 Main: Opinion
 Main continued
 Main: Islander Classifieds
 Main continued
 Main: Islander Classifieds
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00074389/00046
 Material Information
Title: Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Uniform Title: Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Creator: Islander
Publisher: Bonner Joy
Publication Date: November 16, 2005
Genre: newspaper   ( sobekcm )
newspaper   ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Manatee -- Anna Maria
Coordinates: 27.530278 x -82.734444 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
System ID: UF00074389:00046

Table of Contents
        page 1
        page 2
        page 3
        page 4
        page 5
    Main: Opinion
        page 6
    Main continued
        page 7
        page 8
        page 9
        page 10
        page 11
        page 12
        page 13
        page 14
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        page 16
        page 17
        page 18
        page 19
        page 20
        page 21
        page 22
        page 23
        page 24
        page 25
        page 26
    Main: Islander Classifieds
        page 27
        page 28
    Main continued
        page 29
    Main: Islander Classifieds
        page 30
        page 31
        page 32
        page 33
        page 34
        page 35
        page 36
Full Text

Skimming the news ... Anna Maria Island street map inside this edition, pages 18-19.

TAnna Maria



"The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992"

St. Joe (Arvida)

plans commercial

project at

Perico Marina
By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
The St. Joe Company, formerly Arivda Corp.,
owners of the Perico Harbor Marina on Manatee Av- U
enue West, submitted plans Monday to the Bradenton
Planning Commission for a commercial development
at property it owns fronting the marina at 123200 and l
12320 Manatee Ave. W.
That property, presently occupied by the former
Leverock's Restaurant and a convenience store, was
purchased along with the marina last year by Paradise
Pointe LLC, a company owned by St. Joe.
Attorney Clifford Waters, representing Paradise
Pointe, went before the BPC on Monday, Nov. 14, with
a plan for a "commercial preliminary planned develop-


Volume 14, No. 2 Nov. 16, 2005 FREE

.~~~~~.~ 42%~~.a ..g*~- -

ment project." In
addition, he also
requested a
change to the fu-
ture land use map
of Bradenton and
a zoning change
at the property.
Efforts to de-
termine exactly
what the "com-
mercial" project
would contain
were unsuccess-
ful, but Glen
Compton, execu-

tive director of the environmental watchdog organiza-
tion ManaSota-88, has previously indicated that when
St. Joe bought the property it was interested in a retail-
office complex.
The BPC will make a recommendation to the
Bradenton City Council on whether or not to approve
the requests.
When St. Joe purchased the marina, it also received
a Florida Department of Environmental Protection permit
to dredge the marina basin for deep-draft boats, build
docks to accommodate more than 200 boats, and eliminate
the high-and-dry marina storage facility.
DEP spokesperson Pam Vasquez said Perico Har-
bor Marina transferred its permit to Paradise Pointe
LLC of Fort Lauderdale in March 2005 as part of the
sale of the marina to that company.
"The permit goes with ownership," she said. "A
new owner does not have to apply for a new permit."
Vasquez added that the mitigation issues regarding
the dredge permit have not been resolved, although the
new marina owners have pledged to improve the envi-
ronment of the Sister Keys in the bay adjacent to
Longboat Key in exchange for permission to tear up
about 10 acres of bottom area by the marina. The
Longboat Town Commission has not yet approved the
mitigation offer.
According to the Florida Department of State Web
site, the registered agent for Paradise Pointe LLC is
Danielle De Vito-Hurley, a lawyer with the Palm
Beach-based firm of Gunster, Yoakley and Stewart.
The Web site also states that a Feb. 11, 2005, change


Fire test successful on Tidy Island
Firefighters with the West Manatee Fire & Rescue District tested a. "dry hydrant" at Tidy Island last week.
The hydrant, one of two dry units on the island, draws water from ponds to aid infighting fires. Traditional
hydrants on the island were installed more than 20 years ago, fire officials said, and supply lines do not
supply as much water as is currently desired. "After a structure fire last March, where a limited water supply
hampered firefighters' efforts to control the blaze, Tidy Island residents ivorked with Manatee County Public
Works and West Manatee Fire & Rescue officials to improve the fire protection water supply," Capt. Ernie
Cave said, improvements that included the dry hydrants as well as sprinklers on new buildings. The dry,
hydrant system allows up to 1,000 gallons of water per minutes to flow through hoses, pumped via fire trucks.
Islander Photo: Paul Roat

Term limit status quo after review

By Paul Roat
Don't let it be said that your vote doesn't count -
it most definitely did last week in Bradenton Beach.
City voters had '13 charter amendments to ratify or
reject on the Nov. 8 ballot. One question on whether or
not to change the term limits of elected officials from
three two-year terms to four two-year terms resulted in
a tie vote Tuesday night after the ballots were tabulated
- the first tie vote in county voting history, according
to Manatee County Supervisor of Elections Bob Sweat.
The matter became convoluted because, although
state law is clear on what to do in the event of a tie vote
between candidates, there doesn't seem to be any clear-
cut rule on what to do if an issue results in a deadlock.
State law calls for a coin toss or a drawing by lot
between candidates in a tie. A charter amendment,
though, can't call heads or tails of a coin.
The matter became moot, though, after Sweat con-
ducted the mandatory recount of the vote, required
whenever an election result is less than one-half of one
percent of the total.
In Bradenton Beach, it seemed, there were four
people who cast blank ballots and there was one
"overvote" a ballot marked in both the "yes" and
"no" ovals for the term-limit question. The optical
reader that counts the votes rejected the ballot.
Sweat called a meeting of the city's canvassing
board last Thursday. He, City Clerk Nora Idso and City
Attorney Ricinda Perry, went over the ballot and deter-
mined that the voter, although indeed making a mark

in the "yes" oval, had clearly, darkly and completely
colored in the "no" space;
The final decision term limits will stay at three
two-year periods for Bradenton Beach elected officials,
103 to 102.

A Boa lunch
The Island Boa Sisters lunched at the brand-new old
Waterfront Restaurant, open again after afire forced
closure. Boa members dress all black except for
bright feather boas, said the president, Wendy
Holcomb of Holmes Beach. Boa Sisterhood is made
up of "positive-thinking women of all ages from the
Island or nearby who want to have fun, network and
do good works for charity," she said. The main
beneficiary is All Island Denominations. The new
Waterfront? "Very nice." Boa may be reached at
(941) 238-0260.

When St. Joe-Arvida
purchased the marina, it
also received a Florida
Department of Environ-
mental Protection permit
to dredge the marina
basin for deep-draft
boats, build docks to
accommodate more than
200 boats, and eliminate
the high-and-dry marina
storage facility.

I I --' 1 I 'I Ib'- I ~1 L 91~L~ L-L~ -II I I I

2 0 NOV. 16, 2005 M THE ISLANDER

moving south
The emergency beach
renourishment project
is now near 20th Street
North in Bradenton
Beach and will con-
tinue to progress south
to Coquina Beach. The
project, which started
just after July 4, was
scheduled for comple-
tion in November, but
has been plagued by
weather delays. The
U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers has pushed
the completion back to
Islander Photo:
Rick Catlin

Arivida Perico project offered
order to the formation of Paradise Pointe LLC was sent
and confirmed by the St. Joe Corporation in Jackson-
The dredge permit had been opposed by several
environmental groups on the grounds that dredging
would damage Perico Bayou's grassy bottom and de-
stroy what's left of the natural oyster beds in the area.
As,part of the mitigation proposal, the marina would
have to move the oyster beds to a safer location and
replant seagrass near the Kingfish Boat Ramp.
St. Joe Company is the largest private landowner
in Florida, and after several years of lawsuits and con-
troversy, was given approval in April 2004 by the City
of Bradenton to build a 686-unit condominium com-
plex on north Perico Island on property'on the east side
of Perico Harbor Marina. The project will include sev-
eral 10- and 12-story buildings.
A site plan for the condominium project has not yet
been submitted to the BPC.


The annual holiday citrus fruit sale by the
Anna Maria Island Kiwanis Club is getting under
way with half a dozen to choose from for shipment
to friends and relatives so unlucky as to live else-
Prices range from $31 to $46, depending on
the size of the package, ranging from one bushel
down to two-fifths of a bushel. It's an especially
good deal because, thanks to special arrangements,
Kiwanis fruit orders are not charged for shipping
- providing more fruit at a lower cost than other
Offered are navel oranges, ruby red grapefruit,

navels and ruby red combination, honeybell tange-
los, temple and Valencia. Also available are vari-
ous combinations of the citrus fruits, marmalades
and honey, and a tropical mix of citrus, pineapple,
coconuts, sugar cane and limes.
Orders may be made by calling Kiwanian
Phyllis Bohnenberger at 778-0355 or from
Kiwanians by hand at their weekly meeting any
Saturday morning after 8:30 a.m. at the Cafe on the
Beach, at the Gulf end of Manatee Avenue.
Proceeds will go to club programs for children,
such as sports, scholarships, after-school activities
and the grandparent program.


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Kiwanis citrus sale

to benefit kids begins

THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 16, 2005 E 3

Anna Maria commission sets new comment rule

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Anna Maria's new city commission at its Nov. 10
organizational meeting re-elected Commissioner John
Quam as the commission chairperson and vice-mayor
along with Commissioner Linda Cramer as deputy
The commission adopted Roberts Rules of Order
to govern commission meetings, but made one change.
When a member of the public rises to speak on an
agenda item, but delivers a personal attack on an
elected official or strays from the agenda issue, a "point
of order" may be called by a commission member.
Quam will then have the speaker sit down and that
person will forfeit his or her speaking privileges for that
agenda item.
The move was made following several publicized
incidents where personal attacks were made against
Mayor SueLynn, when the person was supposed to
speak to the agenda issue.
Essentially, Quam said a commissioner or member
of the public would be out of order if they failed to
follow the adopted "Pledge of Conduct" at public meet-
ings. That pledge states that while parties may disagree,
"We will be respectful of one another. We will direct
all comments to the issues. We will avoid personal at-
Quam also noted that under Roberts Rules of Or-
der, a "point of order" could only be called by a mem-
ber of the commission.
In other business, Commissioner Duke Miller was
named commission liaison to the environmental edu-
cation and enhancement committee and the Anna
Maria Island Chamber of Commerce.
Tollette gained the liaison to the Anna Maria Island
Community Center, while Woodland will have the
capital improvements advisory committee. Cramer will
remain as the commission's liaison to the Anna Maria
Island Historical Society.







iI -

Commission sworn in Anna Maria
Incumbent Anna Maria City Commissioners Dale Woodland, left, and John Quam and newly elected Commissioner
Chris Tollette were sworn into office Nov. 10 by Assistant City Clerk Diane Percycoe. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin

Neighborhood coalition opposes Meetings
Anna Maria City
Nov. 16, 6:45 p.m., environmental education and en-
Seafood Shack proposal hancement committee meeting.
SNov. 21,7 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting.
By Jim Hanson ramp with substantial waterfront, it is on the market Anna Maria City Hall,
Islander Reporter' now, said its owner, Harry "Butch" Hovey. 10005 Gulf Drive, 708-6130.
The proposal to have Manatee County buy the Sea- Joseph Curie is a spearhead and spokesman for the
food Shack property for a maritime museum and pub- north-siders, saying their Concerned Citizens of Cortez Bradenton Beach
[ic boat access has run into rough weather from north Coalition represents five homeowners associations Nov. 17, 1 p.m., city commission meeting. Agenda:
Cortez. with more than 500 residents. Most are boaters, he said, First reading and public hearing on newsrack ordi-
So far, the momentum for the county's purchase all are on or near the water and there is where the nance, pier discussion, board appointments, approval
ias come from the south side of Cortez Road, the his- rub begins. of Nov. 8 election results and commission reports.
:oric village itself. Now residents north of Cortez Road They fear traffic congestion at either access to the Nov. 17, 6 p.m., code enforcement board meeting.
are mounting a campaign to avert the purchase with Shack property and to their subdivisions at 127th Nov. 22, 1 p.m., city commission swearing-in cer-
>ublic funds. Street with its narrow-laned humpback bridge and at emony.
What they suggest instead, if county involvement 119th Street which forms the main access to the af- Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N.,
s wanted and waterfront land is to be provided for a fected coalition developments. Those areas, Curie said; 778-1005.
maritime museum and boat ramps, is that the county are Sunset Harbor, The Pointe, Harbour Landings,
buy the Cortez Trailer Park a couple of blocks to the Harbour Landings Estates, Smugglers Cove, and Cove Holmes Beach
south. Hard alongside the Cortez Bridge mainland Sound Yacht Club. The 119th Street access is "filled Nov. 21, 7 p.m., planning and.zoning board meeting.
with joggers, walkers, bicyclers, mothers with baby Nov. 22, 7 p.m., city commission meeting.
strollers it would destroy the quality of life and Nov. 23,9 a.m., board of adjustment meeting.
Curves hurricane present real physical danger," Curley said. Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive,
Many of the county's public boat ramps are open 708-5800._
donation s h e around the clock, he said, which would bring extra
natio s here boat traffic and extra noise. Pollution by boats and Of Interest
d0 additional auto traffic would be another problem. Nov. 16, 7 p.m., Coalition of Barrier Island Elected
doubled to $4,400 For ,boaters, the bottleneck at the Cortez Bridge Officials meeting, Bradenton Beach City Hall CAN-
Curves on the Island and its sister franchise in would worsen. CELED.
Bradenton are sending $4,400 to victims of Hurri- The Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage, which Nov. 17,6 p.m., West Manatee Fire & Rescue District
cane Katrina, thanks to staff, clients and the gym has pressed the move for the county to buy the Shack, Commission meeting, Fire Station No. 1,6001 Marina
founders. has a provision in-its charter that calls for it to seek a Drive, Holmes Beach.
Joann Swan, who owns both franchises here, place within the historical district for such purposes, he Nov. 21, 3:30 p.m., Island Transportation Planning
said the staffers at both locations and their member- said, and the Cortez Trailer Park property would fill Organization meeting, Anna Maria City Hall.
clients filled jars with donations and let e th at bill admirably.
founders know so they could match the total. As for the Shack, the county should let private in- Holiday closures
The local outlets raised $2,200 between them, terests buy it and work with a developer to make it eco- Governmental offices in Anna Maria City, Bradenton
so Gary and Diane Heavin of Waco, Texas, nomically feasible as a first-class restaurant, marina Beach, Holmes Beach and Longboat Key will be
founders of Curves Ladies Gym, matched it with and some residential development, Curie's group be- closed Thursday and Friday, Nov. 24-25, in observance
another $2,200 for the hurricane victims. lives. of Thanksgiving.
The money will be disbursed through such di- They planned to take their case to the county this Waste collection for Anna Maria City, Holmes Beach
saster relief organizations as the American Red week, then meet again Wednesday to assess their po- and Longboat Key scheduled for Nov. 24 is resched-
Cross and Gulf state charities. It is not yet known sition and make further plans. uled to Nov. 26. There will be no change in schedule
how-much has been raised altogether by all of the He described the coalition as a one-time, one-issue in Bradenton Beach.
9,000 Curves franchises, said a spokesperson. organization come together to oppose public develop- The Islander will be closed for Thanksgiving and be
ment of the Seafood Shack. open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, Nov. 25.

4 0 NOV. 16, 2005 E THE ISLANDER


prelims now,

main event

By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
The 2005 Sandblast on the Island beach promises
to be the biggest ever, with every team but three spon-
sored early and the main event's preliminaries starting
Wednesday, Nov. 16.
Only three teams needed sponsors at the first of the
week, and no doubt they've been funded by now. Any
prospective sponsor wanting to get into the combat at
the last minute may call 795-8272. Such sponsorship
costs only $300, which goes to Keep Manatee Beauti-
This fifth annual competition pairs youth groups
with local business sponsors and has become one of the
biggest, and most enjoyable, fundraisers for the spon-
soring Keep Manatee Beautiful. It is open to the pub-
lic, and every year attracts large crows of spectators.
The main event will be all morning and early after-
noon Saturday, Nov. 19, on the BeachHouse
Restaurant's beach at 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton
Beach. The restaurant and its owner, Ed Chiles, spon-
sor the event each year.
A professional sculpture team, called Team
Sandtastic, will demonstrate its art from 5 to 6 p.m.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Nov. 16, 17 and 18,
building a huge sculpture at the site that will spotlight
the Bradenton Beach Scenic Highway. It was noted
that Team Sandtastic holds the record for the tallest
sand castle built in less than 100 hours, 28 feet, 7
inches, at Georgia Stone Mountain Park.
Saturday, teams will begin arriving at the
BeachHouse at 7:30 a.m. to pick their 15-by-15-foot plots.
Sculpting will begin at 9 a.m. and go on until 1 p.m.

* Great Turn-Out
Thanks forYour'

If crowds from years past are any indication, the Sandblast party at the BeachHouse Restaurant in Bradenton
Beach should be a packed house. This picture was taken at last year's event.

The evaluating will start then by a tough trio of
judges Becky Shannon, general manager of the
BeachHouse; Larry Hudson, professional sand sculp-
tor with Team Sandtastic; and David Miller, marine
artist with Maui Art on St. Armands Circle, who will
create an award for each of the teams.
Teams registered to compete, listed with their
Bayshore High School National Art Honor Society,
Waste Management; Boys and Girls Clubs of Manatee
County, Bright House Networks; Braden River High
School Key Club, Kiwanis Club of East Manatee; Braden-
ton Christian School:Art Department, Tropicana Refrig-
eration; IMG Academies, IMG Academics; Intrepid
Home Health, Intrepid Home Health; Just for Girls,

U ~~ ~

Bradenton Lions Club and Metro Systems;
Lincoln Middle School Builders Club, Kiwanis
Club of Palmetto; Palmetto High Key Club, Kiwanis
Club of Palmetto; Manatee Community College
EARTH Club, Eastech; Manatee High School Anchor
Club, John Moody & Associates;
MHS Art Department, The Islander; MHS Chi Epsilon
Mu, Picture Perfect; MHS Environmental Science Or-
ganization, Rusty and Ingrid McClelland; MHS Ocean
Awareness Club, State Rep. Bill Galvano; Anna Maria
Island Cub Scout Pack 7, Sun; ManaTEENS, Anna
Maria Island Property Sales Report; St. Stephens Key
Club, St. Stephens Key Club; Southeast High Key
Club, Sandy Harmon, Suncoast Home Team;
Tropicana, Tropicana Environmental Operations.

"Welcome back,

winter friends!"

Pd. Pol. Adv. Paid and approved by John Quam campaign

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THE ISLANDER U NOV. 16, 2005 M 5

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ihi l i "t G *II.P OI1, /P, s l-.. t [,'i fti hl -
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^ ^ ^ 11Sii'103 JIte HItI tit( P ri .ii t r lf.t. i _Ct s I -, "mML i ,c'- ."
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6 M NOV. 16. 2005 U THE ISLANDER


Battle joined in Cortez
Cortez once again finds itself the focal point of a
classic controversy, and again it's the solid, settled tra-
ditional people against newcomers.
The historic fishing village has accomplished many
times what most people would regard as impossible,
achievement by achievement. The people there dream
big and make it happen. Marvels are commonplace.
Several rich and powerful interests have tried to get
into the marina business there, for example. Cortezians
fought them fang and claw, through government and
public opinion and nifty footwork and just plain stub-
bornness, until the tiny village prevailed against power
and money.
Developers have long drooled over the lovely wa-
terfront, seeing in their dreams high-rent high-rises
instead of the picturesque clutter of boats and fish
houses and docks. They are left dreaming and drooling.
All the while they were fiercely defensive for their
heritage, Cortezians have gone to great lengths on the
positive side. There was, for example, the old school-
house at the east end of the village, unused as a school
and then abandoned when its artist occupant died. It
would make a fine community center, Cortez thought.
Sure. It was expensive, and the tiny settlement of
working people who fished for a living had no extra
money lying around and no structure to handle such a
purchase anyway. So Cortezians, as anti-handout as
any people anywhere, persuaded their county govern-
ment to buy the school and turn it over for public use.
Its renovation is now almost complete.
Just behind the school are 95 acres of untouched "old
Florida" land that really had developers a-drool. Develop-
ment there would have been the death knell for the village
way of life. The villagers went to work, schemed and plot-
ted and calculated and ultimately found a generous owner
to sell at a cut rate and raised a quarter of a million dol-
lars. That tract is now the FISH Preserve.
FISH itself is among the more accomplished
dreamers here. It was formed as Florida Institute for
Saltwater Heritage by a few of those hardheaded
dreamers and now is the prime moving force in Cortez.
It was FISH that had the nerve to think of acquir-
ing. the Seafood Shack property for public use, and it
had uses in mind maritime museum, shop for vol-
unteers to build traditional wood boats, and a few more
projects. It went to the county again,'adding much-
needed boat-launching ramps to the uses, and the
county was agreeable.
Then along came the negative side of that bright

TIe Islander
NOV.-16, 2005 Vol. 14, No. 2
V Publisher and Editor
Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org.
V Editorial
Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org
Diana Bogan, J3in.ai.',iaricer r; r
Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org
Jack Egan
Jack Elka
V Contributors
Gib Bergquist
Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org
Jesse Brisson
David Futch
Robert Noble
S Carrie Price
V Advertising Sales
Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islarder.org
Rebecca Barnett, rebecca@islander.org
V Office Manager
Connie Brannon, connie@islander.org
V ProduLcUcn Gr..pic'l
Kelly l1C:crrrn,.' asi' slnCer ,:rg
Lisa-Williams; Ii .a,',ifianaer org
V Distribution
Urbane Bouchet
Ross Roberts
Lisa Williams
(All-others: nei ;'; ns.irer rg I

=5iral <1993-047
n^f' W ndtev ,im*,

Single cop s free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each.
1992-2005 Editorial, sales and production offices:
Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive
Holmes Beach FL 34217
WEB SITE: islander.org
FAX 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978

SLICK 'Hi! I'm your new neighbor.' By Egan

coin. Some residents north of Cortez Road, an area not
considered part of the old village, decided traffic prob-
lems would be sure to follow. They are against public
funds being spent for public,use of the Shack.
They're right about the traffic, for it already ex-
ists the Shack is a very large and busy restaurant.
Lots of traffic.
They suggest instead that the Shack be kept pri-
vate, and some of its spacious land accommodate resi-
dential development. Such expensive land would prob-
ably necessarily go to condominiums, that dreaded
entity hereabouts.

The members of this coalition are no doubt as sin-
cere and well meaning as Cortezians themselves, they
just have different goals. They've spent a lot of money
on their homes and they don't want their way of life
Neither do Cortezians..And now it seems a classic
conflict is developing, traditional values versus new-
comers. The choice is obvious for us traditionalists.
And any waterfront land the county can acquire is
a good deal for all who will be able to enjoy it into the
future Shack, trailer park, mangrove forest, marina,
beach and otherwise. Buy it!

.O. inion

A special blessing
The children, teachers and staff of Anna Maria
Elementary School, the Island community, family and
friends lost a very special person on Nov. 1, Beth Ann
Scheible. She was a blessing-to many people and
touched countless lives with her selfless acts of kind-
ness and generosity.
Beth Ann was one of the leaders of the Youth for
Christ Kids Live program held every Monday at the
school. Each week she would lead close to 40 children
in praise and worship songs and dance. Her enthusiasm
and love for the Lord spread to these children as she
offered up their prayer requests to God at the beginning
of each meeting. Her spontaneous, heartfelt prayers left
a peaceful calm over all present.
Beth Ann has been an essential part of Kids Live,
and along with her husband has supported this program
for the past several years. I have had the privilege of
sharing her passion for ministering to these children.
She was a good and faithful servant of the lord here
on earth, and now she rests in His peace in Heaven. We'
will miss her.
Donna Perez, Anna Maria

Arrrrg and thanks
The Anna Maria Island Privateers would like to ex-
press its appreciation to the many friends in the commu-

nity who expressed condolences through cards, letters,
calls, visits and memorial gifts to the organization after the
recent passing of two of our treasured crew mates, Dick
"Red Dog" Cline and Greg "Shiprek" Davidson.
Your expressions of sympathy and remembrance
meant so much to all of us. The Privateers consider the
community to be part of our extended pirate family.
The Privateers hope to see all of you at our many
upcoming events. Your support makes it possible for
the crew to live up to their mission statement of "Pi-
rates For Kids and Community" a statement that
"Red Dog" and "Shiprek" took very seriously and
worked hard to promote.
Thanks again for your remembrances and a hearty
ARRRG in memory of "Red Dog and "Shiprek."
The Anna Maria Island Privateers
Have your say
The Islander welcomes and encourages your opin-
ion letters.
The Islander accepts original letters of up to 250
words and reserves the right to edit for length and
grammar. Letters must include the city you reside in for
publication and a phone number (for.verification only).
Anonymous letters will not be printed.
Address letters to Editor, The Islander, 5404 Ma-
rina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217, fax to 941-778-
7978, or e-mail to news@islander.org.

THE ISLANDER U NOV. 16, 2005 7 7


Marjorie Ann Haddix
Marjorie Ann Haddix, 38, of Bradenton, died Nov.
Mrs. Haddix was born in Jeannette, Pa. She at-
tended Cortez Baptist Church.
Visitation was Nov. 13 and memorial services
Nov. 14 at Island Baptist Church, Anna Maria. Burial
was at Skyway Memorial Gardens, Palmetto. Griffith-
Cline Funeral Home, Island Chapel, was in charge of
She is survived by husband Kevin; father Joseph F.
Pandolph of Anna Maria; brother Jeffrey Blasko of
Bradenton; mother-in-law Betty of Bradenton; and two

Lottie Marie Hernandez
Lottie Marie Hernandez, 39, of Anna Maria, died
Nov. 7.
Ms. Hernandez was born in Greenburg, Pa. She
attended Island Baptist Church.
Visitation was Nov. 13 and services Nov. 14 at
Island Baptist Church. Burial was at Skyway Memo-
rial Gardens, Palmetto. Griffith-Cline Funeral Home,
Island Chapel, was in charge of arrangements.
She is survived by husband Enrique of Bradenton;
daughter Joely; father Joseph F. Pandolph of Anna
Maria; and brother Jeffrey Blasko of Bradenton.

Sherry LaVern Pandolph
Sherry LaVern Pandolph, 57, of Anna Maria, died
Nov. 7.
Mrs. Pandolph was born in Turtle Creek, Pa. She
attended Island Baptist Church.
Visitation was Nov. 13 and memorial services
Nov. 14 at Island Baptist Church. Burial was at Sky-
way Memorial Gardens, Palmetto. Griffith-Cline Fu-
neral Home, Island Chapel, was in charge of arrange-
She is survived by husband Joseph F.; son Jeffrey
Blasko of Bradenton; sisters Peggy Catalan of Califor-
nia and LaVella Ord of Pennsylvania; and two grand-

Robert G. Stickroth
Robert G. Stickroth, 69, of Bradenton Beach, died
Nov. 11.
Born in Baltimore, Md., Mr. Stickroth came to
Manatee County from Upland, Calif., in 1989. He was
division manager for Crown Cork and Seal.
There were no services. Griffith-Cline Funeral
Home, Island Chapel, was in charge of arrangements.
He is survived by daughters Terri Lynn Marie and
Krista Kirn, both of California; sons Robert A. of Sa-
rasota and Kevin J. of North Carolina; brother George
of Arizona; and four grandchildren.

Lucille D. Winters
Lucille D. Winters, 83, of Holmes Beach, died
Nov. 11.
Born in New York, N.Y., Mrs. Winters moved to
Manatee County in 1959. She was a reading specialist.
She was a member of the Butterfly Association,
Friends of the Island Branch Library, National Educa-
tion Association, League of Women Voters, Marie
Selby Botanical Gardens, Suncoast Camera Club and
a volunteer with the American Cancer Society.
Memorial services will be at 1 p.m. Saturday, Nov.
19, at her home, 531 Key Royale Drive. Memorial con-
tributions may be made to Tidewell Hospice and Pal-
liative Care, 5955 Rand Blvd., Sarasota FL 34238.
Griffith-Cline Funeral Home, Island Chapel, was in
charge of arrangements.
She is survived by husband of 61 years Nathan;
daughter Gazelia White of Holmes Beach; sons Paul of
Tampa and Sam of Orlando; and five grandchildren.

Flu shots given Nov. 17
Vaccinations against influenza will be given
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday. Nov. 17, at the
Anna Maria Island Community Center.
The shots, by Optima Health Services, will cost
$25 each but will be free to persons with a Medicare
Part B card. A photo ID is required. Further informa-
tion may be obtained by calling 778-1908.

Ten years ago in the Nov. 16, 1995, issue
of The Islander, headlines announced:
Senior Assistant Manatee County Attorney
Mitchell Palmer said the Florida Department of
Transportation's proposed new Anna Maria Island
Bridge qualifies as a federally conducted "major im-
provement study," and the project should be delayed
until federal highway officials can complete the study.
Federal, state and local environmental officials
continue to investigate the source of a mysterious
fuel oil spill in the basin near the Gulf and Marina
drive intersection.
The Bradenton Beach City Commission an-
nounced it was accepting proposals from private
business to operate the city's pier and accompany-
ing restaurant after the U.S. Army Corps of Engi-
neers contracted for $300,000 worth of federally
funded improvements to the rock revetment leading
to the pier.

Date Low High RfW fall
Nov. 6 64 84 0
Nov. 7 66 84 0
Nov. 8 70 85 0
Nov. 9 70 86 0
Nov. 10 66 78 0
Nov. 11 62 75 0
Nov. 12 65 -.86 0
Average Gulf water temperature 740
24-hour' r. l l 5.:.i. u iI. ..r, ..ir, ,r ,, j i r.: cr.:..r li.1 5 p.m daily.

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Oysters Rockefeller 899

6 Jumbo Peel-N-Eat Shrimp $8"

Dozen Steamed Clams i10

Crab Cake $599

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SROTTEN Located at Galati Marina 778-3953
RALPH'S.-/ GulfofMeeic



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8 M NOV. 16, 2005 U THE ISLANDER


jj~t d

Lots of good-eating fun
Hundreds of people showed up last Saturday for the annual St. Jude gourmet luncheon on Longboat Key. The
event raises fundsfor the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of
Longboat Key. Among the participating restaurants were Waterfront Restaurant in Anna Maria, top right,
with owner Jason Suzor doing prep work, and Ooh La La! Bistro at bottom right, with Bonnie Murray, left,
and Bonnie Malfese serving Caesar salad. Islander Photos: Paul Roat

Checking out the 'Ice-lander'
Mike Wyckoff, left, of Longboat Key and Shawn Kaleta of Holmes Beach enjoy a "chilled drink" in an ice
glass "everything in the bar was ice, tables, bar, light fixtures, decorations, statues, etc., at the Stockholm
Ice Hotel bar.

1 pm-4pm, Thursday, Nov. 30
Elk's Lodge #1511 2511 75th St. W.
Featuring 25 travel vendors
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AM West Steamboat Insight Dinner Theatre
Star Clippers General Jamaica Tourist Board
Delta Queen
- Grand prize Cayman Airways 2 round-trip tickets to Grand Cayrnan
Refreshments/Door Prizes/Day of Show Specials
Bring a new toy-ornament for boy or girl or teenager for
Salvation Amy and Manatee Children's Services.
Fantas :,3t d B e



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THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 16, 2005 0 9

Bad food letter sparks police investigation

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Two people in Bradenton claimed they had a "bad
food day" at two Bradenton Beach restaurants recently
and decided to channel their alleged "unpleasantness"
from that experience into a letter requesting "restitu-
tion" from the two restaurants.
But the letters may have backfired on the senders.
Bradenton Beach Police Chief Sam Speciale said
he has launched an official investigation after at least
two restaurants in the city complained that they re-
ceived letters last week from someone demanding
compensation for allegedly getting sick after eating at
the establishment.

Rather than send "restitution," the restaurants for-
warded the letters to police. Special confirmed the
complaints and that Det. Sgt. Lenard Diaz will head up
the investigation.
"We have launched an investigation into the cir-
cumstances surrounding the two letters," Speciale said,
but he declined to say if fraud was involved. He added
that other law enforcement jurisdictions might be in-
Owners of the Sun House Restaurant and the
Bridge Tender Inn said they each received identically
worded letters Nov. 8 from the same Bradenton ad-
dress, but with different names at the bottom. Each
writer claimed they had eaten at the establishment arid

Price was right
Bradenton Beach Police Chief Sam Speciale got the best deal imaginable on his "new" 2002 Ford Tahoe
sport-utility vehicle on behalf of the city the vehicle was declared surplus by Manatee Counrt and was free
to the city. Islander Photo: Paul Roat

within an hour had become violently sick.
Angela Rodocker of the Sun House Restaurant said
that when she first received the letter, she was "sur-
prised," then realized the letter had to be a hoax. She
then called the BBPD to file a complaint and later con-
tacted several other local restaurants to warn them they
might receive such a letter. John Messina of the Bridge
Tender Inn received the same letter and also filed a
complaint with police.
Special said any other restaurant in the city that
receives a similar letter should contact his office.
Ed Chiles, who owns the Sandbar restaurant in
AnnaMaria, the BeachHouse in Bradenton Beach, and
the MarVista on Longboat Key, said he had not re-
ceived any similar letter, but has informed management
of the letter sent to the other two restaurants.
The letter writers were polite in making their
"I have been a customer of your restaurant previ-
ously," the letter begins and the writer "always" recom-
mends the establishment to family and friends.
"I am sorry to say, however," the writer continues,
"that I recently ate dinner with a companion at your
establishment aind within an hour after we left we were
both regurgitating our meals."
The writer continued that both he/she and the com-
panion "endured quite a few hours of unpleasantness,
but we do understand that this kind of situation happens
even in the finest restaurants."
That "understanding" apparently extends in the
direction of the pocketbook.
"We sincerely hope that you will stand behind your
reputation in the community and help restore our faith
in your restaurant and we respectfully request some sort
of restitution for this unpleasant occurrence.
"We thank you in advance for your consideration
and anxiously await your hopefully favorable deci-
sion," the letters concluded.
Both n writers ga\e the same Bradenton address in
each letter.
Special said any establishment receiving a simi-
lar letter should contact local la\\ enforcement.

10 E NOV. 16, 2005 a THE ISLANDER

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Sat. Nov, 19
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Crafts, Jewelry, Baked Goods,
Holiday. Decorations' Our Famous
Homemade "Episcopal" Pickles
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Serving Coffee and Dougluts. .g '%e'
Hot Brunch and Lundc Available. I
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4408 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-1638

Sat., Nov. 19
Sun., Nov. 2
* Christmas
Decorations .
* White Elephant
* Plants Handcrafts
* Bake Sale Refresnments

Held at Welsmiller Activity S te r
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248 S. Harbor Dr., Holmes Beach

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.Skmine ,t.,1 P t dii Ali i .i a 1 .llll wM Wan 1 c i di hIll t lI,
the Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary on City Island.

Pelican Man

charts drive,

closing stores
By Jim HIan-on:
Islander Reporter
The Pelican Nlan' Bird Sanciuar\ is organizing
itself for more qre:mtilinid operanton,\ ith better fund-
ing and less drain on the funds it has, starting with a
major fund drive and closing its thrift stores.
Jeffrey A. Dering, executive director of the bird
rescue and rehabilitation center, said he needs to raise
day-to-day operating funds to avert "a real crisis in the
near future."
Among cost-saving measures is shutting down its
thrift stores in Sarasota and Venice by the eid of No-
vember. The fund drive is called "We Are for the
Dering said the main reasons for what could be a
drastic fund shortage, unless money can be raised to

Santa Jaws to pose

with Mote Aquarium

visitors this season
A new form of Santa's helper is making an
offer to visitors, especially those with cameras, at
Mote Marine Laboratory's aquarium..
It's Santa Jaws, a role being filled during the
holidays by the aquarium's shark mascot. Gilli\.
Santa Jaws is offering.to lend its toothy presence
to fans who want their pictures taken with a
The free offer is open from noon to 2 p.m.
Saturday from Nov. 26 to Dec. 17. The Mote
education division also will be hosting holiday
storytelling in the aquarium courtyard during
Santa Jaws' visits.
When they're through with the photography.
visitors may check out the real sharks s\\imming
around the 135,000-gallon shark habitat and a
new exhibit of a 6-foot-long great white shark.
The aquarium is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
365 days a year, with tickets $15 for adults and
$10 for children ages 4 to 12. The facility is at
1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., on City Island off
the south ramp of the New Pass Bridge. Full de-
tails may be obtained by .calling 388-4441.

Baby birds are a feature at the Pelican Man's City
Island bird hospital.

avert it, are rising costs of rehab hospital care, the hur-
ricanes, rising fuel costsand an unusually slow tourism
The facility has "a great beginning for its capital
improvement fund," he said, but day-to-day operations
are threatened. Some 3,000 to 4,000 injured and sick
birds are treated there every year, he said, as many as
100,000 over the years of its existence.
It was founded in 1981 by the late Dale Shields, the
charismatic and devoted "Pelican Man" who died in
2003. He and his volunteers built it into one of the larg-
est nonprofit rescue, rehabilitation, release and educa-
tion centers in the United States totally dependent on
private donations and volunteers, Dering said.
"We have a very high release rate," he said, refer-
ring to the release back into nature of nearly all the
surviving wild birds treated there. The facility finds
permanent homes for those too crippled to be rehabili-
tated, he said. Those homes are in other wildlife rescue
shelters in the area, with whom the Pelican Man's fa-
cility keeps close relationships, he said.
He cited specifically the Wildlife Education and
Rehabilitation Center operated by Gail Straight in
Bradenton Beach.
He said the sanctuary was prepared to take bird
patients from the Peace River sanctuary during the
hurricanes, whichturned out to be safe on its own.
"We have great long-term plans and programs to
unveil in a few months on the future of the sanctuary
within the Gulf Coast community," Dering said. "But
to get to that point we must now reach out for donation
help to bolster our operational funds. Without imme-
diate donation help the legacy of Dale Shields, the Peli-
can Man, will vanish."
Donations may be arranged and full details re-
ceived by calling 388-4444 or visiting

THE ISLANDER U NOV. 16. 2005 11



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Holmes Beach

5312 Marina Drive Holmes Beach, FL 34217
778-4751 -800-771-7163

For the birds
The Anna Maria Fall Fest Arts and Crafts Show Saturday and Sunday at the Holmes Beach city field show-
cases Wildlife Inc. of Bradenton Beach, which provides rehabilition to all forms of wildlife. Visitors were able
to see close up an American kestral falcon, screech owl, barn owl and barred owl and lots of information on
the birds and their recovery was shared. Islander Photos: Bonner Joy

Arts, crafts,
food, fun
Shoppers filled the
rows between
booths at the two-
day weekend Fall
Fest Arts and Crafts
Show which enjoyed
"perfect" fall


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Island author's new book presentation next week

Anna Maria Island winter resident and author
Andy Little will present his latest book, "Time Ex-
posures," to the Anna Maria Island Historical Soci-
ety at its 7:30 p.m. meeting Nov. 22 at the Anna
Maria City Hall.
The book is a collection of black-and-white pho-
tographs that shox readers that while society may be
changing rapidly. some things in life such as deck
chairs. antique cars. an old lakeside dock and porch
swings ne\er change. nd some things should alt\\as
be remembered for a simpler tmne in life.
In addition to discussion and re ie\\ of the book.
And \\ ill present a \ ideo on the making of"Time Ex-
posures" and the items and scenes he collected for the
"The book is about the simpler things and a sim-
pler time in our lies and the memories the\ in\oke."

said Andy.
His previous books include "On the Road
Again...Again," and "Before Whispers become Silent,"
and he plans another book for publication in 2007.
Andy and his wife Dolce have been regular Island
winter residents for 15 years.

--W U I

And) Little ithi a cp) of J'lis in ii b-'-.- "Ti' m
Exposures." Islander Photo: Rick Catlin



12 0 NOV. 16, 2005 M THE ISLANDER

Island HEART group continues

to help hurricane new families

By Diana Bogan
Islander Reporter
The Hurricane Evacuation Assistance and Reloca-
tion Team of Anna Maria Island is helping four new
families displaced by the Gulf Coast hurricanes and is
asking for the continued support of the Island commu-
nity as they restart their lives in Florida.
The first family is a single mom with a 14-year-old
girl and 16-year-old boy who were living in Metarie,
La. The second family is a father with a 10-year-old
daughter and 7-year-old son also from Metarie. The
two families have been sharing a house at Lakewood
Ranch. HEART member Susan Timmons said funds
were raised in the Lakewood Ranch community to pay
their rent through April 1, 2006.
Timmons said HEART has helped by providing for
some monetary needs and taken on a month of utility bills.
The father reportedly has a job that only pays commission
and is looking for a more permanent situation.
The third family is a couple with 12-year-old twins,
a boy and girl. Timmons said this family, including a
pet dog, had been living in a motel room provided by

Anna Maria Elementary menu
Monday, Nov. 21
Breakfast: French Toast Sticks, Cereal, Toast,
Lunch: Chicken Nuggets or Maxx Sticks with
Marinara Sauce, Broccoli with Cheese Sauce,
Garden Salad, Sliced Peaches
Tuesday, Nov. 22
Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza, Cereal, Toast,
Yogurt, Fruit
Lunch: Mini Corn Dogs or Sloppy Joe Sandwich,
Tator Tots, Baked Beans, Fruit Cocktail
Wednesday, Nov. 23
Breakfast: Cheese Omelet, Cereal, Toast, Fruit
Lunch: Chicken Pattie on a Bun or Chicken
Noodle Soup with Half Hoagie, Crinkle-Cut
Fries, Green Beans, Applesauce
Thursday, Nov. 24
Thanksgiving Holiday
Friday, Nov. 25
Thanksgiving Holiday
Juice and milk are served with every meal.

the American Red Cross since Aug. 28. The family is
moving to Orlando in search of work and has already
secured housing. HEART has provided this family with
financial assistance for the move.
A fourth family with a 3- and 4-year-old boy and
girl are in a "cash crunch." According to Timmons, this
family owns a home in New Orleans and was told by
their mortgage company that they would not owe for
the September-November payments. However, they
have been told that they do in fact owe for those months
in addition to the December payment, all of which is
due on Dec. 1.
The father has a job with Sysco and the mother
intends to transfer her business to this area and the fam-
ily plans to sell their New Orleans home.
HEART has compiled a needs list for these fami-
lies, which includes the following items:
Girl's clothing size 8.
Boy's clothing size 5-6.
Men's clothing pants with a 34 waist, medium
Shelves, bookcases.
Pictures, wall decor anything to make things
more "homey"
A bed.
Dining table.
Coffee table, end table.
Bathroom needs, including towels, facecloths.
Kitchen needs: pots, pans, dishes, etc.
Boy's size 16, or men's pants size 32 waist, small
Men's pants 32-33 waist, medium-large shirt.
Women's size 10.
Gift cards to Wal-Mart or Target.
Clothing sizes girl's 4T and boy's 4T.
Those interested in making a donation should call
the Anna Maria Island Community Center at 778-1908.
Holiday decorating contest set
A contest in outdoor holiday decorations is being ar-
ranged by the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce.
There are two categories this year: "Best Property"
and "Best Storefront."
Entries may be made by calling the chamber at
778-1541 by Dec. 7. Judging will be Dec. 12, 13 and
14, and the winners will be announced Dec. 16.



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Rev. Bill Grossman. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose

Rev. Grossman retires Not!
The Rev. Bill Grossman is retiring, if you give him
at least a year between retirement and retirement.
The pastor of Harvey Memorial Community
Church in Bradenton Beach had no more than retired
when his church called him back to do it all over again.
Now he's to become interim senior minister at
DeWitt Community Church in Syracuse, N.Y. In Janu-
ary he plans to head north (from Anna Maria to Syra-
cuse in January? Come on!)
You can't say he doesn't know the chilly territory:
He grew up in New York City and came here from a
pastorate in Buffalo. A minister for 43 years, he has
been pastor of Harvey for six years.
When he retired just days ago, he and his wife had
planned to go to New Mexico, where they own their
retirement home. With the retirement experience more
or less under their belt, it should go smoothly when
they repeat a year from now.

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Islaindl players

A hilarious comedy about a couple, the
wife's sister, the sister's husband, the
mother and a college-aged daughter.
You won't want to miss this performance!
Dec. 1-11 Evenings 8pm
Matinees Dec. 4 and 11 2pm
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Island Players Gulf Drive & Pine Avenue Anna Maria

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THE ISLANDER M NOV. 16, 2005 0 13


Island police reports
Anna Maria City
Nov. 5, 6200 block of Palm Avenue, Holmes
Beach, driver's license. A driver was stopped due to a
cracked vehicle windshield. The driver was arrested for
driving with a suspended Virginia license and issued a-
warning for the windshield.
Nov. 8, 200 block of Gladiolus Street, theft. A
bench located on a dock was reportedly stolen.

Bradenton Beach
Nov. 3, 1101 Gulf Drive N., Queens Gate Motel,
warrant. A male and female were both arrested for
outstanding warrants.
Nov. 4,2600 Block of Gulf Drive North, recovered
stolen vehicle. Officers responded to a report of a sus-
picious vehicle, with three individuals sleeping inside,
one of whom turned out to be a missing Georgia juve-
nile. The 1996 red Ford Thunderbird was also listed as
stolen out of Georgia. The two adults were arrested for
grand theft auto. According to the report, a loaded shot-
gun was found lying between the front passenger and
driver's seat within reach of the passenger, who was
further charged with carrying a concealed weapon.
Nov. 6, 100 block of Fourth Street South, stolen ve-
hicle. A man reported his car stolen from his home. The
man later reported the vehicle had been returned and a
suspect was seen running from the home. An 18-year-old
female suspect was apprehended. According to the report,
she told police she had permission to use the vehicle, al-
though she was aware her license is suspended.

Holmes Beach
Nov. 4,200 block of 84th Street, battery. A woman
called police fearing the father of her child was endan-
gering their baby. According to the report, the father
was intoxicated and became physically abusive to the
mother. He then took the baby from the mother after
she refused to hand the child over to him. The suspect

was arrested and the British Consulate was contacted
as the family is visiting from Great Britain.
Nov. 5, 4000 Gulf Drive, Manatee Public Beach,
theft. A woman reported her credit cards stolen from a
purse she had left locked in the trunk of her car.
Nov. 5, 700 block of Manatee Avenue West,
driver's license. A motorcyclist was cited for driving
without the proper endorsement on his license and
given a warning for running a red light.
Nov. 5,5100 block of Fourth Avenue, assist Mana-
tee County Sheriff's Office. An officer stopped a man
riding a bike without a headlight. He was taken into
custody by a sheriff's deputy, who was at the scene for
an outstanding warrant.
Nov. 6, 200 block of Haverkos Avenue, armed
burglary. A resident reported his home had been bur-
glarized. According to the report, the contents of the
drawers were spread all over the bedroom and a loaded
firearm kept under his mattress was gone. Later the

The Holmes Beach planning committee contin-
ued its discussion of proposed changes to the com-
prehensive plan and land development codes Nov. 9
at a meeting with City Planner Bill Brisson.
The committee made significant changes to the code
section on signs in Holmes Beach, particularly limiting the
size and number of real estate signs per property.
In addition, the committee discussed and made rec-

A neighborhood meeting in Anna Maria Nov. 9 to
discuss an upcoming variance request by Mike and
Nancy Yetter and Joseph and Shirley McGuire for two
adjacent lots currently on Gulf Drive met with no op-
position from residents.
The meeting was to inform residents on Park Av-
enue of the future request to the planning and zoning

same day, the bartender at the Anchor Inn tavern re-
ported finding a firearm under a barstool matching the
description of the one stolen. The other missing items
were also found at the bar.
Nov. 6, 4100 block of Gulf Drive, drug arrest.
Jemaine McLean, 21, of Bradenton, was arrested for
possession of 3.5 grams of marijuana after an officer
pulled over the vehicle he was a passenger in. Accord-
ing to the report, the officer pursued the vehicle for a
speeding violation and, prior to the driver pulling over,
passenger McLean was seen throwing an object out the
car window. The item was retrieved and tested positive
for marijuana.
Nov. 8, 5362 Gulf Drive, LaPensee Plumbing,
criminal mischief. A BB pellet-sized hole was report-
edly found in the windshield of a work truck.
Nov. 9, 100 block of 50th Street, assault. A man
was arrested for domestic assault after attempting to
break into the home of his estranged wife.

commendations to the LDC section on telecommunica-
tion towers, antennas and facilities.
When the committee has finished its LDC and
comprehensive plan revisions, it will forward its rec-
ommendations to the city commission for public hear-
The next meeting of the planning committee is
scheduled for 7 p.m. Nov. 21.

board to essentially have the two lots at 119 Park Ave.
turned lengthwise so they face Park Avenue, not Gulf
Mike Yetter said the principal reason for the re-
quest is a safety issue so that occupants of the resi-
dences don't have to back onto Gulf Drive when they
exit the property.

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Holmes Beach planning continues to plan

Anna Maria neighborhood OK with variance


14 0 NOV.. 16, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER

Wednesday, Nov. 16
Noon- Anna Maria Garden Club presents guest
speaker Joanne Glim of the Children's Memorial Gar-
dens at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine
Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-0523.
1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Stained-glass garden step-
ping-stone craft class at the Anna Maria Island Com-
munity Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Infor-
mation: 778-1908. Fee applies.
5 to 6 p.m. Sand-sculpting instructional clinic
with Team Sandtastic for Keep Manatee Beautiful's
Sandblast at the BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf
Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 795-8272.
5 to 7p.m. Anna Maria Island Chamber of Com-
merce business card exchange at I've Been Framed,
5203 Cortez Road W., Bradenton. Information: 778-

Thursday, Nov. 17
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Flu shots at the Anna Maria
Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna
Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies.
5 to 6 p.m. Sand-sculpting clinic with Team
Sandtastic for Keep Manatee Beautiful's Sandblast at
the BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N.,
Bradenton Beach. Information: 795-8272.
6:30 p.m. "Right Plant, Right Place, Make Your
Yard a Certified Florida Yard" with Island Garden Club
guest speaker Carol Davis at Gloria Dei Lutheran
Church, 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Informa-
tion: 778-3003.
7:30 p.m. Manatee County Audubon Society
meeting with guest David Anderson at First Presbyte-
rian Church, 1402 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton.

Friday, Nov. 18
1 to 5 p.m. Manatee River Garden Club "Holi-
day Festival and Christmas Tree Spree" at 3120 First
Ave, W., Bradenton.
5 to 6 p.m. Sand-sculpting clinic with Team
Sandtastic for Keep Manatee Beautiful's Sandblast at
the BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N.,
Bradenton Beach. Information: 795-8272.

Saturday, Nov. 19
7:25 a.m. Manatee County Audubon Society
field trip to the Sarasota Celery Fields and Pinecraft
Park departing from the downtown Bradenton post of-
fice, 824 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton. Information:
894-0374. Bring lunch.
8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Craft and clutter sale at Gloria


- .

Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes
Beach. Information: 778-1813.
8:30 a.m. Kiwanis Club presents "Rules of the
Investment Road" with Mike Jones of Edward Jones at
Cafe on the Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Holly Berry Bazaar at the
Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes
Beach. Information: 778-1638.
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Keep Manatee Beautiful Sand-
blast competition at the BeachHouse Restaurant, 200
Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 779-2222.
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Christmas Bazaar at St. Ber-
nard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Manatee River Garden Club
"Holiday Festival and Christmas Tree Spree" at 3120
First Ave. W., Bradenton.
12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Digital photography work-
shop with Andy Little at the Anna Maria Island Commu-
nity Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Informa-
tion: 778-1908. Fee applies.

Sunday, Nov. 20
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Christmas Bazaar at St. Ber-
nard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes
Noon to 5:30 p.m. Simon Day of Giving at
DeSoto Square Mall tickets available at the Anna Maria
Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna
Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. Proceeds
benefit the Center.
2 p.m. Anna Maria Island Community Chorus
and Orchestra "Fall Fanfare" at the Island Baptist
Church, 8605 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Donation
8 p.m. "Carmichael Sings Carmichael" at Neel
Performing Arts Center, 5840 26th St. W. at Manatee
Community College Campus, Bradenton. Information:
752-5252. Fee applies. ,

Monday, Nov. 21
Noon Anna Maria Island Democratic Club pre-
sents "Iraq: George W. Bush's Vietnam" with guest
James McCartney at the BeachHouse Restaurant, 200
Gulf Drive N. Bradenton Beach. Information: 778-9287.
12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Rubber stamp and
scrapbooking class at the Anna Maria Island Commu-
nity Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Informa-
tion: 778-1908. Fee applies.

Tuesday, Nov. 22
7:30 p.m. Anna Maria Island Historical Society
meeting with guest speaker author Andrew Clyde Little
at Anna Maria City Hall, 1005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria.
Information: 778-1352.

"George M. Prout An American Illustrator" art
exhibit at Neel Performing Arts Center, 5840 26th St.
W. at Manatee Community College, Bradenton,


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through Nov. 17. Information: 752-5252.
"Poe at the Crosley" at the Powel Crosley Mu-
seum, One Seagate Drive, 8374 N. Tamiami Trail,
Sarasota, through Nov. 17. Information: 722-3244. Fee
Theater production of "London Suite" at Neel
Performing Arts Center, 5840 26th St. W. at Manatee
Community College, Bradenton, through Nov. 19. In-
formation: 752-5252. Fee applies.
Anna Maria Island Art League Fall Open Exhibit,
5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach, through Nov. 25.
"Hacvey" at the Manatee Players Riverfront The-
atre, 102-Old Main St., Bradenton, through Nov. 27.
Information: 748-0111. Fee applies.
Rubber stamp and scrapbooking class at the
Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia
Ave., Anna Maria, through Dec. 12. Information: 778-
1908. Fee applies.
"The Highwaymen," Florida's African-American
landscape painters exhibit at the South Florida Mu-
seum, 201 10th Street W., Bradenton, through March
12. Information: 746-4131. Fee applies.

Community Thanksgiving dinner at Island Baptist
Church Nov. 24.
Community Thanksgiving dinner at Roser Memo-
rial Community Church Nov. 24.
Holiday Prelude on Bridge Street in Bradenton
Beach Nov. 24.
Sierra Club Thanksgiving walk and pot luck Nov. 24.
Smooth Jazz on St. Armands Nov. 25.
'Teeth in a Pickle Jar" author Helena Bachamann
Milligan at the Anna Maria Island Community Center
Nov. 28.
Festival of Trees and Christmas Tea at the
Crosley Nov. 29-Dec. 7.

Save the Date:
Island Players production "Social Security" Dec.
"White Christmas" outdoor film showing at
Holmes Beach City Hall Dec. 2.
American Craft Council show at Sarasota-
Bradenton International Convention Center Dec. 2-4.
Parents' Day Out at Island Baptist Church Dec.
Sarasota POPS Orchestra "Winter Skies" at the
South Florida Museum Dec. 4.
Anna Maria Island Kiwanis Club Holiday Dinner
at the Bradenton Elks Lodge Dec. 6.
Holmes Beach Business District open house
Dec. 9.
Privateer Holiday Parade Dec. 10.
Islander Lighted Boat Parade and Fireworks Dec.

City of Bradenton Beach
City Pier Food and Beverage Concession
The City of Bradenton Beach is requesting and
encouraging "Letters of- Interest" for the "City
Pier Food and Beverage Concession" located
at the eastern end of historic Bridge Street, The
conceptual pier plans and additional information
are available at city hall and online at
107 Gulf Drive N. 778-1005

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THE ISLANDER U NOV. 16, 2005 15

Holiday Prelude launching festive season

Thanksgiving night the annual Holiday Prelude in
Bradenton Beach will do its traditional job: Launching
the holiday season with a big citywide street party.
It will be on all of Bridge Street from 6:30 to 9 p.m.
Nov. 24, with the program to be presented by Michelle
Bishop. The officials, merchants and residents of the
city emphasized that it is for everyone, that the whole
Island and beyond will be welcome.
Other major celebrations during the season in-
Friday evening, Dec. 2, the City of Holmes
Beach will screen the classic movie "White Christ-
mas" on a big outdoor screen on the city hall sports
field, 5801 Marina Drive. At dusk refreshments will
be served in the Island Butterfly Garden next door,
with the city, its beautification committee and the
butterfly garden's association providing the refresh-
ments. Bring a chair or blanket. The movie will start
at dark.
Friday evening, Dec. 9, the Holmes Beach

central business district at Marina and Gulf drives
will have the annual Holiday Open House with
food and drink provided by local merchants. The
Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce will
have a special lighted tree in its parking lot with
coffee and cake. The Manatee High School
Chamber Orchestra will perform at The Islander
office at 5:30 and 6:30. The local merchants will
be open from 5 to 8 p.m. Santa and "snow" will
be outside Ooh La La! Bistro as well.
Saturday, Dec. 10, the Privateers will present its
Island-long parade from Bayfront Park in Anna Maria
south through Holmes Beach to Coquina Beach in
Bradenton Beach. It will start at 10 a.m. and end in
Coquina about noon, when Santa will hand out presents
and the Privateers will provide hot dogs and sodas to
the youngsters. The Islander's annual decorated boat
parade will begin at dusk, wrap around the bay side of
the Island and end at Anna Maria City Pier for the fire-
works there.

Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 10 and 11, Anna Maria
Island Art League will stage its annual Winterfest Fes-
tival of Fine Arts and Crafts from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
each day at the Holmes Beach City Hall field.
Saturday, Dec. 17, the Lester-Islander Fun
Day will be at the Anna Maria Island Community
Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria, from 11
a.m. to 3 p.m., with Santa arriving at noon. There
will be food, games, rock wall climbing and other
fun for the family.
Saturday, Dec. 17, also, Anna Maria merchants
will have their citywide open house from 5 to 8 p.m.
with a children's decorated bike parade at the end of
Pine Avenue at the City Pier. Roser Memorial Commu-
nity Church will make its annual Bethlehem Walk at
6:30 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 18, the Anna Maria Island Chorus
and Orchestra will presents its holiday concert, featur-
ing."Messiah and More," at 2 p.m. at the Island Bap-
tist Church, 8605 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria.

$50,000 challenge reissued by Lesters

Happy with last year's challenge that cost them
$50,000 matching donations, Chuck and Joey Lester
have flung the gauntlet again this year, effective
They have been challenging Island donors for

Public Thanksgiving dinner
planned by Roser church
Roser Memorial Community Church will have its
third annual community Thanksgiving dinner at 2 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 24, at the church's fellowship hall, 512
Pine Ave., Anna Maria.
Turkey and trimmings will be served free of charge
in the public affair, said a spokesperson, but tickets will
be used "to keep track of where we are." They may be
obtained at the church or reserved by calling 778-0414.

years, and last year doubled their challenge to $50,000.
That has become their generous norm, and it's 2005's
offer, too.
It means the Lesters will match every donation,
dollar for dollar, to the endowment fund at the Anna
Maria Island Community Center from now through the
end of the year, up to a total of $50,000.
That was exceeded last year, and the funds were
$100,000 richer. It will be at least equaled again this
year, the Lesters are confident. So is Pierrette Kelly,
executive director of the Center in Anna Maria.
Kelly noted the challenge traditionally begins
"when the story appears in The Islander," which has
long partnered the Lesters and the Center in the drive.
The Lesters spend their summers in their native
Wisconsin and the remainder of the year in Holmes
Beach, where they are now.

Joey and Chuck Lester are looking for Islander help
to help the Anna Maria Island Community Center.
Donations may be discussed with the staff at the
Center, 778-1908, or The Islander, 778-7978.


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16 0 NOV. 16, 2005 M THE ISLANDER

Privateers bring horses to parade

The Islander lighted boat parade is Dec. 10.

Light up your boat,

show the world
By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
Skippers, shape up your boats for the holiday sea-
son and get in line for the annual parade in Island wa-
ters for prizes, big prizes.
The Islander's lighted boat parade is Dec. 10, and
that's near enough to start getting ready. Boaters may
do that with an entry form available at the newspaper
office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Or call 778-
7978 to request one by mail.
Just do it. Now, to avoid the rush and confusion.
Sponsors are needed, too, with lots of publicity
their reward other than that good feeling for having
done the right thing for the right people.
Boats decorated for the Bradenton parade near the
same time will be eligible. And just about anything that
floats can get in, from small to big, from sail to power.
All they need is holiday decorating.
They all will rendezvous at 5:30 p.m. Dec. 10 in
Bimini Bay to get lined up. At 6 p.m. Christmas lights
will go on there and the boats will begin their colorful
floating parade.
The parade route is up the canal to Gloria Dei

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By Jim Hanson
Islander Reporter
No walking in the holiday parade is the rule it's
Island-long and much too long to walk. Now, though,
there will indeed be walkers, and they'll have four legs.
The Privateers have lined up at least 50 horses for
their traditional Christmas parade Dec. 10, thanks to Ed
Mc Adam, Bradenton Beach building official. A horse-
man and rancher, he has close ties to the Manatee-Sa-
rasota Equestrian Society, which is providing mounts
and riders for the Islanders' Christmas cheer.
Other prominent participants will include the Pri-
vateers' ship, the big boat on a truck chassis, and the
organization's sleigh occupied as usual by Santa Claus,

Community Thanksgiving
dinner at Baptist church
The Island Baptist Church will host its annual
community Thanksgiving dinner for all comers at
1 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 24, at the church's fellow-
ship hall, 8605 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria.
"Everyone is welcome to come share Thanks-
giving dinner with the folks at the church," a
church spokesperson said. The event is free of
charge, but reservations would be appreciated.
Call 778-0719.

Lutheran Church, north along the bay shore to the Rod
& Reel Pier, finally back to the Anna Maria City Pier
for judging and to watch the fireworks starting at about
7:30 p.m.
Sponsors will be rated by grateful parade organiz-
ers as Stars for giving up to $100, Rudolph from $100
to $500, Elf up to $1,000, and Santa beyond that. The
Anna Maria City Pier and Holmes Beach city are al-
ready aboard as Santas.
For further information and to enter, be sure to call
778-7978 soon.

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said Scott Hirsch, president of the Privateers.
There are practically no limits on paraders, except
that they must have wheels and present some kind of
holiday theme. There is no entry fee, but the Privateers
would like to have their entry form filled out so they
can keep track of who's who and for liability purposes.
Those forms may be obtained by calling parade orga-
nizers Greg and Sue Luzier at 752-5973 or Elizabeth
Cline at 778-8518.
It will organize at Bayfront Park on the north end of
the Island and at 10 a.m. head down Gulf Drive, on Palm
until it becomes Marina Drive, the Gulf Drive again south
to East Bay Drive and south on Gulf again to Coquina
Beach, where it is expected to end about noon.
There, Santa Claus arriving last in his Priva-
teers' sleigh will distribute gifts to all children. The
kids also will get hot dogs and sodas free. Adults may
munch there too, but the sponsors hope the grownups
will donate some cash for the privilege.

Island Baptist Church to host
'Parents Day Out'
Island Baptist Church will give parents a shopping
day off and their children an early Christmas party on Dec.
The church, at 8605 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria, said its
aim is to let parents take a long afternoon for holiday shop-
ping unencumbered by their offspring, and to give the kids
a fun day of games, food, music and a movie.
It's free but space is limited "so don't delay in sign-
ing up your child," a spokesperson said. It is geared to
youngsters "from potty trained to age 12," she said.
"And teenagers are more than welcome to sign up as
Santa's helpers and receive service hours."
The children will be in the church hall for crafts,
reindeer games, dinner, movie and karaoke Christmas
caroling, all with adult supervision. There also will be
drawings for Christmas stockings full of toys.
To sign up and receive further information, call
778-0719 or 778-2979.

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Anna Maria planner

seeks business input
Anna Maria City Planner Alan Garrett will meet
with city business owners at 9 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 17,
at city hall to gain input on potential changes to the
city's signage and parking codes.
Garrett said he was particularly interested in what
changes business owners might recommend for the
city's commercial and retail-office-residential districts.
"It is important that the city receive the business
owners' thoughts, wishes and ideas about any proposed
changes to these codes," he said.

Historical society's meeting
Nov. 22 at city hall
The Anna Maria Island Historical Society will
meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 22, in the Anna Maria
City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive.
A spokesperson pointed out that it is meeting out
of phase it usually meets monthly on a Monday -
because city hall is not available for that program.
Andrew Clyde Little, author and photographer,
will discuss his book "Time Exposures," a collection
of black-and-white photos of "things that haven't
changed here over time ... and memories they
Additional information may be obtained by calling

Artist Lolly to be spotlighted in
Guild Gallery window
The Artists Guild of Anna Maria Island will spot-
light Holmes Beach artist Lolly in the front window
display of its gallery from Nov. 19 to Dec. 9.
Her watercolor of the Island Branch Library is fea-
tured in the new "Flip Flop Fare: An Island Cookbook"
and she has selected three watercolor and acrylic paint-
ings for the guild window, naming the display "A Few
of My Favorite Things."
"I sign my works Lolly to honor my family nick-
name and those who gave it to me," said Loretta
Owens. She and husband David moved to the Island in
2000. Details are available at 778-6694.

Digital workshop at Center
A workshop in digital photography is sched-
uled from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 19, at
the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407
Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria.
Andy Little will be the instructor, and he said
the course will be very basic. Cost is $10 per per-
son. To register and receive further information,
call 778-1352.

Miracle to give artwork
Artist Ed Miracle will give a lithograph to anyone
who donates to Our Daily Bread Saturday afternoon,
Nov. 19, at the Winn-Dixie store at Cortez Road and
75th Street, Bradenton.
The Arts Council of Manatee County is arranging
for the artist to give away the lithographs "for the price
of a dinner," $12, between 2 and 6 p.m. Miracle is to
be there to discuss his work and sign the prints.
All of the proceeds will be forwarded to Our Daily
Bread to help feed rhe homrele.s. sjid the council. Fur-
ther information may be obtained at 761-8676.

THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 16, 2005 U 17

Of the ways
of waters
Cannons Marina on
Longboat Key celebrated
its 50th anniversary last
weekend, the oldest con-
tinuously owned establish-
ment on the key, currently
owned by David Miller, son
of original founder Paul.
Among those on hand for
the festivities were Dr.
Randall Wells of Mote
.Marine Laboratory's
dolphin study program,
left, and Capt. Scott Moore,
who both described the
various critters that
abound in the waters off
Southwest Florida. Is-
lander Photo: Paul Roat

Business card exchange
set Wednsday night
The Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce is
nsoring a business card exchange from 5 to 7 p.m.
dnesday, Nov. 16, at I've Been Framed.
The store is at 5203 Cortez Road, Bradenton,
the chamber says those attending may park at the
nanuel United Methodist Church next door or on
Wal-Mart lot. RSVPs are requested at 778-1541.

Center scrapbook, stamp
program starts
A "rubber stamping and scrapbooking" course will
in Monday, Nov. 21, at the Anna Maria Island
imunity Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria.
The program will be from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. ev-
Monday from then until Dec. 12.'All materials
ept adhesive will be supplied, the Center said,
t is $15 each, and pre-registration is required at

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18 0 NOV. 16, 2005 M THE ISLANDER

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20 0 NOV. 16, 2005 M THE ISLANDER

by Rick Catlin

Band of Brothers
George Wilson of Flamingo Cay was a member of
the 101st Airborne Division during World War II, part
of the Headquarters Company of the 506th Parachute
That's the same regiment profiled by the late au-
-thor Stephen Ambrose in his best-selling book "Band
of Brothers," featuring the exploits of E Company of
the 506th. The book was made into a mini-series for
television and it is repeated occasionally on HBO or the
A&E channel.
George Wilson was right there with the men of
Easy Company, making all the parachute drops and
-'during the fighting at Bastogne.
But he never joined the U.S. Army to be a para-
He was living in Tampa on Dec. 7, 1941, when the
Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and the United States
entered the war. He headed for Chicago for a job in a
manufacturing plant in 1942, but was drafted shortly
After basic training, George "volunteered" for air-
borne training because paratroopers got an extra $50 a
month. "That was pretty good money because I was
.-.only making $20 a month as a private," remembered
After completing jump school at Fort Benning,
Ga., he was assigned to the just-formed 101st Airborne
at Fort Bragg in North Carolina.
The "Screaming Eagles" had just been put together

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George Wilson of Flamingo Cay is in the middle,
preparing for a practice jump with other members of
the 101st Airborne Division.

as a counterpart to the 82nd Airborne Division, which
was already in combat in North Africa.
"I was with HQ Company. Col. Sink was the bat-
talion commander. I was part of the communications
team that set up common wire to the company com-
manders from HQ. We also delivered messages,
handled radio traffic and whatever else needed to be
done," said George.
The 101st was sent to England in late .1943 for
more training. "We had lots of training and everyone
knew we would be in on the invasion. That's all any-
one talked about."
Late on the evening of June 5, 1944, George and

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the men of the 101st loaded up into C-47 Dakotas for
-the "jump of our lives.
"It was our first combat. I guess we were too dumb
to be scared."
Shortly after midnight on June 6, 1944, the 101st
and 82nd Airborne jumped into occupied France. D-
Day, the liberation of Europe, had arrived.
George remembered that when the Germans
started shooting at the planes, the pilots just turned on
the green light and told everyone to jump. Nobody was
over their assigned drop zone.
"We just jumped. We didn't know if we were go-
ing to make it, but we would do anything not to let our
buddies down."
George and a small group of HQ staff got together
and made it through that night, eventually linking up
with units of the 4th Army heading inland from Utah
Beach. The 101st would spend about six weeks in
Normandy before returning to England.
After further training, George and the 101st
jumped again, this time a daylight drop into Holland,
part of the ill-fated Market-Garden operation that was
supposed to seize the bridge over the Rhine River at
Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned. The
101st was eventually surrounded by the Germans near
"We were encircled, but we finally broke through
to Eindhoven. We headed for the bridge to capture it
and got there just before the Germans blew it up."
But the British tank assault headed for Arnhem was
several days late. George remembered that the British
stopped just outside of Arnhem, waiting for reinforce-
ments and supplies. The British never did capture the
George and HQ Company saw plenty of action, but
his is reluctant to talk about his exploits. "Let's just say
they shot at us, and we shot at them and leave it at that,"
he said.
While many of his comrades were killed or
wounded during the D-Day and Holland actions,
George never got a scratch. The closest he ever came

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THE ISLANDER U NOV. 16, 2005 E 21"

.- ^. = .

~-.: =L .

.,\ ^. : ,i

.- ._ s._ -, ,'' '

This photo
was taken
in Holland
in 1944
the 101st
Division as
it para-
chutes into

Greatest Generation

was when a sniper fired a bullet that brushed his cheek.
"I was just lucky. I lost a lot of friends. The sniper
just missed my head."
After Holland, the 101st went into R&R (rest and
recreation) in France in late November and George and
his buddies went to Paris for a weekend.
Returning to camp late one night, he was surprised
to find everybody awake and getting into combat gear.
"I was told to be ready to leave in 30 minutes. All
we knew was that the Germans had attacked some-
where near a town called Bastogne. That's where we
Bastogne, he remembered, was the "coldest win-
ter I'd ever seen."
He was at headquarters the day justbefore Christ-
mas 1944 when three Germans approached under a
white flag. They demanded that the Americans surren-
der as they were surrounded. Acting division com-
mander Gen. McAuliffe's reply was the now-famous
"nuts" response.

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Unfortunately for the Germans, said George, they
didn't understand what McAuliffe meant. "They said
we were crazy and left."
A few days later, the 101st was resupplied by an air
drop and along with elements of the 3rd Army were
eventually able to drive the Germans from the area.
"After Bastogne, we started to think we might
make it through the war, although there was still a lot
of action. But Bastogne was the worst."
He was with the 506th when it liberated a Nazi
concentration camp, and battalion commander Major
Dick Winters ordered all the civilians in the nearby
town to get out and bury the dead.
Of course, said George, all the Germans denied
knowing the camp was a concentration camp where
people were exterminated.
"That was hard to believe because you could smell
the dead bodies for miles away," said George.
The 506th then headed to Bertchesgarden in early
May, just after the Germans surrendered.
Bertchesgarden was Hitler's mountain headquar-
ters, and the men of the battalion quickly learned of all
the comforts the Germans had in place..
"We found this big supply of liquor, an entire

George Wilson today lives with his wife on Flamingo
Cay. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin

building. There was wine, champagne, cognac, whisky,
everything. All the best brands from around the world.
We helped ourselves and figured we deserved a big
George was eventually discharged from the 101st
and the Army, but after three months as a civilian,
found he missed the excitement of the Airborne. He
went back in the Army in 1946 and was eventually
assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division.
He saw action in Korea and Vietnam before retir-
ing in 1965.
After various jobs in the oil business and owning
a bar in Tampa, he retired to Flamingo Cay in 1993
with wife Eulalia. They have two sons and one daugh-
"It was tough. I don't regret joining the paratroop-
ers, but it's hard to talk about combat. I don't really like
talking about it. I was just lucky. I was no hero. The,-
heros are still there. But I served with a bunch of heros.
We were like brothers. We were a band of brothers."
Just another member of the Greatest Generation.

"The Greatest Generation" column is for Island,
Longboat Key, Perico Island and Cortez veterans, man
or woman, who served in the armed forces of any al-
lied country (US., Canada, Britain, Holland, Norway,
France, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, the Philip-
pines, etc.) during World War II. We'd like to hear
from you. Please call Rick Catlin at 778-7978.


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"'2 9 NOV. 16, 2005 M THE ISLANDER

Kingfish starting to make a showing off Island

By Capt. Mike Heistand
For a few fishers, kingfish are finally here. Capt.
Larry McGuire found that his best catches came from
laying a flat line behind the boat with live bait or Span-
ish sardines and leaving the rod in the rod holder until
one hit. He also chummed with chopped-up bait while
fishing for grouper and snapper.
Grouper are also moving closer to the Island at this
time of year, making a long day shorter traveling off-
shore. Catches are very good, too.
Offshore action for snook, redfish and catch-and-
release trout is also good, and sheepshead are starting
to show up around any structure in the bays.
Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of
Annie's said he's been catching "some pretty good
catches of big Spanish mackerel, cobia and hookups
with a few kingfish. Whitebait has been plentiful in
the bays and, along with shrimp and pinfish, have been
producing all of the species mentioned. Inshore there
has still been decent action with snook and redfish." He
-took Alan Schram and Rick Fuchs, both guests at the
Bali Hai Resort in Holmes Beach, out on a few trips
last week and caught a number of cobia, including a
30-pounder caught by Schram. He's also putting his
charters onto sheepshead, black drum, flounder, jacks
and large ladyfish, plus some big barracuda.
At Perico Island Bait and Tackle, there are good
reports coming in of big catches of redfish caught near
Perico Island, some mangrove snapper and sheeps-
head from the Anna Maria Island Bridge and good-size
snook in back of the marina.
- Capt. Thom Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez
Road said he caught some small snook last week, with
a few mixed keepers. He's also catching redfish to 24
inches and catch-and-release trout, with the best of his
action coming through the use of artificial bait.
Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said pier fishing
has been a little slow of late, but there are still some
-good catches of keeper-size snook, a few sheepshead,
bluefish, snapper, whiting and yellowtail jacks.
Jesus Rosario at the Anna Maria City Pier said
fishers there have been reeling in snapper, snook, floun-
der, sheepshead and bluefish.

Good catch of gags
Babe and Sherrie Spruch caught a fine catch of gag grouper while fishing with Capt. Glenn Corder on the Reel

Fast last week.
Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle said off-
shore anglers are doing very well with lots of man-
grove snapper, triggerfish and gag grouper but very
few kingfish so far. Backwater action includes keeper
snook coming out of Sarasota Bay and some big, fat
Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said
he's seeing a few redfish come onto the dock, plus
a couple keeper-size snook caught off the pier. Early
morning is a good time to catch mangrove snapper off
the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, he advised.
Capt. Larry McGuire of Show Me The Fish
Charters said he had "an exceptional trip Nov. 6 with

Good catch
Jamie Gage of Longboat Key caught this red snapper while fishing with Capt. Larry McGuire.




Jamie Gage of Longboat Key. Jamie and party of six
went home with a bag limit of 60 snapper. We caught
41 flag yellowtail snapper to 6 pounds, 19 large man-
grove snapper to 6 pounds and then we caught and
released large red snapper and large red grouper. We
also caught some keeper gag grouper until sharks and
barracuda to 4 feet came in crashing the party." Capt.
Larry said his action was out to 50 miles in the Gulf
of Mexico.
At Skyway Bait and Tackle, reports include red-
fish coming out of Miguel Bay on lower tides, with
artificial working the best for the more successful
hookups. Snook weren't biting as well last week as
earlier this fall, perhaps due to cooler water, but with
water temps starting to rise, the linesider action should
improve this week.
On my boat Magic, we fished offshore last week
and caught mangrove snapper to 20 inches in length,
triggerfish to 3 pounds, flounder and one legal-size
Good luck and good fishing.
Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing
guide. Call him at 779-9607 to provide, a fishing
report. Prints and digital images of your catch are
also welcome and may be dropped off at The Islander
5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to
news @islanderorg. Please include identification for
persons in the picture along with information on the
catch and a name and phone number for more infor-
mation. Snapshots may be retrieved once they appear
in the paper

Early Christmas festival set
by Manatee gardeners
The Manatee River Garden Club "holiday festival
and Christmas tree spree" is scheduled from 1 to 5 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 18, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Nov.
19, at 3120 First Ave. W., Bradenton.
Friday's plans are for plant sale, vendors, bake
sale, stocking stuffers and craft items., Saturday will
see entertainment by the jazz band of Electa Lee
Middle School, decorated tree raffle and other holi-
day events.


THE ISLANDER M NOV. 16, 2005 E 23

Why hurricanes avoid our part of paradise?

As stories go, this definitely is one, and it's got all
the elements of a made-for-TV movie. There's adven-
ture, romance, tragic death, a miraculous escape and
a surprise ending.
It's even got hurricanes in it, which prompted
Dana Cessna's call regarding the tale.
The story starts in 1528, when Panfilo de Narvaez
led the second Spanish amphibious invasion of Flor-
ida. He and his ships and troops landed somewhere in
Tampa or Clearwater, and once ashore ashore, claimed
the land for queen and country, and then got a little
Seems he thought that Tampa Bay was more north
than it really is and had sent the bulk of his forces
farther north. He and his crew of 600 started march-
ing north to rendezvous with the rest of the contingent.
They marched, they ate, they slept, they marched some
more, and so on for years.
Native Americans, who were pretty sick and tired
of all the Spanish troops killing their men and raping
their women, started picking off the troops. The sur-
vivors there were only four of them eventually
reached northern Mexico and were rescued.
Meanwhile, the crews on the ships with the body
of the fleet, realizing they'd missed meeting up with
their leader, headed south. One ship ended up in
Tampa Bay, and a boat was set ashore and made land-
fall somewhere in Manatee or Sarasota counties.
Indians attacked, and only three of the crew made
it back to the boat and returned to the safety of the
ship. The other Spaniard, Juan Ortez, was captured and
In a Pocahontas-like turn of events, a beautiful
Indian maiden fell in love with Ortez. She died, and
her ashes were spread upon Sarasota Bay. Her love of
Ortez was so strong that storms have veered away from
the area ever since out of respect..
Twelve years pass, and Hernando de Soto ind his
crew arrive. Ortez somehow is able to hook up with
de Soto, and joins his expedition northward. Again,
Native Americans pick off the troops as they search
for gold and whatever they can find, and Ortez is one
of the few who survived the expedition.
Author and historian. Jeff LaHurd has another,
similar tale that he recounts in his book "Qunitessen-
tial Sarasota." In his story, Sara de Soto joined her
father on his expedition to Florida. Native American
Chichi Okobee lays eyes on the comely Saraand falls
hopelessly in love and surrenders himself to de Soto.
He soon fell ill, and Sara nursed him back to
health. However, she too fell ill, and died. Chichi was
granted permission to bury Sara in the most beautiful
.place on earth this water now known as Sarasota
Bay and he and 100 of his braves then drowned
themselves. Apparently the storms also decided to
avoid the area due to the bravery and love expressed
by the two.
Now, it's important to remember that there is
almost no historical basis to any of the above. Yeah,
Ortez did exist, was rescued by de Soto and did make
it back to Spain. The Indian maiden stuff? Na. Consid-
ering the way Native Americans felt about Europeans
back then, the chances were pretty good that if any
white guy was captured, the women would have prob-
ably killed him and eaten him, or something, rather

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than fall in love with the White Satans.
And a quick check of historic hurricane tracks will
reveal that our part of the world has indeed had its. fair
share of storms pass through, although not in recent
Never let it be said that the truth should get in the
way of a good story, though.
Thanks to Stan Zimmerman, La Hurd and Cessna
for their help with the tale.

Another story really true, this time
Sarasota author Stuart Kaminsky has received a
great prize by the Mystery Writers of America, the des-
ignation of "grand master" for 2006.
"Being named a grand master is the highest honor
a mystery writer can have," Kaminsky said. "It is for
lifetime achievement. I will be the 50th grand master."
He will receive accolades from his peers in New York
next April.
Honorees for the title include Agatha Christie, Rex
Stout, Ellery Queen, John D. MacDonald, P.D. James,
Ruth Rendell, Georges Simenon, Graham Greene, Eric
Ambler, Daphne du Maurier, Tony Hillerman, Elmore
Leonard, Mickey Spillane, John le Carre, James M.
Cain, Donald Westlake, Robert Parker, Ed McBain and
Alfred Hitchcock.
According to the Mystery Writers of America,
"The Grand Master .... represents the pinnacle of
achievement in the mystery field. This prestigious and.
highly coveted award was established to recognize not
only important contributions to the mystery field over
time, but a significant output of consistently high qual-
ity as well."
Of special note is that three grand masters lived in
Sarasota at one point or another: MacDonald, McBain
and now Kaminsky. Pretty good marks for a sleepy
little town on Southwest Florida' eh?
Kaminsky -has written three books-based in
Sarasota featuring sometime private detective Lew
Fonesca. The first novel in the series, "Vengeance" has
its penultimate scene at the "Barrington Houfse" bed
and breakfast in Holmes Beach. Sound familiar?
Congratulations, Stuart it took only 60-plus
books for them to recognize your works.

And a good local read
And in the vein of good works, Terry Griffin has


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just come out with his first novel, "Longboat Blues,"
a mystery that takes place on Longboat Key and Anna..
Maria Island.
His character, Matt Royal, retired early from prac-
ticing law, burned out by the trials of the trials he had to
work. His idyllic days of fishing and friends on Long-
boat Key are shattered when a good friend is murdered,
and another friend charged in the crime. Matt now has
to strap on the three-piece suit again and go forth to
battle the bad guys 'and save his buddy from a life
behind bars.
Speaking of bars, there are lots of references to
watering holes on the key and Island and a climatic-
scene on the red brick paths of Egmont Key, which
become covered with a different type of scarlet.
Good going on your first book, Terry.
"Longboat Blues," $12.95, is available at book-
stores and, locally, at the Tingley Memorial Library,
111 Second St., Bradenton Beach. He'll also be at
Circle Books on St. Armands Circle at 11 a.m. Nov. 26,
to sign copies and greet fans.

Manatee watch
It's that time of year again manatees are moving
thorough the area seeking warmer waters off power
plants in Tampa Bay, and they need for us to be espe-
cially watchful to avoid those boat-marine mammal
interactions that can prove fatal to sea cows.
"Manatees generally start traveling to warm water
when the air temperature drops below 50 degrees
or when the water temperature dips to 68 degrees,"..
according to officials with the Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission.
According to the FWC, "boaters should scan the
water near and in front of their vessels for swirls resem-
bling large footprints, a repetitive line of half-moon
swirls, a mud trail or manatee shouts or tails breaking
the surface."
Other boater tips:
Have someone aboard to scan the water for signs
of manatees while their vessels are under way.
You've probably heard all the above before, but it's
worth repeating. Remember that there is probably no worse
way to ruin your day on the water than to hit a manatee.

Snnoa darna Zslan i Fhes

Nov 1610:42p* 2.6 5:47 -0.4 1:41 1.5 4:05 1.4
Nov 17 6:29 -0.4 11:10 2.6 -
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Nov 19 8:00 -0.2 -
Nov 20 12:30 2.4 8:50 -0.1 -
Nov 21 1:22 2.3 9:43 0.0 -
Nov 22 2:24 2.1 10:36 0.1 7:00 1.4 9:02 1.3
LQNov23 3:40 1.9 11:28 0.3 7:10 1.5 11:09 1.3
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24 S NOV. 16, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER

West Coast Air ends Mr. Bones undefeated season

By Kevin Cassidy
Islander Reporter
< West Coast Air Conditioning cooled off Mr. Bones
BBQ with a 4-3 victory Nov. 9 in the last Anna Maria
Island Community Center soccer league's Division I
game of the season. Mr. Bones came into the game
having already clinched the Division I title so the only
motivation left was for them to secure victory for an
undefeated season.
Early on, despite liberal substituting of players,
Bones surged to a 2-0 lead. Its first goal came in the
19th minute when Ally Titsworth threw the ball in
to Cory Wash along the right sideline. Wash carried
'-he ball past one defender before unleashing a rocket
from 18 yards, that found the far corner of the goal
for a 1-0 lead.
A few minutes later, Nicole Botero almost

Sandscript factoid
Here's a few words from Jurgenne H. Primavera,
a senior scientist of the aquaculture department of the
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center based
in Iloilo, Philippines. She has spent more than 20 years
studying aquaculture and its impacts on the environ-
ment, as well as other natural and manmade systems,
and offered the following thoughts in Science Maga-
"As the December 2004 tsuriami has shown, con-
servation is not merely a matter of aesthetics. Man-
made structures such as shrimp and fish farms and tour-
ist resorts along the coastline are no match for rampag-
ing waters. It is time to enforce greenbelt and other
mangrove-preserving laws, because only a solid wall
of trees can slow down a moving wall of water.
"Morethan ever, there is a need to preserve or reha-
bilitate mangrove forests and coral reefs to serve as nat-
ural barriers that diminish the tremendous wave energy
generated by tsunamis, as well as by typhoons..
"Tsunamis appear every 20 to 50 years in the Phil-
ippines, but in a single year 20 typhoons may devas-
tate the country by inflicting massive losses of life and
Dr. Primavera's comments are founded on Pacific
Ocean-based typhoons, which we call hurricanes here
in the Atlantic basin, but the impact is the same.
Oh, and-don't forget that there have indeed been
some pretty nasty tsunamis in our part of the world as
Bring on the mangrove greenbelts!

ow:F- '* 5"
... .... ......

Ne\ 3BR/2.5 BA home on large lot in quiet north-
\est Bradenton neighborhood. Lots of upgrades.
$598,000. Call Greg at 720-0932 for all the details.

extended the Mr. Bones lead when she got loose up
the right side, but her shot clanged off the right post
to keep WCAC within a goal.
Sean Edwards got into the scoring act for Mr.
Bones in the 23rd minute when she picked off a
weak goal kick and took it right up the middle to
score and give Bones what seemed like an insur-
mountable 2-0 lead that it took into halftime.
The second half saw West Coast Air "kick it up a
notch," which produced some good scoring chances
right away. Max Marnie got loose up the left side,
cut in and hit a promising shot, but Mr. Bones goalie
James Hall dove to his left to make a strong save to
deny Marnie. Broderick West finally broke through
for WCAC when he beat one defender up the right
side and blistered a shot from an impossible angle
just inside the far post to pull to within 2-1.
Sarah Howard and Martine Miller teamed up to
halve the score in the 45th minute. Miller received the
ball along the left sideline 50 yards out. She then drib-
bled through and around three Bones defenders before
passing inside to Howard at the right edge of the 18.
Howard carried the ball forward before deftly sliding
the ball past Hall to tie the score at 2-2 with time wind-
ing down.
West Coast continued to apply pressure, resulting

Anna Maria Island Community
Center Soccer League
final season standings

Win Loss
Division III
A&E 10 1
Cannons 4 6
Norman 3 6
Danziger 3 7
Division II
IRE 10. 2
Harry's 5 4
Pine Store 3 6
Surf Shop 2 8
Division I
Bones 6 1
Observer 6 4
Remax 5 6
WCAC 5 6
LaPensee 3 8
3 points per win, 0 points per loss,




5 23
2 20
1 16
1 16
1 10
1 point for tie

220' of ICW Waterfront
3. A.

.. ,-.- ...1.

S40-foot docd pool, Jacuzzi, 1,900 sf, renoatred. firepla, e. \rypriame
.cmern double lot. Gold KeI Realty. $1,495,000. 778-7459

in a throw-in deep in the Mr. Bones end. West took
the throw-in and heaved it into the goal mouth where
Miller headed it into the goal for a 3-2 lead.
West Coast extended its lead in the 53rd minute
when Miller picked off a weak clearing pass and car-
ried the ball in from the left and "roofed it" with a hard
scoring shot for a 4-2 lead.
Titsworth gave the Mr. Bones faithful some hope
with a goal in the 57th minute. She picked off a weak
goal kick 25 yards out along the right sideline. She
touched the ball once and launched a high shot that
found its way into the upper left corer of the goal
to pull Mr. Bones to within 4-3 with three minutes to
Unfortunately that was the last scoring chance for
Mr. Bones, ending its hopes of an undefeated season.
Mr. Bones finishes the year atop Division I, joining
Division II Island Real Estate and Division III Air &
Energy as ch layers, parents and coaches for another
great season of soccer at the Anna Maria Island Com-
munity Center.

Key Royale golf news
Sara Falk shot an even-par 32 to finish one shot
ahead of Joy Kaiser and Penny Williams to win the
Flight AA low-net ladies golf competition Nov. 8 at
Key Royale .Golf Club. Marlyn Thorton finished in
third place with a 35.
Roswitha Fowler and Nancy King tied for first
place in Flight A with a pair of 33s, while Dorothy
McKinna shot a 35 to finish in second place.
Flight B winner Mary Pat Swamy shot a two-under
par 30 to finish five shots ahead of second-place fin-
ishers Rose Slomba, Jan Turner and Jane Winegarten.
Barb Mason finished in third place with a 36.
Pat Rice shot 34 to win first place in Flight C, one
shot better then Markie Ksiazek and Eunice Ward.
Cherie Kinerk "lapped the field" with a two-under
par 30 to finish six shots ahead of Jean Tourt's 36.
Helen Brown and Caye Hudson each shot 40 to finish
tied for third place.

Tryouts Saturday at Center
Budding athletes will ease from soccer to basketball
Saturday morning, Nov. 19, at the Anna Maria Island
Community Center, 407 M1agnolia Ave.. Anna Maria:-
Soccer awards for the Instructional Soccer League,
which is for youngsters 5 to 7 years of age, will be at 10:30
a.m., followed by basketball tryouts for young ones in that
age group. Both will be in the Center's gymnasium.
Additional information may be obtained by calling

Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor

S* green


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THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 16, 2005 E 25

An unidentified Sparks Steel Art player tries to con-
trol the ball along the sideline during one of the Anna
Maria Island Community Center soccer league sea-
son's last games. Islander Photos: Kevin Cassidy

West Coast Air Conditioning player Broderick West carries the ball forward against Mr Bones defender Austin,.
Martin during Division I soccer action at the Center

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"26 0 NOV. 16, 2005 T THE ISLANDER


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Entries must be postmarked or hand delivered to the and phone number. 3
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THE ISLANDER N NOV. 16, 2005 N 27


MOVING SALE: Holmes Beach. Near-new furniture.
Italian bedroom set; French Provincial table and
chairs; Lazyboy sofa bed with reclining chair. Fridge-
daire upright commercial freezer; front-load washer/
dryer, dishwasher, more. 69th Street at Gulf.Drive.
(941) 932-4961.
BEAUTIFUL, TAUPE LEATHER sofa with two built-in
recliners, $325. Rattan glass-top table and four
chairs, $200. Antique-white wicker rocker, $125.
Black, glass-front TV stand, $25. (941) 778-4451.
DICKENS VILLAGE, DEPT 56 assorted porcelain
pieces in original boxes, ideal for collectors or
Christmas gifts. Various prices. Call (941) 779 1009
or (941) 773 4757.
AERIAL PHOTOS of Anna Maria Island. View and
purchase online: www.jackelka.com.
FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp,
crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call
James Lee, (941) 795-1112 or 704-8421.
LONGBOAT KEY HISTORY "From Calusas to Con-
dominiums" by Ralph B. Hunter. Signed copies avail-
able at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes
Beach. (941) 778-7978.
DOG CAGE, $40; tanning bed, new bulbs, $800.
Call Paige, (941) 798-3448.

SROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open 9:30am-2pm Tues-
day, Thursday, 9am-noon Saturday. Xmas decora-
tions and sale racks. 511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria.
(941) 779-2733.
RELOCATING: GARAGE SALE: 8am Saturday, Nov.19.
No early birds. 716 North Shore Dr., Anna Maria.
MULTI-FAMILYYARD sale: 8am-1pm Saturday, Nov. 19.
Bikes, car- seats, computer accessories, email machine,
dollhouse and more. 305 Tarpon St., Anna Maria.
GARAGE SALE: 9am-1pm Saturday, Nov.19. Bedroom
furniture, sofas, lamps, artwork, lots of miscellaneous.
505 Bayview Drive, off 28th Street, Holmes Beach.
DEMO SALE: 8am-3pm. Saturday, Nov. 19. sinks,
Slights, cabinets, bath enclosures, doors, fans, etc.
Name your price. 408 Poinsettia Rd. Anna Maria.

Gayle Smyson Schulz...
Trust a professional with
more than 20 years expe-
rience to handle your real
estate needs.

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e-mail: jimsrealtyco@aol.com

KARATE ON THE Island: Ages four through
adult. Call (941) 807-1734 or visit

home remedies that really work. Stress relief, flu
relief, muscle aches, etc. The Aromaporium Bradenton
Outlet Mall. West Manatee Avenue. (941)483-3935.
Since 1998. www.aromaporium.dhsdistributors.com.
REWARD FOR information in the Waterfront Res-
taurant arson fire: Call the State Fire Marshal,
Bureau of Fire & Arson Investigations in Tampa,
(813) 890-1904.
BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a personal-
ized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park.
Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Pick up form at The
Islander or call (941) 518-4431 for more information.
FREE GUN LOCK. Yes, free. Just for the asking.
Courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserva-
tion Commission. Free at The Islander newspaper
office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be
sorry, be safe.
GUARDIAN AD LITEM volunteers needed: A guard-
ian ad litem is a trained volunteer appointed by the
court to represent and advocate for the best inter-
est of children who have been abused, abandoned
or neglected. Make a positive impact! Call (941)
744-9473 or visit www.12circuitgal.org.
SALE: NIKI'S GIFTS and Antiques. 5351 Gulf Drive,
Holmes Beach. Just arrived, large selection of sterling
jewelry, amethyst, blue topaz, citrine, peridot, garnet,
jade, turquoise, onyx, bracelets, earrings, necklaces,
rings, plus men's sterling rings. All 50-70 percent off.
Open seven days. 9:30am-5pm. (941) 779--0729.

CRITTER SITTER nine years in pet care. 24 years
as an Island resident. Lots of TLC for your beloved
pets with in-home visits. (941) 778-6000.
FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to

foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough
for adoption. All food and medical provided. Julie,
(941) 720-1411.

The Oldest Mortgage.Co. on Anna Maria Island
Linda G. Davis Ted E. Davis
Licensed Mortgage Brokers
Conforming and jumbo loans.
1st and 2nd mortgages.
No closing cost home equity lines of credit.
100% purchase money mortgages.
Residential and commercial mortgages.
Private money available for those
hard-to-place loans.

i (941) 779-2113
s .. 502 72nd Street
Holmes Beach

ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes.
All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened.
Please, call (941) 922-0774.

KITTENS AND MOM: Five-month-old kittens,
orange-and-white tiger, calico. Have been tested/
shots/spayed/microchipped, locally fostered. Only
$35 to good home. Julie, (941) 720-1411.

1985 MERCURY COUGAR COUPE. Runs great.
Must sell now. (Bought van.) $750 or best offer. Call
Dolores. (941) 778-6177.
HEAVY-DUTY MOTORCYCLE trailer. $550. (941) '"
1993 MAZDA MX-5 Miata. $81,000 miles. $4,800.
(941) 778-3897.

27-FOOT CARVER twin 190-hp Mercruiser. Runs
great, good for fishing, Ceranfield, air conditioning,
water heater, shower, head, new batteries, stereo "
and much more! $10,000, or best offer. (941)
1992 BAYLINER 26-foot deck boat. All safety equip- ,
ment. New Bimini. 175-hp Mercury. Power trim,
slip available on Anna Maria Island. $9,250. (720)
940-6761 or (941) 778-2951.

LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on
the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater
fishing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle provided.
(941) 723-1107.
FISH FOR REDFISH, Snook and Trout with
InshoreSlam.com Captain Jim Savaglio. License,
bait and tackle included. (941) 238-7597 or (813)
NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten
pay. Apply.at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restau-
rant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call (941)

~*** **** ******* *** *t* ***
.V'hit a deal! This duplex
,::.:rrm- with lot across street
So:.n Sarasota Bay! Enjoy these
.:.p--:n water views from your *
..... 3BR/R3BA duplex and rent out *
,t- he 1BR/1BA. Super location *
1 ," o r, quiet street with boat docks
* .. \L- and ome ,updating. Can .be *
"" n'" irgle family home 4BR/4BA
o* or remain duplex. Call for more
. a mbinio' Offered at: $969,000 *
Island Convenience store with Gas
Super opportunity to own Island business!
Otered at- $199.5i00 In\entor' *
* ^" ':' *' *
., Deborah Thrasher ,NI, ,
S _RE/MA LX Excellence
1 (9411 383-9701( Debh Thrash as'ao *
************ ********** *********

diseIealty SALES"`

'- Quiel north end location on North Bay Blvd.
-' Nestled between beautiful Bean Point and
S Baylronl Park: Offered at $735,000. Call
SSephanie Bell, Broker. (941) 920-5156.
f Anna Maiia Village. Short stroll to the beach.
Listed at $745,000. Call Frank Migliore
S*..i: il1 / 778-2307 or Stephanie Bell 920-5156.
-! ,. .. MLS#513240 -
., Th The arpon Lodge on Terra Ceia Bay.-1.3
.- acres with direct access to bay and over 355
Seel on tre water. Asking price.$1,400,000.
--For specifics call Stephanie Bell, Broker
,SEVINT H 920-5156. MLS#514229.


Drop dead gorgeous bay views. New tile
and carpeting. Turnkey furnished, spotless,
Mr. & Mrs. Clean live here. $585,000. Cindy
Gazar.778-4800 or Dick Maher 448-0758.

updated 2BR/2BA condo, ceramic tile laid
on the diagonal, glassed-in lanai, lush
manicured grounds and heated pool. Night
security a plus. $259,000. Call Nicole
Skaggs, 778-4800.

NEW TOWNHOME Very spacious
3BR/2BA with two-car garage. Town-
home recently built. $749,000. Quentin
Talbert, 778-4800.

remodeled island duplex. 3BR/2BA on both
sides. Beautiful ceramic tile throughout this
breezy floorplan. Kitchens and baths newly
updated, too.Tumkeyfumished with new pool.
$1,400,000. Call Dave Jones at 713-4800.

COCONUTS 1BR/1BA poolside turn-
key furnished unit with Gulf view. Only
steps to the beach! Impeccably main-
tained for your most discriminating buyer.
$539,900. Mary Burke, 778-4800.

SAN REMO 1BR/1BA Perfect for the
single person just starting out or retiree.
Just 2.5 miles to the beach. Ceramic
tile throughout. $138,000. Cindy Grazer

I ,

78 0 NOV. 16, 2005 E THE ISLANDER



3BR/3BA home with direct access to Tampa Bay. Ren-
ovated kitchen, master suite opens onto large, caged
pool. Low maintenance yard, fruit trees, dock, tile roof.
2BR/2A Gulffront condo. Turnkey furnished. Updated.
ceramic tile. Excellent mid-Island location. Pool,
secured lobby, under-building parking. $995,000.
2BR/2BA Canal home. New seawall. Dock, boat lift.
Direct access to Intracoastal waterway. Vaulted ceil-
ing, eat-in kitchen, ceramic tile, community pool and
tennis. $1,249,000.
4BR/3BA North Point Harbour. Lap pool, waterfall
and hot tub. New seawall, dock, fruit trees,
vaulted ceiling, deck, French doors. Multi-car garage.
4BR/3BA in Anna Maria city. Miles of beautiful walk-
ing beach. Gulf side deck and gazebo. Riparian rights.
Area of renewal and new housing. View of Gulf, bay,
Egmont Key and Skyway bridge. $2,650,000.
2BR/2BA Turnkey furnished corner unit. Gulf view.
Secured entry, pool, tennis. Beautiful white sand
beach. Close to shopping and restaurants. $729,000.
3BR/2BA. Updated home just steps to prime beach.
Split-plan, Corian, new windows, baths and kitchen.
Large, heated, caged pool. $1,295,000.
3BR/2.5BA and 1BR/1BA guest house. Secluded,
on one of Anna Maria's finest beaches. Nicely ren-
ovated, furnished, vaulted ceiling. French doors,
fireplace,security shutters, garage. $3,650,000.
4BR/3BA. Custom kitchen, ceramic tile, master
bedroom/fireplace and jacuzzi. Brick patio, heated
pool, lush landscaping. Two docks/davits, sprinkler
system/well. Hurricane film, two-car garage/reinforced
door. $1,975,000.
3BR/2BA Central Holmes Beach turnkey furnished
condo. Views of Gulf. Tennis, heated pool, beautiful
beach. Excellent rental with liberal rental policy.
1BR/1.5BA seaside beach house condo. Turnkey fur-
-nished. Sautillo tile. Gorgeous view of the Gulf. Beau-
tiful beach. Excellent rental. $799,900.
2BR/2BA condo. Light, bright corner unit. Close
to pool. Ceramic tile, shutters and glass enclosed
lanai. Near bank, doctors, shopping and restaurants.
Gorgeous home v.ith incomparable Gulfviev s. Reno-
vated. Large GULFFRONT lot. Inground pool, deck-
ing. beautifully landscaped, fruit rrees. Speccacular!
2BR/2BA turnkey furnished. Close to Island beaches.
Heated pool, tennis,' clubhouse/fitness room. Carport.
Short drive to shopping and restaurants. $359,000.
2BR/2BA large, Village Green.condo. Lovely view of
lake, beautiful birds. Close to gazebo, pavilion and
pool. Quiet, residential area. $399,000.

From $700 / month
Condos/Homes: $500 week /$1,000 month

779-0202 (800) 732-6434

Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive
Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com


* .i. g'


home with wonderful open-beam ceilings, new flooring, new dock,
no bridges to bay. Short walk to beach, botanical park and a great
restaurant. Build up for bay views! $789,000.


three blocks from the beach on a highly desirable cul-de-sac.
Screened deck, eat-in kitchen, office nook, rec room, workshop,
huge garage and room for a great pool in a wonderful neighborhood.
Must see! $875,000.

level 2BR/fBA home in a quiet neighborhood. Bright and airy
with an open floor plan. Short walk to the beach and just
steps from your boat. Great winter residence or investment/
renovation potential. Priced to sell at $575,000.
-. mannumae.ssSKs e*mtSel--~.-'^iiSSR IIIIIEIII

BRADENTON LOT 53x118 lot on Riverview Boulevard. Views of
the river and convenient to everything. Owner has plans to build a
5,040 sf under roof boasting 3,243 sf under air home on the lot. Can
choose builder, price is for lot. $385,000.

INVESTOR ALERT! 13,728 sf.duplex lot, with the bonus of a
recently renovated duplex. Don't miss this one! 6BR/4BA and plenty
of room for TWO pools! Call today for more details! $799,000.

MOVE RIGHT IN Enloy Island lning in his beauliully
remodeled'home locale in Anna Marna. Granite counter lops, wood
lloors, brand new carpel. Move r.ghi in $765 000

GREAT TWO FAMILY vacation home/duplex with heated pool!
Two spacious and tastefully decorated sun-filled units upstairs
and 2,400 sf of bonus storage with garages below. A very short
walk to a beautiful beach!.All combine to make this a coastal
living classic. $925,000.

STEPS TO THE BEACH! Spacious 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished
condo. Heated pool, rooftop sundeck with great views, excellent
rental history with no rental restrictions! A must see. $599,000.


NEW LISTING Beautiful 4BR/4BA with stunning
Gulf views. Newer construction, top of the line ameni-
ties, 75 feet to the beach. Heated pool, elevator and
many extras!

NORTH END OF THE ISLAND Sailboat canal truly
unique and artistic. 2BR/2.5BA. A one-of-a-kind plea-
sure to see! 1,000 sf of decks. Heated spa. Beautiful yard
with peek of Egmont lighthouse. $850,000.

THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 16, 2005 2 29"

s d Biz

By Rick Catlin

Subway reopening
The Subway restaurant in the Anna
Maria Shopping Centre on East Bay
Drive in Holmes Beach will reopen for
business today, Nov. 16, following some
renovations to the location.
For more information, call Subway
at 778-7878.

Realty raves
Wagner Realty at 2217 Gulf Drive
N. in Bradenton Beach has named
Laurie Dellatoree as its top listing agent
for Anna Maria Island for October,
while Cathy Meldahl won the honor at
the company's Longboat Key branch.
Sales leaders were Karen Day at
the Island office and Larraine Waite on
Longboat Key.

Got a new business going up in
Anna Maria Island, Cortez or Long-.
boat Key? How about a new product
or service, an anniversary, a new hire,
or an award-winning staff member?
Call Island Biz at 778-7978, fax your
news to 778-9392, or e-mail us at
news @ islander org.

Island real

estate sales
301 Highland Ave., Bradenton
Beach, a 2,584 sfla / 2,888 sfur 6bed/
5bath 5-plex built in 1970 on a 51x100
lot was sold 10/25/05, Mackinnon

.r' I.4




~t&5H' i
r --

Wagner anew
Wagner Realty recently began construction of a new office on Manatee Avenue West near 75th Street. Pictured at the groundbreak.,
ing with shovels were, from left, Marie Pender of the Manatee County Chamber of Commerce, Bradenton Mayor Wayne Poston,
Polly Gaar of Wagner Realty, Glen Fausset of First National Bank and Trust, Wagner Realty president David Eckel and Stan
Stephens ofManasota Commercial Construction. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose

to Hereyugo Properties 1 LLC for
412 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, a
vacant 52x100 waterfront lot was sold
10/27/05, Gryboski to Paliscak. for
107 Eighth St. S., Unit 8, Island
Getaway, Bradenton Beach, a 1,217 sfla
3bed/2bath condo built in 1975 was sold
10/26/05, Island Getaway Cond Devel-
opers LLC to Thompson for $454,909;
list $499,900.
120 52nd St., Holmes Beach, a 1,200
sfur / 1,276 sfla 2bed/2bath home built in
1973 on a 16x74 lot was sold 09/23/05,
Kreps to Hughes for $400,000.
1303 Gulf Drive S., Unit 2, Gulf

Reach condominium, Bradenton Beach,
a 838 sfur 2bed/lbath Gulffront condo
built in 1971 was sold 10/27/05, BBC
Holdings LLC to Koenigs for $399,999;
list $399,999.
Eighth St. S., Unit 9, Island Get-
away, Bradenton Beach, a 630 sfla
Ibed/lbath condo built in 1975 was
sold 10/26/05, Isla away Cond Devel-
opers LLC to Barrett for $329,900; list
$329,900. tions may also be viewed
online at www.islander.org. Copyright
Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at
Gulf-Bay Realty of Holmes Beach, can
be reached at (941) 713-4755 direct, or
at Gulf-Bay (941) 778-7244.

Featured Sale: This fiveplex at 301
HighlandAve., Bradenton Beach, sold in
July 2004 for $670,000, and this month
for $1.073 million, amounting to a 6L-
percent increase in 15 months. Islander
Photo: Jesse Brisson

.L.i- .a.S.-0

PERICO ISLAND. EFI: -* pilr, n:,,5T,-
Open floor plan, cathedral ceilings, fully
tiled, fireplace, private pool in a court-
yard setting. $409,900. Lisa Creech,
748-6300 or 228-8712. 513561

FABULOUS SUNSETS! turnkey fur-
nished penthouse in the heart of
Anna Maria Island. Heated pool, roof
top sundeck, 2-car covered parking.
$729,900. Barbara Jennings, 748-6300
or 773-0180. 509904


indude granite counters, hardwood floors, front
&rearporches. 2blockstothebestbeacheson
Anna Maria Island. $849,000. Kimbery Roehl
748-6300 or447-9988.515381

I ibis .j
.. ... -. -

w/exceptional Bay & Gulf views and boat
dock on Bay. 3 glass enclosed lanai's
& turnkey furnished.. 1 mile to Long-
boat Key. $875,000. Kathy Marcinko
748-6300 or 713-1100 or Sandy Dra-
pala 725-0781. 512981

LARGE 4BR/2/5BA home with a caged pool area. Located on.a cul-de-sac. Ceramic
tile & carpet. It is a must see! $375,000. Judy LaValliere, 504-3792 or Ann DeBel-
levue, 720-7614. 512646
GLENN LAKES. Pristine 3BR/2BA, 1964 sqft home. Expansive water views from
nearly every rm. Close to dining, shopping and entertainment. $449,000. Leah Sec-
ondo 748-6300 or 545-4430. 516101
STONEYBROOK AT HERITAGE HARBOUR. Nearly new 4/5 BR home. Spacious,
Eat-in Kitchen. Great upstairs bonus room & custom pool w/waterfalls. $599,900.
748-6300 Joanne Jenkins 228-7878 or Cheryl Harrington 773-8695. 516085
SPECTACULAR WATERFRONT with 5BR/4.5BA, screened lanai and pool. This home,
which is on large lot offers privacy and convenience to Gulf beaches. $1,800,000.
Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. 510882
SWEEPING PANORAMIC Manatee River views and radiant tropical gardens are
- ;,i-n,,',) ijiI Tr,.. ....n,,roii'uji rij on the river. 4-5 BR, large bonus room, hard-
,,:,.l i :,': i: 1:11:11: 1 ; i0.0 j' M rcinko, 713-1100 or Sandy Drapala, 725-078.
WILDWOOD SPRINGS. Rarely available 1BR/1BA unit. Great for first time buyer.
Needs updating. Owner motivated. $159,000.-Christina Miller, 748-6300 or
713-2340. 511901
SPRING LAKES. Ground floor 1BR/1 1/2 BA. Designer touches through out new
wood laminate floors, fantastic view of pool and greenbelt. $214,999. Debbie Capo-
bianco, 748-6300 or 704-2394. 515807
HOLMES BEACH. Wonderful 2BR/2BA, turnkey furnished condo. Priced to Sell and
close to beach. $530,000. 748-6300. Ann DeBellevue 720-7614 or Judy LaValliere

Seasonal Rentals For 2006

55+ Community off 75th St.
2BR/2BA with lanai. $1700
month. Nov-Jan 15.

Call Judy Karkhoff, Realtor
RF/Y14 Gulfstream
rRln Really


i sit r us at
WltWw.islanvd. ,re ma.vLgulJsrmlreatr.conI

Fr.r c'Fj hM, cn 'pl-, LL _C

Our family serving your family

Annuals Seasonals
6842 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key 941.387.9004
Tracy@L27financia!.com www.Latitude27.com

An attractive, contemporary structure is possible
for the investor/builder to be creative. This is also
an ideal location for a beautiful home with an
attached mother-in-law or guest apartment.
Located in a quiet residential neighborhood of
Bay Palms subdivision, this is an opportunity to
build two homes on a spacious island lot with
tropical foliage. If you "dare to be different" call
us for additional details. Asking $775,000.

Now Booking 2005-2006 Winter Reservations.
Choice weekly and monthly available!

SINCE 1957
"We ARE the Island!"
Marie Franklin, Lic. Real Estate Broker
941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250
E-mail amrealty@verizon.net
Web site www.annamariareal.com


8_" ~-C.LS~B
-..- a6~
"- ;U~L~'~T~"7:;El.i2~~a;r~-~~d~i~

4400 MANATEE AVENUE WEST BRADENTON, FL 34209 o 941,748.6300








~- ,

6'30 M NOV. 16, 2005 T THE ISLANDER


TITLE COMPANY SEEKS an experienced closer/
processor for expansion into Anna Maria market. Com-
Spetitive salary and benefits. Send resume to Fax (813)
662-3750, or e-mail kambrosino@integrityft.com.
BUSY BISTRO hiring full- or part-time hostess and
servers for lunch, Sunday brunch and dinner. Wednes-
day-Sunday. Sous chef, prep person and dishwasher
needed, will train. Apply to Chef Damon, 5406 Marina
Drive, Holmes Beach, or call (941) 778-5320.
FLORAL DESIGNER: Part-time, minimum three
years professional experience. Contact Island Flo-
rist, Birgit or Herbert, (941) 778- 4751.
HAIR STYLIST NEEDED: Booth rental $120/week.
Close to beach on Cortez Road. Please call
761-8410 or 730-9906.
OFFICE POSITION FOR busy electrical contracting
company. Buying, inventory and billing experience
required. Knowledge of electrical parts a plus. Multi-
tasking. Call (941) 778-4454.
PERSONAL CHEF/COOK wanted to work in private
- home, two hours daily, late afternoon, early evening.
(941) 778-3006.
NOW HIRING ALL positions. New Island restau-
rant looking for upbeat, motivated professionals
with experience in high volume restaurants. Top $$.
Apply in person, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs-
day, 2pm-5pm. The Waterfront Restaurant, 111 Bay
Blvd. S., Anna Maria.
ALL KITCHEN POSITIONS: Sous chef, prep, dish-
washer -- will train right person. Apply to Chef
Damon, 5406 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or call
(941) 778-5320.
BONUS! CLASSIFIED ADS are posted early
online at www.islander.org.


FLAMINGO CAY- Single family 3BR/2BA canalfront home
with pool. Under complete renovation. Chance to pick floor
and wall coverings.. MLS# 513084. Call Mike Carleton,
Realtor 737-0915 or Michel Cerene, Broker 545-9591 eves.
5910 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217
Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770
1-800-741-3772 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK
Web site: www.smithrealtors.com

M I i

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Meet interesting people,
learn the history of the Island. Anna Maria Island
Historical Museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria.
(941) 778-0492.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Tingley Memorial Library.
Duties include checking books in/out, reshelving,
and generally assisting library patrons. Call Eveann
Adams, (941) 779-1208.

SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and
intermediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10
per half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended.
Local teen, team competitor. Call (941) 778-0944.
BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with
kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, (941) 756 5496.
NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia, (941)
761-1569. Red Cross certified.
NEED A BABY-SITTER, pet-sitter or dog walker?
13-year-old eighth-grade girl, very responsible.
Great with animals and kids. Call Kendall, (941)
WANT AN IRISH baby-sitter? Responsible, experi-
enced 15-year old. Red Cross babysitting and first-
aid certified. Call Gemma, (941) 447-9657.
SANDBAGS DELIVERED: Be prepared. Local teen
will make and deliver sandbags to your Island resi-
dence. Spencer, (941) 778-0944 to order.
DOG WALKER, PET sitter, child sitter and odd jobs.
Tenth-grader, available after school and weekends.
Zach, (941) 779-9783.
BABYSITTING, RED Cross first-aid and babysitter
certified. Call Alex, (941) 778-5352.

Reputation fesources- ~ results

Stunning 2BR condominium, New 4BR/3BA condo close
White, sandy beach and to beaches and shopping.
romantic sunsets welcome Gated community. Offered at
you home to paradise. $269,000.
Offered at $950,000.
Sales Rentafs Property Management

CTeam Pinnace
PatPalmei-Bates www.flrealestateassistance.com John Luchkowec

CNA NURSING CARE: Housecleaning,
cooking,doctor appointments. Local references.
$18/hour. (941) 778-4284 or (941) 705-1191.

LOCAL CAREGIVER: I can offer loving, reliable,
live-in care for your loved one. Excellent references.
Please, call (239) 595-9964. Thank you.
CAREGIVER AVAILABLE: 42 years experience,
area references. NO LIFTING. (941) 746- 9246.
Leave message.
LPNS/CNAS NEEDED for long-term home care for
lady with spijury. Hoyer lift. Four-hour morning and
overnight shifts. (941) 383-6953.

MAN WITH SHOVEL Plantings, natives, patio gar-
dens, trimming, clean-up, edgings, maintenance.
Hard-working and responsible. Excellent references.
Edward (941) 778-3222.
LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint-
ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine
Car Service. Serving the Islands. (941) 778-5476.
puter misbehaving? Certified computer service and
private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. (941)
wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable,
reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. (941)

THE ISLANDER. The best news on Anna Maria
Island since 1992.

.~-Bl-ay Realty 5309 u DI ue
778.7244 V--~Ce4 C4BCh, S-34217


.* < .:'.. .
.. !

Tropical Sunset Spacious turnkey furnished 2BR/2BA
condojust steps from the beach!! Pool, rooftop sundeck,
storage, covered parking, and a great rental history with
no restrictions! A great value at $599,000.
Call Jesse Brisson Broker Associate, GRI (941) 713-4755

ARBOMAR PENTHOUSE: 3BR/3BA, direct Gulffront, turnkey CE DAR'S E AST Tp~ ofthe lhne enni, rcnri llvin' BR/' 5BA NORTHWEST BRADENTON: $279,900. Close to schools, shop- FIVE LAKES CONDO: Enjoy the serene lake view from this spa-
furnished condo on Longboat Key. Excellent rental income, secure turnir hd io~ nhrlmr n Lo:ngbo:i Ke) Tern h.r-tru .uns, I01i rrn ping and the beaches Immaculately maintained, 2-3/BR/2BA home cious 2BR/2BA villa. Large, enclosed lanai and updated tile and
building, heated pool and gorgeous sunsets. $1,195,000. Cindy and pic pool, professional tennis instruction-proshop. Excellent rental with large, screened lanai and fenced-in yard with plenty of room carpet. Amenities include two pools, tennis courts, RV storage and
Gary LaFlamme (941) 780-8000 or (941) 725-0928. income. $525,000. Cindy and Gary LaFlamme (941) 780-8000 or for a pool. Call Debbie Detweiler, (941) 527-7221. clubhouse. $259,000. Call Debbie Detweiler, (941) 527-7221.
(941) 725-0928.

('ilNDERFUL L BR/kBA h .me rl lt, Il ,:ll amer.ii, Iue .mis i e IER'S RIDGE NORTHWEST BRADENTON (rge..us
with pool, separate spa and a large, fenced backyard. No deed newer pool home, great for entertaining! $635,000. MLS #515984.
restriction with a place to park your RV. $275,000. Call Jeff Prater, Call Janet Reardon for details, (941) 962-5611.

IRUNM ISLA NUDL ALEtA..L .I-E'rrI-r.tc jreCetjillc iifr LAKUtI1 S MUME tUV sale in 'enco flay lUD. En unit, two
horse farm. Two houses, both 3BR/2BA, barn, equipment building. lanais, wood-burning fireplace. Many amenities in this gated com-
$2,299,000. Barbara Ragan, (941) 322-6203. munity. $449,900. Ernie Votaw, (941) 228-7293.



CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist.
Experienced certified technician for communica-
tion electronics offers wireless and cable networks,
upgrades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and train-
ing. Call Robert, (941) 778-3620.

ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod-
eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens,
baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519,
#CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting
MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794.

CALL DAN'S RESCREEN for your free estimate
today. Affordable rates, quality work guaranteed.
Pool cages, lanais, windows, doors. Call (941)
SANDY'S CLEANING SERVICE: Exceptional clean-
ing and decorating island references available. For
unbeatable service, call 798-9484.
CLEANING BY HELENE: Honest, reliable. Excellent
references. Reasonable rates. Free estimates, call
(941) 730-4477.
AUTO TRANSPORT:. Responsible man in his early
50s with great driving record available to drive your
car to Florida. (314)567-6478.
APPLIANCE & AC DOCTORS: We repair air condi-
tioners, refrigerator, washer/dryer, oven, garbage
disposal, other household items. Honest, depend-
able. 20-plus years experience. (941) 650-9293.

puter solutions for business and home. Installation,
repairs, upgrades, networking, Web services, wire-
less services. Richard Ardabell, network engineer,
(941) 778-5708, or cell (2.16) 509-1945.

MR. BILL'S HOME REPAIR/maintenance service.
Over 30 years experience, self-employed in con-
struction trades. "I'm handy to have around." (941)

drywall, finishing, windows, door installation, texture.
(941) 320-2506.
TWO DUDES with tools: Tile, trim, cabinets, painting,
drywall, glass block, brick, stonework and more! Many
references. Call now! (941) 812-4269 or 448-6961.
SCOTT'S HELPING HANDS: Handyman service.
How may I help you? 306-9767.
MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet. Beginning
to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, (941) 792-0160.
BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refriger-
ation. Commercial and residential service, repair
and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and
the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest
and personalized service, call William Eller, (941)
795-7411. CAC184228.
ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional cre-
ates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding!
www.jackelka.com. (941) 778-2711.
NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing massage
in the comfort of your home. Call today for an
appointment, (941) 795-0887. MA#0017550.
TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years
experience. References available. For a reasonable
price, call Sebastian, (941) 704-6719.
drywall, finishing, windows, door installation, texture.
(941) 320-2506.
TWO DUDES with tools: Tile, trim, cabinets, painting,
drywall, glass block, brick, stonework and more! Many
references. Call now! (941) 812-4269 or 448-6961.

SCOTT'S HELPING HANDS: Handyman service.
How may I help you? 306-9767.

commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, land-
scaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. (941)
ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. If it
is broken, we can fix it. Free estimates. Senior dis-
count. Call (941) 778-2581 or 962-6238.
native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup.
Island resident 25 years. Call (941) 807-1015.

lation. Huge selection of pants, shrubs and
trees. Irrigation. Everything Under the Sun Garden
Centre, 5704 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941)
SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $42/yard. Haul-
ing:.all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free esti-
mates. Call Larry at (941) 795-7775, "shell phone"
(941) 720-0770.

KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean-
ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City
of Anna Maria resident: Cell (941) 448-3857.
installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residen-
tial and commercial. 30-years experience. (941)

ups, shell, rock, palms, aquascapes, tree work.
Truck for hire, move anything. Shark Mark (941)


~ -~:

111% gE
"g~; rs s

twet,49 Wleal state zl
419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291
EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294

W Or2eam Come rue

This captivating 3BR/2BA quintessential beach
house has spellbinding views of sea, sky, and
pretty Passage Key! And there is a sandy beach ..-. #..
and clear water swimming right out of the back 1
door! Features of this renovated masterpiece -i f
include white.vaulted ceilings, cozy wood-buring fireplace, lovely tiled floors, and a cheerful kitchen
featuring white beadboard cabinets, blue granite countertops and breakfast bar, and a stainless steel
glass-front wine cooler. There is a handy outdoor shower, new seawall plus beach, and gorgeous_
blue metal roof. Also included is a double-car garage, sprinkler system, and lovely landscaping.
Furnished in adorable shabby chic decor, this inviting retreat includes custom made plantation
shutters and Hunter Douglas pleated shades, distinctive wooden.ceiling fans, and tropical, Florida
furnishings. Offering 72 feet of beachfront, located just a short stroll to the friendly Rod and Reel
Pier, this rare andwonderful property is offered for sale at $1,895,000 furnished and won,t last long!
Visit our Web site at www.betsyhills.com

Completely renovated throughout, beautiful tongue-and-groove cathedral ceilings,
great attention to detail, large garage with room for water toys! $765,500.
S Quiet location on a great cul-de-sac just three
blocks from the beach. 3BR/2BA, screened deck,
I eat-in kitchen, dining room,-office area, rec room,
workshop, oversized two-car garage, room for a
large pool, great location! $875,000. 4

Great winter residence or potential to build up.
Open and bright, room for a pool, just.three short
blocks from the beach and steps from your boat
slip. $575,000.

L .

Elevated 3BR/2BA home with wonderful open-
beam ceilings, new flooring, new dock, short walk
to the beach, botanical park and restaurant. Hurry!

-32 N NOV. 16. 2005 E THE ISLANDER

Sandy's Lawn Service Inc.
Sandy Established in 1983
Lawn Celebrating 23 Years of
Srice Quality & Dependable Service.
e cCall us for your landscape
77841345 and hardscape needs.
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Paradise Improvements 778-4173
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VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/
exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island refer-
ences. Bill, (941) 795-5100.
ing contractors. In-house plan designs. State
licensed and insured. Many Island references. (941)
778-2993. License #CRC 035261.
mates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at
(941) 778-1730.
CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island ser-
vice since 1975. Repairs and new construction.
Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certifying
back flow at water meters. (FL#RF0038118) (941)
778-3924 or 778-4461.
TILE TILE TILE. All variations of ceramic tile sup-
plied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt,
reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, (941)

ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remod-
eling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens,
baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519,
#CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting
MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794.

phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Insured.
Member of Better Business Bureau. Paul Beaure-
gard, (941) 779-2294.
KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements
Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cab-
inets and shutters. Insured and licensed, (941)

TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed.
Why pay retail? Island resident, many references.
Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor
Coverings. (941) 792-1367, or 726-1802.

JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy-
man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pres-
sure washing and tree trimming. Call (941) 778-6170
or 447-2198.
WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more.
Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in-
home consultation. Island references, 15 years
experience. (941) 778-3526 or 730-0516.
TOM'S WINDOWS/Metro Home Supply Inc. Pro-
fessional-grade doors, windows, hurricane protec-
tion, siding, soffits. Sales, service, repair. Visa/
MasterCard. (941) 359-3799.
THIRTY-SIXYEARS craftsman experience. Interior,
exterior, doors, stairs, windows and trim. Pressure
wash. Driveway paint. Dan Michaelmaster carpen-
ter. Call 518-3316.or 778-6898.
ern. Repairs, renovations, kitchens, .bathrooms,
decks. Masonry, tile. 30 years experience. Yes, I do
show up! (941) 778-3904.

CARLV.JOHNSON JR. Inc. building contractor. New
homes, additions, renovations. Quality work and fair
prices. Call (941) 795-1947. Lic#RR0066450.

RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal.
Wedebrock Real Estate Co., (941) 778-6665 or
(800) 749-6665.

SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR (two
master suites)/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes
to beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/
dryer, garage, designer furnished with tropical
yard setting! One of the finest rentals on Island.
$1,600/weekly or $6,000/monthly. Call 713-0034 or
e-mail: gamiller@tampabay.rr.com.
1 BR/1 BA with breathtaking sunsets. Pools, Jacuzzi,
walk to shops and restaurants. Available weekly,
monthly, seasonal. (901) 301-8299 or e-mail
captko462 @aol.com.
SANDPIPER RESORT on Gulf Drive: 55-plus com-
munity, fully equipped 1BR/1BA beachhouse with
greatroom and kitchen. Brand new! Steps to the
beach or Intracoastal. All utilities including trash,
except phone. Rent weekly to annually.J\Jo pets.
(317) 873-3307.

WEEKLY RENTALS: Alecassandra villa, 1BR/1BA,
$700/week; Island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; Gulffront
cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach
Club, 2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call Kim
Fisher, Wagner Realty, (941) 778-2246.
COMMERCIAL SPACE: 1,600 sf on Gulf Drive, next
to Holmes Beach shopping center. Available now.
(941) 778-2694.
NEW ULTRA LUXURY Gulffront condo in Holmes
Beach: 3BR/2.5BA, everything top-of-the-line. 2,000
sf. $2,500-$2,800/week. Call Mike, (866) 869-0824.
SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals.
1BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to beach,
shopping, restaurants. (941) 778-3426. Web site
ANNA .MARIA ISLAND Club: Beachfront condo,
2BR/2BA, fully equipped. Anna Maria Island, Flor-
ida. Available all year. (317) 873-3307.
SEASONAL RENTAL: Brand new Bradenton Beach
3BR/3BA plus office, steps to beach. Balconies with
ocean and bay views, elevator, 8-person Jacuzzi,
granite counters, marble floors and baths, Jacuzzi
in master, washer/dryer, designer furnished, fully
equipped. One of the finest rentals on Island. $4800/
monthly 813-277-4336.
VACATION RENTALS: 2BR apartments across from
beautiful beach, $375 to $500/week. Winter and
spring dates available. Almost Beach Apartments,
(941) 778-2374.
Maria. Elevated 3BR/2BA. Available now through
April. One block to beach. (813) 251-9201.
BRADENTON BEACH: Newly remodeled 1BR/1BA
suite with full kitchen, fully furnished, one block
from Bridge Street, three-minute walk to beach.
Sleeps four only. No pets. Available weekly,
monthly or seasonal. (941) 776-3696 or e-mail
Utilities included. Gulf views and large decks. (941)
WE ARE BOOKING rentals for 2006. Wide variety
of condos/houses starting at $1,500/month. Annual
rental; Perico Bay Club, 2BR/2BA condo, pool/
tennis, small pet OK, $1,000/month; 3BR/2BA
villa, two-car garage, small pet OK, new carpet,
$1,700/month; 305 66th St.,,2BR/1.5BA duplex on
stilts, pet OK, $975/month. SunCoast Real Estate,
(941) 779-0202. www.suncoastinc.com.

BAYVIEW TERRACE, Bradenton Beach: 2BR/1BA
condo, second floor, completely furnished. Three-
month minimum rental. (708) 562-1601.

I massage in the peace, quiet
and convenience of your home!
More than 10 years on .
S Anna Maria Island. .

Call Nadia


Syndicated Conten t

Available from Commercial News Providers"
I~ *ff_. 9'_m. I

-' ---i -

tP ,rr


THE PALMS: 1BR/BA, pet friendly. $800/month,
first, last, deposit. Available now! 1813 51st St., A
Paradise Realty, (941) 778-4800.
coastal, boat dock, short walk to beach. Modern with
large rooms. $1,000/month, first, last and deposit.
(727) 784-3679.

location. Available seasonally, November-April 2006.
Renovated 2BR/2.5BA private residence in quiet area
of Island with open floor plan and large terrace over-
looking the Gulf. From $1,750/week with discounted
monthly rate. Call Dave at (941) 720-0089.

on Palma Sola Bay with seawall and dock. Fur-
nished with kitchen, linens and all appliances.
$2,750/month. Call (863) 557-7809.
1BR/1.5BA. Gulffront. Condo approval required. No
pets and no smoking. Annual Single Family: Unique
3BR/2BA north-end home, 2,600 sq. ft. Just steps to
the beach. Pool coming soon. No smokers. Lawn and
pool included. Annual Single-Family: 2BR/1, BA, steps
to Tampa Bay. Lawn included. No pets and no smok-
ers. Call Mike Carleton (941) 737-0915, or Smith Real-
tors (941) 778-0777.

Boat dock and heated pool. Available right now
for November and December 2005. $600/week,
$1,500/month. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090.
SEASONAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA. Luxury duplex
in Holmes Beach. Gulf view. Steps to beach.
$700/week. $2,300/month. Available Nov. 1, 2005,
until Jan. 2, 2006. (941) 778-7741.
SANNUAL CORTEZ 1BR, storage, carport, near boat
ramp. $635/month/ Phone (941)778-2710. after 10 am.
PRIVATE COTTAGE WITH shared dock, Old Flor-
ida-style 2BR/1BA, screened porch, deck, fenced
yard. Half block to beach. Pet OK. Week, month,
season. (941) 485-1874.
ANNUAL RENTAL: Charming 2BR/2BA elevated
duplex in Bradenton Beach. High ceilings, clean,
one block to beach, no pets. $875/month. (941)
778-4665 or 725-2549.
ANNUAL RENTAL: One block from beach! 2BR
apartment in Holmes Beach near shops and trol-
ley stop. $1,000/month. Utilities included. Please
call (917) 842-5892 to schedule an appointment.
Appointments are available Saturdays only.
villa, two-car garage, fresh paint, new carpet,
small pet OK, heated pool/tennis/gated commu-
nity. $1,700/month. Suncoast real estate, (941)
779-0202. www.suncoastinc.com.

BEAUTIFUL 2BR/2BA condo near Anna Maria.
'Adult community. Faces heated pool, canal view,
fully furnished, washer/dryer, cable. Available Janu-
ary. Three-month minimum. (269) 271-7410.

GULFFRONT DUPLEX: Second floor, 2BR/1BA,
newly updated, open floor-plan, 12-by-12 deck.
Holmes Beach, close to shopping, restaurants,
lush gardens. $900week, $3,200/month. (941)

ALMOST ON BEACH: 3BR/2BA house west of Gulf
Drive. Beautiful house available now! $3,900/month.
(941) 778-8660.
SEASONAL RENTAL: Available December, Janu-
ary, February, March and April. Cheerful, 1BR/1BA,
non-smoking apartment. North-end Anna Maria
Island. $1,700/month, plus tax. (941) 778-5445.

SEASONAL, VACATION, Gulf beach apartments.
Choice of one, two or three bedrooms. Fully
equipped. Enclosed porch, sun deck, patio. Tropical
setting. Owner, (941) 778-3143.

SEASONAL RENTAL: Cottage with 2BR/2BA and
den in waterfront complex, 100 yards to Gulf beach.
Available Dec. 1. (941) 779-9074.

WESTBAY POINT AND Moorings: 2BR/2BA water
view. January through March. (941) 778-2519.
ANNUAL 3BR/2BA: Holmes Beach. Steps to
beach,clean duplex-$1,200/month. (941) 725-0578
or (941) 794-2912.
ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA Single-family home
in Holmes Beach, less than one block to beach.
$1,500/month. Furnished. Call Island Real Estate,
(941) 788-6066.
ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA. A single-family home
with garage in quiet northwest Bradenton neighbor-
hood. $1,300/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941)
IMMACULATE 2BR/2BA CONDO in adult commu-
nity, Bradenton. Half mile to Gulf, unit faces pool with
canal view. Fully furnished, cable TV, full kitchen.
Three-month minimum, $2,250/month, deposit
required. (336) 210-7804 or (859) 653-8436.
taking sunsets. Furnished 2BR/1BA. Walk to res-
taurants, shops, grocery, trolley. Winter/spring
dates available. $2,000/month/ $600/week. (813)
264-0639 or (352) 592-5870.
SEASONAL, JANUARY, February and March.
$1,500/month, plus tax. One-bedroom apartment,
very nice. West of Gulf Drive. Anna Maria City. (941)
2BR/1 BA, 1,500-sf house, two blocks from Holmes
Beach. $700/week. (949) 813-4900.

CUTE AS A. BUTTON: Remodeled house on a
gulffront lot. 2BR/2BA with Florida room, washer/
dryer, Yearly, $1,200/month. Duplex apartment,
2BR/2BA, $725.1 Br/1 BA apartment, $700. No pets.
Dolores M. Baker Realty, (941) 778-7500.
with storage below. Large rooms, deck. $850/month.
First, last, $1,000 security deposit. (941)

- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----- --~

DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance. We
accept ads by fax with credit card information, 778-9392, at our Web site (secure server) www.islander.org, and by direct
e-mail at classifieds@islander.org. Office hours: 9 to 5, Monday-Friday, (Saturday 10 to 2 as needed).
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THE ISLANDER I NOV. 16, 2005 1 33


SJames King
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R E TA Ln iI R

34 0 NOV. 16, 2005 M THE ISLANDER

IL Ai E AT o u-RAL AT o

FOR RENT: Nice 2BR, furnished mobile home,
-gated community on creek. Bradenton Palms
Mobile Home Park. Hot tub, pool, four-six month
rental. $1,100/month. (863) 688-3524. Email:

Lake condominiums, west Bradenton. Close to
beach. Starting at $329,900. Call Cori Woods, (941)
NORTH ANNA MARIA; Adorable cottage with views
of the bay! $425,000. Please call Maureen, Green
Real Estate, (941) 778-0455.
turnkey furnished. 55-plus, marina, pools, pets OK.
$27,500. (941) 721-4890.
NORTH POINT HARBOR: Two homes in Island's
finest community. Buy both "as is" for $2,450,000.
4BR/3BA elevated home, beautiful views of Tampa
Bay, new lap pool, spa, waterfall, seawall and dock.
$1,300,000. Also, 2BR/2BA, two-car garage, ranch
home, totally remodeled, new seawall, dock and
20,000 pound lift. $1,250,000. Lynn Bankuty, Real-
tor, Suncoast Real Estate, (941) 737-1420.
Point condo, 2BR/2BA, turnkey furnished. Jean
Holmes Realty, (941) 778-2644 or 730-7017.

deep-water canal with large dock and views of
Tampa Bay. $864,900. (941) 779-1512.
style home. Two-minute walk to beach. Fully furnished,
rental ready. Quiet Holmes Beach private setting on
cul-de-sac. Custom details, tile, granite. New cabinets,
windows, doors, A/C, ductwork, stainless appliances.
Paver drive/patios. (941) 778-4560. $699,000

MUST SEE: Manufactured home has everything.
Colony Cove. 1,600 square feet. Views of Manatee
River. 2BR/2BA, pets,. 55+, five pools. $65,500.
(941) 721-4890.
3BR/2BA with pool and spa. New floors, granite,
appliances, electrical, plumbing. 525 67th St.,
$1,150,000. (941) 779-1058 or 1-800-757-7219.
Agents welcome.
2/2 CANALFRONT HOME: Bradenton Beach. Beau-
tiful views of Palma Sola Bay. Third house from Intra-
coastal. Dock. Great opportunity at $690,000 "as is"
or $750,000 after renovation. Call (813) 781-0842..
CONDO FOR SALE directly on the beach. Spacious
3 BR/2BA. large walk-in closets, 2 garages plus stor-
Sage room. $1,100,000. (717) 392-4048.

COSTA RICA: ARE you ready to retire or looking
for that dream property? Pacific Ocean and moun-
tain view lots available from 1.5 to 10 acres. Fully
titled and ready to build with power and water. Low
taxes and building costs, land values rising fast.
From $35,000. Call today (941) 726-6702.
Expansive gulf views every room, totally renovated.
'You'll never want to leave'. Turnkey furnished, prin-
cipals only, $985,000. (717) 392-4048.
PERICO BAY CLUB: 2BR/2BA, tiled, major
upgrades, overlooking Palm Sola Bay, five minutes
to beach. Quiet, gated entry. For sale by owner.
(941) 794-8757.
PALMA SOLA BAY furnished townhouse. 2BR/2BA,
new kitchen and upgradedthroughout. Boat slip at
your front door, heated pool. Exceptional value at
$379,000. Longboat Key. COZY HOME: 3/2/2. A-1
condition. Steps to Sarasota Bay. $739,900. Real
Estate Mart. (941) 756-1090.
WELCOME BACK NON-resident/foreign nationals:
Buy your own island dream home with 30 percent
down, no social security number needed. No credit
required. Bobby, (941) 744-6909. Also, Re-finance,
cash out!

garage. Unit 24, Holmes Boulevard. $525,000.
Excalibur Realty Inc. (941) 792-5566.
CONDO FOR SALE by owner. 1 BR/1BA, upstairs,
furnished. Bay and Gulf water views from balcony
and deck. Heated pool. $374,900. (941) 778-9331.

KEY ROYALE/NORTH Point Harbor: Two homes,
next door, in Island's finest community. 4BR/3BA,
five-car garage, elevated home, beautiful views of
Tampa Bay, new lap pool, spa, waterfall, seawall and
dock. $1,249,000. Also, 2BR/2BA, two-car garage,
ranch home, new seawall, dock and 20,000-pound lift.
$1,249,000. Buy both for $2,450,000!;.Lynn Bankuty,
Realtor, Suncoast Real Estate, (941) 737-1420.
NEW PRICE!1.2 ACRES on the Intracoastal in Port
St. Joe, Fla. 2BR house. Three miles and you're in
the Gulf by boat! $350,000. Best deal in Florida!
(850) 827-2574.

2919 AVENUE C: 2BR/2BA, garage, elevatedextra
large lot, two blocks to beach. Lots of new stuff!
Asking $525,000. (941) 792-8898.

LARGE KEY ROYALE canalfront home with dock,
davits and boat lift. 4BR/3BA. Turnkey furnished,
pool, hot tub, new air conditioning. $1,100,000. Call
Dave Jones, (941) 778-4800, A Paradise Realty.

gig' g "

I~ *

WATERFRONT: 3BR/2BA Sixth house from the bay.
New dock and dredged deep-water canal. $899,000.
504 58th St., Holmes Beach. (941) 778-5183. (941)

ENTIRE DUPLEX: $697,700! Near beach. Both
2BR/1 BA. Can rent weekly. Ground level. Gulf Drive
at 71 st Street, #205, A and B. Janet, (941) 538-0233,
(941) 780-7283. jmccallie@tampabay.rr.com. Realty
Executives Solutions.
WESTBAY POINT AND Moorings: 2BR/2BA Beauti-
ful canalfront furnished condo. $469,000. Coldwell
Banker, (941)725-4425.
sf lot, 122-foot seawall, 88-foot new dock. Available
immediately. $2.5 million. 651 Key Royale Dr. (941)
DUPLEX, GROUND LEVEL: City of Anna Maria,
near beach. 2BR/1BA each side, Turnkey furnished,
Separate carports, Great rental history. $729,900.
Call (941) 778-4745.
4/BR HOUSE on grand canal. Great investment
location. Priced to sell. $995,000. (941) 778-8660.
FIVE MINUTES TO beach. Half the price! Private
Perico Island, beautiful patio home. 4BR/3BA, two-
car garage, pool. $549,000. Agents, also. (941)
CANAL HOME By owner. 3BR/2BA, two-car garage,
terrazzo floors. 40x20-foot pool. 509 77th St.,
Holmes Beach. (941) 798-8034.
GULFFRONT CONDO: ALL brand new, totally
remodeled, turnkey furnished. Gorgeous view.
1BR/1BA, two pools. $575,000. Holmes Beach.
(941) 795-5060.
from beach and local shopping. Fabulous pool!
R-2 zoning. Call Barb at Old Florida Realty,
(941)792-0902 or (941) 962-1298.
PERICO ISLAND: 1,170-sf, lovely,2BR2BA condo
with great water view/porch. Hurricane shutters.
Perfect renter until August 2006. $345,000. (941)
VILLAGE GREEN: 2BR/2BA villa. Two-car garage,
completely updated. 6608 12th Ave. W. (941)
One, large 2BR/2BA, covered parking, pool, bal-
cony, porch overlooking creek and bayou. Classy.
$389,000. (941) 807-5449.
condo in newly developing Riverwalk areadowntown
Bradenton. Pool, clubhouse, Corian counters,,more.
$389,000. (941) 807-5449.


. .-- .

Enjoy your tropical palm oasis
in this four-bedroom 2,600 sf
home. Features include granite,
travertine, fireplace, pool, large
Manatee River with no bridges
to Tampa Bay. $699,900.

* Enjoy short strolls to the beach and al/that the
sandd has to offering these charming beach bunga-
lows. Located West of Marina Drive, these 3BR 2
BA homes are situated close to the beach on a quiet
andpeaceful street-i beautiful Holmes Beach.
$695,000- $795.00

Situated in the heart f Holmes Beach, these 3BH,
25 BA bungalows offer outstanding architectural
detail both inside and out Located West of Gulf
Drive these homes are one block from the white
sandy beaches ofAnna Maria.
$79,000- $845,000

All the above homes include the following upgrade details: Metal Roofs, Swimming Poo/s,
Hardwood Floors, Granite Countertops and Hardiboard Siding.

Beaunfil 3BR/2.5BA'beach
bungalow with a classiccoastal
design. Features granite, wood
oflrs, front and back balco-
rues, pavers,pool andis located
close to the beach. No detail
overlooked. $849,000.

Elevated 2BR/1.5BA single-
family villawithenclosedgarage
4 and- workshop below. Quiet
Holmes Beach location with
several tropical fruit trees and
only two blocks to the beach.
Terrific second home or invest-
mentopportunity. $414,900.

Kimberly Roehl, P.A.
Investing in Property Leads to Opportuni

- -- -- -- ....

OfB~~J~~~%~,t s~ntltlfg9Qil

' :.i-"

THE ISLANDER 0 NOV. 16, 2005 E 35


NEW LOG CABIN-NC Mountains. New shell on
secluded mountain site. $89,900. Hardwood forest.
Great fall colors. Paved road. Near parks & lakes.
Acreage & financing available. (828)247-0081.
NORTH CAROLINA GATED lakefront community.
1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never before
offered with 20 percent pre-development discounts,
90 percent financing. Call (800)709-5253.
in the cool beautiful peaceful mountains of west-
ern NC. Homes, cabins, acreage and investments.
Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate,
Murphy www.cherokeemountainrealty.com. Call for
free brochure (800) 841-5868.
air,views, streams, homes, cabins, acreage Free
brochure of mountain property. (800) 642-5333.
Realty Of Murphy, 317 Peachtree St., Murphy N.C.
28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com.
waterfront $9,900! Dockable building lots from
$14,900! Cabin package $54,900. Call Now! (866)
770-5263, Ext. 8.
UNIQUE 6;000 SF Lake Lanier home, private, two
acres, 325 feet on lake, exquisite gardens, water-
falls, boat dock, 50 miles northeast of Atlanta, Ga
$1,500,000: Doris, Savage RE, (770) 861-8525.
CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org !

NC MOUNTAIN 2.87 acres on mountain top. View, trees,
waterfall and large public lake nearby, paved private access,
$19,500. Owner (866) 789-8535. www.NC77.com.
on the TN/KY border. Just 1-1/2 hours to Nashville.
Spectacular views of Lake Barkley. One to six acres
from the $40s. New to market. Call (866) 339-4966.
SERENE MOUNTAIN GOLF homesite $69,900.
Breathtaking views. Upscale golf community set
amid Dye-designed 18-hole course in Carolina
mountains. Near Asheville, NC. A sanctioned
Golf Digest Schools teaching facility! Excellent
financing. Call toll-free (866) 334-3253, ext. 993.
TENNESSEE WEEKEND retreat acreage: New lake
community close to Chattanooga and Knoxville.
Limited number of private boat slips. Community
lake access and amenities. 1/2 + acres from $40K.
Call (866) 292-5769.
$10,000 DISCOUNT! Grand opening! Ocala area.
The Preserve at Oak Hill. Upscale equestrian com-
munity of 5 to 21 acre parcels. Private, gated,
trails. Discount ends 12/15/05. Broker/Owner. (352)
OWN A PRIVATE Mountain retreat Spectacular,
gated riverfront mountain community near Asheville,
NC. 1-8 acre building sites from the $60s. Borders
National Forest. Community lodge and river walk.
Call (866) 292-5762.

water access, marsh view, lake front, and
golf-oriented homesites from the mid- $70's
Live oaks, pool, tennis, golf. (877) 266-7376.
MIAMI WATERFRONT PRE-construction 10 per-
cent down, two year build out. GA Coastal Water-
front Pre-construction. 1st phase assignable/ GA
Lots $6,900 plus, RV lots $15 thousand. Realtor/
(877) 468-5687.
NEW MEXICO -16 acres $24,990 Scenic region,
views, canyons, trees, rolling hills, wildlife. Enjoy.
hunting, hiking, horses, great climate. Power,
great access. 100 percent financing, Call (914)
SEASON CLOSE-OUT sale in the Tennessee
Smokies Gated waterfront community riverfront and
mountain views available. Prices starting low as
$46,900. Final phase limited lots. Call now! Ask
about our lot/ home package. Buy direct from the
developer. Save thousands $$$$ (800) 559-3095,
ext 327. www.rivercrest.com.
GEORGIA PROPERTIES for sale. Parcels range
from 3 to 1,000 acres, all deeply discounted,
1031 tax exchange. Visit peach state at
www.farmandtimber.com or Call (866) 300-7653.
INVESTMENT LOTS $5,000. Increasing in value by
the month, on paved roads with all utilities. For sale
by owner. (954) 523-8118.

Currently renting for $2,900-$3,900/week

Income will exceed your expectations.
6-- ,, ~ One year old 5BR/5BA. Enjoy the
convenience of an indoor elevator and
outside spiral staircase. Beautifully
furnished and tiled throughout. Four-car
.. garage, lush heated pool overlooking ISLAND DUPLEX: Steps to beach. Reduced to $699,000
Sthe bay, private dock and great fishing. before remodeling continues. Investors and builders bring your
STwo canalfront condos side by side. One.2BR/1.5BA and one Reduced $2,190,000. Virtual tour: imagination. Gulf views possible. 2BR/1BA on large corner lot.
1BR/1BA. Two deeded boat docks on sailboat water. Both for only www.flrealtour.com/mls031305/realtor. A n e H Aber, Realtor (941) 713-9835
$725,000, or $350,000 and $375,000 separately. SURFSIDE REALTY

. "

36 M NOV. 16, 2005 U THE ISLANDER


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eatw l.i "ed 'TiOpel7 V f[fie e'ek
LIFE IS GOOD when white sand beaches
are only steps from your door and your
home is a pristine 2BR/2BA condo in a
beachfront complex! Karen Day. 778-2246.
i #512655. $750,000.
S, 000. ~ '" rz-1t~- ; J --- -r*4 w

townhomes with full unobstructed views of tne Smith or Elfi Starreti. 778-2246. #504998 4BR/2.5BA bayfroni residence with 120-feet on tie Furnished 2BR/2BA top-floor end unit with
Gulf of Mexico. Unit offers 2BR/2BA, open floor $2,000,000. bay and 80-feet of canal frontage. Dock, vertical lift, additional windows. Covered parking and
plans, large master suite, balcony and comes solar healed pool. Bay view. Close to beach Dave great walking beach. Weekly rental OK. Dave
turnkeyfurnished. Dave Moynihan. 7782246. Moynihan, 778-2246. 0509147 $1,650,000 .Moynihan. 778-2246. #513253. $989,500.
#511527. $3,200.000
S. .- '1 ,

B both are 350 feel from beach, loaded beach cottage. Excellent rental history, great recentlyupdatedhomehasgranite countenopsin Panoramic views of Sarasota Bay. Enjoy
w/upnhorades, elevator, 3BR/2.5BAuct+den twocar income. Smith ornkey furnished, fully update. Steps the kitchen & bah. 6"Travertine tile througoul. beaurniul senses on the open balcony. Impec
plgarage Enjoy suisets from 2 balconies Con- to the beach. Mgmtstaff already in place. Mela- Located just steps to the beachAgent/Owner Jay castle condion. Many upgrades. Fantastic loca-
urpetion Mayurished. Carn/Joe Cordrey. 776-3300. nie Johnson.7613100. 514885. $757300 Heaen 727-2800. 51521947 $1,650,000 .Moyn Shannon Persau. 727-2853. 989,500. 515366
#516070. $925,000 each 749,000
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