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Skimmiing the news ... Anna Maria Island map in this edition, page 20. SAnna Maria Islander Happy Fourth of July! "The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992" TOP NOTCH: 'Daddy left the hose on' first photo winner i Piroska Planck ha' " S captured the firit ' Weekly prize in ThI Islander's .ummeir t . photo-contest, '"-p l B Notch," with this "Kodak moment of Alex Planck, who ii - Salmost 2. Piroska said . "our grandson de- : ; cided that after the Flowers had enough to drink, it was his itr n." She will receive a "More Than a Mullet Wrapper" Islander T- shirt, a bottle of n i ne from Anna Maria Island Liquor & II ine and a hunch ceritilicare from Alinnie's Beach Cafe. The photo wii/ 0o i to a p'ooli iti ot/e i e/1 w'in'a i elihidle tor ith c'onites S rantd-/rt:c pt- c i_'#. iiliiludinig $100 from The Islander, a .5ri .- gift certificate fti, m Mister Robert's Resortwear and a pirtimriii bottle ort champagne from Ti;u Saver. Entry infic :inside, page 4. www.islander.org Fireworks, parade, scholars: A big Island Fourth of July Volume 13, No. 34 June 29, 2005 FREE Center clears first hurdle for expansion By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter The much-anticipated expansion plan for the Anna Maria Island Community Center passed its first ob- stacle June 21 \\ hen the Anna Maria planning and zon- ing board approved an alleyway vacation and three variance applications for the Center. Appro\ al of the variances \% ill gi\e the Center an additional parking area'where staff and volunteers can park behind each other, allows visitors to back out of a parking space onto Magnolia Drive, and provides 16 feet of relief from the required 35-foot setback. Vacating the alleyway that runs through the middle of the property will allow the Center to expand its main building into that right of way. - But the vacation and variance approvals are just the first step in the four-year effort to expand the Center. The board will take up the Center's site plan at its July 12 meeting. An overflow\ crowd of Center supporters packed city hall to hear speaker after speaker sing the praises of the Center. Attorney Mark Barnebey. repre ending the AMICC, said the new Center \ ill benefit the entire Island community. The ite plan calls for a second floor that will add about 11,400 square feet of indoor space. AMICC Director Pierrette Kelly said the expan- sion will allow the Center to focus on activities for teenagers ttthe same time that young children are uti- lizing the Center. The Florida Department of Commu- nity Affairs does not allow teenagers and toddlers to use the gymnasium or activity room at the same time. Opposition to the variance requests and vacation came-from residents living directly adjacent to the Center, who believe there is already a parking problem, particularly during the, winter season. PLEASE SEE CENTER, NEXT PAGE By Jim Hanson I a lIIe.' Correspondent What's a Fourth of July without fireworks and what are fireworks without Jim Taylor? SWhat's a Fourth without a parade and what's an Island parade w without the Privateers? The major celebration of A merican independence is just around the corner, and Islanders as usu.il \\ ill make the most of it. They will celebrate and relay\ and eat and get sunburned and watch the fireworks and parade and see young scholars get their reward. The fireworks will start early, Sunday, July 3, just offshore at the BeachHouse Restaurant in Bradenton Beach. Longtime pyrotechnician Jim Taylor will touch off a fiery spectacular from his barge just offshore when it's dark enough, about 9 p.m. Next night, the Fourth proper, on the same sched- ule he will. have set up another display at the BeachHouse's sister restaurant, the Sandbar, on the north end of the Island at 100 Spring Ave., Anna Maria. People are not only welcome but encouraged at both events. There won't be a buffet at the Sandbar this year, but the beach is wide open for spectators. At the BeachHouse, a giant tent will shelter spectators at their dining tables. Hundreds are expected, so reserve early at 779-2222. While a trusted assistant fills in for him at the Sandbar, Taylor will be at the old Green Bridge July 4 over the Manatee River between Bradenion and Pal- metto to set off Bradeiiton 's display. That will be about 9:30p.m. Island law enforcement officials warn not to try py- rotechnics yourself: "Anything that flies or explodes is illegal, which leaves sparklers and not much else. Don't shoot other stuff and don't shoot the messenger. It's the law." The Privateers annual Independence Day parade will assemble at Coquina Beach and launch up-Island from there at 10 a.m. on Monday the Fourth. It is open to anyone who wants to parade and has wheels of some kind. It is not a walking event, for the 7-mile route is too long for pedestrians. But just about anything on wheels is OK, trucks, buses, cars, motorcycles, bicycles, tricycles "Last year we had a unicycle," said a Privateer. Thirty to 40 units are expected to participate, includ- ing the Privateers' ship on wheels and the similar vessel of the Conquistadors from Bradenton. The route is up Gulf Drive to East Bay Avenue, over to Manatee Avenue, Gulf Drive again to Marina Drive, then through to Gulf on to Pine Avenue and Bay Boule- vard to Bayfront Park, where the paraders will disband. PLEASE SEE FOURTH, NEXT PAGE Boom! Busted! Law enforcement warns that if it launches or ex- plodes it's illegal in Florida, including setting off private fireworks displays on the beach, such as shown here on the beach in Anna Maria on July 4 weekend last year. Islander Photo: J.L. Robertson I ~eF3S~Pl~it~EF I II PAGE 2 JUNE 29, 2005 E THE ISLANDER Fourth promises to be exciting CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Special participants will be winners of $10,000 worth of scholarships, most ever awarded by the Pri- vateers. They will be in individual vehicles, and after the parade will move south to the Manatee Public Beach and the Cafe on the Beach to rejoin the parade crowd there and receive their scholarships ceremoni- ally at 2 p.m. Kimberly Kuizon of Holmes Beach will receive the $3,000 Whitey Horton scholarship, Chase Parker of Anna Maria the $1,000 Sandpiper scholarship, and Nicki' Mauriello and Steven Grantham, both of Bradenton, will get $1,000 Privateers scholarships. Other perpetual $1,000 scholarships awarded for pre- vious winners to continue their education will go to Nikki Donato, Erica Hoggatt and Donna and Brian Stephenson, all of Bradenton. The latter two are daughter and son of Holmes Beach Police Lt. and Mrs. Dale Stephenson. At the Cafe on the Beach, family-oriented festivi- ties are scheduled, including a treasure hunt and other events geared to the young in the crowd. Offices and most businesses will be closed for the holiday, though police and fire personnel expect more business than on ordinary days. Extra life- guards will be on the beach. Most restaurants will be open on the big day, though. none but the-BeachHouse and Sandbar have anything special planned. Publix Super Market, on the other hand, plans a barbecue Saturday, July 2, at the store, 3900 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Waste pickup scheduled for Mondays in Anna Maria and Holmes Beach will be switched to Saturday, July 2, by Waste Management. Bradenton Beach, which handles its own waste disposal, will collect as usual on Monday. To our south, Longboat Key has a large Freedom Fest planned from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Bicentennial Park, 2730 Gulf of Mexico Drive, featuring a children's decorated bike parade and games for kids. Off Lido Key, the Suncoast Offshore Grand Prix powerboat race will run in two heats at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Sunday, with awards at 6 p.m. at the Sarasota County Fairgrounds and a celebration on the Fourth itself 3:30 to 10 p.m. on the Sarasota waterfront. Center stage Anna Maria Island Community Center Director Pierrette Kelly (center, white dress) was joined by a full house at the June 21 Anna Maria planning and zoning board meeting to hear the Center's application for three variances and an alleyway vacation. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin Center expansion plans OK'd CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Expansion will "impact the neighborhood," and could affect property values, said resident Hal Badger, who maintained that he and his neighbors are not against the Center and its goals, just concerned with future congestion at the Center. Board member Frank Pytel suggested there was a safety issue with young children along Magnolia Av- enue and the Center should address that issue. He stressed that the Center should schedule its activities to ensure the least amount of congestion or parking de- mand at the Center. Colleague Fran Barford agreed, noting the Center should consider flashing lights or other means to warn motorists of children in the area. Resident Wayne Seawoldsaid there is no "perfect answer" to keep everyone happy while the Center strives to meet the recreational needs of the community. Allan Garret, the professional planner hired by the city to review the Center's site plan, variance requests and vacation, said that while the Center has several non-conforming aspects by current city standards, those non-conformities have been "grandfathered." In its site plan, the Center is proposing an estimated $3 million expansion and renovation project that will add a second floor to house classrooms, meeting rooms, offices, a computer center, family support room, an area for teenage activities, a performing arts studio and an auditorium. You'll love our Bouillabaisse Marseilles. We prepare the celebrated seafood stew of Provence with an assortment of fresh fish, lobster and other shellfish, saffron, garlic and herbs. Mmmm. It's your choice from 17 dinner entrees, specials and other favorites. BRUNCH AND LUNCH Wednesday-Saturday 11-2:30 SUNDAY BREAKFAST AND LUNCH 8-2:30 DINNER Wed.-Sun, from 5:30 Island Shopping Center S,5406 Marina Drive ~ Holmes Beach 941 778 5320 Si W__6NO t Ft View the parade from Coquina to Bayfront Park in Anna Maria on July 4, starting at 10 a.m. For information on joining the parade, call Tim "Hammer" Thompson, 729-9039. SUPPORTED BY ... Thie Islander Island renourishment expect By Rick Catlin "Depending upon the weather, we'll begin coming Islander Reporter onto the Island July 5or July 6," Goodloe said. " The dredge that Goodloe Marine of Apollo The .6-mile portion of beach renourishment'for Beach will use for the upcoming Anna Maria Island -Anna Maria will be done first, he said. Again, if the beach renourishment project should be off the north weather holds, Goodloe said, he should be done with end of the Island laterthis \\eek. said companiN presi-. Anna Maria in about 10 days. The entire beach dent Ben Goodloe. renourishment project should takearound 90 days if the But he won't begin moving pipes, equipment weather and equipment hold up. he.said. and \ork crews onto the beach'until after the busy "If the weather is good. \'e ought to be done in July 4 w weekend. about three months." he predicted. "It all depends upon .and Longboat renourishment under way l Longboat Key .has begun its own -beach t, iI1?il(lI , renourishment project, with sand cornmmg from offshore it Fr11:4 I the north end of Anna Maria Island. The project will add about 1.5 million cubic yards \ o of sand on about nine miles of beaches on Longbbat :,, . Key, at a total cost of about $21 million. .ri' " The project is aimed to protect "upland-property .~ Vz i i -'i1 (homes and condominiums) and town infrastructure by the i" ' placement of sand on the beach to serve as an energy ' dissipator think of it as a cushion or shock absorber i between storm-generated wave action and coastal struc- )ilc *i.1 tures," according to town officials. "Enhancement of turtle and bird habitats are a secondary benefit as well as pro- viding an aesthetically pleasing recreational beach." -n The project is expected to be completed by mid- i il"-DD)lo\ ;.i. '. December. Manson Construction Company of Seattle, Wash., l irac ,- will do the work. ( ,'..1. enterprises lil Unlike renourishment projects on Anna Maria Is- i. t p, i. F id. land, the Longboat Key project is funded mostly through general-obligation bonds and infrastructure taxes, with some money coming from tourist develop- ment tax dollars and grants .from the Florida Depart- ment of Environmental Protection. . Also unlike the Island's renourishment projects, ...., .. two types of sand coarse and fine will be used, .'" with the coarse, dark sand to be placed first and the fine, white sand added on top. A bridge not too far The sand will be pumped onto a dredge, then trans- Sev'tiI al 'i ek ago, someone stenciled the words "Gei ported about 3,000 feet offshore, where the dredge will Creicoen Snrcet bridge in Anna Maria that recently un anchor and the sand will be pumped ashore through a the bridge was resurfaced last week. Islander Photo: 24-inche pipe. Thirty-day minimum rental issue in Holmes Beach tomorrow The Holmes Beach Planning Commission at its 7 p.m. June 30 meeting will discuss a controversial pro- posal for regulation of short-term occupancies in the single-family (R-l) and medium density (R-2) districts, including grandfatheringg" of existing short-term oc- cupancies (The Islander, June 8). The commission is in the process of preparing rec- ommendations for revisions to the city's, comprehen- sive plan that will be presented to the city commission for public hearings prior to adoption. The Florida De- partment of Community Affairs requires that cities periodically update their comprehensive plans. The last comp plan revision for Holmes Beach was in 1989. Planning Commission Chairperson Sue Normand Anna Maria forming A miiianion planning' committee designed to earn community rating-system points from Sthe Federal Emergency Management Agency is being put together in Anna Maria. Building Official Kevin Donohue said the committee will include staff and citizens and will develop a flood management plan for stressed that the. commission is only discussing pos- sible recommendations. The 30-day minimum-stay proposal in the R-1- and' R-2 zones has generated a slew of negative re- sponses against the proposal, primarily from non- resident property owners who rent homes on a short- term basis. Y Normand said the public is invited to attend the planning meetings and provide input. She noted that the commission is only preparing recommendations and the final revised comprehensive plan must be reviewed by the city commission in a series of public hearings prior to adoption. The city commission may amend or delete any of the .recommendations. mitigation committee FEMA and the city. Creating the committee will earn the city 72 credit points under the FEMA rating system, which affects flood insurance discounts to city. property owners. Anyone interested in serving on the commit- tee is asked to call Mayor SueLynn at 708-6130. THE ISLANDER 0 JUNE 29, 2005 0 PAGE 3 ed next week the weather and the equipment. Let's hope we don't have a hurricane season like last year." The $4.8 million emergency beach renourishment for the Island is funded by the U.S. Army Corps of En- gineers under a federal act passed in the wake of the four hurricanes that struck Florida beaches last year, resulting in severe beach loss in 17 locations along the coastline. Anna Maria Island had not been scheduled for beach renourishment until about 2010. t'er done" on the city sign on the south ramp of the iderwent some long overdue repairs. The road on top of Bonner Joy Meetings Anna Maria City June 29, 6 p.m., special city commission meeting on Sandbar restaurant site plan. June 30, 3 p.m., mitigation planning committee open house. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 708-6130. Bradenton Beach June 29, 2 p.m., city commission work session. July 5, 2 p.m., city commission budget work session. July 5,4 p.m., charter review committee meeting. July 7, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., 778-1005. Holmes Beach June 30, 7 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting. Comprehensive plan review, including 30-day rental restrictions. Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive,- 708-5800. Holiday Closures Government offices in Anna Maria City, Bradenton Beach, Holmes Beach and Longboat Key will be closed Monday, July 4. Waste pickup scheduled for Monday in Anna Maria, Holmes Beach and Longboat Key will be collected Saturday, July 2. There will be no change in service in Bradenton Beach. The Islander newspaper office will be closed July 4: Emergency news, call 778-7978. S- - - --- - - - "PAGE'-4 ^ JUNE 29, 20039'THE ISLANDER Rising construction costs, values outpacing insurance By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter When Linda Ratcliff's home at 208 Sycamore St. in Anna Maria caught fire a few weeks ago, firefighters were able to save at least the ground floor of the 80- year-old building. While that might have been enough foundation to 'Billabong Odyssey' rides into Holmes Beach The documentary-feature film "Billabong Odys- sey" will be aired at Holmes Beach City Hall at 4 p.m. Friday, July 1. The film documents the life-or-death adventures of a team of surfer/explorers who search the seven seas on the quest to find and ride the biggest wave on the planet. The journey spanned 18 months, six continents and saw up to 70-foot waves. The team called their expedition the Billabong Odyssey, and this documentary chronicles both the group's formation and its first major forays into the roiling waters off the coasts of France, Mexico, Aus- tralia, Hawaii and the Pacific Northwest. The main attraction of the film is its you-are-there views of some of the world's greatest waves and the men who attempt to conquer them. The filmmakers plunge viewers right into the thick of the action to ride along with the team, as surfers either wipe out or ful- fill their ultimate challenge. The movie is more than just a series of breathtak- ing stunts, it's an informative piece on the fine points of surfing. Viewers gain insight on how the sport has evolved, how monster waves form, where they are most likely to occur, and what kinds of dangers they pose for surfers. For more information, call film sponsor Janae Haupt at 704-9656. rebuild the structure with the expected insurance pay- ment, Ratcliff admitted she hadn't increased her insur- ance coverage in 20 years. At a time when Island property values have gone up more than 200 percent in just the past five years - and construction costs have risen' accordingly - Ratcliff never thought to update the coverage. Instead of getting a hefty insurance check to start rebuilding, Ratcliff said her insurancecompany de- clared the damaged house a "total loss." At construction costs on Anna Maria Island rang- ing from $125 to $200 per square foot, Ratcliff will be lucky to get enough money.to build a tool shed. To rebuild her home completely, she'll have to pay most of the cost out of her pocket,. She said she didn't think she'd get enough to rebuild and admitted she had just never thought to increase her insurance. - That's an oversight that many Island homeowners discovered last year following the damages caused by the four hurricanes that struck Florida last year, said,. Mark Mixon of Jim Mixon Insurance in Holmes Beach. After Hurricane Frances, a number of Island real.es- tate companies that own vacation homes filed claims, only to find that many of the affected properties were severely under-insured. A lot of those homes were insured for only one-half to two-thirds of their replacement value. That could be because many new insurance com- panies in Florida have written policies that do not con- tain automatic coverage increases for inflation and in- creased construction costs, explained Mixon. "You need replacement cost coverage and the policy coverage has to keep up with replacement cost," he observed. Homeowners need to have their house insured for a minimum of 80 percent of the replacement cost to avoid the "co-insurance" factor. As an example, explained Mixon, a $100,000 home insured five years ago for $80,000 (80 percent) might now have a replacement cost of $160,000. If the coverage hasn't kept up with the increased value and has remained at $80,000 (50 percent of replacement cost), then a $50,000 damage loss to the home would result in a $25,000 insurance payment. In other words, the homeowner would have to come up with the difference to effect repairs. Many older Island residents with mortgage-free homes that they've occupied for a number of years might be in this position and not realize it until they have a loss, he observed. He stressed that the insurance coverage is just on the home, not on the value of the property. "Our advice to clients is for them to get an ap- praisal just on the value of their home when they want to update their insurance. This. will give'you a true value of the cost to replace." Mixon also advised any homeowner, particularly before hurricane season, to double-check their policy to make sure coverage is up to date and has replacement cost coverage. Many Islanders might be surprised to find policies that haven't been updated in a number of years, while their homes have doubled or tripled in value and con- struction costs have increased correspondingly.. Twenty years ago on Anna Maria Island, construction costs ran about $60 to $80 per square foot. Now, accord- ing to several local contractors, those costs range from $125 to $200. If the property owner has not maintained the building insurance to keep pace with replacement costs, they could be in trouble in the event of a disaster. On the Island, said Holmes Beach Building Offi- cial Bill Saunders, construction costs are higher than they are on the mainland. He agreed that a general range of construction costs was anywhere from $125 per square foot to $200 a square foot, depending upon the amenities and decor involved. Brent Whitehead of Whitehead Construction in Cortez agreed, noting that new construction costs could be even higher. 'Top Notch' photo contest winners start this week If you've got a great snapshot, we've got a contest you could win. The Islander photo contest began June 29. Seven more weekly winning pictures will be featured on the cover of The Islander and one snapshot will be a grand prize winner with prizes and gift certificates awarded by the newspaper and local merchants. Weekly prizes include a "More Than a Mullet Wrapper" Islander T-shirt, a bottle of wine from Anna Maria Island Liquor & Wine and a lunch certificate from Minnie's Beach Cafe. The grand-prize package includes $100 from The Islander, a $50 gift certificate from Mister Robert's Resortwear and a premium bottle of champagne from Time Saver. The weekly deadline is noon Friday throughout the contest with the next deadline July 1. Judging begins by a selection of pictures that may include abstract photos, still life pictures, landscapes Islander photo contest rules 1) The Islander Newspaper's Top Notch Photo Con- test is strictly for amateur photographers. Amateur photogra- phers are those who derive less than 5 percent of their income from photography. 2) Black-and-white and color photographs taken after Jan. 1, 2004, are eligible. This allows for extended eligibility. Pho- tos previously published (in any format/media) or entered in any Islanderor other competitions are not eligible. 3) Photographs may be taken with any make of camera. No retouching or other alteration (except cropping) is permit- ted of negatives, prints or electronic photo files; no compos- NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE PHONE DATE PHOTO WAS TAKEN: LOCATION PHOTO WAS TAKEN: I have read the contest rules and affirm that this en- try is in compliance with them. SIGNATURE OF ENTRANT: Kim Klement ofBradenton took the weekly prize in 2004for this photo of Philip Seposito inline skating. ite pictures or multiple printing will be accepted. Digital photos may be submitted in their original JPG file format (via e-mail or disk) or a printed photograph. Slide (transparency) photos are not accepted. 4) Entrant's name, address and phone number must be writ- ten clearly, in ink, on the contest label and affixed to the back of each print, or listed similarly in the e-mail message along with the digital photo attachment. One e-mail per photo submission. Mail entries to The Islander Top Notch Photo Contest, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217. E-mail digital entries to topnotch @ islander.org. 5) Entrants by their entry agree that The Islandermay publish their pictures for local promotion. Entrants must be able to furnish NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE PHONE DATE PHOTO WAS TAKEN: LOCATION PHOTO WAS TAKEN: I have read the contest rules and affirm that this en- try is in compliance with them. SIGNATURE OF ENTRANT: and scenic, candid unposed snapshots, action, holi- days, humor and animal pictures. Nothing-is over- looked, including great kid pics, sentimental moments and moments of personal triumph. Send or deliver your favorites (no limits) \\ eek1 to Top Notch Contest Editor, The Islander, 5404 Ma- rina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217. Digital contest entries should be submitted in the original JPG format on CD or via e-mail to topnotch@islander.org. No retouching, enhancements or computer manipulation is allowed. Complete rules and entry forms for the contest are published below. Please attach a photo contest label to each photo or CD you submit, or include label informa- tion in the e-mail text, one photo attachment per e-mail. Photos without entry forms will be disqualified. Additional photo labels are available at the newspaper office or they may be copied. the original negative or original digital image if requested by the contest editor. All photos submitted become the property of The Islander. Photos will not be returned. The.Islander and con- test sponsors assume no responsibility for negatives, diskettes, CDs or photo prints. Entrant must know the name and address of any recogniz- able persons appearing in the picture and those must be en- closed/attached with the entry. 6) Employees of The Islander and their immediate family members are not eligible to enter the contest. 7) Any taxes on prizes are the sole responsibility of the winners. Any cash prize won by a minor will be awarded to a parent or guardian. Prize rights are not transferable. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE PHONE DATE PHOTO WAS TAKEN: LOCATION PHOTO WAS TAKEN: I have read the contest rules and affirm that this en- try is in compliance with them. SIGNATURE OF ENTRANT: 'THE ISLANDER' JUNE 29, 2005 A PAGE 5 Record meeting in Anna Maria City By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter For one of the few times in the history of Anna Maria City Commission meetings, commissioners had little to say at their June 23 meeting and wrapped all agenda items well before 9 p.m., an unofficial record in a city noted for loquaciousness. Of course, that easily could have been because for much of the meeting, just two commissioners John Quam and Dale Woodland were present and discus- sion of agenda items was limited and general in nature. Commissioner Linda Cramer's return flight to Tampa was diverted to Orlando for nearly three hours, but she reached the meeting shortly after 8 p.m., giv- ing the commission-a quorum to vote on matters. The commission did get a legislative review from State Rep. Bill Galvano of Bradenton, who cast a "doom and gloom" spell when he said that because of the growth boom in Florida, projections indicate the state needs be- tween $20 billion and $40 billion for infrastructure addi- tions and improvements in the next 15 years. But not to worry. At the present time, Florida has a budget surplus of more than $3 billion, and is one of only five states to have a surplus of more than 5 per- cent of its budget. He did express concern with the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on eminent domain issued early last week, and pledged that the Legislature would examine the decision at its next session for any potential impact in Florida. However, he said, the Legislature can't change the decision, only attempt to narrow its focus. SCity Attorney Jim Dye asked Galvano to have the Legislature look into the issue of submerged land own- ership. In Anna Maria, many beachfront lots plotted in the early 1900s now have a significant portion of that property under water. Some owners are still paying taxes on the property, but Dye believes the state may now actually own the submerged lands. Commissioners also heard from accountant Ed Leonard, who gave the city the "Good Housekeeping" seal of approval for its 2004-05 financial audit. The city is in '.'great shape" financially, he said. Open house Thursday Anna Maria's newly created mitigation com- mittee on stormwater runoff and other water and drainage issues will'hold an open house from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, June 30, for any inter- ested persons to come and discuss stormwater- related issues. The committee is composed of city staff members Kevin Donohue, George McKay and Alice Baird, along with private citizens Sandy Oldham and James Curtis Bell. Mayor SueLynn said an opening for a volun- teer from the general public still exists on the com- mittee and anyone interested in joining should contact her at city hall or attend the meeting to express their interest. Beautify city Mayor SieLynn announced that the city was "No. 1 on the priority list" for a $300,000 enhancement grant from the Sarasota-Manatee Metropolitan Planning Or- ganization to landscape and improve Pine Avenue and other areas of the city. She cautioned, however, that several approvals were still needed. "It's not a done deal, yet," she said. If approved, the funds would be in the MPO's 2010-2011 budget, but the city could begin improve- ments immediately and be reimbursed during the ap- propriate fiscal year. . Sandbar restaurant owner Ed Chiles, who spear- headed the grant application effort by the city, said he's been told by MPO officials that the MPO has never rejected a "No. 1 priority project" from its sub-commit- tee. -The mayor also said a group of citizens recently purchased seven new trash receptacles for public use at various locations throughout the city. Pine Avenue property Commissioner Dale Woodland asked the mayor to bring information to the next commission meeting on how much money'the city would need to purchase one of the lots now for sale at the site of the former Island Marine on Pine Avenue. The mayor indicated the money could be borrowed from the Florida League of Counties. SueLynn would like to purchase the lot currently adjacent to the area used by the Anna Maria Island Historical Society and the public works department. The lot is presently owned by John Agnelli, who has agreed to wait on a response from the city before pro- ceeding with his plans to build a single-family resi- dence on the site. Cramer and Woodland appeared to-favor a purchase, while Quam indicated that his informal survey of 20 resi- dents found that 12 said "no," while eight said "yes."- Resident Diane Canniff supported the purchase, noting that the city had the opportunity to purchase Bean Point many years ago, but declined, and could have purchased the property where the Villa Rosa housing project is being developed, but also rejected that option. Other residents supported the purchase, particu- larly if the city could convert it to a park with recre- ational use. "Now is the time to do it," said Cramer. Prices will never be any lower, and vacant land in the city is rap- idly disappearing. In other business, the commission unanimously passed an ordinance amending the definition of "sub- stantial improvement" of a single-family home and eliminated the requirement that in a five-year period, only a maximum 50 percent of the home could be im- proved. Under the new ordinance, the 50 percent rule applies from building permit to building permit. The commission also approved a resolution to form the mitigation planning committee to examine stormwater runoff and other water-related issues in the city. Formation of the committee allows the city to get points under the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Community Rating System that regulates the cost of flood insurance for homeowners. SEARCHING FOR FINANCIAL ADVISOR? .Arc you unhapt/iri ahoia Ithe r i tionrhhif tjL.' -,uur cuor._1vt odur I or? Ho Jo''ui r ptrtfoIlut no f I ied up t,-_ ui ur pec - fati on ni doring t hp ri cent mork)O rktf ;-no fli t vII 1 REIA IL" I E ITA D P 1,000 f's Hard 7b Stop A Tran h Bk Buy a Trane Comfort System before June 30, 2005, and get a mail-in rebate up to $1,000. Enjoy the Ideal Home Environment. The ultimate in humidity control. Save up to 67% of your cooling costs. L P -1 r-e n, v 1/,, .1, f r. r..-. jr ol i'r '01 II. iJ. r rc. r t I'.~ r ... ill Ci i -p I I i, H. r u' 'I-a fm j G r 1% fI I-v, 'I4 I'. :- SECURITJE- .' --. I 'I I ' ... . .. :' .: ." ;, .. .. ; .- . , 1 :, ; .,'. [" ." :2" " .~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ., :... .. : .. ,... .. .;. I f. '" '" ",l1;~i~~4 "'~. ,..: .*; t' "' i ' 1 1 I ii',, 1.'.'',.',',.',' H111 111 .1111,' '' I''''I' ______ rbtstoioulclttl ii~ .,You may be eliglblefor ..'' '''.I, 'I. I, 'F I, .' .'' '', .'.H I '."'. IH4 rebates from your local utility. We A-.Conimmc Healinlg & Cvoiq Equinmarl wah t m Envoyv Slav` Logo m Syn ILM fa r Engr yp Efhwmyn [' i.; P :~it:: l~:a, --i~l "ii- : ;bi::e ; ; II ? . " pu^r'^ rI U PAGE 6 E JUNE 29, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER opinion Be safe, Happy Fourth Fireworks are really awesome, patriotic, beautiful - and dangerous. Face it, if you're an "everyday Joe" and you're planning a home or beach display of pyrotechnics with anything that explodes or launches, it's illegal. And why bother? You risk arrest, serious injury and property damage with illegal fireworks and there are other options. On July 3, there's a huge free display at the BeachHouse in Bradenton Beach and you can get up close with just a beach towel for a seat. Same, same at the Sandbar in Anna Maria on July 4. And there's no problem with parking if you ride the free trolley. Both nights, Jimmy Taylor's fantastic pyrotechnic displays start at about 9 p.m. For all the expense, hassle and risk we strongly urge you to join the throngs on the beach. You have Ed Chiles to thank, and we suggest that if you want to see this Island tradition continue, you do just that. Call the restaurants at 779-2222 or 778-0444, or the group office, 778 1696. It's time we all said thanks to Ed for helping make our Fourth of July spectacular. Don't forget the Anna Maria Island Privateers this year ... whether you join their Fourth of July parade or watch from the sidelines, it's another tradition that deserves your gratitude. The parade from Cbquina Beach to Bayfront Park Monday culminates a year of fundraising that has been one of their best. Following the parade, at a party for all at Cafe on the Beach at the Manatee Public Beach, the Privateers will award $10,000 in scholarship funds their largest treasure chest ever. Whatever these selfless pirates do, from selling their smoked mullet to hosting a golf tournament, the funds they raise go for kids programs and education. We all come out winners as a result. Red tide myths Red tide doesn't make the water red. The recent discoloration in the water is the result of stormwater runoff. SRed tide doesn't stink, dead fish do. Red tide blooms suffocate sealife the.dead carcasses cause the stench. Red tide can be harmful to humans, causing minor throat irritation, itchy eyes, and more serious problems for anyone with respiratory problems. No one knows the cause, when it will occur or when it will subside. Don't ask. The Islander JUNE 29, 2005 Vol. 13, No. 34 V Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org V Editorial Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org Jack Egan Jack Elka Jim Hanson. V Contributors Gib Bergquist Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org Jesse Brisson David Futch Robert Noble Carrie Price J.L. Robertson V Advertising Sales Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org Rebecca Barnett, rebecca@islander.org V Office Manager Julia Robertson, julia@islander.org V Production Graphics Kelly McCormick, ads@islander.org Kelley Ragan, kelley@islander.org V Distribution Urbane Bouchet Ross Roberts Lisa Williams (All others: news@islander.org) ^i.L M, g.WM A, S 993-04 -innin Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. 1992-2005 Editorial, sales and production offices: Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEB SITE: islander.org FAX 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978 SLICK By Egan Ouinion.- Million-dollar program Anna Maria City Commissioner Linda Cramer's suggestion to provide parking and "comfort stations" to the public, in lieu of the existing flora, shuffleboard courts, and horseshoe courts, is very magnanimous. While it is commendable that Ms. Cramer's pro- posal would bring these additional facilities to visitors to the city, I think the taxpaying residents would strongly object to the expenditure of over a million of their tax dollars to provide these amenities to the pub- lic. When one considers the following requirements, I'm certain that my estimate of a million tax dollars is conservative: Cost of the property on Pine Avenue and all costs associated therewith. Cost of demolition of the existing facilities. Cost of construction and maintenance of a new parking lot and "comfort stations." Cost of reconstruction of new shuffleboard and horseshoe courts and parking on the Pine Avenue lo- cation. Costs of financing the proposed amendments. While Ms. Cramer's proposal is magnanimous to the city's visitors, I'm happy that it is not my tax.dol- lars she is proposing to spend. One additional comment: Who is going to walk 400 yards to use a "comfort station"? Ronald F. Pekpa, Bradenton Thanks to church A note of gratitude to St. Bernard Catholic Church in Holmes Beach..Upon the unexpected passing of my beloved husband Bob, the staff went beyond their call- ing to stand by me. My heartfelt thanks to Father Robb, Deacon Al, Don, Paulette, Connie, Tom and the wonderful Ladies Guild. The service was beautiful and moving and the luncheon.was overwhelming. With all of you by my side, you made the unbear- able' a thing of beauty and peace. My deepest gratitude to one and all. Sandee VanMaaren, Bradenton Preserve open space Anna Maria Mayor Suelynn said the park would stay, and I believed her word. City Commissioner Linda Cramer complains she has to walk two blocks to attend a meeting, that is if she shows. She wants a door on the Gulf side of the municipal building. What other meeting did she miss when plans were being drawn up for renovation? She supported Plan X and then canned it. "Don't park in front of my house." -"Let's pave over the-park which has native trees and exotic shrubs." Black top a park for parking? If a homeowner tried it, they would be fined because of a square-footage limit to paving. Why do we have "no parking" signs along the municipal building? We are a small city and need to preserve any and all open space that we can. Herb Ditzel, Anna Maria Have your say The Islander welcomes and encourages your opin- ion letters. The Islander accepts letters of up to 250 words and reserves the right to edit for length, grammar. Letters must be signed, and include the city you reside in for publication, and a phone number which is for verifica- tion only. Anonymous letters will not be printed. All letters to the editor will remain on file in our office and available to the public. Letters are published on a space-available basis with regard to timeliness of the material, and letters previously published in other media are not considered for publication in The Islander. Address letters to Editor, The Islander, Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217, fax to 941-778-7978, or e-mail to news@islander.org. THE ISLANDER M JUNE 29, 2005 M PAGE 7 Why leave even for leaves? By Don Maloney Special to The Isander At a Holmes Beach City Commission meeting the other night, there was much talk about the possibility of vacating a couple of pieces of city property. I haven't yet decided how I feel about that, but the term "vacat- ing" reminded me that I still haven't decided about a more ordinary personal vacation either. That's because since Wife Sarah and I landed on this Island nearly a score of years ago, we have annu- ally agreed that it was time for us to go somewhere on' vacation, but we have never.agreed about where that vacation should be enjoyed. Then, a few days ago, I came across the published results of a poll that was taken earlier this year in an effort to find out exactly where people wanted to va- cation. Unfortunately, reading those results didn't of- fer us any new ideas. The largest percentage of those polled almost 40 percent said they preferred going to a beach some- place. Obviously, such a visit was out of the question for us since we already live on a beach. In fact, because this Island has the Gulf of Mexico on one side and bays, on the other, we live on two beaches. True, neither Wife Sarah nor I are daily visitors to either beach, but at least we know they're there. Second poll choice was a: trip to the mountains somewhere. We voted that idea down, too: I guess that's because, after living here on the. flat sea level that's Florida, I'm not sure we could take any heights greater than Albertson's parking lot or the stairs at St. Bernard's church entrance. Besides, if you have seen one mountain and we saw plenty of them where we lived in upstate New York you've seen them all. A foreign vacation is a no-no for us, too. When I was working for a living, my responsibilities took me - and even Wife Sarah and the kids sometimes to just about everywhere outside the USA. Even if I had the dollars necessary to pay to sail or fly us somewhere now, any remaining dollars wouldn't be worth any- where near what they used to be back in the good old 360-Japanese-yen-for-a-dollar days. And how about going to big cities like New York? Why? Even though January, February, March and April on Anna Maria Island prepares us for driving in the traffic big cities offer, I don't think we're ready for the subways, the $199-a-ticket Broadway shows, or the $250-a-night Manhattan hotels. I would, however, love to take another roundtrip on the Staten Island ferry, but not for what it costs to get to the dock, Even if Wife Sarah and I could settle on a vacation destination,.then would come "When?" Go in winter? No way, because that's my favorite time here while trying to spot as many different state li- cense plates as I can. I don't have to see Canadian plates, because of the fact their directionals never work properly, which identifies them before I can get that close. How about spring and summer? I haic to even con- sider leaving here then. After all,:that's when we're once again getting our Island back from those folks with those other license plates. Fall vacations are out, too. I would certainly like to see the leaves changing once more, but not nearly as much as I look forward to the fact that I never have to rake leaves here. Another big percentage of those polled say the ideal vacation is togo visit friends and family. That sounds like a good idea, but we've already seen most northern folks on their visits here. They must be the ones that fill that big percentage. : Finally, after considering all the wheree" and "whens" in the realm of vacation choices, Wife Sarah and I toss away.all those maps and pamphlets and wind up asking each other, for the-12th year in a row, "Why?" The, THE ider 13 YEARS Ten years ago in the June 29, 1995, issue of The Islander, headlines announced: SHolmes Beach police have expanded their juris- diction into the Gulf side of the city.after the Manatee County Sheriff's Office deputized an officer for law enforcement into the Gulf waters. The Island Transit Study Committee has recom- mended five alternatives to the Manatee County Area Transit to improve service to the Island. Anna Maria homeowner Matt Gentile was or- dered by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to remove dirt from the canal behind his home after Gentile admitted he had dumped the dirt in the canal while building a pool at his home. Temps & Drops on A.M.I. Date June 19 June 20 June 21 June 22 June 23 June 24 June 25 Low 78 76 75 75 75 76 77 l',Il High Rainfall 93 0 86 0 85 .10 83 .20 85 .40 88 .30 90 0 Average Gulf water temperature 880 24-hour rainfall accumulation with reading at approximately 5 p.m. daily. JAY CRAWF RD! ----- -- -- ---------^ --- Friday, Saturday and Sunday' Jkl 1, 2 cand 3 , Enjoy The Holiday Weekend With The Island's Favorite , Entertainer! .. DRINK SPECIALS Pitchers: 2 for $6 Bud & Mimosa M e' ilite Bloody Mary Miller Lite te Tequila Sunrise Only $7 Screwdriver HAPPY ROTTEN RALPH'S INDEPENDENCE WATERFRONT DINING LUNCH & DINNER 7 DAYS FULL BAR SERVICE 902 S. Bay Blvd. Anna Maria Located at Galati Marina 778-3953 ROTTEN --" ,RALPHS ._ :' .\ ,:: . PO. NTw .. We'd love to mail you the news! We mail The Islander weekly for a nominal $36 per year. It's the per- * fect way to stay in touch with what's happening on Anna Maria Island. SMore than 1,400 happy, eager-for-Island-news paid subscribers are already Receiving The Islander where they live ... from Alaska to Germany and California to Canada.. S We bring you all the news about three city governments, community a happenings, people features and special events ... even the latest real es- State transactions ... everything you need if your "heart is on the Island." We're the only newspaper that gives you all the news of Anna Maria Island. S The Islander is distributed free locally. But if you don't live here year- round, or if you want to mail the paper to a friend or relative, please use This form or log on to islander.org for secure e-mail transmission. BULK MAIL U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (allow 2 weeks for delivery) 1 rOne Year: $36 Q 6 Months: $28 L 3 Months: $18 S U.S. FIRST CLASS AND CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS L One Year: $140 L 6 Months: $87.50 J 3 Months: $52 SSingle Issue: $3.50 FIRST CLASS MAIL, U.S. ONLY, Maximum Four Weeks * Call for mail rates to Europe or other countries. * U * MAILTO: S ADDRESS * U : CITY STATE ZIP S Credit card payment: E I'rlZ U No. * U * Exp. Date Name shown on card: S MAIL START DATE: Tre Islander * U S Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 i CHARGE IT BY PHONE: (941) 778-7978 -[ .1 OR ONLINE AT islander.org J1 a H a a a s H H s a B B. B "s a I., i a BBa a. sIs aa a PAGE 8 M JUNE 29, 2005 M THE ISLANDER Boat owner gets boot from Holmes Beach code board By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter In the movie "Catch-22," Alan Arkin plays Yossarian, a World War II bomber pilot who tries to get out of flying by telling his superiors that he is crazy and crazy people aren't allowed to fly. "Nonesense," responds Col. Cathcart. "If you're crazy, you'd want to fly." "But I don't want -to fly," replies Arkin. "I'm crazy." "Wrong," says the colonel. "The rules say if you're crazy, you'd want to fly and since you don't want to fly, you're not crazy and you can keep flying.", "OK," cries Arkin. "Then I'm crazy and want to fly." "Good," says Cathcart. "You can fly tomorrow." "But I don't want to fly," screams Arkin. "Then you're not crazy," replies Cathcart. Holmes Beach resident and boat owner Robert Byrne can easilN identify with Arkin's movie charac- ter.. Byrne and his boat were given the boot from city- owned dock space-in the T-end canal between 74th and 75th streets by the Holmes Beach Code Enforcement Board at its June 22 meeting. The board agreed that Byrne had failed to properly\ register his vessel and file his claim for rights to use the dock after he purchased the property at 407 74th St. in November 2004. Byrnewas cited for failure to register the boat with' the city to use the appropriate dock.. Then tell me how I can get properly registered? Byrne inquired. You can't, responded the city. You lost your rights to the dock in question when you didn't file within the 30-da1 period after purchasing the property as required by the ordinance. OK. said B mre. ho\\ do I get those rights back? B\ registering \ our boat and right to use the dock with the city. But you just said I can't register my boat because I no longer ha\e rights to use the dock, said B\ rne. Exactly responded the city. The t\k o-hour code board meeting sa\\ law\ \ers on three sides of the issue B\rne's side. the cit\ side afid the CEB side arguing legal points, often re\is- Dump it on the beach Workers repairing a house at the beach access end of 81st Street in Holmes Beach found an effective way to prevent people from using the beach by moving this Dumpster directly onto the beach access path, blocking residents from getting to the Gulf Following a complaint, the work crew moved the offend- ing Dumpster. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin iting the.same issue several times. The problem is that Byrne purchased a house on a T-end canal in November. As part of the deal, he had to buy the owner's boat. He also got a quit claim deed giving him rights to use the dock, which he figured made it legal to maintain the boat at the dock. What he didn't get from the seller, according to Byrne, was the correct registration for the boat and in- formation on the city ordinance governing use of. docks in the T-end canals which allows 30 days to file for rights of usage with the city and register the boat. Af- ter the 30-day period expired, according to the ordi- nance, Byrne lost his rights and was put back on the "waiting list" of residents in that area who have a boat, but currently have no dock space. Attorney Scott Rudacille, representing Byrne, said the city's code citation was for improper registration, but the code does not give Byrne any method to get properly registered after 30 days and keep his rights to use the dock. He also said that, according to the code, the onus to inform Byrne of the 30-day registration requirements was on the seller, not Byrne. The CEB was sympathetic, but acknowledged that its job is to determine if a code violation has taken place, not try to solve inconsistencies in a city code. Byrne's problems with the seller, boat registration and knowing the ordinance requirements were not the board's problems and the CEB gave him until July 8 to remove his boat from the dock. He can, however, get on the "waiting list" for people looking for a dock on that canal, or possibly find a vacant dock on an adjacent canal that has no waiting list. Byrne learned that his boat was improperly \ reg- istered" after a city survey of boats in the T-end canal in March turned up the transgression. The survey was done in anticipation of some changes to tle T-enl ca- nal ordinance. When Byrne tried to register his boat after the sur- vey revealed his boat wasn't registered with the city, he said the city told him he couldn't register the boat be- cause he no longer had rights to use the dock. Maybe Alan" Arkri- should have been the bnr, owner. The Islander i.i. !1 .. ., ;:. *j' :~ I ~. - i . t . {fy--^ .,"',. ,t '. . :^ -'*" FRE HMEDEMR~iFF,-EISLA DER -AR-la* -a~-CALL 778-7978 -srry, wL-connotc deliver si elecoilk'2 condaminitun units r mobile homes. ? i" ." -. ~pp~ r i? 'm 'ai~~ ~ ~"~ Y .c s -:~i?~'. ': "t -1 "j. '' ..t.:-i `:r ^ Rl.. THE ISLANDER M JUNE 29, 2005 0 PAGE 9 Shakespeare's dreamland comes to Island Players By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent The box office next Wednesday will start selling tickets to admit Islanders to a world that has charmed millions of people through the centuries: Shakespeare. Island Players theater in Anna Maria will man its box office at 10009 Gulf Drive from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily from Wednesday, July 6, until the play opens July 13 for a five-night run. The $10 tickets also may be ar- ranged by phone during box office hours at 778-5755 or by mail to P.O. Box 2059, Anna Maria FL 34216. The Island will get an early first glimpse of the characters on the Fourth of July, for they will be in the Privateers' holiday parade, in costume. "Much Ado About Nothing" has a large cast, many of the actors familiar to Islanders through roles in pre- vious productions. And its director is an old Island friend and admirer Kelly Wynn Woodland, who has directed many plays on the Island stage and first brought Shakespeare here five years ago. The big cast wasn't a problem, she said, for it is "a professional group that made it a manageable cast." The hardest part was scheduling rehearsals around players' vacations. It was an education, too. This play served to intro- duce community actors to the history and background of Shakespeare and his time. "People came in Saturday mornings .to learn the techniques peculiar to Shakespeare and this play," said the director. "It was educational and a fine bonding time for everyone." She has described Shakespeare's most popular comedy thus: "Benedick and Beatrice are in love but can't stand each other, Hero and Claudio are engaged but he thinks she's been cheating, a benevolent ruler is led astray by the lies of his evil, whiny brother, and the constabulary is manned by some very silly people." The cast is Stan Koci, Ryland Jones, Beau Bob Shakespeare plays again Robin Rhodes and Dawn Burns in last year's Shakespeare on the Island performance of "The Merry Wives of Windsor." Bailey, Dean Chandler Bowen, Richard Garcia, Steve Credeur, Mark Woodland, Damian Jeremy Stone, Brian James Dennis, Tom Allen, Herb Stump, Bill Edwards, Rick Kopp, LisaMarie Moscato, Sara Trem- bly, Heather Kopp, Corinne Woodland, Seth Smith, Mark Silpa and Brian Gordon., Stage manager is Carol Cozan, Barb Gusie her as- sistant. Robin Rhodes is choreographer for some"very specific dancing," Mark Woodland creates the music \ ith period instruments. Koci designed the sets, Blaire Dalton costumes, Alise Hart lighting aided by Bobbie Berger. Sandy Barton is sound technician. Curtain times are 8 p.m. "Much Ado" is co-produced by the Bailey family and The Islander newspaper. Bradenton Outlet Shops Wecome You! C. "Q" Just ask for me - I'll be the bag behind the counter A No need to go street dippingg in New York City... lIe ,. h all the famous designer names! i,,,,' fi...1 LeatIher Metallei * lhf lidmroir le h bicIddj AcceS0oe1 Jeuiel'u Located in the Bradenton Outlet Mall 773-1204 6605 Manatee Ave. W. Mention this ad, get 10% off N BAqLADg Comes out of the closet and into the bedroom -^, o- * AII i il bl Hand-stitched - Pre-shrunk S r Shams & Bedskirts SAvailable s ,6Special Orders x o 0 s$1 63Welcome Located in the Bradenton Outlet Mall 773-1204 6605 Manatee Ave. W. Mention this ad, get 10% off 49 cc Two-STROKE STREET LEGAL SCOOTER Egr ,with U50'this ad ONCE UPON A TIME ... Gas and Electric Scooters SALES SERVICE PARTS REPAIRS 6605 Manatee Ave. W Bradenton Outlet Mall 941-812-5323 HOT-DIGGITY DOG DAY Wednesday JUNE 29 Noon-2 Hot dogs! Buy One Get One FREE! OPEN Wednesday thru Saturday 10-6 Over 140 shops including food, crafts, clothing, fresh produce, unique boutiques and much more! 665 anteive -Brdeto LocaI ted iin the FountinCut Shopp ml i ng P 1111 laza~Iitk MW79-530 r YOU'LL BE TICKLED PINK 6 When you see the all new BEACH SHOP Where Alnatee Avenue ends and the Gulfbegrns at the MlNanatee County public beach Swimswear Beach Shoes and Sandals Fine Qualit\ Fashioni Sand Accessorlese Art Glass Beach To\s Turquoise Jlewelrv \ i Doll- Souvenirs S\'weat-hirts and much more! i--: -? '_ .z-="" ;, e--: =: =-- ? 7 --S -_''_: ? -:--.-%:; z-R ''-,f, :. -:-:._: ---:- "t Sterling (vintners) 750 ................. $9.99 Clos bu Bois (Chard) 750.......... $8.99 Glen Ellen 1.s .............................. $7.99 B & G W ines 1........................ $8.99 Black Swan 1.5.............................. $8.99 W oodbridge 1.5...................... $9.99 Little Penguin 1.5 .................:..... $8.99 Fetzer 1.s $10.99 Di-.S BoIJ'T1J 2E r D :, T BOUT L. Fn Fs From cruisewear to beachwear Fun Fshions Hats, sandals, jewelry Dolls, candles & pottery Unique Gifts * Suncatchers & windchimes * Nautical section including ships, birds, fish, seashells, manatees and more! r Year-Round Christmas Shop Featuring Florida and Anna Maria Island-lhemed ornaments -- -- -............. ..........--... -.------....- -....... ....... ... I ---------... PAGE 10 M JUNE 29, 2005 THE ISLANDER Island Dreams Fine Linens 9908 Gulf Drive Anna Maria 941.778.4050 BRIDAL & GIFT REGISTRY AVAILABLE fHaf Fourth To AN( Our Wonderful Customers Frvend, April 21 & 28 Seven nights Bermuda from Ft. Lauderdale on the new Costa Magic Inside from $975 including all taxes and bus / ave A Fun <( Safe 'th Of Ju(vl 7." Our office will be closed July 2rd-4lh i Leo & Squiggy say Happy 51st Birthday to Pieter RAIDElR'S REIlEF SHELLS & GIFTS The Island's Largest Selection Shells Shell Craft Supplies Sea Life Mirrors Jewelry and Handmade Seashell Christmas Ornaments -.^" S 778-321 5508 Marina Drive Holmes Beach* Across from library 5321 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach (Fitness Center Building) 778-5434 Please Drink Responsibly .Our biggest ewelry sae ever.- ': ,Thurs, Fri,-SAt,and Sui-only - 5@ 0 o.all nechlace.s ($40 and up) ' r5508MrivtrDrive*Holhme eack Q. 6 / r,;779i 77 - Pile-high Island reunion Islander Debbie Busciglio-Kilichowski organized ihis S'cond anniul .hJi 4 piramnid foi the Biisci tli timuiini reunion in 1998. The ftaiilr plans another get-together and another Islander photo this holiday weekend to honor Frances. Busciglio, fainil' mairiarchJ. Islander file photo . Old 'Island' family in annual pyramid B\y Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent The Busciglio family is at it again, its annual Fourth of July gathering on Anna Maria Island and building its human pyramid on the beach. The) \\ ill descend on the Island, 100-strong and more, starting Thursday and some of them continuing through the summer. All are from the Tampa area and stay in close touch with each other, and many of them own property on the Island. Debbie Busciglia Kilichowski, who arranges the get-together and assigns places in the pyramid every year, will arrive June 29, loaded with energy and ready to straighten out her relatives. She has the big strong young men anchor the edi- fice in the bottom row, moves others with less heft to the next row and so on, and ends up with a truly impos- ing monument of flesh. With their ethnic derivation, there is a plenitude of Italian masculine muscle and feminine pulchritude. "Their pyramid will be formed as a "Tribute to Nana Sale to clear Island's End items, start anew All items left over from the old Island's End res- taurant, 111 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, will be sold at an auction starting at 9 a.m. Saturday, July 16, Rhea Chiles has announced. Then the venerable Island landmark (once the Manali familyhome, then their stone crab restaurant, follow ed bN Cafe Robar and Eddie B's) will get a com- plete inspection, rehabilitation and designation for use. It ma\ e\eri get a name at that time She is buying the building and its contents this week from her son, Ed Chiles, who bought the old res- taurant earlier from Lise Blanton and Sean Murphy, partners in Bistro Blantoni Holdings LLC. Ed Chiles also owns the BeachHouse and Sandbar restaurants on the Island, as\ ell as the Mar Vista on Longboat Key. Ms. Chiles said items to be sold include such things as equipment, glassware, supplies, tables and chairs and so on. Right after the auction, she said, "we will make some surgical investigations of the building like- what is making the floor sag'and what is all that elec- trical wiring spaghetti in the ceiling.. "We hope to get a more defined estimate of what it will cost to get the building up to speed. Then we can explore a design for optimum use. "The Lawton Chiles Foundation will be there, but nothing else 'based' in the building. I don't foresee a narrowly defined use of the building, not just one issue or focus such as art, education and the like." -She anticipates '" arioi.' exhibitions, youth activi- Frances," paying homage to the famnil matriarch. Frances Busciglio, who died last July 5, the day after the 2004 pyramid. On Monday, they will start their exertions at 1:15 p.m. between Willow and Palmetto a% enues. Island photographer Jack Elka will immortalize the event with his keen eye and camera.. The Busciglios and the distaff grandparents. Joe and Angie Penton, started visiting the Island in the 1940s,Debbie s.aid.and gradually expanded their hold- ings here as their interest expanded, ending up with several private vacation homes here. A relative ,through marriage was Ernie Cagnina, who had the Island IGA store for many years and served as mayor of Anna Maria City from 1975 until 1988. Those who don't have Island houses may stay with those who do, but many will return to Tampa at sun- down. Debbie herself will gather up the two children she and husband Bill are rearing for the pi raiiid and spend the summer here "until they have to go back to school." Rhea Chile, 'i."A r ,.',n he'r lpassioPti pUaintini at hoine. Ht r lie i' Irillure at i/u t'u f r Island's! End in Anna Maria Will bond her enthusiasm for art, charity and the community. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy ties, meetings, classes, con feien"ces, demonstrations. lectures and so on. We'll need a good scheduler." One early function will be to host a U workshop Jan 14-16 by Susan Abgott of Cortez, president-elect of the Florida Watercolor Society. As for the name, that matter is "still in the idea mode," Ms. Chiles said. "We like 'Village Corner at Gulf and Pine,' but there will be other suggestions, of course." Ms. Chiles is the widow of the late Lawton Chiles, governor of Florida and-U.S. senator. Red tide ebl Red tide to the north. Red tide to the south. But not so much red tide around us at all. So far. Last week's reports of red tide indicated there \ ere "above normal concentrations of red tide from low to high between Clearwater in Pinellas County and Venice in Sarasota County," according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute in.St. Petersburg. However, the "high concentrations" of the Gulf of Mexico brand of red tide, Karena brevis, were mostly to the north in Pinellas County or to the south of Anna Maria Island at New Pass in Sarasota or points south, like Sarasota Bay. Reports off both the Gulf of Mexico shore and along Anna Maria Island Sound were gauged by scien- tists as being "moderate" last week, with little to no fish 'kills reported. So far. Red tide is a naturally occurring phenomenon along almost all of the world's oceans. At times, though, the microorganisms burst into bloom for rea- sons that scientists are still debating. The blooms can cause respiratory problems in humans, fish kills, clo- sure of shellfish beds, and have of late been linked to dolphin and manatee deaths in Southwest Florida and the Florida Panhandle. Locally, red tide has lingered offshore of Manatee County for several months, at times causing shoreline irritation among beachgoers. Earlier in June, dead fish were a definite problem in Anna Maria Sound and the Gulf, but Manatee County and local maintenance crews were quick to clean up the detritris from the beaches. S Prevailing w inds ha\ e apparently driven the bloom SRed tide kills Hotr seshoe crabs are the latest cdisualty "o the recent red tide ourbreak which, thank- fil) il ppears to be ebbbi,,, ncair Ih 13 I/1111(y. ad ltir Photo: Bonner Joy ,ing for now? to the north of late and much of the dead fish with it. However, red tide has taken its toll on the horse- shoe population in and around Anna Maria Sound and SPalma Sola Bay. "Yes, we have had red tide in that area for a while now and horseshoe crabs are being affected," said Su- san Gerhart, with the crustacean fisheries division of FWRI in St. Petersburg. "Although we have not had reports of live horseshoe crabs from Holmes Beach, we have. had many reports from around Palma Sola Bay, particularly around the causeway. Unfortunately, red tide is a natural occurrence, with no 'cure.' We hope that once we get into a pattern of afternoon thunder- storms that mixing of the water will improve the situ- ation." And there have been reports of up to 60 dead horse- shoe crabs on a 1-mile stretch of Lido Beach last week- end. By the way, horseshoe crabs can live for up to 19 years. They migrate into the shore in late spring, with the male arriving first. The female then arrives and makes a nest in the sand. In the nest, females deposit eggs which are subsequently fertilized by the male. Studies conducted in Delaware have revealed an aver- age of 3,650 eggs laid per nest. As young horseshoe crabs grow, they move to deeper waters. During this time, molting still takes place for two to three years. They reach sexual matu- rity in five to seven years. The main cause of death durinri these days is the fish bait industry, \~liich collects horseshoe crabs to make bait for lobsters and other catches. THE ISLANDER M JUNE 29, 2005 M PAGE 11 778-47 51 800-771-7163 5312 Marina Drive Holmes Beach www. island-florist.com - 'll ~ '-.---" --..- _--- .. r-- -..- fIgaxi GJrC i-teflnI j i i SUMMER SILE COUPON : 6i. TO03 Aq one item, 30 s Ottj T h 3 this ad! I ;,: Wecnesd, Jine 29, I l" and Thmrsda;Jnen630,,NLU !i I 5.316 ,N i irn D ivi. HInli 'Be~Rchi :941'' 77j8-0j904 1 L_"-~ .-___ ______- -- J * WHILE QUANTITIES LAST* 0* .50 'off. all 10-karat gold " * bracelets and * neckchains * * * * in stock, excluding * * Estate Jewelry * : Speidel I.D. i * Bracelets including .* Medic Alert * *40OfF* * 7358 Cortez Rd. \. * * 798-9585 * * M .,.n-F.II. i-. I 1 '1 t * .1 ..I ..L .I ... T I L.. I * ******- ** +* ** * Music, coffee, Island style Carrie Price and Preston Whaley II, both of Anna Maria, perform at Ginny's Antiques and Jane's Bakery. Reminiscent of "beat" coffee houses of the 1960s, Ginny's and Jane's offer a blend of new music, coffee and fresh baked goods in the comfortable surroundings and antique furnishings, but only on Friday evenings, and only from 7 to 10 p.m., qt 9807 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy *Cumem *Some Restrictions May Apply f Our 30 min. S workout gets you in and out and in shape! -42S rhitih S \\ .Bradenton 794-2878 5366 Gull Dr e,. Holme- Beach 779-2878 PAGE 12 0 JUNE 29, 2005 M THE ISLANDER Local woman endures, documents, extols facial surgery By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent Nancy Ruth House knew she was experiencing an historic personal event, so she put it all on paper step by step, day by day all the way through surgery and recovery. The result of the surgery is remarkable by anyone's standards. The book it brought about is an unusual written and pictorial account of an individual's emo- tions, reactions and experiences during a traumatic experience. She is a Holmes Beach businesswoman, whose husband Larry runs the Fat Cat Carpet and Upholstery Cleaners in the Island Shopping Center. Her book is titled "My Journey to Beauty Inside and Out," subtitled "a photo journal of my facial cosmetic surgery." "I hated the way I looked," she wrote, and decided to do something.abdut it. With the support of her hus- band andgrown daughter, she opted for surgery. She consulted several area doctors before she met Dr. Andre Renard, and "he was the one for me." He lives on the Island and practices in Sarasota. From then on it was surgery, recovery and-her new ,beauty, all chronicled in her book and all illustrated with photographs by husband Larry. If a picture is worth a thousand words, this book is a good indicator. From the initial swelling immediately after the surgery, through the gradual lessening of the swelling and diminishing of the bruises, the photos are graphic and convincing. Along with them House writes a brief description of her days, her occasional discouragement, her in- creasing gratification with gradual improvement, her gratitude for her family's support, until ultimately the job is complete. Her face is complete, too. So is her happiness, and her conviction that she would do it again. The book will be on her Web outlet soon, she said, and meanwhile she will handle orders herself at 756- 9595 or 545-6902. Cost is $21.95. Nancy before surgery ... ... and after her recovery. -- re-i- -" ---1: TI-,,- '-- ~, -t--- ..- s -5 1-- 14-~~-' ~ F"~5e~ iE .,i . Nancy and Dr. Andre Renard. MASSAGE I massage in the peace, quiet and convenience of your home! Gifts Certificates available for Mom. Call Nadia 75- 87 PLACE YOUR . ORDER FOR 2006W GRADY-WHITE '' SCOUT BOATS 7 . TO DAY .. AN. AND BE Nz, .. .' -."- REA D TO THE FALL! No CANNONS6040 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key (2 miles from north end) ' M A R I N A Open 7 days a week SALES SERVICE RENTALS QUALITY STRENOT COMMITMENT SINCE195. 8 a.m. 5:30 p.m. cannons.com 941-383-1311 YA AHA We're worth the trip! Whenyouwan.aHebes ~ i'. L I THE ISLANDER 0 JUNE 29, 2005 M PACE 13 Islanders, start your rumor for this weekend By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter There's an old Island saying or maybe it's new that if you haven't heard a rumor by 3 o'clock, start one. As more and more "celebrities" discover the Old Florida charm, and much loved peace and quiet of Anna Maria Island, celebrity rumors around July 4 and Christmas seem to sprout like sandspurs in your drive- way. OK, here are the latest celebrity rumors for the July '4 weekend. Lee Greenwood is on the Island. Probably true since,he attended the June 14 Holmes Beach Cit\ Com- mjssion meeting and reportedly o\ ns property in the city. Cameron Diaz \\ill be on the Island. Possibly. She has family living on the Island and has been here previously. No. I'm not going to tell you where the house is and I'm not going to tell you if Jus- tin Timberlake is arriving, because I don't care. A few years ago. I got a call at The Islander to rush up to the Sandbar restaurant and take a picture of 'Cameron Diaz having lunch. Not being a movie-goer, I asked "What's he look like?"-I decided not to go be- cause-I'm not the paparazzi and wasn't going to inter- rupt someone's good lunch at the Sandbar for a stupid picture. SReba McEntire and-her family w~ill be visiting friends this weekend. Also possible. She \ as here two' years ago on July 4 with her family to\ isit friends and could be making a repeat visit. Rene Zellweger and husband Kenny Chesney will sneak onto the Island to see the fireworks.. ZellN eger visited AnAna Maria Island in Apriland. reportedly ate at a very fashionable Island restaurant, unbeknownst to the other patrons. Her parents report- edlyhave a condominium in Sarasota. I was at a Bradentorgmi i, ,stor. ig- April aidingg for my son to finisi-lA~dr i~' 'soni. i 4s srumming a guitar when -d fashiO i-l: 'dres-~;-*gQod-looking young blonde walked in. She casu' fi looked at an $800 guiar.' the turned and asked i If it.was good buy. r .After-checkine out the neck andlifnger action. along. with-ihe price tag. I said sure. The.\.woman went to the counter andlchafted \\with the staff for a.fe%\ minutes about hoi~' She lo ed the store and Anna Maria Island because -it wasn't full of condominiumni and junk restaurants. Truth to tell, I didn't know who she was, even af- ter the staff showed me her credit card receipt where she had signed for $1,200 worth of guitar and case. "Rene Zellweger" was the imprint and signature. For all you celebrity watchers, the above are just rumors I started because it's-3'o'clock and I haven't heard any rumors yet. One thing I can probably guarantee, however. The "celebs" who have discovered Anna Maria Island aren't likely to invite their equally famous "celebrity" friends. After all, what's the point of having a place for some peace and quiet, not to mention anonymity, if everyone in the whole world knows-where it is? .He,;. it's just a rumor, remember?. , Island Branch Library's schedule for July Three events are listed on the Island Branch Library\ schedule for Jul\, \' ith youngster, getting the best of it in their "School Age Summer Pro- gram. That program ni ill be Tuesda s. Jul 19 and 26. at 2 p.m. at the library A family\ origami session \\ill be at 10:30 a.m. Saturday .Jul\ 9. Friends of the Librarn Book Club will meet at 10:30 a.m. Wednes- WE ASSURE YOUR I;F EED O M VACATION... S'WSITIVELY PETS & PROPERTY SERVICES INC. Ouality Pet Sirtta Seru*tes in Vour Home Property Seracet Daring Your Absence CALL JANE OR 76 1-75 11 BONDED & STEVE FUTCH INSURED Accounting Services Payroll & Payroll Taxes Financial Statements Income Tax Preparation .Secretarial Services Electronic Filing BEN COOPER, E.A. Ben Cooper and Associates Inc. 3909 E. Bay Drive, Suaite 110 Holmes Beach, FL, 34217 (Located across from Publix) S (941)778-6118 Fax:(941)778-6230 benacooper@aol.com da\.Jul\ 13. The library is at 5701 Marina Dri\e. Holmes Beach. It opens al 10 a.m. da;ll e-ept Sunday and close at 8 p.m. Nlonda and Wednesday. 6 p.m. Tuesday\ and Thursda .5 p.m. Fridav.fand Saturday. Along e\ ith all the other dil isions of the Mlana- tee Count\ library\ system. it \\ill be closed the Fourth ofJul\. |rcI- nIA ,E.co INTE 210o0 ,' g AWARD-WINNING .;; IDEAS FOR S' YOUR HOME i CALL 941-779-2106 u m, e. es :." .:,c .:,., . Genesis Exterminating INC. Serving Manatee & Sarasota Counties Since 1991 Fumigation Termite Control Subterranean Termite Tenting Florida one house at a Time! FREE ESTIMATES Happy anniversary, Nora! Bracdenrn Bcach O Ci' Cleik Vora Idso rtectn ed a sitrise' pair' on il/ie 0onc-V'1 e t- a'Ol ri\'an, t Irhe alppointllentl 0 oithe lop clear 's position June 23 a cookout at city I/hll teaituriir almost all the of tihe city's staff. Orchiestrated by Deputy C/c:rk Char Pdtterson and the rest of ith clerk' i stiql. tdso said shIre as completely strpurse'd by theje sftiiies. Il'aiider Photo: Paul Roar June's . Honey-Bee of the Month l -- . .. ... . ... Jazzy Fann-age 3 l b Daughter of Tracy and Jason Granddaughter of Janet Mikolay of Bradenton Beach. SJazzy Is very happy little girl. She is Very artistic and especially loves "'sticking She-loves to play with the baby dolls at The "Bee" and she gives nice hugs! g Full-time daycare Monday-Friday 7am-6pro For children ages 6 weeks tc. 5 years .* 3 nutritious meals daily, plus rIalmny snacks Fully staffed by quality and expenri.ced DAYCARE child-care professionals 5382 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-2967 Thanks for saying "I saw it in .The Islander The best news on Anna Mdria since 1992 We are proud to announce we now have The Two Premier air conditioning brands Heating 6 Air Conditioning LASTS AND LASTS AND LASTS.TM TURN TO THE EXPERTTM To better serve our Island communities WEST COAST AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING INC CmeriaR 4611 US 41 N. Palmetto, FL 34221 Licensed/Insured 32995 Member FPCA HOLIDAY GARBAGE & RECYCLING PICKUP SCHEDULE Waste Management of Manatee County will not pick up garbage or recycling Monday, July 4, in honor of Indepen- dence Day. Monday's garbage and recycling will be picked up on the Saturday before the holiday, which is JULY 2. Thank yoiu and enjoy a safe weekendd: IbI3:/ : WASTE MANAGEMENT S, of Manatee County . For more information, call 753-7591. 778-9622 5347 Gulf Drive, No. 4, Holmes Beach Business Center, Holmes Beach U -- r=I~S--~- 'i .: : : : : : : : : : : : :.. .... ..... ................... ......... Commercial Residential s PAGE 14Al JUNE209, 2005rTHEIE ISLANdiBR Obituaries Juanita June Curtis Juanita June Rich Curtis, 81, of Holmes Beach, d A C.1* Curtis June 20. Born in Fairmont, W. Va., she was a member of the Roser Memorial Community Church in Anna Maria, where she served as a deacon. She was active in the Bradenton YMCA and the Anna Maria Historical Society. Memorial services will be at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, July 3, at Roser Church, 511 Pine Ave. Anna Maria. Burial was at Grandview Memorial Gardens in Fairmont, W. Va. Memorial contributions may be made to the church, P.O. Box 247, Anna Maria FL 34216. She is survived by daughters and spouses Sharyn and Robert Sekora of Greensburg, Pa., Tanya and Ri- chard Liesz of Cardiff, Calif., and Kelley and Timothy Purdy of Apollo Beach; brothersNoel Rich of Elkhart, Texas, and Lawrence "Bud" Rich of Texas City, Texas; sister Marjorie Harrell of Leander, Texas; grandchil- dren Aaron Curtis Sekora of Greensburg, Pa., and Sean Thomas Curtis Sekora of Morgantown, W. Va.; several nieces and nephews; and a close cousin Robert Toothman of Winter Park. Henrietta Kreher Henrietta Kreher, 83, of Anna Maria, died June 23. Born in Bascom, Miss., Mrs. Kreher came to Manatee County from Tampa. She was a home- maker. She attended Roser Memorial Community Church. Joint services for Mrs. Kreher and her late hus' band, Ernest, will be at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, July 9, at Roser, 511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria City. Griffith-Cline Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. She is survived by daughters Pamela Buzbee of Marietta, Ga., Gayla Fitzpatrick of Anna Maria, and Patricia of Belleair Bluffs; and three grandchildren. James L. Moss James L. Moss, 79, of Bradenton, died June 13. Born in Wichita, Kan., Mr. Moss moved to Mana- tee County from Annapolis, Md., in 1991, He was a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and served in the U.S. Navy for 27 years during the Korean War and in Vietnam. He was director of computer services, at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York and re- tired as director of computer services at the U.S. Na- val Academy. He was a member of the Navy League, Anna Maria Island Rotary Club, Christ Episcopal Church, and volunteered with Meals on Wheels of Manatee County. Memorial services were June 17. Memorial contri- butions may be made to Meals on Wheels, 811 23rd Ave. E., Bradenton FL 34208. Brown & Sons Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. He is survived by daughter Lynne Moss Griffin of Rome, Ga.; son James Stephen of Montpelier, Vt.; brother Eugene of Anna Maria; nephews Jim and Ed; niece Beth Moss Waters; and 11 grandchildren. - The new north entrance to the Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary and the new Monk Parrot habitat will be dedicated at noon Saturday, July 2, with a cookout to follow. - Both the entrance and the parrot habitat were built by the Parrot Heads organization, the group of fans of .. .ii. o .. lip, Ia ,1h' ~ThI, ff f~e~A "*-E.1'a:1j~J i I entertainer Jimmy Buffett, said the sanctuary. The monk parrots are monk parakeets, those noisy little green birds that live in the wild, gather and stick together in many parts of the Gulf Coast including Anna Maria Island. Further details may be obtained by calling 388-4444. ,iL. inprove. the. Quality o o Yotu- LLfe. SCarol Greer Siemaszko EA Ed. M A PSych CERTIFIED COUNSELOR AND LIFE C'( \UH Porico Iskand BiN:ldntLoIl (941) 794-1492 Players Offenhauer publicist, board member retiring By Jim Hanson. Islander Correspondent Eight years after taking over a job the death of his wife left vacant, Robert Offenhauer is retiring as pub- licist for the Anna Maria Island Players theater group. "I didn't know if I could do it," said the retired chem- ist with Mobil Oil Co. labo- ratories, "but it had to be done. It turned out to be quite rewarding." His late wife had handled stch matters for the Island Players for years, and her death eight years ago left a large vacuum in the Players as well as in Offenhauer's life. He had ..1 Offenhauer Offenhauer worked around-the theater doing backstage chores be- fore taking over public relations. A graduate of DePaul University and the Univer- sity of-Wisconsin, he met his wife when she was working for the Voice of America. Soon married, they lived,in New Jersey, where his job took them. He loves the small theater in Anna Maria and loves the people who toil there, but publicizing stage productions is too complicated now that he has slowed down, he said. "They stage very good things on the Island," he said, "and they are just fine people." He is especially appreciative of director Kelly Wynn Woodland, whom he characterizes as "very creative, very smart." His successor will be Hugh Scanlon, veteran actor in these precincts who has appeared in sew eral Island Players productions. He came first to MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa in 1958 and never got away from Florida. He retired six years ago from his sales agency, which handled electronic products. OPEN Mon.-Pri. Taoam-7pm Sat., Sun., Holidays 730am-5pm WALK-INS WELCOME We're available to tend to your urgent care needs Fever/Infections Minor Lacerations Simple Fractures Sprains PINNACLE MEDICAL CENTER 315 75th Street West Bradenton 941-761-1616 WILLS TRUSTS PROBATE. JAY HILL Attorney-at-Law 778-4745 Anna Maria, Florida s pleased to announce the opening CARDIOLOGIST is pleased to annouInce che opening of his solo practice ... Manatee Ave. W. Now Accepting New Patients 2225 59th St. W, Suite D Blae Medical 0 Bradenton Center 21st Ave. W. 761-8955 Tanglewood Board Certified American Board of Cardiology Medicare Accepted Cortez Road W. WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO FROM 1-BEDROOM a n na m ar ia APARTMENTS Gulf Coast To 5-BEDROOM R E N T A L S EXECUTIVE HOMES 5319 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach (Wept side of Island Filne;? Plazal TEL 941.- 8-699 TOLL FREE 1 .0,i-:-65.-ia 00* FAX. 94I1 -72-5606 E-mail _a,:alloni.arrWrl;enal; cc' rr W1-tb ww. arnot:rernia 'comr 50% OFF Carpet& Fabric Protectord HAPPY When we clean INDEPENDENCE your carpet and DAY! upholstery. Carpet & Upholstery C Cleaning Tile and Grout Color, Cleaning and Stain Control! LARRY & NANCY HOUSE, OWNERS -- 778-2882 or 387-0607 www.FatCatCarpetCleaning.com IlbiYgry i Reach more than 20,000 people weekly with your ad - for as little as $20.00! Call Rebecca'. or Nancy 778-7978 Th Islander www.islander.org Parrot Heads' contribution to birds being dedicated tIfe 'h SLANDERi -jNEI' 09,' 065"'iL AGE 15 Woman chief sure of Rotary success With a great year behind and a challenging one ahead, the Island's Rotary Club's new president is proud of the club's unique success and is certain of the group's bright future. The new president is Birgit Sesterhenn, the first woman ever to head the Island Rotary organi- zation. Her plans are primarily to "keep everybody busy," as they have been over the years. | . That busyness brought about the startling result of $90,000 raised for charities around the world in the past year, and with'only compara- . tively few members. . "We have only about 20 ac- tive members here during the summer," Sesterhenn said. "We're up to 50 or more during the winter, but year-around membership is light. Everyone works very hard." One of her Sesterhenn goals is to expand the club's membership during her tenure. The members' hard work is responsible for the $90,000 the club distributed in the 2004-05 club year, $60,000 of it in assistance to tsunami victims in South- east Asia. The money was raised in response to a challenge www.islander.org AN INTERDENOMINATIONAL COMMUNITY CHURCH HARVEY MEMORIAL S, .PASTOR BILL GROSSMAN Worship Service S'-- -- Sunday 9:30am 779-19192 harveychurch@earthlink.net 300 CHURCH AVE. BRADENTON BEACH 2 BLOCKS NORTH OF BRIDGE ST. CLOCK TOWER SvDo you care for an elderly loved one? -- GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK WITH OUR S AFFORDABLE SENIOR DAYCARE. Days Nights Weekends E \ceptional Individual Care ANNA MARIA CARE j ASSISTED LIVING 2202 Avenue B Bradenton Beach 779-0322 grant from an anonymous Island charity, Sesterhenn said. Club members raised more than $35,000 from direct solicitations, voluntary contributions and dona- tions from many Rotary clubs around the country. On the Island, Rotary matched the $2,500 raised by Children at the Anna Maria El- 1 ementary School and sent to RRotary International's school L. construction program in Sri Lanka. The club also has contributed to the school's Peace Pole pro- gram, to field trips and for ac- tivities not provided for in the 7 school budget, and purchased dictionaries for every third- grader at the school. It also set Sup a $2,000 college scholarship. Many organizations and pro- S grams benefited from Rotary as- sistance during the year, Sesterhenn said, including the Art League, All Island Denominations, Community Center, the Anna Maria Island Chorus and Orchestra, and more. The new president and her husband Herbert, who came here from Germany, own the Island Florist, 5312 Marina Drive,, Holmes Beach. Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, ELCA Pastor Tamara Wood S Saturday 5pm Service of Celebration SSunday 9:30 am Worship Service Nursery available at 9.30am S*.' qlic.rniA iulirars ..:.ni r "6608 varina Drive Holmes Beach 778-1813 I Oand a Chiropractic. Dr. Kathleen Goerg Massage Therapy Also Available! 778-0722 3612 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach, FL 34217 (between Publix and Ace Hardware) Visit our Web site: www.islandchiro.com COMPOSITE DECKING & RAILINGS BY Trex 9 am Adult Study/Discussion 10 am Traditional Service with Choir Rev. Kenneth Gill (Nursery and Sunday school) Come worship and enjoy warm fellowship YOUR CHURCH AWAY FROM HOME! 6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key FL 34228 (941)383-6491 Web site: www.islandchapel.com Lili Graduating Delores DeBald with Manatee County Sheiff's Office Deputy Bruce Meade at the banquet which noted her graduation from an 11-week course he led in the Citizen's Law Enforcement Academy program. The Holmes Beach woman said the course, including bomb squad and K9 functions among many others, gave her a new appreciation of what law enforcement entails. Buy life insurance and save on your car. hen you buy your life insurance from us through Auto-Owners Insurance, you'll receive special discounts on your car insurance. We'll save.you money. As an independent Auto-Owners agent we take great interest in you-as well. as your car. Stop in our agency and ask us about it today! . ,Auto-Owners Insurance Life Home Car Business Tk7 ;'Ak /h &m -'/ v Jim Mixon Insurance Inc. 5412 Marina Drive Island Shopping Center Holmes Beach (941) 778-2253 OUR OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR LUNCH NOON-1 DAILY. "Tropical Bugs Need A Tropical Service" CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Beaches Bradenton Sarasota Parrish 778-1337 794-1005 365-2893 776-0779 Full Service Exterior and Interior SNow Accepting Visa . and Mastercard Island Pest Control Inc. SERVING THE ISLANDS MORE THAN 20 YEARS State Certified/Licensed and Insured Locally owned and operated .* * , l I ' t PAGE 16 0 JUNE 29, 2005 E THE ISLANDER Cortez, Cedar Key: How did they survive? By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent Two Gulf coast commercial fishing communities survive a catastrophe and remain true to themselves while other towns succumb to developers: How did they do it? Cortez is one of the survivors, Cedar Key the other. They will be probed and compared in a study funded last week by the Florida.Humanities Council. The study will produce, among other results, a traveling exhibit for use around the state and country. Receiving the $23,000 grant for the anthropologi- cal examination of the effects of.the infamous net ban is the Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage. It will oversee the program through Roger Allen, manager of Historic sites of the Gulf Coast Maritime Museum, a project of FISH. Dr. Michael Jepson, of the University of Florida, will head research for the study and Carlton Ward, president of the Legacy Institute for Nature and Culture of Tampa and a famed photographer, will handle the pictures for the exhibit. Jepson helped create FISH when he lived in Cortez from 1992-94 doing research for his doctoral disserta- tion on the impact on the historic fishing village and the environment of the prohibition against inshore net fish- ing. He will want to know why the two communities under tremendous pressures were so resilient and per- severing to prosper when their very lives were threat- ened by the net ban, he said. Others in the same situa- tion let developers take over their destinies. The two villages took far different paths to sur- vival, he said. Cedar Key developed an aquaculture program that has made it the perhaps the biggest ex- porter of "farmed" seafoods in the United States. In Cortez, he noted, a small group of villagers has come together to stave off the development that destroyed the original culture of so many coastal towns, and ended up with a different kind of waterfront and economy. How did they do it? He wants to know. He expects a lot of help from his partner in the study, Carlton Ward. Ward has done photographic and study work for the Smithsonian Institution, National Geographic Society, National Wildlife Federation and other presti- Sgious organizations, Jepson noted, and is a highly re- spected ecological and environmental journalist. He also noted that FISH representative Allen had years of experience in producing exhibits for the Phila- delphia Maritime Museum before coming to Florida. They will start interviewing net ban survivors in Cortez and Cedar Key in August. 4.. S- . Artist of the month Anne Abgott, a watercolor artist who began painting in the back room of island Gallery West more than 10 years ago, is the gallery's featured artist through July 31. Abgott is an award-winning artist and art workshop leader. Abgott is pictured here with one of her watercolors. County Democratic women set 'Breakfast at Beach' The Democratic Women's Club of Manatee County will have its annual "Breakfast at the Beach" Monday, July 11, at the Cafe on the Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive,.Holmes Beach. The informal Dutch-treat event will begin at 10 a.m. at the restaurant at the Manatee Public Beach. Open to the public, the gathering boasts no agenda but "members will be able to address and discuss subjects of common interest," said spokesperson Francine Slack. Reservations may. be made and information ob- tained at 778-3444 and 741-8737. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Kitchen 11:30am-10pmn Full Bar 11:30am til late nite Full food and liquor service and daily Specials that'll BLOW YOU AWAY! 778-5788 5346 Gulf Drive, in the S&S Plaza DISCOUNT LIQUOR COCKTAIL LOUNGE k Coupon Good J6ne 29-July 5, 2005 Jim Beam Bourbon Jay Crawford Kettle One Vodka $2189 175 appearing $ 99" LTR July 7, 14, and 28 1$TR 'Shiprek' again will head Privateers By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent Greg "Shiprek" Davidson will man the Anna Maria Island Privateers helm this summer, following recent elections. He succeeds Eric "Axmon" Rushnell, who last August succeeded Davidson. The change of command will be Aug. 1, said Davidson. Elected vice president was Scott "Scratch" Hirsch, succeeding Bruce Witton; Elizabeth "Doc" Cline, re- elected treasurer; Jim "Carp" Brennon, captain suc- ceeding Tom Owen; and Connie Brannon, secretary succeeding Cathy Ensign. Davidson headed the organization for a year, did not seek re-election while he took a rest from com- mand, then was elected again last week. He said he will try very hard to build membership, and will try to get the Privateers boat/float ship back into the Gasparilla parade. The ship is self-propelled, built mostly by Privateers themselves on a bus chassis, and Gasparilla rules require that floats be towed. "We'll rig it so it can be towed," Davidson said. "It'll be pretty hard, for the vessel is 60 feet long and that makes cornering a problem from time to time. But we'll lick it." The organization was founded on the Island by a number of civic-minded men, among them the late Whitey Horton, an avid golfer for whom the Privateers' annual golf tournament is named. The Privateers are devoted to supporting youth, especially those on the Island, and each year give thou- sands of dollars worth of college scholarships. They also support youth athletic programs, especially those at the Anna Maria Island Community Center. Gulf Coast Writers set schedule for season The Gulf Coast Writers group has arranged its sched- ule for the summer and early fall, meeting at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. The writers will meet at 10:15 a.m. July 11, Aug. 1, Sept. 12 and Oct. 3. Featured at each meeting will be readings by members. Details may be obtained by call- ing 778-3209. Loop Road Farm Market Greg and Arlene Geraldson, Owners Your so e TOMATO lt for tasty lorida.grown. GRAPE I produce TOMATOE eT: OPEN Monday thru Saturda 10-4 9812 Ninth Ave. NW Bradenton fres ctc r L/ New lighter menu selections, lighter fare for parties seated by 6:30 p.m. Please call for reservations! 5406 Marina Drive Holmes teacn *--/ ro-o20 RICHIARDS WHOLE FOODS www.richardswholefoods.com Bulk * Natural Foods * Supplements Mon Sat vaidJne2 -J ul9 20 9:30am 5:30pm 778-4322 5344 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach (next to Hurricane Hank's) a.p. BeLL fiSH compaNryisc. S....-- .... Fresh Seafood Since 1910 Great selection of locally caught Grouper, Snapper, Shrimp, o Panfish and much more. SPlanning a fishing trip? Call about our aD, big selection of frozen bait! S DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAY S See you at our docks! -- \3A C C' 4600 124th St. W. Cortez, Floridg . 'i-- Old Florida StLyle An Anna Maria Island Landmark Est. 1952 Tues-Sat 11am-8pm Sun 12-8pm.* Closed Mon Eat in Take out Across from the Manatee Public Beach 3901 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-7769 SI I I I--- ~L~ THE ISLANDER M JUNE 29, 2005 M PAGE 17 Shake your thing! Miss Sara Tanner's 5- to 7-year-old dance students "do their thing "in the annual \ cur-end recital for a full audience of anxious parents, grandparents, siblings and friends at the Anna Maria Island Community Center. Islander Photos: Bonner Joy Jazzy, creative dancers Two classes of dancers gathered "backstage "for photographs before their year-end recital Saturday, June 25, at the Anna Maria Island Community Center. They are all students of "Miss Sara" Dyman's dance classes at the Center. The girls age 5-7 learn creative dance, while the girls age 8-10focus on jazz dance. I Achievement Miss Sara awards of certificates of achievement to all dancers following their performances. --- 3232 East Bay Drive S,,,I. I TAKE-OUTR $100 OFF I Next to Walgreens ....V 778-7878 Err I Any Size Pizza I I-- -'-- -- ITh B Gan Rauan n iaI Wt C MA AANY 3 I The Best German Restaurant on Florida's West Coast OINA XI AI FRIDAY SPECIAL I &ITALIAN RESTAURANT FOOT-LONG OVEN-FRESH BAVARIAN HAXEN Speiaizin in Veal Chicken Fis Pasta Reservations a must! 778-1320 Open 7 Days 1AM to Midnight Y yOUR SUB h. HOURS: TUES-SAT 5-9:30PM -201 N. Gulf Dr. Bradenton Beach TOASTED... MMM an is1d on Anna Maria Island Centre 3246 E. Bay Drive Holmes Beach L 778-0771 or 778-0772 -- -.1 L-- N J EARLY CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: NOON FRIDAY JULY1 for ads that will appear in the July 6 issue of The Islander. ur office will be dosed Monday, July 4, in observance of the the 4th of July. We, wish y' la happy anrd safe holiday weekend, I I Y. . PAGE 18 N JUNE 29, 2005 M THE ISLANDER Millionth 'Fun Map' coming soon By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent "How do I get to the nearest post office?" "Where are you now, ma'am?" "I don't know." Not an unusual call for Pierce Combs, whose name and phone number are on the "fun maps" he created - so fortuitously that demand has consumed a million of them. So popular have they proved to be that nowadays people take 750 of them a week in season at the Caf6 on the Beach, 500 at Mama Lo by the Sea. The millionth one will be printed any time now for distribution starting in September, said Combs, a re- tiree who lives at Flamingo Cay, on the Palma Sola Causeway. He started the "fun map" five years ago'when "I realized that of all the maps, none of them ever depicted the Island right,just confusing. I told myself there's got to be a better way, and I figured one out." He took pictures of 190 buildings on the Island, he said, and asked merchants if they would support a map that showed the high points and how to enjoy them and let visitors know they were welcome. They said yes, and bingo! "fun map," "I just want people-to come and have fun; that's what the Island was built on," he said. It's also profit- able, he said. One side of the map depicts business, shopping and restaurant places, and the flip side shows fishing, per- sonal watercraft, parasailing and the like. Combs was born in Lakeland, worked "up north" and he and his wife came here to care for his late par- ents on Key Royale. His father was an attorney, retired. Combs himself is retired from Yale Lock and Hard- ware in Washington, D.C., "I locked up the White House and the Pentagon and a lot of government buildings," he said, explaining that he had sold high-security systems for many federal department headquarters. He is president of the Fla- ..~ .~-., Wild bird rescue training class set for Saturday A training class in wild bird rescue is sched- uled for 10:30 a.m. Saturday, July 2, at the Peli- can Man's Bird Sanctuary, 1708-Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota, on City Island at the south ramp of the New Pass Bridge. It is aimed primarily at people over 18 who are interested in becoming a volunteer at the sanc- tuary. Volunteers also are needed for the baby bird season, the hospital, welcome center and other functions of the sanctuary, a spokesperson said. Details may be obtained at 388-4444. 7. - --.. ,.I -.' . -'.;? ***.- ..... * -- P 'ie c a M a S .. ... ,f ,ec C p" Pierce Combs and his "Fun Map." Toyota scholar Anna Maria resident Alexandra Murphy is one of 100 high school seniors selected as a 2005 Toyota Community Scholar. To be eligible for the scholarship, students had to be proven leaders both in the class- room and in their commu ' nities. mingo Cay Homeowners Association. His wife is a sales representative for the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. He has 125'distribution points around the Island for his free map, but that's not enough. People from Maine to California have asked for additional maps, and quite a few want 30 or 40 to include with a wedding invita- tion. The mixed-up woman who wanted the post office? "Well, I told her to find out where she was and call back, and she did in about five minutes. I sent her to the post office." a ...: i. "i v ; L~ ':~-~ A bf *'l r.- :71' : );atr I . 't~. .'- '' ' -.:7' ~ ,T '"- '- . '-, '. t., ; .., : *'. *. ". .., , ..g :., . ZAGAT BEST FOOD IN THE STITE WINE SPECTATOR AWARD OF EXCELLENCE T FLO RIDA TRENDS BEST FOOD IN TH E -STATE . j- .";,* n~f~~ ,,.....: , BesJt L~ittle Restaul-1711rlt Ml Floridar Reservations 941-778.6444 00 (Wif I I -crTi\., HoJlmes B,:jch, A4nna Nlara Island. Fkrldci~ii 3,42?~\v 1 www.xachbistrou~cor THE ISLANDER 0 JUNE 29, 2005 0 PAGE 19 I mm V Io JUNE 15, 2005 U THE ISLANDER Open..eal Cofee & ReRm Keaty - LIVE-ENTERTAINMENT 1y VE EERTAINMENT Have a Great 4th of July Holiday Thurs.-Sun. Retail Seafood Market KITCHEN * % wi Ann Maria Island's resident ex on coffee and real estate ... Smand Rich S990-6 Gulf Drive Anna Maria _*: --. I~~(941) 779-0034 A - V iii r- -t~ 16., -. 1'- S -: 6i~ p 1 ::l -I. -- ~ -J c; IL -4- :4L4 . -? I= ^ t . *s 1 - w. iE -4 a a z. , - _ C E, i~~=; i-I i;-.:.. : ,-- I 1-.1. i i o tiSt- LU .S S E IT m : -*z iQ cc - .. i -g- j~eI~r "' AdtttiA- 941383Il41.84 984947 7"792222 A M 704 ",ISfr" m t* ', w -='- prices! - p t.B Island Sho1lppig C(enter S-l18 Mlarinci Drive Hlolme- Beach 778-2169 I The Stoue wvitli the Birds r~-~~i~~- -;----~-lirii*i6 "- 1 El r --, ? , '-4Ajl ( I( /EI -L t Check out our new, chic dining area and wine bar! BRUNCH/LUNCH Wed.-Sat.1 1-2:30 BREAKFAST SUNDAY 8-2:30 DINNER Wed.-Sun. from 5:30 p.m. (Closed Mon./Tues.) SB4] 5406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach *778-5320 r-r \ r. c n-74 ( ' I 11, @ zco ,C ,=C: 09 Ah/t flYa3r =- -- r. - ;-- I $; I .~~ r. r.r~.;i;;- rx.....- -;- rrl -- -~i-l 'R h '- - .~ --i-. i I I I -I I I -'" r. : i. i - :. .., :~~: rr I. iC-' "~~' ~U; ;1; t- ~: .-i-: 1=.--; i i.:..-. -- 2. . A. THE ISLANDER M JUNE 15, 2005 M : HOME-OF THE MANGO-MACADAMIA ENCUSTED GROUPER FREE2 GLASSPi OF WINE o: a piece of KeyLimePie with any two regular priced dinners, with this ad. Open Daily Live Music Fri, Sat EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Ever da *- 4-6 pm Buy one entree, get second entree B ^R *.y B wilh Ili j d Il' A rihl'."1 .O l i tjr ," -' i i: Where the locals and the stars love to dine! Denzel Washington said: "Great food! 103 Gull Orlve Bradeleno Beach T779-1930 V-:--.. .-.-.--i..----., -_..--..".- -- Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 7 Days :Fresh Fish" Specials Daily Ice-Cold Beer & Wine .t. -t. ,-- "- : ' ,i l.i I,. I- i -- -' 0 wd < o . z :5 - .4:"" C Co ~ ;~ y c D 4(f)_ - ZLU uu X~r 5 L LI M z *-'r a u C) ,. a zI-1 <03 ar cam <>< :5 LU o-LIJ 0 z ti S Rzz- .r N~ ; - -7Ci -0 cli < C F-z Z CE w :ow z ErOv, Z) o~P i a -M, N -T a I C -j C\ MC,) ZLi Uii 0 0 'Cc a a i T -:iILL F - 20 --g 1 L L 'LL I- i LO M ( M CJ in 'J CJ 01N MU -r 'Ij o~aaaa~aa~aoa< < ~ -' zw-nirm zz Z LU L J : < EL4 Cn L) Ert>U 03U 07-n(D-LL Z:DCC Mir zm a.O 0UW ma0 a a :NIm ticnclar :a ~0wZcf :~~~w >E, 'NU)OCL -10 z-imrrtt Z rrU) W x (l Smmmmmamma mmm Er cnwm io 4 ez W LU (Ir ) Ix O0 =I- C a zao.rcZO~Iwwa U00000000000ou mu < <0 < CL Wi < L ) CL)I.LI 0 '-10 ZP: Cc 0 X C taLLU -10 LU !< .. F-J .,i ca -Cc c 0 r) C) C 0 L L - :DD CD D 0CD D N M M a N < a - ~ommaaama< c i- > le le E [r > rj) C3 -j 0 -)RCcI D<_ E:U 2 Eir r Et I II < << r n m Xc TX x3: : X Z INSHORE SPORTFISHING CHARTER BOAT. t pleat Afig : apt Steven Slgdo - ,. ,.. -.',-,_:: ,,. (: :.. "" -': ( "iI ":i ";'"(r:qi L. :i "C'- 7 :,7 -:",' :;T, .8.. 1 1.( - oilr smilldl Nile-g(lilldla l's. ~l~l~(g II Irr JilE 315 Gull Drive s w- wWv dannrlliIdr:l In3r ling cllg ,i .[M ak'e Reservations Now for July 3 Fireworks_ On a 36' Catamaran )Dolphin Siails, or a 65' Sloop Sunset Sails. Daily departures from the E Ot Kc Sea oio"Shack lMaiina -,,. Ky Kv licst & Blev-ondl S. --l i--,. Reser-ations 0- -713-8000 LEX-SFA or 761-1779 Ginny's & Jane E's Now open Friday Nights! 'tl 10 pm Join us for coffee, snacks, desserts or a lite meal! Soft live music by Forrest 7-10pm Jane E's E-Cafe, Bakery -7 and Fresh Produce 9807 Gulf Tr!,-- .- 1i. rIr I : GGinny's Antiques anidj 6 5602 Marina Dri--, H.:.lme- B-ach litvie itLoit i e ntal I opet ties-a I COi MI' ee ulbali t1004 1'l-41111 I DiiaD1Y. U~t~lIl~' B~'ilhi 2 m LU : 0=) O-0 a.<< 0 wLLI -!R0 5; LL- ui < (- 0 cr,~ o oU mmr m m co M, ;Ia00W~L -C'J~ ZI-- c3r, z Er CL mLZ Fm $IJ alo La - -> -z a J i f: a s ; _ --~-~--I- . ; I -- Q r- i:=T PAGE 22 E JUNE 29, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER C) 00 w00 SID 0' (D 0- CD' - cj~ ~< -$, C LA~ ~ Cd) ~1 CL 0. CD- (D 0 I CD , 0" 1 -5 CD Ca. CD. 0 C- ~0' 0A. 0' CD Ia.0 if'CD C CD LA -t C C 0' 0 0)0 -l CO So 0 C C,' C 0' C) 0" LA *I~ 0' Cd) 0'o, 0' n,-, 0' -'0' C- C o '0' C'.0' 0"" u.0 .lA C/) Q 0 . C 00 0 'T C ( 0" i').D CD 0' CD' C.' cn~E -~00 CD f C)C CD CD 0' CD I -o '420, En El ~ CD~S O.4~U ~CD &. m a. E) 'I1 CL E 9m - lhl %b 55 lT N) I CD YC, 0' 0' ' CD 0' Z" cd) (D- CD C- 0CD CD C) ,0 CD ( CL c, CD- C) 00 CD CD' ICD0 co ' LA 00 00 CD C- CD 0' CD -CD 00' 0.0 CD CD - LA LA N) 4z~. 0,0' "0' 00' C C'., C 0' C) 0" LA o 3 C C D p 00 00 CDN S0'- -j CD 00 "R a0" o 00- 00 - CDI CED LAJ 00 P >1C! *0' 0 ' N; '03 *' '0' C C- 0,0' 00 -) 0 0 0 CDC 0' tC -k' (A U) 41 RI En mI 'S.. RI 0 C SI -II RI (A En ifs 0 En 0 SI En 3. -0^ 00 2. 0 <0' 0,' UL C-D to W (0" CD 00- <90 CA- 0 LA 0 0- 0 oo So C-TI C,' - 3'S CD 0' LAl 0 - LA 0 0\ P' g- 4 C - 00 C tL A!- -i* 0" (31, CD c CD 0,0 CD 00 CD 00 0 .crj C0 0 CD~ 000'0 CD) 0-I 0-0 S0Piz 0'0 CD 0' 0 00-0.0 CD CDC (D 0E 0" 00~ 00 -If T, 0' 0 0 n ' o '.0 -if I0' 0'IT t0' -CD 0D LAz~ 0 RI (A" (4~ ()c RI SI ED LA 4~. 0 N)i~ 0'. 0' 0' 00 0~ ,~< ~0 0'. 0' <0' 0 C 0- C '..< 0' C) 0" '.0 00C(~ 0ct'~ ~-0'En ~RI C -. -if ~-ED oEn 0' ~ LA 0. C0 Co. 0' '.1 w I CD Ct 0' -if 5--C >S 3 F' 0' Wednesday, June 29 8 to 9 a.m. "Good Morning Longboat Key" at the Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce, 6960 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 383-2466. 3:30 to 5 p.m. Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce Hurricane Seminar at the BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Infor- mation: 778-1541.. Thursday, June 30 7p.m,- Longboat Key Historical Society presents "Longboat Key: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" with Town Commissioner Jeremy Whatmough at the mu- seum, 6960 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Infor- mation: 383-4066. Friday, July 1 :4 p.m. "Billabong Odyssey" surf movie at Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 704-9656. -- 7 to 9 p.m. Teen night at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. ,. 7 to 10 p.m. Live original music at Ginny's An- tiqies and Jane E's Bakery, 9807 Gull Drive, Anna Streetlife Island police reports Anna laria City -- .une 21, 300 block of North Bay Drive, criminal i-ihief. A woman reported that the paint on her car iS-scratched while it was left.in her driveway. S^&wie 26. 800 block of North Shore Drive, anchor- ing on beach. A boat owner was cited for anchoring a boat on the shoreline behind the Rod & Reel Pier Mo- tel, June 27, 800 block of South Bay Drive, burglary. A cit\ public works employee found the contents of a puGifr scared at the city pier parking area. The owner eras identified with the driver's license found among the itemsn. and the purse and contents were returned to her Bradenton Beach June 16. 100 block of Fourth Street South, domes- tic batter A woman reported that her boyfriend hit her in the back of the head and face. The boyfriend was taken into custody. June 16. 300 block of Gulf Drive South, DUI ar- rest. Donald Joyce, 44, of Bradenton Beach, was Maria. Information: 778-7370. ._ Saturday, July 2 8:30 a.m. --Kiwanis Club meeting at Cafe on the Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. -,Publix barbecue prepared by -Alday's Barbecue at E. Bay-Drive and Manatee Av- enue, Holmes Beach. Fee applies. 10:30 a.m. Wild bird training class at the Peli- can Man's Bird Sanctuary, 1708 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota. Information: 388-4444. Noon Dedication ceremony for the new monk parrot habitat at the Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary,: 1708 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota. Information: 388-4444. Sunday, July 3 8 a.m. Sierra Club walk at Myakka State Park. Information: 484-4113. Fee,.applies. . Monday, July 4 10 a.m. Privateers' Fourth of July parade from Coquina Beach to Bayfront Park/ Bradenton Beach to Anna Maria. Information: 650-6136 or 729-9039. . 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Freedom Fest at Bicentennial Park, 2730 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Infor- mation: 383-2466. Noon to 2 p.m. Privateer's Fourth of July party and scholarship award presentation at Cafe on the Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information:. 650-6136 or 729-9039. Wednesday, July 6 7 to 8a.m. Pier Regulars meeting at Anna Maria charged with dri\ ing under the influence of alcohol when officers stopped him from driving away from the scene of an earlier dispute. According to the report, an open 'container, of beer was found in the vehicle and Joyce was unable to complete a field sobriety test. June 16, 2601 Gulf Drive N.,-Sandpiper Resort, theft. A man reported his identification and several checks missing from his home. June 18,2601 Gulf Drive N., Sandpiper Resort, Baker Act. A man was taken into custody under the Baker Act after he called 911 and threatened to harm himself. June 19, 1400 Gulf Drive S., Coquina Park, war- rant arrest. Two men were arrested in the park, one for possession of alcohol by a person under the legal age limit and the other for two warrants for violating pa- role. Holmes Beach June 21, 6800 block of Gulf Drive, theft. A man reported the theft of a fire extinguisher from the ground floor stairwell. June 21,6200 block of Marina Drive, theft. A man reported his license plate had been taken from his car. June 23,4000 Gulf Drive, Manatee Public Beach, THE ISLANDER U JUNE 29, 2005 E PAGE 23 City Pier, 100 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria. Information: 778-7062.. 5:30 p.m. Teen meeting at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Informa- tion: 778-6341. Ongoing: Art by Ruth Cade at Island Gallery West, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, through June 30. Informa- tion: 778-6648. "Hooray for Hollywood" summer enrichment pro- ,gram at Miller Elementary School, 4201 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton, through July 1. Information: 741-3300. Fee applies. Exploring Florida's Waterways nature camp with the South Florida Museum at various locations. through July 15. Information: 746-4131, ext. 22; Fee applies. "Bioquest" summer camp at the Anna Maria Is- land Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria, through Aug. 5. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. Upcoming: Sierra Club paddle at Weekie Wachee Springs. July 9. Family origami class at the Island Branch Library July 9. "That's Italian" family festival at Ringling Museum July 9. Journalist Helena Bachmann Milligan at the- BeachHouse Restaurant July 10. Gulf Coast Writers at the Island Branch Library July 11. Freedom Fest volunteers , sought on Longboat The Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce . has sent out an urgent call for \ volunteer to help Y with the Freedom Fest the chamber is sponsor? -N ing on the Fourth of Jul\. An hour of each \olunteer's time bem\eee 1 I a.m. and 1 p.m. on the holiday would be mnios welcome, the chamber said. Volunteers \'ill work the food booth and children's games.-. Those interested maNj call 3s3-2466. dlu arrest. Lev i Hall. 23. ot Bradenton. wis anes- i . for possession of miUaljuaina after being stopped f la r10; 'eringl in the pi rk ;after hliours. June 23. 3248 E Ba\ Drl\e. WValreens. drug a-- rest. HolI. Turner. 34. of Bradeniton. \as arrested for prescriptlon fraIuJ. According to the report. Turner used. ilhe doctor's call-in ans\\ering sei \ ice and. posing as an emplo\ ee of a doctor's office. placed a prescription order. She \\as arrested \' hen she attempted to pick up the order. r:-------- -------------- --" S'VIA TALIA RISTORANTE IT \ .1 \NO by Chef Frtancesco iofSarasota I I IV Lunch ... '" - S Tues-Fri 1-23.. Dinner Tues.Sun S 4:30-9:30 I Closed Mondays 792-5332 Dine in or take-out 6777 Manatee Ave. W. in the Northwest Promenade .. ..- -- .....------- Capalbo'sI SHouse of Pizza Buffet Special 9 with the Purchase of I a soft drink. i 792-5300 10519 Cortez Road W. Mon-Sat 11am-1Opm Sunday Noon-9pm ll AnS S F i ES iE O l P tXJll ,JiJ .1 l'0i9 a i Where the locals bring their friends! OPEN DAILY RAIN OR SHINE BREAKFAST LUNCH* DINNER Evening entertainment! 4-8pm Wed, Fri & Sun Tom Mobley Thurs & Sat Rick Boyd Mon & Tues Mark Cravens TACO & FAJIKA Every Wednesday"" 4pm-8pm AllYou- $7 95 Can-Eat 7 ALL-YOUICAN-EAT 9 0" 8. $195 OPEN 7 AM 7 DAYS A WEEK BEER & WINE Casual Inside Dining or Outdoor Patio Dining Plenty of Parking Fishing/Observation Pier On beautiful Manatee Beach where Manatee Ave. ends and the Gulf begins! s 4000"GOIf Dri\ c'- Holmes BDedach 7'878A07si l i PAGE 24 0 JUNE 29, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Survey of Sarasota Bay provides revealing statistics And the survey says ... The Sarasota Bay Estuary Program conducted a survey of Manatee and Sarasota county residents in 2004 to assess their thoughts about the bay system, stormwater runoff, xeriscaping, potable water and other related eco-issues. The results were surprising. Comparing last year's tally with a very similar survey conducted in 1995 was also a surprise. -According to Dr. Jay Rayburn and Beacon Re- search Inc., "There does exist a strong base of support for the overall health of the bay. More than four out of five individuals agreed that stormwater runoff was ei- ther very or somewhat important to the health of the bay, but only one out of four see any connection be- tween yard maintenance and the health of the bay. "The key to motivating these individuals might be tying the health of the bay to.activities and programs of the Sarasota Bay Program," the survey conclusions add. "If these individuals could be shown the link be- tween treatment of stormwater runoff and, for example, planting grasses or mangroves, these behaviors are more likely to be carried out by individuals living along the bay and its tributaries." Stormwater runoff is that first pulse of water that flows across the streets, yards and parking lots and into the Gulf of Mexico and bay waters after the first burst of rainfall during an afternoon thunderstorm. Within that torrent of water is all the muck that has accumu- lated on the pavement or grass oil and gas from cars, :litter and trash that didn't make it into a bin, excess -, fertilizer or bug killer that hasn't had a chance to soak into the ground yet. All of that stuff ends up in the bay, with sometimes disastrous impacts to marine life. The fact that four'out of five people in the two-county area know about stormwater issues is good; the fact that only one out of four know that what is dumped on their yard ends up in the bay or Gulf and can cause problems is bad. Remember, we all live downstream. There were some dther sad notes of the survey. "Only one-fifth of all respondents indicated they would not be willing to pay to improve wastewater treatment, and one-fourth said they would not be will- ing to pay to restore wetlands,"- according to the survey. "In each instance, 44- to 48-percent had no opinion. These individuals could, perhaps, be educated about the advantage of improved wastewater treatment and Water cops on the job The Bradenton Beach water cops are on the job and on the water finally. Years in the making, four officers have been formally deputized as fully accredited Manatee County Sheriff's Office deputies. That special des- ignation was needed to enforce boating rules in the Gulf of Mexico and the bays because Bradenton Beach city limits end at the water's edge and po- lice officers have no jurisdiction on the water. But now Det. Sgt. Lenard Diaz, Sgt. Charles the importance of wetlands and thus might become supporters of the program."' Wastewater treatment plants have come a long, long way in the past 10 years in the region. Manatee County's Southwest Treatment Plant, just off 75th Street and 53rd Avenue, is where the Island's toilet- flushing ends up. It is highly treated to almost-drink- ing-water quality, then the "recycled water" is sprayed -on the flower fields and golf course in that part of the county, where it is absorbed into the ground. A special tail-water recovery system a fancy name for a set of wetland filters along the bayshore - is in place to further naturally treat whatever may run off the fields. It's a pretty great system that has worked well for a decade. Just ask any fisherman who's caught a limit catch near Tidy Island about the bountiful har- vest of marine life near that once-barren area of Sarasota Bay. However, other parts of the bay system aren't as far advanced as Manatee County. Residents along most of Little Sarasota Bay have septic tank systems for dealing with their wastewater. Many, many of those tanks are old and don't meet cur- Srent environmental standards, the result being that there is a lot of bad stuff ending up in the bays and tributar- ies leading to them. One of the other old adages in water-speak is that "the solution to pollution is dilution." It's an awful fact of life that if you can flush out the bad stuff in the wa- .ter with lots of cleaner water, the bad stuff can kinda be ignored. For Little Sarasota Bay, that big flush used to be Midnight Pass, but since the pass has been closed for more than 20 years, flushing just ain't happening. And the cost to go to a central sewer system for that portion of Sarasota County is estimated to cost hun- dreds of millions of dollars, so the unwillingness to pay off Bradenton Beach Sloan and Officers James Gill and Eric Hill can stop boaters for-infractions like speeding or reckless boating, and can also check boats at the impromptu mooring field just south of the city pier off Bridge Street. The "water cops" are also joined by a member of the Manatee County Marine Rescue Division. The deputization has been in the works for sev- eral years but had been stalled through legal and other administrative blockages. for better wastewater treatment has a bad result for all. There was a good thing out of the survey, though: An awareness of the vital linkage between develop- ment and potable water supplies. "Just over half of all respondents said they thought the freshwater supply in their community was not ad- equate to provide for future needs, and another one- fourth said they did not know," the survey said. "This indicates that there is a large group of individuals who are concerned about the supply of freshwater, or who could be educated about the issue and therefore should support clean water issues." An old, very brilliant growth management official in Tallahassee told me years ago that drinking water was the single greatest limiting factor to growth in.Florida. The simple fact that you've got to ensure that there is enough water for people to drink for years and years to come - the people that are here right now before you can even consider.adding more houses and more thirsty folks ap- parently seems to elude our elected officials. Crawfish factoid The word went out throughout the state about cray- fish last week. A special study is being conducted to determine if the species known as the Panama City crayfish is in danger of extinction.- a likely possibil- ity, since its known range is only about 40 square miles in Bay County. The question-was whether or not we had any mudbugs lurking in our freshwater streams or drainage ditches in Southwest Florida. Paul Moler with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission in Gainesville has returned from Africa and sent the following message. "Florida has a very diverse and interesting crayfish fauna, with at least 12 cave species and 40 surface spe- cies. However, most of that diversity is found in North Florida. Aside from one cave species in Dade County, only two species occur south of Tampa Bay. That's it for South Florida. Crayfish are abundant in freshwater throughout South Florida, but only those two species are involved." Sandscript factoid According to the Associated Press, a Japanese fast- food chain of restaurants is featuring a new delicacy - whaleburgers. Lucky Pierrot serves deep-fried minke whale burgers with lettuce and mayonnaise for $3.50. A res- taurant spokesperson said the meat is obtained form scientific research facilities, which kill the whales for study, and then apparently have more whale flesh than they need. The spinmeister-mistress added that eating whale meat is part of the Japanese culture. Japan kills about 600 whales a year for scientific study, while commercial whaling was banned in all countries-except Norway in 1986. Ironically, word of the Lucky Pierrot cuisine came out just as the International Whaling Commission came out with a recommendation to have Japan cut back on its scientific whale kills. Oh, and if you're wondering, whaleburgers appar- ently taste like a cross of beef and tuna. Another island. Some Islanders took a spring break to travel to Puerto Rico, taking their favorite journal along. Here they are at the Raices (Roots) sculp- ture, from left, Marisa Bergquist, Kevin Bergquist, Marie Lenderman, and Madeleine Bergquist. Islander Photo: Courtesy Rich- ard Walsh . ,_. .. ..-.. .. -.-- ,-" Napoleon reading? Napoleon seems io be kibitzing on the Islander brought along by Bud and Gretchen Edgren of At. lie fl */Ie\ ------ ---- THE ISLANDER M JUNE 29, 2005 0 PAGE 25 Fishing slows, but trout, grouper, snapper still biting By Capt. Mike Heistand Fishing has been slow of late the usual summer- time doldrums coupled with the red tide outbreak have kept the fish from biting as usual. - However, offshore action for grouper and snapper remains good, with an.occasional hookup of a dolphin or wahoo. Backwater action for trout, redfish and a few floun- der is also fair, and the inshore mangrove snapper catch is getting better and better each day. By the way, congratulations to the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, which celebrated 66 years of opera- tion June 23. The Guard was established as the Coast Guard Reserve in 1939, and renamed in 1941. It has performed vessel checks, offered instruction on boat- ing laws and navigation, and aided the U.S' Coast Guard in rescues. Since December 2001, the Coast Guard Auxiliary all-volunteer force has provided 13 million hours of service to boaters nationwide. Good going, and thanks! Thom Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez Road said he was able to get out a couple of days last week and caught catch-and-release snook, plus a few redfish and a 21-inch-long flounder. Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle at -Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said offshore fish- ing is good when you can get out, with grouper and snapper on the bottom and pelagic species such as dol- phin and Wahoo showing up in greater numbers every day. There are a few permit caught off the offshore reefs, and bay anglers are catching redfish and trout. Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said fishing has picked up a bit, with good catches of mackerel, redfish and snapper. The pier anglers are also starting to catch more pompano. Dave Sork at the Anna Maria City Pier said fish- ing is fair there, too, with mackerel on the right tides, Decent dolphin Skip Shipley, ofBradenton, caught a big dolphin while fishing with Capt. Larry McGuire in the Gulf. Reach more than 20,000 people weekly with your ad -for as little as $20! Call Rebecca or Nancy 778-7978 The Islander , www.islander.org $36 Until $38 12:00 Noon + TAX, GREEN FEE AND CART s2, 12:00 Noon ^28 Until 2:30 pm + TAX, GREEN FEE AND CART $25 After 2:30 pm + TAX, GREEN FEE AND CART BIG SUMMER CARD $25 Until 12:00. Noon $21 After 12:00 Noon Te Tim ~oes 7 DAYS a few flounder, small sharks, black drum and mangrove snapper starting to show up on the end of fishers' lines. Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said there are lots of trout coming to the docks, caught by boaters fishing by Joe's Island. Snapper are pretty thick near the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, he added, and there was one cobia caught last week that he saw. At Perico Island Bait and Tackle, reports are that boaters are catching sharks and mackerel in Tampa Bay, plus redfish near the Perico Island shoreline. Wade fishers are getting trout on the seagrass beds in front of Palma Sola Bay near the Intracoastal Water- way. Capt. Larry McGuire on Show Me The Fis Charters said that he believes the red tide has dissi- pated. "We have not seen any red in the water on the way out to the fishing spots," Capt. Larry said, adding that "the fish kills we've seen are about a week to a week and a half old. Fishing has been excellent out in the Gulf this past week. Our clients have been fishing in about 110 feet of water, using frozen Spanish sar- dines and a variety of live baits, and have been catch- ing 35-pound kingfish, large red and gag grouper, nian- grove snapper to 7 pounds, plus cobia, mackerel, sharks to 8 feet and lots of school dolphin.", At Skyway Bait and Tackle, reports include red- fish coming from Terra Ceia Bay on higher tides near the onshore mangroves. There are also snapper being caught off the Sunshine Skyway Bridge artificial reef systems, and mackerel from the pier, with the best mackerel action coming in the mornings. Capt. Ray Markham on the Flat Back said that red tide caused him to run north into Tampa Bay, since "from north Sarasota Bay.to lower Tampa Bay, fishing fell off the face of the earth. It's been a struggle to find fish that will eat, but anglers willing to stick to it were UN LE PETE WANTS YOU TO DRIVE A CLEAN CAR! 24-hour self-serve car wash Complete auto detailing Quick lube ERICAN CAR WASH 5804 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach 778-1617 MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED Just another night in paradise Buzzy Roak, left, Tony Gilstrap and John Birge, all from Holmes Beach, spent a night off Anna Maria Island in about 160feet of water in the Gulf of Mexico and had "a spectacular time fishing the full moon." Roak caught a 60-plus- pound warsaw grouper on light tackle, Gilstrap caught red and. mangrove snapper and Birge reeled in a 40-pound amberjack rewarded with catches of snook, spotted seatrout, flounder, jack crevalle, black seabass and ladyfish over the past week." Capt. Ray added that the number of hookups was also down last week. Capt.-Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of Annie's said catch-and-release snook and trout were the No. 1 hits for him last week. "Snook ran up to 32 inches and the trout ranged from 14 inches on up to a few 'gators' in the 25-inch range. This action was fol- lowed closely by a number of redfish to 28 inches and - scattered flounder, bluefish, Spanish mackerel and jack crevalle." He added, "The challenging part of angling right now is that most species are constantly on the move in an apparent attempt to avoid the frustrating red tide blooms. A spot that may prove productive one day will be really slow another. The same is true with bait gathering. The whitebait is pretty thick everywhere but will belly up on you at any given spot. recommend that live shrimp be used as an alternative as it seems to be immune to the algae blooms." On my boat Magic, we caught our limit on redfish and a few trout, plus lots of catch-and-release snook. Good luck and good fishing. Snnm dnrin %sl&n iSes Moon Date AM HIGH AM LOW PM HIGH PM LOW Jun29 7:08 2.0 12:06 0.7 7:50 1.5 1:30 0.7 Jun30 7:40 2.2 12:38 1.0 9:59 1.3 2:51 0.4 Jul 1 8:16 2.4 1:02 1.2 3:58 0.2 Jul 2 8:55 2.5 4:54 0.0 Jul 3 9:34 2.5 5:39 -0.1 Jul4 10:15 2.6 6:21 -0.1 Jul 5 10:52 2.6 6:59 -0.1 NMJul6 11:32 2.6 7:35 -0.1 Cortez High Tides 7 minutes later lows 1:06 later --V S OPEN HOUSE WAVES This Saturday! 10:30 am-2pm BOAT & SOCIAL CLUB COME MEET OUR FAMILY WE PROVIDE THE BOATS, THE TRAINING, THE INSURANCE, AND SOCIAL EVENTS YOU PROVIDE THE FUN! (941) 795-1600 4l Wb/4e! 4110 127 Street W. Cortez (Next to the Seafood Shack) v.'.Jw .savesboatclub corn CAPT 119KE I 'PAG I',2 J E hE29, 2005i1 TH IS LA:NDi R Where did the Devil Rays go wrong? By Kevin Cassidy Islander Reporter Recent banter on local sports talk radio has focused on whether or not the Tampa Bay Devil Rays are the worst-run sports franchise of all time. Their main com- petition comes from the National Basketball League's San Diego Clippers, which is historically terrible, but actually was somewhat competitive this past season. Other "worst" competition comes from the Arizona Cardinals and the Cincinnati Bengals in the National Football League, the Toronto Raptors of the NBA and the National Hockey League's New York Rangers and SPittsburgh Penguins. The Arizona Diamondbacks are expansion broth- ers to the Devil Rays and already have a World Series title that they captured in 2001 when they defeated the New York Yankees. Meanwhile, the Devil Rays' high-water mark for wins in a season came last year when they won 70 games and finished out of last place for. the first time in franchise history. By the way, the Devil Rays won 69 games in its first season of existence, which was four more wins than the Diamondbacks won in its 1998 inaugeral season. So what went wrong? There are so many things that have gone the wrong way for this franchise that it's hard to pinpoint. They've tried to do it the way the Dia- mondbacks did, which is to spend big money on free- agent players. When the Diamondbacks won the World Series, they did it by riding the strong pitching arms of , free agent pitchers Curt Schilling and Randy Johnson. Then Tampa Bay signed.Wilson Alvarez and Juan Guzman. Alvarez is still pitching in the majors with the Los Angeles Dodgers, but he was often injured and usually not very effective in Tampa. Guzman earned $10 million for pitching a few innings before injuries forced him out of the game. "Hit show" was another ill-fated Rays venture into the free agent market. Jose Canseco, Fred McGriff, Vinnie Castilla and Greg Vauglin were supposed to combine for 120 or so home runs and pack the Trop with zealous long-ball fans, but that never panned out. Canseco had a great half season, hitting 30 home tuns before the all-star break, but injuries ended his season. McGriff was a consistent performer for the Rays, but Vaughn and Castilla stunk up the joint. Vaughn hit 52 home runs for the Reds the season before signing with the Rays, but never found his swing in Tampa, while SCastilla earned the nickname of Vinnie "Cashstealer" because he quit on the team after fans (all 8,800 of them) booed him for his ineffectiveness. He has since moved on and is playing well for the Washington Na- tionals. This offseason, the Rays went out and signed free- agent outfielder Danny Bautista and future hall of fame second baseman Robbie Alomar. Both retired a few Rai sliris-bosEi;ianti Ed,,udIo Pert: catches. s at hf'il popup n 1,1anio mprv' buhi t a.,' as hii backdrop. This begs the question: Does a bat hitting a baseball make a sound if there's nobody in the park to hear it? Is- lander Photos: Kevin Cassidy ;1: - .. Bradenton residents Cord, Chase and Chuck Sandberg support the Rays during Saturday's game against the Florida Marlins. Jorge Cantu has been a bright spot as of late for the D-Rays. He leads the team with 12 home runs and is S,, co -irln on the team with 44,RBs., days before the start of the regular season, leaving the Rays short-handed and forcing them to rush rookies like Jorge Cantu, Damon Hollins and Jonny Gomes to the majors. All three players, especially Cantu, have shown a lot of promise, but you don't see too many successful teams with three or more rookies seeing extensive play- ing time. Throw in the saga of Dewon Brazelton and you've got yourself a regular soap opera. Brazelton was the opening-day starting pitcher, but was largely inef- fective. He was optioned to AAA Durham Bulls, but refused to report and was missing for two weeks. He re- emerged and pitched three effective innings for Durham last week and got called back up to the big- league club. He pitched Saturday night for the Rays in its 6-2 loss to the Florida Marlins and allowed four hits and two runs in less than two innings of work. Excitement was high when the Tampa Bay area was awarded a baseball franchise by Major League Baseball and Rays managing general partner Vince Naimoli was hailed as a hero. Now attendance lags (8,800 announced attendance at a recent home game) and fans want to ride Naimoli out of town on a rail be- cause he won't spend any money on the team. Forbes magazine listed the Rays as having the sec- ond highest operating income ($27.2 million) in the majors with $20 million coming from luxury taxes from high-spending teams like the Yankees and Red Sox, but Naimoli apparently puts the money in his pocket! This was the same complaintTampa fans had with the late Buccaneer owner Hugh Culverhouse, run the franchise like a business with bottom line being the only objective. With all that being said, 8,800 fans is pretty pa- thetic, especially after bay-area fans lobbied long and hard for a Major League team. The Rays aren't a very good team and they don'tPfigure to be good in the im- mediate future. Either you're a baseball fan or your not! The Rays play hard and they have some great young future stars in Carl Crawford, Rocco Baldelli, Jorge Cantu, Julio Lugo and Scott Kazmir. Players in the minors like Delmon Young, B.J. Upton, Wade Townsend and Jeff Neimann will soon be up in the big-league club as well. Most die-hard Rays fans (all 8,800 of them) will dance a jig if and when Naimoli steps down, but no- body knows whether or not new minority owner Stu Sternberg will operate any differently. The Buccaneers and the Tampa Bay Lightning are proof positive that bay-area fans will support a winner. The question is, will this team be here or in Las Vegas when that finally happens? Key Royale golf news Joyce Reith fired a four-under-par 28 to win first place in the Key Royale Golf Club Class A division PLEASE SEE SPORTS, NEXT PAGE willow ~ N' I Oss& i t- .:f P.--. :.y '' ~C ''', ." ;~ile~-F~sra~&iL,.- -~'' ,TIJ-ESLANwv DERc~ JLNE 29,2O5ARAGE12J Sports CONTINUED FROM PAGE 26 competition-on Tuesday, June 21. Nancy Grimme fin- ished three shots back with a 31, while Tootie Wagner came in third place with an even par round of 32. Nancy Grimme had a good day in specialty events with a chip-in for birdie on hole No. 7, while also fin- ishing the round with 14 putts, one fewer than Tootie Wagner and Joyce Reith, who finished the day with 15 putts. Wagner also added a chip-in on hole No. 1, while Diane Miller chipped in on No. 5. Weeky horseshoe winners Ron Pepka of Bradent6n and Anna Maria's Bill Starrett won the June 25 horseshoe competition at the Anna Maria City Hall pits, while second place went to Tom Rhodes of Cortez and Barb Pavelka of Holnies Beach, who prevailed in a three-team playoff. Pepka teamed up with Herb Ditzel of Anna Maria to win the June 22 games. The weekly contests get under way every Wednes- day and Saturday at 9 a.m. at city hall, 10005 Gulf Drive. There are no membership fees and everyone is welcome. Join Her-icane golf challenge The Manatee High School Her-icanes girls' soccer team is hosting a fundraising golf tournament at the Bradenton Country Club at 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 27. For only $100 per golfer, you can test your golf skills Sat Bradenton's most challenging layout in a four-per- son scramble. All players who register before the Aug. 1 deadline will receive a goody bag, cart and greens fees, a post- tourney banquet and guaranteed fun throughout the day. Also on tap are a straightest-drive contest, two closest-to-the-pin contests, a putting contest and raffles for tons of prizes. The field is limited to the first 100 golfers so don't delay. The Her-icanes are also looking for sponsors for the tournament. For $800, your business can purchase the Hat Trick package, which consists of a foursome including the banquet, a tee or green sign on the course and a banner which will be displayed at all Manatee Her-icane home soccer games. A golden goal sponsor- ship package includes a foursome and a tee or green sign on the course for $500, or you can simply purchase a tee or green sign for the tournament for $175. To sign up call me, Her-icane Coach Cassidy, at 807-1105. Another chance to sign up. The Anna Maria Island Community Center will accept applications for Police Athletic League Dolphin T n-wcl.r-old rook itou.ii1/iLDamon Holi has -Baldelli. ; .... football until July 1.The Center will more than likely field a team in the younger division, even though a couple of players migni be a \ear older. PAL has four age/weight divisions starting with flag f-ooitbll for players age 6-7 as of September 1. Flag football carries no weight restrictions. Night} Mites must be ages 8-10 and under 125 pounds; while junior varsity is for players age 11-12 under 145 pounds. The oldest division is varsity for players age 13-14 and under 165 pounds. For more information, call the Center's Andy Jonatzke at 778-1908. S. THERE'S A TREASURE _ ^ HIDING ON '- .. S ANNA MARIA ISLAND M N E Y LET "MEL" HEAL:U 941-89-556 WWW.ELLWTHME.CO FIND IT FOR YOU* VACATIC o - PROPERTIaE. LLC *T ~ ~ 3001 Gulf Drive ~ Holmes R.._- FI 34217 ***4***4*X*3************ -********.3(. SPECTACULAR VIEW 2BR/2BA Shell Point condominium overlooking the bayou, Key Royale bridge and bay. You'll love it! Features: carport, recreation building, tennis court, putting green, turnkey furnished. Won't last long! $525,000. Jean Holmes Realty 778-2924 cell: 915-2430 HEATHER HILLS Affordable, spacious, open, bright and well maintained 2BR/2BA home with large kitchen and breakfast bar. Newer appliances, air-conditioner and hot water heater. offered at $82,900. For more information... Call Piroska Planck 941-730-9667 or Laura McGeary 941-704-3708 Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate Inc. Rays pitcher Casey Fossum delivers a pitch during the Rays' 6-27o s m the Florida Marlins. .4A Ay* Florida Marlins outfielder Juan ........ ... Pierre dives back tofirst as Eduardo Perez awaits the ./ll i' . Session 2 basketball camp The Anna Maria Island Community Center's summer basketball camp is now accepting applications for Session 2. Players age 9-13 are encouraged to participate with a cost of $35 for members and $50 for nonmembers. Players will receive a camp jersey and trophies will be awarded for various categories of shooting, defense, sportsmanship and most improved. Session 2 runs noon-2 p.m. Monday-Friday, July 18-29, except for the first day, which starts at 11 a.m. Registration deadline is July 8. For more information, contact Jonatzke at 778-1908. r I Maureen ,: Dahnis Realtor 941 -778-0455 a reen REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA WWw rv renreeral c,':,m KEY ROYALE CANALFRONT Christine T. Shaw, John van Zandt, Realtors Call Chris and John 941-778-6066 < REAL ESTATE 101 Marina ANNDrive Holmes Beac 6101 Marina Drive Holmes Beach ;~"" . .*-**'* PAGE 28 0 JUNE 29, 2005 M THE ISLANDER Simply the Best GREAT LOCATION, just five minutes to the beach. Quiet,.55-plus subdivision. Turnkey furnished, nice corner lot. "Triple-wide" 2BR/2BA with spacious en- . closed lanai and spectacular fragrant jasmine over carport. Perfect winter retreat. $130,000. h :., -;.... GREAT SETTING with private pond on extra lot. Remodeled 3BR two blocks to beach. The perfect aet-a-way at $595.000. CUTE AS A BUTTON Remrndeled 2BR. ?BA Sho:.rt walk to beach. Tile floors throughout, large living room and heated pool. $685,000. L inumiin BAYFRONT Large 2BR/2BA, new dock and sailboat water. Also has guest cottage/mother-in-law apartment. Zoned duplex. $1,350,000. A SHOW STOPPER New Listing.. Fabulous 4BR/ 4BA, 75-feet to the beach. View the award winning artists heated pool through the living room floor. El- evator and too many amenities to mention here. For those who want the best! I .1 'N' I ~t: Ir BAYFRONT CONDO Professionally designed end unit townhouse. Three levels, 2BR/2BA with gym, den, and over $300,000 upgrades. A must see to appreciate. $999,000. LARGE DUPLEX Wonderful floor plan. Almost 3,000 sf. 2BR/2BA each floor. Views of Gulf and bay. Large verandas for sipping mint juleps. Enjoy as is or convert to large single family in a great neighbor- hood. $799,000. F" .::-' UNIQUE GULFFRONT Several possibilities. Motel/ condo use. Presently six turnkey units with small heated pool. $2,999,000. Mike 800-367-161 09-%941-778-669' Norman iy6 3101 GULFDRIV RealtylNc HOLMES BEAC www.mikenormanrealty.com 7 E H -j LTD MORTGAGE INC.- The Oldest. lonrt aoe Co. on Anna Mlaria Island Linda G: Davis Ted E. Davis Licensed lfortg ,g Brokers Conforming and jumbo loans. S1st and 2nd mortgages.- Ioclosing cost home equity lines of credit. 100% purchase money mortgages. SResidential and commercial mortgages. Private money\ available for those hard-to-place loans. S(941) 779-2113 | 1 i 502 72nd Street LL _LA! _IW- Holmes Beach r. ) CANAL FRONT CONDO Enlo\ brcithiakinl.z surisels from ,our .rcened lanai o\erlooking a canal. Turrmk. furrnmhed _BR. _BA condo '.. ith e. en Ihing ','ou'd e\peI.[ and mo:re Heaied pool and spa lenniC court' and lush u-i.pca'i urrourdin !gs make, ihl' *i perteLi island iedtratl. $479,UUU. IBE ( "l Il. Denise Langlois (941) 751-1155 (800) 448-6325 Price Reduced Come to the Beach! Lowest priced single family in Bradenton Beach! 1BR/1BA turnkey furnished. $375,000 ,, Investment Opportunity ,.. Current two 1BRi S1BA rental units steps from the beach! Duplex lot can be rebuilt. Check out "Stone's Throw" and "Shooting Star" at www.annamariaparadise.com. $749,000. Call Sue Carlson for more information on these great listings! 941-720-2242 941-779-9320 S-- An Island Place Realty 411 Pine Ave Anna Maria City of Anna Maria 5BR/3BA Key West-style home with pool in desirable north end of the island. Steps to the gulf beaches. Possible one-year lease-back to be integrated in the sales price, which makes that property a catch for investors. Updated with Italian ceramic tiles, low mainte- nance yard, 3-car garage and many more features that make this the house for true island living. Asking Price $875,000 Call Patricia Staebler, 941-705-0123 Anmex Realty Services LLC, Lic. Real Estate Broker 720 Holly Road, Anna Maria FL 34216 Phone/Fax 941-778-0123 ~- hyx... - ANNA MARIA ISLAND REAL ESTATE LLC TERRA CEIA WATERFRONT 2-3BR/3BA Waterfront home on Terra Ceia Bay. Updated, open floor plan, new kitchen and master bath, ceramic tile, caged in-ground pool, metal roof, boat dock. Gorgeous view. $739,900. ISLAND TOWNHOUSE 2BR/1.5BA courtyard-patio town house. Central Holmes Beach, very close to shopping, restaurants and beach. Open plan, breakfast bar, front and rear porches, balcony, renovated. Excellent'rental. No condo fees. $469,000. DIRECT GULFFRONT CONDO 1BR/1.5BA Seaside Beach House condo. Turnkey furnished in intimate, private complex with gorgeous view of Gulf. Very nicely furnished, Sautillo tile, beau- tiful walking beach, heated pool, excellent rental. $799,900. PERICO ISLAND CONDO 2BR/2BA Turnkey condo. Nicely furnished in great Westside location. Close to Anna Maria Island beaches. Heated pool, tennis, clubhouse with fitness room, carport. Short drive'to shopping and restau- rants. $359,900. GULFFRONT WATERS EDGE 2BR/2BA Gulffront condo. Fabulous view of Gulf and gorgeous walking beach. Turnkey furnished, updated, ceramic tile. Excellent mid-island location. Pool, secured lobby, under-building parking. One of the Island's finest locations. Call to see. $1,100,000. PLAYA ENCANTADA 2BR/2BA Elegant condo in superb Gulffront com- plex. Beautifully turnkey furnished, totally renovated. This is an outstanding unit in one of the Island's fin- est condominiums. Jacuzzis, tennis, secured heated pool, under-building parking. Gorgeous walking beach. $879,900. ANNUAL RENTALS From $700 / month SEASONAL RENTALS Condos/Homes: $500 week / $1,000 month 779-0202 (800) 732-6434 ANNA MARIA 3 MLS SiCoast REAL ESTATE LLC Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 .www.suncoastinc.com I Aaffit. Avftf ~4~S~I -- _CP~II IL ,--. ,--- .. "., , THE ISLANDER 0 JUNE 29, 2005 a PAGE 29 flhII:p' Raise the roof Islanders can see the "Island-style" roof taking shape over Anna Maria Elementary School's new school building as the trusses are put in place. AME Principal Kathy Hayes said the.new facility is scheduled to open in January 2006 and staff antici- pates transitioning into the new building during the Christmas break. At the start of the 2005-06 school year, Hayes will be eliciting ideas to share "pieces" of the old school with the community from the AME School Advisory Committee. BEAUTIFUL 4BR/3BA HOME with view of Tampa Bay. Only steps to a very private beach area ' Brazilian Teak hardwood floors, granite counters. .Bt! j two balconies and much more! $1,200,000." TIFFANY PLACE CONDO on the Gulf of Mexico: SRemodeled and very beautiful, all furniture and -.-.. -,i furnishings to stay, view of the Gulf from patio and the Master bedroom. Tiffany Place condo offers great year round living or a great year round rental. $810,000. NORTH POINT HARBOR: Beautiful 3BR/2.5BA . pool home. On canal with dock and boat lift. . Large kitchen and living areas. Two-car garage, i ' lots of extras!$1,425,000. IBR/IBA CONDO in fabulous Tradewinds Resort. Fantastic income. Pool, on-site management. This Gulffront unit is a very short walk to the beach. $385,000. PRE-CONSTRUCTION PRICE! Paradise villa i, ji i condo's at 305 63rd St., Holmes Beach. Each 3BR/ 4 11 3.5BA villa has an elevator and a pool. $829,000. ~ The Big Picture...it's all about the real estate! A too producer at Island Real Estate Inc., Call Marianne at (941) 778-6066. Thebsteneam Professional REALTORS representing S, buyers and sellers with tr..t Heather Absten, P.A. H honesty, Jennifer Absten, P.A. 941-807-4661 ntegiits 941-345-7002 HeathErAbsten@yahoo corn JIl, enniferAbsten@mnsr com Results! Brand New Construction Under $800,000 with Pool Two new Key West-style town homes under construction. 3BR/2.5BA, two-car garage, metal roof, hardy plank siding, Evergrain decking, granite counters, high ceilings and two-zone air conditioning $799,000. Call for more details! ININIACULATE KEY WEST STYLE .,' bedroom. 2 bath custom home just 2 blocks.from Sthe beach on a quiet cul-de-sac. Very .well aI il mainiined, large bedrooms, master suite with '1 J" dual .ho, ers, oversized 2-car garage with work- S--- --" Ihop area in back bonus recreation area d n do\ c nstair;, and-lots of storage. Large side yard \\ .i.-Ih plenty of room for a pool! $875,000. GULFVIEW ARCHITECT'S DREAM HOME Executive Anna Maria home with views of the Gulf of o\-, Mexico. Experience paradise in luxury one house off the O' , beach on a quiet, desirable location. This home offers 3BR/ . 2BA, hardwood flooring, quality doors, windows and ' fixtures, custom cabinetry, Corian breakfast bar, custom lighting, dumbwaiter and plenty of storage. Tastefully fur- nished with a touch of island flavor. Offered at $1,495,000. R'f RENOVATED BEACH' HOUSE WITH POOL! ' .300 feet from the beach! Completely renovated home With heated pool surrounded by lush, tropical land- Sscaping. Beautiful flooring, natural stone and red Oak. '^i^ ^ ga a e nra 8 0 Tastefully turnkey furnished. Perfect vacation l getaway and seasonal rental. $879,000. kG ulf-Bay Realty of Anna Maria Inc. 5309 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach -^ 7Wt t~ e ^wwttee t 'h EARLY CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: 1d NOON FRIDAY *JULY 1 f rads that will appear in the July 6 issue of The Islander. S\ Our office will be closed Monday, July 4, in observance of the 4th of July. We wish y'all a happy and safe holiday weekend. L. PAGE 30 0 JUNE 29, 2005 M THE ISLANDER s dBiz By Rick Catlin Family fun in the sun :Lyna and Jon Johnson spent more than 30 years in the Sarasota area as li- censed boat captains, ferrying large yachts around the world and operating a number of boats on thie water. Trouble x as. the\ were often away from home for weeks in a time. When the chance to purchase Fun N' Sun Parasail on Bridge Street in Bradenton Beach came up last year, they literally "flew" at the opportunity. "We wanted something on the wa- ter and on Anna Maria Island, and some- thing that would get us home every night to enjoo our fanmil\. With all our boating experience. Fun N' Sun was. perfect." said Lyna. Indeed, Fun N' Sun became a faim- ily affair when daughter Tina Plush joined the crew as first mate. Both L)na and Jon are U.S. Coast Guard licensed boat captains and ha\ e.a vast amount of experience operating- boats and small vessels around inland waters and in the Gulf. "'This is a fun business. \We loxe the Island and people are so friendly. Nlan\ of our clients have become our friends and come back every year. We couldn't have asked for a better thing to do,'. said : Lyna. "And having our daughter in- volved makes it that much more special. I think she's the onl) female first mnate in the area." The Fun N' Sun boat can carry up to si\ people for the parasail trip that takes each "flier" along the coast .of Anna Maria Island for a 15-minute flight. Summertime is a busy season for Fun N' Sun as many families are visit- ing tihe Island and looking for that unique experience. "It's a good idea to call ahead this time of \ear and make a reset\ action. said L\,na. "although we do take \\alk- in traffic. We'll fl\ until it gets dark if the weather is good. Fun N' Sun operates 365 days a year, x weather permitting. "And we do keep an eye on the w weather said Lyna. The boat v on't go out if the weather turns bad, and Capt. Jon \\ill haul in the "fliers" and return to the dock ifa storm brews up. Lyna sa\s she often has to pinch Lyna Johnson greens Fuin N' Sun Parasail cu'stomlerS Jim and Kathy (Ol)nik foin wy p irli nia ast 'itlY -et ready i: experience At.nna Maria Island f':m (50 t'eer in the Photo.: Rick Cadint herself to believe she's in Bradenton Beach and on the Island. "This is like Sarasota when I was growing up. This is 'Old Florida.' We just love it here, and Fun N' Sun is a great way to meet people. E% en a lot of PLEASE SEE BIZ, NEXT PAGE RAPP F@OWt @OF JAlY wACH A@8 $S Im Nm PiWNAU8*i9 pPARaD SEASIDE BEACH HOUSE This enchanting home looks like it came from a Coastal Living magazine. Tropical paradise with private gardens and in-ground pool. Just steps from the shores of the Gulf beaches! Offered a $1,400,000. 3reen REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA t'a~rb Bk- - Ken Jackson, 778-6986 Maureen Dahms, 778-0542 Kathy Geeraerts, 778-0072 Marilyn Klemish, 778-7627 ********* ** ********************* , SARASOTA BAYVIEW! SUPER LOCATION * I Duplex or single family home * * I.- -' "- * "r mrangl;-... Intraj.a-tjl arnd , Sbaty. Homrie ,conrsists .,I 4BR * 4BA,; ni ..ear kitch:r and rria.j - rJ *ter bath v.,ith lacuzzi tub and * -& ''-0^^- f two boat docks with ,.at:ant l.t * * or on bay. Offered at :$'99 ,90i * Bu KEY ROYALE HOME Beautiful Key Rc .jlI h:,r.- *. * with family room, fornmal .dininr *room and eat-in I it.:hn SLocated on the, eir..l :. sril * * nrid a,:i o.-:. th.-- ii;,-. t..:,i Ba.v p al ^ * -koi '* rih l .i. : .:,- j ,.-,,_ t,, :;, l l- l .....t i "ll * *. * SHeated pool:overlo:.l-r .,: jr,:i r li- t. :-.:ar asjr.j? .- Fjr r..atil: b.a: View if second addi.:-r j.j.j- ..1 1 2111 I..iii * *ISLAND CONV ENIENCE STORE WITH GAS . * Super opportunity o o, n Isl and business' Oftered ai. * * 'i19.50I & V lnvento',. * * - Deborah Thrasher . * i L RE/LXX Excellence . 941l18---38 S9411 383-9711) DebMThrauh'aol1.com * *** ************************ www.islander.or g Survivor of the Storm* I.:: Charming beach house constnicted on lo%\ pilings purposely to weather the storms... which it has for over 50 years! An attractive open plan includes beamed ceilings, fireplace and slate entry. Both" bedrooms and living area have magnificent views. Later renovations provide sunny kitchen and breakfast nook plus lovely deck allows direct Gulf' access. Great rental now and a few cosmetic items will increase rental and rates even more. Owner motivated. Reduced $1,425,000. SMaria SINCE 1957 "We ARE the Island!" Marie Franklin, Lid. Real Estate Broker 941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250 E-mail amrealty@verizon.net Web site www.annamariareal.com Sweeping Gulf views from this 3BR/2BA home with a brand new pool. Perfect family beach house on desirable north end. .Just steps to the beach. Offered at $1,295,000. Call- Green Real Estate today! JUST REDUCED! NORTH LONGBOAT KEY Rarely available condo Two bedroom, two bath West of Gulf of Mexico Drive and just a short stroll to beautiful Gulf beach! $479,000 COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR SALE S1 Ideal location in Historical Anna Maria Village This 3,000 sf building offers unlimited potential for business opportunities. Combination storefront, gift shop, beach shop, rental shop, artist gallery or office space. Use the space you need and lease out the rest to help pay your mortgage! Offered at $1,500,000. 941 778-0455 www.greenreal.com 9906 Gulf Drive Anna Maria ~i~,~------~,3n~p~i~n~Fnd i THE ISLANDER JUNE 29, 2005 M PAGE 31 Biz CONTINUED FROM PAGE 30 locals come out arid fly 1 ith us." Safety is constantly stressed and Fun N' Sun is a member of the Profes- sional Association of Parasailing Activi- ties, Lyna said. The "six-pack" Fun N' Sun boat must pass rigorous safety stan- Fun family Evei'e'thing's fn and altl / in the ftnily for Capt. Jon t "PI. ....Johnson, S.ir'.t-nitan dautghctr Tina SPhls, along i" ith/ a satisfied i. : i customer, at --' Fun Stu S..Pai a sail at the end --f Btridge Srrct in Ui Be'dL-II. Beat h./ larIsltdcr Photo: Rick Carlit dards set by the USCG and PAPA... "E ven if you don't % ant to fly, \ 0 can come down and just pass the time of day it ilh us on the bay," said-Lyna, as a duo of bicyclists rode past with a friendly wave and a "Hello Lyna." Discounts are available for local - residents. For more information on Fun N' Sun. call L na at-77S-S32. Business exchange Owners of Island Garden Villas Carolyn and Robert Wurzel and Christy and Chuck Kraus hosted the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce June business card exchange at their Holmes Beach resort. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose Moore's crab condos Alan Moore, owner of Moore's Stone Crab Restaurant on Longboat Key, has asked the town commission to allow his property to be rezoned for residential use. Under the Longboat Key charter, Moore has to have ap- proval by the town voters in a referen- dumi to chhinge hisi zoninf from conm- mercial to residential. Lex Sea longer The new sloop Lex Sea recently purchased by Geoff Kendrick of Sun- set Sail in Cortez for pleasure sailing is actually 65-feet long, not the 40-feet reported last week. The Lex Sea departs daily from the Seafood Shack Marina.. For more information call 713-lO80'. NOT THE SAME OLD DUPLEX INVESTORS ,l,,,r.cuo,,,ur,, .,r,:n, GREAT MONEY MAKER .' ' rid ..aniun oer l .,roiI jlh er..iul Anrni Currently renting for $2,900-$3.900/week with .is ~L ;i; 1t.j .. ~,.in .un.lue n,:,m, jrr R 2,: excellent rental history in place. Il ',i,2,,,, jr, v ih rrI ,, r irc -R rjr1,,r ii ,iF- OE4r M r 1 .. Ilb,':I,1 Gill ,'i II1,:1rl cini ,'n ,, fe, r'ri, r-iP-Iirjd Ii Rr rijrici ir ai-ir t e.rio .', I.i : piriai AN U-, -L ie ib .i6. . .y CT ^ int:, -truil:,]odrn l .-h,',l M -..l'rpiling psn ilu ..,0r i r,:jir e 1 ,? dir .l 10n o 1 sh reled ,, ,1 o are. overliolr._Q 03v --- tei I'a -l 1u ISLAND DUPLEX:Sieps :,i beach Orlered al $699.000 De- p rch i m.Ainr ri- J ij l ro31 1 ll, r fore rlu-m dealing cionhn ues Investors ar an, builders bring your f"1 reeid .345,000. Seller relocating. $950,000. imaginations. Gulfviews possible. 2BR/1BA on large corner lot. Virtual tour: www.flrealtour.com/mls0312052/realtor. SUTrrON GRo REALTY Anne Htber, Realtor (941) 713-9835 . .- -. r. -. . . . ....... Your Island Connection 125 Bridge St., Bradenton Beach www.firstinbradenton.com Victoria Goggin Deborah Brady Phillip Trude Saadi Nlover BUY YOUR OWN PRIVATE VACATION RESORT ON LONGBAT KEY. Totally renovated. Two unique properties. Deeded separately. Buy one or buy both. Call for details. (941) 748-2400. - W -05~ IF-A-TI-44 -I . ~ -r PAGE 32 JUNE 29, 2005 THE ISLANDER a- a~~~ e a. 48-INCH ROUND beveled-glass table, four rattan chairs on rollers with black and tan fabric, $250. White livingroom chair, $50. (941) 758-6781. HONDA GAS MOTOR: 4 hp, GC135, very low hours, 3/4-inch shaft, $75. (941) 778-8225. FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp, crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call James Lee, (941) 795-1112 or 704-8421. ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open 9:30am-2pm Tues- day; 9am-noon Thursday, Saturday. Always sales racks. Pine Avenue, Anna Maria. (941) 779-2733. SBIG ART SALE: 11am-3pm Saturday, July 2. See Island murals on artist's house and beautiful paintings for sale. Enjoy refreshments! 912 N. Shore Drive, Anna Maria. YARD SALE: 8am-noon Saturday, July 2. Kids' basketball hoops, Pak-n-play, electronic keyboard, household items, golf clubs and more! 317 Tarpon St., Anna Maria. SALE AT NIKI'S Gifts & Antiques, weekly specials: Abalone jewelry 50-percent off; all sterling jewelry 50-percent off; select gifts, art, antiques, furniture, vintage jewelry 25 to 70-percent off. 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Open seven days, 9:30am- 5pm. (941) 779-0729. GARAGE SALE: 8am-2pm Saturday, July 2. Ford soft Tonneau cover for 8-foot bed; R/C airplanes kits and engines; household items, clothes, dishes, books, miscellaneous. 231 Lakeview, Anna Maria. BONUS! CLASSIFIED ADS are posted early online at www.islander.org. LOST: RED CANVAS portfolio bag with photography. Lost:approximately May 30. Reward! (941) 778-3330. LOST: DIAMOND BRACELET. Sentimental family value. If found, please, call (941) 778-0436. Reward! EARLY CLASSIFIED AD Deadline for the Wednes- day, July 6 publication. Deadline is NOON Friday, July 1. Our office will be closed Monday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. REWARD FOR information in the Waterfront Restaurant arson fire: Call the State Fire Marshal, Bureau of Fire & Arsonr Investigations in Tampa, S(813) 890-1904. ANNA MARIA ISLAND SCREENSAVER! Experience the Island on your computer desktop. Available at The Islander, or purchase online or order by mail. $12 PC or $15 Mac. www.robertsondesignstudio.com. BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a person- alized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park. Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Pick up form at The Islander or call (941) 518-4431 for more information. FREE GUN LOCK. Yes, free. Just for the asking. Courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Free at The Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be sorry, be safe. GIFT SHOP: Great mom-and-pop opportunity in outstanding resort area. Good location, good lease. Just $238,000, including inventory. Confi- dentiality agreement required for details. Longview Realty, (941) 383-6112. CRITTER SITTER nine years in pet care. 24 years *as an Island resident. Lots of TLC for your beloved pets with in-home visits. (941) 778-6000. FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough for adoption. All food and medical provided. Julie, (941) 720-1411. ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes. All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened. Please call (941) 922-0774. 1993 DODGE DAKOTA: Club cab, topper, towing package, cold air. 90,000 miles. $2,000 or best offer. (941) 778-6387. STEAL PEARSON-26: 1973 sail cruiser. Excellent hull, clean deck and cabin. 9.9 Mercury. Honest 'seller must move far west. $2,900. (941) 713-4946. PONTOON BOAT NEEDED: Family vacationing on Anna Maria mid-July looking to rent a pontoon boat. Very familiar with area and water. Call John, (630) 514-8396. 27-FOOT CARVER twin 190-hp Mercruiser. Runs great, good for fishing, Ceranfield, air conditioning, water heater, shower, head, new batteries, stereo and much more! $10,000, or best offer. (941) 778-1565. 2002 SEA RAY 182 Bowrider, like new! 18 foot, 6 inches. 190-hp stern drive, seats seven, tons of fun! Call (941) 778-6234, or e-mail kendra @ presswoodlaw.com. $12,900 or-besto.ffer. FIND GREAT DEALS on wheels and everything else in The Islander, 778-7978. A941-228-16086 ANNA MARIA ISLAND P.,av darallroni no"rre wrn 175 1-~ on ine wji3ler Uujii', renr jiion throughout this spacious 41B ri rri Woodi..lrurri, ir place, pool, dock, lift and deep j31et R~auiC, j $1 .9500011 SThere are 39 homes for sale that are canal, r,) bay or beachfront, starting at $395,000. 29 Years of Professional Service YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REAL ESTATE SHOPPE. Experience Reputation Results ISLAND HIDEAWAYS AT YESTERDAY'S PRICES Three 1BR/1BA units at $250,000 each. One 2BR/1 BA at $275,000.. MARTINIQUE SOUTH Spectacular gulf and beach views from 4'floor 1/1 condo with ceramic floors and expanded living area. Turnkey. $629,000. MANSION IN THE SKY Bayfront 5BR/5.5BA penthouse, 5000+ sf with guest quarters. $6,900,000. KEY ROYALE LOT 90x105. $795,000. Exclusive. 4 UNITS ANNA MA RIA Some with bay view. One 2BR, three 1 BR, room for pool. Great investment. $849,000. OWNER FINANCING. TOWNHOUSE VILLA 3BR/3BA with two screened balconies and open balconies on greenbelt adjacent to bay. Spotless, tastefully decorated. Pool/gazebo. $470,000. VACATION, SEASONAL & ANNUAL RENTALS 101 PALM New Luxury Villas 5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807 yrealt7@aol.com *www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com * SALES * RENTALS * PROPERTY MANAGEMENT _ -S -. i - bC~ --^B*. Gulf Front Residence for Sale Stunning 2BR condo- minium. Margaritas and Jimmy Buffett music welcome you to your piece of paradise. S-. Bay Pointe at Cortez V* Rentals Available ,. New 1 and 2BR condos, ': : close to beach, shopping Si and recreational activi- f ties. Annual and sea- sonal rentals available. Team Pinnacle 877-469-4753 www.flrealestateassistance.com team innaclefl@yahoo.co S t I i 1 t a irLAA Ly INC vvww mikencrmanrealty.com A L h - r- Ai .1 THE ISLANDER 0 JUNE 29, 2005 M PAGE 33 FIHN CATR KIDSFORHIRES'RIC LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater fishing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle provided. (941) 723-1107. NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restaurant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call (941) 778-3953. ALL POSITIONS: Caf6 on the Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Apply in person. HOUSEKEEPER: 18-unit hotel. Must speak English, have own transportation, weekends- a must. (941) 778-1010, ext. 0. BOAT RENTAL AGENT: Boating skills and light maintenance required. Must be available weekends. Call (941) 795-3014. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE helper needed for Island business. Experience preferred. Excellent pay. Advancement opportunities. Please call (941) 284-1568. . BUSY CONTINENTAL RESTAURANT hiring full- or part-time servers for lunch, Sunday brunch and dinner. Wednesday-Sunday. Apply at 5406 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or call (941) 778-5320. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Meet interesting people, learn the history of the Island. Anna Maria Island Historical Museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. (941) 778-0492. VOL--UNTEERS NEEDED:. Tingley Memorial Li- brary. Duties include checking books in/out, /ieshelving, and generally assisting library patrons. Call Eveann Adams, (941) 779-1208. LOOKING FOR A GOOD DEAL? You can read SWednesday',s classifieds at noon Tuesday at www.islander.org. And it's FREE! CHILD SITTER AND PET SITTER. Ninth-grade male looking for a job. Available after school and weekends. Zachary, (941) 779-9783. SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and in- termediates: Free skimboard use with lessons. $10 per half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended. Local teen, team competitor. Call (941) 778-0944. BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, (941) 756 5496. NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia, (941) 761-1569. Red Cross certified. NEED A BREAK? Red Cross certified sitter. Pre- viously head of church nursery. Call Elyse, S(941) 779-2610. BABY-SITTER/PET-SITTER: Responsible, Red Cross certified, 14 and 19 years old. Experienced with kids and pets. Island references. Hilary or Natalie, (941) 778-5181. SANDBAGS DELIVERED: Be prepared. Local teen will make and deliver sandbags to your Island residence. Spencer..(941) 778-0944 to order. MAN WITH SHOVEL Plantings, natives, patio gardens, trimming, clean-up, edgings, mainte- nance. Hard-working and responsible. Excellent references. Edward (941) 778-3222. LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint- ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. 'Sunshine Car Service. Serving the Islands. (941) 778-5476. COMPUTER OBEDIENCE:TRAINING. Is your computer misbehaving? Certified computer service and private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. (941) 545-7508. www.lsl.anler.org GULFVIEW LUXURY ISLAND HOME -. -.ur. ",n, GULF VIEW TOWNHOME iu ..u. :.,u l ., ..; n-.n rtL iMaria home With views of the Gulf of Mexico. Experience well maintained 2BR/2.5BA turnkey furnished townhome. paradise in luxury one house off of the beach on a quiet, Large balconies overlook the Gulf from both floors, watch desirable location. This home offers 3BR/2BA, hardwood the sunsets every evening! Weekly rentals are allowed and flooring, quality doors, windows and fixtures, custom the property has storage and covered parking. $599,000. cabinetry, Corian countertops, custom lighting, dumbwaiter- and plenty of storage. Tastefully furnished with a touch of I.lar,. iil; ,:.r i-i1";r,; ti r .i I Gli u. Vi BEST BUY ON LONGBOAT KEYII! 2BR/2BA freestanding villa with wood floors. Private beach access, marina, boat slips. 55-plus. $330.000. DELIGHTFUL ISLAND DUPLEX Great location just one block from the beach on a quiet street. Each side has 2BD with screened-in lanai. New landscaping and a fresh look! Great investment or seasonal home with rental unit $589,000. I.W W .GY ISLAND PRESSURE CLEANING for great results, wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable, reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. (941) 778-0944. CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist. Experienced certified technician for communication electronics offers wireless and cable networks, upgrades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and train- ing. Call Robert, (941) 778-3620. CALL DAN'S RESCREEN for your free estimate today. Affordable rates, quality work guaranteed. Pool cages, lanais, windows, doors. Call (941) 713-5333. TOM'S WINDOWS: Door and window repair/ replacement. Plus, get your hurricane panels now! Cut, primed and installed with easy-mount fasten- ers. $85/sheet, first story. (941) 730-1399. E-mail metrohs@msn.com. J&S CLEANING: Rentals,. move-ins, move-outs, hotels, inns, residential, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or one-time cleaning. Reasonable rates. Reliable, local references. Call (941) 538-9092 or 448-7072. LAWN CARE, HOUSE CARE, painting, elder care. All purpose mature rent-a-son at $10/hour. References. (941) 708-922. PHOTOGRAPHER: Kelley Ragan. Quality portraits, weddings, beach photography, babies, even pets! Reasonable. (941) 447-8892. MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet. Begin- ning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, (941) 792-0160. MURALIST, Mark Burdette. Custom murals, interior or exterior, landscapes and more. (941) 447-9637. CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org ! SALES & RENTALS 419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291 EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294 S""- JUST LISTED! TROPICAL WATERFRONT POOL HOME This inviting, lushly landscaped 3BR/3BA '"*'"' canalfront pool home offers countless amenities including a preferred split bedroom plan, gourmet kitchen with honey maple cabinetry and Corian countertops plus breakfast bar. A spacious, fully tiled living/dining room with sliding glass doors opens onto a sunny screened lanai.with a hot tub arid attractive brick paved floor. Tropical plantation shutters adorn many windows and doors and there are ceiling fans and recessed lighting enhanced by a pale yellow and beige color scheme. There is a beautiful brick paved entry courtyard, gorgeous Royal and Canary Island palms, expansive boat dock with electric lift and so much more! Asking $995,000. Don't miss it! VILLA POSITANO GULFVIEW LOCATION IN THE HEART OF THE VILLAGE This spacious 75x145 fool building lot is I on the far west side of Gulf Drive and runs from Magnolia Avenue to Spring Lane! A new, elevated home will offer wonderful views across old Gulf Boulavard to the glimmering Gulf of Mexico! There is currently an older triplex Villa Positano occupying the back end of this lot. Each unit offers 1BR/1BA generating $1,575/month income. This one absolutely won't last! Priced at $1,250,000. VIDE.MUR Visit our Web site at www.betsyhills.com B"'s CHlt.- tU^- "U f' T :c n i i. .'- *> ,a s -c "U "i ... E n T ." -" 2 2 "i ^ v "_ "! i " Want additional income? Interested in the Real Estate business? Join us now! * Work from home or from our office on your own schedule. * Obtain your Real Estate license by attending school locally or taking the course on line from home or our office. * We will provide you with practical training and tutoring assistance from professionals. to ensure successful testing for your real estate license. * We will support your licensing costs. * We will provide you with all necessary help to facilitate your first steps in the business. Confidentiality Guaranteed. Offer Limited. Call Us Now At 941-778-0777, ext. 11 I PAGE 34 M JUNE 29, 2005 T THE ISLANDER A A ER CLS.SIFIE SERVICS Continue AWN. ARDNCnine-OEIMRVMN BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigeration. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or re- placement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call William Eller, (941) 795-7411. RA005052. ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional creates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www.jackelka.com. (941) 778-2711. NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing massage in the comfort of your home. Call .today for an appointment, (941) 795-0887. MA#0017550. TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years experience. References available. For a reasonable price, call Sebastian, (941) 704-6719. AUTO DETAILING BY HAND Spotless inside and out. I can save you time and money. Island resident, references. For pricing, call (941) 713-5967. CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, land- scaping, cleanup, hauling, and more! Insured. (941) 778-5294. ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. If it is broken, we can fix it. Free estimates. Senior discount. Call (941-) 778-2581 or 962-6238. ONLINE SERVICE: Did you know you can place classified ads and subscribe online with our secure server? Check it out at www.islander.org. Spectacular Interior Updates edd No detail was over- n eee looked in this 3BR/ packuP 2BA island home! This home offers awesome granite counters, beautiful travertine natural stone floors, all new appliances, paint, furniture, landscaping and much more! And, it's all less than a block to the beach! Call today for an appointment. $649,900. "...-- Kimberly L. Clark, P.A. Sales Associate Realtor 941-447-9988 KimberlyClark_reallor' yahoo.com ,,,'- Gulf-Bay Realty 941-778-7244 5309 Gulf Drive IHolmes Beach (24wae a sfje and happy holiday Jim Anderson Realty Company Home Sales Property Management Vacation Rentals Commercial Leasing JR'S LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE Lawns, native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup. Island resident 25 years. Call (941) 807-1015. CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING: Quality lawn and land- scape maintenance. Great rates. Excellent Island references. Also planting and landscapes. Call (941) 778-2335 or 284-1568. PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN and instal- lation. Huge selection of plants, shrubs and trees. Irrigation. Everything Under the Sun Garden Centre, 5704 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-4441. SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $35/yard. Hauling: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free estimates. Call Larry at (941) 795-7775, "shell phone" (941) 720-0770. KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean- ups, power washing, tree trimming and more; City of Anna Maria resident. Cell (941) 448-3857. NATURE'S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residen- tial and commercial. 30-years experience. (941) 729-9381. STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Installs, clean- ups, shell, rock, palms, aquascapes, tree work. Truck for hire, move anything. Shark Mark (941) 727-5066. eulft- ay Reay of Anna Maria Inc. Thinking about Sellig? Call me to learn more about a no conunitment listing agreement that you can cancel anytime if you're unhappy with my performance. I strive to be ithe most knowledgeable, experienced. professional Realtor on the Island and I' willing to put my skills to.the test. Guaranteed! Call Jesse Brisson Broker-Associate (941) 713-4755 ut)^j^M VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island references. Bill, (941) 795-5100. JOE UNGVARSKY CONSTRUCTION Remodeling contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed and insured. Many Island references. (941) 778-2993. License #CRC 035261. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING free estimates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at (941) 778-1730. CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island service since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certifying back flow at water meters. (FL#RF0038118) (941) 778-3924 or 778-4461. TILE TILE TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references: Call Neil, (941) 726-3077. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remodeling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374., Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794. DON'T FORGET! The Islander has "mullet" T-shirts. Stop in our office at 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach or order online www.islander.org. Mak YourMoveWit Mariy -SIDE-BY-SIDE LAKEFRONT PROPERTIES IN ANNA MARIA! BUY ONE OR BOTH! Jim Anderson Licensed Broker Gayle Simpson Schulz Broker/associate Lyn Poole Broker/associate 941-778-4847 401 B Pine Avenue,- Anna Maria 1 \ '" It ,.i r,: Jet-Yrealt)* l',,m ,.! : ; i ' Why buy "half" when you can have entire duplex for the same price? 302 North Shore Dr 3+BR/3BA with 300 North Shore Dr 4BR/2.5BA 1BR/1BA apartment. Five-car garage, duplex with five-car garage. Private one short block to beach, direct beach open decks, large picture windows, access, peeksof Gulf. Move-incondition. great views of lake. AsH 4'n Seawall and dock. Zoned duplex. Extras! $750,000. MLS 502297. Asking $850,000. MLS 502321. Call Stephanie Bell, (941) 920-5156, or Frank Migliore, (941) 778-2307. ,. SERVING'THE AP.EA SINCEE 19A-0 S ., MLS A pristine, gated club community with pools, hot tubs, tennis and activities. Only two miles to the Gulf beaches. NEW LISTINGS! 503 Sanderling Circle 2BR/2BA villa with many fine upgrades. $369,000. 605 Est cnDiN e 2BR/2 SA'PE unit condo. 385,000. Mlarilu.n TrvTethan. Realtor (941)778-6066 H. :., .-0 J-I .. I j i ln-iliica AbotGI THE ISLANDER JUNE 29, 2005 N PAGE 35 I- -S -. DR L ASF US HOME IMPROVMENT Contined HOME IMPOVEMENT Continue RENTAS Continue CUSTOM RENOVATION/RESTORATION expert. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Insured. Member of Better Business Bureau. Paul Beauregard, (941) 779-2294. KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and shutters. Insured and licensed, (941) 748-4711. TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed. Why pay retail? Island resident, many references. Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor Coverings. (941) 792-1367, or 726-1802. MASON: 27 YEARS of experience. All masonry work and repair. Cinderblock work, brick work, glass block work, paver and brick driveways. Call Chris, (941) 795-3034. License #104776. Insured. MORENO MARBLE & TILE Installation and resto- ration. Quality work. Over 20 years experience. Insured. Call Javier at (941) 685-5163 or 795-6615. JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy- man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pressure washing and tree trimming. Call (941) 778-6170 or 447-2198. THE ISLANDER.,The best news on Anna Maria Island since' 1992. I DESIRABLE BEAN POINT! I Rare 5BR/3,5BA, across from beach access with spacious open floor plan. Large kitchen. with breakfast bar. Master suite on main floor. Tile floors, screened lanai and a large open deck-great for tanning! O.ersized four-car garage. $1,240,000. Larry Albert Tropical Broker-Realtor 1 725-1074 roperi Island living at it's finest' Walk to the beach, relax by your private heated 28x17-foot pool or enjoy sparkling Gulf and bay views from open decks on all levels. Tastefully renovated within the last fi'e years with Cooks kitchen, new washer/dryer and new air conditioning. Pristine 2BR/3BA townhouse with hardwood floors and carpeted bedrooms. Enormous screened parch off living area with stairs to pool and gardens. Come see this one! A good buy at $645,000 I- it- 'l- -- verandas. granite counrertops. wood flooring. nine-foot ceilings, crown molding and t.-o-car gara-ige Grand master suite with private reti cat, hislher walk-in closets, dual sink %.3nity. glass-block shower and Jacuzzi rub. Two to choose from starting at $795,900. 941-812-3455 Q' WUNCAN Real Estate Inc. f .. 1 .o e A- x *B7793- o 19r566.9- 703 HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICE: Bill MacCaughern. Repairs, renovations, kitchens, bathrooms, decks. Masonry, tile, painting. 30 years experience. Yes, I do show up! (941) 778-3904. INTERIOR SURFACE RENOVATION: Drywall repairs, hand and spray texturing, acoustic ceilings, painting, tiling and shower doors. Clean, honest, reliable. Free estimate. Credit cards accepted. F.A.W. Remodeling, (941) 586-4695. CARL V. JOHNSON JR. Inc. building contractor. New homes, additions, renovations. Quality work and fair prices. Call (941) 795-1947. Lic#RR0066450. WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more. Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in-home consultation. Island references, 15 years experience. (941) 778-3526 or 730-0516. RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal. Wedebrock Real Estate Co., (941) 778-6665 or (800) 749-6665. VACATION RENTALS: 2BR apartments across from beautiful beach, $375 to $500/week. Winter and spring dates available. Almost Beach Apartments, (941) 778-2374. VACATION & SEASONAL Private beach. Units are complete. Rates seasonally adjusted. $425-$975/ week, $975-$2,975/month. (800) 977-0803 or (941) 737-1121. www.abeachview.com. POOL HOME AVAILABLE for vacation let. Near Holmes Beach, 3BR/2BA with all amenities. Man- aged by Coastal Properties Realty, (941.) 794-1515. SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR (two master suites)/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/ dryer, garage, designer furnished with tropicalyard setting. One of the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/ weekly or $6,000/monthly. Call 713-0034 or e-mail: gamiller@tampabay.rr.com. WEEKLY RENTALS: SAN Remo condo, 1BR/1BA, $500/week; Alecassandra villa, 1BR/1BA, $700/ 'week; island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; Northwest Bradenton home, 3BR/3BA, $950/week; Gulffront cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach Club, 2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call Cristin Curl at Wagner Realty, (941) 778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com, EARLY CLASSIFIED AD Deadline fbr the Wednes- day, July 6 publication. Deadline is NOON Friday, July 1. Our office will be closed Monday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. I R AL SA EO P R U IISFO ANN'*A M ARIA AN*BYO D rerry.hayes ON THE INTRACOASTAL NEAR LONGBOAT. ONLY ONE UNIT LEFT! Welcome to .1 onoe-.f-a-kLnd b.yfront paradise' Imaginative HURRY BEFORE PRICES and delightfully pll-/uli custo home located on [hE. South end of Anr, Maria I.:Ind just one blocir from [he Gulf Thi, GO UP! STILLTIME TO ,tunninR risidence leaLture :,rtisan details throughout. and CHOOSE COLORS rhe creaiuv u;e .3: natural materi.;l, light and color blend togehei to create an authentic. work of Irr Highlighr. AND STYLE. Include a boar d.-:.ck r,e.v sewIll Irdonnc;iari coLurr.ard wilh Brand ne, KeyWest land '.pect.ACuljr .va[rr wa;ll nd open p:,ol ,'ith waterijll. private style home in Holmes Beach and sep3irae gueit quarter;, hand-tooled .eal' kitchen with tropical pool.high-end cabinerEs. Ausrialiin E-ani h3nd-paintEd tilee. hand-plastre d custom finishes open "all,. ht-ind-caj.c-d Irdian door:, circul:jr slairwiys ind design. 3 BR. 2 BA Ready bjlcornes, and 360-dlegree .,aler vie-.s ironi the office hide- In lust 3 rrionchs' SAR i'.iy Sarisota ML' 42716-415. Mranate MLS #S05567 92737-3 Offered at Offered at $2,590,000 $791,000 Virtual Tours & Photos e www.skysarasota.com Te Hay SKY Sotheby's (94 366-8777 INTERNATIONAL REALTY- . -- . Cffaious Bayfrotit Resiidencee Pre-ConstrLlcticltl Saytront C.0111.10- ilil llrj l~lllllnl 11; ~(IIL I I' IThe Gardenia Illl~ll CII 1I 'OIL i~~F'T~ LI~ L ~~l~lT~- ~ im. 111t,11.1 -11 iIII fl l 1 1111'. :~I .'t~l li'l' lr ;l! :j~ II 1111 1 Excllet olle roprh Seductive Ivaterfi-ont IS1,111d Vi.~i~l~lllla n -vrmann lu Ihi, 1 -.11 I hl:III jl1113il I h i IIL I-Io w iim c n -pii, I icir, -il I, ,,- v ln- Ii 1Ii 1 1' ~x cI I 11 tj ri 1:Csl-h Cr~ir~i~,eIt'r~r~'~art r~l~il,- l~lihh '1111 lln.!! M idrl i-nici v rit~ -l~l 7 i-I 'H K'ey' V'es t Style Islanid H-{omies 1 i iii' :-1 1, 1 FIJI J'4 u mII,. mj i. iM dr r ci o R M 4 IIIi JI I" r IIIIIIl The Cazstilliaji on Lonmgboa ,t Olfored3al1S299SO00 7 77 'To, wm Key, RAW'.`..8 '' i4"53;3 92003 03 Lom 4 wwwgw ~ ~S~g~,~,~;*~'~.~.~VISlr_-~b7I6~~dP**pclt *~rr,rri' ff -PAGE 36;- JUNNE29,'200'IF'rTHE'ISLANDER ' Sandy's Lawn Service Inc. Sandy'S Established in 1983 Lawn Celebrating 20 Years of Serie Quality & Dependable Service. 7781345 and hardscape needs. ; -345 Licensed & Insured Residential Commercial Check our references: "Quality work at adeasonable price." Licensed/Insured Serving Anna Maria Island Since 1986 761-8900 Paradise Improvements 778-4173 Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist a"- .o Replacement Doors and Windows Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault T'-i-'. H Fully Licensed and Insured Island References ____Lic#CBC056755 _.,WAGNER REALTY , N-. 392217 GULF DRIVE NORTH BIADENTON BEACII, L 34217 - 61NC. 1939 HIIAOLD SMALL REALTOR. Office: (941) 778-2246 792- 8628 E-mail: haroldsmall@wagnerrealty.com BAY WEST E LAUNDRY On vacation or just hate doing laundry? Why bother? BAY WEST WILL PICK-UP, LAUNDER AND DELIVER.. Full Service Wash/Dry/Fold/Iron PU/Delivery Self Service Cool & Clean 627 59th St. W. Bradenton 720-3622 FIVE STAR AUTO BODY Dodge Volkswagen Hyundai General Motors European Asian Specialist (941] 751-0122 or 756-5152 4901 15th Sleel East Braoenlon . l SCREEN FIs 7 IMl RESCREENING POOL CAGES, LANAIS, ETC. (941) 962-0395 Free Estimates 3-Year Warranty with Complete Rescreens We use only professional equipment and #1 quality Phifer screen MC & Visa Accepted Financing Available I * We service all makes/Flat rate pricing * Free replacement estimates * Indoor air quality-UV, Hepa, Duct sanitizing * Maintenance (941) 746-4191 OCEAN-AIRE CONDITIONING, INC. RA0034333 THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE I massage in the peace, quiet $t. and convenience of your home! More than 10 years on n Anna Maria Island. '. a Call Nadia 941.795.0887 ._,'._.,... .. I. ,,". 1 ELKA PHl/ FHToLRFHiL. I 1 -. _. -. II . [n w ;t'R l' .:/.ell u c,,m : Conti nued LSContinue GULFFRONT CONDOS: 3BR/2BA, 2BR/2BA, 1 BR/1 BA with breathtaking sunsets. Pools, Jacuzzi, walk to shops and restaurants. Available weekly, monthly, seasonal. (901) 301-8299 or e-mail captko462 @ aol.com. SEASONAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA furnished condo. West Bradenton, five minutes to beaches. $2,700/ month. (708) 532-2149. RENT 2BR/2BA inclusive turnkey, $1,000; 3BR/ 2BA pool home built in 2000; 3BR3BA villa, pool, tennis. Coastal Properties, (941) 794-1515. MARINERS COVE: Annual unfurnished 3BR/2.5BA bayfront unit with fabulous views and 2,158 sf of living area. Gated community with heated pool, tennis, elevator and protected deep-water boat dock. Call Dave Moynihan, Realtor/owner, (941) 778-2246 or 720-0089. VACATION RENTALS in the Village of Cortez. Adorable 2BR updated apartments in a very quiet setting. Walk and bicycle the 75 acres of preservation trails around the village. Stroll to great local fish restaurants and still only one mile to the beach! Well behaved pets allowed. Call Carol, Green Real Estate, for more information, (941) 778-0455. ANNUAL 2BR/2BA ELEVATED duplex in Holmes Beach, one block from beach. $950/month plus utilities, no pets. First, last month, plus security. References. Call Ed, (860) 227-5142. FLAMINGO CAY: 2BR/2BA with boat dock on salt- water canal. Available mid-July through December. Turnkey furnished. $1,100/month plus utilities. Call Bonnie at (207) 867-2213, or e-mail bmacd @ midcoast.com. ANNUAL CONDOS: BAYVIEW Terrace. Pool on bay, one block to beach, ground level. Nonsmoking, no pets. 1BR $900/month, and 2BR $1,200/month. (941) 752-1737. ANNUAL RENTALS: 2BR/1BA, carport, washer/dryer hookup, $900/month; 2BR/2BA, tile floors, $725/ month; 1 BR/1 BA, washer/dryer hookup, $675/month. No pets. Dolores M. Baker Realty, (941) 778-7500. SEASIDE BUNGALOW: Summer rates $1,800/ month, $500/week. One short block to Anna Maria City Pier. Very cute! 2BR/1BA, pet friendly. Call Carol, Green Real Estate, for more information. (941) 778-0455. SPACIOUS ISLAND VILLA: 2BR/2BA split plan with Florida room, garage and laundry. 1,300-plus sf. Fruit trees, walk to White Avenue beach. Annual, $1,275/ month. Unfurnished. (941) 745-0959 or 778-1589. ANNUAL: HOLMES BEACH 3BR/2BA home with large boat dock on canal. Walk to beach. (941) 545-6118. BRADENTON BEACH duplex on Intracoastal water. Dock davits,, laundry, modern with all appliances. First, last, security. Annual $1,100/ month. (727) 784-3679. WANTED: WINTER seasonal rental. Prefer pool, dock and garage. (715) 747-3111. PALMA SOLA BAY: Turnkey furnished 2BR/2BA townhouse. Pool, boat dock. $500/week, or call for monthly rate. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. ANNUAL RENTALS: 1BR/1BA Holmes Beach, $665/month; 2BR/2BA Gulffront condo, $2,000/ month; new 2BR/2BA riverfront condo, $1,300/ month. Call Fran Maxon Real Estate, (941) 778-2307 for details. FOURTH OF JULY special. Anna Maria Island. 1BR/2BA, steps to beach, courtyard, full kitchen, barbeque. (941) 778-1098. www.gulfdriveapartments.com. EARLY CLASSIFIED AD Deadline for the Wednes- day, July 6 publication. Deadline is NOON Friday, July 1. Our office will be closed Monday, July 4 in oi observance of Independence Day. ANNUAL RENTALS: 1BR/1BA ground-level apartment, $850/month; 2BR/2BA canal home, unfurnished; 2BR/2BA, Gulfview, top-floor apartment. Betsy Hills Real Estate, P.A., (941) 778-2291, or e-mail Jason @ betsyhills.com. DOWNTOWN SARASOTA: 2BR/2BA bayview condo on eighth floor. Wonderful location and great amenities. Annual, $2,900/month. Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. 1BR/1 BA DOWNTOWN Sarasota, theater district. Palm Avenue, Francis Carleton. Annual. $1,300/ month including water, cable, washer/dryer. (941) 685-8108. FULLY REMODELED 1BR/1BA unit in quiet Holmes Beach neighborhood. Annual, $750/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. BEAUTIFUL TURNKEY furnished 1BR apartment. Steps to beach, great shopping and restaurants. $350/ week or $1,200/month. (941) 778-4451 or 284-1300. BEAUTIFUL ANNA MARIA turnkey furnished 2BR condo. Waterfront with private boat dock, steps to shopping, pier and beach. Available Aug. 8-Dec. 8. $1,200/month. (941) 778-4451. WATERFRONT 1-2BR short-term rental, fishing dock, short walk'to beautiful beach and park. (941) 779-9074, cell (703) 587-4675, e-mail gwalker43 @ hotmail.com. RECENTLY REMODELED unit in heart of Holmes Beach- All' new iht-eior. $650/riOm th. Call Island Real Estate. (941) 778-6066. ------ . WE ARE BOOKING rentals for 2006. Wide variety,. of condos and houses starting at $1,500/month. Annual rental, Perico Bay Club, 2BR/2BA condo, pool, tennis, small pet OK, $975/month; Ironwood, 2BR/2BA condo on golf course, $1,000/month; Sandy Pointe, 2BR/2BA, furnished,-pool, seven- month rental, $1,100. SunCoast Real Estate, (941) 779-0202. www.suncoastinc.com. COZY COTTAGE: 2BR house, nice Holmes Beach neighborhood. Washer/dryer hookup, carport, sun porch. Annual, $1,200/month. Call (941) 779-9026. PERICO BAY CLUB: 2BR/2BA bayfront condo. Light and bright, community pools, tennis, guarded gate, assigned covered parking. Annual, $1,200/ month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. BRAND-NEW SPACIOUS ground-level, waterfront exquisite, luxury annual rental. Top-of-the-line amenities. Pool, Jacuzzi, boat lift. $3,000/month. (941) 778-8660. .NORTHWEST BRADENTON: Pine Bay Forest, 2BR/2BA condo with vaulted ceilings and screened lanai. Annual $1,000/month. Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. ONLINE SERVICE: Did you know you can place classified ads and subscribe online with our secure server? Check it out at www.islander.org. Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" r s A, .A, -A MR- "a (THE'ISLANDIMR-Iff-4UNE-9r,; 2005K MPAqE ,37 REA C tin-ue IF- So ________I LAST-MINUTE AVAILABILITY for Fourth of July: Available July 2-9, reduced to only $800 this week! Luxurious Umbrella Beach Resort, close to Manatee Beach. 2BR/2.5BA condo with pool, hot tub and garage. (941) 794-1892. *ANNUAL 2BR/1BA, two blocks to beach. New tile, large kitchen, no pets. $775/month, plus utilities. (941) 922-2473 or 928-3880. ANNUAL RENTAL: GULFFRONT complex, large 1BR/1BA with glass enclosed lanai, ground-level unit, pools, no pets. $850/month. Call Carla Price, (941) 720-8746, Bark & Co. Realty Inc. 1 BR/1 BA UNIT just steps to pristine Gulf beaches in Holmes Beach. Annual, $700/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. DUPLEX: 2BR/2BA, elevated, two miles from beach. $825/month. First, last, plus $1,000 security. (941) 387-0817. ANNUAL: 2BR/1BA, Anna Maria, washer/dryer, newly remodeled, steps to beach, shopping and restaurants. Available July* 15. $950/month. (941) 778-5482. DIRECT GULFFRONT HOME: 2BR/1BA with pristine beaches at your back door. $2;000/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals. 1BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to beach, shopping, restaurants. (941) 778-3426. Web site 2spinnakers.com- .<'PRECONSTRUCTION PRICES! Hidden Lake con- dominiums, west Bradenton. Close to beach. Start- ing at $309,900. Call Cori Woods, (941) 761-0444. HOLMES BEACH canalfront with bay views. 4BR/ 3BA, pool, boat dock. Annual rental income. Asking $950,000. (941) 447-3726. BRADENTON BEACH Triplex: well maintained. Owner home, plus two rental apartments. Half block to beach and bay. Goof views and great neighbor- hiod. Owner (941) 778-9002. LONGBOAT KEY HOME north end. Custom 3BR/ 2BA two-car garage. Home in the historic village. Steps to Sarasota Bay and Gulf beaches. Features large master suite with 15-foot open beam ceiling. French doors, sun deck, wet bar, fridge, hot tub, separate entrance. Updated kitchen and fireplace. $739,000. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. DESIRABLE ANNA MARIA lot west of Gulf Drive. 50 by 110 feet. 117 Willow Ave. (813) 335-3680. Asking $460,000. CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org ! BOATERS PARADISE: SAILBOAT water, 30-foot dock, 2BR/2.5BA, two-car garage, heated cocktail pool, Jacuzzi, 100-percent designer tiled. Caribbean decor. $979,000. (941) 778-8464. STUNNING CONDO FOR sale: Gorgeous! Totally new with magnificent Gulfviews from every room. Directly on the beach in relaxing, calm, old-style Florida complex with open spaces. Lush tropical plantings, verdant grass. Principles only. $899,000. (941) 779-1013 or (717) 392-4048. WELL-LOCATED 3BR/2BA West Bradenton home, $295,000, five miles to Island. Owners will sell and va- cate or lease back to investor at $1,500/month for one year. 7520 Third Ave. W. (941) 761-4747 or 224-7652. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. Must see the beautiful, peaceful mountains of western mountains. Homes, cabins, acreage, investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy, N.C. www.cherokeemountainrealty.com. Call for free brochure (800) 841-5868. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA Mountains Where there is cool mountain air, views, stream, homes, cabins, acreage.-Call for free brochure of Mountain Property Sales. (800) 642-5333. Realty of Murphy. 317 Peachtree St., Murphy, N.C. 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com. TENNESSEE LAKE PROPERTY from $24,900! 6.5- acre lot, $59,900; 27-acre lake estate, $124,900. Lake parcel and cabin package available, $64,900. (866) ---770-5263, ..ext. 8, for details. SNEW MEXICO: 20 acres, $34,900. Scenic region, views, canyons, trees, rolling hills, wildlife. Enjoy hunt- ing, hiking, horses, great climate. Power, great access. 100 percent financing. Call (877) 822-LAND! NORTH CAROLINA Mountain property, Gated community with private river and lake access. Swim, fish, hike. From $20,000 to $70,000. Perfect. for log cabin. (800) 699-1289 or www.riverbendlakelure.com. ASHEVILLE, N.C., Mountains. Gated community, spectacular view, river homesites, clubhouse, mountain spas, paved roads, view tower, river walk. New phase just started! www.bearriverlodge.net. (866). 411-5263. MONTANA LAND AUCTION July 22. +- 577 acres, Jefferson River frontage, world-class hunting/ fishing, awesome mountain views, +/- one hour from Bozeman. RK Auction, (406) 485-2548 or (406) 485-2399. www.MontanaLandAuctions.com. EARLY CLASSIFIED AD Deadline for the Wednes- day, July 6 publication. Deadline is NOON Friday, July 1. Our office will be closed Monday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance. We accept ads by fax with credit card information, 778-9392, at our Web site (secure serve slander.org, and by direct e-mail at classifieds@islander.org. Office hours: 9 to 5, Monday-Frida .A Or O needed). CLASSIFIED RATES BUSINESS OR INDIVIDUAL: Minimum additional words: Each additional word over 20 is 500, Box: $3, One- fo us 250 per word. WE ACCEPT MASTERCARDANfedadvertising in person or by phone. We are sorry, but due to the high vssified ad copy over the telephone. To place an ad by phone, please be prepared to FAX withyour credit card information. (see below) USE THIS FORM F R CONVENIENCE: One word per blank space for minimum charge 20 words. I 21 3 I3 I Run issue date(s) Amt. pd Date Please indicate: Ck. No. or Cash __ SFor credit card payment: UJ E U No. IExp. Date Name shown on card: Billing address zip code: House no. or post office box no. on bill E-Mail address: [for renewal purposes only] The Islander Fax: 941 778-9392 5404 Marina Drive Th Islan der Phone: 941 778-7978 Holmes Beach FL 34217 T slac e E-mail classifieds@islander.org I S- - - ---- - - - - - -----V You'l b gld yu cll-. YVONN HIGGNSP.A ,!xf 78-777 `1 R/IWGlftea eat -d k Sf btI^VTIJVGyJElainefeffifbmry// "Professional Excellence" Residential-Commercial Interior & Exterior Serving the Islands since 1969. 778-559 After 5 Call Licensed and Insured 778-3468 James King Painting & Renovation For all your home improvement needs (941) 778-8431 Licensed.& Insured The Paver Brick Store 8208 CortezRoad W. Bradenton 34210 (941) 794-6504 9:00 AM til.Noon, or by Appointment Pool Deck, Patio and Driveway Renovations Design Build LONGBOAT KEY PAINTING & DESIGN, INC. S Faux painting Cabinet refinishing Furniture restoration Custom painting Jackson Holmes, owner (941) 812-3809 Watts Towing 24-Hour Towing 9:_-No ,* All accidents Special Requests 751-0122 756-5152 After Hours 737-6089 Junior's Landscape & Maintenance Lawn care PLUS native plants .: mulch, trip, hauling and cleanup. .--- Call Junior, 807-1015 " FEEL LIKE A DAY ON THE TOWN? S^ ^ ^ff Find out WT n what's going on in STheli Islander Looking for a local Prudential Palms Realty agent in your area? Call Michelle or Steve Fn today! ki cn Prudential l I',hmll PaJC lml MR at ',vl Woi.lB .e1 ,,1.81,0.-;14 Palms Realty l. -S .8 o.,) c, nw "Ti,_'hill rmuj ;I,., C.Tn "'ww ff jr.ll3[i v'w r ,rir T Just visiting Paradise? Tlhe Islander SINCE 1992 Don't leave the Island without taking time to subscribe. You'll get ALL the best news, delivered by the mailman every week. Visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach or call 941-778-7978. Online edition: www.islander.org HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next class: July 11 *National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services www.atsn-schools.com PAGE 38 M JUNE 29, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER OS *E U EARLY CLASSIFIED AD Deadline for the. Wednesday, July 6 publication. Deadline is, NOON Friday, July 1. Our office will be closed Monday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. VIEWS VIEWS VIEWS: Helena, Mont., 4.7 acres, $79,990- Ride out your backdoor to millions of acres of national forest!. Awesome lake and mountain views, close to Canyon Ferry Lake, min- utes to Helena. -Soils tested, -utilities, ready to build on. Call owner, (888) 770-2240. :: LAKEFRONT BARGAINS starting at $89,900. Gorgeous lakefront parcels. Gently sloping, pristine shoreline, spectacular views. Across from national forest on 35,000-acre recreational lake in east Tennessee. Paved roads, underground utilities, central water, sewer. Excellent financing. Call now, (800) 704-3154, ext. 617. Sunset Bay LLC. ATTENTION INVESTORS: Waterfront lots in the foothills of North Carolina. Deep-water lake with 90 miles of shoreline. 20-percent redevelopment discounts and 90-percert financing. No payments for one year. Call now for best" selection. www.nclakefrontproperlies.com (800) 709-LAKE. MAKE .THIS. SUMMER the: best. East Tennessee's Norris Lake and golf properties make every year special. Starting at only $24,900. Call Lakeside Realty, (423) 626-5820, www.lakesiderealty-tn.com. ..ONLINE SERVICE: Did you know you can place classified ads and subscribe online with our secure server? Check it out at www.islander.org ,where S you-can read Wednesday's classified at noon on Tuesday. FIND GREAT DEALS on wheels and everything else in The Islander, 778-7978. AMY GORDAN REALTORR" Dedicated to service :Expertise in renovalion and rehabilitation properties. Island. waterfront and area iifestyie specialist.:- ," T Contact Amy at S (941) 779-1811forall of Sa your REAL ESTATE needs! The JEWEL of Gulf Coast Real Estate 1501GulfDrivNothBradnto. B BUILDING SALE! Rock Bottom Prices! 20 by 30, now $2,900; 30 by 40, $5,170; 40 by 50 $8,380; 40 by 60, $10,700; 50 by 100, $15,244; others. Ends/accessories optional. Priced to Sell! Pioneer, (800) 668-5422. STEEL ARCH BUILDINGS! Genuine SteelMaster Buildings, factory direct at huge savings! 20 by 24, 30 by 60, 35 by 50. Perfect Garage/workshop/. barn.; Call (800) (341-7007. www.SteelMasterUSA.com. , FLORIDA BUILDING Blowout. Florida product approved, 30 by 40, 40 by,60, 40 by 100. Limited offer! (800) 300-2470, ext. 4. www.allbldg.com. EARLY CLASSIFIED AD Deadline for the Wednesday, July 6 publication. Deadline is NOON Friday, July 1. Our office will be closed Monday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. HOW TO ADVERTISE: EARLY CLASSIFIED AD Deadline for the Wednesday, July 6 publication. Deadline is NOON Friday, July 1. Our office will- be closed Monday, July 4 'in observance of Independence Day.' CLASSIFIED RATES for business or individual: Minimum $10 for up 20 words. Each additional word over 20 words is 500. Box: $3. Ads must be paid in advance. Classified ads may be submitted through our secure Web site: www.islander.org or faxed to (941) 778-9392 or delivered/mailed to 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217. We.- are located next to Ooh La La! in the Island Shop- ping Center More information:(941) 778-7978:. All real estate advertising herein is subject to the Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination Want personalized service while you buy or sell property this summer? Let \ Carol help make your '-:'.:.i 7 dream come true. 6016 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton (941) 751-1155 (800) 778-8448 Visit our Web site at www.floridamove's.com SALS .VAATON ENAL ' a ea7 - Welcome to Paradise Hun~rt~8rT~~ Cdreds of Properties to Choose From 521GlfDieHlesBahF ards elyco 0-2725 t...- "' .-. ..--.- -gj- DON'T MISS THIS ONE! Completely remod- eled island duplex. 3BR/2BA on both sides. Beautiful ceramic tile throughout this breezy floorplan. Kitchens and baths newly updated, too. Turnkey and already rented for the season. $1,400,000. Call Dave Jones at 713-4800. BREATHTAKING 2BR/2BA condo with breathtaking view of Gulf and beach. Deeded beach access..Upstairs unit with parking below. $925,000. Contact Quentin Talbert, 778-4800. g- "- SPECTACULAR BAYVIEW CONDO 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished with good rental history. Large fishing pier and community boat dock. Laundry room in unit. $589,000. Contact Dave Vande Vrede, 778-4800. SPACIOUS ISLAND CONDO 2BR/2BA with freshly painted and new carpet. Heated pool, tennis courts and boat access. Close to beaches and shopping. $349,000. Contact Cindy Grazar, 778-4800. ....a. -' -, a 1. ;..: ; ,li WESTBAY POINT & MOORINGS 2BR/2BA upstairs with covered parking space. Pool, tennis and hot tub close by. Tiled entry and kitchen. Glass-enclosed lanai. $440,000. Dick Maher or Dave Jones, 778-4800. .; :, D~i - I, .WF: q SHOREWALK BATH AND TENNIS CLUB 2BR/2BA ground-floor end unit, light and bright! Low condo fees with fabulous amenities. '$189,000: Nicole Skaggs, 778-4800. 0 based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or interrtion to make any such preference, limitation or discrimi- nation Familial status includes children under age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under: 18. This newspaper will .it knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call. HUD toll-free at (800) 669-9777, for the hearing impaired (0) (800) 543-8294. WATERING RESTRICTIONS: Rules in effect for Manatee County: , '> Lawn and landscape watering is limited to two days a week.. Addresses ending in even numbers (or A M): Tuesday and.Saturday. :>- Addresses ending in odd numbers (or N Z): Wednesday and Sunday. ' Irrigation not allowed from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ir- :rigiation ih tre.ited waste water allowed an\ line m 0 > Owners can wash their vehicles anytime as long e as iheiy use a hose with a shut-off nozzle (Pull the car on the lawn.to wash!) ' >' Rinsinc: boalis. anld fltuhli ii' f hotir motors is al- . Siow c 1 i L diil. . aHInd-'. alennr ot pl:ni. NO -N.-*t--r- y * ted any day '",, M Questions or connmenis? Call the So:outlhet Flonrda Water S * ManagementDit ici S .%itifri udiJ ll-lr I- ,.111-423-1-4 6 * S0 ** * *0000000 00000000 r THO3~is55 lOF HC'O.IES N OE ..DDRESS '1'? ippA/ I\ 1lCH.EL4UDESCD~=llvi le SPECTACULAR BAYFRONT home w/ views of Terra Ceia Bay. 3-4BR/3BA home w/fireplace,family room & pool. Private dock. $1,795,000. Jody Shinn, 748-6300 or 705-5704. 506922 TRADITIONAL 4BR pool home on 1/2- acre lot. Wood throughout. Remodeled kitchen w/cherry cabinets. $750,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. 508754 GRAND & GRACIOUS convenience & value-this home has it all! 1903 home on Manatee River.All the character of "Old Florida." $919,000. Barbara Jennings .748-6300 or 773-0180. 509550 LOVELY 3BR/2.5BA home w/fireplace. Waterfront community w/clubhouse, ten- nis, pool,dock.$399,900. 748-6300. Kathy Marcinko, 713-1100 or Sandy Drapala, 725-0781.508200 GORGEOUS SUNSETS from this 5BR home on Palma Sola Bay. This home offers 5,000 SF, pool & boat dock. $3,500,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. 507665 MAGNIFICENT 4BR pool home w/over 4500 SF. Library, bonus room,boat dock.Gated community, beaches. $1,800,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. 508630 BEAUTIFUL KEY WEST STYLE HOME. Gourmet kitchen. Wood floors,porch. Second floor master suite.$1,550,000. Elizabeth Gardini, 748-6300 or 356-0096. 509758 WATERLEFE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB 5BR estate home w/4,137SF. Home theatre, heated pool. $1,450,000.Chuck West, 748-6300 or 374-3211. 509198 OLD WORLD CHARM in this 1940's, 3BR/2BA home. Kitchen w/cherry cabinets & cherry floors.$569,900. 748-6300: Kathy Marcinko, 713-1100 or Sandy Drapala, 725-0781. 509039 RANCH HOME w/149 ft.road frontage. Zoned residential, professional / commer- .cial possible. High visibility $299,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. 504534/504536 VILLAGE GREEN one owner home. Eat-in kitchen, 2BR/2BA,lanai and new carpet. Ready to move into. $269,900. Chuck West, 748-6300 or 374-3211. 509430 CUTE STARTER HOME 2BR, plus office or den. Carpet, ceramic tile and wood laminate flooring. Large fenced yard. $177,000. Colette .,-r rirh 7.i4.-r.7i1.: or 713-6557. 509267 CHARMING 3BR home. Ceramic tile, a separate attached arilil. .:In1,1o, 2-screened porches. $252,900. Victoria Horstmann, 748-6300 or -.r 1 ;.ii :11.14 t :0c 1 i ~. c i ; t rBil tO l b 0 I ;B i t It t~ l I u 11 itt i U I Ii III I. u tOa .t u b ai u ts~ is u li I 0 0i ta I I. 0ie~ t htt it I ? c - 9% ~ II II --- ~ ~c--C I "*''xlo w.!.,. THE ISLANDER M JUNE 29, 2005 E PAGE 39 ; "- No wonder in 34 years of International Real Estate, I have J,/edebr '=. never had a property not sell! REAL ESTATE COMPANY Island Aussie 3224 East Bay Drive Geoffrey Wall, G.R.I. P.A. Holmes Beach S-(941) 545-0206 (941) 778-0700 w"wA'sf' (941) 545-0206f H],,,:,,,,.,Ds.. ,www.AussieGeoff.com .Gail n * 941-705-0227 Toll Free 1-866-587-8559 GailTuteRE@aol.com pj4"OrjIF J1JI BRIDGEPORT : DIRECT GULF VIEW: Ride the elevator to the top floor for awesome ..-. gulf views from this light and bright 2 BR/2 BA turnkey furnished condo. A M Lounge in the heated pool or relax on your balcony and watch the sunset. $689,000 BAYVIEW TERRACE: Own a piece of paradise with this nicely turnkey furnished 1 BR ground floor condo in a beau- tiful bay front complex. Just walk a few steps to the beach or Iqo ge i he pool overlooking the bay. Just $305,000 S3224 EAST YoBAY E" 7 HOLMES B-ACi - "J I/ !.' '::L!(,: ::.,' I - VILLA ROMA VILLA MILANO 4004'5TH AVE. 4006 5TH AVE. The Jewel in the crown completes the most successful residentiallinvestment development in the Island'shistory. Pre-con- struction prices with permanent financing available for qualified buyers. These magnificent 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom Villas feature: expansive great rooms with fireplaces, hardwood floors, gourmet kitchens with granite finish, elevator and private swimming pool. A half block to public beach, restaurants, boutiques and market with partial Gulf and bay views. $1,250,000. wwVw.osdanderor . .-. SA A W--s "~ -,-J'--i K -Az ...r...- .. WI' -- - ~,~ ; -- 1 4 Property Management and Leasing Manatee fLS as of 06/16/05 Total Island Properties For Sale: 193 (SFR, Condo, Duplex) Median Price: $845,900 S Total Pending: 128 e Median Price: $699,000 Total Sold Since 1/1/05:213 Median Price: $580,000 Call us for Annual and Seasonal Rentals /Mk l Gulfstream *, .l!IMlW /wlwlllM Realty a l Judy Karkhoff 941-778-7777 Realtor 866-266-9911 Realtor attended Anna Maria Elementary School, University of MN (BA) and UCLA Business School I- .6 7 7T VILLA SIENNA VILLA SORRENTO 4005 4TH AVE. 4003 4TH AVE. *aPT ;aBAp~r~mpl~hs~aSill$e~P~P---------~--Y~ '^~~-P"l~sasliC~B~~ ~I~ PAGE 40 M JUNE 29, 2005 M THE ISLANDER -4b * * "Copyrighted Material Syndicated ontent' Available from Commercial'News Providers" U :... -~~ - *b4u - --low- m- * a -~ - ~ * 0 - lb.dm qw am- - S 0 r - - - a 4 f -4 f o -l 49M. Ow - 0 C * quox - 0 *. *I * a * *, .- a ~ 4 400 - - 0 .0.0- Want to keep in touch? Subscribe to the "best news! "Call 941 778-7978 and charge it to Visa or MasterCard. WAGNER REALTY BAw Sg ofqkH Six"199 BREATHTAKING VIEW! A full view of Ihe Sunshine Skyway tbidge from your own private master suile. Gourmet kitchen, maple cabinets wih granite counier-. Two electric boat lihts. Tracev Hurley. 741-25:00 #508869. .1 .Rii COinn 2217 GULF DR. N. BRADENTON BEACH (941) 778-2246 (800) 211-2323 e-mail: ami@wagnerrealty.com www.wagnerrealty.com PANORAMIC BAYFRONT Spectacular 4BR TIDY ISLAND A lew building sites are n-ow REAL ISLAND LIVING! Key West home offers 2 5BA bavlronl resscience aiin 120-leet on the available on this unique. galed island cormrriu- open plan witn 17-.loo ceilings and decks bay and 80-ieel of canal Irontage. Dock. venrl nily selling or Ihe north end of Sarasola Bay spanning both sides thal overlook gardens and cal lift solar healed pool Close c10 beach. Dave Select a site tor your dream home in paradise' pool Plus a docK! Karen Day, 778-2246. Movnihan. 778-2246. #.509147 $1 695.000. For informallon, call Joe or Carolyn Cordrey al q507772 $349.000 776-3165. From $250 000 WARNER'S BAYOU HOME Great family home with 4BR/4BA. 3,415 sf. Enjoy the 15'x30' pool, ready for summer fun and hl-, off Ime sea wall. Two boat cock, ':.one wirh davils Jane Tinswonh. 761-3100. #507977. $799,900. FABULOUS GULF VIEWS Prime furnished end-unit offering spacious floor plan with eat- in kitchen, breakfast bar, walk-in closets, fireplace and two balconies. Dave Moynihan, 778-2246. #507333. $675,000. ANNA MARIA 3BR/2BA HOME Completely updated and immaculate. Tropical setting boasts lush plantings and fruit trees. Custom stained glass blue heron window and etched glass front door. Becky Smith or Elfi Starrett, 778-2246. #509374. $675,000. WATERFRONT AT TERRA CEIA! Enjoy amazing sunsets from your lanai at this 3BR/ 2BA end unit in the Estuaries II! Great commu- nity with golf course, fishing pier and club- house. Gina and Peter Uliano, 741-2500. #508935. $330,000. - m,- - - S L ii~~sn~e~P~s~-. "7i~l .-' %d-~81Fi~s~-, Z o Q 0 r .iPo w 'z |