 Main: Opinion
 Main continued
 Main: Islander Classifieds
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00074389/00018
 Material Information
Title: Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Uniform Title: Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Creator: Islander
Publisher: Bonner Joy
Publication Date: May 4, 2005
Genre: newspaper   ( sobekcm )
newspaper   ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Manatee -- Anna Maria
Coordinates: 27.530278 x -82.734444 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
System ID: UF00074389:00018

Table of Contents
        page 1
        page 2
        page 3
        page 4
        page 5
    Main: Opinion
        page 6
    Main continued
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        page 8
        page 9
        page 10
        page 11
        page 12
        page 13
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        page 18
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        page 20
        page 21
        page 22
        page 23
    Main: Islander Classifieds
        page 24
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        page 26
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        page 28
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        page 31
        page 32
Full Text

Skimming the news... Anna Maria Island map in this edition, page 16.

T Anna Maria



"The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992"


Volume 13, No. 27 May 4, 2005 FREE

History made: Commission agrees on parking

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Sandbar restaurant owner Ed Chiles called the
April 28, 2005, Anra Maria City Commission meeting
an ."historic day" in the city.
Indeed, after more than 80 years of trying to solve
the parking problem in the city, commissioners finally
hit on a solution maybe.
Commissioners unanimously agreed to use Com-
missioner Duke Miller's proposed Parking Plan C as a
"basis" for a future parking ordinance. The plan only
affects streets in the already established beach access
zones and would essentially allowing parking on one
side of each of those streets for one year, then switch
parking to the other side for the next year.

Even Commissioner Dale Woodland, who has op-
posed a variety of plans submitted by Miller, agreed.
"We've been at opposite ends on this issue,"
Woodland told Miller, "but if you can live -with it, I
Miller, an original proponent of resident-only park-
ing; said he came up with the compromise solution af-
ter so many stalemates on the commission the past
three years in trying to find an acceptable parking plan.
"Some people are carrying an undue burden" with
parking on their street, while their neighbor across the
road has no parking, he noted. His plan would have
everyone on a beach access street "sharing the burden"
50 percent of the time.
Commissioner Carol Ann Magill said she was

"pleasantly surprised" at the compromise. She sug-
gested changing no parking every six months, but
Miller noted that parking increases during the winter
tourist season and thus, one year seemed the optimal
Commission Chairperson John Quam said he was
in favor of using the plan as the basis for a new park-
ing ordinance, but noted thatsome areas might be ex-
cluded from parking for "safety" reasons.
"We have many areas to look at" before an ordi-
nance can be adopted, he said. Some streets might want
to opt out of the plan and allow open parking year-
round, he noted.

Beach Bistro

owner Murphy

buys Beach Inn
By David Futch
Islander Correspondent
Beach Bistro owner Sean Murphy serves some of
the finest food on Florida's Gulf coast.
Now a deal he struck Monday will allow Murphy
to bed down his dinner guests just across the parking
lot from his award-winning restaurant.
Beach Inn owner Frank Davis sold the Beach Inn
and two adjacent parcels to Murphy and a group of
investors which includes new Tidemark development
principal Ken Dardis for a reported $5.2 million.
Murphy, Dardis and two unnamed partners formed
three limited liability corporations, one for each of the
three properties purchased.

Seawall savior
Residents between 755 and 761 N. Shore Drive in Anna Maria have finally thrown their towels into the Gulf of
Mexico in their efforts to prevent erosion and are colistructing a seawall to halt further loss of their beach. Work
crews from James Annis Marine Construction in Holmes Beach were at the location last week constructing the
seawall. The area suffered severe beach erosion from the four hurricanes that struck Florida last year, but is not
included in the upcoming emergency renourishment project for Anna Maria Island. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin

Island Baptist wants one city, Holmes Beach

By Rick Catlin.
Islander Reporter
The Island Baptist Church has asked Holmes
Beach Mayor Carol Whitmore if her city can annex that
portion of church property currently in Anna Maria.
Whitmore said she received a letter from the Rev.
Dale Lawson of the church last week asking for a meet-
ing with the mayors of both cities to discuss annex-
ation. The letter did not specifically mention which city
the church wanted.
"When I called him up and asked him what the
church was looking for, he said they wanted to become
part of Holmes Beach," Whitmore said.
In his April 26 letter, Lawson said a major reason
for annexation is the physical address.
While the church entrance is located on Gulf

Drive in Holmes Beach, the mailing address is an
Anna Maria post office box, making it often difficult
to receive parcels, shipments or get credit cards for
the church.
In addition, the church believes it would be better
to have one city to deal with for law enforcement, zon-
ing, public works and building permits. The church has
some upcoming improvement projects and two juris-
dictions with two sets of rules might present difficulty,
Lawson wrote.
Other problems concern emergency and safety,
services such as Waste Management Inc., and represen-
tation to one city commission instead of two.
Whitmore said she has directed City Attorney
Michelle Hall to look into the annexation process for
presentation to the city commission.


No more splits
The Island Baptist Church at 8605 Gulf Drive
straddles the city limits of Holmes Beach and Anna
Maria. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin

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Beach Inn bought by Murphy
The transaction is the result of a.long-standing
agreement between Davis and Murphy, who have
been business neighbors and friends for more than a
"The Beach Inn will be operated consistent with
the high standards set by the Davis family until the
fall when an extensive renovation will be con-
ducted," Murphy said in a press release dated May
2. "The Beach Bistro has the best food on the Gulf
Coast we are confident that the Beach Inn-will be
the best inn."
Murphy, who has garnered a number of the pres-
tigious Florida Trend magazine Golden Spoon awards
designating Beach Bistro as one of Florida's top-10
restaurants, also is a partner with contractor/developer
Mike Carter of Bradenton in the Mangrove Grille res-
taurant in Palmetto.
Murphy said he had no plans to expand the Beach
Bistro or move it to the Beach Inn. He did say the part-
nership is looking into adding two units on the site of
the former Plantation House, which is presently a park-
ing lot.
"I have no interests in any other restaurants,"
Murphy said. "The Beach Bistro and the Mangrove
Grille are the only restaurants, and considering Mike
Carter is my landlord and partner, we're on sound foot-
"What we plan to do at the Beach Inn is make it
more upscale. We will apply for a permitting change in
four or five months and will know more about what we
want to do with the Beach Inn by then."
Running from Gulf Drive west to the beach at 66th
Street, the.three parcels include the parking lot on Gulf
Drive; the Inn-Between, a duplex rental of four units;
and the Beach Inn on the beach.
The Beach Inn has 14 units, each with kitchens.
From May 1-Dec. 22, prices are $109 per'night for a
bungalow unit and $199 for a Gulffront room with fire-
place,,king-size bed, bath with Jacuzzi tub and a deck
overlooking the water. Winter rates currently run from
$159 per night to $239.
Murphy was a partner in the Beach Inn for a short
time 12 years ago before it was owned by Davis.

I .

Policing Anna
Manatee County Sheriff's Office Deputy Jules Dengler has spent the past 14 years with the MCSO substation
in Anna Maria and will retire from active duty on June 13. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin

Anna Maria citizens to honor MCSO deputy

Anna Maria residents will hold a retirement party
May 27 for Manatee County Sheriffs Office Deputy Jules
Dengler, who has been in Anna Maria for 14 years.
Karen DiCostanzo said the party will be a "won-
derful celebration complete with live music and a
'roast' of Jules." Dengler will be presented with a
scrapbook of his stories and memories of his 14 years
in Anna Maria, she said.

"I'm going to miss the people," said Dengler. "Af-
ter 14 years, we've become like family. My heart will
always be in this city."
The retirement party will start at 6 p.m. Friday,
May 27, at the Sandbar restaurant. Anyone interested
in attending, or who has a "Jules" story for the scrap-
book, should call Karen at 779-2428, Leni Hagen at
778-8535, or Bev Calhoun at 302-2320.

-_.- -


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City to Tidemark:

'Make us an offer

we can't refuse'
By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Representatives of the planned Tidemark hotel/
condominium/marina project in Holmes Beach learned
from the city commission April 26 that it's ready to
make a deal on a new lease for that section of the boat
basin at the project that the city owns. But it wants
Tidemark to make the first pass.
"Make us a proposal." slid Coinmiiiisioner Rich
Bohnenberger to atiorne, Bob Green, representing
The cit\ oided it: $I100-per-\ear lease to Tide-
marl. for its 5-foot-% ide space into the basin along
Marina Drite lasi month matter learning it could do so
because Tidemark v.a-s in bankruptcy At that meeting.
Commlnnssioner Roger Lutz had indicated thit $100 a
Sear \\:is too little-for the city treasury, and he also
wanted proof that Tidemark owned the basin bottom.
Green said he had proof of ownership, but no pro-
posal to make to the city at this- time.
He claimed that the company that now owns Tide-
mark, Reliance-Tidemark LLC, has a policy from Chi-
cago Title Co. indicating it owns the basin bottom.
"The basin was artificially created and.is privately
owned," he said. The city only owns a portion along
Marina Drive extending outward about five feet. The
city area includes the two feet of seawall, he added.
He also brought commissioners up to date on
Tidemark, noting that the new ownership group is Re-
liance-Tidemark LLC, with Reliance Realty Partners
of Connecticut as. the holding company.
He claimed the company has construction financ-

Don't fence me in
IU ,r ce si l ,t; i'h tk inc,. J in flit area for the planned Tidemark hotel/marina/condominium at Gulf and
Marina drives in Holmes Beach in preparation for property improvements prior to the start of construction,
although no start date for construction has yet been set and no building permits issued.
Islander Photo: Rick Catlin

ing in place, but later in his discussion said that financ-
ing should close in about 30 days.
He also refuted any suggestion that Tidemark
wants the city to implement traffic calming measures
or landscaping along Marina Drive.

Rathvon wears two hats on Island

While Island officials discuss the merits and pit-
falls of consolidating services between the three cities,
a quiet consolidation-has already taken place in the
form of Gerry Rathvon.
Rathvon holds the title of code enforcement officer
for both Anna Maria City and Bradenton Beach. She
works part-time at both positions Anna Maria has her
Tuesday and Wednesday, Bradenton Beach Monday and
Thursday "but that can be shifted around," she said.
Code enforcement in both cities is reactive to com-
plaints by residents or businesses, Rathvon said. "There
aren't enough hours in the day for me to be able to be

proactive on violations," she said.
Code enforcement duties are generally clerical in
the form of notifying the violation of the infraction.
Most comply; some require more strict action in the
format of the city code enforcement board.
The most recent violator in Bradenton Beach is the
Gulf Drive Cafe, which will be the focus of a board
meeting Thursday at 4:30 p.m., when owner George
Kokolis will begin having fines of $250 per day
charged to him for failure to install a fence around
property he owns near the popular restaurant at 900
Gulf Drive N.

"If the city wants to improve that area, we'd like
to participate, but if not, it's no problem," Green said.
"We've not requested that the city give us anything" for
Well, the city is not going to accept nothing in the
new lease, countered Commissioner Don Maloney.
"The original commission that accepted $100 a year is
no longer here," he observed.
Maloney said that the city could lease the space to
another party, noting it has received a letter from an-
other attorney asking about leasing the boat basin.
Maybe you can lease your space to someone else,
responded Green, but Reliance-Tidemark still owns the
"Then, it's a Mexican stand-off," joked Maloney.
Not quite, said Lutz, who suggested Green return to
the commission with proof of ownership of the basin and
a proposal for a new lease as soon as possible to get ne-
gotiations started. He cautioned, however, that the start-
ing price shouldn't be another $100-a-year lease.
"Make us an offer we can't refuse," Lutz said.


Parking plan promised

Woodland added that the commission shouldn't
"over-complicate" the plan. "If we try to solve everyone's
problem, we'll be here for the next two years."
Even members of the public affected by thepro-
posal seemed in agreement and congratulated the com-
mission for finally "doing something."
"This is a high-water mark for this board after
years and years" of discussion, said Chiles. Although
he said he's often thought that parking in Anna Maria
could never be solved, Plan C "comes right in the
middle and it's equitable. It's fair. Congratulate Com-
missioner Miller and the commission. I can't wait to
see the headline."
Fer Street resident Bill Cunningham, who has had
considerable difficulties with public parking at.his prop-
erty for a number of years, said he was prepared to sup-
port Miller's plan, although it's not exactly what he
But at least it's fair, or should be, he observed.
"Whatever the commission does should apply equally
and we think this one does," Cunningham concluded.
Alternate-street or alternate-side-of-the-street park-
ing and no-parking as a solution was first proposed by
Mayor SueLynn three years ago, but commissioners at
that time did not agree with the concept.
Miller was then in favor of resident-only permit-
based parking while Woodland leaned toward open
Irr early 2003, Quam brought forward "Plan X" for
designated parking and no-parking locations within the

beach access zone only, and the commission spent
more than $10,000 in an eventually fruitless study to
determine exactly where parking should be allowed in
the zone. Plan X was also eventually rejected.
Two years ago, Miller came up with a compromise
solution by allowing some parking on the right of way,
but this, too, was tossed out by other commissioners.
Squabbles among commissioners and residents
over parking have continued the past three years, at
least until Miller's'April 28 proposal.
Now that the commission has a consensus on a
plan, it remains to be seen if a parking ordinance can
actually be drafted, said one BAZ resident.
Opinions on the new plan, which was just pre-
sented to the public; will be heard at the commission's
May 12 workshop, where parking will be the No. 1
item on the agenda.
"At least we're going forward," said Cunningham.
But not every commissioner is on board with Plan C.
Commissioner Linda Cramer, who was unable to
attend the April 28 meeting, said she could not support
the plan "as presented" because it would allow beach
access parking in areas that have been designated no-
parking for a number of years.
"I don't think it's fair to those people who bought
a home where there was no street parking, now the city
is going to tell them the public can park in front of their
house," she said.
Cramer did, however, pledge to discuss the proposal
at the May 12 workshop in the "spirit of cooperation."
v ,:
i .. ,, .

Anna Maria City
May 5, 6 p.m., planning and zoning board work session
on comprehensive plan elements.
May 11, 6:45 p.m., Environmental Education and En-
hancement Committee meeting.
May 12, 6 p.m., special city commission meeting on
Villa Rosa final plat approval.
May 12, 7 p.m., city commission work session.
Anna Maria City Hall,
10005 Guf Drive, 708-6130.

Bradcntoi. "each
May 5, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. Agenda: Pub-
lic comment, public presentation on pool-chemical
dangers, RFQ on surveys, board of adjustment recom-
mendations, land use review process discussion, north
park playground equipment discussion, charter review
committee discussion and commission reports.
May 5, 4:30 p.m., code enforcement board meeting on
Gulf Drive Caf6 violation.
May 12, 3 p.m., city commission work session.
Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N..

Holmes Beach
May 4, 5 p.m., parks and beautification committee
May 10, 7 p.m., city commission meeting with work
session to immediately follow.
Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive,


'Regina' shipwreck off Bradenton Beach dedicated

Sixty-five years after .it was grounded off
Bradenton Beach, the remains of the vessel "Regina"
were formally included as a Florida Archeological Pre-
About 60 people attended dedication ceremonies
Saturday at the BeachHouse Restaurant, within sight of
the remains of the 247-foot steel steamer which sank
March 8, 1940.
-The nomination of the shipwreck in the state list-
ing, the 10th in Florida, includes brochures, dive infor-
mation of the site and posters and a plaque on.the ship
The "Regina" was being towed from Havana, Cuba,
to New Orleans when a winter storm forced the ship
aground about 100 yards off Bradenton Beach. The crew
of eight was eventually rescued, but not before one man,
the ship's cook, drowned in the heavy surf.
Among those receiving certificates of thanks for
their assistance in the nomination process and dedica-
tion were: Pete and Lorraine Athas, Sea Trek Divers;
Anna Maria Island Historical Society; Bradenton Her-
ald; The Islander; The.Sun;Silver Surf Resort; Mana-
tee County Commission; Manatee County Clerk of
Court; Manatee County Environmental Management
Department; Bill O'Shea; John Noll; Manatee County
Planning Department; Michael Wood; City of
Bradenton Beach; Bradenton Beach Mayor John
Chappie; Clayton and Pauline Adams; Greg Cook;
Cathy Slusser; Roger Allen; Manatee County Histori-
cal Commission; Mary Fulford Green; Cortez Village
Historical Society; John and Kathy Bass; Florida Gulf
Coast Maritime Museum; Leo and Pat Dioguardi; Janet
Elms; Jim and Beverly Humes; Gary and Susan
Humphreys; Rick and Tina Lee; Jeff and Ashley
Moates;-Brian Morse; Ben. Shaul; Ed Sterba; James
Sterba; Kacy Knope; Chris Hall; John Hebert; Rich

Bradenton Beach Mayor John Chappie thanked everyone for their hard work in have the shipwreck of the
"Regina" listed on a statewide list of notable shipwrecks for divers. Islander Photo: Paul Roat

Meier; Joseph Neville; Joe "COZ" Cozzi, Mote Marine
Laboratory; Ed Chiles, Beach House Restaurant; Rot-
ten Ralph's Restaurant; Bowman Diving Inc.;
AmeriaQuick Printing; Cortez Kat Charters; Cortez

Parasail; Manasota Business Network Inc.; Delta En-
gineering & Inspection Inc.; Sign-A-Rama; Sea Tow;
East County Business Network; and Jeff and Denise

Holmes Beach vacation requests need answers

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Holmes Beach city commissioners appeared reluc-
tant to grant either of the two vacation requests pre-
sented at the April 26 commission meeting until the
applicants could supply more information.
The first request was from Mary Menendez of 407
42nd St., who wants the city to vacate its right of way
on Fourth Avenue between 41st Street and 42nd Street.
Menendez owns property on both sides of the right of
way at this intersection.
Attorney Mark Barnebey, representing Menendez,
argued that although the street was platted in 1903, it was
never built and it's obvious that-it's "just a paper street."
There's no purpose in the city retaining the street.
If the commission would vacate the right of way to

Surprise birthday

party, roast for

Manatee High School music teacher of 34 years
and Voice of the Hurricanes (football team) for 41,
James Forssell will turn 72 on Tuesday, May 10.
"For MHS alums, being part of the vocal depart-
ment was the high point of their high school years,"
according to former Islander and party organizer David
Reid. "Many studentshave kept in touch with him over.
the years, even since his retirement from teaching."
A birthday 'surprise" get together will take place
at the Shake Pit you know the hangout by MHS -
at 3801 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton, starting at 4:30
p.m. May 10. Former students, co-workers, chorus and
choir students and associates throughout the years are
welcomed and asked to help spread the word.
Support is also sought for donations to the James
Forssell Scholarship Fund at MHS, for which Forssell,
his son Jim and the music department head choose the
student recipient each year.
Contact Lu Files at lu@asapflorida.com for more
information on the scholarship fund.
For more information about the birthday party,
contact David Reid at forssell72@aol.com or Nina
Wiley at nwiley@access-bank.com.

his client, said Barnebey, Menendez would put in con-
crete pipes where the present swales are located, add
a sidewalk from 42nd Street down Gulf Drive to Mana-
tee Avenue and donate $50,000 to the city to address
stormwater drainage in the area near the vacation.
But the vacation would give Menendez about two
lots to build on, said Commissioner Pat Morton, and he
wanted to know how much those lots would increase
the value of the property already owned by Menendez.
Barnebey could only guess that it would add about
$150,000 in value. He said his client has no plans to
build on the property "at this time."
"What about in the future?" asked Commissioner
Roger Lutz. That's likely, Barnebey replied.
Following complaints from some members of the
public that granting the vacation would only increase
density in the area, which is zoned for multiple-family
dwellings, Commission Chairperson Sandy Haas-Mar-
tens asked if Barnebey's client would agree to build no
more additional units than what can be built at present,
if the commission were to grant the vacation.
"It's obvious there is a'concern for density" in the
area, she noted.
Barnebey said he would have to check with his client
and return to the commission with that information.
Lutz also wanted a clearer map of the area, infor-
mation from the Florida Department of Transportation
on connecting Fourth Street with Manatee Avenue and
some follow-up on whether or not the Southwest
Florida Water Management District would allow con-
crete pipes to replace the grassy swales in the area.
The commission voted to hold another public hear-
ing on the vacation request at its May 10 meeting.

Moreland Marine
Commissioners also heard a request from Brian
Quartermain of Moreland Marine on 52nd Street to
vacate 8. feet of right of way to its condominium
project, currently under construction at that location.
The vacation would allow the project to build one ad-
ditional condominium unit.
Before Barnebey, now representing Moreland
Marine, could make his presentation, however, Haas-
Martens noted there was a problem. The address con-
tained on the public notice and on the meeting agenda
were different.
City Attorney Patricia Petruff suggested the com-
mission could still hold the public hearing because of

the people who had come to voice and opinion, but
Mayor Carol Whitmore intervened:
"Let's do it right the first time," she said, noting the
city had been sued over the Frank Davis variance re-
quest because the meeting was held despite an alleged
improper notice.
Lutz agreed that the best course of action was to
continue the public hearing to another meeting until the
correct address was properly notified to all adjacent
property owners.
Although the hearing was discontinued, members
of the public got a chance to voice their opinion on the
request during public comment at the end of the meet-
Tom McGannon said he was representing three
other homeowners on the street. He said his "group" is
not opposed to the vacation if the developer will install
an appropriate fence between his group's property and
the condominiums and also build a suitable entrance to
the condo development. In addition, his group would
like Moreland Marine to fund about $12,000 in sewer
improvements for the group.
Barnebey said he would speak to his clients about
the fence and funding for sewer improvements.

City hall mold issues
Commissioners were hung up on whether or not to
approve $117,450 to Kenyon and Partners to remove
existing mold and mildew conditions in the city hall
air- conditioning system.
Public Works Director Joe Duennes said he did not
know when the company could start, or how long the
project would take. He suggested the commission give
him authority to negotiate with both the low bidder and
second lowest bidder who was $15,000 higher -
and determine which could start and finish the earliest.
"Let's get the damn thing done," said Commis-
sioner Don Maloney, noting that it's been almost two
years since the problem was discovered, and he doesn't
want to sweat out another hot summer in the commis-
sion chambers without air conditioning.
Commissioners agreed to authorize Duennes to go
with the low bidder if they can start within 30 to 45
days. If not, he can contact the second lowest bidder to
see if they have a better start and finish time.
The commission also approved $80,000 to C.F.
Huffman Inc., the sole bidder on the storm drain reloca-
tion project at the Gulf Drive-Marina Drive intersection.


No stormwater fee in Anna Maria this year

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Anna Maria city commissioners at their April 28
special meeting agreed not to implement a stormwater
utility fee for the 2005-06 budget.
Instead, commissioners believe that $200,000 of the
2005-06 budget can be dedicated for stormwater improve-
ments and other capital improvement projects as desig-
nated by the capital improvements advisory committee's
priority list of projects. In addition, the city believes it can
obtain grant money from the Southwest Florida Water
Management District and other sources, making the fee
unnecessary, at least for this coming fiscal year.
But Commissioner Dale Woodland noted the com-
mission is not done with the fee, even though the bud-

get and grant money should eliminate the need for the
fee this year.
"All we've done is postpone the stormwater util-
ity fee to next year," he said. "I still want a special
meeting to discuss the entire process. We're eventually
going to have to go through this."
Agreed, said Commission Chairperson John
Woodland said he would contact Steve Minnis of
Swiftmud to attend the special meeting and make a
presentation on Swiftmud's grant process and what
funds are available.
Commissioner Duke Miller reminded the commis-
sion that it needs a professional to manage any capital
improvement projects and avoid the fiasco of the Tar-

pon Street-Oak Avenue paving project of 2003-04.
Woodland preferred a qualified volunteer from the
city, but Commission Chairperson John Quam sided
with Miller. A paid professional is needed to supervise
such projects, he said.
The.commission also thanked Chris Collins, who
spent the past six months preparing charts and tables
for revenue flow and projects completed for various
stormwater utility fee amounts.
Collins said he understood the "political pressure"
not to implement a fee, but the commission is assum-
ing grants can be obtained. He said the fee could be as
low as $45 annually over a 20-year period for a single-
family home, but commissioners set his suggestion
aside, at least for this year.

Anna Maria's Hunts day in court tomorrow

By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
Robert and Nicki Hunt of 303 Pine Ave. in Anna
Maria will get their day in court in their lawsuit
against the city starting tomorrow, May 5, at 1:30 p.m.
at the Manatee County Courthouse. Manatee County
Circuit Court Judge Marc Gilner will preside.
The Hunts' site plan for a three-story commer-
cial-residential unit in the city's residential-office-re-
tail area along Pine Avenue was turned down by the
city commission last August in a narrow 3-2 vote.
The defeat came despite an opinion from City
Attorney Jim Dye that the city codes did not pro-
hibit a three-story structure in the ROR district. In
addition, the site plan had favorable opinions from
Building Official Kevin Donohue, the city engi-
neering firm of Baskerville-Donovan Inc. and a
recommendation for approval from the planning
and zoning board.
At issue for the commission was whether or
not language in the city code pertaining to the ROR

district allowed three-story structures with a residence
on the top floor and commercial space on the two lower
floors, or just two floors of habitable space.
The Hunts had proposed office-retail units on the
lower two levels and a residence on the third floor, with
half of the second floor devotedto their own residence
and the dther half for commercial space. The entire third
floor would be the remainder of their home, and the site
plan fell within the city's 37-foot height restriction.
Their original application was based on an interpreta-
tion of the city code from Donohue, who has since been
instructed by the mayor and commission not to give
The Hunts appear to have had bad timing in the
purchase of the property in November 2003.
Within a month, Anna Maria adopted a building
moratorium while new site plan review procedures were
being developed by the P&Z board. When those mea-
sures were adopted by the commission in late March
2004, the moratorium was lifted and the Hunts were the
first to apply under the new procedures.

Problems with the new procedures, including
the second site plan application, which was submit-
ted for the Waterfront Restaurant; eventually
prompted then P&Z board vice chairman Charles
Canniff to suggest a meeting among the P&Z
board, city commission, city attorney and building
official to iron out problems before more problems-
That proposed meeting might be a moot point.
The new site plan review procedures will now be
tested in court rather than in commission cham-
bers, 18 months after the Hunts purchased their
property to build their "dream house."
As resident Mike Holman of 311 Pine Ave. told
commissioners last August, "If the laws can't be
trusted and are subject to interpretation, then how can
anybody plan?" He and his family have planned on
investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in an ROR
project on Pine Avenue, but he suggested nobody
would "have any intention of investing" in the city
without clear direction and guidelines.

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Week of firsts
It's a first for Anna Maria Island and Bradenton
Beach to be recognized in a statewide listing for an
event that happened 65 years ago.
The Florida Department of State, Division of His-
torical Resources, Bureau of Archaeological Research
has recognized the "Regina" as the 10th underwater
archeological preserve in Florida, the only shipwreck
so named on the West Coast of Florida, and the most
readily available of the underwater dive-site preserves.
The designation means that divers from throughout
the world will now be able to read about and see firsthand
the 247-foot-long molasses barge'that lies on the floor of
the Gulf of Mexico where it wrecked March 8, 1940, only
a few hundred yards from the shore of Bradenton Beach.
And, with eco-tourism becoming a greater and
greater attraction to the state, the increased attention to
the shipwreck by tourists during the quieter summer
months prime diving time should be welcome.
Kudos to Lorraine and Pete Athas of Sea Trek Divers
for their hard work in bringing about the recognition.

It's the first occasion among our collective memo-
ries that any entity on the Island has asked for annex-
ation from one city to another.
Not withstanding our suggestion, of course, that
Bradenton Beach annex Cortez, or that Holmes Beach,
with hindsight, should have long ago annexed Perico
Surprisingly, this week Island Baptist Church,
which has several parcels of property in both Anna
Maria and Holmes Beach, is looking to call one city
home and, apparently, the church overseers have de-
cided Holmes Beach is their city of choice.
They say its main entry is on Gulf Drive in Holmes
Beach, but the mailing address is an Anna Maria post
office box, making it difficult to receive parcels, ship-
ments or get credit cards for the church.
In addition, the church believes it would be better to
have one city to deal with for law enforcement, zoning,
public works and building permits. The church also has
some upcoming "improvement projects" and twojurisdic-
tions with two sets of rules could cause difficulties.
Duh? It could prove impossible, depending on the
type of "project" proposed.
One set of rules is enough, and the church doesn't
pay taxes.
So pick a city of your choice.
And, we wonder, are there others who wish to join

Th& Islander
MAY 4, 2005 Vol. 13,. No. 27
V Publisher and Editor
Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org
V Editorial
Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org"
Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org
Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org
Jack Egan
Jack Elka
Jim Hanson
V Contributors
Gib Bergquist
Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org
Jesse Brisson
David Futch
Robert Noble
Carrie Price
J.L. Robertson
V Advertising Sales
Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org
Rebecca Barnett, rebecca@islander.org
V Office Manager
Julia Robertson, julia@islander.org
V Production Graphics
Kelley Ragan, kelley@islander.org
Jocelyn V. Greene, ads@islander.org
V Distribution
Urbane Bouchet
Ross Roberts
Lisa Williams
(All others: news@islander.org)
--* 1993-04

Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each.
1992-2005 Editorial, sales and production offices:
Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive
Holmes Beach FL 34217
WEB SITE: islander.org
FAX 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978


, ,- .

Secede from Manatee
Although I have always been opposed to the con-
solidation of the three cities on Anna Maria, it is be-
coming increasingly clear to me that some machinery
to combine resources must be found.
And yet I remain convinced that each city should
retain its identity.
Perhaps instead of combining it might be useful to
consider a different higher.level of government. Manatee
County has always regarded Anna Maria Island as a cash
cow but seems unresponsive to our needs and concerns.
The' best example is the method that the county delayed
and ran roughshod over our ideas and plans for the reno-
vation of the Anna Maria Elementary School.
It may be time for the Island to break away front
Manatee County and become Anna Maria County. If
the islanders on Longboat Key who are also in Mana-
tee County wish to join us, I believe that we should
accommodate them.
In this manner I believe it would be possible for
many services to be combined, maximize our local fi-
nancial base, and at the same time address the indi-
vidual policies of each city.
Can we and should we secede from Manatee
County? My answer is yes.
Bill Diamant, Anna Maria

First and last visit
The following letter was sent to the mayor and city
commission of Anna Maria and the chamber of com-
We visited the City of Anna Maria for the first time
today. It will likely be the last time. Let us explain what
At the request of some friends from Cincinnati we
were looking at rental property and stopped for lunch
and some shopping in your city. During that time we
stopped at the Rod & Reel Pier for a drink.
The parking lot was full so we avoided the side
streets that were signed "no parking" and parked on the

street in front of the pier. We avoided parking in front
of people's driveways and parked behind other cars
along the street.
We stayed at the Rod & Reel for approximately 30
minutes enjoying the charm and the view. When we
returned to our car there was a $30 parking ticket for
parking with our tires on the road!
Anne Thorp in the citi clerk's office explained that
we should have parked off the road on what appeared
to be people's lawn, which she explainedwas city right
of way. There is absolutely no way any visitor could
have known this ownership. It appeared to us that we
were legally parked.
S We feel we have been treated unfairly as visitors
and iequesi [ltU you return our $30. We recommend
that you change your parking enforcement method and
clarify the.signage of the appropriate place to park.
We are going to explain to our friends (and anyone
else who will listen) that the City of Anna Maria does
not provide a welcome environment for visitors. We
plan to recommend that they rent somewhere else next
Phyllis and Roger Barry, Sarasota

A pleased Irishman
Having just returned from a three-week vacation in
Florida I must write to you to compliment you on a fabu-
lous island, it really is a little piece of paradise. We stayed
at Bridge Walk and our host Barbara was very friendly
and helpful and the accommodation was excellent.
My wife and two children really enjoyed our stay
on Anna Maria Island and look forward to visiting
again in the future, we are also recommending it to
anyone who will listen to us.
SAll the people we met were very friendly and help-
ful, a special mention must go to Publix, a wonderful su-
permarket, and to the Sun House as a special restaurant.
I hope you realize how lucky you are to live in such
a special place.
Kieran Ruttledge, County Kerry, Ireland


Sunrise at last in

Holmes Beach, maybe




By Rick Catlin
Islander Reporter
After nearly three years of investigation, discussion
and preparation, the Holmes Beach City Commission
was ready for an ordinance at its April 26 meeting that
would lease space in the Sunrise subdivision boat ba-
sin to existing dock owners and absolve the city of any
Although it took three years to prepare, the ordi-
nance may have raised more questions'than it an-
Mayor Carol Whitmore said she went to the Sun-
rise boat basin located along Avenue C last
weekend and talked to several boat owners about the
proposed lease.
The first question came from a boat owner who
operates a charter fishing service out of Boca Grande
and local waters, picks up fishermen in Cortez, but
keeps the boat docked in Sunrise where he lives.
"There was some concern about running a business
from a boat," she said, because the ordinance prohib-,
its such activity.
Commissioner Roger Lutz, an attorney, said in his
opinion parking your boat in Holmes Beach and pick-
ing up passengers in Cortez is not "operating a business
in Holmes Beach." He suggested that based on his 30
years of civil litigation, any circuit court judge would
make that same decision.
City Attorney Patricia Petruff, however, disagreed.
The intent of the ordinance is to lease dock space to plea-
sure craft associated with a single-family residence.
"The issue becomes one of degree," she said. Is it
permissible to dock a tugboat or barge in Sunrise, even
though it's used elsewhere? What about a shrimp boat
that unloads in Cortez, but is docked in Holmes Beach?
There's also an enforcement issue involved, she sug-
Petruff also observed that technically speaking, the
docks are not going to be owned by the people under

this lease, although they will have the liability.
That raised a red flag to Commissioner Rich
Bohnenberger. What if a dock starts falling down? "Is
the city to be the judge of what's safe or not?" he asked.
Commissioner Pat Morton said maybe the city
should tear down all the docks and install new ones to
ensure conforming safety standards are met, but added,
"Who wants that price?"
Commission Don Maloney agreed with tearing
down all the docks and starting over.
Lutz, however, noted that the city already wears
the hat that determines when structures are safe or un-
safe, and it should fall on the lessee of the dock to re-
pair or build a dock to meet city safety standards.
Petruff noted that the 1995 ordinance governing
the T-end canals in the northern part of the city had
language that the public works director could deem a
dock unsafe. Maloney, however, reiterated that starting
all over again was the best way for the city to proceed.
At that rate, said Chairperson Sandy Haas-Martens,
the work won't be finished "in our lifetime."
Lutz noted that Sunrise residents are getting frus-
trated by the entire process, which has taken nearly
three years to get an ordinance to the commission.
There are only a few revisions in language needed to
approve the measure, he maintained.
Then bring the corrected ordinance back to another
workshop, suggested Haas-Martens.
That solution was deemed wise, and the three-
years-in-waiting ordinance will now have at least an-
other month added to its lifetime.
The Sunrise dock issue came up several years ago
when the seawall in the boat basin begin to crumble.
The city learned that it owned the basin and seawalls,
including the docks, and was responsible for mainte-
nance and upkeep of the area. The ordinance was pre-
pared to allow present-day dock owners and residents
to continue to enjoy a dock at their residence, but the
city would transfer liability under a lease agreement.

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Ten years ago in the May 4, 1995, issue
of The Islander, headlines announced:
Roser Memorial Community Church in Anna
Maria announced plans for a $400,000 renovation and
expansion plan at the church that will include a new
fellowship hall.
The Holmes Beach City Commission defeated an
ordinance that would have allowed "artistic" busi-
nesses, such as a piano teacher, to have a home occu-
pational.license because the ordinance would have al-
lowed business traffic to the "artistic" residence.
Bradenton Beach city commissioners overruled
Police Chief Jack Maloney and reinstated officer Jason
Joel after he was suspended by Maloney for five days
for using a patrol vehicle for personal use.

Cf Drops
on A.Mi

Date Low High Rainfall
April 24 64 74 .10
April 25 54 74 0
April 26 64 82 0
April 27 63 82 2.50
April 28 64 84 0
April 29 68 86 0
April 30 68 86 0
Average Gulf water temperature 74
24-hour rainfall accumulation with reading at approximately 5 p.m. daily.


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Winning actors need help to reach pinnacle

By Jim Hanson
Islander Correspondent
The Island's Tom Aposporos and his fellow Mana-
tee Players have won everything but the ultimate brass
ring, and they're doing everything within their art -
and hearts to get there. But they need help.
Their production "Metamorphoses" will perform
in the American Association of Community Theatres
competition for best in United States the week of June
12 in Kalamazoo, Mich. There, 10 theater groups from
around the country will duke it out onstage for a har-
rowing and hopefully rewarding week.
The excursion will cost at least $20,000, and the
Players' pockets are far from that deep, said
Aposporos. So the are doing everything they can do to
add dollars to the account.
They went through a less demanding ritual in win-
ning the state honors last November, and again on the
way to sweeping the field in the Southeast Theater
Conference contests in Greensboro, N.C., in March.
They raised enough then, and they are sure they can
now. They must, he said.
They're using the play and generous theaters to
accomplish their goal with performances of "Metamor-
phoses" at the Venice Little Theatre June 3-4 and at
their parent theater, the Riverfront, June 9-11. All pro-
ceeds are to go to the fund to get the cast and crew to
Kalamazoo and back.
Curtain times are 8 p.m. both nights at the
Venice Little Theatre, 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday,
June 9-10, and 2 p.m. Saturday, June' 11 at
Riverfront. Immediately after the Saturday matinee
there will be a bon voyage reception at the theater,

and the sets and costumes will be loaded on a truck
which will depart forthwith for Kalamazoo. The 18
- members of cast and crew will follow.
But those efforts probably will fall short, Play-
ers spokesperson Denny Miller said, so other means
are being organized. Already Island restaurateur
Sean Murphy has offered a dinner for four at the

IL 1fIf i Anna
--aaL 1 Maria's
SI Tom
S- Aposporos

Sin "Meta-
ses" in
next month
in a

a :

I 1r I.Ir H ll

Beach Bistro and the same at the Mangrove Grille,
to be raffled at an event even now being organized.
Players also are offering season tickets to be raffled,
and donations or raffle ticket purchases from other
patrons of the arts are being sought to "sweeten the
For raffle 'tickets, call Aposporos at 778-8456.

'Menopause' music director guest of Off Stage Ladies May 11

The woman who has spent four years with "Meno-
pause" will speak to the Off Stage Ladies Wednesday,
May 11.
She will entertain the members of the Island Players
auxiliary at a luncheon starting at 11:30 a.m. at the Twin
Dolphin Marina Grill, 1200 First Ave. W., Bradenton.
It will be a one-woman show, an Off Stage spokes-
person said, but not "Menopause, the Musical" itself.
The speaker/entertainer is C.T. Hollis, who has been
musical director of the off-Broadway hit since its in-
ception in 2001.

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Hollis is the professional name of Catherine Tho-
mas, daughter of Linda and Larry .Thomas of
Bradenton. Her mother, an attorney with a deep inter-
est in stage herself, is president of the Riverfront The-
atre Guild. She plans to be at the Off Stage Ladies lun-
"Menopause" is a musical comedy about the dif-
ficulties and chuckles of menopause. It has played in
35 cities in the United States, with 13 companies per-
forming it today somewhere in the world, and it is still
playing in New York. Still Off Broadway, of course.

This fall a 56-city tour is planned, with proceeds to
benefit research for ovarian cancer. Hollis will direct
the music on that demanding tour, too.
Hollis is no newcomer to Bradenton. Reared in
Syracuse, N.Y., she graduated in music from Florida
State University in 1991. She taught music in private
schools in the Manatee/Sarasota area and then in West
Palm Beach. While still there she joined "Menopause,"
and now is responsible for musical casting, vocal ar-
rangements and the show's bands.
Details may be obtained by calling 778-4865.

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Island police reports
Anna Maria City
April 28, theft, 900 block South Bay Drive. An
Indiana man's wallet was stolen after he left it at a lo-
cal restaurant. The manager called the man to tell him
the restaurant had the wallet, but when the man went
to retrieve it, the wallet could not be found.

Bradenton Beach
April 14, vehicle burglary, 1800 block Gulf Drive
South. A Michigan couple were the victims of a bur-
glary when a thief broke into their car parked at Leffis
Key and took a wallet containing $180 and credit cards,
which later were used at a drugstore and several gas
stations. The couple had left the windows of the car
cracked for ventilation, a move police said probably led
to easy entry.
April 23, bicycle theft, 1500 block -Gulf Drive
South. A bike was stolen after the owner left it un-
locked at Coquina Beach.
April 25, vehicle burglary, 2500 block Gulf Drive
South. A foreign resident told police someone broke
into her car at Coquina Beach and stole a purse contain-
ing cash, credit cards and passports.
April 29, domestic battery, 2100 block Avenue B.
A woman reported that her husband had been abusing
her, and pushed her to the pavement in front of their
apartment, causing a wrist injury. The woman told po-
lice her husband was abusive to her approximately 20
days of every month.
April 26, driver's license violation, 2400 block
Avenue C. A man was arrested after police stopped him
forrolling through a stop sign and found his driver's
license restricted him from driving except for going to
and from work.
May 1, drug arrest, 2100 block Gulf Drive South.
A man was arrested for possession of marijuana and
drug paraphernalia, Richard C. Bouknight, 4708 26th
Ave. E., Bradenton, was arrested by police patrolling
Coquina Beach after midnight. Police approached the
man's truck to tell him the park closed at sundown and
smelled the odor of burning marijuana. Bouknight was
asked if he had any marijuana and responded, "I'll give
you all I got." He gave police a small baggie of mari-
juana and a brass pipe made of plumbing material.
May 1, drug arrest, 100 block Bridge Street. Two men
were arrested in a parking lot for possession of marijuana,
drug paraphernalia and possession of alcohol by a minor.
Christopher J. Martinez, 1431 30th Ave. E., Bradenton,
21, and Kevin Tupin, 4403 101st St. W., Cortez, 20, were

arrested in a parking lot at 116 Bridge St. Earlier in the
evening, Martinez had approached a plain-clothes officer
and asked him if he wanted to smoke some marijuana and
steal a car. Martinez left with Tupin and went toa conve-
nience store but police followed them back to the parking
lot. When police discovered the marijuana on Martinez,
Martinez said, "I knew I shouldn't have had this." He also
told police he was violating his probation on aDUI charge.

Holmes Beach
April 23, theft, 5400 block Marina Drive. Two
Lakeland men were arrested after allegedly shoplifting
two 12-packs of beer from Jessie's Island Store.
Michael Harley, 20, of 3490 Summer Wood Way, and
Eric Custred, 5921 Lake Victoria Dr., were arrested
and charged with the theft after police chased them to
the Publix parking lot. Both denied the theft but were
identified by several witnesses as the men who took the
beer and drove off in a hurry.
April 24, theft, 63rd Street boat ramp. Tag stolen
off a boat trailer.
April 24, driver's license, 6200 block Gulf Drive.
A woman was issued a ticket for driving while license
suspended without knowledge of the suspension.
April 25, DUI, open container, failure to turn on
headlights, 700 block Manatee Avenue. A Sarasota
man was arrested and charged with driving under the
influence after police stopped him on the east side of
the Anna Maria Bridge.'Julian Trejo, 1705 Fifth-St.,
Sarasota, had turned east to head off the Island when
police noticed he failed to turn on his headlights. As he
was crossing the bridge with police in pursuit, Trejo
turned on his lights, but crossed the center line twice.
When he stopped one-half mile east of the bridge on
Manatee Avenue, police noticed an open container in
the middle console of the car and beer cans strewn on
the floor in the front and.back seat. Trejo was able to
tell police he couldn't speak English and he was taken
to the Manatee County Jail where he failed sobriety
tests and was arrested. ,
April 27, burglary, 4000 block of Gulf Drive. A Mas-
.sachusetts woman was the victim of a car burglary when
a thief was able to enter her car through an open window.
The thief took $300 cash and a Bank of America debit/
credit card, which was later used at a CVS store and
Walgreens, each time in the amount of $90.
April 30, vehicle theft, 4300 block Gulf-Drive. A
woman's boyfriend was suspected of stealing her car
and police are on the lookout for the man and a silver
Hyundai Elantra.


i,1J E C T

TraV lng gunlock

program tomorrow
The road show designed to encourage gun owners
to put locks on their guns to protect children will be at
three Island stops, including The Islander, Thursday,
May 5.
It is part of Project ChildSafe, the program to pro-
vide free gunlocks and educational materials to.law
enforcement agencies and other focal points, which.
distribute the cable-style locks to local residents.
Arriving in Manatee County Wednesday, May 4,
it will spend the first day with the Palmetto and
Bradenton police departments and the Manatee County
Sheriff's Office.
The next day, Thursday, it will start with lock.dis-
tribution at 9 a.m. with several Island stops: Holmes
Beach Police Department, 5801 Marina Drive, at ap-
proximately 10:30 a.m. followed by a dropoff at The
Islander, 5404 Marina Drive in the Island Shopping
Center to replenish exhausted supplies, and from there
to the Bradenton Beach Police Department, 403 High-
land Ave., approximately between 11:30 and noon.
Then it's on to Longboat Key and Sarasota for the 26-
foot distribution truck.
This is the second year the program, sponsored by
the National Shooting Sports Foundation, has included
Paul Turner, ChildSafe representative who travels
with the project, said 450,500 locks will be distributed
in Florida this year, bringing the two-year total to
The program will distribute more than 12 million
free firearm safety kits, following the 20 million of last
year in all 50 states.
ChildSafe is funded by two grants from the U.S.
Justice Department that total $30 million, Turner said.
A gunlock on every firearm is an important part of fire-
arm safety around children, he said, but it's not all: The
most important part is for gun owners to keep their
weapons far from the reach of children.
Anyone wishing to obtain a free gunlock may call
The Islander at 778-7978 or visit the office or either
police department.

Silver and Pearls, Perfect for Mother's Day
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Arbor Day plantings in Anna Maria City
Keep Manatee Beautiful and the public works departments of all three cities on Anna Maria Island joined forces to
plant trees on Arbor Day last Friday. Pictured in Anna Maria's city hall park are, from left, Mike Keegan of the
Division of Forestry, city public works Brent Thompson, public works director George McKay, Keep Manatee
Beautiful's Dantia Gould and Dave Shack, Mike Miller and Yvette Little. Islander Photos: Paul Roat
... and Bradenton
Burkl idon Beach got
S ogl ither to see the new
Spalidih stopper at the
Herb Dolan Bayfront
S" .V'rtli Park. From left
..a .. 'I I e M ayorB ill
E e o Shr et, oi n and Levit,
AF I,\l h\irv John Chappie,
l, c i't,. Gould,
Co. ,n, s ioner Lisa
Anna-- Mai Islad ,cr sa.11ar awa Phillips, Shack,
p)i d,h, i works Corey
Li -% aad Rob Greer,
San d C commissionerr
S -I- Ix b tAJ, h laughnessy.

S ... Holmes Beach,
Holmes Beach officials
1e. planted trees off 77th
Street. From left are
.... to mal k Mayor Carol Whitmore,
John Zaccagnino,
; public works director
*: a 4Joe Duennes, Keep
Manatee Beautiful's
SKathy King, Keegan,
S" a Tte I-uir Commissioner Sandy
Haas-Martens, Jim
'' Dunne with Anna Maria
Island Rotary Club,
Gould, Steve Schlueter,
6 "Little and Shack.

Eyes down for turtles, up for birds
By Jim Hanson Wildlife Conservation Commission asked if her volun-
Islander Correspondent teers would lend a hand.
They figured they were on the beach at first light Last .year they took care of three colonies of least
looking for sea turtles, they might as well keep an eye terns and one of royal terns, she said. "You can tell if
out for birds too. a royal has mated it seems to make his toupee get
Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch volunteers, who all ruffled up."
took to the beaches Sunday to care for turtles coming Especially appreciated are the oyster catchers, soli-
ashore to nest, will make it their business to care for tary nesters, "very pretty and pretty much everyone's
nesting birds too. favorite."
They won't be counting birds or even species, but The Turtle Watch volunteers will walk designated
just making sure nesting birds get a chance to repro- sectors, covering the beach from Bean Point to
duce. They aren't experts but they can tell if a pair of Longboat Pass, every morning about dawn until the
.birds seems especially amorous, or if some seem to be turtle nesting season ends Oct. 31.
sitting on eggs. They will be especially alert for large They will be seeking "crawls," big zipper-like
gatherings of birds that seem to be nesting. tracks left by the big loggerhead turtles as they crawl
The turtle protectors will carry signs and stakes appro- up the beach at night. They dig down a couple of feet,
private to mark bird nests, as they will mark turtle nests, deposit about 100 eggs the size of golf balls, cover
with colored tape to warn people off the nesting areas, said them and go back to sea. Two months of so later, baby
Suzi Fox, who heads Turtle Watch on the Island. turtles claw their way to the surface and scramble
This will be the second summer for bird protection, downbeach to the Gulf.
she said. It started last year when the Florida Fish and Details may be obtained by calling 232-1405.

Mothers honored

on their day Sunday
By Jim Hanson
Thanks to a loving and persistent daughter,
SMother's Day will honor her mother and all others
Sunday, May 8.
Island restaurants are no doubt preparing extra din-
ners for mothers and their offspring on this special day,
n .d florists expect the usual crush of Mother's Day
business some of it with a guilty tone as younger
men just plain forget until the last minute.
The Island's churches plan no special programs to
note the day, though every pastor has plans to make
special note of Mom in the Sunday sermon.
The daughter who started it all was Anna Jarvis of
Philadelphia, who believed at the death of her mother that
all women with children, should be remembered. She
found sympathetic ears everywhere and President Wilson
in 1914 signed orders making it a national holiday.
Americans are far from the first to take special note
of mothers though, as detailed on the Internet. Ancient
Greeks celebrated their version in the spring, honoring
Rhea, '"mother of the gods." The Assam tribes in Af-
rica have always called their groupings "maharis," or
motherhoods, not families.
Japan's imperial family traces its descent from
Omikami Amaterasu,-or Mother of the World. Hindiu
scripture credits the Great Mother, Kali Ma, with in-
venting writing through alphabets. picto'graphs and
beautiful sacred images
Ancient Egyptians believed that Bast was the
mother of all cats on earth, cats being sacred in Eg i pt.
Eve, of course, is the biblical "mother of all the living."
During the 1600s England celebrated "Mothering Sun-
day," when servants all went home with cakes and
sweets to moms, a custom called "going a-niotihei ing "
Don't forget Mother Goose, a most popular enter-
tainer of children for generations.
And for heaven's sake, don't you dare forget the
Mother who was so generously issued to you.
Anna Maria Sunshine Law
meeting May 17
Anna Maria's annual mandated meeting with City
Attorney Jim Dye to discuss what city officials and
staff need to know about Florida's Government in the
Sunshine laws will be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday, May 17.
Mayor SueLynn said all staff, newly elected offi-
cials and members of city committees or boards ap-
pointed in the last year are required to attend, and the
meeting is open to the public and other city staff and
officials who would like to learn about public records.
"I would invite anyone on the Island to come to the
meeting to learn more about how our government op-
erates under the Sunshine Laws," the mayor said.

'Cinco de Mayo' celebration
tomorrow at Center
A "Cinco de Mayo" celebration is'planned for Island
teens at 6 p.m. Thursday, May 5, at the Anna Maria Island
Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria.
It will kick off registration for the REACH teen
club with food and games. "Bring a friend, bring some-
thing from Mexico" where the great Cinco de Mayo
celebrations originated, said the Center.
Live music by Magic Tree Conspiracy is on the
program. Additional information may be obtained by
calling 778-1908.

Acupuncture will be topic
for Arthritis Foundation
"Pain Relief and Pain Management" with empha-
sis on acupuncture, acupressure and meditation will be
discussed at St. Mary Star of the Sea .Church on
Longboat Key at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 11.
Dr. Douglas Dowe of Bradenton will speak and
demonstrate treatment techniques at the church, 4280
Gulf of Mexico Drive. It is one of a series being spon-
sored by the Arthritis Foundation. Details may be ob-
tained at 794-1400.

'Teen Night' every Friday
Starting this Friday, May 6, the Anna Maria Island
Community Center is hosting free "Teen Movie and
Pizza Night" from 7 to 9 p.m. every Friday in May.
Details may be obtained at 778-1908.

O'Clair-Gardner wedding
Judy O'Clair, daughter of Euli O'Clair of Fort
Fairfield; Me .'and Glenn Gaoiier, son of Kim and
Jack Gardner f Anna Maria and Deerfield, N.H.,
were married on the Island beach. Attendants were
Heather Morrison of Naushon Island, Mass., daugh-
ter of the bride, and Jay Gardner of Boxford, Mass.,
brother of the bridegroom. The couple will live in
Nottingham, N.H. Islander Photo: Kelley Ragan

Another Cortez

cleanup needs help
Help Wanted: Cortez has a big cleaning job on its
hands, so big that the historic fishing village can't do
it alone Saturday, May 7.
Even 75 or so man-hours couldn't get the job done
during the annual cleanup March 16, when 25 volun-
teers filled six Dumpsters at a new site in the Florida
Institute for Saltwater Heritage Preserve.
The site is three lots and a four-bedroom house,
which FISH bought some months ago to fill out own-
ership of the Preserve. At the eastern end of Cortez, the
village through FISH bought 95 acres as a nature area
and buffer against development encroachment.
The property was stacked with junk and garbage,
including several old window air-conditioners, eight
refrigerators, concrete rubble and plumbing fixtures
and similar useless collections, as well as tree cuttings
and the like.
Although the volunteers on cleanup day cleared
away a lot of it, about four Dumpsters worth of junk
remains, said Karen Bell, treasurer of FISH.
The original six Dumpsters were donated by Waste
M ,nLage menit .and Manatee County; now FISH is hop-
rn, _r p,:, ii-:is : to donate four more. If they don't get
the Dumpsters, volunteers will have to resort to plas-
tic bags, and four Dumpster loads is a bunch of bagfuls.
Volunteers are also badly needed, Bell said. Any-
one willing to.work from 8 a.m. until midafternoon will
be most welcome. They should show up then at 4404
116th St. W., on the south side of Cortez Road just
across from the Sunny Shores entrance.
Further information may be obtained and help do-
nated by calling 794-1249 or 708-4935.

Boy Scouts strut their stuff
in show this weekend
Manatee County and Island Boy Scouts will show
what their program is all about and what they get out
of it in the annual Scout Show Saturday, May 7.
The big show will be from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at Sutton
Park, Sixth Street West and 10th Avenue West in Pal-
metto. It will feature "scouting skills in action," a pine
wood derby car race, demonstrations by Palmetto po-
lice and the Manatee County sheriff's boat and mobile
command post.
A special feature this year will be Capt. Kim
Ibasfalean of Cortez with her marine touch tank and the
car she drives doing stunt work for movies and TV..


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Red tide again reported
in bays off Island
The Florida Wildlife Research Institute has re-
ported "above-background" concentrations of red tide,
Karenia brevis, in Anna Maria Sound and upper
Sarasota Bay.
Last week, there were fish kill reports of mullet,
catfish and redfish in Palma Sola Bay, east of Anna
Maria Sound. Above-background concentrations were
also found farther south in the New Pass area of
Sarasota Bay near Sarasota.
Red tide effects humans through respiratory irrita-
tion. The tiny organism also can impact fish through
the release of toxins in the water, and is suspected in
the deaths of more than 40 manatees in Southwest
Florida in the past few months.

Garden club
Members of the Anna
Maria Garden Club
held an installation.
ceremony for its new
officers. Jean Taylor,
program chairman,
offers flowers to newly
installed president
Katherine Van Zile.
Outgoing vice presi-
dent Susan Fernald is
also pictured. Other
club officers for 2005-
06 include recording
secretary Mary
Manion, treasurer
Barbara Marcheck
and vice president
Suzanne Pelletier.

Queen's court
Ashley Michele Romine, 19, daughter of Holmes Beach
Police Chief Jay Romine, is presented at the Hernando
DeSoto Historical Society Ball where she is a member
of the queen's court for the DeSoto Festival. Romine, a
freshman at Manatee Community College, was nomi-
nated along with 150 young women for the honor,
which was narrowed down to the final 10 for the court.
Ashley won the Ambassador Awardfrom the DeSoto
Society, the chief said, adding, "We were thrilled "
Islander Photo: Gene Page IV
Historical Museum summer hours
The Anna Maria Island Historical Museum is on a
summer schedule, open from 10 a.m. to-noon Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, said museum ad-
ministrator Carolyne Norwood.
The museum, at 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, keeps
expanded hours during the tourist season. Details may
be obtained by calling 778-0492.


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AID scholar.
Kimberly Kuizon ofHolmes Beach has won a $1,000
scholarship awarded by All Island'Denominations.
She said she plans to attend Manatee Community
College for two years, then the University of Tampa
with an eye to becoming a TV newscaster. She is on
the honor roll at Manatee High School and is active
in affairs there and at St. Bernard Catholic Church.
Her parents are Alexander and Carla Kuizon. AID
said students should apply soon for next year's
scholarship, and forms may be obtained at any
Island church.

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At Gallery West
Roy Stoy has been named Artist of the Month by the
members of Island Gallery West, his work to be on
special display throughout May. A native of Vancouver,
B.C., he paints scenes from his travels in watercolors
and acrylics. Hi.!tri at the gallery, 5368 Gulf Drive,
Holmes Beach, are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Saturday.
Details are available at 778-6648.
Registration deadline nearing
for stepping-stone class
The deadline has been set as May 9 to register for
the class in making garden stepping stones of stained
glass at the Anna Maria Community Center, 407 Mag-
nolia Ave., Anna Maria.
The class, taught by artist Glen LeFevre, will be
from 1 to 3 p.m. May 16 and 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. May 17.
Cost is $55 for Center members, $60 for nonmembers.
Those interested may register and obtain further infor-
mation at 778-1908.

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Day of Prayer

service tomorrow
"God Shed His Grace on Thee" is the theme of the
National Day of Prayer service on the Island Thursday,
May 5, sponsored by All Island Denominations.
It will be observed as well throughoutthe United
States and around the world wherever there are Ameri-
cans.-The tradition predates the'founding of the United
States: The Continental Congress set aside a day of
prayer in 1775. Congress in 1988 designated the Na-
tional Day .of Prayer as the first Thursday in May.
On the Island, all six churches will join in the ser-
vice at lla.m. at the Island Butterfly Park, 5801 Ma-
rina Drive, Holmes Beach. A half-hour service is
planned, with prayers, scripture and singing. Details
may be obtained from Roser Memorial Community
Church at 778-0414.
The national and state observances are supported
by proclamations and official statements by both
Bushes, the president and the governor of Florida.
President George W. Bush noted that on this spe-
cial day American troops will be fighting for democ-
racy and freedom throughout the globe and explained
that this year's theme is taken from Hebrews "Let
us approach the throne of grace with confidence so that
we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our
time of need."
Gov. Jeb Bush said such prayers acknowledgee
our dependence upon God, give thanks for the many
blessings our country has received from Him, recog-
nize our need for personal and corporate repentance
and renewal and invoke God's blessings upon our
leaders and ask God to protect and bless our nation."

Adult ballet class
Her adult ballet program will continue through the
summer, meeting Mondays and Wednesdays from 10
to 11:30 a.m., said instructor Maureen Dye. It will be
at the Sinclair Dance Academy, 7451 Manatee Ave.
W., -Bradenton. Details are available at 779-1108.


Mother's Day garden tour May 8 in Sarasota

The Sixth-Annual Rob Branch Mother's Day
Garden Tour will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Sunday, May 8, in Sarasota.
The free-admission garden tour will feature
thousands of exotic tropical plants. The garden is
at 1315 38th St. in Sarasota, just north of Myrtle
Avenue off Cocoanut.
The 1-acre garden is home to one of Central
Florida's largest collections of bromeliads, palms,

aeroids and other plants, nestled along a winding
creek. The garden has more than 1,000 varieties
of bromeliads, 175 varieties of palms, and scores
of other various tropical plants, many under a
canopy of live oak trees.
"This has always been a terrific time to allow
people to share the joys of tropical landscaping,"
Branch said, "and it's always a lot of fun."
For more information, call 358-4953.


Walter Balducci
Walter Balducci, 79, of Anna Maria, died May
Born in New Britain, Conn., Mr. Balducci moved
to Anna Maria from Sarasota in 2003. He was a retired
engineer. He served in the U.S. Army during World
War II. He was Catholic.
No memorial services are scheduled. Memorial-
contributions may. be made to Hospice of Southwest
Florida, 5955 Rand Blvd., Sarasota FL 34238.
He is survived by wife Eleanor; sons Phil and
David; six grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.

Dorothy G. Bodell
Dorothy G. Bodell, 89, of Bradenton Beach, died
April 29.
Born in Chicago, Ill., Mrs. Bodell moved to Mana-
tee County from there in 1939. She was a legal secre-
tary and bookkeeper for attorney Frank Masari.
Memorial services will be at 3 p.m. Sunday, May
8, at Cortez Church of Christ, 12011 45th Ave. W.,
Bradenton FL 34210. Memorial contributions may be
made to the church. Griffith-Cline Funeral Home, Is-
land Chapel, is in charge of arrangements.
She is survived by son Robert of Bradenton Beach;
one grandchild; and one great-grandchild.

Robert Mattia laniri
Robert Mattia laniri, 87, of Holmes Beach, died
March 6.
Born in Columbus, Ohio, Mr. Ianiri moved to
Holmes Beach from Bexley, Ohio, in 1980. He was a
cost accountant for Jeffrey Manufacturing Co., now
Dresser Industries, until his retirement after 39 years.
He was a member of Bexley United Methodist Church.
Memorial services were April 29 and 30 in Ohio.
Contributions may be made to the American Heart Asso-
ciation, P.O. Box 21475, St. Petersburg FL 33742..
He is survived by sisters Vivian M..and Virginia
Kraner, both of Bradenton.
George G. Mazza Sr.
George G. Mazza Sr., of Bradenton, died April 22.
Mr. Mazza moved to Bradenton to serve as busi-
ness manager for the Pittsburgh Pirates. He was man-
ager of Runaway Bay condominiums in Bradenton
Beach. He served in the U.S. Army, was a scout mas-
ter with Boy Scouts of America and past.president of
the parks and recreation division of Pittsburgh, Pa.
A gathering of friends and family.will be May 7.
He is survived by wife of 55 years Betty Jane; sons
Gregory G. Sr., Joseph M. Sr., August F. Sr. and
George G. Jr.; sister Rita V. Weiss; 13 grandchildren;
and eight great-grandchildren.

'Palmetto' to climax film festival on Island

By Jim Hanson
Islander Correspondent
Free tickets are available for "Palmetto," which
created quite a stir when scenes were filmed here, the
closing movie of the current Island film festival.
The picture will be shown at the Holmes Beach
City Hall at 4 p.m. Monday, May 16, to cap the Anna
Maria Island Historical Society Film Fest. The Holmes
Beach City Commission has made the tickets available
free, said Carolyne Norwood, administrator of the so-
ciety. They may be obtained at the city hall, 5801 Ma-
rina Drive, and the society's museum, 402 Pine Ave.,
Anna Maria.
A climactic kidnapping scene with Woody
Harrelson was filmed in 1997 on the Anna Maria City
Pier and the parking lot there. Harrelson shared the
billing with Elisabeth Shue, but not the local spotlight
- she wasn't in the Island scenes.
He arrived aboard a Harley-Davidson motorcycle,
worked all day and still mingled with the crowd of on-

Gathering on the boulevard
Movie professionals, equipment, trucks and sightse-
ers, star searchers, onlookers and movie-extra
wannabes filled Anna Maria's Bay Boulevard
looking south from the humpback bridge during
filming for "Palmetto." Islander File Photos
lookers far into the night. Even those who arrived af-
ter midnight got moments with the star.
Many local residents appeared as extras, earning
$25 for hanging out in the background, and up to $800
for a close shot of beach-walking-type feet.


Wild for Woody.
Fans of Woody Harrelson went wild for autographs
during the filming of "Palmetto."

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Wednesday, May 4
7 to 8 a.m. Pier Regulars meeting at the Anna Maria
City Pier, 100 S. Bay Blvd., An'na Maria. Information: 778-
9 a.m. Horseshoe games at Anna Maria City Hall
Park, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria.
12:30 to 4 p.m. Duplicate bridge at the Anna Maria
Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria.
Information: 778-3390. Fee applies.
Thursday, May 5
9 a.m. Project ChildSafe truck promoting firearm
safety visits Island police departments and The Islander
throughout the day. Information: www.projectchildsafe.org.
11 a.m. National Day of Prayer observance at the
Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes
Beach. Information: 778-0414.
11:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. "Micro-Irrigation: Just the
Basics"-presented by Manatee County Extension Services
at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes
Beach. Information: 778-6341.
6 p.m. Cinco de Mayo celebration for teens at the
Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave.,
Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908.
Friday, May 6
5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Artists reception for the Manatee
High School art exhibit at the Anna Maria Island Art League,
5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. Information: 778-2099.
7to 9p.m. Teen night at the Anna Maria Island Com-
munity Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information:
Saturday, May 7
7:30 a.m. Nature walk at Felts Audubon Preserve,
4600 24th Ave. E., Palmetto. Information: 737-3169.
8 a.m. Environmental cleanup at the FISH Preserve,
4404 116th St. W., Cortez. Information: 708-4935.
9 a.m. Horseshoe games at Anna Maria City Hall
Park, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 752-5973.
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Boy Scouts of America 2005 Scout
Show at Sutton Park, Sixth Street West and 10th Avenue
West, Palmetto.
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Classic Corvette car show at St.
Armands Circle, Sarasota. Information: 366-3200.
10:30 a.m. Wild bird rescue training class at the Peli-

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For Off Stage
S : '-: ~entertain members
~' p of the Island Players
Vi auxiliary, Off Stage
Ladies, at a lun-
cheon meeting at the
Anna Maria Island
C. Oyster Bar. The
Falcon-Aires are a
group of seventh-
graders at St.
S .: Stephens Episcopal
;.. .. School directed by
.. teachers Preston
S Boyd and Joan
..! f 4;. Frankel.

can.Man's Bird Sanctuary, 1708 Ken Thompson Pkwy.,
Sarasota. Information: 388-4444.
4 to 6 p.m. Sierra Club walk at Myakka State Park.
Information: 484-4113. Fee applies.
Sunday, May 8
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mother's Day Garden Tour at 1315
38th St., Sarasota. Information: 358-4953.
Monday, May 9
6 to 8 p.m. "The Basics of Global Positioning Sys-
tems" at the Anna Maria Island Power Squadron, 1200 71st
St. N.W., Bradenton. Information: 714-0449.
Tuesday, May 10.
Noon to 3:30 p.m. Friendly bridge at the Anna Maria
Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria.
Information: 778-1908. Fee applies.
1 to 4 p.m. Veterans service officer at the Island
Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Appoint-
ments: 749-3030.
Wednesday, May 11
S9 a.m. Horseshoe games at Anna Maria City Hall
Park, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria.
10:30 a.m. Friends of the Island Branch Library book
club at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes
Beach. Information: 778-6341.
12:30 to 4 p.m. Duplicate bridge at the Anna Maria
Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria.
Information: 778-3390. Fee applies.
1:30 to 3p.m. "Acupuncture, Acupressure and Arthri-
tis" with Dr. Douglas Dowe at St. Mary Star. of the Sea

Accounting Services
Financial Statements
Secretarial Services

Payroll & Payroll Taxes
Income Tax Preparation
Electronic Filing

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Church, 4280 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Informa-
tion: 794-1400 ext. 224.
"Shells: Gems of the Sea" exhibit at the South Florida
Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton, through May 8. Infor-
mation: 746-4131, ext. 37. Fee applies.
Manatee High School art exhibit at the Anna Maria
Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes'Beach,
through May 31. Information: 778-2099.
Lifeline screening at Island Baptist Church May 13.
Friends of the Island Branch Library board meeting al
the Island Branch Library May 13.
Bromeliad show at the Selby Gardens May 13-15.
Letter carriers food drive May 14.
American Red Cross "MASH Bash" at Bradenton Mu-
nicipal Auditorium May 14.
Frank Sinatra musical tribute at the Riverfront Theatel
May 14.
Sierra Club hike at Emerson Point Park May 14.
Baby bird shower at the Pelican Man's Bird SanctuarS
May 15.
Island 5k run and fun walk at Bayfront Park May 15.
Privateers/Whitey Horton Memorial Golf Tournamen
at El Conquistador Country Club May 15.
Florida Wind Quintet at First United Methodist Church
Bradenton, May 15.
Stepping stone craft class at.the Anna Maria ISlant
Community Center May 16.
"Palmetto" film viewing at Holmes Beach City Hall Ma

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WMFD streaks, captures fifth game in a row

By Kevin Cassidy
Islander Reporter
WMFD won two games last week to open up a
game-and-a-half lead over Duncan Real Estate in AAA
Little League action at the Anna Maria Island Commu-
nity Center. WMFD defeated Morgan Stanley 10-6 on
Monday, April 25, and followed that up with a 15-11
win over Duncan Real Estate on Wednesday, April 27,
to extend its winning streak to five games. WMFD
hasn't lost a game since their 13-4 loss to'Duncan Real
Estate on April 11. Duncan Real Estate bounced back
from its loss to WMFD on Wednesday with a 13-4 vic-
tory over Morgan Stanley to move back to the .500
mark in the standings.
With only five or six games remaining-to be
played, WMFD has given itself a little breathing room,
but with two games remaining between Duncan and
WMFD, anything can happen stay tuned.

Duncan 13, Morgan Stanley 4
Troy Kozewski, Jordan Sebastiano and Kyle Crum
combined to limit Morgan Stanley to two hits and four
runs for Duncan Real Estate's 13-4 victory Friday,
April 29. Crum came on to close the game out and
struck out five batters in two scoreless innings of work.
Duncan was led at the plate by Sebastiano who was 2-
for-2, including a pair of doubles, three RBIs and two
runs scored. Kozewski scored three runs on two walks
and a single, including one on a steal of home. Trevor
Bystrom walked twice and scored two runs, while
Patrick Edwards, Daniel Pimentel, Travis Belsito,
Austin Wash and Jake Rappe scored one run to contrib-
ute to the Duncan total.
Morgan Stanley was led by Daniel Janisch, who
singled and scored one run, and Martine Miller, who
had an RBI double in the second inning. Giorgio
Gomez, Zach Evans and Katie Hunt each scored a run
to round out the Morgan Stanley scoring in the loss.

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Martine Miller dives back across her body in an attempt
to catch an errant throw to second during Morgan
Stanley's 13-4 loss to Duncan Real Estate in Island
Little League action. Islander Photos: Kevin Cassidy

WMFD 15, Duncan 11
WMFD rallied from a 7-3 deficit thanks to a nine-
run third inning during its 15-11 come-from-behind
victory over Duncan Real Estate Wednesday. Tommy
Price had a pair of singles and one run scored in the
inning that also saw singles from Blake Wilson, Shawn
Conover, Justin Succa and Elijah Toussaint with each
of them coming around to score. Michael Dolan, Jonah
Castor, Alex Burgess and Hunter Parrish each scored
one run in the inning as well.
Price proceeded his big third inning with a two-run
home run over the left-center field fence making him
the first player to leave the yard this season. Toussaint
matched Price's .3-for-3 hitting performance, while
Wilson added a pair of singles and two runs scored for
WMFD. Conover finished the game 1-for-2 with two
runs scored, while Succa finished with a single and one
run scored.
Duncan Real Estate received another big hitting
performance from Jordan Sebastiano, who drove in

Ever considered trying contacts?
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three runs on a pair a triples while also scoring twice.
Kyle Crum went 2-for-2 with two runs scored, while
Glenn Bower singled, doubled and scored once in the

WMFD 10, Morgan Stanley 6
Tommy Price went 2-for-3 including an inside-the-
park home run and two runs scored and Joey
Hutchinson counted a two-run double among his two
hits and one run scored to lead WMFD past Morgan
Stanley Monday night. Hunter Parrish and Blake Wil-
son each singled and scored a pair of runs for WMFD,
which also received a single from Justin Succa and one
run scored from Alex Burgess and Michael Dolan in
the victory.
Morgan Stanley was led by Giorgio Gomez, Matt
Bauer and Kyle Parsons, who each singled and scored
one run. William Brusso, Daniel Janisch, Zach Even
and Katie Hunt each added a run for Morgan Stanley
in the loss.

Island hockey league action
Wally Stem's hat trick in the second period helped
the Sun to a hard-fought 5-4 victory over Home True
-Value Hardware Saturday, April 30, in roller hockey
action at the Anna Maria Island Community Center.
Wally Stern finished with four goals and one assist,
while brother Trey Ster added a goal and one assist.
Darren Phillips rounded out the Sun scoring with one
Travis Belsito led True Value with three goals
while teammate Zach Facheris added one goal in the

Play It Again 8, True Value 6
Patrick Anderson scored four goals in the third
period to help rally Play It Again Sports to an 8-6
come-from-behind victory over Home True Value

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Hardware on Thursday, April 28. Anderson finished
with five goals while teammate Broderick West added
two goals and one assist. Max Marnie scored one goal
to round out the Play It Again scoring.
Troy Kozewski scored three goals and Zack
Facheris added two goals to lead True Value in the loss.
Travis Belsito completed the Hardware scoring with
one goal.

Don't miss Whitey Horton Golf Tourney
The 11 th Annual Whitey Horton Memorial Golf
Tournament, a fundraiser for the Anna Maria Island
Privateers is set for Sunday, May 15, at the prestigious
El Conquistador Country Club for only $100 per golfer.
The tournament is named after the late Whitey Horton,
an original founder of the Privateers, and helps fund the
Privateers' college scholarship program.
The Privateers are a non-profit organization
founded in 1951 that raise money for youths in and
around the area. The pirate members are all volunteers,
giving of their time and energy and covering their own
cost for beads and costumes.
Tournament check-in is at 10 a.m. and the tournament
commences with a big cannon shot at 1 p.m. Prior to the
cannon start, there will be a putting.contest where, for a
mere $5, golfers will compete to qualify for a chance to
sink a 60-foot putt and win $5,000 cash!
At each par three, contestants will have a chance
to win a $24,000 boat, a week-end in Las Vegas, a
Sony Camcorder and two airline tickets if they can
shoot a hole-in-one. In addition to the hole-in-one con-
tests, there will also be a longest- and shortest-drive
contest and prizes for first-, second- and third-place
overall winners.
The tournament is also looking for sponsors. For
$500 you get two tournament entries, a large sign on
the tee box, two banquet tickets and recognition at the

Islanders Roller
May 5 6:30 a.m.
May 7 10:30 a.m.
May 10 7p.m.

Hockey schedule
Practice (all teams)
SSun vs. Play It Again
Sun vs. Play it Again

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Duncan Real Estate's Jordan Sebastiano was a
combined 4-for-4 in two games last week, including
two doubles, two triples, six RBIs and four runs
scored to surge to the top of the league in hitting
with a .526 average.
banquet. For $250, sponsors receive one tournament
entry, two banquet tickets and a medium tee box sign.
One hundred dollars gets you a small tee box sign and
one ticket to the banquet. There are also cart sponsor-
ships available for $75 and green sponsorships avail-
able for $50.
For more information, call 941-650-6136 or 729-

Team Bordes wins six in a row
Team Bordes improved to 6-2 on the season after
Island Little League schedule
AAA League (ages 9-12)
May 4 6:30 p.m. WMFD vs. Morgan Stanley
May 6 7 p.m. Morgan Stanley.vs. Duncan,
May 9 6:30 p.m. Duncan vs. Morgan Stanley

AA League (ages 8-10)
May 5 5:30 p.m.
May 5 7 p.m.
May 10 5:30 p.m.
May 10 7 p.m.
T-Ball (ages 5-7)

Cannons vs. MS-Harcon
Bark vs. Betsy Hills
MS-Harcon vs. Betsy Hills
Bark vs. Cannons

May 6 5:30 p.m. Harry's vs. Boyd
May 7 9 a.m. Coast Bank vs. A&E
May 7 10 a.m. Beachlyu s Island Starter

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fashioning an ugly 17-14 win over the G.T. Bray War-
riors on Friday, April 29. Team Bordes and the War-
riors combined to make 18 errors, turning what should
have been a Team Bordes blowout into a 14-13 battle
after four innings.
Tanner Pelkey helped tight the Team Bordes ship
in the top of the fifth when he singled up the middle and
Justin Roberts- doubled, sending Pelkey to third. A
fielder's choice grounder brought Pelkey home and
Roberts came home on an RBI groundout by Carl
Ricciardi to open up a 16-13 lead.
Pat Cole came in to pitch in the bottom of the fifth
and closed the game out. He allowed only two hits and
one walk while striking out two in three innings of re-
lief. Scott Wollett provided Cole with a little extra
breathing room when he led off the sixth with a triple
and later scored on a past ball.
Next up for Team Bordes is a 7 p.m. game at G.T.
Bray against Central Sarasota No. 1 on Friday, May 6.

Sign up now for May Monster Jam
The third-annual Monster Jam 3-on-3 basketball
tournament is set for Saturday and Sunday, May 21-22,
at the Anna Maria Island Community Center. Turnout
is usually high for this popular event so it is advised to
sign up teams ASAP. Cost is $75 per team with an
entry deadline of Friday, May 13. Teams are allowed
a maximum of four players with each player receiving
a T-shirt. Teams are guaranteed at least two games.
Age divisions start at 8-9 and progress up to 16-17 with
additional age divisions for the 18-29, 30-39 and 40
and above wannabe players.
There will also be a dunk contest and three-point
shooting contest in each age division. Plan for an all-
day, event. The schedule will assign different age
groups to play on either Saturday or Sunday, not both.
For more information, contact Andy Jonatzke at

Anna Maria Island Little League
AAA standings as of April 27
Team Name Won Lost Tied
WMFD 6 3 0
Duncan Real Estate 4 4 1
Morgan Stanley 3 6 1

Loop Road Farm Market
Greg and Arlene Geraldson, Owners

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Planning a fishing trip? Call about our
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Extinct woodpecker discovered in wilds of Arkansas

"What once was lost, now is found ..."
Researchers have found a male ivory-billed wood-
pecker in eastern Arkansas. The bird, the largest in the
woodpecker family, had been thought to be extinct for the
past 60 years. It looks a lot like our pileated woodpecker,
but is bigger and has some distinctive white wing mark-
"It is a landmark rediscovery," Scott Simon, director
of the Nature Conservancy's Arkansas chapter, reported
in the journal Science last week. "Finding the ivory-bill in
Arkansas validates decades of great conservation work
and represents an incredible story of hope for the future."
According to the experts, the ivory-billed wood-.
pecker is known through lore as a "bird of beauty and
indomitable spirit. The species vanished after extensive
clearing destroyed millions of acres of virgin forest
throughout the U.S. South between the 1880s and mid-
1940s. Although the majestic bird has been sought for
decades, until now there was no firm evidence that it
still existed."
Besides the excitement of finding the thought-to-
be-lost bird, there is now an ancillary move afoot to
preserve its habitat, a huge series of wetlands -
550,000 total acres which is mostly bayous, bottom-
land forests and oxbow lakes and is called, appropri-
ately, The Big Woods.
They're original and blunt about what they name
things in Arkansas, I guess.
According to Simon, the Nature Conservancy has
conserved 18,000 acres of critical habitat in the Big
Woods, at the request of the partnership, since the
search began. "It's a very wild and beautiful place,"
Simon said. Other property now may also be sought.
The process started about 14 months ago when this
big, red-crested woodpecker showed up along a river
and was spotted by a kayaker. He thought it was the
extinct bird and started working the phone to noted
national birders. As the feathers flew among the birding
community, more and more people started hot-winging
it to Arkansas, and at the end a flock of more than 50

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By Paul Roa."

people from research institutes throughout the United
States.were at one point or another tramping through
the swamps in search of confirmation of the ivory-bill.
To call the event anything less than emotional is to
put it mildly.
"When we finished our notes," one researchers
wrote in Science, "my colleague sat down on a log, put
his face in his hands and began to sob, saying, 'I saw
an ivory-bill. I saw an ivory-bill.'" His associate con-
curred: "Just to think this bird made it into the 21st
century gives me chills. It's like a funeral shroud has
been pulled back, giving us a glimpse of a living bird,
rising Lazarus-like from the grave."
There is some bad news about the bird, though.
There's only been one ivory-bill sighted, and it's
a male.
Plans are in place to expand the search area in The
Big Woods and hunt for at least one female. Because
only'a single bird was observed at a time, researchers
say they don't yet know whether more than one inhab-
its the area.
The good news is that the discovery of the ivory-
bill will give environmentalists a boost in acquiring
more public land for land acquisition and preservation.
There is a 10-year goal to restore 200,000 more acres
of forest in The Big Woods.
"The effort will include conserving forest habitat,
improving river water quality, and restoring the physi-
cal structure of the river channels, focusing in locations

Brunch/Lunch 11-2:30 Wed.-Sun, Breakfast Sunday 8 a.m.
Dinner from 5:30 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday
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with maximum benefit in reconnecting forest patches
and protecting river health," according to the experts,
one of whom added, "The ivory-bill tells us that we
could actually bring this system back to that primeval
forest here in the heartland of North America."
A pretty neat Web site is out there on the bird, by
the way, at www.ivorybill.org.

.Sandscript factoid
Perhaps the Florida Legislature should consider a
new motto: "Florida, the invasive species state."
"In a prime example of how Florida is becoming a
haven for exotic pests, a South American moth is attack-
ing valuable ornamental cactus plants used in landscaping
and could be a threat to the nation's $70 million cactus
industry," according to scientists with the University of
Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
The moths were first spotted about 15 years ago in
the Florida Keys, and have since spread.td South Caro-
lina. The fear is the little bugs could work their way to
the U.S. Southwest and Mexico, where natural and
cultivated prickly pear cacti the favorite food of the
moths flourish and are a prime cash crop for both
cattle food and ornamental plants.
And as with many things of late, the UF research-
ers are blaming Florida's four hurricanes last year with
exacerbating the moth spread.
"The moth can fly short distances, but it is believed
to spread primarily via transportation of infested
plants," according to a UF scientist. "Female moths
deposit stacks of tiny eggs on the sides of the fleshy
cactus pads, and the stacks resemble inch-long cactus s
spines. When caterpillars hatch from the eggs, they
burrow into cactus pads to feed, leaving tiny holes that
ooze a green, slimy fluid.
"The caterpillars, which are tan or orange with dis-
tinctive black traverse bands, can be found by cutting
open infested cactus pads. Adult moths are gray and
white with a wingspan of about 1 inch."
If you see any of the above, call (850) 656-9870.
3232 East Bay Drive
SNext to Walgreens
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Redfish picking up slack for lost snook season close

By Capt. Mike Heistand
We can kiss the good-tasting snook goodbye for a
while with the close of the season May 1, but trout and
redfish are apparently picking up the linesider slack.
Some backwater anglers are reporting upwards of 20
hookups for the spotties per trip, so the season prom-
ises to be a good one for reds.
Offshore action is good for grouper and snapper in
water depths of less than 80 feet in the Gulf of Mexico,
and for those willing to venture farther offshore, am-
berjack are reported to be thick "and hungry."
There are also some reports of mackerel and a few
scattered kingfish closer to the Island.
Capt. Thom Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez
Road said he caught some big keeper-snook on the
waning days of the season, and he's also been putting
his charters onto redfish in Sarasota Bay, with white-
bait being the best choice for the hungriest of the fish.
Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle said he's
hearing good" reports of redfish being caught in
Sarasota Bay in the past few days. Snook season went
out with a bang, and all he's hearing is good things
about linesider action being big and plentiful. Trout are
still spawning, Bill said, and big ones are still being
caught but, please, release any trout bigger than 24
inches to let them be caught another day. Offshore ac-
tion for grouper and snapper remain steady in the 100-
foot depths in the Gulf, and farther offshore amberjack
are pretty much everywhere and hungry. Trolling ac-
tion for the pelagics hasn't really started to happen just
yet, but should any day, Bill added.
S Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said action there
includes a few redfish, some small sharks, mackerel
and pompano and the sheepshead have "definitely left
the dock" for the summer.
Cliff Alcorn at the Anna Maria City Pier said
some good-sized snook were-caught just before the
season closed May 1, as well as a few mackerel, some
big bonnethead sharks and some flounder.
At Skyway Bait & Tackle, the word is redfish in

Privateers aid 5K run/walk

to fight alopecia areata
Anna Maria Island Privateers are making prepara-
tions for a 5K run/walk in June to help battle the dis-
ease alopecia areata, which causes hair loss.
The event will begin at 8 a.m. June 11 at the Twin
"Dolphin Marina, 1100 First Ave. W., Bradenton. Regis-
tration will be from 6:45-7:45 a.m. The course will be
along the Manatee River through Rossi Waterfront Park.
Entry fees are $15 for adults and $10 for those 12
and under before registration, $20 and $15 on race day.
Award categories are from pre-12 to over-70, with 12
divisions in between, plus overall, masters and grand
master, male and female.
Several other organizations and businesses are
joining Privateers in sponsorships. Proceeds will go to
the National Alopecia Areata Foundation.
The disease, which affects some 4 million people
of all ages in the United States, results in the loss of
hair, starting with small round patches.
Additional information may be obtained at 747-

C P ,*,I


24-hour self-serve car wash
S* Complete auto detailing
Quick lube

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It takes two hands
Vicki Cochran of Palmetto caught a couple of nice-
sized grouper while fishing with Capt. Larry
McGuire last week

Terra Ceia Bay, mangrove snapper by the Sunshine
Skyway Bridge and its piers, plus some grouper caught
trolling the ship channel in Tampa Bay-last week.
Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said
there were lots of big snook caught in the last days of
the season from Terra Ceia Bay. There were a few
youthful anglers that brought in a 23-inch flounder to
the dock last week, and he's still seeing lots of trout
coming from in front of Terra Ceia. Kingfish were also
a good catch for the Gulf fishers, he added.
Capt. Rick Gross on Fishy Business out of
Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said he's catching
plenty of trout and redfish, with limit catches happen-
ing on almost all of his charters.
At the Perico Island Bait and Tackle, snook were
coming on strong before the season closed of course
- plus lots of red fish from Palma Sola Bay and
around Longbar Point in Sarasota Bay. Offshore action
for kingfish is good in about 55 feet of water in the
Gulf, and grouper are coming on strong in the 70-foot
depths of late, according to reports.
Capt, Tom Chaya on the Dolphin Dreams in
Holmes Beach out of Catchers said with the end of
snook season he's targeting redfish right now, and hav-
ing very good luck on the spotties as well as trout, snap-
per, mackerel and flounder.
Capt. Brian Kuslic said he's had a bunch of good
days of great catches of redfish and trout.
Capt. Larry McGuire of Show Me The Fish
Charters said, "Fishing is hot right now, when you can
get out in between the fronts, rain and wind. We have
been catching gag grouper to 15 pounds, red grouper

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All smiles
James Marshall, 11, caught this big redfish while
fishing at Boca Del Rio in the Manatee River in
northwest Bradenton.

to 12 pounds, blacktip sharks to 6 feet in length, bar-
racuda to 5 feet, mangrove snapper to 5 pounds, and
lots of school kingfish chummed up to the back of our
boat." Capt. Larry said most of his best fishing is com-
ing from inside the 100-foot-depths in the Gulf, and
added that he's still catching some kingfish on live bait
On my boat Magic, we've a eraged 20.redfish
caught per trip, plus lots of trout to 25 inches in length
and a few bluefish to 4 pounds. :.
Good luck and good fishing.
Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing guide.
Call him at 779-9607 to provide a fishing report. Prints
and digital images of your catch are also welcome and
may be dropped off at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive,
Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to news @ islander.org. Please
include identification for persons in the picture along with
information on the catch and a name and phone number
for more information. Snapshots may be retrieved once
they appear in the paper.

Global positioning system
seminar Monday night
"The Basics of GPS" is the topic of a free seminar
from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, May 9, sponsored by the
Anna Maria Island Power Squadron at the squadron's
building, 1200 71 st St. N.W., Bradenton.
The seminar "provides an overview of basic Global
Positioning System functions including establishing
waypoints, routes and danger zones," said a squadron
spokesperson. Details may be obtained at 714-0449.

We'd love to hear your fish stories,
and pictures are welcome at The Islander.
Just give us a call at 778-7978
or stop by our office in the
Island Shopping Center. Holmes Beach.

#nnoa aorta s lanl TiOes

May4 10:34 1.9 3:36 0.3 10:35 1.7 4:08 0.6
May 5 10:52 2.0 4:08 0.5 11:41 1.6. 5:01 0.3
May 6 11:04 2.2 4:33 0.8 5:46 0.0
May 7 12:44 1.5 4:55 1.0 11:22a* 2.4 6:28 -0.2
NM May 8 1:37 1.4 5:09 1.1 11:44a* 2.5 7:07 -0.3
May 9 2:41 1.4 5:20 1.2 12:07 2.5 7:49 -0.3
May 10 3:45 1.3 5:22 1.2 12:34 2.6 8:34 -0.2
May II 1:10 2.5 9:20 -0.2
Cortez High Tides 7 minutes later lows 1:06 later


AME 'Luau for Learning' a big success

Anna Maria Elementary School's "Luau for Learn-
ing" spring fundraiser was a sold-out event that raised

Anna Maria Elementary menu
Monday, May 9
Breakfast: Pancakes with Syrup, Cereal, Toast,
Yogurt, Fruit
Lunch: Chicken Tenders, Mini Corn Dogs,. Potato
Chips, Broccoli with Cheese Sauce, Applesauce
Tuesday, May 10
Breakfast: French Toast Sticks, Cereal, Toast,
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Fruit
Lunch: Chicken Nuggets, Fruit, Muffin, Cheese and
Yogurt Plate, Roll, Peas and Carrots, Mixed Fruit
Wednesday, May 11
Breakfast: Pancake on a Stick, Bagel, Cereal, Toast,
Lunch: Hamburger or Cheeseburger on Bun, Sloppy
Joe on Bun, Tossed Salad, Steamed Carrot Coins,
Chilled Peaches
Thursday, May 12
Breakfast: Chicken Patty on a Biscuit, Cereal; Toast,
Cheese Toast, Fruit
Lunch: Student-Planned Menu
Friday, May 13
Breakfast: Sausage Buscuit, Cereal, Toast, Yogurt,
Lunch: Pizza, Grilled Chicken Patty on a Bun,
Tossed Salad, Steamed Corn, Fruit Cocktail
Juice and milk are served with every meal.

$40,000 twice the committee's financial goal.
"The business owners, parents, artists and friends
of Anna Maria Elementary outdid themselves," said
event chairperson Jamie Walstad. ''I am truly in awe of
the support Anna Maria Island, Longboat Key,
Bradenton, and Sarasota business owners gave to our
little school by the bay."
This is the third year the school PTO has sponsored
the event to give staff a night out and raise money for
unfunded needs at the school. For the first.time, the
event drew a sold-out crowd of 350 people and sur-
passed the $25,000 raised in previous years.

FCAT writing scores good
Results of the narrative and expository writing
portion of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test
show Anna Maria Elementary fourth-graders scoring
higher than state and district averages.
The FCAT writing test, which students took in
February, grades student writing skills from a low of
1.0 to a high of 6.0.
State and districtwide averages in narrative writing
are 3.7. AME fourth-graders average score is 3.9,
slightly lower than last year's average of 4.1.
In expository writing, the state average is 3.7 and
district average is 3.6. AME students' average score is
3.8, slightly higher than last year's 3.6.average.
Eighty-two percent of AME fourth-graders scored
3.5 or above on this year's writing exam.
FCAT results for third-, fourth-, and fifth-grade
reading and math will be released later this month.

The PTO will utilize "Spring Fling" funds to pur-
chase new library books, laptop computers for the
mobile lab, and new equipment for the auditorium.
"We have the purchase order ready for $10,000
worth of books and educational material for the li-
brary," Walstad said. "The PTO will be able to pur-
chase five laptops for the mobile lab, including five
projectors, so teachers and students can advance their
use of technology in the classroom."
AME students produce their own morning televi-
sion program, and Walstad said the PTO will be able
to contribute to that program with a new camera, color
printer, scanner and a laptop computer with a Digital
Video Disc recorder and new educational software.
The new equipment will also help students create a full-
color yearbook inhouse next year, saving the PTO
more than $5,000. Walstad.added that every child will
receive a free yearbook thanks to school sponsors.
Thanks to a "cash call," an additional $11,200 was
raised for the art department. The PTO plans to pur-
chase a kiln and pottery wheels, and a soundboard, mi-
crophones, cables and amplifier for theater produc-
tions. Any funds remaining will be earmarked for light-
ing needs, such as a dimming board, for the school's
soon-to-be-renovated auditorium.

Recently renovated and tastefully decorated 2BD/
3BA townhouse with hardwood floors and carpeted
bedrooms. Cook's kitchen with lots of storage.
Extended living area has huge screened deck
overlooking large heated pool and garden with stairs
to pool. Open decks on all levels. Stunning water
views! Come see this one! A good buy at $679,000.
Call Liz Codola, Realtor

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310 Pne Avenue P O.a8o1299 M Anna 1Mara, FL 34216
Office 779-0304 Fax 7790308 *Ta Free 866-779-0304

29Years ofProfessional Service
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MANSION IN THE SKY Bayfront 5BR/5.5BA penthouse,
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KEY ROYALE LOT 94x105. $795,000. Exclusive.
EXCEPTIONAL DUPLEX 2,368 sf of living area with elevator lift. Owner's
side 2BR/2BA, fireplace, great-room, 40x10-foot and 48x6-foot porches.
Large garage and bonus room. Tenant side has 2BR/2BA with screened
porch and extra storage. New owner can sell units separately. $784,500.
4 UNITS ANNA MARIA Some with bay view. One 2BR, three 1BR,
room for pool. Great investment. $849,000. OWNER FINANCING.
TOWNHOUSE VILLA 3BR/3BA with two screened balconies and open
balconies on greenbelt adjacent to bay. Spotless, tastefully decorated.
Pool/gazebo. $470,000.
101 PALM New Luxury Villas
5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807
yrealt7@aol.com www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com

5910 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach, FL 34217
Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770
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Web site: www.smithrealtors.com

r ed.e .ced 3BR/2BA home on north
Prend of Anna Maria. Steps
to white sandy beaches of
Gulf/bay. Two wood burn-
.ing fireplaces. Master
S. i suite has Gulf view from
screened porch. Over-
sized shower, new ceramic tile. New roofs 1 st FI 2000 & 2nd
Fl 2002. Asking price $769,000. Please call Susan Hatch,
Realtor 778-7616 eves.


NEW LISTING Beautiful 4BR/4BA with stunning
Gulf views. Newer construction, top of the line ameni-
ties, 75 feet to the beach. Heated pool, elevator and
many extras!
100+ Gulffront rental units with hun-
dreds more just steps from the beach.
Mike 800-367-1617
L 941-778-6696
Norman t3o11 GULF DRIVE

Package of potential on Holmes Beach. Long
established island pizzeria for sale. Ready to make a
profit for you. Serious inquiries only. $199,000.
Call Quentin Talbert 941-704-9680.

Sn1B y. Realty
of Anna Maria Inc.
56 tde &caotae"t "&ea"

property in a wonderful neighborhood. This 2BR/2BA el-
evated duplex boasts tile floors, cathedral ceilings, skylights
and balconies! Close to everything, 2 blocks to the gulf. One
block to bay or park. Low maintenance and newer appliances.
Plenty of storage. $549,000.

looked in this 3BR/2BA island home! This home offers
awesome granite counters, beautiful travertine natural
stone floors, all new appliances, paint, furniture, landscap-
ing and much more! And, it's all less than a block to the
beach! Call today for an appointment. $649,900.

RUNAWAY BAY, updated 1 BR/1 BA condo just steps to
the beach. Great rental property. Turnkey furnished,
heated pool, tennis courts and community fishing dock.

THE TERRACE A tastefully done 2BR/2BA turnkey condo
with a heated pool, beautiful landscaping, private garage
and only a block to the beach on the west side of Gulf
Drive! Great income potential! $459,000.

: ... .

DUPLEX LOT-BUILD 2 CONDOS Duplex on 89' x 100' lot,
zoned R-2. Located in the 200 block, superb Holmes Beach
location. Build 2 "villas/condos" with Gulf views or renovate
existing duplex with separate addresses! $749,000

BKK: -'"T^Wai^M~F

DEIGHTFUL ISLAND DUPLEX Great location just one block
from the beach on a quiet street. Each side has 2BD with
screened-in lanai. New landscaping and a fresh look! Great in-
vestment or seasonal home with rental unit. $625,000.

I (800)171-6043 (941)778-7244
5309 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach

Beautiful Key Royale home with
family room, formal dining
room and eat-in kitchen.
Located on the end of canal and
across the street from Bay. Newv
tile flooring and kitchen com-
pletely remodeled with cherry
wood cabinets, corian counter tops all corian in bath. Heated pool
overlooking canal with two-car garage. Fantastic bay view if second
addition was added.
Dupki or single family home
I.,,:ar.-d on Sarasota Bay with
orgaeou. open water views of
niomarigr., es, Intracoastal and
bay. Home consists of 4BR/
S. 4BA, newer kitchen and master
boat docks with vacant lot on
ba\ Offered at $959,900.
Super opportunity to own Island business! Offered at:
$199,500 & Inventory.
Deborah Thrasher ,
RE/MAX Excellence
(941) 383-9700 DebMThrash@aol.com


Three rental units. 2BR/1.5BA and 1BR/1BA du-
plex plus 2BR/1BA cottage. Great investment!
Watch the sunsets as you collect rent from these
three charming units. Nicely landscaped, furnished.
Just steps to beautiful beach. Rapidly growing area.
Call for appointment to see. $749,000.
2BR/2BA Spectacular home with very private in-
ground pool. Beautifully designed and decorated.
Ceramic tile, gourmet kitchen with breakfast bar,
separate bedroom plan, vaulted ceiling, walk-in clos-
ets, screened porch overlooking pool area. Really
elegant! Large garage could accommodate several
cars, boat or motor home. Fenced yard, very private.
Immaculate, North Holmes Beach. Short walk to
private beach. #774,900.
2BR/2BA Elegant condo in superb Gulffront com-
plex. Beautifully turnkey furnished, totally reno-
vated. This is an outstanding unit in one of the
Island's finest condominiums. Jacuzzis, tennis, se-
cured heated pool, under-building parking. Gor-
geous walking beach. $879,900.
2BR/1.5BA courtyard-patio town house. Central
Holmes Beach, very close to shopping, restaurants
and beach. Open plan, breakfast bar,.front and rear
porches, balcony, renovated. Excellent rental. No
condo fees. $469,000.
1BR/1.5BA Seaside Beach House condo. Turnkey
furnished in intimate, private complex with gorgeous
view of Gulf. Very nicely furnished, Sautillo tile,
beautiful walking beach, heated pool, excellent
rental. $850,000.
2BR/1BA each. Very close to beautiful beach. One-
car garage, patio. One unit turnkey furnished. Ap-
pliances both sides. Utility with washer/dryer, resi-
dential area, room for pool. $675,000.
3BR/2BA split plan Vil a iG t residential
area. New rop heated pool,
walk-in cl L. two-car garage. Close
to Blake 319,900.
From $700 / month
Condos/Homes: $500 week / $1,000 month
779-0202 (800) 732-6434

Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive
Hohnes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com


Island Biz
.I -l .... .. .. ., .' :. ,i ,. .

The care team
The Acute Care Team for personal and hospital
medical equipment recently celebrated its ninth
anniversary in Anna Maria. From left are Christine
Latimer, Steve Gago, Heidi Richert, Kris Suarez and
Michelle Burke. The store is located at 9908 Gulf
Drive in Anna Maria. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin -.

Medical care equipment
Acute Care Team Inc. at 9908 Gulf Drive in
Anna Maria recently celebrated its ninth year of pro-
viding top quality medical equipment for personal
needs to Islanders.
Owners Jeanne Ferguson and Nancy Wood
started Acute Care in 1996 on Pine Avenue and later
moved to the Gulf Drive location, site of the former
U.S. Post Office.
Heidi Richert of Acute Care said the team provides
hospital beds, bathroom accessories, electric wheel-
chairs, orthopedic equipment and a host of other per-
sonal medical needs, particularly for handicapped in-
The store was recently accredited by the State of
Florida medical licensing division and also specializes
in respiratory therapy.
Store hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday
through Friday. Acute Care also provides 24-hour
emergency service.
For more information call 778-2641.

A haven for health
Jan and Debbie Champion of the Haven Health

NeV --. -

.t- ihe i iscl us x~ I nd nor,.

% 4 ci .j d k r (r,(j 9)idr.u cciuina Reke l
U IrP .urCTL T .j r r rTlec i. ra ull ,h:,

a i .i nI ,. 3r, eJ r 1o, r ,,rr,- e.1e -o,
"" Model Oiii Dil' Slaning at 895,000.
- -;.--ix Tina Rudek (941) 920-0303

2 0--

Club at 6737 Manatee Ave. W. are expanding their
club's exercise programs and are now accepting people
under 40 for their special "quick-fit personal training"
workout called "Power of 10."
While Haven memberships are for adults over 40,
Debbie said the new workout is so exciting and afford-
able, she and Jan decided to introduce "Power of 10"
at Haven for the under-40 crowd.
"It's just once a week for 20 minutes," said Debbie.
"Anybody and can find 20 minutes a week. You'll get
great results and get in shape quick," she promised.
The "Power of 10" workout was recently featured
on the CBS show "48 Hours" and enthusiasts of the
program include Lesley Stahl and Barbara Walters,
who, swear the program is better than an everyday
cardio-vascular workout, Debbie said.
The program does not utilize traditional cardio
exercises, nor a Stairmaster or treadmill. It's designed
around weight training and exercising- the proper
muscles. When combined with the right diet, the
weight loss is incredible, CBS reported.
New York "plus-size" model Kelli Dunn lost 15
pounds and 8 inches from her chest and thighs in just
five weeks, all from just one 20-minute workout each
week. Her identical twin sister stayed with her daily
cardio workout, but only lost 4 pounds and 4 inches, the
CBS program said.
"I was putting in five hours a week, while she was
doing just 20 minutes," said Vanessa Dunn, according

to the program.
Haven Health.Club is at 6737 Manatee Ave. W. in the
Northwest Promenade shopping plaza, Bradenton. Hours
of operation are from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through
Friday and from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday.
For more information on the "Power of 10" per-
sonal training program, call 798-9993 or 907-9552.

Concrete focus of meeting
About 50 U.S. Navy and industrial executives and
scientists will be on the Island from Wednesday to Fri-
day, May 4-6, to seek ways to make structural concrete
last longer in seawater.
Meeting at the Holmes Beach City Hall, experts from
around the United States and abroad will discuss data
developed over the past two years under a Navy contract
designed to give concrete structures longer life.
Such structures slowly deteriorate in seawater, said
one longtime expert and Holmes Beach resident, Jan
Skalny. He handled much of the arranging of the meeting,
not an easy task, assembling half-a-hundred busy high-
level specialists. He represents one of the companies co-
sponsoring the gathering along with the U.S. Navy.
The Navy contract called for a thorough study of just
how long a certain type of structure made with a certain
mix of concrete can be expected to last, and why.
Representatives of industry will also be here from
Korea, Norway and Canada, as well as other maritime

Business exchange
Island Gallery West hosted
the April Anna Maria
Island Chamber of Com-
merce Business Card
Exchange. Gallery artists
Lee.Mears, Dee Pastoris,
Ceci Richardson; Helen
Deforge, John Bonser,
Reda Reynolds, Shirley
Dean Rush and Norma
Lienhard posed with
Chamber Executive Direc-
tor Mary Ann Brockman,
second from left. Islander
Photo: Nancy Ambrose

Call me about the
|, : new fishing resort
W Little Harbor
Waterfront resort
pre-construction from
$500,000-$ 1,500,000
SDeborah L. Brady (813) 810-7270
125 Bridge Street, Bradenton Beach
toll free (866) 316-7253 www.firstinbradenton.com

O.D B f

  • Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor


    S A N A 5 0 T'A B

    I Ii 1 Ih J ~ i I ii 1' n *I %IT i I II -IT,.I L
    ( illl. I~in' ptni jI. lJi.''Jll1 p-. 111.litl Il O lr 1i11,1C llA n'l rIn Li .I t.c
    2 'piil, I.( t Jr %.n h- -ji u',.. (Ii c i in If.)r m i rt I.11 11 -tk1 11I .11"il ,
    Pbricecs from S795,00J0.



    607 Concord Lane
    Quarter-acre lot with canal in back,
    marina view from front, 1668 sf, two
    bedrooms, two baths, new lanai, many,
    many extras. $795,000.

    SCall Chris and John

    Rhrine T. Sw EAL ESTATE
    Christine T. Shaw, or ANNAr M AIIA ISI.ANMD, lNC.
    John van Zandt,
    Realtors 6101 Marina Drive Holmes Beach

    PAGE 24 E MAY 4, 2005 N THE ISLANDER

    I A AD A S 9FE -

    FURNITURE: BEDROOM suite with queen, faux-
    leather couch and armchair, dining room table, twin
    beds with headboards. All in great condition. (941)

    QUEEN-SIZE HIDE-a-bed sofa. Good condition,
    $100. Call (941) 737-9173.

    MOVING SALE: Kitchen and patio furniture, couch,
    lamps, dishes, wicker dresser, octagon mirror, etc.
    Call (941) 778-4432.

    JOYRIDER TRIKE-BIKE, red, like new. Cost $500,
    sacrifice $275. (941) 778-7830.

    MOVING SALE: Dining table with six chairs, $400;
    three barstools, $60; queen-sized platform bed,
    mattress, chest of drawers, $150; pull-out sleeper
    couch, $100. (941) 778-5453.
    FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp,
    crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call
    James Lee, (941) 795-1112 or 704-8421.

    ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open Tuesday, Thursday,
    9:30am-2pm. Saturday, 9am-noon. Always sales
    racks. Pine Avenue, Anna Maria. (941) 779-2733.

    MOVING SALE: 8am-2pm Saturday, May 7. 105
    77th St., Holmes Beach.

    GARAGE SALE: 9am-1 pm Saturday, May 7. Downsizing
    for move. Dishes, kitchenware, clothes, books, hand-pow-
    ered garden tools, lawn mower, fishing gear. 406 Bay
    Palms Drive, off 71st Street, Holmes Beach.

    FOR SALE: Enjoy the stunning Gulf views and glo-
    rious sunsets from this 2BR/2.5BA townhouse.
    The beach is located directly across the street.
    Soaring ceilings in master bedroom, walk-in
    closet, updated fixtures, hurricane window film,
    and storage galore. Enjoy the private heated pool
    while sitting on your.garden terrace. $439,500.
    Paul T. Collins, PA _
    paultcollins@comcast.net Properties

    This enchanting home looks
    like it came from a Coastal
    Living magazine. Tropical
    paradise with private gardens
    and in-ground pool. Just steps
    from the shores of the Gulf
    beaches! Offered a $1,600,000.

    9 Of f)n .^*^

    941 778-0455 Ken Jackson, 778-6986
    9906 Gulf Drive Kathy Geeraerts, 778-0072
    Anna Maria Maureen Dahms, 778-0542
    www.greenreal.com Marilyn Klemish, 778-7627

    YARD SALE: 8-11am Saturday, May 7. Scooter,
    miscellaneous jewelry, toys, books, clothing. 411
    Poinsettia Rd., Anna Maria. Rain or shine.

    BIG SALE: NIKI'S Gifts & Antique Mall. This week's
    special: Bone-china thimbles 60 percent off; all ster-
    ling jewelry 50 percent off; select gifts, antiques,
    jewelry 25-70 percent off. Open seven days,
    9:30am-5pm. 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.

    SALE: 9am-noon, Saturday, May 7. Living room,
    dining room furniture, bedrooms, etc. 107 47th St.,
    Holmes Beach.

    ESTATE SALE: 9am-2pm Friday, May 6. Phillip
    Laverne table, sterling, silver plate, Karastan rugs,
    bronze and glass table. Tea cart, mahogany dining-
    room set with matching server, bookcase, old
    books, cat collectibles, lamps, stemware, oriental
    accessories, coffee and end tables, desk file,
    rocker, sofa bed, linens, kitchen items and more.
    205 76th St., Holmes Beach. Sale by Julie McClure.

    ence the Island on your computer desktop. Avail-
    able at The Islander, or purchase'online or order by
    mail. $12 PC or $15 Mac.

    BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a per-
    sonalized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly
    Park. Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Pick up
    form at The Islander or call (941) 518-4431 for
    more information.

    One of the biggest names
    in mortgages is right in
    V1 your own backyard.
    T pXVJen you choose Chase you
    VV are guaranteed by a variety
    of products offered by one of the
    nation's top mortgage lenders.
    Plus, the knowledge of loan
    officers like Ron Hayes who
    are familiar with and dedicated
    to your local community. RON HAYES
    So, whatever your mortgage
    needs fixed rate, adjustable rate, jumbo, govern-
    ment, call Ron loca for a free consultation at
    (941) 761-9808 (24 hours) or (800) 559-8025.
    S=iCHASE I
    S Manhottan Mortgage Corporation


    302 North Shore Dr 3+BR/3BA with 300 North Shore Dr 4BR/2.5BA
    1 BR/1BA apartment: Five-car garage, duplex with five-car garage. Private
    .one short block to beach, direct beach open decks, large picture windows,
    access, peeks of Gulf. Move-in condition, great views of lake. Asking
    Seawall and dock. Zoned duplex. Extras! $750,000. MLS 502297.
    Asking $850,000. MLS 502321.
    Call Stephanie Bell, (941) 920-5156 or Frank Migliore, (941) 778-2307.



    FREE GUN LOCK' Yes, free. Just for the asking.
    Courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserva-
    tion Commission. Free at The Islander newspaper
    office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be
    sorry, be safe.

    LOST: MEN'S GOLD ring with Elfenbein on top; in
    reverse. Elephant trunk on each side. Johnny, (941)
    778-4412. Reward!

    CRITTER SITTER nine years in pet care. 24 years
    as an Island resident. Lots of TLC for your beloved
    pets with in-home visits. (941) 778-6000.

    LOVING ISLAND family wants to adopt cockatiel to
    replace departed loved one. (941) 778-0899.

    ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes.
    All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened.
    Please call (941) 922-0774.

    1999 MERCURY GRAND Marquis sedan. Four-door,
    white body with gray interior, automatic, low mileage.
    Excellent condition. Asking $6,500. (941) 794-8027.

    1993 FORD ESCORT Wagon. Runs good, looks
    good. Great Island car! $900. (941) 224-8764 or

    1990 ECONOLINE 150 VAN, cold air conditioning,
    has towing package. Ready for travel. Runs great!
    $1,800, or best offer. (941) 778-1102.

    /7 ulf-Bay Realty
    \ of Anna Maria Inc.
    J -/ 5309 94LZ Dru
    WW< HomA Bach FA 34217
    LY f WA1 ... ;i

    Updated Duplex Two, 2BR/2BA units. Spacious,open and sunny.
    Delightful new heated pool, mature landscaping and a large 90X100 lot.
    Bonus storage and two garages. One block from the beach in the be&
    part of the Island. $879,000Call'Robin Kollar (941) 713-4755

    "We ARE the Island!"


    75-toot direct
    (...- Gul lffront plus 2BR'
    SIBA. furnished beach
    hhouse on .-\nna
    SMlaria' nlrtli end.
    '- )'. Open plan. beamed
    ceiling, %o.Jd
    Burning fireplace and a bright cheerful kitchen
    with breakfast nook. Great Gulf views from all
    living areas and bedrooms. Deck offers tranquil
    spot for waterfront dining and evening sunsets.
    Perfect tropical island getaway. $1,500,000.

    Afi I Maria Realty
    Marie Franklin, Lic. Real Estate Broker
    941778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250
    E-mail amrealty@verizon.net
    Web site www.annamariareal.com

    THE ISLANDER 0 MAY 4, 2005 N PAGE 25

    A AIG SO H teEW Don

    1995 EVINRUDE 200 HP. All cables, control box,
    key switch, propeller. Less than 100 hours on re-
    build. $3,500. (941) 723-1107.

    CLASSY BLACK-and-white 1992 Four Winns-325
    Cruiser, twin engine, all electronics,.air conditioning,
    full galley head, sleeps six, new carpet, new can-
    vas, new bottom paint. Ready to cruise. (941) 778-
    0805 or 345-3482.

    WET SLIPS AVAILABLE: 30-50 feet. Cortez Cove
    Marina. (941) 761-2487.

    FOR LEASE: DOCK space with davits. Deep ca-
    nal, near Galati Marina. $25/month per foot. (941)

    BOAT SLIP WANTED to buy or rent for 22-foot-
    walk-around. Fully insured. (813) 731-7832.

    JON BOAT: Metal, 14 foot, $100; trailer, $175. See
    at 526 Key Royale, Holmes Beach. (941) 356-1456.

    2002 SEA RAY 182 Bowrider, like new! 18 foot, 6
    inches. 190-hp stern drive, seats seven, tons of fun!
    Call (941) 778-6234, or e-mail
    kendra@ presswoodlaw.com. $12,900 or best offer.

    LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on
    the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater
    fishing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle provided.
    (941) 723-1107.

    male looking for a job. Available after school and
    weekends. Call Zachary, (941) 779-9783.

    NEED A CHILD or pet sitter? Call one number and
    get connected to two wonderful sitters! Tiffany and
    Trish. (941) 778-3275 or 779-0964.

    MORE CLASSIFIEDS equals more readers .

    .. j --
    - v~iiU V

    ElC, I


    2BR/2BA Condo one block from the beaches in Holmes Beach.
    Partial Gulfview. Turnkey furnished and newer appliances make
    this condo a great buy! Two covered parking spaces. Rental his-
    tory available. $489,000. Call Ted Schlegel (941) 518-6117 or
    Barry Gould (941) 448-5500.
    2'.L.AN _n.-*r/,""^' 3001 GULF DRIVE*HOLMES BEACH, FL 34217
    SXIQLANI~O *-- PHONE: 941.778.6849*TOLL FREE: 800.778.9599
    VACATION FAX: 941.779.1750
    PROPERTIES LLC. Licensed Real Estate Broker Ann Coron
    I wa'IilaJl. iopr el scl[IeIJJI o]s.i sl sll^J ,[]Io i[lo]ii

    One year old 5BR/5BA, four-car
    garage and elevator. Outside spi-
    ral staircase leading down to lush
    heated pool area overlooking bay.
    Beautifully furnished and tiled
    throughout. Private dock and
    great fishing. Excellent rental his-
    tory in place. Call Anne Huber
    (941) 713-9835.
    www.flrealtour.com/mls031 305/realtor

    BABYSITTER: RED CROSS babysitting and first-
    aid certified. Enjoys playing with kids. Call
    Alexandra, (941) 778-5352.

    SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and in-
    termediates. Free skimboar ise with lessons. $10
    per half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended.
    Local teen, team competitor. Call (941) 778-0944.

    PETSITTER, DOG WALKER, 13-year-old mother's
    helper, odd jobs. Call Kendall at (941) 779-9783 or

    years old, friendly and responsible. (941) 778-2469.

    13-YEAR-OLD girl will babysit all ages in your
    home. Reasonable rates and knows CPR. Call Jes-
    sica Lord, (941) 747-2495.

    BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with
    kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, (941) 756 5496.

    NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia or Kari, (941).
    761-1569 or 730-5889. Both Red Cross certified.

    SANDBAGS DELIVERED: Be prepared. Local teen-
    will make and deliver sandbags to your Island resi-
    dence. Call Spencer, (941) 778-0944 to order.

    REAL ESTATE: Tired of paying office fees? Two
    experienced agents needed for fast-paced, high
    traffic Island office. Top splits, sign-on bonus. Call
    Wedebrock Real Estate today! "Personalized, not
    franchised." Call Joe Pickett, (941) 383-5543.

    NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten
    pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restaurant,
    902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call (941) 778-3953.

    hotel. Experience required. Transportation required.
    Weekends required. 15-20 hours/week. Good start-
    ing pay with raises. Call (941) 778-1237.

    La Costa, directly on the beach,
    2BR/2BA furnished condo.
    Breathtaking sunsets.from your lanai.
    Pool, saunas and tennis. $769,000.

    Marilyn Trevethan, Realtor
    (941) 778-6066
    H,:,m1: 792-S477 ,

    Tile Islander
    The best news on Anna Maria
    Island is now online:

    Heather Abste
    Hc.,therAb:tleni-' ,ahoo

    Great Income Potential...
    with this fully rented 2BR/2BA, 1 BR/1 BA duplex located one lot
    from the Intracoastal Waterway. Close to the Gulf in the heart of

    Holmes Beach, near restaurants and
    throughout with -ir:pi.a,: $450,000.

    call Gayle schulZ
    toll free 1.800.772.3235
    Jim Anderson Realty Company
    PO Box 1789 401-B Pine Avenue Anna Maria
    www imoandersonrealty.com


    ik I

    GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Advertising layout and de-
    sign for weekly newspaper, some Web site produc-
    tion. Knowledge of advertising design and layout.
    Candidate must be familiar with desktop publishing.
    PhotoShop, Illustrator, PageMaker, Acrobat a plus.
    Some experience required and/or associate's de-
    gree or technical school certificate preferred. Re-
    sumes: e-mail humanresources@islander.org, fax
    778-9392, or mail/deliver to The Islander, 5404
    Marina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217.

    CONCIERGE/SECURITY: As needed, part time in-
    cluding weekends. Longboat Key condo. No expe-
    rience needed. Must be service oriented and out-
    going. Background check. Competitive pay. Call
    Kevin (941) 383-8876, or fax resume 383-9051.

    PERMANENT PART-TIME administrative assistant.
    Word and computer skills needed. 20 hours/week,
    $12/hour. George, (941) 779-0088.

    HOUSEKEEPER: 18-unit hotel. Must speak English,
    have own transportation, weekends a must. (941)
    778-1010, ext. 0.

    HELP WANTED: FULL/part-time, driver, lifting, vari-
    ous duties. Key Cleaners, (941) 383-1222.

    part-time servers for lunch, Sunday brunch and din-
    ner. Wednesday-Sunday. Apply at 5406 Marina
    Drive, Holmes Beach, or call (941) 778-5320.

    VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Meet interesting people,
    learn the history of the Island. Anna Maria Island
    Historical Museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria.
    (941) 778-0492.

    EXPERIENCED, RELIABLE, companion/caregiver
    available to assist senior living independently in their
    own home. (941) 758-0049.

    CLASSIFIEDS ADS are posted early online at

    This pampered beauty is only 225 yards from the beach. The main
    house is 2BD/2BA, updated with lots of extras, very private patio
    with a covered Jacuzzi. Attached mother-in-law apartment, 1BR/
    1BA, living room, patio and separate entry. Offered at $658,000.

    Ramona Glanz
    RE/MAX Excellence
    S. *(941) 383-9700
    k, ramona@ramonaglanz.com

    Professional REALTORS representing
    buyers and sellers \ ith
    n Honesty, Jenn
    6I Integity 941
    R 9 Jsenlts!

    ifer Absten, PA
    erAbstm nir ,rn' n.r'ro

    300 feet from the beach! Completely renovated home
    with heated pool surrounded by lush, tropical landscap-
    ing. Beautiful flooring, natural stone and red Oak. Taste-
    fully turnkey furnished. Perfect beach house! Separately
    deeded deep water boat dock included! $829,000.

    in a great location. 2BR each side, screened-in lanai, new
    landscaping and a fresh new look. Just one and a half
    blocks from the beach! Great investment property or sea-
    sonal home with rental potential. $649,000 $625,000.

    SkiG ulf-Bay Realty of Anna Maria Inc. 5309 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach
    wr t4e ot it "ea4

    PAGE 26 MAY 4, 2005 THE ISLANDER


    MAN WITH SHOVEL Plantings, natives, cabbage
    palms, patio gardens, trimining, clean-up, edgings,
    more. Hard-working and responsible. Excellent ref-
    erences. Edward (941) 778-3222.

    LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint-
    ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine
    Car Service. Serving the Islands. (941) 778-5476.

    computer misbehaving? Certified computer service
    and private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice.
    (941) 545-7508.

    ISLAND PRESSURE CLEANING for great results,
    wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable,
    r reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. (941)

    CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist.
    Experienced certified technician for communication
    electronics offers wireless and cable networks, up-
    grades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and training.
    Call Robert, (941) 778-3620.

    CALL DAN'S RESCREEN for your free estimate to-
    day. Affordable rates, quality work guaranteed. Pool
    cages, lanais, windows, doors. Call (941) 713-5333.

    ISLANDER CLASSIFIED: The best news in town
    and the best results from classified ads and service

    Enjoy breathtaking sunsets from your screened lanai overlook-
    ing a canal. Updated, furnished 2BR/2BA condo iii move-in
    condition. Heated pool and spa, tennis courts and lush
    tropical surroundings makes this a per-
    fect island retreat. $485,000. IB#504847.

    SBeautiful 4BR/3BA pool home in
    desirable Hawthorn Park. Large eat-inh
    kitchen, living room and dining room,
    family room with fireplace, cathedral
    ceilings, garden tub; large lanai and
    tropical landscaping. $495,000.

    lj Denise Langlois
    (941) 751-1155 (800) 448-6325

    JACKSON HOLMES PAINTING: The Island's hon-
    est and dependable painting service. Interior, exte-
    rior, faux painting, cabinet refinishing. References.
    Free estimates. (941) 795-2771.

    agement/watch, housekeeping, maintenance. (941)

    CORTEZ WELDING CO. 1211 Cortez Rd. Alumi-
    num welding, $45/hour. By appointment only. (941)
    737-8667 or 798-3589. Free estimates.

    MIKE & KATHY'S Cleaning Service: Providing a
    standard of excellence for all your interior, exterior
    and window cleaning needs. Residential or vacation
    rentals. (941) 722-4358..

    SCS CONTRACTING: Got water damage? Want to
    prevent water damage?.We do storm panels, sliding
    glass doors, windows, waterproofing and more! Pro-
    fessional, meticulous to detail. Bonded, insured.
    John Myers, (941) 586-2033.

    and repair. Free estimate, many references. Island
    resident. (941) 713-1907 cell, (941) 778-5427 home.
    E-mail: geraldscottfulton @hotmail.com.

    TOM'S WINDOWS: Get your plywood hurricane
    panels now! Cut, primed, installed, with easy-mount
    fasteners. $78/sheet complete. (941) 730-1399.

    SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander.

    The Oldest Mortgage Co. on Anna Maria Island
    Linda G. Davis Ted E. Davis
    Licensed Mortgage Brokers
    Conforming and jumbo loans.
    1st and 2nd mortgages.
    SNo closing cost home equity lines of credit.
    100% purchase money mortgages.
    Residential and commercial mortgages.
    Private money available for those
    hard-to-place loans.

    S" (941) 779-2113
    | i 502 72nd Street
    SHolmes Beach

    a 6.rn=

    419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291
    EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294

    This inviting 2 bedroom, 2 bath, super clean waterfront retreat reflects pride of ownership and exquisite taste.
    Cheerful Caribbean colors of vivid yellow, soft blue, and mint are some of the captivating wall colors you
    will discover in this enchanting waterfront hideaway. White plantation shutters enhance the wonderful is-
    land style, and a spacious guest room floor plan is complimented by a white kitchen with breakfast bar and
    tiled backsplash. The sunny lanai faces south, overlooking a beautiful back yard landscaped with a canary
    island palm and orange, pink grapefruit, and avocado trees. There is a newer seawall with boat dock, and
    a handy enclosed outdoor shower. Other features include an automatic sprinkler system,separate laundry
    room, barrel tile roof, and storage shed. Truly a must see! Priced at $749,000.

    This superlative 3-4 BR/3.5BA waterfront retreat offers privacy plus an exclusive location on the end of a
    cul-de-sac in beautiful Key Royale. Countless amenities include gorgeous granite countertops in the kitchen
    and master bath, Pella windows, Roman-style Jacuzzi tub with gold-plated fixtures and a wonderful brick
    wood-burning fireplace. The preferred split bedroom plan is enhanced by ceramic-tiled floors and dramatic
    25-foot tongue-in-groove vaulted ceilings with fans and clerestory windows. Live the island dream and drop
    anchor at this fabulous hideaway! $1,775,000.
    VIDEO TOUR Visit our Web site at www.betsyhills.com
    i BROCHURE wh

    MR. BILL'S HOME REPAIR/maintenance service.
    Over 30 years experience, self-employed in con-
    struction trades. "I'm handy to have around." (941)

    IRONING: FOURTEEN items, $20. Call Kelli, (941)

    DO YOU NEED a house sitter? Retired, Christian
    couple will house-sit free just to stay on the Island.
    References, furnished. (770)'832-7319.

    BRADEN RIVER Photography. Portraits of babies
    and pets. On location at homes, parks, beach. Call
    (941) 228-3710.

    PHOTOGRAPHER: Kelley Ragan. Custom portraits,
    weddings, beach photography. (941) 447-8892.

    MURALIST, Mark Burdette. Custom murals, interior
    or exterior, landscapes and more. (941) 447-9637.

    MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet. Begin- .
    ning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, (941) 792-0160.

    BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigera-
    tion. Commercial and residential service, repair and/
    or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the
    Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and per-
    sonalized service, call William Eller, (941) 795-7411.

    CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org !

    rat Palmeri-uates Jo IH LICHKOwec
    Team Pinnacle
    Reputation ~ sources 'Results


    Phone: 877-469-4753
    Fax: 941-751-1728

    The Big Picture...it's all about the real estate!
    Tiffany Place Condo on the Gulf of
    Mexico: Remodeled and very beautiful,
    ,all furniture and furnishings to stay, view
    of the Gulf from patio and the master
    bedroom. Tiffany Place condo offers great
    year round living or a great year round
    rental. $825,000.

    New Listing: 3BR/2BA canal home
    on Key Royale. Light and bright, dock, -
    boat lift and room for a pool. This
    home has many up dates including
    newer roof, windows, doors, beautiful
    new kitchen and breakfast area, new
    carpet and tile. Home has water views
    front and back.. $739,000.

    Quaint Island cottage in Holmes
    Beach: Spacious 2BR/1BA, large
    screened front porch, room for a
    pool, updated and very charming.
    Short walk to beautiful Gulf beaches
    is a plus! A great buy at $499,000.

    A top producer at Island Real Estate Inc., Call Marianne at (941) 778-6066.

    iW, m l I

    THE ISLANDER 0 MAY 4, 2005 N PAGE 27

    ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional cre-
    ates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding!
    www.jackelka.com. (941) 778-2711.

    NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing massage
    in the comfort of your home. Call today for an ap-
    pointment, (941) 795-0887. MA#0017550.

    TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years
    experience. References available. For a reasonable
    price, call Sebastian, (941) 704-6719.

    AUTO DETAILING BY HAND Spotless inside and
    out. I can save you time and money. Island resident,
    references. For pricing, call (941) 713-5967.

    CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and
    commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, land-
    scaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured.
    (941) 778-5294.

    ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. If
    it is broken, we can fix it; Free estimates. Senior
    discount. Call (941) 778-2581 or 962-6238.

    native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup.
    Island resident 25 years. Call (941) 807-1015.

    CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING: Quality lawn landscape
    maintenance, shell, planting, clean-ups, palms
    trimmed. Free estimates. References, insured. Call
    (941) 778-2335 or 284-1568.

    stallation. Huge selection of plants, shrubs and
    trees. Irrigation. Everything Under the Sun Garden
    Centre, 5704 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941)

    DON'T FORGET! The Islander has "mullet" T-shirts.
    Stop in our office at 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes
    SBeach or order online www.islander.org.

    GORGEOUS SUNSETS over Palma Sola
    Bay from this elegant 5BR home. Offer-
    ing over 5,000 sf, elevator & 4-car ga-
    rage, luxurious pool area & boat dock,
    $3,500,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300
    or 685-6767. 507665

    front home with spacious eat-in
    kitchen, formal/informal living areas,
    fireplace & heated pool. $895,000.
    748-6300. Kathy Marcinko, 713-1100
    or Sandy Drapala, 725-0781. 507913

    REGAL WATERFRONT home with
    Tampa Bay views from every room,
    elevator & 6-car park. Private beach,
    dock & boat lift face the Skyway Bridge.
    :$2,249,000. Barbara-Jennings, 748-
    6300 or 773-0180. 504606

    SHAWS POINT Great 2BR/2BA ranch
    style home on a large lot with caged pool,
    circle drive & fenced backyard. This
    home has great potential. Owner/Agent.
    $309,000. Jason Suzor, 748-6300 or

    BAYFRONT 3-4BR/3BA pool home w/full views of Terra Ceia Bay. Private dock for 60
    ft. boat & 13,000 Ib lift. $1,495,000. Jody Shinn, 748-6300 or 705-5704. 506922
    CANALFRONT 3BR/5BA home w/large pool. Solarium above the garage. $1,300,000.
    748-6300. Judy LaValliere, 504-3792 or Ann DeBellevue, 720-7614. 504175
    REMODELED 4BR/4BA canal front home w/heated pool, spa, private dock & 2 boatlifts.
    $800,000. Victoria Horstmann, 518-1.278 or Joanne Jenkins, 228-7878. 503137
    DIRECT BAYFRONT LOT on Palma Sola Bay w/magnificent views. Property has adjoin-
    ing lot for $550,000. $750,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. 507879
    RIVERS RIDGE 3BR/1BA pool home w/wood floors, crown molding, fireplace, granite
    counters, courtyard & fishpond. $684,500. Jody Shinn, 748-6300 or 705-5704.507994
    BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME on this lot w/views of Palma Sola Bay. Being sold under
    recently appraised value. $550,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. 507880
    WATERFRONT HOMESITE overlooking Terra Ceia. Approx. 1.4-acres on serene aquatic
    preserves w/pond. $475,000. Ruth Lawler, 748-6300 or 587-4623.'507350
    LOCATION, LOCATION Large 3BR split plan home in The Crossings w/an enclosed
    Florida room. $288,000. Bill Stufflebeam, 748-6300 or 730-1858. 506283
    PROFESSIONALLY UPDATED 3BR/2BA pool home in Casa Del Sol. New kitchen,
    master bath & pool deck. $269,900. Elizabeth Gardini, 748-6300 or 356-0096. 507939
    --A" I A I_ A. A:t_4-145

    SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $35/yard. Hauling:
    all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free esti-
    mates. Call Larry at (941) 795-7775, "shell phone"
    (941) 720-0770.

    KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean-
    ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City
    of Anna Maria resident. Cell (941) 448-3857.

    installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residen-
    tial and commercial. 30-years experience. (941)

    STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Installs, clean-
    ups, shell, rock, palms, aquascapes, tree work.
    Truck for hire, move anything. Shark Mark (941)

    VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, inte-
    rior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island
    references. Dan or Bill, (941) 795-5100.

    contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed
    and insured. Many Island references. (941) 778-
    2993. License #CRC 035261.

    mates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at
    (941) 778-1730.

    CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island ser-
    vice since 1975. Repairs and new construction.
    Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certify-
    ing back flow at water meters. (FL#RF0038118)
    (941) 778-3924 or 778-4461.

    TILE TILE TILE. All variations of ceramic tile sup-
    plied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt,
    reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, (941)

    i1-od SoeflfjIn
    Ly~ r icenedRel stteBrke

    * Dedicated to service
    * Expertise in renovation
    and rehabilitation
    * Island, waterfront and
    area lifestyle specialist.
    Contact Amy at
    (941) 779-1811 for all of
    your REAL ESTATE needs!

    The JEWEL of Gu l
    The JEWEL of Gul

    f Coast Real Estate

    1501 Gulf Drive Norti h BradentonBeac

    ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remodel-
    ing, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens,
    baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519,
    #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting
    MasterCard/isa. (941) 720-0794.

    All phases of, carpentry, repairs and painting. In-
    sured. Member of Better Business Bureau. Paul
    Beauregard, (941) 779-2294.

    KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc.
    Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets
    and shutters. Insured and licensed, (941) 748-4711.

    TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed.
    Why pay retail? Island resident, many references.
    Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor
    Coverings. (941) 792-1367, or 726-1802.

    MASON: 27 YEARS of experience. All masonry
    work and repair. Cinderblock work, brick work, glass
    block work, paver and brick driveways. Call Chris,
    (941) 795-3034. License #104776. Insured.

    MORENO MARBLE & TILE Installation and restora-
    tion. Quality work. Over 20 years experience. In-
    sured. Call Javier at (941) 685-5163 or 795-6615.

    JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy-
    man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pres-
    sure washing and tree trimming. Call (941) 778-6170
    or 447-2198.

    STEVE'S REMODELING & repair service. Free es-
    timates, 35 years experience. (941) 795-1968.

    WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more.
    Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in-
    home consultation. Island references, 15 years ex-
    perience. (941) 778-3526 or 730-0516.

    K S 0 -8448

    BAN (800)778i c.] ^ lb __________

    Avoid Remodeling
    From the roof in 2003 to the new
    appliances this month, this 2BR/
    2BA home is like new. Just move
    in and avoid the remodeling
    drudgery. Great Village Green
    location. IB507867.

    6016 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton
    (941) 751-1155 (800) 778-8448
    Visit our Web site at www.floridamoves.com

    RA@sotherhbysrealty. comN

    BRADENTON BEACH. Whimsical bayfront
    paradise just one block from Gulf. Artisan details
    thru out, boat dock, new seawall, Indonesian
    courtyard, pool with waterfall, sep. guest quarters,
    circular stairways,360-degree water views from office
    hide-away. MAR #505567 Offered at $2,590,000

    ,- 1
    S l i

    HOLMES BEACH. Brand new island-style home
    with deeded boat slip, open design, custom finishes, 3
    BR, 2 BA, tropical pool. Close to bay beaches, dining
    and shopping. Completion in 3 months. SAR
    #273743 Offered at $814,000

    Virtual Tours & Photos



    KEY ROYALE. Million dollar bay panoramrn can be
    yours! Take advantage is this incredible Annri a3r.,
    Island opportunity. Full bay view lot in ver> de iLe able
    community. Fully landscaped and ready lor re.v
    custom home. Boat dock allowed; MAR n505818
    Offered at $1,890,500

    SeSARASOTA. H,. rr
    j residence with rI.:i
    .- '- '3 of charm and
    character,3 bed-
    rooms, updat-ed
    wood floors,
    high ceilings,
    2 porches,
    ; -.' ';., .- S private
    setting, replace, 2-cargarage with
    French doors could beartist's studio
    or office. Fabulous location near
    Siesta Key beaches! SAR #270393
    Offered at $619,000


    Terry Hayes'

    R A Y:'' .... . ..a s
    b y ,,',-^. '' "
    L REALTY ..

    --- ---- ----- -- ---111

    PAGE 28 M MAY 4, 2005 M THE ISLANDER

    HOEIPOVMN oniud Y .RNALSCotiue

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    MacCaughern. Repairs, renovations, kitchens, bath-
    rooms, decks. Masonry, tile, painting. 30 years ex-
    perience. Yes, I do show up! (941) 778-3904.

    RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal.
    Wedebrock Real Estate Co., (941) 778-6665 or
    (800) 749-6665.

    VACATION RENTALS: 2BR apartments across
    from beautiful beach, $375 to $500/week. Winter
    Sand spring dates available. Almost Beach Apart-
    ments, (941) 778-2374.

    -VACATION & SEASONAL Private beach. Units are
    complete. Rates seasonally adjusted. $425-$975/
    week, $975-$2,975/month. (800) 977-0803 or (941)
    737-1121. www.abeachview.com.

    POOL HOME AVAILABLE for vacation let. Near
    Holmes Beach, 3BR/2BA with all amenities. Man-
    aged by Coastal Properties Realty, (941) 794-1515.
    CORTEZ COTTAGE fully furnished, nice breezy,
    quiet area. Seasonal, $900/month, $500/week,
    $100/night. (941) 778-8168 or 794-5980.
    SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR (two
    master suites)/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to
    beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/dryer,
    garage, designer furnished with tropical yard setting.
    One of the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/weekly or
    $6,000/monthly. Call 713-0034 or e-mail:

    NEW FURNISHED 2BR/2BA 55-plus, across from
    beach. Furnished. Annual $1,150/month, seasonal
    $2,200/month. (941) 725-1074.

    SEASONAL HOLMES BEACH: 1BR duplex avail-
    able March 2005. Steps to beach and shopping.
    Refurbished and nicely decorated. Small pet OK.
    Accepting 2006 reservations. (941) 807-5626.

    WEEKLY RENTALS: SAN Remo condo, 1BR/1BA,
    $500/week; Alecassandra villa, 1 BR/1BA, $700/week;
    island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; Northwest Bradenton
    home, 3BR/3BA, $950/week; Gulffront cottage, 2BR,
    $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach Club, 2BR/2BA,
    $1,400/week. Please call Cristin Curl at Wagner Re-
    alty, (941) 778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com.

    1 BA with breathtaking sunsets. Pools, Jacuzzi, walk
    to shops and restaurants. Available weekly,
    monthly, seasonal. (901) 301-8299 or e-mail
    captko462 @ aol.com.

    WE ARE BOOKING rentals for 2006. Wide variety
    of condos/houses starting at $1,500/month. Annual
    rental 2405 Avenue B, 2BR/2BA, $1,000/month;
    Perico Bay Club, 2BR/2BA, villa, pool, tennis,
    $1,200/month; townhouse with garage, $1,500/
    month. SunCoast Real Estate, (941) 779-0202.

    PERICO BAY CLUB Villa: Available now. 2BR/2BA
    two-car garage, nicely furnished, sunny end unit.
    Close to Anna Maria beaches and stores. Owner,
    (941) 387-9702.
    GULFFRONT VACATION Rental: Anna Maria
    Beach, two 3BR apartments, fully equipped.
    Porches, sundecks, tropical setting. Immaculate!
    Owner, (941) 778-3143.
    YEARLY RENTALS: Half duplex, 2BR/1BA, washer/
    dryer hookup, carport, $900/month; 3BR/2BA, washer/
    dryer hookup, $950/month; 2BR/2BA, $725/month. No
    pets. Dolores Baker Realty, (941) 778-7500.

    ANNUAL RENTALS: 3BR/1BA, Anna Maria, $875/
    month; 2BR/2BA Gulffront condo, $2,000/month. Call
    Fran Maxon Real Estate, (941) 778-2307 for details.

    RENTALS RENT fast when you advertise in The

    ANNUAL: 2BR/2BA elevated duplex in Bradenton
    Beach, one block to beach. High ceilings, clean, no
    pets. $900/month. (941) 778-4665 or 725-2549.
    F off 31st Street. Annual lease. Nonsmoking, no
    pets. Ideal for one or two people. $900/month, plus
    utilities. Owner, (800) 894-1950.
    FULLY FURNISHED: Ready to move in. 1BR/1BA
    near Bradenton Beach. $750/month, utilities in-
    cluded. Six-month lease, first, last and deposit. Call
    Jackie, (941) 929-7165.

    CLOSE TO BEACH, 2BR/2BA elevated, clean, no
    pets. Annual $800/month. Also available seasonal
    $2,000/month, three-month minimum. (941) 779-1112.

    NORTH LONGBOAT BEACH cottage. Low sum-
    mer vacation rates. 2BR/2BA with screened porch
    and patio. Sparkling condition, walk to beach. (941)
    STEPS TO BEACH, Large 1BR/2BA, washer/dryer,
    kitchen, telephone, cable, courtyard. No pool. $1,695/
    month, $495/week. www.gulfdriveapartments.com or
    (941) 778-1098.

    ANNUAL RENTAL unfurnished. Spectacular water-
    front view. Huge living/dining area, floor-to-ceiling
    plate-glass windows and 30-by-12-foot screened
    deck, fronting beach-bay and park steps away with
    Gulf beach in easy walking distance. Free trolley for
    shopping nearby. Waterfront, north Anna Maria.
    3BR. $1,400/month. (941) 748-5334.

    BRADENTON BEACH Annual: 2BR/1BA, steps to
    beach, big yard, laundry, pets welcome! $950/
    month, plus utilities. 22nd Street and Avenue C.
    (216) 469-2857.

    JUST MOVING? Looking for real estate? Stay here
    while you find your dream home or complete your
    own renovation. Six-month lease available. Newly-, .
    remodeled Anna Maria 3BR/2BA home with large
    two-car garage. Close to beach, shopping and
    Anna Maria Island Community Center. $2,500/
    month. (941) 345-7002.

    ANNUAL: 2BR/1BA. 2818-A Gulf Drive, Holmes
    Beach. $800/month, plus first, last, security. (941)
    CANALFRONT: 20-foot dock, summer vacation
    rental. One-week minimum. $550/week or $2,000/
    month. (941) 778-5793.
    PERICO BAY CLUB: 2BR/2BA bayfront condo. Light
    and bright, community pools, tennis, guarded gate
    and assigned covered parking. Annual. $1,400/
    month. Call. Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066.
    06 season. Price adjusted to time frame. Ask me
    about six-month fee. (941) 778-5793.
    HOLMES BEACH 2BR/1.5BA duplex. Close to the
    beach, carport, washer/dryer and enclosed Florida
    room. Annual, $1,100/month. Call Island Real Es-
    tate, (941) 778-6066.

    .: ,. :

    "Copyrighted Material

    .Syndicated Contentp ^

    Available from Commercial News Providers"





    ANNUAL 2BR/2BA ELEVATED duplex in Holmes
    Beach, one block from beach. $950/month plus utili-
    ties, no pets. First, last month, plus security. Refer-
    ences. Call Ed, (860) 227-5142.
    HOLMES BEACH 1BR/1BA apartment. Recently
    updated, steps to beach. Annual. $700/month. Call
    Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066.

    CORDOVA VILLA: 2BR/2BA with wood floor, mod-
    ern pool, clubhouse. Close to beach, pets OK.
    $950/month, including water/cable. (941) 780-3109
    or 758-7571.

    2BA. Available May and June respectively. Annual
    $850 or $1,050/month, water/garbage included.
    (941) 360-0618. http://ed.goff.tripod.com/51 A.htm.

    2BR/2BA HOLMES BEACH: one-and-half-blocks to
    beach. Large kitchen, dishwasher, disposal, micro-
    wave, washer/dryer, central air, lanai, pool and fans
    in each room. $950/month, plus utilities. Available
    now through January. (941) 778-3104.

    availability now through 2006. Duncan Real Estate,
    (941) 779-0304.

    ANNUAL: ELEVATED 2BR/2BA duplex, tile, fans,
    vaulted ceiling, skylights, porch, washer/dryer
    hookup, large storage room. Steps to park and
    beach. $900/month. Nonsmoking, please. (239)
    822-6680 or (239) 945-3493.

    with two-car garage in Coral Shores. $1,550/month,
    includes lawn care. (815) 351-5052.
    ANNUAL RENTAL; West Bradenton furnished
    2BR/2BA ground-floor unit. Washer/dryer, pool,
    lanai. Nonsmoking. Small pet OK. 10 minutes to
    beach. $800/month. (941) 778-4225.
    S SUMMER VACATION Rentals: 2BR/2BA Palma
    iSola'townhouge with boat dock, $499/week; Perico
    Bay 2BA/2BA -villa, $1,200/month. Real Estate
    Mart, (941) 756-1090.
    SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals.
    1BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to beach,
    shopping, restaurants. (941) 778-3875. Web site

    level with parking underneath. Views of Gulf and
    bay from large covered balconies. This property has
    great investment potential. Top floor has wood ca-
    thedral ceilings, open-floor plan, tile and oak floor-
    ing. $795,000. (941) 778-3875.

    CANALFRONT HOME: 3BR/2BA in Flamingo Cay.
    Two-car garage, caged/heated pool, boat lift and
    davits. Great waterfront community convenient to
    everything. $669,000..(941) 761-8407.




    KEY WEST-STYLE pool home: Renovated 3BR/
    2BA with deeded boat slip. Lush tropical landscape,
    brick-paver deck and patio, privacy fence, screened
    lanai and hot tub. Interior features include open-floor
    plan, cathedral ceilings, terra cotta tile, wood floor-
    ing, gas fireplace, new kitchen with stainless-steel
    appliances and maple cabinets. Many custom fea-
    tures. Turnkey furnished in island decor. $679,900.
    By appointment only. (941) 518-9275. Web site

    HOLMES BEACH CONDO: 2BR/2BA. For sale by
    owner. (813) 285-1801. Principals only.

    WEST OF GULF Drive, eight homes from beach.
    Large 2BR/2BA home, master with den/study and
    bath has whirlpool tub with separate shower. Guest
    bedroom has a bay view. Elevator, furnished, lots of
    storage, low maintenance yard with room for a pool
    and much more! 140 50th St., Holmes Beach.
    $699,500. (941) 388-5238 or 778-3203.

    condo with great Gulf view. Totally remodeled in 2004.
    For sale by owner, (941) 545-5870. Principals only.

    on Anna Maria Island, next to historic Bradenton
    Beach Pier. Central air/heat, 10-by-24-foot
    screened lanai, steps to beach. 55-plus. Asking
    $54,900. (716) 572-2484.

    VILLAGE GREEN Villa. 2,000-sf 2BR/2BA. Large
    lanai. Upgraded throughout. Lakefront, pool back.
    $284,900. Call (941) 792-9192.
    LONGBOAT KEY: Great value. North end, quaint
    village. 3BR/2BA, two-car garage. 400-sf master
    suite, cathedral ceiling. Under the stars hot tub.
    Steps to Sarasota Bay. $649,900. Call Fred Flis
    direct, Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090.

    RIVERVIEW LANDINGS by owner: Manatee's most
    "desired neighborhood, northwest Bradenton, walk
    to beach, state park and river. Dazzling, executive
    custom 4BR/4BA with 5,300 sf under roof. Solar/
    gas, pool/spa, fireplace. 2002 renovation top/bot-
    tom, in/out. Soaring ceiling, open floor plan.
    $769,000. 2378 Landings Circle. (941) 792-2247.
    Broker protected.

    SHADY BROOK townhouse 2BR/2.5BA. Lanai,
    pool. Near Holiday Inn Airport-Marina in Bradenton.
    $134,900. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090.

    CANALFRONT HOME with boat dock: 3BR/2BA
    with two-car garage in Coral Shores, 1,600 sf. New
    roof. $539,000. (815) 351-5052.

    PALMA SOLA Bay 2BR/2BA newly remodeled fur-
    nished townhouse. Pool and boat slip. Real Estate
    Mart, $342,000. (941) 756-1090.

    ONLINE SERVICE: Did you know you can place
    classified ads and subscribe online with our secure
    server? Check it out at www.islander.org.

    DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance.
    We accept ads by fax with credit card information, 778-9392, at our Web site (secure server) www.islander.org, and by
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    THE ISLANDER N MAY 4, 2005 N PAGE 29

    A -A. .

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    Just visiting|V

    Te lander
    SINCE 1992
    Don't leave the Island
    without taking time to
    subscribe. You'll get ALL
    the best news, delivered
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    week. Visit us at 5404
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    Holmes Beach or call
    Online edition:


    Bulldozers, Backhoes,
    Loaders, Dump Trucks,
    Graders, Scrapers,
    Next class: May 9
    *National Certification
    Financial Assistance
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    Associated Training Services

    PAGE 30 n MAY 4, 2005 U THE ISLANDER

    FLORID CA S F 9- A 5ES

    views and mountain streams in high elevation be-
    tween Boone and Asheville. Tracts range one to five
    acres with access and utilities from $49,900. (800)
    455-1981, ext. 148.

    VIEWS VIEWS VIEWS: Helena, Montana. 4.7
    acres $79,990. Ride out your back door to mil-
    lions of acres of national forest! Awesome lake
    and mountain views, close to Canyon Ferry Lake.
    Minutes to Helena. Soils tested, utilities, ready to
    build on. Call owner (888) 770-2240.

    FORECLOSED GOVERNMENT Homes. $0 or low
    down! Tax repos and bankruptcies! No credit OK. $0
    to low down. For listings (800) 501-1777, ext. 1299.

    LAKEFRONT BARGAINS Starting at $89,900. Gor-
    geous lakefront parcels. Gently sloping, pristine
    shoreline, spectacular views. Across from national
    forest on 35,000-acre recreational lake in east Ten-
    nessee. Paved roads, underground utilities, central
    water, sewer, Excellent financing. Call now (800)
    704-3145, ext. 617, Sunset Bay LLC.

    COASTAL GEORGIA: Water access marshfront
    homesites. Gated community, tennis, golf,
    kayaking, canoeing. Preconstruction discounts, lim-
    ited time. From mid-70s. (877) 266-7376.

    SOUTH GEORGIA. Coastal property three-plus
    acres of deepwater ocean access from $345/month!
    Ready to build in gated community with many
    amenities. Near St. Simon's and Jacksonville. Call
    now! (877) 426-2326, ext 853. (Monthly payments
    of $344.57 based on $79,900 with 10 percent down.
    Interest only payment. With 5.75 percent fixed rate
    for two years. Converts to a 15-year variable loan.
    Rates subject to change without notice. Void where

    :7:7 IV

    An 'slan Plapce

    Reslty Inc

    there is cool mountain air, views, stream, homes,
    cabins, acreage. Call for free brochure of Mountain
    Property Sales. (800) 642-5333. Realty of Murphy.
    317 Peachtree St., Murphy, N.C. 28906.

    REAL ESTATE AUCTION! 10am Saturday, May
    14, Lake Placid, Fla. Development potential. 43+/-
    acres in nine platted parcels, three absolute! 33+/-
    acres currently grove Preview noon-4pm Saturday,
    May 7. (800) 257-4161 www.higgenbotham.com
    Higgenbotham Auctioneers M.E. Higgenbotham,
    CAl FL Lic #AU305/AB158.

    GRAND OPENING! Saturday-Sunday, May 21-22
    Ocala/Gainesville area. 20 acres from $195,000.
    100 acres from $450,000. New semi-private gated
    community featuring parcels with frontage on the
    Wacassassa River. Gorgeous woodlands teeming
    with deer and turkey. Save $10,000. Plus get up to
    $10,000 toward closing costs! Great financing, little
    down. Call toll-free (866) 352-2249 ext. 436, or

    GUADALUPE RIVERFRONT! Spectacular wide
    riverfronts on prime Texas hill country location. 10-
    32 acres with lots of water frontage, huge trees,
    panoramic views. From $300s to $400s. Limited
    number available, call now before they're gone.
    (800) 609-7042, ext. 110.

    GOLF-VIEW- BARGAIN! $198/month. Nicely
    wooded homesite in upscale golf community in the
    Carolina mountains between Asheville, N.C., and
    Greenville, S.C. A sanctioned Golf Digest teaching
    facility, Call toll-free (866) 334-3253, ext. 863.
    www.cherokeevalleysc.com. Price: $49,900, 10
    percent down, balance finance 12 months at 4.49
    percent fixed, one-year balloon, OAC.

    SELL it fast with an ad in The Islander.

    CONt Original owner's back
    UFij g unit overlooking the large
    lake and wildlife area on
    Perico Island! Beautiful
    .. 2BR/2BA condo has
    @ p.r i .~ wat!e--view.syin. o
    ^-'I-: ....... -\.-.. ;342,000 ". *- ", .
    Call me for your buying and selling needs! I'

    Sue Carlson
    at An Island Place Realty r BB T The Terrace -This beautiful 2bed/2bath turnkey town home is just 100
    D yards to the beach and has no rental restrictions! With a pool, 3 decks,
    941 -720-2242 and peeks of the gulf this unit has great income potential. $459,000
    411 Pine Ave Anna Maria .' Call Jesse Brisson at (941) 713-4755 for more info


    ~r,, ~ 7

    LAY-Z LIV-N Your place in the sun! Light and
    bright island style turnkey furnished 2BR
    condo, one block from the beach. Beautiful
    pool and low condo fees. $289,000. Contact
    Nicole Skaggs at 941-778-4800.

    DON'T MISS THIS ONE! Completely remod-
    eled island duplex. 3BR/2BA on both sides.
    Beautiful ceramic tile throughout this breezy
    floorplan. Kitchens and baths newly updated,
    too. Turnkey and already rented for the sea-
    son. $1,400,000. Call Dave Jones at


    BRIDGEPORT Furnished 2BR/2BA unit.
    Heated pool and extra storage. Just steps
    from the white sandy beaches, shopping and
    dining. Gulf view at $475,000. Elevator ac-
    cess. Contact Cindy Grazer at (941)

    FOR THE FUN OF LIFE or an investment. 1BR/
    1 BA condo, lovingly updated last year, ready to use
    or rent this year. New kitchen, new tile floors. Bal-
    cony overlooking pool. Comes fumished, ready to
    move in. Weekly rentals allowed. Resort atmo-
    sphere, close to the beach. $325,000. Call Denny
    Rauschl at 725-3934.

    RARE COMMERCIAL LOT, perfect location
    for doctor or lawyer's office or small retail
    center. Zoned PRM $320,000. Call Cindy
    Grazar at 778-4800 or 504-6176.

    9 S-o~s'-

    TRIPLE TREASURE Breezy, beachy income
    producing triplex across from the beach. Up-
    stairs, a cozy 1BR/1BA with great reading
    porch and massive sun deck. Downstairs are
    two 2BR/1BA unit'. Ample parking, tons of
    Mexican tile, newer kitchens and baths. A
    must see $659 000 Call Nicole Skaggs, at
    778-4800 or 795-5704

    LOOKING FOR MOUNTAIN Property? Gated com-
    munity near Hot Springs, N.C. Spectacular view and
    river homesites. Clubhouse, paved roads and more!
    Call (866) 411-5263, Bear River Lodge.

    LAND WANTED: Land Investment company seeks
    large acreage in Florida and Georgia. Interested in
    waterfront, timber, and agricultural, lands. Must have
    road frontage or good access. Cash buyer with
    quick closings. Call _(877) 426-2326 or e-mail:
    landyetiveg @aol.com.

    FIVE MINUTES to Greenbrier Resort mountain bar-
    gains 20 acres and up www.liveinwv.com.

    from $24,900. 6.5-acre lot $59,900. 27-acre lake
    estate $124,900. Cabins available. Call toll-free
    (866) 770-5263, ext. 8, for details.

    STEEL BUILDINGS: Factory deals Save $$$. 40
    by 66 to 100 by 200 foot. Example, 50 by 100 by 12
    = $3.60 sf. (800)6 58-2885. www.rigidbuilding.com.

    TIME SHARE RENTALS and resale rent or own
    dream vacations, great location and prices. Super
    deals in Mexico. Global Resort Services, (800) 736-
    8250 www.globalresortservices.com.

    MARCO ISLAND Beachfront condos and waterfront
    homes for rent/ sale. Enjoy the peace and quiet of
    a small island. Century 21 First Southern, (800).
    255-9487; www.c21 marco.com.

    W i.s 111.0rgl

    Spectacular Interior Updates
    No detail was over-
    looked in this 3BR/
    2BA island home!
    This home offers
    awesome granite
    counters, beautiful
    ` travertine natural
    stone floors, all new
    appliances, paint, furniture, landscaping and much
    more! And, it's all less than a block to the beach! Call
    today for an appointment. $649,900.

    Kimberly L. Clark, P.A.
    Sales Associate Realtor
    KimberlyClark_realtor' yahoo.com
    fGulf-Bay Realty
    S K ii s ,*'*. 0 ,'^-,: i' .' i :.
    R 5309 Gulf Drive
    Holmes Beach

    p U-- -

    Top Producing Realtor
    Toll Free 1-866-587-8559

    CHARMING ISLAND HOME: Nicely updated elevated home
    with open porch and wrap-around balcony. 2-4 car garage,
    paver-tile drive. Just steps to the beach!
    Only $529,000.
    OVER $100,000 In UPGRAive Gulf views from
    gorgeous condo. .OV each and bayside
    p z.\e, Only $849,000
    er appraised value).
    AFFORDABLE BEACH/BAY CONDO: Ground floor end unit
    in Gulf to bay complex, close to pool. 2BR/2BA with
    redesigned kitchen. Amenities: Private beach, heated pool,
    clubhouse, bayside patio and fishing pier. Walk to shops
    and restaurants. Low fees. A bargain at $345,000.
    DIRECT GULF VIEW BARGAIN: Upstairs 2BR/2BA condo
    with awesome Gulf views in Gulf to bay complex in Bradenton
    Beach. Association owns the beach iin front.
    Only $450,000.


    ......-~ I.



    ~6~BT 5 ~ii~P

    THE ISLANDER U MAY 4, 2005 U PAGE 31

    Sra W F L a o4' 7 Total Isla I 1Properties F1 Sale: 209
    -. --. --:-, .... ....... "-.. ..- ......... .- --.-........-.. .......................- -_-9,. -'----- A.a : El---ota l h ole n ivedsing :-. 1 M edi ..an C PBe...ui -_:.-.l.. _
    SSPRR, Condo, Dupler)t Median Pdce: $79o,000
    -5 Total Pending: 132* Median Price: $647,000
    :Total Sl.d Siinc 1/ /05:1:36 Median Price: $56 00

    aid Seasonal Rentals

    4 i Gu"trA- eat

    S 4005 4TH AVE. 40034THAVE. 40045THAVE. 4006 5TH AVE.
    ..... -6-7777

    The Jewel in the crown completes the most successful residentiallinvestment development in the Island's history. Pre-construction prices with
    I -- permanent financing available for qualified buyers. These magnificent 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom Villas feature: expansive great rooms with fire-

    111? places, hardwood floors, gourmet kitchens with granite finish, elevator and private swimming pool. A half block to public beach, restaurants,
    o n t fo rg et boutiques and market with partial Gulf and bay views. $1,250,000.
    0 G O--4 -- -.. .-. ..-.'

    3224 East Bay Drive
    Holmes Beach
    (941) 778-0700

    No wonder in 34 years of

    International Real Estate, I have

    never had a property not sell!

    Island Aussie'
    Geoffrey Wall, G.R.I. P.A.
    (941) 545-0206

    Buy Me!

    One' half block to bay and Gulf. Walk
    to all the trendy restaurants and bou-
    tiques. Room for pool.

    'H ".A g "'I


    - ..

    ELEVATOR AND POOL! ::F: 3 58'. land
    coand.:I I ud;H -ig I tic,:lh rea granite ider bol
    o:.ri, screened polio melarl roof l.rnd'::pe
    *prinkler 2, e.lm and a r.t.o car qaraqe No
    *e-rpeirte p.aried fr i.H; Lordo' "II H qi.al.r,
    bulih and ver; lu. 5080 i5

    NtW 25RK/2BA LUNUU on ihc th.\Unaree
    R..er rin .jc' .. d o,,c r, Bradienlon t.\an, arrimerii
    ie'. ncl.diding heald pool ele..oor ..-parii
    atcrage gate sciurir, oand hir. .:erier
    3.:27' :0 t.[LS# 5-0J-27

    BEAUTIFUL AND NEW. Great lo.:ait.,rn ,,:lIe QUAINT ISLAND COTTAGE: CLue inm.de
    c'. the beach and on a large lot 28P 26P,. ne.' Berber .:orpet ne.. k.i.:hen and appli
    ricel, updated nie.. siding ne. roof ne e.' ances a rmur jsee CIlo:e to beaches or en
    I 30. mph mnpac. ...indo'..s ne-.- hard..ood Io ihe large :.:reeined porch and shad,'back
    floor and ne.. carpet Open flocr plan yard ..,th roori for a pool $499 000 MtLS#
    $625 0 0C. r.tLSn 5':'l7C'0 5051 l'


    28R 2B6 home ith a r.o.-cor garage iustl
    one ho,'e frnom open end of ':nal Do.:k lei

    JM inir.r.c C..ni I th huge back ,ard
    ud .ld up for great .'ie.. c

    t il. l.
    ,,-.i,, ?; .LS 505142r

    brand ne 3BR 2 5B
    parltil and tlher; ...iih
    '- GIlf i fler corriplelion i
    ih.r.,iti.; WILL BE INCREASED
    $.2 50u 000
    ,,,' ,,: .""_
    -r._- -.. -

    l.. i roc,,n tor a pool
    If Ihe Ba :,' 879 000

    -. .

    ,IrA,;. 1-"t

    .- .. .

    : l ,, ? .

    ATE R
    A unr
    h Jdre
    n l.\
    Nc, ..

    NEAT, CLEAN, CUTE HOME ....ih knorr, pine
    interior '.oall: greol lorno plus carport && ul.l
    it, room ne..' r.:..f 2001 Ipi.: & pan ir,
    ide6 ',ou mul ..ee ,o.'ll lo.e ,i! prritine
    condition $ i 29 000 MILS# 504.139

    LUWtlS PKILtU LANALrKUNI home on II-,e
    ilond Thi 28R '2BA home ;n Sea.,ide Gar-
    dens ii neal and :lear lurnke, furnished v.,ith
    . ailier and drner Pr..ate dock has room for
    tv..o bo3at Great home or rental $479 0300
    M.LS# 505983

    li. ;omne ..iih street from the beachih.38R 2 5Bi .. ith a haI 3BP 3Ba and. ,- is steps to the beach
    cl -e:. o at the r..o.car garage Se.:jrir, ,'iiem and porile Gorqeous .ie'-. of ihe Gulf and, Bay from the
    , 2005 PRICES .le.ator Beac:h frnit acc:es and lurnkey, fur top deck Ne...l, remodeled ft.aster bedroom
    S. $1 20) 000i0- ni.hed $.195 C'000 I.mL. 50'.128 ha; Gul ie.. and marble hr-plce oand both
    ho0 m- arble floor ..'rth .h.:.'.er and fireplace
    n l..rnq area 11 0 00 (t ALS# 98602
    "- -" .- .. ...- _: .-'r 2 .."_;J -. .-- -. ;. -," -.- --,; --'..

    SUPERB DUPLEX on- block to ihe beah
    Compleiel, renc,.oled 2BR. 28 Bon each s de
    .1 .1 1 f ..1 .. ,

    .'.ith garage parking Beautifull, tflrnHhed
    and o'.- ma.nienance $689 000 t.LSn
    50i 168

    Mcl Paiiq l

    Chir Sh a

    h,,loric Bridlrq Slreel in Bra.denion Beach
    Corner r I.it ..i, ihbeachiron ,. iev.'.i and pleriry
    of parkin. Ha; 28R I BA oaprlmeni
    up'.tairi .A. Ith Gulf ie.. Price I ir business nMjnIrn Trtnthiri
    and real esiale $1 995 000 ''
    ftILSu50386 6
    -'. . .. "
    ...... :..1 ... -- .. -, -" -, .-, ,, -, .- --.

    FI a-, D.-1


    Rikhard FiLcmnj,

    I I I

    Jip hrinl

    'Tom Ndsuri
    r I .i11 .11I


    ~ US~IWG


    I '--



    PAGE 32 E MAY. 4, 2005 N THE ISLANDER

    * *

    . .



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    2217 GULF DR. N.
    (941) 778-2246
    (800) 211-2323

    e-mail: ami@wagnerrealty.com
    9 www.wagnerrealty.com

    ealltiid lepeii of tfie w1 Week
    REAL ISLAND LIVING! Light and bright living area, featur-
    ing 17-foot ceilings and clerestory windows. Opens to a large
    screened deck overlooking pool surrounded by lush tropical
    landscaping. Bedrooms walkout to private decks. The
    grounds are surrounded by an 8-foot privacy fence and walk-
    ways wander through Florida plantings. Deeded boat dock
    only steps away. Karen Day, 778-2246. #507772. $849,000.
    ;;V, '

    A RARE FIND! Ann.:, I.1.aria ,u Fron hI.i SPECTACULAR RENOVATION Li.:.a:-d o:r a SNEAD ISLAND RIVERFRONT 5..a:,, :.
    Beck Sn ilh .,r Ell i l rr ll _4-- 4 : 3r. l ..Il-ih p, rhlil L.a ,' .ie.'s. 1 : : I ,ir-- w14i D :. Irna linr -r Fl:,r,:i in Qu l
    #'049'0 8 ._ in 00 rn.-m .*..ill .te31Jur -IBR 4. A.BA "T ,rand 1....w ; r is pn ,. 11 in r ,-. I .l rnil-. Ri. r Triu.
    'n marn r.-irnenli .e K.irn Da .--. 1.'4 .: -r..-,] J inrr-p.- : I Cr e- i Fl o d 8.10 San.:l,'
    #50: 7- Pr -.:ner.:.r li. n 1 I00I '- Harrn.'r. 7'22.1 3-7 #ii 74 1,7 1 '.1 500 0'.

    /,i~~ka -~i I

    FABULOUS GULF VIEWS! Prnim luin i-.li
    4 n,. 1 inl o l,-rin, .p 5: .-1i u Il''r pl, ilh .al-
    irn i i.'l'i n r-,r .a l -r i a r W 3 1 -.n .:1-: :.1r in r -
    'placr In o t.a'3.:nie 6 ., .1:;nrha 77&-
    wj6. #51j7 333 I.7 O'. i

    HEMAHKABLE DUPLEX HOUME E,- 'C--Lir .:.,v.ri
    Si end~r .r I.- r~, rE ilni ?B lp E~rAJr~l cwr-r
    ,idE. and e.- I BR 2.4 UL'dai~j %air 12.
    incri Wde,'Aidflaw: iE .E-virc.Aardio co'.3riC'
    aitic-ners 1 ir lrarage Tvc- n rI iryri LE3ri
    Jane Tinc 76n1. --31 C ij n50,r4283 $59Q.1-101.

    FABULOUS ISLAND DUPLEX 1j."iJ, rem%-d-
    .eld HIrlmn: P~-a'h Jupl-. -'B 1E4 Ea.:h
    i.- c:lio I, eel-..i'. A reri d Ii -n annual
    lenanl B lurnrlhi J perl~-I: ,isla.r rcElill
    Owsinr Agrin Jay H-eaderty 722:'7P.I,
    p501 3r.1 $588.CC,0

    ANNA MARIA CONDO P.;r1iA iault 3rd ri, HOLMES BEACH BUNGALUW Carrrnrol
    - Cwnii e r'rI ni, icr Cml r i,n .Eor 'BH ..84'A e 3-h n ~~Brigti .n- ;.jriri.,
    lurrk.,- lrhi m d, rEnt-iF aired Scr,?uldLI wonlcjiope~'n iwor pwIai ndcarp-ri 'om rilri to~
    Apprrreirn ni 1 Q)'IV JBR B2B LauriE Pii : B iear n- a near ::ppirr ani r.5Laur3fis
    Dwamn V1N6 00656 $15 90) Sn, Greek 7NON PQTK9iWO &K


    frilgin& Peopkl eRame Since 193
    -3 "I

    -- ..._. _.~.. i


    ,-. */ -.

    - *

    O Q
