Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Opinion
 Section A: Main continued
 Section B
 Section B: Islander Classified...
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00074389/00058
 Material Information
Title: Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Uniform Title: Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Creator: Islander
Publisher: Bonner Joy
Publication Date: February 8, 2006
Genre: newspaper   ( sobekcm )
newspaper   ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Manatee -- Anna Maria
Coordinates: 27.530278 x -82.734444 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
System ID: UF00074389:00058

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page 1
        page 2
        page 3
        page 4
        page 5
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page 6
    Section A: Main continued
        page 7
        page 8
        page 9
        page 10
        page 11
        page 12
        page 13
        page 14
        page 15
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        page 17
        page 18
        page 19
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    Section B
        page 1
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        page 4
        page 5
        page 6
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        page 8
        page 9
        page 10
    Section B: Islander Classifieds
        page 11
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        page 14
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        page 16
        page 17
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        page 20
Full Text

Skimming the news ... Anna Maria Island map inside, page 10-A.

SAnna Maria


Islander s

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Gift of life for pets
Firefighter-Paramedic John Stump, left, demonstrates use of the pet oxygen mask with arson dog Laurel to WMFR
Firefighter-Paramedic Buddy Brown and WMFR Lt. Tom Owen while Forrest "Goober" Gump, a "contributor"
to the program, looks on at Station No. 1 in Holmes Beach.. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy

Island home inventory climbs,

but housing market still strong

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Despite record levels of single-family homes, con-
dominiums and duplexes for sale on Anna Maria Island,
the market is still strong and people are still buying,
Island real estate agents say, although prices may be
leveling off.
The record increase in listings is fueled by the
fact that with the current demand for Island living and
rise in prices, many investors who bought within the
past four years are now "testing the market," and some
longtime residents are considering "cashing out" their
equity by selling, agents say.
According to the multiple listing service used by
Island real estate agents, there were 240 single-family
homes listed for sale on Feb. 1, along with 174 condo-
miniums and 78 duplexes.
That's a hefty increase in inventory since Dec. 31,
when-the Anna Maria Island Property Sales Report's
year-end review listed 167 single-family residences
up for sale, along with 174 condominiums and 57
But there's no cause for alarm in the industry and
Island real estate is not yet a buyer's market, said Gail
Tuteweiler of Wedebrock Real Estate.
S"Pnces are still holding and people are still
buying," she said, although successful sellers are open
to negotiations to be competitive. "We are still getting
a lot of inquires and sales are still going through," she
The rise in properties for sale could be due to a
number of factors, Tuteweiler believes, but it's just
"natural" that some people on the Island considering
retirement are "downsizing" by selling their home and
moving elsewhere to a less expensive property.
"'There's still a hea\\ demand for Island living, just
more properties to choose from," she added.
While the apparent large invenrorN on the Island

might make the real estate market look "slow," that's
not the case according to the AMIPSR, which said
gross sales of Island properties were up 46 percent in
2005 compared to 2004.
And property values are still increasing, said Barry
Gould of Island Vacation Properties, just not at the
same rate seen in the past fe\\ \ ears.
"A home purchased a Iear ago for $1 million
wouldd no\\ be selling for $1.1 million." he said.
"There ma\ be a lot of properties on the market,
but the market is just mo\ ing to%%ard normalc 'There
are still bu ers and still sales."
And, he noted, listings on the Island have only
increased by about 80 percent from last year at this
time, while in Manatee County, the number of list-
ings increased by more than 300 percent for the same
The normalcyc" could be a bit different than last
year, when the AMIPSR reported that average price
paid for a single-family home on the Island rose 28.2
percent compared with 2004, with the average single-
family home selling for $764,000 in 2005 against the
$615,600 average for 2004. The average condominium
sale price jumped from $436,000 in 2004 to $601,000
in 2005, a 37.8 percent climb.
Gould said a number of people who purchased
property the past few years as investments or for rental
income are now looking at the prospects of "cashing
out," which has caused an increase in the number of
.listings the past few months.
"They are not anxious to sell, but want to be in
the marketplace as the high season approaches," he
.. He expects a number of sales the next three months
asmore and more winter visitors arrive for the season.
Buyers, however, are now looking more at the long

Volume 14, No. 14 Feb. 8, 2006 FREE

Bohnenberger 'yes,'

Whitmore 'no,'

Haas-Martens 'maybe'
By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
With Holmes Beach Mayor Carol Whitmore offi-
cially announcing last Thursday that she won't seek re-
election this November, City Commissioner Rich Boh-
nenberger wasted no time
in tossing his hat into the
ring for the position.
"I am taking this
opportunity to announce
that I am a candidate for
the office of mayor in the
City of Holmes Beach,"
Bohnenberger said last.
Friday. '
"My public service as
a city commissioner and
Bohnenberger, yes
former mayor, as well as
the formal training I've
received in the Florida Certified Public Managers pro-
gram, provides me with the qualifications, experience
and administrative skills to lead this city into the
future," he said.
Bohnenberger said he had been considering another
run at the mayor's position for some time, but made up
his made last month after it "became obvious Carol was
not going to continue," he said. "I have a lot to offer the
city and my election would be a smooth transition for
the city after Carol."
A 16-year resident of the city, Bohnenberger was
mayor of Holmes Beach from 1994 to 1996.
Another Holmes Beach resident often mentioned
as a possible candidate for mayor is City Commissioner
Sandy Haas-Martens, but the commissioner said she's
not made any decision.
"It's much too early in the ballgame. We don't have
to file until July. I've had people ask me to run for the
past several years and I have a lot of contemplating to
do before making any decision," she said.
According to Whitmore, she never told anyone she
wasn't going to run again, she had just been thinking
about it until last Thursday, when she made her deci-
"Now, I can officially say I'm not going to seek
another term. I've been mayor since 1998 and it's time
to look at other options in politics."
She declined to comment on what her other options
might be, but has previously made it no secret that she
is considering a run for the county commission, now
that County Commissioner Pat Glass has announced
that after 26 years on the commission, she is stepping
down this November. Glass holds an at-large seat on
the board.
Whitmore took time to wish Bohnenberger and
"everyone else who wants to be mayor of Holmes.
Beach all the best. I'm sure the city will be in good
hands with whomever is elected."
The Holmes Beach election is Nov. 7.

Whitmore, no Haas-Martens, maybe

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2-A M FEB. 8, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER

Commissioner fined

in road rage incident

By Paul Roat
A Bradenton Beach city commissioner
has been levied $2,000 for what has been
described as a "road rage" incident shortly
after she took office in 2003.
Lisa Marie Phillips was elected to
the Bradenton Beach Ward 2 post in
November 2003. On Jan. 3, 2004, she
pulled behind a car driven by Ronald
Ockerman, who had stopped on 22nd
Street in Bradenton Beach.
According to findings of fact reached
by Division of Administrative Hearings
Judge Carolyn S. Holifield, "When Ock-
erman slowed down or stopped at the
intersection, Phillips became impatient
and blew her horn.
"Ockerman responded by directing
an obscene hand gesture, colloquially
known as 'shooting the bird,' at Phillips.
Ockerman then slowly drove his truck
east through the intersection toward an
alley on the right that ran behind the
Ockerman's home just down the street.
"Phillips drove her car through the
intersection past the Ockermans and

Manatee Players' program
to be Rotary topic
Plans for the Manatee Players will
be discussed by the group's develop-
ment director, Janene Santos-Witham, at
a meeting of the Rotary Club of Anna
Maria Island Tuesday, Feb. 14.
The meeting will be at the Beach-
House Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N.,
Bradenton Beach, at noon for a $10
lunch. Further information may be
obtained by calling 713-0042.

pulled around at an angle on the road
in front of their truck, thereby requiring
Ockerman to stop prior to the alley.
"Phillips then exited her vehicle and
-walked toward-Ockerman's truck. Ock-
erman also exited his vehicle. When
Phillips reached the area close to
where Ockerman was, she waived her
middle finger at Ockerman, imitating
the obscene gesture he had directed at
her, and asked him, 'What's this, what's
this?' Phillips also commented that 'this
is road rage.'
"At some point during the confron-
tation, Ockerman advised Phillips that
he was going to call the police. Phillips
responded by challenging Ockerman to
'go ahead and call the police.' Phillips
then told Ockerman that she was a city
commissioner, that she 'owned' or con-
trolled the police, and that the police
worked for her. Phillips also told Ock-
erman to follow her because she was
going to give him a ticket."
Holifield concluded that "the evi-
dence clearly and convincingly demon-
strated that Phillips knew at the time she
made her intimidating statements that
they were inappropriate and inconsis-
tent with the proper performance of her
public duties.
"In sum, the clear and convincing evi-
dence presented at the final hearing estab-
lished each of the requisite elements to prove
that Phillips violated [Florida statutes] by
using her position to threaten and/or intimi-
date Ockerman."
Phillips, who earns $4,600 annually
as a city commissioner, has until Feb. 15
to appeal the decision.

A crewfrom Accurate Asphalt Maintenance in Sarasota was in Holmes Beach last week
installing a system resembling paver bricks at pedestrian crossings to make it easier
for motorists and pedestrians to recognize crosswalks. Police Chief Jay Romine said
f -. Pi Ce

the crosswalks are the first step in a number of "traffic-calming" measures that could
include another signal light on Marina Drive. Holmes Beach Public Works staff and
the police department assisted with the installation. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy
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THE ISLANDER 0 FEB. 8, 2006 M A-3

Scientists predict bleak future for Florida islands

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Islanders concerned about global warming have
good reason to worry. If the experts at the Union of
Concerned Scientists are right, about half of Anna
Maria Island could be covered by the Gulf of Mexico
in 100 years.
That would put most beachfront, waterfront and
canalfront homes under the sea, leaving a much smaller
Anna Maria Island for human habitation, said Dr.
Brenda Ekwurzel of the UCS in Washington, D.C.
Those findings are based on the 2001 report the
UCS and other scientists around the world compiled
for the United Nations-based Inter-governmental Panel
on Climate Change.
"Sea levels around the world are rising, primarily
from the melting of the polar ice caps and the warming
of the oceans," Dr. Ekwurzel said.
Water, as every high school chemistry student
knows, expands when heated. Since the average ocean
temperature rose about two degrees Fahrenheit between
1958 and 1998, the oceans have expanded correspond-
ingly, explained the doctor. Add in the melting of polar
ice caps, glaciers and the ice around Greenland, and the
oceans are expanding.
She said the projections from the 2001 IPCC report
are that sea levels on the Florida barrier islands south of
Crystal River, including the Gulf Coast and the Florida
Keys along with islands on Florida's east coast from
Cape Canaveral south, will rise between a half-foot to
3 feet by the year 2100.
"A 50 centimeter (about 1.75 feet) rise in sea level
will typically cause a shoreward retreat of coastline of
50 meters (165 feet)," she said.
Hardest hit would be the Florida Everglades, which
is already at sea level, and the Cape Canaveral area bar-
rier islands.
"If the highest point on Anna Maria Island is six
feet above sea level, then the worst-case scenario is
about half the Island would be underwater," Ekwurzel
The "worst-case scenario" is if governments
around the world do nothing to halt the emission of

4 4 .

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Disappearing coastline
The Union of Concerned Scientists has predicted that
sea levels along much of Florida's coastline will rise
anywhere from one-halffoot to 3 feet by the end of the
century. Islander Photo: Courtesy UCS

heat-trapping gases, she said.
"I believe we have about a generation to turn this
around. We have the technology to do it, it's just getting
governments to agree. We have to start now because it
takes a long time to implement new energy resources,"
concluded Ekwurzel.
While Dr. Ekwurzel offered hope for the future
of barrier islands, she also noted that the next IPCC
report will be published next year, and its predictions
are likely to be even gloomier than the 2001 report.
"I'm not at liberty to say what we've found the past
five years, but it's fair to say we didn't find any change
for the better."
Unfortunately, said Dr. Ekwurzel, there's not a lot

AME's ship comes in
The new sliip-slhaped pliay-vroind ii lppialas has arrived for Anna Maria Elementary School's kindergarten/first-
grade playground. Theplay aica still awaits thefinishing touches, but will soon feature a new covered pavilion
nearby and a inew tricYcle path wd'il vIuround the primary grade playground. The plastic banners on the new play
piece are engraved rah tihe school mascot and name. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan

Real estate's wild ride

term and consider a home purchase on the Island as
a livable unit. not as a rental or investment propertN.
Gould believes.
"Market increases, are now just normal. There is
still a great demand for Island property and al\t a s \\ ill
be. No one \\ill ever lose mone3 buying Island real
estate," he said \' ith confidence. :; '
The report also said that as of Jan. 16, 2006, there
were 21 sing le-famil\ home sales pending on the Island
\\ ith an average listing price of $923,000.

Public hearing on bridge

opening times in March
Sarasota--Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organi-
zation Director lMike Howe said the U.S. Coast Guard
has scheduled a public hearing on changing the opening
times for the Cortez Bridge and the Anna Maria Island
Bridge for 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 29, at the Holmes
Beach City Hall.
The three Island cities and Longboat Key had peti-
tioned: the Coast Guard to change the opening times
from every 20 minutes on demand to every half-hour on
demand, citing the heavy backup of traffic during the
openings, particularly during the winter tourist season.

that a barrier island of just 7,500 people can do.
"It's up to state and national governments to initi-
ate action, but the people along Florida's coastline can
start demanding action now so that future generations
will still have an island," she said.
But the UCS predictions are for a future 100 years
from now and many Islanders are likely more con-
cerned about what the weather is going to be today
or tomorrow. Of more immediate interest might be
what the weather will be like during the 2006 hurricane
Not good, according to the National Weather Ser-
vice, a division of the National Oceanic and Atmo-
spheric Administration.
NOAA's most recent report says that four of the
five hottest years on record have all been within the last
decade, and the fifth hottest was 1988. And 2005 was
the hottest year in the United States since NOAA began
keeping records in 1871.
"And 2005 had the most active hurricane season
we've ever seen," said Dan Noah of the NWS in
Ruskin. Warmer temperatures mean warmer-oceans,
which means more hurricanes, he said.
According to preliminary NWS predictions for
the 2006 hurricane season, there is a 95 to 100 per-
cent chance of an "above-normal Atlantic hurricane
NOAA said to expect 18 to 21 tropical storms,
with nine to 11 becoming hurricanes and five to seven
of those becoming major hurricanes (Category 3 or
higher). At least three of those major hurricanes will
likely strike the U.S. mainland.
Noah said hurricanes are becoming stronger and
more frequent because the sea temperature is warmer
than normal. Warm water causes more hurricanes to
form, and that same warm water acts like jet fuel for a
hurricane, making them larger and stronger.
And, said Noah, it's only a matter of time before
a major hurricane strikes.the Tampa Bay area directly,
causing major inland flooding, with most barrier islands
becoming wasteland like the coast of Mississippi and
Alabama last year when Hurricane Katrina roared
For the Tampa Bay area and Anna Maria Island,
"It's not na quieslon of if. but\ lienn" fhe said.


Anna Maria City
Feb.9, 7 p.im. cit\ cormmiShsion work sessioni.Agenda:
Review site plan procedure ordinance; PODS/trailer
storage; condo conversions; sign ordinance discussion:
building ordinance; line of credit; county fuel tax;
tabletop speed controls.
Feb. 13, 7 p.m., code enforcement board meeting.
Feb. 15, 6:30 p.m., .environmental education and
enhancement committee meeting.
Feb. 16, 3 p.m., bids open for Gladiolus-North Shore
Drive drainage project.
Anna Maria City Hall,
10005 Gulf Drive, 708-6130.

Bradenton Beach
Feb. 9, 2 p.m., city commission work meeting on city
Feb. 9, 5 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting on
comprehensive plan.
Feb. 16, 1 p.m., city commission meeting.
Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N.,

Holmes Beach
Feb. 10, 9:30 a.m., celebration honoring past and pres-
ent female mayors of the city.
Feb. 16, 10 a.m., code enforcement board meeting.
Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 .Marina Drive,
708-5800..: t

Of Interest
Feb. 8, 11 a.m., Island Emergency Operation Center
meeting, Fire Station No. 1, 6001 Marina Drive,
Holmes Beach.
Feb. 13, 3:30 p.m., Island Transportation Planning
Organization meeting, Anna Maria City Hall.
Feb. 15, 7 p.m., Coalition of Barrier Island Elected

Officials meeting, Holmes Beach City Hall.


New Parrot Cove Marina may go on market
By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
Bob Gertz thought he'd be in the marina business,
spending a million and a half dollars and a year and a
half of stressful time on it, but now he's not sure he'll
stay there. '
His Parrot Cove Marina just east of Cortez on
Palma Sola Bay is a brand new facility, the old marina
there uprooted and a new one built piece by piece in its A
It has room for 36 boats up to 50 feet in length, .
with 5 feet of water at mean low tide throughout the ";" B
boat basin which opens directly on Palma Sola Bay. -
It's just what Gertz envisioned when he bought the '
property two years ago come spring for $450,000. He .F .. ..- '
has sunk an additional $1 million into the removal of i.. -
the old docks and pilings and replacement with what is .-"-"-; "
now a new marina. H '
But he's having second thoughts about staying in ..
the slip-renting business, what with an encouraging .; .
appraisal and even more encouraging expressions of '* .
interest from some folks seeking to buy it.. -
The appraisal found the property worth between A
$2.2 and $2.5 million, Gertz said, based on market ....:'
values of last summer. One interested person said he' k:- -. '"
could live with that and hinted he'd put a yacht club .-
there there's a two-story building which Gertz had :..
PLEASE SEE PARROT COVE, NEXT PAGE Could the Parrot Cove Marina go onthe market? Islander Photo: Paul Roat

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Verizon still planning cell tower for Anna Maria

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Although Verizon Inc. has made no official applica-
tion for a personal wireless services facility com-
monly known as a cell tower in Anna Maria, the plan
is not dead, according to attorney Laura Bellflower,
who represents Verizon.
"We're still working on it, but there's nothing to
submit at this time," said Bellflower.
She had no timetable for when Verizon engineers
and contractors might be ready to submit a formal
application for a cell tower in the city.
Anna Maria adopted a cell tower ordinance three.
years ago that governs the size, location and style of
cell towers, but no wireless communications company
has yet applied to build a facility.
Bellflower and Verizon officials met with Building
Official Kevin Donohue in December to "informally"
discuss the application process and ordinance.
Under the ordinance, approval of some cell towers,
depending upon size and location, must come from the
city commission, although the city administration can
approve some facility locations.
Verizon has not yet indicated where they would
like to construct their tower, but a preferred location
could easily be the Roser Memorial Community
Church or at city hall.
The company had a deal with the church in Sep-
tember 2001 to build a cell tower on top of the church
steeple, but the deal fell through following a public

Parrot Cove for sale?
planned to refilrbish as a dwelling. Another looked at it
for de\ elopment. \\ith its 320 feet of waterfront.
:Those tentative explorations are "getting more and
more attractive," Gertz said, though he'd just as soon
keep the marina open to the public.
Hle hasn't heard 'of any interest on the part of
Manatee Count\. whichh has a small park adjacent to
the marina. The county's parcel has some 800 feet of
waterfront. "I guess Parrot Cove could be turned into
the maritime museum I keep hearing about," he said.
"It's got that boat ramp on the north end, and there's
plenty of water and access to open water.
"But I don't know. I'm still trying to figure out
what to do with it, now that the work and the challenge
are over."

outcry against the project.
After consulting with cellular communications
expert Ted Kreines of California, the city learned that
under federal law it could not prevent construction of

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Nearly two months after Goodloe Marine halted
the Island's beach renourishment project, the U.S.

Palma Sola waters unhealthy
Bathers and beachgoers using the Palma Sola
Causeway should be advised there could be a health
problem in the water on the south side of the eastern
end of the causeway.
Manatee County Environmental Health Director
Tom Larkin said the most recent five-week average of
tests at the causeway's southeast Palma Sola Bay loca-
tion near the mainland "indicates that water contact
may pose an increased risk of infectious disease, par-
ticularly for susceptible individuals."
The advisory was based on high levels of marine
water bacteria as established by the Environmental Pro-
tection Agency and the State of Florida, he said. .
The Palma Sola waters were to be tested on Feb.
6 and again Feb. 8 to determine if the bacteria le\ els
were at acceptable levels for human contact.
An increase in bacteria levels could be related
to the recent heavy rains and associated storwater
runoff, he added.
When excess enteric bacteria is found at a test site,
it's an indication of fecal pollution, said Larkin. The
pollution could come from stormwater runoff, pets,
wildlife or human sewage.
Under a federally funded program, .the county,
monitors 10 area saltwater locations. When levels of
fecal coliform or other bacteria exceed the accepted
EPA standard for a five-week test average, a warning
is issued.
Seven test locations are on Anna Maria'Island, but no !
health advisories for those locations have been issued.

personal wireless services facilities, only regulate cer-
tain aspects of size, style, location and height. That led
to the 2003 adoption of a master plan for personal wire-
less services facilities and accompanying ordinance.

Army Corps of Engineers still has no idea when the
project will resume, what to do with the pipes and
equipment currently clogging the beach south of the
Manatee Public Beach, or even if Goodloe will be
allowed to continue the project.
That's the word from Holmes Beach Mayor Carol
Whitmore following her conference call Monday,
Feb. 6, with Corps representative Charles Stevens,
Bradenton Beach Mayor John Chappie and Manatee
County Ecosystems Administrator Charlie Hunsicker.
Whitmore said she and Chappie expressed concern
about the safety issue of pipes remaining on the beach
and the economic impact on tourist rentals because of
the spoiled beach.
Whitmore said Stevens was the Corps-chief spokes-
person during the call, but he didn't have much to say.
"He said he is acutely aware of our issues and
would take our concerns to his supervisor this Thursday
and discuss them," she said.
That's the.same story Whitmore and Chappie have
i.beeniherring since earli Januanir.hen the Corps said
it would have an announcement at an tfimie about the
Future of the project.
"I told him that in all m \ear of politics. I'\e
i gotten the mostphine.calls about this issue. Everybody
here is looking to us for answers. We're on the hot seat,
not them."
Those words, however, appear to be like silent rain-
drops to the Corps.
"He couldn't comment on any of our questions,
just that he'd take up the issue with his boss. but w e' e
been hearing that story the past two months. He said he
wasn't authorized to say an\ more," \Vhitmore said.
"I've requested removal of the pipes and equipment
if the project is not going to-resumeiin the next fe\%
weeks, "she said, "and he said he'd get back to me as
soon as he got an answer."

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6-A 0 FEB. 8, 2006 M THE ISLANDER


An embarrassment of riches?
From searching somewhat anxiously for water-
front sites for nautical purposes, Manatee County is
unexpectedly offered four prospects for its maritime
museum and boat-launching ramps in Cortez.
Suitable waterfront land has become steadily cost-
lier as it became more scarce, especially in big enough
parcels to accommodate such use. True, the county has
gotten richer, too, but still ....
The developing Florida Gulf Coast Maritime
Museum has outgrown its temporary quarters in the
Cortez Community Center its classic wooden boat-
building program alone is bursting. It's going some-
where, and thoughtful planning now can ease the stress
of growth. Boat ramps are a natural association with
the museum.
The most attractive location by far is the Seafood
Shack property just north of Cortez Road. It includes a
big building, a 68-slip boat moorage, extremely desir-
able waterfront, and vacant acreage.
The Cortez Trailer Park on the water across Cortez
Road from the Shack is another possibility. The owner
is in negotiation with the tenants, and if that falls
through it may be suitable, but the county would have
to displace the residents.
The Holiday Cove RV park just up Cortez Road
would make a suitable location ass-well, although its
small canal and-alow bridge to open \\ after could make
it a hard sell for the traditional sailboats of the boat-
building program.
The just-rebuilt Parrot Cove Marina is a fourth possibil-
ity. It has 320 feet of waterfront and a boat ramp adjacent to
a county park with about 800 feet of shoreline.
Urgent though the need is for boat ramps, we are
at least as interested in the maritime museum, which
needs and deserves a suitable home. It will preserve and
promote the marine traditions of Cortez and Manatee
County, traditions that built what we have today and
are fast dwindling. It promises to be a showcase for the
The Seafood Shack is the worthy home for these
endeavors, and the other possible sites are not far
There is opposition, as always. But remember the
old saying,- "If you want to catch heck, just do some-
thing." The protesters have real concerns, but any fea-
sible use of the Shack will raise similar issues.
None of these properties \\ ill be available for long,
nor will they. get less costly. The county has a limited
deadline to act, and it should do it while it can.
Tick. Tock.

Thi Islander
FEB. 8, 2006 Vol. 14, No. 14
V Publisher and Editor
Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org
V Editorial ,
Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org
Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org
Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org
Jack Egan
Jack Elka
Jim Hanson
V Contributors
Gib Bergquist
Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org
Jesse Brisson
David Futch
Robert Noble
:Carrie. Price
J.L. Robertson
V Advertising Sales
Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org
V Office Manager
Connie Brannon, connie@islander.org
V Production Graphics
Kelly McCormick, ads@islander.org
Lisa Williams, lisa@islander.org
V Distribution
Urbane Bouchet
Ross Roberts
Lisa Williams
(All others: news@islander.org)

Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25: cents each.
1992-2005 Editorial, sales and production offices:
Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive
Holmes Beach FL 34217
"WEB SITE: islander.org
FAX 941 778-9892' PHONE 941 778-7978





Get in touch
Regarding the dredging equipment on the beach,
why should the officials from Anna Maria try to get a
response from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers?
When they are not responding, contact your con-
gressman, senator, governor.
Alex Alma, Lake Zurick, Ill.

Poison pill ordinance
Will someone have to die before the City of Anna
Maria takes steps to protect its citizens by securing
adequate cell phone service?
-Last November I fell and broke my hip. I was in my
house. I had my cell phone with me. However, because
the cellular service in this city is so poor, I was unable
to call 911 or even my own house phone.
I could not move and just had to lay there. It is
common knowledge that falls which result in broken
hips frequently lead to death for senior citizens. Fortu-
nately, my wife found me within a half-hour, and I am
now on the mend.
The City of Anna Maria has written an ordinance
which sets conditions so high that it has effectively pre-
vented the phone companies from providing this life-
saving service. Its stance is that, "If the phone coimpa-
nies want to provide better service, all they have to do
is comply with our ordinance."
The poison pill ordinance has worked. What we
have here in Anna Maria is a failure to communicate.
The City of Anna Maria is not proactive in obtaining
adequate service, and thereby is derelict in providing
this important potentially lifesaving service:
William M. Diamant, Anna Maria

On being thankful
Having extensive knowledge of the subject, please
note my response. As for pain, mine is a constant situ-
ation as I am 100-percent disabled and, at 81 with a
crushed spine from flying dive-bombers in the Navy, I
know the feeling. -

I have used Island bridges since the old wooden
one, which had a manually operated swing section.
But also I have a college degree in meteorology, am a
fifth-generation local, and have worldwide experience
in typhoons and hurricanes on some 19 aircraft carri-
ers, relying on data furnished by the NOAA hurricane
Due to "ground effect," our bridges are subject
to only 29 percent of cyclostrophic velocity (29 and
31 feet). The Sarasota bridge at 81 feet would be sub-
ject to 50 percent. Statewide, all megabridges therefore
are closed at cyclostrophic velocity of 42 mph. Regu-
lar cars are imperiled at 46, high-profile vehicles and
towed boats at 38. We computed some 62 percent of
our Islanders would be trapped by high bridges should
a hurricane hit us directly. Mrs. Martini does know
whereof she speaks.
Jim Kissick, Bradenton Beach

A caring community
My children and I have been overwhelmed with the
support, kindness and generosity of everyone during
:this challenging time.
We would like to thank everyone for their thoughts
and prayers and for all the wonderful stories about Jim
that you've taken the time to share with us; We feel
blessed to have been his family and blessed to be sur-
rounded by such a caring community.
Pidge Taylor, and Courtney, Nick and Kelsey,
Holmes Beach

Have your say
The Islander welcomes and encourages your opin-
ion letters.
Letters are published on a space-available basis
with regard to timeliness of the material. Writers are
limited to one published letter per month.
Address letters to Editor, The Islander, 5404
Marina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217, fax to
-.. .944ts77,-9392,, or'e-.mail to news@islander.org.

THE ISLANDER 0 FEB. 8, 2006 M A-7

' slice it...
it's cMlalonev!
IiIri.-.rn 7H.:irT;l -.- Lr,a r o.
On', c.r,-re r j lir.-r

School daze
Some stories I've read recently about schools
in our area have brought back many memories
about by school days in New Jersey.
There was first St. John's Grammar School
in Bergenfield and then Teaneck High both in
Bergen County.
The story about that father who punched the
teacher that he thought was picking on his daugh-
ter, for instance, reminded me instantly about St.
John's. That's because if I had ever come home
back then and reported to my father that Sister
Ursala was picking on me, he would have imme-
diately decided I deserved it and spanked me -
not punched her.
Thinking back to St. John's also came from
reading about the auction our Island grammar
school just had to get rid of some things no longer
needed in the new school. I missed that because
I already have five grandsons who went to that
old school and don't need any other AME prod-
ucts. Besides, I didn't recognize most of the things
advertised to be up for bid.
It did, however, make me feel bad that St.
John's never had an auction that I knew of. If it
did, I certainly would have loved to bid on at least
one of their blackboard erasers. That's because I
loved it when the nuns sent me out in the lawn
to clap the chalk dust out of them. Even a slate
blackboard itself would have interested me. I feel
sorry for the kids with the new plastic boards that
produce nothing to clap.
Another treat was being chosen to empty the
pencil sharpeners in the garbage. I miss pencils,
too. They all had an eraser on the end just in
My old St. John's desk is something I'd still
like to have, too. In the upper right hand corner of

every desk back then was an inkwell, filled with
real ink. I enjoyed very few things more than dip-
ping the ends of Alice Bolinder's long blond hair
in my well when she sat in front of me. And how
about a pen like the one that I also dipped in
that well and used instead of pushing a button to
make a ball pen possible to write with like they do
That desk had a hinged top, too, and the com-
partment held all my books and things I didn't
have to take home for homework. Now, the poor
kids have to carry everything on their backs in a
knapsack, homework needed or not.
I would also love to have one of those old com-
position books we had the ones with the black and
white cover and lined pages inside that were strung
together in there somehow. The attraction was that
the book had a label on the cover for my name and
room number, and the back had the multiplication
table right up to and including 12 times 12.
Why we had to learn that, I'll never know.
Nobody ever asked me how much 12 times 12
turned out to be and, besides, why did they stop
there and leave out 13 X 13 and more? Still, I'd
love one of those books just to show my grandchil-
dren how easy it was back then to get an answer
without pocket calculators.
I would have bid on all those things at a St.
John's auction.
Had Teaneck High School ever had an auction,
I would have bid on my old gym locker, because
its aroma would have brought back many memo-
ries. And I often wonder whatever happened to the
little pocket-sized beetle clicker Charlie Daley had?
Squeezing that thing by an appointed watcher was
how we were warned that a teacher was about to
come into the boys rest room when we were sneak-
ing a cigarette in one of the stalls, and so it gave us
a chance to flush down the shared butt.
I would only have bid on that clicker, not on
the boys room stall.
But you know, even if there had been a New
Jersey school auction back then, I probably would
have wound up with nothing more than an eraser,
because all I had was my 25-cent monthly allow-

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Ten years ago in the Feb. 8, 1996, issue
of The Islander, headlines announced:
Residents of Anna Maria Island and Longboat
Key agreed to form a task force to fund research into
stopping red tide after meeting with area scientists and
environmental officials on how to solve the problem.
Holmes Beach Supervisor of Public Works John
Fernandez submitted his resignation to take a similar
position with Longboat Key.
The Florida Department of Transportation
announced there would be a four-week delay in an
administrative judge's decision on whether or not the
DOT can proceed with construction of a 65-foot-high,
fixed-span bridge to replace the Anna Maria Bridge.
The DOT said it had failed to provide the judge with
transcripts of certain public meetings on the issue.

Date Low High Rainfall
Jan. 29 59 76 0
Jan. 30 63 72 .20
Jan. 31 61 68 0
Feb. 1 45 73 0
Feb. 2 52 74 0
Feb. 3 68 77 .10
Feb. 4 61 66 .40
Average Gulf water temperature 650
24-hour rainfall accumulation with reading at approximately 5 i.m. daily.

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Holmes Beach retirement
Holmes Beach Police Department records clerk Gary Stephanson, far right, recently retired from the department
and was honored for his service at the city commission meeting Jan. 24. Applauding Stevensfor his efforts were,
from left, Police Chief Jay Romine, Commission Chairperson Rich Bohnenberger and Mayor Carol Whitmore.

Islander Photo: Rick Catlin

Valentine jewelry 'trunk show'
soon at Longboat gallery
A Valentine "trunk show" by jewelry designer Mia
Katrin will be at the Wallace Fine Art Gallery on Long-
boat Key Feb. 9-11, with the artist's reception Thurs-
day, Feb. 9.
Among the high-end pieces will be a one-of-a-kind
necklace of 32.4 carats of Colombian emeralds with
diamonds and other jewels.
The reception will be from 6 to. 8 p.m. Friday.
The artist will be available as a jewelry fashion consul-
tant and help with gift suggestions during the "trunk
Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday
through Friday, 1'0 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. Details are
available at 387-0746.

Medicare part D questions
answered at chamber
Questions about the Medicare part D enrollment
process will be answered by Michael Vejins in a series
of meetings at the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Com-
merce, 5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.
Vejins, a financial advisor with Raymond James
& Associates and member of the New York Stock
Exchange, will be at the chamber from 9:30 to 10:30
a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 14, and subsequent' Tuesdays
through May 2. The consultations are free, the chamber
said. Further information may be obtained by calling

St. Patrick's Day breakfast is
right on course
If St. Patrick's Day approaches, can Don Maloney
be far behind?
He is the perennial chairman of the St. Patrick's
Day Breakfast here, and in charge of crowning the
2006 Island Irishman (woman) of the Year. He's already
warning that you can be left out if you don't make your
reservation soon.
The breakfast will begin at 9:30 a.m. Friday, March
17, at the Moose Lodge, 110 Gulf Drive, Bradenton
Beach. Only paid reservations will be honored, Malo-
ney warned, and tickets.at $7.50 are available from wife
Sarah Maloney at 778-4865.
A ticket gets you a full breakfast, dessert as an Irish
version of Danish pastry, Irish songs and stories, the
Island's Irish Ceili Dancers and the coronation of the
year's Irish sovereign. Passing along the 2005 title will
be Islander Publisher Bonner Joy.
Maloney suggests that because parking is sure to
be a problem, those attending "ride the free green trol-
ley" that will be running up and down Gulf Drive on
that special day.

Mote Florida mystery writers
schedule is arranged
Mote Marine Laboratory has established a sched-
ule for authors' appearances in the Mote Mystery Writ-
ers With a Florida Connection series.
Lectures and book signing will be on the Mote
campus, 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota, on City
Island off the south ramp of the New Pass Bridge to
Longboat Key.
The $10 admission fee will go to the Mote research
library, a spokesperson said. The schedule, with appear-
ances at 2 and 7 p.m.:
ThuirsJj. Feb. 9, James:O. Born, author 'of
"Escape Clause," at the Keating Education Center.
Tuesday, Feb. 28, James Swain, "Grift Sense,"
"Funny Money," and "Mr. Lucky," Buchanan Room.
Thursday, March 16, Bob Morris, "Bahamarama"
and "Jamaica Me Dead," Keating Education Center.
Thursday, April 27, Ward Larsen, "The Perfect
Assassin," Buchanan Room.
Further information may be obtained by calling
388-4441, ext. 333. The program's spokesperson said
that next year Women Mystery Writers With a Florida :
Connection will be the program.
Africa/Carib music will be played
in concert Friday
Music from Africa, the Caribbean islands and the
Americas will be presented in a concert from 3 to 4:30
p.m. Friday, Feb. 10, at the Education Center on Long-
boat Key, 5370 Gulf of Mexico Drive.
African beats, samba, bossa nova and Afro-Cuban
will be played by Thomas Carabasi, drummer; Avon
Griffin, percussion; Dick Reynolds, piano; and Patrick
Bettison, bass. Cost is $15 for members, $20 for non-
Additional information may be obtained by calling
Sailboat race sponsored Sunday
by Cortez Yacht Club
The Cortez Yacht Club has scheduled a "Valen-
tine's Day Massacre" sailboat race starting at noon
Sunday, Feb. 12, at Marker 2 at the mouth of the Mana-
tee River.
It will cover an 8-mile triangular course in Tampa
Bay, with trophies going to winners based on corrected
overall times. It is open to any boat 22 feet or longer
with a securable cabin.
Captains' meetings will be at 9 a.m. at the Seafood
Shack in Cortez and the Twin Dolphin Marina, 1200
First Ave. W., Bradenton, with breakfast at the Seafood
Shack and a post-race barbecue at the Twin Dolphin.
Entry is by registration at either captains' meeting.
Further information is available by calling 792-9100 or

Parent Support Group meets
at Center next Wednesday
The Parent Support Group will meet from 6 to 7:30
p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 15, at the Anna Maria Island
Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria.
Child care will be provided and pizza served. Shir-
ley Romberger, the Center's family therapist, will be
facilitator for the meeting. Parents may register and
obtain further information by calling 778-1908.

Art group to show works
at Center tomorrow
The art group studying under Sue Lynn Cotton will
have a special exhibit from 5 to 11 p.m. Thursday, Feb.
9, at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407
Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria.
Many of the students have been working with
Cotton for three years, the Center said. Art will be avail-
able for purchase. Details are available at 778-1908.
Thieves market, mullet smoke
set by Privateers
The Anna Maria Island Privateers will sponsor a
combined thieves market and mullet smoke from 8 a.m.
to 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 11, at Coquina Beach.
It will be at the south parking lot, free of charge
and with plenty of parking, the Privateers said. It is a
fundraiser to finance youth scholarships and commu-
nity services.
There will be "vendors selling plundered goods,
treasures, antiques, collectibles and a lot more," said a
spokesperson. More than 60 vendors have signed up,
With more space available.
The Privateers will smoke fresh mullet overnight,
and will sell their delicacy starting in the morning, fresh
off the smooker, until all is gone.
Furtherinformation is available at 778-1512.

'Romantic Rhapsody' Saturday
for Valentine Pops
A "Romantic Rhapsody" concert by the Florida
West Coast Symphony will be at 8:30 p.m. Saturday,
Feb. 11, at Neel Performing Arts Center, Manatee Com-
munity College, 5840 26th St. W., Bradenton.
It will be the 21st annual Valentine Pops concert
sponsored by.the Manatee Symphony Association to
raise funds for the symphony.
A dinner gala will precede the concert at 5 p.m. at
El Conquistador Country Club, 4350 E. Conquistador
Pkwy., Bradenton. Vocalist Dru Minte will be featured,
and dancing will be to Mike Ash and the Notables.
A ticket package for the dinner and concert is $175
per person, available at 792-8608. Tickets for the con-
cert alone are $38, $33 and $29 and may be obtained
by calling 953-3434.


Tai chi to treat arthritis to be
demonstrated Tuesday
Sherry Fideler will demonstrate the use of tai chi to
treat arthritis at a class at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 14, at the
Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia
Ave., Anna Maria.
Fideler is the Center's fitness instructor and
stressed that tai chi's benefits are not limited to arthritis
but are also helpful for other physical problems. The
regular class will run for six weeks beginning Feb. 21
for $25 for members, $40 for nonmembers. Details are
available at 778-1908.

Post-Civil War Judaism to be
topic in series
"American Jews From Post-Civil War to the Early
1900s" will be discussed in the "Judaism in America"
lecture series Sunday, Feb. 12, on Longboat Key.
The lecture will be presented by Rabbi David Starr
of Hebrew College in the Education Center, 5370 Gulf
of Mexico Drive, from 3 to 5 p.m. Reservations may be
made by calling 383-8811. Cost is $25.

Stained-glass stepping-stone
classes scheduled at Center
Classes in the creation of stained-glass garden step-
ping stones will be conducted by Glen LeFevre from
1 to 3 p.m. Monday, Feb. 20, and 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 22, at the Anna Maria Island Com-
munity Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria.
Cost is $55 for members, $60 for nonmembers.
Deadline for registration is 'Feb. 13. Details may be
obtained at 778-1908.

Longboat chamber to lunch
in Bradenton Beach'
The Longboat/St. Armands/Lido Keys Chamber of
Commerce will have a networking lunch starting at
11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 15, at the Sun House Res-
taurant, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach.
"Essential Skills for Business Success" will be
discussed by Larry Face of Next Level Achievement.
Reservations may be made at 383-2466 for the affair,
which will be $15 for members, $20 for nonmembers.

'Good Morning Longboat Key'
breakfast set for Feb. 22
A "Good Morning Longboat Key" breakfast is
planned by the Longboat/St. Armands/Lido Keys
Chamber of Commerce from 8 to 9 a.m. Wednesday,
Feb. 22, at the chamber office, 6969 Gulf of Mexico
Drive, Longboat Key. Reservations may be made and
further information obtained by calling 383-2466.


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Special donation
Bill Reilly, left, of Holmes'Beach, makes a donation to Special Olympics Manatee County at the Island Publix,
where volunteer Patti Bishop of Holmes Beach was representing one of her favorite causes. For more information t
on Special Olympics, contact Cindy Gettinger, 792-4440, or e-mail her at manateespecoly@aol.com. Islander I
Photo: Bonner Joy

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12-A 0 FEB. 8, 2006 M THE ISLANDER

Expansion of public

works eyed in

Bradenton Beach
Bradenton Beach may be growing a little, and it's
not just by "leaps and bounds," although expanding
the city line into the surrounding waters has been dis-
City commissioners last week gave the mayor their
nod to begin negotiations for property next door to
the city's public works department on Church Avenue.
Asking price for the 783-square-foot single-family
home on a 50-byl00-foot lot owned by Robert Allen
Bodell is $400,000.
There are no plans for what the city will do with it,
but it's "an opportunity," Mayor John Chappie said.
Before the property could be utilized for city
purposes, it would need to be rezoned from its cur-
rent residential to governmental zoning, a change
that Building Official Ed i Ic Adam said would not
be difficult.
S"I could not believe how confined public works
was," Commissioner John Shaughnessy said. "Public
works needs to expand, and I'm all for us to get this
before someone else gobbles it up."
Funding for the property would come from the
city's community redevelopment agency funds, which
currently amounts to more than $1 million.
Not everyone was pleased with the acquisition,
"I can't vote on something without doing a little
,more research," said Commissioner Bill Shearon. "I
don't see the big rush with this. I believe we're opening
ourselves to a real can of worms without the rezoning."

'Cloak and Dagger'
author Hall to be here
Roger Hall, author of "You're Stepping on My
Cloak and Dagger," will be on the Island Thursday, Feb.
23, for a presentation at the Island Branch Library, 5701
Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.
He will speak on a program here at 10:30 a.m.
The book has become a "cult classic," a
humorous account of his experiences during
World War II with the Office of Strategic Services,
forerunner of the CIA.

For sale
This prop-
erty at 306
Ave. could
_,.well be
~- purchased
S:" by the City
Beach and
.. .. used to
S- .expand the

... works
4 offices,
pictured in
the back-
Paul Roat

Dead turtle stalls renourishment

By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
The dead turtle is gone and the dredging gear is
back at work after Longboat Key beach renourishment
was shut down for the better part of a week.
A dead green sea turtle was found in an intake
screen of the pumping equipment aboard the dredge
Bayport Jan. 25, and work stopped as required by the
project's permit.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authorized
resumption of operations Tuesday, Jan. 31. The town
of Longboat told contractor Manson Construction Co.
to go back to work quickly so as to complete the job
before marine turtle and seabird nesting seasons begin
May 1.
The dredge was pumping sand from a borrow area
several miles offshore, said the town, and the death,
or "take" in dredging parlance, occurred despite turtle
deflectors and exclusion devices on the dredge's drag
A fishing trawler also was working the area to
clear marine life from the dredge head, in accordance
with permit conditions, but the big green turtle slipped
through and was sucked into the equipment.

This was the second turtle death in the Longboat
project. The first was last November, and it brought
about the additional protection of the trawler to avert
such incidents.
Since November, according to Longboat records,
the trawler has safely removed 45 turtles from the
dredging borrow sites 22 loggerheads, 25 Kemps
ridleys, seven greens and one hawksbill.
The town said its renourishment project is 75 per-
cent complete on its way to completion in April.

Center is tops in 'Be More'
The Anna Maria Island Community Center was
honored as one of the top five in special events awards
at the WEDU-TV "Be More" awards in Tampa.
The Center "far surpassed many others in the
awards category," the sponsor noted.
Attending the ceremonies were. Pierrette Kelly,
executive director of the Center; Don Schroder,
member of the board; and Aida Matic-Chaffee and
Scott Dell of the Center's staff.
The Center is ai 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria,
telephone 778-1908.


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THE ISLANDER M FEB. 8. 2006 U A-13 "

Here's a real life.changer in unusual way

By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
Jeff Higgins did the Heimlich maneuver to change
possible death to life and changed his own life as
He is a waiter at the Gulf Drive Cafe, where a diner
choked on a piece of roast beef and seemed in really
terrible shape, said fellow staffers.
"Everyone was startled, me too," said Higgins. "I won-
dered why isn't anybody doing anything for the poor guy?
Then I realized I wasn't doing anything either.
"So I jumped over and grabbed the man around the
middle and started wrenching on him. The beef popped
right out of his mouth, just like you see on TV."
He credits television with showing him how to save
that life: "I never took any first aid lessons or anything,
just saw how to do it on TV shows.
"You know, you don't think about heroics or any-
thing. You see a problem like that and just figure if
nobody else is handling it, you have to jump in. It's
your normal duty as a human to help out in trouble."
Not everyone seems to think that way, but Bill Johnson
is very glad Higgins does. He's the diner whom Higgins
grabbed around the middle to pop the strangling bite from
his throat. Johnson subsequently sent his benefactor a note
"along the lines of it's great that there are still people who
help people," said Higgins.
Higgins was reared on the Island but left eight
years ago for Philadelphia, where he was content as
a graphics illustrator until a casual acquaintance said,
"You're from an island in Florida? What in the world
are you doing here?"
The young man came home to Anna Maria three
years ago, and both he and Johnson are glad.
"After it happens you have a different outlook,"
Higgins said. "You just go along living, and then this
happens and you think wow, maybe I could do this for
"You realize you've got something you didn't
know you needed."
That's why he's looking into becoming an emer-
gency medical technician, and maybe ultimately a full-
fledged medic.

S -. ..... ... Jeff Hig-
.- gins, a
tlwaiter at
Gulf Drive
.-T saved a
I life
through his
4. .Islander
"- Photo:
s ]A.-. Paul Roat

.., -,.

Last chance for King Middle School

fundraiser, auction tickets

A limited number of tickets remain for Saturday's
Cocktail Party and Auction benefiting the new King
Middle School Media Center.
The event will be held at the home of Kelly and Cindy
Tutterow, 5944 Riverview Blvd., Bradenton, from 6 to 10
p.m. Feb. 11, and will feature hors d'ouevres provided by the
Sandbar, Publix, Jane E's, the Chop Shop, Woodson Brother's
Seafood Grill and more.
There will also be a champagne fountain where, for
a small fee, guests can refill their glass all evening.
More than 100 items will be available during the
silent auction, including gift certificates for local restau-
rants and businesses. Of note on the auction block are a
four day "park hopper" pass to Walt Disney World, two
passes to Universal Studios, scuba lessons from Scuba

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Quest and IMG golf lessons, football helmet signed by
Tampa Bay Buccaneer's John Gruden, and a chance to
be a model for a Beall's advertisement.
There will be a raffle for a television and guests
will have the opportunity to purchase a book, which ,,
they can sign and donate back to the school library.
So far $40,000 has been raised in corporate and
family sponsorships, says Islander Susan Thomas, and
all the funds will be used for books and materials to
help fill the 5,500-square-foot media center in the new
King Middle School building scheduled to open for the
2006-07 school year.
Reservations for the media center fundraiser are
$30 per person and can be obtained from Thomas at

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S14-A 0 FEB. 8, 2006 T THE ISLANDER


Wednesday, Feb. 8
Noon Minnesota Club meeting at the Bradenton
Elks Lodge, 2115 75th St. W., Bradenton. Information:
12:30 to 4 p.m. Duplicate Bridge at the Anna
Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave.,
Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies.
6:15 to 8:15 p.m.-"Chart Smart" boating course
at the Anna Maria Island Power Squadron, 1200 71st
St. N.W., Bradenton. Information: 714-0449.

Thursday, Feb. 9
11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Greek Glendi Festival at St.
Barbara Greek Orthodox Church, 7671 N. Lockwood
Ridge Road, Sarasota.
2 p.m. and 7 p.m, Mystery Writers with a Florida
Connection presents author of "Escape Clause" James
Born at Mote Marine Laboratory's Keating Education
Center, 1700 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota. Informa-
tion: 388-4441.
3 to 5 p.m. Anna Maria Island Historical Society
Jazz Fest in the parking lot of the Historical Museum,
402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Bring your own chair. Dona-
tion suggested.
6 to 8 p.m. Opening reception for jewelry
designer Mia Katrin's Longboat Key Trunk Show at Wal-
lace Fine Arts Gallery, 5350 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Long-
boat Key. Information: 387-0746.
8 to 11 p.m. Anna Maria Island Kiwanis Club
"Sweetheart Dance" featuring the Bob Zimmerman
Orchestra at the Anna Maria Island Community Center,
407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908.
Fee applies.

Friday, Feb. 10
8:45 to 10 a.m. Yoga with Dolce Little at the
Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia
Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies.
11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Greek Glendi Festival at St.
Barbara Greek Orthodox Church, 7671 N. Lockwood
Ridge Road, Sarasota.
3 to 4:30 p.m. "In the Footprints of the Griot" pre-
Ssented by Thomas Carabasi at the Education Center,
5370 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information:
383-8811. Fee applies.

Professional Nail Care & Spa
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.... 794-8888
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Saturday, Feb. 11
8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Anna Maria Island Privateers
Thieves Market at Coquina Beach south parking lot,
Bradenton Beach. Information: 778-4512.
8:30 a.m. Kiwanis Club meeting at Cafe on
the Beach, Manatee Public Beach, 4700 Gulf Drive,
Holmes Beach.
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. "French Market" at the Village
of the Arts, between Ninth Street West and 14th Street
West, Bradenton. Information: 730-5030.
10 a.m. to noon Watercolor painting demonstra-
tion by Caroline Whitmore at Island Gallery West, 5368
Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6648.
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. "The Highwaymen Sym-
posium: A Celebration of the Florida Landscape"
friends and family day at South Florida Museum,
210 10th St. W., Bradenton. Information: 746-4131.
Admission applies.
11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Greek Glendi Festival at St.
Barbara Greek Orthodox Church, 7671 N. Lockwood
Ridge Road, Sarasota.
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Food for Life cooking class
at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Mag-
nolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908.
5 to 9 p.m.- The Highwaymen Symposium panel
lecture and artists reception at the South Florida
Museum, 210 10th St. W., Bradenton. Information:
746-4131. Fee applies.

Pawsitively Pets
& Property Services Inc.
P.O. Box 265, Bradenton Beach, FL 34217

Quality Pet Sitting Reliable Property Services

761-7511 s

'Bonded Insured

Mears works are
February feature
at Gallery West
Paintings of Lee Mears
will be featured through
February at Island Gal-
lery West, 5368 Gulf
Drive, Holmes Beach.
She paints nature in


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watercolors and pastels,
and also works in mixed
media and collage. She
is managing secretary at
the gallery. Details may
be obtained by calling

6 to 10 p.m.- Cocktail Party and Auction to benefit
the new King Middle School Media Center at the Tut-
terow home, 5944 Riverview Blvd., Bradenton. Informa-
tion: 778-4457. Fee applies.
8:30 p.m. Valentine Pops: Romantic Rhapsody
with the Florida West Coast Symphony at Neel Per-
forming Arts Center, Manatee Community College,
5840 26th St. W., Bradenton. Information: 953-3434.
Fee applies.

Sunday, Feb. 12
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cortez Yacht Club's "St. Val-
entine's Massacre Race" in Tampa Bay. Information:
Noon to 8 p.m. Greek Glendi Festival at St. Bar-
bara Greek Orthodox Church, 7671 N. Lockwood Ridge
Road, Sarasota.
2 p.m. "An Afternoon in Vienna" Anna Maria
Island Community Chorus and Orchestra concert at the
Island Baptist Church, 8605 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria.
Donation requested.
3 to 5 p.m. "American Jews from the Post
Civil War to the Early 1900s" presentation by Rabbi
David Starr at the Education Center of Longboat Key,
5370 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information:
383-8811. Fee applies.

Hc~lS~ Let.K~m pas


THE ISLANDER 0 FEB. 8, 2006 M A-15

Monday, Feb. 13
8:45 to 10 a.m. -Yoga with Dolce Little at the
Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia
Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies.
9 a.m.- Widowed persons support group presen-
tation on "Identity Theft" at the Anna Maria Island Com-
munity Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Infor-
mation: 778-1908.
11:30 a.m. Democratic Women's Club of Mana-
tee County Black History-Month celebration at the Holi-
day Inn Riverside, Bradenton. Information: 795-7608.
Fee applies.
1 to 4 p.m. Valentine Dessert Card Party at St.
Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes
Beach. Information: 778-4769. Fee applies.
4 and 7 p.m. "Of Marine Mice and Men: The
Immune System of Sharks and Humans" lecture pre-
sentation by Carl Luer at Mote Immersion' Cinema,
1700 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota. Information:
388-4441. Fee applies.
Tuesday, Feb. 14
8 to 9:30 a.m. "What Winning Has Done For
Me" seminar featuring Longboat-Lido-St. Armand Keys
Chamber of Commerce "Small Business of the Year"
winners at 6960 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key.
Information: 383-2466.
9 to 11:30 a.m. "Rally for a Cure" golf day at the
Key Royale Golf Club, 700 Key Royale Drive, Holmes
Beach. Information: 778-7170.
9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Questions about Medicare
Part D enrollment answered by Michael Vejins at the
Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce, 5313 Gulf
Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-1541.
10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Literary critic Johh Mellon
discusses lan McEwan's book "Saturday" at the Island
Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.
Information: 778-6341.
4 p.m. -Tai Chi demonstration by Sherry Fideler
at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407
Magnolia Ave., Anna Mari. Information: 778-1908. Fee
Wednesday, Feb. 15
10:30 a.m. Longboat-Lido-St. Armand Keys
Chamber of Commerce networking luncheon at the
Sun House Restaurant, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton
Beach. Information: 383-2466. Fee applies.
12:30 to 4 p.m. Duplicate bridge at the Anna

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Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave.,
Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies.
6 to 7:30 p.m. Parent support group at the Anna
Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave.,
Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies.
Jewelry designer Mia Katrin's Longboat Key Trunk
Show at Wallace Fine Arts Gallery, 5350 Gulf of Mexico
Drive, Longboat Key, through Feb. 11. Information:
"Murder by Misadventure" at the Island Players,
.Gulf Drive and Pine Avenue, Anna Maria, through Feb.
12. Information: 778-5755. Fee applies.
"All Nude Review" artists exhibit at the Anna Maria
Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach,
through Feb. 24. Information: 778-2099.
Paintings by Lee Mears at Island Gallery West,
5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, through Feb. 28. Infor-
mation: 778-6648.
"The Highwaymen," Florida's African-American
landscape painters exhibit at the South Florida
Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton, through March
12. Information: 746-4131. Fee applies.
Manatee County Audubon meeting at First Pres-
byterian Church, Bradenton, Feb. 16.
Family caregiver support group at the Island
Branch Library Feb. 17.
Florida West Coast Symphony Masterworks at
Neel Performing Arts Center Feb. 17.
Service Club of Manatee Antique show at the
Manatee Civic Center Feb. 17-19.
White Elephant sale at the Episcopal Church of
the Annunciation Feb. 18.
Bead class at the Anna Maria Island Community
Center Feb. 18.
Save Anna Maria Inc. meeting and election of offi-
cers at the Island Branch Library Feb. 18.
"Heaven Can Wait".at Manatee Community Col-
lege Feb. 18-25.
Cortez Fishing Festival Feb. 18-19.
Piano/organ concert at First Presbyterian Church,
Bradenton, Feb. 19.
"Religion in the Public Square" lecture at the
BeachHouse Restaurant Feb. 20.
'The Sensory World of Manatees" at Mote Marine
Laboratory Feb. 20.
Stepping-stone craft class at the Anna Maria
Island Community Center Feb. 20 & 22.
*Volunteer recruitment coffee at Mote Marine Lab-

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Anna Maria

Heritage Day

vendors being

Vendors are needed for the annual Island
Heritage Day, scheduled from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday, March 4, with a 50/50 cash drawing
a star attraction.
The Anna Maria Island Historical Society,
sponsoring the annual event in Anna Maria City,
said tickets for the cash draw are available for
$1 each, $5 for six, at the historical museum and
at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes
Vendors may pick up application forms at
the museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Arts
and crafts vendors pay $25 and food vendors 20
percent of sales. Deadline to return the applica-
tions is Feb. 18.
The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Details may be obtained by calling 778-0492.

oratory Feb. 21.
Anna Maria Island Rotary Club meeting at the
BeachHouse. Restaurant Feb. 21.
Author Roger Hall at the Island Branch Library
Feb. 23.
Save the Date:
Religious Art & Artifacts Exhibit at the Church of
the Annunciation March 3.
Island Heritage Day March 4.
Dream Classics Concert/Dance at the Anna
Maria Island Community Center March 10.
Celebrate Longboat Key at the.Longboat Key
Club March 11.
St: Patrick's Day breakfast at the Moose Lodge"-
March 17.
Anna Maria Island Tour of Homes March 18.

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1i6-A 0 FEB. 8. 200(U OT HIE ISLANI)EH

Harcourt science
Fourth-graders Shannon Kemper and Samantha Latimer take a look at the science series Anna Maria Elementary
School plans to purchase this year Islander Photo: Diana Bogan

AME previews new science series

A display of "Big Books" utilized by lower grade
levels, "little readers," workbooks and easy- to hard-
leveled readers was set up by Harcourt Publishing
representative Trudy Johnson at the January Parent-
Teacher Organization meeting as a sample of avail-
able materials, but before the end of the night, Johnson
- donated the entire display to the school.
AME teacher Karen Newhall said the Harcourt sci-
ence series is teacher-friendly and because the student
workbooks can be kept by each child to use from kin-
dergarten'through fifth-grade, the series will save the
school money, ,
Students are currently raising money for a Science
V 'k-A-7' ,-ri to be held Feb..14, in order to purchase
a .an -- 1 ,'' s ssiblc. Spon-)

Prime Delight is a delicious
pomegranate juice with CoQ 10
and plant adoptogens. AMS
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sorship opportunities are available by calling the school
at 708-5525.
Vintage jewelry being sold
at museum's gift shop
Some heirloom pieces and other jewelry have been
added to the stock of the Anna Maria Island Historical
Society's gift shop, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria.
New pieces are coming in every day, said a
museum spokesperson, and further donations "are
gratefully accepted." The shop also has Island books,
pictures, and special items, and on Wednesdays has
fresh "early settlers bread" for sale.
Hours at the museum and gift shop are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
: '.-iys, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

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Island police reports
Anna Maria City
Jan 27, 200 block of Willow Avenue, theft. A
woman reported that her daughter took her car without
Feb. 2, 800 block of North Shore Drive, informa-
tion. A resident said he contracted for residential repair
work with a handyman who did not perform up to his
expectations. The homeowner wanted the incident doc-
umented to prevent further complaints regarding the

Bradenton Beach
No reports.

Holmes Beach
Jan. 27, 600 block of Ambassador Lane, animal
report. A woman reported that while walking her
two dogs another dog ran out from a home, charging
towards her. A man came outside and called the
dog back before it reached the woman. However, the
woman reports that on her return trip past the same
residence, the dog broke loose from the home again and
this time she had to fend the dog off as no one retrieved
the dog. -

Jan. 27, 4400 block of Second Avenue, battery. A
man told police that he was checking on the progress of
the construction of his pool and stone walkway. When
he advised the workers that they had extended the walk-
way too far there was a disagreement and he asked
the workers to leave. According to the report, the hom-
eowner alleged that as the workers were leaving one
of them turned and struck him in the mouth with a
'hammer. The construction worker admitted punching
the h6imeowner after he allegedly pushed him, but
stated he didn't have a tool in his hand.
Jan. 28, 100-block of 47th Street, theft. A man
reported his money clip was stolen from his resi-
Jan. 29, 6504 Gulf Drive, White Sands. Resort,
criminal mischief. A fence and trash container were
spray painted with graffiti.
Jan. 31, 6400 block of Holmes Boulevard, miss-
ing person. A woman reported her 57-year-old brother
missing when he did not return home to their shared
residence for more.than a day. She told police that he
has been ill and doesn't usually leave the house.
Feb. 3. 30(17 Gulf Drive, Anchor Inn, theft. A man
reported ite bike he left in front of the business had
been stolen.



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THE ISLANDER N FEB. 8, 2006 m A-17

o Anna Maria

Elementary School

.-- .. menu
-' ,"" [ Monday, Feb. 13
S- Breakfast: Pretzel Cinnamon Stick, Cereal, Toast,
S Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Fruit
SLunch: "Upside Down Day" French Toast Sticks
Fruit Cup
..Tuesday, Feb. 14
A O Breakfast: Egg and Cheese Biscuit, Cereal, Toast, 0
Ia Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Fruit O
Lunch: Hearty Hamburger or Cheeseburger, ..
V Muffin and Yummy Yogurt Plate, Sweet Steamed S
Carrots, Be Mine Chips, Fresh Valentine Veggies s
with Dip, Cupid Dessert
S-. Wednesday, Feb. 15
Breakfast: Waffle Sticks, Bagel, Cereal, Toast, Fruit
I Lunch: "Celebrate Daytona 500" Nascar Nachos
su with Meat and Cheese or Inside Track Trout Melt
S Sandwich, Spanish Racing Rice, Winner Winter
Mix Vegetables, Speedway Sliced Pears, Special 0
Daytona Dessert
Alaska b d Thursday, Feb. 16
Alaska bound Breakfast: Fresh Baked Muffin, Cereal, Toast, 0
Island scouts raised $400 selling poinsettia's during the holiday season, money that will help finance a 0 Super Donut, Fruit
camping expedition planned this summer in Alaska. Scouts also hosted a spaghetti dinner for the Anna Maria Lunch: Student Planned Menu
Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization as well as a hot dog sale at Lowes on State Road 70. The 0 Friday, Feb. 17
scouts meet weekly at the Church of the Annunciation in Holmes Beach. Pictured selling poinsettias are Dalton No School.
Hicks and dad Robert. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy

.IE ,,, ,i ,. ,,,, ..... ,, ^

4" d o-i1,jA?. 2 I
8 Jr ^L n The Manatee Trolley runs seven days a week, 6 a.m. to
.,.-,., ,:;.,, 10:30 p.m., with approximately 20-minute intervals at all
3 u"i. 3,"'.. 3 75 stops up to 9 p.m., and 30-minute intervals from 9-
.. ... 10:30 p.m. It starts at both ends of the Island at 6 a.m.,
'-.'' from Coquina Beach and from the Anna Maria City Pier.
4 Northbound the trolley runs Gulf Drive to Marina/Palm
Drive in Holmes Beach, merging back to Gulf Drive in
S' Anna Maria. It runs from Gulf Drive to.the city pier along
5 KEYRLEOR. 5 Pine Avenue, where it turns around.
-' ..Southbound it runs Gulf Drive all the way from Anna
.6 '2W 6 -Maria City Hall to Coquina Beach.
2 '-.:' ,.i..j.j Have some fun, ride the trolley, and tell folks along the
5 Thie Islander way and at all the stops, "The Islander"
71 .. ,,,,,,, ,,,i ll ,: i,,,-,< 7 sent m e!
Tt 'f Free MCAT ride guides available at The Islander, 5404
Tik Islander fk / 1,-(
e i er Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (Trolley stops No. 23/53.)
8 :8 Islander Info: 941 778 7978
SMCAT: 749-7116

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_- :2,_tCounty Area Transit ... .. ->B'

Ii t.. U L I-~ _

18-A U FEB. 8, 2006 U THE ISLANDER

Obituaries i

Robert J. Campbell .
S Robert J. Campbell, 77, of Anna Maria Island, died -
Jan. 27. I ,i ,
Born in Springfield, Pa., Mr. Campbell moved to .
the Island from Aston, Pa., in 1993. He was retired
after 44 years as vice president at Keystone Printing
Inc Co. in Philadelphia, Pa. He graduated from Spring- .
field High School. He enlisted in "
the U.S. Army where he served .'
in Alaska and was later called pH '' -
back as a U.S. Army Reservist to '
serve in the Korean War. He wasa .'
. active in coaching various sports A '.*q I
for his children and enjoyed golf ..
Memorial services will be ..;.. ,
and travel.C
held at 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9, Campbell -- .
at the Roser Memorial Chapel, 'i
512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. A memorial Mass for ,
family was held Feb. 4 at St. Joseph's Church, Aston, %
Pa. Memorial contributions may be made to Tidewell '-' -
Hospice and Palliative Care, 5955 Rand Blvd., Sarasota

He is survived by his wife of 55 years Kathleen; Young artist honored
children Michael, Robert Jr., Brian and Colleen Muckel Yu a- h o r -
S, Max Gardner center, a senior in the advancedplacement program at Bayshore High School, Bradenton,
of Pennsylvania, Maureen Brennan of Florida, and M Gade, a n t a a r dn
of Pennsyania, Maureen Brenan of Floida, d proudly displays his painting, "North End," at the Anna Maria Artists Guild Gallery in Holmes Beach, the
Kathleen of Texas; sister Margaret of Pennsylvania; 15
Kathleen of Tas; s r Margaret o Penn 1 second in a series of recognized high school students to display at the gallery. With Gardner are teacher Kathy
grandchildren; and four grea-grandchildren. Cocciolone, left, and guild president Shirley 0 'Day. Gardner is president of Bayshore's National Honor Society
and a student advisor for Fine Arts in a Meaningful Education. He hopes to pursue a career infine arts at
3232 East Bay Drive Ringling School ofArt and Design in Sarasota. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy
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THE ISLANDER M FEB. 8, 2006 A-19"

Pets get own emergency oxygen masks

By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
Dogs and cats will have a much better chance of
surviving smoke inhalation on the Island, thanks to
teenagers at Manatee High School.
The West Manatee Fire and Rescue District has
received oxygen masks designed specifically for pets
through the efforts of the ManaTEEN Club, especially
two sisters there.
Ashley and Alycia Bower headed a drive to raise
mioney-to-buy canine and feline masks to outfit all 65
fire trucks in Manatee County. West Manatee's share
in the pet-relief effort were delivered to the Island fire
station Friday.
Along with the masks were plaques for each fire
station honoring pet owners who donated to the pro-
gram, and honoring and remembering their pets.
The masks come in three sizes: medium snout;
long, large animal snout; and a smaller one for cats
and small dois.. Aiimials rescued froni fires with smoke
inhalation \\ill iha\e o\ pien through their own special
masks from noi\ on.:
Smoke inhalation has been a major problem with
pets as well as \\ith people during fires, especially
home fires, said Fire Chief Andy Price. Often a pet pro-
vides the main companionship and affection for seniors
burned out, and a pet's death is a major catastrophe
added to the trauma of fire.
The Bower sisters launched their "Big Breath,
and Bark" drive within the ManaTEENs' program Pet
Awareness With Seniors (PAWS), designed to provide
seniors and low-income adults with pet food to help
both people and pets, so they don't have to share the
same food.

Internet driver's license
renewal available
With the departure of the Manatee County Tax Col-
lector's offices on Anna Maria Island, and the accomrpa-
n ing ervice of driver's license renewal, Islanders may

Coupon Good Feb. 8-14, 2006
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.... 4a _.

-A A-:
ts,.,s~l "' 7r-~ ..,'t .

West Manatee Fire and Rescue District Firefighter-Paramedic John Stump and Lt. Tom Owen, along with arson
dog Laurel and Forrest Gump, one of the pets recognized on the plaque which honors pets and their owners
who donated 0 to he Big Breath, aind Bark '.\o veii mak program undertaken by lit i-U naTEEN CNlb, prior to
hanging the plaque ai Stati,, i. i.shjbileii Phoios: Bonner Joy

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Building. Home. Life.




Much ado about mullet and mangoes

Much ado about mullet and mangoes

By Diana Bogan
Islander Reporter
Nearly a dozen cooks tested their culinary might
in the Cortez Fishing Festival Mullets, Mangoes and
Music cooking contest held Feb. 4 at the Cortez Com-
munity Center.
The small buffet proved that the seemingly odd
food combination is quite compatible, making judging
the competition hard for the contest's three "celebrity"
judges Bonner Joy, Janette Dunnigan and Bob Pitt.
Among the entries were salads and salsas that
judges described as "tart," "bright" and packed with
"jalepeno action." Interesting blends and textures also
surfaced among cooking styles one would never think
to find with mullet a Greek Mullet Salad or Asian-
inspired Grilled Mullet with Mango Cabbage Salad -
but worked terrifically.
Pitt, a Florida native who loves to fish and more
importantly loves to cook and eat mullet, said judging
was tough as "they were all good."
The judges assigned points to each dish for taste,
presentation and originality, and totaled the points to
arrive at winners from among the 11 tasty entries.
Many of the cooks rose to the challenge with a cre-
ative spin, trying out new recipes that tested the palate
rather than tried-and-true family favorites.
When Frank Dolan from Sarasota read about the
contest in the newspaper, he said, "Qooh yeah, that's
for me."
Dolan, who loves to cook and is a fan of mullet,
entered a brand new dish he created with fresh mullet
he smoked over hickory and tangerine wood, then
flaked into hot grits and served on a bed of mango
chipolte sauce.
"The smoky mullet blended with hot mango is a
great flavor combination and was fun to make," Dolan
said before the competition started. "I thought it was
good from the get-go." And so did the judges, awarding
him first place.
Second place went to Kim Ibasfalean's Greek
Mullet Salad and third place went to Betty Anderson's
dessert, Mango Crisp.
"Who would have thought? I'm thrilled," exclaimed
Anderson, who lives in Bradenton.
She said the recipe is an old pioneer recipe, which
she altered for the contest. Anderson also entered
mango chutney.
The final prize went to Anita Jenkins from Cortez,
who is a repeat winner, having won first and second
prize in last year's cooking contest. This year she was
awarded the prize for "most original" recipe for her
Grilled.Mullet with Mango Cabbage Salad.
Jenkins said she had some help from her mom
coming up with the salad, which was based on a dish

her aunt makes. They modified the Asian salad, and
Anderson said the addition of mango gave it a totally
different taste.
Dunnigan noted that she wouldn't have associated
an Asian flavor with mullet, making it an interesting
Jenkin's sister, Carolyn Doig, also entered the
contest with Mango Pecan Bread and Mango Cream
Cheese topping that was noteworthy and gobbled
Also of interest around the table were two entries
by the Ortwein family from Cortez. Gigi Ortwein sub-
mitted a Chunky Mango Salsa that packed a kick of
jalepenos that judge Joy liked. Ortwein's husband Rick
entered a mullet spread that evolved as a collaboration
with a friend.
Although the Ortweins didn't take home a prize,
their fish spread got high praise from Dunnigan, a Man-
atee County circuit court judge.
"Overall I love the dip," said the judge. "It has great
texture, chunks of pepper, celery, a sweet pickle relish
- it was just perfect."
The recipes featured at the cookoff will be
included in a cookbook sold at the festival, said
Mary Fulford Green, one of the organizers of the
cookoff and the festival. For those who can't wait
until Feb. 18 when the festival begins, the winning
recipe follows.

Cortez Combo
by Frank Dolan
Smoking the mullet:
Dolan smoked locally caught mullet fillets over
hickory and tangerine wood after marinating overnight
in a solution of water, kosher salt, soy sauce, brown
sugar, worstershire sauce and hot sauce.

For the cakes:
Stir 1 1/2 cups of grits into 6 cups of boiling slated
water and allow to cool slightly. Then stir in 3 1/2 cups
of flaked, smoked mullet and turn into buttered loaf pan
to cool overnight in a refrigerator. Melt butter in skillet
and pan-fry slices of mullet-grit "cakes" until crispy.

For the coulis:
Process 1 cup of peeled, seeded local mango in a
food processor. Sieve to remove any strings and add
a teaspoon of lemon juice and a scant teaspoon of
chipolte/passilla sauce. The lemon juice comes from
Dolan's own Meyer lemon tree and the chipolte/passilla
sauce is prepared with two dried passilla and 8 dried
chipolte chilis reconstituted in 1 cup of boiling water,
and run through a food processor and then sieved.

Creative cook
Frank Dolan of Sarasota entered an original recipe,
Cortez Combo, featuring pan sauteed cakes of home-
smoked mullet and grits served on a mango chipotle
coulis, in the Cortez Fishing Festival's Mullets,
Mangoes and Music cooking contest. His entry took
first place at the Feb. 4 cookoff Islander Photos:
Diana Bogan

Judge foodie
Manatee County Circuit Court Judge Janette Dunni-
gan mulls over Kim Ibasfalean's Greek Mullet Salad.

A huge, friendly fishing festival due in Cortez

By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
There will be so much going on all around at the
big festival in Cortez that you won't know where to
begin or where you will end up.
Except that for sure you'll end up full of great food
and tired with that contented exhaustion that follows a
fine time, and with memories of a truly unique day in
a historic village's colorful past.
That is partly what the 24th annual Cortez Com-
mercial Fishing Festival Feb. 18-19 is about a trip
through the past of a hard-working, hard-playing cul-
ture in a more easy-going, friendly time.
Theme of the event is "Mullet, Mangos and Music,"
of which Cortez has almost an overload in its history.
The mullet is the fish that pioneers came here in the
1880s to catch and sell and eat, the basic underpinning
of the village lifestyle. The mango grows thick in the
village, in many of the yards of the small unique cot-
tages. Music came with those pioneers from North Car-
olina and grew with them and their families on Hunter's

Point, which itself grew into Cortez.
So there will be seafood all around, including mullet
cooked in every way gourmets can devise. There will be
all varieties of mango mixes. The Cortez Village Histori-
cal Society is cooking up its strawberry shortcake, and
arranging to serve mango delicacies next door. There will
be delicacies galore in the food booths, so many of them
that some vendors had to be turned away.
Same with the arts and crafts booths. So many
wanted in, wooed by Cortez artist Linda Molto in chair-
ing that part of the festival, that she had to shut off
exhibitors while the line was still forming.
"Pirates" will launch their vessels at Coquina Park
on the Island across Anna Maria Sound, sail and paddle
and drag them over to Cortez for their annual "raid," then
display the traditional vessels on the waterfront during the
festivities. They will include boats hand-built in the vil-
lage, prize-winners at Chesapeake Bay and the Carolina
coast. A classic sailing dinghy will be raffled.
Music will be by the village's own Richard Cul-
breath and his ag gregation. and the Anna Maria String

Band, Manatee River Bluegrass and the Magic Tree
Conspiracy of Anna Maria.
Capt. Kim Ibasfalean will show movies of inter-
views with Cortezians and a historic mullet fishing film
will be shown, both programs in the Cortez Community
Center on 123rd Street Court West.
Children won't be left out, with plenty of activities
designed just for them. Plus it's a family event, built
around the family and not just the adult parts of it.
The fish houses along the waterfront will be open,
and the 1912-built schoolhouse at the east end of the
village probably will be fully rehabilitated by then
though not yet cleared for people.
The 95-acre FISH Preserve beyond the school may
be viewed from its edges, though no tours are planned
yet. It was purchased by the Florida Institute for Salt-
water Heritage, sponsor of the festival, partly with pro-
ceeds from past years' events.
Admission is $2 for adults, free for children
under 12. Information may be obtained by calling

2-B 0 FEB. 8, 2006 T THE ISLANDER

Shark tales: Makos make a showing off Southwest Florida

You just never know what you'll find out there in
the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
There doesn't seem to be much in the way of tran-
sects of the Gulf. Boaters seem to hug the shore as they
vie between Galveston, New Orleans, Tampa or Key
West. The deep Gulf is pretty much no man's land, at
least as far as any research is concerned.
A few years ago, scientists found a bunch of sperm
whales out in the hinterlands of the Gulf, a species that
was historically spotted and big-time harvested for
oil and other products in the late 1800s but not really
expected to have made any kind of resurgence.
Now, a few fishers have been reeling in mako
sharks from the Gulf in waters only 40 miles or so to
our west.
Makos are common in almost all of the planet's
oceans, but are pretty uncommon in the Gulf. What was
especially weird was that it was not a lone shark caught,
but two, with a few more hookups reported, one esti-
mated at better than 500 pounds that got away.
As one of the Sarasota-based anglers described it to
the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, "They seem pretty thick
out there. It's kind of unheard of."
The pair that were caught were in the 7-foot-long
range and tipped the scales at about 250 pounds. Makos
will grow to better than 1,000 pounds.
Mote Marine Laboratory shark experts confirmed
the catches as makos after some doubts, since they're
so rare in our waters.
And they apparently are great eating, "sort of like
the prime rib of sharks," one happy fisher reported.

Another critter report
Here's something that seems to be more of a pas-
sage from a "tales of the weird" category: Habitat loss
is such that a federal agency has suggested that Florida
panthers in South Florida be relocated to other states.
In what has to be one of the wackiest pro-devel-
opment ideas ever floated, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service has suggested that development in the state is
constricting the roaming grounds of the panthers, the
official state animal. Rather than offer some curbs to
development growth, the agency has suggested what
appears to: be a "throw in the towel" strategy'and
offered a ilan to capture the few cats left and move
them to Georgia or Arkansas.
By the numbers, there are an estimated 80 panthers in the
wilds of Florida, according to a report in the St. Petersburg
Times. The big cats are on the national and state endangered
species list, and once roamed throughout much of the state.
Today, the critters are pretty much hunkered down around the
tip of Southwest Florida.
The feds estimate that the "sustainable population"
of the panthers needs to be at least 720, maintained for
at least 14 years. Any numbers less than that and the
cats face a real threat of extinction, something that the
species has had to deal with for at least 50 years.
The problem lies in the fact that panthers value
their privacy, and like to have something like 50 square
miles in. which to roam. Obviously, you can't put in a
golf course or subdivision and expect a panther to share
the community, so the constriction of habitat has forced
the diminishment of its population.
And, of course, although the feds know all of

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the problems with encroaching growth within panther
lands, the permits just keep getting approved for more
and more houses, shopping centers, resorts and other
human-motivated activities in prime cat habitat.
Arkansas has already vetoed the panther relocation
proposal, probably based on a disaster about 10 years
ago in North Florida that followed similar lines.
Seems the state wildlife folks released about a
dozen Texas cougars in a rural section of the Panhandle,
a very similar species to the Florida panther. It wasn't
pretty! The big predators took out horses, hogs, cows,
deer, and anything else they could find. The test project
ended up with seven dead cougars and a whole lot of
Ser), verI irate residents.
So here we go again? Jeez.

Happy trails to us
Here's your chance to offer your thoughts about
how to protect and what to do to enhance some valu-
able critter habitat in our area.
Public hearings are scheduled for later this month
to discuss the "Comprehensixe Conservation Plan" for
Wildlife refuges in our area. specifically Egmont Key,
Passage Key and the Pinellas Refuges. Egmont and
Passage are just to the north of Anna Maria Island at the
mouth of Tampa Bay; the Pinellas Refuges are farther
to our north.
The plans will outline the scope of work needed for
the next 15 years, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, the sponsoring agency for the workshops.
"The plan will address the management of wildlife
and fish populations, endangered species, plant species,
cultural resources, public use, education, and research
and partnership opportunities," according to the agency.
"The public meetings will involve an informal work-
shop hour where the public is invited to talk with staff
and view maps and information about the refuges.
A presentation on the refuges and CCP process will
follow the workshop hour."
The local meeting of the plan will be at 6 p.m. Monday,
Feb. 13, at the Manatee Civic Center, Anna Maria Room -
fitting, isn't it? at One Haben Blvd., Palmetto.
You can also offer written comments through April
1 to the agency at 1502 S.E. Kings Bay Drive, Crys-
tal River FL 34429, c/o Tampa Bay Refuges CCP. For
more information, call (352) 563-2088.

A funny
Here's one for,almost all of us at least those
born from the 1930s through the '70s, compliments of
David Reid.
"First, we survived being born to mothers who
smoked and/or drank while they carried us.


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S31.....4....4 iD r r
Feb 42 .116 S 2-' i.
Feb 10 5:00 -0.6 9:48 2.0 -
Feb 11 10:30p* 2.0 5:29 -0.6 1:20 1.1 3:52 I 0
FMFebl211:07p* 2.0 5:53 -0.5 1:18 1.1 4:38 ):
Febl311:47p* 1.9 6:15 -0.4 1:17 1.2 5:24 )
Feb 14 6:37 -0.3 1:22 1.3 6:06 .1
Feb 15 12:29 1.8 6:58 -0.1 '1 '9 1 4 651 03
Cortez High Tides 7 minutes later iov 1 ib IlEr

"They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna
from a can, and didn't get tested for diabetes.
"Then, after that trauma, our baby cribs were cov-
ered with bright colored lead-based paints.
"We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles,
doors or cabinets, and when we rode our bikes, we had
no helmets, not to mention the risks we took hitchhik-
"As children, we would ride in cars with no seat
belts or air bags.
"Riding in the back of a pickup on a warm day was
always a special treat.
"We drank water from the garden hose, not from a
"We shared one soft drink with four friends, from
one bottle, and no one actually died from this.
"We ate cupcakes, white bread and real butter and
drank soda pop with sugar in it, but we weren't over-
weight because we were always outside playing. We
would leave home in the morning and play all day, as
long as we were back when the streetlights came on -
well, on the Island, until it got too dark to be able to
find the baseball.
"No one was able to reach us all day. And we were
"We did not have Playstations, Nintendos, X-boxes,
no video games at all, no 99 channels on cable, no
video tape movies, no surround sound, no cell phones,
no personal computers, no Internet or Internet chat
rooms. WE HAD FRIENDS and we went outside and
found them!
"We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth
and there were no lawsuits from these accidents. We ate
worms and mud pies made from dirt, and the worms
did not live in us forever.
"We were given BB guns for our 10th birthdays,
made up games with sticks and tennis balls and"
although we were told it would happen, we did not put
out very many eyes.
"We rode bikes or walked to a friend's house and
knocked on the door or rang the bell, or just yelled for
"Little League had tryouts and not everyone made
the team. Those who didn't had t,, garn to deal with
disappointment. Imagine that.
"The idea of a parent bailing usiout if we broke the
law was unheard of. They actually sided with the law!
"This generation has produced some of the best
risk-takers, problem solvers and inventors ever! The
past 50 years have been an explosion of innovation
and new ideas. We had freedom, failure, success and
responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all.
"And we are one of them."
As David put it, "Kind of makes you want to run
through the house with scissors, doesn't it?!"

Sandscript factoid
Although the jury. appears to be out on the exact
speed, mako sharks are thought to be one of the fastest-
swimming creatures in the water. Scientists are pretty
much in accord that they can go up to 22 mph; some
argue that they've clocked the sharks at 60 mph.
Oh, and they also like to jump out of the water.
Enjoy your day offshore.

Specializing in docks and decks


AbveSR64-2 ils as f -7 Eit20 raeno


Sheepshead rule inshore; grouper good offshore

By Capt. Mike Heistand
Fishing has slowed down a bit in the past few days,
although there are still excellent snapper and grouper
catches coming out of the Gulf of Mexico in less than
100 feet of water.
Backwater action is pretty much focused on those
tasty sheepshead, with a few redfish, trout and a couple
of big snook thrown into the mix.
At Perico Island Bait and Tackle, reports
include a few redfish caught near the rocks in
Palma Sola Bay, some trout on the seagrass flats,
but most of the action is sheepshead near the
bridges and piers in the bays.
Capt. Rick Gross on Fishy Business out of
Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said he caught
some redfish in Palma Sola Bay and sheepshead along
the beaches off the Island, plus a 30-pound snook off
the beach.
Capt. Thom Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez
Road said he's been putting his charters onto snook,
redfish and a few trout, caught mostly using artificial
bait, and some sheepshead caught with live shrimp.
Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle at Catch-
ers Marina in Holmes Beach said offshore fishing for
gag grouper and mangrove snapper is excellent, with
most of the best catches coming from less than 100 feet
of water out in the Gulf. Inshore fishing for sheepshead
is also excellent, with the striped fish being "every-
where" right now.
Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said sheesp-
head were about the only catch spotted on the deck last
Jesus Rosario at the Anna Maria City Pier said
it was pretty slow last week, with sheepies pretty much
being the only catch being caught.
Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said
he's seeing black drum, sheepshead and mangrove
snapper come onto his docks, with most of the catches
coming from the artificial reefs. The rubble off Port
Manatee is a particularly good spot, he added.
At Skyway Bait and Tackle, reports include
sheepshead and whiting off the Sunshine Skyway
Bridge piers, and lots of sheepshead to 4 pounds near
the channels around the big bridge, plus a few man-
grove snapper.
On my boat Magic, we are averaging 25 sheeps-
head per trip, plus some mangrove snapper to 16 inches
in length.
Good luck and good fishing.
Capt. 'Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing
guide. Call him at 723-1107 to provide a fishing
report. Prints and digital images of your catch are
also welcome and may be dropped off at The Islander,
-5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to
news@islander.org. Please include identification for
persons in the picture along with information on the
catch and a name and phone number for more informa-
tion. Snapshots may be retrieved once they appear in
the paper


4** -k
w'E~ 37

A first!
Mitch Houston, of
Ontario, Canada,
with his first-even
gag grouper
caught with Capt.
Larry McGuire of
Show Me The
Fish Charters.

-~ -" -" "-- -
"'.*' *-,,' -. ...: ,.. -


Dolphin Bonnie dies, Clyde going free

One of two stranded dolphins being treated at Mote
Marine Laboratory died Friday, and her companion has
recovered from multiple ailments and will go home
She was a Risso dolphin saved from being stranded
last July near Caxambas Pass, south of Marco Island.
Another dolphin died there and two others were so far
gone they were euthanized on the beach.

'Boat Smart' course to be
offered this evening
The Anna Maria Island Power Squadron will offer
a "Boat Smart" course from 6:15 to 8:15 p.m. Wednes-
day, Feb. 8, at the squadron building, 11200 71st St.
N.W., Bradenton.
The free class is designed to help boaters read local
nautical charts, plot a course, and cover the Anna Maria
Island and Longboat Key waters. For details and reg-
istration call 714-0449.

... Sailing Daily
from Annie's
Bait & Tackle

..,o ;- .-

75' SEA FOX .
For Reservations Call 9t41-795-1930

The surviving female and a male companion were
rushed to Mote for treatment at the Dolphin and Whale
Hospital. Mote personnel named them Bonnie and
Both were suffering from an unknown virus at the
time of the stranding, and had multiple health problems
that emerged over the course of their treatment.
Clyde has battled pneumonia, a gastric ulcer and
an intestinal infection, said Dr. Charles Manire, Mote's
chief veterinarian. Clyde's health has been cleared up,
Manire said, and is ready for release. That has been
held up by Bonnie's problems.
Bonnie had several serious gastric problems and
viral infections, he said. She was even pregnant for
a time. She seemed to be improving and was to be
released into the Gulf of Mexico with Clyde Friday,
Feb. 10, but relapsed and died.
A necropsy found the cause of death pulmonary
embolism, a clot that blocked blood from her lungs.
Manire is still planning to release Clyde Friday.



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4-B 0 FEB. 8, 2006 U THE ISLANDER

Basketball: Shackelford sparks Beach Bistro past Dips

-By Kevin Cassidy
Islander Reporter
Luke Shackelford scored eight of his game-high
18 points in the third quarter to lead Beach Bistro past
Dips Ice Cream 26-13 in Division III basketball action
on Feb. 4. Bistro grabbed a 10-7 lead in a close first-
half battle between the two teams.
Beach Bistro opened the third quarter with an 8-0
scoring run that started when Shackelford scored down
low from a nice pass by Trevor Albers. A steal and
a layup by Shackelford was followed by a steal from
Denver Hardy, who drove, stopped and popped from
the foul line for a 16-7 Bistro lead.
Albers and Shackelford hooked up again with
Shackelford banking in a shot from 10 feet for an 18-7
lead with 1:07 to play in the third quarter.
Dips finally got on the scoreboard when Johnny
Mattay swished a three-pointer from the right wing
to pull Dips to within eight points, but Shackelford
answered with a 10-footer to give Bistro a 20-10 lead
at the end of the third quarter.
The fourth quarter lacked any drama as Bistro
closed the game out on a 6-3 scoring run. Mattay did
manage another three-point bomb, but two baskets
by Shackelford and an offensive rebound putback by
Albers put the game away.
Albers finished with four points, while Hardy and
Stephanie Purnell each added two points to the Bistro
Dips was led by Mattay's 10 points and three points
from Brandon Gallagher in the loss.

Division II (ages 8-9)
SKumon defeated Jessie's Island Store 14-10 in
overtime during DivisionIII basketball action on Feb.
4. Sam Azmi scored seven points to lead Kumon, which
also received four points from Neil Carper. Madison
Driscoll added two points and Jake Parsons scored one
point for Kumon in victory.
Bo Gurski scored eight points and Blaine Jenefsky
scored two points to lead Jessie's Island Store in the loss.
Azmi scored 10 points and Carper scored nine during
Kumon's 22-7 defeat of previously undefeated Dips Ice
Cream on Feb. 2. Joey Salinas added two points and Madison
Driscoll scored one point in the victory.
Mattay scored six points to lead Dips Ice Cream,
which also received one point from Chris Burdick in
the loss.
Beach Bistro defeated Jessie's Island Store 14-7
on Jan. 31 behind 10 points from Shackelford and two
points apiece from Lexi Moore and Gigi Belsito.
Gurski nailed a three-pointer to lead Jessie's, which
also received two points each from Billy Eddy and Josh
Zawistoski in the loss.

Division II (ages 10-11)
Duncan Real Estate defeated Saleaway Cruises
16-10 on Feb. 3 in Division II basketball action at the
Center. Molly McDonough paced Duncan with five
points, while Savannah Schield and Jake Rappe each
added four points. Kayla Aritt scored two points and
Arianna Collins chipped in with one point to complete
the Duncan Real Estate scoring.
Kelly Guerin and Travis Belsito scored four points
apiece to lead Saleaway, which also received two points
from Julian Botero in the loss.
Duncan Real Estate overcame a scoreless first quar-
ter to rally for a 20-16 victory over Sun House on Feb.
1 behind 10 points from McDonough. Schield added
four points, while teammates Aritt, Rappe and Taylor

Luke Shackelford drives for two of his game-high 18
points during Beach Bistro 26-13 victory over Dips
Ice Cream. Islander Photo: Kevin Cassidy

Wilson each finished with two points in the victory.
Five points from Glenn Bower and four points
apiece from Kalif Mora and Justin Gargett paced Sun
House in defeat.
Twelve points from Hailey Dearlove and six points
from Stephanie Pumell helped Island Family Physi-
cians to a 30-14 victory over Harcorn Corp. on Jan.
31. Becca Butler added five points for IFP, which also
received fofir points from Danny Krokroskia and two
points from Daniel Pimental in the victory.
Emily White and Jordan Hinton each scored four
points to lead the Harcorn Corp. scoring effort. Pat-
rick Edwards, Jerry Mayer and Sheldon Phillips com-
pleted the Harcorn scoring with two points apiece in
the loss.

Division I (ages 12-13)
Justin Dearlove poured in 22 points, grabbed nine
rebounds and dished out four assists to lead A Par-
adise Realty past Longboat Observer 40-30 during
Feb. 3 Division I basketball action..Jordan Sebastiano
added 10 points and six rebounds forA Paradise, which
also received four points from Martine Miller and two
points each from Daniel Landesberg and Chandler
Kyle Aritt led the Observer with 16 points, seven
rebounds and four assists, while Forrest Schield added
nine points. Chelsea Crowton and Blake Rivers each
scored two points, while Zach Evans grabbed nine
rebounds and finished with one point in the loss.
Brandon Gangler scored 16 points and grabbed 12
rebounds, while Blake Wilson added 15 points and five
assists to lead Homes of Distinction past Air & Energy
47-36 on Feb. 3. Nash Thompson and Ally Titsworth
each finished with eight points in the Homes victory.
Jason Rappe scored 14 points and grabbed 10
rebounds, while Matt Bauer added 12 points and five
assists to lead Air & Energy in the loss. Emma Barlow
added eight points and Alexa Crawford finished with
two points for A&E.
Garrett Secor's 22 points and 24 rebounds led
Danziger Allergy & Sinus past A&E 41-29 on Feb.
2. Chris Callahan's 14 points and four points from
Molly Slicker completed the A&E scoring in the vic-
tory. Rappe led Air & Energy with 22 points and 10
rebounds, while Emma Barlow finished with seven
points in the loss.
Brandon Gengler exploded for 26 points and 17
rebounds, while Blake Wilson added 11 points and
six rebounds to lead Homes of Distinction past the
Observer on Jan. 30. Thompson added seven points and
Titsworth finished with six points in the Homes vic-
Thirteen points and 12 rebounds from Aritt and 12
points from Schield paced the Observer scoring efforts.
Evans added seven points and eight rebounds for the.
Observer, which also received three points from Donna
Barth and two points from Rivers in the loss.
Justin Dearlove's 24 points and six assists paced
an A Paradise performance that saw every player score
during its 50-23 victory over Danziger Allergy & Sinus

Islander cartoonist and
golf hacker Jack Egan
S... -attended the grand open-
ing of the Concession
S- Golf Club. Pictured are
Jack Nicklaus, Tony Jack-
lin and Tony's son and
caddy Sean. Egan said he
was "very impressed with
the golf layout" and the
exhibition match played by
Sthe two golfing-legends.
He also noted that the big-
gest difference between the
pros and his usual golfing
group was not only in
their skill and course
management, but the fact
that the p'os didn't carry
ball retrievers in their
golf bags. Islander Photo:
Courtesy Whalen Strobhar

on Jan. 30. Miller added eight points, while Hardy
and Landesberg each finished with six points. Daniel
Janisch, Raphael Kasser and Jordan Sebastiano each
finished with two points with Sebastiano also contribut-
ing five rebounds to the victory.
Secor's 16 points and 13 rebounds paced Danziger,
which also received seven points from Callahan in the

Premier Division (ages 14-17)
Island Real Estate blew out West Coast Air Con-
ditioning 79-25 in the Center's Premier League bas-
ketball action on Feb. 1 behind David Buck's triple
double. Buck finished with 27 points, 12 rebounds
and 10 assists, while Eric Distelhurst added 20 points
and four rebounds. Jacob Shubring and Zach Schield
each added 12 points with Schield also grabbing seven
rebounds for IRE. Celia Ware completed the IRE scor-
ing with eight points in the victory.
Al Barrett scored nine points and Kevin Grunke
added five points to lead WCAC. Phelps Tracy and
Sammy Samap each scored four points, while Matt
McDonough finished with three points in the loss.
Publix edged Anna Maria Glass & Screen 60-54 on
Jan. 30 behind 26 points and eight rebounds from Tyler
Bekkerus and 24 points from Mike Wallen. Jordan
Graeff chipped in with six points for Publix, which
also received four points from Jake McDonald and two
points from Joe Karasiewicz in the victory.
Franklin Moore's 25 points and 19 points and 15
rebounds from Chad Reed paced Anna Maria Glass
& Screen in the loss. Corbin Kitchen and Luis Leon
each scored four points with Leon also grabbing 15
rebounds, while Breann Richardson added two points.
in defeat.

Island Little League
announces registration
Anna Maria Island Little League is back and better
than ever, according to the Center organizers.
Every player who signs up by Feb. 10 will receive a
free ticket to the Pittsburgh Pirates vs. Tampa Bay Devil
Rays game on March 12. The Pirates game is part of the
League's opening weekend, which includes a parade,
pictures and baseball games starting March 11.
The League is for boys and girls ages 5-17. Cost
will be $65 per player for divisions that feature live
pitching or the pitching machine, while tee-ball will
cost $55 per player. Additional siblings receive a $5
discount. Registrations are now being taken at the Anna
Maria Island Community Center. Interested junior or
senior league players can register for $75 by calling
778-9637, and Saturday, Feb. 10 is the last day for the
older players to register.
Everyone who tries out will be placed on a team,
but for parity of the league, mandatory tryouts are at
the following times:
S10:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 11, and 6:30 p.m.
Monday, Feb. 13, ages 10-12.

Noon Saturday, Feb. 11, and 6:30 p.m. Wednes-
day, Feb. 15, ages 7-9.
For more information, call the Center at 778-1908
and ask for Andy Jonatzke.

Islander inducted to Devil Rays
Fan Wall of Fame
Longtime Holmes Beach resident Carol Dennis will
be inducted to the Pepsi/Tampa Bay Devil Rays Fan Wall
of Fame. Dennis, who retired last may from Manatee High
School after 37 years of teaching math, was nominated
by sister Diane Wallace. He has been a Devil Ray season
ticket holder since 1998 and averages attendance at more
than 60 games per season. Now that she's retired, she's
hoping to make all 81 games this season.
Inductees are nominated by someone who in 25-
words or less can communicate why the nominee is a
"super fan" and is worthy of induction into the Wall-of
Wallace wrote that since Dennis purchased two
season tickets in 1998, she had brought over 223 dif-
ferent guests to the Devil Ray games.
Inductees receive permanent recognition on the Wall
of Fame at Tropicana Field, two tickets for one game,
a commemorative plaque, an official "Wall of Famer"
jersey and some Pepsi/Devil Rays merchandise.
The official induction will take place at Devil Rays
Fan Fest on Feb. 18
Congratulations Carol!

Horseshoe news
A record, number of participants turned out for
horseshoes at the Anna Maria City Hall pits, but none
of the 32 players were better than Adin Shank and Sam
Samuels. Shank and Samuels defeated Al Norman and
Rod Bussey 22-15 in an exciting final match that pro-
duced nine lead changes and numerous ringers.
Samuels emphatically ended the match with a

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double ringer "six pack" to claim the championship
trophy. Samuels and Shank advanced to the finals by
defeating Bob Lee and Bob Trunse in the first playoff
match 22-9.
Don Miller helped partner Chris Lee defeat his
dad, Bob Lee, and Debbie Rhodes 21-13 to win the
horseshoe competition on.Jan. 28. Lee and Rhodes
advanced to the finals by defeating Tom Skoloda and
Fred Huyghe 21-10 in the first playoff game.
Play gets under way at 9 a.m. every Wednesday and
Saturday at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Warm ups
begin at 8:45 a.m. followed by random team selection.
There is no charge to play and everyone is welcome.

Key Royale golf news
Penny Williams fired a one-under par 31 to win the

Center Basketball League
standings as of Jan. 27

Premier League
AM Glass
Division I
Division II
Sun House
Saleaway -
Division III

Michael Saunders
& Company
Licensed Real Estate Broker
Kimberly Roehl, P.A.
941 447-9988
Investing in Property Leads to Opportunities

pletely updated 2BR/2BA duplex. Turnkey light and open end unit with allthe extras.
witheverythingnew!Terrificlocation, only Ready for yobr enjoyment. Pool and
one block to the beach. $679,000. deeded beach access. $499,000.

expansivebayviewsthisimpeccablyrenovated tile roof, porcelain floors, updated kitchen,
Key Royale home offers 2653 sf of living area. covered patiowithwet-bararea, dock, 10,0001b
Dock and 10,0001b lift. $2,299,000. lift and no bridges to Tampa Bay. $649,900.

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tropical palm oasis that features granite, villa with enclosed garage and workshop
travertine, fireplace, pool, large dock and area. Only two blocks to beach. Bring all
10,0001b lift. $699,900. offers! $379,000.
4400 Manalee Ave. W. Bradenlon 941.748.6300






TIE ISLANDER FEB. 8, 2006 0 B-5
Class AA division of ladies low net golf competition at
the Key Royale Club on Jan. 31. Judy Crowe followed
with a 33 for second place, while Dorothy McKinna
was a shot back in third place.
Class A winner was Diane Miller, whose 33 was
one shot better than Cindi Mansoudr and Nancy King,
who tied for second.
Rose Slomba captured Class B with a 33, one shot
better than Marian Mulroy and two better than Mary P.
Markie Ksiazek and Cheryl Kinerk both shot a 33
and tied for first in Class C with Helen Klos finishing
in second with a 36.
Class D winner was Jean Tourt, whose 34 was one
better than Theresa Schutt and two ahead of third place
finisher Teddy Morgan. Tourt and Schutt both had chip-
ins on hole No. 4, while Jean Holmes chipped in op No.

AMICC basketball schedule

Premier (ages 14-17)
Feb. 8 8 p.m.
Feb. 11 Noon
Feb,11 1 p.m.
Division I (ages 12-13)
Feb. 10, 7p.m.
Feb. 10 8 p.m.
Feb. 13 7 p.m.
Feb. 13 8 p.m.
Division II (ages 10-11)
Feb. 8 7 p.m.
Feb. 10 .6p.m.
Feb. 11 2 p.m.
Feb. 11 3 p.m.
Division III (ages 8-9)
Feb. 11 10a.m.
Feb. 11 11 a.m.

WCAC vs. Publix
WCAC vs. AM Glass

AParadise vs. Homes
A&E vs. Observer
Danziger vs. Paradise
Observer vs. Homes

Harcorn vs. Duncan
Island Family vs. Duncan
Harcorn vs. Sun House
Physicians vs. Saleaway

Kumon vs. Bistro
Dips vs. Jessie's

Instructional League (ages 5-7)
Feb. 8 6 p.m. ReMax vs. LPAC
Feb. 11 4 p.m. ReMax vs. Oden-Hardy
Feb. 11 5 p.m. Oyster Bar vs. LPAC
Feb. 13 6 p.m. Ross vs. ReMax

Specialist in Residential Remodeling and Decorating

525 67th St. Holmes Beach.
CANALFRONTcustom designed
and furnished 3BR/2BA split floor
plan. Pool/spa with extensive
landscaping, new seawall and
dock. $1,150,000.

located on quiet cul-de-sac just a
short walk to the beach. Custom
remodeled 3BR/2BA mediterranean
- style home. Turnkey furnished for
immediate occupancy. $699,000.

61 1 BARONET LANE Canalfront; three homes from Bimini Bay.
2BR/2BA with large lot for remodeling possibilities. $849,000.
LONGBOAT KEY Cedars West condo. Rarely available first
floor walkout to pool and beach. 2BR/2BA 1,500sf with lan'ai,
recently remodeled stone floors,.granite and designer decorated.
Turnkey-furnished. $929,000.
For additional information, please call
Jim Collins, (941) 779-1058.

110 BWL2

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The Islander


~y~u Gorma~ Of A~raa ~

6-B 1 FEB. 8, 2006 U THIE ISLANDER

'Nuisance' animals not necessarily so

Joe Santino is a different kind of businessman -
he spends about as much time talking people out of
using his services as he does selling those services.
He has Westcoast Nuisance Wildlife Service,
which traps and moves nuisance animals from private
property on Anna Maria Island. Trouble is, he loves
the little guys and doesn't think they're always such
"What is the animal doing to offend you?" he asks
people who want a wild animal removed. If the prop-
erty owner is convincing or adamant, Santino or his
partner Adam Hager will trap it and put it elsewhere.
Mostly it's raccoons, possums, armadillos, sometimes
To those who fear a wild animal will go berserk
and attack them and give them rabies, he says "I've
never found a rabid animal on this Island."
In the hope of promoting better understanding of
the creatures, he has written.the following in the first
person for and by the animals:

Why and what we do
on Anna Maria Island
Our raccoon brothers and sisters have been on the
move this week as our habitat has been growing and the
snowbirds are returning. We have been spotted on the
north end of the Island as well as more centrally.
These areas have been great for food hunting as
some of you humans have not been securing your trash.
You forget we have very dexterous hands and fingers,
thus the need for you to use bungee cords on your trash
You also feed your pets some excellent fare outside
in your yards. Mmmmm. Now that's a sure invite for
us to come onto your property and stay awhile, even
climb into your attics where we can come and go at all
hours of the night and even raise our young.
It's not because we want to cause you problems,
it's because we live here too and real estate is very hard
to come by for us. So we want to let you know some of
the do's and don't of how to keep us from your nice
Word ip. the woods and mangroves has it that if
some humans see us during the day, they think we're
sick, some even say rabies. Well, we raccoons some-
times venture out in daylight to move, or because the
smell of food has blown up our noses, or because our
homes have been readjusted.

213 70th St. $849,000
3BR/2BA, furnished, heated pool.

511 74th St. $899,000.
4BR/2BA. See inside. Pool, dock and lift.
4107 Royal Palm Drive $699,000.
Beautiful, see inside. Dock and lift. No bridge.
207 N. Harbor Drive $945,000..
4BR/3BAool, dock, cute

621 Key Royale Drive $1,899.000
3BR,2BA on Tampa Bay, best view'
625 Emerald Lane $859,000.
2BR'2BA, pool. dock. good boat water.
617 Gladstone Lane $945,000.
3BR.2BA. pool, dock and lift.

Shell Point 6300 Flotilla ft 71. $359,000.
2BR'2BA. ground level, carport.
Village Green 6701 12th Ave. W. $279,900.
Ground level, 2BR/2BA, two-car garage.
Westbay Point 6400 Flotilla #25 $455,900.
Turnkey-furnished. 2BR/2BA.
Westbay Point 6400 Flotilla #11 $499.000.
2BR,2BA, ground level, updated.
Perico Bay 503 Sanderling Circle. $395,000.
2BR/2BA, garage, lakefront.

5804 Marina Drive $1.750.000.
Across from City Hall. Zoned C-3

U al m hms fr ala

Also your state fish and game people have been
dropping vaccinating baits for us to eat, to keep us from
getting that sickness some of you think we have.
Word has it too that you think we always wash our
food before we eat it. Not always true, sometimes we
just eat it. Word also is that we like to use your pools

Elizabeth Cline of Holmes Beach appreciates
a grandson who appreciates Anna Maria Island
and grasps it better than most adults and
expresses it better.
Back home in his fifth-grade class in St. Louis,
he put it down on paper for an English assign-

3 Blocks to Beach
$575,000 each or $1,100,000 for-both
941 778-0455 Ken Jackson, 778-6986
9906 Gulf Drive Kathy Geeraerts, 778-0072
Maureen Dahms, 778-0542
Anna Maria Kate Eiseler, 778-5115
www.greenreal.com Evelyn Mitchell 778-1952

I ,
I- if iiEi'. a : : i:: "

Nei\ 3BR/2.5 BA home on large loi in quiet north-
\\est Bradenton neighborhood. Lots of upgrades.
'$598.000. Call Greg at 720-0932 for :all the details.

and spas for the bathroom to do our deeds. Well, yes,
there are a few that do love to use your facilities, so add
some extra chlorine to the pool if you see we have used
it. We apologize.
And don't feed us, it's not good for you or us and
besides, it's against your law.

Anna Maria Island
By Ty Rhoads
In Florida there is a beautiful and tropical Island
called Anna Maria' Island. The sun is as bright as;
100-watt bulbs. If you go to the beach the sand is like
laying on clear soft carpet.
The water soaks me when I jump into the pure blue
sea. When I pick up the clear sand it feels so smooth
when it drops out of my hand. When we go back home
I can hear the ripple of the sea and the sweet sound of
the seabirds.
Whenever I'm at Anna Maria Island it feels like
I'm in another world of paradise and never want to go

Immaculate 2BR-2BA villa on a corner lot. Close to beaches,
shopping and restaurants. Amenities include pool, shuffle board,
putting green. Pool conveniently located close to your back door.
Beautifully kept neighborhood. Available for $289,000.
Call Piroska Planck 941-730-9667
Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate Inc.

3-Ba] Realty 5309 Gul thre
'778-7244 72 1'dBeach, 7' 34217

mnai: ulate 2BR,'2BA.- Almlost on the beach
open and airy JNorth ,"' bul with out the gulf-
Beach Village condo : trrit priieH Spacious
Largest flcir pl.anr al 2BR/2BA condo feet
over 1,500 st under air to the beach in quiet
and over 2,001 under area 01 Holmes Beach.
i Great 0a ir. Pool, covered parking,
e,.ilted pi:ol. twO-dr roil lop sundeck with
garage. hurricane siut- sweeping gulf views, and
;ers and a greal potenidal nc rental restrictions! A
bor rentals. $675,000 great value. $599,000

Call Jesse. Brisson Broker Associate, GRI (941) 713-4755

11 .year-old comprehends

beauty when he sees it

THE ISLANDER U FEB. 8, 2006 0 B-7

Real Estate

Island real estate sales
524 77th St., Holmes Beach, a 2,398 sfla / 3,268
sfur 4bed/2bath/2car canalfront pool home built in 1952
on a 85x107 lot was sold 01/13/06, Harper to Jenkins
for $1,143,000.
3215 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, a 1,404 sfla /
1,594 sfur 4bed/2bath duplex built in 1957 on a 67x83
lot was sold 01/10/06, Monaghan to Beach Daisy LLC
for $725,000.
100 73rd St., Unit 202A, Coconuts, Holmes Beach,
a 660 sfla / 780 sfur lbed/lbath Gulffront condo built
in 1972 was sold 01/09/06, Gulf Beach Management
to.Thornhill for $685,000.
3217 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, a 1,225 sfur 2bed/
2bath duplex built in 1971 on a 50x70 lot was sold
01/10/06, Springer to Beach Daisy LLC for $650,000;
list $650,000.
3221 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, a 1,260 sfla /
1,508 sfur 2bed/2bath duplex built in 1968 on a 50x100
lot was sold 01/10/06, Quinn to Starry Beach LLC for
$600,000; list $600,000.
3202 Sixth Ave., Holmes Beach, a 1,450 sfur 4bed/
4bath duplex built in 1971 on a 50x100 lot was sold
01/10/05, Traina to Starry Beach LLC for $550,000;
list $550,000.
3219 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, a 902 sfur 2bed/
Ibath home built in 1953 on a 50x100 lot was sold
01/10/06, Unzicker to Beach Daisy LLC for $550,000;
list $550,000.
519 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, a 982 sfla / 1,356 sfur
2bed/lbath home built in 1923 on a 48x145 lot was
sold 01/09/06, Call to Martin for $525,000.
2800 Ave. B, Holmes Beach, a vacant 50x100
lot was sold 01/10/05, Nickbarg to Anthony for
1801 Gulf Drive N., Unit 176, Runaway Bay,
Bradenton Beach, a 1,080 sfla / 1,140 sfur 2bed/2bath
condo built in 1978 was sold 01/09/05, Gellman to Bar-
tone for $386,000; list $419,000.
512 Spring Ave., Unit 12, Siam Gardens Resort,
Anna Maria, a 442sfur lbed/lbath condo was sold
01/09/06, Siam Gardens Partners LLC to Sammer for
$318,000; list $340;000.
243 Willow Ave., Anna Maria, a 2,232 sfla / 3,678

206 66iz6Sfref


2 -ararg e-wru-o

pricmnfrom $92J,200.

fazn4omes O~zpe, Dazno/
sleps /oL~eeaci2 Delurcoverec
landis affowrndu{enf iowws ofL~e

(Joarndslcide~ta~nriyns/aleriy ve
casinefry,yrani./e/op~pn am600

.E'or more i12foma2iion2g o cuv vv. rc6prop. corn
or cac'941-753-901'.


a t* .
.'* **:.. ; a 8 i

Rare 5BR/3.5BA, across from beach access
with spacious,open floor plan. Large kitchen
with breakfast bar. iMaster suite on main floor.
Tile floors, screened lanai and a large open
deck great for tanning! Oversized four-car
garage. $ 1,240,000.,

Larry Albert Nopicfa ,
Broker- Realtor r
725-1074 4o es

sfur 3bed/2V2bath/3car canalfront home built in 1985
on a 75x148 lot was sold 01/19/06, Urbanek to Leech
for $871,725; list $895,000.
230 Gladiolus St., Anna Maria, a 1,558 sfla / 2,034
sfur 3bed/2bath home built in 1968 on a 75x100 lot
was sold 01/17/06, Hord to Ramsey for $585,000; list
2314 Ave. B, Bradenton Beach, a 864 sfur 2bed/
2bath duplex built in 1967 on a 50x100 lot was sold

sale: The
Roser Cot-
tage at 519
Pine Ave.,
Anna Maria,
.- sold in Sep-
tember 2003
Si for $388,700
L yand at the
beginning of
this year for
S.i $525,000 for
a 35 percent
The costper
square foot
is $534.
Photo: Jesse
S, Brisson

01/20/05, Samitz to Smith for $379,500.
Last year there were five sales recorded in the
Gulf Coast Regional Multiple Listing Service Inc.
for the week of Jan. 20-27. This year saw four sales
recorded in Manatee MLS during the same period.
Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at Gulf-Bay Realty
of Holmes Beach, can be (941) 778-7244.
Current Island real estate transactions may also be
viewed online at www.islander.org. Copyright 2006.

Luchkowec named president of Island Rotary

John Luchkowec has been elected president of the
Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island, to be installed along
with other officers and directors July 1.
Pamela Schlueter was named vice president,
Birgit Sesterhenn secretary, Ed Misner treasurer,

3/2 & 1/1 .Walk to Beach or shopping. Located
on quiet street with beautiful landscaping and an
updated exterior. Lots of curb appeal. Tile throughout
both units and updated bathrooms. Great investment.
New air handler in 3BR. $615,000. Principals only, call
(813) 760-1998 (941) 807-5626 (941) 735-5375.

ReaEstate Agents Fr Today's Market
Real Estate Agents For- Today's Market

S1-4pm Sat., Feb. 11 and
Sun., Feb. 12

ALI~::";. r

2511 Ave. C
Priced to sell
Perfect duplex for
investors or live
in one yourself.
One block from
beach, two blocks
from bay. The
west unit is
2BR/2BA, the east
unit is 3BR/2BA.
Buill to 1996 hur-
ricane standards.
Great storage on
ground floor.

( Prudential Realty
Maggie Hutter & Jo Rutstein
Jo: 941-587-9156
Maggie: 941-780-9888
An owned and operated member of The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc.

Patti Bishop international service director, Jeff
Cappello and Laura McAdams-corununiry direc-
tors, Andrew Minor vocational service director,
Stephen Schlueter club service director-,and Ned
Perkins and David Zaccagino Rotary Foundation

802 Audubon Drive
1BR/1BA Great views Reduced to $295,000
503Sanderling Circle
2BR/2BA, nice villa $395,000.
2BR/2BA beautifully furnished first floor.
Largest villa. 2BR/2BA plus den. Lakefront.
1265 Spoonbill Landing
2BR/2BAlakefront. $399,000.
886 Waterside Lane
2BR/2BA lakefront, furnished. $459,000.
1227 Edgewater Circle
2BR/2BA bayfront, model.
Furnished. $470,000.
3BR/2BA, furnished. Grand bay views. Second
floor only. $575,000.
and more

My newest Perico Island listing 11339 Perico Isles Circle
Exciting, single family home. 3BR/2BA, two-car garage.
Large, heated pool and spa, inviting front porch, in home owners
association club house, exercise room, tennis, pool, club room.
Reduced to $498,000.

. . . . . . . .


Local string musician Banfield releases 'Gulf of Mexico'

By Diana Bogan
Islander Reporter
Howie Banfield has been playing
music professionally since the age of 12,
but it has been 29 years since he took the
first leap into recording an album of his
Why the long wait?
By his own admission, the last one
"was a stinker."
But Banfield's current endeavor,
"Gulf of Mexico," is sure to please
anyone who enjoys a broad range of
music, most of which can be heard on
the Anna Maria City Pier, where Ban-
field plays twice a day every day for sea-
sonal crowds.
Banfield grew up in Canada and
musical talent ran in the family. His dad
played guitar and harmonica and sang
on the radio when he was as young as
13 years old. Banfield's uncle was also
famous in Canada for his piano playing.
Banfield picked up the guitar, con-
verted piano music for guitar and taught
himself to play. At age 12, he began
hiring himself out for birthday parties.
"It paid more than cutting the grass," he
said. And so his career began.
In his early 20s, he and younger
sister Barb Young, who sings and plays

Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor
.' <~' i,<-^

-, reen


" 4,.1 ig a .

front and restore/remodel for great return.
Sellers building boat dock to accommodate
up to a 22-foot boat A unique waterfront
opportunity. $644,900. Victoria Horstmann
748-6300 or 518-1278.517919.
* -, ,

WATER WAY. Enjoy incredible canal to
bay views from this 28R condo, which
comes with a boat slip on deep, sailboat
water with no bridges to bay. $459,000.
SVictoria Horstmann, 748-6300 or 518-1278.
i-. .^

MARINER'S COVE. Enjoy the sparkling TIDY ISLAND TOWNHOME Impressively
waterfront views nestled away in the private customized "Eclipse" model with over3100
settings of Mariners Cove. 2BR condo SFoflivingarea,extendedglassconservatory
offering Florida Living at its best! Tennis,two and many more upgrades. Unique Sarasota
swimming pools, jacuzzi and deeded boat .. Bay waterfront community with 24 hr. gated
slip. $695,000. Patty Brooks 748-6300 or entry.$749,000. Ruth Lawler, 587-4623 or
545-1194.511974 Maryann Lawler, 586-8257. 508295
MANGO PARK. Enjoy lake and preserve views from this spacious 4BR home w/fireplace,
oak flooring throughout, tile in kitchen, crown molding, french doors & 12 ft. ceilings.
$624,900. Victoria Horstmann, 748-6300 or 518-1278. 520744
PINEBROOK. Fantastic views from this 5th floor condo of golf course and lakes. Enjoy
the close proximity of the pool and clubhouse and the reasonable maintenance fees.
$249,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. 520767
DOWNTOWN RIVERWALK 2BR furnished condo. Built in 2003 & rarely lived in. High
ceilings, pool & barbeque area. $269,900. 748-6300. Sandy Drapala 725-0781 or
Kathy Marcinko 713-1100. 514542
WOOD FLOORS, cathedral ceilings and charm will sell you on this 2-3BR home in
Cordova Lakes. Fenced back yard. $269,999. Judy LaValliere, 748-6300 or 504-3792
or Ann DeBellevue 720-7614.511161
HERITAGE WEST. Open & spacious 2BR floor plan. Features include newer roof &
A/C, oversized (30x23) 2 car garage & a large privacy fenced rear yard w/newer
26x12 deck. $279,900. Ruth Lawler 748-6300 or 587-4623 or Maryann Lawler,
586-8257. 515603
WESTFIELD. Charming 1920's, 3-4BR, traditional 2 story home. Relax on your enclosed
porch overlooking beautiful inground pool and lovely formal garden. $299,900. Colette
Gerrish 748-6300 or 713-6557. 517375
MANGO PARK. Meticulously maintained home w/large master suite w/sitting room
overlooking screened lanai & heated pool/hottub. Fourth bedroom has own bath and
entrance to pool area. $618,000. Cindy Pierro 748-6300 or 920-6818. 520899
PALMA SOLA PARK. Beautiful custom built 3BR home. Guest suite w/separate entrance.
Kitchen has built-in island w/granite countertop. Sparkling inground pool overlooks lush
landscaped vard. $649.900. Colette Gerrish 748-6300 or 713-6557. 520517

gui0itar, banjo, flute and piano, seLt Ou 1on land, pertiornnng around the \world in 17
the road performing. They played the ski countries.
resorts in Canada, and traveled together Banfield settled on Anna lMaria
to Bermuda, Japan, England, and Hol- Island 25 years ago, w while his sister set-

l- *

ATTENTION BOATERS! Deep wafer canalfront. No bridges to bay from this
4BR/2BA, two-car garage home with dock and 120001b lift. New kitchen,
other upgrades, heated pool and spa. Priced below appraised value. $745,000.
Easy to see call Vicki, (941) 713-0195.

w. ate _k.,sn
VickiGlber ,..:: r.- i T 19


"; REEL! Elevated home on North
Bay Blvd., nestled between
Bean Point and Bayfront Park.
,i Reduced to $659,900. Call
SStephanie Bell, Broker, (941)
NEW LISTING: ANNA MARIA 5BR/2BA duplex. Jacaranda Road.
Great annual tenants in place. Listed at $710,000. Call Frank
Migliore,'Realtor, (941) 713-7575. MLS # 520275.
HOME WITH BOAT DOCK Holmes Beach Well Maintained home
with many updates and upgrades. Deeded Boat slip with Dock.
90x1.00 lot. Offered at $659,900 Call Stephanie Bell, Broker
(941)920-5156 for details.
NORTH END DUPLEX North Bay Blvd. 4BR/2BA, short block to
Gulf and bay. Priced to sell at $647,000. Call Stephanie Bell,
Broker, (941) 920-5156. MLS#519578.
Short stroll to the beach. Reduced to $699,000. Call Frank Migliore,
Realtor, (941) 778-2307 or direct (941) 713-7575. MLS#513240.
Terra Ceia Bay. 1.3 acres with direct access to Terra Ceia Bay and
over 355 feet on the water. Asking price $1,400,000. For specifics,
call Stephanie Bell, Broker, (941) 920-5156.

WR l ib


Howie Banfield
performs here at a
local art festival,
but he can be seen
and heard -
Sweekly at the
: --- historic Anna
':"':' Maria City Pier
S Islander Photo:
Bonner Joy

tied in IndiJ4upolis. He became a U.S.
citizen in 2002 and has been happily
making music on his own and with the

Priced reduced on this lovely building
site presently improved with a smaller
home but zoned DUPLEX! Includes 182
foot frontage and over 11,000 sf for con-
struction of two family dwelling. Tropical
foliage offers a private retreat. Be cre-
ative with a unique design to be individ-
ual from all others. Reduced to $695,000.

A. few winter rentals available weekly or
monthly. Gulffront and short walk to the
beach. Call for details.

Maria j

SINCE 1957
"We ARE the Island!"
Marie Franklin, Lic. Real Estate Broker
941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250
E-mail amrealty@verizon.net
Web site www.annamariareal.com

For Expert Advice On Island Property


I-.,.: is..

THIS JEWEL-BOX : a ij v airi rion tage is readi, t rn ove into
2BR 1BA liwo-L.r garage and 7 500 f i O I one tloc,- from Tampa
Bay Furnished %5;9 000
Go online to see our other listings:
RENAISSANCE, SRO 1BR 1BA rondo Cit viiew $359.000
SHELL POINT 2BH 2BA condo redone $385.000
4812 W. 61ST AVE. 3BR.2BA tiwoa-rr garage pool $399,000
PERICO BAY CLUB 2BR 2BA Djy views $495 000
300 22ND ST. 2BR. 1 BA two-car garage $5-19.000
509 77TH ST. 3BR 2BA twi-car garage pool,. a:nal $899,000
7800-B GULF DR. 3BR..3BA. elevator $1,099.000
614 FOXWORTH -IBR -IBA, pool, canal $1,379.000

--.; -... 6941-778- 6066
Fa '.i. jL.? f, A, LL i l-'L :' :'-r.1 i -
(Hn ,. r T j

,, ,. __ or \ I IsA mI A Sn.nl I ..


4400 MANATEE AVENUE WEST BRADENTON, FL 34209 941,748,6300




4 4

( I(-N INIET 1 D Fl li P.-GE 1-B
- inn M a.ria I-l..I ,l u in 2; B.anii hi,.

Ban ehld. a ,,elf-taught musli-

L Ii I ih I'''

' n"i. no \ '-.nli l'is the ... ,M '
'.i-Ir' j. l t h \'. -bu it .ils- 'the iH
bianilo. M.iand-c.cli. indol ld I
jand mriidoin In tact. lie
pl'. a fja mLnouN ir inJ11.'lin \
tIle StradiiriLiu ot Mla.indo-
IlIs" \OLu m 11"'1 "I,. HI 1'4-23
Ll,:,\ d LI '.i MN a.iind lini is one'i1't -t
2111.1 %.,1Ild% de I L ,.,l ov. ned
b% 'lfimoNs miusilialn Bill MlonlOcf
fetchcld a. much .. $1.2 million
1 lie ne'C. CD leaul es B.incld
on all tlihee irnis Hnelits iand \o;a.ilsK
'Is \el! a. Peg, \ Giblin accoinpai-
1\ II L on \oc.'ls. the liddlI and nIui,-
Cal '.it'.. Giblin is alsOi .1 membeiCir of
the tiring band i'u '\e piobablh, held
them pla \ \\ ih other string plIes \\hlo
fill out the string band on occasion --
Chaz Trippe. Ste\c Page, and \hoei'er
elke i a\adilable at the local arts and
craft fairs.
Bantield likes "root" music that gets to
the source of a genre literally its music
roots. He started off in bluegrass, enduredd into
western n s\ irn1 then mo'ed to ic-ttime and \en-
ruring into folk and ne"\ age acoulsu intisic.
"Gulf of Mexico." is a compilation of rag-


Nicely upgraded 4BR/2BA with four-car
garage. Huge lot with room for pool.
MLS# 513452. $895,000.
Call Lisa Helmer at (941) 720-4704

R+W 4 (Gulfst reani

Ic B F i


'" can Li\e a musician?
The CD sells for $i12 and Banfield has them along for sale on the pier
"heinevei he pla\ s. For more information, call 778-7726.

I 1 l-;;; llC;~I.iii IjIJ l' -,r u A'Ti :'r''j
11i' 11 (r 01)t'.i : in~,1, ''orn rv
1.) In,: t~ij., I F lil .in,: opporflunovv

Inij-ri i,,j cw 3 1:if-i I,. iI j Ij : III

hi N IihIvidb Nili.VIW

......... -V a.


BAYFRONT HIDEAWAY Tucked away on a secluded,
dead-end street, this cozy and inviting 4BR/2.5BA pool
home offers endless views across Anna Maria Sound!
Includes canalfront boat dock and lift, gazebo, vaulted
ceilings, spacious kitchen and sundeck, and enormous
bayside master suite. Privacy plus! $1,597,500.

home with vaulted ceilings, fireplace, and
wonderful waterside deck! Features boat dock,
electric lift, lush landscaping, sprinkler system,
and widow's walk with panoramic view! Priced
at $969,000.

Itp Lt

fully refurbished cottage is steps to Gulf! Offers Mexican-
tiled floors, white beadboard walls and ceilings, Bermuda
shutters, and private rear patio. Affordably priced at
$689,000. Don't miss it! West side of Gulf Drive!
Visit our Web site at

SUNDANCE COTTAGE This lovely 3BR/2BA beach
house offers panoramic Gulfviews! Amenities include
vaulted ceilings, expansive kitchen with breakfast
bar, French doors, and wrap-around deck. Priced at
$980,000. The perfect family beach house!


... -- A WATERLOVERS DREAM! Wonderful master
suite with a grand deck overlooking the bay, 4
-,. .r guest suites + a grand room, and a gourmet
S kitchen opening up onto a wrap-around deck
.. with bay views. Easy boat access Bay and Gulf.
SOffered at $2,795,000.

NEW CONSTRUCTION! LOW MAINTENANCE HOME! Construction complete! Coastal designed
3BR/2.5BA home with 18-foot ceilings, granite countertops, stainless appliances, wood floors, 8-foot
French doors, two open decks, Hardi Plank siding, a swimming pool and much more all close to beach
access! This is a must see! $895,000.
VALENCIA GARDENS Renovated ground floor end unit, 2bed/2bath condo with great views of
El Conquistador golf course! Turnkey furnished, ready for you to move in. Close to beaches,
IMG Academy, private courtyard, pool, spa, and lanai. Florida living at it's best. $299,900.
BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME 75 x 106 lot across the street from the beach in central Holmes Beach.
Walk to shops and restaurants. Architect plans available for a custom designed, beautiful ground
level home permissible on this lot, or build up for gulf views! $627,500.
RARELY AVAILABLE NORTH BEACH VILLAGE UNIT. Largest floor plan over 1,500 sf with three decks.
Choice location, private condo with two-car garage, nicely maintained, heated pool and close to the
beach! $649,000.
GREAT CANALFRONT VALUE IN LONGBOAT KEY 3BR/2BA home with wonderful open-beam
ceilings, new flooring, new dock, no bridges to bay. Short walk to beach, botanical park and a great
restaurant. Build up for bay views! $789,000.
GREAT VALUE! HOME WITH DEEDED BOAT SLIP Ground level 2BR/1BA home in a quiet neighbor-
hood. Bright and airy with an open floor plan. Short walk to the beach and just steps from your boat.
Great winter residence or investment/renovation potential. Priced to sell at $575,000.
INVESTOR ALERT! 13,728 sf duplex lot, with the bonus of a recently renovated duplex. Don't miss
this one! 6BR/4BA and plenty of room for TWO pools! Call today for more details! $810,000.
MOVE RIGHT IN Enjoy Island living in this beautifully remodeled home located in Anna
Maria. Granite counter tops, wood floors, brand new carpet. Move right in. $775,000.
STEPS TO THE BEACH! Spacious 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished condo. Heated pool, rooftop sundeck
with great views, excellent rental history with no rental restrictions! A must see. $599,000.
WESTBAY POINT & MOORINGS: Rarely available 3BR unit, overlooking canal. Spacious bedrooms
and eat-in kitchen. Over 1600 sf, heated pool and spa in a beautifully maintained bay-front com-
munity. $599,000.
539 ui DIV -HimsBEC

--~ -r -- r -A

Setf Al y9feaS l&RtateL

419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291
EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294

- --- ~--~q- --


:J ~-



..... .....~ ". I IEUII~F

,,.'TIE. 1E IST.ANDER FEB. 8, 2006 B-9

II11eC t,_ i I- i p puli muiisic with selections such
a. I' 11hi Han l -idJ s "Gentle on My Mind,"
', Strl- n Fo-.tei's 'Oh Suzanna," Dave Van
.' Ri..'. "Si L.'iis Tickler" and the Bea-
tie's \ ihen ni 64."
F Tlike CD even includes an origi-
\ nal Banfield tune "Sweet Love."
S The album was recorded with
1,' Robert Cleery at Cool Breeze Record-
in. in n n Sarasota with Greg Voorhees
I .Allman Brother's Band fame as
the solniid engineer.
Banftieid said the whole record-
V iii' process was an eye-opener
i him Technology has changed
since he made his original vinyl
record for example, now
O can visually edit unwanted
,' pounds like a stray tap on
S a guitar, by tracking it on a
The CD features 16
songs, and Banfield said he
has plenty more and that
.. he wouldn't mind going
-' -- through the recording
-- '-.. process again. With this
s (CD, he focused on
p f' compiling the songs he
hkeI to play.
And isnI' that ala a Is the best kind request you

10-B M FEB. 8, 2006 T THE ISLANDER


BICYCLES: MEN'S AND ladies' 26-inch bikes.
Excellent condition, $35. (941) 792-3775.
ROLL-TOP DESK and chair, 150-inch drop-leaf
dining table and four chair set, 175-inch round dining
table, four captain chairs. $200. (941) 779-0171.
DOUBLE BED, MATTRESS, box spring and frame
$50. Computer desk and chair $25. Two-hundred
pieces new jewelry $35. Glass-top coffee table $20.
Lamps $5-$20, sweeper $10. (941) 778-4451.
PVC PIPE: 3/4 inch. 500 feet. Cost $100 will sell for
$50. (941) 778-4814.
USED KING-SIZE pillow-top mattress set for sale.
$150. Price negotiable. (941) 778-1534 or (941)
GREEN LEATHER SOFA with end recliners $500:
Dining room table, light oak with green tile top and
four chairs, $300.00. Call (941) 778-9818.
TANNING BED, new bulbs, $800. Call Paige, (941)
AERIAL PHOTOS of Anna Maria Island. View and
purchase online: www.jackelka.com.
FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp,
crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call
James Lee, (941) 795-1112 or 704-8421.
LONGBOAT KEY HISTORY "From Calusas to Con-
dominiums" by Ralph B. Hunter. Signed copies avail-
able at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes
Beach. (941) 778-7978.
HONEYBELL TANGELOS now ripe in January,
on sale by the AMI Kiwanis Club. $31-$36 for
a bushel Shipped free anyplace in USA. Call to
receive an order blank. (941) 778-3446 or go online
SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander.

reputation fResources- Results
J.- J.


Island Paradise Directly on the Gulf Island Paradise Directly on.the Gulf
of Mexico 2BR/1.5BA furnished unit. of Mexico Beautiful 2BR/1.5BA turn-
Kitchen and both rooms have been totally key furnished end unit with direct "Gulf
renovated. To many upgrades and ameni- Front Views". Heated pool and gorgeous
ties to mention them all here. Call for your sunsets. Call for your showing. Offered at
showing. Offered at $950,000. $849,000.
Sales Rentas Property Mana ement
.i::l K"? TeamP innacle
877-469-4753 I
gi teampinnaclefl@yahoo.com
Pat Palmeri-Bates www.flrealestateassistance.com John Luchkowec

ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open 9:30am-2pm Tues-
days, Thursdays, Fridays. 9am-noon on Saturdays.
Sales racks, children's clothing. 511 Pine Ave., Anna
Maria. (941) 779-2733.
SIDEWALK SALE: 8am Saturday, Feb. 18. All pro-
ceeds to benefit the Anna Maria Island Relay for
Life, American Cancer Society Manatee Unit. The
Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.
SALE: 10am-1pm Saturday, Feb. 11. Designer
clothes, fine art, jewelry, miscellaneous gifts. 912 N.
Shore Drive, Anna Maria.
CORAL SHORES 10th ANNUAL garage sale: Thirty
families. 8am-1 pm Saturday, Feb. 11. 9200 Cortez
SALE: NIKI'S GIFTS and Antiques: Weekly specials:
All collectible spoons 50 percent off. All sterling jew-
elry 50-70 percent off. Select antiques, salt and pep-
pers, bone china, cups and saucers, prints, dolls,
glassware, gifts, jewelry 40-90 percent off..Open
seven days. 9:30am-5pm, (941) 779-0729.
FOUR-FAMILY YARD sale; 8am Saturday, Feb. 11.
Dishes, clothes, Oster bread maker, small patio
table and two chairs, juice maker and much more.
4090 72 th St. Holmes Beach.
YARD SALE: 9am-5pm, Saturday, Feb. 11. Furni-
ture, home accessories, etc. Three family sale. 107
12th St. N., Bradenton Beach.
GARAGE SALE: 8-11:00am Saturday, Feb. 11.2914
Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.
MOVING-IN SALE: 8am-noon, Saturday, Feb. 11.
Antiques, household, full mattress, lots of neat stuff.
114 White Ave., Holmes Beach.

LOST: BLACK SHOULDER purse contains North Car-
olina driver's license and cell phone. (941) 778-8124.

31Years of Profesional Service
MARTINIQUE N.-Direct Gulf view, corner with garage, storage.
Updated. Shows beautifully. $939,000.
HOLMES BEACH-Neptune Gardens. 2BR. 1,100 sf, carport, short walk
to beach. All for $499,000.
KEY ROYALE-Canalfront lot. 9,450 sf. Golf course view. $699,000.
BAYVIEW- 4-5BR/4BA, including guest quarters. Large master suite. $1,500,000.
GULF VIEW- Holmes Beach duplex or 4BR/2BA home. $1,199,000.
ANNA MARIA DUPLEX- Large lot, 2BR and 1BR. $720,000.
IRONWOOD 1-2BR. Extra storage. $134,900. Great buy!
HARBOUR VILLA CLUB- 2BR/2BA, turnkey, boat dock. $824,900.
BAYPOINTE- 4BR/3BA villa. Eight month new. $255,000.
5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807
yrealt7@aol.com www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com

.. .. a .- S
--. .0 *,

two-story. Beautifully turnkey-furnished, 3BR/2BA with two-car garage. Recently updated duplex. 2BR/2BA each side,
updated 2001-, canalfront home, .boat built. $749,000. Quentin Talbert, short stroll to the beach. Tons of storage.
dock, wih remole. garage. $1,350,000. 778-4800. $619,000. Nicole Skaggs, 778-4800.
Please "Dial" Debbie Dial, 400-1172.

r-- --
,. .. .- ,,

ANNA MARIA ISLAND CLUB Direct CANAL HOME Large Key Royale home TRIPLEX. A fixer-upper with three one
Gulffront, great value. 2BR/2BA turnkey with dock, davits and boat lift. 4BR/3BA bedroom apartments. The R-2 lot is worth
furnished. Pool front, elevator, nicely 'turnkey furnished. Pool, hot tub, new A/C. the asking price! Tenants are in place and
furnished. Pristine Gulffront complex. $1,100,000. Dave Jones, 778-4800. the owner says sell it! Call Dave Jones at
$989,000. Lynn Hostetler, 778-4800. A Paradise Realty. 778-4800 $440,000.

LOST: ONE GOLD, oval hoop earring and pair
of prescription tortoise-shell sunglasses. (941)

KARATE ON THE Island: Ages four through
senior. Call (941) 807-1734 or visit

BENGEL HYPNOSIS CENTER. Quit smoking, lose
weight. Renowned Pittsburgh hypnotist available
February, Anna Maria Island. Appointments only. Call
(412) 215-2158. www.BengelHypnosisCenter.com.

JAMMERS WANTED: Non-professional snowbird
guitarist looking for musicians to jam afternoons.
Cortez/Gulf Drive area. Classic rock, country. (941)
BINGO WEEKLY: "Smoke-free" at Annie Silver Com-
munity Center, 23rd Street at Avenue C, Bradenton
Beach, Thursdays at 7 p.m. All welcome. Refresh-
ments, prizes. Information: (941) 778-1915.
ing. Private tutoring for student. Kindergarten-col-
lege level subjects. Plenty of references and experi-
ence. (941) 524-4177.
REWARD FOR information in the Waterfront Res-
taurant arson fire: Call the State Fire Marshal,
Bureau of Fire & Arson Investigations in Tampa,
(813) 890-1904.
BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a person-
alized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park.
Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Pick up form at The
Islander or call (941) 518-4431 for more information.
BONUS! CLASSIFIED ADS are posted early
online at www.islander.org.

********* *********************** *************
* *
, .*, Natural setting surrounds ,
t ,this 3BR/2BA home with *
open water views, boat-
* dock, hot tub, steps to.
beach and turnkey
.':. furnished! Offered at
".- .$899,000. *

* BAYVIEW DUPLEX includes lot on bay!
S3BR/3BA and 1BR/1BA duplex or 4BR/4BA home
* with boat docks and gorgeous view of Sarasota Bay. *
* Offered at $969,900.
* Super opportunity to own Island business!
* Offered at: $199,500 & Inventory.
* .." Deborah Thrasher ;
* 'RE/MAX Excellence
* '- -' (941)518-7738
* (941 383-9700* DebMThrash@aol.com )


JUST LISTED Tranquil Island home. Large corner lot,
across the street from the bay and in walking distance
from the beach. Large rooms, ceramic tile floors and
cathedral ceilings give this home an open, airy, island
feel. Inground pool and screened lanai provide for
spacious outdoor entertaining. $799,000.

;.ii'i its unique park-like
"Bi -^. setting and open airy
floor plan. Two-car
attached garage with
'lIII.. large utility room. Two
.3 ,, ". :. decks, plus nice
S .- a"-CL screened porch. Unit
AR.' #52 turnkey furnished.
Offered at $695,000.

CALL JOHN ZIRZow 778-9171
OFFICE 753-1620

"- I

...~ ; ;

THE ISLANDER M FEB. 8, 2006 M B-11

A: DEBl 3 A SS I Fa -1 1 E3D S

FREE GUN LOCK. Yes, free. Just for the asking.
Courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserva-
tion Commission. Free at The Islander newspaper
office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be
sorry, be safe.
GUARDIAN AD LITEM volunteers needed: A guard-
ian ad litem is a trained volunteer appointed by the
court to represent and advocate for the best inter-
est of children who have been abused, abandoned
or neglected. Make a positive impact! Call (941)
744-9473 or visit www.12circuitgal.org.

FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to
foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough
for adoption. All food and medical provided. Julie,
ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes.
All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened.
Please, call (941) 922-0774.
KITTEN TIME: Home-fostered kittens available from
the humane society. Variety of colors. Have been
tested. Shots, spayed, microchipped. Only $35 to
good homes. (941) 365-1687.
PET PHOTOGRAPHY IN the comfort of your home.
Visit snaparts.com to view my work. Fine art avail-
able. Local artist will also do commissioned work.
Snaparts. Call Paula, (941) 356-7303.

1999 CADILLAC DEVILLE: Silver, leather, North-
star. Telephone Onstar. Excellent condition. $7,000
or offer. (941) 778-1620.
GOLF CARTS FOR sale: Two-and four-passenger
club carts, night lights and mirrors, like new. Phone
(941) 729-8766.
1993 MERCEDES 300SL: Silver, gray, both tops.
Looks, runs well. $12,000. Books and records. (941)
FIND GREAT DEALS on wheels and everything
else in The Islander, 778-7978.

Bobby Edingfon Presents

Closing Costs Paid* Plus One-Year
Pre-paid Hazard, Wind and Flood Insuramne
2709 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. 9 .. .
3BR/3BA views of Gulf and Tampa o
Bay from this beautiful executive
homewihmasterbedroomondspa 'c,.
encompassing entirefloor.Woterfall .
$950,000. Open house 1-3pm, Sun.
Call(941) 744-6906. A4
Executive home with swimming
pool. Completely updated
4BR/2BA. Located in historic -
Longboat Key Village, across P..-
from Mar Vista, just two blocks
to the beach. New lower price.
$745,000.751 Broadway, LBK.
Call (941) 744-6906.

2BR/1 BA, 5x9 foot lot. 7,971 .
sf, 500 steps to beach. 206 --
73rd St. Beautiful landscape ,y "i
with grapefruit, mango and .4 ,
gumbo limbo trees. $749,000. -,
Call (941) 744-6906.

Closing Costs Include:
All Bank Fees
All Title and Related Charges
One Year Pre-insurance: Hazard/wind/flood**
Services provided by

Bobby Edington First Equity Financial
941-744-6906 www.FirstEquityFin.com
cf-l / */Insurance & Finanial Services.
M& Svs941n-776-9969
Team Title Servires, Inf.
'*or borrowers with 650+ scores. If World Savings is unable to complete the financing, the dosing value con be transferred up to
S950. Title fees include owner's policy, all related doc stomps and court filing charges. In case of a condo: a premium will be paid
for So100,00 inleriorconlents. Soles price is between buyer ond seller.The bank, title company and insurance company play no role '
in the sales price. first Equity Finonciol, LLC. Agents under LI./lHUD for World Sovings Bank, a Federal savings bank/Golden West
nancial. c number ME000 760 90 Hrr son ree Oaknd, CA. 94612. Loans originate In Utah
'** ** ** > i' > ** 0* *' < > -e > >

1965 CORVAIR MONZA convertible: Very low miles.
One owner, estate vehicle, $13,500. Trophy winner.
(941) 526-3190.
1996 ROADMASTER, LOADED: 55,000 miles, one
owner. $5,600. 1994 Cadillac Eldorado, 62,550
miles. $2,500. (941) 778-2968.

27-FOOT CARVER twin 190-hp Mercruiser. Runs
great, good for fishing, Ceranfield, air conditioning,
water heater, shower, head,newbatteries, stereo
and much more! $8,000, or best offer. (941)

DEEP-WATER BOAT slip: north end of Anna Maria.
Easy Gulf access. (941) 794-8877.
THIS 2005 25-HP Johnson Bombadier rope-start
two-stroke outboard, has less than the initial ten
hours break time on it. Purchased new in May for
$2,592, it includes fuel tank and line and wheeled
motor carrier (my add-on). Owner's manual and pur-
chase receipt (including warranty) included. Super
buy! (941) 778-1605.
28-FOOT REGAL LSR-2001: Only 160 hours, like
new! Great day cruiser/party boat, even has a head!
Always kept on a lift, new custom mooring cover
and much, much more. $43,000. Call Pam or Phil at
(941) 778-8281 or (941) 704-7445.

LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on
the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater
fishing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle provided.
(941) 723-1107.
FISH FOR REDFISH, Snook and trout with
InshoreSlam.com Capt. Jim Savaglio. License,
bait and tackle included. (941) 238-7597 or (813)
Wednesday's classified at noon Tuesday at
www.islander.org. And it's FREE!

with 39 foot boat-
house and mother -
in law apartment
i "'.' -"" '... t.' with heated pool,
on t-end canal..
3BP, -.5BA In moin
house rebu.il and
enlarged Ihree year. ag,.
and 1 BR/1 BA full mother-in-law apartment: Gourmet main kitchen,
DCS gas stove top, double oven, double dishwasher, double
wine coolers, granite counter top, outside kitchen with triple sink,
dishwasher and built-in B-B-Q. Two zone central vacuum, intercom,
15 footceiling and see-through gas fireplace in great room to outside
pool. 4900 S.F.U.R. PAO 502 72nd St., Holmes Beach
A must see at $2,250,000. Ted E. Davis, Licensed Real Estate
Broker/Owner. By appointment, (941) 778-6155.

PART-TIME HELP wanted for small resort motel on.
Anna Maria. Call evenings, (941) 778-4206.
MAINTENANCE, PART-TIME: 32-unit motel, eve-
nings. Monday-Friday. Apply in person. Blue Water
Beach Club, 6306 Gulf Drive, Holmes beach. Drug-
free workplace.
TOP ADVERTISING sales position open at The
Islander newspaper. Great territory, commissions,
training. Previous-outside sales helpful, but not nec-
essary. If you possess a willingness for strong com-
munity involvement, positive outlook and drive to
succeed, fax or e-mail a letter and/or resume to
(941) 778-9392, sales@islander.org.
NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay.
Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restaurant, 902
S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call (941) 778-3953.
BUSY BISTRO hiring full-or part-time servers for
lunch and dinner. Prep person and dishwasher. Apply
to Chef Damon, Wednesday-Saturday, 5406 Marina
Drive, Holmes Beach, or call (941) 778-5320.
wanted for busy Bradenton Beach gift shop. Must be
reliable and able to work flexible.hours, Background
check required. Call (941) 448-1076 for details.
no weekends. Apply in person at Minnie's Beach
Caf. 5360 Gulf .Drive, Holmes Beach.
SING! IF YOU can carry a tune and would help lead a
singing congregation, please join with Gloria Dei Luther-
an's choir, Sundays at 9:45am.Two miles north of Man-
atee Bridge on Anna Maria Island. (941) 778-1813.
COOK/PREP: Twenty-plus hours. Good pay for
dependable worker. Fun atmosphere. Reliable/
transportation. (941) 778-7769 or (941) 779-9671.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Meet interesting people,
learn the history of the Island. Anna Maria Island
Historical Museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria.
(941) 778-0492.

Dedicated to service
SExpertise in renovation
Sand rehabilitation
Island, waterfront and
area lifestyle specialist.
S The JEWEL of Gulf Coast Real Estate
P Contact Amy for all of your


Own, .'

12-B M FEB. 8, 2006 l TIE ISLANDER

1HELPt V E. 'C onI tinu

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Tingley Memorial Library.
Duties include checking books in/out, reshelving,
and generally assisting library patrons. Call Eveann
Adams, (941) 779-1208.

SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and
intermediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10
per half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended.
Local teen, team competitor. Call (941) 778-0944.
BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with
kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, (941) 756 5496.
BABYSITTER, PETSITTER, dog walker: First aid-
certified, 13-year old, eighth-grade female, great with
kids and animals. Call Kendall, (941) 779-9783.
NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia, (941)
761-1569. Red Cross certified.
WANT AN IRISH baby-sitter? Responsible, experi-
enced 15-year old. Red Cross babysitting and first-
aid certified. Call Gemma, (941) 447-9657.
DOG WALKER, PET sitter, child sitter and odd jobs.
Tenth-grader, available after school and weekends.
Zach, (941) 779-9783.
BABYSITTING, RED Cross first-aid and babysitter
certified. Call Alex, (941) 778-5352.

LOCAL CAREGIVER: I can offer.loving, reliable,
live-in care for your loved one. Excellent references.
Please, call (239) 595-9964. Thank you.

MAN WITH SHOVEL: Plantings, natives, patio gar-
dens, trimming, clean-up, edgings, maintenance.
Hard-working and responsible. Excellent references.
Edward (941) 778-3222.
LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint-
ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine
Car Service. Serving the Islands. (941) 778-5476.

puter misbehaving? Certified computer service and
private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. (941)
wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable,
reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. (941)

CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist.
Experienced certified technician for communica-
tion electronics offers wireless and cable networks,
upgrades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and train-
ing. Call Robert, (941) 778-3620.

ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod-
eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens,
baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519,
#CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting
MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794.

puter solutions for business and home. Installation,
repairs, upgrades, networking, Web services, wire-
less services. Richard Ardabell, network engineer,
(941) 778-5708, or cell (216) 509-1945.

CALL DAN'S RESCREEN for your free estimate
today. Affordable rates, quality work guaranteed.
Pool cages, lanais,. windows, doors. Call (941)
APPLIANCE & AC DOCTORS: We repair air condi-
tioners, refrigerator, washer/dryer, oven, garbage
disposal, other household items. Honest, depend-
able. 20-plus years experience. (941) 650-9293.

FISHING FOR a good deal? Look in The Islander,


Property Na-icmcnt. LLC

Ourfamilyrservihng yourfamily
Annuals Seasonals
6842 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key 941.387.9004
Tracy@L27financial.com www.Latitude27'com

MR. BILLS HOME REPAIR/maintenance service.
Over 30 years experience, self-employed in con-
struction trades. "I'm handy to have around." (941)

WILDLIFE REMOVAL and relocation: Problem solv-
ing for all animals, big and small. Call Joe, West-
coast Nuisance Wildlife Service, (941) 778-3455, or
cell (941) 720-4152.
WE CAN HELP! Does your property need TLC?
Lew can fix it. Give me a call. (941) 755-5559.
AAA WIFE AND husband: Cleaning your house and
windows with confidence. Good references, reason-
able rates. Licensed and Insured. (941) 812-0499.
SCOTT'S HELPING HANDS: Handyman service.
How may I help you? Scott Reinhart, (941)
538-0664. -
CUCCIO TILE AND handyman services. Many
Island references. Free estimates. Licensed and
insured. (941) 730-2137.
HANDYMAN FROM HOLLAND: 20 years experi-
ence in "old world craftsmanship." No job too small.
Painting, repairs, shelves, woodworking, cleaning,
etc. Please call Peter, (941) 447-6747. Guaranteed
YACHT SERVICES: DIVING and detail services.
Waterline Yacht Company. James, (941) 792-7595.
SANDY'S CLEANING SERVICE: Exceptional clean-
ing and decorating island references available. For
unbeatable service, call 798-9484.
ABOUT GROUT: CLEANING, sealing, staining
(painting of grout), tile and grout repair, caulking
of showers/kitchen. Bonded and insured. Call Jeff,
(941) 545-0128.

INCOME TAX SERVICE: Individuals and small busi-
nesses. We also do all states. Contact Pat at Kenney
Tax Service. (941) 761-8156.

Looking for affordable living in Anra Maria? Consider
rnis charming, well maintained, fully-furnished
duple<. Live in half and rent half. Each side consists
of two bedrooms, one full bath, kitchen, dining
area, living-room and a Florida room. if what you
are looking for is a quiet residential location in
the City of Anna Maria, a short walk from a public
beach, shops and post office,:this is your solution.
Two'complete, living units for only $719,000. For
more information or to visit call, (941) 704-4646.

Best New Construction-Value.
on Anna Maria Island.
Enjoy short strolls to the beach and all that
the island living has to offer in these charming
beach bungalows. Located west of Marina
Drive, these homes are situated close to the
beach on a quiet and peaceful street in beautiful
Holmes Beach. Theses home include the
following luxury amenities:

* Hardwood floors
* Pools with paver
* Outside h6t/cold
* Intercom system

Central \acuum
Upgraded kitchens
aid baths
Granite countertops
Metal roofs
Hardi Board siding

rCIi fnr fiirthpr detqie andl flnnmlanQ


1,700 sf



%-dil 1 IUI UICIIV UUVLCaIl b anu numpain.U Z'

- J J



MiK Prudential
H Palms Realty
lMichelselle Musto
Fine Homes Specialist
ITO 940 Waterside Lane:
-" Lakefronl villa, 28R/2BA,
1,292 sf, beautifully fur
Snished, loads of upgrades.

_- *- ..... "920 Waterside Lane-
a kefront villa, 2BR/2BA,
r- ... 1,132 sf, brealhloking
sunsets, turnkey fur-
nished 5429,000.

827 Waterside Lane:
Villa, 2BR/2BA, 1,069 sf,
new furnishings, remod.
eled from top to bottom.
S. s485,000.
.. : --. : ". 230 Londonderry Drive:
"" Lakefront home, 3BR/3BA,
2,338 sf, dining room,
den, ,hree-tor garage.


2,225 sf




THE ISLANDER N FEB. 8, 2006 U B-13

A 4 DLr / "D C, LA S- S I F IE


PRESSURE WASHING: MOST driveways $85. Call
Shane, (941) 538-9891.
upgrade, install, data recovery. Virus/spyware
removal, wireless networking, beginner/advanced.
Call Gene, (941) 383-9861.
MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet.
Beginning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, (941)
BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refriger-
ation. Commercial and residential service, repair
and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and
the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest
and personalized service, call William Eller, (941)
795-7411. CAC184228.
ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional cre-
ates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding!
www.jackelka.com. (941) 778-2711.
NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing massage
in the comfort of your home. Call today for an
appointment, (941) 795-0887. MA#0017550.
TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years
experience. References available. For a reasonable
price, call Sebastian, (941) 704-6719.

commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, land-
scaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. (941)
ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair.
Monthly and quarterly accounts available. If it is
broken, we can fix it. Call (941) 778-2581.
native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup.
Island resident 25 years. Call (941) 807-1015.
CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING:Top quality lawn and land-
scape maintenance. Now accepting new accounts at
great rates. Please call (941) 778-2335 or 284-1568.

OASIS Wonderrul
5BR5'BA home is a
lop island producer.
up lo $3.900 wepe
Incredible viewS Irom
all rooms and multiple
balconies Bring ll the
cars Healed pool. ele-
valur and su nucn
more. $2.190,00.
Call Anne Hubter
(941) 713-9835.

NEW PALMETTO VILLA A music see' Tnrs 3BRj2BA
oters over 1.620 st or living space to enjoy. Sleps 3way
irom community pool Rela.: and ericy maintenance Iree
living. Low monlhly maintenance of only $78 $2-49.900
Call Keidn Shell 19411713-1305.

lation. Huge selection of plants, shrubs and
trees. Irrigation. Everything Under the Sun Garden
Centre, 5704 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941)

SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $42/yard. Haul-
ing: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free esti-
mates. Call Larry at (941) 795-7775, "shell phone"
(941) 720-0770.

KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean-
ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City
of Anna Maria resident. Cell (941) 448-3857.

installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residen-
tial and commercial. 30-years experience. (941)

ups, shell, rock, palms, aquascapes, tree work.
Truck for hire, move anything. Shark Mark (941)

VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/
exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island refer-
ences. Bill, (941) 795-5100.
ing contractors. In-house plan designs. State
licensed and insured. Many Island references. (941)
778-2993. License #CRC 035261.
mates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at
(941) 778-1730.
CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island ser-
vice since 1975. Repairs and new construction.
Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certifying
back flow at water meters. (FL#RF0038118) (941)
778-3924 or 778-4461.

Utlinl 1-AMILY IhUMI LOIS 01 cn3racier, oedauil[U nrrO-
wood Iloors and updated kitchen. New rocl in 2005 and
updated electric. n 2005 Large bar.card with alley access.
plenty of room lor a pool. Walk to Manalee High Scnool
Priced at $259.900. Call Anne Huber a 19411 713-9835

BAYSHORE ON THE LAKE This nhird iloor condo offers
2BR.2BA, new carpel, new glass-lop range. new relig-
erator Located in a park-like sending. Enjoy community
pool and active lifestyle. $129,900. Call Keith Shell.
19411 ;13-1305.


TILE -TILE -TILE. All variations of ceramic tile sup-
plied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt,
reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, (941)

ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod-
eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens,
baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519,
#CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting
MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794.

phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Thirty
years experience. Insured. Meticulous, clean, sober
and prompt. Paul Beauregard, (941) 779-2294.

KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements
Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cab-
inets and shutters. Insured and licensed, (941)

TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed.
Why pay retail? Island resident, many references.
Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor
Coverings. (941) 792-1367, or 726-1802.

JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy-
man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pres-
sure washing and tree trimming. Call (941) 778-6170
or 447-2198.
WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more.
Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in-
home consultation. Island references, 15 years
experience. (941) 778-3526 or 730-0516.
THIRTY-SIXYEARS craftsman experience. Interior,
exterior, doors, stairs, windows and trim. Pressure
wash. Driveway paint. Dan Michael, master carpen-
ter. Call 518-3316 or 778-6898.
BONUS! CLASSIFIED ADS are posted early
online at www.islander.org.

L...JI L,


DOLPHIN HARBOUR AT MARINA ISLE.,r- jrirIuraricrn-.rrur iar Tnt T lrni R5 5BA Key-W I sre re ce
it a wiolepavwerr. dE rE Enlrqr' lbuictus vl'i~r irofn your rriajvr uae overloovinil Tarnp Baa.jnd Cjljli.
Majrina v' vriirw Suntririi SIm-adv,3 rn I ht: diji r? ,lpS P Jdk it a ni yuur Io l lipy ouflean esy *iccf in brr Tjnpa Bay arid
in'~ Gull oiJ M .: a reatl lnIn jininci rc paie n %va t a titIIIyw mi esiiread qurmi rmri opening up tc a spar. ius g.rarnd
fJrn -nirod.3jrjp irrtur) dec Ar 3m.zr) prrijl 1311i rviriji ,li onerza ji $2S.5 r9Oi0

A GULF SANDS BEACH- washer/dryer and a
FRONT CONDO WITH large, hea oll
GORGEOUS VIEWS! l heated pool!
Super central Holmes
Beach location. Turnkey ".
furnished. Makes a
Ar- great rental. Offered at
,. 4 $829,000.

NEW LISTING Live the Island lifestyle in a large 3BR/2BA,
remodeled California/Santa Fe style home located
on a 10,000sf lot zoned R-2 in a prestigious Anna
Maria neighborhood, one block from the Gulf of
S" Mexico beaches. Pleasing open floor plan, beauti-
ful Mexican tile throughout. Two-car garage and
S new.pavers. Numerous fruit trees complete with a
.1..' wine grape arbor. Offered at $995,000.

1 Gay:G yle Simyson Schulz Broker/Associate
S Jim Anderson Realty Company
., PO Box 1789 401-B Pine Avenue Anna Maria, FL 34216
941.778.4847 toll free 1.800.772.3235
'' www.jimandersonrealty.com email: jimsrealtyco@aol.com

Elvwilld 3BR.2BA nri rmi wilh wi:,ndertul opentram ice.ilng.s
new i loonngr, ilewi lc-, l n)rf vjl.' Io he tieac-h, Oi in,: ji p3jr
and reDurari Hurry' i 9000.

Grear winter reisi.d n:e r pcienial3 0 build up Open anra nghi,
rori for a p ool iust [hrt shorn blocks rrom ine Ieacrn and sep':
Irojm your bOaI liip $575.,00

75> 106f lo loti lair ed jcr)ss tronm thep f ,l.rin ce[nral Holmes
Beacr r Walk10 inops and restaurInB Archiei plan: available
ifr a beautrul cuIoml-aeSined, ground-level rome or build up
lor views ol the Guill 627.500.

Jtj"3.rj>..J..S.,...4.$,2,.-~.... ,...a4..,...h ~..,... S........

" 14-B U FEB. 8, 2006 U THE ISLANDER

OME -. A n,

reliability are important, then for all your remod-
eling, maintenance and repair needs, call the
right team, call the SMART team. (941) 400-6350.
stbradenton @verizon.net.

TWO DUDES with tools: Tile, trim, cabinets, paint-
ing, drywall, glass block, brick, stonework and more!
Many references. Call now! (941) 812-4269 or
HANDYMAN SERVICE: Winton's Home-Buddy Inc.
Retired banker, Island resident, converting life-long
_ hobby to business. Call (941) 705-0275 for free esti-
REMODEL: (941) 720-1089. Renovations, repairs,
remodel. Insured. License no, CBC1252807.
IS YOUR PAINT peeling? Is it in need of healing?
Then call Shaman Painting and Pressure Washing
for free estimate. Call Dan or Gina for appointment.
Office (941) 527-1465 Cell (941) 779-3595.
hardwood flooring, drywall, carpentry, paint, pres-
sure cleaning, rescreens, windows and doors. Free
estimates! We will beat any estimates. Call Rob,
(941) 526-5010.
RICK KUNKEL PAINTING: 30 years experience.
Licensed, insured. Free estimates. Local references.
(941) 932-0940.
CARLV. JOHNSQN JR. Inc. building contractor. New
homes, additions, renovations. Quality work and fair,
prices. Lic#RR0066450. Call (941) 795-1947.
DOCK CLEANING, STAINING, repair. Professional
service, insured. Make your dock or deck look like
new. (941) 779-1839.

RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal.
Wedebrock Real Estate Co., (941) 778-6665 or
(800) 749-6665.

VACATION RENTALS: 2BR apartments across from
beautiful beach, $375 to $500/week. Winter and
spring dates available. Almost Beach Apartments,
(941) 778-2374.

SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR (two
master suites)/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes
to beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/
dryer, garage, designer furnished with tropical
yard setting. One of the finest rentals on Island.
$1,600/weekly. Call (941) 713-0034 or e-mail:
1 BR/1 BA with breathtaking sunsets. Pools, Jacuzzi,
walk to shops and restaurants. Available weekly,
monthly, seasonal. (901) 301-8299 or e-mail
captko462 @ aol.com.
SANDPIPER RESORT on Gulf Drive: 55-plus com-
munity, fully equipped 1BR/1BA beachhouse with
greatroom and kitchen. Brand new! Steps to the
beach or Intracoastal. All utilities including trash,
except phone. Rent weekly to annually. No pets.
(317) 873-3307.
WEEKLY RENTALS: Alecassandra villa, 1BR/1BA,
$700/week; Island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; Gulffront
cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach
Club, 2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call Kim
Fisher, Wagner Realty, (941) 778-2246.
COMMERCIAL SPACE: 1,600 sf on Gulf Drive, next
to Holmes Beach shopping center. Available now.
(941) 778-2694.
SEASONAL RENTAL: Brand new Bradenton Beach
3BR/3BA plus office, steps to beach. Balconies with
ocean and bay views, elevator, 8-person Jacuzzi,
granite counters, marble floors and baths, Jacuzzi
in master, washer/dryer, designer furnished, fully
equipped. One of the finest rentals on Island. $4800/
monthly 813-277-4336.
Maria. Elevated 3BR/2BA. Available now through
April. One block to beach. (813) 251-9201.
BEACH LIVING: SEASONAL, Furnished one room
efficiency. Utilities included. Gulf views and large
decks. (941) 505-1962.
5BR/3BA, fireplace, cable TV. One hundred yards
from Gulf. Two scenic decks. Available January,
2006-April, 2006. $3,900/month. Call (813) 948-1267
or email kkl@tampabay.rr:com.

location. Available seasonally, November-April 2006.
Renovated 2BR/2.5BA private residence in quiet
area of Island with open floor plan and large
terrace overlooking the Gulf. From $1,750/week
with discounted monthly rate. Call Dave at (941)

ANNUAL RENTAL: Hidden Lakes, 3BR/2BA, second
floor, all brand new, garage, pool, small dog
OK. $1,400/month. Sun Coast Real Estate, (941)
779-0202. www.suncoastinc.com.

ANNUAL RENTAL: Hidden Lakes, 3BR/2BA, second
floor, all brand new, garage, pool, small dog
OK. $1,400/month. SunCoast Real Estate, (941)
779-0202. www.suncoastinc.com.
BEACH STEPS AWAY: Large 1BR/2BA, fully furnished,
washer and dryer. $595/week or $1,995/month. Pets
OK. www.gulfdriveapartments.com. (941) 778-1098.

$1,200/month. 2BR/2BA, $1,400/month. Non-
smoking, clubhouse, laundry, steps to beach.
(775) 825-9492 or (775) 338-9492.
otuohy@ prodigy.net..

PERICO BAY CLUB: 2BR/2BA, great water views,
gated, pool, tennis, covered parking, One mile from
beach. Annual rental. $1,200/month. Call Maria at
(941) 720-1712.
ANNUAL 3BR/2BA: Holmes Beach. Steps to beach,
clean duplex-$1,200/month. (941) 725-0578 or
(941) 794-2912.
MOBILE HOME FOR RENT: Nice 2BR, furnished
mobile home, gated community on creek. Bradenton
Palms Mobile Home Park. Hot tub, pool, four-six
month rental. $1,100/month. (863) 688-3524 or (863)
608-1833. E-mail: chickenplucker@webtv.net.

ANNA MARIA ISLAND: Steps from Bradenton
Beach. One hundred yards from bay. Spacious
1 BR/1 BA with parking. Available for yearly rental.
(614) 517-7147.

ANNUAL 2BR/2BA on canal in Holmes Beach. No
pets. (941) 778-7039.



5910 Marina Dr.e* Holmes Beach, FL 34217
e-mail: info@smithrealtors.com
Web site: www.smithrealtors.com
DUPLEX One block to beach. 1 BR/1BA each side,
remodeled 2004. $589,000.

PEACEFUL SERENITY 3.4BR/2BA single-family
home in perfect location, One-plus acre, zoned SRF3,
private access road, newly remodeled, large caged
poolnew air conditioning. $849,000.

DUPLEX WITH BOAT DOCK. 2BR/IBA each TARA First Floor. Condo in move-in condition with
side, corner lot. Designated boat dock access across a fontstic golf view. This unit is deeded with a (loss
sireel (with cily approval). Current survey available. A Golf Membership. 2BR/2BA, one-car garage.
Sold as is. Right to inspect. $694,900. Turnkey-furnished. $274,900.

WEST BRADENTON Gorgeous bay view in this
2BR/2BA condo, turnkey furnished, lanai, walk-in
closets, breakfast bar, minutes to beach, boat dock
available. $319,000.

WATERFRONT 2BR/1.5BA Gulfside condo,
updated, turnkey-furnished, glass porch, detached
carport. Complex has two pools, one heated.

EKkAI LUATIIUN 3BK/IBA Key West elevated:
home. Like new! Dining room, walk in closets,
four-car garage, lonai, workshop, elevator, pool by
March 2006. One block to beach views of Gulf and
Inlracoaslal. 51,300,000.


NEW LAKESIDE HOME 3BR/2BA single family BIRD KEY Mediterranean-stylehomeoncanalfront, NEW LISTING 2BR/1BA Sea Pirates, rental- FLAMINGO CAY Newly renovated single-family
with three-car garage in new community.Too many 90-foot sea wall with dock, large pool house, producing condo across from Gulf, heated pool, 3BR/2BAsplitplan,Jacuzzibathtub,two-cargarage,
upgrades to list. $350,000. superb location, Sold as is with right to inspect, professionally decorated. $455,000. screened lanai overlooking pool and deep water
$2,239,900. canal. Large corner lot. S765,900.

.. ...... BSME




THE ISLANDER 0 FEB. 8, 2006 B-15

S"][ D.E R CLfT S r F I E D S

MONTHLY RENTAL: 2BR/2BA with den. Furnished
condo on canal. West Bradenton. Five minutes to
beaches. $2,500/month. June through November
2006. (708) 532-2149.
YOU WILL LOVE this Ringling retreat at Lido Beach:
2BR/1 BA modern, fully-furnished duplex of historical
background in garden setting. Walk to beach and St.
Armands restaurants and popular shopping center,
15-minute bus ride-to Main Street, Sarasota. Please
phone (941) 383-0244 or (941) 383-2566. E-mail
kang870 @aol.com.

ANNA MARIA ISLAND: Waterfront mobile resort.
Steps to beach. Nice 1BR/1BA. April $1,130. May-
September $625. 55-plus. 2601 Gulf Drive N., Unit
425, Bradenton Beach. (941) 778-5417.

blocks to beach. $900/month annual, includes
cable, water, sewer, trash. Seasonal $700/week or
$2,100/month. (941) 778-0714 or (941) 730-6349.

ANNA MARIA ISLAND Club: Available January and
February 2007.2BR/2BA, totally remodeled in 2006.
Call (813) 781-7562.
NORTH-END FURNISHED beach villas, One or two
bedrooms, 1BA, with screened porch. 100 steps to
beach. Great views! Starting at $1000/month. (941)
219-1042. twoodsbton @ netzero.com.
PRIVATE COTTAGE WITH shared dock, Old Flor-
ida-style 2BR/1 BA, screened porch, deck, fenced
yard. Half block to beach. Pet OK. Weekly, monthly
beginning April 1, 2006. (941) 485-1874.
ANNUAL 3BR/2BA: Holmes Beach. Steps to beach,
clean duplex $1,200/month. (941) 725-0578 or (941)

Complete quality renovation includes new
master suite addition, private bath and
lanai. Laundry room, three guest bedrooms
and bath, large closets, large living room,
kitchen and family room. Tile floors. New
roof and air conditioning. Attached 2.5-car
garage, 10,000 Ib boat lift, plus wave-runner
davit, Total under roof, 3,1 79 sf. Wrap-around
driveway, underground irrigation system,
mature landscaping, room for a pool,
$1,195,000. No agents. (941) 778-7417.



Thi Islander
SINCE 1992
Don't leave the Island
without taking time to
subscribe. You'llget ,
.. ALL the best news,;
delivered .: I'r.iic
mailman every week..
It'sa.lmost as good as
a letter from home!
'Visitus at 5404
Marina Drive, island "
Shopping Center,
Holmes Beach or call
Online edition:
www.islander.org ..

WESTBAY POINT: 2BR/2BA, beautiful condition,
overlooking canal. Available February, March, April.
$2,600/month. Call (616) 291-5116.
Bay. Utilities included. Security deposit of one
month's rent. Studio $700/month; 1BR/1BA
$740/month; 2BR/1 BA $950/month. Call Jerry, (941)
ANNUAL 2BR/2BA, Holmes Beach. Tile through-
out. Washer and dryer hookups, double carport,
large storage room. Steps to Gulf with view.
$1,100/month plus utilities. First, last and security.
(941) 778-3427.
BRADENTON BEACH: Newly remodeled 1BR/1BA
suite with full kitchen, fully furnished, one block
from Bridge Street, three-minute walk to beach.
Sleeps four only. No pets. Now taking reservations for
summer, Available weekly, monthly or seasonal. (941)
776-3696, or e-mail bjustin628@tampabay.rr.com.
ANNA MARIA: ADORABLE cottage. Steps to beach.
All utilities, cable, nice yard..No pets. $1,400/month.
Seasonal. (813) 388-0444.
ful view of Gulf. On the beach, weekly rental. Avail-
able now. (941) 779-2701 or (608) 332-9272.
BRADENTON BEACH: Large 2B/2B condo, ele-
gantly furnished, heated pool, spa, two private
balconies overlooking beach and Sarasota Bay
with private dock. April 15-29. $950/week. (207)
ANNA MARIA: One bedroom beachfront villa,
sleeps four. Full kitchen, heated pool, spa. April 8-15.
Gorgeous sunsets. $1,000/month (207) 783-8088.
CHARMING 2BR/2BA canal house close to bay. Avail-
able April 1, 2006, for annual rental. (717) 392-4048.

HOLMES BEACH: 2BR/2BA beach cottage, 1.5
blocks to beach. Fully furnished. $550/week. (941)

ANNUAL RENTALS: 1 BR/1 BA half duplex, upstairs,
with oversized garage. $800/month. Call Betsy Hills
Real Estate, PA., at (941) 778-2291, or e-mail:
Jason @ betsyhills.com.
WATERFRONT SEASONAL: January, March, April.
One, two and three bedrooms available. 1BR
$1,800/month, 2-3BR $3,000/month. Price reduced
after April. 109 13th St. S., Bradenton Beach. (941)

AVAILABLE NOW: Accepting annual and seasonal
leases on select homes at the new Waterside Club.
2BR homes available from $795/month. Make new
friends and join the fun, all community activities and
amenities are available. Waterside Club is a retire-
ment community in central Bradenton. 3301 Cortez
Road W. Contact Neil Johnson, (941) 756-7068.
ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/1.5BA elevated apartment.Car-
port, washer and dryer, large storage, deck. $850/month.
Fran Maxon Real Estate, (941) 778-2307.
HOUSE: 2BR COMPLETELY furnished in historic
Bradenton Beach village. Half block to beach. Bay,
shopping, restaurants. $2,000/morith or $700/week.
(941) 778-4451.
located four houses down form beach! Free trolley
picks up at end-of block. Available by the week. Adja-
cent two-bedroom apartment also available first half
of March. Call (616) 225-1589 .
HOLMES BEACH: 1BR/1 BA duplex available now
through Easter. $1,500/month. (810) 614-6962.203
Peacock Lane, Holmes Beach.

Brand new! Move in now! No long construction wait.
Beautifully appointed large 2BR on lake near pool. $347,000.
Call Bobye Chasey, Chasey Realty.

__ -f Homes from $140,000 to $200,000
S' -' Lakeside lots available

4 ,,*g 5 -*,. ..SYearGoldKeyWarranty
i Palm Harbor Homes designed
exclusively for Waterside Club
S_* Club Privilege Package includes -
use of clubhouse, swimming pool,
landlease, lawn service, fitness
7, room, computer room, library, lake
S' activities, and private activity room
I Make newfriends with active,
'Ii; 1 F1 friendly neighbors
*.. 2005 Award Winner for Resident
Z Satisfaction

Watersile Club is a 55+
,, a p:rRetirementCommunity
3301 Cortez Rd. West
-, Bradenton, FL 34207
R W Contact: Nell Johnson




Sandy's Lawn Service Inc.
Sandy's Established in 1983
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A professional
creates a portrait.


-'*fflBBINill dFully/ 1 p SH---


-Don't leave the Island without
r. I time to subscribe. You'll
get ALL the best news,
delivered bythe mailman every
week. Visit us at 5404 Marina
Drive, Island Shopping Center,
Holmes Beach or call
Online edition: www.islander.org
The Islander

- .)..:.~~~


Cortez condo. Pet OK. $1,200/month annual, or
$2,500/month seasonal. Clean and new. Call (941)
with private bath $1,200/month, without private bath
$900. Mature man or woman, nonsmoker, non-
drinker. Maid service. Furnished north-end home.
(941) 779-0088.
Pool on bay, one block to beach. Three-month mini-
mum. 2BR, $2,000/month. 1BR $1,500/month. (941)
ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/1BA duplex, one block
to beach, completely remodeled, ground level.
$1,150/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941)
ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/1 BA duplex, near commu-
nity center, ground level. $1,000/month. Call Island
Real Estate, (941) 778-6066.
ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA single-family home
with carport. Less than one block to beach. Ground
level. $1,100/month. Available March 1, 2006. Call
Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066.
GULFFRONT DUPLEX: Second floor, 2BR/1BA,
newly updated, open floor-plan, 12-by-12 deck.
Holmes Beach, close to shopping, restaurants,
lush gardens. $950week, $3,200/month. (941)
ANNUAL RENTAL: Perico Island large 3BR/2BA
home with two-car garage. Association, pool and
tennis courts. $1,600/month plus utilities. Call An
Island Place Realty, (941) 779-0733.
ANNUAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 3BR/2BR home
with boat dock and private yard. Fireplace, washer/
dryer. $1,600/month plus utilities: Call An Island
Place Realty, (941) 779-0733.
ANNUAL RENTAL: Available March 1, 2006.
Anna Maria 2BR/1BA duplex across from beach.
$950/month plus utilities. (941) 778-7003.
Nice, clean unit. $1300/month. Nonsmoking, club-.
house, laundry; steps to beach. (941) 779-1112.
;-;BOAT KEY VILLAGE: 2BR/1BA updated
.-ie. Completely furnished, $2,400/month. Avail-
able immediately. Real Estate Mart, (941)
Pool on bay, one block to beach. Three-month mini-
mum.,2BR, $2,000/month. 1 BR $1,500/month. (941)
SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals.
1 BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to. beach,
shopping, restaurants. (941) 778-3426. Web site

Lake condominiums, west Bradenton. Close to
beach. Starting at $329,900. Call Cori Woods, (941)

ish-style home. Two-minute walk to beach. Fully fur-
nished, rental ready. Quiet Holmes Beach private
setting on cul-de-sac. Custom details, tile, granite.
New cabinets, windows, doors, A/C, ductwork, stain-
less appliances. Paver drive/patios. (941) 778-4560.

KEY ROYALE/NORTH Point Harbor: Two homes,
next door, in Island's finest community. 4BR/3BA,
five-car garage, elevated home, beautiful views of
Tampa Bay, new lap pool, spa, waterfall, seawall and
dock. $1,249,000. Also, 2BR/2BA, two-car garage,
ranch home, new seawall, dock and 20,000-pound lift.
$1,249,000. Buy both for $2,450,000! Lynn Bankuty,
Realtor, Suncoast Real Estate, (941) 737-1420.
PERICO ISLAND: 1,170-sf, lovely 2BR2BA condo.
Great water view/porch. Eat-in kitchen. Rented until
8/06. $325,500. Agents welcome. (941) 792-7828.

FIND GREAT DEALS on wheels and everything
else in The Islander, 778-7978.

MUST SEE: Manufactured home has everything.
Colony Cove. 1,600 sf. Views of Manatee River.
2BR/2BA, pets, 55-plus, five pools. $58,500. (941)
ANNA MARIA ISLAND Club: 2BR/2BA condo. Fully
furnished and equipped. Best-kept condo complex
on the Island. Beautiful beach, pool, hot tub, sauna
and sunsets. No more left on the Island like this!
$1,200,000. (317) 873-3307 for instructions on vir-
tual tour.
NORTH ANNA MARIA: Large residential vacant lot.
For sale by owner. 85x101 with bay view. $675,000.
Call (941) 778-8405.
unit, 2BR/2BA. Enjoy sunsets year'round from sofa,
lanai or beach. Low association fee. Weekly rental
allowed. $975,000. (504) 810-0867.
BEACHFRONT CONDO: 1BR/1BA, new construc-
tion. Designer furnished, spa, pool, excellent
location near restaurants, shopping. Excellent
rental. $529,000. (901) 301-8299, or
captko462 @aol.com.
deep-water canal with large dock and views of
Tampa Bay. $864,900. (941) 779-1512.

LOT FOR SALE: One block to Gulf. 50x100 feet,
cleared. $599,000. (941) 778-4036. 215 71st St.,
Holmes Beach.
CANALFRONT CONDO: 2BR/2BA, turnkey-fur-
nished, pool, tennis, pets allowed, just unpack and
enjoy Island living. $449,900. Denise Langlois, Cold-
well Banker, (941) 725-4425.
Holmes Beach. 3BR/3BA views of Gulf and
Tampa Bay from this beautiful executive home
with master bedroom and, spa encompassing
entire floor. Waterfall landscaped entry. Three-car
garage. $950,000. Open house; noon-4pm Sat-
urday and Sunday. Call (941) 744-6906 or email
LONGBOAT KEY: Executive home with swimming
pool. Completely updated 4BR/2BA. Located in his-
toric Longboat Key Village, just two blocks to the
beach. Priced to sell. $775,000. Call (941) 744-6906
or email Bobby@FirstEquityFin.com.
HOLMES BEACH: 2908 Avenue C. Wonderful
2BR/2BA; two-car garage. Elevated home. All new
baths, hardwood floors, roof, air conditioning and
paint. Wrap-around deck, porch, steps from the
beach. Only $549,000. Motivated seller. Agents also
welcome. (941) 779-3724:
sleeping loft. 1,575 sf. Deeded parking space
under building. Heated pool, $1,500,000. (847)
$495,000.6250 Holmes Blvd. #24. Excalibur Realty
Inc. (941) 792-5566.

FISHING FOR a good deal? Look in The Islander,


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THE ISLANDER E FEB. 8, 2006 M B-17

S S *.I A6


3BR/2BA with den. Designer upgrades. $599,000. (941)
447-6278. www.Highland-lnvestments.com.

Pool. spa, boat dock. Canalfront home. Priced at
$929,000. Call owner direct at (941) 356-1456.
ISLAND SPECIAL! SELLING Island real estate? Save
big money, Florida Prime Realty LLC offers sellers com-
mission as low as 1.5 percent! Call (941) 778-1098 or
e-mail: floridaprimerealty@gail.com.
4BR/4BA ELEVATED TURNKEY-furnished duplex
with many possibilities. Two short blocks to beach.
Can convert to 1BR/1BA and 3BR/3BA, 2BR/2BA
and 2BR/2BA or 4BR/4BA. $648,500. Call Maria
at Bark & Co. Realty, (941) 778-59.00 or cell (863)
FOR SALE BY OWNER: Duplex, 2BR/1BA each side.
Exclusive north end Anna Maria. Build up for spectacu-
lar view. $835,000. (941) 778-7003.
FOUR TRIPLEXES: $1,200,000. $98,000 annual
income. Call (941) 792-5566.
FOR SALE BY owner: Best value on the Island!
2BR/ 2BA, one-car garage, gourmet kitchen, new
windows, updated baths and more. Two blocks from
beach. $615,000. (941) 778-8677.406 Bay Palms Drive,
Holmes Beach. wbcaudill@verizon.net.
HOLMES BEACH WATERFRONT: Three duplex build-
ings, all feature 2BR/2BA, porch, lanai, garage, dock
and ramp. $799,000 each or package deal for all three.
8005 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. By appointment
only. (941) 778-9691.
BRAND NEWDETACHEDvilla:2BR/2BA, 1,245sf under
air conditioning, plus 1.5-car garage. Only $78/month
maintenance fee. All ages. Pets OK. Heated pool. Great
location. $235,000. Call Bill, (941) 518-9300.
each side, one lanai, secluded street, steps
to beach and downtown. New appliances and
air handlers. Beautiful maintenance-free land-
scaping. Dog-friendly fenced yard. $650,000.
roof, electric, outgoing plumbing. Large yard, good
schools. Tenant would stay, $949/month. $199,000.
(941) 954-4312.
ANNA MARIA LOT: 75-by-116 on sailboat canal.
$725,000. For details, photos, survey and optional
house plans, call Sheryl, (610) 247-9496. Visit http://
FOR SALE BY owner: Open during remodeling. New
paint, inside and out. 2BR/2BA, two-cargarage condo
in Village Green, 1,800-plus sf on small lake on
quiet street. 6813 Seventh Ave.W., Bradenton. 34209.
$299,900. Call Ken, (352) 267-6498, or Lori, (480)
ANNA MARIA 3BR/2BA north-end home. Gulf,
beaches, bay, piers. $595,000. (941) 778-2934.
BRADENTON BEACH: Large 2B/2B condo, elegantly
furnished, heated pool, spa, two private balconies over-
looking beach and Sarasota Bay with private dock. April
15-29. $950/week. (207) 783-8088.
ANNA MARIA: One bedroom beachfront villa, sleeps
four. Full kitchen, heated pool, spa. April 8-15. Gorgeous
sunsets. $1,000/month (207) 783-8088.

HOLMES BEACH: 2BR/2BA beach cottage, 1.5 blocks
to beach. Fully furnished. $550/week. (941) 587-1456.

ANNUAL RENTALS: 1BR/1BA half duplex, upstairs,
with oversized garage. $800/month. Call Betsy Hills
Real Estate, PA., at (941) 778-2291, or e-mail:
Jason @ betsyhills.com.
WATERFRONT SEASONAL: January, March, April.
One, two and three bedrooms available. 1BR
$1,800/month, 2-3BR $3,000/month. Price reduced
after April. 109 13th St. S., Bradenton Beach. (941)

AVAILABLE NOW: Accepting annual and seasonal
leases on select homes at the new Waterside Club.
2BR homes available from $795/month. Make new
friends and join the fun, all community activities and
amenities are available. Waterside Club is a retirement
community in central Bradenton. 3301 Cortez Road
W. Contact Neil Johnson, (941) 756-7068.
ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/1.5BA elevated apartment. Car-
port, washer and dryer, large storage, deck. $850/month.
Fran Maxon Real Estate, (941) 778-2307.
HOUSE: 2BR COMPLETELY furnished in historic
Bradenton Beach village. Half block to beach. Bay,
shopping, restaurants. $2,000/month or $700/week.
(941) 778-4451.
four houses down form beach! Free trolley picks up
at end of block. Available by the week. Adjacent two-
bedroom apartment also available first half of March.
Call (616) 225-1589.
HOLMES BEACH: 1BR/1BA duplex available now
through Easter. $1,500/month. (810) 614-6962. 203
Peacock Lane, Holmes Beach.
condo. Pet OK. $1,200/month annual, or $2,500/month
seasonal. Clean and new. Call (941) 704-7394.
DELUXEWATERFRONT HOME to share. Bedroom with
private bath $1,200/month, without private bath $900.
Mature man or woman, nonsmoker, nondrinker. Maid
service. Furnished north-end home. (941) 779-0088.
on bay, one block to beach.Three-month minimum. 2BR,
$2,000/month. 1 BR $1,500/month. (941) 752-1737.
ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/1BA duplex, one block to beach,
completely remodeled, ground level. $1,150/month. Call
Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066.
ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/1 BA duplex, near community
center, ground level. $1,000/month. Call Island Real
Estate, (941) 778-6066.
ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA single-family home with
carport. Less than one block to beach. Ground level.
$1,100/month. Available March 1,2006. Call Island Real
Estate, (941) 778-6066.
GULFFRONT DUPLEX: Second floor, 2BR/1BA, newly
updated, open floor-plan, 12-by-12 deck. Holmes
Beach, close to shopping, restaurants, lush gardens.
$950week, $3,200/month. (941) 778-0905.
CHARMING 2BR/2BA canal house close to bay. Avail-
able April 1, 2006, for annual rental. (717) 392-4048.
ANNUAL RENTAL: Perico Island large 3BR/2BA home
with two-car garage. Association, pool and tennis courts.
$1,600/month plus utilities. Call An Island Place Realty,
(941) 779-0733.

- - - - - -
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ANNUAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 3BR/2BR home
with boat dock and private yard. Fireplace, washer/
dryer. $1,600/month plus utilities. Call An Island Place
Realty, (941) 779-0733.
ANNUAL RENTAL: Available March 1, 2006. Anna
Maria 2BR/1 BA duplex across from beach. $950/month
plus utilities. (941) 778-7003.
Nice, clean unit. $1300/month. Nonsmoking, clubhouse,
laundry, steps to beach. (941) 779-1112.
LONGBOAT KEY VILLAGE: 2BR/1 BA updated home.
Completely furnished, $2,400/month. Available imme-
diately, Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090.
on bay, one block to beach.Three-month minimum. 2BR,
$2,000/month. 1 BR $1,500/month. (941) 752-1737.
FOR SALE BY OWNER: Beachfront 1 BR/1BA condo.
End unit, fabulous view, heated pool, excellent rental.
$589,000. annamariabeachplace.com. (330) 565-7693.
ANNA MARIA ISLAND beach getaway cabana. Bay
view, updated, large deck, boat slip available. Plnes
Trailer Park, 55-plus. $35,000. (941) 778-4820.
DUPLEX: 2411 Ave. C, Bradenton Beach. Great loca-,
tion. Will consider trade. $690,000. (941) 915-0684...

LONGBOAT KEY: 2BR/2BA villa. Completely fur-
nished. $575,000. (941) 383-5370.

FIVE MINUTES TO BEACH: Perico Island, beautiful;
designer patio home..4BR/3BA, two-car garage. Pool,
private. $535,000. Best value! Agents welcome. (941)
FOR SALE BY OWNER: Duplex, 2BR/2BA each side.
Quiet area, close to beach. Tenants in place. Leave;
message, (941) 755-4445. By appointment only.
BRADENTON:TWO NEW construction properties, meet
hurricane codes, Braden River access. 3BR. Gated
community with recreation center. $559,000 on nature
preserve near golf course. $449,000, maintenance fee
includes marina. Closing bonus. (941) 741-2502;
CEDAR KEY GULF views: 2,000 sf, custom fireplace;.
GoBolt wind protection, wood cabinets, many other
custom features by artisan owners. T. Dolly Young Real
Estate, (941) 773-6581. $795,000.

MANASOTA KEY: One acre +/- direct beachfront with
newer beach home and separate guesthouse. Also
zoned and engineered in progress for five to six condos,
pool and clubhouse. Also OK for private beach club.
Priced under market at $2,500,000. (941) 474-6633.

FED UP WITH overpriced waterfronts here? Try the
pristine blue waters of Lemon bay and the Gulf of
Mexico off the Cape Haze peninsula just a few barrier
islands south of you in the Englewood area. Five deep-
water seawalled bay lots from $529,000. Waterfront
2BR/2BA home $679,000. Owner, (941) 474-6633.

R-4. New roof, carpet, paint, Big yard. $534,900. Edie
Force, Collandra & Company, (941) 920-0129.
FREE VACATION: Purchase this 3BR/2BA two-car
garage updated home. Non-deed restriction. Open
house: 1-3pm Sunday, Feb. 12. 2112 42nd St:W,
Bradenton. We offer rental management, and full ser-
vice selling and buying. Coastal Properties Realty, (941)
794-1515. Suzanne Wilson, broker.
SUNBOW BAY Spacious, turnkey 2BR/2BA condo with
superb water views. Elevator, heated pools, tennis, cov-
ered parking. Includes 14-foot boat at communal dock.
Close to public beach. $462,500. (941) 795-8066.

WATERFRONT FOR SALE by owner: On Braden River,
close to Manatee River with dock. 3BR/2BA, split-plan,
family room, two fireplaces, pool with Jacuzzi, pool cage.
2,400 sf on .46 acres, upgraded, new tile throughout, air
conditioning and duct work, custom kitchen. More details at
owners.com/TPA9932, or call (941) 708-9475. $625,000.
beach. 3BR/2BA. Pool, designer upgrades, granite
counters, new appliances, tile floors, two-story home.
$599,000. Call (941) 447-6278, or view online at
BRIGHT AND AIRY: 2BR/2BA Gulf-view condo in
four-unit building with heated pool. New kitchen,
screened balcony, washer/dryer, new air-conditioning
system.Turnkey ready. wonderful home or great rental.
$650,000. (941) 779-1013.
59 th STREET CANAL home: view of bay, brokers wel-
come.$845,000. (717) 392-4048.

DUPLEX FOR SALE by owner: lovely 2BR/2BA home and
charming 1BR/1 BA; each with private screened porch. Extra
large garage, well landscaped lot large enough for land
condo. Brokers welcome. $799,000. Call (941) 779-0120.
BEACH CONDO FOR sale: Out the front door onto the
beach, incredible views and southern exposure make this
home cheery and pleasant, enjoy breathtaking sunsets year-
round from spacious living room, tender loving care, completely
redone. Everything new, designertumkey ready. Ownerfinanc-
ing available. $941,800. Brokers welcome (717) 392-4048.
VILLAGE GREEN VILLA: 2BR/2BA, two-car garage.
Completely updated. Open Sunday. 6608 12 th Ave. W.,
Bradenton. (941) 448-8502 or (941) 761-2575.
LOT FOR SALE: Holmes Beach. One block to Gulf. 57.75
x 114 feet. Neptune Lane. $569,000. (941) 778-4246.
SUNNY SHORES, 2BR/2BA with carport. Shows like a
model.Two miles to Coquina Beach.View of Palma Sola
Bay. Community boat ramp. Turnkey furnished. No deed
restrictions. Land owned. Perfect winter retreat, seasonal
rental or full time residence. Price reduced to $199,900.
Chard Winheim, Horizon Realty, (941) 713-6743.
A COUNTRY VILLAGE 2BR/2BA end-unit condo. Open
floor plan with vaulted ceilings. Conveniently located
close to shopping, beaches, restaurants and hospital.
Active 55-plus community with beautiful pool and club-
house. Elevator for easy access. Low-cost holiday living!
$184,900. Ask for Nancy, (941) 722- 8551.
BOATERS BEST BUY: 2BR on Palma Sola Bay. Intracoastal
Waterway access. Updated townhome, heated pool and
boat slip. Only $335,000. Call Fred, Real -Estate Mart,
(941) 756-1090.
BELOW MARKET FOR quick sale: Like new, two-
year -old lakefront home. 4BR/3BA, formal dining, huge
kitchen and media room. $495,000. Call Gwen direct,
(941) 720-2548. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090.
KEY ROYALE CANALFRONT home: tastefully remod-
eled inside. Corian kitchen, ceramic tile and Berber
carpet. Pool and spa. Boat dock. Exceptional value at
$929,900. Call owner direct, (941) 356-1456.
LONGBOAT KEYVILLAGE: 3BR/2BA, two-car garage. Huge
new loft addition can be separate guest quarter. $739,900.
Call to see: Fred at Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090.
S$159,000 and $169,000. For handyman. Real Estate
Mart, (941) 756-1090.


DEEP WATER ACCESS in a fully refurbished home with pool, LONGBOAT KEY SLEEPY LAGOON PARK Fabulous RIVER'S RIDGE NW BRADENTON Newer pool home on. ADORABLE 2BR/2BA HOME in absolute move-in condition!
new seawall and large dock Walk to beach or jump in the boat jniotiiruwipi baiv view and located on a deep-water canal. lake, great for entertaining! $635,000. Details and virtual New air conditioning, new roof, new master suite, new flooring.
'ui your hi, dioir Call the waterfront specialist Captain Jeff ri.iq,' inc r:hrmin home now or build your dream home. tour at www.JanetReardon.com or call Janet Reardon at Freshly painted and landscaped. A definite must-see! Reduced
Braaten 941-792-3484. Short walk to the beach. $1,200,000. Details and virtual (941) 962-5611. $219,900. Call Melissarosser, (941) 737-2632.
tour at ww.JarietReardon.com or call Janet Reardon at -
(941) 962-5611.
DEPWTRACS naulyeubse~oeihpol LNBA.KY SEPY LGO AK Fblu IVRSRDEN RONONNwrpo oeo.AORBE2R2AHM nasouemv-ncniin
new eawll nd arg doc. Wlk o bachor jmp n te bat n,:E, lu,:ed vvie andloctedon dep-waer ana, lkegret fo enertinig! 635,00.Detilsandvirtal ew ir ondtioingnewroo, nw mstersuie, ew looing
,:u~pr ,,: i:,:r alteatirntpcilstCpti ef !h,,,,It, :r)m,,; oe o r uldyurdea oe.tura wwJae~aro~cmorcllJnt erdnat Feslpinean ndcpe.dfiiems-seReue
Braaen 41-72-384.. Shrt alkto te bach $1,00,00. etals nd vrtul (41) 62-611 $21,90. Cal Mlisa'P~sse, (41) 37-632
toi" t .aitdadojomo all JaetRaroa

7- 1

CREATE YOUR OWN PARADISE! Across from the sparkling SUPREME LOCATION and quality craftsmanship combined
waters of the Gulf of Mexico rests this enchanting beach for a quality lifestyle and investment. Two land condos with
cottage. Light and bright living area with wrap around 3-4BR/3BA featuring: 2,300 plus sf smart-wired living space,
windowsand Mexicantilethroughout. French doorsfrom master security system,: three vera ndas, crown molding, granite
bedroom lead to private deck. Add a pool with tropical countertops; wood flooring, nine foot ceilings, SS appli-
landscaping for a peaceful garden oasis. Located amongst ances, glass block shower, whirlpool tub, paver-brick drive,
multi-million dollar homes. Build up for unobstructed water tropical landscaping and more. Room for a pool! $849,000.
views. $749,000. Call Liz Codola at (941) 812-3455. Call Liz Codola at (941) 812-3455.
.-.- --7 'i7

TRADEWINDS! 1BR/1 BA Bradenton Beach condo has proven VINTAGE BEACH COTTAGE ideally locate on a quiet street.
rental history! Fully turnkey furnished and recently updated Within steps of the sandy beaches of the Gulf. Relax and enjoy
with island decor tropical complex has true Key West feel! the sparkling view of the water. Tommy Bahama furnishings
Awesome pool overlooks the intracoastal, with private Gulf and beadboard kitchen cabinets enhance the island feeling.
beach access onsite management can't be beat! $369,900. Potential galore for the creative buyer. Build up fora spectacular
Rebecca Samler, Realtor, (941) 737-7955 Direct Line vista of the turquoise sea. Plenty of room to add a.pool for a
tranquil private escape. Best price in the area. Asking $799,000.
Call Liz Codola at (941) 812-3455.

EXTREME MAKEOVER IN VILLAGE GREEN 730613th Ave West. MAXIMUM INCOME FOR OWNER: Condo documents allow for HARBOUR LANDINGS HOME on a deep saltwater canal. Custom ENJOY THE WINTER SEASON WITH A POOL: Beautiful 3BR/2BA
Completely renovated 4BR/3BA with beautiful pool. New granite weekly rentals! Two-unit condo complex has quiet Holmes Beach designedforunobstructedwaterfrontviews.Privatelyowned 38-foot home stylishly decorated, located in Village Green near Manatee
counters, wood cabinets, ceramic tile. New Whirlpool stainless location. Rare3BR/2BAunits,veryspaciousandturnkey-furnished! dock, with 10,0001b lift, and electric. Heated pool and spa, with built Avenue West and 75th St. Only minutes to the beaches. $3,000
steel appliances. Roof and pool cage new in 2004. $475,000. Brand new pool is great bonus! Check'em out! $579,000 each unit. in gas BBQ area. Many upgrades! View at www.SharonVillars.com per month or call for weekly rate. Call Judy Karkhoff, Property
Please call Martha Marlar, Owner Agent at 941-758-7777. Rebecca Samler, Realtor. (941) 737-7955, direct line. (941) 920-0669. Offered at $1,800,000. Management at 941-778-7777 or 866-266-9911 toll-free.
-.-.. . .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- -

THE ISLANDER M FEB. 8, 2006 U B-19

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2BR/2BA. Turnkey furnished. Close to Island beaches.
Heated pool, tennis, clubhouse/fitness room. Carport.
Short drive to shopping and restaurants. $359,900.
3BR/2BA home. Ceramic tile, breakfast bar, backyard
with pavers, room for pool. Fence, new dock. Direct
access to bay. $899,900.
1BR/1.5BA Seaside Beach House condo. Turnkey fur-
nished. Sautillo tile. Gorgeous view of the Gulf. Beau-
tiful beach. Excellent rental. $799,900.
1BR/1BA Turnkey-furnished villa. Heated pool, steps
to deeded white sandy beach access. Rental program
in place on-site manager. Small pet. $375,000.
3BR/2BA. Turnkey furnished condo. Views of Gulf.
Tennis, heated pool, beautiful beach. Excellent rental
with liberal rental policy. $997,500.
2BR/2BA condo. Bright corner unit. Close to pool.
Ceramic tile, shutters, glass enclosed lanai. Near bank,
doctors, shopping and restaurants. $369,900.
2BR/2BA Turnkey furnished corner unit. Gulf view.
Secured entry, pool, tennis. Beautiful white sand
beach. Close to shopping and restaurants. $729,900.
3BR/2.5BA. Updated home just steps to prime beach.
Split-plan, Corian, new windows, baths and kitchen.
Large, heated, caged pool. $1,299,000.
Two adjacent North Point Harbour homes. Deep
water, community pool, tennis. A. 2BR/2BA. B.
4BR/3BA. Both houses, $2,400,000.
2BR/2A Gulffront condo. Turnkey furnished. Updated.
ceramic tile. Excellent mid-Island location. Pool,
secured lobby, under-building parking. $995,000.
3BR/2.5BA and 1BR/1BA guest house. One of
Anna Maria's finest beaches. Furnished, vaulted ceiling.
French doors, fireplace, garage. $3,650,000.
4BR/2BA, turnkey-furnished, beautifully designed
home. Open plan, vaulted ceiling, breakfast bar, eat-in
kitchen. Bamboo flooring, elevator, private setting near
beach. Four-car garage. $1,350,000.
4BR/3BA with 250 feet ofwaterfront. Custom kitchen,
ceramic tile. Master suite with fireplace and Jacuzzi,
heated pool, lush landscaping. Two docks, davits, sprin-
klers, well, oversize two-car garage. $1,875,000.
3BR/2BA, turnkey-furnished condo on beautiful walk-
-ing beach. Open plan, breakfast bar, walk-in closets,
elevator. Small per. $1,999,000.
4BR/3BA. Miles of beautiful walking beach. Gulf side
deck and gazebo. Riparian rights. View of Gulf, bay,
Egmont Key and Skyway bridge. $2,650,000.

From $700 / month
Condos/Homes: $500 week / $1,000 month
779-0202 (800) 732-6434

.MLS nast
Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive
Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com

lC 20-B 0 FEB. 8, 2006 N THE ISLANDER

- v 14"-






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B onig PNo$e horme Siar 1939

2217 GULF DR. N.
(941) 778-2246
(800) 211-2323
e-mail: ami@wagnerrealty.com
Nam. _i i

N o r --- -- .. U


T1 eek

CLUB Panoramic Gulf views
t S_ ', ._' from this fully furnished
r i i- 2BR/2BA top floor, open
_1 ;_ i. ., __ :..-; r:'S .!;'.8 plan condo.Well-maintained,
heated pool, secured eleva-
tor, covered parking. Dave
S -.- Moynihan. (9411 778-2246.

each. A.2BR/IBA cohage with a 1BR/1BA from this 2BRi2BA end unit. Offered turnkey- waterfront sertng. 2BR/2BA plus family room unit with fabulous views of Gulf. 2BR/1BA Speciacular view of docks and bay Sit.on
bungalow.'Live in one and.rent the olher furnished with heated pool, deep-waver and 2BR/IBA currently leased Located In condo in a well maintained T0-unit complex your deck or in your living room and watch
or, rent both. Anne Miler, (941) 778-2216. dockage and sleps to beach.Weekly rentals quiet area ol Island. Canal with dockage, in quite area of Holmes Beach. Healed reaction. Dolphins playingandwater sports.
4518824.$825,000. ok.DaveMoynihan.(9411778-2246 #521559. Dave Moynihan (941) 778-2246. 1#518143. pool. Near restaurants Dave Moynihan Relax! Joan Oliszewski. (941) 761-3100.
S-- $799,900. $799.500. (941) 778-2246. f516964. $635.000. 4520927. $560.000.

views from inis 2BR/2BA top floor end
unit. Complex offers healeo pool, tennis.
beach access rental office. Kalny Tobin.
(941)?78-2246. #518578. $469,500.
_ : ,-,,'

Beautifully updated kitchen, lurnkey-fur-
nished, private walk to beach. Largest heated
pool on Island, tennis courts, exercise room
James R. Zoff. (941) 778-2246. #520878.

condo, view sunsets and nesting birds over
the lagoon. Private dock for your boat.
Located minutes from the Gull Joe CorDo
(941) 778-2246. #513320 $434,000.

i-- p

RIVERFRONTCONDOThistopfloor end unit
has a nver view! Carpon. neater pool. tennis.
glass-In balcony, near marina, shopping.
churches. Becky Smitn or Eiii Siarrect.
(941) 778-2246 #521375.$295.000

condo with dock. 2BR/2BA approximately
1500s siverlooking lake and fountain. Minutes
to beaches. New carpet, ile and appliances.
Turnkey-turnisned. Heated pool, Jacuzzi. Lisa
Anthony. (941) 727-2800. #521436. $274,900

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