347 Gulf Drive, No. 4, Holmes Beach Business Center, Holmes Beach( 'FHurtanu ch g 'h IrII 1,1 Uri Inr, pL1.OdE. l rwm iMe dial of owa:h'a.e but r, mimjr-u1m ri mhtO' hiI& be dw -11i be i prior If, Ihn pr orrnij n o apIrFA dIilt 11 Irf3lraltrl r Dn bdr billhirig 3I.krri. air1 I ou pea y hhe rlh1 tI 913 pr I6 Lr.c purJr15o pri.r In Ie pru rmrit i pirriod, A.,ran~ n w n Ii i r dfl -tiE will L' due or, lhrh urrhl, AUoder~J APR is 19 500l L' Oe. lai? rdie APR ir 2 4 92' C r .VoUTI IJU J I MI I fjjjaj M- l ne )' 5 1 ) ., z- orhL I \1trrs' -"- '" -. .. Not good : v:^. ', :: "news : -. High winds and heavy surf in the Gulf of Mexico ... ... ......kept the Goodloe Marine dredge "Millennium" in safe harbor on the east side ofAnna Maria near the city pier for a few days last week. Goodloe has resumed the beach renourishment J operation, but has Only until May 30 to complete the project, according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engi- neers. Islander Photo: Jack Elka fish are coming. The donation is valued at $3,000. More features still to come are the dolphin sculp- ture, which will hang in the 16-foot-tall clock tower, which will be the focal point of the covered walkway and entry. The sculpted mother and baby dolphin will be visible from all sides of the tower and protected by a metal roof. The art was donated by Trudy and Stewart Moon. Hayes said the sculpture won't be in place in time for the dedication, but drawings will be available for guests to view. The art should be in place when school resumes in the fall. Another feature that won't be in place until the fall is the peace garden. The designated area, between the auditorium and art/music building, is under scrutiny to determine how much stormwater runoff it will collect. Hayes said the school is working with master gardener Christine Callahan on the design of the peace garden. Plans are being finalized for the May Day dedica- tion ceremony, which will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the school auditorium. The program will lead guests from the auditorium to a ribbon-cutting ceremony and inside the main building where group tours will be arranged. A reception hosted by contractor W.G. Mills will cap off the event in the school cafeteria. All members of the community are invited to attend the dedication ceremony. For more information, call 708-5525. r "GRN TURTLE I S' A Unique Gift Shop ;..FREE i v" L Shell Necklace i (with Ad) I 701 Gulf Dr N, Bradenton Beach (941) 778-2943 . "Tropical Bugs Need A Tropical Service" CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Beaches Bradenton Sarasota Parrish 778-1337 794-1005 365-2893 776-0779 Full Service Exterior and Interior Now Accepting Visa * ,t, and Mastercard Island Pest Control Inc. SERVING THE ISLANDS MORE THAN 20 YEARS : State'Certified/Licensed'adld hnsue'd *.Ldcally. owned and operated' r TIHE ISLANDER U APRIL 19, 2006 U A-9 Parks, beautification committee to meet again By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter Customarily, the Holmes Beach Parks and Beauti- fication Committee adjourns for the season following its April meeting. However, members agreed they cur- rently have too many open projects and so they will meet again in May. During its April meeting, the committee reviewed the success of its recent landscape forum on the effects of fertilizers and pesticides on water quality. Of the surveys handed out at the forum, approximately 50 per- cent were completed. Results show that the majority of attendees were from Holmes Beach, and a few came from Ellenton and Sarasota. Most said they came to the forum to learn about Florida-friendly landscapes or because of an interest in native beach plants. Based on survey responses, the committee is considering either flowering saltwater tol- erant plants or xeriscaping as future forum topics. The committee was surprised to learn that only two survey respondents voiced an interest in learning about red tide. Committee members also discussed their vision for "reforesting" the Island replacing trees that have been removed with trees donated as living memori- als. The committee would like to start a program in which individuals or businesses could purchase a 12- to 15-foot-tall tree to be dedicated and planted on public land. The committee is interested in having more viable trees planted in place of mature trees that have been removed for one reason or another. Due to the expense, committee members agreed to forgo a plan that would see mature trees donated by other property owners transplanted to areas where they may be needed. Instead, they will seek the city com- Writers to.meet The Gulf Coast Writers group will meet at 10:15 a.m. Monday, May 1, at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Those attending may bring original writings to read to the group. Details may be obtained by calling 761-9036. *' Fufillng Dreams. COAST rc OF BANK Nfce Ch * Fre Oa'iinF a'rnking * Fiee r -ine B;ll Pay o rivef 3.,000 ATP - 1-877-COASTFL wu :.roastri.com <, INVESTIGATION Our firm is investigating an accident that occurred on Via de Luna in the early morning hours of August 4, 2002. The accident involved a pedestrian who was struck by a cement truck. If you have any information about this accident, please contact us: 850-444-4402 Kerrigan Estess Rankin McLeod ThompSOn LL ATTORNEY YS AT LAW 400 E. Government Street: Pensacola, Florida 32502 The he ring it a la.. nn, : an t -.porrir da-nzr,-, t h .t -h.uid n-.r; b. ved ohil' u.*pcri jd' *,:riti-ei enr B.-',:.re *, -u r ,-,'dz: -rk : tr.-, r. ri rrc-n 'u"'turn'r n:r, t ,ibOut \.,ui qiiainh.imjhri^ 3r, d ., t .ri:,n c e'~ .. . mission's support in matching funds of up to $1,000 with individuals interested in purchasing a new "dedi- cated" tree. Holmes Beach Mayor Carol Whitmore, who over- sees the committee, gave the concept her support and asked the committee to solidify an action plan. Whitmore attended the meeting to update members on the status of the city's cooperation with the Anna Maria Island Community Center during the Center's anticipated rebuild. Whitmore told the committee she has asked the city's public works department to make room for the Center's teen program in the building adjacent to the skateboard park. There are presently 25 kids regularly participating in those weekly gatherings. Whitmore said the proximity to the skate park, where many teens congregate, is ideal. The public works building may also provide a quiet location for the Center's counseling services, she said. As for the city's recreational areas, Whitmore reported that the the basketball court hoops are up. Bids are currently out for fencing three sides of the court and the city expects to obtain bids on striping the court. Whitmore said the Hagan Foundation has donated $8,000 for the basketball court, and $2,000 for a picnic area. The city plans to hold a ribbon-cutting cere- mony in appreciation of the ongoing support the Hagan family provides for Island kids. "Even though they don't live in Holmes Beach anymore, they still give $10,000 a year to our kids," said Whitmore. And, she added, the city's recreational fields are seeing a lot of action. Whitmore said she has seen people playing basketball, soccer and tennis and even some folks practicing their golf swing on city grounds. Holmes Beach Public Works Superintendent Joe Duennes reported that the four trolley shelters allot- ted in the current city budget are either in progress or finished. The shelters can withstand 140-mph winds. The next committee event will be a tree planting in ..-.0, \ Justaskfor me- I'll be the bag behind tthe counter .-'. ... No need to go street .. b, ,pping in New York City... I L rE'L all the famous designer names! '.. '.. ,i ,,,:- ;l d iate Metallic Shandlpaindcl hiacbag- Aeeoiess ewQ f OUR SECOND LOCATION NOW OPEN AT 412 10TH AVE. W.* PALMETTO 722-9916 Original location in the Bradenton Outlet Mall 773-1204 6605 Manatee Ave. W. Mention this ad, get 10% off ^-4t!4land Baptist Chu'rh would like to thank the following businesses, organizations and individuals for their part in making our BLOCK PARTY such a success: Paradise Bagel CafM Sandy's Lawn Service Four Seasone Nail and Skin Care Rotten Ralph's Deborah Scott Organizer Re/Max Gulfstream Roser Church Gloria Pei Lutheran The JOY FM The many friends nid c huirch fartill members of island Baptist Chur-ih THANKYOU! -. celebration of Arbor Day, the plans of which are still being finalized. The next committee meeting will be held at 5 p.m. May 1 at city hall. 90th birthday Ruth Burkhead (center, seated) celebrated her 90th birthday at a breakfast and open house at her Holmes Beach residence. Helping her celebrate were daugh- ters Judy Weiner of Michigan, left, and Nancy Haus- child of Minnesota, as well as some of the many friends she has made in her years here. They also feted the new hip she acquired through surgery in February. Puzzled? Jim MLixon Insurance Inc. 5412 Marina Dr.* Island Shopping Center Holmes Beach (941) 778-2253 OUR OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR LUNCH NOON-1 DAILY. ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND IT'S MIKE NORMAN Why Should You Work With Mike? Because he has morre than 30 years experience sell- ing on Anna Maria Island, a terrific team backing him iup and lots of contacts. Past performance may not be the only measure of success, but can you think of anything more reassuring to go by9 Buying or selling .. Mike Norman Reaml, inc 941-778-6696 800-367-1617 www.mikenormanrealty.ccom 10-A U APRIL 19, 2006 U THE ISLANDER 4 4- R --P-1 COTTAGE OR CAPPUCCINO BEACHFRONT OR BREAKFAST... LET US HELP YOU S9906 Gulf Drive Anna Maria L [- (941) 779-0034 - 401 Manatee Avenue S Holmes Beacn S941-778-7777 or www.gulfstreamfirst.com _'. IT 0 LL nrna ay O-v o oo I '1 -t c < <,- ' -J_': ", *r Z ii ..... . .. .. T I " Before i S R. -OLI head home stop by for the flal days of our HUGE SALE' Including LaCoste Tori Richards Men's and women's Tonmmy Bahiama 'selected styles Island Shopping Center 5-418 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 778-2169H t VACATION .. .. FUNW R ,. The Stotre qtl tie Btirds. | mcr^^E^*s-^*^l^^i^K'^8~r~*?ec'ai-^ 0 zo C-C C.Cl 0. to - aC-' ul '4Ofj( w~ -" '1~%9 ~f~b ,~~O"h'~~CCC H0.'ES~~~r,~ *. - --C rZ~~~~\* CP Li 04u0 00 oa; a U)U ~- a z VP 41 MAVS Mlai~ ae~~UR R-*~snu~~cnps A4l Nt -3- '4 x S m eL Q:y 'led, 0. Cm cii 0 Cu ci- zl a, - 'I m m c3m Ina0 ic cr mQLT U)-1IUi cn~o 941.383-2391 B-8 941.779.2222 FE--J 941.7M80444 visit www.c7Aroupersanwiciki.com tar Mesw Iltcm~. Grv-iI Gifts a, nd ScuI Event Plarnnin IS SudAy ThuOrday beginning at ,-pm 3 5pm nightly Early biner Menu 3 5pm 28 Entrees starting at $7 For Reservations call 782-1122 www.thesunhouserestaurant.com 7. at, the traffic. circle in Bradenton Beach ^^BIKE RENTALS Daily. Weekly Monthlyil Bikes for the whole family PKus : Kayak : Rentals Beach Supplies Fishing Rods Beach Clothes Gifts for Everyone On Your List BEACH ISLAND r 2( BU BEA M BILLY'S SCH STORE 427 Pine Avenue Anna Maria ,778-331 pen7 dcs,,, C C '4 :t v-*/ ;- v/ *^- -' i .'* -C *' INVESTMENT 1 Phulfcs lY OWNERS SContact Judy Karkhoff for Professional Property Management Servic s C <^I rd o a o5 o j do" 0,~~gs~~B~ 2 ) Er" C91 THE ISLANDER U APRIL 19, 200(6 A-11 *~..j %' ---.. -- ',_ .- *'- r V. ^ *.;, ; --I HOME OF THE MANGO-MIACADAAIIA ENCRUSTED GROUPER FREE E L'ASSEt Q : '1 or a piece ol Key Lime Pie with any two regular priced dinners, with this an. Open Daily a Live Muscc Fri, - EARLY BIRD SPECI L BEertdaN 4-6 pm Buy one en[ree, l [ et ec~ riOn enlree HALF-OFF w---, In,: SI:1 ^ ,in ,^ ,) : , 13- Where the locals and the stars love to dine! Denzel Uashington said: "Great food! 103 Gull Drive Bradenlon Beach -779-1930 y I;; arj : -w L I L' i~t t.* 2 S* -, ;.In-. .. - Ires i, FIr, speciois D ili Ice-C (id Beer .S WVVre S'I ?-. 4 " L,%.c 4r I t. ^~~~~~~o -y^^M i. --^. Si^ 4 I- ODw C:) 00-02 I-)C\a m cr :0 >< <<.. cc < < LO 83 a zz u camI 0Mm< < m<.o mczc0 :D :Ncnoo-7OH-10>C Cc Wzw HM 4 < < << < wm0 <0 Lu D < Zo o rL ;a 'd Y av. -i J L- pp 22 i QOG >-m << w 0 Er z coocZ oo' Q :< N cr o L 0 ocn jo 0 U -wzu) U Z > r D w LL < Ld <- rmm mmmm~m mmm. oooouo on rw ai >i> Ca Ca - :0 :Llj w 0 ~cr ~ C) L IiW W 0-0-0-0-a-a- ,II< < L -a.EL a OI- C -W -IFB enoO 4 ui U) 0 O l cv) r) c. cqM C.j CN J C a .'I N M n aT cj c~mmnm~mcrmcmcm 44:> .< j I>t 1< ^ga^^^Ssiga zc5Jccwcigcrm comSm hZ :COM 4 < -J - W W >U- LL- - CD "D 50 Ca-ClU)U)Ciq- - c~gommm~m~mc C3 ()E -i rr c ) > CJ'n 3 Omcnooo 2 2 Z cr Mcr>~- < < < : :<" < mm F- crrz z a F- i m S iz .-I H 'mxcn -4 o:> L t ,::CO illiI ll i- i T . Check out our new, chic dining area and wine bar! B4 5406 Marina Drive *, Holmnes Beach 778-5320.' Gigantic Flea Zl 1ffret Sunday April 30 Starts at 8am! at Ginny's Antiques & Art 5602 Marina Drive S Holmes Beach (Please park at the library) Also visit Ginny's at the old IGA S&JaneE's Bakery 9807 Gulf Drive Anna Maria J - 9-- 1- I ~Dg~e~ Mj~Jo ~s~3~ 4~tG7 ~ ~f~4~ ~glp~gt~3~~h~c~i~3B 12-A E APRIL 19, 2006 N THE ISLANDER READER'S REEF SHELLS & GIFTS The Island's Largest Selection Shells Shell Craft Supplies Sea Life Mirrors Jewelry and Handmade Seashell Christmas Ornaments 778-3211 5508 Marina Drive Holmes Beach Across from library Island Florist You Know Why! N 941-778-4751 800-771-7163 5312 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach www.island-florist.com Pawsitively Pets & Property Services Inc. P.O. Box 265, Bradenton Beach, FL 34217 Quality Pet Sitting Reliable Property Services 761-7511t Bonded Insured INTERNATIONAL Profe5sional Nail Care & Spa SHOPPEs oF PARADISE BAY S 7342 Cortez Rd. W., Bradenton S 794-8888 RECEIVE FREE EXFOLIANT 5CRIAB WITH A MANICIARE i AND PEDICIARE Gift Certificate5 Available Curve s into SPRING ACTION.' Our Exclusive Quickfit Circuit J takes only 30 minutes U / burns body fat, not lean g muscle J strengthens muscles and cardiovascular systems JOI N ANDGE Over 200 CITIZEN Watches 40% OFF Including: Eco-Drive t- Calibre I- -* Mickey S Mouse Collection Professional __ Divers --l.. Diamond SFashion Jewelry & Watch Repair 4228 60th St. W., Bradenton Jewlr R epa 794-2878 7358 Cortez Rd. W. 4-Zo/o '.798-9585 '- 5366 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach T -i 1-6 S - Tues-Fri 10-6 .Sat.lO0-4 779-2878 ACCEPTING ALL MAJOR CREDIT &ATM CARDS S- - - --- - - ORECKVACUUM', ALL 3 PIECES FREE 139 Value ALL 3 PIECES ,O,,,..,. 2FOR2999s. - FULL 3 YEAR WARRANTY! S $199 VALUE FREE 8 Attachments .I Weighs 8 bs. Strong enough to pick aei t Hotel Strength up a 16 Ib. bowling ball. REPAIRS 7 DAYS A WEEK .I Neighboring willows The Willow Wonders gathered at the Moss family's Gulffront yard for their annual picnic. The event, which has become a tradition, is open to all residents of Willow Avenue in Anna Maria. A variety of delicious food is shared as well as fellowship of neighbors. Islander Photo: Carolyne Norwood Island-Cortez. Causeway cleanup due Saturday The annual sweeping cleanup of trash from the beaches and roadsides will be here Saturday, April 22, coinciding with Earth Day. It will be the last of the scheduled countywide Great American Cleanup days, taking in Anna Maria Island, Cortez and the Palma Sola Causeway as well as Bradenton and Palmetto. Earlier phases of the cleanup efforts were March 4 at in the upper Manatee River area and the annual Coastal Cleanup last fall. The latter de-trashed the near- shore sea bottom, but further underwater cleanup this time around would be most welcome, said Keep Mana- tee Beautiful, sponsor and arranger of the event. After the cleanup's conclusion, there will be a free picnic for all volunteers with the Shaman Band per- forming from noon to 3 p.m. at Sutton Park in Palmetto, 10th Avenue West and Seventh Street West. Volunteers may check in at 9 a.m. cleanup day at the following locations: Bradenton Beach, BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N. Holmes Beach, Kingfish Boat Ramp beside the bridge at Manatee Avenue. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive. Cortez, FISH Preserve at 11601 Cortez Road, across from Sunny Shores. Palma Sola Causeway, the pavilions on the north, side of the road. Boaters and divers wishing to participate by pick- ing up trash from the sea bottom should call Keep Man- atee Beautiful to register, 795-8272. Last year's effort saw 47 miles of shoreline cleared of trash along with 178 miles of roads and highways, collecting 277,682 pounds of trash. Some 1,480 volun- teers participated. Palma Sola Botanical Park benefit next Wednesday A benefit concert and social event to help raise funds for Palma Sola Botanical Park is scheduled Wednesday evening, April 26, at the park, 9800 17th Ave. N.W., Bradenton. Featured at the outdoor concert, which will be from 6 to 9 p.m., will be trumpeter Leon Merian and his quintet. Admission is $10 per person at the door. The park is open to the public all week and includes classes and other public service programs, said James Pinkham of Holmes Beach. He works with the park in various volunteer capacities. He is with Morgan Stanley Co. in Bradenton, sponsor of the concert. Additional details may be obtained by calling S720-0480 or 761-2866. Bottle boat regatta Saturday at Palma Sola Causeway The DeSoto Heritage Festival's bottle boat regatta, with boats made from plastic bottles, jugs and other flotsam, will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 22, off the south side of the Palma Sola Causeway. "It's a wet, wacky and wild" event as part of the April-long DeSoto Festival, said the sponsors. A homemade craft of any size or shape may be entered in the regatta by calling 747-1998. Affaire near sellout, some room left With 10 days to go, the 2006 Affaire to Remember has a mere handful of openings left maybe 65 tickets left out of 350. The giant fundraiser and social event will be April 29 at the activity center of St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. It is the major funding source each year for the Anna Maria Island Community Center, last year raising $770,000. Aida Matic-Chaffee of the Center said that about eight tables are left, eight people per table. Tickets are $150 per person. The black-tie-optional event will begin at 5 p.m. with champagne and hors d'oeuvres and the opening of a silent auction. Dinner will be served at 6:30 followed by a live auction and, starting about 10, dancing to the Shaman Band. Raffle tickets for a host of prizes are still available and may be purchased at the Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria; AMI Oyster Bars, 6696 Cortez Road and 6906 14th St. W., Bradenton, and 1525 51stAve. E., Ellen- ton; Anchor Inn, 3007 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach; Beach- House Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach; Duffy's Tavern, 5808 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Also, Hurricane Hank's, 5346 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach; Mar Vista, 760 Broadway St., Longboat Key; Minnie's Beach Cafe, 5360 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach; Mr. Bones BBQ, 3007 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach; Rotten Ralph's, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria; Sandbar Restaurant, 100 Spring Ave., Anna Maria; and Home True Value Hardware, 5324 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Additional information is available at 778-1908. Family caregivers to meet The Family Caregiver Support Group of Meals on Wheels will meet from 1 to 2 p.m. Friday, April 21, at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holrhes Beach. It is open to anyone caring for an older adult friend or family member with chronic health or memory problems. Details aie available at 747-4655.' Boat, skipper needed for birds By Jim Hanson Islander Reporter A bird-conscious boatman and his craft are needed by the Manatee County Audubon Society to take read- ings on birds on Passage Key. The boat the birders have been depending on is no longer available, said Barbara Howard, president of the Tampa-Bay Bird Refuges Association. Richie Meyers, assistant manager for Tampa Bay Refuges who has been doing the counting, is away at law enforce- ment school. Passage Key, a tiny island a mile north of Anna Maria Island at the mouth of Tampa Bay, is periodi- cally a tropical island and a sandbar. It comes and goes, depending on erosion and storms and currents. At least twice in recorded history it has disappeared altogether, but the sea rebuilt it. Right now it is in a sandbar phase of about 30 "~';-- - nfl "' L~i~~t~;`~~ti~-I~;:1 ;;; "-~3x am--JL- . .. - 'Gentle Spirit's Revival' retreat planned at Island Baptist A retreat will be all day Saturday, April 22, at Island Baptist Church, 8605 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria, for the "Gentle Spirit's Revival." Free of charge, it will begin at 9 a.m. and continue until 6 p.m., with lunch provided. Bible teacher Robbie Leech will instruct in the Book of Nehemiah. For fur- ther information and registration, call 723-2842. Called to9 retirement Duke Ogline has spent 37 years providing phone repairs,"more than 20 of which were spent serving Island customers, firstfor GTE and until recently for Verizon. Ogline retired in March and will be eiijoying cool summers and laid-back winters in Suwanee, Ga., in the nearfuture with his wife Sandfamily. Duke said to tell everyone "Thanksfor ' Itathi- in e)2eo good. .... I"sland'er, Photo:. Bonner Joy, THIE ISLANNDER 0 AP-RIL M 2006 E A 1-13 OL4+doop- Kifcke-n Mode-I Nlow Fvailctble- aw-wcal 0 cias CArills 41 Smokeps 7+ctpeA 6,-ills 5350GulfDriv acres, but it is still very popular as a resting place for sea birds, said Howard. It is important in determining long-term trends in bird populations. It is the second or third bird refuge established by the conservationist President Theodore Roosevelt, and last fall its I 00th birthday was celebrated by wildlife lovers from all over. It is strictly off limits to the public, and only the occasional look-see by wildlife officials intrudes. Audubon and the association need someone with ii shallow-draft boat to carry them to circle the islet about once a month and allow them to tabulate species and num- bers of birds there. Howard said a refuge official who is comin- for the summer will be aboard to do the official counting, and even operate the boat if its owner doesn't want to go unimaginable to Howard, but just possible. Anyone interested may call her at (727) 343-1272. Harvey .": musical .. ) 7-~-~t Four starsfrom the musical b~bo~rEr' presented by members of II~iHarvey Memo- rial Comzmunity ~l~i -~Church, Braden- ton Beach, on ~ 1~5 ~ ~fs~~tMarch 3: Pat Whitacre, vocal- ist; Art Whitacre, guitar; and Mr r and Mrs. Jim Shirley on bass guitar and, key- board. "' DEFS BOUTIQUE~r.J- UPDATE your look! Thi k- l Master Stylist & Color Call '(941) 713-7223 or (941) 792-4999 SLook, Salon (next to Albertson's) 1F 7455 Manatee Ave W., Bradenton I =- M t DANIEL'S TRAVEL COM~PANY, INC. "Spend Th~anksgiving In Cozumel Sail on ecmivl Ispiation from Tampa NOV. 20-NOV. 25, 2006 OCEANVIEW .... from $476.00 pp* Call Dan or Joan at 779-2050 TPort charges extra, based on double occupancy YOU CAN FrEEL BETTER! Prime Delight is a delicious pomegranate juice with CoQ 103 and plant adaptogens. AMS Heoeltri Sciences (AMEX:AMM)I Is 1.Call Loreffa Owens S(941) 778-2658o it The Good Earth Northwest Promenade 6717 Manatee Ave. W. 594 -TryoOF'Z F w-m%779-9; (S&S Plaza, next to post office) ''~' '" - 'r~~:;~i~[i~ ~b-. : Recyclers get -break at Mllote scavenger hunt Sunday People bringing a printer cartridge or cell phone for recycling will get a discount on admission tickets to a scavenger hunt Sunday, April 23, at Mote Aquarium. The recyclables will mean $1 off the admission price for up to four guests, a Mote spokesperson said. Regular price is $15, children $ 10, free for Mote mem- ,bers. The scavenger hunt- is designed to teach guests "how to become more earth conscious and help protect marine life." Proceeds will go to Mote's whale and dol- phin hos pital. The aquarium, at 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy.' Sarasota, on City. Island off the south ramp of the Longboat Pass Bridge, is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Further information may be obtained by calling 388-4441. Islanders star, direct 'South Pacific' The musical "South Pacffilc" will open in Palmetto Thursday evening with a stageful of Anna Maria Island- ers. Director is Dr. Joseph J. Di Cicco of Holmes Beach, theater teacher at the Manatee School for the Arts, where the production will be staged at 700 Haben Blvd., Palmetto. Stars of the Rogers and Hammerstein classic will include Islanders Trina Rizzo and Edward Arneson. Curtain times will be at 7 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, with a matinee at 2 p.m. Saturday. Tick- ets are $10, $5 for the matinee. Details are available at 721-6800. Di Cicco has lived on the Island for eight years, coming here from Louisville, Ky. Terhardt featured artist Works of artist Ann Terhardt. are featured through April in a one-person show titled "Spring Has Arrived" at All Angels by the Sea Episcopal Church, 563 Bay Isles Road, Longboat Key. It is open from 9 a.m. to I p.m. Monday through Friday. Details may be obtained at 751-0266. 14-A M APRIL 19, 2006 THIE ISLANDER Another fine GSR mess, Ollie! By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter If the legal troubles for Villa Rosa developers GSR LLC continue to mount, someone's going to have to print a scorecard to tell Islanders who the players are - and which side they're on. The latest chapter in the GSR saga has GSR part- ner Ed Furfey filing a lawsuit in late March against Bon Eau Enterprises LLC of Sarasota, claiming among other allegations that the interest rate Bon Eau charged GSR on a $6.4 million "loan" to the company last year is "usurious." That means an interest rate on a loan is above what the legal maximum is in Florida, said a local Island attorney. Furfey claims in the suit that the transaction was a loan because it was money in return for a title to 2.56 acres of GSR property a portion of the Villa Rosa- project in Anna Maria and was subject to GSR's right to repurchase the property at "option prices." In exchange, said Furfey, Steve Noriega of GSR conveyed the property title to Bon Eau. But Furfey, even though he is an equal partner in GSR, says he had no knowledge of the transaction and it was nothing more than an "extension of credit by Bon Eau Enterprises to GSR, despite being disguised as a sale and purchase. "The terms of the agreement constitute a loan com- mitment, the 'deed' was given as security for repayment of the of the $6.4 million, and the 'option prices' are interest for the extension of credit." Further, claimed Furfey, the warranty deed was actually a mortgage and the rate of interest as charged by the "option prices" is "usurious" and unenforceable according to a Florida statute that makes it illegal to AN INTERDENOMINATIONAL COMMUNITY CHURCH HARVEY MEMORIAL -4! -. .r-, # PASTOR STEPHEN KING Sunday 9:30am 779-1912 www.harveymemdrial.org 300 CHURCH AVE. BRADENTON BEACH 2 BLOCKS NORTH OF BRIDGE ST. CLOCK TOWER charge an interest rate greater than 25 percent. Furfey also noted that both Bon Eau and GSR used the same attorney in the transaction and alleged that the $6.4 million was "significantly less than the fair market value of the Villa Rosa property." As a result of the transaction, GSR and Furfey as a partner have "suffered damages which it is enti- tled to recover," the lawsuit said. S Furfey, however, already has a legal action against his GSR partners, Robert Byrne and Noriega, over the Bon Eau deal, claiming he was never noti- fied or given "first right of refusal" on the sale of the 2.56 acres of the 17-unit Villa Rosa property on South Bay Boulevard in Anna Maria. He also alleged in that lawsuit that the sale price was "well below Sponsors sought for Longboat's Hurricane Preparedness Seminar A call has gone out for sponsors for the annual Hurricane Preparedness Seminar on Longboat Key. Sponsored by the Longboat/St. Armands/Lido Keys Chamber of Commerce, it will be from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Longboat Key Club & Resort, 301 Gulf of Mexico Drive. The seminar is free and very popular, the chamber noted, and "is given to assist our business community and the residents of the area." It is open to anyone, Longboater or not, member or not. Sponsorships range from Category 1 at $50 to Category 5 at $150, with escalating benefits by cat- egory. Additional details may be obtained by calling 383-2466. Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. ELCA Pastor Richard Baker Saturday 5prm Service of Celebration SSunday 8 and 10 30 arn Worship Services SNursery available ai in:30arn '';t' 2:r .i-. .ir,.. ,,u\,.r i::m e8 66 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 778-1813 WILLS TRUSTS ESTATE PLANNING JAY HILL Attorney-at-Law 778-4745 Anna Maria, Florida market value." Furfey claims he was unaware of the entire Bon Eau deal last August. Because Furfey is a GSR partner, he had to include Byrne and Noriega in the suit against Bon Eau, although he already has the aforementioned lawsuit against the two men (The Islander, March 8). But wait, there's more. Another company, Longboat Partners LLC, has sued GSR and the trio of partners, claiming GSR is in default of an $800,000 loan made to the company in July 2004 (The Islander, March 15). That lawsuit states that GSR and Longboat were supposed to develop the 11-unit Bleu Claire condo- minium complex on Longboat Key. As a GSR partner, Furfey is a defendant in that case along with Byrne and Noriega, while he's suing Byrne and Noriega in another case, and at the same time Furfey, along with Byrne and Noriega, are suing Bon Eau in the third case. What it means for Anna Maria is that plans for the 16 multi-million-dollar homes in the controversial gated community could be on hold for some time until all the legal difficulties are resolved. GSR recently finished its model home for the proj- ect, but has not yet delivered the final plat to the city, according to Mayor SueLynn. Until the city signs off on the final plat and it's recorded with the circuit court, GSR can't sell lots. That means homes can't be built and the city won't be getting any building permit fees for Villa Rosa homes any time in the near future. A building permit for a $2 million home in Anna Maria would cost close to $40,000. The city commission gave GSR site plan approval for Villa Rosa in July 2002. Lookin9 foir the perfect ueting? Look noi f rather ... Tlie Islander BEN COOPER & ASSOCIATES INC TAX AND ACCOUNTING SERVICE Need your refunds early? We offer electronic filing. Day and evening appointments available. ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS ~ OPEN YEAR ROUND We prepare individual, corporate, partnership, homeowner association and LLC tax returns. We also do intangible and tangible tax returns. Ben Cooper, E.A. 3909 E. Bay Drive, Suite 110 Holmes Beach, Fl 34217 (941) 778-6118 Fax: (941) 778-6230 e-mail: benacooper@aol.com Appellate Law .f i Kendra D. Presswood Presswood Law Firm, PA Civil and Criminal Appeals, Employment Law 1806 Manatee Ave. W. Bradenton FL 34205 749-6433 www.presswoodlaw.com he best news anywhere... : ... .M L I THE ISLANDER M APRIL 19. 2006 U A-15 00000000 Wednesday, April 19 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Kindergarten registra- tion and immunization van at Anna Maria Elementary School, 4700 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Informa- tion: 708-5525. 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Longboat-Lido-St. Armand Keys Chamber of Commerce "Nooner" at the Sun House Restaurant, 111 Gulf Drive, Bradenton Beach. Information: 383-2466. Fee applies. Noon Anna Maria Garden Club lunch and installation of new officers at Roser Memorial Commu- nity Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-0523. Thursday, April 20 7p.m. Opening night of "South Pacific" at Mana- tee School for the Arts, 700 Haben Blvd., Palmetto. Information: 721-6800. Fee-applies. Friday, April 21 1 to 2 p.m. Caregiver support group meeting at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 747-4655. 5 to 7p.m. Artist reception for 'The Art of Motion" at the Longboat Key Center for the Arts, 6860 Longboat Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 383-2345. 7 p.m. "South Pacific" at Manatee School for the Arts, 700 Haben Blvd., Palmetto. Information: 721-6800. Fee applies. Saturday, April 22 8:30 a.m. Kiwanis Club meeting with guest speaker Ann Jones, a dietician, at Cafe on the Beach, Manatee. Public Beach, 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. 9 a.m. to noon Keep Manatee Beautiful Great American Cleanup, check-in points at Cortez FISH Pre- serve, 11601 Cortez Road W.; BeachHouse Restaurant parking lot, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach; Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive; Kingfish Boat Ramp, Manatee Avenue, Holmes Beach; Palma Sola Cause- way north-side pavilions on Manatee Avenue. Informa- tion: 745-1350. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Earth Day celebration at Felts Audubon Preserve, Experimental Farm Road and 24th Avenue East, Palmetto. Information: 737-3169 or 894-0374. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Gentle Spirit Revival retreat at Island Baptist Church, 8605 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 723-2842. 10 a.m. to 2p.m. DeSoto Heritage Festival bot- tle-boat regatta at the south side of Palma Sola Cause- *Hypdnosis A Mind and Body Connection Hypnosis can assist you in the following areas: Smoking Cessation Memory Enhancement Weight Loss Self Es:leem Pain Control Behavior Modification SStress Management Breaking Negative Habits Anxiety Improve Perrormonce in SGoal Achievement a varie-, of areas Meditation And more Call for a FREE consultation 730-3965 Ge 'n ww G way, Manatee Avenue. Information: 747-1998. 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. "South Pacific" at Manatee School for the Arts, 700 Haben Blvd., Palmetto. Infor- mation: 721-6800. Fee applies. Sunday, April 23 5:30 to 7 p.m. Jazz pianist Dick Hyman head- lines the "Jazz Event to Remember" at Neel Perform- ing Arts Center, Manatee Community College, 26th Street and 60th Avenue West, Bradenton. Information: 752-5252. Fee applies. Monday, April 24 9 a.m. Widowed persons support group at Cafe on the Beach, 4000 Manatee Ave., Holmes Beach. Information: 778-1908. Tuesday, April 25 8:15a.m. to 12:30 p.m.- The "ABC" Safe Boating course at the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, 5801 33rd Ave. W., Bradenton. Information: 795-6189. 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Questions about Medicare Part-D enrollment answered by Michael Vejins at the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce, 5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-1541. Noon Anna Maria Island Rotary Club lunch at the BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bra- denton Beach. Information: 713-0042. Wednesday, April 26 8 to 9 a.m. "Good Morning Longboat Key" at the Longboat Key Chamber office, 6960 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 383-2466. 6 to 9 p.m. Leon Merian and his quintet benefit concert and social at the Palma Sola Botanical Park, 9800 17th Ave. N.W., Bradenton. Proceeds benefit the park. Information: 714-7907. Fee applies. Ongoing: "Celebrate the Earth, Celebrate the Sea" Earth 'PII CAT Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Stain & Odor Control Tile and Grout Color, Cleaning and Stain Control! 778-2882 or 387-0607 www.FatCatCarpetCleaning.com LARRY & NANCY HOUSE, OWNERS 2005 SMALL BUSINESS PERSON OF-THE YEAR Island Chiropractic Center Now Offering Thai Lic# MA33390 S , Dr.-Kathleen Goerg Massage! 778-0722 3612 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach, FL 34217 . Visit our Web site: w.ww.Islandchiro.com OPEN Mon.-Fri. 7soam-7pm Sat., Sun., Holidays 73oam-5pm WALK-INS WELCOiME We're available to tend to your urgent care needs Fever/Infections Minor Lacerations .Simple Fractures Sprains NNACLE MEDICAL CENTER 515 75th Street West Bradenton 941-761-1616 p'!tYy1Ytq,1~!~Y 1 W'T'YT~ MASSAGE BY NADIA I massage in the peace, quiet and convenience of your home! 795-0887 I. * .. .. , SIMPV TPUT HOME FURNISHINGS INC. * .. . *^- 't 'Specializiny in the unique and unusual for your home Custom creations by Cool 941-795-4788 Tim Gallagher/owner 941-962-0567 Mon-Sat 10-5 -Closed Sunday -Surfing World Plaza (next In Tvler's lce Crcan) Week events at Mote Marine Aquarium, 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota, through April 23. Informa- tion: 388-4441. Fee applies. Islander/fiber artist Cyndy Custis celebrates 30 years of weaving with a display at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, through April 30. Information: 779-9118. "Spring Has Arrived" exhibit by Ann Terhardt at All Angels Episcopal Church By the Sea, 563 Bay Isles Road, Longboat Key, through April 30. Information: 751-0266. Hand-built pottery exhibit by Ginny Eitman at the Artists Guild Gallery, 5413 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, through May 5. Cancer prevention and survival cooking class at Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Mag- nolia Ave., Anna Maria, through May 20. Information: 778-1908. "The New World in the Eyes of Explorers" at the South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton, through June 4. Information: 746-4131. Fee applies. Upcoming: Longboat-Lido-St. Armands Keys Chamber of Commerce "Molar Gras" at Dr. Robert Gordon's dental office April 27. Mystery writers series at Mote Marine Laboratory April 27. De Soto Ball at Bradenton Municipal Auditorium April 28. Affaire to Remember at St. Bernard Catholic Church April 29.- De Soto 5K run on Manatee Avenue April 29.. De Soto grand parade down Manatee Avenue April 29. Manatee River Garden Club Garden Tour and Horticulture Exhibit April 29. Florida Brass Quintet at First United Methodist Church April 30. Inquiring minds Raymond Huntley addressed an audience of inquiring minds recently on the topic of "The God of Jews, S Christians and Islam How Many Gods?" at the Episcopal Church of Sthe Annunciation. The goal of the discussion was to increase under- standing of significant issues in reli- gion especially regarding Islam, the fastest growing faith today. Hunt- ley is an associate professor of com- parative religion at Manatee Com- munity College. The discussion was sponsored by All Island Denomi- S nations, the organization of Island churches. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose Improve the Quality / of Your Life S ; \, Carol Greer Siemaszko B.A. Ed., M.A. Psych CERTIFIED COUNSELOR AND LIFE COACH 941-794-1492 a Perico Island Bradenton 2 Overwhelmed by the medical world? Feel lost by tests, procedures, etc? Have more questions than answers? The Information Nurse is a unique service that helps guide you through the medical maze. We will explain tests, procedures, and treatments in terms you will understand. We can help remove some of the fears and concerns by letting you know what to expect and when. We can meet you at the hospital, rehab, ALF, home or wherever is best. ai ; .... ,, i.. 16-A APRIL 19. 200()(i THE ISLANDER Streetlife Island police reports Anna Maria City April 8, 600 block of Gladstone Lane, Holmes Beach, assist other agency. A deputy assisted a Holmes Beach Police officer with a domestic battery investigation in which a person involved became violent toward the officer. April 11, 1501 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach, Gulfstream Resort, assist other agency. A deputy assisted with a domestic disturbance in which a juvenile became upset with her stepfather for asking her to cease making cell-phone calls. April 12, 400 block of Pine Avenue, burglary. Materials for adjacent residences under construction Key Royale retiree arrested for abuse, fighting with cops Donald Schofield, 77, of the 600 block of Glad- stone Lane on Key Royale in Holmes Beach, took on the cops and lost. Schofield was arrested April 8 following an alterca- tion with a Holmes Beach police officer and two Mana- tee County Sheriff's Office deputies from the MCSO's Anna Maria substation. The law enforcement officers had gone to Gladstone's Key Royale home that day after his wife Marion went to the Holmes Beach police station and claimed Schofield had struck her. She also alleged that Schofield had attempted to restrain her from leaving the house after he had refused her identification, medications, walking cane and clothing. According to the police report, while officers were attempting to interview Donald Schofield, he struck Officer Roi Cales of the Holmes Beach police on the face, head, arms, hands and chest. He then attempted to remove MCSO Deputy Beau Griner's handgun. The officers subdued Schofield and he was arrested for battery on a law enforcement officer, domestic battery, Obstruction of a lawful investigation and resisting arrest with violence. He taken to the Manatee County jail. According to court records, Schofield was arrested previously in January 2004 for battery, but the charges were later dropped. were stolen from a ground-level residence. Bradenton Beach April 8, Third Street North and Gulf Drive North, Tow zone There were no injuries when two cars collided at the intersection of East Bay Drive and Manatee Avenue Wednesday, April 12, although both cars had to be towed from the scene. A northbound driver was stopped at the traffic light, and proceeded to make a left turn when the light turned green, when an eastbound driver on Manatee Avenue drove through the red light, according to police, and hit the front of the other vehicle. Islander Photo: Rebecca Barnett Whole new definition of 'rip off' for Shake Pit A highly motivated robber, or probably robbers, took an unconventional approach in a robbery of a popular Bradenton eatery last week they literally dragged the safe out through a wall and towed it behind their escape vehicle. Bradenton Police Department officers said some- one wrapped a chain around the safe at the Shake Pit, 3801 Manatee Ave., in the early morning hours of April 12 and ripped it out through the wall. Debbie and Bob Crowe, Holmes Beach residents and owners of the Shake Pit, estimated damage and receipts lost at $12,000. The investigation continues by police. domestic violence. A man was arrested for allegedly becoming physically abusive toward his girlfriend. April 9, 100 block of Gulf Drive North, drug arrest. Kevin Carey, 29, of Bradenton, was arrested for pos- session of cocaine and marijuana after an officer wit- nessed the suspect allegedly attempt to sell the drugs to a female in the parking lot of the Circle K. Holmes Beach April 7, 200 block of 72nd Street, theft. Tools were reportedly stolen from a construction site. April 8, 600 block of Gladstone Lane, battery. A man was arrested for battery on a law enforcement offi- cer when the suspect became physically abusive toward an officer investigating a domestic abuse allegation. According to the report, the man was also charged with obstruction without violence for attempting to hinder the investigation, resisting arrest with violence, and domes- tic battery. The wife was given a domestic violence packet and allowed to stay in the home when a local shelter contacted by the officer refused to admit her. April 8, 3248 E. Bay Drive, Walgreens, theft. A man reported his bike stolen. April 9, 600 block of Baronet Lane, burglary. Sev- eral items including construction tools and home elec- tronics were reportedly stolen from a residence. April 12,3300 Gulf Drive, beach access, criminal mis- chief. A bench and several signs were knocked down. April 12, 3600 block of Fourth Avenue, criminal mischief. Two sliding-glass doors of a home under con- struction were reportedly damaged. Banana Factory burglarized The Banana Factory Too at 10100 Cortez Rd. W. in the Bantam Shopping Plaza was broken into sometime during the night of April 9 and more than $7,000 in cash taken. According to the Manatee County Sheriff's Office report of the incident, someone entered-the establish- ment and turned off an alarm system, then pried open the office door and took about $7,000 from- a safe inside. There were no signs of forced entry to the bar' or the safe, the report said. The MtCSO is continuing its in\esligation. accord- ing to the report. PesDst Ice rop 7 Ydars 13 7oW! ID ' i ., .' gr~ir~k r Tlry ta e uiydd-!f e VmilnlB CustrJ topped with creamy .CwOad,.I Hot Fudge, Butte -'oasted Pecans, mad whip eh am, an chewy! FROZEN CUSTARD & EATERY 2881 Clark Road 4500 Manatee Ave. W. Sarasota, FL 34231 AND Bradenton, FL 34209 (941) 929-7322 (941) 750-6771 THE ISLANDER M APRIL 19, 2006 U A-17 AME, Rotary launch 'Book Patch' club By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter The Anna Maria Elementary School media com- mittee and the Island Rotary Club have launched the "Rotary Reader Patch Club," a program designed to promote reading among kids for enjoyment. The reading program is voluntary, AME media spe- cialist Lynne McDonough says she has already seen a positive response from students. Students will be actively involved in reading books from different genres, and those participating in the club will receive a patch representing any genre from which they have read a designated number of books. There are 20 genres, including arts, science fiction, award winners and historical fiction, for students to earn patches from throughout their years at AME. Kindergartenors and first-graders have three patches that may be earned by having books read to them. After someone has read 50 books to them, AME's youngest students earn a "Read-to-Me" patch. Second-graders earn patches once they have read 10 books from a category in their reading level. And, third- through fifth-grade students must read five books per category at their reading level to earn a patch. To kick off the program, all students received a free sash, sewn by AME parent Dawn Wash, and an AME dol- phin patch. Students can earn one patch for each genre, and McDonough says there are enough genres for students to actively participate each year they attend AME. At the end of the year, the Rotary Club will present students with an additional grade-level patch, which will signify which badges were earned during each year they participate in the program. AME Principal Kathy Hayes said she "loves the program because it is non-competitive and students can choose a genre to explore on their own. It addresses something not fulfilled by [district initiated] accelerated reader program." AME Guidance Counselor Cindi Harrison con- curred, stating that the accelerated reader program is a point-based system in which students choose books with point values attached, and after reading the book are quizzed in order to earn the points. Both Hayes and Harrison admitted that the acceler- ated reader program is one that has led to students com- peting to find ways of earning the most points. They agree with McDonough that the voluntary patch club enables students to read for enjoyment. Hayes said that elementary school is a critical time to instill a love for reading in students. She noted that once students reach middle and high school there is little free time to visit the media center. Following ele- mentary school most students, she said, only visit the media center to research subjects for class projects, not to.explore the wide variety of genres. The book patch program was initially made pos- sible by grants McDonough received from the Weller Grant Foundation and a local Junior League in 2005. Since then the Island Rotary Club has volunteered to sponsor the ongoing needs of the program, including the purchase of the patches. To date the Rotary Club has donated almost $3,000 to the program. .- &. I :- .. - Easter Sunrise Service participation: The Rev. Harry Parsell of the Episcopal Church of the Annunciation; the Rev. Dick Baker of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church; the Rev. Stephen King of Harvey Memorial Community Church; the Rev. Dale Lawson of Island Baptist Church; the Rev. Gary Batey ofRoser Memorial Community Church; Marjie Sheehan, pastoral minister of St. Bernard Catholic Church; the Rev. Jim Meena, Steve Wicker Bob LoPiccolo, Dennis Dietz and Bob Kaltenbaugh. Special thanks were offered by Kiwanis to contributors Cafe on the Beach, Kmart garden . center and Bailey Printing. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose Wow! Look how big my Easter egg is! Riley Pearman, 18 months old and from Bradenton, came to visit grandma and grandpa, Irene and Carl Pearman ofAnna Maria, and par- ticipated in Sunday's great Easter Egg Hunt at St. Bernard Catholic Church. Riley found the purple egg and it was sooooooo big, it didn't fit in her basket. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose Widow group to end season The Widow ed Persons Support Group will meet for the last time this season at 9 a.m. Monday, April 24, at.the Cafe on the Beach, at the Gulf end of Manatee A, enue in Holmes Beach. The group \ ill resume its w eekIl "Coffee and Conversation Hour" in October, said the spon- soring Anna Maria Island Community Center. Details are available at 778-1908. Final season reception The last opening reception for an art show this season at the Longboat Key Center for the Arts will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, April 21, at the center, 6860 Longboat Drive. It will be for "The Art of Motion" exhibit and win- ners will be announced Thursday, April 20. The center will begin summer hours, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday starting in May, and will. be closed all during August. Details may be obtained b'. .' .383-2345 . ff. Road to reading Third-grader Logan Reiber has already earned three patches since last-week's kickoffofthe Island Rotary Club-sponsored "Book Patch" reader program at Anna Maria Elementary School. Reiber has read enough books in the genres of science, animals and adventure for which he has had a patch sewn onto his reader sash. Reiber is seen here in the media center picking out a book on frogs. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan Obituary William 'Bill' Seavy William "Bill" Seavy, 83, of Bradenton, died April 10. Born in Lawrenceburg, Tenn., Mr. Seavy moved to Manatee County in 1924. He was co-owner of C&S Builder's Supply. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II in the South Pacific. He was: a member of the Kiwanis Club and the Bradenton Country Club. He served on the Manatee County Zoning Board. He was a member of the Dirty Dozen, Florida Lumber- man's Association, and he was a Conquistador. He was a member of the West Bradenton Baptist Church. Memorial services were April 13 at the church. Griffith-Cline Funeral Home was in charge of arrange- ments. He is survived by wife Carolyn Christianne; daugh- ters Cheryl Johnson of Bradenton and Sarasota, Diane of Bradenton, Melissa Thorndike ofWestwood, Mass. and Jennifer Pratt ofWaynesville, N.C.; six grandchil- dren; and three great-grandchildren. 10. In the April 18,1996, issue of The Islander, headlines announced: Holmes Beach resident John Van Ostenbridge said he's collected more than 525 signatures from Islanders on a petition opposing a change in the ambu- lance service provided by Manatee County on the Island. In addition to the petition, opposition to the plan has come from the Anna Maria Fire District Com- mission, the Bradenton Beach City Commission, the Key Royale Homeowners Association and several other civic organizations. Experts from Jamaica, Belize, Thailand and Korea gathered in Sarasota to learn how the Sarasota Bay National Estuary Program was able to produce and implement a strategy to restore the quality of the bay waters. Anna Maria resident Suzi Fox applied to the State of Florida for a marine turtle permit that, if granted, would allow the Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch to par- ticipathein 1996 nesting season. The lorida Depart- ment of Environmental Protection did not renew the permit for Anna Maria M riayor Chuck Shumard. permit for Anna Maria Mayor Chuck Shumard. 18-A U APRIL 19. 2006 M THE ISLANDER By Rick Catlin Piroska joins SunCoast Piroska Planck has joined the staff of SunCoast Realty at 5402 Marina Drive in the Island Shopping Center in Welcome to the Suncoast Prioska Planck recently joined the staff of SunCoast Real Estate at 5402 Marina Drive in the Island Shopping Center in Holmes Beach. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy Holmes Beach. Originally from Hungary, Piroska fled the harsh communist regime at the age of 16 and moved to New Jersey. After operating her own business for five years, she began a career in the gaming industry, rising to supervi- sory positions and eventually managing a casino in Venezuela. She moved to Anna Maria Island 20 years ago and became a real estate agent, which is not just her career, she said, but her passion. "Integrity, honesty and hard work have helped me be successful in real estate, both on and off the Island. Now, I'm looking forward to working with the great professionals at SunCoast," Piro- ska said. To reach Prioska, call 730-9667 or e-mail her at piroska@verizon.net. Bleu Claire on Longboat Longboat Key's latest addition to its exclusive waterfront communities will be the 11-unit Bleu Claire condominium project at 4765 Gulf of Mexico Drive. The property is being developed by Crossgate Partners on the site of the former Holiday Inn. Units at Bleu Claire will range from 3,900 square feet to 4,700 square feet, and all units will feature window walls for a sunrise and sunset view. Private personal and service eleva- tors are available for each unit, along with a two-car garage for-most resi- dences and a three-car garage for the 5 1 4 S- ; .* Incredible edibles Elaine Whyte and husband Les recently opened Edible Arrangements at 6419 Manatee Ave. W in Bradenton. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose penthouse units. Amenities include a fully equipped fitness center, tennis- court, swimming pool and entertainment pavilion. Prices will start in the low $3 mil- lion range. Reservations are now available through the new homes and condomin- iums division of Michael Saunders Real Estate. Saunders said she is enthusiastic about the community and marketing the- units. "The exclusivity along with this fabulous location make Bleu Claire a perfect fit for those seeking the Long- boat Key lifestyle," she said. For more information on Bleu Claire, call 744-7441 or visit the Web site at www.bleuclaire.com Edible Arrangements Have you ever gotten a bouquet of flowers and thought they looked so PLEASE SEE BIZ, NEXT PAGE "Old Florida Original" An Anna Maria Island Landmark Est. -1952 Eat in Take out Tues-Thurs 11-8 Fri & Sat 11-9 Sun 12-8pm Closed Mon Across from the Manatee Public Beach 3901 Gulf Dri\ e Holmes Beach 778-7769 __ \ v. \ \.florida .ecrets coin O1y5 Italian American O Restaurant & Dinner Show Wed. April 19 Tribute to Ricky Nelson Early Bird Dinner and Show only $19 95 *AAA******A^A*AAAAAAAA AAAA**AAA*AAAAA Thu. April 20 "Fifties Review" Dinner and Show only $24.95 &,'. , Fri. April 21 Sat. April 22 Dwight Icenhower "A Tribute to the King" 21 First Place Awards in Elvis Tribute Artist Competition Don't miss this amazing tribute to the Entertainer of the Century- Elvis Presley! Dinner & Show only $29.95 RR AAAA* 4AAAAAAAAA* AA**A AA*AAAA Wed. April 26 , Put on your dancing shoes and join us for [ "Ellsworth & Company" Dinner and Dance only $19.95 67a13 14th St. W. (US 41) Bradenton Call for reservations: (941) 751-4800 b h^^j^.K^^'^^^.^^^^^^^^^f~ W. E eNOT IlST YOUR GRANBIADDY S FISHING PIEi.. SThie City Pier Restaurant WE'RE WHERE YOU'LL FIND... THE FRESHEST SEAFOOD. AND THE BEST VIEW FOR ISLAND DINING S -;i" ' z J1 OLD AMBURQ SCHNITZELHAUS The Best German Restaurani on Flrinda' West Coasi Every Friday Bavarian Haxen (Pork knuckle with bread dumpling and red cabbage) Please phone ahead 24 hours _ Reservations a must! 778-1320 HOURS: MON-SAT 5-9:30PM Anna Maria Island Centre 3246 E. Bay Drive Holmes Beach a.p. BeLL fiH CompaNy ic. Fresh Seafood Since 1910 Great selection of locally caught Grouper, Snapper, Shrimp,. Panfish and much more. Planrnin a fishing trip" Call .about our bi( selection of frozen bait! DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAY See you at our docks! 941-794-1249 4600 124th St. W. Cortez, Florida Capalbo's HOUSE OF PIZZA LUNCH PIZZA , BUFFET $4.99 *DINNER PIZZA BUFFET $6.29 Dinner buffet includes pizza, soup and salad bar! 792-5300 10519 Cortez Rd. W. Mon-Sat* 11am-1Opm Sunday noon-9 I -I c THE ISLANDER U APRIL 19, 2006 M A-19 Biz CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18-A good, you wanted to eat them? Well, now you can. Elaine Whyte and husband Les have hit on the perfect gift idea for birth- day parties, anniversaries, Mother's and Father's Day and just about any special occasion. Edible Arrangements at 6419 Man- atee Ave. W., Bradenton, specializes in elegant arrangements of fruits, choco- lates and candies that look like real flow- ers, but taste like real desserts. The arrangements are as varied as anyone's taste buds, from Berry Spe- cial Baby to Gourmet-Dipped Strawber- ries and Apple Wedges, and there's an arrangement for every occasion. "What a fresh way to say 'Get Well, Happy Birthday, Thank You or Congrat- ulations,"' said Elaine. "And we have a variety of styles and sizes that are per- fect for any occasion." In fact, Elaine is so sure her designs will fit any "arrangement," she's offering a $2-discount on selected products for anyone who mentions they saw Edible Arrangements in The Islander. While anyone interested in an "edible arrangement" can go online at www.ediblearrangements.com to view the products, Elaine said the best way is a personal visit. For more information or to place an order, call 792-7511. Connecting to the mind, and body Julia Mueller is a certified hyp- notherapisf and pilates instructor who recently started A Mind and Body Connection of Sarasota to "take your life in a new direction," she said. I Soothing connection Julia Mueller is a certified hypnothera- pist and pilates instructor who recently opened A Mind and Body Connection. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose Hypnosis can help people in a number of areas, Julia observed, includ- ing smoking cessation, weight loss, pain control, stress management, anxiety, goal achievement, meditation, memory enhancement, behavior modification and a number of other areas. Julia also offers relaxation tech- niques that stimulate the individual's mind and body. To reach Julia for more information, call 730-3965. Realty raves Gulf-Bay Realty at 5309 Gulf Drive in Holmes Beach recently named Jesse Brisson and Robin Kollar as the top list- ing and selling agents respectively for March. This old bag is at it again Patty Zavadil recently opened a second loca- tion for The Bag Lady, this one at 412 10th Ave. in Palmetto. Wedebrock Real Estate at 3224 E. Bay Drive in Holmes Beach honored Dee Jorcyk as its top listing agent for March, while Gail Tutewiler won the top sales agent award. Tina Rudek was the company's top selling agent at its Long- boat Key office. This 'old bag' is new Patty Zavadil of The Bag Lady at 6605 Manatee Ave. W. in the Bradenton Outlet Mall added her second Bag Lady location April 1 in Palmetto. This new Bag Lady is at 412 10th Ave. W. in the city across the river and Patty is carrying all the latest high fash- ions in handbags, accessories, hand- painted bags and jewelry at the new store. She added that customers with a coupon from her advertisement in The Islander newspaper will receive a 10 percent discount at her stores. "No need to go street shopping in New York City," said Patty. "We have all the famous designer names right here." To reach Patty, call the Bradenton store at 773-1204, or the Palmetto store at 722-9916. - Featured sale: This Gulffront home at 103 Seagrape Lane, Anna Maria, sold in 2001 for $510,000 and in March 2006 for $1,285,000for a 152 percent in five years. The cost per square foot is $1,052. Islander Photo: Jesse Brisson Island real estate sales 103 Seagrape Lane, Anna Maria, a 1,221 sfla / 1,647 sfur 2bed/lbath/lcar gulffront home built in 1951 on a 89x89 lot was sold 03/31/06, Isherwood to Horvat for $1,285,000; list $1,375,000. 602 S. Bay Blvd, Anna Maria, a 1,416 sflai 1,596 sfur 3bed/2bath bay- front pool home built in 1962 on a 60x85 lot was sold 03/28/06, Haseman to Holzberger for $1,050,000. Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at Gulf-Bay Realty ofAnna Maria, can be reached at Gulf-Bay (941) 778-7244. Copyright 2006. 'hew wCIR3 Aaur ni9,1t c5g:aO at tMe wine orr- I A. DISCOUNT LIQUOR COCKTAIL LOUNGE S Coupon Good April 19-25, 2006 Kettle One VodkaI MANATEE COUNT'S ICaptain Morgan Rum $34997, #1 oEPE#NDANT $2 99 75 9l--T? BEVERAGEE DEALER |$ LT)I SOORE'S Stone Crab Restaurant ON THE BAY-END OF BROADWAY, N. LONGBOAT KEY COME IRY OUR NEW ?HWPPTrHWi 4-6&m SEAFOOD, STEAKS, BR MEu (UR ONLY) SU SET SPECv S CHICKEN ir PASTA LUaC SPECtILS 330 6:00 FRESH STONE 1 1:30A0M-3:30pM ~ Now FEAu W CRAs DAILY EVERYAY STEAME CLAMS, MuSELs LARGE CHILDREN'S Wir OUmSDE Smm FAm r RAW OrsERS MENU 94 1 -383-17#748.! DAYs.A.W.EE K. 1:.30AM 9;30PM hCafi R, All-you-can-eat i Pancakes & Sausage $ $195 Mon-Fri 7am.noon 5- j Sat-Sun 7am-1pm ** #+ ******** Evening entertainment! 4-8pm Wed Larry Rich Thurs & Sat Rick Boyd Fri & Sun Tom Mobley Mon & Tues Mark Cravens Monday Italian Night All-you- $795 c'- can-eat 4-8pm ..****.***** ... .. .T .T TUESDAY 4-8pm. r SUNSET SPECIALS i TACO &a FJIVA Y Every Wednesday 4-8pm Alu-You-$=95 M) Can-Eat ,. ".795 .*..*.***** *. .*.** ^..-- Thursday German Buffet All-you- $995 can-eat 4-8pm FRI FRY 2-8 pm with fries and slaw S0,'n 1 ", ^ ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT D'o,$ S895 OPEN 7 AM 7 DAYS A WEEK BEER & WINE -.*^-~ ~ ~ n i'niu'T r*--ro~es-Beaeh'^ -^^ ^ I 1% . . . .. . J L 20-A A APRIL 19, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER 5. 44 itz 7 $1 'U. S fooomo.MORTAGETIL 109 NoPRPERT 'TXES*& NoHOAFEES"FIL"09 S 1 CILI 0 3 a ri,,n fr..ra gFi p ,eiTnm no HOC ani nr,, R,11i Esi:'l Ta.E:, rb,-u Jnu r, 1 .'.' 9 ,"r, a ll i,:I dE]IE rli il .. I JI uI.',u ,:,' .:* IpI F ri ri,,i.e'. 'l"E': I,.. .ip '.,l pL~ I i,. rl C:.r Qu31i:A i U ,i ,_r.:,- in-, iri L.n.:Dons and exclusions apply. See -ull leATi. m l Iri I laupf :,: l 31 CenIE- r T r. .: mT.:.1i,,-, ri' al.51. .1 r....r i, ,rl rIdE [:,r:.,':ll l r r 11 :,r Iiu-i tu e I. :,i-,,.,:',,ni,,n ,' urn,, i.n i L ,i ',lI'..r .1 rh I, ,:,1 s ', juui~d':l ,. ,' -r i :.,| ,:,* .:.]_i,3lr...r, _rru rr,,- i Specifications are subject to .:rnr,as Milr,,ul n.-icE MV.:il Iilu-5ial, r r,-,a, lEj31iJi, : 51,r..1i u Fl3.'I. I c. :',3h.:-rI' ,.N -r.3/ vary with respectto construction requirements. '.\ti:, inn,r t,rr I, rr,, i e ,:,,.:.,:,, r ,el.:.pe, 'ece .: ir.e right to substituteanyof the foregoing wil IlM.n-.lsimilart -tfe; 3lu. :,quaillir' ,inis Delopg-ii ; ,Ce3pini,r, PFC'.KER FAA TICIPATI ''EL'C',- ,IE VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY L-i' 'Rc.L FEPfE.ta:LTTi.Bf-I: I-Hi.'OT 6E RELIED U'IE'.'-r3 C.'CPR'ECTLY STATING REPRESENTATION OF THE DE'vELE.'F- F'.F CORCF'CT FEPREiSTErTiTTjlr,Si aPE PEFEE E TiE THE DOC, UMENTS REQUIRED BY SECTION 718.503 FLORIDA STATUTES, TOBE FURNISHED BYTHE DEVELOPER TOA BUYER OR LESSEE. ~QJM.flO5O - T I An na, ari la he Island Party sponsor Joy Murphy, committee chair of the upcoming Spring Fling, receives a spon- sorship check for $1,500 from Linda Hicks, AME Parent-Teacher Organiza- tion president and manager of Moore's Stone Crab Restaurant on Longboat Key. The AME dinner-dance is a fundraiser and staff appreciation event. This year's theme is "Pirates ofAnna Maria." Ticketsfor the May 13 event are $35 per person and are available at the school. Islander Photos: Diana Bogan Pirate seat Lucas Winstead and Cody Tsai, second-grade students in Debra Thomas' class, prepare an art project to be auctioned at the Pirates ofAnna Maria Spring Fling May 13. Linda and Rob Hicks' favorite way to eat stone crab is cold with mustard sauce. "They taste sweeter servedd cold." sa\s Linda Hicks. imanagei of Nloore" Stone Crab and president of the Anna Maria Elemen- tary School Parent-Teacher Organization. Over the past six years the students, parents, staff and supporters of AME have tasted Moore's stone crabs, served both cold and hot with drawn butter, at fundraising dinners and staff appreciation meals. It's a safe bet that there hasn't been a major school event in recent years without those stone crabs. And this year's AME Spring Fling is no exception Moore's Stone Crab is the first business to take a seat at the table as a Diamond sponsor for the school's major fundraisinii event. -Moore's Stone Crab has uip to 15 fisherman from October 15 to May 15 fishing in local Gulf waters and souLh\\ ard to the Everglades in order to bring Islanders this delicacy. Rob Hicks, Linda's husband, was a student at AME and in middle school when he started working as a, dishwasher in the kitchen of Pete and Mary Nioore's restaurant. Anna Maria Elementary menu Monday, April 24 Breakfast: Waffle Sticks, Cereal, Toast, Bagel, Fruit Lunch: Popcorn Chicken or Ravioli, Breadstick, Mixed Vegetables, Sliced Peaches, Juice Bar Tuesday, April 25 .Breakfast: Egg and Cheese Biscuit, Cereal, Toast, Fruit * Lunch: Macaroni and Cheese or Trout Bites, Green Beans, Roll, Fruit Cocktail Wednesday, April 26 Breakfast: French Toast Sticks, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Chicken Nuggets or Hamburger Gravy on Mashed Potatoes, Veggies with Dip, Sliced Pears Thursday, April 27 Breakfast: Pancakes with Apple Topping, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Hot Dog or Taco Salad, Potato Smiles, Winter Veggie Mix. Chilled Applesauce, Chocolate Chip Chortles Friday, April 28 Breakfast: Blueberry Muffin. Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: French Bread Pizza or Burrito, Corn, Garden Salad. Fresh Fruit Cup SJuice and milk are served with evert, meal. "They treated him as if he was their own son," claims Linda. She met Rob when she was 22 and work- ing as a waitress at Moore's. Now they have two sons, Dalton, 10, and Collin, 5, who also attend AME. In 1987, the popular local restaurant was turned over to Rob Hicks and Alan and Paul Moore. Today they are still serving up to 1,000 pounds of stone crabs a day and are the oldest family-owned restaurant on Longboat Key. Linda Hicks has given countless hours'at AME, serving two terms as secretary, one as treasurer and two as president of its PTO. "When Dalton started at AME, it was with Principal Jim Kronus, then Tim Kolby, and now Kathy Hayes," she noted. She has seen immense changes in the school's growth and.the PTO. "As we are a small school, the PTO initially needed to raise $25,000 a year. Now we need to raise $65,000. It's the talent and inspiration from our committee members that get us there." Hicks said committee members that spearheaded the first Spring Fling helped bring them to the event's fourth year and, she said, last year it was a sellout. This year's Pirates of Anna Maria Spring Flint will be held May 13 at St.. Bernard Catholic Church and the menu will feature-- naturally, those famous stone crabs Other menu items include crab wontons from the Sun House, smoked salmon from Moveable Feast, baby back.ribs from Mr. Bones BBQ, lobster and four cheese macaroni from Ezra, and key lime pie from the Anna Maria Oyster Bar. Get tickets while.you can. At $35 per person, it's one of the best deals in town, says Hicks. Tickets are available at the AME office. For information, call Spring Fling chairperson Joy Murphy at 730-2820 Colorful greetings Barbara Hines spoke to students about using watercolors and guided them as they created artworks f atul ing rainbows and sunsets. Hines is a member of the Artists Guild, which hosts the hands-on art demonstrations for Island students each year April 21 the guild will sponsor afield trip for third-graders to the Ringling Museum ofArt with Karen Ellsworth, the chair of the guild's education committee. Islander Photo: Diamn Boqi'".r " w S~ralP ~s [IWID~FBO WIeS7 Im r to the~ 2-B E APRIL 19, 2006 E THE ISLANDER New red tide robots, mystery conference coming There's a new arrow in the quiver of ammunition for the war on red tide. Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota and Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute in St. Petersburg are preparing to release three free-ranging submersibles this summer in the Gulf of Mexico to hunt down red tide blooms. The goal is to locate the fish-killing algae before it blooms and begins to release its toxic chemi- cals and identify the conditions that caused the red tide to bloom in the first place. The robot-controlled torpedo-shaped mini-subs will track offshore waters of Southwest Florida, taking water samples and transmitting the data to shore-based scientists for analysis. If red tide is detected, boats will be deployed to take further readings. Scientists hope that early detection of red tide will provide clues to why the blooms occur. There have also been laboratory tests done on small samples of the algae that have eliminated the toxic effects of the bloom, and the hope is that if a bloom is small enough it can be hammered down before it gets big. The submersibles are the newest addition to the red tide data-collection process by scientists. Also in action are spotter airplanes, regular water-sampling stations and satellite imagery. Red tide is found in the water almost all the time. For reasons still debated by researchers, the algae begins to multiply, or bloom, and can cover miles and miles of water. The toxic chemicals released in blooms can kill fish and other marine life, like manatees and dolphins, and can cause respiratory distress in humans as red tide drifts close to shore. Although most blooms are of short duration, 2005 saw almost a year-long outbreak that plagued South- west Florida and the state's Panhandle region. There has been debate among scientists in recent years over the impact manmade chemicals have in the creation of red tide outbreaks. Some researchers believe nutrient runoff from land in the form of fertilizers and other chemicals exacerbate the outbreaks; others state the science to substantiate those claims doesn't back up the belief. Glittery puzzle Price of gold topped $600 an ounce not too long ago, the first time it's been that high in 25 years. I also paid $3.08 a gallon late last week for pre- mium gas. Remember.the oil embargo in the early 1970s, and the price of gold going to $2,000 an ounce? Are we looking at the same silliness again? Could be, as some gold commodity traders pre- dict that the precious metal could top $1,000 an ounce before things settle down. The reason for the mention of gold and gas is a weird comment an investment buddy of mine told me months and months ago when we were talking about the usual inanities. He'd been studying gold and fuel prices, going back more than 100 years, and found that the price per ounce has generally reflected the cost of a man's high-quality suit. S When we were talking months ago, gold was hov- ering around $350 per ounce, and he told me - since I'm not much of a suit-wearing guy that you couldn't get even a halfway decent suit for that price. Look for $500 or $600 for gold pretty soon, he advised, since that mimics the cost of an OK suit. So I made some calls, and found that men's suit prices today at discount stores are in the $200-$500 range, but that $600 is a pretty good mark if you want Gre fi l tln 4at I EARLY RISERi 78AM TUEsFR 0 CAR O-12:52P$50 GREENS FEE 8:04AM-12:52PM $50 tax CT 45 GREENS FEE 1:00-2:30pM + tax R+T AE 30PM$45 CART GREENS FEE AFTER 2:30PM 30 + tax CART to look sharp. And if you want to look really spiffy, $800 or. $1,000 for a suit is also in line with current prices. Weird stuff, eh? Big boats, er, ships Here's something for those of us suffering from big-yacht envy: The country's fourth-largest private vessel is undergoing some cleaning and repairs in St. Petersburg. According to the St. Petersburg Times, the Tatoosh will be at the Port of St. Petersburg for another week or so. It's 301 feet long, reportedly cost $100 million, and is owned by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. He also owns the Portland Trail Blazers, as all National Basketball Association fans probably know. Another of Allen's boats, the Meduse, this one a paltry 199 feet in length, anchored off Anna Maria Island in 1997 and created quite a stir among boaters, who kept circling the boat to catch a glimpse of the crystal chandeliers and other goodies aboard. The Tatoosh is alleged to have five decks, a swim- ming pool, a French limestone fireplace and comes equipped with a 40-foot sailboat, 40-foot speedboat and two helicopters. Oh, and Allen also has the No. 2 big-U.S. boat, the Octopus, which stretches to 414 feet in length. 'Mystery Florida' writing, reading conference set June 2.3 "Mystery Florida: A Conference To Die For," is scheduled for June 2-3, in Sarasota. The event is for readers, writers and friends of the Florida mystery novel genre, and will feature an inti- mate gathering of some of the finest of the Sunshine State's writers. Featured authors scheduled to appear include: James O. Born, ("Escape Clause," "Walking Money,"); Tom Corcoran, ("Air Dance Iguana," "Mango Opera,"); Tim Dorsey, ("Big Bamboo," "Florida Road- kill"); Stuart Kaminsky, ("Behind the Mystery," "Ven- SCerttifed Full -utornofti.e Repair 5333 Gulf Dri.e Holres Beach 779-0487 .. [at-the corner of Gulf and-Marina Drive]. .... ~r~--~ I~,~as~-z UN I PETE WANTS YOU TO DRIVE A CLEAN CAR! 24-hour self-serve car wash Complete auto detailing Quick lube AMERICAN CAR WASH 5804 Marina Dr.* Holmes Beach 778-1617 MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED' geance"); Jonathan King, ("A Killing Night," "Blue Edge of Midnight"); Christine Kling, ("Bitter End," "Surface Tension"); Bob Morris, ("Jamaica Me Dead," "Bahamarama"); Barbara Parker, ("Suspicion of Mad- ness," "Suspicion of Innocence"); James Swain, ("Mr. Lucky," "Grift Sense"); and Randy Wayne White, ("Dark Light," "Sanibel Flats"). The event will also feature representatives from "Crime Scene Sarasota," who will offer insights into the forensic work involved in their work to solve crimes, and law enforcement officers who have been involved in breaking some of the biggest cases in the state's his- tory all located in Sarasota. "Mystery Florida: A Conference To Die For" will begin on Wednesday, May 31, with a cocktail party fea- turing Swain, a master of magic, card tricks and gam- bling. The Swain Soiree is open to the public and free of charge, and his books will be available for sale and signing. The conference proper will begin on Friday, June 2, with the "Mystery Mingle," which will host the fea- tured authors and other Florida writers for book sign- ings and informal conversation. This event is also open to the public and free. "Mystery Florida" will continue on Saturday, June 3, with panel discussions and a luncheon. Lunch that day will feature a tribute to John D. MacDonald, the dean of Sarasota and perhaps Florida mystery writers, hosted by noted MacDonald historian Cal Branche. All events will be held at the Holiday Inn Lido Beach, 233 Ben Franklin Drive, Sarasota. Conference registration is $99 per person, and includes cocktails at the Friday night event, continental breakfast and lunch Saturday. Patron tickets are available at $500 per couple and include all the conference activities plus a private dinner with the authors Saturday. The conference is sponsored in part by Circle Books of St. Armands Circle and the Sarasota County Film Commission. Further information is -available at mysteryflorida.com. Checks may be made payable to Mystery Florida, Inc., and mailed to 478 John Ringling Blvd., Sarasota FL 34236. Hope to see you there! Sandscript factoid The red tide-seeking torpedoes are battery powered and have a range of more than 930 miles per charge.. Traveling at a whopping 1/2 mph, they can stay out in the Gulf for about a month and they can dive to depths of more than 650 feet. Cool, huh? SPotluck pier picnic The natives of Cortez wel- corned friends and supporters of the village of Cortez to gather on the Fulford Fish House dock to socialize and S share in a pot- luck picnic on April 8. Islander Photo: Karen Geis THE ISLANDER R APRIL 19. 2006 0 B-3 Kings moving offshore, when you can get to 'em By Capt. Mike Heistand Kingfish are on their spring run offshore in the Gulf of Mexico, but rough seas are keeping some of the anglers from getting into the big, tasty treats. The same heavy surf is keeping the grouper and snapper catch down, but the fish are still out there if you're willing to put up with the chop. Backwater action for sheepshead continues to be great, and now is the time to enjoy it before the season comes starts to drop off in the next few weeks. Trout is also a good bet in the bays, as well as redfish and snook. By the way, we've got some monofilament line recycling boxes available at The Islander office for anyone who wants them. The boxes are big, so only those who go through a lot of line should pick them up, but please, if you can put them to good use, help out the environment. Compliments of Keep Manatee Beautiful and Berkley Pure Fishing Co., the boxes are pre-labeled and postage-paid to get shipped, when full, to the company, where the contents will be recycled into other plastic products. Stop by and pick up a box we're at 5404 Marina Drive in Holmes Beach. Guides especially are wel- come! Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle at Catch- ers Marina in Holmes Beach said kingfish are offshore and ready for the taking as long as the weather cooper- ates. Windy days and rough surf are keeping some anglers close to port, but those willing to tough it out are getting into lots of big kings as they move past the Island. Inshore action for sheepshead remains good, Bill said, and snook are making a good springtime showing so far. Capt. Rick Gross on Fishy Business out of Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said his charters landed several snook to 30 inches last week. He's find- ing redfish to be scattered, but trout fishing is good, and he expects it to pick up as the weather clears. Capt. Thom Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez Road said he's catching small redfish up to 20 inches, some trout and lots of small snook. Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said sheepshead are still around and a good bet for most pier fishers. The Goliath grouper formerly jewfish that was hanging around the pier has apparently moved on. Bob said he expects the mackerel action to start to bloom any day now. Jesus Rosario at the Anna Maria City Pier said anglers there have been catching lots of sheepshead and a few mackerel, with some snook coming on for the nighttime fishers. Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said some big snook are coming onto the dock, with most of the catches coming from Terra Ceia Bay. He's also seeing lots of sheepshead and snapper being caught near the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, plus a few kingfish caught offshore. At Perico Island Bait and Tackle, reports include Snook* Trout Redfish 'Tarpon Grouper Cobia 941-704-6763 sumotimefishing.com Inshore/Neahrshore Cap Mark Howard cInshore/Nea ... USCGlicensed/lhtred Fishing with dad Brendan Ahearn, with sons Collin, 6, and Grayson, 4, vacationed on Anna Maria Island and took in a bit offishing at the Rod & Reel Pier in Anna Maria City. The anglers were vacationing from Warwick, R.I. Islander Photo: Edna Tiemann lots of redfish coming out of Palma Sola Bay on the higher tides, some big trout caught on the deeper sea- grass beds in 4 to 6 feet of water, and plenty of sheeps- head around any of the structures in the bay or Gulf. At Skyway Bait and Tackle, reports include mostly sheepshead, small grouper, some mackerel and a few mangrove snapper from the Sunshine Skyway Bridge area. There are also redfish coming out of Miguel Bay. Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of Parrot Cove Marina in Cortez said he took the Armit- age family, grandsons Sam, Tyler, dad Gary and Grand- dad Lou, out last week and "put the hammer down on some great kingfish ranging in size from 15 to 25 pounds, plus a number of blacktip shark to 35 pounds off the beaches of Longboat Key and Anna Maria. Later on that morning, the quartet nailed some nice snook ranging in size to 29 inches." The following day, Sue and Bill Waite of Palmetto had similar luck with king- fish up to 25 pounds in the Gulf and snook to 32 inches in the bay. "Whitebait was the key to hot action," Capt. Zach added. Capt. Wayne Genthner of Wolfmouth Charters from Longboat Key said he's putting his clients onto really big schools of Spanish mackerel, bluefish and ladyfish all over the beach shore and out a mile.You can see them if you go on down to the beach and look west for the flocks of diving pelicans all that thrashing and boiling in the water is caused by big fish that are tearing into the bait pods," he said. He's catching about a fish per DOCKS-N-DECKS Specializing in docks and decks Maintenance Painting Cleaning Repair (941) 779-1839 docksndecks@verizon.net Licensed and insured cast into schools. As to other action, "we've been lock- ing into some very big bull reds, cobia and snook back in the bay and in the beach surf along with pompano and permit. For adventure seekers, we're running a few miles offshore, where we're getting our share of ferocious king mackerel, some over 30 pounds, and numerous sharks to 7 feet in length." Capt. Wayne predicts that this week will be a good one for fishing "and the bite will stay hotter than a bowl of Thai pepper sauce." On my boat Magic, we're catching redfish on every trip out, plus a few keeper-size snook to 29 inches and all the sheepshead anyone could want. We also caught a few mangrove snapper to 15 inches in length. Good luck and good fishing. Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plusfishing guide. Call him at 723-1107 to provide fishing report. Prints and digital images of your catch are also welcome and may be dropped off at The Islander 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to news@islander.org. Please include identification for persons in the picture along with information on the catch and a name and phone number for more information. Snapshots may be retrieved once they appear in the paper Baby manatee at aquarium Whitaker the baby manatee has joined the Parker Aquarium's permanent resident, Snooty, to fatten up for her final trip, a return home to the Gulf of Mexico. She is about a year old and recovering from trau- matic cold and malnutrition, but those problems have been put on the road to solution. Found in February in Whitaker Bayou, Sarasota, she was suffering from "mild cold stress" and under- weight at 285 pounds. Worse, she was an abandoned 10-month-old who should have been with her mother. She was taken to the Manatee Rehabilitation Hos- pital in Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa and fattened up to 350 pounds and, of course, warmed up. Zoo veterinar- ians explained that manatees can't tolerate water tem- peratures below 68 degrees for very long. The aquarium is at the South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton, where she-may be visited between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. daily except Sunday, when hours are noon to 5 p.m. Admission is $13.75 for adults, $11.75 for seniors, $8.75 for children. Details are available at 746-4131. Moon Date AM HIGH AM LOW PM HIGH PM LOW Apr 19 -- 3:25 2.4 LQ Apr20 12:09 -0.2 4:38 2.3 - Apr21 1:25 -0.2 6:11 2.1 Apr22 10:38 1.5 2:25 -0.2 7:50 2.0 1:44 1.3 Apr23 10:36 1.6 3:13 -0.1 9:23 1.9 3:06 1.0 Apr24 10:47 1.8 3:55 0.1 10:38 1.9 4:09 0.6 Apr25 11:00 2.0 4:27 0.4 11:45 1.8 5:04 0.2 Apr26 11:19 2.2 4:52 0.7 5:55 -0.1 'ortez. High Tides 7 minutes later lows 1:06 later , FISH TALES WELCOME oe'j 1l0.:. r,:.h.: Ivr ..o.ur" fish stories, and pictures -are welcome, too. SJustgive usa call at 778-7978 or stop by our: office in th, Ile- i .'i o'li~hcFFii" Center,.Holmes Beach. . The Islander CHARTER BOATJAN MARIE __ A' R Z______ 1P1 FISHING LICENSE L LIVE & FROZEN BAT TERMINAL TACKLE 4 SUNGLASSES & HATS *PENN* SHIMANOe ST CROIX Everything You Need for Florida Fishing -^ 5503 MARINA DRIVE at CATCHER'S MARINA ..., (by Holmes Beach boat basin) ISLAND DISCOUNT 779-2838 Its nn MUdMMYI 779-2838 1TACKLE- OPEN DAILY V (major credit cards) ~sbv 37"ii~ ~nnn ~3rri~ 4-B M APRIL 19, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER Junior League Islanders still seek victory By Kevin Cassidy Islander Reporter Todd Johnson Homes did all the fundamental things that good baseball teams do to record a 12-0 win over the Islanders on April 15 in Junior League baseball at Birdie Tebbetts Field in Holmes Beach. Neither team hit the ball particular well off of pitchers Ben Valdivieso or Mitchell Shreves of Todd Johnson Homes. The difference in the game was that Todd Johnson Homes fielded the ball cleanly, didn't throw the ball away and ran the bases with intelligence and aggression. The Islanders committed nine errors to offset another nice pitching performance from Valdivieso. He pitched a complete game, allowing six hits, six walks and three earned runs as the Islanders fell to 0-8 on the season. Cory Wash made a couple of nice plays in the field behind him, while Valdivieso and Francis Bergeron col- lected the lone singles off of Shreves to complete the Islander highlights. Brandon Kull went 2-for-4 with a triple and two runs scored and Danny Beeman added a pair of singles and one run scored to lead Todd Johnson Homes who improved to 7-1 on the season. Shreves pitched to only 22 batters, which is one over the minimum to earn the pitching win. Spring Swing on horizon The first annual Spring Swing exhibition game is set for Saturday, April 29, at Birdie Tebbetts Field in Holmes Beach. The Anna Maria Islanders Junior League baseball team will take on a team made up of their coaches and members of the Anna Maria Island Little League Board of Directors. Rumor has it there might be a soccer coach/reporter participating in the game. Come on out and see if youth can overcome experi- ence in the first ever Spring Swing. Food and refresh- ments will be served, with all proceeds benefiting the Anna Maria Island Little League. Any interested spon- sors can contact Andy Jonatzke of the Anna Maria Island Community Center at 778-1908. :ANNA MARIAWATERFRONT: Natural setting surrounds S this 3BR/2BA home with .. open water views, boat dock, hot tub, steps to Beach and turnkey Furnished! Offered at *. $849,900. BAYVIEW DUPLEX includes lot on bay! 3BR/3BA and IBR/1BA duplex or 4BR/4BA home With boat docks and gorgeous view of Sarasota Bay. SOffered at $969,900. ISLAND CON VENIENCE STORE WITH GAS Super opportunity to own Island business! Offered a: $169,000 & Inventory ,x RE/MAX Excellence (941)518--'38 - (941 383-9700 DebMThrash@aol.com - GREAT BUILDING SITE Put your plans in place to construct a lovely contemporary structure on this duplex zoned lot. Possible to remove existing structure and utilize the 11,000 sf lot to create a private retreat. Tropical foliage and trees plus your added landscaping gives you opportunity to be unique with design. OWNER ANXIOUS! Asking $695,000. OTHER CHOICE PROPERTIES AVAILABLE FOR SALE. CALL TODAY! ,^MaiiaK^ SINCE 1957 . "We ARE the Island!" !..! F.;r l .l.n L.: Re.l E ie Broker 941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250 E-mail amrealty@verizon.net Web site www.annamariareal.com Coznor Perez, 13, poses for a picture on hole No. 4 at the Key Royale Club golf course where he used a driver to hit his first hole-in-one. Islander Photo: Bob Squier Duncan Real Estate remains undefeated Duncan Real Estate easily won its only game in Anna Maria Island AAA Little League last week to open up a commanding three-game lead midway through the season. West Manatee Fire District has come close on two occasions, but unless someone beats Duncan in the next few games, there won't be a ques- tion as to'who will win the league title. Blake Wilson allowed only three hits and two runs while striking out nine batters in four innings to lead Duncan Real Estate past WMFD 14-2 on April 12. Wilson struck out eight of the last nine WMFD batters to complete the most dominant pitching performance of the season. Wilson also helped himself at the plate, going 3-for-3 with three doubles and three runs scored, while teammate Connor Cloharty also collected three hits with two runs scored. Glenn Bower added a single, double and two runs scored for Duncan, which also received a 2-for-3, two-run hitting performance from lead-off hitter Hunter Parrish. Tommy Price led WMFD with a single and one run For Expert Advice On Island Properties CALL THE ISLANDERS i C CAU CHRIS & JOHN 941-778-6066 .- SWW' W. ALL THE I :, l .Tl': lH':,,' Ji rj /Fi AriiT iH IH ISLAND REAL ESTATE OF 6101 MAR IN L DR H I B 6101 MARINA DR HOMES BEACH ACROSS FROM SENSATIONAL BEACH makes lls an enviaDle location foryearsto come. This 3BRtownhousewith an easy care design offers a triple sky-light living areawith soaring ceilings, labor-saving kitchen, liberally-sized closets, inviting master suite and lazy loft upstairs, creatively sized two-car attached garage with 150 sf work area and a 480 sf fie., room. Grab a rare find in Island Village' $619.000 Jim D'Alessio. 19411 73r-060 BIfRK&T^ I REIETA REAL ESATE INC SEA PIRATES CONDO L -'~_; 3303 Gulf Dr.. Unit #4 in Holmes Beach Price reduced $414,900. Turn- key 2BR end unil, directly across from the beach White kitchen, ceramic floors, new rools, pri- vate fenced courtyard, newly tiled. Large heated pool and two patio areas Comple, is renter friendly. This charming .... Island neigtbornood is - your perfect getaway Call Patty at (517) 881-2,74 or Rose at (9411 425-0900. /" b scored, while Bo Gurskis and Daniel Pimental man- aged the other hits off of Wilson. On April 10, WMFD put together three strong offensive innings in which the team scored three or more runs to defeat Morgan Stanley by a score of 13-8. Tommy Price and Daniel Janisch each went 3-for-4 and scored three runs to lead WMFD at the plate. Trevor Bystrom and Carson Wooten each added a triple and one run scored for WMFD, which also received a single and three runs scored from Bo Gur- skis. Austin Wash also laced a triple for WMFD, which also received two scoreless innings on the mound from Daniel Pimental to help secure the victory. Morgan Stanley was led by William Brusso, who tri- pled and scored two runs, and Kyle Parsons, who had a 2-for-4 performance at the plate. Lee Bergeron and Jack Titsworth each singled and scored one run, while Ally Titsworth and Joel Hart each scored one run for Morgan Stanley in the loss. Pitching machine has players teeing off There has been plenty of great AA baseball action going on this season as well. In AA, a pitching machine serves up mostly strikes and allows the young players to get comfortable in the batter's box. It enables them to develop confidence and a consistent swing which will serve them well when they graduate to AAA and live pitching which isn't always right down the middle. Though everyone is aware of the score during and after the game, AA is still considered an instructional league, so wins and losses aren't the focus; Because of this, no standings are kept for the AA league. Morgan Stanley and Beach Bistro both knocked the ball around the park in their April 13 matchup. Sophi Bernet and Brandon Blanford both went 2-for-2 with one run scored to lead Morgan Stanley, which also received a double and one run scored from Neil Carper. Henery Bernet and Adam Hart each added a single and one run scored, while Jack Walter added two hits and Austin Murray had one hit. PLEASE SEE SPORTS, NEXT PAGE THE ISLANDER N APRIL 19. 2006 [ B-5 Sports CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4-B Beach Bistro was led by Keegan Murphy, who went 2-for-2 with two runs scored, and Max Driscoll and Blake Tedesco, who both went 1-for-2 with one run scored. Sterling Louw and Madison Driscoll each had singles to round out the Bistro offense. Bark Realty and Betsy Hills Real Estate hooked up for a game on April 11 that produced a couple of great hitting performances from both teams. Bark's Trevor Albers went 2-for-2 with two runs scored to match sister Anna Albers, who also scored two runs while hitting one single. Blaine Jenefsky and Christian Diaz each doubled and scored one run for Bark Realty, whcih also received a single and one run scored from both Joey Salinas and Ali Wood. Parker Keegan hit a triple and a home run and Phil- lip Dudevoire went 2-for-2 with a double and one run scored to lead Betsy Hills at the plate. Johnny Mattay, Olivia Brodeur, Kobi Hunter and Mickey Ellsworth each added singles for Betsy Hills. Miller and Magic mates qualify for 3-v-3 nationals Fresh off of a heartbreaking 1-0 loss in the Region C soccer finals to the Tampa Knights, Martine Miller and some of her Manatee Magic teammates formed a team to compete in a 3-v-3 soccer tournament in Venice. Joining Miller were Phoebe Leo, Nicole Dixon, Erin Mulrine, Jordan Ponto and Ashley Nelson. The girls finished in fourth place in preliminary competition on April 9, and then they "kicked it up a notch" for the elimination round on Sunday. The girls defeated the Sarasota Storm in the quar- ters, Naples in the semifinals and Cape Coral in the finals to win the tourney and qualify for the nationals. The nationals will be held at Disney World July 27-29. Congratulations girls! Horseshoe news Karl Thomas of Vancouver Island, Canada, and Cortezian Tom Rhodes were the only team to emerge from pool play competition on April 12 with an unde- feated record from the day's.16-player pool to claim bragging rights in Anna Maria horseshoe action. The previous Saturday saw two teams advance from pool play with undefeated records. Herb Puryear of Anna Maria teamed up with Bob Lautenschleger of r Welcome to -f SunCoast Real Estate! SSunCoast Real Estate, LLC is S proud to announce that Piroska Planck,.(941) 730-9667, has joined S our real estate office in The Island Shopping Center. We are proud U to have her as part of our team of successful real estate agents. ANNA MARIA M SISLACoast 779-0202 (800) 732-6434 Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com AERIAL PHOTOS OF ANNA MARIA ISLAND LONGBOAT KEY LONGBOAT KEY ELKA SPHOTOGRAPHICS S941-778-2711 www~jackelka.com Chersterland, Ohio, to defeat John Johnson of Holmes Beach and Bradenton's Ron Pepka by a 21-14 score. Play gets under way at 9 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Warm ups begin at 8:45 a.m. followed by random team selection. There is no charge to play and everyone is welcome. Key Royale golf news Thirteen-year-old Connor Perez, a seventh-grade student at Wakefield School in Gainesville, Va., got his first hole-in-one at the 196-yard par 3 No. 4 hole on April 10 at the Key Royale Club. Perez, a lefty and a young member of the varsity golf team at Wakefield, finished with a 37 to beat his grandfather Bob Squier. Also witnessing the shot was grandmother Judy Squier and mom Amy Perez. Connor used a driver to put the ball in the hole in one shot. No word on how he was able to buy everyone in the club- house a round of "drinks," as is the custom for anyone who gets a hole-in-one. Longtime Key Royale Club member, 93-year-old Bob Elliott, said Perez is the youngest golfer in the his- tory of the club to hit a hole-in-one there. Congratula- tions Connor! In women's golf action, Roswitha Fowler and Cindy Miller both fired a one-over-par 33 to capture the ladies low-net golf competition at the Key Royale Club April 11. Third place went to Marilyn Thorton, who shot a 34, while Nancy Grimme, Phyllis Lamp and Marian Mulroy tied for fourth with 35s in Flight A. Jan Turner's 30 was two shots better than second- place Sally Mauer in Flight B. Marty Noakes and Ruth Swift tied for third with 34, while Jane Winegarden finished in fifth with a 37. SPat Weingart's even-par 32 earned her bragging rights in Flight C. Theresa Schutt shot 34 to finish in Phoebe Leo, Nicole Dixon, Erin Mulrine, Jordan Ponto, Ashley SNelson and Martine y ^ "Miller pose with coach Rick Ponto 'E' (! t after winning the C "i : J T 3-v-3 tournament in Venice. second, two shots better than third-place finishers Caye Hudson and Amy Young, while Terry Westby finished in fourth with a 37. Joanne Ozdych, Cindi Mansour and Delores Jor- genson each had chip-ins. Ozdych found the bottom of the cup on No. 2 while Monsour and Jorgenson chipped Little League baseball schedule Junior League (ages 13-15) April 20 6:30 p.m. 'Islanders vs. Rock Steady Field: Palma Sola April 22 10 a.m. North River National #2 vs. Islanders Field: Birdie Tebbetts April 25 6:30 p.m. Islander vs. Braden River Field: Braden River AAA League (ages 9-12) April 19 6:30 p.m. WMFD vs. M. Stanley April 22 10 a.m. M. Stanley vs. Duncan April 24 6:30 p.m. M. Stanley vs. WMFD AA League (ages 8-10) April 20 5:30 p.m. Betsy vs. IRE April 20 7 p.m. Bark vs. Bistro April 21 7:30 p.m. Bistro vs. Betsy April 25 5:30 p.m. Betsy vs. M. Stanley April 25 7 p.m. IRE vs. Bistro T-Ball (ages 5-7) April 21 April 22 April 22- 6 p.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. Ross Dev. vs. Sandbar Harry's vs. A&E Ross Dev. vs. LPAC Little League Baseball standings Team Won Lost Duncan Real Estate 7 0 WMFD 3 3 Morgan Stanley 0 6 Now You Can Have Your Cake and Eat It Too! O ur 'Cash Flow" based approach to financing real estate will dem- onstrate to you the power the right loan can have in allowing you to build wealth (equity) at an accel- erated rate Most people finance real estate the same way they would cars or other depre- ciating assets. Real estate is different because it goes up in value and needs to be financed differently to minimize your interest pay- ments Learn more about the se- crets of a "Cash Flow" based, rather than the tra- ditional "Amortization" based financing ap- proach...Your home is most likely your biggest asset and needs an "Asset Manager" loan to optimize your debt management Call today and we will re- veal the secrets the wealthy have known for years! The Lowest Interest Rate Anywhere: Asset Manager Purchase Loans 1.45%* Refinance (Cash Out) Loans 1.55% No Lender Closing Costs. No Points. No Broker Fee. Loan Amounts $250,000 to $5,000,000 Thinking of Selling? Cash Out Instead! Extra $20,000 Cash for $55 Per Mol Cash Back Up to $500,000 Available $250,000 None $626 00 $500.000 None 1252.40 15U0 00 None $1878 74 $1,000,000 None $2504 99 Rate and monthly payments based on our Asset Manage' Loan Other loan products available Control more real estate. Create more wealth. For more loan information call (941) 725-3207 Rates subject to change and may not be available at commitment or close APR is 5.998%. '. 2006 The Loan Corporation THE LOAN CORPORATION 6-B M APRIL 19, 2006 M THE ISLANDER A S LAN NEW GENERATOR IN box, 5500 watt, 13hp. Paid $549, asking $425. (941) 266-2121. SLEEPER SOFA with double bed. Blue, white and beige. $50. (941) 778-1606. 204 Church St., #11, Bradenton Beach. FORMICA DINETTE TABLE and four chairs with 17-inch leaf. $150 or best offer. Call (941) 778-7833. BEAUTIFUL SEVEN-PIECE master bedroom suite set. Rose-colored solid wood. New $10,000, sell for $2,000. Needs large room. (941) 779-0610. TANNING BED, new bulbs, $800. Call Paige, (941) 798-3448. AERIAL PHOTOS of Anna Maria Island. View and purchase online: www.jackelka.com. FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp, crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call James Lee, (941) 795-1112 or 704-8421. LONGBOAT KEY HISTORY "From Calusas to Con- dominiums" by Ralph B. Hunter. Signed copies available at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-7978. ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open 9:30am-2pm Tues- days and Thursdays. 9am-noon on Saturdays. Sales racks, children's clothing. 511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. (941) 779-2733. SALE: NIKI'S GIFTS. Jewelry, antiques, weekly specials. Antique mahogany writing desk 40 percent off. All sterling jewelry 50-70 percent off. Wrought iron pieces 40-60 percent off. Select vintage jewelry, collectibles, crystal, oil paintings 40-80 percent off. Open seven days, 9:30am-5pm. (941) 779-0729. 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. DEMOLITION SALE: 9am-5pm Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 20 -22. Cash at site. 202 75th St., Holmes Beach. LASTYARD SALE of the season: 8am Saturday, April 22. Five families involved. Dishes, clothes, dolls, wheel- barrow, dolly, dog cage, too many things to list. Some- thing for everyone! 409 72nd St., Holmes Beach. ANNA MARIA GARAGE sale: 9am-5pm Friday and Saturday, April 21-22. Indoor and outdoor furniture, collectibles, lamps, linens, original Eames chair and ottoman, original Lloyd deco red chairs, excellent con- dition. Rustic and carved furniture. Antique wicker dinette, wheel chairs, large electric scooter. Call Sheila at (941) 779-9737 with any questions. 102 and 105 Pelican Drive. Directions: Gulf Drive to Pine Avenue, right to Crescent, left to Gladiolus, left to Pelican. LOST: SILVER WEDDING and mother's rings on beach end of Mangrove Avenue. Call (231) 796-3079. FOUND: YOUNG BLACK female cat. Please call (941) 778-1389. Office number, but leave message. KARATE ON THE Island: Ages four through adult. Call (941) 807-1734 or visitwww.islanddojo.cmasdirect.com. BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a personal- ized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park.Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Forms at The Islander or call (941) 518-4431 for more information. FREE GUN LOCK. Yes, free. Just for the asking. Courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserva- tion Commission. Free at The Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be sorry, be safe. GUARDIAN AD LITEM volunteers needed: A guard- ian ad litem is a trained volunteer appointed by the court to represent and advocate for the best inter- est of children who have been abused, abandoned or neglected. Make a positive impact! Call (941) 744-9473 or visit www.12circuitgal.org. FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough for adoption. All food and medical provided. Julie, (941) 720-1411. ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes. All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened. Please, call (941) 922-0774. WANTED TO BUY: Deeded boat slip on Anna Maria Island, deep or shallow. Please call, (941) 778-2581. 28-FOOT REGAL LSR-2001: Only 160 hours, like new! Great day cruiser/party boat, even has a head! Always kept on a lift, new custom mooring cover and much, much more. $43,000. Call Pam or Phil at (941) 778-8281 or (941) 704-7445. 1985 32-FOOT WELLCRAFT St. Tropez. 100 hours, new rebuilt 260-hp twin engines, new canvas, fully equipped, turnkey. Moored locally. $39,500. (941) 795-1587. LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater and near shore fishing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle provided. (941) 723-1107. BONUS! CLASSIFIED ADS are posted early online at www.islander.org UPDATED FLORIDA- l STYLE ISLAND -DUPLEX Zoned R-4 for inves- tors! 1BR each side, ... ...new roof, carpet, point, and more! Tropical back yard, privacy fenced and large covered porch area. 3012 Gulf Drive. $495,000. Call Collandra & Co. Real Estate, Edie Force, 920-0129 BIuIN, hLJN, RENTiN? VE CAN JELp! NEW LISTING- CANALFRONT- FLAMINGO CAY -10304 Sandpiper Rd. W. Spacious 3BR/2BA home just over the bridge: Offered at $635,000. GULFFRONT- OCEAN PARK TERRACE CONDO 2700 Gulf Dr., Holmes Beach 2BR/2BA, great Gulf views! Asking $850,000. UNIQUE 4BR/3BA HOME WITH MOTHER-IN-LAW APARTMENT 716 N. Shore Dr. Priced right at $675,000. NORTH SHORE LOT 716 N. Shore. Offered at $475,000. VIEWS OF THE BAY AND ROD & REEL 607 N. Bay Blvd. 2BR/2BA home. Reduced to $659,900. ANNA MARIA 5BR/2BA DUPLEX 760 Jacaranda. Listed at $710,000. HOME WITH BOAT DOCK 229 85th St., Holmes Beach. 2BR/2BA, offered at $659,900. SALE PENDING- NORTH END DUPLEX 711 North Bay Blvd. 4BR/2BA. Priced to sell at $647,000. GREAT LOCATION, GREAT BEACH ACCESS- 208 Palmetto Ave. Anna Maria Village. Reduced to $699,000. SERVING THE AREASINCE 1970 MLS Real Estate Agents For Tooays Market --- 2820 NORTHWOOD WAY, 2511 AVE. C, BRADENTON SARASOTA Charming two story, BEACH. Elevated duplex. 2BR/2BA 5BR/3.5BA log cabin on a large and 3BR/2BA. One block to beach wooded lot in a private cul-de-sac. and two blocks to bay. All offers $472,000. considered. $699,000. I PiIR k4L.TE^ .. ^!^^^;.1 2871 WRENWOOD COURT, 5721 BENTGRASS DRIVE, #211, SARASOTA. 3BR/2BA former SARASOTA. 3BR/3BA townhouse model home with many extras. with large attached one-car garage. Large lanai and pool area. Tranquil view and lush landscap- $429,000. ing. Pets welcome. $270,000. -7 Palms i Prudentiall Realty Maggie Hutter & Jo Rutstein Realtors 941-552-1358 Jo: 941-587-9156 Maggie: 941-780-9888 www.hutterandrutstein.com An owned and operated member odnh'e Phudential Real Eslaie Atiliales, Inc. *--Mg --I ":,tlM-. "/K ." -.t," -'-s rri, -tq LLC Frprrt Mh .na, .cmnt. LLC 6842 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key 941.387.9004 Tracy,,'L27financial.com www.Latitude27 corn NEW PRICE $415,000 BEAUTIFUL NORTH ANNA MARIA One of five original fishing cottages on one lot, all from the 1930s. This cottage has been restored to original pine floors and is nicely turnkey furnished. Peeks of Tampa Bay from the garden. Maureen Dahms Owner/Agent, Cell S(941) 730-0587 reen t REAL ESTATE S--,J OF ANNA MARIA 941 778-0455 9906 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria www.greenreal.com THE ISLANDER N APRIL 19, 2006 M B-7 A F I EDS PART-TIME HELP wanted for small resort motel on Anna Maria. Call evenings, (941) 778-4206. SEEKING PIANO PLAYER evenings for Ooh La La! Bistro. Music range from classical to jazz. Call Chef Damon, (941) 778-5320. NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restau- rant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call (941) 778-3953. SING! IFYOU can carry a tune and would help lead a singing congregation, please join with Gloria Dei Lutheran's choir on Sundays at 9:45am. Two miles north of Manatee Bridge on Anna Maria Island. (941) 778-1813. MAINTENANCE: PART-TIME for 32-unit resort. Hours 6-8pm, Monday-Friday. Apply in person at Blue Water Beach Club, 6306 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. HOUSEKEEPER OR LAUNDRY room assistant: 10-30 hours per week. Weekends required. No smokers. Apply in person at Haley's Motel or call (941) 778-5405. CONDOMINIUM GROUNDS POSITIONS: Mowing, landscaping, pool maintenance, etc. Full-and part- time help needed. Call Doug at (941) 778-4025. SHORT ORDER COOK wanted full or part-time. Dependable, will train. Call (941) 778-2501. HELPER FOR LANDSCAPER and property main- tenance: Call Chris, (941) 704-2714. FOR SALE: LUCRATIVE Laundromat. Call Karen at (800) 332-3000. SEAFOOD RESTAURANT/MARKET in heart of Holmes Beach. 35 seats, two outdoor tables, beer/wine, good lease, motivated seller. $105,000. Longview Realty, (941) 383-6112, www.longviewrealty.com. DOG WALKER, PET sitter, child sitter and odd jobs. Tenth-grader, available after school and weekends. SZach, (941) 779-9783. 1 1We ve Total Z.j SGOobaL! In fact, we're globaltimes 1,400 plus! More than 1,400 PAID subscribers receive The Islander out of .towh, out of state and out of the United States. We go to Alaska; England, Germany, Canada, Hawaii and nearly all points in between. These news-hungry subscribers can't wait to get their hands on 'the best news on Anna Maria Island." TheIslander Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive SHolmes Beach FL 34217 . 941 778-7978 email: news@islander.org SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and intermediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10 per half-hour lesson, three lessons recom- mended. Local teen, team competitor. Call (941) 778-0944. BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, (941) 756 5496. BABYSITTER, PETSITTER, dog walker: First-aid certified, 13-year-old, eighth-grader, female, great with kids and animals. Call Kendall, (941) 779-9783. NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia, (941) 761-1569. Red Cross certified. ENSURE YOUR CHILD'S safety while you relax. Call Gemma, (941) 447-9657. Responsible, reli- able and experienced 10th-grader with a love for children. Red Cross babysitting and first-aid certifications. RED CROSS first-aid certified babysitter certified. Call Alex, (941) 778-5352. MAN WITH SHOVEL: Plantings, natives, patio gar- dens, trimming, cleanup, edging, maintenance. Hard-working and responsible. Excellent refer- ences. Edward (941) 778-3222. LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint- ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine Car Service. Serving the Islands. (941) 778-5476.. COMPUTER OBEDIENCE TRAINING. Is your computer misbehaving? Certified computer service and private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. (941) 545-7508. ISLAND PRESSURE CLEANING for great results, wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable, reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. (941) 778-0944. CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist. Experienced certified technician for communica- tion electronics offers wireless and cable networks, upgrades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and train- ing. Call Robert, (941) 778-3620. Jesse Brisson Broker Associate, GRI 941-713-4755 MINI RESORT Two duplexes, four units in Bradenton Beach directly across the street from the beach. $649,900 each duplex. FULL GULF VIEWS: Unobstructed views from this adorable 2BR/1BA turnkey condo. $499,000. VALENCIA GARDEN: 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished condo with golf course views and pool. Completely updated! $284,900. SANDY POINTE: 2BR/2BA impeccably maintained condo close to everything. Must see. $355,000. FEET TO THE BEACH: Spacious 2BR/2BA bath condo with pool and great rental history. $599,000. NORTH BEACH VILLAGE: A 2BR/2.5BA, 1,500 sf condo with pool. Lowest price! $579,000. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod- eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794. PROFESSIONAL I.T. SERVICES: Complete com- puter solutions for business and home. Installation, repairs, upgrades, networking, Web services, wire- less services. Richard Ardabell, network engineer, (941) 778-5708, or cell (216) 509-1945. CALL DAN'S RESCREEN for your free estimate today. Affordable rates, quality work- guaranteed. Pool cages, lanais, windows, doors. Call (941) 713-5333. APPLIANCE & AC DOCTORS: We repair air con- ditioners, refrigerator, washer/dryer, oven, garbage disposal, other household items. Honest, depend- able. 20-plus years experience. (941) 650-9293. MR. BILL'S HOME REPAIR/maintenance service. Over 30 years experience, self-employed in con- struction trades. "I'm handy to have around." (941) 778-4561. CUCCIO TILE: Many Island references. Free esti- mates. Licensed and insured. (941) 730-2137. AAA WIFE and HUSBAND cleaning your house and windows with confidence. Good references, reasonable rates. Licensed and insured. (941) 812-0499. CLEANING COUPLE: A few open slots for offices, condos, houses, etc. We. also do errands and hurricane checks. Honest and dependable. (941) 448-7119. FISHING FOR a good deal? Look in The Islander, 778-7978. K REALTORS FLAMINGO CAY Newly renovated single-family 3BR/2BA split, plan, Jacuzzi bathtub, two-car garage, screened lanai over look- ing pool and deep water canal. Large corner lot. $739,900. Call Mike Carleton, Realtor, (941) 737-0915 or Michel Cerene, Broker, (941) 545-9591, evenings. DUPLEX- REDUCED One block to beach. 1BR/1BA each side, Remodeled 2004, $560,000. Call Mike Carleton, Realtor, (941) 737-0915 or Michel Cerene, Broker, (941) 545-9591, evenings. DUPLEX WITH BOAT DOCK-2BR/1BA each side corner lot. Designated boat dock access across street (with city approval). Current survey available. Sold as is. Right to inspect. $694,900. Call Carmen Pedota, Realtor, (941) 284-2598 evenings. GREAT LOCATION 3BR/3BA Key West elevated home. Like new! Dining room, four-car garage, lanai, workshop, elevator, pool. Views of Gulf and Intracoastal. $1,300,000. Call Mike Car- leton, Realtor, (941) 737-0915 or Michel Cerene, Broker, (941) 545-9591 evenings. ISLAND CONDO -2BR/1 BA Sea Pirates, rental-producing condo across from Gulf, heated pool, professionally decorated $455,000. Call Susan Klement, Realtor, (941) 720-4107. 5910 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770 - 1-800-741-3772 info@smithrealtors.com Web site: www.smit:hrealtors.com JUST VISITING PARADISE? B.",r't 1jt.tir IJ3tl ,d WvitIl,;,u " taking time to ,u',,: iL 'I 1ull .jt A:LL tlie best news, week. Vi..-l.t '.d, .Iu U.4 fnn Holmes Beach -orcall The Is941-78-der The Islander w N! DOLPHIN HARBOUR AT MARINA ISLE rurrpnir, unaer ,:cirnlrurnror Tr-is arnairi SBR 3S 58A Ii~vV\e~ sr~ie re~deihr. w1 wlrilvhr~ hir'am Enjoy lIjbuliuui v~LSi, Irom yjuuh Iu xuricwill Master cuide o verloofikirig Bimini Bay:na T13rp.3 bay Mill ihp Sunshmre Sikyway in nl isiarnce. Stepp j.,avy irom your bj.I[ ,lrp vviri easy jcca;t i T3mpa Bay 'anti re Gull Ol Me.. (o Gr~rja ~n~njLiimJ ~jc ,wcC ilr a julaullyv desigOed clurrntl lkahrr oir'er,, up to a Fpac:cu graa rorim ana a wrp jriufl il a'cI. An arm ingi pr val, rayir-ni reran ortr-rEdj at $.;45.lC'd. ummi' W I. i -rui, IrI I i ii i., i '- r Io iV ,r i ,Clj f r.". WI'UREr. fl.BdM MS ull rl, r C.U, L aOW ,-r I AM W ' -h.,lI"'IUnIorp i '-,B~~iTi f, 'L'I r ij c,t i l,, ~f~'LR7L777 ~ 3e~-~ c~~Y , ~ ~w .. r,.*rr up*;- ". Ir-up~- r,.. 2 L ~inrrb 8-B 0 APRIL 19, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER 9 r 1 1 'A PRICE BUSTERS ISLAND cleaning and errand service. No job too small. All houses and yard work, also trash removal and personal shopping. Call between 8am-6pm for more details. (941) 592-2353. MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet. Beginning to advanced. Contact-Koko Ray, (941) 758-0395. BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refriger- ation. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call William Eller, (941) 795-7411. CAC184228. ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional cre- ates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www.jackelka.com. (941) 778-2711. NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing massage in the comfort of your home. Call today for an appointment, (941) 795-0887. MA#0017550. TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years experience. References available. For a reasonable price, call Sebastian, (941) 704-6719. CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, land- scaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. (941) 778-5294. ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. Monthly and quarterly accounts available. If it is broken, we can fix it. Call (941) 778-2581. CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING: Top quality lawn and landscape maintenance. Now accepting new accounts at great rates. Please call (941) 778-2335 or 284-1568. JR'S LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE Lawns, native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup. Island resident 25 years. Call (941) 807-1015. YOUR COMPLETE LAWN service: Cut when you're ready. No contracts, no job too small. Low prices. Call (941) 792-4282. PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN and installation. Huge selection of plants, shrubs and trees. Irrigation. Everything Under the Sun Garden Centre, 5704 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-4441. SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $42/yard. Haul- ing: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free esti- mates. Call Larry at (941) 795-7775, "shell phone" (941) 720-0770. KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean- ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City of Anna Maria resident. Cell (941) 448-3857. NATURE'S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residen- tial and commercial. 30-years experience. (941) 729-9381. STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Installs, cleanup, shell, rock, palms, aquascapes, tree work. Truck for hire, move anything. Shark Mark (941) 727-5066. VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/ exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island refer- ences. Bill, (941) 795-5100. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING free esti- mates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at (941) 778-1730. JOE UNGVARSKY CONSTRUCTION Remodel- ing contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed and insured. Many Island references. (941) 778-2993. License #CRC 035261. CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island ser- vice since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certifying back flow at water meters. (FL#RF0038118) (941) 778-3924 or 778-4461. TILE TILE TILE. All variations of ceramic tile sup- plied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, (941) 726-3077. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod- eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794. CUSTOM RENOVATION/RESTORATION expert. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Thirty years experience. Insured. Meticulous, clean, sober and prompt. Paul Beauregard, (941) 779-2294. KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cab- inets and shutters. Insured and licensed, (941) 748-4711. TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed. Why pay retail? Island resident, many references. Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor Coverings. (941) 792-1367, or 726-1802. CARLV. JOHNSON JR. Inc. building contractor. New homes, additions, renovations. Quality work and fair prices. Lic#RR0066450. Call (941) 795-1947. UNIQUE SAILBOAT WATERFRONT HOME with 39 foot boat- house and mother - in law apartment With heated pool, on t-end canal. 3BR,2 5BA in main house rebuilt and Enlarged three years ago and 1 BR/1 BA full mother-in-law apartment. Gourmet main kitchen, .DCS gas stove top, double oven, double dishwasher, double .,ine coolers, granite counter tp, outside kitchen with triple sink, dishwasher and buili in B-B-Q. Two zone central vacuum intercom, 15 fool ceiling and seelhrough gas fireplace in real room to outside pool. 4900 S.F.U.R. PAO 502 72nd St., Holmes Beach A must see at $2,250,000, Ted E- Davi;s Licensed Real Estate Broker/Owner. By appointment, (911) 778-6 55. $475,000 -'TORTUGA INN 5339,900 CLUB BAMBOO SOUTH Income producing condos with direct Gulf views in a tropical oasis. Totally renovated. in 2005. Affordable Island units Well-appointed units come turnkeyfurnished including fully equipped *permitting nightly rentals, with an on-site rental kitchens. Invest in this nature lovers paradise justin time for season! *office. Heated pool and deeded beach access. Perfect Complex offers a areot rental nrooram. weekend netaway! I vrw : vw .gra g ssdeveoRm.ent. com. - ,.Lands e '. Cherry Cabinets "-J, Metal Roof OPEN APRIL 22 &23VL 312 61ST STREET i Developer soys sell w-L. Price reduced $10,000 ' Plus $15,000 furniture allowance : Free: po. Beautiful. 3BR/2BA -completely upgraded home46856 OP1N 1264Pm. 'AmIL 22 AND23 Bon RAI^ -55 06i MAi 'NA DCJ G i"-.O P'.9,4N1 ".7- a - ; ;. : ..... ... 1 h[% .- -,' :: -; *,. ;:.' THE ISLANDER APRIL 19, 2006 M B-9 DA B I9 m 4 FE JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy- man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pressure washing and tree trimming. Call (941) 778-6170 or 447-2198. WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more. Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in- home consultation. Island references, 15 years experience. (941) 778-3526 or 730-0516. THIRTY-SIXYEARS craftsman experience. Interior, exterior, doors, stairs, windows and trim. Pressure wash. Driveway paint. Dan Michael, master carpen- ter. Call 518-3316 or 778-6898. TWO DUDES with tools: Tile, trim, cabinets, painting, drywall, glass block, brick, stonework and more! Many references. Call now! (941) 812-4269 or 448-6961. HANDYMAN SERVICE: Winton's Home-Buddy Inc. Retired banker, Island resident, converting life- long hobby to business. Call (941) 705-0275 for free estimates. PAINTING AND IMPROVEMENT by Carlos. Licensed and insured. Wallpaper hanging, interior and exterior painting, pressure wash, faux finishing, drywall repair. Phone (941) 753-5936. Cell (941) 580-2421. Fax (941) 752-3109. RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal. Wedebrock Real Estate Co., (941) 778-6665 or (800) 749-6665. SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR (two master suites)/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/ dryer, garage, designer furnished with tropical yard setting. One of the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/weekly. Call (941) 713-0034 or e-mail: gamiller@tampabay.rr.com. GULFFRONT CONDOS: 3BR/2BA, 2BR/2BA, 1 BR/1 BA with breathtaking sunsets. Pools, Jacuzzi, walk to shops and restaurants. Available weekly, monthly, seasonal. (901) 301-8299 or e-mail captko462 @aol.com. WEEKLY RENTALS: Alecassandra villa, 1 BR/1 BA, $700/week; Island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; Gulffront cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach Club, 2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call Kim Fisher, Wagner Realty, (941) 778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com. SEASONAL FURNISHED new home in Anna Maria. Elevated 3BR/2BA. Available now through April. One block to beach. (813) 251-9201. SEASONAL RENTAL: Brand new Bradenton Beach 3BR/3BA plus office, steps to beach. Balconies with ocean and bay views, elevator, 8-person Jacuzzi, granite counters, marble floors and baths, Jacuzzi in master, washer/dryer, designer furnished, fully equipped. One of the finest rentals on Island. $4800/ monthly 813-277-4336. VACATION RENTALS: 2BR apartments across from beautiful beach, $375 to $500/week. Winter and spring dates available. Almost Beach Apart- ments, (941) 778-2374. ANNUAL 3BR/2BA: Holmes Beach. Steps to beach, clean duplex-$1,100/month. (941) 725-0578 or (941) 794-2912. BRADENTON BEACH: NEWLY remodeledlBR/ 1BA suite with full kitchen, fully furnished, one block from Bridge Street, three minute walk to beach. Sleeps four only. No pets. Now taking reservations for summer. Available weekly, monthly or seasonal. (941) 776-3696, or e-mail bjustin628@tampabay.rr.com. ANNA MARIA ISLAND: Steps from Bradenton Beach. One hundred yards from bay. Spacious 1 BR/1BA with parking. Available for yearly rental. 55-plus. (614) 517-7147. 0eaet9M 19/leaf &tat, elk. SALES & RENTALS 419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150* (941) 778-2291 EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294 .. : .. .., 4-. "', . ,- *'i ; !'- INVITING ISLAND HIDEAWAY In Anna Maria Village, ITWO NEW GULFSIDE TOWNHOUSES! Fabulous charming 2BR/2BA Richmond home on oversized lot, 4BR/3BA Gulf and bay view townhomes with shortwalkto both Gulf and bay! Furnished, spacious every amenity, including granite, tile, wood living room, tile Florida room, newer appliances, new cabinets, elevators, nine foot ceilings, wrought roof, and secluded, expansive lot, with citrus trees iron railings, balconies, jetted tubs, and more! and plenty of room for a pool. $549,000. $1,350,000 each. Visit our Web site at www.betsyhills.conm If You:Havent Found It -- S.r YO HOa UL D! Hiddenlake ,,a ie a 4 iest ye OFIT&l2~ If 4 fl dll G S- t . : 4.. "- *Gated Community *Attached Garage wlElectric Door Opener *Beautiful Lakefront Homes *Heated Pool & Spa *Minutes to the Gulf Of Mexico *Four Models To Choose From *Gorgeous Clubhouse Choose Your Interi' Luxury Co1i 6404 7th Ave. Cir. W. Gulf of Mexico 75TH ST WEST m 67 T-H STWEST Behind the U)r Plaza 59TH ST WEST ) or Colors & Desig.;s ido.n7lll- 4 71s 761-0444 FEATURED LISTING GREAT VALUE! Home with Deeded Boat Slip. Ground level 2BR/1BA home in a quiet neighbor- -.'i', hood. Bright and airy with an open floor plan. Short walk to the'beach and just steps from sour boat. Great winter residence or investment/ renovation potential. Priced to sell at $575,000. MINI RESORT Four units in Bradenton Beach directly across the street from the Gulf! Room for a pool, great rental history, Gulf views from roof top sundeck. Property is ripe for condo conversion or just sit back and let the income roll in. Each duplex offered at $649,900. 1 AND 2 BEDROOM CONDOS Enjoy fabulous sunsets from your rooftop deck! Just one block from the beach and centrally located in Bradenton Beach. Walk to Historic Bridge Street, restaurants, shops, and marina. Turnkey furnished & ready to rent. New heated pool and roftop deck! Wonderful island escape! Starting at $329,000. FULL GULF VIEWS! Unobstructed views of the Gulf from this adorable 2BR/1BA turnkey condo in Bradenton Beach. Low association fees, no rental restrictions, and zero maintenance. $499,000. BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME 75 x 106 lot across the street from the beach in central Holmes Beach. Walk to shops and restaurants. Architect plans available for a custom designed, beautiful ground level home permissible on this lot, or build up for gulf views! $627,500. WESTBAY POINT & MOORINGS: Rarely available 3BR unit, overlooking canal. Spacious bedrooms and eat-in kitchen. Over 1600 sf, heated pool and spa in a beautifully maintained bay-front community. $599,000. . SANDY POINTE: Impeccably maintained 2BR/2BA condo in central Holmes Beach within walking distance to shops, restaurants, and the beach! No rental restrictions make this condo an instant income producer. Heated pool, covered parking, storage, washer dryer, and new water heater! Don't wait come see this tastefully done unit today! $355,000. \ALENCLX GARDENS Renovated ground floor end unit, 2BR/2BA condo with great views of El Conquistador golf course! Turnkey furnished, ready for you to move in. Close to beaches; IMG Academy, private courtyard, pool, spa, and lanai. New kitchen! $284,900. GREAT CANALFRONT VALUE IN LONGBOAT KEY 3BR/2BA home with won- derful open-beam ceilings, new flooring, new dock, no bridges to bay. Short walk to beach, botanical park and a great restaurant. $779,000. NORTH BEACH VILLAGE UNIT. Largest floor plan over 1,500 sf with three decks. Choice location, private condo with two-car garage, nicely maintained, heated pool and close to the beach! Lowest price in North Beach Village. $579,000. A WATERLOVERS DREAM! Wonderful master suite with a grand deck overlooking the bay, 4 guest suites + a grand room, and a gourmet kitchen opening up onto a wrap- around deck with bay views. Easy boat access Bay and Gulf. Offered at $2,795,000. NEW CONSTRUCTION! LOW MAINTENANCE HOME! Construction complete!: Coastal designed 3BR/2.5BA home with 18-foot ceilings, granite countertops, stainless appliances, wood floors, 8-foot French doors, two open decks, Hardi Plank siding, a swim- ming pool and much more all close to beach access! This is a must see! $849,000. STEPS TO THE BEACH! Spacious 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished condo in a small four- unit complex: Heated pool, rooftop sundeck with great views, excellent rental history with no rental restrictions! Would be a great second home. A must see. $599,000. INVESTOR ALERT! 13,728 sf duplex lot, with the bonus of a recently renovated duplex. Don't miss this one! 6BR/4BA and plenty of room for TWO pools! Call today for more details! $799,000. 539 ul D ive HolmsIBac ~t~!~8_Z~ ~~~~ ~j~L~3~s~;~lC~ 10-B 0 APRIL 19, 2006 T THE ISLANDER S L E1A A N9 ANNA MARIA ISLAND: Waterfront mobile resort. Steps to beach. Nice 1BR/1BA. April $950. May- September $625. 55-plus. 2601 Gulf Drive N., Unit 425, Bradenton Beach. (941) 778-5417. HOUSE FOR RENT: Unfurnished 3BR/2BA, lanai and porch, pool, hot tub, privacy fenced yard, fire- place. Close to beach. Call (941) 773-0248. ANNUAL OR SEASONAL rental. 2BR/1BA, two blocks to beach. $900/month annual, includes cable, water, sewer, trash. Seasonal $700/week or $2,100/month. (941) 778-0714 or (941) 730-6349. BEAUTIFUL AND SPACIOUS 3BR/2BA home located four houses down from beach! Free trolley picks up at end of block. Available by the week. Adjacent two-bedroom apartment also available first half of March. Call (616) 225-1589. CONDOS: BRADENTON BEACH, Bayview Ter- race. Pool on bay, one block to beach. Three-month minimum. 2BR, $2,000/month. 1BR $1,500/month. (941) 752-1737. MONTHLY RENTAL: 2BR/2BA with den. Furnished condo on canal. West Bradenton. Five minutes to beaches. $2,100/month. June through November 2006. (708) 532-2149. ANNUAL RENTALS: 3BR/2BA home on canal $2,300/month. Call Betsy Hills Real Estate, PA. at (941) 778-2291 or e-mail: Jason@betsyhills.com. COZY EXPANDED MOBILE home in 55-plus resort. bayside, furnished, parking, walk to beach/trolley. $800/month, annual. $1,400/month, seasonal. (518) 473-1169 or rgumson @ mail.nysed.gov. SANDPIPER MOBILE RESORT: 55-plus, 1 BR/1 BA, inside and out sitting areas, turnkey. $1,200/month, $450/weekly. (941) 962-0262. #418 with anchor. RENTALS RENT fast when you advertise in The Islander. ANNUAL 2BR/2BA BRADENTON Beach. Bay views, close to beach. 2319 Ave. B. $1,000/month. (941) 778-3875. LIDO BEACH: 2BR apartment. Delightful and modern with porch/lanai in garden setting. Across from beach, walking distance to St. Armands Circle. Eight minutes to Sarasota Main Street. Fully fur- nished, including full kitchen and laundry room. Call for special summer rates, (941) 383-2566. NEAR BEACH: FURNISHED 1 BR/1 BA. $750/month with utilities. Seven-month lease, first, last and deposit. Call Jackie, (941) 929-7165. ANNA MARIA ISLAND Club: Available January, February and March, 2007.2BR/2BA, totally remod- eled in 2006. Call (813) 781-7562. ARTIST STUDIO SUBLET: May through Novem- ber. Sink, bathroom, use of kitchenette, must be 21. $125/month. Call (941) 778-5704, or (941) 778-2099 after April 15. Holmes Beach location, near shops and restaurants. ANNUAL 2BR/2BA ELEVATED duplex with screened porch, deck, Mexican tile, covered park- ing, washer and dryer, yard care. Available May 1. $1,050/month. Call (941) 779-2151. SANDPIPER 55-PLUS: Furnished 2BR/1 BA bright, cozy mobile home. Large kitchen, wood deck, nice location. $625 monthly. (941) 779-0556. SEASONAL DUPLEX: 2BR/2BA with laundry. Three-minute stroll to Gulf, north end of Island. $2,200/month, three-month minimum. (813) 949-6891. FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED: 2BR/2BA condo. Pool, hot tub, five minutes to beach. $500/month plus electricity. Leave message, (941) 807-5679. HOUSE FOR RENT: North end, annual 3BR, spacious, clean, steps to beach, tranquil setting, $1,500/month. (941) 778-3006. ANNUAL RENTALS: HOME with bay views. 2BR/2BA, two-plus car garage, screened lanai, $1,350/month. Fran Maxon Real Estate, (941) 778-2307. AVAILABLE JUNE 1: Private home for rent annu- ally on water. 2BR/2BA, enclosed garage, beautiful view. Bradenton Beach. $1,300/month. By owner, (941) 778-6170. ANNUAL OR SEASONAL: New home, 55-plus park, across from beach, turnkey furnished, 2BR/2BA, central air conditioning, heat, washer and dryer, carport. $1,100/month, call for seasonal rate. (941) 778-4349. WANTED: VACATION RENTAL property. I have waterfront land and horse property as partial or full payment or trade up to $2 million. Scott, (941) 232-4581. ANNUAL 2BR/2BA HOLMES Beach: $850/month, unfurnished. $950/month, furnished. T. Dolly Young, Real Estate, (941) 778-0807. YEAR LEASE: ANNA Maria waterfront, 2BR fur- nished condo with boat dock, $1,100/month. Bra- denton Beach 1 BR apartment, half block to beach, $750/month unfurnished, $850/month furnished. First, last, security. (941) 778-4451. WATERFRONT BRADENTON BEACH. Dock, walk to beach. Beautiful, like new, one, two and three bedrooms. (941) 779-9074 or cell, (703) 587-4675. gwalker43 @ hotmail.com. ANNUAL RENTAL: 3BR/2.5BA large townhome. Two-car garage, three porches, washer and dryer, community pool. Available May 1, 2006. $2,100/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals. 1BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to beach, shopping, restaurants. (941) 778-3426. Web site 2spinnakers.com. La Plage... The fUltimate Waterfront Living in Holfmes Beac lb V SIXTH-FLOOR WATERFRONT CONDO Tr is tIulou. S.h-iloor BOATERS PARADISE FOUND 1UU lueet ul de[er-wav r tr jai doik nrid unll jrffer, brejahlra.kin, vipes o Lthe mrilulh 0i Tampa Bay wii liih Tni drram romer nris 4BDI3BA and over 2.600 si of and Manatie River. High Ctilinrgs ne hkil:hen (3ilner jand Iilng .nd eilerulimrng space Healed pool jid hrlI lubspa lgranrteounteri opV.new :washer and iryer plu' .healed pool. tropical iand3scri: ng Perfeci for ri-lavaw or guesI $850.000 425.000 Call Annf Huber at 1l911 713-9835 Call Scon Barr atr (941 9-8-9191 .-si -"V; Sit -" ,w Premier upstairs corner unit with panoramic Gull or Mexico views' 3BR/2BA, with 9.5-foot ceilings, 8-root doors, crown molding, stain- less appliances, and granite countenops throughout' Gorgeously decorated and turnkey lumisned. with owner LAKEFRONT TOWNHOUSE Jusl iiied. inis speciaul. r home hneri, 3BR12BA wih inno owner Suites, breaildaL bar vaulleli ceiling., wa-ll-n clusels,. heated communri pool cnild piay area, 311 within gated comniunity $310,000 Cali Kiin Snell at 941) 713-1305 I- -- TRADITIONAL FLORIDA BUNGALOW Lcalied jUSI Ott of Rivrrvile Biulevjrd in N\ W. Brjdenin ini 5 charmer has' rwo iJrgee tirdiro0mS ri jdlvUl00diloring.gourmrlilktcin r two ood burning lireplac,:s, and over 1,600 sl lo peateulul living r .ace. $29.000. Cail Jrjnilhjn Wrigni al 1194ll 01-9992 '941-798-9191 -l .s i usage only! Must see! S. Please call Sue Carlson, S... 941-720-2242 oran Sapointment. $2,225.000 I. ' r A .. (941) 779-9320 va Anna Mdac www, anislantplace.cim CREATE YOUR OWN PARADISE! Across from the sparkling BEST OF BOTH SHORES! Within steps of the powder sand waters of the Gulf of Mexico rests this enchanting beach beaches of the Bay & Bean Point. Soaring cypress ceilings & cottage. Light and bright living area with wrap around celestory windows abound for an open airy essence. Profes- windows and Mexican tile. Add a pool with tropical sional remodel with Travertine floors, wood cabinets, granite landscaping for a peaceful garden oasis. Located amongst multi- countertops, SS appliances and Plantation shutters. Elevated million dollar homes. Build up for unobstructed water views, sun deck for spectacular sunset views. $849,000. Call Liz $729,000. Call Liz Codola at (941) 812-3455. Codola at (941)812-3455. VINTAGE BEACH COTTAGE ideally located on a quiet Brand New Home on Perico Island Just minutes from the street. Within steps of the sandy beaches of the Gulf. beach. Gorgeous 2BR/2BA with den, open plan, upgraded Relax and enjoy the sparkling view of the water. Potential kitchen, luxury master suite and fabulous view. Community galore for the creative buyer. Build up for a spectacular pool, tennis, clubhouse and lawn maintenance. $475,000. vista of the turquoise sea. Plenty of room to add a pool Call Debbie Detweiler 527-7221. for a tranquil private escape. $799,000. Call Liz Codola at (941) 812-3455. .' .... _;. ,::~ .: :: ~ ~' :~ ~ :~ I I 4 h*f 411 Phi~e Ay I N 10 I Tranquility and gracious living abound in this unique home. French doors from the main house lead out to a dramatic covered deck. A separate Swedish hot-tub room overlooks garden and a huge new master suite. There's also a 650 sq.ft artist's studio with deck, dock and lift. Fireplace and room for a pool make this a home for all seasons. Seller is motivated. $1,075,000. Call Robin Kollar 713-4515 7 or Jesse Brisson 713-4755 Gulf-Bay Realty jr Ci Prudential Palms Realty Fine Homes Specialist 941-809-3714 S www.michellemuslo.com Pe.ident Cc(rrle Recipienrt PERICO BAY CLUB: BRADENTON "" 920 Waterside Lone: Lakefron villa, 2BR/28A, 1,132 sf, breathtaking sunsets, lurnkey fur. Si .-- ., .i nished. S399.000 s i, .i a ,*. hi *'4 a S827 Waleiside Lane: S fi:"" Villa, 2BR2BA, 1,069 sf, '' ,'' ."" ;. new furnishings, remod- eled from top lo bottom. S. S439,000. TMAPCJLJSANDSJ OF HMt.*I nES ONE RRE S ~h~VVWVV.MCllHAELSAUNDERHS C~OM OUTSTANDING BAY WATERFRONT Tr,, impeccably renovated Key Royale home offers 2653SF of living area; 3BR, custom cabinets, screened patio, raised deck/spa. Dock, 10,00LB lift. $2,299,000. Kimberly Roehl,748-6300 or 447-9988. 521918. - CIMARRON. :ronitiTip.,ao r.in, p.:,,:,l nnii great curb appeal, over 2700SF- Large lot, picturesque lake, great care and maintenance i 1i-i1i ri:p ni:ror i7, V'" Ii 'i ,,,v.j --, 1P E.,u ,j.)r ` -6- I,7 5 A-" .'I . CHARMING BEACH BUNGALOW. uI.1p.il ,]lJ(h-, p 1i'h .11.. [) [i ( rr i1ir .:i -: a )hi nnl : .-l..tl: h l.-i:, | g( h,:fi f,-,; [.[rn.:. :ni ., all new furnishings with a charming beach bungalow decor.$649,000. Kimberly Roehl 748-6300 or 447-9988. 521248 PERICO ISLAND maintenance-free neighbor- hood. 5 minutesto Gulf beaches. 3BR, turnkey furnished home featuring brnght.open plan, spaciouskitchen&familyroom.$449,900.Jody Shinn, 748-6300 or 705-5704.522309 DIRECT BEACHFRONT. Top floor, 2BR turkey condo overlooking Gulf. Remodeled with Tommy Bahama furnishings. New A/C. Great complex: elevators, heated pool, sauna, tennis courts Good ental policy. $1,049,000. Jody Shinn, 748-6300 or 705-5704. 516973 IMMACULATE CUSTOM WATERFRONT HOME. Recently remodeled with coral stone gas fireplace. Boat lift, pavers and screened lanai. Only minutes to GulflBay by boat. $949,900. kathy Marcinko, 713-1100 or Sandy Drapala; 725-0781. 519732 ELEGANCE & CHARM in gated Mariner's Cove. Beautiful waterview from this 3BR condo w/loftfor 4th BR/office. Granite counters, fireplace. Deeded boat slip. Community pools & tennis court; $799,000. Patty Brooks, 748-6300 or 545-1194. 511178 GLAMOROUS FULL BAY AND GULF VIEWS from this cozy, tucked away condo. Dock with deeded boatslip, largestorage unit, large loftareaforguestsorden. Easyaccess,very Close to beach. $749,900. Gindy Pierro, 748-6300-or 920-6818.523777 COME LIVE THE GOOD LIFE in this charming remodeled bungalow. If the interior of this 3BR doesn't charm you, the setting on the street will. Fishing.dock in back. $709,000. 748-6300. Judy LaValliere, 504-3792 or Ann DeBellevue, 720-7614. 518185 TURNKEY FURNISHED extremely well cared for duplex close to Gulf of Mexico. Carports are between units, very separate living spaces. Barreltile roof, patios, fencing at side & rear. .r;' 1:1'" Ruin Lialer 587i .623 3 ,:,r .jr,.jrWi, Lj ir 8.1'825 5. 835 WATER WAY. En-l )',.n, riE.til ,t :a s Ilr.'m u',.i _B .oindi,, p.il i ,nn ,liip,. ;.ilDt0l ei i lerl 1 1r, ri Dr,,.1 iv:, t,3 ay im,:'l l1 .10' r.I ir urw ,m ; 1.ir., '-r ,u ., .. r ,m i'P 1) 'i. l,:.5 90ji,) vi1,rv H,.,r o ajn r ;r 4 .",',:'U: 'r 51 1?.1;7 51:'7 VIEW OF SPRING LAKE-Ei,' 1 ,iil ER : i .,n a ,:,i,l,:;,d r, ;r j,," a .. l.i. t,' 1, r U jia l H ,)IT i, i. 3~ j,: r, : jl,, : i i,, lir, ,..- u il r : ,: ) l, aI riC 7 n.3, .:.nri, : ,b i I , j-6ji,:r, ij utij L l',, ,it,,i-l o.i,,'n l r Ja.y7n. ,: ,lr J 8?.?47 -"i6 5 4J 4 MINUTES TO GULF BEACHES. Remodeled/upgraded 3BR home, heart-pine floors,wood- burning fireplace. Over 1,700 SF living area. Attached garage & RV/boat parking. $272,000. 748-6300. Ruth Lawler, 587-4623 or Maryann Lawler, 586-8257. 526244 " 4S I BAYFRONT Large 2BR/2BA house with new tile floors throughout, plus great mother-in-law apartment. New dock on deep sailboat water. Great view. $1,275,000. BUILDING LOT CLEARED AND READY TO GO One block to the beach. Walk to the best restaurants. $289,000. : . ,' ,." -. s ,, ~.. . S.N- WESTBAY COVE SOUTH Direct bayfront 2BR/2BA- end unit with exceptional views. Only twenty units in complex. Heated pool and tennis. $535,000. -, -.. 0' ^ ...7 KEY ROYALE Lowest price on Key. Beautifully furnished 2BR/2BA, overlooks boat basin and down canal with boat slip. Tastefully landscaped. View of bay. S -, ,. i 0iS, GREAT LOCATION fi, e n-dnuit t. tth bt-.ia : 55-plus park. Triple wide. Fully furnished. $105,000. '1 BEACH VIEWS tr'o., thi- nr.....i 2BR, 2BA .:onrdo. Only four units in "Key West North". Heated pool, eleva- tor, covered parking, turnkey furnished. $695.000- A.. ^ ",. ,-.. .;- .. V CORTEZ VILLAGE Adorable cottage located in historic fishing village. Hardwood floors. Large garage/workshop. Rarely available... don't delay. $255,000. OLD BRIDGE VILLAGE The view doesn't get any better from this condo. Overlooks entire bay. 3BR/3BA turnkey furnished. Elevator arid upagrades galore. Mike 800-367-1617 941-778-6696 Norman 3101 GUL DRIE Realty INC HOLMES BEACH Ofrecemos servicio de ventas en esp nol L www.mikenormanrealty.com j THE ISLANDER N APRIL 19, 2006 0 B-ll ANNA MARIA S i NISLsAND t SiiCoast REAL ESTATE LLC CONTEMPORARY ANNA MARIA HOME 4BR/2BA, turnkey-furnished, beautifully designed home. Open plan, vaulted ceiling, breakfast bar, eat-in kitchen. Bamboo flooring, elevator, private setting near beach. Four-car garage. $1,350,000. HOLMES BEACH WATERFRONT 3BR/2BA home. Ceramic tile, breakfast bar, backyard with pavers, room for pool. Fence, new dock. Direct access to bay. $849,900. ANNA MARIA GULFFRONT HOME 4BR/3BA. Miles of beautiful walking beach. Gulf side deck and gazebo. Riparian rights. View of Gulf, bay, Egmont Key and Skyway bridge. $2,250,000. BAY PALMS WITH HEATED POOL 3/4BR/2BA canalfront home with dock and boat lift. Beautifully updated, ceramic tile, gourmet kitchen/ granite counters, heated pool and Jacuzzi. $1,250,000. PERIWINKLE COTTAGE 2BR charmer, close to beach! Great income producer with view of Gulf! Italian tile, fireplace, furnished. Patio with pavers. $649,900. GULFFRONT WATER'S EDGE 2BR/2A Gulffront condo. Turnkey furnished. Updated. ceramic tile. Excellent mid-Island location. Pool, secured lobby, under-building parking. $995,000. HOLMES BEACH GULF PLACE CONDO 3BR/2BA nicely furnished first floor unit. Just steps to heated pool. View of beach, tennis, great rental, on-site manager. Ceramic tile. $995,000. CLOSE TO BEACH, LARGE LOT HOLMES BEACH 4BR/2BA elevated house, just steps to gorgeous beach. Furnished, breakfast bar, eat-in kitchen. Seller may finance! $1,450,000. KEY ROYALE'S NORTH POINT HARBOUR 2BR/2BA waterfront home. New seawall, 20,0001b boat lift. Community heated pool, tennis. Island's finest residential area. $989,500. GULF PLACE CONDO 3BR/2BA. Turnkey furnished condo. Views of Gulf. Tennis, heated pool, beautiful beach. Excellent rental with liberal rental policy. $995,000. PERICO ISLAND CONDO 2BR/2BA. Turnkey furnished. Close to Island beaches. Heated pool, tennis, clubhouse/fitness room. Carport. Short drive to shopping and restaurants. $349,900. GULFFRONT HOLMES BEACH CONDO 1BR/1.5BA Seaside Beach House condo. Turnkey fur- nished. Sautillo tile. Gorgeous view of the Gulf. Beau- tiful beach. Excellent rental. $799,900. WONDERFUL WESTBAY COVE 2BR'2BA condo. Bright corner unit. Close to pool. Ceramic tile, shutters, glass enclosed lanai. Near bank, doctors, shopping and restaurants. $359,900 WIDEST POINT ON BIMINI BAY Secluded 4BR/3BA, 250 feet of waterfront. Custom kitchen, ceramic tile. Master suite with fireplace and Jacuzzi. Heated pool, lush landscaping, two docks, davits, sprinklers, well, oversized two-car garage. $1,790,000. FABULOUS GULFFRONT OCEANA CONDO 3BR/2BA, turnkey-furnished condo on beautiful \\ailk- ing beach. Open plan, breakfast bar, walk-in closets, elevator. Small pet. $1,999,000. SUN PLAZAWEST CONDO 2BR/2BA Turnkey furnished corner unit. Gulf view. Secured entry, pool, tennis. Beautiful white sand beach. Close to shopping and restaurants. $729,900. TRADEWINDS RESORT 1 BR /1BA Turnkey-furnished villa. Heated pool, steps to deeded white sandy beach access. Rental program in place on-site manager. Small pet. $349,900. NORTH POINT HARBOUR- KEY ROYALE 4BR/3BA waterfront home. Auto-clean lap pool, hot tub and waterfall New seawall and dock. Direct access to Tampa Bay. Five-car garage. $989,500. ANNUAL RENTALS From $700 /month SEASONAL RENTALS Condos/Homes: $500 week / $1,000 month 779-0202 (800) 732-6434 ANNA MARIA fl Mis SihjCoast REAL ESTATE LLC Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com """" .,I-- ; it 12-B E APRIL 19, 2006 N THE ISLANDER Sandy's Lawn Service Inc. Sandy' Established in 1983 Lawn Celebrating 23 Years of Service Quality & Dependable Service. Call us for your landscape 778-1345 and hardscape needs. S"Licensed & Insured Paradise Improvements 778-4173 Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist .'' -- Replacement Doors and Windows '----: Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault S Fully Licensed and Insured Island References Lic#CBC056755 S' WAGNED REALTY N 939 2217 C(IULF DDIVE NO-7l1'Il [B1 ADEM N MEOLACIl, F, 34217 HAROLD SMALL REALTOR - Office: (941) 778-2246* 792- 8628 -: ' E-mail: haroldsmall@wagnerrealty.com US A FENCE KINDS WHITE VINYL FENCE CRC016172 941 -750-9300 HAUL-AWAY Removal of all types of trash, debris and junk. 720-2217 ,/, 'Bes~ras indw rate ts TNT ROOFING REROOF SPECIALISTS TILE METAL SHINGLE FLAT FREE 6 yr. Maintenance Program 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE Experienced in: ALL REPAIR TYPES 941-556-ROOF 941-556-7663 727-341-1600 FREE ESTIMATES Licensed & Insured {Lic. #CCC13257421 WMNAI.ISLANDER.ORG g;1 l*]oc :rj-J: \. . Original art by local artists 5314 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 779-2624 oauxxiDEOg Eeeivx~g ci little IY n1 MAWRJ SCAPeRDOTA WMSSMC- WASmiNCi 1.est serv ole cA&t V ? frvoe wvritteL rLj tee! i1 ALL RZ1S.e5ae&ti avvot .w-s"&ness ikoof~ectLivn s atI4 Teoe c. itiz ALL serL es MavirnAe c4 /v s-pecLast L-i.oevlsecA l Cw IrsVVL4rec4 to aestrj, IotesrPtoJ cpi pre e Marlz a.1~erOttCa. 94I. 5'44-iO6 opervator/.sole ?roprietor SWhen's the last time you tasted coffee in an old-fashioned "diner" mug? The Lslander Island Shlpping Cerier 40. Ph M rin, -I 'nc Phone 941 -S -7 S JS ANDER ASSF9D ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/2.5BA. Fully updated, vaulted ceilings, washer/dryer, tile floors, large clos- ets. West of Gulf Drive. Small pets may be consid- ered. $1,350/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. ANNUAL RENTAL: 3BR/1BA single-family home. Updated kitchen, large patio, tile floors. New every- thing. Available May 1. City of Holmes Beach. $1,500/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. HOLMES BEACH GULFFRONT condo: Next season or monthly. Brand new remodel 2006. Deco- rator furnished, stainless-steel appliances, covered parking. (941) 795-5060. HOLMES BEACH FURNISHED 2BR/2BA. June- Dec. 31. Dishwasher, washer and dryer, tile through- out, cable TV, pool. 1.5 blocks to beach. $975/month plus utilities. (941) 778-3104. PALMA SOLA TOWNHOUSE: Furnished, 2BR/2BA pool and boat dock. $600/week, $1,250/monthly. Flexible. Real Estate Mart. (941) 756-1090. STEPS TO BEACH on Gulf Drive. 1BR/BA, washer/dryer, courtyard, barbecue, WLAN, $495/week, $1,495/month. (941) 778-1098 or www.gulfdriveapartments.com. PRECONSTRUCTION PRICES! Lakefront Hidden Lake condominiums, west Bradenton. Close to beach. Starting at $329,900. Call Cori.Woods, (941) 761-0444. WATERFRONT PROPERTY 2BR/2BA located on deep-water canal with large dock and views of Tampa Bay. $864,900. (941) 779-1512. FOR SALE BY owner: Best value on the Island! 2BR/ 2BA, one-car garage, gourmet kitchen, new windows, updated baths and more. Two blocks from beach. $615,000. (941) 778-8677. 406 Bay Palms Drive, Holmes Beach.. 3BR/2BA: One bedroom used as a den/office/ playroom, enclosed lanai, tiled with carpeted bed- rooms. 1,400 sf, county water/sewer, citrus trees, near Brentwood school in Sarasota. Reduced to $274,900. (941) 379-4196 or (941) 954-7474. WATERFRONT KEY WEST-style: stilt, vaulted, open-bbam cedar ceilings, dock. Sailboat water, no bridges. Turnkey, extra-large lot. Willow Avenue. (941) 778-8168. $45,000 WILL BUY 566 sf of living space next to Bradenton Beach City Pier. Excellent condition. All appliances, central air conditioning/heat, washer/ dryer and storage. Satellite and TV plus all furniture. Boat slips available to members of boating club and owners. A steal! (321) 242-8882. CLUB BAMBOO SOUTH: Direct Gulffront condo. Unit is $35,000 less than the last several sold for. Building was just completed, everything new inside and out! Crown moulding, granite and more. Great rental complex with nightly rentals allowed! Moti- vated seller to save you money. $465,000. George, (312) 321-7501. THIS IS THE FINEST CONDO in the entire com- plex! Runaway Bay direct bayfront! .Absolutely everything is new, including electric, air condition- ing, water heater, flooring, wash rooms, kitchen and all interiors. Professionally decorated. The best view in the complex of all water. $499,999. George, (312) 321-7501. STOP LOOKING! You've found the best value on the Island! Two bedroom, extra large bathroom and kitchen, bay view, Gulf beach just steps away! Only $229,900! Call Jill Sullivan, Keller Williams Realty, (941) 232-9783 today! SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander. Bayview and canalfront with pool. 2BR/2BA open plan, new kitchen. Totally upgraded. Dock, three davits. Owner motivated. Not a drive-by, must see inside! By owner. Call Herb Dolan, (941) 705-4454. 404 21st Place. Bradenton Beach. PERICO ISLAND: 1,170 sf, lovely 2BR2BA condo. Great water view/porch. Eat-in kitchen. Concrete built. $325,000. Agents welcome. (941) 792-7828. CONDO UNIT DIRECTLY on Gulf. Call (504) 819-0867 or (504) 391-0324. PALMA SOLA BAYFRONT HOME: Flamingo Cay. 1,500 sf 3BR/2BA, private dock and davits. Sail- boat water. 130-plus feet of seawall. Room for a pool. Ready for remodel or build new. Incredible full bay views. $999,000. Mike Faber, (941) 504-6345. RE/MAX Gulfstream Realty. JUST REDUCED!RUNAWAY Bay 2BR/2BA sec- ond-floor condo with great view of pond and foun- tain. Everything new in 2006, including: carpet, tile, furniture, pictures, paint, kitchen items, beds and more. All new bathrooms. Air conditioning has about a six-year warranty for new owner. $395,000. George, (312) 321-7501, LONGBOAT KEY SAND Cay: Gulf side 2BR/2BA condo. This large condo has been completely remodeled in a great complex. Great views of the pool, grounds and a view of the Gulf. Great rental complex with onsite management, pool, tennis, shuffleboard and more. Priced to sell at $689,900. George (312) 321-7501. PALMA SOLA BAYFRONT 3BR/2BA home. Spec- tacular views with 155-foot bay frontage on .deep sailboat water. Boater's dream with two lifts (50,000 Ib and 10,000 Ib), heated pool, Jacuzzi. $1,375,000. Call Lynn Parker, RoseBay Realty, (941) 321-2736. WATERFRONT DUPLEX: RARE canalfront duplex with private setting, docks/lifts, peak of the bay and short walk to the beach. Offered at $799,500. Call Dave Moynihan, (941) 720-0089. Wagner Realty. WESTBAY POINT & MOORINGS spacious 2BR/2BA .condo. End unit overlooking pool and tennis courts with partial bay views. $495,000. Call Terry Fletcher with RE/MAX Gulfstream, (941) 778-7777. DIRECT GULFFRONT: FULLY furnished 2BR condo with great views, heated pool. Weekly rentals and quiet Holmes Beach location. $615,000. Call Pat, (941) 778-7976. NORTHWEST BRADENTON HOME: 3BR/2BA, two-car garage, five minutes to the beach. Enjoy the Island without the traffic! Absolute designer makeover. Lease to own for $1,900. month. $339,000. www.44smart.com. (941) 447-6278. . ". * "Copyrighted Material , Syndicated Content. Available from Commercial News Providers" -^ r U p.- 0 - -~- -d i~:. P 'i IS ANDER-C ASSFI DS THE ISLANDER APRIL 19, 2006 U B-13 6 S.U S *" KEY ROYALE: Holmes Beach. Direct bayfront, gor- geous view of Skyway, 3BR/2.5BA, two-car garage, private dock. $2,500,000. North Point Harbor canal- front 4BR/3BA, five-car garage. Elevated with new lap pool/spa/waterfall, seawall and dock. $872,500. 2BR/2BA, two-car garage, renovated ranch with new seawall/dock/20,000-lb lift. $989,500. Both with community pool and tennis. Call Lynn Bankuty, Realtor, SunCoast Real Estate, (941) 737-1420. FOR SALE BY OWNER: Beachfront 1BR/1BA, Holmes Beach condo. End unit, fabulous view, heated pool, excellent rental. $559,000. annamariabeachplace.com. (330) 565-7693. HOLMES BEACH unique, custom 2,100-plus sf, 3BR/3BA with large efficiency, boat dock, financing, make offer. Owner, (513) 378-9100. LOT FOR SALE: R2-10, 803 sf, 302 60th St. and Holmes Boulevard, Holmes Beach. $795,000. Call (813) 546-2444 or (941) 962-6747. C P R: (941) 794.1515. www.coastalpropertiesrealty.com. Sales, rentals, property management. Coastal Properties Realty. GULF VIEW WITH a cottage at fraction of the cost of waterfront. Desirable street in Anna Maria. $1,200,000. (941) 778-4894. HOLMES BEACH DUPLEX: 4BR/2BA nicely updated, close to beach. Excellent annual rental income. By appointment only. $549,000. (941) 778-5482. VILLAGE GREEN VILLA: 2BR/2BA, two-car garage. Completely updated. Open Sunday. 6608 12th Ave. W., Bradenton. (941) 448-8502 or (941) 761-2575. PERICO BAY CLUB: 2BR/2BA bay view, tiled throughout, granite vanity, many upgrades, new storm shutters, garage. $438,900. (941) 794-2363. Open house 1-4pm Sunday. 1125 Edgewater, Bradenton. 5804 WHISTLEWOOD CIRCLE, Sarasota. 3BR/2BA, one-car garage, close to 1-75, Doctor's Hospital and shopping. Clean, fresh paint inside. Vinyl Florida. room, fruit trees. $259,900 (941) 504-8849. COZY 2BR CONDO across from Gulf beach: Large private courtyard, heated pool and picnic area. Short-term rentals a plus, popular location near more than 25 shops, including restaurants, Publix, Walgreens and more. Complex of only eight units is well maintained. Turnkey furnished. Motivated seller reduced the price to $414,900. Call Rose's new cell phone, (941) 725-0900. Rose Schnoerr, Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate. FOR SALE BY owner: Waterfront lot, 52x110 feet, zoned ROR. Pine Avenue. $695,000. (312) 783-1373. SAILBOAT WATERFRONT: No bridges to Gulf, heated spa, 2BR/2.5BA. Best buy north end Anna Maria. View at http://home.earthlink.net/-japettee, or phone (941) 778-8464. FOR SALE BY OWNER: 2BR/2BA immaculate open-style ranch. Lagoon swimming pool in pri- vate botanical garden setting. 504 70th St., Holmes Beach. Must see. (941) 778-4256. WANTED: VACATION RENTAL property. I have waterfront land and horse property as partial or full payment or trade up to $2 million. Scott, (941) 232-4581. WESTBAY POINT & MOORINGS: Lowest price! Furnished, canalfront 2BR/2BA, pool, tennis, lush tropical surroundings. Perfect Island retreat. $415,900. Denise Langlois, Coldwell Banker, (941) 725-4425. FOR SALE: DUPLEX. Great price for Island real estate! 2BR/1BA per side, screened lanais and laundry rooms. Under building parking. Only $530,000. Call Jerry Cercone with Coldwell Banker, (941) 720-1575. 4605 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. ALMOST TO THE beach: 2BR/2BA mid-century modern ranch on .33 acres, landscaped with fruit trees and butterfly plants. Great layout, terrazzo floors. 1.7 miles from Cortez Bridge. $299,900. Brian Heavrin, Remax Gulfstream, (941) 756-7777. YOUR FRIENDS WILL envy you! Completely updated 2BR/2BA West Bradenton home. $284,000. Call Carol Heinze, (941) 778-5059, Coldwell Banker Real Estate. EVERYDAY'S A VACATION in this 2BR/2BA direct Gulffront condo. Asking $949,000. Call Carol Heinze, (941) 778-5059, Coldwell Banker Real Estate. KEY ROYALE CANAL home. All remodeled 3BR/2BA plus den. Caged pool and spa, price. below appraisal and let's deal. Asking $879,000. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. MURPHY, NORTH. CAROLINA: Aah, cool sum- mers, mild winters, affordable homes and moun- tain cabins, land. Call for free brochure, (877) 837-2288. Exit Realty Mountain View Properties. www.exitmurphy.com. NORTH CAROLINA GATED lakefront community 1.5-acres-plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never before offered with 20 percent pre-development discounts, 90 percent financing. Call (800) 709-5253. NORTH CAROLINA:-Cool mountain air, views and streams, homes, cabins and acreage. Free brochure, (800) 642-5333. Realty Of Murphy, 317 Peachtree St., Murphy NC. 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com. The Paver Brick Store 8208 Cortez Road W. Bradenton 34210 (941) 794-6504 9:00 AM til Noon, or by Appointment Pool Deck, Patio and Driveway Renovations Design Build LONGBOAT KEY PAINTING & DESIGN, INC. Faux painting Cabinet refinishing Furniture restoration Custom painting Jackson Holmes, owner (941) 812-3809 Junior's Landscape & Maintenance La\ n care PLUS native plants, .--" mulch, trip. hauling and cleanup. " Call Junior. S07-I1015 ^ I JELIDWEN. S*WINDOWS & DOOR Impact Windows and Doors ; Exclusive Disi;buioi Wealherside. LL( I Based in Holmes Beach FREE COURTEOUS ESTIMATES ..- I I941-7 30-5045 Scarlett Masonry,: IInc Brick + Block + Rock + Glass Block Stucco + Retainer Walls For All Your Masonry Needs! Perry L. Jacobs 9414-448-3.865 Over 25 Years Experience! Free Estimates Licensed and Insured Serving Manatee and Sarasota Counties APPELLATE LAW Presswood Law Firm, PA Ciiil and Criminal Appeals, Kendra D Presswood Employment Law 1806 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton FL 34205, 749-6433 www.presswoodlaw.com HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD I DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance. We accept ads by fax with credit card information, 778-9392, at our Web site (secure server) www.islander.org, and by direct e-mail at classifieds@islander.org. Office hours: 9 to 5, Monday-Friday, (Saturday 10 to 2 as needed). CLASSIFIED RATES BUSINESS OR INDIVIDUAL: Minimum rate is $10 for up to 20 WORDS. Additional words: Each additional word over 20 is 500, Box: $3, One- or two-line headlines, line rate plus 250 per word. WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD AND VISA! You can charge your classified advertising in person or by phone. We are sorry, Sbut due to the high volume of calls we can not take classified ad copy over the telephone. To place an ad by phone, please be prepared to FAX or e-mail your copy with your credit card information. (see below) SUSE THIS FORM FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: One word per blank space for minimum charge 20 words. I 1 2 I 3 IRun issue date(s) SAmt. pd Date Please indicate: Ck. No. or Cash I For credit card payment: [ LJ No. I Exp. Date Name shown on card: I Billing address zip code: House no. or post office box no. on bill I E-Mail address: [for renewal purposes only] The Islander .. Fax: 941 778-9392 I5404 Marina Drive- Phone: 941 778-7978 Holmes Beach FL 34217 :-. E-mail class;fieds@islander.org --------~.-- -- -- --1 6 Needed ' *30% Dowe Bobby Edingtpn (941) 744 6906, 1ST EQUITY anna maria Gulf Coast PROPERTIES (941)782-5609 Now accepting annual rental properties on Anna Maria Island Chris <. Eagleberger Over 20 years Real Estole eeperence Just visiting para dise?? TlihIslander SINCE 1992 Don't leave the Island without taking time to subscribe. You'll get ALL the best news, delivered by the mailman every week. Visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach or call 941-778-7978. Online edition: www.islander.org 14-B M APRIL 19, 2006 U THE ISLANDER ISA NDER LA II 9FLARID9, 26 TilS ISACn BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. Escape to beau- tiful, western North Carolina mountains. Free color brochure and information. Mountain properties with spectacular views, homes, cabins, creeks and investment acreage. Cherokee Mountain GMAC Real Estate. www.cherokeemountainrealty.com. (800) 841-5868. NORTH CAROLINA mountain property for less! Breathtaking Blue Ridge Parkway, New River, Stone Mountain, golf courses and quaint shops of Sparta. www.scenicrealty.com. (877) 372-7211 or (877) 363-5550. LAKEFRONT AND LAKEVIEW properties nestled in the hills of Tennessee on the shores of pristine Norris Lake. Call Lakeside Realty at (423) 626-5820, or visit www.lakesiderealty-tn.com. WATERFRONT LAND SALE! Three acres dockable waterfront property. Build up to three homes. Only $99,900! Ask about our investor package. Seven waterfront lots for only $79,900! Call toll-free, (866) 770-5263, ext 8. COASTAL GEORGIA: Land for sale by owner. Pri- vate golf community designed by Fred Couples/ Davis Love. Marina/tennis/pool/fitness. Jeckyll/St. Simons Island. $119,900. Call (315) 529-1277. MOUNTAIN PROPERTY! Interested in buying prop- erty in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina? Call Active Realty today at (800) 979-5556, or visit our.Web site at www.ActiveRealtyNC.com. TENNESSEE: SWAN RIDGE lake resort on Dale Hollow Lake, a. private, gated community. Enjoy the best of both worlds, lake-view and mountain-view homesites. (931) 243-4871. www.swanridgedevelopment.com. BONUS!-CLASSIFIEDS ADS are posted early online at www.islander.org. 3704 6TH AVE HOLMES BEACH 2BR/2BA condo turnkey furnished. Steps to the beach, shopping, and great dining. Fenton Realty, Ben Guth, Realtor, (941) 812-1236. "LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION" Time to buy. investors and builders, great buildable lots for sale- in one of Florida's fastest growing areas, Fort Myers. (888) 558-0032. LAKEFRONT LOG HOME: $99,900. New 2,000-sf log home on Lake Cumberland, KY. Jamestown/ Russell Springs area. First time available, April 22! (800) 770-9311, ext.55. LOOKING TO OWN LAND? Invest in rural acreage throughout America. Coastal, mountain, waterfront properties. 20 to 200.acres. Free, monthly special land reports: www.land-wanted.com/sw. LAKEFRONT PROPERTY IN TENNESSEE: Water- front view and estate homesites. One to 40 acres from the $40s. Situated around a 45,000-acre lake. Just 90 minutes to Nashville. New building sites just released. Call owner, (866) 339-4966. NORTH CAROLINA: ASHEVILLE-area homesites. Gated community with stunning mountain views. Situated between two mountains on over four miles of riverfront. One to eight acres from the $60s. Custom owner's lodge, riverwalk and more. Call (866) 292-5762. NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS: Three acres on mountaintop in gated community, view, trees,. waterfall and large public lake nearby, paved pri- vate access, $58,500. Owner, (866) 789-8535. www.NC77.com. TENNESSEE: LAKESIDE MOUNTAIN acreage sit- uated around a 36,000-acre lake in eastern Ten- nessee. 1/2- to.five acre building sites from the $40s. Planned community amenities and direct lake access. Owner, (866) 292-5769. LOOKING FOR A GOOD DEAL? You can read Wednesday's classified at noon Tuesday at www.islander.org. And it's FREE! SScott Norris, Broker Associate Direct: 941-545-8706 E-mail: Scott@ScottNorris.com www.ScottNorris.com rtswaftReEAL TATElirc. 3915 Cortez Road, Bradenton FL 34210 Discover Wildewood Springs and get so much more: Minutes from Anna Maria Island Affordable, friendly community Lush, tropical landscaping Charming, 2BR/2BA-condo r featuring an open kitchen, glassed-in lanai with elec- tric storm shutters, newer counter tops and cabinets, Murphy bed, crown mold- ing, covered parking and more! $249,500. Call today to order your free brochure on Wildewood Springs Call 1-800-606-8194, ext. #9372 WATERFRONT LAND SALE! Lake access from $257/month. Direct lakefront from $124,900. One day only Saturday, May 6, 2006. Minutes from Augusta, Ga. Excellent financing available with low down payment. Call today for an early appointment. (888) LAKE-SALE ext. 1217. *Based on purchase price of $49,900 with 10 percent down, interest only loan with fixed rate of 6.875 percent for five years. Terms and rates subject to change without notice. Void where prohibited by law. TENNESSEE MOUNTAINS: Beautiful land with magnificent views, bluffs and creek streams. Phase: pre-development. Owner financing avail- able starting at $1,000 down. Call (931) 946-2484. www.jdlrealty.com. OWNER'S LIQUIDATION SALE by sealed bid. New homes and acreage homesites in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Sold "as is," 30-day close. Restrictive covenant community. Deadline May 27. For details, (800) 420-2278, or visit www.Stoneridgebentmtn.com. WESTERN NEW MEXICO: 45- to -160-acre ranches starting at $69,990. Mountain views, trees, rolling hills, wildlife, borders BLM, power. Enjoy hunting, hiking, horses. Perfect family ranch. 100-percent financing. NALC. (866) 365-2825. FLORIDA LAND BARGAINS: Opportunities to own your own farm, ranch woodland or lakefront home- stead. Old Florida at its best! Still affordable! Call (866) 352-2249, or www.fllandbargains.com. LARGE MOUNTAIN LAND bargains: high ele- vation, adjoins pristine state forest, 20-plus to 350-acres. Sweeping mountain views, streams. www.liveinwv.com. ISLANDER CLASSIFIED: The best news in town and the best results from classified ads and service advertising! IND- 3lYears ofrofesional Service EXPERIENCE REPUTATION RESULTS TOWNHOUSE/VILLA: 3BR/3BA Heated pool, gazebo, upgrades. $598,000. ARBORS 2BR/2BA, golf course, turnkey, clubhouse. $263,900. MARTINIQUE N.-Direct Gulf view, corner with garage, storage. Updated. Shows beautifully. $899,000. KEY ROYALE-Canalfront lot. 9,450 sf. Golf course view. $699,000. BAYVIEW-4-5BR/4BA, induding guest quarters. Large master-suite. $1,330,000. GULF VIEW- Holmes Beach duplex or 4BR/2BA home. $799,000. HARBOUR VILLA CLUB- 2BR/2BA, turnkey, boat dock. $794,900. BAYPOINTE- 4BR/3BA villa. Eight month new. $251,000. VACATION, SEASONAL AND ANNUAL RENTALS LUXURY GULFFRONT VILLAS, CONDOS, HOMES 5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807 yrealt7@aol.com www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com WEST OF GULF DRIVE ,,4L"h "r '" k" .. l i k This 2BR/2BA with a 1 BR/1 BA studio is on two lots west of Gulf Drive in Anna Maria. Excellent rental history and priced to sell at $995,000. 3reen REAL ESTATE OPANNA MARIA ,, 941 778-0455 Ken Jackson, 778-6986 9906 Gulf Drive Kathy Geeraerts, 778-0072 Maureen Dahms, 778-0542 Anna Maria Kate Eiseler, 778-5115 www.greenreal.com Evelyn Mitchell, 778-1952 I I lVC -- 'I -- I -I I --IF - ,THE ISLANDER M APRIL 19, 2006 3 B-15 -v "Copyrig hted/Materia Syndicated Contents le from Commercial News Pr I III I or I O 'oviders" Wago S. Q * *- - * AMY GORDAN REALTOR S* .Dedicated to service SExpertise in renovation , 4 and rehabilitation properties. Island, waterfront and area lifestyle specialist. The JEWEL of Gulf Coast Real Estate Contact Amy for all of your REAL ESTATE needs! 941-779-1811 $25.000 POOL ALLOWANCE:CL'ompieelv MOTIVATED SELLER: Elejv3ld 2A.'i 5BA updal E 2BR'28A duple. Turnhey w\h villa wim ernctried gdarge and workshop everything newly Terrific location, onlyone area. Only two blocks to beach. Bring all block to the beach. $649,000. offers! $379,000. ....:. "". OUTSTANDINGBAYWATERFRONT aplurnng OWNER FINANCING OPTIONS POSSIBLE: expansivebayviewsthisimpeccablyrenovated Tumkey-furnished lightandopenendunitwith Key Royale home offers 2653 sf of living area. allthe extras. Ready for your enjoyment. Pool Dock and 10,000lb lift $2,299,000. and deeded beach access. $459,000. www.michaelsaunders.com KimberlyRoehl@michaelsaunders.com - 4400 Manatee Ave. W.- -Bradenton 941:748;6300 I Availab * * * S * - S 16-B U APRIL 19, 2006 U THE ISLANDER ,.q. i.:- _.t - F. ,.,:- --.-.. 0 '1~ ~ ~ ~ --i- c- The Islander WAGNER REALTY Bringing People Ho Si nce 1939 Tea tiire1d Propetiet s ANNA MARIA WATER- FRONT Custom bulll in 2000,' This 3-4BR,'2.5BA canalironi residence has open floor plan, l 10 fool ceiling:-,. kitchen with, granite counlertops. Lush, tropical, pool, dock lift. Dave Moynihan, 1941J 778-2246. #524629. $1.299,500. V-- Tm rP 2217 GULF DR. N. BRADENTON BEACH (941) 778-2246 (800) 211-2323 e-mail: ami@wagnerrealty.com www.wagnerrealty.com -~- --iarrrrs~ i~pm--~~Ct~~ _____________eSII of tie 11 eek m ISLAND'S VERY BEST!! Lush Iropical landscaping surrounds this beautiful hide- away!! Only steps to Ihe beach and updated Island style. Pool, 3BR/2.5BA. Karen Day, (941) 778-2246. #523360. $989,000. LUXURY ISLAND TOWNHOME! 350 leet GULFFRONTCOMPLEX-COVERTIIInves- ENJOY ISLAND AMBIANCE Cuslom Key MARINERS COVE Direct Bay views, Iop PORTOBELLO GULFTO BAY Longboal from beach, loaded with upgrades, elevator. tors dream 3BR!2BA for reliremeni dream West-style 3BR12BA. has oak Iloors pelia floor 3BR,2BA 2000 si, galed community. Key updated, ground Ilor condo ras many 3BR/2.5BA plus den, two-car garage. Enjoy or family beach home Beverly Moore windows, metal rool and new brick drive- two pools tennis, elevator, projected deep- exiras i.e.. laux paint, furnished granite, sunseis (rom.rwo balconies. Completion or Jo Warren. 1941 778-2246. #521717. way, den. two car garage, sunroom, blocks water 35-foor boar slip Dave Moynrhan, wei Dar dock, pool, tennis and much May. Carolyn/Joe Cordrey 19411 776-3300 $819000 from Gull beaches. Jane Tinsworlh. 19411 19411 778-2246. #525552 5749,500. more. Joe Corbo. (9411 778-2246. #523198 #516067. $925,000. 761-3100. #526246. $799,000 $649.000. UFEIS GOOD... When white sand beaches TRULY A WONDERFUL DUPLEX! Greal FABULOUS GULF VIEWS Prime end fur- WIDE OPEN VIEWS-CONDO 2BR,2BA HOLMES BEACH OFFICE 1,800 sf of air areonlystepslromyourdoorandyourhome income polennal or perecl lor ihat person rnsned unin otfering spacious Iloor plan wiln Spectacular view ol docks and bay. Silt conditioned space Can be used as two is .a pristine 2BR/2BA condo in a beach- looking lor a piece o Island Paradise. Great eal-In kitchen, breakfast bar, walk-in closels, on your decv or in your living room and separate urnit or combined. Becky Smith front complex' Karen Day, (9411 778-2246. locallon, steps from ihe sand! Roberl Bar- replace and two balconies. Dave Moyninan. watch ihe action Dolphins playing and or Elli Starrert, 1941) 778-2246. #524307 #512655. $649,.000 cla, (9411 776-3300. #523084. $599,000. 19411 778-2246 #507333. $565 000. waier ipori Relax1 Joan Ol;szewski 1941) $499.000 761-3100. #520927 $550 000. TENNIS ANYONE! ' Greatly ntro- duclory pric- ing tor 1his beauilul bay- side tennis resort com- munity. Enjoy playing where the pros play Kelly Belisie, .(9411 751-0670. #525835 4493,900. EXCEPTIONAL TIDY ISLAND Presrigious ISLAND HANDYMAN SPECIAL! 'our private island linig al ;1s iest Gsaed corn- chance to own a piece a ihe Iliand. A louchr muntyv Acres o0 manicured iriounds armen- of TLC will maKe this arjorable beach conage lies galore Turnkey furnished with serene mne penrai Island getaway. A great value lor views. Sandy Greirer 194-1'1 '94-2246 ihe price! Gina and Peler Uiian,'Roal Team #518984.-$460.000. 1941) 741-2500. #520167 5398,000 RUNAWAY BAY CONDOS low available. Several 1 or 2BR unias baytronl. poo"l Side and olher views Some updated phone for delaill Onsiie renrali Prrced $-349.000-.494,000. (9411 778-.2246 $349.000 ,. , RIVERFRONT CONDO Tls lop lloor end unit rha a river 'vie*w Carporl healed pool, (innri. glass -n balcony near marina, shop- ping churches. Becky Smiln or Elih Siarren 19411 778-2246 11521375. 5295 000. i;? ~~ '17 'I i. ' mmm l*ws S-~ZI .. w e Island home delivery: 778-7978. |