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Skimming the news ... Anna Maria Island map inside, page 10-B. SAnna Masria The Islander Heritage day, page 1-B. "The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992" www.islander.org Volume 14, No. 18 March 8, 2006 FREE Villa Rosa not so rosy: Partner sues partners By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Those visions of million-dollar luxury homes at the Villa Rosa subdivision on South Bay Drive in Anna Maria along with building permit fees and ad valorem taxes for the city treasury may have to be put on hold for the near future, perhaps even longer, until a current legal challenge is resolved. New Jersey resident Ed Furfey, claiming he is an equal partner with Robert Byrne and Steve Noriega in GSR Development LLC, the Villa Rosa developers, has sued his partners for an unspecified amount, alleging - among a number of accusations that he was not given first right of refusal when Byme and Noriega sold 2.56 acres of the Villa Rosa property last year. Furfey filed suit in Manatee County Circuit Court Feb. 17, claiming that.the $6.4 million sale of the Villa Rosa property last August to Bon Eau Enterprises LLC of Sara- sota was "well below market value" for the 2.56 acres. The lawsuit alleges Furfey was "unaware of the sale and transfer of the Villa Rosa property at the time Politically minded The heavyweights of the political ,, Ite, showed 'up atifliih-.grad .-\ME teacher .Annr Kinn l' "Biographer's a." . Making an appear anclt are, front row, fi ;o :.n left, Califbrn;ia Gov- ernor Arnold _. Schwarzenegger, Shel- don Phillips and First President George las.h- ington, Isaiah Beaton. Back row, from left. saving mustangs rtiom extinction is Wild Horse .' Annie, Mallory Kost hl: Rosa Parks, times nto. Emily Rapple and Cady Chennault; and Coretta Scott King. Dayle Hof!- manI For mo pi tiI'. )I iiie. see insist. Islanider Photo: Diana Bogani ...V St. Pat getting trip B) Jim Hansonr islander Reporter Three big e\ ents on the Island will pay homage to the patron of Ireland. St. Patrick, during the time set aside to honor him. First \\ill be the St. Patrick's Dinner Dance start- ing at 6:15 p.m Saturda\. March 11, sponsored by the HolI Name Societr of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Open to the public at S20 per person, it will feature they occurred," was not given the "right of first refusal," which would have allowed him to purchase the prop- erty for that amount, and was not given a copy of the sale agreement by Byrne and Noriega. The lawsuit, filed on behalf of Furfey by attorney Charles Sniffen of the law firm of Harllee and Bald, alleged that Byrne and Noriega are guilty of breach of contract, breach of fiduciary trust, breach of duties of loyalty and careand a charge of equitable accounting. In the last count, Furfey alleges .that Byrne and Noriega made a $100,000 "members draw" on Sept. 30, 2005, that was attributed to Furfey, but Furfey claims he "made no such draw, nor otherwise received the $100,000." He also alleged that GSR records "reflect inappropriate cash distributions to members Byme and Noriega" that he was "unaware of and/or did not approve." Additionally, Furfey alleges that GSR Develop- ment has "borrowed extensively" to finance its oper- ations, including the execution of numerous promis- sory notes and mortgages. He also claims that GSR le honors on Island a full-course dinner with corned beef and cabbage, beer and soda, and dancing to the Bob Lopiccolo Band. It will be in the Parish Activity Center, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Tickets may be purchased by calling the church office at 778-4769 or 778-4814. On St. Paddy's Day itself, Friday, March 17, the annual St. Patrick's breakfast will be at 9:30 a.m. at the PLEASE SEE ST. PAT, NEXT PAGE Development's Sept. 30, 2005, balance sheet contains "entries for tangible assets" that do not belong to GSR, including property at 502 S. Bay Blvd. in Anna Maria and .518 Key Royale Drive in Holmes Beach. Byrne and Noriega have "consistently failed to adequately maintain the books and records" of GSR, alleged Furfey, and his demands for records on the sale of the property to Bon Eau "have failed to produce essential recordings relating to the Villa Rosa transac- tion," the lawsuit alleges. Furfey demanded a trial by jury on all the issues, claiming he has been "damaged" by the actions of Byrne and Noriega. Furfey sought no specific amount in the initial lawsuit, but asks for "relief as this court may deem appropriate." Efforts to reach GSR for comment on the lawsuit were unsuccessful. ' Bon Eau Enterprises LLC is is owned by Randall Bono, a retired lawyer from Illinois who now lives in Osprey, Fla. See related story, page 2. Island real estate market in stall? B\ Rick Catlin Islander Reporter The Anna Maria Island real estate market has hit the skids, according to some local real estate sales. agents, while others say it's just in a period of "adjust- ment." Prices have just about reached their maximum for this current cycle, while buyers are sitting on the side- lines waiting for prices to drop, said one local real estate agent who asked not to be identified. "I don't want to be the one to rain on anyone's parade, but the market right now is awful," the agent said. For example, he said, in the past five months, only eight condominiums in the $400,000 to $1 million price PLEASE SEE REAL ESTATE, PAGE 3-A. Springfest coming this weekend The 18th annual Springfest celebration of fine arts and crafts will be Saturday and Sunday, March 11 and 12, at the field park at Holmes Beach City Hall. 5801 Marina Drive. More than 100 professional artists and craftsper- sons from around the country will be there to show and sell their creations from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days. Admission and parking are free. Live music will play all of both days, a large food court will offer variety in foods and beverages, and his- torical and environmental groups will have booths along with the artists. Artworks donated by exhibitors will be raffled, pro- ceeds to benefit the sponsoring Anna Maria Island Art League's scholarship fund. Tickets are six for $5, sold on the grounds. Springfest is one of the two major fundraisers for the league. The other is Winterfest, held in December. Details may be obtained by calling 778-2099. ~rrc~s ~CC -~ Is-- = ----rs-------as~LI~ --------e~---- L I ~ ~I I P1 III r L I ~ 2-A U MARCH 8, 20006 TIIE ISLANDER Planning and zoning comp plan meeting postponed The Anna Maria Planning and Zoning Board meet- ing of Feb. 27 had to be rescheduled to March 27 after the seven-member board failed to reach a quorum. Board Chair Doug Copeland did say he hoped to schedule the board's public hearing on the revised com- prehensive plan on that day, if the board could complete its review at least two weeks prior to that date. After the board approves, the comprehensive plan heads to the city commission for another series of public hearings. The commission has to approve the comprehensive plan before it's sent to the Florida Department of Community Affairs in Tallahassee for its review and approval. St. Pat party weekend CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1-A Moose Lodge, 110 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. As is normal for this popular affair, it has been sold out for weeks, said its organizer and chairman, Don Maloney. There, the 2006 Island Irishman-(woman) of the Year will be crowned by Maloney himself. Two days later, Sunday, March 19, Sean Murphy's Beach Bistro will have its annual St. Patrick's parade in the northern reaches of the Island. "This is a walking parade," said Murphy, "so it will be shorter this year than usual." It will start assembling at 2 p.m. behind the Holmes Beach City Hall, at 4 p.m., start marching along Flotilla Drive, then north on Marina Drive and Palm Avenue and end at the comer of Palm and Gulf Drive. There will be bands and the marchers, of course, and this year a special "best leprechaun" contest for the youngsters. Additional information may be obtained by calling 778-6444. Cell tower add-on requested Crown Castle International is asking the Holmes Beach City Commission for a special exception to add another array (cell phone dish) to the existing cellular communication tower at 5910 Marina Drive. A public hearing on the request will be held at.7 p.m. March 14 at city hall. Long time, few roses for GSR The Villa Rosa subdivision in Anna Maria was first proposed by Robert Byrne and Steve Noriega of GSR Development LLC in April 2002. GSR had paid the Lardas family about $2 million for 3.85 acres of unde- veloped canalfront property on South Bay Boulevard. At the time GSR made its site plan presentation to the city commission, the company said it planned to build 17 single-family homes in a gated community with a maximum lot size per house of just under 8,600 square feet. Following several stormy meetings on the project, the Anna Maria City Commission approved the site plan on July 7, 2002, after several lawyers representing GSR threatened the city with legal action if the plan were denied. GSR representatives said a final site plan allowing lot sales to begin would be delivered to the commission within six months, but the commission has been wait- ing nearly four years for the final plan. The company was allowed to construct a model home on the property. The house has been under con- struction for about two years and is included in the 2006 Parade of Homes. The GSR site plan submission did result in the city establishing procedures and guidelines for site plan submission of major and minor construction projects, although city officials at the time admitted that Villa Rosa was likely the last major parcel of undeveloped land in the city. Real estate agents in 2002 estimated the value of each home in Villa Rosa would be about $1 million, but given the Island's rising property values the past four years, that figure was recently revised by Noriega to a minimum of $2 million per house, if not higher. That would make the Villa Rosa project worth about $34 million on buildout. One agent said vacant lots in the subdivision should be worth between $800,000 to $1 million. The 2.56 acres would amount to approximately 12 to 13 lots, the agent said. GSR Development was also scheduled to develop the Rosa del Mar condominium project on Gulf Drive Bradenton Beach, but lost its building permit after the city determined that no activity had taken place on the property during the prescribed period. The lot has been vacant for nearly two years. A rose by any .. other name The model home at the Villa Rosa sub- division in Anna S, Maria is just about ready and is included in the upcoming 2006 Parade of Homes .- on Anna Maria : .::,. Island. Islander S ^' ~- Photo: Rick Catlin You'll love our Beef Wellington. A tender filet mignon, topped with Chef .Damon's pate, wrapped in puff pastry, baked golden and served with Bordelaise sauce. Mmmm. It's your choice from 17 dinner entrees, specials and other favorites. Open 5 pm, 7 nights for dinner Sunday brunch 8-1:30 NEW! Happy hour at the wine bar 2 for 1 wine and beer. Island Shopping Center 5406 Marina Drive ~ Holmes Beach 941 778 5320 d Cuisine ls Wine .rs & Ales RE--DISCOVER TLI~15Z R E ST A ,-.U R A N T 111 South Bay Boulevard Anna Maria island : 941-778-1515 Northern Tfp Of Anna Maria Island :Across From The City Pier Breakfast: Sat & Sun 8am -1130am: Lunch: Every Day 1 1:30am-4pm Dinner: Sun-Thurs 4:30pm-9pm : Fri & Sat 4:30pm-9pm www.thewaterfrontrestaurnt.net pvt"- 011" .o 19 HZ 14 4~ Eco Expo coming to Bradenton Beach Saturday An Eco Expo will be at the Bradenton Beach City Hall from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 11, with its primary focus water quality, landscaping and wildlife. It will include a native plant sale, a rain barrel give- away, irrigation strategies and sea turtle and wildlife displays. A special feature will be "free ice cream and plenty of activities for children," said Bradenton Beach Vice Mayor Lisa Maria Phillips. Sponsoring the event is the city of Bradenton Beach organization WAVES "Waterfronts: Acces- sible, Viable, Ecological and Sustainable." The expo is getting a grant from the Southwest Florida Water Man- agement District's Manasota Basin Board and a dona- tion from Joe's Eats and Sweets. Additional information may be obtained by calling 778-1323 or 778-1005, ext. 227. Real estate market falters CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT PAGE range have closed, while 252 condos remain for sale. Single-family home sales haven't fared much better. Of 271 current Island homes listed for sale, there are only 15 pending purchases. "There's just no interest from buyers right now," he added. Many current listings are over-priced and buyers are not dropping their asking price. That's not to say, however, that real estate won't rebound on the Island. "The market has peaked, but remember that values have gone up more than 100 percent, even higher, the past five years. Now prices are leveling off and I see a buyer's market coming," he predicted. Sellers who have lowered their price and are willing to negotiate have had "action" on their properties. In fact, the agent added, "I tell my clients that if you don't have to sell, don't put it on the market. If you do sell, be prepared to lower your price. But make no mistake, business is slow on the Island." Another indicator, there were no sales transactions on the Island to report this week. Indeed, a press release from a national mortgage bro- kerage firm with local ties said that real estate values in the Manatee/Sarasota area would decline by 10 to 15 percent through the end of 2006, and suggested now would be a good time to "cash out" with a refinance or line of credit. "I don't know if 10 to 15 percent is accurate," the agent said, "but I do know that values are dropping and sales are real slow." If you think Island real estate sales are down, how- ever, just look south. In Sarasota, there are more than 9,000 current listings for condominiums and single- family homes. "It's totally dead down there," the agent said. "Anna Maria Island will come back. It could be in the next few months or n6t until next year. Will it be a 10 percent drop in prices? I don't know," the agent said. And not every "for sale" sign in the Island market is gathering cobwebs. "The high-end market and the low-end market have seen a lot of acti\it\." the agent noted. "It's the mid- range of homes that aren't generating a lot of interest." A recent listing for a Gulffront home for $4.5 mil- lion dre\\ a number of offers and a contract was signed within a fe weeks of the offering. But the slow dow\ n \i ilturn around, predicted Alan Galletto of Island Real Estate in Holmes Beach. "We're just getting back to a normal cycle," he said. . "It1s the c le w e w ere in seven or eight years ago before the boom struck. The past five years have been a sellers' market, and prices %went up 30 to35 percent or more every vear. .Now, we're seeing prices go down," Galetto noted. "The Island is turning toward a buyer's market, but the present buyers are looking at high-end properties or for bargains,~ said Galetto.-Once-prices stabilize, the Island market will return to a "normal" cycle of between 8 and 10 percent annual growth in values, he predicted. Another agent who also asked not to be identified. said a few agents are giving their clients buyers and Cock of the walk A lone rooster spent some time in Bradenton Beach before Beth Weir caught up with him at Sixth Street. She feared the noisy wanderer might get run over by a car, or nailed by a dog, or even become some resident's dinner, so she kept him until she could find shelter for him. He wound up at the Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary, where he reposed at last word. Weir never did find out where he originated, although some area residents reported he had been delivered to a woman by a rancher, and she subsequently let it go. Cock-a-doodle-doo! sellers the wrong information. "People are sugarcoating the market," the agent said. "The market is dead right now. People shouldn't go by what's happened the past three years. I tell my clients the truth, that there's not a lot of demand right now, and they're probably not going to get what the\ expect. especially if it's a mid-range property. But if the3 are interested in dropping the price, that might generate some activity." He added that no one wants to be the last person to pay too iuch for a property. "Buyers are out there, but they're sitting on the sidelines and waiting." Fact is, said Gail Tuteweiler of Wedebrock Real Estate, "the smart buyers should make their move now." She agreed the market has been flooded with prop- erties for sale, but rejected any notion that Island prop- erty values will decline significantly. "This is the beach. People always want the beach," she said. "Prices aren't going to drop," but they might just level off. "So, now is the time to buy because sell- ers are becoming open to negotiating," she added. Too many people have read stories in mainland newspapers about the drop in home sales and prices, she said. "That's-the mainland. The Island is not the main- _land. Prices here aren't going down, just expectations.. A smart buyer will jump in now and make an offer," concluded Tuteweiler. While some agents are optimistic, the latest fig- ures from the Anna Maria Island Property Sales Report would indicate asking prices have fallen, if only *slightly, the past few months. SThe AMIPSR said the average listing price of a single-family residence currently on the market in Janu- ary was $1.115 million, down just $17,000 or 1.5 per- cent from the $1.132 million average price reported at the same time last year. Condominium prices also fell, from an average list- ing price of.$819,000 in January 2005 to a $799,500 average in January 2006, a 2.5 percent drop. The average price of a duplex, however, increased about 6 percent, climbing from a $1 million average in January 2005 to a reported $1.06 million average for January 2006. THE ISLANDER M MARCH 8, 2006 A-3 Relay for Life gets under way The American Cancer Society's Relay for Life brings together millions of people in com- munities nationwide to raise money to help pre- vent cancer, save lives and diminish suffering from the disease. On Anna Maria Island, there's a bonus to participa- tion in the event and that is the opportunity to camp out overnight on Coquina Beach. It is an overnight affair, and it aims for each team to keep at least one person on the track at all times. Teams of folks will be doing just that on May 5-6 and everyone is welcome to join. Already signed up for the event and $100 team commitment fees paid are: Coldwell Banker, Laura McGeary Coldwell Banker, Team Pinnacle. Islanders for Life, The Islander and friends, T. Dolly Young and Bobby Edington. Tire Kingdom. Anna Maria Island Rotary Club. Sunbelt Title. Jacquline and Teresa Brazier and Barbara Zoom- ski. When the ,sun goes down, luminarias will light the path for team walkers on Coquina Beach to remember those lost to cancer, those fighting cancer, and those who have fought cancer and won. The ceremony lighting the luminarias symbolizes the hope and preseverance of the fight to end cancer. The event will kick off with a "Survivors Lap" on a track that will encircle the campsites. There will be a midnight buffet and a sunrise survivors celebration and a variety of entertainment. So get in the game and sign up your team. Contact Nancy Ambrose at The Islander, 778-7978, or visit the newspaper office at 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, to set up a team for the relay, or to join and help another team, or to order a luminaria. Or call Scott Thompson of the Manatee cancer society chapter at 745-1214, ext. 21. Each of the teams are fundraising to bring the most dollars to the event. And Rotary Club seeks relayers __The Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island has begun organizing a team to participate in the Relay for Life on Coquina Beach May 5 and 6. Needed for the team are walkers to join Rotarians and their partners, the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce. Anyone wishing to participate on the Rotary team, donate money, or help in any way may call the team's captain, David Zaccagnino,: t 586-3697. 2,>ti qs Anna Maria City March 8, 6:45 p.m., environmental education and enhancement committee meeting. March 9, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. March 13, 7 p.m., code enforcement board meeting. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 708-6130. Bradenton Beach March 14, 5 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting on comp plan. CANCELED. March 16, 1 p.m., city commission meeting. March 16, 4 p.m., WAVES meeting. Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., 778-1005. Holmes Beach March 14, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. March 16, 10 a.m., code enforcement board meeting. March 16, 7 p.m., planning commission meeting. Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, 708-5800. Of Interest March 8, 11 a.m., Island Emergency Operations Center meeting, Fire Station No. 1, 6001 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. 4-A M MARCII 8, 2006 N THE ISLANDER Holmes Beach canal issue reaches boiling point By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Tempers flared at the Feb. 28 Holmes Beach City Commission when a number of residents from the T-end canal section of the city threatened legal action if the commission passed a proposed revision to the ordinance governing dock usage in the canals. The commission has spent nearly three years attempting to "tweak" the 1995 ordinance that regu- lated dock space in the canals (72nd Street to 74th Street), but has not passed an amended ordinance. While commissioners encountered no objection to the passage of a similar ordinance that evening for the Sunrise Boat Basin, public comment on the pending T-end canal legislation brought temperatures those of residents and commissioners in attendance near the boiling point. Resident Don Fernald of 75th Street said he was "opposed" to the legislation as an "infringement" on property rights and pledged that he and several other affected owners would fight the new ordinance. He added that he expected legal help from the Florida Association of Realtors. Fernald and his group are primarily against a revi- sion to the current ordinance that would include a non- transfer of dock usage clause that would affect the sale of their canalfront property. Without the right to use a dock for the next owner, property values would decline by about $30,000, he asserted. He also noted that the proposed ordinance does not restrict non-Holmes Beach residents, such as those who will live in the planned St. Joe-Perico Island condo- minium project, from renting a space. "And we don't want to see Holmes Beach in the dock rental business," he contended. "Let the citizens build their own docks." "We are putting the city on notice that we are going to put up a fight unless this ordinance is re-done," he vowed. T-end canal resident Tony Borgan claimed his research has shown that he has "deeded rights" on the T-end canal, and these rights go with the property. Docks over troubled waters Many Holmes Beach residents say they will object to a proposed ordinance that will govern their right to utilize a dock space in the T-end canals such as this one between 72nd Street and 73rd Street. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin What the city is doing is taking away the rights of Holmes Beach citizens, he said. The commission needs to decide what's right and wrong. "I don't want to see that my rights have been taken away," he added. Hold on a minute, said Commissioner Sandy Haas- Martens. This issue has been around since the 1995 T-end canal ordinance, after the city first discovered the canal bottom lands had been dedicated to the public by the developer. "What we're doing is just tweaking the ordinance," she said. That wasn't quite good enough for 50-year resident Earl Mowry. He claimed he'd had a boat dock for 50 years, but the city took it away from him last year when he no longer had a boat. When he purchased another boat and went back for his dock space, the city told him he no longer had a dock space, although, he said, he's got rights to a dock space in his deed. That's no way for the city to treat a man who has lived in Holmes Beach for 50 years, he shouted to the commission. But that's under the ordinance that's existed since 1995, said Haas-Martens. Borgan and others claim they have deeds showing their rights, but City Attorney Patricia Petruff said in her legal review of titles, every deed just gives a "right to use a boat space." Those deeds, she said, don't give a PLEASE SEE CANALS, NEXT PAGE Tenth AnnTal CoIMaina Tides Jlrts & Crdafts Show 10-4:30 SAT. & SUN. MARCH 18 & 19 r Located at Coquina Beach on Gulf Drive in Bradenton Beach. SArtists and Crafters from 10 different states! SAdmission and parking are FREE SOn-site lectures provided by the Wildlife , Education Rehabilitation Center. STOP#1 SFor more information call 379-0951. Stop by and visit the birds! THE ISLANDER U MARCH 8. 2006 U A-5 City will review deeds Holmes Beach City Attorney Patricia Petruff said she would review all deeds and documents pertaining to owner- ship of a dock in the T-end canal section of the city prior to bringing the final revised ordinance to the city commission. Although Petruff said she'd reveiwed quite a number of deeds in the subject area already, anyone in the T-end canal area who has not had their ownership documents reviewed should bring them to city hall. City staff will copy the documents and forward them to Petruff for review. Canals cause controversy CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4-A "meets and bounds" description of the property which would prove ownership of the bottom land. The original developer dedicated the waterways to the public, then gave buyers deeds to docks on the prop- erty, which he didn't have the right to do, added Com- mission Chair Rich Bohnenberger. Borgan and others, however, disagreed. Commissioner Roger Lutz, himself an attorney, said it would "make my day if we didn't have to get involved. The only reason we're doing this is because we've been told it [the canal bottom] is our property," noting the liability issue that comes with ownership of public lands. "I'd love to get the city out of liability and seawall repair," he added. Bring the city a title policy showing ownership of the canal bottom and the dock that stands on it and that's good enough to prove ownership, he concluded. Borgan and other residents, however, claimed that offi- cials at the Manatee County Clerk of the Circuit Court's office have said the documents they have prove ownership, but Lutz suggested that property owners should not rely on county clerks for a definitive legal opinion. "These are questions that circuit court judges are paid to decide," said Lutz. That touched the nerves of several members of the public, who chastised Lutz for his comments and openly shouted their criticism from the floor. Before chaos descended, however, Bohnenberger adjourned the meeting. The T-end canal ordinance, however, will remain on the commission's agenda until the revisions are ready for a public hearing. Fernald and other T-end canal residents said they will be back in force at future meetings to voice their displeasure with the proposal. BRADENTON BEACH ECO EXPO WATER QUALITY LANDSCAPING WILDLIFE By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter Make no bones about it, the fami favorite Mr. Bones BBQ restaurant is d attention for its old-fashioned bread p Restaurant owner Charlotte Mansu rant has been featured in stories about t but this time the eclectic establishment out by Family Circle magazine reade for having one of the best desserts in Mansur was unaware of the n Family Circle called for the recipe. \ al\\li\.s been a big hit with 1'land ciu tlol rs and I\ siior- "I1 thought Ihe\ \\ere Inl 1111N _ Ltalen." he , aid. "hut a : month Liter I *t go .1 call confirmin our recipe would d be included in the nl ajzine. It \\ad i Ia complete ullrpn-le. Nlr. Bones and its bread pudding are ae included ,ta one of six desserts featured trom c.oat- to-coast in the article ". our Fa; orite Restauranl t e Desserts.' M an.ur said one of her long-time cooks from New Orleans shared his grand- mother's recipe with her, so it's a real "old-school" lily-owned local recipe. Years ago, when she began serving the dessert, drawing national it was prepared with a raspberry sauce. adding dessert. But like everything on the menu, recipes often ir said the restau- morph into something new as Mansur becomes inspired. he Island before, After a trip to Boston five years ago when Mansur has been singled stumbled upon a speakeasy serving a version with choc- r Cathy Pandelo late and nuts, she modified her own bread pudding to the country. include chocolate and pecans instead of the nomination until raspberry sauce. which has "It's been a big hit since," she said. "Our menu is constantly changing and S' .. e\ :" 1 ing through the years." ,. r. Bones started as a bar- .becue restaurant and today it fea- tures Indian and Mexican dishes, ltoo. Mansur is open to new things, .and notes that she likes to change her recipes when she starts to get S: tired of them. Fans of her bread pud- *, .i din' don't have to worry 'x .N ~u.;.-'. about the recipe changing .. .. : the magazine hit the stands, S.. demand for the dessert has been on the rise. "I've had to step -up production," says Mansur.'"People have .,I been coming in and calling to get the .'S'VO;' '" dessert to. go." -, ,'' ,W80% tog TA,, Mansur said bread l'ot '' or pudding is simple and inexpensive to make and tastes oreat night out of the oven. "It's good for breakfast. too," she said. Featuring Mr. Bones Tl, Alth Li ssi, ilf Famiilh Ci cie MAIla.a:.it ninns. the chocolate pecan, bivad piuddiing troin li: Bones BBQ intsaulait in Holmes Beach as one of thu bet i-lv'd dessi.t trts pt bntned by it readers from across the connrry. Charltet Aluiisiri; Oiner oft Ml. Bones, slhot s a copy of the feature.page. Idander Plhoto: Boniner Jmo Choose a.new Yamaha and get 3 years additional warranty* on 30-250 hp four stroke outboards or 150-300 HPDI two stroke outboards. A savings of up to $2,600! *Limited to available stock in dealer inventory sold and delivered before March 31, 2006. Visit Cannons Marina for complete details. 1Fre Ice SYAMAHA When you want the best YAMAH ***** Saturday 9am -2pm March 11,2006 Bradenton Beach City Hall 107 Gulf Drive N. ENTER OUR RAIN R RIPT GIVEAWAY Sou Water& We encourage you to ride the FREE trolley.' ithwest Florida *Generously Sponsored By: Southwest Florida ManagementDistrict Water Management District Manasota Basin Board and Joe's Eats & Sweets. watermatters.ora .......... .. .. Cannons awarded 4" the 50th top marina DELERS in Boating Industry iI I ... Magazine's 2005 Top , 100 Boat Dealers 6040 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key Open 7 days a week, 8 a.m. 5:30 p.m. cannons.com 941-383-1311 We're worth the trip! Mr. Bones' bread pudding gets national exposure A CANNONS S M A R IN A COMPETITIVE QUALITY COMMITMENT .SINCE 1955 ' ".V ir;h~ ~- k , SC .. . 11" 6-A 0 MARCH 8, 2006 M THE ISLANDER Opinion Up, down, up, down?- And so it has started. After several years of Anna Maria Island real estate being classed as a buyer's market, with listings being snapped up quickly for more and more dollars, a glut of properties are now for sale. Prices are somewhat stable, but predictions persist of an eventual downturn in market value. From what we hear, sellers are hoping to cash in before any "adjustments" come along. Others just came onto the market too late, testing the "water" to see what interest they can stir at the highest possible prices. Florida's land boom is a historic fact. At the dawn of the 20th century, swampland was sold to the unwary by the unscrupulous for lots and lots of dollars. The boom busted during the early 1930s, then resurged in the 1960s, when swamps were drained for homesites, canals were dredged for developments and the environ- ment changed. Please don't consider what has happened with sky- rocketing home prices on the Island as being akin to the historic rape of Florida for human development. But the recent trend of rising property values - 30 to 50 percent and more per year isn't going to continue, or so experts say. Long gone are the "starter" houses for new families on the Island and low- to middle-income rentals for working folks are disappearing quickly. Some real estate agents reported not too long ago that anything listed under $300,000 was snapped up by hungry buyers in hours, to the glee of the sellers. Now, it's the buyer's turn to turnra smug look at the long list of higher priced properties available and start the negotiating process. We've had a pretty great ride as far as increased values go. Lots of people made lots of money. Some folks called it "cashing in." Others are crying the blues over the increased'taxes that came with higher assess- ments. Will property values on the Island plummet? Probably not. In fact, prices here have really only come up to meet prices, say, on Longboat Key, and we haven't reached the likes of.Boca Grande by a far cry. SThis too could be a good selling season ifi as much as buyers shop around, take their time, and make their choices at the end of season. Remember those days? The days of investors scooping up properties at low-ball prices are gone gone with low prices. But bust or boom, we've. got it good on this Island. It's still OUR slice of paradise. Thie Islander MARCH 8, 2006 Vol. 14, No. 17 V Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org- V Editorial Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org Rick Catlin,-rick@islander.org Jack Egan Jack Elka Jim Hanson V Contributors Gib Bergquist Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org Jesse Brisson Don Maloney David Futch Robdrt Noble Carrie Price J.L. Robertson V Advertising Sales Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org V Office Manager Connie Brannon, connie@islander.org V Production Graphics Kelly McCormick, ads@islander.org Lisa Williams, lisa@islander.org V Distribution Urbane Bouchet Ross Roberts Lisa Williams (All others: news@islander.org) Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. @ 1992-2006 Editorial, sales and production offices: Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEB SITE: islander.org FAX 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978 SLICK By Egan opinion Choose words more carefully In response to: "Teen Drug Use," The Islander, March 1: How dare you!? You have the audacity to accuse ALL single parents, of not being around enough, and that we are raising drug addicts and alcholics. Having a "father" is not always the best thing! Oh, but I guess you believe it would make a "world of difference" for a father, any father, to be involved? What about the abus- ers, alcoholics, drug addicts, or the ones who are just worthless? But they are "fathers," so it's OK!? Get off of our backs! My son's father tried to come back into his life awhile ago, and by a court order it happened. So where is he now? One of'the center's counselors said it would be a "good thing." Yeah, right! If my kid is messed up, then why is he a top alter server at church? How then does he acquire a leading part in all school plays? But I'm a single parent, so I must be doing some- thing wrong? I do realize there are problems with drugs every- where. However, have you no faith in the school's drug resistance program, DARE? Is Officer Pete Lannon wasting his time? Are you saying that Cindy Harrison is not doing her job? And the single mothers that work at AME? I guess their children are addicts too. I have nothing against the Anna Maria Island Com- munity Center. I feel its programs are an asset, espe- cially to working mothers. However, people need to choose their words more carefully when they talk about decent, hard-working people, who do the best they can. Alison Stripling, Holmes Beach Shoot a few My letter responds to Stephen Evans' letter, which was published in The Islander's March 1 edition. Mr. Evans in his response to the city commission's decision to fund the building of basketball courts in Holmes Beach states, "This expenditure indicates how the city commission squanders tax money without public opin- ion." I remind him that we live in a representative democ- racy. The public opinion was absolutely expressed in the voters' choice to elect current city commissioners. The city commission simply made a decision which does not agree with Mr. Evans' own opinion. Unless I am mistaken, I did not see his name-as a candidate for a position on the city commission. Thus, his whining about it now, and claiming it is an abuse of their discretion to fund this, is without merit. Furthermore, his statement that "families can no longer afford to live here" is untrue. I have two chil- dren, and I know many other Island families that have children, and we do live here. And, by the way Mr. Evans, not only minorities love to play basketball. I am a white Protestant male who loves to play basketball. In closing I would like to say to Mr. Stephen Evans, go shoot some hoops, loosen up a bit, and if-you want, run for city commission next time on the Grouchy Old Retiree Shuffleboard ticket. William Shaffer, Holmes Beach Don't move theater How disturbing it was to learn of the possible move of the Manatee Players theater to Palmetto. I note in the Web site re: Bradenton, the mention of the culture and arts available in the City of Bradenton. Would I want our beautiful Anna Maria theater to leave our Island? Absolutely not. Theaters are the jewels of our communities. Mayor Wayne Poston and the Bradenton council, is this how you revitalize downtown Bradenton? Get up some courage and stop this appalling situation from happening. Citizens of Bradenton, stand up and be counted. I have not and do not live in Bradenton. Ann I. Rully, Holmes Beach THE ISLANDER 0 MARCH 8, 2006 E A-7 4F 'lnywa yOU o. . Slice it... t its aloneyH Bv l.-:,rmer H.;lrnmi Be~.:h Cilv, SCi-i ,lrii-n;r D oii Mrdal:,-ne- Here's to Snake Chaser No. 1 Friday, March 17, is observed as St. Patrick's Day all over the world, even in Yonkers, where I first heard about St. Patrick from more than one of my Irish relatives. Their favorite story about him was, of course, how he chased all the snakes out of Ireland. I bought that story in total for a while, but then I began wondering not only how he managed to cleanse the Emerald Isle of those vipers, but how (and why) did they all find their way to our backyard in Yonkers? When my Dad's railroad job moved us from Yonkers to New Jersey, I began to take this snake thing personally. They seemed to all move with us. Unfortunately, the New York Central never moved us to Ireland, so I just had to put up with it and started to try to think positively and ease my guilt feelings. First, I found in my studies that St. Patrick per- formed that anti-reptile effort of his in the fourth century. That put me at ease, because I wasn't around then for the snakes to see where I was, so their movement couldn't have been directed at me personally. Second, I realized why God gave St. Patrick that task 1,600 years ago. That's because if he tried to do that chasing today, surely some environmental group would decide that St. Patrick was picking on an endan- gered species and would have run him over to England, or even some place worse. Fortunately back then and still true today - Irishmen had no desire to risk running into reptiles on their way home from the pubs, so they backed Patrick all the way to sainthood. Thank heaven, or all we'd have to think about in mid-March was those "ides" that gave Caesar and all Italy nothing but trouble, plus their snakes. And while I'm at it, I'll share another fact I learned in my snake study. March 17 is not, as I used to think, St. Patrick's birthday. That was the day in 401 A.D. - he died. The first time St. Patrick's Day came to be cel- ebrated in America was in 1737. That was the first year the day was publicly celebrated in this country and that was in Boston, not Yonkers. There are some other facts my study found, too. Most shocking of all was to find out that history dis- covered Patrick was not really Irish; he was born in Wales. Wales at that time was under Roman rule, and ironically, he was Italian. The same history lesson also claims that there never were any snakes in Ireland. The day I read about those two claims, I was going to tell my Irish father about them, but then I decided to forget about that idea. After all, he was just starting back then to get over the fact that I had married Wife Sarah who is of 100 percent Italian heritage. And even though you just read those suppos- edly historical facts in my column, I will deny I ever wrote them. They probably were created by some English historian anyway. That, my father would have believed. Anyway, please join me and millions of others who will, next Friday, raise steins of Guiness Stout and/or a glass of Jameson's Irish Whiskey on the rocks to salute St. Patrick, snake chaser or not. And that includes our Anna Maria Island, too, where for the ninth consecutive year, St. Patrick's breakfast is a sellout at the local Moose Lodge. If you are Irish, it's a good idea to practice your salutes regularly during the coming week to be sure you get them right and so favorably impress those non- shamrockers who may be watching. In Ireland itself, they have been practicing their rituals since last March 16. Happy St. Patrick's Day !! a(ipPU .y^ f^9)> In the March 7,1996, issue of The Islander, headlines announced: The Bradenton Beach City Commission voted 3-1 to ask Mayor Leroy Arnold to resign, citing possible lawsuits, civil rights violations, failure to attend meet- ings and recent charges of sexual harassment by city staff. Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch Director Chuck Shumard was denied a state marine turtle permit for protective services by the Florida Department of Envi- ronmental Protection after Shumard disagreed with some new DEP guidelines for turtle protection. The City of Bradenton building department said it would provide a certified building official for duty in Bradenton Beach for two hours daily following the resignation this time for good of building official Whitey Moran. Last month, Moran resigned only to rescind his resignation a day later. Date Low High Rainfall Feb. 26 64 68 .20 Feb. 27 51 71 0 Feb. 28 50 76 0 March 1 63 76 0 March 2 53 76 0 March 3 66 76 0 March 4 56 78 0 Average Gulf water temperature 68 24-hour rainfall accumulation with readirig at approximately 5 p.m. daily. Rmm r.a a R Mllimosa Bloody Mary rTeorila .cltSunrise. Bud & Miller Lite gi Screwdriver Only $7 2 =' for $6 .- ROTTEN RALPH'S WATERFRONT DINING f 'LUNCH & DINNER 7 DAYS FULL BAR SERVICE 902 S. Bay Blvd. *Anna Maria 'ROTTN Located at Galati Marina 778-3953 RLPH'S Gulf of Mexico 7p, A3 *I We'd love to mail you the news! We mail The Islander weekly for a nominal $36 per year. It's the perfect * way to stay in touch with what's happening on Anna Maria Island. More than 1,400 happy, eager-for-Island-news paid subscribers are already receiving : The Islander where they live ... from Alaska to Germany and California to * Canada. S We bring you all the news about three city governments, community hap- penings, people features and special events ... even the latest real estate transac- * tions ... everything you need if your "heart is on the Island." We're the only newspaper that gives you all the news of Anna Maria Island. S The Islander is distributed free locally. But if you don't live here year- round, or if you want to mail the paper to a friend or relative,-please use this * form or log on to islander.org for secure e-mail transmission. N BULK MAIL U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (allow 2 weeks for delivery) - 0 -Q One Year: $36 L 6 Months: $28 O 3 Months: $18 U.S. FIRST CLASS AND CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS S L One Year: $140 J 6 Months: $87.50 0 3 Months: $52 S Q Single Issue: $3.50 FIRST CLASS MAIL, U.S. ONLY, Maximum Four Weeks . * Call for mail rates to Europe or other countries. MAIL TO: S ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP * Credit card payment: OB M E No. * Exp. Date Name shown on card: * MAIL START DATE: Ti"e Islander Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 7 E CHARGE IT BY PHONE: (941) 778-7978 0 OR ONLINE AT islander.org UL................................mi..........mm ,St.,Pat7 8s 8A m MARCH(L18, 2006 M THlE ISLANDER Clarification on sunshine issue The story in the March 1 issue of The Islander regarding Holmes Beach City Commissioner Rich Bohnenberger and his statements about the three Island mayors meeting to discuss consolida- tion needs explanation, according to the commis- sioner. Bohnenberger said he never questioned the legality of such meetings, as the story indicated. "My comment," said Bohnenberger, "was that I believed the process of government should be conducted in the sun- shine. This is not an accusation, it is a statement of what I believe to be essential to good government. "The meetings in question were authorized by our city commission and I am fully aware that the meeting does not require compliance with the Sunshine Law. However, since the very existence of our city is being discussed behind closed doors, I believe that the media and the citizens have a right to observe the process, not just a selected few." Mayor Carol Whitmore has invited Bohnenberger, the media and the public to attend the next consolida- tion worksession with Bradenton Beach Mayor John Chappie and Anna Maria Mayor SueLynn, but no date has yet been scheduled. Family caregiver support group organizes A family caregiver support group will hold an orga- nizational meeting at 1 p.m. Wednesday, March 8, at the Anna Maria Island Community Center. The group is aimed at helping people integrate adult children and/or grandchildren into their homes, according to the center's family therapist, Shirley Romberger. "Extended family challenges can seem overwhelming, especially when they occur during the 'bonus' years." Romberger invites anyone interested to "find strength in numbers as well as answers to many difficult ques- tions." Anyone may attend or call therapist Rosemarie Fisher or Romberger at 778-1908 for more information. The. Center is located at 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Another city purchase Bradenton Beach city commissioners approved yet another property purchase near the city's public works complex on Church Avenue last week. This home, owned b) .GL oaI R. Baker at 304 Church Ave., will be purchased by the city for $305,000, with some of the funds hopefully coming from a state historical grant. Commissioners agreed last month to acquire another home on Church Avenue for $395,000. Islander Photo: Paul Roat Library series will feature dolphin communications Heidi Harley,-New College professor of psychol- ogy, will discuss her work involving communication among dolphins when she makes two appearances Tuesday, March 14, at the Island Branch Library. She will talk about her groundbreaking work on the subject at 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. The appearances, open free to the public, are sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Dolphins have the best sonar on earth, scientists say, and Harley will talk about how they use their system. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. Details may be obtained by calling 778-6341. ACADEMY OF BOTANICAL ART O.M d- / *- , BOTANICAL ARTIST PRESENTS SPRING ART WORKSHOPS AT PALMA SOLA BOTANICAL PARK *Botanical Drawing & Watercolor. Introduction Intermediate- Advanced *Macro Flower Photography. *Botanical Research on the Internet. *Pen & Ink for the Botanical Artist* *Plein Air Ink & Watercolor* & Much More..... Call to Register, Classes fill fast!!! 941-753-8202 OM Art Designs 2068 Sunnyside Lane Florida 34239 susanh@omartdesigns.com www.omartdesigns.com Web Garden Palma Sola Botanical Park Website www.palmasolabp.com SM4ia7rficat! Ruth presents A Ballet Based V, on the Book of Ruth '"i il1 SUNDAY, MARCH 19 I' PERFORMANCE 6:00pm 1 ..; ,. rez P',lr mf Ar tsw Centet : .. ,': f/ ( ipus Ad r.. .. . ^ -....www.ruthballet.com THE ISLANDER M MARCH 8, 2006 U A-9 Pat Hoefig memorialized at Island library By Jim Hanson Islander Reporter Patricia Hoefig's love of opera and service to the Island will be memorialized with a special.collection to be introduced at a tea Thursday, March 9. The event will be at 3 p.m. at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marifia Drive, Holmes Beach. The late Ms. Hoefig served the library "long and wonderfully well," said Alice -J who o_ed -i'nate" -mnd is chairing, the memorial and I the tea. S\A special feature will be the i-tei and the cups it comes in - the tea will be a special kind hl-i ought from Paris by Hoefig's diLiughter Nancy, who lives in Hoefig France, and the tea service 75 rare cups will be from the col- lection of the library's supervisor, Ava Ehde. The tea will signify the official opening of the Hoefig Memorial Collection, being started by the Friends of the Island Branch Library to perpetu- ate her interest in opera and "sharing it with the community." Hoefig was president of the Friends of the Library at her death last year. She had organized the popular Friends Lecture Series and headed that effort for several years. The organization is underwriting purchase of items for the collec- tion. Among the items in the collection will be several donated by friends and relatives, as well as those pur- chased. They will include CDs and DVDs of operas and many books, including the new edition of the "Kobbe Book of the Opera," which Reed described as a "tremendously valuable volume that describes every opera." A special memorial shelf is set up in the library already and the CDs and DVDs there are circulating actively, said Reed, "which indicates a lot of interest in S YOU CAN FEEL BETTER! Prime Delight is a delicious g pomegranate juice with CoQ 10 and plant adaptogens AMS Health Sciences (AMEX:AMM) Call Loretta Owens (941) 778-2658 or visit The Good Earth- .J Northwest Promenade 6717 Manatee Ave. W. Welcome inn ... The newest addition of units to the Tortuga Inn Beach Resort in Bradenton Beach, a condo-motel managed by ResortQuest, was welcomed at a reception and ribbon-cutting ceremony Friday that included, left to right, Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce ambassador Nancy Ambrose, Tortuga partners Penelope Naylor, Charles and Barbara Palmer and David Teitlebaum, and chamber president Don Schroder. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy what Pat loved so much." In addition to her busy service to the library and opera in general, Ms. Hoefig was active in the Anna Maria Island Community Chorus and the St. Bernard Catholic Church choir. F ~r FulfHing * hFe Chrckina * Fiee Online Banking . iee Online Bii Poy - Over 32,000 AMT 5 T COAST i BANK OF F LOR IDA 1-877-COASTFL 11 it..(mrI i. ('f H ( ln Attending the tea along with her daughter Nancy will be her husband, Charles. Reed stressed that the tea is a "very public affair, and the entire community is invited." Details may be obtained by calling 778-3613. SUNSHINE TAX SERVICE 7830 Cortez Road (just West Of 75th St.) (941) 761-8353 Bradenton, FL ON NNA MAE RA INLAMD IT'S MIKE NOFMAN Why Should You Work With Mike? Because he has more than 30 years experience sell- ing on Anna Maria Island, a terrific team backing him up, and lots of contacts. Past performance may not be the only measure of success, but can you think of anything more reassuring to go by? Buying or selling... Mike Norman Realty, Inc 941-778-6696 800-367-1617 www.mikenormanrealty.com YOU'LL BE TICKLED PINK When you see all our great NEW merchandise e Beach a,". fashions and accessories Perfect Beach S- wedding Dresses Swim-ear B each Shoes and Sandals SArt GlassI Turquoise leIwelry Fashion jewelry Hanging glass' r Collectible Dolls Hu e selection of sweatshirts Botl pe DEE'S BOUTIQUE Gift and Christmas Shoppe FUN FASHIONS UNIQUE GIFTS YEAR ROUND CHRISTMAS SHOP Fashions Casual to cruise%\ear French dressing ieanst Papillon fashionsOwI_ Bathing suits and coverups je\veh3, and accessories Gifts Art Glas, Pottery Bearington bunnies and brs Dolls and tea sets 3228 East Bay rive HotmesiBeach h shops 78-4665 n daily.. Behveen ells and .algreens 10- A MARiCH(8I 8. 2006 TIIlE ISLANDER OLAtdoor Kiickey- A/Xodel ,Now Avoilatleb Ckhai'coal Cias CLiIls Smokers 0 favied COrills S5350 Gulf Holmes E IQILL STORE 779-95 (S&S Plaza, next to post office) SDrive Beach i94 UPDATE your look! JsKaThibaut S lIaster Stylist & Color %'W Cal r,941) 713-7223 or (941) 792-4999 SI..... Sln-m (next to Albertson's) S' '-1'55 Mlnatee Ave W., Bradenton Island Florist You Know Why! 941-778-4751 800-771-7163 5312 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach www.island-florist.com Granny's Attic Sale mKE~uOM VILLAGE (Behind Blake Medical Center) Saturday March 11 9am 1pm Miscellaneous household jtems, jewelry, tools, crafts. S Open to the Public 6501 17TH AVE. WEST, BRADENTON CD D A S -14 E11 L04 ) -1;-52 4 4 W1ith DENJS'E 1PROCKJ L041') O1 4 42LI' 0 rFA L7,~S; ii1FJ7i*s ~ Jt'*.I K- J SI5giX y PUT HOME FURNISHINGS INC. -"' -/ ., Specializing in the unique and unusual for your home Custom creations by Cool 941-795-4788 Tim Gallagher/owner 941-962-0567 Mon-Sat 10-5 Closed Sunday Surfing World Plaza (next to Tyler's Ice Cream) Island Plavers PRESENTS pter Tweo A brother tries to help his recently widowed sibling by supplying him with unwanted and unsuccessful dates. That is until he meets Jenny. What happens next mixes laughter and heart- ache for an unforgettable night of theater. March 23-April 8 Evenings 8pm Matinees March 26, April 2 and 9 2pim BOX OFFICE OPENS MARCH 13 778-5755 Z Open 9am-1pm daily, except Sunday M Island Players Gulf Drive & Pine Avenue Anna Maria Birthday loaf Lyle McDowell of Mattoon, Ill., meatloaf lover supreme, came all the way to Anna Maria Island to find "the best w, ,,tlo'f I've ever had" at Fit to Eat, Deli in Holmes Beach. Daughter Debby Gullion of Holmes Beach and her sister-in-law, May L. Aston, advised Fit to Eat co-owner Melinda Lampariello of his compliment, and she served Lyle McDowell Birth- day Special meatloaf all day on his 75th birthday. With him at the deli enjoying their meals is daughter Debby. Penny Flower Show coming The annual Penny Flower Show, where people vote with coins, will be March 15, hosted by the Anna Maria Garden Club and sponsored by The Islander. The show will be from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Fellow- ship Hall of Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. It will include a plant sale, bake sale and raffle. Club spokesperson Jean Taylor explained that flower arrangements will be on display, each with a coin receptacle. Those attending may express their approval of a display by dropping coins in the recep- tacle the greater the appreciation, the more coins. They're not limited to an either/or choice, but may vote on as many displays as they like, said Taylor. The club also is sponsoring the Anna Maria Island Community Center Tour of Homes March 18, a tree at the Anna Maria Elementary School, the garden at the Roser entrance, and gardening.books at both Island libraries. Additional information may be obtained by calling 778-4683. Book sale Friday, Saturday at Tingley A book sale will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday and Saturday, March 10 and 11, at Tingley Memorial Library, 111.Second St. N., Bradenton Beach. Books of all types will be offered, as well as puzzles and other literary items. Further information is available by calling 779-1208. First Food for Life cooking session coming Saturdays More of the popular Food for Life cooking sessions are scheduled for two Saturdays, March 11 and 18, at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Mag- nolia Ave., Anna Maria. Billed as "cooking for cancer prevention and sur- vival," the classes will be from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. both days. The classes are sponsored by the Cancer Project of Washington, D.C. Further information is available at 778-1908. Center dance canceled A fundraising line dance scheduled for Sunday, March 12, has been canceled because not enough danc- ers signed up, the Anna Maria Island Community Center announced. Cortez home tour canceled The Tour of Historic Homes in Cortez has been c.iinceled because its prime attraction isn't quite ready tii .iewing. Mary Fulford Green of the sponsoring Cortez Vil- I.xjc Historical Society said the tour was to have begun . i lie 1912-built school building at the east end of ('. 'I ez, but it can't be done. The county-owned building has just been reno- .* iid for public use, the job is mostly complete but the c, Iinty has not yet issued a "certificate of occupancy." Tli.t action is necessary before people can go into the ht ilding, Green said. So the March 24-25 tour, popular with the public in the past, had to be called off for this year. "But we'll be going gleat guia with it in 2007," Grccn said. Flea market and bake sale set at Harvey Church A combined flea market and bake sale will be from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, March 11, at Harvey Memo- rial Community Church, 300 Church Ave., Bradenton Beach. Live music by the Sea Notes Jazz Band will be there starting at 10 a.m. "Junque, housewares, collect- ibles, baked goods, sloppy joes, hot dogs and coneys" are on the program, said the church. Additional information may be obtained at 778-1912 or 778-2983. Spring hobby and craft fair at Gulfshore of Longboat The annual Spring Hobby and Craft Fair at Gulf- shore of Longboat Key will be from 8:30 a.m. until noon Saturday, March 11, at 3710 Gulf of Mexico Drive. Handcrafted jewelry, needle crafts, original paint- ings and other products of hobbies will be for sale. Also on the schedule are a bake sale, 50-50 drawing and a pancake and sausage breakfast. A spokesperson said 35 percent of all proceeds will be donated to charities, especially the Adopt-a-Family program. Details are available at 383-2763. Special show for cancer society A special performance of "Chapter Two" will be staged Tuesday evening, March 21, to benefit the Amer- ican Cancer Society through a local team. The Islander and the Island Players are hosting the show at 8 p.m. for the Islanders for Life team of the cancer society's Relay for Life, an event scheduled in May on the Island, with proceeds from the $10 tickets going to the society. It will be a dress rehearsal of the Neil Simon play, which opens its full run two evenings later, Thursday, March 23. All performances will be at the Island Play- ers theater, 10009 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. It was emphasized that the preview performance is open to the public with tickets available at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, 778-7978, or from Nancy Ambrose, 518-4431. Dolphin author will appear at Mote Marine programs Dr. Ellen Prager, marine scientist and author of the new "Adventure on Dolphin Island," will be at Mote Marine Laboratory Saturday, March 11, for two pro- grams. She will be at Mote's Second Saturdays family pro- gram from 9 to 11 a.m., leading discussions of ocean adventure and marine science. She will explain her work and then help children write their own stories. Mote's dolphin residents, Moonshine and Harley, will be introduced and the dolphin in the whale hospital visited. Dr. Prager will read excerpts from her book and discuss her own adventures in the marine world at a free public program from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in the aquarium courtyard in the Mote complex at 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., on City Island off the south ramp of the New Pass Bridge that connects to Longboat Key. Copies of her book, described as a novel that offers middle school readers "a nev means to learn about the sea," will be available for purchase. Additional details may be obtained by calling 388-4441. ~L 1 ~; i~; 7. i: rA i Good morning Kiwanis Manatee County Commissioner Jane von Hahmann spoke to the Anna Maria Island Kiwanis Club about a proposed increase in the gas tax to fund county road improvements at the group's Saturday morning breakfast meeting and she was "thanked" for her presentation by member Ralph Bassett. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy Sky-high mark Construction cranes moved onto the Tidemark hotel/condomnium/marina property in Holmes Beach last week as work crews prepare to install pilings for the marina portion of the project. Developer Nick Easterling said he hoped to begin the foundation pilings by May. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin 8th ANNUAL FOOD DRIVE ring a bag of non-perishable food items between February 27th and March 11th to your local Curves and join with no service fee. All groceries will be donated to local food banks. 4228 60th St. W., Bradenton 5366 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach 794-2878 779-2878 *Offer based on first visit enrollment, minimum 12 mo. c.d. program. Must be 12 month local resident. Appointment needed. Not valid with any other offer. a8. -* ..^ Gardeners Volunteers, staff and city commissioners congregated in the parking lot of the Bradenton Beach City Hall Saturday to create a native-plant garden, complete with a "rain garden" to hold stormwater runoff on site. The new garden will be a highlight of the upcoming Eco Expo scheduled for 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. SL i,..,. Marchl- Pictured, from left, are Jacob Spooner Fice Mayor Lisa Maria Phillips and Peyton Phillips. Islander Photo: Paul Roat _ .- . THE ISLANDER MARCH 8, 2006 A-11 Island Dreams- at Relocation' Sale 30-40% OFF all items Located at the corner of Spring Avenue and Gulf Drive 778-4050 \ LJ Just ask for me- 11 II" : II bag behind the counter No need to go street Iropping in New York City ... ..- ei, 3 all the famous designer names! .. .. ,, 1 1-!,. M e a llic '. t i il-icld b a eesoresv Jeoel Located in the Bradenton Outlet Mall 773-1204 6605 Manatee Ave. W. Mention this ad, get 10% off Presents Flip Flop Fare An Island Fashion C Show and Luncheon 1 1:30am-2pm, March 24 C Bradenton Country Club Drawing, raffle and Chinese auction. SPrize for best flip flops. STickets are $ 25. Call AMI Chamber, (941) 778-1541 to reserveyour seat. Proceeds to AMI Chamber business scholarships. 12-A MARCH 8, 2006 U THE ISLANDER Isl pr Fa Islander's photos multiple prizewinner By Jim Hanson accommodate their children and now their six grand- His great-grandparents migrated to Tampa fro Islander Reporter children, and they put it at the same location. Italy more than a century ago, he said. They broug The combination of the hurricane dramas and an Her parents had made their home here "forever," Italian traditions with them, among them the regul and doctor who is a camera buff have brought him she said, the mother teaching at Anna Maria Elemen- family dinner. Now the Mattinas host all the offspring izes in the big competition at the Manatee County tary School and her father a chemistry teacher at Mana- and grandchildren at Sunday dinner about eve ir. tee High School. week. Dr. Peter Mattina won two firsts and two honor- able mentions in the fair's photography exhibition and contest in late January. They are his first winners in five years of competition, he said, which isn't an unusual time spread for the intensely competitive avocation. He took up photography to develop a hobby to keep him occupied when he eventually retires from his dermatology practice in downtown Bradenton. He came to the Island from Tampa in 19.74 and met his wife, Janice Higgins, on Anna Maria. Together they reared four children here and in Bradenton. They live at the same place she grew up, where her parents made their home in Holmes Beach. Not the same house, though they had to build a bigger one to -Dr. Peter Mattina. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy New Anna Maria City staff Diane Sacca joined the City ofAnna Maria staff on Jan. 9 as the administrative assistant in the building department. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin One of Dr Peter Mattina's prize-wnning photographs. I' Turn to West Coast l . Air Conditioning ;iJfiS ,; & Heating. Inc. I ; lor technical expertise. customer satisfaction and Carrier systems that are second to none. * Family-owned and operated since 1972 * Factory-trained technicians * Residential and commercial * Ask about our 12 months same-as-cash financing* WEST046"Ta~~g AIR CONDITIONING 7784612NOT9~ 5347 Gulf Drive, No. 4. Holmes Beach Business Center, Holmes Beach CT. fiance kL*.rifs *91nomchiUf, m RmIhe. pasrliT lu t eOle .1 rituchatie bu nu minimurnl MIMU4~ Pa~iyint& will Lie due Prlnr 1t lep pxomoDUbni epIrut lla fic aindi rd a noeur billing stfileolel ,nd l you pay lIhf e ircai mal Af" .21 5ijufta, pnor W the p'r'rnr'Tici pCrlad replg b";' rlif rIa rio to iebo' r~e rf i eli be JA- on Ihe plrthasia SiaridAjd APR 1. 0'.. a. buli rjt- APR IsPr2 699% Mlnlini oSonrhly e Irrione rfuge 's 5 ,66 A a fr /I--, 6 a Professional Nail Care & Spa 5HoPPEs5 OF PARADISE BAY 7342 Cortez Rd. W., Bradenton S794-8888 RECEIVE FREE EXFOLIANT S5CRIAB3 WITH A MANICIARE I ,AND PEDICIARE Gift Certificates Available "Knob, Knob." "Who's there?" 4 Mr. Conch, Mr. Starfish... Mrs. Turtle is nesting! See our huge collection of cabinet hardware ... Turn to the E\pcrtri St. Patrick's Hay Celebration u Feeling good again can begin wilh a visil to Island Chiropraclic for a limited im. we are offering: * Consultation Examination * Initial X-rays (iI needed) * Report of Findings sEMG A $168 value ... All for only $35; Valid March 13-24. 2006 Co'O Hedllh i, me 00I Of gold ai In end ol .. f 7' et4 Ite ij i. nlAoI. AII h e l .uck oAt, e Insh Pte\r' IabA;o, .. Pr. t"ero 4f' 778-0722 Islaid Chiropractic Center 3612 East Bay Drive Hobncs Beach o,.hi ri l j ,it. r r dq if .r .,r, i-: j --n il .,I iir ( ij I, I ft ijri I,. injr.ir 1 i ,. ii -1 -r,, i i i I,- r ilT n A.1 i ltd ur.M. i.. IL. i "...i j I. I,..,- ,lrh l ..I ",r i. I I I, r ,llJ ,', II... :, r,: ii. r ri t.ni I., I.A li nil Our fast claims service is "No Problem." ur agency is well known for providing fast, efficient and fair claims service. That's because we represent Auto-Owners Insurance, which, according to a national consumer's magazine, ranks consistently as one of the top insurers -.- in the country. That's why we are known as the "No Problem" People. ---7 Ask us about our great service today! 4uto-Owners Insurance Life Home Car Business Jim Mixon Insurance Inc. 5412 Marina Dr.* Island Shopping Center Holmes Beach (941) 778-2253 OUR OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR LUNCH NOON'-1 DAILY. )m ;ht lar ng ;ry THilE ISILANI)ER MARIC(1l 8. 2006 U A-13 Biographer's tea :. Anna Maria Elementary School -.. aders in Anne Kinnan's class dressed their parts in pre- .. senting the life stories offamous artists, politi- cians, entrepreneurs, ath- .' .. letes and more, gathering togetherfor a "tea." ,Making an appearance are, back row, from left, Faith Hill, Hillary Duff, Rosa Parks, Cleopatra, -.... ''Wild Horse Annie, Coretta Scott King, Princess SDiana, Audrey Diamond, Walt Disney, Bill Gates, S. Esther Hautig, Arnold t. Schwarzenegger and ."George, Washington. Front J5-" row, from left, Alan Iver- on, Lisa Leslie, Bonnie ... ..Blair, Jerry Rice, Jackie S-' Robinson and Cal Ripken Jr Islander Photos: Diana Bogan -:- :' -:- ~_ -. -, Sports stars i Taking time out from prac- . tice to talk about their lives with fellow fmous folks at the "Biographer's Tea" held by Anna Kinnan's ' fifth-grade class are sports ..V A. stars, back row, from left,r Lisa Leslie, Savannah Sheild; and Jackie Robin-- - son, Elijah Barton. Front Uqj row, from left, Alan Iver- 41 son, Daniel Pimentel; N.WSWOrthy Blove; JerryHile, Dear- CAttending a "Biographer's Tea" in Anne Kinnan's ifth-grade class at Anna love; a JerryRice, Chris Maria Elementary School are noteworthy newsmakers Shannon Waring as Prin- te a v a d irves: -, cess Diana, Molly Stoltzfus as Cleopatra the Seventh, Danny Krokroskia as Bill Gates, and Madeline Wilson as author Esther Hautig. BEN COOPER & ASSOCIATES INC TAX AND ACCOUNTING SERVICE Need your refunds early? We offer electronic filing. Day and evening appointments available. ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS ~ OPEN YEAR ROUND We prepare individual, corporate, partnership, homeowner association and LLC tax returns. We also do intangible and tangible tax returns. Ben Cooper, E.A. 3909 E. Bay Drive, Suite 110 Holmes Beach, Fl 34217 (941) 778-6118 Fax: (941) 778-6230 e-mail: benacooper@aol.com - ---- -- ILe Le Hails j Professional Nail Care for ladies.& Gentlemen I Visit Jimmy, Rose & Lee! An extra 10% off for wedding groups Full Set 1 05** 0 Pawsitively Pets & Property Services Inc. P.O. Box 265, Bradenton Beach, FL 34217 Quality Pet Sitting Reliable Property Services Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Stain & Odor Control . Tile and Grout Color, Cleaning and Stain Control! 7 6 15 1 778-2882 or 387-0607 www.FatCatCarpetCleaning.com INTERNATIONAL LARRY & NANCY HOUSE, OWNERS Bonded Insured w IDxV4S YOu toP 8am-1 pm Saturday* March 11 Pd Fo h " 300 Church St. Bradenton Beach y rWl W G, EAT f -A W, ea~ s.d Wd y Msrch 15 1-3pm Housewares! Collectibles! Junque! Judging done by all attendees Yummy Homemade Baked Goods with coins as votes allto benefit Harvey Church go 6rD 5D,_0sia r -- N Roser Church HARVEY MEMORIAL Fellowship Hall COMMUNITY CHURCH .. ep Ha For information, .-. --1 Pine AVC. call Bona Wortman, ;.' 5 " 778-2983, or Harvey Church, .~ f', -. '"4nJ n na N aria 778-1912. .... -evenc sponsored b\: The Islander IML ML_ = Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9am-7prn Coral Way Plaza (nexf fo Posf Office & RFC) =323i ( 14-A E MARCH 8, 2006 T THE ISLANDER Anna Maria Elementary School menu Monday, March 13 No School. Tuesday, March 14 Breakfast: Egg and Cheese Biscuit, Cereal, Toast, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Fruit Lunch: Hamburger or Cheeseburger, Muffin and Yogurt Plate, Steamed Car- rots, Chips, Veggies with Dip, Peaches Wednesday, March 15 Breakfast: Waffle Sticks, Bagel, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Nachos with Meat and Cheese or Trout Melt Sandwich, Spanish Rice, Green Beans, Sliced Pears Thursday, March 16 Breakfast: Fresh Baked Muffin, Cereal, Toast, Super Donut, Fruit Lunch: Student Planned Menu Friday, March 17 Breakfast: O'Patty Pancakes, Yogurt, Super Donut, Cereal, Toast Lunch: St. Patrick's Day O'Pizza or Leprechaun Hot Dog, Steamed Sham- rock Corn, Green Garden Salad, Lucky Dessert Juice and milk are served with every meal. Honor students Congratulations to the Island students inducted into the National Junior Honor Society for maintaining a 3.5 Grade Point Average at King Middle School. Students are also selected based on character leadership and community service. Standing, from left, Jenna Duvall, Nicole Botero, Sarah Howard, Molly Slicker Paige Carper, Ariel and Kayla Jennis. Kneeling are Christoper Perez and Patrick Facheris. King honor winners not pictured include Emma Barlow, Rainia Lardas, Alison Lukitsch, Sarah Oldham, Greyson Wallis, Donna Barth, Amanda Rodriguez and Alexandra Walsted. A 1LI~ IPLO,' 2i :31 41 si .6 C D _E .. : ... .... -.-.- .~-,.. (I I / 7 ' ' l\' \ ?L ,la ~.. 71~ -'. Thels-dw-ider 8 j iMUM.= t i~B~n57F F C H YOU ,C4 IVI,4 -,~ u 6t4-eM td{ 4~42D.Li. tOdn 4~A t444. 2j 3i I~51 1* The LIslander 91 .,1 ~i2~ c.~C~rTEz RD ju'i~lli-ll ur. 5ilJuldll 73 The Manatee Trolley runs seven days a week, 6 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., with approximately 20-minute intervals at all 75 stops up to 9 p.m., and 30-minute intervals from 9- 10:30 p.m. It starts at both ends of the Island at 6 a.m., from Coquina Beach and from the Anna Maria City Pier; Northbound the trolley runs Gulf Drive to Marina/Palm Drive in Holmes Beach, merging back to Gulf Drive in Anna Maria. It runs from Gulf Drive to the city pier along Pine Avenue, where it turns around. Southbound it runs Gulf Drive all the way from Anna Maria City Hall to Coquina Beach. Have some fun, ride the trolley, and tell folks along the way and.at all the stops, "The Islander" sent me! Free MCAT ride guides available at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (Trolley stops No. 23/53.) Islander Info: 941 778 7978 MCAT: 749-7116 -s-i ~ r Y'jiin a3iiii; 14: i mi A B C D E FG H GUL*#*- The Islander "I THE ISLANDER N MARCH 8, 2006 E A-15 0000000 0Q00OO Wednesday, March 8 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Terra Ceia Village RV Resort craft fair at 9309 Bayshore Road, Palmetto. Information: 723-2425. 11:30 a.m. Celebrate Manatee County Heritage Days and become a "History Detective" searching his- toric facts at Indian Springs Park, 1312 Second Ave. E., Bradenton. Information: 746-2035. Bring a bag lunch. Noon Minnesota Club luncheon at the Braden- ton Elks Lodge, 2511 75th St. W., Bradenton. Informa- tion: 794-3573. Thursday, March 9 9 a.m. to noon Blood drive at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. 10 a.m. Walking tour of Palmetto departs from Palmetto Historical Park, 10th Avenue and Sixth Street West, Palmetto. Information: 746-7165. 7p.m. Bingo at Annie Silver Community Center, 23rd Street and Avenue C, Bradenton Beach. Informa- tion: 778-1915. 7 p.m. Sarasota Shell Club meeting at Mote Marine Aquarium, 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sara- sota. Information: 739-0908. Friday, March 10 10a.m. to 3 p.m.- Book sale at Tingley Memorial Library, 111 Second St. N., Bradenton. Beach. Informa- tion: 779-1208. 8 p.m. Florida West Coast Symphony "Master- works" at Neel Performing Arts Center, Manatee Com- munity College, 5840 26th St. W., Bradenton. Informa- tion: 953-4252. Fee applies. Saturday, March 11 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.- Flea market, bake sale and entertainment at Harvey Memorial Community Church, 300 Church St., Bradenton Beach. Information: 778-2983. 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Anna Maria Island Privateers Thieves Market at Coquina Beach south parking lot, Bradenton Beach. Information: 778-4512. 8:30 a.m. Kiwanis Club meeting with guest author Gene Ciliberti at Cafe on the Beach, Manatee Public Beach, 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. 8:30 a.m. to noon Spring hobby and craft fair at Gulfshore of Longboat Key, 3710 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 383-2763. 9 a.m. to noon Eco Expo at Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Informa- tion: 778-1005 ext. 227. 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. "Adventure on Dolphin Island" family program followed by a lecture for kids ages 6 to 12 with marine scientist Ellen Prager at Mote Marine Aquarium, 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sara- sota. Information: 388-4441. Pre-registration required. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.- Desoto National Memorial Park 57th Annual Celebration at the north end of 75th Street North West, Bradenton. Information: 792-0458. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.- Book sale at Tingley Memorial Library, 111 Second St. N., Bradenton Beach. Informa- tion: 779-1208. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Model Boat Guild of the Flor- ida Gulf Coast Maritime Museum Cortez Model Show "Age of Stern, Age of Sail" at the Manatee Civic Center, One Haben Blvd., Palmetto. Information: 708-4935. Fee applies. 10a.m. to 5p.m. Anna Maria Island Art League "Springfest" art and craft festival at Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-2099. 2 p.m. "Touring France by Bicycle" with Mel Brenner at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341. 4:30 p.m. Youth orchestra concert at Neel Per- forming Arts Center, Manatee Community College, 5840 26th St. W., Bradenton. Information: 953-4252. 6 to 10 p.m. "Celebrate Longboat Key" gala at the Longboat Key Club's Harbourside Dining Room, Longboat Key. Information: 383-2466. Fee applies. Sunday, March 12 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Model Boat Guild of the Flor- ida Gulf Coast Maritime Museum Cortez Model Show "Age of Stern, Age of Sail" at the Manatee Civic Center, One Haben Blvd., Palmetto. Information: 708-4935. Fee applies. 10 a.m. to 5p.m.- Anna Maria Island Art League "Springfest" art and craft festival at Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-2099: Monday, March 13 9 to 10 a.m. Widowed persons support group at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magno- lia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. 4 and 7 p.m. "Virtual Tour of the Mote Tropical Research Lab in the Florida Keys" presentation by David Vaughan at Mote Immersion Cinema, 1700 Kei: Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota. Information: 388-4441. Fee applies. 4:15 to 6:30 p.m. Heritage Days historic tour of Manatee Settlement, Indian Springs Park, 14th Street West and Second Avenue East, Bradenton. Informa- tion: 746-2035. 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Pickleball demonstration at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Tuesday, March 14 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Questions about Medicare Part-D enrollment answered by Michael Vejins at the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce, 5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-1541. 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m.- Dolphin researcher Heidi Harley speaks at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341. Noon Anna Maria Island Rotary Club lunch at the BeachHouse restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Braden- ton Beach. Information: 713-0042. Wednesday, March 15 11:30 a.m. to noon "Nooner" networking lunch at the Sun House Restaurant, 111 Gulf Drive, Bradenton Beach. Information: 383-2466. Fee applies. Noon Anna Maria Island Historical Society vol- unteer appreciation lunch at the BeachHouse restau- rant, 100 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 778-0492. 1 to 3 p.m. Anna Maria Garden Club "Penny Flower Show" at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-4683. 1:30 p.m. Mummer String Band concert and ice cream social at Braden Castle Park, One Office Drive (off State Road 64 and 27th Street East), Bradenton. Information: 746-7700. 6 to 7:30 p.m.- Parent support group at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. Child- PLEASE SEE CALENDAR, NEXT PAGE WILLS TRUSTS ESTATE PLANNING JAY HiLL Attorney-at-Law 778-4745 Anna Maria, Florida SImprove the Quality y/ ", of Your Life :: Carol Greer Siemaszko B.A. Ed., M.A. Psych CERTIFIED COUNSELOR ., AND LIFE COACH 941-794-1492 Perico Island Bradenton 3 mn OPEN Mon.-Fri. 7soam-7pm Sat., Sun., Holidays y3oam-5pm WALK-INS WELCOME We're available to tend to your urgent care needs r) ~Fever/Infections Minor Lacerations SSimple Fractures Sprains PINNACLE MEDICAL CENTER S 315 75th Street West Bradenton -941-761-1616. Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, ELCA Pastor Richard Baker SSaturday 5pm Service of Celebration unday 8 and 10:30 am Worship Services Nursery available at 10:30am .,lor3adelJthrran.:iri 17 6"08 Manrina Drive Holmes Beach 778-1813 WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO FROM 1-BEDROOM S an na maria APARTMENTS Gulf Coast 5BEDOOM R E N T A L S EXECUTIVE HOMES 5319 Gull Drive, Holmes Beach (West side of Island Fitness Plaza) TEL 941-778-3699* TOLL FREE 1-800-865-0800 FAX 941-782-5606 E-mail vacationr@'anigcrenials.com Web www amgcrentals com AN INTERDENOMINATIONAL COMMUNITY CHURCH HARVEY MEMORIAL PASTOR STEPHEN KING Sunday 9:30am 779-1912 www.harveymemorial.org 300 CHURCH AVE. BRADENTON BEACH 2 BLOCKS NORTH OF BRIDGE ST. CLOCK TOWER IIsland Pest Control Inc. SERVING THE ISLANDS MORE THAN 20 YEARS State Certified/Licensed and Insured Locally owned and operated rl 04 n- AM In 16-A U MARCH 8. 2006 T THE ISLANDER Streetlife Anna Maria City Feb. 26, 9800 block of Gulf Drive, possession of paraphernalia. During a routine traffic stop, a juvenile was arrested for possession of a large .pipe used to smoke marijuana. March 2, 300 block of Gulf Boulevard, informa- tion. A woman reported that her husband went for a walk on the beach and asked that she planned to pick him up in about an hour. According to the report, she was unable to locate him and had not heard from him. Bradenton Beach Feb. 27, 1800 Gulf Drive N., LaCosta condomin- ium garage, burglary. A man reported that he packed the trunk of his car and in the morning discovered his belongings had been rummaged through and his laptop computer was missing. Holmes Beach Feb. 25, 5400 Marina Drive, DUI. Donald Lanoue, 18, of Bradenton, was arrested for driving while under the influence of alcohol. According to the report, 'Killing in Beautiful Places' topic of Mote author Bob Morris will discuss "Killing People in Beauti- ful Places" when he speaks twice Thursday, March 16, on the Friends of the Mote Library program. He will appear in the "Mystery Authors With a Florida Connection" series at 2 and 7 p.m. in the New Pass Room of Mote Marine Laboratory, 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., on City Island at the south ramp of the New Pass Bridge. He uses favorite locales in the Caribbean as back- ground for his mysteries, he said, such as "Bahama- rama" and "Jamaica Me Dead." His detective is a former Miami Dolphins linebacker. Tickets at $10 are available at Circle Books, 478 John Ringling Blvd.; Longboat Library, 555 Bay Isles Road; and the Mote Library. Details may be obtained at 388-444-1. another driver called to alert police that they suspected the driver in the vehicle in front of them was intoxi- cated. When stopped by an officer, Lanoue reportedly admitted to consuming alcohol and failed a sobriety test. Feb. 28, 3200 E. Bay Drive, Anna Maria Centre Shops, theft. A man reported his digital camera stolen from his car. March 2, 100 block of 48th Street, theft. A woman reported her wallet missing from her purse the morn- ing after a roommate invited friends over for a poker game. Calendar CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15-A care provided. 8 p.m. Czech classical guitarist Vladislav Blaha performs at Neel Performing Arts Center, Manatee Community College, 5840 26th St. W., Bradenton. Infor- mation: 752-5252. Ongoing: "The Highwaymen," Florida's African-American landscape painters exhibit, at the South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton, through March 12. Information: 746-4131. Fee applies. "Many Faces, One Story" Manatee Heritage Days exhibition at Family Heritage House Museum, Mana- tee Community College, 5840 26th St. W., Bradenton, through March 30. Information: 752-5319. Watercolors by "Lolly" Loretta Owens at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, through March 31. "Shalom de Cuba: Lives of Cuban Jews" photo exhibit by Beth Reynolds at Manatee Community Col- lege fine art gallery, 5840 26th St. W., Bradenton, through April 6. Information: 752-5225. Upcoming: Mystery writers lecture series featuring Bob Morris at Mote Marine Laboratory March 16. Bay Chorale spring concert at First Presbyterian Church, Bradenton, March 16. Reception for Russian artists at Wallace Fine Art, Longboat Key, March 16. St. Patrick's Day breakfast at the Moose Lodge March 17. St. Patrick's Day party at Bradenton Elks Lodge March 17. Anna Maria Island Tour of Homes March 18. Food for Life cooking class at the Anna Maria Island Community Center March 18. Obituaries Arthur A. Stover Arthur A. Stover, 57, of Anna Maria, died Feb. 28. Memorial services will be held at a later date. Brown and Sons Funeral Home, 43rd Street Chapel, is in charge of arrangements. "Artie," as he was known to friends, was employed at Oma Pizza and Restaurant in Bradenton Beach. He is survived by daughter Amy, of Steubenville, Ohio; son Art of Steubenville; mother Mary of Steu- benville; and many nieces, nephews and cousins. Bee L..Biggs Turner Bee L. Biggs Turner, 89, of Sarasota, died Feb. 20. Born in Baltimore, Md., Mrs. Turner was a sec- retary at Johns Hopkins University before moving to Winter Park with her late husband, Tom. They moved to Bradenton in 1972. The Turners were avid sailors and members of the Bradenton Yacht Club for many years. Mrs, Turner was a patron of the arts, especially theater and music, and volunteered her services at the Island Players for 30 years. She was a member of the Offstage Ladies. She also ushered at the Sarasota Opera and Asolo Theater. A Friendship Gathering will be held at 5 p.m. April 2 at the Island Players, 10009 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Memorial contributions may be made to Tidewell Hos- pice and Palliative Care, 5955 Rand Blvd., Sarasota FL 34238. She is survived by sisters Ella Mae Kirby of Bal- timore and Mildred Cress ofLodi, Calif.; and several nieces and nephews. Safe boating class at G.T. Bray Park March 18. Anna Maria Island Historical Society meeting at Belle Haven Gardens March 20. Meet, Greet & Eat condo reception at St. Mary Star of the Sea Church, Longboat Key, March 21. Save the Date: Cortez Heritage Days March 24. Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce Fash- ion Show March 25. Island Garden Tour April 1. 'I~I FREE HOME DELIVER PbFHE ISLAND NA MARIA ND* CALL 778-7978 W Sorry we cannot deliver single copies to condominium units or mobile homes. ?t?~ Island contrasts used in new novel A New Yorker has made use of her many Anna Maria Island vacations to build a novel around the Island and its people. She is Victoria Underwood and her "Riparian Rites" is debuting at several outlets on the Island. She has had at least one book signing here and is looking forward to others. Meanwhile, she is warming up at the Bali Hai Beach Resort in Holmes Beach, leaving the chills of Syracuse, N.Y., behind for another vacation. She said she first came here 10 years or so ago while visiting children in Clearwater and Tallahassee. "We were just driving around Florida and found Anna Maria. It is so pretty and laid-back that we started coming here." Gradually she was impressed by the possibilities of the Island as setting for a mystery story, she said - "It is so lovely and the people are so nice, it offers an effective contrast to something sinister happening." Her protagonist is somewhat timid and has a ten- dency to panic, but explores the Island while her hus- band golfs not unlike Underwood's real-life husband "Buzz" does at every opportunity. The woman in the novel is swept into the mysteri- ous disappearance of an Island waitress and the story goes on from there, much of it at Bean Point and a busy pier. The book, published by Applehead Press in Syracuse, is available for $10 at the Bali Hai, 6900 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach; the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce, 5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach; Anna Maria Island Historical Soci- ety museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria; Charlie's on the Island, 5904 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach; and Jane E's Cafe and Bakery, 9807 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. C'"-- i; Island visitor Victoria Underwood and her book, "Riparian Rights," which takes place on Anna Maria Island. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy Widowed group to meet Monday at Center "Antique Road Show" with Ginny Dutton of Ginny's Antiques and Art in Anna Maria will be featured at.a meeting of the Widowed Persons Support Group at 9 a.m. Monday, March 13, at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Mag- nolia Ave., Anna Maria. Details may be obtained by calling 778-1908. VosteJ 'Pest Ice Orenm YeC/rs ID 19o-Wf LiL .'r I.,, rfyyT 0 -frde pe$ vw a v' r U caistprJ t.'rppe4wit~h cermy Camel, Hot Fudge, Bsutter-rosted Pecans, nd whip Cram om Jd P chbey! FROZEN CUSTARD & EATERY 2881 Clark Road 4500 Manatee Ave. W. Sarasota, FL 34231 AND Bradenton, FL 34209 (941) 929-7322 (941) 750-6771 ' Volm5UP THE ISLANDER E MARCH 8, 2006 E A-17 No survey for Whitmore Although Holmes Beach Mayor Carol Whitmore has announced she will not seek re-election this November, she said last week she has made no decision on whether or not to run for a seat on the Manatee County Com- mission. She also dispelled a rumor . that she has been conducting a political survey among county -- . voters. voters. -.Whitmore "I'm not doing a survey, butWhitmore everyone has heard about this survey. I don't know who is doing it, but it's not me," she said. "As I understand it, it's just a general survey on issues and candidates." Three Russian painters on key Three Russian artists will be on Longboat Key for a reception from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, March 16, open- ing an exhibit of their work. The reception and art show will be at the Wallace Fine Art Gallery in the Centre Shops, 5370 Gulf of Mexico Drive. The artists are Nokolai Kozlov, IlyaYat- senko and John Wurdeman of the Surikov Institute. The exhibit will be there through the end of March. Hours at the gallery are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. Details are available at 387-0746. 'Flip Flop Fare' fashions set The Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce will stage its "Flip Flop Fare" fashion show Friday, March 24, at the Bradenton Country Club, 4646 Ninth Ave. W. There will be a drawing, raffle, Chinese auction and a prize for the best flip flops. The show will be from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event is in conjunction with the chamber's cookbook, "Flip Flop Fare." Tickets at $25. are available at the chamber, 5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, or by calling 778-1541. Proceeds will go to two scholarships. 18-A N MACI(' 8. 200( 1 THE ISL.ANIDER Islanders help U13 Magic to tournament title By Kevin Cassidy Islander Reporter Islanders Martine Miller, Ally Titsworth and Chris- tina Papazian are starters for the U13 Manatee Magic girls soccer team that captured the title for the Gator Showcase tournament in Gainesville Feb. 17-20. Miller is one of the leading scorers from her forward posi- tion, while Titsworth runs the wing from right midfield. Papazian is the last line of defense from her goalkeeper position. The Magic opened the tournament by defeating Palm Harbor 2-0 on Saturday morning. The girls then received star treatment when they got a tour of the Uni- versity of Florida campus from members of the UF girls soccer team. That afternoon, the Magic got back to business by defeating the St. Pete Raiders 6-0. And that evening, the Magic girls attended a soccer game between the Lady Gators and the Florida State Lady Noles. On Sunday afternoon, the Magic advanced to the tournament finals by tying West Palm 0-0 to set up.a rematch with Palm Harbor in the finals. The Magic cap- tured the title when Phoebe Leo headed in a corner kick from Erin Mulrine to give them a hard-fought 1-0 vic- tory. On March 4-5, the Magic girls opened Region C play in Valrico and easily advanced to the next round. They defeated Azalea Park 6-1 on Saturday morning and followed that up with a 6-0 victory over another Manatee Magic squad. Sunday morning the Magic girls ensured their spot in the next round when they defeated 'Dunedin 6-0. Titsworth and Miller each scored several goals in the three games to help the team, which now travels to Ed Radice complex in Tampa March 11-12. Members of the Magic team include Madison Bradley, Phoebe Leo, Erin Mulrine Martine Miller Christina Papazian, Catherine Byrne, Jordan Ponto, Nicole Dixon, Ashley Nelson, Ally Titsworth, Melissa DeGroat, Kristin Ferreri, Mary Isiminger, Nicole Mar- cinko, Julia Pignanelli and Shelby Raye. Congratulations girls! Center news and notes Anna Maria Island Little League action is just beach/ on the gtaeh All-you-can-eat Y Pancakes & Sausage $ 95 Mon-Fri am.-noon j^ 9Sat-Sun 7am-1pm Evening entertainment! 4-8pm Wed ~ Larry Rich Thurs & Sat Rick Boyd Fri & Sun Tom Mobley Mon & Tues Mark Cravens S Monday Italian Night S.I All-you- $795 > can-eat 4-8pm * ** * ** * U 3 Manatee Magic Madison Bradley, Phoebe Leo, Erin Mulrine, Martine Miller, Christina Papazian, Catherine Byrne, Jordan Ponto, Nicole Dixon, Ashley Nelson, Ally Titsworth, Melissa DeGroat, Kristin Ferreri, Mary Isiminger Nicole Marcinko, Julia Pignanelli and Shelby Raye. around the corner with the preseason banquet and uni- form distribution taking place on Thursday, March 9, and opening day festivities getting started Saturday, March 11. Opening day consists of a parade of Little Leagu- ers, coaches, parents and fans that will travel north from the Island Baptist Church on Gulf Drive to the Anna Maria Island Community Center and Benji Scanio Memorial Field. There, the youngsters will participate in a series of exhibition games. In addition to the those games, individual and team photos will be taken while those with an appetite can satisfy those hunger pangs with grilled hambugers and C Italian American Restaurant & Dinner Show .. Friday March 10 and Saturday March 11 Tom Watt is "The Buffet Man (Tribute to Jimmy Thursday March 9 The Don Buffet)" We invite all of you Petra Show Singer Extraordi- Parrot Headsto enjoythis musi- naire. Don't miss this show- cal salute to Jimmy Buffetand his case of musical memories, music. Tom Watt was awarded You'll be amazed at Don's the International Guild of Celeb- interpretations of the greatest rity Impersonators Award "Best songs ever written. Male Musical Star" 6713 14th St. W. (US 41) Bradenton Call for reservations: (941) 751-4800 hot dogs. As if that isn't enough excitement, Anna Maria Island Little Leaguers and their parents will spend Sunday, March 12, at beautiful McKechnie Field in Bradenton for a spring training game between the Pitts- burgh Pirates and-the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. If you're interested in attending the game, contact the Center's Andy Jonatzke at 778-1908. Also. contact Jonatzke for a season game sched- ule, since it was not received at The Islander by press- time. PLEASE SEE SPORTS, NEXT PAGE, DISCOiUNT LIQUOR COCKTAIL LOUNGE, S Coupon Good March 8-14, 2006 R&R MANATEE COUNTY'S Barnett's Gin a13ign #1 INDEPENIDANT I13" "Io 1 7 LTR BEVERAGE DEALER 1 99 R 7 0 1..L .75"8,25 S / tres cklcr A / /Continental \ ( Bistro New happy hour nightly, . 5-7 at the bar 5406 Marina Dr, Holmes Beach : - 778-5320 TUESDAY 4-8pm F SUNSET SPECIALS Li TACO & VAJ11A% V Every Wednesday 4-8pm All-You- $95 9 5 Can-Eat 779 ~~-- Thursday German Buffet All-you-$ $ 95 can-eat 4-8pm F FRY ~ 2-8 pm : wtih fries and slaw DOj ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT t-2 ?Y70 $895 '************ *D*** * OPEN 7 AM 7 DAYS A WEEK BEER & WINE 4000 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-0784 SStone Crab Restaurant ON THE BAY-END OF BROADWAY, N. LONGBOAT KEY COME TRY OUR NEW HAPPY How 4-"M SEAFOOD, STEAKS, BAR MENU (BAR ONLY) ,SUET S' ALS CHICKEN PASTA L sNCH SPECMALs 3.30 5:30 FRES STONE 11:30AM-3:30rM ?liFBCT :-: CRABS OAULY EEERMYl #8E sC4 ws MS 1LARME CHILDREN'S SMw941-383 s 7 *7 DAYS A WEEK 11 M- 9:30 941-383-1 748 7 DAYS A WEEK 11:30AM 9:30PM I, i. ' THE ISLANDER MARCH 8, 2006 U A-19 Sports CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18-A Basketball awards dished up The center's 2006 basketball season officially came to an end with the awards ceremony on Feb. 27. Divi- sion champions received their hardware, while individ- ual awards were handed out for each division as well., The Division III sportsmanship award went to Neil Carper, while Lee Bergeron stole the defensive player of the year award. Female MVP went to Samantha Pur- nell, while Luke Shackelford captured the male MVP award. Kalif Mora won the sportsmanship award for Divi- sion II, while Kelly Guerin made off with the defensive player award. Female MVP was Hailey Dearlove and male MVP went to Travis Belsito. Division I sportsmanship was awarded to Kyle Aritt and Brandon Gengler captured the defensive player award. Ally Titsworth ran off with the female MVP award, while Garrett Secor won the male MVP award. Premier League awards were dominated by league champ Island Real Estate, starting with the sportsman- ship award for Zach Schield. West Coast Air Condi- tioning's Matt McDonough prevented an IRE sweep by winning the defensive player award. IRE got back on track with Celia Ware and David Buck winning the female and male MVP awards respectively. Congratulations again to all of the players and coaches. Pickleball comes to Center Pickleball, the "fastest growing sport in the United States," according to a spokesperson for the Anna Maria Island Community Center is coming to the Center on Monday, March 13, from 5:30-8:30 p.m., a.p. BeLL fisH company iry e. Fresh Seafood Since 1910 Great selection of locally caught Grouper, Snapper, Shrimp,. Panfish and much more. Planning a fishing trip? Call about our big selection of frozen bait' DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAY See you at our docks! 941-794-1249 4600 124th St. W. Cortez, Florida -) "Old FloridCA Origiri&al" An Anna Maria Island Landmark Est. 1952 Eat in Take out. Tues-Thurs 11-8 Fri & Sat 11-9 Sun 12-8pm Closed Mon Across from the Manatee Public Beach 3901 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-7769 www.floridasecrets.com Capalbo's HOUSE OF PIZZA LUNCH PIZZA BUFFET- $4.99 *DINNER PIZZA BUFFET- $6.29 .Dinner buffet includes pizza, soup and salad bar! . 792-5300 10519 Cortez Rd. W. Mon-Sat 11 am-10 Opm Sunday noon-9 when everyone is invited to the Center for a demonstra- tion. If you're interested in the sport and are over 21 years of age, you can check out the demo and sign up for league play. For more information, contact the Center at 778-1908. Horseshoe news Bradenton's Ron Pepka and Leo Hutton of Lan- caster Pa., subjected the Bradenton duo of Adin Shank and Jay Disbrow to a barrage of ringers to win by a score of 22-11 and emerge from a three-team play- off to win the March 1 horseshoe competition. Shank and Disbrow advanced to the finals by defeating Anna Maria's Steve Doyle and Sam Samuels of Cortez with a 23-9 score. Anna Maria's Herb Puryear teamed up with John Johnson of Holmes Beach as the only undefeated team after pool play. Puryear's victory continued a hot streak that has seen him advance to the playoffs in eight of his last 11 horsehoe sessions. Six teams tied for second, forcing a playoff that saw George McKay of Anna Maria and Don Buchholts emerge as the day's bridesmaids. Play gets under way at 9 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at Anna Maria City Hall. Warm ups begin at 8:45 a.m. followed by random team selection. There is no charge to play and everyone is welcome. If horseshoes isn't your game, how about shuf- fleboard? The Anna Maria Shuffleboard Club plays Monday through Friday at 1 p.m., also at Anna Maria City Hall. Anyone interested in playing, regardless of skill level is invited to play. - Women's golf news Penny Williams fired a two-under par 30 to claim first S3232 East Bay Drive Next to Walgreens 778-7878 -- w- -e-- - OLD HAMBURQ e, SCHNITZELHAUS The Best German Restaurant on Florida's West Coast Every Friday Bavarian Haxen (Pork knuckle with bread dumpling and red cabbage) Please phone ahead 24 hours Reservations a must! 778-1320 HOURS: MON-SAT 5-9:30PM Anna Maria Island Centre 3246 E. Bay Drive Holmes Beach THE 6REEN LB ANANA LBASH! FRI ..Y IARC 17 ST. IATRvCI4'S tAT LIVE MUSICFOOD, BUOWEISER BEER SPECIALS AND GREEN BANANA DAIQUIRIS COME PARTY ALL DAY! 10104 CORTEZ R0A.J941) 798-9098 Walks to Cure Diabetes set in Sarasota, Manatee Two editions of the annual Walk to Cure Diabetes are scheduled in the next three weeks in Sarasota and Manatee counties. Sponsored by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, it already has attracted one team from the barrier islands "Team Euphemia" put together by D'Arcy and Ray Arpke, owners of Euphemia Haye Restaurant on Longboat Key. The events are open to everyone, Arpke empha- sized. D'Arcy noted that the local chapter of the foun- dation was founded by Longboat residents Phyllis and Sol Steingard 13 years ago, and that the Arpke family is deeply affected personally by the disease. The first walk will be at 8 a.m. Saturday, March 18, on Siesta Key, and the one in Manatee County will be at 5:30 p.m. April 7 at the Prime Outlets Mall in Ellenton. Additional details may be obtained from the Arpkes at 387-8336. place-in the Key Royale Club women's low-net golf competi- tion Feb. 28. Jean Holmes carded a 31 to finish in second in flight AA. Flight A winner was a four-way tie between Phyllis Lamp, Dorothy McKinna, Cindi Mansour and Tootie Wagner with identical scores of 32. In flight B, Mary Pat Swamy's 32 was good enough to hold off Margie Jacobs, Barb Manson and Marian Mulroy, all of whom tied for second with a trio of 34s. Mary Miller shot 33 to win flight C by one shot over Shirley Cessna, Cherie Kinerk and Markie Ksiazek. Theresa Schuett carded a 33 to win fight D by three shots over Teddy Morgan and Janet Stokes. Stokes and Marilyn Thorton each holed out on approach shots on No. 7, while Swamy holed out on No. 4. THE FRESHEST SFOOD1B AND THE BEST VIEW FOR ISLAND DINING 20 A U MAR CII 8. 200(3 U TIlE ISLANDER . .. - 'I- it -I L. \\'istcna Park is a new neighborhood in NOrihwcst Dr.lcenion offered by NeIl Coimmunimes. There is somethinging for c'ry'- one with maIintenance-free and traditional snglc-famrily homes and twelve foor plans with two-slry options ranging [rom 2,015 to 3,341 a/c square feet. Visit Wistena Park today and tour our four beautiful new modes. - -- 'I 4,41 1 I S' ,.. Ihd al homncs Irom the 2-00- irncluding, homesite 94 1-792-33.., Tilf-frrc. 8F6- 792-33.3.3 '- -.. mant M naince-frre h.n-'m frcm the high S-KA1 mnuuding homens c 941-792-3366i, Toll-ltJr: 77-7C,2-.1.66 I 7r. S-r.h LL'i RPi. ',A Bir. Ji ni-n F irndi 4 Model .-pen daily 10ia m 5 tO pm un(dak- '.'wn 3 0 p m 33M Avemse W 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --.tT-I~. -. - i; : s p.t4.. ..r .A,. r- *F' -:: I ': 'r' r --~ .~f I *. '' *. I '*-- ? A 4 -,L7_ o Peno Hmrtlhr Anna Miara Island & Gulf Beaches Robinson's Preserve SBotanical Garden Park SRivertown Marina Slewart iriientarty sc l NE. "-. A .i -ii Geraldson Farim Produce i YE. King Mkkile School BUIng Ha. ufo Kmn. Middle Achool Buiklding. Hone, Liife. Ut 5. Po.t Office Urgent Care Medical Center www; nealcommunitiescom 4%tA #""f ,,,,,~..,, ,.,.w~ ,,.,,,,,~~...,..u~,,, ..,,-,,,,,,j,.,,,, ,,,,.,,.,,.,,,,,, ,,,,,, ~,. ~-- 2006 0I THIE ISLANDERE 20-A 0 MARCII 8, -u I Jnna Mi slan The Islands Anna Maria Island Heritage Days huge success Raring to go Annie Hecker, almost 4, of Palmetto, is ready to roll in the Quinns' 87-year-old Tin Lizzy on display at the historical society's museum Saturday. Hecker spent Heritage Day with her Island grandparents. Islander Photos: Diana Bogan Yummy yum-yum The "Yum-Yum Candle" stand drew curious shoppers with its sweet scents. The handmade candles look and smell like dessert but are made of wax. And these calorie-free goodies last a long time. Crowd pleaser -- Four-year-old Jazzy Fann was a crowd pleaser during the Heritage Day bike, parade, throwing beads to the crowd and practicing her "parade wave." She Sailing by received a gift certificate to Mama Lo's Lexi Selleck, 6, of Anna Maria, sailed from the parade judges. Fann is from down Pine Avenue on her bike, which Bradenton Beach and attends Bizzy she rode in the Island Heritage Day bike Bees Preschool. parade. Bunny-mobile Franceska Akel spent two days perfect- ing her "Bunny-mobile," which she rode in the Island Heritage Day bike parade. The 7-year-old also walked Pine Avenue later in the day with her pet rabbit, "Bugs Bunny." Welcome wheels Seven-year-old Riley Hecklinski's bike makes a statement "Welcome to Anna Maria Island," she says. It's decorated with an Island flair for the Heritage Day bike parade and caught the eye of judges, who recalled she had an equally attractive entry last year Hot dogs Dachshunds Sophia, dressed with ketchup, and Carlo, wearing mustard, were "hot" dogs at this year's Heritage Day pet parade hosted by the Anna Maria Island Historical Society March 4. Sophia oversees a dog bakery in \i tl,:isu with handlers Bob and Jan Beatty, but prefers winters on the Island. Photo op Emily Turner, 5, Lauren Hart, 4 1/2, and Fiona Turner, nearly 2, pose for pictures with the Model-T Ford at the Anna Maria Historical Society for the Heritage Day Festival. Visitors were allowed to take photos for a donation, and the funds will be-used by the society to sponsor scholarships. 2-B M MARCH 8, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER There be rare whales here! And butt police for Sarasota? A pair of right whales made an apparent wrong turn from their usual wintertime haunts offshore from Northeast Florida and made a lap of the Gulf of Mexico. The mother and calf were spotted off Anna Maria Island early last week as they headed south toward the Florida Straits where, it is hoped, they will eventually end up at their more usual locale off the U.S. north- eastern coast. North Atlantic right whales are the most endan- gered of all the big-sized marine mammals, with their numbers estimated at about 350. The whales got their name because they were the "right" whales for whal- ers, being twice the average size as far as blubber and oil per pound was concerned, and having the commen- surate fatal attraction of floating, rather than sinking, when harpooned. Right whales, of course, were harvested to at least the brink of extinction. Another problem with the species lies in its migra- tory pattern that includes moving slowly from the northern states south to a point off the Florida-Geor- gia border to give birth every winter. The trek takes them across most of the big seaports of the United States, where they tend to either get run over by ships or entangled by fishing lines. The mother and calf that slipped into the Gulf were first sighted off Corpus Christi, Texas, in Janu- ary, according to Tampa Tribune accounts. U.S. Coast Guard crews saw them last week off the Island, and followed them down to Venice before the pair were lost from sight. Prop marks on the calf's back gave officials the heads-up that the pair were the same as seen off Texas. National Oce- anic and Atmospheric Administration officials also got into the act and backed up the sightings. In traditionally dry fashion, NOAA officials said, "Although rare, North Atlantic right whales have pre- viously been reported in the Gulf of Mexico a few times." Right. Confirmed sightings were made off Panama City Beach in 2004; prior to that was in March 1963 off Longboat Key. Wouldn't it be nice to think that momma made a Gulf loop 40 years ago and took a child through the same waters last week? Whale lifespan could back that claim up, by the way. According to NOAA, "The North Atlantic right whale is the most endangered large-whale off American- coasts. After a period of intense whaling in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the species was nearly extinct. Although whaling practices have ceased in the States, right whales face serious risks from ship collisions and entanglements in fishing gear and marine debris. "Right whales and all other species of marine mam- mals are protected under the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972. It is illegal to approach or remain within 500 yards of right whales. Mariners are I nno Maorion sl/onJCTies 4- j Moon Date AM HIGH AM LOW PM HIGH PM LOW Mar I0 S 5Tp" I9 3 5 .01 4 I 12 2 2 I l Mar 11 C50p, 19 4 30 -03 12 0" t12 3 16 I NMar 12.: 3p' -1 4 .- 3 1'4 t 3 4 )3 0_ M.r 13 11 59 13 5 12 I II 10 I'. 4:42 o:. FM Mar 1411 47p 17 5.32 0.0 21.1 1 I: 5 521 01 Mar 5 5-41. 12 09 h 6 0'0 02 SCorliez Higr Trdes 7 minulI- later I cr SI 1 06 later By Paul Roat urged to use extreme caution, maintain a sharp lookout, and take prompt action to avoid colliding or approach- ing this pair of critically endangered whales." The Gulf, by the way, isn't any sort of a stranger to whales. Despite the "Moby Dick" thoughts of all whales only being found off New England or in the Pacific off California, there were historically a slew of sperm and humpback whales in residence in our waters before whalers took out the population. Today, those species have made a significant comeback in the deep Gulf waters. Good eats?! And on another whale front, it seems that sperm whales have figured out where to get a good munch at human fishers' expense. Fishers for sablefish are having problems with whales taking the catch off their longlines. The marine mammals are alerted to the fishing activity by the start- stop the fishers use to set the lines in the Gulf of Alaska, swim up and take out the fish. Remember foraging at a buffet table, snacking on tidbits of food on toothpicks? That's what the sperm whales are doing. What hurts the fisher folks is that the sablefish - butterfish or black cod are also what they're called - are a big-time delicacy in the Orient and Hawaii, bring big-time prices if the harvest stays on the line and comes into the hold. The sperm whales, of which there are something like 90 in the Gulf of Alaska, use their sonar to find the funky sounds the fishing boats make, then zero in on the longlines and fish. : Call it revenge of the whales on fishers. Another ecological disaster from hurricanes to Florida Although-loss of life and damage to property have been huge thanks to back-to-back hurricane "hell years" in Florida, the longterm damage to the environ- ment is another cause for alarm in a longer scheme of things. As both the Tampa Tribune and St. Petersburg Times pointed out last week, here's what's happen- ing: Storm blows through. Native trees begone. Native understory in the wilderness begone. We're talking wrath of God-type clearing, bare earth, all the rest. Storm blows in bits of non-native plants like Bra- zilian pepper, Australian pine, punk trees. These guys love that open space, and start to grow like crazy. With nothing to hinder the exotic plant growth, since there's Snook' Trout edfish Tarpon Grouper ,.il .. ... .. .., 941-704-6763 sumotimefishing.com 8:04AM-12:52PM $60 + tax GRE FEE GET 3 FREE LOGO PINNACLE BALLS 1:00-2:00PM $52+ tax R AT 9FTE 21100M $ d f ^ ta GREENS FEE $ dl u. t .4-.E CART A I 2 e 1 i r no natural enemy, the "other" guys take over, create monocultures where native plants can't exist, smother other critters, and make a mess of the natural Florida wildlife and culture. Or, storm blows in. Lots of rain, lots of water, lots of stormwater buildup in the lakes and ponds, espe- cially Lake Okeechobee, the state's biggest internal water body at 730 square miles. But the lake isn't all that deep, at an average of 9 feet, and with 3 feet of ooze at the bottom, it's ripe for the churning that the extra water can provide. Water managers decide to solve the problem and open the floodgates, literally; to let out the excess water before it floods homes, fields and crops. The resultant mudslide-sludge flows into the tributaries that feed the Gulf of Mexico and Florida Bay. And stuff starts to die, like fish, birds and other marine life. Even humans have been infected with staph infec- tions from swimming in the water. Mother Nature is pretty good about cleaning up after herself. She can handle lots of damage. The.prob- lem is back-to-back damage, like we've had with all these storms, without any time for healing. Mom Nature can work some pretty terrific mira- cles, but not immediately. It does take time, and time is the thing that Florida hasn't been afforded in the last two years of storms. Solutions? Obviously, no more hurricanes would be a good thing. Less rain.means less frenetic action by water managers to drain the lake to afford property owners some flood protection, and the resulting runoff lessening to the coastal waters. Time would also allow foresters a chance to get into the hinterlands to start whacking the invasive pep- pers and pines before they get so big that their removal, or at least control, becomes nearly impossible. So time is what we need to cure what has been referred to as a "wounded" Sunshine State. Do we have it? Do we have a respite from high hurricane activity in the next few years? Jeez, let's hope so, but somehow I'm not all that optimistic. Sandscript factoid Those wacky folks in Sarasota County are at it again: Talking about prohibiting smoking at the public beaches has puffed its way into visibility one more time.- The Sarasota County Commission wafted the proposal two years ago to ban smoking on the beach, but was re-puffed by citizen outcry..The matter has resurfaced again, with the focus on popular Siesta Public Beach. Litter is the moving force behind the proposed ban, with all those butts left on the beach a stark rationale for prohibiting cigarette smoking on the sand. California has enacted a similar butt-ban. If it passes, Sarasota would be the first Florida county to enact such an anti-cig law. Of course, there is that pesky issue of enforce- ment. Remember that alcohol isn't permitted on Manatee County's beaches? Remember the last time you went to the beach? Remember the beer cans you saw? Good luck, Sarasota. DOCKS-N-DECKS Specializing in docks and decks Maintenance Painting Cleaning Repair (941) 779-1839 docksndecks@verizon.net Licensed and insured UN E PETE WANTS YOU TO DRIVE A CLEAN CAR! 24-hour self-serve car wash Complete auto detailing Quick lube AMERICAN CAR WASH 5804 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach 778-1617 MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED THE ISLANDER 0 MARCH 8. 2006 B-3 Sheepies still best bet inshore; grouper good in Gulf By Capt. Mike Heistand Sheepshead are still the best backwater catch right now for Island anglers, with the striped monsters lurk- ing near almost any structure in the bays. Weights are approaching 6 pounds,so now is the time for dusting off that fish chowder recipe you've been saving. Offshore action for grouper and snapper in the Gulf of Mexico continues to be great. Capt. Thom Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez Road said he's been putting his charters onto snook, trout and sheepshead and has found that fishing overall has vastly improved in the past week. Capt. Rick Gross on Fishy Business out of Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said he's starting to see some whitebait, but it's spotty. On the fishing front, he's putting his customers onto big sheepshead, plus a few redfish are being caught near the docks. Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle at Catch- ers Marina in Holmes Beach said fishing has "busted wide open" in the past week. He's hearing of terrific catches of gag grouper, mangrove snapper and amber- jack coming from offshore. Inshore action is all sheesp- head, plus some snook and mangrove snapper. Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of Parrot Cove Marina in Cortez said the past week's action "did not produce any notable catches, but per- severance paid off with a wide variety of species on several, trips. Sheepshead was still the volume catch, followed by gray trout, but other species taken included snook, reds, pompano, bluefish, flounder, mangrove snapper, jack crevalle, speckled trout and huge lady- fish." He predicted that water temps could bump up to the 70-degree mark in the next week, "and things will begin popping big time. White bait usually begins making an appearance in mid-March and I've heard through the coconut telegraph that a few Spanish mack- erel have been taken at the Skyway." Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said its all sheepshead all the time at the pier, with a few small grouper, whiting and some little snook thrown into the mix. Jesus Rosario at the Anna Maria City Pier said sheepshead action has really turned on there, plus some black drum, whiting and snook are being caught at night. Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said he's. seeing "tons" of sheepshead coming in, as well as some snook and a few really big redfish coming from the Manatee River. At Perico Island Bait and Tackle, reports include snook from the canals, sheepshead around almost every pier or dock, and good grouper and snapper action off- shore. At Skyway Bait and Tackle, reports include lots of sheepshead from near the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, plus some black drum, small bonnethead sharks and a few grouper. Capt. Larry McGuire of Show Me The Fish CT S CATR Gu fcja ~ rii ie ri Jr. FISH TALES WELCOME We'd love to hearyour fish stories, and pictures are welcome, too. * Just give us a call at 778-"'*1: -r _r-.p your office in the Island E ihi:.l;'Fir'.: Center, Holmes Beach. Tle Islander Good catch Larry Tuinstra, left, Bob Avery and Josh Ritchie, allfrom Bradenton, have their hands full with the big gag grouper they caught on a 14-hour trip with Capt. Larry McGuire of Show Me The Fish Charters. Charters said he's found fishing to be good offshore. "The most consistent action on our nine-hour charters has been the mangrove and yellowtail snapper," he said. "On most of our trips our clients have been catching their federal aggregate limit of 10 per person. On our - longer charters, we caught some gag and red grouper to 25 pounds, along with amberjacks, blacktip sharks, margates, porgys and some triggerfish." He's fishing in up to 160 feet of water in the Gulf. . On my boat Magic, we're averaging 50 sheepshead :-" on every trip out, plus a few hookups of black drum, ~ '- mangrove snapper, big trout and small redfish. Good luck and good fishing. Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing guide. Call him at 723-1107 to provide a fishing report. Prints and digital images of your .catch are s also welcome and may be dropped off at The Islander, Ao 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to news@islander.org. Please include identification for Who's eating whom? persons in the picture along with information on the Conrad Dillon, left, from Palmetto, proudly shows off catch and a name and phone number for more informa- his big. red grouper while fishing with Capt. Larry tion. Snapshots may be retrieved once they appear in McGuire, while Larry Tuinstra, ofBradenton, holds his the paper 4-foot-long blacktip shark. Boating safety, seamanship course on two Saturdays in March Flotilla 81 of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary will offer a course in boating safety and seamanship on two segments Saturdays, March 18 and 25. It will be from 8:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. both days FRI & SAT NIGHT SNAPPER 6PM Mon-Fri 9-3 ,".' ?--* Sailing Daily Sat 84 from Annie's Sun 12.4 C al9 .. Bait & Tackle For Reservations Ca11 941-795-1930 ( FISHING LICENSE LIVE & FROZEN BAIT T TERMINAL TACKLE SUNGLASSES & HATS S *PENN* SHIMANO ST. CROIX 1 'Everything You Need for Florida Fishing ISLAND DISCOUNT: --TACKLE V 5503 MARINA DRIVE at CATCHER'S MARINA (by Holmes Beach boat basin) 779-2838 OPEN DAILY -(majo credit cards) at the flotilla's building in G.T. Bray Park, 5801 33rd Ave. W., Bradenton. Cost of course materials is $30. For details and registration call 795-6189 or 761-4847. LIGHT TACKLE SPORTFISHING CAPT. RICK GROSS S(941) 794-3308 1/2 DAY & FULL DAY CHARTERS Catcher's Marina-5501 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach visit geocities.com/captrickgross *O* O p. CHARTER BOAT JAN MARIE 4-B 1 MARCH 8, 2006 T THE ISLANDER si l BiUz By Rick Catlin Island connection to Mixon tradition Anna Maria residents Janet and Dean Mixon have taken over the opera- tion of Mixon's Fruit Farms on 26th Avenue East in Bradenton as Dean's father, Bill, is retiring. The landmark fruit farm has been in operation in Manatee County since 1939, when Dean's grandparents opened a small roadside fruit stand. Janet and Dean prom- ised to continue the family traditions estab- lished at the farm. "But we're also going to be bring- ing in some new and wonderful ideas," Janet said with enthusiasm. In fact, the new ideas are already at work. The farm now has a tram ride tour of the farm that takes visitors through the trees on a literal "nature tour" of the property. The Mixons will also'plant many tropical plants and other trees and are looking to assist the Manatee County Audubon Society in establish- ing a bird rehabilitation center at the farm. A "house specialty" includes the HOLMES BEACH 2908 Avenue C Wonderful elevated home. Steps to beach. All new baths, hardwood, paint, A/C, roof & decks. Reduced $539,500. Call (941) 779-3724. NEW LISTINGS 802 Audubon Drive 1BR/1BA Great views. Reduced to $295,000. 503 Sanderling Circle 2BR/2BA, nice villa $395,000. 706 ESTUARY DRIVE 2BR/2BA beautifully furnished first floor. $420,000. 1112 ROSEATE CT Largest villa. 2BR/2BA plus den. Lakefront. $455,000. 1265 Spoonbill Landing 2BR/2BA lakefront. $399,000. 886 Waterside Lane 2BR/2BA lakefront, furnished. $459,000. 1227 Edgewater Circle 2BR/2BA bayfront, model. Furnished. $470,000. 1163 EDGEWATER CIRCLE 3BR/2BA, furnished. Grand bay views. Second floor only. $575,000. and more -.7o .. Anna Maria residents Janet and Dean Mixon recently assumed the operation ofMixon 's Fruit Farms in east Braden- ton from Dean'sfather Bill Mixon. guided tour of the farm complete with buffet lunch. Hardly a day goes by that a school, retirement center or organiza- tion doesn't book a tour, said Janet. "The tour has become extremely popular and it's nice that kids in Man- atee can learn about the history of the property and the fruit farms that started around here," she added. The Mixons also plan on construct- ing a large cabana for weddings, parties, reunions and other functions. In line with the cabana, the delica- tessen at the gift shop has been upgraded and Mixon's has its own bakery. "We're now making our own breads for our sandwiches and many of the Pittsburgh Pirates who train just up the road come here for lunch and rave about our food," said Janet. "Many of them 1!I'1li said we have the best Cuban sandwiches in Bradenton." All that "raving" must have been heard at the Travel Channel, as the farm was featured on cable television in a five-minute segment last November on places to visit in the Bradenton area. "We've gotten incredible response from that this season and we're hoping they will re-run that segment this fall," she observed. "We're looking to make Mixon's Fruit Farm not just a farm but a destina- tion and we will now be open through May and re-open in October," she said with pride. And it's not just Dean and Janet involved at the farm. Son Rick Permoy and daughter Lori Mixon have come on board, as has nephew Stephen Mixon. "It's an exciting time for us to have our kids working here," she said. "It's just going to be a great time at Mixon's." Mixon's Fruit Farm is located 2712 26th Ave. E. in Bradenton. Hours of operation are from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. For more information on Mixon's or to book a tour at the farm, call 748-5829, ext. 256. First for money Island resident Bobby Edington has the money if you have the property. Edington is the director of First Equity Financial LLC and, as the licensed agent for World Savings Loans/Golden West, he's got the money for homeowners interested in a low-rate adjustable loan that will EXCEPTIONAL FAMILY HOME ON DEEP CANAL IN HOLMES BEACH Complete quality renovation includes new master suite addition, private bath and lanai. Laundry room, three guest bedrooms and bath, large closets, large living room, kitchen and family room. Tile floors. New roof and air conditioning. Attached 2.5-car garage, 10,000 Ib. boat lift, plus wave-runner davit. Total under roof, 3,1 79 sf. Wrap-around driveway, underground irrigation system, mature landscaping, room for a pool. $1,195,000.941-778-7417 313-550-0862. HR stte Ants et Real Estate Agents For Today's Market 2511 AVE. C, BRADENTON BEACH. Elevated duplex. 2BR/2BA and 3BR/2BA. One block to beach and two blocks to bay. Priced to sell. $699,000. 1.1' 5721 BENTGRASS DRIV SARASOTA. 3BR/3BA to with large attached one-ca Tranquil view and lush I; ing. Pets welcome. $270 t y ',, My newest Perico Island listing 11339 Perico Isles Circle Exciting, single family home. 3BR/2BA, two-car garage. Large, heated pool and spa, inviting front porch, in home owners association club house,.exercise room, tennis, pool, cub room. Reduced to $498,900. 4802 51ST ST. W. #1119, BRA- DENTON. Large gated 2BR/2BA condo. Wonderful amenities and home warranty included. Great value at $219,900. bay- E, #211, 2871 WRENWOOD COURT, wnhouse SARASOTA. 3BR/2BA former argarage. model home with many extras. andscap- Large lanai and pool area. ,000. $429,000. uPalms PrudentiallRealty Maggie Hutter & Jo Rutstein Realtors 941-552-1358 Jo: 941-587-9156 Maggie: 941-780-9888 www.hutterandrutstein .com An owned and operated member of The Prudential Real Estate Alfiliates, Inc. cash out some of the equity in their property. With a number of Island homeown- ers in the rental business facing high property taxes and a slow winter season, now might be the time to take some of that equity in their property and convert it to cash, he said. First Equity has a number of pay- ment options and a guaranteed optional rate can be "locked in" for the owner. For more information on First Equity, call Bobby at 744-6906. More peaches The Bradenton-based Peaches Res- taurant chain, with a location in the Anna Maria Centre Shops on East Bay Drive in Holmes Beach, announced last week it has gone into the franchise busi- ness under the name "Peach's Rise and Dine Restaurants. Owner Mike Luciano said he formed the franchise corporation with entrepreneur Gary Hoyle and the new company will also be headquartered in Bradenton. For information, call Gary Hoyle at 866-917-1777. Green banana The Banana Factory II lounge at 10104 Cortez Road W. in the Bantam Shop- ping Plaza will hold a St. Patrick's Day party March 17 that will feature green daiquiris and other green concoctions. .Banana II will also have live music at the party along with a number of beer specials. To reach the Banana II, call 798-9898. 3/2 & 1/1 .Walk to Beach or shopping. Located on quiet street with beautiful landscaping and an updated exterior. Lots of curb appeal. Tile throughout both units and updated bathrooms. Great investment. New air handler in 3BR. $615,000. Principals only, call (813) 760-1998 (941) 807-5626 (941) 735-5375. BlpG, SbLN, RENTING VE CAN hLP NEW LISTING: 4BR/3BA HOME with mother-in-law apartment. 716 N Shore Drive. Priced right at $675,000. Adjoining platted lot offered at $475,000. Call Daphne Pearson, (941) 778-2778. VIEWS OFTHE BAY AND ROD & REEL. 607 N Bay Blvd. 2BR/2BA elevated home. Reduced to $659,900. Call Stephanie Bell, Broker (941) 920-5156. OPEN HOUSE 1-3 SUNDAY. ANNA MARIA 5BR/2BA DUPLEX, 760 Jacaranda Road. Great annual tenants in place. Listed at $710,000. Call Frank Migliore, Realtor, (941) 713-7575. HOME WITH BOAT DOCK 229 85th St, Holmes Beach. Well maintained home with many updates and upgrades. Deeded boat slip with dock and davit. 90x100 foot lot. Offered at $659,900. Call Stephanie Bell, Brbker (941) 920-5156. NORTH END DUPLEX- 711 North Bay Blvd. 4BR/2BA, short block to Gulf and bay. Priced to sell at $647,000. Call Stephanie Bell, Broker (941) 920-5156. GREAT LOCATION, GREAT BEACH ACCESS! Anna Maria Village, 208 Palmetto Ave. Reduced to $699,000. Call Frank Migliore (941) 713-7575. ATTENTION WATERFRONT INVESTORS! The Tarpon Lodge on Terra Ceia Bay. 1.3 acres with direct access to Terra Ceia Bay and over 355 feet on the water. Asking price $1,400,000. Forspecifics call Stephanie Bell, Broker, (941) 920-5156. WneRetlv i WeetkiV and M nti 1.0030-966 94-78-30 jl SERVING THE AREA SINCE 1970 MLS THE ISLANDER a MARCH 8, 2006 N B-5 A N A 9 f -C "- :.. A S S I F I E D s BEAUTIFUL KRAFTMAID CUSTOM four-piece entertainment center. Center cabinet will accom- modate 36-inch TV, lighted etagere, wine cabinet/ bar with wall-mounted cabinet. $1,250/or best offer. (941) 778-8677. TWO ISLAND PLAYERS tickets to Neil Simon's "Chapter Two." Opening night, 8pm, March 23. $30 or best offer. Money goes to the American Cancer Society, Manatee Unit. Nancy, (941) 518-4431. BICYCLES: MEN'S AND ladies' 26-inch bikes. Excellent condition, $35. (941) 792-3775. TWO TICKETS: SYLVIA Browne, psychic. Tampa, March 27. $90. Upholstered, electric medical lift chair, $150. (941) 779-1773. HEWLETT PACKARD LASER printer: perfect for large quantity printing: Can be temperamental with occasional copies. Comes with four partly used and two new cartridges. $200. Call (941) 747 2224. TANNING BED, new bulbs, $800. Call Paige, (941) 798-3448. AERIAL PHOTOS of Anna Maria Island. View and purchase online: www.jackelka.com. FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp, crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call James Lee, (941) 795-1112 or 704-8421. LONGBOAT KEY HISTORY "From Calusas to Con- dominiums" by Ralph B. Hunter. Signed copies available at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-7978. HONEYBELL TANGELOS now ripe, in January, on sale by the AMI Kiwanis Club. $31-$36 for a bushel. Shipped free anyplace in USA. Call to receive an order blank. (941) 761-8834 or go online WWW.annamariakiwanis.org. ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open 9:30am-2pm Tues- days, Thursdays, Fridays. 9am-noon on Saturdays. Sales racks, children's clothing. 511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. (941) 779-2733. For Expert Advice On Island Property CALL THE SIA .- ; 1. SPARKLING SHELL POINT! Perecil 2BR 2BA :ondo. with inside laundry, carport and outside storage Turnkey lurnisried Just $385,000. Go online to see our other listings: www.CallThelslanders.com Renaissance. SRO: 1BR 1BA condo, tily view. $359 000 4812 W. 61st Ave.: 3BR 2BA two-icr garage, pool $369 000 S Perico Bay Club: 2BR.2BA bay views $195 000 300 22nd Street: 2BR 1BA two-car garage near beach and bay $519.000 242 Gladiolus: 28R/1 BA rwo-car garage on 7,500 sI lot $579 000 S509 77th Street: 3BR/2BA two-car garage pool, canal $875,000 7800-B Gulf Drive: 3BR.3BA. elevator $1.099 000 S 4 Foxworth: -IBR.'-BA, pool canal $1 379.000. 411A CHRIS & JOHN ,.. 941-778- 6066 - -'W., LiLTHhI5LAr1:' -.ii IJ CHRic.TIIrE T. SHAW Jl. J Jl HrJ vAr. ZArI, IT ALT ,R . ISLANDD" REAL ESTATE .. __ 66101 MARINA PR, HOLIES BE4CH YARD SALE. 8:30am-noon Saturday, March 8. Good stuff. Household, fishing, boating, tools. Com- plete pond with fish, kayak. 514 72nd St., Holmes Beach. GARAGE SALE: 7:30am-1pm Saturday, March 11. Lots of miscellaneous, household items and goodies. No early birds, please. 706 Jacaranda, Anna Maria. SALE: MODEL HOME accessories: 9am-3pm Sunday, March 12. White occasional chair, three large silk trees, pairs of designer lamps, pictures, waterbed, Noritake china, service for 12, much bric- .a-brac. (941) 778-4451. SALE NIKI'S GIFTS and Antiques. All books 20-90 percent off, All sterling jewelry 50-70 percent off. Select antiques, artwork, vintage and costume jew- elry, china, depression glass, cut crystal, collector spoons, china, furniture 30-80 percent off. Open seven days 9:30amn-5pm. (941) 779-0729. 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. BUDGET BOX THRIFT Shop: 10am-4pm, Mon- day-Friday, 10am-2pm Saturday. Furniture, linens, books, collectibles, silver, china. Annual flea market, March 18. Refreshments. Join us. Sell your wares, make some cash. Call for $10 space, (941) 746-4906. 401 42nd St W., Bradenton. THE BIG ONE IS HERE: 8am-till? Saturday, March 18. Annual neighborhood sale. Boating community, over 200 homes. Items of every description, drinks and snacks. San Remo Shores. Cortez Road and 100th Street, Bradenton. LOST: GREEN CHEEKED CONURE. Flew away from Haley's Motel. 8102 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Call (941) 778-5405 or (941) 720-1192. FOUND: SIAMESE-LOOKING cat. Beautiful light blue eyes, stripes on front leg. Found on Bay Bou- levard near BayView Place, Anna Maria. SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander. .g ,UPDATED FLORIDA- STYLE ISLAND DUPLEX Zoned R-4 for inves- I- """ tors!- BR each side, ..;F. new roof, carpet, paint, and more! Tropical back yard, privacy fenced and large covered porch area. 3012 Gulf Drive. $495,000. Call Collandra & Co. Real Estate, Edie Force, 920-0129 r ~---: 4 j Prudential Palms Realty Vkichelle Musto Reallor Fine Homes Specialist 941-809-3714 www.michellemusto.com PERICO BAY CLUB: BRADENTON 940 Waterside Lone: Lokefront villa, 2BR/2BA, 1,292 si, beautifully fur. S4. nished, loads of upgrades. $475,000. 920 Waterside Lane S. .. lakefroni villa, 2BR/2BA, 1 ,132 sf, breathtaking .. sunsets, turnkey fulr Ia 1nished. S419,000. 827 Walerside Lane: Villa, 2BR/2BA. 1,069 sf, "- new furnishings, remod. eled from top to bottom. S, ... -'...".... S475,000. LEGENDS AT TATUM RIDGE: SARASOTA 230 Londonderry Drive: ;. f Lokefronl home, 3BR/3BA. ..::" "2,338 sf. dining room den, three-car garage $ 549,900. KARATE ON THE Island: Ages four through adult. Call (941) 807-1734 or visit www.islanddojo.cmasdirect.com. BINGO WEEKLY: "Smoke-free" at Annie Silver Com- munity Center, 23rd Street at Avenue C, Bradenton Beach, Thursdays at 7 p.m. All welcome. Refresh- ments, prizes. Information: (941) 778-1915. ANGIE ADKINS, former owner Angie's Hair Styling now at Hair It Is Salon, 8108 Cortez Road W. (941) 761-8410, or evenings, (941) 792-7044. REWARD FOR information in the Waterfront Res- taurant arson fire: Call the State Fire Marshal, Bureau of Fire & Arson Investigations in Tampa, (813) 890-1904. BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a person- alized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park. Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Pick up form at The Islander or call (941) 518-4431 for more information. FREE GUN LOCK. Yes, free. Just for the asking. Courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserva- tion Commission. Free at The Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be sorry, be safe. GUARDIAN AD LITEM volunteers needed: A guard- ian ad litem is a trained volunteer appointed by the court to represent and advocate for the best inter- est of children who have been abused, abandoned or neglected. Make a positive impact! Call (941) 744-9473 or visit www.12circuitgal.org. FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough for adoption. All food and medical provided. Julie, (941) 720-1411. ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes. All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened. Please, call (941) 922-0774. LOOKING FOR A GOOD DEAL? You can read Wednesday's classified at noon Tuesday at www.islander.org. And it's FREE! THOUSANDS OF HOMES ONE ADDRESS \AWWW.MICHAELSAUNDERS.COM uUSTOlU WAItHI-UNI HUOMlt Ew Island setting minutesto Gulf/Bay by boat. $999,00: 748-6300. Kathy Marcinko, 713-1100 or Sandy Drapala. 519732 T f SPECTACULAR CUSTOM HOME at Panther Ridge. Gourmet kitchen with granite counters & new appliances. Bamboo floor & tile. Private oversize lot with putting green $887,000. 748-6300. Judy LaValliere, 504-3792 or Ann DeBellevue. 523303 WEST WIND SHORES. Sr,,:,r drilo,:. n rjrr,,:ri tiI 7,p rKl i riinig cpjIe'o i rrj -Irr. Iil roof, patios in rear, fencing on side & rear. $674,500.748-6300. Ruth Lawler, 587-4623 or Maryann Lawler. 522137 BAY & GULF VIEWS from cozy condo. Dock with deeded boat slip, storage beneath, low assoc. fee, large loft area for guests or den. Easy access to island by way .of Cortez Rd. & very close to beach. $775,000. Cindy Pierro, 748-6300 or 920-6818. 523777 : BAY POINT. New 2/2 in greatlocation in pool communityforan excellent price. Condo has upgraded appliances, open plan & breakfast bar. Master.has walk-in closets & covered balcony. $215,000. Victoria Horstmann, 748-6300 or 518-1278.521978 PERICO ISLAND. 5 minutes to Gulf beaches. 3BR, turnkey furnished, bright, open & spacious kitchen, family room, & bedrooms. Screened lanai overlooking lake. Community' pool & tennis courts. $465,000. Jody Shinn, 748-6300 or 705-5704.522309 THE OAKS. 2 BR Ranch, den & 2 car garage on wooded cul-de-sac lot with lakeview. Open floor plan, fireplace, glassed Florida room & new carpetthru out. Total yard care and community pool. $350,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. 522495. FLAMINGO CAY HOME. Wonderful home is on a canal with direct access to the Bay and Gulf. Plenty of room to spread out in this 3BR home. The largefamily room overlooksthe canal. $735,000. Debbie Capobianco, 748-6300 or 704-2394. 522497 BAYSHORE GARDENS Cute updated 3BR 1360 SF home. New windows, exterior & interior paint, cabinetry. Large fenced backyard with 2 sheds & 2fruittrees. Moverightin. Pride in ownership. $234,900. Leah Secondo, 748-6300 or 545-4430.522702 WATER VIEWS GALORE. Beautiful 2BR Captains PointCondo boastwaterviews. Custom kitchen, granite countertops, ceramic tile & berber carpet. Private dock & lift with 6 guest boat slips. $674,880. Christina Miller, 748-6300 or 713-2340.522703 CUSTOM SNEAD ISLAND HOME in gated community. Open & bright floor plan, with gourmetkitchen. Largeyard with extensive landscaping. Private dockand lift. $1,145,000. 748-6300, Kathy Marcinko or Sandy Drapala, 725-0781 522831 WHITNEY MEADOWS. Gorgeous 2 story 2005 home has upgrades galore. Corian countertops,stainlesssteelappliances,tilethruout 1stfloor. 10x30caged Roman pool.This home is a must see! $365,900. Ryan Carbery, 748-6300 or 744-7587. 523471 SHELLBEACH. KeyWeststyle2005 home in OldFloridasetting. Brightopen plan, kitchen with granite counter tops & stainless appliances. 6 car garage with storage. $319,900. Kathy Marcinko, 748-6300 or 713-1100 or Sandy Drapala. 522441 E, A11M1A 11 W M1111*.IA# 1 A 6-B M MARCH 8, 2006 M THE ISLANDER 1A S L A NDD E R- CL A IF IE DS FREE SIAMESE MIX KITTENS with blue eyes. One male, one female, spayed and neutered. All vac- cines current. Eight months old. Come by Island Animal Clinic. Please, no phone calls. 5343 Gulf Drive, Suite 900, Holmes Beach. 27-FOOT CARVER twin 190-hp Mercruiser. Runs great, good for fishing, Ceranfield, air conditioning, water heater, shower, head,new batteries, stereo and much more! $8,000, or best offer. (941) 778-1565. WANTED TO BUY: Deeded boat slip on Anna Maria Island, deep or shallow. Please call, (941) 778-2581. THIS 2005 25-HP Johnson Bombadier rope-start two- stroke outboard, has less than the initial ten hours break time on it. Purchased new in May for $2,592, it includes fuel tank and line and wheeled motor carrier (my add-on). Owner's manual and purchase receipt (includ- ing warranty) included. Super buy! (941) 778-1605. 28-FOOT REGAL LSR-2001: Only 160 hours, like new! Great day cruiser/party boat, even has a head! Always kept on a lift, new custom mooring cover and much, much more. $43,000. Call Pam or Phil at (941) 778-8281 or (941) 704-7445. 2004 20-FOOT PONTOON boat, 90-hp Mercury. Lots of extras. Call (941) 792-0902. WANTED: PRE-OWNED 17 foot, center console Boston Whaler/Hydra sports or similar in good con- dition. Preferably four-stroke and sound trailer. (902) 521-0466. LIVE ON THE BEACH IN A GULF SANDS BEACH- FRONT CONDO WITH GORGEOUS VIEWS! -iISHSSWI LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater fishing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle provided. (941) 723-1107. FISH FOR REDFISH, Snook and trout with InshoreSlam.com. Capt. Jim Savaglio. License, bait and tackle included. (941) 238-7597 or (813) 477-7657. GOLF CART MAINTENANCE: Mowing, weedeat- ing, etc. Full or part time welcome. Drug-free work- place. Call John, (941) 778-4598. SERVER AND PREP person, part time, needed immediately for breakfast/lunch. Fit To Eat Restaurant. (941) 778-0411.5315 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. WAITER, CHEF, DISHWASHER with experience in Italian food. 5610 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. (941) 383-0013. PART-TIME HELP wanted for small resort motel on Anna Maria. Call evenings, (941) 778-4206. ACE HARDWARE OF Holmes Beach seeks perma- nent full-time cashiers and sales associates. Retired trades people welcome. Apply in person. 3352 East Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. ENERGETIC, CONSCIENTIOUS salesperson wanted for busy Bradenton Beach gift shop. Must be reliable and able to work flexible, hours. Background check required. Call (941) 448-1076 for details BEST PRICED UNIT IN THIS BEACHFRONT COMPLEX! 2BR/2BA with a large, heated pool. Super cen- tral Holmes Beach location. Turnkey furnished. Makes Si i-.i rn,+tl O'ffcir d - ,- n-mmm --- a u great rentallU. lreU t ,atli ., I .. s$829,000.oo 7 LIVE THE ISLAND LIFE- STYLE in this large ..- 3BR/2BA remodeled California/Santa Fe-style home located on a 10,000 sf lot zoned R-2, one block from the beach. Offered at $995,000. PLEASE CALL GAYLE SCHULZ FOR SHOWINGS AND MORE DETAILS. SGayle Simyson Schulz Broker/Associate S Jim Anderson Realty Company PO Box 1789 401-B Pine Avenue Anna Maria, FL 34216 941.778.4847 toll free 1.800.772.3235 S, www.jimandersonrealty.com email: jimsrealtyco@aol.com If You Haven't Found It -- YOU SHOULD HiddenTake C,,1e imu- a '-iesqte * ...... . . *Gated Community *Attached Garage wlElectric Gu o Me Door Opener *Beautiful Lakefront Homes 8 *Heated Pool & Spa 76TH St WEST M *Minutes to the Gulf Of 6 THSTWEST Mexico MTOB I | Behindtlhe W *Four Models To Choose Beauls - From 59TH STWEST *Gorgeous Clubhouse Choose Your Interior Colors & Designs Luxury o Condomii1ums i 6404 7th Ave. Cir. W. 761-04447 TOP ADVERTISING sales position open at The Islander newspaper. Great territory, commissions, training. Previous outside sales helpful, but not nec- essary. If you possess a willingness for strong com- munity involvement, positive outlook and drive to succeed, fax or e-mail a letter and/or resume to (941) 778-9392, sales@ islander.org. NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restau- rant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call (941) 778-3953. BUSY BISTRO hiring full-or part-time servers for lunch and dinner. Prep person and dish- washer. Apply to Chef Damon, Wednesday-Sat- urday, 5406 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or call (941) 778-5320. SING! IF YOU can carry a tune and would help lead a singing congregation, please join with Gloria Dei Lutheran's choir, Sundays at 9:45am. Two miles north of Manatee Bridge on Anna Maria Island. (941) 778-1813. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Meet interesting people, learn the history of the Island. Anna Maria Island Historical Museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. (941) 778-0492. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:Tingley Memorial Library. Duties include checking books in/out, reshelving, and generally assisting library patrons. Call Eveann Adams, (941) 779-1208. Just visiting paradise? The Islander SINCE 1992 Don't leave the Island without taking time to subscribe. You'll get ALL the best news, delivered by the mailman every week. It's almost as good as a letter from home! Visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach or call 941-77-,7978. Online edition: www.islander.org 206 66i kS/reel -- .aio mes oas.pee sofl.e 9 5 uffofZlex o andoare only S seps/o le 'eac 07our covered : anaal--o 1--- yfas oi en/ oiews offer sf ano sandsuroundOig eaul . Coas/a/lestinsfea/uring ,oof sf2,44fs a ca/hnefry, yranife fops, amboo ,rl.ocar.ara, efevalor, poof. f/oorig2andcusom rzures. RCB PROPERTIES COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE .7for more information yo /o vww. ,rc4 prop. com or cafT 941 73 -9011. Clyde Helton Realtor (941) 720-4173 r. CAPTAINCLYDE3@MSN.COM WONDERFUL ISLAND GETAWAY 408 Poinsettia. 4BR/3BA, new roof, air conditioning, kitchen stainless steel appliances, vaulted ceiling, guest room, Italian tile. Three blocks to beach. One of a kind, must see. $899,000. Open Fri, Sat, Sun 1-4pm ALMOST NEW!.2819 Gulf Drive. Totally remodeled home. 100 steps to the beach! Corner lot, three-car garage, private sunning deck, new air conditioning and metal roof. $669,000. Open Fri, Sat, Sun* 1-4pm RIVER CLUB 204 W. 3rd St. #101 and #307. Two 2BR/2BA available. Great location in the heart of downtown Bradenton with beautiful views of the river.'$389,000 and $399,000. MUST SEE! 5400 Gulf Drive #16. Totally remodeled, turnkey furnished 1 BR/1 BA. Views of Gulf. Custom kitchen cabinets and all new stainless appliances. $599,000. GULFVIEWS 5400 Gulf Drive #32. Beautiful views of the Gulf from this second floor unit. Turnkey furnished with open-floor plan and neutral colors. $799,900. 941.778:0700 800.615.9930 3224 EAST BAY DR.* HOLMES BEACH Ei[L ES-WR CMi!r.N www.wedebrock;com THE ISLANDER E MARCH 8, 2006 0 B-7 A 9C L A S S D - BEER/WINE SALES: Ideal for owner/operator. Bra- denton Beach. $99,900. Sam Watkins, Coldwell Banker. (941) 321-8323. SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and intermediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10 per half-hour lesson, three lessons recom- mended. Local teen, team competitor. Call (941) 778-0944. BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, (941) 756 5496. BABYSITTER, PETSITTER, dog walker: First aid-certified, 13-year old, eighth-grade female, great with kids and animals. Call Kendall, (941) 779-9783. NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia, (941) 761-1569. Red Cross certified. ENSURE YOUR CHILD'S safety while you relax. Call Gemma, (941) 447-9657. Responsible, reliable and experienced 10th grader with a love for chil- dren. Red Cross Babysitting and First Aid certifica- tions. DOG WALKER, PET sitter, child sitter and odd jobs. Tenth-grader, available after school and weekends. Zach, (941) 779-9783. BABYSITTING, RED Cross first-aid and babysitter certified. Call Alex, (941) 778-5352. LOCAL CAREGIVER: I can offer loving, reliable, live-in care for your loved one. Excellent references. Please, call (239) 595-9964. Thank you. CAREGIVER AVAILABLE: 42 years experience, area references. No lifting. (941) 746- 9246. Leave message. y^ Gulf-Bay Realty Jesse Brisson 941-713-4755 or Robin Kollar, 941-713-4515 AHOY! THIS NAUTICAL 'LIGHTHOUSE-THEMED' HOME is uniquely positioned ON TWO LARGE LOTS that capture superb views and stunning sunsets of the Gulf of Mexico. Amenities include cute nautical decor, large sundeck, partial red oak flooring, gas fireplace, cathedral ceilings, redwood beams, single garage, two carports, screened porch, and a replica lighthouse tower that can be accessible for an even greater view! Also on the property is a detached, two-story custom-built 'Carriage House' workshop. A rare opportunity to own one of the island's original landmark homes. Offered at $2,200,000. MAN WITH SHOVEL: Plantings, natives, patio gar- dens, trimming, clean-up, edgings, maintenance. Hard-working and responsible. Excellent refer- ences. Edward (941) 778-3222. LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint- ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine Car Service. Serving the Islands. (941) 778-5476. COMPUTER OBEDIENCE TRAINING. Is your computer misbehaving? Certified computer service and private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. (941) 545-7508. ISLAND PRESSURE CLEANING for great results, wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable, reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. (941) 778-0944. CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist. Experienced certified technician for communica- tion electronics offers wireless and cable networks, upgrades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and train- ing. Call Robert, (941) 778-3620. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod- eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794. WILDLIFE REMOVAL and relocation: Problem solv- ing for all animals, big and small. Call Joe, West- coast Nuisance Wildlife Service, (941) 778-3455, or cell (941) 720-4152. CUCCIO TILE AND handyman services. Many Island references. Free estimates. Licensed and insured. (941) 730-2137. Enjoy the b beautiful sunsets from 3' the master bedroom in this 3BR/2BA S -Island home. Located on REAL ESTATE fji k- the north end OF ANNA MARIAAnna 941 778-0455 Ken Jackson, 778-6986 9906 Gulf Drive Kathy Geeraerts, 778-0072 Maureen Dahms, 778-0542 Anna Maria Kate Eiseler, 778-5115 www.greenreal.cQm Evelyn Mitchell; 778-1952 PROFESSIONAL I.T. SERVICES: Complete com- puter solutions for business and home. Installation, repairs, upgrades, networking, Web services, wire- less services. Richard Ardabell, network engineer, (941) 778-5708, or cell (216) 509-1945. CALL DAN'S RESCREEN for your free estimate today. Affordable rates, quality work guaranteed. Pool cages, lanais, windows, doors. Call (941) 713-5333. APPLIANCE & AC DOCTORS: We repair air con- ditioners, refrigerator, washer/dryer, oven, garbage disposal, other household items. Honest, depend- able. 20-plus years experience. (941) 650-9293. MR. BILLS HOME REPAIR/maintenance service. Over 30 years experience, self-employed in construction trades. "I'm handy to have around." (941) 778-4561. ABOUT GROUT: CLEANING, sealing, staining (painting of grout), tile and grout repair, caulking of showers/kitchen. Bonded and insured. Call Jeff, (941) 545-0128. INCOME TAX SERVICE: Individuals and small businesses. We also do all states. Contact Pat at Kenney Tax Service. (941) 761-8156. COMPUTER SERVICE SPECIALIST: Repair, upgrade, install, data recovery. Virus/spyware removal, wireless networking, beginner/advanced. Call Gene, (941) 383-7861. ISLAND HOUSE CLEANING and interior repairs. Honest and dependable. References. Call (941) 778-9585. www.annamariabeachcottages.com .1. a 'f Great investment opportunity. Over 80 percent occupancy. One of the best-kept secrets on the Island. Justfifty yards from the beach. Successful, clean, intimate resort of 11 cottages. Only two left for sale. Turnkeyfurnished. Heated pool. On-site rental office. 3BR/2BA house, $669,000. 2BR/2BA apartment, $495,000. IkWAGNER REALTY Melanie Johnson Realtor n b 941 704-7394 melaniebythe beach@yahoo.com i.a -- -~ ~ _________ NOTHING ELSE LIKE THIS! Tucked away in the back of the cul-de-sac right across from the beach, this beautiful townhome-has 1,320 sf under air conditioning with a total of over 3,000 sf. Great open floor plan with huge kitchen/dining area with center island. Wrap-around porches and a large screen room with hot tub on lower level. Community pool and lawn care included. Sellers may rent back winters if desired. This is a must see! Rental and pet.friendly. Just $595,000. 3224 EAST BAY DRIVE www.Wedebr ck,.om HOLMES BEACH 8-13B MARCH 8, 2006 U THE ISLANDER ISLA 9 EAR. CLA SS9IFI EDE MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet. Beginning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, (941) 792-0160. BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refriger- ation. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call William Eller, (941) 795-7411. CAC184228. ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional cre- ates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www.jackelka.com. (941) 778-2711. NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing massage in the comfort of your home. Call today for an appointment, (941) 795-0887. MA#0017550. TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years experience. References available. For a reasonable price, call Sebastian, (941) 704-6719. WE PROVIDE LOW interest rates on all first and second mortgage loans. Business, personal and investment loans. No upfront fees. Good or bad credit accepted. Call today, (800) 621-3155. Please contact Michelle Staffe. mstaffescg @ hotmail.com. (877) 621-3155. CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, land- scaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. (941) 778-5294. ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. Monthly and quarterly accounts available. If it is broken, we can fix it. Call (941) 778-2581. JR'S LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE Lawns, native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup. Island resident 25 years. Call (941) 807-1015. CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING: Top quality lawn and landscape maintenance. Now accepting new accounts at great rates. Please call (941) 778-2335 or 284-1568. PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN and instal- lation. Huge selection of plants, shrubs and trees. Irrigation. Everything Under the Sun Garden Centre, 5704 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-4441. SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $42/yard. Haul- ing: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free esti- mates. Call Larry at (941) 795-7775, "shell phone" (941) 720-0770. KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean- ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City of Anna Maria resident. Cell (941) 448-3857. NATURE'S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residen- tial and commercial. 30-years experience. (941) 729-9381. STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Installs, clean- ups, shell, rock, palms, aquascapes, tree work. Truck for hire, move anything. Shark Mark (941) 727-5066. VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/ exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island refer- ences. Bill, (941) 795-5100. JOE UNGVARSKY CONSTRUCTION Remodel- ing contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed and insured. Many Island references. (941) 778-2993. License #CRC 035261. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING free esti- mates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at (941) 778-1730. CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island ser- vice since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certifying back flow at water meters. (FL#RF0038118) (941) 778-3924 or 778-4461. TILE TILE TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, (941) 726-3077. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod- eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794. CUSTOM RENOVATION/RESTORATION expert. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Thirty years experience. Insured. Meticulous, clean, sober and prompt. Paul Beauregard, (941) 779-2294. KEN &TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and shutters. Insured and licensed, (941) 748-4711. TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed. Why pay, retail? Island resident, many references. Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor Coverings. (941) 792-1367, or 726-1802. JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy- man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pres- sure washing and tree trimming. Call (941) 778-6170 or 447-2198. ~L T ~-.": ,,~~"'~;su~:~nr ,~e~i:r~: r~ :- 1I~ ,1:: mr~r r- ~,rr~F: 861~k 1 5a '~' '* .'.I d ;I J; ,,. r1 9~% 1 ~' ~L~ ~----------------------~ ~~'- r -.. 3; ?rZ~ a~p(*r~g5~ -iai- t~: r ~brrl~il %r: :F 7 .C4* Tortuga Inn Beach Resort 1 "The Bc stpl' E R C OTQuaim Ainna Maria Islanid" 14 Ibriugi Inn t3,m Bach Reso.rt i1. .1 jnaiw~j IparadL. ise[withlk& charm I LI NP s rc Ielis'-C k al C l.\'C PtI11L1d. I P l' ~j'illP% '1I k.'"1 1d spacioll% ~wdpadlmentori n a 9g01c'CkuN c~l ~-hi i~~ O(fIcred br .n.k iiQ 15 unii n In h.. I li pha~c ihi;i55-0IIII MItr, okld Fhridj condoiuiniam re-sort. Alcl. \l lulli-OIC1 2beI 1 -- h.,, 1,.''~",hh a 5zitirlcnis irm n raL" IVed- fro ok r'lcv sIJcirllu N1, 110 100hi~f, wiih eraniik couniur Inii;. lull kit~cheri.. l.Iundlvr~n ThPiis;ik hcpdil ol eilk' ulf.4 N l \I siih % pcc.iulai siscL "icw% # Su".u Whi[C %Lnd & ;parhfinp riirquoiSO %ato *0 J1 PI ehoi,] 1'. ih lou ii lj. 'l Sal.& 100 13.,LI D iiwxi htw'dIIII cces.; 1% [lie C ; Ijf oflMeiC~co ~ ., 4 EnMe N 1TWIIraC.Ln sl'Ie hujildinm. iin lush Ii. 'pical v2drJLns A 1hc I~ie PLUL6 .1 S, fO& LcIUMLINi World clasalc-fi% an FcllellwL'I' and tonnisavdhaiual -tnorby iilhs [Al:,iaOrdI-J10r em triIea N 0 uOustnding investnent Iopportuityifo Itr cpl aIl r iondll -ofsPr ionralvn manoaged hy Resort QUCL' C I ic k o~n: p 1 1 7 j' 11. 1 uli: ~~-I\;. ir p Irice. list, '4.'--i. C;lM I HOlW & & 0,i11r0 til.,uIdl illI1(1lli bllllL0 11(Xl (941 778- 01 56 Ibi oriorc infrimtnailoll FEmail: ez ,' -j144: -, iBi okeis pmiteted 1325 Gulf Drive North Bradenton Beach, FL 34217 If! T I AMY GORDAN REALTOR S" Dedicated to service Expertise in renovation properties. Island, waterfront and area lifestyle specialist. -a The JEWEL of Gulf Coast Real Estate ....." Contact Amy for all of your REAL ESTATE needs! 941-779-1811 a 1. a1 AlI AMA 100-FOOTCANALFRONTAGE: Homefeatures MOTIVATED SELLER: Elevated 2BR/1.5BA tile roof, porcelain floors, updated kitchen, villa with enclosed garage and workshop coveredpatiowithwet-bararea,dock,10,0001b area. Only two blocks to beach. Bring all liftand nobridgestoTampaBay. $649,900. offers! $379,000. www.michaelsaunders.com KimberlyRoehl@michaelsaunders.com 4400 Manatee Ave. W. Bradenton 941.748.6300 LKd Ci- r. ; . THE ISLANDER N MARCH 8, 2006 1 B-9 I 9E D WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more. Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in- home consultation. Island references, 15 years experience. (941) 778-3526 or 730-0516. THIRTY-SIX YEARS craftsman experience. Interior, exterior, doors, stairs, windows and trim. Pressure wash. Driveway paint. Dan Michael, master carpen- ter. Call 518-3316 or 778-6898. TWO DUDES with tools: Tile, trim, cabinets, painting, drywall, glass block, brick, stonework and more! Many references. Call now! (941) 812-4269 or 448-6961. CARLV. JOHNSON JR. Inc. building contractor. New homes, additions, renovations. Quality work and fair prices. Lic#RR0066450. Call (941) 795-1947. DOCK CLEANING, STAINING, repair. Professional Service, insured. Make your dock or deck look like new. (941) 779-1839. HANDYMAN SERVICE: Winton's Home-Buddy Inc. Retired banker, Island resident, converting life-long hobby to business. Call (941) 705-0275 for free esti- mates. SEASONAL RENTAL: Brand new Bradenton Beach 3BR/3BA plus office, steps to beach. Balconies with ocean and bay views, elevator, 8-person Jacuzzi, granite counters, marble floors and baths, Jacuzzi in master, washer/dryer, designer furnished, fully equipped. One of the finest rentals on Island. $4800/ monthly 813-277-4336. RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal. Wedebrock Real Estate Co., (941) 778-6665 or (800) 749-6665. SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR (two master suites)/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/ dryer, garage, designer furnished with tropical yard setting. One of the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/weekly. Call (941) 713-0034 or e-mail: gamiller@tampabay.rr.com. GULFFRONT CONDOS: 3BR/2BA, 2BR/2BA, 1 BR/1 BA with breathtaking sunsets. Pools, Jacuzzi, walk to shops and restaurants. Available weekly, monthly, seasonal. (901) 301-8299 or e-mail captko462 @ aol.com. WEEKLY RENTALS: Alecassandra villa, 1 BR/1 BA, $700/week; Island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; Gulffront cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach Club, 2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call Kim Fisher, Wagner Realty, (941) 778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com. VACATION RENTALS: 2BR apartments across from beautiful beach, $375 to $500/week. Winter and spring dates available. Almost Beach Apart- ments, (941) 778-2374. SEASONAL FURNISHED new home in Anna Maria. Elevated 3BR/2BA. Available now through April. One block to beach. (813) 251-9201. k, .. EXCELLENT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! Three duplexes on quiet street in Holmes Beach including 100 feet of canal frontage with dock, ramp and direct access to Tampa Bay. All units are 2BR/2BA with balcony, enclosed garage, screened lanai and great rental history. Take a look at 8004, 8005, 8006 and 8008 Marina Drive. $2,100,000 for all four properties. Brokers protected. (941) 778-9691. By aoDointment only. --.lK IZI5ZBZ5tE.-. BEACH LIVING: SEASONAL, Furnished one room efficiency. Utilities included. Gulf views and large decks. (941) 505-1962. ANNUAL RENTAL: Perico Bay Club; 2BR/2BA villa with garage. small pet OK. Heated.pool, tennis, gated community. $1,300/month. Hidden Lakes; 3BR/2Ba condo, all new, pool, small pet OK. $1,400/month. 7104 Marina; 3BR/2BA, pool, two- car garage, fireplace, pets OK. $1,500/month. 572 2nd Ave.W., Bradenton; 2BR/2BA home, garage, pets OK. $1,500/month/ Suncoast Real Estate, (941) 779-0202. www.suncoastinc.com. SANDPIPER MOBILE RESORT: 55-plus. 1 BR/1 BA, $1,200/month. 2BR/2BA, $1,400/month. Nonsmok- ing, clubhouse, laundry, steps to beach. (775) 825-9492 or (775) 338-9492. otuohy@prodigy.net. ANNUAL 3BR/2BA: Holmes Beach. Steps to beach, clean duplex-$1,100/month. (941) 725-0578 or (941) 794-2912. MOBILE HOME FOR RENT: Nice 2BR, furnished mobile home, gated community on creek. Bradenton Palms Mobile Home Park. Hot tub, pool, four-six month rental. $1,000/month, includes cable. (863) 688-3524 or (863) 608-1833. E-mail: chickenplucker@webtv.net. ANNA MARIA ISLAND: Steps from Bradenton Beach. One hundred yards from bay. Spacious 1 BR/1 BA with parking. Available for yearly rental. 55-plus. (614) 517-7147. AFFORDABLE PARADISE Looking for affordable living in Anna Maria? Consider this charming, well maintained, fully-furnished duplex. Live in half and rent half. Each side consists of two bedrooms, one full bath, kitchen, dining area, living room and a Florida room. If what you are looking for is a quiet residential location in the City of Anna Maria, a short walk from a public beach, shops and post office, this is your solution. Two complete living units for only $719,000, For more information or to visit call, (941) 704-4646. j CORAL SHORES NEW LISTING Worndrlul home rs only min- utes from beach. Updated kitchen with custom cabinets and all new appliances. Great view on wide canal, boat dock with lift and davits. This split plan home is made for entertaining or relaxing and watching the fish jump. $990,000. Call Keith Shell at (941) 713-1305. :ii:r'l TRADITIONAL FLORIDA LIVING Welcome home to this ador- able 2BR/1BAdream. Hardwood flooring from front porch right through living and bedrooms. Mexican tile in remodeled gour- met kitchen and family room. Two fireplaces, privacy fenced back yard with pavers. Crown moldings throughout. A must see. Detached one-car garage and almost 1,800 sf under roof. $299,000. Call Jonathan Wright at (941) 301-9992. ' DEEP WATER CANAL HOME: Located near Snead Island, 100 feet of boat dock with lift. True family home with 4BR/3BA, fitness/play area. Wonderful cook's kitchen. Heated pool, hot tub/spa. Great home for entertaining, too many perks to list. $850,000. Call Scott Barr at (941) 798-9191. 941-798-9191 -MSORT~ ho Kay WoI~r-styl,~ ilugep. -iredf beodc accasmL Trpiwl hfiiiky firniisbings.cilu bring .yOO8rO tck.-oi~bs o. diKeS Ish ,roa!:4ia4W - hpfi e-Ite uflwdble FROM S475,000- TORTUGA INN awne produrig omndm wft! i &W Guff tqh wDM& osi We flppotedu* cumtum koyfueirbed wulpf bg ped j a kWtiei Invest Iaii nftR- e loW I pidajste i iO lme for se sani UMAXfe offemu ffliprAH p eom. I. I rIT as 10-B MARCH 8, 2006 THiE ISLANDER 19.b N lksl:C z cU. CV i~ i . ij r k o 10^ .d E CI) W 5 X zg < "C '"-' E s,S9 1,c~ 0~ 5- '; 5' 0 ;m a) <4 Scc uu~lZ Lu.- EL a ', -;: 7 4 Many Items Son Sale V Including: *Women's Tommy Bahama belts Tommy .TBallama men's shoes4 ., -Mens Tori Richards shirts' 'selected ~tees Ii --6B~ i. . SIqi I island Shopping Ceriter _i ,^ 5418 Marina Drive Holnes Beach l y IN'art the uttetsection of Gulf Ond Marina) A hh te 78-2169 i AR I li The Store with the Birds! Si F&^ -i'BgS^'-MicM '~l'~aB ^ f'~a UN VVI U ay Thursday beginning at 6.;pm 3 5pm nightly Early Diner Menu 3 5pm F. Entrees starting at $7 i l For Reservations call 782-1122 L . www.thesunhouserestaurant .com .. at the traffic circle in Bradenton Beach ? <* Rea Co ea COTTAGE OR CAPPUCCINO BEACHFRONT OR BREAKFAST... LET US HELP YOU S9906 Gulf Drive Anna Maria S FA (941) 779-0034 a * a- - u w z w 0 z a I N ~i,i ,,1 *5 I,- *1 , l ^" CO m a l.,. '7' d- I , & 3, 10 , c, 9 r I .. i. II THE ISLANDER M MARCH 8, 2006 U B-11 .0. HOME OF THE MANGO-MACADAMIA ENCRUSTED GROUPER FREE 2 GLASS- ES CF-F M E or a piece of Key Lime Pie with any two regular priced dinners, with this ad Open Daliy Live Music Fil, Sao EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Ekr\ida\ 4-6h pm .,- BuI one erniree ",el .eo1r,,l e rtn[re i HALF-OFF %\.111 Ilhl. i 1 .A 'Ah pj i. IIp:. .. tl:.". jlm . |-l Where the locals and the stars love to dine! Denizel Itashiingon said: "Grealfoiod! 103 Gulf Drive Bradenton Beach 779-1930 odA A PCi FrIe F-oki Bpeer & Coil, I .-- --- .:--) I (j bep I & W ine- 9 w w T CO f 0 (I.* i.i 8 AVn ~ ny~, 0 AV AV Aing tQ 0 AV a, NJ1 h ( U2IL) II o N 3AlH 11913 -< CDcr C zoco z -ij zw C0 m a :i: LLJ LU uj < C) U), o o~3 C', fDl 'J C'J i? Cl < U < a m a: a< - czzoaa:rr I ujLJ> O-; 0 M,< '7 <", l - < _j z f 0w za: : 0T 0 a. T-Cf 0 Lu d 0 6~C to com c'cmcJ',~a r- r e'J CO CO j COCl ODC'J M - m o~oowmmmum~inm mm mmm~om0,-o< :M :m ij i. 0z -JZ GwzcnQA w L J:3 In 0 0.0 M OD-M0or DW U- .rraaCC >- >- >- Sv rn m ni i ofnC'o A -)U0U )00 -.)C m > <0 J Q L LQ Z M< 9 CL IL WI (L -L OC -i-i jrulEl jo W~WW - <0 L z u ILI-n uj u <00 :(r -0 U, ,O z. a:M I- w C', ri i rcn CTI V* C i Cd M Lr, 7 N o~mmmm~mm~mum< z -- Ir0 11 I f, U CL z L 0 a.- z)a:m Z<<< o~C~00 > ULL . o c-a-m- C-1 cm~ mm 'J :,- ZOc) 0 0U crmz uj D Na mLnL N11zc .w;zc ommmmmmom Z a)Z irz < > i 0: 0 o m r: C )0-. 0 Inoo~ 5S-. F E IL m m'Q W cn --W Z. < ac C LAML. ~: '.to 2 weeks -~.rn On a 36 Dcatabm in-ail 1.( "M'! ata~ 161o IeV!T= or '5'Sloop~ SLetSA~k ~ihI -ts~ 4 -~A Daily d artures front~ihi '.1, ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E.utSabdSuA Ir~~i O Key ISeft)Shackillorin ac~ 08 __ rt A.~e I ~ I 1l~I Ig778-041 ,1,; 4~'1 ~ ~ er tF o 5 OUT OF 4 PEOPLE SHOP AT GINNY'S at Ginnyg s and Jane E's at the old IGA Ginny's vintage furnishings with a coastal-living flair and i I cafe and bakery l r:jvp A ,, nil """ J ,' 1A, 11 ", ,, 1F I. ' Gir y' Aiue and Gdnu'j ;~hst audp AnL~i SB4 CD C.' Llj m0 >1-2 C: 'EQ S i bO :i'r1 0 C), rorovou7 vl v, v, c~,,,, rc~~~oo, I I 12-B 0 MARC 8, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER S L' A W Rm YOU WILL LOVE this Ringling retreat at Lido Beach: 2BR/1BA modern, fully-furnished duplex of historical background in garden setting. $75/week. Also studio, $550/month. Walk to beach and St. Armands restau- rants and popular shopping center, 15-minute bus ride to Main Street, Sarasota. Please phone (941) 383-0244 or (941) 383-2566. E-mail kang870@aol.com. ANNA MARIA ISLAND: Waterfront mobile resort. Steps to beach. Nice 1BR/1BA. April $950. May- September $625. 55-plus. 2601 Gulf Drive N., Unit 425, Bradenton Beach. (941) 778-5417. ANNUAL OR SEASONAL rental. 2BR/1BA, two blocks to beach. $900/month annual, includes cable, water, sewer, trash. Seasonal $700/week or $2,100/month. (941) 778-0714 or (941) 730-6349. ANNA MARIA ISLAND Club: Available January and February 2007.2BR/2BA, totally remodeled in 2006. Call (813) 781-7562. NORTH-END FURNISHED beach villas, One or two bedrooms, 1 BA, with screened porch. 100 steps to beach. Great views! Starting at $1000/month. (941) 219-1042. twoodsbton @ netzero.com. LTD MORTGAGE INC. The Oldest Mortgage Co. on Anna Maria Island Linda G. Davis Ted E. Davis Licensed Mortgage Brokers SConforming and jumbo loans. 1st and 2nd mortgages. SNo closing cost home equity lines of credit. 100% purchase money mortgages: Residential and commercial mortgages. Private money available for those hard-to-place loans. (941) 779-2113 S- 502 72nd Street Holmes Beach MARKEY REALTY & ASSOCIATES POPULAR NORTH BEACH VILLAGE with its unique park-like setting and open airy floor plan. Two-car attached garage with large utility room.Two decks, plus nice screened porch. Unit #52 turnkey furnished Offered at $645.000. MLSW 516601. www.Ilrealtour.com/ 110905625/vtour/index.html ANNUAL 2BR/2BA duplex on canal in Holmes Beach. No pets. (941) 778-7039. ANNUAL 3BR/2BA: Holmes Beach. Steps to beach, clean duplex $1,200/month. (941) 725-0578 or (941) 794-2912. BEAUTIFUL AND SPACIOUS 3BR/2BA home located four houses down form beach! Free trolley picks up at end of block. Available by the week. Adjacent two-bedroom apartment also available first half of March. Call (616) 225-1589. CONDOS: BRADENTON BEACH, Bayview Ter- race. Pool on bay, one block to beach.Three-month minimum. 2BR, $2,000/month. 1 BR $1,500/month. (941) 752-1737. GULFFRONT DUPLEX: Second floor, 2BR/1BA, newly updated, open floor-plan, 12-by-12 deck. Holmes Beach, close to shopping, restaurants, lush gardens. $950week, $3,200/month. (941) 778-0905. CONDOS: BRADENTON BEACH, Bayview Ter- race. Pool on bay, one block to beach.Three-month minimum. 2BR, $2,000/month. 1BR $1,500/month. (941) 752-1737. 1 BR, LARGE APARTMENT. Water view, nonsmok- ing, no pets. $475/week. (941) 779-0420. Immaculate 2BR-2BA villa on a corner lot. Close to beaches, shopping and restaurants. Amenities include pool, shuffle board, putting green. Pool conveniently located close to your back door. Beautifully kept neighborhood. Available for $275,000. Call Piroska Planck 941-730-9667 piroska.planck@floridamoves.com Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate Inc. FOR SALE BY OWNER Charming Anna Maria duplex on Gladiolus Street, desirable north end of Island, just steps to Tampa Bay and the sparkling Gulf of Mexico. All newly remodeled,new landscaping, pool and hot tub. Great investment property. Priced right at $825,000. By appointment only. Call Kathy for more information at (941) 778-5746. CALL JOHN ZIRZOW 778-9171 _ OFFICE 753-1620 , A":66 NEW TOWNHOME Very spacious ANNA MARIA ISLAND 4BR/3BA, 3BR/2BA with two-car garage. Recently two-story. Beautifully turnkey-furnished, built. $749,000. Quentin Talbert, updated 2001, canalfront home, boat 778-4800. dock, with remote, garage. $1,350,000. Please "Dial" Debbie Dial, 400-1172. COCONUTS Direct gulffront.You nd a better view than this. Coconuts landscap- ing all new this year, looks great! 1 BR/1BA turnkey-furnished. Good rental complex. $695,000. Denny Rauschl. 725-3934. TRIPLEX. A fixer-upper with three one bedroom apartments. The R-2 lot is worth the asking price! Tenants are in place and the owner says sell it! Call Dave Jones at A Paradise Realty. 778-4800 $440,000. DUPLEX: 6BR/4BA in prime location west of Gulf Drive. Steps to beach. Top of the line appliances, turnkey furnished. New heated pool and patio. $1,350,000. Dave Jones, 778-4800. NORTH-END FURNISHED beach villas, One or two bedrooms, one bath, screened porch. 100 steps to beach. Great views! Starting at $1000/month. (941) 219-1042. twoodsbton @ netzero.com. HOLMES BEACH GULFFRONT: 2BR/2BA, beauti- ful view of Gulf. On the beach. Weekly rental. Avail- able now. (941) 779-2701 or (608) 332-9272. 1 BR GULFFRONT APARTMENT: Available March and April, by the week or month. (941) 778-3805. Bradenton Beach. ESCAPE THE SNOW: seasonal/winter rentals, Anna Maria Island, across from beach. One or two bed- room, newly remodeled. www.beachesndreams.net. (888) 841-8474. HOLMES BEACH ANNUAL: 3BR/2BA 1,300 sf, close to beach. $895/month. First, last, security. Avail- able April 1. (585) 473-9361 or (941) 778-5412. SEASONAL RENTAL: Available for April 2006, $1,500 plus tax. 1 BR/1 BA with boat dockage. North end Anna Maria. Bright and cheerful with tile floors. Nonsmoking, no pets. (941) 778-5445. ANNUALS RENTALS UNFURNISHED: Island and Perico Bay Club, Coral Shores. 3BR/2BA canal, boat dock, Jacuzzi. Meadowcroft 55-plus 2BR/2BA condo. Anna Maria Gulf Coast Properties, (941) 782-5609. HOME ON TROPICAL Anna Maria Island, Fla., November 2006 through April 2007. Lovely 2BR/1BA or 3BR/2BA with large living and family rooms. Carport and patio under mango trees. Ground level, no stairs to climb. 1.5 blocks from Gulf of Mexico. (813) 690-9762. Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor 778-0455 4" .. .- .- - -4 green "3 REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA www.greenreal.com lif...111' .\ *1 ",l r Brand new! Move in now! No long construction wait. Beautifully appointed large 2BR on lake near pool. $347,000. Call Bobye Chasey, Chasey Realty. 941-713-1277 ~.24iiI1I i REALTORS HOME TOURS PUBLIC WELCOME Thursday, March 9th 11am 2pm ISLAND HOMES 238 Chilson Ave., Anna Maria 629 Dundee Lane, Holmes Beach 5801 Flotilla Drive, Holmes Beach 3301 Gulf Drive #5, Holmes Beach 5400 Gulf Drive #11, Holmes Beach 409 72nd Street, Holmes Beach BIRD KEY 608 Mourning Dove Drive, Sarasota Refreshments will be served Raffle drawing for dinner for two. 5910 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770 S1-800-741-3772 info@smithrealtors.com S .. Web site; wwwsmithrealtors..com J _ a I /00- , THE ISLANDER E MARCH 8, 2006 E B-13 NLAS I F MARTINIQUE: ANNA MARIA Island. 2BR/2BA beautifully decorated condo. Lanai overlooking ocean, all amenities. Available December through April, two-month minimum. (423) 884-2598. 600-SF OFFICE with rest room. $500/month. 8799 Cortez Road, Bradenton. Call (800) 952-1206. PRIVATE COTTAGE WITH.shared dock, Old Flor- ida-style 2BR/1BA, screened porch, deck, fenced yard. Half block to beach. Pet OK. Weekly, monthly. Special rate April 1, 2006. (941) 485-1874. ANNA MARIA: 2006-07 season. Attractive 2BR/1 BA house. Also remodeled 3BR/2BA house. 150 feet to the beach. (941) 778-7933. ANNUAL RENTAL: Cute as a Button, 2BR/2BA house on Gulffront lot, all newly decorated, washer/ dryer, $1,200/month. Duplex 2BR/1BA, carport, washer/dryer hookup $900/month. Dolores M. Baker Realty, (941) 778-7500. ANNUAL RENTAL 2BR/1BA ground level duplex, near community center, big yard, pet OK, fridge/ stove, washer/dryer hookup. $1,100/month. (941) 778-4187. PALMA SOLA BAYFRONT HOME: Flamingo Cay. 1,500 sf 3BR/2BA, private dock and davits. Sail- boat water. 130-plus feet of seawall. Room for a pool. Ready for remodel or build new. Incredible full bay views. $999,000. Mike Faber, (941) 504-6345. RE/MAX Gulfstream Realty. 3704 6TH AVE HOLMES BEACH 2BR 2BA iondo turnkey, furnisned Steps to the beach, shopping, and great dining. Fenton Realty, Ben Guth, Realtor, (941) 812-1236. PRICED REDUCED You can build two units on this building site over 11,000 sf and 182 foot frontage. Create your space for less than purchase of new duplex. Tropical foliage and trees offer a perfect lot for your private retreat and you can bike to the beach. This lot is for you as an owner wanting something unique. Reduced to $695,000. OTHER CHOICE PROPERTIES AVAILABLE FOR SALE. CALL TODAY! SINCE 1957 "We ARE the Island!" Marie Franklin, Lie. Real Estate Broker 941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250 E-mail amrealty @verizon.net Web site www.annamariareal.com ANNUAL RENTAL: HOME with bay view. 2BR/2BA, large two-plus car garage, screened lanai. $1,350/month. Fran Maxon Real Estate, (941) 778-2307. ANNUAL 2BR/1 BA very cute with carport. Washer and dryer, central air. $900/month. (941) 795-7089. Anna Maria. ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/1.5BA elevated apart- ment. Carport, washer and dryer, large storage, deck. $850/month. Fran Maxon Real Estate, (941) 778-2307. HOUSE FOR RENT: 2BR/1BA across from Gulf. Newly redone. A tranquil artist retreat. $1,175/month. (9410 753-8866.102 Fourth St., S'. Bradenton Beach. WATER VIEW: Sandpiper, 55-Plus, 2BR/1BA, remodeled, furnished, covered patio/parking. Non- smoking. Annual $650/month. First, last. Vacation, $1,100, plus tax. Turnkey. Available April 1. (941) 545-8923 or (941) 778-9504. ANNUAL: 2BR/1 BA very cute with carport, washer and dryer, central air. $850/month. (941) 795-7089. Anna Maria. ANNUAL AVAILABLE APRIL 1: 2BR/2BA villa, Holmes Beach. Bayfront, fishing dock. No pets, no smoking. $1,100/month. (941) 224-6521. ATTENTION BOATERS! Deep water canalfront. No bridges to bay from this 4BR/2BA, two-car garage homewith dockand 120001b lift. New kitchen, other upgrades, " heated pool and spa. Priced below .- appraised value. $745,000. Easyto - see call Vicki, (941) 713-0195. I, CHARMING CANALFRONT with Access to Sarasota Bay. 3BR/2BA, two-car garage. Split floor plan. Move-in ready, opportunities for Personal updates. Priced for quick sale at $514,500. V E.kL EST ATE (F0\P\,'" www.WEDEBROCK.COM 3224 EAST BAY DRIVE HOLMES BEACH Vicki Gilbert, Realtor, (941) 713-0195 V It S '- --- DOLPHIN HARBOUR AT MARINA ISLE oiurreniIr undoc onsrrtruticn. Tris rrinar 5BR,5 5BA KevWer s~rvle ideflC~~: i'5 dJ tulrl ut~rt .)rAj3,T Enic'v I.jbIUh .'. ta \:i rci~ni Vc)'J? IljuiIurjU3 ma~t~r 4u't& jvprIj'iif~lj B~lmlrI 83,. 3rd Tjrrirj 8a', wlt IC unhln Sirisire ~ lyui~ mte ditanre Steps 3vjv frorm vCIur otal lip vuilh Pas' rs to Tampa Ba3y aidl[he Gullt of M,: rr.. GIeai tnterairig ,p. c. vth .3 eauiull, iltui;, a nedaclurnrTl i 11thI Iioper r, up to a (ia C0us qladild rI:,-T and a S? i j riloaid Anic mIri P) (riu.iau Dairuralll refrEa IlPlred at $2 .q5 000 WATERFRONT VERY CLEAN: Spring break, short- term, long-term. 1or 2 bedroom. Good price. (941) 779-9074. SIX-PLUS MONTHS furnished 1BR/1BA ground- level duplex with large air-conditioned lanai in a quiet Holmes Beach neighborhood. Two blocks to beach. No smoking. $750/month, some utilities included. Available April-November. Call (813) 928-5378 or e-mail evergreenproperties@yahoo.com. ANNUAL NORTH END Anna Maria 2BR/1BA updated duplex. Screened porch, high ceilings, washer and dryer hookups, thermopane windows. Steps to beach, pets OK. $925/month. (941) 778-4837. STEPS TO THE beach: Large 3BR/2BR, plus den, townhouse in Holmes Beach. Pool, laundry, beauti- ful and quiet surroundings. $1,800/monthly/annual lease. Call today, (941) 447-6278. LOVELY 2BR/2BA beach house with deck and park- ing. $2,500/month, six-month rental, just remod- eled. (941) 778-2695 or 9813) 962-0817. 210 81st St., Holmes Beach. *LLatitude 27 rP-e p Manageent, LLC Our family serving your family CHARTING NEW LEVELS OF SERVICE Annuals Seasonals 6842 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key 941.387.9004 Tracy@L27financial.com www.Latitude27.com * Pay off taxes * Refinance with large cash outs * Lower your monthly payment * Featuring optional fast track/ bi-weekly payments Fast and inexpensive Foreign Nationals no credit required Featuring stated and no-doc loans Let me help you with a low rate monthly payment new mortgage. Take advantage of your home's equity before prices fall and you lose it! Bobby Edington hobfirstequityfil.rim 41 74 4 6 6irst Equity Financial 941 "744-6906 (rs--Equity, lr .l I CA-1. 0 1hI.C .r' r1 1 Jt NEW CONSIUCT NDEL ImR MQE ai V. r- r nl tsW 3rWr T Woa ISBIt nr-n -vin Eqh-L mo:i.Eligra i cuF rirdicdn : l'~i p r, rchaos Namin Ps, lu. mar"! ur".1 rddr" Ou lu L1630 r a-y inc sic. u). BULB YOM DREAM HUlE 1 C6it, l l I, I l,1nj:ai t a ross im thle r-x h (i ioiral Holmes B2j:p\nr. Agr hiil m:7 ofilrue nd ail~js available lt 3 hjurtulrI Cu ncm,3~.~)(,d P u) l lr~ rarni orbuild up k~r ,rlvr adS Iuc Gun' j,',. 'Cu) irum mr, !'~j'l ru'd ienmb~l, Iccarel in BRdi~nmn b~a~r ear"II tr irAo, Bri r A-j.,I urr .irl5 Crur r vrd pu, Irr,, rir, l. .r o r" I- rrr~Tl CI (i'j ,yijje' iC5 L('T1 GEAT VALUE! HOUSE & DEEDED BOAT SUP I ic~ ui p r- mr fl., k, PI': rr m l 1i -, N JA rdAT *.,.ur r..:,31 : 'p ~ ' MA VFONT SREN97 limlmw -- I . ' -'-'" i~ L L_ t~t~ ^Adlo 14-B 0 MARCH 8, 2006 T THE ISLANDER A -LA A N Di, E ANNUAL RENTAL PERICO Island: 3BR/2BA, two- car garage, community pool, tennis. 1,996 sf. $1,700/month. Real Executives Solutions. Call Linda direct, (941) 737-3581. BUILD AN ISLAND landmark! 5,200 sf, direct Gulf- view lot, zoned for 3,500 sf duplex. $940,000. Seller financing available. Call Linda Moore, direct, Realty Executives Solutions. (941) 737-3581. ANNUAL BEACH RENTAL: sparkling 2BR/2BA beach condo. (717) 392-4048. ANNUAL RENTAL: charming 2BR/2BA canal house available April. (717) 392-4048. TOWNHOUSE: 2BR/2BA, boat slip and pool. Avail- able April 2006. $1,900/month or $650/week. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. HOLMES BEACH: Nice elevated 2BR/2BA duplex with garage and screened lanai. Quiet area. $975 month, yearly. (941) 778-9691. SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals. 1BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to beach, shopping, restaurants. (941) 778-3426. Web site 2spinnakers.com. PRECONSTRUCTION PRICES! Lakefront Hidden Lake condominiums, west Bradenton. Close to beach. Starting at $329,900. Call Cori Woods, (941) 761-0444. BEACHFRONT CONDO: 1BR/1 BA, new construction. Designer furnished, spa, pool, excellent location near restaurants, shopping. Excellent rental. $529,000. (901) 301-8299, or captko462 @aol.com. REALTORtS NEW LISTING: 2BR/1BA Sea Pirates, rental-producing condo across from Gull, heated pool. professionally decorated. $455,000. Call Susan Kiemem. Reallor, (941) 720-4107 .. ISLAND HOME: 3BR 2 5BA wirh fireplace. Corner lot on canal with new dock and caged pool. New kilchen cabinets and granite couniernops Niew metairoof. $780,000. Call Carleen-Weise, Realtor (94111224-6521, evenings KEY ROYALE: 3BR/2BA single-lamily on deep. large canal. Kitchen updated. Large caged pool. great dock. boat liht Turnkey furnished. $1,100,000. Call Michel Cerene. Broker. (941) 545-9591 or Mike Carleton. Realtor, (941) 737-0915, evenings. CANALFRONT: 1,566 st 3BR/3BA nome in Anna Maria with new guesl quaners. Updated electric in 2004, new air conditionng,'heal Updated kitchen, vaulted ceiling. Sailboat water, no bridges to bay. Close to beach. Shufleboard court Room for a pool. Turnkey lurnisned. 5819,000. Call Lori Guerin. Realtor, (941) 773-3415 or Carmen Pedola, Realtor. (941) 284-2598. 5910 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770 1-800-741-3772 into@smithrealtors.com Web site: www.smithreallors.com J KEY ROYALE/NORTH Point Harbor: Two homes, next door, in Island's finest community. 4BR/3BA, five-car garage, elevated home, beautiful views of Tampa Bay, new lap pool, spa, waterfall, sea- wall and dock. $1,190,000. Also, 2BR/2BA, two- car garage, ranch home, new seawall, dock and 20,000-pound lift. $1,140,000. Buy both for $2,250,000! Lynn Bankuty, Realtor, Suncoast Real Estate, (941) 737-1420. Open house 1-3pm Satur- day and 11am-1 pm Sunday, March 4-5. PERICO ISLAND: 1,170 sf, lovely 2BR2BA condo. Great vater view/porch. Eat-in kitchen. Concrete built. $325,000. Agents welcome. (941) 792-7828. FIVE MINUTES TO BEACH: Perico Island, beauti- ful designer patio home. 4BR/3BA, two-car garage. Pool, private. $520,000. Best value! Agents wel- come. (941) 792-7828. LOT FOR SALE: One block to Gulf. 50x100 feet, cleared. $539,000. (941) 778-4036. 215 71st St., Holmes Beach. WATERFRONT PROPERTY 2BR/2BA located on deep-water canal with large dock and views of - Tampa Bay. $864,900. (941) 779-1512. CUSTOM EXECUTIVE HOME: 2709 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. 3BR/3BA views of Gulf and Tampa Bay from this beautiful executive home with master bedroom and spa encompassing entire floor. Waterfall landscaped entry. Three-car garage. $950,000. Open house: noon-4pm Saturday and Sunday. Call (941) 744-6906 or email Bobby@FirstEquityFin.com. KEY ROYALE: TASTEFULLY remodeled 3BR/2BA. Pool. spa, boat dock. Canalfront home. Priced at $929,000. Call owner direct at (941) 356-1456. I EALTO Fl 31Years of Professional Service EXPERIENCE REPUTATION RESULTS ARBORS 2BR/2BA, golf course, turnkey, clubhouse. $263,900. MARTINIQUE N.-Direct Gulf view, corner with garage, storage. Updated. Shows beautifully. $899,000. HOLMES BEACH-Neptune Gardens. 2BR. 1,100 sf, carport, short walk to beach. All for $479,000. KEY ROYALE-Canalfront lot. 9,450 sf. Golf course view. $699,000. BAYVIEW- 4-5BR/4BA, including guest quarters. Large master suite. $1,500,000. GULF VIEW- Holmes Beach duplex or 4BR/2BA home. $1,099,000. ANNA MARIA DUPLEX- Large lot, 2BR and 1BR. $720,000. HARBOUR VILLA CLUB- 2BR/2BA, turnkey, boat dock. $824,900. BAYPOINTE- 4BR/3BA villa. Eight month new. $255,000. VACATION, SEASONAL AND ANNUAL RENTALS LUXURY GULFFRONT VILLAS, CONDOS, HOMES 5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807 yrealt7@aol.com www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com REDEFINE YOUR RETIREMENT -Ow - LONGBOAT KEY: Executive home with swimming pool. Completely updated 4BR/2BA. Located in his- toric Longboat Key Village, just two blocks to the beach. Priced to sell. $775,000. Call (941) 744-6906 or email Bobby@FirstEquityFin.com. NORTH BEACH VILLAGE: 2BR/2.5BA, pool, fully furnished, immaculate. $450,000. 6250 Holmes Blvd. #24. Excalibur Realty Inc. (941) 792-5566. BEAUTIFUL ISLAND TOWNHOME: Steps to the beach! 3BR/2BA with den. Designer upgrades. $599,000. (941) 447-6278. www.Highland- Investments.com. ISLAND SPECIAL! SELLING Island real estate? Save big money, Florida Prime Realty LLC offers sellers commission as low as 1.5 percent! Call (941) 778-1098 or e-mail: floridaprimerealty@gail.com. FOUR TRIPLEXES: $1,200,000. $98,000 annual income. Call (941) 792-5566. FOR SALE BY owner: Best value on the Island! 2BR/ 2BA, one-car garage, gourmet kitchen, new windows, updated baths and more. Two blocks from beach. $615,000. (941) 778-8677. 406 Bay Palms Drive, Holmes Beach. wbcaudill@verizon.net. ANNA MARIA ISLAND Club: 2BR/2BA condo. Fully furnished and equipped. Best-kept condo complex on the Island. Beautiful beach, pool, hot tub, sauna and sunsets. No more left on the Island like this! $1,200,000. (317) 873-3307 for instructions on virtual tour. HOLMES BEACH DUPLEX: By owner. 2BR/2BA each side, one lanai, secluded street, steps to beach and downtown. New appliances and air han- dlers. Beautiful maintenance-free landscaping. Dog- friendly fenced yard. $650,000. (941)794-9940. -* Gulf-Bay Realty SJesse Brisson Broker Associate, GRI 941-713-4755 ONE BACK FROM BEACH: A 3BR/2BA Gulf view home on two platted lots. $2,200,000. VALENCIA GARDEN: 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished condo with golf course views and pool. $289,000. Open 1-4 Sun. Call for details. WESTBAY POINT & MOORINGS: 3BR/2BA canal view condo over 1,600 sf. $599,000. FEET TO THE BEACH: Spacious 2BR/2BA bath condo with pool and great rental history. $599,000. NORTH BEACH VILLAGE: A 2BR/2.5BA, 1,500 sf condo with pool. $599,000. * Still close to the beach and affordable * Move in today * Lakeside lots available * 5 Year Gold Key Warranty * Palm Harbor Homes designed exclusively for Waterside Club * Club Privilege Package includes use of club house, swimming pool, land lease, lawn service, fitness room, computer.room, library, lake activities, and private activity room * Make new fnendswith active, friendly neighbors * Top Rated Resident Satisfaction score in 2005 Waterside Club is a 55+ Retirement Community 3301 Cortez Rd. West Bradenton, FL 34207 Contact: Neil Johnson w e ... AFFORDABLE SOLUTIONS FROM $139,900 756-7068 CL U ASICABOUT OUR SMOOTH MOVE' Family Owned Since 1976 AND "PICKYOUR NEIGHBOR' PROGRAMS AERIAL PHOTOS OFANNA MARIA ISLAND ONGBOAT LONGBOAT KEY ELKA SPHOTOGRAPHICS / 941-778,2711 *im^^^^^^ r K I- q -- -- - THE ISLANDER E MARCH 8, 2006 0 B-15 SI E DS ANNA MARIA 3BR/2BA north-end home. Gulf, beaches, bay, piers. $595,000. (941) 778-2934. FOR SALE BY OWNER: Beachfront 1BR/1BA, Holmes Beach condo. End unit, fabulous view, heated pool, excellent rental. $559,000. annamariabeachplace.com. (330) 565-7693. ANNA MARIA ISLAND beach getaway cabana. Bay view, updated, large deck, boat slip available. Pines Trailer Park, 55-plus. $33,000. (941) 778-4820. DUPLEX: 2411 Ave. C, Bradenton Beach. Great location. Will consider trade. $690,000. (941) 915-0684. FED UP WITH overpriced waterfronts here? Try the pristine blue waters of Lemon bay and the Gulf of Mexico off the Cape Haze peninsula just a few bar- rier islands south of you in the Englewood area. Five deep-water seawalled bay lots from $499,000. Waterfront 2BR/2BA home $639,000. Owner, (941) 474-6633. BEAUTIFUL ISLAND TOWNHOUSE: Steps to the beach. 3BR/2BA. Pool, designer upgrades, gran- ite counters, new appliances, tile floors, two-story home. $599,000. Call (941) 447-6278, or view online at www.44smart.com. SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander. ANNA MARIA WATERFRONT : Natural setting surrounds this 3BR/2BA home with dock, hot tub, steps to S. beach and turnkey :" furnished! Offered at $899,000. BAYVIEW DUPLEX includes lot on bay! 3BR/3BA and 1BR/1BA duplex or 4BR/4BA home with boat docks and gorgeous view of Sarasota Bay. Offered at $969,900. ISLAND CON VENIENCE STORE WITH GAS Super opportunity to own Island business! Offered at: $199,500 & Inventory '-" aDeborah Thrasher .. , S RE/MAX Excellence ' .(941)518-7738 * it (941) 383-9700 DebMThrash@aol.om ni ANNA MARIA: TRUE beachfront paradise with breathtaking view of the bay. 4BR/3BA, 2,933 sf, $1,800,000. The Agency, (800) 813-9180. HOLMES BEACH: 12,500 sf R2-lot with duplex suit- able for land condos. Back has view of Spring Lake. Two blocks direct walk to beach. $699,000. (941) 400-9346. 3BR/2BA: One bedroom used as a den/office/ playroom, enclosed lanai, tiled with carpeted bed- rooms. 1,400 sf, county water/sewer, citrus trees, near Brentwood school in Sarasota. Reduced to $274,900. (941) 379-4196 or (941) 954-7474. PINEBROOK CONDO ON golf course. Fifth-floor views, 2BR/2BA, beautifully furnished, next to pool. $269,900. By owner, (941) 794-8954, leave message. WATERFRONT KEY WEST-style: stilt, vaulted, open-beam cedar ceilings, dock. Sailboat water, no bridges. Turnkey, extra-large lot. Willow Avenue. (941) 778-8168. VILLAGE GREEN VILLA: 2BR/2BA, two-car garage. Completely updated. Open Sunday. 6608 12th Ave. W., Bradenton. (941) 448-8502 or (941) 761-2575. FOR SALE BY OWNER: 2BR/2BA immaculate open-style ranch. Lagoon swimming pool in pri- vate botanical garden setting. 504 70th St, Holmes beach. Must see. (941) 778-4256. BRIGHT AND AIRY: 2BR/2BA Gulf-view condo in four-unit building with heated pool. New kitchen, screened balcony, washer/dryer, new air-condition- ing system.Turnkey ready. Wonderful home or great rental. $650,000. (941) 779-1013. BEAUTIFUL ISLAND TOWNHOUSE: 3BR/2BA, pool, steps to beach. Designer upgrades, granite counters. $589,000. Lease option available. (941) 447-6278. PARADISE BAY ESTATES: 55-plus waterfront com- munity with pool. 2BR/2 full baths. 2005 central air conditioning and heat. Turnkey-furnished, dead-end street. $120,000. (941) 792-2120. PALMA SOLA PARK: 3BR/2BA. Lovingly restored with new kitchen, bath and roof. Freshly painted inside and out. Move right in. Large corner lot. $429,000. Call for appointment, (941) 778-5445. WATERFRONT FOR SALE by owner: On Braden River close to Manatee River with dock. 3BR/2BA, split-plan, family room, two fireplaces, pool with Jacuzzi, pool cage. 2,400 sf on .46 acres, upgraded, new tile throughout, air conditioning and duct work, custom kitchen. 9475. $625,000. More details at owners.com/TPA9932, or call (941) 708-9475. I'-11i0R111,01 6/etlW9d1 1ea1& &&tate, g, SALES & RENTALS 419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291 EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294 ANNA MARIA VILLAGE DUPLEX NEAR GULF The great location of this duplex on Elm Ave. can't be beat! Features 2BR/1BA on each side. Good tenants in place. Affordably priced at $675,000. This one won't last long! BEAUTIFUL BIM from almost-any screened-in lanai, tile floors through and sprinkler sys Furniture negotiate ANNA MARIA HOME ON TWO LOTS! Spacious 3BR/2BA residence or duplex is located just a short stroll to the beach and bay! Newer carriage house apartment. Offers vaulted ceilings and a breezy sundeck. Lovely landscaping includes lemon, orange, Peruvian Peanut, and Royal Poinciana. House sits on two buildable lots. $875,000. IINI BAY VIEWS! Bay views BAYFRONT SPECTACULAR! Superlative 4BR/3BA room! 2BR/2.5BA home with beach house offers every amenity! High ceilings 23x8 foot heated pool, ceramic with crown moulding,'fireplace, gourmet kitchen, Ihout, central vacuum,.alarm, glass-block shower, skylights, balconies, rounded teams and 30x5 foot boat dock. corners,securityand intercom systems.Wonderful ble. $1,649,000. views of Sunshine Skyway and Passage Key. REDUCED $2,T9000 $2,250,000.. Visit our Web site at www.betsyhills.com FEATURED LISTING 4 VALENCIA GARDENS Renovated ground Qi AA floor end unit, 2BRP2BA condo with great' .. views of El Conquistador golf course! Turn- S. key furnished, ready for you to move in. Close .a to beaches,,IMG Academy, private courtyard, t___ pool, spa, and lanai. Florida living at it's best. '. $289,000. Open 1-4 Sun. Call for details. GREAT CANALFRONT VALUE IN LONGBOAT KEY 3BR/2BA home with wonderful open-beam ceilings, new flooring, new dock, no bridges to bay. Short walk to beach, botanical park and a great restaurant. Build up for bay views! $779,000. WESTBAY POINT & MOORINGS: Rarely available 3BR unit, overlooking canal. Spacious bedrooms and eat-in kitchen. Over 1600 sf, heated pool and spa in a beautifully maintained bay- front community. $599,000. RARELY AVAILABLE NORTH BEACH VILLAGE UNIT. Largest floor plan over 1,500 sf with three decks. Choice location, private condo with two-car garage, nicely maintained, heated pool and close to the beach! $599,000. A WATERLOVERS DREAM! Wonderful master suite with a grand deck overlooking the bay, 4 guest suites + a grand room, and a gourmet kitchen opening up onto a wrap-around deck with bay views. Easy boat access Bay and Gulf. Offered at $2,795,000. NEW CONSTRUCTION! LOW MAINTENANCE HOME! Construction complete! Coastal designed 3BR/2.5BA home with 18-foot ceilings, granite countertops, stainless appliances, wood floors, 8-foot French doors, two open decks, Hardi Plank siding, a swimming pool and much more all close to beach access! This is a must see! $895,000. BUILD YOUR DREAM' HOME 75 x 106 lot across the street from the beach in central Holmes Beach. Walk to shops and restaurants. Architect plans available for a custom designed, beautiful ground level home permissible on this lot, or build up for gulf views! $627,500. GREAT VALUE! HOME WITH DEEDED BOAT SLIP Ground level 2BR/1BA home in a quiet neighborhood. Bright and airy with an open floor plan. Short walk to the beach and just steps from your boat. Great winter residence or investment/renovation potential. Priced to sell at $575,000. INVESTOR ALERT! 13,728 sf duplex lot, with the bonus of a recently renovated duplex. Don't miss this one! 6BR/4BA and plenty of room for TWO pools! Call today for more details! $810,000. MOVE RIGHT IN Enjoy Island living in this beautifully remodeled home located in Anna Maria. Granite counter tops, wood floors, brand'new carpet. Move right in. $775,000. STEPS TO THE BEACH! Spacious 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished condo. Heated pool, rooftop sun- deck with great views, excellent rental history with no rental restrictions! A must see. $599,000. FANTASTIC GULF VIEWS:'Original nautical themed home modeled after a Mississippi Light- house. 3BR/2BA, separate carriage house and garage all on two platted lots and only one house back from the beach! $2,200,000. 539G lfDie oms ec II ~L -I I 16-B N MARCII 8. 2006 1 THE ISLANDER Sandy's Lawn Service Inc. Sand's Established in 1983 Lawn Celebrating 23 Years of SerAice OQuality & Dependable Service. vCall us for your landscape 778-1345 and hardscape needs. Licensed & Insured Paradise Improvements 778-4173 S. Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist Replacement Doors and Windows Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault Fully Licensed and Insured Island References Lic#CBC056755 :,WAGNEQ REALTY 2217 CI'iI DIVCE NOR''TI BIoIAD:EN'ION ICI, Fli. ,34217 INC(; 1939 HAQOLD SMALL REALTOR Office: (941) 778-2246 792- 8628 E-mail: haroldsmall@wagnerrealty.com ,,." .7 U SA FENCE ALL Specializing WHITE VINYL FENCE CRC016172 941 -750-9300 HAUL-AWAY Removal of all types of trash, debris and junk. 720-2217 Wcd/ Frcsed Ccawwv $20 sertra^mI n'we^.corn' GUTTERS, GUTTERS, GUTTERS Protect property and landscaping (941) 729-0619 bdguttergm7@verizon.net SSeamf 7e L TNT ROOFING REROOF SPECIALISTS TILE METAL SHINGLE FLAT FREE 6 yr. Maintenance Program 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE Experienced in: ALL REPAIR TYPES 941-556-ROOF 941-556-7663 727-341-1600 FREE ESTIMATES Licensed & Insured {Lic. #CCC1325742) RROhWUN-MWUMOlAX W AiSULNDEH.ORG REastl.eess Lt Original art by local artists 5314 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 779-2624 EeeliJAS a l ttLe ... DI;zZy ????? MAR)K SCA1'RWTTA M'WRSSL&RKS WAS-NCI -Pest serv'LC e a w ?v roe wrttevu C-t4.cw6'L4vtee!1!H ALL Res5deote L cG a l siniess 1zoof sectL .M..S %' Otc teolz paL' ALL SevLces Mcartmi.e c ld T/v s~peotlaUst L-ioevusea ctcv l v%,sLArec IfoLuestU, lvxtegritU alAi Thl&e Marve sociperotta o 4:) 544-:Looo operctor/soLe ?roprietor REDUCED: 2BR/2BA, garage, elevated, extra large lot, two blocks to beach. Lots of new updates. Reduced to $495,000. Call (941) 792-8898. 2919 Ave. C, Holmes Beach. EXCEPTIONAL MUST SEE: Colony Cove, 2BR/2BA furnished doublewide. 1,675 sf, views of the Manatee River. 55-plus. Pets, marina, five pools, fishing pier etc. $49,500. Or, 2BR/2BA pic- turesque water back, insured, furnished. $35,500. (941) 721-4890. INVESTORS: THIS IS the one you are waiting for! Club Bamboo South. Direct Gulffront condo. Unit is $20,000 less than the last several sold for. Building was just completed, everything new inside and out! Crown moulding, granite and more. Great rental complex with nightly rentals allowed! Motivated seller to save you money. $480,000. George, (312) 321-7501. KEY ROYALE: TASTEFULLY remodeled 3BR/2BA. Pool. spa, boat dock. Canalfront home. Corian kitchen, ceramic tile and Berber carpet. Priced at $929,000. Call owner direct at (941) 356-1456. BAYFRONT: BREATHTAKING ANNA Maria Sound views. Private, charming 2BR/1BA, office plus .screened room and attached garage. Total 1,560 sf. Open floor plan, hardwood floors, fireplace. Pool, boat lift, decks, dock. Paver driveway and pool deck. Landscaped. By appointment. $1,195,000, Brokers protected. (941) 778-0029. KEY ROYALE: TASTEFULLY remodeled 3BR/2BA. -Pool. spa, boat dock. Canalfront home. Corian kitchen, ceramic tile and Berber carpet. Priced at $929,000. Call owner direct at (941) 356-1456. WESTBAY COVE: 2BR/2BA condo for sale. Heated pools, Tennis court, ground-floor corner unit. Enclosed lanai, new air conditioning, turnkey fur- nished. $480,000. (941) 778-6172. HOLMES BEACH unique 1,800 foot, 3BR/3BA with large efficiency, boat dock, financing, make offer. Owner, (513) 378-9100. CHARMING CONCH COTTAGE on extra-wide corner lot in Anna Maria City. Large detached shed. Unique beach getaway. $605,000. (941) 224-1453. ELEVATED DUPLEX 4BR/2BA with enclosed down- stairs. Built for third floor addition or easily make into single home. Newly remodeled, $579,000. (941) 807-5449. LOT FOR SALE: 57.75x 114 feet. One block from beach. $569,000: (941) 778-4246. 125 Neptune Lane, Holmes Reach. GULF TO BAY: Immaculate 2BR/2BA ground-floor condo. Beautifully updated. A turnkey, nonsmoker gem. $395,000. Imperial House 611 Gulf Drive N., #15D, Bradenton Beach.. (941) 778-1655. CHARMING OLD FLORIDA home. Unobstructed view of Gulf. Desirable Anna Maria street. Five rooms, new roof, recent heat pump. Mature citrus. (941) 778-4894. PARADISE BAY: 55-plus waterfront community with pool. 2BR/2BA central air/heat, furnished. Tastefully remodeled. $175,000. (616) 293-0414. DUPLEX FOR SALE: Prime location, 2BR/1BA each.side, great rental, across from beach. Anna Maria. $698,000. (941) 778-7003. 150 FEET TO BEACH: Gorgeous Island-home, 1,800+ sf, two-car garage, plus, plus, plus! Just $598,000. Call Gail Tutewiler, Wedebrock Real Estate, (941) 705-0227 or (866) 587-8559. NORTH BEACH VILLAGE Gulf Drive: First time in six years home in this drive has,been on market! Closest to beach with Gulf views. 3BR, wood floors, new roof, hurricane shutters and much more. Below market, $585,000. Gail Tutewiler, (941) 705-0227 or (866) 587-8559. BAYVIEW TERRACE: Upstairs condo with Gulf and bay views. Not age restricted. $319,900. Call Gail Tutewiler, Wedebrock Real Estate (941) 705-0227 or (866) 587-8559. TARA GOLF COURSE villa: 2BR/2BA, A-1 condi- tion. New two-car garage. $349,000. Negotiable, job transfer. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. BRAND NEW for you 4BR/3BA three-car garage. Custom pool, tile, built-ins, Northwest Bradenton, $699,900. New Cordova Lakes 2BR/2BA pool, lake- front, cul-de-sac. Exceptional value, $284,900. Bay Lake Estates 2BR/2BA and 2BR/3BA meticulous lakefront updated, close.to beaches. $350,000s. Beautiful villas and condos, boat docks, some bay views, close to beaches, $224,900 and up. Donna Bucher, Rose Bay Real Estate, (941) 713-0203. BAYFRONT KEY ROYALE: Rarely available cul- de-sac location. Beautiful bay views. 4BR/3BA. $2,300.000. Brokers: 4 percent. Owner, (941) 778-3751. 604 Crestwood, Holmes Beach. OPEN HOUSE 1-4pm Sunday, March 11. Canal- front 3BR/3BA home with new guest quarters. Updated electric in 2004, new air conditioning/heat. Updated kitchen, vaulted ceiling, no bridges to bay. Turnkey furnished. $819,000. Call Carmen Pedota, Realtor, (941) 284-2598, or Lori Guerin, Realtor, (941) 773-3415. CONTRACT FELLTHROUGH! Now is your chance! Sunny Shores 2BR/1.5BA, carport. Two miles to Coquina Beach. Community boat ramp. Turnkey furnished. No deed restrictions. Land owned. Per- fect winter retreat or full-time residence. $142,900. Chard Winheim, Horizon Realty. (941) 713-6743. FOR SALE BY owner, Beach Bungalow on 12th S North in Bradenton Beach. All newly updated. Steps to the Gulf! $689,000. Open House Sunday 1-4. Call Tim at (941) 778-5746. CANAL HOUSE for sale: $845,000. (717) 392-4048. FOR SALE: DUPLEX on land-condo sized lot. (941) 779-0120. COLLEGE AREA: Bradenton. 3BR/2BA dollhouse. Everything new inside. Master bedroom can be used as in-law quarters. Use separate entrance. $189,900. Call Fred, (941) 356-1456. TOWNHOUSE: UPDATED AND features boat slip and heated pool. Small friendly community. 2BR,.no rent restrictions. $335,000. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. KEY ROYALE CANAL home : 3BR/2BA large caged pool and spa, completely remodeled, Corian kitchen, designer tile, new baths, Call owner direct, (941)356-1456. LONGBOAT KEY: Historic village. 2R/1BA, plus large efficiency carriage house. 1BR/1 BA, two-car garage. $739,000. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. NEW LOWER PRICE: Sunny Shores, 2BR/2BA, carport. Shows like a model! Two miles to Coquina Beach. View of Palma Sola Bay. Community boat ramp. Turnkey furnished. No deed restrictions. Land owned. Perfect winter retreat or full time residence. Motivated seller. Bring us.an offer. $189,900. Chard Winheim, Horizon Realty. (941) 713-6743. FLORIDA,6OUAT-OF-TATE ST. PETERSBURG CONDOS: Resident owned, 55-plus, no rentals or pets, many activities/ amenities. 1BR from $65;900; 2BR from $89,900. Call Elaine King, Panache Realty, (727)'525-9018, (727) 321-5028. p 'Copyrighted Material 6 'Syndicated Content4 Available from Commercial News Providers" *I C ' r r,* II. r. 11 S-L A M DER CLASSIFIEDSSJ IS ANDERC ASS FI DS THE ISLANDER E MARCH 8, 2006 K B-17 778-7777* FOR SALE: $230,000 home On Buffalo River In Lobelville, Tenn. Constructed of western cedar and river stone. 1,082 sf. Non-flood zone. Mild weather. 1BR/1BA ready for addition if desired. Built in 2002 on 0.530 acres. City water, septic, no restric- tions. Large concrete drive, large stone steps lead to water's edge. Fishing, canoeing, hunting. Beautiful vacation or year-round home. Call (931) 593-8864. HAMPTONS, LONG ISLAND, NY: Summer sea- sonal rental. Memorial Day through Labor Day. 2BR/2BA. First-rate furnished waterfront condo, Shinnecock Bay Club. Central air conditioning, cable TV, washer and dryer, high-speed Internet access, pool and gym. $18,000. Seasonal, monthly rentals OK, small pets OK. For photos go to http://homepage.mac.com/susanrooney/ PhotoAlbum3.html or e-mail Susanrooney@Mac.com. For more information call, (631) 594-2122. LAND AUCTION: 200 properties must be sold! Low down/e-z financing, free N.C. Aah cool sum- mers, mild winters, affordable homes and moun- tain cabins; land. Call for free brochure (877) 837-2288 Exit Realty Mountain View Properties. www.exitmurphy.com. MOUNTAINS OF NORTH GEORGIA: The very best of riverfront, lakefront, acreage tracts, building par- cels from one to 195 acres, direct from owners. (706) 276-7773. NORTH CAROLINA GATED lakefront community, 1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never before offered with 20 percent pre-development discounts, 90 percent financing. Call (800) 709-5253. WATERFRONT LAND SALE! Direct waterfront par- cels from only $9,900! Two acres dockable with log cabin package from $89,900! 4.5 acres dockable waterfront only $99,900! All properties are new to the market! Call toll-free (866) 770-5263, ext. 8. LAKEFRONT AND LAKEVIEW properties nestled in the hills of Tennessee on the shores of pristine Norris Lake. Call Lakeside Realty at (423) 626-5820, or visit www.lakesiderealty-tn.com. NORTH CAROLINA: Cool mountain air, views and streams, homes, cabins and acreage. Free -brochure, (800) 642-5333. Realty Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C. 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. Winter season is here! Must see the beautiful peaceful mountains of western North Carolina. Homes, cabins, acreage and investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy www.cherokeemountainrealty.com. Call for free bro- chure, (800) 841-5868. LOOKING TO OWN LAND? Invest in rural acreage throughout America: coastal, mountain, waterfront properties. 20 to 200 acres. Free monthly special land reports: www.land-wanted.com/sw. LOOKING FOR A GOOD DEAL? You can read Wednesday's classified at noon Tuesday at www.islander.brg. And it's FREE! NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS: 10.51 acres on mountain top in gated community, view trees, waterfall and large public lake nearby, paved, pri- vate access, $119,500. Owner, (866) 789-8535 www.NC77.com. TENNESSEE MOUNTAIN ACREAGE: Gated mountain community bordering a large lake. Spectacular views. Community boat ramp, pri- vate boat slips. Between Chattanooga and Knox- ville. Call today, (866) 292-5769. Gates of the River. TENNESSEE WATERFRONT MOUNTAIN prop- erty. Scenic homesites surrounding Lake Barkley. One- to six-acre view sites and five to forty-acre pri- vacy sites from the $40's. 90 minutes to Nashville. Grand opening of Phase II coming soon! Call (866) 339-4966. ASHEVILLE, N.C., AREA acreage: Private, gated mountain community with over four miles of riv- erfront. One- to eight-plus acres from the $60s. Incredible views! Custom community lodge with mountain spas, river walk. Call (866) 292-5762. Bear River Lodge. WATERFRONT BARGAINS! Lake access from $202/month! Direct lakefront starting at $99,900! One day only land sale! Saturday, March 25, 2006. Just 20 minutes from Augusta, Ga. Excel- lent financing available. Call today for an early appointment! (888) LAKE-SALE, ext. 1030. Based on purchase price of $39,900 with 10 percent down, fixed rate of 6.75 percent for five years, 15-year term with balloon payment due at the end of five years. Terms and rates subject to change without notice. Void where prohibited by law. WESTERN NEW MEXICO: 20 acres starting at $39,990 Scenic region, views, trees, rolling hills, wildlife. Family retreat, hunting property or year- round home. Power, 100 percent financing. NALC, (866) 365-2825. INVESTMENT OR RECREATIONAL properties in the beautiful state of Georgia. Contact Peach- State at (866) 300-7653, or visit our property for sale section at www.rubuyingrealestate.com. GAL 2550. NEW TO MARKET! Deep-water lots Beautifully sit- uated on 50 acres with 2,800 feet of magnificent frontage on Battery Creek in Beaufort, S.C. Offer- ing deep waterfront dockable, tidal creek and pri- vacy wooded lots starting from $59,900. Call (877) 929-2837. WATERFRONT! Two acres +/- $159,900. Gorgeous acreage, great views, pristine shoreline and deep boatable water! Near Bath, N.C. Enjoy access to ICW, sound, Atlantic. Paved road, underground utili- ties, well water, septic approved.. Excellent financ- ing. By appointment only. Call now, (800) 732-6601, ext. 1497. LARGE MOUNTAIN LAND bargains, high eleva- tion. Adjoins pristine state forest, 20-plus acres to 350 acres. Sweeping mountain views, streams. www.liveinwv.com. ----------------------------- HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD IDEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance. 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Bruce Collins (941) 778-6201 Junior's Landscape & Maintenance Lawn care PLUS native plants. . mulch, trip, hauling and cleanup. -- , Call Junior, 807-1015 * THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE I massage in the peace, quiet and convenience of your home! , S More than 10 years on LO Anna Maria Island. < Call Nadia !' 941.795.0887 I 30% DoS Bobby Edington (941) 744-6906 1ST EQUITY/WORLD SAVINGS JUST VISITING PARADISE' Don't leave the Island without taking time to subscribe. You'll get ALL the best news, delivered by the mailman every week. Visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach or call 941-778-7978. Online edition: www.islander.org The Islander HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Train in Florida *National Certification Financial Assistance SJob Placement Assistance 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services www.atsn-schools.com 18-B 1 MARCII 8. 2006 T THE ISLANDER p I p-p m "Copyrighted Material SyndicatedjContent -m Available from Commercial News Providers" No,-- _0 b I I I Wantto keep in touch? Subscribeto the "best news!" Call 941778-7978 and charge itto Visa or MasterCard. PALMA SULA BAYHUNI HIUMt amingo uay. l,0uu sT. 3BR/2BA, private dock and davits. Sailboat water. 130-plus feet of seawall. Room for a pool. Ready for remodel or build new. Incredible full bay views. $999,000. Mike Faber, (941) 504-6345. WEST BRADENTON SABAL PALMS CONDO Great location! CORTEZ, FL COASTAL APARTMENTS: Reed's Bay Apartments. NW BRADENTON RIVER'S RIDGE:.Gorgeous executive pool Minutes to area beaches, shopping, dining. Turnkey fur- 19 unit, 11,000 sf, fully-rented complex located 100 yards from home built 2003. 3BR/2.5BA plus office/study with two-car nished, updated 2BR/2 full bath unit overlooks pool. Not Palma Sola Bay and marina. 1.5 milesfrom Gulf beaches. Positive side entry garage. Options and upgrades galore, short walk to age-restricted. $170,000 Details and Virtual Tour online cash flow. 7.5 percent capitalization rate, perfect for hotel or condo DeSoto Memorial Park! Offered at $635,000. Details and virtual at www.JanetReardon.com or call Janet Reardon at conversion. Highly motivated seller. Priced reducedto $1,700,000.- tour online at www.JanetReardon.com or call Janet Reardon at (941) 962-5611. Bring all offers. Call Rusty Hooker at (941) 685-5300. (941) 962-5611... .... ... ~-T- Ill p' NW BRADENTON: TEN MINUTES TO ANNA MARIA! 3BR/2BA CREATE YOUR OWN PARADISE! Across from the sparkling pool home has upgrades galore. Newer roof, real hard wood waters of the Gulf of Mexico rests this enchanting beach flooring, air conditioning unit with warranty, lovely landscape, cottage. Light and bright living area with wrap around brick pavers, new exterior paint, brand new garage door, windowsand Mekicantilethroughout. French doorsfrom master kitchen/baths updated and more! Great value at $369,900. bedroom lead to private deck. Add a pool with tropical Rebecca Samler, Realtor, (941) 737-7955. landscaping for a peaceful garden oasis. Located amongst multi-million dollar homes. Build up for unobstructed water views. $749,000. Call Liz Codola at (941) 812-3455. VINTAGE BEACH COTTAGE ideally located on a quiet street. Within steps of the sandy beaches of the Gulf. Relax and enjoy the sparkling view of the water. Tommy Bahama furnishings and beadboard kitchen cabinets enhance the island feeling. Potential galore for the creative buyer. Build up for a spectacular vista of the turquoise sea. Plenty of room to add a pool for a tranquil private escape. Best price in the area. Asking $799,000. Call Liz Codola at (941) 812-3455. TREETOPS AT NORTH 40: Meticulously maintained 2BR/2BA, BRADENTON BEACH GULFFRONT CONDO atThe Capri. Fabulous MARINA ISLES: 5-6BR/3.5BA, Bimini Bayfront home on Anna two-car garage plus office with built-ins, cathedral ceilings 2BR/2BAtastefullyturnkeyfurnished unitwith excellent rental his- Maria Island. Private subdivision, two boat docks, heated pool and an oversized caged lanai overlooking a preserve! Offered tory, juststepsfrom historic Bridge Street. Being offered "as is" at spa. 2,562 sf, wood flooring, gourmet kitchen. Virtual tour at at $309,900. Call Melissa Prosser at (941) 737-2632 for an $875,000. Details and virtual tour online atwww.JanetReardon.com www.longboatkeyliving.com. $1,899,000. Call Gary LaFlamme appointment. or call Janet Reardon at (941) 962-5611. (941) 725-0928. SUPREME LOCATION and quality craftsmanship combined tor a quality lifestyle and investment. Last remaining land condo with 3-4BR/3BA featuring: 2,500 plus sf smart-wired living space, security system, three verandas, crown molding, gran- ite countertops, wood flooring, nine foot ceilings, SS appli- ances, glass block shower, whirlpool tub, paver-brick drive, tropical landscaping and more. Room for a pool! $849,000. Call Liz Codola at (941) 812-3455. ATTENTIONN!! INVESTMENT PROPERTY OWNERS Contact Judy Karkhoff for Professional Properti Management Services 941.778.77 or 866.266.9911 www.gulfstreamflrst.com I or p a 9 w Simply the Best OLD BRIDGE VILLAGE The view doesn't get any better from this condo. Overlooks entire bay. 3BR/3BA turnkey furnished. Elevator and upgrades galore. NORTH END OF THE ISLAND Sailboat canal truly unique and artistic. 2BR/2.5BA. A one-of-a-kind plea- sure to see! 1,000 sf of decks. Heated spa. Beautiful yard with peek of Egmont lighthouse. $850,000. FABULOUS GULFFRONT at north end with spec- tacular views of Gulf, dunes and sea oats. Very large 2BR/3BA, 2,400 sf. Several other Gulffront homes to choose from starting at $1,500,000. ., ,. KEY ROYALE Faces bayou. Remodeled 3BR/2BA, tile throughout, new carpet in bedrooms, new appliances, new kitchen and bathrooms. Canal end. Very large lot for expansion or pool. $795,000: r ,pt -v '- 1--.! -. CORTEZ VILLAGE Adorable cottage located in historic fishing village. Hardwood floors. Large garage/workshop. Rarely available.., don't delay. $295,000. ..... .... ,, ,:; ..- .,! .. .... .. .. s :. STONE'S THROW TO THE BEACH from this 2BR/2BA fully furnished home already in a rental pro- gram. A must see! Only $550,000 VIDEO RENTAL BUSINESS. Only one on Anna Maria Island. About 2 million visitors to the island make this store a nrMa nnn irh tnitv Ri iines nnl ~$l 3Q 000 HISTORIC CORTEZ FISHING VILLAGE Tao ador- able bungalows separated by lush gardens and koi pond. Very unique. Rent or use as a single-family home with open and airy kitchen, dining and living room with sepa- rate sleeping quarters, workshop/office. Mike 800367-1617 941-778-6696 Norman 3101 GUF DRIVE Realty NCHOLMES BEACH Ofrecemos seivicio de ventas en espanol www.mikenormanrealty.com ANNA MARIA ISLAND SiihCnast REAL ESTATE LLC CONTEMPORARY ANNA MARIA HOME 4BR/2BA, turnkey-furnished, beautifully designed home. Open plan, vaulted ceiling, breakfast bar, eat-in kitchen. Bamboo flooring, elevator, private setting near beach. Four-car garage. $1,350,000. GULFFRONT WATER'S EDGE 2BR/2A Gulffront condo. Turnkey furnished. Updated. ceramic tile. Excellent mid-Island location. Pool, secured lobby, under-building parking. $995,000. GULFFRONT HOME & GUEST COTTAGE 3BR/2.5BA and 1BR/1BA guest house. One of Anna Maria's finest beaches. Furnished, vaulted ceiling. French doors, fireplace, garage. $2,995,000. GULF PLACE CONDO 3BR/2BA. Turnkey furnished condo. Views of Gulf. Tennis, heated pool, beautiful beach. Excellent rental with liberal rental policy. $997,500. PERICO ISLAND CONDO 2BR/2BA. Turnkey furnished. Close to Island beaches. Heated pool, tennis, clubhouse/fitness room. Carport. Short drive to shopping and restaurants. $359,900. GULFFRONT HOLMES BEACH CONDO 1BR/1.5BA Seaside Beach House condo. Turnkey fur- nished. Sautillo tile. Gorgeous view of the Gulf. Beau- tiful beach. Excellent rental. $799,900. WONDERFUL WESTBAY COVE 2BR/2BA condo. Bright corner unit. Close to pool. Ceramic tile, shutters, glass enclosed lanai. Near bank, doctors, shopping and restaurants. $359,900 HOLMES BEACH WATERFRONT 3BR/2BA home. Ceramic tile, breakfast bar, backyard with pavers, room for pool. Fence, new dock. Direct access to bay. $849,900. SECLUDED BIMINI BAY HOME 4BR/3BA with 250 feet ofwaterfront. Custom kitchen, ceramic tile. Master suite with fireplace and Jacuzzi, heated pool, lush landscaping. Two docks, davits, sprin- klers, well, oversize two-car garage. $1,875,000. FABULOUS GULFFRONT OCEANA CONDO 3BR/2BA, turnkey-furnished condo on beautiful walk- ing beach. Open plan, breakfast bar, walk-in closets, elevator. Small pet. $1,999,000. SUN PLAZA WEST CONDO 2BR/2BA Turnkey furnished corner unit. Gulf view. Secured entry, pool, tennis. Beautiful white sand beach. Close to shopping and restaurants. $729,900. KEY ROYALE FAMILY COMPLEX Two adjacent North Point Harbour homes.. Deep- water canal, tennis. Near Key Royale Club. A. 2BR/2BA ceramic tile, vaulted ceiling, new seawall, boatlift. $1,110,000. B. 4BR/3BA lap pool, dock, hot tub, multi-car garage. $1,160,000. Both houses together for a family compound, $2,220,000. TRADEWINDS RESORT 1BR/1BA Turnkey-furnished villa. Heated pool, steps to deeded white sandy beach access. Rental program in place on-site manager. Small pet. $375,000. ANNA MARIA GULFFRONT HOME 4BR/3BA. Miles of beautiful walking beach. Gulf side deck and gazebo. Riparian rights. View of Gulf, bay, Egmont Key and Skyway bridge. $2,250,000. BAY PALMS WITH HEATED POOL 3/4BR/2BA canalfront home with dock and boat lift. Beautifully updated, ceramic tile, gourmet kitchen/ granite counters, heated pool and Jacuzzi. $1,250,000. ANNUAL RENTALS. From $700 / month SEASONAL RENTALS Condos/Homes: $500 week / $1,000 month 779-0202 (800) 732-6434 ANNA MARIA VMis SADoast REAL ESTATE LLC Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com THE ISLANDER E MARCH 8, 2006 U B-19 , -' k's$4 n. &* | XA. j-a' Anna Maria Island Homes i- 70403 W. 89th Street $379,000. SI M 4804 Mangrove Point Drive $920,000 242 Gladiolus Street ..$579,000 769 Jacaranda Road .. $649.000. 770 Jacaranda Road ... $669,900. 207 Coconul Ave $990,000. 514 North Bay Boulevard $1,200,000 806 North Bay Boulevard $1.399,900 St104 Maple Ave .. $1,999,000. :'!4s 803 North Shore Drive $3.199,000. 5800 De Palmas Ave $.499,000 5806 Imperiore Ave .. $549,000. Q 309 A 66th Street .. $599,000. 308 66th Street ... $645,000. 220 84th Street .. $699,900. 2808 Avenue C... $749,000. 6201 Holmes Boulevard $950,000. 213 70th Street ... $849,000. 6101 A&B Holmes Boulevard ... $849,000 each. 625 Emerald Lane $859,000 305 A 63rd Street $859,000. S4108 6th Ave .. $895,000. 102 55th Street ... $899,000. 609 Emerald Lane... $899.000 511 74th Street ... $899,900. 7005 Holmes Boulevard ... $999,000 614 Emerald Lane ... $1.250,000. 7800 B Gulf Drive .. $1,099,000 602 North Point Drive ... $1,425,000. 621 Key Royale Drive ... $1,899.000. 713 Key Royale Drive $2,900,000. 612 N. Bay Boulevard... $740,000 301 N. Shore Drive ... $879,000. 105 Mangrove Ave... $890,000. 2412 Avenue A... $895,000. 238 Lakeview Drive ... $1,195,000. 5614 Guava Street ... $589,000.. 210 76th Street ... $699,000. 307 64th Street ... $749.000. 509 77tn Street ... $875.000. 617 Gladstone Lane ... $945,000. 210 67th Street ... $995,000. 614 Foxworth Lane ... $1,379,000. 300 N. 22nd Street ... $549,000. 101 Gull Drive .. $689,000. 207 N. Harbor Drive .. $869.000. 2516 Avenue A... $1.495,000. 502 Bayview Drive ... $725,000 Anna Maria Island & Area Condos Perico Island .. $389,000. Perico Bay Club .. S295,000 $575,000. Siam Gardens ... $210,000 $599,000. Shell Poinl .. $359,900 $385,000. SWestBay Point & Moorings...$455,900 $655,000. Sun Plaza West ... $659,000 $975.000. North Beach Village ... $655,000. Nautilus ... $689,000. Waters Edge ... $799,000 Tiffany Place ... $810,000. La Casa Costiera ... $2,650,000. Club Bamboo ... $475,000. 105 S. 7th Street #D .. $599,000. 901 S. Gulf Drive #5... $599,000. Bradenton Beach Club ... $598,000 $934,000. Sandcastle ... $1.499,000 $1,629,000. Summer Sands ... $1,599.000. Palm Court ... $399,000 Village Green of Bradenton...$279.900 $335,000 5400 Condos $850.000. 4200 Gulf Drive #206... $875.000. Martinique South ... $899,000. 750 N. Tamiami Trail #806... $359,000. S Anna Maria Island Duplexes 770 Jacaranda Road $669,900. 214 Fir Ave $2.000,000. 311 63rd Street .. $599.000. 207 75th Street ... $799,000. 6602 Holmes Boulevard... $545,000. S Anna Maria Island Vacant Lots S309 68th Street... $695,000. S903 Old Burnt Store Road ... $325,000. S Anna Maria Island Commercial Sales ... 5804 Marina Dr.. $1,750,000. J 1701 N. Gulf Drive ... $895,000 - S 1 in sales on Anna Hara Island Real Estate #1i in listings on Anna Maria island To see all of our listings log on to IslandReal.cor 20-13 U MARC11 H. 2006( THE ISLANDER 0 S. B; - Island home delivery: 778-7978. *- 'I ..: ,; . . . . . . . .. .. ..;- o : -._.. S r.- ,- i'r~i i fi , i -* -- -. .f" The Islander /2217 GULF DR. N. BRADEN- tEA TYTONBEACH WAGNER REALTY (941) 778-2246 W, AGNE R R'A yl (800) 211-2323 Se-mail:ami@wagnerrealty.com ringing People BR(t Sian"C 9"9 www.wagnerrealty.com ST*eatr ed SlpopterFtie r tf-e- eek 'Fte atureci 'Pro parties oft/ ie ieck -- T...- l- *** ***m*---- ---......... VILLAS AT.HOLMES BEACH irne town. homes being constructed-on the Intracoastal. 3,100 sf plus twi-ar garage arid bonus room. Marbleand a cd f-cors, gourmet kitien and mucd more MaretedrincorquncKona wih RRealy. Karen SDayr 941) 778-2246 509339. ,500,000. PORTOBELLO GULF TO BAY Longboat Key updated, ground floor condo has many extras, i.e.. faux paint, lur- |E| nished, granite wel bar. d.:.ck ;v 'I-- tn sm anA_8M pool tennis and much more. -w l:. B.. Joe Corbo. (941) 778-2246.. ". . #523198. $649,i0)00. I ... I IS~LANUIWAlRMnHN I LUI Tarf6 Walenrroni lot with outstanding, Bay, views and prolected dockage. Located in quiet area ol Holmes Beach. Jus8 steps away to the beach. Lot is cleared. Dave Moynihan. (941) 778-2246. #516981.$1,295,000. LONGBOAT KEY WATERFRONT Key Wes:i UNIQUE WATERFRONT Updated 3BR12BA ISLAND'S VERY BESTIF Lush tropIcal style nome on sailboat water. Boartil. open floor home orn large lot wim 240 toor canal frontage landscaping surrounds this beautiful hide- plan. four-cargarage worKout room and 30 foot Pnvatetropicalsetting Detachedboathousewith away'! Only.steps to the beach and updated screened balcony Becky Smitri or Ettl.Starrett. Vericallit, separate guest quarters, pnvate boat Island style Pool, 3BR/.5BA Karen Day 1941) (941 778-2246 4520397 $1,149,000! ramp. Close to Gult beaches. Dave Moynlhan. 778-2246 #523360.$989,000. (941) 7782246 #518931.$1,099,500. . -..... t i ANNA MARIA HOMECharrming 2BR'28A Key OUTSTANDING BAY.VIEWS Well maintained CORAL SHORES Lovely 3BR'2BA home Westhonmeonrlaigelot'withponusmother-in-law 3BR2BA canal froni bome wilh tenilloviews ot or, deep saltwater canal 1,890 sl t-, new .apt 1BRAB A.NeFrqoof,ne. slding, newkjlichen thebay.Open floor plan with 1,716 si. Exisling pool, doc, covered'boat ift and many more 'Large double garage.-LuSh'ttoplal setting. dock, neWer seawall Snort Walk to Deacn, .extras! Anne Mille. (941) 778-2246. #515655. 'Boat idock privileges, Melanle Johton. (941) Dae Moynihan, (9411 778-2246. 11520526. S850,0)0. 761-3 100,-508390. $895000 $859,000 - I~--: -'l ,'. :i::"_: :,, ANNA-MARIA 33BR2BA Old Fldnda.style BEACHFRONt CONDO Top floor middle un: beach cottage. EAcellelt- feril history, great with tabulous views of Gufi. 2BR,'BA condo inrcome.Turnkejffumlshed,lily updated: Sleps in a.well maintairMed- T-unit complex in quiet . etoth Ibpch MaagIe "i, .gifrealdyn place. area. 1.Holmes Beach. Healed pool. Near :.Melatle Jpnrlsopn. (t) 78613100. #514185 restaurants Dave.Moynihan. (941) 778-2246 .$669,00.- .: :., :; ;. .#5 16964.$635,000. -- r.- .- . HOLMES -BEACH DUPLEX Delightful 3BRi2,6BA Main and allacred IBR'/BA. Large 117<75 lot nicety landscaped and steps to the beach.-Rare Ind in Holmes Beach Doug Sanders f941) 383-5577. 9514757. $849.000. FABULOUS.ISLAND 3BR/2BA HOME This recently updaled ncrme nasgranite counertops in Ine kitchen and bath.16" Travertirie tile througnoui Located just steps. to the: bach.' AgenV/Owner, Jay Heagerty. 941) 727-2800 1515219.S750,000- I-. TRULY A WONDERFUL DUPLEX! Great BRADENTON BEACH COTTAGE Adorable RUNAWAY BAY CONDOS Now available . income potential or perfect lor that person and affordable' Cottage 3 tlockr t1ri Ie Gulf several 1 or 2BR-units, Dayfroni, pool side looking lor a piece of Island Paradise Great teaches on Anna Maria. Great Island getaway and omrer views. Some upda'itd phone -or I;ation:steps.from the sandc Roben Barclay orreouild larger orrie.Zoned duple-Gilnaand details Onsite rehtals j941) T77-22iL&-Pnced 1341) 776;3300. 523084. $618,000. Peter UlanoiThe RoyalTeam. (941 741-2500. $3949,00-0$491.000.. #523258 $375,000... - -. ..'.. ,. .-. *, S - ' I : ` -- |