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 Main: Islander Classifieds
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 Main: Islander Classifieds
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00074389/00036
 Material Information
Title: Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Uniform Title: Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Creator: Islander
Publisher: Bonner Joy
Publication Date: September 7, 2005
Genre: newspaper   ( sobekcm )
newspaper   ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Manatee -- Anna Maria
Coordinates: 27.530278 x -82.734444 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
System ID: UF00074389:00036

Table of Contents
        page 1
        page 2
        page 3
        page 4
        page 5
    Main: Opinion
        page 6
        page 7
    Main continued
        page 8
        page 9
        page 10
        page 11
        page 12
        page 13
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        page 17
        page 18
        page 19
        page 20
        page 21
    Main: Islander Classifieds
        page 22
    Main continued
        page 23
        page 24
        page 25
    Main: Islander Classifieds
        page 26
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        page 31
        page 32
Full Text

Skimming the news .. Anna Maria Island map in this issue, page 16.

Anna Maria



Butterfly help, page 25.

"The Best News

on Anna Maria Island Since 1992"


Volume 13, No. 44

Sept. 7, 2005 FREE

at dea door'

Island native,

wife survive

Hurricane Katrina

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Island native Scott Blackwell and his wife Diana
stared death in the face and lived.
Scott Blackwell grew up on Anna Maria Island and
graduated from Manatee High School. His mother once
had a beauty salon in- the Island Shopping Center in
Holmes Beach.
When he moved to Waveland,' Miss., about 25
miles west of Biloxi. he was already' accustomed to
hurricane \warnings and evacuations.
"Waveland reminded me of old Bradenton Beach,"
said Scott, who opened a graphic art studio 10 years
.ago in the artist's colony then developing along
Mississippi's Gulf Coast.
After he and Diana got the w\ warning that Hurricane
Katrina had grown from a Category 1 to a Category 4
hurricane, they wisely decided to head inland and got
a room at a motel 12 miles from the shore. At the same
motel were a few police officers, firemen and sheriff's
deputies, and.about 175 people v ho thought they'd be
safe from nature's wrath.
Older residents who went through Hurricane
Camille in 1957 said the storm surge could never get
that far. Scott and Diana figured they'd be safe and
sound that far from the raging waters.
They were wrong.
"We heard Sunday morning it was a Category 5,
but by then it was too late to leave. I thought we were
far enough away, but the water started to rise in the
parking lot and people started to get a little worried,"
said Scott.
When the storni surge burst through the ground-
floor doors and air-conditioning units, Scott knew they
were in trouble. First-floor occupants moved to the sec-
ond floor as the water soon engulfed all the vehicles in

According '
to the :
this man lost '
his house, : : -
mother and .. .
a niece in
the storm. $
He now lives "
under a
canopy, i
drinking _
beer and
to cope
with the.
Islander -
Loren Ryan

Scont and Diana
Blackwell stand in
front of all that
remains of their.
business in Waveland,
Miss. Isilnder Photo:
Courtesy Loren Ryan

the parking lot, and reached within a few inches of the
second floor. Scott estimated the water rose about 16
feet and that was 12 miles inland from the coast.
After the \ inds hit 162 mph. some people, espe-
cially the elderly occupants of the motel, started to'
"People were frantic. I had to stay calm because
other people were starting to really panic. I figured if
they saw someone who was calm, they'd relax. Ijust
started telling everyone we'd be OK," said Scott, who
is a member of the Waveland Planning and Zoning
''But we were very worried that we'd drown," he
added. The group made plans to head to the roof if the
water breached the second floor.
"We started to see bodies floating.by, including
some people who were still alive. One guy had tied his
boat to a tree and it just floated up with the water. He
swam over to his house, got the boat started and res-
cued 16 people from the current, but he couldn't get all
of them. It was like a giant river flowing past the mo-
"Definitely scary," said Diana, who admitted that
she wanted to panic, but kept up a good front for the
others who were "losing it."
When the waters receded, everyone expected help

to arrive soon, but no one came. Only a few rescue
vehicles looking for dead bodies showed up. "Nobody
came to give us anything, no one came to tell us what
to do." said Scott..
No cars nr trucks worked,there as no electricity,
no order. no cleanup crews, no water,'no toilets and no.
food. "I suddenly realized we were on our own if we
wanted to live," said Scott.
He and a few other people made it across the tree-
and debris-littered road to a supermarket thathad been
torn apart by wind and water. They took essential food
items for 175 people, mostly ribs and steaks, water and
canned goods.
"We took what we needed to survive," said Scott.
"Other people, both black and white, just looted every-
thing. They cleaned out a jewelry store and I saw
People carting away refrigerators and other appliances
from a Sears store. It was disgusting."
In a stroke of luck, Scott had packed a gas grill in
his car that Diane had given him as a present. Amaz-
ingly, even after being under water, the grille still
worked and had a full tank of gas.
"I started cooking for 175 people. I thought I'd
only have to cook for a day or two, but I ended up cook-
ing for four days. We made sure everyone got at least
one hot meal and we took care of the elderly, the kids
and babies first. Most of the people were in a daze.
They didn't understand what had happened to them."
Scott admits that he didn't want to understand what
had happened, but he had to learn the truth about his
business and the couple's home.
By Wednesday, the National Guard had cleared
- much of the road leading back to Waveland. Scott got
a ride from a friend who had stored.his vehicle much
farther inland. He and Diana got within two miles of
downtown Waveland before debris blocked the road.
They walked the remaining distance.
"I was not prepared for what I saw," said Scott. "I

"People were frantic. I had to
stay calm because other people
were starting to really panic. I
figured if they saw someone who
was calm, they'd relax."
Sco ff /BAcktell


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Katrina devastation explained
knew there'd be damage, but what I saw looked like some-
one had dropped an atomic bomb on Waveland. It looked
like those pictures you see of Hiroshima after the bomb.
There was,literally, nothing left of the beachfront houses
and businesses except a few concrete slabs."
One wealthy businessman.had built a $2 million
waterfront mansion that was advertised as "hurricane
proof," said Scott. "It wasn't and it isn't there any-
For a 25-mile stretch along Mississippi's Gulf
Coast, Katrina had turned a once thriving tourist
economy into nothing more than a large scrap heap of
concrete dust, wood timbers and mud.
"Everything is gone," said Scott. "It's hard for
people here to understand by just seeing what little is
left on television. You have to experience it first hand.
We're still in shock."
The scope of damage is unimaginable, according
to the Blackwells. Highways were moved off their
foundations. Railroad tracks were pushed 20 feet. A
five-foot bed of mud covered the roads. Where once
office buildings and residences stood, only a pile of
brick rubble or water-logged timber remains. Elegant
casinos built to take millions of dollars from gambling-
hungry tourists are reduced to millions of pieces of
wood and mortar, pulverized like some gigantic ham-
mer pounding rocks into dust.'
"It'g unbelievable, unimaginable," said Diane.
Scott suggested that Islanders who think they could
ride out a storm with the force of Katrina should think
again. A storm like Katrina would "wipe out the entire
Island," he said.
People who chose to stay on the Island through
Hurricane Charley last year would now be pushing up
daisies, if the storm hadn't made a sudden move to the
right near Port Charlotte, he predicted.
"I grew up here. I love this Island, but don't think
for a minute that those winds and waves like Katrina
would leave anything standing on this Island or leave
anybody alive. The storm surge for Katrina was 35
feet," he said. "And it moved 20 miles inland."
That would have meant water in downtown
Bradenton and likely farther east if the storm had

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The supermarket across the road from the motel
where the Blackwell's sought refuge from Hurricane
Katrina was nearly pulverized by the storm's fury.
Islander Photo: Courtesy Loren Ryan
pushed up through the Braden River.
After discovering their worst fears about their
home and business-were true, Scott and Diane still had
nowhere to go but back to the motel, and still cut off
from the outside world.
Finally, on Wednesday, someone got a generator
going and those with cell phones were able to charge
their batteries and start calling. Diane got on the phone
and reached Scott's .iN.ter in Bradenton.
"I said, 'Don't ask how we are, just get in a truck
and come get us,'" she said. Scott's brother-in-law
Greg and friend Loren Ryan jumped in a van and drove
niiontop to Mississippi, reaching the stranded couple
Thursday evening.
"We just cried to see,them," said Diane. "They
were the most beautiful sight."
SThe couple grabbed what they had and tumbled in the
van, overjoyed at the prospect of finally being able to take
a bath after five days and getting out of their hell hole.
"We were starting to smell a little stinky," said
Scott. "I sure was happy to see Greg and Loren, but a
lot of people, especially the elderly, weren't so lucky.
They had no place to go, no one to help them. When we
left, the Red Cross and FEMA still hadn't shown up.
They are still stuck there waiting for help, and the TV
media doesn't seem to care about Mississippi. All you
hear about is New Orleans."
Scott and Diane reached Bradenton Friday evening
and Scott was able to contact friends through his cell
phone back in Mississippi, who said the Red Cross had

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- -

finally arrived with food and water.
For Scott and Diane, however, reaching Bradenton
and the Island was like their deliverance.
"We were looking at death's door back in Missis-
sippi," said Scott, "but we survived. I felt I did a stu-
pid-thing by not evacuating completely, but no one fig-
ured the storm surge would get that far inland. On the
other hand, I did a very good thing being able to cook
for 175 people for five days and helping them survive."
A friend has given them an apartment in Braden-
ton Beach to use for the next few months, while they
sort out their lives. Their future looks neither bright nor
"The support system here for us has been great, but
I still think of those people back in Mississippi who
weren't so lucky. It's nice to be here, but I still worry
about them and the economy. How will we rebuild?
What's the first step?"
For Diane, Vermont looks like a good place to live,
but Scott said he's got to go back and see what can be
salvaged, from. their home, which thankfully wasn't
destroyed, just under water for 12 hours. He's also
going to try to help rebuild the city. "I don't know
what's going to happen, but I feel a responsibility."
He and Diane admitted they are still "in shock" from
their experience, but one day soon will have to face the
reality of their future. The economy of the Biloxi area has
been destroy ed. perhaps for a long, long time.
"I'm self-employed and Diane worked just part-
time at the post office. I don't know if we'll start over
again back in Mississippi, but-I do know I've got to go
Safe now in Bradenton Beach, both Diane and
Scott said they now pay very close attention to weather
forecasts and hurricane predictions. If even a tropical
storm is forecast to come ashore anywhere near Anna
Maria Island, "We'll be-on I-75 heading to Vermont
that same day," said Diane.
For messages of good will'or offers of assistance,
Scott and Diane can be reached -at 720-7670, or mail
and e-mail in care of the Blackwells can be addressed
to The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach FL
34217, or news@islanderprg.

For how you can help Katrina
victims, see page 8.


Tourism vs. red tide, schools, gas, nature

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Anna Maria Island tourism this past summer could
easily be all things to all people. Island accommodation
owners and managers reported a very mixed bag of oc-
cupancy for the summer tourist season.
While. June and July tourism appeared to be the
same as or better than last year, the red tide, beach
renourishment, Hurricane Katrina, high gas prices and
the early August start for Florida schools all contrib-
uted to a "slow" month for Island tourism.
Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce Execu-
tive Director Mary Ann Brockman said she's had good
reports of summer tourism from members, but the La-
bor Day weekend was shaping up to be "soft."
Brockman noted a number of factors that may have
affected August tourism.
"July was very good for our members, but the
Florida kids went back to school in early August," she
observed, comparing it as the "Grinch who stole sum-
mer vacation."
Indeed, summer is a traditional month for Florida
families to head to the Island, but two years ago, the
Florida Legislature mandated that school start in early
August instead of the traditional day after Labor Day
"We've lost a lot'of family business from that,"
Brockman said.

Island gas

nearly runs dry

:Panic buying caused by rumors of a gasoline short-
age due to Hurricane Katrina sent Island motorists scur-
rying to the pumps over the Labor Day weekend, but
at least one of the.Island's four gas stations had:fuel the
entire weekend.
While pumps ran dry at three stations, the Pure Oil
station in Holmes Beach was able to offer at least pre-
mium-grade gasoline the entire weekend, but that sup-
ply was running low on Tuesday.
But tanker trucks were coming to the Island, refut-
ing fears that gas would not be available.
The Ready Citgo at 3015 Gulf Drive in Holmes .
Beach got a delivery Monday and its pumps were open for
business. The Circle K-76 in Bradenton Beach ran out
Friday evening, but it also got a delivery during the week-
end and was back selling gas by late Monday evening.
Jesse's Island Store in Holmes Beach had only
premium-grade gas for much of the weekend, but had
run out by Monday afternoon. A fuel tanker was sched-
uled to make a delivery Tuesday afternoon.

Viens helps feds
Accused drug dealer David Viens of Holmes
Beach turned the tables on his alleged supplier last
week as he aided federal authorities in arresting Adrian
Duarte of Kansas on felony charges of trafficking in
Viens, the former owner of the Beach City Market
on Gulf Drive in Bradenton Beach, was arrested in
January 2005 on federal drug charges, including pos-
session of marijuana within 1,000 feet of Anna Maria
Elementary. At that time, Viens lived at 129 49th St.
in Holmes Beach.
While Viens was formally arraigned in March, fed-
eral authorities never set a court date, and Viens appar-
ently has cooperated with officials in an effort to get a
reduced sentence.
According to federal officials, Viens agreed to
contact Duarte in early August to make a marijuana
delivery of 300 pounds to Viens in Bradenton, When
Duarte tried to deliver the marijuana to Viens Aug. 30
at the Shorewalk rental condominiums on 46th Avenue
West in Bradenton, law enforcement officers swooped
in and arrested Duarte.
Manatee County Sheriff's Office deputies say the
case is ongoing.
While no court date for Viens has been set, he has
been allowed to move his principal address from
Holmes Beach to Lake Okeechobee City. Viens used
his Holmes Beach house as collateral for bail when
arrested in January.

But having a-good summer tourist season could
also depend upon location.
Accommodations along the beachfront in Holmes
Beach appear to have taken the brunt of any tourism
decline due to red tide and beach renourishment.
"August was the worst I've ever seen and we've
been here 30 years," said Jeff Gerry of the White Sands.
Resort in Holmes Beach.
The beach renourishment project with its accom--
panying pipes and equipment ran right in front of the
White Sands during late July and August, he noted. In
addition, the red tide problem didn't help. "And school
started early, so we lost a lot of families," he added.
Gerry did note that June and July were better than
normal months for visitor arrivals.
While he expected Labor Day to be a sellout at the
White Sands, his advance reservations were slow for
that weekend: After that, "the next three weeks look
very slow," he said.
Up in Anna Maria, where beach renrourishment
hasn't even started, Nigel Brown of Anna Maria Beach
Cottages, said his August arrivals have been "very
good. Better than last year."
He acknowledged, however, that last August the
Island was threatened by two hurricanes, which didn't
Help tourism. And with the devastation wrought by
Hurricane Katrina, advance reservations for September
are a bit slow, he observed. "Whenever there's a hur-

ricane around, people don't think about a vacation and,
this September doesn't look as good as last year."
At the same time, reservations from European and
United Kingdom visitors for late October and early
November are steady.
"When they ask me the best time to come, I always
tell them late October. The weather turns nice and
prices are down. Hopefully, they've been listening," he
At Surfside Econolodge and Club Bamboo in
Bradenton Beach, manager Marge Moran said red.tide
has really hurt business during July and August, while
June was a fairly good month for occupancy.
"This is'the longest period for red tide I've ever
seen," she said. "It's really affected us, and you have
to tell people before they come, otherwise they get very
irate. We have to be honest."
She also noted that advance reservations for Labor
Day weekend were slow.
On Friday, she said the resort is normally sold out
for the holiday weekend, but a number.of units were
still available.
S"Hopefully, we'll have a lot of walk-in traffic," she
said. Red tide combined with rising gas prices and the
effects of Hurricane Katrina could all-be contributing
to the apparent slowdown.


lb losmemsgMS4

,An .... ------
Work crews from Goodloe Marine have been leveling the recently pumped sand on the beach near 35th Street
in Holmes Beach and getting ready to install more pipe south to Bradentori Beach, while waiting for the
company dredge to resume renourishment operations. In the background is the pier at the Manatee County
Public Beach. Islander photo: Rick Catlin

Katrina stalls beach renourishment

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Emergency beach renourishment efforts have been
halted by the effects of Hurricane Katrina as the
Goodloe Marine dredge was forced to retreat to safer
waters near Anna Maria's Bayfront Park about 10 days
'As of Friday, Sept. 2, the dredge had not yet re-
turned to its station off the northwest coast of the Island
to. resume pumping sand to the beach.
Goodloe Marine crews had worked feverishly to
renourish the beach before the hurricane was predicted
to pass near Anna Maria, and had reached near the 35th
Street beach access in Holmes Beach south of the
Manatee County Beach before the project was tem-
porarily halted.
Manatee County Ecosystems Manager Charlie
Hunsicker praised Goodloe for rearranging its sched-
ule so that renourishment would be past the Manatee
Public Beach by the Labor Day weekend.
"They've worked very hard with us and the Corps
to have that beach done by Labor Day," Hunsicker

said. "It was a great effort."
He said he expected the dredge to be back in posi-
tion this.past weekend and dredging operations should
resume some time this week, but he did not have a spe-
cific date.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers gave Goodloe
Marine 120 days to complete renourishment after the
contract was.awarded in early June, but added contin-
gencies for weather and other delays.
Goodloe was scheduled to start dredging and
pumping operations in late June, but the company
waited until July 5 to begin after a number of Holmes
Beach accommodation owners asked Goodloe to hold
off until after the busy July 4 weekend.
Ben Goodloe of Goodloe Marine has said previ-
ously the job would be completed on time depending
upon the weather.
Efforts to reach Goodloe Marine for comment on
when the dredge might resume pumping sand from the
borrow area to the beach were unsuccessful.
Efforts to reach- the Corps for comment on the
dredging were also unsuccessful.
S t tt t. -


Red tide remains; 'dead zone' may have dissipated

The red tide bloom that has plagued the waters off
Southwest Florida apparently was not dissipated by
Hurricane Katrina's passage in the Gulf of Mexico,
although the infamous "dead zone" may have been
somewhat dispersed.
Scientists at Mote Marine Laboratory last week
reported, "The red tide affecting the Florida Gulf Coast
appears not to have been dissipated by Hurricane
Katrina. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Insti-
tute reports variable concentrations from Lee County
north to Pinellas County. Sarasota Bay samples varied
from low to medium to high throughout last week.
Offshore conditions reflect a very complicated distri-
bution of red tide ranging from low to medium to high,
depending on the depth and distance from shore."
FWRI scientists concurred., stating that "Hurricane
Katrina appears to have produced enough turbulence to
mix the water column and alleviate low-oxygen-condi-
tions offshore but not enough to disrupt the bloom ei-
ther inshore or offshore. Distribution of Karenia brevis,
the Florida red tide organism, remains patchy, with
high concentrations found at selected inshore locations
in Pinellas, Sarasota and Lee counties.
"Several fish kills consisting mainly of large red
drum were reported this week along Pinellas County

beaches, and large numbers (more than 1,000 since
Aug. 27) of dead red drum were reported from the
lower Tampa Bay area; mild respiratory irritation was
reported at Anna Maria Island."
Beachgoers and bay watchers along Anna Maria
Island reported large numbers of dead fish throughout
the weekend anda lingering smell of dead fish.
Red tide is a naturally occurring marine organism
that inexplicably "blooms" periodically. The blooms
can cause fish kills and respiratory irritation in humans.
The current red tide outbreak has been found sporadi-
cally off Southwest Florida since December 2004.
Perhaps the lone good note on red tide and Hurri-
cane Katrina comes from the apparent diffusion of the
"dead zone," a suspected 2,000-square-mile swath of
sea bottom from Sarasota to Hernando counties in the
Gulf that has exhibited a tremendous loss of life due to
a red tide outbreak that was pushed to the bottom and
suffocated marine life there.
With the high surf associated with the then-Cat-
egory 5 hurricane's passage far to the west, the waters
were stirred enough to dilute the red tide lurking near
the bottom, scientists believe.
"The effect from Hurricane Katrina on the bottom
mortality zone is being monitored by FWRI this week

Five-star smile
Principal Kathy Hayes accepted the "Five Star School Award," ea ,in td fr dic second year by Anna Maria
Elementary School, at a recent Manatee County School District board nicftinii AME is among nine elemen-
tary schools in the county to re. ( i-e tIl a'ardfirom the Florida Dcparnieni of Education based on its volun-
teers, business partnerships, family involvement, active Sc hool Adi Lisory Council and student community
service. "Its wonderful to be recognized for something AME has been doing for 20 years," Hayes said.
"We've just formalized it by providing documentation." Documentation gathered to gain the school recogni-
tion can be viewed in a binder kept in the school administration office. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan

Tourism slows on Island

Susan Estler of the Bradenton Area Convention
and Visitors Bureau, however, was upbeat about tour-
ism this summer.
Her feedback from members indicated that June
and July were good months for tourism, but "as soon
as the. kids went back to school in August, it got a little
CVB figures for July show occupancy for all
Manatee County accommodations dropped slightly
compared with July 2004, declining from 70.5 percent
to 68.9 percent, but revenues from the bed tax in-
But there's good news for Island accommodation
owners and those who depend upon tourism for eco-
nomic survival.
The CVB has an active marketing and advertising
campaign under way with AirTran as the airline is now
offering direct flights from Boston and Chicago to Sa-
rasota-Bradenton International Airport. Estler antici-
pates that the direct service and accompanying adver-

tising about the area will lure visitors from those mar-
kets to the Island's shores.
Estler said it's too soon to say if rising gas prices
will affect area tourism and she's confident visitors will
continue to drive to Anna Maria Island. "At this point,
who is to say what will happen?"
On the restaurant side of the ledger, beachfront
eateries have had to face the red tide problem.
"We have struggled with red tide," said Ed Chiles,
owner of the Sandbar restaurant in Anna Maria along
with the BeachHouse in Bradenton Beach and the Mar
Vista on Longboat Key, all waterfront locations.
"Our numbers are up from last year, but last Au-
gust; we were closed three days because of the hurri-
canes. This year, there's no question that red tide has
affected us."
There could well be another problem looming for
Island accommodation and restaurant owners, observed
"We're very concerned right now about the effect
rising gas prices may have on discretionary income,"
he said. People may decide that can't afford to eat out
because their extra money has been burned up by high
prices at the gas pump.

and Mote scientists will undertake a three-day sam-
pling trip this week to-assess conditions in the Gulf
from Tampa Bay to Naples," according to Mote re-
searchers. "It is anticipated that the high waves and
turbulence could mix the water column, ending the
anoxic conditions along the bottom."

Bayfest getting ready

for '05 blast
The big Bayfest celebration is gearing up for its
fifth edition Oct. 15, and it is already ahead of earlier
fests in terms of already-signed-up participation.
It will run full blast from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. in Anna
Maria, taking up almost all of Pine Avenue, said Cindy
Thompson, who is again chairing the event.
Sponsorships are available at all levels, she said,
from classic car sponsor at $1.,000, music stage and
beer and margarita booths sponsors for $500 each, to
dining tent and children's play area at $100 each.
The sponsors enjoy various advantages and divi-
dends during the entire Bayfest period, she noted.
There will be music all day on two stages, i6 res-
taurants that have already signed up to serve at food
booths, a busy and carefully supervised children's play
area, arts and crafts booths, retail and nonprofit orga-
nizations' booths, and 100 classic cars on display with
a DJ spinning classic records from the bygone era.
Proceeds will go to the nonprofit groups that are
sponsoring booths, and to,the scholarship fund of the
Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce.
To sign up for a sponsorship or receive additional
information, call Thompson at 761-4766, or.chamber
Director Mary Ann Brockman a 779-9412.


Anna Maria City
Qualifying continues for city commission elections
through noon Sept. 20.
Sept. 7, 6:30 p.m., city commission meeting and first
public hearing on tentative 2005-06 budget and mill-,
age rate.
Sept. 8, 6 p.m., city commission special meeting.
Agenda: Pending final site plan at 303 Pine Ave., and
amended final site plan at Waterfront Restaurant, 111
S. Bay Blvd.
Sept. 8, 7 p.m., city commission meeting.
Sept. 12, city hall closed for Patriot Day.
Sept. 14, 6:45 p.m., Environmental Education and En-
hancement Committee meeting.
Anna Maria City Ha/ll.
10005 GulfDrive, 708-6130.

Bradenton Beach
Sept. 8,4:30 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting.
Sept. 8,7 p.m., city commission meeting and first pub-
lic hearing on tentative 2005-06 budget and millage
Sept. 13,6 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting on
comprehensive plan.
Sept. 15, 1 p.m., city commission meeting.
Sept. 15,4:30 p.m., board of adjustment meeting.

Sept. 15, 6 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting.
Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N.,

Holmes Beach
Qualifying continues for city commission elections
through noon Sept. 20.
Sept. 7, 5 p.m., parks and beautification committee
Sept. 7, 6:30 p.m., city commission meeting and first
public hearing on tentative 2005-06 budget and mill-
age rate.
Sept. 8, 7 p.m., planning committee meeting.
Sept. 12, 2 p.m., police retirement board meeting.
Sept. 15, 10 a.m., code enforcement board meeting.
Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive,

Of Interest
Sept. 14, 11 a.m., Island Emergency Operations Cen-
ter meeting, Fire Station No. 1, 6001 Marina Drive,
Holmes Beach.


Charter amendments appear destined for ballot

By Paul Roat
The "lucky 13" charter amendments have been ten-
tatively approved for Bradenton Beach electors' con-
sideration on the Nov. 8 general election.
City commissioners unanimously approved the
proposed changes to the city's guiding document last
week. A second public hearing and final determination
on the matter is scheduled for 1 p.m. Sept. 15.
Still being worked on is an amendment that would
clarify an existing provision in the charter that limits
height of buildings in the city to no more than 29 feet
above a federal or state guidelines for minimum eleva-
tion. City commissioners directed staff to clarify lan-
guage to make sure that commercial, as well as residen-
tial, buildings are included in the height ban.
The 13 charter amendments are somewhat brief in
their title and description. City Attorney Ricinda Perry
advised, and commissioners agreed, that a more com-
prehensive description of the ballot questions would be
mailed to all electors in the city in advance of election
The questions before voters are:
BALLOT 1: Clarifies when charter review com-

mittee formation would occur every five years.
BALLOT 2: Requires residency within each of the
city's four wards for city commissioners, and clarifies
language to ensure that the mayor remains a city resi-.
dent while serving in office.
BALLOT 3: Clarifies language establishing com-
pensation for elected officials in the city.
BALLOT 4: Requires elected officials to maintain
minimal continuing education standards.
BALLOT 5: Clarifies language that calls for
elected officials to forfeit their office if they move from
their elected ward or from the city.
BALLOT 6: Increases term limits for elected offi-
cials from three two-year terms to four.
BALLOT 7: Provides for 10 working days, rather'
than 10 calendar days, for verification of signatures on
.any citizen-initiated petition regarding ordinances, and
calls for the supervisor of elections office, rather than
the city clerk's office, to verify the signatures as being
valid electors.
BALLOT 8: Provides for 10 working days, rather
than 10 calendar days, for verification of signatures on
any citizen-initiated charter amendments, and calls for

Anna Maria considers business license tax

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Aside from the consolidation referendum, the
Anna Maria City Commission did consider other busi-
ness at its Aug. 25 meeting, including the first reading
of an occupational license tax ordinance.
The city had an OLT up until September 2003, but
that measure was disallowed by the Florida Legislature
because the commission that adopted the measure
many years ago had done so after the required deadline.
The ordinance would require anyone operating a busi-
ness or profession, including a home occupation, to obtain
an annual license from the city. The fees are nominal and
in line with that charged by the prior ordinance.
City Attorney Jim Dye noted the tax will only give
the city information and revenue, it won't regulate

what's taking place or enforce any.city code.
The commission passed on purchasing a used gen-
erator with a one-year guarantee for $13,000 to run city.
hall in the event of an emergency, but will consider
leasing the machine for September and October. The
lease would cost about $1,850 per month, in addition
to an up-front charge, Public Works Director George
McKay said.
The generator is currently on loan to the city on a
trial basis at no charge.
Commissioners also passed the second reading of
an ordinance to'increase the local communications tax
from- 1.5 percent to 5.2 percent as allowed by state law.
Other Manatee County municipalities and the county
are at a 5.2 percent rate. Commissioner Carol Ann
Magill voted against the measure.

the supervisor of elections office, rather than the city
clerk's office, to verify the signatures as being valid
electors. .
BALLOT 9: Provides-for 10 working days, rather
than 10 calendar days, for notification of sufficiency on
any petitions, and calls for a standardized form for any
such petitions be provided by the city clerk's office.
BALLOT 10: Calls for no building height to be
greater than 29 feet above the Federal Emergency
Management Agency's established base-flood eleva-
tion standard, with some exceptions.
BALLOT 11: Establishes that a conforming lot is
any existing platted lot of record of a size of 50 feet by
100 feet or 5,000 square feet.
BALLOT 12: Clarifies removal of appointed offi-
cial thrii:;Uil forfeiture, vacation or.expiration of term
of ottice.
BALLOT 13: Establishes a number of technical
changes to the city charter.
In a related matter, the city commission authorized
City Attorney Ralf Brookes to draft language in con-
cert with members, of the local delegation to the Floiida
Legislature to extend the city boundaries 500 feet into
the Gulf of Mexico and to the Intracoastal Waterway
in Anna Maria Sound. The matter will come back to the
city commission at a later'date.
The boundary expansion would likely require a
charter change at some point, since the city limits of
-Bradenton Beach are established N% ihin [he charter.
The extension requires approval of the'Florida
House of Representatives and the Florida Senate as
wellas gubernatorial approval. City limits currently are
at the mean high-tide line. The request has been
prompted by the city's stated desire to better manage
nearshore waters.
And in another related matter, Brookes said that
law students with the University of Flbrida would be
surveying the city's fledgling but as-yet unapproved
boat mooring field as well as researching other moor-
ing fields in the state and would report back to the city
at a special meeting Sept. 29. The student effoirtwould
be done at virtually no cost to the city.


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It could happen to you
Wanna know the deep, dark secret that Anna Maria
Island officials have kept from you for years and years?
The secret that makes the "consolidation" issue a moot
If a storm like Hurricane Katrina burst upon our
coast, there likely wouldn't be an Island.
Our homes would be gone. Retail shops, too. And
businesses that service all the above. No restaurants, no
gas stations, no place to grab a grouper sandwich or a
cold drink..
And based on what Hurricane Katrina is.ramming
home to our neighbors on the northern Gulf Coast, that
hard, cold fact of economic life would likely continue
for weeks, and months perhaps years to come.
It could be us rather than them. Let's.think if it
were indeed us.
Island cities have each set aside a reserve from its
annual revenues that range from 49 percent in Anna Maria
to 71 percent in Bradenton Beach to 91 percent in Holmes
Beach. The numbers pale when you start to realize that the
post-storm income for any city would be zilch.
Cities would have to continue to operate and
rebuild? on reserves for a very, very long time.
If the devastation the Mississippi Gulf Coast has
undergone is any indication, there would not be a sig-
nificant number of habitable structures, operational
businesses, or tourist destinations for months.-Maybe
years. That would mean that revenue from taxes and
fees would be nil.
Just getting bulldozers here to clear the debris
would be a formidable task. The bridges would be gone
for at least a year, seawalls, docks and piers would be
nonexistent, and all needed items would have to be
barged somehow to the Island.
So we've got an Island filled with rubble. For a
year or so. Maybe longer. Without residents. Without
businesses. Without much in the way of life.
.Could we rebound? Would we want to?
We'll have to watch and see what our Gulf Coast
neighbors do, and learn from the lessons rammed down
their throats. Literally.
Do we have an emergency plan to deal with a cata-
strophic loss the likes of the Louisiana, Missippippi,
Alabama Gulf Coast?
Do our local governments, unlike New Orleans,
have a plan for the worst-case Category 4 or 5 hur-
ricane scenario?
Do you have an evacuation plan that takes you far,
far inland to safety?

The Islander
SEPT. 7, 2005 Vol. 13, No. 44
V Publisher and Editor
Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org.
V Editorial
Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org
Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org
Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org
Jack Egan
Jack Elka
Jim Hanson
V Contributors
Gib Bergquist
Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org
Jesse Brisson
David Futch
Robert Noble
Carrie Price
J.L. Robertson
V Advertising Sales
Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander:org
Rebecca Barnett, rebecca@islander.org
V Office Manager
Julia Robertson, julia@islander.org
V Production Graphics
Kelly McCormick, ads@islander.org
Kelley Ragan, kelley@islander.org
Urbane Bouchet
Ross Roberts
Lisa Williams
(All others: news@islander.org)
1iO-R '? 1993-04
S Sd liingi

Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each.
1992-2005 Editorial, sales and production offices:
Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive
Holmes Beach FL 34217
WEB SITE: islander.org
FAX 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978


By Egoan



Let them speak
I don't know if consolidation of the Island cities
would be good for the citizens or not; I don'tknow
enough to make an informed decision yet. But regard-
less of whether mayors, commissioners or other indi-
viduals are for or against the idea atthis point, it seems
wrong to deny the-citizenry a chance to weigh in on the
As I understand it, the non-binding referendum
question is to find out if residents would like to ex-
plore the matter; nothing more, but nothing less ei-
ther. By denying a vote, a couple of people have
spoken for all.
What if a handful of people had the power to force
consolidation on them? How would they feel about not
having a vote'in the matter then?
I hope Island elected officials will reconsider and
encourage their citizens to cast a vote on whether to-
thoughtfully and carefully explore the pros and cons
involved in such an important matter.
Have enough respect for the people who elected
you to let them speak for themselves, on the issue.
Anna O'Brien,former city coninissioner, Braden-
ton Beach

Behavior contemptible
I have attended many commission meetings where
there have been significant differences of opinion re-
garding the topic under discussion, but never in my life
have I witnessed sucl an excoriating, unwarranted per-
sonal attack on an elected, official as that which oc-
curred at the Aug. 25 meeting.
This city and its residents have many important
decisions to be made in the coming months and inci-
vility and negativity do not serve us well.
The topic that generated this unwarranted and un-
founded attack was a proposed referendum to be placed
on the November ballot that would permit all of the
registered voters in the City of Anna Maria to voice
their opinion regarding whether or not we should fur-

their investigate the pros and cons of consolidation of
the three Island cities.
I believe every citizen's opinion has value, how-
ever, how can anyone make an informed,.objective
decision without having facts upon which to base that
decision? All to often, those who are against something
have undue influence on the decision-making process
in our city because the rest of us fail to participate. Are
we going to let the future of our city be determined by
a handful of people?
Think about it.
Many important decisions face us in the coming
months when we are revising our comprehensive plan
and land development regulations. I urge you to be-
come informed and attend the upcoming planning and
zoning board meetings, as well as future commission
meetings, where your input is invaluable in making
choices that will affect our lives for many years to
Don't let the minority determine what the future
holds for the majority.
Jo Ann Mattick, Anna Maria

Appalling situation
Two people in Anna Maria have essentially de-
cided for all of us against Island consolidation.
I hear repeatedly how diverse the three cities are.
We all have flooding streets, parks to maintain, zoning
and growth issues. We all have garbage to pick up and
police patrolling our city. We all have tourists and resi-
This is not a slippery slope to the abyss Of "Big
Brother Government," this' is simply a chance for all of
the people to be heard instead of the handful that rou-
tinely rattle the cages in Anna Maria.
What's unique in the City of Anna Maria? You
drive slower and you let two people decide this impor-
tant issue.
Jo Ann Meilner, Bradenton Beach


opinion 17

Help in tragedy
To the Anna Maria community: How do I begin to
express the many heartfelt "thank you's" to everyone
from myself, my husband Dennis and our children
Dennis III, Brendan, Karissa and Max?
Recently we experienced an unimaginable tragedy,
our daughter Bridget Laurie Miller was killed in a car
accident. In the midst of all that is terrible came the most
amazing response of love, support, kindness and prayers.
We need to let you all know you have meant so
much for us in this time of need. Loving friends re-
sponded in the most astonishing ways with incredible
acts of kindness ....
Damon Presswood of Ooh La La! Bistro took over
my home and created the most wonderful feast for all
of the people who came home following Bridget's
memorial service and removed any thinking, planning
or doing on my part.
Rob Hicks and his family of Moore's Stone Crab
sent over food and my children were still eating for
days and were so very happy.
My best friend Laura Gianpietro from New Jersey,
upon hearing of this tragedy, tried to contact multiple
stores on the Island and no one would deliver food to
my home, until she finally came upon the Pine Avenue
General Store and Sandy and her young daughter
showed up at my home with sandwiches, homemade
chili and so much more. I was able to feed all our guests
for days. And to others:
The Holmes Beach Police Department's love and
support for my family is so incredibly touching.
Bonner Joy ofThe Islander for quickly setting into
action an amazing AMI Privateers scholarship fund
that will continue to bring Bridget life through helping
other children each year. .
My husband Dennis's hockey team, I mean the
whole team, showed up at my door and came-here and
hugged my family and gave, us a beautiful marble
bench in memory of Bridget.
Andy and April and the AMI Community Center

for everything, especially chairs I had plenty of
places for everyone to rest and eat.
The best mother-in-law in the world, Mary Ann
Miller, for just being here with so much love and sup-
port. Doug and Hope Miller for running my home like
it was their own and keeping everyone comfortable.
Our family from New Jerseywho were all here in the
blink of an eye, keeping us all together during this time.
SThank you to Miss Hasely, the most wonderful
school bus driver; the Buky family for love; great la-
sagna and cookies; my working family at Goodwill
Industries; the Marnie family; and all of Bridget's
friends, all our friends and our Willow Avenue neigh-
bors for flowers, poems, happy and sad stories, prayers
and mass cards, songs written by the kids, beautiful
books and touching handwritten cards.
I do not know what we would have done without
all of you, you are a huge part of our lives and you
helped hold and keep us together during this time.
When the phones stopped ringing and everyone
went home, I know that you are here with us now and
always will be.
I realized how lucky we are that when we come
over that bridge we are home and my children feel sur-
rounded by love and community and I thank you for
everything. .
Thank you, Anna Maria Islanders, from me, from
Dennis and from all the Miller children.
Diana L. Miller, Anna Mlai-ia

Have your say
The Islander welcomes and encourages your opin-
ion letters.
.The Islander accepts original letters of up to 250
words and reserves the right to edit for length and
,grammar. Letters must include the city you reside in for
publication and a phone number (for verification only).
Address letters to. Editor, The Islander, 5404 Ma-
rina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217, fax to 941-778-
7978, or e-mail to news@islander.org.

In J A Marin




Ten years ago in the Sept. 7, 1995,
issue of The Islander, headlines
announced that:
Claiming the city owns the street and rights of
way, Anna Maria city officials erected no parking signs
on Gulf Boulevard as the city commission agreed to
discuss a permanent solution for parking in the city at
its next meeting.
The Holmes. Beach City Commission said it
would consider an ordinance allowing residents to park
pop-up campers and travel trailers in their yards, a prac-
tice previously prohibited by the city.
Some 75 Anna Maria Gulffront property owners
are expected to attend a coastal management seminar
as a prelude to asking that the city join the 2001-02
beach.renourishment project. Many of the property
owners were opposed to the 1992-93 beach
renourishment project on the Island.


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Anna Maria Island offers relief to Katrina victims

Efforts bN Island residents, and businesses and
accommodation owners to aid the \ ictims of Hurricane
Katrina are under -
A number of youngsters on the Island have been
selling cookies and lemonade and donating the pro-
ceeds to the`Red Cross. The Subway in the Anna Maria
Island Shopping Centre shops on East Ba\ Dri\e in
Holmes Beach will donate all of its sales on Sunday,
Sept. 25, to Katrina relief efforts.
Island resident Rick Almarode owns the Ben &
Jerry's Ice Cream Parlor on St. Armands Circle and
from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.. today, Sept. 7, he's offering
"free" ice creams cones in return for a donation to the
Red Cross for Katrina victims.
The Islander newspaper will sponsor an
Islandwide blood drive Oct. 7 that will in lude a dJ.ona-
tion of $100 per unit of blood from n .iaon\ mnoii do-
nor to be paid directly to the Salvation Army,
All donors to the June Islandwide blood drive thal
benefits the A.nnia N I ta ilanid Privateers, Anna Maria

Island firefighters

seek aid for

Hurricane Katrina

West Manatee Fire & Rescue firefighters are col-
lecting supplies through Friday for victimss of Hurri-
cane Katrinai. The supplies are targeted to go to resi-
dents in Hancock County. Mississippi.
Needed are bottled water, baby items, non-perish-
able food and personal hygiene products.
Local firefighters will personally deliver the sup-
plies to the needy in the hard-hit coastal county.
Supplies may be dropped off at Fire Station No. 1,
6001 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or Fire Station No.
4, 407 67th St. W., Bradenton.
Further information is available at 741-3900.

Island deputy

fire chief helping

Katrina victims
West Manatee Fife and Rescue Deputy Chief Brett
Pollock is assisting a Florida Disaster Response Team
with providing relief for the victims of Hurricane
WMFR Chief Andy Price said Pollock will be
gone for up to two weeks as a member of the team.
He was assigned to a National Guard unit in Mis-
sissippi as. a supply coordinator, said Price.
In addition to Pollock. Wl IFR has one engine and
four firefighters on alert to be sent to the stricken area,
Price added.
SHe expected the call to come any day to send the
crew, which would be part of the relief effort organized
by the Florida Fire Chief's Association.

Publix donations for

Katrina victims
Publix is donating 10 truckloads of bottled water
to relief efforts for victims of Hurricane Katrina in the
devastated Gulf States.
"We are deeply saddened by the .destruction
Katrina has left in her wake, and our hearts go out to
our neighbors in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi,"
said Clayton Hollis, Publix vice president of public
affairs. "And while the damage is outside of our mar-
ket area, we feel compelled to help our neighbors."
Currently, Publix is working with emergency man-
agement officials to coordinate the delivery of donated
water to affected areas.
Publix Super Markets Charities has pledged
$250,000 to help disaster relief efforts through the Sal-
vation Army and in just the first three days since cre-
ating the fund, associates and customers have donated
in excess of $500,000 to the Hurricane Katrina Relief
Fund, which will go directly to the American Red

Island Community Center.-West Manatee Fire District
Volunteers and Wildlife Rehabilitation Inc. are urged
to participate.
Florida Blood Services mobile units \\ ill be at the
BeachHouse Restaurant in Bradenton Beach and the
Island Shopping Center and Publix Super Market,
both in Holmes Beach.
An FBS spokespersonn said the i mediate response
to Hurricane Katrina produced 800 units of blood lo-
cally with a shelf life of 42 days and the need will be
great as the relief effort pro re-,se' in the weeks to
Meanwhile, some refugees" from Hurricane
Katrina are arriving on the Island. Holmes Beach
Mayor Carol Wi-it-ir-oire and husband Dr. Andre Ren.rd
.elco-mied the arrival this v eel, on A-na, Marlia Island
of his dauIChter. Alexandra Ko', alski, and her huI.h.ind
Both are safely established on Anna laria Island af-
ter fleeing from their Bil\ .i. Miss., home in the wake
of Hurricane Katrina.

The Ko\\ alskis had just moved to Biloi ,i\ weeks
ago after Ale\andra's husband. a neuroqurgeon in the
U.S. Air Force, was stationed at nearbN Keesler Air
Force Base. Alexandra is a securities atlonmeN.
Whitmore said the couple is living temporarily on
30th Street in a rental unit. She said they've learnedthat
their brand ne%% house in Bilox\ sur\i\ed the storm
fairly intact, but the\ ha'e heard reports of looting in
the area.
Island Rentals in Holmes Beach supplied the
couple with kitchen uten,.il' and other lih ing essentials.
Mike Norman of Mike Norman Real Estate had offered
the Kowalskis a house in Cortez.
Another Island accommodation owner said she had
an apartment where Katrina victims could.stay free of
charge for several months..
Anyone needing a place to stay because of Katrina,
or who is sponsoring a fundraising effort for hurricane
\ iciini", can call The Islander at 778-7978 for further

Kids for Katrina relief
Island kids (and their folks) banded ;ogethil- to bake and sell cookies to raise funds for Hurricane Katrina victims.
From left, Julian and Ai. iV'c Botero and Mallory and MacKenzie KAi;.isid hawk cookies to pat ii b in front of
Gi, li's Antiques in Holmes Beach, while Daniel Janisch and mom Suki, and Erin and Scott Kosfeld handle sales
under the tent. Suki Janisch said Islanders were "very generous," most often contributing $5 to $10 for-a bag of
thic oI-;kic The "sale" sent $398.71 to the Red Cross Katrina ,i lifffhid. slanidcr Photo: Bonner Joy


symposium due
A symposium looking into how technology can
impro\ e environmental protection and management
will be Sept. 14-16 at Mote Marine Laboratory.
NASA, Smithsonian, universities and Mote will
show how satellites and other teclhnoli \ can detect
changes in tree coverage, the mix of plants, water and
air quality, and characteristics of wildlife habitats.
Co-hosts of the symposium along with Mote are
the Economic Development Corp. of Sarasota County,
Earth Balance, Kimberley-Horn & Associates Inc., and
Biological Research Associates.
Reservations for the symposium close on Sept. 5
and may be made by calling 309-1200, ext. 201. Cost
is $95. All sessions will be at Mote, 1600 Ken Thomp-
son Pkwy., Sarasota, on City Island off the south ramp
of the New Pass.Bridge to Longboat. Key.

Cortez Watch meeting

off until Sept. 9
The Manatee County Sheriff's Office spokesper-
son who was to lead Cortez to a Neighborhood Watch
was busy with hurricane-associated special duties, so
last week's organizational meeting had to be post-
Deputy Dawn Stroup will be there, though, on
Sept. 9 when Cortezians gather for their initial Watch
meeting at 7 p.m. at the Community Center, 4523
123rd S. Ct.
Additional details may be obtained at 795-7121.



.1 -

-I I


Young hands helping Katrina victims
Anna Maria Elementary student Chasten Whitfield, 5,
wanted to do something for the young kids who are
victims of Hurricane Katrina, so she took her piggy
bank to the Red Cross as a donation. She had opened a
lemonade stand and was going to buy herself some toys
until she heard alout kids her own age who didn't even
have any water, said her mom Kapi. Dad Billy is a
paramedic with Cedar Hammock Fire and Rescue.
Islander Photo: Courtesy K. Whitfield


Wednesday, Sept. 7
7 to 8 a.m. Pier Regulars meeting at the Anna Maria City
Pier, 100 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria. Information: 778-7062.
9 to 10 a.m. Jazzercise with Barbara Manson at the
Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna
Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies.
9:30 a.m. to noon--Sewing group at the Anna Maria Is-
land Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Infor-
mation: 778-1908. Fee applies.
5:30 p.m. Teen program with skateboarder Art Harris at
the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.
Information: 778-6341.
Thursday, Sept. 8
7 p.m. -.Sarasota Shell Club "Show and Tell" at Mote
Marine Aquarium, 1700 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota. Infor-
mation: 739-0908. Bring your best find.
7p.m. Manatee Sierra Club presents a discussion on
aquaculture and sustainable life with Mote Marine Scientist
Kevan Main at Phillippi Estate Park, 5500 Tamiami Trail, Sara.
sota. Information: 925-9000.
Saturday, Sept. 10
8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Safe boating "The ABC Course"
at the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 81, 5807 33rd Ave. W.,
Bradenton. Information: 795-6189. Fee applies.
10:30 a.m. Family origami class at the Island Branch Li-
brary, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341.
7 p.m. Bradenton Christian surfers chapter presents
"Noah's Ark" at Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive,
Holmes Beach. Information: 708-4038.
Monday, Sept. 12
9a.m. Yoga al the Anna Marna Island Community Cen-
ter, 407 Magnolia Ave.. Anna Maria. Inlormallon: 778-1908. Fee
S 10:15 a.m. Gulf Coast Writers meeting at the Island
Branch Library 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information:
Tuesday, Sept. 13
Noon Anna Maria island Rotary Club meetingdat the
BeachHouse Restaurant. 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach.
6 p.m. The "9-to:5 Networking Group" meeting at
Denise's Beachway Cale, 7224 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton.
Information: 778-3444., Fee applies.
7p.m. Rick's Tricky Dogs family program at Anna Maria
Elementary School, 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Informa-
tion: 709-5525.
Wednesday, Sept. 14
10:30 a.m. Friends of the Island Branch Library book
club meeting at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive,
Holmes Beach. Information-778-6341.
5 to 9 p.m. "Generations in Your Workplace" seminar at
the Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce, 6960 Gulf of Mexico
Drive, Longboat Key: Information: 383-2466. Fee applies.
"Pippin" at the Manatee Players Riverfront Theatre, 102
Old Main St., Bradenton, through Sept. 18. Information: 748-
5875. Fee applies.


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Babies go home
Newly hatched loggerhead turtles scamper down Coquina Beach to their home in the Gulf, to the applause of
Many -spectators. There were about 200 of the hatchlings., saved by Turtle Watch volunteers from flooded nests
and, in one case, an ant-infested nest. All but 25 of the Island's nests have hatched, said Turtle Watch director
Suji Fox. She said that Tuesday morning volunteers excavated nests on the north end that were "vrjay over-
due, and their turtle-packing bucket overflowe~d with young-'uns. Islander Photo: Paul Roat


Island police. sports
Anna Maria City
No reports.,

Bradenlton Beach.,,
Aug. 1 8, 25-13 Gulf Drive N., Circle K parking lot,
theft.- A man reported that three rental, videos were
taken fromn the front seat of his car.
Aug. 20d, 1600 Gulf Drive S., Cooluina. Park; theft.
Two beach bags left on top of a picnic table wert re-
ported stolen.
Aug .,22, 900 block of Gulf Drive' North, criminal''
mischief. Acciordinig to the report, a forklift left at. a
construction site was v rayed with a fire ext~inguisher~
ahd the. engine oil cap wag removed.
Aug. 2 21, 2600, block of Gulf Drive north, driver's
license. A man was arrested for driving With a sus-
pended license.

Holmes Beach
Aug. 26, 2700 block of Gulf Drive, trespass. Three
people were issued trespass warnings after taking up
residence in an empty rental unit.
Aug. 29, 7 100 block of Palm Drive, information. A


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-woman reported~her boyfriend's vehicle stolen, but offic-'
ers ad-v i s;d he r that fie had already ~ made a report. Accord-
ing to a report, ilievehicle was recovered in Sarasota with
the stereo missing. The boyfriend also reported receiving
threatening phone calls-.
Aug. 30, 5400 Marina Drive, laundromat, Itheft. A
laundry basket left atop a washer was reportedly stolen.
Aug. 30, 4000 Gulf Drive ~Manaitee Public Beach,
larceny. A skimboard Valued at $400 wiai.-reportedly
stolen %% lien the ow-nerll left if: near the~pier to go swim-
Aug. -31, 5424 Marina Drive, Jessie s Islanld Store,
theft. A clerk reported-that a woman placed~a six pack
of N I i e's:Hard Leffionade in her~backpack before ex-
iting the store. When confronted by the- clerk~in the
parking lot, she reportedly returned the merchandise.
She was arrested'for; retail theft and issued a trespass
Sept. 1, 5410 Marina Drive, D.Coy Ducks, battery/
trespass. Accordi 11 to the~ri~port, i 63 ye-ar old woman
became angry and went behind the bar where she
shoved the 21--year-old bartender, attempted to kick
him, and bit him on the left side of his chest. A trespass
warning..was, issued against her.


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Happy 81
Gib Bergquist, known to many on Anna Maria Island as "The Cracker" for his tales of old Florida, and son
Kevin celebrated his 81st birthday with lots offriends and family and food, including Gib's homemade
sangria, garlic olives and plenty of other "Cracker" specialties. Islander Phoro: Dennis Ecklund'

Consolidation talks

scheduled for Sept. 15 City to ponder
Lanu :c.e that could allow voters to decide on con- fate f Pine Avenu
solidating all three cities on Anna Nlarria Island will be fat of Aven
discussed and a decision on whether or not to place the m e*
matter before Bradenton Beach voters this fall should develop
be determined by city commissioners Sept. 15.
Mayor John Chappie said that City Attorney Ricinda aga n-
Perry was working on ballot language in concert with at-
torneys for Anna Maria and Holmes Beach and should By Rick Catlin
have wording prepared by the end of this week. Islander Reporter
Bradenton Beach city commissioners had agreed in Nearly two years after first buying property
-concept to placing the matter on the Nov. 8 ballot.ear- at 303 Pine Ave. in Anna Maria with dreams of
lier this summer, Chappie said, adding that the contro-- turning the vacant lot into their piece of para-
versy that has embroiled in the other two Island cities dise, Robert and Nicky Hunt should be facing
has not been evident in the southernmost municipality, the last obstacle in their odyssey tomorrow
"It's not as controversial here," he said. night at 6 p.m. in-a special city commission
Whether or not the matter will appear on the bal- meeting.
lot in Bradenton Beach may be moot, though. The commission is slated to vote on the final
Anna Maria city commissioners have deadlocked site plan for the retail-office-residential property
on placing the issue before voters there last month and, the Hunts first proposed in April 2004. Approval
with one city vetoing the matter, the consolidation is- for that site plan was denied by the commission in
sue Islandwide is dead, according to the three Island August 2004, a decision overturned by Manatee
mayors at a recent Barrier Island Elected Officials County Circuit Court Judge Marc Gilner just a
meeting. A special Anna Maria City Commission few months ago.
meeting was scheduled at presstime Tuesday night, The Hunts have proposed a three-story ROR
Sept. 6, to reconsider the matter, although the "swing unit, with the ground floor and 50 percent of the
vote", Commissioner Duke Miller, had indicated he second floor occupied by retail space and the re-
'did not favor putting the question to a vote. mainder by their residence.
The ballot language, which would be non-binding, Controversy erupted when a majority of city
asks voters if the matter should be researched further. commissioners decided at the August 2004 site
Many more votes by electors, hearings and related de- plan hearing that the city's comprehensive plan
cisions would be needed before any Islandwide munici- meant only two floors of habitable space could be
pality became a reality. built in an ROR unit.
Proponents of the consolidation drive cite cost savings Experts and legal advisers, however, had ad-
if the three cities were united. Opponents fear the indi- vised the commission that the application met the
vidual character of each of the communities would be lost. city's development requirements because the
Supervisor of Elections Bob Sweat said the 'comprehensive plan did not clearly limit an ROR
deadline for placing referendum issues on the ballot is structure to just two stories. The Hunts took the
the first day of candidate qualifying which, for Braden- commission to court and won.
ton Beach, is Sept. 19. The commission is now faced with the deci-
So h F a M m c g sion of whether or not to approve the site plan, as
South Florida Museum closing ordered by Gilner, or deny the application once
The South Florida Museum, Bishop Planetarium again. Such a move would likely result in further
and Parker Manatee Aquarium will be closed from legal challenges.
Monday, Sept. 5, through Thursday, Sept. 22, for an- At the same special meeting, commissioners
nual maintenance and new exhibet installation. will also reconsider the final site plan for the Wa-
The entire facility will reopen Sept. 23 featuring terfront Restaurant, which was closed by fire in
"The Highwaymen: Florida's African-American Land- March 2004.
scape Painters" in the East Gallery. Owner Jason Suzor has already received one
The Bishop Planetarium will also release two new final site plan approval, but several modifications
shows: "The Search For Life: Are We-Alone?" and to that order require him to resubmit the final plan.
"Rock Hall of Fame." The meeting starts at 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept.
The South Florida Museum is located at 201 10th 8, and will be followed by a commission work-
Street W., Bradenton. For more information, call 746- shop session.

I -II I Il--C-

Holiday open house being
organized for Anna Maria
A holiday open house is being put together for
Anna Maria, with $1,000 already donated and more
being sought.
Doing the organizing are Mayor SueLynn, busi-
ness owners and residents, with Sandy Oldham of Pine
Avenue General Store in the lead. The open house will
be from 5-9 p.m. Dec. 17, with live entertainment.
Longtime resident Rex Hagen has donated $1,000
toward holiday decorations, said Oldham, and offers to
Match donations from other sources.
The donations may be made at Ginny and Jane E's
iat the Old IGA, 9807 Gulf Drive; Tropical Treats, 9903
Gulf Drive; White Egret, 101 Bay Blvd.; Pine Avenue
SGeneral Store, 307 Pine Ave.; and Chapae, 101 Bay
The plan, said Oldham, "is to purchase lighted
Decorations and banners to place on telephone poles,
initially down Pine Avenue from city hall to the city
pier. With sufficient funding, they will be extended to
Gulf Drive between Magnolia Avenue and Pine, and
south on Bay Boulevard. to Magnolia.
"Anyone who would like to participate, make do-
nations or share their talent can call me," Oldham said,
at 779-9200.

Women's Bible study to begin
The Anna Maria Island Women's Interdenomina-
tional Bible study will begin Sept. 8 \ith Dorothy
Swanberg leading a study of the book of Mark.
The session will be in the fellowship room of.
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive,
Holmes Beach, at 9:30 a.m. It is described as a' "come
and go" meeting open to everyone, with special accom-
modation for people coming and going on trips. Details
may be obtained at 778-1130.

Four generations in workplace
explored on Longboat
Impacts on individuals of generational conflicts in
the workplace and how to help will be discussed in-
depth at a. course next Wednesday at the Chamber of
Commerce on Longboat Key.-
It will be from 5 until 9 p.m. Sept. 14 in the
chamber's offices, 6960 Gulf of Mexico Drive.
Called "Generations at Work," the course will ex-
plain the differences between the "veterans genera-
tion," people born from 1922-43; "boomers,"-1943-50;
"genXers, 1960-80; and "nexters," 1980-00, all of
whom are converging in the work environment.
Explored will be why people do what they do, how
this causes discord in the workplace, and what to do
about it. The aim, said the chamber, is to help "turn
your organization into a motivated, productive and
Happy team."
Cost of the course is $57, and registration is open
at the chamber, 383-2466.

Florida Coastal Cleanup.
scheduled for Oct. 1
The 20th annual Florida Coastal Cleanup in Mana-
tee County to keep waters clean and safe for aquatic life
has been scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 1.
Sponsored by the Ocean Conservancy and Keep
Manatee Beautiful, volunteers are needed to pick up
trash along the beach and waterways, while Adopt-a-.
Highway/Road/Shore groups will clear up their
adopted sites, said Yvette Little, operations manager.
In this area, volunteers may check in at the follow-
ing locations at 9 a.m. on cleanup day:
Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive.
BeachHouse Restaurant parking lot, 200 Gulf
Drive N., Bradenton Beach.
Kingfish Boat Ramp in Holmes Beach at the west
end of the Anna Maria Island Bridge.
FISH Preserve, 11601 Cortez Road, Cortez.
Palma Sola Causeway pavilions on the north side
of Manatee Avenue.
Divers will sweep the seas for their annual under-
water cleanup, being arranged by Kathy Moon, 377-
Some 1,500 volunteers are expected to participate,
said Little, and Tropicana is to provide free beverages for
all. Last year, 897 Manatee County volunteers picked up
86,977 pounds of trash, mostly cigarettes, food wrappers,
straws, beverage containers and the like.
Additional details may be obtained from Little at



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First class promotion
Fireman Chris O'Kelly is promoted to Fireman First
Class by West Manatee Fire atd Rescue District
Chief Andy Price. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin

'50s Sporty Cars stamps
to be unveiled at Mote
An unveiling of the ne est postage stamps featur-
ing "Sport\ Cars of the '50sJ" ~ ill be at 1(0 a.m. Satur-
day, Sept. 10, at lMoe Marine Laboratory, sponsored
by the U.S. Postal Ser\ ice arid the Skyway Corvette
The stamps will feature a 1952 Nash Healey,-'53
Corvette, '53 Studebaker Starline, '54 Kaiser Darrin
and a '55 Thunderbird.
SAt the unveiling will be some 30 Corvettes from
the 1950s and beyond, and music of the period will
background the classic cars.
"Both entertaining and educational, this unique
attraction showcases the fascinating marine life and the
world-renowned research of Mote Marine Laboratory,"
a Mote spokesperson said.
Mote will offer buy-one-getone-free tickets all
through September buy a $15 adult admission ticket
and get one free, same with $10 tickets for those under
12 years of age. Additional details are available at 388-

Chapel fundraiser for
Hurricane Katrina victims
A Cajun-style dinner with all the trimmings at the
Longboat Island Chapel at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 13
will benefit victims of Hurricane Katrina.
Tickets are $10 per person and spokesperson Jim
Heyer stressed that all funds from.the event will be
donated to the American Red Cross for hurricane relief.
Tickets are available at the chapel office, 6200
Gulf of Mexico Drive, or call (941) 383-6491.

Two Manson programs
starting at Island center
Two programs with instructor Barbara Manson are
starting at the Anna Maria Island Community Center,
407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria.
Jazzercize starts Wednesday, Sept. 7, featuring el-
ements of dance, resistance training, pilates, yoga and
kickboxing, to continue weekly at 9 a.m. Wednesday.
Manson's yoga class will begin at 9 a.m. Monday,
Sept. 12, with mats available atthe Center.
Fees apply in both instances, with details available
at 778-1908.

'Hope for Hooters' breast cancer
bake sale Saturday
Team "Hope for Hooters" will host a bake sale and
fundraising event from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday,
Sept. 10, at the Publix Supermarket, 3900 E. Bay
.Drive, Holmes Beach.
"Hope for Hooters" is a team entered in the
Breast Cancer 3-Day 60-mile walk to raise money
for breast cancer research, education, screening and
treatment. The walk will be Oct. 7, 8 and 9 around
Tampa Bay.
The team will distribute literature on breast can-
cer and offer a team T-shirt signing at the bake sale.
Islanders on the team are Peggy Douglas, Ilona
Kenrick, Sandee Pruett, Grace Cuff, Michele
Schenk, Jill Hunter, Tammy Trainham and Nancy

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AME School Advisory
Committee seeks members
The Anna Maria Elementary School Advisory
Committee will hold its first meeting of the year at 2:50
p.m. Monday, Sept.-12, in the school auditorium.
AME Principal Kathy Hayes said that parents and
representatives of the business community interested in
serving as committee meinbers should attend.
Michael Pierce is the 2005-06 SAC president and
officers will be elected for the secretary and vice presi-
dent at the first meeting. The vice president serves as
the president-elect for the following school year.
The SAC is meant to represent the voice of the
community, with 51 percent of the board comprising
parents and members of the community. Members are
not required to have children or grandchildren attend-
ing the school.
The SAC serves as a liaison between the commu-
nity and the school and assists in the enhancement of
decision-making, the development of educational pro-
grams, and serves in an advisory capacity to the prin-
cipal, The committee is also responsible for reviewing
and approving the AME School Improvement Plan.
Members usually receive an update on'the status of
the School Improvement Plan at the first meeting.
Meetings generally.run until 4 p.m. and childcare
is available..

Anna Maria Elementary
School menu
Monday, Sept. 12
Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza, Cereal, Toast, Yogurt,
Bagels, Fruit
Lunch: Shrimp Poppers or Quesadilla, Steamned Rice,
Veggies with Dip, Chilled Peaches
Tuesday. Sept. 13
Breakfast: Chicken Patty Biscuit, Cereal, Toast,
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Fruit
Lunch: Corn Dog or Baked Breaded Chicken, Baked
Crinkle-Cut Fries, Broccoli with Cheese Sauce,
Sliced Pears
Wednesday, Sept. 14
Breakfast: Pancake on a Stick, Yogurt, Cereal,
Toast, Fruit
Lunch: Turkey Gravy on Mashed Potatoes or
.Breaded Beef Patty, Steamed Peas, Mandarin
Oranges and Pineapple
Thursday, Sept. 15
Breakfast: Cinnamon Rolls, Cereal,-Toast, Bagels,
Lunch: Student Planned Menu
Friday, Sept. 16
Breakfast: Glazed French Toast Sticks, Cereal,
Toast, Yogurt, Fruit
Lunch: Pizza or Grilled Chicken Patty on Bun,
Garden Salad, Steamed Corn, Ice Cream Cone
Juice and milk are served with every meal.

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. < i P g" ('+ "^*^ .-s
Pop-top jugs
Third-graders from Karen Newhall and Kathy Grandstad's classes are distributing jugs to collect soda can
tab tops to raise find, th, iughouti the year for children in need of physical therapy. The fundraiser is being
done in cminimiticlion with Tom Burton of the Bradenton Elks Club Lodge on 75th Street in Bradenton. The last
Wednesday of each m,,oni. studLn ,s will collect the "pop tops" from the jugs and weigh-the tabs. Funds are
earned per pound and are used to purchase therapy sessions and equipment for home use. Students will also
chart and graph theirfundraising progress. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan

AME PTO dinner,
Rick's Tricky Dogs, too
The Anna Maria Elementary School Parent-
Teacher Organization will host its first family din-
ner night of the school year Tuesday, Sept. 13.
Shells Restaurant is sponsoring the PTO dinner
from 5-7 p.m. with a special menu. Meal tickets can
be purchased prior to the dinner in the school ad-
ministrative office or the evening of the meeting at
a cost of $7 for adults and $5 for children.
Following dinner, there will be a special presen-
tation by Rick's Tricky Dogs. The Tricky Dogs Show
is a family-friendly circus-style dog act featuring the
Natural clowning abilities of four little terriers, one
poodle and their favorite human, Rick Martin. It is
described as a high-energy vaudeville-style variety act
that has been specifically structured to serve as an en-
tertaining and educational school program.
For more information, call the school adminis-
trative office at 708-5525.


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AME sponsorships available
Sponsorship opportunities are available within two
Anna Maria Elementary School publications.
The AME Parent-Teacher Organization is accept-
ing sponsors for the school's monthly newsletter "The
Surfer." The advertising cost is $100 for the year, and
includes a business card ad on the publication's "busi-
ness support page" each month.
Each month "The Surfer" highlights classroom
news and updates from AME Principal Kathy Hayes
and Guidance Counselor Cindi Harrison.
Sponsorship opportunities are also available within
the AME yearbook. The yearbook committee's goal is
to raise enough money through sponsorships to cover
the cost of distributing a free yearbook to each student.
Forty-eight pages are available for sponsorship by
families or businesses to cover the cost of the publication.
The yearbook sponsorships $100.
Sponsorship forms for "The Surfer" are available
in the school office. For more information regarding
yearbook sponsorship, contact either Pidge Taylor or
Lynne McDonough at 708-5525.

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Expansion of nonconforming duplexes approved

By Diana Bogan
Islander Reporter
The Holmes Beach Board of Adjustment unani-
mously approved a request by Pat McConnell to en-
large two duplexes located at 2913 and 2915 Avenue-
At the Aug. 25 board meeting, Emily Anne Smith,
of O'Brien & Smith Architecture, spoke as the agent
for the applicant, outlining the merits of the application
and speaking to concerns raised by nearby landowners
regarding Federal Emergency Management Agency
floodplain requirements.
Smith stated that the application was before the
board of adjustment because of the property's noncon-
forming use. "Nonconforming ground-level structures
are improved throughout the city every day with the
approval of the building department," she said, "which
are not required to come before the board."
The difference is nonconforming structures versus
nonconforming use, and in this case, the property in
question.fits both categories. The property is noncon-
forming because it is a ground-level structure, and it is
nonconforming in use due to its higher density.
In both situations, Smith explained, there are rules
that must be followed to enlarge or improve the struc-
ture. First, the cost of improvement cannot exceed 49
percent of the appraised value of the existing structure
- that is its market value.
According to Smith, FEMA and the National Flood
Insurance Program give building officials and design
professionals exact requirements of floodplain ordi-
nances and requirements. "These NFIP guidelines have .
been made part of the city's Land Development Code,"
Smith said. "All improvement cost data is submitted
with the building permit application and is completely
monitored by the city's building department."
Smith said the owner of a nonconforming property
has two options, to make improvements within the 49
percent appraised value of the existing structure, or
demolish the structure and build a new elevated struc-
ture, meeting all applicable codes.
"These new raised homes, to many on the Island

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Carol Greer Siemaszko
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Perico Island Bradenton

who want to keep the character of the small cottage
homes," Smith said, "have come to call these new
structures MacMansions."
SAssistant Superintendent of Public Works Bill
Saunders stated that at some point the duplexes were per-
mitted and allowed as a nonconformity. Today, the code
allows improvements of a nonconformity and if
McConnell's property met the, density requirements, he
would not.need the approval of the board. Ground-level
single-family homes are granted variances by the build-
ing department regullarly, said Saunders, and cited the
many homes on Key Royale Drive adding second floors
as examples of permitted expansions of nonconformityy'
The difference is McConnell plans to expand the
footprint of one of the two duplexes, adding a second
bedrobm and bath to the rear of each unit.
S"Expansion is expansion," said Saunders. The
same requirements that apply to homeowners expand-
ing upwards app1\ to cConnell. "He is within the 30-
percent land coverage. under the 49-percent FEMA
requirement, under the 40-percent impervious coverage
and meets all the setback requirements those are all
the criteria I can use," Saunders told the board.
Kathleen Toale, a neighbor opposed to the expan-.
sion, raised concerns that flood insurance would be
suspended or increased if the project were approved.
"Nonconformity means just that it does not conform
to what we are required to do," she said. "Holmes
Beach's participation in NFIP is based on your ability
to adopt and enforce sound floodplain management."
Ignoring rules places all citizensin jeopardy, she
stressed. At the worst, FEMA could suspend all flood
insurance, putting all homeowners at risk for financial
loss.,"Suspension by FEMA might seem drastic, but
what if they looked at the way we managed our.flood-
plains and just changed our rating?"
According to Toale, FEMA rates a community
from 1-10 with 10 being the worst. "We are at an 8,"
she said. "Not even near the middle of the scale. Every-
point means a 10 percent increase or decrease in our
insurance premiums.

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, ELCA

Sa3urLJay 5pm Service of Celebration
Sunday 9:30 am Worship Service
., Nursery available at 9:30am

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SHolmes Beach
1. 778-1813


Be a good
and invest in
the future.

Tie Islander

"This city should be doing everything-possible to
lower our rating by mitigating flood damage, not in-
creasing its probability," she told the board. "We are on
FEMA's radar screen. They are very interested.in how
seriously the rules of sound floodplain management are
Saunders countered that comments regarding
FEMA made by Toale are correct, however, the city
operates utilizing FEMA guidelines that have been
adopted into the city's LDC. "That's what we work
with, we're not knowingly putting our citizens in dan-
ger of losing flood insurance or increasing rates."
In fact, Saunders lamented that .it's the
homeowners who-add bathrooms and livable space to
the ground floor of their elevated homes after the city
has signed off on it that are causing problems. That is
not being permitted. by the city, he said, and "it be-
comes a code enforcement issue and that's not my
Board chairman David Moynihan commented that
he had reviewed the code in search of guidelines. "As
a board, it's not ourposition to rule whether this com-
plies with FEMA," he said. "That's going to be the
building department's job when it comes to the permit-
ting process."
Fellow board members Robert Douglas, Alan Guy
and Mark Kimball voted in favor of the expansion.
Several neighboring property owners also spoke in
support of McConnell's plan, won over by the prospect
of renovations in concert with existing homes and his
goal to provide "more affordable housing" to prospec-
tive families.in search of full-time Island housing.
In McConnell's view, improving ground-level
homes will promote affordable housing, to the extent
anything is affordable on the Island.
According to Smith, only three out of 225 two-
bedroom units for sale on the Island were under
$500,000. "My goal is to be at the bottom of [the price
structure] available," says McConnell.
With the board's approval of the expansion, the next
Step for McConnell will be to obtain a building permit.

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Anna Maria, Florida

If you have an air conditioner or heat pump less than 10 years
old, you could be spending money needlessly if you have it re-
paired by other than a dealer knowledgeable in that brand.
High-end equipment often have parts warranties of 10 years.
Check with your reputable dealer to determine if that's the case
with your equipment.
Don't pay someone else to repair your equipment while it's still
covered by a factory warranty.

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Holmes Beach Business Center,
Holmes Beach

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Manatee Ave. W.

21st Ave. W.


Cortez Road W.

..~ ,~. ~

PAGE 14 0 SEPT. 7, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER

Budget still stalled

in Anna Maria
By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Anna Maria, city commissioners were still unable
to agree on a budget for 2005-06, despite nearly two
hours of discussion at their Aug. 30 workshop.
Commissioners Dale Woodland and Carol Ann
Magill are still opposed to raising the millage rate and
borrowing money to fund long-term capital improve-
ment projects, while Commission Chairperson John
Quam and Commissioner Linda Cramer favored such
a measure. Commissioner Duke Miller was absent
from the meeting.
Three budget scenarios with millage rates of 2.0,
2.1 and 2.2 were presented. The current rate is 2.0
mills, or $2 per $1,000 in assessed property value.
The commission has been trying to balance the
budget at the same time providing .enough funds to
complete some long overdue capital. improvement
projects through long-term financing.
The city's capital improvements advisory commit-
tee and city engineer Tom Wilcox of Baskerville-
Donovan Inc. have a priority list of projects totaling
about $1.6 million at today's construction costs. The
city could fund these projects through long-term fi-
naincing, but Mayor SueLynn has estimated the annual
debt service would be about $200,000 for the life of the
loan. To pay for that, the city would have to increase
its millage rate.


i '" "" e -i r .
'2 "- '- -

Maria IlndMoose L. 110 Gulf Drive, Bradenton
Beach. .- -eeran o- th, BeachHou-se ild Cin Pier'
S. ,. ..

kirches., Ih said he plans to keep iMany ot the current
weekly specials and add some new items. He will retain
+vii vii,

spaghetti Thursday, dinner Friday and brunch Sunday.
Details may be obtained at 778-4110 or 778-5630.
Mai lhd ~~seld't, 1 Gulf Driv. Bradno
Bea h.4vtrno B"hote tt i"Pe
kinhnh adh l st ept~yQ h u/(/
weelyspeias nd ddsoe nw tem. e iltreai

Ohde to marry Strong next spring
Courtney Ohde, daughter of Lisa Williams of laind Beach Resort, where she has won number of
Holmes Beach, and Brian Strong, son of Carol and awards. She is granddaughter of Sandra Walsh and
SMichael Peabody of Naples, and James and Diane John Ohde of Bradenton..
Strong of Lynn, Mass., have announced their en- The bridegroom-to-be'is a 1997 graduate of
gagement and:plans to marry in May 2006. Pathfinder Vocational Technical High School in
A 1997 graduate of Barron Collier High Palmer,.Mass., and is employed with Earth Tech
School, she is'in administration at the Hilton Marco Enterprises.

Robertson announces

Ward 3 candidacy in

Bradenton Beach
Janie Robertson has announced her intention to file
foi the Ward 3 city commission seat in Bradenton
Beach. Qualifying for that position, as well as Ward 1
and the mayor post, is from'noon Sept. 19 through noon
Sept. 23.
"Bradenton Beach is unique among Florida's
coastal cities," she said, "and I hope to do what I can
to protect the small community life we resident Island-
ers enjoy and appreciate."
Robertson is a 10-year resident of the city. She served
on the comprehensive plan review committee and is a
member of the city's scenic highway committee.
Incumbent City Commissioner Rob Nachtigal said
he was not going to seek re-election, Robertson said.
The city election is Nov. 8.


Gordon D. Barnes
Gordon D. Barnes, 74, of Cortez, died Sept. 1.
Born in Gahagan, La., Mr. Barnes moved to this
area in 1980 from Marine City, Mich. He was a retired
Air Force air traffic controller. He was a charter mem-
ber of the City Pier Regulars in Anna Maria, a long-
time member of the Anna Maria Island Privateers, and
a member of the American Legion.
Services will be announced at a later date. Memo-
rial contributions may be made to the-American Can-
cer Society, 600 U.S. 301 Blvd. W., Bradenton FL
34205, or Hospice of Southwest Florida, 5955 Rand
Blvd., Sarasota FL 34238. Bradenton Funeral Home is
in charge of arrangements.
He is survived by daughter Toni Marie Radley of
Bradenton; sons'Jeffrey of Cortez, Steven of Coeur
d'Alene, Idaho, and Anthony of Bradenton; sister Pat
Durr of Pleasant Hill, La.; brother Jerry of Pleasant
Hill; 12 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.


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Boat modeler charts program in Cortez

By Jim Hanson
Islander Correspondent
A university administrator who has been building
boat models for years has begun to share his hobby and
his enthusiasm with others at the Cortez-Community
Harold N. Pelta has even begun setting up a
model exhibition, scheduled for March 11-12 at the
Manatee County Convention and Civic Center in
He has been a sailor all his adult life, he said, sail-
ing in Miami waters and off the northeast coast when
he lived in the New York City area. He even trained as
a coxswain at one time in his long career.
He loves models, he said, especially of river steam-
boats. But "I cheat. For the ones with really hard prob-
lems, I buy a kit or sometimes the model itself."
He seems to be a natural-born modeler, for his
other consuming hobby is model railroads. He even
went so far as to work as a volunteer on the New Hope
& Ivyland Railroad in the northeast, learning the ropes
to apply to his modeling, and incidentally applying
some of his modeling knowledge to the for-real rail-
In his college administration career he served at
Columbia University in New York City, the University
of Miami, and Rowan University where he was direc-
tor of research and planning. He even spent a two-year
sabbatical at Mote Marine Laboratory, living in
Holmes Beach.
After retiring and moving to Ellenton, he heard of
the Florida Gulf Coast Maritime Museum, being estab-
lished in Cortez. He got in touch with the museum's
main organizer, Roger Allen, and they began organiz-
ing a group of people interested in model ships and
boats. They named it the Gulf Coast Model Boat Guild,
headquartered along with the museum in the Cortez
Community Center, 4523 123rd St. W.
The brand new organization meets on alternate Sat-
urdays, the next meeting at 10 a.m. Sept. 10. Alternat-
ing.with the guild are the Forebitters, a group of men
who sing sea chanteys; their next meeting will be at 10
a.m. Sept. 17 at the Community Center. Allen said the
singers compete with the howl of saws and sanders in
the museum's shop next door, where full-size tradi-
tional wood boats are being built by dedicated volun-
At the moment, the guild is recruiting members
and participants in the model exhibition in March.
Pelta asks that modelers, and for that matter any-
one interested in boats and their construction, get in
touch with him at 722-8860 or Allen at 708-4935.

by ChefFrancesco of Sarasota
I '"~ I
I Lunch -. .: I
Tues-F 1 .3 -2.3
Dinner Tues-Sun_"
SClosed Monday

792-5332 Dine in or take-out
6777 Manatee Ave. W. in the Northwest Promenade

--- ---. ..--..---------- ---.-..
House of Pizza

Buffet Special
0 I *0

Purchase of
a soft drink. i
792-5300 10519 Cortez Road W.
Mon-Sat 11 am-10 Opm Sunday Noon-9pm
~~~-- ---~~l~a~~~ ~r ll?9~. ~ I.




S- :'-.f-~ -. ", S -
f^ > -= .-

-E~a -- -


It's never too early to get in on a good thing, and
Island businesses, offices and individuals are being
asked to sign up now for the annual Halloween Trail
of Treats.
The sponsor, the Anna Maria Island Chamber of
Commerce, is organizing the event now, well in ad-
vance to assure no last-minute complications.
Children will begin the festivities at the
chamber's headquarters, 5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes
Beach, for judging in the Halloween costume con-
test. After the judging they get their first treat, plus

a map showing where the participating businesses
are located.
Then they hit the trail, spreading out the length and
breadth of the Island, checking into businesses, offices,
and even some individuals' homes to get the promised
Merchants and others interested in providing treats
for the youngsters should make their interest known by
Oct. 17 to give the printers time to put them on the map,
the chamber said. This may be done by calling the
chamber at 778-1541.

AARP two.day safe driver course starts tomorrow

The AARP's safe driver course to help seniors will
be from noon to 4 p.m. Thursday and Friday, Sept. 8
and 9, with the Island's "Stretch" Fretwell in his 10th
year as instructor.
The course will be at the Island Branch Library,
5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, and Fretwell will
emphasize calming methods for "Road Rage." The in-
struction is free, with $10 fee covering the cost of the
textbook and test papers.

". s" ,

Where the locals bring their friends!
S+--*' * *. + * *
Evening entertainment! 4-8pm
Wed Larry Rich
Thurs & Sat Rick Boyd
Fri & Sun Tom Mobley
Mon & Tues Mark Cravens
Every Wednesday
Au-You- $ 95
Can-Eat 795
**...* ..... **/
Switch fries an law
/ 7. '' ,' '-. ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT
OP' $895
Casual Inside Dining or Outdoor Patio Dining
Plenty of Parking Fishing/Observation Pier
On beautifid Manatee Beach where Manatee Ave. ends and the Gulf begins!
4000 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-0784
*-w u r 'j *.r.i ; .- ii n K F a i -j :- ., -' i *; d > L -.asi ; u -2 d -a i *- i

Attendance at the full eight hours of the course will
qualify a driver to a reduction in the next three years'
auto insurance premiums. Advance registration is re-
quired at 776-1158.
Fretwell, who lives in Holmes Beach, explains his
long tenure in a voluntary, nonpaying, sometimes unap-
preciated job: "It helps me recognize the problems we
senior drivers all have, and it can help anyone recognize
the hazards of today's increasingly crowded highways."


The City Pier


-. ?





.- .' .. -I


Harold N. Pelta and one of his models.

Businesses signing up now for 'Trail of Treats'

. .




Not only do we serve coffee and comraderie...


Two businesses, both service oriented




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A 1 (3 -- i
1 -S

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VLilw~wCit lot Meislarrr ~i hinu Itclits, 61"Cal ciills.11)(I Specil u'velit IlAW1l1l1ligpl


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778-3316 Open 7 days

. N T C1 c,



"4 .4
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.4- 4, $



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~=pX~-5-ir ---- ~^-~=~C~~i~ira-~SP-i~i~iS~aSiSIEBPZ~



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. I. I

~i~?~ ~~ I


THE ISLANDER 0 SEPT. 7, 2005 0 PAGE 17


or a piecaotKey Limie Piewith any two regular priced diners, withttisad.

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Denzel Washington said:i 'Great food!
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Capt. Steve Salgacdo-

2-21h 4vars to 2 weeks
w ww f jirI.r3rI. jlrl.;ir. jnil3rii ?in -,M
Oni a 36 (atarnutan D~olphin Sails.
or a ;5 Sloop-)Sunset Sails.
ylii~q tdtarletrcs From rue, Eniuoiit Key
Scarti- d Shoick -arin
Kev West & Bcwo nd~11(

,:,., ~I

I ~
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S .Starting Next Week

-. .. ..... .. -

Ginny's Antiques and Art
5602 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach
Swill be closed Sept. 13-17 and will re-open Sept. 18

9807 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria
Sill be closed Sept. 12-19 and will re-open Sept. 20

So, come in NOW to purchase those items
You've been thinking about, and stock up on
the bakery goods you'll know you'll be
craving while t.he girls are gone!

'I -( 1.1 V Kf0i iUt-10
-1! .e i i L! I I cv

4.-.. --

011, view our rentlt4l prcyerties at:
iviw-a iit a iizriapa radise.coni
'~~ ~ tbo4iB Ala vinza Drivie, Ji-c fes Beti
S 94-1-779-0733 E

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NXTC surfing has deep, new Island roots

By Kevin Cassidy
Islander Sports
During one of the early summer s\% ells brought on
by tropical weather in the Gulf in June, 4-year-old
Christian Daniels was spotted tearing it up in waist-
high surf on a custom-made NXTC surfboard at the
White Avenue Beach near the imaginary line between.
Anna Maria and Holmes Beach. You might find it sur-
prising to see a youngster like Christian surfing, but it's
not that surprising when you consider that his Dad is
NXTC owner/operator Tommy Daniels.
Christian's first foray into surfing came at the ripe
old age of 18 months with dad. Tommy pushed son into
his first wave then, which Christian promptly caught,
stood up and rode to the beach. Christian's mom Beth
caught all the action on the family's camcorder.
Daniels, a life-long resident of Anna Maria Island,
has been making surfboards under the NXTC label
since 1992. NXTC Surfboards, located at 4523 30th St.
W. in Bradenton, produces 300-400 custom surfboards
a year and ships them to places like Central America,
Texas, New Jersey, New York and the Carolinas, and
all up and down the east coast of Florida.
"We're probably operating at about 50 percent of
our potential output due to a variety of issues ranging
from employee issues to all the associated issues that
go with building a new house on 65th Street in Holmes
Beach," Daniels said.
Tommy got into the surfboard business right after
graduating from Manatee High in 1990.-Instead of
Going to college like a lot of his classmates, he opted
Sfor an excursion to Hawaii where he first found work
in the surfboard building industry as an airbrush artist.
He then worked into fixing dings in the boards before
moving up to glassing and shaping surfboards. He
worked in Hawaii for two years, before returning to
Anna Maria Island.
Tommy then worked for renowned surfboard-
maker Juan Rodriguez in Sarasota for six years before
deciding to start his own business in 1990 and it
took off from there.
Daniels' NXTC surfboards are also sponsors to
some good surfers both locally and on the east coast.
Local products include 18-year-old Blake Tyre and 31-
year-old Matt Varriot, who were both competing in the
past weekend's 20th Annual National Kidney Founda-
tion Labor Day Contest in Daytona Beach. Tyre is
competing in the junior men's division, while Varriot
is in the men's division of the contest, which has local
roots in the Salick brothers, who grew up on and
around the Island. Their sister Joanie Mills and brother
Wilson Shymanski both live here still.
Other surfers using NXTC boards that are doing
well include 12-year-old Mikee Fitts and his 15-
year-old brother Mickey Fitts of St. Augustine
Beach. Daniels also sponsors 16-year-old Amber
Collier in the junior women's division and her father
Roger Collier, who has "worked up" to the master's

This photo, a
from the
Islander Top
Noich photo
surfing form
on a \'waist-
high wave at
the \i'hite
Avenue Beach
on the Island.

division. Amber recently captured first place in the
Hunington Beach contest in Hunnington Beach,
Calif., on Sept. 3-4.
Daniels, his son and wife of 10 years Beth, also a
life-long area resident, reside in Holmes Beach. For
more information on NXTC Surfboards, contact
Tommy at 755-5878.

Islanders claim volleyball title
Bradenton Beach residents Sand\ Young and Bob
Johnson prevailed over the team of Abbey Beasley and
Brian Rockwood to claim the coed BB division of the
Hess Express/Zephyrhills ProAm beach volleyball
tourney held Aug. 13 at Coquina Beach.
Young and Johnson, who moved to the Island from:
Key West last October, have been playing beach vol-
leyball togetherfor eight years, though never in an or-
ganized tournament the likes of the Hess Express/
Zephyrhills tourney.
"We're both basically beach volleyball junkies,"
stated Young. They usually just enjoy the social scene
in beach volleyball, often traveling to Siesta Key to
play on the weekends. Young, who is 37, and Johnson,
43, defeated nine other teams to claim the title and were
the oldest couple in the tournament, but that didn't
deter them, even if they were a little rusty.
"We were both out of practice," stated Young, "but
like riding a bike, you never forget those motor skills."
Young and Johnson each won a brand new beach vol-
leyball, beach shelters, beach towels, hats, and coolie
cups for their efforts.
Young and Johnson had hoped to play in the
Clearwater Beach tourney Aug. 27 to defend their title,
but Hurricane Katrina canceled that event.
For now-, the twosome will have to be content with

Bradenton Beach residents Sandy Young and Bob
Johnson team up in competitive volleyball.

w weekend trips to Siesta Beach to satisfy their competi-
tive cravings.

-Key Royale Golf news
Sally Keyes posted a one-iinder par 31 to win the
Key Royale ladies low net competition on Tuesday,
Aug. 30, at the Key Royale Club. Tootie Wagner fin-
ished in second place with a 34, while Nancy Grimme's
35 was good enough for third place.
Wagner also managed a chip-in on hole No. 9,
while Jean Tourt had a chip-in on No. 8 and Joyce
Brown chipped one in on No. 7.

Center offers adult soccer on Saturday
The Anna Maria Island Community Center is of-
fering adult soccer 9-11 a.m. Saturday mornings. Cost
is $2 per player. For more information, contact Center
athletic director Andy Jonatzke at 778-1908.

'They couldn't believe somebody cared'

By Jim Hanson
Islander Correspondent
"An incredibly rewarding experience, seeing the
look on the kids' facess" said Islander Steve
Schlueter, back from the Bahamas where he and his
wife passed out hundreds of books to needy children.
They and the books were delivered by a cruise
ship, scene of the Rotary International district con-
ference. Last year's president of the Rotary Club of
Anna Maria Island, he and wife Pam participated in
the district's project in Nassau.
The project was to distribute to children the hun-
dreds of books gathered by district Rotarians. The
youngsters were in an orphanage, a hospital, or a
home for abandoned children in Nassau.
The latter were abandoned by their parents and
just about everyone else, Schlueter said, and he
wanted to take his share of the books there. But so
did everyone else on the cruise, and he and his wife
drew the orphanage.
"The orphanage also housed some children who
had been removed from situations where they had
been abused or neglected," he said.

Islander Steve Schlueter and friends.

"The kids were so happy to see us, their faces just
shone. They couldn't believe somebody cared."

The Schlueters, along with the others in the 30-
Rotarian group at the orphanage, served lunch to the
youngsters and then "spent a couple of hours read-
ing stories and playing games with the kids. Their
response was heartwarming and-sincere."
He has been with the Island club for the five
years they have lived in Holmes Beach, and be-
fore that he was a Rotarian in Wisconsin for many
He has a contract electrical manufacturing firm,
semi- retired now and telecommuting with the home
firm and leaving its operations up to the staff he
developed over the years and left in place when he
moved here.
The Bahamas charity was only one of many
undertaken by the Rotary club, he said, citing the
big project of providing dictionaries to every third-
grade student in Manatee County, including Anna
Maria Elementary School.
"I'm sure the new president (Birgit Sesterhenn)
will have projects every bit as good for the coming
year," he said. "She's a great leader with excellent



Young poet captures heart of Anna Maria Island

As a proud grandmother, Vicki Varga can't say
enough about 14-year-old granddaughter Emily-V.
Patrick's passion for writing and our Island home.
Patrick,, whose grandparents and great-grand-
mother live.in Bradenton, visits Anna Maria Island
each year around April or May and stays with her fam-
ily at the Gulf Sands. Resort. Varga says she has been
visiting for the past 10 years and she just can't get
enough time on the beach.
Varga says she remembers her granddaughter first
sharing her talent for writing around age 11. At age 12,
Patrick penned a poem about the Island and, by age- 13
had written a novel titled "To Be An Angel."
Varga says the 122-page book has been shopped to
different agents and publishers and received positive
feedback, which has encouraged Patrick to write two
additional books, both tied to her first novel.
Emily describes the novel in its prologue as a time-
less novel about a girl's incredible journey after death.
Through the characters that touch her main character's
life, readers will see her grow and let go.
"She's a pretty deep thinker," Varga says. "We
hope we might have an author in the family. We've
been really impressed."
Varga says as far as she knows, Emily is interested
in following her love of animals in pursuit of a veteri-
nary degree, which she aims to obtain at a Florida uni-
versity. But that could change by the time she gradu-,

""" '~.:K a.. .|,
wfs9 -^48~


Aspiring author's family
Young Emily Patrick, now 14, is seen here with,from
left, great-grandmother Shirley Anderson, father Scott
Patrick and grandmother Vicki Varga. The teen from
Greenville, Maine, looks forward to her visits with
family in Bradenton and vacations on the Island.

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Son Anna Maria Island, Perico island
and Flamingo Cay.

Tie Islander

.;-s. now that covers areas north of it. The many birdbaths
S' ,' .-- have barely ever had a thin layer of ice on them.
The-wildlife on my favorite island is unbelievable!
SFlocks of wild parrots and flamingos, fly overhead.
'.p, Emily Small lizards sunbathe by the pool. My favorites, the
.. Patrick dolphins, can be found on all the beaches it seems.
They-watch over the humans as though they are life-
guards. They love to show off: Jumping out of the
water with amazing grace. Their skin repels the water.
.Small beads form and catch the sunlight both blinding
and fascinating their onlookers. Even schools of tarpon
swim with the dolphins, while stingrays look curiously
I. at the intruders of their underwater palace.
The hotels smell unused. Allbright colors protrude
from everywhere. Small soaps wait patiently by the sinks.
When I wake up, I can stroll out onto the balcony
ates from hih school she allows. and witness the sun rise of sunrises. Many tell the story
In the meantime, Emily has, through her own ini- of t gee flas If you're lucky, you may see a burst
of the green flash. If you're lucky,'you may see a burst
iati\e. taken up correspondence with-U.S. troops sta- '
S 6of green on the horizon. It barelY ever occurs, and it
tioned in Iraq and maintains a straight "A" average at lylasts for a mere secondMy great-grandmother,
only lasts for a mere second. My great-grandmother, a
school. She also shares her grandmother's artistic skills resident of Bradenton, Fla., claims to have seen it.
and enjoys playing piano and saxophone.- That's a bit off track, however. In the afternoon, I
Varga' is -looking forward to seeing her grand- usually find my way to the beach. You have to be care-.
daughter again in the spring, along with Emily's ful not to cut your foot on the vast variety of shells.-But
mother Heidi, sister, Eva.May Patrick, 1, and stepfather the points on your bre feet really do "hurt so good."
Tomn St. Jean. .Most of the ti me. I aimlessly make my way down
Here is Emily's vision of Anna Maria Island. thelong strip of sand. The beach never ends since it's
an island; it only goes round and round like a Ferris
Anna Maria Island wheel. I look down at my feet and sometimes spot a
By Emily V. Patrick shark's tooth or a perfect shell. I can hear the ocean
(Written at age 12) forever in these natural works of art.
My favoriteplace in the world is, without question, Another thing that amazes me about the island is
Anna Maria Island, Florida. all the different cultures. People around the world ap-
Anna Maria Island is where anybody in the world parently feel the same way about the island. You can
can forget their problems and feel the pure white sand travel to Anna Maria and see African-Americans or
between their toes. people dressed like they're from Asia. (If they are,
Anna Maria Isle is a place'with beautiful beaches, there's no-way to tell.) The different languages are in-
pristine-waters of 5pphire, and great fishing. I can go teresting.If you see a crowd, you'd.think it was a rain-
there, slip on a bathing suit, and go bake like a salmon bow with all the different skin tones.
on the almost deserted beaches. I have to mention the restaurants before I end this
On Anna Maria, there are tons of souvenir shops. piece. There's nothing like eating out in Florida. The
Some sport blown up alligators, where others modelthe restaurants are always cleanand unique. I can usually
latest styles of bathing suits. look out the windows of the restaurant I'n diininn at
I can'texplain the beauty of this small island. Large aid see water. It seems that, although the restaurants
exquisite flowers bloom on every bush. The beaches are busy, they still manage to make scrumptious food.
aren't the only locations worthy to be in a portrait. I suppose it all comes down to asong sung by my
None of the. trees have ever felt the light, chilly favorite star: "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems."

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Stories of Katrina, deep ocean critters, wacky parade

The stories and photographs of the aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina's landfall have been-horrific. Images
that are more-common from Third-World countries
have been produced from one of the most fashionable
cities in the United States as residents of Mississippi,
Alabama and Louisiana try to survive one of the most
powerful hurricanes ever to have struck the country.
Former Islander Joe Bird moved to Jackson, Miss.,
late last year with his wife Susan and twin.sons Rowan
and Gavin. He offered the following account of what
he had to go through. As he put it, "It may be too melo-
dramatic, or stream of unconsciousness, but what the
hell as a writer, I make a really good graphics guy."
Joe, by the way, is a graphic artist specializing in elec-
tronic media.
I feel somewhat sheepish. Here I am, typing away
at my computer, in the relative comfort of my air con-
ditioned home. I'm in Mississippi, right after Katrina
punished the Northern Gulf Coast with a massive Cat-
egory 4 hurricane.
Here's the thing: I'm approximately 165 miles
north of the Gulf Coast, usually a safe distance from the
wrath of hurricane nma hem. Jackson, Mississippi's
capital city, took a pretty good hit from Katrina. In
Jackson, three deaths are blamed on the storm, one
from a falling tree that hit a woman as she sat in her
home. This is particularly disturbing, as she.was fol-
lowing the official guidance from local authorities, who
advised, "stay home, don't travel."
Initial estimates claimed a 98-percent power out-
age in the metro area. Thus, the sheepish feeling.
Last night, on a walking tour of-the adjacent neigh-
borhood, I observed at least three large trees felled per
block. Most of them cleverly sought out power lines,
cars or homes. People this far north are suffering si-
lently. They know that their neighbors to the south are
enduring a Dante-esque hell of death, destruction and
Locally, refugees crowd local shelters, gas. is un-
available, and the light at the end of the tunnel is on a
power truck.
How did I end up in the enviable state of having
power and creature comforts when so many suffer? For
one, I live in a relatively new neighborhood.with all un-
derground utilities. This feature, combined with a large
electrical substation about three quarters of a mile
away, kept the power on through hurrican-force winds.
We've been hosting many house guests, mostly rela-
SBeing former Islander, I was used to the pre-hur-
ricane drill. Get the water, batteries, ice, canned foods, .
etc. Even though I was spared, the prep work paid off.
Fueling up the vehicles now-seems a stroke of genius.
Water, the bottled variety, is now as valuable as gas.
You see, pretty much the entire state is under a boil-
water advisory. I'm'not gloating about my good for-
tune, but as it relates to preparedness. a few simple
things can make your own and other's lives more en-
durable under some pretty bad circumstances.
Do what is advised as far as stockpiles, heed all
notices and never underestimate Mother Nature.
The people of the Northern Gulf Coast desper-
ately need your.help. Monetary donations are the
best way you can assist. Please seek out a reputable
charity, like the American Red Cross Disaster Relief
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According to Mark Zaloudek of the Sarasota Her-
ald-Tribune, the National Weather Service in Ruskin
has determined that July-August 2005 are the hottest
recorded in the Tampa Bay area in the past 115 years
? that records have been kept.
We \ e had a bit of a break here south of the Tampa
crowd, but e\ en our temperatures have been really up
there, ranking No. 3 in the 60 years records have been
maintained at the Sarasota-Bradenton International
You may think that the July average of 1.4 degrees
warmer than usual isn't all.that much, but in the world
of weather, that's a lot. And August's 1.8-degree
above-average reading is even more significant.
It's not that the high highs have been, well, all that
high thit's contributed to the heat wave,.but the fact
that the low temperatures haven't bottomed out any-
S where near normal. In fact, there have only been two-
days in the past two months where the overnight low
was "normal," with all the rest soaring.
Ah, summer in Florida! Ya gotta love it.


S ... '

A 'luhortsn t" i /t' w ha '.s jnst o i e <,ffle o 11 /tr1 d
critters found in the deep Gulf of Mexico. Islander
Photo: Courtesy Hi arhir Branch
Fund, and give today.
SThe Red Cross may be reached at (800) HELP-
NOW. You can also drop off bottled water, baby.
items, non-perishable food and personal hygiene
products to the West Manatee Fire and Rescue dis-
trict Fire Station No. 1 up to Friday. Firefighters are
going to Hancock County, Mississippi, to hand-de-
liver relief supplies. Fire Station No. 1 is at 6001
Marina-Drive, Holmes Beach.

More ahead
Hurricane Katrina doesn't appear to be the finale
of the 2005 hurricane season. Colorado State
University's Dr. William Gray has predicted five
named storms, four of them reaching hurricane status
and two of them for September alone being severe.
September is the most active month for Atlantic.
Ocean hurricanes.
October could see three named storms, two becom-
ing hurricanes and one being major, Gray and his team
of hurricane forecasters have said.
To further add to the grief; Gray has said that those
numbers indicate that there is a 43-percent chance that
an intense hurricane will hit the States in September,
with a 15-percent for October. The long-term average
is 27.percent in September, 6 percent in October.
''We've already had 110-percent of the average
season through August," Gray told the Associated
Press, "and you're only 40-percent of the way through
the season.
Gray updated his forecasts on Sept. 1 for the rest
of the year. He and his team have been offering hurri-
cane predictions for more than 25 years with unfor-
tunately a very, very high degree ofaccuracy.

Hot, hot baby
If you too have been thinking that it's been ex-
tremely hot of late, you're right.

[Beach PURE
Gas and Service Station

Certified Full Automotive Repair
5333 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach
[at the corner of Gulf and Marina Drive]


Too weird: Fish tale No. 1
Gi\ in Off and Stephen Bauman of the Charlotte
Sun-Herald ha\ e reported one of the strangest events
seen in the fish world-of late or maybe ever.
-Seems that there \\as something of a "fish parade"
off the beKlches of Englewood Aug. 25.
"The fish were moving in a narrow band in about
18 inches of water, going south in the Gulf,- and
stretched for about mile," according to the newspa-
per. "Included in the swarm were clouds of shrimp,
blue crab, grouper, snapper, redfish and flounder. They
\\ ere joined by more usual species, including sea rob-
ins, needlefish and eels."
There were "thousands and thousands of them,"
according to one resident.
"According to some scientists, it could have been a
pred:aor-al oidance technique,although there were no
signs of sharks in the water near the fish.
It could have been spurred by a red tide avoidance
tactic too, although'no red tide was noticed by
beachgoers, in the region. Some scientists said there
could be a "stealth" red tide moving in an offshore
current that the critters detected and decided to get
ahead of the bloom.
And don't forget that Hurricane Katrina was mov-
ing across the state that day, and perhaps the low pres-
sure had something to do with the fish migration -
although that theory loses credence when you take into
account that the critters were.moving toward the storm,
not away from it.

Weird fish tales, No. 2
Despite having to dodge and dive out of Hurricane
Katri na's path, a group of scientists made it back to port
last weekend with results of a deep-water expedition.
-into the Gulf. The findings were pretty spectacular.
"The group has discovered a mysterious visual
capability in a deep-sea crab; captured new video of a
large, recently discovered-squid species; and took clear
video of the world's first known fluorescent shark,"

U.S. Coast Guard


Sept. 19

Includes All
Equipment & Books
SNo Hidden Charges
Test after the class with
Capt. Mike Adams

We'd love to hear your fish
stories, and pictures are
welcome at The Islander.
Justgive us a call at 778-
7978, or stop by our office
in the Island Shopping
Center, Holmes Beach.
E-mail news@islander.org.

TIfe Islander
,n 1 -.-/ 7979,



Snook season starts out with big 'gulp' of fish

By Capt. Mike Heistand
Snook season has started out on an excellent note,
with lots of big, hungry linesiders coming onto the
hooks from most of the bays in the area. There is also
some great backwater action produced by redfish and
big trout.
Offshore fishing for grouper and snapper is also
excellent for anglers willing to go at least 30 miles out
in the Gulf of Mexico.
Capt. Zach Zacharias onf the Dee-Jay II out of
Annie's said he made it out a few times last week,
catching snapper, snook, reds and trout. "The snapper
were the only volume catch," he said, adding that "fish-
ing seems to be kind of inconsequential considering the
circumstances to the north. I guess in time it may be
therapeutic, however." Capt. Zach also added another
sobering comment: "The fuel issue is getting out of
hand as well."
Bill Lowman at. Island Discount Tackle at
Catchers Marina in Holmes-Beach said inshore fish-
ing is hot right now, with a "very good opening day for
snook season" Sept. 1, and reports of big linesiders.
Redfish action is also good on the outgoing tides. Off-
shore fishing action for bottom fishing is also very
good, but the very best reports are coming from fish-
ers venturing more than 30 miles out into the Gulf.
Grouper and snapper are the catches out there.
Capt. Thom Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez
Road said he has been catching some nice-size snook
on artificial bait, mostly Mister Twister Exudes, near
Terra Ceia Bay and Miguel Bay. He's also bringing
back redfish to 22 inches and trout to 20.
Capt. Ray Markham said that he's been catching
"a variety of fish snook, trout, redfish, flounder, jack
crevalle, ladyfish, and juvenile gag grouper were on the
list. By far, snook and redfish highlighted the catches.
Few trout were in the catch, and is .seems that trout
were hurt tremendously by previous bouts with red
tide. Numbers and sizes of fish have been way down
compared to the norm here in Terra Ceia, but still, it's
possible to catch and release a couple dozen trout on a
day's fishing, but with the sizes being down, I try not
to target these fragile fish." He's been working in
Bishop's Harbor, Joe's Bay.and Champaign Bayou.
At Perico Island Bait and Tackle, reports include
lots of keeper-size snook in Palma Sola Bay and near
the Perico Island shoreline at higher tides..The redfish
seem to be scattered, but mangrove snapper are still
lurking under the Anna Maria Island Bridge.
Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said anglers
there are catching lots of redfish, black drum, man-
grove snapper and some snook at night.
Justin Morrison at the Anna Maria City Pier
said fishers are getting into some reds to 24.inches in
length, a few snook in the mornings and mangrove
snapper almost all the time.
Capt. Rick Gross on Fishy Business out of
Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said he's been tar-
geting snook every day since the season opened with
good results limit catches every day. Trout and red-
fish are also plentiful and hungry, with most of his ac-
tion coming from north of the Manatee River.
Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said
reports of snook are coming in, some fish stretching to

Anna oaor-ia dslan tes

Sep7 2:03 2.2 8:25 0.5 3:12 2.0 8:14
Sep8 2:28 2.4 9:14 0.4 4:12 1.8 8:32
Sep9 2:57 2.5 10:13 0.4 5:26 1.6 8:43
Sep 10 3:32 2.5 11:29 0.4 -
FQ Sepll 4:17 2.6 1:01
Sep 12 5:28 2.6 2:31
Sep 13 7:04 2.6 3:43
Sep 14 8:40 2.6 4:38


Cortez High Tides 7 minutes later lows 1-06 later

Capt. Mike's
Charter Boat
Backwater Near Shore Up to 7 miles out in the Gulf
Snook Redfish *Trout Flounder Mackerel Snapper
Light Tackle Fishing Reservations a must
Tackle, bait, ice, fishing license provided!
Capt. Mike He s mnd USCG Licensed

34 inches. He's also seeing lots of mangrove snapper
coming from near the Sunshine Skyway Bridge.
At Skyway Bait and Tackle, reports include red-
fish near Joe's Island on the higher tides, with the best
action coming near the mangroves. There are some
nice-size trout coming from the front of Miguel Bay
and some keeper-snook in Terra Ceia Bay. -
On my boat Magic, we've been catching up to 20
redfish on every trip this week, but only a couple of
Lkeeper-size snook. Big trout to 21 inches helped round
out the week.


according to Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute in
Fort Pierce.
The researchers, using a deep-diving submersible
craft capable of reaching 3,000 feet down, targeted a
coral mount 200 miles west of Tampa and another
about 140 miles south of New Orleans.
Chief Scientist Tammy Frank, a visual ecologist
from Harbor Branch, has been working with animals
collected in special light-tight devices that avoid dam-
age to delicate deep-sea eyes. She found a species of
deep-sea crab that can detect ultraviolet light, despite
there being no known ultraviolet light in deep water.
"The reasons for this seemingly bizarre ability are
not clear, but the sensitivity could point to a deep-sea
light source about which researchers are not aware, or
to some unknown characteristic of known light sources
such- as bioluminescence the light chemically pro-
duced by countless open ocean organisms," according
to Harbor Branch.
Last year, on a similar trip to the deep Gulf, scien-
tists found a 6-foot-long squid believed to be a new
species.."This year, at a site hundreds of miles away,
an underwater camera with special low-light capabili-
ties caught footage of what appears to be the same spe-
cies, which would suggest that the squid is not rare, and.
would also illustrate how poorly explored the deep sea
remains if such a large animal could have gone undis-
covered," Harbor Branch scientists said.
And about that glowing shark ...

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do work
Capt. Ray
has graphi-
illustrated -
S ,. .. lures do
w'- ork to
--. -" snook.

Good luck and good fishing.
Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing
guide. Call him at 723-1107 to provide fishing report.
Prints and digital images of your catch are also wel-
come and may be dropped off at The Islander, 5404
Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to
news@islander.org. Please include identification for
persons in the picture along with information on the
catch and a name'and phone number for more infor-
mation. Snapshots may be retrieved once they appear
in the paper. ,

Boating safety, seamanship
course on two Saturdays
"America's Boating Course," a two-day
boating safety and seamanship program, is being
offered by U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 81
on consecutive Saturdays, Sept. 10 and 17.
The classes from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 pm. will
be at the flotilla's building, 5801 33rd Ave. W.,
Bradenton, in G.T. Bray Park. Cost is $30 for the
two days. Additional information is available at
795-6189 and 798-9544.

Mike Matz, of the University of Florida's Whitney
Laboratory in St. Augustine, used powerful lights in
front of the submersible to catch sight of glowing crit-
ters of the deep. He and others caught a glimpse of what
was believed to be the first-ever fluorescent shark last
year, but the images weren't all that clear. Thisyear,
Matz "was ecstatic when he came upon a shark kind
enough to rest on the bottom in front of the sub, allow-
ing him to record incredible video footage of the
animal's intricate fluorescent pattern."
There's lots of weird stuff out there.

Sandscript factoid
Even the usually refreshing waters of the Gulf of
Mexico aren't much help in cooling anyone off from
the heat wave. Water temps have been hovering around
the 90-degree mark in the past few weeks.

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kitchen, ceramic tile, master bedroom with fireplace,
Jacuzzi tub. Watch the sunrise from your secluded
brick patio overlooking Bimini Bay. Caged heated
pool, lush landscaping, two private docks/davits,
sprinkler system on well, hurricane film on windows
and sliding glass doors, two-car garage with reinforced
door. $2,295,000.
2BR/2BA condoin West Bradenton's finest condo
community. Central location near shopping, medical,
restaurants and short drive to beaches. Great floor
plan, eat-in-kitchen, utility, walk-in closet, foyer en-
try and garage. Green belt, community pool.
4BR/3BA waterfront home in prestigious North Point
Harbour. Lap pool, waterfall and hot tub, community
tennis courts and pool, new seawall, dock, fruit trees,
large multi-car garage, vaulted ceiling, deck, french
doors. Near Key Royale Club. The island's most el-
egant area! $1,300,000.
1BR/1.5BA Seaside Beach House condo. Turnkey
furnished in intimate, private complex with gorgeous
view of Gulf. Very nicely furnished, Sautillo tile, beau-
tiful walking beach, heated pool, excellent rental.
1BR/1BA mobile home on large wooded lot with fruit
trees and fence. Central location, room for a pool and
lots of room for RV or boat storage. Dead end street
with 125 feet on Wares Creek. Possible rezone for
"best use" PDR. 5 Units. $125,000.
2BR/2BA Gulffront condo. Fabulous view of Gulf
and gorgeous walking beach. Turnkey furnished,
updated, ceramic tile. Excellent mid-island location.
Pool, secured lobby, under-building parking. One of
the Island's finest locations. Call to see, $995,000.
2BR/2BA canalfront home in North Point Harbour.
New seawall, private dock, boat lift, direct access to
Tampa Bay and Intracoastal waterway. Vaulted ceil-
ing, eat-in kitchen, foyer, elegant baths, ceramic tile,
community pool and tennis courts. Wonderful resi-
dential area. $1,250,000..
2BR/2BA Turnkey condo. Nicely furnished in great
Westside location. Close to Anna Maria Island
beaches. Heated pool, tennis, clubhouse with fitness
room, carport. Short drive to shopping and
restaurants. $359,900.
From $700 / month
Condos/Homes: $500 week / $1,000 month

779-0202 (800) 732-6434

[, MLS SuCoast
Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive
Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com

FULL-SIZE FUTON: Premium mattress, seldom
used, $80. (941) 778-1102.

Condominiums" by Ralph B. Hunter. Signed copies
available at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive,
Holmes Beach: (941) 778-7978.

FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp,
crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call
James Lee, (941) 795-1112 or 704-8421.

ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open Tuesday and
Thursday, 9:30am-2pm and Saturdays, 9am-noon.
Summer clearance sale. 511 Pine Ave., Anna
Maria. (941) 779-2733.

LABOR DAY SALE at Niki's Gift's & Antiques:
Storewide select gifts, antiques, vintage jewelry, art,
glassware, 50 to 75 percent off; all sterling jewelry 50
to 75 percent off..Open-seven days, 9:30am-5pm,
(941) 779-0729. Please, donate to your charity to aid
the victims of Katrina. 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.

i Maureen
... -Dahms
941 -778-0455

"--wwi, greenredl cmrr

"' :-. A Great Place To Live...
S A Wonderful Way Of Life!
S This fantastic .iBk. ;B % with. a
.two-car garage screams island
S.. : .. living at its best! Open floor plan
.., with large kitchen area and stairs
.-.... .leading down to the large bonus
S room for the kids or ttni-age Oine
block off of the h-.ie:ll l i iii
: .' shores of Anna Maria Island.
Priced to sell at $639,000.

Call Dean Jones at (941) 345-7335
Realtor with Brenda DeArmond Realty

********* ***'** ****.******** ***
* | What a deal! This duplex comes *
* with lot across street on Sara- *
* sota Bay! Enjoy these open *
* water views from your 3BR/ .
* 3BA duplex and rent out the *
1BR/1BA. Super location on *
j quiet street with boat docks and *
S, some updating. Can be single *
family home 4BR/4BA or re- *
* main duplex. Call for'more *
-* H.Ba S info! Offered at: $969,000 *
* Super opportunity to own Island business! *
* Offered at: $199,500 & Inventory. *
* Deborah Thrasher *
* ,
-- -. RE/MAX Excellence f *
wA L i (941) 383-9700 DebMThrash@aol.com
******** ************************




Islander Travelers

-5: .14" 17-

laughter of Ooh La La! cheflowner Damon Pri -.s J. traveled to New York Kenal caller
City to see Lauren Harbury, 14, sing at Carnegie Hall. H-,buiy was partici- La"ra Boder of Anna Maria didn'torget her Island news when she visited the
gating with the Charlotte (N.C.) Youth Choir. lnutdcr Photo: Daunui) Russian River area of the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska. Fishing with daughter Linda
Presswood1 ai d,. John, she cuat either lini if red Saln. the first day.
l .... 'i ',--- -

aella producers Bonnie and Norm Langeland ofBradenton Beach
and Kalamazoo, Mlich., show off their Islander in
orky Jeronimo of Anna Maria, far right with Islander, lends a hand to making paella with companeros in
lmunecar, Spain. Jeronimo and wife K. C make their home in the Spanish city when away Anna Maria Id, Der
Sixth Corky are, from left, Miguel, Paco, Pepe and Gabriel of the Vizcaya restaurant, left background. na a k. i
At u fm

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ilith.. Cok are fro lef:i Miu',P-;; i ai=e fte icy rsarnt etbakr

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Longtime friends Nadia Tryciecky and Christian Ulanch take time out to catch up St. Johns excursion
on hometown news while touring Alaska in July. Ulanch of Anna Maria is an avid Melinda Lampariello and Terry Weaver, owners of Fit to Eat Restaurant in
photographer with family in Alaska and Tryciecky of Bradenton has offered Holmes Beach, vacation on the St. Johns River with her brother and sister-in-
massage services to Islanders for many years. law, Richard and Patty Fernandez, along with "Rhea the poodle."


PAGE 24 0 SEPT. 7, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER

d Biz
By Rick Catlin

A Billy beach bum
Bill and Linda Staley have been
vacationing on Anna Maria for the past
17 years, and Bill has been coming to
the Island since he was a little boy.
When the opportunity arose for the
Brandon couple to purchase.Neumann's
" Island Beach Store at 427 Pine Ave. in
Anna Maria, it didn't take the Staleys
long to make a decision. Once they pur-
chased the store, they renamed it Beach
Bum Billy's in honor of Bill's lifelong
"I always wanted to be a beach
bum," said-Bill with a laugh, "and Id
guess this is as close as I can come."
With their background in sales and
retail, the couple plan on adding a few
new items to Beach Bum Billy's.
Linda .plans on bringing in
handcrafted handbags, some natural
bath and beauty products, and more
unique gift items.
Beach Bum Bill\'s already\ has
ka\ak and bicycle rentals, and a coin-
plete inventory of beach accessories,
including clothing, chairs, towels; lo-
tions and kid's beach items. They are
also considering adding scooter rentals
in the future.
"I'm going to put in a lot of things
women would like to see that will add to
the fine gifts, jewelry and clothing we
already have," said Linda. "I think
people will really enjoQ their visit here."
Also a3 ailable re fishing rod rent-
als for trips to the local piers, stroller,
crib and car seat rentals, and Billy's can
even arrange for fishing and sailing

Pet sitting'
Shelley Cluinbcrlin recently opened Shelley's Island Pet Sitting service for

Island. Corte: and Perico residents.

charters and day trips to Egmont Key.
"I just love the beach and this Is-
land," said Billy" "We're just thrilled to
be here," added Linda.
"Billy' is open at 9 a.m. daily.
For more information on Beach
Bum Bill's. call 778-3316.

Shelley's Island
pet sitting
Professional pet sitter Shelley
Chamberlin is now sitting in Anna
Maria as Shelley's Island Pet Sitting.
and the service is the perfect answer for
Islanders needing a place to keep their:
pets when needed.
In addition to pet-sitting ser' ices.
Shelley also checks the house, beings in
mail and papers, takes oit the garbage,
waters plants and alternates lights to
make it appear the resident is still home.

She also provides dog walking and pet
taxi services.
"Pet sitting allows pets to say. in
their home en\ ironment." said Shelley.
"Even though you may not be
home, your. pets are more comfortable
and secure in their familiar surrounding's
and visits are scheduled to maintain you
pet's routine a. close as possible. There
:-; are no new places or other pets to get
used to, and when you return, your pet
welcomes you at the door."
Shelley visits a house one to three
times a da\ to check on the pets under
her care and ensures they get plenty: of..
Currently, Shelley's service is avail-
able on the Island, in Cortez and in-the
Perico Island area. -
For more information, call Shelley
at 779-2080, or %isit her Web site at

Islander joins- Saunders
Kimberly Clark.joined Michael
Saunders Real Estate this week and
will specialize in Island real estate.
She was formerly with Gulf-Bay Realty
in Holmes Beach.

Realty raves
Karl Esterbrook, Jamie Miller-
Culbreath and Rich Wiles recently
joined the staff of Duncan Real Estate at
310 Pine A e. in Anna Maria as sales
Jean Hutcherson has joined the staff
at T. Doll Young Real-Estate at 5508
Marina Drive in Holmes Beach as a,
sales associate. She was formerly with
the U.S. Department of Defense Depen-
dents School s\temn and has tied in
Europe and the Pacific.: i,'- .;
Island Real Estate at 6101i marina'
Drive in Holmes Beach has named ,ri
Kent as its top listing agent for August,,
while Alan Galletto garnered the top
sales agent award for the most closings
during the month.: i; :.. r


Ine nlsten Ieam
Professional REALTORS representing
buyers and sellers with
,P.A. HonestO, Jenni
SIntegrity, 94



fer Absten, P.A.
er~b .;VnZ-ni n :.on,

Build two land condos on a 13,728 sf lot. Room for large units and two
pools. Rent out.duplex until you are ready to build. 4BR/3BA, large kitchen,
recently renovated, plus 2BR/1BA with covered parking. $849,000.

Cute and ready to be lived in! Enjoy island living
just three blocks from the beach and the bay in the
heart of Anna Maria. Walk to everything! Nicely
remodeled, custom tile work in bath rooms,
beautiful tongue-and-groove vaulted ceilings and
much more. Tons of charm! Must see! $799,000

3 bedroom, 2 bath custom home just two blocks
from the beach on a quiet cul-de-sac: Very well
maintained, large bedrooms, master suite with
dual showers, oversized two-car garage with
workshop area in back. Bonus recreation area
downstairs and lots of storage. Large side yard
with plenty of room for a pool! $875,000.

3BR/2BA canalfront home on Longboat Key. No bridges to open
water, short walk to beach, Joan M. Durante park and a great restaurant.
Won't last at this price! $789,000.

If-Bay Realty of Anna Maria Inc. 5309 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach
?ou 'i te "wtet 44te4

Ilileal ,
-- ~if~ ?~t~ 1

HATS $12
M,LXL 5$10
XXL $12

Property Management, Sales, Vacation Rentals '/17
office (941) 798-9191 toll free (888) 774-6880 ---
www.surfside-realty.us 941-778-7978 or ww.islader.org
f e '5404 Marina Drive. Holmes Beach

I. SUN PLAZA WEST CONDO complex on the Gulf of
'. .". 1 Mexico. 2BR/2BA furnished and ready to move in!
SPool, tennis, spa, elevator and hurricane shutters. A
ip. i great place to live. $659,000.

BEAUTIFUL 4BR/3BA HOME with view of Tampa ,
Bay. Only steps to a very private beach area. Brazilian .
teak hardwood floors, granite counters, two balconies "
and much more! $1,200,000. 1"

TIFFANY PLACE CONDO on the Gulf of Mexico.
SRemodeled and very beautiful, all furniture and furnish-
.* ings to stay, view of the Gulf from patio and'the master
... bedroom. Tiffany Place condo offers great year-round
l giving or a great year-round rental. $810,000.

NORTH POINT HARBOR: Beautiful 3BR/2.5BA -, -
pool home. On canal with dock and boat lift. Large ... .,..
kitchen and living areas. Two-car garage, lots of ,
extras! $1,425,000.

The Big Picture...it's all about the real estate!
A top producer at Island Real Estate Inc., call Marianne at (941) 778-6066.



MARIANNE CORRELL 6101 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, F13'4217
REALTOR 941-778-6066 1-877-778-6066


Heather Absten
H aLheir A.t rEnair ) ho




This week's
featured sale
Thi home at 623 C(,'i o ,rd. Lamu on Ke-V
R,.'\ale iin H',hii.c Beach sold last month
for $1 million, amounting to a $220,000
increase over three months since it sold
in June 2005 for $780,000. It sold in
April of 2004 Jbr $610,000 Islander
Photo: Jesse Brisson

Island real estate
820 N. Shore Drive, Anna Maria,, a
3,953 sfla / 5,125 sfur 4bed/4bath/2car
home built in 2001 on a 75x100 lot was
sold 08/17/05, Hall to Hoch for
$1,900,000; list $1,999,000.
623.Concord Lane, Holmes Beach,
a 1,718 sfla /2,680 sfur 4bed/3bath/2car
canalfront pool home built in 1967 on a
100x115 lot was sold 08/16/05, Hynds
to Anderson for $1 million.
522 74th St., Holmes Beach, a 1,878
sfla / 3,056 sfur 3bed/2bath/lcar
canalfront pool home built in 1967 on a
100x124 lot was sold 08/15/05,
Holloway to Masters for $950,000; list
107 Elm Ave., Anna Maria, a vacant
50x100 Gulffront lot was sold 08/17/05,
Negele fo Buky for $850,000.
*405 41st St., Unit 4, Fourth Ave.
Condo, Holmes Beach, a condo, was
sold 08/15/05, Gaprop -nc. to Baez for
i1800 Gulf Drive N., Unit 110, La
Costa, Bradenton Beach, a 952 sfla /
1,088 sfur 2bed/2bath Gulfront condo
built in 1979 was sold 08/15/05, McVey
to Gallehue for $735,900; list $769,000.
2175 Avenue A, Bradenton Beach,

Rotary help
The Rotary Club of Anna Maria
Island gets going on a long-term
community service pro.iteci
Helping keep the Island butterfly
park.in shape. Two mimibellrs
work in the park the first Sanur-
day of each month. Shown are
Andy Minor, who is in charge of
the project for Rotary, and Nancy
Ambrose, founder-director of the
butterfly park between Holmes
Beach City Hall and the Island
Branch Library on Marina Drive.

a 2,402 sfla / 3,344 sfu'r 3bed/2bath/
2car home built in-1974 on a 100x100
lot was sold 08/18/05, Lott to Gale for
504 Key Royale Drive, Holmes
Beach, a 1,384 sfla / 2,380 sfur 2bed/
2bath canalfront home built in 1961 on
a 96x117 lot was sold 08/16/05, Monfort
to Mione for $639,350; list $625,000.
1800 Gulf Drive N., Unit 201, La Costa;
Bradenton Beach, a 1,130 sfla /1,160
sfur 2bed/2bath Gulffront condo built in
1979 was sold 08/19/05, Walters to
Hollis for $537,500.
2109 Avenue C, Bradenton Beach,
a 858 sfla / 918 sfur 2bed/1bath home
built in 1950 on a 50x100 lot was sold
08/18/05, Toilette to Korinek for
$485,000; list $495,000.
205 76th.St., Holmes Beach, a
1,384 sha / 1,927 sfur 2bed/2bath/1car
home built in 1968 on a 90x78 lot was
sold 08/17/05, Warren to Mischke for
210 Haverkos Ct., Holmes Beach, a
1,368 sfla / 1,992 sfur 1 bed/1 bath home
built in 1956 on a 68x98 lot was sold 08/
05/05, Westbrook to Schmitzerle for

Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at
Gulf-Bay Realty of Holmes Beach, can
be reached at (941) 713-4755 direct, or
at Gulf-Bay (941) 778-7244.

Preston's yoga
Island resident Preston W 7mh'v Jr.
Partners Sign Up recently completed level land level.II of
Anna Maria Island Rotary Club Tias Little's Yoga Teacher Training
members, John Luchkowec. vice program in New Mexico. He has

president, and Pat Balmeri-
both ofColdwell Banker Te
nacle, sign the club's agree.
partner and provide assist.
events and tutoring of stude
Anna Maria Elementary Sc,
Islander Photo: Bonner Joy

Micae auo an

THCUS.J 1 IDCE. -'.UF H:,.1E.- :NE -CDIIF.EO .

..:,.... ... -

tiful Terra Ceia Bay & stunning sunsets from
your glass-enclosed lanai. 2BR/2BA condo
in a gated golf course community that offers
a clubhouse, exercise room, heated pool/
spa, tennis & a fishing pier. $365,000. Jody
Shinn, 748-6300 or 705-5704. 508210


all! 4-5BR/3.5BA pool home w/newer
carpet, granite countertops in the kitchen,
lanai, large private backyard, 3-car garage
& 2 newer A/C units. All this & just 10
minutes to the beach! $710,000. Jody
Shinn, 748-6300 or 705-5704. 508713


tkel> > -> y
home on a sparkling lake within a1/2 acre lot,
in a quiet and serene neighborhood. House
features a.split floor plan, extra-large
screened and tiled Florida room, plus a 2 car
garage w/extended driveway. $425,000.
Cind. Pir,,:, 13 630:i,,, 90.h i 508530 a

.1 .t- ... -'

4.5BA, screened lanai and pool and over
4300 SF. This home, which is on large lot
offers privacy and convenience to Gulf
beaches. Contemporary architecture with
a new Barrel tile roof. $1,800,000. Kathy
Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. 510882

PALMA SOLA PARK. Beautiful custom built 3BR/3BA home, guest suite w/separate entrance.
Sparkling inground pool overlooks lush landscaped yard. $675,900. Colette Gerrish 748-6300 or
713-6557. 512016
MARINER'S COVE. 2BR/2BA condo offering Florida Living at it's best! Tennis, two swimming pools,
jacuzzi and deeded boat slip. $695,000. Patty Brooks 748-6300 or 545-1194. 511974
GLENN LAKES lovely 3BR/3BA/3CARgarage home on the beautiful 32 acre lake. Den could be a
possible bedroom. 48x20 screened lanai w/heated pool. $569,000. Leah Secondo, 748-6300 or
545-4430. 512485
GLENN LAKES Pristine condition 3BR/2BA. Sandpiper Model. Private wooded setting, room for a
pool.Close to dining, shopping, beaches & IMG Academy. $414,900. Leah Secondo 748-6300 or
545-4430. 511742
CORDOVA LAKES. 2-3BR home w/cathedral ceilings. Close to hospitals, shopping and G.T.Bray
Park. Fenced back yard. $269,999. Judy LaValliere, 748-6300 or 504-3792 orAnn DeBellevue 720-
TIDY ISLAND TOWNHOME Impressively customized "Eclipse" model. Unique Sarasota Bay wa-
terfront community with 24 hr. gated entry, lush nature preserve, pool and tennis. $779,000. Ruth
Lawler, 748-6300 or 587-4623.508295
THE LOOP OF NW BRADENTON Fantastic pre-construction opportunityto own in gated commu-
nity. Open plan with 4-5BR/3 BA, pool & 3 car garage. Oversized corner lot. $935,000. Jody
Shinn,705-5704. 511608
TRADITIONAL NW Bradenton 4BR pool home on 1/2 acre lot w/lush landscaping & cul-de-sac.
Bonus room off the 3-car garage. $699,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. 508754
PINEBROOK 2BR condo on the 3rd floor. Wonderful amenities, across from pool and reasonable
maintenance fees. $235,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767.511748
"'SS AT ?A A A3 T 6Ta ". 63

am Pin-

ment to Beach to include beginning and interme-
nce for diate classes and private sessions.
nts with Instruction incorporates classical yoga
hool. postures and breath and meditation. To
reach Preston, call 778-3996.
_frr1*" .. :- a :F v -:- .- --. :k -" "1

S ..
io, "nit wi.-- h--t .1eil --j5
t~ltmttic, n Hsire. hatin iaf 1fjf~bOO k a'- L .-


Cttl! 't< ll t''c-7e 17- j/86-C i
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_,. :-"' -i7/;:- {.^ ..- .
.... 1 4.e- It _-,/ -8 6 6
S.. ..... tky ..... S 1 4. 1_1.1-: (11_ 4c_. a,__ 11 -t a, .


CORTEZ BEACH Welcome to a one-of-
a-kind bay front paradise! Custom home
located on the south end of Anna Maria
l: rnd ijnr ,one block: f h.:-r h- ,,ulf Th,;
:ur.ririI r4edcr:ide' i : :jrur,- :r.: u ji a ,- ''
.:.1 naru l i_, ,k. li,ht jiid .:l;. bl,-nd "
r,,:;.n*:th.'r r-.-: ,: r,-: [," ;n "iu[1hctri..: .-., 1' I t r.i
Hi.h1.. r ***:1u r* art..-;' r. .:.*. '*1
.~hl -l,r: ,,-,,:,.,: O t..:,tr .a.:.4c .:5: .,0,0 .1 0 .
F ,r in.! :. ; p i" r- -' u ; r. .1 q I.r ,n : ., ,lI i^ ^ ^ kIn
d -.:- r *r,: ,,. .. Il'.:.,l .l ,, :, t,,:,? l,,'J,.; y: .
.,, : -I 5:.4 Offered at 52,450.000 ,. ;
'!' -- -.


KEY ROYALE Million ,r, l,:l, bia., pan.,,ri .::r, tb ONLY ONE LEFT!
yours! Take advanta e o.i .,i-i: i .,l.: .i..i -n-i rnra -ir-i HOLMES BEACH Braird r-ne.. K.e, >-t
Island opportunity. :"ul tti .- .. lI,.r ..: d.::n j l,: I :i d-. r I,- hon'.- ...r.h cr'.ropical p ol.
community. Fully ladjicjapid anr,. ,ad, t. e... .:.per, d-ei.a-In hih .rid c:ust[C m .n: h ei.:.
custom home. Boat do.:,l. I.:...s d .Ir-P#S102'l 3 : r 2 B Cc.rr plretd in 3 mn.:,r,ch; S
Incredible Value! S1,850.000 rM P =506840 Offered at 5791,000

Virtual Tours


S& Photos

Terry Hayes

Sothebys (941)3023100

expanded his teaching schedule at the
Anna Maria Art League in Holmes

Kimberly L.

Clark, P.A.


Investing in Property Leads to Opportunities

teircurp-n .'es

. r _.~..~. .


GAR-SLS A A C -. a P .r tdE A Ci

YARD SALE: 8am-noon Saturday, Sept. 10.
Interesting stuff! 504 83rd St., Holmes Beach.

YOGA WITH PRESTON Whaley Jr. at Anna Maria
Art League. Beginning to intermediate level.
Morning and evening classes. (941) 778-3996.

TUPPERWARE PRODUCT or party. Fantastic
September specials for both. Contact Zora Lykken,
(941) 378-8271 or 928-4792.

KEY WEST FANTASY Fest: Five days/five nights
aboard 65-foot sailing vessel Lex-Sea. $595/1
person, BYOB and attitude. Departs Oct. 26. (941)
713-8000. www.annamariaislandsailing.com.,
SUNSET PILATES on the beach. Ten sessions,
you will feel the difference; 20 sessions, you will see
a difference; 30 sessions and you will have a whole
new body! For information call Julia, (941) 730-3965
REWARD FOR information in the Waterfront
Restaurant arson fire: Call the State Fire Marshal,
Bureau of Fire & Arson Investigations in Tampa,
(813) 890-1904.
BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a.personal-
ized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park. Two
lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Pick up form at The
Islander or call (941) 518-4431 for more information.
FREE GUN LOCK. Yes, free. Just for the asking.
Courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission. Free at TheIslander
newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes.
Beach. Don't be sorry, be safe.

CRITTER SITTER nine years in pet care. 24 years
as an Island resident. Lots of TLC for your beloved
pets with in-home visits. (941) 778-6000.
BONUS! CLASSIFIED ADS are posted early
online at www.islander.org.

FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to
foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough
for adoption. All food and medical provided. Julie,
(941) 720-1411.
ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes.
All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened.
Please call (941) 922-0774.-

FOUND CAT: male, neutered. Large, white under-
belly with raccoon-like markings, pink nose.
Approximately two years old. Odd habit, which you
can tell me if you know him. (941) 778-2935.

27-FOOT CARVER twin 190-hp Mercruiser. Runs
great, good for fishing. Ceranfield, air conditioning,
water heater, shower, head, new batteries, stereo and
much more! $10,000, or best offer. (941) 778-1565.
SAILBOAT: 12 feet, 6 inches, 1972 ZEF. Complete
with a newer Supreme galvanized trailer, a full set
of sails, life jackets and oars. $500. (941) 778-8225.
2002 SEA RAY 182 Bowrider, like new! 18 foot, 6
inches. 190-hp stern drive, seats seven, tons of fun!
Call (941) 778-6234, or e-mail
kendra@presswoodlaw.com. $12,900 or best offer.

LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on
the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater
fishing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle provided.
(941) 723-1107:

NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten
pay, Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restaurant,
902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call (941) 778-3953.

NURSES NEEDED for long-term home care for
lady with spinal injury. Hoyer lift. Four-hour morning
and overnight shifts. (941) 383-6953.

Curreenly renting for $2,900-$3,900/week
Income will e 'ceed your expectations. .
S "One y ear old 5BR'5BA. Enjoy the.
.. *, (orv:ni,-ric o- irn indoor elevator and .
S ulsi utIld *ini .l'r: Beautifully -- .. ... ...L -
lurnished and tiled Inroughout. Four-car
Sgarjale lui rIjeate pool overlooking the ISLAND DUPLEX: Steps to beach. Reduced to $699,000
iba',, pr..ate dol- and great fishing, before remodeling continues. Investors and builders bring your
RPeduced $2.190,000 Vinualtour: imagination. Gulf views possible. 2BR/1BA on large corner lot.
""' www.lrealour (o.r'mis031305/realtor. AV.e HIuber, Realtor (941) 713-9835

4l1/A Gulfstream Realty
Ir?/MA401 Manatee Avenue Holmes Beach

..: -' Contact Annique
,_ jLesage-Potocki
to find out how
easy it can be.
Call me at (941) 448-4939

Watertront nomes na condos m the
$500.000 s. Propedies in all areas -
some with acreage. Call for details!
-Barbara Ragan
322-6203 or 545-6371

Property Management

and Leasing
A lam ire AILS as I/)9l05 (.FR. CoinJ,. Duplei I .
Total Island Properties For Sale: 227
Median Price: $849,000
S Total Pending: 88 Median Price: $699,450
I Total Sold Since 1/1/05:339 Median Price: $600,000 ,

Sm Realty


Judy Karkhoff

1isit us at
hn 'll'w.i/ll/hn ., t//Ic!in K't/alism *n.t, ,'t

Realtor aiterided Anna Mairi Etementary Srhooi
Uniefsirv of NHllB CBA; and UCLA Business S'hocl

HOTEL ON ANNA Maria Island seeks manager.
Looking.for a full-time, hands-on manager to facili-
tate all aspects of management and staff. You must
be a self starter and computer literate, have at least
three years in hotel management. People skills are
a must. Mail resume to PO Box 1384 Holmes Beach
FL 34218 or e-mail rickyroberts12 @ hotmail.com.
DEVELOP AND INSTRUCT children in after-school
activities designed to promote social, physical and
intellectual growth for children in grades K-5. Ideal
candidate enrolled in education degree program or
willing to obtain 40-hour DCF childcare certification
and first aid/CPR certified. Valid CDL a plus.
Part-time Monday-Friday, 2:30-6pm. Pay between
$7.50-$13.50/hour, depending upon experience.
Full-time with benefits package available with office
responsibilities. E-mail resume
kjoyce@tampabay.rr.com, or fax (941) 778-9511.
GOLF COURSE Maintenance: full-time, $8.50/hour
to start. Mowing, weedeating, Flymo. Drugfree
workplace. Call John, (941) 778-4598.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Meet interesting people,
learn the history of the Island. Anna Maria Island
Historical Museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. -
(941) 778-0492.
Library. Duties include-..checking books in/out,
reshelving, and generally assisting library patrons.
Call Eveann Adams, (941) 779-1208.

male looking for a job. Available after school and
weekends. Zachary, (941) 779-9783.
SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and in-
termediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10
per half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended.
Local teen, team competitor. Call (941) 778-0944.
BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with
kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, (941) 756 5496.

Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor


Latitude 27.
Fropcrt. Management, LLC
Attn: Owners
We need properties
Annuals Seasonals
6842 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key 941.387.9004
Tracy@L27financial.com www.Latitude27.com


29Years ofProfessional Service
Experience Reputation Results
Martinique- Spectacular Gulf/beach views from fourth floor 1 BR/1 BA condo with
ceramic floors and expanded living area. Turnkey furnished. S590,000.
Mansion in the Sky- Bayfront penthouse, 5BR/5BA. $6,900,000.
Key Royale Canalfront Lot- Exclusive. S795,000.
Pinebrook- 2BR/2BA, turnkey updated. $250,000 firm.
101 Palm- New Luxury Gulffront Villas
Perico Isles- 3BR/2BA, community pool, clubhouse, exercise room
5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807
yrealt7@aol.com *www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com



Ail "

:; ,.;: .,,

V' "'.. .; '-
.. ,I- ... .i ,- A -,' t

You can be creative and utilize over 11,400 sf of land
zoned duplex, currently with single-family structure.
This is an attractive site with 182 feet of frontage on
Marina Drive in quiet Bay Palms subdivision.
Remove structure for two unique townhouses for the
individualist buyer or refurbish. You decide! $775,000.

OWNER MOTIVATED! Please submit
realistic offer on $1,425,000 asking price
for charming Gulffront cottage! Call today
for details, (941) 778-2259.

SINCE 1957 V
"We ARE the Island!"
Marie Franklin, Lic. Real Estate Brokerc
941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250
E-mail amnrealty@verizon.net
Web site www.annamariareal.com

l~ell _____________ U

. ..I -I , .. .AAI I. t im4 ,a aak -*9

- - - -


S L~ A DS -I E

NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia, (941)
761-1569. Red Cross certified.

NEED A BABY-SITTER or pet-sitter? Eighth grade,
13-year old girl, very responsible. Great with
animals and kids. Call Kendall, (941) 779-9783.

WANT AN IRISH baby-sitter? Responsible,
experienced 15-year old. Red Cross babysitting and
first-aid certified. Call Gemma, (941) 447-9657.

SANDBAGS DELIVERED: Be prepared. Local teen
will make and deliver sandbags to your Island
residence. Spencer, (941) 778-0944 to order.

MAN WITH SHOVEL Plantings, natives, patio
gardens, trimming, clean-up, edgings, maintenance.
Hard-working and responsible. Excellent references.
Edward (941) 778-3222.

LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint-
ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine
Car Service. Serving the Islands. (941) 778-5476.

computer misbehaving? Certified computer service-
and private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice.
(941) 545-7508.

wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable,
reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. (941)

hIf-Bay Realty 5309 Gaq 2rw
of Anna Maria Inc.
778-7244 omdee4 ea4d, 5d 34217

Turnkey furnished 2BR/2BA condo, steps to the
beach with great rental history. Heated pool, rooftop
sundeck and close to everything! $599,000.
Call Jesse Brisson (941) 713-4755

419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291
EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294




Incomparable Gulf Front Residence
--.'------- This sumptuous 4BR/3.5BA Gulffront masterpiece offers
breathtaking views of sea, sand and sky on Anna
Maria's spectacular north end! Firstclass construction,
quality craftsmanship, superlative appointments and
I stunning decor combine to form this splendid showcase.
^ ,| The living room offers sliding glass doors opening onto
S the dazzling beach front veranda. Other appointments
include a striking wet bar with refrigerator, ice maker and
SCorian countertops plus a high tech built-in entertain-
ment center with a six-fo.ot TV screen and surround
sound. There is a lovely marble, gas heated fireplace.
The cheerful, gourmet eat-in kitchen has handsome
white lacquered cabinets, black granite countertops,
subzero refrigerator and handy butler's pantry with deep
sink and extra refrigerator. There are 12-foot ceilings
with delightful Casablanca fans throughout and beauti-
fully tiled floors and bathrooms with first class fittings and
fixtures. The master suite is nothing short of luxurious,
offering.a 6-footjacuzzi plus deck side hottub, spacious
sitting area with fireplace and built-in entertainment
center, his and hers walk-in cedar closets with'built-in
drawers and shelves and a raised platform bed with
..f i fabulous Gulf views. Other features include a paneled
--- -. elevator, lovely curving staircase with tile and marble
-... steps, security system, 4-zone central air and heat sys-
tem and electronically controlled storm shutters. The dis-
tinctive brick driveway is designed in a pretty fan pattern
and the beautiful double front door boasts an etched
II, blue heron and sea grasses.
Showings by appointment only.
Visit our Web site at www.betsyhills.com

CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist.
Experienced certified technician for communication
electronics offers wireless and cable networks,
upgrades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and
training. Call Robert, (941) 778-3620.

CALL DAN'S RESCREEN for your free estimate
today. Affordable rates, quality work guaranteed. Pool
cages, lanais, windows, doors. Call.(941) 713-5333.

NEW VISIONS: PAINTING, exterior/interior, pressure
washing, waterproofing and restoration, handyman
services, etc. We get 'er done for a good price! CaJl
(941) 538-3052, local guys.

COMPUTER SERVICE and repair. Training, mainte-
nance, virus andSpyware protection. Island native.
Call John Baird with Matrix PC, (941) 708-6541.

cabinets, tile, lots of "other" jobs. References, free
estimates. Call Drew Hudson, conscientious
handyman, (941) 812-5073.

MARK SCAPEROTTA Power Washing: Residential,
marine, RV. Best price, quality and service
guaranteed. Let me give you a little sparkle!.
Licensed and insured. (941) 544-1066.

SEWING: CALL Narci for all your sewing needs.
Affordable and professional. (941) 778-5892.

MURALIST, Mark Burdette. Custom murals, interior
or exterior, landscapes and more. (941) 447-9637.


-4, .4.-
' "*

Want personalized service
while you buy or 'sell
property this summer? Let


Carol help make you
dream come true.

6016 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton
(941) 751-1155 (800) 778-8448
Visit our Web site at www.floridamoves.com

HOUSE AND OFFICE cleaning: Wife and husband
with over six years experience. Excellent
references, licensed and insured. For a free esti-
mate call (941) 812-0499.

Come to you service or drop-off and pick-up
service. Experienced, referenced, affordable,
careful! Call anytime, (941) 773-9834.

IRENE & GARY'S cleaning services, home repairs
and remodeling. Honest, dependable, reliable. For
a free estimate, (941) 447-9130.

PHOTOGRAPHER: Kelley Ragan. Quality portraits,
weddings, beach photography, babies, even pets!
Reasonable. (941) 447-8892.

MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet. Begin-
ning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, (941) 792-0160.

BEACH SERVICEair conditioning, heat, refrigeration.
Commercial and residential service, repair and/or
replacement. Serving Manatee County and the
Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and
personalized service, call William Eller, (941)
795-7411. CAC184228.

ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional
creates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding!
www.jackelka.com. (941) 778-2711.

NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing massage
in the comfort of your home. Call today for an ap-
pointment, (941) 795-0887. MA#0017550.

I believe that Real Estate is a business that
requires clear communication. If you appreciate
someone who believes in talking straight, give
me a call today. Find out why I am one of the
area's leading Real Estate professionals.

NIicole Skaggs
Island Specialist
5201 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach
Toll Free: 800-237-2252
TeamParadisel @aol.com


Spacious 3BR/2BA family home in north Holmes Beach. Large lot, two blocks
to the beach with separately deeded deep-water boat slip. Offered at $595,000.

This adorable cottage is one of five original fishing cottages on one lot from the
1920s. Just steps to the city pier in Anna Maria! Nicely restored, complete with
original wood floors. Picket fence and beautiful garden. Fully furnished and rented
for season. This one is TOO CUTE! Don't miss the chance to own on Anna Maria!
Offered at $425,000

Ken Jackson, 778-6986
-Kathy Geeraerts, 778-0072 L"?:.
Maureen Dahms, 778-0542
Marilyn Klemish, 778-7627 ,.


778-0455 9906 Gulf Drive
Visit our Web site www.greenreal.com

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Rules in effect for Manatee County:
Lawn and landscape watering is limited to two days
a week.

Addresses ending in even numbers (or A M):
Tuesday and Saturday.

Addresses ending in odd numbers (or N Z):
Wednesday and Sunday.

Irrigation not allowed from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ir-
rigation with treated waste water allowed any time.)

> Owners can wash their vehicles anytime as long
as they use a hose with a shut-off nozzle. (Pull the
car on the lawn to wash!)

> Rinsing boats and flushing of boat motors is al-
lowed for ten minutes daily.

> Hand-watering of plants, NOT LAWNS, is permit-
ted any day.
Questions.or comments? Call the Southwest Florida Water
Management District (Swiftmud) toll-free: 1-800-423-1476.
e e e o s e e e c Z:

TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years
experience. References available. For a reasonable
price, call Sebastian, (941) 704-6719.

commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance,
landscaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured.
(941) 778-5294.

ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. If.
it is broken, we can fix it. Free estimates. Senior
discount, Call (941) 778-2581 or 962-6238.

native plants, mulching, trimriing, hauling, cleanup.
Island resident 25 years. Call (941) 807-1015.

installation. Huge selection of plants, shrubs and
trees. Irrigation. Everything Under the-Sun Garden
Centre, 5704 Marina Drive, Holmes.Beach. (941)

SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $35/yard.
Hauling: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with.free
.estimates. Call Larry at (941) 795-7775, "shell
phone" (941) 720-0770.

KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lvan Service. Mulch, clean-
ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City
of Anna Maria resident. Cell (941) 448-3857.

and installation. Tropical landscape specialist.
Residential and commercial. 30-years experience.
(941) 729-9381.

ups, shell, rock, palms, aquascapes, tree work.
Truck for hire, move anything. Shark Mark (941)

VAN-GO .PAINTING residential/commercial,
interior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper.
Island. references. Bill, (941) 795-5100.

contractors. In-hOuse plan designs. State licensed
and insured. Many Island references.. (941)
778-2993. License #CRC 035261.

estimates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal
at (941) 778-1730.

CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island
service since 1975. Repairs and new construction..
Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certifying
back flow at water meters.. (FL#RF0038118) (941)
778-3924 or 778-4461.

TILE TILE TILE. All variations of ceramic tile
supplied and installed. Quality workmanship,
prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil,
(941) 726-3077.

ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remodeling,
repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths.
Free estimates. License #CGC061519,
#CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting
MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794.

All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting.
Insured. Member of Better Business Bureau. Paul
Beauregard, (941) 779-2294.

KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc.
Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets
and shutters. Insured and licensed, (941) 748-4711.

TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed.
Why pay retail? Island resident, many references.
Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor
Coverings. (941) 792-1367, or 726-1802.

Wednesday's classified at noon Tuesday at
www.islander.org. And it's FREE!





MORENO MARBLE & TILE Installation and resto-
ration. Quality work. Over 20 years experience. In-
sured. Call Javier at (941) 685-5163 or 795-6615.

JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy-
man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling,
pressure washing and tree trimmirrg. Call (941),
778-6170 or 447-2198.

CARL V. JOHNSON JR. Inc. building contractor.
New homes, additions, renovations. Quality work
and fair prices: Call (941) 795-1947.

OVER, THIRTY Y'EARS craftsman experience.
Interior, exterior, doors, stairs, windows and trim.
Dan Michael, master carpenter. Call 932-7580 or
cell, 518-3316.

repairs, hand and spray texturing, acoustic ceilings,
painting, tiling and shower doors. Clean, honest,
reliable. Free estimate. Credit cards accepted.
F.A.W. Remodeling, (941)" 586-4695.

WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more.
Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free
in-home consultation. Island references, 15 years-
experience. (941) 778-3526 or 730-0516.

RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal.
Wedebrock Real Estate Co., (941) 778-6665 or
(800) 749-6665.

SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR (two
.master suites)/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes
to beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/
dryer-, garage, designer furnished with tropical yard
setting. One of the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/
weekly or $6,000/monthly. Call 713-0034 or e-mail:

1 BR/1 BA with breathtaking sunsets. Pools, Jacuzzi,
walk to shops and restaurants. Available weekly,
monthly, seasonal. (901) 301-8299 or e-mail

WE ARE BOOKING rentals for 2006. Wide variety'-
of condos and houses starting at $1,500/month.
Annual rental; Ironwood, 2BR/2BA condo on golf
course, $1,000/month; Sandy Pointe, 2BR/2BA,
furnished, pool, seven-month rental, $1,100.
SunCoast Real Estate, (941) 779-0202.

SEASIDE BUNGALOW: Summer rates $1,800/month,
$500/week. One short block to Anna Maria City Pier.
Very cute! 2BR/1BA, pet friendly. Call Maureen (941)
778-0542 or 730-0587 for more information.

ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA luxury condo, down-
town river-front Bradenton. Great view, gated
community. $1,100/month. (941) 720-1712.

SEASONAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA furnished condo.
West Bradenton, five minutes to beaches. $2,700/
month. (708) 532-2149.


"Copyrighted Material'

Syndiated Content

Available from Comercial News Providers"



ni W.-.



SANDPIPER RESORT on Gulf Drive: 55-plus
community, fully equipped 1BR/1BA beachhouse
with greatroom and kitchen. Brand new! Steps to
the beach or Intracoastal. All utilities including trash,
except phone. Rent weekly to annually; No pets.
E-mail Tennishofo@aol.com. (317) 873-33071
WEEKLY RENTALS: Alecassandra villa, 1 BR/1 BA,
$700/week; Island duplex, 2BR, $800/week;
Gulffront cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton
Beach Club, 2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call
Kim Fisher, Wagner Realty, (941) 778-2246.
CORTEZ COTTAGE: Breezy, quiet area. Fully,
furnished, no pets, nonsmoking. $850/month or
$500/week, includes utilities. Two-person
maximum. (941) 778-8168. www.divefish.com.
COMMERCIAL SPACE: 1,600 sf on Gulf Drive,
next to Holmes Beach shopping center. Available
Sept. 1. (941) 778-2694.
ANNUAL RENTALS: 1BR/1BA upstairs apartment,
quiet side-street location, $675/month, plus utilities.
Charming upstairs efficiency, Gulffront, $775/
month, plus utilities. First, last, security required-for
both apartments. No pets. Anna Maria Realty Inc.
(941) 778-2259.
A1BR/1BA GROUND-FLOOR condo: Gulffront,
55-plus complex in Holmes Beach. Two pools. Now
available through January. Two-month minimum.
$1,800/month. (94,1) 747-8454,
FREE MONTH with year's lease: apartments on
Cortez's Palma Sola Bay, studio, $680/month, plus
security; 1BR/1BA, $740/month, plus security; 3BR/
2BA, $1,050/mqnth, plus security. Utilities included.
(941) 526-9091 or 448-8100, 8am-6pm.
PERICO BAY: West Bradenton, lovely 2BR/2BA
end-unit villa in quiet, gated community. Pool,
tennis, carport, washer/dryer, turnkey furnished.
Annual, one-year lease, $1,100/month, cable and
water included or $3,200 seasonal. (508) 574-3352
or e-mail a.desmarais@comcast.net.
MONTHLY RENTAL: Brand new 3BR/2BA home,
unbelievable view, 100 yards to beach. West of Gulf
Drive on Magnolia Avenue in Anna Maria. Still
available for December 2005, January and April
2006. Call (800) 828-8116, ext. 212, or e-mail
SEMI-ANNUAL: Anna Maria Gulffront 3BR/2BA
furnished home. Unique, nautical decor. Garage,
washer/dryer, balcony, gas fireplace. Utilities
included. $3,000/month, six-month minimum. (941)
KEY WEST Time.share Oct. 1-8 available! 2BR/
2BA condo overlooking Galleon Resort in down-
town. Sleeps six. Regularly $2,460, now only
$1,800. (941) 518-4431.
PALMA SOLA 2BR/2BA townhouse, turnkey fur-
nished. Pool and boat dock. $550/week, $1,250/
month. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090.

ANNUAL RENTALS: 2BR/2BA home in Anna
Maria, $1,400/month; 2BR/2BA Riverfront condo,
$1,250/month. Call Fran Maxon Real Estate, (941)
778-2307 for details.
VACATION RENTALS: 2BR apartments across
from beautiful beach, $375 to $500/week. Winter
and spring dates-available. Almost Beach
Apartments, (941) 778-2374.
west of Gulf Drive, 2BR/2BA, Florida room, dish-
washer, washer/dryer, $1,400/month; 1BR
'apartment, $650/month. No pets. Dolores M. Baker
Realty, (941) 778-7500.
Washer/dryer hookup. No pets. (941) 778-7039..
BRAND NEW LUXURY Gulffront condo in Holmes
Beach. $2,500/week. This is the best you can get! Call
Mike, (973) 462-9345. www.mcbproperties.corm.
BRAND NEW HOME 2005-06 winter monthly
rental: December, January and April still avail-
able. 3BR-/2BA, 100 yards to.the beach on Mag-
nolia Avenue. Elevator, screened porch, very
nice. (800) 828-8116, ext. 212, or e-mail
dougrugglesl @miscoinc.com.

SANNUAL CONDO: Martinique North, fifth floor, 1BR/
1.5BA Gulffront. Condo approval required. Nonsmok-
ing, no pets. $1,400/month. Call Mike Carleton, Smith
Realtors, (941) 737-0915 or 778-0777.

PERICO BAY CLUB: 2BR/2BA villa with two-car
garage, sunny private end unit, close to Anna Maria
beaches and stores. Nicely furnished. Nonsmoking.
Available now or as winter rental, two-month
minimum. Call owner, (941) 387-9702.
ANNUAL RENTAL: 1BR/1BA in Anna Maria. Tile
floors, pets OK. $800/month. Call Island Real
Estate, (941)778-6066.
ANNUAL RENTAL: SABEL Palms condo, 75th
Street West. Lovely 2BR/2BA with porch, washer/
dryer, turnkey furnished, pool and clubhouse. Five
-minutes to beach and shopping. $925/month, first,
last and $300/security. (941) 778-4451.
RENT: 3BR/2BA, two-car garage fabulous pool
home in northwest Bradenton. $950/week,
discounts for longer. Call Coastal Properties Realty,
(941) 794-151,5. www.coastalpropertiesrealty.com.
ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA recently remodeled,
elevated duplex in Holmes Beach less than one
block to beach. $1,100/month. Call Island Real
Estate, (941) 778-6066.
apartment. $750/month, includes utilities. Month
to month lease. References. Call Jackie, (941)

ANNUAL ELEVATED 2BR/1.5BA available Nov. 1
$950 plus utilities. Call 941-730-2606

DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance.
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I -

LS Continued 102 JAMUR S Continug

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mulch, trip, hauling and cleanuIp.
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SCall Nadia


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SINCE 1992
Don't leave the Island
without taking time to
subscribe. You'll get ALL
the best news, delivered
by the mailman every
week. Visit us at 5404
Marina Drive, Island
Shopping Center,
Holmes Beach or call
Online edition:


Bulldozers, Backhoes,,
Loaders, Dump Trucks,
Graders, Scrapers,
Next class: Sept. 12
*National Certification
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Job Placement
Associated Training Services


SJames King I

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For all your home improvement needs
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ANNUAL RENTAL: Bradenton Beach, 2BR/2BA,
elevated, unfurnished, walk to beach. Bay and Gulf
views. $1,100/month. (941) 778-3875.

SEASONAL OR.WEEKLY cottage-style rentals.
1BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to .beach,
shopping, restaurants. (941) 778-3426. Web site

dominiums, west Bradenton. Close to beach. Start-
ing at $329,900. Call Cori Woods, (941) 761-0444.

deep-water canal with large dock and views of
Tampa Bay. $850,000. (941) 779-1512.

ANNA MARIA GULFFRONT lot. Best lot on-Anna
Maria Island. 110-feet of direct beach frontage on
the north end of Anna Maria. Call owner/Realtor,
(941) 228-6086 for more information..

2BA turnkey furnished. 55-plus, marina, pools, pets
OK. $27,500. (941) 721-4890.

LONGBOAT: UNIQUE 3BR/2BA, two-car garage,
located on the north end in historic village. Has
400 sf main bedroom suite with sun deck, wet bar,
wine cooler, 15-foot ceilings and lots of French
doors and private entrance. $729,900. Real
Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090.

garage. Unit 24, Holmes Boulevard. $525,000.
Excalibur Realty Inc., (941) 792-5566.

ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY includes real estate
Sand owner's separate living quarters. $729,000. Call
Fred for details. Real Estate Mart; (941) 756-1090.

3BR/1BA HANDYMAN special. College area.
$185,000. Exclusive Real Estate Mart,(941) 756-1090.

CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org !

The Oldest Mortgage Co. on Anna Maria Island
Linda G. Davis Ted E. Davis
Licensed Mortgage Brokers
Conforming and jumbo loans.
S1st and 2nd mortgages.
No'closing cost home equity lines of credit.
100% purchase money mortgages.
Residential and commercial mortgages.
Private money available for those
hard-to-place loans.

(941) 779-2113
S- 502 72nd Street
*'^ *-..'-:-,: Holmes Beach

S "_. ,"

SHELL POINT- Lovely, well-maintained 3BR/ GULF WATCH 2 BD/2 BA with almost 1,300
3BA in private secluded area. Beautiful new sf of living space. Tile throughout. Nicely
kitchen and spacious bedrooms. Non-age re- furnished & rental friendly too. -Walk across
stricted. Deeded. Carport. $409,000. Call Cindy the street to white sandy beach. Asking
at(941) 504-6176 or Dick Maher, 778-6791. $459,000. Call Cindy 941-504-6176.

or build new. 2BR/1BA each side, across street
from Gulf. Zoned R-3, lot size 55x100.
$775,000. Call Dave VandeVrede at (941) 725-

NORTH CAROLINA mountain homesites.
Spectacular new riverfront community near
Asheville. One-plus acre homesites from the $40s.
Onsite community amenities, nearby national for-
est. Call today: (866) 411.-5263.

LAKE NANTAHALA N.C. region. Closest route to
Smokies. Lakefront, lakeview, mountainview, lots,
cabins, acreage. Republic Realty of Nantahala-
Andrews. www.jennsrealty.com,
www.MyNantahala.com. Toll-free (866) 249-3178.

NORTH CAROLINA mountain cabin on mountain
top, view, trees,,waterfall, large public lake nearby,
2BR/1BA. $175,000. Owner. (866) 789-8535.

traordinary home sites in gated Fall Branch Estates.
Wooded .lots, panoramic mountain views, from
$60k. Current phase, pre-construction pricing. (877)
774-3437 www.RidgesLife.com.

HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE 1,488 builders lots in
fast growing areas Florida and Arkansas from
$11,000. Buy one or buy them all! (954) 319-7954
or 661-6909.

Dia^mond^Shores RealtyInc
^J^J^J^^Licensed Real Estate Broker

Dedicated to service
Expertise in renovation
5 and rehabilitation
Island, waterfront and area
S lifestyle specialist.
The JEWEL of Gulf Coast Real Estate
? Contact Amy for all.of your.
|e, REAL ESTATE needs!


10GuDi.Not Ba I'h

2BR/2BA turnkey furnished with good rental
history. Large fishing pier and community boat
dock. Laundry room in unit. $579,000. Contact
Dave Vande Vrede, 778-4800.

WILDWOOD SPRINGS Spacious updated
2BR/2BA condo, ceramic tile laid on the diago-
nal, glassed-in lanai, lush manicured grounds
and heated pool. Night security a plus.
$259,000. Call Nicole Skaggs, 778-4800.

xd -f-
S ..
.A I. ^S

[V1 "

TIDY ISLAND Breathtaking 2BR/2BA condo
with direct-views of the open water. All new
flooring and very comfortable layout.
$589,000. Call Quentin Talbert, 778-4800.

From elegant luxury on the Gulf to
cute little bungalows on the bay,
we've got them all Big & Small.
Mike 806-367-1617
Nor man q 3101 GULF DRIVE


--t ;. LivG0, III te 1 ,I,'1'1111110

W t'A- -

2BR,'2BA with
stack washer,/
dryer Enjoy
the large ,.
heated pool! '
Super central.
Holmes Beach i
location. Turnkey furnished. Makes a great
rental! Offered at $869,000.
For more details call

,, ,

Gayle Simpson Schulz...
Jim Anderson Realty Company
PO Box 1789 401-8 Pine Avenue* Anna Maria, FL 34216
toll free 1.800.772.3235
i i m@jimandersonrealty.com

.FOR SALE BY owner: Runaway Bay, 2BR/2BA
second-floor condo. Great view of pond and foun-
tain and close to beach. Newer air conditioning,
water heater, stove and more. Great rental income,
ready for you to furnish. Completely repainted Au-
gust 2005. Asking $385,900. George, (312) 321-7501.

FAMILY COMPOUND: Centrally located in Braden-
ton on private lake. Consists of one. new 5BR/
2.5BA, 3,200-sf home; one 5BR/2BA older home;
1BR cottage; separate building lot. $1,100,000.
Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090.

LAKESIDE BUILDING LOT. Central location;
Bradenton. $129,900. Exclusive. Real Estate Mart,
(941) 756-1090.


LAKEFRONT COMMUNITY: New release, home
sites from $39,900 and waterfront sites from $99,900.
Great amenities! Call Clear Water Marketing, (252)
633-2059, ext. 417. www.cwmktg.com.

WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA: cool mountain air,
views, streams, homes, cabins, acreage. Free
brochure; mountain property, (800) 642-5333. Re-
alty of Murphy,. 317 Peachtree St., Murphy NC
28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com.

the cool beautiful peaceful mountains of western N.C.
mountains. Homes, cabins, acreage, investments.
Cherokee Mountain Realty, GMAC Real Estate,
Murphy. www.cherokeemountainrealty.com. Call for
free brochure, (800) 841-5868.

GEORGIA BEAUTY! New home in Ballground,
SGovernor's Preserve, 4,416-sf brick and frame, two-
car.garage, 4 BR/3.5BA, custom cabinets, granite
countertops, island with custom design bar, view from
family room. 9-foot ceiling in living room, hardwood
floor, stacked stone fireplace to ceiling, large deck, full
basement, swimming, tennis. Must see! $449,000. By
owner, (706) 253-4121 or (770) 894-1988. See it at

SEastern North Carolina. Clear Water Marketing,
(252) 633-2059. ext. .315. www.cwmktg.com

FLORIDA LAND BARGAINS! 10 to 40 acres,
starting at $79,900. Grand opening Sept. 24-25!
Beautiful ranch properties, convenient to Gulf of
Mexico! Easy access, utilities, excellent financing.
(800) 455-1981, ext. 510.

THREE-WEEK BUILDING Sale! Last chance! 20 by
24, now $2,320; 25 by 30, $3,490; 30 by 40, $5.170,
40 by 50, $8,380; 40 by 60, $10,700; 50. by 100,
$15,244; others. Ends/accessories optional. Pio-
neer, (800) 668-5422.




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One of the biggest names
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V "hen you choose Chase you
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Available Winter 2006
Direct Gulffront home in Anna
Maria. Old Florida charm,
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-- one of many great property
-: available for season!
Call for rates and terms (941) 778-2307
or view at www.franmaxonreaestate.com

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1-800 .0696677-2307




DUPLEX One block to beach. 1 BR/1 BA each
side. Remodeled 2004. $649,000. Call Mike
Carelton, Realtor, 737-0915, or Michel Cerene,
broker 545-9591 evenings.
5910 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217
Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770
1-800-741-3772 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK
Web site: www.smithrealtors.com



Stunning 2BR condominium.
White, sandy beach and
romantic sunsets welcome
you home to paradise.
Offered at $950,000.

New 4BR/3BA condo close
to beaches and shopping.
Gated community. Offered
at $269,000.

Safes entafs Property Manaqement


Team Pinnacke
I 877-469-4753 .,''.
Pat Palmeri-Bates www.flrealestateassistance.com John Luchkowec.

New Listing!
Key West North with
panoramic views!
SBeautiful 2BR!2BA
.- condo with open-floor
plan and heated pool
.. ,., Located across the
street from the Gulfl
.,, $1 $4,225,000.

p ._ ,^ _.-
Sue Carlson Dennis Clark Adele Holland
411 Pine Ave Anna Maria


A- T"T--

Frank Da,.; -
F.... ... .. r,, ; -
P. I
R-1- ,. -

PERICO BAY CLUB-Waterlront corLdo!
Beautiful gated community with many
Ur B andford amenities, close to beaches and shopping.
BR 2 ,,BA .%i .. -jalte i eiirig. Enl:.% irhe
Iri.... -,i sc ,ried I.nr,a, win iranquii i aiter .,ewiS.
$355.i:i00 MLStt 51:-51 1

ISLAND STYLE-Fabulous, furnished and
only one block to the beach. A true island
home and a great rental. 3BR/2BA home
i, a ropE- l or ei n. in,.gr. pr, .:..ol r3a.1.
I,: reni i, eri|, ,y ,:,r ,..ur.ell S'.i8".9 ii;i0
MLSL# .1J .t,,

This attractive 2BR/2BA is close to the beach
anri t.r a liuljlI 'ull G cu M -.:.i.:.-.' 'r1.ened p.-.rCrh
alloiw- you.:.u I: iri,'v Ihe C. :,:l Sea brm z".e .
Lowi malinlinanl-:. yard ior inal I.IdJ-bac3ik IS
land lel-sriyle 5J-I 00 r1L# ML: 1'4



CONDO in Gulffront complex. Features Alan Galletto
include: 9.5-foot ceilings and granite Broker/Associate
.::.,unl-rl;.ps. in -..i.:,her j and. bair All iris i"
arnd r .-.re rin a ta ulj.uI -ij .Crnp:pl:< Witlh
healed pool and eleaior i .499.000
I1LS# 508- 7

Jorn him.

-.. .. ..

~=, wi ;t- be

ihe Tampa Ba., and t.earch oril, sleps ii a flaia'i.: I. aclrn and in greadi :ccindii. Inside rha 2: BR BA irp.r.A:e. arnil., enrd o01 rnni
aa ve ic:f l dinj:] d rs and Tile tormn r o ,rner ran a ,.'.*r SuceCsi.iin. r-.:om., -r:e dj I3anali .ih h iu lub. ari.ohe'd- .'i rn
.'w inndows vlMasler suine irn luij.usry spa Ltair tlusiness and included are all ine lirlings. garage and lencei-ir yard Mov.e righi in' build vour dr,
Mur.,ian walk-in srhowr and i balc:ornes xlues.equipenlandthreedelivery soolers $,325 000 MLS~s 511560 viewsoihe
'. e ,,i rlookling ihe eauilulul s:IaI e locaiionl Tris 1 100 si Cuilin iis rnhi across from ihe
-; $1 200,0o00 MlLS# 508799 tea.c:h $l.0.I00i L LS# 507830

i ir -- ..

nature- lover Parlicipale in tie lutile waich ground-ilo.:ir unii wiih cedar walls, a li:llh Anna Maria island Many puyiiCiliinea Waaie up I.-
Sir.: -. I m ihe Jo vlk walk Dauiiiui ejacr es i '- drom: ,r and itw additional C.dro.mrn wiih Zoned C-3 Rarely a, ailatl i 1 950 -iC00 % i i.e G
r oir ,.:i 10 irhe natur pr.er'.e Plus tio a. t -a i m iller 1B .Rver gara-al saic,3 MLS 50.1554 cr:.o nejn
S t arecue -Cri :ur wrap-around deck ard c rdar Walls ilin-S and iloori and peel-5 ri lei 1.1 ---..
-er. ihe m an .areie: -1 birds, r re- ihe Gul -.I i 00il 0 f. LSf 5105)-71
aI xbla>. in hre spa' ,599 000 MLSS 51 1520
'.,, ,-
-:4 = ''. '- T 7 :--z.---."- ''- -" =: : .-T---=:7 -.--: ., ';:. .-. C7 :.: .- -'4 : -- -:.----...--- r";- =
: .-.2__-,J:."':-':::_-.2__.__;:...:. -:?_f-:_-d -- .'? 7:L:-: `:;fb6-:! -7 : _:-:': :ZL:-._ ;=% *- P- .::-

TO THE BEACH at ime n-onr, i,., .,:
r.1ara i ,Island R ni out irii
lew rooil iniialled in 2001 or
eam house o1 include amazing
Gult $990000 MLSH 51168

Nick Pali...

D MODEL in Lm Casa C .-sier

r ,,,I '
sounds o..l ihe Seagull anJ ,a
Ull Iroim Ihis brand new b-a-:h
Large pool, .nim, irree uris
Mjn j r r- Tr. I.I"

Rare 5BR/3.5BA, across from beach access
with spacious, open floor plan. Large kitchen
with breakfast bar. Master suite on main floor.
Tile floors, screened lanai and a large open

Oversized four-car

: .i

deck great for tanning!
garage. $1,240,000.

Larry Albert Trica
Broker Realtor Topia
725-1074 opertics



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Available from Commercial News Provi

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2217 GULF DR. N.
SI(941) 778-2246
1A Ik (800) 211-2323
e-mail: ami@wagnerrealty.com
.enn.uaIu*** lt m

Brinigig People tf omone Since 1., 939 www

Sir tiwhne d P1L'pej' i 'ft/ic 1Vke |
:- .-- ISLANDTOWNHOMES Rare offering of four spa-
S-- cious townhomes with full, unobstructed views of
Sg -:-i the Gulf of Mexico. Each spacious unit offers 2BR/
Ss .-.. 2BA, open floor plans, large master suite, four
Balconies and comes turnkey furnished. Dave
:,; Moynihan, 778-2246. #511527. $3,200,000.
N.N .W ,. ,.

BREATHTAKING VIEW! A lull ievw of e 6 Sun-
,hine Sk'iav Bridle trom voulr owrn pro..ale m3s
ter suite. rmeriires include granite. coiur'iterliop
anid noney maple cabinets in te gourmet
kitchen Tw.o bora doc.ls .with eleclri. boal lihs A
mi.s se .vevi :, er :lockin D Biri Biav' Trac,e;
HLurle\ 741-25iC. 450rJS6j $1 .98d00
* u f^MiAH~

West slile renminiscenil of Siss Famnli
Robins'ron. Large corner lui quiet slreet Lusn
lolliae [eInceriJ, nrew roof, new kitcnien and man\
eilras' Pr1,.ate dou.ck prijileges A must see'
Melanie Johnson, 761-3100. #508390 4995.:00C0

end-unit otlering spacioCus iloor plan wiTh
eat-in kitchen, breakfast bar, walk-In closes.,
fireplace and iwo balconies Da'.e MoV'nihan
b8-22-6. #507333 I675,0C00


ISLAND TOWN HOME Newly constructed
3BR/,BA itowr.nhme offering 1.72' st of living
area A former model.ihis until .as numero.:us
custom features. Heated pool, private garage
and near Beach. Dave MPoynihan, 778-2246
#509928 S599.900.
P.ad a"W .l & .

v21i' in Rurnjv.a EaP. RRemcrdled c lieri
trErh pi3ni inrfuulhc.-ut. .A C .asnpr dr, r li e
neuv D'n. ni va'll Harold Small 77d Y'46
$4 10,01,10.

updaled ard irrimraciualeII Tropic-i setting
beaslS lush planhfings and fruit Irees Custom
siaineclgla-is blue hercrn design wnind.ow and
etried.-glass from door Beck,; Smith or Eli,
Siarren 778*-246 #509374. $635,000

Sew- tfrrn ,his upJdaled 3BR. 3BA res.ern.ce on 2 5Ba ta-vironi riesidenc:e wlin 120-feel on
large corner 1ol with 11 0-lforr .'- Ironiage io .n Ihe ba, anr, od 8 .lei of canal trontage. Dock.
ihe.bay 2.33. sI of l,.,ngarel p open lloor plin eriical 11 solar healed pool Bay view.
Docak h Dave Movnihan 78E-224-i #511366 Closie to beach Dave Movnithn. 778.2246
$1.395.000 #509147 1.69500 .


w **




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