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Skimming the news ... Anna Maria Island map in this edition, page 20. Anna Maria TEile Islander "The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992" Islanders bash charter By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Members of the Barrier Island Elected Officials at their Feb. 17 meeting remained united in their opposi- tion to the proposed Manatee County charter and vowed to educate the public on their belief that the charter will give the county control over city land-use and development issues. The proposed charter is not about growth manage- ment, said Holmes Beach City Commissioner Sandy Haas-Martens, "It's a 'control' charter and very divisive." Calling this a "growth management plan" is just a PLEASE SEE CHARTER, PAGE 3 www.islander.org Volume 13, No. 16 Feb. 23, 2005 FREE Fire district in good financial shape By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Despite three defeats at the polls last year for a property tax to increase its revenues, the West Mana- tee Fire and Rescue District is in good shape finan- cially, according to auditor Ed Leonard. Leonard told the WMFR board Feb. 17 that rev- enues increased during the last fiscal year by $126,000 more than anticipated, while expenses were $97,000 less than budgeted. The district's long-term debt is only $238,000, while the retirement fund for firefighters hired after 1996 contains more than $1 million. Nearly 85 percent ($3.89 million) of district revenues are for personnel services, he noted. All of those figures show "good fiscal management," said Leonard, and the district is exercising "good, strong controls" in its accounting practices. The district is in a "good financial position" at the present time, he said. But WMFR Chief Andy Price has previously sounded a note of caution when discussing future rev- enues and manpower. He maintains that the district can be financially sound under the current assessment for only a few more years. In addition, the district eventually has to implement the state-mandated "two-in, two-out" rule for firefighters at the scene of a structure fire. Price has estimated the dis- trict will need to add 12 firefighters to comply with this regulation, and the board tried to fund the cost of the ad- ditional firefighters through an ad valorem tax. Voters, however, defeated the district's ad valorem tax proposal three times in 2004, and the local legisla- tive delegation in Tallahassee has refused to seek an increase of the current fire assessment for the district. State Sen. Mike Bennett has told Manatee County's 12 fire districts they need to consolidate, but Price said Feb. 17 there is nothing new on that issue beyond the January meeting the various fire chiefs and board members had with Bennett. Without the additional firefighters and funding, Price has said there will be occasions when firefighters won't be able to enter a structure fire until backup ar- rives. WMFR fire trucks currently carry only three personnel when responding to a call. Price and the board have previously discussed the possibility of closing one of the district's three active fire stations to meet the "two-in, two-out" rule, possi- bly the Cortez Road station. Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival a hit again Joselin Presswood, 7, who is selecting a welkfrom the "touch tank, spent as much time as she could Sunday at the festival at the Cortez touching marine critters and listening to young marine expert (lifetime Cortezian) Matthew Ibasfalean, age 12. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy Cortez girls J ,,'tliL Bobe'r. 4. ot'BradiJo iin. far I:ft. \i't'aring her new princess garland. enjoys a corndog, fries and the entertainment in the stage area nito.' o the "food court" at the Cortez Connercial Fishing Festival. Faith Lester and Kyria Coast, both 9 and ft,1o Cortez, enjoyed touching and t'eelin1t marine life exhibited from the Alt .1 marine Laboratory.For more on the Cortez Festival, see page 10. IhknJer Photos: J.L. Robertson Kaitlin Bozarth, 6, left, and Nicole Van Sciver, 6, both of Bradenton, danced and danced and danced to the music of the Manatee River Bluegrass Band Sunday at the Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy ----I ICL ~ ~Bi~f$sesC~PIIYa4~slIlg~cs~ac~~ PAGE 2 M FEB. 23, 2005 M THE ISLANDER Fire.stricken family stays on Island By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Islanders and Islander newspaper readers have opened up their hearts and wallets to a family of seven that lost their apartment and nearly everything else in a Bradenton Beach fire Feb. 10 (The Islander, Feb. 16). Roger and Sherry Phillips along with their four young children and Roger's niece, Christine, were living in a Bradenton motel on American Red Cross donations after the fire, wondering how to rebuild their shattered lives. They had just moved to Anna Maria Island on Feb. 1 from Apollo Beach when the fire took away their Island dream. But Islanders responded, thanks in part to an Is- lander-led appeal for donations. The family has rented another apartment in Bradenton Beach with the help of cash assistance from the Red Cross and All Island Denominations. In addition, Islander readers contributed more than $1,250 to the family along with innumerable toys, clothes and household items, and the West Manatee Fire & Rescue firefighters gathered several boxes of clothing and toys, and Island churches have responded with similar donations. Readers from as far south as Port Charlotte also answered the appeal. "This is wonderful," said Sherry. "We'd like to thank everyone for the donations and The Islander for its efforts. Our kids are able to continue at Anna Maria Elementary and everything is looking a lot better than last week." Roger's job prospects are looking a bit brighter also. He lost his job as a traveling chef with the RSB restaurant corporation in Plant City because the fire destroyed some company computer files he had, but he's been offered a position at the Beach House Restaurant. He said he still has to get a new driver's license, Happy digs, happier days Sherry and Roger Phillips, their niece and four chil- dren, left to right, Brook, 7, on Christine's lap, Brianna, 18 months on mom's lap, Celeste, 8, on dad's lap, and James, 4, posed in their "new" living room before school Tuesday. Roger said they wanted to say "thank you to everyone" for the donations to help their family get back on their feet after their Bradenton Beach apartment and possessions burned Feb. 10. Social Security card and voter registration as all those were lost in the fire. "But we'll get through this," added Roger. "We're getting through this and the support has been tremen- dous. This is a great place and the people are great." Readers wishing to donate to the family can con- tact Bonner Joy at The Islander at 778-7978, or bring Apartment fire still under investigation Fire investigators from the West Manatee story). Fire and Rescue believe the cause of the Feb. 10 Capt. Ernie Cave of the WMFRD said that fire in Bradenton Beach that left a family of "at this point, we are sticking with our initial seven homeless was electrical in nature, but are finding that the cause of the fire was electrical still continuing their investigation (see related in nature, but the investigation is continuing." YOU'LL Wine and Dine with Brian Smith ... Feb. 25 Burgundy Wine Tasting, featuring dinner paired with tasting and special guest, Brian H. Smith, author of "The Sommelier's Guide Th to Fine Wine. ,-,-' SARASOTA MMANATEE ORIGINALS PROUD MEMBER - Reserve now! Call 778-5320 BRUNCH AND LUNCH Wednesday-Saturday 11-2:30 SUNDAY BREAKFAST AND LUNCH 8-2:30 DINNER Wed.-Sun, from 5:30 Island Shopping Center 5406 Marina Drive ~ Holmes Beach 941 778 5320 .lb donations to the newspaper at 5404 Marina Drive in the Island Shopping Center in Holmes Beach. The family still needs girls clothing for Celeste and Brook, ages 8 and 7, sizes 6X and 4-5. The other chil- dren are a 4-year-old boy and an 18-month-old girl. Husband, wife fire victims face trouble, arrested by police By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter That Bradenton Beach family of seven that was left homeless following an apartment fire Feb. 10 is facing even more difficulties. Bradenton Beach Police yesterday arrested Roger and Sherry Phillips for outstanding warrants. The couple were taken to the Manatee County jail. Braden'ton Beach Police Chief Sam Speciale said Sherry Phillips, 27, had an outstanding warrant from the Manatee County Sheriff's Office for fraudulent activities. The warrant was issued Jan. 28, just three days before Sherry, husband Roger, their four children and a niece moved into an apartment at 2518 Ave. C. The fire caused $125,000 in damage to the apartment. Roger Phillips, 30, was arrested for an outstanding warrant in Marion County for public order crimes, Special said. Phillips also has an outstanding warrant in Alachua County for violation of parole. The four children -ages 8, 7, 3 and 18 months - are being cared for by the niece who lived with Roger and Sherry and a visiting sister, Speciale added. The Island community banded together when it learned of the fire, donating more than $5,000 to the family, along with quantities of clothes, toys and household appliances and goods. West Manatee Fire and Rescue firefighters donated $1,500 to aid the fam- ily, and contributed clothes and toys. The family found a new apartment in Bradenton Beach and two of the children attend Anna Maria Elemen- tary School. Efforts to reach MCSO spokesperson Dave Bristow for comment on the nature of the charges were unsuccessful. BE TICKLED PINK ien you see the all new BEACH SHOP at the Manatee County public beach Where Manatee Aciinie ; ends and the Gulf begins . I! We are open and better than ever with a great nev look and an awesome arra y of merchandise! Just In! Gnomes SIndian Jewelry Chimes Plus New Swimwear and Fashion Apparel Arriving Daily! BEACH SHOP OPEN 7 DAYS 778-5442 Please don't let the construction keep you away. We have lots of parking just outside our doors! I , I THE ISLANDER 0 FEB. 23, 2005 M PAGE 3 Bradenton Beach City Restaurant coming to Bridge Street? By Paul Roat Many elected officials tout the need to run govern- ment more like a business. Now, Bradenton Beach government officials are talking about running a busi- ness. City officials will meet at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 24, to discuss the feasibility of creating a special de- partment that would operate the restaurant, bait shop and any other for-profit features at the Bradenton Beach City Pierat the east end of Bridge Street. For more than 30 years the city has offered the operation to a franchisee, who has paid the city a per- centage of the proceeds. Last September, after Hurri- cane Frances damaged the roof of the restaurant, the lease with Karen and Jake Gallo was terminated. City officials went out to bid for another franchisee, but with ~- ."F~r-~. -'. ---'~; Y 'IY ~LI. ?j * t . The Bradenton Beach City Pier in happier times. The restaurant has been closed since September. islander Photo: Paul Roat Charter concept trashed CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 .slick marketing ploy by county commissioners, added Holmes Beach Mayor Carol Whitmore. "Most of the people I've talked to don't realize what it's even about. We have to educate our public," she said. A series of public forums on the proposed charter should be held in each BIEO member city, she suggested. Whitmore also said planners from each of three Island cities and Longboat Key should be involved in the estimated nine-month process with county planners to revise language in the charter before it's presented to the county commission. "We don't want to leave it to county planners to come up with something." Cities should also fight the charter by strengthen- ing the current Accord agreement among cities and the county over land-use issues by adding some enforce- ability, she said. At present, the Joint Planning Coun- cil created by the Accord can only make recommenda- tions to cities and the county, and County Commis- sioner Joe McClash has used that recommendation- only status as a basis for a county charter that would control growth and annexation issues. Haas-Martens.pointed out that even with the 14- member growth management council proposed by the county charter to make recommendations on land-use and growth issues, the county commission would still have ultimate authority. Seven of the 14 seats on the council would be taken by county commissioners, she noted. "So, the county commission could still reject something approved by the council." Bridge news, too Longboat Key Town Commissioner Jeremy Whatmough warmed up to his favorite subject: bridge openings. Thanks to information supplied by Bradenton Beach resident Tjet Martin, Whatmough said he learned that the U.S. Coast Guard can, and does, con- sider closing drawbridges to water traffic during peak vehicle periods. The Coast Guard has consistently told the BIEO that drawbridge openings are regulated by an 1899 Act of Congress. The BIEO has long maintained to the Coast Guard that daytime bridge openings every 20 minutes to wa- ter traffic during the winter tourist season create inor- dinate traffic jams on Anna Maria Island and Longboat Key. The Coast Guard, however, has turned a deaf ear to such pleadings for a number of years. But Whatmough now has the ammunition he need, to possibly force the Coast Guard to act. He noted hfor Martin's information that the Biscayne Boulevard drawbridge on Miami Beach is closed to boat traffic from 7:45 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. and from 4:45 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. weekdays. Ironically, the Coast Guard's southeast regional headquarters is located on Key Biscayne, about one mile from the Biscayne Bridge. "Let's ask the Coast Guard if they will consider certain hours to close the bridge to boat traffic," Whatmough suggested. "It's obvious their position is different now than what they've told us in the past." Whitmore said a better response would be to make a joint, four-city appeal to have the bridge closed just at certain hours on weekdays during the winter season. She said she'd bring up the issue at the next Island Transportation Planning Organization meeting and have a letter drafted for circulation and approval by all four BIEO member cities. Holmes Beach Commissioner Don Maloney agreed that a drawbridge raising during the winter sea- son on occasion creates near-gridlock for motorists try- ing to get on or off the Island, particularly during af- ternoon hours. "Ninety-five percent of the people who work here don't live here, and 95 percent of the people who live here work off the Island," he observed. Combined with winter visitors and the daily migration to the Island during the season, a raised drawbridge at 4:30 p.m. on a Wednesday in February can create a serious traffic backup, often extending to Coquina Beach. only one submitted proposal, the city rejected the of- fer and has been attempting to regroup since. Last week, Vice Mayor Bill Shearon proposed the concept of a city-operated facility. "I'd like the city to consider taking over the pier concession ourselves," Shearon said. "We could have full control of the pier ourselves. "It would be similar to the sanitation department," Shearon continued, referring to the city's enterprise account to collect garbage, recyclables and trash. Fees collected for sanitation services go into a separate fund. "We would have a department head who would run the pier," Shearon added. "We would be in the restau- rant, bait and harbormaster business. It would be an excellent opportunity to try running the pier that we the city thinks would be best. If it doesn't work, then we can always go back to the concessionaire approach. "This is a major undertaking and a major, major shift in direction," Shearon said. For the city to run the restaurant, it would have to retain equipment to operate the restaurant since the franchisee has in the past supplied the refrigeration, freezers, stoves, ovens, fryers, tables, chairs, plates and other sundries. Several restaurateurs contacted by The Islander said that to equip a 75-seat restaurant similar to the pier would cost $50,000, dependent on the menu, and could climb to $150,000. Pier employees would apparently be city employ- ees, subject to the city's drug-testing standards upon new hires and would also receive the city's benefit package, including insurance and retirement. The city reaped a substantial fund into the special pier account in the 1999-2001 period through the con- cessionaire arrangement, although funds coming to the account have dwindled in recent years. The city cur- rently has about $215,000 in the pier account, which can only be spent on improvements, repairs or other expenses relating to the pier. Pines Trailer Park street sale Saturday Pines Trailer Park at 103 Church Street, near the Bradenton Beach City Pier in Bradenton Beach will hold a street sale featuring arts and crafts, a white elephant sale, homemade pies, sloppy joe sandwiches and hot dogs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.n., Feb. 26. For more information, call 778-6043. SMeetinc.qs Anna Maria City Feb. 23, 6:45 p.m., Environmental Education and En- hancement Committee meeting. Feb. 24, 7 pin.. city commission meeting. Agenda: Approval of permit for Anna Maria Island Historical Society "Anna Maria Island Heritage Day," appoint- ment to planning and zoning board, public hearing on compensation for elected officials, first reading on outdoor dining law, first reading on early voting, con- tract on city planner. Feb. 28, 7 p.m., planning and zoning commission meet- ing. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 708-6130. Bradenton Beach Feb. 23, 5 p.m., comp plan review committee meeting. Feb. 24, 2:30 p.m., city commission work session. Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., 778-1005. Holmes Beach Feb. 24, 7 p.m., planning commission meeting. Feb. 30, 5- p.m., parks and beautification committee meeting. Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, 708-5800. Of Interest Feb. 28, 9:30 a.m., Sarasota-Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization meeting, Sudakoff Hall, USF- New College campus, Sarasota. PAGE 4E FEB. 23, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Anna Maria City's Villa Rosa waiting on FPL By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Nearly three years after the upscale Villa Rosa housing project on South Bay Boulevard was approved by the city commission, developers are almost ready for a final plat to begin construction. A model home is already under construction. But that "almost" looms pretty large for Villa Rosa developer Steve Noriega and partner Robert Byrne. "We're waiting on Florida Power and Light to put in the underground electric cables," said Noriega. "We can't get final plat approval until those are in, but FPL says they are eight or nine months behind. So, we're waiting on them." Roads, sewer and water lines are all installed, he said, and construction of further homes is ready once FPL completes installation of the cables. "The model home will be ready in April, and we plan to build two or three more homes when the plat is final. We've had a lot of interest, but people want to make sure they are buying a real lot, not just something on paper," he added. Noriega said he would be meeting with FPL this week to get a firm date for installation to begin. "We're ready to go, we're just waiting on them," he said. Homes in the planned 17-unit gated subdivision will sell from $1.5 million to $2.5 million. On build- out, the 17 homes in Villa Rosa, each at an average A rose is coming This model home at the Villa Rosa project in Anna Maria on South' Bay Boulevard should be finished in afew months, devel- opers say. The home is report- edly under contract to a professional sports figure. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin - ------ taxable value of $2 million, would add approxi- mately $68,000 in annual ad valorem taxes to the Anna Maria city treasury. In addition, the 17 building permits needed for construction would bring in an estimated $135,000 for the city. Holmes Beach code board grants extension to violator By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter The Holmes Beach Code Enforcement Board unani- mously approved a request for an extension.of time made by property owners William and Dana Holmes. In January, the board upheld its November ruling that the Holmes' property at 107 47th St. violates the floodplain management ordinance due to the existence of a third unit located on the ground floor of the duplex. The Holmeses were out of town and unable to at- tend the November hearing, but the board proceeded with the cases, resulting in the owners being required to remove any ground-floor partitions, raise electrical outlets to four feet, remove plumbing fixtures and seal the pipes. In a letter from William Holmes, a continuance was requested due to his ill health and inability at that time to travel to Florida from New Jersey. Upon returning to Florida, Holmes retained the services of attorney Chuck Webb and filed a motion for rehearing so that he and his wife could present evidence supporting their position that the ground-floor unit was permitted. That motion was denied by the board and Holmes was given 30 days to bring the property into compliance. Since the board's ruling last month, the Holmeses have filed a request for a variance to the floodplain man- agement regulations, which will be considered by the Holmes Beach Board of Adjustment at its March 24 meet- ing. The code enforcement board agreed to allow the Holmeses until April 21 to bring the property into com- pliance pending the decision of the board of adjustment. FOR ART' Everyone's invited to our I SL6NT AUCTiON 8 ARTiST Rece@pTiON Featuring the donated work of top area artists to benefit the art program at Manatee High School, and including a student art display and sale. Special guest Ruby C. Williams, outsider artist, recently recognized at the Smithsonian,.will be selling and signing copies of her newly published book, 5:30-7:30 pm Wednesday March 2 The Islander Silent auction and special sale of MHS student works and reception hosted by The Islander newspaper, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Info: 778 7978 Saxe- TS THE ISLANDER I FEB. 23, 2005 U PAGE 5 Burgundy Tour at Ooh La La! Feb. 25 Chef Damon Presswood of Ooh La La! Bistro in Holmes Beach announces he will host a "Burgundy Tour and Dinner" at his restaurant Feb. 25. Chef Damon invites you to enjoy some of his fa- vorite interpretations of classic continental dishes paired with wines from lesser-known, exceptional Burgundy vineyards. The wines will be presented by Brian H. Smith, professor of wines at the Culinary In- stitute of America in New York, and author of "The Sommelier's Guide to Wine." A special guest at the event will be Laurent Mairet, the new, young, innovative winemaker at Bouchard Ain6 & Fils, a name that has been famous in Burgundy and around the world for more than 250 years. The event fare includes a signed copy of Smith's book, a far from stodgy or professorial guide in which Smith has drawn on his 15 years of teaching to create an easy-to-read and extremely useful introduction to wine. "From the basics of grape types and labels to ordering wine in restaurants," Smith says, "this essen- tial handbook has everything you need to enjoy wine to the fullest." The evening's festivities will begin at 6 p.m. with hors d'oeuvres paired with Faiveley St-Veran, a white wine from the very southern part of Burgundy, and Bouchard Aine Fixin, a red from the northernmost part of the region. The appetizer course of lobster "escargots" will be served with Faiveley Rully and Girardin Rully Les Cloux, both white wines, but paired to show the differ- ence between a village-level Rully and a single-vine- yard Rully, and the contrast between two producers. Appetizers will be followed by a Caesar salad. The main course will be Chef Damon's acclaimed rack of lamb, a braised, domestic rack roasted with fresh garlic and rosemary and finished with Pommery 4 r;j L~t1~ a LT~~ hi *'~II.q More pickles, more jam! Jan Pettus and Ruth Curry sold loads of pickles -. "double the recipe this year," said Curry and home- made jam at the Episcopal Church of Annunciation annual white elephant sale Saturday at the church. The sale featured used household items, canned and baked goods prepared by church members and a hot lunch that included homemade chili and baked breakfast casserole. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy mustard sauce. It will be accompanied by Faiveley Savigny-les-Beaune and Bouchard Vosne-Romanee, both red wines that will demonstrate the difference between Cote de Beaune and Cote de Nuits. Dessert, also a specialty of Chef Damon, Maracaibo Chocolate Mousse, will be accompanied by an ideal aperitif, a unique, sparkling red wine with hints of rose petals and raspberries, the 2003 Banfi Brachetto d'Acqui from Piemonte, Italy, Ooh La La! Bistro is'located in the "heart" of Holmes Beach on Anna Maria Island at the Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive. ,:Ooh La La! has newly expanded to include a "jazzy" wine bar and additional seating in a new din- ing room with elegant, large-scale mirrors, warm jewel-tone colors and elegant lighting effects. The tra- ditional dining room of Ooh La La!, including the open cooking area, fine art and Provence-style table linens, opens into the new dining area and wine bar. It's "the soul of Europe in the heart of Holmes Beach," Presswood says, and as so many regular clientele of the restaurant comment, "let's keep it our little secret." Join Chef Damon, legendary winemaker Mairet and Smith, a recognized authority on wines, for the "Burgundy Tour" in the elegant-yet-casual setting of Ooh La La! Cost for the "tour" is $80 per person. Call Ooh La La!,for more information or reserva- tions at (941) 778-7978. AVE DA LIFESTYLE . SALON SPA experience . something more 5311 gulf drive anna maria island 77,8.5400 wIra I Wt ~ 4*:~ i~1013 A ~tc'~~k ijdr C" CC -~ J AOEM Tuesday, Feb. 22ndthrough Saturday, Feb. 26th f GREAT SPECIALS in our Gift Shop & Deli * 11:00 AM Barbershop Quartet * 1:00 PM Steel Drum $10 gift certificates given away every hour! Island Music * 1:00-3:00 PM Fox 13's Saturday, Feb. 26 Bill Murphy Book Signing "One Tank Trips" _ * 3:00 PM Dream Catcher Cloggers Grower and Shipper of Florida's Finest Citrus Fruit -- Temple Oranges Murcott Tangerines Pink Grapefruit Ship your friends a box today! 2712 26th Ave. E Bradenton Opeos Mon.-Sal. 9-5 ww ,Afl.rn:i;O fiI r. im 74 ga0F "Thanks to Meals on Wheels PLUS, I've been able to remain living at home." We're the Meals on Wheels you've known and trusted for 30 years, PLUS a whole lot more! MEALSSWHEELS www.mealsonwheelsplus.org Food isn't the only thing we provide. Many elderly live at home but their care- givers nIust work. A friendly Meals on Wheels -LUJS repres,-E-..i'ative may be heir 7,7 '.-4. ,; rt. 747-465' 'Jielepione Retassurance *Computer Cfas s. _ i* ~""~~ - --- -- \ I rb~F~. ,, c- C.,ri~ iT~ '"' ~1 2~ 3a~:~ ----- -- c s i _I * i i. i I I ( .( i2'; ( I I I.) l I;:l PAGE 6 E FEB. 23, 2005 E THE ISLANDER 1111011pinion Hurrah for generosity of Islanders We-have been amazed, awed, grateful and inspired by the results of our plea for help on behalf of a Bradenton Beach family of seven who lost nearly ev- erything they'd owned in a fire Feb. 10. Contributions of clothing and household items for the Phillips family have poured into The Islander of- fice nearly filled the office every day since the story about the fire and the family published last week. Islanders and area residents especially some from Sarasota who made the long drive here have come for- ward to help this family and to lift their spirits. Sherry Phillips said at one point her children had nothing. The kids didn't even have a smile for our cam- eras. Now the kids smile every day. They're bashful, but happy. New books, dolls, balls and toys of all shapes and sizes went home daily with them daily. And there have been checks, cash and gift cards that amount to. almost $5,200, according to Sherry. One caller to our office, Jim Atkins, said his wife called him at work at Hideaway Storage and said they had to help the Phillipses. He came up with unclaimed furnish- ings for Sherry to choose from- and had them delivered. The generosity is still ongoing. And the Phillpses want you to know they are "very grateful." We hope their lives will be enriched by this out- pouring of generosity and good will, and the fire will be put far behind them, so that they will enjoy a bright, happy better future here. Unfortunately, we learned at presstime that more trouble has come to the Phillipses and we can only wish them well as they deal with more problems. Speaking of generous We've reported for several weeks on the Anna Maria Island Rotary Club's efforts to raise money to fund shel- ter boxes for Asian tsunami victims. Their effort was en- hanced by a challenge from a generous but benevolent foundation who gave $9,000 for shelter boxes, and offered up the $22,500 if the community would match its effort. Consider it done. As of Tuesday, Rotary had $30,799 in donations not counting the $9,000 chal- lenge seed money and they're still counting! Com- mitments are in hand, according to president Steve Schlueter, for $6,300 more. All told, with the foundation money, AMI Rotary will have given almost $60,000 toward shelter boxes, each of which includes living necessities, a tent, cook- ing supplies, water purification tablets, flashlights and tools to accommodate 10 people. Isn't this a grand community? The Islander FEB. 23, 2005 Vol. 13, No. 16 V Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org V Editorial Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org Jack Egan Jack Elka Jim Hanson V Contributors Gib Bergquist Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org Jesse Brisson Robert Noble J.L. Robertson Preston Whaley Jr. V Advertising Sales Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org Rebecca Barnett, rebecca@islander.org V Office Manager Julia Robertson, julia@islander.org V Production Graphics Kelley Ragan, kelley@islander.org Jocelyn V. Greene, ads@islander.org V Distribution Urbane Bouchet Ross Roberts Lisa Williams (All others: news@islander.org) C 4.' 1993-03 \- l ivard Winningl Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. 1992-2005 Editorial, sales and production offices: Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEB SITE: islander.org FAX 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978 ACZ6 ON 0" ?JrE47 VaYou Qt52 04 Ism 40. QOIK..Is f##A.AN ..m~ 6 OSsRC~Mn SLICK .. By Egan S:in io n ....... -.. :- _i:-:-.,:I.~ ; .'E'1401 : A" '" l" -' : ....... a ,.:. 4_- :ni ;i;.. ... '7 ....... .. .. .., A disappointment in Bradenton Beach How disappointing to know that the Bradenton Beach City Pier will not have a restaurant in opera- tion during our upcoming monthly stay. This wil! ' our sixth year of vacationing on the Island, and the pier has been our favorite place for breakfast. Part of the enjoyment is being able-to eat outside, enjo. the view and take in the atmosphere of ihe Island. We have been reading all of the articles in The Islander regarding this situation. As a visitor to your Island, I feel the commission is just putting up road- blocks to those interested in leasing the property. A 12 percent monthly charge on the gross earn- ings or $5,000 minimum fee is ridiculous. It seems to me that the commission is not willing to negoti- ate at all; and, in not doing so, is also making it very difficult for the other businesses on Bridge Street to survive. Without the pier there will be a lot less traf- fic in that area and therefore these businesses will definitely suffer. Hopefully the commission will get its act to- gether and not let such an historic pier die due to a lack of vision. Ruth Marko, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Fellow artists sought for auction March 2 My name is Ashley Lane and I am an Island resi- dent as well as an art student at Manatee High School. I, along with the Manatee High School art department and The Islander, would like to invite you to the"Art for Kids Sake" auction to be held 5:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 2. This auction has helped the art department make many strides as it works to become better and more efficient every year. Last year, with the help of gen- erous artists and The Islander, the department was able to buy supplies to keep the arts at Manatee High School at it's best. The $4,000 raised last year at the auction is four times the art department's yearly budget. Last year's funding also helped the art de- partment purchase a 24-inch Conrad etching press. The printing press is going to be used for the new printmaking class that will be offered next year for students who are looking to excel in the arts.. - This year, once again, the MHS art department students would like to ask you to help make this year's auction another success. We will be accept- ing any art that you would like to donate to our ef- fort. With the proceeds from this year's auction, we will work on expanding our department and funding the new printmaking class for next year. The money will also help us buy the general art supplies needed for classroom activities and projects. If you are interested in helping our department, as well as the aspiring artists at MHS, please drop off your contributions to The Islander, which is located in the Island Shopping Center in Holmes Beach. If you can't.donate, you are still more than welcome to come and support us at the auction. We all hope to see you at the auction. Ashley Lane, 11th-grade art, 2-D graphic de- sign, Painting and Drawing I, Portfolio I, II, Pho- tography.l, AP Portfolio Key Royale speeders: SGood for police Kudos to the Holmes Beach Police Department .for the crackdown on Key Royale speeders. I live on Key Royale and am constantly being tail-gated be- cause I try to obey the speed limit. I suggest the HBPD go one step further and po- sition a radar car just east of the bridge. Then, those who violate the 15-mph limit on our rickety, old bridge can contribute some funds to its restoration. W.G. Smith, Holmes Beach ~ -z '^ THE ISLANDER 0 FEB. 23, 2005 0 PAGE 7 1 L, r I T k. I I I I r 1 9i ; I I I f r F T I M f 1 I ( 0 n 11110 Go slow with tree removal programs I attended the meeting on Australian pine and Bra- zilian pepper removal last week at Holmes Beach City Hall. It was nice to see the interest in this important subject and a forum that included the public. I have worked as an environmental consultant in the Manatee and Sarasota county areas, specializing in mangrove trimming and Australian pine and Brazilian pepper removal for the past 30 years. I believe that the conservative course of action that we have taken over these 30 years has served us well. The number of ex- otic trees has diminished as the human population has increased. I do not see the need for the drastic action recommended by members of the panel. I believe that most people agree that the removal of some of these exotic trees and the replacement of these trees with native trees is a good idea. What many people have a hard time understanding is the extreme position that all of these exotics have to be removed as soon as possible. We estimate that the Australian pines and Brazilian peppers compose about 5 percent of the trees on Longboat Key, where I have lived for 50 years. This 5 percent is decreasing, not increasing. I think this rough estimate would be similar for Anna Maria Island, In their zeal to promote the more radical approach to these exotic trees, panel members have embraced some fallacious premises in their argument. The main two premises are that "no animals live in Australian pines and Brazilian peppers" and that "no other plants live in the understory of these trees." These two state- ments can be considered gross overstatements or just plain falsehoods. We all have become experts on what lives in these exotics. We see them every day ospreys, blue her- ons, songbirds, and I have even seen pileated wood- peckers and large owls. There are also gopher tortoises, box turtles, black snakes,: rattlesnakes, corn snakes, raccoons, possums, and other reptiles and mammals Tom Mayers sent this picture of a bald eagle at Sister Key. The eagle is at the top middle of the. photograph. that have retreated to these areas. With the influx of human habitation, the wildlife has retreated to whatever little undeveloped cracks and crevices that are left on these islands. If we follow the plan suggested by the panel, we will be assaulting these few. areas that are left, where the animals are able to hide, without any regard for the wildlife. .My suggestion is to treat these areas that we have left as a park. We should do whatever we can to pro- tect the few native animals that we have left. This ex- otic tree removal should be done by contractors, who will be careful to do it in stages, rather than all at one time,. and who will consider the native wildlife issues. As a lifetime resident of Longboat Key and someone with a degree from New College in the area of environ- mental studies, I find these recent radical tree removal programs harmful to our environment on these islands. Be conservative and remove the exotics carefully from the areas that you feel need it the most. One of the best obser- vations of the meeting night came from a lady in the au- dience that asked, "What about the birds?" Tom Mayers, Mangrove Cultivation, a division of Lands End Marina Inc., Longboat Key Landscape coverage On behalf of my parks and beautification commit- tee members, I wish to thank your reporter Diana Bogan and The Islander newspaper for providing the extensive coverage about the City of Holmes Beach public forum on "Truth About Trees." Without your coverage of the proposed forum, the ensuing standing-room-only attendance would not have been possible. A brief poll of the attendees indicates an intense interest in the ambiance and environment of Anna Maria Island, and this forum and your newspaper have helped considerably in awakening the populace as to the issues at hand. Jim Dunne, Holmes Beach Parks and Beautifica- tion Committee chairman Have your say The Islander welcomes and encourages your opin- ion letters. The Islander accepts letters of up to 250 words and reserves the right to edit for length, grammar.Letters must be signed, and include the city you reside in for publica- tion, and a phone number which is for verification only. Address letters to Editor, The Islander, Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217, fax to 941-778-7978, or e-mail to news@islander.org. 'Winter Friend' finally docks rented boat at Rotten Ralph's following 4-hour ordeal! After nearly four hours battling a two-knot wind and seven-inch seas, the world'. \\ orst captain finally ' managed to tie his 16-foot boat to the deck at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restaurant. Miraculously, no one was injured. "Not only was it four hours of solid entertain- ment watching him try to dock, but with everyone running from one side of theD deck to the other, they builh up pretty good appetites," Rotten Ralph gleefully exclaimed. GREAT LIVE MUSIC DRINK SPECIALS THIS WEEK! 2 for 5so 50 > WED & THURS Tom Mobley Mimosa 5o- " FRI & SAT Bloody Mary j G_ FRI & SAT ClariNs Ot4 0 Tequila Sunrise SUN & MON Tom Mobley Screwdriver TUES JOE LOUDERMILK Pitchers of Bud T & Miller Lite WED MARCH 2 Tom Mobley Only $6 ROTTEN RALPH'S WATERFRONT DINING LUNCH & DINNER 7 DAYS FULL BAR SERVICE 0o0 K902 S. Bay Blvd. Anna Maria S OT TEN Located at Galati Marina 778-3953 o .-. --.. ._-.-. N 1 '5 II I We'd love to mail you the news! We mail The Islander weekly for a nominal $36 per year. It's the per- Sfect way to stay in touch with what's happening on Anna Maria Island. More than 1,400 happy, eager-for-Island-news paid subscribers are already Receiving The Islander where they live ... from Alaska to Germany and SCalifornia to Canada. We bring you all the news about three city governments, community Happenings, people features and special events ... even the latest real es- State transactions ... everything you need if your "heart is on the Island." We're the only newspaper that gives you all the news of Anna Maria Island. S The Islander is distributed free locally. But if you don't live here year- Sround, or if you want to mail the paper to a friend or relative, please use this form or log on to islander.org for secure e-mail transmission. BULK MAIL U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (allow 2 weeks for delivery) One Year: $36 O 6 Months: $28 Q 3 Months: $18 U.S. FIRST CLASS AND CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS S O One Year: $140 Q 6 Months: $87.50 0 3 Months: $52 Q Single Issue: $3.50 FIRST CLASS MAIL, U.S. ONLY, Maximum Four Weeks Call for mail rates to Europe or other countries. S MAIL TO: ADDRESS S CITY STATE ZIP Credit card payment: :j O M No. S Exp. Date Name shown on card: MAIL START DATE: The Islander S Island Shopping Center 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 = 1 CHARGE IT BY PHONE: (941) 778-7978 * OR ONLINE ander.org i0immm m mig* E EENNNEN E ammimiiiai mmmm PAGEHf aE EB>h f.3 2i001jU lfI Zii 5iArLtDI Bankrupt Tidemark objects to debt By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Flush with a new partner and an estimated $5.3 million in refinancing money, Tidemark Partners LLC has filed a motion with the federal bankruptcy court in Tampa objecting to 30 claims from creditors. The ob- jections total an estimated $600,000 of the approxi- mately $900,000 that Tidemark listed as debts owed to unsecured creditors when it filed for bankruptcy pro- tection in January 2004. Included in the objection is a debt of an undis- closed amount to Brasota Mortgage of Bradenton, a company which recently closed its doors and is the subject of an investigation and other legal action. Other debts that Tidemark objects to are $200,000 from Louis Wolfson, 10 separate debts to the Manatee County Tax Collector, $150,000 to Cypress Lending Group of Naples and $2,200 to D. L. Porter Construc- tion of Sarasota. Tidemark also want, to get rid of debts to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waste lManagement Inc., Verizon Inc., AT&TWireless, Nextel, Action Mobile, Ed Barber and Associates, and the Manatee County Utilities Customer Service. Judge Alexander Paskay will consider the mo- tion March 22, the same day he rehears an objection from former Tidemark partner Southstar Develop- ment LLC of Coral Gables to his order that Southstar hand over to Tidemark a lease for 20 parking spaces the company has with the Wachovia Bank in Holmes Beach. The 40-unit Tidemark hotel/marina/condo- minium project is planned for the vacant property adjacent to Wachovia and the parking spaces are needed for Tidemark to meet parking requirements under its site plan. The Holmes Beach City Commission approved the Tidemark site plan in August 2001. The company filed for bankruptcy protection Jan. 21, 2004, and has since been reorganized with new financing from the Reliance Property Group of Connecticut. Happy campers Anna Maria Island Webeloes Pack No. 7 participated in "Camporee 2005" with Boy Scout Troop No. 102 at Camp Flying Eagle. The weekend event consisted of several skill-learning games. Scouts tested their first-aid skills and enjoyed activities such as archery, croquet, hiking and balancing on wooden stilts. Islander Photo: Courtesy Alison Stripling Cortez store redo program changes By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent The zoning glitch at the old school grounds in Cortez is forcing change in the program to restore the old Burton store, a separate project. All seems well so far. ,.It will simple mean a change in priorities --what gets done x hen in the project said Roger Alien and Mary Fulford Green. He is overseeing the rehabilitation of both the school and the store, she is spokesperson for the Cortez Village Historical Society, which "holds the key" to the store. The problem arose when a Manatee County em- ployee discovered that the overlay that exempts Cortez from some county land-use requirements does not in- clude the school property. It was left out at the request of the late Robert Sailors, artist who owned the build- ing and used it as a studio and residence. That leaves the school at the mercy of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, among other aspects of rehabilitation. Several county departments are busy now repairing that hole in the property's status. The historic Burton store will be moved to the school grounds as an adjunct to the Florida Gulf Coast Maritime Museum that will occupy the reconstructed school building, along with a community center. Rehabilitation of the old store has begun by volun- teers who have cleaned up "that awful mess" left by in- truders over the years, Fulford said, and removed some alterations the U.S. Coast Guard made. The store build- ing was attached to the old Albion Inn that the Coast Guard tore down to build Station Cortez on the site. The historical society managed to rescue the store part, which was destined for demolition. Restoration and moving of the old building is be- ing financed in good part with a $66,200 grant from the William G. Selby and Marie Selby Foundation of Sarasota. Under terms of the grant, the store is to be on the school grounds by July. The rub is that the rickety old store needs a foun- dation before it can be hauled in and set down, and the foundation can't be poured until variances are in place Sfor the school grounds. That's what county officials are working on now. So Allen and Fulford and others are hoping to switch priorities on the project and do the building re- hab work before moving, instead of after as originally planned, and also may need the grant's life extended. SelbyFoundation approval is necessary, and Alien said a foundation spokesperson was agreeable last week. That was just verbal approval, the foundation said this week, and it needs the paperwork to make its po- sition firm. It will act formally as soon as it has a re- quest in hand, the spokesperson said. At the Cortez end, Allen is busily gathering backup material to justify the switch in the program, and pre- paring the formal request. That will be done forthwith, he promised, and work can proceed. CHOOSE YAMAHA AND GET UP TO 3 YEARS EXTENDED SERVICE FREE* SAVINGS OF UP TO $2,600 -VISIT CANNONS MARINA TODAY. -' .. .. .. ... ; . .J .'- .T.AI .... " ,L .. ^ A 5 pr Vdi j K: 2B ..* 'x .4 k~~--il SALES SERVICE RENTALS CANNONS YAMAHA SM A R I N A N - QUALITY STRENGTH COMMITMENT SINCE 1955 c. 6040 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key Open 7 days a week, 8 a.m. 5:30 p.m. cannons.com 941-383-1311 4 We're worth the trip! P/ING 50 Limited to available stock in dealer inventory sold and delivered between the dates ofJanuary 1, 2005 through April 30, 2005 and warranty registered on or before March 31, 2005. Other restrictions or modifications may apply. Visit Cannons Marina for complete details. 6 Islndrl .*, You love the news... T1 Islander ywhy not have it delivered? Call 778-7978. WELCOME BACK OLD FRIENDS Angela Patty Chris Amberly at ^-anna maria Gulf Coast SRE N TA L. S Formerly Island Real Estate Rentals Old Company New Name 5319 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach 941-778-3699 Web Site: www.amgcrentals.com FOR THE VERY BEST IN VACATION RENTALS 'f4E10 hLAND os F- me -,.2 o t t i PAGE 9 10 homes maybe 11 on two tours in March Ten homes and an 11th "almost certainly" will be open to the public on two tours coming up in the area - March 19 on Anna Maria Island to benefit the Anna Maria Island Community Center, and March 25-26 in historic Cortez to benefit the Florida Institute for Salt- water Heritage. The Island homes on the March 19 tour include three in the City of Anna Maria and two in Holmes Beach, all of them reflecting various aspects of Island lifestyles. They range "from cottage to castle," said a spokesperson. In Cortez, all the homes on the two-day March 25- 26 tour are on the National Register of Historic Places. The village itself is officially a historic treasure. Cortez will open five homes to the public, and a sixth is a "mystery" entry not yet officially approved for the tour but "we're almost certain of it," said Linda Molto, who is handling the tour for the Cortez Village Historical Society. Time is 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the Anna Maria tour March 19. Time for the Cortez tour is also 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for both days March 25-26. Both tours cost $12 in advance, $15 the day of the tour. Proceeds from the Island event will go to the Anna Maria Island Community Center. The Cortez proceeds will be used to purchase pri- vately owned lots in the FISH Preserve to make the Preserve completely public. Tickets for the.Anna Maria tour may be purchased at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria; Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce, 5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach; The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach; Lori-Ell's Hair Designs, 401 Pine Ave., Anna Maria; Ginny's Antiques & Art, 5600 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, and 9807 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria; Also Island Discount Tackle, 5501 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach; Ace Hardware, 3352 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach; Home True-Value Hardware, 5324 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach; LaPensee Plumbing Inc., 5362 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach; Two Sides of v : -- '- .-.. Quilt and :. quilters To be raffled during the Anna Maria Island Tour of Homes March 19 is this hand-sewn quilt, shown with its Smokers, from left, front row, Ann SHorne, Zita G'avin, Joan Pettigrew, Betsy S Smith and Kay Beverly; back. row, Penny Reinholz, Dolores Harrell, Mary Jo Gaspari and Marcia Powers. Nature, 110 Bridge St., Bradenton Beach, and 101 S. Bay Drive, Anna Maria; and Robyn's Nest, 7427 Manatee.Ave. W., Bradenton. Cortez tour tickets may be purchased at the Cortez Community Center, 4523 123rd St. Ct. W., or by phon- ing 708-4953, 794-5919, 795-7121 or 795-5756. EDWIN HUDDLESTON HALL, JR. 1935-2005 Edwin Huddleston Hall. Jr.. 69. of Anna Maria Island. FL. passed ai\ aN on Feb.1 3. 2(005. A lo\ - ing and de\ oed husband and father, financial ser\ ices pioneer and philanthropist. Ed Hall w\as born on Sept. 5. 1:35 In Br.ookly n. NY. to Edi\ in Huddleston Hall. Sr. and Lois Wile\ Hall. He J grew\ up in Hano\er. ass and received a B.S. Degree in Busine ,,,Administration from Boston University in 1957. Mr. Hall \\ent on to lie in Abington. MA, Waco, TX, NMarshfield, NIA. Avon, NY, Great Falls, \ A, lomsto, n, NJ and Anna Maria, FL. Ed Hall served in the U.S. Air Force on active duct and the reserves from 1957-1971. in 1961. Mr. Hall began a distinguished 37-\ear career with Mernill L nch that included Director of Marketing. Direc- tor of Humnan Resources. E\ecuti\e Vice-president: Financial Serm ies Dj ision. and Chairman and Chief E\ecuti.e Officer of Mermll Lynch Trust Company. In 1977. Mr. Hall %,as selected to participate in the Presidential E\change Pro- gram \ here he served as a special a assistant to President Carter. In retirement, Mr. Hall and his wife Florence founded the Museum Shoppe on Anna Maria Island that features antiques. marine art and collectibles. Mr. Hall \ ,a a charismatic leader and dedicated community\ servant. His lead- ership emerged in high school and college \ here he \ as class president. He went on to be featured in Marquis Who's Who in the World, and acted as Di ision Chairman of the United Community Chest of Rochester, Newv York. Treasurer of the Rochester Association for the Blind. President of the Opera Theater of Rochester. Board of Trustees for Wharton Business School. Honorable Chair- man of the National Association of Securit\ Dealers. Director of the Boston Uni- 'ersity Alumni Association. President of the \Washington Valley Coinmutnity Association, and member of the Chamber of Commerce in Boston. Nlassachu- setts. Rochester. Ne\ York, Anna Maria Island and Loneboat Ke\. Mr. Hall was also the founder of the Hall Family Charitable Foundation. Mr. Hall \ as an a id gardener, home reno\ator and antique collector and dealer. A gifted pianist, music \\as his passion. He is survived b\ his wife Florence MN. Hall, sister: Joanne Mead, three chil- dien: Jeff Hall. Lisa Hall and Leslei Fischer. and si\ grandchildren. Mr. Hall \as preceded in death b\ his wife Linda Robbins Hall, \\ho passed awa\ in Two memorial serl ices will be held: Saturda\, Februar\ 26. 2005. 10am at Roser lMemoral Chapel. 512 Pine Avenue. Anna Maria. 77-04-14: and Satur- da\. March 5, 20)05 I lam at Bailey Funeral Home, 8 Hilltop Road, Nlendham Nev. Jersey \.l 973 54 3-4'20. Memorial donations ma\ be made in Editin's name to the American Heart A\.ociation. P 0. Bo\ 21475, St. Petersburg. FL 33742 or H Lee Nloffit Cancer Center co Foundation. 12902 Nlanolia Dn\e. Tampa. FL 33l12. You're invited to our ptC0 tIrlo U 3-6pm Wednesday March 2, Sat Island Dental Spa S3909 East Bay Drive, Suite 205 Meet the Island's On only travel agent E Maria Yatros .-joy complimentary food, beer and wine IS Contact Maria for all your travel needs JKSLAND, (941) 720-1712 or (800) 446-0705 DF.\Tr\ iP\ E-mail: maria@flycapers.com _ ~___ PAGE 10 0 FEB. 23, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Cortez Fishing Festival Master Stylist & Colorist aS Thibaut S is now at Looks Salon 7455 Manatee Ave. West (next to Albertsons) Call 792-4999 S713-7223 Le Le Nails SProfessional Nail Care for Ladies & Gentlemen SVisit Jimmy, Rose & Tina! An extra 10% off for wedding groups Sntl 'FullSetf . February's Birthstone or 6th Wedding Anniversary Most beautiful, moderately priced gemstone. Coveted by Royalty as a symbol of wisdom, strength and confidence. Jewelry & Watch Repair 7358 Cortez Rd. W. 798-9585 Mon-Fri 10-6 Sat 10-4 * ^,. .-l,.,- ;. j|,ii r, Ji '" .-'..j ,| ,T I .. jl,.l JIt"'t Ii PI ., i.',i'i. 7, made a hm di.\ l.-f the Corhr: C 'lei,.. ticm L al i F, 1 i i l I iical lr hL n it lipliab i s a11,! roalimh ,iii, ,r Bonner Joy. She madi it to the top of the rock-climbing wall "i. ilir ,tirt 'tilii. 'b/" /i'it /L t.. iI -ClL' hlie l'fl n l. mirc IA Ii l 'ii S ii i' F. Fla., iI, ', times, below, aid ll/i a heart painted on her ( t I l/' ii ,' ii, i Fiink Rusiry 't Cii f' : i aiu .l Y. .. a L i i et/hl ,J'.liLudc r Pho,,''~i: Boliier Ji,'" OUR MOBILE SHOWROOM COMES TO YOU! i4 .,..., r9 "" n n n n -"" HunterDouglas -- WINDOW FASHIONS Call Keith Barnett for Free In-Home Design Service (941)778-3526 Mobile 730-0516 Get rid of unwanted hair PERMANENTLY! No more waxing, tweezing, shaving, or using depilatory creams. ( Eliminate shaving bumps. LASER HAIR REMOVAL AND ELECTROLYSIS by Pansy Heger, CCE, CME Located in Hair's To You Salon ,/f - 3218 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach (941) 685-7368 by appointment only available evenings and weekends Free Consultation Cloggin' away Always a popular entertainment feature at the Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival, the Sunshine Express Cloggers perform alternately with local bluegrass and country musicians at the Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival. Islander Photo: J.L. Robertson L Hours: Mon.-Saf. 9am-?Pm Coral Way Plaza (n ext fo Posf Office & KFC) , i-mi 28 Corfez Road Wesf w-?(9 Emil Cortez festival success on all fronts By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent Any way you gauge it social, financial, just pure enjoyment the Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival over the weekend was the "huge success" its sponsors wanted. Saturday's attendance set a record, exceeding previous ticket income by about $5,000, said Karen Bell, treasurer of the sponsoring Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage. Sunday was down a bit from Saturday, which she could not figure out since Sunday's weather was at least as gorgeous as Saturday's. Some 12,000 people crowded the small historic fishing village Saturday, 10,000 Sunday. Figures are vague because not all of the income is tallied yet, and neither are all the bills paid. "Beer is a big item every year," Bell said. "So is Pepsi. And several food vendors have not reported in yet" as of early in the week. Still, she was able to estimate the financial picture, and it was rosy: "We will net at least $60,000 and maybe $80,000," she said. The proceeds will go toward purchase of privately owned lots in the FISH Preserve, to make that public holding totally publicly owned. FISH is already nego- tiating for three lots at the northwest corner along Cortez Road, and hopes to get another in March. FISH is the Cortez-based nonprofit organization that financed its purchase of the Preserve with proceeds from four past Commercial Fishing Festivals. It is 95 acres of mostly pristine woodland and mangrove wet- lands at the eastern edge of the village. THE ISLANDER 0 FEB. 23, 2005 M PAGE 11 778-4751 800-771-7163 5312 Marina Drive Holmes Beach www.island-florist.com AT CURVES, WE'RE v0 4 . TAKING SHAPE! s ic -e COME JOIN THE FUNI si 4228 60th St. W., Bradenton 5366 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach 794-2878 779-2878 I Fi' f' i F -M I I Y.I i I SHot-dogs and soda's G while they last! Live music! Giveaways and more! New Hours: Tues.-Sun. 10-6, Fri. 10-7 Over 140 shops including food, crafts, clothing, fresh produce, unique boutiques and much more! 65i aintiee Ave.,W. -'Bradenton Lctdi n h Futi n or hppnIlz 1111111 M 7 4-33 Nick Baden took the inaugural spin in the "Heather B.," built by volunteers at the Gulf Coast Maritime Museum in Cortez and raffled off during the festival. Islander Photo: Paul Roat Shucks, try our oysters! ',. Connie Breuggeman ofEnglewood, Judi Breuggeman of -4 i Cortez and Jim Judy and Ann Stomkin, both of Tampa, i., shucked and served oysters on the halfshell at the Cortez - Commercial Fishing Festival. Islander Photo: J.L. Art sales were brisk both days of the festival. Robertson Islander Photo: Paul Roat Les Martin, left, and Sam Geiger partici- pated in the "raid" of Cortez in their vintage vessels. Islander Photo: Paul Roat F ''t i TM RES CE ;EARCH ENTER NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT SPRING VEGETABLES Local i author's book S available now at S. Earth Box " i " Large selection of herbs and geraniums. Rows of beautiful planted Earthboxes and plants for you to plant ,yourself. FREE Gardening Classes Wed. & S 723-2911 1023 Ellenton-Gillette Open Mon.-Fri. 9-4 Sat. 9-2 www.ear Easy to find. Take 301 to Ellenton-Gil [one block west of Gamble Mansi EI.I.I:NTON n, I 4 1 IYI LR, ;at. 10 AM Rd. thbox.com lette Rd. on] PAGe 12 M'FEB. 28,$2606 WTflC'ISILX4iMAW Islanders cross paths at Saddam's throne Robert Willis Jr., chief of the survey center for the Iraqi Survey Group, stopped a young U.S. Army cap- tain in his tracks when he took a seat on Saddam's throne in Victory Palace, Baghdad. It wasn't the fact that Willis was sitting in the former dictator's chair that caught the Military Intelli- gence Corps captain's attention. It was the copy of The Islander newspaper Willis was holding. Willis said he was having his picture taken with the paper to submit for the Islander's ongoing travel fea- ture when the passerby, who was bounding up the stairs .next to the throne for a meeting, called down asking, "Hey. That's not the Anna Maria Islander is it?" "Why, yes, it is," replied Willis. "My mother-in-law lives there," he replied. "My mother and sister live there," Willis said. He asked, "Where?" and Willis asked, "Do you know Holmes Beach?" He remarked, "Of course, what street?" Willis said, "59th" and the soldier replied, "Mom's on 65th" then scurried off to his meeting, leaving Willis shaking his head in disbelief at how in the world they could have converged at the same throne in Baghdad at exactly the same time. "I was so flabbergasted I didn't ask his name and he didn't ask mine," wrote Willis in an e-mail to his Island family. Willis' parents, Olivia and Walter Gruen, live in Holmes Beach. His sister Olivia Willis lives on'the Is- land and works at Jim Mixon Insurance. Niece Lauren Dipolito is also an Islander and niece Emma Terry at- tends Anna Maria Elementary School. Willis oversees between 250 to 300 staff members and is currently the senior ranking member of the ISG. According to Willis, the ISG was formed at the direc- tion of the president by the DCI to hunt for Hussein's weapons of mass destruction. Willis told his mom that he has lost 30 pounds but still lifts weights and enjoys running whenever he can. Overall, he says, "I'm doing great. "We're all committed to seeing this thing through over here," Willis wrote in a recent e-mail. He also shared comments about his experience witnessing Iraq's election process. "The strong election turnout shows what people will do when given a chance at freedom," he said. Willis said he saw one Iraqi policeman tackle a suicide bomber at a polling booth. Jumping on top of the bomber, Willis said only the policeman and bomber were killed. "Other people got out of line to render first aid in other polling locations when they were attacked. After rendering aid, they got back in line and voted." Willis said he also served in Berlin when the Ber- lin Wall fell and witnessed people crying in the streets, dancing, waving flags, and driving around in their cars honking horins. "I saw news coverage of the Kurds doing the same, thing. I immediately flashed back to Berlin. The ex- pression on their faces was exactly the same. I guess that expression of overwhelming joy is universal and requires no translation. "I also thought about how blessed I've been to participate in the liberation of two countries in my life- Seat of history Robert Willis Jr. takes a seat on Saddam Hussein's former throne in the Al Faw Palace on a compound the U.S.' military calls "Camp Victory" in Baghdad, Iraq, .. .I.-"": : to read through a recent S Islander newspaper featuring a cover photo ofhis niece, Emma Terry, a student at Anna Maria Elementary School. Willis' sister Olivia S Lives on the Island and works at Jim Mixon Insurance. His parents Olivia and Walter S Gruen live in Holmes Beach and another niece, Lauren Dipolito, also resides on the Island. SWillis' crew Senior Executive Service- man Robert Willis Jr., kneeling i' thle front, oversees 250 to 300 people as the chief of the survey center for the Iraqi Survey 4: GGroup. :- Saddam's palace Robert Willis Jr. stands in front of the Al Faw .I Palace on a compound the U.S. military calls "Camp. Victory" in Baghdad, Iraq. time. All you can hope for in your lifetime is to have made a difference and left the world a better place. It's taken 27 years of service to our country to reach this point, but I have at last arrived. IfI retire from govern- ment service now, I will have done my share." TIfE ISLANDER FM*P.B.-2 2005- PAGE-13 Anchorage in news again in Bradenton Beach By Paul Roat The on-again, off-again anchorage issue in Anna Maria Sound off Bradenton Beach appears to be on - again. About'20 people attended a meeting last \\eek of city commissioners and officials from the Lini]ersitt of Florida who have worked to create "boat parking lots" up and down the coast of Southiest Florida. An impromptu mooring of boats has taken place south of the Bradenton Beach City Pier for the past decade or so. Problems have occurred between resi- dents and boaters in the past, and the city began efforts several years ago to regulate the anchorage. There were just a couple of problems: The city's boundaries end at the water's edge. making the boats a Manatee County problem, and e\ en if the city had the jurisdictional authority to regulate the boats, it had no way to get to the anchorage. Both obstacles have either been resolved or are well on their way to a solution though, according to Police Chief Sam Speciale. At the meeting, he told the commission that an interlocal agreement with -the Manatee County Sheriff's Office was in the works to have several Bradenton Beach police officers given complete deputy status, allowing them to regulate boaters in-the anchor- age. The city also has.a police boat, compliments of a grant from the West Coast Inland Navigation District. University of Florida Law School student Michael Kamprath explained that there were legal, technical and public policy issues that need to be addressed be fore an anchorage could be established. Using models from Matanzas Pass near Fort Myers and elsewhere, Kamprath said jurisdictional issues first need to be resolved. He said the city also needs to de- termine if the anchorage is to be a municipal facility or turned over to a concessionaire to operate. Other issues that need to be determined, he said, include length of stay for boats, if live-aboard boaters are to be allowed, any fees for use of the anchorage and environmental features of the:area. Much of the sound's bottom in ihe area ol the an- LUTZ, BOBO & TELFAIR P.A. :.; ~:: E Z.,~ f,~" 'i- ,, st S951-1800II SOne Sarasota Tower Sarasota .. www.lutzbobotelfair. com, Lutz, Bobo & Telfair, P.A. is rated "AV" by Martindale-Hubbell, the nationally recognized law firm rating service. More than 100 years combined legal experience in Manatee and Sarasota Counties. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. OCEANS. MOUNTAINS. ICEBERGS. YEAH, IAFEW THINGS OUTLAST OUR AIR CONDITIONERS:- When you buy an Amana air conditioner or isl I heat pump, there's a chance you'll never have I to buy another. Because Amana units are built to last a really long time. In fact, we're so I confident about the lasting power of Amana air ii. I ' conditioners and heat pumps that all Amana; systems installed by West Coast qualify for ':' i ' Amana's AsureCare 10-year parts and labor I breakdown coverage. So get an Amana air conditioner or heat pump for your home. It'll last and last and last. Call for more details. fati & Air Conditioning WE S.'rC A.ST S -mm AIR CONDITIONING A n aE < & HEATING INC LASTSANDLASTSAND STS. T^ 778-9622 5347 Gulf Drive, No. 4, Holmes Beach Business Center, Holmes Beach The site ofi the anchorage proposed off Bradenton Beach. chorage \uas mapped in 2000 through the auspices of Sea Grant's John Stegel) and the late Dr. Gus Antonini. That mapping showed the depths of the area, seagrass bed coverage and a "snapshot" of the 16 boats that moored there at the time Costs of establishing the anchorage at Matanzas Pass was about $250,000, with about 70 boats accom- modated. But before the sticker shock took.hold of city com- missioners, a much more modest proposal was offered. Stan Zimmerman has been involved for several years in establishing an official anchorage at the Sarasota Sailing Squadron off City Island in Sarasota. He said the necessary3 permits had been submitted to the state for a cost o less than $6,000 through the efforts of a cadre of volunteers. Zimmerman explained that seagrass beds are a major hurdle to overcome in the permitting process, since state officials do not allow any anchoring within those boundaries. He also said that it would be best for the city to apply for any permits and to request a fee-waived lease of the underwater prop- erty rather than attempting the much more costly bay-bottom purchase. Vice Mayor Bill Shearon, who is the city liaison to the city pier and the fledgling anchorage, urged resi- dents to form a committee to begin working on the is- sues of the anchorage field, a suggestion that was met with apparent enthusiasm by the attendees. A future meeting date has not been yet announced. WILLS TRUSTS PROBATE JAY HILL Attorney-at-Law 778-4745 Anna Maria, Florida 'UVVtKtU bY bILL United Electric Powered by Service Call for scheduled or one-hour emergency service Sarasota: 953.7585 Bradenton: 756.5465 Lic. C0003053 Roger Lutz and Allen Bobo are Island residents and are available for consultations on the Island. n," ,.. 1- --. f'l f'l C,- &;. ~ 'a - PAGE 14 E FEB. 23, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Tingley Memorial Library book sale March4-5 The Tingley Memorial Library in Bradenton Beach will hold its annual book sale from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, March 4, and Saturday, March 5. The sale will feature hardback and paperback books, audio books, puzzles, local artwork and more. The library is located at 111 Second St. N., Bradenton Beach. For more information, call 779- 1208. Island organist to test new instrument in Sarasota Carl Parks, organist and choirmaster at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Holmes Beach, will check out a new pipe organ at the Church of the Redeemer in Sarasota Wednesday, March 2. He will play a half-hour recital on the newly in- stalled $800,000 organ at the church, 222 S. Palm Ave., at 12:10 p.m. He said the recital will be the Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C that Johann Sebastian Bach wrote to test and certify the worthiness of new pipe organs. Additional details may be obtained by calling 778- 4820. Widowed persons meet Widowed persons will meet for "coffee and con- versation" on the subject "A Focus on You" from 9 tolO a.m. Monday, Feb. 28, at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information may be obtained at 778-1908. Church rummage sale Shoppers can find furniture, housewares, linens, clothing, books and more at the St. Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church rummage sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 26, at 4280 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. K WnKW ffWn I Hospice staff boosts Rotary challenge President and chief executive officer of Hospice of Southwest Florida Marge Maisto and her staff present Anna Maria Island Rotary Club President Steve Schlueter with $4,050 in.support of Rotary's Asian tsunami relief effort. Hospice staff donated the funds, which will be used to purchase shelter boxes for tsunami victims. The donation brings the Island club's shelter box challenge over the top to $30,850 - $8,350 over its $22,500 goal for matching funds from an anonymous foundation. In addition, said Schlueter, the club has pledges for $6,300 more. Islander Photo: Courtesy David Glaser Final dance of the season Dessert card party comes soon to Center set for Monday The final dance of the winter season at Anna The St. Bernard Women's Guild is sponsoring a Maria Island Community Center will be from 8 "Dessert Card Party" in the church activity center from to 11 p.m. Friday, March 11, and tickets are 1 to 4 p.m., Monday, Feb. 28. available now at the Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., The event promises delicious desserts and door Anna Maria. prizes. Guests should bring their own score pads, pen- The tickets are $10 now, $12 at the door. cils and board games. Music will be by the Dreamclassics IV, "the Tickets cost $8 and are available in the church of- little band with the big sound," playing jitterbug fice and after mass. to jive to jazz, the Center said. The church is located at 248 S. Harbor Drive, Tickets.may be arranged and information Holmes Beach. For more information, call 778- obtained by calling 778-1908. 4769. OUR MISSION: To provide our patients with state-of-the-art ra- diation therapy services of the highest quality in a caring and compassionate environment. OUR SERVICES: 3-D Conformal and Intensity Modulated (IMRT) Radiotherapy Prostate Seed Implantation using real-time com- puter planning BAT Ultrasound Prostate Targeting System for external beam radiotherapy - Stereotactic Radiosurgery for brain tumors High Dose Rate Brachytherapy for lung, esoph- ageal and gynecologic cancers Access to clinical trials through national coopera- tive research groups OUR BOARD CERTIFIED DOCTORS: Dr. Graciela R. Garton trained in radiation onocology at Mayo Clinic and was a faculty mem- ber at Mayo Medical School. Dr. Stephen J. Patrice former chief resident at Harvard Medical School with master's degree in public health from Harvard. Dr. Larry N. Silverman former chief resident in radiation oncology at the Medical College of Virginia and winner of Roentgen Fellow Research Award. Dr. Sarah E. Hoffe trained in radiation oncology at Duke University and Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center of New York City. Aick Bradenton Office: (941) 308-1050 6665 Cortez Road Sarasota Office: (941) 364-8887 3210 Fruitville Road Now You Can Have Your Cake and Eat It Too! - The Lowest Interest Rate Anyvhere: Asset Manager Purcchase Loans 0.95%* Refinance (Cash Out) Loans 1.00% No Lender Closing Costs. No Points. No Broker Fee, SLoan Amounts $250,000 to $5,000,000 FREE Appraisal. Appraisal Fee Credited At Closing *i.~i000 Miriam NJwliinri Senior Loan Officer Over $30,000,000 in closed loans for 20031 i onc HonC'fe w:';- 001 S1 ic -',,) I ILne ...- 4.99 Coifrol more re-a e sate. Cre. more \ i'ealfh. For imot: loan iJifori tiin or to find your r...l home, ca!t: 800-953-7622 Ext: 108 wwwMtlD olrrealcornlar R, E A LT TY" Patoes subject to ~nhan d n may not be available at cor nniitmont i'r cloco I i [PF I EA 2 T R G A IC E '';"" d'Ihrjrr -~lrqr~t" c'r~riiI n .l~er- ~ l-~~r fn"' f in T'pl~s" qil I;ivil~i Streeflife Island police reports Anna Maria City Feb. 14, 815 N. Shore Drive, Rod & Reel Pier, abandoned boat. A manager reported that an aban- doned sailboat had been anchored east of the pier. Apparently it had been disabled and was towed there. When the wind picked up, it broke from its anchor and drifted against the pier, crashing against the dock and pilings. Its sails were partially unfurled, causing it to strike the dock. A company was called to tow the boat after attempts to reach the owner failed. Feb. 16, 300 block Magnolia Avenue, disturbance. Two people caused a disturbance when they got into a verbal argument over a request to care for a dog. Feb. 18, 200 block of Spruce Street, information. A deputy escorted a resident to a Holmes Beach repair shop to pick up her vehicle. According to the report, the woman had obtained a certificate for release of the vehicle from the court to regain possession of her ve- hicle after contesting her repair bill with the shop owner. Bradenton Beach No reports. Holmes Beach Feb. 12, 4000 Gulf Drive, Manatee Public Beach, burglary. A man reported the cash and credit cards from a wallet left in the trunk of his car stolen. Feb. 12, 5800 block of HolmesBoulevard, crimi- nal mischief. Two eggs were reportedly thrown at a home. Feb. 13, 5300 block of Holmes. Boulevard, DUI. Lezlie Murphy, 42, of Bradenton Beach, was stopped Pawsitively Pets & Property Services Inc. Q; U : aity Pet Sitting Services in Your Home ProPerty Services During Your Absence Bonded & Insured Jane & Steve Futch 761-7511 Island Chiropractic Dr. Kathleen Goerg Massage Therapy Also Available! 778-0722 3612 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach, FL 34217 (between Publix and Ace Hardware) Visit our Web site: www.islandchiro.com MASSAGE I massage in the -o peace, quiet and convenience of . your home! More [ than 10 years on I" Anna Maria Island. I Call Nadia 795-0887 I - by an officer after he witnessed her commit several traffic violations. According to the report, Murphy failed a field sobriety test and was taken into custody. Murphy also failed a breathalyzer test. Feb. 13, 500 block of 67th Street, Baker Act. A woman was taken into custody under the Baker Act after her husband reported that she refused to take her medication and was becoming increasingly violent. She was transported to Blake Medical Center. Feb. 15, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach Police Department, traffic citation. A man reported'to the sta- tion to pay a traffic citation and verify his vehicle's headlights are operational. Feb. 16, 4900 block of Gulf Drive, battery. An of- ficer responded to a 911 call. At the scene the officer arrested a man who threw a cell phone at his girlfriend, hitting her in the head and causing bruising. The man was charged with spousal battery. Feb. 17, 500 block of 69th Street, suspicious in- cident. A man reported a suspicious incident involv- ing the Internet sales advertisement for his vehicle. The man reportedly received an e-mail from an in- terested buyer notifying him that he would receive a check in the mail for $15,000. The e-mail in- structed him to keep a portion as payment for the car and give the remaining to an.individual who will pick up the car and ship it to the buyer. The man did receive a check in the mail but called the bank that was to have issued the check and was informed it was fraudulent. The man reported that there was no further contact from the buyer. Feb. 17, 3700 block of Gulf Drive, burglary. A man reported that someone attempted to enter his home through the screened porch. According to the report, an attempt was made to pry away the window screen. 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Tile and Grout Color Odor Control Cleaning and Stain Control! FAT, CAT LARRY & NANCY HOUSE, OWNERS 7 778-2882 or 387-0607 ''| gotocarpetcleaning.com -THE ISLANDER U FEB. 23, 2005 N PAGE 15 Carrier bitten by dog A Holmes Beach postal carrier was severely in- jured Thursday, Feb. 16, while making deliveries on 74th Street when she was bitten on the hand and thigh by a dog. Postmaster Charles Shannon said the female car- Srier is now on an indefinite medical leave while recov- ering from her injuries. Manatee County Animal Control officers have quarantined the dog at its owner's residence pending an investigation and, he said, the dog had been vaccinated for rabies. Holmes Beach has an ordinance requiring dogs outside a residence to be either on a leash or able to respond to voice commands. It was unknown if the dog was supervised or on a leash at the time of the incident. Bridge closing creates traffic jam An unexpected closing of the Longboat Pass Bridge yesterday around 9:30 a.m. created a traffic back-up that extended from the bridge north almost to Manatee Av- enue, and across the Cortez Bridge onto the mainland. Bradenton Beach Police Chief Sam Speciale said he received a notice a few days ago from the Florida Depart- ment of Transportation's Bartow office that the contrac- tor repairing the bridge had to close the bridge on Tues- day for needed repairs, but no specific time was given. Special was upset about the lack of notice and the work it created for his department. "We were only given a 30-minute notice as to ex- actly when the bridge would close," he said. "Traffic wasn't moving. Who closes a bridge to a Florida barrier island in the middle of tourist season 'during the peak traffic hours?" He said it took about an hour to clear traffic once the bridge reopened and added that the DOT said there might be another closing in the very near future. BeUr_7INA 5L'c INTr_ Io E5 s AWARD-WINNING IDEAS FOR YOUR HOME CALL 941-779-2106 I li Tlrn ,ain ci-i 'i' S: .:Tr _' -: -.' l. TC SHAVING DIFFICULTY CLIMBING THE STAIRS? P No need to sell your home Regain your independence with #1 selling stair lift From S2750 installed 3K Oucside stair lifts also available S* No stairway modifications. . A fastens to stair tread Ii, S *T Full warranty Try before you buy in-home demonstration Call (800) 354-5573 Suncoast Stairlifts, Inc. Check out our website for details Swww.suncoaststairlifts.com ;I CARDIOLOGIST is pleased to announce the opening of his solo practice ... Manatee Ave. W. Blake . Medical 2 Center 21st Ave. W. Tanglewooda Cortez Road W. Now Accepting New Patients 2225 59th St. W., Suite D Bradenton 761-8955 Board. Certified A merican Board of Cairdiology Medicare eAccepted LC Lawrence C. Hasara, M.D., PL D --- ---- -- - - I :-*3 1. ::, a " ~~~~"' I PAdE fid W f. 43, 2o i 6 Ii i 4SR]A S 1eR Obituaries Edwin Huddleston Hall Jr. Edwin Huddleston Hall Jr., 69, of Anna Maria Is- land, died Feb. 13. Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., Mr. Hall had a 37-year career with Merrill Lynch that included director of marketing, director of human resources, executive vice president of financial ser- vices division, and-chair- .man and chief executive officer of the trust com- pany. He received a bach- elor of science degree in business administration from Boston University in 1957. He served in the U.S. Air Force on active duty and the Reserves from 1957-71. Hall In 1977, Mr. Hall was selected to participate in the Presidential Exchange Program where he served as a special assistant to President Jimmy Carter. In retirement, he and wife Florence founded the Mu- seum Shoppe on Anna Maria Island that features antiques, marine art and collectibles. He was division chairman of the United Community.Chest of Rochester, N.Y., trea- surer of the Rochester Association for the Blind, president of the Opera Theater of Rochester, board of trustees for Wharton Business School, chairman of the National As- sociation of Security Dealers, director of the Boston Uni- versity Alumni Association, president of the Washington Valley Community Association, and member of the Chamber of Commerce in Boston, Rochester, Anna Maria and Longboat Key. Mr. Hall was also the founder of the Hall Family Charitable Foundation. Memorial services will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 26, at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, and again at 11 a.m. Saturday, March 5, at Bailey Funeral Home, 8 Hilltop Road, Mendham N.J. Memorial contributions may be made to the American'Heart Association, P.O. Box 21.475, ,i Key Income Tax & Business Services Inc. For appointment, call 778-5710 5500 Marina Drive, Suite 1,Holmes Beach H ,,- a2:' W .s:s, :aa No Doin' Around Our bathrooms are love at first sight LaPENSEE PLUMBING 941 778-5622 LIC.CFC057548 S5362 Gulf Dr., Holmes Beach St. Petersburg FL 33742 or H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center care of Foundation, 12902 Magnolia Drive, Tampa FL 33612. He is survived by wife Florence; children Jeff, Lisa and Lesley Fischer; sister Joanne Mead; and six grand- children. He was preceded in death by his wife Linda Robbins Hall in 1998. Aaron S. Nelson Aaron S. Nelson, 19, of Bradenton, died Feb. 19. Mr. Nelson came to Manatee County from Manchester, Conn. He worked at the Beach House Restaurant for two years and was accepted into the Hillsborough Community College Fire Academy. He was a graduate of the Manatee Technical Institute Emergency Management Technician course. He was a hockey goalie for the "Punishers" and was two years back-to-back undefeated Manatee Hurricanes. No visitation is scheduled. Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 23, at Palma Sola Com- munity Church Cemetery, 8604 Ninth Ave. N.W., THE YEARS V Ten years ago in the Feb. 23, 1995, issue of The Islander, headlines announced: The Bradenton Beach City Commission voted to donate $1,000 to the Save Anna Maria organization for use in paying legal fees to fight the proposed. 65-foot bridge that would replace the Anna Maria Island Bridge. An organization calling itself the Firefighters Charitable Organization has been making unsolicited phone calls to Island residents asking for donations to fire victims. Anna Maria Fire District Chief Andy Price said he'd ne eer heard of the group and suspected it was a scam operation to get mone. I I Bradenton. Memorial contributions may be made to West Manatee Firefighters Association, 6001 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217. Brown and Sons Fu- neral Home is in charge of arrangements. He is survived by fiancee Renee Thompson of Braderton; parents David and Karey Nelson of Bradenton; paternal grandparents Douglas and Lori Nelson of Fort Pierce, Fla.; maternal grandmother Ida Levine Gessner of Ocala; and many aunts, uncles and cousins. Charlie TUppen Ill Charlie Tuppen III, 55, of Cortez, died Feb. 16. Born in Miami, he moved to.Manatee County from Buffalo, N.Y,, in 1992. He was a physical therapist with the Colony Club. He served in the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam War..... . There will be no local services. Memorial contribu- tions may be made to the: Lance Armstrong Foundation, P.O. Box 161150, Austin TX 78716-1150. Griffith-Cline Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. He is survived by brother James L. of Buffalo and sister Dierdre O'Reilly.of Boston, Mass. Temps C Drops s on A.M. .- '" ...."" (/ i./ i Date Low High Rainfall Feb. 13 41 70 0 Feb. 14 50 68 0 Feb. 15 64 76 0 Feb. 16 64 76 0 Feb. 17 64 .. 75 0 Feb. 18 62 072. 0 Feb. 19 54 73 0 Average Gulf water temperature 64 -J r u r ,, anir .i :ll3 ul:.l :,Ii i'i r. i j'i C aj a I, a i ,I Il, We'll pay you when your income stops. 5 ur plan is designed to provide you money when your income stops if you are disabled from sickness or accident With disability income protection from Auto-Owners Insurance, you're . protected anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day, on or off the job. For more details, contact our agency today! '' ,Auto-Owners Insurance Life Home Car Business Jim Mixon Insurance Inc. 5412 Marina Drive Island Shopping Center Holmes Beach (941) 778-2253 OUR OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR LUNCH NOON-1 DAILY. COMPOSITE DECKING & RAILINGS BY Weber Grills last a long time. They are classics; from the ever-popular portable charcoal grills to the sleek gas grills, you'll find one that's right for you. Plus, we have all the Weber cooking accessories! GP ILL STORE 5350 Gulf Drive 779-9594 (S&S Plaza, next to post office) Free assembly and delivery on the Islands "Tropical Bugs Need A Tropical Service" CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Beaches Bradenton Sarasota Parrish 778-1337 794-1005 365-2893 776-0779 SFull Service Exterior and Interior Now Accepting Visa '": and Mastercard ' Island Pest Control Inc. SERVING THE ISLANDS MORE THAN 20 YEARS State Certified/Licensed and Insured Locally owned and operated Although traveling south on a trawler to South America, Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch Director Suzi Fox sent an e-mail to Anna Maria Building Offi- cial Kevin Donohue that she has concerns with the site plan currently being considered by the city's planning and zoning board for the Sandbar restaurant. Fox did not address specific concerns, saying her "board has been following developments with the site plan" and has "concerns with modifications ... on the grounds." Neither of the two other Turtle Watch board mem- bers, Ed Sterba or Debbie Basilius, returned phone call messages left for them Tuesday. SFox says that in the past nine years there have been "many light violations" at the Sandbar. However, Sandbar owner Ed Chiles says he has never been cited with lighting violations at the Sand- bar. He says calls to the restaurant about problem light- ing have been heeded and, in fact, Code Enforcement Officer Gerry Rathvon has pre-inspected the Sandbar's lighting in advance of turtle season for the past two years and has given her approval. Chiles asked The Islander to confirm that a disori- entation of turtle hatchlings near the Sandbar two years ago was determined by Fox to be the fault of lighting at a rented home, not at the Sandbar. In a June 4, 2003, story in The Islander, it was re- ported that "Fox said she and her volunteers were called about 6:30 a.m. May 29 to 104 Pine Ave. in Anna Maria after the family renting the unit spotted the turtle's trail." She said she "talked to the renters, who said they had no information to turn off all the lights at night." Fox's e-mail to the city suggests that Donohue be certain that "any new or changed lighting plan ... fol- lows the sea turtle ordinance in effect in Anna Maria." - The Sandbar proposal will not be addressed again until March 21, when the planning and zoning board will meet in a "quasi judicial" hearing to review the site plan. Donohue said he forwarded Fox's letter to Rathvon and the P&Z for review-- Rathvon to determine if there are existing violations, P&Z for review of.any lighting on the site plan. He said there is some parking lot lighting on the site plan, but it would be up to the P&Z board to determine if it meets the city's criteria. Fire crew Anna Maria Elementary School students from Karen Newhall's third-grade and Lynn Drolet's first-grade classes toured West Manatee Fire and Rescue Station No. 1 in Holmes Beach where they took a closer look at the district's fire boat, fire truck and the Manatee County Emergency Medical Services van. Islander Photo: Courtesy Julie Pritchard OPEN Mon.-Fri. 730am-7pm Sat., Sun., Holidays 730am-5pm WALK-INS WELCOME We're available to tend to S. your urgent care needs Fever/Infections Minor Lacerations U Simple Fractures Sprains PINNACLE MEDICAL CENTER 315 75th Street West Bradenton 941-761-1616 West Coast Massage c6 Therapists to meet your day and Swedish Reaxation $40 evening appointment needs SQ.. Deep-Tissue Neuromuscular 5 f~ Couples Massage Soleer Lj r, (9+) 22_4-+622 9908 Gulf Drive Anna Maria ; f-. wA I- 0 M S-. Loving the weather... Snowbirds miss 1- your chiropractor? I We will work with your doctor so you avoid unnecessary fees. I Bradenton Family Chiropractic Clinic 6404 Manatee Ave. W. L794-3705 Suite J Bradepton of Yc ,t, L fe C G Carol Greer Siemaszko BA Ea MA Psych ,, CERTIFIED COUNSELOR AND LIFE CO \CH P.rc llid Bradr rnr r, (941) 794-1492 Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, ELCA Pastor Tamara Wood i Saturday 5pm Service of Celebration S....j Sur'da, 8 aim r 10 30 an' Worship Service Children's Sunday School 'J *' & Nursery at 10 0arm i Adult Bible Study 9 am 778-1813 Accounting Services Financial Statements Secretarial Services Payroll & Payroll Taxes Income Tax Preparation Electronic Filing BEN COOPER, E.A. Ben Cooper and Associates Inc. 3909 E. Bay Drive, Suite 110 Holmes Beach, FL, 34217 (Located across from Publix) (941)778-6118 Fax:(941)778-6230 benacooper@a6l.com Turtle director takes long. distance jab at Sandbar plan .. Sunday Feb.,27 9:30 am Adult Study/Discussion 10:30 am Traditional Service with Choir (Nursery and Sunday school) Come worship and enjoy warm fellowship YOUR CHURCH AWAY FROM HOME! 6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key, Florida 34228 (941)383-6491 Web site: www.islandchapel.com 11iF. ^w m FP-B. jl3,,Qq IR p-M 1,7 Art League hosts student exhibit The Anna Maria Island Art League will fea- ture a "Student Exhibit" of work completed un- der the tutelage of League-member instructors beginning March 4. Submissions for the exhibit will be accepted March 1-2 between 9 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. at the league office. There is a $5 fee per item and a four-item maximum. SThere will be an opening reception from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Friday, March 4. The Anna Maria Island Art League is located at 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. Exhibit hours are 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. For more information, call 778-2099. Anna Maria Elementary menu Monday, Feb. 28 Breakfast: Chicken Patty on a Biscuit, Cereal, Toast, Churro, Fruit Lunch: Pizza Sticks with Marinara, Baked Chicken Pieces, Steamed Peas, Tator Triangles, Happy Birthday Cake Tuesday, March 1 Breakfast: Breakfast Hot Pocket, Cereal, Toast, Yogurt, Fruit Lunch: Hot Dog on a Bun, Grilled Cheese with Tomato Soup, Tator Tots, Steamed Green Beans, Chilled Pineapple Chunks and Mandarin Oranges Wednesday, March 2 Breakfast: Pancake on a Stick, Super Donut, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Macaroni and Cheese, Fish Sandwich on a Bun, Fresh Baked Roll, Steamed Peas, Tossed Salad, Chilled Strawberries Thursday, March 3 Breakfast: Waffle Sticks with Syrup, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Chicken Nuggets, Breaded Beef Patty, Fresh Baked Biscuit, Steamed Corn, Mashed Potatoes with Gravy, Pears Friday, March 4 Breakfast: Cheese Toast, Sausage Biscuit, Cereal, Toast, Fruit Lunch: Pizza, Burrito, Garden Salad, Carrot and Celery Sticks, Mixed Fruit Juice and milk are served with every meal. February's 54_' Honey-Bee of the Month Gavin Lutus Age 5 S0on of Shawn & Mike Lutus of 1Holmes Beach Gavin looks forward to coming to school every day. H-e's an active boy and participates in all the activities. When he's not with the other kids at "The Bee", Gavin hangs out with his brother Garrett, age 6. Full-time daycare Monday-Friday 7am-6pm SFor children ages 6 weeks to 5 years S3 nutritious meals daily, plus healthy snacks S Fully staffed by quality and experienced DAYCARE child-care professionals 5382 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-2967 I I 1WLYU t18 M9FEIt.,2a,.2015 N KIME ISLANDER Island Bi'z smning services George Frank of Frank Mold Inspections in Holmes Beach along with Cosmo, the mold-sniffing dog. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy Cosmo, the mold-sniffing dog George Frank of Frank Mold Inspections in Holmes Beach is proud to welcome his newest em- ployee, Cosmo, the mold-sniffing dog. Cosmo, a blue-tick beagle, has been specifically trained to sniff out mold in houses, buildings and other structures, boldly going where man cannot. "I send him in when I can't visually find where the mold is," said George.."He's great. With Cosmo. we :don,'thaveta.tear.out a large section of all just to fimd one spot of mold. Cosmo will find the exact location we need to repair." In addition to mold-finding services, George is also using Cosmo for some real estate purchases when cli- ents want to ensure there's no hidden mold in a house S EAT-IN OR 400 I TAKE-OUT OFF I Any Size Pizza I I \ FREE DELIVERY! I OMAPIZZA I & ITALIAN RESTAURA NT I Specialrizinq al Cni,:rl n r Fis ,* Pas.r a S Makers of the World's Largest Pizza Oper 7 Days 11AM to Mvdrcnghl I ( 1 201 N. Gull Dr Bradenior Beach- t. 778-0771 or 778-072 7 Cortez Cafe 12108 Cortez Rd. W. 792-0030 All our food is made in our kitchen! Monday Meatloaf with homemade mashed potatoes Tuesday All-u-can-eat spaghetti with meat sauce only $4.99 . Wednesday Roast pork tenderloin Thursday 1/4 baked chicken Friday Fried grouper with homemade hush puppies Get hooked with our dinner club - buy nine dinners, get the tenth free! .* Friay s. :.8p Saura & Suday50.arn6. Fine art calendar Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Ron Bernard, right, owner of Bernard Photography and Fine Art, and John Johnson of Johnson Printing Co. have collaborated on their 2005 "Manatee Mo- ments" calendar. This fourth annual calendar is a collection offine art images of Manatee County's favorite scenes -from the piers on Anna Maria Island to the Cortez fishing village to the Gamble Mansion. The calendars can. be purchased at Bernard Photography and Johnson Printing, in addition to Island businesses Restless Native, Two Sides of Nature and Ginny's Art and Antiques, Star Fish Co. in Cortez, along with Robyn's Nest in Bradenton. or structure they're buying. Cosmo does his own "in- spection" in just a few minutes to satisfy the client, or make the buyer aware of a problem. Cosmo has. become popular with contractors un- dertaking renovation work in homes and businesses, and George offers a maintenance contract to condo- minium and homeowners who want to ensure mold doesn't creep into their structures. Cosmo didn't become a champion mold sniffer by accident. He went through obedience and mold-sniff- ing school in Clearwater, where he was trained by Bill 3232 East Bay Drive J Next to Walgreens r 1778-7878 F------_- JPZ7 I E I ANY 3 $a [g I M El ] I FOOT-LONG 99 I SUBS TRY YOUR SUB I I "TOASTED! '_ I up I --- .--- --:----I Whitsteine, a certified world-class dog trainer. Cosmo was featured on the Discovery Channel in the program "Dogs with Jobs." George himself had to attend the school to learn to work with Cosmo and understand the dog's instruc- tions and vice versa. "Now, we're both certified mold inspectors," said George with a laugh. "And Cosmo is a great em- ployee. He works for 'bare bones,'" said George PLEASE SEE ISLAND BIZ, NEXT PAGE SSt. Bernard Pancake Breakfast S Sunday Feb. 27 8-11:30 am I A.dulis $1 Children $1 INCLUDES. Hoiernmade Panclke,. *. \* T ';'' Sjlu'j- %' 01 jnlJ C-o e. SHomTcn-ude Bjke Sl;., Too! S' Church Activity Center 43rd Street, Holmes Beach SCHINITZELHAUS ' The Best German Restaurant on Florida's West Coast FRIDAY SPECIAL OVEN-FRESH BAVARIAN HAXEN Reservations a must! 778-1320 HOURS: MON SAT 5-9:30PM Anna Maria Island Centre 3246 E. Bay Drive Holmes Beach Island Biz CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 with another laugh. George has been a certified mold inspector for more than six years, and recently moved his business from Missouri to Holmes Beach. "Holmes Beach is a great place for Cosmo and my wife and I. We love it here. When we're not working, we just enjoy the Island lifestyle." For more information on Cosmo and Frank Mold Inspections Services, call George at 518-8389. Maria does continental travel Maria Yatros has opened Continental Capers Travel and will hold an open house and reception at Island Dental Spa, 3909 E. Bay Drive from 3 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 2. Maria and dentist husband Dr. Gy Yatros will serve complimentary refreshments during the open house. As Anna Maria Island's only commercial travel agency, Maria said she specializes in personal service for the Island traveler. With full-service capabilities and the technology of a nationwide company, she can handle all the travel needs of the destination-seeking Islander. For more information on Continental Capers Travel, call Maria at 778-2204. Realty Raves. Wedebrock Real Estate Co. at 3224 E. Bay Drive in Holmes Beach has named Gail Tutewiler and the team of Geoff Wall and Wayne Harris as its top listing agents for January 2005. Susanne Kasten was top list- ing agent at the company's Longboat Key office, while team honors at that location went to Cindy and Gary LaFlamme. Top selling agents for January 2005 in the Holmes Beach office were Vicki Gilbert and the team of Geoff Wall and Wayne Harris, while at the Longboat Key branch, Tina Rudek was the top sales agent and team honors went to Cindy and Gary LaFlamme. A day in paradise A Paradise Realty at 5203 Gulf Drive in Holmes Beach held its 2004 Awards Reception at the Ritz- Carlton in Sarasota Feb. 12, with more than 70 sales associates and guests attending. The top award winners from the Holmes Beach office were Nicole Skaggs and Quentin Talbert. Talbert also won the top sales agent award and was named overall company sales Agent of the Year, with more than $15 million in closed sales. The reception was hosted by Lynn and Mary Hostetler. January was golden month for Island sales Dantia Goild of Island Vacation Properties LLC has released her monthly Anna Maria Island sales report, which showed that the value of condominium sales in January 2005 increased 175 percent from the same month in 2004. Gould reported 13 condo units sold for $6.855 IHE ~ SlIAINDE RIUW'EB. 23, 2DD5i E Ar A 19 Saving the belle Jan Holman, above, owner of the Sea Hagg at 12304 Cortez Rd. W. in Cortez, has saved the -4 wheelhouse fishing vessel -1and it now sits comfortably-in the front of the Sea Hagg lot. Islander Photo: Nancy Ambrose million in January 2005 against the eight units in Janu- ary 2004 that sold for a total of $2.494 million. The current average price of a condominium sale in January was $529,615, while February's average was $547,369. The average price of a single-family home sold on the Island in January 2005 was $617,636 compared with $543,250 at the same time last year. Her report also noted that there were 93 pending sales on the Island last week, while one month ago, there were 67 pending sales. Island listings were also up, with a total of 278 re- ported on Feb. 14, 2005, up from 245 reported for the first week of January 2005. To reach Dantia, call 778-1880 or 778-6849. Island real estate transactions 1000 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach, Beach House Resort, a 10-unit Gulffront resort consisting of nine 2bed/lbath 450 sfla and one 2bed/2bath 1,900 sfla / 2140 sfur built in 1983 was sold 02/10/05 Cortez Properties Inc., to BHA LLC for $2,995,000. 6006 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, Playa Encantada, a 1,154 sfla / 1,322 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 1980 was sold 02/08/05, Moroni to Buck for $685,000; list $699,000. 704 Gladiolus St., Anna Maria, a 1,460 sfla / 1,520 sfur 4bed/2bath duplex built in 1952 on a 50x100 lot was sold 02/07/05, Goggin to Hyland for $617,500. 7204 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, a 1,700 sfla / 2,294 sfur 3bed/2bath/lcar pool home built in 1974 on a 8,886 sq/ft lot was sold 02/10/05, Mann to Derr for $526,000. Compiled by Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at Gulf-Bay Realty of Holmes Beach. He can be reached at (941) 713-4755 direct, or at Gulf-Bay (941) 778-7244. Current Island real estate transac- tions may also be viewed on the Web at islander.org. Copyright 2005. Annual paradise Nicole Skaggs of the A Paradise Realty office in Holmes Beach received her Platinum Paradise award from company president Bill Alexander at the recent A Paradise awards banquet. A Paradise Realty president Bill Alexander presents Quentin Talbert of the A Paradise Realty office in Holmes Beach with the company's Agent of the Year award for 2004. Ask Ahe experL We've got 10 top reasons for yo to advertise in The Islander, pro '" -- success stories, a targeted mr :- and expert advice for achievin s. Ask the experts with 11 years ded Id service to Anna Maria Islan The Islander Coil Nancy or Rebecca to arrange a visit to your business 778-7978. Rebecca B ar n PAGE 20 M FEB. 23, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER EGG aAbldAy!MES = Illla~tae N dW,.i M, 5 broadss 4 rms ss n3 clf 2,5 Only $2.50 -k. L *A-7ir'~ REAL COFFEE & REALTY 4Rc 9906 Gulf Drive Anna Maria (941) 779-0034 r "g ST T T. .1.- ,C, 44 4.. cn L< U < 0 .-> L F o0 L~j 0. z 4, \ - w-~ 'Ia,, -1-J -~ 4 La a:- C _j .1Q ~1.. 0, "5< LL ~Y~ LL1 r crca Q _ -Z)0 - 4. OmmiI i Z: z P~m 0 CO 00 It I- ~ POO z U) LT < 00Z)4c C C j -U CMc)R -e Loungwear Island Shopping Center 5418 Marina Drive Holmes Beach * (Near the intersection of Gilf and Alaciinal Mrj -778-2169 E, al-sun"'andsurflife@aol.conl B4 -4 Fit to Eat Deli-Style Restaurant 778-0411 ^^*-^ Featurinn... HANGAR ONE Friday,' Feb 25 5-7pm at 5,:. 1 '-.ull Dr'.i H,,lni- I es ,'-h iFiine.z C.entir Bull.dingi 778-5434 Pilei e Dnrik. Re7-poriSib,, / Tres CONTINENTAL BISTRO W. r, .. s lunch by Sun & Surf, BRUNCH/LUNCHWed.-Sat. 11-2:30 BREAKFAST SUNDAY 8-2:30 DINNER Wed.-Sun. from 5:30 p.m. (Closed Mon./Tues.) B4 1 5406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 778-5320 a 5- :~~ 2-.-; r:4~-1~ ~L. L-1- 6;P - Z iii~?"f .i d i .a.~- :: r~ r - :~~'" F~~~Cr 'ii'~ ;r '`... L; 5:' .,... '~ ;~.F. - iz;~ i.--' ---;.' -i; -- ?'I:: :- i.LI r- : : ,.,,~,,7. cal or*IMe &di~etios79-14 - I --, -- 1111 al THE. ISLANDER U FEB. 23, 2005 U PAGE 21 MAXAMA HOME OF THE MANGO-MACADAMIA ENCRUSTED GROUPER FREE 2 GLASSES OF WINE or a piece of Key Lime Pie with any two regular priced dinners, with this ad. Open Daily Live Music Fri, Sat EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Eeday :30-:30 prn HAILF- FF~ I within. r )-,3 ,,r pur :re e n a e . -41% a~-O1F F]3 Where the locals and the stars love to dine! DeUzel Ilashington said: "'Great food! 103 Gult Drive Bradenton Beach -779-1930 L F C ~I_ _I__ _ 'p 40? 4 5LL zW '-II .c'm< Ooi 0 -D C in Ct N V C C. Uo< ,< C;mm 0w m< E (z)o K Z4<4<4T La os-zoC~ir -I 0D<0< z 4 zz z C'. C D ;I :t ,1 i \ .,f-CO"cj CJ :. z LULU < L0 MQ-0M0L L. Fn :, "t Z > oz _z> H . 1 < i in n>- ~ jC MC o1 ^'C < CD Co C co N N NO 0 D N ccc mm m~m ccmm-com Z w :> : : < : < a. ) C -j r r fr L mo < M w -j a W fcwwr 0 0D (D 3 U5 0i~ 111 (L T 20Z 0-I 3 _j EL f- D m n < 0. CE mir LLI < D E CEZ c) N C) o mm co o U N cl Mcom o -oowmmmom;mm S : : LU : Oc : Nmooo a. m o <<<<<<< z -->j QCQQCDCOWCCDC mm mmm cccccoonMooccon : Oz :>< w wo z r< W ouu0uuoouou0u em ccc <0 <0 : < w >< z w C QQ put :W, cuf) mmcx m x 0 LLLLU-L HZ : NCM o>mmu (ClWccEn 0Q> LLLLj W ouuuoo < SOOcoZ W<> mmmz-ozn< m U H0 0 c ~(rCo INSHORE SPORTFISHING CHARrER BOAT 00opleat Ang/e( Capt. Steven Salgado I MUST ADMIT, I HAVE A YEAST ADDICTION... It's a feverish obsession with the fresh-baked bread made daily at Jane E's Bakery. And it's more than just the bread. It's the muffins, scones, cakes, focaccia, cookies, coffees, soups, smoothies and more. If you'd like to join my support group, we meet at Jane E's Bakery every day (except Monday's) at 7am. AA 9 8 7 u f S ri e A n a M ri U wi 4 Heads- Up! "More than a mullet wrapper" hats $12 Tli- -lanher ':3' "W st 7 A '-4 U W S ?i ld M El)'II i I 'kLc0U' Com- se cCU5 s71 4T ne :--t. na 3laria I I I l r r r r r'rr r ' '- ,' / J_r-iL _'li *.VV r Kr riI ...L-.1L..Lm1.TI SOn a trudlitionial w .: i S50-1;ol .Sichtooner D' "7ti 1 -',c - o! r a 'iV (iiiiniann 36s Catam:aa. -r 3 C: s t .".. 1 II.' ~,Sei !.v/10 i R-, FILXCIS CiBt or 761-779 t i s ; . oU1 OD on 11o^ S C14CI m iz-- LU -j PQ -J -J -J (cU) U) C0 mmmm C0( WDD 0 LUU CM r- CM <<< za 0 Q (-- --< ' -^ I I &teak.flst, Lunch & 'DiTner 7 Doys Fresh Fish' Specials Dai', Ice-Cold Beer & Wine : : ,,_ .. ... < t ,- *t ,.. ." "l.-- ...' The resirl hjrurcers anjr e i lc ide-.' nmujs ,.-,t 1 l'- i as -u9 I i .I ' Patd u-6 l ?r, F 'ropr1lr-. S . cS s.;.. .&._MAi ,iBEACi"* 778&250-1.- I I I I '' c ... -- Canadian veteran/Islander readies book By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent A Canadian veterinarian turned Islander is putting the finishing touches on the story of his life, his wife's losing battle with cancer and his research endowment in her name. Dr. Blake Graham spends winters here from Ontario, and this winter the book is taking up much of his time. It will be off the press in March: "Sow's Ear - Silk Purse: Anecdotes From the Life of a Veterinar- ian." It is an expansion of his earlier slimi volume of his boyhood on an Ontario farm, building a veterinary hospital, his happy marriage and its terrible end, and ultimately his large gift to fight cancer for his wife according to the plans they made before her death. Bright enough to finish high school at 16, he tried many fields before letting his mother talk him into going to college at age 20. He drove a school bus to help him through University of Guelph's Ontario Vet- erinary College. There he met a nurse at the university clinic, and the day after his graduation he and Barbara were mar- ried. Prospering in the independent practice he estab- lished in the Toronto area, he ended up building his own.hospital. He eventually sold it to younger practitioners and retired for just long enough to get restless, and then into real estate. That took him into ventures in St. Peters- burg and later Bradenton. Barbara was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1986, and Graham said she fought it hard until it killed her in 1991 "it was an awful death, just awful." The couple wanted to do something for their alma maters and wrote wills with endowments for each. But. when it became clear that her case was terminal, "we decided, why wait?" Graham said. When it was time, he met with officials of the Blake Graham, DVM, benefactor, author. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy University of Guelph and McMaster University for advice on what was best, and they said they couldn't imagine a better bet than a cancer researcher named Jack Gouldie. Gouldie had developed a project of injecting can- cer cells from women into mice, manipulating gene changes and re-injecting mice. The tumors regressed, Graham said, and that impressed him mightily. Russian impressionist exhibit opens Wallace Fine Art in Longboat Key presents the "Impressionist Masters of Russia" exhibition which highlights new work from top plein-air painters from the prestigious Surikov Institute of Moscow. The featured artists are considered to be the na- tional artists of Russia and their paintings cannot be exported unless handcarried by a courier with official release documents, a spokesperson said. An opening reception from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25, will feature artists and Russian art expert John Wurdeman, who will give a brief presentation 383-0777 " WWW.HARRYSKITCHEN.COM afL .* HARRY'S CONTINENTAL KITCHENS 525 ST. JUDES DRIVE LONGBOAT KEY (5600 BLOCK GULF OF MEXICO DRIVE) OPEN EVERYDAY t on the emerging importance of the Russian school of impressionism. The opening reception will also fea- ture a performance by musicians from the Republic of Georgia. The exhibit will be displayed through March 11 at the gallery in the Centre Shops, 5350 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Gallery hours.are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. For more information, call 387-0746. ,scAQB.eMIA s Wb4AS REGULAR BEEF OR BEAN TACOS 2 FOR 1 MONDAY NIGHT Try our Cuban Coffees S ,. Breakfast coming soon! Dine In Take Out Free Delivery* 'Minimum $10 order Mon-Sat 11am-9pm Sun Noon-8pm Closed Tuesday 8799 Cortez Rd. 761-3144 GREEK ITALIA RESTAURANT I great foodwith a MIediterraneanfla-ir I I GLASS OF I IFREE HOUSE WINE I *I I L with entree purchase I I E I Must present tiis coupon I I SOpen for Dinner 4:30 9:30 *7 Days 792-5332 L6777 Manatee Ave. W. in the Northwest Promenade1 He put $300,000 into the project, with the research divided between the two schools through the Barbara Graham Cancer Research Fund. London Insurance Co. endowed a like amount, and the program began to grow. "Many kinds of cancer are amenable to this treat- ment," Graham said. "Right now 25 women are start- ing the treatment." Today the schools are completing $27 million re- search centers devoted to cancer and other diseases that pass from animals to man, he said, proudly noting that it is "the only medical/veterinary college collaboration of its kind in the world." He and his second wife Joan several years ago vis- ited a friend of hers who had a home on Anna Maria Island, and they soon settled in Holmes Beach for their winter home. Orders can be placed now for the book's delivery in March, he said. He suggested that anyone interested call him at 778-8482 and he will bring the books south. Cost is $25 U.S., $30 Canadian. Proceeds will go to the Barbara Graham Cancer Research Fund. Capalbo's HOUSE OF PIZZA LUNCH PIZZA BUFFET $4.89 *DINNER PIZZA BUFFET $6.09 Dinner buffet includes pizza, soup and salad bar! 792-5300 10519 Cortez Rd. W. Mon-Sat 11am-10pm Sunday noon-9 a.p. BeLL fisH compaNyiNc. Fresh Seafood Since 1910 Great selection of locally caught Grouper, Snapper, Shrimp, C Panfish and much more. o Planning a fishing trip? Call about our big selection of frozen bait! DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAYo I SSee you at our docks! 794-1249 SA4600 124th St. W. L_ Cortez, FloridlId i . Wednesday. Feb. 23 8 to 9 a.m. "Good Morning, Longboat Key" at the Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce, 6960 Gulf ot Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 387-9519. 9 a.m. Horseshoe games at Anna Maria City Hall Park, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. 10:15 a.m. Intangible tax seminar at the Island Branch Library, 5701 :Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Informa- tion: 778-6341. 11 a.m. Iwo Jima survivors recognition at the Ameri- can Legion Post No. 24, 2000 25th St. W., Bradenton. Infor- mation: 794-3489. 12:30 to 4 p.m. Duplicate bridge at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-3390. Fee applies. Thursday, Feb. 24 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. AARP tax assiklance al Ihe Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Informa- tion: (888) 227-7669. 4 to 6 p.m. Jazz concert at the Island Historical Mu- seum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-0492. 6 to 8:30 p.m. Boal Sman course at the Anna Maria Island Power Squadron, 1200 71st St. N.W., Bradenton. Information: 714-0449. Fee applies. 7p.m. Bingo at Annie Silver Community Center, 23rd Street and Avenue C, Bradenton Beach. Information: 778-1915. Friday, Feb. 25 3 to 4:30 p.m. "Notes from a Diva" with international opera star RoseMarie Freni at the Education Center, 5370 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 383-8811. Fee applies. 5:30 to 7:30p.m.- Florida Suncoast Watercolor Soci- ety aqueous art show reception and awards ceremony at the Art League of Manatee County, 209 Ninth St. W., Bradenton. Information: 746-2862. 6 to 8 p.m. "Impressionist Masters df Russia" artists reception at Wallace Fine Art, 5350 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 387-0746. 6 to 9 p.m. Smooth Jazz by Fred Johnson at St. Armands Circle, Sarasota. Information: 388-1554. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Manatee High School Orchestra presents the "Concert in the Garage" at Jake's Automotive, 708 Ninth St. W., Bradenton. Information: 792-2111, 705- 8462, or 747-2976. Saturday, Feb. 26 9 a.m. Horseshoe games at Anna Maria City Hall Park, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 752-5973. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Street sale at Pines Trailer Park adjacent to the Bradenton Beach City Pier, Bradenton Beach. Information: 778-6043. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Rummage sale at St. Mary Star of the Sea Church, 4280 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 383-1255. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Water Wise Expo at the Manatee County Fairgrounds, 1303 17th St. W., Palmetto. Informa- tion: 722-4524. 10 a.m. "Fusing and Slumping Glass" demonstration by artist Linda Schmid at the Island Gallery West, 5368 Gulf Fusing, slumping glass demonstration Linda Schmid will L c', iii ,nl,. -(i, d /,r fusing and slumping glass at the Island Gallery West in Holmes Beach from 10 a.m. to noLon ,linirJ.i. Feb. 26. Schmid has worked v. ibh mIny Jifftcitr hditi-ii, including stoneware, porcelain, b,,a;s i i:ilpniit. china painting, oil painting and watercolors and., rr ti ly i'glas. The gallery is located at 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Gallery hours are 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Ioniida-Sanitda\. For more info,'mati. i, call 7'S-6648. -. Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6648. 10 a.m. to 2p.m. West Manatee Fire & Rescueppen House at the Beachway Plaza Shopping Center, 7500 Mana- tee Ave., Bradenlon. Information: 741-3900. 1 p.m. "Shells of Southwesl Florida" with Jose Leal of the Sanibel Bailey Matthews Shell Museum at the South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Information: 746-4131. Free with museum admission. Sunday, Feb. 27 8 to 11:30 a.m. Pancake breakfast at St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. HarborDrive, Holmes Beach. Infor- mation: 778-4769. Fee applies. Monday, Feb. 28 8:30 a.m. Internet class for beginners at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Informa- tion: 778-6341. 9 to 10 a.m. Island widowed persons meeting at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908., 1 to 4 p.m. Dessert card party at St. Bernard Catho- lic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-4769. Fee applies. Tuesday, March 1 Noon to 3:30 p.m. Friendly bridge at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. 1 to 4 p.m. Veterans service officer at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Appoint- ments: 749-3030. Wednesday, March 2 7 to 8 a.m. Pier regulars meeting at the Anna Maria City Pier, 100 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria. Information: 778- 7062. 9 a.m. Horseshoe games at Anna Maria City Hall Park, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. 12:10 p.m. Carl Parks of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church performs organ music by Bach at the Church of the Re- deemer, 222 S. Palm Ave., Sarasota. Information: 778-4820. 12:30 to 4 p.m. Duplicate bridge at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-3390. Fee applies. 1 p.m. Woman's Club of Anna Maria Island presents a book review by Ernestine Basler-Lawton of "Founding Mothers" by Cokie Roberts at the Anna Maria Island Com- munity Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-6083. Ongoing: "Sophisticated Ladies" at the Manatee Players Riverfront Theatre, 102 Old Main St., Bradenton, through Feb. 27. Information: 748-5875. Fee applies. Adult ballroom and swing dance class with Robin Rhodes at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria, through March 7. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. Basket-weaving class with Pam McMillen at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach, through March 8. Information: 778-2099. Fee applies. "Impressionist Masters of Russia" at Wallace Fine Art, 5350 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key, through March 11. Information: 387-0746. "Sew for Fun" at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, through March 17. Information: 795-8945. Florida Suncoast Watercolor Society aqueous art show at the Art League of Manatee County, 209 Ninth St. W., Bradenton, through March 21. Information: 746-2862. Traditional art class for ages 5-12 at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach, through March 22. Information: 778-2099. Fee applies. Old master's methodology oil painting class with Paul Scibilia at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach, through April 6. Information: 778-2099. Fee applies. AARP tax assistance at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, through April 15. Infor- mation: (888) 227-7669. "Shells: Gems of the Sea" exhibit at the South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton, through May 8. Infor- mation: 746-4131, ext. 37. Fee applies. Upcoming: Blood drive at Anna Maria Elementary School March 4. Religious Art & Artifacts exhibit at the Church of the Annunciation March 4. Book sale at Tingley Memorial Library March 4-5. Anna Maria Island Heritage Day at the Island Museum March 5. Southeastern Guide Dogs walk-a-thon at Manatee County Fairgrounds March 5. "Sharks! Top Predators of the Sea" at Mote Marine Aquarium March 5. Youth Orchestra Concert at Neel Performing Arts Cen- ter March 5. Centering-prayer introductory workshop at St. Bernard Catholic Church March 5. Line dancing fundraiser at the Anna Maria Island Com- munity Center March 6. IbTEW 01NT Tra2E BEACH: 779-0313 Serving Breakfast 9 am noon Lunch and Dinner 9 am 9 pm Daily Specials Dine-In Carry Out 101 7th Street N. Bradenton Beach Gulf Drive (Next to the Green Turtle) www.i slander.org] WE'RE NOT JUST YOUR GRANDDADDY'S FISHING PIER... WE'RE THE FRESHEST SEAFOOD AND THE BEST VIEW FOR ISLAND DINING plus...we've expanded our wine list' Open 11 am daily Enjoy more fine wines by the glass! for lunch and dinner. 100 Boy Blvd Anna Maria 779-1667 '-E--:g. 1~11 SPA D s 24 i V9EB.: 23,10dd( I:: rHE ISLANIrER Kudos to Dr. Thompson; 'Hoot' coming to us? Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, creator of gonzo journal- ism and a distint, sometimes wierd individual, died by his own hand Sunday, Feb. 20, at his Owl Farm com- pound in Woody Creek, Colo. He was 65. Thompson was one of the writers who was de- scribed as iconoclastic in the book "New Journalism" due to his concept of interjecting the reporter smack into the middle of the story. No "objective observer" Thompson, he often became the story. His first major magazine article was "The Ken- tucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved" in which he, a Kentucky native son, spent a debauched week at the derby. l- His in-your-face journalism reached novel form in "Hell's Angels" in which he chronicled the California, motorcycle gang. He rode with the group for a while, until getting stomped, which ended his "ride" and the book. His more famous infamous? book was "Fear and Loathing'in Las Vegas," made into a movie a few years ago starring Johnnie Depp as the Doctor. It is a story of a twisted, drug-aided assignment Thompson had covering a motorcycle race in the desert. The be- ginning of the book may convey some of the style that Thompson was famous for: "We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold. I re- member saying. something like, 'I feel a bit lightheaded; maybe you should drive ...' And suddenly there was a terrible roar all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge bats, all swooping and Screeching and diving around the car, which was going about 100 mph with the top down to Las Vegas. And a voice was screaming: 'Holy Jesus! What are these goddamn animals?' "Then it was quiet again. My attorney had taken his shirt off and was pouring beer on his chest, to facilitate the tanning process. 'What the hell are you yelling about?' he muttered. 'Never mind,' I said. 'It's your turn to drive."' I saw Dr. Thonipson lecture at the University of: South Florida. He arrived more than an hour late, mut- tered for 45 minutes or so, fell down on stage twice, and drank a six-pack of beer during his-"speech." It was classic Hunter, and my class of journalism students would not have expected anything else from the King of Gonzo Journalism. S'Hoot' rumors echo through Southwest Florida There are rumors floating around that another ma- jor movie production may take place Southwest Florida, based on a book by one of the state's more popular authors. "Hoot," a children's book by Carl Hiaasen, is sup- posedly being produced by him and Jimmy Buffett, also a Florida resident. Yes, it is.that Jimmy Buffett. Scenes within the book take place somewhere in South- west Florida, and location scouts are apparently inter- ested in keeping the locale true in the film version of the story and are roaming our coast. "Hoot" is, quite literally.a hoot of a book. Although it is a children's book, it reads pretty much like any of Hiaasen's novels, minus the sex and violence. Or at least not quite as much sex and violence. The book is the story of a middle school student who befriends another boy who is working to save a number of endangered burrowing owls from a developer's bulldozers. He enlists a set of strange - well, maybe not so strange for Hiaasen fans - friends along the way. There are lots of good old- Florida scenes within the book, including this one between our hero Roy and his buddy Mullet Fingers. The two are spending an afternoon on a sunken boat in a mangrove forest watching herons, osprey and crabs. "Downstream a disturbance shook the water, and a dozen silvery cigar-sized fish jumped in unison, trying to escape some hungry predator," Hiaasen writes. "'Cool! Here they come.' The strange boy pointed at the frantic V-shaped wake. He got flat on his belly and instructed Roy to hold his ankles. "'What for?' "'Hurry up, man, c'mon!' "With Roy anchoring his feet, the boy scooted himself forward over the rim of the pilothouse until his wiry upper torso was suspended out over the creek. I. I-- '--, A "doctored" portrait of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson by Ralph Steadman in their book, "The Curse of Lono." "'Don't let go!' he yelled, stretching his tan arms outward until his fingertips touched the water. "Roy's hold began to slip, so he pitched forward, exerting his full weight upon the boy's midsection. He expected both of them to go tumbling into the creek, which was all right as long as they didn't scrape any oyster bars. "'Here they come! Get ready!' "Roy managed to hang on as he felt the boy lunge. He heard a grunt, a splash, and then a triumphant 'Whooo-hooooo!!!' "Roy pulled him safely back on the pilothouse. The boy flipped over and sat up beaming, his hands cupped in front of him. "'Take a peek,' he told Roy. "The boy was holding a bright blunt-headed fish that sparkled like liquid chrome. How he had snatched such a slippery little ghost from the water with only his bare hands, Roy didn't know. Even the osprey would have been impressed. "'So that's a mullet,' Roy said. "'Yep.' The boy smiled proudly. 'That's how come I got the nickname.'" Hence the nickname of Mullet Fingers. Let's hope the location scouts find our part of the Pelican Man's sanctuary rescue training scheduled March 5 The Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary will train volunteers in the rescue of wild birds in a session at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, March 5, at the facility on City Island, 1708 Ken Thomp- son Pkwy, Sarasota. It is open to anyone 18 and older inter- ested in becoming a volunteer at the sanc- tuary. For registration and information, call 388-4444. world enticing enough for the production of "Hoot." We sure got the mullet. Eau de cockroach Chemists believe they have discovered the Holy Grail in the insect kingdom: The synthetic fragrance that entices male cockroaches to amorous females. The finding means that there is literally now a chance to make a better roach trap. According to a Los Angeles Times newspaper ar- ticle, scientists were able to separate the sex pheromone and then recreate it in the laboratory. It apparently will draw male cockroaches in less than 10 seconds flat. So what? Well, German cockroaches are the most prevalent species in the United States. They spread or trigger asthma and can spread cholera, food poisoning, dysen- tery and other diseases. According to the U.S. Environ- mental Protection Agency, U.S. households spend more than $1 billion a year on trying to stamp out cock- roaches. Unsuccessfully. Female roaches can produce up to 2 million off- spring a year. You can do the math for yourself to see that our pest control companies won't have to worry about losing any business any time soon. But the new roach perfume may help solve the bug problem. A drop or two in the trap, all the male roaches run for what they think is their new girlfriend, and bang, they're trapped. Oh, and the pheromone is so powerful that a starv- ing male cockroach will bypass food for the chance to copulate with what it thinks may be an amorous female. Good news from the Holy City There is actually a pretty nice proposal coming out of the Tallahassee by lawmakers this year. Bills have been introduced in both the House of, Representatives and the Senate to offer residents a- tax "holiday" on hurricane supplies. The tax-free period would probably be in early June and could include up to 20 sheets of plywood, batteries and a generator. The proposal makes surprising sense when you think about it. All of the urgings, pleadings and threats we make year after year to entice homeowners to pre- pare for hurricane season generally fall on deaf ears. Maybe by appealing to one's wallets, the pre-storm precautions will have more effect. Although the final list of items is still being re- solved, as well as quantities on the list, it is estimated that the average home would save about $30 through the tax amnesty period. The tax break would cost the state about $30 million, pretty much the same as the school supply tax holiday. There doesn't seem to be much opposition to the plan by lawmakers or business groups, although the Florida' Retail Federation does have a small concern. After having four hurricanes hit Florida in 2004, giving residents a tax break on storm supplies it will be "kind of odd to call it a holiday," FRF's Bill Herrle told the Tampa Tribune. Names, please? The partnership of the Gulf of Mexico Program is currently soliciting entries for the 2005 Gulf Guardian Awards Program, according to a release. Entry dead- line is May 10. Winners will be announced in July and the awards will be presented next fall. The awards program was started six years ago to honor businesses, industries, nonprofit organizations, government agencies and individuals who are "striving to make an environmental difference in the Gulf of Mexico," program officials said. First-, second-, and third-place Gulf Guardian awards are given in business, youth/education, partner- ships, government, individual and civic/nonprofit orga- nization categories. More information is available online at www.epa.gov/gmpo, or you can call (228) 688-1159 or (228) 688-1172. Sandscript factoid Cockroaches have been on the planet for at least 200 million years, according to fossil evidence. They survive in almost any environment, eat almost anything including paper and leather, and tend to infest almost every building given time. HIt's all trout lILDE FtEBe 3M in bas ight etn 25 It's all trout all the time in backwaters right now By Capt. Mike Heistand Backwater fishing is pretty much all trout right now and, if anybody can get out into the Gulf of Mexico, it's snapper and grouper. Reports of up to 50 trout catches per trip are pour- ing in from Sarasota Bay near Tidy Island and in Terra Ceia Bay, with a few catches up to 28 inches. Redfish action is slow, and snook are sluggish but hitting oc- casionally. Grouper and snapper are hitting in the-135-foot depths in the Gulf, as well as some amberjack. Flounder are also offshore, I\ ith some big flatties corniing onto the line. 'And of course there are sheepshead, with this time of year being about the best to bring in the big striped fish, some up to 8 pounds. :Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle at Catchers Marina in Hiolmnes Beach said dealing with the cold fronts has caused fishing to back off a bit - except for trout and sheepshead. Trout action is "great on the seagrass flats," Bill said, "and'they're taking the artificial baits now better than any other time of the year." He said the trout action allows anglers to bring in up to four fish per day per person. The slot-limit for trout catches is 15- to 20-inches plus one fish larger than 20 out ofthe four permitted per fisher. Sheepies are reeling in up to 7 pounds, with live shrimp, sand fleas and fiddler crabs working best as bait. "Snook are sluggish right now," Bill said, adding that there prob- ably won't be a whole lot of success for a lot of linesider hunters for the next few weeks because of the cold water temperatures. Offshore anglers have been 'tucked into port for the most part in the past week, but those who have ventured out into the.rough seas have done well with grouper, snapper and amberjack. : Capt. Thom Smith at Angler's Repair on Cortez Road said he went out a couple time last week and found trout to be the best "fish du jour" around. Capt. Thom and co-radio-host and soon-to-be Capt. Keith Pratt went out last Wednesday and, as he put it, "Capt. Keith lucked-into a 28-inch trout" in Terra Ceia Bay. A Friday trip Capt. Thom ran resulted in better than 50 West Manatee Fire & Rescue open house The West Manatee Fire & Rescue District will host an open house at the Beachway Plaza Shopping Center, 7500 Manatee Ave., Bradenton, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Feb. 26. The event will feature local firefighters, bike safety team, a children's firefighting com- bat challenge, Sparky the Fire Dog, WMFR's arson dog K9 Penny, Escape School and many other local safety organizations. There will be food, balloons and children's activities available throughout the day. For more information, call Donna Braun at 741-3900. A tj ......... ,...... . 6 N il .. .... .. r trout cauht11 i iihe Tid\ Island area. plus ome reds and a fe\'. nmall sinook. He's tfiding liie srirnp '.'or king well for his better catches, plus he's cLini lots of ac- 'tion off artificial like Mis.tr TI\ er On the party boat Sea Fox, Capt. Bill Sloan said the:\v.eekdJ\ offshore trips are bringing back lots of grunts, flounder, sheepshead and porgies. The longer weekend excursions out to 25 miles into the Gulf of Mexico are putting fishers onto keeper-size grouper, flounder, plus vermillion, lane and mangrove snapper. "Some of the flounder look like doormats," Capt. Bill said, "up to 26 inches in size. They're pretty much flukes." The sheepies are running up to 8 pounds, he added. Weather is weird, he said, because some days when it was rough close to shore it was calm outside. Octopus are an unusual catch farther out in the Gulf, something of a delight for the anglers on the boat. He mentioned that the Sea Fox would be going out on a 22-hour trip Saturday, leaving at 8 p.m. and hitting the 80-mrile offshore reefs, with expected catches includ- ing snapper, amberjack, grouper and cobia. Capt. Ray Markham aboard the Flat Back II said his charters have enjoyed Grand Slams in the past couple of weeks. "Snook have been exceptionally co- operative for February," he said, "but then again, for a February, this has been more like March. While wa- ter temperatures have been bouncing between 62 and 75 on the flats in the afternoons, the action has been steady. Larger snook are beginning to appear with these warmer days, and if the weather pattern contin- ues as it has, I look for an early spring." Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said there are a lot of fish around the pier, but not a whole lot of actual fishing coming through except for some sheepshead and small flounder. Kevin Kiser at Perico Island Bait and Tackle said there are lots of reports of trout by the Intracoastal Waterway and whiting off the beaches of Anna Maria Island. Snook and redfish action are out there too, but slow, although sheepies are still thick around the struc- tures in the bay and Gulf. Small shrimp and sand fleas / Grouper armfuls Frank and Dotty Case Sof Romulus, ; N.Y., from I 0 left, and Dandra Ditch of SGeneva, N.Y., caught these I .. grouper while fishing with Capt. Charters. catches of red grouper up to 30 pounds as well as gags up to 15 pounds, amberjack to 40 pounds, mangrove snapper to 5 pounds. and yellowtail snapper to 3 pounds. His clients have been fishing out to 135 feet of water off of Anna Maria Island, using live pinfish anrd frozen Spanish sardines as bait with great results. piers in the bays, plus sheepies to 7 pounds in both the Gulf and bays, as well as flounder to 16 inches. Pass and other action includes bluefish, ladyfish and some cgag grouper, Capt. Zach said. Good luck and good fishing. Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing guide. Call him at 723-1107 to provide fishing report. Prints and digital images of your catch are also wel- come and maybe dropped off at The Islander, u5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to news@islander.org. Please include identification for persons in the picture along with information on the catch and a name and phone number for more infor- mation. Snapshots may be retrieved once they appear in the paper. Moon Dale AM HIGH AM LOW rr.i 1',-h II I A 4 1 F : 1 I4 . I I i P. 2., II II r orir- H,.j gr T1nJul~es Iai.-r PM HIGH P '4; I' I I' I'- I- -, -. I ' I. We'd love to hear your fish stories, and pictures are welcome at The Islander. Just give us a call at 778- 7978, or stop by our office in the Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach. E-mail news@islander.org. Thi Islander EARLY RISER SPECIAL $40. Tues-Fri TAX 7-8am $5 Until Noon +TAX GREEN FEE AND CART $45 Noon-2 pm + TAX GREEN FEE AND CART $2 After 2pm +TAX GREEN FEE AND CART A I-I*bv -2 e to - i S .a -e UN LE PETE WANTS YOU TO DRIVE A CLEAN CAR! 24-hour self-serve car wash Complete auto detailing Quick lube ERICAN CAR WASH 5804 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach 778-1617 MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED L* ,l DEEt- SEA FISHING S Sailing Daily 9 am- 3 pm -- ...- .. :. --... -, "- ., B--a-, S( 75' SEA FOX For Reservations Call 795-1930 PAGE 26 FEB'. 3, 200 i]TRI'SJ NANDEIR I 4: ; 0 t 'i i I island Travelers .. 7.' J.,::+ .. ." , Ski bums Winter wonderland Five Islanders took to the slopes in Breckenridge, Colo., for a week of snow-capped fun. From left are "Tall" Father and son real estate team Gabe and Charles Fritz Dahlquist, Don "The Joker" Meilner, Steve "The Shark" Pelham, Dave "Dealmaker" Moynihan and Buky made time for reading The Islander while on a Terry "The Quiet Killer" Waynen. family ski vacation to Lake Geneva. In Leipzig Carl Parks, organist-choirmaster of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Holmes Beach, took his hometown paper with him on a tour of Germany, including the Johann Sebastian Bach memorial at St. Thomas church in Leipzig. Bach spent his last 27 years in that city. Parks played more than a dozen historic organs in Saxony. Mama mia Sabine Musil-Buehler, owner of Haley's Motel, shows her copy of The Islander newspapl r on her trip to Apweiler, Germany. She joined the Carnivale group of' thee Kappes family, in the traditional "Rosemionlalgs" parade. The group's float reflected the 30th anniversary of the musical ,rotup ABBA andi all piarticiipanls dressed in colorfud 1970s . --". Baptist mission trip In Costa Rica on a mission trip from Palma Sola Bay Baptist Church are, from left, Pete and Sue McClash, Kenny and Katie Merritt with her Islander, Beth Luchkowec and son Adam, who is a missionary in Costa Rica, and Liddy Moore. The youngster is Hanita DuVall, whose parents serve there with Luchkowec. On Danube Perico Islanders, from l cf Ancdv rd Arlene Barber and Lee and Dick Silagi, take the homzetowii newspaper along on their cruise on the Danube River through Eastern Europe frtoilthe Black Sea to Budapest. Here they / ire( at Roman rutilns at Constliatu. Romania. i 1 ~ I, i :; k; i ; r?i II i:': i i I I I i ; i i.;i $ i- II.: I ii i ii 1~ ; i ili i i i ; THE ISLANDER U FEB. 23, 2005 U PAGE 27 Little League gets under way with tryouts By Kevin Cassidy Islander Reporter The Anna Maria Island Little League season got under way when it hosted tryouts all day Saturday, Feb. 19, at the Anna Maria Island Community Center. Little Anna Maria Island Community Center basketball schedule Premier (ages 14-17) 8 p.m. Feb. 23 10a.m. Feb. 26 Noon Feb.26 4p.m. Feb.26 West Coast Air vs. IRE Premier Championship Game Premier All-Star Game Coaches Game Division I (ages 12-13) 7 p.m. Feb. 23 Observer vs. A&E 8 p.m. Feb. 24 Publix vs. LPAC 11 a.m.. Feb. 26 Division I Championship Game 2 p.m. Feb. 26 Division I All-Star Game 4 p.m. Feb. 26 Coaches Game Division II (ages 10-11) 6 p.m. Feb. 25 Division II Championship Game 7:15 p.m. Feb. 25 Division II All-Star Game 4 p.m. Feb. 26 Coaches Game Division Ill (ages 8-9) 6 p.m. Feb. 24 7 p.m. Feb. 24 1 p.m. Feb. 26 3 p.m. Feb. 26 4 p.m. Feb. 26 Bistros vs. Harry's Dips vs. Jessie's - Division III Championship Game Division III All-Star Game Coaches Game Duplex with elev.'lih, 2BR .. 2BA, fireplace, 40' and 48' porches, covered patio, .I. o-car garage. 18 x 30 bonus room. Plus 2BR.' 2BA, porch, carpon. Rented at $850/month. -- .' New owner can sell uniis separately. $784,500. 5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807 i R LTR. yreall7'aol.com www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com Gafle Simpson Schulz... Btrok/ Associate has these fabulous seasonal and vacation properties available for rent: rt Holmes Beach 2BR/2BA Martinique Condo, Gulffront, '" heated pool, $3,300. S 3BR/2BA Key Royal Canal Home, $3,000. 2BR/2BA Gulf Sands Condo, Gulffront, heated pool, $3,000. 2BR/2BA Ground-level duplex with heated pool, steps to The beach, $2,800. 2BR/2BA Ground-level house, close to the beach, $2,500. Bradenton 2BR/2BA Ironwood Condo with pool, tennis, on golf course. $1,900. Cortez 2BR/2BA Condo, close to Bradenton Beach, $1,500. Bradenton Annuals 3BR/2BA Condo in Pebble Springs, pool. $950/month plus utilities. Jim Anderson Realty Company PO Box 1789 401-B Pine Avenue Anna Maria, FL 34216 941.778.4847 toll free 1.800.772.3235 www. j im andersonreal ty.com ema il: jimsrea tyco@a o l. com players, 130 or so, broke out their gloves, bats and baseballs for a chance to show their stuff to the coaches and parents that attended. Most of the kids who tried out were younger than age 10 so it's looking like the league will top out with three or four teams at the AAA level and no major league team. There was some discussion about fielding one older team that would play in the Manatee West. Little League, but that plan was scrapped when it was determined there weren't enough 12-year-olds to com- pete. There will be four teams'at the AA level, which will employ a pitching-machine for the first half of the season before switching to live pitching for the second half of the season. T-ball is the biggest and youngest division for Anna Maria Little League, with six teams of play- ers set to embark on a first or second year of organized baseball. All teams will be picked after Saturday's draft. Final seedings set for basketball playoffs The final regular season games (really) were played in the Anna NIria Island Cormunity Center's basketball league with Anna Maria Glass & Screen, Publix, Duncan Real Estate and Bistros earning the No. 1 seeds for Premier, Division I, Division II and Divi- ir Z77 KEY WEST-STYLE DUPLEX: Private courtyard entry in- cludes a small heated pool. 6BR/4BA, gourmet kitchens, central vacuums and garages. Office loft in upper suite opens to sun deck with Gulf and bay views. $889,000. HOLMES BEACH DUPLEX: Nicely landscaped, great condition. 4BR/4BA, privacy fenced backyard with heated pool. Lots of storage, garages. $725,000. SEASONAL RENTALS FOR MARCH 2005 2BR/IBA condo, 2905 61st St., $1,800/month 2BR/2BA villa, 428 62nd St., $2,000/month 2BR/2BA duplex, 207 70th St., $2,500/month ]M '. 314 Pine Avenue M larin1a 11 o ite Anna Maria Reaiy Co. (941) 779-0732 ea yCo ) 7Toll Free - (866) 779-0732 COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR SALE Ideal location in Historical Anna Maria Village This 3,000 sf building offers unlimited potential for business opportunities. Combination storefront, gift shop, beach shop, rental shop, artist gallery or office space. Use the space you need and lease out the rest to help pay your mortgage! Offered at $1,500,000. REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA 941 778-0455 9906 Gulf Drive Anna Maria www.greenreal.com Ken Jackson, 778-6986 Kathy Geeraerts, 778-0072 Maureen Dahms, 778-0542 LaRae Regis, 779-1858 sion III playoffs. Though nothing earth-shattering really changed, due to a schedule change that wasn't passed along it was reported that last week's games were the final games of the regular season when, in fact, some games remain to be played. There were no games played in the Premier Divi- sion, so there's nothing new to report there. Division I Longboat Observer had the potential to evoke some changes, but they were defeated handily by first-place Publix 48-32, so Publix takes on Larry Pearson Air Conditioning at 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 24. Second- place Observer plays Air & Energy at 7 p.m. Wednes- day, Feb. 23, with the championship game set for 11 - a.m. Saturday, Feb. 26. Danziger Allergy & Sinus upset first-place Duncan Real Estate 17-15 Friday, Feb. 18, which makes Danziger's Monday, Feb. 21, game a little more inter- esting. The Anna Maria Oyster Bar versus Steve Titsworth General Contracting game is also set for Monday night with the winners squaring off at 6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25, for the Division II championship. The only intrigue that was left in Division III was whether or not Bistros would complete an undefeated PLEASE SEE SPORTS, NEXT PAGE of Anna Maria Inc. l778-7244 7a~tt~e ~ cdt~ee I~ce.. -" ., ,.,,, . RUNAWAY BAY, updated t BR/1 BA condo just steps to the beach. Great rental property. Turnkey furnished, heated pool, tennis courts and community fishing dock. $355,600. .j .: . ISLAND GETAWAY, beautifully remodeled 2BR/2BA single family villa. Turnkey furnished. Quiet.Holmes Beach location. One block to the beach and a view of Spring Lake. $377,600. BEST BUY ON LONGBOAT KEYIII 2BR/2BA freestanding villa with wood floors. Private beach access, marina, boat slips. 55- plus. $310,000. LOWEST PRICE CANAL HOME ON LONGBOAT KEYI 2BR/ 2BA, large bedrooms, beautiful open-beam vaulted ceilings, solid wood and tile flooring No br dges to bay, lots of charac- er! Buld up .:for bay v $625,000. ter Build up for bay views! $625,000. CALL TODAY! 1 (800)771-6043 (941)778-7244 5309 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach www.gulfbayrealty.com PAGE 28 E FEB. 23, 2005 U THE ISLANDER Sports CONTINUED FROM PAGE 27 regular season and if A Paradise Realty \\ would finish winless. Bistros defeated second-place Dips Ice Cream 22-16 Thursday, Feb. 17, while A Paradise defeated Harry's Continental Kitchens 13-12 for its first ictory of the season Thursday night. Thursday, Feb. 24, has Bistros taking on Harry's at 6 p.m. and second-place Dips playing Jessie's Island Store at 7 p.m. in the second semifinal. The % inner play for all the marbles at 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26. Danziger 17, Duncan 15 Wyatt Hoffman's fourth-quarter basket provided the eventual winning margin on Friday, Feb. 18, as - Danziger Allergy & Sinus upset first-place Duncan Real Estate 17-15 in Division II basketball action. Hoffman finished with six points, while Glenn Bower led the way with nine points Emma Barlow completed the Danziger scoring with two points in the victory. Center final basketball standings Team r-- Wins Losses, Premier Division AM Glass & Screen 8 4 West Coast Air 7 5 Island Real Estate 6 6 ReMax 4 8 Division I Publix 9 3 Observer 7 5 Air & Energy 4 8 LPAQ 4 8 Division II Duncan Real Estate 10 2 AM Oyster Bar 9 3 STGC 6 6 Danziger 3 9 Galati Marine 2 10 Division III Bistros 12 0 Dips Ice Cream 8 4 - Jessie's 7 5 Harry's 2 10 A Paradise 1 11 BEAU home place lariun or offi 748-6 THII_.i-l [IS ,E. OF HO'.lEE C' IE .lI'DD :E'S WVVWW.MICHAELSAUNDERS.COM .. - .F....... '. .. -,,-. .. .. TIFUL CANAL FRONT 3BR/5BA STUNNING FULL PANORAMIC BAY w/granite kitchen counters, fire- VIEWS from this Key West style home. dark room & large pool. So- Brazilian cherry wood flooring & dock i w/full kitchen & guest quarters w/electric lift. $1,195,000. 748-6300. ice above the garage. $1,300,000. Sandy Drapala, 725-0781 or Kathy i300. Judy LaValliere, 504-3792 Marcinko, 713-1100. 502259 or Ann DeBellevue, 720-7614..5041/5 RIVERVIEW LANDINGS SHOWPLACE. Exquisitely remodeled throughout. 4BR/ 3.5BA, gorgeous pool & outdoor enter- taining area. Lush, private 1/2 acre lot. Close to Gulf beaches. $809,900. Sandy Drapala, 725-0781 or Kathy Marcinko, 713-1100.505383. .SHELL POINT.2BR/2BA unit with a peek at the bay & pool/courtyard views. Lovingly updated in the last 2 years. Thermal/double paned windows. $339,000. Christina Miller, 748-6300 or 713-2340. 505360 REGAL WATERFRONT home w/dazzling Tampa Bay views from every room. Private beach, dock& boat lift Chefs kitchen. $2,249,000. Barbara Jennings, 748-6300 or 793-0180.504606 SPECTACULAR & SERENE 10+ acre waterfront estate on Terra Ceia Island. Sophisticated elegance & breathtaking views from all decks. $1,950,000. Ruth Lawler, 748-6300 or 587-4623.502892 SUNSET ON PALMA SOLA BAY. 6BR/3.5BA home. Gourmet kitchen, fireplace, pool & tennis court $1,750,000.748-6300. Ann DeBellevue, 720-7614 or Judy LaValliere, 504-3792.504395 RELAX & ENJOY 3BR/2BA riverfront paradise. Over an acre w/pool, covered dock & gorgeous grounds.$1,199,000.748-6300. Sandy Drapala, 725-0781 or Kathy Marcinko, 713-1100.503715 ISLAND INVESTMENT. 4-unit building grandfathered-in on 90x100 corner lot. Only 2 1/2 blocks to Gulf of Mexico. $599,000. Ruth Lawler, 746300 or 587-4623. 501426 MANATEE RIVERFRONTw/private dock & deep sailboat water. 3BR/3BA & den beautifully reno- vated. $598,000.748-6300. Sandy Drapala, 725-0781 or Kathy Marcinko, 713-1100. 505328 TRADITIONAL 2-STORY 3BR/2BA home in Azalea Parkw/wood floors, landscaped large private yard. $349,900.748-6300. Sandy Drapala, 725-0781 or Kathy Marcinko, 713-1100.500161 GREAT ISLAND LOCATION! Updated 1-2BR/2BA townhouse w/private patio. Pride of own- ership shows in this home. $340,000. Barbara Westendorf, 748-6300 or 685-6109. 501694 BEALITIFUL is the only way to describe this turnkey furnished condo, 1 BR unit w/den. Move-in condition & many amenities. $111,500. Debbie Capobianco, 748-6300 or 704-2394. 504947 A crown of would-be baseball players line the field during Little League tryouts at the Anna Maria Island Community Center. Islander Photos: Kevin Cassidy Duncan Real Estate was led by Chris Callahan's game-high 10 points, while Ashley Waring scored three points and Kyle Crum added two points in defeat. Oyster Bar 18, STGC 12 Anna Maria Oyster Bar solidified its hold on sec- ond-place in Division II with a six-point win over STGC on Friday, Feb. 18. Matt Bauer scored 10 points to lead the way for the Oyster Bar, which also received four points from Sarah Howard and two points apiece from Zach Evans and Blake Rivers in the victory. Ally Titsworth led STGC with four points, while Chandler Hardy, Molly McDonough, Emily White and Rachael White completed the scoring for Titsworth with two points apiece in the loss. Publix 48, A&E 32 Publix cooled off Air & Energy 48-32 on Thurs- MARKEY REALTY & ASSOCIATES 5 V MAGNIFICENT o 0 SUNRISES O s. Breathtaking view of s.- | Tampa Bay and the Sky- S way Bridge. This bayfront home can be either single S- family or duplex. Ameni- r ties are identical on both levels. Luxury features throughout. Elevator takes you from ground level pool area to both floors above. A MUST SEE! 232 S. Harbor Drive, $1,500,000. JOHN ZIRZOW 778-9171 OFFICE 753-1620 Virtual Tour at www.llrealtour.com/mls502440/realtor : Gail Tutewiler Top Prodlcing Realtor 941-705-0227 Toll Free 1-866-587-8559 GailTuteRE@aol.comn ISLAND HOMES: 2905 AVE. C., HOLMES BEACH: Beautifully decorated 2-3 BR/ 2BA' home only'200 steps to the beach in immaculate condition. Open inside staircase to lower level lanai, patio, bonus room and 2 car (deep) garage. Great price for over 1,800 SF of actual living area You'll love it! $569,900. NEW LISTINGI 2908 AVE. C., HOLMES BEACH: Nicely updated elevated 2 BR/ 2 BA home with wood floors, updated bathrooms, wrap around deck, 2-4 car garage, paver tile drive. Just steps to the beach. Great house! $529,000. NEW LISTINGI NORTH BEACH VILLAGE #42: Townhouse nestled in the trees, community pool, maintenance free yard. 3 BR/2 BA (split plan) .with 2 car garage plus bonus room. Large pets okay. Low fees. $525,000. ISLAND CONDOS:. WESTBAY POINT 6 MOORINGS: Great open feeling to this beautiful 3BR condo overlooking the canal. Wonderful grounds, 2 pools, hot tubs, tennis. $525,000. AFFORDABLE BEACH-BAY CONDO: Ground floor end unit by pool with redesigned kitchen. Own property on the beach and bay. Heated pool, clubhouse, fishing pier and patio on the bay. Great community! $349,000. SUMMER SANDS GULF SIDE: Magnificently upgraded 1900+ SF condo with full gulf views, private beach with pool & hot tub on the bay. $899,900. 3224 EAST BAY DRIVE HOLMES BEACH lot day, Feb. 17, to clinch first place in the Center's Divi- sion I despite fielding only five players. Ben Valdivieso led the way with 22 points, including a trio of three- point baskets. Point guard Justin Dearlove added 18 points, while Egan Fridenberg chipped in with eight points in the victory. Corbin Kitchen scored 25 points to clinch the Di- vision I scoring leader race, while teammate Garrett Secor idded seven points in the loss. Bistros 22, Dips 16 Di\ ~,.in III Bistros completed the only unde- feated baske[tbilI season among allteams in the 2005 Anna Maria Conmmunitl Center basketball season with its si -p,-int t ctory over second-place Dips Ice Cream oi Tlhursda\. Feb. 17. Hailey Dearlove led PLEASE SEE SPORTS. NEXT PAGE COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR LEASE K' ACROSS FROM BEACH on Gulf Drive in Bradenton Beach. Completely upgraded block building with newer A/C, electrical, plumbing, three bathrooms, 12 parking spaces. 2,970 square feet. .,Call for details 941-240-2694. Gabe Buky 941-374-5772 i. I. ,. U . Best Team! Best Properties! Charles Buky 941-228-6086 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-4 PM 731 Key Royale Drive Bay front home, 3BR/2.5BA. $1,650,000. 625 Ivanhoe Lane Bay front home, -IBR"3BA. $2,895,000. 871 North Shore Drive Bay.beach front. Two homes, 5BR,'4BA total. $1.695,000. 502 Key Royale Drive Twenty foot canal frontage, 2BR/2BA. $550,000. 538 68th Street Bayfront home, 6BR/6BA, deep sailboat water! $2,349,000. PERFORMANCE COUNTS! CALL US TO LIST YOUR HOME (941) 387-1864 Coldwell Banker Previews 201 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key, FL 34229 THE ISLANDER 0 FEB. 23, 2005 M PAGE 29 Sports CONTINUED FROM PAGE 28 the way with 14 points, while Giorgio Gomez added five points and Becca Butler finished with three points for Bistros. Justin Gargett led Dips with 14 points, while Jerry Mayer added two points in defeat. A Paradise 13, Harry's 12 Logan Reiber's foul shot provided the winning margin as A Paradise Realty finished its season on a positive note with a one-point victory over Harry's Continental -Kitchens on Thursday, Feb. 17. Josh Schmidt led the way with six points and Courtny Schmidt added four points. Ryan Gilman completed the A Paradise scoring with two points in the win. Cliff Pascal scored six points and Zach Facheris and Mallorie Kosfeld added two points apiece to lead Harry's in the loss. Isaiah Beaton and Savannah Schields completed the Harry's scoring with one point apiece. Oyster Bar 15, STGC 10 Matt Bauer scored seven points and Nicole Botero added four points to lead Anna Maria Oyster Bar past STGC on Wednesday, Feb. 16, in Division II basket- ball action. Sarah Howard and Molly Slicker com- pleted the Oyster Bar scoring with two points apiece in the victory. Trevor Bystrom, Kelly Guerin, Chandler Hardy, Molly McDonough and Ally Titsworth scored two points apiece for STGC in the loss. FRESH MULLET SALE HATS $12 T-SHIRTS M,L,XL $10, XXL $12 ... 941-778-7978 5404 Manna Dr. Holmes Beach BAYFRONT HOME One year old, excellent income producer. 5BR/ 5BA, elevator, swimming pool, private dock, 4-car garage. Owner financing. $1.75 million 778-5409 billandjean@tampabay.rr.com LPAC 38, A&E 36 Whitney Bauer scored six of her 10 points in the fourth quarter to help LPAC rally past Air & Energy to record a two-point victory Saturday, Feb. 12, in Divi- sion I basketball action at the Center. The victory helped LPAC pull into a division tie with A&E at 4-8, but A&E earned third place by winning two out of three games against LPAC this season. Matt Shafer led LPAC with 14 points, while Broderick West added eight points. Jarot Nelson and Jason Rappe completed the LPAC scoring with four and two points respectively in the LPAC victory. Corbin Kitchen scored 17 points to lead all scorers, while A&E teammate Will Osborne added nine points. Kevin Callahan chipped in with eight points and Jor- dan Sebastiano scored two points for A&E in the loss. Lady Canes upset win extends basketball season The Manatee High School Lady Canes upset Fort Myers Cypress 67-57 in Thursday's, Feb. 17, Class 5A Region 3 tournament game in Fort Myers. The win extends the season for Island girls Jessica Cramer, Danielle Mullen, Ryane Carden, Sarah Lanzillo and Ashley Lane. Freshman guard Megan Dzikas led.the way with 17 points, while senior guard Lauren Cruz added 13 points, including six crucial free throws to seal the win for the Lady Canes down the stretch. Islanders Cramer, Carden and Mullen each added four points to the win- ning total for the Lady Canes, which now hosts Largo in a Region 3 semifinal game on Tuesday, Feb. 22. .j THE TWO LOWEST PRICED PROPERTIES IN HOLMES BEACH! ...and with pool access at S' .. North Beach Village next i -.. door! 1BR/1BA, one with S"ii ; '' sunroom and lanai. Both turnkey furnished with rental history. S289,000 and S299,000. Jon Collins helps his son Liam during Little League tryouts at the Anna Maria Island Community Center. WESTBAY POINT & I t ^, .- . MOORINGS Heated Pools, Tennis Courts and Hot Tub with beautifully manicured acreage. The most comfortably residential condominium on the island. TWO UNITS AVAILABLE NOW! 2BR/2BA upstairs unit with tiled entry and tiled kitchen. Glass-enclosed lanai with a view of greenbelt and water. Includes covered parking and partial furnishings. $450,000. 2BR/2BA downstairs end unit. Great views of the canal and greenbelt from the lanai. Protected by electric storm shutters. Many newer appliances are included. $495,000. Call Dick Maher or Dave Jones for a private viewing. ITT- PIT "I_, Il Call Sue Carlson 941-720-2242 411 Pine Ave Anna Maria SProperty Management and Leasing BAY PALMS WATERFRONT 1[,......, .- BBight and open floor plan. Spacious 3BR! A Manatee MLS as of 2/16/05 Total Island Properties For Sale: 222 B a o f -- 3BA pool home features 2 Master suites, i,. l Median Price: $793,000 2 A/C units, split bedroom design. Over. Se Total Pending: 99 Median Price: $595,000 s.rd 2-car garage. Larg see aled -.,n l lpoo.ih bNoat idocgk. ea toed cagd. ust Total Sold Since 1/1/05: 30 Median Price: $565.000 'a oun poo. No Bridges to hba. Just '.' steps. o beach. Backing 750,000. H ow can we preserve your investment? L "bch. An dr,, o. G us t' "m' 'Cal! Travis and Smith Group ;, .r FJU~K Gulfstream ..41-7-7777 mI7IE I Realty ;,. ISLAND LIVING AT MAINLAND PRICES Judy Karkhoff 941-778-7777 3BR/3BA TWO-CAR GARAGE POOLr Realtor 866-266-9911 PRIVATE PATIO HOME Realtor attended Anna Maria Elementary School, University of MN (BA) and UCLA Business School ON PERICO ISLAND I, ~: Id] 1- --,. ,,CONt-. te , SS .,s oell -. oe1h a.k e Community amenities include clubho'us-e,-- O r tennis courts. Offered at $370.000. MLS# 50545-0. 'aSt! . Relo Realt-or OffDirect (94 1) 962-561 I I ,# s .'- Office(94 1) 778-7777 E-mail: jonetReordon@Remax.net web: www.JanetReardon.com 401 Manatee Ave., Holmes Beach Gulfstream Realty -- ;;------~ -;..-;-~----~i~_.- ~__liL;~ _-L~ _-~i~_l-Li~~~~_~~-~E~i~_r_LrS__c~-l ~ I~ZVL1-IPII PAGE 30 N FEB. 23, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER ITMSFR AE =ANONCMNT I GRAESAE C ine STERLING SILVER JEWELRY at Cosmic Sense Jewelry, booth 228-230 at Red Barn Flea Market. (941) 745-9010. 15 percent off with ad. Visit us at www.Floridasilverjewelry.com. Free shipping. BICYCLES: Men's and ladies' 10-speed. Big tires, like new. $35. (941) 792-3775. WEDDING DRESS: white, designer, hand-beaded, spaghetti straps, detachable train. Perfect for Island wedding. Size 6-8. Beautiful, freshly cleaned. Sac- rifice, $295. (941) 778-5522. KENMORE FREEZER: Small top loading. Approxi- mately five-cubic-feet. Three years old. $75. Call (941) 778-0954. ENTERTAINMENT CENTER: Holds 32-inch televi- sion, stereo, CD and DVD storage. Black with glass doors. 60-wide-by-48-inches tall. Like new! $95. (941.) 778-5522 EXQUISITE WEDDING DRESS: Size 12-14. White satin lace, beaded. Original cost, $1,500; only ask- ing $125. (941) 794-5408. COFFEE TABLE, two end tables, solid-light colored wood, manufactured by Lane. Excellent condition. $150. (941) 792-0517. GIRL SCOUT COOKIES available at The Islander, assorted varieties, $3.50 box. All proceeds paid to local Girl Scout troop. FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp,- crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call James Lee, (941) 795-1112 or 704-8421. CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org I Free Prequalification * Purchase or Refinance Second Home Investment Property Foreign National Programs 100% FINANCING A AVAILABLE Local Island Specialist Celebrating 15 Years We'll come to you Call (941) 778-8553 Today ISLAND NUTRITION: Nutrition counselor offering at home consultations, specializing in personalized weight-loss programs. Affordable! Call Tricia, home (941) 779-0937, cell 796-7719. YOGA-PILATES Anna Maria Art League. 9am Mon- day, Yoga/Pilates; 9 am Thursday, Yoga. Instructor, Preston Whaley Jr. Information, 778-3996. ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 9:30am-2pm. Saturday, 9am-noon. Always sales racks. Pine Avenue, Anna Maria. (941) 779-2733. ESTATE SALE: 9am-3pm Feb. 25-26. Fine furni- ture, crystal, china, art (W. Gebhardt, G. Rehberger), Betsy Ross piano, pine chest, miscel- laneous. Great prices! Cash only! 8002 Fourth Ave. W., Northwest Bradenton, Pine Bay Forest (just off the Manatee causeway). STREET SALE: 9am-2pm Saturday, Feb. 26. Pines STrailer Park will hold a street sale near Bridge Street fishing pier, Bradenton Beach. Featuring arts and crafts, white elephant sale, homemade pies, sloppy joes and hot dogs. Information (941) 770-6043. LONGBOAT KEY RUMMAGE Sale: 9am-2pm Sat- urday, Feb. 26. Furniture, housewares, linens, clothing, books and lots more! Lunch available. St. Mary Star of the Sea Church, 4280 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. MOVING SALE: 8am-4pm Friday, Feb. 25. Book- case, wall unit, file cabinet, miscellaneous. 517 72nd St., Holmes Beach. WATERWAY CONDO! ?BR/2BA on canal with peak i "' -Palma Sola Bay! Totally .- remodeled, decorator furnished, i niE, l --i ''s ".'. Itlian ceramic tile, kitchen-aid .p pliances, boat docks, heated .* ,~ :., P-- 'Iool.jacuzzi and tennis. Minutes '.- t i '' Gulf beaches and shopping! Asking $349,900. BAYFRONT DUPLEX! Serene location on Sarasota Bay with gorgeous views! 3BR/3BA and I BR/IBA with two boat docks and vacant lot on bay! Great for second home or investment! Asking $959,900. TRIPLEX STEPS TO BEACH! Super investment or second home with rentals. 3BR/IBA, 2BR/IBA and IBR/IBA. Tile, wood floors, new air conditioner, cabinets, decks and stairs. Partially furnished! Owner/agent. Asking $589,000, $40,000 belo, appiljai J. Deborah Thrasher RE/MAX Excellence. : (941)518-7738 " (941) 383-9700 DebMThrash@aol.com LARGE MOVING SALE: 8am-3pm Saturday, Feb. 26. Lots of furniture and miscellaneous. Everything must go! 1205 Gulf Drive S. Parking across street at beach. For information, (941) 778-0535. MOVING SALE: 9am-5pm Saturday-Sunday, Feb- ruary 26-27. Complete contents of a 2BR condo. Unit 124, West Bay Cove, 600 Manatee Ave., Holmes Beach. ANNUAL FLEA MARKET: 8am-1pm Saturday, Feb. 26. Largest ever! Appliances large and small, furni- ture, clothing, sporting equipment, jewelry, bikes, baked goods, plants, shells, etc. Lunch available. Palma Sola Harbour condos, 9400 Cortez Rd. W. Information (941) 792-3475. GARAGE SALE: 8am-lpm Thursday-Friday, Feb. 24-25. Lots of stuff, very good condition! 214 85th St., Holmes Beach. FLEA MARKET: Saturday, Feb. 26, 7am-2pm. Home-made pies by the slice. Artist raffle, $5 each. Sloppy joes, hot dogs! Sandpiper Resort, 2601 Gulf Drive N.,Bradenton Beach. LARGE FLEA MARKET: 9am-4pm Saturday, Feb. 26. Parking lot of Niki's & Islander Market Antiques. 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Tons'of antiques, col- lectibles, jewelry, furniture, bric-a-brac, many treasures! YARD SALE: 9am-lpm Saturday, Feb. 26. Lots of treasures and some funky junk! 618 Gladiolus St., Anna Maria. FIND GREAT DEALS on wheels and everything else in The Islander, 778-7978. CANAL FRONT CONDO: Enjoy breathtaking sunsets from your screened lanai overlook- ing a canal. Updated, furnished 2BR/2BA condo in move-in condition. Heated pool and spa, tennis courts and lush tropi- cal surroundings makes this a perfect is- S land retreat. $499,500. IB#504847. GOLF FRONT CONDO S2BR/2BA furnished condo directly on the golf course in excellent condition, screened lanai and lush tropical sur- roundings. Heated pool and spa, tennis court, sauna, clubhouse, exercise room and billiards. Close to beach, shopping il and hospital. $189,900. IB#505061 1 1 D1-enise Langlois 11 W(941) 751-1155 *(800) 448-6325 Brand New Luxv I: Enlo the Gulf A& our heated pool. tloo! i l:"'lc u rn I...i.c .., ,ii Ldcigcr 1.1..hr .~ i e 1 i *io a rid Illi.h Ic' It' S2ii5 h(Sth Street 829.000 |; $699.000 . ,0 Great Marketing Gets Great Results! Great Marketing Gets Great R Call Jon4RealEstate Call Jon4RealEstate Direct 941-9200832 Direcl 941-92008632 . EL m 3,1 J:.i, .l..rijR--,IL -:15i1 ,i :,-.m E rr,n ,i .l,:.r, .i:,rJi4 ,l:l I- 1 ,',:,m |7 Best Location .- -, 0 p .%: r !- -$1.900,000 II~:~I~JF h ,, ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. m! Cute Beach Cottage 1h1'ul If\ LI likeI cu e. his, I our "'B .acll RetreI l" 211y A'. eunue C $499,000 ^: ^,J'- .-' ": " results! Great Marketing Gets Great Results! Call Jon4RealEstate Direct 941-920-0832 E -r,', l .I. :, ',_' ,, R .l I" l a :, ri, il., ii . Perico Ba, Club l".ii,. l, 'B \ C ,nl., h, Ili lil il iiiii $"3 9 I LI.O,, $398.000 --< -... .. p; ,:, ...,,, Great Marketing Gets Great Results' Great Marketing Gets- Great Results' G. Call Jon4RealEstate Call Jon4RealEstate Direct 94 1-920-0832 Direct 941-920-0832 r, --- .- t~... .f ... ...-. U.S- .. -..,. .. 7; ': .. ... r, ..1 .. I. .. E.r_., ',:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~. -. ,_ .. _.- .............. --:: : -.-;.> ._::.: Great Marketing Gets Great Results[ Great Marketing Gets Great Results! G SCall Jon4lRealEstate Call Jon4RealEstate 0 Drect 941-920-0832 Dtrect 941-920-0832 --5,--;.--_--: = --..-- ........ . I .. -; .-' J .. .nn i .. .. - -,,,, 's i'--~~- ;;-~-~-=--,-' : "- I" r~ -': "= =:-"-- = -- -- S" '-' -- Trust... Il ljrli, lllQ1c -il n%. 1'1 - Talk to those' I've th Ie lpe'd. /tC'll te ll 111. I' c. ti/t, iaeii v'uu1t '" doc% make a /to, %1, '. and/or ti/trig/t prici. Ib u r t/at /whal-i'eli al tI 't.inili. Buildnp: & Equip.iii:i i1 17oI t Gull Dn[ .e N $650,000 F:I _ --. -_ ^ .^ ._ E ; X ": '4 "' '. ; 3reat Marketing Gets Great Results! Call Jon4RealEstate Direct 941-920-0832 E .mai J.:.n- J...:nJRealE.laEle :,,r, :.- -'- ^ 5 ----- '^^^--^':c .-. :---- T i'. KEY MORTGAGE CORPORATION licensedMortage BkerageBuie s - Only Steps To Beach!: !i Beach1 C'it-v Markett THE ISLANDER E FEB. 23,-2005 E PAGE 31 L 5 N D E : . .r7 ESTATE SALE: 8am-4pm Saturday, Feb. 26. Ev- erything must go! Household items, furnishings, new dishwasher, piano, clothes. 1955 Chris Craft Boat. 803 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria. MISSING: 17-lb. male cat, proximity of 72nd Street, Holmes Beach. Information, (941) 720-1192. Re- ward! MONEY FOUND: Small sum, Gulf Drive, Bradenton Beach area. (941) 778-7144. BINGO! Annie Silver Community Center. Play Thursday through March 31, 7pm. Prizes, refresh- ments. Everyone welcome! Smoke free. 103 23rd St., Corner of Avenue C and 23rd Street, Bradenton Beach. For information, call (941) 778-1915. ISLAND NUTRITION: Nutrition counselor offering at home consultations, specializing in personalized weight-loss programs. Affordable! Call Tricia, home (941) 779-0937, cell 796-7719. YOGA-PILATES Anna Maria Art League. 9am Mon- day, Yoga/Pilates; 9 am Thursday, Yoga. Instructor, .Preston Whaley Jr. Information, 778-3996. ANNA MARIA ISLAND SCREENSAVER! Experi- ence the Island on your computer desktop. Avail- able at The Islander, or purchase online or order by mail., $12 PC or $15 Mac. www.robertsondesignstudio.com. AMI KIWANIS CLUB fruit orders benefit Island chil- dren. Order delicious oranges and grapefruit pack- ages for shipment to friends and family from mem- ber Rich Bohnenberger, (941) 778-0355. Order through May 2005. NEED A GIFT? Artists will design and create unique art, stained glass, paintings, painted furniture and more! Restless Natives, Island Shopping Center, 5314 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 779-2624. BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a person- alized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park. Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Pick up form at The Islander or call (941) 518-4431 for more information. FREE GUN LOCK. Yes, free. Just for the asking. Courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserva- tion Commission. Free at The Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be sorry, be safe. LONGBOAT KEY HISTORY "From Calusas to Con- dominiums" by Ralph B. Hunter. -Signed copies available at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-7978. HOME INSPECTION BUSINESS for sale. 18-years experience'. Complete on-the-job certified training. One full year's support free. Probable, earnings $100,000 first year, $200,000 with two employees. Exceptional opportunity for a man or woman to run from home office located anywhere. $75,000, $45,000 down and seller will finance $30,000, or $60,000 cash. (941) 778-4606 or (407) 467-8666. CRITTER SITTER nine years in pet care. 24 years as an Island resident. Lots of TLC for your beloved pets with in-home visits. (941) 778-6000. ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes:. All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened. Please call (941) 922-0774. 1986 PORSCHE 928S. Excellent condition! Sunroof, power steering, ABS brakes, automatic transmission. $11,900. All maintenance records. 73,000 miles. Contact Randy (941) 737-1134. FIND IT! BUY IT! SELL IT FAST! In The Islander. 2003 FORD MUSTANG GT convertible, five-speed manual, all options. 2,500 miles. $20,000. (941) 779-1079. 2001 PT CRUISER: 50,000 miles. Purple, sunroof, ice-cold air, leather interior. Garage kept. $9,500. (941) 778-3875. 1996 MERCURY GRAND Marquis: 96,000 miles. Regular service, runs perfectly, alf leather and auto options. $3,500. Call Dave (941) 713-4800. FOR SALE: 2002 Hyundai Santa Fe, 22,000 miles, great condition, warranty. $12,300. (941) 778-2581. 1990 ECONOLINE 150 VAN, cold air conditioning, has towing package. Ready for travel. Runs great! $1,800, or best offer. (941) 778-1102. 1995 EVINRUDE 200 HP. All cables, control box, key switch, propeller. Less than 100 hours on re- build. $3,500. (941) 723-1107. BOAT MOTOR: 2001 25-hp four-stroke Evinrude. Ex- cellent.condition, low hours, $2,400. (941) 224-6616. 1992 HUNTER SAILBOAT: 23.5 foot. 2003 Honda four-stroke 15-hp with power tilt. Water ballast, trailerable, walk through transom, swing keel, new bottom paint. $6,500. (941) 779-2129. 1998 KEY WEST 1520 center-console. 75-hp Yamaha. Poling platform, North Star push pole. Live well. Low hours. $7,000 or $7,500 with trailer. (941) 224-6616. LONG AFTER THE effects of a cheap-job fade, linger the reality of poor product and craftsmanship! Fiber- glass, gelcoat, cosmetic, structural repairs. Full resto- rations. www.TommySolomon.com. (941) 993-3664. CLASSIFIEDS ADS are posted early online at www.islander.org. -New" The Hibiscus -a brand new Mediterranean flats nestled between lu ur,n .I ari d :.:.,- r,,r,.:e c. 're ...Oul d;.-ire T.o :r.pl.u;. sQ rag-1e le,.3lor '"r ,Hrqi pr:,.:,l Re,:egr ,: rrI pleled ard [ -,:, t.:.r i Slmn. tj81 .: 50.i. . ~i-~ Sisn.nq. at S89. 00 Tina Rudek (941) 920-0303 .:' __-. = : "I ' i' xwgvv -RW NNW,* a W N ''. Ff-1.. ~~ ... fl l ...~...... .- D 0tqv i A7 fR-i::~b~ A Paradise Realty hosted it's 2004 awards reception at the Ritz Carlton Saturday night, Feb. 12. More than 70 associates and guests attended .the event. Excellent food and beverages were enjoyed by all with an awards presentation that was described as both eloquent and extremely fun. Bill Alexander, president and broker for A Para- dise was the master of ceremony. Also host- ing were owners Lynn Hosteller and Mary Hostetler. The following associates were honored with various awards throughout the evening. Cathy Van Velzen, Vince Palella, Denny Rauschl, Jane Grossman, Ken Rickett. Sharon Sluckis, Virgil Mills, and Dave Vande Vrede. Top honors went to Cindy Grazar, Dave Jones. Nicole Skaggs, Quentin Talbert, Jim Larose, and Bill Kipp who received the Plati- num Paradise Award. The top award winners for the year, were Nicole Skaggs and Quentin Talbert, for the Holmes Beach office, and Jim Larose and Bill Kipp for the Ellenton office. Top sales agent of the year awards went to Bill Kipp, for the Ellenton office and Quentin Talbert, for The Holmes Beach office. The overall company sales agent of the year was Quentin Talbert with over 15 million dollars in closed sales. - ----~-- Bill Alexander recognizing Quentin Talbert who received the most awards of the evening, including the top award for overall company sales agent of the year, with over 15 million dollars in closed sales. Bill Alexander recognizing Nicole Skaggs for the top number of sold listings and highest number of closings. She was also one of the recipients of the Platinum Paradise Award, which represented over 10 million dollars in closed sales. SBill Alexander '' recognizing Bill Kipp, a Platinum Paradise Award winner. He was also honored for most sold listings and highest number of closings, as well as sales agent of the year, for the Ellenton office. 'g~%! I - y -PAG&82M .F9B,-23;2Q Q541 TH ISLANDE P ------ -- -- -------------- S A N D E 5A S I-F IE 2002 SEA RAY 182 Bowrider, like new! 18 foot, 6 inches. 190-hp stern drive, seats seven, tons of fun! Call (941) 778-6234,. or e-mail kendra@presswoodlaw.com. $13,750 or best offer. 1976 BUCANEER 32-foot center cockpit sailboat Florida cruiser. Four-foot draft, new Yanmar engine, sails, television, microwave. $18,000 or best offer. Call Steve (941) 778-2100, e-mail captnse @netzero.com. LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater fish- ing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle provided. (941) 723-1107. CHILD SITTER AND PET SITTER. Ninth-grade male looking for a job. Available after school and week- ends. Call Zachary, (941) 779-9783. NEED A CHILD or pet sitter? Call one number and get connected to three wonderful sitters! Tiffany, Kari, Holly. (941) 778-3275 or 779-0793. BABYSITTER: RED CROSS babysitting and first-aid certified. Enjoys playing with kids. Call Alexandra, (941) 778-5352. SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and in- termediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10 per half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended. Local teen, team competitor. Call (941) 778-0944. PETSITTER, DOG WALKER, 12-year-old mother's helper, odd jobs. Call Kendall at (941) 779-9783 or 779-9803. BABYSITTER WITH EXPERIENCE and CPR li- cense, 13 years old, friendly and responsible. (941) 778-2469. 13-YEAR-OLD girl will babysit all ages in your home. Reasonable rates and knows CPR. Call Jessica Lord, (941) 747-2495. ISLANDER CLASSIFIED: The best news in town and the best results from classified ads and service advertising! P911Y~;;*- ~i1rurPl~rw-'wws~a ar , REAL ESTATE: Tired of paying office fees? Two experienced agents needed for fast-paced, high traffic Island office. Top splits, sign-on bonus. Call Wedebrock Real Estate today! "Personalized, not Franchised.. Call Joe Pickett, (941) 383-5543. NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restaurant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, or call (941) 778-3953. DOMINOS PIZZA: NOW hiring delivery driver. Able to work until lam for closes. Average pay $15-$18/ hour. Tips and mileage paid nightly. Pre-employ- ment drug test and good driving a must. Apply af- ter 4pm, 5606 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. HOUSEKEEPER: 18-unit hotel. Must speak En- glish, have own transportation, weekends a must. (941) 778-1010, ext. 0. ANNIE'S HOME FOR the elderly needs a caregiver to work weekends at our small facility on the Island. Other hours may be available at one of our other facilities. (941) 778-7842. BUSY CONTINENTAL RESTAURANT hiring full- or part-time servers for lunch, Sunday brunch and din- ner. Wednesday-Sunday. Apply at 5406 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach or call (941) 778-5320. HELP WANTED: KEY Rqyale Club needs a part- time server and counter person. Drug-free work place. No evenings. Golf privileges. Apply in person, 700 Key Royale Drive, or call (941) 778-3055. DELIVERY: WE NEED several people for immedi- ate delivery of the Island to Island Directory. Great compensation. Must have own truck or SUV. Call (941) 922-0441. HOUSEKEEPERS NEEDED: Must have own trans- portation. Great per job rate. Seasonal OK. Call Rhonda after 5pm, (941) 779-0793. GROUNDS CREW MEMBER for condo complex in north Longboat Key. Year-round part time or full time. Hours flexible, but include Saturday. Depend- able, friendly, handy, honest, energetic and able to follow directions. Opening immediately available. Call (941) 383-5454 for job description, application and interview time. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Meet interesting people, learn the history of the Island. Anna Maria Island Historical Museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. (941) 778-0492. RETIRED NURSE/CAREGIVER available. No lift- ing. Evenings, overnights. References. Reasonable. (941) 746-9246. MAN WITH SHOVEL Plantings, natives, cabbage palms, patio gardens, trimming, clean-up, edgings, more. Hard-working and responsible. Excellent ref- erences. Edward (941) 778-3222. LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint- ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine Car Service. Serving the Islands. (941) 778-5476. COMPUTER OBEDIENCE TRAINING. Is your com- puter misbehaving? Certified computer service and private lessons. Special $40/hour. Free advice. (941) 545-7508. ISLAND PRESSURE CLEANING for great results, wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reasonable, reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. (941) 778-0944. CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist. Experienced certified technician for communication electronics offers wireless and cable networks, up- grades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and training. Call Robert, (941) 778-3620. CALL DAN'S RESCREEN for your free estimate to- day. Affordable rates, quality work guaranteed. Pool cages, lanais, windows, doors. Call (941) 713-5333. SCOTT'S HANDYMAN SERVICES: Remodeling, and repair. Free estimate, many references. Island resident. (941) 713-1907 cell, (941) 778-5427 home. E-mail: geraldscottfulton @hotmail.com. BAREFOOT ESTATE MANAGEMENT: Home man- agement/watch, housekeeping, maintenance. (941) 730-5318. ... 7tul-Bay Realty ol anna Mada Inc. 1 )_ 778-7244 Heather Absten, P.A. - Mike Noraa Realt Mike Norman Realty listed and sold more properties over $1 million dollars in 2004 than any other realtor on the island. Documented by records from theManatee County Board of Realtors, this was no small feat, considering there are 28 real estate companies on Anna Maria Island. Mike Norman Realty is also the largest vacation rental company on the Island with more than 350 properties. Mike Norman Realty Inc. Simply the Best 941-778-6696 1-800-367-1617 A professional REALTOR representing Buyers and sellers with Honesty, Integrity, Results! INVESTORSIDEVELOPERS! PRIME LOCATIONS! SR-2 lot 89x 100 feet, located in the 200 block, one lot back from Gulf Drive in Holmes Beach. Build two villas/condos with views of the Gulf or reno- vate existing duplex. Separate addresses! Won't last long! $749,000. | '-; .. .... ; . BRING YOUR BOAT SHOES AND YOUR FLIP-FLOPS! 300 feet from the beach! Completely renovated home with heated pool surrounded by lush, tropical landscaping. Beautiful flooring, natural stone and red Oak. Taste- fully turnkey furnished. Perfect beach house! Separately deeded deep water boat dock included! $829,000. CANALFRONT RETREAT Beautiful open beam vaulted ceilings, large bedrooms, solid wood and tile flooring, no bridges to bay, and lots of character! Build up for bay views! LOWEST PRICE CANAL HOME ON LONGBOAT! PRICED TO SELL! $625,000 \ 941-807-4661 heatherabsten@yahoo.com ~Be~rsllr~rc~iarrab~zu~ sa~BC~BP ."--~baec-Il~-cl~a~-~ Aw THE ISLANDER 0 FEB. 23, 2005 M PAGE 33 SEVCSCniud EVCSCniuedSRIESCniued INCOME TAX SERVICE: Individuals and small busi- nesses. We do all states and electronic filing. Call Pat (941) 761-8156, Kenney Tax Service. JACKSON HOLMES PAINTING: The Island's hon- est and dependable painting service. Interior, exte- rior, faux painting, cabinet refinishing.. References. Free estimates. (941) 795-2771. HANDYMAN HELPING Hands: No job too big or too small. Insured. Call (941) 795-7058. ESP CLEANING: Elite Service Professionals. Resi- dential and commercial cleaning. Maria and Steve do the job and guarantee satisfaction, insured. (941) 753-9906. MR. BILL'S HOME REPAIR/maintenance service. Over 30 years experience, self-employed in con- struction trades. "I'm handy to have around." (941) 778-4561. RESIDENTIAL CLEANING: Serving the Island and Bradenton. Free estimates and references. Punc- tual and dependable. Call Gabi, (941) 722-4866 or 586-9632. DO YOU NEED tree workdone on your property? We can help! Call Lew, (941) 755-5559. Serving the Island seven years. ONLINE SERVICE: Did you know you can place classified ads and subscribe online with our secure server? Check it out at www.islander.org. .'4 7;=-"3N.: 41,: W'a r,-1 , FOR SALE: Enjoy the stunning Gulf views and glo- rious sunsets from this 2BR/2.5BA townhouse. The beach is located directly across the street. Soaring ceilings in master bedroom, walk-in closet, updated fixtures, hurricane window film, and storage galore. Enjoy the private heated pool while sitting on your garden terrace. $449,500. Paul T. Collins, PA 941-928-4062 941-954-5454 R paultcollins@comcast.net Properties You Pick: Family Compound, Second Home or Vacation Retreat Offering two lakefront properties in Anna Maria 302 North Shore Dr- 3+BR/3BA with 300 North Shore Dr- 4BR/2.5BA du- 1 BR/1 BA apartment. Five-car garage, plex with five-car garage. Private open one short block to beach, direct beach decks, large picture windows, great access, peeks of Gulf. Move-in condi- views of lake. Asking $750,000. MLS tion. Seawall and dock. Zoned duplex. 502297. Extras! Asking $850,000. MLS 502321. Call Stephanie Bell, (941) 920-5156 or Frank Migliore, (941) 778-2307. E RE Ave. Duplex on corner lot, two-car ga- p rage, two carports, screened lanai, lots 'r of decks. 150 steps to beach access. Would also make a great single-family Some! Asking $685,000. For more de- Stails call Stephanie Bell, Broker, 778- 2307 or 920-5156. MLS103353. 3. SERVING THE AREA SINCE 1970 MLS KATHY & MIKE'S cleaning service. Delivering a standard of excellence for all your cleaning needs. Residential and rental clients welcome. For a free estimate, please call (941) 722-4358 PHOTOGRAPHER FOR HIRE: Kelley Ragan. Cus- tom portraits, weddings, beach photography. Infor- mation at Restless Natives, (941) 779-2624. MURALIST, Mark Burdette. Custom murals, interior or exterior, landscapes and more. Information at Restless Natives, (941) 779-2624. MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet. Beginning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, (941) 792-0160. BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigera- tion. Commercial and residential service, repair and/ or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and per- sonalized service, call William Eller, (941) 795- 7411. RA005052. ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional cre- ates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www.jackelka.com. (941) 778-2711. ,NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing massage in the comfort of your home. Call today for an ap- pointment, (941) 795-0887. MA#0017550. TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years experience. References available. For a reasonable price, call Sebastian, (941) 704-6719. One-of-a-Kind Dollhouse Immaculate Updated Well Maintained Heated, caged pool with Jacuzzi, beautiful ., ,DUCEDI maintenance-free ^ ^:' landscaping, close to I' .. beaches and golf course. $588,000. Call Piroska Planck 941-730-9667 Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate Inc. Prid lI. Of C"-,,.r, r r.hlp 3.,: b u. S in thil duplex. n 3rnn r P.13rsj nrrth rnd 84s0 f in owner's unit with 2BR/1 BA and 1 BR front unit includes 576 sf. Located steps away from beach access on a tranquil lot site with a lovely back yard plus a 12x 12 feet workshop. Has been beautifully maintained with new roof added this year. Asking price is $625,000. By appointment. 75-foot direct Gulf front plus 2BR/1 BA furnished beach house on Anna Maria's north end. Open plan, beamed ceiling, wood burning fireplace and a bright cheerful kitchen with breakfast nook. Great Gulf views from all living area and bedrooms. Deck offers tranquil spot for waterfront dining and evening sunsets. Perfect tropical island get away. Reduced to $1,500,000. 1957 MARIE LIC. REAL ESTATE FRANKLIN REA LTY BROKER "We ARE the Island. " S9805 Gulf Drive PO Box 835 Anna Maria, Florida 34216 941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250 E-mail amrlty@gte.net Web site www.annamariareal.com ABOUT GROUT:,All repairs and installation. Done right! Grout cleaning, sealing, staining. Showers, kitchens, pools, re-caulks. Call Jeff, (941) 545-0128 or 569-8888. AUTO DETAILING BY HAND Spotless inside and out. I can save you time and money. Island resident, references. For pricing, call (941) 713-5967. CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, land- scaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. (941) 778-5294. ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. If it is broken, we can fix it. Free estimates. Senior dis- count. Call (941) 778-2581 or 962-6238. CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING: Quality lawn landscape maintenance, shell, planting, clean-ups, palms trimmed. Free estimates,. References, insured. Call (941) 778-2335 or 284-1568. JR'S LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE Lawns, native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup. Island resident 25 years. Call (941) 807-1015. PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN and instal- lation. Huge selection of plants, shrubs and trees. Irrigation. Everything Under the Sun Garden Centre, 5704 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-4441. MORE CLASSIFIEDS equals more readers. ANNA MARIA S ISLAND O REAL ESTATE LLC LAKEWOOD RANCH 3BR/2BA home in Summerfield Village, Lake- wood Ranch. Open floor plan, eat-in kitchen, breakfast bar, maple cabinets, pantry, vaulted ceiling, walk-in closets, fenced yard, room for pool, sidewalks. $279,900. HOLMES BEACH DUPLEX 2BR/1BA each. Very close to beautiful beach. One-car garage, patio. One unit turnkey fur- nished. Appliances both sides. Utility with washer/dryer, residential area, room for pool. $675,000. KEY WEST-STYLE WITH BOAT DOCK 3BR/2.5BA plus den and office. Charming home, large lot, fenced yard, screened porch, balcony. Breakfast bar, dining room, large mas- ter bedroom and bath with Jacuzzi tub. Deeded boat slip with private dock: Holmes Beach. $699,900. DIRECT GULFFRONT CONDO 1BR/1BA Seaside Beach House condo. Turn- key furnished in small, private complex with gorgeous view of Gulf. Very nicely furnished, Sautillo tile, beautiful walking beach, heated pool, excellent rental. $950,000. ISLAND TRIPLEX 2BR/1.5BA plus 1BR/1BA and 2BR/1BA. Great investment! Watch the sunset as you col- lect rent from these charming units. Easy to see, call for appointment. Just steps to beauti- ful beach. $749,000. ANNUAL RENTALS From $700 / month SEASONAL RENTALS Condos/Homes: $500 week / $1,000 month 779-0202 (800) 732-6434 ANNA MARIA SMIS SuiiCoast REAL ESTATE LLC Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com I ?APE-_~ 3#,10)94p-- ?j qff lip (Mgjp-L4DER I A ND RL I F I ED S- LANDSCAPING Continued HO'BE Ii'I:T~Iri Cont~ inued SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $35/yard. Hauling: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free esti- mates. Call Larry at (941) 795-7775, "shell phone" (941) 720-0770. KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean- ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City of Anna Maria resident. Cell (941) 448-3857. NATURE'S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residen- tial and commercial. 30-years experience. (941) 748-3356. STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Installs, clean- ups, shell, rock, palms, aquascapes, tree work. Truck for hire, move anything, Shark Mark (941) 727-5066. VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/ exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island refer- ences. Dan or Bill, (941) 795-5100. JOE UNGVARSKY CONSTRUCTION Remodeling contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed and insured. Many Island references. (941) 778- 2993. License #CRC 035261. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING free esti- mates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at (941) 778-1730. CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island ser- vice since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certifying back - flow at water meters. (FL#RF0038118) (941) 778- 3924 or 778-4461. Introducing Bay Pointe at Cortez ,West Bradenton's newest condo residences. Phase 1 introductory price starting low $100,000's. 1,2,3,4br units available now. Close to beaches & shopping. Limited introductory pricing! Call John Luchkowec or Pat Bates at 877-469-4753 RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE INC. Or 941-350-4326 TIFFANY PLACE CONDO Beautifully remodeled top to bottom. Furnished. $825,000. TILE TILE TILE. All variations of ceramic tile sup- plied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, (941) 726-3077. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remodel- ing, repairs, additions, screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGCO61519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794. CUSTOM RENOVATION/RESTORATION expert. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. In- sured. Member of Better Business Bureau. Paul Beauregard, (941) 779-2294. KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and shutters. Insured and licensed, (941) 748-4711. TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed. Why pay retail? Island resident, many references. Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor Coverings. (941) 792-1367, or 726-1802. MASON: 27 YEARS of experience. All masonry work and repair. Cinderblock work, brick work, glass block work, paver and brick driveways. Call Chris, (941) 795-3034. License #104776. Insured. MORENO MARBLE & TILE Installation and resto- ration. Quality work. Over 20 years experience. In- sured. Call Javier at (941) 685-5163 or 795-6615. ONLINE SERVICE: Did you know you can place classified ads and subscribe online with our secure server? Check it out at www.islander.org. Homes sold by Realtors sell at an average price that is 18% higher than "For Sale by Owners." -. Dul-Day bhalts 77r.H Jesse Brisson Broker/Associate (941) 713-4755 Zita Kollar Brisson Property Manager (941) 778-7244 11,:, 3 I I bF 0 1 1 1i1.,1 rtiil jl: The Islander Visit us online at www.islanderorg JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy- man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pressure washing and tree trimming. Call (941) 778-6170 or 447-2198. HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICE: Bill MacCaughern. Repairs, renovations, kitchens, bathrooms, decks. Masonry, tile, painting. 30 years experience. Yes, I do show up! (941) 778-3904. STEVE'S REMODELING & repair service. Free estimates, 35 years experience. (941) 795-1968. CARL V. JOHNSON JR. Inc Building contractor. New homes, additions, renovations. Quality work and fair prices. Call 795-1947. Lic#RR0066450. PAINTING: SAVE BIG! I will beat any professional estimate! Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Call Rick, (941) 778-5806. Leave message. RICK KUNKEL PAINTING LLC. 28 years experi- ence. Licensed, insured, references.-For an esti- mate, please call (941) 932-0940 or 792-9597. WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more. Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in- home consultation. Island references, 15 years ex- perience. (941) 778-3526 or 730-0516. RENTALS available weekly, monthly, seasonal. Wedebrock Real Estate Co., (941) 778-6665 or (800) 749-6665. VACATION RENTALS: 2BR apartments across from beautiful beach, $375to $500/week. Winter and spring dates available. Almost Beach Apart- ments, (941) 778-2374. RENTALS RENT fast when you advertise in The Islander. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Package of potential on Holmes Beach..Long established island pizzeria for sale. Ready to make a profit for you. Serious inquiries only. $199,000. Call Quentin Talbert 941-704-9680. P:ai :seRealty The Neal Team Call about A, -: Island Properties S' Diane Harrison 941-544-3346 Dr. Nelson Neal 941-544-8987 Coldwell Banker Previews 423 St. Armands Circle Sarasota www.GulfAndBay Paradise.com West Bradenton Fabulous-3BR/2BA, close to beach. $265,000. S.' Best of everything, fabulous big water view, dock, '." boatlift, patio, decks, open plan, kitchen has granite M : counters and great design space, 3BR/3BA, top floor .: .. : is master suite. $899,000. We call this the beach for easy living. 2BR/2BA, two- car carport, beautiful wood decks in rear and large master suite. All new throughout, hardwood floors, neutral colors and lots of space for addition and still room for a pool. Motivated sellers. $635,000. W. 4"A, Great Income Potential... with this fully rented 2BR/2BA, 1 BR/1 BA duplex located one lot from the Intracoastal Waterway. Close to the Gulf in the heart of Holmes Beach, near restaurants and shopping. Tile floors throughout with fireplace. $480,000. Call Gale schulz -" Broker/Associate . 941.778.4847 - toll free 1.800.772.3235 Jim Anderson Realty Company PO Box 1789 401-B Pine Avenue Anna Maria www. imandersonrealty.com Just visiting h- paradise? The Islander SINCE 1992 Don't leave the Island without taking time to subscribe. You'll get ALL the best news, delivered by the mailman every week. Visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach or call 941-778-7978. Online edition: www.islander.org I -I- - -, s A 35 VACATION & SEASONAL Private beach. Units are complete. Rates seasonally adjusted. $425-$975/ week, $975-$2,975/month. (800) 977-0803 or (941) 737-1121. www.abeachview.com. NORTH SHORE DRIVE beachfront. Four spacious 3BR/2BA homes. Please call (813) 752-4235, or view Web site: www.AhhSeaBreeze.com POOL HOME AVAILABLE for vacation let. Near Holmes Beach, 3BR/2BA with all amenities. Man- aged by Coastal Properties Realty, (941) 794-1515. CORTEZ COTTAGE fully furnished, nice breezy, quiet area. Seasonal, $1,700/ronth, $60.0/week, $100/night. (941) 778-8168 or 794-5980. www.divefish.com. SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR (two master suites)/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/dryer, garage; designer-furnished with tropical yard setting. One of the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/weekly or $6,000/monthly. Call 713-0034 or e-mail: gamiller@tampabay.rr.com. THE ISLANDER. The best news on Anna Maria' Is- land since 1992. FULLY FURNISHED VILLA in beautiful Mt. Vernon, two miles to beaches. 2BR/2BA, no pets, nonsmok- ing, age 55-plus. Minimum three months. Peak sea- son, $2,500/month; annually, $1,500/month. (941) 721-1784. ANNUAL RENTAL, 2BR/2BA with Florida room, washer/dryer hookup, dishwasher, carport, close to- beach, beautiful apartment. $975/month. Dolores M. Baker.Realty, (941) 778-7500. KING BEDROOM efficiency for rent. Night, week- end, weekly, seasonal. Private entrance, private deck. Nonsmoking, close to beach. Call 778-3433 or 773-0010. SEASONAL RENTALS: one month or more. Westbay Point and Westbay Cove. Tennis, heated pools, close in. Old Florida Realty Co., (941) 713- 9096 or 778-3377. ANNUAL RENTAL: Elevated 2BR/2BA duplex. Three-car garage, two blocks to beach, unfur- nished. Office (941) 778-3377 or 713-9096. RENT it fast with an ad in The-Islander. I TMls l =I* VACATION RENTAL: Available March and April 2005. Holmes Beach canalfront. 2BR/2BA.-Fully furnished. Garage, laundry, dock, many extras. $800/week, $2,600/month. Call (813) 286-9814. NEW FURNISHED 2BR/2BA 55-plus, across from beach. Furnished, annual $1,150/month. Also avail- able seasonal, (941) 725-1074. ANNUAL RENTAL: Beautiful 3BR/2BA condo with pool. Pet allowed. $1,400/month. Call Jason, Betsy Hills Real Estate, (941) 778-2291, or e-mail Jason @ betsyhills.com. ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/1.5BA elevated, unfur- nished apartment in Holmes Beach. Available now. Lots of decks, under-building parking, washer/dryer, storage. $900/month, first, last, security. Credit check. Call 730-2606. GULFFRONT: DUE TO cancellation, 1BR apart- ment in Bradenton Beach now available. $500/ week, (941) 778-3805. ISLANDER CLASSIFIED: The best news in town and the. best results from classified advertising! lVonI It I fR I V I I AI ( I Piopci tv i Volrth ), Ii '. I,.[ ii i t ,1 ti l. i .' In. N 1 v'd."1 1 ,it i ] ,.'i. '*, I I I i I II, . mudC pLroperly values have ritsen in the past lfew years Un August 26 2004 CNN Money published the Top Housing Markets four 2indi Quarter Growth, Sa-rasota was i '6 and BIrad.ent.on 1.1 out: of 128 Metro Areas with 29.9 and 2`..1% growth respectively Where does your property fit in this growth ?? Island Real tllte offer< a .9nr1.hliiiotion I:1.1 Malrket .\nol\vic of your propeI I, .i .in. .. i% hl I.l. l". I. ul IiilI 1 ,n. I I l c li r llIminL.'' m arkot i ii m.. i 1 .~~, ,, ,, ,ll .. i .l It l l ( lk lk I III-,I ,'.,ki ( all lodav' ------ I. I / / ::;i.( I)( It l. / -. ( 1 ( (1 ( I l ll I |i I ,, l 111. I ~'I[ | 1 I i I I .I (. ll ,,. ',i0s1i1, COI C.l 0l ( 1 W I K 1' % i, is ,ln tI V,11 ( I.1111 tBe~wy/ ls Wfftatel .0( SALES & RENTALS 419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216-* PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291 EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294c BEAUTIFUL SEASIDE GARDENS BUNGALOW AFFORDABLE WATERFRONT SHOWPLAC Beautifully remodeled 1BR/1BA Seaside Gardens villa Beautifully remodeled 3BR/2BA home on serene lake, near radiates quality and charm throughout. Inviting great room Blake Hospital and shopping! Granite countertops in both bath- floor plan, porcelain tile floors, brand new kitchen w/solid rooms and kitchens, double-sided wood burning firireplace, maple cabinetry and tumbled marble backsplash, new storm French doors, screened lanai with water views, ceramic tiled resistant windows and doors, new central air/heat, secluded floors, crown moulding and fans, and 205x90 ft. lot with plenty. sundeck, lushly landscaped grounds. $349,500. of room for pool and/or expansion. $375,000. -" ... ... .," ATTENTION BUILDERS! RARE AND WONDERFUL WATERFRONT LOCATION 3BR/2BA handyman special situated on 75x148 canalfront lot in secluded location at end of Oak Ave. Water views from front and back yards, heated swimming pool and boat dock already in'place. Potential plus for complete renovation or for build- ing new on high and dry waterfront lot! $935,000 "as is". O(9) fUR Visit our Web site . BROCHURE CAPTIVATING BAYFRONT RETREAT 3BR/2BA bayfront hideaway, steps from the Rod & Reel Pier. Panoramic great room with a wall of glass, marble floors, vaulted textured ceilings, radius walls, glass block windows, private master suite, oversize 18 ft. bathroom with Jacuzzi tub and so much more! Sliding doors open onto panoramic bayfront brick paver patio. $1,575,000. It www.betsyhills.com aFamily Busines for more than 27 YEARS Sally Norman-Greig 14 Years Barbara Gentiluomo 26 Years Chet Coleman 19Years Ron Chovan 14 Years -." Kathy Caserta 3 Years Mike Norman A family run real estate business for more than 27 years on Anna Maria Island, Mike Norman Realty takes pride in serving this community with honesty and integrity. Mike Norrnan, his daughters Sally and Marianne, and his dedicated associates, pledge to continue serving you with consistent and reliable results on which you can depend. Thanks for 27 years! Vc C Vic Caserta Claire Lasota 1 Year Secretary Mike Norman Realty INC Roland 1Y 800-: 941-' www. 3101 HOL Marianne Norman-Ellis 7 Years Evelyn Mitchell 23 Years Lisa Collier 13 Years Rochelle Bowers 6 Years Carla Beddow 4 Years o Rubi ear 367-1617 778-6696 mikenormanrealty.com L GULF DRIVE MES BEACH uura,,one GWWrul H ?, d Y I r - ''' ... ; r.as~ ~rl? - - I., I I L ~1 C~n,*LY/~, PAGE36 F~lB. ^.' ^A~ ~ fe' lA R ? I[/; 1 Sandy's Lawn Service Inc. andy'S Established in 1983 Lawun Celebrating 20 Years of Service Quality & Dependable Service. Call us for your landscape 778R1345 and hardscape needs. Licensed & Insured AN dlNIA P4IHTING Residential Commercial Check our references: "Quality work at a reasonable price." Licensed/Insured Serving Anna Maria Island Since 1986 761-8900 Paradise Improvements 778-4173 Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist IllI Replacement Doors and Windows Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault Fully Licensed and Insured Island References Lic#CBC056755 WAGNEQD QEALTY i S 2217 GULF DIVE NOTH DRADENTON BEACH, F 34217 :. 6INCE 1939 IHA OLD SMALL REALTOR@ ,- Office: (941) 778-2246 792- 8628 E-mail: haroldsmall@wagnerrealty.com SHARON VTT,TLARS # - Pm iRealtorn r SDirect (941) 920-0669 5 . www.rentalsonannamaria.com B R/MBL Gulfstream Realty ELITE CAB 539-6374 Serving Manatee County, Sarasota,'Bradenton & Tampa Airports BAY WEST i_ LAUNDRY On vacation or just hate doing laundry? Why bother?- BAY WEST WILL PICK-UP, LAUNDER AND DELIVER. Full Service Wash/Dry/Fold/Iron PU/Delivery Self Service Cool & Clean 627 59th St. W. Bradenton 794-5053 Any'-ii, i can i, ; ELKA A r PHOTOGRAPHIC A ;'i,,t 941-778-2711 creai f: [ 'lit. www.jackelka.com GULFCOAST DETAILING & PRESSURE CLEANING Awnings. Can\ ar Boats Driveways Brick pal ers Docks Commercial and Resideniial Lic # 91876/InsucJ 941-518-5252 UI - CONSTRUCTION tfeWIC KE RSHAM S -WfKma fiV eYSS REMODEL ADDITIONS CUSTOM HOMES License # CGC043438 W 21 W Insured ISLANDER_________CLASSIFIEDS____ A - EL CONQUISTADOR COUNTRY Club: 2BR/2BA, nicely furnished, cathedral ceilings, screened lanai overlooking clay tennis courts. Two-story elevator building, garage and storage with bikes. 2005-06 sea- son, available for six months, $8,000. (941) 778-3926. SEASONAL HOLMES BEACH: 1BR duplex avail- able March 2005. Steps to beach and shopping. Refurbished and nicely decorated. Small pet OK. Accepting 2006 reservations. (941) 807-5626. ANNUAL ISLAND RENTALS: 2BR/2BA duplex, across from beach. Furnished or unfurnished. Great location. $995/month. Call Mike Carleton, (941) 737- 0915, Smith Realtors. ANNUAL HOLMES BEACH 2BR/2BA ground-level duplex, lanai or office, unfurnished, steps to beach. No pets, nonsmoking. First, last, security. (941) 778-7665. CORTEZ VACATION COTTAGE: Renovated 1 BR/ 1BA. Available weekly March and April. Nonsmok- ing. $700/week. (941) 795-8077. WE ARE BOOKING rentals for 2006: Wide variety of condos and houses starting at $1,500/month; March 2005 available, 1BR/1BA duplex, $1,500/ month; 3BR/3BA condo, $2,800/month. SunCoast Real Estate, (941),779-0202. www.suncoastinc.com ANNA MARIA, SEASONAL 2006: Very nice and clean 1BR/1BA apartment with patio. 150 steps to Gulf beach. Available March and April, $1,400/ month plus tax. (941) 778-4499.. WATERFRONT, LONGBOAT KEY: North Shore Road, 1 BR/1 BA, washer/dryer, dock. Available April $1,500/month; May through December, $1,200/ month. Great view! No pets. (941) 383-6485. ANNUAL RENTAL: Pristine 2-3BR/2BA canal home. (717) '392-4048 or (941) 779-1013. SAVE MONEY: RENT and enjoy a spectacular view from your huge living/dining area, your floor-to-ceil- ing plate-glass windows and 30-by-12-foot screened deck, fronting beach. Bay.and park just steps away with Gulf beach in easy walking distance. Free trol- ley for shopping nearby. 3BR annual, unfurnished, waterfront in north Anna Maria. See for yourself by calling (941) 748-5334 for details. WATERFRONT, ONE and 2BR, newly remodeled, dock for fishing, walk to beach. (941) 779-9074, or cell (703) 587-4675. E-mail gwalker43@hotmail.com. SEASONAL RENTAL: Westbay Point & Moorings 2BR/2BA newly decorated, beautiful view of Skyway Bridge. Access to pool, tennis courts. Dock avail- able. (781) 771-9776. ANNUAL RENTALS: 3BR/2BA home on Bimini Bay with dock, $1,400/month; 3BR/2BA northwest Bradenton home, $1,250/month. Call Fran Maxon Real Estate, (941) 778-2307 for details. AVAILABLE NOW: Canalfront 3BR/3BA home, $4,000/month; beachview duplex, $800/week; 2BR/ 1 BA home steps to beach, $900/week. Duncan Real Estate, (941) 779-0304. UNFURNISHED ANNUAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach large 2BR/2BA with porch, carport and storage. Well maintained. $850/month. T. Dolly Young Real Es- tate, (941) 778-0807. SAVE MONEY: RENT annual unfurnished and en- joy a spectacular view from your huge living/dining area, your floor-to-ceiling plate-glass windows and 30-by-12-foot screened deck, fronting beach. Bay and park just steps away with Gulf beach in easy walking distance. Free trolley for shopping nearby. 3BR, waterfront in north Anna Maria. See for your- self by calling (941) 748-5334 for details. DON'T FORGET! The Islander has "mullet" T-shirts. Stop in our office at 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach or order online www.islander.org. GULF DRIVE: STEPS to beach. Large 1BR/2BA, washer/dryer, kitchen. $1,995/month, $595/week. Call for annual rental information. www.gulfdriveapartments.com or (941) 778-1098. 1 BR APARTMENT close to beach with water views. Sleeps four. $500/week or $1,850/month. Nonsmok- ing. Quiet area, Holmes Beach. (941) 779-0420. WEEKLY AND MONTHLY vacation rentals: 2BR/ 1BA Gulffront home, $1,000/week; 2BR/2BA Bradenton Beach Club, $1,400/week; 2BR/1BA Is- land duplex, $800/week; 1BR/1BA San Remo condo, $500/week;. 1BR/1BA Alecassandra villa, $700/week; 3BR/3BA northwest Bradenton home, $3,000/month; 2BR/2BA Perico Bay Club, $2,400/ month. Please call Cristin Curl, Wagner Realty, (941) 778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com ANNUAL: SPACIOUS, bright 2BR/1BA bayview duplex. Laundry, patio, ceramic floors. Available April. $750/month, plus utilities. (941) 779-9470. SEASONAL RENTALS Avaiable now! 2BR/2BA condo, Perico Bay club, $3,000/month; 3BR/2BA home, canal, $3,000/month; 2BR/2BA home, canal, San Remo, $2,700/month. Call Jason Sato, Betsy Hills Real Estate, P.A. (941) 778-2291 or e-mail Jason @ betsyhills.com. ANNUAL RENTAL: City of Anna Maria, spacious 3BR/3BA canal front home. Quiet street, great con- dition. $1,500/month. (941) 962-2544. FULLY FURNISHED, ABSOLUTELY lovely condo in beautiful Mt. Vernon on Sarasota Bay. Two miles to beaches. 2BR/2BA, boat dock, 55-plus, non- smoking. Annual, $1,350/month; seasonal, $2,400/, month. (941) 794-5011. PERICO BAY CLUB: Annual rental, gated commu- nity, 2BR/2BA, great water view, pool, tennis, cov- ered parking. $1:;200/month. Call (94t)'720-17'12'. 'ANNUAL RENTAL: $750/month. Spacious and clean. 1BR apartment with Gulf view, deck. Bean Point area. (941) 962-2544. CHARMING 1 BR/1 BA apartment in canalfront home. Washer/dryer, pet friendly, nonsmoking. Open April 2005 and 2006 season. Call (941) 720-1192. ANNUAL RENTALS: 2BR/2BA single-family-home in northwest Bradenton, $1,200/month; 3BR/2BA single-family canal home, $1,600/month; 1 BR/1BA half duplex, one house to beach, $775/month; 1 BR/ 1BA newly remodeled unit on water, $700/month; Perico Bay Club 2BR/2BA Bayfront condo, $1,400/ month; 2BR/2BA Sarasota Bayview condo, $2,500/ month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. ANNUAL RENTAL: Efficiency in Holmes Beach. $450/month, including utilities. First month and se- curity deposit. (941) 778-6541 or 504-3844. GREAT SELECTION of vacation rentals! Call Anna Maria Island Accommodations, (941) 779-0733. Web site: www.annamariaparadise.com. r "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" m* J ISLAWNDER CLASSWIFI~EDSI RNALSCntnedIRAL SATECnine* SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals. 1BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to beach, shopping, restaurants. (941) 778-3875. Web site 2spinnakers.com WATERFRONT HOMES and lots: bay lot, $559,000; one near tip lot, $459,000; three homes from $349,000, all seawalled, deep water, no bridges. Also, bayfront tip lot and direct bayfrbnt top- floor penthouse flagship condo. (570) 943-2516. LOT IN CITY of ANNA Maria. By owner. One block to Gulf beach: 52 by 145 sf. $399,000. Brokers pro- tected. (941) 739-1882. BAYFRONT CONDO FOR sale: 2BR/2BA. Golf course, pool, beautiful sunsets. $299,000. Call (941) 722-4800. PRECONSTRUCTION PRICES! Hidden Lake con- dominiums,.west Bradenton. Close to beach. Start- ing at $259,900. Call Cori Woods, (941) 761-0444. HALF-DUPLEX IN desirable Seaside Gardens sub- division, two blocks from Gulf beaches. 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished. New bathrooms, new interior and exterior paint. New large deck in backyard. $299,000. For sale by owner, call (941) 705-0123. BAYFRONT HOME: one year old, excellent income producer. 5BR/5BA,--elevator, swimming pool, pri- vate dock, four-car garage. Owner financing, $1,750,000. (941) 778-5409 or e-mail billandjean@tampabay.rr.com FOR SALE: One owner, 2BR/2BA elevated home. 317 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. $569,000. (941) 778-5715. EXCEPTIONAL NORTHWEST value. 3BR/2BA two-car garage. Reduced $10,000! Vacant. Move- in ready. Spacious rooms. Pool,' hot tub. Only, 314,900. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. WATERFRONT: Lovely, open floor plan 3BR/2BA home. One-of-a-kind waterfront lot. 115-foot screened lanai with pool. 55-foot dock with boat lift. Wood-burning fireplace. Water views from al- most every room. $1,200,000. (941) 794-2924 or 773-9532. HOUSE FOR SALE: Northwest Bradenton, 3BR/ 2BA with den, two-car garage, swimming pool. Ask- ing $296,000. Ruth or Greg, (941) 761-3053. NORTHWEST BRADENTON River Ridge: Taste- fully decorated Florida-style home with custom fea- tures, including stainless appliances and granite counters with marble fireplace. Flooring is tile, wood and carpet. Pool and spa electronically controlled to heat with either gas or electric. Full security system is active. Beautifully landscaped with fruit trees. Partially furnished with occupancy negotiable. $664,900. (941) 794-0216. No brokers please. FOR SALE BY owner: Runaway Bay condo, 2BR/ 2BA, second floor, turnkey furnished, overlooking pond. New heating and air conditioning 2005, painted 2005. Many upgrades and amenities. Great rental. Make offer! $399,900. (941) 778-1987. ANCIENT OAKS on 3/4 acre. Modern, spacious 3BR/2BA two-car garage home. Like-new condition, $329,900. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. INVESTORS: OUTSTANDING income potential! Positive cash flow. Beautifully renovated five/six units. Hottest appreciating area on Gulfcoast! Steps to Gulf and village. www.pantour.com/ bradentonbeach. Won't last! $1,295,000. Owner (941) 779-0018. BY OWNER: Westbay Point & Moorings, excep- tional 2BR/2BA condo. Newly updated end unit. Call (941) 778-6871. BEST WATERFRONT Buy on Key Royale. Very clean 3BR/2BA, sailboat water, boat dock and dav- its. Lot size 10,324 sf. Fantastic opportunity! Broker/ owner, $699,000. (941) 228-6086. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, Feb. 27, 2-4pm. Single family, 781 Jacaranda Rd., Anna Maria; single fam- ily, 2204 Avenue C, Bradenton Beach; duplex, 312 60th St., Holmes Beach; duplex, 6812 Palm Ave., Holmes Beach. Smith Realtors, (941) 778-0777. WATERFRONT HOME: 3BR/2BA. Not necessary to tear this one down! 6601 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 725-4488. BRADENTON BEACH DUPLEX: 2BR/2BA, each level with parking underneath. Views of Gulf and bay from large covered balconies. This property has great investment potential. Top floor has wood ca- thedral ceilings, open-floor plan, tile and oak floor- ing. $795,000. (941) 778-3875. THE ISLANDER U FEB. 23, 2005 U PAGE 37 6 0- g- PJIJ/VTI./V6GbyElfwinMfeheia,, "Professional Excellence" Residential-Commercial Interior & Exterior Serving the Islands since 1969. 7781554 After 5 Call Licensed and Insured i78-55J 778-3468 e- James King - L- Painting & Renovation For- all your home improvement needs (941) 778-8431 Licensed & Insured The Paver Brick Store 8208 Cortez Road W. Bradenton 34210 (941) 794-6504 9:00 AM til Noon, or-by Appointment Pool Deck, Patio and Driveway Renovations Design Build Junior's L adscape & Maintenance Lawn care PLUS native plants, -'/: mulch, trip, hauling and cleanup. - Call Junior, 807-1015 - LONGBOAT KEY PAINTING & DESIGN, INC. S Faux painting Cabinet refinishing Furniture restoration Custom painting Jackson Holmes, owner (941) 812-3809 1 1SCREEN FhIixifl RESCREENING POOL CAGES, LANAIS, ETC. (941) 962-0395 Free Estimates 3-Year Warranty with Complete Rescreens We use only professional equipment and #1 quLality Phifer screen MC & Visa Accepted Financing Available PALMA SOLA 2BR townhouse. Heated pool, boat HOLMES BEACH: Sale by owner. 2,880 sf, 3BR/ slip. $299,900. Real Estate Mart, (941) 756-1090. 2BA, very private, designer pool and spa. Tropical landscaping. Principles only. (941) 778-0031. FOR SALE BY owner: Tradewinds, 1BR/1BA, fur- nished beautifully. Bradenton Beach, across the ONLINE SERVICE: Did you know you can place clas- nished beautifully. Bradenton Beach, across the street from the Gulf of Mexico. Pool directly over- sified ads and subscribe online with our secure server? street from the Gulf of Mexico. Pool directly over- looks Sarasota Bay. Great income property! Check it out at www.islander.org, where you can read $344,000. Call Peter, (773) 472-7440. Wednesday's classified at noon on Tuesday. -------------------------------------- HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid.in advance. We accept ads by fax with credit card information, 778-9392, at our Web site (secure server) www.islander.org, and by direct e-mail at classifieds@islander.org. Office hours: 9 to 5, Monday-Friday, (Saturday 10 to 2 as needed). CLASSIFIED RATES BUSINESS OR INDIVIDUAL: Minimum rate is $10 for up to 20 WORDS. Additional words: Each additional word over 20 is 500, Box: $3, One- or two-line headlines, line rate plus 25o per word. WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD AND VISA! You can charge your classified advertising in person or by phone. We are sorry, but due to the high volume of calls we can not take classified ad copy over the telephone. To place an ad by phone, please be prepared to FAX or e-mail your copy with your credit card information. (see below) USE THIS FORM FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: One word per blank space for minimum charge 20 words. ----------------------------------------------------------- 2 3 Run issue dates) SAmt. pd Date Please indicate: Ck. No. or Cash IFor credit card payment: 1 EE LJ Z No. I Exp. Date Name shown on card: Billing address zip code: House no. or post office box no. on bill E-Mail address: [for renewal purposes only] The Islander Fax: 941 778-9392 5404 Marina Drive I Isr Phone: 941 778-7978 Holmes Beach FL 34217 A 'Isla der E-mail classifieds@islander.org L -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 7 - - - DELTA E N G I N E E R S INS PECTORS CONSTRUCTION M A N A G E R S ENGINEERING Developer Turnover Studies Construction Defect Consulting Concrete & Wood Frame Restoration Reserve Studies Moisture Intrusion Investigation Structural Design/Engineering Condominium Conversion Studies 6497 PARKLAND DR., SUITE C SARASOTA, FL 34243 PH 941-727-2600 FX 941-758-5012 delta-engineers.com Just visiting < paradise? The Islander Stay in touch with a subscription to THE BEST NEWS. Visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach or call 941-778-7978 or visit Islander.org Join us in our Bucs Coffee Garden and Cigar Lounge 9am-2p n & 5:30-9:30pm Senior OiLcounl 129 Bridge Street Bradenton Beach HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next class: Mar. 7th *National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services www.atsn-schools.com PAGE 38 M FEB. 23, 2005 M THE ISLANDER 1 L AN D R --A SA I" -E DA 17 CABINS NEAR PIGEON Forge, Tenn. selling at auction March 12, 10:30am. Guaranteed financing available with 25 percent down. Furrow Auction Co., (800) 4FURROW; www.furrow.com. TN Lic. #62. ABSOLUTE AUCTION! Lakefront Real Estate, 237 N.E. Lakeview Drive, Sebring, Fla. 11am, Saturday, March 12. Two spacious homes, two lakefront homesites Directly on Lake Jackson. Call for details, (800 257-4161 Higgenbotham Auctioneers, www.higgenbotham.com M.E. Higgenbotham, CAt FL. Lic #AU305/AB158. METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ buy direct from manu- facturer. 20 colors in stock with all accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery available Toll free, (888) 393-0335. CHURCH FURNITURE. Does your church need pews, pulpit set, baptistery, steeple, windows, car- pet? Big sale on new cushioned pews and cushions for hard pews. (800) 231-8360. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. Winter season is here! Must see the beautiful peaceful mountains of western North Carolina mountains. Homes, cabins, acreage, investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty, GMAC Real Estate, Murphy, N.C. www.cherokeemountainrealty.com Call for free bro- chure, (800) 841-5868. FORECLOSED GOVERNMENT HOMES $0 or low down! Tax repos and bankruptcies! No Credit OK. $0 to low down. For listings (800) 501-1777, ext. 1299. (P -ykR- RIEALTORI. 29Years ofProfessional Service YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REAL ESTATE SHOPPE. Experience Reputation Results EXCEPTIONAL DUPLEX 2,368 sf of living area with elevator lift. Owner's side 2BR/2BA, fireplace, great.room.40x10-foot and 48x6-foot porches. Large garage and bonus room. tenant side has 2BR/2BA with screen porch and extra storage. New owner can sell units separately. $784,500. 4 UNITS ANNA MARIA Some with bay view. One 2BR, three 1BR, room for pool. Great investment. $870,000. OWNER FINANCING. 4TOWNHOUSE VILLA 3BR/3BA with two screened balconies and open balconies on greenbelt adjacent to bay. Spotless, tastefully decorated. Pool/gazebo. $470,000. VACATION, SEASONAL & ANNUAL RENTALS 101 PALM New Luxury Villas 5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807 -yrealt7@aol.com *www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA Mountains. North Carolina. Where there is cool mountain air, views and stream. Homes, cabins, acreage. Call for free bro- chure of mountain property sales. (800).642-5333. Realty of Murphy. 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C. 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com. KENTUCKY 50-1000 acres. Incredible trophy deer, turkey hunting. Some with lakes, creeks, rivers, ponds, timber. Great retreat/investment. New survey, starting $795/acre. Owner will finance. (270) 791-2538 www.actionoutfitter.com. NEW LOG HOME SHELL, $99,900. Beautiful log home shell nestled on private wooded-lotoff parkway north of Boone. Won't last! First time offered. (800)455-1981, x125. WE DO RENTALS! Southern Vermont's rental center. Mount Snow, West Dover, Vermont. By week, weekend. month or season! Includes recreational, cultural activities. We oiler hillside condos, townhouses, chalets, (large/small homes). Mountain Resort Rentals, P.O. Box 1804, West Dover, VT 05356. www.mountainresortrentals.com,e-mail rentverm @ sover.net. (888) 336-1445, (802) 464-1445. NORTH CAROLINA. MOUNTAINS: 2.3 acres with new log cabin shell in secluded setting, $89,900. Acre- age available with stunning mountain views! Free info available. (828) 247-0081. GOLF-VIEW HOME. $249,900. Spectacular new Carolina mountain home at 18-hole course near Ashville, N.C. Enjoy mild climate, great golf, low taxes, low cost of living! Call toll-free (866) 334-3253 ext. 790, www.cherokeevalley.com. NORTH CAROLINA WATERFRONT, $39,900. Com- ing soon on all-sports lake. Boat, fish, swim. Will sell fast! Call MLC to get on the priority list today! (866) 920-5263. ,^Su -rSUTTON GROUP REALTY VERY NICELY REMODELED DUPLEX IN HOLMES BEACH -' Concrete block, with new air conditioning and kitch- -ens. 2BR/1BA,each side -' .,' with bright interiors, con- 1 venient to everything. ;, ~ -4.0 Priced reduced- won't i. last at $560,000. Great Island Opportunities! SUNSET VILLAS, TWO BUILDINGS TWO UNITS, each with 2 BEDROOMS AND 1 BATH, TWO UNITS, each with 1 BEDROOM AND 1 BATH, TURNKEY. Well-maintained concrete-block duplexes sitting on two. prime lots, just steps to. beach. Zoned -iullifamir .3-10 units. (Presently only four are on property.) GC;.'d rental history. Quiet, high-and-dry street in Holmes Beach. Community laundry area. Large covered patio allows for outside entertaining. Priced Reduced $995,000. Anne H ber, Realtor (941) 713-9835 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Area. Spectacu- lar mountain view, river homesites. Paved roads, clubhouse, more. New release! Homesites from $49,900. Bear River Community. Call now (866) 411-5263.' LAKE VIEW BARGAIN $29,900. Free boat slip! High elevation beautifully wooded parcel. Across from national forest on 35,000 acre recreational lake in Tenn. Paved roads, underground utilities, central water, sewer, more. Excellent financing. Call now (800) 704-3154, ext. 608. Sunset Bay, LLC. GIANT RV SELL OFF. #1 Selling RVs. Remaining 2004 models. Low Sell-off prices. Florida's motorhome, towable headquarters, Giant Recre- aiion World. Melbourne. (800) 700-1021; Daytona, (800) 893-2552; Orlando. k800) 654-8475. .. BUILDING SALE! Rock Bottom prices! Last chance. Beat next price Increase. Go direct/save. 20x26. 25x30. 30x40. 35x50. 40x60. 45x90. 50x100. 60x180. Others. Pioneer (800) 668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory deals, Save $$$. 40- by-60 to 100-by-200. Example 50-by-100-by-12-foot is $3.60 sf. (800) 658-2885 www.rigidbuilding.com. DON'T FORGET! The Islander has "mullet" T-shirts. Stop in our office at 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach or order online www.islander.org. OPEN HOUSE Sun l--lpi 680 Linley Longboat Key ISLAND FAMILY : RESORT Three homes, lush tropical landscaping with pool. Trude Moyer (941) 518-8189 125 Bridge Street, Bradenton Beach toll free (866) 316-7253 www.firstinbradenton.com Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor 778-0455 reen REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA www.greenreal.com .,* ,,, :.'. ', _- FOR THE FUN OF LIFE or an investment. 1BR/ 1 BA condo, lovingly updated last year, ready to use or rent this year. New kitchen, new tile floors. Bal- ,cony overlooking pool. Comes fumished, ready to move in. Weekly rentals allowed. Resort atmo- sphere, close to the beach. $325,000. Call Denny 725-3934. ,B.. .d\ 4i: ,*,: : ' TRIPLE TREASURE Breezy, beachy income p,''..au,: i'rnp Ipli. :..ross from the beach. Up- sEir:. cozy 1iA 1BA with great reading F.:.r;r,i and mas.- e un deck. Downstairs are :.,B: 1BR 1BA uril Ample parking, tons of Mexican tile, newer kitchens and baths. A, must see. $659,000. Nicole Skaggs or Jane Grossman at 778-4800 or 795-5704. . ....-- ..-- BOATER'S DREAM One of the few units with water view and 42-foot boat dock. All new gran- ite counter tops, 10-foot high ceilings, trimmed with crown molding. Florida pastel paints through- out. Lots of extra storage too. $699,000. Call Quentin Talbert at 778-4800. TARA COUNTRY CLUB Extremely well kept home sitting on a private oversized cul-de-sac lot on the 10th fairway. Beautifully upgraded tray ceiling. Corian counters and Merrillat wood cabinets enhance the model home fea- tures already available in this home. $374,900. Call Cindy Grazar (941) 504-6176. : '. ... RARE COMMERCIAL LOT, perfect location for doctor or lawyer's office or small retail center. Zoned PRM $320,000. Call Cindy Grazar at 778-4800 or 504-6176. ISLAND AMBIANCE. Canal front with boat dock makes this spacious Longboat Key home an Is- land getaway of it's own. Spectacular floor plan, perfect for families who never seem to have enough space. 6BR/5BA home is nestled on rare half acre lot on one of the most romantic streets on the Island. Many amenities. A steal at $1,695,000. Call Cindy Grazer at 504-6176. .r0 ,, . .. ,. [ 6 i ', ;', -it: r i' . vated, newer appliances, great rental history, priced to sell at $475,000. Won't last long. Call Ted Schlegel (941) 518-6117 or Barry Gould (941) 448-5500. r-.4 .01A A.AOA ii, .6 MAP 2BR/1 BA Condo in Bradenton Beach right on the beach. Recently remod- eled, tile floor, new appliances, new AC. Great Rental. Hurry, won't last long. Priced to sell, $499,000.00. Call Ted Schlegel (941) 518-6117 or Barry Gould (941) 448-5500. ~. .I3 ,001 GULF DRIVE*HOLMES BEACH, FL 34217 ,, I N "-" PHONE: 941.778.6849*TOLL FREE: 800.778.9599 VACATION FAX: 941.779.1750 PROPERTIES. I.C Licensed Reel Estate Broker Ann Coron JI M M.fan IH14111MIM1410. III 1 C a ~ I c .i-. r~ ; it;i:"-. .~~:.. I' 1' I a~ ~~a =. "-..'2% i.-- s p911 D JI 1 J(941)*751-1155 BANKRo 800 778844 VILLAGE GREEN VILLA $265,000 Large 2BR/2BA unit with a den, family room and Florida room. Two-car garage and steps to pool. IB504218 6016 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton (941) 751-1155 (800) 778-8448 Visit our Web site at www.floridamoves.com REALTORS 5910 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach, FL 34217 Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770 1-800-741-3772 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Web site: www.smithrealtors.com NORTH END Unique.3BR/ 2BA home on.north end of Anna Maria. Steps to white sandy beaches of Gulf/bay. Two wood burning fireplaces. Master suite has Gulf.view fIrorn screened porch. Over- sized shower, new ceramic tile. New roofs Ist Fl 2000 & 2nd Fl 2002. Asking price $795,000. Please call Susan Hatch, Realtor-778-7616 eves. DUPLEX Elevated 2BR/1BA and 1BR/1BA, enclosed lower area with garage and storage. Both sides rented. Property on Clark Spring Lake. Selling "as is" $469,900. Please call Mike Carleton, Realtor 737-0915 or Michel Cerene, Broker 545-9591, evenings. "Dial" m DEBBIE DIAL Realtor Office: 941-779-1811 i Cell: 941-400-1172 5^ I. --' l dialdebbie@diamondshores.com 1 find.d I 8cZ a to THE ISLANDER 0 FEB. 23, 2005 N PAGE 39 LTD MORTGAGE INC. The Oldest Mortgage Co. on Anna Maria Island Linda G. Davis Ted E. Davis Licensed Mortgage Brokers SConforming and jumbo loans. 1st and 2nd mortgages. SNo closing cost home equity lines of credit. 100% purchase money mortgages. Residential and commercial mortgages. Private money available for those hard-to-place loans. S(941)7' 4 iw 502 72n Holmes 79-2113 id Street s Beach r- ,www. xa .,wmmr wnr w v,,ur,,,w w v. W r ~.-~ C~-.. 4tfinkj Xeqr L, ,,16 .~dn ~4eS i VILLA SIENNA VILLA SORRENTO 4005 4TH AVE. 4003 4TH AVE. "^y _- / W- .- t ..S V*.. z : r RALESTATECOMPANY 3224 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach (941) 778-0700 Island Aussie Geoffrey Wall, G.R.I. P.A. (941) 545-0206 www.AussieGeoff.com VILLA ROMA 4004 5TH AVE. VH-LA MILANO 40D6 5TH AVE. The Jewel in the crown completes the most successful residentiallinvest- ment development in the Island's history. Pre-construction prices with permanent financing available for qualified buyers. These magnificent 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom Villas feature: expansive great rooms with fire- places, hardwood floors, gourmet kitchens with granite finish, elevator and private swimming pool. A half block to public beach, restaurants, boutiques and market with partial Gulf and bay views. $1,250,000. Buy Me! ULTIMATE BEACH I COTTAGE J $525,000 One half block to bay and Gulf. Walk to all the trendy restaurants and boutiques. Room for pool. No wonder in 34 years of international Real Estate, I have never had a property not sell! e-- ----------- ME n~ ~Par~ mrs 'masopaa7~arn PAGE 40 0 FEB. 23, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER - - a "Copyr Synd Available from C4 pupL lighted Materil icated Contenti commercial News P sIaw al. providers" i a Want to keep in touch? Subscribe to the "best news!" Call 941778-7978 and charge itto Visa or MasterCard. WAGN 2217 GULF DR. N ER REALTY BRADENTON BEACH -IRRE (941) 778.2246 Bringing Pcuvpl H ine Siuce 1939 ( ) 800 211web site: www.wagnerrealty.co-2323 Inerrealty.com web site: www.wagnerrealty.com i. RUNAWAY BAY/ISLAND CONDO Invest- ISLAND BAYFRONT Enio/, ie panoramic ISLAND WATERFRONT Caral Ironl 2BR -.BA ISLAND FOURPLEX !rn. eslmeni opportunity men! opporlunriv. Runaway Bay 2BR/2BA injracoasial view Irom vour tbaicony or from residence hirhd back.rom Ihe bay wiih lovely on Gull Drive in Bradenltn Beacr. Across Ihe condo on Anna Maria Islahd. Enloy beach your new dock 2BR'2BA turnkey furnished bay views flear beach. Newer seawall cap. street trom Ihe spectacular Gulf ol Mexico w-alks, sunseis and trapquillitv Laurie perfect island gelawav One block to Gull rool and A C Tile Iloors Ihroughout. Da'.e Enioy rental income Laurit Dellatorre 778-- Dellatorre 778-246 #504693 $384,9,:0i beacri Beck Smrri or Ell Slarren. 778-2246 r.lo',ninan '8-2246 .0349'i 7535,000. 224. #503'9?. $649.000 nWOJJ,} 8Jjawuli ANNA MARIA ISLAND HOME Open and bright, over 2;800 sl, spacious wi n cathedral[ ceiling, gas range, fireplace for both the living room and bedroom.large loll. Turnkey, war- ranty. Becky-Smith or Elli Starrett. 778-2246. "#103828. $729,900. . r; . ; '. TIFFANY PLACE Unique Gulltronl low'rnhoius witn great-Gult views Full, lurnished 2BR 2 5BA' 16 10QSF 2 balconies nealed pool. el- evalor and laoulous beach Dave Moynihan 778-22416. f503775. $81.9 500 DIRECT GULF FRONT!!! Eniov sunset viewvv irom .screened lanai Ilna also overlooks pool and powrder-while sand beach LUni has ne.er been rented Turnkey lurnished 2BR.2BA Karen Day 778-2246 #503615 $989.000 A RARE FIND! Anna Laria Gulf Front 1rt *Becky Smith or Elli Slarretl 778-2246. #504998 $2.000 000 I w ~ 1121 *ar lilB + r es~s~ pig |