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Thinking of getting married? One of those "strange but true" calls to The Islander newspaper was "How do I get married?" We suggested that our caller find a mate. But now we have a comprehensive answer, and it's part of our centerspread on weddings this week. Look inside .. Anna Maria The Islander "The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992" www.islander.org Volume 13, No. 29 May 25, 2005 FREE Island public should vote on consolidation By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Just like Haley's comet, the issue of consolidating all three Island cities into one government keeps com- ing back. Haley's comet, however, only comes around every 86 years. The consolidation issue, which has been dis- cussed since at least 1950, keeps resurfacing just about every year in Island political circles. This time, it's Holmes Beach Mayor Carol Whitmore and Anna Maria City Commissioner Linda Cramer who are spearheading the effort for consolida- tion, along with Holmes Beach City Commissioner Don Maloney, who has been advocating some form of consolidation the past 10 years. Whitmore made her plea to the May 19 Coalition of Barrier Island Elected Officials meeting in Bradenton Beach. Rotten Ralph's closure ahead . By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter After 17 years in business, Rotten Ralph's restau- rant at the end of South Bay Boulevard in Anna Maria could be closing its doors effective July 31. The restaurant's lease with owner Galati Marine was not renewed, said Rotten Ralph's Dave Russell. "It's a sad day, but we're going toastart looking immediately for another Island location," Russell said. He added that negotiations-to extend the lease had been ongoing for some time. Russell got the news May 18 after the Galati broth- ers, owners of the property and the adjacent Galati Marine, told him they have decided to renovate the long-standing restaurant rather than renew the Rotten Ralph lease. "They said we'd get first crack at leasing the reno- vated restaurant," Russell said, "but we hope to be in a new location by then." PLEASE SEE ROTTEN, NEXT PAGE Sandbar gets alley vacation finally By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Twenty-six years after he first bought the Sandbar restaurant and thought he had it, owner Ed Chiles fi- nally got it. Following a contentious May 19 meeting of more than three hours that played to a standing-room-only crowd, the Anna Maria City Commission voted 3-2 to approve an alleyway vacation and land swap with Chiles that will allow him to build a rest room facility at the Sandbar that will meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. In exchange for the alleyway vacation, Chiles will build a paved alleyway as a city easement through the middle of the parking lot to his restaurant that can be easily used by the handicapped, including people in a wheelchair, and the general public to access both his restaurant and the beach. PLEASE SEE SANDBAR, PAGE 3 Under her proposal, the Island would be divided into three districts, with two representatives each from Bradenton Beach and Anna Maria and three from Holmes Beach. Each "district" would keep some form of city government, but law enforcement, public works, building departments and other services would be com- bined. Whitmore emphasized, however, that her plan is just that a plan. "These are just ideas for now." Details can be worked out later if all three cities agree to move forward. What's needed first, she said, is a public vote on a non-binding referendum that the three Island cities should move toward some form of consolidation. The Island cities arewasting a lot of money just to govern a strip of land only se% en miles long. Taxpayers would save a lot of money under-consolidation, she main- tained. "We need to make government more effective. Let's let the public decide, then we can get specific." While consolidation may "never happen as long as I'm alive," she said the three cities have to find a way to consolidate "without losing any identity." Previous consolidation efforts, she said, have failed because "we are all afraid of losing our individuality." She suggested each mayor take the issue of an Islandwide vote on consolidation to their respective city commissions. If all three agreed, a non-binding referen- dum could be ready by the November'2006 election. Maloney, Cramer and Anna Maria Mayor SueLynn agreed the issue should be put to the voters. "We.need to move this to a ballot," said SueLynn. The reception from Bradenton Beach elected offi- cials, however, was lukewarm at best. PLEASE SEE CONSOLIDATION, NEXT PAGE Winners all ... The youngest contes- tants at the 51st annual ___ Anna Maria Island Privateers Snooks Adams Kids Day at Bayfront Park in Anna- Maria hop, hop, hop to the finish line in the "sack race." Islander Photo: Elizabeth Christie-Cline S... and No. 1 SSara Scott shows off Siher winning first place ribbon and prizes in the Kids' Day "Little Pirate Lookalike SContest." Sara is congratulated by Privateer Tim "Ham- mer" Thompson, who chaired this year's event. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy _ I ,I I milli Fare"Ol NI, Iln-lich. p 24. PAGE 2 m MAY 25, 2005 U THE ISLANDER Consolidation considered again CONTINUED FROMPAGE 1 - "I like looking at the idea," said Bradenton Beach Mayor John Chappie, "but what are we giving up?" All three Island cities are unique, yet closer than ever, he said. "We're like cousins. We're all from the same family, but that doesn't mean we want to be part of your immediate family." The Island is unique be- cause there are three unique cities here, he maintained. Chappie said he would at least bring the issue to the Bradenton Beach City Commission, but Bradenton Beach Commissioner Lisa Maria Phillips agreed that her city "would lose something" under consolidation. Still, she said she's also willing to discuss bring- ing a referendum to the voters. Whitmore asked elected officials not to take the consolidation issue personally, but Chappie said the issue "is personal. This is our home. This is how you want to live. I don't have a problem looking at it, but let's hear from the public." Maloney said the Island cities "have to do a better job" of governing and some form of consolidation, such as a professional administrator or manager for the entire Island, is needed. He also noted that a 1959 referendum in Anna Maria on consolidation failed by eight votes. Since 1950, various consolidation efforts, such as incorporation of the three cities, combining law en- forcement duties, and establishing a lone building.de- partment for the entire Island, have all failed to get past the respective city commissions. Whitmore said this move toward consolidation might meet the same fate as previous attempts, but she believes it's worth the effort. "To-do nothing is to ig- nore our citizens and our responsibilities. If we fail, at least we can say we tried." In other BIEO business, Manatee County Commis-. sioner Joe McClash said the county commission has backed the idea of a water-borne taxi service from the Crosley Mansion to Bradenton Beach and will take the lead on funding. "We're not asking any of the Island cities for funds,just a letter of support from each city," McClash said. "Hopefully, this can all be funded from outside sources, just like the trolley." Rotten Ralph relocating CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 He said the Galatis have indicated the restaurant could remain open through September and possibly until the end of February 2006, but Russell thought it would be better to begin looking for a new location immediately. "It's not a real consideration to stay" through the lean months, he said, then have to close right in the middle of the winter tourist season. Russell said the hard part was telling the staff, many of whom have been at the restaurant for a num- ber of years. "It was a bit tough, but they were very understand- With support from the cities and the local legisla- tive delegation in Tallahassee, McClash.believes the taxi could be a reality in two years. Mike Howe of the Sarasota-Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization, agreed on the choice of Bradenton The Beach Express? Now, if you live on the island, why '. would you . need an. express bus to ',", " the beach? VWell you wouldn't. But people onrthe mainland need one to keep the automobile traffic on Anna Maria Island to a minimum. That's a good thing, right? But there's another benefit to islanders... the reverse commute! What are we talking about? Manatee County Area Transit (MCAT) offers a FREE express trolley every Sunday and major holidays along Manatee Avenue from the Wal-Mart on SR 64 at 1-75 r: on- 1t--e Manatee County Public Bea,: h Beach goers may board ta .iny bus stop along Manatee ue i J westbound, but they may only exit at the beach. In like i.anr. J islanders may board at tlhe beach and ride eastbourd to the mainland and destinations such as Beachway Plaza, downtown Bradenton or the Wal-Mart store on SR 64 at 1-75. Why would I want to do that? That's-a valid question. Consider this: how about selecting from any one of the myriad of restaurants along Manatee Avenue for Sunday brunch? Or maybe you've noticed something on j sale in those Sunday newspaper inserts that you're dying to buy, but not if you have to drive into the county, fight the traffic, and burn your Sgas. Hey, burn ours for free! Perhaps there's a -. -. i:huri:l service you've been i' interested in attending. / / Gi ve it a try. Or, simply / head inland to visit S .",/, friends who may live within walking distance along 1 Manatee Avenue. So remember, if it's Sunday- any Sunday- or New Year's Day or Memorial Day or Independence Day or Labor Day or Thanksgiving Day or even Christmas Day and i you want to leave the beach and head inland r for FREE, we'll be your wheels the MCAT l Bei.jch E:press. SHow do I ride the Beach Express? .For ,:J1ition,:al information on this service or. u genrer.l bus schedulee information contact Rider Info ar 941 749 7116, 6 a.m.- 11 p.m. or go online at www.co.manatee.fl.us (click on "Transit", then "Ride Guide"). For your convenience, every transit bus and trolley is equipped with wheel chair lifts and bike racks. m CAT W ,CATOI THE GO ing. They were good about it, and many said they would come with me to a new location." .He'll also have to deal with his many regular cus- tomers, including winter visitors who come to the res- taurant every year. The restaurant was established by his late father Ralph and was known for its trademark "rotten food and service." Russell would like to be open in a new location by the next winter season. "Hopefully, we'll have some- thing by then." Russell said he believes a restaurant has been at the location for at least the past 30 years, if not more. After a number of owners failed in the location, Ralph and wife Doreen Russell bought the restaurant in 1988 and gave the facility a new name and a fresh outlook. Ralph passed away in October 2004. S" \ 4 Rotten Ralph's S restaurant on S South Bay i : Boulevard in Anna Maria will likely close its doors July 31 and seek a new location after being told its lease from SGalati Marine will not be I renewed. Rotten Ralph's has Strt th Gf o been at the location since 1988. Islander Photo:. Rick Catlin Beach as the Island location for the taxi terminal. "It's an ideal spot," containing historic -Bridge Street, the Gulf of Mexico just a few feet away, a pier already in place, and easy access to the Island trolley, She said. ,,- --- --- f-- ^^^%J' -^^iS^&^^ ffc^s ^^M^^s^^y i5 -~--~I :m~l I ~Tii3 iM - .i 4 --~i#A~ U-~~~s Continental Bistro You'll love our Potato-Crusted Grouper. Fresh Gulf grouper baked in a crisp, golden sauteed potato crust with pommery mustard sauce. Mmmm. It's your choice from 17 dinner entrees, specials and other favorites. i; T ORoID fvScfl BRUNCH AND LUNCH Wednesday-Saturday 11-2:30 SUNDAY BREAKFAST AND LUNCH 8-2:30 DINNER Wed.-Sun. from 5:30 Island Shopping Center 5406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 941 778 5320 i I ,, I I ~_ L- 1 -I THE ISLANDER 0 MAY 25, 2005 E PAGE 3 City attorney draws ire of Anna Maria City planners By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Anna Maria's planning and zoning board took shots at City Attorney Jim Dye for a Feb. 18 opin- ion he gave that will allow five single-family homes to be built along Pine Avenue in the city's retail- office-residential area, without accompanying re- tail-office space. The lots are on the site of the former Island Marine. P&Z vicechairman Doug Copeland said at the board's May 23 meeting that Dye's opinion from a request by attorney Scott Rudacille, representing Island Marine purchaser, allows homes to be built there on less than the 7,500 square feet required for the ROR district, as stated in the city codes and in the comprehensive plan. Dye's original opinion two years ago was that the lots were all undersized for a single-family home development. Sandbar alleyway vacation OK'd CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Chiles was facing a settlement agreement under an ADA lawsuit that required him to build a suitable rest room for handicapped patrons. ADA consultants had said the best way to expand the rest room was to build out from the structure, but he needed the vacation to en- croach into the alleyway. , When he bought the restaurant in 1979, said Chiles, he believed then that the alle\ \. a\ had already been vacated, but a 1992 city review failed to find any evidence of a vacation. U.S. Department of Justice-certified ADA consult- ant Kirk Tcherneshoff, who has to utilize a wheelchair, said the ADA does not "compel" Chiles to expand the rest room toward the building interior if it means los- ing retail space or seating. In'addition, there are tech- nical issues with utilizing the existing interior for an ADA-compliant rest room, he said. After his review of the restaurant, his opinion was that the "build-outward option" was the best choice to satisfy the ADA. He also said that according to the ADA, in concur- rence with the justice department, local governments must "reasonably modify" existing codes and laws to assist private entities with becoming ADA compliant unless that government can show that "such modifica- tion would alter services." He noted several cases to substantiate his position. There were a number of objections from the pub- lic over the vacation, however, including the fear that Chiles could eventually expand his restaurant. Robin Wall said Chiles would gain significant land from the vacation,and swap and suggested that ap- proval come with conditions regarding noise, use of tents and future expansion. Others, however, said the swap would benefit the city because the existing alleyway isn't usable in its current state. "The alleyway presently serves no purpose to the city and has no meaningful value," said John Cagnina. The vacation and swap allows Chiles to meet the ADA requirement and the new alleyway "enhances all of the city." Several attorneys representing opponents of the vacation spoke against the measure. Tampa attorney Matt Farmer said he deals with many cases involving the ADA and, in his opinion, the The comprehensive plan is "very clear," with a maximum density in the ROR district of five units per acre, said Copeland. All of the five lots in question are less than 7,500 square feet, he said, and the city codes, regardless of Dye's opinion, can't supersede the comp plan. "Did the city pay for the opinion that screwed us?" Copeland asked. Board member Randall Stover agreed. "You can't adjust the comprehensive plan from a Jim Dye opin- ion." Former P&Z board chairman Charles Canniff said there have been several cases where Dye has "unilat- erally changed our ordinances and that's wrong. Jim Dye's opinion doesn't change our laws." Stover said Dye should have brought the problem to the board or commission before rendering an opinion be- cause "the impression is that he's speaking city law." various ADA cases cited by. Tcherneshoff had nothing to do with the present case. He suggested Chiles should modify his own property to become ADA compliant, not the city's property. Attorney Ricinda Perry, representing Chiles, pointed out that Chiles already owns the property, that the alley ay in question is just an easement to the city. Lake Wales aitorine Mike Gallaher, representing the Nall\ tiamil\ that Ii\es near the Sandbar, said that by Tcherneshoff's o%\ n testimony, expanding the rest room into the alleyway:is not the only way to solve the Sandbar's ADA problem, "just the preferred way." He indicated that there %N as more than one reason why Chiles wanted the vacation. "He may have reasons above and beyond the ADA," he suggested, but did not raise the expansion issue. City Commissioner Duke Mliller said he could sup- port the vacation if Chiles would agree to a condition that no future expansion of.the restaurant could ever take place, even if the restaurant were sold to a new- owner. "My biggest objection is what's going to happen in the future," he said. But Chiles could not agree to that condition. "I would not want to sign that agreement. Besides, if I wanted to expand, I'd have to go through this process again before the planning and zoning board and be right back here at the city commission with a site plan." Commission Chairperson John Quam said he fa- vored the vacation, but not because the ADA rules re- quire the city to help businesses become ADA compli- ant. There are four criteria for the city to grant a vari- ance, he said, and the major issue for him is that the alleyway currently serves no public purpose. By grant-" ing the vacation and taking the swap, the city "gives the public a walkable alleyway" with beach access. Commissioner Linda Cramer moved to pass the ordinance granting the vacation and accepting the al- leyway swap. Quam and Commissioner Dale Wood- land agreed, while Miller and Commissioner Carol Ann Magill voted against the measure. The commission then set the meeting tb hear the preliminary site plan application for the Sandbar build- ing plan for 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 29. The Sandbar has proposed several improvements to its facility in the site plan, but has maintained there will be no expansion of the restaurant, other than con- struction of the ADA-compliant rest rooms. Board member Fran Barlow was upset that Dye didn't show up for the meeting to discuss the issue with the board. "I have a problem with Dye not being here. He knew we were bringing this up and I wanted to know what we can do legally and right."- The board unanimously passed a motion re- questing that the city commission change the ordi- nance to "reflect" the intent of the comprehensive plan and inform Dye of the language in ihe comp plan. Dye's opinion is allowing single-family homes on 5,000 square foot lots in the ROR district and that's not what was intended for the district, the board said in its motion. "The intent of the residential-office-retail dis- trict was not to have a row of houses on Pine Av- enue," added Stover. Efforts to reach Dye for comment were unsuc- cessful. Beachie freebie from MCAT The Manatee County Area Transit will operate a free express trolley every Sunday and on major holidays to and from Anna Maria Island along Manatee Avenue. Islanders may board the "Beach Express" at Manatee Public Beach and can ride eastbound to Beachway Plaza, downtown Bradenton, and as far bast as the Wal-Mart at the State Road 64 and Interstate 75 intersection. The re- turn trip is also free, according to an MCAT press release. Meetings Anna Maria City May 25, 6:45 p.m., Environmental Education and En- hancement Committee meeting. May 26, 6 p.m., city commission "shade" meeting - not open to the public on Negele case. May 26,7 p.m., city commission meeting. May 27, Manatee County Sheriff's Deputy Jules Dengler Day. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive; 708-6130. ,Bradenton Beach May 25,4:30 p.m., board of adjustment meeting. May 25, 5 p.m., comprehensive plan review commit- tee meeting. May 26, 3 p.m., city commission work session. May 26, 6 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting. May 31, 1 p.m., scenic highway committee meeting. June 2,7 p.m., city commission meeting. Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., 778-1005. Holmes Beach June 1,7 p.m., planning commission meeting. Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, 708-5800. Holiday Closures Government offices in Anna Maria City, Bradenton Beach, Holmes Beach and Longboat Key will be closed on Monday, May 30, for Memorial Day. Sanitation services provided by Waste Management Inc. for Anna Maria City, Holmes Beach and Longboat Key regularly scheduled for May 30 will take place on Saturday. May 28. There will be nd interruption of sanitation service for Bradenton Beach residents. EARLY CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: NOON FRIDAY MAY 27 ds that will appear in the June 1 issue of The Islander. Our office will be closed Monday, May 30, in observance of Memorial Day. We wish y'all a happy and safe holiday weekend. A PAGE 4 E MAY 25, 2005 E THE ISLANDER Fire rates going up By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Islanders and those living within the boudaries of the West Manatee Fire and Rescue District will be opening their wallets a little more when they get their 2005-06 fire assessment bill. The district board at its May 19 meeting voted unanimously to approve an increase in the fire assess- ment that effectively puts the rate at the maximum cur- rently allowed by the Florida Legislature. There was no opposition to the proposal from the public. The residential base rate will climb from $118 to $125, the same for condominiums and mobile homes. Duplexes will pay $250, while commercial entities will fork over $300. The base rate is determined by the square footage of the structure. Firefighters earn higher classifications Eight firefighters with the West Manatee Fire & Res- cue District have been promoted by the district commis- sioners, on the recommendation of Chief Andy Price. Promoted to firefighter first class were Paul Hopkins, John Stump, Daniel Tackett and Greg Van Edema. All joined the department Oct. 1,2001. Promoted to firefighter second class was Mike Bugel, who has been with the department since October 2003. Recently completing their six-month probationary requirements and promoted to firefighter third class were Bill Kimbrell, Keith Miller and Greg Roan. FDLE sex offender Web site Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist and Florida Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner Guy Tunnell announced last week an enhanced Web site for Florida's 35,000 registered sex offenders and predators that allows parents the ability to identify offenders and predators living in their neighborhoods or near schools. The new feature allows parents to search specific areas near their home, neighborhood park or a child's school and should "greatly assist parents who are try- ing to protect their children," Crist said. Interested parties can access Florida's registered sexual predator and offender list at www.fdle.state.fl.us or at myfloridalegal.com, or utiulize a link on The Is- lander Web site. GENESIS EXTERMINATING Serving Manatee & Sarasota Counties Since 1991 INC. Fumigation Termite Control Subterranean Termite Residential & Commercial "Tenting Florida Free One House -- Estimates ataTime!" [ 941-723-0303 Licen~sd nr ,d 3299 MemnerPCA i . S * t8. . a ., ." '; '', '' Recognize I-m ". .' '... B r e s c u e .i; A. ""lMembers of the West Al an 'atee Fire and .' Rt cue USAR team ..mo iac r teo cived certificates ti uachievementfrom S,, :tF i ChiefAndy Price at | "e' WMFR district A -board meeting May S. I 9. From left, Chief SPrice, Buddy Bowen, SNin' Bergbom, Paul Hopkins, Tom Owen V A /dl Greg Wigeri- VantEdema. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin Memorial/Decoration Day is Monday By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent It started life as Decoration Day, went through some confusion and convolutions, and ended up as Memorial Day. It is Monday, May 30. There will be quite a bit of decorating in cemeter- ies, where surviving relatives and friends will place re- membrances on graves of loved ones. No special ser- vices are planned by Island churches and civic organi- zations, but it has the special cachet of being a day off for just about everyone except, as usual, police offic- ers and firefighters, who are on duty all the time, holi- day or no holiday. Government will be shut down then, from top to bottom. Federal, state, county and city offices will be closed Manatee County, Anna Maria, Bradenton Beach and Holmes Beach being the ones the ones that most directly affect Islanders. Monday solid waste and recycling pickup will switch to Saturday, May 28. Many retail stores will be open, some with ex- tended hours, for this is a day when people have the time and the inclination to go shopping. Coming as it does just a few days after Armed Forces Day, it seems fitting that this holiday started at a tribute to fallenservicemen. Three years after the Civil War (the War Between the States, as it is known in the South), Internet says, the head of the Grand Army of the Republic organization decreed it was time to decorate the graves of war dead and set the day as EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN l i .r:. ,Inrerir Silks H,-irt Fr anwd Ar r *u.,,:- F er r L .ME.ian Pounry Lar Dihr.h Lighis F'.l- I Tr, , w brought Iron I n, 1Ghru" G. ,' '.'m. N DPaN DRI EcOL.. T3B,7 4 _- .Pol r, lc TbilE, Chairr ;nd More "5704 MARINA DRIVE HOLMES BEACH *778-4441 PI1OHrKUZJu VOla R IIl(t The latest in luxurious period- styled kitchens, Cabico turns your dreams into reality. SWe provide premium quality cabinetry that is beautiful, functional and represents a value that will last a lifetime. With Cabico - the possibilities are endless... Imagine the possibilities... Let us customize your kitchen to fit your life! Visit our new showroom of 24 different kitchen displays. Serving our community since 1969 CABINETSUnlimited 8700 Cortez Road West Bradenton (941) 792-8656 May 30. The first big observation was at Arlington Na- tional Cemetery, with Gen. U.S. Grant presiding at the home of Gen. Robert E. Lee. Orphans strewed flowers around the cemetery, prayed and sang hymns with their elders. But local observances preceded that event and therein lay a controversy for decades. In 1866 women of Columbus, Ga., decorated the graves of Confeder- ate servicemen who fell in the battle of Shiloh. They tried to ignore Union soldiers' graves in a cemetery nearby, but relented and decorated those graves, too. That didn't settle the question of who Was first. Macon and Columbus in Georgia and Richmond, Va., all claimed they started it all in 1866, then.Boalsburg, Pa., said and still says it began there two years earlier. In all, 25 places claimed birth of the holiday. President Johnson settled it by decree in 1966, de- claring that Waterloo, Iowa, was the spot. After World War I, the decoration phase expanded to include the dead of all U.S. wars, a total that now has reached 1.1 million, and in 1971 Congress established it as Memorial Day, a national holiday, on the last Monday in May. We're not the first, for most cultures have special times to honor their fallen warriors. It even precedes ancient Greece 2,400 years ago Pericles as a matter of course offered tribute to the men killed in the Peloponnesian War. Snowbirds Vehicle Transportation Fast and dependable transport service to northern states so no miles or wear on your vehicle. Insured and bonded carrier. i Call Andy, (810) 459-4979;1 www.lslander.or "Tropical Bugs Need A Tropical Service" CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Beaches Bradenton Sarasota Parrish 778-1337 794-1005 365-2893 776-0779 Full Service Exterior and Interior Now Accepting Visa and Mastercard Island Pest Control Inc. SERVING THE ISLANDS MORE THAN 20 YEARS State Certified/Licensed and Insured Locally owned and operated I W.L-VA~LIM-~ I I - . I I -- -MEMNW- ...- A - lQtggh ~g~Lte~-ti~i-- i ---- e .~s~~R- : ~B~ llr THE ISLANDER M MAY 25, 2005 M PAGE 5 Bradenton Beach building official: More hours, more pay By Paul Roat After almost a year without a fulltime building official, Ed Mc Adam has begun to feel the pressure of what needs to be accomplished in Bradenton Beach. "When I started last fall, I didn't expect to work 60 hours a week for 30 hours pay," he told city commis- sioners last week. He said he would like to get paid for 40 hours a week for the next few months to catch up on the backlog that accumulated before he was hired. "We have several ordinances that need to come before you," he said, "as well as the need to profession- alize the building official's office. There's a lot on our plate that needs our attention." Mc Adam, who is paid $62,400 a year at the 30- hour-per-week level, requested the equivalent of. $83,000 a year at the 40-hour-a-week rate. The request did not sit well with Police Chief Sam Special. "This city spent a lot of money on a survey to de- termine what people should be paid," Speciale said. "I know Ed does a lot of work, but at the 30-hour per week level, he's making more money than the most se- nior department heads me. We all agreed to a pay structure. I think this is a very unfair thing. What is the Island Baptist annexation long road for few feet SBy Rick Catlin -Islander Reporter Any further effort by Island Baptist Church to be annexed into Holmes Beach (The Islander, May 4) will take a "lot of time and effort," according to Holmes Mollie and John Sandberg Day Tuesday at Tingley An open house honoring longtime Bradenton Beach residents and civic leaders Mollie and John Sandberg will be held Tuesday, May 31, at Tingley Memorial Library. The Sandbergs are moving to Melborne next month. John was the guiding force behind the creation of the library on Second Street. He also served as chair of the city's community redevelopment agency, which had oversight on almost $1 million in improvements to the Historic Old-Town area near Bridge Street. Mollie served as city commissioner and vice mayor, as well as chair of the city's code enforcement board and served on several other advisory committees. The open house will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the library, 111 Second St. N. Further information is available by calling 779-1208. Beach City Attorney Michelle Hall, and will likely be done at church expense. Hall said it would take.a "special act" of the Florida Legislature to adjust the boundary between two cities. That means someone would have to draft a bill and "take the matter up with a member of the local legis- lative delegation" in Tallahassee, she said. Furthermore, if the two cities Anna Maria and Holmes Beach can't agree on which way the line should be.moved, "It seems unlikely that a delegate would introduce such a bill." S She discounted the possibility the boundary line could be moved by contraction and annexation proce- dures because the church "probably" does not meet the requirements. In her opinion, unless the church really wants to put a lot of time and effort into becoming a resident of one city or the other, the church will have to stay where it is, straddling the limits. If it does want to move, it will have to pay its own way. The Holmes Beach City Commission has indi- cated that any costs to change the boundary or for an- nexation would have to be borne by the church, not the city. Efforts to reach the Rev. Dale Lawson of the Island Baptist Church for comment on Hall's position were unsuccessful. point of having seniority?" Special is paid $55,000 per year. "I know it's a lot of money," Mayor John Chappie said, "but it's not a permanent thing, it's a catch-up thing. It was very poor planning on our part to not have a fulltime building official for a year." Commissioners eventually agreed to the extra pay for Mc Adam through the end of the current fiscal year, which ends Sept. 31. In related matters, city commissioners also agreed to hire a temporary assistant for the building department. Islandwide blood drive 2005 scheduled June 11-12 The fifth edition of theIslandwide blood drive is scheduled June 11-12 at three locations, with the first 250 donors getting a free T-shirt and duffel bag and kids getting a special benefit from elders' generosity. The blood will be taken at four sponsor loca- tions in the three Island cities: Marina Pointe Stor- age/A Pine Avenue Salon, 314 Pine Aye., Anna Maria; The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach; and BeachHouse Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. A special reward is free meal on either day at the BeachHouse for children 12 and under when accompanied by an adult who has donated to the day's blood drive. An anonymous benefactor will again make a $100 donation in each donor's honor to the Anna Maria Island Privateers, Anna Maria Island Com- munity Center, Wildlife Education and Rehabilita- tion Center of Anna Maria, and West Manatee Fire & Rescue volunteers. The Florida Blood Services is the real winner at the event, collecting more than 200 units of blood during a traditionally slow donation period.. Sponsors of the drive are Marina Pointe Stor- age, Tropicana, Pepsi, BeachHouse, A Pine Avenue Salon, Bradenton Herald and The Islander: Details may be obtained by calling 746-7195. WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO FROM 1-BEDROOM anna maria APARTMENTS Gulf Coast TO 5-BEDROOM R E N T A L S EXECUTIVE HOMES 5319 Gulf Drive Hdlmes Beach (West side of Island Fitness Plazai TEL. 941-778-3699 TOLL FREE 1 -800-8.5-&08i0 FAX 941-*782-5606 E-mail vacallon' arri .gcrernals comr We, b ,. a :r, n ia)Ire corri HOLIDAY GARBAGE AND RECYCLING PICKUP SCHEDULE Waste Management of Manatee County will not be picking up garbage or recycling on Memorial Day, Monday, May 30, 2005. Monday's garbage and recycling will be picked up on the Saturday prior to May 30, which is May 28. Thank you and enjoy a safe weekend. TRA fICash Back It's Hard To Stop A Trane, K Buy a Trane Comfort System before June 30, 2005, and get a mail-in rebate up to $1,000. IASTE MANAGEMENT of Manatee County For more information, call 753-7591 S- ,'., ,, .. .. .. PAGE 6 0 MAY 25, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER SOinion Honor, remember Monday, May 30, is the day we observe Memorial Day. It is a day to honor the dead from all American wars. The nation, the Island and this newspaper pay honor and tribute to all those who served and died, that their sacrifice was not in vain. Sadly, since this newspaper began publishing World.War II veterans' stories nearly two years ago, several have since passed away. Those men are now part of Memorial Day. We take two days out of 365 to honor our war dead and veterans, May 30 and Nov. 11. We should always remember our war dead, as the veterans of our "The Greatest Generation" column have done. Since that column' began, more than 50 Island, Perico Island, Longboat Key and Cortez veterans have told us their story, and we are honored to share them with you. Many of the veterans were at first reluctant to share their war experiences. Some veterans married more than 50 years had never even discussed the war with their spouses. They had seen too many of their friends and comrades die in battle. Those were memories they' did not want to revisit. But revisit they did to honor their comrades. Their "Memorial Day" is every day of their lives. The emotion of talking about the war proved too much and some would break down in tears at the memory of fallen comrades and bodies unrecognizable as friends and soldiers, at the day-to-day fearthat they were going to get it sooner or later. If there is one common thread among our featured veterans, it is that they are the lucky ones. And all the veterans agree they would have done anything not to let their buddies down. To borrow the line from-the Stephen Ambrose book "Band of Broth- ers," they were not heroes, they served with a bunch of heroes. The heroes are still over there. They didn't forget their heroes then, and they haven't forgotten them now. This Memorial Day, join us in taking just 30 sec- onds of your life to remember the 200,000 Americans killed in World I, the 400,000 dead in World War II, the 53,000 who lost their lives in Korea, the 59,000 dead in the jungles of Vietnam, and the thousands of U.S. soldiers who have.died in Iraq, Afghanistan,. Panama and elsewhere around the world the past 30 years. In memory, their sacrifice was not in vain. The Islander MAY 25. 2005 Vol. 13, No. 29 V Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org V Editorial Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org Jack Egan - Jack Elka Jim Hanson V Contributors Gib Bergquist Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org Jesse Brisson David Futch Robert Noble Carrie Price J.L. Robertson V Advertising Sales Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org Rebecca Barnett, rebecca@islander.org V Office Manager Julia Robertson, julia@islander.org V Production Graphics Kelly McCormick, ads@islander.org Kelley Ragan, kelley@islander.org SV Distribution Urbane Bouchet Ross Roberts Lisa Williams (All others: news@islander.org) 1---- 1993-04 \ Aazd Winning Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. 1992-2005 Editorial, sales and production offices: Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEB SITE: islander.org S< 4. FAX 941 778-9392,i PHlNE (941 778-7978 . --MCMOR k DW A, ~~~ TXeTA TO t"F\tAK TH~c W140 vk~Q ', srvE()AND S AC %- k wI Ct~ SLICK By Egan Sinion Thanks to Samaritans I wish. to thank all of the kind, generous people who gathered around me after I was the victim of.a hit- and-run in front of Jessie's Island Store on April 12. They called 911 and provided care and comfort until the paramedics arrived. Now that the'sojourns in the hospital and the daily trips to the.clinic are draw- ing to a close, I can only say that I am grateful to live on the Island among all the good Samaritan. who did not pass by on the other side. Also, I am most fortunate to have access to the finest medical facilities to speed me on the road to recovery. Norman R. Thompson, Holmes Beach Thanks from jailbirdss' Kudos to everyone who contributed to bailing us out of jail during the Muscular Dystrophy Association lockup event May 19. Thanks to your generosity, we three jailbirdss" in the city clerk's office at Anna Maria City Hall raised nearly $2,300. What your dollars will do: $25, flu shot; $63 keeps MDA worldwide research going; $150, expert consult- ing in physical therapy, occupational or recreational therapy; $200, diagnostic workup at one of MDA's 235 clinics; $600.sends a kid to summer camp for a week of fun and recreation geared toward their abilities. 'Thank you once'again, on behalf of MDA. Alice Baird, Annmarie Thorpe and Diane Percycoe, Anna Maria Luau thank you The Luau for Learning committee sends a huge thank you to all the people who made our third-annual Spring Fling dinner-dance fundraiser a fantastic, fun success. Through the love given, we met our $25,000 goal and went far beyond it to raise $40,000. "We enjoyed a delicious meal, thanks to the Sandbar, Mar Vista, BeachHouse, Moore's Stone Crab, Big John's Barbecue, Dave's Delicious catering, Ezras, Sun House, Rod & Reel Pier, Anna Maria City Pier, Caf6 L'Europe, Mr. Bones, Publix, Thumbs Up Catering, Tropical Treats 'ahd'Eafts J~fid ES,'Afhna 'Mariai Oyst~r'Bh,'l'aggle"jtS' Bakeshop, Kash n' Karry,Albertson's, Uarry's Continen- tal Kitchens, Winn Dixie, Slice of Heaven, Cafe on the Beach, Rockerfellers, Gold Coast Distributors and Pre- mier Wines. We all should be so proud to live in a community that puts our children first. I just can't say thank you - enough for the children, teachers and parents of Anna Maria Elementary. That is what I call.teamwork, great job everybody! Jamie Walstad, Luau for Learning committee chairperson Don't overlook regulations I have no problem with Mr. Gertz's response (Your Opinion, April 27) to my letter to you (April 20), but he did not mention that our Manatee County commissioners as well as the Manatee County Planning Commission put a "Stop Work Order" on his docks because he was wrong. The whole area he owns (Parrot Cove Marina) looks like a disgrace from the debris he has, which he said five months ago would be gone, to his so-called parking lot where no one can park, so outside people' park on private and county property now. On his own initiative he has told people he has to move the dock to where it was, so why the response, because if he was being honest it would not be neces- sary. Mr. Gertz goes home every weekend and does not know the amount of times people here are asked why it is so hard to use a boat ramp that was reasonable to use safely for so many years. I write people to come and see why I have written The Islander. This letter is not about just me but about many people. As Mr. Gertz says, "If anyone looks at the of- ficial site plan and how our county has determined it, there should be no problem." I only hope with the accelerated growth in our great county that honest and proper regulations will not be overlooked. ' Robert R., Hof *ffmt ,StBradort nt > > THE ISLANDER U MAY 25, 2005 E PAGE 7 First nest last week, turtle walks to start By Jini Hanson Islander Correspondent Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch volunteers will begin offering free guided turtle walks on the Island's beaches, starting Memorial Day weekend, Saturday and Sunday, May 28-29. They have something to show off now, with a sea turtle nest and three false crawls in the same area of Anna Maria. They are the first signs of this season's reproductive nesting of marine turtles. The nest was at the end of Cedar Avenue in a sec- tion of beach that is scheduled to be renourished, which may disturb the eggs, so Turtle Watch volunteers opened the nest, put the eggs in a bucket and dug a new home for them at the nearby White Avenue dune out of harm's way. Maro Lorimer found the nest, said Suzi Fox, heads Turtle Watch director who holds the state permit for sea turtle preservation. The coordinator assigned to that mile of beach is Deborah Basilius, That section will be among the attractions offered to ThE THE BESq 40.' Maro Lorimer and Debbie Basilius verify the season's first Anna Maria Island loggerhead turtle nest. people who wish to join the Turtle Watch dawn patrols, Fox said. The tours are open to anyone who wants them, free of charge and undemanding except for the early hour. Theymiay be arranged with a phone call to Turtle Watch at 778-1435. Also offering free turtle walks is the Ritz-Carlton Sarasota hotel, which will start at the Lido Key life- guard station at 7 a.m., no reservations required. jv Egg.cellent news 42- 4 Bean Point is proving to be the iv threatened least tern's beach of .. dreams: There are more than 100 least terns and more than 100 S. black skimmers nesting at this time in the area of Bean Point on i' the northern shore of Anna Maria S.- Island posted by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation S- Commission last month. These least tern eggs were discovered in S the nesting area over the week- -end. The least terns are consid- ered a threatened species in Florida. Islander Photo: o Nancy Ambrose Ten years ago in the May 25,1995, issue of The Islander, headlines announced: The 789 Task Force recommended that Manatee County either build a roundabout at the Gulf Drive-Leffis Key intersection or install a traffic signal at that location. Bradenton Beach City Commissioner Walt Grace imme- diately denounced the proposal as unnecessary when so many other improvements along Gulf Drive were needed. Pig owner Shirley Howden-Gillett appealed to the Holmes Beach City Commission to be allowed to keep her pet pig, despite a city ordinance prohibiting farm animals as pets. Neighbors have objected to the smell. The Anchorage Restaurant at the corer of Pine Avenue and South Bay Boulevard in Anna Maria an- nounced it was closing, putting more than 60 staff members out of work. Owners of the property said they would market the location for sale to a developer. Temps .?7. & Drops on A.M.I. Date Low High Rainfall May 15 69 86 0 May 16 70 88 0 May 17 71 87 0 May 18 72 90 0 May 19 72 88 0 May 20 71 89 0 May 21 70 86 0 Average Gulf water temperature 820 24-hour rainfall accumulation with reading at approximately 5 p.m. daily. JAY CRAWFRD! Friday Saturday Sunday Catch hlvA lLve all Memorial weelzend! But leave the children at home! Jay's show is very adult oriented. He uses four-letter words like WORK ... BEER ... - and LOVE ... As in love that went wrong. Really, really, bad wrong. . .. .., -.7 -, ,, . HAPPY BIRTHDAY DRINK SPECIALS Mrs. Rotten Ralph, Pitchers of 2/ for $6 Thursday, May 26 Bud& ife - Miller Lite L jl P1 "i iv r Only $7 Ci4JILI ~ur~rue ROTTEN RALPH'S WATERFRONT DINING LUNCH & DINNER 7 DAYS FULL BAR SERVICE 902 S. Bay Blvd. Anna Maria Located at Galati Marina 778-3953 L*O-A-_A F CHPS I, *VERYDAY $7..9 We'd love to mail * U you the news! We mail The Islander weekly for a nominal $36 per year. It's the per- a fect way to stay in touch with what's happening on Anna Maria Island. More than 1,400 happy, eager-for-Island-news paid subscribers are already Receiving The Islander where they live ... from Alaska to Germany and . California to Canada. a We bring you all the news about three city governments, community Happenings, people features and special events ... even the latest real es- * tate transactions ... everything you need if your "heart is on the Island." We're u Sthe only newspaper that gives you all the news of Anna Maria Island. * The Islander is distributed free locally. But if you don't live here year- a round, or if you want to mail the paper to a friend or relative, please use This form or log on to islander.org for secure e-mail transmission. * S BULK MAIL U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (allow 2 weeks for delivery) O One Year: $36 Q 6 Months: $28 Q 3 Months: $18 S U.S. FIRST CLASS AND CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS i One Year: $140 0 6 Months: $87.50 i 3 Montfs: $52 SSingle Issue: $3.50.FIRST CLASS MAIL, U.S. ONLY, Maximum Four Weeks Call for mail rates to Europe or other countries. S MAIL TO: * ADDRESS a S CITY STATE _ZIP * U S Credit card payment: i-.' Q -l No. * U S Exp. Date Name shown on card: MAIL START DATE: T ."Islander S Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 E CHARGE IT BY PHONE: (941) 778-7978 5 OR ONLINE AT islander.org M N El E* m f M M a M I a 0 El Mi .n A M am 0 INN) W E irder V13 YEARS PAGE 8 N MAY 25, 20'05 U THE ISLANDER Gulf Drive improvements could begin this fall By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter There's nothing like a little optimism to jump-start an improvement project along Gulf Drive in Bradenton Beach that will add needed sidewalks, beach access ,areas and even pavilions along the scenic corridor. Mitch NMcKnight of Wilson Miller Inc.. the city's engineering firm, presented plans for Gulf Drive. im- provements at a May 18 joint meeting of the city com- mission and scenic,highway committee, and McKnight believes the project could start as early as this fall. "These are just ideas from the scenic highway of what they'd like to see," he told. commissioners, but with a little push by the commission and the right Florida Department of Transportation review, "we could begin the project this fall." Among the improvements will be new sidewalks on both sides of Gulf Drive from Cortez Road to Fifth Street South, curbing at the Bridge Street roundabout to slow traffic, some additional trolley stops, lighted crosswalks, landscaping and several observation pavil- ions along the west side. The sidewalks will tie in with Manatee County's planned multi-use path through Coquina Beach, said McKnight. Landscaping at the Gulf Dmn e-Bridge Street inter- section will create a "nice \ isual" as people enter and leave Bridge Street, he said. Several observation decks are in the design. The decks would face the Gulf of Mexico. be handicap ac- cessible, and contain rest rooms and outdoor showers for beachgoers. But the proposed sidewalks present a problem for Banana Cabana owner Mike Rappaport. The proposed sidewalk on the east side of Gulf Drive would run directly through parking in front of his restaurant. "You're taking away 10 parking spots from Schway Liquors 7318 Manatee Avenue West Between Publix and K-Mart Mon-Sat 9am-9pm, Sun 10-7 (941) 761-3525 Pre/ ,good Dewar's $2999 ~.75 "3/$87 Crown RoyaJ $1 999 5 us; Where are %\e going to get parking?" he asked Ma% or John Chappie. The city had given him permission for the parking spaces to meet his site plan and if the city-takes those spaces away, the restaurant does not meet the parking requirement, he.said. CME member Judy Giovanelli suggested the plan leave parking in front of Banana Cabana as it is now and simply move the sidewalk to the edge of the build- ing. Great idea, said Chappie. "We'll need to work that out," he said with optimism. Vice Mayor Bill Shearon, however, sounded a warning that the Florida Department of Transportation "has a problem" with vehicles backing out onto a state Ketel One $3499 3/1.7 $3499 3/$102 Baadio Bacardi or Mt. Gay Rum $2099 1.75 . A 3/$60 road. In fact. added NMcKnieht. the DOT has to review and approve all the proposed improvements before any bid process begins. "We will need DOT concurrence" for parking on a DOT right of way, he said. "Everything hinges on the DOT. The DOT wants to move traffic, not people." McKnight's next step will be to package the pro- 'posal to the DOT for approval, suggestions and com- ments. SFunds for the project are available through the city's community redevelopment agency, Chappie said, although McKnight offered no estimate of the cost of construction, if the city commission approves all the plans. "This is a great project for the city," Chappie said. "The entire area is 'high pedestrian' and we're trying to make it 'softer.'" sck Daniels 2999 1.75 Evan Williams $1799 .75 Famous Grouse Kahlua 1Seagram's VO S $25991.75 $2799,- $2099 :1.0 Iceberg Vodka Wolfschmidt Ballantines or $ 99 1.75 Vodka Grant's Scotch 19 3/$57 S 199175 2099 Jose Cuer .-. Absolui Vodka Smirnofr Vodka Vodka 1.75- i $2899 3199 99 2/$36 Bombay Sapphire Ron Rico Rum *Johnnie Walker Red S L,..,n ..r L :',r A or J&B Scotch 1 99 1, $1 699 1.75 2999 37 31 75 Mr. Boston or Skol3 Skyy Vodka Capt. Morgan or Gin or Vodka Parrot Bay Rum S$1099 1.: 23 99 $2099 3/$60 Wild Turkey 1010 Bud or Stolichnaya Bud Light Vodkaj $28991.75 $ 4,99 2PK $2799 ,1. P 49 9 CANS $.799 Gallo of Sonoma Chard. Mer 750$7.99 Jacob's Creek 75o ................. $5.99 Vendange 1.5 ............................. $6.99 Delicato 1. ............................ ...... $7.99 Glen Ellen 1.5.......................... $7.99 Black Swan 1.5 ...................... $8.99 B&G 1.5 $8.99 Bella Sera (p.grigio) 1.5 ..............$9.99 -YOI'LL BE TICKLED PINK When you see the all new BEACH SHOP ......~ Mit e a'" laimia Ic 4 Auenue ends ani~d1th CtiL(if beam;','i 9:30 am Adult Study/Discussion Rev. Charlie Shook 10:30 am Traditional Service with Choir Rev. Kenneth Gill (Nursery and. Sunday school) Come worship and enjoy warm fellowship YOUR CHURCH AWAY FROM HOME! 6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key FL 34228 (941)383-6491 Web site: www.islandchapel.com "r"-" -~~0- -~~ ". '.~~~~~; .-- "0.~ J *& .~.- ..- .i .1T 7' * .~l Fun Fa* From cruisewear to beachwear Fun Fashons Hats sandals, jewelry Dolls, candles & pottery SSuncatchers & windchimes Unique Gifts Nautical section including ships, birds fish seashells, manatees and morel S '1ln "" : r F'. : l'n1-R i' [i^'d i'clik F n ( I IYear-Round Christmas Shop n IL r 111 l jr h *o, ur.% n -l S. in .1.- r *.1 ,ih t- ,' m-i v -. Featlurinrq Florid.. and nno Mariao Islanrd-Jihne m d ornament: : -.Dt ,,. -- .Y I k k.. ;----: Mitch McKnight of engineering firm Wilson Miller Inc., madi a presentation on proposed impro l.emnts to the Gulf Drive corridor May 17 at a joint meeting ofthe city conummsion and the Brademon Beach Scenic High- way Corridor An',ia gement E, ir'v. Islander Photo. Rick Catlin -i --: - - .. ..: I~ ~ jiS~J r i r; -~ 5-~ -.-T-' 4J I THE ISLANDER M MAY 25, 2005 0 PAGE 9 School Daze Secretary's day out Anna Maria Elementary School Principal Kathy Hayes and school secretaries Amy Slicker and Candi Schields celebrated "Secretary's Day" with lunch at Ooh La! La! Bistro in Holmes Beach. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan AME fashion fad Brothers Anthony and Joey Cucci are among the Anna Maria Elementary School students showing their school spirit by wearing rubber wristbands imprinted with the school name and dolphin mascot. The AME Parent- Teacher Organization sold the bands for $3 before and after school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Some colors are already sold-out collectors items, such as the glow-in-the-dark, silver, gold and red, white and blue bands. PTO Treasurer Maggie Cucci says there are still several .colors left to choose from in small and large sizes. She says the item has also been popular with teachers and parents. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan Patrol picnic Anna Maria Elementary School fiftlh-graders who participated in the safety patrol program throughout the school year were rewarded for their hard work with a picnic lunch. The students patrolled the school during drop-off and dismissal times. Islander Photo: SDiana Bogan Protect Your Property! Ar :~Ts--,"- : Expert contractors build with the highest quality construction products available to them to ensure longevity and looks. The consequences of using inferior building materials can jeopardize your investment. Let us show you why 9 out of 10 installations are constructed with products from Crane Materials International. SBulkheads www.crcmnc. o * Seawalls * Docks 1-888-628-5543 . .I. SeI.LOC "GeoGuard CIARMORWARE __ d(imbL rL- .I I I * Piers I-II -_~ I I I I- I I-~- I - ; --- I-.- -- --... 1. - - ~uL, 1 e ~p~L3~:T~;p~: e~4~"~bi~J~sj~lg ~sau~ S ...,-r-- ;. ". F1-i .r-- ~---.-. ~~ ''~ '~~;; ~t. .i~-- 5~-~-15 =-. I.-.- i-~:- -- ~ --'r-'' -~ PAGE 10 U MAY 25, 2005 N THE ISLANDER A A lle +e 9 alledL1ctt g S From Anna Maria to Ellenton and points inbetween, you're sure to find hunting for art, antiques ahd collectibles as much fun as the discovery. There are so many places to go "antiquing" that you're \ \ certain to find the treasure you're looking for. rPs--- Cobweb ostP , Bniiiues and more Offi ce 511 10th St. E 817 Manatee Ave. E. 815 Manatee Ave. E. Bradenton Bradenton Bradenton 750-8044 708-3500 708-0913 Great sales ongoing at all 3 stores! SNo butts i STOOL about it... I ./'; this STOOL SIS COOL! I ;;- :- / -- '- l4[.tonrr..3 ri,.e [ -4- Hj 'Ifn c- r. 779-2624 & Jane E's Bakery open Friday Nigf til 10 pm Join us for coffee, snacks, desserts or a lite meal and some soft, live music. 9807 Gulf Drive Anna Maria 941-778-3170 l S-e 0V "Award-Winning" Grooming All Natural, All Organinc, and All Holistic Never Tranquilized - Just Loved! Advantage & Frontline Flea Protection 1' ". r' FEATURING Solid Gold R Wellness! "s Innova Pinnacle W Cal. Natural Avo Eagle Canidae ...and more! Jungle cast Anna Alaria Elementary School kindergartners became a cast of crocodiles, blue kangaroos, butterflies and more in their musical production "The Jungle Party." AME's kindergartners performed songs and dances about the jungle for fellow students in a school assembly and later for the community at the May Parent- Teacher Organization meeting. Islander Photos: Diana Bogan Lunch date Ooh La! La! ChefDamon Presswood welcomed Anna Maria Elementary Schoolfifth-graders Alexis Mitchell, left, and Kara Nelson, who dined at his restaurant with school guidance counse- lor Cindi Harrison and Holmes Beach Officer Pete Lannon, the school's resource officer. Lunch was a reward for penning winning essays about the school's Drug Abuse Resistance Education program taught by Lannon. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy 761-WOOF (9663) 7338 Cortez Road W.* Bradenton "GO NATIVE" with Island Jewelry and Tattoos! - 4- ,1- ."'=- Iiinn tatroo. Choose from Sand' "-. - o r L:r tI Lou r I i%% N ICSaturd O S. LVun.! 550 \ s artist Drive' Holmes Beach 779-0779 be offering her all-nturdl, handI-dragn hl,.'nn. tatrf,,o'. (-inOse fromn SJndv' l' rcat .,our ,-'n' -. ' :;.NICA ROSE SiL..V5R ^^T? 5508 Marina Drive Holmes Beach r-/ 779-0779 Reading All-stars Anna Maria Elementary School teacher Toni Lashway treats her "Reading All-Stars" to lunch at the Manatee Public Beach. Second-graders Parker Keegan, Alex King, Nick Annis, Kobi Hunter, Harrison Daigle-Franke, Noah Connors, Burke Kibbler, Sophie Billings, Holly Rizzo, Madison Driscoll and Morgan Hackworth were rewarded for completing every reading assignment. Not pictured is Reading All-star Hannah Roemer. Is- lander Photo: Diana Bogan . Wednesday, May 25 5 to 7p m Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce business card exchange at Re Max Gulistream, 401 Mana- tee Ave., Holmes Beach Inflormation: 778-1541. 8 to 9 a.m. Good Morning Longboat Key networking breakfast at the'Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce, 6960 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 387-9519. Thursday, May 26 7 to 9 p.m. Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage annual meeting at the Cortez Community Center, 123rd St. CI W, Cortez. Information. 708-4935. Friday, May 27 4 to 6 p.m. Sierra Club walk at the Emerson Point Conservation Preserve, Palmetto. Information: 748-1668. Fee applies. 6 to 9 p.m. Smooth Jazz with' Allon Sams at St. Armands Circle, Sarasota..Information: 388-1554. 7to 9p.m.- Teen night at the Anna Maria Island Com- munity Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Saturday, May 28 8:30 a.m. Kiwanis Club presents "Oldies but Good- ies" with Stretch Fretwell at Cafe on the Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. 9 a.m. Yoga with Jasmine Boss on the beach be- tween Spring Avenue and Pine Avenue, Anna Maria. Infor- mation: 778-4977. 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. American Hibiscus Society plant show at the First Baptist Church,.13th Street West and Fourth Avenue West, Bradenton. Information: 722-1748. 10 a.m. Manatee Children's Summit Auditions for young performers at the Riverfront Theatre, 102 Old Main St., Bradenton. Information: 748-0111. 10 a.m. Breast Cancer 3-day walk across the Island Egmont's nesting birds to get human help Volunteers are needed over holiday weekends to help protect nesting birds on Egmont Key, said the Friends of Tampa Bay Refuges. The bird helpers are needed on the coming Memo- riil Day weekend and over the Fourth of July. A spokesperson for the organization, Nancy Ambrose of Anna Maria, is organizing the volunteer effort. She said that if four persons are ready to go on a given day, a boat will pick them up on Anna Maria Island about 10 a.m. and bring them back at 4 p.m. Otherwise transportation will be provided from Fort DeSoto Park. At the Egmont wildlife refuge, the volunteers will direct visitors around areas on the beach where birds are nesting. The volunteers are advised to bring lunch and plenty of water and sunscreen for the day, Ambrose said. "Bring a friend," she said, "it makes for a great day on the island." Dengler's day slated for Friday in Anna Maria City The City. of Anna Maria will honor Mana- tee County Sheriff's Office Deputy Jules Dengler with a "Jules Dengler Day" on Friday, May 27. The popular deputy has spent 14 years in Anna Maria afd is retiring in June. Volunteer recruitment coffee next Wednesday at Mote Recruiting of volunteers will be the focus of a cof- fee session at Mote Marine Laboratory from 10 a.m. to noon Wednesday, June 1. Volunteers are" needed with. customer service, teaching or retail experience, said Andrea Davis, direc- tor of volunteer resources at Mote. She said the ex- panded aquarium needs more volunteers to greet, assist and inform visitors, and the new information desk needs help, too. Training is provided in all positions, she added. The complex is at 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota, on City Island off the south ramp of the New Pass Bridge connecting to Longboat Key. Additional information, is available at 388-4441, , . with team "Hope for Hooter" departs from Publix,- East Bay Drive and Manatee Avenue, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-7019. Donations appreciated. Tuesday, May 31 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. "Bioquest" summer camp at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. Noon to 3 p.m. Friendly bridge at the Anna Maria Is- land Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Wednesday, June 1 7 to 8 a.m. Pier Regulars meeting at the Anna Maria City Pier, 100 S- Bay Blvd., Anna Maria. Information- 778- 7062. 8 to 9 a.m. Good Morning Longboat Key networking breakfast at the Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce, 6960 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 387-9519. 10 a.m. to noon Volunteer recruitment coffee at Mote Marine.Laboratory, 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota. Information: 388-4441. Ongoing: Congressional Arts Competition Exhibition at the South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton, through May 27. Information: 746-4131. "Bioquest" summer camp at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria, through Aug. 5. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. Upcoming: *. Wild bird rescue training at the Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary June 4. SGuided nature walk at Felts Audubon Preserve June 4. Sierra club walk at DeSoto National Memorial June 5. "Serengeti Trek" Bible camp at Roser Memorial Com- munity Church June 6. "Art Smart" summer camp at the Longboat Key Cen- ter for the Arts June 6. Ribbon-cutting at Jessica's Beach Lounge June 6. Open circle players at the Island Branch Library June 7. Friends book club at the Island Branch Library June 8. Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce Sunrise breakfast at the Sun House Restaurant June 8. Children's programs big on library's June schedule With summertime doldrums looming, children's programs dominate summer activities at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Every Tuesday at 2 p.m. a special presenta- tion is scheduled, open to all youngsters. The schedule: June 7, Open Circle Players. June 14, Folktales presented by Katie Adams. June 21, dog show presented by Rick's Tricky Dogs. June 28, karate performance and lecture pre- sented by Kevin Bergquist. Also on the library's agenda is a meeting of the Friends of the Library Book Club at 10:30 a.m. June 8. The library opens at 10 a.m. daily except Sunday, closing at 8 p.m. Monday and Wednes- day, 6 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Details may be obtained by calling 778-6341. Anna Maria City Sunshine Law class held Anna Maria's annual meeting with City Attorney Jim Dye to discuss what city officials and staff need to know about Florida's Government in the Sunshine laws was held Tuesday, May 17. Planning and zoning board members Fran Barlow, Randall Stover, Chris Collins, Jim Conoly, Frank Pytel and Margaret Jenkins attended as did Code Enforce- ment Board Chairman Bill Iseman. City staff members Danielle Laktovitch and Alice Baird were on hand, while Joe White and Gail Garneau were at the meeting as members of the public. In addition to the Sunshine Laws, Dye also dis- cussed the difference among board meetings, quasi- judicial hearings and legislative proceedings. The annual meeting in Anna Maria is mandated by a court order. Wild bird class planned A free training class for wild bird rescue is sched- uled for Saturday, June 4, at the Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary, 1708 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota, on City Island off the south .ramp of the New Pass Bridge. No advance registration is necessary for the class, which begins at 10:30 a.m. Additional details may be obtained by calling 388-4444., THE ISLANDER 0 MAY 25, 2005 0 PAGE 11 RAIDER'S "REF SHELLS & GIFTS . The Island's Largest Selection Shells Shell Craft Supplies Sea Life Mirrors Jewelry and Handmade Seashell chnrstmas urnamenlt ts .- " 778-321 .1. 5508 Marina Drive Holmes Beach Across from I.ibrary Cune *Some Restrictions May Apply Sworkoutgets you in and out and in shape! 4228 60th St. W., Bradenton 794-2878 5366 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach 779-2878 Jewelry & Watch Repair We restore water-resistant and diver's watches to original' factory specifications: Water resistant ... $69.95 Diver's ... $89.95 The Emerald is May's Birtlhstone and the 20th & 35th Wedding Anniversary stone! Symbol of love and success! Ranges in color from dark green to light green. 7358 Cortez Rd. W. m 798-9585 M= Mon-Fri 10-5 Sat 10-4 HOT-DIGGITY DOG DAY Wednesday May 25 Noon-21m 'Hot dogs! Buy One S Get One FREE! OPEN Wednesday thru Saturday 10-6 Over 140 shops including food, crafts, clothing, fresh produce; unique boutiques and much more! 50/o% OFF Carpet & Fabric Prfoteclor IH A P P Y When we clean HAPPY MEMORIAL your carpet and MEDA upholstery. . FAT CAT Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Tile and Grout Color Cleaning ,- .. .. ...- C.lelling UIIU tainI Vontrol! LARRY & NANCY HOUSE, OWNERS 778-2882 or 387-0607 ,.111 I" 2 .." www.FatCatCarpetCleaning.com (.. < ,, , tll PAGE 12 0 MAY 25, 2005 N THE ISLANDER Obituaries Robert David Kelly Robert David Kelly, 87, of Anna Maria, died May 22. Born in Port Chester, N.Y., Mr. Kelly served in the U.S. Army during World War II. Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of Southwest Florida, 5955 Rand Blvd., Sarasota FL 34238. He is survived by wife of 54 years Marion, daugh- ters Maureen Gardiner of Missouri and Kathy Van Alst of Pensacola; son Robert of Massachusetts; six grand- children; and five great-grandchildren. Curtis Pigott Curtis Pigott, 87, of Holmes Beach, died May 19. Born in Ellenton, Mr. Pigott was retired as su- perintendent of Florida Power & Light after 45 years of service. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He served in the Civilian Conservation Corps. He was a member of the Kiwanis Club and of the Circle K at Manatee Community College. He was also involved with many softball leagues in Manatee County for many years and played semi-pro baseball. Memorial services were May 24 at Mansion Me- morial Funeral Home, Ellenton, with military hon- ors provided by Kirby Stewart American Legion Post No. 24, Bradenton. He is survived by his wife of 54 years Dorothy; sons Jeff of Harrisburg, Pa., and Buddy of San An- tonio, Texas; daughter Patricia Lawton of Wesley Chapel; brother Jimmy of Jacksonville; sisters Annie Ruth Kelly of Tavares, Alma Louise Turner of Jack- sonville and Mary Lee Brooks of Fort Myers; nine grandchildren; seven great-granchildren; and one great-great-grandchild. Daniel Edwin Sheehan Daniel Edwin Sheehan, 62, of Bradenton and formerly Holmes Beach, died May 19. Mr. Sheehan was founder and co-owner of Van- Go Painting Inc. r. Do you care for an ,: elderly loved one? S GIVE \YOURSELF A BREAK WITH OUR S.AFFOR DABLE SENIOR DAYCARE. Djys Nights Weekends Exceptional Individual Care ANNA MARIA CARE ASSISTED LIVING 2202 Avenue B Bradenton Beach 779-0322 Get rid of unwanted hair PERMANENTLY! No more shaving, waxing, tweezing or using depilatory creams. Eliminate shaving bumps. LASER HAIR REMOVAL AND ELECTROLYSIS by Pansy Heger, CCE, CME, LE Located in ,.-- Hair's To You'Salon,, 3218 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach - (941) 685-7368 by appointment only available evenings and weekends Free Consultation The patient and any other person responsible for payment lhas a rghtl to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reim- bursed for payment for any other service, examination, or Ireatment that is performed as a result ol and withln 72 hours of responding to 1he advertisement for Ihe free, discounted eoo. or reduced lee service, oxaminalion. or Irealmonl. Memorial services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, May 28, at Saints Peter and Paul The Apostles Catholic Church, 2850 75th St. W., Bradenton. Memorial contri- butions may be made to Hos- pice of Southwest Florida, 5955 Rand Blvd., Sarasota FL 34238. Sheehan He is survived by business and life partner Bill Chamberlain; son Daniel of Columbus, Ga.; daughter Eleanor of Orlando; sister Regina Sheehan Moser of East Brunswick, N.Y.; and three grandchildren. Jon Thornburg as Santa Claus. Islander Photo: Courtesy Karly Carlson Jon A. Thornburg Jon A. Thornburg, 81, of Bradenton, died May 17. Born in Wayne County, Ind., Mr. Thornburg was Yvaesr fiemorital Onurmtnit (lprdC . An Interdenominational Christian Church Rev. Gary A. Batey Serving the Community Since 1913 Come Celebrate Christ SWorship Service: 10am Adult Church School: 9am Children's Church School: 10am "Youth Church School: 10am Transportation & Nursery Available 512 Pine Ave, Anna Maria 778-0414 www.roserchurch.com Imprmove thte OQcLtaftl ,of Yov-- Lfi& e S. Carol Greer Sieinaszko BA Ed.MA P-;yh. CERTIFIED COUNSELOR RAND I.IFE COACH P0 ic L' I i l. I -Il li Ir. li (941 794-1492 Our fast claims service is "No Problem." R ur agency is well known for providing fast, efficient and fair claims service. That's because 4 we represent Auto-Owners Insurance, which, according to a national consumer's magazine, ranks consistently as one of the top insurers in the country. That's ". --- why we are known as the "No Problem" People. ." Ask us about our great - service today! utruto-Owners Insurance Life Home Car Business 7'A6M&boim/'a ' Jim Mixon Insurance Inc. 5412 Marina Dr.* Island Shopping Center Holmes Beach, (941) 778-2253 OUR OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR LUNCH NOON-1 DAILY. a retired postal inspector. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps during World War II. He was a certified P.S.E. operator. Mr. Thornburg was a founding member of the Art- " ists Guild of Anna Maria Island, past president of the Island Garden Club, and a member of the American Legion. "He was a good cook," said Artists Guild President Peggy Potter, addinigthat he won critical acclaim not only for his cooking but also for his prima color pen- cil sketches, for which he became a well-known Florida artist whose work in historical landscapes grace homes. and businesses throughout the country. He was also an accomplished photographer. He and wife Mercedes helped make the holiday open house at the Island Shopping Center at Marina and Gulf Drive in Holmes Beach an annual event, and Mr. Thornburg never failed to serve as Santa Claus for the enjoyment of young and old alike. Memorial services were May 22 in Blue Springs, Mo. Memorial services will be held locally June 11 at SGloria Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, with a time to be announced later. Griffith-Cline Funeral Home was in charge of arrange- ments. He is survived by wife of 27 years Mercedes; sons Jon of Piano, Texas, Jay C. and Jeff, both of Blue Springs, and Joe of Wellington, Mo.; daughters Becki Lowry of Centerview, Mo., Georgia Coats of Garfield, Ark., Gloria Hickman of Riverside, Mo., Gina Chavez and Glida Brinkley, both of Blue Springs; sisters Judie McIntire of Brockwell, Ohio, Bernice Mercer and Bliss Price, both of Englewood, Calif.; 19 grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. Doris R. Warner Doris R: Warner, 81, of Bradenton, died May 17. Mrs. Warner came to Manatee County from Woodbury, N.J., in 1958. She was a homemaker. She was a member of Island Baptist Church, Anna Maria City. She is survived by daughter Lynn Prouty of Bradenton; son Richard of Houston, Texas; and five grandchildren. AN INTERDENOMINATIONAL COMMUNITY CHURCH HARVEY MEMORIAL '" -PASTOR BILL GROSSMAN S: -, Worship Service ri .: Sunday 9:30am 779-1912 harveychurch@earthlink.net 300 CHURCH AVE. BRADENTON BEACH 2 BLOCKS NORTH OF BRIDGE ST. CLOCK TOWER Glor Dei Lutheran Church, ELCA Pastor Tamara Wood SSaturday 5pm Service of Celebration Sunday 9:30 am Worship Service #. Nursery available at 9:30am [ www.glonadeIlutheran com i 6608 Marina Drive Holmes Beach S778-1813 Dr. Kathleen Goerg Massage Therapy Also Available! 778-0722 3612 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach, FL 34217 (between Publix and Ace Hardware) Visit our Web site: www.islandchiro.com THE ISLANDER U MAY 25, 2005 U PAGE 13 Streetlife Island police reports Anna Maria City May 14, 100 block of Spring Avenue, information. A resident reported he could hear loud, obscene music coming from a restaurant. The complaint stated the music contained multiple uses of profane language. May 16, 100 S. Bay Blvd., City Pier, burglary. According to a witness, a man removed a beer keg from a Budweiser beer truck, placed it in the trunk of a Volkswagen Jetta and sped away. May 19,700 block of Holly Road, disturbance. A man agreed to leave the scene after deputies responded to calls regarding a domestic argument. Bradenton Beach May 12, 2000 Gulf Drive N., Bungalow Beach Re- sort, burglary. According to the report, a woman awoke to a loud noise and.saw what appeared to be a man wear- ing pajamas standing next to her. Realizing the room was occupied, the man reportedly fled. According to the report, the door to the woman's room connects to another unit in which police found a microwave had been removed from a shelf and placed on the bed. The doors to both units showed evidence of being forced open. May 13, 400 block of Gulf Drive North, assist other agency. Officers assisted the Manatee County Sheriff's Office in a missing child report. A mother reported her teenage daughter was last seen waiting for the school bus in front of Bradenton Beach City Hall. May 14, 116 Bridge St., U.S. Post Office parking lot, warrant arrest. While on patrol, officers witnessed a man leaving a bar enter a vehicle and attempt to drive. Officers stopped the man and, through a routine iden- tification check, found he had an outstanding warrant from St. Louis, Mo.'for tax evasion. May 15, 200 block of Ninth Street North, domes- tic battery. A 25-year-old woman was arrested for be- coming physically abusive to her boyfriend during an argument over a cell phone. According to the report, the woman also became violent toward officers during her arrest. She reportedly kept banging her shoulder -e i a rI a S41 .$wv fn 3n iricf I f't]I ilI ?j -i i T si V 1B]m Fr l 1 s t5.*x 11.41t'r LM I against the inside of the patrol car door and kicked an officer in the face. According to the report, she-also threatened to kill one of the arresting officers, threat- ened to accuse the officer of rape and to claim the of- ficers beat her up. After she was removed from the scene, she reportedly pleaded to be allowed to escape. May 16, 2200 block of Avenue C, criminal mis- chief. A duplex was vandalized with graffiti. Holmes Beach May 13, 100 block of 31st Street, burglary. A Holmes Beach resident was arrested after reportedly breaking into another home. According to the report, the homeowners heard the suspect attempt to enter through the sliding-glass door and yelled at him to leave. The homeowners said that when they saw the suspect leave the deck area and walk into the garage, they phoned police. Responding officers arrested the suspect, who stated that he had been drinking and thought this was the residence he shares With room- mates, until he entered the home and realized the fur- niture looked different. May 13,4000 Gulf Drive, Cafe on the Beach, bur- glary. According to the report, a safe was stolen. May 13,4000 Gulf Drive, Manatee Public Beach, burglary. A man reported his credit cards and cash.sto- len from a wallet he left in his vehicle. May 13, 6300 block of Marina Drive, driver's li- cense. A man was cited for driving a motorcycle with- out proof of insurance or a motorcycle endorsement for his driver's license. May 14, 4000 Gulf Drive, Manatee Public Beach, burglary. A man reported his wallet stolen from his vehicle. May 15, 8300 block of Marina Drive, criminal mischief. A mailbox was struck by a vehicle. May 15, 8300 block of Marina Court, theft. A six- gallon fuel tank was stolen from a resident's boat. May 15, 500 block of 68th Street, theft. A man reported that he believed his girlfriend stole his vehicle. after an argument, but later called to report the car had Dr. Diane Michaels Chiropractic Physician ,, ;age Therapist on Staff SP 'ro, idir for most Insurance 501 Village Green Parkway Bradenton, Florida 761-0210 (I block east of Albertson's on Manatee Avenue) - I Island walk for breast cancer Three Island residents will be joined by fellow members of team "Hopefor Hooter" to walk the Island in conjunction with the Breast Cancer three-day fundraiser. The team will be walking 60 miles over the course of three days and accepting donations to support breast cancer research, education, screening and treatment through the Susan G. Komen Foundation and the Na- tional Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund. The "Hope for Hooter" team, which includes Holmes Beach resident Michele Schenk, will have an advance six-mile team walk departing from the Island Publix on East Bay Drive at 10 a.m..on May 28. The group will walk Gulf Drive to Pine Avenue in Anna Maria where they will take a break at A Pine Avenue Salon. The team will'then walk Magnolia Avenue to Gulf Drive and continue down Marina Drive to 67th Street where the walk will finish. Islanders are encouraged to cheer them on as they walk and Schenk says donations are always welcome. Schenk said one of the reasons for the walk is to support the approximately 200,000 American women who will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year and the nearly 40,000 who will die from the disease. For more information, call Schenk at 778-7019. been returned. May 15,4000 Gulf Drive, Manatee Public Beach, driver's license. A man was cited for driving without a license and insurance. May 15,4000 Gulf Drive, Manatee Public Beach, theft. A couple reported losing their identification cards and cash while on the beach. According to the report, the items had been placed in a cigarette pack, which they forgot to pick up as they were leaving. May 18, 500 block of 77th Street, theft. A man reported his fishing poles, tackle box and deck chairs stolen from his boat dock. OPEN Mon.-Fri. 73oam-7pm Sat., Sun., Holidays 73oam-5pm WALK-INS WELCOME We're available to tend to your urgent care needs Fever/Infections Minor Lacerations Simple Fractures Sprains PINNACLE MEDICAL CENTER 315 76th Street West Bradenton 941-761-1616 WILLS TRUSTS PROBATE JAY HILL Attorney-at-Law 778-4745 Anna Maria, Florida LUTZ, BOBO & TELFAIR, P.A. : $ j 'i WM I Lutz, Bobo & Telfair, P.A. is rated "AV" by Martind More than 100 years combined legal ex Roger Lutz and Allen Bobo are Island residents and are available for consultations on the Island. 951-1800 One Sarasota Tower Sarasota www.lutzbobotelfair. com ale-Hulbbell, the nationally recognized law firm rating service. xperieince in'Manatee and Sarasota Counties. Implants .... t-T/h ; ~-\tt',.1lrt tot De,,tures. \ISLAND/." DENTAL SPA Oral Health Restoration and Smile Reconstruction for the Discriminating Patient Eliminate soreness. Eat what you icant. Reca'in the natural strength of your jaw. mSchedale a consulation to explore iour options. New patients welcome' ExpI i i.n c L'totl co.l/To t with plinlt\ >A[ pcr,,'li / Fp'IIr.,1,j Er..m ,ur ier,/I u -talfl En|>li m ,II lar vi, h ,n ',it i 4 -.da, nini- and beer. Imnwiere vy'uat elI in muii: ,:'i 1. 7 : ari, nd let a ther.apeutil h.ai.:l 3\x treatenict L tak. poit car'cs JiwyUi 778-22041 v 'v".islanddentalspa.coni The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not he based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. --- ------ ------ ------------------- ---- ..-r- Creating beautiful smiles on Anna Maria Island & Longboat Key PAGE 14 E MAY 25, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Anna Maria Elementary School's graduating class The Islander would like to congratulate the Anna Maria Elementary School 2005 graduating class. To celebrate their transition to middle school, students will be treated to lunch at the BeachHouse Restau- rant in Bradenton Beach and return to school for a graduation dance in the auditorium. The following is a list of Anna Maria Elementary School fifth-graders who will be moving up to middle school in the fall. Jay Beard Glenn Bower Alex Burgess Connor Cloherty Kyle Crum Matt Danziger Erin Dolan Michelle Donato Sara Falls Joseph Fara Joseph Garbus Kell\ Guerin Ale\ Hall Chandler Hardy Sa' annaih Hendrickson \W\att Hoffman Austin Hopp . Joseph Hutchinson Daniel Janisch Troy Koszewski Molly McDonough Alexis Mitchell Kara Nelson Connor Nichols Kyle Parsbns Pe\ ton Phillips Tommy Price Jake Rappe Bresl\n Reiber Dlan Rile\ Blake Ri\ers Trina Rizzo .. .Chris-Sargent Stephanie Schenk' : Shelby Shinn'r ' Max Staebler Justin Suca '-:: Abigail Van Ostenbridge Austin Wash ' Rachel White Carson Woote n- Sipcic h AME fourth- and fifth.grade FCAT results good The Florida Comprehensive Assessnient Test -; scores in reading and math for Anna aria Elementary School fourth- and fifth-graders arelamong the highest; , in the Manatee County School District. , AME students in third- through fifth-grades made:, the highest achievements districtwide in math and, ae- cording to teacher Anne Kinnan. AME's fifth-graders also had the highest scores in reading and math district ide. in addition to exceeding the state average. "It's impressie" Kinnan said., those kids are hard workers." SIn fourth-grade. 91 percent of students achieved a proficiency level in reading, which is consistent with last year's fourth-grade class, and 91 percent \ ere proficient in math, an improvement from 83 percent in 2004. Districtwide in reading, 71 percent of students Beach break Joan Sackett and Marcia Brockway brought their fourth-grade classes from Anna Maria Elementary School to Coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach for a picnic lunch. After lunch, students enjoyed a walk through the Leffis Key nature preserve. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan Retire Your "Old Fashioned" Mortgage for an Asset Manager Loan SM Cut Your Mortgage Payment In Half! With rates as low as 1.20% and up to 40 Years To Pay. No Lender Closing Costs. No Points. No Broker Fee. Loan Amounts $250,000 to $5,000,000 SPay Off Your Home In 7 Years With The Savings! i Ask about our Equity Builder Payment Plans! Miriam Newman Senior Loan Officer Over $40,000,000 in closed loans for 2004! P.S. Let me show you how to put your equity to work with our fully managed commercial and residential real estate investments! $250 000 None $526 00 $500 000 I'one $1!52 40 $750,000 ione $1878 74 $1 000 000 f Jone $2504 CiC ' Rai and mnontily payn'enis based on our Asset MAanager Loari Other lojn product a,, 11lable Changing The Face of American Finance! For more loan information or to find your next home, call: 800-953-7622 Ext:108 www.dollarrealty.com Rates subject to change and may not be available at commitment or close. APR is 3 6t'% See www.dollarrealty.com/guarantee for "Closing On Time" guarantee. Dollar REALTY& MORTGAGE achieved a level-of proficiency and 59 percent did the same in math. Statewide, 71 percent of fourth-graders are profi-. cient in reading and 64 percent in math. Fifth-grade students also took the FCAT reading. and math tests as well as a science test. In reading, 90 percent of AME fifth-graders achieved a three or above compared to 86 percent last year. In math, 76 percent of fifth-graders achieved a three or greater compared to 79 percent in 2004. SDistrictwide and statewide, 63 percent and 66 percent, respectively, of fifth-graders are proficient in reading. In math, 53 percent of Manatee County fifth-graders and 57 percent statewide scored a three or above. Perico public property OK'd Manatee Counts commissioners Tuesday agreed unanimously to mo\e forward \\ ith grant applications to acquire about 19 acres of Perico Islandjust east and south of the Anna Maria Island Bridge. The property, owned by developer Pat Neal, would be turnedtinto open space and perhaps, according to county officials, include a.public park. But it won't be a quick process. The property acquisition will be handled through the Florida Communities Trust, according to Manatee County Ecos) stems Manager Charlie Hunsicker. The grant application will be submitted in the next cycle, meaning that the process before public ownership could take several years. Neal has agreed to sell the property to the county for less than the appraised price of between $10 and $13 million. 8708 Cortez Road W. Closed Monday, Cortez May 30, in observance (941) 792-9099 of Memorial Day. All yoar landrtcpe reed Mulch Stone Soil Loppers Pruners Rakes and much more! Open Monday thru Friday 7-4:30, Saturday 7-noon Pawsitively Pets & Property Services Inc. Quality Pet Sitting Services in Your Home Property Services During Your Absence Bonded & Insured Jane & Steve Futch 761-7511 Accounting Services Financial Statements Secretarial Services Payroll & Payroll Taxes Income Tax Preparation Electronic Filing BEN COOPER, E.A. Ben Cooper and Associates Inc. 3909 E. Bay Drive, Suite 110 Holmes Beach, FL, 34217 (Located across from Publix) (941)778-6118 Fax:(941)778-6230 benacooper@aol.com ".1www.islander,.org THE ISLANDER N MAY 25, 2005 N PAGE 15 AME celebration filled with peaceful surprises By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter Anna Maria Elementary School students ended the school year with a peace celebration that turned out to be full of surprises. Students gathered around the peace pole in the school's courtyard at the start of the school day Friday to recite the school's peace pledge and sing a few songs. The courtyard serves as the school's peace garden and in addition to the peace pole, which was dedicated in response to the Sept. 11,2001, terrorist attack on the United States, the garden is home to several AME memorial symbols. In the center of the garden, behind the peace pole, stands a tree planted in memory of Pat Wagner, an AME teacher who passed away from cancer. This year marks the passing of the last group of Wagner's stu- dents to move up to middle school. Wagner's memo- rial tree was the beginning of the peace garden, said Cindi Harrison, AME's guidance counselor. In addition to memorial trees for those who passed away, the garden includes symbols to remember those who have moved on to new jobs. A gardenia tree was planted in the garden when former school principal Tim Kolbe took a new job with the Manatee County School District two years ago,. At the peace celebration, a clay frog was added to the garden so students and staff will always remember their departing, amphibian-loving first-grade teacher Lynn Drolet. The celebration was also a time for students to thank, Bubbling over Students at Anna Maria Elementary School gathered in the courtyard around the Peace Pole for one last "peaceful" celebration before the end of the school year. Following a brief presen- tation by the Island Rotary Club, students sang songs and ended the celebration blowing bubbles into the air. SMAY's Honey-Bee of the Monthi avid baigle Age 2 n August, son of Daryl and Mon;ca (Mom works for the w Bvn of Longboor Ke, ) Dbavd has been a "Bee" j nce the age of 7 wiE's He has a very good sense of humor and he's full of mischief, just like a good little boy should be! He likes nap time and he is a very dior and sweet boy. Full-time daycare Monday-Friday 7am-6pm For children ages 6 weeks to 5 years *3 nutritious meals daily, plus healthysnacks Fully staffed by quality and experienced DAYCARE child-care professionals 5382 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-2967 ' the Anna Maria Island Rotary Club for its effort in help- ing the school work toward its goal of promoting peace. In March, students held a fundraiser hoping to raise enough money to sponsor the purchase of a Rotary Club shelter box. The boxes, which include a 10-per- son tent and cooking supplies, are being sent to South- east Asian tsunami victims.- Students exceeded their $900 goal, the cost of a shel- ter box, and raised $1,250 selling lemonade and cookies. Just ask for me - I'll be the bag behind the counter No need to go street shopping in New York City... *,. .' II r,3ve all the famous designer names! ... il'l:l U fl."II Lathe-p Metallei hdllJ I:]I|..| Accessories uJeuelru Located in the Bradenton Outlet Mall 773-1204 6605 Manatee Ave. W. Mention this ad, get 10% off Tsunami aide Anna Maria Elementary School students and staff surprised Anna Maria Island Rotary Club members with a $2,500 check for the club to. Purchase a Rotary Village House to be built in Southeast Asia to help tsunami victims rebuild. Pictured at the check presentation during AME's Send-of-year peace celebration are, from left, Robert SSchwartz, AME construction project chief Rotary club member Jim Dunne, club S president Don Fernald, and AME guidance counselor Cindi Harrison. Islander Photos: Diana Bogan Having overheard Harrison talking about the stu- dents' achievement and that they had more funds than were needed for a shelter box and half the funds needed for a Rotary Village House, a member of the school construction team stepped up with a surprise donation. Robert Schwartz, the project-superintendent for the school's construction project, donated the additional $1,250 needed to purchase a Rotary Village H6use. Schwartz was invited to help make the $2,500 check pre- sentation to the Rotary Club at the peace celebration. Stu- dents and clib members were surprised with the news that the school will be sponsoring a permanent home. Several Rotary Club members attended the cel- ebration and had a surprise of their own for Harrison. Club member Jim Dunne announced that Harrison has been selected as this year'sPaul Harris Fellow. Dunne said she is the first non-Rotary member on the Island to be selected. The honor is given to an in- dividual who strives to promote peace, harmony and cultural awareness. At the end of the morning celebration, students were asked to contemplate their accomplishments and the things they hoped to achieve and were each given a bottle of bubble solution to celebrate by blowing bubbles into the air. WH"HOL FOODSc www.richardswholefoods.com *Bulk *Natural Foods * Supplements Mon Sat B inginti 1111nfo 10% OF 9:30am 5:30pm 778-4322 5344 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach (next to Hurricane Hank's) OCEANS. MOUNTAINS. CEBERGS. YEAH, A FEW THINGS OUTLAST OUR AIR CONDITIONERS : When you buy an Amana air conditioner or I heat pump, there's a chance you'll never have to buy another. Because Amana units are built to last a really long time. In fact, we're so confident about the lasting power of Amana air \ conditioners and heat pumps that all Amana .| systems installed by West Coast qualify for ----a 8 Amana's AsureCare 10-year parts and labor .. breakdown coverage. So get an Amana air conditioner or heat pump for your home. It'll last and last and last. Call for more details. Sw WEST COAST Hea 9 & Air Condifloning WEST COAST nim AIR CONDITIONING M & HEATING INC LASTS AND LASTS AND LASTS.TM 778-9622 5347 Gulf Drive, No. 4, Holmes Beach Business Center, Holmes Beacri II - PAGE 16 0 MAY 25, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER pfde44b.. By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent Get the best professional photographer you can find, and do what he tells you. He's completely on your side. Jack Elka says so, and he should know if anyone does. He is the prime beach photographer and espe- cially the prime beach wedding photographer around Anna Maria Island. He photographs several weddings a week, and most are beach weddings. He does all kinds of weddings in all kinds of set- tings, but beach nuptials are his specialty and his favor- ites. Fact is, "I've never had a bad wedding. I love weddings, everybody is happy and having a good time. It's the ultimate party." Everyone wants a traditional beautiful bridal por- trait, he said, and he can do those as well as anyone "Throw her in the pool, I yelled, camera poised; and I was. as surprised is i he bride that he did it!" said photographer Jack Elka. His "trademark" bride photo, top right, Tina Norwood Hampton, takes advantage of the beauty of both bride and beach. "For the best wedding photos and lasting memories do what the photographer tells you," Elka said Jack ka' s fav e w- ,cake "bl r. Jack Elka's favorite wedding cake "blooper." Ub - Cakes, pastries, pies and more for your intimate and casual Island-style wedding. Jane] Inside Gin 9807 GulfI 941 7, E's Ba1 -/ ^ - iny's at the old IGA Drive Anna Maria 11-778-3170 I ~' ~ I anywhere. But there's much more than that to photo- graphing a wedding. Brides should'be as relaxed as they can be, consid- ering the exciting occasion. The photographer will get the most out of the preparations, the ceremony and, the celebration to follow. Everyone should do what the photographer says to do, for he'sdone this a lot, can swiftly analyze the best features of a bride, and knows how to bring them out. He's a pro, remember. Anna Maria Island has become a wedding destina- tion, Elka said. People come here for their nuptials from all over the world Germany, England, Ireland OPENING SOON! L sand Dr--cams Fine Liens - 9908 Gulf Drive Anna Maria 941.778.4050 OFFERING BRIDAL REGISTRY 778-4751 1; :-; ; F .F and points between and beyond. * Weekends at the more popular places are booked through the end of the year, but weekdays are looser at least for now. "For vacationers from all over, it doesn't really matter. A weekday is as good as any for a wed- ding," Elka said. April has become the busiest wedding month here, supplanting June. This April Elka photographed five weddings in one week. One Saturday night he had three weddings at the Sandbar restaurant. A growing problem is accommodations, especially PLEASE SEE ELKA, NEXT PAGE ****************************** S------- Vedadings S-, Best Rates on thie sand * By 'Rev. jiSalazar * S Civil and9nterfaith : \\'vww.uniqueceremonies.com SL calltoll ee 1-866-Rev-jiW S nr 0 'Member: qnna Maria, Siesta 'Key and Manatee County Chamners of Commerce OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0 0 S ._ _ 10 2'_ ;, .. PA--_. ..F- .. -~ ~ ~ 455~~1 X4'54 5311 gulf drive anna maria island 778.5400 . 800-771-7163 5312 Marina Drive Holmes Beach www.island-florist.com For the Honeymoon of a lifetime, call our Honeymoon Specialist! -Ilr:.-, ;-'.~ ^ "..*'. tda a,,/" "'L bbie Crissman ,l aior Travel Consultant -'41.795.3900 fax 941.798.3442 1 : 00.741.4390 ., bibie@fantasytravel.net S I ,-,,wfantasytravel.net ,, ,\,\ n..,,r,,, i-L .-i" 1l . 'V .4. ,- ~.I.2 4'jj~- I I *;- 4-5 tfes cAicr / Our new, elegant dining room addition is perfect for bridal and wedding parties. Call Chef Damon for arrangements. 5406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 778-5320 -- mul~I rW r. I ~i~j EDh T3-ir~-TC: 1 i _Iwiwm THE ISLANDER 0 MAY 25, 2005 U PAGE 17 ur barecf t wetiyn on beach lann ng yv By Nancy J. Taussig Special to The Islander What better personifies a wedding in paradise than a barefoot wedding on the beach at sunset? Here are some tips for plan- ning your special day. Keeping these sugges- tions in mind will make your barefoot wedding memorable for everyone: SSet a tentative date and make sure your \ wedding and reception locations and officiant of choice are available. If so, nail down that date. Then make the rest of your plans photographer, videographer, musicians, florist, limo, etc: Although we are in paradise, keep weather in mind when deciding between elegantly formal or beachy casual. For a laige portion of the N ear. the beach is an awfully hot place to be wearing a tux or a suit. On the flip side, it does sometimes get too chilly for that strapless bridal dress. In the event of rain, a possible backup location could be your reception site. Alert your gtiests especiallN out-of-towners, to what the weather ma\ be like. The\ II \\ant sunglasses or hats and it will'get cooler after the sun sets. Make sure hairstyles will hold iup to humidity and breezes. And remember, no sunglasses on the wedding party. High heels on the beach are not a good idea. They '11 sink into the sand and possibly be ruined. Wear flats. sandals, or better yet go barefoot. Just don't for- get the pedicure guys. too. Yes, this barefoot look e' en \\orks \ ith a tu\ and formal gown. The beach is usually breezy and most couples would not consider it a good omen if their Unity candle were blown out. You may want to substitute a sand cer- emony or a rose ceremony. A decorated arch can mark your ceremony loca- tion. Seashells or flowers can decorate your "aisle" in the sand. Carry the theme through your reception and maybe even onto your cake. Consider your guests' ability to walk across large stretches of loose sand. If you have guests who are eld- erly or handicapped, you inay need to hold the cer- emony closer to the dunes than to the waves. Please don't release balloons at the beach. .. -_. _. '' _- -- 1.1- e W ...... e Vt -.. ..... _._ 1_- V_ -* : 11i N t -_ .. d r d.- 11.4' .l '- 0 _- .~l.- nlmitations Po'tcards Sr t ioart Brochw'es Newsleatterq- Buine--f (aF dr k -warm f1) ers -Menus PIrogiraus labels I ~ L ,; [, ' BAILEY PRINTING Quality Color PiEing 4220 59THSI 1R I WISTI. BRtMA NTON, NIl 10f 7-11 79.-51 1 i FAX 9551. i 1CE LL 51W ;I; BAIlIn PilN I IlOI MAIL.COM Sthe roo pr 2L".! ~ ,h A copuii 'd by JIackElka. Elka shoots weddings on beach CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 for large parties that want to stick together. Many of the hotels and resorts of the past are becoming condos. A solution to that problem may be on the way. A wealthy Italian has talked with Elka and others about building a strictly wedding facility somewhere around here, elaborate enough to take on a wedding from ceremony to party, including accommodations. Elka blesses the digital camera. It has streamlined I ~.: IRol ... ... Tle Islander Offering Islanders free engagement and wedding notices since 1992. ~~- ..3...3* ... .:- ~ 3 3r 3 i .1. ;i .3. ,:.i : ~ process so a couple can see their photos almost instantly a computer, and anytime thereafter online. No more dark- ,m. no more smelly chemicals, no more delay. Elka's ints are made in a St. Petersburg laboratory, which "gets iem perfect every time." It is so quick nowadays that one couple married, flew to Tahiti for their honeymoon, and their.photos beat them to the South Seas. And relatives and friends can pick the. ones they want, too, on the spot or from Elka's Web site. He markets pictures to everyone at the wedding and also to some. who can't make it there. While digital makes his job easier, it engen- ders competition, too. Mom and Pop and everyone in the wedding party often turn up with their own cam- eras. Elka recounts getting elbowed aside by sweet little old ladies, and muscling Pop for a good cam- era angle. Some of his best shots couldn't be an- ticipated. "Throw her in the pool," he yelled to a S groom holding his bride, and darned if he didn't. And there's his famous shot of the attack wed- ding.cake, the upper layers of khich toppled onto the couple's heads when the) cut it. But his most beautiful photo cre- ations are done on the beach. It's a lovely set- ting. romantic and natural and k without clutter. It's also verN difficult, Elka noted, for the lighting is different from an\ other location, constantly changing and un- predictable. He's been 20 years perfecting beach photogra- phy. Some of his most arresting photos are in his spe- cialty of "Portraits by the Sea," which he has made so successful that he's thinking of franchisingy. Still, he loves weddings best. for they are joyful and full of promise. His advice to brides and grooms is .to prepare to be relaxed if possible and enjoy the photo process as just part of the whole wonderful affair. "It's their wedding." he said. "I'm only-there to capture the moment. Aside from the traditional portrait, it's all shooting. After the wedding is over, the only thine that's left is pictures. You have to make sure they're the best." IRS IN a V.ERI IBSi R R I I 0 V 0 i Full Catering f or 00! For information, call S Alfredo 792-8731, ext 3 . i| U .^ V STH AMIERICNL REGION /. S Kirby.Stewart Post 24 g 2000 75th St. W. Bradenton 9emamEEmmmmmmm9m * * .00 S " 6713 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton invitations. ' Sin the Northwest Promenade 792-4235i * i* b* 0.-M0KE0,: 6713 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton 4i th Ntrima *94 ii L I -I L I -I-I I r -- ---- i I PAGE 18 E MAY 25, 2005 N THE ISLANDER Pair of wins clinches AAA Little League title for WMFD By Kevin Cassidy. Islander Reporter WMFD defeated Morgan Stanley 15-7 on Mon- day, May 16, in Little League baseball action and fol- lowed that up with a 14-6 victory over Duncan Real Estate on Wednesday, May 18, to clinch the AAA di- vision title. As of press time, WMFD was 9-6 on the season with one remaining game left against Duncan Real Estate. A victory by Duncan would push them past Morgan Stanley and into second place. A WMFD vic- tory would leave Morgan Stanley and Duncan Real Estate in a tie for second place. Another race that has gone down to the wire is for the batting title. Jordan Sebastiano has been the leader for most of the season, but an 8-for-8 streak over two games by WMFD's Tommy Price vaulted him past Sebastiano and into the top spot with one game left. Award banquets for each of the three baseball di- visions take place Wednesday night, May 25, to wrap up another season of Island Little League baseball. Duncan 12, Morgan Stanley 9 Duncan Real Estate defeated Morgan Stanley 12- 9 on Friday, May 20, thanks in part to a three-run triple by Patrick Facheris in the second inning. Facheris' shot into the right-centerfield gap drove in Alex Hall, Daniel Pimentel and Travis Belsito, who all reached via walk. Other hitters for Duncan include Troy Kozewski, who went 1-for-2 with two runs scored, while Jordan Sebastiano and Austin Wash each singled and scored Sone run in the victory. Jake Rappe added a single for Duncan, which also received a pair of runs from both Belsito and Burgess. Zach Even led Morgan Stanley with a pair of singles and one run scored, while Daniel Janisch singled and scored twice. Zach Evans added a single to I Capalb o's SHouse of Pizza I a soft drink. o 792-5300 10519 Cortez Road W. Mon-Sat 1 lam-lOpm Sunday Noon-9pm PLEASE PRESENT COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 30, 2005 The City Pier Restaurant WE'RE WHERE YOU'LL FIND... THE FRESHEST SEAFOOD AND THE BEST VIEW FOR ISLAND DINING S" .; .' ,. . Islanders Annie Williams and Emma Barlow show off tropies they earned on the Orange reamc in the Miss Manatee Softball League. Islander Photo: Lisa Williams the Morgan Stanley attack that also received two runs scored from latt Bauer and Martine Miller in the loss. WMFD 14, Duncan 6 WMFD pounded out 16 hits, led by Tommy Price's 4-for-4, two run hitting performance during its Wednesday, May 18, win over Duncan Real Estate in AAA Li title League action. Blake Wilson also had abig day, going 3-for-4 with two runs scored, while Alex Burgess and Joey Hutchinson each added a pair of singles and one run scored for WMFD. Jonah Castor, Elijah Toussaint and Connor Cloherty each added hits for WMFD in the victory. Alex Hall and Troy Kozewski led Duncan Real Estate with a single and one run scored in the loss. Old Florida Stjle An Anna Maria Island Landmark Est. 1952 Tues-Sat 11am-8pm Sun 12-8pm Closed Mon Eat in Take out Across from the Manatee Public Beach 3901 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-7769 Where the locals bring theirfriends! NOW OPEN DAILY BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER Evening entertainment! 4-8pm Wed Larry Reich, Thurs & Sat Rick Boyd. Friday & Sun Tom Mobley Mon & Tues Mark Cravens ************* * TACo & AJIlTA Every Wednesday All-You- $795 Can-Eat 7 FRII FIS FRY 2 m with fries an law S)))A's ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT ** * ** * *+ OPEN 7 AM 7 DAYS A WEEK BEER & WINE Casual Inside Dining or Outdoor Patio Dining Plenty of Parking Fishing/Observation Pier On beautiful Manatee Beach where Manatee Ave. ends and the Gull begins! 4000 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-0784 Grant Bower added-two runs scored for Duncan, which also received one run each from Glenn Bower and Jake Rappe in the loss. WMFD 15, Morgan Stanley 7 Tommy Price exploded with a 4-for-4 hitting per- formance that included two doubles, four RBIs arid two runs scored to lead WMFD past Morgan Stanley on Monday, May 16. Blake Wilson added four RBIs, a double and two runs scored among his three hits, while Hunter Parrish and Alex Burgess each added a single and three runs scored to the WMFD attack. Justin Succa had a two-run double for WMFD, which also received a single and one run scored from Michael Dolan, Connor Cloherty and Joey Hutchinson: Daniel Janisch led Morgan Stanley with a two-run triple and one run scored among his two hits on the day,. while Matt Bauer added a pair of singles and two runs scored. Zach Evans singled and scored one run, while Zach Evan and Sarah Howard each added a single to the Morgan Stanley offense in the loss. Team Bordes takes hard road to finals Team Bordes saw its nine-game winning streak . come to an end, thanks to a bases-loaded walk during its 6-5 loss to Venice No. 1 on Tuesday, May 17, in Venice. Team Bordes struggled to hit the knuckleball that the Venice pitcher was throwing and found itself trailing 5-2 entering the top of the seventh inning. Team Bordes rallied for three runs as Zack Thomas led off with. a single to center and moved over to second when Nate Mozeleski walked. Scott Wollett moved both runners up when he grounded out to first; and a single by Chad Wickersham plated Thomas and Mozeleski to pull to within 5-4. Pat Cole, reached on an PLEASE SEE SPORTS, NEXT PAGE - OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Kitchen 11:30am-10pm Full Bar 11:30am til late nile Full food and liquor service and daily Specials. that'll BLOW YOU AWAY! 778-5788 5346 Gulf Drive, in the S&S Plaza V Aimm Marla b- and Licaloto,%s Wine3n 5321 Gull Drive Hcrii Be~i h i Fi-:5 ,-rr Buoriing, 7 *5434 PIai-et Drink ResprlnsIttly Sports CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 error that allowed Wickersham to move to third where he easily scored on a single to left to tie the score at 5- 5. Shane Pelkey looked like he might add to the Team Bordes lead, but his long fly ball to center field was caught at the base of the fence for out three. Wickersham went 3-for-4 including two runs scored and three RBIs to lead Team Bordes at the plate. Price added an RBI single, while Carl Ricciardi and Thomas each added singles. Cole delivered a solid pitching performance, allowing seven hits and three earned runs in six innings of work. Team Bordes rebounded from its first loss in a while with a solid 5-1 victory over Central Sarasota No. 1 on Thursday, May 19, to stay alive. Carl "Moose" Ricciardi allowed only three hits and one walk while striking out six in a complete-game pitching effort. Team Bordes scored all the runs they would need in the first inning when Mozelski reached on an error in front of Price, who singled. Shane Pelkey brought both runners home on a long single to right field. The second inning saw Team Bordes add one run to its total when C.J. Wickersham hit a shot to left that had home run written all over it. Wickersham settled for a double andscored when Tanner Pelkey singled to left to give Ricciardi all the run support he would need. Shane Pelkey finished the day 2-for-4 including two RBIs and one'run scored, while "Moose" added a pair of singles and'one run scored. C.J. Wickersham added a double and one.run, while Chad Wickersham, Pat Cole and Tanner Pelkey each added singles on the day. With a split in its first two games, Team Bordes needed to sweep a pair of games on Saturday, May 21, to advance to the final four. Cole did his part in the first game, tossing a complete-game, three-hitter that in- cluded only one walk and an unearned run in a 7-1 vic- tory over Central' Sarasota No. 3. So dominant was SCHNITZELHAUS The Best German Restaurant on Florida's West Coast FRIDAY SPECIAL OVEN-FRESH BAVARIAN HAXEN Reservations a must! 778'-1320 HOURS: TUES-SAT 5-9:30PM Anra Maria Island Centre 3246 E. Bay Drive Holmes Beach a.p. BeLL fis compaNyiNd. Fresh Seafood Since 1910 Great selection of locally caught S Grouper, Snapper, Shrimp, SPanfish'and much more. Planning a fishing trip? Call -about our '" big selection of frozen bait! DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAY r See you at our docks! 794-1249 14600 124th St. W. Cortez, Florid&7 Cole that he faced only one batter over the minimum. In two innings, he needed only seven pitches to retire the side and incredibly he took only four pitches to re-. tire the side in the fourth inning. SThe Team Bordes offense supported Cole with three runs in. the bottom of the third. Singles by Mozelski' and Scott Wollett put some -ducks on the pond for Chad Wickersham who brought both runners home with a double in the left-center field gap. Sean Price then plated Wickersham with a single to center for all the runs Cole would need on this day, Price went 2-for-4 including a triple and to runs scored, while.Wollettand Mozeleski each had a pair of singles and one run scored to lead Team Bordes at the plate. Other contributors include Pelkey and Cole, who each had singles, and Chad Wickersham, who doubled and scored one run. Team Bordes easily won its second game 16-6 on Saturday afternoon as it 10-iun ruled Venice No. 3 to advance to the final four teams. The highlight of Saturday's game had to be Chad Wickersham's at bat with two on and two out in the second inning. Wickersham worked the count full and proceeded to foul off seven pitches before parking the ball over the left field fence for a three-run home run and a 6-0 lead. Wickersham finished the day 2-for-4 including a home run, double and five RBIs, while Zack Thomas and Carl Ricciardi each went 2-for-2. Sean Price added a pair of singles and two runs scored and Nathan Mozeleski singled and scored one run to round out the Team Bordes offense. Team Bordes will play Braden River no. 1 on Monday, May 23 and a win would have them playing Anna Maria Island Little League AAA baseball standings as of May 20 Team Name Won Lost Tied, WMFD 9 6 0 Morgan Stanley 6 8 2 Duncan Real Estate 6 7 2 DISCOUNT LIQUOR COCKTAIL LOUNGE Coupon Good May 25-31, 2005 Smirnoff Vodka MANATEE COUNTY's Ancient Age Bourbon $ 099 1.75 #1 INDEPENDENT $ 175 SE I TR REVERACiF 13FAI$F.RI LTR 'he best hamburgers and ie coldest mugs of beer Jis side of Heaven." -, iss Buff. at Geyer, Proprietress i OPEN 11-8 Closed Tues 59TH & MARINA DR. HOLMES BEACH 778-2501 THE ISLANDER 0 MAY 25, 2005 N PAGE 19 the next night against Venice No. 1. Wins in both of those games would match them up against Braden River no. 1 who they would have to beat twice to win the championship. Look for a report on how Team Bordes fares next week. Good luck, guys! AMICC basketball heats up summer The Anna Maria Island Community Center's sum- mer basketball camp is now accepting, applications. Players ages 9-13, are encouraged to sign up for one of two sessions at a.cost of $35 for members and $50 for non-members. Players receive a camp jersey and trophies will be awarded for various categories such as shooting; de- fense, sportsmanship and most improved. Session 1 runs Monday-Friday, June 6-17 from noon-2 p.m. ex- cept the first day, which starts at 11 a.m. Session 2 runs runs noon-2 p.m. Monday-Friday, July 18-29. Registration deadline is May 31 for both sessions. For more information, contact Jonatzke at 778- 1908. Key Royale golf news Luanne Collins had a chip-in on hole No. 6 on the way to a one-over-par 33 to win Class B low net in the nine-hole Key Royale Golf Club ladies' golf action on Tuesday, May 17. Collins finished one stroke ahead of Jeanette Cashman (34) and two strokes ahead of Mary P. Miller, who shot a 35. Class A winner was Joyce Reith, who blistered the course with a three-under 29, one stroke ahead of Nancy Grimme and Cindi Mansour, who both shot 30. Judy Miller was a shot back at 31 in Class A action. Diane Miller managed a birdie on hole No. 6, while Penny Williams and Tootie Wagner had chip-ins on holes eight and one respectively. 3232 East Bay Drive Next to Walgreens 778-7878 I FOOT-LONG $ 1 SUBI SSUBi cTRY YOUR SUB I -- TOASTED.. MMI ,- f.3i Eggs Benedict to Beef Wellington .., you gottal love it! BISTRO BRUNCH AND LUNCH Wed.-Sat. 11 to 2:30 SUNDAY BREAKFAST/ BRUNCH & LUNCH 8-2:30 DINNER Wed.-Sun. 5:30-? (Closed Mon./Tues.) 5406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 778-5329 , L. 778-6641 5606 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach Hours: Mon-Thurs 4pm-12am Fri-Sat 11am-a1am SSun 11am-12am SWE DELIVER - ----- --F--I----*" --FM Try our new salads at our special introductory prices. Garden Salad $3.50 Grilled Chicken Caesar $4.50 Limited time Offer Expires 07/03/05 Drivers carry less than $20. 2005 Domino's Pizza LLC I BUY A LARGE I ONE-TOPPING PIZZA I FOR $9.99, I GET FREE ORDER I OF CINNASTIXS! I Deep Dish Extra I SExpires 07/03/05 Drivers carry less than $20. 2005 Domino's Pizza, LLC -------~ ------- ----- PAGE 20 0 MAY 25, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER It's tarpon time once again off Anna Maria Island By Capt. Mike Heistand Tarpon season is here in full force, with a near- world-record catch of a 236-pound silver king in Tampa Bay last week. The fish are hanging out near the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, and should start working out of the bays and along the beaches any day now, if they aren't there already. Backwater fishing for trout, redfish and catch-and- release snook is good, and there are some reports of flounder coming to the hook. Offshore, look for lots of snapper and grouper in about 100 feet of water. And speaking of the water, it is very, very clear right now and will probably remain that way until we get some rain to murk things up. Capt. Thor Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez Road said he took a "fisherman's holiday" to Boca Grande last week and caught some good-size snook, redfish and trout in Bull Bay. Around Pine Island, he said trout were plentiful and big. Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle at Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said tarpon are starting to show up in greater numbers every day now. Most silver kings are being caught near the Sunshine Skyway Bridge in Tampa Bay, with the owner of Bett' s Tackle out of Clearwater catching a 236-pound mon- ster last week. Inshore, it's redfish and trout, while offshore action for snapper and grouper is good in about 100 feet of water. .Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier in Anna Maria said action there includes a few mackerel and redfish, but some really big snook under the pier aren't biting. The water is also really clear, he added. Cliff Aleorn at the Anna Maria City Pier said fishers there are catching mackerel, jacks, flounder, small sharks and catch-and-release snook at night. Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said there are some really big snook hanging out around the cut in the mornings, plus a 23-inch flounder was brought back to the dock last week. Mackerel are out in front of Terra Ceia Bay right now, and he's also hearing reports of tarpon in Tampa Bay. Capt. Rick Gross on Fishy Business out of Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said it's mackerel in the mornings for his charters, and plenty of redfish and catch-and-release snook in the afternoons and on the falling tides. Onno aMDrnt slAn M0es -Moon Date AM HIGH AM LOW PM HIGH PM LOW May 25 12:26 2.9 8:42 -0.5 May 26 -- 1:15 2.8 9:40 -0.5 May 27 2:18 2.7 10:40 -0.4 May 28 3:23 2.5 1,1:36 -0.2 May 29 8:00 1.5 9:56 1.4 4:43 2.3 - LQ May30 8:16 1.6 12:26 0.0 6:05 2.0 12:03 1.3- May31 8:37 1.8- 1:12 0:3 7:48 1.7 1:44 1.0 Jun 1 8:59 2.0 1:54 0.6 .9:28 1.5 3:04 0.7 SCortez High Tides 7 minutes later lows 1:06 later WOLFGANG SCHULZ Marine Engine Services MERCURY AUTHORIZED SERVICE AND PARTS OPEN MON-FRI 8-5 778-2873 At Catcher's Marina, 505 56th St., Holmes Beach Visit our Web site: boatonline.us At Perico Island Bait and Tackle, fishing bests include good-size trout caught by the wade fishers in the evenings. There are also'good reports of redfish in Palma Sola Bay. Boating fishers are catching snapper and mackerel by the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. At Skyway Bait and Tackle, reports include mackerel as the best bet by the Sunshine Skyway Fish- ing Piers. Redfish are also being caught in Joe's Bay north of the big bridge. Capt. Tom Chaya on the Dolphin Dreams in Holmes Beach out of Catchers said mackerel, snapper and kingfish are good for his charters while fishing in the Gulf, and reds and trout are pretty thick in-the bays. Overall, Capt. Tom said fishing is pretty good now. On my boat Magic, we trolled offshore in about 40 Hurricane season countdown: 7 days to start The clock is winding down on the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season. Although the "official" season begins June 1, we all heard the starting bell go off early last week as Tropical Storm Adrian formed in the western Pacific Ocean yes, Pacific and started its slow march toward the Caribbean Sea..Pacific storms don't usually go east, but instead follow the winds to the west and, although the storm season starts earlier out there, it is still doubly strange that one started so soon and head- ing in the wrong direction and toward us to boot. Fortunately, Adrian fizzled out over Central America over the weekend. Not a good harbinger considering what we had to go through in 2004. The Islander will offer our annual hurricane spe- cial section in next week's edition. We'll have all the UNCLE PETE WANTS YOU TO DRIVE A CLEAN CAR! 24-hour self-serve car Wash Complete auto detailing Quick lube ERICAN CAR WASH 5804 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach 778-1617 MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED feet of water last week and caught several keeper-size gag grouper to 10 pounds. Backwater fishing was good for redfish and trout, with an average of 20 red hook- ups per trip. Trout were running to 20 inches and floun- der were right at 17 inches for most catches. Good luck and good fishing. Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing guide. Call him at 723-1107 to provide a fishing report. Prints and digital images of your catch are also welcome and may be dropped off at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, ore-mailed to news@islander.org. Please include identificationforpersons in the picture along with- information on the catch and a name and phone number for more information. Snapshots may be retrieved once they appear in the paper. tips and tricks of surviving the hurricane season and severe storms, plus some lessons learned from the visits from Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne which, if noth- ing else, proved that we can get slammed by a storm that makes landfall many, many miles away. New this year is a nice little gift from the Florida Legislature. We will have a sales tax holiday from June 1-12 to buy lots of basic hurricane supplies like batter- ies, coolers, flashlights and other stuff. Make a list of supplies you're short on now so you.can go shopping starting June 1. Also new this year is the need for-post-disaster planning. There are some poor folks in Charlotte County who are still living in shacks awaiting repairs to their homes damaged by Hurricane Charley Aug. 13, 2004. That's nine long months. Islanders had their share of minor mishaps last year and, hopefully, learned some lessons. Expect the power to go out and stay out for a num- ber of days, so be prepared to live in the dark or get a supply of flashlights and lanterns. Expect the food in your refrigerator to go bad with- out electricity to run the machine, so think about a gen- erator. Maybe even talk to a neighbor to see about partnering on such a device. Check your insurance policy to make sure it's up to date as far as any new acquisitions are concerned. In the "probably too late" category is getting hur- ricane shutters installed on your windows. Rumor has it the shutter companies are booked pretty much through the season's end Nov. 30, but we'll let you know for sure next week. One grim factor to consider comes from an at- tendee of the Governor's National Hurricane Confer- ence in Tampa last week: "The word up there was 'Four in 2004, five in 2005,'" he said. Good luck. Capt. Mike's Charter Boat "MAGIC" Backwater Near Shore Up to 7 miles out in the.Gulf Snook Redfish Trout Flounder Mackerel Snapper Light Tackle Fishing Reservations a must Tackle, bait, ice, fishing license provided! 723-1 Capt. Mike He st mdi 107 * USCG Licensed jr1eat Aq - i ,Gas and Service Station Certified Full Automotive Repair 5333 Gulf Drive Holrnes Beach 779-0487 [at the corner of Gulf and Marina Drive] WOOD DOCK & SEAWALL CUSTOM DOCKS SEAWALLS BOAT LIFTS Design Build Permitting Sales Service Supplies 792-5322 state en. 12044 Cortez Rd., W. CRC049564 Captain Steven Salgado INSHORE SPORTFISHING CHARTER BOAT Owner/Operator Lifetime experience in local waters Full & Half Day Trips Custom Trips Available U.S.C.G. Licensed Custom-built Privateer Fishing License, Ice, Bait & Tackle Furnished Anna Maria Island Florida 778-9712 $36 Until $36 12:00 Noon + TAX, GREEN FEE AND CART S12:00 Noon $28 Until 2:30 pm + TAX, GREEN FEE AND CART $25 After w25 2:30 pm + TAX, GREEN FEE AND CART BIG SUMMER CARD $25 Until 12:00 Noon *21 After 12:00 Noon www .in "e l I ! it ] 1 IIBanto ,i Cal 77-43 Tee Tims7DAY THE ISLANDER E MAY 25, 2005 0 PAGE 21 iTM FRSAEGAAESAE Cnine ANUCEETSCntne GENERATOR: WACKER, industrial-quality 5,600- watt emergency power for hurricane preparedness. New, never used. Below retail and available now! $2,000 contractors or homeowners. (941)779-0360, City of Anna Maria. DINING TABLE and four chairs, great condition. Folding leaves. Light-color wood. Must see! $150. (941) 778-3006. FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp, crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call James Lee, (941) 795-1112 or 704-8421. ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open Tuesday, Thursday, 9:30am-2pm. Saturday, 9am-n6on: Always sales. racks. Pine Avenue; Anna Maria. (941) 779-2733. ST. BERNARD RUMMAGE sale: 9am-lpm Satur- day, May 28. Jewelry, books, housewares, toys, clothes, sporting goods, electronics and lots more! 43rd Street, Holmes Beach. SALE AT NIKI'S Gifts & Antique Mall. Weekly specials; two framed Salvador Dali prints 50 per- cent off; two Bali art pictures 50 percent off; all sterling jewelry 50 percent off; select gifts, furni- ture, antiques, jewelry 25-70 percent off. Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Open seven days, 9:30am- 5pm. (941) 779-0729. MOVING SALE: 9am-2pm, Saturday May 28. Tools, lawn equipment, household, collectibles and much more! 407 73rd St., Holmes Beach. HUGE MULTI-FAMILY yard sale: 8am-2pm Satur- day, May 28. Antiques, collectibles and items too numerous to list! 424 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. YARD SALE: 9am-noon Saturday, May 28. Unique selection of household items. 307 Iris, Anna Maria. YARD SALE: 7:30-11 am Friday, May 27. Refrigera- tor, old wood windows, sofa, files, snow skis. 510 59th St., Holmes Beach. EARLY CLASSIFIED AD Deadline for Wednesday, June 1, publication. Deadline is NOON Friday, May 27. Our office will be closed Monday, May 30, in observance of Memorial Day. KIDS WANTED! For speech and language summer camp. 9am-noon, June 6-10 for 3- to- 5-year-olds and June 13-17 for 5- to- 7-year-olds. 15 hours/ week filled with oral motor exercises, sound/letter associations and language-based activities. Regis- tration limited! Giraffic Park Therapy Center, Cortez Road, Bradenton. (941) 758-3559 or e-mail Giraffic1105@aol.com. CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org ! ANNA MARIA ISLAND SCREENSAVER! Experi- ence the Island.on your computer desktop. Avail- able at The Islander or online or order by mail. $12 PC or $15 Mac. www.robertsondesignstudio.com. BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a personal- ized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park. Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Pick up form at The Is- lander or call (941) 518-4431 for more information. FREE GUN LOCK. Yes, free. Just for the asking. Courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserva- tion Commission. Free at The Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be sorry, be safe. GIFT SHOP: Great mom-and-pop opportunity in outstanding resort area. Good location, good lease. Just $238,000, including inventory. Confidentiality agreement required for details. Longview Realty, (941) 383-6112. CRITTER SITTER nine years in pet care. 24 years as an Island resident. Lots of TLC for your beloved pets with in-home visits. (941) 778-6000. PARENTS NEEDED to foster puppies and kittens until they are old enough for adoption. (941) 720-1411. CANALFRONT CONDO fl o I ipr i cj. lu?, ithlAir*I,J une t tio %ou A.rAened ].In.-,. ki~ IA jii Lilld~jicd ho n, I iel 'BR -'B in fi c'. if conditions Heited p.'-' l diid ud ric. i~jkC, rh I ka p: lc i- nd re[LC ii. ~4Z, i B~ enise anglois (941) 751-1155 (800) 448-6325 Gabe Buky Best Team! Charles Buky 941-374-5772 Best Properties! 941-228-6086 : S SS^.'. -.- ---- -- -------., ..... In, ~ R 2. A el.v. .d ho ,e .Gorge .lu .. ,n.. rnd -aser l 1' Turn i t ,urni he G i : ni nt -pro n or -, ,9." There are 42 hoes for sale that are canal, bay or beachfront, starting at $395,000. (941) 387-1864 Coldwell Banker Previews Residential R.E. Inc. .201 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key FL 34229 SJ tq t S EARLY CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: NOON FRIDAY MAY 27 ads that will appear in the June 1 issue of The Islander. Our office will be closed Monday, May 30, in observance of Memorial Day. We wish y'all a happy and safe holiday weekend. SEASIDE BEACH HOUSE This enchanting home looks Sweeping Gulf views from this like it came from a Coastal 3BR/2BA home with a brand Living magazine. Tropical new pool. Perfect family beach paradise with private gardens house on desirable north end. and in-ground pool. Just steps Just steps to the beach. from the shores of the Gulf Offered at $1,295,000. beaches! Offered a $1,600,000. Call Green Real Estate today! COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR SALE Ideal location in Historical Anna Maria Village This 3,000 sf building offers unlimited potential for business opportunities. ,- Combination storefront, gift shop, beach .,..:.... shop, rental shop, artist gallery or office : ... ,.. space. Use the space you need and lease out the rest to help pay your mortgage! Offered at $1,500,000. *^ ^** reen ibf REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA iP .,?*"9.,'~* T e. .;.*.~ 941 778-0455 www.greenreal.com 9906 Gulf Drive Anna Maria Ken Jackson, 778-6986 Maureen Dahms, 778-0542 Kathy Geeraerts, 778-0072 Marilyn Klemish, 778-7627 Li: d . I.,.. ~.:.;........... ...,.. .... PAGE 22 0 MAY 25, 2005 l THE ISLANDER Simply the Best GULFFRONT CONDO Rarely available 2BR/2BA, direct Gulffront at "Coquina Beach Club". Turnkey furnished, heated pool, open balcony. $920,000. GREAT BEACH Holmes Beach duplex for $635,000. Collect $750/month with rental in place. Plus rent out front unit, currently in vacation program. Turnkey furnished and ready to go! iSk.,; ~b~'9 SBAYFRONT ZONED DUPLEX Large 2BR/2BA with separate guest house. Dock and sailboat water. A must see! $1,350,000. KEY ROYAL CANAL Remodeled 3BR/2BA, tile throughout, new carpet in bedrooms, all new appli- ances, new kitchen and bathrooms. Canal end with great view to Bimini Bay. Very large lot with room for pool or expansion. $895,000. LARGE DUPLEX Wonderful floor plan. Almost 3,000 sf. 2BR/2BA each floor. Views of Gulf and bay. Large verandas for sipping mint juleps and tell- ing stories. $799,000. A SHOW STOPPER New Listing. Fabulous 4BR/ 4BA, 75-feet to the beach. View the award winning artists heated pool through the living room floor. El- evator and too many amenities to mention here. For those who want the best! 4BR, 400 FEET TO.BEACH Nicely refurbished is- land home with large living area, new appliances, well landscaped patio area and a pleasure to see. $589,000. GREAT SETTING WITH TRANQUIL salt water lagoon on extra lot. A handy man's special with won- derful potential. Near the beach. $499,000. 100+ Gulffront rental units with hun- dreds more just steps from the beach. Mike 800-367-1617 N r a ^*a 941-778-6696 Norm an kY 3101 GULF DRIVE Realty INC HOLMES BEACH www.mikenornmanrealty.com ^ww www ^^^^^^ 19 '4 Summer Rentals Available Starting at $500/week REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA 941 778-0455 www.greenreal.com 9906 Gulf Drive Anna Maria: lfBay Realty of Anna Maria Inc. if-ay778-7244 ,xorooirlrt~~t ~aea l , 4-. GULFVIEW LUXURY ISLAND HOME Executive Anna Maria home with views of the Gulf of Mexico. Experience paradise in luxury one house off of the beach on a quiet, desirable location. This home offers 3BR/2BA, hardwood flooring, quality doors, windows and fixtures, custom cabinetry, Corian countertops, custom lighting, dumbwaiter and plenty of storage. Tastefully furnished with a touch of island flavor. Offered at $1,495,000. BEST BUY IN BRADENTON BEACH Great investment property in a wonderful neighborhood, This 2BR/2BA el- evated duplex boasts tile floors, cathedral ceilings, skylights and balconies! Close to everything, 2 blocks to the gulf. One block to bay or park. Low maintenance and newer appliances. Plenty of storage. $549,000. I SPECTACULAR INTERIOR UPDATES No detail was over- looked in this 3BR/2BA island home! This home offers awesome granite counters, beautiful travertine natural stone floors, all new appliances, paint, furniture, landscap- ing and much more! And, it's all less than a block to the beach! Call today for an appointment. $649,900. .--- RUNAWAY BAY, updated 1 BR/1 BA condo just steps to the beach. Great rental property. Turnkey furnished, heated pool, tennis courts and community fishing dock. $355,600. THE TERRACE A tastefully done 2BR/2BA turnkey condo with a heated pool, beautiful landscaping, private garage and only a block to the beach on the west side of Gulf Drive! Great income potential! $459,000. DELIGHTFUL ISLAND DUPLEX Great location just one block from the beach on a quiet street. Each side has 2BD with screened-in lanai. New landscaping and a fresh look! Great in- vestment or seasonal home with rental unit. $589,000. (800)771-6043 (941)778-7244 5309 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach www.gulfbayrealty.com 17 -'r-. -7 - jrr .-pl~klr~ KEY ROYALE CANALFRONT . -- 'Ti?- I REAL ESTATE Christine T. Shaw, NO ANA MARIAA ISLAND, INC. John van- Zandt, Realtors 6101 Marina Drive Holmes Beach [www.islander.orl ANNA MARIA o REAL ESTATE LLC- GULFFRONT MARTINIQUE NORTH 2BR/2BA.Gulffront condo. Beautifully renovated, all new! Ceramic tile, turnkey furnished, deluxe kitchen, new windows, power storm shutters and garage. Panoramic view of the Gulf, the beach and from the east balcony, the Skyway bridge! Walk to restaurants and shopping center. Elegant! $969,900., ISLAND TOWN HOUSE 2BR/1.5BA courtyard-patio town house. Central Holmes Beach, very close to shopping, restaurants and beach. Open plan, breakfast bar, front and rear porches, balcony, renovated. Excellent rental. No condo fees. $469,000. DIRECT GULFFRONT CONDO 1BR/1.5BA Seaside Beach House condo. Turnkey furnished in intimate, private complex with gor- geous view of Gulf. Very nicely furnished, Sautillo tile, beautiful walking beach, heated pool, excellent rental. $799,900. DUPLEX PLUS COTTAGE Three rental units. 2BR/1.5BA and.BR/1BA du- plex plus 2BR/1BA cott 0 investment! Watch the sunse pg~ nt from these three charm A ely andscaped, furnished. Just steps to ul beach. Rapidly growing area. Call for appointment to see. $749,000. KEY WEST-STYLE POOL HOME 2BR/2BA Spectacular home with very private in- ground pool. Beautifully designed and decorated. Ceramic tile, gourmet kitchen with breakfast bar, separate bedroom plan, vaulted ceiling, walk-in clos- ets, screened porch overlooking pool area. Really elegant! Large garage could accommodate several cars, boat or motor home. Fenced yard, very private. Immaculate, North Holmes Beach. Short yalk to private beach. $699,900. PLAYA ENCANTADA 2BR/2BA Elegant condo in superb Gulffront com- plex. Beautifully turnkey furnished, totally reno- vated. This is an outstanding unit in one of the Island's finest condominiums. Jacuzzis, tennis, se- cured heated pool, under-building parking. Gor- geous walking beach. $879,900. TERRA CEIA WATERFRONT 2-3BR/3BA Waterfront home on Terra Ceia Bay. Updated, open floor plan, new kitchen and master bath, ceramic tile, caged in-ground pool, metal roof, boat dock. Gorgeous view. $739,900. ANNUAL RENTALS From $700 / month SEASONAL RENTALS Condos/Homes: $500 week / $1,000 month 779-0202 (800) 732-6434 ANNA MARIA ISLAND Q Ms SiCOSt REAL ESTATE LLC Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com ~~'"'~"~~""`` t-, .., THE ISLANDER N MAY 25, 2005 0 PAGE 23 Island Bi: By Rick Cat Surfside No. 2 Scott and Tammy Barr of Surfside Realty in Bradenton Beach opened an office at 8208 Cortez Road W. on Wednesday, May 18. Barr, a former Bradenton Beach city commissioner and currer chairman of the city's scenic highway commit- tee, also has a Surfside Realty location at 102 First St. N. in Bradenton Beach. "We want to be known for the embodi- ment of pampered para- dise living," said Scott at the grand opening. "We're a full-service real estate company and offer Sales, vacation rentals and property management." For more information on Surfside's new loca- tion, call 798-9191, or visit their Web site at www.surfside-realty.us. Cannons clean marina honored Cannons Marina at 6040 Gulf of Mexico Drive on Longboat Key will receive two designa- Surf's up Surfside Realty opened its second location last week as owners Scott and Tammy Barr and associates Johnathan Wright and Robin Cox celebrated the opening of the facility at 8208 Cortez Road W. Is- lander Photo: Nancy Ambrose Cindy M. Jones GRI, CRS, Sale Associate .tDUNCAN Real Estate, Inc. .0 3 779-0304 o 773-9770 310. Pine Avenue *- Anna Maria tions from the Florida Department of Environ- mental Protection in a ceremony at 10 a.m. Thursday, June 2. The marina will receive the DEP's "Clean Boatyard" award in addition to the "Clean, Marina" designation. A press release from Cannons said the marina is one of the first in the DEP's southwest district to receive the double designation award, and the first in Manatee County. For more information on Cannons Marina, call 383-1311. Wi-fi checks into Harrington House Wireless internet service, known as "wi-fi," is becoming extremely popular at area hotels, motels and accommoda- tion units, and many -U Property Management, Sales, Vacation Rentals office (941) 798-9191 toll free (888) 774-6880 fax (941) 778-0595 e-mail SurfsideRealty@aol.com www.surfside-realty.us Scott and Tammy Barr 713-7200 Jonathan Wright 812-0239 Robin Cox 730-3169 Mike .Norman ,* Realty NCe I. 3101 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, FL 34217 (941) 778-6696 Offiee (941) 778-4364 Fax Kathy Caserta 1-800-367-1617 Toll-Free (941) 778-6943 Home Realtor, GRI, CRS- (941) 704-2023 Cell .Island properties will likely soon follow with their own "wi-fi" system. The Anna Maria Island Beach Resort in Holmes Beach recently had a "wi-fi" system installed by Verizon, the first system installed by that company on the Island, while Harrington House Bed & Breakfast at 5626 Gulf Drive in Holmes Beach has had wireless internet available to its guests since April 2004. The system was not installed by Verizon, but was done privately. A "wi-fi" system allows any guest with a computer, either PC or laptop, to access the Internet while at the resort. Hurricane Seminar soon on Longboat A gathering that has quickly become a tradi- tion on Longboat Key, the Hurricane Preparedness Seminar, will be June 14 and some places are still open, the sponsoring Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce said. It will be from 5-7:30 p.m. at the Longboat Key Club's Harbourside Dining Room, 3000 Harbourside Drive, and is open to anyone interested, though reservations must be made in advance at 383-2466. Again at this year's seminar, the keynote speaker will be Max Mayfield, director of the National Hurricane Center. Also on the podium will be Greg Frith of Fireservice Inc., who will ask those attending "What have we learned?" A change in format for the 2005 seminar will see tabletop displays and information from cham- ber members showcasing products or services relating to disaster preparedness, mitigation or cleanup. - - - - - - - - - - - .. -'. ., .-. .. (.beflIbst^eo j Professional REALTORS representing L buyers and sellers with Heather Absten, P.A. Honesty, jenni 941-807-4661 Integrity 94 HeatherAbsten@yahoo com t e Jennif Results! fer Absten, P.A. 1-345-7002 erAbsten@msn.com GULFVIEW ARCHITECT'S DREAM HOME Executive Anna Maria home with views of the Gulf of Mexico. Experience paradise in luxury one house off the beach on a quiet, desirable location. This home offers 3BR/ 2BA, hardwood flooring, quality doors, windows and fix- tures, custom cabinetry, Corian breakfast bar, custom light- ing, dumbwaiter and plenty of storage. Tastefully furnished with a tnnch of island flavor Offered at $1 495 00. BRING YOUR BOAT SHOES AND YOUR FLIP-FLOPS! 300 feet from the beach! Completely renovated home. with heated pool surrounded by lush, tropical land- scaping. Beautiful flooring, natural stone and red Oak. Tastefully turnkey furnished. Perfect beach house! Separately deeded deep water boat dock included! $829,000. DELIGHTFUL DUPLEX ptt Great location. 2BR each side, screened lanai, new land- scaping and a fresh new look. Just one and a half blocks from the beach! Great investment property or seasonal home with rental potential. $589,000. . G ulf-Bay Realty of Anna Maria Inc. 5309 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach . . .. . The Big Picture...it's all about the real estate! Tiffany Place Condo on the Gulf of Mexico: Remod- eled and very beautiful, all furniture and furnishings to stay, view of the Gulf from patio and the master "' .B bedroom. Tiffany Place condo offers great year round living or a great year round rental. $810,000. New Listing: Large home, beautiful North Point Harbor. Features include: Canal, dock. boat lift, patio deck, pool, screened porch 3BR/2.5BA and large kitchen, living and lamil! - rooms. Beautiful fireplaces on first and second levels, open plan, two-car garage and much more to see. Easy to show with appoint ment! $1,425,000. .. w.4 1BR/IBA CONDO in fabulous Tradewinds Resort. Fantastic income. Pool, on-site management. This Gulffront unit is a very short walk-to the beach. $385,000. KEY ROYALE CANAL HOME, 3BR/2BA. $739,000. FABULOUS WEST BRADENTON 3BR/2BA, one-car garage, fenced yard, concrete block construction. $219,000. PARADISE VILLAS, 305 63rd St. Elevator and pool with each unit. Pre-construction price. $829,000. A top producer at Island Real Estate Inc., Call Marianne at (941) 778-6066. -. .: weu - I p wim a Lvu-u vL minu iiavv. kai;ua PAGE 24 E MAY 25, 2005 N THE ISLANDER Elementary school says farewell to Lynn Drolet By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter After 10 years as the proverbial new kid on the block, first-grade teacher Lynn Drolet is leaving Anna Maria Elementary School for a new career in North Carolina. The teacher recognized for her wacky, upbeat per- sonality and love of all things frog-related joined the AME family in 1995 when former Principal Jim Kronus hired her for a one-year term. "Kronus saw how happy I was to be here," recalls Drolet, "and would always remind me that I would have to leave at the end of the year. I took the position ' at AME knowing I would be blessed if given the op- portunity to work here and decided to cherish every second of my time here. "And, I am so very glad I did just that," Drolet con- tinued, "and have always appreciated the warmth and se- curity of our Island school, families and community." Drolet admits she is a little anxious about her de- cision to move on, but is also excited about her new opportunity.- She will be moving to Greensboro to work for the Education Center as the K-1 editor for the company's magazines, The Mailbox, Teacher's Helper and Bookbag, which are utilized by teachers across the country for planning class activities. Drolet was selected from a national pool of appli- cants with classroom experience. The magazines for which she will provide content are some that Drolet has used frequently in her 14 years in the classroom and the Publications are widely used by other AME teachers. She said it has been wonderful coming to school each day and each year she looked forward to seeing students grasp new concepts.."There are no words to: describe what it's like to see a child realize they can do something on their own. "*"-"" .'*S i f : '- .I'k"-', .::: , AN,'o jl So close to the beach! This cute duplex currently in a vacation rental program, can remain as is while you make plans to build two new units on this duplex property. $749,000. Visit- www.annamariaparadise.com To view 'Stone's Throw" and Shooting Star!" n' ; rQ '8, Call Sue Carlson for more information on this great listing! 941-779-9320 An Island Place Realty 411 Pine Ave Anna Maria Drolet has not only been an active member of the AME staff, serving on the School's Advisory Commit- tee for several years, she has also been an active mem- ber of St. Bernard Catholic Church, a volleyball coach at Manatee High School and student tutor. Drolet is looking forward to living closer to her sister and brother-in-law and watching her two-month- old nephew grow up. Change is hard, but Drolet thinks her students can appreciate what it means for her to be closer to family members. its- V~ag Br ( Prime Gulf Views location for fully furnished 1 BD/1 BD unit with excellent rental history. Enjoy Sunsets and great income potential. Call Mel Neely 809-5565 for details. Offered at $583,000 TC( A KD Is, A^'d 3001 GULF DRIVE*HOLMES BEACH, FL 34217 A;,,,TI i AN-, PHONE: 941.778.6849*TOLL FREE: 800.778.9599 VACATION* A 'c FAX: 941.779.1750 PROPERTIE LLC licensedd Real Estate Broker Ann Coron wwwislandvact io p som I-Male @ 8.. ] 888I0i'n [ ropertiec Thc. ra hn,,iiwijr l The Gardenia rvit-i '_i jI- I jn :l l 1I00 hi oIIlo inr iiC.j r iiu1 pjI: l ll j cc~lI~ l l~llj~ll :1e, ::l ivr- r I: n I o i i-, qt: I oii only lour waill. Starling at $1 100 000 --l---:i-"jI Zlkji, r Otlered31 S2.200000 f i -:if i, I nm ~r- i ri i i i, ronor j' nr .rc, r l1i jfl~' p 1: 1:t' I v ine I. Q 1 F r, I h i I '1.h F, ri, ri Ip uu 9E ii I ii h- :', fit' i o, 1 h IlI brarling l 57,. OIL rno+ I I'- I 'ji iiin 'lrt'.i 3j(lll Pi I. I F,- u:lA'r j i- '?Jh, I f,. - The Hibiscus 'jr.rrr- *', jI'-'i li Ii ' bonai i: Ig omyi : jr i -l a j ni I jid ni win Iia? r'.ijA o jIj r j, i'd L'3 li'i gul l .j ll i .'. is I."u 4alidLiJ u. i-A .ii j o i [ii opti n I j3 ir -o i lff'jm o'ViL'Il:ltlnEl-- St~rmng a r 5895,0001 pil:1 1 j I Ellr 1317e r el j31S j 91'1., .i.i. . Longboat Key, FL 34228 -' .' (941)383-5543 (800)335-5543 (941) 920-0303 .'; f'if' r ; "- -'" -'. '.f -'' '* '* ', ; '; *-, ,,- r'-' ;,.. -- " SFond farewell First-grade teacher Lynn Drolet will say goodbye to her Islandfamily at Anna Maria Elementary School Sto pursue a job in North Carolina. A clay frog has been Placed in the -school's peace Sr garden to remind Islanders of their amphibian-loving i R E .teacher. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan The-AME Parent-Teacher Organization will host a farewell party for Drolet at St. Bernard from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, June 12. Everyone is welcome and the PTO asks that attendees help fulfill Drolet's one parting wish, to have people write down instances in which she may have had a positive influence in their life so that she can take those thoughts with her to her new home. She said those notes are a way for her to "take every- one with me." "It's bittersweet. I have my Island family here," said Drolet. "I have been very loved." STRAIGHT TALK I believe that Real Estate is a business that requires clear communication. If you appreciate someone who believes in talking straight, give me a call today. Find out why I am one of the area's leading Real Estate professionals. Ni ole Skaggs M Island specialist- A Paradise Realty S5201 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach S941-778-4800 Toll Free: 800-237-2252 www.islander.orgI Direct Gulffront The perfect Gulffront cottage in "quaint" Anna Maria. Charming open plan, beamed ceiling and offering 2BR/1BA, a bright cheerful kitchen with breakfast nook and panoramic views throughout. Lovely deck off living area provides tranquil spot for outdoor dining and direct beach access. Own your tropical island getaway! Asking $1,500,000. Ann Maria Realt Marie Franklin, Lic. Real Estate Broker 941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250 E-mail amrealty@verizon.net Web site www.annamariareal.com "We ARE the Island!" 'i rr r :i ; s '* ' "'' ,-.~----- -Z~ THE ISLANDER S MAY 25, 2005 1 PAGE 25 BOAS NDBOTIG EL WNTD ID FR IR 1995 EVINRUDE 200 HP. All cables, control box, key switch, propeller. Less than 100 hours on re- build. $3,500. (941) 723-1107. CORTEZ WELDING CO. 12111 Cortez Rd: Alumi- num welding, $45/hour. By appointment only. (941) 737-8667 or 798-3589. Free estimates. OCEAN KAYAK: sit-on-top, one-seater. Blue, brand new with seat and paddles. Transport wheels included. $600, or best offer. Call Pat Staebler, (941) 778-2469. 2002 SEA. RAY 182 Bowrider, like new! 18 foot, 6 inches. 190-hp stern drive. Call (941) 778-6234, e-mail kendra@presswoodlaw.com. $12,900 or best offer. LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater fishing, USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle provided. (941).723-1107. EARLY CLASSIFIED AD Deadline for Wednesday. June 1, publication: NOON Friday, May 27. Our office will be closed Monday, May 30, for Memorial Day. This pampered beauty is only 225 yards from the beach. The main house is 2BD/2BA, updated with lots of extras, very private patio with a covered Jacuzzi. Attached mother-in-law apartment, 1BR/ iBA, living room, patio and separate entry. Offered at $649,900. Ramona Glanz RE/MAX Excellence (941) 383-9700. fly S. ramona@ramonaglanz.com .. it ., O.. .... -. . KEY ROYALE HOME Beautiful Key Royale home .. " family room, formal di-:.in . room and eat-in kitch.- ri Located on the end of canal.rnd across the street from Bay. '-.-' ' tile flooring and kitchen c.r- pletely remodeled with ch.-- .. wood cabinets, corian cour.trr t .:..:.. ll :.r 'r .n .i lh H.jl.: .-.:.:. overlooking canal with two-car garage. Fantastic bay view if second addition was added. $1,200,000. SARASOTA BAYVIEW! SUPER LOCATION Duplex or single family home located on Sarasota Bay with gorgeous open water views of mangroves, Intracoastal and bay. Home consists of 4BR/ S, .4BA, newer kitchen, and master bath with jacuzzi tub and two --. .'_ : f-. '." b.~boat docks with vacant lot on Sbay. Offered at $959,900. ISLAND CONVENIENCE STORE WITH GAS Super opportunity to own Island business! Offered at: $199,500 & Inventory. 'A ,.k i Deborah Thrasher RE/MAX Excellence (941)518-7738 :. (941) 383-9700 DebMThrash@aol.com REAL ESTATE: Tired of paying office fees? Two experienced agents needed for-fast-paced, high traffic Island office. Top splits, sign-on bonus. Call Wedebrock Real Estate today! "Personalized, not franchised." Call Joe Pickett, (941) 383-5543. NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Reslaurant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call (941) 778-3953. ALL POSITIONS: Caf6 on the Beach, 4000 Gulf. Drive, Holmes Beach. Apply in person. RECEPTIONIST: PART-time weekend office recep- tionist for area motel. Please contact Janet, (941) 778-2780. BUSY CONTINENTAL RESTAURANT hiring full- or- part-time servers for lunch, Sunday brunch and din- .ner. Wednesday-Sunday. Apply at 5406 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or call (941) 778-5320. VOLUNTEERS.NEEDED: Meet interesting people, learn the history of the Island. Anna Maria Island Historical Museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. (941) 778-0492. S- -_ - ( -12 ..-, -" ... -._ ', .,. Superlative craftsmanship enhances these 3BR/3BA land condos with 2.300+ sf of smart-wired living space, den/fourth bedroom. three verandas, granite countertops, wood flooring, nine-foot ceil- Ings, crown molding and two-car garage. Grand master suite with private i retreat. higher walk-in closets, dual sink vanity, glass-block shower and Jacuzzi tub. Two to choose from starting at $795,900 Recently renovated and tastefully decorated 2BR/3BA townhouse with hardwood floors and carpeted bedrooms. Cook's kitchen with lots of storage. Extended living area has huge screened deck overlooking large heated pool and garden with stairs to pool. Open decks on all levels. Stunning water views! Come see this one! A good buy at $645.000. < Call Uz Codola, Realtor 941-812-3455 SAUNCAN Real Estate Inc. 310 Pine Avnue P.O. Box 1299 Anna Mara, F 34216 \ Ofic 779-0304 Fa 779-0308 Toil Free 866-779-0304 www.teamduncancom CHILD SITTER AND PET SITTER. Ninth-grade male looking for a job. Available after school and weekends. Zachary, (941) 779-9783. SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and in- termediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10 per half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended. Local teen, team competitor. Call (941) 778-0944. BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, (941) 756 5496. NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia or Kari, (941) 761-1569 or 730-5889. Both Red Cross certified. SANDBAGS DELIVERED: Be prepared. Local teen will make and deliver sandbags to your Island resi- dence. Spencer, (941) 778-0944 to order. LPNS/CNAS NEEDED for long-term home care for lady with spinal injury. Hoyer lift. Four-hour morning and overnight shifts. (941) 383-6953. FISHING FOR a good deal? Look in The Islander online at www.islander.org SIDE-BY-SIDE LAKEFRONT PROPERTIES IN ANNA MARIA! BUY ONE OR BOTH! Why buy "half" when you can have entire duplex for the same price? 302 North Shore Dr 3+BR/3BA with 300 North Shore Dr 4BR/2.5BA 1BR/1BA apartment. Five-car garage, duplex with five-car garage. Private one short block to beach,-direct beach open decks, large picture windows, access, peeks of Gulf. Move-in condition. great, views of lake. Asking Seawall and dock. Zoned duplex. Extras! $750,000. MLS 502297. Asking $850,000. MLS 502321. Call Stephanie Bell, (941) 920-5156, or Frank Migliore, (941) 778-2307. F hi r 0 -io n 1-8 00 06966 77-20 SERVING THE AREA SINCE 1970 MLS TORTUGA INN BEACH RESORT I V A 1 C - - -----I- ICbJhC.~a3 ~G1.5~j~a L~ 1~ j~lf~. ~? PAGE 26 E MAY 25, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER I S AN MAN WITH SHOVEL Plantings, natives, cabbage palms, patio gardens, trimming, clean-up, edgings, more. Hard-working and responsible. Excellent ref- erences. Edward (941) 778-3222. LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint- ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine Car Service. Serving the Islands. (941) 778-5476. COMPUTER OBEDIENCE TRAINING. Is your com- puter misbehaving? Certified computer service and private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. (941) 545-7508. ISLAND PRESSURE CLEANING for great results, wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable, reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. (941) 778-0944. CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist. Experienced certified technician for communication electronics offers wireless and cable networks, up- grades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and training. Call Robert, (941) 778-3620. CALL DAN'S RESCREEN for your free estimate to- day. Affordable rates, quality work guaranteed. Pool cages, lanais, windows, doors. Call (941) 713-5333. BAREFOOT ESTATE MANAGEMENT: Home man- S agement/watch, housekeeping, maintenance. (941) 730-5318. BUY IT OR sell it fast with an ad in The Islander! DO YOU NEED a house sitter? Retired, Christian couple will house-sit free just to stay on the Island. References, furnished. (770) 832-7319. MR. BILL'S HOME REPAIR/maintenance service. Over 30 years experience, self-employed in con- struction trades. "I'm handy to have around." (941) 778-4561. MIKE & KATHY'S Cleaning Service: Providing a standard of excellence for all your interior, exterior and window cleaning needs. Residential or vacation rentals. (941) 722-4358. TOM'S WINDOWS: Door and window repair/re- placement. Plus, get your hurricane panels now! Cut, primed and installed with easy-mount fasten- ers. $78/sheet, first story. (941) 730-1399. E-mail metrohs @msn.com. BEST ON THE Island: Immaculate cleaning, detail- ing, decorating, help with shopping, party prepara- tion. Call Sandy for unbeatable service. Residential/ commercial. (941) 798-9484. PHOTOGRAPHER: Kelley Ragan. Custom por- traits, weddings, beach photography. (941) 447- 8892. MURALIST, Mark Burdette. Custom murals, interior or exterior, landscapes and more. (941) 447-9637. MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet. Begin- ning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, (941) 792-0160. Propeiy aagement and Leasg P6 rpe .:l..... ,:2 Mandate MLS..as o O5/l :J/O' I .'.' (SI R Condol, Duple-,)' T di perties. Sle: 214 (SI ,FCo. I doF Dipex^ : ::: Media'n Price: $81:9,500 i'Stal~efhin ag: 129* Median Price: $699,000 'ToIS,6Iihn1/l:f/5:158 Median Price: $559,500 GI'Gulfstr r5 M :Realty S- :941-778-7777 6. /66-966-9911 RPeaitoi ttended-Anna, Mria-Ei'emn etary'Sdioqi LUniyersity Qf MN (BA) and UCLA Business School S j' --. .= "._ ^ .- .. .IJ-_P- ? .- ,- : - j-4 Beautifully renovated pool home in Key Royale. Over 2,300 sf. Bright open layout with huge family room overlooking pool and canal. New dock. boat lift, deep water canal, no bridges to bay . and Gulf. $969.000. "i ' Call Phil Paxton RGulfstreanim f (941) 920-1363 / Realty .t I ** .. . BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigera- tion. Commercial and residential service, repair and/ or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and per- sonalized service, call William Eller, (941) 795-7411. RA005052. ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture.-A professional cre- ates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www.jackelka.com. (941) 778-2711. NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing massage in the comfort of your home. Call today for an ap- pointment, (941) 795-0887. MA#0017550. TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years experience. References available. For a reasonable price, call Sebastian, (941) 704-6719. AUTO DETAILING BY HAND Spotless inside and out. I can save you time and money. Island resident, references. For pricing, call (941) 713-5967. CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, land- scaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. (941) 778-5294. ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. If it is broken, we can fix it. Free estimates. Senior dis- count. Call (941) 778-2581 or 962-6238. RENTALS RENT fast with an ad in The Islander. 941-778-7978 or www.isTfader.grg 5404 Marina Olive, Holmes Beach. 93e49M/ Weal &,Atate, st. SALES & RENTALS 419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291 EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294 avea safe and happy Memorial Day! VILLA ALEXIA This superlative 4BR/4BA bayfront Mediterranean estate of- fers every amenity the discerning home buyer could imagine! From the custom made wrought- iron entry gates and handsome brick- paved driveway, to the sparkling bayfront, featuring a heated swimming pool with waterfall spa, this unique and wonderful villa will make your dreams come true! Amenities include deep seawalled boat dockage and a private, elevated master suite with custom bamboo floors and Asian themed. Kohler bathroom, plus his and hers walk-in closets and panoramic bayside veranda. The great room floor plan is enhanced by volume ceilings with crown moulding, travertine floors, radius walls and rounded corners, custom casement windows and doors and a gourmet kitchen with granite countertops, maple cabinets, stainless appli- ances and wine cooler, plus a bayside summer kitchen! The finest home cur- rently available-on the island priced at $3,500,000. VBROHURE Visit our Web site at www.betsyhills.com BR OCU-riV' E'^i - Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor 778-0455 .. reen REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA www.greenreal.com I PAE2 AY2,20 TEILNE THE ISLANDER N MAY 25, 2005 A PAGE 27 I LAWNAD A EC L DSAI _GCotiue I IPO MNriu JR'S LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE Lawns, native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup. Island resident 25 years. Call (941) 807-1015. CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING: Quality lawn landscape .maintenance, shell, planting, clean-ups, palms trimmed. Free estimates. References, insured. Call (941) 778-2335 or 284-1568.. PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN and in- stallation. Huge selection of plants, shrubs and trees. Irrigation. Everything Under the Sun Garden Centre, 5704 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-4441. SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $35/yard. Haul- ing: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free es- timates. Call Larry at (941) 795-7775, "shell phone" (941) 720-0770. KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean- ,ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City of Anna Maria resident. Cell (941) 448-3857. NATURE'S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residen- tial and commercial. 30-years experience. (941)' 729-9381. LTD MORTGAGE INC. The Oldest Mortgage Co. on Anna Maria Island Linda G. Davis Ted E. Davis ,Licensed Mortgage Brokers SConfoirming and jumbo loans. S1st and 2nd mortgages. No .closing cost home equity lines of credit. S100'-'. purchase money mortgages. Residential and commercial mortgages. .P Private money available for those haid-tc A K" o-place loans. (941) 779-2113 502 72nd Street Holmes Beach STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Installs, clean- ups, shell, rock, palms, aquascapes, tree work. Truck for hire, move anything. Shark Mark (941) 727-5066. VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial; interior/ exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island refer- ences. Dan or Bill, (941) 795-5100. JOE UNGVARSKY CONSTRUCTION Remodeling contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed and insured. Many Island references. (941) 778- 2993. License #CRC 035261. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING free esti- mates. 35-year Island resident.. Call Jim Bickal at (941) 778-1730. CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island ser- vice since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certifying back -flow at water meters. (FL#RF0038118) (941) 778- 3924.or 778-4461. TILE TILE TILE. All variations of ceramic tile sup- plied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, (941) 726-3077. <- AVOID REMODELING $299,500 From the roof in 2003 to the new appliances this month, this 2BR/ 2BA home is like new. Just move in and avoid: the remodeling: -' drudgery. Great Village Green location. IB507867. 6016 Manatee Avenue Wes.t, Bradenton (941) 751-1155 (800) 778-8448 Visit our Web site at,www.floridamoves.com ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remodel- ing, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured: Accepting MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794, CUSTOM RENOVATION/RESTORATION expert. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. In- sured. Member of Better Business Bureau. Paul Beauregard, (941) 779-2294. KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and shutters. Insured and licensed, (941) 748-4711. TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed. Why pay retail? Island resident, many references. Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor Coverings. (941) 792-1367, or 726-1802. MASON: 27 YEARS of experience. All masonry work and repair. Cinderblock work, brick work, glass block work, paver and brick driveways. Call Chris, (941) 795-3034. License #104776. Insured. MORENO MARBLE & TILE Installation and resto- ration. Quality work. Over 20 years experience. In- sured. Call Javier at (941) 685-5163 or 795-6615. -----MX-----1 DIj .nreTi'Tiao dS o sR atI nc AMY GORDAN ', REALTORR" (4...; r"" Dedicated to service Expertise in renovation and rehabilitation properties. S--. Island. waterfront and area Ilestyle specialist. SContact Amy at (941) 779-1811 for all of your REAL ESTATE needs! The JEWEL of Gulf Coast Real Estate r501'ul DiveNoth- radntn eah YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL I ii .-llIri i J' l : i"o ',. : I 'o i [rliii'il III irl,; '.il, \ l i Il r ln 3 : !.l t it t lIi in iQ, ri -ii: r I r, .4'.I. 'EL.t If" I 1., T|i| | rlJ jrl ] ..iIh I-i 31,ij pii,, ,il iir j. 1 I i ijll I Lit -- IC i:r:!i-': ,1 1 ] ll- 'i i'I (,111 )11"1 a i? rq-I: n i:ir I: 1 I:iiriTI fS ,r -I .i- ,l ije I. ,Jl'rii r ird nh i .n', 1i ,:ii r: i i .lu i,,ri have with this Key West-style home. This is notthe same old duplex. $1,295,000 for quick sale! Virtual tour: www.flrealtour.com/mls0312052/realtor. .... "' ONE-OF-A-KIND BAYFRONT HOME " ... *'. '^. : 0 ri*,. ._,- ,l1,] 'BR 6 4 .jr-, r ii ,.:l '" '.. I l ,I, :. r -lru ;.i-. r r.uj l, -i.ii rcjii: 'v'." fj ': : "t'J ." n.:i'htl irii',li h .ej.pir I I ,ii]rr ii- ^--T^ 1, 11J lild Ii ll-ir Irif uthi [j F 'f,.n r o i]w il Ciid ='' :" .- ,]ri l th:.-, ina E r ing ll -Crlnt ren t)l r ir: i ir ui SSUTTON GROUP REALTY ISLAND DUPLEX:Sieps to b-zaci. Otreria tr $71( )r-11- 1 .. hr.1 r.~rjrvj,:jttriq .xnnt'ues -)lr'.'e,6o 10rSrJalld uddi S wing your inla itainao ns. Gulfvle'~s pojssiOt. 2BR, IB Ai o large cXornrr lot.- Anne Httber, Realtor (941) 713-9835 REL STTEOPOR UNTIS OR *AN'. A, ARIAAND EYON BRADENTON BEACH. ir ur j F'j I n ,,..hII ..j. ,i*,. q.I'.[*. H' .1 P Offreed at $2,590,000 HOLMES BEACH. E. ..---1 w I.: h,: I p ol c ,: r Offered at $791,000 N irlual Tour% & Pliorri V. V. V. .S~ll ..Iar.a(Jq.Co)Ill SKY Sothel II I [T p Iq h Ti.:.3 Z, L I, -, I, I KEY ROYALE. 1l, jollj r t.I piri.:.rar, :,, b l j rrun r F l b .. I Ec , :, r ,li Full, I n,'.1 .:i 1:.. d r I .l (,, r ,-,,- .. .: ,[ ,;, ,.:,.-,e E -. r .. ..1. rJP, pI-,1.,8 1l8 Reduced! $1,890,500 SARASOTA. H.: . ."* i o r:.. F .: l .: r f.r r l r r i I,: , SOffere I at 619.000 rh Ai - Offered at 1$6 19,000 Terry Hayes by's ,, "',:' L :V. ,L 1 Vi "; . :'~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ E '''.i' -_: ,;., '~ ",._ ;' i-."' ,.." Gail S, Tutcwiler I 'h T Prioldhivilng. Rlalor 941-705-0227 :; Toll Free 1-866-587-8559 i tGailTuteRE@aol.com HURRY! Everything is selling now! Just reduced! Ground-floor "beach" condo: Don't miss this beautifully remodeled end unit with 2BR/2BA in a Gulf-to-bay community. Close to the heated pool and clubhouse, just steps to your own beach or fishing pier and patio on the bay. $326,000. New Listing! Nicely turnkey furnished ground floor condo in a bayfront complex. Just steps to the beach or watch the boats in the bay from the pool. Not age-restricted. $310,000. I've had a busy month! Summer Sands Full Gulf View SOLD! 4004 Sixth Ave. #4 SOLD! North Beach Village #40 SOLD! Club Bamboo #101 SOLD! Perico Bay Club 3BR SOLD! Duplex 3BR/3BA each side, 1955 Gulf Dr. SOLD! 2908 Avenue C., Holmes Beach SALE PENDING! S3224 EAST BAY DRIVE /TECOMPAlY HOLMES BEACH fV I REAL ESTATE COMPANY r cb______ - -' II- ------- --- -- I PAGE 28 0 MAY 25, 2005 N THE ISLANDER Sandy's Lawn Service Inc. Sandy's Established in 1983 Lawn Celebrating 20 Years of Srice Quality & Dependable Service. OrviC Call us for your landscape 778.1345 and hardscape needs. Licensed & Insured I IMI P4I IItTIIH -( Residential Commercial Check our references:", " "Quality work at a reasonable price." Licensed/Insured Serving Anna Maria Island Since 1986 761-8900 Paradise Improvements 778-4173 .--"....; Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist Replacement Doors and Windows -Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault Fully Licensed and Insured Island References S___ Lic#CBC056755 *WAGNER REALTY ) ' 2217 GUL3 DRIVE.NOQrTHi *BRADENTON BEACII, fL 34217 . 61SNCI: 1939 HADOLD SMALL REALTORe Office: (941) 778-2246 792- 8628 E-mail: haroldsmall@wagnerrealty.com ELITE CAB 539-6374 Serving Manatee County, Sarasota/Bradenton & Tampa Airports 0 On vacation or just hate doing laundry? Why bother? BAY WEST WILL PICK-UP, LAUNDER AND DELIVER. Full Service Wash/Dry/Fdld/lron PU/Delivery Self Service Cool & Clean 627 59th St. W. Bradenton 720-3622 ISLAND LUMBER E HARDWARE 213 54th St., Holmes Beach 778-3082 OPEN: MONDAY thru FRIDAY 7:30 to 5 SATURDAY 8 to 12 On vacaton o -ju hatedoin-laudry? -hy-bt-er [l e&) jr rr iwiwm 'i a m 'w-4i 2bpgIwq-udJiF- IAffordable 6 Month ITrustworthy ^ g Guarantee Dependable 747-3427 25 Years Experience Certified, Licensed, Insured i$5 Off First Visit Free Estimatesj We service all makes/Flat rate pricing Free replacement estimates Indoor air quality-UV, Hepa, Duct sanitizing Maintenance (941) 746-4191 0CEAN-AIRE - CONDITIONING, INC. RA0034333 .EXPE R Retired Class "A" Building Contractor experienced in custom tile and light carpentry. No job is too small. Creative and easy to work with. "I love working with my tools" CallAI (941)748-6146 ------------------- ------------- -------------- Anyone can take " a picture. A professional creates a portrait. ELKA / PHOTOGRAPHIC / 941-778-2711 www.jackelka.com JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy- man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pres- sure washing and tree trimming. Call (941) 778- 6170 or 447-2198. WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more. Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in- - home consultation. Island references, 15 years ex- perience. (941) 778-3526 or 730-0516. HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICE: Bill MacCaughern. Repairs, renovations, kitchens, bath- rooms, decks. Masonry, tile, painting. 30 years ex- perience. Yes, I do show up! (941) 778-3904. RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal. Wedebrock Real Estate Co., (941) 778-6665 or (800) 749-6665. VACATION RENTALS: 2BR apartments across from beautiful beach, $375 to $500/week. Winter and spring dates available. Almost Beach Apart- ments, (941) 778-2374. VACATION & SEASONAL Private beach. Units are complete. Rates seasonally adjusted. $425-$975/ week, $975-$2,975/month. (800) 977-0803 or (941) 737-1121. www.abeachview.com. POOL HOME AVAILABLE for vacation'let. Near Holmes Beach, 3BR/2BA with all amenities. Man- aged by Coastal Properties Realty, (941) 794-151-5. SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR (two master suites)/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/dryer, garage, designer furnished with tropical yard.setting. One of the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/weekly or $6,000/monthly. Call 713-0034 or e-mail: gamiller@tampabay.rr.com. NEW FURNISHED 2BR/2BA 55-plus, across from beach. Furnished. Annual $1,150/month, seasonal $2,200/month. (941) 725-1074. SEASONAL HOLMES BEACH: 1BR duplex avail- able March 2005. Steps to beach and shopping. Refurbished and nicely decorated. Small pet OK. Accepting 2006 reservations. (941) 807-5626. WEEKLY RENTALS: SAN Remo condo, 1BR/1BA, $500/week; Alecassandra villa, 1 BR/1 BA, $700/week; island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; Northwest Bradenton home, 3BR/3BA, $950/week; Gulffront cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach Club, 2BR/2BA,- $1,400/week. Please call.Cristin Curl at Wagner Re- alty, (941) 778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com. GULFFRONT CONDOS: 3BR/2BA, 2BR/1BA, 1 BR/ 1 BA with breathtaking sunsets. Pools, Jacuzzi, walk to shops and restaurants. Available weekly,. monthly, seasonal. (901) 301-8299 or e-mail captko462 @ aol.com. WE ARE BOOKING rentals for 2006. Wide variety of condos/houses starting at $1,500/month. Annual rental 2405 Avenue B, 2BR/2BA, $1,000/month; Perico Bay Club, 2BR/2BA, villa, pool, tennis, $1,200/month; townhouse with garage, $1,500/ month. SunCoast Real Estate, (941) 779-0202. www.suncoastinc.com. FULLY FURNISHED: Ready to move in. 1BR/1BA near Bradenton Beach. $750/month, utilities in- cluded. Six-month lease, first, last and deposit. Call Jackie, (941) 929-7165. ANNUAL 2BR/2BA ELEVATED duplex in Holmes Beach, one block from beach. $950/month plus utili- ties, no pets. First, last month, plus security. Refer- ences. Call Ed, (860) 227-5142. EARLY CLASSIFIED AD Deadline for Wednesday, June 1, publication. Deadline-is NOON Friday, May 27. Our office will be closed Monday, May 30, in . .qb.s,eryyoce of Memprial Day......... .... ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA Holmes Beach wa- terfront villa with new tile. Fantastic view! Non- smoking, pet negotiable. $975/month. (941) 778- 2100 or 224-6521. SEASONAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA furnished condo. West Bradenton, five minutes to beaches. $2,700/ month. (708) 532-2149. RENT 2BR/2BA inclusive turnkey, $1,000; 3BR/ 2BA pool home built in 2000; 3BR3BA villa, pool, tennis. Coastal Properties, (941) 794-1515. FURNISHED 2BR/2BA, two-car garage. Modern, clean, comfortable. Heritage Village West. Pool, clubhouse, lake. Very close to Gulf, bay, river, Wal- Mart, hospital. Annual $950/month; seasonal $1,900/month. Others on golf course available. Call (941) 750-0648 or cell 302-1971. ANNUAL DUPLEX: BEAUTIFUL 1BR/1BA with new ceramic tile. Steps to beach. Quiet Holmes Beach location. $775/month, includes water. (941) 778-9196. PERICO BAY CLUB Villa: Available now. 2BR/2BA two-car garage, nicely furnished, sunny'end unit. Close to Anna Maria beaches and stores. Owner, (941) 387-9702. FURNISHED RENTAL for six to eight months, June- January. Newly renovated and decorated 2BR/2BA. Bradenton Beach condo, Runaway Bay. $1,500/ month. Nonsmoking, no pets. (941) 355-4027. ANNUAL ANNA MARIA: Two 2BR/1BA upstairs units in fourplex. Pool or bay view. Community laundry. $1,150-$1,250/month: (941) 737-4171. 2BR/2BA HOLMES BEACH: one-and-half-blocks to beach. Pool, dishwasher, disposal, microwave, washer/dryer, central air, lanai. $875/month, plus utilities now through December or June-August, $2,300/month, includes utilities. (941) 778-3104. YEARLY RENTALS: 2BR half duplex, washer/ dryer hookup, carport, $900/month; 2BR/2BA, $725/month; 1BR/1BA, $650/month. Dolores Baker Realty, (941) 778-7500. No pets. ANNUAL RENTAL: 1BR in Holmes Beach. $600/ month, plus security and utilities. (941) 778-6541 or 504-3844. OLD BRIDGE VILLAGE: Bradenton Beach, third floor 3BR/3BA. Cable, high-speed Internet, heated pools, hot tub. A great view! $4,000/month. Please call (918) 348-0961. THE "CASTLE ON Beach Avenue" Anna Maria. El- egant 4BR/3BA French Normandy home, two houses from beach on quiet street. Available now through May 2006. Inquire (941) 794-8202. CANALFRONT HOME WITH boat dock: 3BR/2BA with two-car garage in Coral Shores. $1,550/ month, includes lawn care. (815) 351-5052. Available fr :t I = copyrighted Material syndicated Content a om Commercial News Pro i ,1 ISLADERCLASIFEDS HOM IPRVEEN*Cotiue lRETAL-Cntnud viders" I] I I ISLANDER.LASSFIED ANNUAL RENTALS 2BR/2BA canal home, unfur- nished. Also, 2BR/2BA, Gulfview, top-floor apart- ment. Call Betsy Hills Real Estate, P.A., (941) 778- 2291, or e-mail Jason @ betsyhills.com. FURNISHED EFFICIENCY WITH utilities. 300 feet to beach. Suitable for one.person with references. $635/month plus $800 deposit. (941) 778-1379. PERICO BAY CLUB: 2BR/2BA bayfront condo. Light and bright, community pools, tennis, guarded gate, assigned covered parking. Annual, $1,200/ month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. MARINERS COVE: Annual unfurnished 3BR/2.5BA bayfront unit with fabulous views and 2,158 sf of liv- ing area. Gated community with heated pool, tennis, elevator and protected deep-water boat dock. Call Dave Moynihan, Realtor/owner, (941) 778-2246 or 720-0089. HOLMES BEACH 2BR/1.5BA duplex. Close to the beach, carport, washer/dryer and enclosed Florida room. Annual, $1,000/month. Call Island Real Es- tate, (941) 778-6066. GULFFRONT: FURNISHED updated 1BR/1BA on the sand with cable TV, phone. Walk to shops and dining. Weekly or monthly rentals. (941) 713-1983. NORTHWEST BRADENTON: Pine Bay .Forest, 2BR/2BA condo with vaulted ceilings and screened lanai. Annual, $1,000/month. Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. HERON'S WATCH: 3BR/2BA, one-year old. Ten minutes to beach. $1,350/month. (941) 773-6581 or 794-9921. DOWNTOWN SARASOTA: 2BR/2BA bayview condo on the eighth floor. Wonderful location and great amenities. Annual $2,900/month. Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. ANNUAL RENTALS: ONE month free rent including utilities! Efficiency, $690/month, plus $690 security deposit; 1BR/1BA, $740/month, plus $740 security deposit; 2BR/1BA, $950/month, plus $950 security deposit. Call Jerry 8am-8pm, (941) 524-5205 or 448-8100. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT: Holmes Beach. Near library. First, last, security. Call (941) 778-7039. 5400 CONDO: Annual 1BR/1BA ground-level unit. Gulffront complex with pools, no pets. $850/month, plus electric and phone. Call Carla Price, (941).720- 8746, Bark & Co. Realty Inc. CITY OF ANNA MARIA: Waterfront 2BR/2BA du- plex and 1BR/1BA, both available. Water, garbage, boat mooring included. Annual, $1,050 and $850/ month. http://ed.goff.tripod.com/510A.htm.- (941') 360-0618. SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals. 1BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to beach, shopping, restaurants. (941) 778-3875. Web site 2spinnakers.com BRADENTON BEACH DUPLEX: 2BR/2BA; each level with parking underneath. Views of Gulf and bay from large covered balconies. This property has great investment potential. Top floor has wood ca- thedral ceilings, open-floor plan, tile and oak floor- ing. $795,000. (941) 778-3875. RECONSTRUCTION PRICES! Hidden Lake con- dominiums, west Bradenton. Close to beach. Start- ing at $309,900. Call Cori Woods, (941) 761-0444. MOUNT VERNON CONDO: 2BR/2BA, kitchen, baths upgraded. Lake and bay views. Boating com- munity. Clubhouse, pool. $325,000. (941) 792-3916. FOR SALE BY owner: 2BR/1BA condo, one block to beach, pool, newly decorated. $299,995. (941) 778-3320. NORTH BEACH VILLAGE: 2BR/2.5BA, one-car garage. Unit 24, Holmes Boulevard. $495,000. Excalibur Realty Inc., (941) 792-5566. TOMMY BAHAMA SAILBOAT waterfront home. Heated pool, 2BR/2.5BA, dock, 100 percent de- signer tile and Jacuzzi. Northend Anna Maria. Sale by owner, $979,000. (941) 778-8464. BEAUTIFUL TURNKEY 1BR or possibly 2BR mo- bile home. Close to beach and completely remod- eled. Low lot rent. $79,900. (941) 704-6947. BEAUTIFUL TURNKEY Mobile home. Steps from the Intracoastal. 1-2BR/1.5BA. Low lot rent. $59,900. (941) 704-6947. PRISTINE CONDO DIRECTLY on beach and Gulf. Front door opens to beach. Like new. Stunning views from every room. Principals only, $899,000. (941) 779-1013. WESTBAY POINT & Moorings: Anna Maria's finest and most private community. Near Gulf, next to pool, tennis. First-floor end unit. 2BR/2BA, updated. Bay view. Principals only. $479,000. (800) 696-3050 or (941) 778-1264. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. Must see the beautiful, peaceful mountains of western mountains. Homes, cabins, acreage, investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy, N.C. www.cherokeemountainrealty.com. Call for free bro- chure (800) 841-5868. See more Florida classified on the next page! -------------------------------------------------I HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance. We accept ads by fax with credit card information, 778-9392, at our Web site (secure serve lander.org, and by direct e-mail at classifieds@islander.org. Office hours: 9 to 5, Monday-Frida jOl* needed . CLASSIFIED RATES BUSINESS OR INDIVIDUAL: Minimum e t Additional words: Each additional word over 20 is 500, Box: $3, One- f us 250 per word. WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD ANified advertising in person or by phone. We are sorry, but due to the high vo ,ssified ad copy over the telephone. To place an ad by phone, please be prepared to FAX o )e with your credit card information. (see below) USE THIS FORM FO R CONVENIENCE: One word per blank space for minimum charge 20 words. --------------------------------------------------------- I Ii 3I I 2 3 Run issue date(s) Amt. pd Date Please indicate: Ck. No. or Cash IFor credit card payment: Uj EE U .J No. Exp. Date Name shown on card: Billing address zip code: House no. or post office box no. on bill E-Mail address: [for renewal purposes only] The Islander Fax: 941 778-9392 5404 Marina Drive T I Islan der mail Phone: 941 778-7978 Holmes Beach FL 34217 E-mall classifieds@islander.org : l L'-7 _.*_ __ -~ -ia -S _(__ a-?1- ._ __ __ _* __ _- B.iifl_^ THE ISLANDER U MAY 25, 2005 E PAGE 29 Pif/JIJeinVTe./VG. ae ejf enfeff/ "Professional Excellence" Residential-Commercial Interior & Exterior Serving the Islands since 1969. 778- 9 After 5 Ca Licensed and Insured 778-5594 778-3468 James King Painting & Renovation For all your home improvement needs (941) 778-8431 Licensed & Insured The Paver Brick Store 8208 Cortez Road W. Bradenton 34210 (941) 794-6504 9:00 AM til Noon, or by Appointment Pool Deck, Patio and Driveway Renovations Design Build Jumior's Landscape & Maintenance Lawn care PLUS native plants. ".- mulch, trip, hauling and cleanup. -. Call Junior, 807-10153 LONGBOAT KEY PAINTING f DESIGN, INC. Faux painting Cabinet refinishing SFurniture restoration Custom painting Jackson Holmes, owner (941) 812-3809 P PC E i N i WY' Looking for a local Prudential 'alms Realty agent in your area? Call Michelle or Steve today! P' prudential ts Michelle Musto Steve Watson 941-809-3714 Palms Realty 941-518-6096 .... ; ^ItpI-l ^.lII7dmCUAt pvp tc nnlAU.... m. . THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE I massage in the peace, quiet and convenience of your home! More than I0 years on Ln Anna Maria Island. Call Nadia 941.795.0887 Don't leave the Island without taking time to subscribe. You'll get ALL the best news, delivered by the mailman every week. Visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach or call 941-778-7978. Online edition: www.islander.org HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next class: June 20 *National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services www.atsn-schools.com W.1llllu IIUtIu m.UI II www.myr t eve on.c m Im PAGE 30 N MAY 25, 2005 U THE ISLANDER SLAN D DR C A D IFLOIDACL SIFI I FdIC SIF-II TENNESSEE LAKE PROPERTY Sale! Parcels from $24,900. 6.5-acre lot $59,900. 27-acre lake estate $124,900. Cabins available. Call toll-free (866) 770-5263, ext. 8, for details. NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS! Spring is blooming and is beautiful! A wonderful time to look for real estate. See photos www.NorthCarolinaMountainRealty.com or call (800) 293-1998. Free brochure. ATTENTION INVESTORS: Waterfront lots.in the Foothills of North Carolina. Deep-water lake with 90 miles of shoreline. 20 percent redevelopment discounts and 90 percent financing. No payments for one 'year. Call now for best selection. www.nclakefrontproperties.com (800) 709-LAKE. FIVE MINUTES to Greenbrier Resort. Mountain land bargains, 20 acres, and up. www.liveinwv.com. AUCTIONS! Selling Florida in June. Two-story luxury Island home with four-plus-car garage 1 pm June 15, 5160 SeaBell Road, Sanibel. Half-acre, steps to the Gulf, views 5,000-acre national wild- life park. Deep waterfront two-story home and dock-plus lot. 1pm, June 12. No bridges, on La- goon Street, North Ft. Myers. (941) 497-7997. www.vanderee.com. Neal VanDeRee, CAI Real- tor/auctioneer (au 460) S Happy Memorial Day Don't forget the early deadline for classified in The Islander this week. Countrywide Home Loans is clbse by and ready to help you get the home of your dreams. 5 Competitiverates. SLocal experts with the power to say "YES" to your home loan. SUp-front approval* at the time of application. As little as no-to-low down payment options available to make qualifying easier. SLoan amounts to $6 million. Construction financing available. Pam Voorhees Home Loan Consultant 401 Manatee Ave. W. Holmes Beach pam voorhees @ countrywide.com Countrywide HOME LOANS (941) 586-8079 EQUAL HOUSING LENDER 2003 COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. TRADE/SERVICE MARKS ARE THE PROPERTY OF COUNTRYWIDE FINANCIAL CORPORATION AND/OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES. ADD APPROPRIATE STATE, LEGAL. UP-FRONT APPROVAL SUBJECT TO SATISFACTORY PROPERTY REVIEW AND NO CHANGE IN FINANCIAL CONDITION. SOME PRODUCTS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE IN ALL STATES. PRICES AND GUIDELINES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. RESTRICTIONS APPLY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. GUADALUPE RIVERFRONT! Spectacular riverfronts in prime Texas hill-country location. 10- 32 acres. Long-water frontage, huge trees, pan- oramic views. From $300s to $400s. Call (800) 609-7042, ext. 122. Brokers and agents welcome. LAKEFRONT BARGAINS: Starting at $89,900. Gorgeous lakefront parcels. Gently sloping, pris- tine shoreline, spectacular views. Across from na- tional forest on 35,000-acre recreational lake in east Tennessee. Paved roads, underground utili- ties, central water, sewer, excellent financing. Call now (800) 704-3145, ext 617. Sunset Bay, LLC. NEW MEXICO: 20 access, $29,900. Scenic re- gion, views, canyons, trees, rolling hills, wildlife. Enjoy hunting, hiking, horses, great climate. Power, great access. 100 percent financing. Call (877) 813-LAND! STEEL BUILDINGS: Factory deals. Save $$$. 40 by 60 to 100 by 200 foot. Example, 50 by 100 by 12 = $3.60 sf. ,(800) 658-2885. www.rigidbuilding.com. BUILDING SALE! Rock bottom prices! 20 by 30, $2,900; 30 by 40, $5,170; 40 by 50, $8,380; 40 by 60, $10,700; 50 by 100, $15,244. Others. Ends/ accessories optional. Priced to sell! Pioneer, (800) 668-5422. EARLY CLASSIFIED AD Deadline for Wednesday, June 1, publication. Deadline is NOON Friday, May 27. Our office will be closed Monday, May 30, in observance of Memorial Day. N..- Updated Duplex Two, 2BR/2BA units. Spacious,open and sunny. Delightful new heated pool, mature landscaping and a large 90X100 lot. Bonus storage and two garages. One block from the beach in the be: part of the Island. $879,000Call Robin Kollar (941) 713-4515 I Paradis- IV s-778 4-80 WelcI'-to araiseHudrdsofPrper-e t Cooe-ro .. .-.." ... : DON'T MISS THIS ONE! Completely remod- eled island duplex. 3BR/2BA on both sides. Beautiful ceramic tile throughout this breezy floorplan. Kitchens and baths newly updated, too. Turnkey and already rented for the sea- son. $1,400,000. Call Dave Jones at 713-4800. SPACIOUS ISLAND CONDO 2BR/2BA with freshly painted and new carpet. Heated pool, tennis courts and. boat access. Close to beaches and shopping. $349,000. Contact Cindy Grazar, 778-4800. NEED A VACATION? An investment? 1BR/ 1BA condo. New kitchen and new tile floors. Balcony overlooking pool. Comes furnished, ready to move-in. Weekly rentals allowed. Re- sort-like atmosphere and close to the beach. $325,000. Call Denny Rauschl, 725-3934. SPECTACULAR BAYVIEW CONDO. 2BR/ 2BA turnkey furnished with good rental his- tory. Large fishing pier and community boat dock. Laundry room in unit. $589,000. Contact Dave Vande Vrede, 778-4800. BREATHTAKING 2BR/2BA condo with breathtaking view of Gulf and beach. Deeded beach access. Upstairs unit with parking be- low. $925,000. Contact Quentin Talbert, 778-4800. .^rt --- ,. ,,-- : ..' :i ' TRIPLE TREASURE Breezy, beachy income producing triplex across from the beach. Up- stairs, a cozy 1BR/1BA with great reading porch and massive sun deck. Downstairs are two 2BR/1BA units. Ample parking, tons of Mexican tile, newer kitchens and baths. A must see. $659,000. Call Nicole Skaggs at 778-4800 or 795-5704. CLASSIFIED RATES for business or individual: Minimum $10 for up 20 words. Each additional word over 20 words is 500. Box: $3. Ads must be paid in advance. Classified ads may be submit- ted through our secure Web site: www.islander.org or faxed to (941) 778-9392 or delivered/mailed to 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217. We are located next to Ooh La La! in the Island Shopping Center. More informa- tion:(941) 778-7978. All real estate advertising herein is sub- ject to the Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limi- tation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial sta- tus or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or dis- crimination Familial status includes chil- dren under age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children un- der 18. This newspaper will not know- ingly accept any advertising for real es- tate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity ba- sis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at (800) 669-9777, for the hearing impaired (0) (800) 543-8294. DESIRABLE BEAN POINT! 'i -,"-..: :.. Rare 5BR/3.5BA, across from beach access with spacious open floor plan. Large kitchen with breakfast bar. Master suite on main floor. Tile floors, screened lanai and a large open deck-great for tanning! Oversized four-car 'garage. $1,240,000. Larry Albert Tropcal Broker- Realtor .ere 725-1074 ^P Ga le Simyson Schulz... BROKER, ASSOCIATE PROPERTY MANAGER - .. .. has some fabulous properties available for rent! Holmes Beach Vacation Rentals: 2BR/2BA condo, heated pool, across from the beach 2BR/2BA Gulf Sands Gulffront condo, heated pool. Bradenton Annual Rental Unfurnished unit available in Pebble Springs. Spacious 3BR/ 2BA ground-level condo. Walk out the door to the pool. Conveniently located. HOLMES BEACH DU OR SALE offer ,000 Call tails, 778-4847. Jim Anderson Realty Company PO Box 1789 401-B Pine Avenue Anna Maria, FL 34216 941.778.4847 toll free 1.800.772.3235 w w w ima n d e rso n re a l ty .com e-mail: jimsreaI tyco@ao .com I 1 > c;, '. 'i i' ~c ,,,?~ ~--~1~ ,?,,r;~c,~~~e THE ISLANDER 0 MAY 25, 2005 PAGE 31 Spectacular Interior Updates Sed No detail was over- S nee~d looked in this 3BR/ acOuP 2BA island home! This home offers awesome granite counters, beautiful travertine natural stone floors, all new appliances, paint, furniture, landscaping and much. more! And, it's all less than a block to the beach! Call today for an appointment. $649,900. Kimberly L. Clark, P.A. S Sales Associate Realtor 941-447-9988 KimberlyClark reallor'i'yahoo.com l-Gulf-Bay Realty ) 941-778-7244 f'i. / 5309 Gulf Drive v" 1 =-.. Holmes Beach JWt" "Y- REALTOR. 29Years ofProfessional Service YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REAL ESTATE SHOPPE. Experience Reputation Results MARTINIQUE SOUTH -1 BR/I BA, spectacular view. $629,000. MANSION IN THE SKY Bayfront 5BR/5.5BA penthouse, 5000+ sf with guest quarters. $6,900,000. KEY ROYALE LOT 90x105. $795,000. Exclusive. 4 UNITS ANNA MARIA Some with bay view. One 2BR, three 1 BR, room for pool. Great investment. $849,000. OWNER FINANCING. TOWNHOUSE VILLA 3BR/3BA with two screened balconies and open balconies on greenbelt adjacent to bay. Spotless, tastefully decorated. Pool/gazebo. $470,000. VACATION, SEASONAL & ANNUAL RENTALS 101 PALM New Luxury Villas 5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807 yrealt7@aol.com www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com tjr., lA'.i ltri~i /1 **4 Years oi i -,'er' h a pop.erly rn_0 seil Island Aussie Geoffrey Wall, G.R.I. P.A. (941) 545-0206 www.AussieGeoff.com ~I.. -. : r.- . 4-h"ii thing Tournament S1st Place Junior Division Under 19 Largest Live Release Redfish Grand Slam Inshore 5910 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach, FL 34217 Call(941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770 1-800-741-3772 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Web site: www.smithrealtors.com VILLA SIEritlA 4005 4TH AVE VILLA SORRElITO -4003 4TH AVE. VILLA ROMA VILLA MILArlO 1004 5TH AVE. 4006 5TH AVE. The Jewel in the crown completes the most successful residentiallinvestment development in the Island's history. Pre-con- struction prices with permanent financing available for qualified buyers. These magnificent 4 bedroom. 4 bathroom Villas feature: expansive great rooms with fireplaces, hardwood floors, gourmet kitchens with granite finish, elevator and private swimming pool. A half block to public beach, restaurants, boutiques and market with partial Gulf and bay views. $1.250,000. ", r, ,,, ,. t .L,-, : -, , u .: ; :' _. ;," .,,. :.-:.;,:,. :: ,:-; -. .. :' ;;. ; ,. . ,. , .. = ,. ,. -. ,, ,'; :o ., L, "- ::- -:, -. -- - .. ., .. .. '. : -,: .:.:: : _ T VALUE IN WEST BRADENTON! Spa PERICO ISLES CONDO at Ihe Soncruar, Turn and neai 3BP 2BA correte bl,:,k iile ke', furnished 2BR 2BA Feature: ri.lude rg large Florida room garage and .:lubhou:e heated pool and renrrs ,:ourri rt Also the bac, vard is larced ...,th $375 )000 It.LS 508685 for a pool Ouiel neighborhood 000 f.LS f 5086 12 RIGHT ON THE BAYOU Lo'..e.l priced canallront home on the lorand Ths 2B 2R 2A home in Seaside Gardens is rieal and clean Mnjrnr.o l ,i i ron. l ker, fujrn.i hed ... t~ h .. asher and dr, er Pr. ' .... ..-. 'ale d, ck thao room for r..'c. bEool Greoa h"'' ome or rental $479. 51: MLS# 5035983 Bub Frnii hi. I, j i .' F.I THESE EXQUISITE PRIVATE RESIDENCES ore kran.j n r '.iP 5B unrl: ;:. e .lh parhi.l r ,nd o.her: th, .l ire. :e .: ,. ih.- G ,.l ,her ,v.:, ,pleT,.:.,-. ,r, t i., 3, iX PF '.-E'S ..'ILL E i'EiC :E -:.E" N .:.." 1 i- : " .i 2 ,, ,'"'l I10 0 WATCH THE DOLPHINS lumrp trom Ihi l dire.:l Gulffront up.tair' unit Tollll, reno.aled Spaciou.I.ingmareo 2BR 2B' i.lliry room ..ith ..asher dr,er Healed pool and drec.tl *o:n the beach make Ih'i a perfecil second home or rerlol $.890 000i fMLSS 500668 BEACHFRONT RESTAURANT pcpu.lar Ih ti.:.r. u ..rne or.,d r-a l -j: nr.:1...J, l.. ,. n .4 ,: i ,iiii 4 nrJ .ir,:.lher i 2ai-ii .1 i I .:e o hI, .,:r, iq tena. n l-:,n,,nai'.,ld I.:." ( -, *Lrs',oll :,.,, e .: .:f i -, T.,.r I. i ,':-" iii f.L'.". ,ri'r-i _- .- s. ..-.. TRADEWINDS RESORT CONDO managed by Report OuQue Cloie o ihe beach iery short ..alk Io Ihe Gulf and a fobulou.s pool Thi, grour.-iloor until i, lo.,el', and pet, are al- lo...ed Onmite manager s.oftice $385 000 tALS# 5086-2 QUAINT ISLAND COTTAGE: Cue insidee re .- Berber carper ne.., ktrchen and appliances - a mrst seel Close lo beaches: or enlo/ the large screened porch and shady back )ard -. th room for a pool $d489 0000 iL LS# 5051 17 EXCELLENT CANAL FRONT LOCATION! rN,:e -28FP' i2 h.:ome -i- a r. *:.-:ar a3raqe lu;l ,:.n hi,:.;_. frr.n'i ,:,:,en errj ,:, ,: rn.,l Clc:ck. leT- :1.1 l, i h..,, : l. .: ,.,J ,lh r-..r.,ni ,.r a3 pI o.:. :-, p r.;.:jr,,._,r, ,.I.j2 up. l.-.r ,.r .. .-.L -1th. 1B,,, .-'-'" *:'( t;".iL!, _.U:-f.i0:-. l - 2BR/2BA GULFFRONT END UNIT. Ve unique one of the best Gulfront vie .... on r Island or an/. here Turnkey furrnshed cc pet and ceramic throughout $989.00 MtLS# 501858 PtKILCO BAT LUB BeaOuttul gated corrn nly w.ilh man, omenitie: and minute: to I Gulf beoahes 2BD 2BA. v.lh ,.olled .e.lIr,c Ernoy ihe screened lanai .-.ith pond iemc Ne oar corndirionerr ..a;oher dri .129 o000 itILS. 507'57 1 A14. GA.1.. Ma. kcal 7- T fr Ne so .11 inu 1hp ere N.,d Pai.,,,. I- .i t i Fl WHAT ISLAND LIVING .: all obo, Immrr .:ulale 28,' 3B" 3'.-:ar ,g:raq .... open l.:. plan Pr.-,jp rt, feaur-: beout, nilra.::I, al ..,aIer .- 'l r-n o t.-,r ... .,,in a .:I ,,arrr,,, d.:..: l j ,ih ... r. b,.ailfi anrd a Ir.:- I.r..l '.-" i."i. t.1L :,e .0"* 22 'I I Pat Palmeri-Bates jo n LUcHKUWec Team Pinnacle aReputation ~ Resources ~ Resuts SALES RENTALS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Phone: 877-469-4753 Fax: 941-751-1728 www.flrealestateassistance.com teampinnaclefl@yahoo.com I I.... - . , .---] GREAT floor. [., Btrndloid '. ._ -'--- .:arp: I,, I r o om .2 1. - E I 21g r 'tO J I B.,rd B rd , B ,Ur t1 '',[,,II1 om " "' r : : i -~I.:. .~ I__i-- ii ?s~~, PAGE 32 E MAY 25, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER - wMm 0 dom a- - o I *0 v - - - 411 - - IF -'I or "Copyrighted M Syndicated Cor Available from Commercial N -= - -M wmw ateria tent lews Pr w - - If oviders" 91' - * 0 Want to keep in touch? Subscribe to the "best news!" Call 941778-7978 and charge it to Visa or MasterCard. k--GNER REALTY Brigig Pe~oplte i a Since 1939 -.F*i:l 11 ..1rlo.pi ffti he )Vtck KEY WEST NORTH Fabulous Gulf and bay S,-views from this 2BR/BA unit in a small, extremely Swell-built complex in 1999. Unit is tastefully fur- .~ nished and offers custom cabinets, wood and tile c e o : :/ n flooring, crown molding, central vacuum and bal- -m conies off the living room and master bedroom. WN Secured elevator, heated pool. 778-2246. #506335. $595,000 Dave Moynihan. 2217 GULF DR. N. BRADENTON BEACH (941) 778-2246 (800) 211-2323 e-mail: ami@wagnerrealty.com www.wagnerrealty.com - --- ---- VILLAS AT HOMES BEACH Exclusive, gated enclave of lust nine townhomes being con- structed on the Inlracoastal. 3,100 sf plus two- car garage. Marble and wood floors, gourmet kitchens. $2,500,000. Marketed in conjunction with RJ Realty. Karen Day,941-778-2246. I~ 1.,~~k A RARE FIND! Anna Maria Gulf Front lot. JEWFISH KEY WATERFRONT Elevated cy- EXCLUSIVE TIDY ISLAND It peace ana rran- Becky Smith or Elli Slarrett. 778-2246. press home wilh wrap-around decks on two quility are on your agenda, consider this single #504998. $2.000,000. levels. 70 ft. dock. Included vested interest in family 3-4BR/2.5BA nome. Complete mainte- mainland community property with docking. nance free lifestyle. 24-hr gated security. Much Anne Miller, 778-2246. #100997. $1,950,000. more! Lois Horn. 722-2246. #508182. $1,315,000 RIVERVIEW LANDINGS HOME Custom Ito- REAL ISLAND LIVING! Key West h rme otiers sorry design. perfect lor an active family Open open plan wilh 17-fooi ceilings and decks Iloor plan has space and beauty Located on a spanning both sides Ihat overlook gardens and cul de sac Cuslom oak entry doors. oak floors, pool. Plus a dock' Karen Day. 778-2246. soaring ceilings and stone fireplace. Large #507772. $849.000 pool, cook center & sports coun. Jane Tinswonh. 761-3100 B508293 $850.000. TIFFANY PLACE unique Gulftiont torwnr,.:use wiih great Gulf views. Fully lurrnisne 2BR' 2 5BA 1610 SF. 2 balconies. heated pool el- evalor and labulous beach Dave Moynihan 778-2246 #503775 $819 500 ANNA MANIA LUNUU i-'arua iuuir ano Day views Great opportunity for owner.inveslor, turnkey, firnijshed renials already scheduled. Approximalely 1,300 si, 2BR,2BA Laurie Dellalorre. 778-2246 B502656. $458.900 U W ~kr;~8~n~as~6~~""'~p~gi~i~i~esaaa~mpQ '" ab 0 lopm- e Gmw b Op41 &. - 4, O O O Q . nib ow |