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Skimming the news ... Anna Maria Island map inside, page 10-B. S1 Anna Maria TIhe Islander - ^ ;, ..,. - Go as i. - Good cause, inside. "The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992" www.islander.org Volume 14, No. 16 Feb. 22, 2006 FREE Island tourism nosedives, thanks to pipes By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Tourism on Anna Maria Island fell by 22 percent in January 2006 compared with the same month last year, and most Island accommodation owners and tour- ism officials agree the pipes left on the beach by the renourishment contractor are the likely culprit. The latest figures from the Bradenton Area Con- vention and Visitors Bureau show Island occupancy in January was just 29.3 percent against the 37.5 percent occupancy recorded in January 2005. It was the lowest occupancy rate for any January on the Island in the past four years. While Island tourism was sinking into the sand, tourism to the mainland remained strong in January, with occupancy reported at 72.4 percent compared with 72.9 percent for the same month last year. The tourism decline was partially offset by an increase in the average daily rate for an accommoda- tion in the Bradenton area, which rose from $123.99 for January 2005 to $135.59. Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce Execu- tive Director Mary Ann Brockman said feedback from members indicates that the pipes on the beach along with warm weather up north didn't help occupancy levels in January. "We've heard about a number of cancellations because of the pipes. It's ridiculous. Every one of our members is affected by a drop in tourism. If no one is staying here, no one is going to retail shops, rent- ing beach equipment or eating out at restaurants," she said. She also attributed the warm weather up north to some of the decline in tourism, but noted that interest in the Island this past January was just about the same PLEASE SEE TOURISM, NEXT PAGE Pipes moving, but when? By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter After months of complaints to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers about the pipes and equipment left on the beach by renourishment contractor Good- loe Marine, the Corps said last week it would have the pipes removed and stored at the street ends until the project resumes. But after a collective "hallelujah" from Island elected officials in Holmes Beach and Bradenton Beach, Island residents and beachfront accommodation owners, the question remains: "When?" The Corps last week gave no date when the removal and storage efforts would begin. Corps spokesperson Barry Vorse could only say, "We hope to accomplish this task as soon as possible and are currently in touch with the contractor to make this happen." Vorse also could not say when the project would resume, or if Goodloe Marine would be allowed to finish the job. Bradenton Beach City Commissioner Bill Shearon said if the Corps can't get the storage project started for a few weeks into March and then wants the project restarted on April 1, what's the point of even storing the equp,...'nr? PLEASE SEE PIPES, NEXT PAGE r* 1 u j, -.. -, r.- --- L i :I ~ .--'-I- ~.. ri .1** I '. Li~ C j '' '"G ~ '''' ;j L' -t 'Y I r -'- 2 -' ,,"" - ' aa p, dl :. . ;. A l Handi-work returns to Anna Maria Elementary School Anna Maria Elementary School parents Robert and Lynda Hicks spent Friday afternoon installing hand tiles on the interior concrete walls of the new school building. The tiles, a Parent-Teacher Organization fundraiser, have been created by Island students since 1999 and formerly hung in the breezeways of the old school. -Islander Photo: Diana Bogan County sacks Shack, new plan due By Jim Hanson Islander Reporter There won't be boat ramps at the Seafood Shack in Cortez, though there may still be a maritime museum there. Meanwhile, there will still be the restaurant, which remains in full operation. The Manatee County Commission, citing lack of funds and bowing to pressures from the north side of Cortez Road, voted unanimously last week not to buy the Cortez landmark for a maritime museum. The proposal by the old village south of the road to put the Florida Gulf Coast Maritime Museum there fell victim to strong opposition to any boat-launching ramps on the site. The county early on added the ramp idea to the proposal for a museum. Proposing tie county's purchase to provide a home for the museum was the Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage, which is developing the museum among other energetic undertakings. Allen Garner, president of FISH, said after the county's rejection, "We're not giving up. We just have to find another way to finance a museum building, maybe another location, too. It's always been a goal of FISH to have the museum on the water, so we'll look for financing and keep an eye out for other shore prop- erty." Ham Jones, creator and operator of the Shack, said he was sorry the county didn't buy, it is an ideal place for the museum, but "it wasn't any great surprise. The $9.7 million (county's appraisal) was a lowball appraisal that I just maybe could live with, but the com- missioners said the county didn't have the money." S"The county had hoped to lessen the expense through grants," said Commissioner Jane von Hah- mann, who lives.in Cortez. "But Florida Community Trust's rejection was the final blow." "There are some other avenues we'll go into now," said "Chips" Shore, Manatee County Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court, whose department is responsible for matters historic in the county; Cortez is designated a historic village. "We'll work with people in the Florida Legislature who want to make sure that saltwater accesses remain PLEASE SEE SHACK, PAGE 3-A Valentine fun at Cafe on Beach -Famed musician Lester Freeman and his "D Band" entertained at a Valentine's night concert at the Cafe on the Beach at the Manatee Public Beach. Freeman is an original member of the Soul Brothers Six, best known for its super-hit "Some Kind of Wonderful." His repertoire at the Cafe included that and more from the Motown years and plenty offolks enjoyed the music and dancing under the stars. The cafe says, "He'l be back!" Islander Photo: Bonner Joy n~tllurrPsPPa~l"~pRRf~~ --rSlslllll~W~31~qg 'e"h'i -" -I, i' _r. r . f i ' r :E -4A0 E Tourism numbers tumble (I -A f -i'.1, 1 1 I i,' I, I, ,h d ui January -'1 .. ..- had 1. 'u, walk -in m, v is int ic iai i vnr il:i Ia.1 1 ii ,, .l Ii 1 a to )i,- i I. l ... 1 i ii, t Ii ,ii .y.,i 1 i, b u we didn i.t ~ I ai ..i- i in m:erPiLs n l I i. idli-d, Iih,ti-,.ii li, i l fII- ra if o' t k).. hAsi I o Onik ed up, Wo00fdinp AO dinrm b ffimgi)@r ry :'ii isjugI 141 (' il' i Ju i t ihi p awn. J atiury, 111111Oi i' ii" I 1- .I i i, ,i, ,i i ii \i m i' .,' ii-,r i ,r .I y .ii I. n t. l n, i ,odg@- in ini 1-'."i L a would Igm Ill i ,,.,, a,. .,. i ,- ht-dn howe i yf and it.W tt nom worl l a .vi ,. ''.;"; '. h di'.l '... -i ,,,"" fro.ii pHp QJn@@ ili... i,.ii: up ind ae lh- pipe, W r'e ,lhin ,,' 1 ., litip W *i t0 miak 00or guo i r gomflo t able 1i I hate 4 Il11" ing land i ha ave to -11 i.- Ii l.,i thie i -- nevat hId a January like :.i- ." Haozn oAerved: ii ,,,. riily il t- pipig w i!l b- ro i,,,..-., -, 8)on and ,ih_. .. : iil.: i tul i1h iaa l!urned :. ll i ii ., and M areh .u. .'i i .,ig: ral S W 've onYi got a few np@ninga ik 1." h@ iald: I T.,li I ,.i- naid jlnii,*.a v,. *t had, b it i etainly want great2: '.--i. "juet gal ilt mediocre at bgat Tih- pips .i, r,, help and i had several complaints fr il m @of my rr l,1..i-,i. m -,-i,* visitor. i' .- i no "ted2 a".c-roin1 a1 the p.ip: l i a big pr.,'.! l'i for some of our i: ,i-i,: . guests. a:sii F hl; .,ri h :atu d ut g t ,id i.rLii. is .?I-,-iT ..,f goodi g IgIg n li -i: i ..I -.i 7' iUp r .i.i, isc Ipnp." i rltii ;il "n joijni i'Jaiid oir awnrsi believe the pipes ateven reahe us said- i t i down, S i .-. ft-le 1 in -r Longe* I.-dg' in .T ;. .. Rd aW ur"h t ipi?-ll are about -dih ltiW t r fomhit .ilik, .11 hiinar.) was still a doew i-.3'' for ii '- .*-hii'iflniic l.ini;y was just dead for us and the pipes havli:in'i even reached us," said Shearorin, who is also a Braden- f - 12t i -It C -I *1 ;,*~ -' I 4 .... ,- ..,.., Unconstiructive o sh turns lucky J;,, oneo, i: injrw'ed ,./., ii ,i ii, .. inv Anna M wn the motorist .i-, i bi: i i, vehicle crashed into the 81t4oQl, Constructive 1i-iy pt chl oo on Pih- Avenue in Anna Mairia around a1 pmn. A.. ,,lifn; to Karya !gohe!dub, who Iptud ; ,i: i'. ,i.' on her W'el phoneW, il,. driver 'lfthe hicle taid he swenved to avoid a ar- 'i',. had run 7, ig, ,i i.../i was .iN1 in Aseson when /d accident occurred and students used the rear y e ntce t Yit the. Ji.,,i h iif ii In 2.: iid, i, go9mwliBiboner don't know all ii r.w i r i*,, ;,....l n,.. i,. but my Chi1.i.. ,i d it was a .;.,,OliAii.iiii of thge 1p., !il 6 I-ri,, i., ocupaneyl ha piced up consider- ably and T'.I. id igo lnlg real ~,I.i, Thiir:ai.i worries ih. i t, iii r. iRiiniw; in.-,it project WOn't resume in ii, AO- P ave lame of 01' iiiii,, ci.-.i beach .I. -., iu hin s "If lNv pick up th j i;!'esi d it mght not return and ie .anh:id end of Bradenton Beach .i1 never : \c .,iid he said, The CV(B i.i'oLrriL I i.li occupancy levels ir"' all "If 2005 in 1i- Iitl-,ini area were at 61.6 percent, down .liihil r[iiui i t 7 p i -nti S .i\i.ic[ i..-,,.liJ in il.1i, but still higher than ihc .'i' "percent level for 2003. CA~V~~9fif 1iY~.ilfi K~ 4i-i Ii Vl1 =i, Iir Rt~ V'~f K:jR;'~ h2-Ay 1 tr;-, ; F~~fr @'B*3 '91 ~ T#~t~ I -yt ~ j~;1~. icvVi.:: 4 ~-r ,< -' 4ti 4- -" %i. <.-_ , 1.... ......... Pipes ordered off beach, but when? :1 ,I i'ii L,.) F i:.iM PAGE 1=A He also took exception to when ti itr,,ject began, until December when ;o,,dllo-, halted illir. iii, ns, 'Tiin l.i out ha1i ( ;i'idlic', irtdol.:. apparently could 0.n1 i, ai.iii. about a ti clt'o-fot wave 'iihotir be11. *. .iiC.Ipcl.d. while Marnson .yoiiO I,.'uIn Co.,, d'c ,.-.r.. - tor for 1oripboat Key's pLoiecl, is iVpolicdhy using a dredge able to take. mtef h :..:-2. c. ....: -:;.-: I:c- ,in\ O UI 'i 'i;.C'..' 1 Tm retwida n ett i,"j. tha.i art at7?9th .Nirrw in Hotlmes ct' last I l My had la 19th Ni .<-.0 N.'i 1 in Bradentn 1 :...,-t by Y .;iD-T,': r-.' when GCoodl,:' huileid operations Co the winter tourist season. 6. . I(JIIcjI$~.yrr &~' ":5A :Lil ItoAr q,4lA % 4rljL Fcri?~ j S, $T A IU K A NJ T 11. South t Bay IBoi ed A.Vij AJ4I hI 11 1 www.w:hawtrenianurant , .'+-. . ,, ,:, What are the Shack's possibilities? By Jim Hanson Islander Reporter With Manatee County out of the picture as a pro- spective buyer of the Seafood Shack, just what are the possibilities? Ideally, owner Ham Jones "would like to see a world- class marina and resort there," for it has about everything to offer. He doesn't have the money or the energy to do it himself, but it's his preference for another owner and for the good of the Cortez ambiance. "It's the only deep-water property between Tampa and Fort Myers that is zoned for marina," he said, and it has a 68-slip marina there now. There are six acres of upland and it boasts an 8-foot depth of water out to the Intracoastal Waterway. The big restaurant building he put up in 1980 is of steel and poured concrete, he said, on 270 concrete pilings sunk 40 feet into the ground. He pointed out that the property is not on the market for sale, but he is open to offers from seriously interested parties. So what could be done with the property as it is zoned now? The county's planning administrator, Robert H. Pederson, prepared for Commissioner Jane von Hahmann a rundown on zoning. He said the zoning of the marina and restaurant site prohibits residential uses and allows consideration of the following: Marina and restaurant site Light industrial, offices, research/corporate, warehouse/distribution, intensive commercial, wholesale commercial, small retail commercial, service, selected residential, short- term agricultural, recreation, public or semi-public schools, privately operated airports, appropriate water- dependent/water-related, water-enhanced uses, and hotels/motels. The parking lot Retail, wholesale or office com- mercial uses which- function in the marketplace as neighborhood, community, or region-serving; residen- tial uses, lodging places, public or semi-public uses. schools, recreation, and water-dependent/water-related/ water-enhanced uses. ; -, ,.. -: i, -.,-- No r~i~ir~~--l- .. i.- ~S I Vj-~ Manatee County commissioners voted against purchasing the Seafbod Shack in Cortez last week. Islander Photo: Paul Roat Seafood Shack CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1-A open to the public. With such financial support, the county could likely see its way clear to help, much as it did with the school." The state and county together bought the 1912-build school building in Cortez for community use. "There's no longer any intention for boat ramps," Shore noted. "The ramps were the wrong direction to THE ISLANDER E FEB. 22, 2006 E A-3 Meetings Anna Maria City Feb. 23, 3 p.m., bid opening for Gladiolus/North Shore Drive drainage projects. Feb. 23, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. Agenda: Consent agenda, reports and updates, site plan exten- sion request for 303 Pine Ave., final reading and public hearing on mileage and travel reimbursement, review proposed ordinance on utility trailers, line of credit dis- cussion, discussion on proposed countywide gas tax increase, and public comment. Feb. 27, 7 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 708-6130. Bradenton Beach Feb. 22, 4:30 p.m., WAVES committee meeting. Feb. 23, 4:30 p.m., code enforcement board meeting. Feb. 28,. 2:30 p.m., city commission work session on audit. Feb. 28, 5 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting on comp plan. March 2, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., 778-1005. Holmes Beach Feb. 22, 7 p.m., parks and beautification committee meeting. Feb. 23, 9 a.m., board of adjustment meeting. Feb. 23, 7 p.m., planning board meeting CAN- CELED. Feb. 28, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, 708-5800. Of Interest. Feb. 27, 9:30 a.m., Sarasota-Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization meeting, Sudakoff Hall, USF- New College Campus, Sarasota. take. It will be the museum only, and keep the docks - open.'-The Shack has a 6S-slip marina on-its property. "I told Ham we don't expect him to hold it for us -any more, to sell it if he decides to put it on the mar ket. He's been very patient." / i Reach more than 20,000 peopleweekly with yourad -for as little -a i0 5 CallwNancy 778-7978 Th liSlander www.islanderlorg 9", BLOOD FREE s~..W MOBILE ENTERTAINMENT. FREE Half Free Half Gallon of :am Riverfront Acting Troop- Gallon M u 1a. Singing In Costume MiXOHJuice lan ~m Justin Matthews with his Juice to the for each blood donation! Red Tail Hawk (Sky), plus a python, First 50 ** SThe last time the Blood Mobile raccoon and deer. Customers! as at hxon's t collected Ed Straigh Store Opens at 9am 27 pints of blood., ye are : pm ~ Mr. Bill Mixon's semi- Juice and Fruit so proud of our customers. retirement salute and Key to the City. "Specials All Day Let's do even better this time." 2pm Walter Meixner Bag Pipes 2:30pm ~German accordion music 2712 26TH AVE. E. BRADENTON 941-748-5829 WWW.j1 N.'.' 4-A 0 FEB. 22, 2006 N THE ISLANDER Sex offender arrested in Holmes Beach A convicted sex offender who had been living in Bradenton Beach was arrested in Holmes Beach Feb. 13 for failing to register his new.address with the Flor- ida Department of Law Enforcement. Edward Lee Caldwell, 32, formerly of 501 Gulf Drive South in Bradenton Beach, was arrested by Man- atee County Sheriff's Office detectives and FDLE spe- cial agents for failing to register as a sex offender after he apparently moved from his Bradenton Beach apart- ment in late December. Florida law requires all convicted sex offenders to register their current address with the FDLE, even after they have completed any probation and have been released from supervision. An FDLE official said Caldwell, who was convicted in Bradenton in 1995 of sexual bat- tery, had been living in Braden- ton Beach, but.allegedly moved out without reporting his new address. At the time of his arrest, Caldwell was working for a pool cleaning service on Anna Maria Island. Aside from Caldwell, four Slow sidewalks Manatee County School District crews were busy last week con- structing a side- walk along Gulf i B Drive east of the .- Manatee Public Beach, much to .the consternation of motorists who were forced to endure lpng traf- fic backups in both directions. iIslander Photo: Rick Catlin Don't blame city for sidewalk construction By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Motorists heading to Anna Maria Island via the Palma Sola. Causeway were treated to some heavy traffic backups last week, with vehicles extending back to the Anna Maria Island Bridge on some occasions. The culprit was the construction of a sidewalk on the east side of Gulf Drive just north of the Manatee Avenue-Gulf Drive intersection, but irate motorists who called the city to ask why such con- struction was taking place in the height of the tour- ist season, were toldto redirect their anger to the Manatee County School District. "We didn't know anything about it until the school board walked in here last week with the Holmes Beach on Flotilla Drive for several years. That individual has also been released from supervision. The FDLE said a 33-year-old convicted sex offender is still living in the 100 block of Spring Avenue in Anna Maria. The man was convicted of sexual battery, but has been released from supervi- sion. A convicted sex offender currently under supervi- sion by the FDLE resides in the 100 block of Fourth convicted sex offenders currently reside on Anna Maria Island, according to the FDLE, including one man in Anna Maria, one in Bradenton Beach and two in Holmes Beach. The FDLE also reported that a convicted sex offender moved into the 5800 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive on Longboat Key.in early February. The'man was convicted of possession of child pornography. Another Longboat Key male registered as a con- victed sex offender has lived in the 500 block of Cedar Street since last October. He was also convicted. for possession of child pornography. Holmes Beach has had a convicted sex offender from Michigan living in the 400 block of 74th Street since early January, the FDLE said. The 33-year-old white male was convicted of sexual assault and attempted-criminal sexual contact with a minor in Michigan. He has been released from supervision, but is still required to report his address to law enforcement authorities. Another registered sex offender has been living in ifei stylesaon experience thediference r nois. Sin.bs dy ski NAd 531.1: gulf drive . ana. maria island. .. W. :77. 54 0 .. : . Saw .Aosalon a(u s a-comr :. " DEE'S BOUTIQUE Gift and Christmas Shoppe RFUFASHIONS UNIQUE GIFTS YEAR ROUND CHRISTMAS SHOP YOU'LL BE TICKLED PINK When you see all our great NEW merchandise Fashions AM .Beach Casual to cruisewear - Sefashions and Frendch dressing jeansar S"accessories Perfect Beach es Papillon fashions 1W eddLng Dresses Bathing suits Siwimnwear and coverups Beach Shoes Jewelry and and Sandals accessories At Glass Gifts Turquoise Jewelry Art Glass Fashion jewelry Pottery Hanging glass Bearington SCollectible Dolls bunnies and bears Huge selection of sweatshirts Dolls and tea sets 3228 East Bay Irive HolmesBea Both shops a8-4665 .1pen daily Between S"[s andValgreens b I'' I .-"t plans," said Mayor Carol Whitmore. But the reason for the construction is a pretty good one, according to Whitmore. "The sidewalk is for students walking to and from the Anna Maria Elementary School. The school board said it's a safety issue for students walking on that side of the road. I just wish they had kept us informed of when they were starting," she said. "Obviously, doing the work in the summer would cause a lot less traffic congestion, but the students who walk to school really need the side- walk," she added. Whitmore said she expected construction to be completed within a few days, but the school district has given her no firm date for completion. Street South in Bradenton Beach, while in Cortez there is one convicted sex offender living in the 4200 block of 129th Street West. Law enforcement officials in all three Island cities say they are aware of all the. convicted sex offenders living in their respective districts. For more information on convicted sex offenders and predators living in Florida, go on the Internet to the FDLE's Web site at www.fdle.state.fl.us. WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO FROM 1-BEDROOM S anna m ar i a APARTMENTS .Gulf Coast To 5-BEDROOM SE N T A L S EXECUTIVE HOMES 5319 Gulf Drive. Holmes Beach (West side ol Island Fitness Plaza) TEL. 941-778-3699 *TOLL FREE 1-800-865-0800 FAX 941-782-5606 E-mail vacation@amgcrentals.com Web www.amgcrentals.com ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND IT'S MIKE NORMAN S Why Should You Work With Mike? Because he has more than 30 years experience'sell- ing on Anna Maria Island, a terrific team backing him up, and lots of contacts. Past performance may not be the only measure of success, but can you think of anything more reassuring to go by? Buying or selling... Mike Norman Realty, Inc 941-778-6696 80(C 67-1617 www.mikenormanrealty.com . Crawford der 01%416 THE ISLANDER 0 FEB. 22, 2006 0 A-5 Rising costs, oil prices leave new center short By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter When Pierrette Kelly of the Anna Maria Island Community Center and her staff and executive board first started four years ago on the road to raise $2 mil- lion for an overhaul and expansion of the Center, some people thought $2 million was a lot of money. Turns out that's not enough, thanks to the incred- ible rise in oil products and construction costs, particu- larly the past year. Plus, it took the Center nearly two years to get its final site plan approved. Speaking at the Coalition of Barrier Island Elected Officials Feb. 16 meeting in Holmes Beach, Kelly told BIEO members that the Center has raised the $2 mil- lion needed for construction under the original esti- mate, but the cost has now climbed to $3 million and could go even higher. Kelly has managed to get Manatee County to pro- vide up to $100,000 to meet the revised goal, but she's also asking the Island cities including Longboat Key - to consider a larger donation to the Center in the 2006-07 budget cycle. The Center serves quite a number of Longboat Key and Island residents, and it's not just for young people, she noted. "We handled more than 4,000 adults in 2005 for our various programs," said Kelly. "We're here for the entire Island and Longboat Key." Kelly also observed that the $2 million has been raised entirely from private donations of primarily Island residents. "There were some people who said we could never raise that amount from private donors on the Island, but we did. Now, we've got a new goal." The Center plans on launching a public awareness campaign in the near future to raise funds for the con- struction, but is still working with the private sector and is hopeful that the Island cities will expand their contributions. "We've got to get as much as possible before the public campaign. If the cities could support the project on a higher financial level than before, it will really help," Kelly said, adding that Holmes Beach increased its allotment to the Center in its 2005-06 budget. Kelly said part of the public awareness campaign will be to inform Islanders and the public exactly what the Center does. She also added that a major reason for the expan- sion plan is that the State of Florida won't allow dif- ferent age groups to be in the same room and building at the same time for a community center program. In other words, teenagers can't mix with pre-teens, who can't be with elementary school children, who can't be with adults, and so on. "It makes it very hard to run all our programs with just three rooms," Kelly said. And the programs are not all about sports, bridge or after-school activities. The Center operates a youth counseling service for teenagers and pre-teens using drugs or alcohol, engaged in sexual activity, being abused at home or facing the danger of these issues. "It would be a shame to lose these programs for our young people and lose our young people to these problems because we didn't have the space the state requires," Kelly told the coalition. BIEO members pledged to return to their respec- tive commissions and support additional funding for the Center in the upcoming budget cycle. Anyone interested in assisting the Center in its fund-raising efforts is asked to call Kelly at 778-1908. New department head formed By Paul Roat A new department position has been created in Bradenton Beach, with a familiar face taking its helm. Dottie Poindexter, longtime director of the city's public works department, is now taking over as the project/program manager. A department head position, she will ramrod the city's various capital improvement projects as well as attempt to secure grants for the city. She will also manage the city's Waterfronts Florida program, a two-year plan enabled by a state grant to develop the city's waterfront. Tom Woodard, the city's public works foreman, will step up to the position as director of that depart- ment. The project/program manager department has a budget of $86,373, of which $57,000 is devoted to Poindexter's salary. Sheila Hurst heads SAM, Hill is vice president Sheila Hurst of Holmes Beach is the new president of Save Anna Maria, elected Saturday at SAM's meeting at the Island Branch Library. Named to serve with her were Jay Hill, vice president; Nancy Deal, secretary; and one of SAM's "charter members," Billie Martini as treasurer. Speaker at the session was Dr. Ernie Estevez, senior sci- entist at Mote Marine Laboratory, who discussed climate and. the changing levels of the earth's oceans. The next meeting of SAM is scheduled for 10 a.m. Sat- urday, April 1, at the library, when the group is expected to address future issues of concern. The new department already has a host of projects' in the works, including the city pier, mooring field, sidewalks, a multi-use path through Cortez Beach and Coquina Beach, landscaping improvements along Gulf Drive, beach street-end enhancements and lighting. Poindexter has already begun to earn her keep as the city's newest department head: She told city com- missioners last week the city has been notified that it has received a $128,700 grant from the state's boater improvement trust fund for floating docks at the city pier. Creation of the new position was approved by com- missioners 4-1, with Commissioner Bill Shearon voting against the move. "I'm not against the department head herself," he said, "but I have problems with creating a new position without creating some form of written documents." He cited the lack of a formal list of duties and responsibilities for the department. Shearon also said that the project/program manager post "is getting close to a city manager position, which the voters have turned down." Mayor John Chappie said he would oversee the department head, as he does all others, and that the department would in no way function as manage- ment. Vice Mayor Lisa Marie Phillips agreed that there are "points to be fine-tuned, that it may not be exactly the way you want, but-we need the position right now. *We need this person right now. I cannot see any sort of correlation with a city manager. In no way are we going against the voters regarding a city manager, and I'd like to see that term taken off the table." Just visiting paradise?: Th Islander SINCE 1992 Don't leave the Island without taking time to subscribe. You'll get ALL the best hews, de liered by the mailman every week. It's almost as good as a letter from home! Visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach or call 941-778-7978. Online edition: '. : .W v .isla ndc .rg i,.' Choose a new Yamaha and get 3 years additional warranty* on 30-250. hp four stroke outboards or 150-300 HPDI two stroke outboards. A savings of up to $2,600! *Limited to available stock in dealer inventory sold and-delivered before March 31, 2006. Visit Cannons Marina for complete details. Turn to West Coast l . Air Conditioning .- ! & Heating, Inc. for technical expertise, customer satisfaction and Carrier systems that are second to none. * Family-owned and operated since 1972 * Factory-trained technicians *.Residential and commercial * Ask about our 12 months same-as-cash financing* WESP OAST1 AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING IN(J 778.96522 5347 Gulf Drive, No. 4, Holmes Beach Business Center, Holmes Beach bI uj~ost fotn" Wm hamont hl p wipll -do- Turn to the Expertrl A ,E, -y lsiiit~~~iLs t' p, "' OYAMAHA When you want the best NYAMAHA '-- *** Cannons awarded I Ii the 50th top marina '"" in Boating Industry l. Magazine's 2005 Top 100 Boat Dealers ^ CANNONS 1 MAR I N A COMPETITIVE QUAUTY COMMITMENT SINCE 1955 6040 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key Open 7 days a week, 8 a.m. 5:30 p.m. cannons.corm 941-383-1311 We're worth th'e triple L,"'Carri 6-A M FEB. 22, 2006 M THE ISLANDER Opinion Cortez rises again Well, there you have the very heart of Cortez in full view: Last Tuesday the county knocked the villagers flat, Wednesday they were on their feet again and looking at new plans, Saturday and Sunday they put on a spectacu- larly successful festival. A week after that disappointing Tuesday they are well along a hopeful new course. There is even good indication that they will emerge from their failed battle stronger than ever. This tiny historic fishing village has scored some impressive triumphs in the past few years, through hard work, attention to detail, some skillful scheming, and a lot of help from friendly interests. With help from those interests, including most nota- bly Manatee County and the state, Cortez has assembled an impressive list of historic attractions. It also has accu- mulated an impressive record of grants, and not just. for Cortez. Historic preservation has great public benefit. Its most impressive achievement to date has been the purchase of 95 acres of "old Florida" land as the FISH Preserve, a first-class nature preserve for the public. It was largely financed by the Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival. Its sponsor, the Florida Institute for Saltwater Heri- tage, heads up the growing Florida West Coast Maritime Museum, which Cortezians wanted to move into the Sea- food Shack north of Cortez Road from the village proper. The proposal was a high-dollar deal for the county to buy the landmark property as a home for the museum. Unhappily, somewhere along the way a companion proposal for boat-launching ramps was tacked onto the museum movement. That was fatal. Residents in newer, upscale devel- opments north of Cortez Road objected strongly and effectively. Fearirig heavy traffic on narrow streets, they swiftly organized a one-issue grassroots drive that over- whelmed the support for the Shack's purchase; the county commission dumped it 7-0 last week. Now Cortez and its friends are exploring other financing as well as other museum locations in case the Shack is sold before they can get the money together. Grants will be looked into more deeply, legislators will be approached, possible program partnerships sought out. Best of all, the former "enemies" should be support- ive now that ramps are out. Their help could be deci- sive and they should be t\ ooed and welcomed with open arms. SLICK By Egan Opinion r\ O t- W w- -W --' - Fewer on. island: Evacuate now. -In Florida's Panhandle, thousands of migratory birds have been found, dead next to cell towers. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates at least 5 However that turns out, you can bet Cortez will per- In response to Jim Kissick's letter (The Islander million birds and possibly .as -many as 50 million severe. Three cheers for Cortez and FISH. Feb. 15): There will never be 62 percent of the popula- birds are killed annually with these towers. Why do :'. :., tion on this Island when the bridges close due to hur- healthy birds collide with these clearly visible struc- Sricane winds Megaa or otherwise) unless our govern-, tures? (For further information, go to earthjustice.org. Si Isla d e ments are grossly negligent. The population will be bloonlnto\\ers.org, or mountshastaecology.org) STh"i" l- lC '41. el evacuated prior to bridge closings. Personall. I am very thankful to every one of our FEB. 22,2006 Vol. 14, No. 16 You see, there are many other qualified engineers. elected officials and other citizens who ork responsi- v' "u ire ,,irndE.,:, meteorologists and scientists who see to our safety\ re: bl\ and carefully to protect the beauty. lifesrtle. health e,:nr il.:. ,.:.nr .: evacuations. On the otherhand, a few people caused us and welfare of the citizens who enjoy living on this aul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org .to be left with antiquated bridges that could fail an- little paradise called Anna Maria Island. D;irna ~oja e.:j diana@islander.org .time, leaving Islanders trapped. There are still rights %\e and our localelected offi- cn Cn, rck@islander.org T. Dolly Young, Holmes Beach cials maintain that allo\u us local control of thenumber, Jack Egan.. .. . Jack Elka s size and placement of cell to\\ers. while still providing Jim Hanson :, th.. for adequate cell phone coverage. V C6ontributors Cell tower thoughts:e t p t c f and Gib Bergquist A ren t e the people to care for our children and Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org Who else should o it? their future? Aren't we the people to carefor Mother Jesse Brisson ture Who elsehoulddo it? Don Malonrey At no time did people live with as much artificially Rbert Noble .produced electromagnetic radiation, also called electro Gerda Egerland, Anna Maria Car-rie r;-ce ', smog, as we do nowadays, and much more is coming. J.L. Robetson fast. Have your say: owtosubmit V Advertising SalesT yourHow os Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org The convenience of wireless. communications ltter to the e it SV Office Manager drives a big industry The advertising highlights all the a lettr t e or Connie Brannon, connie@islander.org -. "'"I 1"1" V ond t Gra phniis lander.org benefits, but never talks about the hazards or adverse : The Islander welcomes and encourages your opin- Kelly McCormick, ads@islander.org effects. Scientific evidence found out that the electro- ion letters. .. ,Ls~ ,'.ai.is h i..asl,.anier,- magnetic radiation, even at low levels, is dangerous The Islander accepts original letters of up to 250 Urbane Bouchet to human health. There is evidence of damage to cell words and reserves the right to edit .for length and Ross Roberts tissue and DNA and additionally ER has been linked grammar. Letters must include the city you reside in for Ail .ns i to brain tumors, cancer, suppressed irmnune function. publication and a phone number (for verification only). S(All others: news@islanderorg) (l nw i, Alzheimer's disease, sleep disorders, birth defects and Anonymous letters will not be printed. All letters to the '-, numerous other serious illnesses. This harmful radia-. editor remain on file at The Islander and available to .a. ,I:imq .. tion can reach as far as a mile away from the cell tower the public. w 0 ". ": location. Scientists state there is no safe level of ER. Letters are published on a space-available basis .o '. ..I Some health effects show: up immediately, others can with regard to timeliness of the material. Writers are Single.copies free Ouantlies of five or more:25 cents each. . .1992-2005 Edorial. sales and production offices: take three to 10 years to show up. More than 100 phy- limited to one published letter per month. Island Shopping Center, 54C-1 Marina Drive 'sicians at Harvard and Boston university schools of Address letters to Editor, The Islander, 5404 Holmes Beacr, FL 34217 "x -t WEITE 4 isl ec ,s -" public'health .have called cellular to\~ers a radiation Marina Drive. Holmes Beach FL 34217. fax to WEB SITE 'islander.iorg ,. .... ....... .......... 9 7 : FAX 941,778-430" P'Hbl]E Bi. ;... .... ':."::.. .' 4" 48"167 r; y q V VttT 1 7 . . . .. .. .' . TIE ISLANDER M FEB. 22, 2006 U A-7 r ctgayway you S slice it... its m VOalone B,, i.rmer Holmes Beach City Commi,::.;oner Don Maloney Why good names for bad storms? Funny how sometimes when I'm reading a story in the newspaper, I wind up thinking about a different subject altogether. Like just recently, I was reading about Braden- ton Beach officials' desire to extend the boundar- ies of their city out into the bay on one side and into the Gulf of Mexico on the other. First thing that came into my mind should that happen - was that a larger percentage of Bradenton Beach would be underwater than that of New Orleans. And New Orleans made me think of Hurri- cane Katrina, which made me think of hurricanes and how I never cared for the kind of names those storms get, and how such naming might affect humans with the same names. I don't know any Katrinas, but I'll bet from this past hurricane season on in time, every time somebody hears that name, they'll hit the owner with clever remarks like, "How did you like New Orleans; was it fun blowing down all those houses?" I do know a Charley, however, who is a real nice guy and never blew even bubble gum, but he says he's heard worse than that Katrina remark because of his moniker. Why, I've often wondered, don't they name storms after people who have already caused seri- ous trouble of one kind or other instead of using ordinary names like they have done in the past? Like, why not' call one "Hurricane Hitler?" The man with that name has already caused more damage in the world than all the Katrinas and Charleys put together. The only decent thing he ever did, as I recall, was giving us another chance to save France. And why not call one "Son of Sam?" Few hur- ricanes even Category 5 storms- could erase as many people as he did in New York some years back. For an occasional big long name, just for a change, we could use Bruno Richard Hauptmann. He deserves to be remembered for kidnapping the Lindbergh baby back in 1932. There are some other three-named bad folks we could use, too, like John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald. Plus, believe it or not, there was an Anna Maria Hahn who poisoned boyfriends, back in the late 1930s. A hurricane with her name, however, would probably cause many local ner- vous breakdowns, even if it only struck Longboat Key. And because of the havoc caused by men so identified, we shouldn't continue to avoid names like Dutch Shultz, or Al Capone or Lucky Luciano and should instead stop using good guys' names. I took up my idea idea seriously enough to take it up with the World Meteorological Organi- zation, which currently does all that storm naming. They didn't turn me down altogether, but instead showed me that they have already come up with hurricane names right through the year 2010, and suggested I come back then. They showed me some 150 names already in the books. I couldn't see one bad guy or girl ID'd among them. Well, there was one possibility that may be considered a payback, and that's "Wendy" on the 2007 list. But only because I never cared for square hamburgers. WMO officials said they have made some tiny changes in planned names over the years - like they have taken Keith off the 2006 list and replaced him with Kirk. Nobody there knew why except maybe to satisfy a friend named same as the former. I don't know if Latins will approve the first name on this year's list: Alberto. And if your name is Beryl, Chris, Debby or Ernesto (no relation to Alberto), you're in 2006's top five. If you're Wil- liam, you have to wait until the season is almost over. .- L . - n i V I ,i In the Feb. 22, 1996, issue of The Islander, headlines announced: Florida Division of Administrative Hearings Offi- cer Robert Meale ruled against the Florida Department of Transportation's planned 65-foot-high, fixed-span bridge to replace the Anna Maria Island Bridge and rec- ommended the Florida Department.of Environmental Protection not issue the necessary DEP permits to the DOT for the project. Holmes Beach city commissioners agreed to reduce the size of the planned new city hall from 12,000 square feet to a smaller, less expensive facil- ity. The Bradenton Beach City Commission agreed to hold a special meeting to hear staff grievances follow- ing the one-day resignation of Building Official Whitey Moran over differences with Mayor Leroy Arnold. ,- .. ,- ._. -. , Date Low High Rainfall Feb. 12 48 56 0 Feb. 13 46 59 Trace Feb. 14 44 62 0 Feb. 15 48 72 0 Feb. 16 56 76 0 Feb. 17 62 78 0 Feb. 18 62 78 0 Average Gulf water temperature 630 24-hour rainfall accumulation.with reading at approximately 5 p'm. daily. 24hor aifal ccmuato wihraiga prxmtl +~al JAY CRAWF ,D! Friday & Saturday Feb. 24i and 25 WELCOME BACK! Come on over and ,',; join the party! *Jay's material may be unsuitable for children. Special appearance by Brian Beebe /Thurs., Feb. 23, and Sun., Feb. 6u 474747474 OF### 4JS ^^^^*^^*^^**^^*^^*^ *^^*^^* Pitchers of Bud& - Miller Lite Only $7, N Mimosa Bloody Mary 'i Tequila Sunrise Screwdriver 2 for '6 ROTTEN RALPH'S WATERFRONT DINING LUNCH & DINNER 7 DAYS FULL BAR SERVICE 902 S. Bay Blvd. Anna Maria Located at Galati Marina 778-3953 *A ^Z.- f Mexico ' 0 I'FSH& CIP*AL DY jEVRYDAY $.9 We'd love to mail you the news! We mail The Islander weekly for a nominal $36 per year. It's the perfect Sway to stay in-touch with what's happening on Anna Maria Island. More than 1,400 happy, eager-for-Island-news paid subscribers are already receiving SThe Islander where they live ... from Alaska to Germany and California to SCanada. S We bring you all the news about three city governments, community hap- penings, people features and special events ... even the latest real estate transac- Stions ... everything you need if your "heart is on the Island." We're the only Newspaper that gives you all the news of Anna Maria Island. The Islander is distributed free locally. But if you don't live here year- round, or if you want to mail the paper to a friend or relative, please use this * form or log on to islander.org for secure e-mail transmission. BULK MAIL U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (allow 2 weeks for delivery) S L One Year: $36 O 6 Months: $28 L 3 Months: $18 U.S. FIRST CLASS AND CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS SOne Year: $140 L 6 Months: $87.50 0 3 Months: $52 S 'L Single Issue: $3.50 FIRST CLASS MAIL, U.S. ONLY, Maximum Four Weeks . Call for mail rates to Europe or other countries. S MAIL TO: S ADDRESS S CITY STATE ZIP - Credit card payment: L EB L No. Exp. Date Name shown on card: MAIL START DATE: The" Islander Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 : E CHARGE IT BY.PHONE: (941) 778-7978 4 OR ONLINE AT islander.org EUUU EUUUUUUU EEniimmm UUUUUElil UEE UimillEmllmm %Tti~sB~B~ L w Gulf of 8-A N FEB. 22, 2006 T THE ISLANDER DANIEL'S TRAVEL COMPANY Your Island Travel Agency We can fulfill all your travel dreams. (941)779-2050 ASK ABOUT $50 OFF CRUISE COUPON e-mail: dan@danielstravel.com web site: danielstravel.com UPDATE your look! Ka Thib .Pau SMaster Stylist & Color S Call (941) 713-7223 or (941) 792-4999 SLooks Salon (next to Albertson's) 7455 Manatee Ave W., Bradenton Island Florist You Know Why! 941-778-4751 800-771-7163 5312 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach www.island-florist.com Cd Dashiell r c;f- (941) 713-5244 ;{" with * MA#0014833 Denise Lehocki Jwlr Wc (941) 914-4265 By appointment .M; Gift certificates -' 9908 Gulf Drive Anna Maria . Pawsitively Pets & Property Services Inc. P.O. Box 265, Bradenton Beach, FL 34217 Quality Pet Sitting Reliable Property Services 761-7511 s INTERNATIONAL Annual Longboat rummage sale coming Saturday The annual rummage sale of the Ladies Guild of St. Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church on Longboat Key will be Saturday, Feb. 25, in the Stella Maris Activity Center. The annual event will be from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. behind the church, 4280 Gulf of Mexico Drive. In addi- tion to furniture, clothing, jewelry, etc., lunch will be available. Details may be obtained at 383-1255. Tickets are still available for Big Band Dance There are still tickets in plenty for the Big Band Dance Friday, March 3, at the Anna Maria Island Com- munity Center, the Center said. The tickets are $12 per person in advance or $15 at the door when the dance begins. They may be obtained at the Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Music will be by the Dream Classics from 8 to 11 p.m. Additional information may be obtained by call- ing 778-1908. Tax collector will address Kiwanis Club Saturday Manatee County's tax collector, Ken Burton Jr., will speak at a meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria Island Saturday, Feb. 25. The meeting will follow the club's weekly break- fast at 8:30 a.m. at the Cafe on the Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Further information is available at 778-8444. 'Celebrate Longboat Key' event needs sponsors The "Celebrate Longboat Key" gala is looking like a winner already, said its organizer, and it needs spon- sors to spread the word and pay the bills. It is a community celebration of the barrier island, scheduled from 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, March 11, in the Harbourside Dining Room of the Longboat Key Club, 2600 Harbourside Drive. Dinner, hors d'oeuvres, open bar and dancing to the Double Vision group's music are on the program, sponsored for the third year by the Longboat/Lido/St. Armand Keys Chamber of Commerce. A silent auction will offer such prizes as an extreme makeover, trip to Costa Rica, art, fishing trip, a cottage vacation in Maine and other goodies. Tickets at $150 per person are available at the chamber office, 6960 Gulf of Mexico Drive, 383-2466. Banfield CD being sold at Island historic museum The popular music on "Gulf of Mexico," a CD by Island guitarist Howie Banfield, has been added to the stock at the Anna Maria Island Historical Society's gift shop in Anna Maria, Carolyn Norwood said. It joins vintage jewelry pieces recently brought to the shelves of the museum, 402 Pine Ave. The society issued a call for vendors to sign up for the annual Island Heritage Day, March 4. Entry forms may be obtained at the museum or by calling 778-0492. Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Island dentist gives free care to needy kids The Island's Dr. Gy Yatros will join other dentists in providing free dental care for dozens of middle school children Saturday morning, Feb. 25. Needy youngsters registered in advance will get treatment from 8 a.m. to noon by Manatee County den- tists at the dental hygiene clinic at Manatee Community College, 5840 26th St. W., Bradenton. This is the first year for the program, which is envi- sioned to be an annual service. It is an outgrowth of the Manatee Dental Society's Give Kids a Smile pro- gram and will give restorative fillings as well as com- plete examination, cleaning, sealing, X-rays and dental health education. Yatros explained that due to the need for signed parental permission and other documents, it is limited to children who are registered in advance. He noted that only 1 percent of the Florida Medic- aid budget goes to dental care and that children from families with annual incomes under $20,000 have. 10 times more untreated dental needs than children whose families earn more than $50,000. 'Mr. Lucky' author Swain on Mote's special program James Swain, gambling expert, card handler and author of the novel "Mr. Lucky," among others, will speak at the Buchanan Room of Mote Marine Labora- tory at 2 and 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28. He will be the third author for the series "Mystery writers with a Florida connection" at Mote, 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., on City Island off the south ramp of the New Pass Bridge to Longboat Key. Proceeds from the $10 tickets go into the Mote library. Details may be obtained at 383-6158. "Bonded Insured li i: 51/f PCY PUT HOME FURNISHINGS INC. % .*" . Specializing in the unique and unusual for your home Custom creations by Cool 941-795-4788. Tim Gallagher/owner 941-962-0567 Mon-Sat 10-5 Closed Sunday Surfing World Plaza (next to Tyler's Ice Cream) Le Le MAils SProfessional Nail Care for Ladies & Gentlemen I Visit Jimmy, Rose & Lee! I I An extra 10% off for wedding groups FuI Set 1 WaWW RoadWes MO Cookie time Publix associate Tyler Fitzgerald, left, was one of the first customers to purchase Girl Scout cookies from Island Troop No. 193 members, left to right, Rainia Lardas, Kelly Guerin and Katie Hunt. Cookie sales will continue at the Holmes Beach Publix, and are.also available at The Islander office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Boxes cost $3.50 each..Islander Photo: Edna Tiemann THE ISLANDER L FEB. 22, 2006 U A-9 Island Dreams...4. Cottage-style liftnsfor your beach house Located at the corner of Spring Avenue and Gulf Drive 778-4050 AT CURVES, WE'RE TAKING SHAPE! COME JOIN THE FUN! JOIN NOW ANiT GT.- p!>OWB So much stuff for so little The Islander newspaper "yard sale" headed by Islander staff members Nancy Ambrose and Lisa Williams, center is a benefitfor the American Cancer Society and the sale continues Saturday, Feb. 25, with baked goods and Cuban coffee added. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy Islanders against cancer Members of The Islander newspaper staff have "teamed up" to fight cancer by joining the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. The relay event will be held in May at Coquina Beach, but the Islander team is working hard in advance to raise funds that will be a credit to their team in a quest to raise the most dollars - and awareness for the fight against cancer. This past Saturday saw a "yard sale" at The Islander office, resulting in $149.90 in sales, which will now expand into a bake sale on Feb. 25 at the same location. The first sale has prompted others to donate items to the yard sale, and home-baked yummies and fresh Cuban coffee will be on the "menu" at the Feb. 25 event.. The sale will be from 8 a.m. to noon at the news- paper office in the Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. For information, call 778-7978. 4228 60th St. W., Bradenton 5366 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach 794-2878 779-2878 Outdoor Kitchen Model Nlow Available I, j '. km q*igc I Pnuno Charcoal ias Crills Smokers Jnfared Crills fi&$ LA2 5350 Gulf Drive *. L OR Holmes Beach L T R779-9594 (S&S Plaza, next to post office) Professional Nail Care & Spa 5HiDPPE5 OF PARADISE BAY 7342 Cortez Rd. W., Bradenton 794-8888 RECEIVE FREE EXFOLIANT 5CRMIB WITH A MANICIARE AND PEDICIARE Gift Certificates Available Homes tour looms, tickets on sale By Jim Hanson Islander Reporter The annual Tour of Homes on Anna Maria Island is only three weeks away, and tickets are being sold now at various locations. It's best to get your tickets now, the sponsoring Anna Maria Island Community Center said, at $12 now or $15 on tour day. The tour is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 18, a benefit for the Center. The boutique is planned again this year, spon- sored again by Duncan Real Estate in one of the tour's homes: 506 67th St., Holmes Beach. It will feature a great variety of crafted-items, along with baked goods and homemade jam. Five homes are on the tour, selected from among the many volunteeredd in the Island's three cities. One is in Holmes Beach, four in Anna Maria City. During the tour will be a special lunch at Oh La La! Bistro. 5406 Marina Drive, with a "wine-tasting and delicious bites" at the Beach Bistro, 6600 Gulf Drive Longboat Key's beach renourishment project, stalled b\ a turtle kill, has resumed full bore, says Juan Florensa. the to\\ n's public works director. The job \ as shut down for the better part of a week in late January when a green turtle died in the intake mechanism of the dredge pumping sand from a borrow site in the Gulf onto the Longboat beach. The town, Manatee County and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers stopped action until they were assured no more turtles were threatened. But it wasn't that simple after all, Florensa said. It was the second turtle death since Noverm- bey, despite extensive and expensiv\e precautions following the tour, both in Holmes Beach. Tickets may be obtained at the Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria; The Islander office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach; Island Chamber of Commerce, 5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach; and Ace Hardware, 3352 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Also, LaPensee Plumbing, 5348 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach; Crowder Bro. Ace Hardware, 5409 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton; Ginny's Antiques and Art, 5602 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach; Lor- Ell's Hair Design, 401 Pine Ave.. Anna Maria; Robyn's Nest, 7459 Manatee Ave. \V., Bradenton; and Xcel Athletic Club, 6500 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton. Sponsors are Green Real Estate, the tour quilt; Duncan, boutique; Barnes Walker Title Co., Jim Mixon Insurance, LaPensee Plumbing, Wagner Realty, and Wells Fargo Mortgage, event sponsors; The Bradenton Herald. The Islander, and the Sun, media sponsors. Details may be obtained at 778-1908. to protect the endangered giant reptiles. Longboat has been pumping plentiful dark sand for a base in some areas and covering it \ ith the more hard- to-get white sugar sand for which h the beaches in the areas are famous. Both of the turtle deaths occurred while the dredge was pumping from the white sand borro\\ area. So when it cleared the job to continue, the Corps let Long- boat pump dark sand but held off on the white sand until it could be assured the turtles were not endan- gered, Florensa said. SNow that assurance is in hand, and pumping of both dark and white sand has resumed. A PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE & DUBROVNIK OCTOBER 5-12, 2006 $2,029- Rev. Bernie Evanofski of St. Peter's Parish, Naples, invites you to join him and fellow pilgrims on the 25TH ANNIVERSARY SPIRITUAL JOURNEY Includes: Airfare from Tampa, six nights lodging, daily breakfast and dinner, ;' private motor coach, transfers, professional tour escorts and much more. For details contact S : Barbara Murphy, (941) 779-1839 or a W r .:, 5.. .,...-,.9W :. : ,..... Beach renourishment job resumes on Longboat 10-A U FE '. 22. 2006 U THE ISLANDER "--^. ',4, .- .. .'I . Wednesday, Feb. 22 8 to 9 a.m. "Good Morning, Longboat Key" at the Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce, 6960 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 383-2466. 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. "Natural Capitalism" seminar with Rocky Mountain Institute at Manatee Community Col- lege, Center for Innovation -and Technology in Lakewood Ranch. Information: 309-1200, ext. 203. Fee applies. 12:30 to 4 p.m. Duplicate bridge at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Stepping-stone craft class at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. 6:30 p.m. "Real Life Conference" with Ron Lynch at the Island Baptist Church, 8605 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Infor- mation: 778-0719. 7 to 9 p.m. "Linkages: Land, Water, Bay" landscape forum at Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 779-0160. Thursday, Feb. 23 10:30 a.m. Author of "You're Stepping on My Cloak and Dagger" Roger Hall at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341. 2:30 to 4 p.m. Basics of Interior Design four-week course with Bettina Sego of Bettina Sego Interiors at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. Friday, Feb. 24 Noon to 2 p.m. One-stroke painting class with Jo Gustavsen at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. 6 to 9 p.m. Smooth Jazz with the Vee Magsax Project on St. Armands Circle, Sarasota. Information: 388-1554. 6 to 10 p.m. Parents Night Out babysitting service for toilet-trained children to age 12 at the Island Baptist Church, 8605 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 778-2979. 7:30 p.m. "The Met Stars," featuring Stuart Neill, Meagan Miller and Joseph Spinella, at the Longboat Island Chapel, 6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Fee applies. Saturday, Feb. 25 8 a.m. Manatee Firefighters all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast at WMFR Station No. 1, 6001 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Fee applies. 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Trinkets and Treasures yard sale at the Anna Maria Island Power Squadron, 1200 71st St. N.W., Bradenton. Information: 778-8408. 8:30 a.m. Kiwanis Club meeting with Manatee County Tax Collector Ken Burton at Cafe on the Beach, Manatee Public Beach, 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. 9 a.m. Orange Blossom Festival at Mixon Fruit Farms, 2712 26th Ave. E., Bradenton, featuring Anna Maria Island Wildlife Rehabilitation and more. Information: 748-5829. '-J Justaskforme- I'll j, Ir. 1 m r'hind tri p I JifIl ti No need to go street shopping in New York City .. We have all the famous designer names! Choose om Le the r Methlie S* hnpaitilej Baidbad$ Acessoies et welq Located in the Bradenton Outlet Mall 773-1204 6605 Manatee Ave. W. Mention this ad, get 10% off Super Minnesota Minnesota "snowbirds" cheered their favorites and had psychic readings at the 10th annual Super Bowl party hosted by Ilona and Duane Kerin on Key Royale. A hit besides the football game was individual readings by a "European psychic" before the game started. Islander Photo: Courtesy Ilona Kerin. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Street sale at Pines Trailer Park, 103 Church St., Bradenton Beach. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Rummage sale at St. Mary Star of-the Sea Catholic Church, 4280 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Digital photography class with Andy Little at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Mag- nolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. 6:15 p.m. Mardi Gras party at St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 792-7433, or 778-4769. Fee applies. CANCELED. 7:30 p.m. 'The Met Stars," featuring Stuart Neill, Meagan Miller and Joseph Spinella, at the Longboat Island Chapel, 6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Fee applies. Sunday, Feb. 26 3 to 5 p.m. "Renewal in American Judaism" with Rabbi David Starr at the Education Center, 5370 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 383-8811. Fee applies. Monday, Feb. 27 9 a.m. Island Widowed Persons support group at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. 4 and 7 p.m. "Feeding the Nation: The Aquaculture Alternative" lecture presentation by Kevan Main at Mote Immersion Cinema, 1700 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota. Information: 388-4441. Fee applies. Tuesday, Feb. 28 8:30 a.m. to noon Mangrove pruning seminar at Mote Marine Laboratory, 1600 Ken Thompson-Pkwy., Sarasota. SFebruary's - * 2_ Honey-Bee of the Month.I Austin Anderson Age nine months. Son of Robert and Tonia Anderson of Ellenton. He is a very happy and cheerful boy who laughs a lot. He has a great per- sonality and beautiful red hair. *I Full-time daycare Monday-Friday 7am-6pm For children ages 6 weeks to 5 years S3 nutritious meals daily, plus healthy snacks Fully staffed by quality and experienced DAYCARE child-care professionals 5382 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-2967 Information: 861-9804. Fee applies. 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Questions about Medicare Part D enrollment answered by Michael Vejins at the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce, 5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-1541. 11:45 a.m. Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island lunch with guest Dick Crippen, television sports commentator, at the BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 713-0042. Fee applies. 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Florida mystery writer James Swain lecture and book signing at Mote Marine Laborato- ry's Buchanan Room, 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota. Information: 388-4441. Wednesday, March 1 7 to 8 a.m. Pier Regulars meeting at the Anna Maria City Pier, 100 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria. Information: 778-7062. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. "Many Faces, One Story" Manatee Heritage Days exhibition at Family Heritage House Museum, Manatee Community College, 5840 26th St., Bradenton. Infor- mation: 752-5319. 1 p.m. Woman's Club of Anna Maria Island meeting at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Ongoing: "All Nude Review" artists exhibit at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach, through Feb. 24. Information: 778-2099. "Heaven Can Wait" at Manatee Community College, John James Studio Theatre, 26th Street at 60th Avenue West, Bradenton, through Feb. 25. Information: 752-5252. Fee applies. Paintings by Lee Mears at Island Gallery West, 5368 PLEASE SEE CALENDAR, NEXT PAGE SUNSHINE TAX SERVICE 7830 Cortez Road (941) 761-8353 (just West Of 75th St.) Bradenton, FL .4 f "Knob, Knob." "Who's there?" / ... i M r.c Coh .k qa" M Ich, ArrC i a13. UV.StaIfs Mr. Starfish... Mrs. Turtle is nesting! See our huge collection of cabinet hardware ... Buy life insurance and save on your car. hen you buy your life insurance from us through Auto-Owners Insurance, you'll receive special discounts on your car insurance. We'll save you money. As an independent Auto-Owners agent we take great i interest in you-as well as your car. Stop in our agency and ask us about it today! - ,Auto-Owners Insurance Life Home Car Business Jim Mixon Insurance Inc. 5412 Marina Drive Island Shopping.Center Holmes Beach (941) 778-2253 OLIR OFFICE I CL.OED FOR LUNCH NOON-1 DAILY. "Tropical Bugs Need A Tropical Service" CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Beaches Bradenton Sarasota Parrish 778-1337 794-1005 365-2893 776-0779 Full Service Exterior and Interior Island Pest Control Inc. SERyING TIEISLANDS MORE THAN 20 YEARS Slate Cenled/Licensed and Irnsured Locally ownea and operated THE ISLANDER 0 FEB. 22, 2006 M A-11 Calendar CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10-A Obituaries Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, through Feb. 28. Information: 778-6648. "The Highwaymen," Florida's African-American land- scape painters exhibit, at the South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton, through March 12. Information: 746-4131. Fee applies. "Many Faces,.One Story" Manatee Heritage Days exhi- bition at Family Heritage House Museum, Manatee Commu- nity College, 5840 26th St. W., Bradenton, through March 30. Information: 752-5319. Upcoming: Fashion Show at St. Bernard Catholic Church March 2. Saltwater fishing course at the Education Center, Long- boat Key, March 2. Religious Art & Artifacts Exhibit at the Church of the Annunciation March 3. Blood drive at the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Com- merce March 3. "Movie and a Martini" at the Women's Resource Center, Bradenton, March 3. "Gotta Dance" at the Anna Maria Island Community Center March 3. Island Heritage Day at the Island Historical Museum March 4. Food for Life cooking class at the Anna Maria Island Community Center March.4. The Great Manatee History Mystery Tour at Manatee Village Historical Park, Bradenton, March 4. Florida Democratic Party Chair Karen Thurman at the Sandbar restaurant March 5. Musicians Out of the Box concert at First United Meth- odist Church, Bradenton, March 5. The Jazz Connection at Bishop Planetarium, Braden- ton, March 5. Annual Run for the Turtles at Siesta Key Beach March 5. Gulf Coast Writers meeting at the Island Branch Library March 6. Pickle-Ball demonstration at the Anna Maria Island Community Center March 6. Save the Date: Dream Classics Concert/Dance at the Anna Maria Island Community Center March 10. Celebrate Longboat Key at the Longboat Key Club March 11. Flea market at Harvey Memorial Community Church March 11. Model ships and boats at the Manatee Civic Center March 11-12. St. Patrick's Day breakfast at the Moose Lodge March 17. Marie Koval Marie Koval, 94, of Bradenton and formerly Holmes Beach, died Feb. 15. Born in Pittsburgh, Pa., Mrs. Koval came to Mana- tee County from Cleveland, Ohio. She was a home- maker. She was a member of St. Bernard Catholic Church, Holmes Beach. There were no services. She is survived by husband of 71. years Stephen, John; son Ronald of Bradenton; sister Ruth Magnet of Clairmont; two grandchildren; and four great-grand- children. Charles C. McGary Jr. Charles C. McGary Jr., 78, of Bradenton Beach, died Feb. 11. . No services are planned. He is survived by wife of 57 years Romayne; sons Charles J. or Orland Park, Ill., and Scott R. of Braden- ton; and five grandchildren. Robert D. Taylor Robert D. Taylor, 81, of Anna Maria and Easton, Pa., died Feb. 14 in Phillipsberg, Pa. Born in Laurel Springs, N.J., Mr. Taylor moved to Boston, Mass., four years ago from Medford, N.J. He was retired from Conrail after 41 years of service. He was a lieutenant in the U.S. Army Air Force during World War II. He was an active charter member and deacon and financial secretary of Shawnee Baptist Church in Shamong; N.J. Memorial services were Feb. 17 in Shamong. He is survived by wife Bette J.; sons Robert D. Jr. of Union, Miss.; Richard S. of Napa, Calif.; daughter Barbara J. Woodard of Easton; and 10 grandchildren. Ooh La La! changes, Sunday brunch retained Ooh La La! Bistro in Holmes Beach announced this week that it will open for dinner seven nights a week, and will no longer offer lunch with the exception of its popular Sunday brunch. The restaurant is available for private luncheons, and the change in.hours includes a new happy hour from 5 to 7 p.m. nightly that includes two-for-one wine by the glass and beers, reduced prices on popular appe- Luncheon and fashion show set at St. Bernard A luncheon and fashion show will be presented by the St. Bernard Catholic Church Women's Guild at noon Thursday, March 2. The event will begin at noon at the church activity center, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Tickets at $15 will be sold after weekend masses and at the church office. Details are available at 778-4769. tizers and special offerings. Sunday brunch is.served from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The restaurant is located in the Island Shopping Center, 5406-5408 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. For information or reservations, call 778-5320. Information is also available online at oohlalabistro.com. Women's Club meets March 1 The Women's Club of Anna Maria Island will meet at 1 p.m. Wednesday, March 1, at the Anna Maria Island Commu- nity Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Hostesses are Leda Van Wormer, Jan Dawson and Jeanne McGrath. Further information is available at 794-0624. Firefighters serving pancakes The West Manatee Firefighters Association will serve an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast starting at 8 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 25. The breakfast will be at Fire Station No. -1, 6001 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Cost is $4 for adults, $3 for children. Details are available at 741-3900. WILLS TRUSTS ESTATE PLkNNING JAY HILL A ttorller -,at-La r 778-4745 Anna Maria, Florida AERIAL PHOTOS OF ANNA MARIA ISLAND. LONGBOAT KEY _Yo ma/oer hol, lar. ou tra.'el Ile're .s no,) place li/ee .Aone. 41 , -t* I- . . y rpCKU -2e/f~t Td~ui; - 17. 4" e"y i. flLE~?~eI-4i~ -> Mo~' ~~ 1q ELKA PHOTOGRAPHIC 1 941-778,2711 *M1~H~n~ler~~mamnnarrma~nrmreasrrrrr S.'V In 1 t/~ ~fr-tii~3~--i 12-A E FEB. 22, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER Manatee Heritage Days through March By Jim Hanson Islander Reporter Anna Maria Island, Cortez and Egmont Key attrac- tions will be featured during Manatee Heritage Days all during March, with the Island's Heritage Day March 4 leading the list. Even the cover of the event's brochure is local - it has a rendering of "Fish Docks, Cortez, 1964" as its main attraction. The observance is sponsored by the Manatee Heritage Association under the Manatee County Historical Commission. Topping the billing for March 11 and 12 is the model boat show at Manatee County Convention Center, 1 Haben Blvd., Palmetto. It is the work of the Model Boat Guild of the Florida Gulf Coast Maritime Landscape forum in Holmes Beach The Holmes Beach Parks and Beautification Com- mittee environmental forum focusing on the relation- ship between residential landscaping, fertilizers and. water quality will be from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 22, at Holmes Beach City Hall. The public education forum will feature a panel of guest speakers who will each give a 10- to 15-minute presentation. Kellie Dixon, program manager of the chemical ecology staff at Mote Marine Laboratory will present "Nutrients many sources, many 'disguises,' many effects," followed by Mark Alderson's presentation "Sarasota Bay Nutrient Management." Alderson is executive director of the Sarasota Bay Estuary Pro- gram. Ed Rosenthal, president and CEO for Florikan Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture will speak on - environmentally sustainable agricultural fertilization practices. Manatee County Extension Service agent Peggy Dessaint will speak about "Florida Yards and Neigh- borhoods," and Dr. Maureen Hirthler, a resident and master gardener, will speak about having a Holmes Beach yard. Following the panel presentation there will be an opportunity for the public to raise questions. For more information, call committee program chair Kathleen King at 779-0160. Waterfronts Florida contract approved Bradenton Beach has entered into a two-year contract with the Florida Department of Community Affairs for enhancements to the city's waterfront, but not without some trepidation. City commissioners last week approved the con- tract designating the city a "Waterfronts Florida" site. SThe designation comes with a $50,000 grant to develop plans for the city's shore, both bay and Gulf, as well as some implementation dollars. The trepidation factor arose due to a glitch, appar- ently from DCA, which delayed the contract being sent to the city. One of the "deliverables" was to be com- pleted by the end of January, and another by the end of February, based on a timeline that should have had the Contract approved by all parties by last year. However, newly appointed project/program man- ager Dottie Poindexter said she had spoken with and received correspondence from DCA officials regard- ing the timeline glitch, and received assurances that the dates in the contract could and would be changed.. .. City commissioners unanimously approved the contract, with an accompanying letter requesting a revi- sion of the timeline. The committee developing the vision of the water- fronts program will meet at 4:30 p.m. Feb. 22. Pines street sale Saturday The Pines Trailer Park's annual street sale will be from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 25, with main entrance at 103 Church St., Bradenton Beach. On tap are a white elephant table, miscellaneous merchandise and knickknack tables, food sales, lunches and home-baked pies. Details may be obtained at 778-2654.. . Museum at Cortez. Cortez Heritage Days, with its tour of historic homes and the Cortez schoolhouse, built in 1912 and now renovated and restored as a community building, will bring tours of the historic fishing village Friday and Saturday, March 24 and 25. From Friday through Sunday, March 31 to April 2, the first Great Florida Gulf Coast Water Craft Fes- tival will be in Cortez. It is sponsored by the Florida Gulf Coast Maritime Museum and its Traditional Small Crafts Association. Egmont Key will be the focus of a slide program at 2 p.m. March 28 at the Central Library, 1301 Barcar- rota Blvd. W., a free presentation subtitled "The Little Island With a Big History." Other events on the Manatee Heritage Days include: Opening event March 1 through 30, "Many Faces ... Our Story" exhibition at the Family Heritage House Museum, 5840 26th St. W., Bradenton, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays. To follow during the month will be special pro- grams at the Crosley Mansion, Art Walk in the Vil- lage of the Arts, South Florida Museum, Gamble Plan- tation, Manatee Settlement, Indian Springs Park, Pal- metto Heritage celebration, DeSoto National Memo- rial birthday celebration, Fogartyille, Parrish and Snead Island Heritage Days. Full details may be obtained from the heritage association at 749-7165. Irish dancers Each Monday at the Anna Maria Island Community Center a large group gathers to master the skills of Irish Ceili (say "kay-lee ") dancing, which is "party" in Gaelic. Instructor John Corbett has been teaching Ceili dancing on the Island for more than 15 years and says, "If you listen to the music, you'll do great." Class runs from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. with the first half-hour devoted to advanced dancers. A nominal fee pertains, and the party ends in March. No partner needed. For more information, call Corbett at 778-2426. Pirate invasion for AME Spring Fling, ticket sales begin By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter The "Pirates of Anna Maria" have taken the helm for the Fourth Annual Anna Maria Elementary School Spring Fling to be held at St. Bernard Catholic Church May 13. The event is hosted by the school's Parent-Teacher Organization as a recognition night for AME staff and a fundraising opportunity. This year's event, with a Caribbean theme, will fea- ture dinner, entertainment and a silent auction of both handcrafted items made by students and items donated by local businesses. Ticket prices have increased to $35 for this year's event, but event chairperson Joy Murphy said that it is still far below the cost of tickets to similar events hosted 'Parents' Night Out' Friday The Island Baptist Church in Anna Maria will have its monthly "Parents' Night Out" from 6 to 10 p.m. Friday, Feb. 24, with all Island children from potty- trained to age 12 welcome. Donna Perez said teenage volunteers may receive credit for.service hours. She noted there is no charge and pizza, popcorn and drinks will be provided. For information and to sign up, call her at 778-2979. Pickle ball demonstrations Demonstrations of pickle ball, a mini-tennis game from Puget'Sound, will be given from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. March.6 and 9 at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Sign-ups forplay and organization of leagues will come later, said the Center. The game was named for a dog owned by one of the men who devised the game during a ferry ride between Seattle and Bainbridge Island.,......... by other schools. Ticket sales will begin March 1 and AME families will have the first opportunity to purchase tickets before they are made available to the public later in the month. Only 350 tickets are available for the event. In addition to individual tickets, groups may pur- chase tickets for a table of eight for $260. Tables of 10 can also be accommodated and those interested should call Murphy. There are also sponsorship opportunities available. "Diamond" sponsors receive a full-page ad in the event program, slide-show advertising during the event, a photo opportunity in the Island newspapers, and a table for eight guests. Other sponsorship levels are also avail- able. The PTO is hoping to top $25,000, the amount that has been raised by the three previous Spring Flings. Each year the funds are designated for specific pur- chases. This year monies will be divided between three items: The first funding project is the purchase of a new science series for all grade levels. AME teacher Karen Newhall has already, raised more than $10,000 with her Walk for Science Walk-a-Thon. The Spring Fling committee hoped to provide another $10,000 to that amount. Second, the PTO hopes to put $10,000 toward the purchase of books for the school's new library, which is much larger than the former library. Finally, a request has been made for the PTO to ,replace the large format laminator used for a variety of school projects. It will cost $5,000. The event will be 6-11 p.m. and babysitting ser- vices will be provided by School of Constructive Play, Anna Maria, for up to 60 children. Pre-registration is required and parents can sign up at the time they pur- chase tickets. There is no. extra cost for babysitting, although tips are appreciated. For more information, call Murphy at 730-2820. THE ISLANDER U FEB. 22, 2006 M A-1- Streetlife Island police reports Anna Maria City No reports available. Bradenton Beach Feb. 13, 100 block of Third Street South, traffic arrest. A man was arrested for driving with a suspended license. According to the report, the officer encountered the individual earlier in the day when he was in the company of another man stopped for driving without a license. According to the report, when the suspect was asked if he could drive the vehicle for his friend, he replied that he could not as he was an "habitual traffic offender." So when the officer saw him driving a dif- ferent vehicle a few hours later, he was stopped and the officer confirmed the man's license had been suspended for traffic violations. Holmes Beach Feb. 12, 8000 block of Marina Isles, criminal mis- chief. A man reported the side of his truck had been scratched. Feb. 12, 4000 block of Gulf Drive, drug arrest. Rachel Haber, 21, of.Bradenton, was arrested after a routine traffic stop. According to the report, Haber was in violation of parole and was wanted on two Hillsbor- ough County warrants, one for possession of heroin and one for possession of drug paraphernalia. During a search of the i vehicle, the officer found a wooden box in the driver's side door containing marijuana and drug paraphernalia. Feb. 13, 200 block of 78th Street, harassment. A woman reported receiving harassing phone calls and requested a police report in order to pursue the matter further with her cell phone service provider. Feb. 13, 400 block of 62nd Street, information. A man called police claiming that his neighbors were drunk and shouting at him through their adjoining apartment walls. Upon further investigation, it was determined no suchincident happened and, although the man was apparently takingmedication, his case was referred to appropriate authorities for further mental health intervention. Feb. 14, 6500 block of Gulf Drive, driver's license. Two juveniles were taken into custody after an officer stopped their vehicle, which was being driven errati- cally. One of the 14-year-olds was reportedly behind the wheel. Both Sarasota juveniles had been reported as runaways and they were released into the custody of their parents. Feb. 15, 3000 block of Avenue C, lost property. A OPEN Mon.-Fri. 70oam-7pm Sat., Sun., Holidays 7soam-5pm WALK-INS WELCOME S We're available to tend to your urgent care needs Fever/Infections Minor Lacerations Simple Fractures Sprains PINNACLE MEDICAL CENTER 315 75th Street West Bradenton .941-761-1616 Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, ELCA Pastor Richard Baker Saturday 5pm Service of Celebration sunday 8 and 10:30 am -Worship Services i,. Nursery available at 10:30am A -.. gloriadeilutheran.com 608 Marina Drive S* ..' Holmes Beach L T 778-1813 APPEL LATE LBAW Presswood Law Firm, P Civil and Criminal Appeals, Kehdra D. Presswoo, Employment Law 1806,Manatee Ave. W., Bradentop FL 34205, 749-6433 www.presswoodlaw.com MCSO investigates reported Anna Maria child abuse The Manatee County Sheriff's Office is reportedly investigating an alleged incident of child abuse in Anna Maria, according to a source familiar with the investi- gation. Detectives from the MCSO Crimes Against Chil- dren unit have already executed a search warrant in Anna Maria, the source said, and an arrest is likely. The case reportedly involves a Feb. 7 incident in Anna Maria in which a mother allegedly threatened to tie up her juvenile son. According to the source, a neighbor of the family heard the child screaming while the incident was taking place and called the MCSO. Upon investigation, detectives from the MCSO's child protection unit reportedly heard "allegations about abuse" and found "possible injuries" on the child's back, potentially related to prior abuse. Sgt. John Kenney of the MCSO's Anna.Maria sub- station referred all inquiries to Dave Bristow of the MCSO's public affairs department. A detective at the MCSO's Child Protective Divi- sion, which also includes the Crimes Against Children unit, said she could not comment on any specific case. Questions were again directed to Bristow. Bristow confirmed the MCSO is involved in an investigation and he anticipates that the results of that investigation will be sent to the state attorney's office, which then determines if the case will be prosecuted. He further said it appeared to him that the com- plaint had originated at Stewart Elementary School. man reported the loss or theft of a tag from a vehicle he was transporting from an auction to his car lot. Feb. 16, 3101 Gulf Drive, Mike Norman Realty, suspicious person. An employee reported receiving an application from a man that was filled out with answers that appeared to be in ajoking manner. However, when the man called the office to follow up, he was told his application would not be considered as provided, such as listing Saint Peter.as his previous landlord. The man allegedly became agitated and the employee reported feeling threatened. Feb. 16, 100 block of 72nd Street, burglary. A man reported his Garmin navigator stolen from the dash- board of his car, as well as a Cobra radar detector. / \ Improve the, Quality of Your Life Carol Greer Siemaszko B.A. Ed.,.M.A. Psych CERTIFIED COUNSELOR AND LIFE COACH \f / 941-794-1492 . Perico Island Bradenton BEN COOPER & ASSOCIATES INC TAX AND ACCOUNTING SERVICE Need your refunds early? We offer electronic filing. Day and evening appointments available. ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS ~ OPEN YEAR ROUND We prepare individual, corporate, partnership, homeowner association and LLC tax returns. We also do intangible and tangible tax returns. Ben Cooper, E.A. 3909 E. Bay Drive, Suite 110 Holmes Beach, F1 34217 (941) 778-6118 Fax: (941) 778-6230 e-mail: benacooper@aol.com YOU CAN FEEL BETTER! S Prime Delight is a delicious : pomegranate juice with CoQ 10 ".: and plant adaptogens. AMS Health Sciences (AMEX:AMM) Call Loretta Owens (941) 778-2658 or visit The Good Earth Northwest Promenade 6717 Manatee Ave. W. Springfest right around the corner The annual Springfest festival of fine arts and crafts has more than 100 professional artists and crafters. signed up already for its 18th edition March 11 and 12, said the sponsoring Anna Maria Island Art League. It will be from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. both days at the soccer field adjacent to Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive. Admission and parking are free. The family event will feature continuous live music, large food court, exhibits by local historical and environmental groups and, of course, the many exhibits by artists and crafters. Works of art donated by many exhibiting artists will be raffled during the day, with six tickets for $5, Proceeds go into the league's scholarship fund. Springfest is one of the two major fundraisers for the art league, the other being Winterfest in December. They fund the league's art classes, gallery, and, com- munity programs. Details may be obtained by calling 778-2099. Affaire to Remember plans advancing Plans are moving right along for the 2006 Affaire to Remember, the major fundraising festivity for the Anna Maria Island Community Center, Trudy Moon said. This will be the llth Affaire she will have-chaired, with a record of success emphasized by last year's. $770,000 in funds for the Center. The 2006 event will be Saturday, April 29, in the ballroom of St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. More than 350 attended last year's Affaire, and Moon noted that the big party traditionally sells out early so it's time to start making reservations. Tick- ets are $150 per person, $1,200 per table. They may be obtained by calling 778-1908. The event will begin at 5 p.m. with a silent auc- tion and champagne reception. Dinner will be at 6:30, followed by a live auction and dancing to music by Shaman. Proceeds as usual will go to the Center, which serves -more than 5,000 children, families and seniors. FAT -CAT . .Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Stain & Odor Control Tile and Grout Color, Cleaning and Stain Control! 778-2882 or 387-0607 www.FatCatCarpetCleaning.com LARRY & NANCY HOUSE, OWNERS SENIOR ASSISTED LIVING "Island Living for Seniors Who Desire the Best" NOW ACCEPTING NEW RESIDENTS Call for an appointment to visit our caring family facility 2202 Avenue B Bradenton Beach 779-0322 2005 SMALL BUSINESS PERSON OF THE YEAR I land Chiprnaetie *_ OteI Dr. Kathleen Goerg Now Offering Thai Massage! Lic# MA33390 778-0722 3612 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach, FL 34217 "" Visit our Web site: www.Islandchiro.com 14-A E FEB. 22, 2006 E THE ISLANDER Anna Maria Elementary menu: Monday, Feb. 27 * Breakfast: Waffle Sticks, Cereal, Toast, Bagel, Fruit . SLunch: Popcorn Chicken or Ravioli, Breadstick, S Mixed Vegetables, Sliced Peaches, Juice Bar Tuesday, Feb. 28 * Breakfast: Egg and Cheese Biscuit, Cereal, Toast, Fruit * Lunch: Macaroni and Cheese or Trout Bites, Green Beans, Roll, Fruit Cocktail Wednesday, March 1 Breakfast: French Toast Sticks, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Chicken Nuggets or Hamburger Gravy on * Mashed Potatoes, Veggies with Dip, Sliced Pears Thursday, March 2 Breakfast: Pancakes with Apple Topping, Cereal, Toast, Fruit * Lunch: Hot Dog or Taco Salad, Potato Smiles, * Winter Veggie Mix, Chilled Applesauce, Chortles Friday, March 3 SBreakfast: Blueberry Muffin, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Pizza or Burrito, Corn, Garden Salad, Fresh Fruit Cup S Juice and milk are served with every meal. S. . . . . . .* Science walk Third-grade teacher Karen Newhall, front row on left, helps lead Anna Maria Elementary School students around the playing field fr the Science Walk-a-Thon Feb. 14. She organized the event, which raised more than $10,000 for the purchase of a new schoolwide science series from Harcourt Publishers. The series includes textbooks, visual aides, equipment to conduct experiments, workbooks and more. All grade levels participated in raising funds, and braving the cold weather for a brisk half-hour walk. Prizes from Harcourt and local businesses were awarded throughout the walk. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose Testing one, two, three, be on time to AME Beginning Monday, Feb. 27, all students at Anna Maria Elementary School and districtwide in grades three through five will be taking the Florida Compre- hensive Assessment Test. Grades one and two will take the Stafiford Achievement Test. Testing at AME will begin each day at 8:45 a.m. sharp in order to allow all students to have adequate time to test, go to their special area classes, and have All-you-can-eat SPancakes & Sausage S95 Mon* ri 7am-noon 5 Sat.Sun 7am- pm Evening entertainment! 4-8pm \\ed LarrI Rich Thur, & Sat Rick Bold c Fn & Sun Torn Moble, lMon Tues Mark Cra\en' \ Monday Italian Night >^B JI f All-you- $795 J can-eat 4-8pm TUESDAY 4-8pm r SUNSET SPECIALS TACo & FAJNITYA Every Wednesday 4-8pm S All-You- 95 Can-Eat " --,, Thursday German Buffet All-you- $995 Sf can-eat 4-8pm FRi'I FRY 2-8 pm S > ': with fries and slaw / e1- LL.EOUC..-EAT 03 A LL o $495 OPEN 7 A1 7 DAYS A \\EEK BEER & \ INE 400(tGulf DiuL\ e .Hfollnme Beach *. 778-078- .. lunch, said Principal Kathy Hayes. Students arriving after 8:40 a.m. will not be per- mitted to go to class until the testing session is com- pleted. "This creates stress for the child and causes makeup sessions to be scheduled," said Hayes, who asks that parents "help us ensure a smooth testing period by making sure your child arrives on time, and has a good night's rest." This year the Manatee County School District is offer- WERE NOT JUST YOUR. GRANBDADDYS FISHING PIE.L S, Th City Pier I restaurant. . ". f -WERE WHERE YOU'LL FIND... THE FRESHEST SEAFOOD AND THE BEST VIEW FOR ISLAND DINING ing a free breakfast for each student on testing days. To take advantage of the offer, students must arrive at school no later than 8 a.m. on test days. The following is a schedule of testing days for each grade level. Feb. 27 March 1, all grade levels. March 6-7, grades one and five. March 8, grades one, three, four and five. March 9, grades three, four and five. For more information, call the school at 708-5525. "Old Florida Original" An Anna Maria Island Landmark Est. 1952 Eat in Take out Tues-Thurs 11-8 Fri & Sat 11-9 Sun 12-8pm Closed Mon Across from the Manatee Public Beach 3901 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-7769 www.floridasecrets.com a.p. BeLL fiH compaNy iNc. Fresh Seafood Since 1910 Great selection of locally caught Grouper, Snapper, Shrimp, S Panfish and much more. Planning a fishing trip- Call about our Lig selection of frozen bait! DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAY See you at our docks! 941-794-1249 '- - 4600 124th St. W. Cortez, Floridal .;:: Capalbo's HOUSE OF PIZZA LUNCH PIZZA BUFFET- $4.99 *DINNER PIZZA BUFFET $6.29 Dinner buffet includes pizza, soup and salad bar! 792-5300 10519 Cortez Rd. W. S. Mon-Sat 1 tam-1 Opm Sunday noon-9- TesIan ri By RICK uatimn ow-,- ~~: ~"-S.. Island home Joe Lasota grew up on Anna Maria Island, but after graduating from Mana- tee High School, decided to head west for the golden beaches of California for a two-week vacation. That vacation turned into a six-. year stay, but Joe is back home now and he's just opened Benchmark Home Improve- ments, providing quality repairs and improve- ments to homes and condomini- ums for Islanders arid Palma Sola and west Braden- ton residents. Joe's specialties are tile installation and interior painting, but he also per- forms minor plumbing repairs, rescreen- ing of doors, windows and porches, small electrical repairs and pressure washing. Joe, who lives in Holmes Beach, is offering Islanders 24/7 service. "Because I live on the Island, I can get to an emergency repair much faster than someone on the mainland. And I'm available 24 hours a day, seven days a week." In addition to home improvements, however, Joe is also providing condo- minium inspections services to absen- tee owners, a valuable service during Tops at Norman Mike Norman, left, of Mike Norman Realty in Holmes Beach, recently presented Realtor Vic Caserta with the company's 2005 Sales Associate of the Year Award. Caserta, a Holmes Beach resident, said the award was "icing on the cake" for working at the company. the summer and fall months when many winter residents head north. Joe works inorninii; for a local con- dominium as a maintenance supervisor and is well versed in maintaining a con- dominium while an owner is away. Licensed and insured, Joe guaran- tees the "fast service" of Benchmark Home Improvements. For more information, call Joe at 778-1916. Realty raves Gulf-Bay Realty at 5309 Gulf Drive in Holmes Beach has named Sharon McCon- nel as its top selling agent for January, while Heather and Jennifer Absten won the top list- ing agent award. Wagner Realty at 2217 Gulf Drive N. in Bradenton Beach recently hon- ored Becky Smith and Elfi Starrett as the company's top listing agents for January at the Anna Maria Island office, while Dorothy Cook won the award at Wag- ner's Longboat Key office. The sales leaders at the Island office were Jo Warren and Beverly Moore, and Bill Greene on Longboat Key. Top honors in the closed volume category at the Longboat Key office went to Jack McCormick. The top producers for January at A Paradise Realty at 5203 Gulf Drive in Holmes Beach were Ken Rickett in sales andDebbie Dial in listings. Got a new business going up in Anna Maria Island, Cortez or Long- boat Key? How about a new product or service, an anniversary, a new hire, or an award-winning staff member? Call Island Biz at 778-7978, fax your news to 778-9392, or e-mail us at news @ islander.org. Continental Bistro New happy hour nightly, 5-7 at the bar tres c ic :. -., r ,$,. 5-106. "orith. NVe Holmes Beach 778-5320 SCHNITZELHAUS Q The Best German Restaurant on Florida's West Coast Every Friday Bavarian Haxen I(Pork knuckle with bread dumpling and red cabbage) Please phone ahead 24 hours Reservations a must! 778-1320 HOURS: MON-SAT 5-9:30PM Anna Maria Island Centre 3246 E. Bay Drive Holmes Beach c DISCOUNT LIQUOR COCKTAIL LOUNGE N, Coupon Good Feb. 22-28, 2006 WolfsmidtVodka I MANATEE COUNTY'S Bud & Bud Lite # I INDEPENDANT 20 pack bottles 1299Q #1 IDOEPENDALET $14991 - ^12" ^ I II, I 14 CI A A Beard Invitatin-epebeI 20 AestFggdand SericSi Ford FLRIATR* D GoldenSpon al o Fm Awar ofExcllece3 12B eaB 660 Guf Div, Ana ara Ilan, urfsid ^^^^*'^www^^beachbistro Ii^^com I, *V as t Lasota ,MOORE'S Stone Crab Restaurant ON THE BAY-END OF BROADWAV, N. LONGBOAT KEY COME FRY mOUR F NEW tHPrYBr 4-EMp 4SwAFOOD, STAKs, BAR MENU (AR ONLY) SISj CHICKEN Ec PASTA LUNal SPECIALs 3:30 5:30 FRESH STONE 11:30AM-3:30pM A FIow. Fr n CRABS DAILY EVEnRYAY Swawm Cfa MUSSELS' LARGE CHILDREN'S RWiN oursiE AnwG RAw Orsrs MENU 941,38S31:748- 7 DAYS,A WEEK 11:30AM-: 9;30PM t~B~ij~; THE ISLANDER M FEB. 22. 2006 N A-15 " -"I .%., -. . Featured sale: This home at 218 82nd St., Holmes Beach, sold in April 2004 for $373,000 and at the beginning of this year for $585,000, representing a 57 percent increase and it was on the market only 71 days. The cost per square foot is $324. Islander Photo: Jesse Brisson Island real estate sales 714 Jacaranda Road, Anna Maria, a 2,242 sfla / 3,103 sfur 2bed/2bath canal- front home built in 1969 on two 50x150 platted lots was sold 01/30/06, Finold to Talbot for $1,100,000. 614 Dundee Lane, Holmes Beach, a 1,817 sfla / 2,497 sfur 3bed/3bath/lcar canalfront pool home built in 1969 on a 90x115 lot was sold 02/03/06, Walker to Jenkins for $850,000; list $895,000. .218 82nd St., Holmes Beach, a 1,802 sfla / 1,954 sfur 3bed/2bath home built in 1955 on a 90x90 lot was sold 01/30/06, Geiger to Hicks for $585,000; $615,000. Last year there were five sales recorded in the Manatee Multiple List- ing Service for the week of Feb. 3-10. This year saw two sales recorded during the same period. Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at Gulf-Bay Realty of Anna Maria, can be reached at (941) 778-7244. Current Island real estate transactions may also be viewed online at www.islanderorg. Copyright 2006. 16-A U FEB. 22, 2006 U THE ISLANDER .. I. .4 Wisteria Park is a new neighborhood in Northwest Bi adenton offered by Neal ConiunumIis. There is something for-every- one with mnantenance-firce and ir.adijorial singlk-lnmilvihomes and tc l\'e floor plans with iw'o-story opiions, ranging from 2.015 to 3,3-41 al sCqure feet Visit Wisteria Parki today and tour our four beautiful new moldcl il4 f- . ij F\ lI.I.hllil uil Iniillt I lhIm ilK '.t10 ls inJludii lilnghoimewr.i *941-- 32-..3 3, T",ll-tr 866-7'-2-.5 .1.3 MlaminLnanLe-rnKC- honmls from the hri,,h $ +t0s in.'l ii. I'n m si: n 0.4r 1-702- 3 I 6 loll -fIe 877-792-3366 P ,-26 r i iTi'i \\\ r.iJl nm,'n fl 'ila ?I-4200 iM..IL. I' ,pen dal'.- .1 ir, i'T p MiTnd '. .' N' 'n 0"O0 P m S 3---*.- - Al, Penco Hu im or" Anna Maria Island & Gulf Beachcs Robinsono Preserve Botanical Garden Park Rivertown Marina Stckart iicmlentarv Sicool Geialdson Fanius Produce King Middlc school PI.S. Pst Office LUrgcn Care Medical Center NEAL,. V L. Building. Home. Life. wwvw, nealco munities.com ,(t' f (4C ,'" 9rs T Ae Islande The Islande e rtez oemmerctal finq estvoaacs 'em in ..- ..' ,Q ".., -o ,-, -.. --. .r .- q"3 SO- - '1' hF : , i~C I A -5.t" 4 ,:: i. ILCZ .-I N g .I' ', -+ .. _ Blue Fulford spent the weekend working on cast nets during the Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival on the Miller dock, chatting with visitors about his lifelong career in fishing. Islander Photos: Paul Roat tr~ "'' +..% ii -+,-'.,: .. '" .... i .. ... ." ... Bil;.t'+ '~1~. i I ; ':; -% ':"":-" ; .., .-- :-i I[11:' ~ q I '' L .. ,2;" ;-~-"' ',. ;' '% : ''- -,: :_. '-;, ,j :+ .. i., :.,.. :.'-4 ....'.,:i. -_ }' - :: -:.}"i,, ;IhP -; .-.. .- L "'" "j ,' ' ; C '* .,. ,:1 ,. '. :- FiF.._- '" 'f zr ,. ,: .. ' ?i-'-'t, :I '" --~~ "--i, X .. ." '' ." " -" .:" ".; ::' : + ; ; + -:" :""/- ,t ....-.... :- ,,, i ,,. ...,+.: -.: BleFlodspn-hweed okn ncstnt uigth otzCmerilFsigFetvlo.h Milrdok hatn wt istr boths ieon aee nfihn.Isne Phto."alRa Wii ; f Honored at the festival were Islander reporter Jim Peggy Giblin and Howie Banfield were among the musi- Hansonfor his community service to the village and cians entertaining at the two-day festival in Cortez. Dolores Smith, 90, oldest attending Cortezian. Donna Norden, a winter visitor from Ohio, enjoyed the fishy, finny experience at the festival. There was more than seafood at the festival rides and games for kids were available, including this trampoline-bungee experience popular for many. Ttsf4Rn for bn, ereservatton Tens of thousands of visitors crowded the historic fishing village of Cortez Satur- day and Sunday to eat, play, see living his- tory and bask in the most glorious weather so far this year. It was the annual Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival, whose prof- its will go into purchases of the remaining small parcels in the FISH Preserve at the eastern end of the village. This llama at the festival's petting zoo decided to take direct action for a free lunch right out of the dispenser. 2-B M FEB. 22, 2006 T THE ISLANDER We love those little shrimpies, hate those evil weevils If the Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival has served to whet your appetite for fresh Florida seafood, here's some information for you. According to the Florida Department of Agricul- ture and Consumer Services' Bureau of Seafood and Aquaculture Marketing, shrimp is the No. 1 seafood choice among U.S. consumers. "The consumption per person in 2004 was 4.2 pounds. Like Bubba in the For- rest Gump movie, we apparently like it many different ways, from sushi to casseroles." Apparently Florida fishers caught about 28 million pounds in 2004, enough to meet that average consump- tion rate for 6.7 million people. As to shrimp trivia, they have "five pairs of legs for walking and five for swimming. In addition to sensory antennas, they have compound eyes so they can seek out their diet of small plants and animals." The agriculture experts also said the average life cycle of a shrimp in the wild is 13 months or less. Female shrimp lay over 1,000 eggs, which are attached to its swimming legs. Young shrimp are carried by cur- rents into coastal estuaries to mature. "Although most of us think of the types of shrimp in relation to size small, medium, large and jumbo - there are over 2,000 different species worldwide," according to the agriculture department. "In Florida, there are five shrimp species of commercial value in the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic. They include brown, pink, white, royal red and rock. The majority of the shrimp harvested in Florida are the pink species. "Some shrimp can be caught during the day, but the dominant pinks in Florida can only be caught at night when the moon is not full. This is because pink shrimp are skittish and they hide from their predators in the sand when it is bright. Commercial shrimpers seeking pink shrimp may have to live for two to three weeks on .their boats while they trawl for their catch." Shrimp are sold by count per pound. Less than 20 per pound are jumbos; 20-30 are large, 30-40 medium, and more than 40 per pound are considered small. Fresh shrimp kept in the coldest part of your refrig- erator will last about two days. Frozen, cooked shrimp are good for about a year if you can stand to leave them there that long. If you're looking for some new recipes for shrimp, try the state's Web sites: www.fl-seafood.com or www.WildFloridaShrimpcom. Enjoy! Evil weevils attack! In the battle of good bugs versus bad, the bad guys are winning. The battleground: Bromeliads, also referred to as air plants. Bromeliads are a popular garden plant, and are found in the wilds of Florida in trees and on the ground. They have flower spikes ever year or so that run the gamut of colors pink, red, coral, even blue and yellow. There are something like 16 species found in arl.?11 / J'. I 'Po. Off J ; Moon Date AM HIGH AM LOW PM HIGH PM LOW Feb 22 -- Ib -03 5-21 20 - Feb 23 2 34 0.5 6- 7 2 I - Feb24 3:34 -0.7 8-17 2.2 - Feb 25 9.26p* 2.3 4-21) .0. 12-30 1.2 251 1.1 Feb 26 10-2p* 2 3 5:0( -0.8 12 28 1 2 358 09 NMFeb2711.24p' 22 535 0.6 1236 13 454 0.6 Feb 28 -- 607 .014 1245 1.4 5- 9 03 NI,,r 12.20 20 632 -0.1 100 16 644 00 ii Cortez Hign Tides 7 minutes laer Iows 1:06 lart( EARLY RISER 78AM TUES-FRI 45 + taXl 8:04AM-12:52PM 60+ tax GRE FEE GET 3 FREE LOGO PINNACLE BALLS 1:00-2:00PM $5 REENS FEE AFTID 32nnnpm $ +, REENS FEE $y .E p I~ CART ,-......... ............... CA RT' w In a r f d l o c 4e -0 d - By Paul Roat! Florida, with 10 on the various state or federal endan- gered or threatened lists. And a lot of the endangerment or threat is coming from the evil weevils. There are 60,000 known species of weevil in the world. Some are good to bromeliads. The evil species, which showed up in 1989, lays eggs in the heart of the air plant. The weevil larvae eat the core of the plant and it dies. The weevils then move on and repeat the process. According to a Daytona Beach News-Journal report, the University of Florida's Department of Ento- mology started working on a means to curb the growth of the evil weevil, which doesn't appear to have any natural predators in this part of the world. Pesticides will kill the critter, and that approach works in a garden setting, but to spray toxins in the wild would also kill an unknown number of other good bugs and would cost zillions of dollars. So the researchers have been working to bring in good bugs that want to eat the bad bugs. After years of study, a scientist in Honduras found something that seemed to be-eating the evil weevils, a County exhibition by Cortez group The Cortez Model Ship & Boat Guild is barely a year old, but it has a countywide exhibition lined up at the Manatee Convention and Civic Center. It will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, March 11 and 12, in the big exhibition hall at One Haben Blvd., Palmetto. Members just.hope there's room for all the displays. They started out planning to allot one display per exhibi- tor, but then found that some members were hoping to bring anywhere up to 20 models they had built during their lifetime hobby. So the show expanded. Word of the.exhibit has spread among boating and model enthusiasts so that:one British enthusiast is plan- ning his family's vacation around the show. One Flor- ida model builder is bringing his 7-foot-long model of a riverboat, powered by a miniature working steam engine.. The show will highlight various aspects of the hobby, said Hal Pelta, founding member of the guild. Those aspects include construction techniques, sail- making, radio control systems, steam and electric pro- pulsion systems, historical details and so on. The guild and its program grew out of the Florida Gulf Coast Maritime Museum at Cortez, which refur- bishes traditional wooden vessels and duplicates them from the keel up. Further information on the model program and its exhibit may be obtained from Pelta at 722-9960, or via e-mail at hhpelta@msn.com. DOCKS-N-DECKS Specializing in docks and decks Maintenance Cleaning Painting Repair (941) 779-1839 docksndecks@verizon.net Licensed and insured UN I PETE WANTS YOU TO DRIVE A CLEAN CAR! 24-hour self-serve car wash Complete auto detailing Quick lube AMERICAN CAR WASH S: 5804 Mainai Dr. kol.~res Beach 778-1617 .IA.IO3R CREDIT CARDS &. DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED. .... fly that had not yet been discovered by science. They brought the fly to the States, began tests and everything worked. The flies only ate the evil weevil. Then scien- tific disaster "hit the fan" when the flies died due to a glitch in the air circulation system in the sealed lab. Seven years later, the flies are again flourishing, and researchers are starting the permit process to allow their release into the wild to do battle against the evil weevil. The program could startby the end of the year, spelling the end of the evil weevil or so it is hoped. It's none too soon. Bromeliad growers throughout the state have helped fund the program almost from its inception. Believe me, there are few things more sad in the plant world than to see a 5-foot-diameter, 10-year- old plant rot from the inside because of an evil weevil infestation. Perhaps the tide of the battle of the bugs isn't lost after all to the forces of the dark side. Big sink this May? The largest artificial reef in U.S. waters is sched- uled to be created this May. Again. The USS Oriskany, an 888-foot-long aircraft car- rier, is scheduled to be scuttled in the Gulf of Mexico about 22 miles off Pensacola this spring. The vessel was decommissioned and determined to be used as a fish-collection point several years ago when permitting and weather problems arose and stymied the scuttle operation. Now, the U.S. Navy plans to have the ship towed from Texas to Pensacola in early March, with the "big sink" planned for mid-May. Everything was good to go for a November 2004 blast-down. Remember 2004? Four hurricanes? The Navy towed the vessel to safe moorings in Texas for the duration. Then the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency held up on permits for the sinking due to the presence. of PCBs on board, a toxic chemical. After lots of debate, it was finally decided that although the 700 pounds of PCBs weren't a good thing, it wasn't all that bad, and the EPA gave its blessing. Pensacola, with its huge recreational diving and fishing industries, has been chomping at the bit to get the big ship on the bottom. It is the largest such sink- ing ever in American waters, although there is another flattop sunk in the Southwest Pacific. The Navy hopes to have 20 more decommissioned ships join the Oriskany's ranks on the bottom over the next few years, but hopefully not at its cost. The Navy will spend something like $12.75 mil- lion to sink the aircraft carrier, more than four times the budget. For that kind of price, it had better make a real, real pretty artificial reef. Sandscript factoid The fly-versus-evil weevil battle is called biologi- cal control by scientists. It's a simple concept: You take a good thing and use it to kill a bad one. There is a phrase that's often used for the.process that's not as scientific, though backfiring. The good thing doesn't always just eat the bad. Charter Boat ^ "*^MAGIC" Backwater Near Shore Up to 7 miles out in the Gulf Snook Redfish Trout Flounder Mackerel Snapper Light Tackle Fishing e Reservations a Must! Tackle, bait, ice, fishing license provided 723-1107 Capt. Mike Heistand USCG Licensed < Certifiea Full Autornotie ?Repair 5333 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 779-0487 S,[at the: corner of:Gulf and Marina Drivel TIE ISLANDER u FEB. 22, 2006 H B-3 Slow fishing except for sheepies, -ome big grouper offshore By Capt. Mike Heistand Fishing has again slowed, with sheepshead being the best catch for almost all the inshore fishers. There are a few small redfish and snook coming out of Terra Ceia Bay, but the big backwater action is convict fish right now, with some better than 6 pounds. Offshore action continues to be great for snapper and grouper,with some 30-pound gag grouper coming into the coolers. Capt. Terry Frankford of the Reelin & Chillin said his customers "enjoyed some good redfish action, with a 26-pounder topping the list. There are plenty of sheepshead around, and a few black drum join in on the fun also. Ladyfish are still around, making for great light tackle action." He took Gavin, Rachel and 4-year- old William Jones from Kent, England, out to ladyfish, and William caught his first fish and "for such a little guy he did a really good job reeling it in. Rachel topped the list with a big sheepshead caught on live shrimp around structure in Sarasota Bay." He also put other charters onto sheepshead off Edwards Island off Siesta Key and a big redfish in the bay off the radio tower at City Island. "We used live shrimp this week, free- lining them or using a No. 4 split-shot sinker. This time of year, with the cold water temperatures and fronts moving in every few days, the fish can turn off easily," he said. Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle at Catch- ers Marina in Holmes Beach said sheepshead were the No. 1 catch last week for inshore anglers. Offshore action continues to be great for gag grouper and man- grove snapper, with excellent catches coming in for gags to 30 pounds and snapper to 5 pounds. Capt. Thom Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez Road said he's catching a few small redfish, some small snook and lots of sheepshead. Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said fishing is slow, with sheepshead about the best and, the only, catch coming onto the docks Heidi Harley will discuss "Dolphin Communica- tion" in the Friends of the Island Branch Library public lecture series in two appearances Tuesday, March 14. The New College psychology professor will speak at 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. In another Friends feature, Mel Brenner will pres- ent "Touring France by Bicycle" at 2 p.m. Saturday, March 8, in the travel series. Other highlights of March at the library: Monday, March 6 and 20, Internet class at 8:30 a.m., for which advance registration is required by call- ing 778-6341. Tuesday, March 7, family storytime, 10 a.m. Wednesday, March 8, Friends Book Club meeting, 10:30 a.m. Friday, March 17, Friends of the Library annual FRI & SAT NIGHT SNAPPER 6PM Mon-Fri 9.3 Sailing Daily Sat 8-4 from Annie's Sun 12-4 Bait & Tackle y.S S ff...a -.. . Good haul This big catch came from aboard Show Me The Fish Charters with Capt. Larry McGuire. Pictured are Paul Ewers, Kathy and David Wampler, Pastor Brian Bustle and Evanglist David Roever Jesus Rosario at the Anna Maria' City Pier said sheepshead remain his best bet, with other catches being slow to non-existent. Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of Annie's said his trips started out with the mainstay of. sheepshead after the hard cold front of last weekend. "Towards the weekend the nice weather started bring- ing out more species with trout, bluefish, and pom- pano," he said. "John 3righam of Bradenton, along with two buddies from Indiana, iced down a limit catch of gray trout with some spotted trout mixed in and some sheepies to boot: Over the course of the week, it was obvious that most of our resident fish were on the move. A lot of snook and redfish, along with sheeps- head and jack crevalle, were seen moving out of canals and bayous toward more open bay water. It was also encouraging to see some trout moving into the areas that had been pretty much devoid of that popular spe- cies since the extended bouts of red tide last year. If this exceptional weather continues for a spell, we may end up with some early spring action after all." Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said he's also seeing lots of sheepies coming onto the docks, plus a few trout and black drum from the Manatee River. Capt. Rick Gross on Fishy Business out of Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said he put his charters onto a few redfish and lots of sheepies last week. At Skyway Bait and Tackle, reports include sheepshead and some keeper-size redfish from the docks in Terra Ceia Bay. There are also lots of hungry but small snook around the canals in that bay, with artificial bait working the best for hookups. On my boat Magic, sheepshead were about our only catch, but some of the big ones were better than 6 pounds and we're generally reeling in at least 20 per trip. Good luck and good fishing. Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing guide. Call him at 723-1107 to provide a fishing report. Prints and digital images of your catch are also welcome and may be dropped off at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to news@islander.org. Please Include identificationforpersons in the picture along with information on the catch and a name and phone number Jbr more information. Snapshots may be'retrieved once they appear in the paper LIGHT TACKLE SPORTFISHING CAPT. RICK GROSS S(941) 794-3308 1/2 DAY & FULL DAY CHARTERS Catcher's Marina-5501 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach visit geocities.com/captrickgross NO a1 II *:I ** board meeting, 9:30 a.m. Saturday, March 11, family origami, 10:30 a.m. The library opens daily except Sunday at 10 a.m., closing at 8 p.m. Monday and Wednesday, 6 p.m. Tues- day and Thursday, 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Details are available at 778-6341. Fishing course beginning A six-week course in fishing local waters is to begin Thursday, March 2, and continue until April 6 at the Education Center on Longboat Key, 5370 Gulf of Mexico Drive. Taught by Capt. Ric Ellis, it will meet from 3 to 5 p.m. Thursday. Cost is $80 for members of the center, $90 for nonmembers. Details are available at 383-8811. CT IE*"1 G L-XFI FISH TALES WELCOME We'd love to hear your fish stories, and pictures are welcome, too. Just give us a call at 778-7978 or stop by our office in the Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach. Thie Islander C FISHING LICENSE LIVE & FROZEN BAIT STERMINAL.TACKLE SUNGLASSES & HATS 1Q .PENN SHIMANO *STr CROIX veryfthing You Need for Florida Fishingo. ISLAND DISCQOUNT1 TOLE, v 5503 MARINA DRIVE at CATCHER'S MARINA (by Holmes Beach boat basin) 779-2838 OPEN DAILY (major credit cards) CHARTER BOAT JAN MARIE Irm&*.I Il l ~ Dolphins' talk to be topic of library lecture ~IPIILIIICIL rl -ISPIIIPB 4-B M FEB. 22, 2006 M THE ISLANDER Last week of regular B-ball season produces no surprises By Kevin Cassidy Islander Reporter Homes of Distinction earned the No. 1 seed in Division I over A Paradise Realty in what was the only really close race for first place heading into the last week of regular-season basketball action at the Anna Maria Island Community Center. Publix in Premier League and Duncan Real Estate in Division II had mathematical chances to overtake their division's first- place teams, but for that to occur the stars would have had to be in perfect alignment. Playoff action began Feb. 20 and goes throughout the week with championship games set for Saturday, Feb 25. Division all-star games and the always popular coaches game also take place on Saturday. Good luck to all. Division III (ages 8-9) Dips Ice Cream nailed down the top seed in Divi- sion III basketball with a convincing 23-10 victory over Kumon on Feb. 18. Johnny Mattay scored 11 points and Lee Bergeron added 10 points to lead Dips, who also received two points from.Phillip Dudevoire in the vic- tory. Neil Carper scored four points to lead Kumon, who received two points apiece from Sam Azmi, Amanda Bosch and Jake Parsons in the loss.. Jessie's Island Store rode the six-point scoring effort from Blaine Jenefsky.to a 10-8 victory over Beach Bistro on Feb. 18. Josh Zawitoski and Bo Gurski completed the scoring with two points apiece in the vic- tory. Samantha Purnell led Beach Bistro with four points, while teammates Trevor Albers and Denver Hardy each finished with two points in the loss. Dips Ice Cream defeated Beach Bistro 21-12 behind 10 points from Lee Bergeron and nine points from Johnny Mattay on Feb. 16. Phillip Dudevoire completed the Dips scoring with two points in the vic- tory. Luke Shackelford led Beach Bistro with four points while Trevor Albers, Denver Hardy, Lexi Moore and Samantha Purnell each finished with two points in the loss. Premier League (ages 14-17) Matt McDonough had 26 points, six rebounds and 3/2 & 1/1.Walk to Beach or shopping. Located on quiet street with beautiful landscaping and an updated exterior. Lots of curb appeal. Tile'throughout both units and updated bathrooms. Great investment. New air handler in 3BR. $615,000. Principals.only, call (813) 760-1998 (941) 807-5626 (941) 735-5375. PRICED REDUCED You can build two units on this building site over 11,000 sf and 182 foot frontage. Create your space for less than purchase of new duplex. Tropical foliage and trees offer a perfect lot for your private retreat and you can bike to the beach. This lot is for you as an owner wanting something unique. Reduced to $695,000., Two March weekly rentals still available and April in a.few units. Call today for further details. *;* ,,- I' . -~ -ss "4- - ; .. Denver Hardy fires up a shot during Division IIIfbas- ketball action at the Anna Maria Island Community Center. Islander Photos: Kevin Cassidy five assists to lead West Coast Air Conditioning past Anna Maria Glass & Screen 54-51 in Feb. 18 Premier basketball action. Al Barrett added 13 points for West Coast Air, which also received four points apiece from Kevin Grunke, Ryan Guerin and Sammy Samap. Franklin Morre's 34 points and six rebounds paced the Anna Maria Glass & Screen scoring efforts. Chad Reed added eight points and six rebounds for Glass & Screen, which also received six points from Luis Leon in the loss. David Buck had 34 points, six rebounds and six assists and Zach Schield added 20 points and 16 rebounds to lead Island Real Estate past Publix 61-58 on Feb. 15. Jacob Shubring finished with six points and Celia Ware added five points for IRE in the victory. Publix was led by Tyler Bekkerus' 21 points and 13 rebounds and 18 points and five rebounds from Mike Wallen. Jamie Urch added 11 points for Publix in the loss. Division I (ages 12-14) Justin Dearlove scored 21 points, grabbed nine rebounds and handed out five assists to leadA Paradise Realty to a 36-23 victory over Longboat Observer in Feb. 17 Division I basketball action. Paradise teammate Jordan Sebastiano chipped in with seven points and .ONE BLOCK FROM BEACH E PPINGP .i i .- 1 _ Nicely upgraded 4BR/2BA-wit fouir-car garage. Huge lot wiit room for pool. MLS# 513452. S895,000. Call Lisa Helmer at (941) 720-4704 : rL/AAl Gulfstream SKJ/YIIT Realty WESTBAY POINT & MOORINGS W "-- , Poolside corner unit in popular Island complex. Deeded carport and mostly furnished. Possible six-month tenants in place for future winter seasons. Offered at $525,000. reen Ch' REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA #rF. . 941 778-0455 Ken Jackson, 778-6986 9906 Gulf Drive Kathy Geeraerts, 778-0072 Maureen Dahms, 778-0542 Anna Maria Kate Eiseler, 778-5115 www.greenreal.com Evelyn Mitchell, 778-1952 Johnny Mattay comes up with a steal for his Dips Ice Cream team as TrevorAlbers and Luke Shackelford of Beach Bistro defend. nine rebounds, while Raphael Kasser added six points in the victory. Fifteen points and 10 rebounds from Kyle Aritt paced the Observer scoring effort that also saw five points from Forrest Schield and three points from Blake Rivers in the loss. Fifteen points from Blake Wilson and 10 points from Brandon Gangler carried Homes of Distinction to a 38-26 victory over Air & Energy on Feb. 17. Ally Titsworth added six points, while Troy Kozewski, Stephanie Poelsha and Nash Thompson each added two points to the victory. Jason Rappe scored 13 points and Nicole Botero added seven points to lead Air & Energy in the loss. Matt Bauer scored four points and Emma Barlow scored two to complete the A&E scoring. Danziger Allergy & Sinus rode a dominating per- formance from Garrett Secor to a 39-30 victory over Air & Energy on Feb. 16. Secor scored 29 points and grabbed an incredible 27 rebounds for Danziger, which also received 10 points from Chris Callahan in the vic- tory. Air & Energy received a strong game from Jason Rappe with 21 points, grabbed 16 rebounds and dished out four assists. Matt Bauer added 10 points for A&E, who also received two points apiece from Alexa Craw- ford and Ashley Waring in the loss.. A Paradise Realty received 19 points from Justin PLEASE SEE SPORTS, NEXT PAGE UNIQUE SAILBOAT WATERFRONT HOME with 39 foot boat- house and mother - in law apartment with heated pool, on t-end .canal. 3BR/2.5BA in main house rebuilt and enlarged three years ago and 1 BR/1 BA full mother-in-law apartment. Gourmet main kitchen, DCS gas stove top, double oven, double dishwasher, double wine coolers, granite counter top, outside kitchen with triple sink, dishwasher and built-in B-B-Q. Two zone central vacuum, intercom, 15 footceiling and see-through gas fireplace in great room to outside pool. 4900 S.F.U.R. PAO 502 72nd St., Holmes Beach A must see at $2,250,000. Ted E. Davis, Licensed Real Estate Broker/Owner. By appointment, (941) 778-6155. AHOY! THIS NAUTICAL 'LIGHTHOUSE-THEMED' .HOME is uniquely positioned on two large lots that capture superb views and stunning sunsets of the Gulf of Mexico. Amenities include cute nautical decor, large sundeck, partial red oak flooring, gas fireplace, cathedral ceilings, redwood beams, single garage, two carports, screened porch, and a replica lighthouse tower that can be accessible for an even greater view! Also on the property is a detached, two-story custom-built 'Carriage House' workshop. A rare opportunity to own one of the island's original landmark homes. Offered-at $2,200,000. o m Mia Inh. 778-7244 5309 Gul ni&e o-- ~1 &t ieacd5, 7'34217 maria SINCE 1957 "We ARE the Island!" Marie Franklin, Lie. Real Estate Broker 941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250 E-mail amrealty@verizon.net Web site www.annamariareal.com ~!': ~ r L IYls P,.Ne B~"" Sports CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4-B Dearlove and 16 points from Jordan Sebastiano during its 47-35 victory over Danziger Allergy & Sinus on Feb. 13. Daniel Landesberg added six points for Para- dise, which also received four points from Chandler Hardy and two points from Martine Miller in the vic- tory. Garrett Secor led all scorers with 28 points, while Danziger teammate Chris Callahan managed three points. Kelly-Dodson and Sarah Howard completed the scoring with two points apiece in the loss. Homes of Distinction received 19 points from Blake Wilson and 12 points from Brandon Gangler during its 41-27 victory over Observer on Feb. 13. Ally Titsworth added six points for Homes, which also received two points apiece from Troy Kozewski and Nash Thompson in the victory. Forrest Schield scored 12 points and Kyle Aritt added 10 points to lead Observer in the victory. Division II Kelly Guerin scored 18 points, while Julian Botero and Wyatt Hoffman scored six points apiece to lead Saleaway Cruises to a 32-27 victory over Sun House in Division II play on Feb. 18. Justin Gargett scored 10 points and Kalif Mora added six points to lead Sun House in the loss. Island Family Physicians received eight points apiece from Becca Butler and Hailey Dearlove during its 21-6 victory over Harcorn Corp. on Feb. 18. Sheldon Phillips led Harcorn with four points, while Patrick Edwards added two points in the loss. Molly McDonough scored 11 points to lead Duncan Real Estate to a 15-12 victory over Saleaway Cruises on Feb. 17. Jack Titsworth and Taylor Wilson completed the Duncan scoring with two points apiece in the victory. Wyatt Hoffman led the Saleaway scoring effort with eight points, while Travis Belsito and Julian Botero each added two points in the loss. Duncan Real Estate received four points apiece from Taylor Wilson and Savannah Schield during HOLMES BEACH 2908 Avenue C o Wonderful SI elevated home S" l Steps to beach All new baths. hardwood, paint, A/C, roof & .decks. Reduced $559,500. Call S(941) 779-3724. --We're. Totally 0blobal! In fact, we're global times 1,400 plus! More than 1,400 PAID subscribers receive The Islander out of town, out of state and out of the United States. We go to Alaska, England, Germany, Canada, Hawaii and nearly all points in between. These news-hungry subscribers can't wait to get their hands on "the best news on Anna Maria Island." Tli Islander Island Shopping Center* 5404 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach FL 34217 941 778-7978 e-mail : news@islander.org its 11-8 victory over Sun House on Feb. 15. Molly McDonough added two points and Kayla Aritt finished with one point in the Duncan victory. Sun House received two points apiece from Glenn Bower, Courtney Schmidt, Josh Schmidt and Justin Gargett in the loss. Horseshoe, shuffleboard news Anna Maria's Rod Bussey and Herb Puryear emerged from pool play with an undefeated record of 3-0 to win the Feb. 15 horseshoe competition at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Six teams tied for second with 2-1 records, but the team of Adin Shank and John Johnson won the playoff for second place. Bussey was the winner again on Feb. 11 when he teamed up with Al Norman to defeat Sam Samuels and John Johnson 21-13. Play gets under way at 9 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Warm ups begin at 8:45 a.m. followed by random team selection. AMICC basketball schedule Premier (ages 14-17) Feb. 22 8 p.m. Second Place vs. Third Place Feb. 25 11 a.m. Championship game Feb. 25 1 p.m. All-star game Feb. 27 7:15 p.m. Awards Division I (ages 12-13) Feb. 24 7 p.m. Championship game Feb. 24 8:15 p.m. All-star game . Feb. 27 7:15 p.m. Awards Division II (ages 10-11) Feb. 22 6 p.m. First Place vs. Fourth Place Feb. 22 7 p.m. Second Place vs. Third Place Feb. 24 6 p.m. Championship game Feb. 25 2 p.m. All-star Game Feb. 27 7:15 p.m. Awards Division III (ages 8-9) Feb. 23 6 p.m. First Place vs. Fourth Place Feb. 23 7 p.m. Second Place vs. Third Place Feb. 25 10 a.m. Championship game Feb. 25 noon All-star game Feb. 27 7:15 p.m. Awards Instructional League (ages 5-7) Feb. 27 6 p.m. Awards 3704 6TH AVE* HOLMES BEACH ...o" "Y.-- 2BR'2BA Londo turnkey furnished. Steps to tl-e beach, shopping, and great dining. Fenton Realty, Ben Guth, Realtor,. (941) 812-1236. TIE ISLANDER I FEB. 22, 2006 N B-5 Mile fun run/walk, 5K run for sea turtle program Two running programs to benefit Mote Marine Laboratory's marine turtle research program are sched- uled on Siesta Beach Sunday, March 5. A one-mile fun run/walk will begin at 7:30 a.m. and a 5K Manasota Track Club-sanctioned run at 8 a.m. Registration is $20 for adults, $15 for children, and may be handled online at www.active.com. Further information may be obtained by calling 388-4331. There is no charge to play and everyone is welcome. If horseshoes isn't your game, how about shuffle- board? The Anna Maria Shuffleboard Club invites all comers at 1 p.m. every Monday through Friday at the Anna Maria City Hall courts. Anna Maria Island Community Center Basketball League final standings Team Wins Losses Premier League IRE10 Publix WCAC Glass & Screen Division I Homes A Paradise Danziger Observer A&E Division II Physicians Duncan Sun House Saleaway Harcon Division III Dips Kumon Bistro Jessie's 1 2 7 8 12 2 3 7 7 11 2 5 7 10 EXCEPTIONAL FAMILY HOME ON DEEP CANAL IN HOLMES BEACH Complete quality renovation includes new master suite addition, private bath and lanai.. Laundry room, three guest bedrooms and bath, .large closets, large living room, kitchen and family room. Tile floors. New roof and air conditioning. Attached 2,5-car garage, 10,000 Ib. boat lift, plus wave-runner davit. Total under roof, 3,1 79sf. Wrap-around driveway, underground irrigation system, mature landscaping, room for a pool. $1,195,000. No agents. (941) 778-7417. COCONUTS- 1BR/1 BA poolside turn- ANNA MARIA ISLAND 4BR/3BA, TRIPLEX. A fixer-upper with three one key furnished unit with Gulf view. Only tw-story. Beautifully turnkey-furnished, bedroom apartments. The R-2 lot is worth steps to the beach! Impeccably main- updated 2001, canalfront home, boathe asking price! Tenants are in place and tainted for your most discriminating buyer. the ownersays sell it! Call Dave Jones at ,o nnn ..n.. II,,kL -R-, An dock, with remote, garage. $1,350,000.. -I. y I -,-, D,. nnn. IDEAL LOCATION Elevated and updated duplex. 2BR/2BA each side, short stroll to the beach. Tons of storage. $619,000. Nicole Skaggs, 778-4800. Please "Dial" Debbie Dial, 400-1172. [A ' CANAL HOME Large Key Royale home with dock, davits and boat lift. 4BR/3BA turnkey furnished. Pool, hot tub, new A/C. $1,100,000. Dave Jones, 778-4800. A Paradise nealty. 778o-4o800 $440,000. o . NEW TOWNHOME Very spacious 3BR/2BA with two-car garage: Recently built. $749,000. Quentin Talbert, 778-4800. s -- ~al --- II I L I I z~bjuJvu. marCIY burne, Ir b-46UU. 6-B 0 FEB. 22, 2006 U THE ISLANDER I A W M. V L A S S i F I E DS_ POWER MAC: G3/128-mb processor. Apple Col- orsync 20-inch monitor. Epson Stylus 3000 color printer. 1440x720 dpi, wide format, 17by44-inch. $500. Call (941) 798-9415. BEAUTIFUL KRAFTMAID CUSTOM four-piece entertainment center. Center cabinet will accom- modate 36-inch TV, lighted etagere, wine cabinet/ bar with wall-mounted cabinet. $1,250/or best offer. (941) 778-8677. ITEMS FOR SALE: Household goods, queen bed, washer/dryer, loveseat, more. Ray, (941) 779-0713. Best time 5-6:30pm, leave number. TANNING BED, new bulbs, $800. Call Paige, (941) 798-3448. AERIAL PHOTOS of Anna Maria Island. View and purchase online: www.jackelka.com. FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp, crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call James Lee, (941) 795-1112 or 704-8421. LONGBOAT KEY HISTORY "From Calusas to Con- dominiums" by Ralph B. Hunter. Signed copies available at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-7978. HONEYBELL TANGELOS now ripe in January, on sale by the AMI Kiwanis Club. $31-$36 for a bushel Shipped free anyplace in USA. Call. to receive an order blank. (941) 761-8834 or go online WWW.annamariakiwanis.org. MOVING SALE: 8am-3pm Saturday, Feb. 25. 610 Dundee Lane, Key Royale, Holmes Beach. ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open 9:30am-2pm Tues- days, Thursdays, Fridays. 9am-noon on Saturdays. Sales racks, children's clothing. 511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. (941) 779-2733. SIDEWALK SALE: 8am Saturday, Feb. 25. All pro- ceeds to benefit the Anna Maria Island Relay for Life, American Cancer Society Manatee Unit. The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. PINESTRAILER PARK annual street sale. 9am-2pm Saturday, Feb. 25. Sloppy joes, hotdogs, kraut dogs, chili dogs, pie. Homemade pies for sale. White ele- phant table, miscellaneous tables. 103 Church St., Bradenton Beach. BRADENTON CHURCH GARAGE sale: 8am-1pm Saturday, Feb. 25. To benefit church mission pro- grams. Furniture, housewares, clothing, appliances, collectibles, books, toys and much more! Palma Sola Presbyterian Church, 6510 Third Ave. W., Bra- denton. ANNUAL FLEA MARKET: 8am-1pm Saturday, Feb. 25. many appliances, large and small, furniture, clothing, sporting equipment, jewelry, bikes, plants, shells, etc. Lunch available. Largest ever! Informa- tion, (941) 792-3475. Palma Sola Harbour condos, 9400 Cortez Road, W., Bradenton. GARAGE MOVING SALE: 9am-4pm, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 24-25. Furniture, appliances, dishes and stuff. 4255 Gulf Drive, #106, H6lmes Beach. GARAGE SALE: 9am-4pm Saturday, Feb. 25. Dishes, pots and pans, room divider, ironing board, electric iron, dinette set with four chairs,, fitness machine, brassware and other small items. 850 N. Shore Drive, Anna Maria. TWO-FAMILYYARD sale: 9am-1 pm Saturday, Feb. 25. Kitchen items, small computer desk, area rug. 5806 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. GARAGE SALE: 9am Saturday, Feb. 25. Lamps, pictures, linens, dishes, ceiling fans, G.E. range, microwave, furniture, rugs, etc. 532 68th St., Holmes Beach. SALE! NIKI'S GIFTS: Jewelry, antiques, all sterling jewelry 50-70 percent off. Select crystal antiques, collectibles, vintage jewelry, oil paintings, prints, nautical gifts 30-70 percent off. Open seven days, 9:30am-5pm. (941) 779-0729. 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. ESTATE SALE: 9am-lpm Saturday, Feb. 25. Sale by Julie McClure. 214 Palm Ave. Anna Maria. FOUND: LISLE WOODRIDGE fire district jacket. Navy, extra-large. (941) 741-3900. FOUND: SIAMESE-LOOKING cat. Beautiful light blue eyes, stripes on front leg. Found on Bay Bou- levard near BayView Place, Anna Maria. LOST: ONE GOLD, oval hoop earring and pair of prescription tortoise-shell sunglasses. (941) 387-1387. KARATE ON THE Island: Ages four through adult. Call (941) 807-1734 or visit www.islanddojo.cmasdirect.com. SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander. ir Expert Advice On Island Properties CALL THE ISLANDERS CM. C HRIS & JOHN _ 941-778-6066 '." .." *. "- J ( ',Hh T J1- T SH' W l[. - : :' ;.-: CIHH|T|[|E T. SHF A in I * I SISLA ND \. REAL ESTATE .6101 IIJ n NDR HOLMES BEACH. ^ IBil 6 aAPRINA D' HOLM.ES BEACH Mae ou ov Wt6Mriy Iii xI1 M- ~6614 NEW LISTINGS 802 Audubon Drive 1BR/1BA Great views. Reduced to $295,000. 503 Sanderling Circle 2BR/2BA, nice villa $395,000. 706 ESTUARY DRIVE 2BR/2BA beautifully furnished first floor. $420,000. 1112 ROSEATE CT Largest villa. 2BR/2BA plus den. Lakefront. $455,000. 1265 Spoonbill Landing 2BR/2BA lakefront. $399,000. 886 Waterside Lane 2BR/2BA lakefront, furnished. $459,000. 1227 Edgewater Circle 2BR/2BA bayfront, model. 'Furnished. $470,000. 1163 EDGEWATER CIRCLE 3BR/2BA, furnished. Grand bay views. Second floor only. $575,000. and more My newest Perico Island listing 11339 Perico Isles Circle Exciting, single family home. 3BR/2BA, two-car garage. Large, heated pool and spa, inviting front porch, in home owners association club house, exercise room, tennis, pool, club room. Reducedto $498,900.... , 621 Key Royale Drive $1,899,000 3BR/2BA largest lot, best view! 625 Emerald Lane $859,000. 2BR/2BA, pool, dock, good boat water. 617 Gladstone Lane $945,000. 3BR/2BA, pool, dock and lift. .511 74th St. $899,000. 4BR/2BA. See inside. Pool, dock and lift. 4107 Royal Palm Drive $699,000. Beautiful, see inside. Dock and lift. No bridge. 207 N. Harbor Drive $869,000. 4BR/3BA, pool, dock, must see inside! 213 70th St. $849,000 3BR/2BA, furnished, heated pool. Shell Point 6300 Flotilla # 71. $359,000. 2BR/2BA, ground level, carport. Village Green 6701 12th Ave. W. $279,900. Ground level, 2BR/2BA, two-car garage. Westbay Point 6400 Flotilla #25 $455,900. Turnkey-furnished, 2BR/2BA. Westbay Point 6400 Flotilla #11 $499,000. 2BR/2BA, ground level, clean and ready! Perico Bay 503 Sanderling Circle. $395,000. 2BR/2BA, garage, lakefront. 5804 Marina Drive $1,750,000. Across from City Hall, Zoned C-3 206 66/A cS/reel .cle-consLruclion pricinyfrom $.9sJ,9602 JA&eweffappoin/e'srnyfe- J=^fyomei 6oas1,eel/e ofLA'e ~1/oJJxico andc/areonfy 1es l~o e geac:.AI !7ouercoor AfanJanc/,~,saronm~auuy. Gos~afs/ergsJ/urinymarod~ 24445if 3 J 3%dZ cS-76e6iC, yranelops, gam6 AL7red o-ca~ryan79 efeBaf r, podC J/frizand'cuslom/2dar/res iR.CBo1 PROPERTIES C~~IMEi" AI& INVESI4%MFNI-RYaAT. US I'ATF' mr nore inform a/ion yo lo www. rcnpro p. corn or caf941-753-9goii. S] 778-7244 a A'e.d, F' 34217 ONE BACK FROM BEACH: A 3BR/2BA Gulf view home on two platted lots. $2,200,000. VALENCIA GARDEN: 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished condo with golf course views and pool. $297,900. WESTBAY POINT & MOORINGS: 3BR/2BA canal view condo over 1,600 sf. $599,000. FEET TO THE BEACH: Spacious 2BR/2BA bath condo with pool and great rental history. $599,000. NORTH BEACH VILLAGE: A 2BR/2.5BA, 1,500 sf condo with pool. $649,000. Call Jesse Brisson Broker Associate, GRI (941) 713-4755 i '~ in" '' -,--I --r-- I-~I : (-- ;. -- I----:-- ne (V4.16axlee 0oo THE ISLANDER 0 FEB. 22, 2006 U B-7 I E D 5 WANTED: MAD, PLAYBOY, comic, sports pro- grams, autographs, auto brochures, political but- tons, tin toys, cast iron banks and door stops, pre-1968 only. $$$. (941) 587-1456 or e-mail ocmuseum3@juno.com ATTENTION! ONCE-A-MONTH check on your resi- dence. While you're away, have peace of mind for pennies a day. Island resident. (941) 778-1916. Benchmark Home Improvement. WANTED: PAIR OF nightstands with drawers. White or light colored wood. 15-19 inches maximum width. (941) 779-2081. LET'S TAWK! New York-New Jersey social club. Snowbirds, renters, residents of Anna Maria Island. Meet for informal "cawfee" and idea exchange. For information, (941) 779-9458. PRIVATE LENDER FOR purchase and rehab choice properties. Short-term loans.(941) 739-8758. BINGO WEEKLY: "Smoke-free" at Annie Silver Com- munity Center, 23rd Street at Avenue C, Bradenton Beach, Thursdays at 7 p.m. All welcome. Refresh- ments, prizes. Information: (941) 778-1915. CERTIFIED TEACHER IN MATH/Science has opening. Private tutoring for student. Kindergarten- college level subjects. Plenty of references and experience. (941) 524-4177. REWARD FOR information in the Waterfront Res- taurant arson fire: Call the State Fire Marshal, Bureau of Fire & Arson Investigations in Tampa, (813) 890-1904. BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a personal- ized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park. Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Pick up form at The Islander or call (941) 518-4431 for more information. FREE GUN LOCK. Yes, free. Just for the asking. Courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserva- tion Commission. Free at The Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be sorry, be safe. GUARDIAN AD LITEM volunteers needed: A guard- ian ad litem is a trained volunteer appointed by the court to represent and advocate for the best inter- est of children who have been abused, abandoned or neglected. Make a positive impact! Call (941) 744-9473 or visit www.12circuitgal.org. Lrd~i, for th'e r'erfeu 6utir9?- Lok i Lrther . 'Thle: Jslatll(er FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough for adoption. All food and medical provided. Julie, (941) 720-1411. . ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes. All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened. Please, call (941) 922-0774. FREE SIAMESE MIX KITTENS with blue eyes. One male, one female, spayed and neutered. All vac- cines current. Eight months old. Come by Island Animal Clinic. Please, no phone calls. 5343 Gulf Drive, Suite 900, Holmes Beach. 1994 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER SE. Handicap van or great work van. Ten-inch lowered floor and ramp. $3,200. (941) 779-2131. Leave message. 27-FOOT CARVER twin 190-hp Mercruiser. Runs great, good for fishing, Ceranfield, air conditioning, water heater, shower, head,newbatteries, stereo and much more! $8,000, or best offer. (941) 778-1565. DEEP-WATER BOAT slip: north end of Anna Maria. Easy Gulf access: (941) 794-8877. WANTED TO BUY: Deeded boat slip on Anna Maria Island, deep or shallow. Please call, (941) 778-2581. THIS 2005 25-HP Johnson Bombadier rope-start two-stroke outboard, has less than the initial ten hours break time on it. Purchased new in May for $2,592, it includes fuel tank and line and wheeled motor carrier (my add-on). Owner's manual and pur- chase receipt (including warranty) included. Super buy! (941) 778-1605. 28-FOOT REGAL LSR-2001: Only 160 hours, like new! Great day cruiser/party boat, even has a head! Always kept on a lift, new custom mooring cover and much, much more. $43,000. Call Pam or Phil at (941) 778-8281 or (941) 704-7445. 2004 20-FOOT PONTOON: 90-hp Mercury. Lots of extras, $12,000. Call (941) 792-0902. NEW: IN THE WATER boat slips for rent on Palma Sola Bay. Boats up to 50 feet. Parrot Cove Marina. (941) 795-0088. paint, and more! Tropical back yard, privacy fenced and large cover porch area. 3012 Gulf Drive. $495,000. Call Collandra & Co. Real Estate, Edie Force, 920-0129 LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater fishing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle provided. (941) 723-1107. FISH FOR REDFISH, Snook and trout with- InshoreSlam.com. Capt. Jim Savaglio. License, bait and tackle included. (941) 238-7597 or (813) 477-7657. WAITER, CHEF, DISHWASHER with experience in Italian food. 5610 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. (941) 383-0013. BARTENDER WANTED: Experienced bar- tender wanted: Approximately 25 hours per week. Please apply in person. Banana Factory Too. 10104 Cortez Road. No phone calls please. SYLVAN LEARNING CENTER needs certified teachers. Please call (941) 795-1246. CREATIVE SALESPERSON FOR part-time work at the Island's beaded jewelry shop. Sales and beading experience a plus. Call Susan at (941) 779-0779. CNA NEEDED FOR female. References. Back- ground check. Weekends and nights. (941) 727-7718. PART-TIME HELP wanted for small resort motel on Anna Maria. Call evenings, (941) 778-4206. HOUSEKEEPER AND CARETAKER wanted at a popular vacation resort in Holmes Beach. Part-time, Island resident preferred. Good pay for good work. Call (941) 778-0910. NURSES NEEDED for long-term home care for lady with spinal injury. Hoyer lift. Four-hour morning and overnight shifts. (941) 383-6953. FULL-TIME PIZZA man line cook wanted. Good pay. Longboat Key restaurant. Please call, (941) 383-0010. COOKS, SERVERS, PREP cooks needed immedi- ately. Full-time, part-time, breakfast and lunch. Fit To Eat Restaurant. 5315 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-0411. ACE HARDWARE OF Holmes Beach seeks perma- nent full-time cashiers and sales associates. Retired trades people welcome. Apply in person. 3352 East Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. IBlety i9l&yeal state4, A SALES & RENTALS 419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291 EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294 VINTAGE COTTAGE VILLAGE OF ANNA MARIA Endearing 2BR/1BA old-timer within steps of the sparkling Gulf! Features include wood floors and pine ceilings, and original claw foot tub. Built in 1924, this rustic charmer is a diamond in the rough! Zoned ROR. $625,000. .flil BAY VIEW FOURPLEX Village of Anna Maria, these four tidy apartments are ideally located near the Rod & Reel Pier, offering water views of Sunshine Skyway and Tampa Bay! Three 1BR units and one 2BR unit situated on two platted lots! Asking $989,500 for all four units (two lots) or will-sell separately for $479,000 and $549,000 per duplex. NORTH POINT HARBOUR BEAUTY! Gorgeous IMPECCABLE BAYFRONT HIDEAWAY Panoramic 3BR/3BA waterfront showplace with boat dock, viewsfrom every room inthis 3BR/2BA home! Fully palladian windows, arches, columns, vaulted ceilings, seawalled on both bay and canal sides, boat davits, ceramictile,twosidedfireplace,eat-inkitchen,wetbar, two seaside patios, ceramic floors, custom stone breakfast bar, sumptuous master suite with Jacuzzi masonry fireplace, and Corian countertops. New and more! Security, intercom, sprinkler systems, appliances, double-hung thermal pane windows, circular drive, and new roof! $1,250,000. and brick paver driveway. $1,695,000. Visit our Web site at www.betsyhills.com 8-B M FEB. 22, 2006 TIIE ISLANDER LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE HELPER: Full or part time. Great pay. Island work. Call (941) 778-2335 or (941) 778-1568. ALL POSITIONS: Very busy restaurant needs a few more upbeat, positive employees. Full and part time. Apply in person at the Waterfront Restaurant in Anna Maria. TOP ADVERTISING sales position open at The Islander newspaper. Great territory, commissions, training. Previous outside sales helpful, but not nec- essary. If you possess a willingness for strong com- munity involvement, positive outlook and drive to succeed, fax or e-mail a letter and/or resume to (941) 778-9392, sales@ islander.org. NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restau- rant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call (941) 778-3953. BUSY BISTRO hiring full-or part-time servers for lunch and dinner. Prep person and dish- washer. Apply to Chef Damon, Wednesday-Sat- urday, 5406 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or call (941) 778-5320. SING! IF YOU can carry a tune and would help lead a singing congregation, please join with Gloria Dei Lutheran's choir, Sundays at 9:45am. Two miles north of Manatee Bridge on Anna Maria Island. (941) 778-1813. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Meet interesting people, learn the history of the Island. Anna Maria Island Historical Museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. (941) 778-0492. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:Tingley Memorial Library. Duties include checking books in/out, reshelving, and generally assisting library patrons. Call Eveann Adams, (941) 779-1.208. SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and intermediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10 per half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended. Local teen, team competitor. Call (941) 778-0944. Latitude 27 Froperty Management, LLC Our family serving your family CHARTINGNEW LEVELS OF SERVICE Annuals Seasonals 6842 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key 941.387.9004 Tracy@L27financial.com www.Latitude27.com FOR SALE BY OWNER PRICE REDUCED TO $875,000 3BR/3BA, 3,400s with views of bay and Gulf. Master bedroom and spa encompass entire floor. Waterfall landscaped entry. Three-car garage. 2709. Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. ." "Bobby Edington First Equity Financial 941-744-6906 Bobby with homeow ners www.FirtEqUItyF n.com Jane and John Farrell W W.rstEquity rl E T UI FRESENT COLIPCPI IIl f-i. n n~l, j I L ll 1.: .L U (lli 11:lL1 1IL1I illl i~ l 1., .:~ ~ i a BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, (941) 756 5496. BABYSITTER, PETSITTER, dog walker: First aid-certified, 13-year old, eighth-grade female, great with kids and animals. Call Kendall, (941) 779-9783. NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia, (941) 761-1569. Red Cross certified. WANT AN IRISH baby-sitter? Responsible, experi- enced 15-year old. Red Cross babysitting and first- aid certified. Call Gemma, (941) 447-9657. DOG WALKER, PET sitter, child sitter and odd jobs. Tenth-grader, available after school and weekends. Zach, (941) 779-9783. BABYSITTING, RED Cross first-aid and babysitter certified. Call Alex, (941) 778-5352. LOCAL CAREGIVER: I can offer loving, reliable, live-in care for your loved one. Excellent references. Please, call (239) 595-9964. Thank you. MAN WITH SHOVEL: Plantings, natives, patio gar- dens, trimming, clean-up, edgings, maintenance. Hard-working and responsible. Excellent refer- ences. Edward (941) 778-3222. LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint- ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine Car Service. Serving the Islands. (941) 778-5476. COMPUTER OBEDIENCE TRAINING. Is your computer misbehaving? Certified computer service and private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. (941) 545-7508. ISLAND PRESSURE CLEANING for great results, wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable, reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. (941) 778-0944. YACHT SERVICES: DIVING and detail services. Waterline Yacht Company. James, (941) 792-7595. ANNA MARIA CANAL HOME WITH RARE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! $1 100000 Live in parjadis Amazing 6BA.'4BA canal nrnme orn in, n,:rmI end oi Annj Marl Boar dock'ijh .3nd no Dur laet it ihe b ,'' Business ocpporlunitl' Run ,our o*ri asSiiled i.'iri, g faciit'. zoning i plaie Call I/tirj3 Holiin. er RPealt.r, Coldr ell Bjni er (aay lior more Inrormalion, 94 11 920-1267 S. & Company L,cn5.-?d R-al Eslale 6r>K' r Kimberly Roehl, P.A. 941 447-9988 Investing in Property Leads to Oppor r cities CHARMING BEACH BUNGALOW: Corn GULF WATCHCONDO: Turnrkey lurnsriel plielly ipdaled 2BR/2BA duple' Turnrev Iniihl iad rcpen endi uni waih jll he Ei 'lras Vllh vzrvlhlngri e ITeri lll ir.icalcrn. rl Rejljy lur v'.ur enr,:ymen l Pio1 3aid ne blC. 10 in tbali. .6.9 1000. di'ded beCh Ca,: : 1499 00 OUTSTANDINGBAYWATERFRONT Cplunirig 100-FOOTCANAL.FRONIAGE: HrmeeiaturE.:, P*- jl.I:,eb.jyvw1:. Irnic, pe('i i blu, enovae, ti e r,,o l iiorcelajin linfr., upid lled hiternr ibck ji-d 10o.00Cb if t$2.299 000 am .nd na b rnilge I Tampa Bay $649 900 PENDING NEW PRICE -- :AB. -_, _-_ , --.^ J- *" SPECTACULAR CANAL HOME: Enluy your iro ijnI i p li i';3,1 Ihil jte uresq ,r adjia irj i'rn i ,icr l p,'-p 1:,,i,,7, ar i ,h,":'. jrii1 11 '11"11t n h i,'M '?1 11) www.michael KimberlyRoehl@mic 4400 Manalee Ave..W4, E MOTIVATED SELLER- EIvjlevd 2BR 1 5BA qvil iii'i F iciIo; d ]jrij .ri ,i, ', l "riip jri fri la i W I : ,: I, I -:. l" L ):h rir,,. i11 saunders.com chaelsaunders.com 3radenton 941.748.6300 CALL DAN'S RESCREEN for your free estimate today. Affordable rates, quality work guaranteed. Pool cages, lanais, windows, doors. Call (941) 713-5333. CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist. Experienced certified technician for communica- tion electronics offers wireless and cable networks, upgrades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and train- ing. Call Robert, (941) 778-3620. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod- eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGG061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794. PROFESSIONAL I.T. SERVICES: Complete com- puter solutions for business and home. Installation, repairs, upgrades, networking, Web services, wire- less services. Richard Ardabell, network engineer, (941) 778-5708, or cell (216) 509-1945. APPLIANCE & AC DOCTORS: We repair air con- ditioners, refrigerator, washer/dryer, oven, garbage disposal, otherhousehold items. Honest, depend- able. 20-plus years experience. (941) 650-9293. MR. BILLS HOME REPAIR/maintenance service. Over 30 years experience, self-employed in construction trades. "I'm handy to have around." (941) 778-4561. WILDLIFE REMOVAL and relocation: Problem solv- ing for all animals, big and small. Call Joe, West- coast Nuisance Wildlife Service, (941) 778-3455, or cell (941) 720-4152. CUCCIO TILE AND handyman services. Many Island references. Free estimates. Licensed and insured. (941) 730-2137. SANDY'S CLEANING SERVICE: Exceptional clean- ing and decorating island references available. For unbeatable service, call 798-9484. 31Years of Professional Service EXPERIENCE REPUTATION RESULTS ARBORS 2BR/2BA, golf course, turnkey, clubhouse. $263,900. MARTINIQUE N.-Direct Gulf view, corner with garage, storage. Updated. Shows beautifully. $899,000. HOLMES BEACH-Neptune Gardens. 2BR. 1,100 sf; carport, short walk to beach. All for $479,000. KEY ROYALE-Canalfront lot. 9,450 sf. Golf course view. $699,000. BAYVIEW- 4-5BR/4BA, including guest quarters. Large master suite. $1,500,000. GULF VIEW- Holmes Beach duplex or 4BR/2BA home. $1,099,000. ANNA MARIA DUPLEX- Large lot, 2BR and 1BR. $720,000. HARBOUR VILLA CLUB- 2BR/2BA, turnkey, boat dock. $824,900. BAYPOINTE- 4BR/3BA villa. Eight month new. $255,000. VACATION, SEASONAL AND ANNUAL RENTALS LUXURY GULFFRONT VILLAS, CONDOS, HOMES 5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807 yrealt7@aol.com www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com Tutewailer Top Producing Realtor U- 941-705-0227 .' Toll Free'l-866-587-8559 GailTuteRE@a6l.com NORTH BEACH VILLAGE (6309 . Gulf)! Gorgeous 3BR/2BA tovn. i t',- home. Expanded kitchen with center .r island. Beautifully furnished ndr close to the beach. Wrap-aroLni porches plus screen room with li i '; tub. Own your lot. Lawn care anr, community pool included. Sell-rs .. . may rent back winters if desired " Priced to sell at $595,000. VILLAGE GREEN BEAUTY: This charming home has two master suites and huge Florida room. Beautiful wood-laminate flooring and ceramic tile. New roof, new air J conditioning, painted inside and out, -.. new sprinkler system & much more. ----- .. Just $314,900. /db k 3224 EAST BAY DRIVE E.[ '.T ,\ l' HOLMES BEACH i THE ISLANDER 0 FEB. 22, 2006 0 B-9 1, E BD ABOUT GROUT: CLEANING, sealing, staining (painting of grout), tile and grout repair, caulking of showers/kitchen. Bonded and insured. Call Jeff, (941) 545-0128. INCOME TAX SERVICE: Individuals and small businesses. We also do all states. Contact Pat at Kenney Tax Service. (941) 761-8156. MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet. Beginning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, (941) 792-0160. BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refriger- ation. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call William Eller, (941) 795-7411. CAC184228. ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional cre- ates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www.jackelka.com. (941) 778-2711. NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing massage in the comfort of your home. Call today for an appointment, (941) 795-0887. MA#0017550. TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years experience. References available. For a reasonable price, callSebastian, (941) 704-6719. WE PROVIDE LOW interest rates on all first and second mortgage loans. Business, personal and investment loans. No upfront fees. Good or bad credit accepted. Call today, (800) 621-3155. Please contact Michelle Staffe. mstaffescg@hotmail.com. (877) 621-3155. JMR MAINTENANCE and handyman services. Honest and dependable.. Jon Reding, (941) 773-9911. CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and com- mercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, landscaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. (941) 778-5294. ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. Monthly and quarterly accounts available. If it is. broken, we can fix it. Call (941) 778-2581. JR'S LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE Lawns, native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup. Island resident 25 years. Call (941) 807-1015. CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING: Top quality lawn and landscape maintenance. Now accepting new accounts at great rates. Please call (941) 778-2335 or 284-1568. PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN and installation. Huge selection of plants, shrubs and trees. Irrigation. Everything Under the Sun Garden Centre, 5704 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-4441. SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $42/yard. Haul- ing: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free esti- mates. Call Larry at (941) 795-7775, "shell phone" (941) 720-0770. KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean- ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City of Anna Maria resident. Cell (941) 448-3857. NATURE'S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residen- tial and commercial. 30-years experience. (941) 729-9381. STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Installs, clean- ups, shell, rock, palms, aquascapes, tree work. Truck for hire, move anything. Shark Mark (941) 727-5066. VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/ exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island refer- ences. Bill, (941) 795-5100. RICK KUNKEL PAINTING: 30 years experience. Licensed, insured. Free ences. (941) 932-0940. Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor S778-0455 ..-. '. reen REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA www.greenreal.com If You Haven't Found It - YOU SHOULD! Hiddenlake WCante mUidi a .. iesifqte estimates. Local refer- JOE UNGVARSKY CONSTRUCTION Remodel- ing contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed and insured. Many Island references. (941) 778-2993. License #CRC 035261. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING free esti- mates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at (941) 778-1730. CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island ser- vice since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certifying back flow at water meters. (FL#RF0038118) (941) 778-3924 or 778-4461. TILE TILE TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, (941) 726-3077. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod- eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794. CUSTOM RENOVATION/RESTORATION expert- Allphases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Thirty years experience. Insured. Meticulous, clean, sober and prompt. Paul Beauregard, (941) 779-2294. KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and shutters. Insured and licensed,-(941) 748-4711. TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed. Why pay retail? Island resident, many references. Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor Coverings. (941) 792-1367, or 726-1802. JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy- man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pressure washing and tree trimming. Call (941) 778-6170 or 447-2198. TWO DUDES with tools: Tile, trim, cabinets, painting, drywall, glass block, brick, stonework and more! Many references. Call now! (941) 812-4269 or 448-6961. . --= --- -- ;.....__ .. ^.. "-.. .- DOLPHIN HARBOUR AT MARINA ISLE currenirl under conslruilion Tnis amajing 5BR/5 5BA Ke/- West style residence is a waterlovers dream Enloy fabulous vi'las trom your luxurious master sulte overlooking Tampa Bay and Galati's Marina wihn the Sunshine Skyway in ine distance Steps away Irom your Doal slip wifn Easv access 10 Tampa Bay and Ihe Gult 01 lMeico. Great entertainnig space winh a beaulitully designed gourmet kilCnen opening up to a spacious grand room and 3 wrap-around deck. An amazing private bayfroni retreat offered at $2 795,000 0. -^A-*a: ..- ^ ^ -* , .. - *Gated Community *Attached Garage w/Electric Gulf of Mexi Door Opener *Beautiful- Lakefront Homes *Heated Pool & Spa 75TH STWEST m *Minutes to the Gulf Of m Mexico ,. HnSTEST Behind the to *Four Models To Choose B~U - Plaza From s 8THwET 'r r *Gorgeous Clubhouse Choose Your interior Colors D Designs LONGBOAT KEY CANALFRONT Elevated 3BR-2BA nome woin wondenul open-bianm ice~irigs. new Iloonng. new dick shown wa31i lo he beacr, botanical park aridr esturanl Hurry' $779.000 GREAT VALUE! HOUSE & DEEDED BOAT SUP Great winter reridEnie or potential to build up Open and bngrn, room or a pool. luSt Mree short blocks rrom trie beacn and steps Irom your Lb03 SjI. l557i5 000 RQdy to move in! Coastal deigned 3BR'2 5BA home with Eign- leen 10t icelings, grannre couners, wood floors stainless appli- races Eight folt Frrnen doors open up ro two decks. a swimming pool. plu many upgrades. Close to beacri across' 9$95.000 BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME 75 106 foot lot located across from the beach in central Holmes Beacn Walk to shops and restaurants ArhiTrec plans available for a beautiful ciJstom-designed, ground-level home or Duild up lof views or re GulO $627.500 Luxuiy Condominiums 6404 7th Ave. Cir. W. M D AYS I' v Ali E 761 -0444 16-~ 10-B U FEB. 22, 2006 U THE ISLANDER 4 :f?^p L3. ''a^ ,:.-; ^ ^ g ^^OdEr pQ^r~i QTf (l2 Ci) oH m , m 4 QS oI( OCo w 2 ze o C, i Ll 2o -CC Ir~ zo- "C 4, 6 ju-'4 /il S" I; .a. 7'- \ N; 1 __- J (-4 ( 9je j I or,, 0410 I 04 4 -7 Er Ls I- z LL, z E z ~r c-s -J "0 o I I (-'.W Sr iS 41 4? e 4 9 m. 4c (D V CL 8 4 Ii a 3AVCs 6y7s7 'Vh~ +r a 5. - o . ,P 9: ~ z 'r 5 ti .. -C'. - (' I Cl p < -' .,- u .- "I- SForThe LadiesI Zw' t~l:~tcrm .1 ID * Ce I ", Capistrano retail $120 sal4 ~$0 Baja Beach retail $120 sale .p1c6O Island Shopping.Center. 5418 Marina Drive Holmes Beach (Neari tihe ltnt t .opl of Guf and arina) Ti. e StoireS \- 'ACATION ......... ":~;~r .. .l . ,^ ^ *--^ ^.1^ ^ .- . SMo" swayit., Itrret? ooiTufl"-..ra 4 ntonnn ach o1 %prg Aw~,a rMat mimSan 94138J.2391 B I 9 941.779.2222 94J.778.0444 Vist www.Grpersndwich.com for MenuS It ms. GrGits arspociad Event Plannt Early Diner Menu- 3 50 Entrees starting at $ For Reservtions call 782-1122 ,,,,:, -- .f- l / : ,- www.thesunhouserestaurant.cor ,- at the traffic circle in Bradentn Beach --- ,,, at the traffic clrcle In Orodento~n Beach , BIKE RENTA Daily Weekly* Monthly Bikes for the whole family Plus Kayak Rentals Beach Supplies Fishing Rods Beach Clothes Gifts for Everyone On Your List ES BEACH BUM BILLY'S opo ISLAND BEACH STORE 427Pne Avenue*," 4rnan.,, ...*,*Pl pe'* 4 N:i. U y i a ;i . '- . '"" C : 6 ? E? (E B .,A ,5 -. E Fc .-.. c HOME OFTHE MANGO-MACADAMIA ENCRUSTED GROUPER FREE 2 GLASSES OF WINE or a piece ol Key Lime Pie with any Iwo regular priced dinners, with this ad. Open Daily Live Music Pri, Sat EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Everyday. 4-6 pm Buy one entree get second enrreer f -HALF-OFF wo H ir, 31 ..l .ir, 'u :. ,:ht o b .t r)I .. fB Where the locals and the stars love to dine! Denzel Washington said: "Great food! 103 Gulf Drive Bradenton Beach. 779-1930 Rod & Reel Pier LreoA;;st, LBuncti-h & Drine 7 7Oavs Frest, Fish Specials Doll, Ice-Cold Beer & Wine - THE ISLANDER U FEB. 22, 2006 U B-11 "The best hamburgers and the coldest mugs of beer this side of Heaven." -_ffliss Puffv B4 ,-..__ Pat Geyer, Proprietress OPEN 11-8 12-8 SUNDAY www.DuffysTavernAMIIcm w w-lii ,-r^^i ll ji ^y T ZHM : I * * V 9 AV 3/4z ououns J AV',' 344N" 53 34 BISBUEQ VAV l3AV 3 y N AIu'O jing z 0 LU c- I.. - i(I APuelq H , zz-6' S A IAlina s, FO-1 HW -/ zw wet am 0C CO < cc LL, cc -1l w 0 cco0 cZOO >- 2 4-4z4 LUD 0 ZcwjoZZZ iL l()C)X <0 mcmmm i m~rr t N CO - < :Z[ J :C w wO ZZZCC 0-a. 00 Wl0 Cr CDg B5 ~zzz C\4 .< 0i c :o : (NJ(NJ -n (J M3 Tm-y L L)Z t z cl m ->uj aaooaao 1 GALa. -J-jxzzi Uj LL 9999WLMWL ~n Ui) 0i u MMMM ZWWHj ::< CL Co CCE i o jI 5a.cfl0. ow cUCI)c1 N-N CON CM-C m n CM mc mm Z FO Fo ccII cz ~mmmmm Ooowmmmgm~mm inmcmm01Com0,0c 020 CID IM IM m 03 mu~m. _j 13 .m -- LLIZ =O UJ >:W-i ILL)Lu m m~cI;-m n ycozotccwwo. cr CC X;_j n w cn : 0 L).y Z ,jj ) -1 :1.."'-........ Sr........ -..000.MCC> .-- Ir C' 1 - Cc >95Q ccc 2cP O: Z~ CO10 '1 comCo C- C"-mmm mcWN- W--4 02 'ZCD C1 C a cn U r Z P L Z :3Z > cn CE ,,oe o fr no OW- ca U_ a- 0 M-. O. j- .".' a) I-s -rTrs CONTINENTAL BISTRO -.-* ,.-' ,.:,_.' Checkout our new, chic dining area and wine barl ,40 ria Hoes Beach 78-' $ , [2 5406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 778-5320 ', . 5 OUT OF 4 PEOPLE] SHOP AT GINNYS at Ginny's and Jane E's at the old ZIGA' Ginny's vintage furnishings with a coastal-living flair and ^0 Jane E's S'CInternet ncfe asnd bakery 9 Mi Gulf Drive, Anna Maria o Bakery 778-7370 778-3170 Open Tues Sat 7am r !r 8am Ginny's Antiques and Art 64 5602 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach .Ope'n7 days 9:30 am 799-1773 m w e =-m-- .. ., --. I zC) 0a_ 0 Ba DID~~~a9is ~3~i~ v, v, v, u, Y)(n y, O) V) CO O=NC? CIU1 (D h ~3 0) "I 1 -1 ..- mm co. 12-B 0 FEB. 22, 2006 M THE ISLANDER ISLA N EK ~E ^D EIEE WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more. Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in- home consultation. Island references, 15 years experience. (941) 778-3526 or 730-0516. THIRTY-SIXYEARS craftsman experience. Interior, exterior, doors, stairs, windows and trim. Pressure wash. Driveway paint. Dan Michael, master carpen- ter. Call 518-3316 or 778-6898. ROB'S RENOVATION AND REMODELING: Tile, hardwood flooring, drywall, carpentry, paint, pres- sure cleaning, rescreens, windows and doors. Free estimates! We will beat any estimates. Call Rob, (941) 526-5010. CARLV.JOHNSON JR. Inc. building contractor. New homes, additions, renovations. Quality work and fair prices. Lic#RR0066450. Call (941) 795-1947. DOCK CLEANING, STAINING, repair. Professional service, insured. Make your dock or deck look like new. (941) 779-1839. HANDYMAN SERVICE: Winton's Home-Buddy Inc. Retired banker, Island resident, converting life- long hobby to business. Call (941) 705-0275 for free estimates. ANNUAL RENTAL: Available March 1, 2006. Anna Maria. 2BR/1BA duplex across from beach. $925/month plus utilities. (941) 778-7003. RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal. Wedebrock Real Estate Co., (941) 778-6665 or (800) 749-6665. VACATION RENTALS: 2BR apartments across from beautiful beach, $375 to $500/week. Winter and spring dates available. Almost Beach Apart- ments, (941) 778-2374. ACTORS GREAT LOCATION: 3BR/3BA Key West elevated home. Like new' Dining room, four-car garage lanai, workshop, elevator, pool by March 2006 Views of Gulf and Intracoastal. $1,300,000. Call Mike Carleton, Realtor, (941) 737-0915 or Michel Cerene. Broker. (941) 545-9591 evenings. DUPLEX WITH BOAT DOCK: 2BR/1 BA each side. Comer lot. Designated boat access across street (with city approval). Current survey available. Sold as is. Right to inspect. $694,900. Call Carmen Pedota. Realtor. (941) 284-2598, evenings. WATERFRONT CONDO: 2BR/1.5BA Gulfside condo, updated, turnkey fumished, glass porch, detached carport. Complex has two pools, one healed. $629,000. Call Suzy Pieler, Realtor, (941) 447-1100, evenings DUPLEX: One Dlock to beach. 1BR/1BA each side. Remodeled 2004. $589,000. Call Mike Carlelon, Realtor, (941) 737-0915 or Michel Cerene,. Broker, (941) 545-9591, evenings. 5910 Marina Drive .* Holmes Beach FL.34217 Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770 1-800-741-3772 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Web site: www.smithrealtors.com ./ SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR (two master suites)/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/ dryer, garage, designer furnished with tropical yard setting. One of the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/weekly. Call (941) 713-0034 or e-mail: gamiller@tampabay.rr.com. GULFFRONT CONDOS: 3BR/2BA, 2BR/2BA, 1 BR/1 BA with breathtaking sunsets. Pools, Jacuzzi, walk to shops and restaurants. Available weekly, monthly, seasonal. (901) 301-8299 or e-mail captko462@aol.com. WEEKLY RENTALS: Alecassandra villa, 1 BR/1 BA, $700/week; Island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; Gulffront cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach Club, 2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call Kim Fisher, Wagner Realty; (941) 778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com. SEASONAL RENTAL: Brand new Bradenton Beach 3BR/3BA plus office, steps to beach. Balconies with ocean and bay views, elevator, 8-person Jacuzzi, granite counters, marble floors and baths, Jacuzzi in master, washer/dryer, designer furnished, fully equipped. One of the finest rentals on Island. $4800/ monthly 813-277-4336. SEASONAL FURNISHED-new home._in Anna Maria. Elevated 3BR/2BA. Available now through April. One block to beach. (813) 251-9201. BEACH LIVING: SEASONAL, Furnished one room efficiency. Utilities included. Gulf views and large decks. (941) 505-1962. SEASONAL: GORGEOUS, OCEANVIEW home. 5BR/3BA, fireplace, cable TV. One hundred yards from Gulf. Two scenic decks. Available Jan- uary, 2006-April, 2006. $3,900/month. Call (813) 948-1267 or email kkl@tampabay.rr.com. ANNUAL RENTAL: Perico Bay Club; 2BR/2BA villa with garage, small pet OK. Heated pool, tennis, gated community. $1,300/month. Hidden Lakes; 3BR/2Ba condo, all new, pool, small pet OK. $1,400/month. 7104 Marina; 3BR/2BA, pool, two- car garage, fireplace, pets OK. $1,500/month. 572 2nd Ave.W., Bradenton; 2BR/2BA home, garage, pets OK. $1,500/month/ Suncoast Real Estate, (941) 779-0202. www.suncoastinc.com. SANDPIPER MOBILE RESORT: 55-plus. 1BR/1 BA, $1,200/month. 2BR/2BA, $1,400/month. Non- smoking, clubhouse, laundry, steps to beach. (775) 825-9492 or (775) 338-9492. otuohy @ prodigy.net.: ANNUAL 3BR/2BA: Holmes Beach. Steps to beach, clean duplex-$1,200/month. (941) 725-0578 or (941) 794-2912. MOBILE HOME FOR RENT: Nice 2BR, furnished mobile home, gated community on creek. Braden- ton Palms Mobile Home Park. Hot tub, pool, four-six month rental. $1,100/month. (863) 688-3524 or (863) 608-1833. E-mail: chickenplucker@webtv.net. ANNA MARIA ISLAND: Steps from Bradenton Beach. One hundred yards from bay. Spacious 1BR/1.BA with parking. Available for yearly rental. (614) 517-7147. LONGBOAT KEY VILLAGE: 2BR/1BA updated home. Completely furnished, $2,400/month. Avail- able immediately. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. MONTHLY RENTAL: 2BR/2BA with den. Furnished condo on canal. West Bradenton. Five minutes to beaches. $2,500/month. June through November 2006. (708) 532-2149. NEWLIS mhome on a uidstreet' p-ear thi-beach! C- tastel Turnikey furnished; with Mexican-tile tloors,.granite: countertops, stainless appliances, built-ins, hot and cold outdoor jower, and paver driveway! Must see! $699,000. BROK R AT -72IO- .24 .OI.i. _E INhlORMATIOM - ;TING! Natural setting surrounds this 3BR/2BA home with open water views, boat dock, hot tub, steps to beach and turnkey f i furnished! Uttered 4 $899,000. BAYVIEW DUPLEX includes lot on bay! 3BR/3BA and 1BR/1BA duplex or 4BR/4BA home with boat docks and gorgeous view of Sarasota Bay. Offered at $969,900. ISLAND CON VENIENCE STORE WITH GAS Super opportunity to on\ n island business! Offered at: $199,500 & Inventory. Deborah Thrasher A RE/MAX Excellence (941)518-7738 (941) 383-9700 *DebMThrash@aol.com REDEFINE YOUR RETIREMENT Am. tI&W .L 9K 1 SFamily owned for 30 years & . committed to serving residents for years to come. * Move in today. * Lakeside lots available * 5 Year Gold Key Warranty * Palm Harbor Homes designed exclusively for Waterside Club, * Club Privilege Package includes use of clubhouse, swimming'pool, land lease, lawn service, fitness room, computer room, library, lake activities, and private activity room * Make new friends with active, Friendly neighbors Waterside Club is a 55+ Retirement Community 3301 Cortez Rd. West Bradenton, FL 34207 Contact: Neil Johnson 756-7068 Wler ... AFFORDABLE SOLUTIONS FROM $139,000 '" U ly/"^ ; .....C L U B "'" ,' i "', .;" ';''" "-'" '" ''" '"-'""'" :" ... Just visiting paradise? The Islander SINCE 1992 Don't leave the Island without taking time to subscribe. You'll get ALL the.best news, delivered by the mailman every week. It'salmost as good as a letter from home! Visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach or call 941-778-7978. Online edition: www.islander.org K f at THE ISLANDER U FEB. 22, 2006 K B-13 EDD SB YOU WILL LOVE this Ringling retreat at Lido Beach: 2BR/1BA modern, fully-furnished duplex of historical background in garden setting. $75/week. Also studio, $550/week. Walk to beach and St. Armands restaurants and popular shopping center, 15-minute bus ride to Main Street, Sarasota. Please phone (941) 383-0244 or (941) 383-2566. E-mail kang870@aol.com. ANNA MARIA ISLAND: Waterfront mobile resort. Steps to beach. Nice 1BR/1BA. April $950. May- September $625. 55-plus. 2601 Gulf Drive N., Unit 425, Bradenton Beach. (941) 778-5417. ANNUAL OR SEASONAL rental. 2BR/1BA, two blocks to beach. $900/month annual, includes cable, water, sewer, trash. Seasonal $700/week or $2,100/month. (941) 778-0714 or (941) 730-6349. ANNA MARIA ISLAND Club: Available January and February 2007.2BR/2BA, totally remodeled in 2006. Call (813) 781-7562. NORTH-END FURNISHED beach villas, One or two bedrooms, 1 BA, with screened porch. 100 steps to beach. Great views! Starting at $1000/month. (941) 219-1042. twoodsbton @netzero.com. ANNUAL 2BR/2BA duplex on canal in Holmes Beach. No pets. (941) 778-7039. PRIVATE COTTAGE WITH shared dock, Old Flor- ida-style 2BR/1BA, screened porch, deck, fenced yard. Half block to beach. Pet OK. Weekly, monthly beginning April 1, 2006. (941) 485-1874. ANNUAL 3BR/2BA: Holmes Beach. Steps to beach, clean duplex $1,200/month. (941) 725-0578 or (941) 794-2912. WESTBAY POINT: 2BR/2BA, beautiful condition, overlooking canal. Available February, March, April. $2,600/month. Call (616) 291-5116. CHARMING 2BR/2BA canal house close to bay: Available April 1, 2006, for annual rental. (717) 392-4048. HOLMES BEACH: 2BR/2BA beach cottage, 1.5 blocks to beach. Fully furnished. $550/week. (941) 587-1456. WATERFRONT SEASONAL: January, March, April. One, two and three bedrooms available. 1BR $1,800/month, 2-3BR $3,000/month. Price reduced after April. 109 13th St. S., Bradenton Beach. (941) 779-9074. BEAUTIFUL AND SPACIOUS 3BR/2BA home located four houses down form beach! Free trolley picks up at end of block. Available by the week. Adjacent two-bedroom apartment also available first half of March. Call (616) 225-1589. CONDOS: BRADENTON BEACH, Bayview Ter- race. Pool on bay, one block to beach.Three-month minimum. 2BR, $2,000/month. 1 BR $1,500/month. (941) 752-1737. GULFFRONT DUPLEX: Second floor, 2BR/1BA, newly updated, open floor-plan, 12-by-12 deck. Holmes Beach, close to shopping, restaurants, lush gardens. $950week, $3,200/month. (941) 778-0905. CONDOS: BRADENTON BEACH, Bayview Ter- race. Pool on bay, one block to beach.Three-month minimum. 2BR, $2,000/month. 1 BR $1,500/month. (941) 752-1737. 1BR, LARGE APARTMENT. Water view, nonsmok- ing, no pets. $475/week. (941) 779-0420. ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/1BA, carport, new kitchen cabinets, tile floors. Close to community center and beach. Ground level. Call (941) 795-7089. AVAILABLE MARCH 2006: Quiet, clean Holmes Beach 2BR/1 BA ground-level duplex. Large lanai, new kitchen, washer/dryer, two blocks to beach. No smok- ing. $2,100/month, $900/week. Call (813) 928-5378 or e-mail evergreenproperties@yahoo.com. 600-SF OFFICE: $500/month; 900-sf office, garage, storage, two 10-foot overhead doors $750/month. 1-800-952-1206. 8799 Cortez Road, Bradenton. 1,200-SF OFFICE, former real estate broker. Avail- able immediately. 1-800-952-1206. 8803 Cortez Road, Bradenton. NORTH-END FURNISHED beach villas, One or two bedrooms, one bath, screened porch. 100 steps to beach. Great views! Starting at $1000/month. (941) 219-1042. twoodsbton @ netzero.com. HOLMES BEACH GULFFRONT: 2BR/2BA, beauti- ful view of Gulf. On the beach. Weekly rental. Avail- able now. (941) 779-2701 or (608) 332-9272. MARCH CANCELLATION: Westbay Point and Moorings 2BR/2BA bayfront unit, rate reduction to $2,800/month. Call Sharon, Old Florida Realty. (941) 713-9096. ANNUAL RENTAL: Large Gulffront complex! 1BR/1BA furnished condo. Heated pool, beautiful beach. Holmes Beach, near restaurants and shop- ping. $950/month. 55-plus. An Island Place Realty, (941) 779-0733. ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/1.5BA, elevated apart- ment. Carport, washer and dryer, large storage, deck. $850/month. Fran Maxon Real Estate, (941) 778-2307. ANNUAL: SPACIOUS, NEWLY decorated 1BR. Screened lanai, wood floors, steps to beach. Available April or May. $735/month .plus. (941) 779-9470. GULFFRONT CONDO, GROUND level. Breath- taking sunsets. Furnished 2BR/1 BA. Walk to res- taurants, shops, grocery, trolley. Winter/summer dates available. $2,000/month/ $600/week. (813) 264-0639 or (352) 592-5870. SEASONAL RENTALS: HOMES, condos available for the months of March, April, May 2006. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066.. ~~. .r ~ -. AHrNH iYMnnn IH AIl ruun-rLcA uiliy Iiit/ siltp'.i 1O ainuy iu beaj:he:, This priopery ars four unitS with a Ol ul 50 BRi4BA and 3 200 s of Islard living 'space Io Enjoy LCaleid in hislori village 01 Bradrnion Beach. upstairF unit otters e pansive Gull vews and Iree sunset nightly Properry is onred commercial Tonso 0 possioililes Owner agent $i .500 (00. Call Scon Bair al 1941) 798-9191 TRADITIONAL FLORIDA LIVING Welcome ome o0 Imhs ador- 3aO 2BR/1BA dream. Hardwood Ilooring Irom Ironi porch righl Ihrougn living and bedrooms Me,.can tile in remodeled gour- mel kiinhen and irrill roomT Two i replaces, privacy lenced Dace yard wih pavers. Crown moldinim h. irughlou A mlet see Delached one-car garage and almosiil 1 800 st under ro0, $299 000 Call Jonalan Wlrihl a3t 19 11301-9992 AWESOME ISLAND OPPORTUNITY This duple. ofer 2BR/1 BA each side and alinmu 2.200 .f under root Updaled kilcheril and living areas wlln new iile ana carpel Large corner Gull Drive lot in Hoime's Bea n. Investors and builder. weicome and bring imaginallons Mu:h larger Injn appears Irom outside $659 9000 Call Anne Huber al 1941) 713-9835. DEEP-WATER CANAL HOME This hhome localed in wil Palmeino near Snead Island has 4BR/3BA Pool, spaihol l1ub 100i lee o doi with lift True family home with lnriesci,'lay area and lour spacious bedrooms Wonderful cooks ilchen and separate dining room Two .ided wood Durning fireplace, real place 1or enleraining wnh multiple porches Greal lay Oul for in0aw. or guesi1 $.51) 0100 Call Seoot Barr at 19411798-9191 W .)941-798-9191 LIVE ON. THE BEACH IN BEST PRICED UNIT IN THIS A GULF SANDS BEACH- BEACHFRONT COMPLEX! FRONT CONDO WITH 2BR/BA with a large, ' GORGEOUS VIEWS! 2BR/2BA with a large, VES! heated pool. Super cen- ." tral Holmes Beach location. LIVE THE ISLAND LIFE- STYLE in this large S- a 3BR/2BA remodeled SCalifornia/Santa Fe-style home located on a 10,000 sf lot zoned R-2, one block from the beach. .r, Offered at $995,000. PLEASE CALL GAYLE SCHULZ FOR SHOWINGS AND MORE DETAILS. le G.ie impso 0 Schulz Broker/Associate Jim Anderson Realty Company PO Box 1789 401-B Pine Avenue Anna Maria, FL 34216 S941.778.4847 toll free 1.800.772.3235 www.jimandersonrealty.com email: jimsrealtyco@aol.com FEATURED LISTING WESTBAY POINT & MOORINGS: Rarely avail- able 3BR unit, overlooking'canal. Spacious bed- rooms and eat-in kitchen. Over 1600 sf, heated pool and spa ina beautifully maintained bay-front community. $599,000. RARELY AVAILABLE NORTH BEACH VILLAGE UNIT. Largest floor plan over 1,500 sf with three decks; Choice location, private condo with two-car garage, nicely maintained, heated pool and close to the beach! $649,00. A WATERLOVERS DREAM! Wonderful master suite with a grand deck overlooking the bay, 4 guest suites + a grand room, and a gourmet kitchen opening up onto a wrap-around deck with bay views. Easy boat access Bay and Gulf. Offered at $2,795,000. NEW CONSTRUCTION! LOW MAINTENANCE HOME! Construction complete! Coastal designed 3BR/2.5BA home with 18-foot ceilings, granite countertops, stainless appliances, wood floors, 8-foot French doors, two open decks, Hardi Plank siding, a swimming pool ahd much more all close to beach access This is a must see! $895,000. VALENCIA GARDENS Renovated ground floor end unit, 2BR/2BA condo with great views, of El Conquistador golf course! Turnkey furnished, ready for you to move in: Close to beaches, IMG Academy, private courtyard, pool, spa, and lanai. Florida living at it's best. $297,900. BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME 75 x 106 lot across the street from the beach in central Holmes Beach. Walk to shops and restaurants. Architect plans available for a custom designed, beautiful ground level home permissible on this lot, or build up for gulf views! $627,500. GREAT CANALFRONT VALUE IN LONGBOAT KEY 3BR/2BA home with wonderful open-beam ceilings, new flooring, new dock, no bridges to bay. Short walk to beach, botanical.park and a great restaurant. Build up for bay views! $789,000. GREAT VALUE! HOME WITH DEEDEDBOAT SLIP Ground level 2BR/1 BA home in a quiet neighbor- hood. Bright and airy with an open floor plan. Short walk to the beach and just steps from your boat. Great winter residence or investment/renovation potential. Priced to sell at $575,000. INVESTOR ALERT! 13,728 sf duplex lot, with the bonus of a recently renovated duplex. Don't miss this one! 6BR/4BA and plenty of room for TWO pools! Call today for more details! $810,000. MOVE RIGHT IN Enjoy Island living in this beautifully remodeled home located in Anna Maria. Granite counter tops, wood floors, brand new carpet. Move right in. $775,000. STEPS TO THE BEACH! Spacious 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished condo. Heated pool, rooftop sundeck with great views, excellent rental history with no rental restrictions! A must see. $599,000. FANTASTIC GULF VIEWS: Original nautical themed home modeled after a Mississippi Lighthouse. 3BR/2BA, separate carriage house and garage all on two platted lots and only one house back from the beach! $2,200,000. 539 UF R -Htmscc s. " Y- 14-B 0 FEB. 22, 2006 M THE ISLANDER S L A D ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA single-family home with carport. Less than one block to beach. Ground level. $1,100/month. Available March 1, 2006. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/1BA duplex, one block to beach, completely remodeled, ground level. $1,075/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA single-family home, very private backyard with canal. City of Anna Maria. Available March 1, 2006. $1,500/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. ANNUAL RENTAL: Home with bay view, 2BR/2BA, large two-plus car garage, screened lanai. $1,350/month. Fran Maxon Real Estate, (941) 778-2307. '1BR GULFFRONT APARTMENT: Available March and April, by the week or month. (941) 778-3805. Bradenton Beach. DELIGHTFUL ANNUAL RENTAL: Experience great beach living, direct beachfront 2BR/2BA condo, 55-plus community. $2,000/month plus utilities. (717) 392-4048. ANNUAL OR SEASONAL 3BR/2BA Palms of Cortez condo. Pet OK. $1,200/month annual, or $2,500/month seasonal. Clean and new. Call (941) 704-7394. ESCAPE THE SNOW: seasonal/winter rentals, Anna Maria Island, across from beach. One or two bedroom, newly remodeled. www.beachesndreams.net. (888) 841-8474. HOLMES BEACH ANNUAL: 3BR/2BA 1,300 sf, close to beach. $895/month. First, last, secu- rity. Available April 1. (585) 473-9361 or (941) 778-5412. RETIRED COUPLE SEEKING six-month seasonal rental November-April. 2-plusBR/2BA. Garage, dock, pool. Annual considered. (941) 761-9326. ANNUAL UNFURNISHED 1BR/1BA, close to beach. Great location. $800/month. (941) 779-2132, leave message. A-MY ORDAN -, REALTOR Dedicated to service Expertise in renovation and rehabilitation properties. Island, waterfront and area lifestyle specialist. The JEWEL of Gulf Coast Real Estate Contact Amy for all of your REAL ESTATE needs! 941-779-1811 wa 11 _22 A.;; CUTE AS A BUTTON: 2BR/2BA house on Gulffront lot, all newly decorated. Washer/dryer, new tile, etc., $1,200/month, unfurnished. Duplex, 2BR/1BA, car- port, washer/dryer hook up, $900/month. Seasonal Gulffront, $1,300/month. Dolores M. Baker Realty, (941) 778-7500. ANNUAL AVAILABLE APRIL 1BR/2BA, bayfront fishing dock. No pets, no smoking. $1,100/month. (941) 224-6521. VILLAGE GREEN: IMMACULATE 2BR/2BA home, eat-in kitchen, enclosed lanai, fruit trees, two-car garage, close to everything and minutes to the beach. $1,350/month, including lawn maintenance. (941)725-4425. TWO MONTHS FREE rent with annual lease: Fully furnished and ready for you! 2BR/2BA plus two- car carport, raised patio, utility shed, washer and eat-in kitchen. Enjoy a new life in this 55-plus lakeside retirement community. Close to every- thing! $795/month. Sorry, no pets. Call Neil, (941) 756-7068, at Waterside Club, 3301 Cortez Road W., Bradenton. SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals. 1BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to beach, shopping, restaurants. (941) 778-3426. Web site 2spinnakers.com. RECONSTRUCTION PRICES! Lakefront Hidden Lake condominiums, west Bradenton. Close to beach. Starting at $329,900. Call Cori Woods, (941) 761-0444. BEAUTIFUL, NEW, RENOVATED 3BR/2BA Spanish-style home. Two-minute walk to beach. Fully furnished, rental ready. Quiet Holmes Beach private setting on cul-de-sac. Custom details, tile, granite. New cabinets, windows, doors, A/C, ductwork, stainless appliances. Paver drive/patios. (941) 778-4560. $699,000 KEY ROYALE/NORTH Point Harbor: Two homes, next door, in Island's finest community. 4BR/3BA, five-car garage, elevated home, beautiful views of Tampa Bay, new lap pool, spa, waterfall, sea- wall and dock. $1,200,000. Also, 2BR/2BA, two- car garage, ranch home, new seawall, dock and 20,000-pound lift. $1,150,000. Buy both for $2,300,000! Lynn Bankuty, Realtor, Suncoast Real Estate, (941) 737-1420. PERICO ISLAND: 1,170 sf, lovely 2BR2BA condo. Great water view/porch. Eat-in kitchen. Rented until 8/06. $325,500. Agents welcome. (941) 792-7828. MUST SEE: Manufactured home has everything. Colony Cove. 1,600 sf. Views of Manatee River. 2BR/2BA, pets, 55-plus, five pools. $58,500. (941) 721-4890. ANNA MARIA ISLAND Club: 2BR/2BA condo. Fully furnished and equipped. Best-kept condo complex on the Island. Beautiful beach, pool, hot tub, sauna and sunsets. No more left on the Island like this! $1,200,000. (317) 873-3307 for instructions on virtual tour. FIVE MINUTES TO BEACH: Perico Island, beauti- ful designer patio home. 4BR/3BA, two-car garage. Pool, private. $535,000. Best value! Agents wel- come. (941) 792-7828. DIRECT GULFFRONT CONDO: Furnished end unit, 2BR/2BA. Enjoy sunsets year'round from sofa, lanai or beach. Low association fee. Weekly rental allowed. $975,000. (504) 810-0867. BEACHFRONT CONDO: 1BR/1BA, new. construction. Designer furnished, spa, pool, excellent location near restaurants, shopping. Excellent rental. $529,000. (901) 301-8299, or captko462@aol.com. 4BR/4BA ELEVATED TURNKEY-furnished duplex with many possibilities. Two short blocks to beach. Can convert to 1BR/1BA and 3BR/3BA, 2BR/2BA and 2BR/2BA or 4BR/4BA. $648,500. Call Maria at Bark & Co. Realty, (941) 778-5900 or cell (863) 559-8559. Brand new! Move in now! No long construction wait. Beautifully appointed large 2BR on lake near pool. $347,000. Call Bobye Chasey, Chasey Realty. 941-713-1277 MARKEY REALTY & ASSOCIATES COZY RETREAT Tranquil Island home. Large corner lot, across the street from the bay and in walking distance from the beach. Large rooms, ceramic tile floors and cathedral ceilings give this home an open, airy, island feel. Inground pool and screened lanai pro- vide for spacious outdoor entertaining. $799,000. www.flrealtour.com/01160231j/realtor. .- POPULAR NORTH BEACH VILLAGE with 'i,,;, ^ its unique park-like set- ltl ing and open airy floor ". plan Two-car attached S' -: garage with large utility room. Two decks, plus S ; :II nice screened porch. Unit S.. 52 turnkey furnished. 4. taaI f! Offered at $695,000. www.iirealtour.com/ S 110905625/vtour/index.html CALL JOHN ZIRZOW 778-9171 OFFICE 753-1620 ~P-qll( --- -------- 4-~";-~Yr~l~qP"'I--~ IIP~ ~PI~Fr~iilislPPY---I~1IPsl*Ylsl i -sl~sBa $DF R9 iPiisr'~r~g*psr ~arr aa gia~i ~ii86s ~?3a$~s THE ISLANDER 0 FEB. 22. 2006 E B-15 a D AI I E D WATERFRONT PROPERTY 2BR/2BA located on deep-water canal with large dock and views of Tampa Bay. $864,900. (941) 779-1512. LOT FOR SALE: One block to Gulf. 50x100 feet, cleared. $599,000. (941) 778-4036. 215 71st St., Holmes Beach. CANALFRONT CONDO: 2BR/2BA, turnkey-fur- nished, pool, tennis, pets allowed, just unpack and enjoy Island living. $449,900. Denise Langlois, Coldwell Banker, (941) 725-4425. CUSTOM EXECUTIVE HOME: 2709 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. 3BR/3BA views of Gulf and Tampa Bay from this beautiful executive home with master bedroom and spa encompassing entire floor. Waterfall landscaped entry. Three-car garage. $950,000. Open house: noon-4pm Sat- urday and Sunday. Call (941) 744-6906 or email Bobby@ FirstEquityFin.com. LONGBOAT KEY: Executive home with swimming pool. Completely updated 4BR/2BA. Located in his- toric Longboat Key Village, just two blocks to the beach. Priced to sell. $775,000. Call (941) 744-6906 or email Bobby@FirstEquityFin.com. NORTH .BEACH VILLAGE: 2BR/2.5BA, pool, $495,000. 6250 Holmes Blvd. #24. Excalibur Realty Inc. (941) 792-5566. BEAUTIFUL ISLAND TOWNHOME: Steps to the beach! 3BR/2BA with den. Designer upgrades. $599,000. (941) 447-6278. www.Highland- Investments.com. KEY ROYALE: TASTEFULLY remodeled 3BR/2BA. Pool. spa, boat dock. Canalfront home. Priced at $929,000. Call owner direct at (941) 356-1456. MUST SEE LARGE 2BR/2BA Gulf view condo. New kitchen. $650,000. (717) 392-4048. FOUR TRIPLEXES: $1,200,000. $98,000 annual income. Call (941) 792-5566. AFFORDABLE PARADISE Looking for affordable living in Anna Maria? Consider this charming, well maintained, fully-furnished duplex. Live in half and rent half, Each side consists of two bedrooms, one full bath, kitchen, dining area, living room and a Florida room. If what you are looking for is a quiet residential location in the City of Anna Maria, a short walk from a public beach, shops and post office, this is your solution. Two complete living units for only $719,000. For more information or to visit call, (941) 704-4646. BUiN, ELJUm, RENTIN V/ CAm hEp GREAT LOCATION, GREAT BEACH ACCESS! Anna Maria SNiM S- l Village. Short stroll to the 'ri:,I ,Ii1til,.i.' .. : beach. Reduced to $699,000. S -: Call Frank Migliore, Realtor, S : '- l (941) 778-2307 or direct (941) ..-- 713-7575. MLS#513240. VIEWS OF THE BAY AND ROD & REEL! Elevated home at 607 North Bay Blvd., nestled between Bean Point and Bayfront Park..Reduced to $659,900. Call Stephanie Bell, Broker, (941) 920-5156. NEW LISTING: ANNA MARIA 5BR/2BA duplex. Jacaranda Road. Great annual tenants in place. Listed at $710,000. Call Frank Migliore, Realtor, (941) 713-7575. MLS #520275. HOME WITH BOAT DOCK Holmes Beach Well Maintained home with many updates and upgrades. Deeded Boat slip with Dock and Davit. 90x100 lot. Offered at $659,900 Call Stephanie Bell, Broker (941)920-5156 for details. NORTH END. DUPLEX North Bay Blvd. 4BR/2BA, short block to Gulf and bay. Priced to sell at $647,000. Call Stephanie Bell, Broker, (941) 920-5156. MLS#519578. ATTENTION WATERFRONT INVESTORS! The Tarpon Lodge on Terra Ceia Bay. 1.3 acres with direct access to Terra Ceia Bay and over 355 feet on the water. Asking price $1,400,000. For specifics, call Stephanie Bell, Broker, (941).920-5156. Em-iri I;~ B. SERVING THE AREA.SINCE 1970 ISLAND SPECIAL! SELLING Island real estate? Save big money, Florida Prime Realty LLC offers sellers commission as low as 1.5 percent! Call (941) 778-1098 or e-mail: floridaprimerealty@gail.com. WATERWAY ACCESS. UPDATED townhome, heated pool and boat slip. Only $335,000. Call Fred, Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. BELOW MARKET FOR quick sale: Like new, two- year -old lakefront home. 4BR/3BA, formal dining, huge kitchen and media room. $495,000. Call Gwen direct, (941) 720-2548. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. LONGBOAT KEY VILLAGE: 3BR/2BA, two-car garage. Huge new loft addition can be sep- arate guest quarter. $739,900. Call to see: Fred at Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. SHADYBROOK TOWNHOUSES: 3BR/ 2.5BA. $159,000 and $169,000. For handyman. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. FOR SALE BY owner: Best value on the Island! 2BR/ 2BA, one-car garage, gourmet kitchen, new windows, updated baths and more. Two blocks from beach. $615,000. (941) 778-8677. 406 Bay Palms Drive, Holmes Beach. wbcaudill@verizon.net. BRAND NEW DETACHED villa: 2BR/2BA, 1,245 sf under air conditioning, plus 1.5-car garage. Only $78/month maintenance fee. All ages. Pets OK. Heated pool. Great location. $235,000. Call Bill, (941) 518-9300. HOLMES BEACH DUPLEX: By owner. 2BR/2BA each side, one lanai, secluded street, steps to beach and downtown. New appliances and air han- dlers. Beautiful maintenance-free landscaping. Dog- friendly fenced yard. $650,000. (941)794-9940. ANNA MARIA 3BR/2BA north-end, home. Gulf, beaches, bay, piers. $595,000. (941) 778-2934. FOR SALE BY OWNER: Beachfront 1BR/1BA condo. End unit, fabulous view, heated pool, excel- lent rental. $589,000. annamariabeachplace.com. (330) 565-7693. DUPLEX:2411 Ave. C, Bradenton Beach. Great loca- tion. Will consider trade. $690,000. (941) 915-0684. _f Prudential Palms Realty Mich elle Musto Roollor Fine Homes Specialist 941-809-3714 www.michellemusto.com PERICO BAY CLUB: BRADENTON -4~.. ..- __ , 940 Waterside Lane: Lakefront villa, 2BR/2BA. 1,292 sf, beautifully fur- nished, loads of upgrades. $485,000. 920 Waterside Lane: Lakefront villa, 28R/2BA, 1,132 sf, brealhtaking sunsels, turnkey fur. nished. S429,000. 827 Waterside Lane: Villa, 2BR/2BA, 1,069 sf, new furnishings, remod. eled from top to boom. S485.000. LEGENDS AT TATUM RIDGE: SARASOTA 230 Londonderry Drive: a, [Lakefronp home, 3BR. 3BA, 2.338 sf dining room, den three-car garage. .. S5714900. ANNA MARIA ISLAND beach getaway cabana. Bay view, updated, large deck, boat slip available. Pines Trailer Park, 55-plus. $35,000. (941) 778-4820. LONGBOAT KEY: 2BR/2BA villa. Completely fur- nished. $575,000. (941) 383-5370. BRADENTON:TWO NEW construction properties, meet hurricane codes, Braden River access. 3BR. Gated community with recreation center. $559,000 on nature preserve near golf course. $449,000. Maintenance free, includes marina. Closing bonus. (941) 741-2502. MANASOTA KEY: One acre +/- direct beachfront with newer beach home and separate guesthouse. Also zoned and engineered in progress for five to six condos, pool and clubhouse. Also OK for private beach club. Priced under market at $2,500,000. (941) 474-6633. FED UP WITH overpriced waterfronts here? Try the pristine blue waters of Lemon bay and the Gulf of Mexico off the Cape Haze peninsula just a few bar- rier islands south of you in the Englewood area. Five deep-water seawalled bay lots from $499,000. Waterfront 2BR/2BA home $639,000. Owner, (941) 474-6633. UPDATED ISLAND DUPLEX: .3BR/2BA total. Zoned R-4. New roof, carpet, paint, Big yard. $534,900. Edie Force, Collandra & Company, (941) 920-0129. CEDAR KEY GULF views: 2,000 sf, custom fire- place, GoBolt wind protection, wood cabinets, many other custom features by artisan owners. T. Dolly Young Real Estate, (941) 773-6581. $795,000. BEAUTIFUL ISLAND TOWNHOUSE: Steps to the beach. 3BR/2BA. Pool, designer upgrades, gran- ite counters, new appliances, tile floors, two-story home. $599,000. Call (941) 447-6278, or view online at www.44smart.com. 59th STREET CANAL home: view of bay, brokers welcome. $845,000. (717) 392-4048. OUTSTANDING BAY VIEWS from this impeccably renovated Key Royale home, which offers2653Sq Ftofliving spaceand boat dock. $2,299,000. Kimberly Roehl, 748-6300 or 447-9988. #521918 BRADENTON BEACH. Adorable 3 BR cottage onlyone blocktothe beach. Tumkey furnished with wood floors and newer furnishings. $669,000. Jody Shinn or Betty Weller 748-6300 or 705-5704. #521563 PALMA SOLA PARK custom built 3 BR home. Includes guest suite, sparkling pool and lush landscaping. $649,000 Colette Gerrish, 748-6300 or 713-6557. #520517 -BI GULFWATCH CONDO. This 2 BR turkey furnished end unitcondoislight&brightand locatedinabay-sidecommunitywithdeeded beach access. $499,000 Kimberly Roehl, 748-6300 or 447-9988. #521492 CHARMING BUNGALOW. If the interior of this 3BR doesn't charm you, the setting on the street will. Fishing dock out back. $716,000. 748-6300. Judy LaValliere or Ann DeBellevue, 720-7614. #518185 CHARMING BEACH DUPLEX. completely updated duplex with 1 BR on each side and only a block to the beach. Features include new kitchens, new bathrooms & all new furnishings. $679,000. Kimberly Roehl, 748-6300 or 447-9988. #521248 PERIDIA. Beautifully maintained, maintenance free Villa. Very open and spacious I 2BR plus den. Quaint courtyard entry and vinyl enclosed rear patio. $359,000. Ruth Lawler or Maryann Lawler, 748-6300 or 586-8257. #521177 VINTAGE WEST OF THE TRAIL, only 3 blocks from the bay. This 3BR home has terrazzo flooring and all new airport windows and sliders .Huge garden patio. Highly desirable bayfront neighborhood. $395,000. Elizabeth Gardini, 748-6300 or 356-0096. #520863. TROPICAL PARADISE. Gorgeous 1/2 acre lotw/mature oaksand private dock. Updated home has open design w/large windows opening to panoramic riverviews. $999,900. Kathy Marcinko or Sandy Drapala, 748-6300 or 725-0781. #519467 DESIRABLE VILLAGE GREEN. 2BR, 1 car garage. Open living and dining room. Large enclosed lanai, which overlooks greenbelt. $219,900. Colette Gerrish, 748-6300 or 713-6557. #521553. VILLAGE GREEN. This 2BR, 2 car garage villa is too perfect for words!Totally updated throughout with custom wood cabinets in kitchen and family room.- $319,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. #521504. IMMACULATE 2BR VILLA with a 2 car garage in a lovely golf course community. Enjoy the community pool, clubhouse and great location. $340,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. #521773. CAPTAINS COURT. This 3BR villa is located in Terra Ceia. Large upgraded kitchen. Patio area overlooks the preserve. New ceramic tile in living room. $365,000. Judy LaValliere or Ann DeBellevue, 748-6300 or 504-3792. #520360 ILI U1111 M.,,1111.1111.4 MLS 16-B N FEB. 22, 2006 TIIE ISLANDER S-ANDERC ASS FI DS Paradise Improvements 778-4173 Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist .. Replacement Doors and Windows L-i. Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault Fully Licensed and Insured Island References Lic#CBC056755 SWAGNEQR EALTY :, & 2217 CIULF DD)IVE NORIII' I* ADENION BEACII. FL 34217 SINCE 1939 -, '., HAROLD SMALL REALTOR Office: (941) 778-2246 792- 8628 E-mail: haroldsmall@wagnerrealty.com ' U S A FENCE KALL Specializing WHITE VINYL FENCE CRC016172 94 1 -750-9300. HAUL-AWAY Removal of all types of trash, debris and junk. 720-2217 ClsoBd~preas- idw ratet HutrDoga li nds Hoe Funisings&Acessolie TI 1 HEi-OOt SPEaIALISTS TILE METAL SHINGLE FLAT FREE 6 yr. Maintenance Program 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE Experienced in: ALL REPAIR TYPES 941-556-ROOF 941-556-7663 727-341-1600 FREE ESTIMATES Licensed & Insured {Lic. #CCC1325742) * -,',"sfor saying "I saw it in Mi6e Islander ..iWAUISLANDER.OAN Anyone can take ... -:' a picture. A professional i *"; creates a portrait. ELKA PHOTOGRAPHIC 941-778-2711 www.jackelka. coin BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED FIFTH-floor Ironwood condo overlooking golf course. $192,900. Call (941) 792-0902. ANNA MARIA: TRUE beachfront paradise with breathtaking view of the bay. 4BR/3BA, 2,933 sf, $1,800,000. THE Agency, (800) 813-9180. WWW.ANNAMARIACONDOS.COM: Check us out for all your condo needs! Buying or selling? Call Chris Kawcak at Bradenton Condos, (941) 704-6714. DUPLEX FOR SALE by owner: lovely 2BR/2BA home and charming 1BR/1BA; each with private screened porch. Extra-large garage, well land- scaped lot, large enough for land condo. Brokers welcome. $799,000. Call (941) 779-0120. HOLMES BEACH: 12,500 sf R2-lot with duplex suit- able for land condos. Back has view of Spring Lake. Two blocks direct walk to beach. $699,000. (941) 400-9346. HOLMES BEACH 2BR/1BA beach cottage. 1.5 blocks to beach. On 50x1 00 foot lot. $489,000 or best offer. (941) 587-1456. ocmuseum3@juno.com. SARASOTA 3BR/2BA, two-car garage, pool home on 100x100 foot lot. Two minutes from North Siesta Key Bridge. $389,000 or best offer. (941) 587-1456, or e-mail ocmuseum3@juno.com. 3BR/2BA: One bedroom used as a den/office/ playroom, enclosed lanai, tiled with carpeted bed- rooms. 1,400 sf, county water/sewer, citrus trees, near Brentwood school in Sarasota. Reduced to $274,900. (941) 379-4196 or (941) 954-7474. NEW KITCHEN: CANAL location, 2BR/2BA. Mount Vernon senior community, minutes to beach. Open 1-4pm Saturday and Sunday. $349,900. 9406 Kingston. (941) 761-2266. PINEBROOK CONDO ON golf course. Fifth-floor views, 2BR/2BA, beautifully furnished, next to pool. $269,900. By owner,'(941) 794-8954, leave message. HOLMES BEACH: THREE duplexes for sale. 8004, 8006 and 8008 Marina Drive. $654,000 each. (941) S8-9691. Suze68@yahoo.com. 3TBAY POINT AND MOORINGS: Lovely end unit ,; ine trees with light/bright exposures, overlooking heated pool and tennis court. Beautifully furnished. Move-in condition. Call (941) 778-0042 for viewing. WATERFRONT KEY WEST-style: stilt, vaulted, open-beam cedar ceilings, dock. Sailboat water, no bridges. Turnkey, extra-large lot. Willow Avenue. .(941) 778-8168. VILLAGE GREEN VILLA: 2BR/2BA, two-car garage. Completely updated. Open Sunday. 6608 12th Ave. W., Bradenton. (941) 448-8502 or (941) 761-2575. WOW! THERE ARE over 600 properties for sale on Anna Maria Island. With this many listings there are bound to be a few real bargains, but the.best oppor- tunities come and go in the blink of an eye! If you are reading this ad, you are probably searching for that special needle in the haystack. We feel the time has come for "buyer agent services." You give us your dream-deal criteria and we work for you to help make the dream come true. Best of all, in most cases, the seller pays! We will negotiate the lowest price for you! Call Barry Gould (941) 448-5500, or Ted Schlegel (941) 518-6117. Island Vacation Properties. BRIGHT AND AIRY: 2BR/2BA Gulf-view condo in four-unit building with heated pool. New kitchen, screened balcony, washer/dryer, new air-condition- ing system. Turnkey ready. Wonderful home or great rental. $650,000. (941) 779-1013. 4BR/3BA Bed and breakfast. $535,000. West Bra- denton. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. BEACH CONDO FOR sale: Out the front door onto the beach, incredible views and southern exposure make this home cheery and pleasant, enjoy breath- taking sunsets year-round from spacious living room, tender-loving care, completely redone. Everything new, designer turnkey ready. Owner financing avail- able. $941,800. Brokers welcome (717) 392-4048. WEST BRADENTON: $135,000. Furnished 1BR/1BA condo, attached carport, enclosed lanai, new washer and dryer. Nice. No pets, no age restrictions. Pool, clubhouse. (941) 778-2585. OPEN HOUSE: 1-4pm Sunday, Feb.25. Sea Pirates condo. 2BR/1BA rental-producing condo across from Gulf, no rental restrictions, heated pool. $455,000. Susan Klement, Realtor, (941) 720-4107. 3301 Gulf Drive, #5, Holmes Beach. GULF TO BAY: Immaculate 2BR/2BA ground-floor condo. Beautifully updated. A turnkey, nonsmoker gem. $395,000. (941) 778-1655. imperial House 611 Gulf Drive N., #15D, Bradenton Beach. BEAUTIFUL ISLAND TOWNHOUSE: 3BR/2BA, pool, steps to beach. Designer upgrades, granite counters. $589,000. Lease option available. (941) 447-6278. COUNTRY VILLAGE 2BR/2BA end-unit condo. Open floor plan with vaulted ceilings. Conveniently located close to shopping, beaches, restaurants and hospi- tal. Active 55-plus community with beautiful pool and clubhouse. Elevator for easy access. Low-cost holiday living! $184,900. Ask for Nancy, (941) 722-8551. NORTH ANNA MARIA: Large residential vacant lot. For sale by owner. 85x101 with bay view. $675,000. Call (941) 778-8405. JUST REDUCED: VILLAGE Green condo. Reduced Sto $292,900. New paint inside and out, 2BR2BA, two-car garage. 1,800 sf on small lake, quiet street. 6813 Seventh Ave. W., Bradenton. Call Lori, (480) 874-1432, or Scott, (650) 851-7996. PARADISE BAY ESTATES: 55-plus waterfront com- munity with pool. 2BR/2 full baths. 2005 central air conditioning and heat. Turnkey-furnished, dead-end street. $120,000. (941) 792-2120. LOT FOR SALE: 57.75 x 114 feet. One block from Gulf. $569,000. (941) 778-4246. Neptune Lane, Holmes Beach. BAIT AND TACKLE: EASY and profitable busi- ness in great Cortez Road location, only $85,000. Longview Realty, (941) 383-6112. FOR SALE BY OWNER: 2BR/2BA immaculate open-style ranch. Lagoon swimming pool in pri- vate botanical garden setting. 504 70th St, Holmes. beach. Must see. (941) 778-4256. BY OWNER: LOCATION, location. 3BR/2BA, one-car garage on Holmes Beach canal. Open house 1-4pm Sunday, Feb. 26.519 72nd St., Holmes Beach. WESTBAY COVE: 2BR/2BA condo for sale. Heated pools. Tennis court, ground-floor corner unit. Enclosed lanai, new air conditioning, turnkey fur- nished. $510,000. (941) 778-6172. HOLMES BEACH: Spacious turnkey 2BR/2BA condo with superb water views. Elevator, heated pools, tennis, covered parking. Includes 14-foot boat at communal dock. Close to public beach. $452,500. (941) 795 8066. DUPLEX FOR SALE: Prime location, 2BR/1BA each side, great rental, across from.beach. Anna Maria. $698,000. (941) 778-7003. ANNA MARIA IDEAL condo. 2BR/2BA turnkey fur- nished, steps to beach and shops. Pool. $490,000. (941) 779-0853. WATERFRONT, SANDPIPER CO-OP: 55-plus park. 3BR/3BA, large living room, dining room, enclosed lanai. $329,000, includes share. (941) 779-0171. * *; p "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" 0 04% I i 4 I 4 C ASS FI D' THE ISLANDER R FEB. 22, 2006 U B-17 ",*.. ! VILLAGE GREEN: IMPECCABLE 2BR/2BA villa. Enclosed lanai, patio, pool. Tropical surroundings, hurricane shutters and no flood insurance required. Pets allowed, only minutes to the beaches. $310,000. Denise Langlois, Coldwell Banker, (941) 751-1155. VILLAGE GREEN BEAUTIFUL turnkey-furnished, 2BR/2BA villa, two-car garage. 2,154 sf, close to everything and only minutes to the beach. No flood insurance required. $304,900. Denise Langlois, Coldwell Banker, (941) 751-1155. ML523039. LUXURYCONDO OPEN Sunday: Palm Gables, the Island's newest luxury residences will be open to the public from 2 -7 pm. on Feb 26. Special champagne reception from 5 -7 pm. Come watch the sunset with us from this spectacular one-of-a-kind Gulffront property located on the beach at 100 36th St. in Holmes Beach and find out first hand what all the buzz is about! For information call Barry Gould, (941) 448-5500 or Ted Schlege, (941) 518-6117 or visit www.palmgables.com. TENNESSEE: BY OWNER. New, 3BR/2BA home. Beautiful neighborhood. Cherokee Lake view, access. 1.5 lots. $219,900. (865) 475-6411 or (423) 948-9117. HERNANDO BEACH LOT: Beautiful indirect water- front lot. Fifty-foot waterfront on wide canal. Five minutes to Gulf. Surrounded by upscale homes. $170,000. (352) 666-6621. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA: Winter season is here! Must see the beautiful peaceful mountains of western North Carolina. Homes, cabins, acreage and investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy www.cherokeemountainrealty.com. Call for free bro- chure, (800) 841-5868. MOUNTAINS OF NORTH GEORGIA. The very best of riverfront, lakefront, acreage tracts, building par- cels from one to 195 acres direct from owners. (706) 276-7773. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS: Where there is pool mountain air, views and streams, homes, cabins and acreage. Call for free brochure of mountain property sales (800) 642-5333. Realty Of Murphy, 317 Peachtree St., Murphy; NC 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com. LAND AUCTION: 200 properties must be sold! Low down/E-Z financing free catalog-(800) 937-1603. WWW.Iandauction.com. NORTH CAROLINA GATED lakefront community 1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never before Offered with 20 percent pre-development discounts, 90 percent financing. Call (800) 709-5253. NEW TO MARKET! Deep-water lots Beautifully sit- uated on 50 acres with 2,800 feet of magnificent frontage on Battery Creek in Beaufort, S.C. Offer- ing deep waterfront dockable, tidal creek and pri- vacy. Wooded lots starting from $59,900. Call (877) 929-2837. SWATERFRONT LAND SALE! Direct waterfront par- cels from only $9,900! Two acres dockable with log cabin package from $89,900! 4.5 acres dockable waterfront, only $99,900! All properties are new to the market! Call toll-free (866) 770-5263, ext. 8. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA: Aah cool sum- mers, mild winters, affordable homes and mountain cabins, land. Call for free brochure (877) 837-2288. www.exitmurphy.com. THE PERFECT RECREATIONAL investment tract: 851 acres in beautiful south Georgia. Offering divided or as a whole. Contact PeachState at (866) 300-7653. Visit www.rubuyingrealestate.com. WE BUY HOUSES FAST! No equity! No problem! Call toll free 24 hours. (877) 7BUY-FAST. www.8777buyfast.com. GRAND OPENING! Wright's Creek, located in the Florida panhandle. Three acres from $27,900. Water- front lots from $49,900. (866) 888-7332, ext. 12. EASTERN TENNESSEE MOUNTAIN homesites Gated lakeside community. One to five-acre wooded and lake-view sites from the $40s. Planned ameni- ties. Minutes from Chattanooga. Call today (866) 292-5769. Gates Of The River. LARGE MOUNTAIN: land bargains, high eleva- tion. Adjoins pristine state forest, 20-plus acres to 350 acres. Sweeping mountain views, streams. www.liveinwv.com. NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS: 10.51 acres on mountaintop in gated community, view, trees, waterfall and large public lake nearby, paved pri- vate access, $119,500. Owner, (866) 789-8535 Www.NC77.com. OCALA/ ORLANDO, FLA. area. $15,000 discount. 1.7-21 acres from $149,900. Rolling hills, views, trails. Only two miles from 1-75: Discount ends Feb. 28. Broker/owner, (352) 330-0022. TENNESSEE LAKEFRONT RETREATS Newly released lakefront, wooded and mountain-view sites. Five- to 50 estate-acres from $39,990.90 min- utes to Nashville. Don't miss the sunsets over the lake! Call (866) 339-4966. Eagles Ridge. ASHEVILLE, N.C AREA homesites. Own a private mountain retreat. Gated riverfront community. Stun- ning mountain views. One to eightacres from the $60s. Four-season climate. Call. (866) 292-5762. Bear River Lodge. WESTERN NEW MEXICO: 20 acres starting at $39,990 Scenic region, views, trees, rolling hills, wildlife. Family retreat, hunting property or year-round home. Power, 100 percent financing. NALC, (866) 365-2825. WATERFRONT! Two acres +/- $159,900. Gorgeous acreage, great views, pristine shoreline and deep boat- able water!-Near Bath, N.C. Enjoy access to ICW, sound, Atlantic. Paved road, underground utilities, well water, septic approved. Excellent financing. By appoint- ment only. Call now (800) 732-6601, ext.1497. HORSE FARM LIQUIDATION: 20 acres $59,900 Lush pastures, beautiful trout stream, spectacular .upstate New York setting! Ideal summer home site! Terms available! Call now! (877) 909-5263 www.upstateNYland.com HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD DIEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance. We accept ads by fax with credit card information, 778-9392, at our Web site (secure server) www.islander.org, and by direct Se-mail at classifieds@islander.org. Office hours: 9 to 5, Monday-Friday, (Saturday 10 to 2 as needed). CLASSIFIED RATES BUSINESS OR INDIVIDUAL: Minimum rate is $10 for up to 2Q WORDS. Additional words: Each additional word over 20 is 500, Box: $3, One- or two-line headlines, line rate plus 250 per word. WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD AND VISA! You can charge your classified advertising in person or by phone. We are sorry, Ibut due to the high volume of calls we can not take classified ad copy over the telephone. To place an ad by phone, please ' be prepared to FAX or e-mail your copy with your credit card information. (see below) SUSE THIS FORM FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: One word per blank space for minimum charge 20 words. - - -------------- ------------ ------ -- - I 2 I 2 3 Run issue date(s) I Amt. pd Date Please indicate: Ck. 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The Islanmder Junior's Landscape & Maintenance Lawn care PLUS native plants. mulch, trip, hauling and cleanup. Call Junior, 807-1015 THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE I massage in the peace, quiet . and convenience of your home! More than 10 years on R Anna Maria Island. 9 Call Nadia 941.795.0887 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT Bobby Edinglon (941) 744-6906 ST EU ITY ORLD SA INGS JUST VISITING PARADISE? Don't leave the Island without taking time to subscribe. You'll get ALL the best news, delivered by the mailman every week. Visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach or call 941-778-7978. Online edition: www.islanderorg The Islander Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Train in Florida *National Certification Financial Assistance SJob Placement Assistance 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services www.atsn-schools.com 18-B 0 FEB. 22, 2006 T THE ISLANDER I I I a I -p 0 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content1 Available from Commercial News Providers" 4 0 60 I I. Want to keep in touch? Subscribe to the "best news Call 4177,8-7978 and charge it to Visa or MasterCard. TREETOPS AT NORTH 40: Melic,:ulouly mjinljtneid 2:R,'2BEA LONGBOAT KEY SLEEPY LAGOON PARK. Fabulous unob- NW BRADENTON RIVER'S RIDGE: Gorgeous executive pool AWESOME AND AFFORDABLE! $i.rA90'01 Ten minule. 1. two-car ar.jlie plu, office with built-ins, cathedral ceilings ilruictefl t iay eV s n located on a deep-water canal. Enjoy home built 2003. 3BR/2.5BA plus office/study with two-car beaches!.Entire condo has been renovated. Brand new carpet and and an oversized caged lanai overlooking a preserve! Offered his ili..harmig hrme runw, "as is" or build your dream home. side entry garage. Options and upgrades galore, short walk to tile, compioii.d repi niedi in 3,fi nruirjl lrio all "",ror pr'lls- at $309,900. Call Melissa Prosser at 0941) 737-2632 for an Shor:n wall to rhe beach $1,200,000. [Dijelall and virtual tour DeSoto Memorial Park! Offered at$635,000. Details and virtual sionally di-n L.rg SI 28f:2BA Ilijr plr,~n avjSlwjle. Shows fan- appointment. online- at www.JanetReardon.com or call Janet Reardon at tour online at www.JanetReardon.com or call Janet Reardon at tastically! Perfect for year round or winter retreat. Great oppor- 1941)962-5611. (941) 962-5611. tunity! Call Rebecca Samler, PA, Realtor, (941) 737-7955. CREATE YOUR OWN PARADISE! Acro'.; from Ihn [parlhing waters of the Gulf of Mexico rests this enchanting beach cottage. Light and bright living area with wrap around windows and Mexican tilethroughout. French doors from master bedroom lead to private deck. Add a pool with tropical landscaping for a peaceful garden oasis. Located amongst multi-million dollar homes. Build up for unobstructed water views. $749,000. Call Liz Codola at (941) 812-3455. SUPREME LOCATION jnd quaIly i:rj1.no.l rn.nhip i,:,mDnrifi for a quality lifestyle and investment. Two land condos with 3-4BR/3BA featuring: 2,300 plus sf smart-wired living space, security system, three vera ndas, crown molding, granite countertops, wood flooring, nine foot ceilings, SS appli- ances, glass block shower, whirlpool tub, paver-brick drive, tropical landscaping and more. Room for a pool! $849,000. Call Liz Codola at (941) 812-3455. TRADEWINDS! IBR/IBA Br,3denrton Be.~a h ()nd rha proven VINTAGE BEACH.COTTAGE ideally locate on a quiet street. rental history! Fully turnkey furnished and recently updated Within steps of the sandy beaches of the Gulf. Relax and enjoy with island decor tropical complex has true Key West feel! the sparkling view of the water. Tommy Bahama furnishings Awesome pool overlooks the intracoastal, with private Gulf and beadboard kitchen cabinets enhance the island feeling. beach access onsite management- can't be beat! $369,900. Potential galoreforthe creative buyer. Build up fora spectacular Rebecca Samler, Realtor, (941) 737-7955 Direct Line vista of the turquoise sea. Plenty of room to add a pool-for a tranquil private escape. Best price in the area. Asking $799,000. Call Liz Codola at (941) 812-3455. MARINA ISLES '5-6BR. 3 FA, ,Bimini Bjyilr:n home on i Annj Maria Island. Private subdivision, two boat docks, heated pool/ spa. 2;562:sf,-wood flooring; gourmet kitchen. Virtual tour at www.longboatkeyliving.com. $1,899,000. Call Gary LaFlamme ;(941) 725-0928. MAXIMUM INCOME FOR OWNER: I: Condo o) umnis ll.,iw lir BRADENTON BEACH OULFFRONT CONDO al Trip )i p FAj[ulu: ENJOYTHE WINTER SEASON WITH A POOL: B,3ullul 'BR;P.'BA weekly rentals! Two-unit condo complex has quiet Holmes Beach 2BR/2BAtastefully turnkey furnished unit with excellent rental his- home stylishly decorated, located in Village Green near Manatee location. Rare3BR/2BAunits,veryspaciousandturnkey-furnished! tory, just steps from historic Bridge Street. Being offered "as is" at Avenue West and 75th St. Only minutes to the beaches. $3,000 Brand new pool is great bonus! Check'em out! $579,000 each unit. $875,000. Details and virtual tour online atwww.JanetReardon.com per month or call for weekly rate. Call Judy Karkhoff, Property Rebecca Saroler, Realtor. (941) 737-7955, direct line. or call Janet Reardon at (941) 962-5611. Management at 941-778-7777 or 866-266-9911 toll-free. ~' KEY ROYALE Perfect turnkey furnished condition, 2BR/2BA. Professionally landscaped corner lot on T-end.canal with dock views of water from every room. $779,000. NORTH END OF THE ISLAND Sailboat canal truly unique and artistic. 2BR/2.5BA. A one-of-a-kind plea- sure to see! 1,000 sf of decks. Heated spa. Beautifulyard with peek of Egmont lighthouse. WESTBAY COVE SOUTH Direct bayfront 2BR/2BA end unit with exceptional views. Only twenty units in complex. Heated pool and tennis. $535,000.. HUGE TWO FAMILY Wonderful floor plan. Almost 3,000 sf. 2BR/2BA each. floor. Views of Gulf and bay. Large verandas for sipping mint juleps. Enjoy as is or convert to large single family in a great neighbor- hood. $699,000. TWO FOR ONE Unique, two separate studio cottages in the Cortez fishing village. Use as a single family home with separate sleeping quarters or two rental homes. Beautiful gardens:. $450,000. CORTEZ VILLAGE Adorable cottage located in historic fishing village. Hardwood floors. Large garage/workshop. $295,000. Four other homes for sale in the village. fiils, '? E STONE'S THROW TO THE B 2BR/2BA fully furnished home in I- must see! Only $550,000 POOL HOME NEAR BEACH Remodeled 2BR '2BA. Short walk to beach Tile floors through- out, large living room and heated pool. $665.000 Mike 800-367-1617 Norman 941-778-6696 Norman 1 G3IO GULF DRIVE RealtyINC HOLMES BEACH Ofrecemos servicio de ventas en espanol S' www.mikenormanrealty.com YEARS ANNA MARIA SuiCoast REAL ESTATE LLC BAY PALMS WITH HEATED POOL 3/4BR/2BA canalfront home with dock and boat lift. Beautifully updated, ceramic tile, gourmet kitchen/ granite counters, heated pool and Jacuzzi. $1,250,000. ANNA MARIA GULFFRONT HOME 4BR/3BA. Miles of beautiful walking beach. Gulf side deck and gazebo. Riparian rights. View of Gulf, bay, Egmont Key and Skyway bridge. $2,650,000. SECLUDED BIMINI BAY HOME 4BR/3BA with 250 feet of waterfront. Custom kitchen, ceramic tile. Master suite with fireplace and Jacuzzi, heated pool, lush landscaping. Two docks, davits, sprin- klers, well, oversize two-car garage. $1,875,000. CONTEMPORARY ANNA MARIA HOME 4BR/2BA, turnkey-furnished, beautifully designed home. Open plan, vaulted ceiling, breakfast bar, eat-in kitchen. Bamboo flooring, elevator, private setting near beach. Four-car garage..$1,350,000. FABULOUS GULFFRONT OCEANA CONDO 3BR/2BA, turnkey-furnished condo on beautiful walk- ing beach.. Open plan, breakfast bar, walk-in closets, Elevator. Small pet. $1,999,000. GULFFRONT WATER'S EDGE 2BR/2A Gulffront condo. Turnkey furnished. Updated. ceramic tile. Excellent mid-Island location. Pool, secured lobby, under-building parking. $995,000. KEY ROYALE FAMILY COMPLEX Two adjacent North Point Harbour homes. Deep water, community pool, tennis. A. 2BR/2BA. B. 4BR/3BA. Both houses, $2,400,000. SUN PLAZA WEST CONDO 2BR/2BA Turnkey furnished corner unit. Gulf view. Secured entry, pool, tennis. Beautiful white sand' beach. Close to shopping and restaurants. $729,900. GULFFRONT HOME & GUEST COTTAGE 3BR/2.5BA and 1BR/1BA guest house. One of Anna Maria's finest beaches. Furnished, vaulted ceiling. French doors, fireplace, garage. $3,650,000. TRADEWINDS RESORT 1BR/1BA Turnkey-furnished villa. Heated pool, steps to deeded white sandy beach access. Rental program in place on-site manager. Small pet. $375,000. GULFFRONT HOLMES BEACH CONDO 1BR/1.5BA Seaside Beach House condo. Turnkey fur- nished. Sautillo tile. Gorgeous view of the Gulf. Beau- tiful beach. Excellent rental. $799,900. HOLMES BEACH WATERFRONT 3BR/2BA home. Ceramic tile, breakfast bar, backyard with pavers, room for pool. Fence, new dock. Direct accessto bay. $849,900. PERICO ISLAND CONDO 2BR/2BA. Turnkey furnished. Close to Island beaches. Heated pool, tennis, clubhouse/fitness room. Carport. Short drive to shopping and restaurants. $359,900. GULF PLACE CONDO 3 B R/2 BA. Turnkey furnished condo. Views of Gulf. Tennis, heated pool, beautiful beach. Excellent rental with liberal rental policy. $997,500. WONDERFUL WESTBAY COVE 2BR/2BA condo. Bright corner unit. Close to pool. Ceramic tile, shutters, glass enclosed lanai. Near bank,' doctors, shopping and restaurants. $369,900 ANNUAL RENTALS From $700 / month SEASONAL RENTALS Condos/Homes: $500 week/ $1,000 month 779-0202 (800) 732-6434 ANNA MARIA A Mr SuhCoast REAL ESTATE LLC Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive LHomes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com THE ISLANDER N FEB. 22, 2006 U B-19 S-i. -.. ,- ., ...- -.,, ,--...7 -*. ar Anna Maria Island Homes 4703 W 89t'h S. 5379,000. S769 Jacaranda Road... 659.000. S514 North Bay Boulevard .. $1,200,000. 806 North Bay Boulevard ... $1,399,900. 104 Maple Avenue.. $1,999,000. S 1803 North Shore Drive... $3,199,000. i 5800 De Palmas Avenue... $499,9000. 5806 Imperiore Avenue... $549,000. S309 A o66th St... $599,000. 308 66th Sta ..R. $669,5000. 220 84th St... $699,999. S28087 C AvenueC... $749,000. 6201 Holmes Boulevard... $950,000. " '" 806 North Bay boulevardd ... $1,399,900. "- 10 MapleAvenue.. $1,999,000. 213 70th St.o. $849,000. 5800 DePalmas Avenue. .. $499,000. 6101 A&B Holmes Boulevard... $849,000 each. 625 Emeroald Lane... $859,000. 30 A 63rd St... $5890,000. 4108 6th Avenue... $895,000. 102 55th St... $899,000. 609 Emerald Boulevard... $899,0 00. 7700 Gulf Drive... $879,000. 511 74th St... .899,900. 7001 Holmes Boulevard... $999,000. 614 Emerald Lane... $1,250,000. 7800 BGulf Drive... $1,099,000. 30 A 6793rdth St... $1,295,000. 4108 6th Avenue... S895.000. 02 North Point Drive... $$1,425,000. 621 Key Royale Drive... $ 1,899,000. 713 Key RoyaleDrive... $2,900,000. 3269 Village Lan... $280,000. 61 Holmes. Bay Boulevard... $740,000. 301 Emerald LanDrive... $879,000. 105 Mangrve Avenue... $ 890,000. 410 Avenueh ... $895,000. 23 Noth PoLakeview Drive... $1,195,000. 5614 Guava St... $589,000. 6210 76th St... $699,000. 30764t StKeyRoyaleDrive... $749900,000. 509 77th St... $879,000. 3617 Gladstone Lane... $945,000. 210 67. th St... $995,000. 614 Foxworth Lane... $1,379,000. 300 N. 22nd St... $549,000. 7101 Gull Drive... $689,000. 207 N. MHarbor Drive... $869,000. 2412 Avene A... $1,495,000. Anna Maria Island And Ama Condos Pe3 Kice sland... $389, ,000. Perico Bay Club... $295,000 $575,000. Siam Gardeva S... $ ,000 ,000 SShell Point... $359,900 $385,000. West Bay Point & Moongs... $455,900- $655,000. Sun Plaza Wet... $659,000 $975,000. North Beach Village... $855,000. Naut61l Gusto. $689,000. Wa210 th St... $799,000. Tiffany Place... $810,000. La Casa Costiera... $1,475,000 $2,650,000. Club Bamboo.rth Lane.. $1,379,00 0. 1050 7thdSt. #... $549,000. - 901 S Gull Drive#5... $689 14,000. 207 B radenton Beach Club... $869,000 $949,000. Sand2516astle... $1,49,000$1629,000. Anna Maria Island And Area Condtos || Summerico and... $1389,000. Peco Bay Club... $295,000 $575,00. Villa Gardens... $210,000- $599,000. 5400Shell Point... $359,985,000. West Bay Point & Moorings... $455,900 $655,000. Sun Plaza West... $659,000 $975,000. 200North Beach Ve.#206.. $655,000. Nautinique Souh... 899,000. 750Waters Edge... 799,Trail #806... $359,000. Anna Maria Island Duplexes 770 Jacaranda Road.. $669,900. 214 Fir Avenuer... $1,40005,000 2,650,000. 3Club Bamboo63rd St... $4759,000. 105 S 7th St. .. $799,000. 901 S. Gulf Drive #5... $614,000. 203 67adenton Beah Club...59,000 $949,000.$749,000. ndcastle... $1,499,000Maria island Vacant ots Summer Sands... $1,599,00 . 9Palm Court... 399,000... $325,000. ^^,^^~' Village Green of Bradenton.i.. $279,900. 5400 Condos... $850,000. 4200 Gulf Drive. #206 .. $875,000. n Martinique South... 899,000.sland Rea 750 N. Tamiami Trail #806... $359,000. Sin listings on Anna Maria Island Duplexes To s all o o70Jacaranda Road.. $669900.sand a 214 Fir Avenue.., $2,000,000. 311 63rd St... $599,000. 207 751h St... $799,000. '. '203 67th SI.... $749.000. ^^^^jt Anna Maria Island Vacant Lots 309 65th St... $695,000. ; g 903 O1O Burnt Store Road... $325,000. Anna Maria Island Commercial Sales 5804 Marina Drive .. $1,750,000. 1;01 N. Gulf Drive $895.000 { #! in sales on Anna Maria Island Real Estate I #!1 in listings on Anna Maria Island: f'ri- s-ij-wt 'rl -.6~s^- af 20-B U FEB. 22, 2006 M THE ISLANDER AMl H" iFr-~- 1II '. --- .- .--_- -7-; -- L ' i .. *~..1., ~ I ?k')2 Th" Islander WAGNER BDvfging People HQo IKTeatuired P -51 .LONGBOA .U FRONT Key on sailboat open Iloor garage, wc :, n. Oe sdy thirty loot s Becky Smil entical lift, separate guest quares.-private boat sandy beaches and ine dining. KarenDay. -ramp. Close to Gut beaches. Dave Myninan. (941).778-2246. 517727 $1,050,000. S(941) 72246. #518931.099,00 UNIQUE WATERFRSTONT U OATKE GULF INVESTOR OPPORTUNITY Isaraota aupex horneonlargel with 240-fool..d alfrontage, on quiet street' rea'dyfor condo conversion. Prultiropelsromyougroundldr2BP/2BR aoset One sid the treearly t fro the Gulo. Fully .condd. wjin 1,600 st of linlng area. The turnigne43BR/2BA unit has fabulous water Sranquticl litoftseparFedasunseto qartlrheater view pen spach s floor plan Heareneday reamchesyo screened lae Myn.urt ll. pool, 778p-wa6.er docks Dave M1,050,00ynihan. (94t1)M-2246, (941)58-89, 0#16998. $ ,. . 'CANALFRONT HOME Opportun yto ownKE P ALMA SOLA SOUND ocaon! Desirasota Ble .: .Gulf~u~~ ,etsfrom youe'groond. odr2BR/2BR and a~rbss the 'Street from the Gull. Fully. '.,cordd. !n4 1,600 sl -of1ij4ng4a'rea.,The lurni$1e~m d:3i6 2B unit has fabulous water' tin' desirable community of CoalShores area ol ine homes. immaculate, spacious He Erst Fresyhwor rcaened al ewsdock and home Pool, epamilyer docks Dreplace.Seps seawall in the works. PtetFeuersteil (94fl away from coastal living. Toni Lupino. (941i)' S778-22486 7. ii,17.1-5,0o .8-.3100. #513970. $89,9000. S,--- ..-S CANAL-FROTN HOME Opo6rtunjty'to ownr-" PALMA SOLA SOUND Location! Desirable in' desirablee community of Croral,.Shores area ol fine homes. Immaculate, spacious Eht: Freshwiter. Ga-dal;_nev--d0_ck and ',home:,Pool, tamily room with replace. Steps seawall In Ihe works.-Petl Feuiersfei..zi94-r) away from coastal living. Toni Lupino. (941i1 778-22.46;#51-17, $495',00.. -761-3100. #513970. $489,900. i...;.1V 2217 GULF DR. N. BRADEN- SREALTY ':"":B''E ,.i: A \7TON BEACH (941) 778-2246 R A- 9(800).211-2323 e-mail ami@wagneriealty.com I 5inmJ 10)39 www.wagnerrealty.com - ropertiec v J tfie lVeek- SKEY WATER- SNEAD ISLAND WATER- FRONT Premier gaLed SWest-style home i. Waterfront community on t water. Boatlift, ,Snead Island. Custom crafted plan. four-car i canal front residence with orkoul room and creenked balcony. 3BR/3.5BA, Ihree-cargarage, crened alconyrre. den, oflce, pool and lift.Direct 224. ltit50397. access toTerra Ceia Bay. Dave 2246. 520397.Moynihan. (9411 778-2246. fl#512506. $1,195,000. ~ - ANNA MARIA ISLAND CLUB Panoramic RIVER FRONT HOME 4BRV2.5BA 3,800 st PRIME HOLMES BEACH LOCATION Gulf Gulf views from Ihls fully furnished 2BR/2BA home witr upgraded.eat-in kit;granite counter views trom ihis lop.floofl 2BRiBA end unil top floor, open plan condo. Well-maintained, tops And island. Living room/dining room with directly on beachi ell-rnaintained, updated. heated pool, secured elevator, covered brick wood-burning fireplace and stunning turnkey furnished, heated pool. resident parking. Dave Moynihan (941) 778-2246. narblefloors. 10,0001b.boatlift.RictcaraHorton. manager, rental programrnDave.Moynihan. #518J 99. $997.500,; (941) 778-2246. #511969.$995,900 (941) 778-2246. #522439. $949,500. 1W - alf*. I " teij *i'IX -:ix Kf I ~ M.-tMeSr WATERFRONT RESIDENCE .Updated 2BR/2BA with private tropical setting tiled floors and lIgge. creend,'porch, 115-foot canal front with dock. vertical lift and docK' canopy'lose to beaches,Dave Moynihan. (941) 778-2246. #519025. 634,900. BAY CLUB: NEWCONSTRUCTION Luxury condos on Terra Ceia Bav Boulevard offer spectacular water views ol Tampa Bay, the Sunshine Skyway Bridge and the Gulf. Shannon Persaud (941) 727-2800, #518974.-$599,900. EXCEPTIONAL TIDY ISLAND Prestigious RUNAWAY BAY CONDOS Now available privale'island living at its best Gated com- several 1 or2BRurnits Daylront, poolside and muniy. Acres of manicured grounds; ameni- other views. Some updated Prone for details. .ties galore. Turnkey furnished witn serene. On-sile rentals. Priced $349,000-$494.000. views. Sandy Greiner. (941) 794-2246. (941).778-2246.$349.000. #518984. $475,000 -. GOASIAL LII- iSYLt UNILqU vwonaerru- bayside tennis reason and community. Great seasonal rental opportunity orjistarelaxing weekend getawaycondo! KeJ!yBelisl. (9411 751-0670. #522465: $525,00p HOLMES BEACH'Sludio apartment with . kitchenette and full bath with shower upstairs. Ground floor has one-car garage- and halt barn Unique property.Becky Smith or Elti Starret (941) 778-2246 4512844. $210,000. - - - 1 -.- '... --7. 71 -. -1- - 1 1 -. ..- .- - " - world wide ..i-. very islander.org Island home delivery: 778-7978. |