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Skimming the news ... Anna Maria Island map inside, page 10-B. Ann Maria Iie r Soccer is a kick, page 4-B "The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992" ..'~.;lc~ s-~-i~_ ;-i- -:41;;":Si (iC' ~'~': ~: ~ ' :I ~-~ :'r ..?L 1 L - ':i ;--'? .' '- i.r' r~:. t '; www.islander.org ~ E.1--i ~4 ;- :- :--: L ,- -- ---~i ~-i~i r---.--; -r.. n r :rl - --i .. -~l~ass~--!- ;~ --;---- ---~-- 3 ~ ;. ----- ;,;1:':.~;:~117r;~r;~r;~;l':;! ,;1,.~: ~.;;N~-,..- Jrr ji~fc~i=OP-i '~; ~-"~d ;o ` iri ~ '. . ? c . ......-: .. -, -,- --,;-. It's back! The Millennium dredge owned by Goodloe Marine of Apollo Beach returned to its mooring station off Bayfront Park wlihere family enjoyed the beach in Anna Maria last week in pi iiparntion f,'r the planned resumption of the beach renourishment project. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin Bridge vs. sailors: Call it a draw r..... ,. ,, o sa .ByRick Catlin slandcr Reporter The U.S. Coast Guard meeting March 29 in Holmes Beach to hear public comment on a proposal to change the daily on-demand opening times oftheAnna Maria and Cortez bridges drew the expected pros and cons on both sides. Boaters, primarily sailors who use the Intracoastal Waterway, lined up against the proposal, .citing safety\ issues with holding their sailboats in often tricky cur- rents while waiting an additional 10 minutes as pro- posed for a drawbridge to open. Island motorists, however, countered that the time changes from every. 20 minutes on demand to e\ ern 30 minutes would alleviate much of the traffic con- gestion, particularly in Bradenton Beach, when the Cortez Bridge is raised every 20 minutes when needed. U.S. Coast Guard Bridge Management Specialist Michael Lieberum said the meeting was only to take public input before making a final recommendation, expected in about 30 days. After extensive lobbying by the three Island cities and Longboat Key, the USCG agreed last summer to a proposal from the Coalition of Barrier Island Elected Officials that the bridge opening times be changed to every half-hour on demand when a sailboat appears instead of the current 20-minute schedule. The proposal also includes a curfeww" time for no bridge openings between 7:35 a.m. and 8:29 a.m. daily and 4:35 to 5:29 p.m. dailN. "We are looking for constructi\ e criticism," said Lieberum. "The proposal is for se\ en days a week, but that may not be the tinal answer." Curfew hours may mean nothing on w weekends. He got plenty of input. both for and against the ini- tiati\e. Holmes Beach resident and sailor Tony Webb said the extra 10-minute wait meanss nothing" to a boater. He said he's been in his sailboat waiting for the drawbridge to go up and seen up to 100 cars, often" more, waiting on a sailboat with just two people on S board. Those people have somewhere to go. When you're sailing,_you don't have too many cares, he noted. If a sailor is in such a big hurry that waiting another U.S. Coast Guard Bridge Management Specialist Michael Lieberum addrt s 's thile public prior to taking comment on proposed schedule changes for the Cortez and Anna Maria drawbridges. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin 10 minutes for the bridge to go up is an inconvenience, they shouldn't be out in a sailboat. he maintained. "Ten minutes to a boater is nothing," he con- cluded. Not quite, said Holmes Beach resident Bob Jor- gensen, who is also a sailor. "When the weather is bad, you have to use the Intracoastal and you can't wait too long for the bridge." he said. Agreed, said Capt. MaItt Fisher. "There's a safety issue involved." Sailboats can't "just sit idle while wait- ing for the bridge to open. They have to keep moving and the currents around the two bridges, particularly the Cortez Bridge in rough weather, create a problem for the sailor." Opponents of the proposed bridge opening times found a willing ally in Connie Collings, the supervisor of the bridge tenders for the Anna Maria, Cortez and Longboat Pass bridges. She said changing the opening times will some- PLEASE SEE BRIDGE, NEXT PAGE Islander is Hernando this year Hernando de Soto, whose day job is being Islander Tom Sprenger; De Soto Heritage Festival Queen Melissa Trippy; and festival captain Chris Atlinson, all at Mardis Gras in New Orleans. See inside for more information r~-3lrResllIPPIIIICsan~l"l*reQ9Ps~dY~r r~ilti ~;lliF~pi~=;;;~i~illWYpF~"gsB~ Volume 14, No. 22 April 5, 2006 FREE Goodloe: We're not renourishment bad guy By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Ben Goodloe of Goodloe Marine said his compa- ny's work crews are already gearing up for a resumption of the beach renourishment project by Friday, April 7. "We're shooting for April 7," said Goodloe. "We'll be working this week to get the pipeline up and run- ning. If the weather holds, we should be OK." And weather has been a key factor in the entire renourishment project, which began in early July but was plagued by numerous hurricanes and summer storms. While hurricanes and other storms interfered \ ith the project from July to November, Goodloe said the reg- ularity of winter storms and cold fronts passing through Florida that would certainly.interrupt the operation fur- ther prompted the company to call a halt for winter. The renourishment work \'as halted ini December. he said, because the job as ne% er designed for winter work. "It was just going to-be unsafe to continue work- ing," he added. "Our primary concern had to be a safe work place where we could do a good job." The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers agreed \. ith that decision and Goodloe even offered lastNovember to remove the pipes already onthe beach for the \x inter months. Originally, he said, the Corps did not want the pipes taken off the beach, then was unable to find a suit- -able storage area for the pipes and equipment. "We've been made out to be the bad guys, but we've been trying to get the Corps to cooperate with us all along," he said. Goodloe kept asking for a staging area and received PLEASE SEE BEACH, PAGE 3 2-A U APRIL 5, 2006 TIHE ISLANDER Bridge opening pros, cons CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1-A times create a backup of 10 or 11 sailboats waiting to go through the bridge on one opening. "This will be very unsafe," she claimed. Collings also said the proposed curfew hours are not needed. Her log books for opening times show only 12 openings for the three bridges in February between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. and two of those were on a weekend. Sailor Joe Jackson suggested a "task-force" of both sides of the issue be created to come up with an accept- able solution. And what's the big deal? asked Holmes Beach resi- dent Joseph Callahan. The problem is only 60 days a year during February and March. Maybe, said Longboat Key Town Commissioner Jeremy Whatmough, but his drive to Holmes Beach that day was a perfect example of the problem. He said it took him an hour to traverse the seven miles from his Longboat Key home to Holmes Beach because the Cortez Bridge went up, backing up traffic on already congested Gulf Drive and over the Longboat Pass Bridge. Whatmough said the problem is not only the bridge opening times, it's all the growth in eastern Manatee and Sarasota counties. During the season, everyone wants to come to the barrier islands. Add the winter visitors to the increased number of residents heading to the islands, combined with the bridge-opening times, and you have a traffic mess. Changing the bridge opening times won't "solve all the problem, but will be a step forward," he said. Well, you can't have it both ways, said Jorgensen. High-rise bridges are the norm along Florida's Intra- coastal Waterway, everywhere except Anna Maria, he said. Absolutely, said Donald Leeb of Cortez. -The problem is there are no high-rise bridges to the Island, thanks to political pressure from Islanders when the Florida Department of Transportation pro- posed such a measure 10 years ago, he said. The Island cities and Longboat Key are "asking for time changes on the bridges, but fought against high- rise bridges. You can't have it both ways. The biggest problem is the Cortez-Gulf Drive traffic light," Leeb -.~ 1:- -~ 15 'IL ,e ' ., .i.Y ;'- ',,'':' -';, ' She sells more than seashells Members of the Anna Maria Island Artists Guildfilled the sidewalks of the Island Shopping Center March 18 where the Guild Gaillery is located~for their Spring Art Show. Guild members participating in the sale, front left and back, include guild president Shirley O 'Day, Phyllis Cogan, Joan Hill and Eleanor Smith, painting. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy E M ai~-ICI.L-~ . RS- T A-,-U RAN P T 111 South' Bay Boulevard Anna Marria Island : 941-778-1515 Northern Tip (ifAnna Maria Island : Ameos Fnrm The City Pier Breakfast: Sat & Sun 8&m -1 130am Lunch: Every Day 11:30am-4:30pm Dinner: Sun-Thurs 4:30pm-9pm : Fri &: Sat 4:30pm- I pm .... ......_. w,"..thewterfrontmstaurisnt.net I I I o 1 1 1 7 1 ~a~B~M~SPP~~; h .J ~cit Beach Mayor Carol Whitmore both said their respec- tive city commissions are in favor of the proposal. Longboat Keyr Commissioner George Spoll. had planned to speak at the meeting, but was delayed nearly 90 minutes due to the traffic backup from Coitez Road south on Gulf Drive and across the Longboat Pass Bridge. He arrived just as 'the meeting ended. Lieberum said that he and his staff would listen to the comments and give a recommendation on any pos- sible changes to the proposal in about 30 days. He did not rule out just having the bridge opening time change during the winter season. "We'll consider every suggestion", he said. Whatmough said whatever the Coast Guard's final decision is, "I hope, it results in the greatest good for the greatest number of people." Until Lieberum returns with a final decision, call the meeting a draw. concluded. Holmes Beach resident Joan Perry said the prob- lem is not the bridges, it's that too many cars are being driven on roads not designed to handle all that traffic. Sue Davidson of the Manatee Sailing Association said the 1,000-plus members of her organization are opposed to the changes and presented data from the Florida Department of Transportation that said the pro- posed bridge opening times would only save motorists an average of two minutes per day. The bridge opening times are not inconveniencing the driving public, it's the traffic, she maintained. The ultimate question, said boater Richard Pagano, is "Who is to be inconvenienced the most?" The boater who is struggling to maintain his or her position in the water under difficult conditions, or the motorists who can sit safely on the bridge while waiting for traffic to clear? Bradenton Beach Mayor John Chappie and Holmes Happy hour at the bar 5i-6:30 nightly ~'2for~l vine/beer, Open nightlyyfor dinner rda breakfast/brunch 8-71:30 '~~46Marina Drive'~ Hodlmrnees Bei a I c h,' z:; 941.77t.5320 www.oohialabistro.org' The soul of Eumrope iontA t he Nami r t of n'' Mariaki Islan.L i~ad Cuisine 5ass Wine ers,1 & Ales. ~g ISCOVER~B Racaf Li~amb - Roasted with fresh'garlic d~~ rosemary, cooked to your liking and finished with Pornmery mustard sauce. --5~--?L~ C- THE ISLANDER 0 APRIL 5, 20060i A-3 Drug sting nets three suspects in Bradenton Beach By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter At approximately 10 p.m. Thursday, March 29, Bradenton Beach police arrested Travis White, 21, Shawn Watkins, 24, and a juvenile, all from Bradenton, for selling cocaine to an undercover officer. Based on prior information, the police offi- cer called the suspects from a pay phone at the Circle K at 100 Gulf Drive N., and spoke to White. He arranged to purchase $100 worth of "crack" cocaine, which White agreed to deliver. The suspects arrived at the Circle K approxi- mately 20 minutes later, backing into a parking spot. The undercover officer approached the vehi- cle and spoke to Watkins, who reportedly pro- duced a clear plastic bag containing several pieces of cocaine. The officer handed him $100 in pre- marked bills, which Watkins handed to the juve- nile to count. In return, the officer was given 11 pieces of cocaine and the suspect allegedly still had approx- imately 15 pieces remaining in his bag. At this time, the officer signaled to awaiting officers to move in. Beach renourishemt to start CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1-A no response from the Corps. Part of the problem, reasoned Goodloe, could be that the Anna Maria Island beach renourishment project is a county job using Federal Emergency Management Agency funds with the Corps in control. That can often lead to some political in-fighting with Goodloe Marine caught in the middle, he said. But the project is on pace to resume this week, he added, noting that generally, the weather along Flori- da's Gulf Coast in April and May is fairly benevolent. Bradenton Beach Detective Lenard Diaz attempted to block the vehicle, but it sped off towards First Street North, where two police vehi- cles were already staged. The police units were clearly marked and had their emergency lights on, but instead of yielding the suspects drove around the first police car. In an attempt to get away, they lost control and crashed head-on into the second police vehicle. There was minimal damage to both cars and no one was hurt. The suspects were taken out of the vehicle at gunpoint, handcuffed and searched. Watkins had the premarked bills in hand in addition to more cash in his pocket that was seized as drug money. Despite having made comments to the under- cover officer during the sale, White told the arrest- ing officer he had no knowledge of the incident and claimed to have been sleeping until the crash. The bag with the remaining pieces of cocaine that the undercover officer reportedly saw in Wat- kins, possession after the sale was not found. According to Diaz, all three suspects conspired to and were actively involved in the delivery and sale of cocaine, and all three were charged with the sale. "Let's pray this weather holds. If it cooperates, we'll get this job done," he said. Goodloe also said that contrary to Corps online records, his company has already been paid $2.7 mil- lion of the $4.9 million contract. The renourishment effort is already 70 percent complete, he said, with just about 4,000 more feet of beach to be renourished. The project had reached 19th Street North in Bradenton Beach before halting for the winter. The company will also look at renourished areas that may have been eroded by the numerous winter storms and shore those areas up with more sand if needed. Meetings Anna Maria City April 6, 11 a.m., city hall roof repair pre-bid confer- ence. April 10, 7 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting on comprehensive plan. April 13, 7 p.m., city commission work session. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 708-6130. Bradenton Beach April 6, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. Agenda: Budget amendments, approval of engineering contract for city canal dredging, discussion of ward redistricting plans, approval of consultants for comp plan changes for 1402 and 1404 Gulf Drive, agreement approval for Waterfront Florida visioning plan, approval of consoli- dation study and consent agenda. April 11, 3 p.m., city commission "shade" meeting on Kokolis property. April 12, 6 p.m., WAVES committee meeting. Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., 778-1005. Holmes Beach April 5, 5 p.m., parks and beautification committee meeting. April 11, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, 708-5800. Of Interest April 6, 5:30 p.m., Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce meeting on signs, Holmes Beach City Hall. April 12, 11 a.m., Island Emergency Operation Center meeting, Fire Station No. 1, 6001 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. :,Holiday Closures Government offices in Anna Maria, Bradenton Beach, Holmes Beach and Longboat Key willbe closed Friday, April 14, for Good Friday. Art Auction Apri 14 Join your friends and neighbors and meet the artists at The Islander's annual auction to benefit the Manatee High School art program ... donate a select item of your work or just join the fun April 14 at the reception and silent auction hosted by Thl- Islander. For info, call 778-7978. .... [- c- "P ] .... .. ~ resPi~aLP ------IPa----,_.. ,. _._~~rr -s~~sr~~-------~susar~4~arsaRsPP~-~~eUn 4-A M APRIL 5, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER Improved public lands, more beach in future Charlie Hunsicker, director of conservation land for Manatee County, came Saturday to talk to Save Anna Maria Inc. at the Island Branch Library, where Holmes Beach Civic Association members joined SAM for refreshments and Hunsicker's talk. And, boy, can he talk. Hunsicker began by updating his audience on the current beach renourishment project, likening it to home maintenance. "Adding sand maintains the asset of the beach much like painting your home," he said. "Healthy beaches produce fewer damage claims after a storm in the beach renourishment world." He said it's cost effective compared to the potential loss, adding that in Manatee County, "we apply new paint to the exterior every 8-10 years." He said Congress provided $138 million to save the important economy and property in Florida. "They gave us the sand we would have had if not for the storms to stay in our eight- to 10-year cycle of renour- ishment. "Should we accept 100 percent funding to bring the beach back to where we were? Yes, it was good for that to happen." He said the present contractor will finish June 1 and that will be it. Additionally, however, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has been authorized to rebuild some of the lost beach that was not included in the cur- rent Corps of Army Engineers' project. At that time, while FEMA is paying the required $1.2-1.5 million to mobilize a new dredge contractor and add $200,000 worth of sand, Hunsicker said the county is going to try to add sand to the north end of the Island and Gulfside at Coquina Beach. "When we do that, we can rebuild the Cortez groins to be utilized by people fishers, surfers and others." For the north end renourishment, Hunsicker said to maintain added sand there will require the addition of four groins 300 feet apart to stop erosion due to the hacksaw effect of the tidal flow around the north end. The groins are being planned around the two houses that presently have hard seawalls jutting into the Gulf. Northwest Manatee County conservation areas are indicated in green. "Over time, it may be cheaper to condemn and pur- chase the properties, but the state doesn't do that here," Hunsicker said. He then moved to his intended talk about conserva- tion lands, driving home the need to preserve and refur- bish preservation lands with population comparisons. In 2005, he said, 315,000 people resided in Mana- tee County compared to 211,700 in 1990, and 12,000 new residents came here just last year, the same number of folks that presently live in Palmetto. And Louisiana's St. Bernard Parish at the 17th Street levee, before Hurricane Katrina there were 85,000 homes and after the storm, six homes remained with no water damage. To date, he said, only 55 homes have been rebuilt. a.. -s ..- -L a.- ~ ?~ ........ ... .. .... -. ,' :" "-^ t,: -' : : -. :. ': .""= . Hunsicker said Manatee County residents can be thankful for the Robinson Preserve in northwest Bra- denton, where wetlands and a system of dikes and waterways are being restored based on aerial photos from 1951-1956. The dikes were built by farmers, presumably around 1920, to prevent saltwater intrusion on adjacent farmland, and those will be utilized in preparing nature trails on the preserve. Hunsicker also said that there will be a bridge from just west of Palma Sola Causeway beaches on Manatee Avenue leading north to the Robinson development, a golf course and 20 homes adjacent to the preserve. The public bridge built by Robinson but public because PLEASE SEE CONSERVATION, NEXT PAGE AVEDA- lf esl sak~n ,,; "exnerience tbifferenjcae -hafr i ,no.ils' skin' boy. 5z~~1V'.iu~tdrIue anna kvajka island -:778,5400 www.A2;loji.afid spa.com WVILLS TRUSTS ESTATE PLANNING JAY HILL Attorney-at-Law 778-4745 Anna Maria. Florida THE 2006 GRADY-WHITES ARE IN! :. VISIT CANNONS -6040 Gul of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key SLANNAN (2 Miles'From North End) HA - \1* M A I I N A Open 7 days a week SALES SERVICE RENTALS 8 -a.m. 5:30 p.m. COMPETITIVE QUALITY COMMITMENT SINCE t955 8a.m. 5:30 p.m. cannons.com 941-383-1311 MA We're worth the trip! Wy "MAHAIb- When you wanttuhebest ijl THE ISLANDER U APRIL 5, 2006 U A-5 Chamber to meet on unified sign ordinance By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter In a sure "sign of the times," as at least part of the Island moves toward a study on consolidation, the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce will hold a public meeting at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, April 6, at the Holmes Beach City Hall to discuss the "feasibility" of developing a sign ordinance acceptable to all three Island cities. "All three cities have adopted, or are currently working on adopting, signage laws which will adversely affect the Island's business community's ability to attract customers to their businesses," said Don Schro- der, chairman of the chamber board. The three proposed or current sign ordinances have parts that are "uncommon to each other and overly restrictive to the Island businesses and their ability to do daily commerce," he said. "We are one Island," added Schroder, "and it is the purpose of the meeting to try and craft one universal signage law that would meet the needs of each city and the business community as a whole." He said he will ask each Island city to send a com- missioner and the city planner to the meeting so that everyone can "clearly understand the negative impact the current and future ordinances will have on the Island's business community." For more information on the meeting, call Schroder at 778-2200, the chamber office at 778-1541, or e-mail amichamber@aol.org SENIOR ASSISTEDD LIVING "Island Living for Seniors Who Desire the Best" Now ACCEPTING NEW RESIDENTS Call for an appointment to visit our caring family facility ANNA MARIA CARE 2202 Avenue B Bradenton Beach 779-0322 F/'TZ"-- 3 E33E ' ---~ ; ?~,E iei.-,-~ ..~ r, i'i r. -- X ..'. I.. - ...-." "f ~,~ .r-- Conservation lands flourish near CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4-A public land in the preserve and roads there will provide a "loop" for vehicular traffic to avoid possible congestion in a potential evacuation by providing an alternate route north and then east to 75th Street in Bradenton. On the south side of Perico Island, where the county acquired a large area of waterfront that includes a significant amount of uplands, Hunsicker promised "our restoration plan will be very dramatic, but it will bring back the shoreline property that once was." He said the development company that owned the land in the 1970s, including Pat Neal, who has sold the SUNSHINE TAX SERVICE 7830 Cortez Road (Just West Of 75th St.) (941) 761-8353 Bradenton, FL land at a bargain price to the county, bulldozed the area and the native plants have not returned there. But the county intends to remove the exotics and restore it to its natural state. Hunsicker said that of the 55,000 acres of land presently in conservation countywide, acquired by the county commission (25,000 acres), Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the Southwest Florida Water Management District, approximately 812 acres are in the northwest Bradenton/Island area and 28,000 acres in the county are prime waterfront. More people here in the future will appreciate what the county has been able to amass in the way of pres- ervation lands a limited resource. Come Celebrate Christ9 palm SUnday -pril 9 rL~J FAT, Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Slain & Odor Control Tile and Grout.Color, Cleaning and Stain Controll 778-2882 or 387-0607 www.FatCatCarpetCleaning.com LARRY & NANCY HOUSE, OWNERS Worship Service: 9am and 11am Church School: Children 9am Youth 9am Adult 10am Maundy Thursday: April 13 7pm Service Good Friday: April 14 Noon service in Chapel e'astetr andga '1pril 16 Worship Service: 9am and 11am ^Raoer tmuaorial Ommmxmnitg (rdthu An Non-Denominational Christian Church Rev. Gary A. Batey Serving the Community Since 1913 Transportation & Nursery Available 512 Pine Ave, Anna Maria 778-0414 www.roserchurch.com WELCOME BACK OLD FRI'E DS F. ROM YOUR FRIENDS Am& moobb ,,At; Patw Amy, Courtney, Pam, Chris, ,Jeannine, Arlett, Mglanie a anna maria .G. ulf Coast SR E N T A L S1 5319 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach *941-778-3699 Web site: www.amgcrentals.com FOR THE VERY BEST IN VACATION RENTALS '"- '.t ri Y, ~--- ~gi~i " S~1 Gimme some old-time art The Belle Haven Art SSale at the Anna Maria S Island Historical Soci- ety Museum April 1 attracted art lovers S who were pleased to find the artisans dis- playing and creating their works in the park adjacent to the "Old City Jail" and the museum and in the newly decorated Belle. Haven Cottage. The event was sponsored by the Anna Maria Island Historical Soci- ety. Islander Photo: Carolyne Norwood I.LIWk r~dIJ (-A U APRIL 5. 2000 T THE ISLANDER Opinion 'Clang, clang, all aboard!' Finally, we're bursting with success. After years of trying, finally all the right agencies got together to start up the Manatee Trolley in March 2002. Its success and acceptance has built slowly until ridership set a record March 11 with 2,787 riders. Even Longboat Key officials, once vehement foes of the private trolley that extended service to St. Armands Circle, have now embraced our public trolley as a means to reduce traffic congestion there. Despite the holdup in traffic for stops and starts, factor in the number of vehicles on the road if there were no trolley and it's a no-brainer. And consider that Islanders have begun to embrace this convenience for events and entertaining kids and company and color the trolley a success. Long live the trolley! Sail through this Last week's public hearing on changing the schedule for timed bridge openings for the Cortez and Anna Maria Island bridges pretty much raised the same old tired issues, which boil down to "us" versus "them." Motorists vs. sailors. Sometimes hundreds of vehicles are halted when a drawbridge is raised for a high-masted vessel. Those in favor of the reduction to half-hour openings cited lost time, fuel consumption and inconvenience as they argued for the change. Boaters pointed to dangers in rough weather or strong currents and argued to maintain the daytime schedule of 20-minute on-demand intervals.. But the U.S. Coast Guard pretty much said the boater arguments don't hold water. Regulations provide for boater emergencies by allowing them to signal the tender to open the bridge if they believe they or their property is threat- ened. The change won't resolve traffic problems, but like the trolley, it can help. We urge the change to half-hour open- ings. More groins? Groan It will be interesting to see studies of water currents, sand drift and erosion trends to support the addition of four erosion-control structures off the north end of Anna Maria Island, as we learned this week is in the planning stage for the renourishment project in 2007-08. Groins were the trend 40 years ago. After a while, it was-learned the measure often did more harm than good and adding sand was embraced to protect the shoreline. - Are groins our solution for the Island's north-end ero- sion? And what will be the effect farther down the beach? We're sure to find out. The Islander APRIL 5, 2006 Vol. 14, No. 22 V Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org V Editorial Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org' Jack Egan Jack Elka Jim Hanson V Contributors Gib Bergquist Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org Jesse Brisson Don Maloney David Futch Robert Noble Carrie Price V Advertising Sales Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org V. Office Manager , Connie Brannon, connie@islander.org V Production Graphics Kelly McCormick, ads@islander.org Lisa Williams, lisa@islander.org V Distribution . Urbane Bouchet- Ross Roberts Lisa Williams (All others: news@islander.org) -1993-04 K ha- r Niring Single copies free. Quantities of.five or more: 25 cents each. 1992-2006 Editorial, sales and production offices: Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEB SITE: islander.org *FAX 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978 TIT A GOOtD T1H4NC TWE ISLAMLD 15, FLAT. RicWAT, -1%AC TWVO% 5 PAFIIF SO I-L T~V cr4,yWOU> NIENCIZ BE AEWX TO iMAKE tIT UP A RIL.L -^ W p ' -"^ff^\1 fi IA ^/^r i SLICK Opinion Lay off the signs Herewith is a letter to Ed Mc Adam of the Bradenton Beach government in response to the letter I received from him saying the city would enter my property and steal my property (a sign) and hold it for ransom if I did not remove it or obtain a sign permit by April 3: Sir: Regarding your letter to me dated March 17: Please be advised that the site where South Beach Village is under construction is a construction site. Tres- passing on this construction site is a third-degree felony. I will prosecute anyone entering upon my property to remove my signs, both personally against the person removing the sign and against the city. In addition to trespassing, I will prosecute for grand theft against anyone or the city that removes my signs. My signs were legally placed on this property at a cost in excess of $1,000. If you intend to take them, you will need to pay me for them. In this country, taking my property, real estate personal property, or otherwise for the benefit of the public, is illegal unless it is justly compensated. Since the existing signs do not meet the code, you are rendering them useless. The city must pay for them to remove them. If the city wants to remove the signs they must do so through due process, not just come and steal my property. Reed W. Mapes, president, Reed W. Mapes Inc., general partner, Tenth Street Development Co. LLC. Transport at its finest Who would have thought that Manatee County would be worried that there would ever be too many riders in one day on the Island trolley? Indeed, that has happened. As mayor of Holmes Beach, I receive e-mails on the number of riders daily, which also includes shuttles from east county on week- ends. I read a recent e-mail that staff was coming out to the Island to make sure that the trolley can handle over 2,500 riders (yes, 2,500!) in one day. This is public transportationat4its finest. We.now .. By Egan know that public transportation will work. The county and cities need to figure out a way to offer this service in their areas. It works as long as it is reliable and convenient to the citizens. Good job,- Manatee County and Florida Department of Transportation. Carol Whitmore, mayor, Holmes Beach Bridge time changes On March 29, a meeting was held at Holmes Beach City Hall to seek comments on U.S. Coast Guard con- sideration to change.bridge opening times to every half- hour. This matter enjoys the expressed approval of all three Island mayors, for good reason. Unfortunately, almost all of about a dozen speakers were masted boat owners. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Lieberum, the bridge management specialist from USCG's Seventh District in Miami. It seemed his inter- ests were oriented to the desires of his constituents. Endangerments while holding for openings, spe- cifically citing swift currents and narrow holding space, were offered. USCG charts show the current at the bay's venturi at Cortez Bridge to be 6/10th of a knot. We have measured it by legitimate procedures at the worst tide we could find just north of the Manatee Avenue bridge and found it to be 1/15th of a knot. The basin at Cortez is huge, yet criticism was offered about the inability to safely hold awaiting open- ings. Masted vessels frequently hold two football fields away, greatly exacerbating the open time. Megabridges also received admiration, disregarding the factuality of probable chaos to our hurricane evacuations. The best solution for everyone, already ignored by the USCG, is for staggered half-hour openings, hourly and on the half-hour, and 15 and 45 minutes. The slowest sailboats (27-foot) could arrive at the scheduled opening and cruise the 2.09 miles to pass the next bascule as it opened. For some speakers, the ICW is "intracoastal," not intercoastall." ., C; ames Kissick, Bradenton Beach . b~ur~c~ TIE ISLANDER 0 APRIL 5, 2006 U A-7 SflJngway you slice it... it's MValloney! 6, li:rrnmr Holmes Beach City Co:.rrirl,.l: :.oner Don Maloney Why not a generic plan? Why so many senior Island citizens are shocked about how complicated that new Medicare drug plan is, I'll never know. That's because the medi- cal profession has made their intention to continu- ally confuse us elders quite obvious for some time now. It all started a few years ago, I believe, when they decided to come up with what they said was tops on pill bottles that were designed to keep the kids out of our drugs. It supposedly did that alright, but it.also made it next to impossible for anybody over 65 to get those tops off those bottles without the help of their grandchildren. Then came the practice of the doctors' offices calling us the day before our appointments to remind us of when we were expected to show up. They obviously do not, however, tell the doctors when we're coming. Instead, they fill the tables in their offices with magazines-but never do they include Cosmopolitan -to read while we spend that hour or so waiting to see Dr. Him or Her. And even when they finally get the patients with patience from the reception area into one of the side rooms, they always say: "The Doctor will be with you in a minute." And when he or she finally does show up, I'm always annoyed when they ask: "How are you today?" That's because, if I knew the answer to that, I wouldn't be there. Drug stores are part of that profession's con- fusion plan, too. That's why they always put the pharmacist way back in the rear of the store. That way, to pick up our prescriptions, we have to walk past the candy, cigarettes and other stuff like that in the front, stuff which we purchased in the past that often require our presence there now at the drug store. Some drug stores even sell all sorts of alcohol - not just the rubbing kind. The drug companies themselves are part of the industry's plan, too. Read their ads and you'll see what I mean. Like the one that says that if you take their brand of sleeping pill, you'll never suffer from insomnia again. Maybe that's true. But if you look at the fine print on the bottom of the colorful ad page, you'll read about how you may indeed, sleep, but there's no promise that you might not, when awake, wind up with some side effects like, for instance, more aggressive behavior than normal, confusion, agita- tion, hallucinations, and even suicidal thoughts. So apparently you have to decide with.a mini- mum of warning whether a good night's sleep is worth the possible risk of a very exciting day. My favorite is an ad'for a drug designed, they say, to treat allergies. Go ahead and try it if you want, but they fine-print warn you to look out for possible resulting stomach pain, heartburn, fever, stuffy nose, flu, dizziness, headache, rash and a number of other things that made me live with the allergy especially not on drugs like that. I'm not going to get into here about hospitals' role in all this. In fact, I never want to get into any hospital again, I hope, except to visit friends and relatives. Anyway, there are two people who deserve some thanks for what they have done to un-confuse all the above. Like I really appreciate whoever invented the idea of generic medicine. Thanks to him or her, we only pay as much for any medicine now as we should have paid for the original in the first place. And then there's Dr. Jack Kevorkian, who came up some years ago with the single final solution to all medical problems. If you'd ever like to get in touch with him, I have a gift certificate for a free visit with him that a former friend gave me that I'll share with you. But back to my original concern: What we obviously need is a generic version of this new Medicare drug program. If such a plan ever shows up and if you understand it, please give me a call. In the April 4, 1996, issue of The Islander, headlines announced: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency informed Anna Maria city commissioners that the city had no choice but to join an interlocal agreement with Manatee County for stormwater management. The. commission had voted to opt out of the agreement rather than give an additional $7,000 to the county for an additional phase of the stormwater plan. Former Bradenton Beach Mayor Katie Pierola has formed a committee to investigate a recall of current mayor Leroy Arnold, claiming Arnold is hurt- ing the image of the city, particularly since he ques- tioned the religious and sexual preferences of two city staff members. Three members of the city commission called on Arnold to resign after that incident. Holmes Beach Mayor Bob Van Wagoner said he plans to crack down on bars that have been the subject of noise complaints recently, particularly after 10 p.m., when loudspeakers are prohibited by ordinance. Date Low High Rainfall March 26 55 73 0 March 27 54 76 0 March 28 57 82 0 March 29 63 84 0 March 30 64 86 0 March 31 64 87 0 April 1 64 86 0 Average Gulf water temperature 72 24-hour rainfall accumulation with reading at approximately 5 p.m. daily. Rotten Ralph's Voted Best^ Res rnt In The Entire. Unierse! Here's what the cusLunii are saying ... '-. '"e come here euery weekend from. Si fllpha Centauri just for the Sagn ifcent uiew. i npinik Siue an Pluto ord si&jut cant-: 4'^B drecen t^ lunch their* .-D. Doode c b.acked.i : teUranus "' ,, .f 'll ' "It's been light year. e we csnnen id ,.-"' .. ., .: t ,' liquids that g a, .; -, ,. Rotten y.. ... t t- .. * ..5422" A ATERVilRON?(trtG LJNC H & DINNER 7 DAYS FULL BAR SERVICE 902 S. Bay Blvd. Anna Maria Located at Galati Marina 778-3953 Gulf oFMex6 . 0 I' IFS'&CIP LLDY VEYDA!$89 We'd love to mail you the news! We mail The Islander weekly for a nominal $36 per year. It's the perfect Sway to stay in touch with what's happening on Anna Maria Island. More r Than 1,400 happy, eager-for-Island-news paid subscribers are already receiving : The Islander where they live ... from Alaska to Germany and California to SCanada. S We bring you all the news about three city governments, community hap- penings, people features and special events ... even.the latest real estate transac- * tions ... everything you need if your "heart is on the Island." We're the only Newspaper that gives you all the news of Anna Maria Island." The Islander is distributed free locally. But if you don't live here year- round, or if you want to mail.the paper to a friend or relative, please use this Form or log on to islander.org for secure e-mail transmission. BULK MAIL U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (allow 2 weeks for delivery) E I One Year: $36 6 Months: $28 _3 Months: $18 S U.S. FIRST CLASS AND CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS- One Year; $140 6 Months: $87.50 Q 3 Months: $52 S I Single Issue: $3.50 FIRST CLASS MAIL, U.S. ONLY, Maximum Four Weeks . S Call for mail rates to Eurbpe or other countries. * MAIL TO: S.ADDRESS S CITY STATE ZIP * Credit card payment: L [ L N No. Exp. Date Name shown on card: - S MAIL START DATE: lln ria Im STh Islander Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 CHARGE IT BY PHONE: (941) 778-7978 OR ONLINE AT islander.org -. .U.UEEUUUEEEUUEEEUEU UUU UEEEEEEU N H A ;i-r h" ,:- Z; ' 8-A h APRIL 5, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER Wind insurance rules unfair to Islanders By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter As just about any Anna Maria Island home and property owner can tell you, it pays to live within 1,000 feet of the Gulf of Mexico. Well, it doesn't exactly pay, but it sure saves you a heck of a lot of money when it comes time to get wind insurance. That's because the Citizens Property Insurance Corporation operated by the State of Florida will only issue a wind insurance policy read "Hurricane insur- ance" on an Island home or business building if it's within 1,000 feet of the Gulf of Mexico. Sorry about that for most of you business and home owners on the bayside that fall outside the 1,000-foot perimeter. But not so in Sarasota and on Longboat Key, where both cities are designated by the state in a "V-zone" and eligible for its cheap wind insurance policies, saving taxpayers in those cities millions of dollars annually. "That's unequitable," said Christiaan Huth of Oswald Trippe Insurance in Holmes Beach, whose office is just about 1,300 feet from the Gulf, and thus doesn't qualify for Citizens. If you're in the designated wind zone, Huth said he has a number of companies, particularly the Hart- ford, that will offer an owner an attractive homeown- er's insurance policy because it doesn't have to cover wind damage from a hurricane. And flood insurance is covered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Outside the V-zone, however, get your check- book ready. The wind zones established by the state several years ago are not fair decisions, maintained Huth. "In Sarasota, you can get a low-cost wind policy and you might be almost to Interstate 75, about five miles from the Gulf." On Anna Maria Island, homeowners outside the 1,000-foot zone can still get wind insurance, but the premiums don't come cheap. For business owners in that same area, it's impossible to get wind insurance, Huth said. For example, Huth recently wrote a homeowner's policy for a Gulffront home. The annual premium with- out the wind insurance was $700, while Citizens wind insurance was $2,300, totaling $3,000. "That same home in Key Royale in Holmes Beach would have to pay about $4,500 for property and wind Turn to West Coast 1 ,i ( : . & Heating. Inc. ji " for technical expertise, customer satisfaction ana Carrier systems that are second to none. * Family-owned and operated since 1972 * Factory-trained technicians * Residential and commercial * Ask about our 12 months same-as-cash financing* WEST COAST AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING INC 778m9622 5347 Gull Drive, No. 4, Holmes Beach Business Center, Holmes Beach Tjpir:P-hjryt wd i aww coII rrxo puriiise frr-rT, Ih-Jile al I' l '-h.3pi b iii r5 ilsmu r 1n.1IVi iP't se'Thn+t sll D- rIiiU priur lo lie prer~~nCbr, .irvi,ri daie 6 Indi'Aed" Mi as uu billing 'Tatemenf s iri.j !I r Ih ,ipsi-,- ih .' a lst l.' 4 M purrltru- pr rw Ic, lk prmc.rusn eri pigi 5 r.pmlodn icii [' trirn C p cnirpo -1,1 rlk 1.' iii. Ilk pi;p ircb l r5,Drd o dAPR iS 1450z fpoill riii iPli If 2e 19C l rdii~ m iiiii Toriii. finn. -r-orp.- t SS0 t. ri t l E l qic r insurance," said Huth. If that sounds high, consider the case of one Island resident who purchased a $1 million house, then found it was 100 feet outside the wind zone. His private wind insurance cost $17,000 a year, while his homeowner's insurance premium is around $1,500 annually. In another odd twist, Citizens can write a com- mercial wind policy anywhere within the Sarasota and Longboat Key city limits, but must maintain the 1,000-foot restriction on Anna Maria. That means people looking to purchase their busi- ness as a "condominium," such as those in Bayview Plaza in Anna Maria, are caught in the bureaucratic mess. Citizens doesn't consider Anna Maria's bayside waters to be part of the Gulf of Mexico. Bayview Plaza business owners need wind insur- ance to get a mortgage to buy their location, but can't get wind insurance anywhere. Therefore, they can't buy their units and are stuck paying the ever-increasing rents due to spiraling taxation. "Citizens won't write a policy for commercial space on the Island not within 1,000 feet of the Gulf, but will everywhere in Sarasota because the entire city has been placed in the wind insurance-eligible zone," said Huth. In an effort to get some equal protection, a number ISLAND TRADER S A Tropical Department Store FREE Shell Necklace (with Ad) 5336 ulf Dr N, Holmes Beach (941) 778-5909 (next'to Hurricane Hanks formerly Barefoot Traders) INVESTIGATION Our firm is investigating an accident that occurred on Via de Luna in the early morning hours of August 4, 2002. The accident involved a pedestrian who was struck by a cement truck. If you have any information about this accident, please contact us: 850-414 4402 Kerrigan Estess Rankin McLeod& Thompson, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 400 E. Government Street Pensacola, Florida 32502 The hiring of a law firm is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications.andexperience. of local insurance agencies are banding together to peti- tion the Florida Insurance Commission to change the Island's V-zone designation, and they've enlisted the aid of State Rep. Bill Galvano of Bradenton and State Sen. Mike Bennett. "I sympathize with people who can't get wind insurance on their business, or who have to pay a really high premium for their house. We'll do all we can to help find them insurance at the best price. "I just wonder why Sarasota gets wind insurance almost five miles from the Gulf, while some people here are just 1,200 feet away and can't get a policy." Woman's Club finale The Woman's Club of Anna Maria Island, first organized in 1941, sadly will hold its last luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 5, at the BeachHouse Res- taurant, Bradenton Beach. The club has only some 20 members now in con- trast to more than 100 members in 1996, and spokes- person Marian Van Winkle said the April meeting will be the last meeting prior to disbanding. The luncheon will be proceeded by funding awards to four commu- nity organizations. For information or reservations, call club president Nancy Dunne at 778-4060. :- Fiber artist Cyndy Custis cel- S ebrates her 30th year as a fiber artist by weaving yet another artwork to join those to be on display at the Island Branch Library through April. The Holmes Beach resident says one of the many Loe great things about weaving is that o "when you make ,'a mistake, you've created a new pat- tern." Ba L..QL SI'llbe the bag behind. the counter No need to go street shopping in New York City... We have all the famous designer names! chooSe From LA thler Meallihe .... "ha dpainWp d utc cee 0i .,,,-,i * OUR SECOND LOCATION NOW OPEN AT 412 10TH AVE. W. PALMETTO 722-9916 Located in the Bradenton Outlet Mall 773-1204 6605 Manatee Ave. W. Mention this ad, get 10% off Need hep budgeting your insurance costs. 5412 Marina Dr. Island Shopping Center Holmes Beach c pnc~t~~io width an Wsy twanmdke paymenl pln ~ro 1 Au~at .0 Jim Mixon osun. 5412 Marina Dr Island Shopping Center Holmes Beach (941) 778-2253 OUR OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR LUNCH NOON-1 DAILY THE ISLANDER, APRIL 5, 2006 M A-9 Holmes Beach postpones cell tower addition By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Citing the need for more public input, Holmes Beach city commissioners March 28 held off on making a decision on a request for a special exception by cell phone carrier Metro PCS to add a fourth antenna array to the existing cell tower at the Smith Realtors building on Marina Drive. Commissioners also wanted more time to study the structural engineering report provided by Harlan Ginn of Metro PCS on the stress another antenna would have on the tower. The commission wants to ensure that the tower can still withstand 141 mph winds as indicated when the tower was originally built in 1997. Ginn's report indicated another antenna would not exceed the structural limits. Acting commission chairman Roger Lutz said he believed everyone "needs to be heard" on the request, but agreed the commission probably has "no choice" but to grant the exception. The original ordinance creating the cell tower only provides for four antennas. The request by Metro PCS would add a fifth antenna, but if the company is turned down, under the existing ordinance it could simply build its own cell tower in another location in the city. Ginn said the structural engineering report has been on file with the city since March 2005, when the com- pany first applied for a permit to add another antenna. He said Metro PCS is the "newest" player in the cell phone industry and already has 170 antennas around the country, but all of them are "co-locations" on existing towers. On occasion, he said, the company has forgone a tower location because its own engineers have noted that the addition of another antenna would put too much stress on the tower. That's not the case in Holmes Beach, according to the engineering report submitted by Ginn. Susan Longo of the building department said about 12 nearby residents have come in to look at the plans and were originally concerned that the tower was going to be higher or bigger with the addition. Longo noted that if the original ordinance had granted space for a-fifth antenna, Metro PCS would have no need to go- though the special exception pr o cess. The tower current) has four antennas, three for private cell phone carriers and one for public use by fire, police and emergency services. S Assisted Living 8 I Quality Accommodations for Seniors Sunny Bower Bradenton Marella House Brad.j-i,:,r S aOur Island Home Ai ilj j,. j Family Owned (941) 219-2106 - & Operated Assisted Living Facility Affordable Monthly Rental Nos. 5178, 9577,10140 Full Range of Services www.anniesfamilyhomes.com She also said the department gets structural reports on cell towers in the city "all the time" and the owners of this tower are required by ordinance to submit a full structural report at the end of its first 10 years of exis- tence. That report would be due in 2007. Fine, said Lutz, but he and other commissioners would still like more public input and continued the public hearing until April 25. Grassy Point In other business, City Treasurer Rick Ashley gave an update on the Grassy Point Nature Preserve and said the city and the Sarasota Bay Estuary Program have joined forces to clean out the exotic plants in the area as part of "Phase I" of the project. Funding for the cleanup will come from grants that the SBEP will obtain, he indicated. Phase 2 of the plan would include creation of an estuary, public access and possible boardwalks and a nature path, he said, but that's in the future. The plan now is just to get Phase 1 completed. Phase 2 would require an extensive amount of local and state permits and would require "major dollars" to complete. Key Royale Bridge The commission also agreed to authorize Mayor Carol Whitmore to provide the Florida Department of Transportation with an additional $138,000 deposit for Cortez Native Picnic reverts to Fulford Fish House The old school and its grounds are not ready for a picnic but the picnickers are. So the annual Cortez Natives Picnic will be back at its old stand, the Fulford Fish House. The Fulford Fish House on the waterfront has hosted the event for many years, and will be pressed into service again this year. The potluck picnic will be there from 10:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. Saturday. April 8. It's not limited to "certified natives," said Mary Ful- ford Green, of die Cortez Village Hiorical Society, but, is open to anyone "who has an3 connection \ iLh or inter- est in Cortez. We hope that's just about everybody." Dr. Green has complete information at 795-7121. SFulfiling Dreams. TI COAST BANK *Free Chocking OF FLORIDA * Free Online Bonklng * Free Online pill PF' * Ovi 32.00 AAIM L the Key Royale Bridge project. Ashley said the DOT had contacted the city recently to indicate the increase cost for construction is for the construction engineering inspection report, which was done by a private firm, not the DOT. He said the DOT has assured him there are no more costs to be added to the already $2.95 million project, which should begin this summer and take about nine months to complete, the DOT has said. The .good news, Ashley said, is that the city is slated to get all the money it borrows for the bridge - excluding interest back in the 2007-08 DOT budget. The original DOT estimate two years ago for a new Key Royale Bridge was $1.8 million, a figure that has steadily increased as construction costs have risen. The DOT was scheduled to begin the project in January, but changed that in December to "within a few months." reaturea sate: i ms Sunoow tay conao at 3ui c. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach, sold in June 2001 for $174,000 and in March 2006for $445,000. It was on market for 237 days. Islander Photo: Jesse Brisson Island real estate sales 2101 Bay Drive N., Bradenton Beach, a 1,248 sfla/ 1,920 sfur 2bed/lbath bayfront pool home built in 1956 on a 89x100 lot was sold 03/16/06, Depasse to McKee for $1,325,000. 3801 E. Bay Drive, Unit 209, Sunbow Bay, Holmes Beach, a 1,146 sfla / 1,247 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1981 was sold 03/14/06, Menard to Johnston for $445,000; list $460,000. Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at Gulf-Bay Realty ofAnna Maria, can be reached at (941) 778-7244. Current Island real estate transactions may also be viewed online at www.islander.org. Copyright 2006. A Unique Gift Shop J\ FREE UU Shell Necklace (with Ad) 701 Gulf Dr N, Bradenton Beach (941) 778-2943 1 -877-COAS UL H I 'CoaWC 5rt7. om Overwhelmed by the medical world? Feel lost by tests, procedures, etc? Have more questions than answers? The Information Nurse is a unique service that helps guide you through the medical maze. We will explain tests, procedures, and treatments in terms you will understand. We can help remove some of the .fears and concerns by letting you know what'to expect and when. We can meet you at the hospital, Irehab, ALF, home or wherever is best. uiPA-RIM ONBANNA MAMA iR-SAM IT'S MIKE NOWRMAN Why Should You Work With Mike? i Because he has more than 30 years experience sell- ing on Anna Maria Island, a terrific team backing him Sup, and lots of contacts. Past performance may not be the ..rik rine.asure of .isuc:C:-. but can I :Ou think of anithrng more reass-niin to go g by, Bui' or selling.. Mike Norman Realty, Inc 941-778-6696 800-367-1617 k wwvw.mnikenormanreally com "Tropical Bugs Need A Tropical Service" CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Beaches Bradenton Sarasota Parrish' 778-1337 794-1005 365-2893 776-0779 Full Service Exterior and Interior Now Accepting Visa -- T_- and Mastercard Island Pest Control Inc. SERVING THE ISLANDS MORE THAN 20 YEARS ajie Certified/Licensed and ,nsured Locally owned and operated 10-A 0 APRIL 5. 2006 U THE ISLANDER OutdIoor Kitcheni Model NJow Avciilabcle ,HO .. ,i -- , Charcoal Gas Grills Smokers infrared CGrills SIPF f F 5350 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach IL STOR 779-9594 (S&S Plaza, next to post office) ,.UPDATE your look! K. ka Thi "aut Master Stylist & Color .. Call (941) 713-7223 or (941) 792-4999 SLooks Salon (next to Albertson's) i- 7455 Manatee Ave W., Bradenton Island Florist You Know Why! 941-778-4751 800-771-7163 5312 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach www.island-florist.com Profe5ssonal Nail Care & Spa 5HtoPP5s oD PARADISE BAY 7342 Cortez Rd. W., Bradenton 794-8888 RECEIVE FREE EXFOLIANT S 5CRIB3 WITH A MANICIARE SAND PEDIC,1RE Gift Certificates Available Over 200 CITIZEN Watches 40% OFF Including: Eco-Drive Calibre S Mickey Mouse Collection S r* Professional Divers Diamond Fashion Jewelry & Watch R epair 7358 Cortez Rd. W. 798-9585 - Tues-Fri 10-6 Sat 10-4. ACCEPTING ALL MAJOR CREDIT & ATM CARDS MASSAGE BY NADIA I massage in the peace, quiet and convenience of your home! 795-0887 i e'cs Gifts Certificates available. Island fashion Peggy Horlander of Michael Saunders & Company models a fashion ensemblefor the 100 or so attend- ees of the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce Flip-Flop Fashion Show March 24. The event also fea- tured a "Chinese Auc- tion" and best flip- flops contest. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose Auditions coming up for two plays With "Chapter Two" still playing to packed houses, the Island Players are setting up two more productions and planning auditions for performers. The Island Players still have room for a few more members of the audience for the Neil Simon classic comedy "Chapter Two," which runs through April 9 at the Island theater, 10009 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Tickets at $15 are available at the box office or by calling 778-5755. Meanwhile, Shakespeare is coming back and start- ing to claim Island Players' attention for the July 12-16 production. This summer's "Shakespeare on the Island" will be "As You Like It," directed by Kelly Wynn Woodland. Before that, though, will come the final. Island Players production of the regular season, "Mixed Emo- tions," by Richard Baer. Auditions for three men's parts and one woman's were last Sunday. The play will be staged May 18 through 28. Auditions for the Shakespeare production will be Sunday, April 16, at 7:30 p.m. at the Island Players' theater. Aware that it is Easter Sunday, director Wood- land apologized and promised follow-up auditions. No preparation is necessary, explained Woodland, who will have those auditioning read scenes from the play. Those interested are to show up a little early to fill out a form and have photos taken. Additional information may be obtained by calling 778-6878. Rehabilitated turtle back to Gulf Whitney, a green sea turtle rehabilitated by Mote .Marine Laboratory, was going home to the sea Wednes- day morning, April 5. It was being released about 9 a.m. at the boat ramp next to Moore's Stone Crab Restaurant, 800 Broadway St., on the north end of Longboat Key. Chief among the juvenile turtle well-wishers was Dr. Charles Manire, the head veterinarian at Mote who took care of Whitney. The juvenile turtle was stranded on Longboat Dec. 27, dehydrated and very week, Manire said. Turtle activity will warm up soon with the weather, Mote staffers noted, with the marine turtle-nesting season opening May 1 on Gulf beaches. Between then and Oct. 31, when the nesting officially ends, turtles will come ashore at night to make nests, leaving easily identified trails crawls that look like big zippers as a result of their large flippers. Manatee High School art student Ashley Lane, an Island resident in the top 10 percent of graduating seniors, prepared artwork to promote the annual "For Art's Sake" show to be used in flyers, invitations and advertising in The Islander. Calling all artists, art lovers You're invited to a silent auction and artist recep- tion at The Islander newspaper office April 14 an annual affair that in the past has raised more funds for the art department at Manatee High School than the department's annual budget. Featured art works in the auction are contributed by local artists and all proceeds go toward art supplies and equipment for MHS where Islander-artist Rob Reiber is a teacher. This year, according to Reiber, the students are also working on projects that will be offered in the silent auction a learning experience for most of them, he said, because most haven't ventured into selling their art. Work at last year's event by Woody Candish, Rhea Chiles, Sue Curry, Joe Hutchinson, Linda Molto, Ines Norman, Price, Reiber, Andre Renard, Richard Thomas, and Joan and Carl Voyles were among more than than 60 items offered to the top bidders. Based on the success of previous year's events, many artists have already offered to participate in the fifth annual "For Art's Sake." To add your art to the show, call The Islander's event coordinator Carrie Price at 747-9397 or The Islander at 778-7978. The event be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 14, on the sidewalk at the newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive in the Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach. Hors d'oeuvres and refreshments are provided by The Islander. Donated works range from sculpture to original oil paintings to watercolors, prints, custom jewelry and -photography. ORECK VACUUM I ALL 3 PIECES FREE 139 Value FOR 2999s1 '7 FULL 3 YEAR WARRANTY! $199 VALUE l FREE I .. __I 8 Attachments 1 , Weighs 8 lbs. Strong enough to pick TI I Hotel Strength up a 16 b. bowling ball. REPAIRS 7 DAYS A WEEK I 94 -94- 84 ,I AII Happy birthday Family and friends packed the fellowship hall at the Episcopal Church of the Annunci- ation March 27 to cel- ebrate Edna Busselle's 90th birthday. Family members flew in from around the world for the celebration, which was.organized by Mary Seine. Front row, from left, Edna Lynne Bomar, Janet Chandler, Mrs. Busselle and Mary Claire Ruggles. Back, from left, Britt Busselle, Pat Bomar, Anita and Don Shiver Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose Palm Sunday, Easter week observances By Jim Hanson Islander Reporter Churches on Anna Maria Island will have spe- cial services Palm Sunday, April 9, and throughout Easter Week, culminating in the sunrise service Easter morning before each church's Easter obser- vance. The annual sunrise service will begin at 6:30 Easter morning, the 42nd Easter service arranged and spon- sored by the Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria Island at the public beach where Manatee Avenue meets the Gulf of Mexico. Other special observances of Easter Week by the individual churches: Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, 778-1638, the Rev. Harry Parsell, rector. Palm Sunday, services at 8 and 10 a.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Holy Eucharist at 7 p.m. Maundy Thursday, Holy Eucharist at 9:30 a.m.; Holy Eucharist and foot-washing at 7 p.m.; stripping of the altar at 8 p.m. Good Friday Vigil in the Memorial Gardens at 8 a.m.; liturgy at noon; Stations of the Cross, 7 p.m. Easter Sunday, First Mass of the Easter Rite with organ music and choir at 7:30 a.m.; Choral Eucharist with choir at 9 a.m.; Festival Mass with choir at 11 a.m. Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, 778-1813, the Rev. John Bonser, pastor. Palm Sunday, regular services with distribution of palms, 8 and 10:30 a.m. Maundy Thursday, Last Supper service and foot- washing at 10:30 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. Good Friday, worship services at 10:30 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. Easter Sunday, worship services at 8 and 10:30 a.m. Harvey Memorial Community Church, 300 Church Ave., Bradenton Beach, (727) 433-2584, the Rev. Stephen King, pastor. Palm Sunday, worship service with distribution of palms at 9:30 a.m. Easter Sunday, regular 9:30 service. Island Baptist Church, 8605 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria, 778-0719, the Rev: Dale Lawson, pastor. Normal services, Bible Study at 9:30 a.m., wor- ship service at 10:50 a.m., no evening service on Easter. Longboat Island Chapel, 6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive, 383-6491, the Rev. Kenneth Gill, pastor. Maundy Thursday, supper and Communion at 5:50 p.m. Good Friday, special Good Friday service, noon to 1 p.m. -Easter Sunday, sunrise service with Pastor Gill speaking at 6 a.m. Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, 778-0414, the Rev. Batey, pastor. Palm Sunday, worship services and processional with palms, 9 and 11 a.m. Maundy Thursday, Holy Communion service.in the sanctuary at 7 p.m. Good Friday, worship service with special music in the chapel at noon. Easter Sunday, worship service at 9 and 11 a.m. St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach, 778-4769, the Rev. Robert Mongiello, pastor. Palm Sunday Vigil, Masses at 4 and 5:30 p.m. Sat- urday, April 8. Palm Sunday, Masses at 8 and 10 a.m. and noon. Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord's Supper, 7 p.m. Good Friday, Divine Mercy service at 8:30 a.m.; stations of the cross at noon; Passion of Our Lord at 3 p.m. Holy Saturday, Divine Mercy service at 8:30 a.m.; blessing of Easter baskets at 11 a.m.; Easter Vigil Mass at 7:30 p.m. Easter Sunday, Masses at 6:30, 8 and 10 a.m. and at noon, with Divine Mercy Service following the noon ilas ... . .. . Creative resemblance Hannah Pate, left, 18 and a senior at Palmetto High School is emerging artist for the month of April at the Anna Maria Island Artists Guild Gallery in Holmes Beach. She plans to attend the University of Florida and major in fine arts with a goal of teaching high school. Her sculptured pottery bust of James Weichel, a deaf boy who attends her church, isfired clay with a verdigris copper finish. Pate was joined at the Guild Gallery by her art teacher, Daniel Wolfe, and guild founder Genevieve Alban. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy National Library, Poetry Weeks observed Two special weeks are being observed by the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. National Library Week runs through April 7, and it is being noted in a big way. Tuesday, April 11, Friends of the Island Library will sponsor a special observance of National Poetry Week with Lucia Blinn of Longboat Key reading from her book, "Lucia, Passing for Normal." Authors will be here from 3 to 5 p.m. Monday and Wednesday and from 10 a.m. to noon Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Local luminaries will include Ralph Hunter, Andrew Clyde Little, Carolyne Norwood, Gene Ciliberti, Jolie Bell, Ralph Fondes, James Macomber and others. Other highlights of the library's April program include: Monday, April 10, Internet class, 8:30 a.m., with advance registration required through calling 778-6341. Wednesday, April 12, Friends Book Club meeting, 10:30 a.m. Friday, April 21, Friends board meeting, 9:30 a.m. Saturday, April 8, family origami, 10:30 a.m. Further information may be obtained by calling 778-6341. Ann Marie Thorpe needs bail money. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin Busted for a good cause Ann Marie Thorpe of the Anna Maria city staff needs your help. She's being arrested today, Wednesday, April 5, by Manatee County Sheriff's Office deputies and carted off to the city jail at the Anna Maria Island Historical Society at 402 Pine Ave., where she will remain behind bars from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., or until her "bail" is raised by generous citizens and residents. All money for her bail will be donated to the Mana- tee County Muscular Dystrophy Association, and Ann Marie is hoping to eclipse last year's bail of $2,200. "Please come down and help get me out," pleaded Ann Marie as she was being led off to the pokey,. THE ISLANDERS APRIL 5. 2000 6 A-i 1 Island Dreams- ----. Final Days 50% OFF all items Everything must go! Located at the corner of Spring Avenue and GulfDrive 778-4050 Carnival's Grand Mediterranean Sale 12 DAY 16 DAY Grand Mediterranean if Transatlantic from Rome round trip from Rome ,' to Ft. Lauderdale Irom$1449* fr om1099' Sailing July 18-October22, 2006 Sailing November 3, 006 Save up to $400 per stateroom." Must book by April 15 and request Fare Code CPER. I Ii i l'a l .e. :. SI7vPC PUT HOME FURNISHINGS INC. i." Specializing in the unique and unusual for your home Custom creations by Cool 941-795-4788 Tim Gallagher/owner 941-962-0567 Mon-Sat 10-5 Closed Sunday Surfing World Plaza (next to Tyler's Ice Cream) Fashions " Casu1al to oruieveaar * Frenich dressni'g leansvea r " PapiIlon taohions "Bathun' ..uWit*- and annertp~ " lesw&rv and aciem~o ries Gifts A Art Glajvn * Potterv * Bearing lto n buL1nn1i6e and bears * Drol and tea -eta Cu've3. into SPRING ACTION. Our Exclusive Quickfit Circuit J takes only 30 minutes i J burns body fat, not lean . muscle J strengthens-muscles and I cardiovascular systems 4228 60th St. W., Bradenton 794-2878 5366 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach 779-2878 ALL CHRISTMAS ITEMS 20-50% OFF LOTS OF EASTER ITEMS DEFS BOUTIQUE Gift and Chnsmas Shoppe 3228 East Bay Drive MMITM 778-4665 Between Shells and Walgreens I 12-A 0 APRIL 5, 2006 N THE ISLANDER Wednesday, April 5 7 to 8 a.m. Pier Regulars meeting at Anna Maria City Pier, 100 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria. Information: 778-7062. 10 a.m. to noon National Library Week meet and greet featuring authors and illustrators Gene Ciliberti, Charles Entwistle and Siegfried Mauritz at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341. 11:30 a.m.- Woman's Club of Anna Maria Island final lun- cheon before disbanding at the BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information: Nancy Dunne, 778-4060. Fee applies. 12:30 to 4 p.m. Duplicate bridge at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. 2p.m. Sarah Pappas, president of Manatee Community College, presentation at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 779-2299. 3 to 5p.m. National Library Week meet and greet fea- turing authors and illustrators Jude Hatcher Bangs, H. Terrell Griffin, James Macomber and Bruce Allen Wallis at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341. 5 to 7p.m. --Book fair and spaghetti dinner prepared by the Sandbar at Anna Maria Elementary School, 4700 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 708-5525. Fee applies for dinner. 6 to 8 p.m. Opening reception for Italo Botti exhibit at Wal- lace Fine Art, 5350 Gulf of Mexico Drive, No. 103, Longboat Key. Information: 387-0746. Thursday, April 6 10 a.m. to noon National Library Week meet and greet featuring authors and illustrators Jolie Bell, Ralph Fondes, Justin Noyes, Joan Condon and Patricia McCroy at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341. 6 p.m. Manatee Personal Computer Users Group meet- ing at the Landing in Freedom Village Retirement Center, 6501 17th Ave. W., Bradenton. Information: 792-7320. Friday, April 7 10 a.m. to noon National Library Week meet and greet featuring authors and illustrators Gene Ciliberti, H.Terrell Griffin and James Macomber at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341. 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Artists reception at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. Informa- tion: 778-2099. 7p.m. -The Living Stations of the Cross at St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Informa- tion: 778-4769. 6 to 9:30 p.m. Artwalk at Village of the Arts, between Ninth and 14th streets west, Bradenton. Information: 747-0823. Saturday, April 8 8:30 a.m. Kiwanis Club meeting with guest Jack Fones presenting "Writing for Fun and Groceries" at Cafe on the Beach, Manatee Public Beach, 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. BEN COOPER & ASSOCIATES INC TAX AND ACCOUNTING SERVICE Need your refunds ear]y? WVe offer electronic filing. Day and evening appointments av ailable. ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS OPEN YEAR ROU-ND We prepare individual, corporate, partnership, homeowner association and LLC tax returns. VWe also do intangible and tangible tax returns. Ben Cooper, E.A. 3."I0 E. Ba\ Drive, Suite110 Holmes Beach, Fl 34217 S(941) 778-6118 Fax: (941) 778-6230 e-mail: benacoopern'aol comr aod'. Anuizzing (COratu BLOCK PARTY 10-3 Satuday, April8 ( Food Music Entertainment Games Prizes o Drawings* Live Animals Moonwalk and morel ) 'Filee to' tfie dvenmhnuw 46"^land Baptist Church 8605 Gulf Dr. Anna Maria 778-07919 2005 SMALL BUSINESS PERSON OF THE YEAR : hropraetiC ,- ** '. '2 C antr ... Dr. Kathleen Goerg Now Offering Thai Massage! L.c# MA33390 778-0722 3612 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach. FL 34217 SVisit our.Web site: waww.Islandchiro.com 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. "Rub, Buff and Shine" car wash with a "twist" sponsored by the Rotary Club of Anna Maria American Cancer Society Relay for Life Team at the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce parking lot, 5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Donation requested. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Block party at Island Baptist Church, 8505 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 778-0719. 10:30 a.m. Family origami at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341. 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cortez Native Picnic at the Fulford Fish House in Cortez Village. Information: 795-7121. 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Healthy Kids Day at the Manatee Family YMCA, 3805 59th St. W., Bradenton. Information: 792-7484. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Artwalk at Village of the Arts, between Ninth and 14th streets west, Bradenton. Information: 747-0823. 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cancer prevention and survival cook- ing course at Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Mag- nolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Six-week course. Free. Noon to 4:30 p.m. Astronomy day activities at the South Florida Museum, 201 10th St.W., Bradenton. Information: 746-4131. 3 to 5 p.m. "Beads Galore" trunk sale featuring Chloe's Bead Shop at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-190.8. 6:30 to 10p.m. Sidewalk astronomy observing at Bishop Planetarium, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Information: 746-4131. Weather permitting. Monday, April 10 8:30 a.m.-- Internet class at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Registration: 778-6341. 10 a.m. Widowed persons support group meeting with guest speaker Ava Ehde, Island Branch Library manager, at the library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341. 1 to 3 p.m. Stepping-stone craft class with Glen LeFerve at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. Tuesday, April 11 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Questions about Medicare Part-D enrollment answered by Michael Vejins at the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce, 5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Infor- mation: 778-1541. 10:30 a.m. Friends of the Island Branch Library present poet and author Lucia-Blinn at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341. Noon Anna Maria Island Rotary Club lunch meeting at the BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 713-0042. Wednesday, April 12 Noon Minnesota Club poolside picnic at the Bradenton Elks Club, 2511 75th St. W., Bradenton. Information: 794-3573. 12:30 to 4p.m. Duplicate bridge at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Stepping-stone craft class continued from April 10 at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. Ongoing: S"Shalom de Cuba: Lives of Cuban Jews" photo exhibit AN INTERDENOMINATIONAL COMMUNITY CHURCH HARVEY MEMORIAL PASTOR sr-- STEPHEN KING Sunday 9:30am 779-1912 www.harveymemorial.org 300 CHURCH AVE. BRADENTON BEACH 2 BLOCKS NORTH OF BRIDGE ST. CLOCK TOWER Srmprove the Quality of Your Life i Carol Greer Siemaszko B.A. Ed., M.A. Psych : CERTIFIED COUNSELOR AND LIFE COACH 941-794-1492 S Perico Island *Bradenton 0 SHELLL LAND our Beach and Shell Shop FREE Shell Necklace (with Ad) 301 Gulf Dr S, Bradenton Beach (941) 778-8607 It's "lights, camera, action" at St. Bernard Catholic Church for the "Living Stations of the Cross," a dra- matic play being presented by the church in its activ- ity center. The first night's performance March 31, pictured above, was well attended, and another per- formance will be at 7p.m. Friday, April 7, at the church, 248 S. Harbor Drive. Everyone is welcome and a free-will offering will be taken. For informa- tion, call 778-4769. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose by Beth Reynolds at Manatee Community College fine art gal- lery, 5840 26th St. W., Bradenton, through April 6. Information: 752-5225. Shakespeare on the Bay "The Comedy of Errors" at Powel Crosley Estate, One Seagate Drive, 8374 N.Tamiami Trail, Sara- sota, through April 7. Information: 722-3244. Fee applies. *"Chapter Two" at the Island Players, Pine Avenue and Gulf Drive, Anna Maria, through April 9. Information: 778-5755. Fee applies. Island fiber artist Cyndy Custis celebrates 30 years of weaving with a display at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, through April 30. Information: 779-9118. "Spring Has Arrived" exhibit by Ann Terhardt at All Angels Episcopal Church By the Sea, 563 Bay Isles Road, Longboat Key, through April 30. Information: 751-0266. "The New World in the Eyes of Explorers" at the South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton, through June 4. Information: 746-4131. Fee applies. Upcoming: Sarasota Shell Club meeting at Mote Marine Laboratory April 13. Blood drive at Pinnacle Medical Center April 13. ART for Kid's Sake at the Islander office'April 14. Easter Egg hunt at G.T.Bray Park April 15. Blaize Clement book signing at Circle Books April 15. Summer Shakespeare auditions for Island Players April 16. Easier sunrise service at Manaiee Public Beac. April 16. Blood drive at Island Fitness April 17. Earth Week at Mote Marine April 17-23. Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, ELCA Pastor Richard Baker Saturday 5pm Service of Celebration unday 8 and 10:30 am -Worship Services Nursery available at 10:30am gloriaeilulherancom 608 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 778-1813 OPEN Mon.-Fri, 7soam-7pm Sat., Sun., Holidays 73sam-5pm WALK-INS WELCOME S1 We're available to tend to your urgent care needs Fever/Infections Minor'Lacerations Simple Fractures Sprains PINNACLE MEDICAL CENTER 315 75th Street West Bradenton 941-761-1616 Pawsitively Pets & Property Services Inc. P.O. Box 265, Bradenton Beach. FL 34217 Quality Pet Sitting Reliable Property Services 761-7511 I Bonded Insured- INTERNATIONAL Bonded, Insred- INTERNATIONAL !AAi!!! t9 k"1 gi 4 r gi . THE ISLANDER 0 APRIL 5, 2006 0 A-13 Streetlife Island police reports Anna Maria City March 27, 200 block of Palm Avenue, criminal mischief. Two doors of a car parked in a driveway were reportedly scratched. March 28, 100 block of Beach Avenue, informa- tion. According to the report, 20 vinyl slats were pulled off a fence. The deputy was able to put the slats back in place. March 28, 100 block of Maple Avenue, criminal mischief. According to the report, six fence slats were pulled from a fence. Two were damaged and, accord- ing to the report, the other four can be replaced with nails. March 29, 500 block of Pine Avenue, burglary. Items were stolen from a woman's unlocked vehicle. Bradenton Beach March 13, 400 block of Gulf Drive North, drug arrest. According to the report, an officer saw Charles Campbell, 27, of Bradenton, heading to the beach with his surfboard and advised him that the beach is closed after midnight. The officer believed Campbell to be intoxicated and conducted a "pat down" in which he found a can of beer a violation of city ordinance - and one gram of marijuana. March 18, 100 block of Third Street South, drug arrest. An officer received a tip that four people had pooled their money to purchase cocaine in Bradenton and would be returning to Bradenton Beach. When the officer saw the vehicle in question enter the city, he stopped the vehicle. Inside the vehicle the officer reportedly found a pipe used to smoke cocaine in the center console and another in a black bag in the trunk of the car. Jerry Hamilton, 47, of Bradenton Beach, was given a notice to appear for the pipe found in the center console, where the officer also found some type of pill that the suspect claimed was Tylenol. Beth Guglietti, 24, of Holmes Beach, a passenger in the car, was arrested after the officer discovered 12 pieces of cocaine, a glass pipe and a second pipe containing marijuana in her purse. Guglietti was also wanted on a Manatee County warrant for violation of probation. March 27, 100 block of Third Street South, drug arrest. An officer received a tip indicating that Chris Cock- rell, 33, of Bradenton Beach, left the city with two other persons in a vehicle after allegedly conspiring to purchase drugs from a dealer in Bradenton. The officer waited in an area near the residence where the suspects were expected to return. The officer then stopped the vehicle and several pieces of cocaine were found in the search. Cockrell and Mike Avvenire, 43, of Bradenton Beach, were arrested for possession of cocaine and the driver was arrested for driving with a suspended license. Holmes Beach March 24, 3900 E. Bay Drive, Publix, criminal mischief. A witness reported that she saw a teenage girl scratch a car with a key. The car belonged to a store employee. March 25, 5410 Marina Drive, D.Coy Ducks, theft. A woman reported that her cigarette case containing her driver's license, credit card and some cash were stolen while she was at the bar. March 25, 6700 Gulf Drive, Gulf Place Apartments, theft. A woman claimed that some gold necklaces kept in a drawer in a walk-in closet were missing. March 25, 4000 Gulf Drive, Manatee Public Beach, drug. A patrol officer was approached by a woman upset that a man was sitting on the beach drink- ing alcohol and allegedly selling drugs. The officer approached Donald McFee, 23, of Bradenton, who was sitting on the beach with a half-empty bottle of whis- key. A routine search resulted in the discovery of less than 20 grams of marijuana in McFee's backpack. He was given a notice to appear in addition to a trespass warning. March 25, 4700 Gulf Drive, Manatee Public Beach, trespass warning. A lifeguard contacted police regarding two males drinking on the beach and alleg- edly bothering young females. The officer located the men, who were in possession of an open bottle of beer. They were reportedly advised that alcohol was not per- mitted and given a trespass warning. Later the same afternoon, the same patrol officer saw the two men sit- 'Wanted' in Holmes Beach: Good deputy With the recent departure of Holmes Beach deputy city clerk Angela Sain to a position with Manatee County, the city is looking for a replace- ment. "We're looking for someone with a knowl- edge of records management," said City Clerk Brooke Bennett. "It would also be helpful if a candidate has previous city administration experience, but that's not a requirement," she added. The salary range is $31,700 to $37,500 annu- ally, depending upon experience, and the position includes benefits. Applications may be picked up at the Holmes Beach City Hall and anyone who needs more information can call Bennett at 708-5800, ext. 226. ting in the patio area of the public beach and both were arrested for trespassing. March 26, 500 block of 75th Street, burglary. According to the report, a wallet and loaded pistol were stolen from an unlocked car. March 28, 100 block of 36th street, theft. Two men reported their bikes stolen. March 28, 5600 block of Holmes Boulevard, fraud. A woman reported that she paid a man upfront for sup- plies to fence her yard, but he had not returned to com- plete the work. March 29, 200 block of Spruce Street, Anna Maria, criminal mischief. An officer responded to an incident in which the front fender of a woman's car had been kicked in. The woman told the officer there had been a disturbance earlier in the day with several- people upset over parking tickets that had been issued and she believed one of these people may be to blame for kick- ing her car. According to the report, the car was ille- gally parked and had clearly been vandalized. IS~O~M2 I' -. Tuy g -furd1u rmdgelf Cus~tgrJ tooppe~d with~l AVirn iU,1 9 eet0emreS FROEN CUSTARD & EATERY 2881 Clark Road 4500 Manatee Ave. W. Sarasota, FL34231 AND Bradenton, FL 34209 (941) 929-7322 (941) 750-6"'1 *C "..h es iteretuatinfoia JAMSBADFUDTO Ber nv Pto-Speibr20 A AG GIDE:5 Eigh GlenSpo s WIESPCATR Awar of xcelenc: 12yeas A& 7. ..T~s ID 'V*" "Q -voted. 'Post te~e crepl) 14-A 0 APRIL 5. 2006 0 THE ISLANDER Islander is busy Hernando de Soto By Jim Hanson Islander Reporter Tom Sprenger of Holmes Beach is winding up one of the busiest years of an eventful life. He is the Her- nando de Soto of the celebration now in full swing. It is the annual De Soto Heritage Festival, one of the premier events of Manatee County and the culmina- tion of 12 months of activities by the Hernando de Soto Historical Society. The next big offering of the festival is the children's parade in Palmetto Friday, April 14. The decidedly informal De Soto Bottle Boat Regatta will be just south of the Palma Sola Causeway from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 22. A musical and fashion show will be at 2:30 and 7:30 pm. Tuesday, April 25, at the municipal auditorium, 1005 Barcarrota Blvd., and the De Soto Ball in the same location at 8 p.m. Friday, April 28. Climaxing the big celebration will be two events on Saturday, April 29 the 5K Run at 6:45 p.m. on Manatee Avenue, and the annual De Soto Grand Parade starting at 7 p.m. on Ninth Avenue, north on 39th Street to Manatee Avenue and then back to Ninth. Hernando de Soto, aka Sprenger, is appropriately bearded with facial decoration he started growing last year when he announced his candidacy for the society's top posi- tion. He lives on Anna Maria Island and in Bradenton. He is a retired orthopedic surgeon and Army Reserve brigadier general. He served in the medical branch of the reserve until he decided to become a gen- eral, when he switched to infantry he sent 1,100 sol- diers to the first Gulf War, he said. He retired as a brigadier in 1991, and retired from his orthopedic surgical practice in Bradenton in 1998. Capalbo's HOUSE OF PIZZA LUNCH PIZZA BUFFET $4.99 *DINNER PIZZA BUFFET $6.29 Dinner buffet includes pizza, soup and salad bar! 792-5300 10519 Cortez Rd. W. Mon-Sat 11am-1Opm Sunday noon-9 Obituaries Shirley Ruth Garner Shirley Ruth Garner, 77, of Cortez, died March 29. Visitation was April 3 and services April 4. Brown and Sons Funeral Home, 43rd Street Chapel, was in charge of arrangements. She is survived by son Allen; brother Donald Stevens; and two grandchildren. Ralph E. Shackett Ralph E. Shackett, 65, of Holmes Beach, died March 29. Born in Suncook, N.H., Mr. Shackett grew up in Bristol, N.H. He served as selectman and was a member of the planning board and budget committee in Bristol, and later as state representative for the Newfound area. He was an educator and coach in Wiscassett, Maine, and at Bristol High School. He was owner of Shackett's Store in Bris- tol. He was an honorary member of the Bristol Rotary Club. He was a past member of the New Hampton Board of Trustees, the Laconia Hospital Board of Directors, and director at the former Bristol Bank. He was a member of the board of directors for the Associated Growers of New England. He was a communicant of St. Timothy Church in Bristol and St. Bernard Catholic Church, Holmes Beach. A gathering of friends will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday, April 6, at Griffith-Cline Funeral Home, Island Chapel, 6000 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Memorial contributions may be made to Camp Mayhew, P.O. Box 120, Bristol NH, or to the Ralph Shackett Scholar- ship, care of The New Hampton School, 70 Main St., New Hampton NH 03256. He is survived by daughter Jennifer Berry of New Hampton; sons Jeff and Jon, both of Bristol; sister Shirley Gilbert of Manchester; brother Charles of Laconia; and six grandchildren. Doris I. Spencer Doris I. Spencer, 72, of Bradenton and formerly Anna Maria Island, died April 2. Born in Ruggles Township; Ohio, Mrs. Spencer moved to the For the record, Hernando de Soto himself was a Spanish Conquistador who landed in 1539, at Shaw's Point in what is now Bradenton to begin his 4,000-mile search for El Dorado, the legendary lost city of gold. After crossing some 10 states, he died of fever. 59 '7 DISCOUNT LIQUOR COCKTAIL LOUNGE I", Coupon Good April 5-11,2006 Ancient Age Bourbon MANATEE COUNTY'S Cuervo Gold Tequila s 1499 #l# INDEPENDANT $339 14 15 BEVERAGE DEALER 1.75 I I I t_39a ;TR a.p. BeLL fiSH CompaN TyiNc. Fresh Seafood Since 1910 Great selection-'of locally caught Grouper; Snapper, Shrimp, Panfish and much more. Planning a fishing trip'' Call about our big selection of D roze-, bail' DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAY See you at our docks! 941-794-1249 S 4Q00 124th St. W. Cortez, Florida _-- Island in 1959. She was involved in the Anna Maria Elementary School and the Anna Maria Island Community Center. She worked in the restaurant business for more than 40 years, including at Patti- george's on Longboat Key. She was a member of TOPS, and served as its president. Memorial services were April 4. Memorial contributions may be made to Tidewell Hospice and Palliative Care, 5955 Rand Blvd., Sarasota FL 34238, or the American Cancer Society, 600 U.S. 301 Blvd. W., Suite 136, Bradenton FL 34205. Shannon Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. She is survived by husband of 51 years Ballard C. Jr.; daugh- ters Emily C. and Debra of Bradenton; and brothers David L. Motter of Shiloh, Ohio, Stanley D. Motter of Ashland, Ohio, and John D. Motter of Peace Dale, R.I. Betty Jane Steel Betty Jane Steel, 81, of Bradenton, died March 31. Mrs. Steel was born in Pittsburgh, Pa. Memorial services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday, April 5, at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria City. Kicliter Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. James 'Marty' L. Stone James "Marty" L. Stone, 70, of Holmes Beach and Bradenton, died Feb. 19. Mr. Stone was born in Rossville, Ga., and moved to Bradenton from Lookout Mountain, Tenn., in 1998. He was an international businessman, world traveler and president of PA Industries. He appreciated good food and fine dining. Memorial services were held on Lookout Mountain March 18. He is survived by wife Jean; sons Jamie and Kevin; daughter Pam; brother William G.; niece Patti Marifjeren and Steve LeCroy; and four grandchildren. Barbara A. Wright Barbara A. Wright, 91, of Bradenton, died March 25. Ms. Wright owned and operated a photography studio for many years. She ~ as a member of St. Bernard Catholic Church, Holmes Beach. Graveside services will be private. Mansion Memorial Funeral Home, Ellenton, is in charge of arrangements. She is survived by brother Steve and sisters Helen and Josie. SCHNITZELHAUS The Best German Restaurant on Florida's West Coast Every Friday Bavarian Haxen S(Pork knuckle with bread dumpling and red cabbage' Please phone ahead 24 hours Reservations a must! 778-1320 HOURS: MON-SAT 5-9:30PM Anna Maria Island Centre 3246 E. Bay Drive Holmes Beach TANDTH E ESTIEAFDI AND THE BEST VIEW FOR ISLAND DINING t~.A..f....s~44. c * *' : ~lrs~g~rI I 6l~f~ lhew RAR yur nWst%, 5-6: O at tM~e wine orr 5406 r lCI0 I Holmes Beach 778-5320 ted "Old Florida Oriinura" An Anna Maria Island Landmark Est. 1952 Eat in Take out Tues-Thurs 11-8 Fri & Sat 11-9 Sun 12-8pim Closed Mon Across from the Manatee Public Beach 3901 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach -78-7769 www.floridasecrets.com MOORE' Stone Crab Restaurant ON THE BAY-END OF BROADWAY, N. LONGBOAT KEY ?COME TRY OUR NEW I4WH SFOO STAKS, BAR MENU (BAR ONLY) CCc wN EEr PASTA V sLUNvC SPECIALS ..- .s FRSHu STONE U1 :30Am-3:30PM Cas DAILY eVERYrAYr LuRf-' CH 'S oM94S A WEK 11:0AM 9PM 941q-383-1 748 7 DAYS A WEEK 11:30AM 9:30PM 6I pli TIHE ISLANDER 0 APRIL 5, 2006 N A-15 No treat for this Anna Maria family to say goodbye By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter When Jo Ann Mattick and her family opened the Tropical Treats and Eats at 9903 Gulf Drive in Anna Maria two years ago, they thought they had found the perfect family business. Indeed, they had almost. "Everything was great," said Jo Ann. "We estab- lished a great customer base and people kept us busy all day. The restaurant was making money and we had established a great reputation." It was the perfect family business except for the. "family" part. Jo Ann along with son John and daughter-in-law Marcia and son-in-law Roger Bouchard and daughter Becky made the decision last month to close Tropical Treats because there was no "family" in operating a restaurant that demanded so much time away from the family. "It was a tough decision," said Jo Ann, the matri- arch of the family that also owns the Pine Avenue Gen- eral Store in Anna Maria. The family had originally intended Tropical Treats to specialize in ice cream, but the demand for short- order meals quickly outpaced the ice cream business. And preparing and serving food, noted Jo Ann, is extremely "labor intensive." After two years the business was doing great, while family life was suffering.. With the popularity of Tropical Treats growing almost daily, John, Marcia and Becky found they had no time on weekends for their own children because the business had to be open on Saturday and Sunday to accommodate the weekend visitors to the Island. But Becky Bouchard, the chief cook at the restau- rant, is also a registered nurse. She got an offer last month from Manatee Memorial Hospital and quickly realized she would have a lot more time to spend with her two children if she went back to nursing. "She has two young children and had absolutely no Board backtracks on extending ROR district By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter An extension of Anna Maria's retail-office-residen- tial district from Pine Avenue south on Gulf Drive to Palmetto Avenue in the city's future land-use map now under revision was put on hold March 27 by the plan- ning and zoning board after two members changed their "votes" on expanding the district. Although not allowed to vote at a worksession, the board consensus at its Feb. 6 meeting was to extend the district currently only along Pine Avenue- on both the east and west sides of Gulf Drive south from Pine Avenue to Palmetto. The area is. presently a mix of commercial and residential uses. Board members Margaret Jenkins and Jim Conoly said that after careful consideration of the issue and a public outcry from a number of residents along the affected area they've changed their minds. Jenkins said she reconsidered and now believes "the present amount of commercial property" in the city is enough. "I did iot realize at the time that it [the ROR dis- trict] would extend as far as Palmetto," she said. Conoly said his position was that people who bought their property as residential in a residential neighborhood should have that neighborhood pro- tected. There's no need for more commercial or ROR area in the city. That decision put the board back to square one to make a recommendation on the proposed FLUM, which has stirred considerable controversy since pre- sented to the board by the ad hoc comprehensive plan review committee last August. Board member Randall Stover said he would not oppose changing the land-use designation back to resi- dential, but newly elected board chairperson Fran Bar- ford noted there were some "problems" with other properties in the affected area. "There are obviously some issues," said Barford, who asked Tony Arrant, the comp plan professional hired by the city to facilitate the proposed FLUM and comp plan, to come back to the board for an April 10 workses- sion with proposals and suggestions for the "issues." time to spend with them on weekends," said Jo Ann. The same was true for Marcia and John, who have two children at home and reside in the house adjacent to Tropical Treats. "My daughter actually hugged me last night," said Marcia, "and said it was good to see me so early," instead of the normal late evening hour when she and John would close the business. With Becky's decision, the family decided "not to drag it out," said Jo Ann. The decision was made last month to close at the end of March. But this goodbye is not for good. "We're not leaving the Island," said Marcia. She and John and their children will continue to- live in the house next door and Jo Ann will remain active in local affairs and keep tabs on all her grand- children. o' -o 0 a 0 0 o : Anna Maria Elementary School menu Monday, April 10 Breakfast: Pretzel Cinnamon Sticks, Cereal, Toast, Bagel Lunch: "Beach-Party" Hot Dog or Hamburger, French Fries, Coleslaw, Fruit, Dessert Tuesday, April 11 Breakfast: Egg and Cheese Biscuit, Cereal, Toast, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Fruit Lunch: Chicken Tenders or Muffin and Yogurt Plate, Steamed Carrots, Chips, Veggies with Dip, Peaches Wednesday, April 12 Breakfast' Waffle Sticks, Bagel, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Nachos with Meat and Cheese or Trout Melt Sandwich, Spanish Rice, Winter Mix Veg- etables, Sliced Pears Thursday, April 13 Breakfast: Fresh Baked Muffin, Cereal, Toast, Super Donut, Fruit Lunch: Student Planned Menu Friday, April 14 No School. Juice and milk are served with every meal. I. @ 0 0005 S .. ... S S - All-you-can-eat - 95 Mon-Fri 7am-noon 9 Sat-Sun 7am-lpm **** ** ***, Evening entertainment! 4-8pm Wed ~ Larry Rich Thurs & Sat ~ Rick Boyd Fri & Sun Tom Mobley Mon & Tues Mark Cravens *+ 4 ** * * ** + S ^ fMonday Italian Night S$All-you-$795 can-eat 4.-8pm TUESDAY 4-8pm. SUNSET SPECIALS . ********** *' *** * TACO &8. AJI rTA'T Every Wednesday 4-8pr m All-You- $ 95 Can-Eat I * * *'* ** Thursday German Buffet All-you- s 95 caoMn-at 4-8pm FR FRY ~ 2-8 pm Qa with fries and slaw S?? >ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT. 0q $4395 OPEN 7 AM 7 DAYS A WEEK BEER & WINE .4000 Gjif.,pr'.i *..Hoiq s, ..cacb,* 778-0784 ... S S S S S S S S 0 S 0 0~~ S a S S 0 0 S Italian Americ "- '. Restaji t & Dinner Show Wed.April 5 Early Bird Show $19.95- Tonight only Elvis Tribute Artist We invite you to join us and enjoy the music of the "Entertainer of the Century-- Elvis Presley" Thurs. April 6 's: Fri. April 7 Sat. April 8. Briefcase Blues present their "Tribute to the Blues Brothers" "Tell your Momma you're gonna be late getting home" A*A *AA A**AAA AkA A A**A AA* **A** Wed. April 12 1st Ever "Single Mingle" Join us to meet new friends and neighbors! Dinner and Show only $19.95 * AA*AAA*AAAAA **AAAAA AA* A**A *AA H Thurs. April 13 M. Fri. April 14 . Sat. April 15 SRob Garrett is the "KING OF DIAMONDS" from Las Vegas Legends in Concert. Don't miss this return performance to Tony's Italian Restaurant. Rob's portrayal of Neil Diamond isright on the money! 6713 14th St. W...1.5 miles north of SRQ. Airport on US 41 Bradenton Call for reservations: (941 )-751-4800 W --W I 16-A 0 APRIL 5, 2006 TIHE ISLANDER I t IFh 13. i. .; .,;... _...,._ r. :: i.. i`' :l~L -J ''' -I :i- spa~rr .~ ,.1 ;. rtCEE :^Plll - Fp. i? I I - Peteursgwq i.;'. r -- I A 1 (101rfuc:nI lr, C-rcgagE 0 irnipiI rc Hi. -'I a,1- ... P,i EI E it T a iF; ., Ji nu.a F, 1 '')' i i Awi, r atIr Jau I..: -l ,pr r t I) L601ju.'-SO I..: iI v. .1prV.?I A I i 634 1 1 1FurjlIC uaI ,1 E; .?,1 r, I.?bAn b .r, ; 5ar ..:I u-..c.r, a pr. I V Sif. ruutievi: Iat J.r uL:.: C..-, nii- r Tr., prorrloiI-: rin maIE i 0 -,11Do Ii no dsiooacr (ov i : t u o I.: rv u 1 vi un r .I..v ::IA ri 'd,, cm i ror, r Fre utIEd I o :ptrr r re7 i fgn( v. ;uth~~iwe &'., ol ire iiwSqr,-- n 3 r, rw n.:i,.: E M ic S M 4. ?.?I'F n. r" ara43 e Cilc3n jI :pli o :ppo< ,ricair,, hvr rriy arj ,if p V- .i &i ioI mamy jir I )..uram A w fi.)i TI ln il n 11 n, w imfior..r F.. lei i1, PI qu.?..VrruI ,II1 CC D p r *.:.E .)pinor,B p. rBF'E R P.G PTC i PAT iCIRt jI)I LrL r.1 IE 'CAIF WllHERE FP,.H16i1TE E P LAW. ORALREPRESENTATIONSCANNOT KE FEE. CR11 2.i C I PC;ECTL, TAiTit 3 R PER'PE'-.E !Tr J IAT DF THE C'EUELCFIFl 'K CiPPEC REPREaEIITiC16 r.tii PEFPFL iIE TC'T THE 5EN1J1.1 JTiS IIarErC B.E :.' rir:r i li' 1.1.j FLORRIDASTATUTES, TOBE FURNISHED BY THE DEVELOPERTOABUYEROR LESSEE.' 'Ii If P ; '' , .. ., 'a . .* ?-' -- TImfie Islande .- <.479 The Small Boat Festival was "an unpredictably huge hit," said Roger Allen, who put it together at the behest of "Chips" Shore, clerk of the Manatee Circuit Court who is in charge of such things in the county, and of the Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage, the Cortez civic organization. There is no way of counting the number of people who attended, said Allen, but the Bayside Banquet Hall was jammed with 180 for the awards banquet and 68 boats were entered in the competitions. Lifelong boatbuilder Jim Alderman of Snead Island won the Class Division of the open race with the skipjack he built; Dave Lucas of Bradenton won Class B with his 15-foot melon seed "Lazla;" and Jay. - Ludvich of Naples won class C in his 13-foot dinghy.*. -. ' Allen and his wife Michelle won the Way Out Island Regatta - in their Abaco Girl, despite some early rudder trouble. -- In judged categories, Lisa Fath of Palmetto won the Chips -j. -, f Shore award for restoration of a traditional craft with her 1950s Windmill; Dick Pfaff won the Jim Alderman award for contempo- ? rary boats with his wood kayak; Mike Vermouth of New Hamp- shire won the George Luzier award for traditional, design with con- temporary construction with a wherry; Mike Fonville of Moorhead City, N.C, won the Lee Hickok award for traditional design with traditional construction with his sprits'l skiff; and Cy Bloom of Miami won the MacMcCathy paddling craft award with his Wee Lassie canoe. A couple of uncategorized winners cited by Allen were John and Patty Banyas, who shut down their boatyard and related opera- tions all weekend to make room for the festival at the waterfront People from across the country converged on Cortez last weekend for the first Great Florida Gulf end of 119th Street in Cortez. Coast Small Craft Festival. Builders of cla i, i' 't cds were on hand to show and race their creations. Islander Photos: Paul Roat ,,1-.- 1^-''. I:- . .,*- -* - .- ..-.............- ..... . SMaritime museum chief Roger Allen set offto race Saturday, only tofind he was A crowd packed the deck at the bay side of 119th Street to watch the races missing a key component of his boat ... its rudder But not to worry ... h#et~rk ' ~ & v-cm .z-~ ali Be it kite or sail, some of the fun at the festival was blowing in the wind. ... a friend in a kayak was on hand to paddle the rudder out so the race could go on. 2-B M APRIL 5, 2006 U THE ISLANDER Please, your help needed in counting critters Birders and biologists are looking for our help in identification of critters in and around the water of Anna Maria Island. Let's give 'em a hand. Spoonbill needs According to the Florida Audubon Society, there have been tremendous fluctuations in the population of Roseate spoonbills in the past century. The big pink wading birds, with the spoon-shaped beak used to snor- kel food, were at one point prized for their plumes back in the 1800s. Their numbers plummeted as the plume market rose. Then came people and the development of the species' habitat, namely wetlands, and the numbers dropped even more. But even as the population of spoonbills lowered in Florida Bay and near the Florida Keys, the Tampa Bay spoonbill crowd began to grow. "Whether these birds are moving from Florida Bay to Tampa Bay is unknown," according to Audubon experts: What is known is that the birding folks want our help in identifying birds, many of which have been banded to help in figuring out where they've been and what they're doing. There's an aluminum band on the lower leg just above the foot on some birds, and a colored band just above some of the birds' "knees." Audubon and other would like to know what you can see about the bands, what colors they are, which leg of the bird they're on, even markings if you can get close enough without disturbing the bird. Let them know by either calling the Coastal Islands Sanctuaries folks at. (813) 623-6826, or you can log your report onto a Web site at audubonflorida.com. There used to be lots of spoonbills in and around Perico Island, both north and south of the road, in years past. Development has somewhat hampered their tra- ditional wetland haunts, but I've still spotted a few in the area every once in a while. Springtime thoughts of horseshoe crab love SHorseshoe crabs are spawning this spring, and sci- entists are looking for our help in counts and loca- tions. Full-moon high tides are a good time to watch for the dinnerplate-sized critters, which are coming up April 13. Anyone who spots a spawning location or lots of crabs should contact the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's Fish and Wildlife Research Institute in St. Petersburg, research.myfwc.com/ horseshoe_crab, e-mail at horseshoe@myfwc.com, or call toll-free to 1-866-252-9326. "Biologists also want to know how many horse- shoe crabs observers count and whether the horse- shoe crabs are spawning," according to the FWC. "Researchers said horseshoe crab harvests are too high in some states. To manage the species more effec- 1,ified Full Automotive Repair %.W 5333 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 779-0487 [at the corer of Gulf and Marina Drive] EARLY RISER 7-8A TuES-FRIl 40 +x cT OGR.ENS FEE 8:04AM-12:52pM $50 + tax ES 0-l2:302m 45A 'GREENS FEE 1100-2:30pM $45 CR A 2 $ CART TeeFTi2mes 3AIaREENS FEE AFTER 2:30PM 3 TOlax CRT j I . By Pau l Roat. 7 . .. ... .- .... ..- ..- ............... .... tively, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commis- sion requires all Atlantic coastal states to identify horseshoe crab spawning beaches." The prehistoric crabs, more closely related to spi- ders than mollusks, are a useful creature for scien- tists. "Research on the compound eyes of horseshoe crabs led to better understanding of the human visual system, and horseshoe crab blood is useful in the bio- medical industry," according to the FWC. "A special substance in their blood is a component in testing for bacterial contamination in human blood and commer- cial drugs. In addition, manufacturers use the mate- rial that makes up the horseshoe crab's shell chitinn) to make contact lenses, skin creams and hair sprays." There have been some problems of overfishing of horseshoe crabs in the Northeastern Atlantic states in the past few years, and the accurate census numbers are needed to come up with a population base and location analysis. Female crabs are generally larger, and will attract one or more'male crabs in a kind of train as they crawl along in the water. Most of the crabs seem to work their way into the shallows I've mostly seen their in the bays and they then burrow partly into the sand, where the eggs are laid and fertilized. Keep your eyes peeled in the next few weeks and give the scientists the benefit of your local knowledge. One spot I've noted the crab orgy is Prices Key at the mouth of Palma Sola Bay, and off Gilligan's Island near north Perico Island, but I'm sure there are many, many more crab bordellos out there; Good luck in your hunt. Wetland expansion, or demise? Sometimes you've just gotta shake your head about the thought processes of our governmental leaders. Wetlands are a vital piece of the environmental chain that provide home, food and shelter to count- less species of critters. What were once thought of as worthless swamps are now recognized as being invalu- able areas worthy of protection. Of course, in Florida and elsewhere, those swamps are also, prime real estate for waterfront homes, and the -desire to. dredge, fill and build is such that developers have nasty dreams about changing the ecosystem to fit their will and the will of filling their wallets. DOCKS-N-DECKS Specializing in docks and decks Maintenance Cleaning Painting Repair (941) 779-1,839 docksndecks@verizon.net Licensed and insured Charter Boat S"MAGIC" Backwater Near Shore Up to 7 miles out in the Gulf Snook Redfish Trout Flounder Mackerel Snapper Light Tackle Fishing Reservations a Must!, Tackle, bait, ice, fishing license provided! 723-1107 Co Mike -estanc. d -US.lGcensed According to a survey by the U.S. Fish and Wild- .life Service, there were 520,000 acres of wetlands in . the country destroyed for development from 1998 to 2004, as reported in the St. Petersburg Times. But get this: The feds are saying that there was, actually a net increase of 715,000 acres of wetlands, because the sampling method used included retention ponds, lakes on golf courses and other manmade water bodies. Hmmm, let's see if this is right. You take an ancient mangrove forest that has trees that date back a hundred years or so, bulldoze it, put up a bunch of condos, plunk in a mandatory retention pond with a few exotic cattails in the middle of the project, and then lean back and say you've done good? At least the Fish and Wildlife folks are clinging on the end of a dying limb, so to speak, in their argument, based on the "no net loss" program findings' opposi- tion from other federal and state agencies, as well as environmental groups. The idea of mitigating wetlands is generally agreed" to be a poor solution to protecting the environment. The issue isn't so much quantity as quality, and a pris- tine wetland is going to do much, much more for the environment than some drainage canal or a pond in the middle of a grassy golf course, regardless of how many acres may be involved. But the development community apparently has embraced the new numbers, and is crowing about how much they're giving back to the environment through good stewardship via mitigation, or some such drivel. Jeez. Sandscript factoid The Sarasota Bay Estuary Program did a study years ago on the nutrient loading of water bodies adja- cent to waterfront golf courses. The premise was that with all the fertilizer, pesticides and other chemicals sprayed or dumped on the courses, the surrounding water would be filled with all sorts of nasty chemicals. The results were the opposite. As hard to believe as it may seem, there were no signs of excess runoff chemicals found in the receiving waters near golf courses, at least no more than what are found in any other waterfront development other than natural wet- lands. 'The groundskeepers at golf courses are apparently so well trained in using the exact amounts of chemicals to keep the grass just right that there isn't any excess to flow into the bays or Gulf of Mexico. "Golf course maintenance practices have minimal impact on groundwater quality," the study concluded. UNC EPETE WANTS YOU TO DRIVE A CLEAN CAR! 24-hour sell-serve car wash Complete auto detailing SQuick lube AMERICAN CAR WASH 5804 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach 778-1617 MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED PIRATES ME m u 1t' N..' o ats fLs 'rTa M" in,3i-Golf FISH. TALES WELCOME We'd love to hearyour fish stories, and pictures are welcome, too. Just give us a call at 778-7978 or stop by our office in the Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach. Trie Islander THE ISLANDER U APRIL 5. 2006 U B-3 Can't get much better than this: Grouper, amberjack By Capt. Mike Heistand Whitebait is a good harbinger of good fishing and, after a brief hiatus and what we all hope was the last cold front of the season, the little baitfish are back and thick for the taking. Backwater fishing continues to be good for sheeps- head, but redfish, snook and even a few flounder are also starting to appear. Offshore is just drop-dead great for grouper, snap- per and amberjack. Capt. Thorn Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez Road said he's catching small redfish and snook, with artificial bait workingthe best for the best action. Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle at Catch- ers Marina in Holmes Beach said fishing is "red hot right now, with snook, redfish and sheepshead inshore, while offshore it's grouper, snapper and amberjack." Capt. Larry McGuire of Show Me The Fish Charters said bluntly that "fishing has been awesome this past week. Snapper fishing is still the hot ticket to target. Most of our clients have been catching their fed- eral aggregate limit of snapper, which is 10 per person. We have been catching large mangrove, yellowtail and lane snapper, as well as some large gag, red, and scamp grouper." He also put one charter onto a 7-foot-long. blacktip shark. He's been fishing in 115-foot depths in the Gulf of Mexico, using live Key West grunts, pinfish, frozen Spanish sardines for the grouper hookups, and live shrimp for the snapper. Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said he's hearing good things about snook coming out of Terra Ceia Bay. There are also lots of sheepshead still being caught near the Sunshine Skyway Bridge area, plus lots of redfish, with some fishers reporting more than 50 hookups per trip. Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said he's seeing a good batch of good-sized fish coming to the decks: Sheepshead, a few pompano, whiting and drum. Jesus Rosario at the Anna Maria City Pier said he's seeing a bunch of snook coming onto the dock at night, plus a few mackerel during the day, plus some flounder. Capt. Rick Gross on Fishy Business out of Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said his charters have been catching some good-size snook, a few keeper-size redfish, and whitebait have returned after the cold front chased them off for a bit. At Perico Island Bait and Tackle, reports include sheepshead No. 1 coming into the dock still, but there - are more and mote redfish getting caught in the Palma Sola Bay area. At Skyway Bait and Tackle, reports include a few sheepshead from the Sunshine Skyway Bridge area, but there are also lots of reports of good-sized redfish inside of Miguel Bay, as well as a few mackerel coming in from the bays. Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of Annie's said that water warmed quickly after the most recent and probably last cold front of the season. *.a CAPT AXW* Keepers all Happy fishers from a day on the water at Stray Dog Charters with Capt. Scott Greer are, from left,. Dan Pelton, Bob Felker Ray Reineck, Brook Reineck, Sue Felker and Max Sulzberger "Fishing action was hot and cold over the week," he said. "The best-day was enjoyed by Warren Larson and his two grandsons, from Portage, Ind. The trio boated around 10 snook, 25 trout and a handful of jack, sheeps- head and ladyfish. All of the fish were released. Dick Kowal of Holmes Beach also boated a nice 27-inch snook." Capt. Zach said most of the action is taking place at the change of the tide using both shrimp and whitebait. "The most notable catch was the spotted sea trout in Anna Maria Sound. The trout were not huge but ranged from 14 to 17 inches and were found over deep Two spring boating classes planned by power squadron Two spring boating classes will, be given by the Anna Maria Island Power Squadron at the organiza- tion's building, 1200 71st St. W., Bradenton. Chart Smart will be from 6:15 to 8:15 p.m. Wednes- day, April 5, at no charge. Those attending are to bring a chart of local waters, parallel rulers, right triangle, dividers, pencil and eraser. Boat Smart will be in two sessions, 6:15 to 8:15 p.m. Tuesday, May 2, and 6:15 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 3. A $35 fee covers materials. It will provide an overview of safety, laws, weather, rules of the road, boat handling and distress signals. Those interested may register with Steve or JoAnn Vaughn at 714-0449. FRI & SAT NIGHT SNAPPER 6PM 8am.3pm "',., .::. Sailing Daily Daily until from Annie's April22 ait&Tackle ,, JJ ., ?.-._74: seagrass. Trout have been pretty scarce in the area and the catch was very encouraging." On my boat Magic, we caught more than 100 sheepshead last week, with most up to 6 pounds, plus some mangrove snapper and limit-catches of redfish on every trip. Good luck and good fishing. Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing guide. Call him at 723-1107 to provide a fishing report. Prints and digital images of your catch are also welcome and may be dropped off at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to news@islander org. Please include identification for persons in the picture along with information on the catch and a name and phone number for more informa- tion. Snapshots may be retrieved once they appear in the paper ,a I Moon Date FQ Apr5 Apr 6 Apr 7 Apr 8 Apr 9 Apr 10- -Apr11 Apr 12 AM 11:45 11:44 11:42 11:46 12:08 /)>- PM HIGH 5:02 2.0 6:40 1.9 8:26 1.8 9:42 1.8 10:41 1.8 11:26 1.8 11:51a* 1.9 PM LOW SCortez High Tides 7 minutes later lows 1:06 later Snook' Trout Redfish 'Tarpon Grouper obla 941-704-6763 sumotimefishing.com .. Capt Mark Howard Inshore/Neaishi SUSCG licensed/insyred .? .," */ .. ... *** L0Ckin9g fcr the peret further ... The Islander 'U ,, LtFISHING LICENSE LUVE-& FROZEN BAIT I TERMINAL TACKLE SUNGLASSES & HATS S rPENN SHIMANO*ST CROIX 'Everytming You Need for Florido Fishing ., S -, -i --' ISLAND DISCOUNT IlTACELE v 5503 MARINA DRIVE at CATCHER'S MARINA (by Holmes Beach boat basin) 779-2838 OPEN DAILY (major credit cards) CHARTER BOAT JAN MARIE 4-B 1 APRIL 5, 2006 M THE ISLANDER Islanders snatch defeat from jaws of victory By Kevin Cassidy Islander Reporter A pair of Islander errors in the top of the seventh inning kept Champ Products alive, leading to a nine-run inning and an 11-7 loss by The Anna Maria Islanders junior league baseball team. Ben Valdivieso, who had allowed only two hits and two runs through six innings, took a 7-2 lead into the fateful seventh inning. He walked lead-off hitter Gar- rett Russini, but got brother Patrick Russini looking at strike three for out No. 1. Casey Najjar singled to right, putting Braden River runners on first and third. Valdivieso then induced two Sunday-hop ground balls to shortstop, but two throws in the dirt ignited the Braden River boys, who sent 14 batters to the plate in the inning on the way to an 11-7 victory. Champ Products jumped out to a 2-0 lead in the fourth inning when Tyler Gochar reached on a fielder's choice in front of Brad McCutcheon, who singled. Dallas Downing reached on an error to score Gochar before Jake Merrill singled in McCutcheon for a 2-0 lead. The Islanders got one run back in the bottom half of the fourth when Brandon Dengler reached on a field- er's choice and moved to third on a passed ball and a stolen base. There he easily scored on Cory Wash's fielder's choice ground ball. The Islanders scored four runs in the fifth when Matt Shafer and Ben Paul walked in front of Joey Hutchinson, who was hit by a pitch to load the bases. Troy Kosewski brought home Shafer and Paul with a bloop single to center. The Champ Products catcher received the throw from center field, then attempted to gun down Hutchinson at third. His throw sailed into left field allowing Hutchinson to score and Kosewski to advance to third. Dengler then followed with a single to right to score Kosewski for a 5-2 lead. Wash walked and Valdivieso reached on an error to lead off the sixth. Shafer then hit a fly ball to right field that the right-fielder played into a triple, scoring Wash and Valdivieso for a 7-2 lead. Duncan extends AAA lead Duncan Real Estate won another pair of games to Islanders pitcher Ben Valdivieso delivers a pitch during a heartbreaking 11-7 home-opening loss. extend its winning streak to four and open up a sizable lead in the AAA Little League standings, despite the season being only a couple of weeks old. Duncan handily defeated Morgan Stanley 9-3 on April 1 behind the.hot hitting of Blake Wilson, who went 3-for-3 including a double and three runs scored. Wilson also pitched three innings in relief of Duncan starter Max Moneuse and struck out eight Morgan Stanley batters to earn the win. Hunter Parrish added a single and two runs scored to the Duncan attack that also received a two-run double from Alex Burgess and a single and one run scored from Justin Succa. Michael Dolan and Moneuse each had singles on the day for ACROSS FROM SENSATIONAL BEACH makes this an enviable locjaton foryearsto come. This 3BR townhouse with an easy care design offers triple sky-light living area with soaring ceilings, labor-saving kitchen, liberally-sized closets, inviting master suite and lazy loft upstairs, creatively sized rto-car attached garage wmin 150 st work area anda 480 st le/ room Grab a rare hfin in island Village' $629.000 Jim D'Alessio. 19J 1)737-0606. Bw i 3/2 & 1/1 .Walk to Beach or shopping. Located on quiet street with beautiful landscaping and an. updated exterior. Lots of curb appeal. Tile throughout both units and updated bathrooms. Great investment. New air handler in 3BR..$615,000. Principals only, call (813) 760-1998 (941) 807-5626 (941) 735-5375. CUUiE3Jl log~pihF p sm i WA u Stephen Thomas carries the ballforward for his U14 Region C winning IMG soccer team. Islander Photos: Kevin Cassidy Duncan. William Brusso and Martine Miller each singled and scored one run to pace the Morgan Stanley offense, which also received singles from Lee Bergeron and Pate in the loss. \ MFD captured its first win on the season when it mercy-ruled Morgan Stanley 14-3 in three innings on March'29. Trevor Bystrom went 3-for-3, including a double and three runs scored, while Jake Rappe and Daniel Janisch each went 2-for-3 with two runs scored. Tommy Price also went 2-for-3 and scored three runs, PLEASE SEE SPORTS, NEXT PAGE SGulf-Bay Realty Jesse Brisson Broker Associate, GRI 941-713-4755 MINI RESORT Two duplexes, four units in Bradenton Beach directly across the street from the beach. $649,000 each duplex. FULL GULF VIEWS: Unobstructed views from this adorable 2BR/1BA turnkey condo. $499,000. VALENCIA GARDEN: 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished condo with golf course views and pool. Completely updated! $289,000. SANDY POINTE: 2BR/2BA impeccably maintained condo with good rental history. Must see. $355,000. FEET TO THE BEACH: Spacious 2BR/2BA bath condo with pool and great rental history. $599,000. NORTH BEACH VILLAGE: A 2BR/2.5BA, 1,500 sf condo with pool. $599,000. Best New Construction Value at 312 61st St., Holmes Beach Enio' short srolkl to the be.'ch ,nd .ll that the island hI ing has to ofter in these charnmng beach bungalo%,s. Located \'est o1 Marina Drive. these homes are siluated close to the beach :on a quiet and praeJeful srreet in beautuul Holntes Beach. These homes include the S following lu.tiry amenities: * Hardwood loors Cenutal vacutm * Pools \ith pa\er Lipgraded kitchens decks and baths * Outside hot/cold Granite contertops sh-oer Metal roofs * Intercom system Hardi Board siding Cal for further details and floorplans. AERIAL PHOTOS OF ANNA MARIA ISLAND "& CHuAR NG 1.700 sf 3BR/2BA $695,000 j . 'ISLANDS BEST BUY!!!! This elevated home comes complete with fireplace, deeded boat slip and a great view down the canal. Ready for your personal touches. Extra large lot in desirable "year-round" neighborhood. Full two-car garage and workshop. Easy to see. New price of $625,000. WOW! Screen ^7jr ' REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA L 941 778-0455 Ken Jackson, 778-6986 9906 Gulf Drive Kathy Geeraerts, 778-0072 SMaureen Dahms, 778-0542 Anna Maria Kate Eiseler, 778-5115 www.greenreal.com Evelyn Mitchell, 778-1952 ELKA PHOTOGRAPHIC 941-778-2711 www.jackelka.com OUTSTANDING 2,225 sf 3BR/2.5BA $795,000 THE ISLANDER U APRIL 5, 2006 3 B-5 Sports CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4-B including a three-run triple to right in the first inning. Daniel Pimental doubled and scored twice and Austin Wash tripled and scored one run for WMFD in the vic- tory. Joel Hart singled and scored one run to lead Morgan Stanley, which also received single runs from Kyle Parsons and Julian Botero in the loss. Duncan Real Estate edged WMFD 13-10 on March 27 in a game that saw both teams combine for 21 base-on-balls allowed. Duncan managed only four base hits, which were led by Blake Wilson's three- run double in the second inning. Hunter Parrish and Michael Dolan each singled and scored two runs for Duncan in the victory. Tommy Price led WMFD with a pair of hits including an inside-the-park homerun in the fourth inning. Trevor Bystrom singled and scored three runs and Daniel Janisch doubled and scored twice for WMFD in the loss. Islander Thomas on championship team Lifelong Island resident Stephen Thomas of Anna Maria and his IMG Soccer Academy teammates cap- tured the Region C Cup in Tampa over the March 25-26 weekend. The competition, a three-weekend tournament, actually started March 3, when IMG won two games and tied one to advance to the second round. It defeated the Cobras 3-0 and tied Hernando Heat 1-1 on March 3, then came back the following day and defeated East Lake 3-1. The March 11-12 weekend saw IMG again win two games and tie one to advance to the semifinals. It tied Valrico 1-1 in its first game on March 11 before rolling past Estero by a 5-0 score. The next morning, the IMG boys squeaked past the Sarasota Storm by a 1-0 score. IMG played its best soccer when it counted most as they avenged the only "blemishes" in their champi- onship run. They defeated the Hernando Heat 2-0 in the semifinals and then edged Valrico by a 1-0 score to capture the Region C cup championship. Thomas, along with fellow central midfielder Mark Poncin, controlled the middle thanks 'to their tremendous tackling and passing abilities. They were helped by mid-fielders Ernesto Nemer and Adam Vining, whose tenacious play helped feed forwards Kyle Bellingar, Matt Unzicker, Carter Dorton, Chaz Heller, Brandon Rolland and Anthony Sosa. Goalie Austin Dumas anchored IMG's stingy defense, which allowed only three goals throughout the Region C Cup. Supporting him were defenders Juan Hopkins, Jeremy Thompson, John Voychik, Teren Pen- nebacker and Kyle Harris. Congratulations Thomas and IMG! Key Royale golf news Nancy King fired a two-under par 30 to win Anna Maria Island Little League Baseball schedule Junior League (ages 13-15) April 8 10 a.m. Wahington Mutual vs. Islanders Field: Birdie Tebbetts April 10 6:30 p.m. Islanders vs. Tile With Style Field: Palma Sola AAA League (ages 9-12) April 5 6:30 p.m. Duncan vs. M. Stanley April 8 10 a.m. WMFD vs. Duncan April 10 6:30.p.m. M. Stanley vs. WMFD AA League (ages 8-10) April 6 5:30 p.m. Bistro vs. IRE April 6 7 p.m. M. Stanley vs. B. Hills April 11 5:30 p.m. Bark vs. B. Hills April 11 7 p.m., M. Stanley vs. IRE T-Ball (ages 5-7) April 7 6 p.m. April 8 9 a.m. April 8 10 a.m. Harry's vs. LPAC Harry's vs. Sandbar A&E vs. LPAC Cory Wash slides safely into third V. base during junior league S. baseball :'. action at Birdie Teb- .. ., .. .. betts Field. golf competition March 28. Joyce Brown and Judy. Crowe tied for second with 33, while Lois Biel, Barb Carr, Dorothy McKinna, Cindy Miller, Tootie Wagner and Penny Williams tied for-fourth with 36. Flight B winners were Barb Manson and Mary Pat Swarmy, who tied with 29, two shots better than third- place finisher Jane Winegarden. Flight C went to Dee Bassett, Nell Bergstrom and Shirley Cessna, who each shot 35, while flight D win- ners were Teddy Morgan and Jean Tourt. Horseshoe news Ron Pepka and George Page defeated "walker" Adin Shank by a 21-17 score to win the March 29 horseshoe competition at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Pepka and Page advanced to the finals by besting Ron Chance and Rod Bussey. On March 25, Sam Samuels and Norm Langeland came from behind to defeat John Johnson and Hank Huyghe 21-20. Anna Maria Island Little League Baseball standings Team Duncan WMFD M. Stanley Won 4 1 Lost 0 2 3 Now You Can Have Your Cake and Eat It Too! ur 'Cash Flow" The Lowest Interest Rate Anywhere: based approach Asset Manager Purchase Loans 1.45%" to financing real Refinance (Cash Out) Loans 1.55% estate will dem- onstrate to you the power No Lender Closing Costs. No Points. No Broker Fee. the right loan can have in allowing you to build Loan Amounts $250,000 to $5,000,000 .. i Everyone loves it Everyone reads iU Well, almost everyone ... Anna Maria Island's longest-running, most award-winning newspaper Sever isfavored by Islanders and visitors at newsstands and by S mail-order subscribers. SAnd Baby Evan Talucci of SHolmes Beach highly recommends reading The Islander.every week. Te Islander SINCE 1992 -.... ....Web-site: www. islander, org ... - wealth (equity) at an accel- erated rate. Most people finance real estate the same way they would cars or other depre- ciating assets. Real estate is different because it goes up in value and needs to be financed differently to minimize your interest pay- ments. Learn more aboul the se- crets of a "Cash Flow" based, rather than the tra- ditional "Amoitization" based financing ap- proach. Your home is most likely your biggest asset and needs an "Asset Manager" loan to optimize your debt management. Call today and we will re- Veal the secrets the wealthy have known for years! Thinking of Selling? Cash Out Instead' Extra $20,000 Cash for Cash Back Up to $500,000 Available $55 Per Mo! Borow p T LederClsi. Cot Mnthy ayet $250,000 $500,000 None None $626 00 $1252 40 $750,000 None $1878 74 $1,000,000 None $2504 99 SRate and monthly payments based on our Asset Manager Loan Other loan products a ,ailable. Control more real estate. Create more wealth. For more loan information call (941) 725-3207 PRa3es subject to change and may not be available at commitment or close APR is 5.998%. :. '006 The Loan Corporation -........... _--_H LQAN -CORPORATION 6-B 0 APRIL 5, 2006 T THE ISLANDER I W U r N 'iN i Wi ~ m 'L0 THREE YEARS NEW white leather sofa with queen sleeper (never used), matching love seat with two electric recliners. $1,200. (941) 792-9200. PAVING BRICKS: NEW. Colors are mixed, red, gray and orange. 63-4.5x6.5 inches at $.40 each; 453-6.5 inch square at $.50 each and 87-6.5x9.5 inches at $.75 each. Enough for 190 sf, +/-. Also, 122 retaining wall blocks: 8x6x12 and 59 caps, 8x3x12 inches at $2 each. All about one-third less than local prices or $300 for the lot. Excellent for patio or walk. You haul away. (941) 778-5665 FOUR-DOOR GLASS cooler, $2,000. Two-door stainless-steel cooler, $ 1,500. (941) 778-4441. FLORAL COUCH, PEACH swivel chair, china cup- board, bistro table and two chairs. Excellent condi- tion. (941) 792-1209. FOR SALE: BISTRO table with four chairs $450. Antique liquor cabinet $300. Call (941) 932-2396. TANNING BED, new bulbs, $800. Call Paige, (941) 798-3448. AERIAL PHOTOS of Anna Maria Island. View and purchase online: www.jackelka.com. FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp, crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call James Lee, (941) 795-1112 or 704-8421. LONGBOAT KEY HISTORY "From Calusas to Con- dominiums" by Ralph B. Hunter. Signed copies available at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-7978. HONEYBELL TANGELOS now ripe in January, on sale by the AMI Kiwanis Club. $31-$36 for a bushel. Shipped free in USA. Call to receive an order blank. (941) 761-8834 or online WWW.annamariakiwanis.org. ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open 9:30am-2pm Tues- days and Thursdays. 9am-noon on Saturdays. Sales racks, children's clothing. 511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. (941) 779-2733. SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander. Michael Saunders & Company I- Licensed Real Estate Broker Kimberly Roehl, P.A. 941 447-9988 Investing in Property Leads to Oppormrtriies I NEWLISTING .. ... PLAYA ENCANTADA 2BR urnio ijiouronli 10OO-FOOTCANALFRONTAGE: H,:,rmn tjlur?. complex.Turnkeyfurnished,heatedpool/spa, tile roof, porcelain floors, updated kitchen, tennis courts, shuffleboard, clubhouse, coveredpatiowithwet-bararea, dock,10,0001b saunas, and partial Gulf views. $795,000. lift and'no bridges to Tampa Bay. $649,900. 1 NEW PRICE |l, ..,. CHARMING BEACH BUNGALOW: :mrn MOTIVATEDSELLER:Eliv,,iied2BR 1 .BA pletely updated 2BR/2BA duplex. Turnkey villa with enclosed garage and workshop with everything new! Terrificlocation, only area. Only two blocks to beach. Bring all one block to the beach: $649,000. offers! $379,000. OUTSTANDINGBAYWATERFRONT I.prunri GULF WATCH CONDO: Turrnl.? .*I urin ri:hi expansivebayviewsthisimpeccablyrenovated light and open end unit with all the extras. Key Royale home offers 2653sf of living area. Ready for your enjoyment. Pool and Dock and.10,0001b lift. $2,299,000. deeded beach access. $469,000. www.michaelsaunders.com KimberlyRoehl@michaelsaunders.com .A400.MaIatee Ave,W.-. Bradenton.-.941,748.6300 BIG YARD SALE: 9am Saturday, April 8. No early birds. Table and chairs $150. Barbies, games, everything goes! 309 62nd St., Holmes Beach. HUGE YARD SALE: 8am-2pm Friday and Satur- day, April 7-8. Twenty years accumulation, fishing gear, household items, patio furniture. 609 Emerald, Holmes Beach. CLEANING OUTTHE garage and house. 9am-1pm Saturday, April 8. Yard sale, tons of stuff! 213 Peri- winkle, Anna Maria. INDOOR MOVING SALE: 7:30am Friday and Sat- urday, April 7-8. Antiques, furniture, books, appli- ances, tools, plants. Corner of 125th Street and 45th Avenue West, Cortez. SALE: NIKI'S GIFTS and Antique Mall: Storewide for Easter; all sterling jewelry 50-70 percent off, select gifts, antiques, seascape paintings, bone china cups and saucers, dolls, cookbooks, furniture, prints, costume jewelry, crystal, bric-a-brac, 40-80 percent off. Open seven days, 9:30am-5pm. (941) 779-0729. 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. HUGE SALE: 8am-3pm Saturday, 9am-3pm Sunday, April 8-9. Second Street North. and Church Street, Bradenton Beach. Selling all furnishings, 2BR cottage. New rattan bedroom set, living room, kitchen table, four chairs, daybed, paintings, kitchenware, lamps, sterling and costume jewelry, books, silk plants, color TV, linens, few antiques, much bric-a-brac. GARAGE SALE: 8am-? Friday, April 7. Antique bed, vintage collectibles, furniture, jewelry, household, items. 769 Jacaranda, Anna Maria. MISSING CANOE: 16-FOOT aluminum "Gruman" canoe. I.D. # 2051. Square stern for motor. Please call (941) 778-4588. Last seen in Leverocks area. FOUND: YOUNG BLACK female cat. Please call (941) 778-1389. Office number, but leave mes- sage. CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org ! UPDATED FLORIDA- STYLE ISLAND S. DUPLEX Zoned R-4 for inves- 1 .l-1- *i 'j ,_ ~tors! 1BR each side, j new roof, carpet, paint, and more! Tropical back yard, privacy fenced and large covered porch area. 3012 Gulf Drive. $495,000. Call Collandra & Co. Real Estate, Edie Force, 920-0129 GREAT BUILDING SITE Put your plans in place to construct a lovely contemporary structure on this duplex zoned lot. Possible to remove existing structure and utilize the 11,000 sf lot to create a private retreat. Tropical foliage and trees plus your added landscaping gi\es you opportunity to be unique with design. OWNER ANXIOUS! Asking $695,000. OTHER CHOICE PROPERTIES AVAILABLE FOR SALE. CALL TODAY! - Mm ATTENTION: ONCE A month check on your resi- dence. While you're away have peace of mind for pennies a day! Island resident. Benchmark Home Improvements. (941) 778-1916. KARATE ON THE Island: Ages four through adult. Call (941) 807-1734 or visitwww.islanddojo.cmasdirect.com. MAH-JONGG ANYONE? Seeking players. Call Judy, (941) 795-5256 or (617) 833-7865. BINGO WEEKLY: "Smoke-free" at Annie Silver Community Center, 23rd Street at Avenue C, Bradenton Beach, Thursdays at 7 p.m. All wel- come. Refreshments, prizes. Information: (941) 778-1915. BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a personal- ized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park. Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Forms atThe Islander or call (941) 518-4431 for more information. FREE GUN LOCK. Yes, free. Just for the asking. Courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserva- tion Commission. Free at The Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be sorry, be safe. GUARDIAN AD LITEM volunteers needed: A guard- ian ad litem is a trained volunteer appointed by the court to represent and advocate for the best inter- est of children who have been abused, abandoned or neglected. Make a positive impact! Call (941) 744-9473 or visit www.12circuitgal.org. FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough for adoption. All food and medical provided. Julie, (941) 720-1411. ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes. All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened. Please, call (941) 922-0774. SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander. Iwww.annamnariabeachcottages.com| Were In fact, we're global times 1,400 plus! More than 1,400 PAID subscribers receive The Islander out of town, out of state and out of the United States. We go to Alaska, England, Germany, Canada, Hawaii and nearly all points in between. These news-hungry subscribers can't wait to get their hands on "the best news on Anna Maria Island." The Islander Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 941 778-7978 *email: news@islander.org - I 11 SINCE 1957 "We ARE .the Island!" Marie Franklin, Lie. Real Estate Broker 941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250 E-mail -amrealty @ verizon.net \\''i r ~iw e \ '.'. ,.llr n-.mri real coi .._ _. _,_,._-.._ _-._ _._,_,_._ _ ~~ L I -- I r sad Biz By Rick Catlin Masonry for the Island Perry Jacobs and wife Scarlett moved to Holmes Beach two years ago because they fell in love with the Island lifestyle and scenery. But working on the mainland took away from Perry's enjoy- ment of the Island. Now, however, Perry has his con- tractor's license and he and Scarlett have opened Scarlett Masonry for all types of masonry jobs, including walls, blocks, brick and stucco, among others. With 26 years as a mason, Perry is well suited to handle all the masonry needs of Islanders. Indeed, his reputation is getting around. He's just finished a stucco and wall job on South Bay Boulevard in Anna Maria and has several other Island con- tracts lined up. While Perry can go anywhere for a Expert mason Holmes Beach resident Perry Jacobs, of Scarlett Masonry Inc., has 26 years experience in the business and per- forms all types of masonry jobs, from brick, block, glass block and rock to stucco and retainer walls. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy job, he prefers staying on the Island and working with a homeowner. "I prefer that to doing a sub-con- tracting job. There's a lot of personal sat- isfaction in seeing someone really happy with your work. Plus, you get to work directly with them to give them exactly what they want." Perry is available six days a week and promises he can do "all things involving masonry." Estimates are free and because Perry is an Islander, he can handle an Island emergency a lot quicker than his main- land counterparts. For more information, call Perry or Scarlett at 448-3865. Longboat chamber sets date for golf tournament May 26 has been established as the date of the 18th annual golf tournament sponsored by the Longboat/Lido/St. Armands keys Chamber of Commerce. An amateur event, it is open to members of the chamber and nonmem- bers. It will be at the Islandside course of the Longboat Key Club. Sponsorships are available, the chamber said. Addi- tional information may be obtained by calling 383-2466. Got a new business going up in THE ISLANDER 0 APRIL 5, 2006 E B-7 Anna Maria Island, Cortez or Long- boat Key? How about a new product or service, an anniversary, a new hire, or an award-winning staff member? Call Island Biz at 778-7978, fax your news to 778-9392, or e-mail us at news@islander.org. Curves for charity Curves on the Island women'sfitness center at 5366 Gulf Drive North in Holmes Beach recently held a food drive to benefit Our Daily Bread charity in Bradenton. Curves fitness technician Kay Pruden helped sort the items for delivery. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambros' DENNIS GIRARD Broker Associate r- -sf If you've been looking for a waterfront Florida community that's centrally located, then you've found a home here at Terra Ceia Bay Country Club. Located in sunny Palmetto, Florida-on the shores of Terra Ceia Bay between Sarasota and St. Petersburg- We provide the perfect starting point to explore and experience all the sights and activities that the Sun- Coast of Florida has to offer! STARTING IN THE $400's STARTING IN THE $400'S - ac i "7" "- -- . o Spectacular Waterfront Residences , Gated Community on Terra Ceia Bay Panoramic Views of Terra Ceia Bay, Tampa Bay & the Gulf of Mexico o 18-Hole Golf Course o Tennis Facility 500' Fishing Pier & Nature Boardwalk 30,000 sq ft Club House Featuring Seagrape Restaurant SComplete Fitness Facilities & Programs r, GNni:.\i 941-721-6280 . < 4 ... .i-: 1"' ' SECLUDED WATERFRONT PARADISE! Vested in the heart of Tampa j' is a u'aterfivnl paradise that has a active esort fifestI'e second to none on thel Guf Coast ofFlorida. . 8-1B APRIL 5, 2006 M THE ISLANDER LC ~ I FREE: 3-YEAR-old, white-and-black cat. Very lov- able and friendly. Spayed and declawed. (941) 338-3013. BEAUTIFUL SIAMESE CAT and friends: Free to good homes. Owner passed away leaving many cats behind. Please, help. (941) 780-2651 or (941) 761-0744. WANTED TO BUY: Deeded boat slip on Anna Maria Island, deep or shallow. Please call, (941) 778-2581. THIS 2005 25-HP Johnson Bombardier rope-start two- stroke outboard, has less than the initial 10 hours break time. Purchased new in May for $2,592, it includes fuel tank and line and wheeled motor carrier (my add-on). Owner's manual and purchase receipt (including war- ranty) included. Super buy! (941) 778-1605. 28-FOOT REGAL LSR-2001: Only 160.hours, like new! Great day cruiser/party boat, even has a head! Always kept on a lift, new custom mooring cover and much, much more. $43,000. Call Pam or Phil at (941) 778-8281 or (941) 704-7445. PONTOON BOAT FOR sale: 1991 20-foot Fiesta. New cover and Bimini top. $1,200 or best offer. (941) 779-2228. 2001 BOSTON WHALER Outrage. 26-foot center console, twin 225-hp Mercury Opti-max, full elec- tronics, low hours, full cover. $55,900. (941) 713-5900. 2004 PRO SPORT KAT center console! Loaded! Perfect, Like new. 50 hours on twin-250 Suzuki four- strokes, Warranty! Oversized T-top, Magic-tilt triple- axle trailer included! The best riding fishing machine made. Economical! A dead steal at $68,000. Owner (813) 927-5645. For Expert Advice On Island Properties CALL THE ISLANDERS - CHRIS & JOHN ' 941-778-6066 r";-, V. iW w : LL HErL 4Ji1E :,Li.L M '. J s CHFI-.TI JE T. SHAW AIC , S i. Ji:_ri .r ZA[| UT F .A ' y ," .- '- .- .* :; ." ' J. C I I .. .. LI-: 4V k, - LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater and near shore fishing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait,. tackle provided. (941) 723-1107. FISH FOR REDFISH, Snook and trout with InshoreSlam.com. Capt. Jim Savaglio. License, bait and tackle included. (941) 238-7597 or (813) 477-7657. WAITER, CHEF, DISHWASHER with experience in Italian food. 5610 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. (941) 383-0013. PART-TIME HELP wanted for small resort motel on Anna Maria. Call evenings, (941) 778-4206. HOUSEKEEPER OR LAUNDRY room assistant: 10-30 hours per week. Weekends required. No smokers. Apply in person at Haley's Motel or call (941) 778-5405. BOXBOXBOX FULL-TIME AND part-time housekeepers for Long- boat Key resort. Excellent benefits and pay. Year- round position. Must work Saturdays, be depend- able and have own transportation. Call for appoint- ment, (941) 383-2428. WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR: Part-time or full time. Air & Energy. 3018 Ave. C., Holmes Beach. (941) 778-0773. SEEKING PROPERTY MANAGERSS: Small beach resort on Anna Maria Island. Flexible hours with availability as needed on site. Salary negotiable. Fax resume to (863) 644-5937 with contact number. PART-TIME OFFICE receptionist for area motel. (941) 778-2780. Island Hore Leans Ainn MAlria Lcr-9Lyoat .keLl Refinance wilh large cash outs ,"'f'i"' Featuring Fasi Irack/ bi-weekly payments Loans with option arms -choice o payment Fast and inexpensive Foreign Nationals - No credit required Bobby' Ednig tolt Anna Maia Island Resident (941) 744-6906 MORL . ,- ..... C.. ,_ ... c .. ..... . .. I j L .3 : 0 -. K EXPERIENCE REPUTATION RESULTS TOWNHOUSE/VILLA: 3BR/3BA Heated pool, gazebo, upgrades. $598,000. ARBORS 2BR/2BA, golf course, turnkey, clubhouse. $263,900. MARTINIOUE N.-Direct Gulf view, corner with garage, storage. Updaled Shows beautifully. $899,000. HOLMES BEACH-Neptune Gardens. 2BR. 1,100 sf, carport, short walk to beach. All for $479,000. KEY ROYALE-Canalfront lot. 9,450 sf. Golf course view. $699,000. BAYVIEW- 4-5BR/4BA, induding guest quarters. Large master suite. $1,330,000. GULF VIEW- Holmes Beach duplex or 4BR/2BA home. $799,000. HARBOUR VILLA CLUB- 2BR/2BA, turnkey, boat dock. $794,900. BAYPOINTE- 4BR/3BA villa. Eight month new. $251,000. VACATION, SEASONAL AND ANNUAL RENTALS LUXURY GULFFRONT VILLAS, CONDOS, HOMES 5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807 yrealt7@aol.com www.tdollyyoungreilestate.com REALTORS ISLAND HOME REDUCED: 3BR/2.5BA with fireplace. Corner lot on canal with new dock and caged pool. New kitchen cabinets and granite countertops. New metal roof. $699,000. Call Carleen Weise, Realtor, (941) 224-6521 evenings. KEY ROYALE: 3BR/2BASingle-family on deep large canal. Kitchen updated. Large caged pool, great dock, boat lift. Turnkeyfurnished. $1,100.000. Call Michel Cerene, Broker, (941) 545-9591 or Mike Carleton, Realtor, (941) 737-0915 evenings. ISLAND DUPLEX: Large elevated half-duplex. On lake. Walking distance to beach. Room for pool. Excellent tenant. Great for investors. $359,900. Call Michel Cerene, Broker, (941) 545-9591 or Mike Carleton, Realtor, (941) 737-0915 evenings. K 5910 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770 1-800-741-3772 info@smithrealtors.com Web site: www,smithrealtors.com 2 BARTENDER WANTED: Experienced bartender wanted. Approximately 25 hours per week. Please apply in person. Banana Factory Too. 10104 Cortez Road. No phone calls please. POSITION AVAILABLE FOR person with minimum one year experience using RNS vacation rental software. Job consists of training and supporting customers with our rental management software package. Some bookkeeping experience required. Salary range based upon experience, $27,000-plus. Send resume to apply@rental-network.com (no phone contact please). NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restau- rant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call (941) 778-3953. BUSY BISTRO hiring full-or part-time servers for lunch and dinner. Prep person and dishwasher. Apply to Chef Damon, 5406 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or call (941) 778-5320. SING! IFYOU can carry a tune and would help lead a singing congregation, please join with Gloria Dei Lutheran's choir on Sundays at 9:45am. Two miles north of Manatee Bridge on Anna Maria Island. (941) 778-1813. ISLAND GIFT SHOP. (941) 713-0934. ISLAND SIGN SHOP. (941) 713-0934. SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and intermediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10 per half-hour lesson, three lessons recom- mended. Local teen, team competitor. Call (941) 778-0944. S.xot1 .i. . ,- -' -- : . Immaculate 2BR-2BA villa on a corner.lot. Close to beaches, shopping and restaurants. Amenities include pool, shuffle board, putting green. Pool conveniently located close to your back door. Beautifully kept neighborhood. Available for $275,000. Call Piroska Planck 941-730-9667 piroska.planck@floridamoves.com Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate Inc. :ANNA MARIA WATERFRONT " .0 Natural setting surrounds this 3BR/2BA home with open water views, boat dock, hot tub, steps to beach and turnkey furnished! Offered at "- $849,900. BAYVIEW DUPLEX includes lot on bay! 3BR/3BA and 1BR/1BA duplex or 4BR/4BA home with boat docks and gorgeous view of Sarasota Bay. -Offered at $969,900. ISLAND CON VENIENCE STORE WITH GAS Super opportunity to own Island business! Offered at: $169,000 & Inventory.- Deborah Thrasher J A : RE/MAX Excellence S,/ (941)518-7738 S941 ) 383-9700 DebMThrash@aol.com o .o ee o T ERNow? r -t ,-, ten, P.A. 'Ml,--466 a76t@ oc II) i.1, DOLPHIN HARBOUR AT MARINA ISLE currlriry under c.-[LruiJcinr, Iii, jrzrc.- c~ SBRC 2.5A Ni-vWeii 5,vi r~',id~ni~ic 3-ad 5jIet 4 Orejn, Eri,.nlo iuir I oLuia ii jiTiy o ur luiurout misckrr suit e ,vrl..ilng BiminirS ay-ino Tajmpa EiT, y s.i ir, i Sun ri.: 4: Svjy in the r Sp d lurpxsr*s vs,3:J ib m VC'ur bcl 1 sir:,I 'p vsh p : i. T3Cj &j in, n- irir GREAT I M f DEED MBAT SUP R ealty C- MM 'r tc. Gr-ai t rw inrirrespjc SVir, a oEaijtuIjI, 0' ..ipea gr urffc g I T blri 1 r'pripTIlnq' U 3 1 (i- *, ,:-'.p.." Ij i IAu.. i nouIIJ *JL I, ,1n r lip 1j -) ?3pjcirjus grand r,)O, a jnia a sr,'.jrrju iid deck An jirii ''c prnoie jl r,)ni rqir' ,: ."1''' rirl :L' ii,,,n r-ir I manri,,. U Dro,,.r:n ? 1- 4.: eq. BDach onrreaoti2,95 00 jr cBETALII JLOCATOLWALK TO EI fE6m E ipq ilu ',j "j, rU rl)T -- u .:.) p 1 It Ii -wo :- cv tDdr..,W-I, ".'Mar *ilrs3 bi fill finrl r jlAl[II fll IVO nCYI owj 01 f vnjru rn raiil'fi Nt', DrIEFM tos' N, T11,0,:jQ I r iri CIrIr iP:i ri, i-,,r ---l NJ' Id IJ, I I' ,3 0 -,O i'' THE ISLANDER a APRIL 5, 2006 B B-9 4 -N R D ,S BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, (941) 756 5496. BABYSITTER, PETSITTER, dog walker: First-aid certified, 13-year-old, eighth-grader, female, great with kids and animals. Call Kendall, (941) 779-9783.. NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia, (941) 761-1569. Red Cross certified. ENSURE YOUR CHILD'S safety while you relax. Call Gemma, (941) 447-9657. Responsible, reliable and experienced 10th-grader with a love for chil- dren. Red Cross babysitting and first-aid certifica- tions. DOG WALKER, PET sitter, child sitter and odd jobs. Tenth-grader, available after school and weekends. Zach, (941) 779-9783. RED CROSS first-aid certified babysitter certified. Call Alex, (941) 778-5352. MAN WITH SHOVEL: Plantings, natives, patio gar- dens, trimming, cleanup, edging, maintenance. Hard-working and responsible. Excellent refer- ences. Edward (941) 778-3222. LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint- ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine Car Service, Serving the Islands. (941) 778-5476. COMPUTER OBEDIENCE TRAINING. Is your computer misbehaving? Certified computer service and private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. (941) 545-7508. ISLAND PRESSURE CLEANING for great results, wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable, reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. (941) 778-0944. CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist. Experienced certified technician for communica- tion electronics offers wireless and cable networks, upgrades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and train- ing. Call Robert, (941) 778-3620. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod- eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794. PROFESSIONAL I.T. SERVICES: Complete com- puter solutions for business and home. Installation, repairs, upgrades, networking, Web services, wire- less services. Richard Ardabell, network engineer, (941) 778-5708, or cell (216) 509-1945. CALL DAN'S RESCREEN for your free estimate today. Affordable rates, quality work guaranteed. Pool cages, lanais, windows, doors. Call (941) 713-5333. APPLIANCE & AC DOCTORS: We repair air con- ditioners, refrigerator, washer/dryer, oven, garbage disposal, other household items. Honest, depend- able. 20-plus years experience. (941) 650-9293. MR. BILLS HOME REPAIR/maintenance service. Over 30 years experience, self-employed in con- struction trades. "I'm handy to have around." (941) 778-4561. CUCCIO TILE: Many Island references. Free esti- mates. Licensed and insured. (941) 730-2137. FREE HOUSESITTING: RETIRED Christian couple with much experience available anytime. Refer- ences furnished. (770) 832-7319. ABOUT GROUT: CLEANING, sealing, staining (painting of grout), tile and grout repair, caulking of showers/kitchen. Bonded and insured. Call Jeff, (941) 545-0128. ATTENTION: ONCE A month check on your resi- dence. While you're away have peace of mind for pennies a day! Island resident. Benchmark Home Improvements. (941) 778-1916. AAA WIFE and HUSBAND cleaning your house and windows with confidence. Good references, reasonable rates. Licensed and insured. (941) 812-0499. MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet. Beginning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, (941) 758-0395. BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refriger- ation. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call William Eller, (941) 795-7411. CAC184228. ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional cre- ates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www.jackelka.com. (941) 778-2711. NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing massage in the comfort of your home. Call today for an appointment, (941) 795-0887. MA#0017550. TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years experience. References available. For a reasonable price, call Sebastian, (941) 704-6719. CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and com- mercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, landscaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. (941) 778-5294. AMY GORDAN REALTOR Dedicated to service Expertise in renovation and rehabilitation. properties. Island, waterfront and area lifestyle specialist. SThe JEWEL of Gulf Coast Real Estale SContact Amy for all of your REAL ESTATE needs! T .. *." ,- -- i kA, ''. "' --Y Real Estate Agents 2820 NORTHWOOD WAY, SARASOTA Charming two story, 5BR/3.5BA log cabin on a large wooded lot in a private cul-de-sac. $472,000. 2871 WRENWOOD COURT, SARASOTA. 3BR/2BA former model home with many extras. Large lanai and pool area. $429,000. ~~li~~-; ~ -~J~ Y~ZB ~ , A'7 ~r? 4 L w ~ Y A,~ --t~r~ g i For Today's Market 2511 AVE. C, BRADENTON BEACH. Elevated duplex. 2BR/23A and 3BR/2BA. One block to beacon and two blocks to bay. All offers considered. $699,000. 4802 51ST ST. W. #1119, BRADENTON. Large gated 2BR/2BA condo. Wonderful ame- nities and home warranty included. Great value at $219,900. 7. Palms Prudenti l Realt Maggie Hutter & Jo Rutstein Realtors 941-552-1358 Jo: 941-587-9156 Maggie: 941-780-9888 www.hutterandrutstein.com all n lll, ll.11,a .1. 31.1.Ttitr il,,. If I il l I' ..I = 1, E II- rhlIh Ih. 10-1B APRIL 5, 2006 U THE ISLANDER *' 4 FO Ce : ,.. '. ',., - S401 Manatee Avenue Holmes Beach 941-778-7777 or S 866-266-9911 SwMw.gu itsrearnfirst.com "Gu stream AP //9~ T ) I - cc:c D LU ' 3PH 07 C. - Lii -. ~ 4 mr . s ------- WV..- - z 0 LE '- 4 tiDE42 i W s~e .E~ SeqdJ r Z. < 0 CO zwM EU '-7 CL * a Ei 0- LU u5 a. v^ 2' a SLM;J Ii~8~p 4 4 . Om -- 0t ,M IM:' ' P o o A z na : -- -4, ~ -- 4 ~ i nz.--.. 7 < S. '.-- I. ",- 0_! .. i -'% t." ... ' -,r,- ,',,,@ -t.. bi ar-".,. a r.,_a a a 7wPuO th tavtt M.u t. tt. lAaunr ymC 200 uilitt ult;iun tioch tR )rilftl Ae Afw t MWNia Bt tti .941.83.2391 FB 941-779.2222] 941.778.0444 Visit www,%nxraiprsandwkh.com for Mernu Items. Great Gifts atn pecl u Event PkInnitgt "Jatibe wtin enetasi Manatee County's Original nd Onl Ocean Kayak and Giant Bicycle Deale The #1 Brands in the U.S. -Sales Tours Outfitting (941) 779-BIKE www.mysitontopkayak.com . 5416 Marina Drive Holmes Beach B4 L za`iS aaBl-tar B!B [ ;: ,/ i`. Mla.e YourI jalste : J c.r Keb..-u r ,L ( .di a Ret 1.9al 1r-'"'." , C(7,6 -,f;rr.i K. M,.-!' t ..- T [ .. 'l :,'-i: ,: i- (.-l; ', 77;.'! lit i.t; 28 * 114 r I COTTAGE OR CAPPUCCINO BEACHFRONT OR BREAKFAST... LET US HELP YOU S9906 Gulf Drive Anna Maria '- A2 (941) 779-0034 - KAYAK RENTALS by the : day, week " 1 r. L- SINVESTMENT- f ,; PkOp-K Y I Y ' OWNERS f"! forA, Professional Property SManaemenat Seruvices ~fB-lr ~rs~-l-r .nwnn~w~er a~~lrsr~p~~urta~ur~p--- ------------- --- _~-~I__~_-J~----_L_~.~__~ _~--YIMLI to -i '=~ '- - THE ISLANDER U APRIL 5, 2006 U B-11 -. .--' -. .;fa. N . HOME OF THE AIANGO-MACADAMIA ENCRUSTED GROUPER FREE 2 GLASSES 'F WMNc or a piece ol Key Lime Pie with any two regular priced dinners, with this ad. Open Daily J Live lio tic,. F i, s a EARLY BIRD W PECIAL E\ elda -4-6 pm Buy oulne errree. )tm se:,nrd ernrrti Ei Where the locals and the stars love to dine! Denzel Washington said: "Great food! 103 Gult Drive Bradenton Beach 779-1930 PR"'~n Fresh Fish Special.; Doll) ' I Fi-.r, Fis Sp ,-eco.;. Doll, I, -" h I BIeer .. .ne v : .,* . PUT%% ~. -r - -'-I Li -L- U-cLi i C') a 0a < U < m r mm w C <>4 ~444<44 ,7; Lu 0 IT CdCi r 0240.4 T Z[ iI- w0o k Z:- C" vi' .- ( -.i ,7 Cd - O :z j LU-l. - ~ ~ ~ I i i i CI ~CLu Oow3 (L~a~ 1*- 02 Cc fl- CSC ") flC',NMcICi C' C'J Sun 'r, C\ u mmmm z uj LLI < LJJ .3I r.. 4->I ir a: Ir Z< SFn Ed 6 0Ed Wa1F Ld 0 rL zZ '.prmaL;50i~w0 i m ci <, WCCm~~m Ij it w wM:W iLJ mm .>> a "inz w-<< ,,,Z..- O --rWOD J ., zULr 3 o 0 00 0 a:ir > w ,0000 0C0 0o.0,o0 0 U I:4 wmw LLI D 4 LlA0W < C) UO :rr < Ce H- C7) 0- 0< moo ... z -C Q> LLULL < -j -4 . 0.00!D(030 oaczco L) 00CO r 0 0LI)aI)cc -0) - 4401111111041 Cr aD-mooh >~lLLi cr Ircc > >- m02frolwca-. mbg 4 *wi -A. CO: Mir Z U 7res Si / L 1c V ^^ *.: i I l e -. . Check out our new, chic dining area and wine bar! I 5406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 778-5320 Oil Dai 5 OUT OF 4 PEOPLE SHOP AT GINNY'S at Ginny's and Jane E's at the old IGA Ginny's vintage furnishings with a coastal-living flair and - &, Jane E's -Internet -,cafe and bakery ! ,., c: ,, ., ,, Ginny's Antiques and Art B [ j ,)- Ma vaEinA -r'.e. Holmrr Es,_h i i Z C I i .- j . Re& Pier !C.V :7 g l- "! ip i 4 a -; mr po3 m L1i Z~j izu C)i C'j Oo cm0 >- ;4 00 maJ cn- .49 0Z i13 .0 0J _j _jo mcm 4.4 mini u 1: Cli) OU) az4 LLI 12-B M APRIL 5, 2006 T TIE ISLANDER SL A N DrE4 A S S E D S; ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. Monthly and quarterly accounts available. If it is broken, we can fix it. Call (941) 778-2581. CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING: Top quality lawn and landscape maintenance. Now accepting new accounts at great rates. Please call (941) 778-2335 or 284-1568. JR'S LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE Lawns, native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup. Island resident 25 years. Call (941) 807-1015. YOUR COMPLETE LAWN service: Cut when you're ready. No contracts, no job too small. Low prices. Call (941) 792-4282. PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN and installation. Huge selection of plants, shrubs and trees. Irrigation. Everything Under the Sun Garden Centre, 5704 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-4441. SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $42/yard. Haul- ing: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free esti- mates. Call Larry at (941) 795-7775, "shell phone" (941) 720-0770. KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean- ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City of Anna Maria resident. Cell (941) 448-3857. NATURE'S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residen- tial and commercial. 30-years experience. (941) 729-9381. STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Installs, cleanup, shell, rock, palms, aquascapes, tree work. Truck for hire, move anything. Shark Mark (941) 727-5066. VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/ exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island refer- ences. Bill, (941) 795-5100. BONUS! CLASSIFIED ADS are posted early online at www.islander.org. THOUSANDS OF HOMES ONE ADDRESS WVVVW.MICHAELSAUNDERS.COM r*I ,i RIVERVIEW BLVD. F tquri. re rimid tlng throughout, hardwood floors, 3000 SF of living area, 3-4 BR, with separate quest quarters, a sparkling caged, heated pool. $950,000. 748-6300. Ruth Lawler, 587-4623 or Maryann Lawler 525433 mmmw-B~~s uItl; I TAY vtwS! Large zB, conao with deeded beach access, just a short distancetothe gulf beaches. Nice bright & open interior, newerappliances, wood .laminate floors: $799,900. Jody.Shinn, 74.3.63:1.) 7015 570.1I 5.'55. OFF THE MAIN THOROUGHFARE in d .r able Key.Royale. Completely updated, 3 spacious BR's,2200SFhome.Shortdistance to the beach. Move in & enjoy the fabulous canal views. $898,000. Leah Secondo, 748-6300 or 545-4430.524400 . PLAYAENCANTADA. Superbly maintained Gulf-front complex complete With all the extras. 2BR turnkey furnished w/built- S ins, partial' Guii vir:i. udaiIed I.i:nen. hurricane hrunEcr i.'Jb00j I i.II,,tit-r R,:iwi 748.6-00 j .OO r 14.79918 5.-'492 ANNA MARIA ISLAND. M gniinl.7ni vievw; ,s Ihne ta.i n.;1 a ln,.i,' ytrilge tTi.alll, roeno., iled ,horrm lim iT 10 to ic rrom ;BT djai 3a icin W in ,nie Be.bjuilul tn r,00ni' dOCil $1,950000 DtitCetelapi'ota rJ8io .-8.63000or -0'J-'39- 84 3 51i8J WATER VIEWS GALORE. Thir beaulifuli 2BR raDlinr. Pini Corndromiiiumr ba.i'.i a'jier J;,ev IHlrOm ever,,iioom plu 3 prav )lPdedci Irin.) 16 i10O1 m ODl lih 6 Duj31 ollr' ljr vilr .64,.880 Crnrl.rina Miller, a18. 6C30' r 7r13j.340 522.03 TASTEFULLY remodeled River Disriri:l homi,,ie IO ic: Irom Lewis Park Red :3. IiIJor;. country kitchen, crown molding ;ione A.C iirplarice & i.iulajid window); & oi"ers:ed wood deck. $554,800. Bill Stufflebeam, 748-6300 or 798-3007. 524702. BREATHTAKING VIEWS of the Sarasota Skyline & private bayi-ae beatrh )i ,ouf Iroril door step. Deep canal & community boat dock, along exterior oi ?BR (ondo ,464900 Leah Secondo, 748-6300 or 545-4430. 524236 CAYMAN CAY VILLAS Tni 2 BR eni urnl i, Ij 3leo in a ch.armng ilaand neignorirroud directlyacrossfror iieBear cr, I l.'r el :,. ~il a oenlrulgel .ajav or ,nvr slme nl s:"'90 )00 '.airVdlalenr ;48.-fi600 or .85'6761 524503 CAPTAINS COURT. Tni jB BR ,ill is lx iled in Terra C u. Large upgraded k~Icnen iPalio alreo 'vrluuok's n pre-erve rjew L.,iT,,i.: Ilie n ri.i nra c r room 35i" 01)0 Judy LaVallierv. 504-392rjr Ann DEBeille'.'u: 20-7614 521.:?61) FAIRWAY ACRES. 3BR spil plan nonme on n in lrraj.wIe nirel rvir i 1.3 ,3:re j10i Newer AC roul. fin dceed i,~rclnirins.. S ,0 SF encr.ilc.d L room 5i'. ,'Ji iVilao'ria3 Hor.lmiranri 74J8.6300 ,r 518.1i?8 or Ally How'ell. ?'?4-38 a 5'24796 DESIGNER DELIGHT. Full river viewS t .itpliornl ue ,Il i01Cr & j..il,.m lIui:ners mjrnie irnti BR Man liee' condo a nreipl.rl.-idn luury $2 Jlo,, VICiria Horr',.imann 4.8-6300 or 5181278 525323 BELAIR BAYOU RemTodJi.d 3BR pool noii-e wtn ver 220l0 F i01 lung 'rpaj Fealurei- Iiroce amily rooi & ma&3sir Walh erulelul lammilie WiOO] Ilgiannq. Frrn ncr doors l. IIne pool .347 000 Viclour Horsrlimanrl 748-i600 orr 5181278 525220 JOE UNGVARSKY CONSTRUCTION Remodel- ing contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed and insured. Many Island references. (941) 778-2993. License #CRC 035261. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING free esti- mates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at (941) 778-1730. CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island ser- vice since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certifying back flow at water meters. (FL#RF0038118) (941) 778-3924 or 778-4461. TILE TILE TILE. All variations of ceramic tile sup- plied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, (941) 726-3077. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod- eling, repairs, 'additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794. CUSTOM RENOVATION/RESTORATION expert. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Thirty years experience. Insured. Meticulous, clean, sober and prompt. Paul Beauregard, (941) 779-2294. KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cab- inets and shutters. Insured and licensed, (941) 748-4711. TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed. Why pay retail? Island resident, many references. Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor Coverings. (941) 792-1367, or 726-1802. JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy- man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pressure washing and tree trimming. Call (941) 778-6170 or 447-2198. Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor S778-0455 ... .AL -r een REAL ESTATE SOF ANNA MARIA www.greenreal.com Prudential Sl Palms Realty Michelle MIusto Realior SFine Homes Specialist 1 941-809-3714 ir t S www.michellemuslo.cam President's Crrde Recipienw BAYWATCH: BRADENTON BEACH 1301 N. Bay Drive. l Direct boyfront, 2BR/2BA, ; 4 It -i 1 1,079 sf, nicely furnished. S $524,900. PERICO BAY CLUB: BRADENTON S 920 Waterside Lane. S Lakefront villa 2BR/2BA, 1,132 sf, breathtaking sunsets, turnkey fur- nished. $399,000. 1 k940eWaterside Lane: 'A Lakefront villa, 2BR/2BA, 1,292 sf, beautifully furi Si nished, loadsof upgrades. S$460,000." LEGENDS AT TATUM RIDGE: SARASOTA ; Lakefont home,3BR/3BA, .----.-- 2,338 sf, dining room, den, three-cor garage. S529,900. WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more. Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in- home consultation. Island references, 15 years experience. (941) 778-3526 or 730-0516. THIRTY-SIXYEARS craftsman experience. Interior, exterior, doors, stairs, windows and trim. Pressure wash. Driveway paint. Dan Michael, master carpen- ter. Call 518-3316 or 778-6898. CLEANING COUPLE: A few open slots for offices, condos, houses, etc. We also do errands and hurricane checks. Honest and dependable. (941) 448-7119. TWO DUDES with tools: Tile, trim, cabinets, painting, drywall, glass block, brick, stonework and more! Many references. Call now! (941) 812-4269 or 448-6961. CARLV.JOHNSON JR. Inc. building contractor. New homes, additions, renovations. Quality work and fair prices. Lic#RR0066450. Call (941) 795-1947. HANDYMAN SERVICE: Winton's Home-Buddy Inc. Retired banker, Island resident, converting life-long hobby to business. Call (941) 705-0275 for free esti- mates. PAINTING AND IMPROVEMENT by Carlos. Licensed and insured. Wallpaper hanging, interior and exterior painting, pressure wash, faux finishing, drywall repair. Phone (941) 753-5936. Cell (941) 580-2421. Fax (941) 752-3109. RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal. Wedebrock Real Estate Co., (941) 778-6665 or (800) 749-6665. SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR (two master suites)/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/ dryer, garage, designer furnished with tropical yard setting. One of the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/weekly. Call (941) 713-0034 or e-mail: gamiller@tampabay.rr.com. SEASONAL FURNISHED new home in Anna Maria. Elevated 3BR/2BA. Available now through April. One block to beach. (813) 251-9201. ANNA MARIA CANAL -.m---Uua $11,200,000. Live in paradise Anazirng S6BD.'4BA i:ial rnome on tIhe nirh end ol Anna Maria Boa doihlin l and no ridges to the Day! Business opportunity! ! S Run your own assisted Iving a iCilily ronng in place Call Mard HOlsinger. .. Reallor, Colawell Banker. today lor more Sinlormalion, 9411) 920-126;. BuiN,. SELUN, RENJ4 VE CAN HELP! NEW LISTING Ocean Park Terrace Condo. 2700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. 2BR/2BA Great Gulf Views! Asking $850,000. UNIQUE 4BR/3BA HOME with mother-in-law apartment. 716 N Shore Drive. Priced Right at $675,000. NORTH SHORE LOT 716 N Shore. Offered at $475,000. VIEWS OF THE BAY AND ROD & REEL 607 N Bay Boulevard. 2BR/2BA home. Reduced to $659,900. ANNA MARIA 5BR/2BA Duplex, 760 Jacaranda Listed at $710,000 HOME WITH BOAT DOCK 229 85th St, Holmes Beach. 2BR/2BA. Offered. at $659,900 NORTH END DUPLEX 711 North Bay Boulevard. 4BR/2BA. Priced to sell at $647,000. GREAT LOCATION Great beach access! Anna Maria Village.208 Palmetto Ave. Reduced to $699,000. ATTENTION WATERFRONT INVESTORS 1.3 acres with direct access to Terra Ceia Bay and over 355 feet on the water. Asking price $1,400,000. = -I j SERVING THE AREA SINGE 1970 -MLS THE ISLANDER M APRIL 5, 2006 M B-13 I9 E D GULFFRONT CONDOS: 3BR/2BA, 2BR/2BA, 1 BR/1 BA with breathtaking sunsets. Pools, Jacuzzi, walk to shops and restaurants. Available weekly, monthly, sea- sonal. (901) 301-8299 or e-mail captko462@aol.com. WEEKLY RENTALS: Alecassandra villa, 1 BR/1 BA, $700/week; Island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; Gulffront cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach Club, 2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call Kim Fisher, Wagner Realty, (941) 778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com. SEASONAL RENTAL: Brand new Bradenton Beach 3BR/3BA plus office, steps to beach. Balconies with ocean and bay views, elevator, 8-person Jacuzzi, granite counters, marble floors and baths, Jacuzzi in master, washer/dryer, designer furnished, fully equipped. One of the finest rentals on Island. $4800/ monthly 813-277-4336. VACATION RENTALS: 2BR apartments across from beautiful beach, $375 to $500/week. Winter and spring dates available. Almost Beach Apart- ments, (941) 778-2374. BEACH LIVING: SEASONAL, Furnished one room efficiency. Utilities included. Gulf views and large decks. (941) 505-1962. ANNUAL RENTAL: Perico Bay Club; 2BR/2BA villa with garage. small pet OK. Heated pool, tennis, gated community. $1,200/month. Hidden Lakes; 3BR/2BA condo, all new, pool, small pet OK. $1,400/month. Suncoast Real Estate, (941) 779-0202. www.suncoastinc.com. ANNUAL 3BR/2BA: Holmes Beach. Steps to beach, clean duplex-$1,100/month. (941) 725-0578 or (941) 794-2912. BRADENTON BEACH: NEWLY remodeledlBR/ 1BA suite with. full kitchen, fully furnished, one block from Bridge Street, three minute walk to beach. Sleeps four only. No pets. Now taking reservations for summer. Available weekly, monthly or seasonal. (941) 776-3696, or e-mail bjustin628@tampabay.rr.com. ANNUAL: 3BR/2BA $1,100/month and 2BR/1BA $950/month. Great location to beach, clean, updated. (941 ) 778-5482. REALTORS TAX SEASON SPECIAL April 5 April 15 Temporary Price Reduction $799,000 l' a.,I Waterfront 3BR/3BA with newly built private guest quarters. updated kitchen, turnkey furnished. Call The Producers, Lori Guerin, Realtor, (941) 773-3415 or Carmen Pedota, Realtor. (941) 284-2598. K 5910 Marina Dnve Holmes Beach FL 34217 Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770 1-800-741-3772 info@smithrealtors.com Web site: www.smithreallors.com ANNA MARIA ISLAND: Steps from Bradenton Beach. One hundred yards from bay. Spacious 1BR/1BA with parking. Available for yearly rental. 55-plus. (614) 517-7147. ANNA MARIA ISLAND: Waterfront mobile resort. Steps to beach. Nice 1BR/1BA. April $950. May- September $625. 55-plus. 2601 Gulf Drive N., Unit 425, Bradenton Beach. (941) 778-5417. ANNUAL OR SEASONAL rental. 2BR/1BA, two blocks to beach. $900/month annual, includes cable, water, sewer, trash. Seasonal $700/week or $2,100/month. (941) 778-0714 or (941) 730-6349. BEAUTIFUL AND SPACIOUS 3BR/2BA home located four houses down from beach! Free trolley picks up at end of block. Available by the week. Adjacent two-bedroom apartment also available first half of March. Call (616) 225-1589. CONDOS: BRADENTON BEACH, Bayview Ter- race. Pool on bay, one block to beach. Three-month minimum. 2BR, $2,000/month. 1BR $1,500/month. (941) 752-1737. SEASONAL RENTAL: Available for April 2006, $1,500 plus tax. 1 BR/1 BA with boat dockage. North end Anna Maria. Bright and cheerful with tile floors. Nonsmoking, no pets. (941) 778-5445. ANNUAL RENTALS: HOME with bay views. 2BR/2BA, two-plus car garage, screened lanai. $1,350/month. 2BR/1.5BA duplex apartment $850/month. 2BR/1BA north end, washer/dryer, screened lanai, $875/month. Fran Maxon Real Estate, (941) 778-2307. PRIVATE COTTAGE WITH shared dock, Old Flor- ida-style 2BR/1BA, screened porch, deck, fenced yard. Half block to beach. Pet OK. Weekly, monthly. Special rate April 1, 2006. (941) 485-1874. MONTHLY RENTAL: 2BR/2BA with den. Furnished condo on canal. West Bradenton. Five minutes to beaches. $2,100/month. June through November 2006. (708) 532-2149. MARKEY REALTY & ASSOCIATES h-ii POPULAR NORTH ...BEACH VILLAGE with S. i ts unique park-like setting l "and open airy floor plan. ...,. Two-car allached garage with large utility room.Two Sdecks, plus nice screened : i1IIII porch. Unit #52 turnkey S,. furnished. Offered at ." :l $645,000. MLS# 516601. p www ilrealtour.com/ .110905625 vtour/index.html CALL JOHN ZIRZOW 778-9171 OFFICE 753-1620 ANNUAL RENTALS: 3BR/2BA home on canal $2,300/month. Call Betsy Hills Real Estate, PA. at (941) 778-2291 or e-mail: Jason@betsyhills.com. COZY EXPANDED MOBILE home in 55-plus resort. bayside, furnished, parking, walk to beach/trolley. $800/month, annual. $1,400/month, seasonal. (518) 473-1169 or rgumson @ mail.nysed.gov. HOUSE FOR RENT: 2BR/1BA across from Gulf. Newly redone. A tranquil artist retreat. $1,050/month. (941) 753-8866.102 Fourth St., S. Bradenton Beach. SANDPIPER MOBILE RESORT: 55-plus, 1 BR/1 BA, inside and out sitting areas, turnkey. $1,200/month, $450/weekly. (941) 962-0262. #418 with anchor. ANNUAL 2BR/2BA BRADENTON Beach. Bay views, close to beach. 2319 Ave. B. $1,000/month. (941) 778-3875. LIDO BEACH STUDIO, 1 or 2BR apartment. Delight- ful and modern with porch/lanai in garden setting. Across from beach, walking distance to St. Armands Circle. Eight minutes to Sarasota Main Street. Fully furnished, including full kitchen and laundry room. Call for special summer weekly rates, (941) 383-2566. SEASONAL RENTAL WANTED: Two bedroom, December through April 2007. Senior man and Springer Spaniel, both clean and well-behaved. References. (941) 761-2526. STILL AVAILABLE FOR Easter week: 2BR/2BA duplex one block from Gulf beaches..Newly remodeled and very clean. Laundry. $545. (94i) 807-5449. NEAR BEACH: FURNISHED 1BR/1 BA. $750/month with utilities. Seven-month lease, first, last and deposit. Call Jackie, (941) 929-7165. PALMS OF CORTEZ gated 2BR/1BA condo. Pool, tennis; fitness, Small pet OK. Very clean, third floor unit, $1,100. (941) 778-8277 or (941) 748-5113. SEASONAL 2BR/2BA: undercover parking. Large deck, $2,500/month. 210 81st St., Holmes Beach. (941) 778-2695 or (813) 962-0817. 3704 6TH AVE HOLMES BEACH P. 0 2BR/2BA condo turnkey furnished. Steps to the beach, shopping, and great dining. Fenton Realty, Ben Guth, Realtor, (941) 812-1236. J mnlIlUai l n ie .! M'vaiiauIl. Village of Cortez Quiet and adorable, large 2BR/1BA. Completely remodeled. Private garden style setting. $1,100 unfurnished $1,200 furnished i Call Maureen Dahms areen j REAL ESTATE J OF ANNA MARIA 941 778-0455 9906 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria www.greenreal.com. - -- ~C1 -F ~II ~c-_ IC LC L_ i I~C- oo 0 14-B M APRIL 5, 2006 T THE ISLANDER ISLA NDER. CLA SSIFIEDS HQLMES BEACH MASTER bedroom for rent in 1,400 sf 2BR/1BA beach house, 1.5 blocks from beach. $650/month. First, last, security deposit. (941)587-1456. ANNUALS OPENING UP! Several to choose from! 1BR/1BA furnished, near the beach, $800/month. 1 BR/1 BA with sunroom or 2BR/2BA, both furnished in Gulffront complex with heated pool! 55-plus, $950/month or $1,150/month. 3BR/2BA home, fur- nished or unfurnished, $2,200 or $1,800/month. Cute 2BR/1 BA furnished north-end, $1,000/month. 2BR/2.5BA canal home unfurnished, $1,600/month. Call Adele at An Island Place Realty, (941) 587-6328. BEACH STEPS AWAY: Large 1BR/2BA, fully furnished, washer and dryer. $495/week or $1,795/month. Pets OK. www.gulfdriveapartments.com. (941) 778-1098. ANNA MARIA ISLAND Club: Available January, February and March, 2007.2BR/2BA, totally remod- eled in 2006. Call (813) 781-7562. MONTHLY RENTAL: FLAMINGO Cay, 2BR/2BA with dock and heated pool. Turnkey furnished, available late April thru September. $1,100/month. Security and references required. Nonsmoking. (941) 792-8852. DISNEY FOR CHRISTMAS: Orlando. Weeks of Dec. 16 or Dec. 23, 2006. 2BR/2BA condo, sleeps six. $675. (941) 778-1050 or (419) 473-8981. 3BR/2BA HOME: LEASE/option, five minutes off Island in northwest Bradenton. All new designer remodeled home $1,900/month. www.Highland- Investments.com. (941) 447-6278 HOUSE FOR RENT: Unfurnished 3BR/2BA, lanai and porch, pool, hot tub, privacy fenced yard, fire- place. Close to beach. Call (941) 773-0248. ANNUAL RENTALS: HOME with bay views; 2BR/2BA, two-car garage, screened lanai, $1-,350/month. 2BR/2BA Anna Maria, $875/month including water and garbage. 2BR/1BA North end, washer and dryer, screened lanai, $875/month. Fran Maxon Real Estate, (941) 778-2307. SPECTACULAR VIEWS: out the front door onto the beach. $2,000/month. Annual rental at 5400 Gulf Drive #36. (717) 392-4048. ANNUAL RENTAL: 3BR/1BA single-family home. Updated kitchen, large patio, tile floors. New everything. Available May 1. City of Anna Maria. $1,650/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/2.5BA. Fully updated, vaulted ceilings, washer/dryer, tile floors, large clos- ets. West of Gulf Drive. Small pets may be consid- ered. $1,350/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. 1st TIME BUYERS WANItU ITni charming tHnlitlA nflrme Wti iblUE WIINNH nii wuonornul uome i tr. alrily IVULJc' U jfferclargeeat~-inMlikhen LoicAledin quielarea near snopping near MCC, IMG. Cone: Roja d ad US-41 Thir 3BR wes and mall Somer upda3lng is complete Greal for owner *:ide nome is rineed 01 a Iltle TLC. Great bone 0 lt his Locupantor iveeIor Hiome warrnryv provided $164,900 Call nome Home waranty provided S194,900 Call SIc:i Barr Scon Bair ati 9-11798-9t9t at (941f ;79-9191 .. .. TRIPLEX NEAR SNEAD ISLAND L.cellern inuvestmenl in wesi r-77 `- Palmelto. uniis have Deen upcaled Easy to lent witr longI lerm tenanls in pljce All three uniis are 2BR/1BA and over DOUBLE INCOME PRODUCER Perfet for i nvesor or owner 700 sl per unit Home warranty proviaea $290,000 Call S:on occupant, ins duple> has 2BRi1BAon eacr side anid 1 located Barr at (941)1 98-'91 in nice quiet area rear MCC One long-term lenani in place easy to reni Home wjrranrv provided $234.900 Cail Scon arr at 9411 798-9191941-798-9191 If You Haven't Found It - YOU SHOULD! Hiddenlake 96U wite hi'tia, a e H. ps v *Gated Community *Attached Garage w/Electric Door Opener *Beautiful Lakefront Homes *Heated Pool & Spa *Minutes to the Gulf Of Mexico *Four Models To Choose From *Gorgeous Clubhouse rn.. Choose Your Interior Colors & Designs Luxury Condominiums 6404 7th Ave. Cir. W. 761-0444" MP YAW S*~l -- .... impeccable taste! lurnkey furnishedvith Mexican-tile floors, granite countertops, stainless a pliances, built-ins, hot and cold outdoor shower, and pave~ riveway! Must see! $649,000. TACT qUE CARLSON 720-2242 a-, -'INFORMATIOl LIVE ON THE BEACH IN BEST PRICED UNIT IN THIS A GULF SANDS BEACH- BEACHFRONTCOMPLEX! FRONT CONDO WITH 2BR/2BA with a large OREOUS VIEWS. 2BR/2BA with large, heated pool. Super cen- tral Holmes Beach location. Turnkey furnished. Makes a great rental. Offered at 1 $829,000. FPT --- LIVE THE ISLAND LIFE- STYLE in this. large 3BR/2BA remodeled California/Santa Fe-style home located on a 10,000 sf lot zoned R-2, one block from the beach. Offered at $945,000. PLEASE CALL GAYLE SCHULZ FOR SHOWINGS AND MORE DETAILS. G ayle Simyson Schulz Broker/Associate Jim Anderson Realty Company PO Box 1789 401-B Pine Avenue Anna Maria, FL 34216 941.778.4847 toll free 1.800.772.3235 www.jimandersonrealty.com email: jimsrealtyco@aol.com Ifm s r SALES & RENTALS 419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291 EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294 A44 94 "' a vv4 DARLING NORTH S 2BR/2BA seaside h the secluded north e wood-laminate floo kitchen and Florida r outdoor shower, ci new air compressor. landscaped. $799,001 HORE RETREAT Charming COMMERCIALLYZONEDHOMESTEPSTOGULF! Light ideaway, tucked away on and spacious.2BR/1.5BA home just one short block end. Great room floor plan, to the Gulf! Situated in a mixed residential/community rs, wooden shutters, tile Holmes Beach district, the properly offers five garages oom, sunny patio, enclosed which can be rented to various businesses. 90x100 ceiling fans, skylight, and foot lot with room for expansion, large i n kitchen, Beautifully maintained and built-in display cabinets, Pergo flooba rpiting, 0. .and spacious sun deck. $1,495,000. Visit our Web site at www.betsyhills.com - - .A. w ..aV^. -. .f^v .*i-Wrr--- ^*TS . THE ISLANDER 9 APRIL 5. 2006 K B-15 L A D -E AR C9-L A. S S I FIE ANNUAL RENTAL: 3BR/2.5BA large townhome.Two- car garage, three porches, washer and dryer, com- munity pool. Available April 1, 2006. $2,100/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/1BA very quiet duplex. Updated kitchen, great den, washer and dryer hookups. Available now, $975/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. FURNISHED ONE-BEDROOM apartment, utili- ties included. $850/month. (941) 778-3173. Annual rental 2BR/2BA waterfront villa, dock and great view north and south. $1,000/month. Call Carleen at (941) 224-6521 or (941) 778 2100. ANNUALS OPENING UP! 1BR/1BA furnished near the beach $800/month, 2BR/2B furnished Gulffront com- plex with heated pool! 55-plus, $1,200/month, 3BR/2BA architecturally awarded canalfront home $1,800/month. Cute 2BR/1BA furnished north end $1,000/month. 2B/2.5B canal home, unfurnished, $1,600/month. Call Adele at An Island Place Realty, (941) 587-6328. ANNUAL LEASE: 1 BR/1 BA upstairswith deck. Two- car garage and possible extra storage. $900/month. Call (941) 761-4040. Perico Island: Annual lease 3BR/2.5BA, two-car garage, community pool, tennis, unfurnished. $1,700. Call Linda Moore, Realty Executives Solu- tions, (941) 737-3581. SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals. 1BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to beach, shopping, restaurants. (941). 778-3426. Web site 2spinnakers.com. PRECONSTRUCTION PRICES! Lakefront Hidden Lake condominiums, west Bradenton. Close to beach. Starting at $329,900. Call Cori Woods, (941) 761-0444. LOT FOR SALE: One block to Gulf. 50x100 feet, cleared. $539,000. (941) 778-4036. 215 71st St., Holmes Beach. WATERFRONT PROPERTY 2BR/2BA located on deep-water canal with large dock and views of Tampa Bay. $864,900. (941) 779-1512. FOR SALE BY owner: Best value on the Island! 2BR/ 2BA, one-car garage, gourmet kitchen, new windows, updated baths and more. Two blocks from beach. $615,000. (941) 778-8677. 406 Bay Palms Drive, Holmes Beach. wbcaudill@verizon.net. ANNA MARIA ISLAND Club: 2BR/2BA condo. Fully furnished and equipped. Best-kept condo complex on the Island. Beautiful beach, pool, hot tub, sauna and sunsets. No more left on the Island like this! $1,200,000. (317) 873-3307 for instructions on virtual tour. HOLMES BEACH DUPLEX: By owner. 2BR/2BA each side, one lanai, secluded street, steps to beach and downtown. New appliances and air han- dlers. Beautiful maintenance-free landscaping. Dog- friendly fenced yard. $650,000. (941)794-9940. ANNA MARIA 3BR/2BA north-end home. Gulf, beaches, bay, piers. $595,000. (941) 778-2934. BEAUTIFUL ISLAND TOWNHOUSE: Steps to the beach. 3BR/2BA. Pool, designer upgrades, gran- ite counters, new appliances, tile floors, two-story home. $599,000. Call (941) 447-6278, or view online at www.44smart.com. 3BR/2BA: One bedroom used as a den/office/ playroom, enclosed lanai, tiled with carpeted bed- rooms. 1,400 sf, county water/sewer, citrus trees, near Brentwood school in Sarasota. Reduced to $274,900. (941) 379-4196 or (941) 954-7474. VILLAGE GREEN VILLA: 2BR/2BA, two-car garage. Completely updated. Open Sunday. 6608 12th Ave. W., Bradenton. (941) 448-8502 or (941) 761-2575 WATERFRONT KEY WEST-style: stilt, vaulted, open-beam cedar ceilings, dock. Sailboat water, no bridges. Turnkey, extra-large lot. Willow Avenue. (941) 778-8168. BRIGHT AND AIRY: 2BR/2BA Gulf-view condo in four-unit building with heated pool. New kitchen, screened balcony, washer/dryer, new air-condition- ing system.Turnkey ready. Wonderful home or great rental. $650,000. (941) 779-1013. BEAUTIFUL ISLAND TOWNHOUSE: 3BR/2BA, pool, steps to beach. Designer upgrades, granite * counters. $589,000. Lease option available. (941) 447-6278. PALMA SOLA PARK: 3BR/2BA. Lovingly restored with new kitchen, bath and roof. Freshly painted inside and out. Move right in. Large corner lot. $429,000. Call for appointment, (941) 778-5445. $45,000 WILL BUY 566 sf of living space next to Bradenton Beach City Pier. Excellent condition. All appliances, central air conditioning/heat, washer/ dryer and storage. Satellite and TV plus all furniture. Boat slips available to members of boating club and owners. A steal! (321) 242-8882. INVESTORS: THIS IS the one you are waiting for! Club Bamboo South. Direct Gulffront condo. Unit is $35,000 less than the last several sold for. Build- ing was just completed, everything new inside and out! Crown moulding, granite and more. Great rental complex with nightly rentals allowed! Motivated seller to save you money. $465,000. George, (312) 321-7501. SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander. pull SIH~k. UNIQUE SAILBOAT WATERFRONT HOME with 39 foot boat- S house and mother - d i in law apartment iI ., ,with heated pool, on t-end canal. 3BR,,'2.5BA in main house rebuilt and enlarged three years ago and 1 BR/1 BA full mother-in-law apartment. Gourmet main kitchen, DCS gas stove top, double oven, double dishwasher, double wine coolers, granite counter top, outside kitchen with triple sink, dishwasher and built-in B-B-Q. Two zone central vacuum, intercom, 15 foot ceiling and see-through gas fireplace ir great room to outside pool. 4900 S.F.U.R. PAO 502 72nd St., Holmes Beach SA must see at $2,250,000. Ted E. Davis, Licensed Real Estate Broker/Owner. By appointment, (941) 778-6155. ~~ee~e 2,445.lf e.2iaiA ~caryei e-4eoa6M pool 206 66 c5Sireel ,lTre-consIruclion ricinyfrom $995,900. 7&aese wef-appohileo/siylef- mdufyomes oas/pees ofae uJofJIexico andoare only os fo /Ae eaca flour covered/ als allow oridufyenloviews owf/e [awo~aofsurrouno dny Leauly. oasiaf designs fea/uriny wooo nme/ry, yfzrane /ops, bam~oo foormy ancdcus/om fiAures. RCB PROPERTIES COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE o r.more information gyo lo vww. rc6prop. comn or caff941 753 -9011. FEATURED LISTING. CENTRAL LOCATION! WALK TO EVERY- THING! Enjo fabulous sunsets from your rooftop: 7 1 ".;- deck! Jusi one block from the beach and centrally .. loc:aed in Bradenton Beach. Walk to Historic Bridge Street, restaurants, shops, and marina. Cute 1BR condo, turnkey furnished & ready to rent. New heated pool and "' i ^ rooftop deck! Wonderful island escape! $375,000. MINI RESORT Four units in Bradenton Beach directly across the street from the Gulf! Room for a pool, great rental history, Gulf views from roof top sundeck. Property is ripe for condo conversion or just sit back and let the income roll in. Each duplex offered at $649,900. FULL GULF VIEWS! Unobstructed views of the Gulf from this adorable 2BR/1BA turnkey condo in Bradenton Beach. Low association fees, no rental restrictions, and zero maintenance. $499,000. BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME 75 x 106 lot across'the street from the beach in central Holmes Beach. Walk to shops and restaurants. Architect plans available for a custom designed, beautiful ground level home permissible on this lot, or build up for gulf views! $627,500. WESTBAY POINT & MOORINGS: Rarely available 3BR unit, overlooking canal; Spacious bedrooms and eat-in kitchen. Over 1600 sf, heated pool and spa in a beautifully maintained bay-front community. $599,000. SANDY POINTE: Impeccably maintained 2BR/2BA condo in central Holmes Beach within walking distance to shops, restaurants, and the beach! No rental restrictions make this condo an instant income producer. Heated pool, covered parking, storage, washer dryer, and new water heater! Don't wait come see this tastefully done unit today! $355,000. VALENCIA GARDENS Renovated ground floor end unit, 2BR/2BA condo with great views of El Conquistador golf course! Turnkey furnished, ready for you to move in. Close to beaches, IMG Academy, private courtyard, pool, spa, and lanai. New kitchen! $289,000. GREAT CANALFRONT VALUE IN LONGBOAT KEY 3BR/2BA home with won- derful open-beam ceilings, new flooring, new dock, no bridges to bay. Short-walk to beach, botanical park and a great restaurant. Build up for bay views! $779,000. RARELY AVAILABLE NORTH BEACH VILLAGE UNIT. Largest floor plan over 1,500 sf with three decks. Choice location, private condo with two-car garage, nicely maintained, heated pool and close to the beach! $599,000. A WATERLOVERS DREAM! Wonderful master suite with a grand deck overlooking the bay, 4 guest suites + a grand room, and a gourmet kitchen opening up onto a wrap- around deck with bay views. Easy boat access Bay and Gulf. Offered at $2,795,000. NEW CONSTRUCTION! LOW MAINTENANCE HOME! Construction complete! Coastal designed 3BR/2.5BA home with 18-foot ceilings, granite countertops, stainless appliances, wood floors, 8-foot French doors, two open decks, Hardi Plank siding, a swim- ming pool and much more all close to beach access! This is a must see! $889,000. STEPS TO THE BEACH! Spacious 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished condo. Heated pool, rooftop sundeck with great views, excellent rental history with no rental restrictions! A must see. $599,000. 50 l D --.ols Bea 'C 16-B E APRIL 5. 2006 THE ISLANDER Sandy's Lawn Service Inc. g.Sandy's Established in 1983 Lawn Celebrating 23 Years of A Serice Quality & Dependable Service. SCe all us for your landscape 7781345 and hardscape needs. _S Licensed & Insured Paradise Improvements 778-4173 .. Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist .'i- Replacement Doors and Windows S- Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault Fully Licensed and Insured Island References Lic#CBC056755 fkWAGNED REALTY . N C 2217 CULF I)DIVE N OIt: N ODT11 *I IAD N IACII, II. ',1217 SINCE 1939 . HAQOLD SMALL REALTOR Office: (941) 778-2246 792- 8628 . E-mail: haroldsmall@wagnerrealty.com " US A FENCE KIND Specializing WHITE VINYL FENCE Removal of all types of trash, debris and junk. 720-22-1 7 Advertise here and. reach more than 20,000 people weekly with your ad -for as little as $20! The Islander 7 0ii --,,-- TNT ROOFING REROOFSPECIALISTS. TILE METAL SHINGLE *-FLAT FREE 6 yr. Maintenance. Program 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE Experienced in: ALL REPAIR TYPES 941-556-ROOF 941-556-7663 727-341-1600 FREE ESTIMATES Licensed & Insured {Lic. #CCC1325742) W.hWkWTOUOiWAP" WWW.ISLANDEH.ORG \ : Original art by local artists 5314 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 779-2624 wjrigZjilZ'"g EeeluAug a lDttle ... D Y????? MAWRS SCAERUMTA PRMSSLAR6 WASI-NCi Best serv'i..e a&o P re wylttevt cjwlv clteeH! i ALL zesiaeiwtciaL &~Ac avot ALEservtz-es .*M ci clA4 1( 7/v ULcensed ov 4 rnl swxed F--oM.estU, Wlhte~k-i.tU & r>LGde Marvz soperotta 04:L) 544-iLocc& dpevratoy/soLe Poaprvetor THIS IS THE FINEST CONDO in the entire complex! Runaway Bay direct bayfront! Absolutely everything is new, including electric, air conditioning, water heater, flooring, wash rooms, kitchen and all interiors. Profes- sionally decorated. The best view in the complex of all water. $499,999. George, (312) 321-7501. NOW PRE-SELLING! New, -maintenance-free villas. The villas at Palma Sola Trace by Hen- derson Brothers Homes. 1,950 sf, starting in the $360s. Prime northwest Bradenton location. Act now for $3,000 in free options. Call or e-mail Jonathan Valdez at (813) 643-9551 or jonathanv@hendersonbrothershomes.com. BY OWNER: 3BR/2BA, caged pool, canalfront, 10,000 lb. lift with dock, view of Bimini Bay. $30,000 below recent appraisal. Owner will lease back or sell turnkey. $869,000! .(941) 778-2336. STOP LOOKING! You've found the best value on the Island! Two bedroom, extra large bathroom and kitchen, bay view, Gulf beach just steps away! Only $229,900! Call Jill Sullivan, Keller Williams Realty, (941) 232-9783 today! OPEN HOUSE 1-4pm Saturday and Sunday. Bay- view and canalfront with pool. 2BR/2BA open plan, new kitchen. Totally upgraded. Dock, three davits. Owner motivated. Not a drive-by, must see inside! By owner. Call Herb Dolan, (941) 705-4454. 404 21st Place. Bradenton Beach. PERICO ISLAND: 1,170 sf, lovely 2BR2BA condo. Great water view/porch. Eat-in kitchen. Concrete built. $325,000. Agents welcome. (941) 792-7828. CONDO UNIT DIRECTLY on Gulf. Call (504) 819-0867 or (504) 391-0324. PALMA SOLA BAYFRONT HOME: Flamingo Cay. 1,500 sf 3BR/2BA, private dock and davits. Sail- boat water. 130-plus feet of seawall. Room for a pool. Ready for remodel or build new. Incredible full bay views. $999,000. Mike Faber, (941) 504-6345. RE/MAX Gulfstream Realty. RUNAWAY BAY 2BR/2BA second-floor condo with great view of pond and fountain. Everything new in 2006, including: carpet, tile, furniture, pictures, paint, kitchen items, beds and more. All new bathrooms. Air conditioning has about a six-year warranty for new owner. $399,000. George, (312) 321-7501. LONGBOAT KEY SAND Cay: Gulf side 2BR/2BA condo. This large condo has been completely remodeled in a great complex. Great views of the pool, grounds and a view of the Gulf. Great rental complex with onsite management, pool, tennis, shuffleboard and more. Priced to sell at $689,900. George (312) 321-7501. PALMA SOLA BAYFRONT 3BR/2BA home. Spec- tacular views with 155-foot bay frontage on deep sailboat water. Boater's dream with two lifts (50,000 Ib and 10,000 Ib), heated pool, Jacuzzi. $1,375,000. Call Lynn Parker, RoseBay Realty, (941) 321-2736. LOT FOR SALE: 57.75x114 feet. Great location one block from Gulf beach. $569,000. 125 Neptune Lane, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-4246. WATERFRONT DUPLEX: RARE canalfront duplex with private setting, docks/lifts, peak of the bay and short walk to the beach. Offered at $799,500. Call Dave Moynihan, (941) 720-0089. Wagner Realty. WESTBAY POINT MOORINGS: Turnkey furnished 2BR/2BA, heated pool, spa and tennis. Perfect Island retreat. $424,900. Denise Langlois, Coldwell Banker (941) 725-4425. GOLDEN GATE POINTE townhouse: Great loca- tion, great investment near marina, downtown St. Armands, Lido Beach. Available now. $535,000. (941) 792-0509. WESTBAY POINT & MOORINGS spacious 2BR/2BA condo. End unit overlooking pool and tennis courts with partial bay views. $495,000. Call Terry Fletcher with RE/MAX Gulfstream, (941) 778-7777. SWEEPING BAYFRONT VIEW from this 2BR/2BA condo with carport and 35-foot-deep-water, boat dock. $559,000. Open house 1-4pm Sunday, April 2, or call (941) 807-5449. DIRECT GULFFRONT: FULLY furnished 2BR condo with great views, heated pool. Weekly rentals and quiet Holmes Beach location. $615,000. Call Pat, (941) 778-7976. BEST AND MOST dramatic views on the beach. Designer furnished, all new, remodeled from the studs out. Price reduced to $899,500. 5400 Gulf Drive #36. (717) 392-4048. CHARMING DUPLEX FOR sale by owner: large land condos lot. $799,000. Call (941) 779-0120. NORTH-END WATERFRONT: Large building lot! Deep water, no bridges to bay. Custom plans avail- able. $695,000. Sheryl, (610) 247-9496. Photos and survey, http://mysite.verizon.net/talbotl. KEY ROYALE: Holmes Beach. Gorgeous view of Skyway, 3BR/2.5BA, two-car North Point Drive. 4BR/3BA, five-car garage. Elevated with new lap pool/spa/waterfall, seawall and dock. Or 2BR/2BA, two-car garage, renovated ranch with new seawall/dock/20,000-lb lift. Both with community pool and tennis. At $989,500 each. Call Lynn Bankuty, Realtor, SunCoast Real Estate, (941) 737-1420. PERICO BAY CLUB: Updated 3BR with panoramic views of Palma Sola Bay. $595,000. Open Sunday 1-4pm, 792-4803 1167 Edgewater Circle. FOR SALE BY OWNER: Beachfront 1BR/1BA, Holmes Beach condo. End unit, fabulous view, heated pool, excellent rental. $559,000. annamariabeachplace.com. (330) 565-7693. PINEBROOK: YOU'LL HAVE it all! Move-in con- dition. Golf, tennis, clubhouse activities at your front door. Beaches only minutes away. 2BR/2BA, priced to sell at $267,500. Carol Greenwald, (941) 962-1148. Wagner Realty. HOLMES BEACH unique, custom 2,100-plus sf, 3BR/3BA with large efficiency, boat dock, financing, make offer. Owner, (513) 378-9100. SWEEPING BAYFRONT VIEW from this 2BR/2BA condo with carport and 35-foot, deep-water boat dock. $559,000. Open house 1-4pm Sunday, April 2, or call (941) 807-5449. ELEVATED DUPLEX: CONCRETE 4BR/4BA with enclosed garage and storage area below. 3,500 sf built to add third floor or easily convert to single home. $559,000. (941) 807-5449. DEEP BOATABLE WATERFRONT: Attention Island lovers! 3BR/2BA canalfront home. Newly remod- eled. All luxury amenities. Caged pool, new 10,000-lb boat lift. Bring offers! Open Sunday. To view, call Homes By The Sea Realty at (941) 722-8551, or (941) 720-0941 (cell). 522 68th St., Holmes Beach. THE PALMS: Beautiful first-floor unit with detached garage! Larger unit. 1/BR 1/BA, high ceilings, Hunter fans,'garden tub, large closets. Available furnished. Resort-style living, pool, clubhouse and workout center. Lease option available. All this for only $167,000. To view, call Homes By The Sea Realty, (941) 722-8551. Office open Sunday. 4802 51st St. W. #619, Bradenton. BUILD A LANDMARK property! Direct Gulf-view duplex, 5,200 sf lot. Reduced to $899,900. Call Linda Moore, Realty Executives Solutions, (941) 737-3581. CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org ! I COpyrighted Materi .Syndicated Contenit . Available from Commercial News Providers" E C'L s s-1 F I E D'S I VILLAGE GREEN VILLA: Beautiful 2BR/2BA turn- key furnished, close to everything and only minutes to the beach. $265,000. Denise Langlois, Coldwell Banker, (941) 725-4425. 801 68th St. VILLAGE GREEN VILLA: Great." D" model with two- car garage. Open and bright, close to doctors and shopping. No flood insurance required. $285,000. Open house 2-4pm, April 9. 6907 8th Avenue west. Denise Langlois, Coldwell Banker, (941) 725-4425. VILLAGE GREEN VILLA: Neat as a pin. 2BR/2BA, one-car garage. $248,000. Denise Langlois, Cold- well Banker, (941) 725-4425. VILLAGE GREEN HOME: Immaculate 2BR/2BA brand new kitchen, move right in. $285,000. Open house 2-4pm April 9.7317 19th Ave. W. Denise Lan- glois, Coldwell Banker, (941) 725-4425. PICKWICK LAKE WATERFRONT development on a TVA lake, approximately 90 miles long in North- east Mississippi. A small gated community with pri- vate 30-foot covered boat slips, pool and spa. There are only 13undeveloped lots left. The lots are priced from $49,900 to $150,000, including boat slip. Prop- erty taxes range from $500-$1,500/year. Call Bailey at Bailey Williams Realty for more information. Office (800) 748-9051. Cell (662) 415-7999 or Anna Maria, (941) 778-1356.You will be glad you called! MURPHY, N.C.: Aah, cool summers, mild winters. Affordable homes and mountain cabins, land. Call for free brochure, (877) 837-2288. Exit Realty Mountain View Properties. www.exitmurphy.com. NORTH CAROLINA GATED lakefront community: 1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never before offered with 20 percent pre-development discounts, 90 percent financing. Call (800) 709-5253. MOUNTAIN PROPERTY! Interested in buying prop- erty in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina? Call Active Realty today at (800) 979-5556, or visit our Web site at www.ActiveRealtyNC.com. "LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION"Time to buy. Investors and builders, great buildable lots for sale .in one of Florida's fastest growing areas: Fort- Myers, (888) 558-0032. 'LAKEFRONT LOG HOME, $99,900. New 2,000-sf log home on Lake Cumberland, KY. Jamestown/ Russell Springs area. First time available April 22! (800) 770-9311, ext.55. NORTH CAROLINA: cool mountain air, views and streams, homes, cabins and acreage. Free brochure, (800) 642-5333. Realty Of Murphy, 317 Peachtree St., Murphy, NC. 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. Escape to beau- tilul western North Carolina mountains. Free color brochure and information. Mountain properties with spectacularviews, homes, cabins, creeks'and invest- ment acreage. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate. www.cherokeemountainrealty.com. (800) 841-5868. LOOKING TO OWN LAND? Invest in rural acreage throughout America: coastal, mountain, waterfront properties. 20 -to- 200 acres. Free, monthly Special land reports: www.land-wanted.com/sw. FINAL CLOSEOUT: Lake bargains! April 8-9. Water access from $34,900 with free boat slips. Pay no closing costs! Huge $5,000 savings on beauti- fully wooded parcels at 34,000-acre Lake Tennes- see. Enjoy unlimited water recreation. Surrounded by state forest. Excellent financing! Call (800) 704-3154, ext. 722. TN Land Partners, LLC. LAKEFRONT PROPERTY IN TENNESSEE: Water- front, view and estate homesites. One to 40 acres from the $40s. Situated around a 45,000-acre lake. Just 90 minutes to Nashville. New building sites just released. Call owner, (866) 339-4966. N.C.: ASHEVILLE-AREA HOMESITES Gated com- munity with stunning mountain views. Situated between two mountains on over four miles of river- front. One- to- eight acres from the $60s. Custom owners' lodge, river walk and more. Call (866) 292-5762. NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS: Three acres on mountain top in gated community, view, trees, waterfall and large public lake nearby, paved pri- vate access, $58,500. Owner, (866) 789-8535 www.NC77.com. TENNESSEE LAKESIDE MOUNTAIN acreage. Sit- uated around a 36,000-acre lake in eastern Ten- nessee. 1/2- to five-acre building sites from the $40s. Planned community amenities and direct lake access. Owner, (866) 292-5769. NORTH GEORGIA AND western North Carolina: Head for the mountains! Call Mary Hedden, RE/MAX mountain connection. See hundreds of listings at www.lakechatugeproperty.com. E-mail: sold. @ maryhedden.com. GEORGIA: BLAIRSVILLE IN the north Georgia mountains. Land, homes, commercial and invest- ment. "Everything we touch turns to sold" Jane Baer Realty, (706). 745-2261, (800) 820-7829 www.janebaerrealty.com, janebaer@alltel.net. NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAIN property for less! Breathtaking Blue Ridge Parkway, New River, Stone Mountain, golf courses and quaint shops of Sparta. www.scenicrealty.com. (877) 372-7211 or (877) 363-5550. NEW, PRE-CONSTRUCTION golf community: Coastal Georgia. Large lots with deep-water; marsh, golf, nature.views. Gated, golf, fitness center, tennis, trails, oak park, docks. $70s-$300,000. (877) 266-7376. www.cooperspoint.com. COASTAL NORTH CAROLINA waterfront! 1.5 acres, $99,900. Beautifully wooded, great views, pristine shoreline, deep boatable water! Enjoy access to ICW, sound, Atlantic..Paved road, under- ground utilities. Excellent financing. Call now, (800) 732-6601, ext. 1510. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, Andrews. 3.5 acres on the headwaters of Valley River, drive and house pad. Price, $89,500. Valleytown Realty. vtr@dnet.net. (800) 632-2212, http://valleytownrealty.com. CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org ! HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance. We accept ads by fax with credit card information, 778-9392, at our Web site (secure server) www.islander.org, and by direc e-mail at classifieds@islander.org. Office hours: 9 to 5, Monday-Friday, (Saturday 10 to 2 as needed). CLASSIFIED RATES-BUSINESS OR INDIVIDUAL: Minimum rate is $10 for up to 20 WORDS. Additional words: Each addition word over 20 is 500, Box: $3, One- or two-line headlines, line rate plus 250 per word. WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD AND VISA! You can charge your classified advertising in person or by phone. We are sorry but due to the high volume of calls we can not take classified ad copy over the telephone. To place an ad by phone, please be prepared to FAX or e-mail your copy with your credit card information. (see below) USE THIS FORM FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: One word per blank space for minimum charge 20 words. I --- I Run issue dates) IAmt. pd Date Please indicate: Ck. No. or Cash IFor credit card payment: J [ LJ Z No. I Exp. Date Name shown on card: SBilling address zip code: House no. or post office box no. on bill IE-Mail address: [for renewal purposes only The Islander Fax:941778-939 S5404 Marina Drive rT ,e Islan d Phone 941 778-797 SHolmes Beach FL 34217 A .-ail c l -L ,rrder.or S A CL A SD Jackson Holmes, owner (941) 8123809 ISLAND TAXI Providing islanders with personal service to and from central and south florida airports, etc., Since 1991. Bruce Collins (941) 778-6201 Junior's Landscape & Maintenance Lawn care PLUS native plants. --< mulch, trip, hauling and cleanup. - Call Junior, 807-1015 JELDrWEN. WINDOWS DOORS SImpact Windows and Doors Exclusive Dislribuloi Wealherside, LLC SBased inHolmes Beach 8F1 I I REE COURTEOUS ESTIMATES S941-730-5045 Scarett l-Masonry I nc.i Brick + Block + Rock + Glass Block Stucco + Retainer Walls For All Your Masonry Needs! Perry L. Jacobs 941-448-3865 Qver 25 Years Experience! Free Estimates Licensed and Insured Serving Manatee and Sarasota Counties e t .I al Y, 1 3 3 Required * hoWSS# Needed * 30% Dowe. Bobby Edington 1941) 744-6906 1ST EQUITY/WORLD SAVINGS anna maria Gulf Coast PROPERTIES (941)782-5609 Now accepting annual rental properties on Anna Maria Island SChris 'I Eagleberger Over 20 years Real Estate experierr 2 '8 "9 JJust visiting paradclise? T1ie Islander SINCE 1992 Don't leave the Island without taking time to subscribe. You'll get ALL the best news, delivered by the mailman every week. Visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach or call 941-778-7978. Online edition: www.islander.org THE ISLANDER U APRIL 5, 2006 N B-17 The Paver Brick Store 8208 Cortez Road W. Bradenton 34210 (941) 794-6504 9:00 AM til Noon, or by Appointment Pool Deck, Patio and Driveway Renovations Design Build LONGBOAT KEY PAINTING & DESIGN, INC. Faux painting Cabinet refinishing Furniture restoration Custom painting 18-B N APRIL 5, 2006 TIHE ISLANDER of "Cop Syn Available from righted Materia indicated Content. Commercial News Pr u" 1Pr Wantto keep in touch? Subscribe to the "best news!" Call 941778-7978 and charge itto Visa or MasterCard. bY ..:: -... ....- -_.- .........^^ :*---..--'. .- the most sought after area of Perico Bay Club. This updated unit This unitoffers 2BR/2BA near Palma Sola Bay. Club house and Minutes to area beaches, shopping, dining. Turnkey fur- home built 2003. 3BR/2.5BA plus office/study with two-car offers one of the best views in the area.with all the amenities. pool are just a few amenities to mention. 55-plus community. nished, updated 2BR/2 full bath unit overlooks pool. Not side entry garage. Options and upgrades galore, short walk to Just minutes to the Gulf beaches and some of the best water Call Jeff for details.(941) 778-7777. age-restricted. $170,000 Details and Virtual Tour online DeSoto Memorial Park! Offered at $635,000. Details and virtual activities the Gulf coast has to offer. Call Jeff Prater at (941) at www.JanetReardon.com or call Janet R-eardon at tour online at www.JanetReardon.com or call Janet Reardon at 778-7777 or (941) 773-8227. (941) 962-5611. (941) 962-5611. ... ... o f. .. . WO!REAKBL B/2Aon-a grg-vla oaedi.PAM SL HOE ooig o getplc t al oe WS BAETO AAL.ALSCND ratlcain N RDETN IE'SRDE:Gigosexctvepo VINTAGE BEACH COTTAGE ie,]lly loi:,led .n a quiel slreel Within steps of the sandy beaches of the Gulf. Relax and enjoy the sparkling view of the water. Potential galore for the creative buyer. Build up for a spectacular vista of the turquoise sea. Plenty of room to add a pool for a tranquil private escape. Best price in the area. $799,000. Call Liz Codola at (941) 812-3455. SUPREME LOCATION and quality -craftsmanship featuring BEST OF BOTH SHORES! Within steps of the powder sand 3-4BR/3BA, 2,500 plus sf smart-wired living space, security beaches of the Bay & Bean Point. Soaring cypress ceilings & system, three verandas, crown molding, granite countertops, celestory windows abound for an open airy essence. Profes- wood flooring, nine foot ceilings, SS appliances, glass block sional remodel with Travertine floors, wood cabinets, granite shower, whirlpool tub, paver-brick drive, tropical landscaping countertops, SS appliances and Plantation shutters. Elevated and more. Room for a pool! $849,000. Call Liz Codola at sun deck for spectacular sunset views. $925;O,0 $849,000. (941) 812-3455. Bring all Offers! Call Liz Codola at (941)812-3455. BRAND NEW HOME ON PERICO ISLAND Just minutes from PALMA SOLA BAYRONT HOME Flamingo Cay. 1,500 sf. BRADENTON BEACH GULFFRONTCONDO atThe Capri. Fabulous the beach. Gorgeous 2BR/2BA with den, open plan, upgraded 3BR/2BA, private dock and davits. Sailboat water. 130-plus 2BR/2BAtastefullyturnkeyfurnishedunitwithexcellentrentalhis- kitchen, luxury master suite and fabulous view. Community feet of seawall. Room for a pool. Ready for remodel or tory, just steps from historic Bridge Street. Being offered "as is" at pool, tennis, clubhouse and lawn maintenance. $475,000. Call build new. Incredible full bay views. $999,000. Mike Faber, $875,000. Details and virtual tour online atwww.JanetReardon.com Debbie Detweiler 527-7221. (941) 504-6345. or call Janet Reardon at (941) 962-5611. CREATE YOUR OWN PARADISE! Across from the sparkling waters of the Gulf of Mexico rests this enchanting beach cottage. Light and bright living area with wrap around windows and Mexican tile. Add a pool with tropical landscaping for a peaceful garden oasis. Located amongst multi-million dollar homes. Build up for unobstructed water views. $7498000 $729,000. Call Liz Codola at (941) 812-3455. S ATTENTION!! INVESTMENT PROPERTY OWNERS Contact Judy Karkhoff for Professional Property Management Services 941.778.77T7 or 866.266.9911 www.gulfstreamfirst.com WE oviders" 0 Simply the Best GULFFRONT Elevated 3BR/2BA. Tile floors, turn- key furnished. $2,100,000. Other Gulffronts from $1,300,000. KEY ROYALE Lowest price on Key. Beautifully furnished 2BR/2BA, overlooks boat basin and down canal with boat slip. Tastefully landscaped. View of bay. OLD BRIDGE VILLAGE The view doesn't get any better from this condo. Overlooks entire bay. 3BR/3BA turnkey furnished. Elevator and upgrades galore. BEACH VIEWS from this newer 2BR/2BA condo. Only four units in "Key West North". Heated pool, eleva- tor, covered parking, turnkey furnished. $695,000. '.fb &i2 ' DUPLEX Wiond r.unful girurd-level North H,:,ln-,. Beach. Spacious 2BR/1BA main house and 1BR/1BA rental apartment. Room for pool. 85x140 foot lot. Two blocks to beach. $779,000. - .... S i ^ .'- , PALMA SOLA PARK Exceptional 1950's classic. Huge 3BR/2BA, open plan. Beautiful terrazzo floors. Thirty foot Florida room. Light pours through lots of windows. Spectacular, move-in condition. $475,000. FABULOUS BAYFRONT LOCATION Faces North East to Skyway. Older frame house but plenty of room for tear down and large new house; $1,100,000. CORTEZ FISHING VILLAGE 3BR, 2BA Mexicar tile throughout. Walk to the best seafood restaurants and walk across the bridge to the beach $299,000. Mike s800-367-1617 Onmfr 941-7786696 .Norman 4f 3101 GULF DRIVE459t Realty NC HOLMESBEACH Ofrecemos servicio de ventas en espanol www.mikenormanrealty.com ANNA MARIA S ISLAND SiiiCoast REAL ESTATE LLC BAY PALMS WITH HEATED POOL 3/4BR/2BA canalfront home with dock and boat lift. Beautifully updated, ceramic tile, gourmet kitchen/ granite counters, heated pool and Jacuzzi. $1,250,000. PERIWINKLE COTTAGE 2BR charmer, close to beach! Great income producer with view of GulfP Italian tile, fireplace, furnished. Patio with pavers. $649,900. GULFFRONT WATER'S EDGE 2BR/2A Gulffront condo. Turnkey furnished. Updated. ceramic tile. Excellent mid-Island location. Pool, secured lobby, under-building parking. $995,000. HOLMES BEACH GULF PLACE CONDO 3BR/2BA nicely furnished first floor unit. Just steps to heated pool. View of beach, tennis, great rental, on-site manager. Ceramic tile. $995,000. CLOSE TO BEACH, LARGE LOT HOLMES BEACH 4BR/2BA elevated house, just steps to gorgeous beach. Furnished, breakfast bar, eat-in kitchen. Seller may finance! $1,450,000. KEY ROYALE'S NORTH POINT HARBOUR 2BR/2BA waterfront home. New seawall, 20,0001b boat lift. Community heated pool, tennis. Island's finest residential area. $989,500. CONTEMPORARY ANNA MARIA HOME 4BR/2BA, turnkey-furnished, beautifully designed home. Open plan, vaulted ceiling, breakfast bar, eat-in kitchen. Bamboo flooring, elevator, private setting near beach. Four-car garage. $1,350,000. GULF PLACE CONDO 3BR/2BA. Turnkey furnished condo. Views of Gulf. Tennis, heated pool, beautiful beach. Excellent rental with liberal rental policy. $995,000. PERICO ISLAND CONDO 2BR/2BA. Turnkey furnished. Close to Island beaches. Heated pool, tennis, clubhouse/fitness room. Carport. Short drive to shopping and restaurants. $349,900. GULFFRONT HOLMES BEACH CONDO 1BR/1.5BA Seaside Beach House condo. Turnkey-fur- nished. Sautillo tile. Gorgeous view of the Gulf. Beau- tiful beach. Excellent rental. $799,900. WONDERFUL WESTBAY COVE 2BR/2BA condo. Bright'corner unit. Close to pool. Ceramic tile, shutters, glass enclosed lanai. Near bank, doctors, shopping and restaurants. $359,900 HOLMES BEACH WATERFRONT 3BR/2BA home. Ceramic tile, breakfast bar, backyard with pavers, room for pool. Fence, new dock. Direct access to bay. $849,900. SECLUDED BIMINI BAY HOME 4BR/3BA with 250 feet of waterfront. Custom kitchen, ceramic tile. Master suite with fireplace and Jacuzzi, heated pool, lush landscaping. Two docks, davits, sprin- klers, well, oversize two-car garage. $1,875,000. FABULOUS GULFFRONT OCEANA CONDO 3BR/2BA, turnkey-furnished condo on beautiful wallk- ing beach. Open plan, breakfast bar, walk-in closets, elevator. Small pet. $1,999,000. SUN PLAZA \EST CONDO 2BR/2BA Turnke) furnishd corner unit. Gulf view. Secured entry, pool, tennis. Beautiful white sand beach. Close to.shopping and restaurants. $729,900. TRADEWI NDS RESORT 1BR/1BA-Turnlke- furnished villa. Heated pool, steps to deeded white sandy beach; access. Rental program in place on-site manager. Small pet. $349,900. NORTH POINT HARBOUR- KEYROYALE 4BR/3BA waterfront home. Auto-clean lap pool, hot tub and Waterfall. New seawall and dock. Direct access to Tampa Bay.. Five-car garage. $989,500. ANNUAL RENTALS From $700 / month SEASONAL RENTALS Condos/Homes: $500 week $1,000 month 779-0202 (800) 732-6434 ~ANNA MARIA : ' M S. ISLAND o REAL ESTATE LLC Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com THE ISLANDER 0 APRIL 5, 2006 N B-19 0, n... .d t .... ... .. .56 .. *207 C,: onut Av- .. . $990 00. '1 N r .h-.- '. :2 ...' .z. 2 0 0., 0 N. -r, : -, B -va....... ". .. '.3"9-0- Anna Maria Island Homes S0 AvV 891 .... ......... .. ..... .$379,000 4-804 Mangrolve Point Dr $920.000. S9 Jaaranda Rd ..... $649.000 ., 0 jac. rajnda t .. ... ..... ....... ..........$669,900 207Coout Av .... . $990000. S 514NothayBlvd .. .... .$1,2000000. 6 0.16Jorti Bay Blvd ... ..... $1399900. S104 Maple Aeh S ............$....... 79,000 5800 De Palmas Ar e ......t r .. $499.000. :'69 Jal:r3nda R. ........ 6849,000 .-6101 A&B Holmes Blvd.$.....799,000 ea. 625 Emperiore Ave ld ............ ..$749,900 i 305 A 63C St:.......... ... ....$599,0000. 51 08 6th Bv ... ..... ....... $15,000. 2 101 Mth St.............. .....$79900. S6201 Holmes Bld ........ $950,000. 213 7609 Emeral. ................. ....... .. $84799,000 -1005 1AHolmes Blvd ........... $799,000. 62514 Emerald Ln .......... .......... $749,900.000. 830 0 A 6BG St................ ..... .... $599,000. 6.. 0866 N rt .P...i ......... $895,000. S220 8 Royaleh St D..... ......$199.000. 13 09 K ey R al e D ............................. $ 9,000. 6120 A Holmes Blvd .. ............... 99 ,000. 625 1Emerald Ln .... .. ..... ... $890000. 24l 2 305 Avnu 6d .......................$899,000. 602 North Point ew Dr ......$..... 1,42195,000. '5614 Gava Sle ............ ....$189.000. 210 76th St...ey Royale Dr .............. .....$267900,000 S13072 5th St......................$..... 79,000. S 09 7 t Em ra .. ....ng .... .... ..... ....7..... 000. 2102 Avenue A.. ........................... 995,000. 238614 Fomer Ln.......................$1,19000. 56147800 B Guaval Dr ................. ... $51,099,000. S6210 K l Ste ................ ..$. $59.000. 13 K y R ale Dr..... ............. ...... $69,000. 7612 N S. .Bay B ... .. .. d $87699,000. 017 N. Sore Dr ........................ $8 9,000. 2 1 Avenue A................. ................ $895,000. 50238 Lakview Dr............... ......... $1 ,000. 5613 N. Gua St .... ...... ............. $5 9000. 210 27 h 1 St. ul ... ....................... ... $689000 307242 Hoosier P ...................................... $274900,000. 4107 R al PlN...... .................... .. 69,00. 617 Gladstone Ln ............................ $8 9,000. 10 12h St. ................ ............. 995,000 614 Foxo Ln.......................... 08 Gulf Dr $1,149.99,000. SN. nd ... ............ .... .$49 ,000 99000. 1029thPerico Bay ClubSt. NW....... .......295,000 $195,000. Siam Gardensr .......210,000 -P ..$599,000. 1S 1 Gll Dn .................... ........... $ 89,000. Su207 N. Harbor DrWest. ...............9000....... $6975,000. 251th6 Beah V g ............................... .$6 ,9000. SBayilus ... ... .... .........8$3$ 9,000. Waters Edgeuf...... ........... ..$7995000 410 a Casa CPalm Dr............. $695,000. b am33 W te ..................$....2 ..... -.. $ 99,000. 051 h St. Gulf #5............. .......90... $38599,000. Anna Maria Island & Area Condos PBradenton e each Cu.. ...........$59,3000 $994,000. Seridc Bac Vlla ............ ..,99000 $1629,000. Nautilus. .Gardens ........... .......$21 .... $669.9000. TiSummer Sands Plae.. ..$1,599,000. Pell Cournt........ ............$36,900 $495,000. 0 nautilus Ba 2.......... ...... ....... ....... 669.000. Bradengon Beach Club .....d$598,500 $924.000. SandcWaters Edge........ ..............$1,499,000 -$1,6299,00. Tif NSummer Sands .....$..1,5995,000. j PaCasa Cotiera ....................$369 $2,95,000. Tropical n BS e........... .... ............. $559 $9,000. 5Gul Views. ..... ..... .... ... $849.09,500. 901 0 Gulf Dr. ,#25........................ 8599,000. 1Braentn Beach ClulDr ......$ 0 .. .....$849,00. Tradewinds Resort... $329,000 $379,000. S*. Anna Maria island Duplexes - S S t 770 Jacaranda Rd.......... ................$669,900. e214 Fir Ave ....$2,000,000 ,311 63rd St...... ... ............ .. ...... $599,000. 0207 75th St ...................... ... .... ....$799,000. .16602 Holmes Blvd ................... .........$545,000. 203 67Tropicalh St ........... ........... ...... $749,000. S4204 Gladiolus St .................. $799,000. p S saes on Anna Maria Island D eax Estate , 7' Jcai rn-.i..st.ngs on A na Mtria island$90 iTo see a:i rf our listings log on to islandReat.c.,-. 20-B U APRIL 5. 2006 U THE ISLANDER .1-tlw~i 0 WAGNER REALTY Bringing People owe Since 1939 2217 GULF DR. N. BRADENTON BEACH (941) 778-2246 (800) 211-2323 e-mail: ami@wagnerrealty.com www.wagnerrealty.com Seat turedi 'ropertiec COQUINA MOORINGS Bay and Gull Views from this 2BR!2BA end unit. Offered turnkey furnished with healed pool, deep water dockage and steps to beach. Weekly rentals ok. Dave Moynihan, (941) 778-2246. #521559. $799,900. AI FORTHE BOATING ENTHUSIAST Updated 2BAR2BA canal home in Coral Shores has wide view, 105 feel o0 seawall, dock wilh 10,000 Ib. lif and davits. Lanai, minutes to Gull beaches. Jane Tinsworth, (941) 761-3100. #525061. $699900. I ,- AsU... -.-'or iE&,mir ABSOLUTE DOLLHOUSE' Thoroughly SAN REMO SHORES Enrly waleriront BRAND.SPANKING NEW! Light.. bright modern with old Florida charm. Island Ihiing with an awesome view ot Palma Sola corner. 3BR/2BA Hd den Lake condo, cottage nas onrsile management Deeded Bay 3BR'2BA, neat as a pin. Dredging n rrminules Ironi beach,. vaulled ceilings, beach, fishing pier on bay pool.Becky Smilh near future. Comes wiln dock. Can be sold screened lanai, one-car anached garage. or Ellr Starrett, (941) 778-2246. #524049. furnished. Lisa Anihony 1941) 727-2800 Lakeview. pool. spa, witness Penny Bray, $399,900 #523506 $625,000 1941 778-224-6. #523475. $359.900. PALMA SOLA SHORES Priced to sell, 2BR;2BA well located, needs cosmetic i,', TLC, updated appliances, view of the tay, pool sihulle board and lovely park. Jo Warren, (9411 778-2246 #523343. $161,900 PORTOBELLO GULF TO BAY Longboat THE VISTAS AT EL CONQUISTADOR! CASA DEL MARI I-ew lownhome 3501 [t OFFICE FOR SALE Holmes Beach Id6al ISLANDTOWNHOMES Four spacious town Key upgaled grourid-iloor condo has many Premiumr, 2BR'2BA lurnished, waierlronl Irom beach, partial Gulf view, upgrades, to smrrall business, ground-iioornas one-car homes wtn untositrucled views ol the extras, i.e., laux paint, lurnished. granite, condo wilh,panoramic views Io Longboal elevator, two balconies Act now for pre- garage and 1/2 banh Sludio apartment Gull Each upgraded unit offers 2BR'2BA. wel bar. dock., pool, tennis and much more Key. Escape Island rariic and slllbeminules construction pricing. CarolyniJoe Cordrey, upstairs wilh Kalchenene and lull bath wilh Open Ioor plan. Four balconies. Furnished Joe Corbo, (9411 778-2246 f523198 Irom the beaches! Jud'; McCaulevpRoyal 1941i1 776.3300. #516070 $899,900. shower Becky, Smith or EliS Starrel, t941) Dave Moynihan. (941) 778-2246. #511527 $649,000. Team or Gina and Peler Uliano'Royal Team, 778-2246. #512811 $179.000. $3 200,000 (941) 751-0670. #520862. $585,000. ANNA MARIA HOME Charming 2BR.'2BA BUY A HOME FOR YOUR BOAT Spec- OUTSTANDING PENTHOUSE: 3BRFi.BA LUXURY ABOUNDS i.r.nis teas uullull RUNAWAY BAY CONDOS Now available, KeyWestnomeonlargelotwitribonusnmoler- lacular home on Sarasola Bay wIl r deep Panoramic views, ol Sarasola Bay. ErnlOy deco'.raled studio Enli:y sunsels Iro:m your several 1 or 2BR units, Bayfront, pool in-law 1BR.'IBA New root, new siding, new water boat deckage. Ultimate upgrades beauillul sunsets on the open balcony balcony wall Ithe beaches. lounge around side and oihe'r views. Some updated kitchen. Large double garage. Lush tropical throughout lcjeu l landscaping and tropical Impecc.able condition Marnv upgrades me pool, rela> nr the Jac.uZZi lub. Karen Day. pnone tor detailt On-site rentals Priced serllng.BoaidlocKprvile.ges.MelanieJohnnsonr louches PeterMvancusolrneGreinerGroup, Fanlastic location. Shannon Persaud, 19411 (941) 778-2246 2 523917 4-1U9.000. $349,000-$494.000 (941) 761-3100. #508390 $895 000. (941) 94-2246.41112 1999,900 727-2800 #515366 1749,000 lnder.or Island home delivery: 778-7978. I r The Islander Rde m mmmmm--mi -' m-- lmm- w -- -2~1C1131lIICIIIIlld |