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Skimming the news ... Anna Maria Island map in this edition, page 16. Anna Maria Tile Islander "The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992" www.iqIander.org Volume 13, No. 32 June 15, 2005 FREE Hootman overturns ruling on field his own Gilner atr'that tlI me prmisehadeisionwithn.3 as By-Rick Catlin. Islander Reporter Just like the National Football League, rulings on the political playing field of Holmes Beach can be overturned by reviewing the plan. That's what attorney Greg Hootman did June 9 when he overturned his own ruling of June 7 that a building permit issued to Frank Davis of 5622 Gulf Dn\ e was in error (The Islander, June 8). In his June 9 opinion, Hootman said that upon "re- viewing the documentation which led to the issuance" of the permit on Nov. 4, 2004, "it is my opinion [now] that the permit was properly issued." Hootman's June 7 opinion % as based upon a ques- tion regarding whether or not the permit should have been issued because of a legal challenge against the city and Davis brought by an adjacent landowner over is- suance of a variance. Hootman is representing the city in that case. Building Official Bill Saunders, who issued the permit in November, had said the permit was based upon a "savings clause" enacted by the city commis- sion last year. After Hootman's June 7 opinion, Saunders "red-tagged" the property to halt further con- struction. In his June 9 memo to the city, Hootman said that a question existed "regarding whetherfor not [Davis] had timely taken those actions required in order to maintain the validity of the permit. "It is my opinion that such actions were taken in a timely manner and it is. m opinion that the 'red tag' issued b\ \ou on June 8 should be rescinded immedi- ately," Hootman said. The court case brought by adjacent property own- ers Barbara Coloney and Ruth Anne McLean \\as heard in court in early FebruarN. While Judge Marc Gilner at that time promised a decision within 30 days, no judgment on the case has yet been pronounced. ... and Shubin appeals savings clause Attorney John Shubin, representing Barbara Coloney and Ruth Anne McLean, has appealed the Holmes Beach City Commission's June 8, 2004, ap- proval of the "savings clause" that essentially led to the issuance of a building permit to Frank Davis at 5622 Gulf Drive. Shubin filed his appeal on June 7, 2005, justone day before the Florida Department of Cornmunity Af- PLEASE SEE SAVINGS, NEXT PAGE f.. . I:A Talented dancers. Miss Sara's ballerinas, Sara Wolfe, Kyla Nipper, Julie Ware, Madison Driscoll and Emma Terry, will p their dance recital at the Anna Maria Island Community Center at 3 p.m. Saturday, June 25,followed by refreshments and a teen talent show. Islander Photo: Courtesy AMICC/Sandee Pruett Fund for Anna Maria fire victim A fund for Islanders and the mainland public to assist Anna Maria fire victims Jennifer and Warren Ratcliff has been opened at Wachovia Bank, Jennifer Ratcliff said. The Ratcliffs' home at 2i8 Sycamore was virtually wiped out in a June 4 fire that left the couple homeless. The fire also destroyed most of their private property along with several family pets. Several Islanders have already responded to their plight, Jennifer Ratcliff said, including one teenage girl who rode up to their property on her bicycle and gave them all her spare change. The Sandbar restaurant chimed in with a fir donation and free meals for a week, she said, an Bark of Bark & Co. Realty in Holmes Beach hell with a hotel room for a week. They are still waiting on some assistance fr insurance company, she said. Anyone interested in aiding the Ratcliffs can contribution at any Wachovia branch under the J and Warren Ratcliff Assistance Fund Account or Ratcliffs at 545-3400 to make a direct contribution "We want to thank all the wonderful peop have already helped us," said Jennifer. a No surprise here: Anna Maria parking issue turns contentious B\ Rick Catlin Islander Reporter To the surprise of absolutely no one in Anna Maria who has listened to the innumerable parking plans pro- posed for the city the past 45 years none of which S have ever come to fruition -- parking Plan C that the city commission is considering has hit a "road block." Commissioner Linda Cramer, who was not at the meeting where Commissioner Duke Miller first pro- posed Plan C, blasted the proposal at the commission's June 9 meeting, claiming that the plan is "not the best option for city residents. "I've talked to a lot of people and they are mad as heck about this plan," she said. The plan is not going to work because there's no "equity," she claimed. The plan, which calls for alterate side parking on one side of a street in the beach access zone with the sides to change on an annual basis, was put forward by permit- only parking proponent Miller as a compromise proposal S after the failure of the permit-only effort and Commission Chairman John Quam's Plan X for parking. perform But Plan C, Cramer said, is reducing parking spaces and shifting the burden to residents already overburdened w ith public parking on their streets on weekends and holidays. Cramer also criticized commissioners for "shutting me down" the last time the commission discussed Plan C. BS When Commissioner Carol Ann Magill asked for a point of order because Cramer's discussion seemed nancial to stray from the agenda item, Cramer responded with d Steve an emphatic "No. If I can't talk about this at a work- ped out shop, then I shouldn't be here." She said Quam's aborted Plan X for parking was om the PLEASE SEE PARKING, NEXT PAGE make a ennifer call the )n. le who THANK YOU FOR A SUCCESSFUL BLOOD DRIVE! Results of the Islandwide blood drive, page 8. I; I I 'I i 'II r PAGE 2 M JUNE 15, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER :.-7T sS a ,.i ._ ...fis e .:":.: -*; ..i-_-,* Good luck, John and Mollie Longtime Bradenton Beach residents John and Mollie Sandberg are moving to Melborne at the end of this week. Friends gathered to wish the couple a fond farewell at the Tingley Memorial Library, of which John was the founding chair. Mollie served the commu- nity as a volunteer on many Bradenton Beach boards and served two years as city commissioner and vice mayor. Library board members and volunteers pre- sented the Sandbergs with a sketch of the library as a parting gift. Islander Photo: Paul Roat Savings clause challenged CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 fairs deadline for appealing land development code amendments. In the petition, Shubin stated that his clients are "substantially affected persons," as they are adjacent landowners to the Davis property. He alleged that the amendment is "inconsistent" with the city's compre- hensive plan and requested that the city respond to the. petition as required by Florida statute. Holmes Beach Mayor Carol Whitmore said that if the petition is valid. City Attorney Patricia Petruff will prepare the city's response. Whitmore added that she "understood" that thd DCA will also review the peti- tion and city response. Parking problems persist CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 better than Plan C, but admitted she didn't vote for Plan X because residents could not park on the rights of way under that proposal. She called on commis- sioners to get rid of the horseshoe pits at city hall, construct public bathrooms and create more parking at that location. That was enough for Commissioner Dale Wood- land, who had agreed with Miller that Plan C is a com- promise. Woodland has favored open parking. He said he understood Cramer's position, but Plan X is a separate topic. "The agenda for tonight is for Plan C," he intoned politely. "If you want another agenda item for another plan, fine, but I'd like to continue forward with this one." Cramer's arguments are "the same stuff I've been hearing for years," he noted. The commission eventually got around to discuss- ing Plan C,.which provides no parking on one side of a BAZ street for 12 months, then switches parking to the opposite side for the next year and so on. But there was an immediate outcry for exceptions. Woodland said leave North Shore Drive alone be- cause of the safety issue. Cramer was not to be denied a second chance to blast Plan C. She claimed North Shore Drive is "no different" than any other street. The Baskerville-Donovan Inc. traffic study of two years ago "clearly states that city streets'are inadequate" for on-street parking, but un- der Plan C, commissioners want to follow some parts of that report but not others, she said. The case for resident-only parking is getting better, Cramer ob- served. Members of the public who live on BAZ streets sided with Cramer. - Nigel Brown of Oak Avenue said he canvassed 15 of 17 residents on Oak and none of them sup- ported Plan C, but would opt for resident-only park- ing or maintain the "status quo." On Mangrove Street, he said he talked with eight of the 12 property owners, all of whom are opposed-to Plan C. Again; he said, they would prefer resident-only parking or the status quo. He also noted that presently on Oak Avenue there are 15 public parking spaces on one side of the street, but only one on the opposite side. How can the commission switch the parking every year, from 15 spaces one year to just a single spot the next year? he asked. "There's no equality. You can't do one year and switch," he claimed. Not a single resident he spoke with is in favor of Plan C, Brown said, and he urged commissioners to grant exceptions to the plan. Quam responded that some commissioners had previously favored maintaining the status quo after Plan X was defeated, but only considered Plan C as a "compromise." Other residents also spoke against the plan and said they would immediately ask for exceptions to parking on their particular streets and would build fences to protect their property. That brought Cramer back to her opposition to Plan C. The commission, she claimed, has no "consider- ation" of what residents want. Not so, responded Woodland, but "if you think we are ever going to adopt a plan without any public criti- cism, that's just not realistic. But let's focus on this plan. I've been through resident-only parking and Plan X. You've had your say and we've wasted a lot of time here tonight." Just talking about Plan C "doesn't guarantee it will be adopted," he said, but it's better than not talking about a parking plan. Cramer, switching gears, said she could support Plan X if residents were permitted to use the rights of way for parking; "That's more viable than this plan." "Let's at least see if this will fly," replied Wood- land. Commissioners eventually grew weary of parking and opted to continue discussing Plan C and potential exceptions at the July commission workshop. The city's first known effort to solve its parking problem began in 1960 with a study by police. A park- ing committee was formed in 1977 and another in 1999, all to no avail. ,D E ,, AN ,U , TRANE It ev lard To Stop A Tram, ash B eck 1~K J~5 4, 4% *.* C -1'*. L' 4, ; -- C '"" From the Professionals in the Big Blue Trucks! Buy a Trane Comfort System before June 30, 2005, and get a mail-in rebate up to $1,000. Enjoy the Ideal Home Environment. The ultimate in humidity control. Save up to 67% of your cooling costs. p _,* ..' ". 7...* ..' .. .. Continental Bistro You'll love our Potato-Crusted Grouper. Fresh Gulf grouper baked in a crisp, golden sauteed potato crust with pommery mustard sauce. Mmmm. It's your choice from 17 dinner entrees, specials and other favorites. -I ;"i-I BRUNCH AND LUNCH Wednesday-Saturday 11-2:30 S -SUNDAY BREAKFAST AND LUNCH 8-2:30 DINNER Wed.-Sun.. from 5:30 S '- Island Shopping Center -. 5406 Marina Drive ~ Holmes Beach Orvi 941 7785320 1 .`j~ ,You may be eligibibefor I '1. I .,.. *. .,.... t batesfrmm your iuaal utility. Ill ~ ~ II I'. *.S1',1 '" '.'~ '"' I.' ''~s R fl-'mmt H9L1 A 0L0~ t;~ el'ii- :h1 IIIIIII1II~llll~ ll )1 11 10 11111 0111 1.:!1 1 11 I Stalda')T Entng~y Sta'` Lugt,, f4 yinl j lo, Er.,W Efhlittimcy, ,I ,; ~ ~ 1- 12-1 11 -.1 r 's o nly, -- ill .--~c~ 3 ~C~rl ii4~S~-~ 5:; ~ -I-. - _;: ,,zS ~~-~- --- - -r-t- -- ;."3- -:~;' ~-~----~-: ~-! THE ISLANDER JUNE 15, 2005 0 PAGE 3 Substantial improvement issue confusing By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Anna Maria city commissioners spent nearly an hour at their June 9 meeting discussing a proposal to change an ordinance that limits a homeowner's abil- ity to improve his/her property to 50 percent of the assessed value in a five-year period. At the end of that hour, the issue still appeared as confusing as when discussions began, a position agreed with by Building Official Kevin Donohue. .The issue is "complex" said Donohue, who pre- sented a review of the effects of the proposal to the commission. Changing the 50-percent rule from its present five- year limit to one year would affect the city's total points- that the Federal Emergency Management Agency uses to determine flood insurance rates. At present, city homeowners will qualify for a 15 percent premium reduction effective in October 2005 because the city has 1,752 points, well above the 1,500 needed ,to qualify for the discount, Donohue noted. If the city went to a one-year rule or any period less than five years in the ordinance, it would lose 61 points, but still have a "cushion" for the 15-percent requirement. But the city is now close to 2,000 points, which would qualify homeowners for a 20-percentreduction. Donohue noted it's up td the commission, but he suggested that the best method to change the ordinance would be to go to a "permit-by-permit" basis with no yearly rule. FEMA only gives points if the city has at least a five-year limitation. Below five years, FEMA doesn't award any points.' Commissioner Dale.Woodland said it would be "irresponsible" for the commission to postpone ap- proval of the measure. Commissioner Linda Cramer agreed, but Commissioners Duke Miller and Carol Ann Magill, along with Commission Chair John Quam, were opposed to immediate adoption because it would lower the city's CRS points. Magill wanted to table the motion until October, when Donohue should have a plan ready to increase the city's points to meet FEMA's 2,000-point level for the next 5-percent reduction in flood insurance. Quam, however, said he'd have the second reading of the ordinance at'the June 23 commission meeting. Resident Doug Wilson said he was "still confused" after nearly 60 minutes of discussion. That brought a good laugh from the audience and commissioners, be- cause much of the discussion by Donohue included in- depth FEMA requirements, the community rating sys- tem and improvements to a home to meet the current ordinance. "What are the rules?" he asked. City pier Commissioners heard a report from Public Works Director George McKay about the April 2005 inspec- tion of the city pier, which noted some deficiencies. While McKay said the pier'was "safe and sound," Miller disagreed, noting prior reports on the pier had observed that the pier still has rise, fall and twisting. McKay did not disagree, but said to solve those issues involves a major redesign. Mayor SueLynn said that while the tenant is re- sponsible for repairs, any redesign of the pier is the city's responsibility. City Pier manager Dave Sork said that pier im- provements to meet compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act should begin in September or October. Miller asked for a timetable, but Sork said he was just the "monkey that dances for the organ grinder." Pier lease holder Mario Schoenfelder will be back in Oops A tractor trailer discovered that a set of telephone lines in the 2500 block of Gulf Drive wasn't quite high enough for the- rig last week. According to Bradenton Beach Police Det. Sgt. Lenard Diaz, truck-driver Walker Tillert had permits to navigate through 14-foot-high utility lines, but Veriion wires were only 13 feet above the road. Utilities were shortly restored, Diaz added, Islander Photo: J.L. Robertson Red tide outbreak off Southwest Florida Red tide appears to have reared its ugly smell to- ward Anna Maria Island yet again. Reports from both Mote Marine Laboratory and the Florida Marine Research Institute indicate fluctu- ating levels of Karina brevis from throughout South- west Florida, with especially high levels of red tide organisms in Palma Sola Bay. Itchy throats and respiratory irritations have been reported as well as dead fish floating in the Gulf of Mexico and bay waters and littering beaches. It is suspected that the wind and waves generated by Tropical Storm Arlene drove the microorganism ashore and contributed to the most recent onslaught. "The effects of a coastal red tide are once again being felt along the Florida Gulf coast in Manatee and Sarasota Counties," according to the Mote Marine Web site. "A resurgence of red tide effects has been ob- served along the coast from Anna Maria, south to Englewood, with sporadic reports of respiratory irrita- tion and dead fish. Concentrations of the red tide organ- ism have been fluctuating from low to high levels in New Pass and other areas of the bay. "The weather forecast for the [June 18-19] weekend calls for more westerly winds that could intensify adverse effects of the bloom on shore," Mote scientists continued. "It is important to note that as atmospheric and oceanic conditions change, algal bloom conditions change as well, making fore- casting very difficult." Red tide is a naturally occurring organism in the world's oceans, including the Gulf of Mexico. Periodi- cally, though, the tiny plants "bloom" and cause respira- tory distress to humans and can kill fish, dolphins and manatees. the city next month, he said, and the commission should address that issue with him. Miller agreed, but noted that the pier improvement issue has been ongoing for several years without any improvements. The city, he said, needs to enforce the lease and get a timetable from Schoenfelder. McKay said he would get an estimate on the cost of a redesign study back to commissioners for their July workshop. Pine Avenue lot purchase SueLynn and Cramer presented a proposal to com- missioners to consider purchasing one of the five lots at the site of the former Island Marine on Pine Avenue. The lot in question is adjacent toxicity property at the west end of the location, and was recently purchased by a private owner. Cramer said she'd talked to the owner, who said he would sell it-to the city for $595,000, the amount of the purchase. Commissioners did not reach a consensus to pro- ceed, but asked the mayor to find out how long the owner wduld hold the lot fo4 the city to make"its deci- sion and to investigate current interest rates. Villa Rosa In a special meeting Junie 9, the commission ap- proved the final site plan for the Villa Rosa sub-divi- sion on South Bay Boulevard and also gave final plat approval, subject to certain conditions. The plat approval allows Villa Rosa owners to le- gally subdivide the property into 17 lots and begin sell- ing to prospective home buyers. Homes in the gated community are expected to sell in the $1.5 million to $25 million range. The "model" home currently under construction at Villa Rosa will cost approximately $2 million, and is reportedly sold to a professional sports figure. As a private community, Villa Rosa will be respon- sible for all repairs and maintenance of its roads and common property. Villa Rosa co-owner Steve Noriega also pledged $10,000 to the city for parks and recreation as part of the commission approval. Meetings Anna Maria City June 16, 3 p.m., mitigation planning committee meet- ing. June 21,7 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting on Anna Maria Island Community Center renovations. June 22, 6:45 p.m., Environmental Education and En- hancement Committee meeting. June 23, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive; 708-6130. Bradenton Beach June 16, 1 p.m., city commission meeting CAN- CELED. June 16, 5:30 p.m., board of adjustment meeting. Agenda: Debaun request at Sixth Street South, Schneider request at 1200 block Gulf Drive South, Tropic Isle request at 2200 block Gulf Drive North. June 21, 2 p.m., city commission work session. June 21,4 p.m., charter review commission meeting. Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., 778-1005. Holmes Beach June 16, 7 p.m., planning commission meeting. June 22, 10 a.m., code enforcement board meeting. June 23,9 a.m., board of adjustment meeting. Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, 708-5800. Of Interest June 15, 6 p.m., Coalition of Barrier Island Elected Officials, Holmes Beach City Hall CANCELED. June 20, 9:30 a.m., Sarasota-Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization meeting, Sudakoff Hall, USF- New College campus, Sarasota. June 20, 3:30 p.m., Island Transportation Planning Organization meeting, Anna Maria City Hall CAN- CELED. PAGE 4 0 JUNE 15, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Residents: Don't put drainage swale in my backyard By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter There's an old political axiom that nobody ever opposes a project until it affects them directly. It's called the "not-in-my-backyard" syndrome. At the June 7 Anna Maria town hall meeting to discuss the upcoming Gladiolus-North Shore water quality-drainage improvement project. residents along the east end of the project voiced their disapproval, while those at the western end applauded the effort. The project has been approved by the Southwest Florida Water Management District for a matching grant of up to $135,000, said Tom Wilcox of Baskerville-Donovan Inc., the city's engineering firm. If the project reaches $270,000 in cost, Swiftmud will reimburse the city for half of the expenditure. Wilcox explained that the swale will be built along the 10-foot-wide alleyway that runs between Gladiolus Street and Bay Boulevard, with stormwater runoff heading into the three finger canals along the route. The project is designed to treat storm\n after runoff to improve the quality of water draining into Tampa Bay, recharge the Florida aquifer by percolating water, and pro\ ide some drainage relief. But we don't have a flooding problem at the east end of Bay Boulevard, said Dr. John Cella. "You are going to take flooding down to my house," Cella said, claiming the project is simply mov- ing the problem from one location to another. Wilcox cautioned residents, however, not to think of the project as simply drainage, but as a system that will allow water to percolate into the ground and mo\ e the remainder into the canals. , Other Bay Boulevard residents also claimed they Cortez angry, cleaned site trashy again The Wilkerson lots in the FISH Preserve were cleaned with great volunteer effort, six Dumpsters worth, and now they're being used as a dumping ground again. Karen Bell, treasurer of the Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage, said the village is disgusted with whoever is doing the dumping three large truckloads of tree trimmings, 20 varieties of dis- carded plants and other yard debris. "They must be sneaking in during the night or sometime," she said. "Nobody has noticed trucks going in or out, and it's right on the highway." The entrance to the property is off Cortez Roadnot far east of the historic village. FISH bought the lots, near the iiorth\ est corner of the Preserve,.in February and the cleanup took weeks, volunteers filling Dumpsters provided by Mlanatee Countt The sizable house on the property will be cleaned out and renovated for some public- related use, possibly as an animal shelter. Bell asked Cortezians and others to keep an eye out for an intrusive truck. Dumping there is illegal, she pointed out, and Cortezians are known to take such insulting behavior personally. "I can't believe someone is that callous," Bell said. "It's really crummy." see no reason for the city to spend taxpayer dollars by moving a flood area to their neighborhood. Wilcox disagreed, saying the system is not moving a problem to Bay Boulevard, but resol \ i ng a number of stormwater runoff and water-quality issues. While some residents said the city should address. the flooding at Ba\ front Park, Wilco\ noted that area is under the control of Mlanatee Counts. not the city. Residents who live near the North Shore Drive- Gladiolus intersection, however, approved the project. "I support the system," said Cheryl Bohn of North ,Shore Drive. "We get a huge lake on North Shore Drive" after heavy rains. The system appears to drain the water and treat it before it goes into Tampa Bay, she said, and she can support such efforts. Wilcox added that trees and shrubs in the alleyway will be preserved as much as possible. He and Public Works Director George McKay will walk the route in an effort to identify which trees and shrubs can be Saved and he asked residents living along the alleyway to "tag" the trees and vegetation they would like saved. The swale, route can be moved slightly through the alleyway to accommodate some of the trees and plantings, \\ ilco said. Design engineering on the project should be com- pleted by BDI in July, then submitted to Swiftmud for review. That agency should put the contract out for bid by early fall, said Wilcox, and construction could be- gin later this year. He said all the suggestions made at the meeting will be considered before the final plans are submitted. The project has taken approximately two years to move from commission approval through initial design and permitting to Swiftmud's award of the grant. Wilcox said the city has grant applications for other stormwater drainage projects still pending with Swiftmud. 'Top Notch' photo contest under way June 24 If you've got a great snapshot, we've got a contest you could win. The Islander photo contest will begin publishing weekly winning photos on June 29. Eight weekly win- ning pictures will be featured on the cover of The Is- lander and one photo will be a grand prize winner with prizes and gift certificates awarded by the newspaper and local merchants. The weekly deadline is noon Friday throughout the contest with the first deadline June 24. Judging begins by a selection of pictures that may include abstract photos, still life pictures, landscapes and scenics, candid unposed snapshots, action, holi- days, humor and animal pictures. Nothing is over- looked, including great kid pics, sentimental moments and moments of personal triumph. Send or deliver your favorites (no limits) k eekl) to Top Notch Contest Editor, The Islander, 5404 Ma- "' rina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217.; . Digital contest entries should be submitted in the original JPG format via e-mail to topnotch@islander.org or on CD. No retouching, en- hancements or computer manipulation is allowed. Complete rules and entry forms for the contest are published below. Please attach a photo contest label to each photo or CD you submit. E-mail entrants must submit the label information in the text of the e-mail, one photo attachment per e- mail. Photos \\ without entr\ forms will be disqualified. Additional photo labels are available at the newspaper office or they may be copied. Top notch kids Anllionl Ri.:-o'ssnapshot:ofdaughters Holly and Trina was a weekly winner in-2000.. : , Islander photo contest rules 1) The Islander Newspaper's Top Notch Photo Con- test is strictly for amateur photographers. Amateur photogra- phers are those who derive less than 5 percent of their income from photography. :' 2) Black-and-white andscolor photographs taken after Jan. 1, 2004, are eligible. This allows for extended eligibility. Pho- tos previously published (in any format/media) or entered in any Islander or other competitions are not eligible. 3) Photographs may be taken with any make of camera. No retouchinrg or other alteration (except cropping) is permit- ted of negatives, prints or electronic photo files; no compos- NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE PHONE DATE PHOTO WAS TAKEN: LOCATION PHOTO WAS TAKEN: I have read the contest rules and affirm that this en- try is in compliance with them. SIGNATURE OF ENTRANT: ite pictures or multiple printing will be accepted. Digital photos may be submitted in their original JPG file format (via e-mail or disk) or a printed photograph. Slide (transparency) photos are not accepted. 4) Entrant's name, address and phone number must be writ- ten clearly, in ink, on the contest label and affixed to the back of each print, or listed similarly in the e-mail message along with the digital photo attachment. One e-mail per photo submission. Mail entries to The Islander Top Notch Photo Contest, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217. E-mail. digital entries to topnotch @islander.org. 5) Entrants by their entry agree that The Islander may publish their pictures for local promotion. Entrants must be able to furnish NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE PHONE DATE PHOTO WAS TAKEN: LOCATION PHOTO WAS TAKEN: I have read the contest rules and affirm that this en- try is in compliance with them. SIGNATURE OF ENTRANT: the original negative or original digital image if requested by the contest editor. All photos submitted become the property of. The Islander. Photos will not be returned. The Islander and con- test sponsors assume no responsibly lor negatives, diskenes, CDs or photo prints.. Entrant must know the name and address of any recogniz- able persons appearing in the picture and those must be en- closed/attached with the entry. 6) Employees of The Islander and their immediate family members are not eligible to enter the contest. 7) Any taxes on prizes are the sole responsibility of the winners. Any cash prize won by a minor will be awarded to a parent.or guardian. Prize rights are not transferable. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE PHONE DATE PHOTO WAS TAKEN: LOCATION PHOTO WAS TAKEN: I have read the contest rules and affirm that this en- try is in compliance with them. SIGNATURE OF ENTRANT: - -- : THE ISLANDER 0 JUNE 15, 2005 0 PAGE 5 Commission never listens, committee says ,By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Anna Maria's capital improvement advisory com- mittee has been pleading with the city commission the past three years to either beg, borrow or steal money to pay for road and capital ilmpro ementc.in the city. All to no avail, according to CIAC member Bill Snow. "They don't listen to us," he said. at the committee's June 7 meeting. The committee was trying to come up with a pri- ority list of road work to submit to the commission for the 2005-06 budget and was using its 2004 priority list -and accomnpain ing prices. Unfortunately, said. Tom Wilcox of Baskerville- Donovan Inc., the city's engineering firm, prices for road surfacing have jumped about 30 percent since 2004, pri- marily because of the increase in the cost of oil. That means the $50,000 cost estimate in 2004 for Gulf Boulevard road improvements that the city commission declined to pursue at that time will now cost about $75,000, Snow observed. "We said thenthat prices will never be any cheaper and what we said has come true," noted CIAC chair- man Larry Albert. . He said the CIAC has continually asked the com- -mission to borrow money either through a bond issue or line ofcredit to take advantage of low interestrates and get-many of the long-overdue road projects done. "This is what happens hen you wait," said CIAC member Chuck White. , ., ... ". . Island scholar Nancy Dunne, president of the Anna Maria Island Woman's Club, presents Islander Kim Kuizon, a Manatee High School senior, with a $500 chl, 'larshiip for her future studies at Manatee Community College. Kuizon wants to become a newscaster and is currently employed at Manatee Education Television. She said working on the morning news program as a student at Anna Maria Elementary School sparked her interest in broad- cast journalism. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose The committee was also dismayed to learn that the commission has postponed implementation of a stormwater utility fee until the 2006-07 fiscal year, if then, and has instead earmarked $200,000 in the up- coming 2005-06 budget for capital improvement projects In other A ord.s, noted Albert, there's-not likely to be any money for road improvements. Committee member Dr. Carl Pearman said the Goodloe Marine ready to renourish by mid-July By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Ben Goodloe of Goodloe Marine in Apollo Beach said his company has already begun preparing its dredge and equipment for movement to Anna Maria Island for the emergency beach renourishment project. Two weeks ago, the company was awarded a $4.8 million U.S. Army Corps of Engineers contract to renourish Anna Maria Island's beaches. Four hurri- canes passing through Florida last year seriously eroded 17 Florida beach locations, including the Island's shoreline. Goodloe said he's just waiting on the official no- tification from the Corps. "We haven't got our notice to proceed yet, but our equipment is packed up and ready to go." Goodloe's dredge for the project is currently in Pascagoula, Miss. "Depending upon the weather, the dredge should leave on June 20 and, hopefully, reach here on June 27," he said. "We hope to start pumping around the middle of July and we'll start at the north end of the Island and work our way south." While the Corps has given him 108 days to com- plete the contract, he expects to finish in much less time, but the completion is dependent upon .the weather. "T he \\ either \\ ill be the biggest.determining factor on when we finish. Let's hope we don't have a hurricane season like last year," Goodloe noted. He anticipated the Anna Maria portion of the renourishment, which is only about 35,000 cubic yards of dredged sand for a .6 mile stretch of beach, should take seven to 10 days, again depending upon the weather. committee should "strongly recommend" to the com- mission to borrow money to get the roads done. The committee has done that in the past, said Albert, but the commission apparently has a deaf ear. Then it appears, responded Pearman, that "-l is committee is not getting anywhere with the commis- sion. Mayor SueLynn practically begged the committee not to give up. "I need this group to step up to the plate" during budget workshops and "as strongly as possible" make the commission absolutely clear on what is hap- pening to city streets and roads. "We can't ignore this problem anymore. You need to get the message across," she said. She's still in favor of the commission borrowing money, either through a line of credit, bond issue, or stormwater utility fee, because prices are "never going to be any cheaper." "We've done that before," noted Albert. The committee eventually agreed to get new cost estimates for the priority listed roads and give them to the mayor by June 30, in time for the upcoming bud- get workshops. Albert said he would make a strong plea to the commission to find funding for road projects in the 2005-06 budget. At the least, he said, the com- mission should budget about $40,000 for patching the numerous potholes on city streets. PAGE 6 E JUNE 15, 2005 U THE ISLANDER Opinion The verdict is in? It seems the jury never comes back on Anna Maria Island, the verdict never gets read, there are no decisive decisions, and matters carry forward from meeting to meeting, discussion after discussion, year to year. Ad nauseum. Well, at least for gallery members who observe the "courts" year after year. Just when it appeared the Anna Maria parking (or no-parking) issue was headed to a solution, one that appeared palatable to most residents, including those who live on "beach-end" streets, the congenial consen- sus went down the tube, and the discussion turned ran- corous. Closing statements delayed, it's back to the inves- tigation on parking, Ao parking, alternate parking, and resident-only parking. Island consolidation floated again to the forefront of discussion recently, and'in view of the recent orga- nization of disgruntled taxpayers, as observers, we thought it had one of its best shots of the past 50 years. But property tax reduction proponents haven't jumped on the band wagon, claims of tax "savings" haven't been justified, and now politicians are frowning at the mention of the "C" word. Any confederation of Island cities appears to require more "depositions." Property tax relief particularly for non-homestead exempt properties appears to be "dead on arrival," with government budgets, services and grants escalating with the times. A 30-day limit on rentals in areas-presently zoned single-family and duplex in Holmes Beach is rais- ing objections surprise! from the very folks who own and operate the short-term rentals. And no amount of restraining orders can abate the red tide, an act of nature that can only be endured or avoided. Beach renourishment has been. decreed, but the emergency is not so great on Anna Maria Island as in years past, and it appears this is one area where gov- ernment is rushing to spend money. Where the need is greatest, on the Island's north end, desperate homeowners are likened to poor foster children, ig- nored and left to flounder on their own. Only a writ of mandamus could save the much touted and needed, according'to Islanders proposal for a bridge to Longboat Key from the mainland. While Longboat residents seek to maintain anonymity, a warrant for less traffic is mandated by Bradenton Beach. It oughta be a crime. Meanwhile, Michael Jackson is acquitted on all 10 charges he faced. On behalf of mankind (MJ), we're sorry. The Islander JUNE 15, 2005 Vol. 13, No. "32 V Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org V Editorial Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org Jack Egan Jack Elka. Jim Hanson Gib Bergquist Kevin Cassidy," kevin@islander.org Jesse Brisson Davi.dFdtch Robert Noble Carrie Price J.L. Robertson V Advertising Sales Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org Rebecca Barnett, rebecca@islander.org V Office Manager Julia Robertson, julia@islander.org -V Production Graphics Kelly McCormick, ads@islander.org Kelley Ragan, kelley@islander.org V Distribution Urbane Bouchet Ross Roberts Lisa Williams (All others: newvs@islander.org) (ilYEAt4, Ir hwrd Winning 3 Newspaper / Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. 1992-2005 Editorial, sales and production offices: IslandShopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEB SITE: islander.org FAX 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978 -& VERDICTS A1E iD i.. O140 4ew PAWIr4tC PLA F0R, A ftiPI V-AtPk?\ . 2.14O TVA'L49P CONSOL.\VAT'tOM 3.140 PROPERTY TrA% REUCF. 4. NO VCbAMCY - 5. NO Z9TI9t? b. NO NOLT tAwjt-* zT A G'c e. P ,NO-NO. TD4 OTHfER. MEOA MICi4AEL.- .ACKSOIk OA5 ACqu0rTE9. >N). ^ - By Egan SLICK 1111on Many thanks Words can not express how much we appreciate the kindness shown to our family after the devastating fire Saturday, June 4, at 208 Sycamore Drive, Anna Maria. We have many firefighters from the West Mana- tee, Longboat Key and Bradenton fire departments to thank. This fire could have resulted in d.irmages or loss to other homes, but did not due to the quick response. ' We would like to express our thanks to Steve Lathrop, a Publix Super Market employee and son of Deputy Fire Marshall Kurt Lathrop. Ste\ e collected as many boxes as he could so we could begin collecting Warren and Jennifer's salvageable iteins. The next d.i\ he came and spent many, many hours .helpin. This young man, whom we had never met, will ne' ei be forgotten for his hard work and kindness. "Thank you" doesn't seem enough to express our gratitude to family, friends and neighbors, including the Rabbit Breeder's Association, Sandbar restaurant's employees, Steve Bark, the American Red Cross, Turtle Watch, ASPCA and Mote Marine Aquarium, who provided lodging, clothing, water and food as well as gave money to help Warren and Jennifer begin re- covering their lives. If you would like to make a monetary donation, please send it to the "Warren and Jennifer Ratcliff Assistance Fund" at any Wachovia bank. Warren and Jennifer Ratclif Leslie RatcliffJ' j,,i u,,,i Patricia S. Ratcliff Islanders, spare that tree Periodically letters appear in this column criticiz- ing the casuarinas, or as they are known in Florida the Australian pines. The following information is from a handbook titled "Casuarinas: Nitrogen-Fixing Trees for Adverse Sites," published by the National Academy Press of the National Academy of Sciences. "Casuarinas are capable of stabilizing shifting sand dunes and eroding hill slopes, and reclaiming marshy soils that are inundated by brackish or fresh water. Most species are fairly wind firm. Casuarinas have remarkable ability to.grow in harsh sites and toxic soils,.and to thrive in areas exposed to salt spray, water logging and even inundation by the sea. The development of nitrogen-fixing nodules enriches the soil, benefits nearby plants, and helps casuarinas trees to become established on pre\ iousld unproduc- tive soil." The current prejudice against the use of exotics in Florida is confronted by Edwin A. Menninger in the introduction to his book "Seaside Plants in the World." He wrote: "This.book is then a study of these plants. It is unavoidably worldwide in its sco:pe because experience has shown that plants do not.recognize geographical lines. Some Australian plants do better in.the United States, some California plants excel in the French Riviera, and many New Zealand plants thrive on the Cornwall Peninsula in England; and some South Afri- cans do better in South Australia than in their native habitat." Are Floridians ready to destroy all the Tabebuia, or as they are known, trumpet trees which are not native to Florida but Brazil, West Indies, Paraguay or Cuba? Or their orchid tree, the Bauhinia, whose origin may be India, Burma or Peru? Or the Cassias, the golden shower trees, which originate in Argentina, India or Venezuela? Or the Royal Poinciana, which is a native of MNlada,_s n'' .' In south Brazil in front of the Atlantic Ocean, where I spend part of each year (latitude 27), I could not have roses, azaleas, hortensias as well as many other flowers and a vegetable garden, if the property were not protected by the salt-filtering system of the casuarina trees. And imagine our joy when we hear the happy chirping of dozens of seed eaters rustling in the trees and see them scrambling on the ground enjoying the annual feast ofcasuarina seeds. Georgia Gwinner Berenhauser, Holmes Beach c THE ISLANDER. JUNE 15, 2005 M PAGE 7 Opinion " 2t .': "... --: . For consolidation Holmes Beach City Commissioner Rich- Bohnenberger has proven over the years as a part- time city official that he is against change. Notable examples of this in 2002 when as commission chair he led the majority of commissioners in a dis- embowelment of the charter committee's recommen- dations for change and, recently, he pocketed a non- binding resolution for a vote on city manager. In opposing consolidation he looks back on de- cades of status quo as the best possible government and as the only means of preserving history. Here are some answers to the questions he asks: Our taxes are predicated mainly on the value of property on the Island. Under consolidation, what- ever local assessments are'made will be consistent Islandwide. Under consolidation, Island residents have noth- ing to lose. The benefit will be efficient'Islandwide government and greater clout with county and state authorities to increase grants.and to give greater sup- port to the Island's small businesses. A citizens study committee has identified a groundswell of residents in favor of consolidation. The citizens study committee has made a pre- liminary estimate that consolidation will save some- thing over $1 million in government costs. The sav- ings include the cost of hiring a fulltime professional manager with a background-of successful adminis- tration of cities of similar size. Better services for residents will be forthcoming when the Island government structure is based on the structure of the vast majority of Florida cities, that is, administration by a professional manager and policy determination by an elected commission of residents. The main cost of transition will be hours spent by a transition committee chosen by the commis- sioners and mayors of the present townships. Under consolidation equitable representation will be Islandwide. The identity of the three town- ships will be preserved just as the identities of Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan and Staten Island are preserved under one city government in New York City. Final comment: All a swimmer who wants to swim needs to do is test the water in the pool. A skeptic who really doesn't want to swim will always look at the pool from a distance and call it empty. ' Don Knode, Holmes Beach Consolidation: No During my years as a full-time city official, I have been very successful in implementing positive change in Holmes Beach. We have a drug-free work- place, stormwater utility, paving policy and a work- ing five-year capital improvement plan. In 2002 as commission chairman, I scheduled several meetings to review the recommendations of the ad-hoc charter review committee. Several com- missioners questioned the need for a city manager. It was decided to contract with a consultant to evalu- ate the concept. The finding did not justify a man- ager, our government structure was basic and there were no problems that required a manger's over- sight. The commission voted 4-1 not to consider a manager. Commissioner Don Maloney then moved to reject all the recommendations resulting in a'5-0 vote. On consolidation: 1. Property taxes are based entirely on value and tfolmes Beach currently applies a relatively low village rate. Holmes Beach being the largest city in .area and population will pay the most and under the new deal will have less to say on how it is spent. An Islandwide tax rate will more than likely mean a tax increase for Holmes Beach property owners. 2. Consolidation will not give us any more clout. We will still have the same number of voters. In some respects it will diminish our influence: We will have one voice, not three. Most grants are adminis- tered by the state, which often gives preference to grant applications filed jointly by more than one ju- risdiction over a single applicant. 3. Most everyone I have spoken with on this sub- ject does not support it. They realize it sounds good, but is not supported by facts. 4. The unknown citizen study committee claims we can save over a million dollars, but they do not say how. They support a city manager, even though nothing has changed that would justify one. Many cities that have more complex governmental struc- tures function well without a manager, Bradenton and Palmetto for example. 5. What are the better services that are forthcom- ing? Our cities already have professional manage- ment. Why pad the city payroll with another level of bureaucracy and related costs. 6. The main cost of the transition will be in re- drafting all the ordinances and-policies. Consider- ation'must be given to what may be lost in the pro- cess. 7. In order for equitable representation, to be achieved, district lines will need to be redrawn. To balance representation by population, some Holmes Beach residents will have to be represented by Anna Maria or Bradenton Beach elected officials. Without re-apportionment, Anna Maria and Bradenton Beach will have more representation per population than Holmes Beach. Final comments: Do we really want to be like New York City? I support open discussion on this issue,-including pub- lic input. I do not support asking the voters to sup- port a concept that is based on assumptions. I sug- gest each city hire a consulting firm to evaluate this proposal and'determine what is in it for them. This will remove the elected officials from the analysis and produce a true picture. Until then I will continue to represent the best interests of Holmes Beach. Rich Bohnenberger JAY CRAWFORD! Friday & Saturday | JAM 17 OL id 1 2 Bring Dad out this Father's Day weekend for i entertainment by Jay! Your Fatha will really enjoy this Mutha! B DRINK SPECIALS Pitchers of Bud & Miller Lite j Only $7 2 for 6 Mimosa Bloody Mary Tequila Sunrise Screwdriver ROTTEN RALPH'S S0 WATERFRONT DINING LUNCH & DINNER 7 DAYS FULL BAR SERVICE 902 S. Bay Blvd. Anna Maria "0 Located at Galati Marina 778-3953 S-RALPH 'S - O oA E --'"& '- G.,A of n-e.V:.-9 ." D D ; . We'd love to mail you the news! We mail The Islander weekly for a nominal $36 per year. It's the per- - fect way to stay in touch with what's happening on Anna Maria.Island. SMore than 1,400 happy, eager-for-Island-news paid subscribers are already Receiving The Islander where they live ... from Alaska to Germany and SCalifornia to Canada.. * We bring you all the news about three city governments, community Happenings, people features and special events ... even the latest real es- . tate transactions ... everything you need if your "heart is on the Island." We're - the only newspaper that gives you all the news of Anna Maria Island. . The Islander is distributed free locally. But if you don't live here year- a Sound, or if you want to mail the paper to a friend or relative, please use * this form or log on to islander.org for secure e-mail transmission. BULK MAIL U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (allow 2 weeks for delivery) O One Year: $36 O 6 Months: $28 L 3 Months: $18 U.S. FIRST CLASS AND CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS SOne Year: $140 L 6 Months: $87.50 Q 3 Months: $52 0 Single Issue: $3.50 FIRST CLASS MAIL, U.S. ONLY, Maximum Four Weeks S Call for mail rates to Europe or other countries. . MAILTO: S ADDRESS S CITY STATE ZIP * N Credit card payment: 0L E LI No. Exp. Date Name show on card: S MAIL START DATE: The Islander Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 : [ CHARGE IT BY PHONE: (941) 778-7978 OR ONLINE AT islvander.org PAGE 8 0 JUNE 15, 2005 M THE ISLANDER Blood drive: 278 donors, $23,500 for Island charities A total of 278 donors volunteered their blood at three locations in the Islandwide blood drive over the weekend, bringing $23,499 to four Island organizations from an anonymous benefactor. The net result was 234 units of blood for the Florida Blood Services, more than the 200 units it had anticipated. The anonymous benefactor had offered to give $100 for every unit of blood donated to the donor's favorite charity (or combination) from four selections: Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center $10,933, Anna Maria Island Privateers $3,250, Anna Maria Island Community Center $4,833, and West Manatee Fire & Rescue volunteers $4,483. Blood was taken at' blood mobiles at the BeachHouse Restaurant in Bradenton Beach.i here 117 donors ga\ e: Thi Islander in Holmes Beach. 107 donors; and MNlrind Pointe Storage/A Pine Akenue Salon in Anna Maria, 54 donors. All donors got free T-shirts and duffel bags, and children 12 and under got a free meal at the BeachHouse when accompanied by an adult who had donated blood. The organizations benefiting in cash will put the money to good use, they said. Wildlife Rehab provides treatment and care for injured and orphaned wildlife to return native species back to.the en ironment. and pro ides classes for schools and civic groups to heighten environmental awareness. It.can be reached at 778-6324. The Privateers annually gives scholarships to high school graduates, and help youngsters on the Island and elsewhere with sponsorships and they other activities, including a Fourth of July parade and celebration. A Privateer can be contacted at 778-8519. The Center for 45 years has served Island children, families and seniors with cultural, educational, fitness, family support, recreational and sports programs. It is currently raising funds for building expansion. Phone 778-1908. Fire district volunteers vitalize the history of the district, maintaining the' Bradenton Beach Historic Volunteer Station and an antique fire truck for children to visit, as well as for parades. Phone 737-9025. The blood drive was sponsored by Marina Pointe Storage, Tropicana, Pepsi, BeachHouse, A Pine Av- enue Salon, The Herald and The Islander. ,- ...* -- --_a___ Life line Miranda Mlasseyt fri'om tne .Anna Maria Is lad Cnorinmin Criter. M1arkl Zeller and David Sodkin of Wildlife Educating and Rehabilitation Cenitr. and Anna Maria Island Pri\ arers Derby The Hun" Kuederle and .Michael ".tila .Mill 2.Qircttd blood donors ar The Isander oftice. .An ant.1onmous benefactor donated $100 in each lonor''s honor 1to thIe donor e dors C. t fillmion the Pri. atecs. Center. It ildlitc Rehab and the West Manatee Fire and RescuI i olhmteris. Amanda Rollins, 16, daughter of Islander office manager Julia Robertson, stopped at the Wildlife Rehab display at The Islander during the annual blood drive. Wildlife Rescue was one of the charities receiving dona- tions from an anonymous donor who contributed $100 per unit of blood to- the donor's choice offour Island charities. Islander Photos: J.L. Robertson PLACE YOUR I I ORDER FOR 2006 A. GRADY-WH ITE ScouT BOATS TODAY SAND BE READY TO All RIDE IN '" THE FALL CANNONS 6040GulfofMexico Dr., Longboat Key C NNONS (2 miles from north end) .o. MA MARINA Open 7daysaweek SALES SERVICE RENTALS QUALITYSTENGHTCOMMITMENTSINCE1955 8a.m. 5:30 p.m. cannons.co 941-383-1311hen Y ou l We're worth the trip! YA AH ant Whcn you want the bes.t -fifth Annusal n behalf of the sponsors, charities and the Floida Blood Services ... Thank yoT! Aine I - JAvenue ISalon --- - S.... -_ ^ ," ,-- ;. Marina Pointe T e Islander IStora e Thf6 'Islander A Thank yom for the genero% s donation of more than 300 individtalS who qave their time, enrgJ andc blood, to make the 2005 Anna Maria Island Blood Drive a success. We received 234 Anits of blood. The $100 per donor "reward"totled $23,500 Thanks again, and see you next year! --I i :: g~-~P~_; -~sPB~I3P~WB~ 8sl~slB~sBs~01~111BRD[~IPI$ THE ISLANDER M JUNE 15, 2005 5 PAGE 9, Anna Maria Elementary School makes the grade By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter The Florida Department of Education released the School Accountability Grades this week and Anna Mlarica Elemennar\ School maintained its "A" grade for -;he fourth consecLutle \ear. The Florida Accountabilit\ Grading System in- volves six key elements derived from the reading, writ- ing and mathematics scores on the Florida Comprehen- sive Assessment Test taken by students in March. This year the Florida Board of Education raised the proficiency level. For c'(.alultilg gains. both students with disabili- ties and limited English proficient students were in- cluded for the first time. And proficiency in writing increased from 3 to 3.5 on a 6-point scale. Grades are based on the total points earned, with a score of 0-279 equaling an F,280-319 a D, 320-379 a C, 380-409 a B, and more than 410 is an A grade, in addi- tion to adequate student progress and percent of students tested. . AME's total grade point dropped from 502 last year to 485 this year. AME not only maintained its "A" grade, but also satisfied 100 percent of the 30 criteria for the Federal No Child Left Behind Act for the second consecutive Publix athletic weekend due, volunteers are needed Two days of intense athletic colnpetition and tamln enjoyment are planned for this weekend, with Publix sponsoring "Family Fitness Weekend' at Lido Beach and Longboat Key. It has everything going for it, say the sponsors. except enough volunteers to keep it moving. TheN are badly needed both Saturda; and Sunday, June 18-19. A commitment of two hours would be most wel- come, said Publix, anytime between 5 a.m. and 3 p.m. Islander retires Holmes Beach resident John Rudacille conducted his final King Middle School band concert in May af- ter teaching there for nearly 30 years. Rudacille, who began his teaching career in 1965, moved to the Island in 1970 from Virginia and began teaching band at Bradenton Middle School. He trans- ferred first to Sugg Middle when it opened in 1974. and then to King Middle when it opened four.3 ears later. Rudacille has taught music to se~ eral generations of Islanders and Manatee County students and has en- joyed his 40-year teaching career. A proclamation recognizing his contributions and proclaiming June 25; 2005, "John Ruc.icille Dai, ." i\ , signed and read by Mayor Carol Wh itmmore .t the cit\ meeting June 14. He says he is enjoying fishing. Saturday and 7:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday. The volunteers will help run the race course, information tables, wa- ter distribution and hospitality matters. Individuals, groups, clubs and anyone else will be very welcome, and high school community service hours will be aw arded \\'here applicable. The program is being handled by Sarasota Area Sports Authority and Exclusive Sports: To volunteer and obtain further information, call 955-0991. Maestro King Middle Schools bids farewell to band conductor IJohn RiOl., illc after 27 years. Rudacille lives in H 'leiu. Beach with wife Chris. music and conduct the orchestra at King Middle. The couple has two sons, Scott, an attorney in Bradenton, and Mark, a junior at.the University of Florida. year. The NCLB Act requires schools to demonstrate its students are making adequate progress in reading, math and writing. This year the target for sub-group proficiency was raised from 31 to 37 percent in read- ing and 38 to 44 percent in math. Overall, schools in Manatee County performed well. Sixteen schools received an "A," 11 schools re- ceived a "B," 17 received a "C," three received a "D," and two Manatee County schools received an "F" this year. Of those, 67 percent of schools in the district made adequate yearly progress. Fond farewell Teacher Lynn Drolet bid farewell to Anna Maria Island friends at a get-together organized by the Anna Maria Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization. The student band Island Hobbits performed and friends and studentsfilled a scrapbook with messages and photos for Drolet'to take with her to North Carolina, where she will begin a new job as an editor for an education publisher. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan Free movie Friday in Holmes Beach Janae Haupt, daughter of Holmes Beach Mayor Carol 1A-li i mo0 e. is sponsoring a free movie "Dog Days and Z Boys" at 4 p.m. Friday, June 17, at city hall. All Island kids and those young at heart are invited to attend, Haupt said. "' To our baddies From the children at Bizzy Bees Daycare * Full-time daycare Monday-Friday 7am-6pm * For children ages 6 weeks to'5 years * 3 -,jrr,.:.u meals daily, plus reit-ir, snacks * Fully staffed :., qual.1 andj experienced child-care professionals 5382 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-2967 - We are proud to announce we now have The Two Premier air conditioning brands TURN TO THE EXPERT To better serve our Island communities 778-9622 5347 Gulf Drive, No. 4, Holmes Beach Business Center, Holmes Beach ifJ DAD GEMBMIP SB WffLL 71.. Fi1 W2E ,PL EEB l.S W A MLA EI 0O COME SEE ry US FOR ALL YOUR GRILLING NEE ASI iG u ILLeSTORE 5350 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach (S&S Plaza. neyl lo r t :. t Fiee assemolv and daelver oan the Islands 779-9594 ,OI-- I LUTz, Bono & TELF R,, P.A. Roger Lutz and Allen Bobo are Island residents and are available for " consultations on the Island. 951-1800 S ,One Sarasota Tower .. Sarasota www.lutzbobotelfair. com Lutz, Bolm & Telfair. P.A. is rated "AV" by Martindale-Hubbell. the nationally recognized law firm rating service. More than 100 years combined legal experience in Manatee and Sarasota Counties. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. DAYCARE SHeating & Air Conditioning LASTS AND LASTS AND LASTS.TM WEST COAST AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING INC 1 I I I PAGE 10 0 JUNE 15, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Just Arrived! Antique Lamps with Hand-Cut and Painted Shades Island Dreams Fine Linens ,.- :; 9908 Gulf Dri e Anna Maria 941.778.-4050 BRIDAL & GIFT REGISTRY AVAILABLE- Curve. *Some Restrictions May Apply f Our 30 min. workout gets you in and out and in shape! 4228 6fh Si W., Bradenton 794-2878 5366 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach 779-2878 Trade your old watch in on a Citizen Eco-Drive Calibre & get $40 off original price Many great features: SNever Needs Battery * Perpetual Calendar *Alarm * Month-Day-Date * Dual Time 12/24 Hour Time * Non-Reflective Crystal -* * Screw-Back Case ' * Screw Down Crown *WR-100m "Make us your watch headquarters" Jewelry & Watch Repair 7358 Cortez Rd. W. * 798-9585 = Mon-Fri 10-5 Sat 10-4 By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter The Manatee County Sheriff's Office in Anna - Maria has reported an apparent Internet rental scam that could cost Island property owners ard rental agents thousands of dollars if they fall for the deal. On June 6, the MCSO reported that an Anna Maria woman said she had been contacted via the Internet about a unit she has for rent. The prospective renter said in an e-mail that he only had a check for $6,500, which was well above the deposit amount requested and the rental price. He for- \ arded the check and asked the owner to cash the check, deduct for the rental fee,-then return the balance to him in a money order. Suspecting something amiss, the owner contacted MCSO Deputy John Damato in Anna Maria, who in- vestigated the situation. Damato found that the check - had been drawn from the bank in California by a Ca- nadian man, but for an amount far less than $6,500. The MCSO has begun an investigation into the incident, and Damato advised all property renters to be wary of similar activity. Anyone receiving a request to cash a check and return funds should contact the MCSO in Anna Maria at 708-8899, or their local law enforcement. Southtrust Bank scam 'At the same time that the apparent Internet rental scam took place, many Islanders have received an un- solicited e-mail that appears to be from Southtrust Bank. The e-mail says the.bank's software is being up- graded and they need you to input your customer infor- mation, including account number, pin number and password in an e-mail reply to maintain the account. Don'tbe fooled, said a spokesperson at the real Southtrust Bank headquarters in North Carolina. "This is an Internet scam. Don't give them any- thing," said Angela Parker. In addition, she said, "We've merged with Wachovia Bank." She said the bank has turned over information on the scam to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Anyone who receives such an e-mail is asked to forward it to abuse@southtrust.com. TTINA 6L4 iNTE I_, O 5 AWARD WINNING IDEAS AND CREATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR HOME CALL 941-779-2106 h3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 I"T. I- -- rry ET l >.*.L it 4T OF JIULY 7194-1235 ext#3l F Is Dad tm OtH-1 We have everything S. I .-- 2- . you need to mix ldad hi avoitethe Hail! -7 -- osT 'op t"n 5321 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach (Fitness Center Building) 778-5434 Please Drink Responsibly Before, after 'Locks of Love' Kyle Bergeron let his hair grow for two years in order to donate it to the "Locks Of Love" program, which supplies hair for cancer victims. After the cut, Kyle admitted he was sometimes humiliated by being called a girl because of his long hair, which he grew just to make the donation. "I'm glad I stuck with it," Kyle said. He was inspired to grow his "locks" by his grandmother's young neighbor, Joey Hutchinson, who also let his hair grow for the most worthy cause. Islander Photos: Barbara Parkman/school portrait Emergency, city business added to Web page The city of Holmes Beach has added some citizen service categories to its Web page, said Police Chief Jay Romine, and he expects it to be especially helpful during emergencies. Residents and offices can get electronic up- dates by adding their names and e-mail addresses to the city's list. To do so, log on to www.holmesbeachfl.org and click on the "sub- scribe" link on the home page. Electronic updates will be sent on the catego- ries of emergency/safety, hurricane/recovery infor- mation, agendas/meetings and related information; community events and updates. The subscriber may choose any or all of the subjects, Romine said. "It is the goal of the city to provide accurate and timely information, espe- cially during emergencies." Sheriff warns of shootings Manatee County Sheriff Charlie Wells has issued an early warning against celebrating the Fourth of July holiday by shooting firearms into the air. This is a very dangerous practice, he said, since what goes up must come down. Bullets returning to the ground can reach speeds of 300 feet per second, enough to penetrate a human skull. The danger zone of the falling bullet is about two miles surrounding the place where it left the gun, he said. "Laws are severe for this violation," he said. "Dis- charging a firearm in public can mean up to one year in prison." Community Center hearing continued Due to'lack of a quorum at its June 6 meeting, the Anna Maria Planning and Zoning Board was forced to continue its hearing on the Anna Maria Island Commu- nity Center site plan. The hearing was rescheduled to 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 21. Internet vacation rental, bank scam comes to Island X W74 rIm %.--q "C,,~I ~i Near drowning off Egmont Key A 38-year-old man visiting from Puerto Rico nearly drowned June 6 while swimming in the waters off Egmont Key. The Manatee County Emergency Services office said the man was underwater for nearly two minutes before he was pulled ashore, where bystanders administered CPR. A unit of the Manatee County Sheriff's Marine Patrol was nearby and transported the victim to the Rod & Reel Pier in Anna Maria where EMS and West Manatee Fire and Rescue personnel were waiting to treat the man. He was transported to Blake Medical Cen- ter where he was listed in stable condition last week. THE ISLANDER M JUNE 15, 2005 M PAGE 11 778-4751 800-771-7163 5312 Marina Drive Holmes Beach www.island-florist.com Bringing home the bacon Islander reporter Rick Catlin looks over the Florida Press Association 2004 Better Weekly Newspaper Awards tabloid and The Islander's three awards. Catlin earned a first-place award for his humorous column, "The night before an Island Christmas, " and an honorable mention in the category for in- depth news reporting. The newspaper also captured a third-place awardfor its 2004 hurricane section. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy The night before an Island Christmas By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter (Commentary) Having had the opportunity some would say the penalty of covering public meetings in all three Is- land cities, I've been asked on occasion by various Is- land elected officials to compare how each city con- ducts its business. Fortunately for me, it would not be appropriate to give my opinion of any particular Island city's govern- ment. Each is unique in its own right. The argument that Anna Maria owns the Island, Holmes Beach runs the Island and Bradenton Beach does all the work on the Island is, obviously, an inap- propriate and untrue metaphor. However, with malice toward-no city and no Is- lander,-with my opinions kept to myself, and with apologies to Clement Clarke Moore, I offer my own version of "The Night Before an Island Christmas." "It was the night before Christmas and all through the Island, Bradenton Beach was looking for more tour- ists, Holmes Beach was wondering where to put the tourists and Anna Maria questioned why the Island even needed more tourists. Cast named for 'Much Ado' by Island Players The large cast has been selected for Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing," which will run July 13- 17 at the Island Players, 10009 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. The founder of the tradition of Shakespeare on Anna Maria Island and director of all the Bard's pre- sentations is Kelly Wynn Woodland, who also directs other productions here and in other theaters of the area. It is co-produced by the Bailey family and The Is- lander newspaper. Curtain times are 8 p.m. Woodland describes the movement of Shakespeare's most popular comedy: "Benedick and Beatrice are in love but can't stand each other, Hero and Claudio are engaged but he thinks she's been cheating, a benevolent ruler is led astray by the lies of his evil, whiny brother, and the constabulary is manned by some very silly people." The cast: Stan Koci as Don Pedro, Ryland Jones as Don John, Beau Bob Bailey as Claudio, Dean Chandler Bowen as Benedick, Richard Garcia as Leonato, Steve Credeur as Antonio, Mark Woodland at Bathasar, Damian Jeremy Stone as Borachio, Brian James Den- nis as Conrade, Tom Allen as Friar Francis; Herb Stump as Dogberry, Bill Edwards as Verges, Rick Kopp as a sexton, LisaMarie Moscato as Hero, Sara Trembly as Beatrice, Heather Kopp as Margaret, Corinne Woodland as Ursula, Seth Smith as messenger, Mark Silpa as first watch, Brian Gordon as second watch. Stage manager is Carol Cozan with Barb Gusie as her assistant. Stan Koci designed the set, Blaire Dalton the costumes, Alise Hart the lighting with Boddie Berger as light technician. Sandy Barton is the sound technician, Mark Woodland music director and Robin Rhodes choreographer. Tickets at $10 are available at the box office start- ing July 6 or by calling 778-5755. "The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, and Bradenton Beach decided to pay for a study to tell them why the stockings had to go by the chim- ney, Holmes Beach quickly wrote a check for the stockings, and Anna Maria asked why they were put- ting up holiday stockings in the first place. "While visions of sugar .plums danced in their heads, Bradenton Beach paid for a study to tell them -that the original study on the stockings said put the sugar plums in the stockings, Holmes Beach was con- cerned that if the sugar plums were contaminated, the city could be sued, and Anna Maria said the sugar plums were non-native vegetation and should be re- moved from the city. "When out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter, Bradenton Beach called the police, Holmes Beach 'passed a noise ordinance and Anna Maria blamed the noise on mainlanderi from Manatee County. But the noise was "a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer, with a little old driver so lively and quick, I knew in a moment, it must be St. Nick. "Bradenton Beach then charged him $50,000 for a permit to park on the roof, Holmes Beach told him to park at the public beach, and Anna Maria said parking on a roof was illegal and held a series of meetings to discuss establishing a committee to study the parking problem. "Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound, a bundle of toys he had flung on his back, and he looked like a peddler just opening his pack. "Bradenton Beach decided he used an improper entry and fined him another $50,000, Holmes Beach asked if the toys contained any hazardous materials that could lead to another lawsuit, and Anna Maria said no peddlers were allowed'in the city. "The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, and the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath. That did it. All three Island cities concluded Santa was damag- ing the environment with his pipe smoke. "He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, and filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk, at which point Bradenton Beach asked if his work included building more condominiums, Holmes Beach read the site plan for filling the stockings and paid for a legal opinion, while Anna Maria waited until the stockings were filled, then called for an ordinance to ban such activity. "And laying his finger aside of his nose, and giv- ing a nod, up the chimney he rose; he sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, and away they all flew like the down of a thistle. "But I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight, "Merry Christmas to all, and to all stop the fight - amongst yourselves, so you can save Islanders a lot of money on taxes, services and infrastructure." Family caregivers group schedules Friday meet The Family Caregivers Support Group of Meals on Wheels Plus will meet at 1 p.m. Friday, June 17, at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. It is open to anyone caring for an older adult friend or family member with chronic health or memory prob- lems. Additional details may be obtained by calling 747-4655. Just ask-for me - I'll be the bag behind .the counter S No need to gostreet :hopping in New York City... ite r, ve all the famous designer names! I *, :i l ...i Leathe Metallic l-kuijutG lIji..I b AueeSSoPieSo e reJebi Located in the Bradenton Outlet Mall 773-1204 6605 Manatee Ave. W. Mention this ad, get 10% off HOT-DIGGITY DOG DAY Wednesday JUNE 15 Noon-2 Hot dogs! Buy One .l.. Get One FREE! OPEN Wednesday thru Saturday 10-6 Over 140 shops including food, crafts, clothing, fresh produce, unique boutiques and much more! 6 Miee - Lo~atd in he FontainCourtShoolllingPlaz .4 20% OFF - All regular priced men's and ladies' Ai resort wear. Sale ends June 18 Free Gift Wrap , Ladies' & Men's Resortwear SS & S Plaza Holmes Beach 778-4505 j : ~r. ~app4~' , LI~Bssd.~ PAGE 12 M JUNE 15, 2005 M THE ISLANDER Obituaries William L. Aldrich William L. Aldrich, 77, of Bradenton, former vice mayor and commissioner of Anna Maria, died in Bradenton June 7. Born in Marion, Ohio, Mr. Aldrich attended Bradenton schools from fifth-grade onward, graduat- ing from Bradenton High School in 1946 and the Uni- versity of Florida. He served in the U.S. Army Air Corps in World War II and the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War. He was vice mayor of Anna Maria and city com- missioner under Mayor Ernie Cagnina. He taught at Walker Junior High School in Bradenton and was sci- ence coordinator of Manatee District Schools. He was a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church and the,Palmetto Historical Commission. He retired as owner of Aldrich Rug Co., Bradenton. Services were June 11 at Brown & Sons Funeral Home, with burial in Palmetto Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Deacon's Fund at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 3011 19th Ave. W., Bradenton FL 34208. He is survived by wife of 54 years Jean; daughter Jeanne Paulsen of Palmetto; sons Mason McLean Aldrich of Bradenton and Mark Timothy Aldrich of Longboat Key; and four grandchildren. Jessie June Stuart Gulbranson Jessie June Stuart Gulbranson, 86, of Anna Maria, died May 27 in Kent, Ohio.' Born in Akron, Ohio, Mrs. Gulbranson moved to Manatee County from Kent in 1971. She was a gradu- Our fast claims service is "NoProblem." ur agency is well known for providing fast, efficient and fair claims service. That's because "Z*) we represent Auto-Owners Insurance, which, according to a national consumer's magazine, ranks consistently, as one of the top insurers .... . in the country. That's why we are known as the "No Problem" People. Ask us about our great .. service today! A ,.uto-Owners Insurance Life Home Car Business Jim Mixon Insurance Inc. 5412 Marina Dr.* Island Shopping Center Holmes Beach (941) 778-2253 OUR OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR LUNCH NOON-1 DAILY. ate of Talimadga High School and received a bachelor's and master's degree from Kent'State Uni- versity. She was a retired educator of the hearing im- paired. She was a member of United Methodist Church in Kent and Roser Memorial Community Church in Anna Maria. Memorial services will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, June 16, at Roser Church, 512 Pine A% e., Anna Maria City. A service was held in Kent earlier this month. Memorial contributions may be made to Harbor Light Hospice, 34950 Chardon Road, Suite 102, Willoughby OH 44094, or to the American Heart Association, 2975 Bee Ridge Road, Suite B, Sarasota FL 34239. She is survived by daughter Beverly June Leland of Kent; sons Kenneth Stuart of Kerersville, N.C., and Adelbert Stuart of Kent; seven grandchildren: six great- grandchildren; several stepchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Patricia Hoefig Patricia Hoefig, 76, of Holmes Beach, died June 9. A native of New York; Mrs. Hoefig moved to Florida 12 years ago from Scotch Plains, N.J., after 30 years there, 17 of them direct- ing and teaching preschool. She was a graduate of Notre Dame College of St. John's University. She was president and program director of Friends of the Island Branch Library, was a cantor and di- rector of the 'St. Bernard '(.. ~.. ,~c Ho its Catholic Church choir, and sang with the Anna Maria Island Chorus and Orchestra; fgrand Chiropractic Conter Dr. Kathleen Goerg Massage Therapy Also Available! 778-0722 3612 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach, FL 34217 (between Publix and Ace Hardware) Visit our Web site: www.islandchiro.com WILLS TRUSTS PROBATE JAY HILL : Attorney-at-Law 778-47.. 5 Anna Maria, Florida L. ,,C;.D, :i M., r CARDIOLOGIST is pleased to announce the opening of his solo practice ... - t"-- ... Manatee Ave. W. Now Accepting New Patients 2225 59th St. W., Suite D Blake Medical g Bradenton Center 21st Ave. W. 761-8955 Tanglewood" Board CertifiedAmerican Board ofCardiology Medicare Accepted Cortez Road W. -F Just visiting paradise? TFI Islander SINCE 1992 Don't leave the Island without taking time to subscribe. You'll get ALL the best news, delivered by the mailman every week. It's almost as good as a letter from home! Visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach or.call 941-778-7978. Online edition: www.islander.org Memorial Mass will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday, June 15, at St. Bernard Catholic Church. 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes)Beach. Memorial contributions may be made to the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magno- lia Ave., Anna Maria FL 34217. Brown & Sons Funeral Home, 43rd Street Chapel. is in charge of arrangements. She is survived-b\ husband Charles: daughter Nancy of Paris. France; sons Donald of Annandale. N.J., and Brian of Seattle: sister Marjory Connell\ of New Jersey; and four grandchildren. Carmen 0. Torres Carmen O. Torres, of Holnes Beach and Tampa, died June 8. A visitor to the Island since 1920, she and husband \ei in6i retired to Holmes Beach and built and man- aged the former Bamboo Apartients.: Memorial Mass was held June 13 at Christ the King Church in Tampa. She is survived by son A. Fernando and his wife SGladys of Tampa; granddaughter Alice Torres Sutton and her husband Stephen; great-grandsons William, John and Christopher; and niece Mercedes Coruio of Venezuela. 'Beach blast' to 'Celebrate God's Faithfulness' Youngsters from pre-K through sixth-grade may join a week-long "Club VBS: Beach Blast" at the Island Baptist Church, 8605.Gulf Drive, Anna Maria, July 25-29. The church announced that the blast will in- clude Bible stories. beach crafts, beach snacks and a worship rall\ daily Focus will be "Cel- Sebrating God's Faithfulness." Open to all chil- dren, it will be from 6:30-8:30(p.m. Registration and further information is avail- able at 778-0719. RADER'1 7RIEF SIIIELLS & (GIFTS U The Island's Largest Selection Shells Shell Craft Supplies Sea Life Mirrors Jewelry J and Handmade Seashell Christmas ornaments w . 778-321 1 5508 Marina Drive Holrnes Beach Across from library S ^ Do you care for an elderly loved one? S GT E YOURSELF A BREAK WITH OUR AFFORDABLE SENIOR DAYCARE. Dais Nic2hts Weekends E\cepuonal Indi\idualCare . ANNA MARIA CARE ASSISTED LIVING:' 2202 A\enue B Bradenton Beach 779-0322 9:30 am Adult Study/Discussion Rev. Charlie Shook 10:30 am Traditional Service with Choir Rev. Kenneth Gill (Nursery and Sunday school) Come worship and enjoy warm fellowship YOUR CHURCH AWAY FROM HOME! 6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key FL 34228 (941)383-6491 Web site: www.islandchapel.com rrr~ THE ISLANDER M JUNE 15, 2005 M PAGE 13 Clowning around Abi Van Ostenbridge clowns around with friends Daniel Janisch, Austin Wash, K) le Parsons and Tommy Price while waiting for lunch at the end-of-year fiftrh-qrade lunch -n at the Beach House, Re st'autllli. Islailder Photos. Diana Bogan. Just hanging Savannah Hendrickson, Michael Gutensohn and Chris Sargent share a few laughs at the graduation farewell luncheon. Yum! AME kindergart- ners Jacob Barker, Chris Atkins and Tyler Russell dig in to some Italian water ice given as an end-of-year class treat. g .' j'- # I*m-7m,--% Cool as ice. Anna Maria Elementary School kindergartners Mia Valneti, Kayla Thiel and Courtney Wash cool off with some watermelon-flavored Italian water ice before being released from school for the start of summer vacation. -- HAS YOUR TRAVEL AGENT I MOVED OR CLOSED? -- WE'RE HERE TO HELP .. ''": Now that Ship 'n Shore has shipped their Offices out of town, cruise up the road and dock with us at Fantasy Travel - We are 1 our local o'. ned. friendly, full service agency. Open hen ) ou need us jnd the coffee is always on!! Visit our new interactive Webtsite ww'i.fantasytravel.net Game Drives Serengeti Sunsets Zebras!! Watch this space for more OpenLateandSaturday 795-300o 71 4 Pawsitively Pets & Property Services Inc. Quality Pet Sitting Services in Your Home Property Services During Your Absence S. Bonded & Insured Jane & Steve Futch 761-7511 U U "Tropical Bugs Need A Tropical Service" CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Beaches Bradenton Sarasota Parrish 778-1337 794-1005 365-2893 776-0779 Full Service Exterior and Interior Now Accepting Visa r and Mastercard Island Pest Control Inc. SERVING THE ISLANDS MORE THAN 20 YEARS State Certified/Licensed and Insured Locally owned and operated .......... Have your faaoritg. your ,orY tug -.-.,. weQ c~ceMl~h e~a &t tle reqTular jrice FAT.CAT Carpet & Upholstery Tile and Grout Color Cleanin V5 g Cleaning and Stain Control! LARRY & NANCY HOUSE, OWNERS. .. -778-2882 or 387-0607 www.FatCatCarpetCleaning.com Genesis Exterminating Inc. Serving Manatee & Sarasota Counties Since 1991 Fumigation Termite Control Subterranean Termite Tenting Florida one house at a time! FREE ESTIMATES 941-723030l3 Residential Commercial 4611 US 41 N. Palmetto FL 34221 Licensed/Insured 32995 Member FPCA PAGE 14 M JUNE 15, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Reborn Cortez marina will reopen soon By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent Construction work on Parrot Cove Marina on Palma Sola Bay near Cortez will be finished in two to three weeks and it will be in business "when the county lets me open." Bob Gertz, owner of the former Sunny Shores Marina. said that barring storms and unforeseen glitches \\ ith Manatee County, his boat slips nma al- ready be filled by opening day. He has "a long list" of people interested in berthing their boats there, he said, but he doesn't plan to sign any agreements with boaters until everything is in place and ready to go. He has 30 slips, the largest 45 feet, and most of his boat basin has 5 feet of water at mean low tide. He may add half a dozen more slips later the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-and Florida Department of Envi- ronmental Protection have approved 36 slips and former owner Kris Gagnon some years ago managed to squeeze permission for 42 out of the county. Gertz has county permission for 30. Under pressure from the county, which in turn was pressured by boaters and residents of the adjacent Sunny Shores, Gertz moved one new dock at the east end of the basin. Boaters said there wasn't room to turn their boats around there, though Gertz discounted that. Anyway, he partially disassembled the dock and moved it 14 feet west.- Not included in his project was the boat-lau nching ramp at the east end of the complex. It is so silted in that: it has only about a foot of water at times, said Gettz. The marina has 320 feet of waterfront and includes a sizable building, where ex-owner Gagnon had a shop on the ground floor and living quarters upstairs. Gertz plans to refurbish the old building and eventually live there, he said. He bought the marina, which is 50-plus years old, a year or so ago and started the permitting process, which turned out to be complex and time-consuming. Now he has dredged the boat basin, torn up the decay- ing decking, uprooted the pilings and replaced just about e\ ert thing. He can reuse.many of the pilings as channel markers. he said. S Gertz is a New Jersey native \ ho spent 30 years in real estate in California. \ visiting his family here for 20 years and ultimately moving here himself a couple of years ago. Island receives grants to improve neighborhoods Two Anna Maria City neighborhoods were benefi- ciaries of grants to improve landscaping of its proper- ties thanks to the Sarasota Bay Estuary Program. The Anna Maria Island Historical Society, located on Pine Avenue in Anna Maria City, will use bay program grant funds to enhance existing paths and the Belle Haven Cottage, a relocated historical structure at the Anna Maria Historical Park, with Florida-friendly plants and educa- tional signs, according to the bay program. Rose Street Volunteers of Anna Maria Island will purchase and plant Florida-friendly plants at the east end of Rose Street in a non-buildable right of way. Both grants are for $2,000. In total, $15,000 was given to seven recipients in Manatee and Sarasota counties for projects that fell under the Florida Yards & Neighborhoods grants quali- fications, which is designed to "create Florida-friendly yards and neighborhoods that beautify our community while e creating habitat for \w wildlife and reducing the use. of water, pesticides and fertilizers that enter our water- ways through stormwater run-off,4' according to Sarasota Bay Program's Brie Willet. Other beneficiaries of the grants were: Tidy Island Condo Association of Cortez will re- move Brazilian pepper trees along a 270-foot area and a 770-foot stretch around the entrance and along the development's greenbelt. Westchester Condo Association of Longboat Key will purchase and plant seagrapes, cabbage palms and saw palmetto along the condo's periphery adjacent to Atlas Road, a public beach access. Calusa Lakes Community Association of Nokomis will remove Brazilian pepper trees on the association's property and replace them with,native plants and Florida-friendly landscaping. Crooked. Creek Homeowners Association of Sarasota will purchase and plant native plants along some of the boundaries of the property. Gulf Gate Gardens Association of Sarasota will remove invasive Chinaberry trees, Carrotwood trees and castor bean plants and replace them with native Sabal palms. Island girl wins congressional ri art competition Megan Tapp was awarded Best In Show in the Congressional Student Art Competition sponsored by Congresswoman Katherine Harris. The Manatee High School graduate is one of 36 student artists to enter the competition, which is admin- istered by Artarget and the Arts Council of Manatee County. Tapp's winning artwork is a photo collage of a geothermal pool in a New Zealand National Park. The award entitles her photo to hang in the U.S. Capitol for one year. Her photo collage will be part of an exhibit featuring student artists from across the nation. Tapp and her family will be flown to Washington, D.C., to attend the opening of the exhibit. Tapp was also awarded 'a one-year scholarship to the.Savannah College of Art and Design, where she plans to major in photography. Congressional winner Manatee High St ioi'l graduate Megan Tapp, pictured with her parents and Congresswoman Katherine Harris at the South Florida Museum, will not only have her photo collage displayed in Wash- ington, D.C., but will begin her photography studies at the Savannah College of Art and Design with a one-year scholarship. P I, I II "dg li 'r ImproA-e the OLtluity Ca'irol ( GrEti- Sierna.l ko S .'A E0 r M H t ych 11)N7J IFE (1)X( H ,0.1' ('CRTfIFIE ('()IF'NSI..OiK 1941) 794-1492 Is. li' 7 ~ 14-14. i I IIui' ( Ten years ago in the June 15, 19 of The Islander, headlines rea The Holmes Beach City Commis mously agreed that pig owner Shirley Hov must find a new home for her pet, as the prohibit farm animals being kept inside the Holmes Beach Mayor Rich Bo claimed that a resolution from former May Wagoner to U.S. Department of Transporta for a study of all area bridges will only lend the Florida Department of Transportatior four-lane Gulf-Drive and build a new, (65 ance, fixed-span bridge to Anna Maria Isl Temps & Drops on A.M.I. Date Low High June 5 73 89 June 6 72 90 June 7 72 91 June 8 76 92 June 9 76 93 June 10 75 90 June 11 75 86 Average Gulf water temperature 830 24-hour iriail .:.:u ul TiT .. with reading at approximately OPEI MI:n -Fri ? m-Tmi7prr S t Sut H ,:,ili,, 5s ,'*-,.._Turr WALK-INS WELCOME )) We're _'.ii b ,le t,:, tendi to:, .- 5-,:,our urgent ,.iare nee . Fever/Infections Minor Lacerations Simple Fractures Sprains PINNACLE MEDICAL CENTER 315 75th Street West Bradenton 941-761-1616 Island library launches teen der summer program During the month of August, the Island Branch Library will offer a variety of free programs on board YEARS sports, graphic novels and comic books, making shell necklaces and more. The library is also seeking teen input on new books and movies to purchase for the collection and future )95, issue teen programs. Teens are encouraged to attend a meet- d that: ing Wednesday, July 6, at 5:30 p.m. to share ideas. sion unani- Those who can not attend the meeting may call the vden-Gillett library with suggestions. city codes The Friends of the Island.Branch Library is spon- e city limits. scoring these new events. hnenberger The library is located at 5701 Marina Drive, 'or Bob Van Holmes Beach. For information, call 778-6341. nation calling support c or Island hurricane seminar June 29 ns effort to A hurricane seminar for Anna Maria Island busi- -foot-clear- nesses and residents is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. and. Wednesday, June 29; at the BeachHouse Restaurant. The sponsor, Anna Maria Island Chamber of Com- '). merce.said there is limited seating and recommends that reservations be made soon by phoning 779-9412.. 'A ".' Giiesrt speaker \ill 'be Paul Flaherit, hurricane hunter and meteorologist for the National Oceanic and S- Atmospheric Administration. Others to speak will be S Ralph Warful of Oswald, Trippe & Co.; Larry Hibbs Il. '" of Serv-Pro; and builder Brent Whitehead. Rainfall Live music at Jane E's Rainfall 0 Friday nights at Jane E's in the old IGA Building 0 -are about to liven up with original music performances Trace by four musical acts. Music, atmosphere and aromas 0 are free and all are welcome. Trace Beginning June 17, Chris "Cody" Carter, Drew .70 Hudson, Preston Whaley and the Diamond Twins will 1.80 take turns entertaining guests from 7-10 p.m. at Ginny's Antiques and Jane E's Bakery at 9807 Gulf 5 p.m. dai Drive in Anna Maria. For more information, call 778-7370. Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, ELCA Pastor Tamara Wood Sat.urdjay Sprri Service of Celebration S. unday 9 30 am Worship Service 1A. t'.f Nursery -'.'ailadle atl9 3iarr, S"'V'V~ QIw lorI.adtIullheran .::n ir^8'**,"! e_ *-i i 6608 l1anrina Dri.e Hilmes Beach 778-1813 ' THE ISLANDER 0 JUNE 15, 2005 0 PAGE 15 Winner at 9 Nine-year-old Anthea Rokop of Longboat Key continued up the competitive ladder in the Florida junior rankings by winning the Longwood State Warm-Up tournament at Longwood Athletic Club Sunday, defeating players from Daytona Beach and Kimberly Herrockon to take top honors in the 10- and-under division. Desoto 5K champ Mickey Hooke ,44, of Bradenton, displays his prize from the Desoto Parade 5k Run. Hooke's finish time of 16:37 was a course record and set a master's record for the annual event. Hooke averaged 5:21 per mile in the event with only 16 weeks of training using his own "Grassroots Running" system. Con- tact Hooke at 794-6141 or e-mail him at mic9hoo @ aol. com. Top cheer squad Cortez eighth-grader Shelby McCoy is a member of the Bradenton Cheer Academy, one of the top cheer squads in the nation. The team holds regional, state and national titles. At-the tournament of champions national event held recently the team was a trophy winner, and also placed second at the Florida State Fair. Known as one of the premier academies in the nation, Bradenton Cheer Academy will be offering tryouts at their new location, 1944 60th Place E. Summer cheer, dance and tumble camps are also available. For more information, call 75-CHEER. ~~Ilsi 1 Ni 4 t,, k. VS ANOW. "*. :c' Accounting Services Financial Statements Secretarial Services Payroll & Payroll Taxes Income Tax Preparation SElectronic Filing BEN COOPER, E.A. Ben Cooper and Associates Inc. r 1. (941)778-6118 Fax:(941)778-6230 benacooper@aol.com Jacob's Creek 7so.................... $5.99 Vendange 1. ............................. $6.99 Monkey Bay (s slanc)750 ......... $7.99 Glen Ellen 1.5.............................. $7.99 Kendall Jackson (Chard) 750 ...$9.99 Black Swan 1.5 .......................... $8.99 Mezza Corona (P.Grigio) 1.5 ... $999 Lindemann's 1.5 ........................ $9.99 SKLED PINK the all new From cruisewear to beachwear Fun Fashions Hats, sandals, jewelry SHOP Dolls, candles & pottery ~c .. Suncatchers & windchimes Unique Gifts Nautical section including d the. Gulf-yc"in, ---ships, birds, fish. seashells, |t thec h G 'l eg s .. 1 manatees and more! Quality Fhi'o- Year-Round Christmas Shop uch mre, Featuring Florda and Anna Marilo lland-themed ornament BOTH SHOPP -3228 East Bay Drive.- A Beaa .' BOTH SHOPPES OPEN DAILY In the.Anna.Maria.IWah...l .... YOU'LL BE TIC When you see BEACH Il7ire \. ,anatee .Aivtn en idin a at the NIla.rtee Count', p 5i\ in\.ear Beai h 'Sho iid .ndial- Fine and \cle..i ori e-. Art C.l.:a.- Beacjh T,i,\- * Doll 't, i-ul enrir '. ca.t-hiit- nd n 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach S778-5442 3909 E. Bay Drive, Suite 110 Holmes Beach, FL, 34217 (Located across from Publix) Snowbirds Vehicle ITransportatioon Fast and dependable transport service to northern states so no miles ,or wear on yopr yehile. Insured and bonded carrier. ICall Andy, (810) 459-49794 979Z 1^^^ PAGE 16 0 JUNE '15, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER ,.. : "-" -"" ." "i ', o 8 zz I < cr )I< M:), CM co,1 5001% OFF-. n kland 4 gIlop lg ppingntev 5418.\lanna Di il;- Hnhms Reacuh IN"lCi lli til : d llclsuuli te' aoi c 1 oAIt bd N111 .11 -SSl 778-216- 9o E-ma2ril: SlliiiiiiicS s It-ttifO(i!i' ol.coiii1 CONTINENTAL BISTRO Check out our new, chic dining area and wine bar! BRUNCH/LUNCH Wed.-Sat. 11-2:30 BREAKFAST SUNDAY 8-2:30 DINNER Wed.-Sun. from 5:30 p.m. (Closed Mon./Tues.) B4 5406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 778-5320 Real Coffee & Realty : :--.. . Anna Maia Island's resident exp on coffee and real estate ... SandRich 9906 Gulf Drive Anna Maria f- E[] 1 (941) 779-0034 - c rb rcl ~qj Ic E w w Ir w 0 (r. ormGC8e -- :-- --- -- --- ----- --- 6 njt~ ~~j~53j cr4Mi BBeArN S:EA FcOOOD HOME OF THE MAIGO-MACADAMIA ENCRUSTED GROUPER FREE 2 GLASSES OF WINE or a piece of Key Lime Pie with any two regular priced dinners, with this ad. Open Daily Live Music Fri, Sat B EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Everyday 4-6 pm Buy one entree, gel second entree HALF-OFF Where the.locals and the stars love to dine! Denzel W'ashinigton said: "Great food! 103 Gulf Drive Bradenton Beach 779-1930 Rod&e Rel Pier Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 7 Days Fresh Fish" Specials Doily Ice-Cold Beer & Wine THE ISLANDER U JUNE 15, 2005 0 PAGE 17 Is~ 3I C4-, I I U'l X gk~ j Thte bei ritmourqers; ancr ime colyest mug, O tbeer rus side of HeaL en -,ji11i55 Tfflj Pal Geyer Proprie-lress OPENFICJi H*I .;. 1 A 121[-. B4 N C., * -&r C4' - w w Va dfing N ,78 Pu- 3A Ii' lfl i GD n~ GAy, 3 AVa 4N3AIaOi l'flB1 N.s- -- -"- NJIAUR- RPURe1 H < OR Q, .) Q0CC p~ w< m00 m u, Z mW COCO CO l COC CO COl CO C S 3AIVO ,infl L1 o U- 0- 0 CL o- .o" SO. CM L ) N N C-!C-) C') LL<> :- -L.LwJ 0 0 dC j<< Z ztOJKU CDz a c c 00 < < << < 00, 222252n Z Zo LU0, zzzz N ml M6 -m <:<< >< a oooa. ELj L E -j :L i :0 :Y. -r2 (rr >L)Z- OLJ 'OLU I- U m m cm N C') NN"NN M )LoI) N o~mmmmtm~cm< mom < >r :< :< N-N C 'jC) N~ O~mm z~t O~z< a:cz L UDS~& - C')N 01 ~ CX~ ) ')C' N C)N C m0 0 m m. N c:n o n. 0 wM caO m m m mm (0aam ~ W M Mt < M M MC L) NC' ) C') ON ' mm< mm m cn ) a 0 y 0 w -, MOOD-WwmE 42 CD CO CE EL CD~ CD c Ew zx :3rozmwwn- < NC' mo Q v14 Cl M l < L u U ~ LZ m..CE LL ,It 1, -C') qrcnC')0 cnn_ -< F-Z COW :42 -JC-JE-J 0 0000 Do>ULJL-J N .-C') U)- U) 4 -cO oOmmmmcm L w m O8< o & t zCc 0 -j am C) CCLr r IseWmo&Q 10 MM(LqmE1O.:2- SAtlaM l hwrs to 2 weeks, ww 'i dnnr.iim ariaiI- jrdis3ilin.Q :l.1m > Make Reservations Now for July 3 Firework-s]__ On a 36' ('atamaran Dolphin Sails, or ai (5' Sloop Sunsct Sails, Daily partures ont the Egnoiot Key Seln-a --" n, Keyr West & Bevond Reservations F IT713-8000 -4 LEY-SEA or 761-4779 JANE EIS COrii BAR... SIT'S FRTnAY NIGHT with your hostess Jane E! Thank You, we have a great evening ahead of us tonight. We'll be i '. open til 10pm, serving your favorite coffees, teas, smoothies, desserts and snacks. And we've got, live .-A. music too! Just perfect, Sfor a casual evening w 'thfrith rriends' Jane E's Bakery and - 9807 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria Ginny's Antiques an 5602 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach 01 Vi'll' 11 IC'lllll 11'0fC I Lit:ri I i I I1!I 1 ( Of tl I LD'L IS .L a1 OCffit? 'C i&14 1Lit 'llf'-4 -R.MID-01nAllu Y. ; f '-a - CV) N Cmo Cd no Er y 00 <:go, KOM 0Y) (D (D t LOL KO m m co in L mmmmm COODw~i 42~ -LC) m~o w ii CEr 0 -W w r a z I ISWI'sm, an -mmmm PAGE 18 0 JUNE 15, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Bishop Planetarium reopening June 26 It's been four years recovering from a disas- trous fire, but the Bishop Planetarium will reopen Sunday, June 26, with a new digital system so modern it is guaranteed to "knock your socks off." The new system is one of only three in the world, said Jeff Rodgers, director of the planetarium's parent, the South Florida Museum. The other two such cutting-edge systems are in Germany and aboard the Queen Mary II cruise ship. It will feature space shows and sound and light shows. The new equipment, a year in its collection and setting up, shows viewers scientifi- cally accurate star fields, the birth of the universe, deep-sea excursions and even trips to Mars. Opening day will give children a partially animated show of two boys building a rocket ship of cardboard and taking a space journey. A "hall of fame" rock music presentation will have music from bands such as the Beatles, the Doors and Led Zeppelin. Sonic Vision will play alternative bands of today. The planetarium, museum and aquarium are at 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Further informa- tion is available at 746-4131. TWO SCRUMPTIOUS ITEMS FROM ALASKA 4 DAYS ONLY! JUNE 15-18 y ; '- | WILD ALASKAN SSOCKEYE SALMON S -.: -"i ALASKAN N DUNGENESS CRAB :' '" T .. . 1OODON BROTM ERS' 4 SEAFOOD GRILLE -..^ .. ...*:..- i ; " 50% OFFLAR LY BRD !/'1r SPECIALS I BUY ONE ENTREE FROM OUR EARLY BIRD MENU, : GET THE 2ND ENTREE 50'. OFF (REG $5') WOODSON BROTHERS SEAFOOD GRILLE .'.ITH TH-i COU'LPON ONE DRINK PER COUPON NOT .-LID A.'ITH OTHER OFFERS EXPIRES 7.0.05 WWI 29W W& ISM am. .. .7 e HAPPY HOUR SPECIAL S JUNE 27 THRU JULY 2 ONLY 4-6 PM 2 FOR 1 DRINKS , WOODSON BROTHERS SEAFOOD GRILLE | iT ONE COUPON PEP PERSON r HO 'T LID .'.iTH 'TH ER OFFEr S 1 FREE REFRESHMENT j N ITH PUIRCn-ASE OF 2 0INNEP E?,TR; EF *] ; b ENTRE=E FROM J., O It , WOODSON BROTHERS SEAFOOD GRILLE ITH THI C'rC',r ,r .lE lflrt tPE P ,__ll l1- I ,T -LII' ITH HI-I'- .I.'F ., :LI-' IJln .. '' IL , b P ~~ p~F nos -- ~ -e ~ --- j Fs 1 ..- 8 -- ~s. --~ -7 .-= Widower gets lucky By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent Picture this: A widower is left to his own devices among his female contemporaries, who have devices of their own. One of them wins in the end, but the route to that end is littered with unusual incidents and unusual per- sonalities, all combined for a hilarious exploration of people living in retirement. It's all in a new book by Elizabeth Waterston, Ca- nadian author who winters in Mount Vernon, just east of Cortez "proper." Much of it is sure to make Island- ers think it's set just next door. Don't let the book's title, "Passion Spent," fool you it isn't. Waterston has several books under her belt, Scot- tish histories, a Canadian travel book, a biography of Scot novelist John Gait. She is best known in literary and academic circles as an expert on Lucy Maud Montgomery and Montgomery's immoinal novel, "Anne of Green Gables." Most recently Waterston addressed the sub- ject at New College in Sarasota. Montgomery's son, the late Dr. ,Stewart Macdonald of Toronto, gave Waterston his famous mother's diaries after she died. Waterston undertook the monumental task of editing the voluminous diaries and putting it all in publishable form. It resulted in five volumes, the final one completed last fall before she came south for the winter. Waterston said Montgomery sold all secondary rights to "Anne" to a publisher for $18,000, not knowing he had a $40,000 contract for movie rights in his pocket. The novel has been made into a movie three times. As for Waterston's "Passion Spent," there are a few copies at Charlie's on the Island, 5904 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, and they're available on the Internet at amazon.com. Cost is $12.95. Whqre the locals bring their friends! NOW OPEN DAILY BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER Even entertainment! 4-8pm Wed, Fri & Sun Tom Mobley Thurs & Sat Rick Boyd Mon & Tues Mark Cravens TACO & WWA Every Wednesday I 4pm-8pm All-You- $795 Can-Eat FRI FIS FRY ~ m W w, ith fries an law S))" ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT 8 $395 ** *************** OPEN 7 AM 7 DAYS A WEEK BEER & WINE Casual Inside Dining or Outdoor Patio Dining Plenty of Parking Fishing/Observation Pier On beautiful Manatee Beach where Manatee Ave. ends and the (.' ' 4000 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-0784 Author El:.iho, i/ Waterston. Islander Phiotos: Bonner Joy WE'RE WHERE YOU'LL FIND.. TIE FRESHEST SEAO AND THE BEST VEW FOR ISLAND DINING 4 a..i-' ,V S. - , "...," I. 1. ,.... '-^ ,_ -:;',' *i '.': , a.p. BeLL fisH CompaNyiNc. Fresh Seafood Since 1910 Great selection of locally caught Grouper, Snapper, Shrimp, Panfish and much more. Planning a fishing trip? Call about our oOs big selection of frozen bait! DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAYg' See you at bur docks! 794-1249 4600 124th St. W. Cortez, Floridagi^ i -- ~ac~:~~ Wednesday, June 15 8:30 a.m. Yoga on the beach with Jasmine Boss at Pine Avenue beach access, Anna Maria. Information: 778-4977. 11:30 a.m. to noon Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce "nooner" at the Sleepy Lagoon Grill, 6814 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 383- 2466. Fee applies. Friday, June 17 1 to 2 p.m. Family caregiver support group at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 747-4655. 5 to 9 p.m. Friday Fest on the Bay with Les Sabler and Citiheat at the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall, 777 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota. Information: 955-7676. 7 to 9 p.m. Teen night at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. In- formation: 778-1908. 7 to 10p.m. Live original music nights at Jane E's, 9807 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 778-7370. Saturday, June 18 8 a.m. Five-mile walk with the Sierra Club al Os- car Scherer State Park. Information: 484-4113. Fee ap- plies. 8:30 a.m. Kiwanis Club presents "The Drug Scene" with member Bill Tester at Cafe on the Beach, 4000 Gull Drive, Holmes Beach. 8:30 a.m. Yoga on the beach with Jasmine Boss at Pine Avenue beach access, Anna Maria. Information: 778-4977. 10 a.m. to 4.p.m. Manatee County Hurricane Pre- paredness & Safety Expo at DeSoto Square Mall in Bradenton. Information: 749-3070. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. "Selby Saturdays: Tapestry of Giving" free family admission and children's activities at Mote,`Marine Aquarium, 1700 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasola. Information: 388-4441. 11a.m. to 1 p.m. Selby Saturdays free admission and family activities at the South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Information: 746-4131, ext. 37. Monday, June 20 9 a.m. to noon "Signs of God's Love" vacation Bible school at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-1813. Fee ap- plies. Tuesday, June 21 2 p.m. Children's dog show presented by Rick's Tricky Dogs at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341. Wednesday, June 22 8:30 a.m. Yoga on the beach with Jasmine Boss at Pine Avenue beach access, Anna Maria. Information: 778-4977. 5 to 7p.m. Anna Maria Island Chamber of Com- merce business card exchange at Island Garden Villas on Gulf Drive; Holmes Beach. Information: 778-1541. Ongoing: "Signs of God's Love" vacation Bible school at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, through June 24. Information: 778-1813. Fee applies. *"Summer Solstice" art exhibit by Susanna Spann at the Arts Council of Manatee County, 926 12th St. W., Vil- lage of the Arts, Bradenton, through June 27. Informa- tion: 746-2223. Art by Ruth Cade at Island Gallery West, 5368 Gulf THE ISLANDER 0 JUNE 15, 2005 0 PAGE 19 Drive, Holmes Beach, through June 30. Information: 778- 6648. "Hooray for Hollywood" summer enrichment pro- gram at Miller Elementary School, 4201 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton, through July 1. Information: 741-3300.. Fee applies. Exploring Florida's Waterways nature camp with the South Florida Museum at various locations, through July 15. Information: 746-4131, ext. 22. Fee applies, "Bioquest" summer camp at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria, through Aug. 5. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. Upcoming: "Do Ya, Do Ya, Do Ya Wanna Dance?" at the Bradenton Woman's Club June 25. Teen talent show at the Anna Maria Island Commu- nity Center June 25. Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce hurri- cane seminar at the BeachHouse Restaurant June 29. Streetlife Island police reports Anna Maria City June 6,500 block of Bayview Place, information. A woman reportedly received a check for $6,500 from a man interested in renting her home. The check ex- ceeded the rental agreement and the man requested she forward the difference in a money order back to him. The woman told police that she was able to verify the bank account existed but found out the check was ap- parently altered. All communications with the poten- tial tenant were via e-mail and, according to the report, it appeared to be an Internet check scam. SJune 7, 100 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria City Pier, found property. A wallet found at Annie's Bait & Tackle on Cortez Road was turned over to an Anna Maria Sheriff's Deputy. Bradenton Beach No reports available. Holmes Beach June 3, 4000 Gulf Drive, Manatee Public Beach, beverage law. A man sitting out on the fishing pier was- arrested for drinking in a prohibited posted area. Ac- cording to the report, when told to "dump his alcoholic beverage," he proceeded to dump it down his throat - chugging the vodka. June 3,699 Manatee Ave., Bank of America, fraud. A man reportedly attempted to cash a bogus check. Ac- cording to the report, the check was made out to a person with a Bank of America account, but the man attempting to cash the check was unable to provide identification. The bank manager witnessed the man leave in a vehicle and provided officers with the tag number. A police check showed the tag registered to a man currently on probation for a worthless check charge. June 4, 4000 Gulf Drive, Manatee Public Beach, burglary. A woman reported her credit card missing from her car. June 5, 4000 Gulf Drive, Manatee Public Beach, theft. A juvenile reported a beach bag stolen. June 6, 4000 Gulf Drive, Manatee Public Beach, burglary. A man reported cash missing from a wallet left in the trunk of his rental car. June 7, 5901 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach City Hall, criminal mischief. The public works foreman re- ported the city's shuffleboard equipment had been van- dalized. June 9, 4000 Gulf Drive, Manatee Public Beach, burglary. A man reported cash and credit cards miss- ing from a wallet left in the glove box of his vehicle. June 9, 4500 block of Gulf Drive, assault. A man was arrested for aggravated assault after he reportedly went to his brother's home and threatened him with a knife. He ivas also issued a trespass warning for his brother's property. Just visiting paradise? Te1 Islander SINCE 1992 r 1.;', r i I r.h. l , ;v. ti.l '. i i T rii r,., _:- _-ri[-, You II ,:t ALL the best ne .cl.- l r-r-. by the mailman every week. It's 'ilii:,';t .1= good as a letter from home! Visit us at 5404 SMarina Drive, Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach or call 941-778-7978. Online edition: www.islander.org Eggs Benedict to Beef Wellington ... you gottal-love it! BISTRO BRUNCH AND LUNCH Wed.-Sat.11 to 2:30 SUNDAY BREAKFAST/ BRUNCH & LUNCH 8-2:30 DINNER Wed.-Sun. 5:30-? (Closed Mon./Tues.) 5406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 778-5320 IVIA ITALIA lSTUlRINTEL ITAIANU by Chef Francesco of Sarasotu closed MAonda W. i 792-5332 Dine in or take-out 6777 Manatee Ave. W. in the Northwest Promenade L . .-. -- *.U 4EAT-IN OR STAKE-OUT $10 OFF I DISCOUNT LIQUOR COCKTAIL LOUNGE FREE DELIVERY Coupon Good June 15-21, 2005 Bacardi Rum MANATEECOUNTY'S Seagrams 7 Crown S LTR BEVERAGE DEALER!LTR & ITALIAN RESTAURANT ONSpecializing in Veal Chicken Fish Pasta Makers of the World's Largest Pizza Open 7 Days 11AM to Midnight BanoI Baeo201 N. Gulf Dr. Bradenton Beach 77 778-0771 or 778-0772 -- .-- -- SCHNITZELHAUS The Best German Restaurant on Florida's West Coast FRIDAY SPECIAL OVEN-FRESH BAVARIAN HAXEN Reservations a must! 778-1320 HOURS: TUES-SAT 5-9:30PM Anna Maria Island Centre 3246 E. Bay Drive Holmes Beach 3232 East Bay Drive Nexi to Walgreens ..I.j:. -____ 778-7878 ANY3 39 FOOT-LONG SSUB $2URu STRY ,YOUR SUB wih rhi ,;u..:,r TOASTED... MMM S.------ .. -- ..... -- Capalbo's' I! House of Pizza Buffet Special IO99 with the l rI i J purchase of I 3 a soft drink. 792-5300 10519 Cortez Road W. Mon-Sat 11 am-1Opm Sunday Noon-9pm PLEASE PRESENT COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 30, 2005 Old Florida Stile An Anna Maria Island Landmark Est. 1952 Tues-Sat 1lam-8pm Sun 12-8pm Closed Mon Eat in Take out Across from the Manatee Public Beach 3901 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-7769 PAGE 20 0 JUNE 15, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Arlene dampens or drowns much of fishing By Capt. Mike Heistand Despite a wet, windy weekend, the fishing remains constant off the Island. Backwater fishing for trout, redfish and catch-and- release snook remains good. Mackerel action has slowed a little off the piers, but there are still a few hookups. Offshore fishing took the biggest beating due to Tropical Storm Arlene, which moved up the Gulf of Mexico last weekend, but those few anglers who were able to brave the depths before the storm blew through did well with snapper and grouper. Tarpon action seems to be a slow starter this sea- son, with few catches coming in so far and at least one charter captain predicting the real "season" won't crank up until July. Capt. Thorn Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez Road said he went out early last week and caught catch- and-release snook to 28 inches, redfish to 22 inches, trout up to 19 inches, all using whitebait or Mister Twister lures, with most of his hookups coming from the Perico Island seagrass flats. At Island Discount Tackle, the word is plenty of redfish fromSarasota Bay and good reports of trout around the seagrass flats near Key Royale. Offshore was just too rough to fish for most of last week, but all, indications are pointing for a better week ahead. Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said last Friday was a banner day there, with lots of snook, black drum and redfish caught before the weather blew in and blew out the weekend fishing. S Dave Sork at the Anna Maria City Pier said there are lots of snook being caught there at night, plus blue- fish, small sharks and a few mackerel, but again the weather kept most anglers under cover for the week- end. Alfnnla Q? aripa s/onaTies Moon Date AM HIGH AM LOW PM HIGH PM LOW Jun 15 7:24 1.8 12:29 0.5 7:10 1.6 1:12 1.0 Jun 16 ,7:53 1.9 1:04 0.8 8:45 1.5 2:18 1:1 Jun 17 8:18 2.1 1:39 1.0 10:26.1,5 3:21 0.4 Jun 18 8:47 2.3 2:11 1.2 11:57 1,5 4:16 0.1 Jun 19 9:22 2.5 2:36 1.4 5:08 -0.2 Jun 20 9:58 2.7 6:01 -0.4 FMJun21 10:44 2.9 6:53 -0.5 Jun 22 11:32 3.0 7:45 -0.6 Cortez High Tides 7 minutes later lows 1:06 later OPEN HOUSE WAVES This Saturday! 11am-3pm BOAT & SOCIAL CLUB NN -A SIX-MONTH MIMBERSHIP! WE PROVIDE THE BOATS, THE TRAINING, THE INSURANCE, YOU PROVIDE THE FUN! (941).795-1600 C4 Wl/e!? 4110 127 Street W. Corte (Next 1o the Seafood Shack) W.Av wa3vesboatclub cor r ll---------------- i S5 Year flnniuersary Celebration! I I I 20% OFF I ALL lABOR NOW TIIRIJ 6/30/05 I WII W N YOU MENTION THIS AD! We are the outboard specialist for S Yamaha Johnson Mercury Mercruiser OMC Cobra Volvo Penta I Plus Fiberglass & Gel Cote Repair I Bottom Paint & Pressure Washing I Inwater Bottom Cleaning I T-Tpps & Towers I Leaning Post & Polling Platforms I Canvas Repairs/Custom Covers/ Bimini Tops Electronics Rigging Motor Rigging SDetailing Buff & Wax Trailer Repair Dockside Service or Free Pick-Up and Delivery 941 -750-9991 941-807-5352 2509 9th St. W., Bradenton Family Owned & Operated by Factory Certified Technicians L = ji -- --m-- --mTecnma Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said he heard of some really nice-sized catch-and-release snook coming from Terra Ceia Bay, plus mangrove snapper being caught.off the Sunshine Skyway Bridge and near the shipping channel. Trout are also a good bet by Joe's Island and black drum are thick in the cut and near the Snead Island boat docks. Capt. Rick Gross oiiFishy Business out of Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said his best bets with the high winds and lousy weather were redfish and a few catch-and-release snook from the bays. Perico Island Bait and Tackle reports wade fish- ers are doing very well with trout and redfish in Palma Sola Bay, and boating anglers are catching a lot of snapper, flounder and sharks in Tampa Bay, but the offshore action has been hampered by all the wind and weather out in the Gulf of Mexico. Capt. Tom Chaya on the Dolphin Dreams in Holmes Beach out of Catchers said on the days he could get out he did well with snook, redfish and trout, "but it was some tough fishing last week." At Skyway Bait & Tackle, the reports are good of mackerel from the Sunshine Skyway Bridge piers, plus some small grouper and lots of yellowtail jacks and small sharks. Capt. Larry McGuire of Show Me The Fish Charters said fishing was "real good before the tropi- cal depression. Our clients were catching gag and red Fishing tourney this weekend The Anna Maria Island Community Center Fish- ing Tournament 2005 will be this weekend. There will be three divisions offshore, inshore and youth, and the first 50 entries will receive a 7-foot Star backwater rod. Entry fee is $300 per boat. Prizes include a whole host of free stuff, including T-shirts, fishing line, hats and a fish fry at the captain's meeting Friday and again at the awards banquet Sunday. Registration is at Bark & Company Realty, 5348 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach; or Island Discount Tackle, 5503 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. The event benefits' the Anna Maria Island Community Center youth sports programming. Further information is available at 778-5900 or 779-2838. Gas and Service St Certified Full Automotive Repair 5333 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 779-0487 .[at the corner of Gulf and Marina Drive] Another nice gag J lcIanl Catinr, 20, from York, Pa.. caui.ht a-nice- .sizd gag rimuper i- il-h fisl/im, iitUhi Capt. Larry McGuire on Show Me Tht Fish Chateoir s. grouper up to 15 pounds, mangrove snapper to 5 pounds and lots of blacktip sharks to 5 feet in length, as well as school kiingfish." Most of his action is com- ing from about 85-foot depths of \k after in the Gul f. with live bait working the best to catch the hungry fish. Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of Annie's said despite Tropical Storm Arlene it was "a pretty good week, with a wide variety of species taken: snook to 30 inches, reds to 29 inches,.trout to 24 inches, hefty Spanish mackeral, scrappy bluefish and a few mangrove snapper." Capt. Zach added that "tarpon continue td be a thorn in my side with very-few hook-ups for this time in June. There just.doesn't seem to be the numbers of silver giants in the areas I normally see, and everything is running a little behind schedule." His advice is to experiment with other techniques when the old stand- bys aren't working, roll \\ ith the punches, be persistent and try different approaches to get the fish to cooper- ate with you. On my boat Magic, we took a fisherman's holiday to the Florida Keys last week and caught a bunch of yellowtail, lane ind mangrove snapper, plus scamp and legal-size grouper. Good luck and good fishing. UNiLE PETE WANTS YOU TO DRIVE A CLEAN CAR! Sm24 hourself-serve car wash Complete auto detailing *Quick lube MERICAN CAR WASH 5804 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach 778-1617 MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED Until $ 12:00 Noon +TAX,GREENFEEANDCART sr. rr 28 12:00 Noon 28 Until 2:30 pm + TAX, GREEN FEE AND CART $25 After $25 2:30 pm + TAX, GREEN FEE AND CART BIG SUMMER CARD $25 Until 12:00 Noon $21 After 12:00 Noon 'Call, 747-9432 Te ime 7t -' IDAIYS Ii~n advanc~|Ile] lo Reach more than 20,000 people weekly with your ad -for as little as $20! Call Pbec.ca or Nancy 778-;797 The Islander wwiv islander.org WOLFGANG SCHULZ Marine Engine Services MERCURY AUTHORIZED SERVICE AND PARTS. OPEN MON-FRI 8-5 778-2873 At Catcher's Marina, 505 56th St., Holmes Beach Visit our Web site: boatonline.us THE ISLANDER 0 JUNE 15, 2005 0 PAGE 21 Keys stories to share, both good and bad A trip to Key West last week for an annual press association conference has prompted a brief "Sandscript" this week. But there were a few highlights from the Florida Press Association event that may be of interest. First, Max Mayfield is a pretty funny guy. The director of the National Hurricane Center went into some discussion on the "cone of confusion," refer- ring to the wide "possible path" that the center issues for any tropical storm or hurricane and justified his continued use of the "skinny black line" in the middle .-- ; National Hurricane Center Director Max Mayfield, center, made a storm point with Miami Herald, Executive Editor Tom Fieldler, left, and Islander News Editor Paul Roat in Key West last week. Mayfield also was given a copy of The Islander's 2005 hurricane section. Mayfield took note of a picture of a 2 by 4 board that was driven through a palm tree "I took that picture after Hurricane A'ndrew!h" he said with a grin. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy -- -(--. A Tropical Island Vacation in SYour Own Backyard! -s** YOUYou have to see this Property to truly appreciate it's uniqueness. 3BR/2BA custom designed pool home with gourmet 'kitchen. S;x-fool pnvacy fence surrounds this lushly land- scaped, island paradise! Deeded boat slip with dock included so bring your boat Home Warranty provided, Don't miss ihis one' (941) 795-4700 www.brade ntonhomes.net KEY ROYALE HOME Beautiful Key Royale home with family room, formal dining room and eat-in kitchen. Located on the end of canal and across the street from Bay. New tile flooring and kitchen com- pletely remodeled with cherry wood cabinets, corian counter tc.p r. ..:orin.n .r it..ih H.-jt.j p.:..:.I overlooking canal with two-car garage. Fantastic bay view if second addition was added. $1,200,000. SARASOTA BAYVIEW! SUPER LOCATION Duplex or single family home located on Sarasota Bay with gorgeous open water views of mangroves, Intracoastal and bay. Home consists of 4BR/ 4BA, newer kitchen and master bath with jacuzzi tub and two boat docks with vacant lot on *t l.ay. Offered at $959,900. ISLAND CONVENIENCE STORE WITH GAS Super opportunity to own Island business! Offered at: $199,500 & Inventory. Deborah Thrasher -;- RE/MAX Excellence - (941)518-7738 (941) 383-9700 DebMThrash@aol.cum ^- By Paul' .pa . of the forecast path. Mayfield also had a few grim statistics to offer. Last year's four hurricanes that struck Florida spawned 321 tornadoes. Granted, they weren't the massive twisters that plague the Midwestern states, but they were still pretty nasty, he said. He also noted that there were 91 "indirect" deaths caused by the hurricanes not people who were killed by storm surge or having their roof collapse on them, but accidental deaths of people who, for instance, fell off a ladder after the storm when they tried to fix a roof, or died in a car crash attributed to storm debris on the highway. In Florida, 117 people were "directly" killed by hurricanes in.2004. Ouch A Cudjoe Key man had a painful run-in with a Goliath grouper formerly known as a jewfish in the Florida Keys last week. Seems the guy was spearfishing in Florida Bay and had a 100-pound Goliath grouper pretty much hanging on his every move. Suddenly, the 4-foot-long fish lunged at him and pretty much bit his head, lacerating SPECTACULAR VIEW 2BR/2BA Shell Point condominium overlooking the bayou, Key Royale bridge and bay. You'll Ibve it! Features: carport, recreation building, tennis court, putting green, turnkey furnished. Won't last long! $525,000. hJean Holmes Realty 778-2644 cell: 730-7017 INVESTORS GREAT MONEY MAKER orine year old SBR/5BA, four-car garage and elevator Oulide spiral staircase leading down toj luis heated pool area overlooking ,.. Dav Beauiriuly lurnished and tiled t,.i Ihrllughrout Private dock and great fishing. i urrenily reniing for $2,900-$3,900/week wiln ediellenr rental history in place. $2.490.000 virtual tour: www Iireatllur com/mls031305/realtor. .SUTTFON GROUP REALTY his lip, ripping off his mask and regulator, and gener- ally making a mess of his face. He made it to the surface and the boat and, even- tually, to the hospital where he got four stitches in his lip. Goliath grouper are not generally thought to be aggressive. They also can-get to 400 pounds or so, making the 100-pounder pretty moderately sized a good thing for the injured diver. The fish formerly known as jewfish were placed on a protected status list in 1990 due to overfishing and have made a pretty significant comeback since, by the way. Sandscript factoid The National Hurricane Center issues "discus- sions" on hurricanes periodically. Basically, the discus- sions are the forecasters deliberations on the various computer model projections that offer clues as to hur- ricane strength and track. They're available online. Several of us commended Mayfield on providing the model discussions and mentioned that we found them pretty fascinating. He smiled and said that he asked one of the computer programming nerds at the hurricane center how many "hits" the discussions were getting. About 7,000, he was told. That's all? He asked. .. Yeah, "only" 7,000 a minute, he was told. /(em) CANAL FRONT CONDO En.oN breathtaking sunsets- from Nour screened Ijnai o erlookilnr a cajnjl Turn.ke~. furiruhed 2BR 2B A condo ', Ith e et thing sou'd expect and more. Heated pool jnd .pd, tennis courts ind lush tropilcail sunundirngs makes thi- a pclrtec island reEreat. $484,90u. IB#506619. Denise Langlois (941) 751-1155 *(800) 448-6325 ISLAND DUPLEX:Steps to beach. Offered at $715,000 be- fore remodeling continues. Investors and builders bring your imaginations. Gulfviews possible. 2BR/1BA on large corner lot. Anfie Huker, ,n r r (941) 7139835 RA E A OP R NA AAA ui hL, @orhzeihvsrealfyxcom '1~ il AS FEATURED ON BRITISH TELEVISION. Welcome to a one-of-a-kind bayfront paradise! Imaginative and delightfully playful custom home located on the south end of Anna Maria Island just one block from the Gulf. This stunning residence features artisan details throughout, and the creative use of natural materials, light and color blend together to create an authentic work of art. Highlights include a boat dock, new seawall, Indonesian courtyard with spectacular water wall and open pool with waterfall, private and separate guest quarters, hand-tooled teak kitchen cabinets, Australian granite, hand-painted tiles, hand-plastered walls, hand-carved Indian doors, circular stairways arid balconies, and 360-degree water views from the office hide- away. Sarasota MLS #271645, Manatee MLS #505567 Offered at $2,590,000 Virtual Tours & Photos www.skysarasota.comin T SKY Sothel INTERNATIONAL ONLY ONE UNIT LEFT! HURRY BEFORE PRICES GO UP! STILLTIMETO CHOOSE COLORS AND STYLE. Brand ne.v Keyy West slarid style h ome in Holmres Beach .vich tropiil pool hih-end custom finshes, opera, design. 3 F..2 BA Read, In just 3 months' S.R 1273743 Offered at $791,000 a v eq A Wa j AA8J u7 by 366 (948)777 REALTY 3 6 8A ' ' IIIlJI111111 -- L I PAGE 22 0 JUNE 15, 2005 M THE ISLANDER Simply the Best GREAT SETTING with tranquil salt water lagoon on extra lot. 2 blocks to beach. The perfect getaway. 3BR. $595,000 LARGE DUPLEX Wonderful floor plan. Almost 3,000 sf. 2BR/2BA each floor. Views of Gulf and bay. Large verandas for sipping mint juleps and tell- _ng stories. $799,009. LAK(GE KEMOUDIJ HIUME. ZbK/ZBA, new dock and sailboat water. Also features a guest cottage or mother-in-law apartment. Zoned R-2. $1,350,000. SEASIDE GARDENS Waterfront 2BR/2BA. Tile floors. Immaculate move-in condition in the heart of Holmes Beach. $495,000. CUTE AS A BUTTON Remodeled 2BR/2BA. Short walk to beach. Tile floors throughout, large living room and heated pool. $685,000. KEY ROYAL CANAL Remodeled 3BR/2BA, tile throughout, new carpet in bedrooms, all new appli- ances, new kitchen and bathrooms. Canal end with great view to Bimini Bay. Very large lot with room for pool or expansion. $895,000. C.D '.f -.- ~i~rd~3~1i~ IT GULF SANDS CONDOMINIUM Two units avail- able! 2BR/2BA direct Gulffront units, heated pool, open porches to enjoy sunsets and a great location! Turnkey furnished. $899,000 each. -- *,. ... ; P 1 2 ,, ; -." S~B .5 ?,. -. . "La Plage" Anna Maria's newest luxury Gulffront condos ... All Gulffront, security gates, enclosed ga- rages, pool/spa, high ceilings. 3BR/2.5BA, up to 4,200 sf. Starting at $1,875,000. Mike e 800-367-1617 No ma 941-778-6696 Norman lI 3101 GULF DRIVE Realty INC HOLMES BEACH L Wwww.mikenormanrealty.com Property Management, Sales, Vacation Rentals office (941) 798-9191 toll free (888) 774-6880 fax (941) 778-0595 e-mail SurfsideRealty@aol.com www.surfside-realty.us Scott and Tammy Barr 713-7200 Jonathan Wright 812-0239 Robin Cox 73-3169 www.stlanider.org ANNA MARIA REAL ESTATE LLC F Open Sunday June 19, 1-4pm' PTaya Encantafa 6006 gulfDrive #205 (North Building-park in guest spots in garage) 2BR/2BA elegant turnkey furnished condo. Heated pool, Jacuzzis, tennis and under- building parking. Miles of gorgeous walking Beach. $879,900. - PERICO ISLAND CONDO 2BR/2BA-Turnkey condo. Nicely furnished in great Westside location. Close to Anna Maria Island beaches. Heated pool, tennis, clubhouse with fitness room, carport. Short drive to shopping and restau- rants. $359,900. GULFFRONT WATERS EDGE 2BR/2BA Gulffront condo. Fabulous view of Gulf and gorgeous walking beach. Turnkey furnished," updated, ceramic tile. Excellent mid-island location. Pool, secured lobby, under-building parking. One of the Island's finest locations. Call to see. $1,100,000. PLAYA ENCANTADA 2BR/2BA Elegant condo in superb Gulffront com- plex. Beautifully turnkey furnished, totally renovated. This is an outstanding unit in one of the Island's fin- est condominiums. Jacuzzis, tennis, secured heated pool, under-building parking. Gorgeous walking beach. $879,900. GULFFRONT MARTINIQUE NORTH 2BR/2BA Gulffront condo. Beautifully renovated, all new! Ceramic tile, turnkey fur eluxe kitchen, new windows, pow P i ad garage. Pan- oramic vie' ~AE each and from the east balcony, tr ay bridge! Walk to restaurants and shopping center. Elegant! $969,900. TERRA CEIA WATERFRONT 2-3BR/3BA Waterfront home on Terra Ceia.Bay. Updated, open floor plan, new kitchen and master bath, ceramic tile, caged in-ground pool, metal roof, boat dock. Gorgeous view. $739,900. ISLAND TOWNHOUSE 2BR/1.5BA courtyard-patio town house. Central Holmes Beach, very close to shopping, restaurants and beach. Open plan, breakfast bar, front and rear porches,' balcony, renovated. Excellent rental. No condo fees. $469,000. ,DIRECT GULFFRONT CONDO 1BR/1.5BA Seaside Beach House condo. Turnkey furnished in intimate, private complex with gorgeous view of Gulf. Very nicely furnished, Sautillo tile, beau- tiful walking beach, heated pool, excellent rental. $799,900. ANNUAL RENTALS From $700 / month SEASONAL RENTALS Condos/Homes: $500'week / $1,000 month 779-0202 (800) 732-6434 ANNA MARIA ELIB MLS SiCoast REAL ESTATE LLC Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com NEW LISTING! Lakefront villa with 2BR/2BA and one-car garage. Gated, active club community, pools, tennis, clubhouse and only two miles to the Gulf beaches. Asking $ 369,000. Mariluii Trevethan. Realtor www.islander.,org ill-Bay Realty of Anna Maria Inc. ) d 778-7244 9m ~tue 4maotfe4 ""&de, GULFVIEW LUXURY ISLAND HOME Executive Anna Maria home with views of the Gulf of Mexico. Experience paradise in luxury one house off of the beach on a quiet, desirable location. This home offers 3BR/2BA, hardwood flooring, quality doors, windows and fixtures, custom cabinetry, Corian countertops, custom light- ing, dumbwaiter and plenty of storage. Tastefully furnished with a touch of island flavor. Offered at $1,495,000. _ ff- aPr .,. V I . SPECTACULAR INTERIOR UPDATES No detail was overlooked in this 3BR/2BA island home! This home offers awesome gran- ite counters, beautiful travertine natural stone floors, all new ap- pliances, paint, furniture, landscaping and much more! And, it's all less than a block to the beach! Call today for an appointment. $649,900. GULF VIEW TOWNHOME Fabulous Gulf views from this well maintained 2BR/2.5BA turnkey furnished townhome. Large balconies overlook the Gulf from both floors, watch the sunsets every evening! Weekly rentals are allowed and the property has storage and covered parking. $599,000. i f ,,: ^ t- A Al /- ..I. BEST BUY ON LONGBOAT KEYIII 2BR/2BA freestanding villa with wood floors. Private beach access, marina, boat slips. 55- plus. $330,000. SPS ED DELIGHTFUL ISLAND DUPLEX Great location just one block from the beach on a quiet street. Each side has 2BD with screened-in lanai. New landscaping and a fresh look! Great investment or seasonal home with rental unit. $589,000. (800)771-6043 (941)778-7244 5309 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach www.gulfbayrealty.com :r r.. ? " ~F ?'? B 6 THE ISLANDER M JUNE 15, 2005 U PAGE 23 s d Biz By Rick Catlin New at Gulfstream RE/MAX Debbie Detweiler recently joined the sales staff at the Gulfstream RE/ MAX real estate office at 401 Manatee Ave. W. in Holmes Beach. A graduate of the University of South Florida, Detweiler is a 35-year resident of Manatee County and will specialize in residential, luxury; water- front and business properties. To reach Debbie, call 778-7777. Realty raves The top listing agents for May at Wedebrock Real Estate Co. at 3224 E. Bay Drive in Holmes Beach are Dasha Cole of the Holmes Beach office and Mike Migone of the Longboat Key office. The top listingteam was Bruce and Jenine Meyer of the Longboat Key location. The company also named Gail Tutewiler of the Holmes Beach branch as its top selling agent for May, while Tina. Rudek won the honors on Longboat Key. The top sales team was Bruce and Jenine Meyer of Wedebrock's Longboat Key branch. Wagner Realty has named David Moynihan as its top listing agent for Ma\ at its 2217 Gulf Drive N. location in Bradenton Beach, while Dee Dee Burke gained the honor at the company's Longboat Key office. Moynihan was also the sales leader -at the Island office, while Karen Arikerstart took that distinction at the Lorgboat Key branch. Moynihan closed out the hat trick as the leading Island agent in the closed volume category, while Dorothy Cook gained the title on Longboat Key. Perico Islander offers violin lessons Perico Island resident Pamela Green is available to teach violin lessons for in- dividuals and groups beginning June 13 through July 30 at three locations. Green will teach individuals or groups of up to three students. Instruc- tion is open to all ages and skill levels. Students interested in group instruction must be compatible b) age. grade and ability. Lessons are taught in your home or. at two Keyboards & More Studio loca- tions in Bradenton. Fit for a king Geoff Kendrick of Sunset Sail in Cortez recently purchased the 40- foot yacht Lex Sea for sailing trips and other sea adventures. The ship is located at the docks at the Seafood Shack restaurant in Cortez. For more information on a sailing cruise, call 713-8000. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose Individual lessons cost $20 per half hour. Lessons for a group of two cost $14 per person, and groups of three cost $10 per person for a half-hour lesson. To arrange lessons at the studio, call 746-1414. To arrange in-home lessons call or e-mail Green at 794-3145, Pgreen 0@tampabay.rr.com. Green is the Rowlett School Strings teacher and a' member of the Anna Maria Island Chamber Orchestra. Island real estate transactions 1800 Gulf Drive N., Unit 219, La Costa, Bradenton Beach, a 988 sfla / 1,100 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1979 was sold 05/ 17/05, Belford to Oakland Partners LLC for $650,000. 220 Chilson Ave., Anna Maria, a 1,555 sfla / 1,963 sfur 3bed/2bath canal home built in 1957 on a 75x148 lot was sold 05/18/05, Kallins to Parking Company for $634,000; list $649,900. 6506 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, two vacant 50x108 lots were sold 05/06/05; Davis to Beach Inn Partners III LLC for $610,000. 6300 Marina Drive, Unit 5B, Island Walk, Holmes Beach, a 1,875 sfla 3bed/ 2.5bath condo built in 2004 was sold 05/17/ 05, Island Properties to Wessels for $595,000; list $595,000. 150 Cresent Drive, Anna Maria, a 1;765 sfla / 2,411 sfur 3bed/2bath/1carlake home built in 1960 on a 71 x114 lot was sold 05/17/ 05, Green to Buck for $550,000. list $569,000. 2502 Gulf Drive N., Unit 104, Club Bam- boo, Bradenton Beach, a 735 sfur Ibed/ 1bath Gulffront condo built in 1975 was sold 05/16/05, HTMM LLC. to Tolentino for $539,000. 312 61st St., Holmes Beach, a 1,054 sfla / 1,419 sfur 2bed/1bath home built in 1950 on a 90x101 lot was sold 05/17/05, Zemis to Island Restoration 4 LLC. for $525,000. 501 Gulf Drive N:, Unit 305,.Bridgeport, Bradenton Beach, a 1,128 sfla /1,198 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1982 was sold 05/ 16/05, Mitchell to Pugh for $420,000; list $439,000. PLEASE SEE BIZ, NEXT PAGE FLORIDANA $69,900 2BR/2BA mobile home in a pets and children friendly park! Community pool and clubhouse. Washer/dryer. IB 507060. 6016 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton (941) 751-1155 (800) 778-8448 Visit our Web site at www.floridamoves.com OLD BRIDGE VIL LARGE 0 N For all your buying and selling needs, call Sue Carlson or Dennis Clark - An Island Place Realty - 1 941-779-9320 J 4 I P, Apnnj a Mi .i s 3*.>.- S A ~I A S 0) 'I' A B AY s A W~ofdetful11-iltofLi feL :i~L i -ill it, III~ I ,r,-,, I III Ir I cjl1111. 1 i~ It I 1 Va I lk I I, 17 s ~ c ".C' Direct Gulffront Charming cottage built on low-rise pilings in 1955...ideal for Gulfside and ahead of it's time with a lovely open plan, beamed ceilings plus bedrooms with private, direct Gulf views! Later renovation provides bright kitchen with breakfast nook and lovely deck for outdoor din- ing and beach access. In "quaint" Anna Maria and a true tropical island getaway! Owner motivated, submit an offer. Asking $1,500,000. SMaria SINCE 1957 "We ARE the Island!" Marie Franklin, Lie. Real Estate Broker 941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250 E-mail amrealty@verizon.net Web site www.annamariareal.com PAGE 24 N JUNE 15, 2005 E THE ISLANDER Island Biz CONTINUED FROM PAGE 23 1801 Gulf Drive N., Unit 238, Runaway Bay, Bradenton Beach, a 1,080-sfla /1,140 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1978 was sold 05/19/05, Hawkins to Pennewill for $379,000; list $384,900. 1603 Guld Drive N., Unit 6, Tradewinds, Bradenton Beach, a 540 sfur lbed/1bath condo built in 1971 was sold 05/20/05, Rico Stellco Investments LLC. to Fields for $375,000. 2310 Gulf Drive N., Unit 202,, Shell Cove, Bradenton Beach, a 507 sfur 1bed/ bath condo built in 1981 was sold 05/17/05, Eldridge to Arnold for $310,000. 7300 Gulf Drive, Unit 6, La Casa Costiera, Holmes Beach, a condo built in 2005 was sold 06/03/05, La Casa Costiera LLC to Wendt for $1,500,000. 310 Tarpon St., Anna Maria, a 1,926 sfla / 1,945 sfur 3bed/3bath/3car canalfront pool home built in 1993 on a 75x115 lot was sold 06/02/05, Huggins to Langmaack for $960,000; list $995,000. 2600 Gulf Drive N., Unit 22, Anna Maria, Island Club, Bradenton Beach, a 1,179 sfla / 1,339 sfur 2bed/2bath gulffront condo built in 1984 was sold 06/01/05, Crotalus Proper- ties LLC. to Webb for $950,000. 12101 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria, a 820 sfla / 1,044 sfur 2bed/1bath home built in 1926 on a 50x105 lot was sold 06/03/05, Tanner to Sullivan for $912,500; list $950,000. 113 Hammock Road, Anna Maria, a 2,366 sfla / 3,630 sfur 3bed/3bath/2 car home built in 2003 on a 6,328sq/ft lot was sold 06/01/05, Newnham to Mock for $820,000; list $825,000. 1007 Gulf Drive N., Unit 103, Summer Sands, Bradenton Beach, a 1,536 sfla / 2,045 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1982 *. was sold 06/02/05, Bausman to Calabrese for $815,000. 507 67th St., Holmes Beach, a 1,469 sfla / 2,418 sfur 3bed/2bath/2car canalfront home built in 1972 on a 80x111 lot was sold 06/02/05, laniri to Philp for $720,000; list $729,900: 1BR/1BA CONDO in fabulous Tradewinds Resort. Fan- tastic income. Pool, on-site management. This Gulffront unit is a very short walk to the beach. $385,000. Oswald Trippe and Company sponsored the June 8 new members breakfast for the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce at the Sun House Restaurant in Bradenton Beach. New members included, front row, left to right, Harry and Lynn Christensen of Harry's Continental Kitchens and Alice Domey of Splash Graphics. Back row, left to right, Karen Cunningham of Anna Maria Island . House, Kathleen Cowen of Island Dreams, David Teitelbaum of Teitelbaum Development, Steve Watson of Prudential Palms Realty and Ronald Fisher of Sea Pirate No. 6 vacation rental. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose Allison joins Oswald Trippe Chad Allison is the new branch manager of the Holmes Beach office of Oswald Trippe and Company Inc., a full-service independent insurance agency. He is also for all aspects of branch operations as well as agency development. Allison spent the past 11 years with a Dayton, Ohio, insurance firm, most recently as executive vice president. A graduate of Ohio University, he is an active member of Professional Insurance Agents and hictipt intent Insurance Agents. Oswald Trippe's Holmes Beach office is at 5203 GulfDrive, Holmes Beach. To reach Allison, call 778-2206. 201 76th St., Holmes Beach, a 1,456 sfla /.2,007 sfur 4bed/2bath duplex built in 1951 on a 7,623 sq/ft lot was sold 06/02/05, Brown to Essex & Suffolk Lettings Ltd. For $665,000; list $675,000. 308 63rd St., Holmes Beach, a 1,740 sfia / 1,756 sfur 4bed/4bath duplex built in 1977 on a 85x110 lot was sold 06/02/05, Robinson to Riccio for $640,000. 801 Fern St., Anna Maria, a 1,536 sfla /1,773 sfur 4bed/2bath duplex built in 1968 on a 50x100 lot was sold 06/02/05, Wright to Rodriguez for $629,000. 509 65th St., Holmes Beach, a 1,852 Gulf-Bay Realty of Aiu, 1 ia.. Inc. S 5309 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, FL 34217 (941) 778-7244 '"A" ' Fabulous Gulf views from this well-maintained 2BR/2.5BA turnkey furnished townhome. Large balconies overlook the Gulf from both floors. Weekly rentals are allowed and the property has storage, hurri- cane shutters and covered parking. A great value at $599,000. Call Jesse Brisson at (941) 713-4755 for more info S, .o ,, **, www.islander.org Gabe Buky 941-374-5772 Bay, Bradenton Beach, a 1,080 sfla / 1,140 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1978 was sold 06/01.05, Bedel Io Pate for $364,900; list $369.900. 404 Manatee Ave., Holmes Beach, a 65x100 lot was sold 05/31/05, Caberea to Hanson for $350,000; list $350,000. S6300 Flotilla Drive, Unit 77,, Shell Point, Holmes. Beach, a 1,436 sfur 3bed/3bath condo built in 1973 was sold 06/02/05, Melvin to Field for $350'000: list $359,000. Compiled by Jesse Brisson. broker asso- ciate at Gulf-Bay Realty of Holmes Beach. He Scan be reached at (94 1) 713-4755 direct, orat Gulf-Bay (941) 778-7244. Current Island,real Estate transactions may also be viewed on the Web at islander.org. Copyright 2005. E L .. Ml ,/ ',-. ^ H. C '). -_ . Best Team! Charles Buky Best Properties! 941-228-6086 FOR SALE Mn rmrlu Mike 800-367-1617 941-778-6696 Norman 3101 GULF DRIVE Realty INC wwHOLMES BEACH ~ INC www mikenormanrefalIL c.:.on' a vr% *rrIZj Ay Trader Jack's Property Over 400 feet on the Gulf Zoned for hotel/ motel/ restaurant $25,000,000 **', *. .- .. ANNA MARIA ISLAND -14C0 seps to while sand tbejach rm r iths 2BR,2BA elevated norne Gorgeous sunsets, bejch and 'adier ,i I.Ws! Turrni'e lurrnshed Grail inri smtnini properl:t ijr hrome $1 429 000 ..., . a ANNA MARIA ISLAND Bjy :jn3airrir ri:ome .arh 1 5 riet on the water. Quality renovation throughout this spacious 4BR home. Wood-burning fireplace, pool, dock, lift and deep water. Reduced. $1 795,000. There are 42 homes for sale that are canal, bay or beachfront, starting at $395,000. (941) 387-1864 Coldwell Banker Previews Residential R.E. Inc. 201 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key FL 34229 sfla / 2,360 sfur 2bed/2bath/2car canalfront home built in 1972 on a 90x94 lot was sold 06/02/05, Kelly to Mattick for $625,000. 2408 Avenue A, Bradenton Beach, a 1,320 sfia / 2,235 sfur 2bed/2bath home built in 1978 on a 50x100 lot was sold 06/01/05, McDonald to Crotalus Properties LLC for $595,000; list $625,000. 2906 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, a 894 sfla /1,208 sfue 2bed/1 bath home built in 1952 on a 50x100 lot was sold 06/01/05, Sheckler to Sturchio for $422,000; list $429,000. 106 23rd St. N., Bradenton Beach a 1,097 sfur 2bed/1 bath/i car pool home built in 1950 on a 42x100 lot was sold 06/01/05, Budzinski to McDonald for $390,000. 1801 Gulf Drive N., Unit 211, Runaway - - -- - - - THE ISLANDER 5 JUNE 15, 2005 5 PAGE 25 L A N-DE AC-.A- -F.IE, IE FRAIG AEASoieBSE OP T I r~i--J F- F. J [-1!'_! q- THREE-PIECE SET: Queen sleeper sofa, match- ing corner table and chair. Good condition. $200. (941) 778-4406. TWO OCEAN KAYAKS, sit-on top, $125 each. Walden Paddler, $250, firm. (941) 778-1086. FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp, crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call James. Lee, (941) 795-1112 or 704-8421. ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open Tuesday, Thursday,; 9:30am-2pm. Saturday, 9am-noon. Always sales racks. Pine Avenue, Anna Maria. (941) 779-2733. SALE AT NIKI'S Gifts & Antiques. Weekly specials: large silver sand dollar pendants 55- percent off; 14-karat gold pendants, rubies and emeralds 60 percent off; all sterling jewelry 50 percent off; large selection of gifts, antiques, art, furniture and vintage jewelry 50 to 70 percent off. Open seven days, 9:30am-5pm. (941) 779-0729. 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. MOVING SALE: 8am-2pm Friday-Saturday, June 17-18. Like new furniture and things. 602 Baronet. Lane on Key Royale. GARAGE SALE: 8am-1pm, Thursday-Saturday, June 16-18. Quality children's clothing, maternity, lots of toys and other good stuff. 306 63rd St., Holmes Beach. MOVING SALE: 8am-noon June 18. Lots of stuff! 7304 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. ESTATE SALE: 9am-2pm Saturday, June 18. Mid- 19th century cupboard, cherry drop-leaf table, lad- der back chairs. Eastlake arm chair, carved Indian table, step walnut chest and Victorian dresser, seven quilts, cut and pressed glass, Towle flat- ware, sterbng silver items, floral-decorated front desk, table and chair, camel-back loveseat, cups and saucers, pictures, lamps and interesting ga- rage items. 242 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach, north of St. Bernard Church. Sale by Julie McClure. REWARD FOR information in the Waterfront Restaurant arson fire: Call the State Fire Marshal, Bureau of Fire & Arson Investigations in Tampa, (813) 890-1904. ANNA MARIA ISLAND SCREENSAVER! Experience the Island on your computer desktop. Available at The Islander, or purchase online or order by mail. $12 PC or $15 Mac. www.robertsondesigristudio.com. BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a personalized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park. Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Pick up form at The Islander or call (941) 518-4431 for more information. FREE GUN LOCK. Yes, free. Just for the asking. Courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Free at The Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be sorry, be safe. GIFT SHOP: Great mom-and-pop opportunity in outstanding resort area. Good location, good lease. Just $238,000, including inventory. Confidentiality agreement required for details. Longview Realty, (941) 383-6112. CRITTER SITTER nine years in pet care. 24 years as an Island resident. Lots of TLC for your beloved pets with in-home visits. (941) 778-6000. FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED for loving homes to foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough for adoption. All food and medical pro- vided. Julie, (941) 720-1411. ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes. All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened. Please call (941) 922-0774. 1993 DODGE DAKOTA: Club cab, topper, towing package, cold air. 90,000 miles. $2,000 or best offer. (941) 778-6387. SAILBOAT FOR SALE: 1990 32-foot Beneteau, 17-hp diesel inboard, furling jib, safety equipment, propane stove, radio, VHF. Bimini over cockpit. (863) 646-2452. BOAT SLIP NEEDED for 4 1/2-foot draft sailboat. Holmes Beach or Anna Maria. Power and water availability preferred. (863) 646-2452. CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org ! -VI A '[tJ-I i i-_____ Superlative craftsmanship enhances these 3BR/3BA land condos with 2.300+ sf of smart-wired living space, den/fourth bedroom, three ve- randas, granite coumertops, wood flooring, nine-foot ceilings, crown molding and two-car garage. Grand master suite with private retreat, his/her watk-n closets, dual sink vanity. glass-block shower and Jacuzzi cub. Two to choose from starting at $795.900. SIDE-BY-SIDE LAKEFRONT PROPERTIES IN ANNA MARIA! BUY ONE OR BOTH! Island living at it's finest! Walk to the beach, relax by your private heated 28x17-foot pool or enjoy sparking Gulf and bay views from open decks on all levels. Tastefully renovated within the last five years with Cooks kitchen, new washer/dryer and new air conditioning. Pris- tine 2BR/3BA ownhouse with hardwood floors and carpeted bed- rooms. Enormous screened porch off living area with stairs to pool and gardens. Come see this one! A good buy at $645,000. Call Liz Codola, Realtor 941-819-3455 , Real Esta Inc.' lt* .-:k; \ *.lfree866-17"*93QX' 4'. ,a ;':!;" .. ,v S ," - ... .. .. .J Why buy "half" when you can have entire duplex for the same price? 302 North Shore Dr :'BR3BA with 300 North Shore Dr 4BR/2.5BA. 1 BR/1 BA apartment. Five-car garage, duplex with five-car garage. Private one short block to beach, direct beach open decks, large picture windows, access, peeks of Gulf. Move-in condition, great views of lake. Asking Seawall and dock. Zoned duplex. Extras! $750,000. MLS 502297. Asking $850,000. MLS 502321. Call Stephanie Bell, (941) 920-5156, or Frank Migliore, (941) 778-2307. B KGU E I B I E I E I ? E A H ! F rfrh rinformT a ti on,[ca ll o r visit u online 1-0030 96 77 -2 0 SERVING THE AREA SINCE 1970 MLS Sweeping Gulf views from this 3BR/2BA home with a brand new pool. Perfect family beach house on desirable north end. Just steps to the beach. Offered at $1,295,000. Call Green Real Estate today! 'een REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA ., 941 778-0455 Ken Jackson, 778-6986 9906 Gulf Drive Kathy Geeraerts, 778-0072 Anna Maria Maureen Dahms, 778-0542 www.greenreal.com Marilyn Klemish, 778-7627 Property Management and Leasing Manatee MLS as of 06/01/05 Total Island Properties For Sale: 199 (SFR, Condo. Duplex.) Median Price: $829,500 -o.q Judy Karkhoff Realtor Total Pending: 126 Median Price: $699,000 Total Sold Since 1/1/05:191 Median Price: $560,000 Call us for Annual and Seasonal Rentals IM/A VGulfstream 9/F i7 Realty e 941-778-7777 866-266-9911 Realtor attended Anna Maria Elementary School. University of MN (BA) and UCLA Business School I , ~pB$l~aa~i~s~a*-~I~Ps~~a~Ei~Pr~sPaasrar~ 7 ~54~t~f :~:i: PAGE 26 M JUNE 15, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER 7MH P AT 42 J b' f T 2002 SEA RAY 182 Bowrider, like new! 18 foot, 6 inches. 190-hp stern drive, seats seven, tons of fun! Call (941) 778-6234, or e-mail kendra@presswoodlaw.com. $12,900 or best offer. LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day. backwa- ter fishing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle pro- vided. (941) 723-1107. REAL ESTATE: Tired of paying office fees? Two experienced agents needed for fast-paced, high traffic Island office. Top splits, sign-on bonus. Gall Wedebrock Real Estate today! "Personalized, not franchised." Call Joe Pickett, (941),383-5543. NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restaurant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call (941) 778-3953. SALL POSITIONS: Caf6 on the Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Apply in person. SALES ASSOCIATE: Seeking reliable individual [or busy hardware store, must enjoy working with customers. Full-and, part-time positions available. No evenings. Apply in person at Home True Value Hardware, 5324 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. FULL-TIME MAINTENANCE person for Longboat Key resort. Must have reliable transportation and work Saturdays. Good pay and benefits. Call (941) 383-2428 for appointment. HELP WANTED: RELIABLE teenager to do yard S work, minor digging, etc. Several mornings per week during the summer. Call Tom for details. (941) 778-0033. SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander. LTD MORTGAGE INC. The Oldest Mortgage Co; on Anna Maria Island Linda G. Davis Ted E. Davis Licensed Mortgage Brokers Conforming and jumbo loans. 1st and 2nd mortgages. No closing cost home equity lines of credit. 100% purchase money mortgages. Residential and commercial mortgages. Private money available for those hard-to-place loans. (941) 779-2113 S502 72nd Street Holmes Beach 5.; - i i ~I r. p : :.:--I ---' .1 'r~ LAWN MAINTENANCE HELP for Island company. Full, part-time possible. Experience preferred, not required. Good pay and advancement opportunities.- SCall (941) 284-1568. PART-TIME SERVER and dishwasher needed for busy Island restaurant. Apply at Fit to Eat, 5315 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-0411. BUSY. CONTINENTAL RESTAURANT-hiring full- or part-time servers for lunch, Sunday brunch and dinner. Wednesday-Sunday. Apply at 5406 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or call (941) 778-5320. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Meet interesting people, learn the history of the Island. Anna Maria Island Historical Museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. (941) 778-0492. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Tingley Memorial -Library. Duties include checking books in/out, Sreshelving, and generally assisting library patrons. Call Eveann Adams, (941) 779-1208. . CHILD SITTER AND PET SITTER. Ninth-grade male looking for a job. Available after school and weekends. Zachary, (941) 779-9783. SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and intermediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10 per half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended. Local teen, team competitor. Call (941).778-0944. BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, (941) 756 5496. NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia, (941) 761-1569. Red Cross certified, FISHING FOR a good deal? Look in The Islander, 778-7978. SAMY GORDAN S,.- REALTORR" The 'f*. Dedicated to service Expertise in renovation and rehabilitation properties. Island, waterfront and ;ijr.^ l area lifestyle specialist. Contact Amy at Sf (941) 779-1811 for all of ,i.- your REAL ESTATE needs! JEWEL of Gulf Coast Real Estate 1 101Guf Div Nrth- raentn eah '.1l~r I' .1~ CLI.1I iciijp f r n ii i b .) y I i if a d Jl:n r 1: i:q I C iplul yi L-KI'li I ho ri -' I 3,:ili3r p. d fl'1'ni'Ofereid dl t$3500 000 -- ir u-,,f-rI,,irr .,iii,rI ijpI. tnri:.mhI~.I.Il,-r 4 D:n:q ,rli :,1 hij. in,n -r ~ .inftnanuA-31- Offered at S2.z0,0 Elevated rn Iq-hinaStyle Hopnes -ii9~a-Jl S^iAXBSH~i&A'* i Eai 'S r~a ^ .** .f~a --fII~aff)SBIB^ rjr no or pr, I- I if, ir ii, i ion or, A rin lll 11fil : him. Jr jfl) : ~ill, 1: 1:11ii 1ti Or ( 1 :11:11 1111 ju wt.. ivrrv ~il~j-: pool %or, ourl~j( :lol-Qf p j I i I r p r, T r,-" I- j 11,- rvi Sromng a[tS.-99h00 The Gardenia rlliriari E ,ri inr:iiC "v.'ilh riv r l1 ,, n n oi Iu ur ,jii,, : h r) .-p. :. Ij8 rqii-,'u:. w l, 3e,- d sui iis: pou l ,ra' ju', Sii mort oii:ur gu .i a t $ 1pI, ol only lour unil Starting at $1,100,000 The Hibiscus i e *.jinrini I~nnrs mnilal ill w I u, jri Pu J nmdnrnio jing I vnj'f E* ul.:mr, d niii-h r, Ii u r P ii ji r~ ra! niI i t j. im..m tic 'r n-re r iI,- i.iiiiin oin] pii ur i j-' nu i r T c3 II qja~lpin' ,oinlh j rnnnlu.- [unuph ifl IirE ,, i 'Tnro p. tflnnn Starring atS9500 ij jll -jCiI.i Qi C t-,nn riij in, i .pi,~l C.p 811i 9Liiji ,j,,,lrl Ort~ru~l it f~J ?i4i rCC SANDBAGS DELIVERED: Be prepared. Local teen will make and deliver sandbags to your Island residence. Spencer, (941) 778-0944 to, order. MAN WITH SHOVEL Plantings, natives, patio gardens, trimming, clean-up, edgings, maintenance. Hard-working and responsible. Excellent references. Edward (941) 778-3222. LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appointments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine Car Service. Serving-the Islands. (941) 778-5476. COMPUTER OBEDIENCE TRAINING. Is your computer misbehaving? Certified computer service and private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. (941) 545-7508. ISLAND PRESSURE CLEANING for great results, wash away-mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable, reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. (941) 778-0944. CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist. Experienced certified technician for communica- tion electronics offers wireless and cable networks, upgrades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and train- ing. Call Robert, (941) 778-3620. CALL DAN'S RESCREEN for your free estimate today. Affordable rates, quality work guaranteed. Pool cages, lanais,, windows, doors. Call (941) 713-5333. BAREFOOT ESTATE MANAGEMENT: Home management/watch, housekeeping, maintenance. (941) 730-5318. THE ISLANDER. The best news on Anna Maria Island since 1992.. ! THOIJDU JL' S OF HiD.1ES eONE ADDRESS WW.MICHAELSALNDERS.COM TIDY ISLAND TOWNHOME "Eclipse" HAWTHORNE PARKBEAUTY has it all! model w/3100 SFof living area, extended 4-5BR/3.5BA pool home w/newer carpet, glass conservatory & upgrades. Unique granite,lanai, large private backyard, Sarasota Bay waterfront community with 3-car garage. $725,000. Jody Shinn, 24 hr. gated entry. $779,000. Ruth 748-6300 or 705-5704. 508713 Lawler, 748-6300 or 587-4623. 508295 * ..-... < . PANORAMIC VIEWS of Terra Ceia Bay.Glass-enclosed lanai. 2BR condo in a gated golf course community that offers a clubhouse, exercise room, heated pool/spa, tennis & a fishing pier. $375,000. Jody Shinn, 748-6300 or 705-5704. 508210 BEAUTIFULLY UPDATED condo 2-3BR located in Terra Ceia! Glassed lanai offers scenic water views. Extensive tile & remodeled kitchen. $249,900. Kathy Valente, 685-6767 or 748-6300.509228 SPECTACULAR & SERENE 10+ acre waterfront estate on Terra Ceia Island. Breathtak- ing views from all decks. $1,950,000. Ruth Lawler, 748-6300 or 587-4623. 502892 BAYFRONT home w/full views of Terra Ceia Bay. 3-4BR open plan home.Private dock.Sailboat water. $1,795,000. Jody.Shinn, 748-6300 or 705-5704. 506922 TWO BAYFRONT LOTS on Palma Sola Bay w/magnificent views. Possible owner financ- ing to qualified buyer. $1,150,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. 507879 TRADITIONAL NW Bradenton 4BR pool home.Wood, tile & carpet throughout. Remod- eled kitchen.3-car garage. $750,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. 508754 BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME on this lot w/open water views of Palma Sola Bay. $550,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. 507880 WATERFRONT HOMESITE Build your dream home overlooking Terra Ceia Approx. 1.4 acres on preserve. $475,000. Ruth Lawler, 748-6300 or 587-4623. 507350 PRIME LOCATION, 3BR pool home. Situated on over 1/3 acre w/circle drive & lush lawn. $438,900. Ruth Lawler, 748-6300 or 587-4623. 509415. LOVELY 3BR/2.5BA.home w/a fireplace & 2 lanais. Unique waterfront community. $399,900. 748-6300. Kathy Marcinko, 713-1100 or Sandy Drapala, 725-0781.508200 CHARMING 3BR home. Ceramic tile, a separate attached "artists" studio, 2-screened porches $252,900. Victoria Horstmann, 748-6300 or 518-1278. 508204 Exclu I sive iffliaeIo F. MUM!,Kay lL.-l428." -Irl~iL D-k ~ul~ty ~LL I~ ;l 9ra(41Y35543 (80010 3 5-55 3-- - ---- Wvvw - I I I Ir-_r--- --~--~-~---I-----_ --_- i~--- -- --.; I" I i , r- r 1 -i ;r,.- -,~ ' THE ISLANDER U JUNE 15, 2005 M PAGE 27 =(;-I a[#=& ,L1z;I,[. Xf-T TOM'S WINDOWS: Door and window repair/re- placement. Plus, get your hurricane panels now! Cut, primed and installed with easy-mount fasten- ers. $78/sheet, first story. (941) 730-1399. E-mail metrohs@msn.com. MR. BILL'S HOME REPAIR/maintenance service. Over 30 years experience, self-employed in construction trades. "I'm handy to have around." (941) 778-4561. MIKE & KATHY'S Cleaning Service: Providing a standard of excellence for all your interior, exterior and window cleaning needs. Residential or vacation rentals. (941) 722-4358. 'ELITE SERVICE PROFESSIONALS: Providing quality commercial and residential cleaning services, party help, bartending, etc. Call Maria and Steven, (941) 753-9906. DO YOU NEED tree work done on your property? We can help! Call Lew, (941) 755-5559. Serving the Island seven years. MARK'S PRESSURE Washing and detail service: Residential, Marine, RV. Best prices guaranteed with written estimate! Mark Scaperotta, (941) 544-1066. J&S CLEANING: Rentals, move-ins, move-outs, hotels, inns, residential, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or one-time cleaning. Reasonable rates; Reliable, local references. Call (941) 538-9092 or - 448-7072. FIND IT! BUY IT! SELL IT FAST! In The Islander. This pampered beauty is only 225 yards from the beach. The main house is 2BD/2BA, updated with lots of extras, very private patio with a covered Jacuzzi. Attached mother-in-law apartment, 1BR/ 1BA, living room, patio and separate entry. Offered at $649,900. Ramona Glanz '" ) RE/MAX Excellence ..; -(941) 383-9700 L ramona@ramonaglanz.coni BEST ON THE Island! Immaculate cleaning, .detailing and decorating. Call Sandy for unbeat- able service. Residential or commercial. (941) 798-9484. PRESSURE WASH, EXTERIOR painting, roof cleaning and coating. Free estimates. Call John or Steve for quality workmanship, (941) 721-8037. I LIVE ON the Island and can help you! Cheap rates for doctor appointments, grocery runs, Sarasota airport runs, pet sitting/walking, gardening and cleaning. No job too small! (941) 803-0610. PHOTOGRAPHER: Kelley Ragan. Custom portraits, weddings, beach photography. (941) 447-8892. MURALIST, Mark Burdette. Custom murals, interior or exterior, landscapes.and more. (941) 447-9637. MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet. Beginning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, (941) 792-0160. BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigeration. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call William Eller, (941) 795-7411. RA005052. ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional creates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www.jackelka.com. (941) 778-2711. TMi6 Islander Offering Islanders free engagement and wedding notices since 1992. The fbslen Team S Professional REALTORS representing '" n SL. Jl buyers and sellers with Heather Absten, P.A. H honesty, Jennifer Absten, P.A. 941-807-4661 i te P 941-345-7002 HEa!herAbrstenig),ahooco. n Jer.nierAbster I'mr. cor Results ! Brand New Construction Under $800,000 with Pool Two new Key West-style town homes under construction. 3BR/2.5BA, two-car garage, metal roof, hardy plank siding, Evergrain decking, granite counters, high ceilings and two-zone air conditioning $799,000. Call for more details! GULFVIEW ARCHITECT'S DREAM HOME SExecutive Anna Maria home with views of the Gulf of ' IMexico. Experience paradise in luxury one house off the Beach on a quiet, desirable location. This home offers 3BR/ V" . S2BA, hardwood flooring, quality doors, windows and fixtures, custom cabinetry, Coriari breakfast bar, custom Slighting, dumbwaiter and plenty of storage. Tastefully fur- nished with a touch of island flavor. Offered at $1,495,000. RENOVATED BEACH HOUSE WITH POOL! 300 feet from the beach! Completely renovated home with heated pool surrounded by lush, tropical land- .- -, scaping. Beautiful flooring, natural stone and red Oak. :......: *:-"-':', Tastefully turnkey furnished. Perfect vacation "''"". i I get-a-way and seasonal rental. $799,000. I ulf-Bay Realty of Anna Maria Inc. 5309 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach 7bC (t e 4#uca4t~et "44ie4 NADIA'S-EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing massage in the comfort of your home. Call today for an appointment, (941) 795-0887. MA#0017550. TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years experience. References available. For a reasonable price, call Sebastian, (941) 704-6719. AUTO DETAILING BY HAND Spotless inside and out. I can save you time and money. Island resident, references. For pricing, call (941) 713-5967. CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, landscaping, cleanup, hauling and .more! Insured. (941) 778-5294. ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. If it is broken, we can fix it. Free estimates. Senior discount. Call (941) 778-2581 or 962-6238. JR'S LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE Lawns, native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanups. Island resident 25 years. Call (941) 807-1015. PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN and installation. Huge selection of plants, shrubs and trees. Irrigation. Everything Under the Sun Garden Centre, 5704 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-4441. CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org ! Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor 778-0455 reen REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA --. www.greenreal.com 93ety K Maista6te SALES & RENTALS 419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 P0 Box 2150 (941) 778-2291 ;EVENINGS 778-2632 -FAX (941) 778-2294 ATTENTION BUILDERS! RARE AND WONDERFUL WATERFRONT LOCATION IN ANNA MARIA VILLAGE! -A )wt - . :""~ "^ .... '5l . This 3BR/2BA handyman special is situated on a wonderful 75x148-foot canalfront lot, just one home from sparkling Bimini Bay! The secluded location at the end of Oak Avenue offers water views from both the front and back yards..There is already a pretty heated swimming pool and boat dock in place. The existing home offers vaulted ceilings, paneling and a split bedroom floor plan. Potential plus for a complete renovation or for building new on an incredible, high and dry waterfront lot! Priced at $859,000 as is. S BAY VIEW BEAUTY s e ls i.".ao t" aI " This newly listed impeccably appointed 3BR/2BA residence has been immaculately maintained and offers breathtaking views of Tampa Bay from all major rooms! Ceramic tiled floors, spacious gour- met kitchen with white custom cabinetry and top of the line appliances. Plus built-in bookcases and recessed lighting, Bermuda shutters, 3M window film and a fabulous bayside master suite complete with double vanity, deep tub and expansive walk-in closet. Beautifully landscaped yard, cozy secret garden and two bayside decks plus a private screened lanai. Priced at $1,195,000. Dbn't miss it! SV"DEOIUR" Visit our Web site at www.betsyhills.com BROCHURE V1.. .-1 PAGE 28 0 JUNE 15, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Sandy's Lawn Service Inc. Sandy'S Established in 1983 Sawn Celebrating 20 Years of Service Quality & Dependable Service. S e Call us for your landscape 7781345 and hardscape need. J ^ ^Licensed & Insured 1 vR II Y PfIITIIII v Residential Commercial Check our references: '- - "Quality-work at a reasonable price." Licensed/Insured Serving Anna Maria Island Since 1986 761-8900 Paradise Improvements 778-4173 ,. Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist SReplacement Doors and Windows -TI' Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault -- IE Fully Licensed and Insured Island References Lic#CBC056755 WAGNEW REALTY ' 61 9C 9392217 GULI DRIVE NORTiH I 1- ,.i 11 1 7 ... - 61IC\ 39- -IADOLD -M1ALL E-LT,:,R.. Office: (941) 778-224-.* ~ -92-t.2. E-mail: haroldsmall@wagrierrielly I::", BAY WEST E LAUNDRY On vacation or just hate doing laundry? Why bother? BAY WEST WILL PICK-UP, LAUNDER AND DELIVER. Full Service Wash/Dry/Fold/lron PU/Delivery Self Service Cool & Clean 627 59th St. W. Bradenton 720-3622 FIVE STAR AUTO BODY Dodge Volkswagen Hyundai General Motors SEuropean Asian Specialist (941) 751-0122 or 756-5152 4901 15th Street East Brodenlon .... i SCREEN N I F l'ai; RESCREENING POOL CAGES, LANAIS, ETC. (941) 962-0395 Free Estimates 3-Year Warranty with Complete Rescreens We use only professional equipment and #1 quality Phifer screen MC & Visa Accepted Financing Available * We service all makes/Flat rate pricing * Free replacement estimates . * Indoor air quality-UV, Hepa, Duct sanitizing *Maintenance (941) 746-4191 OCEAN-AIRE CONDITIONING, INRC. RA0034333 VL' EXPERTS Retired Class "A" Building Contractor experienced in custom tile and light carpentry. No job is too small. Creative and easy to work with.. "I love working with my. tools" CallAI (941)748-6146 ( 5G4&ai#1ydit A'^ Anyone can take . a picture., A professional creates a portrait. SELKA SPHOTOGRAPHICS S941-778-2711 www.jackelka.com SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $35/yard. Hauling: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free estimates. Call Larry at (941) 795-7775, "shell phone" (941)720-077Q. KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean- ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City of Anna Maria resident. Cell (941) 448-3857. NATURE'S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residential and commercial. 30-years experience. (941) 729-9381. STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Installs, clean- ups, shell, rock, palms, aquascapes, tree work. -Truck for hire, move anything. Shark Mark (941) 727-5066. VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Is- land references. Bill, (941) 795-5100. JOE UNGVARSKY CONSTRUCTION Remodeling contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed and insured. Many Island references. (941) 778-2993. License #CRC 035261. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING free estimates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at (941) 778-1730. CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island service since 1975. Repairs.and new construction. Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certify- ing back flow at water meters. (FL#RF0038118) (941) 778-3924 or 778-4461. TILE TILE TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied and installed. Quality.workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, (941) 726-3077. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remodeling, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794. CUSTOM RENOVATION/RESTORATION expert. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Insured. Member of Better Business Bureau. Paul Beauregard, (941) 779-2294. KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements' Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and shutters. Insured and licensed, (941) 748-4711. TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed. Why pay retail? Island resident, many references. Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor Coverings. (941) 792-1367, or 726-1802. MASON: 27 YEARS of experience. All masonry work and repair. Cinderblock work, brick work, glass block work, paver and brick driveways. Call Chris, (941) 795-3034. License #104776. Insured. MORENO MARBLE & TILE Installation and restoration. Quality work. Over 20 years experience. Insured. Call Javier at (941) 685-5163 or 795-6615. JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy- man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pressure washing and tree trimming. Call (941) 778-6170 or 447-2198. ONLINE SERVICE: Did you know you can place classified ads and subscribe online with our secure server? Check it out at www.islander.org, where you can read Wednesday's classified at noon on Tuesday. HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICE: Bill MacCaughern. Repairs, renovations, kitchens, bathrooms, decks. Masonry, tile, painting. 30 years experience. Yes, I do show up! (941) 778-3904.' INTERIOR SURFACE RENOVATION: Drywall repairs, hand, and spray texturing, acoustic ceilings, painting, tiling and shower doors. Clean, honest, reliable. Free estimate. Credit cards accepted. F.A.W. Remodeling, (941) 586-4695. WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more. Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in-home consultation. Island references, 15 years experience. (941) 778-3526 or 730-0516. RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal. Wedebrock Real Estate Co., (941) 778-6665 or (800) 749-6665. VACATION RENTALS: 2BR apartments across from beautiful beach, $375 to $500/week. Winter and spring dates available. Almost Beach Apartments, (941) 778-2374. VACATION & SEASONAL Private beach. Units are complete. Rates seasonally adjusted. $425- $975/week, $975-$2,975/month. (800) 977-0803 "or (941) 737-1121. www.abeachview.com. POOL HOME AVAILABLE for vacation let. Near Holmes Beach, 3BR/2BA with all amenities. Managed by Coastal Properties Realty, (941) 794-1515. SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR (two master suites)/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach. Heated pool; dock, cable TV,-washer/ dryer, garage, designer furnished with tropical yard setting. One of the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/ weekly or $6,000/monthly. Call 713-0034 or e-mail: gamiller@tampabay.rr.com. SEASONAL HOLMES BEACH: 1BR duplex available March 2005. Steps to beach and shop- ping. Refurbished and nicely decorated. Small pet OK. Accepting 2006 reservations. (941) 807-5626. WEEKLY RENTALS: SAN Remo condo, 1BR/ 1BA, $500/week; Alecassandra villa, 1BR/1BA, $700/week; island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; North- west Bradenton home, 3BR/3BA, $950/week; Gulffront cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach Club, 2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call Cristin. Curl at;Wagner Realty, :(941) 778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com. GULFFRONT CONDOS: 3BR/2BA, 2BR/2BA,. 1BR/1BA with breathtaking sunsets. Pools, Jacuzzi, walk to shops and restaurants. Available weekly, monthly, seasonal. (901) 301-8299 or e-mail captko462@aol.com. FIND IT! BUY IT! SELL IT FAST! In The Islander. tr f* * .. "Copyrighted Material SSyndicated Conten t m- ISANDER CASSFID LANDSCAPIG oninedn, sd riders" _e $ I w -- t .... THE ISLANDER U JUNE 15, 2005 U PAGE IS A ND CLEDS - '~ Al lII I( *5 5 - WE ARE BOOKING rentals for 2006. Wide variety of condos/houses- starting at $1,500/month. Annual rental 2405 Avenue B, 2BR/2BA, $1,000/ month; Perico Bay Club, 2BR/2BA, villa, pool, tennis, $1,200/month; townhouse with garage,, $1,500/month. SunCoast Real Estate, (941). 779-0202. www.surcoastinc.com. SEASONAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA furnished condo. West Bradenton, five minutes to beaches. $2,700/ month. (708) 532-2149. RENT 2BR/2BA inclusive turnkey, $1,000; 3BR/ 2BA pool home built in 2000; 3BR3BA villa, pool, tennis. Coastal Properties, (941) 794-1515: MARINERS.COVE: Annual unfurnished: 3BR/ 2.5BA bayfront unit with fabulous views and 2,158 sf of living area. Gated community, with heated pool, tennis, elevator and protected deep-water boat dock. Call Dave Moynihan, Realtor/owner, (941) 778-2246 or 720-0089. GULFFRONT: FURNISHED updated 1 BR/1BA on the sand with cable TV, phone. Walk to shops and dining. Weekly or monthly rentals. (941) 713-1983, ANNUAL RENTALS: ONE month free rent including utilities! Efficiency, $690/month, plus $690 security deposit; 1 BR/1 BA, $740/moriih, plus $740 security deposit; 2BR/1 BA, $950/month, plus $950 security deposit. Call Jerry 8am-8pm, (941) 524-5205 or 448-8100. ANNUAL: HOLMES BEACH 2BR/2BA duplex. Fully furnished, close to the beach. $1,200/month, plus utilities. Owner, (941) 761-3308. PRIVATE GULF BEACH: 1BR/1BA condo with pool, bayside fishing dock, clubhouse, fully . furnished, 55-plus. Seasonal $1,800/month or annual $1,200/month. Owner,: (813) 681-7229. CHARMING KEY ROYALE house: 2BR/2BA with den, updated kitchen, tropical pool area with heated spa and two boat lifts. Annual rental, $2,200/month, plus utilities. Available Aug. 1. Call (941) 730-1086. RETIRED COUPLE LOOKING for two-year lease on your canalfront home. Can pay $1,500/month. Will pay two years in advance. References. (941) 739-8077. ANNUAL RENTALS: 1BR/1BA ground-level apartment, -$850/month; 2BR/2BA canal home, unfurnished; 2BR/2BA, Gulfview, top-floor apartment. Betsy Hills Real Estate, P.A., (941) 778-2291, or e-mail Jason@betsyhills.com. CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org ! VACATION RENTALS in the Village of Cortez. Adorable 2BR updated apartments in a very quiet setting.Walk and bicycle the 75 acres of preservation trails around the village. Stroll to great local fish restaurants and still only one mile to the beach! Well behaved pets allowed. Call Carol, Green Real Estate, for more information, (941) 778-0455. SPACIOUS ISLAND VILLA: 2BR/2BA split plan with Florida room, garage and laundry. 1,300-plus sf. Fruit trees, walk to White Avenue beach. Annual, $1,275/month. Unfurnished. (941) 745-0959 or 778-1589. ANNUAL 2BR/2BA ELEVATED duplex in Holmes Beach, one block from beach. $950/month plus utilities, no pets. First, last month, plus security. References. Call Ed, (860) 227-5142. ANNUAL RENTALS: 2BR/1BA Anna Maria, $765/ month; 1BR/1BA Holmes Beach, $665/month; 2BR/2BA Gulffront condo, $2,000/month. Call Fran Maxor Real Estate at (941) 778-2307 for details. LOVELY 2BR/2BA CONDO: Turnkey furnished, pooJ, and five minutes to the beach. Three-month minimum. $1,100/month plus $300/security. All .utilities :included. (941) 778-4451. DIRECT GULFFRONT HOME: 2BR/1BA with pristine beaches at your back door. $2,000/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. FLAMINGO CAY: 2BR/2BA with boat dock on saltwater canal. Available mid-July through December. Turnkey furnished. $1,100/month plus utilities. Call Bonnie at (207) 867-2213, or e-mail bmacd @ midcoast.com. DOWNTOWN SARASOTA: 2BR/2BA bayview condo on eighth floor. Wonderful location and great amenities. Annual $2,900/month. Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. ANNUAL CONDOS: BAYVIEW Terrace. Pool on bay, one block to beach, ground level. Nonsmok- ing, ho pets. 1BR $900/month, and 2BR $1,200/ month. (941) 752-1737. ANNUAL RENTALS: 2BR/1BA, carport, washer/ dryer hookup, $900/month; 2BR/2BA, tile floors, $725/month; 1BR/1BA, washer/dryer hookup, $675/month. No pets. Dolores M. Baker Realty, (941) 778-7500. NORTHWEST BRADENTON: Pine Bay Forest, 2BR/2BA condo with vaulted ceilings and screened lanai. Annual $1,000/month. Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. SEASIDE.BUNGALOW: Summer rates $1,800/-. month, $500/week. One short block to.Anna~Maria City-Pier. Very cute! 2BR/1BA, pet friendly. Call Carol, Green Real Estate, for more:information. (941) 778-0455. HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance. We accept ads by fax with credit card information, 778-9392, at our Web site (secure server) www.islander.org, and by direct e-mail at classifieds@islander.org. Office hours: 9 to 5, Monday-Friday, (Saturday 10 to 2 as needed). CLASSIFIED RATES BUSINESS OR INDIVIDUAL: Minimum rate is $10 for up to 20 WORDS. Additional words: Each additional word over 20 is 500, Box: $3, One- or two-line headlines, line rate plus 250 per word. WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD AND VISA! You can charge your classified advertising in person or by phone. We are sorry, but due to the high volume of calls we can not take classified ad copy over the telephone. To place an ad by phone, please lbe prepared to FAX or e-mail your copy with your credit card information. (see below) USE THIS FORM FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: One word per blank space for minimum charge 20 words. r------------------------ ------ ------------ 1| 2 3 Run issue date(s) Amt. pd Date Please indicate: Ck. No. or Cash _ IFor credit card payment: L E LJ I No. Exp. Date Name shown on card: Billing address zip code: House no. or post office box no. on bill E-Mail address: [for renewal purposes only] The Islander Fax: 941 778-9392 5404 Marina Drive Th e Islan der Phone: 941 778-7978 Holmes Beach FL 34217 L l ld ie E-mail classifieds@islander.org --- -- ------- --- ------- -- -- -- -- --- -- ----- -- -- - PfJJ 77/VTAVG 6yiENlaiseee *,ain/h "Professional Excellence" Residential-Commercial Interior & Exterior Serving the Islands since 1969. 778 5594 After 5 Call Licensed and Insured 778-3468 __ James King Painting & Renovation For all your home improvement needs (941) 778-8431 Licensed & Insured The Paver Brick Store 8208 Cortez Road W. Bradenton 34210 (941) 794-6504 S 9:00 AM til Noon, or by Appointment Pool Deck, Patio and Driveway Renovations Design Build ' LONGBOAT KEY PAINTING & DESIGN, INC. S Faux painting Cabinet refinishing Furniture restoration Custom painting Jackson Holmes, owner (941) 812-3809 Watts Towing 24-Hour Towing All accidents PBreak Downs Special .Requests 751-0122 756-5152 After Hours 737-6089 Junior's Landscape & Maintenance La\\ n care PLUS native plants., t.- mulch, trip, hauling and cleanup. '. C it .ci Call Junior, 807-1015 cu i www.isiander.org ;;; Advertise here and reach more than 20,000 people weekly with your ad -for as little as $20! The Islinller Cjll7 -.92d ' L Looking for a local Prudential Palms Realty agent in your area? Call Michelle or Steve today! Michelle Musho a dr Shieoe Waison2 941-P09-3714 ims Realty *n18.a096 w.midelemusto.m deal Just visiting paradise? The slander SINCE 1992 Don't leave the Island without'taking time to subscribe. You'll get ALL the best news, delivered by the mailman every week. Visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach or call 941-778-7978. Online edition: www.islander.org HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next class: June 20 *National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services www.atsn-schools.com 29 0! PAGE 30 9 JUNE 15, 2005 M THE ISLANDER !ISAN 9AS *- F A-E PERICO BAY CLUB: 2BR/2BA bayfront condo.. Light and bright, community pools, tennis, guarded gate, assigned covered parking. Annual, $1,200/ month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. RECENTLY REMODELED unit in heart of Holmes Beach. All new interior. $650/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. MAGNIFICENT BRADENTON Beach 3BR/2BA half duplex. Tiled courtyard, custom kitchen, pri- vate garage and much more! Builf 2001. Annual $1,500/month. (941) 713-9835. HOLMES BEACH: FURNISHED 1BR/1BA, walk to beach and shops. Three to six months, $850/ month, including most utilities. No pets, nonsmoking. (703) 790-0077. ANNUAL 2BR/1 BA, two-blocks to beach, new tile, large kitchen, no pets. $775/month. Call (941) 922-2473 or 928-3880. PERICO BAY CLUB: Annualkental, 2BR/2BA, first floor, pool, hot tub and tennis. $975/month. (941) 792-8737. SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals. 1BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to beach, shopping, restaurants. (941) 778-3426. Web site 2spinnakers.com PRECONSTRUCTION PRICES! Hidden Lake con- dominiums, west Bradenton. Close to beach. Start- ing at $309,900. Call Cori Woods, (941) 761-0444. BEAUTIFUL TURNKEY 1 BR or possibly 2BR mobile home. Close to beach and completely remodeled. -Low lot rent. $79,900. (941) 704-6947. Spectacular Interior Updates eedd No detail was over- ee looked in this 3BR/ gackPs 2BA island home! This home offers awesome granite counters, beautiful travertine natural stone floors, all new appliances, paint, furniture, landscaping and much more! And, it's all less than a block to the beach! Call today for an appointment. $649,900. Kimberly L. Clark, P.A. Sales Associate Realtor 941-.4479988 a KimberlyClark_reallor yahoo.com S. Glulf-Bay Realty ) 941-778-7244 .; -, 5309 Gul Drive i :: .. --'" Holmes Beach WESTBAY POINT & MOORINGS 2BR/2BA upstairs with covered parking space. Pool, tennis and hot tub close by. Tiled entry and kitchen. Glass-enclosed lanai. $460,000. Dick Maher or Dave Jones, 778-4800. e- 's8s / 4-.. .'. - BREATHTAKING 2BR/2BA condo with breathtaking view of Gulf and beach. Deeded beach access. Upstairs unit with parking below. $925,000. Contact Quentin Talbert, 778-4800. BEAUTIFUL TURNKEY Mobile home. Steps from the Intracoastal. 1-2BR/1.5BA. Low lot rent. $59,900. (941) 704-6947. BEAUTIFULLY REMODELED Bayshore home: 3BR/2BA, family room with electric fireplace. All new kitchen cabinets, air/heat, appliances, fixtures, carpet and tile. Offered at $217,500. Owner/broker, (941) 720-5353. WEST OF GULF Drive, eight homes from beach. Large 2BR/2BA home, master with den/study and bath has whirlpool tub with separate shower. Guest bedroom has a bay view. Elevator, furnished, lots of storage, low maintenance yard with room for a pool and much more! 140 50th St., Holmes Beach. $699,500. (941) 388-5238 or 778-3203. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. Must see the beautiful, peaceful mountains of western mountains. Homes, cabins, acreage, investments. Cherokee ,Mountain Realty GMAC Real-Estate, Murphy,'N.C. www.cherokeemountainrealty.com. Call for free brochure (800) 841-5868. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA Mountains Where there is cool mountain air, views, stream, homes, cabins, acreage. Call for free brochure of Mountain Property Sales. (800) 642-5333. Realty of Murphy. 31.7 Peachtree St., Murphy, N.C. 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com. EAST ALABAMA MOUNTAIN property for sale one hour west of Atlanta in Piedmont, Ala. Great for enjoyment or investment 15 acres, $54,250.00; 512 acres, $1,485,000. More information, call Gary McCurdy (526) 239-8001. Pat Palmeri-Bates John Luchkowec Team Pinnacle Reputation ~ Resources ~ Results SALES RENTALS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Phone: 877-469-4753 Fax: 941-751-1728 www.flrealestateassistance.com teampinnaclefl@yahoo.com DON'T MISS THIS ONE! Completely remfod- eled island duplex. 3BR/2BA on both sides. Beautiful ceramic tile throughout this breezy floorplan. Kitchens and baths newly updated, too. Turnkey and already rented for the, season. $1,400,000. Call Dave Jones at 713-4800. rl y *t ' SPACIOUS ISLAND CONDO 2BR/2BA with freshly painted and new carpet. Heated pool, tennis courts and boat access. Close to beaches and shopping. $349,000. Contact Cindy Grazar, 778-4800. NEED A VACATION? An investment? 1BR/ 1BA condo. New J.itchen and new tile floors. Balcony overlooking pool. Comes furnished, ready to .move-in. Weekly rentals allowed. Resort-like atmosphere and close to the beach. $325,000. Call Denny Rauschl, 725-3934. *ii SPECTACULAR BAYVIEW CONDO. 2BR/ 2BA turnkey furnished with good rental his- tory. Large fishing pier and community boat dock. Laundry room in unit. $589,000. Contact Dave Vande Vrede, 778-4800. TENNESSEE LAKE PROPERTY from $24,900! 6.5- acre lot, $59,900; 27-acre lake estate, $124,900. Lake parcel and cabin package available, $64,900. (866) 770-5263, ext. 8, for details. LAKEFRONT BARGAINS: Starting at $89,900. Gorgeous lakefront parcels. Gently sloping, pristine shoreline, spectacular views. Across from national forest on 35,000-acre recreational lake in east Tennessee. Paved roads, underground utilities, central water, sewer, excellent financing. Call now (800) 704-3145, ext 617. Sunset Bay, LLC. - GRAND OPENING! Lakefront acreage from $69,900. Spectacular new waterfront community on one of the largest, cleanest'mountain lakes in America! Large, estate-sized parcels, gentle slope to water, gorgeous woods, panoramic views. Paved roads, county water, utilities. Low-financing. Call now .(800) 564-5092, ext. 198. NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS! Spring is bloom- ing and is beautiful! A wonderful lime to look for real estate. See photos: www.lNorthCarolnaMountainRealty.com orcall (800) 293-1998. Free brochure. MONTANA RIVER FRONTAGE: log:home, guest house, horse barn, +."- 4,941 acres. Witt & Assoc. Realty, Box 1273, Bozeman,- Mont., Russell Pederson, agent. (406) 485-2399 BUILDING SALE! Rock Bottom Prices! 20 by 30, now $2,900; 30 by 40, $5,170; 40 by 50 $8,380; 40 by 60, $10,700; 50 by 100, $15,244; others. Ends/ accessories optional. Priced to Sell! Pioneer, (800) 668-5422. *STEEL ARCH BUILDINGS! Genuine SteelMaster Buildings, factory direct at huge savings! 20 by 24, 30 by 60, 35 by 50. Perfect Garage/workshop/barn. Call (800) 341-7007. www.SteelMasterUSA.com. DESIRABLE BEAN POINT! Ra r V' o . Rare 5BR/3.5BA, across from beach access with spacious open floor plan. Large kitchen with breakfast bar. Master suite on main floor. Tile floors, screened lanai and a large open deck-great for tanning! Oversized four-car garage. $1,240,000. Larry Albert Tropial Broker- Realtor o 725-1074 pe KEY ROYALE CANALFRONT -. : ^ 607 Concord Lane Super-clean 2BR/2BA beauty on big lot with water views fore and aft. Deep water canal. New lanai. Many, many extras. $795,000. SCall Chris and John 941-778-6066 O IS ALANi Christine T. Shaw, w r ,\ANNA EMASTA IS.A NI, Ce. John van Zandt, Realtors 6101 Marina Drive Holmes-Beach . 11111 ACAIONRENAL 'PardiseRealy 77-480 Welco e toParaise undrds ofProprtie to hoos Fro THE ISLANDER U JUNE 15, 2005 0 PAGE 31 FOR SALE: Enjoy the stunning Gulf views and glo- rious sunsets from this 2BR/2.5BA townhouse. The beach is located directly across the street. Soaring ceilings in master bedroom, walk-in closet, updated fixtures, hurricane window film, and storage galore. Enjoy the private heated pool while sitting on your garden terrace. $399,500. Paul T. Collins, PA 941-928-4062 941-954-5454 paultcollins@comcast.net Properties One of the biggest names in mortgages is right in your own backyard. Jhen you choose Chase you Share guaranteed by a variety of products offered by one of the nation's top mortgage Jenders. Plus, the knowledge of loan officers like Ron Hayes who are familiar with and dedicated. to your local community. RON HAYES So, whatever your mortgage needs fixed rate, adjustable rate, jumbo, govern- ment, call Ron locay for a free consultation at (941) 761-9808 (24 hours) or (800) 559-8025. 0 CHASE g SManhatton Mortgage Corporation iwm .Isla edmir.r No wonder in 34 REALTORS 5910 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach, FL 34217 Call (941) 778-0777 or.Rentals 778-0770 1-800-741-3772 *OPEN SEVEN DAYS'A WEEK Web site: www.smithrealtors.com SUZY PIELER Top sales agent for Smith Realtors for the month Sof May. years of S-- International Real Estate, I have never had a property not sell! Island Aussie Geoffrey Wall, G.R.I. P.A. S (941)545-0206 H,, P.,.. ...www.AussieGeoff.com io 3 --.'a. A ; -' "" ' VILLA SIENNA 4005 4TH AVE '4 i '*'** Ho~rr\~ i-I'll! I. '1 'r ~ -..---; ---' I . 1 WM Ao -. l ir :. -nr -ed n :i, 3 e :,.j u -i.i i, . _ul.t-,uI -"i d 3 :l E.b aiiilul .rir .. r pl.:re, .SI ..n duplt- r i l. l ,$j49g l: F .1LS '-i 1 "- THIS ANNA MARIA ISLAND RESTAURANT i in a ti ,i i l, .: I,-.: n at r i,.] ij i i 3 ,,-,r iih,.r Th,- ,,.ri. -r ,,.' r r,-i i ._r, u._ l 'ui, .'ll an.-l iric.l.uod. ar all lrih hlim n.:. hnlurr- ,quipmrn.r 3rnian lr, Ire.a li.r, :....:.i-re Tni; 1 11z i0 l .i ,jiu i: d ii:: ri- n t ,:r.:.i Ir:,rri iier be 3,_'h ';.'?.-" ,';.L' r.lL :, -. 3' I' IY ELEVATOR AND POOL! U.i- L F V- .-irr BEAUTIFUL CANAL HOME Io:..nI, jp ncj.nr.x JD4r.- h roo.ior a r is rni1ri ne 3rde L BR EeA It f u-I, bI Dr.,l Er, I~r : r .r.3r~ia fl i..795.CNN,: rULS#r50-246lc. L'1I p.. .-_ -'.,.; ~ ~ m r~u .:'-', '' H H ',.' .. i 1^. '-^f. -T,^., STEPS TO THE BEACH Vj-:cr ihe sunreie over the G if -it l -tM ."c cc in duple % nilt BA s on Acwn krd Lir~ Ir :ri Ga r1.31 .3r ,Vdar 'l .ri Ann1 rlr I9.i j I l -,rgid 3 lrrclcii 5a9cu IdL1 1i1i3 3 THESE EXQUISITE PRIVATE RESIDENCES are brand ne.-. 3BF: 2 5i. unitl, -ome ...th pora.-l and c.h. lh r; ..Ih dir-.:l .c... oi C the G-ulf I.1 :;.") 0' 0 6 0 0 NEW 2BR/2BA CONDO on ihe t.ljnrat.ee ..er in d- nlo..n Braderilr,r, /. i n, ,orentr.,. r.i.:l,,d -..i -, hg eod p.:.,l ele. tr.3 r :eporate :Ir..,le gi ale .:ur.r, and lre,: .:enter l.o80 :l000 1,t.L#5 SOJS7 BAYFRO1NT 3BR/2BA '.ri. I zr oe t e-ei pool a:- i ri lrtn ntra ,-.a,.3ro Id. .:,erjriri 3i ri rd ciredi r.-rrl 3 RIGHT ON THE BAYOU Lo..esl r.rced .:onalronl home on the land:d Th.,. 2R 2B0 home nr S o de Garden; : neol and .:lon i.rrlr e, furn,:hed ..h .a:her and dr, er Pr.oate dc .:k ha r.:.om i.:r 1. c, bLoat GreaL horme or re,.rlol .J -000' W uI'I t.LS 5i0583 -'V-1'-r - : '" "" ." .I,:. -,I " - BEACHFRONT RESTAURANT FopulaC .-..th rlh. l.o.:al. and .:eleLori : and in prirr e l,..:.trn B,.:nr-e.. and real e;taie rin:lude:. burldinrq ~fr i l-i :If .njl an.:.-rher i i20 ;: c .:E ih .i.-.il;r nq tlernor l l,:.nmi.rlaidJ i.:.r B.etJ ,-1 1 f.;,Ine; ,:I IIhe 'i'eh ar I i S' *- i:11:11:1 n t tLi 5i0 5.';,'3 SUPERB DUPLEX one bli.ck to Ihe beoah CorrpleWiel, rerno.ciied 2BF: 2Bl" orn ac:h id.j- -...lh gqaroge parkl-.q Beoirifull, tJfrrn i he and .:-.' rnr.nle.r .ri,:e $03 IAX) /.LS 50. i..8 SUCCESSFUL ITALIAN RESTAURANT on tHisl.s:re. Bridge Sireel Co-rnrrr IlOl Will b ecllraroni e 3r, ana plerii, ol parl.in, Ha. -8BR l.4 apjririmen upi.tire rtriin Gult r.. ,_v t u9'L. iiiii'i r..lLSt 'l .- 7 , -.~ .5~ l -C - Pi ,' REALTOR. 29Years of Professional Service YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REAL ESTATE SHOPPE. Experience Reputation Results PERIDIA GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY Rutenburg model 2BR/2BA plus den, ceramic tile, lanai. Super nice! $379,900 firm. MARTINIQUE SOUTH 1 BR/1 BA, spectacular view. $629,000. MANSION IN THE SKY Bayfront 5BR/5.5BA penthouse, 5000+ sf with guest quarters. $6,900,000. KEY ROYALE LOT 90x105. $795,000. Exclusive. 4 UNITS ANNA MARIA Some with bay view. One 2BR, three 1BR, room for pool. Great investment. $849,000. OWNER FINANCING. TOWNHOUSE VILLA 3BR/3BA with two screened balconies and open balconies on greenbelt adjacent to bay. Spotless, tastefully decorated. Pool/gazebo. $470,000. VACATION, SEASONAL & ANNUAL RENTALS 101 PALM New Luxury Villas 5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807 yrealt7@aol.com *www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com f C, Ll l ..[, . BoJc. B.,t F~nu. ,i- Ii~hll FI.-~ I*, I . It,, i. 'I I II N1z/, PsI.. Ii I'M A i F I jr john, ar. Z-dtl :1.1 d I v wffffm ... . I :r ;i PAGE 32 M JUNE 15, 2005 M THE ISLANDER - ft'- p I . 0 a O w "Copyrig htedMate rial I Syndicated Conterit' Available from Commercial News Providers" . wmo _ U * -- - ~ - - Want to keep in touch? Subscribe to the "best news!" Call 941778-7978 and charge itto Visa or MasterCard. WAGNER REALTY .ogimg Peope H..e i.. .e1939 2217 GULF DR. N. BRADENTON BEACH (941) 778.2246 (800) 211-2323 e-mail: ami@wagnerrealty.com www.wagnerrealty.com 'mapeit o/ f tfhe 11 leck PANORAMIC BAYFRONT Spectacular 4BR/2.5BA bayfront residence with unique waterfront setting. 120 feet of bay frontage and 80 feet of canal frontage with dock and vertical lift. Home is constructed of natural cedar with open-beamed ceilings in every room. Solar heated pool is surrounded by tiered decking and Gazebo. Very private tropical setting with unsurpassed views of the bay. Offered furnished. Dave Moynihan, 778-2246. #509147. $1,695,000. VILLAS AT HOMES BEACH Exclusive, gated enclave of just nine townhomes being constructed on the Intracoastal. 3,100 st plus two-car garage. Marble and wood floors and gourmet Krtchens. Marketed in conjunction wiin RJ Really. Karen Day, 778-2246. $2.500,000. "m"L, LI.- e BREATHTAKING VIEW A full view of Ihe Sunshine Skyway bridge from your owr, private master suite. Gourmet kitchen, maple cabinets with grande counters. Two electric boat lifs Tracey Hurley. 741-2500. #508869. $1,980,000. ELEGANCE ON PALMA SOLA BAY NW REAL ISLAND LIVING! Key West home offers Estate home on Palma Sola Bay. 4,300 sf of open plan with 17-fool ceilings and decks pure luxury in this 5BR,4.5BA pool home. spanning both sides that overlook gardens and Tne kitchen opens into the family room with pool. Plus a dock! Karen Day, 778-2246. hreplate Tara Gilt, 727-2800 #505622 #507772 $849,000. $1,830,000. 110 1111116-- .1 N BOATERS DELIGHT Canallront 3BR.2BA, FABULOUS GULF VIEWS Prime furiished ANNA MARIA 3BR/2BA HOME Complieel., c.pen-lloor plan pool home 7.000 Ib boai lilt endl-uni offering spacious floor plan with eal- updated and immaculate. Tropical s.eiling plus dock and Davits. Just three minutes Io the in kitchen, breaktas Dbar. walk-in closets, lire- boasts lush planings and Iruitl trees. Cusiomr beach Betly Arnold, 761-3100 #508983 place and iwo balconies Dave Moynihan, stained glass blue neron window and etched $699,000 778-2246 #507333. $675.000 glass front door. Becky Smilh or Elf, Starren, 778-2246 #509374. $675.000 ISLAND DELIGHT! Great lownrnme, location and prile' Shorn oislance to beach and marina Two master suites, workshop and storage Furnishings negotiable Priced below appraisal Carolyn and .Joe Cordrey.776-3300 #509269. $489.000 ~Uf~"--~~`~-PIMYI*9--P~-PsD- Illllb--sll~~---i---~C~pS~aL__ 11~ _~___~311 LLeS-- 1 , .o f c |