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Skimming the news ... Dr. Oscar Walker: Greatest Generation, page 20. Anna Maria Tie Islander "The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992" www.islander.org Volume 13, No. 35 July 6, 2005 FREE Beach renourishment starts in Holmes Beach By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter. The emergency beach renourishment project scheduled to begin this \\eek on Anna Maria Island will start in Holmes Beach, not Anna Maria, according to Rick Spadoni of Coastal Planning and Engineering, the company overseeing the project. "Anna Maria's portion \ ill come at the end." said Spadoni,becauseManatee County is pao ing to renourish Anna Maria's .6 mile ofbeach. not federal dollars. "I expect Anna Maria renourishment \ill start about six to eight weeks from now," barring inclement weather. he added. Contractor Goodloe Marine of Apollo Beach has not yet submitted its cost proposal for the Anna Maria section of renourishment. although.the county has funds available. Spadoni said agreeing to a price for Ania Maria should not be a problem. particularly\ since the beach area in that city onl\ needs about 32,000 cubic \ yards of sand. Because Anna Maria's portion of the 2002 beach renourishment project \ as funded from state and county sources, not the federal go\ enmient. that cit\ s section of beach renourishment has to be negotiated separately with Goodloe. Spadoni said. The $4.2 million emergency beach renourishment for the Island this summer is funded b6 the Federal Emergency Management Agency through the U.S. Ar.m Corps of Engineers. Spadoni did say that Goodloe Marine has agreed to pipe sand to Anna Maria. i. -w~p -AWe IJr TOP NOTCH: 'WE'RE FREE' second weekly winner Brenda Twiss has captured the second of eight weekly prizes in The Islander's summer photo contest, "Top Notch." Twiss said the dogs broke free during a holiday photo. shoot and the camera was, of course, handy. She will receive a "More Than a Mullet Wrapper" Islander T-shirt, a bottle of wine from Anna Maria Island Liquor & Wine and a lunch certificate from Minnie's Beach Cafe. The photo will go into a pool with other 'weekly winners eligible for the contest grand-prize package, including $100 from The Islander, a $50 gift certificate from Mister Robert's Resortwear, a premium bottle of champagne from Time Saver and framing of their winning entry from Decor Gallery and Framing. Entry info'inside, page 4. Planning commission recommends grandfathering short-term rentals The Goodloe dredge. appeared off the Island's northwest coast Tuesday, July 5, and work crews and equipment should be on the Island.this week in Holmies' Beach. Crews will work south from Holmes Beach through Bradenton Beach before turning their attention to Anna Maria. Ben Goodloe of Goodloe Marine said Anna Maria re nourishment should only take about seven to 10 days. He estimated the entire project could be completed in about 100 days, unless bad weather or equipment prob- lems intervene. The Corps has given Goodloe about four months to complete the project. Engineers from Coastal Planning and Engineering will be on the beach daily inspecting the project, Spadoni said. Island consolidation: Let people speak first By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter H6lmes Beach city commissioners gave consensus at their June 28 meeting to have the three Island may- ors draft language fora non-binding referendum on the November elections ballot on Island consolidation. Commissioner Roger Lutz said now is not the time to talk about specifics. Let the people have their say first. "If people from all three cities approve, then that's the point to spend some money to find out if it's a good deal. But consolidation needs grass roots support first. PLEASE SEE CONSOLIDATION, NEXT PAGE By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter The Holmes Beach Planning Commission voted to recommend that the city commission grandfather exist- ing. legally licensed, short-term rental properties in the (R-l isingle-family) and R-2 (medium-density) residen- tial districts and limit future rentals in those neighbor- hoods to a minimum monthly stay. Planning Commission Chairperson Sue Norimand opened last Tuesday's meeting by stating that the iec- ommendations under consideration iare not a "knee- jerk" reaction to citizen complaints, but rather an effort to protect the residential character of some neighbor- hoods. She further expressed her belief that the commu- nity has a misconception of which properties would be impacted. "We're only talking about 23 proper- ties in the R-1 district and 48 properties in the R-2 district," she said. Holmes Beach Public Works Clerk Susan Lonzo added that many people complaining are not legally operating rental propertie-_ She said that of 30 op- position letters received in the past week, 15 of those complainants were not legally licensed to operate rental properties. Commission member John Monetti reiterated that the recommendation is not aknee-jerk reaction and that it is an effort to be "forward-thinking" in protecting PLEASE SEE RENTAL, NEXT PAGE Bead thrower Terry Weaver, co-owner of Fit to Eat Deli & Restau- rant in Holmes Beach, tosses out beads to July 4 paradegoers from the pontoon boat/float decorated with U.S.flags and the Fit to Eat banner. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy ,. , I'.*.-, 1'1)111111 111 1111\ 11111. 11111.11' PAGE 2 0 JULY 6, 2005 M THE ISLANDER Publix offers free wine, cheese every Thursday in July The Holmes Beach Publix Super Market is offer- ing free wine and cheese every Thursday in July, man- ager Jeff Williams has announced It's a promotion for sales, he said, but wine sippers and cheese nibblers don't have to buy anything unless the urge moves them. The weekly event will be from 4 to 6 p.m. at-the Consolidation referendum offered CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Let's not be specific at this point, just find out if the basic intent is out there." He suggested that the general language for the ref- erendum be simply whether or not the city should in- vestigate consolidating all three Island cities into one municipality. Chairperson Sandy Haas-Martens and Commis- sioner Pat Morton agreed. "Remember." said Haas- lMartens, "this is a non-binding referendum." Morton said the people have to:be allowed to speak on the issue before the.cities proceed further. Commissioner Rich Bohnenberger dissented. "Sho\w me it's a good idea to give away your city," he said. "But everyone's just guessing now," responded Lutz. "Let's find out f hat the citizens think." If there is a majority vote in each city for consoli- dation, then the three cities can get together and discuss specifics, he reiterated. M I or Carol Whiimorie \ ho was absent from the meeting, has said previously she and her coun- terparts in Anna Maria and Bradenton Beach will work together to get a sample ballot to each commis- sion for approval as soon as possible. The deadline for submission of the referendum to the Manatee County Supervisor of Elections Office to be on the No\ ember-ballot is Sept. 6 for Holmes Beach arid Anna Maria and Sept. 19 for Bradenton Beach. store at 3900 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Details may .be obtained by calling 778-5422. Rental grandfathering proposed CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 residential character and allm\\ in short-term rentals in the appropriately zoned neighborhoods. Commission member Gary Hickerson said he wants to live in a neighborhood \\ here people are home and it's the same people those who can exchange keys and helping hands. One property owner took exception to Hicke ron' comments, suggesting he recuse hiims elf due to an ap- parent bias against renters versus long-term residents. But Hickerson also pointed out that the city has seen a decline in its number of registered voters and students registered at the Island s.clhool. suogesting that the pendulum may be swinging too far toward vacation rentals and away from single-famil1 homes. The only planning commissioner to recuse himself from the vote was Mike McCaleb, \. ho said he has a conflict of interest since he iAould be financially af- fected by any decisions made on limiting rental terms. McCaleb is an architect. Despite a public outcry that limiting rentals in the single-family residential districts to a 30-day minimum would drive away business for house cleaners, day:boat captains, gift shops, restaurants and so forth, the only issue the board put up for debate was whether to grand- father existing licensed short-term rental properties in the R-1 and R-2 districts. The planning commission agreed that hotel, motel establishments such as Haley's llotel. l which has been in business in the R-2 district for more than 50 \ ears. are non-conforming uses and can be grandfathered as such. Planning commissioners then came to a consensus 'to recommend that e\i ting licensed short-term rentals in the R-1 and R-2 districts be g2andfathered for five ~'t R. ";*-." * i..- .. .. '. i .. .. Dredging with the tide Diedtliat; on the Tideairk portion of the boat basin along Marina Drive in Holmes Beach got under way in preparaLiou fio'r the start of constratiion of the seawall andJ ,itriina portion of the long-awaited- Tidemark ircl,.'cu/ i',ninui n project. Tidemark's Nick Easterling said the dredged material will be trucked out of the city once it dries. slander Photo: Rick Catlin to 10 years. The rationale of the commission is that this time frame would give property owners time to "re- coup" and amend future plans. The recommendation is not only an attempt to pre- \ent shonrt-term rentals in these t\o districts tronm .io - ing disproportionately to full-time residents, but also restriict; short-term rentals to the more appropriate A- 1 orR-4 district. the board reasoned Ultimately\ the decision \Ill be left to the city com- nission. The planning commission recommendations go to the cit\ commini.ion.o which then holds public' hearings on an\ changes considered for the comprehen- sive plan. - 'C- 1,: Continental Bistro You'll love our Potato-Crusted Grouper. Fresh Gulf grouper baked in a crisp, golden sauteed potato crust with pommery mustard sauce. Mmmm. It's your choice from 17 dinner entrees, specials and other favorites. BRUNCH AND LUNCH Wednesday-Saturday 11-2:30 S SUNDAY BREAKFAST AND LUNCH 8-2:30 DINNER Wed.-Sun, from 5:30 S' Island Shopping Center 5406 Marina Drive ~ Holmes Beach OF ^ 941 778 5320 --i-ntip al 51 UNImEUWMI WI I I bl --IIr .... ." .L. .r. ........... Lots of Used Swivel Rockers starting at ........................................... $59 Large Selection of Nice Sleeper Sofas Out of Estates from .......$159-$399 Rattan Sleeper Sofa and Loveseat ......... ......................... $259 Lots to choose from! .,a.. . r,_.~ i~gas g ~ -,4o Choose From Over 75 Dining Sets Table and Chair Sets ......$199-$599 China Cabinets from ............. $199 G JUST--I Kin"Slid herr6 Bedroom0Set Beautiful c aio s^et^ ^HHv^with longers Four and Five piece bedroom sets ..................................... $199-$1299 BRADENTON BARGAINCENTER 1910 14th St. W. Bradenton (North of Autoway Ford and next door to new Family Dollar) Fast Delivery MC, Visa & Discover Financing Available Hours: Mon-Fri 9-6:30 Sat. 9-6 Sun. 10-4 755-9394 747-2959 .-~-t - ....f 12-- 233 -aar~- ~F [4 AL-a) I I rTb THE ISLANDER 0 JULY.6, 2005 0 PAGE 3 Court upholds Davis variance, construction proceeds A circuit court judge has ruled that the Holmes Beach Board of Adjustment correctly granted Frank Davis a variance that allowed him to build a four-unit condominium at 5622 Gulf Drive. Davis appeared before the board of adjustment in March 2004, requesting a variance of a little more than 11 feet on his lot width. The city's zoning code required the lot be 80 feet in width; his property was a little more than 68 feet wide. The board of adjustment found that there was a "hardship" attributed to the property and granted Davis the variance. Neighbors Ruthanne McLean and Barbara Coloney filed suit against the board, claiming that there was no hardship involved with the request for a vari- ance and that'Davis failed to present substantial evi- dence to uphold his request. Circuit Court Judge Marc Gilner ruled June 29 that the board did nothing wrong in granting the variance and upheld its decision. "Mr. Davis argues that, without the lot width vari- ance, it is impossible to construct the four-unit condo- minium, presently allowed in his A-l district," Gilner wrote in his decision. "Davis states that his property is peculiar and nonconforming due to the 62.8-foot front- age instead of the requisite 80-foot frontage and, fur- their, that his proposed four-unit condominium is a rea- sonable use for the property." He added that the city's land development code de- fines reasonablenesss in terms of practicality, hardship and maintaining the spirit of the ordinance," and that the condo would be a "reduction in the density and intensity of the property as compared to the present structure," which is operated as an annex to the Harrington House Bed & Breakfast that Davis also owns. - McLean and Coloney's attorney, JohrnShubin, ar- gued "that the 'practical difficulties' standard utilized by the board is incorrect." Gilner ruled that "the board gave consideration to the fact that, under present circumstances, Davis is not able to alter the structure on his property at all without the grant of a variance. Due to the unique shape of his lot and the code changes that adversely affected his irregular parcel, board members discussed hardship criteria and whether the fact that Davis would essentially have to 'keep the same building on there forever' qualifies as a hardship. "The board ultimately found that Davis, unlike neigh- boring landowners, did have a unique hardship, his pro- posed use was consistent with the other properties within the A-1 zoning district, he was not being afforded any special privileges via the valance, and the property was It's here! The Goodloe Marine dredge appeared off the Island's northwest coast Tuesday, July 5, and work crews and equipment should be on the Island this week in Holmes Beach. Crews will work south from Holmes Beach through Bradenton Beach before turning their attention to Anna Maria. Islander Photo: Jo Ann Meilner Miriam Senior Over $4 closed I I will show being put to reasonable use as a multi-family dwelling with the construction of a four-unit condominium." Gilner added,"The court finds that the board prop- erly reviewed all of the necessary criteria and followed the essential requirements of the law when it granted Davis a variance." He also ruled that "substantial, competent evi- dence" was provided to the board of adjustment in its decision to grant Davis a variance. Prior to the ruling from Gilner, Davis removed the existing building from the lot and has "moved forward" with construction of the condos, according to his attor- ney, Peter Mackey. "The pilings are going in." Meetings- Anna Maria City July 6, 6:15 p.m., special "shade" meeting on settle- ment of Negele v. Anna Maria City, with open meet- ing to follow. July 14,7 p.m., Anna Maria City Commission meeting. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 708-6130. Bradenton Beach July 7, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. Agenda: Fi- nal reading and public hearing on occupational license fees, pier concessionaire lease requests, expansion of boundaries into the bays and Gulf of Mexico regarding mooring fields, attorney and auditor invoice payment approvals and commission reports. July 12, 1 p.m., scenic highway committee meeting. July 12, 4 p.m., charter review committee meeting. July 13,2 p.m., city commission work session on budget. Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., 778-1005. Holmes Beach July 12, 7 p.m., planning commission meeting with work session to immediately follow. July 14, 7 p.m., planning commission meeting. Holmes Beqch.City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, 708-5800. Of Interest July 13, 11 a.m. Island Emergency Operations Center meeting, Fire Station No: 1, 6001 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Pre-Construction Profit Insider Secrets to Investing In Florida Real Estate at 10% Below Appraised Value and $3,500 Down! Amazing Return On Investment Up to 50% per year secured by residential real estate. Completely Passive We collect rents and manage property: You sit back, relax and watch your investment grow. -1 S114 000 $3,500 S2 1228,000 $7,000 S3 $342,0l00 -T 10 500 Newman 4 $456.000 $14.000 Loan Officer Returns based on inrderlying real estate appreciating at a rate of '.- per year. Changes in This *0,000,000 in rate could have an i-npad on your uIltmrale reiurIn oans for 2004! Control more real estate. Create more wealth. For more information, call: 800-953-7622 Ext: 108 www.dollarrealty.com i '^ Dollcal REA LTY & you how to use'your current home equity to get started for nothing down! '1 i R T A G E : i 1 ) 4 f f f 4 q 4(( PAGE 4 0 JULY 6, 2005 M THE ISLANDER Chamber hosts hurricane information seminar By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter The Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce hosted an informative seminar on preparing your prop- erty and business interests for potential hurricane dam- age June 29 at the BeachHouse Restaurant. The chamber's guest speakers covered topics such as ad- equately insuring your property, responsibilities for cleanup and realistic costs of rebuilding. Ralph Warfel of Oswald, Trippe and Company spoke about insurance coverage for property owners. He opened by reminding Islanders that last season Hurricane Charley was one hour away from crossing over Anna Maria Island into Tampa Bay and that it is never a question of "if" the Island will experience hur- ricane damage, but "when." Warfel said there are two questions insurance agents usually ask to determinethe coverage rates for a property. First, how far from the Gulf do you live? Before the.previous hurricane season, if you lived 10 miles or more from the Gulf, you were considered to be in a good area, however, since Arcadia was hit not once, but twice, things have changed. SAlso, Warfel said, if you live within 1,000 feet of the Gulf, your property is eligible for state-funded wind. storm coverage. Warfel conceded that insurance is difficuIt to get if you don't already have it and emphasized that, as soon as you get a renewal offer, send in your check. "Insurance companies don't accept new business when there is a storm in the Gulf," he explained. If they send you a renewal agreement or you have sent a check, they must accept your business whether there is a storm in the Gulf or not." He also noted that most small businesses do not have a backup plan and this is in part why 47 percent of small businesses in Punta Gorda, for example, are not back up and running. He said it is important to have a secondary location to move your business to, have a way to contact your vendors, and that your employees know where to show up. The American Red Cross can provide businesses with materials to prepare an emergency plan. They have produced a disaster survival kit compact disc de- signed to help businesses create'a "Business Continu- ity Plan" and ensure its safety and financial security. This information is available by calling the Red Cross at 792-8686. Warfel stated that property owners are also underinsured. "It costs more to build today than yester- day. Have your building appraised and inventory what you own." Many insurance companies folded after last- season's storms and rates are on the rise. Warfel said an "admitted" company is licensed to do business in Florida, has a headquarters in Florida, and is backed by' a state-guaranteed fund if they fold. A non-admitted company will not be backed by state funds. Finally, when insuring your property, do not insure for less than 80 percent of the replacement cost. Wendy Webb, from Serv-Pro, continued the dis- cussion with a presentation on how to secure your property after a storm and prevent further damage. Mold damage is a key factor after a property has wa- ter damage. Water damage can bring in toxins like pesticides, and Webb said it only takes a 60-percent moisture level to reactivate those particles. Within 48 hours of water damage, mold arises, and it is up to the property owner to mitigate further dam- age. Items that are ruined should be put outside to await trash collection. If power is out for a substantial period of time, get food materials out and leave the refrigera- tor door open. Don't open the refrigerator door if power is only out a short time. And tear out your carpet to prevent mold, she said. The carpet may not seem too wet, but the padding un- derneath can hold gallons of water. She said to put as many fans in the damp space as quickly as possible to dry it'out, open drawers to circulate air and put pillows on an angle to dry. She also suggested putting valuables in zipper-lock bags and inside appliances, which have water seals like. the dishwasher, dryer and washer. Also save items in coolers, which are inexpensive solutions. Brent Whitehead of Whitehead Construction gave a realistic run-down on what it would cost to recon- struct or rebuild in today's home market. On the Island, most homes are still at ground level and would need to come into compliance with Federal Emer- gency Management Agency regulations, which require homes to be elevated if rebuilt. The downside of this is that homeowners cannot insure themselves for "ordinance and law" coverage. He said homeowners can only insure for what the home is worth now, leaving most Islanders, underinsured for what it would cost to rebuild. Whitehead said new construction costs $225-250 per square foot, as opposed to $75-100 per square foot to re- pair a home with less than 50 percent damage. He said it is also taking 20 to 30 percent longer to build the same structure today as it did a few years ago. "There are not enough resources available to get the work done." Whitehead advised Islanders to have a contingency plan in the event they could not live in their home while it's being repaired. To build on the beach, with permits and plans in place, Whitehead said it takes approxi- mately 11 months. "Plan to be inconvenienced at least a year," he said. Without a doubt, he added, it's a great idea to re- S PLEASE SEE HURRICANE, NEXT PAGE 'Top Notch photo contest 6 more week to: enter If you've got a great snapshot we \ e got a contest Sou could win. The Islander photo contest began June 29. The weekly deadline is noon Friday throughout the contest with the next deadline July 8. Six more weekly winning pictures will be featured on the cover of The Islander and one snapshot will be a grand prize winner with prizes and gift certificates awarded by the newspaper and local merchants. -Weekly prizes include a "More Than a Mullet Wrapper" Islander T-shirt, a bottle of wine from Anna Maria Island Liquor & Wine and a lunch certificate from Minnie's Beach Cafe. The grand-prize package includes $100 from The Islander, a $50 gift certificate from Mister Robert's Resortwear, a premium bottle of champagne from Time Saver, and the winning photo framed by Decor Gallery and Framing. Judging begins by a selection of pictures that may Islander photo contest rules 1) The Islander Newspaper.'s Top Notch Photo Con- test is strictly for amateur photographers. Amateur photogra- phers are those who derive less than 5 percent of their income from photography. 2) Black-and-white and color photographs taken after Jan. 1, 2004, are eligible: This allows for extended eligibility. Pho- tos previously published (in any format/media) or entered in any Islander or other competitions are not eligible. 3) Photographs may be taken with any make of camera. No retouching or other alteration (except cropping) is permit- ted of negatives, prints or electronic photo files; no compos- NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE PHONE DATE PHOTO WAS TAKEN: LOCATION PHOTO WAS TAKEN: I have read the contest rules and affirm that this en- try is in compliance with them. SIGNATURE OF ENTRANT: Ines Norman's award-winning photo. Perhaps your entry will win next week. ite pictures or multiple printing will be accepted. Digital photos may be submitted in their original JPG file format (via e-mail or disk) or a printed photograph. Slide (transparency) photos are not accepted. 4) Entrant's name, address and phone number must be writ- ten clearly, in ink, on the contest label and affixed to the back of each print, or listed similarly in the e-mail message along with the digital photo attachment. One e-mail per photo submission. Mail entries to The Islander Top Notch Photo Contest, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes -Beach FL 34217. E-mail digital entries to topnotch @ islander.org. 5) Entrants by their entry agree that The Islander may publish their pictures for local promotion. Entrants must be able to furnish NAME ADDRESS CITY 'STATE PHONE DATE PHOTO WAS TAKEN: LOCATION PHOTO WAS TAKEN: I have read the contest rules and affirm that this en- try is in compliance with them. SIGNATURE OF ENTRANT: include abstract photos, still life pictures, landscapes and scenics, candid unposed snapshots, action, holi- days, humor and animal pictures. Nothing is over-- looked, including great kid pics, sentimental moments and moments of personal triumph. Send or deliver your favorites (no limits) weekly to Top Notch Contest Editor, The Islander, 5404 Ma- rina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217. Digital contest entries should be submitted in the original JPG format on CD or via e-mail to topnotch@islander.org.-No retouching, enhancements or computer manipulation is allowed. Complete rules and entry forms for the contest are published below. Please attach a photo contest label to each photo or CD you.submit, or include label informa- tion in the e-mail text, one photo attachment per e-mail. Photos without-entry forms will be disqualified. Additional photo labels are available at the newspaper office or they may be copied. the original negative or original digital image if requested by the contest editor. All photos submitted become the property of The Islander. Photos will not be returned. The Islander and con- test sponsors assume no responsibility for negatives, diskettes, CDs or photo prints. Entrant must know the name and address of any recogniz- able persons appearing in the picture and those must be en- closed/attached with the entry. 6) Employees of The Islander and their immediate family members are not eligible to enter the contest. 7) Any taxes on prizes are the sole responsibility of the winners. Any cash prize won by a minor will be awarded to a parent or guardian. Prize rights are not transferable. .NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE PHONE DATE PHOTO WAS TAKEN: LOCATION PHOTO WAS TAKEN: I have read the contest rules and affirm that this en- try is in compliance with them. SIGNATURE OF ENTRANT: THE ISLANDER JULY 6, 2005 0 PAGE 5 T R A C I SHurricane Season: Jun -Nov.. 30, 2005 Tropical storms Cindy, Deinnis form T%\ o areas of disturbed weather ha% e formed and been named by the National Hurricane Center. Tropical Storm Cindy is located in the western Gulf of Mexico and is expected to make landfall as a weak storm near New Orleans earl Wednesday forming. Top winds are estimated at about imiph. STropical Storm Deinmsis located southeast of Hispaniola and is taking a west-horthlesterlv heading. It is expected to become a hurricane and could pose a threat to Florida by the weekend. Hurricane seminar successful CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 inforce your home now starting with the weakest point, usually the windows and doors. Plywood is a low-cost solution, but you can reinforce windows with shutters and hurricane glass. Hurricane film for windows can be helpful and it's better than nothing, he said. Next, check your roof and how it's tied down. When you replace your shingles, you can use a new "peel-and-seal" product that locks out moisture and adheres to the plywood. "As long as'the plywood stays in place, you should have better water-protection," he said. Winding up the presentation on hurricane response was Paul Flaherty of the National Oceanic and Atmo- spheric Administration Aircraft Operations Center: His job entails, in part, flying into tropical storms to gather information about its strength and course. The informa- tion gathered on flights is used by the media to keep residents informed on a storm's path and intensity. His advice is to get as far away from the predicted storm surge as possible, and not to expect to be able to outdistance the wind. Work done by NOAA has resulted in an improve- ment in the accuracy of storm reporting, he said. You can learn more about the program and hurricane hunt- ers at www.noaa.gov.. . Public hearing on Anna Maria comp plan changes scheduled By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Nearly two years in the making, the proposed re- visions to the Anna Maria comprehensive plan are ready for presentation to the public. At its June 27 meeting, the planning and zoning board received the future land-use element from the -city's ad hoc comp plan committee, the last in a series of proposals that will form the basis for the required revisions to the comp plan. P&Z board chairman Chris Collins set 7 p.m. Thursday, July 21, for the first public hearing on the comp plan and said the first agenda item will be the future land-use element and map. In a bit of an understatement for Anna Maria, Collins suggested that the FLUE and FLUM recom- mendations "promise to be controversial." Those recommendations include limiting, struc- tures in the city to two habitable floors, eliminating the. medium-density residential district and changing the current density and intensity allowed in the city. The FLUE proposes to allow grandfatheringg" of current non-conforming structures that might be. affected by the elimination of medium-density residential areas. Tile FLUM will have'some commercial areas changed to residential. particularly around the Sandbar restau- rant. "My guess is we'll hear a lot of comment on the future land-use element and map," said Collins. Tony Arrant, the planner hired to guide the city through the long and laborious process of revising its comprehensive plan, reminded P&Z members that the document before them was "hot the final version," just the starting point. He said, however, that the ad hoc committee's goal in the comp plan revisions was to "preserve the single- family home character" of the community. One way to do that was to limit the non-residential areas allowed in the city, he said. Arrant also explained that the Jul 2-1 public hear- SEARCHING FOR A FINANCIAL AD VI S O R ? Are l-ou unhuppr~ ob (If-r-IIJt IJ i-A110011 h it'r Cr I Itrro ntcu Are Your r1cc(,Lu t. rc-ct 'iz 4i h,-r -,~ thei' L i .A e ou 5trut-'Ylvu--i t) I rIoufluI' Voar I.. .'~ ~..1~: I Hosi~your Portfolio; not'(li.d i j u lii'fi nations duirng I/itr r',1 rif nir/ I., I .. Ai, Ev ., r, /-.,,. .* N it Pointing out the plan Pro fc's i "ol planner Tony Arrant points out pro- posed changes to the Anna Maria Future Land Use Map to the planning and zoning board at its June 27 meeting. Arrant is the facilitator hired by the city more than two years ago to guide it through the laborious comprehensive plan revision process. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin ing is just the first step in the public process to adopt a revised comp plan and accompanying land-develop- ment regulations for the city as required periodically by the Florida Department of Community Affairs. Following the P&Z public hearings, the board makes "recommendations" to the city commission on the comp plan. The commission then holds its own set of public hearings, makes any changes, approves a "fi- nal" version, then forwards it to the DCA for review. The DCA will, in turn, either accept or reject the document and return it to the city for revisions, more public hearings, and final approval. ."It's a lengthy process." Arrant concluded. Bilu ATrlanBRIr Conditioner Now, r Trlane Perfectt i T Tr _l___ t* l A:Y Ffn^ ^^A. I 12 Months No Payments, No Interest!.* on a new Trane Air Conditioner. (WIth ap ove w dil. S e Dneer br dail.) d-7 . .~g*."'i :~-4;~ i aP~g8i% Gtr i.Keller Q-.J .!. F-I ~: SE( 'URITEE- j' i' ` ''"'r '11 11 - - -- --- --- I I I I 1Ab AP hi~IIaccuns kpt uri-stAskstele I~ drlaiu S Si-I fromyor I mmalofi. .. .... .. :J sl --g C 19.5% APP. hor all afomits kept curre: t. sk dealer Ot d~ads. Srilic! rf ERR M.-C meUUrIoIm D ,ilarituer. rr iccE ppx. $1,000 Value*.) . Givn a rop recommenda:on by a leaainq conmer publicriwn. Now through August 31. 205. PAGE 6 E JULY 6, 2005 U THE ISLANDER ODinion -- .I you'reO pllii. Get in line If you're looking for a sympathetic ear, a shoulder to cry on, someone who really understands what you're dealing with to listen to you when.it comes to your lo- cal government, better seek an expert.- That conversat ion could in\ ol' e just about anyone -you know, a curbside chat with your mail carrier or the waste collection specialist, a phone call to your long- lost third-grade teacher, a visit with your favorite bar- tender or waitress, or ammore expensive trip to a profes- sional conversationalist, your massage therapist or hair stylist for example. Lots of folks are willing to listen. But who has the answers? There's an opinion to'go with every voice, and there is more than one reasonable argument. It's like lawyers in a courtroom. Sometimes you just have to do some soul searching, ask around and look for "reason- able, doubt." For instance, there's a lot of talk around the Island about consolidation of the three. Island,cities. Some folks can't understand how it's reasonable to have three city.governments and all the beaurararac3 that goes with them in such a small geographic area. Then there's a seemingly equal amount of "tail \ sagging" by folks who sa\ there are some distinctions that make three cities necessary. In Anna Maria, there are those who want to allow_ parking on beach-end streets, and those \ ho \ ant to pro- hibit or limit parking in front of residences in the beach- -access zone. Some v. ant to limit businesses and some \\ tint Sto down-zone residential areas. This is the city that balked at paying for the appraisal to buy the Island Marine prop-' erty with state funds, and now wants to buy one of the five lots for 100 times the appraisal cost. In Bradenton Beach, folks want to maintain an old- Florida atmosphere, but they tear.down older homes to replace one unit with two, or three, or 10. Government struggled, sought state funds and managed to improve the fishing pier and the restaurant thrived now they struggle to keep it open. In Holmes Beach, the long-running issue of limiting rentals in residential districts two districts, Key Royale and south of Skinny's Tavern were limited more than 10 years ago is back on the front burner. Save the neigh- borhoods,or save taxpayers' money? Skyrocketing prop- erty values and taxes; as-well as a turnover in owners from year-round to seasonal has sent some-folks looking for government relief, not restrictions. Makes you wonder. TI' Islander JULY 6, 2005 Vol. 13, No. 35 V Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org V Editorial Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org Jack Egan Jack Elka Jim Hanson V Contributors Gib Bergquist Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org Jesse Brisson David Futch Robert Noble Carrie Price J.L. Robertson V Advertising Sales Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org Rebecca Barnett, rebecca@islander.org V Office Manager Julia Robertson, julia@islander.org V Production Graphics Kelly McCormick, ads@islander.org Kelley Ragan, kelley@islander.org V Distribution Urbane Bouchet Ross Roberts Lisa Williams (All others: news@islander. org) '%Alt44 4 1993-04 93 - I2bAud Siningi b5 haper Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. @ 1992-2005 Editorial, sales and production offices: Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEB SITE: islander.org , ... ,FA ,41 .47.E8-9382, ,PhQNE,9.4 77,8-7,970, ,,, By Egah SLICK Opinion Plan C shortcomings As a fulltime resident and avid follower of Island politics, I would like to commend the efforts of (Anna Maria City) Commissioner Linda Cramer on behalf of the "silent majority." Cramer's analysis of the public parking boon- doggle demonstrates her knowledge, experience and understanding of the issues. She has a foresight that can only come from being a two-term city commissioner and a 25-year Island resident. Parking plan C has serious shortcomings that must be addressed. For example, is the city equipped to deal with the influx of beach traffic? Are we pro- viding adequate rest rooms, rubbish disposal and public safety precautions for ouriinvited guests? Are we respecting the right of taxpaying residents in the beach access zone to have quiet enjoyment of their" property? All these are matters of unresolved contro- versy. If we could elevate the level of.public dialogue, we could chart a course for the long-term sustainability of the Island paradise many of us call home. To weigh in on these issues, please contact your city commission- ers. Mike Fischer, Anna Maria Red tide, boo I am surprised at the lack of coverage given by your newspaper to the current lengthy and wide- spread outbreak of red tide along the Southwest Florida coast. Are you not concerned about the effect on the environment the fish which have died in their mil- lions, dead manatees and dolphins, and the effect on the birds who depend on fish for food? Are you not concerned about the effect which the red tide has on humans? Or about the financial effect which red tide will certainly have on your Island when visitors de- cide not to return? United Kingdom after a two-week beachfront vacation in Bradenton Beach. Due to red tide, we were unable to walk or sit on the beach throughout the whole of our stay. We were sickened by the huge number of dead fish washed up on the beach every morning. Is this what we traveled 5,000 miles for? No, we were coming for the sunshine, the beaches and the wildlife. But the beaches were a health hazard, the wildlife was dying and e en the sunshine loses its at- traction from behind closed windows. We have been regular visitors to Florida for oveT 20. years, spending several months and many thou- sands of dollars there every year. We.have seen red tide bloomsTbefore, but never on the scale of the present outbreak which has been afflicting the Is" land, as well as other parts of the Southwest Florida coast, since February. \\ ashing inshore or out to sea depending on the prevailing wind. but never comr pletely dissipating.. We are 'aware that Karenia brevis is a naturally occurring organism, but the increased frequency andj severity of red tide algae blooms over the last few years seem to indicate that the algae thrives on pollution from sewage and phosphate waste which is being released: into the Gulf of Mexico. - We have seeni your Island and its ocean at its beau] tiful best and we grieve to see it dying. We were td return to the Island in the fall, but will not now do so; as we cannot believe, that the ocean and the wildlife canr reco, er from such devastating and prolonged algae blooms in such a short time. Other tourists share ex- pressed similar opinions. Your Island's main industry is tourism. You can- not afford to let your visitors be driven away. What action is being taken to-control pollution and red tide blooms? Your politicians must act now or it will be too late. Will you, I wonder, have the courage to publish this letter, or would you rather bury your head in the sand? ... ,,,My husband andJ-,have~iece ntlypturned te, 4,,, 4Y.,A Va.Bie It R idla~ K a .1 a Vaei A -, : ......dds Ui - ~c~diN THE ISLANDER'I JULY 6, 2005 0 PAGE 7 From Mote: Mitigating red tide effects The red tide that has been hanging around the Gulf Coast has expanded north and south, but doesn't appear to have strengthened along Anna Maria Island beaches. That's the good word from Mote Marine Labora- tory, which keeps close track of marine matters here- abouts and is studying red tide to seek a means of con- trolling it, or at lease lessening its effects. The famed laboratory on City Island, off the south end of the New Pass Bridge, also lists a number of pre- cautions that will help mitigate the nastier effects. Red tide is an algal bloom that exists in all oceans but is more concentrated in some, including the Gulf of Mexico. From time to time it grows in volume and tox- icity for reasons Mote, among others, is seeking to find. It emits a gas that kills marine life and is irritating to the delicate membranes in humans eyes are irritated, noses run, and so on. Mote reports that the tide has expanded somewhat to northern Pinellas County and south toward Charlotte Harbor. Except for the northern Pinellas beaches, con- centrations are medium to high in that area, Mote said. "Low to medium levels were observed in Tampa Bay and south along Anna Maria Island and Longboat Key," Mote said, "with concentrations low at Siesta Key and Venice Pier, and medium levels at Gasparilla Pass" in Charlotte County. High concentrations were recorded in some parts Sof Sarasota Bay, and dead fish and respiratory irritation were found throughout the bay. "The impact from respiratory irritation and dead fish depends on local bloom conditions and the direc- tion and intensity of the wind light and offshore winds minimize adverse effects, while strong onshore winds bring adverse effects." Mote stressed that as atmospheric and oceanic con- ditions change, algal bloom conditions change too, making forecasting "very difficult." For beachgoers; Mote has some excellent ad- vice: Check the marine forecast, fewer toxins will be in the air with offshore winds. If you experience respiratory irritation, wear a mask, such as a painters' mask that covers nose and mouth. Asthmatics or those with lung diseases should be diligent about taking their medications, and avoid go- ing outdoors. Seek medical care if symptoms worsen. Keep windows closed, the air-conditioning on, and make sure the unit's filter is clean. -Was Prisoners hit the beach in Bradenton Beach to clean up dead fish killed by the recent red tide bloom. Islander Photo: Edna Tiemann Rotten Ralph's Uoted Best Restaurant In The Entire Universe! Here's what the cusLunlici are saying ... --4 "W'e come here euery weekend from Sflpha Centauri just for the Magnificent view." -Clx nlipinik S"Ule live on Pluto and you just can't. ,. get a decent lunch there!" R. D. Doodeea. "It's worth the trip to Rotten Ralph's for all-you-can-eat fish & chips, euen though the flying saucer traffic gets backed up all the way to Uranus." metearritta Swmenoees 'It's been light years since I've consumed liquids that are as refreshing as SRotten Ralph's! Judy Jetson ROTTEN RALPH'S WATERFRONT DINING /e ", LUNCH & DINNER 7 DAYS a FULL BAR SERVICE 4\ ROTTEN E / 902 S. Bay Blvd. Anna Maria S.RALPH'S, Located at Galati Marina 778-3953 i.' "- Gulf of Mexico 0 9 ALLYO-CN-AT IS &CHPS LLDA EERYDA! 8. Tlihe` der THE BES 13 YEARS Ten years ago in the July 6, 1995, issue of The Islander, headlines announced that: The Florida Department of Transportation an- nounced a major renovation project for the Cortez Bridge will begin Aug. 1, with the entire bridge sched- uled to be closed during October. A $344,000 project to improve Bridge Street in Bradenton Beach was scheduled to begin this week. Bridge Street will be closed for about 90 days while construction takes place. The Florida ban on gill net fishing within nine. miles of the shore on the Gulf of Mexico side of the state took effect July 1. A group called the Organized Fishermen of Florida has challenged the legislation in court. Temps & Drops -o, on A.M. Date Low High ainfall June 26 78 91 0 June 27 76 92 Trace June 28 77 91 0 June 29 78 90 .20 June 30 77 93 1.30 July 1 77 93 0 July 2 79 93 .10 Average Gulf water temperature 890 24-hour rainfall accumulation with reading at approximately 5 p.m. daily: m m We'd love to mail Syou the news! We mail The Islander weekly for a nominal $36 per year. It's the per- * fect way to stay in touch with what's happening on Anna Maria Island. SMore than 1,400 happy, eager-for-Island-news paid subscribers are already * receiving The Islander where they live ... from Alaska to Germany and California to Canada. We bring you all the news about three city governments, community happenings, people features and special events ... even the latest real es- tate transactions ... everything you-need if your "heart is on the Island." We're the only newspaper that gives you all the news of Anna Maria Island. * The Islander is distributed free locally. But if you don't live here year- . Sound, or if you want to mail the paper to a friend or relative, please use * this form or log on to islander.org for secure e-mail transmission. . U BULK MAIL U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (allow 2 weeks for delivery) U One Year: $36 I 6 Months: $28 L 3 Months: $18 * * : U.S. FIRST CLASS AND CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS S J0 One Year: $140 Q 6 Months: $87.50 3 3 Months: $52 * U SSingle Issue: $3.50 FIRST CLASS MAIL, U.S. ONLY, Maximum Four Weeks S Call for mail rates to Europe or other countries. * U MAIL TO: * U S ADDRESS * U S CITY STATE ___ZIP - * U Credit card payment: LI -B I No. * U S Exp. Date Name shown on card: * U * U S MAIL START DATE: * n Tlie Islander Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 : [] CHARGE IT BY PHONE: (941) 778-7978 0 [ SOR ONLINE AT islander.org []. ***.**U*U *. PAGE 8 M JULY 6, 2005 THE ISLANDER Sandbar preliminary site plan approved with conditions By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter After wading through more than three hours of tes- timony, the Anna Maria Cit\ Commission by a 4-1 vote June 29 appro ed the preliminary site plain of the Sandbar restaurant. but attached se en stipulations that ow ner Ed Chiles mustt meet before final approval. Chiles has proposed to expand the Sandbar's bath- room facility to meet.the requirements of a la \suit against the restaurant that alleges the rest rooms' lack of compliance with the Americans w\ ith Disabilities Act. In addition to the rest room, plans call for a rede- sign of the parking lot, a paver al\k, a- to the facility. and construction of swales to inipro e drainage. ;- SChiles also wants appro' al of a 10-seat outdoor i pavilion for special events such as weddinfgs that \ ill replace the current tent the Sandbar uses. Chiles has maintained there will be no expansion of the restaurant itself. other than construction of the ADA-compliant rest rooms. The main objection.to the Sandbar's plan ~ as ob- vious from opponents. The proposed outdoor pa\ ilion for weddings and special events will create additional noise from outdoor entertainment and amplified sound, noise that nearby residents claim has been increasing in frequency since Chiles erected an outdoor tent for those occasions. Some people claimed Chiles is not entitled to outdoor amplified music at the pavilion,just at the outdoor dining area. Chiles has proposed to re- place the tent t.'ith the permanentpavilion. Attorney Mike Gallaher, representing the Nally family\ that lies next to the restaurant; argued that when the commission recently approved the outdoor entertainment ordinance, it was specifically\ for the current entertainment on the dining deck. Music at the pavilion is "not a -randfathered' use," he said, because the tent was onlh permitted af- ter the outdoor entertainment ordinance passed. City Commissioner Carol Ann NMagill. \\ho cast the lone dissenting vote against the site plan, said it \\ as her understanding that under the ordinance Chiles could onlN hate outdoor entertainment on the dining deck, not at the tent or proposed pa\ ilion. Other commissioners, however, said they belie\ e that the ordinance allo\ s outdoor entertainment an\ - where at the Sandbar. City Attorney Jim Dye's opin- ion agreed. All three sides city. Sandbar and opponents - presented attorneys, planners and consultants, all with New Boa club Members of the newly organized Chapter 114, Boa Sisterhood of America, are, from left, Joan Brown of Bradenton, founder of the organization; chapter.members Mary Zion, Pat Dorrington, Rise Loshaek, Linda Kinnan and Wendy Holcomb; and Wilma Luff, president of the Palm-Aire chapter. The Island chapter plans to meet on the last Tuesday of each month. It has chosen All Island Denominations as recipient of its donations. Ms. Holcomb explained that members wear black with a colorful feather boa, hence the name. conflicting testimony. Planner Jan Norsbph. representing the Nallys,pro- posed 16 stipulations for the site plan and claimed Chiles' plan had seven inconsistencies with the city's comprehensive plan, six inconsistencies with the city's future land-use element and needed six variances to meet city parking codes. Contractor Tom Ricci of Pompano Beach, who said he was a friend of the Nallys, claimed he was an ADA expert and that after studying the design of the proposed rest room, Chiles did not need to expand that area to become ADA compliant. At a previous hearing for an alleyway vacation, Chiles had presented U.S. Department of Justice-certified ADA consultant Kirk Tcherneshoff, who said Chiles needed the rest room expansion to comply with stipulations in his ADA law- suit settlement. Tcherneshoff "didn't know what he was talking about," :said Ricci. Resident Robin Wall had her own attorney's opin- ion, that of Dan Lobeck, who claimed that the pavilion will be on a separate parcel from that of the Sandbar, and therefore any outdoor entertainment at the pavil- ion w would need special permission from the city. At the least, said Wall, the commission should "eliminate the use of amplified music" at the pavilion. Chiles responded that the pavilion will have baffle drop curtains to muffle sound, a $4,500 sound system to help subdue noise, and he's hired one person who will oversee all entertainment at the pavilion and use of the sound system.. Any noise generated at the pa\ ilion will still have to comply with the city's noise-ordinance require- ments, he noted. Marie White, who lives near the Sandbar, said she loves the Sandbar, but the proposed pavilion will only "create chaos" for the adjacent residents. Attorney Ricinda Perry, representing Chiles, noted that some of the Sandbar's neighbors had built their residences on-commercial property and the Nallys had been advised by the city commission then of the "nega- tive impact" of living in a commercial area. Eventually, the commission voted 4-1 to approve the preliminary site plan, but added seven stipulations that must be met before final approval. The stipulations are that no food preparation will be allowed at the pavilion; the site plan shall indicate where off-street unloading will take place; Chiles needs an approved maintenance agreement with city for right- of-way improvements; the site plan is limited to im- provements on the Sandbar property or property un- der its control; a wooden deck north\ west of the pavil- ion will be removed unless Chiles can produce a per- mit; loading and unloading will take place only be- tween 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.; and one section of the park- ing lot will be redesigned to eliminate the need to back out onto Spring Avenue. Commission Chairperson John Quam said- he would set a date for final approval when Chiles has met all stipulations and permit requirements and a final site plan is ready. Ginny's Beach giving For -- Your Home and Garden anw d" Jane E's E-Cafe, Bakery and Fresh Produce 9807 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria / Don't Fo .- Open Friday J -, Night til 10pm Join us for coffee, snacks, desserts and soft live music! ANTIQUE MALL S "10,000 feet of air-conditioned showroom" WE BUY AND SELL ESTATES 1250 10th St. E. Hwy 3)1 N. Palmetto 729-5282 Dennis Dick, Proprietor Open Mon-Sat 10-5 Sun noon-5 Ld~f~ ~ CLt r THE ISLANDER 0 JULY 6, 2005 0 PAGE 9 Sunrise docks not yet By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter After nearly three years of discussing and drafting an ordinance allowing Holmes Beach to lease dock space in the Sunrise boat basin to qualified boat and property own- ers, city commissioners were ready to hold the second and final hearing on the ordinance June 28. - But not all commissioners were positive the ordi- nance was ready for approval, or what the city needed. Commissioner Rich Bohnenberger said he had studied the proposed ordinance and had a number of questions. He wasn't sure if the ordinance was in the "best interests of the city," and suggested it might be better to first build new dock*, in ihe basin before leas- ing begins. He added that there are'several open areas in the basin \ here the city. might want to add-docks. Commissioner Roger Lutz agreed. Several of the docks are in poor shape and he doubted that people with a claim to a Sunrise dock space are going to spend a lot of money to replace a dock they don't own. The commission agreed with Bohnenberger that public works director Joe Duennes should get a "ballpark" estimate on building new docks in the ba- sin, including adding docks in -paces where no dock currently exists. New docks might merit better fees for the city. Several Sunrise area residents agreed with the sug- gestion. John Anthony said building new docks is a winner on both sides. He doesn't mind paying a higher lease fee because a new dock will raise the value of his prop- erty, as long as the lease rights are transferable to a new owner, should he ever sell his house. "Think about [the docks] as a resource with real value," he said. The second reading was continued to July 12 and Duennes was asked to bring cost estimates for new docks. Kingfish plans Commissioners were reluctant to agree with Doug M ull311 R14:411=1 "Award-Winning" Grooming All Natural, All Organinc, and All Holistic Never Tranquilized Just Loved! Advantage & Frontline Flea Protection FEATURING S*' Solid Gold W *Wellness .," Innova .. .. '; .Pinnacle 'l "*" Cal. Natural Avo Eagle SCanidae ...and more! 761-WOOF (9663) 7338 Cortez Road W. Bradenton "Tropical Bugs Need A Tropical Service" CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Beaches Bradenton Sarasota Parrish 778-1337 794-1005 365-2893 776-0779 Full Service Exterior and Interior )/z /Now Accepting Visa "-' and Mastercard Island Pest Control Inc. SERVING THE ISLANDS MORE THAN 20 YEARS State Certified/Licensed and Insured Locally owned and operated At Rotary Centennial: The new president of the Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island, Birgit Sesterhelin, right, and party enjoy down- town Chicago at the Rotary International Centennial. With her are, from left, Islanders Don Fernald, husband Hberbert Sesterhenn, and Sue Fernald. This was their first experience of Chicago, and they said they fell in love with the city. Means of the Manatee County Planning Department on a county proposal to remove Brazilian pepper trees from the Kingfish Boat Ramp area. Means made no secret that the county wants the space to add parking on both the east and west sides of the ramp, but Lutz pointed out that this would bring parking very close to the Westbay Cove condomini- ums. He suggested fewer parking spaces on the west side and a buffer of about 200 feet between the pro- posed parking area and the condominiums. Means said he would consider that proposal and come back with a revised, plan. The commission did agree that Kincfih Boat Ramp seems to be ihe most popular boat ramp in Manatee Count\ and lie proliferation of irucks- and Pawsitively Pets & Property Services Inc. Quality Pet Sitting Services in Your Home S'Propert -Services Durine Your Absence Bonded & Insured Jane & Steve Futch 761-7511 e trailers along the road on any given day, and particu- larly on holidays and weekends, was a poor first im- pression for people visiting the Island. And the popularity of Kingfish isn't going to de- crease as the population of east Manatee County in- creases, said resident David Zaccagnino. The city and Kingfish Boat Ramp "bear the brunt" of county boat users and those from Lakeland. "Every- one comes here," he said. Cable TV consortium Manatee County attorney Robert Eschenfelder made a nearly 60-minute plea.to commissioners to join a propo-.ed Manatee County Cable TV consortium to handle frjnchi-e agreementr- for more cable TV ser- PLEASE SEE CABLE, NEXT PAGE V -- -- oil Silks, Coconuts Bismarks Porrery Arecas Addoninias / and Home Travelers Accents EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN GaJrder Cehter ahd Juhtle Roomh 5704 MARINA DRIVE HOLMES BEACH 778-4441 Iww w. U. islander.or lu The latest in luxurious period- SThe latest in luxurious period- I ;-t )fA- i, -,Opp-, A ii ,7~ : V L - C styled kitchens, Cabico turns your dreams into reality. We provide premium quality cabinetry that is beautiful, functional and represents a value that will last a lifetime. With Cabico - the possibilities are endless... Imagine the possibilities... Let us customize your kitchen to fit your life! Visit our new showroom of 24 different kitchen displays. Serving our community since 1969 CABINETS Unlimited 8700 Cortez Road West Bradenton (941) 792-8656 C Cabico -1 C _~~-~l..-t.. I .I --- --~S~b-~---.rt- 'i) '' 7' 1 II PAGE 10 N JULY 6, 2005 U THE ISLANDER Just In! Hand-Hooked Rugs by Claire Murray Island Dreams Fine Linens 9908 Gulf Drive Anna Maria 941.778.4050 BRIDAL & GIFT REGISTRY AVAILABLE CLCANCE 2fr *Sli mem with frind, r 1/ OFFfo yorslf 5366 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach 779-2878 1 -- I' * New & Custom Jewelry Plus remounts, appraisals and free cleaning * Estate Jewelry 40% off appraised value. * Watch Batteries Installed with warranties. * Citizen Watch Dealer Only authorized dealer in Bradenton. 40% off select models. Jewelry & Watch Repair 7358 Cortez Rd. W. c 798-9585 Mon-Fri 10-5 Sat 10-4 ACCEPTING ALL MAJOR CREDIT & ATM CARDS Bridal skiff This 1930s skiff was restored in Cortez, launched last weekend and named "Sallie Adams" for the first bride in Cortez, who in 1888 married Cortez co-founder "Capt. Billie" Fulford. The occasion.was the first Fulford family reunion in 25 years, with 125 Fulfordsfrom 10 states attending at the historic fishing village. Here, Mark Green of Memphis, Gracen Pace of Atlanta, Caroline Porterfield of Birmingham and Miranda Porterfield of Montgomery take the skiff on its maiden voyage. It was restored by volunteers at the Florida Gulf Coast Martime Museum. Islander Photo: Mary Green. 49 cc TWO-STROKE STREET LEGAL L SCOOTER ;Y '$650 with *. $650 "'this ad ONCE UPON A TIME ... Gas and Electric Scooters . SALES SERVICE PARTS REPAIRS 6605 Manatee Ave. W Bradenton Outlet Mall 941-812-5323 SJust ask.for me - I'll be.the bag behind, the counter No need to go street i,' pping in New York City... 1i, j all the famous designer names! ,:l ,,., -, It ...I Leatie ;' M e- .,!ll. *h~iclp~~r~ ~ r 0 m ki cesgoPies Jemelik Located in the Bradenton Outlet Mall 773-1204 6605 Manatee Ave. W. Mention this ad, get 10% off A B9a Lad Comes out of the closet and into the bedroom us Btnd F mour0 r * All sizes available * Hand-stitched - Pre-shrunk * Shams & Bedskirts Available * Special Orders 'Welcome Located in the Bradenton Outlet Mall 773-1204 6605 Manatee Ave. W. Mention this ad, get 10% off HOT-DIGGITY DOG DAY Wednesday* July 6 Noon-2 Hot dogs! Buy One --_" Get One FREE! OPEN Wednesday thru Saturday 10-6 Over 140 shops including food, crafts, clothing, fresh produce, unique boutiques and much more! 60mnt AvW. I 7 II ein the Fountai[ n CourtIiI1 Shopp ing~ 1111111 :Y Plz The Fulford clan at its first reunion in 25 years in Cortez Cable TV competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 vice, particularly from Verizon. The Manatee County Commission has directed its staff to "get competition" for Bright House cable and that's the reason for the consortium proposal. The consortium would handle contracts and nego- tiations with companies that want to bring cable TV to Manatee County and ensure that fees are disbursed to each member. Currently, only Bright House offers cable TV service in Manatee County, but Verizon has indicated it will apply to bring cable service, and other companies such as Comcast can't be far behind, Eschenfelder said. Palmetto has already joined the consortium as has the City of Bradenton, he said. Cable TV consortium of cities already exist in other areas of the country, in- cluding the Denver area, Virginia and Washington state, he said. The Holmes Beach share of the consortium would be just $922 a year but, in return, indicated Eschenfelder, the consortium handles all legal expenses and other costs. While Bohnenberger thought joining the consor- tium would put the city in a "bad situation," Commis- sion Chairperson Sandy Haas-Martens said it might give city residents "another choice," other than Bright House. Lutz said he wanted to hear the "other side," and asked that as a "courtesy," a Bright House representa- tive be invited to speak at the July 12 commission meeting. The commission agreed and made no decision on the consortium proposal. In other business, the commission delayed ap- proval of a $40,000 contract to build a pump and stor- age facility behind the West Manate Fire & Rescue station until it had more information on the size and location. Commissioners did approve a $13,300 con- tract to build four more trolley shelters, including one at Publix on the east side of the road, and shelters at the Harbor Drive-Gulf Drive intersection and on Gulf Drive near the post office. A shelter already exists at Publix on the west side of East Bay Drive. Acting City Attorney Michelle Hall said Tidemark attorney Robert Greene has promised a new lease of the city-owned portion of the Tidemark basin by the July 12 meeting. The new lease will reportedly pay the city about $12,000 annually for Tidemark's use of the city basin. The former lease, voided by Tidemark's bank- ruptcy, was fr just$1,00 a year. AV; ]CM. ; :. :c ~.71 MT; t W-1 S I O. 1 4- W -. -, i- --"s -.--." -. *i0p 4 MI skfli Streetlife Island police reports Anna Maria City June 28, 300 block of Magnolia Avenue, distur- bance. According to the report, a boyfriend and girl- friend were involved in a verbal argument. They were given a domestic violence packet. June 28, 400 block of Pine. Avenue, burglary. Tools were reportedly missing from a contractor's tool shed. Bradenton Beach -June 22, 200 block of Church Street, theft. A man reported the theft of two bicycles. June 25, 2513 Gulf Drive N., Circle K, theft. A man who was in the store for job orientation reportedly took seven cartons of cigarettes from the store that were tagged to be returned to the manufacturer and, accord- ing to the report, he later returned the cartons for a cash refund. June 25, 600 block of Gulf Drive North, traffic arrest. A juvenile was given a notice to appear after an officer found him driving without a license. June 25, 100 block of Bridge Street, theft. "A woman reported cash missing from a purse she left in her room. June 27, 403 Highland Ave., salvage yard/public, works/police department, information. An officer filed a complaint because he damaged his car while backing out of a parking space. According toathe report, the' -majority of the small parking lot is congested with gar- bage trucks, dumpsters and other public works vehicles that block other cars. June 27, Bay Drive South and Bridge Street, Bradenton Beach public dock, recovered stolen boat. While on patrol, an officer saw a man attempting to free a boat in the sand during low tide. The man told the officer he found the boat in the Intracoastal Water- way and towed it to the pier since,the boat had taken on water, but the registration number was listed by police dispatch as stolen. The man was arrested and the owner was called to take possession of the boat. Holmes Beach June 24, 200 block of 56th Street, theft. A man reported the theft of his bicycle. The following day, he reported it was returned to his home. June 25,800 Manatee Ave., Kingfish Boat Ramp, drug arrest. Jeremy Cowger, 23, of Bradenton, was arrested for possession of 4.5 grams of marijuana after an officer pulled him over for driving infractions. June 26, 4400 block of Gulf Drive, public beach, drug arrest. Jamie Feria, 19, of Bradenton, was arrested for possession of marijuana when an officer saw her carrying a cigar filled \% ith marijuana while walking towards the beach access. The woman told the officer she was looking through her purse and found the mari- juana; which she stated belonged to her boyfriend. June 28, 3600 block of Avenue E, burglary. A man was interviewed regarding a past burglary. The infor- mation provided led police to the recovery of two con- struction tools that were stolen and a capias request was issued for the suspect. June 29, 9000 block of Manatee Avenue, DUI. Corey Boston, 22, of Myakka, was arrested for driving while intoxicated and possession of drug parapherna- lia afteran officer witnessed Boston driving erratically, almost striking oncoming traffic. Boston reportedly failed a field sobriety test and a device used to smoke marijuana was found in his pocket. THE ISLANDER 0 JULY 6, 2005 U PAGE 11 778-4751 800-771-7163 5312 Marina Drive Holmes Beach www.island-florist.com GAS ELFTRIC CHARCOAL 0 GRILAS! S Plus all your grilling needs! Few iILL STORE 5350 Gulf Drive, HB 779-9594 Free assembly, delivery on the Islands (S&S Plaza, next to post office) S.Master Stylist & Colorist iKay Tib a is now at Looks Salon 7455 Manatee Ave. West S(next to Albertsons) Call 792-4999 713-7223 RAI)ID', SRIEIKF SHELLS & GIFTS - The Island's Largest Selection Shells Shell Craft Suppies - Sea Life Mirrors Jewelry and Handmade Seashell Christmas Ornaments S 778-3211 o" 5508 Marina Drive Holmes Beach .Across from library-.'. Rotary greets AID The Rev. Bill Grossman spoke to the Anna Maria Island Rotary Club Tuesday, June 2, about All Island Denominations, the organization of all Island churches. Here, Grossman accepts a $1,500 Rotary gift on behalf of AID from new Rotary President Birgit Sesterhenn. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose Islander at Global Young Leaders Conference Miranda Massey of Bradenton Beach is attend- ing the Global Young leaders Conference in Europe, among 400 students from 80 countries so honored. Daughter of Lisa Maria Phillips, Bradenton Beach city commissioner, and Mark Massey of St. James City, she attends Bayshore High School. The conference is for secondary school students "who have demonstrated leadership potential and scholastic merit. The conference will be variously in Budapest, Prague and Vienna under the theme "The Leaders of Tomorrow Preparing for the Global Challenges and Responsibilities of the Future." It will culminate July 13 with a "global sum- mit" where the students will tackle such problems as global warming, foreign aid, terrorism and hu- man rights. 5341 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach, FL 34217. 778-3636 JULY IS ONE OF THE WORST MONTHS < CALL TODAY AND ASK ABOUT OUR ALLERGY RELIEF SPECIAL SPECIAL OFFER ENDS SOON! - OWNERS I LARRCY Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning SHOUSE 778-2882 or 387-0607 .'" I www.FatCatCarpetCleaning.com L .- _ -- PAGE 12 M JULY 6, 2005 M THE ISLANDER Wednesday, July 6 7 to 8a.m. Pier Regulars meeting at Anna Maria City Pier, 100 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria. Information: 778-7062. 5:30 p.m. Teen meeting at the Island Branch Li- brary, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778- 6341. Thursday, July 7 9 to 10 a.m. Beginner Pilates at the Anna Maria Is- land Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. 4 to 7p.m. -Wine and cheese tasting at Publix, 3900 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Gentle yoga with Jasmine Boss at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Mangolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. Friday, July 8 7 to 9 p.m. Teen night at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Infor- mation: 778-1908. S7 to 10p.m. Live original music at Ginny's Antiques and Jane E's Bakery, 9807 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Infor- mation: 778-7370. 'Saturday, July 9 8:30 a.m. Kiwanis Club meeting at Cafe on the Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Pilates at the Anna.Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Infor- mation: 778-1908. Fee applies. 10:30 a.m. Family origami class at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341. 11 a.m. Sierra Club paddle at Weekie Wachee Springs. Information: 729-8006. Fee applies. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. 'That's Italian" family festival at-the Ringling Museum, 5401 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota. Infor- mation: 359-5725. Fee applies. Sunday, July 10 6.p.m. Helena Bachmann Milligan, journalist and author of 'Teeth in a Pickle Jar," book signing presentation at the BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Braderton Beach. Monday, July 11 '0: 15 a.m. Gulf Coast Writers meeting at the Island Branch Library. 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beacn. Infor- mation: 778-3209. Tuesday, July 12 9 to 10 a.m. Muscles and More class at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies.. 2p.m. Children's comedy theater presented by the Battersby Duo at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341. 6 to 7 p.m. Pilates at the Anna Maria Island Com- munity Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Informa- tion: 778-1908. Fee applies. ..i. "-- ,v. E '4 Wednesday, July 13 10:30 a.m. Friends of the Island Branch Library book club at the library, 5701 MarinaDrive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341. 7 to 9 p.m. Family safety intervention specialist Sheila Hurst discusses suicide at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Infor- mation: 778-1908. 8 p.m. Opening night of Island Players' Implants OI L\ T M1tlll.r7hltL t Li ite ''`:"""~ El~B~~I'w~A c~~pn ISLAND/ DENTAL SPA Oral Health Restoration and Smile Reconstruction for the Discriminating Patient Elimzinate soreness. Eat what you want. Regain lMe natural strength of your jaw. Schedule, a consilation to explore your options. ExpL'iereLC'tI CoitLt,/ C wth .nr 2': plenty of personal pa,,,r'Pi,, from our Jrid!, sta/f. Enjo. ou, bar ,ith coffee, soda, wine and beer. immerse your.zelf in music or video and let a therapeutic hand an trcatnmnt tak ,our A'e',' patiCicis u'e/coc,;e! 778-2204 w.islanddentalpa.cor Creating beautiful smiles on Anna Maria Island & Longboat Key Flower abstract Finding abstract values in flowers are printmaker Linda Molto of Cortez top, and painter Georgia O'Keefe, wi'hose works join others in the "Abstract World of Flowers" exhibit at the gallery of the Arts Council of Manatee County, 926 12th St. W., Bradenton. Molto's work is titled "Manna From Canna"' and O'Keefe's "Red Canna," both zeroing in on the heart of the canna lily. Shakespeare on the Island, "Much Ado About Nothing," at 10009 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 778-5755. Fee applies. :- . Ongoing: Exploring Florida's Waterways nature camp with the South Florida Museum at various locations, through July 15. Information: 746-4131, ext. 22. Fee applies. Island Players "Much Ado About Nothing" at 10009 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria, through July 17. Information: 778- 5755. Fee applies:.: : . "Bioquest" summer camp at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., -Anna Maria, through Aug.5. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. Upcoming: Sierra Club presents "Friend of the Gator and Gopher Tortoise" at Phillippi Creek Estate July 14. Friday Fest on the Bay at the Van Wezel July 15. "Do Ya Do Ya Do Ya Wanna Dance?" at the Bradenton Woman's Club July 16. "I'm Gonna Sing" gospel concert at Island Baptist Church July 17. Children's reader's theater at the Island Branch Li- brary July 19. Sheila Hurst discusses substance abuse at the Anna Maria Island Community Center July 20. FRESH MULLET SALE HATS $12 T-SHIRTS M.L.XL $10, XXL $12 '-- --^^~. 941-778-7978 or www.isiander org 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach .. ^~ AVEDA LIFESTYLE SALON-SPA Experience Spa 5311 gulf drive anna maria island 778.5400 .. .'',, ,-.m.,il [,.h n,.IF, a ,. ,m WILLS TRUSTS PROBATE JAY HILL Attorney at-Law 778-4745 Anna Maria, Florida Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, ELCA Pastor Tamara Wood \ r Saturday 5pm Service of Celebration Sunday 9:30 am Worship Service SNursery available at 9:30am i o riwa d glonadelutheran.com S If.. 6608 Marina Dnve Holmes Beach 778-1813 ~f~~ : - 04, " ,, i* THE ISLANDER 0 JULY 6, 2005 M PAGE 13 Obituaries Robert 'Bob' Jalloian Robert "Bob" Jalloian, 79, of Anna Maria, died June 26. Born in Worcester, Mass., Mr. Jalloian came to Manatee County from Charlton, Mass., 18 years ago. He worked for George Meyer Co. in Worcester. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II. He was a graduate of Columbia University. There were no memorial services. Griffith-Cline Funeral Home, Island. Chapel, was in charge of ar- rangements. He is survived by sister Mary Daniels of Walpole, Mass., and nieces Nancy Carr, Janet Botzos and Ruth Daniels. Dorothy Jean Martin Dorothy Jean Martin, 79, of'Bradenton and for- merly Holmes Beach, died June 26. Born in Munhall, Pa., Mrs. Martin moved to Mana- tee County 44 years ago. She was a graduate of the University of Pittsburg. She was a translator for the -Aurora Foundation until her retirement in 1994. She was a flight attendant for Eastern Airlines, secretary to the publicity director of St: Petersburg and a secretary with Westinghouse. She was a volunteer with the'Anha Maria Island Historical Society arid the American Red Cross. V ..: ' Memorial services weie July 1. : -She is survived by son Williaiim E.'Bill" of Bradenton; brother Leonard E. Palmer of Bethel Park, Pa.; sisters Barbara P. Benrer of Pittsburgh and Betty L. Johnson of St. Petersburg; and five grandchildren. Allene Jackson Pournelle Allene Jackson Pournelle, of Sugar Land, Texas, and Holmes Beach, died July 3. Mrs. Pournelle and her late husband W.B. moved to Holmes Beach in 1973, where she taught at the Epis- copal Church of the Annunciation for 17 years. She was a member of the Episcopal Church Women and a charter member of the Daughters of the King. She was a graduate of Shorter College in Rome, Ga., and did graduate work at John Hopkins University in Balti- more, Md., majoring in protozoalogy. She worked for the Georgia State Department of Public Health-and worked in their laboratories in Atlanta ard Albany. Private memorial services were held in Atlanta, Ga. She is survived by daughters Mrs. Alvin Moses of Decatur, Ga., and Mrs. Roy Steadham of Sugar Land; brother Dr. Calvin Jackson of Manchester, Ga.; grand- sons Jim and Matt Moses and Mark Steadham; grand- daughter Amanda Steadham Ryan; great-grandsons Mitchell and Kenneth Moses; and great-granddaugh- ters Sarah Steadham and Chloe Ryan. David D. Young David D. Young, 77, of Seekonk, Mass., and for- merly Holmes Beach, died June 30. Born in Newport, R.I., Mr. Young was a graduate .of Fisher Business School. He served in the U.S. Army, and worked for the Tidewater Oil Co. He also owned and operated two service stations in Seekonk. He was elected to the school committee in 1962, where he .served for 16 years, six as its chair. He was a member 'of the George R. Martin Elementary School and Seekonk High School, and served on the Seekonk HousinL Authorit from 1985-88. He was elected to the Seekonk Board of Selectmen in 1989 and retired from political office in 1992. He served on the Seaside Gardens Association Board of -Directors, Holmes Beach. Memorial contributions may be made to the David D. Young Memorial Fund, Slade's Ferry Bank, 1400 Fall River Ave., Seekonk MA 02771, with donations made to benefit the Anna Maria Island Branch Library. He is survived by wife of 53 years Alice "Betty;" daughters Betty Martin of Danvers, Mass., Jody Amaral of Bend, Ore., and Jeanne Potter of Somerset, Mass.; son Doug of Mansfield, Mass.; and eight grand- children. Adult summer schedule set up by Center The summer schedule for adult classes has a.m., Pilates 6 to 7 p.m. been announced by the Anna Maria Island Corn- Thursdays, Beginners Pilates 9 to 10 a.m:, munity Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria: Gentle Yoga 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Cost for all exercise classes is $5 for.members,$8 Saturdays, Pilates 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. for nonmembers. The summer program: Further information may be obtained by call- Tuesdays, Muscles and More from 9 to .10 ing 778-1908. Griffith-Cline has been serving Anna Maria families for over 45. years. We honor all competitors prearranged funeral .contracts and encourage price comparisons. FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION SERVICES 6000 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach (941) 778-4480 www.griffithcline.com Our fast claims service is "No Problem." ur agency is well known for providing fast, efficient and fair claims service. That's because e represent Auto-Owners Insurance, which, according to a national consumer's magazine, ranks consistently as one of the top insurers in. the country. That's --.-I why we are known as the "No Problem" People. Ask us about our great service today! vtuto-Owners Insurance Lie Hrnme Car Business Jim Mixon Insurance Inc. 5412 Marina Dr.* Island Shopping Center Holmes Beach (941) 778-2253 OUR OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR LUNCH NOON-1 DAILY. (Ro er 4flkemorial (1rmmntunit$ QtIprdl An Interdenominational Christian Church Rev. Gary A. Batey Serving the Community Since 1913 Come Celebrate Christ Worship Service: 10am Children's Church School: 10am Transportation & Nursery Available 512 Pine Ave, Anna Maria 778-0414 Swww.roserchurch.com Come worship and enjoy warm fellowship YOUR CHURCH AWAY FROM HOME! 6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key FL 34228 (941)383-6491 Web site: www.islandchapel.com S. ,. . aI L i ii __a. : *s.+^,i X.- l'^t/**-J('* Ringling docent Islander Karen Ellsworth leads tourists on a third- and fourth-floor premium tour through the Ca d'Zan mansion at the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art where she volunteers. Islander Photo: Courtesy Beth McKee Museum seeks Island volunteers The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art is in need of volunteers to lead educational tours. Karen Ellsworth, an Island resident, has been" donating her time since becoming a docent in 2000. The retired art teacher leads tours in Ca d'Zan, the circus museum and art museum. She also does VIP, special exhibition and school'tours. Before retiring in 1997, Ellsworth took yearly trips with her art students to numerous art galleries around Europe."After moving to the area," she said, "I visited the Ringling Museum and was overwhelmed when I entered the Rubens Galleries. It's wonderful to have artwork so fabulous right here." Ellsworth believes volunteering at the Ringling venues is a great way to meet new people, and she loves introducing visitors to the arts, helping them con- nect to the artwork; For more about volunteering at Ringling, call 359- 5728, or visit the Web site at www.ringling.org and sign up for July's volunteer information class. Gospel concert set July 17 at Island Baptist Church Its second summer "I'm Gonna Sing" gospel con- cert will be Sunday,. July 17, at the Island Baptist Church, the church has announced. The free, public concert will be at 6:30 p.m. at the. church, 8605 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Details may be obtained at 778-0719. ARTIST EDITION SINKS ***V ......... * of Labor underounter sinks, brightly colored with blue and white checkerboard bottoms. Durable yet beautiful, they stand up to years of rugged use. We also offer plumbing services from new construction and remodeling to. repairs. THE BOLD LOOK OF KOHLER LaPENSEE PLUMBING 941 778-5622 LIC. IICFC,7548 s 5362 Gulf Dr., Holmes Beach f it,77... PAGE 14 0 JULY 6, 2005 a THE ISLANDER Mosquitoes here, but it has been worse By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent "We used smudges in the house and wore long- sleeved shirts on the boats, and if you didn't choke to death breathing them in, you were OK." You don't have to live with them the way the com- mercial fishermen did in the Cortez of the old days, but mosquitoes are still around and still a nasty and some- times disease-carrying pest. Nowadays, though, they're less everything. They're fought with people and machines and chemicals, and the battle waxes and wanes with the rain. Mostly the people are winning, said Mark Latham, director of the Manatee County Mosquito Control Dis- trict. Helicopters and trucks and tanks of mosquito-kill- ing, people-safe chemicals keep the bug population pretty much under control. Those methods should have been around in Blue Fulford's early years in the historic fishing village of Cortez, on the mainland end of the Cortez Bridge. He wasn't kidding about breathing them in: They swarmed in such huge numbers that it really was dif- ficult to avoid inhaling them. Sonmetiime_ breathing masks were necessary. Houses were screened and smudge pots kept most of the bugs away, but it took hardy people to "just grin and bear it," as Fulford ex- pressed the onl, way to get along then. As for control, "-\ hen one lit on you, you squashed: it with your finger. There was no worry about AIDS in the blood then. You just got your own blood on your- self from the bugs." He sees the elimination of the overwhelming hordes of mosquitoes as a double-edged blessing. "We got rid of the mosquitoes, all right, but we also got rid Another one down in Anna Maria Another older house in . Anna Maria has been torn down. This triplex .'" on Jacaranda Street '.7 - was demolished last week to make room for , a new structure. Local historian Carolyne . Norwood said that in the 1950s, the home was owned by Selma New- ton, whom Newton Lane - is named for. Islander a : .,.. Photo: C.Norwood Accounting Services Payroll & Payroll Taxes Financial Statements Income Tax Preparation Secretarial Services Electronic Filing BEN COOPER, E.A. Ben Cooper and Associates Inc. 3909 E. Bay Drive, Suite 110 Holmes Beach, FL, 34217 (Located across from Publix) (941)778-6118 Fax:(941)778-6230 benacooper@aol.com Aerial spraying from helicopters like this one are only one tool used to control mosquitoes. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan of the little trout and little redfish and little sheepshead and ever3 thing tiat depended on mosquito larva for food. "The scientists and politicians sat around and Worked out ways to get rid of a pest,- and it never dawned on them that they would destroy part of the food chain. "-Jus. as the unkno%\ ing public did in 1994, voting Sto prohibit ini'hore net fishing by commercial fisher- men so the recreational fishermen could have an easier time of it. The result is that a dependable, inexpensive human food source was drastically reduced, and a way of life destroyed for Cortez and dozens of other small fishing villages." Mosquito nemesis Latham said the mosquito sea- son "fired off early this year, mainly along the coast, Genesis Exterminating INC. Serving Manatee & Sarasota Counties Since 1991 Fumigation Termite Control Subterranean Termite Tenting Florida one house at a Time! FREE ESTIMATES ESSIESSS Residential 4611 US 41 N. Palmetto, FL 34221 Licensed/nsured 32995 *MemberFPCA Commercial in late May. High tides flooded some low-lying areas and got them started, and it hasn't let up. "Every time we get it licked, along comes more rain and so more mosquitoes." Helicopters and trucks spray vulnerable areas, then "new rain arrives and organic matter binds up chemi- cals inpesticides so it's unavailable to mosquitoes and here we go again." He has two helicopters, four trucks and four other vehicles-to put into the battle, and they are busy almost around the clock. The choppers sp-ay at night. and their mist kills flying bugs as well as larvae. The trucks are the'heavy hitters in.many bug breeding areas. "Some areas are good at controlling the mosqui- toes." Latham said. "That includes Anna Rlaria and the other barrier islands. A huge control problem is in the sw ampr areas north of the Manatee River, and areas north of there. Mosquitoes hatch in the north and come to XMlanatee." They can fly up to 50 or 100 miles. In the evening his staff sets traps baited with dry ice, it, carbon dioxide very attractive to mosquitoes, and count the mosquitoes in each trap.in the morning. The average around Manatee High School, for ex- ample, is nine of the insects. In east county, 3,000 per trap is not unusual, and last week a trap off 53rd Av- enue West registered 19,000 ofthe little buggers. In one night. What residents can do to limit the menace is keep their yards clean, especially removing anything that can collect water. In.an area near swamps or other damp areas, wear loose-fittiitg light-colored clothing and use repellant. If a mosquito problem develops, Latham's people will handle it quickly after you call them at 322-3720 or 746-8641. They're ready to attack the problem. We are proud to announce we now have The Two Premier air conditioning brands. Heating & Air Conditioning Au anCI LASTS AND LASTS AND LASTS.TM TURN TO THE EXPERTTM_ To better serve our Island communities WEST COAST AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING INC 778-9622 5347 Gulf Drive, No. 4, Holmes Beach Business Center, Holmes Beach We go (almost everywhere. In fact, we're global times 1,400 plus! More than 1,400 PAID subscribers receive The Islander by mail out of town, out of state and in foreign countries. We go to Alaska, England, Germany, Canada, Hawvaii and nearly all points inbetween. These news-hungry subscribers can't wait to get their hands on "the best hews on Anna Maria Island.' Of course, we also provide home delivery on Anna Maria Island and vicinity, resorts; bulk delivery to hotels/motels and business locations on Anna Maria Island, SLongboat Key, and from Lakewood Ranch to down- town Sarasota and St. Armands. And we can be found in newsracks everywhere! And we're on the World Wide Web. "Read all about it!" Te Islander Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 941 778-7978 Web: islander.org e-mail: news@islander.org I II L _ amer~ THE ISLANDER N JULY 6, 2005 M PAGE 15 Young women bringing revue to Island Players By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent Going from local amateur performances to Ameri- can Idol stardom just has to be a major dream for many American girls. It is a dream come true for at least one girl who started with the cast of the "Song and Dance Extravagaza," which will be at the Island-Plaaers in Anna Maria for four performances July 28-30. The enviable young lady is Jessica Sierra, who as one of the top 10 finalists in American Idol is touring the country with her fellow contenders. They will be at the Tampa Forum July 13. The local appearance puts Anna Maria Island up there among favored venues, for this 28-girl troupe has entertained such diverse audiences as the Democratic National Convention and, more recently, President Bush and California Gov. Arnold Schwartzenegger in May when they were in Tampa for a fundraiser. They're certainly not political, for they've ap- peared before such nonpolitical organizations as the Tampa Bay Devil Rays and a whole roster of other professional sports teams and events. Altogether they perform 40 shows a year at con- ventions, corporate parties and theaters. The troupe's girls are from 5 to 17 years of age, all of them selected through an annual auditioning process, said Carol Rubaii, Tampa woman who calls herself the "group Mom." Every audition brings in new young performers to replace the older ones who are moving on, she said. Some have left for excellent prospects, she noted, in- cluding Star Search, Grand 01' Opry, and other bigtime shows. In the last two years six revue members have signed major recording contracts. They will bring to Anna Maria song and dance numbers featuring medleys from Broadway, Holly- wood, rock and roll, country, blues and patriotic. songs. Their shows will be on the Island Players stage, 10009 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria, at 7 p.m. July 28, 29 and 30, with a matinee at 1 p.m. July 30. Tickets at $12 are at the theater box office or at SunCoast Real Estate, 5402 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or by phoning 813-289-4662. Bible vision Participants in the vacation Bible school at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, left, will stay cool this summer with the hand-decorated S i visors they crafted at camp. Sporting their creations are, front row, left to right, Joey Stewart, Kara Lou Mora, Coral Mora and Lauren Hart, and, back row, left to right, Kendall Anderson, Kaci Patsios and Monica West. The Gloria Dei Lutheran Church congregation, above, S- enjoyed skits and songs performed by youth enrolled in the vacation .- 'Bible school.Islander Photos: Nancy Ambrose Suicide, Substance Abuse seminars on Center schedule Two seminars are scheduled during July at the Anna Maria Island Community Center to be facilitated by Shelia Hurst, family safety intervention specialist at Manatee Glens counseling service in Bradenton. The seminars are open to the public at the Center, ** ii A MW D T. S~ .. ....... ... '.. ,t,, '- #am,. B! . IId u ing i Ittprove, the, QLtaity of Yow-ow Lifif, S Carol Greer Siemaszko BA EO MA Psych. CERTIFIED COUNSELOR SAND LIFE COACH P cI 0; 1i .I l brii brjli:no (941) 794-1492 www.islander.org SAssisted Living Quality Accommodations for Seniors Sunny Bower Bradenton Marella House Bradenton S Our Island Home Anna Manj SFamily Owned (941) 219-2106 & Operated Assisted Living Faciliy . Affordable Monthly Rental Nos. 5178,9577,10140 Full Range of Services www.anniesfamilyhomes.com 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. The seminars will be: "Suicide," 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, July 13, covering what is suicide ard why, some causes, the Werthern effect, what we all can do to help, and whom to call. "Substance Abuse," 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, July 20, OPEN Mon.-Fri. 730am-7pm Sat., Sun., Holidays 73oam-5pm WALK-INS WELCOME We're available to tend to your urgent care needs ) Fever/Infections Minor Lacerations Simple Fractures Sprains PINNACLE MEDICAL CENTER 315 75th Street West Bradenton 941-761-1616 S Dr. Diane Michaels ( hiropractic Physician "e , SMassage Therapist on. Staff ' J Provider for most Insurance 501 Village Green Parkway Bi.IJLi aI, Florida 761-0210 (1 block east of Albertson's on Manatee Avenue) Ch i toptrctic Cornte taking up definitions of such abuse, the most common drugs people use, why they use them, how the brain works, scary.statistics, some warning signs, and where to go for help. Details may be obtained by calling 778-1908. ANNA MARIA CARE ASSISTED LIVING S/ Now Accepting New Residents OPEN HOUSE 1-3pm Friday & Saturday July 22-23 KEEP YOUR LOVED ONES ON THE ISLAND QUALITY CARE AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE < 2202 Avenue B Bradenton Beach *779-0322 The Islander The best news on Anna Maria since 1992 Dr. Kathleen Goerg Massage Therapy Also Available! 778-0722 3612 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach, FL 34217 (between Publix and Ace Hardware) Visit our Web site: w'wl'.islandchiro.com ...... _. .. -- '' i 1 # -- ~-~a~ t .1 -_i; ~F~ts-~ii r L;7 AIW-4k A004NCII PAGE 16 0 JULY 6, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER 30. JULY 4, PRIVATEERS TAKE OVER -, ANNA MARIA ISLAND M A.. -- . Special honors .4A- Special participants aboard the Privateer ship in their July.4 parade were the recipients of $10,000 worth of Privateers scholarships. The award-winners, among Privateers and friends: Kimberly Privateers, July 4 take over Anna Maria Island Kuizon of Holmes Beach, $3,000 Whitey Horton scholarship; Chase Parker of Anna Maria, $1,000 The Anna Maria Island Privateers boat/float led the way for their Sandpiper scholarship; Nicki Mauriello and Steven Grantham, both of Bradenton, $1,000 Privateers annual July 4 parade and celebration. More than 80 entries made scholarships; and Nikki Donato, Erica Hoggatt and Donna and Brian Stephenson,. all of Bradenton, this years parade one of the best ever. $10,000 in scholarships $1,000 scholarships for continuing education. Islander Photo: Courtesy Michelle Delibert were awarded following the parade. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy .-' .-' 4...- Rockets glare on Island The surf was up and the heat was on, the air was thick 'T with smoke from personalfreworks, the crowd was in B, u Bmd.W B r huge, and then the fireworks spectacular at the Sandbar restaurant in Anna Maria began to a backdrop of of ho blaring patriotic music. Sandbar owner Ed Chiles was pleased with the weather and the low red tide impact - about two on a scale of 10, he said. The evening ranked a high No. 10 for nearly everyone in attendance on July 4. Islander Photo: Jack Elka There were l S t- also fire- works at the .. -. B achHou se O SHIN- i Restaurant hus & St R ick .., -. .. , in Bradenton ----uin e -adtrion-- U +-Prem-u parade muscleA Beas c ih L 1July an ( ' 3. IslanderRepresentatives of the "super. team'" from the An 1arhi Island Chaimbr of Commerce warm upfor the Ju ly 3.hIsl e 4 Privateers Island-long parade from Coquina Beatich to Bradet mon Beach. From ht, to right, Nancy -Unlruae. 4 L^ TU DE UCTcPhoto: Jack ^ci/s, Ca 'REat NIT IU ST 0N - cck gar n Isl d o t ,Full food and liquor service & D ri We r there wias rng thei frie nds! tU r and daily Specials that'I esau i A M Wed Larry Rich ,lyl pes with ther weather an77-5788 the G ulf Drivein the et--laza Fri & Sun Tom Mobley N I ebe GRAND OPENING a l Mon & Tues nMark Cravtens o.iafl r 'll r' "D' ?r q,, i + + ... and a B r an s 8.- ,t e Every Wednesday WE'RE WHERE YOU'LL FIND... D " All-You- $ 95 THE FRESHEST SEAFOOD DELI & CAFE S/ Can-Eat & All During July ... the Famous STenn e VIW Brian Burger with Chips & Drink $4en FRI SNuFlRt m FOR ISLAND DINING ... in dr- Jl PN a with fries an law U. t er Of Cmer r u f toe 00 G ALL B-YOU-CAN-EAT 4es PaCe ION Bir N a 5, L breakfastorlunch I OPEN 7AM 7 DAYS A WEEKI BEER & WINE ad d S c a year. Casual Inside Dining or Outdoor Patio Dining 8 Jul r i the S BREAKFAST 1 Phone LN D N"' Plenty of Parking Fishing/Observation Pier P oe L- 4000 Gulf Drve Holmes Beach 7780784 Ol MONDAY-FRIoAY 7AM-2PM Phone 729-6556 Fax 729-6557 THE ISLANDER r JULY 6, 2005 PAGE 17 In the spirit Waving goodbye "Happy spa!" shouted the friends aboard the parade float of A2 Aveda Salon of The Dittmeiers cheerfully waved to the Privateers July 4 parade participants, Holmes Beach as they rode along the Privateers July 4 parade route. Islander but they also gave a melancholy wave goodbye to Anna Maria Island. Mom Photo: Edna Tiemann Tami, left, and children Mike and Katie, are heading to Las Vegas where dad has a new job. They sold their third-generation home in Bradenton Beach to -.. Slick spirit make the move. Islander Photo: Edna Tiemann Bob Slicker of -... ;...'. .-..-^ S .. ~. Putt, putt, putt, putt, sputter This group of Shriners putted their way from Coquina Beach to Bayfront P'rk in their little cars, until, sputt, sputt, one conked out and got a push from another. Islander Photos:Edna Tiemann (contingent), Bonrier Joy (breakdown) "Wort the rip o Lon boat ey.. e best hamburgers and coldest mugs of beer 3 side of Heaven." PA Pati Geyer,Propritress Pat Geyer, Proprietress 59TH & MARINA DR. HOLMES BEACH 778-2501 OPENFRIAY AN ThP ~ee~B I e, B s. &ra St. touis'~tyle Ribs & Casul Stle ater 778041 "O N E E A -S D M, " BR EAKFSTAVALALE LLDA RYOU FES BUEERY ANAKS Amiericom didn't nt ed to "dress up" hi" vehicle for iliu July 4 parade, it i' llr'cadv\ wears a : patriotic theme. DISCOUNT LIQUOR COCKTAIL LOUNGE Coupon Good July 6-12, 2005 OLD AMIBUK RG SCHNITZELHAUS The Best German Restaurant on Florida's West Coast FRIDAY SPECIAL OVEN-FRESH BAVARIAN HAXEN Reservations a must! 778-1320 HOURS: TUES-SAT 5-9:30PM Anna Maria Island Centre 3246 E. Bay Drive Holmes Beach 3232 Easl Bay Drive Next to Walgreens F o----1 9 I ANY3 3I I FOOT-LONG 129- I S UB UR- ,----"_SUB I! i"I thi, i:u . I I TOSTED MM ~ ir J 1. a.p. BeLL fisH compaNyiNc. Fresh Seafood Since 1910 Great selection, of locally caught Grouper, Snapper, Shrimp, Panfish and much more. Planning a fishing trip? Call about our big selection of frozen bait! DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAY See you at our docks! ,_ 794-1249 4600 124th St. W. : Cortez, Florida - -- - SCapalbo'sI SHouse of Pizza ' Buffet Special with the, ! Purchase of | a soft drink. | 792-5300 10519 Cortez Road W. Mon-Sat 11am-1Opm Sunday Noon-9pm PLEASE PRESENT COUPON EXPIRES JULY 31,2005 tmw ~Is mm. a qwn _. J. I~sl ps "Th the this I I I I ,OPEN 11-8 Closed Tues Ancient Age Bourbon'l Jay Crawford Smirnoff Vodka "4 1.75 appe 4, n 2aparing $1 899 1,75 $1 9.LTR Juy7 4 n 8LTR PAGE 18 M JULY 6, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Summer fishing: Some red tide, lots of reds, grouper By Capt. Mike Heistand It's still pretty much hit-or-miss out there, with red tide floating around and cropping up here and there. However, the offshore action for grouper and snapper remains good, and there are also some nice reports of dolphin being caught. Backwater action for trout and redfish is also still strong, and there are lots of reports of catch-and-release snook. Capt. Thom Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez Road said he's been putting his charters onto lots of small catch-and-release snook. Redfish have also been on the small side, Capt. Thom said, but there were a ;, few keepers that were coming to the hook on both artificial and live bait. Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle at Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said offshore fish- ing has been excellent for amberjack to 30 pounds, snapper to 5 pounds, both mangrove and lane snapper, plus margates, porgies and triggerfish. Most of the best offshore action is a bit farther out than usual, in about 150 feet of water in the Gulf. Backwater fishing is still great forredfish, plus a few mackerel from the local piers. Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said best bets there were mackerel, pompano, redfish, mangrove snapper and some big yellowtail jack and one huge flounder. Dave Sork at the Anna Maria City Pier said an- glers there have been reeling in mackerel, jacks and flounder. . Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said the holiday weekend was a good one for fishing, with lots of catch-and-release snook coming from Terra Ceia Bay, plus lots of sharks being caught off Miguel Bay and mangrove snapper up to 4 pounds coming off the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. Capt. Rick Gross on Fishy Business out of Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said catch-and- release snook fishing is good right now, but he's mostly going after redfish and trout, getting mostly limit- catches of reds on mdst trips .. * . MAq Big-time black grouper Kimberly West, ofBradenton, caught this carburita (black) grouper while fishing with Capt. Larry McGuire on Show Me The Fish Charters. WOOD DOCK & SEAWALL CUSTOM DOCKS SEAWALLS BOAT LIFTS Design Build Permitting Sales Service Supplies 792-5322 12044 Cortez Rd., W. CRC049564 Dolphin dudes Craig Madsen, left, Doug Moran, Brian Beukema and Duggan Moran show off a bull dolphin Brian caught in the Florida Keys on a recent fishing trip. 'At Perico Island Bait and Tackle, trout fishing is good on the lower tides according to the reports and, although shrimp are small, the bait still works for good hookups. There are also reports of nice-size reds from the Perico Island shorelines. At Skyway Bait and Tackle, reports include mack- erel as the hot ticket, with small white jigs working best on incoming tides. There are also some errant sheepshead being caught, plus small grouper and snapper. Capt. Tom Chaya on the Dolphin Dreams in Holmes Beach out of Catchers said he's finding a good mixed-bag of fish for his clients: Mackerel, snapper, flounder and redfish. Capt. Larry McGuire of Show Me The Fish Char- ters said "fishing offshore is good, but you may find that you have to work at it a little harder because of the hot weather. The overcast days are best for fishing. This past week our clients caught gag grouper, red grouper, scamp, kingfish to 35 pounds, lots of sharks to 5 feet, school dol- phin, mangrove snapper, yellowtail snapper and trigger- fish, all in about 100 feet of water using live bait, frozen Spanish sardines, threat herring and squid." Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of Annie's said he's finding fishing to be "on the rebound, with continuing action \\ ith catch-and-release snook running up to 30 inches in length, trout of good aver- age size, scattered'reds going to 28 inches and floun- der. There were more flounder brought aboard on a - couple of trips last week than I have seen in the past two months. The flatties fell for whitebait, small pinfish and shrimp. They were in fairly deep water, more than 5 feet, on sand bottom adjacent to hard bottom." Capt. Zach added that he's getting into a lot of mangrove snapper and near-legal-size gag grouper. "O er the years I've noticed a definite improvement in the qual- ity of fishing once things get back to normal after a red - tide episode," he said. "Unfortunately, the timing of this outbreak really spoiled the tarpon run this year. How- ever, there will be some tarpon caught in the deeper bay holes into late summer if you look for them. These late Capt. Mike's Charter Boat "MAGIC" Backwater Near Shore Up to 7 miles out in the Gulf Snook Redfish Trout Flounder Mackerel Snapper Light Tackle Fishing Reservations a must Tackle, bait, ice, fishing license provided! 723-1 107 Capt Miike He stl nd USCG Licensed -. j lJ I P ..4 summer tarpon will take just about anything you offer them. Look for dense balls of glass minnows and whitebait fry in deeper areas of the bays and there could be some big silver kings lurking around." On my boat Magic, we found action to be tough, with only three reds on one trip but we did land an 18- inch-long flounder plus a few mangrove snapper and some small sharks. Good luck and good fishing. Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing guide. Call him at 723-1107 to provide a fishing report. Prints and digital images of your catch are also wel- come and may be dropped off at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to news@islander.org. Please include identification for persons in the picture along with information on the catch and a name and phone number for more infor- mation. Snapshots may be retrieved once they appear in the paper. .Two-handed grouper Waldo Pardue caught this 20-pound gag grouper while fishing with Capt. Glenn Corder aboard the Deep South. . I -I- .IL-,, I , SCertified Full Automotive Repair 5333, Gulf Drive olImes Beach 779-0487 [,r r L,. -, .-,r ,-,! G llf *,-,d f l,'-,r _,-;..e] ;~:'- :~ ---~-~-- =-;a i. -.-: --- ;;.;. THE ISLANDER 0 JULY 6, 2005 U PAGE 19 Summer fun, Florida history revealed in all its glory? It's scallop season again. Our neighbors to the north from the Pasco- Hernando county line to west of Panama City in the Panhandle are allowed to harvest scallops through Sept..10. Limit is two gallons of scallops per day. SThere are some weird rules for those Islanders thinking of going .callop hunting. "It is illegal to pos- sess bay scallops on Water outside open harvest areas," according to the Florida Fish ahd Wildlife Conserva- tion Commission. "It is also illegal to land scallops outside open harvest areas. For example, it is legal to take scallops (rom waters off the Hernando County coast, but it N\ oild be illegal to dock your boat in Pasco County with the scallop catch onboard." As the FWC folks add, "Bay scallops may be har- vested onl,: b hand or with a landing or dip net. These regulations are designed to protect and maintain the fragile ba\ scallop population, and the public is encour- aged to adhere to these regulations, especially the daily bag limit, as multiple harvest trips in one day are not good for the bay scallop population." You need a saltwater fishing license to scallop from a boat, no license if you walk the seagrass flats from land. Scallops were once thick in Anna Maria Sound and Sarasota Bay. We'd don mask and snorkel, and flipper our way across the seagrass meadows at a medium tide, looking for those bright blue "eyes" that are a feature ofthe little bivalves. It never seemed to take long to get a bucket full. Of course, as water quality declined and pollution increased, the scallop harvests became history in our area. Attempts to restock have been tried a few times but with little success to date.. Maybe one year we'll again be able to collect din- ner by paddling across the bay, if efforts to restore water quality are successful. Florida history brought to life Diane Roberts is something like an eighth-genera- Chamber seeking sponsors for annual golf 'outing' Sponsors are needed for the sixth annual Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce golf "outing," scheduled for Sept 23 at El Conquis- tador Country Club, 4350 El Conquistador Pkwy., Bradenton. Brighthouse Network has signed up for the "platinum" sponsorship, a $1,500 investment and the only one of its kind in the tourney, said the chamber. Others available are gold for $1,000, silver: for $500, tee for $1Q0, and green for $50. Pro- ceeds are to go to the chamber's scholarship fund. Those interested in a sponsorship may call the chamber at 778-1541. Cost for golfers is $125 which covers green fees, cart dinner, awards and gift bag. Captain Steven Salgado INSHORE SPORTFISHING CHARTER BOAT Owner/Operator Lifetime experience in local waters Full & Half Day Trips Custom Trips Available U.S.C.G. Licensed Custom-built Privateer Fishing License, Ice, Bait & Tackle Furnished Anna Maria Island Florida 778-9712 UNCLE PETE STO D *2 C Q ERICAN 5804 Marina Dr. Ho MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & tion Floridian. Between her time writing for the St. Petersburg Times. offering commentary on National. Public Radio and teaching. she produced a wonderful book about her fam il\ and the Sunshine State. "Dream State: Eight Generations of Swamp La\\ years, Conquis- tadors, Confederate Daughters. Banana Republicans, and Other Florida Wildlife" is a none-too-fla tearing look at the place where we live. As Roberts puts it, "Florida's always been passed around like a roofied-up girl at a fraternity party. From the Spanish to the British to the Americans, Florida's been used for whatever profit you could squeeze out of - her. In the 1960s, what Carl Hiaasen calls 'Team Ro- dent' acquired 43 square miles of Central Florida us- ing spies and proxies who smiled like gators and never whispered the blue-chip naiie of W:al Disne\. Didn't want property prices to get sill'-. now. did the\ Ulsing the same grinning all-American line of just-trust-us- crap, the Mighty Mouse wanted Florida lawmakers to accord it powers more appropriate to a'sovereign state than an amusement park. High on the smell of millions in profits from the millions of tourists Disney prom- ised, the state rolled over on its back, smiled, and said, Anything you want, baby." Most people'who visit Tallahassee will.notice the Prince Murat motel, a dingy place near the Capitol that has survived the noveau trend in the city for decades. Most people don't know that there really was a Prince- Murat. As Roberts describes him, "Florida was getting a reputation as a place for people who needed a new start, people like Achille Murat. The prince, who liked to be called 'Colonel,' went around with a large, filthy St. Bernard dog that smelled like a tobacco barn. He loved his chaw, but since-Princess Murat and her snooty Virginian mother hated the stuff, he wasn't al- lowed to have a spittoon in the house. He used the dog." Reminds me of the motel. Journalists who covered Florida politics in the late 1960s found a font of irascible copy in Gov. Claude Kirk, the first Republican elected to the office since Re- construction. The guy made Lawton Chiles' "he-coon" comments sound lame. Hey; Kirk brought as his date to his inauguration a blonde he introduced only as "Madame X." But to Kirk's credit, he loved mullet. "Mullet is translated literally, if inelegantly, is 'suckerhead,'" according to Roberts. "Unlike your pompano, your snapper, your swordfish, your marlin, mullet is not a Florida glamour fish, not a fish sports- men pay big bucks' to snag. Poor people eat mullet. There's this story that one time some guys were ar- rested for catching fish out of season. It was an open- WANTS YOU The Islander RIVE A CLEAN CAR! Offering Islanders free engagement and wedding 4-hour self-serve car wash notices since 1992. umplete auto detailing uick lube CAR WASH Times Beach 778-1617 DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED CAPT Ms WE'S CHARTERS GuIF/r-,')aqFish'm3 Local Gyl4de and-shut case. But their lawyer got a biologist to tes- tify in court that since mullet have gizzards (they live on.hard-shelled algae and need to grind off the top layer to get at the nice gooey stuff inside), mullet are, ipso facto, chickens. "When Kirk was governor, mullet was an 'underutilized resource,' maybe a way to make fast money. Just process it, can it, and call it lisa. Why should tuna get all the attention? They told us at school that not only was the governor coming to visit us, he was having lunch with us. Not only was he having. lunch with us. the school would be serving a special treat: Lisa Pizza. "'Lisa' is the Spanish name for mullet. It's more euphonious than mullet. In the school cafeteria, the lunch ladies smiled at us like the prison guards in Cool Hand Luke as they gave us extra-large helpings. It was our usual Wednesday pizza Wonder bread slathered with tomato paste, covered in grated Velveeta, and grilled only topped with mullet. "The governor sat up at the teacher's: table, moon- faced and sport-coated. He cut up his pizza with a knife and fork and never stopped smiling, The kids took about one bite. The word 'barf' went whispered around the grade school tables. Lisa pizza smelled like an old metal garbage can. It has a slight butane aftertaste. We noticed that the governor ate all of his." Thanks to Laurie Adams for recommending "Dream State," a book that probably should be required reading for anyone who lives in this wacky place we call home. Sandscript factoid This factoid seems especially poignant as we re- cover from the hordes of visitors who descended on the Island for the Fourth of July. Florida's first flag, unveiled when the state became a state in 1845, had-five horizontal stripes: blue, orange, red, white and green. On the orange stripe was the ap- parent state motto: Let Us Alone. In something of a typical Florida political "oopsie," though, there is a question as to whether or not the flag was legal. According to the Florida Handbook, by Allen Morris: Yes, the flag was unveiled at the inauguration of Florida's first governor, William D. Moseley. Yes, the Florida House of Representatives adopted a joint resolution approving the flag as "the colors of the State of Florida." And although the Florida Senate initially objected to the motto, it eventually adopted a simple resolution approving the flag and the language. Both House and Senate have to adopt the same lan- guage in the same fashion for anything to become a law. A joint resolution by one and a simple resolution by another doesn't make the action legally a law. As Morris put it, "it would seem that this flag was never officially adopted." Remind anyoile of the 2000 presidential election? Annoa a ra V slonaT Ties Moon Date AM HIGH AM LOW PM HIGH PM LOW NMJul 6 11:32 2.6 7:35 -0.1 Jul 7 12:12 2.6 8:08 -0.1 Jul 8 12:54 2.6 8:39 0.0 Jul9 4:19 1.4 6:52 1.3 1:42 2.5 9:11 0.1 Jul 10 4:28 1.5 7:53 1.3 2:27 2.4 9:44 0.2 Jul 11 4:46 1.6 8:53 1.2 3:23 2.2 10:12 0.3 Jul 12 5:04 1.8 9:58 1.1 4:19 2.0 10:41 0.6 Jul 13 5:26 1.9 11:10 0.9 5:25 1.8 11:09 0.8 Cortez High Tides 7 minutes later lows 1:06 later REEL FAST CHARTERS Charter only for the best a 4 hours * 8 hours * Weekends * Week trips Captain * Covering the West Coast Rob and Bahamas f Hassle Reservations 734-365-4884 Departs from Galati Marine PAGE 20 0 JULY 6, 2005 M THE ISLANDER T'HE G ATEST A4NERIiATION Jl by Rick Catlin From Nebraska farm to Patton's headquarters Like all veterans of World War II, Holmes Beach resident Dr. Oscar Walker remembers exactly where he was on Dec. 7, 1941, when he learned the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor. He and some buddies had just come back from the movies in his hometown of Orleans, Neb., and were actually talking about joining the Army as a war seemed to be coming. "Then we heard the news on the radio that the Japa- nese had attacked Pearl Harbor. We just looked at each other and said, 'Guess we're all going to be in the Army now.'" Oscar tried to join the U.S. Army Air Corps that spring, but was turned down because of a heart mur- mur. When he was drafted in August 1942, he figured he was going to be rejected, but the doctors found noth- ing wrong with him. "MI3 guess is that the Air Corps didn't need guys then, so they rejected me," said Oscar with a laugh. As a Nebraska farm boy, Oscar assumed he was a certain candidate for the infantry. Surprisingly, the Army assigned him to a communications company. Somehow, the company first sergeant found out Oscar could type, a rarity for G.I.'s in the early part of the war. "He started putting me in the orderly room two or three days a week to type orders and stuff," said Oscar. "It beat regular duty, that's for sure." A new communications company was being formed, and one day in January 1942, the first sergeant of the ne\% outfit told Oscar's commanding officer that he needed a.message:communications chief. Oscar's desk was right across from his CO's. "He took one look at me and said, 'take him.'" The sergeant told Oscar to get some stripes for his uniform because a chief needed to be a sergeant. Os- car thought it was a joke until he saw the actual orders. "So, I made sergeant within six months of going into the service, and already I was in charge of 75 men. That was OK with me." Indeed, the new unit would train in Mississippi for nearly a year before heading to England in February 1944 and joining Gen. George Patton's famed 3rd Army as the 301st Signal Operations Battalion. The battalion landed on Utah Beach on D+5, and was as- signed directly to 3rd Army headquarters. Oscar saw the legendary general on a daily basis. "Patton was a character. He could curse with the best of them. I remember one speech with nurses. present that had some pretty bad words and Ike (Gen. Dwight Eisenhower) had to reprimand him. But he still kept cussing." The 301st was given the task of encoding and de- coding all messages to Patton and his commanders, in addition to seeing that Patton's messages got through to 3rd Army units. "We worked riht there at HQ with. Patton and his staff, so he knew who we were." One.day, just before the breakout at St. Lo. Oscar had just returned from lunch when a staff member told him Patton wanted Oscar to call him. "I said, 'Sure. and I guess I'm supposed to call Ike too.' I thought it was just a practical joke until they convinced me that Patton wanted me personally." Not sure of\ hetrhei he'd get a citation or a rear-end chewing from Patton, Oscar called the general. "Oh, Walker," said Patton when he came on the line. "I need you to send me a messenger. I've got some mail going to England." That was it, said Oscar, who can now laugh about the incident. "But I never figured out why he asked for me personally. He could have just called and told any- body to send a messenger. Maybe he wanted to follow the chain of command. But at least I can always say I talked to Patton personally." Following the St. Lo breakout, the 3rd Army began a -dash across Europe that would rival a Lance Armstrong bicycle race. "We were moving 20 to 30 miles a day at times. We'd have HQ in one place for a day or two, then I'd be told to go scout ahead for a new location. We were always on the move." The HQ was generally just a few miles from the front lines and close enough for the Germans to occa- sionally drop a few artillery shells nearby or strafe the area with fighter planes. PLEASE SEE GREATEST, NEXT PAGE INVESTORS IL-4 ? . Currently renting for $2,900-$3,900/week with ' excellent rental history in place. . One year old 5BR/5BA, four-car garage and elevator. Outside spiral l i.. -- . staircase leading down to lush heated pool area overlooking bay. -- - Beautifully furnished and tiled throughout. Private dock and great ISLAND DUPLEX:Steps to beach. Offered at$699,000 be- fishing.$2,490,000.Virtualtour:www.flrealtour.com/mls031305/realtor. fore remodeling continues. Investors and builders bring your imaginations. Gulfviews possible. 2BR/1 BA on large corner lot. SSUTTON GROUP REALTY AnnVie Htber, Realtor (941) 713-9835 S".u 'G L- Great buy for this size home w I on Anna Maria Island. 3 BR/ N -E T 2.5 BA plus office. 30-foot boat dock with lift for 12,000 Sl' Ibs, no bridges to the bay. ., Heated pool, extra 1,600 sf .-*- .. on ground floor, screened in for entertaining. ) ',.. Granite counter tops, wood *. floors and a large master suite S" are only a few amenities of this house. Offered at $1,485,000 Please contact for more information Ted Schlegel (941) 518-6117 or Barry Gould (941) 448-5500. .ILA "-'-t' 3001 GULF DRIVE*HOLMES BEACH, FL 34217 V LATIN -: PHONE: 941.778.6849*TOLL FREE: 800.778.9599 VACAT MION FAX: 941.779.1750 PROPERTIE3, LLC Licensed Real Estate Broker Ann Caron --is- .Br Proud parents. Oscar Walker of Holmes B~icJa hI'ithl and Mabel Walkrl jist after he went Army in 1942. parents L.R. into-the U.S. Patton parade Legendary Gen. George Patton conuntaund lhe' 3rd U.S. Army. Oscar Walker's unit .1as stinr,,nd at Patton's headquarters throughout the European campaign. Here, Patton reviews a victory parade in his honor after he returned to Europe from the United States after a 30-day leave following the end of the war.. SPECTACULAR VIEW 2BR/2BA Shell Point condominium overlooking the bayou, Key Royale bridge and bay. You'll love it! Features:-carport, recreation building, tennis court, putting green, turnkey furnished. Won't last long! $525,000. SJean Holmes Realty i 778-2924 cell: 915-2430 Advertise here and reach more than 20,000 people weekly with your ad -for as little as $20! Tle Islander Call 778-7978 DESIRABLE BEAN POINT! t .'. l - .. ... ^D ^ ^ ...-... ---lI Rare 5BR/3.5BA, across from beach access with spacious open floor plan. Large kitchen with breakfast bar. Master suite on main floor. Tile floors, screened lanai and a large open deck-great for tanning! O eri:-ed four-car garage. $1,240,000. Larry Albert Tropicai Broker Realtor 1" 725-1074 Prort .5. ..^ sz^^^ '~y*, q' J^*fc *'* 'V)' t ~6~Dk ~r~ra~: 7 ~ic~a~ r: Greatest Generation CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 "But we really weren't in combat," said Oscar. "The guys who were on the frontlines had it rough. Our job was pretty easy compared to them." The race across Europe was on until the gas ran out in early September 1944. The 3rd Army was just a few miles from the German border when Eisenhower or- dered all fuel and supplies diverted to British General Montgomery for his ill-fated Market-Garden offensive. Patton tried to continue his offensive that fall, but the weather turned foul and the 3rd Army was basically in a static position until the Battle of the Bulge in mid- December 1944. "We didn't know what had happened, but we were ordered to move out as fast as possible and head north to Bastogne. We heard something about the airborne being surrounded and we had to relieve them." Oscar remembers that as part of 3rd Army HQ, they rode at the front of the convoy with Patton. One afternoon during the march to Bastogne, German fighter planes strafed the convoy. "Everyone ducked for cover except Patton, who stood there shaking his fist and cursing." After the Battle of the Bulge ended, the 3rd Army crossed the Rhine River. By March 1944, Oscar and his buddies began to think they might make it through the war. "You could look on a map and see how close we and the Russians were getting. The Germans were sur- rendering and we knew it was only a matter of time." The Germans finally gave up on May 7, 1944. Oscar doesn't remember much about the celebration because he fell down and broke his ankle that morning. He does remember when he and other HQ staff Kimberly L. Clark, P.A., Sales Associate Realtor Specializing in Vacation Homes and Investment Properties 941-447-9988 SKimberlyClark_realtor@yahoo.com i ulf-Bay Realty 1 of Anna Maria Inc. S\941-778-7244 S" 5309 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach Ii I, Quiet vet Veterinarian Dr. Oscar Walker has lived in Holmes Beach since 1999. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin went to the Buchenwald extermination camp one day after it was liberated by the 3rd Army. "It was unbelievable. I'll never forget the sight of those people. It's just unbelievable what men did to Maureen Dahms Realtor 941-778-0455 3reen REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA www greenreal corn THE ISLANDER 0 JULY 6, 2005 E PAGE.21 other humans," Of course, the townspeople claimed they knew nothing about what went on at Buchenwald, although the main gate stood just a mile from the town. "So, Patton marched all the Germans up to the camp to look at the dead bodies stacked up and see the gas cham- bers." But Oscar also remembers better times in sightseeing around Germany and Austria after the war ended. Eventually, he was sent back to the United States and discharged on Dec. 31, 1945. He returned to his father's farm for a year, but after the excitement of Europe, farming was no longer in his blood. Following a stint with the railroad, he went to Iowa State Univer- sity and graduated as a doctor of veterinary medicine. Following his retirement from private practice, he visited his daughter Nancy Ambrose and her husband David in Holmes Beach in 1998 and moved here-in 1999. "In 1942, I was prepared for the infantry, but just got lucky," he said. "It was a different time back then. The feeling was different. The country was 100 percent together and we knew we'd have to wipe out the Ger- mans and the Japanese to win. It was the greatest time for this country. I'm real proud of my service, but I didn't do anything special. Still, I didn't do too bad for a Nebraska farm boy who had never been anywhere." Just another member of the Greatest Generation. "The Greatest Generation" column is for Island, Longboat Key, Perico Island and Cortez veterans, man or woman, who served in the armed forces of any al- lied country (U.S.; Canada, Britain, Holland, Norway, France, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, the Philip- pines, etc.) during World War II. We'd like to hear from.you. Please call Rick Catlin at 778-7978. DICK MAHER AND DAVE JONES ISLAND SPECIALISTS a - Simplify Your Search! Call anytime for a consultation. OME with view of Tampa ery private beach area. '. ( floors, granite counters, "l .,' ' more! $1,200,000. , TIFFANY PLACE CONDO on the Gulf of Mexico: Remodeled and very beautiful, all furniture and furnishings to stay, view of the Gulf from patio and the master bedroom. Tiffany Place condo offers great year round living or a great year round rental. $810,000. R: Beautiful 3BR/2.5BA ,, . . ML .3 ',~ pool home. On canal with dock and boat lift. ,... -' Large kitchen and living areas. Two-car garage, .. f lots of extras! $1,425,000. .- ,^ S ,, i. ... ;- -*- --- *?^^. IBR/IBA CONDO in fabulous Tradewinds Resort. Fantastic income. Pool, on-site S:,I S management. This Gulffront unit is a very short walk to the beach. $385,000. I I I .. i l II .. PRE-CONSTRUCTION PRICE! Paradise villa I| l I condo's at 305 63rd St., Holmes Beach. Each 3BR/' ' 3.5BA villa has an elevator and a pool. $829,000. l | villa305. 6 3r St. H HANDYMAN SPECIAL 2BR/I BA on a 50x100 lot $459,000 The Big Picture...it's all about the real estate! A top producer at Island Real Estate Inc., Call Marianne at (941) 778-6066. The flbsten Teaml k \ Professional REALTORS representing "n 1% buyers and sellers with Heather Absten, P.A. Honesty, Jennifer Absten, P.A. 941-807-4661 941-345-7002 HeatherAbter '/ahoo C.om r JenrnferAbr.teni,;msn corr Results! Brand New Construction Under $800,000 with Pool Two new Key West-style town homes under construction. 3BR/2.5BA, two-car garage, metal roof, hardy plank siding, Evergrain decking, granite counters, high ceilings and two-zone air conditioning $799,000. Call for more details! IMMACULATE KEY WEST STYLE 3 bedroom, 2 bath custom home just 2 blocks from the beach on a quiet cul-de-sac. Very well maintained, large bedrooms, master suite with dual showers, oversized 2-car garage with work- shop area in back bonus recreation area downstairs, and lots of storage. Large side yard with plenty of room for a pool! $875,000. GULFVIEW ARCHITECT'S DREAM HOME Executive Anna Maria home with views of the Gulf of Mexico. Experience paradise in luxury one house off the beach'on a quiet, desirable location. This home offers 3BR/ 2BA, hardwood flooring, quality doors, windows and fixtures, custom cabinetry, Corian breakfast bar, custom lighting, dumbwaiter and plenty of storage. Tastefully fur- nished with a touch of island flavor. Offered at $1,495,000. J \ a RENOVATED BEACH HOUSE WITH POOL! 300 feet from the beach! Completely renovated home with heated pool surrounded by lush, tropical land- scaping. Beautiful flooring, natural stone and red Oak. Tastefully turnkey furnished. Perfect vacation getaway and seasonal rental. $879,000. -'T ull-Bay Realty of Anna Maria Inc. 5309 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach ;/;...Sir 5^l~qei~~ ^^ ^^f^^."^ BEAUTIFUL 4BR/3BA HE Bay. Only steps to a vw Brazilian Teak hardwood two balconies and much NORTH POINT HARBOR / PAGE 22 0 JULY 6, 2005 T THE ISLANDER Simply the Best 1-"- CRACKER COTTAGE zoned commercial and only 200' to the beach. Cute as the devil. 2BR/1BA, hard- wood floors, built in 1930. Even has an attic workshop and a big backyard. $550,000. GREAT LOCATION, just five minutes to the beach. Quiet, 55-plus subdivision. Turnkey furnished, nice corner lot. "Triple-wide" 2BR/2BA with spacious enclosed lanai and spectacular fragrant jasmine over carport. Perfect winter retreat. $120,000. BAYFRONT Large 2BR/2BA, new dock and sailboat water. Also has guest cottage/mother-in-law apartment. Zoned duplex. $1,350,000. rnUEr. wU rfvllLI wonaertul noor plan. tAlmusL 3,000 sf. 2BR/2BA each floor. Views of Gulf, and bay. Large verandas for sipping mint juleps. Enjoy as is or convert to large single family in a great neighbor- hood. $799,000. . GREAT SETTING with private pond on extra lot. Remodeled 3BR two blocks to beach. The perfect get-a-way at $595,000. CUTE AS A BUTTON Remodeled 2BR/2BA. Short walk to beach. Tile floors throughout, large' living room and heated pool. $685,000. KEY ROYAL CANAL Remodeled 3BR/2BA, tile throughout, new carpet in bedrooms, all new appliances, new kitchen and bathrooms. Canal end with great view to Bimini Bay. Very large lot with room for pool or expansion. $895,000. SL---, . ' " VI GULF SANDS CONDOMINIUM Two units avail- able! 2BR/2BA direct Gulffront units, heated pool, .open porches to enjoy sunsets and a great location! Turnkey furnished. $889,000 each. Mike 800-367-1617 N m 941-778-6696 NormanI 3101 GULF DRIVE RealtyINC HOLMES BEACH www.mikenormanrealty.com Gayle Simpson Schulz... J Broker/Associate ( 7' Trust a professional with more than 20 years experi- ence to handle your real es- tate needs. S.Home Sales Property Management Commercial Leasing Vacation Rentals Jim Anderson Realty Company PO Box 1789 401-B Pine Avenue Anna Maria, FL 34216 941.778.4847 toll free 1.800.772.3235 www.jimandersonrealty.com email: jimsrealtyco@aol.com www.Islander.org] IMMACULATE KEY WEST STYLE 3BR/2BA custom home just two blocks from the beach on a quiet cul-de-sac. Very well main- tained, large bedrooms, master suite with dual showers plus oversized two-car garage with workshop area in back. Bonus recreation area downstairs and lots of storage! Large.side yard with plenty of room for a pool! $875,000. GULF VIEW TOWNHOME Fabulous Gulf views from this well- maintained 2BR/2.5BA turnkey furnished townhome. Large balconies overlook the Gulf from both floors. Weekly rentals are allowed and the property has storage, hurricane shutters and covered parking. A great value at $599,000. So. t - 5 . DELIGHTFUL ISLAND DUPLEX Great location just one block from the beach on a quiet street. Each side has 2BR with screened-in lanai. New landscaping and a fresh look! Great investment or seasonal'home with rental unit. $589,000. 44I411M I ...... .. .... HOLMES BEACH COMPOUND Two duplex's on separate lots in central Holmes Beach, just two blocks to the Gulf. Many possibilities here! Each duplex has it's own tax deed and could be sold separately by new owner. Add a pool and have a great rental complex or tear down and rebuild two custom homes in a great residential neighborhood. Offered at $1,100,000. -REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA :- 941 778-0455 Ken Jackson, 778-6986 9906 Gulf Drive Kathy Geeraerts, 778-0072 Anna Maria Maureen Dahms, 778-0542 www.greenreal.com Marilyn Klemish, 778-7627 www.isiander.org ANNA MARIA ISLAND REAL ESTATE LLC ISLAND TOWNHOUSE 2BR/1.5BA courtyard-patio town house. Central Holmes Beach, very close to shopping, restaurants and beach. Open plan, breakfast bar, front and rear porches, balcony, renovated. Excellent rental. No condo fees. $469,000. DIRECT GULFFRONT CONDO 1BR/1.5BA Seaside Beach House condo. Turnkey furnished in intimate, private complex with gorgeous view of Gulf. Very nicely furnished, Sautillo tile, beau- tiful walking beach, heated pool, excellent rental. $799,900. PERICO ISLAND CONDO 2BR/2BA Turnkey condo. Nicely furnished in great Westside location. Close to Anna Maria Island beaches. Heated pool, tennis, clubhouse with fitness room, carport. Short drive to shopping and restau- rants. $359,900. GULFFRONT WATERS EDGE 2BR/2BA Gulffront condo. Fabulous view of Gulf and gorgeous walking beach. Turnkey furnished, updated, ceramic tile. Excellent mid-island location. Pool, secured lobby, under-building parking. One of the Island's finest locations. Call to see. $1,100,000. PLAYA ENCANTADA 2BR/2BA Elegant condo in superb Gulffront com- plex. Beautifully turnkey furnished, totally renovated. This is an outstanding unit in one of the Island's fin- est condominiums. Jacuzzis, tennis, secured heated pool, under-building parking. Gorgeous walking beach. $879,900. TERRA CEIA WATERFRONT 2-3BR/3BA Waterfront home on Terra Ceia Bay. Updated, open floor plan, new kitchen and master bath, ceramic tile, caged in-ground pool, metal roof, boat dock. Gorgeous view. $739,900. ANNUAL RENTALS From $700 / month SEASONAL RENTALS Condos/Homes: $500 week / $1,000 month 779-0202 (800) 732-6434 ANNA MARIA ^*^ ISLAND Ic"s SMrs SiSCoast REAL ESTATE LLC Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com THE ISLANDER 0 JULY 6, 2005 M PAGE 23 By Rick Catlin Denise is back Falling in love with Anna Maria Is- land was easy for massage therapist Denise Lehocki, who has lived in the area for 25 years and has 14 years expe- rience in massage therapy. After working at West Coast Mas- sage in Anna Maria, Denise was deter- mined to start her own massage center, and when West Coast closed several months ago, she did just that. Denise recently 'opened Body & Mind Massage at the same location as West Coast at 9908 Gulf Drive in Anna T1.s '\lir.sa't: tihr/L pi is D n-ise Lt'hoc.i is all smiles as ihe recently opened lhe Body & Mind Massage at 9908 Gulf Drive in Anna Maria, site of the former West Coast Massage. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin I ' Happy 4 Dr. Colleen Healy, right, and husband/business partner Todd, celebrate the fourth anniversary of their Longboat Cardiology Clinic. Longlgoat Cardiology is at 5650 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key, and can be reached at 383-7300. Islander Photo: N.ancy Ambrose Maria, where the old post office was located. "I love it here. I wanted to stay, es- pecially since I'm now an Island resi- dent. So, I was realll happy that I could open Body & Mind Massage on the Is- land," she said. Indeed, she's already heard from several former clients % ho have,wel- conied her back to.:the Island. "Once I got to the Iland, I never wanted to leave. It's so peaceful and re- laxing, and there's such a great energy here. Tliat' exactly\ what we are at Body & Mind." Hours of operation are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and Satur- days by appointment. For more informa- tion, call Denise at 914-4265. Ocean's award Ocean-Aire Conditioning at 401 Eighth St. S. in Bradenton was recently\ named one of the top retail credit deal- ers in the country by Wells-Fargo Finan- cial Retail Credit. The Wells-Fargo program allows consumers the opportunity for financing on residential air conditioning and re- placement. For more information on Ocean- Aire, call 746-4191. Real estate sales 101-109 N. Bay Blvd.. Anna Maria a 277x1 17 vacant commercial lot was sold 06, 13/05, AMI Holding Inc. to LBK Realty LLC for $3.200,000. : 104 Park A\e.. Anna Mara. a 3.762 sfla / 4,674 slur 5bed'4bath/2car Gullront pool home built in 1959 on a 112x145 lot was sold 06/16/05, Chapman to Real Estate Parking Co. for $2,200,000; list $2,175,000. 727 N. Shore Drive, Anna Maria, a 1,564 sfla / 3,019 sfur 3bed/2bath Gulffront home built in 1976 on a 32,147sq/ft lot was sold 06/13/05, Thomas to Gulf Coast Park- ing Co. for $1,700,000. 2516 Avenue A, Bradenton Beach, a 1,380 sfla / 2,222 sfur 2bed/2bath/2car bayfront home built in 1980 on a 70x100 lot was sold 06/17/05, Ellis to McDonald for $1,100,000; list $1,390,000. 623 Concord Lane, Holmes Beach, 1,718 sfla / 2,680 sfur 4bed/3bath/2car canalfront pool home built in 1967 on a 100x115 lot was sold 06/15/05, Newhart to Hynds for $780,000. 2203 Avenue C, Unit B, 2203 Ave C, Bradenton Beach, a 2,148 sfla / 3,251 sfur 3bed/3bath condo built in 2004 was sold 06/ -13/05, Woods to Dimarco for $675,000. 6200 Flotilla Dr., Unit 304, Westbay Point & Moorings, Holmes Beach a 985.sfla / 1,377 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1979 was sold 06/13/05, Allen to Varga for $510,000; list $519,000. 408 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, a vacant 66x110 commercial lot was sold 06/15/05, Gryboski to Agnelli for $480,000. 501 Gulf Drive N., Unit 103, Bridgeport, Bradenton Beach, a 1,000 sfla / 1,075-sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1982 was sold 06/ 15/05, Mitchell to Overmeyer for $463,000; list $475,000. 202 67th St., Holmes Beach, a 1,187 sfla / 1,968 sfur 2bed/2bath/1car home built in 1968 on a 56x102 lot was sold 06/13/05, Benike to Gerbis for $450.000; lst $489,000. 3100 Gulf Drive, Unit 5, The Terrace, Holmes Beach an. 884 sfla /1,080 sfla 2bed/ 2bath condo built in 1982 was sold 06/16/05, Nystedt to Leggat for $450,000; list $459,000. 301 Manatee Ave., Holmes Beach, a vacant 60x100 residential lot was sold 06/ 14/05, McLaughlin to Bond for $375,000. 214 Spring Ave., Anna Maria, a vacant 52x145 residential lot was sold 06'17/05, Sandmcor LLC to Wellum for $365,000; list $399,900. 431 62nd St., Holmes Beach, a 688 sfla / 703 sfur bed'1 bath villa built in 1966 on a 27x97 lot was sold 06/16/05, Brownewell to Searle for $305,000; list $315,000.. Jesse Brisson. broker associate at Gulf-Bay Realty ol Holmes Beach. can be reached at (94 1.) 713-4755 direct, or at Gulf-Bay (94 11 778-7244. Current Island real estate trans- actions may also be irened online at i irlw. islander. org. Copyright 2005. Mike - Norman ^*4^ Realty mNC i;. 3101 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, FL 34217 (941) 778-6696 Office (941) 778-4364 Fax Kathy Caserta 1-800-367-1617 Toll-Free (941) 778-6943 Home Realtor, GRI, CRS (941) 704-2023 Cell SALES & RENTALS 419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291 EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294 VINTAGE ISLAND HIDEAWAY SO CLOSE TO THE GULF YOU S. ., CAN HEAR THE SURF! ,. '" .' ; ^" ,' ,,._. ,n -- l& '**. *^*e This delightful 4BR.'3BA captivating --- .i.r. island retreat is situated on two ',, ' platted lots located directly across the . street from the beach! Amenities : .- if include lush tropical landscaping and blooming flowers, a wonderful stone fireplace, soaring cathedral ceilings of knotty tongue-in-groove pine, loft area with adjoining mother-in-law apartment, French doors and a wonderful secluded lanai. This choice, high and dry hideaway offers unlimited possibilities for expansion or renovation. Priced at $750,000 for the home and $500,000 for the buildable lot. VIDEoCI Visit our Web site at www.betsyhills.com BROCHURE our site Property Management and Leasing ,1lanatere LS as of 06'/6'l05 Total Island Properties For Sale: 193 f SFR. Condo. Duple., Median Price: $845,900 Total Pending: 128 *Median Price: $699,000 Total Sold Since 1/1/05:213 Median Price: $580,000 Call us for A nuIal and Seasonal Rentals d 1EM I Gulfstream .., I yW "Realty Judy Karkhoff 941-778-7777 Realtor 866-266-9911 Realtor attended Anna Maria Elementary School, University of MN (BA) and UCLA Business School Gulfstreaeam Realty 401 Nlanatee Avenue Holmes Beach 941-778 7777 Waterfront homes and condo's from the $500,000's. Properties in all ares- some with acreage. Call for details! Barbara Ragan, 322-6203 or 545-6371 Start searching for your dream home today : without leaving your house! Let me show you how! Save time, gas and frustration. Call or e-mail me for details Richard N. Armstrong, Realtor, CRS E-mail: RichAi'RealFloridaRealEslate.com weo site www.RealFloridoRealEslore.com Direct: (941) 737-4457 Phone. (941)778-7777 N- Fax: (941) 794-0208 Toll-Free: (800) 630-7497 There is no better time and location to invest in a second home but on one of the barrier islands. Adina Husak T ". I speak English, - German. Czech and i Russian. Call me for a market 906 64th Street West in Village Green is ready analysis at 224-8448 for you! 3BR.2BA home with new roof and or 798-9567. windows, updated kitchen, tile flooring, pool E-mail: and cage. Close to beaches and in a quiet ahusak9090i 'aol.com area. Call Kathy Kelly at 730-3251 for details. ; ?\_.. .-t"i. ; ': ^ -.?* --.t,_,i .'!If *....'' & '+ .#.3ft &*i 2. .-[(- "i'i.+.ta;i. d-,Jt-,I-,1 t-r f Loc4ing r for'the er6eIt slantider LGok tGo f~wther . Th~i~ Islainder AANYWI I I I I I i i A f I c S s PAGE 24 0 JULY 6, 2005 M THE ISLANDER Young boarder continues to excel on Xtreme sports scene By Kevin Cassidy Islander Reporter Local skateboarding and surf aficionados may re- member an Islander sports story last year on then 5- year-old Lukias Cook, who was excelling in skate- boarding, wakeboarding and surfing. Lukias is now living in South Lake Tahoe, Calif., where he continues to work on his skateboarding skills in the summer be- fore switching to snowboarding in the winter. Lukias, now 6 and attending kindergarten at Sierra House Elementary, has won four skateboarding con- tests in the 10-and-under and 12-and-under age divi- sions. He competes in higher age brackets mostly be- cause there's no division for his younger age. He re- cently filmed a television commercial for Underdog skate shop and currently is sponsored by Z-flex, Under- dog, Duffs and Surfing World. Lukias thoroughly enjoys the California skate and snowboarding scene, but he does miss his friends in Florida. Friends can email Lukias at Lukias@sbcglobal.net, or visit him on the Web at www.lukiascook.freeservers.com or www.lukias.com. Skimboard contest replay The West Coast Surf Shop-BeachHouse Restau- rant skimnboarding contests accepting applications for this extremely popular event, which will take place Aug. 27 at the BeachHouse Restaurant in Bradenton Beach. Cost for the contest is $30 for an amateur and $60 for professional boarders. Competitive age categories range from the Minis (8 and under) up to the Master: (25 and up) in male/female divisions. Registration forms may be obtained at West Coast Surf Shop, 3902 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Com- pleted forms and the entry fee should be.mailed or de- livered to the surf shop. Get on board for the most exciting event of the summer! For more information, call West Coast Surf Shop at 778-1001. Key, Royale golf news Cindi Mansour shot a one-under par 31 to best Jane Winegarden (33) by two shots in.women's golf action Tuesday, June 28, at Key Royale Golf Club. Lois Biel, Joyce Reith and Teddy Morgan each shot 34, three Lutkias Cook shows good tfon 11,s e go s o l' iu lip on a ianip n Ikle snowii barin, in Sioith Lake Tahoe, Calif. llamh r PIho/ito: Courits \' Jeff Cook shots back of N lMnsour, to tie for third place. Weekly horseshoe winners The husband and wife team of Debbie and Tom Rhodes of Cortez captured the Jul\ 2 horseshoe games at Anna Maria City Hall Park. Bradenton's Ron Pepka and Bill Starrett of Anna Maria were runaway winners of the June 29 horseshoe competition. Games get under way at 9 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday morning, and are free and open to the public. Teams are drawn at random prior to the games. The park is located behind Anna Maria City Hall, at the corner of Gulf Drive and Pine Avenue. Join Her-icane golf challenge The Manatee High School Her-icanes girls' soccer n:J SEASIDE BEACH HOUSE This enchanting home looks like it came from a Coastal Living magazine. Tropical paradise with private gardens and in-ground pool. Just steps from the shores of the Gulf beaches! Offered a $1,400,000. green 44;I REAL ESTATE .; OF ANNA MARIA i 581I* -^^*^*~i 5~~..G ^ (j..:!.? Sweeping Gulf views from this 3BR/2BA home with a brand new pool. Perfect family beach house on desirable north end. Just steps to the beach. Offered at $1,295,000. Call Green Real Estate today! JUST REDUCED! NORTH LONGBOAT KEY Rarely available condo Two bedroom, two bath West of Gulf of Mexico Drive and just a short stroll to beautiful Gulf beach! $479,000 941 778-0455 www.greenreal.com 9906 Gulf Drive Anna Maria Ken Jackson, 778-6986 Maureen Dahms, 778-0542 Kathy Geeraerts, 778-0072 Marilyn Klemish, 778-7627 team is hosting a fundraising golf tournament at the Bradenton Country Club at 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 27. For $100, you can test your golf skills at Bradenton's most challenging layout in a.four-person scramble and help out the soccer program. Players who-register before the Aug. 1 deadline will receive a goody bag, cart and greens fees, a post- tourney banquet and guaranteed fun throughout the day. Also on tap are a straightest-drive contest, two closest-to-the-pin contests, a putting contest and raffles for tons of prizes. The field is limited to the first 100 golfers, so don't delay. The Her-icanes are also looking for sponsors for the tournament. For $800, your business can purchase PLEASE SEE SPORTS, NEXT PAGE ----KB---Is ^Licensed Real Estate Broke 1.k. 5i ~~~~.ik-'' AMY GORDAN REALTORR" * Dedicated o1 service * E.:xpertise in renovadlon arnd j eha.bbilit.l,:on pr:pe nies * Island, waterfront and area lifestyle specialist. Contact Amy at (941)779-1811 for all of your REAL ESTATE n6eds! The JEWEL of Gulf Cbast Real Estate 1 I S iGv- u 1 Dr v N rt i i i r SARASOTA BAYVIEW! SUPER LOCATION *. ., rupsi or single family home * I..: t.-J:d on Sarasota Bay with * ,rj.,:,'rc:.us open water views of -r,.-,iT lovese, Intracoastal and * S J-,i .'a Home consists of 4BR/ * * -I I newer kitchen and mas- .t .1, -,.j h with jacuzzi tub -and * S .-... "~ t,-..' ~:. rat docks with vacant lot * RP fB ^ m o;n IZo ,..i Offered at $959,900. * KEY ROYALE HOME * w Beautiful Key Royale home With family room, formal din- ing room and eat-in kitchen. * Located on the end of canal ---'-- and across the street from Bay. i * New tile flooring and kitchen completely remodeled with Sherry wood cabinets, corian counter tops all corian in bath. * SHeated pool overlooking canal with two-car garage. Fantastic * bay view if second addition was added. $1,200,000. * ISLAND CONVENIENCE STORE WITH GAS Super opportunity to own Island business! * * Offered at: $199,500 & Inventory. * Deborah Thrasher * RE/MAX Excellence '" ' .*(94 (941)518-7738 (941) 383-9700 DebMThrash@aol.com - ,' ** i.* *.* **'A.****'^.kw**-w:^^*-*^*.*''* ********,***, I I II I -j- F. f, - *, -I 3 , . THE ISLANDER M JULY 6, 2005 M PAGE 25 Sports CONTINUED FROM PAGE 24 the Hat Trick package, which consists of a foursome for golf and the banquet, a tee or green sign on the course and a banner to be display\ ed at all M linatee Her- icane home soccer games. A golden goal Nponsor-lsip includes a foursome aind a tee or green sign on the course for $500, or you can simply purchase a tee or- green ,i.n for the iournamenit t. r $175. To sign up your foursomle. list your four pl.i\ei. and their phone numbers with a check written out to Manatee Girls Soccer Booster and mail it to me at 3610 York Drive.,Bradenton FL 34205. For more informa- tion, call me, Her-icane Coach Cassidy, at 807-1105. Session 2 basketball camp The Anna lIaria Island Community Center's sum- mer basketball camp is now accepting application for Session 2. Players age 9-13 are encouraged to sign up for a low cost of $35 for members and $50 for non- members. Players will receive a camp jersey and tro-0 phies will be awarded for various categories of round- ball shooting, defense, sportsmanship and most im- proved player. Session 2 runs noon-2 p.m. Monday-Friday, July 18-29, except for the first day, which starts at 11 a.m. Registration deadline is July 8. For more information, contact the Center's Andy Jonatzke at 778-1908. ;E-. -. Ki-yah! Sensei Kevia BerQquist dem,,iiostrates the focus and skill it takes to break through seven cement blocks without injury. Bergquist and his "Little Dragons" class of 4- to 8-year-olds took part in the summer children's program series by exhibiting some of the basic karate moi,'vcetms., forms and wcalpons at the Island Branch Library. Bergquist,.who teaches karat at two Island loc iatio'n. emphasized to the audience of children that these tchCniillSuc t fa i-r self-defense only, and .to,,ld onlv bel practiced with a karate instructor. He told the group karattc is mincnt to keep yiou safe. not to startfights. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan A is for Adam Adam Woods displa \ his finished alphabet hlu.rr. Students in Melanie Moran's kindergarten class at Anna Maria Elementary School brought in items to repre- sent each.letter of the ulphilabt. Adam's favorite items on his chart are the ninja turtle figurine and a picture of a human skull because it /li hii\ firil name printed at the bottom. Islander Photos: Diana Bogan. A is:for Alex Alex Siegal di'pl/ i/n tiniilt d a//lli;/h L I i li-A. He nd,:l,.' i' '1 (lj1 ill .'i( .'l /I, iii hI every letter' qt t' l / L/ I'/ ll linl.l a t ll i / l/i. n 'ha .Ia Ilild .-. c l' Lc mni t i t,, m irt ad and write t/; /u tlt ,' f i lt Ip/itabt I o a "ll .ii' JilL' '1, II inll ,1hl lain ,llot111 .11E liUi i ii r11r *i._'la.<:" r In s -f -' .h - HEATHER HILLS Affordable, spacious, open, bright and well maintained 2BR/2BA home wilr large kitchen and breakfast bar. Newer appliances, air-conditioner and hot water heater. offered at $82,900. For more information... Call Piroska Planck 941-730-9667 or Laura McGeary 941-704-3708 I .6 i i .1 h- i- n j l l .ilil E : lli I,:, KEY ROYALE CANALFRONT ......,.. -' ,, , ... U i'.' '",: ; *- -i .:? : . 607 Concord Lane Super-clean 2BR/2BA beauty on big lot with water views fore and aft. Deep water canal. New lanai. Many, many extras. $795,000. Christine T. Shaw, John van Zandt, Realtors Call Chris and John 941-778-6066 REAL ESTATE 0 a ori .rca iA MAMA ISi ANtl leC. 6101.Marina Drive Holmes Beach LOWEST PRICE HOME IN ANNA MARIA 2BR/2BA elevated Key West style, convenient to activities at community center. Sharon Annis 778-3730 or 705-5915 TOTALLY RENOVATED WITH FABULOUS POOL 3BR,2BA groundlevel, completely renovated inside- must see! Large pool with enclosed patio. Barbara Eilert 962-1298 or 792-0902 2:&,onpny, ,J 2501 Gulf Drive, Bradenton Beach 'www.oldfloridarealty.com Sales/Rentals (941) 778-3377 T R T UG A I NN Property Management, Sales, Vacation Rentals office (941) 798-9191 toll free (888) 774-6880 www.surfside-realty.us BEACH RESORT .......... OAl ,m -.O F Ar job; j '7r'fuxury.. urran h.-.1 2-bedroom 2-bath aniomnwti- LIM OprtLmenLS n w mr~ilsbIe i, ilh spectacular Gull or fromul the~ privakl nil beai'tc~h tio S~I~ ~ta l`.v. iirt'J ~hiis 3 ~~~S foutniairis and garden cauarurds. Private lock wiiitlh 1.4 Xit slipts SavailabLer air.Jb. I hybJ llii I/..l IL :I. L iest internati al., -l. '1zn,;.- mi. -- - steammletenmtc -m ,,,,-, I I ~9rCr ii r 1~ 7T,;T~~ PAGE 26 0 JULY 6, 2005 M THE ISLANDER hdV.TEM.J;MM1M V *a -. FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp, crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call James Lee, (941) 795-1112 or 704-8421. ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open Tuesday, Thursday 9:30am-2pm; Saturday 9am-noon. Dollar clearance racks. 511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. (941) 779-2733. JULY SALE at NIKI'S Gifts & Antiques, Weekly specials: high fashion jewelry sets, 80 percent off; bone and shell jewelry, 70 percent off; all sterling jewelry, 50 percent off; select gifts, antiques, vintage jewelry, art, furniture, cups and saucers, Sbone china thimbles, 30 to 70 percent off. Open seven days, 9:30am-5pm. (941) 779-0729. 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. LOST & FOUND LOST: RED CANVAS portfolio photography. Lost approximately Reward! (941) 778-3330. bag with May 30. LOST: DIAMOND BRACELET. Sentimental family value. If found, please, call (941) 778-0436. Reward! REWARD FOR, information in the Waterfront Restaurant arson fire: Call the State Fire Marshal, Bureau of Fire & Arson Investigations in Tampa, S(813) 890-1904. LOOKING FOR A GOOD Wednesday's classified www.islander.org. And it's DEAL? You can read at noon Tuesday at FREE! NORTH END-Location, Location, Location! Great beach house at north end of Anna Maria. Steps to white sandy beaches of Bean Point. Two wood-burning fireplaces, one in living/family area, one in master suite that has Gulf views from screened porch. New first floor roof in 2000. Price re- duced. Seller will look at offers. $400 credit to buyer at clos- ing for replacement refrigerator. Asking price $665,000. Please call Susan Hatch/Realtor, (941) 778-7616, evenings. 5910 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach, FL 34217 Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770 1-800-741-3772 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Web site: www.smithrealtors.com ANNA MARIA ISLAND SCREENSAVER! Experience the Island on your computer desktop. Available at The Islander, or purchase online or order by mail. $12 PC or $15 Mac. www.robertsondesignstudio.com. BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a personalized brick in the Anna Maria Island But- terfly Park. Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Pick up form at The Islander or call (941) 518-4431 for more information. FREE GUN LOCK. Yes, free. Just for the asking. Courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Free at The Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be sorry, be safe. GIFT SHOP: Great mom-and-pop opportunity in outstanding resort area. Good location, good lease. Just $238,000, including inventory. Confi- dentiality agreement required for details. Longview Realty, (941) 383-6112. CRITTER SITTER nine years in pet care. 24 years as an Island resident. Lots of TLC for your beloved pets with in-home visits. (941) 778-6000. FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to foster puppies and kittens until they are old- enough for adoption. All food and medical provided. Julie, (941) 720-1411. SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander. 29Years of Professional Service YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REAL ESTATE SHOPPE. Experience Reputation Results ISLAND HIDEAWAYS AT YESTERDAY'S PRICES Three 1 BR/1 BA units at $250,000 each. One 2BR/1BA at $275,000. MARTINIQUE SOUTH Spectacular gulf and beach views from 4'hfloor 1/1 condo with ceramic floors and expanded living area. Turnkey. $629,000. MANSION IN THE SKY Bayfront 5BR/5.5BA penthouse, 5000+ sf with-guest quarters. $6,900,000. KEY ROYALE LOT 90x105. $795,000. Exclusive. 4 UNITS ANNA MA RIA Some with bay view. One 2BR, three 1BR, room for pool. Great investment. $849,000. OWNER FINANCING. TOWNHOUSE VILLA 3BR/3BA with two screened balconies and open balconies on greenbelt adjacent to bay. Spotless, tastefully decorated. Pool/gazebo. $470,000. VACATION, SEASONAL & ANNUAL RENTALS 101 PALM New Luxury Villas 5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807 yrealt7@aol.com www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com CTracioLLs ayfront Resicdenlce Dazzlitl( GTLdCto Bay Views l..l l [Ii lr l t.- I i. -l NEWLISTING Odqired ai S t39 9000 w oI ,e h I 'l y IcIIlI iiid1311- 'iV r r '''I- K m m tr uni PIA -ii jaias,-At r-rr) n -v0 r C-.UIJIYU IT m1` 1 TA-:11 m J-m P ~IN1.,r T 'Lw m mm' or.] ml, liii H~st t Ii LIrJ mmm I ii I,- 11111 II11 J:~l ll!1~1 1l1 riunwo rlle' i 5. 5c, DO Ex cellent Incomell PropetrtV Sedulctive Vaterfront x eilla t Incom Property jraIr q pi ll: coicii Ina, ,: i 1m4.11 jr t U [m miii Fm i l~ it m lIi irmil immr rn i I"- I I _, III1 I in.I, '-I mi iE i ....1 .. I) l_, -v: 5Q1r1J" j.. ii i ii lt l. ',m .11i 0..1.1 i II, I- II.I ,L _Q MM hoar hu-i: L't-fore-I It &J !-LILI VULI 'Key W~est Style" Islanci HomIies -' I.: *m iliim I mmml m _N -Q, 7 e Q fg LIOI The Ciastillia1 clO L Lotgboat ~~rf~it.T'i I i.T. ImI mi-iliod 11.11 ii j,;Inlljni (III iii-Iiiii. d I III I$A:~ ~' JII11 11111 .1111 A. ; V leroc Lony~baat K-,,. FL 34228 (4)9000 t E941)393-'543 M8001335-5543 (941) 920-0303 t, ifjtpfom : www wudebriDk.com Ich ft%che Deutsch r-Y~ A ?An%, I 1& 0, % k 4 0aa a 4 a % & & t -lssar cr\--rr a ir~i ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes. All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened. Please call (941) 922-0774. 1993 DODGE DAKOTA: Club cab; topper, towing package, cold air. 90,000 miles. $2,000 or best offer. (941) 778-6387. STEAL PEARSON-26 1973 sail cruiser. Excellent hull, clean deck and cabin. 9.9 Mercury. Honest seller must move far west. $2,900. (941) 713-4946. 27-FOOT CARVER twin 190-hp Mercruiser. Runs great, good for fishing, Ceranfield, air conditioning, water heater, shower, head, new batteries, stereo and much more! $10,000, or best offer. (941) 778-1565. 2002 SEA RAY 182 Bowrider,-like new! 18 foot, 6 inches. 190-hp stern drive, seats seven, tons of fun! Call -(941) 778-6234, or e-mail kendra@presswoodlaw.com. $12,900 or best offer. LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwa- ter fishing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle pro- vided. (941) 723-1107. NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restaurant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call (941) 778-3953. ALL POSITIONS: Caf6 on the Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Apply in person. C15 BANKORjc 1 80 7884 Want personalized service while you buy or sell property this summer? Let Carol help make your dream come true. 6016 MNanatee Avenue West, Bradenton (941) 751-1155 (800) 778-8448 Visit our Web site at www.floridamoves.com An. .iS~l nd N \- I'- Price Reduced Come to the Beach! Lowest priced single family in Bradenton Beach! 1BR/1BA turnkey furnished.. $375,000 Investment Opportunity Current two 1BR/ 1 BA rental units steps from the beach! Duplex lot can be rebuilt. Check out "Stone's Throw" and "Shooting Star" at www.annamariaparadise.corn. $749,000. Call Sue Carlson for more information on these great listings! [ 941-720-2242 941-779-9320 SAn Island Place Realty ... ,4lol Pii ve,, A1^ tv^ ^ ei T n l C C~ CI~,~F~~ ~ a-7~:. ;""~~;~. -- ii [~p~Sp 11:RT.wi ;I -THE ISLANDER M JULY 6, 2005 M PAGE 27 HEP ANE HOUSEKEEPER: 18-unit hotel. Must speak English, have own transportation, weekends a must. (941) 778-1010, ext. 0. BOAT RENTAL AGENT: Boating skills and light maintenance required. Must be available weekends. Call (941) 795-3014. BUSY CONTINENTAL RESTAURANT hiring full- or part-time servers for lunch, Sunday brunch and dinner. Wednesday-Sunday. Apply at 5406 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or call (941) 778-5320. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Meet interesting people, learn the history of the Island. Anna Maria .Island Historical Museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. (941) 778-0492. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:- Tingley Memorial Library..Duties include checking books in/out, reshelving, and generally assisting library patrons. Call Eveann Adams, (941) 779-1208.' CHILD SITTER AND PET SITTER. Ninth-grade male looking for a job. Available after school and weekends. Zachary, (941)779-9783. SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and intermediates. Free skimboard' use with lessons. $10 per half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended. Local teen, team competitor. Call (941)778-0944. BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, (941) 756 5496. NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia, (941) 761-1569. Red Cross certified. NEED A BREAK? Red Cross certified sitter. Previously head of church-nursery. Call Elyse, (941) 779-2610. Cindy M. Jones S.. GRI, CRS, Sale Associate ' DUNCAN Real Estate, Inc. 779-0304 773-9770 310 Pine Avenue Anna Maria Survivor of the Storm Charming beach house constructed on low pilings purposely to weather the storms...which it has for over 50 years! An attractive open-plan includes beamed ceilings, fireplace and slate entry. Both bedrooms and living area have magnificent views. Later renovations provide sunny kitchen and breakfast nook plus lovely deck allows direct Gulf access. Great rental now and a few cosmetic items will increase rental and rates even more. Owner motivated. Reduced $1,425,000. d Maria SINCE 1957 "We ARE the Island!e" Marie Franklin, Lie. Real Estate Broker 941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250 E-mail amrealty@verizon.net Web site www.annamariareal.com BABY-SITTER/PET-SITTER: Responsible, Red Cross certified, 14 and 19 years old. Experienced with kids and pets. Island references. Hilary or Natalie, (941) 778-5181. C&P: KIDS 4 Hire. Bathe, walk, sit your pet; weed, water, sweep your garden; provide light housework. $5/hour. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. (941) 778-1147. WANT AN IRISH baby-sitter? Call Gemma, responsible, experienced 15-year-old. Red Cross and first-aid certified. (941) 447-9657. SANDBAGS DELIVERED: Be prepared. Local teen will make and deliver sandbags to your Island residence. Spencer, (941) 778-0944 to order. MAN WITH SHOVEL Plantings, natives, patio gardens, trimming, clean-up, edgings, maintenance. Hard-working and responsible. Excellent references. Edward (941) 778-3222. LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint- ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine Car Service. Serving the Islands. (941) 778-5476. . COMPUTER OBEDIENCE TRAINING. Is your computer misbehaving? Certified computer service and private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. (941) 545-7508. ISLAND .PRESSURE CLEANING for great results, wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable, reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. (941) 778-0944. ONLINE SERVICE: Did you know you can place classified ads and subscribe online with our secure server? Check it out at www.islander.org. Your European Connection! Claudia Hoffmann , REALTOR If you have friends in Europe who' are interested in property on the island or in town, contact Claudia. She will help them in English or German to under- stand the process of owning a home in Florida. You can reach Claudia at WAGNER REALTY 3403 El Conquistador Parkway in Bradenton 941-751-0670 or 941-448-4756 ClaudiaHoffmann@WagnerRealty.com CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist. Experienced certified technician for communication electronics offers wireless and cable networks, upgrades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and training. Call Robert, (941) 778-3620. CALL DAN'S RESCREEN for your free estimate today. Affordable rates, quality work guaranteed. Pool cages, lanais, windows, doors. Call (941)' 713-5333. TOM'S WINDOWS: Door and window repair/ replacement. Plus, get your hurricane panels now! Cut, primed and installed with easy-mount fasteners. $85/sheet, first story. (941) 730-1399. E-mail metrohs @ msn.com. J&S CLEANING: Rentals, move-ins, move-outs, hotels, inns, residential, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or one-time cleaning. Reasonable rates. Reliable, local references. Call (941) 538-9092 or 526-6002. RESIDENTIAL CLEANING: Move in/out, vacation rentals, commercial, new construction. Reasonable rates. For free estimate, call Sylvia.or Pedro. (941) 723-3874. SCOTT'S HELPING HANDS: Odd jobs, honey-do list, clean up, packing and moving, light hauling, hang pictures. How may I help you? Scott, (941) 538-0664. PERSONAL CHEF has two openings. Let us shop and cook for you. Call (941) 527-6863 for a consultation. Please, ask for Frank. PHOTOGRAPHER: Kelley Ragan. Quality portraits, weddings, beach photography, babies, even pets! Reasonable. (941) 447-8892. CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org ! LTD MORTGAGE INC. The Oldest Mortgage Co. on Anna Maria Island Linda G. Davis Ted E. Davis Licensed Mortgage Brokers Conforming and jumbo loans. 1st and 2nd mortgages. SNo closing cost home equity lines of credit. 100% purchase money mortgages. Residential and commercial mortgages. Private money available for those hard-to-place loans. SH!i B h(941) 779-2113 I ,- n.m ?502 72nd Street Holmes Beach REA ESTTE PPO TUNTIE FRCANA ARI AN BEON 37 -r -1 ,' r AS FEATURED ON BRITISH TELEVISION. Welcome to a one-of-a-kitd bayfront paradise! Imaginative and delightfully playful custom home located on the south end of Anna Maria Island just one block from the Gulf. This stunning residence features artisan details throughout, and the creative use of natural materials, light and color blend together to create an authentic work of art. Highlights include a boat dock, new seawall, Indonesian courtyard with spectacular water wall and open pool with waterfall, private and separate guest quarters, hand-tooled teak kitchen cabinets, Australian granite, hand-painted tiles, hand-plastered walls, hand-carved Indian doors, circular stairways and balconies, and 360-degree water views from the office hide- away. Sarasota MLS #271645, Manatee MLS #505567 Offered at $2,590,000 Virtual Tours & Photos www.skysarasota.com SKY Sothe INTERNATIONAL ONLY ONE UNIT LEFT! HURRY BEFORE PRICES GO UP! STILLTIMETO CHOOSE COLORS AND STYLE. Brand new Key We'V t ishlnd style home in Holmes Br-ach with tropical pool. hrh.-,.i custom finishes, open design,3 BR,2 BA ReA3dp In just 3 months' SAR #273743 Offered at $791,000 aso;rvhehysrealhyx(om *1 I, Terry Hayes' by'4 366(8777 L REALTY - -- --- _.,___- ,, PAGE 28 M JULY 6, 2005 M THE ISLANDER ILANC ASIDS Continud 9- HOE-IM OVEME NT In Residential Commercial Check our references: - "Quality work at a reasonable price." Licensed/Insured Serving Anna Maria Island Since 1986 761-8900 Paradise Improvements 778-4173 Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist S -. Replacement Doors and Windows Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault SFully Licensed and Insured Island References Lic#CBC056755 ,kWAGNER REALTY " LL17 CULF DRIVE NO TH l* IBRADENTON BEACH, fI 14217 . I\M.C: 1939 HADOLD SMALL REALTOR. "-' Office: (941) 778-2246 792- 8628 E-mail: haroldsmall@wagnerrealty.com BAY WEST L LAUNDRY On vacation or just hate doing laundry? Why bother? BAY WEST WILL PICK-UP, LAUNDER AND DELIVER. Full Service Wash/Dry/Fold/Iron PU/Delivery Self Service Cool & Clean 627 59th St. W. Bradenton 720-3622 FIVE STAR AUTO BODY Dodge Volkswagen Hyundai General Motors European Asian Specialist (941) 751-0122 or 756-5152 4901 15th Street East Bradenton L,',- j ISLAND LUMBER AN HARDWARE 213 54th St., Holmes Beach 778-3082 OPEN: MONDAY thru FRIDAY 7:30 to 5* SATURDAY 8 to 12 F 1r Scott's Helping Hands I Call me for all your odd jobs and errands Home Clean Up Yard Work Shopping Light Hauling Petsitting Honey-Do's Window Cleaning & More References Available oddjobsbyscott@yahoo.com 538-0664 We service all makes/Flat rate pricing Free replacement estimates Indoor air quality-UV, Hepa, Duct sanitizing * Maintenance (941) 746-4191 DOCEAN-AIRE CONDITIONING, INC. -3 1 CAC1814449 THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE I massage in the peace, quiet and convenience of )our horne! , More than 10 )ears on L-, Anna Maria Island. 9 Call Nadia 941.795.0887 pi..j .Anyone can take a picture. A professional creates a portrait. ELKA PHOTOGRAPHIC 941-778-2711 www.jackelka.com MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet. Beginning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, (941) 792-0160. MURALIST, Mark Burdette. Custom murals, interior . or exterior, landscapes and more. (941) 447-9637. BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigeration. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call William Eller, (941) 795-7411. RA005052. ,ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional creates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www.jackelka.com. (941) 778-2711. NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing massage in the comfort of your home. Call today for an appointment; (941) 795-0887. MA#0017550. TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years experience. References available: For a reasonable price, call Sebastian, (941) 704-6719.,. AUTO DETAILING BY HAND Spotless inside and out. I can save you time and money. Island resident, references. For pricing, call (941) 713-5967.: CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, landscaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. (941) 778-5294. ISLAND LAWN-SPRINKLER service and repair. If it is broken, we can:fix it. Free estimates. Senior discount. Call (941) 778-2581 or 962-6238.: JR'S LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE Lawns, native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup. Island resident 25 years. Call (941) 807-101,5. CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING: Quality lawn and landscape maintenance. Great rates. Excellent Island references. Also planting and landscapes. Call (941) 778-2335 or 284-1568. PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN and installation. Huge selection of plants, shrubs and trees. Irrigation. Everything Under the Sun Garden Centre, 5704 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-4441. SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $35/yard. Hauling: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free estimates. Call Larry at (941) 795-7775, "shell phone" (941) 720-0770. KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean-ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City of Anna Maria resident. Cell (941) 448-3857. NATURE'S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation: Tropical landscape specialist. Residential and commercial. 30-years experience. (941) 729-9381. STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Installs, clean- ups, shell, rock, palms, aquascapes, tree work. Truck for hire, move anything. Shark Mark (941) 727-5066. VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island references. Bill, (941) 795-5100. JOE UNGVARSKY CONSTRUCTION Remodeling contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed and insured. Many Island references. (941) 778-2993. License #CRC 035261. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING free estimates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at (941) 778-1730. CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island service since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certifying back flow at water meters. (FL#RF0038118) (941) 778-3924 or 778-4461. (F# F0038118)'~~~'~' _ TILE TILE TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, (941) 726-3077. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remodel- ing, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCardNisa. (941) 720-0794. CUSTOM RENOVATION/RESTORATION ex- pert. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Insured. Member of Better Business Bureau. Paul Beauregard, (941) 779-2294. KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and shutters. Insured and licensed, (941) 748-4711. TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed. Why pay retail? Island resident, many references. Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor Coverings. (941) 792-1367, or 726-1802. MORENO MARBLE & TILE Installation and restoration. Quality work. Over 20 years experience. Insured. Call Javier at (941) 685-5163 or 795-6615. JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handyman, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pressure washing and tree trimming. Call (941) 778-6170 or 447-2198. HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICE: '- Bill MacCaughern. Repairs, renovations, kitchens, bathrooms, decks. Masonry, tile, painting. 30 years experience. Yes, I do show up! (941) 778-3904. INTERIOR SURFACE RENOVATION:-Drywall repairs, hand and spray texturing, acoustic ceilings, painting, tiling and shower doors. Clean, honest, reliable. Free estimate. Credit cards accepted. F.A.W. Remodeling, (941) 586-4695. Cr,, ,L V. JOHNSON JR. Inc. building contractor. New homes, additions, renovations. Quality work and fair prices. Call (941) 795-1947. Lic#RR0066450. WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more. Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in-home consultation. Island references, 15 years experience. (941) 778-3526 or 730-0516. ANNUAL RENTALS: 1BR/1BA-Holmes Beach, $665/month; 2BR/2BA Gulffront condo, $2,000/ month; new 2BR/2BA riverfront condo, $1,300/ month. Call Fran Maxon Real Estate, (941) 778-2307 for details. RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal. Wedebrock Real Estate Co., (941) 778-6665 or (800) 749-6665. CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org I I m a 1 . 1 g-1 S"Copyrighted Material 0 ,Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" I I nued I EU I SFael ='La VACATION RENTALS: 2BR apartments across from beautiful beach, $375 to $500/week. Winter and spring dates available. Almost Beach Apartments, (941) 778-2374. VACATION & SEASONAL Private beach. Units are complete. Rates seasonally adjusted. $425- $975/week, $975-$2,975/month. (800) 977-0803 or (941) 737-1121. www.abeachview.com. POOL HOME AVAILABLE for vacation let. Near Holmes Beach, 3BR/2BA with all amenities. Man- aged by Coastal Properties Realty, (941) 794-1515. SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR (two master suites)/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/ dryer, garage, designer furnished with tropical yard setting. One of the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/weekly or $6,000/monthly. Call 713-0034 or e-mail: gamiller@tampabay.rr.com. WEEKLY RENTALS: SAN Remo condo, 1BR/ 1BA, $500/week; Alecassandra villa, 1BR/1 BA, $700/week; island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; Northwest Bradenton home, 3BR/3BA, $950/. week; Gulffront cottage,. 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach Club, 2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call Cristin Curl at Wagner Realty, (941) 778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com. GULFFRONT CONDOS: 3BR/2BA, 2BR/2BA, 1BR/1BA with breathtaking sunsets. -Pools,- Jacuzzi, walk to shops and restaurants. Available weekly, -monthly, seasonal. (901) 301-8299 or e-mail captko462 @ aol.com. MARINERS COVE: Ann'ual unfurnished 3BR/ 2.5BA bayfront unit with fabulous views arid 2,158 sf of living area. Gated community with heated pool, tennis, elevator and protected deep-water b6at dock. Call Dave Moynihan,:Realtor/owner, (941) 778-2246 or 720-0089. SVACATION RENTALS in the Village of Cortez. Adorable 2BR updated apartments in a very quiet setting. Walk and bicycle the 75 acres of pres- .ervation trails around the village. Stroll to great lo- cal fish, restaurants and still only one mile to the beach! Well behaved pets allowed. Call Carol, Green Real Estate, for more information, (941) 778-0455. ANNUAL 2BR/2BA ELEVATED duplex in Holmes Beach, one block from beach. $950/month plus utilities, no pets. First, last month, plus security. References. Call Ed, (860) 227-5142. ANNUAL RENTALS: 2BR/1BA, carport, washer/ dryer hookup, $900/month; 2BR/2BA, tile floors, $725/month; 1BR/1BA, washer/dryer hookup, $675/month. No pets. Dolores M. Baker Realty, (941) 778-7500. SEASIDE BUNGALOW: Summer rates $1,800/ month, $500/week. One short block to Anna Maria City Pier. Very cute! 2BR/1BA, pet friendly. Call Carol, Green Real Estate, for more information. (941) 778-0455. THE ISLANDER. The best news on Anna Maria Island since 1992. SPACIOUS ISLAND VILLA:. 2BR/2BA split plan with Florida room, garage and laundry. 1,300-plus sf. Fruit trees, walk to White Avenue beach. Annual, $1,275/month. Unfurnished. (941) 745- 0959 or 778-1589. ANNUAL: HOLMES BEACH 3BR/2BA home with large boat dock on canal. Walk to beach. (941) 545-6118. BRADENTON BEACH duplex on Intracoastal water. Dock davits, laundry, modern with all appliances. First, last, security. Annual $1,100/ month. (727) 784-3679. WANTED: WINTER seasonal rental. Prefer pool, dock and garage. (715) 747-3111. PALMA SOLA BAY: Turnkey furnished 2BR/2BA townhouse. Pool, boat dock. $500/week, or call for monthly rate. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. 1 BR/1 BA DOWNTOWN Sarasota, theater district. Palm Avenue, Francis Carleton. Annual. $1,300/ month including water, cable, washer/dryer. (941) 685-8108. WE ARE BOOKING rentals for 2006. Wide variety of condos and houses starting at $1,500/ month. Annual rental, Perico Bay Club, 2BR/2BA condo, pool, tennis, small pet OK, $975/month; Ironwood, 2BR/2BA condo on golf course, $1,000/ month; Sandy Pointe, 2BR/2BA, furnished, pool, seven-month rental, $1,100. SunCoast Real Estate, (941)-779-0202. www.suncoastinc.com. ANNUAL RENTAL: GULFFRONT complex, large 1 BR/1BA with glass enclosed lanai, ground-level unit, pools, no pets. $850/month. Call Carla Price, (941) 720-8746,-Bark & Co. Realty Inc. DUPLEX: 2BR/2BA, elevated, two miles from beach. $825/month. :First, last, plus $1,000 security. (941) 387-0817. ANNUAL:-2BR/1 BA, Anna, Maria, washer/dryer, newly remodeled,,steps to beach, shopping and restaurants, Available July 15. $950/month. 1941) 778-5482. THE "CASTLE ON Beach Avenue" Anna Maria. El- egant 4BR/3BA French Normandy home, two houses from beach on quiet street. Available now through May 2006. Inquire (941) 794-8202. ANNUAL RENTALS: 1BR/1BA ground-level apartment, $850/month; 2BR/2BA canal home, un- furnished; 2BR/2BA, Gulfview, top-floor apartment. Betsy Hills Real Estate, P.A., (941) 778-2291, or e-mail Jason @ betsyhills.com. ANNUAL CONDOS: BAYVIEW Terrace. Pool on bay, one block to beach, ground level. Nonsmoking, no pets. 1 BR $900/month, and 2BR $1,200/month. (941) 752-1737. DIRECT GULFFRONT HOME: Elevated 2BR/1BA with pristine beach right out your back door. $1,900/ month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander. THE ISLANDER 0 JULY 6, 2005 0 PAGE 29 PJ/ JVT bVG yAEaine'effenfau/ "Professional Excellence" Residential-Commercial Interior'& Exterior Serving the Islands since 1969. '77 8-594 After 5 Call Licensed and Insured 778-3468 SJames King Painting & Renovation For all your home improvement needs (941) 778-8431 Licensed & Insured The Paver Brick Store 8208 Cortez Road W. Bradenton 34210 (941) 794-6504 9:00 AM til Noon, or by Appointment Pool Deck, Patio and Driveway Renovations Design Build LONGBOAT KEY PAINTING & DESIGN, INC. Faux painting Cabinet refinishing SFurniture restoration Custom painting Jackson Holmes, owner (941) 812-3809 Watts Towing 24-Hour Towing All accidents S* Break Downs Special Requests : 751-0122 756-5152 After Hours 737-6089 Junllior's ;Ilidscape & Maaintentnce Lawn care PLUS native plants. 'T mulch, trip, hauling and cleanup. ' Call Junior, 807-1015 4C7 - FEEL LIKE A DAY ON THE TOWN? ,/ 7 Find out what's going on in Thl Islander . r--------------------------------------- HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance. 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Date Name shown on card: Billing address zip code: House no. or post office box no. on bill E-Mail address: [for renewal purposes only] The Islander... Fax: 941 778-9392 5404 Marina Drive Phone: 941 778-7978 Holmes Beach FL 34217 Islander E-mail classifieds@islander.org ---- -- ---------------- ---- -- ------- Just visiting paradise? The slander SINCE 1992 Don't leave the Island without taking time to subscribe. You'll get ALL the best news, delivered by the mailman every week. Visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach or call 941-778-7978. Online edition: www.islander.org HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR .EMPLOYMENT Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next class: July 11 *National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services www.atsn-schools.com PAGE 30 E JULY 6, 2005 U THE ISLANDER SL A N D EC L A SS I FE D RETL-otnudIRA SATE Continue jF L-RPA, OT-O-SATERAL SAT MARINER'S COVE: waterfront 3BR, dock, pool, tennis. Four years new! Gated, beautifully fumished. Available until Nov. 1. (616) 457-2275. NEWLY REMODELED EFFICIENCY in Holmes Beach. All new tile floors, paint, bathroom and more. $625/month. Call Island, Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. ANNUAL: HOLMES BEACH 3BR/2BA with garage. No pets. (941) 778-7039. BAYFRONT PERICO BAY Club: 2BR/2BA light and bright condo. Gated community features pools, tennis and clubhouse. Assigned, covered parking a plus! $1,200/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. ANNUAL BEACHFRONT: 2BR/1BA Shell Cove condo. Tile, updated, unfurnished. Immediate occu- pancy. $1,300/month. Mt. Vernon Property Manage- ment. Bonnie Bissett, (941) 957-4677,-ext. 259. SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals: 1BR/1BA or 2BR/1.BA with pool. Walk to beach, shopping, restaurants. (941) 778-3426. Web site 2spinnakers.com PRECONSTRUCTION PRICES! Hidden Lake cpn- dominiums, west Bradenton. Close to beach. Start- ing at $309,900. Call Cori Woods, (941) 761-0444. LONGBOAT KEY HOME north end. Custom 3BR/ 2BA two-car garage. Home in the historic village. Steps to Sarasota Bay and Gulf beaches. Features large master suite with 15-foot open beam ceiling. French doors, sun deck, wet bar, fridge, hot tub, separate entrance. Updated kitchen and fireplace. $739,000. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. Countrywide Home Loans is close by and ready to help you get the home of your dreams. Competitive rates. SLocal experts with the power to say "YES" to your home loan. SUp-front approval* at the time of application. SAs little as no-to-low down payment options available to make qualifying easier. SLoan amounts to $6 million. l Construction financing available. Pam Voorhees Home Loan Consultant 401 Manatee Ave. W. Holmes-Beach J._! ,. 2 pam voorhees@countrywide.com SCountrywide HOME LOANS (941) 586-8079 DESIRABLE ANNA MARIA lot west of Gulf Drive. 50 by 110 feet. 117 Willow Ave. (813) 335-3680. Asking $460,000. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. Must see the beautiful, peaceful mountains of western mountains. Homes, cabins, acreage, investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy, N.C. www.cherokeemountainrealty.com. Call for free brochure (800) 841-5868. ATTENTION INVESTORS: Waterfront lots in the foothills of North Carolina. Deep-water lake with 90 miles of shoreline. 20-percent redevelopment dis- counts and 90-percent financing. No payments for one year. Call now for best selection. www.nclakefrontproperties.com (800) 709-LAKE. NORTH CAROLINA Mountain property, Gated com- munity with private river and lake access. Swim, fish, hike. From $20,000 to $70,000. Perfect for log cabin. (800) 699-1289 or www.riverbendlakelure.com. NEW MEXICO: 20 acres, $34,900. Scenid region, views, canyons, trees, rolling hills, wildlife. Enjoy hunting, hiking, horses, great climate. Power, great access. 100 percent financing. Call (877) 822- LAND! LAKEFRONT BARGAINS starting at $89,900. Gor- geous lakefront parcels. Gently sloping, pristine shoreline, spectacular views. Across from national forest on 35,000-acre recreational lake in east Ten- nessee. Paved roads, underground utilities, central water, sewer. Excellent financing. Call now, (800) 704-3154, ext. 617. Sunset Bay LLC. MkYuMoWihaiS A pristine, gated club community with pools, hot tubs, tennis and activities. Only two miles to the Gulf beaches. ALL SOLD Our! Please call me to get in line for new listings! EQUAL HOUSING LENDER 2003 COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. TRADE/SERVICE MARKS ARE THE ,R I PROPERTY OF COUNTRYWIDE FINANCIAL CORPORATION AND/OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES. ADD APPROPRIATE ."' STATE, LEGAL. UP-FRONT APPROVAL SUBJECT TO SATISFACTORY PROPERTY REVIEW AND NO CHANGE IN FINANCIAL CONDITION. SOME PRODUCTS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE IN ALL STATES. PRICES AND GUIDELINES I EI ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. RESTRICTIONS APPLY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Welcome toPaadiseundresofPoprtestCrm 5201GulfDriveHolmeBac,- Li t18 2 NEW TENNESSEE LAKE property from $19,900! Seven-acre parcel, $34,900. Lake parcel and log cabin package, $54,900. (866) 770-5263, ext 8, for details. GEORGIA: BERRIEN COUNTY, 327 +/- acres. Excel- lent recreation and hunting property. Worth County, 369 +/- acres. Outdoorsman.dream property. For more information, State-Wide Realty & Auction, (866) 700- 7253 or www.state-wideauction.com. GEORGIA COAST: Large wooded access, marsh- front and golf-course homesites. Gated with tennis, kayaking, canoeing. Limited availability. Mid $70s and up. Call today (877) 266-7376. GRAND OPENING! Lakefront acreage from $69,900. Pay no closing costs! July 30-31. Spectacular new wa- terfront community on one of the largest, cleanest mountain lakes in America! Large, estate-size parcels, gentle slope to water, gorgeous woods, panoramic views. Paved roads, county water, utilities. Lake ac- cess from $29,900. Low financing. Call now, (800) 564- 5092, ext. 215. Restrictions apply. GRAND OPENING! Winding River Preserve II-July 30- 31. Ocala/Gainesville area. 20 acres from $195,000. 100 acres from $450,000. New, semi-private, gated community featuring parcels with frontage on the Wacassassa River. Gorgeous woodlands teeming with deer and turkey. Save up to $20,000! Great financing. Call toll .free (866) 352-2249, ext. 517, or www.fllandbargains.com. FLORIDA BUILDING Blowout. Florida product ap- proved, 30 by 40, 40 by 60, 40 by 100. Limited offer! (800) 300-2470, ext. 4. www.allbldg.com. BUILDING SALE! Rock Bottom Prices! 20 by 30, now $2,900; 30 by 40, $5,170; 40 by 50 $8,380; 40 by 60, $10,700; 50 by 100, $15,244; others. Ends/accesso- ries optional. Priced to Sell! Pioneer, (800) 668-5422. of Anna Maria Inc. 778-7244 -5309 c- d -d_4e \^^ b'ea c ?a d 342/\ *-"-&^,j BEST BUY ON LONGBOAT KEY! Beautifully maintain 2BR/2BA'unit in Spanish Main. Clubhouse, pool, putting greei boat docks and private beach access. 55-plus. Reduced to $330,00( Call Robin Kollar (941) 713-4515 AW. SPECTACULAR BAYVIEW CONDO 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished with good rental history. Large fishing pier and community boat dock. Laundry room in unit. $589,000. Contact Dave Vande Vrede, 778-4800. SPACIOUS ISLAND CONDO 2BR/2BA with freshly painted and new carpet. Heated pool, tennis courts and boat access. Close to beaches and shopping. $349,000. Contact Cindy Grazar, 778-4800. WESTBAY POINT & MOORINGS 2BR/2BA upstairs with covered parking space. Pool, tennis and hot tub close by. Tiled entry and kitchen. Glass-enclosed lanai. $440,000. Dick Maher or Dave Jones, 778-4800. Sf .. . SHOREWALK BATH AND TENNIS CLUB 2BR/2BA ground-floor end unit, light and bright! Low condo fees with fabulous amenities. $189,000. Nicole Skaggs, 778-4800. BREATHTAKING 2BR/2BA condo with breathtaking view of Gulf and beach. Deeded beach access. Upstairs unit with parking below. $925,000. Contact Quentin Talbert, 778-4800. DON'T MISS THIS ONE! Completely remod- eled island duplex. 3BR/2BA on both sides. Beautiful ceramic tile throughout this breezy floorplan. Kitchens and baths newly updated, too. Turnkey and already rented for the season. $1,400,000. Call Dave Jones at 713-4800. SIDE-BY-SIDE LAKEFRONT PROPERTIES IN ANNA MARIA! BUY ONE OR BOTH! Why buy "half" when you can have entire duplex for the same price? 302 North' Shore Dr 3+BR/3BA with .300 North-Shore Dr 4BR/2.5BA 1BR/1BA apartment. Five-car garage, duplex with five-car garage. Private one short block to beach. Seawall and open decks, large picture windows, dock. Zoned duplex. Extras! Asking great views of lake. Asking $850,000. MLS 502321. $750,000. MLS 502297. Call Stephanie Bell, (941) 920-5156, or Frank Migliore, (941) 778-2307. SERVING THE AREA SINCE 1970 ML o I I I~ --I II L-- ----~--p-- STRAIGHT TALK I believe that Real Estate is a business that requires clear communication. If you appreciate someone who believes in talking straight, give me a call today..Find out why I am one of the area's leading Real Estate professionals. Nicole Skaggs Island Specialist A Paradise Realty 5201 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 941-778-4800 Toll Free: 800-237-2252 to. ',' - S "" A Tropical Island ,1'--..' .i vacation in 9 ^._ ^ Your Own Backyard! I YOU have to see this property to truly appreciate it's uniqueness. 3BR/2BA, 2880 sq. ft. custom designed pool home with gourmet kitchen in Holmes Beach Six-foot privacy fence surrounds this lushly landscaped island paradise! Deeded boat slip with dock included so bring your boat. Home Warranty provided. Don't miss this one! (941) 795-4700 www.bradentonhomes.net ZO '- _':"- -. .... -- .- K *' j" i _.+ -' +.'' ',e: .+. "' """ + + "I Top Prolffislun Realloor 9 4 1 7 05- 7 Tollt Free. 1 i 6s.5-59 ad TIu IR T REia _ol.con I PRICE REDUCTIONS IR BRIDGEPORT DIRECT GULF VIEW: S; Ride the elevator to the top floor for awesome -.--r gulf views from this light and bright 2 BR/2 BA turnkey furnished condo. SLounge in the heated Pool or relax on your ... balcony and watch the sunset. $679,000 BAYVIEW TERRACE: Own a piece of paradise with this nicely turnkey furnished 1 BR ground floor condo in a beau- tiful bay front complex. Just walk a few steps to the beach or lounge in.the pool overlooking the bay. Just $305,000 .. 3224 EAST BAY DRIVE ... HOLMES BEACH -- I .g ,, ...,..,,! tiilo wonde~-r u 4~r~ No wonder In 34 years of International Real Estate. I have never had a property not sell! Island Aussie Geoffrey Wall, G.R.I. P.A. (941) 545-0206 www.AussieGeoff.com 7- -7 + i: ;' t. ++: .= t [ RE\L ESTATE C(hl f'M N 3224 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach (941) 778-0700 r si ..-.. S VILLA SIENNA VILLA SORRENTO VILLA ROMA VILLA MILANO 4005 4TH AVE. 4003 4TH AVE. 4004 5TH AVE. 4006 5TH AVE. The Jewel in the crown completes the most successful residential/investment development in the Island's history. Pre-con- Sstruction prices with permanent financing available for qualified buyers. These magnificent 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom Villas i( feature: expansive great rooms with fireplaces, hardwood floors, gourmet kitchens with granite finish, elevator and private swimming pool. A half block to public beach, restaurants, boutiques and market with partial Gulf and bay views. $1,250,000. "_- -*.- ... *:C. !-' 3:_ 2_,'.-; : -R.S :"-'m f :-"" .;'..^ : -.';.- .;," C K. : ." '.':'" i::'L --'-':- '-" ".:--. : .1 ;.;" -** -"; 7 : :_ .~s 4i; i;: ir- ~ ,h;J ~*2~ .v; sj ""'- ~u~~cf~f~ 'P 1 ,1 ~~ i~~ : ;1 -"" ; ;;.- ;P -.. Tb i. ~t i .a lS -II:- i,. -.II, *I :5 cr; ~~~Sk 'rs - : * " 2BR/2BA GULFFRONT END UNIT. Ver,, uniqu.e. one of irn DBes Guitlrront views :Onr ihe island or arivwhere Turnkey turnished. Carpet an. .: ,ramic Ihroug.hu rut 9' .O8ji,00 r.1LS# 5018-38 BEAUTIFUL 4BR/3BA vie*ic -ilie ifor o1 ihe Tamrp Ba and oeach only steps awvvay New ryol soing. do-ors rd wrvvin kJ.uv asler zoii.,wi-*hll uxury ,pa tair, -nrri waihiri ,rrwr arid iwo Dalcoranies 'j.'erI:':'kln~ tre rroauirul se.'l.tde Iocari:n $1 .2i:.Cl~jlj r~L~~ 5Ci;799 NEW 2BR/2BA CONDO on rhe Mdanatee Ri.,,r in ido .nrov.ri Braderlon Moar, oamenites including healed pool. elevalor ,eparaot .ra.3c aeqot e icurS r, and fitne.: :enler $335. '00 t. LS# 5118333 FABULOUS GROUND LEVEL 2BR 2BA villa won a garage Healed community pool, rlenns couns and ius! Iwo miles to '..riEd sandy beaches Beaulilul nrs.,ie. rieds n,:irng' $369,i00 l: LS 509222 A A~s |- DUPLEX-GREAT LOCATION! Only steps S to Ihe beach 2BR,'BA and 2BR'1BA l-iih priv.'ae palns, separai- laundry and Oul- S Ir. rn .i. sQlide Shom-r" Lr...- in one i rialt an renit ul "' ire olI r. I.c.95 00, t.1L'.. _n '19366 ,, h,,I ::l r ,b F nrlre. r, 1 ..i. , I , S,- I I,. ...'.J.. n II; WATCH THE DOLPHINS i..mrp t.r.:.nm h.; d.re.: G .,uli',rl ,Jp la : un.ii T.:..alll . reno.oled Sp ,cioul J.-liir ior-.3 2'iE 2 .BA uit.li, room -, th er ,i r r. Hee, ,dp :,:t , and Jdr..:ll, .:.rn Ih, b :h rrmolke thi. a pceri.:' .e" .:.nd h: e .:.- rental !. ,: C'lC t.AL ", 0. 2 I BEAUTIFUL NEW TOWNHOUSE o.:r.,o th, TRADEWINDS RESORT CONDO managed reel Ironm ihe bech': 3BPF.'2 5BA -...ih a b, Re:orl Oue! Close lo the beach .'er r,'.c'-. r gqaraie Sec'jrr, ;, lem and pr.iate short ,. alk lo the Gull ndi o [abu.ilou:. pool le .at.:.r Bea.:h lr.:.nl .3::e. : .:r.d lu.i Thl qr.:..nd -lo r ur.il I lo.el, oanr pel Ore Iurr.. h-d '.":'1:0; I.I.MLS 5fU J3 oIl.-.. ed (n:,ie mnaer : f.: 1.385 i,,1, t. LS. .,:,8.'f .-.2" Wonderful Tiffany Place- ,.i e\ :i ir- Ci-.ul trom lana, ani: baulleull',' l uriihedii LipJaiied lr.:on Ii c I eo 1 ilhing wiin h gIrainl- COunier top: and w :'.d r.ai,.nel, E%:pliri:al :1'- n ni .; oI:r; il rnir' I p ,r l i .;.n ( i 8 ; 10, CN I f.lL.: H 50 4" PERICO BAY CLUB- .ijrnn,. u ..ipIle, Iirl II.:.r mnd urnl .:,tn i c'.: _id ER i i i'Th a ul-dj .. hlitrgs .in nr ew .:.rpl. anh.: ] p.a1 1i ni Il.,-i li.3 air and. [pl n,:e. pr. ial.: .rir n,_ wt, h r ic rpi.:. i, .our ,.:.r p i:- l.. ,:lut. .:. ,rTm uri', irlu:I ln p.:,.:.l"i r,. rn ip-' ,.iutl:, :.1| '.l, -: o re5 an ll |u 11'.'.: m r._ I, me I:,- iullulh I.,.11 [, r ,: -u l :I. M 85 I 11 r.L : 4t 5,'r. ' ion Kert L Il To., NJ.,,111 include .:lubhouse heated pool and lenni. .:.-,url: $3 "500 I.ILS: 508685l Ni, k P .... ...... ... iih h,, ii LA CASA COSTIERA The.;e-..q... t pr,.cl re d... -e: o bra,.J ne.. .BP 2 ,b ur.. ..i.Ti .. tl parlrol aid other: ... th J.r.- ., .: .1", ,.l Fcom i 30 1) C -- lrrraaaaIdIrr ~~r .h0. t..,...s....t a hAA. *....S..t aJ tt s.Cr ..... ~... a .. t t &.4 8~~ .A ~ r~l i t.,...* 1 I-L Flan!, Dji. ii- Ii,.-: ,. i, I I i.. I' .*::1pl E~j~ -Ia~ THE ISLANDER 0 JULY 6, 2005 E PAGE 31 SALES RENTALS *PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Gulf Front Residence for Sale Stunning 2BR condo- minium. Margaritas and . Jimmy Buffett music . welcome you to your piece of paradise. Team Pinnacle 877-469-4753 www.flrealestateassistance.com teampinnaclefl@yahoo.com. INV PAGE 32 M JULY 6, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER ,m - p. v I I "Copyrighted Material S- Syndicated Content U Available from Commercial NewsProviders - a - - -r 0 - a - anttokeep in touch? Subscribe tothe "best news!" Call 941 778-7978 and charge it to Visa or MasterCard, 2217 GULF DR. N. BRADENTON BEACH (941) 778-2246 -G Yi ,v(800) 211.2323. WA NER .~ REALTY B2 S e-mail: ami@wagnerrealty.com www.wagnerrealty.cb m ringing Pop p HomeIt SiWae 1939 catwi' 'd TrPlJjrt9 fJ tc Tof/ie ek THIS KEY WEST STYLE HOME offers true island living!! Clerestory windows ,-- ~and 17 ft. ceilings with a loft overlooking a combination living and dining area. Large caged deck that spans the length of the home and overlooks lush tropical gardens and pool. An inviting tiled entry greets guests on the lower level with two enclosed garages and a large and a ground level deck. Only three blocks to the beach and steps away from a private dock for your boat. WOW!! Life is good!! Karen Day. 778-2246. #507772. $849,000 Z' ... .. .Rendering A RARE FIND! Anna Maria Gulf Front tol BREATHTAKING VIEW! A lull view ot f-he PANORAMIC BAYFRONT Spectacular 4BR/ SPECTACULAR RENOVATION Located on a Becky Smith or Elfi Starret, 778-2246. Sunshine Skyway bridge from your own 2.5BA baylront residence with 120-feet on the canal with partial bay views, this well designed t504998 $2.000,000. private master suite Gourmet Kilcnen, maple bay and 80-feet ol canal trontage Dock, verti- home will features 4BR.'4 5BA. A grand toyer is cabinets with granite counters Two electric cal lit. solar heated pool. Close to beach Dave one of many amenities Call agent for details Doat lifis. Tracey Hurley. 741-2500. #508869. Mo nihar. 778-2246. #509147. $1,695.000 Karen Day, 77 -2246. #503717. $1.500,000. $1.980.000. --A. i ... .......... .. .i7- ANNA MARIA 3BR/2BA HOME Completely ISLAND TOWN HOME Ilevlyy constructed KEY WEST NORTH Fabulous Gull and bay ISLAND DELIGHT! Great rownhome, location updated and immaculate Tropical selling 3BR 2BA townhome oHfenng 1725SF of living views Irom this furnished 2BR/2BA unit in a and price' Shortn distance to Deaich and marna. boasts lush plantings and fruit trees. Cuslom area. A former model.this unit has numerous small extremely well-built complex in 1999 Two master suites, workshop and storage. stained glass blue heron window and etched custom features. Healed pool. private garage Secured elevator and healed pool. Dave Furnishings negotiable Priced below glass front door. Becky Smith or Elil Starrett. & near Beach Dave Moynihan 778-2246. Moynihan. 778-2246 #506335 $595,000. appraisal Carolyn and Joe Cordrev. 76-3300. 778-2246. #509374. $675.000. tf509928. $599,900 #509269. $489,000. .. ..... ........ ... ...... ... -.-....... __ o r |