Section A: Main
 Section A: Main: Opinion
 Section A: Main continued
 Section B
 Section B: Islander Classified...
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00074389/00054
 Material Information
Title: Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Uniform Title: Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Creator: Islander
Publisher: Bonner Joy
Publication Date: January 11, 2006
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Manatee -- Anna Maria
Coordinates: 27.530278 x -82.734444 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
System ID: UF00074389:00054

Table of Contents
    Section A: Main
        page 1
        page 2
        page 3
        page 4
        page 5
    Section A: Main: Opinion
        page 6
    Section A: Main continued
        page 7
        page 8
        page 9
        page 10
        page 11
        page 12
        page 13
        page 14
        page 15
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        page 17
        page 18
        page 19
        page 20
    Section B
        page 1
        page 2
        page 3
        page 4
        page 5
        page 6
        page 7
        page 8
        page 9
        page 10
    Section B: Islander Classifieds
        page 11
        page 12
        page 13
        page 14
        page 15
        page 16
Full Text

Skimming the news ... Anna Maria Island map, page 10.

Anna Maria


-IS Umom

I s la n d eBasketball shots, page 4-B.

"The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992"


Volume 14, No. 10 Jan. 11,2006 FREE

Holiday week flat for some, but outlook strong

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
It was the season to be not so jolly for a number
of Island retail store and accommodation owners from
Christmas through New Year's.
Some retail stores reported holiday sales were
well below previous years and Island accommodation
owners said Christmas week occupancy while gen-
erally good failed to meet last year's levels. Restau-
rant owners, however, reported that people were still
eating out for Christmas.
Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce execu-

An evening fire in Bradenton Beach Dec. 22 has
been classed by firefighters as arson.
West Manatee Fire & Rescue Deputy Fire Marshal
Kurt Lathrop said the blaze was a "set, intentional fire
and is under investigation." The fire was in a duplex at
100 Seventh St. S.
Lathrop said damage estimates were placed at
$10,000, but smoke damage could cause the final total
to be much higher.

tive director Mary Ann Brockman said she's been get-
ting mixed signals from retail store members.
"Some stores did very well, while others reported
that sales were off. Overall, the Christmas week did not
seem as strong as previous years," Brockman said.
Signa Bouziane of Mr. Roberts Resort Wear in
the S&S Shopping Plaza in Holmes Beach, one of
the Island's oldest retail clothing establishments, said
Christmas week was "very slow. We were ready for the
shoppers but they didn't come. Business was well off
from past years and I don't know why."
Shoppers appear to be buying more online or

Terrier trail
Leandra Lirle and husband Steve Weinberg of New Jersey nilk tdhir six Norwich terriers along South Drive in
Anna Maria while visiting city resident David McGough. Thel are in 4e area for t1 ral dog shows, the Sara-Ba
Kennel Club and Manatee Kennel'Club shows in Sarasota and the \ivcikindl KC/Eukanuba show in Tampa. They
will be showing Little by Littlefield, third from the left. Islander Photo: Courtesy David McGough

Hold that bridge, at least for a few months

Islanders and Longboat Key residents expecting
that the U.S. Coast Guard this month would change
the bridge opening times for the two bridges con-
necting Anna Maria Island to the mainland from
every 20 minutes to half-hour openings have got a
"longer wait".coming.
Manatee-Sarasota Metropolitan Planning Orga-
nization Director Mike Howe said he was informed
by the Coast Guard last week that because of some
opposition to the proposal from area boaters, the.
USCG has determined that a public hearing on the

issue 'is warranted.
Because of the lengthy advertising process,
said Howe, the earliest meeting isn't likely until
-After that, he said, "government is slow and we
will have to wait until all the right steps are taken. We
may not see any implementation until April, May or
In other words, said Howe, the bridges will
open every 20 minutes on demand for yet: another
tourist season.

No. one was present in the rental duplex when the
fire started, and no one was hurt. The fire began in a
downstairs unit and the upstairs apartment sustained
smoke damage.
Lathrop.said the duplex owner is Ryan Snyder.
Lathrop added that the fire did not appear to be
related to five other suspicious fires that were set
on Thanksgiving morning in Bradenton Beach and
Cortez. .

giving gift cards, she said, and Islanders and winter
visitors were heading inland to the large discount stores
for the Christmas deals. If Islanders are going "off-
Island" for retail shopping, that could spell bad news
for the Island's retail stores.
"It's a concern when you sit here stocked with a
store full of clothes for Christmas sales and people
don't show up," Bouziane observed.
But there is some good news on the horizon.
"Strangely, sales for early January have picked


Woman charged with

roommate's murder
On woman was found dead and another charged
with murder in Cortez Jan. 2.
Mimi Pace, 42, of 3707 115th St. Ct. W., was found
by Manatee County Sheriff's
Office deputies on the floor .
of a mobile home she was
moving into \\ith her boy-
friend, Scott Conklin.
Tammy Lynn George, 44,
had allowed the pair to move
in with her in the Sunny Shores
According to deputies,
the two women had an
argument that morning, and Gteore
George stabbed Pace, who was
declared dead at the scene b% paramedics. George was
arrested and charged with murder.
Neighbors told deputies that the\ believed George
and Pace had both been involved in drue-related acti\ i-
Conklin said George admitted to killing Pace. and
neighbors outside the mobile home concurred as to
hearing her confession. She is being held \\ thout bond
atthe Manatee County Jail.
Pace had had numerous charges filed against her
for drug and domestic violations in the past few years,
and %\ as arrested forhaving drugs and paraphernalia by
Florida Highway Patrol troopers Nov. 11, 2005.--
George had been:arrested Dec. 23, 2005, on
domestic violence charges against her boyfriend.
Pace's death was the first in Manatee County in

Privateers Thieves

Market'due at

Coquina Beach
The Anna Maria Island Privateers will have "a
bit of everything" for sale at its "Thie\ es Market"
from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Jan. 14 at Coquina Beach,
said a spokesperson.
The event will be near the small pavilion, and
will benefit the civic organization's scholarship
program. Last year some $12,000 in scholarships
was distributed among students.
Largest is the annual Whitey Horton scholar-
ship for $3,000. The others range from $500 to
To sell items or participate in the market,
contact Michelle Delibert at (727) 827-5444, or
e-mail her at michelle.delibert@verizon.net, or
call Connie Brannon, (941) 778-1512.

Fire intentionally set in Bradenton Beach

2-A M JAN. 11, 2006 M THE ISLANDER

DOT plans to pay for Key Royale Bridge in two years

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Holmes Beach residents and city officials can
breathe a little easier about getting paid back for con-
struction of the Key Royale Bridge, slated to begin
within the next few months.
The Florida Department of Transportation
announced its tentative five-year work program in late
December and placed $2.95 million for construction of
the bridge in its 2007-08 budget. But remember, that's
only tentative.
The city has agreed to borrow the funds for con-
struction of the bridge now at 2005-06 prices in return
for a contract with DOT for repayment in a future
budget. If DOT follows through with its "tentative" pro-
gram, the city will get its money back in two years and
would only be liable for the two years' interest on the
construction loan.
But "tentative" means the money has not been for-
mally approved in the DOT's 2007-08 budget.
Mayor Carol Whitmore, however, said she had no
problems with the "tentative" plan.
"We're locked in for repayment in the 2007-08
budget. We have a contract with DOT," she said.
Still, based upon its history of agreeing "tenta-
tively" to fund a new Key Royale Bridge in a particular
budget, then withdrawing that pledge, Whitmore had to
agree that "tentative" is not a 100-percent guarantee.
"I'm 99 percent positive we'll get our money back
that year," she responded.
The DOT has been promising to build a new Key
Royale Bridge since 1995.
In other good news for Anna Maria Island,
Bradenton Beach residents should be enjoying a DOT
bonus starting in the 2006-07 budget cycle.
The DOT has "tentatively" placed $261,000 in its
2006-07 budget for enhancement of State Road 789
in Bradenton Beach along with $287,000 in the same
budget for the city's bicycle path.
The city also scored well in the 2006-07 "tentative"
budget with $11,500 for S.R. 789 landscaping.
The entire Island will come in for $300,000 worth

Royale flush
Construction of a new Key Royale Bridge should begin within the next few months and the Florida Department of
Transportation has "tentatively" pledged $2.95 million in its 2007-08 budget to return to Holmes Beach, which
is borrowing the money to get the project under way. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin

of landscaping of state roads in the same budget cycle
if the DOT follows through with its proposed five-year

In addition, the DOT said it would replace the traf-
fic lights on state roads in Holmes Beach during the
five-year plan.

Mayor Whitmore gets USA Today mention

Holmes Beach Mayor Carol Whitmore was men-
tioned in a recent issue of USA Today in a story on how
many municipalities across America are consolidating
services and governments to save money.
Whitmore was quoted as saying "It doesn't make

any sense for a 7-mile stretch of beach to have three
Holmes Beach and Bradenton Beach plan on meet-
ing in the near future to discuss consolidation of ser-
vices. Anna Maria opted out of any talks.

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THE ISLANDER JAN. 11. 2006 0 A-3

Whitmore wants equipment storage elsewhere
By Rick Catlin against any proposal to store Goodloe Marine's pipes neers asking that Goodloe store its equipment else-
Islander Reporter and equipment at Manatee Public Beach which is where, rather than take up a large number of parking
With the emergency beach renourishment project owned by Manatee County until the project resumes spaces used by beachgoers at the popular beach.
stalled for the winter tourist season, Holmes Beach in the spring. Holmes Beach has "thousands of visitors a week
Mayor Carol Whitmore has gone on the offensive She's sent a letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engi- on Manatee Public Beach during the season," said
Whitmore, and storing the equipment there would not
only take up valuable parking spaces for visitors but
"could pose a safety issue."
Whitmore contended there are a number of other
areas locally where the equipment could be stored with-
out causing a major inconvenience to the city's tour-
ist season. Those areas could include unused areas of
'Coquina Beach or the Palma Sola Causeway,
As of Jan. 6, the Corps had not yet made a decision
on when the project would resume, but has announced
a suspension of work until either April 1 or May 1.
-. Goodloe's pipes and equipment have remained
strung along the beach south of the Manatee Public
'. -*- Beach since the work stopped prior to Christmas and
Shave not yet been moved, apparently pending a deci-
sion on a storage site.

Brandy Booth is the new administrative assistant at the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce. Islander
Photo: Rick Catlin

Fine Island Brandy

at chamber
Island resident Brandy Booth assumed her new
position last week as administrative assistant at the
Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce.
Prior to taking up her new post, Booth was in office
management with a retail company in Sarasota.
Her new duties include maintaining the chamber's
Internet and computer programs, dealing with the many
e-mail enquries the chamber receives daily, publish-
ing the chamber newsletter, keeping track of chamber
members and accounts and marketing to individual
Booth has degrees in both marketing and fashion
rlci;m and n ha l-livd on Anna Maria Island for six

be sold out for February and March," he predicted. UOS .
Holiday season flat Marge Moran of the Club Bamboo Resort on Gulf years
"It's a great place to.live and now 1 get to work on
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Drive in Bradenton Beach also sees reservations pick- the Island" she said "What could be better?"
iing up after a lackluster Christmas. Booth lives in Bradenton Beach with her son.
up, thankfully. We're hoping the trend continues." said \While Christmas week visitors to Club Bamboo hto.
Bouziane. n ere better than expected three weeks ago, "it was still
Ginn\ Dutton, \ ho with her sister owns Ginny and slow." she said.
Jane E's Antiques and Art \ itli oes at 5602 Marina "ButI'm getting alot of reservations for late JaInu- M
Drive in Holmes Beach and 9807 Gulf Drive in Anna ary and February, March and April. The long-term out- eet n g
laria. said business was "OK," but "nothing like previ- look for the season is looking better and Ihope it keeps
ous Chnistnas week's. up for everyone on the Island."
"We seem to be missing a lot of foot traffic, a lot If restaurant sales are-any indication, Island Anna Maria City
of walk-in customers. It's strange. There's no red tide retail and accommodation owners can expect a solid Jan 12.7 p.m city conunisson meeting. Agenda: Dis-
and no hurricanes, so I wonder if the Island has priced winter season. cussioonon coastal overla\ district and .selection of legal
itself out of the market." "Our business was up" for Christmas week com-.; firm for second opinion on the proposed ordinance,
She thought some accommodation owners had to pared % illi last year, said Damon Presswood of Ooh, re\ ie\ of qnin ordinance, site plan extension request
raise their rates to meet their ever-increasing tax bills, La Lal Bistro in the Island Shopping Center in Holmes by the Anna laria Island Community Center, village
an idea that Sabrina Musil-Buehler ofHaley's Motel at Beach. .reimbursement adjustment, line of credit agreement.
8 102 Gulf Drive in Holmes Beach did not discount. And we've had an increase in customers since New fence amendment ordinance and public conunent.
She's had to increase her rates to meet her 2005 Year's. So far, the season is a bit better thanlast year." Jan. 18. 6:45 p.m., environmental education and
tax bill, which jumped 55 percent from the previous Restaurateur Ed Chiles, owner of the Sandbar res- enhancement committee meeting.
year. However, there's a limit on how high a room rate taurant in Anna Maria, the BeachHouse in Bradenton .Ania MAira Cir Hall,
can go. Beach and the Mar Vista on Longboat Key, said the 10005 Gulf Drive, 708-6130.
"Christmas week wasn't too bad, but overall, book- excellent \ earlier during Christmas week helped keep
ings weren't as good as past years," she said. all three restaurants busy. Bradenton Beach .
But starting Jan. 2, visitorss and reservations at Hal- "That week was real solid for us." said Chiles. "It Jan. 11, 2 p.m., city commission work meeting.
ey's began coming in at a steady pace. was about as good as last year and last year \\ as excel- Jan. 19, 1 p.m., city commission meeting.
"We're starting to fill up, but we need 100 percent lent. Good weather was the key and \\ith the weather Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 GulfDrive N.,
occupancy for the next three months just to meet the holding, all three restaurants are still doing \ ell for 778-1005.
tax bill for last year." early January."
She said at the end of this winter season, she After the slow start to December. Chiles \\as Holmes Beach
and husband Tom will have to make a decision glad to see business pick up that \\eek. "It helped Jan. 18, 5 p.m., parks and beautification committee
based upon the winter season on whether or not us pay some bills and with good weatherr we'll meeting.
to sell the property for condominiums or try and stay strong." Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive,
make it through another season and hope for some If the trend continues, Chiles expects all three oper- 0- 5800.
tax relief. nations to be extremely busy from February 1 to the end
Island accommodation owners can't keep raising of the season, which is late this ear as Easter arri\ es Of interest
rates to keep up with rising taxes. in mid-April. Jan. 11. 11 a.m.. Island Emergency Operations Center
"If our tax bill goes up 55 percent, you can't raise And itlAooks like the trend will continue; said meeting. Fire Station No. 1, 6001 Marina Drive,
your room rate.55 percent and hope to have anybody Brockman. Holmes Beach
stay with you," she observed.: On Tuesday, Jan. 3, the day the chamber reopened Jan. 18. 3:30 p.m., Island Transportation Planning
At the White Sands Resort on Gulf Drive in after the New Year holidays, there were 765 e-iiail'- Organization meeting, Anna Maria City Hall.
Holmes Beach, Jeff Gerry agreed that this past Christ- inquiries about the Island and 105 people walked in the; Ja Ja.18, 7 p.-m, Coalition of Barrier Island Elected Offi-
mas season was not what it usually is. door asking for information about Island accommoda- cials, meeting. Bradenton Beach City Hall.
"We.were at 90 percent occupancy, but normally tions, restaurants and shops.: ,
we'd be 100 percent booked that week," he said. "I think the season may have started slow, but Holiday closures
Advance reservations, however, might indicate the we're staring to get a lot of people e-mailing us and The City of Anna Maria offices will be closed Monday,
Island could still have a solid winter season. coming in for information. Tiat-a gooed sign"i eon-"- Jarr.w4i6, in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King
"We're picking up for the rest of Januarn and should cluced Brockman. Jr. holiday.

4-A M JAN. 11, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER

Mother Nature unsure of bayside beach

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Mother Nature can't seem to make up her mind
about the beach along North Shore Drive in Anna
Maria from the Rod & Reel Pier to the northern trip at
Bean Point.
Four years ago, the beach had nearly disappeared
and waves at high tide regularly breached the seawalls
in front of many residences along the east side of North
Shore Drive.
That prompted a number of concerns from resi-
dents and got Mayor SueLynn to get the city commis-
sion to agree in December 2003 to hire marine scientist
Dr. Robert Dean from the University of Florida to do a
study of beach erosion in the area.
But Mother Nature pulled a few more surprises.
The beach sand in this area of the city returned for
a short period during the spring of 2004, then nearly
disappeared completely following Hurricane Dennis in
July 2005 and a few other hurricanes that passed near
the Island.
That disappearance prompted a renewed call for
Dean to complete his study and concerned residents
asked the mayor to look into potential grants for beach
renourishment in that area.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protec-

Mother Nature
Today, that same area from
the Rod & Reel Pier north
along the shore to Bean
Point has seen a resurgence '
of beach area. A photo
taken at high tide last week
shows sand has returned in
front of several homes along
the shore. Islander Photo:
Rick Catlin

Fickle beach
Just 18 months ago, waves at high tide along Anna Maria's east shore just off North Shore Drive lapped
over the seawall at many residences in the area and many homeowners were concerned about beach erosion.
Islander Photo: Rick Catlin

tion then became involved in determining if the city's
bayside beaches are considered "critically eroded" and
thus eligible for a state grant for renourishment or other

j. M.,
.:. '*T^

- '' -

beach-saving measures.
But both the mayor and the DEP are anxiously
awaiting the results of Dean's two-year study because
his conclusions carry significant weight when the DEP
decides to award a grant for erosion control.
The problem with erosion on the bayfront is that
the area is not considered part of the Gulf of Mexico,
according to Nancy Sloko of the DEP. As a result, that
beach is technically not eligible for renourishment with
federal and state funds, although the DEP did approve
renourishment for a similar beach in Pensacola several
years ago.
Sloko did tell the mayor that documents discovered
by the DEP last summer may prove the city's east coast
line is actually considered part of the Gulf of Mexico.
SueLynn said she's expecting Dean's final report in
the near future and will meet with Sloko and other DEP
representatives to review that report and its conclusions

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The Islander
Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217
941 778-7978 *Web: iSlander.org e-mail: news@islander.org

- i.


TIE ISLANDER M JAN. 11, 2006 M A-5

By Diana Bogan
Islander Reporter
Diane Beck reported her Kia
Sportage stolen Jan. 4 from her home in
the 4100 block of Holmes Beach.
According to the report, Beck's son
Daniel McGrath was driving the Kia and
stopped home to change clothes, leaving
his friend, Kevin McCants, waiting in
the car. When McGrath went back out-
side, he discovered McCants had driven
away with the car.
McCants did not have permission
to take the car and later when he called
to say he would be returning the car,
McGrath notified police. McCants asked
McGrath to meet him at the Circle K,
but later changed the location to Via
Roma motel, but instead of McGrath,
Island officers waited in various loca-
tions along the route to the Island.
The 17-year-old suspect was seen
driving the stolen vehicle in the 700 block
of Gulf Drive, and police officers report-
edly pulled their cars in front of. and
behind the vehicle, at which time McCants
drove over a lawn and around a patrol car,

turned north on Gulf Drive and acceler-
ated with the police in pursuit.
The chase continued north to East
Bay Drive, turned east on Manatee
Avenue and continued onto the cause-
way toward Bradenton at high speeds.
Manatee County Sheriff's Office
deputies were waiting at 75th Street
and Manatee Avenue where they had
blocked traffic and placed stop sticks on
the ground.
But McCants avoided the road block
and the pursuit continued east on Man-
atee Avenue with the suspect running
numerous lights before he turned south,
eventually sliding into the front yard of
a residence in the 2900 block of 22nd
Street West.
According to the report, McCants
bailed out on foot, jumped a fence and
ran into a residence. A K-9 unit was
used to apprehend him.
He was charged with grand theft
auto, felony fleeing to elude and driv-
ing without a license. He also had active
Manatee County warrants and was taken
to the juvenile detention center.

Police chase young

car thief, stolen car


-. ----,-rMf


Nude.triggered ban lifted,

art sought

By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
A ban against art displays in Mana-
tee County public libraries, imposed after
nude portraits were hung at the Island
Branch Library, has been rescinded and
art works are being actively sought
The prohibition was imposed by the
county system in the fall of 2004 when
someone complained about nudes by
artist Ginger White at the Island library.
They were exhibited on the wall that
leads to the children's area, .the com-
plainant said.
Artists generally objected to losing
a venue where their works could be seen
by the public. Island artist Woody Can-
dish, for one, had expressed disappoint-
ment-that everyone was prohibited from
displaying art because of one incident.
Without referring to the prohibition,
the library system announced that a "dis-
play policy has been approved, and that
during the month .of January we will be
soliciting exhibits for display from Feb-
ruary through June 2006."
John Van Berkel of the Central
Library refused to comment or provide
background, saying he didn't want to
"rehash the whole thing, with our new
policy we are moving beyond it."
Island Branch Librarian Ava Ehde
noted the whole mess started before she
took over the librarian position.
The library system's announcement
said "items that will be considered for

Beach changes

when it's available.
Sloko is then expected to 'have a
definitive answer on whether or not that
section of city coastline is part of the
Gulf of Mexico or greater Tampa Bay.
In the meantime, however, Mother
Nature has done something that's not so
strange to many longtime Anna Maria
The.'beach along the b.ayside -of the.'- -

exhibition must be owned or have been
produced by a Manatee County resident
or entity, or deemed by the county to
be relevant in some way to the history,
industry, culture or geography of Mana-
tee County."
Those interested in offering material
for display must fill out a ':loaned mate-
rials display ofcfi" form available at a
library or downloaded from the library's
Web site, www.co.manatee.fl.us/library/

grants offered
The Sarasota Bay Estuary
Program is accepting applications
for 2006 Bay Partnership Grants.
Purpose of the Bay Partners
Grant program is to promote envi-
ronmental education, awareness
and stewardship and to improve
the overall quality of Sarasota Bay
and its tributaries, according to
bay program officials. Businesses,
non-profit organizations, schools,
academic institutions and civic
organizations located in Sarasota
and Manatee counties within the
Sarasota Bay watershed are eligi-
ble for the $3,000 grants. Applica-
tion deadline is Jan. 18.
Grant applications are avail-
able by calling Julia Burch at
955-8085 or via e-mail at
julia@ sarasotabay.org.

city appears to be making a comeback.
A check at one high tide last week
found 10 to 15 feet of beach sand
between the seawall and water in front
of some houses in the concerned area.
Many longtime city residents such
as Tom Turner of North Shore Drive
have said the beach in this area continu-
ally comes and goes.
Indeed, an aerial photograph of
Bean Point and the city's east cost taken
in 1983 shows about 20 feet of beach
stretching out on the shore, along North
'Shore. Drive ..' .'. .

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6-A U JAN. 11, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER


Good for Bradenton Beach
A little "bloating" is common after the food-filled
holidays. It's usually a minor annoyance. In the case of
Bradenton Beach, though, post-holiday expansion is a
good thing.
The city is requesting an expansion of its boundaries
to encompass some of the waters of Anna Maria Sound
and the Gulf of Mexico. The city limits currently end
at the water's edge; the expansion would run out to the
Intracoastal Waterway in the bay and 500 feet into the
The hope is that by having police authority in the
near-shore waters, a better handle on errant boaters can
be achieved.
Beyond the law enforcement aspect, the city also
wants to have a greater authority over the burgeoning
mooring field just south of the city pier off Bridge Street.
That area has become a haven for a score or so of boats,
many of them causing problems in the form of illegal
dumping of waste tanks and detrimental environmental
impacts to seagrasses and other marine life.
It's not all the boats, of course, but a few that cause
the issues. City officials hope that by regulating the moor-
ings through as-yet-undetermined means that the area can
become a proper safe haven for boaters, and is working
with consultants to define the parameters of the process
and its implementation.
Unfortunately, Bradenton Beach's anchorage has
become home to many of the boaters who were driven
from other anchorages in the area, most notably the area
south of Marina Jack restaurant in Sarasota. After more
than 15 years of debate, our neighbors to the south began
to crack down on what had evolved into a floating home-
less camp about a year ago.
It was so bad there that two sailors of sorts -
lived in a huge packing crate that was jammed onto the
bay bottom and camouflaged to look like a boat, complete
with a tree limb for a mast.
Law enforcement officers in Sarasota told boaters
there they had to get out unless they had safe lines
anchoring their vessels to the bottom, and functioning
holding tanks for waste. Those that couldn't comply were
told to leave. They left and some then anchored at
Bradenton Beach.
The boundary.expansion is the first, and arguably
most crucial, step in the process. It's not quick or easy
it will take state approval from the Florida Legislature
and the governor, plus voter approval to change the city's
charter, which delineates the boundaries of the city but
it's an important step.
The alternative to this form of growth could well be
an expansion of a whole new generation of citizens with
a whole new definition of "waterfront living."

The Islander
JAN. 11, 2006 Vol. 14, No. 10
_V Publisher and Editor
Bonner Joy, .bonner@islander.org
V Editorial
Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org
Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org
Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org
Jack Egan
Jack Elka
Jim Hanson
S Contributors
'. C i ,. kevin@islander.org
Jesse Brisson
David Futch
Robert Noble
Carrie Price
J:L. Robertson
V Advertising Sales
Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org
V Office Manager
Connie Brannon, connie@islander.org
V Production Graphics
Kelly McCormick, ads@islander.org
Lisa Williams, lisa@islander.org
V Distribution
Urbane Bouchet
Ross Roberts
Lisa Williams
(All others: news@islander.org)

^^C, 1993-04
if kmiard inning _

Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each.
1992-2005 Editorial, sales and production offices:
Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive
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.; '...... ...... EB,.,SITE:,islnde.9rag78-939, PO 9 ,41 i,79.8 ,
*_: FAX 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978

SLICK Bradenton Beach Circa'Y6 2006 By Egan
/ io

A.^;!feM^^^g ;^^;^^I. g

Challenge thanks
from Center director
On behalf of the Board of Directors, staff, volun-
teers and participants, our heartfelt thanks to every-
one who accepted the Lesters' and The Islander's chal-
lenge and supported the Anna Maria Island Commu-
nity Center's endowment fund.
A very special thank you to Chuck and Joey Lester
for their leadership, inspiration and financial support
making the Center's endowment trust a reality, and to
Bonner Joy for co-sponsoring the challenge since its
inception and being instrumental in spreading the word
and helping raise the much-needed funds.
As a not-for-profit entity, the Center is always chal-
lenged to raise the funds needed to meet the human
service and recreation needs of our Island commu-
nity. Please know that your support and gifts are well
invested. The-interest from the endowment trust helps
sustain and grow the youth development and adult/
senior programs and your gifts to this fund are a perma-
nent legacy which, when fully matured, will contribute
to the financial stability of the Center's programs and
Thank you for caring and for investment in our
community. It is only by the personal commitment of
ah a inrlividual resirlnt that nnr TWlandrl community wi ;ll

museum, but it's not about whether it's a good
idea it is, and it will be a great asset provid-
ing many local educational and student teamwork
benefits as well as showcase Cortez nationally
- it's the location that is in question. There has
already been substantial taxpayer dollars invested
in buying the schoolhouse site and in the extensive
building renovations. And to preserve the area's
seafaring culture, a special historical overlay dis-
trict was enacted by Manatee County. To change
locations now would put the museum well outside
this historical district and cost perhaps $14 for the
Seafood Shack purchase and tens of millions more
for road and facility improvements.
Where do we draw.the line for spending tax-
payer money on this single FISH endeavor? The
museum's director is a paid county employee and
has a paid assistant. The museum's Web site is
also provided at taxpayer cost and hosted on the
county's site. I'm sure other area nonprofit orga-
nizations would love to have Manatee County-
funded staff and Internet support..
SThe schoolhouse site is the best location for the,
museum with many advantages if only our commis-
sioners would think it through.
Joseph Curley, Cortez

develop its best potential. In helping others, you shall Have your say:
help yourself, for what good you do for others comes Here's our letters policy
back to you. The Islander welcomes and encourages your opin-
Pierrette Kelly, Center executive director ion letters.
The Islander accepts original letters of up to 250
Kill the Shack, words and reserves the right to edit for length and
according to one Cortezian grammar.
Manatee County commissioners are attempting to Letters must include the city you reside in for pub-
fast-track the purchase of the Seafood Shack and make it location and a phone number (for verification only).
the new home of the Florida Institute for Saltwater Heri- Anonymous letters will not be printed. All letters to the
tage Maritime Museum and a public boat ramp, while editor remain on file at The Islander and available to
directly ignoring public concerns on the project. the public.
The idea of constructing a public boat ramp that Letters are published on a space-available basis
will direct towed-vehicle traffic on inadequate narrow with regard to timeliness of the material. Writers are
residential streets is not smart thinking, and no amount limited to one published letter per month.
of roadway improvements could remedy the dangerous Address letters to Editor, The Islander, 5404
situation the rampwls create.. e is the mart.....me. ...., a .,Drio m:,Beacl j.',L s,.
The second part of tlie issue is the mari-ti-me '941f177 6'&-7h or mail to news@'Lsandier.org, .

TIHE ISLANDER M JAN. 11. 2006 m A-7

yJway Vyou
slice it...
it's taloneyv
By former Holmes Beach City
Commissioner Don Maloney

Be it NOT resolved....
It's a few days late, I know, to get my 2006 New
Year's resolutions together, but I wanted to give them
some special thought this year. And, that thought finally
arrived and is, indeed, very special:
I'm only going to resolve what I WON'T do in
2006 rather that come up with the usual positive prom-
ises that I have never kept in the past.
Like "diet" will not appear on my 2006 list. When it
was on dozens of lists in past years, in just the first few
months of those years I figure I lost a total of 486 pounds.
However, in all the following few months, I gained a total
of 564 pounds. So, no 2006 diet resolution.
And I'm resolving NOT to go to the City of Anna
Maria this year. For one thing, if our Holmes Beach
mayor gets her wish to charge their citizens for using
her roads, they will certainly want to sue us when we're
using theirs. Besides, I have not kept up with their park-
ing laws, and who knows how much the sheriff will
ticket me for parking on the wrong sides of even the
right streets? That might not be a risk until the sheriff
himself understands those laws, but why take a chance?
Plus, I've sneaked through stop signs before and I want
to avoid paying their $118.50 fine for such criminal
acts. Also who knows where their new cell tower may
fall down if it ever goes up?
Another resolution: No way will I run for city com-
mission again. They've had the guts to already run a
couple of meetings without me and incredibly, they
survived. It's just as well I've been un-elected, anyway.
In the future, some friends of mine might want the city
to vacate a piece of public property, or stop the cut-
ting down of trees, or build a gazebo, or fight off the
possibility of a professional city manager. My votes
against all that would kill my political career for sure,
just as some previous ones have. So, I'm just going to
sit back until our Island is a single city, and then I'll

run for mayor.
I've also decided not to resolve generally giving
up a bourbon-on-the-rocks now and then. Instead, I'm
going to specifically resolve not to down a Jack Daniels
version of that combination. Then, if I decide to instead
take in a Jim Beam or Wild Turkey, I won't be breaking
the resolution.
There will not be any resolutions to celebrate any
birthdays in 2006 either not mine, anyway. Since I
had to tell how old I was for Social Security and Medi-
care, I stopped counting. I only re-counted once since
then, last year, but going from the number of trombones
in that famous parade to the old TV address on Sunset
Strip back then was enough.
While I, as already mentioned earlier, will not make
any resolution regarding my own personal waist-man-
agement this year, which includes NEVER getting on
that Publix scale again until 2007, I will do my best to
remember what side of that other Waste Management's
green garbage can faces the street when I roll it out.
Nor will I even once try to beat out another car at
that Palma Sola merge coming back to the Island from
the mainland even if it has a Canadian license plate.
Too often when I've done that in the past, the bridge has
gone up and embarrassed me by having to wait in front
of the merger-loser after rushing in vain.
If I've left out anything you would rather I not do
this year, please let me know. I will do one positive
thing, however, if you've read this far, and that's to wish
you a happy new year!

Holmes Beach has board,
committee openings
The City of Holmes Beach has vacancies for citi-
zens interested in serving the city.
The personnel board has two seats available, each
for a one-year term; the board of adjustment has .two
alternate seats, each for a three-year term; the code
enforcement board has one seat and one alternate
vacancy, each for a three-year term; and the parks and
beautification committee has an opening for a one-year
Applications for any of the vacancies may be
picked up at city hall or downloaded from the city's
Web site at www.holmesbeachfl.org.

Ten years ago in the Jan. 11, 1996, issue
of The Islander, headlines announced that:
The Holmes Beach City Commission by a 3-2
vote approved a measure to begin design drawings for a
new city hall complex. The estimated cost of the com-
plex was put at $1.2 million.
Nearly 80 percent of the 50-plus people who
attended a public meeting at the Anna Maria City Hall
on a proposal by the Florida Marine Fisheries Commis-
sion to ban the taking of live shellfish in Florida waters
voiced approval of the measure.
Bradenton Beach city commissioners post-
poned discussion on several controversial measures,
including a merger of the public works and building
departments, after a majority of commissioners con-
cluded they needed more information before making
a decision.

Date Low High Rainfall
Jan. 1 60 75 .35
Jan. 2 67 77 .40
Jan. 3 67 73 .10
Jan. 4 63 70 0
Jan. 5 57 74 0
Jan. 6 58 65 0
Jan. 7 48 60 0
Average Gulf water temperature 610
24-hour rainfall accumulation with reading at approximately 5 p.m. daily.

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Reebr s las, RE ERto orw

8-A J JAN. 11, 2006 U THE ISLANDER


feud brewing

in Bradenton

By Paul Roat
A contractor has charged that the building official
in Bradenton Beach is "not qualified to perform this
job and he should be dismissed."
David Spicer of DRS Construction Inc. of
Bradenton was -hired by Egan Halfhide to remodel
a home at 2313 Ave. B last year. After a number of
inspections in which Building Official Ed Mc Adam
failed the work performed, Spicer said in a letter pre-
sented to the city commission Jan. 5 that Mc Adam
"has demonstrated his inability to perform his job as
required by law. He has repeatedly turned down inspec-
tions for reasons he could not give and codes he could
not produce."
Spicer took Mc Adam to task for a letter he wrote
to him Dec. 27 after giving a temporary occupancy
permit in which he pointed out 19 items on the site "in
an effort to prevent further difficulties in the comple-
tion of the dwelling."
The contractor charged that many of Mc Adam's
comments were inappropriate or not based on Florida
construction law. "At this time we have no choice in
the matter," Spicer wrote. "Mr. Mc Adam has broken
several laws and codes and cost both my company and
my clients thousands of dollars."
Mc Adam said Spicer had made several accusa-
tions that were false.
Me Adam further said that prior to retaining
DRS, the Halfhides had purchased the single-family
home and retained the services of a "handyman," who
removed the interior walls and the second floor, leav-
ing a shell. A stop-work order was issued due to lack
of permits, Mc Adam said, until an architect could cer-
tify that the renovations to date had not exceeded fed-
eral rules that prohibit more than 50, percent of the
structure's value to be remodeled unless the structure
is elevated to certain height rules.
When the architectural plans were received, DRS
Construction had been retained to do the remodeling.
A request for inspections was made and the inspections_
were performed Dec. 19, in which Mc Adam failed
three of the construction elements.
Mc Adam said the homeowner wanted to move

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Stepping stone
Artist/instructor Glen LeFevre helps Gerri Cannon work on her stained-glass garden stepping stone in class at
the Anna Maria Island Community Center 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. He will lead another series from 1
to 3p.m. Monday, Jan. 23, and 1:30 to 2:30p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 24. Registration deadline is Jan 16. Details may
be obtained by calling the Center at 778-1908.

into the building before the holidays and came to his
office to plead with him to issue a temporary occu- AID to elect, discuss
pancy permit. "Things got a little out of hand," Mc AID to e,
Adam admitted, and he asked the homeowner to leave ch
his office. "It was a case of the homeowner transferring name change
their anger from the contractor to me," he said. The organization that has been known as All
The work was done on the home, though, and Mc Island Denominations will discuss a name change,
Adam issued the temporary occupancy permit Dec. now that it is one short of "all," at its annual meet-
23. ing Wednesday, Jan. 11.
Mc Adam said Spicer later called his office and left The meeting will be at 2 p.m. at St. Bernard
a threatening message. Mc Adam said he planned to Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes
file a police report regarding the phone message. Beach, with election of officers on the agenda as
Spicer claims the Halfhides should not have to pay well.
for reinspections on work that Mc Adam failed ille- AID had all six Island churches as members
.gaily. He further claims that the Halfhides should not until late December, when Island Baptist Church
have been required to vacate the homeor obtain a tern- resigned. A poster promoting an AID fundraising
porary certificate of occupancy. event that included an offer to bring alcoholic bev-
Spicer detailed other claims in his letter to city erages last summer was blamed. Some members
commissioners that some items required by Mc Adam of Island Baptist objected and the church pulled
to pass inspection were not included in the Florida- out of AID.
building code.

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THE ISLANDER J JAN. 11. 2006 0 A-9

By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
An appraisal expected variously at year's end
mid-January has not materialized, so any progress

No more marina
These three-story single family homes are now u
the former Island Marine. The City ofAnna Mari
years ago for $2 million, but declined. Islander I

stalls Seafood Shack proposal
proposal for Manatee County to buy the Seafood Shack Feb. 14 to give the county administrator an estimate of
in Cortez is stalled for the moment. value, though earlier it was thought it would be done
d and Manatee County Commissioner Jane von Hah- by Dec. 31 and then by the middle of January.
on a mann, who lives in Cortez, said the appraiser has until But County Administrator Ernie Padgett said that
was overly optimistic and the Feb. 14 contract date is
more likely for delivery of the appraisal.
Von Hahmann pointed out that the county must try
to score high on grant-application basics so Manatee
can try for help on a purchase from, for instance, the
Florida Communities Trust.
"If we can't get grant funds, I don't know if we
could take it on," she said. It's a valuable property, she
noted, and it could well be out of the county's reach
if the appraisal comes out high. On the other hand,
Sarasota County to the south has overcome such obsta-
Sles on a waterfront land deal of its own.
Padgett said that a middle-range appraisal could
?? -. make it possible but "if it's too high, the county
can't do it; if it's too low, it won't be attractive to Mr.
: Jones."
Ham Jones of Longboat Key is the owner, having
founded the Shack 30 years ago and operated it since
as a restaurant seating 550 patrons plus a large paddle-
-,.. .: wheel party and dining boat. He has expressed interest
in selling but has not set a price.
--Support for the county buying the property and
turning it to public use as a maritime museum, possibly
S' with boat-launching ramps, has been strong in the his-
S- toric fishing village of Cortez, but across Cortez Road
.'"- ; among newer residents of more upscale homes, opposi-
-: tion has developed.
S-Some Cortezians cite Sarasota County's paying
45 percent above appraisal for land at Blackburn
Point for a boat ramp. Some real estate interests
there said the county paid too much for 11 acres
at $16 million, but county officials defended it as
"a wise investment."
Such waterfront property won't be available for
long at any price, they said.
The property's owner proved to the county that
under construction on Pine Avenue in Anna Maria on the site of he had a firm offer for $16 million, which the county
a could have purchased thefive lots comprising the property two matched.
Photo: Rick Catlin

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THE ISLANDER U JAN. 11. 2006 N A-ll

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12-A N JAN. 11, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER

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Novelist Bachmann-Milligan

immortalizes age-gapped love

By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
When Helena Bachmann-Milligan speaks of
December/May and long-distance and electronic
romance, she knows whereof she speaks.
And speak she does, variously around the area
while introducing her warm, funny novel "Teeth in a
Pickle Jar." Its locations are mainly on Anna Maria
Island and Bradenton.
She is 15 years older than her husband, Bob Mil-
ligan, and she said the age difference is immaterial:
"Love is ageless, it's not about numbers."
Nor is it about initial proximity their romance
started on the Internet and blossomed at 4,000 miles
distance and across an ocean. Everything seems against
it, but it's been working just fine, thank you, since long
before their marriage in 2003. Even before he told her
he loved her on the Anna Maria City Pier.
They are in Florida now until their Switzerland
second homeland warms up a bit. She talks about
their love and her book in such venues as the Mana-
tee Central Library, Anna Maria Island Community
Center and, Tuesday noon, before the Island's Off
Stage Ladies meeting at Freedom Village.
Her novel should ring bells with women and men
of all ages, but especially those of "a certain age." It
tells swiftly and wittily of an older woman and younger
man who meet on the Internet and overcome all kinds
of obstacles to be together.

Kiwanian bell-ringers raise
$13,343 for Salvation Army
Members of the Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria
Island raised $13,343 ringing bells over the holidays at
Publix at Holmes Beach, all of it going to the Salvation
Russ Olson, who organized the annual fundraising
effort, stressed that while Kiwanis sponsored the ring-
ing, many non-Kiwanians volunteered also to help the
Meeting at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 14, at Cafe on
the Beach where Manatee Avenue stops at the Gulf of
Mexico, the club will hear Jim Bryce discuss "Who
Are the Masons and What Do They Want?"
The following Tuesday, Jan. 17, club members
participating in the Adopt a Grandparent program will
get together with their Anna Maria Elementary student
"adoptees" for Environmental Day at noon at the Epis-
copal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive,
Holmes Beach. Each grandparent is to bring cans with
coins inside to be distributed at assigned locations.
Additional details may be obtained- by- calling'

Helena Bachmann-Milligan and her novel, set par-
tially in Anna Maria Island..
Her own situation makes the story even more tell-
ing: 15 years her husband's senior, she met him on the
Internet while buying an item from his online store, and
it all went along from there at 4,000-mile and months-
long intervals.
He was running his business in Pennsylvania, she
was in Geneva where she was, and is, Switzerland
correspondent for Time magazine. They connected
again in Bradenton, where she has owned a winter
home since 1995, and he finally moved his business to
Geneva to be with her and finally they married.
Inspired and convinced by her own.experience, she
validated it by writing it and it's now the book she is
promoting here and there.
She recommends that people follow her pattern if
they feel like it "Take a chance on love," she says.
The novel is available from Amazon.com for
$10, from her Web site www.teethinapicklejar.com for
$14.99, and will be in bookstores about Easter, she

Friends of Library expands
Friends of the Island Branch Library have bought
two new computers and updated the others to expand
the service to eight computers for public use.
The organization launches its 2006 travel series
when Mel Brenner talks of his travels in Alaska at
2 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 14. Friends had scuba diver/
photographer Bob Hills on its lecture program Tues-
day, discussing "The Other Atmosphere."
Blake Whisenant will be there at 10:30 a.m. Tues-
day, Jan. 24, to tell of the Earthbox growing system he
developed that "gives anyone a green thumb."
The Teen Writing Contest, which, was to be
launched this month, has been postponed until
summer, a spokesperson said, because teenagers "have
so much to do during the school year that few would
have time for another load."
Other highlights of the library's January:
Jan. 11, Wednesday, 10:30 a.m., Friends Book
Jan. 14, Saturday, 10:30 a.m., family origami.
Jan. 20, Friday, 9:30 a.m., Friends of the Library
board meeting.
Jan. 23, Monday, 8:30 a.m., Internet class (advance
registration required).
The library opens daily except Sunday at 10 a.m.,
closing at 8 p.m. Monday and Wednesday, 6 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday, 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday. It
is at 5701 Manatee Ave., Holmes Beach. The phone
number there is 778-6341.
Table designs to be discussed
Cindy Perez, a master flora designer, will
make a presentation on "Table Designs" to the
Anna Maria Garden Club when it meets at noon
Wednesday, Jan. 18.
The meeting.will be at the,Roser Memorial Cpm-
munity Chuibh, 512 Piie AVe., Anna Maria..
Additional details are available at 778-3665.


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Music for holidays
The Anna Maria Island Community Chorus and Orchestra assembled full force and full talent for its annual holiday
concert at the Island Baptist Church. The concert featured Handel's "Messiah," which audiences by acclamation
through the years have established as an Island tradition. Islander Photo: Courtesy the Rev. Jim Meena


Island police reports
Anna Maria City
Jan. 1, 200 block of Oak Ave., grand theft. Several
items were reportedly stolen from an empty lot.
Jan. 4, 500 block of Bayview Place, dog bite.
According to the report, an occupational therapist
returned to her patient's home minutes after leaving
to retrieve her sunglasses. She entered the home unan-
nounced and the owner's dog, which is contained
during therapy sessions, was loose. The dog report-
edly attacked the woman, biting her forearm. She was
transported to Blake Medical Center.
Jan. 5, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria Island
Community Center, vandalism. A juvenile reportedly
threw a rock toward a vehicle, causing damage to the
rear window.
Jan. 5, 2500 block of Avenue C, assist other
agency. Manatee County Sheriff's Office deputies from
the Anna Maria substation responded to a stolen vehi-
cle report, assisting Holmes Beach police in pursuing
the suspect.

Bradenton Beach
Jan. 1, 112 Bridge St., Enchanted Keepsakes, theft.
The-shopkeeper reported a glass dish was shoplifted
and she believes the incident occurred while she was
busy assisting another customer.

Holmes Beach
Dec. 31, 500 block of .75th Street, burglary. A
scooter was reportedly stolen from a garage.
Jan. 1, 500 block of Manatee Avenue West, drugs.
Samual Weeks, 19, of Bradenton, was stopped by an
officer for playing his car stereo too loudly. Weeks
had reportedly received a written warning for the same
offense earlier the same day. According to the report,
the officer detected the odor of burnt marijuana and
Weeks admitted to having a small amount. A glass
pipe, two partially smoked cigar butts containing mari-
juana and approximately one gram of marijuana were
found in the vehicle.
Jan. 1, 4000 Gulf Drive, Manatee Public Beach,
burglary. The passenger window of a vehicle was
broken and a purse stolen from inside.
Jan. 2, 6306 Gulf Drive, Blue Water Beach Resort,
theft. A man's bike was stolen from the property.
According to the report, the owner of the bike left it
outside his unit in the evening and found a different
bike in its place in the morning.
Jan. 2, 5900 block of Marina Drive, criminal mis-
chief. The driver's side vent window on the cab portion
of the Anna Maria Island Privateers float was found
Jan. 2, 6200 block of Marina Drive, criminal mis-
chief. According to the report, a juvenile waiting at a
trolley stop threw afirobject onto the road in front of

an approaching vehicle, causing a flat tire. Passengers
in the vehicle told police the juvenile picked the object
up from the road and ran away. The officer found the
juvenile in the vicinity and a passenger in the vehicle
identified him. The matter is to be reviewed by the state
attorney's office.
Jan. 2, 4900 block of Gulf Drive, verbal assault. A
woman was arrested for domestic assault and resisting
arrest. According to the report, she was intoxicated and
became verbally abusive to her husband. The woman
continued to threaten her husband in the presence of
responding officers and was taken into custody.
Jan. 3, 5354 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach Post Office,
burglary. A man reported that he went to the bank to
cash his check before stopping at the post office. He left
the bank envelope on the passenger seat of his car and
on returning to the car the envelope was gone.
Jan. 3, 5341 Gulf Drive, Sterling Anvil, counterfeit.
A man used a counterfeit $50 bill to pay for merchan-
Jan. 3, 300 block of 59th Street, information. A
man reported that his wife was solicited for some maga-
zine subscriptions and he was concerned the solicitor
was actually "casing" his home.
Jan. 4, 2700 Gulf Drive, criminal mischief. A man
reported all the tires of his van had been punctured and
Jan. 4, 3602 E. Bay Drive, Beach Unlimited, bat-
tery. According to the report, two former employees
entered the store and refused to leave when asked by
staff. An ex-employee followed the manager to the
storeroom and reportedly began verbally and physically
assaulting her. According to witness reports, the suspect
was grabbed by her husband and they ran out of the
store together.
Jan. 4, 200 block of 83rd Street, Baker Act. A
woman was taken into custody under the Baker Act
after a friend discovered she had ingested a large dose
of over-the-counter medication in an attempt to harm
Jan. 5, 5300 block of Gulf Drive, driver's license.
A 15-year-old driver from Boca Raton was stopped for
traffic violations and was cited for driving without a
Jan. 6, 4000 Gulf Drive; Cafe on the Beach,
burglary. Officers responded to a burglary alarm. A
window was broken and the door unlocked. No one was
found inside. The door was found open to the room
containing a safe and in an attempt to find money, the
safe and four cash registers were pried open by the sus-
pect. The outer shell of the ATM in the middle of the
building was pried open and a large sum of money was
reportedly stolen. The front door of the adjacent busi-
ness was also broken and, according to the report, that's
what sounded the alarm. The shop did not appear to
havebeen.entered., '., ..,,, ,.

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S14-A J JAN. 11, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER

Quinn named historical society director

By Diana Bogan
Islander Reporter
On Dec. 9, Sissy Quinn and husband Tom were
heading to Philadelphia to visit family. It was an ordi-
nary Wednesday morning and Tom told his wife he put
the Island papers in the car so they'd have something
to read on the plane.
Sissy said she picked up The Islander while on
the way to the airport and read the news of Carolyne
Norwood's retirement from her position as executive
director of the Anna Maria Island Historical Society.
"I knew immediately that I wanted to apply and as
soon as we got to the airport I called the number in the
paper. I told Carolyne I was interested and asked if she
could wait a week before making a decision so I could
have an interview," Quinn said.
And the rest of the story, as they say, is history.
Upon her return, Quinn met with Norwood and was
approved by the historical society's board of directors
for the position.
Quinn has been a member of the historical society
since she moved to the Island with her husband of 42
years in 1994. With a background as a hospice volun-
teer for more than 20 years, she knew her experience
as a volunteer coordinator would be valuable.
"I thought it was a volunteer position, and I know
recruiting members and volunteers is usually the hard-
est part and it's something I'm good at," said Quinn,
who will receive a stipend for her efforts.
Just a day after she was hired, Quinn put her secre-
tarial background into action, spending hours cleaning
and reorganizing the files at the Island museum. She
admits she likes order.
"The museum has an incredible ambiance. I love
the feel of the place and it feels right to be there," she
said. "I love to be surrounded by old stuff."
Quinn and her husband are fulltime residents of
Anna Maria where they live in a 1920s cottage they
restored. "It was condemned when we bought it in
1992," she said. Although she admits the thought of
tearing down the old structure crossed their minds, they
didn't have the heart to follow through, instead choos-
ing to preserve its historic value, something she would
like to encourage other homeowners on the Island to
The home on the corer of Crescent Drive and
North Shore Boulevard has twice been featured in the
Anna Maria Island Tour of Homes and Quinn plans to
host a volunteer appreciation coffee there for museum
volunteers later this month.
"Volunteer appreciation is very important to me
and I like to be in touch on a personal level," she said.
She will be transitioning into her new position with
Norwood's guidance over the next few months. She
is looking forward to manning the front desk at the

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Taking the wheel
Sissy Quinn ofAnna Maria is the new executive direc-
tor. of the Anna Maria Island Historical Society. Pic-
tured behind the wheel of her 1919 Model-T Ford with
retiring executive director Carolyne Norwood, Quinn
said of her predecessor, "She has been a driving force
behind the historical society and I have big shoes to
fill." The community is invited to meet Quinn at 7:30
p.m. Jan. 17 at the historical society gathering at Anna
Maria City Hall. Islander Photo: Courtesy Andrew

museum to meet visitors and she's making plans for
volunteer recruitment and an upcoming membership
The Quinns' Model-T Ford draws a lot of atten-
tion, and they plan to attach a magnetic banner adver-
tising the historical society and its museum on the car's
back end. The couple has driven the vintage car with
an attached AMIHS.banner in the past, and following
one local parade, Tom, who was sitting on the front

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porch of their cottage, overheard a passerby remark,
"That's the cute little cottage where the historical soci-
ety keeps its Model-T Ford."
Quinn hopes the rolling advertisement will also
draw visitors to the museum and potential members
and volunteers to the organization. She would like
to see membership grow so that the AMIHS could
increase the number of educational scholarships it
gives to college-bound students.
Coming up, both Quinn and Norwood will speak
at the AMIHS meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 17,
at Anna Maria City Hall. Heritage Day plans are in the
works and the AMIHS Jazz Fest begins Jan. 26, featur-
ing concerts from 3 to 5 p.m. in front of the museum
on Pine Avenue every Thursday through season.
"I hope to be around just as long as Carolyne has,"
Quinn said. "I think it's a lovely thing to do with the
rest of my life and, at 62, I think I get better at things
as I get older. I just hope I have enough sense to know
when it's time to move on.
"Carolyne has been so gracious and has put a lot
of faith in me. She has really been my best advocate.
Just filling the shoes of this remarkable woman is a tall
Quinn and her husband have two sons, Thomas, a
teacher in Pennsylvania, and Shaun, who lives in Sef-
fner and works as a marine mechanic.
Husband Tom is employed.as a clinical associate
professor at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medi-
cine branch in Lakewood Ranch.
Sissy has been active in the Anna Maria Island
Chamber of Commerce, Anna Maria Island Artists
Guild and PelicanMVan's Bird Sanctuary. She also con-
tinues to provide hospice care to Island patients as a
volunteer with Hospice of Southwest Florida.
For more information about membership or volun-
teer opportunities, call Quinn at 778-5120.

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Lec G(rcnwood,
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0io' a 'iftt of
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Wednesday, Jan. 11
10:30 a.m. Friends of the Island Branch Library
book club at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina
Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341.
10:30 a.m. to noon Smooth dancing class at
the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Mag-
nolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee
11:30 a.m. Off Stage Ladies Auxiliary of the
Island Players luncheon with guest author Helena
Bachmann Milligan at the Landings of Freedom Vil-
lage, 6501 17th Ave. Ct. W., Bradenton. Information:

Thursday, Jan. 12
1 p.m. Tai Chi with Sherry Fideler at the Anna
Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave.,
Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies.
1 to 2:30 p.m. Pastel art demonstration by Claire
Chevarie at the Artists Guild Gallery, 5414 Marina
Drive, Holmes Beach..Information: 778-6694.
2:30 to 4 p.m. Basics of Interior Design four-
week class with Betina Sego at the Anna Maria Island
Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria.
Information: 778-1908. Fee applies.

Friday, Jan. 13
8:45to 10 a.m. -Yoga with Dolce Little at the Anna
Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave.,
Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies.
1 to 2 p.m. Family caregiver support group at
the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes
Beach. Information: 747-4655.
6:30 p.m. Harvey Memorial Community Church
musical at 300 Church Ave., Bradenton Beach. Infor-
mation: 792-8409.

Saturday, Jan. 14
8:30 a.m. Kiwanis Club meeting presents "Who
are the Masons and what do they do?" with Tim Bryce,
at Cafe on the Beach, Manatee Public Beach, 4700
Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach..
9:30 to 11 a.m.--- Island Baptist Church's R.E.A.L.
Women Women's Ministry celebrates "A Year of New


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Beginnings" with guest speaker Robbie Leech and a
fashion show at Island Baptist Church, 8605 Gulf Drive,
Anna Maria. Information: 778-0719.
10 a.m. to noon Beading class at the Anna
Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave.,
Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies.
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. "Gift of Mobility" open house at
Southeastern Guide Dogs, 4210 77th St. E., Palmetto.
Information: 729-5665.
10:30 a.m. Family origami class at the Island
Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.
Information: 778-6341.
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Food for Life cooking class
, at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Mag-
nolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908.

Sunday, Jan. 15
4 p.m. Sarasota Opera Studio artists at First
United Methodist Church, 603 11th St. W., Bradenton.
Information: 747-4406.

Monday, Jan. 16
8:45to 10 a.m. -Yoga with Dolce Little at the Anna
Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave.,
Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies.
4 and 7 p.m. "Mote at 50 and Forward"
lecture presentation by Mote Marine Laboratory Presi-
dent Kumar Mahadevan at Mote Immersion Cinema,
1700 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota. Information:
388-4441. Fee applies.

Tuesday, Jan. 17
1:30 p.m. -Tai Chi six-week beginner's class with
Sherry Fideler at the Anna Maria Island Community
Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information:
778-1908. Fee applies.
7:30 p.m. Anna Maria Island Historical Society
meeting featuring Manatee County History Fair award
winners and new Executive Director Sissy Quinn at
Anna Maria City Hall. Information: 778-0492.

Wednesday, Jan. 18
10:30 a.m. to noon Latin dance class at
the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Mag-
nolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee
Noon Anna Maria Garden Club presentation on
table designs with master floral gardener Cindy Perez
at the Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine
Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-3665.

SNational Watercolor Society member Jacquie

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THE ISLANDER 0 JAN. 11, 2006 E A-15
Clark window exhibit at the Artists Guild of Anna Maria
Guild Gallery, 5413 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach,
through Jan. 20. Information: 778-6694.
James Pay Memorial Exhibit at the.Anna Maria
Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd, Holmes Beach,
through Jan. 27. Information: 778-2099.
Contemporary and traditional art exhibit at Wal-
lace Fine Art Gallery, 5350 Gulf of Mexico Drive,
No. 103, Longboat Key, through Jan. 30. Information:
"The Highwaymen," Florida's African-American
landscape painters exhibit at the South Florida
Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton, through March
12. Information: 746-4131. Fee applies.

Poetry reading at the Longboat Key Center for the
Arts Jan. 19.
Shaman Band concert at the Anna Maria Island
Community Center Jan. 20.
Anna Maria Island Rotary Club Extravaganza
Jan. 21.
Anna Maria Island Privateer's Mullet Smoke at
Publix Jan. 21.
Pancake breakfast and "Everything Goes" thrift
sale at Roser Memorial Community Church Jan. 21.
Anna Maria Island Democratic Club at the Beach-
House Restaurant Jan. 23.
"Bottlenose Dolphins and Noise-making Fish:
An Arms Race between Predator and Prey" at Mote
Marine Laboratory Jan. 23.
Internet class at the Island Branch Library Jan.
Stepping-stone craft class at the Anna Maria
Island Community Center Jan. 23 & 25.
Longboat-Lido-St. Armands Key Chamber Awards
Breakfast Jan. 24.
Earthbox presentation at the Island Branch
Library Jan. 24.
"Mystery Writers with a Florida Connection" at the
Mote Keating Education Center Jan. 24.

Save the Date:
Island Players "Murder by Misadventure" Jan.
Winemakers' Dinner for the Longboat Key Center
for the Arts Jan. 26.
Sarasota Pops. Orchestra "Myakka Blues" at
Bishop Planetarium Feb. 5.
Kiwanis Club Sweetheart Dance at the Anna
Maria Island Community Center Feb. 9.
*.King Middle School Media Center fundraising
party/auction Feb. 11.

The Olde Post Office
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16-A M JAN. 11, 2006 M THE ISLANDER


Katherine D. Goldthwait
Katherine D. Goldthwait, 90, of Bradenton and for-
merly Anna Maria, died Nov. 21, 2005.
Born in Brookline, Mass., Mrs. Goldthwait moved
to Anna Maria in 1978. She and her late husband Rich-
ard raised four children in Worthington, Ohio, while
her husband was a geology professor at Ohio State Uni-
versity. She was active in Roser Memorial Community
Church and the Anna Maria Island Historical Society.
She traveled widely throughout the world and was a
skilled watercolor artist. She was preceded in death by
her husband of 55 years, Richard P. Goldthwait.
A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Friday,
Jan. 20, at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512
PineAve., Anna Maria. Memorial contributions may
be made to the church, P.O. Box 247, Anna Maria FL
She is survived by daughters Susan Carlson of
Englewood, Colo., Betsy Atkinson of Anna Maria, and
Jane of Celo, N.C.; son Thomas of New London, N.H.;
sister Sylvia Snyder of Bradenton; seven grandchildren;
and seven great-grandchildren.

Jeffrey Hromnak
Jeffrey Hromnak, 40, of Bradenton, died Dec.
Born in Dover, N.J., Mr. Hromnak moved to
Bradenton from Homosassa in 1995. He was a techni-
cian at Air & Energy of Holmes Beach; He was an
animal lover. He was Catholic.
A Celebration of Life was held Jan. 6. Manasota
Memorial Funeral Home Chapel was in charge of
He is survived by fiance Evelyn Zavala of

Bradenton; parents James and Joan of Homosassa;
brothers James G. of Homosassa and Mark of St.
Louis, Mo.; maternal grandmother Rose Maita of
Lecanto; paternal grandmother Catherine of Homo-
sassa; and two nieces.

'Gene' Wiley Eugene Moss
"Gene" Wiley Eugene Moss, 81, longtime resident
of the City of Anna Maria, died Sunday, Jan. 8, at Blake
Medical Center. Arrangements and a full obituary were
not finalized at press time, although a memorial ser-
vice will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 14, at Roser
Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna

Raymond B. Sultenfuss Sr.
Raymond B. Sultenfuss Sr., 82, of Anna Maria,
died Dec. 26.
Born in Tampa, Mr. Sultenfuss retired to Anna.

As the $50,000 Lester/Islander Challenge drew
to a faltering close, an Island businessman e-mailed
dozens of clients with a plea that brought $550 and
more to the total.
The challenge was to Anna Maria Islanders to
make donations to the Island Community Center's
endowment fund with Chuck and Joey Lester matching
contributions dollar for dollar up to a total of $50,000.
As the drive ended, it was far short of the
$50,000 to reap the maximum benefit, as Barry
Gould learned in discussions with co-sponsor

Maria in 1991. He was retired after 31 years in the
oil industry as general manager of Fina Oil Co. in
Macon, Ga. He was a graduate of Jesuit High School
in Tampa and the University of Tampa. He served in
the U.S. Army in Europe during World War II. He
was a member of the Newman Club and Sigma Phi
Epsilon fraternity. He was a member of the Knights
of Columbus, Council No. 667, and the Father Tyrell
Assembly, fourth degree. He was a Past Faithful Navi-
gator and a Past Grand Knight. He was a member of
the Moose Lodge, Bradenton Beach.
Wake service and visitation was Dec. 30, and
Funeral Mass Dec. 31, both in Tampa. Marsicano-B.
Marion Reed-Stowers Funeral Home, Tampa, was in
charge of arrangements.
He is survived by wife of 53 years Mary; sons Ray
Jr. of Tampa, Steve of Longboat Key, and Larry of
Anna Maria; brother Joseph of Tampa; sister Theresa
Zorn of Tampa; sister-in-law Esther McCall of Tampa;
five grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.

Islander publisher Bonner Joy.
He and his wife and business partner Dantia
promptly e-mailed the clients of their Anna Maria
Island Property Sales Report of the drive's plight.
Clients responded with a total of $550, with the
amount in another pledge not specified..
The challenge drive ended up the year with
$28,232. And the Lesters, said the Center, are going
to donate their whole $50,000, which means the
fundraiser will have netted $71,768 altogether.
Details are available at 778-1908.

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Church to unveil Candish work

By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
A Woody Candish sculpture of the patroness of
gardeners, St. Dorothea, will be unveiled in the church
garden after 10 a.m. services Sunday at the Episcopal
Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes
The Anna Maria Island sculptor worked "not full-
time, not exactly part-time, more like most-time" on
the sculpture for six months in his Cortez studio, he
The work was commissioned by the church
through the Artists Guild of Anna Maria Island, said
the Rev. Harry Parsell, rector of the church. Petty
Potter, church member and president of the Guild, was
instrumental in the planning of the sculpture.
Standing alongside a pond in the garden, it is about
7 feet tall, a mosaic of ceramic tiles and glass, Can-
dish said. It is similar to European tile/stained-glass
"It is one artist's interpretation," he said, "how
an artist expresses his knowledge and thoughts and
insights about a young girl" who lived almost 900
years ago.
Dorothea was a "virgin and martyr, suffered during
the persecution of Diocletian, 6 February 311, at Cae-
saria in Cappadocia," according to the Catholic Ency-
clopedia. "She was brought before the prefect Sapri-
cius, tried, tortured and sentenced to death."
On the way to execution a lawyer mocked her:
"Bride of Christ, send me some fruits from your bride-
groom's garden." So she sent by messenger her head-
dress, which was filled with a "heavenly fragrance of
roses and fruits."
The lawyer converted to Christianity on the spot,
was put on the rack and died.
The unveiling Sunday will be somewhat informal,
with no formal reception planned but plenty of coffee,

Saint in garden
Island sculptor Woody Candish, left, and the Rev. Harry
Parsell, rector of the Episcopal Church of the Annnci-
ation, with the church-commissioned sculpture of St.
Father Parsell promised. It is open to the public.
"I hope people like her," said sculptor Candish.

Caregiver support unit sets
meeting at Island library
The Family Caregiver Support Group will meet at 1
p.m. Friday, Jan. 13, at the Island Branch Library, 5701
Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.
Sponsored by Meals on Wheels Plus, the group is
designed for people caring for an older adult friend or
family member with chronic health or memory prob-
lems, including Alzheimer's disease. Details are avail-
able at 747-4655.

THE ISLANDER 0 JAN. 11, 2006 E A-17

Boundary expansion
approved by county for
Bradenton Beach
By Paul Roat
Bradenton Beach has received the blessing
of Manatee County officials to expand its bound-
aries into Anna Maria Sound and the Gulf of
Manatee County commissioners last week
offered no objections to the boundary expansion,
but did recommend to the Florida Legislature that
the total expansion be limited to "extra-territorial
law enforcement powers."
Full boundary expansion, as recommended
by the county commission, could take place only
for those waters to be included in the city's pro-
posed mooring field, an area south of the city pier
off Bridge Street.
The city has been discussing the boundary
expansion for several years in order to better
enforce marine-related laws in the waters off the
city. The city limits currently end at the water's
"We will be able to enforce the county's ordi-
nance on the water," said City Attorney Ricinda
Perry, "but the city cannot enact any of its
The measure now has to be approved by the
Florida Legislature, then the bill signed by Gov.
Jeb Bush. The question will then be placed before
voters in the form of a charter amendment.

'Basics of Interior Design'
course to begin tomorrow
A four-Thursday course in "Basics of Interior
Design" will be from 2:30 to 4 p.m. Jan. 12 through
Feb. 2 at the Anna Maria Island Community Center,
407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria.
Island interior designer Bettina Sego will instruct
the classes. A room in the home of one of the partici-
pants will be chosen as a class design project. Cost is
$65 for members of the Center, $70 for nonmembers.
Details are available at 778-1908.


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18-A J JAN. 11, 2006 M THE ISLANDER

Fire district honors
The West Manatee Fire and Rescue District held
its annual Firefighter Appreciation Dinner in Decem-
ber and named Paul Hopkins as Firefighter of the Year.
Keith Miller was given the Rookie of the Year award.
It was also announced that WMFR Inspector Tom
Soleau is the recipient of the Inspector of the Year
award from the Florida Fire Chiefs' Association.
Hurricane Deployment awards went to Battalion
Chief Rich Losek and firefighters Nate Bergbom, Dion
Niemo and Ben Dillon as part of Manatee County's
engine task force to Hancock County, Miss., following
Hurricane Katrina. Deputy Chief Brett Pollock received
recognition for his deployments to Hurricane Katrina
and Wilma as part of a State of Florida Incident Man-
agement Team.
Also honored with service awards were Capt. Ernie
Cave and Niemo for five years service; Firefighter John
Stump for 10 years; Battalion Chief Barry Brooks and
Lieutenant Rich Jasinski with 15 years each; Battalion
Chief Dennis Dotson, 20 years; Deputy Chief Brett Pol-
lock, 25.years; and Capt. Steve Pontious, 30 years.

Capt. Steve Pontius of
West Manatee Fire and .
Rescue retired Jan. 7 after :
nearly 31 years of service.
Pontius began his career
in 1975 as a volunteer
with the West Side Fire
Control District and
became afulltime fire-
fighter in 1977. Islander .
Photos: Jack Elka

.4,~z -

Inspector Tom Soleau

Firefighter Paul Hopkins

Islander Meneley runs 'on her mark'

The fifth Manatee River Run, put on
by Bradenton Runners Club and its pres-
ident Neil Longhurst of Anna Maria on
Dec. 31 at Emerson Point Park in Pal-
metto, attracted a record 358 finishers.
Among them was Island resident
Sandy Meneley, who won the Grand
Masters (50 and over) division in the
5-mile run in a time of 36:06, breaking
her own 2003 course record by 18 sec-
Other Island runners were William
Huth (29th overall); Norelle Longhurst
(second in Women 75 and Up); her
grandson Ryan Longhurst, (35th overall,
and third in Men 25-29); Erma McMul-
len and Paula Termini.
Overall winners were Nate Krah of
Lakewood Ranch and a student of Bow-
doin College, and Mary Ann Prost of
St. Petersburg. Nate's win was particu-
larly fitting, as he was a 2004 recipient
of the Bradenton Runners Club scholar-
ship, which the race helps fund.
Bradenton Runners Club weekly
runs continue each Saturday at 8 a.m.
from the Coquina Beach south pavilion
(3-6 miles); and Sunday, at 7:30 a.m.
from Manatee Public Beach (3-11 miles).
Island residents and visitors are invited
to join these runs; walkers are welcome
at all BRC events. For more information,
visit www.bradentonrunnersclub.com, or
call Longhurst at 778-1171.

Sandy Meneley checks her record course
time at the finish of the Dec. 31 Manatee
River Run.

Capt. Steve Pontious

Battalion Chief Dennis


The Manatee Trolley runs seven days a week, 6 a.m. to
10:30 p.m., with approximately 20-minute intervals at all
3 75 stops up to 9 p.m., and 30-minute intervals from 9-
10:30 p.m. It starts at both ends of the Island at 6 a.m.,
from Coquina Beach and from the Anna Maria City Pier.
S Northbound the trolley runs Gulf Drive to Marina/Palm
Drive in Holmes Beach, merging back to Gulf Drive in
Anna Maria. It runs from Gulf Drive to the city pier along
Pine Avenue, where it turns around.
S Southbound it runs Gulf Drive all the way from Anna
--6 Maria City Hall to Coquina Beach.
S Have some fun, ride the trolley, and tell folks along the
way and at all the stops, "The Islander"
72 sent me!
Free MCAT ride guides available at The Islander, 5404
Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (Trolley stops No. 23/53.)
81 Islander Info: 941 778 7978
SMCAT: 749-7116


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The Islander


. C D E F G ... H
II / ( l


THE ISLANDER U ,JAN. 11. 2006 A-19

AME auction sales amount to new school enhancements

By Diana Bogan
Islander Reporter
Last call for items from Anna Maria Elementary
School's old building, set to be demolished Jan. 16,
ended after a four-hour auction Saturday morning.
More than 130 people registered to bid on nearly
300 lots of items ranging from student desks to water
Bidding began at 9 a.m. and items were slow to
move at first, some going for as little as a $1. Early
bidders snagged deals such as 25 chairs for $10, two
student desks for $5, and, at one point, auctioneer
Mike Holzman offered bidders $1 to take a storage
cabinet that was drawing little interest.
Later in the day as bidders warmed up, items
began fetching higher prices, $110 for wooden teach-
er's desks, $300 for a pottery kiln, and one of the high-
est priced items of the day, $2,000 for the pirate ship
play equipment.
Mostly AME parents and community members
were among the bidders, but the auction also drew
folks from other auction companies, private schools
and salvage companies.
The first bidding war, you might say, came when
Holzman decided to auction off the contents of the
classrooms as one lot. Bidding went back and forth
between two people, with Mike Walter having the final
say at $50.
Walter has two sons, Jack and Seth, who attend
.AME. The kids just wanted a desk and a map, and
ended up with everything from the chairs to the bath-
room sink from one of the rooms. When he saw all the
chairs, first-grader Seth said a round of musical chairs
might be fun.
Second-grader Jack had a grander idea resell-
ing the extra items online at eBay. Walter did a make
a deal to sell some of the items to another bidder, a
woman purchasing items for her daughter, who home-
schools seven kids.
Former AME teacher Joyce Ellis returned to
campus to bid on items of sentimental value. She took
home her desk. the doorto-her classroom, which while
[eachiing she kept decorated with photos and work by
her students, and the chalkboards that she formerly
used to write welcoming and farewell remarks to her

Dee Graham back

briefly in pulpit
By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
Dee Graham is back in town, this time as a minister
in the pulpit at Harvey Memorial Community Church.
The Rev. Ms. Graham will speak Sunday, Jan. 15,
on "Making Difficult Decisions in Difficult Times,"
which she finds very fitting on two counts: It's Martin
Luther King Jr. Sunday, and she has been working with
African-American ministers in St. Petersburg.
Born in Bradenton, she has lived in the area much
of her life and in the late 1970s and early '80s worked.
on the old Islander with then-publisher Don Moore and
then-staffers Bonner Joy and Paul Roat, now of current
She went on to the Starr King School for the Minis-
try at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, Calif.,
and was ordained in 1993. Returning to the.Tampa
Bay region, she has been active in the. Interdenomi-
national Ministerial Alliance in St. Petersburg, which
she describes as an historically African-American group
working across racial lines.
She is in her final semester for ainaster's degree in
journalism at the Uni\ ersir, of South Florida St. Peters-
burg. She lives in Pinellas County just out of St. Peters-
Harvey Church, on Church Avenue in Bradenton
Beach, has been without 'a pastor since the first of the
year when the Rev. William Grossman tried to retire but
was then called to active duty as senior pastor of four
ministries at DeWitt Community'Church in Syracuse,
-The church is seeking a permanent successor to
Grossman, said Scott Crayton, trustee of the congrega-
tion. Meanwhile, a series of interim pastors are filling
the pulpit.
The Rev. John Foulkrod. retired pastor living in Mt.
Vernon in Cortez, \\ ill be here Jan. 22 and the Rev. Ste-
phen King will coin~ehere an. 29 "frorfi Tampa..

fifth-grade classes since she came to the Island school
in 1974.
Ellis said it was hard to return to the school and
see the items auctioned. A handmade airplane from her
room carrying some AME history went to a man from
Sarasota Architecture Salvage for only $30.
The plane was crafted by the husbands of Ellis and
former AME kindergarten teacher Billie Coles.
Also at the auction to say goodbye to the old
school were Erik Stahr and father Michael. Stahr is a
high school senior and attended Anna Maria Elemen-
tary during the administrations of past Principals Jim
Kronus and Tim Kolbe. He has lived just two blocks
from the school his entire life and his father helped
create the school's television studio.
Stahr was one of the parents to help the students
learn to produce their own morning news show, and
thought it might be nice to take something.home from
the old studio.
Erik did manage to win a bid on a desk from the
principal's office. "I wanted something and I needed a
new desk," he said.
Several items will find a new home at Children's
Galaxy Preschool in Bradenton, which is owned by
Islander Carol Daniel. She and daughter Kristen Terrell
managed to pick up several items for their tots, includ-
ing the coveted pirate ship from the kindergarten play-
The playground equipment was the focus of another
bidding war. Bidding started at $1,000. One father
, thought the ship would fit well in his backyard where he
has built a two-story play area for his kids. Also bidding
were Pastor Brian Royer and wife Paula, who wanted
to replace the old wood playground pieces at Harvest
Chapel Christian Fellowship Church in Bradenton.
Daniel outbid both at $2,000 and has until Thursday
to relocate the ship. She said she has been pricing brand
new play equipment similar to AME's and the average
cost is $8,000 to $10,000.
A few AME parents came.to the auction looking
for specific items. Parent-Teacher Organization Presi-
dent Lynda Hicks and her husband brought home some
trapezoid tables and chairs for her outdoor playroom.
Donna Perez purchased a clock for her family's game
room. And Judy Arnold was happy to bring home
two wooden chairs from Melanie Moran's kindergarten
room for her grandchildren.
Some other big ticket items included a pottery kiln,
$300 and the cafeteria's milk cooler, $275. Marcia
Brockway's desk fetched $105 and the wooden chalk
board on wheels used in the auditorium sold for $80.
The school board will decide what to do with items
that did not sell, according to an auction representative.
One lot in particular that did not sell was the pair of
marquee signs on Gulf Drive.
Also of little interest to bidders were the bricks
from.the school entryway. AME Principal Kathy Hayes
Workshops to prepare
for 3 dances
Two dance workshops in preparation for upcoming
dances are being offered in January at the Anna Maria
Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna
Directed at "having fun on the dance floor," they
will be led by Robin Rhodes, dance and theater pro-
fessional. She will instruct foxtrot, waltz and swing
in her "Smooth Dancing" class from 10:30 a.m. to
noon Wednesday, Jan. 11, and "Latin Dancing" from
10:30 to noon the following Wednesday, Jan. 18. Fees
SThe dances will begin with the Shaman Band with
I-ts "Ruic From Sinatra to Aerosmith" starting at 8
pm. Jan. 20. The Anna Maria Island Kiwanis Club will
sponsor its annual "Sweetheart Ball" Feb. 9 to celebrate
the Valentine season. The Dream Classics will return to
the Island with their "Little Band With the Big Sound"
on March 10.

EEEC vacancies
Anna Maria's environmental enhancement
and education committee has two vacancies on
the committee and is looking for volunteers inter-
ested in serving the community on the board.
Interested parties should attend the commit-
tee's 6:45 p.m meeting Jan. 18 at city hall or con-
.,t. J y hall at 708-6130.

Pre-K bidders
Several items from Anna Maria Elementary School will
continue to benefit children at Children's Galaxy Pre-
:school in Bradenton, which is owned and operated by
Islander Carol Daniel and daughter Kristen Terrell.
The mother-daughter duo bid on furniture, learning
equipment and the pirate ship playground. Daniel said
she has been pricing playground equipment for her pre-
school and was thrilled to outbid two others for the
school's pirate ship. She also purchased for $10 some
child development equipment, shown here, with posters,
puppets and role play scenarios worth about $500 new.
Islander Photos: Diana Bogan

told the auctioneer she would personally:take charge of
the bricks and stated she would work with the PTO to
come up with a plan to offer them to parents and others
for whom they might hold sentimental value.

'Year of New Beginnings'
brunch set by Baptists
The Island Baptist Church's REAL Women minis-
try will have a "Year of New Beginnings" brunch from
9:30 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 14.
It will be in the church's fellowship hall, 8605 Gulf
Drive, Anna Maria. REAL is the acronym for Refined,
Enlightened. Accepted and Loved women.
Robbie Leech will be the principal speaker and
Sarah Moir will be vocalist. Also on the program will be
an AMI West fashion show "with compliments of 'the
little salon,'" said a spokeswoman.
Reservations may be made and further information
obtained by calling 778-0719.

Anna Maria Elementary menu
Monday, Jan. 16
S Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
Tuesday, Jan. 17
Breakfast: Egg and Cheese Biscuit, Cereal,
Toast, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Fruit
SLunch: Hamburger or Cheeseburger, Muffin and
Yogurt Plate, Steamed Carrots, Chips, Fresh
I. Veggies with Dip, Peaches
Wednesday, Jan. 18
Breakfast: Waffle Sticks, Bagel, Cereal, Toast,
Lunch: Nachos with Meat and Cheese or Trout
Melt Sandwich, Spanish Rice, Winter Mix Veg-
I tables, Sliced Pears .
Thursday, Jan. 19
Breakfast: Fresh Baked Muffin, Cereal, Toast,
| Super Donut, Fruit
Lunch: Student Planned Menu *
Friday, Nov. 18
Breakfast: Pancakes, Cereal, Toast, Yogurt,
| Fruit
Lunch: Pizza or Hot Dog, Corn, Caesar Salad,
Juice Bar
Juice and milk are served with every meal.
* ... / .: ,' / ',x . .

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Anna Maria,



Wecome to new Anna Maria Elementary School



Rhyming rules
Along with a new school come some updated rules.
Anna Maria Elementary School Guidance Counselor
Cindi Harrison introduced upper class students to the
second story, which houses third- through fifth-grade
classrooms. Some of the student rules include "Walk
the line every time," indicating students must follow
white lines on the hall floor, a good way to keep from
getting lost. "Keep it neat, no hands and feet," refers
to not touching the walls, and "Hold the railing so
you don't go sailing," which is for safety on the the
stairs. Islander Photo: Damon Presswood


Lunchroom hub
The new cafeteria is a hub for school activities. It's a gathering place in the morning for students before
heading to class. Until the path is. cleared for the main entrance to the school, the double doors adjacent to the
cafeteria serve as the main entrance. The picnic tables from the old patio area have been relocated to the front
of the cafeteria for outdoor dining. Islander Photo: Damon Presswood

Orderly chaos
prevailed outside the
new AME on the first
day back from winter
break and first day
in the new building -
as students and par-
ents looked to find
where to go. Principal
Kathy Hayes directs
"traffic" on the left.
Islander Photo: Else

Students are told to "walk the line in the hallways of the new AME.
Islander Photo: Else Hellem-Brusso

"'-, .

Carly Carlsward, left rear, and students in their new first-grade classroom.
Islander Photo: Else Hellem-Brusso


1-- ;
-; ---


~Ua- o

P.-t r:7

2-B U JAN. 11. 20060 THE ISLANDER

Manatee death toll awful; current problems?

2005 was a deadly year for manatees off Florida's
And some people are blaming the death toll in part
on Hurricane Katrina.
A total of 396 manatees died in Florida's waters
last year, the second-worst year since mortalities
have been recorded. Red tide was suspected in at
least 81 deaths, while boaters killed another 80, up
from a decline of boat-manatee deaths for the two
years prior.
And Katrina's impact?
It seems that law enforcement officials with the
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
went to Mississippi and Louisiana to aid in relief efforts
after the storm made landfall. With a dearth of about
100 officers, errant boaters here were left without any
oversight, and speeding boats struck and killed more
manatees as a result.
Jeez, does it take a water cop looming over one's
shoulder to keep a boater from speeding through mana-
tee waters? I guess so..
It was in 1996 that manatee deaths spiked since
record-keeping began in 1974, when 415 sea cows died.
That year also saw a high incidence of red tide off the
coast, and 149 succumbed to the toxic brew that the
algae produced. To help bring the numbers into per-
spective, there were only four manatee deaths attributed
to red tide in 2004, versus 2005's 81.
The red tide mortality figures could also climb as
some of the 105 "undetermined" deaths of manatees are
further studied, according to the St. Petersburg Times.
There are an estimated 3,000-plus manatees pad-
dling around the waters off Florida, and the next aerial
manatee census is expected, to take place later this

Red tide anniversary
We're past the one-year mark of the latest red tide
outbreak that has plagued Southwest Florida. Reports
last Friday indicated low readings off New Pass in
Sarasota, a moderate reading off Pinellas County in the
Gulf of Mexico, and patchy reports elsewhere, none of
any real note.
Is it still out there? Sure, it is always lurking in the.
background. Can the algae bloom again? Sure. What
causes the blooms? Dunno for certain.
When, or if, red tide returns is one of those wait-
and-see elements that makes living on the edge of a
big body of water so interesting. It's like waiting for
that Category 5 toxic plume to hit you know it will
someday, you just don't know when.

Ocean current change = dramatic
climate change?
Here's another one of those bad sensationalized

Chicken barbecue scheduled
The Anna Maria Island Power Squadron's
sixth annual chicken barbecue will be from noon
to 3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 28, at the squadron quar-
ters, 1200 71st St., Bradenton. Cost is $6 per
person and carryout will be available. Details may
be obtained at 778-8408.

TV weather movies: Global warming spurs melting of
the polar ice caps. The inrush of freshwater into the
world's oceans warms the seas, causes a shift in the
currents and, instead of the nice warm water flowing
via the Gulf Stream to moderate western Europe, icy
water flows in its place and the region is plunged into
an ice age.
According to the journal Nature, scientists have
found that something similar to the sci-fi scenario did
take place about 55 million years ago, according to
fossil records just uncovered.
Apparently, way back then, ocean temperatures
shot up by something like 8 degrees Celsius. It is pos-
tulated to have been spurred by the warming of the
Most deepwater ocean currents travel from south
to north, from the warm equator to the chilly poles.
The cold water is generally more saline that the
warmer waters. Apparently, there is some evidence that
when the cold water surfaces by the ice caps, and runs
into fresher water, it warms. Enough warming, and the
traditional south-to-north flow can flip, with globally
disastrous results.
The evidence is indicated in microscopic critter
analysis that has been taken from deep core samples
in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans by a team of scien-
As Nature described the shift: "Perhaps most
remarkable is how abrupt the changes were. 'The
switch in circulation took just a few thousand years,'
said one researcher, 'but then it took 100,000 years to
revert. So if the ocean flips on us we may be living
with that change for a long, long time. It's sort of
Another frightening thing about all this current
current change is that there are definite signs that indi-
cate that the seas are indeed warming, the ice caps are
indeed melting, but the degree of warmth or melt is
not yet known to be sufficient to cause the currents to

Still cruising
My buddy Stan Zimmerman is again offering his
"Cruising (with) Class" course at the Sarasota Sailing
Squadron, and any sailors or any boaters, for that
matter should give some thought to attending. Itis
free, after all.
The course has begun and will continue through
February at.7 p.m. Monday nights. It's geared for the
novice or the experienced waterperson and offers some
good tips that Stan has learned the hard way after
spending three decades on sailboats.



with tourS

SCertified Full .utoirntve Repaoir
"' 5333 Gulf Drive Hoirres Beoch
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Topics include local weather and currents, coastal
navigation without electronics, cooking and provision-
ing, safe anchoring, simplified sail handling, stormy
weather tactics, useful gunkhole anchorages along this
coast and useful knots cruising sailors should know.
As Stan puts it, "Even old salts can learn some-
thing new and new salts certainly will benefit from the
instructor's trial-and-error lessons of 30 years along this
coast. You are expected to take notes, so bring paper and
pencil, as well as 6-foot hank of line to practice your
The class is held on the Squadron porch in Ken
Thompson Park, east of Mote Marine Laboratory on
City Island in Sarasota, which is just across the bridge
from Longboat Key.

Sandscript factoid
This is without question the worst clean joke I've
heard in years. Thanks, Doris Silverthor, for inflicting
it upon us all.
A frog walks into a bank and approaches the loan
officer. He can see from her nameplate that her name
is Patricia Whack.
"Miss Whack, I'd like to get a $30,000 loan to take
a holiday."
Patty looks at the frog in disbelief and asks his
name. The frog says his name is Kermit Jagger, his dad
is Mick Jagger, and that it's OK, he knows the bank
Patty explains that he will need to secure the loan
with some collateral.
The frog says, "Sure. I have this," and produces a
tiny porcelain elephant, about an inch tall, bright pink
and perfectly formed.
Very confused, Patty explains that she'll have to
consult with the bank manager and disappears into a
back office.
She finds the manager and says, "There's a frog
called Kermit Jagger out there who claims to know you
and wants to borrow $30,000, and he wants to use this
as collateral."
She holds up the tiny pink elephant. "I mean, what
in the world is this?"
The bank manager looks back at her and says ...
"It's a knickknack, Patty Whack. Give the frog a
loan. His old man's a Rolling Stone."
You're singing it, aren't you? Yeah, I know you

Horseshoe history sought
Former Island resident William Bartlett Sr.
is looking for information on the history of
horseshoe playing as an organized activity in
Anna Maria.
He's looking for Island residents both
former and present who may have first-hand
accounts from friends or relatives of horseshoe
playing as a gathering of family and friends.
He's also looking for any photographs of people
playing horseshoes.
Anyone with information is asked to
call Bartlett at 794-3736 or e-mail him at


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'Everyting You Need for Florida Fishing/

THE ISLANDER JAN. 11. 2005 B1-3

Cold weather puts chill on inshore fishing, offshore still great

By Capt. Mike Heistand
Fishing has been a little slow of late for backwater
fishers, what with the cold fronts. Sheepshead, redfish
and a few trout are being brought back to the dock, but
other species seem to be hunkered down to avoid the
cold. Try afternoon fishing when the water warms a bit
for a better catch.
Offshore action for grouper and snapper appears
to be unaffected by the chill, with excellent catches of
grouper and snapper coming out of the Gulf of Mexico
in water depths of 50 to 100 feet.
Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of
Parrot Cove Marina in Cortez said he found fishing
action to be good over the holidays. "Most of the action
on Manatee County waters consisted of sheepshead,
scattered reds, snook, trout, pompano and bluefish,"
he said. "Live shrimp accounted for a lot of the suc-
cess but artificial jigs and soft-bodied lures did the
trick as well." Capt. Zach said the weekend cold front
will probably suppress good fishing for a few days, but
things should bounce back after the chill is gone. He's
fishing mostly in Anna Maria Sound, Palma Sola Bay
and North Sarasota Bay, with the heavily structured
areas proving to be the most productive.
Capt. Thom Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez
Road said he's catching lots of trout using artificial
bait, mostly Exudes or DOAs. He's also catching
some redfish around the docks in Terra Ceia Bay on
Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle said
grouper action in the Gulf is still excellent in 50 to 100
feet of water, with gags being an especially good bet
right now. Snapper fishing is excellent as well, with
some fish tipping the scales at better than 5 pounds.
Backwater action for sheepshead is the best it can get,
and Bill said he's also heard reports of good-sized red-
fish being caught near the Island docks.
Capt. Larry McGuire of Show Me The Fish
Charters said he's been putting his charters onto lots
of large gag grouper, limits of snapper mangrove,
yellowtail and lane with some, porgies and even a
5-foot blacktip shark. We had a great trip with Dave
Spencer, Karen Sommerland, Steve Pearce, Trevor
Widick, David Cobb and special guest Capt. Mike
Heistand a few weeks ago, and "there was a lot of
pressure to perform and catch fish with Capt. Mike,"
Capt. Larry said. "We started catching big gag grou-

Charter Boat

Backwater Near Shore Up to 7 miles out in the Gulf
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Light Tackle Fishing e Reservations a Must!
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From left
are Steve
Karen Som-
David Cobb
and Dave
with their
catch after
a day on the
water with
Capt. Larry
McGuire of
Show Me
The Fish

per with an intense bite. When the gags slowed up in
the morning, we moved and started catching lots of
large mangrove snapper, yellowtail snapper and some
more grouper." By the way, Capt. Larry will be at Boat-
ers World near DeSoto Square Mall at 7 p.m. Jan. 24,
teaching a seminar on grouper and snapper techniques
and other offshore fishing tricks.
Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said sheepshead
were the No. 1 catch for pier anglers last week, and
about the only species that made it to the dock.
Jesus Rosario at the Anna Maria City Pier said
sheepies were the best bet for his pier fishers last week,
too, and he suggested that shrimp, sand fleas or blood-
worms work the best as bait for the bigger catches.
Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said
he's seeing a lot of mangrove snapper coming in from
around the Sunshine Skyway Bridge ship channel.
There are some black drum being caught in the Man-
atee River, he said, and some really big snook are
hanging around the dock but they don't seem to be
At Perico Island Bait and Tackle, reports include

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trout coming off the seagrass flats near or in the sandy
holes during the day. Early mornings and in the eve-
nings, the best action seems to come from deeper water
for the bigger fish. Sheepshead are still coming on
strong by any of the docks in Anna Maria Sound.
At Skyway Bait & Tackle, reports include a few
redfish catches in the backwaters. Try waiting until the
afternoon to go out, since the water tends to warm a
bit more then and the fish get a little hungrier. Good
catches are coming in near the oyster beds in Terra Ceia
Bay, using shrimp as bait. There are also lots of sheeps-
head being caught by the Sunshine Skyway Bridge.
On my boat Magic, we've been catching lots of
sheepshead, a few redfish and mangrove snapper to 16
inches in length by the Sunshine Skyway Bridge.
Good luck and good fishing.
Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing
guide. Call him at 779-9607 to provide a fishing
report. Prints and digital images of your catch are
also welcome and may be dropped off at The Islander,
5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to
news @ islander org.

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4-B 3 JAN. 11. 200(i TIHE ISLANI)DER

Youth roundball bounces into 'Center court'

By Kevin Cassidy
Islander Reporter
The Anna Maria Island Community Center's winter
basketball season is under way with games being
played Monday through Saturday at varying times in
the Center gym. The Center has basketball action in five
age groups, with an instructional division for the young-
est players ages 5 to 7. There are no scores or stand-
ings kept in the Instructional Division, which focuses
on learning fundamentals and having fun.
Division I (ages 12-14), Division II (ages 10-11), Divi-
sion III (ages 8-9) and the Premier Division (ages
14-17) are competitive leagues with all teams vying for
first-place position and trophies.
In Division II basketball action, Island Family Physi-
cians overcame a cold-shooting first half to defeat the
Sun House Restaurant 28-16 on Jan. 7 at the Center.
Both the Sun House and Island Family Physicians
struggled with shoots in the first half and the largest
lead was two points until a steal and a layup by Heather
Dearlove gave IFP a 10-7 lead -which it took into half
IFP coach Keith Dearlove passed on the normal
halftime talk and instead had his players work on their
shooting during the intermission.
It must have worked as IFP went on a 6-0 run to
open the second half. Dearlove opened the second-half,
scoring with a 15-foot jumper along the baseline. She
followed with two more points by backing her defender
going down to the basket before hitting a turn-around
bank shot for a 14-7 lead. A steal and a layup by Dear-
love opened up a 16-7 lead before Grant Bower broke
-through for the Sun House with an offensive rebound
putback to pull to within 16-9.
Becca Butler answered right back with an offen-
sive rebound and a layup of her own to restore IFP's
nine-point lead. IFP continued to pour it on, opening up
a 26-9 lead when Stephanie Purnell scored down low
with 2:12 left to play.
That's when the Sun House's Glenn Bower got
hot. He banked in a shot from 12 feet to pull the Sun
House to 26-11, but Daniel Pimental grabbed an offen-
sive rebound and alertly passed it back to IFP teammate
Butler, who banked in a shot for a 28-11 lead.
Glenn Bower answered with a 15-footer with 50
seconds left to play and then hit a three-pointer just
before the buzzer sounded to end the game with IFP on
top by a 28-16 score.
Dearlove led IFP with 14 points, six rebounds
and four assists, while Butler added 10 points and six
rebounds. Purnell finished with seven rebounds to go
along with her two points in the victory.
Glenn Bower led the Sun House with 11 points and
five rebounds, while Grant Bower added three points
and Kalif Mora finished with two points in the loss.

More Division II action
Saleaway Cruises held Harcom Corp. scoreless in



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Hailey Dearlove drives to the basket as KalifMora defends during Island Family Physicians'28-16 victory
over the Sun House. Islander Photos: Kevin Cassidy

Wilson each scored two points to complete the Duncan
Harcorn received two points apiece from Patrick
Edwards, Sheldon Phillips and Emily White in the

Anna Maria Island Community
Center basketball schedule
Premier (ages 14-17)
Jan. 11 8 p.m. West Coast vs. IRE
Jan. 14 12 p.m. Publix vs. IRE
Jan. 14 1 p.m. West Coast vs. Glass & Screen
Jan. 16 8 p.m. IRE vs. Glass & Screen

Glenn Bower receives a pass on a fast break as
Hailey Dearlove defends during Division II basket-
ball action at the Anna Maria Island Community
the second and third quarters as it jumped out to a big
16-7 lead before barely holding on for a 19-18 victory
on Jan. 7.
Kelly Guerin led Saleaway with eight points and
Travis Belsito added six points to the victory. Wyatt
Hoffman played a major role in the Saleaway victory
by scoring three of his five points in the pivotal fourth
Jerry Mayer led Harcorn with six points, while
Sheldon Phillips and Stephanie Schenk each added
five points. Patrick Edwards completed the Harcorn
scoring with two points in the loss.
Duncan Real Estate foreclosed on Harcorn Corp.
with a 13-6 victory on Jan. 6 in Division II basket-
ball. Duncan rode a balanced offense that saw five
different players score, led by Savannah Schield's
four points. Molly McDonough chipped in with three
points, while Kayla Aritt, Jake Rappe and Taylor

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Division I (ages 12-13)
Jan. 12 8 p.m.
Jan. 13 7 p.m.
Jan. 13 8 p.m.
Jan. 16 6 p.m.
Jan. 16 7 p.m.

Division II (ages 10-11

Jan. 11
Jan. 13
Jan. 14
Jan. 14
Jan. 17

Jan. 12
Jan. 14
Jan. 14
Jan. 17

A&E vs. Danziger
A&E vs. Homes
Paradise vs. Observer
A&E vs. Observer
Paradise vs. Homes


7 p.m. Duncan vs. Sun House

6 p.m.
2 p.m.
3 p.m.
6 p.m.

III (ages 8-9)
7 p.m.
10 a.m.
11 a.m.
7 p.m.

Jan. 11
Jan. 12
Jan. 14
Jan. 14
Jan. 17

Duncan vs. Saleaway
Saleaway vs. Harcorn
Sun House vs. Physicians
Sun House vs. Saleaway

Dips vs. Kumon
Jessie's vs. Kumon
Bistros vs. Dips
Dips vs. Jessie's

League (ages 5-7)
6 p.m. Oyster Bar vs. Oden-Hardy
6 p.m. Ross Dev. vs. ReMax
4 p.m. Ross Dev. vs. Oyster Bar
5 p.m. Oden-Hardy vs. LPAC
6 p.m. Oyster Bar vs. LPAC

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Division III action
Johnny Mattay scored five points to lead all scor-
ers during Dips Ice Cream's 9-0 victory over Jessie's
Island Store on Jan. 7 in Division III basketball action.
Phillip Dudevoire and Brendan Galagher each added
two points in the victory for Dips.
Neil Carper exploded for 12 points to lead Kumon
past the Bistros 13-9 on Jan. 7. Sam Azmi completed
the scoring for Kumon with one point. Luke Shack-
elford scored nine points to lead the Bistros scoring
efforts in the loss.
Jacob Blue, Billy Eddy, Bo Gurskis and Josh
Zawistoski each scored two points to lead Jessie's
Island Store past Kumon with the score 8-2 on Jan. 5.
Madison Driscoll led Kumon with two points in the

Premier Division heats up court
Island Real Estate doubled up on Anna Maria
Glass & Screen 50-25 on Jan. 7 in Premier Division
basketball action in the Center league behind a bal-
anced scoring attack that saw every player score.
David Buck scored 13 points and pulled down five
rebounds, while Zach Schield added 10 points and
14 rebounds to lead IRE. Grant Lukitch added eight
points and six assists for Island Real Estate, which also
received seven points from Jacob Shubring in the vic-
Franklin Moore scored 12 points and pulled down
eight rebounds to lead Glass & Screen. Luis Leon
added eight points and eight rebounds for Glass &
Screen, which also received three points from Corbin
Kitchen and two points apiece from Breann Richard-
son and Ben Valdivieso in the loss.

West Coast 45, Publix 43
Matt McDonough scored 19 points, including
going 6-for-6 from the foul line in the pivotal fourth
quarter to lead West Coast Air, Conditioning past
Publix 45-43 on Jan. 7. Kevin Grunke added 10 points
and six rebounds, while Whitney Bauer and Al Barrett
both finished with six points and two rebounds in the
Tyler Bekkerus led Publix with 24 points and nine
rebounds, while Mike Wallen added 13 points and four
boards in the loss.

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Division I play
Brandon Gangler scored 20 points and pulled down
10 rebounds to lead Homes of Distinction past Dan-
ziger Allergy & Sinus 42-34 in Division I basketball
action on Jan. 6. Ally Titsworth added 14 points, includ-
ing a pair of three-pointers and Blake Wilson scored
eight points to contribute to the Homes of Distinction
Danziger Allergy & Sinus was led by Garrett
Secor, who led all players with 26 points and 15
rebounds, while Chris Callahan added six points and
Sarah Howard scored two points in the loss.
Justin Dearlove had 12 points, seven assists and
four rebounds to lead A Paradise Realty past Air &
Energy by a 38-18 score on Jan. 6. David Landesberg
added 10 points for A Paradise, which also received.
eight points and 10 rebounds from Jordan. Sebastiano
in the victory.
Matt Bauer led A&E with 10 points, while Jason
Rappe scored four points and pulled down five
rebounds in the loss.
Garrett Secor scored 19 points and grabbed 15
rebounds to lead] Dan z iCec Allergy & Sinus past Long-
boaat Observer 24-2- on Jan. 5 Chn: Callahan and
Kelly Dodson each scored four points and Sarah
Howard added two points to complete the scoring in

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THE ISLANI)ER JAN. 11, 2005 1 B-5
leads the
fast break
for his Sun
S1. basketball
-. Division II
action at
N.' 4' the Anna
4 Island

the Danziger victory.
Forest Schield's 13 points and 10 points from Kyle
Aritt paced Observer in the loss.

Anna Maria pit news
Adin Shank and Norm Good defeated the team of
John Johnson and Bob Lee by a 21-12 score to win
the first horseshoe competition of the year on Jan.
4. Shank and Good advanced to the finals by defeat-
ing Charlie Apuzzo and Rod Bussey 21-12. The other
semifinal saw Johnson and Lee defeat Jay Disbrow and
Art Kingstead 21-9 in a match that saw at least 15 ring-
ers between the two teams.
Adin Shank and Steve Doyle defeated Art Kings-
tad and George Landritus 21-16 in a very exciting final
on the last day of the year. All of the players stayed for
the final match to cheer on the 83-year-old Landritus,
who played magnificently all morning.

W t Di 0 I- I

213 70th Street $839,000
3BR/2BA, steps to Gulf, pool.

6300 Flotilla Drive $359,000
Shell Point condo, 2BR/2BA, carport.
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Perico Bay Club 2BR/2BA, lakefront.
6701 12th Ave.W. $279,900
Village Green, 2BR/2BA.
6400 Flotilla Drive $499,000
WestBay Point, 2BR/2BA, ground level.

511 74th St. $899,000
4BR/2BA, 40x20 pool, dock and lift.
621 Key Royale Drive $1,899,000
3BR/2BA, on Tampa Bay, best view!
4107 Royal Palm Drive $699,000
2BR/2BA, dock, lift, no bridge, beautiful.
625 Emerald Lane $859,000
2BR/2BA, pool, dock, good boat water.

5804 Marina Drive $2,300,000
Across from City Hall, Zoned C-3

6-B J JAN. 11. 2006 U THE ISLANDER

s2sl d Biz

By Rick Catlin

Ten years

of sunshine
Nicole Heslop was a successful
real estate broker on Anna Maria Island
a little more than 10 years ago when she
decided to quit smoking.
She took up gardening to keep
her hands busy and used to buy all
her supplies and plants at Everything

Under the Sun Garden Center at 5704
Marina Drive in Holmes Beach.
One day, she walked into the store
and found the owner putting up a "for
sale" sign.
"I remember thinking, 'What am I
going to do with my hands if the store
Luckily, husband Jon Westergard
was a professional landscaper and it
didn't take much for her to convince
him that the two of them should go into
business together by buying the store.
"It was the coldest day of the
year when we took over," remembered
Nicole. "We had to cover up all the
plants to keep them from freezing. We
wondered if we were going to survive
that night, but it's been uphill since then.

Here comes the sun
Jon Westergard and Nicole Heslop will celebrate their 10th anniversary this week
as owners of Everything Under the Sun at 5704 Marina Drive in Holmes Beach.

Traveling fun
Fantasy Travel of Cortez held its Second Annual Travel Show Nov. 30 at the
Elk's Lodge #1511 in Bradenton. More than 30 vendors participated and guests
enjoyed refreshments, door prizes and a day of travel specials. Islander Photo:

Nancy Ambrose

Ti -' I 1k jFHu~4ELSAIiblDEF

Islander Photo: Rick Catlin

We're still here, still married and still
working together."
And Everything Under the Sun
lives up to its name.
Jon handles the professional land-
scaping side of the business, while
Nicole takes care of everything from
plants and flowers including freshly
cut stems to Mexican pottery, Tiki
furniture, wrought-iron decorations and
the fresh fruit and juice bar..
"You name it and we have it,"
beamed Nicole.
They also offer fresh citrus and
juices during the winter season by driv-
ing to Mixon Farms during the week to
pick up fresh products.
"We like the fruits and juices
because there was no reason for our

Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor

.* ~ .= _, .

'v -
.i~..J '1

beautiful Terra Ceia Bay. 2BR/2BA condo in
a gated golf course community that offers
a Clubhouse, exercise room, heated pool/
spa, tennis & fishing pier.$365,000. Jody
Shinn, 748-6300 or 705-5704. 515197

3 *t .
J .

VIEWS from this 2BR condo, which
comes with a boat slip on deep,
sailboat water with no bridges to
bay. $459,000. Victoria Horstmann,
748-6300 or 518-1278. 518374

:...^W, .

STYLE in this beautiful maintenance free
2BR patio home! Open floor plan. fire-
place, private pool in a courtyard set-
ting. $399,900. Lisa Creech, 748-6300
or 228-8712. 513561

glass conservatory. Unique Sarasota Bay
waterfront community w/24 hr. gated
entry, lush nature preserve, pool and
tennis. $749,000. Ruth Lawler, 587-4623
or Maryann Lawler, 586-8257.508295

BEACH VIEW OF MANATEE. Very well priced elevated 2BR condo with new tile, tastefully deco-
rated. Overlooking the pool and area to relax. Very close to the beach and shopping. Great value.
$529,900.748-6300. Chuck West 374-3211.514355
WILDEWOOD SPRINGS. 1550 Model w/a wonderful backyard courtyard w/its own sprinkler
system. This open floor plan has 2BRs, brand new carpet and paint. Add your own personal
touches with some updating. $259,900. Debbie Capobianco 748-6300 or 704-2394.518989
SPRING LAKES. This ground floor 1BR is rarely available. Designertouches through out new wood
laminate floors, fantastic view of pool and greenbelt. Greatforfull time residence, winter retreat or
investor. Hurry, this wont last. $199,999. Debbie Capobianco, 748-6300 or 704-2394.515807
OLDE WESTFIELD. Classic 1920's Spanish home, hardwood floorsthrough out Large comer
lot. Spacious rooms, wood burning fireplace, arched opening between main rooms. Fenced
side and rearyards. Neighborhood charm abounds in this West Bradenton location. $259,000.
748-6300. Ruth Lawler, 587-4623 or Maryann Lawler, 586-8257.516828
HISTORIC WARES CREEK. Captivating classic bungalow is sure to appeal to the romantic lover
of the vintage era. Exquisite condition, professionally restored wood floors. Large 36 x 10 deck
overlooks lush rear yard. Wood burning fireplace. $299,000.748-6300 Ruth Lawler 587-4623
or Maryann Lawler 586-8257.518249
HISTORIC WARES CREEK AREA. Charming cira 1924 home.3BR, 2 Story home on comer
lot w/fruit trees. Features hardwood floors, built-in bookcases, newer appliances and endless
possibilities! $319,000. Patty Brooks 748-6300 or 545-1194.514462
WHITNEY MEADOWS. This gorgeous 2004 3BR home is conveniently located near 1-75 and
the Ellenton Outlet Mall. Come enjoy pristine lake views from your magnificenttiled lanai. Don't
let this one get away. $385,900. Ryan Carbery 748-6300 or 7447587. 517950


802 Audubon Drive
1BR/1BA Great views $315,000.
503 Sanderling Circle
2BR/2BA, nice villa $395,000.
1265 Spoonbill Landing
2BR/2BA lakefront. $399,000.
886 Waterside Lane
2BR/2BA lakefront, furnished. $459,000.
1227 Edgewater Circle
2BR/2BA bayfront, model.
Furnished. $470,000.
and more

My newest renco islna iisnng 1133a renrco Isles Lircie
Exciting, single family home. 3BR/2BA, two-car garage.
Large, heated pool and spa, inviting front porch, in home owners
association club house, exercise room, tennis, pool, club room.
Only $524,000.

customers to drive all the way out east to
get those things. We get them real early
in the morning so everything is fresh,"
Nicole said.
She'll also have fresh strawberries
within a few weeks, as soon as the har-
vest season starts.
"It's been a great 10 years," said
Jon. "We're Holmes Beach residents
and we're happy to still be here. We'd
hate to have to leave the Island."
For more information on Every-
thing Under the Sun, call 778-4441.

JavaMoon is here
Island residents William and
Maritza Aleman and daughters Chris-


Anna Maria Duplex
This turnkey-furnished ground floor duplex in the City of Anna Maria
is an easy walk to the beach. Situated on quiet streets and built
back to back, each of these well-landscaped apartments has terrazzo
floors, two large bedrooms with a full bath and a separate drive-
way from different streets. With a great rental history they make a
good investment. Up to 50 percent owner financing available. Asking
$799,900. (941) 778-4745. Principals only.

VW W:-IS0-c"- N E _. ORG

Top Producing Realtor
Toll Free 1-866-587-8559

NEW LISTING! Upstairs condo with views of the Gulf and bay.
Relax in bayside pool, chat with friends at the bayfront park or walk
just a few steps to the beach. No age restrictions. Just $339,900.
NEW LISTING-GOLF COMMUNITY: Beautifully upgraded and
turnkey-furnished ground floor condo at Ironwood. Golf, tennis,
pools and more. Just five minutes to the beach. Only $155,000.
LONGBOAT KEY BEACH FRONT: One of the best views!
Many upgrades and furnished beautifully. Tennis and heated
pool. $819,000.
VILLA SOFIA: Almost new 3BR/3BA Spanish Mediterranean
home just steps to the beach with a private pool. $80,000 per
year in rental income. $1,400,000.
NORTH BEACH VILLAGE: Elevated Key West-style townhomes in
north Holmes Beach with community pool and two-car garages.
From $635-673,000.
THIS IS THE LIFE! Turnkey-furnished 2BR condo with Gulf views
from the porch. Updated and four month rental in place. Heated
pool, fishing pier, beach, clubhouse. $349,900.
PANORAMIC GULF AND BAY VIEWS: Sixth floor Gulffront end
unit, magnificently upgraded Garage included. Heated pool, club-
house, tennis. $684,900.


Island Biz

tina and Amanda recently celebrated
the grand opening of JavaMoon Coffee
at 3409 Cortez Road W. in Bradenton.
The store offers the highest qual-
ity coffee and tea, including organically
grown, along with Cuban espressos,
smoothies and a family atmosphere.
JavaMoon will also showcase the
work of local artists and host a Java-
Moon Nights from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.
this Friday, Jan. 13, where the sounds
of live Latin jazz and poetry will pro-
vide a relaxing evening. Painters, writ-
ers, photographers, filmmakers, come-
dians, poets, musicians and dancers are
invited to the open microphone ses-
For further information on Java-
Moon call 375-2656.

Richard's recipe

Richard's Whole Foods at 5344
Gulf Drive in Holmes Beach is pub-
lishing a recipe book with all profits
from the sale of the book donated to
All Faith's Food Bank, which distrib-
utes food to the needy in Manatee and
Sarasota counties.
The book will contain favorite reci-
pes from Island residents and the only
requirement for someone. to enter a
recipe for inclusion in the book is that at
least half the ingredients must be avail-
able at Richard's.
Entry forms may be picked up
at Richard's or downloaded at

For more information, call Karen or service, an anniversary, a new hire,
Abbattista at 377-6266, ext. 5. or an award-winning staff member?
Call Island Biz at 778-7978, fax your
yoe to, 7708-9392 or p-mail usa nt

Realty raves
Gulf-Bay Realty at 5309 Gulf Drive
in Holmes Beach has .named Heather
and Jennifer Absten as its top listing and
selling agents respectively for Decem-
Island Real Estate at 6101 Marina
Drive in Holmes Beach honored Alan
Galletto as its top listing agent for
December, while John van Zandt
received the top sales agent award for
the most closings during the Month.

Got a new business going up in
Anna Maria Island, Cortez or Long-
boat Key? How about a new product

news @ islander org.
Island real

estate sales
510 Bayview Drive, Holmes Beach,
a 1,179 sfla / 2,124 sfur 2bed/2bath/2car
canalfront pool home built in 1972 on a
75x120 lot was sold 12/20/05, Lepley to
Gilbert for $900,000.
503 83rd St., Holmes Beach,.a 1,296
sfla / 2,273 sfur 3bed/2bath/lcar canal-
front home built in 1973 on a 90x109 lot
was sold 12/20/05, Maxwell to Beer for
$810,000; list $815,000.
2412 Gulf Drive N., Unit 223, Club
Bamboo South, Bradenton Beach, a 450

THE ISLANDER ,JAN. 11. 2005 U B-7
Featured sale:
This canalfront
pool home at 510
Bayview Drive,
S Holmes Beach,
sold in October
2002 .for
$420,000 and
December 2005
for $900,000,
amounting to a
114 percent
increase in three
years. The cost
Super square foot
is $763. Islander
Photo: Jesse Bris-

sfur studio condo was sold 12/19/05, S
and S Beach Properties LLC to Kent for
2412 Gulf Drive N., Unit 119, Club
Bamboo South, Bradenton Beach, a 430
sfur studio condo was sold 12/22/05, S
and S Beach Properties LLC to Mercan-
detti for $462,000.
2412 Gulf Drive N., Unit 117, Club
Bamboo South, Bradenton Beach, a 430
sfur studio condo was sold 12/22/05, S
and S Beach Properties LLC to Terry for
Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at
Gulf-Bay Realty of Holmes Beach, can
be reached at (941) 713-4755 direct, or
at Gulf-Bay (941) 778-7244.
Current Island real estate trans-
actions may also be viewed online at
www.islander.org. Copyright 2006.

k' Blhl-Bay Realt y 5309 Gf 2inve
/of WIm Maria h -
1 78-124h4 ', 81. ea4ac, F4 S4217

Immaculate 2BR/2B Renovated ground floor
open and airy Norteh .: end unit with great views
Beach Village condo. of El Conquistador gol0
Largest froor plan at ': course! Turnkeyfurnished,
over 1,500 st under air ready for you to move in.
and over 2,000 under Shows beautifully Close to
root! Great location, beaches & IMG Academy.
heated pool, two-car Private open courtyard, and
garage, hurricane Shul- .* lanai, walk 1o the pool &
ters and a great potential spa. Florida living at it's
for rentals. $675,000 best. $299,900

Call Jesse Brisson Broker A.ociate. GRI 19411713-4755


BRADENTON LOCATION: 2BR/2BA home. Fenced yard, new
roof 2003. Quiet neighborhood. $249,000, Please call Zee
Catanese, Broker Associate, (941) 742-0148 evenings or
Smith Realtors, (941) 778-0777.
5910 MaiinaDrive *Holmes Beach FL 34217
Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals-778-0770
1-800-741-3772 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK
Web site: www.smithrealtors.com

Reputation- Resources- Results

," .~,,*',, "[ .
:.':" -, ,"' .... "7 A '.
Island Paradise Directly on the Gulf Island Paradise Directly on the Gulf
of Mexico 2BR/1.5BA furnished unit. of Mexico Beautiful2BR/1.5BA turnkey
Kitchen and bath rooms have been furnished end unitwith direct"Gulf Front
totally renovated.To many upgrades and Views". Heated pool and gorgeous sun-
amenities to mention them all here. Call sets. Call for your showing. Offered at
for your showing. Offered at $950,000. $849,000.
Safes oRentafs Property Mana cement
'Team Pinnacle
S teampinnaclefl@yahoo.com
PatPalmeri-Bates www.flrealestateassistance.com John Luchkowec

a se Rea ty 778--480

-- J~i~ ~"T M
Welometo Pra ise' Hundreds of1%Propertiesto ChooeFro

BAY WATCH Direct bayfront unit with
views to the Sarasota Skyline. Boat dock,
pool and two under cover parking spaces.
Newly furnished! Very good rental prop-
erty. $579,000. Call Quentin Talbert,

NEW TOWNHOME Very spacious
3BR/2BA with two-car garage. Town-
home recently built. $749,000. Quentin
Talbert, 778-4800.

updated duplex. 2BR/2BA each side, short
stroll to the beach: Tons of storage and
charming outdoor living space. $619,000.
Nicole Skaggs, 778-4800.

llI' i i ll 1, 111 ,, i

COCONUTS 1BR/1BA poolside turn-
key furnished unit with Gulf view. Only
steps to the beach! Impeccably main-
tained for your most discriminating buyer.
$539,900. Mary Burke, 778-4800.

Gulffront, great value. 2BR/2BA turnkey
furnished. Pool front, elevator, nicely
furnished. Pristine Gulffront complex.
$989,000. Lynn Hostetler, 778-4800.

lot. Least expensive on the Island. Build
your home just steps from the beach.
Look for sign. $415,000. Ken Rickett,

Outstanding Building Site
Pristine spacious lot now includes smaller
home, but zoned duplex. A contemporary
two-family structure ideal for shape of lot
and you're surrounded by tropical foliage
to create your private retreat. Call for
additional details. Asking $775,000.
Gulffront Location
Charming 2BR/1BA cottage in quiet
Anna Maria which offers direct views
from living area and both bedrooms.
Cheerful kitchen with breakfast nook plus
dining area and newly refurbished deck
for outdoor entertaining and viewing our
lovely Island sunsets. Excellent rental and
now reduced to $1,375,000.
Choice weekly and monthly winter
rentals still available. Inquire today!

SINCE 1957
"We ARE the Island!"
Marie Franklin, Lie. IR.: E Iic Bi,:- -r
941778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250
E-mail amrealty@verizon.net
Web site wwv. annamariareal. corn

a 9 1 '~'~''~''iii~i ~i

8-B .JAN. 11, 2006 N THE ISLANDER


Snih oast

Gorgeous home with incomparable Gulf views. Reno-
vated. Large GULFFRONT lot. Inground pool, deck-
ing, beautifully landscaped, fruit trees. Spectacular!
2BR/2BA Turnkey furnished corner unit. Gulf view.
Secured entry, pool, tennis. Beautiful white sand
beach. Close to shopping and restaurants. $729,000.
4BR/3BA. Custom kitchen, ceramic tile, master
bedroom/fireplace and jacuzzi. Brick patio, heated
pool, lush landscaping. Two docks/davits, sprinkler
system/well. Hurricane film, two-car garage/reinforced
door. $1,975,000.
1BR/1.5BA seaside beach house condo. Turnkey fur-
nished. Sautillo tile. Gorgeous view of the Gulf. Beau-
tiful beach. Excellent rental. $799,900.
3BR/2.5BA and 1BR/1BA guest house. Secluded,
on one of Anna Maria's finest beaches. Nicely ren-
ovated, furnished, vaulted ceiling. French doors,
fireplace,security shutters, garage. $3,650,000.
4BR/3BA in Anna Maria city. Miles of beautiful walk-
ing beach. Gulf side deck and gazebo. Riparian rights.
Area of renewal and new housing. View of Gulf, bay,
Egmont Key and Skyway bridge. $2,650,000.
4BR/3BA North Point Harbour. Lap pool, waterfall
and hot tub. New seawall, dock, fruit trees,
vaulted ceiling, deck, French doors. Multi-car garage.
2BR/2A Gulffront condo. Turnkey furnished. Updated.
ceramic tile. Excellent mid-Island location. Pool,
secured lobby, under-building parking. $995,000.
3BR/2.5BA. Updated home just steps to prime beach.
Split-plan, Corian, new windows, baths and kitchen.
Large, heated, caged pool. $1,299,000.
1BR/1BA, Turnkey-furnished villa. Adorable beach
hideaway. Updated with heated pool, just steps to
deeded white sandy beach access. Rental program in
place oh-site manager. Small pet allowed. $375,000.
3BR/2BA Central Holmes Beach turnkey furnished
condo. Views of Gulf. Tennis, heated pool, beautiful
beach. Excellent rental with liberal rental policy.
2BR/2BA turnkey furnished. Close to Island beaches.
Heated-pool, tennis, clubhouse/fitness room. Carport.
Short drive to shopping and restaurants. $359,000.
2BR/2BA Canal home. New seawall. Dock, boat lift.
Direct access to Intracoastal waterway. Vaulted ceil-
ing, eat-in kitchen, ceramic tile, community pool and:
tennis. $1,249,000.
2BR/2BA large, Village Green condo. Lovely view of
lake, beautiful birds. Close to gazebo, pavilion and
pool. Quiet, residential area. $379,900.
2BR/2BA condo. Light, bright corner unit. Close
to pool. Ceramic tile, shutters and glass enclosed
lanai; Near bank, doctors, shopping and restaurants.

From $700 / month
Condos/Homes: $500 week / $1,000 month

779-0202 (800) 732-6434

MIS SuiiLCoast
Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive
Holmes Beach, Florida 34217- www.suncoastinc.com
. ;;a ,'.

K ~

tOn ;
~ 71i

GREAT VIEW Beautiful
4BR/4BA with stunning
Gulf views. Newer con-
struction, top of the line
amenities, 75 feet to the
beach. Heated pool, eleva-
tor and many extras!


; .- _. ... ... :. :

c. -.
GULFFRONT Two large 3BR/2BA homes on this large
Gulffront property at the north end of Anna Maria.
Built in 1970 and maintained in immaculate condition!


4BR/4BA custom home
in city of Anna Maria. Pri-
vate area with heated pool
and tropical landscaping.
You must see!

HISTORIC CORTEZ Original one-room schoolhouse
from the 1800s. Now a 3BR/1BA. $475,000.

2BR/2BA. Short walk to beach. Tile floors through-
out, large living room and heated pool. $665,000.
', *,

2BR/2BA. Short walk to beach. Tile floors through-
out, large living room and heated pool. $665,000.

ii i

GULF SANDS CONDOMINIUML T,:. [,r.it r 1- ,bl.i'
2BR/2BA direct Gulffront units, heated pool, open porches to
enjoy sunsets and a great location! Turnkey furnished. $869,000.

CRACKER COTTAGE Zo.ne.d ROR .ritl-i a gqeat (ult
view. Cute as the devil. 2BR/1BA, hardwood floors, built
in 1930. Even has an attic workshop and a big backyard.
Half a block to the bay. $545,000.

iL1K LUPKI1UION inve minutes to mtne eacn.
55-plus park where you own the land. 'Triple-Wide" 2BR/2BA.
Large enclosed lanai. A lot for the money $120,000.

Mike ,_ 800.367-1617
orman 941-778-6696
Nornman f 3101 GULF DRIVE
4.. ........ .

Simply the Best

Cindy M. Jones

GRI, CRS, Sale Associate

Real Estate, Inc.

S310 Pine Avenue Aina Maria


Immaculate 2BR-2BA villa on a corner lot. Close to beaches,
shopping and restaurants. Amenities include pool, shuffle board,
putting green. Pool conveniently located close to your back door.
Beautifully kept neighborhood. Available for $289,000.
Call Piroska Planck 941-730-9667
Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate Inc.

Closing Costs Paid* Plus One- Year
Pre-paid Hazard, Wind and Flood Insurante44
IT 2BRi28A turnkey completely
-I '0 '"' updoIed ith power exterior
hulK one shulleis 55( commu-
n ay designer inlenor. 5400 Gulf
Dr. b36 Holmes Beach. Bes
value on the Island. S985,000
S" .-: ..:.all. : 1 (all941)7144-6906.

5300 Gulf D. #105, HlmesBeach.
3BR12BA Undergoing (omplei
renovation Call now to custom
ize MoNt ted .sller. SI 100 000
(al 1941) 144 6906

2BR/2BA and IBRIIBA. 303
741h SI, Holmes Beahd Approved
for two additional land condos.
Positive cash flow. 5799,000.
C(all(941) 744-6906.

2BR/I BA. 85x90 foot l. 7.9/1
sf, 500 sleps to beach 206
13rd SI Beautiful landscape
with grapefruit, mango and
gumbo limbo trees. 749.000.
Call (941) 744-6906.

Closing Costs Include:
All Bank.Fees
AllTitle and Related Charges
One Year Pre-insurance: Hazard/wind/flood"
Services provided by

Bobby Edington First Equity Fiancial

(. t Insurance & Financial Services
ficAf ff 941-776-9969

Team Title Services, Inc.
',Fr t1crrt,1 wiltu 05- c.,If ar r h ljan.l aj. 5ur s uijant li corpi iraril c inr n nrq v ,- i, valje can be
Ila", rrI 0 up :.' i. ) TVil) e iee., l rcliluE ul. i1 "aill '-la W ii re -I.iu. 1ran ae .OuTI r.ilng Cr irges I'if .as
o j ,.0,ba is~n 1,ium an l Iit i psil r I .: 10I O c[innI r coinrr S.tle: pnae, bI-u e tWer ,au e wr Tle
tban] rjlS.a tirpfpa n r ,r'iariurL: .' ,ao .,p3il I play no.3 i r nr mhe ale. prl.' fel Fully Firui,.1 l LiC Ant,
uis,; LI !.HJD l. r vn t l.l d r t1i-". 3 Ftdl51 i.Iflai]r to"i o.i ll: F ijr.ijl. Li I. ri(er[i r MEiJrlIS;k 6
19lJi HL ,i 'rf tIl UlJ r J i] A 4 1l. ,jlill ir L ir

IJ$J W Le )S

*- Refinance with large
cash outs
Feoturingoas track/
v h bi-weekly payments
S *' Loa" with option arms
S- choice of payment
,' '" -i%',' Fasl and inexpensive
: Foreign Nationls -
No credit required

~Bobbk,^I Anna Mario Island Resident
(94l )6 *( r....r ,
f,-i iej.. i, ",n,,,i ,: 1. ;,r j' nn. nj". ',r UI; ,'u ...4 i B.- vdr enu I...-. '



; .

8~:; "R-'
~ .

THE ISLANDER N JAN. 11, 2005 0 B-9

A : : E, ID

ANTIQUE 1870s VICTORIAN cottage bedroom set,
Depression-era kitchen cupboard (original paint),
dressers, sea-glass jewelry, nude oil painting, vintage
dog collection. 50 percent off sale in booth 40. Three
new dealers. Come in and browse! Essence of Time,
5306 Holmes Beach Blvd., Holmes Beach.
10x13 ORIENTAL RUG, $600. Antique oak hat rack
with beveled mirror, $125. Gun cabinet,.$150. Hand-
made quilt, $70. (941) 792-8340.
HENRY LINK Seven-piece living room furniture. White
wicker with floral fabric. Very good condition. $700.
(941) 778-9691.
BICYCLES: MEN'S AND ladies, 26 inch. Excellent con-
dition. (941) 792-3775. $35.
TANNING BED; new bulbs, $800. Call Paige, (941)
AERIAL PHOTOS of Anna Maria Island. View and pur-
chase online: www.jackelka.com.
FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp,
crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call
James Lee, (941) 795-1112 or 704-8421.
LONGBOAT KEY HISTORY "From Calusas to Condo-
miniums" by Ralph B. Hunter. Signed copies available
at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.
(941) 778-7978.
HONEYBELL TANGELOS now ripe in January, on
sale by the AMI Kiwanis Club. $31-$36 for a
bushel Shipped free anyplace in USA. Call to
receive an order-blank. (941) 778-3446 or go online

ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open 9:30am-2pm Tuesdays,
Thursday, Fridays. 9am-noon on Saturdays. Sales
racks, children's clothing. 511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria.
(941) 779-2733.
GARAGE SALE: 9am Saturday, Jan. 14. Lawn furni-
ture, small freezer, household miscellaneous, chain
saws, ladder and more. 2803 Ave. C, Holmes Beach.
SALE NIKI'S GIFTS and Antiques: All matted Florida
watercolors, famous artist Michael Fish, size 8x10, 9x12,
12x16, 70 percent off. All sterling jewelry, 50-70 per-
cent off. All cookbooks, 20 percent off. Select antiques,
depression glass, vintage and costume jewelry, gifts,
40-90 percent off. Open seven days. 9:30am-5pm. (941)
779-0729. 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.

Ilf-Bay Realty .rf a Maria Inc.

I wide variety of vacation rentals

frio beachfront to bayfront

and everything in between!

Call now forfall specials, "

: 3 Q Ouie north end location on North Bay Blvd.
r '. Nestled between beautiful Bean 'Point and
a eaylron[ Park. Offered at $735,000. Call
S Stephanie Bell, Broker. (941) 920-5156.

"isE '.~r. Anna Maria Village. Short stroll to the beach.
._: .-.,i'.li;i : Listed at $699,000. Call Frank Migliore
S 78-2307 or Stephanie Bell 920-5156.
: MLS#513240.

S Ofp The Tarpon Lodge on Terra Ceia Bay. 1.3
ar res with direct access to bay and over 355
S._ f on the water. Asking price $1,400,000.
For specifics call Stephanie Bell, Broker
920-5156. MLS#514229.


KARATE ON THE Island: Ages four through adult. Call
(941) 807-1734 or visit www.islanddojo.cmasdirect.com.

REWARD FOR information in the Waterfront Restau-
rant arson fire: Call the State Fire Marshal, Bureau
of Fire & Arson Investigations in Tampa, (813)
BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a personal-
ized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park.
Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Pick up form at The
Islander or call (941) 518-4431 for more information.
FREE GUN LOCK. Yes, free. Just for the asking. Cour-
tesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Com-
mission. Free at The Islander newspaper office, 5404
Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be sorry, be safe.
GUARDIAN AD LITEM volunteers needed: A guardian
ad litem is a trained volunteer appointed by the court
to represent and advocate for the best interest of chil-
dren who have been abused, abandoned or neglected.
Make a positive impact! Call (941) 744-9473 or visit

FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to
foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough for
adoption. All food and medical provided. Julie, (941)
ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes.
All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened.
Please, call (941) 922-0774.
KITTEN TIME: Home-fostered kittens available from
the humane society. Variety of colors. Have been
tested. Shots, spayed, microchipped. Only $35 to good
homes. (941) 365-1687.

2004 BUICK LESABRE: By owner. Custom, white,
8,000 miles, air conditioning, power six-way driver's
seat. Perfect condition. $16,000. Cell (941) 702-1914,
or residence (941) 798-9860.

27-FOOT CARVER twin 190-hp Mercruiser. Runs
great, good for fishing, Ceranfield, air conditioning,
water heater, shower, head, new batteries, stereo and
much more! $8,000, or best offer. (941) 778-1565.
ALDEN 16 ROWING shell with Oarmaster II, white. Must
sell, new boat arriving. $395. John, (941) 387-7077.

What a deal! This duplex *
comes with lot across street

open water views from your
.. 3BR/3BA duplex and rent out *
Sthe 1BR/1BA. Super location *
on quiet street with boat docks
SI and some updating. Can be
S. single family home 4BR/4BA
4, or remain duplex. Call for more
info! Offered at: $969,000
* 'Super opportunity to own Island business! *
* Offered at: $199,500 & Inventory
* Deborah Thrasher ;
S.'. ',.. .RE/MAX Excellence f
a. (941 383-9700 DebMThrash@aol.com

LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on the
charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater fish-
ing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle provided. (941)

PART-TIME 4-6 HOURS a day. Must be responsible,
dependable, able to bend, lift, multi-task, work indepen-
dently. Clerical experience helpful. (941) 778-1911.
NURSES NEEDED for long-term home care for lady
with spinal injury. Hoyer lift. Four-hour morning and
overnight shifts. (941) 383-6953.
OFFICE POSITION FOR busy electrical contracting
company. Buying, inventory and billing experience
required. Knowledge of electrical parts a plus. Multi-
tasking. Call (941) 778-4454.
KIND AND RELIABLE driver needed every Thursday
for older woman. Must have own car.. For details, call
(941) 779-2855.
per week. Island work. Must be reliable. Great pay. Call
(941) 778-2335.
SING! IF YOU can carry a tune and would help lead
a singing congregation, please join with Gloria Dei
Lutheran's choir, Sundays at 9:45 am., two miles
north of Manatee Bridge on Anna Maria Island. (941)
DAY SHIFT DISHWASHER and prep. Will train. Apply
Wednesday-Saturday.-Ooh la la! Bistro, 5406 Marina
Drive, Holmes Beach.
NURSES NEEDED for long-term home care for lady
with spinal injury. Hoyer lift. Four-hour morning and
overnight shifts. (941) 383-6953.
PREP COOKS, SERVERS, dishwashers: Immediate
openings. Fit To Eat restaurant. 5315 Gulf Dr., Holmes
Beach. (941) 778-0411.
TOP ADVERTISING sales position open at The
Islander newspaper. Great territory, commissions,
training. Previous outside sales helpful, but not neces-
sary. If you possess a willingness for strong community
involvement, positive outlook and drive to succeed, fax
or e-mail a letter and/or resume to (941) 778-9392,
sales @ islander.org.
NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay.
Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restaurant, 902 S.
Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call (941) 778-3953.

I R -e I U

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with mother-in-law
suite Large, fenced
y,ard Boatdockprivi-
leges. $895,000.

lol :.

-10-B W JAN. 11, 2006 C THE ISLANDER

1 -I Z' II' I '' -

BUSY BISTRO hiring full- or part-time hostess and
servers for lunch, Sunday brunch and dinner. Wednes-
Sday-Sunday. Sous chef, prep person and dishwasher
needed, will train. Apply to Chef Damon, 5406 Marina
Drive, Holmes Beach, or call (941) 778-5320.
ALL KITCHEN POSITIONS: Sous chef, prep, dish-
washer-- will train right person. Apply to Chef Damon,
5406 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or call (941)
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Meet interesting people,
learn the history of the Island. Anna Maria Island His-
torical Museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. (941)
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Tingley Memorial Library.
Duties include checking books in/out, reshelving, and
generally assisting library patrons. Call Eveann Adams,
(941) 779-1208.

SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and inter-
mediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10 per
half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended. Local
teen, team competitor. Call (941) 778-0944.
BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with
kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, (941) 756 5496.
BABYSITTER, PETSITTER, dog walker: First aid-cer-
tified, 13-year old, eighth-grade female, great with kids
and animals. Call Kendall, (941) 779-9783.
NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia, (941) 761-1569.
Red Cross certified.
WANT AN IRISH baby-sitter? Responsible, experi-
enced 15-year old. Red Cross babysitting and first-aid
certified. Call Gemma, (941) 447-9657.
DOG WALKER, PET sitter, child sitter and odd jobs.
Tenth-grader, available after school and weekends.
Zach, (941) 779-9783.
BABYSITTING, RED Cross first-aid and babysitter cer-
tified. Call Alex, (941) 778-5352.

LOCAL CAREGIVER: I can offer loving, reliable, live-in
care for your loved one. Excellent references. Please,
_call (239) 595-9964.Thank you.
CAREGIVER: ABLE TO live in, can travel, very
dependable and honest. Good references. Non-
smoker/drinker. Experienced with Alzheimer patients.
(941) 744-0800 or 812-8948.

MAN WITH SHOVEL: Plantings, natives, patio gar-
dens, trimming, clean-up, edgings, maintenance. Hard-
working and responsible. Excellent references. Edward
(941) 778-3222.
LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint-
ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine Car
Service. Serving the Islands. (941) 778-5476.
puter misbehaving? Certified computer service and
private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. (941)

wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable,
reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. (941)

CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist. Expe-
rienced certified technician for communication elec-
tronics offers wireless and cable networks, upgrades,
maintenance, repairs, tutoring and training. Call
Robert, (941) 778-3620.

ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remodel-
ing, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths.
Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977,
#PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa.
(941) 720-0794.

CALL DAN'S RESCREEN for your free estimate today.
Affordable rates, quality work guaranteed. Pool cages,
lanais, windows, doors. Call (941) 713-5333.

APPLIANCE & AC DOCTORS: We repair air condition-
ers, refrigerator, washer/dryer, oven, garbage disposal,
other household items. Honest, dependable. 20-plus
years experience. (941) 650-9293.

MR. BILLS HOME REPAIR/maintenance service. Over
30 years experience, self-employed in construction
trades. "I'm handy to have around." (941) 778-4561.

WILDLIFE REMOVAL and relocation: Problem solv-
ing for all animals, big and small. Call Joe, Westcoast
Nuisance Wildlife Service, (941) 778-3455, or cell (941)
SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander:

ISLAND CLEANING: HOMES, rentals, condos.Weekly,
biweekly, seasonal move-ins/move-outs. References.
Reasonable rates. Call (941) 518-5346.

ISLAND HOME SERVICES: Minor electrical, plumb-
ing, carpentry and improvements for your home, condo
or business. References, over 20 years experience.
(941) 538-3520.

wall, finishing, windows, door installation, texture. (941)
TWO DUDES with tools: Tile, trim, cabinets, painting,
drywall, glass block, brick, stonework and more! Many
references. Call now! (941) 812-4269 or 448-6961.
MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet.
Beginning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, (941)
BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigera-
tion. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or
replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island
since 1987. For dependable, honest arid person-
alized service, call William Eller, (941) 795-7411.
ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional cre-
ates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding!
www.jackelka.com. (941) 778-2711.
NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing massage in
the comfort of your home. Call today for an appoint-
ment, (941) 795-0887. MA#0017550.
TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years expe-
rience. References available. For a reasonable price,
call Sebastian, (941) 704-6719.

CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and com-
mercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, landscaping,
cleanup; hauling and more! Insured. (941) 778-5294.
ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. If it is
broken, we can fix it. Free estimates. Senior discount.
Call (941) 778-2581 'or 962-6238.
native, plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup.
Island resident 25 years. Call (941) 807-1015.
CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING: Top quality lawn and land-
scape maintenance. Now accepting new accounts at
great rates. Please call (941) 778-2335 or 284-1568.


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DOLPHIN HARBOUR AT MARINA ISLE cu:rrenlty underr L:i):j ruil on Thli aimaina 5BR 5 5BA iKev-WWe srvle ri-d-, nce
i 3 waltrloivErs dream Enjoiv labulous vislas Irom :yur luxurious niastlr suiv i:lovrloo h1ru*,l Tampa Ba, ar.d Galall.'
M[Vjrin wilh I[rn Sunnrrne Syjway in irne dilan,-:e SletpT awJVy Iroun (Oiur ial ,'lip wrh e'i jaC:e ito T3nmipaj Bj,' .rin
Ine iGullol M cl 'ii ire 1jl Arintjn firing '-p3C: 'wl j Lejulillully ilde .:;ri:-ij gOiur fl -I l,, i :n -rip:,rn up 11:1,3 a 5sp, i.ru5 rr ld
rliNm and a wrip-jrjarund dea':. An am.rnir privale Djyirrnl retre-at ,ered ji .2 5 .1 000

Ouiet location on j greja culi-d: -sa. luSI tree blos frm Ihe Ready 1' movie Ini Coaslvade'igned 3BI%. 5BA nomr wrilh Eigh-
beacn 3BRP'2BA screened deik. eat-irn k when. dining room learn iool selling gr.mie routnler wiod IIl c r sLiin-le. -ppih-
i,,i:re aa rea, ri rom, wvorkshop uverWicd rwo-c.r garage, room arie'.s Eight lIo: Frerri n door.t opren up :uo twiro c t a j wimmin.
tI,:r j large pool. great locallo n' 875.000i p0ol. plus mrnvy upgriad Close li0 e. an aLtcss' $895 0010

Great winter residence or Dpoential It build up. Open and bnrghL
room o1r a pool. lus three shorn locks hIrnm te Deacr and steps
rrom your boal slip. $575.000.

2BR.1.5BA and one 1BR'1BA Two edeed boal
docks on sailboatD water Bort lor only $725,000. or
$350,000 and $375.000 -eparaetly. Call Anne Huber
at 713-9835

ISLAND QUAD-PLEX Panoramic views of the Gull ot
Me,'iro... and juls sleps to the beach. Located in hls-
loric village u Bradenton Beai and zoned commer-
cial This is a real Inrone producing property with
5BR.4 SBA $1,5)00,000 Call Scon Barr at 798-9191

oilers beautiful hardwood floors and ceramic ble New win-
dows throughout the home Remodled bathroom, newer
rofi and A.C Close to 59tn SI boat ramp Trhs home owners
lease opton. $299,900 Call Anne Huber at 713-9835.

charmer wilr brjnd new glass top range new re[rdg-
erator, new ijrpel Ihroughoul Elevator and HEATED
POOLS. $132,900 Call Kellh Shell at 713-1305.

O) w941-798-9191

Michael Saunders & Company
Licensed Real Estate Broker
S 4400 MANATEE AVENUE WEST BRADENTON, FL 34209 941.748.6300

0 Kimberly Roehl, P.A. 941 447-9988
Investing in Property Leads to Opportunities

75' 106lOb foOul Oc iOtied ac'ros..s Irom Ihe be~acr, in centr3j HolmeS
Beach. Wall to sriops and restaurants. Arc.rivcti plans available
lor a Deajtitul cusrom-desiiried ground-level home or DOuild up
for views o0 tne Guhll $627.000

Enjoy your tropical palm oasis in this four-bedroom 2,600 st
home. Features include granite, travertine, fireplace, pool,
large dock with lift and direct access to Manatee River with
no bridges to Tampa Bay. $699,900.

Elevated 2BR/1.5BA single-family villa with enclosed garage
and workshop below. Quiet Holmes Beach location with
several tropical fruit trees and only two blocks to the beach.
Terrific secondhJome or investment opportunity. $379,000.

,Wwww.michaelsaundeirs.com s Kimberty.oehI@miohaeisaunders.com



TIE ISLANDER JAN. 11, 2005 U B- 1

"--- -I 'I..-.-'-M- ,--- lA l C n inue -

tion. Huge selection of plants, shrubs and trees. Irriga-
tion. Everything Under the Sun Garden Centre, 5704
Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-4441.
SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $42/yard. Hauling:
all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free estimates.
Call Larry at (941) 795-7775, "shell phone" (941)

KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean-ups,
power washing, tree trimming and more. City of Anna
Maria resident. Cell (941) 448-3857.
installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residential
and commercial. 30-years experience. (941)

STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Installs, clean-ups,
shell, rock, palms, aquascapes, tree work. Truck for
hire, move anything. Shark Mark (941) 727-5066.

VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/
exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island refer-
ences. Bill, (941) 795-5100.
contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed
and insured. Many Island references. (941) 778-2993.
License #CRC 035261.
CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org !

mates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at (941)
CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island service
since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free esti-
mates, no overtime charges .Now certifying back flow
at water meters. (FL#RF0038118) (941) 778-3924 or
TILE TILE TILE. All variations of ceramic tile
supplied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt,
reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, (941)

ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remodel-
ing, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths.
Free estimates. License #CGCO61519, #CCC057977,
#PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa.
(941) 720-0794.

phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Insured.
Member of Better Business Bureau. Paul Beauregard,
(941) 779-2294.
KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc.
Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and
shutters. Insured and licensed, (941) 748-4711.

JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handyman,
light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pressure washing
and tree trimming. Call (941) 778-6170 or 447-2198.

TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed.
Why pay retail? Island resident, many references. Free
estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor Cover-
ings. (941) 792-1367, or 726-1802.

WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more. Life-
time warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in-home
consultation. Island references, 15 years experience.
(941) 778-3526 or 730-0516.
THIRTY-SIX YEARS craftsman experience. Interior,
exterior, doors, stairs, windows and trim. Pressure
wash. Driveway paint. Dan Michael, master carpenter.
Call 518-3316 or 778-6898.
CARL V. JOHNSON JR. Inc. building contractor. New
homes, additions, renovations. Quality work and fair
prices. Lic#RR0066450. Call (941) 795-1947.
reliability are important, then for all your remodeling,
maintenance and repair needs, call the right team,.
call the SMART team. (941) 400-6350.
stbradenton @verizon.net.

HANDYMAN SERVICE: Winton's Home-Buddy Inc.
Retired banker, Island resident, converting life-long hobby
to business. Call (941) 705-0275 for free estimates.

RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal.
Wedebrock Real Estate Co., (941) 778-6665 or (800)


Don't leave the Island without
taking time to subscribe. You'll
get ALL.the best news,
delivered bythe mailman every
week. Visit us at 5404 Marina
[Pi .l: d Shopping Center,
I Ir :,i or call
Online edition: wwwislanderorg.

The Islander

31 Years ofProfessional Service
MARTINIQUE N.-Direct Gulf view, corner with garage, storage.
Updated. Shows beautifully. $939,000.
HOLMES BEACH-Neptune Gardens. 2BR. 1,100 sf, carport, short walk
to beach. All for $499,000.
KEY ROYALE-Canalfront lot. 9,450 sf. Golf course view.
BAYVIEW- 4-5BR/4BA, including guest quarters. Large master suite. $1,500,000.
GULF VIEW- Holmes Beach duplex or 4BR/2BA home. $1,000,000.
ANNA MARIA DUPLEX- Large lot, 2BR and 1 BR. $720,000.
IRONWOOD 1-2BR. Extra storage. $134,900. Great buy!
HARBOUR VILLA CLUB- 2BR/2BA, turnkey, boat dock. $824,900.
BAYPOINTE- 4BR/3BA villa. Eight month new. $255,000.
5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807
yrealt7@aol.com www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com

419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291
EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294

i ,


This beautifully maintained 2BR/2BA home offers endless views of
sea and sky and reflects pride of ownership throughout! The comfy
great room floor plan is enhanced by vaulted ceilings with-fans
Sand endearing shabby chic barn-plank paneling. The fully-equipped
kitchen includes newer appliances and a handy breakfast bar plus
pass-through window to the new, waterside Florida room. Other
features include storm awnings, outdoor shower, lovely brick-paved
driveway, and a spacious double-car garage plus store room.
Maintenance is a breeze with easy care vinyl siding and oyster shell
landscaping. There is an expansive concrete patio and newer seawall
overlooking the Sunshine Skyway and friendly City Pier! Don't miss
this rare and wonderful bayfront offering! Priced at $1,500,000.

Visit our Web site at www.betsyhills.com

I :. r -
^ .,,.-.h .' ". --, *.- "

VALENCIA GARDENS Renovated ground floor end unit, 2bed/
2bath condo with great views of El Conquistador golf course!
Turnkey furnished, ready for you to move in. Closeto beaches,
IMG Academy, private courtyard, pool, spa, and lanai. Florida
living at it's best. $299,900.

A WATERLOVERS DREAM! Wonderful master suite with a grand
deck overlooking the bay, 4 guest suites + a grand room, and a
gourmet kitchen opening up onto a wrap-around deck with bay
views. Easy boat access Bay and Gulf. Offered at $2,795,000.

i. %'

home with wonderful open-beam ceilings, new flooring, new
dock, no bridges to bay. Short walk to beach, botanical park
and a great restaurant. Build up for bay views! $789,000.


level 2BR/1BA home in a quiet neighborhood. Bright and airy
with an open floor plan. Short walk to the beach and just
steps from your boat; Great winter residence or investment/
renovation potential. Priced to sell at $575,000.

MOVE RIGHT IN Enjoy Island living in this beautifully
remodeled home located in Anna Maria. Granite coun-
ter tops, wood floors, brand new carpet. Move right in.

*.... '.. ,, ..

BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME 75 x 106 lot across the street
from the beach in central Holmes Beach. Walk to shops and
restaurants. Architect plans available for a custom designed,
beautiful ground level home permissible on this lot, or build
up for gulf views! $627,500.

^ 1

floor plan over 1,500 sf With three decks. Choice location,
private condo with two-car garage, nicely maintained, heated
pool and close to the beach! $675,000.

complete! Coastal designed 3BR/2.5BA home with 18-foot ceilings,
granite countertops, stainless appliances,wood floors, 8-foot French
doors, two open decks, Hardi Plank siding, a swimming pool and
much more all close to beach access! This is a must see! $895,000.

INVESTOR ALERT! 13,728 sf duplex lot, with the bonus of a
recently renovated duplex. Don't miss this one! 6BR/4BA and
plenty of room for TWO pools! Call today for more details!

STEPS TO THE BEACH! Spacious 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished
condo. Heated pool, rooftop sundeck with great views, excel-
lent rental history with no rental restrictions! A must see.


ti i

12-B E JAN. 11. 2006 U THE ISLANDER

Sandy's Lawn Service Inc.
Sandy'S Established in 1983
Laun Celebrating 23 Years of
LSeri c Quality & Dependable Service.
ServICCall us for your landscape
778.1345 and hardscape needs.
8 -Licensed & Insured

Paradise Improvements 778-4173
Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist
-: Replacement Doors and Windows
*. Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault
Fully Licensed and Insured Island References
Se ;z Lic#CBC056755

Office: (941) 778-2246. 792-8628 l
E-mail: haroldsmall@wagnerrealty.com .

CRC016172 94 -7 -750-9300

FREE 6 yr.
Maintenance Program
Experienced in:
Licensed & Insured
(Lic. #CCC1325742)

L~- :-t


m.uW....U-N.U...U.!IL A

Original art
by local artists
5314 Marina Drive
Holmes Beach

J When's the last
; time you tasted
- __ coffee in an
j old-fashioned
"diner" mug?

The Islaln(ler
,5404 r,*I r Lu
'..'! ~ F',.-,r,, ':4 I --


Anyone can take
a picture.
A professional
creates a portrait.


. ..


SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR (two master
suites)/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach.
Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/dryer, garage,
designer furnished with tropical yard setting. One of
the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/weekly. Call (941)
713-0034 or e-mail: gamiller@tampabay.rr.com.
1BR/1BA with breathtaking sunsets. Pools, Jacuzzi,
walk to shops and restaurants. Available weekly,
monthly, seasonal. (901) 301-8299. or e-mail
captko462 @ aol.com.
SANDPIPER RESORT on Gulf Drive: 55-plus commu-
nity, fully equipped 1BR/1BA beachhouse with great-
room and kitchen. Brand new! Steps to the beach or
Intracoastal. All utilities including trash, except phone.
Rent weekly to annually. No pets. (317) 873-3307.
WEEKLY RENTALS: Alecassandra villa, 1BR/1BA,
$700/week; Island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; Gulffront
cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach Club,
2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call Kim Fisher, Wagner
Realty, (941) 778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com.
COMMERCIAL SPACE: 1,600 sf on Gulf Drive, next to
Holmes Beach shopping center. Available now. (941)
SEASONAL RENTAL: Brand new Bradenton Beach
3BR/3BA plus office, steps to beach. Balconies with
ocean and bay views, elevator, 8-person Jacuzzi,
granite counters, marble floors and baths, Jacuzzi
in master, washer/dryer, designer furnished, fully
equipped. One of the finest rentals on Island. $4800/
monthly 813-277-4336.
VACATION RENTALS: 2BR apartments across from
beautiful beach, $375 to $500/week. Winter and spring
dates available. Almost Beach Apartments, (941)
SEASONAL FURNISHED new home in Anna Maria.
Elevated 3BR/2BA. Available now through April. One
block to beach. (813) 251-9201.
Utilities included. Gulf views and large decks. (941)
BAYVIEW TERRACE, Bradenton Beach: 2BR/1BA
condo, second floor, completely furnished. Three-
monthminimum rental. (708) 562-1601.

location. Available seasonally, November-April 2006.
Renovated 2BR/2.5BA private residence in quiet area
of Island with open floor plan and large terrace over-
looking the Gulf. From $1,750/week with discounted
monthly rate. Call Dave at (941) 720-0089.

ANNUAL RENTAL: Hidden Lakes, 3BR/2BA, second
floor, all brand new, garage, pool, small dog OK.
$1,400/month. Sun Coast Real Estate, (941) 779-0202.

GULFFRONT DUPLEX: Second floor, 2BR/1 BA, newly
updated, open floor-plan, 12-by-12 deck. Holmes
Beach, close to shopping, restaurants, lush gardens.
$950/week, $3,200/month. (941) 778-0905.

SEASONAL RENTAL: Available December, January,
February, March and April. Cheerful, 1BR/1BA, non-
smoking apartment. North-end Anna Maria Island.
$1,700/month, plus tax. (941) 778-5445.

ANNUAL 3BR/2BA: Holmes Beach. Steps to beach,
clean duplex-$1,200/month. (941) 725-0578 or (941)

5BR/3BA, fireplace, cable TV. One hundred yards from
Gulf. Two scenic decks. Available January, 2006-April,
2006. $3,900/month. Call (813) 948-1267 or email
BRADENTON BEACH: Newly remodeled 1 BR/1 BA suite
with full kitchen, fully furnished, one block from Bridge
Street, three-minute walk to beach. Sleeps four only.
No pets. Available weekly, monthly or seasonal. (941)
776-3696 or e-mail bjustin628@tampabay.rr.com.
ULTRA LUXURY HOLMES Beach Home: "View Gulf
from every room", 3BR/3.5 BA, three-story, elevator,
heated pool and spa, ss outdoor, smoker/grill, lush land-
scaping, two-car garage, 5 TVs- 1 56" screen, 4 DVDs,
HD Cable, Gourmet kitchen (ss, granite, wine cooler)
washer/dryer, quality furnishings, fully equipped and golf
cart to cruise the Island, super location. $1900/week,
$7000/month. Non-smoker. Call (863) 581-3252.
deep-water canal with large dock and views of Tampa
Bay. $864,900. (941) 779-1512.

2BR/2BA, elevated, enclosed garage, two blocks to
beach. Call (941) 713- 2150.

ANNUAL RENTAL: Hidden Lakes, 3BR/2BA, second
floor, all brand new, garage, pool, small dog OK.
$1,400/month. SunCoast Real Estate, (941) 779-0202.

55-PLUS MOBILE HOME resort: Steps to Gulf or
bay, 1BR/1BA, turnkey, available January through
April. Nonsmoking, no pets. $1,250/month. (941)

BEACH STEPS AWAY: Large 1 BR/2BA, fully furnished,
washer and dryer. $595/week or $1,995/month. Pets
OK. www.gulfdriveapartments.com. (941) 778-1098.
SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals.
1BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to beach,
shopping, restaurants. (941) 778-3426. Web site
PRIVATE COTTAGE WITH shared dock, Old.Florida-
style 2BR/1BA, screened porch, deck, fenced yard.
Half block to beach. Pet OK. Week, month, season.
(941) 485-1874.
$1,200/month. 2BR/2BA, $1,400/month. Nonsmoking,
clubhouse, laundry, steps to beach. (775) 825-9492 or
(775) 338-9492. otuohy@prodigy.net.

garage. Free water and cable, minutes to beaches,
annual, $1,200/month. First, last and deposit. (941)"
GULFFRONT CONDO, GROUND level. Breathtaking
sunsets. Furnished 2BR/1BA. Walk to restaurants,
shops, grocery, trolley. Winter/spring dates available.
$2,000/month/ $600/week. (813) 264-0639 or (352)
CANALFRONT: BRAND new Anna Maria luxury home.
Gorgeous views. 3BR/2BA. Available now, February,
March and April. Walk to beach, shopping, restaurants.
$3,800/month. (813) 269-9917.
SEASONAL, JANUARY, February and March.
$1,500/month, plus tax. One-bedroom apartment, very
nice. West of Gulf Drive. Anna Maria City. (941)
Sola Bay. Seawall and dock. Furnished with kitchen,
linens and all appliances. $2,750/month. Call (863) "
PERICO BAY CLUB: 2BR/2BA, great water views,
gated, pool, tennis, covered parking, One mile from
beach: Annual rental. $1,200/month. Call Maria at
(941) 720-1712.
MOBILE HOME FOR RENT: Nice 2BR, furnished
mobile home, gated community on creek. Bradenton
Palms Mobile Home Park. Hot tub, pool, four-six
month rental. $1,100/month. (863) 688-3524 or (863)
608-1833. E-mail: chickenplucker@webtv.net.
ANNA MARIA ISLAND: Steps from Bradenton Beach.
One hundred yards from bay. Spacious 1 BR/1 BA with
parking. Available for yearly rental. (614) 517-7147.
2BR/1.5BA, tile throughout, steps to beach and
shopping.$950/month plus utilities and waste pickup. No
pets. (941) 778-7912. Call for applications. Holmes Beach.
SEASONAL RENTAL: Palma Sola. 2BR/2BA com-
pletely furnished, lanai, pool, tennis, elevator, close to
golfing. $2,300/month. (859) 380-8138.
MONTHLY RENTAL: 2BR/2BA with den. Furnished
condo on canal. West .Bradenton. Five minutes to
beaches. $2,500/month. June through November
2006. (708) 532-2149.
ANNUAL-2BR/1BA. Washer/dryer hook-ups, clean,
close to shopping and beach. Great neighborhood. No
pets. $900/month. Holmes Beach. (941) 737-9662.

SSyndicated intent

Available from Commercial News Providers"
am 0m *a

941i I

_Anlll~ _I _*_ _I^__RI




THE ISLAND)EIR JAN. 11. 2005 13-13

RETL 'Continued T Conteinued.

ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/1BA duplex. One block to
beach, completely remodeled, ground level. Call Island
Real Estate, (941) 778-6066.
ANNUAL RENTAL: 3BR/2BA. Large canal home, boat
lift, hot tub, extra large closets. Ground level. Pet
friendly. $1,700/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941)
ANNUAL RENTAL: 3BR/2BA, two-car garage,. Village
Green home. Large closets, large hot tub, ground
level. $1,400/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941)
YOU WILL LOVE this Ringling retreat at Lido Beach:
2BR/1BA modern, fully-furnished duplex of historical back-
ground in garden setting. Walk to beach and St. Armands
restaurants and popular shopping center, 15-minute bus
ride to Main Street, Sarasota. $750/week or discounted
monthly beginning April. Please, phone (941) 383-0244
or (941) 383-2566. E-mail kang870@aol.com.
ANNUAL 2BR/1BA, Holmes Beach. Tile throughout.
Washer and dryer hookups, double carport, large stor-
age room. Steps to Gulf with view. $1,100/month plus
utilities. First, last and security. (941) 778-3427.
kitchen, sunset view, walk to Sandbar, fishing piers,
desirable north-end location in quiet area. $3,400/mo.
or $1,250/week. (847) 878-1461.
apartment, furnished resort style. Utilities and cable
included. Laundry. Community boat ramp and marina.
Available Jan 15. $1,950/month, seasonal. (941)
CANALFRONT HOME with boat dock in Coral
Shores, Bradenton. 3BR/2BA, Jacuzzi, two-car garage.
$1,550/mo. Available now. (815) 351-5052.
BARGAIN RATE FOR February. Martinique North,
2BR/2BA. Awesome Gulf and bay views. Heated pool,
tennis. (941) 761-4153.
garage, large eat-in kitchen, Florida room. Small dog
OK. Lawn care included. Nonsmoking. $1,350/month.
Call (941) 778-9626.
ANNA MARIA ISLAND: Waterfront mobile resort.
Steps to beach. 1BR/1BA. April $1,200;. May-Sep-
tember $625. 55-plus. 2601 Gulf Drive N., Unit 425,
Bradenton Beach. (941) 778-3494.

ISLAND BEACH COTTAGE: For sale by owner.
2BR/1BA, large one-car garage concrete block home.
Fenced 50x100 foot lot located a block from beach and
bay. Call (941) 795-8979: $525,000.

Lake condominiums, west Bradenton. Close to
beach. Starting at $329,900. Call Cori Woods, (941)
style home. Two-minute walk to beach. Fully furnished,
rental ready. Quiet Holmes Beach private setting on
cul-de-sac. Custom details, tile, granite. New cabinets,
windows, doors, A/C, ductwork, stainless appliances.
Paver drive/patios. (941) 778-4560. $699,000

ANNA MARIA ISLAND Club: 2BR/2BA condo. Fully fur-
nished and equipped. Best-kept condo complex on the
Island. Beautiful beach, pool, hot tub, sauna and sun-
sets. No more left on the Island like this! $1,200,000.
(317) 873-3307 for instructions on virtual tour.

KEY ROYALE/NORTH Point Harbor: Two homes,
next door, in Island's finest community. 4B.R/3BA,
five-car garage, elevated home, beautiful views of
Tampa Bay, new lap pool, spa, waterfall, seawall and
dock. $1,249,000. Also, 2BR/2BA, two-car garage,
ranch home, new seawall, dock and 20,000-pound lift.
$1,249,000. Buy both for $2,450,000! Lynn Bankuty,
Realtor, Suncoast Real Estate, (941) 737-1420.
WATERFRONT: 3BR/2BA Sixth house from the bay.
New dock and dredged deep-water canal. $899,000.
504 58th St., Holmes Beach. (941) 778-5183. (941)

FIVE MINUTES TO beach. Perico Island, beautiful,
designer patio home. 4BR/3BA, two-car garage, pool.
$549,000. Agents welcome. (941) 792-7828.
PERICO ISLAND: 1,170-sf, lovely 2BR2BA condo.
Great water view/porch. Eat-in kitchen. Rented until
8/06. $345,000. Agents welcome. (941) 792-7828.
MUST SEE: Manufactured home has everything.
Colony Cove. 1,600 square feet. Views of Manatee
River. 2BR/2BA, pets, 55-plus, five pools. $58,500.
(941) 721-4890.
DIRECTLY ON THE BAY in pristine, gated Perico Bay
Club. Turnkey-furnished, 2BR/2BA, garage, pools, spa,
tennis. $399,000..Call owner, (941) 794-1081.

NORTH ANNA MARIA: Large residential vacant lot.
For sale by owner. 85x101 with bay view. $675,000.
Call (941) 778-8405.
DIRECT GULFFRONT.CONDO: Furnished end unit,
2BR/2BA. Enjoy sunsets year 'round from sofa, lanai
or beach. Low association fee. Weekly rental allowed.
$975,000. (504) 810-0867.
HOLMES BEACH DUPLEX: 2BR/1BA, 85-by-90-foot
lot. 7,971 sf, 500 steps to beach. 206 73rd St.
$749,000. Call Bobby, (941) 744-6906.
completely updated with power exterior hurricane shut-
ters, 55-plus community, designer interior. Closing
costs paid. 5400 Gulf Drive, No. 36, Holmes Beach.
$985,000. Call (941) 744-6906.
Drive, No.105, Holmes Beach. 2BR/2BA. Undergoing
complete renovation. Call now to customize. Moti-
vated seller. $1,100,000. Closing costs paid. (941)
303 74th St., Holmes Beach. Approved for two addi-
tional land condos. Positive cash flow. Closing costs
paid. $799,000. Call (941) 744-6906.
BEACHFRONT CONDO: 1BR/1BA, new construc-
tion. Designer furnished, spa, pool, excellent location
near restaurants, shopping. Excellent rental. $529,000.
(901) 301-8299, or captko462 @ aol.com.
ISLAND CONDO: Great view. 2BR/2BA, Cove at
SSandy Point, Unit 205. 3601 East Bay Drive, Holmes
Beach. $375,000 Call (941) 778-1640.
deep-water canal with large dock and views of Tampa
Bay. $864,900. (941) 779-1512.

SUNBOW BAY OWNER: 1BR/1BA condo. End unit,
rarely on market. Many amenities, turnkey, heated pool,
tennis, water view. $325,000. Cell (941) 224-0555.
BONUS! CLASSIFIEDS ADS are posted early online
at www.islander.org.

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14-B J JAN. 11. 2006 M THE ISLANDER


MINUTES TO BEACHES: Open house 1pm-4pm Sat-
urday, Jan.14, and Sunday, Jan.15. 2BR/2BA villa on
lake. Boat dock available. $279.900. (941) 761-2266.
4509 Lexington Cir., Bradenton.

2BR/2BA, garage, elevated, extra-large lot. Two blocks
to beach, lots of new updates. Asking $525,000. 2919
Ave. C. (941) 792-8898.

FOR SALE BY OWNER: 1,282 sf condo. 2BR/2BA
waterfront. Gulf water views. Brokers protected.
$579,000. (941) 778-8446.
OPEN HOUSE: 2pm-4pm Saturday, Jan. 14.718 Holly
Road, Anna Maria. $819,000.
SUNNY SHORES: Minutes to beaches! 2BR/2BA with
carport. Totally remodeled. Shows like a model! Two
miles to Coquina Beach. View of Palma Sola Bay. Com-
munity boat ramp. Turnkey furnished. No deed restric-
tions. Perfect winter retreat, seasonal rental, or full-time
residence. $209,900. Chard Winheim, Horizon Realty,
(941) 713-6743.
ANNA MARIA ISLAND beach getaway cabana. Bay
view, updated, large deck, boat slip available. Pines
Trailer Park, 55-plus. $36,999. (941) 778-4820.

CEDAR KEY GULF views: 2,000 sf. Custom fireplace,
GoBolt wind protection, wood cabinets, many other
custom features by artisan owners. T. Dolly Young Real
Estate, (941) 773-6581. $795,000.
pool and spa. New floors, granite, appliances, electrical,
plumbing. 525 67th St., Holmes Beach. $1,150,000.
(941) 779-1058 or (800)757-7219. Agents welcome.
WEST BRADENTON: 3BR/2BA, family room, caged
heated pool, two-car garage, fenced, nice lot. New
paint, carpet. Ready to move into. $329,000. Yvonne
Hlggins, Re/Max Gulfstream Realty, (941) 518-9003.
ANNA MARIA LOT: 75-by-116 on sailboat canal.
$725,000. For details, photos, survey and optional
house plans, Sheryl, (610) 247-9496. Visit http://
FOR SALE BY OWNER: Direct beachfront condos.
2BR/2BA $985,000 and 3BR/2BA. $1,100,000. Bro-
kers protected. Owner financing available. (941)
779-1013 or (717) 392-4048.
FOR SALE BY OWNER: Duplex, lot large enough for land
condo. $799,000. Brokers protected. Call (941) 779-0120.
VILLAGE GREEN: 2BR/2BA villa, two-car garage,
completely updated. $334,000. 6608 12th Ave. W.,
Bradenton. (941) 448-8502 or (941) 761-2575.


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SPECTACULAR BAY AND Gulf views: 25,010 sf. On
bay, half block from Gulf beach. Huge pool and two
new docks. Complex consists of a duplex, two cottages
and elevated owners unit. Upgrade options include
ultra luxurious home or homes, possibly 10 luxury
condos. Total cost $4,900,000. Large reduction for
package deal: Call (941) 779-9074.

LOT FOR SALE: One block to Gulf. 50x100 feet,
cleared. $599,000. 215 71st St., Holmes Beach
BY OWNER: LOCATION, location. 3BR/2BA, one-car
garage on Holmes Beach canal. Open House. 1 pm-4pm
Sunday, Jan. 15.519 72nd St. Holmes Beach.

NORTH CAROLINA GATED lakefront community. 1.5
acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never before offered
with 20 percent pre-development discounts, 90 percent
financing. Call (800) 709-5253.
water access, marsh-view, lakefront, and golf-oriented
homesites from the mid-$70s Live oaks, pool, tennis,
golf. (877) 266-7376. www.cooperspoint.com.
SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander.


...- -'lll F~l~l

POPULAR NORTH BEACH VILLAGE with its unique park-like
setting and open airy floor plan.Two-car attached garage with
large utility room. Two decks, plus nice screened porch. Unit
#52 turnkey furnished. Offered at $695,000.
OFFICE 753-1620


paint and air conditioning. Updated kitchen. Wonderful fenced
yard with fruit trees! Call Melissa Prosser, (941) 737-2632.

KEY ROYALE CANAL HOME: Opportunity knocking! Lowest
price per sf canal home under-$1 million on Anna Maria
Island. Spacious home offers water views from just about
every room. Oversized family room, eat-in-kitchen,.dock,
seawall, deep waier, no bridges to bay and Gulf. $850,000,
Phil Paxton (941) 920-1363. Virtual tour of this home and
every, other home for'sale:in Manatee county MLS at:

aicra iu Inc Dr ,cnm uo.oou5i a. reflect island says it all
with this 3BR/2BAhome in Holmes.Beach. Convenient to shop-
ping and steps away to the white sandy beach. Tropical land-
scaping, abundant fruit trees and room for a pool. Great invest-
ment propertywith a fantastic location. Offered at $639,900 by
Sharon Villars, (941) 920-0669.

CREATE YOUR OWN PARADISE! Across from the sparkling
waters of the Gulf of Mexico rests this enchanting beach
cottage. Light and bright living area with wrap around
windows and Mexican tile throughout. French doorsfrom master
bedroom lead to private deck. Add a pool with tropical
landscaping for a peaceful garden oasis. Located amongst
multi-million dollar homes; Build up for unobstructed water
views. $749,000. Call Liz Codola at (941) 812-3455.

ADORABLE 2BR/2BA HOME in absolute move-in condition!
New air conditioning, new roof, new master suite, new floor-
ing. Freshly painted and landscaped. A definite must-see! Call
Melissa Prosser, (941) 737-2632.

SUPREME LOCATION and quality craftsmanship combined
for a quality lifestyle and investment. Two land condos with
3-4BR/3BA featuring: 2,300 plus sf smart-wired living space,
security system, three vera ndas, crown molding, granite
countertops, wood flooring, nine foot ceilings, SS appli-
ances, glass block shower, whirlpool tub, paver-brick drive,
tropical landscaping and more, Room for a pool! $849,000.
Liz Codola (941) 812-3455.

. ^ ..,- -.'^ ^ ':-. '
pool home, great for entertaining! $635,000. MLS # 515984.
Call Janet Reardon'for details, (941) 962-5611.

TRADEWINDS! 1BR/1 BA Bradenton Beach condo has proven
rental history! Fully turnkey furnished and recently updated
with island decor tropical complex has true Key West feel!
Awesome pool overlooks the intracoastal, with private Gulf
beach access onsite management can't be beat! $373,900.
Rebecca Samler (941) 737-7955 Direct Line

2BR/2BA lown.
house Sejsonal
rfiljI wilh
(umiTiunlty hnaled
pool ore tilo I clo
bea:h Call Judy
Karknol, Property
Management at
(941) 778-7777 or
(866) 266-9911
toll free.

MARTHA CONDO: 1BR/1BA ground floor unit. Patio over-
looks sand dunes and Gulf of Mexico. Direct beach access.
$2,500 per month. Call Judy Karkhoff, Property Management
at 941-778-7777 or 866-266-9911 toll free.

^ y ^ -.' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^se .^ ii f B PB I. . . .
3BR/2BA home stylishly decorated, located in Village Green Heated pool and dock available weekly or monthly. Call
near Manatee-Avenue West and 75th St. Only minutes to the Judy Karkhoff, Property Management at 941-778-7777 or
beaches. $3,000 per month. Call Judy Karkhoff, Property 866-266-9911 toll free.
Management at 941-778-7777 or 866-266-9911 toll-free.


: ...

:::::1::::;1:1 -... ::::: :: ..

THE ISLANDER E JAN. 11. 2005 0 B-15

I 0I 6i u [91ftiM7 B.L":..IDA.OUT-.TAJE.!.ninued FLORD,,T-AOUI' OFSTAT. Cnti.u

here! Must see the beautiful peaceful mountains of
western North Carolina. Homes, cabins, acreage and
investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real
Estate, Murphy. www.cherokeemountainrealty.com.
Call for free brochure (800) 841-5868.
MURPHY, N.C.: AAAH, cool summers mild winters.
Affordable homes, mountain cabins, land. Call for free
brochure. (877) 837-2288. Exit Realty Mountain View
Properties, www.exitmurphy.com.
Carolina, where there is cool mountain air, views and
streams, homes, cabins and acreage. Call for free
brochure of mountain property sales (800) 642-5333.
Realty Of Murphy, 317 Peachtree St., Murphy NC
28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com.
Adjoins pristine state forest, 20-plus acres to 350 acres.
Sweeping mountain views, streams. www.liveinwv.com.

This elevated home features 3BR/2BA and is just steps to the beach
on the north end of Anna Maria. Vaulted ceilings, tile floor and
open floor plan. Glass doors to a large wooden deck. Turnkey fur-
nished and rented for upcoming season. Just listed at $749,000.


941 778-0455 W
9906 Gulf Drive
Anna Maria -
www.greenreal.com p,

Easy-to-finish cabin on secluded site. Million-dollar
views available on one -to- seven-acre parcels.
$29,900-$79,900. Free information available! (828)
EAST ALABAMA MOUNTAIN property for sale. One
hour west of Atlanta in Piedmont, Ala. Beautiful view.
48 acres. $144,000. $14;400 down, $1,087/month.
Owner financed. Call Glenn (850) 545-4928.
MOVE TO TENNESSEE! Looking for lake lots,
lake homes, land, farms, Victorians, investment
or marinas. We have it all at affordable prices.
Executive choice real estate in Tennessee, (865)
717-7775. Charlotte Branson, agent, or visit my
Web site: www.executivechoicerealestate.com or
No credit OK! Bank and government repossessions avail-
able now! HUD, VA, FHA. For listings (800) 749-2750.

am a.

Ne, BR./2.5 BA-X homue on Lu-ge Io[I n qUiel 10ni1
\ et Bradenrun neig'hborhood. Lokt. of upgaIde,,.
$59%.O)OLt. Call Gre'2 X 7'-"(--I ')93- fori all die dearik.

mountain top in gated community, view, trees,
waterfall and large public lake nearby, paved pri-
vate access. $119,500, owner (866) 789-8535.
acres from the $40s. Spectacular lake, mountain and
wooded nature sites newly released. Just 1-1/2 hours
to Nashville. Don't miss out! Call (866) 339-4966.
community. Incredible lake and mountain views. One-
to-five-acre building sites from the $40s. Lake access,
boat ramp, private slips (limited). Don't miss out. Call
(866) 292-5769.
ASHEVILLE, N.C. area: Peaceful gated community.
Incredible riverfront and mountain view homesites.
One-eight acres from the $60s. Custom lodge, hiking
trails. Five miles to natural hot springs. Call (866)


U]. "-

Rare 5BR/3.5BA, across from beach access
with spacious, open floor plan. Large kitchen
with breakfast bar. Master suite on main floor.
Tile floors, screened lanai and a large open
deck great for tanning! Oversized four-car
garage. $1,240,000.

Larry Albert Tropcalt
Broker- Realtor T ropi e

05% bg-e

~~: :'-



16-B M JAN. 11, 2006 0 THE ISLANDER



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Skyway Bridge. 2BR/2BA, one-car garage townhouse
,; with fireplace, private dock, deeded boat ramp, elevator,
rooftop sun deck with wet bar and hot tub, pool. Beverly
SMoore or Jo Warren. (941) 778-2246. $975,000.
-;P: ."u a.a'. -'" .,,a .. .. ,.:-^;- f ,.-i ,,., :. -^ "

3BR/2.5BA main and attached 1BR/1BA.
Large 117x75 lot nicely landscaped and
steps to Ihe beach. Rare lind in Holmes
Beach. Doug Sanders. (941) 383-5577.
#514757. $849,000.

Spectacular view of docks and bay. Sit on
your deck or in your living room and walch
the action. Dolphins playing and waler sports.
Relax! Joan Oliszewsk.. (9411 761-3100.
#513174. $569,000.

beach cottage. Excellent rental history. Key West nome on large lot with bonus of Island paradise in your 2BR/2BA villa view from this canalfront handyman home
greal income. Turnkey-lumishea, fully mother-in-lawlBR/1BA Newroot,newsiding, surrounded by tropical landscaping, winding on Holmes Beach. Plans available lor a
updated Steps to the beach. Management new kit. Large, double garage. Lush tropical paths and private sending in Seaside Gar- three story home with pool. Laurie Dellalorre.
staff already in place. Melanie Johnson. setting Boat dock privileges Melanie John- dens. Mary Kegley (941) 741-2500 #512552. (941) 778-2246. #514174. $850,000.
(941) 761-3100. #514885. $749,000. son. (941) 761-3100. #508390. $895,000. $439,900.

", k,..

recently updated home has granite coumer-
lops in the kitchen and bath. 16" Travenine ile
throughout. Located jusi steps to the beach.
Agent/Owner. Jay Heageny. (941)727-2800.

near pool. Everything is new. Come see,
seller is ready now! Harold Small.
(941) 778-2246. #515401. $459.900.


from beacon. loaded with upgrades, elevator,
3BR/2.5BA plus den, two-car garage. Enjoy
sunsets from two balconies Completion
May. Carolyn/Joe Cordrey. (941) 776-3300.
#516070. $925,000.

STORYBOOK COTTAGES Just steps to the
beach A 2BR/1BA cottage with a 1BR/1BA
bungalow. Live in one and rent the other
or rent both. Anne Miller. (941) 778-2246.
#518824. 825,000.






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