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Skimming the news ... Get the highlights on all the Island Biz, page 19. ta Maria s de ie Islandler Senior winner, page 23. "The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992" Refreshing IZ . lesson :: : Students from Joan a:: Sackett and Marcia : .-; Brockway's fourth- grade classes at Anna Maria Elementary School spent a day at the Manatee County ' Historical Park in Bradenton where they , learned what it was like to live in Manatee ,: County 100 years ago. Y4 AMEfourth-grader Dayle Hoffman gets a ;- hand from Manatee . County Historical . Park volunteer Carol Mills at squeezing :- fresh orange juice with - an old-fashioned hand : press. Each class member took turns squeezing his or her .:::.:. own cup ofjuice. For :::; S more pictures, see -::' inside. Islander Photo: . Diana Bogan "i :. ::- Red tide wafts to Island shores By Paul Roat A whiff of red tide has reached Anna Maria Island Beaches. "It's really not that bad," Manatee County Marine Rescue Chief Jay Moyles said Monday. "Lifeguards in the towers said they have noticed some respiratory ir- ritation, and there are a few dead fish that washed up at high tide last night." Moyles said no new fish had come ashore Monday, which he said suggested that the Sunday storms may have driven a pocket of the lingering offshore red tide bloom closer to shore. Red tide is caused by blooms of a tiny marine or- ganism called a dinoflagellate. The microscopic plants produce toxins that cause extensive fish kills, contami- nate shellfish and can cause respiratory irritation to humans. Moyles said county workers were cleaning up the fish Monday and would continue to do so as or if - more fish washed ashore. Fish found on the beach were mullet and some baitfish, he added. "Red tide is an unfortunate incident that we can do nothing about," said Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Mary Ann Brockman. "It's unfortunate that it has happened now, but it could be gone tomorrow." There has been a red tide bloom offshore of South- PLEASE SEE RED TIDE, NEXT PAGE www.islander.org Support art, kids The community is invited to the annual "For Art's Sake" silent auction/benefit/reception to be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 2, at The Is- lander newspaper office in the Island Shopping Cen- ter, Holmes Beach. Art sales will again benefit the Manatee High School art program. The roster of artists who have donated their work includes Woody Candish, Rhea Chiles, Sue Curry, Linda Molto, Ines Norman, Carrie Price, Rob Reiber, Richard Thomas and Joan Voyles and many more. For information, call The Islander at 778-7978. Volume 13, No. 17 March 2, 2005 FREE Outdoor dining decision delayed By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter It may still be illegal to have outdoor dining at a restaurant in Anna Maria, at least according to some legal opinions. City commissioners at their Feb. 24 meeting were prepared to pass the first reading of an ordinance clari- fying the current interpretation of outdoor dining and regulating outdoor entertainment. Following a number of objections and suggestions, however, the commissioned decided to make changes to the draft ordinance and return it to the March 8 work- shop agenda for further discussion. The commission agreed on the new definition of a restaurant and outdoor dining, but was divided on whether or not the ordinance should prohibit arhplified outdoor entertainment completely, or simply allow those currently providing such entertainment to con- tinue and halt any future activity. Commissioner Duke Miller was originally ready to prohibit all outdoor amplified music and loudspeakers. "I'm saying prohibit all," he said. "I'm hearing Sandbar music and I live four blocks away. I don't think [residents] should be subjected to that," he observed. But Commissioner Dale Woodland said he was reluctant to "shut off" something that's been a part ol the city for many years. Eliminating all outdoor enter- tainment is "too harsh." He added-that the city should not restrict outdoor entertainment at new restaurants. City Attorney Jim Dye suggested that the proposed ordinance is not intended to overrule the city's noise ordinance, and commissioners could add a warning thai outdoor entertainment must conform to the noise brdi- nance. Commission Chairperson John Quam was opposed to grandfatheringg" outdoor entertainment, but agreed that all establishments should comply with the noise ordinance. Miller said he had no problem with that suggestion as long as the city enforces the code. Mayor SueLynn, however, noted that someone has to first complain before code enforcement or law en- forcement officers are involved. Code enforcement was set up by a prior commis- sion to be "reactive," she noted. The code enforcement PLEASE SEE DINING, PAGE 2 Workin' at the car wash Fifth-graders from Anne Kinnan's class at Anna Maria Elementary School washed cars and had a great time - Saturday at the. Holmes Beach Pure Station and raised .more than $200for Asian tsunami victims. "Thanks to all who donated," a spokesperson for the class said. Islander Photo: Kay Kay Hardy a: ~4~i= 2i:i~ .~ -, -~ ~- -. ---- '1111 PAGE 2 0 MARCH 2, 2005 E THE ISLANDER Red tide hits Island beaches CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 west Florida for several months now, with sporadic reports of irritated throats by beachgoers on Anna Maria Island of late. Much of the bloom is concentrated farther south than the Island, though. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute in St. Petersburg reported low counts of the microorgan- ism in Tampa Bay and off Anna Maria Island, with high counts in New Pass south of Longboat Key and moderate counts off Venice. A separate bloom is near the Florida Keys, according to the FWRI Web site. Mote Marine Laboratory biologists, on the lab's Web site Mote.com Monday, stated, "There is a bloom of red tide near shore from Bradenton Beach to Vanderbilt Beach near Naples. The bloom extends off- shore for 50-plus miles in the lower regions. The con- centrations range from very low to high. High concen- trations have entered Sarasota Bay. Patchy fish kills and irritation have been reported from Holmes Beach to Bonita Beach. Irritation is high today due to high surf and onshore winds." Respiratory irritation caused by red tide is a highly sporadic event, Moyles explained. Several years ago there was a red tide bloom in Tampa Bay that horseshoedd" around Anna Maria Island, caus- ing breathing problems in Southern Pinellas County and on Longboat Key but spared the Island any prob- lems, he said. Similar but far more localized events have occurred elsewhere, when one beach may be stricken but another stretch of sand only a few miles away was unscathed. This week's red tide outbreak appears to be stron- ger in the southern part of the Island, with reports of irritated noses and coughing in Bradenton Beach and only slight symptoms in Anna.Maria, according to beachgoers. Red tide blooms have been documented in the Gulf of Mexico since the mid-1800s. A particularly bad bloom occurred in 1947. Another 18-month-long bloom lingered off Southwest Florida in 1995-96. Up-to-the-minute red tide updates for Manatee' County are available by calling 745-3779. FISH Preserve 'Shorty' gap closed By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent The FISH Preserve in Cortez is a large step nearer to a complete entity with the closing Monday on "Shorty" Wilkerson's lots, thanks to the Feb. 19-20 fishing festival. The Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage bought the three lots from Wilkerson for $160,000, the pur- chase at least partially assured by proceeds from the Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival last month. A final accounting of the festival's finances has not been possible at this point, said FISH Treasurer Karen Bell, because some vendors hadn't reported their re- sults yet and a number of bills remain to be paid. But there was plenty to get into Shorty's property. That property is three lots at the northwest corner of the Preserve, perhaps the largest hole in the comple- You'll love our celebrated bouillabaisse, originating in Provence, ours includes lobster, grouper, shrimp,'scallops and more. Mmmm. It's this week's special and your choice from 17 dinner entrees and other favorites. ,- ' SARASOTA NM ANATE _ ORIGINALS PROUD MEMBER BRUNCH AND LUNCH Wednesday-Saturday 11-2:30 SUNDAY BREAKFAST AND LUNCH 8-2:30 DINNER Wed.-Sun. from 5:30 Island Shopping Center 5406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 941 778 5320 tion of the 95-acre natural area at the eastern edge of Cortez. It stretches from Cortez Road to Sarasota Bay, with some wooded uplands and large mangrove wet- lands. Like the newest purchase, it was' financed by fishing festivals in years past. The Shorty property has a four-bedroom, two-bath house, the only home built on the Preserve, which was platted originally in the 1950s as the "Cramptons of Cortez" subdivision. Only a few lots were sold, and FISH will try to buy the 11 or so others still in private hands. FISH earlier offered to turn the house over to the Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center, which has been in Bradenton Beach for two decades. Bell said those arrangements are not finalized and Wildlife Inc. owners Gail and Ed Straight apparently are consider- ing the terms of the offer. Quilt on tour : -: Debbie Hudelson, .right, of Bloomington, Ind., makes her purchase of a ticket and a chance to win Sthe colorful, hand- made quilt displayed behind Barbara Cal/lh. left, and ., Pricilla Seawald of S.the Anna Maria Island Community Center : Home Tour. The quilt ..w will be awarded the "''' ._ .day of the tour, March '--:.; ..19. Gift cards and Posters are also offered for sale by tour volunteers on SSaturdays at Publix in Holmes Beach. Islander Photo: Bonnet Joy YOU'LL BE TICKLED PINK When you see the all new BEACH SHOP at the Manatee County public beach Where Manatee .4i'eime ends and the Guit begins . OPEN Now th~ ; - I I 4 r i. Pa -- ' BEACH SHOP OPEN 7 DAYS 778-5442 Please don't let the construction keep you away. We have lots of parking just outside our doors! I I II-I L . ~~T~i*$'i .' THE ISLANDER M MARCH 2, 2005 U PAGE 3 Warrants were 'mistakes' say Phillips couple By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter The outstanding warrants served on Roger and Sherry Phillips of Bradenton Beach last week were "mistakes," said Sherry Phillips, and all charges have now been cleared. The two were taken into custody by Bradenton Beach Police Feb. 22 on an outstanding warrant from Manatee County for Sherry Phillips and from Marion County for Roger Phillips. Sherry Phillips was released that evening while Roger Phillips was released the next day after Sherry Phillips paid Roger's outstanding fine on Feb. 23 and Marion County issued an order canceling its prior war- rant. The warrant was for an unpaid traffic fine to the Marion County Clerk of the Circuit Court. The warrant for Sherry Phillips involved a check used to purchase goods at a Bradenton store and resti- tution was made in December, she said. According to Phillips, the error was corrected when she was inter. viewed by MCSO deputies Feb. 22. Efforts to reach prosecutor Glenn Reid of the state attorney's office in Bradenton to confirm the error were unsuccessful by press deadline. Unfortunately, said Sherry, the resulting publicity has really hurt them and their four children. The fam- ily lost their Bradenton Beach apartment in a Feb. 10 fire, but the outpouring of Islanders in the form of cash and donations allowed them to rent an apartment on Gulf Drive in Bradenton Beach. The couples' four children 8,7, 3 and 18 months - have also-been affected, Sherry Phillips said. Shirley Phillips of Plant City said she burst into tears last Wednesday when she learned that her son, Roger Phillips, had been arrested Feb. 22 in Bradenton Beach on an outstanding warrant in Marion County issued fouryears ago. "He's a good person. He's really been getting his life together, and moving to Anna Maria Island was just great for him and the kids," said Mrs. Phillips. "I just want the Island and the Islanders to know how much he appreciates everything they've done for him after the fire." Roger Phillips, wife Sherry and their four chil- dren, were left homeless in Bradenton Beach fol- lowing a Feb. 10 apartment fire on Avenue C. But the Island community and the American Red Cross responded to keep Roger and his fam- ily on the Island. The Islander newspaper sponsored donations and contributions 'from readers, and the West Manatee Fire and Rescue firefighters gave $1,550 of their own money to ihe family. People drive by their apartment and just stare at them; she said. The Islander spearheaded a drive that raised more than $5,000 in cash and an estimated $5,000 in clothes, toys, household goods and appliances to help the belea- guered family. One week after the fire, the family had more than $5,000 in cash in addition to large quantities of clothes, toys, appliances, furnishings and other household goods. They were able to move into a semi-furnished apartment in Bradenton Beach on Feb. 16, thanks largely to the generosity of the Is- land. The outstanding warrant was for failure to pay a traffic ticket in Ocala, she said. "That was Roger's fault and he should have taken care of that. "He's not a bad person. It's going to look bad for the kids because they're still in school there, but Roger and the kids think Anna Maria Island is just a great place to live. This is over something that happened four years ago." She said Roger has been working as a chef for the past few years and has really turned his life around. "I really appreciate everything Islanders did for them, especially the kids," said the distraught Phillips. Roger Phillips said he was considering hiring a lawyer for possible legal action against The Islander for reporting the arrests. However, donations continued to pour in to The Islander for the family last week, including cash, cloth- ing and toys. Dog-gone good ending Penny, West Manatee Fire and Rescue's K-9 fire and rescue dog the past seven years, was retired from service Feb. 24 in a formal ceremony. She was replaced by Rose Lee, a two-year-old lab donated by Southeastern Guide Dogs. Penny was given to WMFR Deputy Chief Kurt Lathrop's son Daniel and his wife Lindsay, who live at Fort Campbell, Ky., ,where Penny will spend her retirement. Retiring Penny from service were, from left, Deputy Chief Brett Pollack of WMFR, Deputy Chief Kurt Lathrop of WMFR and Chief Dave Sheffield of East Manatee Fire and Rescue. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin Dining outside still illegal permitting of pile drivers used to establish holes in the T, TT T ^ ,, A ground for a structural foundation. V-ILN I UN UtL)-, IV I-vi rAuJ I officer only acts upon a complaint, not when he or she sees a violation. Resident Judy Adams agreed that the city does not enforce the current noise ordinance, while resident John Mattick pointed out that "entertainment" could refer to having a few clowns at a kid's birthday party outdoors at a restaurant. He did not think the city wanted to restrict such activity and commissioners agreed. The consensus was to have Dye rewrite the outdoor entertainment section of the ordinance to ensure com- pliance with the noise ordinance, allow for future ac- tivity at an existing location, and return the ordinance with changes to the March 8 workshop. Presently, only the Sandbar and the City Pier restaurants have outdoor entertainment. Dye said he would work on "options" for that section of the ordinance. The commission also agreed to drop the require- ment to have restaurants with outdoor dining bring in all tables and chairs every evening. Under the proposed ordinance, those restaurants with outdoor dining at present would be allowed to continue, while new establishments would have to meet site plan requirements. Until a new restaurant ordinance is passed, outdoor dining in Anna Maria may still be illegal under the current definition of a restaurant. Any proposed ordinance must still pass a first and second reading before becoming effective. -Pile driverS The commission passed an ordinance providing for Contractors have to post a $1.5 million bond, and are subject to paying claims from nearby residents that suffer property damage as a result of the pile driving action. A permit would cost $500 and the city could shut down any pile driver that is operating illegally. No contractor objected to the ordinance and it passed unanimously. Other business The commission unanimously approved the first reading of an ordinance to opt out of the Manatee County Supervisor of Elections plan for cities to hold early voting in non-presidential election years. Anna Maria will remain part of the SOE early voting plan in future national elections. The SOE will not conduct early voting in Novem- ber 2005 because it is moving to a new building, and . it gave municipalities the option of conducting their own early voting at city expense. All three Island cities have declined the invitation. Commissioners also agreed to an ordinance estab- lishing policies and procedures for paying compensa- tion during the term of elected officials, and approved Randall Stover to a seat on the planning and zoning board. The commission also approved a contract with certified city planner Alan Garrett of Sarasota for $90 per hour to review the site plan applications from the Sandbar restaurant and the Anna Maria Island Commu- nity Center. Garrett will forward his reports to the plan- ning and zoning board when complete. Costs for Garrett's services will be forward to the applicants for payment, the mayor said. Meetin.qs Anna Maria City March 2, 6:45 p.m., Environmental Education and En- hancement Committee meeting. March 3, 6 p.m., special city commission meeting on stormwater-issues. March 8, 6 p.m., comprehensive plan review commit- tee meeting. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 708-6130. Bradenton Beach March 3, city commission meeting. Agenda: Pier dis- cussion, community redevelopment agency appoint- ments, anch age committee appointments, mission statement discussion, Trust For Public Land discussion and commission reports. March 8, 1 p.m., scenic highway committee meeting. March 8, 6 p.m., board of adjustment meeting. March 9, 5 p.m., citizen advisory committee on com- prehensive plan committee meeting. March 10, 3 p.m., city commission work session meeting. Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., 778-1005. Holmes Beach March 2, 5 p.m., parks and beautification committee meeting. March 8, 7 p.m., city commission meeting with work session to immediately follow. March 7,7 p.m., planning commission scoping meeting. Holmes Beach City Hall,.5801 Marina Drive, 708-5800. Mother is 'thankful' for Island, Islanders PAGE 4 U MARCH 2, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Miller wants Anna Maria code enforcement 'understanding' By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Anna Maria City Commissioner Duke Miller wants the commission to discuss the current "reactive only" policy on code enforcement and has asked Com- mission Chairperson John Quam to place the issue on the next worksession agenda. Miller was somewhat surprised to learn at the Feb. 24 commission meeting that except for traffic tickets and garbage cans in the streets, code enforcement was strictly "reactive" to complaints. Mayor SueLynn pointed out that was a prior com- mission decision and she was only following that direc- tive. The commission, she noted, can always change its policy, but the hours for the part-time code enforce- ment officer Gerry Rathvon were reduced from 24 hours per week to 16 hours when the current budget was approved. Proactive code enforcement would re- quire more "man-hours" per week. Miller said he wanted to "clarify" the issue and cited several recent situations relative to the Sandbar restaurant. He emphasized that this discussion "in no way should be construed as leveling criticism toward the Sandbar or its management," but he was using those instances to "enhance my understanding of the city's policy with regard to code enforcement." He cited a May 2003 complaint sent to Rathvon about the Sandbar's tent used for a wedding and recep- tion, turtle lighting, fire batons on the beach, special events and use of the city easement. Rathvon said the complaint was "abated" as the Sandbar was removing Sthe tent after each use. Miller said two critical issues are the lack of a spe- cial event permit for the wedding and why did Rathvon A:*~ IL Join the fight, relay against cancer Cancer survivors Bob Raisch, Bob Jones and Don Maloney of the Anna Maria Island Kiwanis Club-join survivor Nancy Ambrose for a photo. Ambrose spoke at the club's meeting about the upcoming cancer "Relay for Life." The event, a walking relay, will be May 20 at the Holmes Beach city hall complex to celebrate local cancer survivors. Interested participants should register at The Islander newspaper, 5404 Marina Drive; Holmes Beach, or call Ambrose at 518-4431. "choose to abate the complaint," which was made July 16, 2003? "Clearly, the receptions have continued unabated," continued Miller and the tent now seems to be perma- nently placed on the beach. He added that city code appears to prevent such "beach \~eddings" without a special event permit. Miller contended that during the fall of 2004, two tents were up at the Sandbar for t\ o separate but simul- taneous weddings and receptions, yet the Sandbar did not apply for a special event permit for either occasion. "This is an instance where the agreed-to proce- dures were not followed by the restaurant, yet no: fur- ther enforcement action was taken by the city," he said. He wondered if each violation at the Sandbar re- quires another complaint and does the addition of a second tent at the restaurant also require a separate coniplaint? Miller asked SueLynn to provide answers to his questions as soon as possible. FOR ART ' Everyone's invited to our SLeNT AUCTION 8 ARTiST ReCePTKDN T Featuring the donated work of top area artists to benefit the art program at , Manatee High School, and including a student art display and sale. It's great fun, great art, and you're invited! 5:30-7:30 pm Wednesday March 2 The Islander Silent auction and special sale of MHS student works and reception hosted by The Islander newspaper, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Info: 778 7978 .. '' .. i :. Y SBICB TS THE ISLANDER 0 MARCH 2, 2005 E PAGE 5 Turtle store folding, director absent Validating an old business adage, relocation of the store and education center established by Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch is proving fatal. The store is shut- ting down effective March 21. It had been doing reasonably well at its original location in the Island Shopping Center in Holmes Beach, but moved to Bradenton Beach last July to a location where the rent was $300 a month less than in Holmes Beach. At the time of the move, Turtle Watch director Suzi Fox told some of her volunteers and her landlord in the shopping center that the "deal to move was too good to pass up," adding the new space was "free." "Business has dropped since the move" in July 2004, said manager Linda Kapisak, who confirmed the rent at the Bradenton Beach location was $600 per month. "Remember, the three most important things in business are location, location and location. It was good at the (Holmes Beach) storefront, where there was a lot of pedestrian traffic. But there's nothing like that here in Bradenton Beach." Kapisak said they had about 100 customers a day before the move. Business was very good there, she said, and "we were self-sustaining." "Business is off [in Bradenton Beach] about 50 percent. We can't survive as a destination. It's pretty good right now, because we're selling off our stock at 50 percent off." Fox could not be reached for comment she has been crewing on a trawler headed for Central America and looking into marine turtle matters via "long distance." She reportedly plans to continue the organization's basic task, monitoring the beaches of Anna Maria Is- Basket weaving workshop at Center next week A two-day workshop in basket weaving is scheduled from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, March 8-9, at the Anna Maria Is- land Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Artisan Pam McMillen will direct the-work- shop, as well as a similar session April 4-5. Cost is $55 for members, $60 for nonmembers. De- tails are available at 778-1908. The soon-to-be-closed turtle store in Bradenton Beach. Islander Photo: Jo Ann Meilner land during the six-month sea turtle nesting season starting in May. Other members of Turtle Watch declined to com- ment, saying they were told that nobody was permitted to speak for the organization but Fox. The Islander learned that the board voted in De- cember to close the store, but waited until late Febru- ary to announce its plans. Mum's the word from AMITW Last week Turtle Watch director Suzi Fox blasted the Sandbar restaurant with alleged "violations" of turtle-protection ordinances in a letter to the Anna Maria building official. Sandbar owner Ed Chiles vehemently denied Fox's You loI the news... why not have Tpii Islander it delivered? Call 778-7978. T la d WELCOME BACK OLD FRIENDS FROM YOUR FRIENDS 111;, Vl. Angela Patty Chris Amberly at .. anna maria GulEf Coast Old Company New Name 5319 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach 941-778-3699 Web Site: www.amgcrentals.com FOR THE VERY BEST IN VACATION RENTALS allegations and a review of 2002-04 Islander stories confirmed no violations at the Sandbar. Fox alleged that her board members had relayed to her while she is traveling their "concerns" over the Sandbar site plan. The Sandbar's site plan includes building renovations to allow the facility to come into compliance with the Americans with Disablilities Act. "My board has been following developments with the site plan for the Sandbar restaurant," Fox said. "They've been relaying some concerns with modifica- tions that are being considered on the grounds of the business. I am developing serious concerns as well." AMITW's two board members, Debbie Basilius and Ed Sterba did not return messages left for them by The Islander regarding the Sandbar. Basilius, who was contacted regarding the store closure, said she was in- structed by Fox not to comment to the press. E-mails sent to Fox resulted in no response. CHOOSE YAMAHA AND GET UP TO 3 YEARS EXTENDED SERVICE FREE* Savings of up to $2,600 Visit Cannons Marina Offer Expires April 30, 2005. : .- ,---- -. -. '-- .,; --- ..-. ----- "--.--' '; l .. 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Although the very popular fishing festival in Cortez contributed to traffic woes two weekends ago, consider- ing the debacles of the past, this year's festival traffic was mild and that may be largely due to the efficient trolley shuttles from remote parking Coquina Beach and 75th Street at Cortez Road. Without a festival, church sale, flea market or art show the past weekend, traffic was about the same - very heavy which prompted the thought that maybe it's "Lakewood Ranch Week on Anna Maria Island." After all, as lovely as the country atmosphere of Lakewood Ranch may be, folks aren't moving out there to play on the Interstate they want to play, just like everyone else, on the beach and in the Intracoastal. They have boats to trailer to the waterways. They need to launch their boats and park their trucks, SUVs and such, and trailers. They have kids who want to surf. They like sunsets and a walk on the beach. They like tasting Island-style cuisine at our restaurants, shopping at beach- style stores, and looking-at Island real estate for invest- ments. They have relatives and friends living here or they're just looking for an escape from east county living for the day. Whatever the reason or season, the growth out east is - not just out east it comes to the beach. And it doesn't only affect traffic, the beach or the boat launches. It affects our infrastructure and the Island cities are going to need to be creative and persistent in looking for funding to keep up with paving roads, maintaining the beach facilities and parks, providing for more and inno- vative opportunities to provide open space not to men- tion improvements. No one on Anna Maria Island seems to want to em- brace change, but nearly everyone wants progress. Let's face it, every year more and more people move to the Island and to the Manatee County area. It's attrac- tive. It's Florida. There's fresh-squeezed oranges, Major League Baseball, beaches, sunny days and radiant sun- sets, and all those things we dream about in "Paradise." There's a great cheeseburger or grouper sandwich almost everywhere you turn. There's very little to fear and tourism seems to be returning to pre-9/11 levels. Face it, Anna Maria Island we are the reason. We are the attraction. We no longer can call it "our little se- cret." Now we need only to embrace it and deal with it. Tie Islander MARCH 2, 2005 Vol. 13, No. 17 V Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org V Editorial Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org Jack Egan Jack Elka Jim Hanson V Contributors Gib Bergquist Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org Jesse Brisson Robert Noble J.L. Robertson Preston Whaley Jr. V Advertising Sales Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org Rebecca Barnett, rebecca@islander.org V Office Manager Julia Robertson, julia@islander.org V Production Graphics Kelley Ragan, kelley@islander.org Jbcelyn V. Green'e, ads@islander.org V Distribution Urbane Bouchet Ross Roberts Lisa Williams (All others: news@islander.org) SuS d Bmiin} Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. 1992-2005 Editorial, sales and production offices: Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEB SITE: islander.org FAX 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978 'By Egan SLICK Sinio - j:,'.*.'.'^, ^ -c'. ,.. ,-. ..-\. 1' m ^ ^ :.. ." L. '-. ..r. -. ,^ *.':, -,;- ..!' -:. .. .. -- . Snowbirds not the only birds Worth keeping I applaud Tom Mayer of Longboat Key for his re- cently published opinion letter in The Islander regard- ing our "exotic trees" on the islands. I presented that question "What about the birds?" to the panel that held the "Truth About Trees" forum in Holmes Beach. I am pleased that more than a few of us "locals" find that to be a valid and ongoing concern. When my family came to Anna Maria Islard in 1965, there was a sign on the north side of the cause- way which read "Anna Maria Island is a bird sanctu- ary." Anyone know'what happened to that-sign? As our Island cities continue in their vertical devel- opment, tree habitat is a poignant issue. Once our snowbirds return home, our local birds remain year round as do we locals. We have cohabitated successfully with the flora and fauna for many years and y are as important to this Island paradise as the commerce it woos. I embrace Mr. Mayer's learned opinion that we must proceed with caution in removing these trees and not allow the proliferation of one to cause the extinc- tion of the other. Marsha Lindsey, S.T.O.P., Anna Maria Outdoor restaurant commentary: What a joke! Reporters and columnists at our mainland daily newspaper have a favorite sport when they're bored and can't be bothered to find.real news. Its called: "Trash the Island." A so-called "columnist" in the Feb. 27 issue of that rag gave Anna Maria residents and city commissioners a solid beating over the issue of outdoor restaurant seat- ing. He said "What a joke" that outdoor dining violates the law in Anna Maria and that's "the City of Anna Maria for you." This particular columnist must have gone to the Mark Twain School of Journalism, if he went at all. That's where you learn to "Never let the facts get in the way of a good story." The truth is that the restaurant ordinance does not prohibit outdoor dining, it's just vague on the issue, according to the city attorney. The city commission, therefore, has resolved to write a new ordinance that will "clearly" permit outdoor dining. He said people in. Anna Maria behave like the city is some private exclusive enclave and it makes one wonder which planet these commissioners live on. Well, old buddy, maybe it's the same one you live on: Uranus! He claims the city is trying to put a noise ordinance violation on the Sandbar restaurant and eliminate out- door entertainment. In truth, at the Feb. 24 Anna Maria commission meeting, commissioners were in favor of retaining outdoor dining. The column was filled with errors, omissions, big- otry and anti-Anna Maria opinions, but that's what the mainland newspaper has been writing about this Island ever since Islanders objected to the Perico-Arvida site plan approval, an approval that was led by Bradenton Mayor Wayne Poston, a former editor of the newspa- per that shall go unnamed. Gee, think there's any nepo- tism? This particular writer should get his facts straight before he puts his head where the sun don't shine. The guy couldn't write his way out of a third-grade language arts class. He knows as much about journal- ism as I do about rocket science. He might bother to clear his brain long enough to write something other than a list of birthdays, or something meaningful. Funny, but I never see this columnist, or any other columnist at the ferret newspaper, trash the City of Bradenton. I wonder why? Get a grip, pal. Fredrick Peffer, Anna Maria Island THE ISLANDFA Rp MARC 2,200O5yP4GE7 '' 111 f k I ,Ij wA F, 'Absent' Anna Maria voice returns By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Just like Jason in the Friday the 13th movies, "he's back," apparently. Rick DeFrank, a long-time critic of Anna Maria government and commissions, had been absent from commission and committee meetings for a number of months, but returned Feb. 23 at the capital improve- ments advisory committee meeting. Chef's 'World of Food' comes to library Chef, author and TV guide for gourmets Joe Evans will bring his robust charm and humor to the Island Tuesday, March 8, when he heads the program in the Friends of the Island Branch Library Lecture Series. He will speak at 2 p.m. at the library, 5701 Ma- rina Drive, Holmes Beach. The series is free and open to the public, with seating on a first-come, first- seated basis. Evans was chef at Euphemia Haye restaurant on Longboat Key for 12 years and at the Longboat Key Club before becoming a showman/chef on Carnival cruise ships and demonstration chef for Beall's Depart- ment Stores, positions he continues to fill. He said he plans a European tour this summer, including eight shows on Danish television. :He has published the book "Chef Joe's Most Re- quested Recipes." Other events on the program at the library: Monday, March 7-21, Internet class for beginners (advance registration required, phone 778-6341), 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 9, Friends Book Club, 10:30 a.m. Friday, March 11, Friends of the Library board meeting, 10 a.m. The library opens at 10 a.m. daily except Sunday and closes at 8 p.m. Monday and Wednesday, 6 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Details may be obtained by calling 778-6341. A clearly unhappy DeFrank wanted answers and explanations. He said he has written a letter to the city asking why the two top priority projects approved by the city commission in January 2004 were never begun. Those were a drainage project on North Shdre Drive and another on Pine Avenue. The projects came from the CIAC list, he said, but somebody has "dropped the ball. "Nothing has been done," he claimed. Why didn't Baskerville-Donovan Inc., the city's engineering firm, immediately proceed with plans and permits? "I don't know who else to ask except you," DeFrank told the committee, bypassing the mayor and city commission. "We're in the dark" about what hap- pened, he said. Tom Wilcox of BDI, who attended the meeting, agreed that $50,000 had been budgeted by the city to begin design and permitting on these projects, but in September 2004 the commission told BDI to "cease and desist." The commission, he said,, wanted to use that money toward the $135,000 it needed for a matching funds grant from the Southwest Florida Water Management District for drainage projects. City Commissioner Duke Miller, the commission liaison to the CIAC, agreed with Wilcox that the com- mission had halted work on those two projects. But DeFrank wasn't satisfied, claiming even though the commission may have halted the projects, no work was done for eight months after the commis- sion directed BDI to get started. Somebody, he alleged, wanted to make sure those two projects were never started. "This is public money," he said, and between Janu- ary 2004 and September 2004, nobody did anything. "Who dropped the ball? What happened?" exclaimed DeFrank. "Apparently, you don't have an answer and I'd still like.one. I'd like a formal response," he con- cluded. DeFrank did not indicate if he would attend,the next city commission meeting to seek answers. Mayor SueLynn could not be reached for com- ment. IGNORE ALL,THE NO OUTLET SIGNS... because right down the road you'll find Rotten Ralph's! It's Sthe BEST OUTLET / to relieve your stresses of daily life. Enjoy casual waterfront dining on our open-air deck overlooking beautiful Bimini Bay. GREAT LIVE MUSIC DRINK SPECIALS THIS WEEK! 2 for $55 WED & THURS Tom Mobley Mimosa - Bloody Mary. FRI & SAT Jay Cra wordl Tequila Sunrise SUN & MON Tom Mobley Screwdriver TUES JOE LOUDERMILK Pitchers of Bud & Miller Lite WED MARCH 9- Tom Mobley Only $6 ROTTEN RALPH'S WATERFRONT DINING ` LUNCH & DINNER 7 DAYS FULL BAR SERVICE 902 s. Bay Blvd. Anna Maria S R N Located at Galati Marina 778-3953 ROTTEN' ,ONToRES .R ESF:1 ** .*9 THE YEARS Ten years ago in the March 2, 1995, issue of The Islander, headlines announced: SAnna Maria Island Turtle Watch Director Chuck Shumard threatened to pull out of the state program if the Florida Department of Environmental Protection refuses to allow his volunteers to remove endangered turtle eggs to protected hatcheries. A consulting firm hired by Holmes Beach told the city it does not qualify for a Florida Small Cities Com- munity Development Block Grant of $500,000 because of the high income level in the city. Anna Maria city commissioners hesitated to ap- prove a $1,000 donation to the Save Anna Maria orga- nization to use as legal fees in its fight to halt construc- tion of the proposed 65-foot-high, fixed-span bridge to replace the Anna Maria Island Bridge because some members of the public objected to using public funds for a private endeavor. Temps &f Drops o n A.M. Date Low High Rainfall Feb.20 64 80 0 Feb. 21 65 78 0 Feb.22 65 77 0 Feb. 23 67 80 0 Feb.24 68 76 0 Feb,25 69 76 .10 Feb. 26 64 74 0 Average Gulf water temperature 679 24-hour rainfall accumulation with reading at approximately 5 p.m. daily. We'd love to mail you the news!' We mail The Islander weekly for a nominal $36 per year. It's the per- * fect way to stay in touch with what's happening on Anna Maria Island. SMore than 1,400 happy, eager-for-Island-news paid subscribers are already Receiving The Islander where they live ... from Alaska to Germany and : California to Canada. * We bring you all the news about three city governments, community Happenings, people features and special events ... even the latest real es- State transactions ... everything you need if your "heart is on the Island." We're Sthe only newspaper that gives you all the news of Anna Maria Island. The Islander is distributed free locally. But if you don't live here year- * round, or if you want to mail the paper to a friend or relative, please use This form or log on to islander.org for secure e-mail transmission. BULK MAIL U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (allow 2 weeks for delivery) Q One Year: $36 O 6 Months: $28 O 3 Months: $18 S U.S. FIRST CLASS AND CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS S O One Year: $140 0 6 Months: $87.50 L 3 Months: $52 - * N S O Single Issue: $3.50 FIRST CLASS MAIL, U.S. ONLY, Maximum Four Weeks a . Call for mail rates to Europe or other countries. * MAIL TO: S ADDRESS S CITY STATE ZIP * U Credit card payment: 0EB [] No. S Exp. Date Name shown on card: S MAIL START DATE: * U S The Islander Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 S CHARGE IT BY PHONE: (941) 778-7978 OR ONLINE AT islander.org mmmmmgmmm Emmmmmmmm EmEm EEmmmm E M H gMEmm mm PAGE' 8i MARCH,'22005 THE ISLANI ER Anna Maria P&Z to hear ad hoc recommendations By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter Anna Maria's comprehensive plan review commit- tee has tentatively scheduled a joint work session with the city's planning and zoning board for March 15. The purpose of the meeting is for ad hoc members to present their recommendations for updating the Future Land Use Map and comp plan... Members Doug Copeland, Chuck White, Charles Canniff and Suzanne Douglas have been working.with- facilitator Tony Arrant to identifying issues since June. They met last week to organize their presentation to the P&Z. Canniff said he anticipates the first meeting with the P&Z to be lengthy and suspects that the FLUM will generate a lot of discussion. "If we get through the FLUM the first night we'll do well," he said. "It will take alot of explaining to do." Copeland said he still had second thoughts about one of the zoning changes made by the group. By con- sensus, the ad hoc committee chose to change the com- mercial zoning of a lot owned by Anthony Manali Sr. to residential on the FLUM. The basis for this decision came from information given to the committee by a neighboring property owner. The property is adjacent to the Sandbar restaurant and is leased to the restaurant. Its current use is parking. "I'm not comfortable making zoning changes with- out the property owner actually expressing the desire for the rezone themselves," said Copeland. At an ad hoc meeting in early February, Copeland expressed this same concern and requested, with the agreement of the other committee members, that the property owner of the lot in question be notified and given the opportunity to address the committee in per- son or in writing. Having not heard from the Manalis, Copeland said he was uncomfortable presenting a recommendation to the P&Z that included the commercial-to-residential zone change on the FLUM. White.said he would hate to see the committee ar- bitrarily make that zoning change and suggested com- mercial blocks be left as commercial blocks and let the city commission grant land-use variances if desired. "I wish you'd made these comments when we changed the map," huffed Canniff. "We took six months to do it and all agreed upon it then. I would like LIKE TO GAMBLE? i LIKE TO CRUISE? This is for you! Ocean Players Club $25,000 slot tournament $10,000 first prize May 22, 2005, Carnival Valor 7 nights Eastern from Miami from $965 pp Oct. 29, 2005, Carnival Glory 7 nightsEastern from Port Canaveral from $775 pp Prices include $100 tournament entry fee and welcome-aboard C cabin gift, cocktail party and awards ceremony! lost-minute cruises are available again, call today sail tomorrow! O0 li :_ to hear what facts lead you to change your mind. Is the map meaningless?" Douglas noted that she has brought up the issue several times and had suggested a change to a retail- office-residential designation instead. "What I disagree ith is the process. We spun. our wheels for six months." Cannift continued. "I don't dis- agree with the merit of the argument, but the process. I don't agree with letting us go back and change things." Douglas said she agreed the committee shouldn't go back and revisit every decision made but stated that the committee should rethink how it made decisions. Some of the decisions made include eliminating R- 2 (duplex) zoning, changing some properties along Gulf Drive and Pine Avenue from commercial to resi- dential at the property owners' request, and designat- ing Pine Avenue as an ROR district. "We've come to the end, we've seen it through, it seems a little late," said an exasperated Canniff. "What are we recommending to the P&Z a mish-mosh of I-don't-knows or recommendations? I don't want to be seen as a wishy-washy panel that couldn't come up with a recommendation." Copeland said he was in favor of everything else the committee recommended with the exception of the Manali property. Canniff stated that if the committee plans to change the recommendation it should be done before proceed- ing to the P&Z presentation, or else proceed by present- ing the issue as one the committee is undecided upon and seek board input. Woodland said he was comfortable with the group consensus. "I know the issue will come up to the P&Z and city commission regardless of what you and I decide." Arrant said he would like to present the P&Z with a display of the committee's work progression on the FLUM by mounting the evolving map on poster board, however, all the members' maps were misplaced dur- ing the move from the city's temporary offices at Island Baptist Church to city hall. Arrant said the individual maps and interim maps used in their decision making are most important and have not yet been located. Another issue the committee anticipates receiving input on is the number of habitable floors that should be allowed in the ROR district. Copeland pointed out that there are only two hab-. itable floors allowed in any district in the city. Wood- land said there have been questions about why ROR units should be limited to one story of living space above a ground-floor commercial unit. "I don't see how a single-family home being two floors instead of one floor would have. an impaction den- sity and intensity," admitted Woodland. "I've thought about it and admit I don't understand. I'mnnot;ayingI'm right, I just don't understand ho\\ a single-family home being one floor or two affects density and intensity'." Woodland said restricting the residential over com- mercial to one floor is too restrictive. He, admitted he would vote against splitting three stories between resi- dential and commercial (1.5 floors each'i '"a day long" because, for one, the additional half floor of:commer- cial would.require more parking and impact intensity. Canniff, on the other hand, said he didn't understand allowing one district,to ha' e three habitable floors when the remaininin city districts are restricted to two.' -A final issue the committee anticipates drawing discussion is its recommendation to eliminate the R-2 district. With that decision the committee came to a consensus for six units per acre, which would allow for 50-foot-wide lots and no duplexes... The committee expressed. its wishes that 50-foot- wide lots be limited to sifigle-family use for existing lots platted before 1990, and new lots must be 75-feet wide.. Members also volunteered to re\t rite specific sec- tions of the comprehensive plan, which will also be presented to the P&Z board. Canniff updated the housing element, while Copeland was assigned to infrastructure. Webb was assigned the coastal and conservation element, while White did double duty, writing the elements-for both recreation and open space and capital improvements. Douglas was given the intergovernmental coordination element. Arrant agreed to write the elements for traffic, pub- lic participation, monitoring and evaluation. The P&Z will hold a public hearing on the plan and forward its recommendations to the city commission, which is to hold another public hearing before adoption. The revised plans and code updates were supposed to be submitted to the Florida Department of Commu- nity Affairs in March 2005, but the process has fallen behind schedule. &EL-UINA 5Lmo AWARD WINNING IDEAS AND CREATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR HOME CALL 941-779-2106 ^ IN Tt P iOR Dcis. N SOClr y Az.)lCATf: P IMON LIZI VO I RIT( N The latest in luxurilous period-styled kitchens, Cabico turns your (Ireams into reality'. We provide premium quality cabinetry that is beautiful. functional and represents a value that \\ill last a lifetime. With Cabico the possibili- lies are endless... Imagine the possibilities... let us custoimiiie Uouir kitchen to fit iyoufr life! 'isit oulr euII(r showroom of 24 different khitche i displays. Scrit',l our coni nit Ui .sic. 19haw CABINETS Unlimited 8700 Cortez Road West Bradenton (941) 792-8656 RESEARCH CENTER NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT SPRING VEGETABLES Local S author's book 4. '' t .., available now at .. Earth Box ET.I.iNTON I -, -i U. Large selection of herbs and geraniums. Rows of beautiful planted Earthboxes and plants for you to plant yourself. FREE Gardening Classes Wed. & Sat. 10 AM 723-2911 1023 Ellenton-Gillette Rd. Open Mon.-Fri. 9-4 Sat. 9-2 www.earthbox.com Easy to find. Take 301 to Ellenton-Gillette Rd. [one block west of Gamble Mansion] - I abicom - -------- _ Planning commission continues, reviews construction deadlines By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter The Holmes Beach Planning Commission contin- ued to discuss proposed changes to the land develop- ment code prepared by city planner Bill Brisson. Brisson has outlined work he believes needs to be done for each section of the LDC. This includes add- ing a purpose and intent statement for each section. At its Feb. 23 meeting, planning commissioners reviewed permits and development approval. Among the recommendations made are clarifying who must certify documents, clearly stating that site plan reviews require a public hearing, limiting stormwater runoff during construction, and defining the time limit work can continue once a building permit is issued. Time limitations for building permits garnered a lot of attention from planning commissioners. Currently, the LDC does not appear to place any limit on how long per- mitted work can continue. Holmes Beach Public Works Clerk Sue Lonzo said typically contractors who drag out a project are in the minority, but the city does get com- plaints about small remodeling projects that linger on. "Most builders want to get the project done and move on to the next one," Lonzo said. "And it's cur- rently up to the building official's discretion to allow a project extension." Lonzo said that state building codes give adminis- trative authority for building departments to impose a fee for an extension. Brisson provided the commission with an example of the limits set by the Town of Palm Beach and after some discussion the commission decided to break down the type of permits into four categories with dif- ferent time limits., They plan to recommend an 18-month time limit from the date the permit is issued to complete a single- family or duplex project. Brisson said he would come .back to the commission with recommendations for small commercial, large commercial and residential projects of three or more units after some research. S Commissioners agreed that a time limit is a good idea unless there are mitigating circumstances, such as difficulty obtaining materials or financial constraints. "I don't want to be overly restrictive," said Chair- person Sue Normand, "but also keep in mind neighbors don't want to keep looking at a construction site." Commission member Mike McCaleb suggested they consider recommending the building department have the authority to grant one 90-day extension at a fee of 10 percent of the original permit cost. "It may make contractors commit to a schedule, not just work on Island time," he said. Commission member Gary Hickerson said he was also concerned about placing time limits on projects with approved site plans that remain vacant lots, such as the Tidemark development. Hickerson suggested that perhaps a time limit should begin once demolition on a site takes place rather than the start of new construction. Other commissioners agreed with Hickerson's STIHE ISLANDEB7 M1ARCIf 2, 2005,U W1PA6 i9 - ---, Birthday rewards Lorin Gross, standing left, surprised birthday girl Sue Carlson, seated right, owner of An Island Place Realty and Anna Maria Island Accommodations, with a cake andflowers at a luncheon celebration at Ooh La La! Bistro with associates Mike Brinson and Susan Finley. Joining the Group is Rebecca s Barnett, standing right, Sof The Islander newspaper. Carlson is cat planning a new : :location in Holmes Bsn k i Beach in the plaza with SGinny's and Domino's S:.Pizza. Islander Photo: BonnerJoy point of view. Norman questioned whether there wasn't already something requiring a property from becoming a neighborhood eyesore. "The trouble is, people are allowed to have vacant lots," advised Brisson. "Keeping it maintained is a code issue not a land development issue, and 'kept' doesn't necessarily mean 'pretty."' "I don't know how to [better regulate it], but you can't just degrade a property and leave it," Hickerson said. Brisson agreed to look into the commission's con- cerns and provide suggestions at a future meeting. The planning commission will continue to discuss the LDC at its March 24 meeting. Some of the issues up for debate include when variance orders become effective when rendered or when filed, with the court? Should variances to height limitations be prohibited? And, should the "hardship" criteria to obtain a variance be changed to one of "prac- tical difficulty?" HELPING TO BUILD WEALTH THROUGH CONSERVATIVE STRATEGIES G(ore i: tl. / ier s n tin vur, e itp eri ic. in th.t' inm'. I:tn t hbu.inr: ,:n s himn part fr.;:m thei r.r : dic'jt d fid *:,finiiiaiul ,,ud :r H,. lir wilidnLiul, : un d b t5 ,:r.,t- cs ,a uni qut a opp ro..ach lt,: ,tt n iLit)-.j.rIt ri;n( ,t uuI I/t, s"r,'i;c Hi. c.'c p rit,:ncI in mani.gmuin c *./ : ,rt i.,./t a, cur a r'.jrial, ../ moriu t ,ri: ,r,:... J s ,, t nt p. :.'t..'. no't irpp,:li' .lj :u iJ ii thi. inJd u tr f r,.,n, rr rn. o n t i .. -t.,on r t,. J ,:i,.rt/l",/i,> (;. ,J :.. i,.,,, rij r.tir,.ri,n t. t rion to. h .,ir. ,:l, int. build L o.ifiul flir.:,wh ,:uiit r in tin nte. G a n' Il. h'. /ll,.r th ,, ,.:..r :,i on 1...n '. ..,r /It, 7.:, Ilurf, ni,-,rt :. ,.ull h im t,:..jd r ,-t 941-- 5; 9 5 31 ,:,r 0,:,- .r .-- 4 .:No,', ,,r ;.,,,f t2n in Sur.j..,tu ut 1i .-5- Rinlir, Bl id. Suit. ,:,,:' Garn W. Keller F(r, ,n,.II, .1 -.r au.jnt jtu .tw (.' i.:.ic r r;,-l../, ..1( 0.r, ".r 4LCHOVIA SECUTRTIES t-_'r,.,*"nin',..,- i >,,d .,-ni Lots of Used Swivel Rockers starting at ........................................... $59 Large Selection of Nice Sleeper Sofas Out of Estates from .......$159-$299 Sofa and love seat, like new (light pastels) ................................ $399 White "Lazyboy" Sleeper ...... $299 Sofa and chair, hunter green with wood trim ....................... .... $259 Sectional with incliner........... $299 "Henry Link" white-wash 4pc. set .................$399 4pc. White Wickerfront Bedroom set ..............$399 4pc. All Wood French Provincial set................ $299 4pc. Solid-Wood Set $299 White 4-piece set $299 All wood "Florida Furniture" white-wash set... $399 All Wood Table w/6 Chairs $299 Black LacquerTable w/6 Chairs $399 1950's Solid-Wood China Cabinet, Table w14 Chairs. $299 Cherry Traditional Table w/6 Chairs, Solid Wood ......$299 Solid Wood Traditional China Cabinet Table w/Chairs .... $499 "Tell City" Oak Table w/6 Chairs $699 China Cabinets starting at $199 Table w/4 Chairs starting from $159 Table w/4 Chairs starting from $159 1910 14th St. W., Bradenton (North of Autoway Ford and next door to new Family Dollar) Fast Delivery MC, Visa & Discover Financing Available Hours: Mon-Fri 9-6:30 Sat. 9-6 Sun. 10-4 755-9394 747-2959 ' -,,,~rr,~nrp~,~Bv~warll~lJrrunl~ ~ab~ti .. ~T~sP~T~: 'O I! I 18 I I ~b~BQ~~ ~i :~~"~~ 'lrIO1 PAGE 10 M MARCH 2, 2005 U THE ISLANDER RAI)ER'S REEF SHELLS & GIFTS The Island's Largest Selection Shells Shell Craft Supplies Sea Life Mirrors Jewelry and Handmade Seashell Christmas Ornaments 778-3211 5508 Marina Drive Holmes Beach Across from library I AISErT Reg. i369 Sale S312 Birthstone for March or 25th Wedding Anniversary Cool fresh look, serene ice blue hues. Commonly thought to symbolize peace and tranquility. Jewelry & Watch Repair 7358 Cortez Rd. W. S798-9585 0 Mon-Fri 10-6 Sat 10-4, Accepting all major credit & ATM cards MASSAGE I massage in the peace, quiet and convenience of your home! More than 10 years on Anna Maria Island. Call Nadia 795-0887 i 2 -------- -.. ---- --- WN :. :: :- -...... ... .,:.: : : Chiles drives home Sandbar flooding Ed Chiles, owner of the Sandbar restaurant in Anna Maria, took time out Sunday for some picture taking around his property at the Gulf end of Spring Avenue. He also shared the photos with city officials, making his point "in regards to the flooding that we continually incur on and around our property." With several inches of rain reported in the area, Chiles focused on "the two dedicated city beach access points at the end of Pine (shown above) and Spring avenues, as well as Spring Lane.and Magnolia Avenue, which were severely flooded, as were the Sandbar parking lots and Spring Avenue (pictured below). Chiles has proposed a solution to the problem that involves swapping some rights of way, drainage swales and brick pathways which will be considered at a future city meeting. ISILANIDh IDLAYIIJQR PRESENT Sarah Goldman's boyfriend is a WASP in the ad biz. To mollify her / 4. parents, she employs an aspiring actor to take home for the family to meet. All, including Sarah, fall for the Impostor. Ifs a very funny study of nuclear families Jest of any persuasion. MAR 17- APR 3 Evenings_* 8pm MAR 20, 27 & APR 3 MATINEES 2pm Co-Producer Deryll Gross BOX OFFICE OPENS MARCH 7 778-5755 = Open 9am-lpm daily, except Sunday Island Players Gulf Drive & Pine Avenue Anna Maria HAPPY . BIRTHDAY NANCY! PI 778-2882 Longboat home, garden tour Saturday Longboat Key's 30th Home and Garden Tour will show four homes, "each of them outstanding," from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 5, with tickets available at several locations. Chairing the event is Joan Webster, who said the four homes are "really outstanding," and said refresh- ments at Joan M. Durante Park will be a special feature of the tour. On the tour are the homes of Tom and Beverly Porter, 600 Birdie Lane; Robert Kreilick, 3451 Bayou Sound in Bay Isles; Michael and Carl Cheek, 5541 Gulf of Mexico Drive; and Michael and Barbara Gurchiek, 6473 Gulf of Mexico Drive. The Longboat Key Center for the Arts, 6860 Longboat Drive, will be part of the tour. In charge of hostesses at the homes are Jane Shea and Pat Loy. Handling the refreshments at Durante Park will be Janet Lendrihas, Ellen Shields and Mable Esposito. The tour is sponsored annually by the Longboat Key Garden Club, which puts the proceeds into college scholarships, beautification projects, and Camp Wekiva for youngsters. Tickets are $15, and chairperson Betty Sponaugle said they are available, at two locations on Anna Maria Island AMI West, 9801 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria, and Dee's Boutique, 3328 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. On Longboat, tickets may be purchased at Exit Art, 201 and 5380 Gulf of Mexico Drive (GMD); BP service station, 400 GMD; Susan Stribling, 2 Avenue of the Flowers; Sea Stable, 3170 GMD; Gary's of Longboat Key Salon, 5610 GMD; Whitney Beach Plaza; Longboat Key Liquors; 6852 GMD; Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce, 6980 GMD; and Longboat Creations Florist, 6834 GMD. Additional information may be obtained at 387- 8142 and 383-1567. : I I-- ' '' ;-?; ::" ; - .. Island due stellar Heritage Day Saturday B\ Jun Hanson Islaiint r Correspondent Anna NMria Island \\ ill be the unclntesteed star of Nlanatee Count, Heritage.Dam- Saturday. Nlarch 5, \, ith a full dj 's program of music, parades, entertain- ment, food and histoi\ It will be the Islnds day in the sun o:fFlorida his- tory, designated Anna Maria Island Heritage Da.\ ion the calendar of the 2ith anl-a-l celebration which h this Near \\ ill note the c:unt','- 150th birthd.\. The count, \ ide obser ance is spons:red by the Mala-atee Heritage Ansociation and the Icland'' special e\ent is arranged b) the Anna Mlaria Island Historical Society It will be centered at the (0ocieiy's museum and headquarters. iat 402 Pine Ave. in Anna Maria. Admis- sion is fiee Carol ne Norwood, director of the society and the museum. sid the free trolley\ will run up and down. Magnolia Avenue for the day, as well as the length of the Island, and she strongly recommends that festivalgoers park elsewhere and ride the trolley. Pine Avenue will be closed from Crescent Drive to Tarpon Street for the celebration from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Vendors will line the street with a great variety of arts, crafts, foods and diversions. Tours of the museum will be offered, with historical society members in period costume. At "10 o'clock sharp," Norwood emphasized, a ribbon \% ill be cut to- officially open the fe-tit al and the ne%\l\ retrestored Belle HaI en General Store. The Bell Ha\en Preser\ation Jazz Band \ ill play until 11 a.m.. \ hen a decorated bike parade \\ ill be in,. toutngsters of all age" rolling d:,\\ n Pine Avenue, and prizes to be gi\en for the best job on decorations Danielle Hlllbaugp \ ill sing from I to 2 p.m. on Sthe porch of the museum. She is a Manatee High School student \\ ho earned se\en supenor l atings at the \ inter chorus and ensemrbles music festival at Fort Ml\er' -\ emii-Iorganized pet parade will begin at the museum at 2 p.m., \\ ith i ners encouraged to bring their hopeful\ \\ell-beha'.ed pets on leashes for this feature. Coltumies are optional. but prizes are a sure thing for \ winners. The Hobbits musical group of talented and enthu- siastic youngsters will play from 3 to 4 p.m. on the front porch of the museum. Additional details may be obtained by calling the museum at 778-0492. As for the rest of the county, there will be tours and celebrations at many historic sites throughout March, with the Cortez Historic Homes Tour from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 25-26 listed in the official program as the premier event of that weekend. Religious art show Friday evening The Island's second annual Religious Art & Arti- facts Show is scheduled from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, March 4, and its sponsor is seeking religious items for display. All Island Denominations said Anna Maria Island- ers are asked to go through their personal collections and bring any suitable items to the show. It will be at the Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. An exhibit may have "just about anything pertain- ing to religion," said a spokesperson, including art, artifacts, memorabilia, symbols, jewelry, "not limited to Christian items but open to all religions." Those joining the exhibit are to bring their items to the church hall by 5 p.m. to arrange their display and take them away after the show. Each is to provide an index card with the exhibitor's name and "something about the articles on display." The exhibit will be open to the public free of charge, said AID, a cooperative effort of all of the Island's churches. Details are available at 778-1638 and 778-1716. THE ISLANDER E MARCH 2, 2005 U PAGE 11 778-4751 800-771-7163 5312 Marina Drive Holmes Beach WWW.island-florist.com l Le Nailsi Professional Nail Care for Ladies & Gentlemen Visit Jimmy, Rose & Tina! SAn extra 10% off for wedding groups -7 iisw 1l Civic support Al Wiedorn, president of the Holmes Beach Civic Association, presents a check in the amount of $200 to the Anna Maria Island Community Center's development/public r IiLciin, miini- rer Aida Matic- Chaffee. Association members dmnoI J fliC ito. v to the Center's fundraising campaign for the otilic ili,' tildJin, renovation. Double concert is season's finale The Island's premier musical organization will present its final concert in a double feature Sunday, March 20, once on the Island and once in downtown Bradenton b\ special invitation. The Island concert by the Anna Maria Island Com- .munity Choru, and Orchestra will be at 2 p.m. at its regular stand, Island Baptist Church, 8605 Gulf Drive, .Ailnn Maria, aiid the do% ntio\ n pieenatiuion will be at 7 p.m. at the Firrt Unried Nlethodist Chirch, 603 11th St. W. The latter ppeirance will be the March coi, ei I of the church's Fine Arts Community Music Series. Both aie openly t; the public free of charge. \ ithia $15 donation ,,geesied Sejitng i., on a first-come, first-seated basis and early arrival is recommended by the sponsors. Longtime Island conductor Alfred Gershfeld will conduct the orchestra and chorus. Choral director Jay Kimpel and associate conductor Donald Thompson will assist. Both appearances are dedicated to the memory of the conductor's father, David Gershfeld of Bradenton, who died earlier this year at 94. Born in the Ukraine, he was founder and director of the Moldova Music Conservatory and Moldova Opera, head of the compos- ers' union there, and director of the Russian Philhar- monic Orchestra. On the program will be works by Bach, Albinoni, Corelli, Vivaldi and Carissimi. Guest artist guitarist Jeff Dymek and Lesley Jones, orchestra principal obo- ist, will be instrumental soloists. Keyboard artist Rob- ert Winslow will be soloist in "Adagio for Strings and Organ" by Albinoni and will be featured in harpsichord parts during the concert. The chorus will sing several hymns from the Rus- sian liturgy that traditionally are sung a capella. "Jephthah," which Giacomo Carissimi composed around 1650, will be the centerpiece of the concert, fea- turing orchestra, chorus and soloists Lorraine Murphy- Renfroe, soprano; Robert Lischetti, tenor; and Douglas Renfroe, bass. Additional information may be obtained by calling 778-1716, or from the group's Web site www.amicco.org. 1 JEANS G. GETTING A Si BIT TOO TIGHT.,, S NEED HELP? W RE "DOWNIIZIN'" AT... Our 30-minute workout gets you in and out and in shape! 4228 60th St. W., Bradenton 794-2878 5366 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach 779-2878 'Offer based on first visit enrollment. Minimum 12-month c.d. program OUR MOBILE SHOWROOM COMES TO YOU! I----- -- .i--- Z. 1 "u HunterDouglas WINDOW FASHIONS Call Keith Barnett for Free In-Home Design Service (941)778-3526 Mobile 730-0516 The World's Best Smoker & Grill It's versatile, efficient & easy to use! It's versatile, efficient & easy to use! Small, medium and large sizes in stock!' .. Cookbook, video & 20 Ibs..natural charcoal with purchase! GJ3ILL STORE 5350 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach (S&S Plaza, next i. p,.:.ri .:.lh.- 779-9594 Free assembly and delivery oa the Islandl Hors on-Sf 9m-p PAGE 12 E MARCH 2, 2005 a THE ISLANDER Anna Maria P&Z's 'friendly' meeting They met, they chatted, they saw, they heard, they did little to nothing. The meeting billed for the review of the expansion plans for the Anna Maria Island Community Center was not the official hearing that was anticipated. Due to the lack of notice for the meeting, the hear- ing became a workshop and those who attended to present plans and findings were allowed to make pre- sentations, but it wasn't a hearing. The commission discussed some of their "issues," but hesitated short of reviewing their "findings." Expert "witnesses" gave reports and answered questions, but it wasn't official. It was just a friendly get-together an "informa- tion meeting" for the board, the applicant, the city's engineer and planner. P&Z Chairman Chris Collins announced there. would not be an opportunity for "a lot of public input. We're just trying to get ourselves organized." Project architect Jerry Zoller was welcomed to the podium, where he asked, "Why are we here?" He indicated the city had received all the informa- tion relevant to the site plan and took his seat. Chairman Collins attempted to move on to the city's engineering report from Tom Wilcox of Baskerville-Donovan, but Zoller interjected, "May I first have an answer?" Chiles III out of governor race Lawton "Bud" Chiles III, brother of Island restau- rateur Ed Chiles, is dropping out of the 2006 race to succeed Gov. Jeb Bush. Chiles announced he is withdrawing because of a stdte constitution provision that requires a gubernato- rial candidate to live in the state for seven years before the election. Chiles returned to Florida two years ago after livr ing in the Northeast for several years. A Democrat from Orlando, Bud is the son of the late Lawton Chiles Jr., who served two terms as gov- ernor and represented Florida in the U.S. Senate for nearly 20 years. His mother Rhea is a resident of Anna Maria Island. Police pension board wants 'our way or no way' By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Members of the Holmes Beach Police Pension Board told city commissioners at their Feb. 22 meeting that they wanted the commission to consider their originally proposed ordinance for additional retirement funding, or consider nothing at all. The pension board wants the commission to ap- prove an ordinance that would meet state minimum benefit requirements and increase police retirement funding by about $24,000 annually. According to the board's ordinance, the funding would come from the city budget if there was not enough money refunded to the city by the state excess premium property tax, which city homeowners pay through their property in- surance. The commission previously had agreed to the ben- efits and additional funding, but had linked the increase directly to the state premium property tax money, not the city budget. Holmes Beach Police Lt. Dale Stephenson, a pen- sion board member, asked the commission to send the original ordinance to a first reading and "vote it up or down." Pension board attorney Lee Dehner agreed. "We want either a first reading or the commission to take no action at this time." If the commission votes down the ordinance, the pension board will return at a later date Collins said, "No harm," and Wilcox continued. Then Collins asked Zoller if he wanted to show his plans and pictures. City Attorney Jim Dye intervened. "I think Mr. Zoller would like some answers before we proceed, but because public notice was not provided, you can't take action," he told the board. "I suggested we get a brief overview rather than send everyone home. "You can't get into the detail of the hearing pro- cess.", Zoller agreed that some questions addressed by Wilcox needed to be answered and he contended that existing parking and nonconformities are pre-existing conditions that should be allowed to continue on the site. Center Executive Director Pierrette Kelly walked commissioners through the additions, including secu- rity, a kitchen and cafeteria, performing arts room, teen lounge and other amenities, but commissioner's ques- tions focused on whether persons other than Islanders were allowed to use the facility. Some, yes, she explained. Particularly to meet the terms of a grant that provides countywide counseling services. When asked if groups are bussed to the Center, Kelly gave a decidedly "No" answer. "We bus from the Center to other places. No buses bring groups to the Center." Alan Garrett, land development consultant for the city, gave his report on the site plan to the board. The parties, including attorney Dye, came to an agreement that an easement through the Center prop- erty would be best addressed by being vacated to avoid future problems with utility easements and title. An application to that effect is to be submitted to the city commission by Zoller and the.Center. The board set April 25 for quasi-judicial hearing on the Center's site plan, possibly the alley vacation and a variance for the front setback. Zoller will give 30- days notice to residents within 300 feet of the Center and provide the required advertising in advance of the hearing. Board member Doug Copeland was then elected to serve as vice chair of the P&Z . The board discussed Collins' outline for meetings in which he recommended a three-minute limit for speakers addressing the board. Member Jim Conoly, however, reminded Collins and the board that when the city commission limited public speaking, it "released more furor than taking away people's cats." The commission agreed to suggest members of the public limit comments to three minutes. Kiwanis 'Hams' it up Russ Olson and Bob Jones of Anna Maria Island Kiwanis Club, from left, and Mac McMurtry of the Bradenton Amateur Radio Club, Frank Morton of the Manatee Amateur Radio Club, Roger Byron of the Community Emergency Response Team, Chuck Stealey, Larry Cory of Kiwanis and Joe Callaghn look over the trailer utilized for emergency service by area "Hams," also known as amateur radio operators. Stealey and Byron, with the help of other "Hams," gave a presentation on the role of amateur radio operators in the community at the Saturday morning Kiwanis Club meeting at Cafe on the Beach. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy with another proposal, he said. Commissioner Don Maloney acceded to Dehner' s request. "We owe that to them" after-all the meetings, debate and legal opinions on the issue. Other commissioners agreed and the first reading of the ordinance as proposed by the pension board was scheduled for the March 8 commission meeting. Lot coverage Commissioners seemed unswayed by a request from property owner-Rebecca Smith that the percent of building coverage for nonconforming lots be changed. The current lot coverage requirement is 30 percent, but for those who own a 50-by-100-foot lot, they are restricted to a house with just a 1,500-square-foot foot- print, said Smith. Lots of 8,000 square feet can have a structural footprint of 2,100 square feet, she noted. This is a "disparity," and causes "hardship" when trying to build a house on a nonconforming lot and she believes such "hardship" was not the intent of the code. Smith, who owns three nonconforming lots, re- quested the commission remove the 30-percent cover- age rule for 50-by-100-foot lots. The setback require- ments would remain in place, she said. Commissioners seemed unimpressed by her argu- ments, but agreed to investigate further. Granting such changes would just "mushroom," said Commissioner Pat Morton. Commissioner Rich Bohnenberger pointed out that this is a land development issue that would require a comprehensive plan amendment. It would first have to go to the planning committee to determine if it would meet the city's comprehensive plan requirements. Mayor Carol Whitmore questioned why the com- mission would want to discuss such a code change, but Bohnenberger said there were "issues" that should be looked at. City Attorney Patricia Petruff said it would be a good idea to have city planner Bill Brisson look at Smith's proposal, as he is currently rewriting the city's PLEASE SEE LOT, NEXT PAGE THE ISLANDER E MARCH 2, 2005 0 PAGE 13 City-run restaurant concept dropped like hot potato By Paul Roat So maybe a city-run restaurant at the Bradenton Beach City Pier isn't that good an idea after all. A majority of the city commission last week re- jected the concept of running the concession at the pier as a separate city. department. The idea was floated earlier by Vice Mayor Bill Shearon as a means for the city to have total control of the operation. The pier has been closed to all but fishers since September 2004 after Hurricane Frances-damaged the restaurant roof and the city commission terminated the franchise agreement with concessionaires. Karen and Jake Gallo. "Do we want to be in the restaurant/bait/souvenir/ water-taxi business?" Shearon asked the commission. The answer was, well, no. "I don't think it's a good idea," said City Commis- Lots come up in Holmes Beach CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 comprehensive plan and land development codes, Commission Chairperson Sandy Haas-Martens agreed and will make Brisson's report available to Smith and,the public when it's completed. Skateboard park fees Commissioners agreed to a $10 registration fee for every user of the skateboard park and will hold a first. reading of the ordinance at the March 8 regular meet- ing. Currently, city residents are charged $10 for reg- istration, while non-residents must cough up $30 to register. Waste Management contract Petruff said she had several issues with the pro- posed new contract with Waste Management Inc. for trash and waste hauling service that calls for automated pickup trucks and service. The contract requires the cit\ to decide \ho gets an exception to the requirement for a 96-, 64-. or-35-gal- >.n trash container, then process the paperwork.,she said. People who are granted e\ceptions can utilize a plastic garbage bag instead of the required WMI con- tainer for their % aste, noted Maloney, but everyone will still get a $1. per month increase in their bill. If the contract is approved. WMI has estimated it would take six to eight months before automated ser-, vice could begin..At present. WMI has automated pickup sert ice in Palmetto. Petruff said hhe would clarify issues \\ ith WM1I and present an ordinance at the March s meeting. sioner John Shaughnessy. "We would have to hire city employees, provide insurance, retirement, worker's compensation, we'd have to hire and fire I don't think any of us are equipped to run it. I think it would be a benefit to the city to hire a concessionaire rather than to create another department to run the pier. Plus, restaurants have a high turnover in staff." "I think it would be OK as a 'Plan B,'" said City Commissioner Ron Nachtigal. "I'd like to see us go out to bid again." Commissioners requested bids on the pier fran- chise in late 2004. Out of a dozen or so people who re- quested' the proposal, only one responded. The city commission rejected that offer in late December. "I'd like to see us make the pier structurally sound, aesthetically pleasing, and then rent it out as a space with- out worrying about receiving a percentage of the busi- ness," said City Commissioner Lisa Marie Phillips. "Then at least we can get some revenue coming in. I believe it would be an awful lot for us to handle right now." Mayor John Chappie said the city-run restaurant idea has surfaced in the past for the pier "and my re- sponse has always been, we don't want to run a restau- rant. If would be a lot of bookkeeping for the clerk's office, but I'd like to know more about it." Even Shearon said he was "up in the air about it. The benefit is we would have full control and could run it the way we wanted to, but the concern is we would have to set up a whole new department." Regarding Phillips's suggestion to just rent out-the space, commissioners eventually agreed that the high- est and best use of the facility is as a simple, no-frills restaurant with bait and tackle as a sideline. The matter is scheduled to come up again at the 7 p.m. city commission meeting March 3. Shearon said he planned to work on creating a "vision plan" for the restaurant that could lead to issuing another request for proposals for the site. The city reaped a substantial amount of revenue through the concessionaire arrangement from 1999- 2001, although funds had dwindledin recent years. The city currently has about $215,000 in the pier account, which can only be spent on improvements, repairs or other expenses relating to the pier. City Clerk Nora Idso said expenses on the pier - lighting, water, sewer, insurance and the like total about $1,000 per month. And Public Works Director Dottie Poindexter said the repeated vandalism of the pier rest rooms had prompted her to consider closing those facilities until someone could be "on site" with more regularity to ensure that damage would,be minimized. Toccoa Falls choir concert at church The Toccoa Falls College Choir will present a con-- cert of music "suitable for the entire family" at 7 p.m. Friday, March 11, at the Island Baptist Church, 8506 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. The 45 members of the organization, together with director Dr. Tom Council and assistants, will stay over- night with members of the congregation, as is the long- established practice, said a church spokesperson. The concert is open to the public free of charge, and the church noted there is ample parking in its neighborhood. "They love coming here," she said. "It's a beauti- ful break during a demanding concert schedule." The choir comes to the Island every other year, she said, while touring the Gulf Coast. An Island native, Pam Taylor Prentice, is a Toccoa Falls graduate now living in Pennsylvania and sang with the choir in years past. She is daughter of the church's choir director, Sandy Taylor. Support comes from host churches, Taylor said, and the school also subsidizes the concert tours and the singers have various fundraising events during the school \ear. CDs of the music will be available for purchase in the church. S Toccoa is a Christian-based school offering de- "grees in 20 fields of study, she said, and includes train- ing for the ministry'and mission work for those bound for those fields. Further information may be obtained by calling 778-0719. Musical taste of Ireland The Ladies Guildand Men's Club of St. Mary Star of the Sea Church are hosting "A Musical Taste of Ire- larid" at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 8. The fundraiser will feature Ireland's international singing star Red Hurley, Paddy Noonan of the Paddy Noonan Show, "Scotland's funniest comedian" Eddie Devine, multi-instrumentalist John Scot Trotter and singer Erin Quill. The event will be held in the church activity cen- ter, 4208 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Tickets cost $20 and are available by calling 387- 1322. EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN r Orchls iW i WHY LEAVE THE *il ul,:r Shli jSlj fl i S*R.- '., R iL Interior iik ISLAND?? ..e.rt. Framed Art WE HAVE IT HERE! S. MeCn:arr Poney on PotTerv Larndsapir'ng Dihes Lighti 1IXO N FAR AS '. 5704 MARINA DRIVE HOLMES BEACH 778-4441 EAT RIGHT. EXERCISE. AND YOU MIGHT . OUTLIVE IT. When you buy an Amana air conditioner or hea: . pump, there's a chance you'll never have to buy - another. Because Amana units are built to last a; l - really long time. In fact, we're so confident about the lasting power of Amana air conditioners and heat pumps that all Amana systems installed by West Coast qualify for Amana's Asurecare 10-year parts and labor breakdown coverage. So get an Amana air conditioner or heat pump for your home. It'll live a long, healthy life. Call for more details. t i0 g AirConditioning WEST COAST SAIR CONDITIONING S& HEATING INR LASTS AND ASTS AD LASTS. I 778-9622 5347 Gulf Drive, No. 4, Holmes Beach Business Center, Holmes Beach "AVEDA. LIFESTYLE SALON-SPA experience something more 5311 gulf drive anna maria island 778.5400 -'4' LUTZ, BOBO & TELFAIR, P.A. -r . '~ 9i I iL--mh" "t lI J IM .ra .m r.. m I I i Lutz, Bobo & Telfair, P.A. is rated "AV" by Martindale-Hubbell, the nationally recognized law firm rating service. More than 100 years combined legal experience in Manatee and Sarasota Counties. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. Roger Lutz and Allen Bobo are Island residents and are availablefor consultations on the Island. 951-1800 One Sarasota Tower Sarasota www.lutzbobotelfair. cor -la: i. r 1.. PAGE 14 N MARCH 2, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Crafts classes scheduled at Center in March Classes in the ciafts of basket weaving,-shells and creating stained glass garden stepping stones are planned in March at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Basket weaving with Pam McMillen will be in a workshop from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Marph 8-9. It will be repeated at the same times April 4-5. Cost is $55 for members, $60 for nonmembers. Shell craft will be taught'by Lynn Gaulin on four Tuesday March 15-29 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Cost is $45 for members, $50 for nonmembers. Instruction in custom-making stained-glass step- ping stones will be by Glen LeFevre from 1 to 3 p.m. Monday, March 21, and 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 21-22. Cost is $55 for members, $60 for non- members. Deadline for registration is March 16. Details are available at 778-1908. Anna Maria Elementary School menu Monday, March 7 "National School Breakfast Week" Breakfast: Egg and Cha-Cha-Cha Cheese Biscuit, Cereal, Toast, Swing Dancin' Super Donut, Fruit Lunch: Popcorn Chicken, Ravioli, Garlic Baked Breadsticks, Baked Beans, Steamed Mixed Veg- etables, Minute Maid Juice Bar Tuesday, March 8 Breakfast: Cinnamon Rockin' Roll, Cereal, Toast, Paint-the-Town-Red Peanut Butter and Jelly Sand- wich, Fruit Lunch: Turkey Gravy on Mashed Potatoes, Fish Shapes, Fresh Biscuit, Oven Fries, Steamed Broc- coli, Peaches Wednesday, March 9 Breakfast: Encore Egg Patty Square with Toast, Yodeling Yogurt, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Chicken Quesadillas, Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Tosesd Salad, Steamed Green Beans, Chilled Pears Thursday, March 10 Breakfast: French Toast Groovin' Glaze, Cereal, Toast, Musical Muffin, Fruit Lunch: Shrimp Poppers, Baked Chicken Leg, Mashed Potatoes, Steamed Peas, Fresh Veggies with Dip, Orange Slices Friday, March 11 Breakfast: Jazzy Breakfast Pizza, Cereal, Toast, Use- Your-Imagination Yogurt, Fruit Lunch: Pizza, Grilled Chicken Patty on Bun, Celery and Carrot Sticks, Tossed Salad, Bananas and Strawberries Juice and milk are served with every meal. Club 2005 open meeting A new Island club for people interested in adventure and social outings led by Holmes Beach resident Debbie Scott will host an open house at the Island Dental Spa, 3909 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach, from 3 to 6 p.m. Wednes- day, March 2. "Club 2005" membership is free and will offer day trips, luncheons and social activities held locally. This week Maria Yatros with Continental Capers Travel will be the club's featured speaker. She will discuss how she blends the personalized service of a local travel agency with the full-service capabilities and technology of a nationwide agency. For more information about Club 2005, call Scott at 778-0268. Blood drive set Tuesday at Community Center Blood will be taken Tuesday, March 8, in a four- hour blood drive at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Hours of the drive will be 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Donors will get a checkup of blood pressure, pulse, tempera- ture, iron count and cholesterol screening, as well as the opportunity to give blood, the Center pointed out. Anyone over 18 years of age in good health is eli- gible to donate. Appointments are preferred and may be made by calling 778-1908, though walk-ins are welcome. Time to sign up for waltz workshop at Center A waltz workshop is scheduled at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, and registration is open now. The workshop will be from 10:30 a.m. to noon Monday, March 14, at the Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Registration may be done there or ar- ranged by telephone at 778-1908. Robin Rhodes, dance and theater professional, will direct the workshop. Cost is $9 for members, $11 for nonmembers. Art League artists reception The Anna Maria Island Art League will host an art- ists' reception for its "Student Exhibit" of work completed under the tutelage of league-member instructors. The reception is from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m, Friday, March 4, and the exhibit will be on display, throughout March. The Anna Maria Island Art League is located at 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. Exhibit hours are 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. For more information, call 778-2099. Blood drive at Anna Maria Elementary School Anna Maria Elementary School will hold a blood drive from 8:30 a.m. to noon Friday, March 4. All donors will receive an umbrella and a wellness checkup, including blood pressure, pulse, temperature, iron count and cholesterol screening. Photo identification is required to donate blood. The school is located at 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. For more information, call Candi Schields at 708- 5525. Florida crackers S.-....-. in the shade of this 4 "Cracker" house built 93 years ago by the 8 Stephens family during i _as field trip to the S Manatee County Histori- Scal Park. Students also visited the park's one- room schoolhouse, 1 blacksmith shop and ; smokehouse. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan Treat Yourself to a Healthy Smile S Elimiinat paLi. a C lrrlect ourb 1 .ite1. .1 ..l ieve the smile itou aluau s i a . \ISLAND/ DENTAL SPA Aj*. WILLS TRUSTS PROBATE JAY HILL Attorney-at-Law 778-4745 Anna Maria, Florida Oral Health Restoration and Smile Reconstruction for the Discriminating Patient Do it for your health... and your smile. A restored smile will revitalize you and have those around youi smiling, too. Exrteriencu totall com./L'Irt wilkh p len ty of persopral pLamcrin [rrom our Jrkiedlyaaf itL Enj*1yV otir complirentar" v refre-lment bar wilth coffee, iaoa, winen and beer. lnirnerce yourself in mu!9ic or .-id-o and let a' therapeutic kand vwax treatment take your cars aw'yU. 778-2204 !%www.islanddentalspa.com C reain boi,,zal siul] /on -AnnoA arl'7Islhand 4&:'Lo'iaboat Sunday March 6 9:30 am Adult Study/Discussion 10:30 am Traditional Service with Choir (Nursery and Sunday school) Come worship and enjoy warm fellowship YOUR CHURCH AWAY FROM HOME! 6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key, Florida 34228 (941)383-6491 Web site: www.islandchapel.com Just visiting paradise? Tie Islander SINCE 1992 Don't leave the Island without taking time to subscribe. You'll get ALL the best news, delivered by the mailman every week. Visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach or call 941-778-7978. Online edition: www.islander.org AreuM, patients wel'/lL)W! THE ISLANDER M MARCH 2, 2005 E PAGE 15 Obituaries Marguerite H. Becker Marguerite H. Becker, 73, of Holmes Beach, died Feb. 20. Born in Nilan, W. Va., Mrs. Becker came-to Mana- tee County from Michigan City, Ind., in 1979. She was a medical transcriptionist with Manatee Diagnostic Center for 16 years. She was founder of Florida Asso- ciation of Medical Transcriptionists and a member of American Association of Medical Transcriptionists. She was Baptist. Memorial services were Feb. 25. Memorial contri- butions may be made to Alzheimer's Association, Florida Gulfcoast Chapter, 9365 U.S. Highway 19 N., Suite B, Pinellas Park FL 33782. Griffith-Cline Funeral Home, Island Chapel, was in charge of arrangements. She is survived by husband Samuel W. Jr.; daugh- ters Candace Lin Becker Fleming of St. Augustine and Donna Mychelle Stackpole of Orange Springs, Fla.; sons David William of Chicago, Ill., and Richard Wayne of Holmes Beach; brother William Murphy of Hutchinson, Kan.; and six grandchildren. Anthony Joseph Fialkowski. Anthony Joseph Fialkowski, 44, of Holmes Beach, died Feb. 17. Memorial contributions may be made to the Com- munity Hospice of Schenectady, 1411 Union St., Schenectady NY 12308. He is survived by wife Tracy Reyome; parents Henry and Patricia; two brothers; and manyclose relatives. Jack Frint Jack Frint, 76, of Holmes Beach, died Feb. 24. Born in Poplar Grove, Ill., Mr. Frint Moved to Mana- tee County in 1990 from Boone County, Ill. He owned and operated the Smak Drive In there with his wife Jeanette for 20 years. In Manatee County he drove a truck and was a courier at 1st National Bank and Trust. He served in the U.S. Army as a cook. He sang in the choir at Roser Me- morial Community Church, Anna Maria City. Visitation was Feb. 27 and services Feb. 28 at the church. Burial will be in Fogartyville Cemetery. Me- Pawsitively Pets & Property Services Inc. Quality Pet Sitting Services in Your Home Property Services During Your Absence Bonded & Insured Jane & Steve Futch 761-7511 I IOA_ i [a]I 11 Ii U A1] UtoMZ1-.1 ZI ZI.'F-,1L.'q Assisted Living. Accommodations for Seniors I li i\ 1 ,\ R 1 i : ', 1 ii^ .- ald up.erated Sunny Bower Bradenton Marel-ar HIouse Bradenton Our Island Home Anna Maria (941) 778-7842 Assisted Lving Facility Nos. 5178,9577 10140 Our fast claims service is "No Problem." ur agency is well known for providing fast, efficient and fair claims service. That's because T -we represent Auto-Owners Insurance, which, according to a national consumer's magazine, ranks consistently ......: as one of the top insurers. - in the country. That's why we are known as the . "No Problem" People. .. Ask us about our great - service today! tAuto-Owners Insurance Life Home Car Business Jim Mixon Insurance Inc. 5412 Marina Dr.- Island Shopping Center Holmes Beach (941) 778-2253 OUR OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR LUNCH NOON-1 DAILY. morial contributions may be made to the Roser Memo- rial Community Church Music Department, P.O. Box 247, Anna Maria FL 34216. Shannon Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. He is survived by wife of 52 years Jeanette; son Jefferey of Machesney Park, Ill.; daughter Julia Schultz of Bradenton; sister Darlene Coleman of Belvidere, Ill.; eight grandchildren; and.six great-grandchildren. Charles Russell Haskins Charles Russell Haskins, 65, of Holmes Beach, died Feb. 28. Born in Detroit, Mich., Mr. Haskins came to Mana- S. tee County from Clarkston, Mich., in 1993. He was an execu- I tive marketing director for vari- ous auto sales businesses. He served in the U.S. Army. He was a member of the Moose Lodge. A private gathering of friends and family is planned this week. SGriffith-Cline Funeral Home, Is- land Chapel, is in charge of ar- rangements. Haskins He is survived by good friend Kathie Acocelli of Bradenton; former wife Dawn of Bradenton Beach; daughter Kelly Stonerock of Goodrich, Mich.; sons Christopher and Jeffrey, both of Davison, Mich.; brother Larry of Walled Lake, Mich.; and 11 grandchildren. Mark Allen Knutson Mark Allen Knutson, 42, of Andrews, S.C., and formerly Anna Maria City, died Feb. 17. Born in Rockford,,Ill., Mr. Knutson grew up on Anna Maria Island, attended school here and was a youth group leader at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Holmes Beach. He was a graduate of Newberry Col- lege and attended Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in Columbia, S.C. He was employed by Georgetown Auto Parts Inc. and was a former em- ployee of Hill Tire Center. He was a member of Trin- r-gt iiool e zIf1 0Ii-oM -I!ij e= nm ; "Award-Winning" Grooming All Natural,' All Organic, and All Holistic Never Tranquilized - Just Loved! Advantage & Frontline Flea Protection .Cz' 0.. '.7 ~ : \h'~/ .- ,, FEATURING w Solid Gold * Wellness * Innova * Pinnacle * Cal. Natural * Avo SEagle * Canidae ...and more! 761-WOOF (9663) 7338 Cortez Road West, Bradenton N Mi ... ...... "d: H ";.: :':' 'o .'" ity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Georgetown, S.C. Memorial services were Feb. 22 in Georgetown. Memorials for the Knutson family may be made in care of the Mayer Funeral Home, P.O. Box 2838,Georgetown SC 29442-2838. There is a guest book onbline for Mr. Knutson at www.mayerfuneralhome.com. He is survived by wife Melanie; son Joshua; daugh- ters Melissa, Sara and Amanda; brother David of Louis- ville, Ky., presently serving in the U.S. Army in Iraq; and mother Dolores Knutson Dunn of Anna Maria City. Roy Lutz Roy Lutz, 85, of Bradenton, died Feb. 21. Mr. Lutz came to Manatee County from Charleston, W.'Va., in 1976. He was a retired officer in the U.S. Army -who served in the South Pacific, Philippines and Japan during World War II. He worked for the U.S. Postal Ser- vice in Charleston, Washington, D.C., and Erie, Pa., retir- ing as district manager for western Pennsylvania. Covell Cremation and Funeral Center is in charge of arrangements. He is survived by wife of 57 years Joan; sons Roger of Holmes Beach and Eric of Charleston; daugh- ter Jacqueline Dugan of Bora Bora, French Polynesia; seven grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. Donald B. Thrasher Donald B. Thrasher, 64, of Bradenton, died Feb. 20 in Chipley, Fla. Born in Midland, Md., Mr. Thrasher came to Manatee County in 1962. He was owner of Thrasher Appliances, T&W Trailers and Thrasher's Cycle Sup- ply. He was a member of Florida Trail Rider's Asso- ciation, Sarasota Dirt Rider's Association, and was a lifetime member of Motorcycle Association. Visitation and services were Feb. 25. Burial will be at Manasota Memorial Park, Bradenton. Manasota Me- morial Funeral Home Chapel is in charge of arrangements. He is survived by lifetime partner Vicki M. Wilcox; daughters Deborah of Holmes Beach and Cynthia; and sisters Patty Morton, Bonnie Shearer and Rosee Blubaugh. Limited Edition Giclee Print on Canvas "Help me to Sea" 1 By James Johnson Special 8x10 with -" 3-inch gold frame $89 Free Delivery jl (941) 779-9888 ."1W. ', .. |.. ":- I" 'k Y --" .- .--j*tA0. .., -, ,, _;a,. ,"" *, ...-4 .. ;; .* ( ; - 0 I 941 778 5622 LIC '' , 5362 Gulf Dr., Holmes Beach y~. /.0 1 4 h, L-c. #CFC057548 5362 Gulf Dr., Holmes Beach , "Tropical Bugs Need A Tropical Service" CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Beaches Bradenton Sarasota Parrish 778-1337 794-1005 365-2893 776-0779 Full Service Exterior and Interior Now Accepting Visa ." S and Mastercard Island Pest Control Inc. SERVING THE ISLANDS MORE THAN 20 YEARS State Certified/Licensed and Insured Locally owned and operated Homes for die Elderly, hie. I- --- ------ - - I 9PAGE nE6 M MRCHl2,,20@5E N TEH ISILANDTER Perico Island vet helped rebuild Okinawa Harry Becker of Perico Island was in engineering school in Indiana on Dec. 7, 1941, when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and the United States entered World War II. The very next day, he and a group of his friends jumped in a car and went down to the U.S. Army Re- cruiting Station to enlist. While Harry was ready for the Army, the Army wasn't yet ready for him and he had to wait until April 1942 before he was ordered to report for basic training. Because of his engineering background, Harry ended up assigned to the 1345 Combat Engineers in Mississippi. "All I remember was that it was the coldest winter they'd ever had in the south," said Harry. He eventually was sent for training as a radio op- erator, then back to the 1345th. The outfit continued its training as a combat engineer unit, learning to build roads and bridges, dredge harbors and construct any- thing the Army needed. "At that time, they were telling everyone we were going to Europe, so that's what we were telling our families." A number of Kentucky men were assigned to the 1345th and they had a special talent that Harry and his buddies learned to enjoy. "We called them 'Kentuckians.' They had a talent for making moonshine and there was plenty of that stuff around. Those were some good times." The outfit's overseas assignment finally came, but to everyone's surprise, it wasn't to Europe but the Pa- cific. Harry sailed to the Pacific in late 1944, and a l1t of his buddies, especially the Kentuckians, were eager to get into the action. But the 1345th was initially sent to secure areas such as the Marshall Islands, Guadalcanal and the Solomon Islands for engineering duties. In April 1945, however, the 1345th joined the in- vasion of Okinawa, the operation that was the last step before the invasion of Japan. "We went ashore and were immediately fired upon by the Japanese. There was plenty of fighting and we had to dig in," remembered Harry. "We didn't have time to be scared." That first day on Okinawa, Harry and his buddies might have been a bit apprehensive, but they would do anything not to let their buddies down. "We had con- fidence in each other, we trusted each other." And "Lucky" Harry got picked for patrol duty that very first night in combat. Trading his M-3 "grease gun" for an M-l rifle, Harry and his patrol went up into the Okinawa hills looking for Japanese hiding in caves. They had been told not to expect any Japanese soldiers to surrender. YWest Coa MCopanssage N 6 Therapists to meet your day and Swedish Relaxation $40 LO evening appointment needs SDeep-Tissue Neuromuscular SCouples Massage 1.,-,90rn Lanr (9+41) 224-z+22 9908 Gul: Drive Anna Maria RENElRickTION by Rick Catlin Harry passed a cave that someone said was empty, but a few seconds later, he heard shouts that the Japa- nese were hiding inside. Everyone opened fire on the cave entrance, then the Japanese exploded some stolen phosphorous grenades. Several American soldiers were killed, but the Japanese were wiped out. On. another night, Harry was on guard duty when he spotted the Japanese sneaking down the hill to get water from a nearby spring. Everyone waited until they had almost reached the water, then opened fire. "This was a nightly thing for them to try and get water," remembered Harry. "We would just wait for them, then open up with everything we had. They didn't seem too interested in surrendering." But the 1345th did more than round up enemy sol- diers. The unit built roads on Okinawa and dredged the massive harbor at Noka for Allied shipping. A typhoon with 175-mph winds wiped out the harbor and pushed a number of ships inland. "We had the job of cleaning up that mess," said Harry, "and it was a mess." By July 1945, Harry and his unit were getting ready for the invasion of Japan. "We-had been told we'd be in the third wave, so we knew there were go- ing to be a lot of casualties. Then, we heard that an atom bomb had been dropped. We didn't know what an atom bomb was, but there sure were a lot of happy sol- diers when it was announced." Luckily for Harry, he had come through the war without a scratch, although he'd seen plenty of combat for four months, and fired at a number of Japanese sol- diers. "I was lucky. I didn't lose any close buddies and never got hit," although his unit sustained a number of casualties. Eventually, Harry was sent back to the United States where he was discharged. He returned to Indi- ana and enrolled at Purdue University, where he stud- ied engineering. He had married his high school sweet- heart Ida during a three-day furlough before heading to the Pacific. Harry graduated from Purdue and worked for Cummins Engineering in Columbus, Ohio, for 32 years before retiring. He and Ida first came to Anna Maria Island in 1984, when they drove a motorcycle from Ohio to the Accounting Services Payroll & Payroll Taxes Financial Statements Income Tax Preparation Secretarial Services Electronic Filing BEN COOPER, E.A., Ben Cooper and Associates Inc. 3909 E. Bay Drive, Suite 110 Holmes Beach, FL, 34217 (Located across from Publix) (941)778-6118 Fax:(941)778-6230 benacooper@aol.com Henry Becker in 1943 as a-member of the 1345 Combat Engineers. Island. A friend of Ida's had told them about Anna Maria, and they bought a house on Key Royale in Holmes Beach. In 1995, farry and Ida moved to Perico Island. "I have no regrets about joining and what I did," said Harry. "I'd do it all over again. I wasn't a hero. I just did my job and was lucky I never got hit. It was a great experience." Just another member of The Greatest Generation. "The Greatest Generation" column is for Island, Longboat Key, Perico Island and Cortez veterans, man or woman, who served in the armed forces of any al- lied country (U.S., Canada, Britain, Holland, Norway, France, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, the Philip- pines, etc.) during World War II. We'd like to hear from you. Please call Rick Catlin at 778-7978. Amusr ffime rial CITmmrnit-i (IO rd An Interdenominational Christian Church Rev. Gary A. Batey Serving the Community Since 1913 Come Celebrate Christ Worship Service: 9am & 11 am Adult Church School: 10am Children's Church School: 9am Youth Church School: 9am Transportation & Nursery Available 512 Pine Ave, Anna Maria 778-0414 www.roserchurch.com Key Income Tax & Business Services Inc. For appointment, call 778-5710 5500 Marina Drive, Suite 1,Holmes Beach - - --- -A - I Loving the weather... S..J Snowbirds miss your chiropractor? |It We will work with your doctor so yOL you avoid unnecessary fees. I ^^I _Bradenton Family Chiropractic Clinic I 76404 Manatee Ave. W. 794-3705 Suite J Bradenton L Cirl geout Cookies .-' .. '- ,J 4-3f .. 4 0 p or box -1 -~ available at Tie Islanier Henry Becker and wife Ida have lived on Perico Island since 1995 after moving therefrom Key Royale. in Holmes Beach. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin 'MHE ISL A DEREINMARCH -27,,.2005 M PAGE. 17 Streetlife Island police reports Anna Maria City Feb. 22, 700 block of North Shore Drive, trespass warning. The owner of a rental unit requested a trespass warning against a woman. Bradenton Beach Feb. 14, 2400 block Gulf Drive North, theft. A man reported that he forgot his bag on the beach and it was gone when he returned to retrieve it. Feb. 14, 1800: Gulf Drive, Coquina Park, domestic battery. Officers were contacted by marine rescue regard- ing a disturbance on the beach. A woman was issued a domestic violence packet after reporting that she was in- volved in a heated argument \\ th her boyfriend. Feb. 18, 2100 block of Avenue B, burglary. A man reported that some bank checks; watches, travelers checks, and cash were stolen from his residence. The man's pass- port and checks were recovered by Holmes Beach Police Department Feb. 19. Feb. 19, 100 block of Bridge Street. criminal mis- chief. A man flagged do \\n an officer to report that the pa;:enger t Undow of his parked vehicle had been dam- aged. While in\ estigating this incident, the officer noted that another vehiclee parked nearby also had broken \\in- By Rick Catlin Ishlnder Reporter The planned multi-use paih through Coquina Beach in southern Bradenton Beach is still on hold by Manatee County. the Bradenton Beach Scenic High- \ a Committee Corridor Management Entity learned at its Feb. 22 meeting. CMNE member lMike Pierce questioned \wh, the city didn't proceed with the plan on its o%% n as it already has two $300.000 grants for sidewalks and bicycle paths. Mayor John Chappie explained that the multi-use path was a CME idea, but was taken over by the county as the path \\ ill be on county property. The sidewalks and bic cle paths ,\ ill be inside the city limits. The grants for the bicycle paths are enhancement funds that are specifically for Gulf Drive, not for the multi-use path, he said. They can't be used for another Dr. Diane Michaels Chiropractic Physician Massage Therapist on Staff Provider for most Insurance 501 Village Green Parkway Bradenton, Florida 761-0210 (1 block east of Albertson's on Manatee Avenue) Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, ELCA Pastor Tamara Wood Saturday 5pm Service of Celebration S Sunday 8 am & 10 30 am- Worship Service Children's Sunday School & Nursery ai 10.30am '- Adult Bible Study 9 am -,A .-. .wwv .goriadelluilreran corn I ~ 6608 Marina Drive Holmes Beach ; 778-1813 HAVING DIFFICULTY CLIMBING THE STAIRS? -No need to sell your home Regain your independence with #1 selling stair lift From $2750 installed SOutside stair lifts also available No st[irway modifications. i fastens to stair tread S* Full Aarrant, S'" Tr) before you buy in-home demons[traton .1 call (800) 3s4-SS73 Suncoast Stairlifts, Inc. Check out our .eb-.-Xe for deall "wv,,'.suncoasrst-irlfts comr dow. The owner of the second vehicle was notified of the damage. Feb. 21, 100 block of Bridge Street, traffic arrest. A driver stopped for speeding was arrested for driving with- out a license. A passenger in the vehicle was also arrested on a Manatee County warrant for worthless checks. Holmes Beach Feb. 18, 2700 block of Avenue C, burglary. A man reported his bicycle stolen. Feb. 18,.611 Manatee Ave., CVS store, theft. A con- tractor working on the store's.outside lighting reported his cell phone stolen. Feb. 20, 5424 Marina Drive, Jessie's Island Store, probation s iolation. Officers responded to a report of an intoxicated man leaving the store and trying to walk across Marina Drive. Officers located the man and arrested him after verifying a warrant for violation of his supervised (ankle-bracelet program) release. Feb. 21, Anna Maria Island Bridge, Manatee Avenue, bench warrant. A man riding a bicycle was stopped for a traffic violation and arrested on an active bench warrant. Feb. 21,4000 block of Gulf Drive, criminal mischief. According to the report, a woman claimed that a male driver behind her vehicle became angry when she let an- other car merge in front of her. She told police she pulled project. Unfortunately, Manatee County was only able to fund a one-mile portion of the multi-use path on the west side of State Road 789. The CME had planned to have the path go under the Longboat Pass Bridge, then back up the east side of the highway. "That's still the CME concept," added CME mem- ber Bob Herrington, also a staff member with the Sarasota-Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organiza- tion. "But we may want to apply for grant funds to movie that [multi-use path] forward." Mike Sosadeeter of the Manatee County Parks and Recreation Department, which is spearheading the multi-use path, has not yet announced a start date of construction. Issues with the Florida Department of Transportation over the right of way, along with the width of the path, still remain unresolved. U'.NurlJ ivio.n.-Fri. rouam-ypm Sat., Sun., Holidays 730am-5ipm WALK-INS WELCOME We're available to tend to your urgent care needs Fever/Infections Minor Lacerations Simple Fractures Sprains PINNACLE MEDICAL CENTER 315 75th Street West Bradenton 941-761-1616 Ini.pro-e the Qual t\' of Yot.i Life Carol Greer Siemaszko B A Ea M P PSCii S' CERTIFIED COUNSELOR .. \ND LIFE CO-\CH r9411794-1492 $ 44 Chiropractic Centet Dr. Kathleen Goerg Massage Therapy Also Available! 778-0722 3612 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach, FL 34217 (between Publix and Ace Hardware) Visit our Web site: www.islandchiro.com off to the side to let the angry driver pass and then went to park at the public beach. When she was walking to the beach, she told police, she saw the man pull up next to her vehicle and pour a liquid onto her car, which has now begun to eat away at the paint. According to the report, the woman noted the man's vehicle tag number and police issued a capias request for the driver's arrest. Feb. 21, 5323 Marina Drive, Anna Maria Boat Club, theft. Employees reported a Jet-Ski stolen from the boat club. An employee of Catchers Marina called to notify police that.he saw the missing watercraft grounded near the Flotilla Drive Condominiums. The Jet-Ski was re- trieved from that location by boat club employees. Feb. 22, 100 block of 50th Street, theft. A man re- ported that he saw his ex-wife steal mail from his mailbox. Feb. 23, 200 block of 58th Street, warrant arrest. Of- ficers received a report of a suspicious vehicle parked in front of a home. Officers located the vehicle and the driver inside advised that he was trying to get some sleep because he'd had too much to drink. After a routine check, the driver was arrested on a Polk County warrant. Feb. 24, 6300 block of Gulf Drive, harassment. A woman reported receiving harassing phone calls from a man she does not know. Feb. 24,2900 block of Avenue E, suspicious incident. A woman reported that her ex-boyfriend has continued to pursue her despite a court-ordered injunction against him to stay 500 feet away from her residence. Feb. 24, 3000 block of Avenue C, information. A couple reported hearing their car alarm go off, but did not find any items missing from the vehicle. Feb. 28, 3800 block of East Bay Drive, information. A man reported that a delivery truck damaged some land- scaping on a traffic island in front of the property. Feb. 24, 68th Street and Holmes Boulevard, traffic arrest. A man called police after witnessing a woman hit a stop sign with her truck and attempt to drive away. Ac- cording to the report, the woman exited her vehicle and left the scene in another vehicle that had apparently been following her. Officers found the woman's purse still in- side the damaged vehicle and the woman's identification inside the purse. According to the report, officers went to the woman's home and issued a traffic ticket for careless driving and a criminal summons for leaving the scene of an accident. Get rid of unwanted hair PERMANENTLY! No more waxing, tweezing, shaving, or using depilatory creams. Eliminate shaving bumps. LASER HAIR REMOVAL AND ELECTROLYSIS by Pansy Heger, CCE, CME Located in Hairs To You Salon ,- '"r 3218 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach (941) 685-7368 by appointment only available evenings and weekends Free Consultation Path funds confusion in Bradenton Beach ,' St. Patrick fete tickets going fast (PA&W AINIMMR,611 r2, _12O tf tf9-fSM lhUR :oooOo3o Wednesday, March 2 7to 8 a.m. -RPier regulars meeting at the Anna Maria City Pier, 100 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria. Information: 778-7062. 9 a.m. Horseshoe games at Anna Maria City Hall Park, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. 12:10 p.m.- Carl Parks of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church performs organ music by Bach at the Church of the Re- deemer, 222 S. Palm Ave., Sarasota. Information: 778-4820. 12:30 to 4 p.m. Duplicate bridge at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-3390. Fee applies. 1 p.m. Woman's Club of Anna Maria Island presents a book review by Ernestine Basler-Lawton of "Founding Mothers" by Cokie Roberts at the Anna Maria Island Com- munity Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-6083. 6 to 7:30 p.m. "Parenting with Love and. Logic" work- shop at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Mag- nolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Babysitting available with registration. Fee applies. Thursday, March 3 S10 a.m. to 2p.m. AARP tax assistance at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive. Holmes Beach. Informa- tion: (888) 227-7669. 4 to 6 p.m. -Jazz concert at the Island Historical Mu-' seum; 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-0492. 6 to 8:30 p.m. Boat Smart course at Ihe Anna Maria *Island Power Squadron, 1200 71st St. N.W., Bradenton. Information: 714-0449. Fee applies. 7p.m. Bingo at Annie Silver Community Center, 23rd Street and Avenue C, Bradenton Beach. Information: 778- 1915. Friday, March 4 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Blood drive at Anna Maria El- ementary School, 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Informa- tion: 708-5525. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Book sale at Tingley Memorial Li- brary, 111 Second St. N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 779-1208. 5 to 7p.m. All Island Denominations' "Religious Art and Artifacts" exhibit at the Episcopal Church of the Annun- ciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778- 1716. 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Opening reception for the Anna Maria Island Art League "Student Exhibit" at 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. Information: 778-2099. Saturday, March 5 7:30 a.n. Southeastern Guide Dogs Walk-A-Thon at the Manatee County Fairgrounds, 1402 14th Ave. W., Pal- metto. Information: 729-5665. 9 a.m. Horseshoe games at Anna Maria City Hall Park, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 752-5973. 9 to 11 a.m. "Sharks! Top Predators of the Sea" fam- ily program at Mote Marina Aquarium, 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota. Information: 388-4441. 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Pilates with Laura Bennet at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. "Centering Prayer" introduc- tory workshop at St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Har- bor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-3091. Fee ap- plies. 10 a.m. to 3p.m. Book sale at Tingley Memorial Li- brary, 111 Second St. N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 779-1208. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Anna Maria Island Heritage Day Celebration on Pine Avenue, Anna Maria. Information: 778- 0492. 10:15 a.m. Holmes Beach Civic Association presents a roundtable discussion with City Commissioner Rich As anticipated, tickets are being snapped up quickly for the eighth annual St. Patrick's Day breakfast March 17, and chairman Don Maloney warns you'd better act fast to join the party. OnlI paid reservations will be allowed in at the 9:30 a.m. erent at the Nloose Lodge, 110 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. They are $7 each and may be obtained from Sarah Maloney, 778-4865, followed by a check mailed to 615 Foxworth Lane, Holmes Beach FL 34217. That will get you scrambled eggs, sausage, Bohnenberger at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. 2 to 4 p.m. Longboat Key Garden Club Home and Garden Tour at various locations. Tickets available at AMJ West, 9801 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria, or Dee's Boutique, 3328 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 387-8142, or 383- 1567. Fee applies. 7:30 p.m. Youth Orchestra Concert at Neel Perform- ing Arts Center, Manatee Community College, 5840.26th St. W., Bradenton. Information: 953-3434. Sunday. March 6 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Line-dancing fundraiser for youth scholarships at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. Monday. March 7 10:15 a.m: Gulf Coast Writers meeting at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Informa- tion: 761-9036 Tuesday, March 8 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Blood drive at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Infor- mation: 778-1908. Noon to 3:30 p.m. Friendly bridge at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. 1 to 4 p.m. Veterans service officer at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Appoint- ments: 749-3030. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. -. Basket-weaving workshop with Pam McMillen at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. 2 p.m. Television chef and author Joe Evans at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6341. 3 to 4:30 p.m. "Women Waging Peace in the Middle East" presentation at the Education Center, 5370 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 383-8811. Fee applies. S7 p.m. "A Musical Taste of Ireland" at the St. Mary Star of the Sea Church, 4280 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 387-1322. Fee applies. Wednesday, March 9 9 a.m. Horseshoe games at Anna Maria City Hall Park, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Terra Ceia Village RV Resort craft fair at 9303 Bayshore Road, Palmetto. Information: 723- 2425. 11 a.m. U.S. Navy luncheon at the American Legion Post No. 24, 2000 75th St. W., Bradenton. Information: 794- 3489. 11:30 a.m. --Off Stage Ladies Auxiliary of the Island Players meeting at Moore's Stone Crab Restaurant, 800 Broadway, Longboat Key. Information: 778-4865. Noon Anna Maria Island Historical Society volunteer lunch at the Beach House Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 778-1514. home fries, coffee or tea, and dessert of "an Irish version of Danish pastry." Irish songs and stories are planned, and a perfor- mance by the Island's Irish Ceili Dancers. Plus the an- nual naming of the Irish Man or Woman of the year, who will join the roll of such earlier honorees as the Privateers, Hugh Holmes Sr., Pat Geyer, Bob LoPiccolo, Russ Olson, Sean Murphy and John Corbett. Maloney suggests that tho.e attending park else-; where, such as Coquina Beach, and use the Island's free trolley. 12:30 to 4 p.m. Duplicate bridge at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-3390. Fee applies. 1:30 to 3p.m. Arthritis Foundation lecture "Mind Body Connection" at St. Mary Star of the Sea Church, 4280 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longbbat Key. Information: 794-1400 ext. 224. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Basket-weaving workshop with Pam McMillen at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. Ongoing: "Impressionist Masters of Russia" at Wallace Fine Art, 5350 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key, through March 11. Information: 387-0746. "Sew for Fun" at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria,'through March417: Information: 795-8945. Florida Suncoast Walercolor Society ,aqueous art show at the Art League of Manatee County, 209 Ninth St. W., Bradenton, through March 21. Information: 746-2862. Traditional art class for ages 5-12 at the.Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach, through March 22. Information: 778-2099. Fee applies. Old master's methodology oil painting class at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach, through April 6. Information: 778-2099. Fee applies. AARP tax assistance at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, through April 15. Infor- mation: (888) 227-7669.' "Shells: Gems of the Sea" exhibit at the South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton, through May 8. Infor- mation: 746-4131, ext. 37. Fee applies. Upcoming: Sierra Club's "Water for People and Nature, Not for Profit: The Story of Corporate Water Privatization and Pub- lic Resistance" at the Sudakoff Center March 10. Fabric art demonstration at the Artists Guild Gallery March 10. Toccoa Falls College Choir at the Island Baptist Church March 11. Florida West Coast Symphony Masterworks at Neel Performing Arts Center March 11. "Gotta Dance" at the Anna Maria Island Community Center March 11. Leon Merian at the Riverfront Theatre March 12. Anna Maria Island Privateers Thieves' Market at Co- quina Beach March 12. Digital photography workshop at Anna Maria Island Community Center March 12. Spring plant sale at the Palma Sola Botanical Gardens March 12-13. Anna Maria Island Art League Springfest at Holmes Beach City Hall Park March 12-13. Waltz workshop at the Anna Maria Island Community Center March 14. "Photography Today" presentation at the Education Center March 15. Shell crafts at the Anna Maria Island Community Cen- ter March 15. THEE ISLAND}RN MARCIJ 2, 20054 PrAGEtb9 Football star 'stars' for rectory aid By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent A man who won the Heisman and the Maxwell trophies, was All Ameri- can for two years and was termed "the greatest all-around football player in half a century" is coming to the aid of an ailing residence for priests. He is Johnny Lattner, and he'will speak at a dinner March 10 to raise funds to renovate the rectory at St. Bernard Catholic Church. The event will be at the church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach, at 5 p.m. Social hour will be followed by the buffet dinner, Lattner's talk, and an auction of, among other goodies, four Notre Dame football. tickets, an autographed football helmet, golf package and yacht cruise for 10. It is all being organized by Frank O'Malley, winter resident of Holmes Beach, close friend of Lattner since they played football together for Fenwick High School at Oak Park, Ill., a Chicago suburb. Lattner will stay with O'Malley while he is here; he usually spends a couple of weeks ev- ery April at Runaway Bay, his host said. Lattner was a "60-minute man" for Notre Dame in the early 1950s, a star running back and defensive back and the team's punter as well. He won the Heisman trophy in 1953 and the Maxwell in 1952 and '53, was named. All American for two years, and is in the College Football Hall of Fame. It was legendary Chicago sports editor Arch Ward who called him the great- est in half a century, and he was the cover feature in Time magazine Nov. 9, 1953. He once fumbled the ball near the goal line, O'Malley recalled, and Coach Frank Leahy growled, "You've committed a mortal sin. You carry that football everywhere for a week," and he meant it. Graduating in accounting from Notre Dame, he joined the U.S. Air Force and played football at Boiling Air Force Base. The Pittsburgh Steelers drafted him but a year later a knee injury ended his football career. After owning a couple of restau- rants in Chicago, he joined PAL Graphics, a large Chicago printing firm where he is now vice president of marketing. For the past 50 years he has carried the flag down Michigan Avenue in the St. Patrick's Day pa- rade, O'Malley said. He still lives in Chicago, where he and his wife have reared eight chil- dren. There are still tickets available at $100 each at the church, by calling 778-4769 or 779-2550, or by e-mail at stbernardcc@hotmail.com. Johnny Lattner on the cover of the Nov. 9, 1953, edition of Time Magazine. He will speak on the Island March 10. I-1a- % I II k X V i-- From Anna Maria to Ellenton and points inbetween, you're sure to find hunting for art, antiques and collectibles as much fun as the discovery. There are so many places to go "antiquing" that you're certain to find the treasure you're looking for. ANTIQUE MALL: "10,000 feet of air-conditioned showroom" WE BUY AND SELL ESTATES 1250 10th St. E. Hwy 301 N. Palmetto 729-5282 Dennis Dick, Proprietor Open Mon-Sat 10-5 Sun noon-5 The Olde Post Office Antiques and Eclectibles .- ' Neat 40's Crib Lo\el\ Oak Buffet t i New Mexico Indian Rug, ' I.nique Art Potter GCreat Primiti\es .. & Lots of Ilrontone |" March 20 Antique Flea Marker 1." lanjtc .- c E Bradenton E7B0 d-e II Tucs-S'jl 10-5 Sun Noon--lpm 708-3500~U ISLAND GALLERY WEST An artists cooperative ORIGINAL ART 'M-"'W' AFFORDABLE SMon-Sat 10-5 5368 Gulf Dr. Holmes Beach "Gulf, Gulls & Oats" watercolor Across From By Carolyn Whitmore 22x28 $195 Sterling Anvil Tel: 941-778-6648 www.amisland.com/gallery FREE art demonstration every Sat. 10am to Noon SGranny's Attic Sale SrssLLOM VILLAGE (Behind Blake Medical Center) SSaturday March 5 9am 1pm Miscellaneous household S items, jewelry, tools, crafts. Open to the Public 6501 17TH AVE. WEST, BRADENTON The WHITFIELD EXCHANGE Consignment Shop -Furniture Antiques Collectibles Accepting Quality Consignments "Simply the Best!" L 6807 14th Street West Bradenton 751-4045 07 Tues.-Fri. 10-5 pm Sat. 10-4 pm . ri.-ernliin 1e Noodle Bracelets SCustom-sized '" with your choice of crystal, pearl, Sgemstone or Silver centerpiece $44 ., .-.. } 4 $44 , ^ ; ,: ... i H ',,lr ,,]- Inh ~ Hoan-r3-.j cn NICA TWOSF SILVER. 5508 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach Now Open Sundays 1-5 pm 779-0799 n l ********- ---- - made in china made in china made in china made in china nmaden in chin" made in china m ade in china made in china made in china made in china made in chinc made in china made in chir ,,,., in china nTade in chi in china made in cir i-. china made in c hir in china ;"at F" ','? For stuff NOT made in china, come see what local artists do for you! 5314 Marina Drive Holmes Beach *779-2624 IY~IIIRI~C~Y~ IULWre~~i~~dt~mll~~.,~^na~YW~-r~Llr^ ~r ---'------ "-1-1-5-=;-~: lua ~'--~;`---~'-~-~ ~71-------*-- ~ "P-~~ I~----------~bs ~=Eart~FninrFlii~-~I_--'------- -- PAGE 20 N MARCH 2, 2005 E THE ISLANDER Island Biz Secure investment for Island Gary Keller of Wachovia Securities in Sarasota has had a love affair with Anna Maria Island since he moved here from New Orleans seven years ago. "I love to fish, sail and go to the beach, so heading to Anna Maria Island was a natural choice for me," said Gary. He used to get to the Island quite a bit when he was with Olde Securities on Manatee Avenue in Bradenton; and had numerous clients on the Island. A few years ago, however, he moved to Wachovia Securities in Sarasota as a financial adviser. As a pro- fessional, Gary contacted his clients and informed them of the change. To his surprise, a great many of his Island clients decided to bring their investment future with him to his new job. "I was pleasantly surprised. People on the Island really appreciated my efforts. Because they stayed with me, I now have a lot of good reasons to continue com- ing to the Island." Gary often heads to Anna Maria for lunch, dinner and business meetings with his various clients, when he's not enjoying the beach or fishing. And his Island friends have given him numerous referrals as a financial adviser, which is not the same thing as a stock broker. "Don't call me a stock broker," said Gary with a laugh. "I'm a financial adviser." He often has to make that distinction when he first meets a prospective cli- ent. "I cover a wide range of investments for my cli- ents, not just stocks." In addition to financial advice. and investment, Gary works with many people on their retirement plans. Those plans may include stocks, but are not limited solely to Wall Street investments. When he's not giving financial advice, Gary can usually be found sailing the waters of Anna Maria Sound and Perico Bay, usually with a fishing pole hanging off the side of his boat. In fact. his favorite advice to a client is, "Let's plan your retirement, then go fishing." For more information on Wachovia Securities, call Gary at 951-7033. Island panels to stop hurricanes Holmes Beach resident and contractor John Agnelli went through Florida's four hurricanes on Anna Maria Island last year, and while he and his com- pany were pretty busy with repairs, he realized there was no Island-based company that offered storm pan- els to protect Island homes from disaster. Having built or remodeled a number of Island homes, John wanted to offer hurricane paneling ser- vices to his friends, neighbors and customers. He recently opened Island Hurricane Storm Pan- els at his.Agnelli Construction Inc. office at 5310 Sunrise Lane at the Island Fitness Center building in Holmes Beach. A long-time Island resident and builder, John knows that people who live on the Island want to pro- tect their beautiful homes. As a licensed contractor, John and his crew offer Paneled for a hurricane Tops on Island Panele fo a hurrican 7. Island Real Esmite owner Frank Davis, lefr. presents John Agnelli of Agnelli Construction Co. discusses al Real Esu onr Fnk D r current projects with office manager Suzanne Coons. m r 1Catri11n11f5 Cirrell and Elirabet'h BlaIdfoiid. IlslanlCer Agnelli recently started Island Hurri. anic Sitomirl ad Ea B. Phro Panels from his Hols Beach ofic. : Courresy I.sland7 Reali Esta'te -:. Panels from his Holmes Beach office. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin professionally installed storm panels available in clear polycarbonate or aluminum with either an aluminum or white finish. The panels meet or exceed all city, county, state and federal requirements, he said, and some homeowners may qualify for a property insurance dis- count from their carrier. After four hurricanes last year, "Everyone now knows the devastation that can occur to their home with hurricane-force winds. Most damage is generated from the battering winds and flying debris," noted John. And Islanders shouldn't think it can't happen here, not after last year. "Protect everything you've worked hard for" is the Island Hurricane Storm Panel motto, said John. The company also installs panels for out-of-town owners. For more information, call John or Suzanne at 779- 9612. Local artist tops sales at Restless Natives Restless Natives Gallery owner Amy Talucci re- cently announced that local artist Ron Bernard was the gallery's top-selling artist for 2004. The gallery, lo- cated at 5314 Marina Drive in Holmes Beach, features the work of 110 local artists. Bernard combines photography, digital art and water-based pigments in creating scenes of Manatee County, particularly those of local interest, Amy said. For more information on Restless Natives, call Amy at 779-2524. Island real estate Island Real Estate at 6101 Marina Drive in Holmes Beach recently held a dinner party at the Key Royale Club to honor its top 2004 sales agents and pro- ducers. Marianne Correll won the award for most sales, while Marilyn Trevethan had the most listings. Rookie-of-the-Year honors went to Elizabeth Blandford, who started with Island Real Estate in 2004. For more information on island Real Estate, call 778-6066. - Real estate transactions Up-to-date Island real estate transactions as com- piled by Doug Dowling for The Islander are available online at www.islander.org. Bohnenberger speaks to Holmes Beach civic association On Saturday, March 5, at 10:15 a.m.. Holmnes Beach Commissioner Rich Bohnenberger e ill hold a roundtable discussion with the Holmes Beach Civic Association. The discussion aims to increase public a\ areness of the commissioner's responsibilities as well as his \iew s on issues such as growth, land annexation, stormwater drain- age, infrastructure maintenance and the form of city gov- emment. The meeting will take place at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Ooh la fashions! Models from Sun & Surf Resortwear in Holmes Beach show off the latest styles weekly on Wednes- days at lunch at Ooh La La! Bistro. Pictured, standing left, model, Jennifer Armstrong and right, model Ashley Nelson. Dining outdoors are a group of snowbirds enjoying their winter in Bradenton from Buffalo, N. Y. Islander Photo: Kelley Ragan r. Ask the expert.. We've got 10 top reasons for yoL to advertise in The Islander, prof : success stories, a targeted ma 1 and expert advice for achieving. s, Ask the experts with 11 years de service to Anna Maria Island The Islander - Call Noncy or Rebecca to arrange ao visit to your business 778-7978. Rebecca Barne4 . I` ` THE ISLANDER 0 MARCH 2, 2005 M PAGE 21 Basketball Division Winners Anna Maria Glass & Screen: David Buck, Eric Distelhurst, Derrick Gargett, LPAC: Whitney Bauer, Ryan Guerin, Flannery McClung, Jarot Nelson, Stephen Sarah Lanzillo, Matt McDonough, Chad Reed, Zach Schields and Jacob Stebbins. Orlando, Jason Rappe, Matt Shafer and Broderick West. Coach Scott Nelson. Coach Gene Distelhurst. Islander Photos: Kevin Cassidy Sl it Anna Maria Oyster Bar: Matt Bauer, Nicole Botero, Kelly Dodson, Zach Evans, Sarah Howard, Katie Hunt, Blake Rivers and Molly Slicker. Coach Mark Howard. I .i . Bistros: Becca Butler, Hailey Dearlove, Denver Hardy, Dayle Hoffman, Alyssa Mills, Stephanie Purnell and Emily Rappe. Coach Keith Dearlove. Not pictured: Giorgio Gomez. Capalbo's *HOUSE OF PIZZA LUNCH PIZZA BUFFET $4.89 *DINNER PIZZA BUFFET $6.09 Dinner buffet includes pizza, soup and salad bar! 792-5300 10519 Cortez Rd. W. Mon-Sat *11 am-1Opm Sunday noon-9 a.p. BeLL fisH compaNyiNc. Fresh Seafood Since 1910 Great selection of locally caught Grouper, Snapper, Shrimp, Panfish and much more. SPlanning a fishing trip? Call about our big selection of frozen bait! ,c DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAY See you at our docks! 794-1249 4600 124th St. W. Cortez, Florida ---- .- ---::- _7_ -. , Y RUN LU INCHES & L T D :E ' -oLN RLLDBREU 1 11 *** ".*- ,TAKgBljEi- gBB8BBBIBV^ ,** 383-0777 ' *v*'V H iARRY5K1TCHEN.COM J-1 HARRY'S CONTINENTAL KITCHENS 525 ST. JUDGES DRIVE LONGBOAT KEY (5600 BLOCK GULF OF MEXICO DRIVE) OPEN EVERY DAY "The best hamburgers and the coldest mugs of beer this side of Heaven." \ Jisa uff ' Pat Geyer, Proprietress sei A OPEN 11-8 Closed Tues 59TH & MARINA DR. HOLMES BEACH 778-2501 U Four champions crowned inRCenter basketball Four champions crowned in Center basketball By Kevin Cassidy Islander Reporter The Anna Maria Island Community Center basket- ball league season came to an end on Saturday, Feb. 26, with championship games in Premier and Division I and III. As expected,-Anna Maria Glass & Screen claimed the Premier division trophy, while Bistros completed an undefeated season in Division III. Fourth-seeded LPAC upset No. 1 seed Publix before defeating Air & Energy to win the Division I champi- onship. Saturday's action also boasted All-Star games and the always-entertaining coaches game. Friday, Feb. 25, saw Anna Maria Oyster Bar upset top-seeded Duncan Real Estate to win the Division II championship. Congratulations to all of the players, coaches and parents for another great season of basketball at the Center.. Bistros put finishing touch on 14-0 season Hailey Dearlove exploded for 14 points in the third quarter to turn a close game into a 13-point lead in the Division III championship on Saturday. Bistros and Dips Ice Cream battled to an 8-6 Bistro lead in the first quarter. Dearlove scored four points, while Stephanie Purnell and Becca Butler each scored a basket from the paint for the Bistros. Zach Guerin sandwiched four points around an offensive rebound and a layup from Justin Gargett to help Dips stay within two points. Bistros extended its lead to 13-8 behind three points from Butler and four points from Dearlove, but Jerry Mayer scored on an offensive rebound putback and Guerin connected from 15 feet along the baseline to pull Dips to within five points as the half came to a close. Dearlove then took over in the third with three steals, four rebounds and 14 points to open up a 29-16 lead the Bistros would not relinquish. Dearlove finished with 26 points, 10 rebounds, four steals and three assists, while Butler finished with five points, eight rebounds and two blocks. Purnell scored two points and pulled down four rebounds to complete the scoring for Bistros. Other members of the team are Giorgio Gomez, Denver Hardy, Dayle Hoffman, Alyssa Mills and Emily Rappe. Zach Guerin's 14 points led Dips, which also re- ceived four points from Justin Gargett and two points apiece from Johnny Mattay and Jerry Meyer in the loss. Bistros 22, Harry's 10 Hailey Dearlove scored 12 points and Stephanie Purnell added six to lead Bistros past Harry's Conti- nental Kitchens on Thursday, Feb. 24, in Division III playoff action. Giorgio Gomez and Dayle Hoffman each added two points to the Bistros total. Cliff Pascal scored six points and Danny Krokroskia and Zach Facheris added two points apiece in the loss for Harry's. Dips 22, Jessie's 11 Eight points from Jerry Meyer and seven points from Justin Gargett carried Dips Ice Cream past Jessie's Island Store on Thursday, Feb. 24. Zach Guerin added four points and Johnny Mattay chipped in with three points in the Dips victory. Daniel Pimental scored five points and Julian Botero scored four points to lead Jessie's in the loss. Jack Titsworth completed the scoring for Jessie's with two points. S Oyster Bar holds on for upset victory Anna Maria Oyster Bar picked a fine time for its first victory over Duncan Real Estate when they de- feated the No. 1 seed 29-26 in overtime to claim the Di- vision II championship. The teams traded baskets early on before Evans' rebound putback and a jumper from the foul line by Molly Slicker with 55 seconds remaining in the first quarter gave the Oyster Bar an 8-4 lead. Bauer drove into the lane for a lay up and a 10-4 .Oyster Bar lead thanks to a great screen by Sarah Howard, but Duncan came back with four straight points on a pair of foul shots by Ashley Waring and a driving layup by Chris Callahan. Oyster Bar answered with a four-point run of its own when Bauer and Evans both made free throws and Duncan Real Estate's Chris Callahan drives to the basket as Molly Slicker defendsfor her Oyster Bar team during the Division II champion- ship game. Howard scored on a offensive rebound putback for a 14-8 halftime lead. The Oyster Bar opened up an 11-point lead when Nicole Botero snagged a rebound and quickly threw upcourt to Bauer, who was fouled while scoring on a layup making the score 19-11. The Oyster Bar slowed the game down to work some time off the clock and Duncan rallied. Callahan scored seven fourth-quarter points to help Duncan pull to 24-22 with 1:37 to play: The teams traded possessions, but neither team was able to score as the clock ticked down. With 14 seconds to play, Oyster Bar had an inbounds play under its bas- ket. They got the ball inside to Evans, but his shot rimmed out and Waring grabbed the rebound. She quickly threw the ball upcourt to Callahan, who made a driving layup with two seconds remaining to tie the score at 24-24. Botero opened the scoring in the 3-minute over- time when she banked in a 15-footer to give Oyster Bar a 26-24 lead. Oyster Bar extended its lead to 28-24 when Botero found Howard down low for a turn- around banker. Evans then got fouled and made one foul shot with 45 seconds left for a 29-24 lead. Chandler McClung scored underneath with 19 sec- onds left to play as time ran out on Duncan Real Estate. Matt Bauer scored 12 points to lead the Oyster Bar, which also received nine points from Zach Evans and four points from Howard in the victory. Botero and Molly Slicker each added two points to the Oyster Bar total in victory. Other Oyster Bar members include Kelly Dodson, Katie Hunt and Blake Rivers. Callahan finished with 14 points and Ashley War- ing added eight points to lead Duncan Real Estate in the loss. Alexis Mitchell and McClung completed the Duncan scoring with two points each. Oyster Bar 22, STGC 14 Anna Maria Oyster Bar overcame a 12-3 halftime deficit to record a 22-14 victory over Steve Titsworth General Contracting on Monday, Feb. 21, to advance to the Division II finals. Matt Bauer scored 11 of his game-high 13 points after intermission to lead the Oys- ter Bar back from the brink of defeat. Zach Evans added six points, Kelly Dodson added two points and Blake Rivers finished with one point for the Oyster Bar in the victory. Ally Titsworth scored nine points to lead STGC, which also received three points from Molly McDonough and two points from Chandler Hardy in defeat. Duncan 33, Danziger 19 Duncan Real Estate received a balanced scoring attack led by Chris Callahan's 13 points on Monday, Feb. 21, to record a 33-19 semifinal win over Danziger Allergy & Sinus. Kyle Crum and Ashley Waring each added eight points, while Chandler McClung com- pleted the scoring for Duncan with four points in the victory. .Eleyen points from Emma Barlow and six points from Glenn Bower paced the Danziger scoring attack, which also received two points from Sarah Oldham in the loss. LPAC completes worst-to.first Division I trip LPAC came into the playoffs as the No. 4 seed, giving them the longest odds to win the Division I championship, but they ignored the odds and just went out and played hard and somehow won. Their first order of business was taking on No. 1 seed Publix in the semifinals on Thursday, Feb 24. LPAC, which lost three out of four games to Publix this season, received 22 points from Broderick West, 13 points from Matt Shafer and 11 points from Ryan Guerin to fuel the upset victory. Whitney Bauer, Jarot Nelson and Jason Rappe completed the LPAC scoring with two points apiece. Justin Dearlove scored 22 points and Ben Valdivieso added 18 points for Publix in the loss. Breann Richardson added four points and Egan Fridenberg scored three points to complete the Publix scoring. The Division I championship game between LPAC . and third-place Air & Energy was a tale of two games. Air & Energy held a slim lead when A&E center Garrett Secor fell hard, injuring his wrist, late in the first half. Losing its best inside player was bad enough, but A&E had no subs, so they were forced to go the rest of the way with only four players. LPAC took advantage, outscoring A&E 36-18 in the second half. Secor made one last valiant try at play- ing, but he was in too much pain. Matt Shafer scored 20 points and Broderick West added 18 to lead LPAC in the victory. Jason Rappe chipped in with eight points, while Ryan Guerin scored six and Jarot Nelson finished with two points. Corbin Kitchen led all scorers with 26 points, while teammate Kevin Callahan added three points. Kyle Seawall, Jordan Sebastiano and Secor finished with two points apiece in defeat. A&E 37, Observer 34 SAir & Energy outscored Longboat Observer 12-3 in the fourth quarter to tie the game at 5-2 in overtime Feb. 23 and defeat the Observer to advance to the Di- vision I championship game. Secor finished with a game-high 17 points, while Corbin Kitchen added 12 points for Air & Energy, which also received four points from Jordan Sebastiano and two points apiece from Kevin Callahan and Will Osborne. Celia Ware scored 16 points and Grant Lukitch added 10 points to lead the Observer. Nash Thomp- son added four points for the Observer, which also received two points apiece from Daniel Riley and Billy Alstrom in defeat. PLEASE SEE SPORTS, NEXT PAGE rTHEJSLANDER U MARCH, 2, 2005 irPAGE-23 Sports CONTINUED FROM PAGE 22 Anna Maria Glass employs 'Buck shot' for win David Buck was unstoppable in leading Anna Maria Glass & Screen to a 70-59 victory over West Coast Air Conditioning on Saturday, Feb. 26, to win the Premier league championship game going a\\ ay. Buck nailed eight three-pointers on the \a) to a game-high 32 points while also pulling down 19 re- bounds and handing out file assists. Jake Stebbins chipped in with 19 points and eight rebounds, while Chad Reed and Matt McDonough finished with eight and five points respectively. Eric Distelhurst, Derrick Gargett, Sarah Lanzillo and Zach Schields completed the scoring with two points apiece. After battling to a 32-30 lead, Buck went off, nail- ing four three pointers in the third quarter as Glass & Screen increased its lead from two points to 14 points. West Coast tried gamely to rally, but every time they made a move, Buck simply drained another three- pointer to snuff out the rally. West Coast Air's Clay Orr scored 33 points to lead all scorers, while Taylor Manning added 16 points. Brian Cziraky scored five points and Eric Fridenbergy had one three-pointer to complete the scoring for West Coast Air in defeat. West Coast Air 66, IRE 53 Clay Orr scored 28 points and Eric Fridenberg added 18 points as West Coast Air Conditioning cooled off Island Real Estate on Wednesday, Feb. 23. Dylan Mullen scored eight points and Taylor Manning added six points for West Coast, which also received two points apiece from Brian Cziraky, Jake McDonald and Todd Test in the victory. Island Real Estate was led by 23 points from Tyler Bekkerus and 21 points from Josh Elsenheimer. Ian Douglas added five points and Phelps Tracy scored four points to complete the IRE scoring in the loss. Glass & Screen 75, ReMax 55 David Buck scored 26 points and Jacob Stebbins scored 19 points to lead Anna Maria Glass & Screen past ReMax Gulfstream Realty on Monday, Feb. 21. Chad Reed finished with 10 points and Eric Distelhurst OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Kitchen 11:30am-10pm* Full Bar 11:30am til late nite Full food and liquor service and daily Specials that'll BLOW YOU AWAY! 778-5788 5346 Gulf Drive, in the S&S Plaza SCHINITZELIAUS The Best German Restaurant on Florida's West Coast FRIDAY SPECIAL OVEN-FRESH BAVARIAN HAXEN Reservations a must! 778-1320 HOURS: MON SAT 5-9:30PM Anna Maria Island Centre 3246 E. Bay Drive Holmes Beach : .. ,, ^ .. T ..- A .: .**' :l : : Senior star Tony Webb won the silver medal in basketball shooting and a bronze medal in golf at the Florida Senior Games last week in the 60-64-year-old division. The eight-year resident of Holmes Beach hit 25 out of 30 possible points in basketballfree throws, and 11 out of 15 in accuracy shooting. The next day at the Buffalo Creek Golf Course, Webb shot a 79 for the bronze medal. In June, he plans to compete in the Senior Games National Golf Tourna- ment in Pittsburgh, Pa. added.nine points for Glass & Screen, which also re- ceived seven points from Derrick Gargett and two points apiece from Matt McDonough and Zach Schields in the victory. Twenty-two points from Chase Parker and 11 points from Spencer Carper paced ReMax in defeat. Luis Leon scored six points, while Franklin Moore and Kevin Gruenke contributed four points apiece and Alisha Ware and Jordan Graeff finished with three points each in the loss. DISCOUNT LIQUOR COCKTAIL LOUNGE Coupon Good March 2-8, 2005 Gilbey's Vodka MANATEE COUNTY'S Inverhouse Scotch $12 99 #1 I'""NDEPENDENT 4 99 1299 1.75 LTR BEVERAGE DEALER! 1.75LTR FUL BEAFAT- .LDA -EER DY AM4P Fit to Eat Deli-Style Restaurant 5315 Gull Dr -..e rJei 1 Wacnc.ji a E3an 778-0411 New Breakfast Items Fresh Blueberry or Banana-Pecan Pancakes $4 25 1 Homemade Soups Daily Lunch Specials Sandwiches Pizza Beer *Wine Casual modeling by Sun & Surf Resortwear Wednesday with lunch. BRUNCH AND LUNCH Wed.-Sat.I1 to 2:30 SUNDAY BREAKFAST/ BRUNCH/LUNCH 8-2:30 FINE DINING Wed.-Sun. from 5:30 p.m. (Closed Mon./Tues.) 5406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 778-5320 Senior tennis stars Islanders fared well in the 2005 Gulf Coast Senior Games in Bradenton. Pictured are the Men's 50s Doubles gold medal winners Scott Makela and "Kentucky Mike" Sagraves, both ofAnna Maria. Men's 55s Doubles silver medal winners were Anna Maria's Jarda Urbanek and Russ Bullet. In Men's 70s singles, George McFarland won the silver medal in his first year playing in the. age group. Islander Photo: Courtesy Neville Clarke 3232 East Bay Drive Next to Walgreens 778-7878 ANY 3 $i SFOOT-LONG I Wlr, l- :uU :.r, L- TOASTED J V.d ^ Fros W L LTUU- Old Florida Style An Anna Maria Island Landmark Est. 1952 Tues-Sat 1 lam-8pm Sun 12-8pm Closed Mon Eat in Take out Across from the Manatee Public Beach 3901 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-7769 WE'RE NOT'JUSTYOUR GRANDDADDY'S FISHING- PIER;.:- WE'RETHE FRESHEST SEAFOOD ANDTHE BEST VIEW FOR ISLAND DINING plus...we've expanded our wine list! The City Pier Enjoy more fine wines by the glass! Restaurant ret as food ecri S\ "a-rctch of ti d Open 11 am daily for lunch and dinner. Ilj .j, 'l..j *rnnr.j M.ar, 7. -166.6 I' -'"" ip ; (; c A I I I* it:. ;. *iif ~r~i~s~~. ....1 i.[i;l7ii r'"l'IYI r PA'E f t'MAIRCH' 2,2OO i THRE ISihLX'ER AME fifth-grade DARE class graduates Fifth-graders at Anna Maria Elementary School celebrated the completion of the Drug Abuse Resig- tance Education program with a graduation ceremony in. the school auditorium. Holmes Beach Police Officer Pete Lannon heads the course at AME, which teaches students how to handle peer pressure. The DARE program is used by schools in 72 coun- tries, but AME is one of the few in Manatee County to utilize the program. Students received certificates of completion and were congratulated by AME Principal Kathy Hayes, 'Parent-Teacher Organization President Lynda Hicks and Lannon. The PTO purchased miniature "Darren the Lion" stuffed animals the DARE mascot for each stu- dent. Hicks asked students to keep the mascot as they get older to remind them of the positive choices they can make when faced with peer pressure. Lannon also handed out prizes for the winners of the DARE essay contest. Students were asked to write an essay describing what they learned in the program and two winners were picked from both of AME's fifth-grade classes. .Lannon said this year it was-difficult to pick the essay winners because so many students wrote ex- cellent reports detailing what they learned in class. From DeAnn Davis's class, the winners are Breslyn Reiber, second place, and Kara Nelson, first place. In Anne Kinnan's class the winners are Molly McDonough, second place, and Alexis Mitchell, first place. Here are the winning essays: DARE By Kara Nelson Drug Abuse Resistance Education is a wonderful program that helps kids stay drug-free. Because of the DARE program I have learned how drugs affect your body; how to use "Define, Assess, Respond and Evalu- ate" in decision making; and how to detour around risky situations or avoid a risky situation that I am al- ready in. I knew drugs were. very harmful to my health. But, because of DARE, I have learned exactly how drugs hurt the body. For example, tobacco causes heart dis- ease, lung cancer, breathing problems, more colds and upper respiratory problems, wrinkles, bad breath and affects your body's development in a negative way. Marijuana causes breathing problems, more colds and upper respiratory problems, increases risk of cancer and affects the brain and body in a bad way. Alcohol can damage every organ in your body and increases your risk of a variety of diseases. It also slows down the brain and body, which increases the risk of injury, car crashes and violence. And all of these drugs are very addictive. DARE also stands for "Define, Assess, Respond, and Evaluate." Define means I need to describe the problem, challenge or opportunity. Let's say I have a friend over and she is spending the night with me and my parents have to go to the store to get supper for us. While they are gone my friend says "We should go upstairs and sneak a drink from one of your parents li- quor bottles," That defines a problem. Assess means that I ask myself, "What are my choices?" My choices are that we could have a drink. Maybe we would get: caught, or maybe we wouldn't. But either one of us could have an allergic reaction. It may stunt our growth because we are still growing and developing. Also it could lead to an addiction early in life. My other choice is that we don't take any risk and we don't drink. Respond means I make a choice using the facts and information I have gathered. My choice is that we don't take any chances and we don't take a drink of alcohol. Evaluate means that I review my decision and I will ask myself, "Did I make the right decision?" I know I made the right decision by not drinking any alcohol and not taking a chance that one of us would be harmed. It's always best to avoid a risky situation, but like in my case, it's not always possible. So now that I have made the right decision I need to take charge of my situation. Some of the choices for dealing with my risky situation are: just say "No;" give a reason or fact like "No way, I heard it tastes nasty;" change the sub- ject and say, "Let's go paint our nails instead;" repeat- ing "No" like.a broken record every time they ask; and use humor saying, "No thanks, I prefer my flatstom- ach over a.beer belly." Ways to stay out of risky situationsfare: avoid the situation by staying away from people and places that have drugs; use the strength-in-numbers tool by hang- ing around non-users, especially where drug use.is expected; simply walking away from a risky situation; and use the cold-shoulder method to ignore the person who is bugging me to try drugs. I feel very fortunate that I got to participate in the PLEASE SEE DARE, NEXT PAGE A B C D E F G H x L LL 'T~4' 40M acca amm 4a. 435 --4tltd~t~ihA bh KEYROYALEDR. Th fr1,11" r ill -. ~ ~ '' ... I 52 i#1 jil TheIslnde The Lsafmlewider L... TIR--, IsImicter 19 i iig 65/1 MI D**r fiokm%2e~ot9 M-' 41~dk! The Manatee Trolley runs seven days a week, 6 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., with approximately 20-minute intervals at all 75 stops up to 9 p.m., and 30-minute intervals from 9- 10:30 p.m. It starts at both ends of the Island at 6 a.m., from Coquina Beach and from the Anna Maria City Pier. Northbound the trolley runs Gulf Drive to Marina/Palm Drive in Holmes Beach, merging back to Gulf Drive in Anna Maria. It runs from Gulf Drive to the city pier along Pine Avenue, where it turns around. Southbound it runs Gulf Drive all the way from Anna Maria City Hall to Coquina Beach. Have some fun, ride the trolley, and tell folks along the way and at all the stops, "The Islander" sent me! Free MCAT ride guides available at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (Trolley stops No. 23/53.) Islander Info: 941 778 7978 MCAT: 749-7116 13 GUW BLACMES I 659 7'- - -------- J-,i-i ~I Jij l' ii hI1) 1,J11. J b. hI '. JI.lj -! Q L LA1I A B. C D E F GULF BEACHES The Islander G H DARE CONTINUED FROM-PAGE 24 DARE program. In the short time that I have been in the DARE program, Officer Lannon has taught me how drugs abuse your body, how to make good choices us- ing the DARE process, and also how to get out of and stay out of risky situations. I know this short training program has affected the rest of my life in a positive way. I, Kara Nelson, pledge to be drug-free and violence free. DARE By Alexis Mitchell This is a story that happened to me four years ago when I was 16 and how DARE helped me. "Alexis, where, were you last night? I started to worry when it was an hour past your curfew," my mom asked me. "I was out with my friends. You don't know them though, so it doesn't matter." I walked out so I didn't hear the end of the discussion, but now I wish I listened to her because it would have gotten me out of a lot of trouble. I got on to the bus and was halfway to school when I started to think about my mom and what I said. I mean I was 16. Why should she care ifI smoke pot and drink beer? I was almost an adult. Oh, but how wrong I was! I was at school when my new friend, Claris, came up to me and asked me to meet her at the water fountain after fifth-period. She wanted to give me something to do. So, not thinking I said OK. I was wondering what she was going to give me all through first-, second-, third- and fourth-periods. I: Ials got'in trouble four different times during first- through fourth-period and I was expecting it to be the same through fifth-period, but for some reason I listened. It was about.having the DARE program all the way through high school because of how many teen- agers were joining gangs and smoking pot. They had a vote to see if they would have it through high school. I obviously voted no because I was in one of the gangs and before I knew it I was at the water fountain meet- ing Claris. She asked me if I wanted to go with her to an af- ternoon party at her house that was going on right now. She told me there would be beer and things like that. I said yes, not thinking again. We were walking to her car when the custodian stopped us and said the floor was wet, please be care- ful. We ignored him and to make him even madder, then we messed up the wet floor by walking on it with muddy shoes. We started to run. I knew this was wrong, but I didn't care. Suddenly I slipped-and was knocked out by the tile floor. I woke up and I was back in class in the fifth-grade and it was Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. and the date was Jan. 19, 2005. By that time I was freaking out. When I calmed down, our DARE teacher Officer Lannon.and Darren the DARE lion walked in and as usual he had a bad hair day. We started talking about how drugs affect our bodies, such as how beer makes. your liver harden and smoking makes your lungs black. But the thing that hit me the most is that a friend who offers you drugs and beer isn't really your friend at all. We also learned about advertising and how it comes in many different forms. Also, how marijuana affects your body. How to say "no" in different ways and still look like you were cool. I'also don't remem- ber how many times we talked about peer pressure and its effect upon us and others. When I woke up I was in the clinic expecting to have Claris next to me but the nurse said she left. So that one part of DARE class was true, but was the rest? I wasn't going to find out. I had to stop lying and drink- ing and taking drugs. I went to Claris's car. It was still parked in its spot with Claris still in it. She came out and told me we would be late for the party, but I told her no, I wasn't going. She wondered why. I told her I had changed my mind. She called me a chicken and a baby. I yelled back, "It's better to be a chicken and a baby then dead because I had cancer." She gasped and drove off. I got back just in time to catch at least the ending of class. But the best part was I was drug free and not drinking beer and proud of it. I will never forget what DARE has taught me. But even though I was drug free, I was in a lot of trouble. But that's all my fault. -THE ISLANDER MARCH 2, 2005AM PAGE 25 ,.^FO^ ^------- --i Ji-- llL^ '^y ' DARE graduates Anna Maria Elementary School fifth-graders celebrated the completion of the Drug Abuse Resistance Educa- tion program sponsored by the Holmes Beach Police Department. Students received a certificate of comple- tion and a stuffed miniature of the DARE lion mascot. Islander Photo: Diana Bogan DARE Report By Breslyn Reiber This year in DARE I have learned many important facts about drugs, the abuse of drugs, and how to resist them. DARE means Drug Abuse Resistance Education. Before the DARE program, I was not aware of all the dangerous drugs that are available to children my age. I have also learned that peer pressure can be very powerful. I now realize how easily people can be talked into doing harmful things to their body, either because they don't know that what they are doing will hurt them or because they want other people to like and accept them. DARE has taught me how important it is to choose the right friends and that people who want you to do drugs or drink alcohol are not your friends. A friend is someone who accepts you for who you are and does not judge you for what you believe in. Most of all, a friend: would never pressure you to do drugs, smoke or drink., DARE has shown me how to be a good friend and how to set good examples for others. I will always try to be a leader and not a follower. I know the lessons I have learned through DARE will help me in my up coming years at middle school and for the rest of my life. I, Breslyn Reiber, pledge to always be drug and violence free. DARE Report By Molly McDonough A world, drug free,-begins with me! In fifth-grade this year, my class had weekly les- sons and activities that taught us about drugs and al- cohol. This class is called DARE, which stands for defining, assessing, responding and evaluating ideas. In DARE class we learned how tobacco, marijuana and alcohol can really affect your body. The DARE program taught us how to say no to drugs, tobacco and alcohol. Officer Lannon, our instructor, explained to us that we all have choices in life to make. My life ex- periences are made up of a bunch of choices that I have made. Some choices were good and some were bad. By defining, assessing, responding and evalu- ating ideas, you can help yourself make good healthy choices. I have learned that cigarettes, drugs and alcohol have a bad impact on you. Officer Lannon showed us how.bad these things are to your body. In one of our last DARE classes, he brought in cigarettes, ci- gars and alcohol and mixed these items into a blender. We then were able to see and smell these items together. This mixture was pretty disgusting, to say the least. By seeing this, I know that I do not want any of these items inside my body. The skills that I have learned in DARE are how to' say no to drugs, cigarettesand alcohol. I also have learned that even though my friends may not always make good decisions, I need to make my own decisions that I know are right and not to worry about what oth- ers think of me. This is why I say, a world drug free begins with me. Earth play Second-graders at Anna Maria Elementary School performed a musical production called "Everyday is Earth Day" after the Parent-Teacher Organization dinner and meeting Feb. 15. The play reminded viewers about the importance of recycling. AME second-graders share the lowdown on recycling with a hip-hop rap, pic- tured. Islander Photo: J.L. Robertson PAGE 26 E MAR. 2, 2005 H THE ISLANDER' f Tsunami effects felt in South Florida; pet tales, too From the "everything is connected" files comes this snippet of information from the South Florida Water Management District: "Water levels in the district's deep Floridan aqui- fer monitoring wells in Collier and Okeechobee coun- ties and other wells throughout the agency's 16-county region saw sudden spikes of up to 4 inches approxi- mately 60 minutes after the Dec. 26, 2004, underwater earthquake," according to the Florida Fish and Wild- life News, a publication of the Florida Wildlife Federa- tion. The Floridan aquifer is basically a huge under- ground sponge that lies underneath most of Florida at --idepths of about 1,500 feet. The system is comprised of porous limestone and "is used as the primary water supply source for millions of people, business and farms throughout much of the state and is a secondary source of water in the area south of Lake Okeechobee," according to the federation newsletter. S"Normally, water-level changes in the Floridan aquifer happen slowly," according to a district spokes- man. "The spikes were sudden and very unusual. The speed at which the shock wave moved was absolutely awesome." Water experts figure the shock wave trav- eled at something like 7,400 mph to make it from the Indian Ocean to Florida. Wow. Tsunami update According to "Wikipedia," an online encyclope- dia, the earthquake's 9.0 reading on the Richter Mag- Snitude Scale "was the largest earthquake since the 9.2 magnitude Good Friday Earthquake off Alaska in 1964, and tied for fourth largest since 1900. The earthquake-generated tsunami was among the dead- liest disasters in modern history," with 228,000 to 310,000 people thought to have died as a result of the tsunami. The jury is still out on the magnitude of the quake, though, with some scientists predicting the final Rich- ter number will rest at 9.3. The event originated in the Indian Ocean just north of Simeulue Island, off the western coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia. The resulting tsunami devastated the shores of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, South India, Thai- land and other countries with wave height up to 55.8 feet, and its effects were felt as far away as eastern South Africa not counting the aquifer fluctuation in F Florida. Wikipedia reports that the power generated by the earthquake and tsunami was enough to generate energy "sufficient to boil 40 gallons of water for every person on Earth. It is estimated to have resulted in an oscilla- tion of the Earth's surface of about eight to 12 inches." The undersea activities also shifted the Earth's ro- tation and shortened the length of a day by 2.68 micro- seconds. "More spectacularly," according to the encyclope- -,, '. .. . By Paul-R 9at '? -. . dia folks, "there was 33-foot movement laterally and 13- to 16-foot shift vertically along the fault line. Early speculation was that some of the smaller islands south- west of Sumatra may have moved southwest by up to 66 feet, and there were also calculations that the north- ern tip of Sumatra may have moved up to 118 feet southwest." The earthquake also dramatically changed the to- pography of the sea bottom in the area. A Royal Navy vessel surveyed the sea bed in February 2005 and found "thrust ridges almost a mile high, which have collapsed in places to produce large landslides several miles across. One landslide consisted of a single block of material some 300 feet high and 1.25 miles long. The force of the displaced water was such that individual blocks of rock, massing millions of tons apiece, were dragged as much as 7 miles across the sea bed." Wow. Restoration efforts closer to home The Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services Commission has awarded a $1.7 million federal grant to restore oyster reefs damaged by Hurricane Ivan last September. "The restoration project involves the construction of oyster reef habitat in a number of Florida's Gulf Coast estuaries, including in Escambia Bay, East Bay, Choctawhatchee Bay, West .Bay, North Bay, Apalachicola Bay, Oyster Bay, Suwannee Sound-and Waccacassa Bay," according to the agriculture com- mission. "The project is designed to reju\ enate li sher) habitat, enhance oyster production and facilitate recov- ery of damaged fisheries habitat." Hurricane Ivan, as you may remember, hit the Florida-Alabama border with 135-mph winds and was -the second-most powerful storm to make landfall in Florida last August-September. No pain now pass the butter A new study by scientists in Norway has concluded that lobsters don't feel any pain when they're dunked: in a pot of boiling water, according to the Associated Press. The study was commissioned and funded by the Norwegian government as it determines whether crea- tures without backbones should be included in animal Calling all runners Bradenton Runners Club will present a 12- At the start, participants will do short runs week "Learn to Run" beginning March 15 to help with longer walk breaks. Overtime, they will build beginning runners build from minimal physical to mostly running. In addition to the walk-and-run exercise to run/walk a 5K (3.1 mile) race sessions, the club will assist new runners with as- The program is aimed at adults of all ages who pects of running such as running form,-pacing, would like to start running for fun and health but safety, stretching and warmup, appropriate run- aren't sure how to start or build up their distance, nirig shoes and clothing, hydration and nutrition. The program will have two classes per week, For more information, call program director Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. at the downtown Bradenton Rae Ann Darling-Reed at 727-2985 or Bradenton library, and 7:30 a.m. Sunday at the Manatee Runners Club President Neil Longhurst at 778- County Beach. 1171. welfare legislation there. Its findings back up what Maine biologists and fishers have maintained for years. As one scientist at the Maine Atlantic Salmon Commission put it,."It's a semantic thing: No brain, no pain." The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has targeted lobster cooking within its Fish Empathy Project with bumper stickers that proclaim "Being Boiled Hurts. Let Lobsters Live," and regularly picket lobster festivals in the northeast. Another critter worry A new scientific argument has been made that those mechanical baby swings that entertain infants and briefly free parents' hands can trigger a dog to attack the child swinging due to the repetitive motion. A forensic scientists postulated the theory, backed he said by at least five dog attacks on infants in the swings, three of them fatal. "Think about dogs chasing cars or tennis balls," the doctor told the Associated Press. "They can't control their behavior: They just go." True, several of the attacks were from pit bulls, not generally one of the more cuddly breeds, but almost all dog experts agree that it's not a good idea to leave a child unattended around a house pet. Raccoon rabies vaccine air drops Wildlife officials took to the air last week in an at- tempt to vaccinate raccoons north of Tampa Bay for ra- bies. Airplanes and helicopters were used to drop 700,000 matchbook-size pellets of vaccine containing fish meal in six counties. The plan is for coons to sniff out the stuff, gobble it down and become immune to rabies. The plan was first tried in Europe to get rid of ra- bies in foxes and it seemed to work well there. The Florida program costs about $750,000 a year, accord- ing to the Tampa Tribune. The stuff is harmless.to coons, dogs and other animals. And on a lighter note Here's an Internet funny among "things not to say to a police officer who pulls you:over while e driving." "I can't reach my license unless you hold my beer." "Sorry, officer, I didn't realize my radar detector wasn't plugged in." : "Aren't you the guy from the Village-People?" ,. "Hey, you must've been doin' about 125 mph to keep up with me. Good job!" "Are you Andy or Barney?" : "I thought you had to be in relatively good:physi- cal condition to be a police officer.":' :;: "You're not gonna'check the trunk, are.you?"' "I pay your salary!" "Gee, officer, that's terrific! The last officer only gave me a warning, too!" "Do you know why you pulled me over? OK, just so one of us does." S"I was trying to keep up with traffic. Yes, I know there are no other cars around. That's how far ahead of me they are." "When the officer says 'Gee son, your eyes look red, have you been drinking?' you probably shouldn't respond with, 'Gee, officer your eyes look glazed - have you been eating doughnuts?" Sandscript factoid Here's a quote from the late Dr. Hunter S. Thompson: "I have spent half my life trying to get away from journalism,.but I am still mired in it a low trade and a habit worse than heroin, a strange seedy world full of misfits and drunkards and failures." -' .----,,-.,;r . UNCLE PETE WANTS YOU TO DRIVE A CLEAN CAR! 24-hour self-serve car wash Complete auto detailing *Quick lube ERICAN CAR WASH 5804 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach 778-1617 MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED B5.i w. ". Siii-""ff *" = ^*. ^^,J Holmes Beach PURE Gas and Service Station Certified Full Automotive Repair 333 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 779-0487 [at the corner of Gulf and Marina Drive] Moon Dale I. 1 4 ri ,i 4 Ir -i -. AM I I 141,. AM LOW PM HIGH -. , I 4 .1 4 4'. I ' II 4 l I 1 .1 0" 4, ] ? I4 1-Cnjt 7-z r, 'V.' 7 niiriulei I,,IC-r IV.1uIs THE ISLANDER MAR. 2, 2005 E PAGE 27 Trout, reds rule in bays; grouper still great offshore By Capt. Mike Heistand It's trout in the bays, grouper still offshore, and sheepshead everywhere right now as far as the fishing action is concerned. Capt. Thom Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez Road said he's finding big trout to 24 inches in Miguel Bay, as well as redfish to 22 inches, all caught on arti- ficial baits. Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle at Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said sheepshead are No. 1 in the fish parade right now, with the larger females starting to hit the hook better as the winter weather continues. Snook fishing has been turning from fair to excellent, with white bait working best as an attractor. Offshore, grouper and snapper remain an excellent catch in waters within the 40-foot depths out in the Gulf of Mexico. Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said sheepshead are starting to really hit now, with some coming in up to 4 pounds, and there are also good reports of floun- der to 15 inches in length. Cliff Alcorn at the Anna Maria City Pier said action there includes sheepshead, some keeper-size snook and night fishing is really starting to improve. Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said sheepshead are a good bet for bay fishers, and there are lots of trout coming back from Terra Ceia Bay, plus some small bonnethead sharks and black drum from the Manatee River. Capt. Rick Gross on Fishy. Business out of Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said he's putting his charters onto excellent catches of snook, all keep- ers, on almost every trip out. Other action featured sheepshead and reds by the piers and docks in the bays. At Perico Island Bait and Tackle, reports are coming in on good-size trout from Palma Sola Bay, sheepshead around the bridges and piers and lots of redfish on the higher tides from the shorelines in the bays. At Skyway Bait and Tackle, reports include seabass, silver trout, flounder, small grouper and plenty of sheepshead from the Sunshine Skyway Bridge pier systems. Capt. Tom Chaya on the Dolphin Dreams in Holmes Beach out of Catchers said he's catching lots and lots of snook, redfish and trout. Capt. Larry McGuire of Show Me The Fish Charters said "fishing has been exceptional in be- tween the fronts, especially for big red grouper. Our clients have been catching large red grouper up to 30 pounds, gag grouper to 18 pounds, amberjack to 30 pounds, mangrove snapper to 5 pounds, yellowtail snapper to 3 pounds, as well as some small sharks and bonita." He's been fishing in 60- to 135-feet of water off of Longboat Key and Anna Maria Island, using live baits and frozen sardines. Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of Annie's Bait & Tackle in Cortez said he's catching cobia off the beaches, trout to 24 inches in the backwa- ter and reds near the docks in Palma Sola Bay. Sheep- shead to 6 pounds are a good bet as well, plus grouper near the Intracoastal Waterway. On my boat Magic, we've caught lots of redfish to 27 inches with most trips producing up to 15 hookups. There are also good catches coming into the deck of Captain Steven Salgado INSHORE SPORTFISHING CHARTER BOAT Owner/Operator Lifetime experience in local waters Full & Half Day Trips Custom Trips Available U.S.C.G. Licensed Custom-built Privateer Fishing License, Ice, Bait & Tackle Furnished Anna Maria Island Florida 778-9712 EARLY RISER SPECIAL $ASO Tues Fri WiVTAx 7-8am $55 Until Noon +TAX GREEN FEE AND CART $45 Noon-2 pm +TAX GREEN FEE AND CART $25 After 2pm +TAX GREEN FEE AND CART Awesome African pompano John Miller of Bradenton Beach, left, caught this 28-pound African pompano while fishing with Capt. Scott Greer aboard the Stray Dog Charters. Pictured with Miller is first mate Wes Francis. Handful of sheepies John Fernandez, left, and Russ Frangella, both of Holmes Beach, caught a mess of sheepshead by the Anna Maria Island Bridge last week. (i '^jrf sheepshead to 4 pounds and sharks to 36 inches, all caught with shrimp. Good luck and good fishing. Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing guide. Call him at 723-1107 to provide fishing report. Prints and digital images of your catch are also welcome and DEEip SEA FISHIiNG Sailing Daily S 9am-3 pm '." .. ; ... ''"' " 75' SEA FOX ''r For Reservations Call 795-1930 C Capt. Mike's Charter Boat S"MAGIC" Backwater Near Shore Up to 7 miles out in the Gulf Snook Redfish Trout Flounder Mackerel Snapper Light Tackle Fishing Reservations a must Tackle, bait, ice, fishing license provided! 723-1107 Capt. Mike Heistand USCG Licensed may be dropped off at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to news@islander.org. Please include identification for persons in the picture along with information on the catch and a name and phone number for more information. Snapshots may be retrieved once they appear in the paper. WOOD DOCK & SEAWALL CUSTOM DOCKS SEAWALLS BOAT LIFTS Design Build Permitting Sales Service Supplies 792-5322 12044 Cortez Rd., W. CRC049564 PAGE 28 F MAR. 2, 2005 S THE ISLANDER STERLING SILVER JEWELRY at Cosmic S.ense Jewelry, booth 228-230 at Red Barn Flea Market. (941) 745-9010. 15 percent off with ad. Visit us at www.Floridasilverjewelry.com. Free shipping. BICYCLES: Men's and ladies' 10-speed. Big tires, like new. $35. (941) 792-3775. FOR SALE: QUEEN headboard and bedrails, Lex- ington Heritage, white-washed oak. Like new! $250. Call (941) 778-4081. TECHNICS KEYBOARD with bench, stool, case, trans- former and peddle. $425. New $1,700. (941) 795-4590. BRITISH MYSTERY BOOKS: Mint condition, signed, first editions. Come see at Islander's Market, 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, Dolphin Plaza. BABY CRIB: dark wood, new mattress, sheet, cloth bumper. $50. (941) 778-7672. LOVESEAT, BASSETT RATTAN, floral print, $150. Coffee and sofa tables, washed oak, $175/set. (941) 794-6855. GIRL SCOUT COOKIES available at The Islander, assorted varieties, $3.50 box. All proceeds paid to local Girl Scout troop. FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp, crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call James Lee, (941) 795-1112 or 704-8421. ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 9:30am-2pm. Saturday, 9am-noon. Always sales racks. Pine Avenue, Anna Maria. (941) 779-2733. YARD SALE: 9am-1pm Friday-Saturday, March 4- 5. 5605 Carissa St., Holmes Beach. GARAGE SALE: 8am-noon Thursday, Friday, Sat- urday. Nice furniture, tools, ceramic tile, beautiful artwork, miscellaneous. 106 Third St. N., Bradenton Beach. One of the biggest names in mortgages is right in your own backyard. ~W hen you choose Chase you are guaranteed by a variety of products offered by one of the nation's top mortgage lenders. Plus, the knowledge of loan , officers like Ron Hayes who are familiar with and dedicated to your local community. RONHAYES So, whatever your mortgage needs fixed rate, adjustable rate, jumbo, govern- ment, call Ron locally for a free consultation at (941) 761-9808 (24 hours) or (800) 559-8025. CHASE - Manhattan Mortgage Corporation KEY WEST-STYLE DUPLEX: S '-, Priaea3 courtyard entry in- c ludeS d nall created pool. f i 6BR 4BA gourmet kitchens, central vacuums and garages. Otrice Ion in upper suite opens to sun deck with Gulf and bay S', | HOLMES BEACH DUPLEX: --I I I.AN icely landscaped, great i 1,ll'111i1; o condition. 4BR/4BA, privacy fenced backyard with heated pool. Lots of storage, garages. $725,000. SEASONAL RENTALS AVAILABLE NOW! 2BR/1 BA condo, 2905 61st St., $1,800/month 2BR/2BA villa, 428 62nd St., $2,000/month 2BR/2BA duplex, 207 70th St., $2,500/month arina Pointe 314 Pine Avenue lanna OInte Anna Maria Rea y Co. (941) 779-0732 eay .(866) To779-07 Free ....-i ... _: (866) 779-0732 ESTATE SALE: 9:30am-2pm Friday, March 4. 5800 De Palmas, Holmes Beach. Take Marina to 58th Street, turn left to De Palmas. Glass top and wrought-iron dinette and coffee tables, pine buffet and dresser; lamps, cedar chest, wrought-iron double. bed, loveseat, stained-glass equipment, decorative accessories. Sale conducted by Palma- Sola Appraisals & Sales. Numbers given out at 8am. QUALITY GARAGE SALE: 8am-2pm Saturday, March 5. 6807 Holmes Blvd, Holmes Beach. Furni- ture, clothes, tools, jewelry, lots more! TWO-FAMILY YARD sale: Thursday, Friday, Satur- day, maybe Sunday. Huge variety of household items. Lots of ladies clothing, sizes 4, 6 and 8. 304 56th Street, Holmes Beach. ANNUAL FLEA MARKET: 9am-3pm Saturday, March 5. Baked goods, clothing, jewelry, linens, tools, books, white elephants, furniture. Come and have lunch with us. Mt. Vernon clubhouse, 4701 In- dependence Drive S., off Cortez Road. TOURIST APPRECIATION SALE: Niki's Gifts & Antique Mall, 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Select gifts and antiques, 25-50 percent off. All sterling jew- elry 50 percent off. Open seven days, 9:30am-5pm. (941) 779-0729. LOST CELL PHONE with black leather case in Holmes Beach on Saturday, Feb. 26. Please call (941) 778-3272. MISSING: 17-lb. male cat, proximity of 72nd Street, Holmes Beach. Information, (941) 720-1192. Reward! FOUND: Female cat. Long hair, declawed, North .Shore Drive area of Anna Maria. (941) 779-0618. FOUND: SEIKO watch, Bradenton Beach, Feb. 23. Please call to identify, (941) 778-5476. CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org ! FOR SALE: Enjoy the stunning Gulf views and glo- rious sunsets from this 2BR/2.5BA townhouse. The beach is located directly across the street. Soaring ceilings in master bedroom, walk-in closet, updated fixtures, hurricane window film, and storage galore. Enjoy the private heated pool while sitting on your garden terrace. $449,500. Paul T. Collins, PA L I 941-928-4062 WfAlPA 941-954-5454 paultcollins@comcast.net Properties Countrywide Home Loans is close by and ready to help you get the home of your dreams. S Competitive rates. [ Local experts with the power to say "YES" to your home loan. [ Up-front approval* at the time of application. SAs little as no-to-low down payment options available to make qualifying easier. SLoan amounts to $6 million. SConstruction financing available. ~N* ,e Pam Voorhees Home Loan Consultant 401 Manatee Ave. W. Holmes Beach pamvoorhees@countrywide.com SCountrywide HOME LOANS (941) 586-8079 EQUAL HOUSING LENDER 2003 COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. TRADE/SERVICE MARKS ARE THE PROPERTY OF COUNTRYWIDE FINANCIAL CORPORATION AND/OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES. ADD APPROPRIATE STATE, LEGAL. UP-FRONT APPROVAL SUBJECT TO SATISFACTORY PROPERTY REVIEW AND NO CHANGE IN FINANCIAL CONDITION. SOME PRODUCTS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE IN ALL STATES. PRICES AND GUIDELINES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. RESTRICTIONS APPLY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. BINGO! Annie Silver Community Center. Play Thurs- day through March 31, 7pm. Prizes, refreshments. Everyone welcome! Smoke free. 103 23rd St., Cor- ner of Avenue C and 23rd Street, Bradenton Beach. For information, call (941) 778-1915. YOGA-PILATES Anna Maria Art League. 9am Mon'- .day, Yoga/Pilates; 9 am Thursday, Yoga. Instructor, Preston Whaley-Jr. Information, 778-3996. LET JANE AND her staff at Niki's Island Treasures conduct your estate sale or run a house sale, 35 years experience. Formerly Madison's LTD of Sarasota. Call Jane (941) 778-4451 for appointment. ANNA MARIA ISLAND SCREENSAVER! Experience the Island on your computer desktop. Available at The Islander, or purchase online or order by mail. $12 PC or$15 Mac. www.robertsondesignstudio.com. AMI KIWANIS CLUB fruit orders benefit Island chil- dren. Order delicious oranges and grapefruit pack- ages for shipment to friends and family from mem- ber Rich Bohnenberger, (941) 778-0355. Order through May 2005. NEED A GIFT? Artists will design and create.unique art, stained glass, paintings, painted furniture and more! Restless Natives; Island Shopping Center, 5314 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 779-2624. BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a person- alized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park. Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Pick up form at The Islander or call (941) 518-4431 for more information. FREE GUN LOCK. Just for the asking. Courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Com-mis- sion. Free at The Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be sorry, be safe. i LONGBOAT KEY HISTORY "From Calusas to Condo- miniums" by Ralph B. Hunter. Signed copies available at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-7978. THERE'S A TREASURE HIDING ON t":Bs fl ANNA MARIA ISLAND -.3";_ SLET "MEL" FIND IT FOR YOU! VACATION .... 6 4LIw'IIrEIEr.,M LL: - 3001 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach, FI 34217 WESTBAY POINT & , MOORINGS Heated Pools, Tennis Courts and Hot Tub with beautifully manicured acreage. The most Scornionabl\ residential condominturn on the island TWO UNITS AVAILABLE NOW! 2BR/2BA upstairs unit with tiled entry and tiled kitchen. Glass-enclosed lanai with a view of greenbelt and water. Includes covered parking and partial furnishings. $450,000. 2BR/2BA downstairs end unit. Great views of the canal and greenbelt from the lanai. Protected by electric storm shutters. Many newer appliances are included. $495,000. Call Dick Maher or Dave Jones for a private viewing. 7:78?4T800 B 1-800-237-22.2 ,;'-'Parad ie e THE ISLANDER MAR. 2, 2005 U PAGE 29 Island Basketball Stars Sotsmanship awards went to Whitney Bauer, Most Valuable Player honors went to Alisha Ware, *. 1nt o *ine \]er, Premier Division; Celia Ware, Division I; and Division I, and Sarah Howard, Division II. Not C W D Martine Miller, Division II. Not pictured was Justin pictured is Spencer Carper. Islander Photos: Cour- Martine Miller, Division II. Not pictured ws Justin tesy Anna Maria Island Community Center. Gargett, Division II Defense Most Valuable Player awards went to Josh Elsenhimier, Premier Boy and girl division MVPs: Justin Gargett, Martine Miller, Celia Ware, Alisha Division; Corbin Kitchen, Division I; Ashley Waring-Kayla Aritt, Division II; Ware, Hailey Dearlove, Chris Callahan, Justin Dearlone-Grant Lukitch, and Clay and Taylor Wilson, Division III. Orr-Davis Buck. Marianne I CORRELL k ::, 2004 Island Real Estate Top Sales Agent I-.... .^ _ Marilyn TREVETHAN 2004 Island Real Estate Top Lisiting Agent Liz BLANDFORD D. -1, ir Pi. r Tom NELSON D ,'' .l.,, l 'ti. ..'i._ ' Jon KENT I .II i nII l lh!,..,i, D ,.,t.-II P i,,,* ,.' .,. Evan & Melinda BORDERS - I 'll. lh.,II , D _L ,, I-',,l ,c Nick PATSIOS L'. P,... ,.L. , ,- .? . Alan GALLETTO [ ,,,, .', Ib ,,. . Bob FITTRO Wendy FOLDES L', ,,,.11 t-', l Chris SHAW & John van ZANDT 2 ', '4 ,l lllr l hl ,, D. ,'/,i P'.l,..,h.., " Richard FREEMAN 2? 4 l ,\l, l 'lr ,l , U.,lldi Pi, ,'.I ._ i 6101 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 877-778-6066 778-6066 Fax.941.778.6306 sales 'islandreal.com www. islandreal.com PAGE 30 L MAR. 2, 2005 F THE ISLANDER HOME INSPECTION BUSINESS for sale. 18-years experience. Complete on-the-job certified training. One full year's support free. Probable earnings $100,000 first year, $200,000 with two employees. Exceptional opportunity for a man or woman to run from home office located anywhere. $75,000, $45,000 down and seller will finance $30,000, or $60,000 cash. (941) 778-4606 or (407) 467-8666. CRITTER SITTER nine years in pet care. 24 years S as an Island resident. Lots of TLC for your beloved pets with in-home visits. (941) 778-6000. ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes. All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened. SPlease call (941) 922-0774. 1986 PORSCHE 928S. Excellent condition! Sunroof, power steering, ABS brakes, automatic transmission. $11,900. All maintenance records. 73,000 miles. Contact Randy (941) 737-1134. 2001 PT CRUISER: 50,000 miles. Purple, sunroof, ice-cold air, leather interior. Garage kept. $9,500. (941) 778-3875. FOR SALE: 2002 Hyundai Santa Fe, 22,000 miles, great condition, warranty. $12,300. (941) 778-2581. 1990 ECONOLINE 150 VAN, cold air conditioning, has towing package. Ready for travel. Runs great! $1,800, or best offer. (941) 778-1102. 1991 GRADY WHITE 190 Tournament, Yamaha 130-hp, 2004 aluminum tandem-axle trailer. Runs great! Seats eight, livewell, three covers, clean. $8,900 or best offer. (941) 778-4029. 1995 EVINRUDE 200 HP. All cables, control box,. key switch, propeller. Less than 100 hours on rebuild. $3,500. (941) 723-1107. FIND IT! BUY IT! SELL IT FAST! In The Islander. 40 lu .url nil .i-j ns ur -r- .a ., r.ui.. .v.i. '*' 'i ".^ ..-aS 'u .r,', :r,, : ,- .R,,,, ,,-e.-n l, ,' ,,l ,3 ,., 2I de.-,re Two ar-I. .... ,,3r.e c .1..,,.1o l. -- ,n. 3r to ,:r e.: nlE : rr , '' Model Open D0l) Slartig at S895 000 Tina Rudek (941) 920-0303 1992 HUNTER SAILBOAT: 23.5 foot..2003 Honda four-stroke. 15-hp with power tilt; Water ballast, trailerable, walk through transom, swing keel, new bottom paint. $6,500. (941) 779-2129. LONG AFTER THE effects of a cheap-job fade, lin- ger the reality of poor product and craftsmanship! Fiberglass, gelcoat, cosmetic, structural repairs. Full restorations. www.TommySolomon.com. (941) 993-3664. 2002 SEA.RAY 182 Bowrider, like new! 18 foot, 6 inches. 190-hp stern drive, seats seven, tons of fun! Call (941) .778-6234, or e-mail kendra@presswoodlaw.com. $13,750 or best offer. .1976 BUCANEER 32-foot center cockpit sailboat Florida cruiser. Four-foot draft, new Yanmar engine, sails, television, microwave. $12,000 or best offer. Call Steve (941) 778-2100, e-mail captnse @netzero.com. SAILBOAT: 22-foot swing keel, new main and sail cover, 5-hp Honda outboard. $2,750. Call'Gabe (941) 374-5772. 14-FOOT sailboat with trailer, $490. (941) 778-6561. PROLINE 2002: 22-walk, 200-hp, fully equipped, Porta-Potty, cabin, top condition, low hours. $23.000. Call for details, (941) 778-0025. 1986 CARVER MONTEGO: 27-foot, twin 190-hp Mercruiser, Ceranfield 120-volt alcohol. All electron- ics, water heater, WC tank, refrigerator. Was $24,900, now $14,900 (941) 778-6561. LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater fishing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle provided. (941) 723-1107. KIDS 9FORHIRE CHILD SITTER AND PET SITTER. Ninth-grade male looking for a job. Available after school and weekends. Call Zachary, (941) 779-9783. Oitl Stelps To Becadi! : -. , Call Jon4IRealEslale Direct 941-920r0832 ."na ........ :"; 7 .. ............................................. -xo g rit'r S 1.'. .m e ,-.':'-"*m- -* : ^' 'm. -, feS^^i^^---hs^,^^^^;i^^/^-'^^i 1B1RADENTON BEACH. Oi-t t-i rircni t,,ctc~ 'WAYr ol~t tOSdc, Of~ i t.590TU-.1 O ry-ina slr.-)y-;. 16Cj-dt-re c o~ l~ v TT-r-n a f(4. E JItact;.~', t IAP 41ifi350 ODfer-ai at $2.5L90,000 KEYr OYnAu LE.t Hill-col, l m hl pmw'Liiin.',ll ai, LI 'Co;-am hionrf t E.c dzciL, .1 -il. M.*- R~ D51 I 10flured at $2.00.0000 . 1~~I -: SARASOTA. ,Hilti r resid Ence wa. Iii ci *:hirr..i .sinti cmrmlcei 3 beC l ditmr,, U I -,Eir I k. CCrtieri,,ct h-. *nitd flojir" Ihob r rin 2 parttiiA. pTI11e Merr a llot lKc. bcact,,sV SAP r70! O33ffred at 6$649.000 1 SKY I Terry Hayes Sotheby's INTERNATIONAL REALTY - NEED A CHILD or pet'sitter? Call one number and get connected to three wonderful sitters! Tiffany, Kari, Holly. (941) 778-3275 or 779-0793.. BABYSITTER: RED CROSS babysitting and first- aid certified. Enjoys playing .with: :kids. Call Alexandra, (941) 778-5352.: , SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and in- termediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10 per half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended. Local teen, team competitor. Call-(941): 778-0944. PETSITTER, DOG WALKER, 13-year-old mother's helper, odd jobs. Call Kendall at (941) 779-9783 or 779-9803. EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER with CPR license, 14 years old, friendly and responsible. (941) 778-2469. 13-YEAR-OLD girl will babysit all ages in your home. Reasonable rates and knows CPR. Call Jes- sica Lord, (941) 747-2495. BABYSITTER: Responsible 10th-grader, great with kids, first-aid certified. Charlotte, (941) 756 5496. REAL ESTATE: Tired of paying office fees? Two experienced agents needed for fast-paced, high traffic Island office. Top splits, sign-on bonus. Call Wedebrock Real Estate today! "Personalized, not Franchised. Call Joe Pickett, (941) 383-5543. NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restau- rant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call(941) 778-3953. DOMINOS PIZZA: NOW hiring delivery driver. Able to work until 1am for closes. Average pay $15-$18' hour. Tips and mileage paid nightly. Pre-empioy- ment drug test and good driving a must. Apply after 4pm, 5606 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. HOUSEKEEPER: 18-unit hotel. MF.ust speak En- glish, have own transportation, weekends a must, (941) 778-1010,,ext. 0. U The Neal Team I, .' Call about Island Properties Diane Harrison 941-544-3346 Dr. Nelson Neal 941-544-8987 Coldwell Banker Previews 423 St. Armands Circle Sarasota www.GulfAndBay Paradise.com 0I Mike Nlorman Realty ets 'Sales .Record Mike Norman Realty listed and sold more properties over $1 million dollars in 2004 than any other realtor on the island. Documented by records from theManatee County Board of Realtors, this was no small feat, considering there are 28 real estate companies on Anna Maria Island. Mike Norman Realty is also the largest vacation rental company on the Island with more than 350 properties. Mike Norman Realty In * Simply the Best I1l& 941-778-6696 1-800-367-1617 c. III OW Impll VIN -- THE ISLANDER E MAR. 2, 2005 0 PAGE 31 S LA I C ANNIE'S HOME FOR the elderly needs a caregiver to work weekends at our small facility on the Island. Other hours may be available at one of our other facilities. (941) 778-7842. BUSY CONTINENTAL RESTAURANT hiring full- or part-time servers for lunch, Sunday brunch and din- ner. Wednesday-Sunday. Apply at 5406 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach or call (941) 778-5320. HELP WANTED: KEY Royale Club needs a part- time server and counter person. Drug-free work place. No evenings. Golf privileges. Apply in person, 700 Key Royale Drive, or call (941) 778-3055. DELIVERY: WE NEED several people for immedi- ate delivery of the Island to Island Directory. Great compensation. Must have own truck or SUV. Call (941) 922-0441. HOUSEKEEPERS NEEDED: Must have own trans- portation. Great per job rate. Seasonal OK. Call Rhonda after 5pm, (941) 779-0793. GROUNDS CREW MEMBER for condo complex in north Longboat Key. Year-round part time or full time. Hours flexible, but include Saturday. Dependable, friendly, handy, honest, energetic and able to follow di- rections. Opening immediately available. Call (941) 383- 5454 for job description, application and interview time. PART-TIME SECRETARY/receptionist needed three days a week. Light computer skills needed. Call Mike Norman Realty (914) 778-6696. i~imer u my OFFICE ASSISTANT/RECEPTIONIST for church office, AP/AR and QuickBooks needed, plus knowl- edge of other software helpful. 26-28 hours/week with competitive salary. Please e-mail resume amwissinger@comcast.net or fax (941) 383-8574, attention Anna Maria Wissinger, office manager. PART-TIME HELP wanted for custom bead/jewelry shop on the Island. Retail experience a must; bead- ing experience a plus. Call (941) 779-0779. NURSE NEEDED FOR medical care and personal assistance. Four-six hours/day, four-five days/week. Flexible schedule OK. Experience and references required. Nice position for retired nurse. Please call (941) 383-0244. EXPERIENCED COOK needed immediately for popular Island restaurant. Breakfast and lunch. Ap- ply at Fit to Eat Restaurant, 5315 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-0411. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Meet interesting people, learn the history of the Island. Anna Maria Island. Historical Museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. (941) 778-0492. CLASSIFIEDS ADS work best in The Islander. More ads mean better results for the advertiser and a bet- ter read newspaper! More rentals, more real estate, more service and home improvement businesses. You get more for your money from "the best news on AMI." classifieds@islander.org RETIRED NURSE/CAREGIVER available. No lifting. Evenings, overnights. References. Reasonable. (941) 746-9246. MAN WITH SHOVEL Plantings, natives, cabbage palms, patio gardens, trimming, clean-up, edgings, more. Hard-working and responsible. Excellent ref- erences. Edward (941) 778-3222. LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint- ments,-airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine Car Service. Serving the Islands. (941) 778-5476. COMPUTER OBEDIENCE TRAINING. Is your com- puter misbehaving? Certified computer service and private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. (941) 545-7508. ISLAND PRESSURE CLEANING for great results, wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable, reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. (941) 778-0944. CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist. Experienced certified technician for communication electronics offers wireless and cable networks, up- grades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and training. Call Robert, (941) 778-3620. LOOKING FOR a good deal? Look in The Islander, 778-7978. M' 4-. -A -.i A professional REALTOR representing buyers and sellers with :, .. ,; f INVESTORS/DEVELOPERS! PRIME LOCATIONS! R-2 lot 89x100 feet, located in the 200 block, one lot back from Gulf Drive in Holmes Beach. Build two villas/condos with views of the Gulf or reno- vate existing duplex. Separate addresses! Won't last long! $749,000. BRING YOUR BOAT SHOES AND YOUR FLIP-FLOPS! 300 feet from the beach! Completely renovated home with heated pool surrounded by lush, tropical landscaping. Beautiful flooring, natu- ral stone and red Oak. Tastefully turnkey fur- nished. Perfect beach house! Separately deeded deep water boat dock included! $829,000. Property Management and Leasing l Manatee AILS as of 2/16/05 Total Island Properties For Sale: 222 M Nledii Price: $793.000 Total Pendine: 99 Median Price: $595.000 Total Sold Since 1/1/05: 30 Median Price: $565,000 Judy Karkhoff Dpeltnr How can we preserve your investment? W/ i Gulfstreanm' :j- Realty '. 941-778-7777 oA ori A, r%4 ealtor attended Anna Maria Elementary School, University of N (BA) and UCLA usne School Iealtor attended Anna Marla Elementary School, University of PN (BA) and UCLA business School *.. .-: .- g: .3~ '. -.-,. .... o S o eI -- 0Sell -" .. ..........-.... .-. .. 0 tO L SCommunity amenities Include clubhouse,.. C . tennis courts. Offered at $370.000. MLS# 505451.-.. A, 11 -i I " ''' i a d. I; i LI i: ~-"~ '- "I: 1 g ;PAGE B! lMABI. 2, ,2(01' i TNEIEIS.EADER S I Co tuedSRVCmSCotiued I 7 Cnte ______________________________________ CALL DAN'S RESCREEN for your free estimate today. Affordable rates, quality work guaranteed. Pool cages, lanais, windows, doors.. Call (941) 713-5333. SCOTT'S HANDYMAN SERVICES: Remodeling and repair. Free estimate, many references. Island resident. (941) 713-1907 cell, (941) 778-5427 home. E-mail: geraldscottfulton@hotmail.com. INCOME TAX SERVICE: Individuals and small businesses. We do all states and electronic filing. Call Pat (941) 761-8156, Kenney Tax Service. JACKSON HOLMES PAINTING: The Island's hon- est and dependable painting service. Interior, ex- S terior, faux painting, cabinet refinishing. Refer- ences. Free estimates. (941) 795-2771. ESP CLEANING: Elite Service Professionals. Resi- dential and commercial cleaning. Maria and Steve do the job and guarantee satisfaction, insured: (941) 753-9906. MR. BILL'S HOME REPAIR/maintenance service. Over 30 years experience, self-employed in con- struction trades. "I'm handy to have around." (941) 778-4561. LTD MORTGAGE INC. The Oldest Mortgage Co. on Anna Maria Island Linda G. Davis Ted E. Davis Licensed Mortgage Brokers SConforming and jumbo loans. 1st and 2nd mortgages. No closing cost home equity lines of credit. 100% purchase money mortgages. SResidential and commercial mortgages. Private money available for those ha rd-Ie :1.B~ o-place loans. (941) 779-2113 502 72nd Street Holmes Beach RESIDENTIAL CLEANING: Serving the Island and Bradenton. Free estimates and references. Punc- tual and dependable. Call Gabi, (941) 722-4866 or 586-9632.. DO YOU NEED tree work done on your property? We can help! Call Lew, (941) 755-5559. Serving the Island seven years. KATHY & MIKE'S cleaning service. Delivering a standard of excellence for all your cleaning needs. Residential and rental clients welcome. For a free estimate, please call (941) 722-4358. WEST COAST NUISANCE Wildlife service: Critter problems and nuisances. Raccoons our specialty! Live trapped and relocated. State licensed by F.W.C. (941) 778-3455 or mobile 24-hour emer- gency, 720-4152. TOM'S WINDOWS: Door and window repairs and replacement. Sales, service, parts. E-mail metrohs@msn.com. (941) 730-1399. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Package of potential on Holmes Beach. Long established island pizzeria for sale. Ready to make a profit for you. Serious inquiries only. $199,000. Call Quentin Talbert 941-704-9680. COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR LEASE % ^ '^- "^. ACROSS FROM BEACH on Gulf Drive in Bradenton Beach. Completely upgraded block building with newer A/C, electrical, plumbing, three bathrooms, 12 parking spaces. 2,970 square feet. Call for details 941-240-2694. Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor 7778-0455 = -.... r -- * .. ree- REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA .. -3 www.greenreal.com MARKEY REALTY & ASSOCIATES , -. MAGNIFICENT -' ...... ..... SUNRISES .. Breathtaking view of Tampa Bay and the Sky- way Bridge. This bayfront home can be either single family or duplex. Ameni- B ties are identical on both levels. Luxury features throughout. Elevator takes you from ground level pool area to both floors above. A MUST SEE! 232 S. Harbor Drive, $1,500,000. JOHN ZIRZOW 778-9171 OFFICE 753-1620 Virtual Tour at www.flrealtour.com/mls502440/realtor SALES & RENTALS 419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291 EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294 I. >1 ENCHANTING COTTAGE NEAR THE SEA This captivating 3BR/2BA hideaway is located on the secluded north end of Anna Maria, steps to the beach. Spacious split bedroom design, French doors, ceramic tiled floors, open kitchen with oak cabinets and white appliances, vaulted ceilings in the master suite, walk- in closet, paddle fans and lush tropical landscaping. $825,000 furnished. KEY WEST-STYLE HIDEAWAY Beautifully remodeled 3BR/3BA, Key West style pool home on lushly landscaped lot at north end of Anna Maria. Great room floor plan, beamed cathedral ceilings, ceramic tiled floors, white kitchen with Corian countertops and breakfast bar, french doors, covered verandas, heated swimming pool, private elevated master suite with cathedral ceilings, walk-in closet, and Jacuzzi tub in the master bath. $875,000. C DKEO Tou Visit our Web site at www.betsyhills.com W BROCHU iitor BAYFRONT HOME One year old, excellent income producer. 5BR/ 5BA, elevator, swimming pool; private dock, 4-car garage. Owner financing. $1.75 million 778-5409 billandjean@tampabay.rr.com FRESH MULLET SALE HATS $12 T-SHIRTS M,L,XL $10, XXL $12 . : a, .-- ,-- ,,. 941-778-7978 or www.islander.org 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach Beautifully maintained! Owner occupied duplex reflects pride of ownership and includes 2BR/1 BA each unit with 840 sf owner's side and rental unit 576 sf. Immaculate structure, brand new roof, 12x16 utility convenient to rear unit plus lovely fenced back yard. Tranquil location with Gulf beach ac- cess only a few steps away and close walk to bay. Asking $625,000. By appointment. * .. 1 75-foot direct Gulf front plus 2BR/1 BA furnished beach house on Anna Maria's north end. Open plan, beamed ceiling, wood burning fireplace and a bright cheerful kitchen with breakfast nook. Great Gulf views from all living area and bedrooms. Deck offers tranquil spot for waterfront dining and evening sunsets. Perfect tropical island get away. Reduced to $1,500,000. Since MARIE 7 LIC REAL ESTATE FRANKLIN REALTY BROKER "We ARE the Island." 9805 Gulf Drive PO Box 835 Anna Maria, Florida 34216 941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250 E-mail amrlty@gte.net Web site www.annamariareal.com mmm om LEARN HOW TO use your computer: Training one- on-one. Basic to advanced. Microsoft certified, Longboat Key resident. Minimum two hours. (941) 383-9458. PHOTOGRAPHER: Kelley Ragan. Custom por- traits, weddings, beach photography. Information at Restless Natives, (941) 779-2624. MURALIST, Mark Burdette. Custom murals, interior or exterior, landscapes and more. Information at Restless Natives, (941) 779-2624. MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet. Beginning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, (941) 792-0160. BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigera- tion. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call William Eller, (941) 795- 7411. RA005052. f ,tTEMALAVEIt HE(fMARI. 2[2003 N PAO3E 133 - Duplex with elev./lift. 2BR! 2BA, fireplace, 40' and 48' S porches. covered patio. v" o-car garage, 18 x 30 bonus room. Plus 2BR 2BA, porch, carport. Rented at $850 month. S-. New owner can sell units separately. $784.500. 5508C MARINA DRIVE S778-0807 800-956-0807 S5 REaIroR. yrealt.17 aol.com- www.idollyyoungrealestate.com CANAL FRONT CONDO: ; Eijoy breathtaking sunsets :.rr, .'.iur'screened lanai overlook- ing a canal. Updated, furnished 2BR/2BA cbndo in move-in condition. Heated pool and spa, tennis courts and lush tropi- M i.Cl urir:,undrind irk l.. this a perfect is- ,-W. !and retreat. $485,000. IB#304847. GOLF FRONT CONDO 'BR.'2B furrishd.'. condJj d;i.-re\ on the golf course in excellent condition, screened lanai and lush tropical sur- roundings. Heated pool and spa, tennis court, sauna, clubhouse, exercise room and billiards. Close to beach, shopping and hospital. $189,900. IB#505061. Denis.eLanglois (941) 751-1155 (800) 448-6325 -:,lar "i ,: i"",. 'I, ~~d~. r~~f, ;i:::'~ S lnO 13AtARInOj Call me for all your Real Estate needs Deborah L. Brady (813) 810-7270 125 Bridge Street, Bradenton Beach toll tree (866) 316-7253 www.firstinbradenton.com KEY MORTGAGE CORPORATION LicesedMoBrtggerkageBusins Free Prequalification SPurchase or Refinance Second. Home SInvestment Property SForeign National Programs 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE Local Island Specialist Celebrating 15 Years We'll come to you Call (941) 778-8553 Today ,.,. L g~~* :,.f ~i~- i n~t:. LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! Older mobile home to rehab or replace. Third house from the bay with beautiful view. Deeded rights to boat ramp. Lot 75x130. $225,000. GULFFRONT Spectacular views up and down the beach. Newer home offers 3BR/2BA, four-car ga- rage, granite countertops, plasma television, fire- place, hurricane shutters, turnkey furnished and room for a pool. lite:,' BAYFRONT 10,000 sf of land. Large dock with deep water. 2,444 sf house, 2BR/2BA with large Florida room New air conditioning, new tile floor, fresh paint. $1,350,000. GULFFRONT DUPLEX Wonderful ground level, 2BR/1BA, each side turnkey furnished. Large screened porches and sundeck. Excellent rental his- tory. easily converted to 1680+/- single family home. .,4 *. -',,. .. y 4, '., :- i , KEY ROYAL CANAL Remodeled 3BR/2BA, tile throughout, new carpet in bedrooms, all new appli- ances, new kitchen and bathrooms. Canal end with great view to Bimini Bay. Very large lot with room for pool or expansion. ON THE GI e....- et1 y remodeled. Tile floors throughout. Great views! 2BR/2BA, completely turn- key furnished. Large pool, covered parking. BAYFRONT Panoramic view of the bay. Very pri- vate, lush landscaping. 2 BR/2BA. Hardwood Floors. Very large master BA with jacuzzi and walk in shower. Big garage and workshop, screened porch facing the bay. Dock with 10,000 lb davits. ANNA MARIA S ISLAND REAL ESTATE LLC ISLAND TOWN HOUSE 2BR/1BA courtyard-patio town house. Cen- tral Holmes Beach ,very close to.shopping, res- taurants and beach. Open plan, breakfast bar, porch, balcony, renovated. Excellent rental. No condo fees. $469,000. DIRECT GULFFRONT CONDO 1BR/1.5BA Seaside Beach House condo. Turnkey furnished in intimate, private com- plex with gorgeous view of Gulf. Very nicely furnished, Sautillo tile, beautiful walking beach, heated pool, excellent rental. $950,000. ISLAND TRIPLEX 2BR/1.5BA plus 1BR/1BA and 2BR/1BA. Great investment! Watch the sunset as you col- lect rent from these charming units. Easy to see, call for appointment. Just steps to beauti- ful beach. $749,000. LAKEWOOD RANCH 3BR/2BA home in Summerfield Village, Lake- wood Ranch. Open floor plan, eat-in kitchen, breakfast bar, maple cabinets, pantry, vaulted ceiling, walk-in closets, fenced yard, room for pool, sidewalks. $279,900. HOLMES BEACH DUPLEX 2BR/1BA each. Very close to beautiful beach. One-car garage, patio. One unit turnkey fur- nished. Appliances both sides. Utility with. washer/dryer, residential area, room for pool. $675,000. KEY WEST-STYLE WITH BOAT DOCK 3BR/2.5BA plus den and office. Charming home, large lot, fenced yard, screened porch, balcony. Breakfast bar, dining room, large mas- ter bedroom and bath with Jacuzzi tub. Deeded boat slip with private dock. Holmes Beach. $699,900. ANNUAL RENTALS From $700 / month SEASONAL RENTALS Condos/Homes: $500 week / $1,000 month 779-0202 (800) 732-6434 ANNA MARIA [ MLs SiuCoast REAL ESTATE LLC Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com A1 & 2~ f-Baty Realty Sof Anna Maria Inc. 778-7244 .(Yo %^de denit/wteat 4alte4" North Beach 1 ^G1 Village #55 3BR/2.5BA townhome, , completely renovated and turnkey furnished. g -. _"- ~A must see. Only $539,000. t RUNAWAY BAY uJ.ji^j 1 R 16P .:-norc. u1it -tr:- I,-. th- beach. Great rental property. Turnkey furnished, heated pool, tennis courts and community fishing dock. $355,600. nef ISLAND GETAWAY, beautifully remodeled 2BR/2BA single family villa, Turnkey furnished. Quiet Holmes Beach location. One block to the beach and a view of Spring Lake. $377,600. BEST BUY ON LONGBOAT KEY III 2BR/2BA freestanding villa with wood floors. Private beach access, marina, boat slips. 55- plus. $310,000. LOWEST PRICE CANAL HOME ON LONGBOAT KEYI 2BR/ 2BA, large bedrooms, beautiful open-beam vaulted ceilings, solid wood and tile flooring. No bridges to bay, lots of charac- ter! Build up for bay views! $625,000. CALL TODAY! 1 (800)771-6043 (941)778-7244 5309 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach www.gulfbayrealty.com NORTH END, Anna Maria. Recently updated, ground level 2BR/1BA home located one block to bay. Enclosed Florida room, screened porch and room for a pool. $524,900. 100+ Gulffront rental units with hun- Mike V 800-367-1617 Norman 941-778-b696 Norm a l 3101 GULF DRIVE Realty INC HOLMES BEACH www.mikenormanrealty.com ;I Z )U '"~~i SLA N 5 R LA SSI -CdN' 'o n u ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional cre- ates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www.jackelka.com. (941) 778-2711. NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing massage in the comfort of your home. Call today for an appoint- ment, (941) 795-0887. MA#0017550. TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years experience. References available. For a reasonable price, call Sebastian, (941) 704-6719. ABOUT GROUT: All repairs and installation. Done right! Grout cleaning, sealing, staining. Showers, kitchens, pools, re-caulks. Call Jeff, (941) 545-0128 or 569-8888. AUTO DETAILING BY HAND Spotless inside and out. I can save you time and money. Island resident, references. For pricing, call (941) 713-5967. CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, land- scaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. (941) 778-5294. ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. If it is broken, we can fix it. Free estimates. Senior dis- count. Call (941) 778-2581 or 962-6238. CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING: Quality lawn landscape maintenance, shell, planting, clean-ups, palms trimmed. Free estimates. References, insured. Call (941) 778-2335 or 284-1568. V03_ REALTOR. 29Years of Professional Service YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REAL ESTATE SHOPPE. Experience Reputation Results EXCEPTIONAL DUPLEX 2,368 sf of living area with elevator lift. Owner's side 2BR/2BA, fireplace, great-room,40x 0-foot and 48x6-foot porches. Large garage and bonus room. Tenant side has 2BR/2BA with screen porch and extra storage. New owner can sell units separately. $784,500. 4 UNITS ANNA MARIA Some with bay view. One 2BR, three 1 BR, room for pool. Great investment. $870,000. OWNER FINANCING. TOWNHOUSE VILLA 3BR/3BA with two screened balconies and open balconies on greenbelt adjacent to bay. Spotless, tastefully decorated. Pool/gazebo. $470,000. VACATION, SEASONAL & ANNUAL RENTALS 101 PALM New Luxury Villas 5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807 yrealt7@aol.com *www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com JR'S LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE Lawns, native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup. Island resident 25 years. Call (941) 807-1015. PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN and instal- lation. Huge selection of plants, shrubs and trees. Irrigation. Everything Under the Sun Garden Centre, 5704 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-4441. SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $35/yard. Hauling: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free esti- mates. Call Larry at (941) 795-7775, "shell phone" (941) 720-0770. KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean- ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City of Anna Maria resident. Cell (941) 448-3857. NATURE'S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residen- tial and commercial. 30-years experience. (941) 748-3356. STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Installs, clean- ups, shell, rock, palms, aquascapes, tree work. Truck for hire, move anything. Shark Mark (941) 727-5066. VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/ exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island refer- ences. Dan or Bill, (941) 795-5100. REALTORS 5910 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach, FL 34217 Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770 1-800-741-3772 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Web site: www.smithrealtors.com SINGLE FAMILY PLUS Mother-in-law suite, 2BR/1BA and 1 BR/1BA or convert to 3BR/2BA. New air condi- tioner, roof, plumbing and exterior paint. Lot zoned R-2 " to build up. Won't last long! $449,900. Please call Mike Carleton, Realtor (941) 737-0915 or Michel Cerene, Bro- ker 545-9591, evenings. DUPLEX, REDUCED- 2BR/1BA and 2BR/2BA, screened porch and one-car garage, on each side..Asking $535,900. Please call Mike Carleton, Realtor (941) 737- 0915 or Michel Cerene, Broker 545-9591, evenings. You Pick: Family Compound, Second Home or Vacation Retreat Offering two lakefront properties in Anna Maria 302 North Shore Dr- 3+BR/3BA with 300 North Shore Dr 4BR/2.5BA du- 1 BR/1 BA apartment. Five-car garage, plex with five-car garage. Private open one short block to beach, direct beach decks, large picture windows, great access, peeks of Gulf. Move-in condi- views of lake. Asking $750,000. MLS tion. Seawall and dock. Zoned duplex. 502297. Extras! Asking $850,000. MLS 502321. Call Stephanie Bell, (941) 920-5156 or Frank Migliore, (941) 778-2307. DUPLEX WEST OF RICE REDUCE GULF DRIVE $685,000 S g -- Call for details, f Stephanie Bell, Broker S778-2307 or 920-5156. MLS# 1.03353. [. SERVING THE AREA SINCE 1970 MLS Gabe Buky Best Teami Charles Buky 941-374-5772 Best Properties! 941-228-6086 625 Ivanhoe Lane Bay front home. 4BR'3BA. $2,895,000. 871 North Shore Drive Bay/beach front. Two homes. 5BR/4BA total. $1,695,000. 502 Key Royale Drive Twenrlt foot canal frontage. 2BR 2BA. $550,000. 538 68th Street Bayfront home, 6BR/6BA, deep sailboat water! $2,349,000. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-4 PM 731 Key Royale Drive Bay front home, 3BR/2.5BA. $1,650,000. There are 40 homes for sale that are canal or bayfront on fnna Maria Island, starting at $550,000. (941) 387-1864 Coldwell Banker Previews 201 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key, FL 34229 JOE UNGVARSKY CONSTRUCTION Remodeling contractors. In-house.plan designs. State licensed and insured. Many Island references. (941) 778- 2993. License #CRC 035261. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING free esti- mates. 35-year Island resident.-Call Jim Bickal at (941) 778-1730. CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island ser- vice since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certifying back flow at water meters. (FL#RF0038118) (941) 778- 3924 or 778-4461. TILE TILE TILE. All variations of ceramic tile sup- plied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, (941) 726-3077. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remodel- ing, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting, MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794. CUSTOM RENOVATION/RESTORATION expert. All phases of carpentry, repairs and.painting. In- sured. Member of Better Business Bureau. Paul Beauregard, (941) 779-2294.. KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and shutters. Insured and licensed. (941) 748-4711. 9 out of 10 calls on our Hidden Lake condos-are from our classified ad in The Islander. 99 percent more calls than the ad in the daily that cost six times more! Thanks, Islander! RECONSTRUCTION PRICES! Hidden Lake condos, Bradenton. Close to beach. Starting at $259,900. Call Cori Woods, (941) 761-0444. Te Islander classified@ islander.org 778-7978 /* Gail Tutewiler A:' -j Top Producing Realtor .' 941-705-0227 ")A i TollnFree 1-866-587-8559 GailTuteRE@aol.com ISLAND CONDOS: WESTBAY POINT 6 MOORINGS: Great open feeling to this beautiful 3BR condo overlooking the canal. Wonderful grounds, 2 pools, hot tubs, tennis. $525,000. AFFORDABLE BEACH-BAY CONDO: Ground floor end unit by pool with redesigned kitchen. Own property on the beach and bay. Heated pool, clubhouse, fishing pier and patio on the bay.. Great community! $339,000. SUMMER SANDS GULF SIDE: Magnificently upgraded 1900+ SF condo with full gulf views, private beach with pool & hot tub on the bay. $899,900. 4004 6TH AVE. #4, HOLMES BEACH 1-2BR/2BA condo in small four-unit building. No association fee, weekly rentals OK. Close to beaches. $299,900. ISLAND HOMES: 2908 AVE. C., HOLMES BEACH: Nicely updated elevated 2 BR/ 2 BA home with wood floors, updated bathrooms, wrap around deck, 2-4 car garage, paver tile drive. Just steps to the beach. Great house! $529,000. NEW LISTINGI NORTH BEACH VILLAGE #42: Townhouse nestled in the trees, community-pool, maintenance free yard. 3 BR/2 BA (split plan) with 2 car garage plus bonus room. Large pets okay. Low fees. $525,000. //elebrC 3224 EAST BAY DRIVE HOLMES BEACH REAL ESTATE COMPANY f ~HJIlsIAANto4RWi C:hR1 2; 3~~5IE4~AG1~I fl ,9 tAW : AR TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed. Why pay retail? Island resident, many references. Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor Coverings. (941) 792-1367, or 726-1802. MASON: 27 YEARS of experience. All masonry work and repair. Cinderblock work, brick work, glass block work, paver and brick driveways. Call Chris, (941) 795-3034. License #104776. Insured. MORENO MARBLE & TILE Installation and restora- tion. Quality work. Over 20 years experience. In- sured. Call Javier at (941) 685-5163 or 795-6615. JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy- man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pressure washing and tree trimming. Call (941) 778-6170 or 447-2198. HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICE: Bill MacCaughem. Repairs, renovations, kitchens, bathrooms, decks. Masonry, tile, painting. 30 years experience. Yes, I do show up! (941) 778-3904. STEVE'S REMODELING & repair service. Free es- timates, 35 years experience. (941) 795-1968. CARL V. JOHNSON JR. Inc Building contractor. New homes, additions, renovations. Quality work and:fair prices. Call 795-1947. Lic#RR0066450. ;, r ,I VILLAGE GREEN VILLA S.... .$$265,000 S Large 2BR/2BA unit with den, family room and Florid pP] rbbm. Two'-ca garage an steps to pool. IB504218 6016 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton S(941) 751-1155 (800) 778-8448 Visit our Web site at www.floridamoves.com a a d: I1or lSeaciA/bouers 119 Beach Avenue The most perfect beach house on the West side of Gulf Drive! Cozy 2BR/ 2BA, immaculately maintained. Great street. $789,000. ' s Call Chris and John 941-778-6066 r Th,. REAL ESTATE Christine T. Shaw, F ANNSA MARIA SLANo, INC. John van Zandt, Realtors 6101 Marina Drive Holmes Beach PAINTING: SAVE BIG! I will beat any professional estimate! Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Call Rick, (941) 778-5806. Leave message. RICK KUNKEL PAINTING LLC. 28 years experi- ence. Licensed, insured, references. For an esti- mate, please call (941) 932-0940 or 792-9597. WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more. Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free ih- home consultation. Island references, 15 years ex- perience. (941) 778-3526:or 730-0516. RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal. Wedebrock Real Estate Co., (941) 778-6665 or (800) 749-6665. VACATION RENTALS: 2BR apartments across from beautiful beach, $375 to $500/week. Winter and spring dates available. Almost Beach Apart- ments, (941) 778-2374. VACATION & SEASONAL Private beach. Units are complete. Rates seasonally adjusted. $425-$975/ week, $975-$2,975/month. (800) 977-0803 or (941) 737-1121. www.abeachview.com. NORTH SHORE DRIVE beachfront. Four spacious 3BR/2BA homes. Please call (813) 752-4235, or view Web site: www.AhhSeaBreeze.com 'STRAIGHT TALK I believe that Real Estate is a business that requires clear communication. If you appreciate someone who believes in talking straight, give -me a call today. Find out why I am one of the area's leading Real Estate professionals. NViEole Skaggs Island Specialist A Paradise Realty .5201 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 941-778-4800 Toll Free: 800-237-2252 Island Living I\ MiSP Lovingly cared for 2BR/2.5BA townhome offers hardwood floors and Immaculately remodeled kitchen with built-ins. Eas- ily converted to 3BR. Living area flows to extended screen porch for true Florida entertaining. Professionally landscaped pool area for hours of enjoyment with private outdoor hot and cold shower. Open decks on all levels with stunning views of the bay and Gulf sunsets. A must see! Asking $699.000. I ,1 i t Ii -" -" . A tropical oasis west of Gulf Dr.. only 100 yards to the beach. This recently renovated 2BR/I BA cottage features knotty Pine ceilings, new windows and ceramic tile throughout Enloy this island paradise with lush landscaping. fruit trees and room for a pool. Asking $639.000. Call Liz Codola, Realtor 941-812-3455 2.- !UNCAN Real Estate, Inc. -- 310 Pine Avenue PO B o 1i99 *Anna Man~a, FL 34216 Office 779-0304 Fax 779-0308 Tol Free 866-779-0304 www.teamduncan.com POOL HOME AVAILABLE for vacation let, Near Holmes Beach, 3BR/2BA with all amenities. Man- aged by Coastal Properties Realty, (941) 794-1515. CORTEZ COTTAGE fully furnished, nice breezy, quiet area. Seasonal, $1,700/month, $600/week, $100/night. (941) 778-8168 or 794-5980. www.divefish.com. SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR (two master suites)/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV,.washer/dryer, garage, designer furnished with tropical yard setting. One of the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/weekly or $6,000/monthly. Call 713-0034 or e-mail: gamiller@tampabay.rr.com. FULLY FURNISHED VILLA in beautiful Mt. Vernon, two miles to beaches. 2BR/2BA, no pets, nonsmoking, age 55-plus. Minimum three months. Peak season, $2,500/month; annual, $1,500/month. (941) 721-1784. KING BEDROOM efficiency for rent. Night, weekend, weekly, seasonal. Private entrance, private deck. Non- smoking, close to beach. Call 778-3433 or 773-0010. VACATION-RENTAL: Available April 2005. Holmes Beach canalfront. 2BR/2BA. Fully furnished. Ga- rage, laundry, dock, many extras. $800/week, $2,600/month. Call (813) 286-9814. ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA with Gulf and bay views. $1,100/month. 2319 Avenue B, 778-3875. SEASIDE BEACH HOUSE This enchanting home looks like it came from a Coastal Living magazine. Tropical paradise with private gardens and in-ground pool. Just steps from the shores of the Gulf beaches! Offered a $1,600,000. Sweeping Gulf views from this 3BR/2BA home with a brand new pool. Perfect family beach house on desirable north end. Just steps to the beach. Offered at $1,295,000. Call Green Real Estate today! green REAL ESTATE , OF ANNAMARIA _ 941 778-0455 Ken Jackson, 778-6986 9906 Gulf Drive Kathy Geeraerts, 778-0072 Anna Maria Maureen Dahms, 778-0542 www.greenreal.com LaRae Regis, 779-1858 -1 m .. . PAGE 36 E MAR. 2, 2005 N THE ISLANDER SSandy's Lawn Service Inc. San 's Established in 1983 Lawn Celebrating 20 Years of Seie Quality & Dependable Service. Call us for your landscape 7781345 and hardscape needs. Licensed & Insured Residential Commercial Check our references. "Quality work at a reasonable price.. - Ucensed/nsured Serving Anno MoaIsland Since 1986 761-8900 Paradise Improvements 778-4173 Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist Replacement Doors and Windows Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault Fully Licensed and Insured Island References Lic#CBC056755 A.WAGNER REALTY CAUL il M ojL lXC Tla 6Mi0GO\i 1 bL1-11. nF l; 21 HADOLD SMALL REALTOR Office: (941) 778-2246 792- 8628 E mail haroldsmall@wagnerrealty corn SHARON VITT,;AL S Jt Realtoar Direct (941) 920-0669 5 vwwu.rentasin.nnamairn ia com "R NKeGuIfstream Realty ELITE CAB 539-6374 Serving Manatee County, Sarasota/Bradenton & Tampa Airports BAY WEST LAUNDRY On vacation orjust hate doing laundry? Why bother? BAY WEST WILL PICK-UP. LAUNDER AND DELIVER. Full Service Wash/Dry/Fold/lron PU/Delivery Self Service Cool & Clean 627 59th St. W. Bradenton 794-5053 wwv.island real .com - GUTLX...>AST DETAILING & PRESSURE CLEANING. Awnings Canvas Boats Driveways Brick pavers Docks Commercial and Residential Lic # 91876/Insured 941-518-5252 Available from Commercial News Providers" afP 6 0 g a S ISAN EA SI NEW FURNISHED 2BR/2BA 55-plus, across from beach. Furnished, annual $1,150/month. Also avail- able seasonal. (941) 725-1074. ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/1.5BA elevated, unfur- nished apartment in Holmes Beach. Available now. Lots of decks, under-building parking, washer/dryer, storage. $900/month, first, last, security. Credit check. Call 730-2606. EL CONQUISTADOR COUNTRY Club: 2BR/2BA, nicely furnished, cathedral ceilings, screened lanai overlooking clay tennis courts. Two-story elevator building, garage and storage with bikes. 2005-06 sea- son, available for six months, $8,000. (941) 778-3926. SEASONAL HOLMES BEACH: 1BR duplex avail- able March 2005. Steps to beach and shopping. Refurbished and nicely decorated. Small pet OK. Accepting 2006 reservations. (941) 807-5626. CORTEZ VACATION COTTAGE: Renovated 1BR/ 1BA. Available weekly March and April. Nonsmok- ing. $700/week. (941) 795-8077. WE ARE BOOKING rentals for 2006: Wide variety of condos and houses starting at $1,500/month; March 2005 available, 1BR/1BA duplex, $1,500/month; 3BR/3BA condo, $2,800/month. SunCoast Real Estate, (941) 779-0202. www.suncoastinc.com WATERFRONT, LONGBOAT KEY: North Shore Road, 1 BR/1BA, washer/dryer, dock. Available April $1,500/month; May through December, $1,200/ month. Great view! No pets. (941) 383-6485. WATERFRONT, ONE and 2BR, newly remodeled, dock for fishing, walk to beach. (941) 779-9074, or cell (703) 587-4675. E-mail gwalker43@hotmail.com. UNFURNISHED ANNUAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach large 2BR/2BA with porch, carport and storage. Well maintained. $900/month. T. Dolly Young Real Es- tate, (941) 778-0807. SAVE MONEY: RENT annual unfurnished and en- joy a spectacular view from your huge living/dining area, your floor-to-ceiling plate-glass windows and 30-by-12-foot screened deck, frontingg beach. Bay and park just steps away with Gulf beach in easy walking distance. Free trolley for shopping nearby. 3BR, waterfront in north Anna Maria. See for your- self by calling (941) 748-5334 for details. ANNUAL: SPACIOUS, bright 2BR/1BA bayview du- plex. Laundry, patio, ceramic floors. Available April. $750/month, plus utilities. (941) 779-9470. ANNUAL RENTAL: Beautiful 3BR/2BA condo with pool. Pet allowed. $1,400/month. Call Jason, Betsy Hills Real Estate, (941) 778-2291, or e-mail Jason@ betsyhills.com. FULLY FURNISHED, ABSOLUTELY lovely condo in beautiful Mt. Vernon on Sarasota Bay. Two miles to beaches. 2BR/2BA, boat dock, 55-plus, nonsmok- ing. Annual, $1,350/month; seasonal, $2,400/month. (941) 794-5011. PERICO BAY CLUB: Annual rental, gated commu- nity, 2BR/2BA, great water view, pool, tennis, cov- ered parking. $1,200/month. Call (941) 720-1712. CHARMING 1BR/1BA apartment in canalfront home. Washer/dryer, pet friendly, nonsmoking. Open April 2005 and 2006 season. Call (941) 720-1192. SEASONAL RENTALS Avaiable now! 2BR/2BA condo, Perico Bay club, $3,000/month; 3BR/2BA home, canal, $3,000/month; 2BR/2BA home, canal, San Remo, $2,700/month. Call Jason Sato, Betsy. Hills Real Estate, P.A. (941) 778-2291 or e-mail Jason@ betsyhills.com. GREAT SELECTION of vacation rentals! Call Anna Maria Island Accommodations, (941) 779-0733. Web site: www.annamariaparadise.com. HOLMES BEACH 3BR/2BA annual. Downstairs, two blocks to beach, clean, no pets. $1,050/month. Avail- able now. First, last, security. (941) 725-0578. THE "CASTLE ON Beach Avenue" Anna Maria. El- egant 4BR/3BA French Normandy home, two houses from beach on quiet street. Available May 2005-2006. Inquire (941) 794-8202. ANNUAL RENTALS: 3BR/2BA home on Bimini Bay with dock, $1,400/month; 3BR/2BA Northwest Bradenton home, $1,250/month; 2BR/2BA Gulffront condo, $2,000/month. Call Fran Maxon Real Estate (941) 778-2307 for details. BRADENTON BEACH fully furnished condos on canal. One mile from the beach. Available March, seasonal rates. Call (941) 929-7165. NOW BOOKING 2006 monthly winter season:. Brand new house, 107 Magnolia Ave., west of Gulf Drive, 150 feet from beach, nonsmoking, 3BR/2BA, elevator. Call (800) 828-8116, ext. 212. ANNUAL OR SEASONAL rental: 2BR/1BA, two blocks to beach. $900/month, annual. Includes cable, water, sewer, trash. Seasonal, $700/week. (941) 778-0714 or 730-6349. ANNUAL UNFURNISHED: SANDPIPER Resort, charming renovation, 2BR/1.5BA, steps to beach, bay and trolley. No pets, nonsmoking. $850/month, plus security. (941) 778-0029. WANTED: BEACHFRONT VACATION rental from March 25, 2005, to April 2, 2005. Must be beachfront. Condo, motel, bed & breakfast, etc. Phone: 001-49-7231-298688, Germany, or e-mail shegermany@pop.ms. NORTHERN TIP ANNA Maria: 2BR/1BA duplex with screened-in porch, fenced-in back yard. Dogs welcome. Laundry, large patio. Two blocks to bay and fishing with your grandchildren at the Rod & Reel Pier. Available March 5.. (631) 891-8855 or (941) 779-0402. Seasonal rental. SEASONAL: 2BR/1BA FURNISHED mobile home, one mile to beach. New carpet and paint. $1,100/ month. (941),779-1112. ANNUAL EFFICIENCY in Holmes Beach. $500/ month including utilities. First and security. (941) 778-6541 or 504-3844. ANNUAL RENTALS: 2BR/2BA single-lamily home in northwest Bradenton, $1,150 ronth: 3BR 2BA single-family canal home, $1,600/month; 1BR/1BA half duplex, one house to beach, $775/month; i BR/ 1BA newly remodeled unit on water,. $700 month; Perico Bay Club, 2BR/2BA bayfront cbndo, $1,400/ month; 2BR/2BA Sarasota bayyiew condo, $2.500' month; Renaissance condo 1 BR/1 BA eighth'floor in Sarasota, $1,150/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/1 BA, two blocks to beach, one block to bay. New tile and countertops. Avail- able now! (941) 726-2566 or 928-3880. WEEKLY RENTALS: SAN Remo condo, 1BR/1BA, $500/week; Alecassandra villa, 1 BR/1 BA, $700/week; island duplex, 2BR, $800/week; Northwest Bradenton home, 3BR/3BA, $950/week; Gulffront cottage, 2BR, $1,000/week; Bradenton Beach Club, 2BR/2BA, $1,400/week. Please call Cristin Curl at Wagner Re- alty, (941) 778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com. ANNUAL: 2BR/1 BA, two blocks to beach, one block to bay. Large kitchen, no pets. $755/month, plus utilities. Call (941) 922-2473 or 928-3880. PERICO BAY CLUB Villa: Available March 1. Two- car garage, nicely furnished, sunny end unit. Call owner, (941) 387-9702. 2005-06 SEASONAL RENTAL. 200 feet to Rod & Reel Pier. 2BR/1BA ground floor, fully furnished apartment with all amenities. Nonsmoking, no pets. $1,500/month, November to April, minimum four months. Off season, $1,000/month, all dates open. (941)228-0603. ELEVATED SINGLE-FAMILY annual 2BR/2BA -with FPL. Greatroom, new carpet, paint, bay view, beach, garage, clean dry storage. $1,200/month. (941) 778-7025. RNALS Cntnud- RAL SATECotiue SEASONAL HOLMES BEACH 1BR/1BA with lanai and laundry. Available weekly or monthly beginning April 1,2005. Steps to beach, nicely decorated. Accept- ing reservations. (941) 778-8598. www.annamariacottages.com. SEASONAL RENTAL: WATERFRONT, bay views, boat dock, 2BR/1BA condo. Ground floor from $630/ week. www.visitannamaria.com. (407) 877-8788. GULF DRIVE: STEPS to beach. Large 1BR/2BA, washer/dryer, kitchen, television, cable, courtyard. No, pool. $1,995/month, $595/week. www.gulfdriveapartments.com or (941) 778-1098. SEASONAL RENTALS: WEEKLY and monthly. Availability now through 2006. Duncan Real Estate, (941) 779-0304. SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals. 1BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to beach, shopping, restaurants. (941) 778-3875. Web site 2spinnakers.com WATERFRONT HOMES and lots: bay lot, $559,000; one near tip lot, $459,000; three homes from $349,000, all seawalled, deep water, no bridges. Also, bayfront tip lot and direct bayfront top- floor penthouse flagship condo. (570) 943-2516. LOT IN CITY of ANNA Maria. By owner. One block to Gulf beach. 52 by 145 sf. $399,000. Brokers pro- tected. (941) 739-1882. HALF-DUPLEX IN desirable Seaside Gardens sub- division, two blocks from Gulf beaches. 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished. New bathrooms, new interior and exterior paint. New large deck in backyard. $299,000. For sale by owner, call (941) 705-0123. FOR SALE: One owner, 2BR/2BA elevated home. 317 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. $569,000. (941) 778-5715. HOUSE FOR SALE: Northwest Bradenton, 3BR/ 2BA with den, two-car garage, swimming pool. Ask- ing $296,000. Ruth or Greg, (941) 761-3053. NORTHWEST BRADENTON River Ridge: Taste- fully decorated Florida-style home with custom fea- tures, including stainless appliances and granite counters with marble fireplace. Flooring is tile, wood and carpet. Pool and spa electronically controlled to heat with either gas or electric. Full security system is active. Beautifully landscaped with fruit trees. Par- tiallv furnished with occupancy negotiable. INVESTORS: OUTSTANDING incomepotential! Positive cash flow. Beautifully renovated five/six units. Hottest appreciating area on Gulfcoast! Steps to Gulf and village. www.pantour.com/ bradentonbeach. Won't last! $1,295,000. Owner (941) 779-0018. BY OWNER: Westbay Point & Moorings, exceptional 2BR/2BA condo. Newly updated end unit. Call (941) 778-6871. BEST WATERFRONT Buy on Key Royale. Very clean 3BR/2BA, sailboat water, boat dock and dav- its. Lot size 10,324 sf. Fantastic opportunity! Broker/ owner, $699,000. (941) 228-6086. WATERFRONT HOME- 3BR/2BA. Not necessary to tear this one down! 6601 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 725-4488. BRADENTON BEACH DUPLEX: 2BR/2BA, each level with parking underneath. Views of Gulf and bay from large covered balconies. This property has great investment potential. Top floor has wood ca- thedral ceilings, open-floor plan, tile and oak flooring. $795,000. (941) 778-3875.. HOLMES BEACH: Sale by owner. 2,880 sf, 3BR/ 2BA, very private, designer pool and spa. Tropical landscaping. Principles only. (941) 778-0031. FOR SALE: TRAILER, Bradenton Beach. Josie (941) 778-3752, or Jack 713-1498. FOR SALE: Longboat Key weekend getaway/rental. 55-plus resident-owned mobile home park. Private Gulf, bay marina. Reduced from $164,900 to- $157,000. Call (941) 383-0096, e-mail Towwill@wmconnect.com. OPEN HOUSE: Perico Bay Club; Jasmin model, end unit for sale by owner. Open 1-4pm Wednesday, March 2; Sunday, March 6; Wednesday, March 9. 837 Waterside Lane. Call (941) 761-1978. BIG LOT: Duplex 9,400 gf, 85x110 feet. 2BR/2BA at 308 63rd St. $650,000. (941) 737-1121 or (800) 977-0803. HOLMES BEACH 100x50 Avenue C lot. Zoned residential, commercial possibilities. Quiet, pri- vate. Serious principles only. $299,000, offer. (214) 734-5565. OUTSTANDING GULFSIDE RESORT property! .Positive cash flow! 5/6 units, excellent location. www.pantour.com/bradentonbeach. Won't last! THE ISLANDER 0 MAR. 2, 2005 0 PAGE 37 Y l.g. e P J. -1VTy JVGb//,Eflae,,, effen ,mh "Professional Excellence" Residential-Commercial Interior & Exterior Serving the Islands since 1969. 7785594 After 5 Call Licensed and Insured 78-5778-3468 .i James King Painting & Renovation For all your home improvement needs (941) 778-8431 Licensed & Insured The Paver Brick Store 8208 Cortez Road W. Bradenton 34210 (941) 794-6504 9:00 AM til Noon, or by Appointment Pool Deck, Patio and Driveway Renovations Design Build Junior's Landscape & Maintenance Lawn care PLUS native plants. - mulch, trip, hauling and cleanup. , Call Junior, 807-1015 .g LONGBOAT KEY PAINTING & DESIGN, INC. Faux painting Cabinet refinishing Furniture restoration Custom painting Jackson Holmes, owner (941) 812-3809 ISLAND LUMBER AN HARDWARE 213 54th St., Holmes Beach 778-3082 OPEN: MONDAY thru FRIDAY 7:30 to 5 SATURDAY 8 to 12 Anvoinei can l ELKA pi icure PHOTOGRAPHIC A pr.sii '. 941-778-2711 crictes a portray. : . www.jackelka.com : $664,900. (941) 794-0216. No brokers please. $1,295,000. Serious inquiries only. (941) 779-0018, DELTA E N G I N E. E R .S owner. Broker participation. I N S P E C TO R S FOR SALE BY owner: Runaway Bay condo, 2BR/ TOWNHOME ON ISLAND for sale in Bradenton C N TAR U CT IR O 2BA, second floor, turnkey furnished, overlooking Beach Club, 17th Street North, Gulf Drive, ENGINEERING Developer Turnover Studies pond. New heating and air conditioning 2005, Bradenton Beach. Beach access, building #1, unit #1 Construction Defect Consulting painted 2005. Many upgrades and amenities. Great scheduled for completion. Price $800,000. Call (770) Concrete & Wood Frame Restoration f Reserve Studies- rental. Make offer! $399,900. (941) 778-1987. 241-6338, Valerie Tidwell Moisture Intiusion. Investigation Structural Design/Engineering Condominium Conversion Studies S- -6497 PARKLAND DR., SUITE C SARASOTA, FL 34243 HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD PH 941-727-2600 *FX 941-758-5012 *delta-engineers.com DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance. MERCERVY EQU We accept ads by fax with credit card information, 778-9392, at our Web site (secure server) www.islander.org, and by HEAVY EQUIPMENT direct e-mail at classifieds@islander.org. Office hours: 9 to 5, Monday-Friday, (Saturday 10 to 2 as needed). UPHOLSTERY OPERATOR CLASSIFIED RATES BUSINESS OR INDIVIDUAL: Minimum rate is $10 for up to 20 WORDS. Additional words: Each THOUSANDS OF FABRICS TRAINING FOR DECADES OF EXPERIENCE additional word over 20 is 500, Box: $3, One- or two-line headlines, line rate plus 250 per word. DECADESOFEXPERIENCE EMPLOYMENT WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD AND VISA! You can charge your classified advertising in person or by phone. We are sorry, . but due to the high volume of calls we can not take classified ad copy over the telephone. To place an ad by phone, please ,' be prepared to FAX or e-mail your copy with your credit card information. (see below) ') USE THIS FORM FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: One word per blank space for minimum charge 20 words. - 1 778-7 067 5345 Gulf Drive, Suite 100 SIn the Holmes Beach Business Center 3 Run issue date(s) Amt. pd Date Please indicate: Ck. No. or Cash For credit card payment: L B L E No. Exp. Date Name shown on card: Billing address zip code: House no. or post office box no. on bill E-Mail address: [for renewal purposes only] The Islander Fax: 941 778-9392 5404 Marina Drive Th Islander Phone: 941 778-7978 Holmes Beach FL 34217 s, E-mail classifieds@islander.orgi Join us in our Bucs Coffee Garden and Cigar Lounge 9am-2pm & 5:30-9.30pm Senior Dicount 129 Bridge Street Bradenton Beach Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next class: Mar. 7th *National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services www.atsn-schoois.com PAGE 38 L MAR. 2, 2005 S THE ISLANDER r ] _,[..--1 I.. ,i,, 17 CABINS NEAR Pigeon Forge, Tenn., selling at auction March 12, 10:30am. Guaranteed financing available with 25 percent down. Furrow Auction Co. (800) 4FURROW, www.furrow.com. TN Lic. #62. AUCTION: 855 +/- acres, divided beautiful homesites, excellent development-potential. 10am March 12, Romeo, (Ocala), FL. 10-percent BP. (800) 323-8388 www.rowellauctions.coin. Rowell Realty & Auction Co. Inc. Au479, Ab296. GIGANTIC THREE-DAY Auction. March 9, 10, 11. Montgomery, AL. Single, tandem, tri-axle dumps (49 of which are 2004-2005 year). Truck tractors, cowboys, crawler loaders, tractors, excavators, motor graders and scrapers, backhoes, rubber-tired loaders, forklifts, paving, skidders, Feller Bunchers, log loaders, farm tractors, cotton pickers. J.M. Wood Auction Co. Inc. (334) 264-3265. Bryant Wood AL Lic. #1137. METAL ROOFING Save $$$ Buy direct from manufac- turer. 20 colors in stock with all accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery available. Toll free (888) 393-0335. NORTH CAROLINA Mountains: 2.3 acres with new log cabin shell in secluded setting, $89,900. Acreage available with stunning.mountain views! Free info available. (828) 247-0081. SKey Royale $588,000 Immaculate and tastefully updated 3BR/2BA home with new overhead- plumbing, new windows, new storm shutters, and new appliances. 36x18 heated, caged pool with jacuzzi. Lighted, maintenance-free landscaping. Call Piroska Planck 941-730-9667 Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate Inc. --------ZZ---% "Dial" DEBBIE DIAL Realtor Office: 941-779-1811 Cell: 941-400-1172 dialdebbie@diamondshores.com The JEWEL of Gulf Coast Real Estate 151GufDive orh I Badeto Bac BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. Winter season is here! Must see the beautiful peaceful mountains of west- ern North Carolina. Homes, cabins, acreage, invest- ments. Cherokee Mountain Realty, GMAC Real Estate, Murphy. N.C. www.cherokeemountainrealty.com Call for free brochure (800) 841-5868. IRS AUCTIONS: 200-plus acres Waycross, GA. has large home, steel building, planted pines and hunt- ing land. TOam March 18. Ware County Courthouse. ww.wustreas.gov/auctions/irs or (850) 445-4625 for more information. KENTUCKY 50-1,000 acres. Incredible trophy deer, turkey hunting. Some with lakes, creeks, rivers, ponds, timber. Great retreat/investment. New sur- vey, starting $795/acre. Owner will finance. (270) 791-2538 www.actionoutfitter.com. ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA area. Spectacular Mountain view and river homesites. Paved roads, club- house and more. New release! Homesites from $49,900. Bear River community. Call now (866) 411-5263. LAKE VIEW BARGAIN $29,900. Free boat slip! High elevation, beautifully wooded parcel. Across from national forest on 35,000-acre recreational lake in Tennessee. Paved roads, underground utilities, cen- tral water, sewer, more. Excellent financing. Call now (800) 704-3154, ext. 609. Sunset Bay LLC. THE ISLANDER. The best news on Anna Maria Is- land since 1992. Cindy M. Jones : -:':" "" GRI, CRS, Sale Associate S*UNCAN SReal Estate, Inc 779-0304 '&" 773-9770 S310 Pine Avenue Anna Maria WATERWAY CONDO! 'BR/2BA on canal with peak S. I: Palma Sola Bay! Totally : .. ;:. r* modeled, decorator furnished, a. -,, .... tIt '.luihan ceramic tile, kitchen-aid --- p pliances, boat docks, heated S .- I':.". jacuzzi and tennis. Minutes : ; ,: Gulf beaches and shopping! Asking $349,900. BAYFRONT DUPLEX! Serene location on Sarasota Bay with gorgeous views! 3BR/3BA and IBR/IBA with two boat docks and vacant lot on bay! Great for second home or investment! SAsking $959,900. TRIPLEX STEPS TO BEACH! Super investment or second home with rentals. 3BR/IBA, 2BR/1BA and IBR/IBA. Tile, wood floors, new air conditioner, cabinets, decks and stairs. Partially furnished! Owner/agent. Asking $589,000, $40,000 b i.:-.. l:f.p;ipical. Deborah Thrasher RE/MAX Excellence . (941)518-7738 (941) 383-9700 DebMThrash@aol.com FORECLOSED GOVERNMENT HOMES $0 or low down! Tax repos and bankruptcies! No Credit OK. $0 to low down. For .listings (800) 501-1777, ext. 1299.COASTAL GEORGIA: Gated community large wooded, water access and marshfront homesites. Ancient live oaks, pool, tennis, golf. Water access. From $64,900. Pre-construction discounts. www.cooperspoint.com (877) 266-7376. LAKE VIEW BARGAIN! Two acres ,$19,900. New wa- terfront community on one of largest, cleanest, moun- tain lakes in America! Hardwoods, views, common area with beach! Country road, water, utilities. Low financing. Lakefront available. Call (800) 564-5092, ext. 96. NEW LOG HOME shell: $99,900. Beautiful log home nestled on private wooded lot off Blue Ridge Parkway north of Boone. Only one! (800) 455-1981, ext. 125. NORTH CAROLINA lakefront only $39,900. Great all-sports lake to fish, boat, swim or just relax. Call for details (866) 920-5263. MLC STEEL ARCH BUILDINGS! Genuine SteelMaster Buildings, factory direct at huge savings! 20x24, 30x60, 35x50. Perfect Garage, workshop, barn. Call (800) 341-7007. www.SteelMasterUSA.com. STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory deals. Save $$$. 40x60' to 100x200'. Example: 50x100x12 foot= $3.60/sf. (800) 658-2885 www.rigidbuilding.com. Kathy Caserta Realtor, GRI, CRS Mike Norman Realty NC 3101 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, FL 34217 (941) 778-6696 Office (941) 778-4364 Fax 1-800-367-1617 Toll-Free (941) 778-6943 Home (941) 704-2023 Cell ,,: $1 00,000's. 1,2,3,4br units available now. Close to beaches & shopping.-.imited *te : -' ,- ... *: -- .'l' ; :+ ......... ;.;-"'. + ,..a. t -' ..i . Introducing Bay Pointe at Cortez West Bradenton's newest condo residences. Phase 1 introductory price starting low $100,000's. 1,2,3,4br units available now. Close to beaches & shopping. :Limited introductory pricing! RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATEINC. Call John Luchkowec or Pat Bates at 877-469-4753 or 941-350-4326 Paraise e78 4 II ..s- "'"' '' " r: r- ":- r ;.. % '^--. ...,,,..... .. .. !, .i. ;-- "6 r H.....e,,a %- .0 8.23. .... DON'T MISS THIS ONE! Completely remod- RARE COMMERCIAL LOT, perfect location TARA COUNTRY CLUB Extremely well kept eled island duplex. 3BR/2BA on both sides, for doctor or lawyer's office or small retail home sitting on a private oversized cul-de-sac Beautiful ceramic tile throughout this breezy center. Zoned PRM $320,000. Call Cindy lot on the 10th fairway. Beautifully upgraded floorplan. Kitchens and baths newly updated, Grazar at 778-4800 or 504-6176. tray ceiling. Corian counters and Merrillat too. Turnkey and already rented for the sea- son. $1,400,000. Call Dave Jones at 713-4800. -... .. .' .. .. .. M9 '.A FOR THE F OF LIFE or an investment. 1BR/ ISLAND AMBIANCE. Canal front with boat dock 1 BA condo,- y updated last year, ready to use makes this spacious Longboat Key home an Is- or rent this, lew kitchen, new tile floors. Bal- land getaway of it's own. Spectacular floor plan, cony ove i Comes fumished, ready to perfect for families who never seem to have move in. rentals allowed. Resort atmo- enough space. 6BR/5BA home is nestled on rare sphere, close e beach. $325,000. Call Denny half acre lot on one of the most romantic streets Rauschl at 7.3934. on the Island. Many amenities. A steal at $1,695,000. Call Cindy Grazer at 504-6176. wood cabinets enhance the model home fea- tures already available in this home. $374,900. Call Cindy Grazar 504-6176. ..-. -... --. BOATER'S DREAM One of the few units with water view and 42-foot boat dock. All new gran- ite counter tops, 10-foot high ceilings, trimmed with crown molding. Florida pastel paints through- out. Lots of extra storage too. $699,000: Call Quentin Talbert at 778-4800. Gayle Simson Schulz... Broker, Associate has these fabulous seasonal and S vacation properties available for rent: Sen Holmes Beach 2BR/2BA Martinique Condo, Gulffront, heated pool, $3,300. , 3BR/2BA Key Royal Canal Home, $3,000. 2BR/2BA Gulf Sands Condo, Gulffront, heated pool, $3,000. 2BR/2BA Ground-level'duplex with heated pool, steps to the beach, $2,800. 2BR/2BA Ground-level house, close to the.beach, $2,500. Bradenton 2BR/2BA Ironwood Condo with pool, tennis, on golf course. $1,900. (ortez 2BR/2BA Condo, close to Bradenton Beach, $1,500. Bradenton Annuals 3BR/2BA Condo in Pebble Springs, pool. S950/month plus utilities." Jim Anderson Realty Company PO Box 1789 401-B Pine Avenue Anna Maria, FL 34216 941.778.4847 toll free 1.800.772.3235 www. ima nd person realty. com emai : j i m s r e altyco@ a o l.com I a i I I . . SUTTON GROUP REALTY VERY NICELY REMODELED DUPLEX IN HOLMES BEACH .;:' Concrete block, with new air conditioning and kitch- ens. 2BR/1BA each side i' i' with bright interiors, con- venient to everything. :4 Priced reduced won't last at $560,000. Great Island Opportunities! SUNSET VILLAS, TWO BUILDINGS TWO UNITS, each with 2 BEDROOMS AND 1 BATH, TWO UNITS, each with 1 BEDROOM AND 1 BATH, TURNKEY. Well-maintained concrete-block duplexes sitting on two prime lots, just steps to beach. Zoned multifamily 3-10 units. (Presently only four are on property.) Good rental history. Quiet, high-and-dry street in Holmes Beach. Community laundry area. Large covered patio allows for outside entertaining. Priced Reduced $995,000. Anne Hither, Realtor (941) 713-9835 THE ISLANDER MAR. 2, 2005 M PAGE 39 Ironwood: Beautifully furnished 1-2BR/ 1BA condo. Secure second floor with el- evator. Heated pool, clubhouse and golf course. Quiet community, minutes to shopping and Gulf beaches. $115,000. Holmes Beach: Island home close to beach and easy access to the Gulf. 2- 3BR/2BA. Well maintained and very clean. $449,000 Enjoy the Good Life! CALL TODAY FOR A PRIVATE SHOWING. '^lTyce Clark RESIDENTIAL REAL941-284-2779 ESTATE, INC. 4: I F 'l-(C.! (9),,'1 7-1 S.0 700 ...... ..... II ~"I)o t ore ,,z ................p tow lt&G l., , ;k ~ -~.~-; .,;.1_19!~ IMLALM Franr Daivi Brrr-iT;c i _. Liz Bladlord Li Doug omb v~an & Mikfa *wl'*' Bordes Rn A Adilw:l ilarianne ci Iw Bob Fituo Vl. t-.,l FL Bb Windy foldei kohlr.,.:0r, rii .B __ STARTER HOME OR INVESTMENT PROP- ERTY. Great little home with 2BR/1 .5BA on a large lot with many fruit trees Includes a large carport and a storage building. $89,000. MLS# 505793. QUAINT ISLAND COTTAGE: Cule inside, new Berber carpet, new kitchen and apple, ances a must seel Close to beaches or enjoy the large screened porch and shady back yard with room for a pool. $549,000 MLS# 505117 CUSTOM ISLAND DUPLEX Ihis unique property has it all One side 2/I second side 3/3. Beautiful inside and out, with a healed pool Drive by and lake a look $825 000. MLSt 502404 VILLA SIENNA VILLA SORRENTO 4005 4TH AVE. 4003 4TH AVE. VILLA ROMA 4004 5TH AVE. ___ ,a_ .-, .--- ;. ..... VILLA MILANO 4006 5TH AVE. The Jewel in the crown completes the most successful residentiallinvestment development in the Island's history. Pre-construction prices with permanent financing available for qualified buyers. These magnificierrt 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom Villas feature: expansive great rooms with fire- places, hardwood floors, gourmet kitchens with granite finish, elevator and private swimming pool. A half block to public beach, restaurants, boutiques and market with partial Gulf and bay views. $1,250.000. No wonder i 34 y ears o fiernatSial Rn Estae, ave never had a property no. se'S.' Island Aussie Geoffrey Wall, G.R.I. P.A. (941) 545-0206 www.AussieGeoff.com to check us out onne at wwwsnder.org GREAT 3BR/2BA HOME, open floor plan, LARG .room for a pool, respa/hot tub i 2004. 2BR/ Great location close to schools, shopping care and medical facilities. Many upgrades se .nishi curry system new flooring & new appli sundc ances $265 000 MILS 505613 5057 .. O.f EXQUISITE PRIVATE RESIDENCES are brand BRAD GREAT 3BR/2BA u nits with partial anull cure room for a pool, ne, spa/hot tub In 2004. 2BR/ Great location close to leoonl, shopping carpet Prices from $1 200 000 to $2,500 000 $795 LARGE COMMERCIAL PROPERTY on Anna SUCC anr medical slacltos. Ma ny upgrades se- nish B Rarely available Presently used as a car views wash and system new floor chang new ppl aparnd es1 950 000 MLS 50561. 5057or b _. .: -, EXQUISITE PRIVATE RESIDENCES are brand BRAD ne..., 3BR/2 5BA units with partial and lull currel ,iev., of the Gull Completion earl, 2005 corpe Price, from $1 200 000 to $2.500 000 $795 .. ^ ...... .. g LARGE COMMERCIAL PROPERTY on Anna SUCCI Maria Island Many poiibllille>. Zoned C-3 tonc B Rarely available Presentl, used as a car views ',/ash and aulo delail,'oil change faoclir, opartr $ 1 950 000. MLSa 5025541. for b, Sluy Me! I ULTIMATE BEACH- COTTAGE $525,000 One half block to bay and Gulf. Walk to all the trendy restaurants and bou- tiques. Room for pool. r~aa~sec~---~Y-ax~wr~aaY~i~abunn~ara r.~r.~r~ic~JI8~ii~eM; F~C~w~3~ij~P~i;i~~4~Bit~iA~j~i~L~.~~r~ pl"~~la"l~8ss~i~a~arrl '~'?'~*r i:t:.~;-~;=~,~i~~~sns~-s~rrr~rrr*~a~rm~ i~hrs~xr al .-- .:-~. PAGE 40 0 MAR. 2, 2005 U THE ISLANDER - wadaf o O qp or "Copyrighted Materia I Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Ir lb Want to keep in touch? Subscribe to the "best news!" Call 941778-7978 and charge it to Visa or MasterCard. WAGNERi -REALTY riniang Peopte ifat Sinc 139 e-mail: ami@wagnerrealty.com web site: www.Wagnerrdalty.com ' ,2217 GULF DR. BRADENTON BEACH S941)'778-2246. (800f) 21-2323 SPECTACULAR RENOVATION Localed on a canal wilh pariial bay '.'iews ri_ designed home wll lealure -EtR 4 5B.A A. grand lo;er is:. one of many ameriihes Call ageri for detall- Karen Day 778-2246 #503717 $1 500.00OO ENJOY SUNSETS ON THE GULF Spec lacular lull new of Ihe Gull from the liing room of tini 2BR 2BA upsiair o .ndo Re- ,ently updated will neural lile. carpel Car- port Two pools Jane Tinsworih. 761-3100 #502100 $699.000 SNEAD ISLAND BAYFRONT This 3BR 2BA horre has an Lunobtlrur:l ed ierc rTl Terra Cela Ba., Biu: toa doci, .kand. tnea an.h d all appli- nces Irmmaculale" Da.id To.r 7. .2-224 s50'5607 $1 250.000 GULFFRONT Fully lurnisri-ed BR leAc:ondco willth libulijus gull '.Irew i: n qu.eiti area . Holmes Beac:r Lrinit rernoa3d, wir, newi kitcrern applarnces, le llr:.r .and .air c:nr.ii. ic.ning Da'.e r.lovnrhan 778-. LJ n i4022 $637 500 BIMINI BAY VISTA Sensalional \,iew ol Bimini Bay Pristine home leaiures lanai wiih p,:,,l 1UpdaCIl.e Ihrrugh,:ul Deep waiEr dcl,.,:.n g l..r multiple boats Karen Da,.776-22464 #E5.023-?. $1.189'.000 GULFFRONT CONDO 1BR 1BA alire.:llv or, irh re.-ra Tcuiai,' remcdelejd ceram.: lil,. .:r:..wr, mnoIding. rnir central air rio rernal .re- lri.:rti ,n B ll,' Arnd.: l.' 761 3100 #i. 01351 .424 900 u ANNA MARIA ISLAND CLUB Beauluiluli de: cared .BR 2BA beachironi condo Waicn ihe sunsrei- and dcolprins: arnd listen lt irhe wa.es Owner agent Frank BasIe 778-.2246 #501854 $94-9.000 RUNAWAY BAY 2BA/2BA on Gull Drive All new appliances in k.itcr-n. new A C and wa- er nreaier Ni.::e lake tiew plus intracoasial Don I wail lhis one will sell Harold Small 778-2246 #50454 3 S399.500 ~Fn- r.? bBtltIt TAtOFF = I EASUNA R w I |