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Skimming the news ... O'Connor Bowling Challenge results, page 20. Anna Maria- T^r4 (ld er .Fishing picking up, page 19. T Isad "The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992" www.islander.org Volume 13, No. 43 Aug. 31, 2005 FREE atrina's wake: AMI surf spectacle 4~*S 4-r - ..L. . Ch% ris PIliobbs ~frJ I. - <, ^ ?.-_ -. r' i .., *2_ ~- -- ": -, .' .__: -L~ jq-l* . 1 Anna Maria kills Island consolidation issue By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Islanders can stop any talk about consolidating the three cities. The issue got the death blow Aug. 25 at the Anna Maria City Commission meeting. The agenda item at that meeting was supposed to be about language for a proposed non-binding referen- dum for city voters on the November ballot on whether or riot they wanted the commission to proceed with a study on consolidation of the three Island. cities. SIf passed, the resolution would have allowed the 1,600 registered voters in the city to voice their "opin- ion" to the commission. After almost two hours of debate primarily about the evils of consolidation and suggestions of hid- den agendas with any vote by the city electorate getting short shrift the commission vote on the resolution ended 2-2, effectively killing any further talk of con- solidation among the three Island cities, at least in Anna Maria. Commission Chairman John Quam and Commis- sioner Linda Cramer voted for the resolution, while Commissioners Carol Anni Magill and Dale Woodland cast no votes. Commissioner Duke Miller was absent from the meeting. Opponents of consolidation said the city shouldn't waste its time even putting the issue to the voters in a non-binding referendum. "Let's not bother to explore something we prob- ably don't want," said resident Jim Conoly. Tom Turner agreed, but said the public should have at least an estimate of the cost of proceeding before any vote. Other residents made similar pleas for the commis- sion to cease any further talk of consolidation. Judy Adams admitted she was "passionate" about her opposition to consolidation and was against even the "suggestion that we give up control of our turf." Resident Diane Canniff was totally opposed to consolidation, and wondered who was behind consoli- dation. She accused some people of having a hidden agenda. She also accused Mayor SueLynn of canceling town hall meetings when the "right people" didn't show up, a charge that brought the mayor out of her PLEASE SEE CONSOLIDATION, PAGE 3 ISLANDER SURVEY: LET US VOTE! SEEPAGE 3 ~p~ I L-r r I-- :. i 7S;-.~..- .~..ii:I r- 5-- 5_ 1 i-_;. i r j PAGE 2 0 AUG. 31, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Katrina slows renourishment Goodloe Marine's dredge sought the safety of the bay side of Anna Maria Island near SBayfront Park this past weekend as Hurricane Katrina stormed north- ward in the central Gulf of Mexico, creating .. -S~-,- -. _i. heavy seas and high .. .. ......".." '...:- .....- winds. The dredge was Still anchored in its safe S. harbor Tuesday. Is- lander Photo: Rick Catlin Cortez businesses warily eye road work By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent Some business people are optimistic, others decid- edly not, but all "will have to wait and see" the effects of Cortez Road work on their trade. The main interruption of the tranquility of the his- toric fishing village is starting now, widening Cortez Road and putting a turn lane down its center and side- walks and bike paths alongside the road. That will af- Due to this year's increased enrollment at Anna Maria Elementary School, Principal Kathy Hayes announced that two more teachers would be join- ing the staff after the Labor Day holiday. Since the start of the school year, AME has re- ceived an increase in student enrollment from 266 students at the end of the past school year to 313 after the first 10 days of the current school year, causing overcrowding in second- and fourth- fect the entire village along the road,.from 119th Street almost to the Cortez Bridge. Also coming are repairs to the bridge, resurfacing of Cortez Road from 75th Street to 26th Street, trim- ming foliage and trees from U.S. 41 to the bridge, and construction of a new intersection at 44th Ave. All will affect traffic to and from the village, but how businesses will fare is a matter of opinion based in experience. grades. .Hayes said the district will assign teachers to AME, transferring them from schools that are under-enrolled. Teachers, she said, are chosen based on seniority and their willingness to trans- fer. Countywide, the Manatee County School District's growth is expected to be approximately 1,347 more students than the past school year. On one hand, Rocky von Hahmann, owner of Surf- ing World, said he doesn't expect a lot of impact be- cause traffic will keep flowing: "They'll do one side at a time, and APAC (the road contractor) has been a good company at keeping its word. We'll wait it out." On the other, Lou Nasser of Cortez Market expects business to slow down a lot and traffic-based trade to virtually vanish. He says he'll depend exclusively on local shoppers, adding, "We've experienced this kind of thing before, so I expect to lose 20-25 percent of my normal business during the construction." Jody Fulk, manager of the Cortez Cafe, expects "it won't really hurt us, with one lane of traffic open all the time." Butch Howey of Cortez Trailer Park anticipates "no problems; we're already booked solid for the sea- son." His counterpart up the road, Holiday Cove RV Resort, however, said, "It won't help, that's for sure." Karen Bell, owner of the Star Fish Co. Seafood Market and Restaurant on the waterfront, figures "it can't do us much good, but now is a good time to start construction at the slow time of the year. We'll live with it." RELIABILIY. DEPENDI B ILITY AND U'PT Cash Back From the Professionals in the Big Blue Trucks!- Buy a Trane Comfort System before October 31, 2005. and get a mail-in rebate up to $1,000. Enjoy the Ideal Home Environment. The ultimate in humidity control. Save up to 67% of your cooling costs. PI sres bac You may be eligible for sublecl lo change wnhoul notice Subjecl lo credit approval on American Dream Home Improvemenl Account Finance Charges accrue Irot i "'1 ., rebates from your local utility. Ihe dale ol Ihe sale less he Same As Cash plan balance is paid in lull prior to Ihe Same As Cash expralion dale Regular credit e Recommend Heating Coog Euipmen ith h ... We recommend eealng &t Cool ing o E efficiency itth ...i........... .... ." .i i I .Energy Star' Logo, the Symbol for Energy Efficiency. Two more teachers coming to AME $S ht'S Hard To S.to-p .4 Tranc* Consolidation nixed by Anna Maria CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 chair to call Canniffout of order, saying that was "not a fact" and she resented Canniff's implications. That forced Quam to ga\ el .he meeting to order. The city held two to\ nr hall mrneeting Aug. 23"on consolidation, where seven people spoke against con- solidation, while two voters said the people should.. decide the issue. Cramer responded to Canniff that she's never had a hidden agenda, she's ali\ as been open about her desire to explore consolidation. particularlU if it would mean better government and saving the ta\pa\er, money. Resident Joe White tried to bring calm to the meet- ing, saying he was opposed to consolidation. but thought the voters should have their say. "Let's put it to rest once and for all. What do we have to lose?" Some people feared the city would be absorbed by Holmes Beach and pointed out how "unique" Anna' Maria is compared to the other two Island cities. SIf Holmes.Beach and Bradenton Beach wanted to - consolidate, fine, said one resident, just leave Anna Maria out of it. Other residents had questions about the cost of consolidation, address changes the name of the new city,'how it would be governed and who x would be in charge, but SueLynn pointed out thqse were all ques-. tions that a study could answer. . When Magill suggested the city consider ""sharing services" with other Island cities rather thin .ii\ discus- sion of consolidation, Holmes Beach Ml) or Carol Whitmore responded that tlhat i as'tigoing to happen She said she spent two years trying to get an Island\\ ide public works department, only to have it killed by Anna Maria. Previous proposals to consolidate law enforce- ment departments on the Island have failed. Commissioner Dale Woodland said he was a ainst co-.solidation because biggeri is not better," but had - initial fa;oied the referenidun "'.s the people would kill it." . After the. town hall meetings, however, the seven- people who.spoke against consolidation convinced him that the resolution was a "bad idea. "I can't disagree with the people at the town hall meetings," he concluded. But all the discLusion was just opinion, said SueLynn. The city needed facts. The referendum was an "opporrtnitc to go to all the people to vote." If the commission voted ag.iinst the referendum, she said. they would be depriving voters of basic de- mocracy. "The city has nothing to lose We need to allow 400-tq 600 people to speak, not just the 20 '. ho hit e spoken. Let's put this to rest and allow everybody to vote." She l aiid if it doesn't go to ricreiredum and a clear vote from the electorate, the issue will keep coming back. Not approving the referendum was "robbing the people of an opportunity to say 'yes' or 'no."' Magill responded she wasn't robbing anybody and the mayor was incorrect. She also said she needed "more information," and didn't want to be rushed into a decision. SCity resident Jo Ann Mattick, however, wondered "what harm" there was in "letting all thepeople say yes, or no." She also said some of the "nay-sayers" had turned the issue personal and."impugning the charac- ter" of the mayor was "uncalled for. We have so much negativity at these meetings," she concluded. Quam supported the measure with an amend- ment that the city would spend no more than $40,000 as its share of a consolidation study. He also noted it would cost the city nothing to have the referendum placed on the November ballot, as long as there was a race for at least one of the three commission seats up for election. In the end, the tie vote meant nothing would be spent and nobody had to be concerned about costs. After the meeting, Whitmore said consolidation is now a "dead issue" and she's not supporting any fur- ther discussion by her commission, which had ap- proved ballot language at a recent meeting. "It was all or nothing," she said. The mayors of all three cities had agreed that if any city was against the proposal, it wouldn't be on the November ballot. "It's over. Why bring it up again? Let someone else try it in a few years when the majority of a commission ..has common sense," she observed. THE ISLANDER N AUG. 31, 2005 0 PAGE 3 Voters in Anna Maria, Bradenton Beach, Holmes Beach clearly favor referendum vote Islanders overwhelmingly want the right to vote on whether or-not the three cities should pi-o- ceed with consolidation, according to the results of a survey conducted by The Islander the past two Weeks. That includes Anna Maria,-where 87 percent of respondents from that city said the commission should allow the voters the right to express their opinion in a non-binding referendum. In Holmes Beach, 97 percent of those who re- sponded fua ored : public otre. \ while in Bradenton Beach, 92 percent of respondents from that cit\ said the public should be given the rilht to express their opinion. Overall, 93 percent of respondents favored a public \ote. Not all of those \\ho ant the public to-vote are in favor of consolidation, they just \\ .nt the issue to be decided one way or the other with a vote. "The old adage that if it ain't broke, don't fix it certainly applies here," rote one Anna Maria resident who favored a public vote. "That way, we'll be done with it," said another Anna Maria voter. Cramer calls for full commission vote on referendum- By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Anna Maria City Coinniisisioner Linda Cramer said the consolidation referendum issue in her city is "not dead yet," despite.the 2-2 vote that quashed a non-bind- ing referendum at the Aug. 25 onmmisi.ion meeting. The tie vote meant the resolution to put a non-bind- ing referendum on the November ballot asking Anna Maria voters whether or not they wanted the city to explore the feasibility of consolidating the three Island cities was halted for lack of a majority vote. The resolution needs to be at the Manatee County Supervisor of Elections Office by Sept. 19.to be on the November ballot. Cramer, however, believes all five commissioners need to make a decision. Late Tuesday, Cramer called for the renewal of the refereinduml question at a special commission meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 6. According to the city char- ter, a conmniission member mina call a special meeting. "I'm calling for a renewal of the motion under Roberts Rules of Order so that the full commission can decide the issue," Cramer said. Commissioner Duke Miller was absent from the Aug. 25 meeting. "At the moment, it's not a dead issue," said Cramer, who was discouraged at the Aug. 25 meeting to hear per-- soiial attacks and innuendo inltrI.le into what was sup- posed to have been a discussion about the resolution. But according to Miller, who returned to Anna Maria Aug. 29, the issue could well be dead. , Miller said any referendum vote was a "moot point" to him. "I don't think we need a vote because the people of Anna Maria are against consolidation," he said. Cramer has other issues stemming from the Aug. 25 meeting. "I also want to talk to the chairman about allowing people to get up many times on the same issue and make personal attacks on our mayor and commission- ers. It's disheartening," she said. Holmes Beach City Commissioner Don Maloney, long a proponent of consolidation, was at the Aug. 25 meeting and came away perplexed. "I can't understand why the commissioners are not even willing to give people a vote," he said, "although they keep saying they represent the people. What's the justification in not finding out what the people want? I'm amazed they would not even allow a people's choice for a non-binding referendum." Maloney said he would urge Holmes Beach com- missionerS, who have already approved a similar reso- lution, to keep the referendum on the November ballot. "I sill want to know what the people think," he said. 'I,,II *, .. . -' -; '-^ *- .* .' -* -* -^ -'. .' -*.. '.i. .. '... .;. . Others from Holmes Beach and Bradenton Beach agreed that consolidation probably \\ ouldni't work, but the public should be i\ en a chance to speak. "My personal opinion is that the three Island cities are too diverse to agree to consolidation." wrote a Holmes Beach resideintwho also said the public should be given a vote. In the same survey, 70.1 percent said Island voters should first be asked to yote on funding of a study on consolidation, while 55.9 percent said Is- land elected officials could decide on the need.for a study and related costs. The 'urt e\ \\ as not a vote on consolidation, just Sitheter or not Islandeir should be allowed to vote b\ their respect\ e city commissions on heatherer or not the\ \\ ant the cities to proceed or not \ ith any consolidation tlud\. Holnme, Beach city cqntmiissioners ha\e adopted language for a non-biindn referendl m on consolida- tion that will be on the No\ ember ballot. Anna Marui's 'vote ended in a 2-2.effecti\el\ haltiln the resolution for the moment. Biadenton Beach \\ \ to bring the is- sue to its Sept. I ci \ commission meeting. Island trolley operating Labor Day The Island tiolle\ operated bi the Manatee County Area Transit will maintain:its regular service and hours on Labor Day, Sept. 5, as will the free Beach Express on Manatee Avenue. The trolley operates from 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. SMCAT's regular fixed-route and Handy Bus ser- vice will not will not run on Sept. 5. Meetings Anna Maria C'i0 SSept. 6, inoon. qialif\ inb begins fior cit\ commrissnioni elections. ending, .it noon Sept. 9. Sept. 7', 30- I p.m cit3 commission meeting and -first public hearing.on tentative 2005-06 budget and mill- age rate. Sept. 8,77 p.m., city commission special meeting. Agenda: Pending final site plan at 303 Pine Ave., and amended final site plan at Waterfront Restaurant, 111 S. Bay Blvd. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 708-6130. Bradenton Beach Sept. 1, 5 p.m., board of adjustment meeting on Tropic Isles-Osprey Development project at 101 22nd St. N. Sept. 1,7 p.m., city commission meeting. Agenda: first reading and public hearing on charter amendments, presentations on coastal cleanup and Waterfronts Florida designation, city pier update, post-disastei agreement contract approvals with various companies, approval of invoices from city attorney and city audi- tor, and consent agenda. Sept. 6, 1 p.m., scenichighway committee meeting. Sept. 8,4:30 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting. Sept. 8,7 p.m., city commission meeting and first pub- lic hearing on tentative 2005-06 budget and village rate. Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., 778-1005. Holmes Beach Sept. 7,5 p.m., parks and beautification board meeting. Sept. 7, 6:30 p.m., city commission meeting and first public hearing on 2005-06 budget and millage rate. Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, 708-5800. Holiday Closures Government offices in Anna Maria, Bradenton Beach, Holmes Beach and Longboat Key will be closed Mon- day, Sept. 5, for Labor Day. The Islander newspaper office will also be closed Monday. Classified ad deadline for the Sept. 7 issue wilflb&at,,oo'nFiidayhe)pt 2, I I PAGE 4 0 AUG. 31, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Red tide appears to have blown ashore post-Katrina Hurricane Katrina's passage offshore of Anna Maria Island in the Gulf of Mexico appears to have driven the red tide bloom close ashore over the week- end. Several people complained of watering eyes, scratchy throats, an incessant cough and other ailments which are attributed to the red tide organism, Karenia brevis, which has been plaguing Southwest Florida since January. Dr.-Richard H. Pierce, a red tide researcher at Mote Marine Laboratory, said the bloom "extends from off- shore of Hernando County and along the shore from Pasco County, south to LUe County. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute reported low to me- dium counts along the shore from.Pasco County south to Charlotte Harbor. Sarasota Bay samples varied from medium to high throughout last week. "Offshore conditions reflect a very' complicated distribution of red tideand non-toxic marine algae, ranging from low to medium to high, depending on the depth and distance from shore," Pierce added. "The effect from Hurricane Katrina will be monitored by FWRI and Mote later in the week after the seas calm. It is anticipated that the high waves and turbulence Beware riptide; The National Weather Service in Ruskin yesterday issued a high surf and riptide warning for Manatee County beaches in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The NWS said.waves will be five to eight feet along Anna-Maria shores and "dangerous rip currents, are likely." A rip current is a 10- to-30-yard-wide channel of 4 ___ -could mix the \\ water column, ending the anoxic condi- tions along the bottom. 'Respiratory irritation and dead fish continue to be reported throughout the area, depending on local bloom conditions and the direction and intensity of the wind. s along beach water near the shore than can pull even a strong swim- mer into deeper water. Swimmers are advised to avoid going into the surf. The NWS said the high waves and riptides will decrease over the next few days and the warning will likely be discontinued by Friday, Sept. 2, at the lat- est. Hardy boogie boarders were willing to brave S : the red tide and rip currents to "ride the wild .surf" churned Sup at Hurricane Katrina's passage in the. Gulf of Mexico. Islander Photo: -Chris Hobbs Light winds and winds blowing off-shore should mini- mize adverse effects, while strong onshore winds will bring adverse impacts on shore." It was those strong winds blowing ashore over the Weekend that caused respiratory irritation along the .Island's shore. Former Island resident David Reid, visiting the Island this week, was body surfing over the weekend when he was stricken by the effects. of red tide. "My eyes turned watermelon red," he said'after leaving the water. Another "body surfer," Dale Conlon, noted the same reaction when he took his daughter and her friends to the Manatee PublicBeach Sunday for some fun in the high surf. "I've never had such a severe re- action before. My eyes were really burning we had to give up." Save this coupon for your next electrical repair or upgrade. New lights? New circuits? New motors? Phone Lines? Computer Network? No problem.United Electric can help. Our employee-owned company includes more than 60 of the most experienced electricians in the area.' ut Out Coupon - ,$25 $251 I I United Electric I Save $25 on any new residential service call. g Powered by Service ( Not valid with any other offer. No cash value. I < Expires November 30, 2005. Lic. EC0003053 < I United Electric I Sarasota: 953.7585 Bradenton: 756.5465 . M-- --- -- -M -- I-- -M -M -- -- --- Call for scheduled or one-hour emergency service, Sarasota: 953.7585 Bradenton: 756.5465 www.unitedelectric.biz Lic. EC0003053 HAPPY LABOf DAY EARLY CLASSIFIED DEADLINE NOON FRIDAY Sept. 2 for classified ads that will appear in the Sept 7 issue of The Islander. Ads must be received at our office no later than Soon Friday, Sept. 2, for Sept 7 publication. Fax 778-9392, e-mail news@ islander.org or visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Our office will be closed Monday, Sept 5, in observance of Labor Day. Tli slander I; , ~, -?'~~ '~ ,,b- Alleged red tide victim wants city to pay up By.Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Former Holmes Beach resident Kelly Gutensohn said she and her family moved to the city in February -2005 because of the "sparkling and pristine beaches" she saw advertised. But nothing was ever said about the red tide bloom in the Gulf of Mexico that causes dead fish to wash ashore on Islard beaches. Gutensohn said she's developed a severe staph in- fection that her doctor says was caused by red tide, has boils on 25 percent of her face, has a persistent low- grade fever, is unable to work, cook or clean, can't kiss her children, and has more than $8,000 in unpaid medi- cal bills. And she wants the city to cover those ex-_ penses. "Everyone knows red tide is not a natural phenom- enon," Gutensohn said from her new home in Kississimmee. "The environmental toxins present in Holmes Beach and ignored and covered up by the city government have caused me and my family an enormous amount of discomfort and pain, and con- tinue to do so. "I may require plastic surgery to repair enormous scarring on my face," she claimed. "But I would like to resolve this without attorneys. I would like to see the City of Holmes Beach step up to the plate and do the right thing." Gutensohn added that- she-was unable to speak "comfortably" for any amount of time. She said she's talked to several attorneys who agree she was "duped" by advertisements for the "spar- kling beaches" of the city. At this point,however, Gutensohn has not retained any legal counsel. "I'm asking the city to pay for my medical bills and clean up the [beach] area," she said, and has written a letter to Mayor Carol Whitmore informing the city of her request. Gutensohn did not give the name of her doctor, nor the city where she and her family came from to Holmes Beach. She said she moved out of the city on Aug. 2, 2005. Whitmore had no comment on Gutensohn's allega- tions, but said she would be happy to put Gutensohn's attorney if an'd when she obtains counsel in con- tact with the city's attorney. THE ISLANDER 0 AUG. 31, 2005 a PAGE 5 Stingray shuffle unnecessary so far this year The stingray shuffle dance card has been left blank this year, and red tide appears to be the rea- son. Manatee County Marine Rescue Chief Jay Moyles said there have been only two "stingray barb-human interactions" since March this year, and one of those was when one of the lifeguards ran over a barb on an all-terrain vehicle and popped a tire. Usually, scores of beachgoers to Manatee Pub- lic Beach or Coquina step on a stingray while en- tering or leaving the water. Stingrays have a barb at the base of their tail and, when an unwary swimmer mashes down on the fish, the result is usually a painful puncture. To avoid the rays, swimmers are urged to do the "stingray shuffle" scooting your feet through the sand to shoo the rays away without getting stung. But not this year. Moyles said early storms may have kept people out of the water earlier this summer, and the lingering red tide bloom may have driven the rays away from our area for the rest of the time. Dr. Robert E. Hueter, director of the Center for Shark Research at Mote Marine Laboratory, con- curred with Moyles' assessment. Sharks,.and rays, don't much care for red tide and will avoid areas where it is present, Hueter said, although there have been reports of dead stingrays from Tampa Bay and Terra Ceia Bay attributed to the bloom earlier this summer. "If there's anything good about red tide," Hueter said, "it's that it has pushed the rays and sharks offshore." By Diana Bogian Islander Reporter . The Manatee County School Board unanimously approved Aug. 22 an amendment that allows redistri- bution of funds within Anna Maria Elementary School's construction budget, to allow sprucing up the existing auditorium. According to. district construction services project Rotary's water project to be decades long The project it has jointed to bring drinkable water to people around the world will go on for decades, lo- cal Rotarians have been told, and their speaker said more than a billion people are in need. Vladimir Chen, exchange student from Tajikstan interning with a water development company in Labelle, Fla., said that 6,000 children die every day from diseases associated with the lack of safe drinking water. Even parts of the United States lack pure potable water, and childhood sicknesses claim victims as a re- sult. Rotary International is undertaking relief of the problem around the world, and the Rotary.Club of Anna Maria Island is committed to do its share. At its meeting the club was reminded that members provided funds through the Rotary Foundation to dig a deep well in southern Nigeria, and that members Win and Patti Bishop donated funds for two more wells. manager Jane Dreger, funds from 12 maintenance items, totaling approximately $290,000, were trans- ferred from maintenance to construction costs for the auditorium. The performance facility and an additional class- room wing are slated for an upgrade, rather than new construction due to budget constraints. Initially the construction team only had funds to address air qual- ity, which was a concern with the old.building. Dreger says the transfer of funds affords W.G. Mills the ability to replace the carpet, add a covered' walkway between the music-art building to the audito- rium, tie the existing building's fire alarm, public ad- dress system and phones to the newly built main build- ing, and paint the interior and exterior to tie in with the colors of the new building. Dreger said the auditorium is not likely to be ready for occupancy at the same time ias the nett building. "The site is too constrained, so we won't be able to start work until December, but we will have the space ready for occupancy as fast as we can," she said. The school's construction team still meets twice a month and Dreger said it is still discussing options for additional upgrades to the auditorium and Building 9, which will house the music and art rooms. The "drop-dead date" for completion of the reno- vation to the auditorium and Building 9 is still this sum- mer. In the meantime, Dreger said, construction on the new main building is "rockin' and rollin'" with drywall and windows going up now. WILLS TRUSTS PROBATE JAY HILL Attorney-at-Law 778-4745 Anna Maria, Florida We are proud to announce we now have The Two Premier air conditioning brands A Heating & Air Conditioning LASTS AND LASTS AND LASTS.TM TURN TO THE EXPERTTM To better serve our Island communities WEST COAST AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING INC 778-9622 5347 Gulf Drive, No. 4, Holmes Beach Business Center, Holmes Beach AwVEDA. lifestyle salon spa store experience the difference ' hair nails skin body' ,. 5111 gulf drive ___ anna maria island S 778.5400 o HOLIDAY GARBAGE AND RECYCLING PICKUP SCHEDULE Waste Management of Manatee County will not be picking up garbage or recycling on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 5th. Monday's garbage and recycling will be picked up on the Saturday prior to Sept. 5th, which is Sept. 3rd. Thank you and enjoy a safe weekend. WASTE MANAGEMENT of Manatee County For more information, call 753-7591 Construction fund redistribution to spruce up AME auditorium - - C- IPLe lrl~ PAGE 6 E AUG: 31, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Opinion Survey says... The survey on consolidation issues conducted by this newspaper, which'had large success mostly from online participants, indicates the overwhelming major- ity of respondents favor letting folks vote on the con- solidation issue. Elected officials in Anna Maria, however, think otherwise, with four commissioners deadlocked on the proposal. It may not yet be a dead issue. Commissioner Linda Cramer has vowed to re-address the referendum with a full five-member commission. Maybe heads have turned since the first discussion, but maybe not.. Duke Miller, absent from the dias for the critical vote last week, said yesterday he opposes putting the issue to referendum, because "the people are against it anyway." Anna Maria Mayor SueLynn is not, alone in her disgust that two commissioners took it upon them- selves to stifle voters in that city. At least there's no apathy here. Many of our sur- vey respondents commented "passionately" in favor of a referendum whether in favor of or opposed to con- solidation. One of Anna Maria's naysayers did take time to praise the city for allowing town hall meetings on the subject, calling it a "basic right of democracy." Indeed, and another "right" is allowing the elector- ate to vote on an issue, especially a non-binding poll, although that point escaped this consolidation oppo- nent. But please, don't .blame just the Anna Maria naysayers for "killing" any chance to have your say. It's contagious. Bradenton Beach has yet to address the consolidation referendum for no apparent reason. Why, we ask, do the Island mayors want to kill the issue of consolidation if one city opts out of the refer- endum? And why is that their decision? And why is Bradenton Beach, Mayor John Chappie avoiding the topic? We say ... carry on. Forge ahead. Let people vote,, and don't let a few naysayers stand in the way. The worst that can happen is we find out what the majority wants. The best that can happen is a study of the issue - and the possible consolidation of some services and a city manager for one or all. One respondent commented to the effect, "Each city has enough problems of its own." To which we say, all the more reason. Especially for a professional city (three cities) manager. The Islander AUG. 31, 2005 Vol. 13, No. 43 V Publisher and Editor BonreieJoy, bonner@islander.org. V Editorial Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org Diana Bogan, diaria@islander.org .Rick C anrli, : i' -: l ari,J r .:.rg Jack Egan Jack Elka .. : JiimFHanso V C.:,nirrr.'.,,,' Gib Bergquist Kevin Gassidy, kevin@islander:org Jesse Brisson David Futch Robert Noble .Carrie Price. J.L. Robertson V Advertising Sales Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org Rebecca Barnett, rebecca@islander.org V Office Manager Julia Robertson, julia@islander.org V Production Graphics Kelly McCormick, ads@islander.org Kelley Ragan, kelley@islander.org V Distribution Urbane Bouchet Ross Roberts Lisa Williams (All others: news@islander.org) c ss1993-04 W nhid inning Newspaper / Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. @ 1992-2005 Editorial, sales.and production offices: Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEB SITE: islander.org FAX 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978 SLICK By Egan Or inion Robbed of a voice This opinion is about the fundamental, democratic right of each of us to.vote not about whether I or anyone else is for or against consolidation. I am truly dismayed by the decision the City of Anna Maria's commission made at its Aug. 25 meet- ing regarding a referendum to study the feasibility of the consolidation of the three Island cities. What I find so troubling is that two commission- ers and a dozen or so opponents of consolidation made the decision that no one other than themselves will have the opportunity to have their voices heard in the City of Anna Maria on this topic. Elected officials are voted into office to make de- cisions on behalf of their constituents. Virtually all of the decisions -he\ make while in office are made w ith- out knowing what all of the people they represent think. - That is as it should be, since they were elected to of- fice based on their opinions and viewpoints on issues that might come before the commission. ' However, a referendum is a rare opportunity for elected officials to find out what a majority of their constituents' beliefs are on a particular issue. For citi- zens to speak out against their fellow citizens' right to express their opinions and for two of the city commis- sioners to support that position is disheartening. The vast majority of voters in the City of Anna Maria were robbed of the opportunity to make their voices heard when those two commissioners voted against the referendum and chose to listen to a vocal minority. Mayor SueLynn, City of Anna Maria Leave it to Holmes Beach At the Aug. 25 Anna Maria City Commission meeting, Holmes Beach Mayor Carol Whitmore and Island resident Don-Schroeder addressed the. Anna Maria city commissioners urging them to place on the November ballot the question of exploring consolida- tion of Island cities. . It was implied by Mayor Whitmore.and Mr. Schroeder that if Anna Maria did not place the "nonboriding referendum" before the voters, then 5,000- Holmes Beach voters would be denied the opportunity to express their interest on the issue of consolidating the Island cities into one municipality. Although Mr. Schroeder declared the benefit and necessity of consolidation (no supporting reasons given) both he and Mayor Whitmore assured the Anna: Maria city commissioners that their (Whitmore's and Schroeder's) only interest was in finding out whether, voters wanted to explore the feasibility. If if is important to Mayor W hiumiore and Mr. Schroeder to know what the Holmes Beach voters- want, is there any reason Holmes Beach cannot place the "nonbonding referendum that won't cost a penny" on the Holmes Beach ballot?. :' ] I Holimens Bea.ch voters were to indicate a great desire for this "exploration,'" then thle Holmes Beach- cim\ o\ierninent could pi'ceed to explore, learn the benefits, ind Coni\ mlice [Ile Anna Maria city voters to advocate placing a question of consolidation on the ballot 'in a future election. Diane. Canniff, Anna Maria Have your say The Islander welcomes and encourages your opin- ion letters. The Islander accepts.original letters of up to 250 words and reserves the right to edit for length and gram- mar. Letters must include the city you reside in for publi- cation and a phone number (for verification only). Anony- mous letters will not be printed. All letters to the editor remain on file at The Islander and available to the public. Letters are published on a space-available basis with regard to timeliness of the material. Writers are limited to one published letter per month. Address letters to Editor, The Islander, 5404 Ma- rina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217, fax to 941-778- 7978, or e-mail to news@islander.org. . THE ISLANDER M AUG. 31, 2005 0 PAGE 7 Anna Maria planning board nixes duplexes By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Anna Maria's planning and zoning board agreed to recommend to the city commission elimination of the city's medium-density residential category of zoning in the proposed future land use element of the city's re- vised comprehensive plan. That was the board's consensus at its Aug. 22 pub- lic meeting on.the FLUE after more than two hours of debate and public input on the ramifications of such a move. Elimination of the MDR essentially means that no: new duplexes can be built in the city on lots that are less than 15,000 square feet, said P&Z board member Doug Copeland. The board backed away from specific language in the FLUE that would address eliminating du- plexes. Comp plan facilitator Tony Arrant pointed out that the proposed FLUE language "does not prohibit du- plexes." It only specifies a maximum density of six units per acre, and the lot size of each unit must be a minimum of 7,500 square feet. A duplex could still be built, but the owner would need two adjoining 7,500 square-foot lots; "If you do not want duplexes, put it in the plan." he advised. While regulation of duplexes is usually found in a- city's land development regulations, he said, some cit- ies have opted to put restrictions on duplexes in their comp plans because that's "harder to change" than a city code. He suggested the board write what people can do, rather than state What-they can't do. Board member-Randall Stover said the maximum Fox correction The story in the Aug. 24 issue of The Islander on the Holmes Beach canals should have indicated that Sunrise resident Madonna Fox favors sharing dock space in that basin and is not opposed to such a mea- sure. density per acre should be 5.8. because that's how many lots of 7,500 square feet one acre can contain. Arrant replied it was easier to legislate a maximum of six units per acre. The board got hung up on lot size and zoning is- sues related to the FLUE and P&Z board chairman Chris Collins reminded members that these issues could be dealt with at a continuation of the meeting, or by changes in the LDR. Building Official Kevin Donohue noted that the compplan generally sets "parameters," while the codes "can be more restrictive." Agreed, said Arrant. The city's LDR might set a maximum of three units per acre. S"Let's go forward," said board member Fran Barford. "The board can revisit the issue of the ac- tual density per acre at a continuation of the public hearing. SSome members of the public supported elimination of the MDR, and resident Robin Wall agreed, only if there is "clear language" that grandfathers existing lots that become non-conforming because of a new comp plan. Board member Margaret Jenkins suggested that some people, depend upon income from a duplex. Copeland pointed out that those properties would be. "grandfathered" under the proposed comp plan. Resident Tara O'Bnen. however, said eliminating the MDR may be "exclusionary" because the city must accommodate the need for affordable housing and a duplex may fit that need. She requested the board "not change the medium- density residential district." Attorney Stacey Frank, a North Shore Drive resi- dent, asked the board to consider language in the comp plan prohibiting development of land-locked parcels with no right-of-way access. She suggested there were several such properties* in the Bean Point area, and considering the ever-in- creasing land values on the Island, sooner or later a developer would purchase a house fronting such a property, then buy the land-locked property. That' would give that person frontage along a right-of-way Sand enough property size to build a subdivision right, out onto Bean Point. Those property-owners are currently "land-locked" with only access from the beach, and they knew that when they purchased the property. They even have special tax dispensations because they are land-locked, she noted. Frank said the comp plan should state that property "currently not platted and seaward of the coastal con- struction control line and, without access to a right of way may not be developed for residential purposes" after a date certain. Barford said she'd like a legal opinion on that re- quest, and Frailk agreed to meet with City Attorney Jim Dye to show him the case law she has on the issue. Mayor SueL nn said Dye has already begun a re- view of just that problem, but welcomed the input from Frank. In a separatepublic hearing, the board gave general 'approval to the coastal-conservation, capital improve- ments, recreation and open space and intergovernmen- tal coordination;elements of the proposed comp plan with onl3 minor re\ visions. When the board is finished with all elements of the comp plan and FLUE, an evaluation and appraisal re- port will be prepared for presentation at another P&Z public hearing. The P&Z board only makes recommendations to the city 'commission on the proposed comp plan. The commission must schedule further public hearings on the plan, once it's presented by the P&Z board. The FLUE public hearing stopped just short of addressing the city's residential-office-retail district. The proposed FLUE calls for a maximum of two hab- itable floors in that district, with the ground floor for retail-office space. Business owners in the ROR district along Pine Avenue are expected to protest this proposal vigorously when the board continues the public hearing on the FLUE at 7 p.m. Sept. 19. Remembe/ ...aslway,,FR BEER tomorrow! -JAY CRAWF D! Friday, Saturday and Sunday s&t. 2,3 nV ,4 Come celebrate ae Labor Day hoa holiday'! , *jays material may be unsuitable for children. LABOR DAY DRINK SPECIALS Pitchers of Bud& - Miller Lite Only $7 I for $6 Mimosa Bloody Mary Tequila Suhrise Screwdriver ROTTEN RALPH'S WATERFRONT DINING LUNCH & DINNER 7 DAYS FULL BAR SERVICE 902 S. Bay Blvd. Anna Maria Located at Galati Marina 778-3953 0 I-ATFSH& HPSAL A, -EVRYDY!$89 We'd love to mail you the news! S We mail The Islander weekly for a:nominal $36 per year. 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S BULK MAIL U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (allow 2 weeks for delivery) S l One Year: $36 Q 6 Months: $28 .Ll 3 Months: $18 U.S. FIRST CLASS AND CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS S L One Year: $140 Q 6 Months: $87.50 Q 3 Months: $52 U Single Issue: $3.50 FIRST CLASS MAIL, U.S. ONLY, Maximum Four Weeks * Call for mail rates to Europe or. other countries. . MAIL TO: S ADDRESS S CITY STATE ZIP N Credit card payment: 0 3 No. S Exp. Date Name shown on card: . U S MAIL START DATE: The Islander S Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 * IA CHARGE IT BY PHONE: (941) 778-7978 4 OR ONLINE AT islander.org J m m n n m ni/u Jm n G .. .ull .t t ,,: PAGE 8 0 AUG. 31, 2005 T THE ISLANDER Anna Maria City bay side may get erosion help By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Anna Maria's ba. side residents may get some much-needed and long-overdue help in combating the erosion problem along their shores. The area could be eligible for the next beach renourishment cycle ex- pected to start in 21109- 10. Mayor SueLynn said Florida Department of Envi- ronmental Protection representative Kathy Sloko in- spected the city's bayfront in early August and returned last week with a map that clearly defines where the coastal construction control line is located in the city, and moves those:lines farther inland from the map used by Manatee Culnti in its 2002 renourishment projieci. The map provided by Sloko was done by the DEP in the early 1980s,: '' while the map the county used a.s done in 1974, she'said. Because portions of Bean Point and alo-n' the hi\ down to the Rod & Reel Pier are clearlyl outside ithe CCCL on the Sloko map, the DEP can desiniiatc tilh s area as critically eroded. SIf an area gets that designation, said the mayor, Manatee County Ecosystems Manager Charlie Hunsicker will include that area in the feasibility study for the next beach renourishment project. The county did not use this latest DEP map to designate areas eli- gible for renourishment in the 2002 beach renourishment project, and a number of Anna Maria Bean Point and bayfront residents were excluded from participation. And the city has an important ally in getting the DEP in gear to study the area for the designation. Dr. Robert Dean of the University of Florida mdt with the mayor and Hunsicker two weeks ago. Dean is currently finalizing a study on beach erosion in this area for the city. "His findings sholi\ tili from November 2002 to August 2005, some of his study location points along the shore have lost as much as 30 to 40 feet of beach," she said. Geyer doing well after surgery Former Holmes Beach Commissioner and Mayor Pat Geyer, proprietress of Duffy's Tavern, had bypass surgery last week and plan's to "install" a pacemaker have been delayed, Pat confirmed Tuesday. The family closed Duffy's last week on Friday, the day of Pat's surgery, and by Saturday morning, accord- ing to daughter Peggi Davenport, "Mom was sitting up in a chair and eating," all good signs. She will remain in cardiac intensive care Tues- day at Blake Medical Center although she may be it r, I r -- StarbLac Ijs Coffee Liqcuur 01) Sale 2 9"kIL Humnmer Recipe *1 oz. coffee liqueur loz. rum 2 scoops vanilla i cream Blend with crushed ice for 30 seconds, pour Intoa. glass, ENJOY! Anna Maria Island Liquor & Wine 5321 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach (Fitness C.nirr Buiidinai 778-5434 Please Diink Responsibly moved to another "regular room," Pat said, through Friday. She said she's doing well, which has prompted her physicians to delay the pacemaker. Cards and notes are wel- come at her home, 206 Harbor -Geyer Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217, or at Blake, 2020 59th St, W., Bradenton FL 34209. HAPPY GRILLING! I AVE A SAFE AND ENJOYABLE IABOR I)AY! 0 COME SEE US FOR ALL YOUR GRILLING NEEDS. 5350 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach Open Tuesday thru Saturday 10-4 (S&S Plaza, next to post office) 779-9594 Free assembly and delivery on the Islands New line inay help Anna Maria bayside A new map of the coastal construction control line provided by the Florida Department of En ,,onnewl Protection to Anio Maria shows the CCCL is farther inland around the Bean Point area ~ Islander Photo: Cour- tesy DEP Based u p.in [ lit. Dean, who was formerly the head of the DEP's Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Department, has taken his information to the DEP to get it "jump-started" to begin their own study. "There are no guarantees the DEP will follow through," said the mayor, "but Dr. Dean's word carries a lot of weight. I'm optimistic." Dean said he has spoken with Ralph Clark of the bureau and he's indicated that the next step is to pro- Svide the BBCS with up-to-date survey data "indicating the erosional character of the shoreline," using the just- discovered DEP markers, not the markers in the prior DEP map he used for his current study for the city. If the city's bayside gets designated as a critically eroded area, it may also be eligible for other beach- saving programs, not just the next beach renourishment project, SueLynn said. Dean indicated just putting beach sand on the bay side may not be the answer to halt erosion because of the sharp drop-off just a few feet offshore. Other pos- sibilities to stop erosion, however, do exist, he sug- gested. The best solution will depend upon the county's feasibility study of the area. YOU'LL BE TICKLED PINK g MI S- When you see all our great new merchandise! -' I__C 'lI INVENTORY REDUCTION AI ^^fe^I 1 V V ^^ rL%% NEED I)r()kE ROOM BEACH SH OP 0" up "" r,- Fo[r^: NI-,- ^ \\ .ER L'H p Ri [IW ! 4 .~ chrisinia dlls Ite )1- li li1'ef) W -h:111 t.1-LDEE'S BOUTIQUE BOTH P E OPEN DAILYea22----aft 28 i es Bah." THE ISLANDER 0 AUG. 31, 2005 M PAGE 9 Key Royale Bridge replacement scheduled for next year The long-awaited replacement of the Key Royale Bridge should begin next spring, according to represen- tatives from the Florida Department of Transportation. The big question, though, is just how much will. it cost to replace the bridge that is the lone access and egress to Key Royale. DOT's Ed Ponce said at an informational work- shop on the bridge last week that the bridge reconstruc- tion project originally was priced at $1.3 million. Cur- rent estimates peg the project at $2.1 million, and Ponce admitted that the price tag could climb once contractors bid on the project in January 2006. It will take about four months to iron out the details of the project, he added, before work will commence. Construction is scheduled to be completed by early 2007. DOT intends to replace the current 45-year-old bridge with a wider, slightly higher span. The current bridge'has 10-foot-wide lanes; the new bridge will fea- ture 12-foot-wide lanes with a 6.5-foot sidewalk on each side. -The new bridge will also be slightly higher: 10.3 feet versus the current bridge height of 9.3 feet. During construction which will probably be mostly done via barge boat traffic will be banned from the area. Vehicular traffic of at least one lane will be maintained throughout the project, DOT officials have said. Through a joint participation agreement with the City of Holmes Beach and DOT, the city will pay for the bridge replacement now and be reimbursed by the DOT in the 2008-09 fiscal year.. Questions regarding the project should be ad- dressed to Barbara Combs, DOT project manager, at (863) 519-2536, e-mail barbara.combs@dot.state.fl.us. -Simply the Best - Caria I Marlanne Lisa Rochelle Sally OVER 350 RENTALS From elegant luxury on the Gulf to cute little bungalows on the bay, we've got them all Big & Small. Mike 800-367-1617 K %H^L" "'"941-778-6696 Norman 1 3101 GULF DRIVE Realty INC WWW MIKENORMANREALTYCOM HOLMES BEACH Rolls open Tuesday for candidates seeking city commission offices in Anna Maria City and Holmes Beach. Three seats on the respective city commissions are available in each city. In An.-\ nn IMaria, those seats are' currently held by John Quam, Carol Ann Magill and Dale Woodland. In Holmes Beach. the -seat are those held by Rich Bohnenberger. Don Nialone\ and P.at Morton. Candidates have from noon Tuesday, Sept. 6, un- til noon Tuesday, Sept. 20, to qualify for office. The election will be Nov. 8. In Anna Maria, Quam had said he was deliberating whether or not to seek another term in office, Magill .has said she would not seek office again, and Wood- Griffith-Cline has been serving Anna Maria families for over 45 years. We honor all competitors prearranged funeral contracts and encourage price comparisons. FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION SERVICES 6000 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach (941) 778-4480 www.griffithcline.com land said he would run for re-election. Woodland has filed paperwork with the Manatee County Supervisor of Elections Office in order to begin the qualification process. In Holmes Beach, all three current commissioners have said they would seek another term. Qualifying for the three city commission seats in Bradenton Beach will run from Sept. 19-23. John Shaughnessy, who presently represents Ward 1 in the city, has filed initial paperwork with the SEO, as has Mayor John Chappie. Jane Roberston, a newcomer to Bradenton Beach politics who served on the compre- hensive plan review committee, has filed initial docu- ments to run for the Ward 3 seat, currently held by Rob Nachtigal. on Silks, Coconuts Bismarks Pottery Arecas Addoninias and Home Travelers Accents EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN Gardeh Cehtetr ahd Jule RoomiR , 5704 MARINA DRIVE HOLMES BEAC 778-4441 r; BEACHWAY LIQUOR (" 7318 Manatee Avenue West SBetween Publix and K-Mart Mon-Sai 9am-9prn, Sun 10-7 (941) 761-3525 .. CREATED EXCLUSIVELY FOR You Holiday Kitchens crafts only the finest custom-made products for \our home since 1946. Their remarkable artisanship means \on ha\e an ala1\ of choices that \OLo \\ don't find \l ith other manullfacturers. LImgine lit' l possibiil il'. ... Lel ttis customize you r klilchen o0fio.'OifItr liif! 'isitl o(pl' uI .sho',IroomII O. 24 d(ifj'irenl Iile i t', :,, i.'ii! j Eunii .iiii i l.s E E CABINETSUnlimited 8700 Cortez Road West Bradenton (941) 792-8656 H. ,I Seagram's VO S2099 3, Muirhead's Scotch $*1599 -, J&-B Scotcn SSt Remy Brandy S1899 1 Kahlua s2799, ,:. Sauza or Margaritaville Tequilae $2799 -1.1 10 Cane Crown Royal Scoresby Rum scotch 3199 : s39991 U s 1799, Southern I Skol Gin Ron Rico Rur Comfort As or Vodka ... Light or Dark s2199 ,I, 099 ': Sl 69 Clan Stolichnaya Skyy Vodk MacGregor Vodka 1 1.75 $1 599 1.75 *29" 24 3$72 Jose Cuervo I Anc A ge W Johnnie Tequila Ag Walker Red I9I -j. $5991751L$3199 1.75 $3 99 3/ $ 9 Ezra Brooks Beefeater Gin jCutty Sark 17sI ,-, : s$2599 S S4 799 ., $2999 T $2599 -1 Budweiser Z Wolfschmidt Miller Lite or Bud Lite Vodka or Coors Light S999 1199.. $S999 9 ..J Jacob's Creek 750..................... $5.99 Concha Y Toro 1.s ................... $6.99 Mezza Corona (P. Grigio) 750.$5.99 Delicato 1. .. ...................... .. $7.99 Geyser Peak (S. Blanc) 750 .....$7.99 Black Swan 1.5 ....... .......... $8.99 Blackstone 750 ......s........... $8.99 Bella Sera (P. Grigio) 1.5............ $9.99 HO i,, ID A I H' E ,s ". Albert Rosenstein, Florida S- -Department of Transportation -.,,., Key Rc, alL .-,-v- I. Bridge re: -- placement, spoke to r ,- residents last week. The -- -"project is scheduled to start early next -2 -,-:.. ... ., year and take about a year. -: -: -- "- ..---- -'-- Islander Photo: Paul Roat Qualifying for office in Anna Maria, Holmes Beach opens Tuesday 4 PAGE 10 U AUG. 31, 2005 U THE ISLANDER RADEIR'S REEF SHELLS & ;GIFTS The Island's Largest Selection Shells Shell Craft Supplies Sea Life Mirrors Jewelry and Handmade Seashell Christmas Ornaments - 778-321 1 5508 Marina Drive Holmes Beach Across from library SEuropean'Psu chic Palm Tarot Cards Egyptin Sand Iteadings Crystal Reading Combination Readings Private Parties and Special Events Advice in all problems of life. 211 1 Manatee Ave. W Bradenton 747-1155 518-5641 Pawsitively Pets & Property Services Inc. Quality Pet Sifting Services in Your Home Property Services During Your Absence Bonded & Insured Jane & Steve Futch 761-7511 M0THo0IJt'g:lll^t/ li :l!IJd^!gal "Award-Winning" Grooming All Natural, All Organinc, and All Holistic Never Tranquilized Just Loved! Advantage & Frontline Flea Protection I I* 4 s r I pT FEATURING ,* Solid Gold SS Wellness " Innova S Pinnacle Cal. Natural Avo Eagle Canidae ...and more! 761-WOOF (9663) 7338 Cortez Road W.* Bradenton Faculty exhibit opens League season The annual faculty exhibit will open the 2005-06 season for the Anna Maria Island Art League, the ex- hibit to start with an opening reception at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 7. The league also has announced its full-season ex- hibit'schedule and completed plans for its classes at the league's quarters, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday-Friday. The faculty exhibit will be Oct. 7-28, and faculty will be present to meet with the public and students and to explain the works and answer questions at the open- ing reception. Featured will be oil paintings by Tonya Clay, acr Iics- by Vicky Seymour, mixed media by Carrie Price, photography by Jerry Quin and Chris Galalopolos, watercolors by Barbara Singer, baskets and gourd art by Pam McMillen, drawings and water- colors by Ginger White and yoga demonstrations by Preston Whaley Jr. Exhibits during the rest of the art season: Fall Open Exhibit Nov. 4-25, submissions Nov. 1- 2. Ann Casale: A Life's Work of Passion, Dec. 1-30. 12th Annual James Pay Exhibit Jan. 6-27, submis- sions Jan. 3-4. All Nude Review Exhibit Feb. 3-24, submissions Jan.31-Feb. 1. Student Exhibit March 3-31, submissions Feb. 28- March 1. Spring Open Exhibit April 7-28, submissions April 4-5-. Classes at the league will begin in mid-October and wind up in mid-April. Fees apply for all classes. The schedule: Classical Figure Drawing, Ginger White instructor. 2:30 to 4 p.m. Friday Oct. 14-Nov. 18, Jan. 13-Feb. 24, March 17-April 28.. Drawing and Watercolor in the Tropical Land- scape, Ginger White instructor. 1:30 to 3 p.m. Monday Oct. 17-Nov. 28, Jan. 9-Feb. 27, March 6-April 10. Black and White Composition Through the Lens, Chris Galanopolous instructor. Monday 6 to 8 p.m. Oct. 17-Nov. 14; Jan. 9-Feb. 6, Feb. 13-March 13, March 20-April 17. Introduction to Oil Painting, Tanya Clay instructor. 10 a.m. to noon Wednesdays Oct. 19-Nov. 17, Jan. 4- Feb. 1,March 15-April 12. Introduction to Acrylic Painting, Vicky Seymour instructor. I to 3 p.m. Saturday Oct. 22-Nov. 19, Jan. 7-Feb. 4, Feb. 11-March 11, March 18-April 15. Basket Weaving, Pam McMillen instructor. 1 to 3 p.m. Thursday Oct. 20-Nov. 17, Jan. 5-Feb. 2, Feb. 9- March 9, March 16-April 13. Youth Traditional Arts for ages 5-12, Erin Huybrechts instructor. 4:30 to 6 p.m. Tuesday Sept. 20-Oct. 18, Oct. 25-Nov. 22, Nov. 29-Dec. 13, Jan. 10- Feb. 7, Feb. 14-March 14, March 21-April 18. Watercolors drop-in class to "paint at your own level," Barbara Singer instructor. 10 a.m: to noon Tues- days, Yoga, Preston Whaley Jr. instructor. 9 to 10:15 a.m. and 5:15 to 6:45 p.m. Monday and Thursdays. Open Studio with live model. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. second and fourth Tuesday each month. Additional details may be obtained by telephoning 778-2099. Temps . &-Dro.ps :-^ on A.M.I *: Date Low High Rainfall Aug. 21 79 93 0 Aug. 22 78 94 0 Aug. 23 78 91 0 Aug. 24 74 91 .30 Aug. 25 77 88 Trace Aug. 26 78 92 0 Aug. 27 78 88 0 Average Gulf water temperature 85 24-hour rainfall accumulation with reading at approximately 5 p.m. daily. No back pay for Tidemark Tidemark managing director Nick Easterling won't be getting that $170,000 in back pay as re- ported in the Aug. 24 issue of The Islander. While the order approving the back pay was only filed in August 2005, bankruptcy Judge Alex Paskay had signed the order in January 2004. In other words, said Easterling after reviewing the order, his "back pay" is only what he-was due in January 2004, not August 2005, and he's already received that amount. "Well," quipped Easterling, "I was rich for a few hours." He said the amount tendered him in January 2004 was "a llot,1o less" than $170,000. "It was under $20,000," said Easterling. Running on empty Island resident and Manatee High School student Jimmy Lease has had his "fill" of rising gasoline prices. The erscwhile teenager is calling on Islanders and Manatee County residents to not buy gas on Sept. 3 as a protest, and he believes such a move will shock the oil companies into lowering prices. "Boycotting the gas company will dramatically decrease the price," he said. "I've checked into it and if over half of the U.S. [popula- tion] didn't buy gas for one day, the gas companies would be close to i bankruptcy. So, let's show them b how to lower gas prices." Jimmy Lease He's asking Islanders and area residents to spread the word about Sept. 3. "I think it's a matter of putting a dent in the oil companies' profits. It's not about one person not buy- ing gas for one day, it's about spreading the word and having a lot of people not buying gas. Maybe not even one day, maybe two or three, but we need to do some- thing. Tell as many people as you can," Lease said. Obituaries Richard 'Dick' Cline Richard "Dick" Cline, 61 ,of Holmes Beach and for- merly of Bradenton, died Aug. 26. Born in San Diego, Calif., Mr. Cline came to Holmes Beach from Bradenton in 2002. He was a member of the Anna Maria Island Privateers and was the organization's liason to the Islandwide Blood Drive Among other duties. He was S' known to the Privateers as "Red -, Dog." SThere will be no services. Me- moral contributions may be made to the Anna Maria Island Priva- ic i teers Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box Dick Cline S1238, Holmes Beach FL 34218. Brown and Sons Funeral Home, 43rd Street Chapel, was in charge of arrangements. He is survived by wife Liz Christie-Cline; daughters Susan Rhodes and Amy Cline, both of St. Louis, Mo.; stepsons Steven Engelsen of Fort Eustus, Va., and James Engelsen of Bradenton; sister Martha Wildman of Braden- ton; and eight grandchildren. E. John Letendre E. John Letendre, 85, of Bradenton Beach, died Aug. 23. Mr. Letendre was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Bradenton. Burial will take place in Manchester, N.H. Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of Southwest Florida, 5955 Rand Blvd., Sarasota FL 34238. He is survived by niece Jeanne Roberts of Bradenton Beach. Hilda T. H. Newhart Hilda T. H. Newhart, 95, of Holmes Beach, died Aug. 14. Formerly a hat designer, Mrs. Newhart was an avid player of tennis and golf shooing a hole-in-one at the Key Royale Golf Club as well as being an artist, swim- mer and knitter. Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of Southwest Florida, 3355 26th St. W., Bradenton, FL 34205. She is survived by Barry, Elaine and family. Streetife THE ISLANDER 0 AUG. 31, 2005 M PAGE 11 778-4751 Island police reports Anna Maria City Aug. 20, 100 Spring Ave., Sandbar Restaurant, burglary. A woman's car was burglarized. Aug. 27, 200 block of Palm Avenue, traffic. A driver was arrested for knowingly driving with a sus- pended license. According to the report, the vehicle was also bearing a stolen tag and was towed. Bradenton Beach Aug. 7, 9416 Cortez Road W., Bank of America; assist other agency. Officers were dispatched to the Bank of America, where suspects had attempted to rip the night deposit box out of the wall, causing damage. The suspects reportedly fled in a vehicle and-almost struck a witness near Cortez village .Bradenton Beach police officers detained the suspects' vehicle at 119th Street in Cortez and Manatee County Sheriff's Office deputies took over the investigation from there; Aug. 8, 1801 Gulf Drive N., Runaway Bay, theft. A maintenance worker reported that someone pried the laundry detergent dipenser off a wall. Aug. 8,400 block of Second Street North, domes- tic battery. A woman was issued a domestic violence pamphlet after requesting to press charges against her teenage daughter following a verbal argument that led to a physical attack on the mother. Aug. 9, 1400 Gulf Drive S., Coquina Beach, bur- glary. Two wallets were reportedly stolen from a parked vehicle. Aug. 13, 1700 Gulf Drive, Coquina Park, burglary. A man reported that credit cards stolen from his vehicle had been used to make purchases in several locations. Holmes Beach Aug. 19,3015 Gulf Drive, Citgo, theft. A man was arrested for shoplifting a can of beer. Aug. 10, 4300 block of Gulf Drive, criminal mis- chief. According to the report, someone opened a Ann White's work will be on exhibit in September. Ann White featured artist, reception Friday evening An artist's reception will be from 6 to 9 p.m. Fri- day, Sept. 2, for Ann White at the Arts Council of Manatee County gallery, 926 12th St. W., Bradenton. She will be the council's featured artist for Septem- ber, and her works will hang in a one-person show there through the end of the month. She is a "sumi-e" artist, referring to Oriental brush painting. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Chicago, she began painting in Ar- gentina and continued her studies under "sumi-e" art- ists in the United States and Hong Kong. She is a member of the Artists Guild of Anna Maria Island, Art Uptown and-the Sumi-e Society of America. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Fri- day. Details are available at 746-2223. Verizon box and cut numerous wires.' Another box was reportedly vandalized in the same manner two days earlier in the 5300 block of Gulf Dri\e. Aug. 20, 2710 Gulf Dri \ e, CedarCove, Baker Act. A man was taken into custody\ under the Baker Act after he began swinging golf clubs within his SUV, breaking the back window and posing a threat to him-- self. Aug. 20, 4000 Gulf Drive, Cafe on the Beach, theft. A tourist from Germany reported his wallet miss- ing. According to the report, the place he recalled hav-, ing it last was at the restaurant. Aug. 20,500 block of 68th Street, domestic distur- bance. Both a father and son ii ere arrested for domes- tic battery after an argument escalated to the point where the father allegedly began throw\ ing items and pushed the son, and the son allegedly slapped his father in response. Aug. 22,6800 Block of Palm Drive, information. Officers responded to a domestic artiimLent and gave the woman a domestic \ iolehce packet. The officer stayed in the area until the man in\ ol ed \\ asseen leav- ing the area by bus. Aug. 22, 7005 Holmes Blvd.; DRS Construction, trespass. Someone reported\ dumped bricks, tiles, doors and bathroom objects at a construction site, caus- ing the owner an extra expense to dispose of the items. Aug. 22, 500 block of 56th Street,, theft. A man reported the side panel of his boat damaged and that" some items were stolen from the-boat. Aug: 22, 400 block of 62nd Street, criminal mis- Schief. A woman reported a small puncture had been made to all four of her vehicle tires while it was parked- in her driveway. Aug. 23, 5501 Marina Drive, Catcher's Marina, theft. The dockmaster reported a golf cart stolen. The golf cart was located in the water 6ff the 8000 block of the beach. Aug. 23, 500 block of 74th Street, battery and drug equipment. Officers responded to a.domestic disturbance. A man involved was:treated for lacera- tions to the back of his head and theinside of his arm caused by a woman who allegedl \pushed him off a chair. She was arrested. During the investigation a device used to smoke marijuana was found in plain view. Glenn Myer, 41, of Holmes Beach, reportedly told officers it belonged fo him and he was also ar- rested. Aug. 25, 200 block of 71st Street, trespass. 'A woman reported that she heard the doorbell ring twice while she was in the shower. Several minutes later, when she came out of the shower, she told police she saw a man in her kitchen. According to the-report, she did not recognize the man at first, but She greeted her by name and she believes he may have done remodeling work in her neighborhood about a year ago. The man fled her home when she said she was calling the police. :. CITIZEN 300-METER Eco-DRIVE PROFESSIONAL DIVERS WATCH S 'C~t'4eaier cayrqs Ce &i&4 euzet .tray, etfeatea& SF- r mrr..ed ga d'.'irlng SPReinfcor:ej urethane band fte. 6. mm non- reflective c ur ed ,.r. tl Racheted elapsed-time bezel SScrew-back case Sand screw-down crown '375 OTHER STYLES AVAILABLE AT 40% OFF ORIGINAL PRICE. SJewelry & Watch Repair 7358 Cortez Rd. W. 798-9585 .Mon-Fri 10-5 Sat 10-4 ACCEPTING ALL MAJOR.CREDIT & ATM CARDS .obiebS S nn illie inn more-: -511 1 1rlh E E.radentn n. i 1i) l- i 8,17 Manatee Post :'; .Ave.E. Office l l, , 41 W 815 Manatee Ave. E., Bradenton 708-0913 Check us out for Labor Day sales SAugust's .. Honey-Bee of the Month i Taylor Johnson-Age 3 Daughter of Wendy and Wayne of S Holmes Beach. Taylor is a very smart and sweet little girl. She is -always "Bizzy" and loves to Set the S tables for breakfast, lunch and snacks at The Bee. She always does a very good job!, lM 'Full"-time daycare Monday-Friday 7am-6pm . For children ages 6 weeks to 5 years 3 nutritious meals daily, plus healthy snacks Fully staffed by quality and experienced DAYCARE child-care professionals' 5382 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-2967 the Sterling der anvil Ten years ago in the Aug. 31, 1995, issue of The Islander, headlines announced that: Bradenton Beach Marina owner Allan Bazzy made a special exception request to the city to build an open-air, Tiki-style concession stand at the marina to serve sandwiches, beer and wine. The Manatee County Commission agreed to hold a special meeting Sept. 13 on a proposed ban or limi- tation on harvesting live shellfish from county waters. Final approval would be needed from Gov. Lawton Chiles and his cabinet. The measure is spearheaded by Anna Maria Mayor Dottie McChesney. An outbreak of red tide'along Island beaches re- sulted in an emergency betch cleanup operation by county work crews. Scientists at Mote Marine in Sara- sota said the red tide is a "naturally occurring" phenom- enon, particularly al'ongFlorida's Gulf Coast.- S 800-771-7163 5312 Marina Drive -Holmes Beach www.island-florist.com HAVE FUN AND SAFE -l ATCAT Carpet & Upholstery eCleaning ry Tile and Grout Color SCleaning and Stain Control! LARRY & NANCY HOUSE, OWNERS 778-2882 or 387-0607 Sl' I www.FatCatCarpetCleaning.com 4w I I PAGE 12 0 AUG. 31, 2005 a THE ISLANDER H 'GRllEATES"' E NERATION by Rick Catlin Japanese surrendered just in time for Holmes Beach man Holmes Beach resident Mel Dietrich would be the first to tell you-that he didn't do anything spectacular in World War II as a member of the U.S. Navy. "I wasn't a hero, I was just an ordinary seaman. I got in a bit late for any of the real action," he said. That could well have been because the Japanese surrendered just before Mel's ship was scheduled to take part in the invasion of Japan in the fall of 1945. His tale of naval duty, however, began just after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, and the United States entered the conflict. "I was still in high school in State College in Penn- sylvania," Mel said. "I was too young to enlist, but me and my buddies all figured we would get drafted whei we turned 18." Mel graduated from high school on June 6, 1944, D-Day in Europe. He enlisted in the Navy on July 18, just one month short of his 18th birthday. "I figured the Navy might be a good way to do my part. I always' wanted to travel." The Navy lived up to its promise that Mel would get to see the world. After graduating from basic training, Mel was as- signed to a pre-commissioning unit at Norfolk, Va., in October 1-944. The unit took the newly commissioned destroyer U.S.S. Southerland out for a "shake-down" cruise and Mel ended up in Bermuda for his first sea liberty. Once the Southerland was sent on active duty, the ship began patrolling in the Caribbean, and Mel would fall in love with its beautiful tropical islands and beaches. But the naval wvar in the European Theater was winding down, and the Navy needed all its ships and men in the Pacific to prepare for the invasion of Japan. The Southerland passed through the Panama Canal in early 1945 as an escort destroyer for a cruiser battle group. The ship docked at Pearl Harbor, then stopped at Ulithi, eventually reaching Leyte Gulf in the Philip- pines. By this time, the. Germans had surrendered in Europe, and the entire Allied military effort was now directed toward Japan. Young sailor Mel Dietrich as a U.S. Navy seaman in 1'945 on board a Japanese naval vessel just after the.Japa- nese surrendered. "We knew we were heading toward the invasion of Japan," remembered Mel. "Nobody was really 'gung-ho' to get in on the fighting, but we all figured we were going to do our duty. And as a destroyer, we'd be operating very close to shore." Assigned to Task Force 38 under famed Admiral "Bull" Halsey, the Southerland went into its first ac- tion on July 10 when it sailed into Tokyo Bay and fired its guns on Tokyo. The Japanese had little left in the way of an air force to stop the Allied bombardment, remembered Mel, and his battle group completed its mission and withdrew without incident. Sometime around Aug. 10, 1945, Mel and his ship- mates learned that an atom bomb had been dropped on Japan. "All we heard was that it was.a big bomb and was supposed to get the Japanese to surrender.-We didn't know what the bomb was, but we were sure happy to hear that the war might be over.soon." Indeed, the Japanese surrendered at 8 a.m. on Aug. 15, 1945, as the Southerland steamed into Tokyo Bay At ease in Holmes Beach Mel Dietrich has lived in Holmes Beach since 1991. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin again, this time not to bombard targets, but as an occu- pying force. Unfortunately, one Japanese. pilot didn't know the meaning of surrender. "'About 1 p.m. that afternoon, we heard a Japanese kamikaze pilot was bearing down on our group, For somereason, we never got the call to general quarters, but I rushed out to my station at a 40 millimeter gun and we began firing at him. This guy obviously didn't intend to surrender, but planned to take a few of us with him." In fact, almost every gun in-the.four-ship group opened up on the kamikaze and he went down just 700 feet from the Southerland. "It was a close call," remembered Mel. That would be the only time Mel fired his guns on the enemy in the war. The Southerland then got orders to enter Tokyo Bay on Aug. 28, 1945, as part of the occupying naval force. Regardless of what anyone else says, claimed Mel, the Southerland was the first U.S. Navy ship to enter Tokyo Bay and anchor after the surrender. "We led a column of seven ships and there was not another naval ship ahead of us," he said emphatically. The Southerland, however, was not destined to participate in the official surrender on Sept. 2, 1945. That was left to the crew of the U.S.S. Missouri and Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Mel and a buddy of his did get to see MacArthur PLEASE SEE GREATEST, NEXT PAGE Dr. Diane Michaels Chiropractic Physician ..I.I'.L- Therapist on Staff Provider for most Insurance 501 1t ll. Green Parkway Bradenton, Florida 761-0210 (1 block east of Al, 's on Manatee Avenue) S OPEN Mon.-Fri. 730am-7pm Sat., Sun., Holidays 730am-5pm WALK-INS WELCOME SWe're available to tend to your urgent care needs Fever/Infections Minor Lacerations Simple Fractures Sprains PINNACLE.MEDICAL CENTER 315 75th Street West Bradenton 941-761-1616 Just visiting paradise? Tlie Islander SINCE 1992 Don't leave the Island without taking time to subscribe. You'll get ALL the best news, delivered by the mailman every week. It's almost as good as a letter from home! Visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach or call 941-778-7978. Online edition: www.islander.org GREAT CRUISE DEALS ON THESE SPECIAL DEPARTURE DATES Nov. 17 4 nights from Miami to Key West/Cozumel s Inside .............................. 3 6 2 Outside .............................. 4 2 2 pp + bonuses (Includes All Taxes) Jan. 14 7 nights West Tampa. Sail with Manatee Riverfront Theater Outside ... ....................................... ....... 800pp + bonuses (Includes All Taxes) Feb. 12 7 nights East from Ft. Lauderdale w/ bus Inside............ 809pp Outside ......... $979pp Balcony........ $ 129pp+ bonuses (Includes All Taxes) GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE Monday Sept. 12 Bloodmobile Reserve time or stop by Bonus gifts and on board credit certificates for donors 660CrtzR. .-Brdnonw wfatstrvlnei0-7 14 9 THE ISLANDER M AUG. 31, 2005 M PAGE 13 Coquina Beach lifeguard station miscommunication glitch By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Members of the Bradenton Beach Scenic Highway Committee Corridor Management Entity were sur- prised two weeks ago to learn that Manatee County planned to build a lifeguard station just east of Coquina Beach off Gulf Drive (State Road 789). So was CME member Mike Sosadeeter- of the Manatee CountyParks and Recreation Department. "I just found out about this two weeks ago," said Sosadeeter at the Aug. 23 CME meeting, "and parks and recreation is supposed to be in charge of Coquina Beach and Cortez Beach." Architect Mike Bryant, who presented the prelimi- nary plans at the Aug. 23'meeting, said he was con- tacted by the Manatee County Department of Public Safety for the design. The facility will be used for train- ing, equipment storage and communications by life- guards, not just as a lifeguard station, he said. There appears-to be some miscommunication, said Mayor John Chappie. Nobody asked the city for any in- put. "And we were supposed to be in on this from the beginning." 1,367 sea turtles hatched With no new nests on the Island beach in many nights now, the 2005 sea turtle nesting season appears to be over, said Suzi Fox of Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch. The approximate total thus far is 1,367 hatchlings, most of them loggerheads. Thirty-four nests remain to produce their young, and Turtle Watch volunteers are patrolling the beach every night to make sure babies get any help they need. Volunteers found three nests that the Gulf was wash- ing out, and they recovered hatchlings and some un- hatched eggs to keep them safe pending a hatch and re- lease at the south end of Coquina Beach at 8 p.m. Wednes- day, Aug. 31 .The public is welcome to view the event. A lone hatchling made its way up out of its nest and into the Gulf despite all odds on the north end of the Is- land. Turtle Watchers thought the nest had been washed out during Hurricane Dennis in July, but found the hatchling's solo track to the water on a weekend morning. Details on Island turtles may be obtained by call- ing 778-5638. Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. ELCA Pastor Tamara Wood Saturday 5pm Service of Celebration Sunday 9.30 am Worship Service Nursery available at 9:30am I\ Vw,.. gii rladeiiIuineran corn 6608 Marina Drive -Holmes Beach 778-1813 . "We'd also like some input," noted Sosadeeter, adding that he'll suggest a meeting of all involved par- ties with County Manager Ernie Padgett to get every- body on the same page. Chappie said the city has several concerns with the project, including location. He suggested the two-story facility be on the west side of Gulf Drive near the present concession stand and lifeguard tower. "It doesn't make sense for the bayside. It should be on the beach." While Chappie said there was a need for the facil- ity, he was concerned because Cortez Beach and Co- quina Beach "are the most used recreational facilities in the county," but the county "spends all its funds at Manatee Beach," instead of fixing up Coquina Beach. City Commissioner Bill Shearon agreed. "We've gotten the drawings and plans very late. Let's put it on the other side. That's where the people are. That makes. more sense. "We definitely need to organize this better," intoned Sosadeeter.He and Chappie will schedule a meeting with Padgett of all involved departments and entities. Greatest Generation CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 a month later in Tokyo as the famous general left his headquarters and entered his limousine. "We were very relieved when the Japanese surren- dered, but a lot of guys were talking about the Russians and wondering why we didn't just stay here and take care of them. They said we'd have to do it anyway, sooner or later. That was the feeling of most of us, but the Navy didn't see it that way." After stops at Iwo Jima and Saipan, Mel was or- dered back to the States. He was discharged after 22 months of active duty and entered Penn State Univer- sity in 1946 to study engineering. Just prior to graduation in 1951, Mel got recalled to the Navy as the Korean War had begun. Mel gradu- ated and was immediately sent to a destroyer operating in the Atlantic. He toured the Mediterranean and Scandinavia and got to visit a lot of places, but he never made it back to the Pacific. Following his second discharge from the Navy, Mel went to work as an engineer, eventually moving into sales. He worked for Borg-Warner in Chicago for 2woger 4&morial m umrtmunitu aulprc An Interdenominational Christian Church Rev. Gary A. Batey Serving the Community Since 1913 Come Celebrate Christ .Worship Service: O1am Children's Church School: 10am STransportation & Nursery Available 512 Pine Ave, Anna Maria 778-0414 www.roserchurch.com 1- ., HOT-DIGGITY DOG DAY ^". Every Wednesday Noon-2 SHot dogs!Buy One Get One FREE! OPEN Wednesday thru Saturday 10-6 Over 140 shops including food, crafts, clothing, fresh produce, unique boutiques and much more! Ilallll~l llI '' I AIMI Located in the Bradenton Outlet Mall 773-1204 6605 Marn''fIAVE,W,",'. Mention this ad, ge'l'Qo/ffl, Station surprise Architect Mike Bryant displays the preliminary drawings of a planned lifeguard station east of Coquina Beach at the Bradenton Beach Corridor Management Entity's Aug. 23 meeting. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin nearly 23 years before retiring in 1977. His naval service and duty had left him with a love affair with the Caribbean, and he once sailed a trimaran to St. Lucia, where he lived for several years. He'd been coming to Anna Maria Island on vaca- tion since the 1960s and he moved to Holmes Beach permanently in 1991. Mel has no regrets about his service, even if he didn't become a great naval hero. "I'm proud of what I did. In high school, we all wanted to get in. I chose the best thing for me because I got to see the world and became an avid sailor." Although he no longer sails, Mel would go back to sea with the Navy if he had to do it all over again. "I was just glad to do my service." Another member of the Greatest Generation. "The Greatest Generation" column is for Island, Longboat Key, Perico Island and Cortez veterans, man or woman, who served in the armed forces of any al- lied country (U.S., Canada, Britain, Holland, Norway, France, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, the Philip- pines, etc.) during World War II. We'd like to hear from you. Please call Rick Catlin at 778-7978. S 49 cc FOUR-STROKE STREET LEGAL S. SCOOTER $119 this ad ONCE UPON A TIME ... Gas and Electric Scooters SALES SERVICE PARTS REPAIRS 6605 Manatee Ave; W Bradenton Outlet Mall 941-812-5323 :/ J Just ask for me - I'll be the bag behind the counter No need to go street popping in New York City.. I. all the famous designer names! I,,,, ., L .... LaltIlOr Mot o* I1., .I l j I ,i II ',. 1 : ,.O' 01 i e i J. l r",!fl Located in the Bradenton Outlet Mall 773-1204 , ', o.Q5,MaWte'eAVe. W. Mention this7aU;-get,1O%.ooff "Tropical Bugs Need A Tropical Service" CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Beaches Bradenton Sarasota Parrish 778-1337 794-1005 365-2893 776-0779 Full Service Exterior and Interior Now Accepting Visa __4 and Mastercard Island Pest Control Inc. SERVING THE ISLANDS MORE THAN 20 YEARS State Certified/Licensed and Insured Locally owned and operated PAGE 14' AUG. 31, 2005 E THE ISLANDER Picture day Thursday Photographer will be on campus at Anna Maria Eleinentary School Thursday, Sept. 1, to take student portraits. All.students will be photographed for the yearbook,, but only students paying at the time of their portrait sitting \\ ill rece e a portrait package. Photo package information %\as sent home \\ith students last \\eek. For more information, call the school administrarit e office at 71i8-5252. Skateboarding topic for teens Art Harris. a skateboarder ,will be sharing tips and information about the sporr \ ith teens at the Island li- brary Wednesday, Sept. 7. The program will begin at 5:30 p.m..in the meet- ing room of the library, which is located at:5701 Ma- rina Drive, Holmes-Beach. For more information, call 778-6341. Anna Maria Elementary menu Monday. Sept. 5 School Holiday Tuesday. Sept. 6 Breakfast: Egg and Cheese Biscuit, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Macaroni and Cheese or Trout Bites, Green Beans;: Roll, Chilled Fruit Cocktail Wednesday, Sept. 7. Breakfast: French Toast Sticks, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Chicken Nuggets or Hamburger Gravy on Mashed.Potatoes, Veggies with Dip, Sliced Pears Thursday, Sept. 8 Breakfast: Pancakes with Apple Topping, Cereal,' SToast, Fruit Lunch: Hot Dog or Taco Salad, Potato Smiles;, :Winter Veggie Mix, Chilled Applesauce, Chocolate Chip Chortles Friday, Sept. 9 Breakfast: Blueberry Muffin, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Pizza or Burrito, Corn, Garden Salad, Fresh S Fruit Cup Juice and milk are served with every meal. - o 10 am 1ir.llp Service A .__2- coIm'V-p -(Nro,:lr available) Rev. Kenneth Gill Special Music: Summer Choir 6200 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key (941)383-6491 Web site: www.islandchapel.com Miriam Newman Senior L :.arI Officer Over $40,000o000 in closed loans for 20041 P.S. Let me show you how to put your equity to work with our fully managed commercial and residential real estate investments! Wednesday. Aug. 31 8 to 9 am n 'Good lMorning Lorgboal Key" breakfast and blood dnive at the Longboai Key Chamber of Commrer.e i6960 Gulf of Mexico Drive Lyongbt:Oa Key Inlormaionr 387-9519. Thursday, Sept, 1 8 p.m. Opening night of "Pippin" at the Manatee Players Riverfront Theatre, 102 Old Main St., Bradenton. information: 748- 5875. Fee applies. Saturday, Sept: 3 7:30 a.m. -Felts Audubon Preserve at 4600 24th Ave. E., Palmetto, will be' open Informaii:,r,n 737.3169. 8:30 a.m.- K.,.ani, Clubm meeting al Cale on the Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Noon to 7p.r. Blood drive at the Sandbar Restaurant; 100 Spring Ave., Anna Maria and the BeachHouse Restaurant, 100 Gulf Drive, Bradenton Beach: Tuesday, Sept. 6 9 to 10:15 a.m. Sketch class with Susie Cotton at the Anna- Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. Noon Anna Maria Island Rotary Club meeting'at.the. BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Wednesday, Sept. 7 7 to 8a.m. Pier Regulars meeting at the Anna Maria-City. Pier 100 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria. Information: 778-7062 . 9 to 10a.m. Jazzerc;se with Barbara M.anson at me Anna Maria Island Cornmmuniyv Certer -407 Magnoli:a Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778.190C3. Fee applies. 9:30 a m to noon Sewing group at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: S778-1908 Fee-applies. 5.30p m -Tenri program with skateboarder Art Harris at the .Island Branch Library,-5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Informa- tion: 778-63411 Ongoing: S"Pippin al I he Manatee Players Riverfront Theatre, 102 Old Main St Bradenion inrough Sept. 18. Information: 748-5875. Fee applies Marrmo.in tosstis uneanied at Palma Sola Trace on display e.t he Soulri Florida Museum 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Informa- t.,n 746-4131 Fee applies Accounting Services Payroll & Payroll Tiaes Financial Statements : .-.. income Tax Preparation Condo Associations- Bank Reconciliations Ben Cooper and Associates Inc. BEN COOPER, E.A. KAREN COOPER 3909 E. Bay Drive, Suite 110 Holmes Beach, FL, 34217 (Located across from Publix) (941)778-6118 Fax:(941)778-6230 benacooper@aol.com No Lender Closing Costs. No Points. No Broker Fee. Loan Amounts $250,000 to $5,000,000 Pay Off Your Home In 7 Years With The Savings! Ask about our Equity Builder Payment Plans! $250;000 None $626 00 $500,000 None, .,1".2 40 57:,0 10, .; ." 1,, 4' 'Jcn< '4 7 4 . ,i Ci 00jiC 0")1i Noni $2'.il4 c,: F .i!e -nI ri ljn; .., ll.'-?ll, b3s J ln i. ir ". 1s'l: :. rT.'3,:3,, L.ar .?O iher le .3an pl ciducts s 'I i able. K-ii-- h' !:"!;.l IOi h irv,_.'rl-.o3r i I r 1113 n 'l h I,I I :i t l n n rl" en ri ,ol of 'i , 4:962%. Changing The Face of American Finance! For more loan information or to find your next.home, call: 800-957-7622 Ext:108 www.tlcfl.com THE LOAN CORPORATION Change in bridge openings possible in December The U.S. Coast Guard placed its request to change the bridge opening times of both the Corte- Bridge and the Anna Maria Island Bridge in the Federal Register on Aug. 16, according to like Hot\e of.the Sarasota- Nlanatee lMetropolitan Planniny Organization. The boating public has 9u da\ s 10 comment on the suggestion that the opening time, be changed from every 20 minutes on demand to every half-hour on the hour on'demand. At the end of the 90-day period, the Coast Guard will study any objections and decide if enough issues have been raised to warrant further; study. . If not, said Howe, the-Coast Guard could imple- ment the new times for openings by Dec. 18. Sewing group to resume sessions next Wednesday The Anna Maria Island Community Center sewing ,group will resume its sessions from 9:30 to noon Wed nesda) ,Sept. 7, at the Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Mariia:. Meetings will continue at the same time Wednes- - da\ s thi tigh May, the Center said. Cost is $3 per ses- 'ion. Further information is available at 778-1908. Sketching class is starting at Center Tuesday A new class in sketching will begin at 9 a.m. Tues- day, Sept. 6; at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, with artist Sue Lynn Cotton instructing. She said she-will offer a four-week course Trom 9- 10:15 a.m. Tuesday. Cost is $35 for members, $40 for nonmembers. The Center is at 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Details may be obtained by calling 778-.1908. Genesis Exterminating INC.I Serving Manatee & Sarasota Counties Since 1991 Fumigation Termite Control Subterranean Termite Tenting Florida one house at o Time! FREE ESTIMATES S 4611 US 41 N.* Palmetto, FL 34221 l Licensed/Insured 32995 Member FPCA 2005-SMALL BUSINESS PERSON OF THE YEAR- I land l Chiropactic e Crntor a Dr. Kathleen Goerg Massage Therapy Also Available! Lic# MA33390 778-0722 3612 East Bay Drive Holmes Bc.,-h,, FL 3-4217 Visit our Web site: www.Islandch-iro.com www.islander.org Buy ife insurance and save on your car.:: hen you buy your life insurance from us through Auto-Owners Insurance, you'll receive special discounts on your car insurance. We'll save you ' money. As an independent Auto-Owners agent we take great interest in you-as well as your car. Stop in our agency and ask us about it today! lAuto-Owners Insurance Life Home Ca Business Jin Mixon Insurance Inc. 5412 Marina Drive Island Shopping Center Holmes Beach (941)778-2253 OUR OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR LUNCH NOON-1 DAILY. Residential CmErlI Retire Your "Old Fashioned" Mortgage for an Asset Manager Loan SM Cut Your Mortgage Payment In Half! With rates as low as 1.20% and up to 40 Years To Pay. Commercial THE ISLANDER 0 AUG. 31, 2005 U PAGE 15 Top Notch runners-up S-.~ .4,.*I r^ ..^ k ^ ' .a" -- -6 -.. .. uo^-:.i....i- a iw^ -- A. -. ^ ^c. '," i *" ^ o M.: ^W~~~~~fe-i : *.. .f.'c' I -- -: r. -_. - Charles McMullen MASSAGE I massage in the peace, quiet and convenience of your home! Gifts Certificates available for Mom. Call Nadia 795-, 87 '4*- Improve the Qugdity of You Life Carol Greer Siemaszko B.A. Ed., M.A. Psych CERTIFIED COUNSELOR AND LIFE COACH 941-794-1492 Perico Island Bradenton Cunre. Get More Free Time This Summer *Some Restrictions May Apply All the support you need to achieve your common sense weight loss goals is waiting for you at Curves and for the rest of the summer it's free! 4228 60th St. W., Bradenton 794-2878 5366 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach 779-2878 WE SALUTE AMERICA'S WORKFORCE! I HAPPv 'I~gaSr~ ~ PAGE 16 AUG. 31, 2005 M THE ISLANDER Believe it or not, Playboy magazine is 50 By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent It's no great treat to note that the first Playboy girls are grandmas now. And even less so to consider that their admirers are grandpas. Gretchen Edgren of Holmes Beach was pitiless enough to point out those facts, and she certainly knows she's been keeping track of Playboy matters for 38 years. Publisher Hugh Hefner once said her brain is a Playboy attic. She joined the magazine's staff in 1967 and stayed for 25 years, when she .retired and came to live on the Island. She went on working, though, writing for the magazine and putting out special sections and even special editions. Now she has completed the best of all, a great book commemorating the 50th anniversary of Playboy. It'is big in every sense, 9 inches by 12; about eight pounds of the highest quality paper. And girls, from the fa- mously nude Marilyn Monroe in the first edition right up to today's beauties. It's even possible, though, to be distracted from them, if briefly. The book has thousands of other fea- tures that hold the eye stories, cartoons, art, fash- ions, lampoons of important people, laugh riots all the way through. One of the more fascinating features is the inter- view series, squeezing the juice from interviews with the genuinely famed and those who are celebrities be- cause they are celebrated. The comments people make are remarkable and revealing, often hilarious. The book clearly shows how much everything has changed in those 50 years except that the girls haven't gotten lovelier. They couldn't. Cap alb 's P . House of Pizza Buffet'Special dip -I $3 with the purchase of o i a soft drink. 0 S 792-5300*10519 Cortez Road W.' Mon-Sat 11Ham-1Opm Sunday Noon-9pm PLEASE PRESENT COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 30, 2005 .1----------------. www..islander.org_ WERE NOT JUST YOUR GRANDOADDYS FISHING PIER.. The City Pier Restaurant WE'RE WHERE YOU'LL FIND... THE FRESHEST SEAFOOD AND THE BEST VIEW FOR ISLAND DINING .. .. ..- .a .. It's all rounded up and organized by a woman who started in Oregon. Her father was a doctor, her mother a laboratory technician, and their daughter went to high school in Pendleton, graduated from the University of Oregon, SCHNITZELHAUS The Best German Restaurant on Florida's West Coast FRIDAY SPECIAL OVEN-FRESH BAVARIAN HAXEN Reservations a must! 778-1320 HOURS: TUES-SAT 5-9:30PM Anna Maria Island Centre 3246 E. Bay Drive Holmes Beach a.p. BeLL fiSH compaNNyfc. Fresh Seafood Since 1910 Griea selection of locally caught Grouper, Snapper, Shrimp, a nfSh a'l-l much more Plarn-iiic a fishing li- (_all about .ijr b: selection of fro ze n ait' DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAY See you at our docks! 794-1249 4600 124th St. W. Cortez, Floridaki -' Under New Ownership! Of TiE W5AMO R&ILI. PUB WA PPY T, FW MNDAY O T U ROUR M F11DAY 4-61PM Complimentary Hors d'oeuvres! Beginning Sept. 10 BREAKFAST! Saturday and Sundays Open at 7am SServing Full Breakfast lenu! .AaMia Ie 778-3909 9-OpeaIpill Just S published Islander Gretchen Edgren has completed a 'book commemo- Srating 50 years of the publishing of Playboy magazine. The book features stories, cartoons, art, fashions and ,iiftH[iPi'"n ^' of important people. Islander Photo: Paul Roat worked for the Oregonian in Portland, and ultimately landed in Playboy by accident. PLEASE SEE PLAYBOY, NEXT PAGE I "The best hamburgers and the coldest mugs of beer this side of Heaven." C- efise oBluffu Pat Geyer, Proprietress OPEN 11-8 Closed Tues ES BEACH 778-2501 59TH & MARINA DR. HOLMI .~. Among the attendees at the Keep Manatee Beattiful-Cingular ::. check presentation " ceremony were Bradenton Beach City Commissioner Lisa . Maria Phillips'and ' Pubic Works em- ployee Bonnie Johann, pictured at left. Islander Photo: ;- *. '- : Paul Roat Playboy history featured in book CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 Her first husband was a doctor and a chess player, who heard from a chess opponent about a magazine where Gretchen would fit. It was VIP,.published for Playboy "key holders." She was managing editor when she shifted to Playboy after three years.. Her, competence and wit moved her steadily; through the Hefner empire, ultimately to, be senior edi- tor of Playboy. When "Hef'"moved his main operation' to Los Angeles, she stayed in Chicago, doing stories and special projects and e\ en books. Long divorced and remarried, she and husband Bud fell in love with Anna Maria Island while visiting friends, whom they asked to keep an ee outfor a du- plex for them. On a Thursday night in 1987, the friends called with a prospect, Gretchen flew down Friday and MULLET SHIRTS 44ore t;han a rrullet Wrapper! Tli Islander Call or e-mail for prices and sizes available. news@islander.org 941-778-7978 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach SOOTHE YOUR SOUL WITH AN EARLY SUPPER Tenderloin bourguignonne over penne pasta ...18.50 Fresh gulf grouper Francaise ... 19.50 Chicken cordon bleu ... 18.50 Chefs pasta alfredo and all the fresh veggies in the house .., 15.50 Choice of blackened shrimp and scallops or grilled chicken breast over our classic Caesar salad, served with a complim- tary glass of 1"- oN VAG ept.1 ReoPe" . O ..,,intary o, pinot gris... 17.50 (Seated by 6:30, plus regular menu) Reservations suggested BISTRO BRUNCH AND LUNCH Wed.-Sat.11 to 2:30 SUNDAY BREAKFAST/ BRUNCH & LUNCH 8-2:30 DINNER Wed.-Sun, 5:30-? (Closed Mon./Tues.) 5406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 778-5320 bought their place in Holmes Beach. She was ready to go, so, she recalled with a glitter- ing eye, "I got a computer for my 25th anniversary at Playboy, and retired the next day." On the Island, in addition to still working on spe- cial projects for Playboy, she and Bud are both in Turtle Watch, singing in three choirs, active in the All Island Denoinun.iano. :inJ s.ailed until recently when i. he sold their bo t. They have a special de.il \ ith their singing, which brought them together \\ hen they sang in a Chicago choir. The\ sin together in each olter's church choirs, her Episcopal Church of the Annunciation and his Gloria Dei Lutheran. And both sing in the Island Com- Smunit\ Chorus and Orchestra. She is starting another book project for Playboy. The current book is such a whopper it's hard to conceive how she will top it. Wanna bet she will? C0 DISCOUNT LIQUOR CObCKTAIL LOUNGE1 Coupon Good Aug. 31-Sept.6, 2005 0EN 7 DAYS A WEEK Kitchen 11.30am-10pm Full Bar 11-30am til late nite Full food and liquor service and daily Specials that'll BLOW YOU AWAY! 778-5788 5346 Gulf Drive, in the S&S Plaza Where the locals bring their friends! OPEN DAILY RAIN OR SHINE BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER + + + ***+ + + + + + + + + Event g entertainment! 4-8pm Wed Larry Rich Thurs & Sat Rick Boyd Fri & Sun Tom Mobley Mon & Tues Mark Cravens *****,** *.+ + TACO & rIMA Every Wednesday 4pm-8pm All-You- $795 Can-Eat I7 FRI FISH FRY2 m with fries an law ) ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT SBjAk) $395 OPEN 7 AM 7 DAYS A WEEK BEER & WINE Casual Inside Dinirig or Outdoor Patio Dining Plenty of Parking Fishing/Observation Pier On beautiful Manatee Beach where Manatee Ave. ends and the Gulf begins! 4000 Gulf Driye'- Holmes Beach 778-0784 THE ISLANDER U AUG. 31, 2005 N PAGE 17 Monofilament line is target of organization's grant Keep Manatee Beautiful has received a $5,000 grant from Cingular Wireless to collect monofilament fishing line and recycle it, the organization has an- nounced. The local grant comes-from a $45,000 donation by Cingular, and is equal to five other grants in the state, said Yvette Little of Keep Manatee Beautiful. Cingular presented the Manatee group its check Monday at the Green Bridge Fishing Pier in Pal- metto. Little explained that monofilament line is a major killer of fish, birds and other life- when it is discarded or lost by fishermen. She said a number of recycling bins and dropoff locations are being established. Details are available at 795-8272. Mote 2-for-1 admission deal all through September September will be bargain month at Mote Marine Laboratory's aquarium, with "buy one, get one free" admission tickets. The price of admission is $15 for adults, $10 for children, except next month. Starting Friday, the price is half or the admission is doubled, whichever fits. The Mote complex is at 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota, on City Island off the south ramp of the New Pass Bridge to Longboat Key. Details may be obtained by calling 388-4441. W 3232 East Bay Drive Next to Walgreens 778-7878 r--- -----I fly /,/.J I ZI j I ANY 3 i SFOOT-LONG 991 I SUB ou Sir. .:. I TOASTE--- --- .. r . JAMS BERDFOUDAIO BerdIviato-Sptmer 20 Aes Fodand Seric iAFord SFO RIA TR ND WINESPECTTOR PAGE 18 M AUG. 31, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Be careful, safe this Labor Day weekend Labor Day weekend is generally considered the last hurrah of the summer for beachgoers and boaters. It's also the last chance, or excuse, to have a blast while the sun and water are warm. While many Island natives view the holiday week- end as a good time to hunker down at home to avoid the throngs, they are definitely in the minority. So, if you're going out on the water, here are a few tips from the Save The Manatee Club folks to allow you to avoid any manatee-human interactions. Yes, you've probably heard them before, but a re- fresher course doesn't hurt. Wear polarized sunglasses. They can help elimi- nate the glare of the sun and enable you to see below the water's surface. Stay in deep-water channels when boating. Avoid boating over seagrass beds and shallow areas where manatees might be feeding. However, be aware that manatees also use deep-water channels when traveling. Look for a snout, back, tail, or flipper breaking the surface of the water. A swirl or flat spot on the water is also created by the motion of the manatee's tail when it dives or swims. If you see a manatee when operating a powerboat, remain a safe distance away 50 feet is the suggested minimum. If you want to observe the manatee. cut the motor, but don't drift over the animal. If you're on a personal watercraft or a high-speed vessel, choose areas that manatees do not or cannot frequent, such as waters well offshore. *< Obey posted-speed-zone signs and keep away from posted manatee sanctuaries. Recycle your litter or throw it in a proper trash container. Debris in waterways, such as discarded plas- tic bags or six-pack holders, is dangerous to manatees. and other forms of marine life. Discard monofilament line or fi-hing hooks prop- erly, or recycle them. Not only are they dangerous for manatees, other aquatic animals and swimmers, but discarding monofilament line into or onto the waters of the state of Florida is against the law. Resist the urge to feed manatees or give them wa- ter..Not everyone loves manatees and feeding them or giving them water could encourage them to swim to people who might harm them. Their natural feeding patterns may also be altered by encouraging them to "hang around" waiting for food or water. When hand- fed lettuce or water from a hose is no longer available, manatees may not know where to find or identify natu- ral, reliable sources of food. "Look, but don't touch" is the best policy when swimming or diving. By quietly observing manatees from a distance, you will get a rare opportunity to see the natural behavior of this uniqueanimal. Any other actions might be considered harassment, which is against the law. More boat tips One of the more pleasant ways to while away a Sunday afternoon is to sip a few adult beverages while watching people load their boats onto trailers. Yeah, it's a cynical thing, but you've got to snicker a little after watching some poor guy or gal back and fill the trailer down the ramp for what seems like hours. The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary has offered some thoughts on how to stymie the embarrassment factor for trailering your boats. Even the folks in the auxiliary . --- L~ ~-c --C- '--- ..~- _.. I'; A big, new friend Photographer Chris Hobbs was fishing with friends Max and Alex Waldmuellerfrom Germany when they got a special treat an up-close and personal encounter with a manatee at the south end of Anna Maria Island. "Despite all the red tide worries, this manatee was still happy!" Chris said. UN LE PETE WANTS YOU TO DRIVE A CLEAN CARE 24-hour self-serve car wash Complete auto detailing Quick lube ERICAN CAR WASH 5804 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach 778-1617 MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED LIGHT TACKLE SPORTFISHING vCAPT. RICK GROSS 03 1,(941) 794-3308 1/2 DAY & FULL DAY CHARTERS Catcher's Marina-5501 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach visit geocities.com/captrickgross 'O, '0 *" *'" 0 '0 Beach '""r Gas oar-:d Sr. ice St,:-tic',[- -' Certified Full Automotive Repair S533 l; Gulf Drl',e Hrlre- Ii B e-a h 779-0487 i I I j ,,,r, i,,, seem to get a giggle out of it all: They describe the boat-ramp antics as a process "that can evoke all the emotions of the theater pathos, humor, drama, ac- tion and a whole lot of 'worlds funniest videos' thrown in for good measure. "Why do many people make the boat ramp a day's entertainment, at rock-bottom prices? Because many boaters just don't practice, don'tplan, and don't expect the unexpected." The auxiliary offers some tips for trailering, with No. 1 on the hit parade being practice. Go out one af- ternoon to a big, deserted parking lot, set up some markers and start parking. Backing up. Parallel park- ing. The works. Remember when you were learning to drive and practiced parking? It's the same concept. Think about what you're going to do before you're in the middle of having to do it, and talk it through to everybody else you're with. Is the plug in the hull? There's nothing more em- barrassing that going off to park your vehicle and trailer only to come back to find you're boat is sinking be- cause.you forgot the plug. Have you got a line onthe boat when you let it off the trailer? Does the person on the other end of the line know what to do and where to go? And avoid what the auxiliary calls "ramp rage" by- quickly getting onto and off the ramp. A boat ramp is not a good place to store gear, empty coolers or collect * trash. Get out of the way, then do what needs to be done before you head home. Be safe out there. Another September special You gotta love the libraries, and librarians, for coming up with a snazzy theme for Library Card Sign- up Month during September: "The smartest cards. Get it. Use it. @ your library\ ." The American Library Association is urging every- one to either get a library card or renew it in Septem- ber. With the price of books going ever higher, a library card is about the cheapest way to get to some. good reads and that's not e en counting the DVDs, vid- eos and all the other good stuff that libraries feature these days. "Nowhere else are books, magazines, the Web, audio- and videotapes, CDs, DVDs and more available to all people regardless of economic status," said an ALA spokesman, "and librarians are always available to help you make the right choices for you and your family." So go check out a book this month. Sandscript factoid According to the ALA, "Libraries are among the most effective of all public services, serving more than two-thirds of the population with less than 2 percent of all tax dollars. A study of the economic contribution and return on taxpayer investment in Florida public libraries shows that returns far exceed taxpayers' investment-$6.54 return for every tax dollar invested." There are almost 16,500 public libraries nation- wide, and Anna Maria Island is lucky to have two of them. ThewuLink 9,ttil I S36_ Until 036 12:00 Noon + TAX, GREEN FEE AND CART s$b 12:00 Noon S2Until 2:30 pm 7hy rm m tt INM IAM + TAX, GREEN FEE ANU CART $O After gm9 2:30 pm + TAX, GREEN FEE AND CART BIG SUMMER CARD $25 Until 12:00 Noon $21 After 12:00 Noon Cal .77-43 I. Captain Steven Salgado INSHORE SPORTFISHING CHARTER BOAT Owner/Operator Lifetime experierfce in local waters Full & Half Day Trips Custom Trips Available U.S.C.G. Licensed Custom-built Privateer Fishing License, Ice, Bait & Tackle Furnished Anna Maria Island Florida 778-9712 island Scooter Rentals at SILVER SURF 1301 Gulf Dr. N. Bradenton Beach Happy Labor Day $25 SPECIAL LOW, LOW RATES Open daily 10:30 5:30 We rent bikes, too! 726-3163 ' -II THE ISLANDER M AUG. 31, 2005 U PAGE 19 Katrina crimps fishing; snook season starts tomorrow By Capt. Mike Heistand Fishing was pretty tough last week, with the loom- ing threat of HurricaneKatrina keeping most of the off- shore boats inshore or at the dock due to the choppy seas. A few days worth of extremely low tide also kept many of the shrimpers in port, impacting the bait shops that depend on bay shrimp for their fishing patrons. Despite all that grief, there were still some good reports of snapper from the bays, lots of redfish from Terra Ceia Bay and Sarasota Bay, and hopeful action for snook season, which starts Sept. 1. And speaking of the summer fishing season, I'll be offering a free seminar on summertime backwater fish- ing at Boater's World at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 13. Boater's World is at 303 U.S. 301 W., Bradenton, near DeSoto Square Mall. Hope to see you there. Capt. Rick Gross on Fishy Business out of Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said he's more than ready for snook season to start Sept. 1 ,with lots of hookups coming in every day he's out on the water. He's also catching limit bags of redfish on most of his trips. At Perico Island Bait and Tackle, reports include redfish catches on the lower tides around Perico Island. There are lots of mangrove snapper being caught by the Anna Maria Island Bridge and along the Intracoastal Waterway. There are also good predictions of a stellar snook season come Sept. 1. Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle at Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said offshore fish- ing took a hit as. Hurricane Katrina blew through the outer Gulf of Mexico, keeping most of the offshore guides hunkered down in port. For the backwater an- glers, fishing is hot for redfish almost anywhere in Sarasota Bay. Bill is also predicting a great snook sea- son, based on hookups in the past few weeks of the big and hungry linesiders. Capt. Thom Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez Road said he's finding lots and lots of redfish from the Seven Pines area, catch-and-release snook and man- grove snapper from the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of Annie's said he continues to do very well with man- grove snapper. "The saltwater panfish were.the big numbers catch again this'week followed by redfish, catch-and-release snook, trout and jack crevalle." Capt. Zach took Rob and Bruce Bonar, visiting from Florence, Ky., out last week and limited out on snap- per running up to 16 inches and nailed reds up to 22 inches in length. "The expectation of tropical weather in our neighborhood kind of put the damper on folks looking to go fishing over the weekend, but luckily we escaped any ill effects from Katrina other than higher than normal easterly winds, which may have helped send what was left of the red tide out of W N I \W \ N S,,10Slan.aeL'org Aug31. :16 1.7 3:17 1.6 lO:18a* 2.5 5:46 0. Sep 1 1:14 1.7 4:14 1.4 ll:04a*' 2.5 6:13 0.2 Sep2 1:12 1.7 5:00 1.3 11:42a* 2.5 6:36 0.3 NMSep3 1:17 1.7 5:39 1.1 12:18 2.5 6:55 0.4 Sep 4 1:22 1.8 6:18 1.0 12:56 2.4 7:16 0.6 Sep 5 :30 1.9 7:00 0.8 1:35 2.3 7:37 0.8 Sep 6 1:45 2.1 7:43 0.6 2:20 2.2 7:56 0.9 Sep 7 2:03 2.2 8:25 0.5 3:12 2.0 8:14 1.1 SCortez High Tides 7 minutes later lows 1:06 later , All smiles Drew Whitenack, 11, of Park Ridge, Ill., caught this nice-sized bonita while fishing with Capt. Larry McGuire of Show Me The Fish Charters. our bays and nearshore Gulf,' Capt. Zach said, add- ing that the start of snook season should prove a big plus for angling action, as well as the fact that reds are starting to school. Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said anglers there are catching snapper, black drum plus a few red- fish and catch-and-release snook at night. Andy Morrison at the Anna Maria City Pier said there are lots of mangrove snapper being caught there, plus some black drum, a couple of small sharks and some snook at night. Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said he's getting lots of good reports of redfish around the docks and lots of catch-ahd-release snook for a few hours only! from Rattlesnake Point. He added that there are some big black drum and mangrove snapper coming out of the Manatee River. Capt. Larry McGuire of Show Me The Fish Charters said he's found fishing to be best out past 100 feet due to the red tide coming through and moving the fish to deep waters. "The red tide seems to have moved out away from Anna Maria Island and Longboat Key areas to offshore," he said, "and the waters in the bay also seemed to be cleaning up before Hurricane Katrina came through. Our clients have been catching gag grouper, red grouper, lots of red snapper, mangrove SCapt. Mike's o Charter Boat i- NhMAGIC" Backwater Near Shore Up to 7 miles out in the Gulf Snook Redfish Trout Flounder Mackerel Snapper Light Tackle Fishing Reservations a must .Tackle, bait, ice, fishing license provided! 723-1107 Capt..Mike Heistand USCG Licensed FISH TALES WELCOME We'd love to hear your fish stories, and pictures are welcome, too, Just givp us a call at 778- 7978 or stop by our office in the Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach. The Islander snapper, lane snapper, yellowtail snapper, amberjack, sharks and barracudas." He added that he expects the Gulf to settle down this week and "fishing should be incredible with lots of new fish, (especially grouper and snapper) replenishing the reefs and ledges. After Hur- ricane Dennis came through, it moved in large numbers of red snapper into our area like we haven't seen in many years." AtSkyway Bait and Tackle, reports include hot action on snapper from the Sunshine Skyway Bridge system, some nice-sized trout coming out of Terra Ceia Bay, and a few redfish coming from Miguel Bay. On my boat Magic, we've caught snook to 27 inches, redfish to 26 inches, flounder to 16 inches, trout to 18 inches, and mangrove snapper to 16 inches. Good luck and good fishing. Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing guide. Call him at 723-1107 to provide fishing report. 'Prints and digital images of your catch are also wel- come and may be dropped off at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to news@islander.org. Please include identification for persons in the picture along with information on the catch and a name and phone number for more infor- mation. Snapshots may be retrieved once they appear in the paper. WOOD DOCK & SEAWALL CUSTOM DOCKS SEAWALLS BOAT LIFTS Design Build Permitting Sales Service Supplies 792-5322 12044 Cortez Rd., W. CRC0o49564 3S32S SS S -3 -.SS . REEL FAST CHARTERS Charter only for the best S4 hours DeparLs 8 8 hours - Weekends * Week trips * Covering the West Coast and Bahamas Rese4vations ,91- 713-5900 9UI-778-1203 91-713-5900 ronm Galati Marina Galati Marina Captain tGlenn Cor er captain.7glenn-W ovefinet ` PAGE 20 0 AUG. 31, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER O'Connor-lslander challenge nets nearly $9,000 By Kevin Cassidy Islander Sports Once again, the O'Connor Bowling Challenge was a hit among Islanders and Bradenton area folks. Slightly more than 280 people bowled (don't tell-AMF Bradenton Lanes), with at least another 75-100 spec- tators coming and -going during the action. The O'Connors, Billy and George, and all of their cronies who really do all the work, raised $8,431.14 to help fund equipment for the sports programs at the Anna Maria Island Community Center. That brings their to- tal in 15 years to a whopping $119,000. Maureen Brown was the big winner at the tourney, taking home the whopper 32-inch television set do- nated by The Islander after publisher Bonner Joy drew her winning ticket. Donnie McGann had the high game among males with an impressive 232, while Richard Gupton captured high series with a three-game total of 604. For the women, Lauren Robinson produced the high game with a 179, while Connie Wagner produced Members of the Holmes Beach Police Depart- ment bowled at the O'Connor Challenge as .. guests of event sponsor .... . The Islander. Picture here among their 12 "rollers" are, left to ". right, Gary Stephenson, Bonnie Lalos, Lynn Luchtman, ChiefJay . Romine, Jay's daughter "* Ashley, Myra Donnelly, Officer Vern McGowan, George O'Connor and Officer Pete Lannon. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor 778-0455 reen REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA .www.greenreal.com a 475 series to lead the pack. Collin Fairweather shot a 61 for low game and, in a great testament to consis- tency, backed it up with two other bad games to also capture low series with a downright awful score of 251. Beverly Mead made a strong run at Jessica Holmes' seven-year record low score of nine, but fell just short of immortality, finishing with a 13 to take home the title of Gutter Queen. -Meade, along with Margarita Botero, tied for low series at 128. Due to circumstances beyond anyone's control, Saturday, Aug. 27, produced at least two "triathletes" and several biathletess." Triathletes Rick Lease and Matt Bowers surfed in the morning, golfed at the Her- icane Golf Challenge in the afternoon and bowled (if you-call it that) the night away at the O'Connor Chal- lenge. Biathletes, or those that golfed and bowled, in- cluded Greg Keeper, Kathy Houck, Bob Slicker, Bow- ers, Pat Hagerty, Jeff Marx and Wayne Wood.. Matt Welch pulled the surfing-bowling combina- tion to earn biathlete status as well, while this writer ran PLEASE SEE SPORTS, NEXT PAGE SMike t Norman * Realty INC 3101 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, FL 34217 (941) 778-6696 Office' (941) 778-4364 Fax Kathy Caserta 1-800-367-1617 Toll-Free Realtor, GRI, CRS (941) 778-6943 Home (941) 704-2023 Cell r ~:mw~.4~s~':r.. A ' ~ ;: I ~.A. Donnie McGann, who rolled a 232, accepts his high game trophy from George O.'Connor at the awards party. Islander Photo: Kevin Cassidy . ) Marty Hiller of Anna Maria and Tampa was excited to start off his second game at the O'Connor Bowl- ing Challenge with five strikes, although his streak ended there. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy SALES & RENTALS 419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291 EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294 - -r -c ilt llI o~undanei cottigiz Located directly across the street Irom l the beach, this inviting 3BR,2BA - hideaway oilers peaceful views of the - glislening Gull of Mexico' The spa- .: clIus kitchen oilers an expansive breakfast bar and handy adjoining wet bar. There are airy vaulted ceilings with fans and pretty French doors which open onto a Gulfview wrap around deck. Easy care vinyl siding and shell landscaping make maintenance a breeze! Located at the tranquil tip of Anna Maria Village, this wonderful beach house won't last long! Priced at $1,150,000. 60x85', across street from GULF $500,000 57.5x110' across street from BAY $675,000 100x224' two BAYFRONT lots $2,500,000 each Visit our Web site at www.betsyhills.com- , I --------- ': ou love the 1ne1s ... ,why1 not have it delivered? U Call 778-7978. Serving the Island since 1992. ,' I I I I . -1 THE ISLANDER M AUG. 31, 2005 0 PAGE 21 Sports CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 the golf tournament for my girls' soccer team and man- aged to bowl one game in place of my wife Jennifer to keep my bowling streak alive. Her-icane Golf Challenge gets reprieve from Katrina The first-annual Her-icane Golf Challenge went off without a hitch during a breezy Saturday afternoon at the Bradenton Country Club. Due to Hurricane Katrina, it didn't look like the tournament would happen at all, but Mother Nature heeded some prayers and stayed far enough away and managed to provide some relief in a steady breeze and less-than-the-normal stifling temperatures. The tournament went smoothly and raised more than $5,000 for the Manatee Her-icane girls soccer team. Richard Hubbard, Mike Gronow, Dave Williams and Tony Cothron shot an incredible score of 57 to claim first place. For their efforts, each top golfer re- ceived trophies donated by Trophy World, four $20 gift certificates to Grego's Almost to the Beach Tavern and a foursome of golf at Stoneybrooke Golf Club. Second place went to the team of Dennis.Morgan, Tom Myette, Josh Kitchner andRandy Hubberty with a 59, earning each person a $20 gift certificate to Cher- ries. Scott Paynter, Mike Chandler, Dave Calahan and Mike Melinier came in third place with a 60 and won a foursome to the Links at Greenfield Plantation. Most honest golfers award went to the team of Mike McDowell, Craig Markgraft, Brent Markgraft and.Justin Case with a-74:For their honesty, they each won a new ball retriever and a sleeve of balls along with four tickets and a parking pass for the N.Y. Yan- kees vs. Tampa Bay Devil Rays game in St. Petersburg. Other winners include Steve Blair, who won the straightest-drive contest, and Jack Jackson and Dennis Morgan, who each won a closest-to-the-pin contest. A big thanks to sponsors the Bradenton Herald, the Law Offices of Brett.D. McIntosh, Dr. Tom DeGroat, Jeff Watts Plastering & Stucco-Inc, Artazen Construc- Call for rates and terms (941) 778-2307 or view at www.franmaxonrealestate.com SASADRNAS0 Call S or v 1sits fnfiI e! www^Bf ran m axon realestae^o SERVING THE AREA SINCE 1970 MLS ll Ff REALTOR. 29Years of Professional Service YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REAL ESTATE SHOPPE. Experience Reputation Results MARTINIQUE SOUTH Spectacular gulf and beach views from 4'hfloor 1/1 condo with ceramic floors and expanded living area. Turnkey. $590,000. MANSION IN THE SKY Bayfront 5BR/5.5BA penthouse, 5000+ sf with guest quarters. $6,900,000. KEY ROYALELOT 90x105. $795,000. Exclusive. Our office will be closed September 2nd-10th for vacation. Please call (941) 778-0807 for appointments. We will be on call to assist your Real Estate needs. VACATION, SEASONAL & ANNUAL RENTALS 101 PALM New Luxury Villas PERICO ISLES 3BR/2BA with community pool, clubhouse, exercise. Seasonal. 5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807 .yrealt7@aol.com www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com .... The team ofRichard Hubbard, Dave Williams, Mike Gronow and Tony Cothron shot a 57 in windy conditions at the Bradelmion Country Club to win first place in the first of what is. hoped to.be an annual Her-icane Golf Challenge. Islander Phl hi. Kevin Cassidy tion, Christy Insurance Agency, Tom Wessel Construc- tion Corp., Anna Maria Oyster Bar, Grego's Almost to the Beach Tavern, Ashdown Flooring Inc., Bruce Wil- liams Homes, Wedebrock Real Estate agent Ralph Faillace, ThyssenKrupp Elevator, Big League Haircuts, Deryll & Alice Gross, The Islander newspaper, Palma Sola Animal Clinic, Commercial Plastering Inc., T\\ in Dolphin and the Chiles Restaurant Group. Horseshoe news Three teams finished regular match play tied with 2-1 records, forcing a three-way playoff. Once again, due to an odd number of players, a walker was needed, and once again, the walker turned out to be a winner. Tom Rhodes of Cortez, who opened match play with a 21-0 win, defeated George McKay of Anna Maria' and John Johnson of Holmes Beach to advance to the finals. There he defeated the husband-and-wife team.of Debbie and Bill Bartlett of Holmes Beach. Jay Disbrow of Bradenton and Kathy Stoltzfus of Anna Maria won the Wednesday, Aug. 24, competition on by defeating the team of Ron Pepka of Bradenton and John Johnson of Holmes Beach. Play gets under way at 9 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at Anna Maria City Hall. Warmups be- gin at 8:45 a.m. followed by random team selection. upper unit. Centrally located. Asking price $538,000. Call for showing. Ted Schlegel, 518-6117 or Barry Gould, 448-5500. 1 ,A n '- 4"- 3001 GULF DRIVE*HOLMES BEACH, FL 34217 .. PHONE: 941.778.6849*TOLL FREE: 800.778.9599 VACATI O.- FAX: 941.719.I7 50 PROPERTIEt LLC rLcensed Real Estate Broker Ann Caron r Steve Blair won the straightest-drive contest, while Dennis Morgan and Jack Jackson were the winners' in the two closest-to-the-pin contests at the Her- icane Golf Challenge. Islander Photo: Kevin Cassidy There is no charge to play and everyone is welcome. Center offers adult soccer play The Anna Maria Island Community Center is of- fering adult soccer on Saturday mornings from 9 to 11 a.m. on the "small" field. The cost is $2 per player. For more'information, contact the Center's Andy Jonatzke at 778-1908.. ,7i i ulf-Bay Realtyof Anna Maria Inc. Side variety of vacation rentals from beaclhfront to bayfront and ererlthing in between! Call nIW for fall specials. (941) 778-7244 Fanmily o'ned and operated' Serving island Jsiars since :t199 CTni~iLot vfioit ReSidence \ 'hitniev' lSeci cjiC4lt- Fr1t CORLdO .IjI~v- I III-I'v. In al HII: jil : J 11.11 111.111 I1 L '-' 001 i' ''' -'' I I It Ir'r,: 1 ''" ,j 11sjO, ~i Oner,',i at l k' .1 I lll~llL: -1 Octll ~ i idj Kjv I-w:~h, ki,11i, wi 1),1iica Excellent Il colt' Property SeUli tive IV~t el-fil-01 tilh BRAND NELIVIb,,ri ,,,i,,,,,d,,,,,,,,u,, .14 filI: ll-, I [Ili, H-C IM t., I n [6:111 I. ,,] I1, 1,. INIjtd 4AsIF'' -ilipipr j l *pss p, I a, iiril. IIp 4 1,1-IE -IIIj A~ Sh~.jI hcj ,-, Uttlr,- j5' 000 5 0)') 0 4 14 I j S rrnQ or i,$9; tOO Tropical Oasis NIV Executive ?Ttd -V iew ivTownhouse .ik ,.IfvIuTI IhcjcjijiIpAr ad, Tr NEW LISTING Orfered a! QO ~ I- -1iv F 4AR ,EIA Ii .-. p air-- C r -V ryrv I -wini jflr IAins- Ie I K,1ior0:oj, iiprr :1 or Saring- hood ,-[,im ri 1 In hr 1114116 f~ j 1-1 X~'fv How u bp:a3111pt, A lv p n,. ~ ~r I rI ii in~ is~l pI: H~~lht Ih~ :phr iqn Orre red at $899 1000rli &N O r Ibo r KredL I 34729 I C Aw00rr 3(tU-~543 a w(941) 920-0303 Sw. Ibkrealestatex com / vvww.wedebrock.com IchSproche Deutsch - i .... ..... -................ .. t PAGE 22 .AUG. 31, 2005 U THE ISLANDER Simply the Best STONE'S THROW TO THE BEACH filni this 2BR/2BA fully furnished home already in a rental program. Only $550,000 r ~'" i?" v- .> - GREAT LOCATION five minutes to the beach. 55-plus park where you own the land. "Triple-Wide" 2BR/2BA. Large enclosed lanai. A lot for the money $120,000. CRACKER COTTAGE Zoned ROR with a great Gulf. view. Cute as the devil. 2BR/1BA, hardwood floors, built in 1930. Even has an attic workshop and a big backyard. Half a block to the bay. $545,000. ma~~8 r , BAYFRONT Large 2BR. ?BA, no..,- .::k ,arid sailboat water. Also has guest cottage/mother-in-law apartment. Zoned duplex. $1,275,000. HUGE TWO FAMILY Wonderful floor plan. Almost S 3,000 sf. 2BR/2BA each floor. Views of Gulf and bay. Large verandas forsipping.mint.juleps. Enjoy as is or convert to large single family in a great neighborhood. $699,000. S..'< -- . 1935 BEACH COTTAGE Fully furnished cozy beach cottage. Just steps to either the bay or the Gulf. A must see charmer that even has a separate guest cottage. $609,000. . 9 -, . GULFFRONT Two large 3BR/2BA homes on this large Gulffront property at.the north end of Anna Maria. Built in 1970 and maintained in immaculate condition! $3,350,000. GULF SANDS CONDOMINIUM Two units available! 2BR/2BA direct Gulffront units, heated pool, open porches to enjoy sunsets and a great location! Turnkey furnished. $889,000 each. Mike 800-367-1617 N L 941-778-6696 Norman Y 3101 GULF DRIVE RealtyiNC HOLMES BEACH www.mikenormanrealty.com BRADENTON LOT 531 18 loi on Riverv\eia Boulevard Viewss ol ihe river anil convenient lo eeryining Owner has plans 10 build a 5,0410 si under root oiasting -..243 sf under air home on the lot. Can choose builder, price is for lot. $385,000. INVESTOR ALERT! 1 _,.728 sl duplex oll, ti ihe btonuis Ao a recently renovated duplex. Don't miss this one! 6BR/4BA and Plenty of room for TWO pols! 'Call today for more details! $849,000. 1, I ... . MOVE RIGHT IN Enjoy Island living in this beautifully remodeled home located in Anna Maria. Granite counter tops, wood floors, brand new carpet. Move right.in. $799,000. IMMACULATE KEY WEST STYLE 3BR/2BA custom home just two blocks from the beach on a quiet cul-de-sac. Very well main- tained, large bedrooms, master suite with-dual showers plus oversized two-car garage with workshop area in back. Bonus recreation area downstairs and lots of storage! Large side yard with plenty of room for a po6l! $875,000. BEST BUY ON LONGBOAT KEY! 2BR/2BA freestanding villa with wood floors. Private beach access, marina, boat slips, 55-plus. $329,000. GREAT TWO FAMILY vacation home/duplex with heated pool Two spacious and tastefully decorated sun-filled units upstairs and 2,400 sf of bonus storage with garages below. A very short walk to a beautiful beach! All combine to make this a coastal liv- ing classic. $925,000. 200 FEET TO THE*BEACH! Spacious 2bed/2bath turnkey.fur- nish condo in small friendly complex. Heated pool, rooftop sundeck with great views, excellent rental history with no rental restrictions! A must see. $599,000. ' . .i, Want personalized service w" while you buy or sell property this summer? Let ,Carol help make your dream come true. 6016 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton (941) 751-1155 (800) 778-8448 Visit our Web site at www.floridamoves.com ANNA MARIA ISLAND REAL ESTATELLC GULFFRONT WATERS EDGE 2BR/2BA Gulffront condo. Fabulous view- of Gulf and gorgeous walking: beach. Turnkey furnl'hed, updated, ceramic tile. Excellent mid-ikland lociaricn. Pool, secured lobby, under-buildrmg parking. ()ne o: the Island's finest locations. Call Ito s. 9c'No5,l.ll. ISLAND'S FINEST COMMUNITY 2BR/2BA canalfront home in North Point H.irbl-:ur. New seawall, private dock, boat lift, direct access to Tampa Bay and Intracoastal waterway. Vaultedceil- ing, eat-in kitchen, foyer, elegant baths, ceramic tile, community pool and tennis courts. Wonderful resi- dential area. $1,250,000. PERICO ISLAND CONDO 2BR/2BA Turnkey condo; Nicely furnished in great Westside location. Close to Anna Maria Islarid beaches. Heated pool, tennis, clubhouse with fitness roori, carport. Short drive to shopping arid restaurants. $359,900. VILLAGE GREEN CONDO. 2BR/2BA condo in West Bradenton's finest condo community. Central location near shopping, medical, restaurants and short drive to beaches. Great floor plan, eat-in-kitchen, utility, walk-in closet, foyer en- try and garage. Green belt, community pool. $255,000. NORTH POINT HARBOUR 4BR/3BA waterfront home in prestigious North Point Harbour. Lap pool, waterfall and hot tub, community tennis courts and pool, new seawall, dock, fruit trees, large multi-car garage, vaulted ceiling, deck, french doors. Near Key Royale Club. The island's most el- egant area! $1,300,000. DIRECT GULFFRONT CONDO 1BR/-1.5BA Seaside Beach House condo. Turnkey furnished in intimate, private complex with gorgeous view of Gulf. Very nicely furnished, Sautillo tile, beau- tiful walking beach, heated pool, excellent rental. $799,900. WOODED LOT ON WARES CREEK 1BR/1BA mobile home on large wooded lot with fruit trees and fence. Central location, room for a pool and lots of room for RV or boat storage. Dead end street 'with 125 feet on Wares Creek. Possible rezone for "best use" PDR. 5 Units. $125,000. ANNUAL RENTALS From $700 / month SEASONAL RENTALS Condos/Homes: $500 week / $1,000 month 779-0202 (800) 732-6434 ANNA MARIA [2 MiS SiiCoast REAL ESTATE LLC Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive Hplr resBach; Florida 34217 www.suncpiaspnc.cQm THE ISLANDER M AUG. 31, 2005 PAGE 23 dBiz By Rick Catlin Curves appreciation Curves "On the Island" at 5366 Gulf Drive in Holmes Beach recently held an appreciation day and first anni- versary celebration of the Island loca- tion. Owner Joan Swan, who also oper- ated Curves at 4228 60th St. W. in Bradenton, remembers that last year at this time, opening the Island Curves lo- cation was difficult because of all the hurricanes passing through the area. "We really appreciate our members and wanted to thank them for making our first year on the Island a success," said Joan. "Curves on the Island is a very friendly place for ladies to go and get into shape." For more information on Curves, call 779-2878. LaPensee is 20 The staff of LaPensee plumbing held a party Aug. 27 at the Moose Lodge in Bradenton Beach to honor Karen and Mike LaPensee, pictured above,for 20 years in business on Anna Maria Island. Curvacious celebration Curves fitness center at 5366 Gulf Drive in HFlinces Beach celebrated its one-year anniversary Aug. 20 with a member appreciation day. Owner Joann Swan shared her memories of trying to open the Island location and the delays she encoun- tered because of the hurricanes last year. She and her staff thanked their mem- bers for making their first year on the Island a success with lots offood, fun and prizes. Front row, left' to right, Swan and manager Barbara Rischmann. Back row, left to right, staff members Kay Pruden, Leslie Cash, Terri Stenerson, Carol Rudner and Kathy Robuck. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose Beach Bistro serving honors Beach Bistro owner Sean Murphy along with chefs Peter Arpke: and Mac DeCarle and other staff will prepare and host an exclusive dinner at the James Beard House in New York City Sept. 16.. The event is one of the highest honors in the restaurant industry, said Murphy. Previous chefs to serve the dinner include world-famous'chefs Wolfgang Puck and Emeril Lagasse, among others. The dinner will highlight the Beach Bistro's acclaimed Gulf Coast style of cooking, and will feature Beach Bistro's "Food Heaven," which includes roasted rack of Rosen Farms lamb, butter poached "Novey" lobster tail, D'Artagnan Foie Gras, Florida Spiny Lobstercargot, "Esformes," Key West jumbo shrimp cooked the Beach Bistro way, Bistro bouillabaisse and an assortment of fresh fish, clams, mussels and calamari. "We are all incredibly proud of Pe- ter and Mac, and we're excited to be making our New York debut at the James Beard House," said.Murphy. "It is every restaurateur's dream to be in- vited to the Beard House." The James Beard Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to fur- thering the practice and appreciation of culinary arts. To reach Sean and the Beach Bistro staff, call 778-6444. Island Real Estate attends convention Staff members from Island Real Estate at 6101 Marina Drive in Holmes Beach attended the 89th An- nual Florida Association of Realtors convention and trade.exposition Aug. 25 in Orlando. Melinda and Evan Bordes, Carol Bernard, Liz Blandfoid. Tom Nelson, Alan Galletto, Scott Galletto, Melissa McLaughlin and Kacey Whidden repre- sented Island Real Estate at the conven- tion. For more information about Island Real Estate, call 778-6066. Relocation in same location Robyn's Nest in the Manatee West PLEASE SEE BIZ, PAGE 25 Sutton to Surf side Surfside Realty Co. owners Scott and Tammy Barr recently pur- chased Sutton Group Realty. Surfide is located at 101 First St. N; in Bradenton Beach. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose I Ix "Gulfstream Realty ,M IK 401 Manatee Avenue Holmes Beach YOU DESERVE PROFESSIONALISM AND EASE WHEN BUYING OR SELLING YOUR HOME. Contact Annique -., 1^ Lesage-Potocki L to find ut h Waterfront homes and condos from the V- to find. out how $500,000's. Properties in all areas - easy it can be. some with acreage. Call for details! Barbara Ragan Call me at (941) 448-4939 322-6203 or 545-6371 Property Management and Leasing : .\l u,..it,,' L S .. L ,i..', "; 5FR .,,..,..*. ,, i '' . Total Island Propeties For Sale: 213 Median Pnce: $849,000 Total Pending: 94 Median Price: $743,500 Total Sold Since 1/1/05: 304 Median Price: $594,000 -w z Gulfstream -f .B BKReall( S 941-778-7777 866-266-9911 Call us jor.4,nual Judy Karkhoff and Sason Rental Realtor Realtor attended Anna Maria Elementary School, Unirerilry o M, Ii f d(A) and UCLA usine,s Shcrol SWuislanderorg ~r ""~~:4p's; 4 IL A Great Place To Live... A Wonderful Way Of Life! This fantastic 3BR/2BA with a two-car garage screams island living at its best! Open floor olan with large kitchen area 3nd stairs leading down to the large bonus room forthe kids or storage. One block off of the breath taking shores of Anna Maria Island. Priced to sell at $599,000. Call Dean Jones at (941) 345-7335 Realtor with Brenda DeArmond Realty Maureen I ...... Dahms Realtor 941 -778-0455 T. Screen REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA vvwvv greenre l cotrr RAL SATEO P R U I ESF RANNAMARIA AND*BYON CORTEZ BEACH Welcome to a one-of- " a-kind bay front paradise! Custom home i located on the south end of Anna Maria Island jUst one block from the Gulf! The. stunning residence feature: creative use of natural matei ials. lght and color blend together to create an authentic wor k of art Highlights include a boat dock. courtyard with spectacular water wall and open pool. pri 3je and separate guEJst quarters, 360- .'.re ,er '.....w fron, the oCffc,.,- hide- 3..a, SAR.#2716-15 Offered at $2,450,000 c,. ,Y LEFT! KEY ROYALE Million dollar tL1,' pnorran'3i. carn b- yours! Take ad\ artage ot th : inc r:,d.ble ,nni Ml.n a HOLMES BEACH Bi aii. n.i-. Ke, ''..e: Island opporturnit, Full bi, v'.-.- l: in ,er, de:.ir ble I:land-i;tIl h;on. .*..h r.'p.:.: 1 pc l.: community. Full, land'cped .ind rajd, .o.r ne... cpen design. high eri.- :uis-.m finiihe-. custom home. oat dock allo/.d M1AR#510291 3 Br. 2 Ba. Complei.te in 3 month; j Incredible Value! $1,850,000 MAR #506840 Offered at 5791,000 Virtal Turs Phitt' Virtual TOLI I", Photosl vv-ww.skysan imutnxIonl SKY Sothe i. ~ INTERNATIONALA m' rr ~ r""L -"'I Terry Hayes S'"2(9431 REALTY 302-3100 lterrsy ha)es .i*,li, i*,r ti kA , I !1 RL ' L"Slt~' PAGE 24 AUG. 31, 2005 E THE ISLANDER iw w?~~V,= 9 m~wNNOUN m^' EARLY CLASSIFIED AD Deadline for the Wednesday, Sept, 7 publication. Deadline is NOON Friday, Sept. 2. Our.office will be closed Monday,. Sept..5 in observance of Labor Day. SWING SET: you move, $50; wood headboard, full- size from Pottery Barn, $50; dog cage, $40; tanning bed, new bulbs, $800. Call Paige, (941) 798-3448. AERIAL PHOTOS of, Anna Maria Island. View and. purchase online: www.jackelka.com/aerials. FREE STUFF: Four-person fiberglass hot tub shell and wooden box. Needs pump, heater and controls.' Call (941) 778-3793. ANTIQUE WICKER DESK: Excellent condition, painted white. One center drawer, two side shelves. Raised wicker railing surrounds desktop. 37.5 wide by 23 inches deep. $375. (941) 778-1102. ANNA MARIA ISLAND -SCREENSAVER! Experience the Island-on your computer desktop. Available at The Islander, or purchase online or order by mail. $12 PC, or $15 Mac. www.r6bertsondesignstudio.com. FULL-SIZE FUTON: Premium mattress, seldom used, $80. (941) 778-1102, LONGBOAT KEY HISTORY "From Calusas to Condominiums" by Ralph B. Hunter. Signed copies available at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-7978. .. FREE DELIVERY to:your home or condo: Shrimp, crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call James Lee, (941) 795-1112 or 704-8421. ROSER. THRIFT SHOP: Open Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30am-2pm and Saturdays, 9am-noon. Summer clearance sale. 511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. (941) 779-2733. BONUS! CLASSIFIED ADS are posted early online at www.islander.org. YARD SALE: 8am-2pm Sunday, Sept. 4. Two couches, single bed, highchair, stereo, glass-top table with chairs. 214 Palm Ave., Anna Maria. No early birds. LABOR DAY SALE at Niki's Gifts & Antiques; Select gifts, art, collectibles,'vintage and costume jewelry, 50 to 75 percent off; all sterling jewelry, 50 to 75 percent off. Let us know you saw.this ad for a free necklace set valued at $6. Open seven days, 9:30am-5pm. 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. INDOOR SALE: 9am-4pm, Saturday, Sept. 3. Furniture, lamps, linens, dishes, books, clothing. miscellaneous. 315 Pine Ave., corner of Crescent, Anna Maria. ANNOUNEMENT YOGA WITH PRESTON Whaiey Jr. at Anna Maria Art League. Beginning to intermediate level. Morning and evening classes. (941) 778-3996. TUPPERWARE PRODUCT- or party. Fantastic September specials for both. Contact Zora Lykken, (941) 378-8271 or 928-4792. THANK YOU St. Jude for requests granted. KEY WEST FANTASY Fest: Five days/five nights ,aboard 65-foot sailing vessel Lex-Sea. $595.;person, BYOB and attitude. Departs Oct. 26. (941) 713-8000. www.annamariaislandsailing.com.: SUNSET PILATES: One week and you will feel the difference. Two weeks and you will feel the difference. Three weeksyou will have a whole new body! Call Julia, (941) 730-3965. REWARD FOR information in the Waterfront Restau- rant arson fire: Call the State Fire Marshal, Bureau of Fire & Arson Investigations in Tampa, (813) 890-1904. BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a personal- ized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park. Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Pick up form at The Islander or call (941) 518-4431 for more information; FREE GUN LOCK. Yes, free. Just for the asking. Courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserva- tion Commission. Free at:The Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be sorry, be safe. CRITTER SITTER nine years in pet care. 24 years as an Island resident. Lots of TLC for your beloved pets with in-home visits. (941) 778-6000. FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough for adoption. All food and medical provided. Julie, (941) 720-1411. ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes. All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened. Please call (941) 922-0774. 1990 MAZDA RX-7: Convertible, black. $3,000 or best. offer. Call(941) 778-6985 between Aug. 31 and Sept. 3. 1987 FORD CLUB WAGON workhorse van. Looks rough, works hard. $1,800 or best offer. (941.)778- 1086 or720-0067. LOST CAT: BLACKISH brown, long hair, six toes, an- swers to Sassy. Lost approximately two weeks ago around 581h Avenue and De Palmas. (941) 778-0404. FOUND CAT: male, neutered. Large, white under- belly with raccoon-like markings, pink nose. Approximately two years old. Odd habit, which.you can tell me if you know him. (941) 778-2935. 27-FOOT CARVER twin 190-hp Mercruiser. Runs great, good for fishing, Ceranfield, air conditioning, water heater, shower, head, new batteries, stereo and much more! $10,000, or best offer. (941) 778-1565. NEW HOMES ON ANNA MARIA --1 -.* I TURTLE CRA\W IL Hear the \\aves crashing from \our front door in these beach bunralo\w s. Unit A-$795.(000 Unit B-$825.o000 (Pending -. LIRDS OE PARADISE SEn o short strolls to the beach and all that the Island has to offer in this Charming beach bungalow Located S, \west of Marina Dri\e. this home is '- situated on a quiet and peaceful Street in beautiful Holmes Beach. BIMnINI JBN i E~A ? STAT a.F &te PiqAe- o 6wa 2!ia C - -.- -- - -t: 7 -1- Experience grand li\ ing in a spectacular Mediterranean home in Holmes Beach. Enjo\ rare open \ after \ iew\ s of Tampa Ba \ with the protection of quaint Bimini Ba\. This 3.900 sf home includes S4BR/3BA. an e\quisitel\ appointed kitchen. oversized master suite. 20-foot ceiling in li\ ing space. second stor\ caat\\lk. co\ ered and e\posed decks. hard\\ood floors. sw\ imming pool. boat dock and upgraded amenities throughout. $2.495 .0)(i.(.10 PALf L. PLA CE Ne\i Constructiion Sin Holmes Beach. -Centirll\ located to all of the island amenities. iii~ (1~1~-$-~l 5 .1 I II~I THESE PROPERTIES OFFERED THROUGH BOYD REALTY. GULF BIREEZIE Ne\\ Construction in Holmes Beach. One lock a\a\ from the beach. Sbs 2,4,1.1.0-$849 YI't-i i. CALL GREG Ross 941-773-2296 pO-f -a a ct P Pic A-' T \'.O HfER. 'NS New Contruction in Ho-lmes Beach. Great street \\ ith i: short w alk to the beach. ,$ 74L).(0()(- $ -4 1: .0 0 0 . Boyd ,Realty Catchers Marina Office 5505 Marina Drive 194 I1 77868388 GJIL -- cl ' Island Biz .CONTINUED FROM PAGE 23 Shopping Center at 7459 Manatee Ave,. W. recently moved from one location to another in the same shop- ping center. The telephone number is 761-3548. Realty raves Jeff Lewis has joined the staff of Dolly Young Real Estate at 5508 Marine Drive in Holmes Beach. Prior to joining Dolly Young Real Estate., Lewis was with Bruce Williams Homes in Bradenton. He is retired from the U.S. Coast Guard. To reach Jeff, call 778-0807. Bridge Street Jewelry now open Bridge Street Jewelry at 129 Bridge Street in Bradenton Beach opened its doors yesterday after an open house Sunday as owner Tracy Chamber, left, shows Lisa Altenbach some of the fine jewelry on display. Lisa purchased a gold chain with gecko charm. To reach Bridge Street Jewelry, call 779- 1606. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose, '. N :*. ::' Newly Listed! r.j-rh end, ijusi steps to the beach and the Rod and Reel Pir' Totally re- d,:rie spac nl.i 3BR'2BA with LARGE screened lanai, new Italian porcelairn tile and Florida-style lur- rishings throughout Two- car garage and ready to move in[ $879.000 is,' CALL SUE CARLSON TODAY! 941-720-2242 An Island Place Realty 411 Pine Ave Anna Maria SEASIDE GARDENS VILLA Island real estate sales 7300 Gulf Drive, Unit 4, La Casa Costiera, Holmes Beach, a 2,045 sfla 3bled 2 5oath condo .buill in 2004 was sold 08/10/05, La Casa Costiera LLC- to Tarantola for $1,400,000; list $1,400,000 203 76th St, Holmes Beach, a 1,632 sfla /1,975 sfur 3bed/3bath duplex built in 1952 on a 90x78 lot was sold 08/ 10/05, Bazemore to McGlennen Properties LLC for $700,000; list $738,000. 227 85th St., Holmes Beach, a 1,284 sfla / 2,525 sfur 3bed/2bath pool home built in 1985 on.a 90x100 lot was sold 08/10/05, Levit to Moore for $675,900. 427 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, a 1,097 sfla /1,942 sfur commercial building build in 1958 on a 52x145 lot was sold 08/09/05, Neumann to Staley for $675,000. 303 61st St., Holmes Beach, a 1,704 sfla / 2,508 sfur 4bed/2bath pool duplex built in 1950 on a 90x100 lot was sold 08/10/05,-Gehl to Byrne for $670,000; list $699,000. Jesse Brisson. broker-associate at Gulf-Bay Realty of Holmes Beach, may be reached at (941) 713-4755. Reach more than 20,000 people weekly with your ad -for as little as $20.00! Call Rebecca or Nancy 778-7978 The Islander www.islander.org THE ISLANDER U AUG. 31, 2005 N PAGE 25 Chamber gals The Anna Maria S" Island Chamber of Commerce held a 1l(a costume contest at its .4- ugst business ~C catrd exchange at rlu First Naionlal S Bank ,, and Trust in ..:..-"::---- Holmes Beach. F,,iin left are Sinn;;er Heather A/ sten of Gulf-Bay R, alry, Chamber ,i utive director Hari Ann Br,,.L. kman and Capl. Kim I, iqalean. Is- lai,,.-r Photo: in,,. y Ambrose "AS- -:. '' .' -T .. *t, Featured sale: This home at 214 Pine Ave. in Anna Maria sold this month for $525,000, amounting to a $175,000 increase over the three months since it last sold in June 2005for $350,000. It also sold in 1996 for $122,000. Islander Photo: Jesse Brisson ReputationR- Resources -1esufts ,. '4. Stunning 2BR condominium. White, New 4BR'3BA condo close to beai sandy beach and rormiantic sunsets and shopping. Gated commu welcome you home to paradise. Offered Offered at $269,000. at $950,000. Sales fentals Property Management Le"- Pat Palmeri-Bates TORTUGA- cnes unity. Team Pinnace 877-469-4753 teampinnaclefl@yahoo.com www.flrealestateassistance.com INN BEACH RESORT V ,>--, 4 4 44 ~ I I- 2BR/2BA waterfront villa with private dock. Updated kitchen, baths, windows and more! Enjoy the fantastic bay views from the terrace. $499,900. Call Matiih.n Tre.i.ethari-, Rf)alt:.,i (941) 778-6066 H,,n, 792-s477 w^ i"' m Wa U ^^^^^^^ .'"The Best Restrt on the Isnut. "* A Private Ownership )pporrunimt: 23 luxurV. tFurnishcd. 2. -bedroo'm. 2-bdatrl co'nJdmini- :I um ap.urmenEcn '.s iv. available, mnanvy vih pectacular Gulf or M Bay v 'ie.s. Spaciou s floor plans. The gorgeous property runs '': froti[he private Gull beach to Sarasota Bav, and has 3 pools, Ifl-:- ounciins and garden COurty.3rdi Private dock with 14 boat slips S .:.- iatlble for sale. Hotel managed by ResortQuest International. Aw ., Consti ullion pricing available ,. RI-- ?:"I--. : --- 19 -isr : .- -- '-:" (; ',-- ? i ... " * 9 J 7.i '. Sp- ii: ;r "'. i jit~L -I; ' 'Ilhll~ L. ~ P6 1r~~; 'i ~I~*r~-.-a*C' -~ a Ei :.kii C w a . nr~ L ~it _lli~~-~a% ,~4~s s: II~ ialflE~f !;r~ ~*, :1 4~ttF ~P~ 3'i~c~ -r ~;~ L-~ - rl i PAGE 26 M AUG. 31, 2005 THE ISLANDER 1 A NRAS S I F - I-OAS BATIGCotned IHEPWNTDCotned. HL ANTD otiue* 2002 SEA RAY 182 Bowrider, like new! 18 foot, 6 inches. 190-hp stern drive, seats seven, tons of fun! Call (941) 778-6234, or e-mail kendra@presswoodlaw.com. $12,900 or best offer. LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater fishing.. USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle provided. (941) 723-1107. NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restaurant, 902S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call (941) 778-3953. WANTED: SERVERS, PART-time, good pay with golf privileges. Call Key Royale Club, (941) 778-3055. CHIROPRACTIC ASSISTANT: Looking for energetic, reliable individual to assist doctor fulltime. Experience not necessary, will train. Call (941) 778-0722. WANTED: PART-time cooks. Good pay with golf privileges. Call Key Royale Club, (941) 778-3055. FIND GREAT DEALS on wheels and everything else in The Islander, 778-7978. The Rhten Team ,\ Professional REALTORS representing __L__ buyers and sellers with Heather Absten, P.A. Honesty, Jenni 941-807-4661 Integrit, 94 HeatherAbstenq@yahoo corn l |ennif Results! STOCK BOY for Island boutique: Must be tall, strong and handsome. Good benefits. Apply in person, Moose Lodge or call (941) 778-7987. HOTEL ON ANNA Maria Island seeks manager. Looking for a full-time, hands-on manager to facili- tate all aspects of management and staff. You must be a self starter and computer literate, have at least three years in hotel management. People skills are a must. Mail resume to PO Box 1384 Holmes Beach FL 34218 or e-mail rickyroberts12 @hotmail.com. DEVELOP AND INSTRUCT children in after-school activities designed to promote social, physical and intellectual growth for children in grades K-5. Ideal candidate enrolled in education degree program or willing to obtain 40-hour DCF childcare certification and first aid/CPR certified. Valid CDL a plus. Part-time Monday-Friday, 2:30-6pm. Pay between $7.50-$13.50/hour, depending upon experience. Full-time with benefits package available with office responsibilities. E-mail resume kjoyce @tampabay.rr.com, or fax (941) 778-9511. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Meet interesting people, learn the history of the Island. Anna Maria Island Historical Museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. (941) 778-0492. Cindy M. GRI, CF S' DIn 310 Pine fer Absten, P.A. 1-345-7002 erAb4.ternimsn corn VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Tingley Memorial Library. Duties include- checking books in/out, reshelving, and generally assisting library patrons. Call Eveann Adams, (941) 779-1208. KI DSFO RHIRE CHILD SITTER AND PET SITTER. Ninth-grade male looking for a job. Available after school and weekends. Zachary, (941) 779-9783. SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and in- termediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10 per half-hourlesson, three lessons recommended. Local teen, team competitor. Call (941) 778-0944. BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, (941) 756 5496. NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia, (941) 761-1569. Red Cross certified. NEED A BABY-SITTER or pet-sitter? Eighth grade, 13-year old girl, very responsible. Great with animals and kids. Call Kendall, (941) 779-9783. WANT AN IRISH baby-sitter? Responsible, experienced 15-year old. Red Cross babysitting and , first-aid certified. Call Gemma, (941) 447-9657. Jones FR HATS S12 RS, Sale Associate T-SHIRTS M.LXL $10 .XXL S12 JNCAN XX Real Estate, Inc. 779-0304 773-9770 773-9770 941-778-7978 or ww.islander.org Avenue Anna Maria 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach DEVELOPER WANTED! Build two land condos on a 13,728 sf lot. Room for large units and two. pools. Rent out duplex until you are ready to build. 4BR/3BA, large kitchen, recently renovated, plus 2BR/IBA with covered parking. $849,000. RARE FIND IN ANNA MARIA! Cute and ready to be lived in! Enjoy island living just three blocks from the beach and the bay in the heart of Anna Maria. Walk to everything! Nicely remodeled, custom tile work in bath rooms. beautiful tongue-and-groove vaulted ceilings and much more. Tons of charm! Must see! $799,000 ft IMMACULATE KEY WEST STYLE 3 bedroom, 2 bath custom home just two blocks from the beach on a quiet cul-de-sac. Very well maintained, large- bedrooms, master suite with dual showers, oversized two-car garage with workshop area in back. Bonus recreation area downstairs and lots of storage. Large side yard with plenty of room for a pool! $875,000. NEW LISTING! CANALFRONT, GREAT PRICE! 3BR/2BA canalfront home on Longboat Key. No bridges to open water, short walk to beach, Joan M. Durante park and a great restaurant. Won't last at this price! $789,000. lf-Bay Realty of Anna Maria Inc.* 5309 Sulf ive, Holmes Beach oT te 1 I SUN PLAZA WEST CONDO complex on the Gulf of a,. g Mexico. 2BR/2BA furnished and ready to move in! r *Pool, tennis, spa, elevator and hurricane shutters. A | ,. great place to live. $659,000. BEAUTIFUL 4BR/3BA HOME with view of Tampa . Bay. Only steps to a very private beach area. Brazilian ". teak hardwood floors, granite counters, two balconies and much more! $1,200,000. w TIFFANY PLACE CONDO on the Gulf of Mexico. SRemodeled and very beautiful, all furniture and furnish- -, ings to stay, view of the Gulf from patio and the master S bedroom. Tiffany Place condo offers great year-round .i living or a great year-round rental: $810,000. NORTH POINT HARBOR: Beautiful 3BR/2.5BA q... , pool home, On canal with dock and boat lift. Large kitchen and living areas. Two-car garage, lots of extras! $1,425,000. The Big Picture...it's all about the real estate! A top producer at Island Real Estate Inc., call Marianne at (941) 778-6066. iI ISLAND MARIANNE CORRELL REALTOR REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA ISLAND, INC, 6101 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, FL 34217 ,941-778-6066 1-877-778-6066 M EARLY CLASSIFIED DEADLINE NOON FRIDAY* Sept. 2 for classified ads that will appear in the Sept 7 issue of The Islander. Ads must be received at our office no later than noon Friday, Sept. 2, for Sept 7 publication. Fax 778-9392, e-mail news@ islander.org or visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Our office will be dosed Monday, Sept 5, in observance of Labor Day. The Islander ~fla~ U~'\W'~kWk\( U flfl~W t~ ~~\W'UN X~&~k~ fl4 ... .. .. .. . . 1: I ,I # 0 a 4 4 lk% 11% % I I , I -~-~~ THE ISLANDER M AUG. 31, 2005 0 PAGE 27 S L A I SANDBAGS DELIVERED: Be prepared. Local teen will make and deliver sandbags to your Island residence. Spencer, (941) 778-0944 to order. MALE PRACTICAL NURSE available for private duty. Excellent references. Contact Jeremy, (941) 735-2225. MAN WITH SHOVEL Plantings, natives, patio gardens, trimming, clean-up, edgings, maintenance. Hard-working and responsible. Excellent references. Edward (941) 778-3222. LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint- ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine Car Service. Serving the Islands. (941) 778-5476., COMPUTER OBEDIENCE TRAINING. Is your computer misbehaving? Certified computer service and private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. -(941) 545-7508. ISLAND PRESSURE CLEANING for great results, wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable, reliable. Free estimates, licensed,.insured. (941)' 778-0944. CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist. Experienced certified technician for communication electronics offers wireless and cable networks,. upgrades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and train- ing. Call Robert, (941) 778-3620. CALL DAN'S RESCREEN for your free estimate today. Affordable rates, quality work guaranteed. Pool cages, lanais, windows, doors. Call (941) 713-5333. TOM'S WINDOWS: Door and window repairs and replacement. Sales, service, .parts. E-mail metrohs@msn.com. (941) 730-1399. SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander. DUPLEX One block to beach. 1 BR/1 BA each side. Remodeled 2004. Call Mike Carelton, Realtor, 737-0915, or Michel Cerene, broker 545-9591 evenings. 5910 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770 1-800-741-3772 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Web site: www.smithrealtors.com. www.islander.org DESIRABLE BEAN POINT! ,* ", ,1 1.i l. . ^ s": .. : ,] ... .. .. Rare 5BR/3.5BA, across from beach access with spacious, open. floor plan. Large kitchen with breakfast bar. Master suite on main floor. Tile floors, screened lanai and a large open deck great for tanning! Oversized four-car- garage. $1,240,000. Larry Albert Topcal Broker- Realtor prcl ie 725-1074 prorti 0 Uf ' NEW VISIONS: PAINTING, exterior/interior, pressure washing, waterproofing and restoration, handyman services, etc. We get 'er done for a good price! Call (941) 538-3052, local guys. GARAGE DOOR OVERSTOCK: Hurricane ready, quick turnaround and free estimates. Double- and single-car doors available. Service also available. (941) 484-0060. COMPUTER SERVICE and repair. Training, maiite- nance, virus and Spyware protection. Island native. Call John Baird with Matrix PC, (941) 708-6541. DRAPERY CURTAINS, valances, new dresses from your own material. Also, alterations. Call (941) 778-5153. HANDYMAN SERVICE: DRYWALL, painting, cabinets, tile, lots of "other" jobs. References, free estimates. Call Drew Hudson, conscientious handy- man, (941) 812-5073. SMARK SCAPEROTTA Power Washing: Residential, marine, RV. Best price, quality and service guaran-.. teed. Let me give you a little sparkle! Licensed and insured. (941) 544-1066. SEWING: CALL Narci for all your sewing needs. Affordable and professional. (941) 778-5892. HOUSE AND OFFICE cleaning: Wife and husband with over six years experience. Excellent' references, licensed and insured. For a free esti- mate call (941) 812-0499. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE AND Aircraft Detailing: Come to you service or drop-off and pick-up service. Experienced, referenced, affordable, care- ful! Call anytime, (941) 773-9834. PHOTOGRAPHER: Kelley Ragan: Quality portraits, weddings, beach photography, babies, even pets! Reasonable. (941) 447-8892. CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org.! MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet. Begin- ning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, (941) 792-0160. MURALIST, Mark Burdette.. Custom murals, interior or exterior, landscapes and more. (941) 447-9637. BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigeration. Commercial and residential.service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call William Eller, (941) 795-7411. CAC18422& ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional creates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! Swww.jackelka.com. (941) 778-2711. NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing massage in the comfort of your home. Call today for an appointment, (941) 795-0887. MA#0017550. TILE AND MOSAIC-custom installation, 20 years .experience. References available. For a reasonable price, call Sebastian, (941) 704-6719. CONNIE'S. LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, land- scaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. (941) 778-5294. ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. If it is broken, we can fix it. Free. estimates. Senior discount. Call (941) 778-2581 or 962-6238. JR'SLANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE Lawns, native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup. Island resident 25 years. Call (941) 807-1015. PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN and in- stallation. Huge selection of plants, shrubs and trees. Irrigation. Everything Under the Sun Garden Centre, 5704 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-4441. INVESTORS: GREAT MONEY MAKER r ... Currently renting for $2,900-$3,900/week . Income will exceed your expectations. :- One year old 5BR/5BA. Enjoy the " ..^,... L convenience of an indoor elevator and ' J outside spiral staircase. Beautifully furnished and tiled throughout. Four-car -- garage, lush heated pool overlooking the ISLAND DUPLEX: Steps to beach. Reduced to $699,000 bay, private dock and great fishing. before remodeling continues. Investors and builders bring your Reduced $2,190,000. Virtual tour: imagination. Gulf views possible. 2BR/1 QA on large corner lot. www.flrealtour.com/mls031305/realtor. A ,ne H.uber, Realtor (941) 713-9835 SUTToN GROUP REALTY We're Tota:lly Global! SMore than 1,400 PAID subscrib- ' .i ers receive The Islander out of town, out of state and out of S-the United States. These . News hungry subscribers can't wait to get their hands / bon "the best news - / J on Anna Maria Island." -' S* TH e Islander 3421 941 778 island Shopping'Center, 5404 Marina Drive email: news@islander.6rg .J. olms BachFL 3217941lke797 lf-Bay Realty of Anna Maria Inc. 778&7244. 'tRae4 VSeac4, ';7Z 342 7 S -- -., - Turnkey furnished 2BR/2BA condo, steps to the beach with great rental history. Heated pool, rooftop sundeck and close to everything! $599,000. S....... Call Jesse Brisson (941) 713-4755 Sweeping Gulf views- from this 3BR/2BA home with a brand new pool. Perfect family beach house on desirable north end.. Just steps to the beach. Offered at $1,295,000. Call Green Real Estate today! Screen : REAL ESTATE , OF ANNA MARIA L 941 778-0455 Ken Jackson, 778-6986 9906 Gulf Drive Kathy Geeraerts, 778-0072 Anna Maria Maureen Dahms, 778-0542 www.greenreal.com Marilyn Klemish, 778-7627 ~17aD ~S ~:!. - PAGE 28 0 AUG. 31, 2005 M THE ISLANDER I SLANDER[LASSIFIED S Paradise Improvements 778-4173 Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist W. : Replacement Doors and Windows .-" Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault Fully Licensed and Insured. Island References "__ ___ Lic#CBC056755 ^V AGNER REALTY , 'C 2217 CULF DoIVE NORTI' l 5ADENTON mACII. h 34217 ._ - 'HAnOLD SMALL REALTOR. . Office: (941) 778-2246 792- 8628 E-mail: haroldsmall@wagnerrealty.com ISLAND LUMBER AN" HARDWARE 213 54th St., Holmes Beach 778-3082 OPEN: MONDAY thru FRIDAY 7:30 to 5 --SATURDAY 8 to, 12 Bertrmbrn mages.com Digital Magic puts you in the scene 7793937 Panoramas We service all makes/Flat rate pricing Free replacement estimates Indoor air quality-UV, Hepa, Duct sanitizing Maintenance S 2(941) 746 4191 SOCEAN-AIRE CONDITIONING, INC. k 11 1 CAC1814449 Anyor.c canr *k apzcui * creates i pir'int)ai. ELKA PHOTTOGR.APHICS 941-77S-271 . www.jackelka .coim W iATEIRING RESTRICTIONS S Rules in effect for Manatee County: * -0 S>- Lawn and landscape watering is limited to two days . a week. * * > Addresses ending in even numbers (or A M): Tuesday and Saturday. * * > Addresses ending in odd numbers (or N Z): SWednesday and Sunday. > Irrigation not allowed from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ir- * rigation with treated waste water allowed any time.) > Owners can wash their vehicles anytime as long * as they use a hose with a shut-off nozzle. (Pull the Scar on the lawn to wash!) 0 S> Rinsing boats and flushing of boat motors is al- lowed for ten minutes daily. -> Hand-watering of plants, NOT LAWNS, is permit- ted any day. Questions or comments? Call the Southwest Florida Water * Management District (Swiftmud) toll-free: 1-800-423-1476. 0060000 ** *OO*OO*O O ** 0000 SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $35/yard. Hauling: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free estimates. Call Larry at (941) 795-7775, "shell phone" (941) 720-0770. KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean- ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City of Anna Maria resident. Cell (941) 448-3857. NATURE'S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residential and -commercial. 30-years experience. (941) 729-9381. STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Installs, clean- ups, shell, rock, palms, aquascapes, tree work. Truck for hire, move anything. Shark Mark (941) 727-5066. VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper, Island references. Bill, (941) 795-5100. JOE UNGVARSKY CONSTRUCTION Remodeling contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed -and insured. Many Island references. (941) 778-2993. License #CRC 035261. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING free estimates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at (941) 778-1730. CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island service since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certifying back flow at water meters. (FL#RF0038118) (941) 778-3924 or 778-4461. TILE TILE TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, (941) 726-3077. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remodeling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates: License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794. CUSTOM RENOVATION/RESTORATION expert. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Insured. Member of Better Business Bureau. Paul Beauregard, (941) 779-2294. KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and shutters. Insured and licensed, (941) 748-4711. TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed. Why pay retail? Island resident, many references. Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor Coverings. (941) 792-1367, or 726-1802. MORENO MARBLE & TILE Installation and resto- ration. Quality work. Over 20 years experience. Insured. Call Javier at (941) 685-5163 or 795-6615. JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy- man, light .plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pressure washing and tree trimming. Call (941) 778-6170 or 447-2198. CARL V. JOHNSON JR. Inc. building contractor. New homes, additions, renovations. Quality work and fair prices. Call (941) 795-1947. Lic#RR0066450. OVER THIRTY YEARS craftsman experience. Interior, exterior, doors, stairs, windows and trim. Dan Michael, master carpenter. Call 932-7580 or cell, 518-3316. COMPLETE ROOFING A to Z. Your best choice for roofing. Fully insured, license #CCC-057523. Gerald Cagnolatti, roofing contractor. (941) 224-2184. ISLAND HOME Improvements. We do it all, no need to schedule 20 people for one project. References, 20- years experience. (941) 538-3520 or 448-1956. FIND IT! BUY IT! SELL IT FAST! In The Islander. WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more. Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in-home consultation. Island references, 15 years experience. (941) 778-3526 or 730-0516.. RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal. Wedebrock Real Estate Co., (941) 778-6665 or (800) 749-6665. POOL-HOME AVAILABLE for vacation let. Near Holmes Beach, 3BR/2BA with all amenities. Man- aged by Coastal Properties Realty, (941) 794-1515. SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR (two master suites)/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/- dryer, garage, designer furnished with tropical yard' setting. One of the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/ weekly or $6,000/monthly. Call 713-0034 or e-mail: gamiller@tampabay.rr.com. GULFFRONT CONDOS: 3BR/2BA, 2BR/2BA, 1 BR/1 BA with breathtaking sunsets. Pools, Jacuzzi, walk to shops and restaurants. Available weekly, monthly, seasonal. (901) 301-8299 or e-mail captko462@aol.com. MARINERS COVE: Annual unfurnished 3BR/2.5BA bayfront unit with fabulous views, and 2,158 sf of living area. Gated community with heated pool, tennis, elevator and protected deep-water boat dock. Call Dave Moynihan, Realtor/owner, (941) 778-2246 or 720-0089. WE ARE BOOKING rentals for 2006. Wide variety of condos and houses starting at $1,500/month. Annual rental; Ironwood, 2BR/2BA condo on golf course, $1,000/month; Sandy Pointe, 2BR/2BA, furnished, pool, seven-month rental, $1,100. SunCoast Real- Estate, (941) 779-0202. www.suncoastinc.com: SEASIDE BUNGALOW: Summer rates $1,800/month, $500/week. One short block to Anna Maria City Pier. Very cute! 2BR/1BA, pet friendly:.Call Maureen (941) 778-0542 or 730-0587 for more information. ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA luxury condo, downtown river-front Bradenton. Great view, gated community. $1,100/month. (941) 720-1712. SEASONAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA furnished condo. West Bradenton, five minutes to beaches. $2,700/ month. (708) 532-2149. SANDPIPER RESORT on Gulf Drive: 55-plus community, fully equipped 1BR/1BA beachhouse with greatroom and kitchen. Brand new! Steps to - the beach or Intracoastal. All utilities including trash, except phone. Rent weekly to annually. No pets. E-mail Tennishofo@aol.com. (317) 873-3307. WEEKLY RENTALS: Alecassandra villa, 1BR/1BA, $700/week; Island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; Gulffront cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach Club, 2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call Kim Fisher, Wagner Realty, (941) 778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com. FISHING FOR a good deal? Look in The Islander, 778-7978. 6 Syndicated Content Available from Commercial N s Providers" S'l s - A ,......LI- -- ' Aprotc?~i~:l,~,il FN UI A D EARLY CLASSIFIED AD Deadline for the Wednes- day, Sept, 7 publication. Deadline is NOON Friday, Sept. 2. Our office will be closed Monday, Sept. 5 in observance of Labor Day. CORTEZ COTTAGE: Breezy, quiet area.. Fully furnished, no pets, nonsmoking. $850/month or $500/week, includes utilities. Two-person maximum. (941) 778-8168. www.divefish.com. COMMERCIAL SPACE: 1,600 sf on Gulf Drive, next to Holmes Beach shopping center. Available Sept. 1. (941) 778-2694. WESTBAY POINT & Moorings: 2BR/2BA end unit with beautiful views. Newly updated interior decor and furnishings. Please call (616) 676-1941 to view. SHORT WALK to pier: 1 BR/1BA. Take a short, walk to the bayfront or to the warm Gulf waters. $850/ month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. ANNUAL RENTALS: 1BR/1BA upstairs apartment, quiet side-street location, $675/month, plus utilities. Charming upstairs efficiency, Gulffront, $775/month, plus utilities. First, last, security required for both apart- ments. No pets. Anna Maria Realty !nc.(941) 778-2259. DIRECT GULFFRONT HOME: Elevated 2BR/2BA with pristine beach right out your back door. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. 1BR/1BA GROUND-FLOOR condo: Gulffront, 55- plus complex in Holmes Beach. Two pools. Now available through January. Two-month minimum. $1,800/month. (941) 747-8454. SHORELINE TO SHORELINE: 1BR/1.5BA plus den with wood beams and natural light in the heart of Anna Maria. $850/rmonth. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. TWO 1BR/1BA APARTMENTS: One furnished near Bradenton Beach, $750/month; second is near downtown Sarasota, $650/month. Call Jackie, (941) 929-7165. SHORT STROLL to warm Gulf waters:.2BR/2BA, recently remodeled, elevated duplex in quiet north Holmes Beach. $1,100/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. ANNUAL RENTALS: 2BR/2BA half duplex, $1,250/ month; 2BR/2BA home, $1,550/month; 2BR/2BA home on canal, $2,000/month; 3BR/2BA home on canal, $2,000/mpnth. Call Betsy Hills Real Estate, P.A., -(941) 778-2291, or e-mail: Jason @betsyhills.com. FREE MONTH with year's lease: apartments on Cortez's Palma Sola Bay, studio, $680/month, plus security; 1BR/1BA, $740/month, plus security; 3BR/ 2BA, $1,050/month, plus security. Utilities included. (941) 526-9091 or 448-8100, 8am-6pm. ANNUAL RENTALS: 2BR/2BA home in Anna Maria, $1,400/month; 2BR/2BA Riverfront condo, $1,250/month. Call Fran Maxon Real Estate, (941) 778-2307 for details. PERICO BAY: West Bradenton, lovely 2BR/2BA end-unit villa in quiet, gated community. Pool, tennis, carport, washer/dryer, turnkey furnished. Annual, one-year lease, $1,100/month, cable and water included or $3,200 seasonal. (508) 574-3352 or e-mail a.desmarais@comcast.net. MONTHLY RENTAL: Brand new 3BR/2BA home, unbelievable view, 100 yards to.beach. West of Gulf Drive on Magnolia Avenue in Anna Maria. Still available for December 2005, January and April 2006. Call (800) 828-81:16, ext. 212, or e-mail- dougruggles @mscoinc.com. UNFURNISHED ANNUALS: REMODELED house, west of Gulf Drive, 2BR/2BA, Florida room, dish- washer, washer/dryer, ,-$1,400/month; 1BR apartment, $650/month. No pets. Dolores M. Baker Realty, (941) 778-7500. SEMI-ANNUAL: Anna Maria Gulffront 3BR/2BA furnished home. Unique; nautical decor. Garage, washer/dryer, balcony, gas fireplace. Utilities included. $3,000/month, six-month minimum. (941) 776-1789. BEACH LIVING: Furnished 2BR/2BA. $1,800/ month, utilities included. (941) 505-1962: KEY WEST Time share Oct. 1-8 available! 2BR/ 2BA condo overlooking Galleon Resort in down- town. Sleeps six. Regularly $2,460, now only $1,800. (941) 518-4431. SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals. 1BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to beach, shopping, restaurants. (941) 778-3426. Web site 2spinnakers.com. PRECONSTRUCTION PRICES! Hidden Lake con- dominiums, west Bradenton. Close to beach. Start- ing at $329,900, Call Cori Woods, (941) 761-0444.. NORTH ANNA MARIA: Adorable cottage with: views of the bay! $425,000. Please call Maureen, Green Real Estate, (941) 778-0455. WATERFRONT PROPERTY 2BR/2BA.located on deep-water canal with large dock and views Of Tampa Bay. $850,000. (941) 779-1512. .LONGBOAT: UNIQUE 3BR/2BA, two-car garage, located on the north end in historic village. Has 400 sf main bedroom suite with sun deck, wet bar, wine cooler, 15-foot ceilings and lots of French-doors and private entrance. $729,900. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. BOAT SLIP: WANTED to buy along 85th Street or Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (407) 230-3902. ANNA MARIA GULFFRONT lot. Best lot on Anna Maria Island. 110-feet of direct beach frontage on the north end of Anna Maria. Call owner/Realtor, (941) 228-6086 for more information. WATERFRONT: COLONY Cove, Ellenton. 2BR/ 2BA turnkey furnished. 55-plus, marina, pools, pets OK. $27,500. (941) 721-4890. HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance. We accept ads by fax with credit card information, 778-9392, at our Web site (secure server) www.islander.org, and by direct e-mail at classifieds@islander.org. Office hours: 9 to 5, Monday-Friday, (Saturday 10 to 2 as needed). CLASSIFIED RATES BUSINESS OR INDIVIDUAL: Minimum.rate is $10 for up to 20 WORDS. Additional words: Each additional word over 20 is 500, Box: $3, One- or two-line headlines, line rate plus 250 per word. ;WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD AND VISA! You canc.harge your classified advertising in person or by phone. We are sorry, ;but due to the high volume of calls we can not take classified ad copy over the telephone. To place an ad by phone, please Sbe prepared to FAX or e-mail your copy with your credit card information. (see below) USE THIS FORM FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: One word per blank space for minimum charge 20 words. 21 31 S. - Run issue date(s) Amt. pd Date Please indicate: Ck. No. or Cash I For credit card payment: U J E LJ No. IExp. Date Name shown on card: SBilling address zip code: House no. or post office box no. on bill E-Mail address: [for renewal purposes only] The Islander Fax: 941 778-9392 5404 Marina Drive I lr Phone: 941 778-7978 [Holmes Beach FL 34217 rT 1e" ". Islander E-mail classifieds@islander.org. THE ISLANDER E AUG. 31, 2005 N PAGE 29, James King Painting & Renovation n For all your home improvement needs (941) 778-8431 Licensed & Insured The Paver Brick Store S8208 00rtez Road W. Br.denrton 34210 (941) 794-6504 9:00 AM til Noon, or by Appointment Pool Deck, Patio and Driveway Renovations Design Build LONGBOAT KEY PAINTING & DESIGN, INC. a Faux painting Cabinet refinishing S Furniture restoration Custom painting Jackson Holmes, owner (941) 812-3809 JunioP's Landscape & Maintenance Lawn care PLUS native plants. -"-'" mulch, trip, hauling and cleanup. ..- -. Call Junior, 807-1015 ,- n ' Looking for a local Prudential Palms Realty agent in your area? Call Michelle or Steve "f^' Po today! , SPrudentiald , ni,. h l-. Hl ;It, Hta, i 31or . FI a x p i]ni Paglms Realty .' 18t.Ut , r ir.. Pales Re y www.myrealtorstevewatson.con- I Hm oJELr IWEN. S ; '. Impact Windows SL. d c and Doors w c p Exclusive Distributor :',tip' Weatherside, LLC Juo, call Bob Slicker S .i ,-, 941-447-0103 r,..--"- -. .I'I # I 14 . THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE I massage in the peace, quiet .. and convenience of your home! lMore tlian 10 years on P Anna Maria Island. C Call Nadia 941.795.0887 Just; visiting paradise? The slander SINCE 1992 Don't leave the Island without taking time to subscribe. You'll get ALL the best news,.delivered by the mailman every week. Visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach or call 941-778-7978. Online edition: www.islander.org HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next class: Sept. 12 *National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services www.atsn-schools.corn PAGE 30 0 AUG. 31, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER I S L A N D E R L A S S IF IE A OPEN HOUSE: 1-4pm Sunday,,Sept. 4. Resort condos for sale., Spectacular design, outstanding income. Siam Garden Resort, 512 Spring Ave., Anna Maria. Call Barry Gould, (941) 448-5500 or Ted Schlegel, 518-6117.: Island Vacation Properties. www.CashCowCondo.conm. BRADENTON BEACH: Two-story duplex, next to historic district. Wonderful opportunity for potential development area. $650,000. (813) 323-1082. FOR SALE BY owner: Runaway Bay, 2BR/2BA second-floor condo. Great view of pond and fountain. and close to beach. Newer air conditioning, water heater, stove and more. Great rental income, ready for you to furnish. Completely repainted August 2005. Asking $385,900. George, (312) 321-7501. NORTH END ANNA Maria: 3BR/2BA elevated home, just steps to the Gulf. Light, bright, open-floor plan, large deck, turnkey furnished. Just listed at $749,000. Call Green Real Estate (941) 778-0455, or view www.greenreal.com. LOT FOR SALE by owner: 125 Neptune Lane, Holmes Beach. Zoned R-2. 57.75-feet by 114-feet. $619,000. (941) 778-4246. OPEN HOUSE: 1-3pm Monday, Sept. 5. 3BR/3BA, two-car garage villa on water. Southwinds, 5113 34th St. Ct. W., Bradenton. $350,000. Hosted by Coastal Properties Realty. Suzanne, (941) 794-1515. FOR SALE: SPECTACULAR views, beachfront condo. Principals bnly, $985,000. (941) 779-1013. RESORT CONDOS for sale. Spectacular design, outstanding income. Siam Garden Resort, 512 Spring Ave., Anna Maria. Open 1-4pm Sunday, Sept. 4. Call Barry Gould, (941) 448-5500 or Ted Schlegel, 518-6117 at Island Vacation Properties. www.CashCowCondo.com. .- AMY GORDAN REALTOR .Dedicated to service SI* Expertise in renovation and rehabilitation properties. Island, waterfront and area lifestyle specialist. The JEWEL of Gulf Coast Real Estate Contact Amy for all of your REAL ESTATE needs! 941-779-1811 1.151,Gufljive*Noth Brdeto Bac WATERFRONT HOME SITES from $99,900. East- ern' North Carolina. Clear Water Marketing, (252) 633-2059, ext. .315. www.cwmktg.com BUY GEORGIA www.farmandtimber.com. PROPERTIES: HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE 1,488 builders.lots in fast growing areas Florida and Arkansas from $11,000. Buy one or buy them all! (954) 3f 9-7954 or 661-6509. LAKEVIEW MOUNTAIN PROPERTY: 3.13 acres, $57,990. Spectacular property offering breathtaking lake and mountain views. Located 20 minutes from Helena, Mont. at Canyon Ferry Lake. Soils tested, utilities, ready to build on. Call owner, (888) 770-2240. FLORIDA LAND BARGAINS! 10 to 40 acres, start- ing at $79,900. Grand opening Sept. 24-25! Beau- tiful ranch properties, convenient to Gulf of Mexico! Easy access, utilities, excellent financing. (800) 455-1981, ext. 510. TENNESSEE LAKE PROPERTIES Located on pristine Norris Lake, TVA's first reservoir. Lakefronts, lake and mountain views. For free bro- chure, call Lakeside Realty, (423) 626-5820. www.lakesiderealty-tn.com. LAKEFRONT COMMUNITY: New release, home sites from $39,900 and waterfront sites from $99,900. Great amenities! Call Clear Water Market- ing, (252) 633-2059, ext. 417. www.cwmktg.com. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA, Escape the heat in the cool beautiful peaceful mountains of western N.C. mountains. Homes, cabins, acreage, investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty, GMAC Real Estate, Murphy. www.cherokeemountainrealty.com. Call for free brochure, (800) 841-5868. SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander. TtRigri ;Af9PD CqfERYr o0 Newly renovated ."."- B 3BR hideaway is / just a short stroll e to the beach. Includes many i lovely amenities. Reduced to $575,000. ... .. -. Call Chris for more information at 941-228-0322 W Chris Leverenz Realtor 941-228-0322 636 S. Gulfview Blvd. Clearwater Beach GEORGIA BEAUTY! New home in, Ballground, Governor's Preserve, 4,416-sf brick and frame, two-. car garage, 4 BR/3.5BA, custom cabinets, granite countertops, island with custom design bar, view from family room. 9-foot ceiling in living room, hardwood floor, stacked stone fireplace to ceiling, large deck, full basement, swimming, tennis. Must see! $411,000. By owner, (706) 253-4121-or (770) 894-1988. See it at www.usnewspapers.com/ballground. BUY GEORGIA www.farmandtimber.com. properties SPECIAL OFFERS pre-construction opportunities Alabama, Texas, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, Nevada, South Carolina. From .$199,000- $2,000,000. www.beachclubinvestments.com (877) BCI-5020. Flexible financial options provided by www.allpointe.com. Free prequalification. NORTH CAROLINA Mountains 3.43 acres on mountain top, view, trees, waterfall and large pub- lic lake nearby, $49,500. Owner, (866) 789-8535, www.nc77.com. SELL YOUR PROPERTY www.sellfarmland.com. in one hour! THREE-WEEK BUILDING Sale! Last chance! 20 by 24, now $2,320; 25 by 30, $3,490; 30 by 40; $5,170; 40 by 50, $8,380; 40 by 60, $10,700; 50 by 100, $15,244; others. Ends/accessories optional. Pio- neer, (800) 668-5422. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS. First come first serve! 40 by 40, 50 by 100, 80 by 200. Judy, (800) 839-1075. EARLY CLASSIFIED AD Deadline for the Wednes- day, Sept, 7 publication. Deadline is NOON Friday, Sept. 2. Our office will be closed Monday, Sept. 5 in observance of Labor Day. .I f~st.. ... .. -} . CANALFRONT CONDO Eri ., bhic j liAkin' ,uri ..' t lin ur ,,. rccned ol n,, '' erl,. .', i" .j n l] Turnri.e, IUTlr.heJd 2BR 2B \ cr:londoi. ih c' cr, lhinn *,,>:u ',J c, .e and m .re Hca[':le ., ri.n. '.i ic Inn L. .>..lI I' .jnd lu'tr, Iropc.,l u.rur, din-', m.n m .s lhr, 1 pericci island i itreal -.1 ii .i I B '5 1 LI Denise Langlois (941) 751-1155 (800) 448-6325 L~- LI-II ^' i "* I i .:i !- ,; .. -.. ... .. $279,900 IN NORTHWEST BRADENTON! BRADENTON BEACH DUPLEX Fixer upper 2-3BR/2BA home located in desirable area of or build new. 2BR/1BA each side, across street Bradenton. Great schools. Mother-in-law suite from Gulf. Zoned R-3, lot size 55x100. complete with kitchen and bath: Must see to $775,000. Call Dave VandeVrede at (941) 725- appreciate. "Dial" Debbie Dial at 778-4800 or 4800. 400-1172. 'Il SHELL POINT- Lovely, well-maintained 3BR/ 3BA in private secluded area. Beautiful new kitchen and spacious bedrooms. Non-age re- stricted. Deeded. Carport. $409,000. Call Cindy at (941) 504-6176 or Dick Maher, 778-6791. : I "- : i X.. GULF WATCH -'2 BD/2 BA with almost 1,300 sf of living space. Tile throughout. Nicely furnished & rental friendly too. Walk across the street to white sandy beach. Asking $459,000. Call Cindy 941-504-6176. , 5. *, ; DON'T MISS THIS ONE! Completely remod- eled island duplex. 3BR/2BA on both sides. Beautiful ceramic tile throughout this breezy floorplan. Kitchens and baths newly updated, too. Turnkey and already rented for the season. $1,400,000. Call Dave Jones at 713-4800. -A'- ,-,- , **'' ^^ A ^ !! ^ ^ ^ BRADENTON BEACH DUPLEX- Fixer upper or build new. 2BR/1BA each side, across street from Gulf. Zoned R-3, lot size 55x100. $775,000. Call Dave VandeVrede at (941) 725- 4800. ATTENTION INVESTORS You can be creative and utilize over 11,400 sf of land zoned duplex, currently with single-family structure. This is an attractive site with 182 feet of frontage on Marina Drive in quiet Bay Palms subdivision. Remove structure for two unique townhouses for the individualist buyer or refurbish. You decide! $775,000. 21Maria SINCE 1957 "We ARE the Island!" Marie Franklin. Lie. Real Estate Broker 941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250 E-mail amrealty@verizon.nct Web site www.annamariareal.com WWW.CASHCOWCONDO.COM Private suite ownership at the award-winning, SIAM GARDEN RESORT on sale now! Udderly fantastic revenue-to-purchase price ratio. Breathtaking beauty in a tranquil setting. FZZ"mm-5, LLCI call', tarry Gould (448-5500) or TedSchle.9el,(51 8-6117) e Licensed Real istate Broker Ann Caron THE ISLANDER M AUG. 31,2005 N PAGE 31 L Your Island Getaway! 2BR/1BA, light, bright, water views! Quiet park setting, boat access. Fish, sunbathe, dine or shop nearby. Paradise is yours now! Two-week minimum rentals. $425,000. Call Laura McGeary 941-704-3708 I Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate, Inc MLS GaHi A"~ A -, Tuntewiler Top Producig S:Realtor ,*" 941-705-0227 S Toll Free 1-866-587-8559. GailTuteRE@aol.com BEAUTIFUL GULF VIEWS from this 3BR/2.5BA townhome at Bermuda Bay Club, just across from the beach. F'.alid pool hot tub, dock on the bay plus a two-car garage. Makes for a great home or rental. Just $724,900. THE MOST AFFORDABLE ISLAND RETREAT! Nicely furnished ground-floor condo in bayfront complex offers the perfect vacation getaway. Relax in the pool by the bay or stroll on the beach just a few steps away. Not age-restricted. $299,000. PERFECT SUNSETS AND AWESOME DIRECT GULF VIEWS from this second-floor turnkey furnished 2BR/2BA condo. Building eleva- tor, undercover parking, heated pool and private beach. $679,000. NORTH BEACH VILLAGE! Beautiful 3BR/2.5BA townhouse with two-car garage, La'rgest floor plan, custom tile, new appliances and counters. Too many. upgrades to list. Large pets allowed. Low- maintenance fee. $618,000. 3224 EAST BAY DRIVE SeLHOLMES BEACH REAL ESTATE COMPANY bright. BR 2BA l urnk i- ^t= rd..y '* '- '. 7- 'U .:U .i-- _n a n 1 -a : . ,, d 'Ir -) beauIul -hit. - .1 1r 8--1--- ; - i .; .< " s I: ..- .- I3*:ane sriurers pool ,alor Walk out your .. . . .arid', [eah-rie5 A rid l, p raraise BRAND NEW HOME .-ol- r -, blo:.:.: it S t Ea .th ,Il Gu.lI L.a :h an.J .:lo.e Ic. :r .:F.pir -j r r-l,.,roril: ond r.'iorrnj '_.P 21? r .o .:ar I oraq- E c..:ep .:.al pla.:.r plan ih h, Mi ,... -.-.r eli ail: Ihke or', l Ol.:.r L..ir.,boo Hi ..., ri', and 1 . r..r.ri. .:.:....rierl p: Su ,J,.:l and r .,.n. for '"' "' E.,o.:I .ro r-.;-{ l I -.':' ,""'I t'iL'~,#t y ."" ... . --- --- t-^,:_ .... I -' " 3BR/2BA TURNKEY FURNISHED CONDO in imri.iro:.i 'm-,:rr,'p. F.t3lure.-. i':lude ~I i .- : r, lii' : .iri, ir ari- .:..u ilnrl ,:., : in r illr.:h .n an. a li, A II It, i- ,and rr.)rj in a i .atul : .:'mprile '.,r,ilh 1i.,al. -d p,':,:l .r ela3al-,. r ft1 4.1 r 1iii: r, 1L '-,' :,.- t ",_ j -', LTD MORTGAGE INC. The Oldest Mortgage Co. on Anna Maria Island Linda G. Davis Ted E. Davis Licensed Mortgage Brokers Conforming and jumbo loans. S1st and 2nd mortgages. No closing cost home equity lines of credit. 100% purchase money mortgages. Residential and commercial mortgages. Private money available for those hard to-place loans. :-F (941) 779-2113 St! 502 72nd Street Holmes Beach **<******* ********-****************** SSARASOTA BAYVIEW! SUPER LOCATION * *+- * DDupi.- or single-family home SI.:..: t:Jd on Sarasota Bay with * * ',:'rBI .:.us open water views of * S ..-.. narives; Intracoastal and * b.h,. Home consists of 4BR/. * S'. 4BA.- newer kitchen and mas- .; b th with Jacuzzi tub and * * r. c,[-i, I, :.at docks with vacant lot * Ir Ion b.w Olrer Jati $9.59.,900: * SKEY ROYALE HOME * * Beautiful Key Royale ho:mri " * with family room, forrr.al di- i. Sing room and eat-in k:t.ih h Located on the-end o: cr.ial * and .o i -:.- th ir.. sr, .t i.:rn, b ., "ts * "Nl.v tile ll.j.riin anra d kitchen completely remodeled ..-ith * cherry wood cabinets, C-iian r courini-r lop, ail C.narian in birh * SHeated pool overlooking canal.with fwo-car garage. Fantastic Sbay view if ,.-'.:.nd additii-r was added. $1,200,000. ISLAND CONVENIENCE STORE WITH GAS * Super opportunity to own Island business! * "Offered at. $199,500 & Inventory. * ". Deborah Thrasher .,, * * ., L RE/NAX Excellence l i ; * : 1(941)518-7738- * SI')'.i 99411 383-9700) DehNirhrash@aol.cum l****** ** *********** *t ****** **** :r:I~, i. N : i Sr ii KEY ROYALE WATERFRONT Enlo/ rrism'orri sailing or tcaling from this canallront nome. or cool down in your pcol. relaxing ,on the [ar.Qe. tropical lana, Home has open ticor plan and cerarni; Ihle llooIrs Ihroughoal. othice. den can re inird bedroom, tio-car garage and cjock li boal aihf. $899.000. MLSf 511191 G F- OPEN AND BRIGHT Great 3BAR 2B'A Im.: .:.ir g r.3 ~r. iorle in Kei.- R"ayaie This rome r'. r..mre urpdaleJ arnI rea.J, I.I., .nl, Pl3Firn, ,.,t r,:..:..m f,-,r a p,', l 1,51 .': '; elU r..LS f ,,~-. LOVINGLY CARED FOR HOME ,n J.:rtl, P..,ni Harb,.:..r ..lh ;..,nin'n,,rq p.:.-: ,l in b-:1l .ar.J L..: i ..Ij ,i ond d. ..: Th .:-r,,..- ,: lorqe .:.n ih. r,:A: 1ide '. *2 ;:"po ', ..:-' .: I-,r.:hr ,, r... ht r. plo.:e; larmn,'r.-, n ,-pa. r.r-. l.i..-q r.:,.:.,T pl.. : a r .o-,:oar goraoqge v'r, pi'i.a, .1.. ..i th .: o nol horn i-r, poc:l ] Ja5. OjIu f.ALS 5p03212 PRIVATE, TROPICAL KEY WEST-STYLE HOME on B;mini Bay Relax by Ihe large pool or on one of Ihe many deck, overlook ng ihe ba, Fabulou. v\,ev., gourmret kachen 5BR, 3 5BA .,cEluded and pri.aote A very special home $1 950 000 MLS# 51 108r4 THIS BEAUTIFUL TWO-STORY TOWNHOUSE hai 3BR BA ird iE JUcI ilepi 1: lhe tb.e3hn .,:,re .. ,, 'i li Gull in.j ta,' trom irthe i op de le 'l,' r .-rri.: l'l' 1 : r t 1r'.:.,ri 1h." I -J ll .i .\, :n:rij m .n:.-ir e lir.e mpl-' rrl.. ilh h .r inarle II, -.:: .r :,, h.l r turr.i r iid ith Lo,:,nrin ,..,: plit.:_.n: i.1 1' 1)')i? Ml R L ?# 5 i)-"' 1 1 L M L, . FURNISHED MODEL, LC L : C.,~- ra W aile Up I.: ]r. :, *: li ir ull n-i3 . I. '.' C ot Ih G ill tr:n, i ril.- Randd rne i ,t. .3,.h ,-,:,n,-1 rl ,-.n7 L ar, p,...l :inl, thre urn. ler l {,1 1.- 01001 W- 7-Il 1 111111110 -..- Cwwrihl' \- Di'nv t'rI-ipr Iei'ti" mriKtM ttain i ti fult ii huh -es-o ah rN 1 i p w o (lrk - (r vit www.jsiitndrtrealitt'om (Odtv! I S I A N 0 3 The power ofr hm la prv Countrywide Home Loans is close by and ready to help you get the home of your dreams. Competitive rates. S Local experts with the power to say "YES" to your home loan. S Up-front approval* at the time of application. As little as no-to-low down payment options available to make qualifying easier. SLoan amounts to $6 million. [j Construction financing available., Paim Voorhees Home Loan Consultant 401 Manatee Ave. W. Holmes Beach pamvoorhees @ countrywide.com oLCountrywide HOME LOANS (941) 586-8079 EQUAL HOUSING LENDER 2003 COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. TRADE/SERVICE MARKS ARE THE PROPERTY OF COUNTRYWIDE FINANCIAL CORPORATION AND/OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES. ADD APPROPRIATE STATE, LEGAL. UP-FRONT APPROVAL SUBJECT TO SATISFACTORY PROPERTY REVIEW AND NO CHANGE IN FINANCIAL CONDITION. SOME PRODUCTS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE IN ALL STATES. PRICES AND GUIDELINES M -. ,*,.. *,a '.:,. ' ,.J4.^./ '"." ; "^ "-."- -.4 - ,: '--: '=-'4 -.;, ." ;: ,.j .''r= w J= = SAN REMO SHORES 2BR.2BA canalfronm home. Enjoy ihe water view from Irns immaculate home, lealuring dock, boal and Jel-ski ll s Molve rigrl in to Ihis open. light and airy home $765.000 MLS# 511280 " m : .. "'*s .- .. . WATCH THE DOLPHINS Ir.-m In, c.ira,,ut W,',c.,' P.:i,rni C'r-id O'j rn Anna r.1 r i Ii:ind Turnke, lurnrih.1d nd updr.laAd iBR :BA juni with neir-er appri.jn:,Y- CoipleE. h. r, h- Iiij, pO:l, arnd I nrn,.. -.: ur Pere:l Ir a',i .i.lard ri:r .:.r ,a real r, nial ..'0.79 I 0.1 L':.t 5:.i0:2"i GREAT BEACH HOUSE ..e:t .:. G.,Ii 1Cr,.e Fh,:i e .. th ..re-:l .:hor.r;:ler ,nr.J 1 tr... .:.p; nr feeIl,',q hTnma.:jl.jie irii' ror:. )nld tr iu.'-i lnrq .- .:reened. lorno. ...,th r.::.m l.:.r o F1:,'l or'd ..- od L-b.'rn.ng fireploae Bie.,.'l.1ul bu'it rin pFerfe.:l lor Ihe beac.:h bum or ihEi n.e. I.:,," 0 1'9' 11:1,.ALS 5'i9 33'. T.r ikII Ia NrI i. iiw,.d- :1 ....- ; c S.X t r. .. .r '.* '. ? ~ads~p~ ~SOiB~a~gl cg~r :'- I I~-il ;I .;- PAGE 32 0 AUG. 31, 2005 U THE ISLANDER Ym mY ~ - - _ L-Copyrighted Material limp" 4 m wtr-+ ^T 4 m Available from Commercial News'Provi I -- - * - - Want to keeping touch? Subscribe to the "best news!" Call 941 778-7978 and charge it to Visa or MasterCard. 2217 GULF DR. N. WAGN R A TY BRADENTON BEACH A (941) 778-2246 [AG1A R AY (800) 211-2323 S' e-mail: ami@wagnerrealty.com iugI P In o a 939www.wagnerrealty.com Bringing Pe +4 p2/)C1 iq @/'1t.1h e ANNA MARIA 3BR/2BA HOME Completely updated and Immaculate. Tropical setting boasts lush plantings and fruit trees. Custom stained-glass blue heron design window and Setched-glass front door. Split design affords guests privacy. Open floor plan for entertaining. Large lot, room for a pool. SBecky Smith or Elfi Starrett. 778-2246. #509374. $635,000 ~, ~i ;tl.. ': ,$"_*. .. ,..,. a., - uINiuu um EH-no r-HnH nuI jve' 1 0 A HAHE FIND! Anna Mlaria G(.ulront lt1 BeCky feel Longboat Key baylront wilhr six slip boat- Smilh or Elli Starreit, 778-2246 #504998. rouse Well maintained 3BR/3BA Renovate, $2,000.000. expand or stan over. Panoramic views. Cathy Meldahl 383-5577 #281127 $3,950.000. PANORAMIC BAYFRONT Spectacular 4BR PANORAMIC BAYFRONT Fabulous Day 2.5BA bayfroni residence with 120-feet on \.vews tfri.m his updated 3BRi3BA rescience ,-n Ihe bay and 80-teei ol canal Ironiage Dock. large corner lo1 with 110-foot + frontage ,:n vertical lilt solar heated pool. Bay view he bay 2 332 st ol II'ing area. open floor plan Close to beach Dave Moynihan, 778.22'6. Dockill Dave M nitinan. 77-22-16 #511366 #509147 $1.695,000. $1 395.000 I - im m^f~i~M ,Je |liial~ir' ^ r' ^^. mE^^ MIVt I-nI-HUNI nnItME 4BR.,.5s~ A3,ts.UU SI ri:ome wirt upgraded eat-in kitchen oranire counter 1ops and island LR/DR with trick oojd-burning fireplace and slurning marble floors. 10,O lbO tI oat lift Ricnard Horion. 778-22-46 #511969 $995 900 WAIlIt-HUiNI LIVING! etnjoy amazing WAlEiti-HUNI! unostiru:ieia water view waierfromnl views C.I LongDoal Key Iromr this from this updated 3BR.'2EA ernd unl in gatled rarely available condo in The Visias ai Wild golf and lennis country club Won' lals long', Oak Bay' Tclally renovated wori upgrades ga- Kells Belisle 751 -06-0. f#.0e8687 $419 900 lore. furnished. Judy McCaulei. 751-0670. #510449. $675,00 ISLANDS BEST VALUE Evceplicnral 2BR, 1BA i.ipdalJd enid unil condo) wlth newer kilc:nen aophi.ari ce.; and turnisrnngs Sni:ws great Pool area one bioc'k t t eachri Weekly rentals perniled. Da e Mc.yriihan '78-2246 #511572 $299,999 v v 0 ~ - rs" w w 9D %JYIIUILPOttU %a#U[ILUII |