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Skimming the news ... Anna Maria Island map in this edition, page 16. T Anna Maria Islander "The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992"" www.islander.org Volume 13, No. 25 April 20, 2005.* FREE Deadline approaching, commissioners backtrack By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Anna Maria is facing a June 1 deadline to pass a stormwater utility fee ordinance and agree on an annual fee, but at the city commission's April workshop ses-. sion on the fee, it looked like the city may have taken a backward step. Commissioners had "favored an $80 annual stormwater fee (called an environmental resource unit) per single-family home at their March 3 meeting, and had previously agreed to pass.the ordinance first, then delve into what projects should have priority. But April 11, commissioners were again discuss- BIG OOPS! State officials say 'No' to beachfront development By Paul Roat Five years of approvals, denials, court approvals and court rejections apparently have all been for naught in Bradenton Beach regarding a controversial Gulffront development. The Florida Department of Community Affairs has rejected a court-ordered project of two duple\es in ithe 1400 block of Gulf Drive because the application does not meet the city's comprehensive plan requirements. In other words, what the developers asked for in the first place was the wrong thing to request. The project, by developers Island Inc. and Beach Development Inc., apparently will have to begin the process anew. DCA planner D. Ray Eubanks wrote to the city that the court-mandated change "does not qualify as a small- scale amendment due to the medium-density residential land-use category exceeding 10 dwelling units per gross acre." Although the proposed project is less than the zon- ing category, land use planners base their opinions on what could be built, not what is proposed to be built. "The letter from DCA appears to indicate that the proposed development does not meet state criteria for small-scale land use amendments and was, for that rea- son, rejected," said Greg Hootman, an attorney who PLEASE SEE PLAN, NEXT PAGE ing the fee, how it should be based and what projects should be done with the revenue. Commissioner Dale Woodland. one of the authors of the stormwater fee plan, said that after talking with city residents, he was "concerned" that the fee "would be an additional tax burden on our residents." He asked for input .lot-to-exceed" limit of the annual fee, and suggcs ,'o0. That's a lower amount than what had been agreed upon previously because "you know we're going to get grant money" for drain- ,age projects, predicted Woodland. Not to be outdone, Commissioner Carol Ann Magill said $60 is "a lot of money for someone on a limited income. I would like to see a special senior homestead exemption and those who qualify would be exempt" from paying the annual fee. She said her research has found about 30 people who would fall into this category. "We won't losethat much and we have to protect senior citizens." Commission consensus was to have the "not-to- exceed" limit at $60, although Woodland added "we'll try to do it for $50." Commissioners also discussed setting the .ERU- against the total lot coverage of a parcel for a single-fam- PLEASE SEE STORMWATER, NEXT PAGE Practice extinguishing flames practice makes perfect Anne Klasing and her fellow residents'at Shell Point condominiums in Holmes Beach are learning how to put out afire with help from West Manatee Fire and Rescue District Inspector Tom Soleau. WMFR firefighters Chris O'Kelly and Aaron Yax are assisting with the fire. The condo residents were coached in the proper use offire extinguishers, including a practice session putting out flames Tuesday. Islander Photo: J.L. Robertson Island beach renourishment expected in June By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter The emergency beach renourishment project for Anna Maria Island planned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers should begin in June, Manatee County Eco- systems Manager Charlie Hunsicker told the Holmes Beach City Commission April 12. Prior to the start of the project, however, Hunsicker needs permission from each of the three Island city commissions to allow heavy equipment on the beach and to operate around the clock. Hunsicker also asked the Holmes Beach commission for permission for the Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch organization to oper- ate an ATV on the beach during renourishment. While emergency renourishment is a Corps project, Manatee County is the local sponsor, Hunsicker said. That's why he's appearing before the various commissions for approval. At the same time, however, Hunsicker pledged that the sand brought up will be the best sand possible and similar, if not the same, to the 2002 beach renourishment sand. The Corps had originally proposed to just use the 2002 borrow pit for sand, but Hunsicker and Manatee County did a new survey of the bottom off the north- west corner of the Island.. "It's a good thing we did," said Hunsicker.. The survey found the sand had shifted considerably after four hurricanes passed through the area last year, and was not the same quality as it was in 2002. Hunsicker's study found a new, better area for sand and the Corps will supply that data and location to the con- tractor. The Corps will maintain a continuous watch on the sand quality during dredging operations and will shut down the dredge if the quality drops below Hunsicker's standards. The emergency beach renourishment, which will bring about 400,000 cubic yards of sand to Island beaches, is funded entirely by the federal government, he said. There will be 14 other emergency beach renourishment projects in Florida this summer, he added. By contrast, the 2002 project dredged about 1.2 million cubic yards. Hunsicker said Corps engineers have said the con- tractor will be selected by mid-May and construction will begin around mid-June. PLEASE SEE BEACH, PAGE 3 For more on beaches and renourishment, see page 3. I I La I I I II ,IL. I I I I I III, P~JBg~a~ _~;rr;s~-g~"rr;p~,-sre~lf~bll N , ~..' -~;.~:-~S~,r~~I.: ~j~ PAGE 2 0 APRIL 20, 2005 E THE ISLANDER Wanna buy a garbage truck? The public works department in Bradenton Beach is selling four used vehicles. Up for grabs are a 1987 GMC 25-yard garbage truck, a 1999 electric car, a.1995 Ford pickup truck and a 1995 Ford Crown Victoria. The electric car is classed as being in "good condition;" the other three vehicles are described as being in "running condition." All bids for the vehicles must be. sealed and will be accepted at the city clerk's office, 107 Gulf Drive N., until noon April-26. Vehicles may be inspected by ap- pointment by calling 778-3947. Stormwater debate goes on CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ily home, and Commission Chairperson John Quam sug- gested looking at square footage as a basis for-the fee. But Chris Collins, who has done most of the pro- jection sheets for income and expenditure of a stormwater assessment, said the commission should leave the ERU alone at present. Woodland suggested the commission authorize $10,000 to Baskerville-Donovan Inc., the city's engi- neering firm, for a certified study of the fee. The study' - would be beneficial when applying for grants, and City Attorney Jim Dye said the certified study would be needed if the fee were challenged in court. Commissioner Duke Miller said he would hate to pay $10,000 for something that had already been pre- pared by Collins. Magill chimed in that if the city was going to pay $10,000, then she- wanted to use lot coverage as a ba- sis for the ERU. Quam chimed in that he couldn't approve the cur- rent capital improvements priority list for drainage projects as presented by the capital improvements ad- visory committee., "Well, we're getting awfully close to the deadline," said Collins. Commissioner Linda Cramer observed that if the city needs an ordinance, the first reading would have to be April 28 gpt Jdne adoption. The next workshop on the fee will be April 28, just prior to the regular commission meeting. Plan rejected by state CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 represented the city through the resulting legal morass for the past five years. On behalf of the city, he said he would "present the DCA letter to the court and ask for guidance, and the court will probably schedule a hearing on the matter." Steve Thompson, an attorney representing the de- velopers, disagreed. "I believe the courts were pretty clear that the comp, plan should be amended," he said. "The court's intent was to have a comp plan amendment approved, then the rezoning, then the site plan. The DCA opinion is -only for the comprehensive plan." The two duplexes, proposed to be built across the street from the Bermuda Bay condominiums, have had a.tumultuous history since the first presentation before the city. First, a former building official issued a building permit for the project. However, after he left the city, SBatta, batta, _batta! Swing! s~ Kiwanis Club member Bob e LoPiccolo takes his "at bat" in a pickup game with Anna Maria Elementary School students who participate in the club's Adopt-A- Grandparent program. The annual end-of-year picnic was at Coquina Beach last Friday and included lunch, games and fun for all. Islander Photo: Cindi Harrison the subsequent building official determined that the permit could not be issued unless a small-scale compre- hensive plan amendment was approved by the city. The crux of the issue was a land-use map adopted by the city commission in 1989 that called for that part of the beach to be preserved due to unusual soil com- position. Developers brought forward expert witnesses who said the beach there was no different than the beaches up and down the Island and that the "conser- vation" designation was in error. Bradenton Beach Planning and Zoning Board heard the proposal and recommended approval of the project to the city commission. The city commission, though, denied the project in April 2000. Developers took the matter to court. A circuit court judge upheld the city commission's denial of the project. Developers appealed. Appellate court judges last summer ruled that the city incorrectly denied the project and ordered its ap- proval. In March, the city approved the project and sent the paperwork to DCA for its approval of the plan - which is now denied. - Mtlnnr I-27 W ~j -------------------- l/^f . -: _ Continental Bistro You'll love our Potato-Crusted Grouper. Fresh Gulf grouper baked in a crisp, golden sauteed potato crust with pommery mustard sauce. Mmmm, It's your choice from 17 dinner entrees, specials and other favorites. S 1 .BRUNCH AND LUNCH Wednesday-Saturday 11-2:30 SUNDAY BREAKFAST AND LUNCH 8-2:30 DINNER Wed.-Sun. from 5:30 Island Shopping Center 5406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 941 778 5320 - .. .. .. . ..... .............. ... ... ... .;-- --;- ;'~'5 =~=~~ 31 THE ISLANDER U APRIL 20, 2005 U PAGE 3 'Beach 101' offered for 'unprecedented' beach projects By Paul Roat An "unprecedented number of beaches" which lost sand after an "unprecedented number of hurricanes" will result in about $180 million in beach renourishment dollars to Florida shores, including Anna Maria Island, according.to a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers official. Bids to add roughly.5 niiles of additional stnd along the Island's Gulf of MI\ico shore arc .scheduled to be opened Friday, April 24. The estimated A$4-mil- lion project will add about 400,000 cubic yards of sand to the beach, with work projected to start by May. That's if all goes well, according to Corps Senior Project Manager Rick McMillen. He said the federal government was breaking new ground after the four hurricanes hammered the Sunshine State last summer,. and fall first Charley in South\\est Florida. then slow-moving Frances in Southeast Florida. pog erful Ivan in the Panhandle and then Jeanne on virtually the same path as Frances. The storms prompted the U.S. Congress to pump- vast funds of money into beach renourishment efforts inr the state, McMillen said; Coupled n ith non-federal funds --read'state or .local dollars the Corps was. able to dust off past projects that'requested additional saidd and was able to do in months what it would usu- ally take years, to accomplish: +17 massive beach renourishment projects. :- .- : * "It's unprecedented to do allfthese beaches at one time in Florida," McMillen- said last week, "and un- precedented:to have four hurricanes in one year." McMillen and other federal officials were on Longboat Key to discuss the projects and offer a "Coastal Engineering 101" course. His basic premise regarding shorelines is that they tend to erode: Groins, seawalls, rock.revetments or other harden- ing structures generally exacerbate beach erosion, ei- ther at the local site or "downstream," McMillen said. The prevailing offshore drift pattern for currents and sand is north-to-south, so upstream properties will gen- erally contribute sediment to more southerly neighbors. Depending on the time of year, sand will also move onto nd off 'the beach in a'more linear fashion. Win- ter, with its nor'easters, is a bad time for beaches, since the long-term pounding of high waves and winds from the north drives sand off the beaches and away from the area where it can move readily back onto shore. Hurricanes, McMillen said, are generally not all that bad for the beach because of their speed. A two- to three-day storm event with high waves, although devastating to structures, often is only a brief problem for the beach. "In hurricanes, sand movement is generally di- rectly offshore," he said, "but then it comes back." Beach renourishment in June CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 After spending about two weeks to mobilize equip- ment on the Island and the beach, the contractor should only take about 10 days to dredge and spread the sand. "They'll be out of here quick," he promised. Hunsicker noted that for the .6 mile Anna Maria City portion of the renourishment, he and marine en- gineers will monitor that portion of the project as that area is 90 percent funded through Manatee County and the state. Anna Maria will only require about 35,000 cubic yards of sand. The Holmes Beach and Bradenton Beach portion of the project will extend from the northern Holmes Beach city limits south about 5.6 miles to Fifth Street South in Bradenton Beach. Renourishment became necessary after four hurri- canes swept through the area last year, eroding Island beaches, faster than anticipated following the 2002 renourishment project. Hunsicker also asked the commission that Turtle Watch be allowed to use an ATV on the beach during the project as turtle nests may have to be moved quickly to avoid interference from the equipment and people involved in the renourishment project. The city had allowed an ATV on the beach during the 2002 project, he said. Manatee County has a $25,000 contract with Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch to oversee turtles and hatchlings during the April 1 to Oct. 31 turtle nesting season this year. Commissioners agreed to consider the two requests at their next regular meeting on April 26. L : ...' b ,Ih; ~;t~*~: ~b ~~t ,, "- ~Br.~t~5't ~f' ''~ ' A similar scene from 2002 should be :seen off Anna Maria Island starting in June as dredge crews are ex- pected to begin pumping sand ashore to renourish the Island beaches. Islander Photo: Jack Elka McMillen added that hurricanes also are summer- time events, which is a traditional time of greater width of beaches in Florida. No nor-easters and gentler winds from the southwest, which result in more sand pushed ashore. He said that the dry beach that most assume is "the beach" is only a fraction .of the total shoreline profile," a profile that often stretches out to .3,000 feet from the .mean high.water line as far.as coastal engineers are concerned when they work toward developing a model for a.beach renourishment project. . Waves, offshore sandbars, erosion trends, erosion speed all of those and much more data contribute to the final beach picture. McMillen said the average erosion rate of Florida beaches was 1 foot per year. That rate can change based on the beach, though: A shoreline in Northeast Florida is losing up to 22 feet of beach a year. Manatee County, and Anna Maria Island, have had two major beach renourishment projects, one in 1992- 93, another in 2002. There have also been several sand- addition programs based on dredging of Longboat Pass for navigational purposes over the years. In the upcoming effort, McMillen said, Manatee County first requested the project from the Corps, then rejected it in fear of in fet'eor ,sand. later agreeing to the sand quality. The 1993 project caused some angst among beachgoers with the shell-filled, rocky, material that came ashore from huge pumps: The latest project, us- ing finer-grain sand, was generally accepted by Island- ers as a fine beach addition. But McMillen offered a chilling commentary on fine-versus-coarse-versus-shelly material coming Police seek help in hit.and.run The driver of a full-sized, black truck ran over the foot and ankle of a man as the truck was pull- ing out of Jessie's Island Store in Holmes Beach April 12. "We don't think the owner of the truck knew he hit anyone," Holmes Beach Police Lt. Dale Stephenson said. "The driver of the truck had waved on a pedestrian to cross in front of him before he pulled out of Jessie's. The driver then turned to watch for southbound traffic and just as he pulled out, the man walking south on Marina Drive fell and the truck driver ran over his ankle." The black truck had a Missouri license plate. Anyone with any information about the acci- dent, specifically the man driving the truck, is asked to call Stephenson at 708-5804. ashore: "If you're looking for sugary sand, it generally won't last as long." The upcoming beach renourishment project is slated to use mostly fine-grain sand from nearby off- shore borrow sites. Projected length of the sand's stay ashore before the next renourishment is estimated at eight to'10 years. Meetirgs Anna Maria City April 25, 7 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting. April 27, 6:45 p.m., Environmental Education and Enhancement Committee meeting. April 28, 7 p.m., city commission meeting. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 708-6130. Bradenton Beach April 21, 1 p.m., city commission meeting.:Agenda: Public comment, landscape grant recommendation and newsrack ordinance requests by scenic highway com- mittee, charter review committee discussion, consent agenda and commission reports. April.21, 5 p.m., code enforcement board meeting - CANCELED. April 26, 6 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting. Agenda: request of letter of no objection to build two- unit condo at 1802 Gulf Drive, request for letter of no objection by Seaside Inn for conversion of motel to multi-family development at Tropic Isle-Seaside Inn at 101 22nd St. April 27, 5 p.m., comprehensive plan citizen advisory committee meeting. April 28, 3 mn., city commission work session. April 28, 5:30 p.m., board of adjustment meeting. Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., 778-1005. Holmes Beach April 21, 10 a.m., code enforcement board meeting. April 22, 1:30 p.m., police retirement board meeting. April 26, 7 p.m., city commission meeting with work session to immediately follow. April 28, 9 a.m., board of adjustment meeting. Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, 708-5800. Of Interest April 20, 6 p.m., Coalition of Barrier Island Elected Officials meeting, Anna Maria City Hall. April 21, 6 p.m., West Manatee Fire & Rescue Com- mission meeting, Fire Station No. 1, 6001 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. r'& A t* > *.# it, *. *. <- 4 i PAGE 4 M APRIL 20, 2005 M THE ISLANDER Holmes Beach gives Tidemark the basin boot By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter The reorganized Tidemark hotel/condominium/ marina project in Holmes Beach will have to negotiate a new lease for the marina basin from the city commis- sion. And this time around, "$100 a year" won't be enough, said City Commissioner Roger Lutz. "It's a pretty sweet deal for them. We get $100 a year and they are going to rent slips for $500 a month," Lutz said at the April 12 city commission meeting. It's not a sweet deal any longer. City Attorney Patricia Petruff told commissioners that because of the bankruptcy, Tidemark is in default on the lease and it's up to the commission to reinstate the current lease or decide to negotiate a new lease. The commission sent a notice to Tidemark partner Nick Easterling last July that it was in default because of bankruptcy. "Terminate the lease, then negotiate," said Lutz. Mayor Carol Whitmore noted that after reviewing a just-completed study of possible traffic calming mea- sures along Marina Drive by the boat basin, Tidemark representatives wanted to talk to the city about helping pay for the project. "That's big-hearted," said Lutz. "But they want us to build a road so they can have a view. Let's look at the whole picture and take our docks back. We can make our streets as safe as possible, we just don't have to give away our marina." Commissioners agreed and voted unanimously to terminate the city's lease of the boat basin to Tidemark. Key Royale Bridge Ed Ponce of the Florida Department of Transpor- tation, along with other DOT representatives, gave the commission an update on the progress of construction plans for a new Key Royale Bridge. Ponce said the start of construction is "on sched- -ule" to begin in 2006 and should be completed by the end of the year. The contractor will be selected in Janu- ary 2006, and will probably have 180 to 210 days to complete the project. The bridge will remain open during construction, he noted, but at times vehicle traffic will be limited to one-way in one lane. "We'll build half of the bridge first, then build the other half," he said. He also confirmed that the current bridge is "struc- turally sound." A new environmental impact statement will be done as the previous statement was completed in 1996 when the DOT first proposed a new bridge. Resident Joan Perry said the city has been waiting 10 years for a bridge and "really got screwed" by the Sarasota-Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization, which year-after-year shelved the project from its budget. Connor Raible, Wanda Raible, Darien Evans and Chris Raible were just a few of the volunteers in Bradenton Beach for the Great American Cleanup last Saturday. Islander Photo: Paul Roat Volunteers glean tons of trash in cleanup With figures still incomplete, the Island/Cortez pounds of trash and 60 pounds of recyclable items. section of the Great American Cleanup gathered sev- Bradenton Beach saw 43 volunteers pick up 30 bags eral tons of trash from beaches, roadsides and pub- of trash totaling 425 pounds. lic lands Saturday: There are no figures yet for Cortez, but the Keep Holmes Beach didn't do well. at all, said the Manatee Beautiful assessment was "fantastic - sponsoring Keep Manatee Beautiful, because the there were six Dumpsters at the FISH Preserve, and wind there was "so strong that the volunteers could they were overflowing with trash." barely hold the trash'bags down, let alone fill them Altogether, 881 volunteers cleaned 111 miles of up." land of 1,034 bags of trash weighing 194,412 pounds In Anna Maria, 30 volunteers picked up 670 and 1,800 pounds of recyclables.. Better late -- than never DOT representative Ed Ponce confirmed to the Holmes Beach City Commission April 12 that con- struction of the Key Royale Bridge will start in 2006, 11 years after the DOT first proposed a new for bridge. The construc- S' tion is only possible now because the city Sis paying the cost, Switch the DOT to Sr reimburse the city in a future DOT budget. Islander Photo: S Rick Catlin After the last MPO decision pushed construction and funding into the 2008-09 fiscal year, the city opted for a DOT program that allows the city to pay the esti- mated $1.3 million construction cost now to get the project done, but get reimbursed in a future DOT bud- get. Ponce and his team will return to the commission for another update prior to the start of construction. In other business, the commission unanimously approved a new contract with Waste Management Inc. for trash hauling and garbage collection service. The new contract, which calls for a slight increase in basic service, will take effect June 1. Lindahl lawsuit , Petruff will research title and institute a new sur- vey for the canal bottom along the 72nd Street canal after city resident Steve Lindahl added the city as a defendant in his lawsuit against William McCaleb and others over construction of a boat dock at that location. The city had issued a permit for the construction. Lindahl now claims to have been given a quit claim deed which is "surprisingly" for the exact lot where the dockwas built, she said. "If a quit claim deed can be done here, it can be done on other canals," Petruff observed, adding that- although "anyone" can quit claim property, that does not necessarily prove ownership. The research would also involve a new survey of the two plats that show where the canal and lot are lo- cated. White Street parking Whitmore said she'd had several complaints from residents along White Street about parking by surfers on that street. She said she just -wanted to bring it to the commission's attention, although parking is allowed on that street and surfers have been using that location for the past 50 years. Commissioner Rich Bohnenberger noted the city would have a problem eliminating those designated parking spaces because they're needed to meet the city's public parking requirement for beach renourishment. In other business, Bohnenberger said he's trying to organize a.campaign to help push a law through the Florida Legislature halting the state from selling Social Security numbers to private business, as it has done in the past. Unfortunately, he said, the bill has been stalled in a committee headed by Rep. Jeff Kottkamp of Coral Gables for "unknown reasons." Whitmore reported that the bids received for trol- ley shelters were too high compared with the budgeted amount and she and the city staff will reconsider the criteria before issuing a new request for bid. She also noted that Longboat Key will begin its beach renourishment project shortly at a cost of $21 million, all paid by town taxpayers. By contrast, the emergency beach renourishment project for Anna Maria Island planned this summer will cost Holmes Beach taxpayers nothing. THE ISLANDER 0 APRIL 20, 2005 M PAGE 5 Boat launchers could get booted from Palma Sola By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter If the City of Bradenton has its way along Palma Sola Causeway, the "illegal" boat ramp at the north- eastern end of the causeway would be closed and boat- ers, skiers, and users of other personal watercraft would be forced to use another boat ramp. Launching a boat or jet-ski anywhere else along the causeway would be- come "illegal." The plan may come sooner than people think. The Palma Sola Scenic Highway Committee Cor- ridor Management Entity held a public meeting April 11 in Holmes Beach to present its plans for improve- ments to the causeway. City of Bradenton representative John Ormando said.there is no official boat ramp on the north side of the causeway and Bradenton prefers a boat ramp on the south side adjacent to the former site of Bongo's Res- taurant. The ramp would have just nine parking spaces and be operated by Bradenton. Launching boats elsewhere Earth Day celebration April 23 Earth Day will be celebrated in activities sponsored April 23 by Manatee County Audubon Society at Felts Audubon Preserve north of Palmetto on Experimental Farm Road. The celebration will be from 9 a.m, to 3 p.m., with guided tours, demonstrations and talks on water birds, wild animals, pest control and explanation of special projects. A native tree will be given to each of the first 100 guests, one per family. Other plants will be available for purchase. Admission to the event is free. Details may be obtained at 746-1991. along the causeway would be illegal, he said. But a boat ramp is just a concept at this point, he noted. Other improvements for the causeway in the committee's conceptual plan include parking areas separated from the causeway by shrubs and other land- scaping, a rest room on the south side at the eastern end and a rest room facility at Kingfish Boat Ramp in Holmes Beach. County commissioner and CME Chairperson Jane von Hahmann said that because of the safety issue along the causeway, the CME would "like to keep people from crossing the causeway to use a rest room." The CME is also considering designated parking at Kingfish, she said. And money is available for the committee's plans, said Mike Howe of the Sarasota-Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization, either through the MPO or John Harper, 40, of Palmetto, was charged with reckless driving April 16 after the 1990 Toyota he was driving flipped-several times after it crossed the humpback bridge on North Bay Boulevard in Anna Maria. Sgt. John Kinney of the Manatee County Sheriff' s Office in Anna Maria said neither Harper nor his 10- year-old daughter, who was a passenger in the vehicle, from the Florida Department of Transportation. The future of the causeway, however, may involve expansion of the road. While Ormando said the DOT at this time has no plans to make the causeway a four-lane road, the day may come when the DOT considers adding a center turn lane for safety reasons. "We.don't foresee widening," said Howe, but MPO projections show a lot of congestion along the causeway in the next 20 to 30 years "so here we may have a safety issue and be faced with the need for a turn lane," he said. That's for the DOT to determine. Right now, observed Ormando, "Our goal is to beautify, add facilities and traffic control." The DOT has final approval on all plans submitted by the committee for causeway improvements. were seriously injured. Kinney said Harper was headed southbound about 4 p.m. on Bay Boulevard at a high'rate of speed. Upon crossing the bridge, the vehicle flipped, then rolled several times into a vacant parking lot. Neither Harper or his daughter were wearing seat belts, according to the report. The vehicle suffered $4,000 worth of damage. Community Center site plan meeting April 25 The Anna Maria Planning and Zoning Board will The Center has been working since 2001 to gain hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. April 25 to consider the enough funds and pledges to begin its planned $2.2 site plan from the Anna Maria Island Community Cen- million remodeling project. ter. Submission of the site plan to the P&Z board is the In the site plan is a variance request for a setback first step in the process that will eventually lead to two and a vacation request for a portion of an alleyway. public hearings before the. city commission. So Sprog on in and sprxg for a ew gas, electric or charcoal grill! Plus everything for your grilling needs ... S 9 Natural lump coal Hot sauces and Rubs S* Grill accessories Cooking utensils SCookbooks Mitts and more!! G!SILL STORE 5350 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach Fre(S&S Plaza, next to post office)9 Free s delivery on the Islands 779-9594 . . . . ... . . . . 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Driver charged in Anna Maria City accident AVEDA LIFESTYLE SALONoSPA experience spa 5311 gulf drive anna maria island 778.5400 CHOOSE YAMAHA AND GET UP TO 3 YEARS EXTENDED SERVICE FREE* Savings of up to $2,600 Visit Cannons Marina Offer Expires April 30, 2005. -- ----~-- WIT *eLI I tlge L;;...' * ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... .ap ... J.s 4 D a a aa* 5 D S* * PAGE 6 E APRIL 20, 2005 U THE ISLANDER All 11011 Just like the movies In the movie "Groundhog Day," Bill Murray is trapped in a time warp. He must continually relive the worst day of his life Feb. 2 over and over, doomed to meeting the same people, hearing he sane convesha- tion and making the same mistakes until he and Andie MacDowell fall in love, they wake up the next day Feb. 3 the spell is ended and they live happily ever after. The Anna Maria City Commission April 14 meet- ing on parking was reminiscent of the movie. The same positions that have been given the past 26 years were stated, the same arguments for and against a position were outlined, the same cries for help from residents were heard, and the same pleas that the city "needs to do something" were given. Is it Groundhog Day? Or just, as Yogi Berra said, "D6jh vu all over again?". Commissioner Dale Woodland observed the city has been dealing with the parking issue since at least 1979 and still no resolution. Chairperson John Quam again expressed his views on what streets should have open or no parking. Commissioner Carol Ann Magill still wants "no parking" locations reviewed and some changed to be more fair to residents. Commissioner Duke Miller reiterated that he fa- vors resident-only parking. Woodland proposed the city allow parking op all beach access streets, claiming the city doesn't have a park- ing problem that can't be dealt with by law enforcement. "This sends a positive image about our city that we welcome visitors to our beautiful beaches," he said, noting his proposal is not what he likes, but what he "feels is best for Anna Maria." The city, he claimed, could adopt his proposal in five minutes. Miller said more and more people from East Mana- tee County are-coming to Anna Maria to use the beach and the county should buy land for parking and provide facilities and'lifeguards. Residents chimed in with their problems, request- ing no parking relief or some equity parking. But the four commissioners present agreed to wait for a full board for a decision. Remember that in "Groundhog Day," the couple fell in love to end Murray's torment. Can the Anna Maria city commission and public fall in love with a parking plan that will end the parking affair? Will everyone in Anna Maria live happily ,ever after with any parking plan? Will anyone? Rick Catlin The Islander APRIL 20, 2005 Vol. 13', No. 25 V Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org V Editorial Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org Jack Egan Jack Elka Jim Hanson V Contributors Gib Bergquist Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org Jesse Brisson David Futch Robert Noble Carrie Price J.L. Robertson V Advertising Sales Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org Rebecca Barnett, rebecca@islander.org V Office Manager Julia Robertson, julia@islander.org V Production Graphics Kelley Ragan, kelley@islander.org Jocelyn V. Greene, ads@islander.org V Distribution Urbane Bouchet Ross Roberts Lisa Williams (All others: news@islander. org) 1992-2005 Editorial, sales and production offices: Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEB SITE: islander.org FAX 941, 778-9392 PHONE .941 778-7978 ;. - a -.. COMIHN- oct / [ lSrj~ iTO 5sT n-\VaOOcbtx Au!oI.17 T(3,5 h~ 50S6^7l6W NT N3WFPr ^^l^iA C'^ \iAUL-- . T-% \a A.F, l AMoT, ov: WS~ 4>~~ '1 u"q ' il 1" -GROUNODHOG PIL'5 SUMMER JSI9CEWMC %- 9C3 -- ': "'~~-^%^___ - S*MGM=- SLICK B ah ME .By Egan Bike bath unsafe I am writing to you in regard to the bicycle shoul- ders; I want to congratulate Holmes Beach for finally adding bicycle shoulders to Holmes Beach roads. Many now ride for fun or exercise throughout Anna- Maria and Longboat Key. However, the shoulders .get full of sand, dirt and debris. Example: in front of the Anchor Inn/Mr. Bones.. This forces cyclists; to go back into the road, which makes riding very dangerous. We ask Holmes Beach City Hall to please make an effort to have street cleaners clean the bike roads and shoulders at least once a month. Longboat Key and Bradenton Beach have sweepers designed to clean the shoulders. Also, if possible, to put asphalt in areas where sand is pushed into the shoulders. Wayne Natt, Bradenton Marina responds This letter is in response to our next-door neighbor on Palma Sola Bay, Robert Hoffman, who felt com- pelled to write you a letter last week. Mr. Hoffman watched us daily from his yard for almost three weeks while we built a 90-foot dock. When the dock was almost completed he said to me for the first time that he did not think that he could maneu- ver his 22-foot boat in the 36-foot-wide, 90-foot-long space between his seawall and our dock. I asked him to try and see if he can or can't maneu- ver his boat in that area, but he refuses to try. I've of- fered to dredge the area in front of the boat ramp to my' seawall so he won't run aground, he refused to meet with me. If he can't maneuver his 22-foot-boat in a 36- foot-by-90-foot space under normal weather condi- tions, then he is a danger to others. The old marina boundary line was marked by pil- ings surveyed by the previous owner to be 33 feet east of the east seawall, which is the same distance from the east seawall where our submerged land lease with the state of Florida starts and continues west. This is also the same distance that ,1qanatpqqtuty ,has.approved us to set our marina pilings at, the marina boundary line has not changed in over 25 years. We built the new dock at a distance of 36 feet east of the seawall, within the area we lease from the state. Because of Mr.,Hdffman's complaints to the county, the county commissioners wanted to hear this issue, but ,that would take about six months so as a business de- cision we have decided to move our east dock about 14 feet to the west.. Hopefully we will be opening soon, with no further delays. We will have 30 boat slips with sizes ranging to 45 feet in an all-new marina on Palma Sola Bay. Bob Gertz, Bradenton Thanks for success Conditions were perfect on Sunday, April 3, for the second Anna Maria Island Garden Tour. Thanks to the weather and the support of over 260 tourgoers, the event was a "blooming success." The Anna Maria Island Community Chorus and Or- chestra will benefit from the money raised ($4,900) for its concerts that are a popular area attraction. This year tourgoers were treated to music provided by members ol the orchestra at the Siam Garden Resort, as well as the chance to purchase garden art and plants. Many thanks to the gardeners who graciously opened their gardens and answered questions: Pat and Kent Davis, Jan Herold and Alan Vogt, Ed Kirk. Deborah and Jim Pettee, and Anne and Dan Simmons Our sponsors were generous in their support of the tour and we are indebted to them Island Real Estate J & J Graphics; Sandbar, Beach House and Mar Vista Dockside Restaurant and Pub, Ed Chiles, proprietor Ginny's & Jane E's at the Old IGA; Anna Maria Gar- den Club; Island Garden Club; Sweet Bay Nursery Richard J. Beaupre; Rosemarie and Edward Edwards and Deborah Heger. Thanks also to the volunteers who helped makt this tour a success. We are planning next year's garder tour for a three-peat. ., Karn, e94n, w.od,. k o o tourcpmmittee chair ,, . l-irr I ~'~tT~~ '2m M, THE ISLANDER U APRIL 20, 2005 M PAGE 7 State drops drug case against Viens - r 11B^ r- By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter State drug charges against-former Beach City Mar- ket owner David Viens have been dropped, according to the state's attorney's office in Bradenton, but Viens still faces prosecution on federal drug charges. Viens, 43, of 129 49th St. in Holmes Beach, was arrested Jan. 6 at his home by Manatee County Sheriff's Office deputies and charged with possession of marijuana with intent to sell or distribute within 1,000 feet of a school (Anna Maria Elementary), pos- session of a controlled substance (opium), and posses- sion of a firearm by a convicted felon. In a separate case, he was also arrested and charged with trafficking in marijuana in an amount between 50 and 200 pounds. The case was scheduled for trial on April 25, but on April 5, prosecutors entered a "no prosecution" de- Cortez sex offender leaves town One of two convicted sex offenders living in Cortez has moved to Palmetto, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Web site. The Palmetto address for convicted sex offender Paul Watson was recorded by the FDLE on April 16. The lone remaining convicted sex offender in Cortez lives on 129th Street West. Under Florida law, convicted sex offenders and predators are required to give their address to the FDLE whenever they move, regardless of whether or not they have completed their sentence and any probation. Law enforcement officers are required to notify neighbors of the presence of a convicted sexual preda- tor living in a community, but not for a convicted sexual offender. To search for convicted sexual offenders or preda- tors living on Anna Maria Island, in Cortez, on Longboat Key, Palma Sola, west Bradenton or anfy- where in Manatee County, go online to www.islander.org and click orf the "Island links" to go to the FDLE Web site. Rotten Ralph's Top 5 ways to tell when winter season ends... 1. Cadillac population down 90%. 2. Drivers use their turn signals. 3. No need to pack lunch for a drive to the other end of the island. :' 4. The locals are venturing out and about. 5. No waiting for a table at Rotten Ralph's ... Your waterfront table awaits you! a^^^^asoasoasoasoa^^^^o/e^^^oPPO GREAT LIVE MUSIC! Tom Mobley Every Sunday thru Thursday Larry Rich This Friday, Saturday ider 13 YEARS 11HE BE THEBE:S? cision with the clerk of the circuit court. But that doesn't mean Viens doesn't have more difficulties. Viens was arrested March 31 by federal agents and charged with conspiracy to distribute marijuana. He was released the same day on $250,000 bail. Michelle Tustin of the State Attorney's Office in Bradenton said the federal charges prompted her office to let the U.S. Attorney take over the investigation and pros- ectition. "Our office decided to relinquish the case to the U.S. Attorney's Office in Tampa," after the federal charges were filed, she said. Efforts to reach the U.S. Attorney's office in Tampa for comment on the case were unsuccessful. According to Manatee County Sheriff's Office records, Viens was previously convicted in 1993 in Vermont of violation of the Federal Narcotics Act. The Beach City Market & Grille opened in Bradenton Beach in April 2003, but closed shortly be- fore Viens' January arrest. The property was originally listed for sale at $850,000, but the price has since dropped to $695,000. Viens and wife Dawn also operated the Island Kitchen in Anna Maria several years ago before open- ing the Bradenton Beach market.. Another Holmes Beach lawsuit Already battling a number of lawsuits, Holmes Beach has been hit again, this time by a visitor who claims the city was negligent when she fell while trying to step from a patio at the White Sands Motel onto the beach. Actually, Sharon Kish has not yet sued the city, she's only had her lawyers send the city a "Notice of Intent to Initiate Litigation." .Kish claimed she fell on April 4, 2004, as she at- tempted to step off the patio at the motel onto the beach area, but because of "poor lighting," the step was ac- tually a deep drop. Mrs. Kish "sustained injuries" which were not identified in the letter. Mayor Carol Whitmore indicated City Attorney Patricia Petruff would investigate the claim and prepare a response. We'd love to mail you the news! U We mail The Islander weekly for a nominal $36 per year. It's the per- fect way to stay in touch with what's happening on Anna Maria Island. . More than 1,400 happy, eager-for-Island-news paid subscribers are already receiving The Islander where they live ... from Alaska to Germany and California to Canada. U We bring you all the news about three city governments, community happenings, people features and special events ... even the latest real es- l tate transactions ... everything you need if your "heart is on the Island." We're 0 the only newspaper that gives you.all the news of Anna Maria Island. S The Islander is distributed free locally. But if you don't live here year- . Sound, or if you want to mail the paper to a friend or relative, please use this form or log on to islander.org for secure e-mail transmission. BULK MAIL U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (allow 2 weeks for delivery) S O One Year: $36 6 Months: $28 L 3 Months: $18 : U.S. FIRST CLASS AND CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS O One Year: $140 L 6 Months: $87.50 L 3 Months: $52 S L Single Issue: $3.50 FIRST CLASS MAIL, U.S. ONLY, Maximum Four Weeks Call for mail rates to Europe or other countries. S MAIL TO: - S ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP . S Credit card payment: L E OL No. * Exp. Date Name shown on card: * MAIL START DATE: * 1 The Islander S Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 = E CHARGE IT BY PHONE: (941) 778-7978 H OR ONLINE AT islander.org" B nu ....... ***********.............*. ....... Pitchers of Bud & Miller Lite Only $7 2 for$6 Miimosa Bloody Mary Tequila Sunrise Screwdriver ROTTEN RALPH'S WATERFRONT DINING LUNCH & DINNER 7 DAYS FULL BAR SERVICE 902 S. Bay Blvd. Anna Maria S0 Located at Galati Marina 778-3953 ROTTEN / RALPH'SS S i "oNS. R.' Gulf o, Mexico AL" O-A-A FISH& CHPS AL DA EERY AY! 7.9 DRINK SPECIALS Ten years ago in the April 20, 1995, issue of The Islander, headlines announced: The Florida Department of Transportation com- pleted its resurfacing and widening of Cortez Road in Cortez, but said Island motorists could expect delays on Palma Sola Causeway this summer due to road widening. The Anna Maria Fire Commission unanimously approved a tax increase for its 1995-96 budget. The addi- tional money will fund recruitment of four new firefighters. Two Island juveniles were arrested by Holmes Beach police and charged with a series of burglaries and thefts of autos and boats the past several weeks. Two other juveniles will be arrested later this week, police said, while four other juveniles involved have already been taken into custody by the Manatee County Sheriff s Office. PAGE 8 0 APRIL 20, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Commission considers fee schedule, Gulffront Park plan By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter The Anna Maria City Commission worksession April 14 actually\ discussed a variety of issues other than parking i'see separate story). Commissioners got a report from Gary Comp of Environmental Affairs Consulting on a management plan for Gulffront Park, which is located along the Gulf between Oak and Magnolia avenues. Comp recoinmendedi h thai [e Australiln pines and Brazilian pepper trees in the .IouLh section of the 11.5 acre park be removed to encourage L ild i fe and natu- ral vegetation, but the city should retain the pines in the northern section. He also said five walkways through the park to the beach have been built over the years by residents and he encouraged the city to remove them. Commissioner Dale Woodland, however, noted that residents are accustomed to using those paths, and the commission agreed it should keep at least three pathways to the beach until it could build beach access ramps across the vegetation. Commissioners did question Comp's estimate that he could remove the Australian pines in the southern section for just $4,400. Comp said that was only an estimate, and admitted he did not have an exact count of the number of SAustralian pines and pepper trees in the park. Mayor SueLynn noted that she paid more than $3,500 to remove one Australian pine on her property. The commission also had the first reading of an ordi- nance that will provide a new fee schedule for permits and city services, special use permits, special exemptions, variance and vacation applications and other fees. Under the proposed ordinance, a building permit would cost $50 for the first $1,000 of the cost of con- struction and $19 for each additional $1,000. If approved, a building permit for a $1 million cost of construction home in Villa Rosa would require an Pawsitively Pfts& Property Services Inc. Quality Pet Sitting Services in Your Home Property Services During Your Absence Bonded & Insured Jane & Steve Futch 761-7511 All your lanod " Fertilizer Inme Bark " M-ukb Stone ,& S&cil " Lopper.s a Prune rs " Whee-barBrow " Rakes AM I " Shovels I C "on, Toot5s * Woflf-ar'ten a LI.tte Giant Lsailerz- Open Monday thru Friday 7-4:30, Saturday 7-noon 8708 Cortez Road W. (941) 792-9099 Peaceful days Deborah Thomas's second-grade class celebrates 64 days of peace by looking over the shelter box Anna Maria Island Elementary School students are donating to the tsunami victims in Bande Ache. The shelter box can sleep 10 and contains 10 sleeping bags, water and tools. So far students have raised $400 for their box and will hold a lemonade and cookie sale next week to raise more money. For anyone wishing to help the students and the Island Rotary Club buy shelter boxes, there are donation cans at the school. Islander Photo: David Futch $18,986 permit fee from the developer. The commission also heard a proposal from Mana-, tee County to "piggyback" on its emergency debris man- agement contract, and agreed to proceed with an ordi- nance clarifying procedures for a vacation that are already in two separate sections of the city code book. The pro- posed ordinance would combine those sections. The commission also agreed to have City Attorney WIN A 2005 FIO"L MUSTANG CJ OR $15,000 CASH 2nd place: A week in St. Marten (air not included) 3rd Place: $300 cash Only 1,250 tickets to be sold, $50 each To purchase: Send check payable to: Ch'urch of the Trinity 755 N. Lockwood Ridge Road, Sarasota FL 34243 or call (941) 355-0847 to charge to credit cards: Name: Address: Phone: Rafle.Rules: Raffle is open to citizens or permanent residents of the USA, 18 years of age or older. Payment of all applicable Federal, State and Local taxes are responsibility of, and must be paid by the winnerss. Winner(s) will be issued Internal Revenue tax forms (1099). stating the value of the prize. No purchase necessary, winners need not be present to win. --'I The 20-minute Once-a-Week workout! Affordable Personal Training Try the type of exercise featured on CBS's "48 Hours." Call us to learn how you can get in shape quick! S The 20-Minute Weekly Workout 798-9993 Haven Health Club, 6737 Manatee Ave. West, Bradenton ------------- ---- ------- I Jim Dye draft an ordinance reducing the amount of time between homeowner improvements from five years to one year. The new ordinance should assist property owners in lowering their flood insurance premiums. As its last order of business, the commission sched- uled a special meeting at 6 p.m. May 12 to review a final plat submission for the Villa Rosa housing project on South Bay Boulevard. FATSOCAT Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Stain & Odor Control Tile and Grout Color, Cleaning and Stain Control! 778-2882 or 387-0607 www.FatCatCarpetCleaning.com LARRY & NANCY HOUSE, OWNERS NOTICE: DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS PROPERTY The City of Bradenton Beach Public Works offers the following vehicles for public purchase: 1987 GMC 25-yard, rear-load sanitation truck, running condition. 1995 Crown Victoria, 4-door running condition. 1995 Ford 150 4x4 Pickup running condition. 1999 Gen Cart, electric good condition. The City will accept sealed bids at the Office of the City Clerk, 107 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach, until noon April 26, 2005. Vehicles may be seen by appointment. Call Dottie or Tom at (941) 778-3947. ::: usk 4 THE ISLANDER U APRIL 20, 2005 PAGE 9 Players auditions Sunday for Shakespeare With a cast of 19 to be selected, director Kelly Wynn Woodland will audition prospective players Sunday, April 24, for "Much Ado About Nothing." The William Shakespeare play will be staged at the Island Players' theater July 13-17, curtain time for all five performances 8 p.m. The cast of 15 men and four women will be filled after auditions, which will begin at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the theater, 10009 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. In Shakespeare's day, Woodland noted, women were not allowed on stage. Girl parts were filled by boys. Not now. Girls will be girls and boys boys, in the main, although "if some girls want to take some boy parts, that would be OK," the director joked. This is the fifth year of Shakespeare on the Island, launched by Woodland against considerable reserva- tions among Islanders and even members of the Island Players. Many thought Shakespeare would fall on his face on Anna Maria, while she was sure Islanders were up to the Bard. She has been proven right, for the theater has been filled every summer since for her presentations. An "Island Yellow Ribbon" celebration is being organized by the Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria Island for Armed Forces Week, May 15-21. Kiwanians are to post yellow ribbons all around the Island that week to honor all men and women who are serving in all branches of the military, said club spokes- person Don Maloney. Kiwanis will host an "appreciation ceremony" at the Manatee Public Beach at 10 a.m. on Armed Forces Day, Ma\ 21, in conjunction with the Island Blue Star "Point of Celebration," which Kiwanis and the Island Rotary Club are helping the American Legion organize along with sponsors, including The Islander. Blue Star families those with family members . serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, National Guard or Reserves will each receive a Blue Star banner and f a certificate of ser\ ice to America at a "Point of Trib- Sute'" program and celebration atl 1 a.m. atMcKechnie Field in Bradenton. Other Blue Star "Points of Celebration" include the Green Bridge, where Blue Star families will gather on "Much Ado" is one of Shakespeare's more suc- cessful comedies and "merry wars of the sexes," highly mannered as was the society which produced it. He probably wrote it in 1598, scholars agree. It is regarded as a more mature work than his ear- lier comedies in that rather than relying totally on funny situations and contrivances, the comedy of "Much Ado" comes from the characters themselves. Beatrice and Benedick form a sub-plot supposedly secondary to the main plot of lovers Claudio and Hero, but the subordinate characters have proven so strong that for many years the play was staged as "Beatrice and Benedick." They are the witty protagonists in the "merry war of the sexes." For audition information, call Woodland at 794- 8762. Ticket information may be obtained by calling the box office from May 2 to-May 22 at 778-5755, when it will open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily except Sunday and one hour before performances of "The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dra- matic Society: Murder at Checkmate Manor." both the Palmetto and the Bradenton sides for a "Hands Across the River" walk at 10 a.m. A celebration at G.T. Bray Park will include live music, free hot dogs and soft drinks at 1 p.m., and an- other celebration will take place at 1 p.m. at the Lake- wood Ranch High School gymnasium. A final "Point of Celebration" will take place at the DeSoto Super Speedway at 5 p.m. The community is asked fly an American flag, tie yellow ribbons around trees or mailboxes, leave out- door lights on the night of May 21 as if to.say, "Come Home Soon," and businesses with message signs are asked to display "We Support Our Troops" or "'God Bless America." . Eligible families who wish to participate in the Blue Star events should call Karen Mauriello at 792- 1160; mail to Mauriello's attention at the American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 24, P.O. Box 14816, Bradenton FL 34280-4816; or e-mail parrot53@aol.com. For information on the Kiwanis "Yellow Ribbon" recognition, call Maloney at 778-4865. New addition Maite Sophia Hansen, born at 6:36 p.m. April 13, is a welcome addition br big sister Piper, 3, and parents "Koko" Ray and Diana Bogan. Born at Brandon Regional Hospital with the help of Dr. Stephen Zweibach, Maite weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces and measured 20.5 inches in length. Micro'irrigation presentation on library's schedule A special program on micro-irrigation, "Just the Basics," is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. td 4:45 p.m. May 5 at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. It will be presented by the Manatee County Exten- sion Service and is open to the. public free of charge, the library said. Other events during May at the library are a meet- ing of the Friends of the Library Book Club at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, May 11, and a Friends board of di- rectors meeting at 9:30 a.m. Friday, May 13. The library opens at 10 a.m. daily except Sunday, closing at 8 p.m. Monday. and Wednesday, 6 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Additional information may be obtained by calling 778-6341. PUBLIC NOTICE . FROM THE CITY OF ANNA MARIA W*O CLEANUP 8 a.m,- 3 p.m.* Saturday April 23 at the Anna Maria City Pier parking lot ?LEIS Yard waste must be separated from other refuse. 'ec* Sorry no refrigerators, A/C units, batteries, .. tires orpaint will be accepted at this cleanup. (RAIN DATE APRIL 30) Remember ... Monday is recycle pickup day in Anna Maria. Please set your blue bin at the curb. For questions about recycling, call Anna Maria City Hall, 708-6130, ext 26. YOU'LL BE TICKLED PINK i F *'2" ''4 ; f"'-b -When you see the all new ,. ... From cruisewear to beachwear BEACH SHOP A ; BETTER THAN EVER! WE HAVE IT ALL! S\vim\ear Beach Shoes and Sandals Fine Quality Fahions and Acce-.isorems Art Gla's Beach To\ s Turquoise lewIelry t i Doll-. Sou' enr-_ Sneat-lhirt- and much more' .--- 4" .~ Where Manatee Av euends anlthe Gulf be . 778-5442 *".'; at the Manatee Count' public beach Hats, sandals, jewelry Dolls, candles & pottery Suncatchers & windchimes Unique Gifts Nautical section including ships birds, fish, seashells, manatees and more! Year-Round Christmas Shop Featuring Florida and Anna Maria Island-themed ornaments ' - the Ann 322 ars Bay Drive sla Holmesntr ea778 - In ttie Anna Maria. IslanridCentre 778-4665 - 'Yellow Ribbon' celebration planned for Armed Forces Week PAGE 10 0 APRIL 20, 2005 U THE ISLANDER FABULOUS JEWELRY set in 14 karat gold at reasonable prices... Russian Cubic Zirconia G A r and Moissanites ... so real vo only your jeweler will know the difference! Z Z) V. 4feawe4u & a& ,z Accepting all major 7358 Cortez Rd. W. 798-9585 credit & ATM cards Mon-Fri 10-6 Sat 10-4 LONGBOAT KEY CHAMBER CRUISE-A-WAY Cruise September 22 with your friends at the Longboat Key Chamber on a four-nightfundraiseir " cruise to Cozumel, Mexico. Inside'cabins from $375/pp Outside from $425/pp $200/person deposit due by May 20th. Master Stylist & Colorist Kai Th b .aut is now at Looks Salon S7455 Manatee Ave. West (next to Albertsons) Call 792-4999 713-7223 SLTTINA 6Lo0 INTEI RIORI AWARD WINNING IDEAS AND CREATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR HOME CALL 941-779-2106 Looking for inspiration Students from Anna Maria Elementary School's third-grade classrooms hiked to the Anna Maria Island Artists Guild Gallery in the Island Shopping Center last week for a variety of artist demonstra- tions by guild members. Jean Tourt, right, demon- strated watercolor and offered tips on how to create better artwork. Debbie Shainker, below, worked with students in her medium of pastels, and Rolf Bertram, bottom; inspired students to create digital photographs as art. Students shown here are from Kathy Granstad's class, and with Bertram are, from left to right, in back, Rachel Tschida and Shannon Kemper, and Chelsea Burgesss, Andrew Crowton and Leah Spann. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy Just ask for me - I'll be the bag behind the counter No need to go Street Shopping in N.Y. City *4 I r ia j e all the famous designer names! -. -I i i F ,1 Ln' T i Metallic .-.an.painted. Mention this ad get 10% off ~"d ccesoes edeuei Located in the Bradenton Outlet Mall 6605 Manatee Ave. W. Get rid of unwanted hair PERMANENTLY! No more shaving, waxing, Sorusing depilatory creams. : Eliminate shaving K bumps. LASER HAIR REMOVAL AND ELECTROLYSIS by Pansy Heger, CCE, CME, LE Located in Hair's To You Salon - 3218 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach (941) 685-7368 by appointment only available evenings and weekends Free Consultation The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay. cancel payment, or be reim- bursed for payment for any other service, examination. or realment that is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free. discounted fee. or rdedu d fee service, examination, or treatment. 'Celebration of Beauty, Life' notes gallery's 15 years A special display, "Celebration of Beauty and life," by artist Nancy McClure Law will open Island Gal- lery West's celebration of 15 years on Anna Maria Island. The artist spent her early years in Argentina and Long Island, then with her husband Rob Law lived in Vermont for 30 years before coming to Bradenton in 1997. Opening reception for the Law exhibition will be 5-7 p.m. Wednes- day, April 27. Gallery hours are 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday. The gallery is at 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Details may be ob- tained at 778-6648. .;-~4r ~ e~r a i;I 1'4 ' . -. f lP~z~ New school named for Judge Willis The newest school in, the county.is being named after a longtime Manatee Circuit Court judge, Robert E. Willis. Manatee County School Board action officially makes the new elementary school in Lakewood Ranch the Robert E. Willis Elementary School It will open this fall to.an anticipated student popula- tion of 800. Not only was he an acclaimed aIlorney and a judge, but Willis served as chairman of the count\ school board and president of the Florida and Naiional School Board Associations and was a member of the White House Conference on Education in 1956. "He spent countless hours working i ith students. 'teachers and patrons in support of better education for Manatee County schools." said the citation naming the school . He was born in Cortez Decr1-3, 1909,-son.of Au- - Igustine and Mary Hine Willis, attended Manatee pub- lic school. including the one-room school at Rye in 1917, and Palmetto and Manatee high schools. He was admitted to the Florida bar after "reading the law" as a law clerk under Dewey A. Dye. One of his more famous cases was his representation of a dis- abled World War II soldier who lost his land due to nonpayment of taxes. Willis took the case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which overturned lower court decisions for his client. As chairman of the Manatee County School Board he oversaw the purchase of land for the planned Mana- tee Community College, and in various ways assured that "future generations of Manatee County students would have better educational opportunities," the school board citation said. -He and wife Dorothy have three daughters, Bar- bara Ann Willis Center, Dorothy Pauline Willis Clum and Mary Jo Willis, and one.son, Robert Willis Jr.,,who served many years as Bradenton Beach postmaster. THE ISLANDER i APRIL 20, 2005 U PAGE 11 778-4751 800-771-7163 5312 Marina Drive Holmes Beach www.island-florist.com RAiDER'S RIIEF SHELLS & GIFTS The Island's Largest Selection Shells Shell Craft Supplies Sea Life* Mirrors Jewelry Sand Handmade Seashell Christma. nmrnants - 778-321.1 OE-08 Marria Dr~ve Holmes Bis d h* Acro~ssfromrn hbrarv Mother's rings and pendants! S Great gift ideas! Gift certificates available. Jewelry & Watch Repair 7358 Cortez Rd. W. -" 798-9585. w MI n-Fri in-.. Sait iln X l. ,, u ., '. T I .., ,, '.z-ii-_' -_ ;= -3 ^rs= 2- z- r." SPRING ATI Our Exclusive Quickfit Circuit - / lakes only 30 minutes ' .' burns body fa.r noi lean -muscle Ssirergirers muscles ana cardiiciascular s) stems Give us 30 minutes, 3 times a week and you WILL see results! 4228 60th St. W., Bradenton 794-2878 5,.66 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach 779-2878 Former longtime Circuit Court Judge Robert E. Willis. Reservations being accepted for trichamber luncheon Reservations are beinm accepted for the lun- cheon of the barrier islands' chambers of commerce May 12, noting National Tourism Week and reveal- ing the 2005 Shining Stiar ininei r. It will begin at 11:30 a.m. at the Hilton Longboat .Key Beachfront Resort, 4711 Gulf of Mexico Drive. Cost is $20 for meinbers, $30 for nonmembers. Res- ervations may Cbe made with the Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce, 6960 Gulf of Mexico Drive, telephone 383-2466, fax 383-8217. Theme will be "Dealing With the Changing Tourism Landscape," featuring talks by Bill Geist, tourism consultant and former president of the Greater Madison, Wis., Chamber of Commerce, and Larry White, executive director, Bradenton Area Convention and Visitors Bureau. The Shining Star awards will go to winners from among the nominees by chamber members of em- ployees who have been outstanding in serving the tourism industry. Details may be obtained from the Longboat chamber or the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Com- merce, 778-1541. 'Good Morning, Longboat Key' A "Good Morning, Longboat Key" breakfast will be served from 8 to 9 a.m. Wednesday, April 27, at the Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce offices, 6960 Gulf of Mexico Drive. The "Good Morning" breakfasts are periodic "mixers" for members. Reservations may be made and further information obtained by calling 387- 9519. Unbeaten by hurricanes, hibiscus show goes on Finally, the Hibiscus Show and Plant Sale. seems to be on the way.It is planned this time for May 28, barring ,tornis such as the onesl that twice uprooted the sho\ It was planned o0 i-inall\ for l.ast Septenmber. but Hurricane Charlie blec it out. detrol\ in: h(ll plants being grown especially\ for the shli\. The sponsoring Golb\ -Reai-soner Chipici ot the American Hibiscus SI'ociet)i appe.l)ed for help from the parent oriariization. the American Hi- biscus Society. Help came in the form of alternate sources of plants on the Atlantic Coast. Then came Hurricane Frances, which "fin- ished off our backup sources," said the local group. "So we had no choice but to postpone our show. Canceling was unthinkable." Now, after grafting and growing a new sea- son of plants, the members anticipate putting 800-1,000 blooms on display at the May 28 show at the First Baptist Church, 1306 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton. Admission is free and there is plenty of park- ing space, the society said. Bloom entries are to be made from 9:30-11 a.m., the plant sale will be from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., the public exhibition 1-4 p.m. Further information is available at 722- 1748. Writers meet at library The Gulf Coast Writers group will meet at 10:15 a.m. Monday, May 2, at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Ma- rina Drive, Holmes Beach. Original writing by members will be read. Details are available at 761-9036. -a U---- RESEARCH CENTER IM-L-PlM TM NOW 5S THE TIME TO PLANT SPRING VEGETABLES I,' *.4 -" T" l "re. Local author's book S. available Snow at ".' .,~". Earth Box Large selection of wave petunias and geraniums. Rows of beautiful planted Earthboxes and plants for you to plant yourself. I ~ FREE Gardening Classes Wed. & Sat. 10 AM 723-2911 1023 Ellenton-Gillette Rd. Open Mon.-Fri. 9-4 Sat. 9-2 www.earthbox.com Easy to find. Take 301 to Ellenton-Gillette Rd. [one block west of Gamble Mansion] PAGE 12 0 APRIL 20, 2005 U THE ISLANDER Center has tickets for Rays, Bosox The Anna Maria Island Community Center has The game will begin at 2:15 p.m., the chance handfuls of tickets for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays- for Islanders to see the world champion Red Sox Boston Red Sox baseball game Sunday, April 24. in action. Deadline to get tickets is Saturday, April It will be the Center's special day at Tropicana- 23. They may be purchased at the Center, 407 Field, and the Island is allowed 500 tickets at $15 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. each. The seats are between home plate and first Additional information may be obtained by Base on the Rays' side. calling the Center at 778-1908. Streetlife Island police reports Anna Maria City April 14, failure to appear. A Sarasota man was arrested for failing to appear in court regarding several traffic tickets he had recei\ ed. The man was stopped after police saw him driving at a high rate of speed on Gulf Drive at Willow Avenue. At first the driver re- fused to stop even after police turned on the patrol car lights and sounded his siren twice. When the man did stop, he told police he was in.a hurry to get home and was trying to get past a driver in front of him who he said was going too slow. April 16, criminal mischief. A limousine driver's car was struck three times and dented by someone us- ing a BB gun or slingshot. Bradenton Beach no.reports Holmes Beach April 9, driver's license. After stopping a driver for having one headlight out, the man was given a ticket for never having been issued a drivers license. The. owner of the car only had a learner's permit and was not allowed to take the car. A relative of the car owner presented police with a valid Florida license and drove the car away April 10, traffic hazard. A North Carolina woman 9:30 am Adult Study/Discussion Rev. Charlie Shook 10:30 am Traditional Service with Choir Rev. Kenneth Gill (Nursery and Sunday school) Come worship and enjoy warm fellowship YOUR CHURCH AWAY FROM HOME! 6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key FL 34228 (941)383-6491 Web site: www.islandchapel.com had her car towed after it was found blocking the north entrance to Manatee Public Beach. April 10, bench down. Police found a bench at White Avenue had been damaged by vandals. April 11, driving while license revoked. A man was stopped for failing to yield to traffic headed north on Gulf Drive in front of Manatee Public Beach. An officer said he had to brake his vehicle hard to avoid hitting the driver, who \ as mrninig north on Gulf Drive from Manatee Avenue. When police asked for the man's driver's license, the man produced an identifi- cation card. Police ran a criminal records check and found the man's license had been revoked for five years as a habitual traffic offender. He was arrested and taken to the Manatee County Jail. April 13, driving while license suspended. A New Mexico man was arrested and taken to Manatee County Jail when it was discovered he was knowingly driving on a suspended license. April 16, criminal mischief. A woman found four small dents in the side of her car after she finished shopping at Walgreen's. Police believe the dents were caused by a pellet gun. April 16, auto theft. A Bradenton man was arrested for car theft after the owner of the truck allowed the man to take his truck so the man could buy sheet rock at Home Depot. When the man didn't return at the agreed-upon time of 3 p.m., the owner tried to file a stolen-vehicle affidavit, but police told him he couldn't file one while he was drunk. The owner filed the affi- davit the next day and police were able to find the al- leged car thief through the man's girlfriend. We'll pay you when your income stops. ur plan is designed to provide you money when your income stops if you are disabled from sickness or accident. With disability income protection from Auto-Owners Insurance, you're protected anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day, on or off the job. For more details, contact our agency today! tAuto-Owners Insurance Life Home Car Business Jim Mixon Insurance Inc. 5412 Marina Drive Island Shopping Center Holmes Beach (941) 778-2253 OUR OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR LUNCH'NOON-1 DAILY. Woman's Club makes extra donation to PTO The Woman's Club of Anna Maria Island has do- nated $200 to the Parent Teacher Organization of Anna Maria Elementary School, the club announced. The donation is "in support of the 'Luaus of Learn- ing' celebration" April 23 at the St. Bernard Catholic Church hall, which the club noted is already sold out. It is in addition to earlier donations to the school, the Friends of the Island Branch Library and the Anna Maria Island Community Center. Further information may be obtained at 778-4865. Reservations due now for key chamber's cruise Reservations are being received now for a cruise sponsored by the Longboat Key Chamber of Com- merce, with a deadline of April 20.for getting deposits to the chamber. The cruise will be the first fundraiser of its kind for the Longboat organization. It will be Sept. 22-26 from Tampa to Cozumel aboard the Carnival Inspiration. Costs are $424 per person, double occupancy, for an outside stateroom and $375 for an inside stateroom. A $200 deposit per person is required by April 20, fi- nal payment due by July 7. Proof of U.S. citizenship is required in the form of a passport or certified birth cer- tificate and driver's license.. Further infonnatio:n ma\ be obtained by calling 383- 2466, or gloefgren@ longboatkeychamber.com. Reserva- tions.may be made with Fantasy Travel, 795-3900. Materials sought for history book Stories and photos for the follow-on volume of the history of Anna Maria Island are being assembled and the book is already taking shape, said author Carolyne Norwood. Needed are stories of and from early-day residents and pictures dealing with the years 1940-60, said Norwood, who is executive director of the Anna Maria Island Historical Society. The first volume, "The Early Days, 1893 to 1940;" is being sold at the Island Museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria; Essence of Time, 5308 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach; Ginny's Antiques and Art, 5600 Marina Dri\ e, Holmes Beach; Ginny's and Jane E's at the Old IGA, 9807 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria; and Charlie's on the Island, 5904 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information and photos for the second volume may be taken to the museum or their handling arranged by calling 778-0492. Ever considered trying contacts? Need to update your current contact lenses? Now is the perfect time! Is land Vlslon Care _. is offering FREE Contact Lens Fittings and D. DglasK. Black Trial Pair of Disposable Contacts BopardCertifi with the purchase of a complete eye examination. 10 Years Exoerieince Call today for an appointment! SIslanW Visiorn Care 'Douglas K. Black, O.D. 5350 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Suite 202* Longboat Key 387-8772 EAT RIGHT. EXERCISE. AND YOU MIGHT- A OUTLIVE IT. When you buy an Amana air conditioner o heat pump, there's a chance you'll never have to buy , another. Because Amana units are built to last a - really long time. In fact, we're so confident about I L I the lasting power of Amana air conditioners and heat pumps that all Amana systems installed by West Coast qualify for Amana's Asurecare 10-year parts and labor breakdown coverage. So get an Amana air conditioner or heat pump for your home. It'll live a long, healthy life. Call for more details. M *-S~e VWESTCOAST s SAir oditioning AIR CONDITIONING 'AF0 l & HEATING INC 0 LASTS AND ASTS AD IASTS. 778-9622 2 5347 Gulf Drive, No. 4, Holmes Beach Business Center, Holmes Beach LUTZ, BOBO & TELFAIR, P.A. I'i I,. Lutz, Bolo & Telfair, P.A. is rated "AV" Iby Martinda More than 100 years combined legal ex Roger Lutz and Allen Bobo are Island residents and are available for consultations on the Island. 951-1800 One Sarasota Tower Sarasota www.lutzbobotelfair. com ale-IHubbell, the nationally recognized law firm rating service. uperieince in Manatee and Sarasota Counties. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not he based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. THE ISLANDER M APRIL 20, 2005 M PAGE 13 Kindergarten registration, immunizations at AME Kindergarten registration for the 2005-06 school year will take place at Anna Maria Elementary School from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, April 22. The Manatee County Health Department mobile immunization van will also be on site that day from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. offering free vacci- nations for children of all ages. The following vaccines are mandatory for kinder- garten entry: Five doses of DPT, unless the fourth dose was given on or after the fourth birthday. Four doses of polio, unless the third dose was given on or after the third birthday. A second dose of measles vaccine, preferably measles/mumps/rubella, spaced at least one month apart with the first dose given on or after the first birthday. Easter checks Bill Tester of the Anna Maria. Island -Kiwanis Club presents shares of the club's annual Easter sunrise service collection to representatives of the Island's churches. Each church received $769.68 from the Kiwanis- sponsored event. From left are Tester, who also accepted funds for Harvey Memorial Community Church; the Rev. John Bonser, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church; the Rev. Gary Batey, Roser Memorial Community Church; and the Rev. Harry Parsell, Episcopal Church of the Annunciation. Island Baptist Church and St. Bernard Catholic Church had received their checks earlier. Three doses of the hepatitis-B vaccine. Three doses are required for kindergarten through fifth-grade entry. The second dose is due one-two months from the first dose, and the third dose must be six months from the first dose. One dose of Varivax, or a documented case of the chicken pox. To register students for kindergarten, parents. should bring the student's birth certificate with an of- ficial seal, Social Security card, immunization record, proof of a Florida physical exam within the past year and proof of residency. A school nurse will be available to review records and answer questions. AME is located at 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. For more information, call 708-5525. Anna Maria Elementary menu Monday, April 25 Breakfast: French Toast Sticks, Cereal, Toast, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Fruit Lunch: Breaded Beef Patty, Baked Chicken Pieces, Muffin, Steamed Green Beans, Peaches Tuesday, April 26 Breakfast: Breakfast Hot Pocket, Cereal, Toast, Yogurt, Fruit Lunch: Hot Dog on a Bun, Grilled Cheese with Tomato Soup, Potato "Smiles," Chilled Pineapple Chunks and Mandarin Oranges Wednesday, April 27 Breakfast: Pancake on a Stick, Super Donut, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Macaroni and Cheese, Fish Sandwich on a Bun, Steamed Peas, Tossed Salad, Chilled Straw- berries Thursday, April 28 Breakfast: Waffle Sticks with Syrup, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Corn Dog, Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Lettuce and Tomato Cup, Steamed Broccoli, Spring Cookie Friday, April 29 Breakfast: Cheese Toast, Sausage Biscuit, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Pan-style Pizza, Burrito, Tuna Salad Sand- wich, Steamed Corn, Fresh Fruit Juice and milk are served with every meal. Rainbow Title & Lien Inc. 3389 Sheridan Street, PMB 221 Hollywood FL 33021 (954) 920-6020 NOTICE OF SALE Rainbow Title & Lien Inc. will sell at Public Sale at Auction the following vehicles to satisfy lien pursuant to Chapter 713.585 of the Florida Statutes at 10am. May 12, 2005 at 10am. Auction Will Occur Where each Vehicle/Vessel is located. * Lot#: 009406 1998 Black Pontiac Firebird, VIN# 2G2FS22K4W2202964 Located at: Bradenton B.P. Automotive, 2603 26th St.W., Bradenton FL 34205, (941) 727-3021, Manatee County. Owner: Jodi Robin Johnson, 61 S. Imperial Drive, Mulberry FL 33860. Customer: Same as registered owner. Lienholder: Orlando Auto Brokers Inc. 3495 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando FL 32839 Lien Amiount: $6,184.14 a) Notice to the owner or lienor that he has a right to a hearing prior to the scheduled date of sale filing with the Clerk of the Court. b) Owner has the right to recover possession of vehicle by posting bond in accordance with Florida Statutes Section 559.917. c) Proceeds from the sale of the vehicle after payment lien claimed by lienor will be deposited with the Clerk of the Court. Any persons) claiming any interests) in the above vehicles contact: Rain- bow Title & Lien Inc., (954) 920-6020. All auctions are held with reserve. Some of the vehicles may have been re- leased prior to auction. LIC#AB- 0001256 MASSAGE I massage in the peace, quiet and convenience of your home! More than 10 years on Anna Maria Island. Call Nadia 795-Q087 r- COMPOSITE DECKING & RAILINGS BY S, ILe le Nails SProjtional Nail Care fir Ladies & G'entiilIIII e Visit Jimmy, Rose & Tina! ] An extra 10% off for wedding groups SFull siet ] Don't w orrL M&'arn. he won't buc s anirnrre! "Tropical Bugs Need A Tropical Service" CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Beaches Bradenton Sarasota Parrish 778-1337 794-1005 365-2893 776-0779 SFull Service Exterior and Interior Now Accepting Visa = and Mastercard Island Pest Control Inc. SERVING THE ISLANDS MORE THAN 20 YEARS State Certified/Licensed and Insured Locally owned and operated Hours: Mon.-Saf. 9am-7pm Coral Way Plaza (next to Post Office & KFC) ( 87 28 Corfez Road Wesf PAGE 14 M APRIL 20, 2005 M THE ISLANDER Wednesday, April 20 9 a.m. Horseshoe games at Anna Maria City Hall Park, 10005 Gulf Drive. Anna Maria. .: . Noon Anna Maria Island Garden Club lunch' at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512-Pine: Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-3665.. 12:30 to 4 p.m. Duplicate bridge at the Anna. Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-3390. Fee applies. Thursday. April 21 - 7:30 p.m. Manatee County Audubon Society potluck dinner and craft "show and tell" at First Pres- byterian Church, 1402 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton, Information: 758-2929. Friday, April 22 ... 6 to 9p.m. Smooth Jazz with Eric Darius at St. Armands Circle, Sarasota. Information: 388-1554. Saturday, April 23 8:30 a.m. Kiwanis. Club speaker Jack Fones at Cafe on the Beach, 2200 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach. 9.a.m. Horseshoe games atAnna Maria City Hall Park, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Informa- 3232 East Bay Drive B Next to Walgreens *778-7878 r-- -------- - I I I ANY 3 j A9 !FOOT-LONG 1 | 2 F -i- _- --I------_ _> _ EGREEKITALIA RESTAURANT I I great foodwithi .7 a. . I 'Mediterranean "i 7 I ~ GLASS OF : FREE HOUSE WINE IF E with entree purchase I t:* Must present tinc 'cup:n i tion: 752-5973. 9 a.m.- Yoga on the beach with Jasmine Boss at the Spring Avenue beach access. Anna Maria. In- formation: 778-4977. Donations accepted. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. "America's Boating Course" at the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, 1201 Eighth Ave. W., Palmetto. Information: 729-7703. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Manatee County Audubon Society Earth Day celebration at Felts Preserve; 4600 24th Ave. E. and Experimental Farm Road, Pal- metto; Information: 758-2929 9:30 a.m. Sierra Club canoe/kayak paddle, hike and bike ride at Myakka River State Park. Infor- mation: 366-9596.,Fee applies. Sunday, April 24 1 to 5p.m. "Sip and Shop" wine tasting at St. Armands Circle, Sarasota. Information: 388-1554. Fee applies. 2:15p.m.- Anna Maria Island Community Cen- ter Day at Tropicana Field in Tampa. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. Tuesday, April 26 Noon to 3:30 p.m. Friendly bridge at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. 1 to 4 p.m. Veterans service officer at.the Is- land Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Appointments: 749-3030. Wednesday, April 27 9 a.m. Horseshoe games at Anna Maria City Hall Park, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. r*------.-- ---.---.- -- EAT-IN OR 0 : TAKE-OUT $1 0 OFF. I I Any Size Pizza I S FREE DELIVERY! I S 'OMA PIZZA - & ITALIAN RESTAURANT Specializing in Veal. Chicken Fish Pasta Makers of the World's Largest Pizza Open 7 Days 11AM to Midnight S, 201 N. Gulf Dr. Bradenton Beach L I 778-0771 or 778-0772 I_- ii-i------ SCHNITZELHAUS * The Best German Restaurant on Florida's West Coast We're on vacation April 20-27, REOPEN April 28 ... See you then! Reservations a must! 778-1320 HOURS: MON SAT 5-9:30PMi Anna Maria Island Centre 3246 E. Bay Drive Holmes Beach I I SOpen for Dinner 4:30 -9:30.7 Days 792-5332 6717 Manatee Ave. W. in the Northwest Promenadej T ko y "a t T -- Where the locals bring their friends! Evening entertainment! 4-8 Mon-Wed Larry Reich Thurs & Sat Rick Boyd Friday Tom Mobley Sunday Kenny NOW OPEN DAILY- BREAKFAST LUNCH DI R FRI SIS FRY 2-8 p.m. l, ,' '' with fries and slaw 0o All-you-can-eat 0,.. .O $8.95 OPEN 7 AM 7 DAYS A WEEK BEER & WINE Casual Inside Dining or Outdoor Patio Dining Plenty of Parking Fishing/Observation Pier On beautiful Manatee Beach where Manatee Ave. ends and the'Gulf begins! 40QQ Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-0784 12:30 to 4p.m. Duplicate bridge at the Anna Maria island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-3390. Fee applies. Ongoing: "Amedeus" at the Riverfront Theatre, 102 Old Main St., Bradenton, through April 24. Information: 748-5875. Fee applies. Powel Crosley Theatre Company's Shakes- peare on the Bay featuring "Much Ado About Noth- ing" at the Powel Crosley Museum, 8374 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, through April 29. Information: 722- 3244. Fee applies. .* Art by Dee Pastorius.at the Gallery of All Angels by the Sea Episcopal Church, 563 Bay Isles Road, Longboat Key. Information: 383-8161. Youth art classes for ages 5- to 12 at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach, through May 3. Information: 778-2099. Fee applies. "Shells: Gems of the Sea" exhibit at the South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton, through May 8. Information: 746-4131, ext. 37. Fee applies. Upcoming: "Dance the Night Away" at Palma Sola Botani- cal Park April 29. "America's Boating Course" at the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Palmetto, April 30. Boating skills course at the U.S. Coast Guard, Auxiliary, Bradenton, MAy 1. Gulf Coast Writers meeting at Island Branch Li- brary May 2. DISCOUNT LIQUOR COCKTAIL LOLINiGE --- Coupon Good April 20-26 2005 Gilbey's Vodka r- -'TECrr COLNTI Corbell Brandy $479 |#.1 IDEIDEINT $'.49 '1 $ 2L LT" Br- LE)F.A L \ D LEh I 1 T-- "- /i /] / Tres CONTINENTAL BISTRO Discover what Islanders call their t',- t kept s- i. t Brunch/Lunch 1 I:-2.. 3 Wed -Su.r, Breakfasl -,uri.j., ,8 -i.n, Dinner irr, :n 3, p r r-, W5:jrresc.l-, l3a , 1 "1 r 1. : .c.r.i l Int*- r ;- h_1.1. j irr,.3 _I H.:.,,.. D- : .r 778-5320 a.p. BeLL fisH compaNyiN. y.-,- -- -m t-. Fresh Seafood Since 1910 Great selection of locally caught Grouper, Snapper, Shrimp, SPanfish and much more. Planning a fishing trip? Call about our big selection of frozen bait! DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAY See you at our docks! 794-1249 .4600 124th St. W. Cortez, Florida ---. Capalbo's *HOUSE OF PIZZA LUNCH PIZZA BUFFET $4.89 *DINNER PIZZA BUFFET- $6.09 Dinner buffet includes pizza, soup and salad bar! 792-5300 10519 Cortez Rd. W. ,,Mon-Sat* 11 am-10opm, .yiy9Qa nn-9 THE ISLANDER U APRIL 20, 2005 0 PAGE 15 Flat Stanley offspring Nicole on way home By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent Those flat kids are going home at the end of the month, as flat as ever and apparently no worse for their journeys that included a sojourn on Anna Maria Island. They started out as Flat Stanley in a book in Ontario, Calif., and spread wherever there were kids and cardboard and crayons. Flat Stanley, it seems, is a storybook boy who got flattened by falling bookshelves and bulletin board and Carol Anderson with Flat Nicole. can go just about anywhere and have all kinds of ad- ventures because he is flat, according to Carol B. Th- ompson, Holmes Beach resident with strong family ties in Ontario. She got wind of the movement through her daugh, ter-in-law, who had it from a teacher identified only as Mrs. Wiley at Creek View School in California. Mrs. Wiley's fourth-graders made flat replicas of themselves and decided to send them around North America. - One was by fourth-grader Nicole, and the card- board foot-tall Flat Nicole ended up with Ms. Thomp- son. Not ended.up, exactly. She took Flat Nicole to Anna Maria Elementary School and many other places where people gather on the Island. AME students re- counted Flat Nicole's experiences here in her journal so Mrs. Wiley's students can know all about them. Christian Diaz, for example, wrote, "She was able to sit in the bleachers with the parents, get to know some of the baseball team's players and see me hit a home run." Megan Abstom wrote, "Flat Nicole went to a res- taurant and almost fell in my spaghetti." Well, Flat Nicole is about to go home, via Ms. Thompson's daughter in Michigan. She in turn will King Islanders selected for honors Seven Island students attending Martha B. King Middle School have been tapped for selection into the National Junior Honor Society. Students have to maintain a 3.75 grade-point aver- age to qualify for entry into the scholar group. Seventh-graders from the Island on the list include Donna Barth, Paige Carper, Amanda Rodriguez, Stephen Thomas and Alexandra Walstad. The only Islander eighth-grader to make the list was Severin Walstad. send Nicole onward to Mrs. Wiley's class, along with the journal, arriving by May 1 before the fourth-grad- ers are sent off to summer vacations and fifth-grade. MHS exhibit at Island art league The Anna Maria Island Art League will host the 11th annual Manatee High School Student Art Exhibit May 6-31, with the artists' reception the evening of opening day. The exhibition of local high school artists' works will be at the league's gallery, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. Hours will be 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Tuesday-Friday. The reception will be from 5:30-7:30 p.m. May 6. Additional information is available at 778- 2099. 525 ST. JUDES DRIVE (5600 BELoC Gm ,L Or MEXICO DRIVE , LONGBOAT KEY TROPICAL RESTAURANT GOURMET DELI STYLISH CATERING SCortez Cafe 12108 Cortez Rd. W. 792-0030 All our food is made in our kitchen! Monday Meatloaf with homemade mashed potatoes Tuesday All-u-can-eat spaghetti with meat sauce only $4.99 Wednesday Roast pork tenderloin Thursday 1/4 baked chicken Friday Fried grouper with homemade hush puppies Get hooked with our dinner club - buy nine dinners, get the tenth free! -I 'Your neighborhood hot-pot;: SPRING IS HERE Come enjoy our new outdoor deck! Diners and smokers welcome! .__ .. " ". -. .: 15 LARGE FRIED SHRIMP SALUTE WITH CHOICE OF FRIES OR COLE SLAW I95 urs s69I -JUST $6 CM LY ID THROUGH F" IL 30 .'ITH COU PON .". T '1 IC. .'.IT H z ,N :.TH ,'.,= .- ,,t.r ,E n:, ::",- i "T.' t. .ltl- I | Free Bottle of B&G I CHARDONNAY Macon-Villages Switch purchase of two entrees priced $ 0.95-516.95. c ,'L I' LID T HI-If'O H -FFIL i I II:.T I LI '. TH -l 1 I' I,' l:.H fh -: P.F L.....-..... -- - Dr. Dave Band 8:30-'Till Friday. April 22 Taylor & Tayloi 6-9pm Tues., April 26 Billy Rice Band 7:30-10:30pm Wed., April 27 ." ,, ,-' iF *- '. "" :4; ,'*: - eomne Celetrate witf us. futientic tIre,.lCwr,, NA ie o)argaritas & b orona beer $, ft// nltr Music by : "Trio Caliente del Sol" (Hot Sun Trio) 7:30-10:30pm I. .* I PAGE 16 E APRIL 20, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER OI. z Open 7 Days LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Thurs. Sun. Retail Seafood Market SKICHEN 'S C,, II C@me C Spring G Sat Sand 's p t panY! ( Share Spring Chicken & Springe Salad % lhen the "munchies." hit. Guests \\ill each receive a small potted plant' Earth Da.i (' 5 p.m. Friday.~ April 22 REAL COFFEE & R I 9906 Gulf Drive Anna Maria (941) 779-0034 A c A? 0 < 0 z 7: (1) Lu Z w C/ z o I- _ C2 z <0 -~' I A. CU.. ? al0.0 7-, , / ' iI'-'H = '' ' t|su":..'-"I J -.. . 4:-' . 000 Gn' TZv",co 1 . > cr < 0 coc~ *I Z j <- "w I L)> a. - .TE4o%, OFF ORIGINALLY PRICED HOME F- f 11- 'T 5 1.4 --- -- -- ------ ---- -r~x ; ................ .R- p~ 7-M .---- ---4-~d B~~--J~ -i 1,-,-r--- 941.83.2 __~ 913...91 -8 941.779,2222 A2]941,778.0444 visit www.Groupcrsarsddwchcom #or Menu Items, Gtreat Gifts and Special Everit Planning! n Islaild shopJpillo Center~l IP1NUJI Ili ~ I I -11-i 041 i h liA i ,1 778-2169 ~JUI E-M!hail: sunlcvullbiuuLiitfiteuccioI.coin RostRsMs0 blisgada0'- i++:-'+-::A--, +- Ul...r>.. Jl c 08 JTres A\ iic r CONTINENTAL BISTRO Check out our new, chic dining area and wine bar! Casual modeling at Wedr ;oy's lunch by Sun and Surf; BRUNCH/LUNCH Wed.-Sat. 11-2:30 BREAKFAST SUNDAY 8-2:30 DINNER Wed.-Sun. from 5:30 p.m. (Closed Mon./Tues.) B4 5406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 778-5320 iJ ,Y V -;. v, d; f VV 1', *'/' < '' : ' z IL Cc LI, z U z LLI 0~ LnIL 4. jU) c . 41 , .0 NZ" It 00 a 0 in em c-4 .0 f Jo!JI w s .44 0~7'44~ 4 Vt. 41 VE Cb woV V i i I (,O '' r. e.. ,. ,: ' THE ISLANDER M APRIL 20, 2005 M PAGE 17 --AMAEA XAFAMA CAR7IBBEA. SEA^FOO i HOME OF THE MANGO-MACADAMIA ENCRUSTED GROUPER FREE 2 GLASSES OF WINE or a piece of Key Lime Pie with any two regular priced dinners, with this ad. Open Daily Live Music Fri, Sat EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Eieryda\ 3:30-5:30 pm ,* B,,y on eniree, get second eniree HALF-OFF w; Ih .~i iri rI rj.C I Ci -rv j'r'i*.. '1 Where the locals and the stars love to dine! Denzel Washington said: "Great food! 103 Gulf Drive Bradenton Beach .779-1930 Rod & Reel Pier Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 7 Days "Fresh Fish' Specials Doily Ice-Cold Beer & Wine .A.^---^.-.At'Ka a S ay -.' m 44"IC Veer thi s s oo ofHeavef-n C,:..:..~~ f f~ Pd? Oeyer. Fropr'elrd~ss . .504H& -4W -. C.C C~C-.' -- C -~~ w 9 AV 0 AV i1 AV AAY elseuea Yn -, I. SUD A A o Vo N 3AInA ling 141. NJG let iC NCCJ CC C ~cCCo CoC)) C S 5; :l >,-j za:' Lu CC cco~~OCoC~*CC.$$ Zu j to < C) m S WAbO i1111 -0:' OLLI 0 C C)m w mo LUD Il Y m~< Cc 0 o Jz Cc- W ki, C3 00 U)C ~CO Z ; )C) 0MU)C]CO :c :" 0Z m - :N U)o L0-*- Z:?JCC E Ir r < OMMOMLMM-- 0~ awwrzo mmccmm mmc mm X, N N men CMi 0 w 0 r c oZZ -ozzonrrx -v vj -0 zia-a Z Z IL E ~ i0 mm-cmmcc-om0,..:o a Z dZ i>>:> .0. cn<-< o-mcOn-Dir 0nU)**C!,do*O*Z U)UC)IEOu-)eZOOLWW ~i ooou~oooouorr co 4:$ cm qcm ~ CM C] -T C~ c'JCC 0 U) c c< 0 m< mm L 2I 2 uy 0 0 a Er- . -4m Ccumv mo (n -A w < Sw an L L IN %r m U. U) U) 0 O) M U)C4 MNNNNC\MC M n U L) CCCM u MMMM a: r 3 c 5acnoO cr>m < z W~ou~)((nWW-U)U)Uv1 WWWW - U) q ) 0D U)W :m cn w < 4: a < ~LL LL - -..J -J -toccmmm-ctcc<0i < OMZU) M m C-) cc rcc 0 0.c 3 c -) ui crcn m 22LMWLU)1mJ w M. ir TZr U "E If cc a. f~ C MM MM__: o INSHOREOPORT-FISHING CKARTER'-BOAT COv"Pleat AtglQe. Capt. Stevq#- Sagado." I I. 08 GIlTNYJY &J ANED... -Draft Beer with purchase of our S\\ \ \ Philly CHeese Steak Sandwich SEat i- aeout! thru 4/26/o5 only! S. .i, '- ; -- SAIM4 TM, Cw On a traditional www annamaraislansailing com 50-foot Schooner Dolphin Sails, or a 36" Catamaran Sluset Sails, Egmont Kcy -. Daily departures from the Seafood Shack Manna S..Rescrvations 713-8000 CIor 71-4779, ZJIPIfANTCIs citoilIZ o R __8 Like Shopping for neat things? Like tea and coffee? Like muffins? Then you'll love Ginny's and Jane E's. Ginny's Antiques & Art 5602 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach -779-1773 SGinny's at the Old IGA & Jane E's "I'll Bake If I Want To" 9807 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria 778-3170 . . . .. . . 0'1 View our vent1cLl pro3rths iIat: U t 5i IL 4 I ( 1LI .31 LrIS t7. L:() to to COD toco co 0 Lu LL mccmmm' mV:w ) Cli mm d : t _ 3: 3: CMj C'] OU) 0-z< CC cr z mlk "AL. Alm PAGE 18 0 APRIL 20, 2005 A THE ISLANDER The long, long story of creation of a mooring field This is the story of a long, long process that may finally have come to a conclusion. And, although much of the tale takes place in Sarasota, perhaps Bradenton Beach can learn from the boondoggles to the south and wind up with its own happy ending. About 25 years ago, City of Sarasota officials were presented with a real problem with liveaboard boaters anchoringg everywhere in city waters. Waterfront homeowners were livid that they had to share their million-dollar vistas with boats that, in some instances, were literally held together with baling wire. The city began the laborious process of enacting Slaws to get rid of the rampant, scattered moorings. The- problem, though, is that it couldn't just say, "no more boats anywhere," so some designated areas had to be set aside. After years of debate and months of vocal, angry hearings, the city devised a plan that would al- low boats to anchor for a few days in a lot of places, and established some anchorages for more permanent moorings. The mooring field locations were fixed off the Sarasota Sailing Squadron, at the tip of City Island, and just south of Marina Jack restaurant and marina, a little west of Selby Gardens. The problem, though, was that the itinerant boat- ers were suddenly compressed into two areas. While the squadron kept a firm rein on the matter, the anchor- age off the downtown bayfront was another matter. The anchorage quickly turned into a bedroom com- munity for the homeless. Thefts at the marina were rampant. Since bathroom, shower and laundry facilities at Marina Jack were reserved for the persons who paid to dock boats there, the anchorage residents were some- what cavalier in their facility usage. Health and water- quality issues were serious concerns since the mooring customers seldom, if ever, utilized sanitary pumpout stations. It got so bad that a couple of guys were living in a packing crate that rested on the bottom. They'd nailed plywood onto to make it look like a boat. Yes, it was that bad. About 19 years ago, I got conscripted by my buddy Jack Gurney to drive a bunch of Sarasota officials over to Vero Beach to look at a mooring field they had there. Gurney was the mayor of Sarasota at the time and also, happened to live downtown in one of the condos on the bayfront, giving him a front-row view of the hell that was the anchorage. Vero Beach has a very, very nice mooring field that I guess can accommodate about 50 vessels of varying size. People can stay a day, a week or a year, utilize the laundrN and other onshore services, which include a cozy little clubhouse and a modest ship's store. The fees charged boaters are based on the size of the ves- sel and are modest, The mooring field is operated by the city and turns a nice profit. We were all pretty enthused about the matter and decided that a similar, although larger, waterborne complex would be a nice addition to Sarasota's bayfront. Work began on drafting plans to create a Downtown Sarasota Anchorage. That was in 1991. Fast forward to last Monday night, when the city commission was scheduled to ad- dress a proposal to create 109 mooring sites. Some sort of progress, huh? To, be sure, things have improved greatly at the mooring field from a nadir about five years ago. Law enforcement started a vigorous crackdown on onboard rest room facilities. Boats had to have engines to an- chor. And that law enforcement crackdown brings the matter to the shore of Bradenton Beach. A lot of the worst offenders at the Sarasota anchor- age upped anchor and sailed north to a section of Anna Maria Sound just south of the city pier off Bridge Street. The same pollution problems that Sarasota had ,to deal with became Bradenton Beach's problems. Thievery was an issue, too one bayfront homeowner found his garage freezer cleaned out, presumably by one of the boat bums. So Bradenton Beach began looking into establish- ,- ing a mooring field off the pier. My old buddy Gus Antonini conducted a bay bottom mapping and depth chart to determine where and how many vessels could be accommodated. Police ,Chief S.am ,Speciale brought in a whole,, bunch of anchorage experts affiliated with the Univer- sity of Florida to talk to citizens and officials about how and what to do to establish the anchorage. Bradenton Beach has a unique problem, though, in that it is about the only city around that has its bound- aries end at the water's edge. No authority in the wa-- ter, no enforcement of anything out in the water except by county and state officials. Special started working on that matter, and then things started to drag. Elections came along, commis- sioners changed, and the mooring field concept got shoved onto a back burner. Then.a new commission came in last year, and the UF gang got called down to give a little spiel --again. But this time everyone involved got a pleasant surprise because the hall was packed with people who wanted to get cracking on getting a field established. Now. Of course; the new commission is asking some of the same questions that the old commission asked about liability and staffing and added facilities and costs and all the rest. Cost is always a good question to pose, and the numbers can be pretty staggering, depending on who's doing the talking. By the time the water clears in Sarasota, assuming it does, the mooring field there will probably cost about $500,000. A 75-boat anchorage off Fort Myers cost about half that much. But the mooring field in the process of getting state permits off the Sarasota Sailing Squadron has so far incurred less than $5,000 because the squadron mem- bers have volunteered their time and expertise to shep- herd the paperwork through Tallahassee. It's taken a year so far, but it's in the works., So here we are in Bradenton Beach: Five years and counting. It will be fun to see how the race against Sarasota shapes out and who gets the best time in the mooring field event. Species listing criteria change OK'd ... but now what? The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Com- mission last week approved the modification to the "imperiled species listing process," basing their new process on something called the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. "We believe our actions today will make Florida's process one of the most effective, science-based, recov- ery-oriented processes in the world, but we recognize the process may not be perfect," FWC Chair Herky Huffman said, adding that the commission expects regular updates from staff on how things are going. The FWC was quick to add that the process change "does not immediately affect the listing status of any of the 118 animal species classified as endan- gered, threatened or species of special concern in the state list. It also will not affect the status of species on the federal list, which revolves around different crite- ria." Environmentalists are concerned that the process change could impact manatees and other critters as far as their "endangered" versus "threatened" listing. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. How big was that fish? We may soon know better The FWC also is moving forward to more clearly define.how to measure the length of a fish. "FWC's saltwater fishing rules express size lim- its of marine fish in either fork length or total length," according to the agency. "Size limit mea- surements for fish expressed in fork length, such as Spanish mackerel, pompano, and'cobia, are consid- ered to be easily understood by fishermen and do not need further clarification. However, FWC rules do not clearly specify how to measure fish that have total length size limits,, such as red drum, spotted seatrout and snook, subjecting the measurement of total length to interpretation by fishermen and law enforcement officers." Under the proposed change, "total length means the straight line distance from the most forward point of the head with the mouth closed, to the farthest tip of the tail with the tail compressed or squeezed, while the fish is lying on its side. The commission is also propos- ing to clarify the measurement for triggerfish b\ chang- ing its measurement from total length to fork length. Seems pretty simple, doesn't it? Final public hearing on the new measuring stick rule will be Sept. 21-21 in Sarasota and, if approved, will go into effect Jan. 1, 2006. Sandscript factoid Manatee County drinking water will face off against water samples from throughout the state Thurs- day for the title of "Best Tasting Drinking Water" dur- ing the Fifth Annual Drinking Water Day in Tallahas- see. Our water took the best in the five-county region that includes Charlotte, DeSoto, Hardee and Sarasota. I knew they had wacky days designated in the Holy City, but a "drinking water day?" Jeez. Michigan chill Ellen and Ross Benjamin of Bradenton Beach with Ms. Benjamin's sisters, Cookie Moffet, left, and Nancy Curnow, check The Islander between shivers at Houghton Lake, Mich., where they attended the wedding of Ms. Benjamin's granddaughter . . . . .. . . .. .. . THE ISLANDER N APRIL 20, 2005 N PAGE 19 Winds keep fishers in bay, better weather ahead By Capt. Mike Heistand thou, bI ,0, It was a wind thing last week for most anglers, as 'it a late-season cold front blew through and whisked away most of the good offshore fishing action that ri , we've had for the past few weeks. .. : The backwater fishing continued to be good, F"P. l though, with lots of reports of big spawning trout com- .': ji. .I : ~ ing to the hooks, as well as redfish, snook aind floun- der.: -I,, , B l o T l i t -1 .. ., . The cooler weather chilled the water temps too, F '' i'' and the result is a continued occasional catch of sheep- 1 1 gi ! head around-all the rock or pier systems in the bays. .. .. Enjoy the sheepies while you can, though, because -2 _" they's pretty much done for another season. But don't despair: Weather reports indicate the winds will die and water warm this week arid the -,4 weekend's blustery winds may auger the last of the M, I . season's cold fronts. 7-- Capt. Thom Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez . Road said he caught snook to 28 inches, a few redfish -. . to 25 inches, flounder to 18 inches and some trout up .. -.. .-. -- to 19 inches, all with whitebait. Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle said the -: .,.. .; , cold and windy weather slowed the fishing for most .. e All grins Brett, left, and brother Jordan Smith caught these jacks while fishing with Capt. Mike Heistand. The Lake Odessa, Mich., youths won a fishing trip with Capt. Mike at last year's Islander Fishing College. $ jb i-:p ,, -3~~f~I~L Cr'd .~ ~lk. 7d~a Hoisted, with a little canine help Charter boat Si, ayv Dog First Mate Wes Francis caught this 53 1/2-pound gag grouper and needed a little assitIlA1nc to lift thefishfor the photo from Second Mate Maggie. Islander Photo: Courtesy Capt. Scott Greer We'd love to hear your fish stories, and pictures are welcome at The Islander. Just give us a call at 778- 7978, or stop by our office in the Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach. E-mail news@islander.org. TlHi Islander 941778 7978 EARLY RISER SPECIAL $35 Tues-Fri $35 7-8 am + TAX, GREEN FEE AND CART $42 Until +T, _-.iEEIJ ll H E -IllC CART $35 Noon- $35 2 pm + ." ,IJee, FEE -IJI : .. RT $25 After 2 pm +T- I-: E I IE- AND CART Aboe R 6.4 2 ilese" f1-75 fishers last week, but those backwater anglers who did go out did well with lots of spotted sea trout, redfish, flounder, bluefish and a few sheepshead. "It was just too rough to go offshore, though," Bill said. Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said fishers there are catching redfish, mackerel, pompano and a few lin- gering sheepshead.. Overall, he said, fishing has been pretty good. Dave Sork at the, Anna Maria City Pier said snook action is really starting to pick up at night, while daytime anglers are doing well with mackerel on the moving tides. The sheepies are still hanging around, too, he added. Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said there are lots and lots of trout coming in now, with catches usually reaching 24 inches in length. Redfish action is also great in Terra Ceia Bay, and there are black drum coming out of the cut. At Skyway Bait & Tackle, mackerel from the Sunshine Skyway Bridge system is a good bet, as well as redfish from Terra Ceia Bay. There are also lots of hungry flounder out there in the bays. Capt. Rick Gross on Fishy Business out of Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said the wind hut his charters last week, but he did manage to get out and catch good-size snook and limit catches of redfish. Trout are in full spawn right now and are hitting hard, he added. At Perico Island Bait and Tackle, the problem has been the wind for anglers. For those willing to weather the chop, the results have been good for trout and redfish. As the wind flattens this week, though, the UNCLE PETE WANTS YOU TO DRIVE A CLEAN CAR! * 24-hour self-serve car wash * Complete auto detailing * Quick lube LMERICAN CAR WASH 5804 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach 778-1617 MA.OR CREDIT CARDS ., DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED action should really pick up. Capt. Tom Chaya on the Dolphin Dreams in Holmes Beach out of Catchers said there was no Gulf fishing for him last week, but his backwater trips pro- duced lots of snook and redfish to 10 pounds. Capt. Larry McGuire of Show Me The, Fish Charters said fishing "has been fairly good in between the wind fronts. Our clients have been catching gag grouper to 15 pounds, kingfish to 25 pounds, mangrove snapper to 5 pounds, blacktip sharks to 6 feet, plus red grouper, scamp, & triggerfish. We have been fishing out to 85 feet of water in the Gulf of Mexico, using a variety of live baits, frozen Spanish sardines and shrimp for the snapper as bait." Capt. Zach Zacharias on'the Dee-Jay II out of Annie's Bait & Tackle in Cortez said he took Bill Wade and his son out last week and caught a 12-pound kingfish and some huge mackerel. Allen Scharm caught snook and reds to 30 inches on another charter. On my boat Magic, we did well with snook, reds and trout from the backwaters. ionno o a ri) 2slonS cfres .... ,,N \* \, \_4' @ Moon Date AM HIGH AM LOW PM HIGH PM LOW Apr20 11:08 1.6 4:16 0.2 10:40 1.8 4:14 0.7 Apr21 11:12 1.7 4:41 0.4 11:31 1.8 5:00 0.5 Apr 22 11:20 1.9 5:06 0.6 5:38 0.2 Apr23 12:22 1.7 5:27 0.8 1ll:35a* 2.1 6:18 -0.1 FM Apr24 1:11 1.6 5:46 1.0 ll:53a* 2.3 7:00 -0.3 Apr25 2:11 1.5 6:01 1.1 12:18 2.5 7:45 -0.4 Apr26 3:22 1.4 6:12 1.2 12:49 2.6 8:38 -0.5 Apr 27 1:28 2.6 9:37 -0.4 Cortez High Tides 7 minutes later lows 1:06 later -- OPEN HOUSE WAVES This Saturday! BOAT & SOCIAL CLUB Unlimited Boating!! WIN A ONE-YEAR MEMBERSHIP' BOATERS WANTED! No experience or boat necessary. (941) 376-4541 CA / e 4110 127 Street W. Cortez (Next to the Seafood Shacki .r. '..* '. ..', a ie:L i, t-lu r. .-.rr, PAGE 20 M APRIL 20, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER I Island Biz Lynn is a rose Lynn Parker has been named a managing partner of RoseBay Real Estate located at 10015 Cortez Rd. W. in Cortez.. As managing partner, she'll be responsible for RoseBay's Manatee County operations, said Mike Rosario of RoseBay. She is the former vice president and general man- ager for Wagner Realty and was the 2004 president of the Manatee Association of Realtors. She was named Realtor of the Year in 2003 by the association, and has an extensive background in relocation management. "I look forward to working with Lynn," said Mike. "She brings a level of expertise needed to grow RoseBay Real Estate in Manatee County. We're all very pleased to have her in our organization." Parker can be reached at 794-3734. Corrections One of the telephone numbers listed in the April 13 Islander for Cortez Welding at 12111 Cortez Road W. was incorrectly-listed. The correct number is 737-8667. In the same issue; the telephone for the Gallery Cafe at 4756 Cortez Rd. should be 761-1646. Island real estate transactions 6426 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, L' Plage, a 1,872 sfla / 2,152 sfur 3bed/2bath Gulffront condo built in 2003 was'- sold 04/01/05, Point South LLC to Maurio for $1,625,000. 529 74th St., Holmes Beach, a 3,197 sfla / 4,548 sfur -4bed/2bath/2car canalfront pool home built in 1958 on a 140x150 lot was sold 04/01/05, Byers to Harper for $1;500,000. 2808 Avenue E, Holmes Beach, a 50x100 Gulffront lot was sold 03/31/05, Ferguson to Haber for $1,400,000. 305 17th St. N. Unit 305, Bradenton Beach Club, Bradenton Beach, a 1,676 sfla / 2,118 sfur 2bed/2.5 bath bayfront condo built in 2002 was sold 04/01/05, Maurio to Siegal for $925,000; list $950,000. 523 741h St., Holmes Beach, a 1,646 sfla / 2,488 sfur 3bed/2bath canalfront pool home built in 1959 on a 100x110 lot was sold 04/01/05, Adam to Clyne for $850,000; list $875,000. ..-. Do you care for an elderly loved one? GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK WITH OUR SAFFOR DABLE SENIOR DAYCARE. Days Nights Weekends SE ceptional Individual Care ANNA MARIA CARE ASSISTED LIVING 2202 Avenue B Bradenton Beach 779-0322 OPEN Mon.-Fri. 73oam-7pm Sat., Sun., Holidays 7soam-5pm WALK-INS WELCOME We're available to tend to your urgent care needs Fever/Infections Minor Lacerations Simple Fractures Sprains PINNACLE MEDICAL CENTER 315 75th Street West Bradenton 941-761-1616 5701 Carissa St., Bradenton Beach, a 2,500 sfla / 2,566 sfur 5bed/4bath duplex with a pool built in 1968 on a 75x117 lot was sold 03/29/05, Reckelhoff Investments Inc. to Benalcazar for $798,000; list $825,000. 110 Palm Avenue, Anna Maria, a 1,225 sfla / 1,830 sfur 2bed/3bath home built in 1963 on a 75x110 lot was sold 03/ 31/05, Nicholas to Glubin for $700,000. 209 South Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, a 50x197 bay-view lot was sold 04/01/05, Hood to Hatch for $655,000; list $690,000. 230 17th St. N., Unit 40, Bradenton Beach, Bradenton Beach Club, a 1,425 sfla 2bed/2bath condo built in-2004 was sold 03/31/05, Ami Bayshore Development to JLR and JMR Properties LLC for $635,000; list $639,000. 7000 Gulf Drive, Unit 207, Tiffany Place, Holmes Beach, a 1,259 sfla / 1,395 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1978 was sold 03/29/05, Gibbs to Nickerson for $635,000. 616 Gladstone Lane, Holmes Beach, a 1,314 sfla / 2,010 sfla 2bed/2bath/2car canalfront home built in 1973 on a 90x114 lot was sold 03/29/05, Pratt to Wilkie for $630,000; list $659,000. 226 171h St. N., Unit 33, Bradenton Beach Club, Bradenton Beach, a 1,320 sfla 2bed/2bath condo built in 2004 was sold 03/31/05, Ami Bayshore Development to Haen for $599,000; list $599,000. S6250 Holmes Blvd., Unit 55, North Beach Village, Holmes Beach, a 1,536 sfla /2,105 sfur 3bed/2,5bath/2car attached townhome built in 1992 was sold 04/01/05, Schaefer to Carpenter for $530,000; list $539,000. 246 17t',St. N., Unit 23, Bradenton Beach Club, Bradenton Beach, a 1,268 sfla / 1,396 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 2004 was sold 03/30/05, Ami Bayshore De- velopment to Ullom for $520,000. 1000 Gulf Drive, Unit 6, Beach. House Resort, Bradenton Beach, a 450 sfla 1bed/1bath Gulffront condo built in 1983 was sold 03/28/05, BHA LLC to O'Neill for $430,000, list $430,000. 1000 Gulf Drive, Unit 7, Beach House Resort, Bradenton Beach, a 450 sfla 1bed/1bath Gulffront condo built in 1983 was sold 03/28/05, BHA LLC to Levins for $430,000, list $430,000. 1000 Gulf D'rive, Unit 5, Beach House Resort, Bradenton Beach, a 450 sfla 1bed/1bath Gulffront condo built in 1983 was sold 03/28/05, BHA LLC to Neely for $425,000, list $425,000.. 6300 Flotilla Drive, Unit 99, Shell Point, Holmes Beach, a 1,436 sfla 2bed/2bath condo built in 1973 was sold 03/29/ 05, Morasco to Mason for $330,000; list $369,900. 600 Manatee Ave., Unit 224, Westbay Cove, Holmes Beach, a 1,179 sfla / 1,479 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1977 was sold 03/30/05, Vitulli to Stogel for $330,000. 3306 Fourth Ave., Holmes Beach, a 1,296 sfla 2bed/ slandCouselinS I InIipIove. Uw QLcc-i.t Carol Greer Sicniaszko a 3 d c Hm P,.,c n CERTIFIE[ COUNNSEIOR .%N1) 1I FE COA C lH P,:Ei..I- 1 I'lod -lBILLkI111,11I (9411 794-1492 Accounting Services Financial Statements Secretarial Services BE] Payroll & Payroll Taxes Income Tax Preparation Electronic Filing N COOPER, E.A. Ben Cooper and Associates Inc. 3909 E. Bay Drive, Suite 110 Holmes Beach, FL, 34217 (Located across from Publix) (941)778-6118 Fax:(941)778-6230 benacooper@aol.com I~A"~I .w ;.n~h . Now Accepting New Patients 2225 59th St. W., Suite D Bradenton 761-8955 Board Certified American Board of Cardiology Medicare Accepted Le01ki9f oFr the perfect outii9? Le6~ n6 Isrther ... Tlie Islander Manatee Ave. W. c) 0) 21st Ave. W. Tanglewood Cortez Road W. Blake Medical Center * *.'2.... 2bath Gulffront home built in 1925 on a 50x100 lot was sold 04/05/05 Ward to Dider Properties LLC, for $1,390,000. 311 Iris St., Anna Maria, a 2,233 sfla / 3,519 sfur 3bed/ 2bath/3car canalfront pool home built in 1997 on a 75x110 lot was sold 04/05/05, Holland to Schaefer for $875,000; list $975,000. 205 68th St., Holmes Beach, a 1,384*sfla / 1,754 sfur 2bed/2bath/1car pool home built in 1968 on a 75x100 lot was sold 04/05/05, Slavin to Sabow for $685,000. 411 80th St., Holmes Beach, a 2,000 sfla 3bed/3bath/ 2car home built in 2004 on a 46x96 lot was sold 04/07/05, Gulf to Bay Ventures LLC to Anhinga Key LLC for $680,000; list $649,000. 200 Bay Drive N., Bradenton Beach, a 2,080 sfla 4bed/4bath multi-family complex built in 1974 on a 51x88 lot was sold 04/06/05, Cooper to Justin for $654,900;list $654,900. 5400 Gulf Drive, Unit 32, Holmes Beach, a 1,188 sfla /1,269 sfur 3bed/2bath condo built in 1969 was sold 04/04/ 05, Northern Trust Bank to Vandergriend for $530,000; list $560,000. 6400 Flotilla Drive, Unit 42, Westbay Point and Mobr- ings, Holmes Beach, a 1,066 sfla / 1,458 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1977 was sold 04/04/05, Hegarty to Porter for $510,000; list $529,000. 213 Spring Ave., Anna Maria, a 851 sfla 2bed/1bath home built in.1935 on a 78x145 lot was sold 04/07/05, Buttocovla to Teston for $500,000. 3007 and 3009 Avenue E, Holmes Beach, two 1,512 sfla 4bed/2bath duplexes on 50x105 lots were sold 04/05/ 05, Ark Assets LLC to Paul for $999,000; list $999,000. 310 64th St., Holmes Beach, a 1,162 sfla / 2,459 sfur 2/bed/2bath/2car home built in 1981 on a 90x104 lot was sold 04/06/05,.Bell to Morse for $480,000;list $465,000. ,239 85th St., Holmes Beach, a 1,586 sfla / 2,038 sfur 3bed/2bath/1car home built in 1956 on a 90x100 lot was- sold 04/05/05, Bailey to CPE Exchange Entity LLC for $435,000. 1000 Gulf Drive, Unit 9, Bradenton Beach, .Beach House Resort, a 450 sfla 1bed/lbath Gulffront condo built in 1983 was sold 04/06/05, BHA LLC to .Caron for $435,000, list $435,000. 1000 Gulf Drive, Unit 4, Beach House Resort, Bradenton Beach, a 450 sfla lbed/1bath Gulffront condo built in 1983 was sold 03/28/05, BHA LLC to Sammer for $425,000, list $425,000. 6500 Flotilla Drive Unit 167, Westbay Point and Moor- ings, Holmes Beach, a 985 sfla / 1,377 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in-1978 was sold 04/05/05, Diestler to Hunting- ton for $425,000; list $425,000. 3705 E. Bay Drive, No. 204, Sunbow Bay, Holmes Beach, a 1,146 sfla / 1,247 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1980 .was sold 04/05/05, Bergstrom to Foellner for $340,000; list $349,900. Compiled by Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at Gulf- Bay Realty of Holmes Beach. He can be reached at (941); 713-4755 direct, or at Gulf-Bay (941) 778-7244. Current Island real estate transactions may also be viewed on the Web at islander.org. Copyright 2005. Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. ELCA Pastor Tamara Wood Saturday 5pmr Service of Celebration SSunday 8 am & 10:30 am Worship Service t; Children's Sunday School & Nursery ai 10:30an- Adult Bible Study 9 am v .. ,., ___ '.. -"',** .., Aww ,,_, qlr.ade lulherari -crr ' n6"'.608 M vlarna D i.'e I w Holmes Beach 778-1813 Shiropractil e i Cnter et i Dr. Kathleen Goerg Massage Therapy Also Available! 778-0722 3612 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach, FL 34217 (between Publix and Ace Hardware) Visit our Web site: www.islandchiro.com WILLS TRUSTS PROBATE JAY HILL Attorney-at-Law 778-4745 Anna Maria, Florida CARDIOLOGIST is pleased ro announce rhe opening of his solo practice ... iwl Great Income Potential... with this fully rented 2BR/2BA, 1BR/1BA duplex located one lot from the Intracoastal Waterway. Close to the Gulf in the heart of Holmes Beach, near restaurants and shopping. Tile floors throughout with fireplace. $450,000. call GAle schulz - Broker/Associate 941.778.4847 toll free 1.800.772.3235 Jim Anderson Realty Company PO Box 1789 401-B Pine Avenue Anna Maria www. jim andersonrea lty.com Advertising works great in The Islander. ANNA MARIA SunCoast REAL ESTATE LLC HOLMES BEACH DUPLEX 2BR/1BA each. Very close to beautiful beach. One- car garage, patio. One unit turnkey furnished. Ap- pliances both sides. Utility with washer/dryer, resi- dential area, room for pool. $675,000. VILLAGE GREEN POOL HOME 3BR/2BA split plan Village Green. Quiet residential area. New roof, in-ground caged solar-heated pool, walk-in closet, foyer entry and two-car garage. Close to Blake Hospital. $319,900. ISLAND TRIPLEX 2BR/1.5BA plus 1BR/1BA and 2BR/1BA. Great in- vestment! Watch the sunset as you collect rent from these charming units. Easy to see, call for appoint- ment. Just steps to beautiful beach. $749,000. ISLAND TOWN HOUSE 2BR/1.5BA courtyard-patio town house. Central Holmes Beach, very close to shopping, restaurants and beach.-Open plan, breakfast bar, front and rear porches, balcony, renovated. Excellent rental. No condo fees. $469,000. KEY WEST-STYLE WITH BOAT DOCK 3BR/2.5BA plus den and office. Charming home, large lot, fenced yard, screened porch, balcony. Breakfast bar, dining room, large master bedroom and bath with Jacuzzi tub. Deeded boat slip with private dock. Holmes Beach. $699,900. GULFFRONT MARTINIQUE NORTH 2BR/2BA Gulffront condo. Beautifully renovated, all new! Ceramic tile, turnkey furnished, deluxe kitchen, new windows, power storm shutters and garage. Panoramic view of the Gulf, the beach and from the east balcony- the Skyway Bridge. Walk to restaurants and shopping center. Elegant! $995,000. PLAYA ENCANTADA 2BR/2BA Elegant condo in superb Gulffront com- plex. Beautifully turnkey furnished, totally reno- vated. This is an outstanding unit in one of the Island's finest condominiums. Jacuzzis, tennis, se- cured heated pool, under-building parking. Gor- geous walking beach. $879,900. DIRECT GULFFRONT CONDO 1BR/1.5BA Seaside Beach House condo. Turnkey furnished in intimate, private complex with gorgeous view of Gulf. Very nicely furnished, Sautillo tile,. beautiful walking beach, heated pool, excellent rental. $850,000. ANNUAL RENTALS From $700 / month SEASONAL RENTALS Condos/Homes: $500 week / $1,000 month 779-0202 (800) 732-6434 ANNA MARIA MLS SliCoast REAL ESTATE LLC Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com lf-Bay Realty Sof Anna Maria Inc. 778-7244 U tae &MwooeG4 "4aie " BEST BUY IN BRADENTON BEACH Great investment property in a wonderful neighborhood. This 2BR/2BA el- evated duplex boasts tile floors, cathedral ceilings, skylights and balconies! Close to everything, 2 blocks to the gulf. One block to bay or park. Low maintenance and newer appliances: Plenty of storage. $549,000 SPECTACULAR INTERIOR UPDATES This home offers granite counter tops, travertine tile throughout, new paint, all new furnishings including a tropical theme decor, new tropical landscaping and much more! All less than.a block to the beach. This home won't last long. Call today! $649,900. ,- -'4 ,_ '- !- RUNAWAY BAY, updated 1 BR/1 BA condo just steps to the beach. Great rental property. Turnkey furnished, heated pool, tennis courts and community fishing dock. $355,600. "i.i.:. I ". A. - THE TERRACE A tastefully done 2BR/2BA turnkey condo with a heated pool, beautiful landscaping, private garage and only a block to the beach on the west side of Gulf Drive! Great income potential! $459,000. DUPLEX LOT-BUILD 2 CONDOS Duplex on 89' x 100' lot, zoned R-2. Located in the 200 block, superb Holmes Beach location. Build 2 "villas/condos" with Gulf views or renovate existing duplex with separate addresses! $749,000 DELIGHTFUL ISLAND DUPLEX Great location just one block from the beachon a quiet street. Each side has 2BD with screened-in lanai. New landscaping and a fresh look! Great in- vestment or seasonal home with rental unit. $625,000. RENOVATED DUPLEX with 6BR/4BA! Each unit has a private entrance and patio area. Live in one side and rent the other. Lot size 13,700 sf, zoned R2. $749,000. CALL TODAY! I (800)771-6043 (941)778-7244 5309 Gulf .Drive Holmes Beach www.gulfbayrealty.com THE ISLANDER M APRIL 20, 2005 0 PAGE.21 Simply the Best 4BR, 400 FEET TO BEACH Nicely refurbished is- land home with large living area, new appliances, well landscaped patio area and a pleasure to see. $599,000. KEY ROYAL CANAL Remodeled 3BR/2BA, tile throughout, new carpet in bedrooms, all new appli- ances, new kitchen and bathrooms. Canal end with great .view to Bimini Bay. Very large lot with room for pool or expansion. $895,000. 'cj. ?.R . BAYFRONT Panoramic view of the bay. Very pri- vate, lush landscaping. 2,200 sf. Hardwood Floors. Very large master bath with Jacuzzi and walk in shower. Big garage and workshop, screened porch facing the bay. Dock with 10,000 lb davits. BIG DUPLEX WITH VIEW Almost 3,000 sf, 2BR/ 2BA on each floor. View of both.Gulf and bay. Large ve- randas, two blocks to beach, one house to bay. $799,000. "--- .. ' BAYFRONT Remodeled 2BR/2BA with large Florida room. Zoned R-2 with 1BR/1BA guest cottage or mother-in-law quarters. New air conditioner, 'new tile. Dock on sailboat water. $1,350,000, I- v:^... ,, ..- ,i ,.. "'1 LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! Older mobile home to rehab or replace. Third house from the bay with beautiful view. Deeded rights to boat ramp. Lot 75x130. $225,000. F.. .. r,",', : ,. :: : H.H. ,, ,1 N . : : '* NORTH END, Anna Maria. Recently updated, ground level 2BR/1BA home located one block to bay. Enclosed Florida room, screened porch and room for a pool. $539,000. 1. DOUBLE LOT Pecky Cypress accents and Mexican tile. 2BR/1BA with private lagoon and beautiful set- ting. Two blocks to beach, see it from your front yard. $499,000. 100+ Gulffront rental units with hun- dreds more just steps from the beach. Mike 800-367-1617 NomT So_ 941-778-6696 Norman 3101 GULF DRIVE Realty INC HOLMES BEACH www.mikenormanrealty.com I PAGE 22 0 APRIL 20, 2005 U THE ISLANDER Duncan pair of wins extends lead in AAA standings By Kevin Cassidy Islander Reporter Duncan Real Estate won both of its games last week to improve to 3-1-1 in the Anna Maria Island Little League AAA season, which is one full game ahead of Morgan Stanley and two full games ahead of West Manatee Fire District.. Duncan defeated Morgan Stanley 14-7 Friday, April 15, to follow up an impressive 13-4 victory over WMFD Monday, April 11. Wednesday's game be- tween Morgan Stanley and WMFD was ruled incom- plete and will possibly be replayed due to an inning being started after the league-mandated time limit had expired. Duncan 14, Morgan Stanley 7 Southpaw pitcher Glenn Bower pitched four in- Anna Maria Island Little League schedule AAA League (ages 9-12) ,April 20 6:30 p.m.. WMFD vs. Morgan Stanley April 22 .7 p.m. .WMFD vs. Duncan April 25 6:30 p.m. Morgan Stanley vs. WMFD AA League (ages 8-10) April 21 5:30 p.m. Morgan Stanley-Harcon vs. Bark April 21 7 p.m. Betsy Hills vs. Cannons April 26 5:30 p.m. MMorgan Stanley-Harcon vs. Cannons April 26 7 p.m. Betsy Hills vs. Bark T-Ball (ages 5-7) April 22 5:30 p.m. April 23 9 a.m. April 23 10a.m. Coast Bank vs. Harry's Island Starter vs. Boyd A&E vs. Beach House nings, allowing six hits while recording all 12 outs via strikeout, to lead Duncan past Morgan Stanley Friday, April 15, in AAA baseball action; Bower was pretty much untouchable except for the third inning when two fielding errors behind him al- lowed two runners on base for Zach Evans, who brought home Giorgio Gomez with a double into the right-center field gap. Daniel Janisch then plated Blake Rivers and El ans x ith a single, while Janisch scored on Martine Miller's single to left field to help Morgan SStanley pull to within 11-5. Duncan jumped on top with two runs in the top of the first when Trevor Bystrom doubled to lead off the game. Troy Koze' (ki walked and following a passed ball that allowed both runners to move to second and third, Glen Bower's two-out grounder got past first Base scoring Bystrom and Koze\ ski for a 2-0 lead. Morgan Stanley halved the Duncan lead in the bottom of the inning when Blake Rivers ,ingled and scored on an RBI double by Zach Even.-. Duncan broke open the game in the top of the sec- ond w hen Jake Rappe reached on an error in front of Patrick Facheris and hMa Miller, \~ho both \ walked to load the bases. B\t roln fllowl\ed with a i \o-run double to left field. scoring Rappe and Facheris. Grant Bower then plated Miller and B Ntrom \\ith a, double to dead center and Grant Bow, er caine around to score \ hen Kozes\\ ki tripled to gi\e Duncan a five-run lead, ending the inning. Anna Maria Island Little League AAA standings as of April 15 Team Name Won Lost Tied Duncan Real Estate 3 1 1 Morgan Stanley 2 2 1 WMFD 1 3 : 0 Duncan had one more big inning when they sent nine batters to the plate in the top of the third to score four more runs. Walks by Jordan Sebastiano, Kyle Crum, Rappe and Austin Wash were sandwiched be- tween a single by Glenn Bower and Facheris getting beaned to help bring Sebastiano, Glenn Bower, Crum and Rappe across the plate for Duncan. Bystrom finished the day 2-for-4 including two doubles and two runs scored to lead Duncan at the plate. Glenn Bower went 2-for-3 with two runs scored and Sebastiano doubled and scored two runs for Duncan, which also received a triple and one run scored from Kozewski and two runs scored from Rappe. Morgan Stanley was led at the plate by Martine Miller \\ h:, \\ellt 2-for-3 including a triple and three RBIs and Janisch who had a two-run single and two runs scored. Zach Even and Zach Evans each contrib- uted RBI double s \ hi le Kyle Parsons had a single and one run scored and Rivers singled arid scored twice to round out the Morgan' Stanley offense. Duncan 13, WMFD 4 Troy Kozewski allowed only three hits and struck out six iiifour innings ofI mound \ ork to help Duncan Real Estate to a 13-4 victory on Monday, April 11. .WMFD was nursing a 3-1 lead when Duncan put seven runs on the board in the top of the third inning to break the game open. Walks by Alex Hall, Austin Wash, Glenn Bower and Travis Belsiit were sand- wiched around two singles in the inning by.Trevor Bystrom and a triple from Jordan Sebastiano that turned into a grand slam home run thanks to a throw- ing error. Sebastiano finished the game 2-for-3 including three-RBIs and three runs scored to lead the Duncan PLEASE SEE SPORTS, NEXT PAGE Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor 778-0455 - 5reen REALESTATE OF ANNA MARIA www.greenreal.com AS. . -~. ... -'.- "/i-lf-Bay Realty ol Anna Maria Inc. Heather Absten, P.A. 7787244 A professional REALTOR representing buyers nd sellers with Hon esty, Integrity, Results! INVESTORS/DEVELOPERS! PRIME LOCATIONS! R-2 lot 89x100 feet, located in the 200 block, one lot back from Gulf Drive in Holmes Beach. Build two villas/condos with views of the Gulf or reno- vate existing duplex..Separate addresses! Won't last 1h'ny-' 1'$-4.000. BRING YOUR BOAT SHOES .ND YOUR FLIP-FLOPS! S* i I I lcct l1_,heb c LCh' C-iiplctei ricn, led .~~ "" -., hiime *.. ,ih t,,.itlt ',>,l ,uiii,.,iid I', lush, ral stone and red Oak. Tastefully turnkey fur- nished. Perfect beach house! Separately deeded deep water boat dock included! $829,000. Check us out online: www.islander.org The Big Picture...it's all about the real estate! Tiffany Place Condo on the Gulf of Mexico: Remodeled and very beautiful, all furniture and furnishings to stay, view of the Gulf from patio and the master -.. bedroom. Tiffany Place condo offers great year round living or a great year round .. ;'". rental. $825,000. -* .'* " New Listing: 3BR/2BA canal home on Key Royale. Light and bright, dock, boat lift and room for a pool. This home has many up dates including newer roof, windows, doors, beautiful new kitchen and-breakfast area, new carpet and tile. Home has water views front and back. $739,000. a,.- * ~c - 9c' Quaint Island cottage in Holmes Beach: Spacious 2BR/1BA, large screened front porch, room for a pool, updated and very charming. Short walk to beautiful Gulf beaches is a plus! A great buy at $499,000. Delightful duplex in a great location. 2BR each side, screened-in lanai, new land- scaping and a fresh new look. Just one and a half blocks from the beach! Great investment property or seasonal home with rental potential. $649;,00 $625,000. Renovated duplex with extra large lot plus 6BR/4BA. Each side has private en- trance and patio areas. 4BR unit has large kitchen for the chef! Live in one side and rent the other. Lot size over 13,700 sf, zoned R-2. $749,000. A top producer at Island Real Estate Inc., Call Marianne at (941) 778-6066. GULFFRONT CONDO: Spectacular renovation complete! Move right into this beau- tiful 2BR/2BA condo with wonderful Gulf views. Must see! Offered at $ 829,000. 941-807-4661 heatherabsten@yahoo.com ~* 4 ; 4- s tJ. A r r ( *. ., : - ~~"CAN ~8fr~ -~ "E~'~ ;;" AkS;~1E~~ THE ISLANDER M APRIL 20, 2005 U PAGE 23 Sports CONTINUED FROM PAGE 22 offense, which also received a pair of singles and two runs scored from Glenn Bower. Bystrom and Wash each added two singles and one run scored to round out the Duncan scoring. Justin Succa went 2-for-3, while Tommy Price and Joey Hutchinson each singled and scored one run to lead the WMFD offense in the loss. Don't miss AMICC Day at the Trop All Anna Maria Islander baseball fans are invited to the fifth-annual Anna Maria Island Community Cen- ter Day at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg on Sunday, April 24. The defending World Series champion Bos- ton Red Sox are coming to town to take on our Tampa Bay Devil Rays for a Sunday afternoon game that gets started at 2:15 p.m. The seats are located between home plate and first base and can be purchased for $15 each at the Center. Only 300 seats remain so call the Center at 778-1908 for more information or to reserve your seats at Tropicana Field. Islanders play senior league ball Islanders Shane Pelkey, Sean Price, Tanner Pelkey, Pat Cole, C.J. Wickersham and Jordan Pritchard are members of Team Bordes, a Senior League baseball team for 15- to 16-year-olds. They join ownersr" Jus- tin Roberts, Nate Mozeleski, Carl Ricciardi, Braun Balsai, Justin Wollett and Chad Wickersham on a team that is hot of late. After losing to Venice 2 and Braden River 1 in their first two games, they have reeled off four wins in succession over Venice 3, Central Sarasota 2, Braden River 1 and avenged an earlier loss to Braden River 1 in their most recent game. Anna Maria Islanders Roller Hockey schedule April 23 11 a.m. Sun vs. Play It Again April 23 12 p.m. Sun vs. True Value April 28 7 p.m. True Value vs. Play It Again THOUSANDS OF HOMES ONE ADDRESS WWW.MICHAELSAUNDERS.COM SPECTACULAR4BR/3BA bayfront UPDATEIBR/4BA canal front home home with full views of Terra Ceia Bay, with a large open deck. Oversized large pool area & private dock that ac- heated pool, spa & private dock w/2 commodates 60-ft boat plus a 13,000 boatlifts up to 9,000 lb. $800,000. 748- Ib lift. $1,495,000. Jody Shinn, 748- 6300. Victoria Horstmann, 518-1278 or 6300 or 705-5704. 506922 Joanne Jenkins, 228-7878. 503137 PRIME NW BRADENTON LOCA3BIN. TRUBBR westside home with fabulous 2BAsplit plan home with overl800sf.The landscaping. Updated with newer roof & kitchen opens to a vaulted family room with A/C. Meticulously kept & in move-in con- fireplace & the sliders open to lanai/pool edition. A one-of-a-kind. $229,900. Chuck area. $334,900. Lisa Creech, 748-6300 or West, 748-6300 or 374-3211. 506756 228-8712.506805 WATERFRONi'me w/dazzling Tampa Bay views from every room. Private beach, dock & boat lift. $2,249,000. Barbara Jennings, 748-6300 or 773-0180. 504606 SPECTACULAR+ acre waterfront estate on Terra Ceia Island. Breathtaking views from all decks. $1,950,000. Ruth Lawler, 748-6300 or 587-4623. 502892 CANAL FROItBR/5BA home w/large pool. Solarium above the garage. $1,300,000. 748-6300. Judy LaValliere, 504-3792 or Ann DeBellevue, 720-7614. 504175 PANORAMIC BAY VIEWfE n nearly every room of this 3BR/3BA home w/dock. $1,195,000.748-6300. Sandy Drapala, 725-0781 or Kathy Marcinko, 713-1100.502259 RIVERVIEW LANDINGS SHOWPLAB 3.5BA home w/pool on 1/2-acre lot. $799,900.748-6300. Sandy Drapala, 725-0781 or Kathy Marcinko, 713-1100.505383 RARELY AVAILABLSiell Point 2BR/2BA unit w/a peek at the bay & pool/courtyard views. $339,000. Christina Miller, 748-6300 or 713-2340. 505360 ISLAND RETREATFpdated 1-2BR/2BA turnkey furnished condo w/private patio. Close to the beach. $329,900. Barbara Westendorf, 748-6300 or 685-6109. 501694 LOCATION, LOCATloKirge 3BR split plan home in The Crossings w/an enclosed Florida room. $288,000. Bill Stufflebeam, 748-6300 or 730-1858. 506283 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNIitfal West Bradenton 3BR/2BA w/over 2,000 SF & an ex- tra lot No deed restrictions. $230,000. Victoria Horstmann, 748-6300 or 518-1278.506777 I Ti list, I~ ~ g Glenn Bower makes a nice basket catch on a short pop fly in front of third base for his Duncan Real Estate team. Islander Photo: Kevin Cassidy Sean Price is:contributing mightily for Team Bordes as a pitcher and as a hitter. He currently has a 2-0 record including one save, while also leading the team in hitting with a robust .632 batting average that includes 10 RBIs and eight runs scored. Shane Pelkey serves as the starting catcher and has fashioned a .412' batting average with eight runs scored. Other Island contributions have come from Tanner Pelkey who starts in right field, Pat Cole who serves time on the mound and behind the plate, C.J. Wickersham who RESIDEN IA(REAL ESTATE__ ___ C'8 FLORIDANA $74,900 2BR/2BA mobile home in a pet and children friendly park! Community pool and clubhouse. Washer/dryer. IB 507060. 6016 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton (941) 751-1155 (800) 778-8448 starts at third, and Jordan Pritchard who utilizes his speed in the outfield and as a pinch runner. Ricciardi, (.400 batting average) Chad Wickersham (.500 BA, 2-0 pitching record) and Braun Balsai (.333 BA) also play key roles for Team Bordes. Next up for Team Bordes is a 7 p.m. game against Central Sarasota at G.T. Bray Park's baseball field. After that, Team Bordes has five remaining regular season games before the season-ending pool-play tour- nament at Braden River Park. l AMY GORDAN REALTORR" Dedicated to service *Expertise in renovation and rehabilitation properties. Island, waterfront and area lifestyle specialist. Contact Amy at i -(941) 779-1811 for all of LI your REAL ESTATE needs! The JEWEL of Gulf Coast Real Estate 1501ulfDiveNot-Brdntn. Beach WA ESA TE *PP RTU ITES .ORANNAMARIA ANDBEYON IN IN!'jdCt~~ BRADENTON BEACH. Whimsical bayfront paradise just one block from Gulf. Artisan details thru out, boat dock, new seawall, Indonesian courtyard, pool-with waterfall, sep. guest quarters, circular stairways, 360-degree water views from office hide-away MAR #505567 Offered at $2,590,000 .- . HOLMES BEACH. Brand new island-style townhome with deeded boat slip open design, custom finishes, 3 BR, 2 BA, tropical pool. Close to bay, beaches, dining and shopping. Completion in 3 months. SAR #273743 Offered at $814,000 Virtual Tours & Photos www.skysarasota.com SKY Sothel INTERNATIONAL KEY ROYALE. Million dollar bay panoramas can be yours! Tale advantage is this incredible Anna Mar.a Island opportunity. Full bay view lot in ,er, desirable community. Fully landscaped and read/ for new custom home. Boat dock allowed; MAR 505818 Offered at $2,000,000 SSARASOTA. Histor.i S residence 'ith Iots Sr^ """ : ^ 'i' S of charm 3n. jl character. 3 bed - rooms, upd ; ed Si kitchen/buthi, wood floor', high ceilir . 2 porches. .. private setting, fireplace, 2-cargarage with French doors could be artist's studio or office. Fabulous location near Siesta Key beaches! SAR #270393 Offered at $619,000 Terry Hayes' REALTY 366-8777 I I--, I I PAGE 24 E APRIL 20, 2005 N THE ISLANDER SALAN -t TWO SOFAS with ottomans, floral print, $250 each; one sleeper sofa, queen size, Florida colors, $250; four swivel kitchen chairs, Florida colors, $25 each. (941) 383-3360. GOLF CART: Electric 1995 EZ-GO. Excellent con- dition, has roof, needs batteries with charger. $1,000. (941)792-8129. FREE DELIVERY. to your home or condo: Shrimp, crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call James Lee, (941) 795-1112 or 704-8421. ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open Tuesday, Thursday, 9:30am-2pm..Saturday, 9am-noon. Always sales racks. Pine Avenue, Anna Maria. (941) 779-2733. YARD SALE: 9am-lpm Friday-Saturday, April 22- 23. Cleaning out the cupboards and the closets. 730 Holly Rd., Anna Maria. GARAGE SALE: 9am-4pm Saturday-Sunday, April 23-24. Vast assortment. 725 Norton St., Longboat Key. Turn east from Gulf of Mexico Drive onto Gen- eral Harris, then left on Norton. (Please park on one side of street only.) YARD SALE: 8am Saturday, April 23. Several fami- lies involved. Singer sewing machine, play box, dishes, some tools, clothes, Barbie dolls, round table, glass salad bowl set, jewelry, books, pasta maker. Something for everyone. 409 72nd St., Holmes Beach. GET A REAL estate license in one week! Day and evening classes. Only $229. Be a part of the pros- perity! Professional School of Real Estate. Call (941) 744-1770 anytime. THE ISLANDER. The best news on Anna Maria Is- land since 1992. LTD MORTGAGE INC. The Oldest Mortgage Co. on Anna Maria Island Linda G. Davis Ted E. Davis Licensed Mortgage Brokers Conforming and jumbo loans. 1st and 2nd mortgages. SNo closing cost home equity lines of credit. 100% purchase money mortgages. Residential and commercial mortgages. Private money available for those hard-t( . !SS ', 1 ._ g s SUNSET BEACH PILATES: Flatten tummy, define muscles, improve flexibility, posture and balance. Perfect for beginners. 7:30pm Tuesday, Thursday. Julia, (941) 778-1416. GUITARIST SEEKS other musicians and singers for informal jams. Call (941) 962-2544. ANNA MARIA ISLAND SCREENSAVER! Experience the Island on your computer desktop. Available at The Islander,.or purchase online or order by mail. $12 PC or $15 Mac. www.robertsondesignstudio.com. NEED A GIFT? Artists will design and create unique art, stained glass, paintings, painted furniture and. more! Restless Natives, Island Shopping Center, 5314 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.. (941) 779-2624. BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a person- alized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park. Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Pick up form at The Islander or call (941) 518-4431 for more information. FREE GUN LOCK. Yes, free. Just for the asking. Courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserva- tion Commission. Free at The Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be sorry, be safe. BUSINESS FOR SALE: Wonderful Island gift and art consignment boutique. Please call (941) 779-2624. LOST: RED/BROWN Dachshund, female, 16 Ibs. Very friendly, answers to Molly. Wearing no collar. Implanted microchip for identification. $50 reward! (941) 778-0767 or 448-9611. ONLINE SERVICE: Did you know you can place classified ads and subscribe online with our secure server? Check it out at www.islander.org. La Costa, directly on the beach, 2BR/2BA furnished condo. Breathtaking sunsets-from your lanai. Pool, saunas and tennis. $769,000. o-place loans. (941)779-2113 502 72nd Street Holmes Beach OD B rIDGE VlL DT GE L. S AA CI AE S0(A)PTAAB45 ~ ~ -~ 9i /cA(r Jb';o Lwc!7; i:I-~, i,,l .. I ;. I:, ?i ~,~,-~~ ~~~- gap. i, 1.1 .- f I gm, F T TO.-' -.- - CRITTER SITTER nine years in pet care. 24 years as an Island resident. Lots.of TLC for your beloved pets with in-home visits. (941) 778-6000. ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes. All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened. Please call (941) 922-0774. 1990 ECONOLINE 150 VAN, cold air conditioning, has towing package. Ready for travel. Runs great! $1,800, or best offer. (941) 778-1102. 1992 CHRYSLER LE BARON Convertible V6. White. 110,000 miles, runs great. Needs top. $2,200. (941) 792-3081. NEW MOTOR BIKE for sale: Now half price, only $600! 180-miles-per-gallon. 40-mph maximum speed. Call (941) 779-9083. NEEDED: ANNA MARIA dock space to rent for 21- foot Boston whaler. Preferably near north end of Anna Maria. Boat is seldom used. Need a conve- nient place to keep it. Call (205) 488-3929. 1995 EVINRUDE 200 HP. All cables, control box, key switch, propeller. Less than 100.hours on re- build. $3,500. (941) 723-1107. 2002 SEA RAY 182 Bowrider, like new! 18 foot, 6 inches. 190-hp stern drive, seats seven, tons of fun! Call (941) 778-6234, or e-mail kendra@presswoodlaw.com. $12,900 or best offer. LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater fishing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle provided. (941) 723-1107. FIND IT! BUY IT! SELL IT FAST! In The Islander. SARASOTA BAYVIEW! SUPER LOCATION Duplex or. single family home located on Sarasota Bay with gorgeous open water views of ..... mangroves, Intracoastal .and bay. Home consists c( -BR./ 4BA, newer kitchen and master S ath with jacuzzi tub and two boat docks with vacant lot on ibay. Offered at $959,900. ISLAND CONVENIENCE STORE WITH GAS Super opportunity to own Island business! Offered at: $199,500 & Inventory. Deborah Thrasher RE/MAX Excellence (941)518-7738 * (941) 383-9700 DebMThrash@aol.com REALTORS 5910 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach, FL 34217 Call (941) 778-0777 or-Rentals 778-0770- 1-800-741-3772 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Web site: www.smithrealtors.com SUSAN HATCH Top sales agent for A Smith Realtors for the month of March MIKE CARLETON Top listing agent for Smith Realtors for the month of March THE ISLANDER 0 APRIL 20, 2005 0 PAGE 25 I F A ED CHILD SITTER AND PET SITTER. Ninth-grade male looking for a job. Available after school and weekends. Call Zachary, (941) 779-9783. NEED A CHILD or pet sitter? Call one number and get connected to two wonderful sitters! Tiffany and Trish. (941) 778-3275 or 779-0964. BABYSITTER: RED CROSS babysitting and first- aid certified.. Enjoys playing with kids. Call Alexandra, (941) 778-5352. SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and in- termediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10 per half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended. Local teen, team competitor. Call (941) 778-0944. PETSITTER, DOG WALKER, 13-year-old mother's helper, odd jobs. Call Kendall at (941) 779-9783 or 779-9803. EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER with CPR license, 14 years old, friendly and responsible. (941) 778-2469. 13-YEAR-OLD girl will babysit all ages in your home. Reasonable rates and knows CPR. Call Jessica Lord, (941) 747-2495. BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, (941) 756 5496. NEED A BABYSITTER? Call Felicia or Kari, (941) 761-1569 or 730-5889. Both Red. Cross certified. SANDBAGS DELIVERED: Be prepared. Local teen will make and deliver sandbags to your Island resi- dence. Call Spencer, (941) 778-0944 to order. REAL ESTATE: Tired of paying office fees? Two experienced agents needed for fast-paced; high traffic Island office. Top splits, sign-on bonus. Call Wedebrock Real Estate today! "Personalized, not franchised." Call Joe Pickett, (941,) 383-5543. NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restaurant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call (941) 778-3953. HOUSEKEEPER EMPLOYMENT: Island luxury hotel. Experience required. Transportation required. Weekends required. 15-20 hours/week. Good start- ing pay with raises. Call (941) 778-1237. FULL-TIME DELIVERY driver needed. Must be dependable and able to follow directions. Valid driver's license required. (941) 778-3441. FIND GREAT DEALS on wheels and everything else in The Islander, 778-7978. HOUSEKEEPERS: Full/part-time for Longboat Key resort. Saturday work and reliable transportation required. Excellent benefits for full time. Call (941) 383-2428 for appointment. EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER needed immedi- ately. Year-round position. Apply in person. Blue Water Beach Club, 6306 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-6688. .ALL POSITIONS: Caf6 on the Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Apply in person. BUSY CONTINENTAL RESTAURANT hiring full- or part-time servers for lunch, Sunday brunch and din- ner. Wednesday-Sunday. Apply at 5406 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or call (941) 778-5320. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Meet interesting people, learn the history of the Island. Anna Maria Island Historical Museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. (941) 778-0492. MAN WITH SHOVEL Plantings, natives, cabbage palms, patio gardens, trimming, clean-up, edgings, more. Hard-working and responsible. Excellent ref- erences. Edward (941) 778-3222. MORE CLASSIFIEDS equals more readers. FRESH MULLET SALE HATS $12 T-SHIRTS ML,XL $10, XXL $12 5404 Marina Dr.' 7787978 il ax islander.org sr,,wr,g Ijep bl . ' The Terrace This beautiful 2bed/2bath turnkey town home is just 100 yards to the beach and has no rental restrictions! With a pool, 3 decks, and peeks of the gulf this unit has great income potential. $459,000 Call Jesse Brisson at (941) 713-4755 for more info SALES & RENTALS 419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box.2150 (941) 778-2291 EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294 .VILLA ALEXIA This superlative 4BR/4BA -.r -, bayfront Mediterranean estate offers every amenity the discern- ing home buyer could imagine! From the custom made wrought- a iron entry gates and handsome brick-paved driveway, to the spar- kling bayfront, featuring a heated swimming pool with waterfall spa, this unique and wonderful villa will make your dreams come true! Amenities include deep seawalled boat dockage and a private, elevated master suite with custom bamboo floors and Asian themed Kohler bathroom, plus his and hers walk-in closets and panoramic bayside veranda. The great room floor plan is enhanced by vdlume ceilings with crown moulding, travertine floors, radius walls and rounded corners, custom casement windows and doors and a gourmet kitchen with granite countertops, maple cabinets, stainless appli- ances and wine cooler, plus a bayside summer kitchen! The finest home cur- rently available on the island priced at $3,500,000. Visit our Web site at www.betsyhills.com SROCHUJRE ---I- Si 'M. pdi. P I.t $-. .- -,775-000 Property Management and Leasing!| Manatee MLS as of 04/14/05,. Total Island Properties For Sale: 219 f'SFR. Condo, Duplexl hna'ir> Dr; s771fC nnn - IVIlUII IIa I I rleU l I ,IUUU Total Pending: 129 Median Price: $652,500 Total Sold Since 1/1/05:107 Median Price: $572,450 Call us for Annual and Seasonal Rentals _ SGulfstrean Realty Judy Karkhoff 941-778-7777 ealtor 866-266-9911 Realtor attended Anna Maria Elementary School, University of MN (BA) and UCLA Business School ' Vacation retreat or cozy home! Turnkey' Much character in this spacious 2BR/IBA Northwest Bradenton home. Minutes to beach, six blocks to booa ramp, boat/RV parking okay Features include two Irving areas with fireplaces, huge kitchen with real butcher - block counters ample-sized bedrooms, old-fashioned front porch with swing and hard wood floors. Excellent condil0on' Detached garage.- $299,900 ,. Opporiuril, kno,:ks in Norlhwel Braderroni Great rarely available. 3BR./2bA Laurel Oak Park home Built in 2002 sho-'s like a model! Features include living room, family -~F - room, eaon kitchen. French ;r. i, *. - door enir,', sparkling heated ' pool, large lanai area lush Iropical landscape private seeing and more! H.me really brings the outdoors in Wonderful curb appeal! S449,900. CALL Rebecca Samler, PA., Realtor Direct line 941-737-7955 Office 941-758-7777 E-mail: rebeccamaxsell@aol.com Flgulfcoastproperty.com "~"-N811apllassl-a~~pn- --~s~ - ---~-~---I--------- ------e -~pl--a la -~- --~r - -iS; Sr~ 5~-3 .-~ ----- --- --~--- ;-- --~ -- -;' -.1. ...:-;--i .--;.-,-.;:....~~- - `` -- 'ec"~"'~t~ `T' "~ PAGE 26 M APRIL 20, 2005 U THE ISLANDER D A S SVSo uedSERICECotinedAWNANDGARD LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint- ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine Car Service. Serving the Islands. (941) 778-5476. COMPUTER OBEDIENCE TRAINING. Is your con- puter misbehaving? Certified computer service-and private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free 'advice. (941) 545-7508. ISLAND PRESSURE CLEANING for great results, wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable, reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. (941) 778-0944. CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist. SExperienced certified technician for communication electronics offers wireless and cable networks, up- grades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring-and training. Call Robert, (941) 778-3620. CALL DAN'S RESCREEN for your free estimate to- day. Affordable rates, quality work guaranteed. Pool cages, lanais, windows, doors. Call (941).713-5333. MR. BILL'S HOME REPAIR/maintenance service. Over 30 years experience, self-employed in con- struction trades. "I'm handy to have around." (941) 778-4561. JACKSON HOLMES PAINTING: The Island's hon- est and dependable painting service. Interior, exte- rior, faux painting, cabinet refinishing, References. Free estimates. (941) 795-2771. FREE HOUSESITTING: Retired Christian couple seeks furnished house near beach. Available any- time. References. (770) 832-7319. AUNTIE M's HOLMES Beach Coin Laundromat offers professional dry cleaning and wash/fold, Monday through Friday. Call for hours, (941) 778-6772. Self- service 24/7. Island Shoppirig Center, Holmes Beach. BAREFOOT ESTATE MANAGEMENT: Home man- agement/watch, housekeeping, maintenance. (941) 730-5318. CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org ! .446 Pi dc. Efisl - To'p 4 '- W Ide Gabe Buky Best Team! Charles Buky_ 941-374-5772 Bes Properties! 941-228-6086 N Zi. CORTEZ WELDING CO. 1211 Cortez Road. Alumi- num welding, $45/hour. By appointment only. (941) 737-8667 or 798-3589. Free estimates. PHOTOGRAPHER: Kelley Ragan. Custom portraits, weddings, beach photography. (941) 447-8892. MURALIST, Mark Burdette. Custom murals, interior or exterior, landscapes and more. (941) 447-9637. MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet. Begin- ning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, (941) 792-0160. BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigera- tion. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call William Eller, (941) 795- 7411. RA005052. ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional cre- ates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www.jackelka.com. (941) 778-2711. NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing massage in the comfort of your home. Call today for an ap- pointment, (941) 795-0887. MA#0017550. TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years experience. References available. For a reasonable price, call Sebastian, (941) 704-6719. AUTO DETAILING BY HAND Spotless inside and out. I can save you time and money. Island resident, references. For pricing, call (941) 713-5967. CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, land- scaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. (941) 778-5294. ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. If it is broken, we can fix it. Free estimates. Senior discount. Call (941) 778-2581 or 962-6238. JR'S LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE Lawns, native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup. Island resident 25 years. Call (941) 807-1015. _' i The Hibiscus -F-trand new -Mediterranean flats nestled between th' e azure blue waers of the Gull of Mexico and picturesque Coquina Reet. . Carefree waier-tront Ilving with all Ire luxuries and conveniences one would desire. Two car-plus garage, elevalor. sparli;na pool. Recently completed and ready for ,mrnediate occupancy . Model Open Daily Starting at 895,000 Tina Rudek (941) 920-0303 CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING: Quality lawn landscape maintenance, shell, planting, clean-ups, palms trimmed. Free estimates. References, insured. Call (941) 778-2335 or 284-1568. PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN and instal- lation. Huge selection of plants, shrubs and trees. Ir- rigation. Everything Under the Sun Garden Centre, 5704 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-4441. SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $35/yard. Haul- ing: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free es- timates. Call Larry at (941) 795-7775, "shell phone" (941) 720-0770. KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean- ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City of Anna Maria resident. Cell (941) 448-3857. NATURE'S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and in- stallation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residential and commercial. 30-years experience. (941) 748-3356. STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Installs, clean-ups, shell, rock, palms, aquascapes, tree work. Truck for hire, move anything. Shark Mark (941) 727-5066. VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, inte- rior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island references. Dan or Bill, (941) 795-5100. JOE UNGVARSKY CONSTRUCTION Remodeling contractors. In-house plan designs. Statelicensed and insured. Many Island references. (941) 778- 2993. License #CRC 035261. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING free esti- mates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at (941) 778-1730. CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island ser- vice since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certify- ing back flow at water meters. (FL#RF0038118) (941) 778-3924 or 778-4461. COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR SALE ANNA MARIA ISLAND 4BR/3BA home, all new with awesome views and 215 feet on Bimni Bay Pool, boat docl,' lift, sailboat water and eYtra large lot. $2.895,000. ANNA MARIA ISLAND Bay canallront home with 175 leet on the water. Quality renovation throughout this spacious 4BR home. Wood-burning fireplace, pool, dock, lift and deep water. $1,995.000. There are 35 homes for sale that are canal, bay or beachfront, starting at $479,000. (941) 387-1864 Coldwell Banker Previews 201 Gulf of Mexico Drive m Longboat Key, FL 34229 IDEAL LOCATION IN HISTORICAL ANNA MARIA VILLAGE This 3,000 sf building offers unlimited potential for business opportunities. Combination storefront, gift shop, beach shop, rental shop, artist gallery or office space. Use the space you need and lease out the rest to help pay your mortgage! Offered at $1,500,000. nreen -^- ~ ~~~~~~ __ ^e^~~a^wj 5lI ^f ^ REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA 941 778-0455 9906 Gulf Drive Ken Ja Anna Maria Kathy ( www.greenreal.com Mauree ckson, 778-6986 Geeraerts, 778-0072 in Dahms, 778-0542 C NEW LISTING! 607 Concord Lane Quarter-acre lot with canal in back, Marina view from front, 1668 sf, two bedrooms, two baths, new lanai, many, many extras. $795,000. Call Chris and John 941-778-6066 REAL ESTATE Christine T. Shaw, OF ANNA MARIA ISLANI), INC. John van Zandt, Realtors 6101 Marina Drive Holmes Beach )E "- -,-a i s ig agI.. ." .,-. -- -,. ";1 Beautiful 3BR/2BA home with private dock. No bridges to Gulf. New kitchen, bathrooms, windows and doors. Newly painted inside and out. Tile floor throughout, Near white sandy beaches, shops and restaurants. $729,900 Call Piroska Planck 941-730-9667 Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate Inc. I . . ... .`~ c I THE ISLANDER 0 APRIL 20, 2005 N PAGE 27 SL ANE R LASSI I E D a TILE TILE TILE. All variations of ceramic tile sup- plied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, (941) 726-3077. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remodel-, ing, .repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens,. baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794. CUSTOM RENOVATION/RESTORATION expert. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. In- sured. Member of Better Business Bureau. Paul Beauregard, (941) 779-2294. KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and shutters. Insured and licensed, (941) 748-4711. TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed. SWhy pay retail? Island resident, many references. Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor Coverings. (941) 792-1367, or 726-1802. MASON: 27 YEARS of experience. All masonry work and repair. Cinderblock work, brick work, glass block work, paver and brick driveways. Call Chris, (941) 795-3034. License #104776. Insured. MORENO MARBLE & TILE Installation and resto- ration. Quality work. Over 20 years experience. In- sured. Call Javier at (941) 685-5163 or 795-6615. JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy- man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pres- surgewashing and tree trimming. Call (941) 778- 6170 or 447-2198. THE ISLANDER. The best news on since 1992. Leoklgq fcir d bite t!5 .eat. ~ iilce it$r hi.4- fithseri - The Isirid er week!is a ONE-OF-A-KIND BAYFRONT HOME One year old 5BR/5BA, four-car garage and elevator. Outside spi- ral staircase leading down to lush heated pool area overlooking bay. Beautifully furnished. and tiled throughout. Private dock and great fishing. Excellent rental his- tory in place. Call Anne Huber (941) 713-9835. www.flrealtour.com/mls031305/realtor ^/ \f SUTTON GROUP REALTY SEniov the Charm... ... of this unique two-story home in the heart of Bradenton's prestigious "River District." 4,000 sf, 4-6BR/4BA with hardwood floors, two wood-burning fireplaces, guest quarters and master suite with decks offering river views. One-of-a-kind charm! $585,000. OPEN HOUSE APRIL 23 & 24 1-4PM 223 21st St. W., Bradenton (941) 746-2464 STEVE'S REMODELING & repair service. Free estimates, 35 years experience. (941) 795-1968. CARL V. JOHNSON JR. Inc. building contractor. New homes, additions, renovations. Quality work and fair prices. Call (941) 795-1947. Lic#RR0066450. WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more. Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in- home consultation. Island references,'15 years ex- perience. (941) 778-3526 or 730-0516. HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICE: Bill MacCaughern. Repairs, renovations, kitchens, bathrooms, decks. Masonry, tile, painting. 30 years experience. Yes, I do show up! (941) 778-3904. PAINTING AND HQME repair: Local references, free estimates. I take pride in my work. Your satis- faction guaranteed. Call John (941) 778-3713. RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal. Wedebrock Real Estate Co., (941) 778-6665 or (800) 749-6665. VACATION RENTALS: 2BR apartments across from beautiful beach,. $375 to $500/week. Winter and spring dates available. Almost' Beach Apart- ments, (941) 778-2374: VACATION & SEASONAL Private beach. Units are complete. Rates seasonally adjusted. $425-$975/ week, $975-$2,975/month. (800) 977-0803 or (941) 737-1121. www.abeachview.com. POOL HOME AVAILABLE .for vacation let. Near Holmes Beach, 3BR/2BA with all amenities. Man- aged by Coastal Properties Realty, (941) 794-1515. RENT it fast with an ad in The Islander. LONGBOAT KEY FAMILY COMPOUND ', Three homes with a swimming pool S' 'Investment opportunities "7F I -Condos and homes $125,000 and up. j8', '- ~ a y *-jr ""''-'^ .Ha~j i 3f ? iwT - "We ARE the Island!" CORTEZ COTTAGE fully furnished, nice breezy, quiet area. Seasonal, $900/month, $500/week, $100/night. (941) 778-8168 or 794-5980. www.divefish.com. SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR (two master suites)/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/ dryer, garage, designer furnished with tropical yard setting. One of the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/ weekly or $6,000/monthly. Call 713-0034 or e-mail: gamiller@tampabay.rr.com. NEW FURNISHED 2BR/2BA 55-plus, across from beach. Furnished. Annual $1,150/month, seasonal $2,200/month. (941) 725-1074. PENTHOUSE OVERLOOKING PALMA Sola Bay. Beautifully furnished 3BR/3BA split-level condo with amenities. Annual, $2,000/month or seasonal. See www.VRBO.com/55700. Call (941) 358-7560. SEASONAL HOLMES BEACH: 1BR duplex avail- able March 2005. Steps to beach and shopping. Refurbished and nicely decorated. Small pet OK. Accepting 2006 reservations. (941) 807-5626. WEEKLY RENTALS: SAN Remo condo, 1BR/ 1BA, $500/week; Alecassandra villa, 1BR/1BA, $700/week; island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; Northwest Bradenton home, 3BR/3BA, $950/ week; Gulffront cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach Club, 2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call Cristin Curl at Wagner Realty, (941) 778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com. GULFFRONT CONDOS: 3BR/2BA, 2BR/1BA, 1BR/ 1 BA with breathtaking sunsets. Pools, Jacuzzi, walk to shops and restaurants. Available weekly, monthly, seasonal. (901) 301-8299 or e-mail captko462@ aol.com. 55BR'-BA Key West-s .ie homi e ..i wiiln pool in Anna Maria sleps IO Gulf beaches Asking $875,000 : 9411 70510123 lor showing SAnmex Realty Services LL, .. 7-2 -. IQ Road A,-na '' ML .'" . '" Q'c11 F~rip 941.79.023t:^ .' "0 SIDE-BY-SIDE LAKEFRONT PROPERTIES IN ANNA MARIA! BUY ONE OR BOTH! 302 North Shore Dr 3+BR/3BA with 300 North Shore Dr 4BR/2.5BA 1BR/1BA apartment. Five-car garage, duplex with five-car garage. Private one short block to beach, direct beach open decks, large picture windows, access, peeksofGulf. Move-incondition. great views of lake. Asking Seawall and dock. Zoned duplex: Extras! $750,000. MLS 502297. Asking $850,000. MLS 502321. Call Stephanie Bell, (941) 920-5156 or Frank Migliore, (941) 778-2307. SERVING THE AREA SINCE 1970 MLS SERVING THE AREA SINCE 1970 MLS ..... Gulllr nt plis lBR/ f BA lurnished beach S. houe -n \Annj 'n Mlari's ,norh end. S, ~O ()pen plan. beamed ceiling, \\ood burning fireplace and a bright cheerful kitchen with breakfast nook. Great Gulf views from all living areas and-bedrooms. Deck offers tranquil spot for waterfront dining and evening sunsets. Perfect tropical island getaway. $1,500,000. A SINCE 1957 M n i , Annia Maria Realty Marie Franklin, Lic. Real Estate Broker 941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250 E-mail amrlty@gte.net Web site www.annamariareal.com PAGE 28 0 APRIL 20, 2005 N THE ISLANDER Sandy's Lawn Service Inc. Sandy's Established in 1983 Lawn Celebrating 20 Years of eranice Quality & Dependable Service. erviC Call us foryour landscape 778.1345 and hardscape needs. Licensed & Insured 91H. U0 A P INTIHI( Residential Commercial Check our references: "Quality work at a reasonable price. "- Licensed/Insured Serving Anna Maria Island Since 1986 761-8900 Paradise Improvements 778-4173 S Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist' S. Replacement Doors and Windows -. Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault S Fully Licensed and Insured Island References ,.. Lic#CBC056755 *2,WAGNER REALTY 2217 GUL DDIVE NORTH ,* BRADENTON BEACH. FL 34217 SINCE 1939 / HAIDOLD SMALL REALTOR. Office: (941) 778-2246 792- 8628 E-mail: haroldsmall@wagnerrealty.com rn. ' SHARON VnTT.TAS ' ,r( Realtor ff Direct (941) 920-0669 www.rentalsonannamaria.com ' S RM/~ (Gulfstream Realty ELITE CAB 539-6374 Serving Manatee County, Sarasota/'Bradenton & Tan7pa Airports BAY WEST LAUNDRY On vacation orjust hate doing laundry? Why bother? BAY WEST WILL PICK-UP, LAUNDER AND DELIVER. Full Service Wash/Dry/Fold/Iron PU/Delivery Self Service Cool & Clean 627 59th St. W.* Bradenton 720-3622 EZZ SCREEN SllliW RESCREENING POOL CAGES, LANAIS, ETC. (941) 962-0395 Free Estimates 3-Year Warranty with Complete Rescreens We use only professional equipment and #1 quality Phifer screen MC & Visa Accepted Financing Available -I Affordable 6 Month Trustworthy Guarantee I Dependable 747-3427 25 Years Experience Certified, Licensed, Insured $5 Off First Visit Free Estimates H ACM WINDOW W *CLEANING FREE ESTIMATES Professional Experienced Trustworthy Call Chris Myers Ask About Our Special Discounts! SNMI ANNUAL RENTAL: 2913 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. One block to beach. 2BR/1BA unfurnished. $1,350/ month. Available-May 1. Sue'Carlson, An Island Place Realty, (941) 779-0733. ARTIST STUDIO: May-November 2005. $75/month, lavatory in studio, air-conditioned, use of kitchenette/ bath. Call before April 26. (941) 778-1577. 3BR/2BA HOME, Bradenton Beach: Private court- yard, heated pool, pets OK. Short or long term. $1,500/month. (941) 720-2915. WE ARE BOOKING rentals for 2006. Wide variety of condos/houses starting at $1,500/month. Annual rental 2405 Avenue B, 2BR/2BA, $1,000/month; Perico Bay Club, 2BR/2BA, villa, pool, tennis, $1,200/month; townhouse with garage, $1,500/ month, SunCoast Real Estate, (941) 779-0202. www.suncoastinc.com. DIRECT GULFFRONT: Furnished 1BR/1BA annual. 5400 Gulf Drive #20, Holmes Beach. $1,350/month. Available May 1. Sue Carlson, An Island Place Re- alty, (941) 779-0733. SEASONAL HOLMES BEACH: 150 yards from Gulf in prime Holmes Beach location. 2BR/2BA in lovely single-family home with private caged/heated pool. No pets, nonsmoking. $3,500/month. Call (941) 779-0680. ONE BLOCK to beach! 7205 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Furnished 1BR/1BA annual $800/month. Available May 1. Sue Carlson, An Island Place Re- alty, (941) 779-0733. HOLMES BEACH GULFVIEW 2BR house. Avenue F off 31st Street. Annual lease. Nonsmoking, no pets. Ideal for one or two people. $900/month, plus utilities. Owner, (800) 894-1950. ANNUAL ISLAND Duplex: 2BR/1BA, nice yard and patio, convenient location. No pets. $850/month. Call Mike Carleton, (941) 737-0915 or 778-0777. Smith Realtors. VACATION RENTAL: Holmes Beach. Great for large groups, reunions, receptions, etc. Sleeps 18- 20. (941) 232-4585. www.gulfcoastrentals.com "Co- conut Villa". CORTEZ ROAD CONDOS: Canal access to Gulf with dock. 1-2BR, furnished. Book now for next year. For more information, (863) 687-4052 or 686-5705. MIRROR LAKES Condo, Bradenton. Great location! Unfurnished 2BR/2BA. Tennis, pool. Annual $1,350/ month. Available May 1. Sue Carlson, Ah Island Place Realty, (941) 779-0733. WATCH THE Roseate spoonbills from magnificent waterfront ground-floor condo. 2BR/2BA, 55-plus, no pets. Available January, February and March. $2,700/month. Call, we have more. (941) 795-0413. PERICO BAY CLUB Villa: Available now. 2BR/2BA two-car garage, nicely furnished, sunny end unit. Close to Anna Maria beaches and stores. Owner, (941) 387-9702. WATERFRONT: 2BR/2BA and .1BR/1BA facing Sarasota Bay. 100 yards to Gulf of Mexico, dock for fishing, short walk to beach and park. Beautifully and newly remodeled. Rent short or long term. (941) 779-9074. ANNUAL, WITH POOL: 3BR/2BA furnished. 3205 67th St. W., Bradenton. $1,50,0/month. Available May 1. Sue Carlson, An Island Place Realty, (941) 779-0733. CORTEZ/ BRADENTON BEACH area. Nicely fur- nished and spacious, 1 BR/1 BA apartment. Elevated with deck. All utilities supplied, shared laundry room, off street parking. $975/month. (941) 761-2725. DIRECT GULFFRONT:. Furnished 2BR/2BA annual. 5400 Gulf Drive #31, Holmes Beach. $2,000/month. Available May 1. Sue Carlson, An Island Place Re- alty, (941) 779-0733. ANNUAL RENTALS: 3BR/2BA home on Bimini Bay with dock, $1,400/month; 3BR/1BA, Anna Maria, $875/month; 2BR/2BA, Gulffront condo, $2,000/ month. Call Fran Maxon Real Estate, (941) 778- 2307 for details. GULFFRONT VACATION Rental: Anna Maria Beach, two 3BR apartments, fully equipped. Porches, sundecks, tropical setting. Immaculate! Owner, (941) 778-3143. HOLMES BEACH GULFFRONT condo: 1BR/ 1.5BA, sleeps four. Remodeled April 2005. Pool. $900/week, $2,900/month, plus security. Nonsmok- ing. (941) 322-6203. ANNUAL RENTALS: Village Green 3BR/2BA home, $1,300/month; Pine Bay Forest, 2BR/2BA condo, $1,200/month; Perico Bay Club, 2BR/2BA bayfront condo, $1,400/month; 2BR/2BA Sarasota bayview condo, $2,900/month; 3BR/2BA, across from Bay Front park, $1,400/month; Holmes Beach, 2BR/1.5BA, close to beach, $1,200/month; Holmes Beach, 1BR/1BA, recently updated, $700/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. ANNUAL: 205 69th St., Holmes Beach. 2BR/1BA, washer/dryer. Including utilities $900/month, plus deposit. (941) 778-2556. YEARLY RENTALS: Half duplex, 2BR/1BA, washer/ dryer hookup, carport, $900/month; 3BR/2BA, washer/ dryer hookup, $950/month; 2BR/2BA, $725/month. No pets. Dolores Baker Realty, (941) 778-8500. ANNUAL RENTAL: 1BR in Holmes Beach. $600/ month, plus utilities and deposit. (941) 778-6541 weekdays, or 504-3844 evenings. FURNISHED EFFICIENCY WITH utilities. 300 feet to beach. Suitable for one person with references. $635/month plus $800 deposit. (941) 778-1379. ANNUAL: 2BR/2BA elevated duplex in Bradenton Beach, one block to beach. High ceilings, clean, no pets. $900/month. (941) 778-4665 or 725-2549. SUMMER VACATION RENTALS: Palma Sola Bay townhouse, 2BR/2BA with pool and boat slip, $550/ week; Perico Bay Villa, 2BR/2BA with garage, $1,100/month. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. ANNUAL: CLOSE to beach. 2BR/1BA newly up- dated apartment. (941) 778-1919. SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals. 1BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to beach, shopping, restaurants. (941) 778-3875. Web site 2spinnakers.com LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION: 2BR/2BA great Gulf view and beautiful beach. Great rental property or build your dream home with government grant moneys to assist. $725,000. 2916 Avenue E, Holmes Beach. Call Andy Woods at Signature Re- alty, (813) 299-9017. 1 0. S"'Copyrighted Material a 'Syndicated Content | Available from Commercial News Providers" I SA CASS RENTALSCntiuedRNALe d CONSTRUCTION t4eWICKERSHAMS svsmwK. '"igm~ REMODEL ADDITIONS CUSTOM HOMES License # CGC043438 383-215 Insured - -- NORTHWEST BRADENTON River Ridge: Taste- fully decorated Florida-style home with custom fea- tures, including stainless appliances and granite counters with marble fireplace. Flooring is tile, wood and carpet. Pool and spa electronically controlled to heat with either gas or electric. Full security system is active. Beautifully landscaped with fruit trees. Partially furnished with occupancy negotiable. $664,900. (941) 794-0216..No brokers please. BRADENTON BEACH DUPLEX: 2BR/2BA, each level with parking underneath. Views of Gulf and bay from large covered balconies. This property has great investment potential. Top floor has wood ca- thedral ceilings, open-floor plan, tile and oak floor- ing. $795,000. (941) 778-3875. HOLMES BEACH CONDO: 2BR/2BA. For sale by owner. (813) 285-1801. Principals only. JUST REDUCED TRAILER: 12 by 40 foot on Anna Maria Island, next to historic Bradenton Beach Pier. Central air/heat, 10-by-24-foot screened lanai, steps to beach. 55-plus. Asking $54,900. (716) 572-2484. WATERFRONT HOME: Exceptionally nice 3BR/ 2BA. 6601 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 725- 4488. Don't miss out! Priced to sell. CANALFRONT HOME: 3BR/2BA in Flamingo Cay. Two-car garage, caged/heated pool, boat lift and davits. Great waterfront community convenient .to everything. $669,000. (941) 761-8407. BEST BUY Condo with boat slip and heated pool. $279,900. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. KEY WEST-STYLE pool home: Renovated 3BR/ 2BA with deeded boat slip. Lush tropical landscape, brick-paver deck and patio, privacy fence, screened lanai and hot tub. Interior features include open- floor plan, cathedral ceilings, terra cotta tile, wood flooring, gas fireplace, new kitchen with stainless- steel appliances and maple cabinets. Many custom features. Turnkey -furnished in island decor. $679,900. By appointment only. (941) 518-9275. Web site http://mysite.verizon.net/reso3zm0 AFFORDABLE CENTRAL Bradenton. 2BR plus den end-unit villa. Minutes to beaches. Only $115,000. Exclusive listing, Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. THE "WATERWAY" in west Bradenton: 9604 Cortez Rd., W., Unit #313.2BR/2BA, luxury waterfront condo, first floor, secure, updated, spa, pool, tennis courts, exercise room and billiards. Minutes to beach. $365,000. Open house 11am Saturday-Sunday, April 23-24. Call Bob or Jane, (941) 792-3794. LONGBOAT KEY: Great value. North end, quaint village. 3BR/2BA, two-car garage. 400-sf master suite, cathedral ceiling. Under the stars hot tub. Steps to Sarasota Bay. $649,900. Call Fred Flis direct, Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. VILLAGE GREEN: 2BR/2BA condo with enclosed one-car garage and finished rear lanai. Great loca- tion for getting places fast, east to shopping or west to beaches. Offered at $195,000. Realtors nego- tiable. Call (518) 253-5518. NORTHWEST BRADENTON: Older remodeled home. 3BR/1BA with room to expand, nice ceramic tile, open plan, crown moldings, minutes to beaches, shopping and schools. $249,900. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. Must see the beautiful, peaceful mountains of western moun- tains. Homes, cabins, acreage, investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy, N.C. www.cherokeemountainrealty.com.. Call for free brochure (800) 841-5868. AUCTION 7,542+/- sf home and 36.4+/- acres di- vided. 10 am Saturday, April 30. Surry County, N.C. Iron Horse Auction Co., Rockingham,. N.C. (910) 997-2248 NCAL 3936 www.ironhorseauction.com. NORTH CAROLINA: mountainview estates, new gated community of custom full log homes. Pre-construction prices. Models open daily. Five miles to Cherokee- Harrah's casino, minutes from golf. From $299,000. (877) 888-2224. www.mountainviewestates.org. NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS: Panoramic views and mountain streams in high elevation be- tween Boone and Asheville. Tracts range one to five acres with access and utilities from $49,900. (800) 455-1981, ext. 148. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA mountains. Where there is cool mountain air, views, stream homes, cabins, acreage. Call for free brochure of mountain property sales. (800) 642-5333. Realty of Murphy, 317 Peachtree St., Murphy NC 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com. VIEWS VIEWS VIEWS: Helena, Montana. 4.7 acres $79,990. Ride out your back door to millions of acres of national forest! Awesome lake and mountain views, close to Canyon Ferry Lake. Min- utes to Helena: Soils tested, utilities, ready to build on. Call owner (888) 770-2240. FORECLOSED GOVERNMENT Homes. $0 or low down! Tax repos and bankruptcies! No credit OK. $0 to low down. For listings (800) 501-1777, ext. 1299. DON'T FORGET! The Islander has "mullet" T- VILLAGE GREEN Villa. 2,000-sf 2BR/2BA. Large shirts. Stop in our office at 5404 Marina Drive, lanai. Upgraded throughout. Lakefront, pool back. Holmes Beach or order online www.islander.org. $295,000. Call (941) 792-9192. ----------------- ----------------------- HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance. We accept ads by fax with credit card information, 778-9392, at our Web site (secure server) www.islander.org, and by Direct e-mail at classifieds@islander.org. Office hours: 9 to 5, Monday-Friday, (Saturday 10 to 2 as needed). CLASSIFIED RATES BUSINESS OR INDIVIDUAL: Minimum rate is $10 for up to 20 WORDS. Additional words: Each additional word over 20 is 500, Box: $3, One- or two-line headlines, line rate plus 250 per word. WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD AND VISA! You can charge your classified advertising in person or by phone. We are sorry, but due to the high volume of callswe can not take classified ad copy over the telephone. To place an ad by phone, please be prepared to FAX or e-mail your copy with your credit card information. (see below) USE THIS FORM FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: One word per blank space for minimum charge 20 words. |1 2 3 2 Run issue date(s) SAmt. pd Date Please indicate: Ck. No. or Cash SFor credit card payment: i E IU J No. IExp. Date Name shown on card: Billing address zip code: House no. or post office box no. on bill E-Mail address: [for renewal purposes only] The Islander isla r!_doI- Fax: 941 778-9392 8 5404 Marina Drive Th P Islan de Phone: 941 778-7978 Holmes Beach FL 34217 ._ E-mail classifieds@islander.org ASL D E C A IED * We service all makes/Flat rate pricing * Free replacement estimates * Indoor air quality-UV, Hepa, Duct sanitizing . Maintenance (941) 746-4191 OCEAN-AIRE CONDITIONING, INC. b1 __ Just visiting paradJise? Th Islander SINCE 1992 Don't leave the Island without taking time to subscribe. You'll get ALL the best news, delivered by the mailman every week. Visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach or call 941-778-7978. Online edition: www.islander.or , RA0034333 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next class: May 9 *National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services S. www.atsn-schools.com. THE ISLANDER U APRIL 20, 2005 0 PAGE 29 IA lbJVT a/Gl aneIqf'enaM. "Professional Excellence" Residential-Commercial Interior & Exterior Serving the Islands since 1969. 7785594 After 5 Call Licensed-and Insured 8-55 778-3468 CIJames King 7- Painting & Renovation SR: For all your home improvement needs (941) 778-8431 Licensed & Insured The Paver Brick Store 8208 Cortez Road W. Bradenton 34210 (941) 794-6504 9:00 AM til Noon, or by Appointment Pool Deck, Patio and Driveway Renovations Design Build Jmuior's Landscape & Maintenance Lawn care PLUS native plants. -- mulch, trip, hauling and cleanup.. --'t"j Call Junior, 807-1015 - LONGBOAT KEY PAINTING & DESIGN, INC. Faux painting Cabinet refinishing Furniture restoration Custom painting Jackson Holmes, owner (941) 812-3809 Looking for a local Prudential Palms Realty agent in your area? Call Michelle or Steve A_ Prudential Michelle Musto Steve Watson 941-809-3714 Palms Realty 941-518-6096 ww.michellemusto.0om s www.myrealtorstevewatson.com www.midiellemusto.com I-~-1-- - I A PAGE 30 M APRIL 20, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER A I l -LS II I FLRDe CAS-IESCninuede -FLO*IDACLSIFES Continud VA TAS GUADALUPE RIVERFRONT! Spectacular wide riverfronts on prime Texas hill country location. 10-32 acres with lots of water frontage, huge trees, panoramic views. From $300s to $400s. Limited number available, call now before they're gone. (800)609-7042, ext. 110. LAKE VIEW BARGAIN $29,900. Free boat slip! High elevation, beautifully wooded parcel. Across from national forest on 35,000-acre recreational lake in Tennessee. Paved roads, underground utilities, cen- tral water, sewer, more. Excellent financing. Call now (800) 704-3154, ext. 609. Sunset Bay LLC. GOLF-VIEW BARGAIN! $198/month. Nicely wooded homesites in upscale golf community close to town. A sanctioned Golf Digest teaching facility, tool Call toll-free (866) 334-3253,'ext. 863. www.cherokeevalleysc.com price, $49,900, 10 percent down, balance finance 12 months at 4.49 percent fixed, one-year balloon, OAC. Spectacular Interior Updates No detail was over- looked ,n this Island hme! This 3BR/2BA home offers granite counters, travertine tile throughout, new interior and e,.ierior paint, .al Snew furnishings wiih a professionally decorated tropical Ineme decor, a11 new .appliances, elegant bronze hard- ware throughout home, new tropical landscaping and much more! And, it's all less than a block to the beach. This home won't last long! Call today for an appointment. $649.900 . Kimberly L. Clark, P.A. S- Sales Associate Realtor 941-447-9988 KimberlyClark_realtor' yahoo.com S i ,.., ulf-Bay Realty S941-778-7244 5309 Gulf Drive NEW MEXICO: 20 acres, $24,900. Scenic region, views, canyons, trees, rolling hills, wildlife. Enjoy hunting, hiking, horses, great climate. Power, great access. 100 percent financing. Call (877) 822-LAND! SOUTH GEORGIA. Coastal property three-plus acres of deepwater ocean access from $345/month! Ready to build in gated community with many amenities. Near St. Simon's and Jacksonville. Call now! (877) 426-2326, ext 853. (Monthly payments of $344:57 based on $79,900 with 10 percent down. Interest only payment. With 5.75 percent fixed rate for two years. Converts to a 15-year variable loan. Rates subject to change without notice. Void where prohibited.) I. -~ ~ U. A GATLINBURG hot-tub cabin: Secluded! Sun- bathe, soak in your heart-shaped Jacuzzi. Midweek five-night special from $395. Weddings from $199. Reunion Lodge, $595/night. (800) 726-0989. www.gocabins.com. HOW TO ADVERTISE: DEADLINE: MONDAY NOON for Wednesday publication. CLASSIFIED RATES for busi- ness or individual: Minimum $10 for up 20 words. Each additional word over 20 words is 500. Box: $3. Ads must be paid in advance. Classified ads may be submitted through our secure Web site: www.islander:org or faxed to (941) 778-9392 or delivered/mailed to 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217. We are located next to Ooh La La! in the Island Shopping Center. More inform'a- i tion:(941) 778-7978. Two villas. 2BR/2BA, elevator lift, great room. ...garage, Iwo porches and lush landscaping, $469,000 Also, 2BR 2BA, screen porch, covered parking and storage. $369,000. Exceptional Squalily and value' 5508C MARINA DRIVE ATE411-- 778-0807 800-956-0807 S REA MIOR. yreall7' aol.com www.ldollyyoungrealestate.com This pampered beauty is only 225 yards from the beach. The main house is 2BD/2BA, updated with lots of extras, very private patio with a covered Jacuzzi. Attached mother-in-law apartment, 1BD/ 1BA, living room, patio and sepa- rate entry. Offered at $699,000. Ramona Glanz RE/N IAX Excellence (941) 383-9700 ramri @ ramonaglanz.coinm ., "r."?.,; "' ,- ^ 'e ~'..;.,.. , .t FOR SALE: Enjoy the stunning Gulf views and glo- rious sunsets from this 2BR/2.5BA townhouse. The beach is located directly across the street. Soaring ceilings in master bedroom, walk-in closet, updated fixtures, hurricane window film, and storage galore. Enjoy the private heated pool while sitting on your garden terrace. $439,500. Paul T. Collins; PA r 941-928-4062 M WfC 941-954-5454 paultcollins@comcast.net Properties ,. -04 ,, .... -"- DON'T MISS THIS ONE! Completely remod- BRIDGEPORT Furnished 2BR/2BA unit. RARE COMMERCIAL LOT, perfect location eled island duplex. 3BR/2BA on both sides. Heated pool and extra storage. Just steps for doctor or lawyer's office or small retail Beautiful ceramic tile throughout this breezy from the white sandy beaches, shopping and center. Zoned PRM $320,000. Call Cindy floorplan. Kitchens and baths newly updated, dining. Gulf view at $475,000. Elevator ac- Grazar at 778-4800 or 504-6176. too. Turnkey and already rented for the sea- cess. Contact Cindy Grazer at (941) son. $1,400,000. Call Dave Jones at 504-6176. 713-4800. .. ... ... ... ... . I .r .-- .- TRIPLE TREASURE Breezy, beachy income FOR THE FUN OF LIFE or an investment. 1BR/ KEY ROYALE 3BR/3BA CANAL HOME has producing triplex across from the beach. Up- 1BAcondo, lovingly updated last year, readytouse been totally renovated. The master -bath stairs, a cozy 1BR/1BA with great reading or rent this year. New kitchen, new tile floors. Bal- boasts a bidet, jacuzzi and shower. Turnkey porch and massive sun deck. Downstairs are cony overlooking pool. Comes furnished, ready to furnished for the boaters and beachcombers two 2BR/1BA units. Ample parking, tons of move in. Weekly rentals allowed. Resort atmo- at heart. $749,000. Contact Dave Jones at Mexican tile, newer kitchens and baths. A sphere, close to the beach. $325,000. Call Denny 713-4800. must see. $659,000. Call Nicole Skaggs at Rauschl at 725-3934. 778-4800 or 795-5704. Pat Palmeri-Bates John Luchkowec Team Pinnacle PReyutation ~ Resources ~ 9sults SALES RENTALS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Phone: 877-469-4753 Fax: 941-751-1728 www.flrealestateassistance.com teampinnaclefl@yahoo.com Island LivinS .. . Lovingly cared for 2BR/2.5BA townhome offers hardwood floors and immaculately remodeled kitchen with built-ins. Easily converted to 3BR. Living area flows to extended screen porch for true Florida entertaining. Professionally landscaped garden area with heated pool for hours of en- joyment with private outdoor hot and cold shower. Open decks on all levels with stunning views of the bay and Gulf sunsets. A must see' Asking $679,000. Call Liz Codola, Realtor S941-812-3455 Ij'DUNCAN St iReal Estate, Inc. e310 Pine Avenue P.O Box 199 Anna Maria, rL 3,,910 SOffce 779-0304 Fax 779-308 Toll Fre 866-779-0304 www.teamduncan.com One of the biggest names in mortgages is right in your own backyard. SIre Zu.-,nrc.L b,, ILd, E1 - -A product blr4d I ,: ,t [I-,, naiorn [uip rno'r[-a. l -' I :cnl I [lu;. the knI.,,v.led z ,,1 A Gftcers Iil: Ron Ha es h,,: jare tarn l,; Arh, rind ,, ,caercd . It ur local c.onil-,IIL\. RON HA-\ES I:,, i'. -lr '.cr p.,ur irir *; i L, nri ds ..ed rat e dlu [ll i'- r .iCe ie i lum '.? :' r- rl miTenr. .:ill Ron! ., .'; i tr .I fr.,. :an'u l[,.[ n .i 19411 -61-9808 12-1 hours or 1800 559-8025. CHASE I Imp Z 2n LI ,.3m r.. I THE ISLANDER 0 APRIL 20, 2005 M PAGE 31 r ^ REALTOR. 29Years ofProfessional Service YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REAL ESTATE SHOPPE. Experience Reputation Results MANSION IN THE SKY Bayfront5BR/5.5BA penthouse, 5000+ sf with guest quarters. EXCEPTIONAL DUPLEX 2,368 sf of living area with elevator lift. Owner's side 2BR/2BA, fireplace, great-room, 40x10-foot and 48x6-foot porches. Large garage and bonus room. Tenant side has 2BR/2BA with screened porch and extra storage. New owner can sell units separately. $784,500. 4 UNITS ANNA MARIA Some with bay view. One 2BR, three 1 BR, room for pool. Great investment. $849,000. OWNER FINANCING. TOWNHOUSE VILLA 3BR/3BA with two screened balconies and open balconies on greenbelt adjacent to boy. Spotless, tastefully decorated. Pool/gazebo. $470,000. VACATION, SEASONAL & ANNUAL RENTALS 101 PALM New Luxury Villas 5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807 yrealt7@aol.com www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com Gulf-Bay Realty of Anna Maria, Inc. 5309 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, FL 34217 (941) 778-7244 62Eh M 7I Mi. " Updated Duplex Two, 2BR/2BA units. Spacious,open and sunny. Delightful new heated pool, mature landscaping and a large 90X100 lot. Bonus storage and two garages. One block from the beach in the bes part of the Island. $879,000Call Robin Kollar (941) 713-4515 ipaiSlnBV~~ eaiijPi~~;~i i~;- 16~.~','"* ~'-O. '~~FI ~*',, I'rr~~ia~"r,~rl~tYfa.,a~~ .F,.. "i;: W~~.L~ ~: -. 4~B~f~ tii**IW~4~i~ VILLA SIENNA 4005 4TH AVE. VILLA SORRENTO VILLA ROMA 4003 4TH AVE. 4004 5TH AVE. VILLA MILANO 4006 5TH AVE. The Jewel in the crown completes the most successful residential/investment development in the Island's history. Pre-construction prices with permanent financing available for qualified buyers. These magnificent 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom Villas feature: expansive great rooms with fire- places, hardwood floors, gourmet kitchens with granite finish, elevator and private swimming pool. A half block to public beach, restaurants, boutiques and market with partial Gulf and bay views. $1,250,000. 3224 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach (941) 778-0700 No wonder in 34 years of International Real Estate, I have never had a property not sell! Island Aussie Geoffrey Wall, G.R.I. P.A. (941) 545-0206 www.AussieGeoff.com Buy Me! ULTIMATE BEACH COTTAGE $525,000 One half block to bay and Gulf. Walk toallthe trendy restaurants and bou- tiques. Room for pool. - I '- ij FRank Dadrs Bed.., .- r Liz Btandtord Ili, i FL * 5. '3~pp .ti BEAUTIFUL AND NEW. Great location, close to the beach and on a large lot. 2BR/2BA nicely updated, new siding new roof new 130-mph impact windows, new hardwood floors and new carpet Open floor plan $625.000 MLSt 504700. I un & Melmda * B dns WALK TO THE BEACH from this 3BR,'2BA el evated home on Anna Maona Island. Ilolion tile in living areas carpel in bedrooms Huge Mnarn irnl garage has plenty of room for two cors plus !' ... .. a game room Great location Turnkey fur. i""'' nislied $699 000 MLSY 503004 Bob Finri ONE HOUSE FROM THE BEACH ihis 3BR 2BA home ~s a popular island rental Turnkey l urn .hed in Florida style with w sher. dryer Screened porch to ernov balmy Wend,, Folde. .veather Wonderful location' Rooftopdeck .;. r' ..,. ges great views of the Gulf of Me/ico S $990,000 MLS' 5106856 '^asaSlS~SljL;Fi7!^^FJw,:-aa~ae-SSMK -*vj ;...~i~^SSS:~iSH'-S 5l 1 - I~ In ELEVATED MEDITERRANEAN VILLA in perfect location close to the beach and shopping Turnkey furnished, lush landscaping, solar healed pool. 3BR/3BA, two-car garage. wood flooring and much morel $699 000 MLS# 104932 THESE EXQUISITE PRIVATE RESIDENCES are brand new 3BR/2 5BA units some vith partial and others with direct v,evs of the Gulf After completlorn i May 2005 PRICES WILL BE INCREASED No., $1 200 000 $2 500 000 WATCH THE DOLPHINS ump from this direct Gulffront upstairs unit. Totally renovated Spacious living area, 2BR/2BA, utility room with washer/dryer Healed pool and directly on the beach make this a perfect second home or rental $899.000 MLS# 500668 2BR/2BA CONDO direcil) on the Gulf of Mexico Spectacular blue-green water and junel ,viev.s The complex includes heated pool tennis courts iouna, and direct beach access $769 000 MLSi 506380 STUPENDOUS LOCATION: Duplex up and TERRIFIC ISLAND LOT located on desreable do.,nslair; Sleps to Ihe beach or great cor Anna Mara Island in Holmes Beach Three ner lot 28R..2BA up and 2BR.,2BA do..'n blocks from Ihe Gulf beaches and located pliu fabulous decks and n.ce ,ie..;- on the .-ei i>ide of Gulf Drive Ready to }795 000 MLS# 506602 build your island dream home $299 000 MLS# 500591 KEY WEST-STYLE BEACH HOME 3BR/ 2BA with views of the Gulf The inside is stunning and professionally decorated by owner Open Floor plan, Bahama shutters, large screened porch and private landscaped yard out back Steps to the beach. $629 000 MLS# 504522 EXCELLENT CANAL FRONT LOCATION! N.ce 2BR/,2BA home %,,th a two-car garage, jus one house from open end of canal. Dock let ki lift .huge back yard with room for a pool Bu.ld up for great v.e.v of the Ba, $879 000 MLS# 505142 I'f *'' 'f^ '' ** '' STEAL OF A DEAL! ,ccessful beachfron restaurant popular ..ith the locals anc tourists in prime location (Business Only Includes 1.600 si equipment furniture fi.Aures. inentory name and goodwill $199 000. MLSf 500591 *Sy^-gilaifeha^E'.jajl;~siBria r--g^^~i~ ---.-n irmr--.wn i .ii..i. m 1HuI-1 Rkhid Fv ma Alan Glentt I n . Tom N I .ii Nih P.,i*.o, Chri5st1;b. Miniv Trinih~i 11 "`' """" Epp M-Mi- - .- ~S-^Qjf PAGE 32 0 APRIL 20, 2005 M THE ISLANDER - m "Cop; Syn Available from . righted Material indicated Content Commercial News'Prc II l. _I [r F-, ividers" L a - Want to keep in touch? Subscribe to the "best news!" Call 941778-7978 and charge it to Visa or MIasterCard. WAGNR REALTY vngin g PeopleR om Since 1 939 '2217 GULF- DRN.R BRADENCTON' BEACH 1(941j).176-2P-40 (4 (!00 1211.2323. !milf Vl~wiricomy[~o *. na iI: i@wiqerreSat3. www..wagnerfea#.%cbm 'FLcdY IrEd'IJ4rjc 4ij~L17 '~?dIe - 'veck SPECTACULAR RENOVATION Located on a canal with partial bay views, this designed home will feature 4BR/ 4.5BA. A grand foyer is one of many amenities. Floor plans S and elevations are available. Act now and you can coordi- nate your own colors, etc. Call agent for details. Karen Day. 778-2246. #503717. $1,500,000. 1'enS a B w e g . A RARE FIND! Anna Maria Gult Front lot. REY wlSi I un in rIaIiuouS Ouli ano Oay Becky Smith or Elfi Starrett. 778-2246: views from this furnished 2BA/2BA unit in a #504998. $2,000,000. small, extremely well-built complex in 1999. Secured elevator and heated pool. Dave Moynihan, 778-2246. #506335. $595,000. FABULOUS ISLAND DUPLEX Newly remod- eled Holmes Beach duplex. 2BR/1BA each side, close to beach. A is rented to an annual tenant, B furnished perfect island retreat. Owner/Agent. Jay Heagerty. 727-2800. #501361. $588,000. INMNIA IVIAnI' CunVU ralutal unII anai uay views. Great opportunity for owner/investor, turnkey, furnished, rentals already scheduled. Approximately 1,300 sf, 2BR/2BA. Laurie Dellatorre, 778-2246. #502656. $458,900. HOLMES BEACH BUNGALOW Charming 3BR/2BA beach bungalow. Bright and sunny with open floor plan and carport. Short walk to Gulf Beaches, near shopping and restaurants. Sandy Greiner, 794-2246. #505859. $450,000. ISLAND BAYFRONT Enjoy rne panora.rrmi intracoastal view from your balcony or from your new dock. 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished, perfect island getaway. One block to Gulf beach. Becky Smith or Elfi Starrett. 778-2246. #504461. $439,900 GULFFRONT CONDO 1BR/1BA directly on RUNAWAY BAY 2BA/2BA on Gulf Drive. All the beach. Totally remodeled, ceramic tile, new appliances in kitchen, new A/C and wa- crown molding, new central air. No rental re- ter heater. Nice lake view plus Intracoastal. strictions. Betty Arnold, 761-3100. #501351. Don't wait this one will sell. Harold Small. $424,900. 778-2246. #504543. $399,500. ll~i-~-3e ' I vI MEtL- i I |