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Skimming the news ... Islanders challenged to match tsunami aid, page 4 Anna Maria Tile Islander Basketball hops, page 18. "The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992" www.islander.org Ginny says, 'Not so' Contrary to De" .20 puublisled ,Cine1itiis in the Islahnder by Jane. E t rihl..stiser Ginny Dtltoin sa''. O ii ill not offer coffee and baked goods for sale at her Holmes Beach shop, Ginny's Antiques and Art. Jane E closed her "to-go" coffee business at the Holmes Beach store and Ginny emiplhasized ihat 'luIt is merely selling paper cups and plastic wrap, not coffee and baked goods. Jane E ceased sales at Ginny's Holmes Beach location after city officials determined she was operating a restaurant.there in violation of city code. Jane E continues ;o t'. o'er coffe service and f~t shtt baked goods at the former Anna Maria IGA store, where Ginny also peddle, iantiqu(et and art. I.landr Photo: Bonner Joy Bennett: 'Think outside box' for fire savings By Paul Roat "If you don't control your own destiny," Florida Sen. Mike Bennett told a group of 60 Manatee County fire chiefs and commissioners Friday, "someone else will do it for you." Bennett's remarks came at a meeting to address looming financial shortfalls predicted by West Mana- tee Fire'and Rescue District commissioners in upcom- ing years. The district, which includes Anna Maria Is- land, Cortez and northwest Bradenton, has been reel- ing under new state firefighting mandates, particularly that two firefighters be outside a burning building be- fore two can enter to fight a fire. In an effort to budget for the "two-in, two-out" rule, West Manatee attempted to sway voters three times in 2004 to allow an additional tax to levied based on property value in addition to the e,\i ting assessment method of raising funds. All three referendums were defeated by the voters. West Manatee commissioners had then approached Bennett and the local legislative delegation in an effort to have a special bill introduced to the Florida Legis- lature that would allow a greater assessment to be lev- ied. Bennett, and other members of the local delega- tion, rejected the proposal. "The legislative delegation is not going to Talla- hassee and try to pass a bill to raise taxes that the citi- zens have said three times they don't want," Bennett flatly told West Manatee commissioners and the other fire officials. He suggested that the 13 county fire districts each appoint a person to meet and work on devising cost-cutting measures. "You need to work on best practices. You need to look at cost of service. You will need to-look at each others financial statements so you can compare with everyone else, and com- pare costs with ever one else. "I suggest you check your ego at the door and work on holding down the costs for the people in Manatee County," Bennett. added "I believe there are more fire districts in Manatee.County than anywhere else in the state, and I'm afraid someone will introduce some fire PLEASE SEE CONSOLIDATION, NEXT PAGE Volume 13, No. 10 Jan. 12, 2005 FREE County needs more time on Cafe on Beach By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter In what is rapidly becoming a nightmare for Cafe on the Beach owner Dee Percifield-- along with the numerous regular and winter visitor patrons who fre- quent the restaurant Manatee County officials have asked for yet another extension to complete renova- tions at the facility, located at the Manatee Counts Beach. The request was sent to the Holmes Beach City Commission Tuesday, Jan. 11. Renovations on the building, which is owned by the county, began last September and completion was expected in November. But four hurricanes later, work was still not finished and the county received a tempo- rary permit from the city to continue construction. The new completion date was Dec. 15, but that came and went. Only the Beach Shop and the Pancake Shack have opened and the county is asking for another 75 days to complete the main building. That puts the opening date well into March, fully into the tourist season "n ith Easter, the traditional sig- nal of season's end, falling on March 27. Percifield said she's as anxious as anyone to get open for business, and she's been flooded with inquir- ies from regular customers asking when is the opening date. According to county officials, said Percifield, they need two additional weeks to finish the kitchen and another 30 days at most to finish the rest rooms. "We could be open by Feb. 1, maybe Feb. 5," Percifield said hopefully. "We have been as patient as possible with this," she added. "I've had so many people come up to me and ask when we'll reopen. What can I tell them? As soon as possible." While renovations are ongoing, Cafe on the Beach has been serving short-order items from a portable trailer at the Manatee Co.unt\ Beaich. Best of Twisster, a 4- S year-old Shetland sheepdog, the S. pet ofBrenda Twiss of Anna SMaria, will .Vl compete in the L American Kennel Club's National Agility Cham- pionship this weekend in Tampa. For more about the i .dog and the ,a event, see Inside. Is- lander Photo: SCourtesy Brenda Twiss "I' II II I I C C' I IIC I' c r rC ~ -r , PAGE 2 0 JAN. 12, 2005 U THE ISLANDER 'Bags of Joy' fillers needed quickly By Jim Hanson Islander Correspondent Earl Mowry is filling the first of what he hopes will be more than 500 "bags of joy" to take to chil- dren in Haiti, and he doesn't have much time: He has set a deadline of Jan. 31. He has set the demanding timetable so he can take the bags to the kids in February. Filling the bags with joy, crating them and getting them to Haiti takes a lot of time and work, he said. In mid-December he sent 470, and his goal now is to round that out to 1,000. Such are the delays in ship- ping and delivery that the holiday bags weren't distrib- uted until this week. He is receiving items to fill the bags in Holmes Beach, at his Island TV repair shop, on Holmes Boulevard behind the Sterling Anvil. What he needs for his hundreds of young fans are such things as toys, toiletries, school supplies, socks and dozens of other items the underprivileged chil- dren there don't have, and have no way of getting except for Islanders' generosity, Mowry said. He also needs money to carry on construction projects and furnish the new buildings, and vows to match all contributions with money from his own pocket. He took $3,900 there last year. Construc- tion is almost finished on the 47-by-100-foot church he and other volunteers have built there for "Pastor Julio" and his growing congregation. Only the floor remains to be completed. "If all it takes to get a child started in church and school is a $1 'bag of joy,'" he said, "it's a tre- mendous bargain." He hastens to point out that this is a non-de- nominational effort, or rather multi-denomina- tional, or even all-denominational. And it is strictly an Anna Maria Island project, he said. Islanders have donated most of the goods so far, and he ex- pects that to continue. Haiti has settled down from the turmoil of the past few years, he said, certainly in the north of the island where his efforts are directed the village of Madeline near Cap Haitien. Canadians are there, too, building a school near the new church. Right now, lMo\ r)'s main worry is that dead- line he set for himself and Anna Maria Island: Jan. 31. He may be reached at 778-1703 or 778-2694. Consolidation contemplated CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 district consolidation legislation that ill hurt you. E\er)- one wants the lowest cost and the highest level of service." Bennett said he would facilitate such meetings or provide research as needed. "The answer may be consolidation, or it may not, but you have to start talking about it," he added. West Manatee Fire Chief Andy Price said the district's assessment method of raising funds was in- adequate for the current makeup of the district. "Unlike other districts in the county, we're almost built out," Price said. "We've got no growth and we're at our tax cap, which will only let us keep going as-is. We have interlocal agreements with neighboring fire districts, but we're at the west end of the county, and it's a long way to go in one direction, and the time element [of getting another truck out] is our problem, especially in Anna Maria.": Price added that u p to 85 percent of the fire district's budget is comprised of salaries for firefighters. Longboat Key'Fire Chief Julius Halas was fire chief in Sarasota when that city and Sarasota County consolidated services several years ago. The city- county pairing \\as spurred by a relatively stagnant growth within the city while the county was seeing a population boom. With city firefighting services paid for through property tax revenue, the city was looking at up to a 6- mill tax levy for fire services. After joining with the county, the costs were spread out and the county tax hit dropped to less than 3 mill, Halas said. "I don't know how to solve your problem short- term," Bennett concluded, "but you're going to have to start thinking outside of the box," Thanks, Ray Bradenton Beach Public Works empclovee Ray Wilson is retiring after 10 years ith the city. "Rest assured, he won't be sitting around wondering what to do with all that free time, Mayor John Chappie declared in a proclamation. "We know that he has been practicing up for his retirement by becoming an avid golfer and part-time handyman." Islander Photo. Paul Rbat ," .** !- ^.: ^ r .' )," .---..., .. ..; ",.z .- ; .;: .' .; :: ,, : . IContinental Bistro You'll love our Beef Wellington. A tender filet mignon topped with Chef Damon's pate, wrapped in puff pastry, baked golden, and served with Bordelaise sauce. Mmmm. It's your choice from 17 dinner entrees and other favorites. PROUD MEMBER 1/ SARASOTA MANATEE ORIGINALS AWARD-WINNING FINE DINING WITHOUT SURFSIDE PRICING! BRUNCH AND LUNCH Wednesday-Saturday 11-2:30 SUNDAY BREAKFAST AND LUNCH 8-2:30 DINNER Wed.-Sun. from 5:30 Island Shopping Center 5406 Marina Drive ~ Holmes Beach 941 778 5320 DAIMLERCHRYSLER INTERNOTES Nr,. lI-,_, 5-'75%/oc. ..-...... DuE oI/1520o C 100.00 S e Tn i Semi. _- apon rate a; v Cj) o. *), arid (,r n!y of par or th; stated coil dat: jnr 30 rliU:'notij. Pjea, Crqer t oh pr ditlfoi; contact the Financial Adoo S careoturLI before n ir-iuri16g ne Price.-iamiloablitv subject in haintge r.~ Gai Frin i~~1Quaniltall'-e C P5: ingfir 94 1 -9 ,-,173 ..~ .: .. r.' La- )!l'I5/ 08 CALL PRICE 100.00 RATiBB,: Mkodi's S rndd & P,:,;r', A3,,'BBB -Annual Pay ubject to ai ailahdlitV. Callahbl at po.:r 'I/ tLi id thereafter on the infer.tI-plrnpnt dtrw ropedua a nd rlotud supplrne'nr&) .r m.mp ror hel-)idijOr thc dac rie. ur d rj ifi, it h~r an r tlr wo ell norra ,oh.itoion i..) b )'.IA SECLTCRI TES ryV W. Keller ~h.ePor-rfulio AManage r rig Bhd.. Suite 6oo Jia, FL 34236 33 800-237-9400 ~rA.- .7 ti ht m .bu -- '' *' : .,i .I-~-- ~ ; I:- * Anna Maria to get FEMA windfall By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Anna Maria city commissioners at a special meeting Jan. 7 quickly gave the go-ahead to Mayor SueLynn to contract for construction of a berm along a portion of the North Shore Drive beach after learning that the Federal Emergence Managementent Agen has committed $29,500 ito the project \ while cost estimates are only at $22,000. The city, according to the mayor, can keep the difference for any future project to halt beach erosion. FEMA had estimated the project would cost about $32,000, of which that agency would pay 90 percent. The city would either pay the remaining 10 percent or get the funds from the Florida Department of Envirori- mental Protection or require affected property owners to pay the difference. Commissioner Duke Miller questioned the mayor about the city's portion of the project. "I don't foresee any contingency where it would cost the city money, but I didn't want to proceed witih- out commission approval," she responded. Miller also wondered why the city didn't include other areas along North Shore Drive that are also severely eroded, but the mayor said this was entirely a FEMA project and their survey team determined which areas qualified for FEMA funding. FEMA also included a por- tion of the beach in front of the Sandbar restaurant. The mayor agreed there were worse areas of ero- sion along North Shore Drive, but the decision "was entirely a FEMA choice," done under FEMA require- ments to be eligible for emergency funding, she said. Public Works Director George McKay provided four estimates to construct a berm along the severely eroded beach between 755 and 761 North Shore and in front of the Sandbar, with the lowest estimate at $22,000. The mayor said she confirmed with FEMA that the city could keep any difference between payment and costs as a reserve fund for future emergency erosion prevention measures. Beach City Market proprietor busted A team of Manatee County Sheriff's Office depu- ties last Thursday raided the now-closed Beach City Market at 1701 Gulf Drive N. in Bradenton Beach and a home in Holmes Beach owned by Beach City propri- etors David and Dawn Viens. The Manatee County Clerk of Courts Web site states that David Viens of 129 49th St., Holmes Beach, was arrested Jan. 6 by MCSO deputies for possession of marijuana with intent to sell or distribute within 1,000 feet of a school, possession of a controlled sub- stance (Schedule II opium), and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. He was also arrested for traffick- ing in marijuana (50 and 2,000 pounds). The property appraiser's Web site lists Dawn and David Viens as the owners of 129 49th St. in Holmes Beach. The Florida Department of State Web site lists' Dawn Viens as the sole officer and director of Beach City Market & Grille Inc. MCSO spokesperson Dave Bristow said he could not confirm any arrests because the raids were part of an on- going investigation. Eyewitnesses to the Beach City aid said deputies entered the premises and removed several boxes that ap- peared to contain paperwork and files. A witness to the home raid said deputies there also carted away a number of boxes and other items. One individual at the residence, who did not live there, was briefly detained then released, the witness said. Bristow is on vacation this week and could not be reached for further comment. Another spokesperson with the MCSO said he had no details on the raids or information on any arrest. The Beach City Market opened in April 2003, but closed just a few weeks ago and the property is up for sale. The Viens also operated the defunct Island Kitchen in Anna Maria several years ago before opening Beach City. Bridge over untroubled waters Holmes Beach resident Ernie Kendler stands on the garden bridge at his Island residence on Neptune Drive that was created entirely with saved seashells and beach rocks. The bridge was created by Island resident Tom Tuten ofAquacraft. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy Island film festival starts Monday The Anna Maria Island Historical Society will present a series of films containing footage shot on the Island in its "Anna Maria Island Film Festival." The festival will feature five films with one selec- tion shown each month from January through May. The first film to be featured is a repeat showing of the 1920s film "Isle of Destiny" that was debuted to Islanders lucky enough to snag a seat at the historical society's November presentation. The film stars Paul Gilmore, a New York actor with a few silent film credits to his name. The movie itself is a quirky silent film accompanied by a score of piano music to set the tone. The plot revolves around three characters, Jim Stafford, played by Gilmore, his cousin, played by Frank Williams and Ruth Haney played by Hazel Hudson. The trio fail to reach the United States when their steamship sinks and they are abandoned on a de- serted island. "Isle of Destiny" will air at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 17, at Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. The second featured film will be "On An Island With You," which was filmed on the Island in 1947. It features swimming star Esther Williams, dancer Cyd Charisse, comediafiJfmmy Durante and actors Peter Lawford and Ricardo Montalban. "On An Island With You" will be shown Monday, Feb. 21. The third feature is the 1983 movie "A Flash of Green." Portions of this movie were filmed in Cortez and features Blair Brown, Ed Harris, John Glover and SRichard Jordan. The movie, based on the novel by the late John D. McDonald, is set in 1961 in the fictional town of Palm Cay on Florida's Gulf Coast. It's the tale of a battle between a real estate developer and environmentalists. "A Flash of Green" will be shown Monday, March 21. "Great Expectations" will be the featured film on "April 18.. Scenes for this .1996 film, based on the Charles Dickens' classic, were also shot in Cortez and some Sarasota locations. It stars Robert DiNiro, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ethan Hawke and Anne Bancroft. The final featured film is "Palmetto," and it will be shown May 16. This 1997 movie features scenes filmed at the Anna Maria City Pier. It stars Woody Harrelson, Elisabeth Shue, Gina Gershorn, Rolf Hoppe and Michael Rapaport. Seating for all shows is on a first-come, first-served basis. Admission is free, but donations for the histori- cal society are appreciated. For more information, call the Anna Maria Island Historical Museum at 778-0492 or 778-1514. THE ISLANDER 0 JAN. 12, 2005 U PAGE 3 Date set for AME ground breaking Manatee County School District has set a date for the Anna Maria Elementary School ground-breaking ceremony. Ground breaking for the new construction project will be held at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 25. The community is invited to attend the cer- emony, which will also be attended by school board members, AME business partners and lo- cal officials. The existing AME facility is being replaced by a new two-story block building designed by SEducational Design Associates. Meetings .. ..... :... 0 - .- .._- : 2. Anna Maria City Jan. 13,7 p.m., city commission work session. Agenda: First reading on traffic regulation ordinance, first read- ing of right-of-way ordinance, first reading on piling- installation ordinance, review of request for public works position, review of changes to code of ethics document, alleged salary overpayment discussion, Belle Haven Cottage expense and repair discussion, Belle Haven Cottage alcohol exemption discussion, old business and public comment. Jan. 17, 7 p.m., special planning and zoning board meeting on Sandbar restaurant and election of officers. Jan. 19, 6:45 p.m., Environmental Education and En- hancement Committee meeting. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 708-6130. Bradenton Beach Jan. 12, 5 p.m., Citizens Advisory Committee for the Review and Updating of the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. Jan. 13, 3 p.m., city commission work session. Jan. 13, 6 p.m., planning and zoning board meeting. Jan. 18, 6 p.m., board of adjustment meeting. Jan. 20, 1 p.m., city commission meeting. Bradenton Beach Citr Hall. 107 Gulf Drive N.. 778-1005. Holmes Beach Jan. 20, 10 a.m., code enforcement'board meeting. Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive. 708-5800. Of Interest Jan. 13, 6 p.m., Coalition Against Runaway Taxation meeting, Holmes Beach City Hall. Jan. 17, 3:30 p.m., Island Transportation Planning Or- ganization meeting, Holmes Beach City Hall CAN- CELED. Jan. 19, 6 p.m., Barrier Island Elected Officials meet- ing, Bradenton Beach City Hall. Holiday Closures Government offices in Holmes Beach and Longboat Key will be closed on Monday, Jan. 17, for Dr. Mar- tin Luther King Jr. Day. Correction on beach erosion The photo that appeared on the front page of The Islander issue of Jan. 5 showing severe beach erosion inadvertently gave the wrong address for the house at 765 North Shore Drive in Anna Maria. Property owner Shelina Martin said the Federal Emergency Management Agency did not approve the property for an emergency berm installation, despite the severe erosion: Instead, only the houses at 755, 759 and 761 North Shore Drive were approved by FEMA to have a berm constructed along the shoreline to prevent further ero- sion. According to Anna Maria Mayor SueLynn, who is coordinating the effort between FEMA and the ap- proved property owners, there is no 757 North Shore Drive address. Martin indicated she and her husband have a Florida Department of Environmental Protection per- mit and plan to build a seawall at their own expense to preserve what's left of their property. THE ISLANDER M JAN. 12, 2005 M PAGE 5 Island, Poston agree: No county charter By Rick Catlin Islander Reporter Hard to believe, but Island elected officials and Bradenton Mayor Wayne Poston have found a com- mon ground for agreement. They are unanimous in their condemnation to the proposed Manatee County charter recently presented to the county commission. The draft charter calls for the county commission to adopt a "Countywide Uniform Land Use Plan" that would "include provisions that are specifically applicable throughout the county, including within the boundaries of municipalities and other governmental entities." Specific areas that would be governed by the county land-use plan and apply to the cities are: Maximum density and intensity of development. Environmental protection and preservation of natural resources. Building height limitations Impact fees for development impacts to countywide infrastructure. Developmental concurrency for public infrastruc- ture. Such other matters as are authorized by this char- ter or general law." The charter also calls for a;14-member planning council composed of the seven county commissioners, a representative from each of the six municipalities and one from the school board. Presentation of the draft charter at the county commission's Jan. 4 meeting brought a swift reaction from Holmes Beach Mayor Carol Whitmore. "It's not acceptable," said Whitmore. "We already have our own charter and land-use plan and we don't Thieves' market Saturday The Anna Maria Island Privateers will hold a mullet smoke in conjunction with their Thieves Market on Sat- urday, Jan. 15. The market will be open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Coquina Beach at the south end of Bradenton Beach. The market will feature all kinds of pirate treasure, some junk and maybe a little trash. But, a spokesperson said, shoppers can also look for- ward to finding arts and crafts, antiques, collectibles and food. There will be live entertainment beginning at noon. Vendor information is available by calling 729-9039. 'Dreamclassics' headline Center dance The Dreamclassics IV, the "little band with the big sound" featuring dance music and a variety of tunes to swing to, jitterbug andjive will appear at the "Welcome Back Sundbirds Dance starting at 8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 14, at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. It's lthe Center's first big dance of the season with tickets at $10 per pL rson. The event is "BYOB with s r-ups and snacks availablefor purchase. Contact the Center at 778-1908 for ticket purchases. City and county officials will meet to discuss the charter at the Manatee Civic Center at 9:30 a.m. Jan. 27. need the county telling us what to do." The county, she claimed, already has a process and the proposed charter is "just to address and control the cities." It's the on-going battle between County Commis- sioner Joe McClash and Poston over Bradenton's ap- proval of the 686-unit Arvida-St. Joe condominium project, she added. Whitmore is also adamantly opposed to the plan- ning council. With seven of the 14 members, the county commission could easily control what is ap- proved or rejected, and with just one swing vote, could pass measures that would hurt Island cities. "It's not fair at all. They would have half the votes at every meeting," she said. Poston couldn't agree more. "The charter takes away our sovereignty and the county commission would con- trol the planning council." He noted that when Volusia County (Daytona Beach) adopted a county charter form of government, county commissioners there passed a parking ordinance for the beach over the opposition of beach residents and municpalties. "They just told them that they control the beach park- ing and there was nothing they could to about it," he said. Anna Maria Mayor SueLynn was a bit less outspo- ken in her opposition, but said she "could not support any county charter that supersedes or negates what is in our codes." A countywide land development plan might be a good idea for unincorporated Manatee County, she Federal sand funding OK'd for beach renourishment With assurances from federal sources that the sand would be clean, white and free of shells and rocks, Manatee County commissioners late Tuesday approved an interim beach renourishment project on Anna Maria Island. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials told com- missioners Monday that they would work with the county to ensure the best possible sand for the beach renourishment project, severely eroded due to the four hurricanes that blew by the Island last summer. Federal funds will pay for 100 percent of the project, estimated to begin late this year. observed, "but not if it eliminates the city's ability to govern our own affairs." While she's not in favor of the planning council, she said she would need to know more about how it would operate before making a final conclusion on that portion of the proposal. "Right now, I can see a 7-6 vote with the board of education being the swing vote on a lot of issues," she noted. The entire charter proposal needs a lot of meetings, discussions and compromise if she could ever support the measure, she indicated. Holmes Beach was to get its first opportunity to fire back at the county commission with its opposition as McClash was scheduled to attend the city commission meeting Jan. 11. Anna Maria will take its pot shots when McClash attends the city commission meeting on Jan. 27. www.lslander.org Minneolas (Honeybells) Now in Season! Ready for shipping or your enjoyment PLACE YOUR ORDERS TODAY All Minneolas Minneolas & Pink Grapefruit #M14 Approx. 12 lbs.......$31.95 #MG14P Approx. 12 lbs.......$31.95 #M12 Approx. 23 lbs.......$42.95 #MG12P Approx. 23 lbs.......$42.95 #M30 Approx. 30 lbs.......$49.95 #MG30P Approx. 30 lbs.......$49.95 #M50 Approx. 42 lbs.......$57.95 #MG50P Approx. 42 lbs.......$57.95 Prices include all costs for shipping & delivery in most of the USA Delicious Naval Oranges Are Also Available For Home Use Or Shipping Gift Shoppe Deli Ice Cream Home Made Fudge Call to place your orders 24/7 or better yet...visit the grove 941-748-5829 Enjoy a Free Cup of kam Fresh-Squeezed Orange Ptl Ellenton or Grapefruit Juice on us! Pamet 2712 26th Ave. E., Bradenton M'naMI .xo2 Store Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9 am 5 pm BradEnton FMT F RMS www.mixon.com , CHOOSE YAMAHA AND GET UP TO 3 YEARS EXTENDED SERVICE FREE* SAVINGS OF UP TO $2,600 -VISIT CANNONS MARINA TODAY. .-' ti-~E -ri -.~' f~ .. .-i *t -.a.e. C' ~ Al ALt:j Ji- ~'(I i.e- A ; ,~~s~ekL o: ~ ..~& /",.... : YAMAHA l CANNONS " W M A R IN A N QUALITY STRENGTH COMMITMENT SINCE 1955 -- 6040 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key Open 7 days a week, 8 a.m. 5:30 p.m. cannons.com 941-383-1311 We're worth the trip! "IN,, ~lIrNG 50 *Limited to available stock in dealer inventory sold and delivered between the dates ofJanuary 1, 2005 through April 30, 2005 and warranty registered on or before March 31, 2005. Other restrictions or modifications may apply. Visit Cannons Marina for complete details. PAGE 4. JAN. 12, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Donor challenges community to aid tsunami victims By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter On,behalf of the anonymous foundation she repre- sents, Ilona Kenrick of Marina Pointe Realty in Anna Maria presented Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island Vice President Birgit Sesterhenn with a donation of $9,000 for the club to purchase shelter boxes for tsu- nami victims in Southeast Asia. The anonymous donors have also issued a chal- lenge to the Island community to help in the effort to aid families displaced by the Dec. 26 natural disaster. Sesterhenn said the Rotary club has been challenged to match the $9,000 donation by raising funds from the community for the purchase of 10 more shelter boxes. Sesterhenn added that if the community raises more than $9,000 by March 1, the donor has pledged to match any additional amount up to $22,500. Shelter boxes can be sponsored by individuals, organizations or businesses and cost $900 each. These boxes are packaged at the ShelterBoxes warehouse in England and are released to recognized international relief agencies that oversee shipping and distribution. Each box contains one three-compartment, 10-per- son domed tent and repair kit, 10 sleeping bags, one pack of 180 water purification tablets and one five- gallon flat-pack water container, two collapsible plas- tic water carriers, two sets of basic cooking and eating utensils, a trenching shovel, three flashlights and bat- teries, a 164-foot rope, 10 ponchos, a tool kit and multi- fueled cook stove. Supplies from the shelter box are expected to last six months. A single water purification tablet is esti- mated by the to purify 1,800 gallons of water, which should be sufficient for a family of 10 for up to three months. In addition to the contents of the shelter box, the shipping container can also be utilized as a water tank, - food storage or table once it is emptied. Shelter box sponsors are listed on the manufacturer's "Roll of Honor" and sponsors receive a box identification number to track delivery status online. The Island Rotary Club has supported the shelter box program in the past, purchasing a box that went to Grenada after the hurricanes made landfall last sum- mer. Two more Island boxes delivered to Iraq are also listed on the shelter box Roll of Honor. According to Sesterhenn, the 10 boxes sponsored by Tax relief meeting Thursday The Coalition Against Runaway Taxation has citizens and business owners concerned about the scheduled its third community roundtable meeting continually rising property taxes levied by the for 6 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 13, at Holmes Beach county and the Island's city governments. City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. For more information, call the chamber at 778- CART was formed by the Anna Maria Island 7581, or Don Schroder at 778-2200, or Nigel Brown Chamber of Commerce in response to a group of at 778-1503. Pre-Construction Profit! Acquire Pre-Construction 3 Bed 2 Bath Investment Home 10% Below Today's Appraised Value For Only $3,500 Down! 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Rows of beautiful planted Earthboxes and plants for you to plant yourself. -i - FREE Gardening Classes Wed. & Sat. 10 AM 723-2911 1023 Ellenton-Gillette Rd. Open Mon.-Fri. 9-4 Sat. 9-2 www.earthbox.com Easy to find. Take 301 to Ellenton-Gillette Rd. [one block west of Gamble Mansion] Tsunami relief Ilona Kenrick of Marina Pointe Realty in Anna Maria presents Birgit Sesterhenn, vice president of the Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island, with a check for $9,000 on behalf of an .- anonymous foundation to Purchase 10 Rotary shelter boxes for tsunami victims in Southeast Asia. The anonymous donor has also pledged to match funds donated to Rotary by the community for the pur- '' chase of additional shelter I. Bonner Joy ~boxes. Islander Photo: the donor foundation will be shipped out as quickly as possible. Now it's up to the community to pitch in, too. "This is a unique fundraiser addressing everybody on Anna Maria Island and anywhere in the nation - even the world to donate whatever they can to our club with the provision that it be used entirely for the purchase of shelter boxes," Sesterhenn said. Sesterhenn noted that this fundraising challenge is separate from the Rotary's upcoming Casino Night fundraiser. The money from that event benefits more than just the shelter box program. "The timing definitely makes it a challenge, but as Rotarians we try to help out locally and internationally. We try to do it all," she said. Checks can be made out to the Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island, with a notation on the memo line indicating it's for shelter boxes. Donations can be mailed or dropped off to Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island; in care of Sesterhenn at The Island Florist, 5312 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217. To learn more about the shelter box program, visit www.shelterbox.org. 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Tile and Grout Color Odor Control Cleaning and Stain Control! FAT CAT LARRY & NANCY HOUSE, OWNERS S778-2882 or 387-0607 |R' .-. | 1 gotocarpetcleaning.com PAGE 6 I JAN. 12, 2005 U THE ISLANDER Say it ain't so We are aghast to learn that Cafe on the Beach at the Manatee County Beach won't fully open for some six weeks. While the tenants and operators of both the cafe and shop, Dee Percifield and Gene Schaefer, have been patient and gracious in this situation at least toward their friends and customers they must be secretly riled. They've been operating the cafe for more than 12 years and built a loyal clientele and a terrific staff. Since the August closure for remodeling, the late sum- mer/fall hurricanes compounded problems for the con- struction crews and deadlines for reopening have come and gone frequently. The facility was originally to reopen in mid-Octo- ber. Certainly, some delays couldn't be avoided, but we're talking about what most folks consider THE BEST public beach in the county and we're disappoint- ing lots of seasonal visitors with the fenced parking lot, construction trailers, the piles of construction debris in what should be a great beach landscape, the disappoint- ment of NO rest rooms (well, maybe you use port-o- lets) and the limited food service from a concession trailer: We should have been tipped off to the inability of the county to complete the project in a timely manner considering it took an inordinate amount of time to complete the construction of a small test room facility at Coquina Beach. Yes, the "Pancake Shack" is open. But we shouldn't have to crawl through the construction site to get to this jewel of a beach to enjoy a sunrise, sunset, breakfast and a cup of coffee, or a walk on the pier. This debacle has closed two businesses and put some 50 employees out of work. And even though their rent is abated during the remodel work, they've lost five months of revenue a crusher for any business. It's time the county was taken to task and chal- lenged to finish the job, even if it means hiring crews to work around the clock. Call 745-3701 to speak to the Manatee County Commission office staff. Or visit the county Web site at www.co.manatee.fl.us (click "board" on the top menu) for e-mail and mail addresses and phone contact information for the commissioners. Tell them to "give us back our beach now!" r ^lA,,onro-- -* TIe Islander JAN. 12, 2005 Vol. 13, No. 10 V Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, bonner@islander.org V Editorial Paul Roat, News Editor, paul@islander.org Diana Bogan, diana@islander.org Rick Catlin, rick@islander.org Jack Egan Jack Elka Jim Hanson V Contributors Gib Bergquist Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org Jesse Brisson Robert Noble J.L. Robertson Preston Whaley Jr. V Advertising Sales Nancy Ambrose, nancy@islander.org Rebecca Barnett, rebecca@islander.org V Office Manager Julia Robertson, julia@islander.org V Production Graphics Kelley Ragan, kelley@islander.org Jocelyn V. Greene, ads@islander.org V Distribution Urbane Bouchet Ross Roberts Lisa Williams (All others: news@islander.org) Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. 1992-2005 Editorial, sales and production offices: Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEB SITE: islander.org FAX 941 778-9392 PHONE 941 778-7978 SLICK By Egan Opinion11 No charter, please which it would want to take power from the munici- Open letter to Manatee County Commissioner Joe palities? McClash: 3. I understand that the Sarasota County Charter McClash: makes it quite clear that, should any county ordinance Because I hate to be surprised at meetings, I de- bu cided it was only right to provide you with some of the any Longboat Key ordinance, the Key's ordi- i nance would prevail. If that's true, is the Manatee things I'd like to talk about with you and the other nance oud prea. tats tre is te aatee County proposed charter likely to read similarly? county commissioners on Jan. 27 at the Manatee Civic C p c l t r 4. Is the counts commission willing to commit to Center. And so, here goes-in no special order of im- s he c it preserving tlhe home-ru le pov\ ers of the municipalities portance: , in writing in their charter? I'm sure you all know my basic objection because in writing in their charter? To sum it all up, I thought about all this as I was I heard others pass it on to you already. It has to do with To sum it all up, I thought about all this as ws watching TV's "Everybody Loves-Raymond" show what obviously appears to be a desire on the part of thing TV's everybodyy Loves Rmond sw last night. It's a sitcom where the mother-in-law in county commissioners to meddle in municipal affairs. st n t. ts a sitcom here te n- I know you understand that meddling objection be- spends entirely too much time asamany non-TV mothers-in-law have been known to do trying to run cause the very first sentence of the Dec. 28 Charter things her way in her kid's family's home. things her way in her kid's family's home. Preamble Draft I received states very clearly that you .s o. I then decided to drop this note off to you because desire to be "joined together in the belief that govern- t n cde those antics made me think thanks to all the char- mental decisions affecting local interests should be. S"ter talk of every municipality becoming like the made locally rather than by the State." S ere taln to yo abot yor charr re, "family" in that skit and the county taking over as a sort If I were talking to you about your charter dream, of mother-in-law. I'd enjoy a better county/municipal- I would make exactly that same statement after replac- o mteia. I' e a be p m i I would make exactly that same statement after replac- ity relationship would certainly result from a charter. ing "State" with "Municipality." And those "full home Ifou've nevr watched "Ra lae d. rule benefits" it says you're looking for in your char- Iyouve never watched Raymond, please, do. I'm sure you'll agree. ter lead me to believe you don't understand that sure you 11 agree. a ,, Regards from one of the "family." "home" is in the municipalities, not in the county Regards frm one of the mily." chambers. Holmes Beach City Commissioner Don Maloney chambers. : Doing some homework on the subject by looking Hve your say into some existing county charters, I notice things lik' a y s a in Lee County's charter where it gives them oversight The Islander welcomes and encourages your opin- of certain land-use and zoning decisions. That, I'm l letters. convinced, violates the "Home Rule" powers of that,, The Islander accepts letters of up to 250 words and c v th reserves the right to edit for length, grammar. Letters county's cities, and it sounds to me too much like your deserves the to edt for g Letters draft must be signed, and include the city you reside in for Anyway, before we get down to any serious talk- ing about the proposed charter, here's what I'd like to hear from county commissioners on Jan. 27: 1. What's wrong with the Accord? Have there been any similar Elected Officials Roundtable meetings like the Jan. 27 event about Accord wrongs you saw? 2. And is the county commission ready to pledge that they do not foresee any situation in the future in publication, and a phone number which is for verifica- tion only. Anonymous letters will not be printed. All letters to the editor will remain on file in our office and available to the public. Address letters to Editor, The Islander, Island Shopping Center, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217, fax to 941-778-7978, or e-mail to news@islander.org. . . . S 1 .. -,. THE TSLANDER U JAN. 12, 2005 0 PAGE 7 Regional artists are coming together to host an art- auction 1-4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 22. to benefit victims of the Asian tsunamis. The event will be held at the Longboat Key Center for the Arts, 6860 Longboat Drive, Longboat Key. The occasion will afford a rare opportunity to ac- quire art by some local and nationally recognized art- ists, while directly responding to the disaster. Artists committed to the auction at press time are Ann Abgott, Jean Blackburn, Joan Boyles, Jackie Clark, Woody Candish, Jay Canterbury, Karen Case, Nancee Clark, Jeanne Chinnis. Rusty Chinnis, Susan Curry, Jo Fiorello, Pat Ga\l Martha Hartman. Virginia Hoffman, Joe Loccisano, Linda Molto, Cheryl Moody, Florence Putterman, Herbie Rose, Gale Fulton Ross, Richard Thomas, Elizabeth van Riper and nationally recognized outsider artist Ruby C. Williams. All proceeds from the event are to go to. the gen- eral relief fund of "Doctors Without Borders." This event is sponsored by the Longboat Key Center for the Arts, Cannons Marina, Origin Design and ThelIs- lander. Food and wine donations have been offered by Euphemia Haye. Harry's Continental Kitchens, Mar Vista Dockside Restaurant and Pub, Ooh La La! Bistro. Beach Bistro, Premier Beverage Co., Jeffery Park of WmerN Associates and the Wild Monke\ Gourmet Catering. For more information or to make donations, please call Blackburn at 322-2716. Artists for tsunami relief ider r13 YEARS Ten years ago in the Jan. 12, 1995, issue of The Islander, headlines announced: SLongboat Key town officials have threatened to fine trolley operator Gary Creamans $500 for each day he operates his privately funded Island trolley on Gulf of Nlexico Drive because the trolley's displayed advertising violates the tow n's sign ordinance. Creamans said if he can't have advertisers, the trolley will shut down. The Bradenton Beach City Commission agreed not to appeal a circuit court decision in favor of Bradenton Beach Marina owner Allah Bazzy that \% ill allow him to expand his facility. Holnles Beach commissioners voted down an ordinance that would ha\e allowed city voters to ap- prove a charter amendment calling for a city ide ref- erendum on an de\ elopment application that would increase density. Temps & Drops on A.M.I 'Babe' launch set for Thursday The restored Bahamian skiff "Babe" is scheduled to be launched at 1 p.m. Thursday off Coquina Beach, bayside. The 15-foot vessel was restored by volunteers with the Gulf Coast Maritime Museum in Cortez. Pictured with the classic boat are, from left, Heather Campbell and Joe Rubin. Islander Photo: J.L. Robertson STIURIIlEON GENERAL'S Dining at Rotten Ralph's is habit r1U ) tit J)- GREAT LIVE MUSIC DRINK SPECIAL Mimosa THIS WEEK! BloodyMary SJATequila Sunrise WED JAN 12 PUNINY1, KEILNNY! 4101IP t or Screwdriver r:-', 2 for $550 THURS- Tom Moblory $ FRI & SAT 4VVt *R i. f. MON & TUES- Tom Mobley Pitc Pitchers of Bud and Miller Lite WED JAN 19 Kit'IY! VKNNY!i ROTTEN RALPH'S oi t. WATERFRONT DINING LUNCH & DINNER 7 DAYS FULL BAR SERVICE 902 S. Bay Blvd. Anna Maria ROTTEN Located at Galati Marina 778-3953 oRALPH'S .G ulf ol Mexico ALL1YOUiCS *A *FIH-&HIg*PSTALLDAYB EVEYsDA! $7.99 Date Jan. 2 Jan. 3 Jan. 4 Jan. 5 Jan. 6 Jan. 7 Jan. 8 Low 63 64 63 64 64 64 68 /-.,( High Rainfall 76 0 75 0 77 0 Average Gulf water temperature 65 24-hour rainfall accumulation with reading at approximately 5 p.m: daily. We'd love to mail you the news! We mail The Islander weekly for a nominal $36 per year. It's the per- Sfect way to stay in touch with what's happening on Anna Maria Island. m SMore than 1,400 happy, eager-for-Island-news paid subscribers are already Receiving The Islander where they live ... from Alaska to Germany and S California to Canada. * We bring you all the news about three city governments, community * happenings, people features and special events ... even the latest real es- State transactions ... everything you need if your "heart is on the Island." We're Sthe only newspaper that gives you all the news of Anna Maria Island. The Islander is distributed free locally. But if you don't live here year- . round, or if you want to mail the paper to a friend or relative, please use this form or log on to islander.org for secure e-mail transmission. BULK MAIL U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (allow 2 weeks for delivery) S O One Year: $36 O 6 Months: $28 L 3 Months: $18 U.S. FIRST CLASS AND CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS * L One Year: $140 0.6 Months: $87.50 Q 3 Months: $52 L Single Issue: $3.50 FIRST CLASS MAIL, U.S. ONLY, Maximum Four Weeks * Call for mail rates to Europe or other countries. a MAIL TO: S ADDRESS * CITY STATE ZIP Credit card payment: L i J L No. S Exp. Date Name shown on card: MAIL START DATE: Tie Islander Island Shopping Center *. 5404 Marina Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217 i i CHARGE IT BY PHONE: (941) i 778-7978 OR ONLINE AT islander.org 0U 0 HN EU EU E EU M 0 N E E aUE 0ME 0E NUNENU0 WXM NU KUa THEBE THE BES PAGE 8 0 JAN. 12, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Relay for life event coming to Holmes Beach By Diana Bogan Islander Reporter The American Cancer Society plans to bring its "signature event" Relay for Life to Anna Maria Island for the first time this spring. The event, which brings together communities in celebration of cancer survivors and those who have lost their battle, has been held in other communities, includ- ing Sarasota and Bradenton, but this is the first time it will be held on the Island. American Cancer Society community representa- tive Karen Misantone said locations for the event are chosen based on where there is active business. orga- nization and resident involvement in the community. "The Island has a strong community and instead of having Islanders travel to other locations to partici- pate, we thought it would be a good place to hate a Relay for Life," Misantone said. Misantone said the event is tentatively scheduled for May 6-7 and is still in the planning stages. A planning meeting is scheduled for noon Wednesday, Jan. 19, at the Island Branch Library. Anyone interested in helping to organize or participate in the event is welcome to attend. The Relay for Life differs from a community fun run or walk in that it takes place at one location and is a noncompetitive overnight activity. Teams of 10 to 15 people are recruited to raise money and run or walk laps. The Island event will be held at the Holmes Beach city hall field and will be an 18-hour celebration. Misantone said the site will be opened up two to three hours prior to the kickoff and participants can set up camp. The first lap of the relay will feature cancer survi- vors only. Then one person from each team will begin walking or running laps. Misantone said it's not a race, and only one member of each team needs to be on the track at a time. Throughout the entire event, there will also be entertainment and activities. "It will not be boring," said Misantone. Teams can be comprised of members of an orga- Woman's club seeks scholarship applicants The Anna Maria Island Woman's Club is level college or university. seeking applicants for its $500 scholarship. Interested applicants should contact Florence The scholarship will be awarded to an Is- Gelderman at 778-3659, Janet Clark at 778-6083, or land resident furthering their education at a Ernestine Basler-Lawton at 778-3898. technical school, community college, or upper- Applications must be submitted by Feb. 15. CARDIOLOGIST is pleased to announce the opening of his solo practice ... Now Accepting New Patients 2225 59th St. W, Suite D Bradenton 761-8955 Board Certified American Board of Cardiology Medicare Accepted Manatee Ave. W. aD Blake Medical Center 21st Ave. W. Tanglewood Cortez Road W. nization or church, or school groups, a business, or friends, and family, and they are not limited to age, al- though minors must have supervision. Teams do not need to include a cancer sur\ i\ or as a member. Teams are responsible for raising money for the Cancer Society and can do so in a number of ways, including soliciting pledges, holding fundraisers prior to the event, or at the event site. The Cancer Society is seeking event sponsors, teams, and volunteers for several committee positions to help get the event off the ground. Committee positions include an event chair and co- chair, team development chair, corporate sponsor chair, survivorship chair, marketing and publicity chair, sec- retary, activities and entertainment chair, registration and accounting chair, advocacy chair and more. For more information, contact Misantone at 497- 4309, ext. 39. Sunshine Grills are Here! Sophisticated styling and quality components for a modern and efficient barbeque that's built to last! COMING SOON: Outdoor-Kitchen Models .7.;l. a^: PLUS, the Big Green EggA : E.i.L, eP!L. sTI.i 5350 Gulf Drive (S&S Plaza, next.to post office) 779-9594 -. :. Free assembly and delivery on the Islands i,. 'LO You love the news ... S'why not have it delivered? Call 778-7978. Serving the Island since 1992. LUTZ, BoBo & TELFAIR, P.A. Sss. More than 100 years "' combined legal experience in Manatee and 1 'i Sarasota counties. Island Sl consultation : bo fir, c orn offered One Sarasota Tower Sarasota 951-1800 www.lutzbobotelfair. com Lutz, Bobl & Telfair, P.A. is rated "AV" by Martindale-Huhllell, thie nationally recognized law firm rating service. The hiring of a lawyer is an iiMportant decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us 'o send you free written information about our qualifications andl experience. ir CBF -I ~II-I~L Ia I W UR i UT. S ", - Relay for life Mary Ann Biockman, Nancy A.nbrose, Sandy Hascherm, Amy Tougaw and Karen Misantone gather at the Beach House Restaurant fir the first planning meeting for the American Cancer Society's 2005 Anna Maria Island Relay for LieL Etvent wcheduled to take place at the Holmes Beach City Park in May. h E Larne .Hs irM . OCEANS. MOUNTAINS. ICEBERGS. YERH, A FEW THINGS OUTLAST OUR RIR CONDITIONERS ., When you buy an Amana air conditioner or heat pump, there's a chance you'll never have to buy another. Because Amana units are built to last a really long time. In fact, we're so confident about the lasting power of Amana air conditioners and heat pumps that all Amana systems installed by West Coast qualify for Amana's AsureCare 10-year parts and labor breakdown coverage. So get an Amana air conditioner or heat pump for your home. It'll last and last and last. Call for more details. Heating &Air Conditioning W EST COAST 4y fl f 'i. AIR CONDITIONING SW & HEATING INC LASTS AND LASTS AND ASTS.M 778.9622 5347 Gulf Drive, No. 4, Holmes Beach Business Center, Holmes Ee-.j:r i New Anna Maria visitor brochure debuts Anna Maria's environmental enhancement and education committee has compiled "The Top Ten Ways to Make Your Sta. in Anna Maria Enjoyable, Safe and Memorable," a brochure that covers a gamut of information, from garbage pickup to protection of the fragile dune system. "This fills a need in our city," said EEEC Chairman Tim Eiseler, "and we hope the Realtors and rental prop- erty owners will work A ith us to get this brochure in front of our guests." The city will mail the brochure to Anna Maria property owners and Waste Management Inc., the city's trash collection provider, has agreed to provide postage. A cover letter from Mayor SueLynn will accom- pany the mailing,asking property owners to make the brochure available to their visitors. Additional bro- chures are available at city hall free of charge. "Much of what's in this brochure are things that people don't ordinarily think of or have awareness of when visiting the city," SueLynn said. "I'm sure this brochure will help reduce the number of complaints or code violations that we experience due to lack of infor- mation on various items." Call city hall at 708-6130 for more information. Planting a refuge for wildlife Wildlife Biologist Laurel Schiller will present a program about how to create a native habitat for Florida's wildlife at the Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary Saturday, Jan. 15. The presentation will begin at 2 p.m. and is free with paid admission to the sanctuary. Admission fees are $6 for adults, $4 for children ages 4 and up. The sanctuary is located at 1708 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota. For more information, call 388-4444. THE ISLANDER 0 JAN. 12, 2005 0 PAGE 9 Anna.Maria Enhancement and Education Committee members Tim I1 Eiseler and Cindi Mansour present Anna r Maria Mayor SueLynn with S copies of their new visitor welcome bro-. ..- chure: The Top Ten Ways to S Make Your Stay -1 in Anna Maria Enjoyable, Safe and Memorable. Neighborhood enhancement grants available Up to $2,500 in matching grant money is available for neighborhood enhancement programs from Mana- tee County. The grant is available to homeowner/condo asso- ciations, neighborhood associations/coalitions, crime or neighborhood watch groups aid non-profit organi- zations. The money is not available to government or- ganizations. The money must be used for projects with a valid public purpose and benefit a majority of the commu- nity. Examples of eligible projects include planting drought tolerant landscaping, water conservation projects, neighborhood entryway signage, increased street lighting, wetland and upland protection and en- hancement, and historic preservation. To be eligible, projects should create and maintain strong communities and incorporate features such as im- proving health and safety of residents, protect and enhance the environment, address a noted neighborhood defi- ciency, or promote neighborhood self-help efforts. Matching funds are required and can include labor, donated professional services and materials, or land-. scaping maintenance. Three orientation meetings explaining the program further have been scheduled at the following locations and times: Manatee County Central Library, 1301 Barcarrotta Blvd., W., Bradenton, from 6 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 20. Manatee County Utilities Operations Department, 4410 66th St. W., Bradenton, from 6 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 25. Manatee County South County Library, 6081 26th St. W., Bradenton, from 6 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 8. The application deadline is May 4 and there is an optional application review deadline of April 13. For more information, call 749-3070. WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO anna maria FROM 1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Gulf Coast TO R E N T A L S 5 BEDROOM EXECUTIVE HOMES 5319 Gull Drive Hclrres Beach (Island Fitness Plazai TEL 941-778-3699 TOLL FREE 1-800-865-0800 FAX 941-782-5606 E-mail vacaiion@armrgcrerilals.com Web www annamariagullcoaslrentals.com %"COME TOGETHER. RIGHT NOW...OVER ME... dum cum da da a... ,I Get mobile and come together with your friends in this battery- powered electric Stingray scooter. It's comfortable and it will go for hours on a single charge. It packs up easily and fits conveniently in the trunk of a car And best of all, it's only S1000! (comparable makes sell for $2000-S3000) Call us or come in to our Island store to learn more! 9 iUJIN DKI~I )I N D~iIL'J - * T I WILLS TRUSTS PROBATE JAY HILL Attorney-at-Law 778-4745 Anna Maria, Florida ^'I^T* David M. Parrish, President Fifth generation local resident . United Electric Powered by Service Call for scheduled or one-hour emergency service Sarasota: 953.7585 Bradenton: 756.5465 Lic. EC0003053 S... -., --._. PAGE 10 N JAN. 12, 2005 U THE ISLANDER REAL ANTIQUES -- . Pressed Glass _ Furniture *.Artwork -.'; and More R )Quimper Potteand Morery lxander's market .i.S ANTIQUES & ART ~%L 5351 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-8687 Next to lkl i I n .Ti3 e ia:uni- AWARD-WINNING IDEAS FOR YOUR HOME SCALL 941-779-2106 IdINT'.l- ..R UFC:N -N ,E r A ',:1C-AE -... Master Stylist & Colorist Ka' Tkibaut is now at Looks Salon 7455 Manatee Ave. West (next to Albertsons) 1 Call 792-4999 713-7223 Pawsitively Pets & Property Services Inc. Quality Pet Sittina Services in Your Home Property Services During Your Absence Bonded & Insured Jane & Steve Futch 761-7511 : -. MASSAGE S' I massage in the L peace, quiet and Convenience of New & Custom Jewelry your home! More Plus remounts, appraisals than 10 years on and free cleaning Estate Jewelry Anna Maria Island. 40% off appraised value. Cal Na SWatch Batteries Ca Nadia Installed with warranties 795-0887 Citizen Watch Dealer Only authorized dealer in Bradenton. 40% off select models. V ,. Jewelry & Watch Repair . 7358 Cortez Rd. W. . 798-9585 Mon-Fri 10-5 Sat 10-4 Z ACCEPTING ALL MAJOR CREDIT & ATM CARDS Beautiful windows... As easy as calling your authorized WINDOW FASHIONS PRIORITY ADVANTAGE DEALER l' Offering a full selection of window treatments including Plantation Shutters Wood Blinds Privacy Sheers Pleated Shades Shutters & more m m m llm III I- mm il m m1 m - Cal KeirD Barnert fr fee In Home Deign I e.r.Ie '!F ""' (941)778-3526 Mobile 730-0516 : Smith-Yatros wed Maria Smith and Gy Yairos weyre married on Nov. 19. 2004, at Palma Sola Botanical Park. Mlria is the daughter f(Sid and . Helen Smith of 1lorganton. N.C. Gy is the son o Jchn and Irma 1 S toros of Holmes Beach. G\ i the owner of Island Dental Spa in Holmies Beach and Maria is a trn e consultant with Conti- nental Capers Travel. Thet honeymooned at Sandals Regency Resort and Spa in Saint Lucia and reside in Bradenton. Arthritis treatment lecture The Arthritis Foundation of St. Nlary Star of the Sea Church will present a lecture on "Rheumatoid Ar- thritis and Current Treatments" from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 12. The church is located at 4280 Gulf of Mexico- Dri ve, Longboat Key. For more information, call 794- 1400, ext. 224. Authentic Greek dinner Tickets are on sale now for an authentic Greek din- ner being served at the Church of the Annunciaton Thursday, Jan. 20. Dinner begins at 6 p.m. and includes a choice of lamb shank or Grecian chicken, roasted potatoes and vegetables, Greek salad and baklava. Tickets must be purchased in advance and cost $15. Carryout dinners are also available for those who bring their own containers. The church is located at 4408 Gulf Drive; Holmes Beach. For more information, call 778-1638. Library 'Titanic' performance The Friends of the Island Branch Library are spon- soring a presentation by performance artist Howard Burnham at 2 p.m. in the Island Branch Library meet- ing room, Tuesday, Jan. 18. Burnham, a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in London, will create the character of the "Millionaires' Captain," Edward John Smith of the R.M.S. Titanic. Attendees will hear a dramatic account of the ship's fateful maiden voyage in the cold waters of the North Atlantic. Seating is on a first-come basis and attendees should be seated five minutes prior to the start of the program. The library is located at 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. For more information, call 778-6341. Democrats discusses issues: The Anna Maria Island Democratic Club will meet for lunch at the Beach House Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach at noon Monday, Jan. 17. Henry Raines, the host of "American AM" on WWPR radio 1490 AM, will lead a discussion about "Issues 2005: the War, Social Security and More." Everyone is welcome and reservations are not re- quired. For more information, call 778-9287. Center fitness free-for-all The Anna Maria Island Community Center is host- ing a "Fitness Free-For-All" from 1 to 3:30 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 13. The event is an opportunity to learn more about some of the exercise classes offered at the Center. The Center is located at 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. For more information, call 778-1908. Artists guild opening reception The Artists Guild Gallery will host an opening re- The opening reception is 5-7:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 14, at 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, in the Island Shopping Center. Art by Divita, Vegina and Sego will be exhibited at the Artists Guild Gallery through January. Gallery hours are 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday. For more information, call 778-6694. La Tuchie-Terry wed Betty La Tuchie and Douglas Terry will wed Jan. 15, 2005, in r 1the chapel at Roser llemnorial Community Church. Assisting with the b wedding ceremony are Douglas' three children, Scott ofNew '1o k. and Bonnie and Lelsha of New Hamp- shire. li'alking Betty down the aisle will be sons Bill of Arizona and Ted of Ohio. The reception will be held at the Longboat Hilton and the couple will honeymoon at the Paradisus Resort in Puerto Rico. Douglas retired froin an real estate investment career in New York and New Hampshire. The couple will reside on Longboat Key and spend summers at their residence in Cuva hota Falls, Ohio. Anna Maria merchants meet Wednesday The Anna Maria Village Merchants Association will meet at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restaurant at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 12. Rotten Ralph's manager Dave Russell promises "free beer tomorrow," although a spokesperson said a free breakfast will-be served. ,Potential topics of discu seion \N ill include: Cooperative advertising. Organizing business referrals among merchants. Restrictions on ROR property. Problems building and renovating in Anna Maria. Property tax relief strategies. The AMVMA encourages new members and any- one interested in attending should call Kent Davis at Siam Garden Resort, 778-2000. Rotary casino night scheduled for Feb. 5 The Rotary Club of An na aria Island will hold its third annual Extravaganza and Casino Night starting at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 5, at the St. Bernard 'Catho- lic Church auditorium at 248 S. Harbor:Drive in Holmes Beach. The event will be a casino theme with gaming tables and trophies for the first, second and third high- est winning amounts. There will also be a silent auction and a seven-day cruises will be auctioned. Additionally, a seven-day vacation for two to Hawaii, including round-trip air- fare, will be auctioned. Other door prizes will be of- fered, including cash raffles and trips on the Ocean Jewel casino ship. Last year, this Rotary event raised more than $15,000 for charitable Rotary projects, primarily on the Island. To encourage contributions, the club has formed the Rotary Foundation of America so that do- nations will be recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as tax-exempt. Tickets are $50 per person and may be purchased in advance from the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce or at the door. For more information, contact event chairman Don Fernald at 779-0429, or Rotary president Steve Schlueter at 779-0502. Anna Maria Elementary menu : Monday, Jan. 17 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday * Tuesday, Jan. 18 SBreakfast: Sausage Biscuit, Cereal, Toast, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Fruit Lunch: Chicken Quesadillas, Baked Potato Half with SSeasoned Meat, Spanish Rice, Steamed Corn, Apple d M Slices SWednesday, Jan. 19 Breakfast: Pancake on a Stick, Yogurt, Cereal, Toast, u* Fruit Lunch: Sloppy Joe on Bun, Mini Corn Dogs, Broccoli * S with Cheese, Tator Tots, Chilled Strawberries Thursday, Jan. 20 * Breakfast: Cheese Toast, Cereal, Toast, Super Donut, . * Fruit 0 S Lunch: Shrimp Poppers, Baked Chicken on Bun, SMashed Potatoes, Steamed Veggie Blend, Chilled * Mandarin Oranges * Friday, Jan. 21 0 SBreakfast: Scrambled Eggs with Toast, Cereal, Toast, * Yogurt, Fruit * Lunch: Pizza, Burrito, Caesar Salad, Steamed Carrot . * Coins, Mixed Fruit Juice and milk are served with every meal. ************************0***** ) liENEIRATION by Rick Catlin The wild blue Bob Bob Keller of Longboat Key was a senior in high school in Detroit when the United States entered World War II after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor- He figured he'd do his part sooner or later, but one day while driving in downtown Detroit, he saw a bunch of guys lined up in front of a store. Thinking it was a fight, Bob joined the crowd, only to learn they were taking the test to join the U.S. Army Air Corps re-. named the U.S. Army Air Force later in the war. He de- cided to stay and take the test. Much to his surprise, he was selected for training and entered the service in February 1942, just a few days short of his 18th birthday. From Detroit, he was sent to Nashville for more testing. Bob and three others were told to stand on one side of the room. Figuring everyone else had passed the test, Bob was shocked to learn that he and his buddies had been selected for pilot training and he was still only 17. He turned 18 during pre-flight training, then went to primary flight, basic flight school and eventually B- 17 bomber school. He graduated in February 1943 with his wings, but wasn't given a commission, only a des- ignation as a "flight officer." "That was somewhere between a warrant officer and a second lieutenant," said Bob with a laugh. "I guess because I was so young, they didn't want me a lieutenant." In April 1943, Bob got orders to North Africa, but before he went, he continued training in Sioux City, Iowa, where one of the training officers was actor Jimmy Stewart. Eventually, Bob made his way to Ribat in North Africa, where his commanding officer told him before his first mission that only commissioned officers could pilot a B-17 bomber. "He threw away my blue flight officer bars and gave me a set of gold ones and said I was now a sec- ond lieutenant. I was only 19 years old." On his first mission, Bob remembers being scared like everyone else on their first mission. "The B-17 looked like the biggest airplane in the world, but I had my hands full with taking care of the plane and the crew, so everything went OK." Upon returning to base, Bob remembered that the Red Cross was giving a liquor ration to the officers, but none to the enlisted flight crew. That didn't sit well with Bob, who figured that if a man was good enough to die for his country, he was good enough to drink for his country. He took the bottle from the Red Cross table, walked over to his crew and shared the booze. ."Boy, that got me in trouble with the C.O.," and he was court-martialed and confined to the base, except when on a mission. Eventually, however, all crew members were given a liquor ration upon completing a mission. Bob was in the 97th Bomb Group, 414th Squadron, as part of the 15th Air Force. Unlike the 8th Air Force in England, where pilots went home after 25 missions, the 15th had no such limit. "They said they'd tell us when we had enough missions. You flew until you either were dead, wounded too bad to fly or the war ended," said Bob with a laugh. "I remember I took it one day at a time. I figured every flight would end in disaster, but I finished the war with more than 100 missions in the 15th." After the invasion of Italy in the fall of 1943, Bob's group was transferred to Foggia, Italy, and began bombing targets in southern Germany and other coun- tries occupied by the Germans. "Munich was the worst because of the flak. It was the worst because that's where the German rail center was. We would groan miserably when we learned Munich was the target." It was standard procedure to return from a mission with the plane full of flak holes, or with one or two engines out, but on one mission, Bob came back with all four engines gone. With two engines already shot out, Bob was at low altitude and looking for a British airfield to land on in Bob and crew Bob Keller, second from left in the back row, was the pilot for this B-17 crew stationed at Foggia, Italy, during World War II. the area when he passed over some German-held ter- ritory. A 20 mm cannon opened up, ripping through the fuselage and killing the co-pilot. The throttle panel was blown to pieces and all the engines quit. "I knew I couldn't make the runway, so I told the crew they could jump if they wanted to, and I'd put the ship down on the water." Bob put the crippled aircraft down in the Adriatic Sea nice and smoothly, and by nightfall, a patrol boat reached him and the rest of the crew and took them back to safety. "That was a pretty lucky day for us, except for the co-pilot," Bob remembered. Another day was not so lucky. He took a piece of flak in his head that remains there to this day. "I have a lot of fun going through airports when they can't find the metal that set off the scanners," he laughed. "I have to show them where it is." But close calls were just part of the job. Bob landed his B-17 with one or two engines out a number of times. Bob's skill as a pilot paid off during those emer- gencies, but his beliefs and a slightly rebelious streak landed him in hot water on other occasions. Once, he dropped out of a mission because of en- gine problems and was returning to base when some general who was flying with the group told him to find a "target of opportunity," such as an undefended village and drop his bombs on that. "I told him to go to hell, that I wasn't dropping bombs on innocent women and children," remembered Bob. It was not the first time Bob had spoken up to the authorities for his convictions and, back at the base, the general said he was going to court-martial Bob. It would be his third court-martial for insubordina- tion. "I told them to go ahead, that they couldn't bust me further, or take more than half my pay, but they could send me back to the States if they wanted." The Army refused his offer to be sent home and he went back to flying. But by spring 1945, Bob and his crew knew the war was winding down. There were almost no German fighters in the air, and the flak was less and less on each mission. On one of his last missions, however, Bob saw an unfamiliar German plane circling the bombers. "It was the fastest thing I'd ever seen," said Bob. The lone plane was faced with an entire formation of B-17s, but came through and shot down four aircraft before racing off, too fast to be caught by Allied fight- ers. It turned out the plane was an ME-262, a jet fighter that might have turned the air war in the Germans fa- vor if enough had ever been built. Then one day, the group was ordered to "stand down" rather than fly a mission. The same thing hap- pened the next day, then came the announcement that the war was over. "It was a pretty happy day. I was ready to go home, but we had to ferry injured soldiers from Italy to Dakar in Africa where the wounded would catch a hospital ship for the states." On one such mercy flight, Bob's plane caught on fire and he had to land in the desert. Everyone survived and Bob eventually returned to Detroit in 1946. He went into the auto body repair business, then construction, then got married in 1948 and had five children. He stayed with flying and held a private pilot's license for a number of years. His businesses prospered and in the early 1970s, Bob first came to Longboat Key andbought a house. "I can't remember the day I retired, but one day I PLEASE SEE GREATEST, NEXT PAGE THE ISLANDER 0 JAN. 12, 2005 K PAGE 11 778-4751 800-771-7163 5312 Marina Drive Holmes Beach www.island-florist.com NEW YEAR... 0 NEW YOU!c 4228 60th St. W., Bradenton 794-2878 5366 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach 779-2878 Islairdl lda ipyirsr PRESENTS O V RTHE TA V RNW A precocious and enterprising young lad brings hope and a sense of re- vival to a loving, but dysfunctional family. There are lots of laughs and a few tears along the way. (Adult Language) Island Real Estate, Co-Producer JAN 20-FEB 6 Evenings 8pm MATINEES JAN 23, 30 & FEB 6 2pm BOX OFFICE OPENS JAN 10 778-5755 Open 9am-lpm daily, except Sunday Island Players Gulf Drive & Pine Avenue Anna Maria PAGE 12 M JAN. 12, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Longboat Key resident Bob Keller with wife Gail has lived in the area since the early 1970s. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin. Greatest Generation CONTINUE D FROM PAGE 11 went into the office and had nothing to do, so I decided it was time to close up the shop and move to Florida permanently." Bob has seldom talked about his war experiences, and his new wife Gail said it's the first time since she met him 15 years ago that she ever knew what he did in the war. "I never considered myself a hero, just a guy that did what he had to do, and wanted to make it through alive each day. A lot of guys didn't come back. I'm proud of what I did, and for telling that general to go to hell." "The Greatest Generation" column is for Island, Longboat Key, Perico Island and Cortez veterans, man or woman, who served in the armed forces of any al- lied country (U.S., Cahada, Britain, Holland, Norway, France, Polalnd, Australia, Ne w Zealand, the, Philip- pines, etc.) during World War II. We'd like to hear from you. Please call Rick Catlin at 778-7978. ,--------- ---= Meeting' Here Tonight! Sweet Adelines'Show Febuary 5, 2005 I 2:00 PM-$14 7:00 PM-$16 Neet Audctorium $2 moreatdoor More info:794-0218 e y Name InCity, St Zip I Phone | S# 2:00 PM tickets at$14= $ #_ 7:00 PM tickets at $16= $_ Sand check and a elf-addressed. stamed envelope to: Magic of Manatee, 3806 0th St W., Bradenton, FL 3 L ... _--,- -=9 -- -=,:._._ ,._ - ,: -Laws that oughta be' .honored Fifth-grade students at 'Au rta Aaria Elemen- S.. tary School were .. .: asked by Holmes Beach Commissioner Don Maloney to write a law that they think should be enacted. The top four "lawmakers" S" were recognized this ... week by the city with W"- $50 savings bonds at .. the Tuesday night meeting. Maloney met O .; thefour winners at School, including Jay ,.Beard, Chandler S. Hardy, Michelle Donato and Molly McDonough. Islander A Photo: J.L. Robertson 'There oughta be a law' contest winners announced Holmes Beach Commissioner Don Maloney takes delight every year in challenging fifth-graders at Anna Maria Elementary School to come up with laws they believe should be enacted. The challenge includes a $50 U.S. Savings Bond for the top boy and girl lawmaker in the two fifth-grade classes. This year's winners are Michelle Donato, Molly McDonough, Jay Beard and Chandler Hardy. The winners were invited to read their proposed law and accept their savings bond at the Jan. 11 city commission meeting. Molly proposed a dress code on school grounds. "There ought to be a law that adults need to follow the same dress code rules that students do on school grounds. This law ought to be a law because it is inap- propriate when adults were clothes that are too tight, too small, too.loose, or too revealing. Children look up to adults as role models. When adults wear inappropri- ate clothing to school, children \\ill many times copy what they see in adults. There should be.clothing for the beach, and a different set of clothing for school. In so- IFsland Chitopractfic Dr. Kathleen Goerg Massage Therapy Also Available! 778-0722 3612 East Bay Drive Holmes Beach, FL 34217 (between Publix and Ace Hardware) Visit our Web site: www.islandchiro.com city today, we children are always looking for the newest styles and best clothes that our parents can af- ford. Television shows us what the rest of the world wears. Unfortunately, some clothes that we see wom on the television -and in our society are inappropriate." According to Michelle, "There ought to be a law for people to use hands-free cell phones when driving because too many people don't pay attention and get into car accidents." Jay wants us to think about a law to prohibit "ad- vertising cigarettes in magazines. My reason is because they shouldn't be able to advertise things that are bad for you. The ads make it seem like it's good for you. So why support smoking? Think about it ...." Chandler says, "I think there ought to be a law against pop-ups on the computer. A 9-year-old can go online and see something bad and they get in trouble. A pop-up is and advertisement for adult products." Hopefully, the Holmes Beach City Commission will take appropriate action to enact the students' law s - if only for a short duration. Do you need help? We can help you... Payroll year-end reports, 941s, W-2s, W-3s, FormlO99-misc, Form 1096 and other accounting forms. CALL KAREN AT Ben Cooper and Associates Inc. (941) 778-6118 Fax (941) 778-6230 e-mail kacooper77777@aol.comn 3909 E. Bay Dr. Ste 110 Holmes Beach Guest Minister The Rev. Dr. H. Ray Woody, Retired Siesta Key Presbyterian Church 9:00 am Adult Study/Discussion 10:30 am Traditional Service with Choir (Nursery and Sunday school) Come worship and enjoy warm fellowship YOUR CHURCH AWAY FROM HOME! 6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key, Florida 34228 (941)383-6491 Web site: www.islandchapel.com Buy life insurance and save on your car. Shen you buy your life insurance from us through Auto-Owners Insurance, you'll receive special discounts on your car insurance. We'll save you money. As an independent Auto-Owners agent we take great interest in you-as well as your ,' car. Stop in our agency and ask us about it today! ,.uto-Owners Insurance Life Home Car Business Jim Mixon Insurance Inc. 5412 Marina Drive Island Shopping Center Holmes Beach (941) 778-2253 OUR OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR LUNCH NOON-1 DAILY. I I THE ISLANDER 0 JAN. 12, 2005 0 PAGE 13 Obituaries Robert E. DeVane Robert E. "Poppy" DeVane, 80, of Bradenton Beach, died Jan. 1. Born in Chatham, N.Y., Mr. DeVane moved to Manatee County from Spring Valley, N.Y., in 1957. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II and the Korean War. He was a member of VFW Post No. 8199, American Legion Post No. 312, Air Force Sergeant As- sociation and Travelers Protective Association of America. He was Protestant. Memorial services were at Palma Sola Presbyterian Church, Bradenton, Jan. 7. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, 600 U.S. 301 Blvd. W., Suite 136, Bradenton FL 34205. Brown & Sons Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. He is survived by daughter Daphne Smith of Bradenton Beach; son David of Bradenton; sisters Marilyn Martin and Doris Witthoft, both of Chatham; three grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. World War II veteran and Bradenton Beach resident Bob DeVane's World War II story appeared in the Dec. 10, 2003, issue of The Islander. True to the corps Bob DeVane didn't realize he had a calling when World War II started. He was just an ordinary guy who wanted to do something for his country. He tried to enlist in the Navy in 1942, but was turned down because of his asthma. The Army was not so picky and he was drafted in March 1943 from his hometown of Chatham in upstate New York. In its wisdom, the Army said Bob would be best suited as a medical corpsman, which was fine with Bob as his father and great-grandfather had been Army medics. After more than a year of training, he was shipped to England in the middle of 1944, then to the 7th Ar- mored Division near.Belgium, just after the Battle of ^^^^^HAV UBENRECTA NTTOSELBEA YOU DID NOWANTOPAYAPITALGAINS ^^ Sl~TIj[SH 6 ffiS *' ** *~i Learn more about an IRS Section 1031 Real Estate Tax Deferred Exchange. Call for a FREE consultation that reviews the 1031 Exchange Concept. Dominick Calderazzo 877-243-0347 813-961-1173 2413 Bayshore Blvd., #502 Tampa FL 33629 Securities offered through Calton & Associates Inc. Full Service Independent Broker Dealer/Advisory Service Member NASD, SIPC 1031EXHANGS .[ the Bulge. : He was assigned to the 77th medical battalion, which -- operated a clearing station for wounded soldiers just a few hundred yards from the front lines. Because the division was constantly on the front lines; there were always plenty of customers for the DeVane medics. Racing across Europe, the 7th Armored reached the Elbe River in April 1945, where they met the Russians. After the war, Bob was discharged and returned to his home in upstate New York. He re-enlisted in 1947 and was assigned to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, where he met his wife. When the Korean War broke out, he was sent to the 171st Station Hospital in Taejon where he treated the local population who were wounded while working for United Nations forces. He left the army in 1956 and spent 26 years in the U.S. Air Force reserves. He and his family moved to Bradenton Beach in 1957. Bob stayed in medicine, working at Manatee Me- morial Hospital as an emergency room medic and in surgery, then spent 18 years with a private doctor in Bradenton. He was active in the Island's Veterans of Foreign Wars organization, VFW Post 8199, and was a mem- ber of the American Legion. "I wasn't a hero," said Bob in 2003. "I just did my job and tried to save some lives. I didn't get any med- als, but I'm sure proud of my service. Hopefully, some of the wounded who made it back got home because of what I did. If I was 17 again, I'd be back in doing the same thing." Rest in peace, Bob. S... OPEN Mon.-Fri. 73oam-7pm Sat., Sun., Holidays 730am-5pm WALK-INS WELCOME We're available to tend to Your urgent care needs Fever/Infections Minor Lacerations Simple Fractures Sprains PINNACLE MEDICAL CENTER 315 75th Street West Bradenton 941-761-1616 INSTANT HOT WHEN YOU WANT! "r : a "1+i:: .... .-. -.,- , .. . 941 778-5622 LIC. #CFC057548 B 5362 Gulf Dr., Holmes Beach - SA. Jr l 1 5362 Gulf Dr., Holmes Beach Audrey B. Lee Audrey B. Lee, 91, of Bradenton, died Jan. 4. Born in Minneapolis, Minn., Mrs. Lee moved to Manatee County from Sioux Falls, S.D. in 1958. She was a partner in the development of Key Royale and is credited with naming the area. She was a charter member f .Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Holmes Beach. Visitation was Jan. 8, 9 and 10, and memorial services at the church Jan. 11. Memorial contribu- tions may be made to the Audrey B. Lee Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Memorial Fund, 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217. Griffith-Cline Fu- neral Home, Island Chapel, was in charge of ar- rangements. She is survived by daughters Sharon Smith of Bradenton and Dorothy Swanberg of Holmes Beach; brothers LeRoy McGaughey of Minneapolis, Marlin McGaughey of Gainesville, Fla., and Eugene McGaughey of Colorado; six grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren. Kristy Kavanaugh Nehilla Kristy Kavanaugh Nehilla of Holmes Beach died Dec. 20. Born in Redlands, Calif., Mrs. Nehilla came to the Island from Springfield, Va., two years ago. She was a tutor in the Fairfax County School System. She was a member of the Fairfax County Teachers Association, Springfield Country Club and Fairfax Pets on Wheels. She was a graduate of Moravian College, Allentown, Pa. She was Presbyterian. Memorial services were in Washington, D.C., and Anna Maria Island. Fairfax Memorial Home was in charge of arrangements. She is survived by husband Henry William; sons Kenneth W. of Burke, Va., and Stephen of Detroit; brother Kenneth Kavanaugh Jr. of Atlanta; and parents Ann and Ken Kavanaugh of Sarasota. OUR MISSION: To provide our patients with state-of-the-art ra- diation therapy services of the highest quality in a caring and compassionate environment. OUR SERVICES: 3-D Conformal and Intensity Modulated (IMRT) Radiotherapy Prostate Seed Implantation using real-time com- puter planning BAT Ultrasound Prostate Targeting System for external beam radiotherapy Stereotactic Radiosurgery for brain tumors High Dose Rate Brachytherapy for lung, esoph- ageal and gynecologic cancers Access to clinical trials through national coopera- tive research groups OUR BOARD CERTIFIED DOCTORS: Dr. Graciela R. Garton trained in radiation onocology at Mayo Clinic and was a faculty mem- ber at Mayo Medical School. Dr. Stephen J. Patrice former chief resident at Harvard Medical School with master's degree in public health from Harvard. Dr. Larry N. Silverman former chief resident in radiation oncology at the Medical College of Virginia and winner of Roentgen Fellow Research Award. Dr. Sarah E. Hoffe trained in radiation oncology at Duke University and Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center of New York City. i Bradenton Office: (941) 308-1050 I 6665 Cortez Road Sarasota Office: (941) 364-8887 S 3210 Fruitville Road "Tropical Bugs Need A Tropical Service" CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Beaches Bradenton Sarasota Parrish 778-1337 794-1005 365-2893 776-0779 Full Service Exterior and Interior State Certified/Licensed and Insured Locally owned and operated Island Pest Control Inc. SERVING THE ISLANDS MORE THAN 20 YEARS I PAGE. 14 M JAN. 12, 2005 THE ISLANDER Streetlife -^-^*.^ ^^'.;^ ^^^'A1 ^ ^^1' a***v ** "- ** :- -rn -m ai^ -, nH~fhA^^. ,^ ,i-~e^^ ^ .*l.L-- .....,- iL.. ......--... ,-. ....,. Island police reports Anna Maria City No reports available. Bradenton Beach. Dec. 25. 100 Gulf Drive N., Circle K, theft. A clerk reported that a customer took a pack of cigarettes from behind the counter. Dec. 27. 2408 Gulf Drive N., Via Roma Beach Resort, grand theft. A resort employee reported his Ford Ranger pickup truck stolen from the parking lot. According to the report, the owner was notified that the dome light was left on in his vehicle and, after turning the light off, left the vehicle unlocked with the keys in the console. The owner later noticed his vehicle miss- ing and notified police. The vehicle was recovered on 26th Street in Bradenton and a female suspect was ar- rested at the scene. Dec. 27, 2400 block of Gulf Drive North, traffic arrest. A man was arrested for driving without a li- cense. Dec. 29, 2219 Gulf Drive N., Sand Pebble Apart- ments, criminal mischief. A man reported that it ap- peared a pellet was shot through the window of his vehicle and eggs were thrown across the entire side of the car. Dec. 29, 101 Gulf Drive N., One Stop Shell Shop, criminal mischief. According to the report, the inflat- able water rafts and flotation devices secured outside the shop were slashed. Jan. 3, 100 block of Ninth Street North, battery. According to thereport, a man reported that he was pulled out of his vehicle and beaten by another man. The victim told police he was in his vehicle kissing the suspect's girlfriend at the time of the attack. The sus- pect reportedly left the scene with his girlfriend before police arrived and emergency medical services was called to treat the victim for a loose tooth and sore jaw. Jan. 5, 1801 Gulf Drive N., Runaway Bay Condo- miniums, burglary. According to the report, the owner of a unit returned after six months away to find the in- side front door frame damaged, the carpets stained, ceiling fan damaged and window screens pulled away. According to the report, the unit had been cleaned by a service company in October and the unit had not been rented to another tenant after the cleaning. Holmes-Beach Jan. 5, 500 block of Manatee Avenue, suspicioLs vehicle A 72-hour removal notice was placed on a ..-...-..: -. .......:, ._ _. .:. : :.. : .::: L ..' :: vehicle observed abandoned in the right of way. Ac- cording to the report, someone removed the vehicle later in the day. Jan. 6, 5346 Gulf Drive, Hurricane Hanks, Marchman Act. A man, reportedly too intoxicated to care for himself, was taken into custody under the Marchman Act afterhe was refused service at the res- taurant. According to the report, he advised police he was homeless and did not know anyone locally to call for assistance. " -i : .? ." ,. : '.' '. ..: !' .. . .'. ' .. ,; i;.- W ,- :." .. ." .. .. mw L i S-- . slander Phoos: J.L. Robertson Islander Photos: J.L. Robertson Islander Photo: Jack Elka ............ -. -" ... _.-., t '' '*e'3 .. -.. S-' !1 ~ ,t " "s^r Bealls 'shoots' in Bradenton Beach Bealls department stores shot photos for its upcoming "Spring Break Sale" catalog on the beach at the Bungalow Beach Resort, Bradenton Beach, last week. The occasion called for a professionally created sandcastle provided by Mark Mason of Team Sandtastic and plenty of prepara- tions, coaching and attention to the younger models who worked under the hot noon sun. West CoastcoMassa Family owned and operated by ll Alex Pinter & Rondi Guerin Y. .A, Swedish massage $35 per hour Same day appointments! "iR t1+I _2+-1-c.' .C8O Gulf Drive * \lf3 NIsria Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, ELCA Pastor Tamara Wood Saturday 5pm Service of Celebration Sunday 8 am & 10 30 am Worship Service Children's Sunday School & Nursery at 10.30am S:- Adult Bible Study 9 am \ ti www.gioriadellutheran.com ,,,it .. 6608 Marina Drive F. ,8--, % Holmes Beach 778-1813 : IIItmpi.o'e. tho e QLwLLt~' of Yot ur Life. Carol Greer Siemaszko BA Ea MA Psych CERTIFIED COUNSELOR AND LIFE COACH (PeII >: Isl70 B14den2on (941) 794-1492 As ithe expert- We've got 10 top reasons for yo to advertise in The Islander, pro success stories, a targeted md and expert advice for achieving s. Ask the experts with 11 years de d service to Anna Maria Islan Tlie Islander Call Nancy or Rebecca to arrange a visit to your business 778-7978. - -t ALU. ft A..W^-. M..w...Z ES ..v^.I A N Only $50 S, 1 Hour Massage* I ., *with coupon S Bradenton Family Chiropractic Clinic Gift Certificates Available 6404 Manatee Ave. W. L 794-3705 Suite J Bradenton Rebecca Barnett I I F1 oooo~o Wednesday, Jan. 12 9 a.m. Horseshoe games at Anna Maria City Hall Park, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. 10:30 a.m. Friends Book Club at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778- 6341. 11:30 a.m. Off Stage Ladies Auxiliary of the Island Players luncheon at the Bayou Steakhouse, 6814 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 778-4865. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. "Arthritis.and How to Better Treat Symptoms" with Dr. S. Zarabadi at St. Mary Star of the Sea Church, 4280 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Informa- tion: 794-1400, ext. 224. Thursday, Jan. 13 9:30 a.m. to noon Beginning watercolor class with Susie Cotton at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. 10 to 11:30 a.m. "Opera Highlights" with the Sarasota Opera Singers at the Education Center, 5370 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 383-8811. Fee applies. 1 to 2:30 p.m. Art demonstration by Barbara Singer at the Artists Guild Gallery, 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6694. 1 to 3:30 p.m. "Fitness Free-For-All" at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. 2 to 3:30 p.m. Basics of interior design class with Bettina Sego at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. 5 to 7p.m. Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce "Art After Hours" at the Longboat Key Center for the Arts, 6860 Longboat Drive S., Longboat Key. Information: 387-9519. Fee applies. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. "Lightning: The Shocking Truth About Lightning and How to Protect Your Boat" at the Anna Maria Island Power Squadron, 1200 71st St. N.W., Bradenton. Information: 714-0449. 7 p.m. Student orientation and activities fair at Bayshore High School, 5401 34th St. W., Bradenton. Infor- mation: 753-0953. 7:30 p.m. Sierra Club presents "Phosphate Mining: What the Industry Doesn't Want You to Know" at the Sudakoff Center, New College, Sarasota. Information: 925- 9000. Friday, Jan. 14 8:. 5 to 10 a.m. Yoga with Dolce Little.at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Intermediate bridge lessons with Larry Auerback at the Anna Maria Island Community Cen- ter, 407 Magnolia Ave:, Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. 10:30 a.m. to noon Line dancing with Bunny Burton at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies; 3 to 4:30 p.m. Classical figure drawing with Ginger White at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. Information: 778-2099. Fee applies. 5 to 7:30 p.m. Artists reception for digital artist and wildlife photographer Lou Divita, watercolor and pastel art- ist Josephine Vegina and interior designer Bettina Sego at the Artists Guild Gallery, 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-6694. 6p.m. -Twilight nature stroll at the Crowley Museum & Nature Center, 16405 Myakka Road, Sarasota. Informa- tion: 322-1000. Fee applies. 8 p.m. "Singing for Women's Lives" benefit concert for Planned Parenthood df Southwest and Central Florida featuring singer Anne Feeney at Fogartyville Cafe, 800 17th Ave. W., Bradenton. Information: 741-9755. Fee applies. 8 to 11 p.m. "Welcome Back Sunbirds" dance at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. Saturday, Jan. 15 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Anna Maria Island Privateers "Thieves Market" at Coquina Beach, Bradenton Beach. In- formation: 729-9039. 8:30 a.m. Kiwanis Club breakfast meeting with guest speaker Earl Mowry, owner of Island TV, who will share in- formation on his "Bags of Joy" for Haitian children at Fit to Eat Deli, 5315 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778- 0355. 9 a.m. Horseshoe games at Anna Maria City Hall Park, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 752-5973. 10 a.m. to 3p.m. "Introduction to New Age Healing" at the Education Certer, 5370 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 383-8811. Fee applies. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Festival of Ferraris at St. Armands Circle, Sarasota. Information: 921-2480. 1 p.m. Cultivating organic herbs lecture at the Crowley Museum & Nature Center, 16405 Myakka Road, Sarasota. Information: 322-1000. 2p.m. "Planting a Refuge for Wildlife" presented by Laurel Schiller at the Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary, 1708 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota. Information: 388-4444. 6:45 p.m. "Sidewalk Astronomy" with the Deep Sky Observers at the South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Information: 518-8695. Monday, Jan. 17 8:45 to 10 a.m. Yoga with Dolce Little at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies.. Noon Anna Maria Island Democratic Club presents Watercolor demonstration Artist Barbara Singer will demonstrate wa- tercolor techniques at the Artists Guild Gallery, 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, at 1 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 14. Singer has exhibited at the gallery for more than 10 years and is known for her local scenes and plein air paintings. She teaches at the Anna Maria Island Art League. For more information, call 778-6694. Art after hours Thursday The Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce is spon- soring an "Art After Hours" event at the Longboat Key Center for the Arts Thursday, Jan. 13. There will be complimentary hors d'oeuvres and wine beginning at 5 p.m. and the cost of admission is $5 for members, $10 for guests. The Center is located at 6860 Longboat Drive S., Longboat Key. For reservations, call 387-9519. "Issues 2005: The War, Social Security and More" with guest speaker radio host Henry Raines at the Beach House Res- taurant, 200 Gulf Drive, Bradenton Beach. Information: 778- 9287. 7:30p.m. -Anna Maria Island Film Festival presenta- tion of "Isle of Destiny" by the Anna Maria Island Historical Society at the Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778-0492, or 778-1514. Dona- tions appreciated. Tuesday, Jan.18 10 a.m. Florida West Coast Symphony Brass Quin- tet performance at Jose Gimenez' home, 6100 Riverview Blvd. W., Bradenton. Information: 360-1541. Fee applies. 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Intermediate watercolor class with Susie Cotton at the Anna Maria Island Community Cen- ter, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908: Fee applies. Noon to 3:30 p.m.- Friendly bridge at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies., 1 to 4 p.m. Veterans service officer at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Appoint- ments: 749-3030. 2 p.m. Friends of the Island Branch Library present "Portrayal of Capt. Edward John Smith of the RMS Titanic" by performance artist Howard Burnham at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 778- 6341. Wednesday, Jan. 19 7:15 a.m. Manatee Audubon Society field trip with Jeanne Dubi to the Sarasota Celery Fields departs from the downtown Bradenton Post Office parking lot, 824 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton. Information: 778-7975. Bring a bag lunch. 9 a.m. Horseshoe games at Anna Maria City Hall Park, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Noon American Cancer Society "Relay for Life" vol- unteer planning meeting at the Island Branch Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 497-4309, ext. 39. 6 to 7p.m. "Parenting with Love and Logic" workshop at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies, babysitting available if registered by noon. Ongoing: "Herbie Rose: Twenty Years in Florida" art exhibit at the South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton, through Jan. 16. Information: 746-4131. "42nd Street" at the Riverfront Theatre, 102 Old Main St., Bradenton, through Jan. 23. Information: 748-5875. Fee applies. Meditation class with Sandy Taylor at the Education Center, 5370 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key, through Jan. 26. Information: 383-8811. Fee applies. THE ISLANDER N JAN. 12, 2005 U PAGE 15 remember the Islander remember ",TW i ato bring The Islander with them on a visit to the Alamo in .San S Antonio, ap Texas. Islander Photo: Surtesy "" Y Pat ... Staebler SS One-stroke paintingclass with Jo Gustavseenn at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria, through Jan. 28. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. "Portraits, Pictures & Sculpture'" exhibit featuring Lloyd Singer, Ann Terhardt and Richard Pollock at the Glenn Gal- lery, Longboat-Key Center for the Arts, 6860 Longboat Drive S., Longboat Key, through Jan. 30. Information: 751-0266. Digital artist and wildlife photographer Lou Divita, wa- tercolor and pastel artist Josephine Vegina and interior de- signer. Bettina Sego exhibit at the Artists Guild Gallery, 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, through Jan. 31. Information: 778-6694. Basket-weaving class with Pam McMillen at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach, through Feb. 1. Information: 778-2099. Fee applies. Basics of interior design class with Bettina Sego at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria, through Feb. 3. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. Youth traditional arts class for ages 5-12 at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach, through Feb. 8. Information: 778-2099. Fee applies. Old master's methodology oil painting class with Paul Scibilia at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach, through Feb. 9. Information: 778-2099. Fee applies. German language class with Bettina Sego at the Anna Maria Island Community Center, 407 magnolia Ave., Anna Maria, through Feb. 14. Information: 778-1908. Fee applies. After-school theater training at the Riverfront Theatre, 102 Old Main St., Bradenton, through Feb. 24. Information: 748-0111. Fee applies. Saltwater fishing course with Capt. Ric Ehlis at the Education Center, 5370 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key, through Feb. 24. Information: 383-8811. Fee applies. Classical figure drawing with Ginger White at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach, through Feb. 25. Information: 778-2099. Fee applies. Black-and-white photography class with Chris Galanopoulos and Jerry Quin at the Anna Maria Island Art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach, through Feb. 28. Information: 778-2099. Fee applies. "Sew for Fun" at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, through March 17. Information: 795-8945. Upcoming: Manatee Conservation Committee of the Sierra Club meeting at United Bank Jan. 20. Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce awards break- fast at the Radisson Lido Beach Resort Jan. 20. Manatee Audubon Society meeting at First Presbyte- rian Church Jan. 20. Authentic Greek Dinner at Church of the Annunciation Jan. 20. "The Lost Tribes" of Manatee County archeological tour of Madira Bickel Mound Jan. 21. Family caregiver support group at the Island Branch Library Jan. 21. Red Cross first aid and CPR class at the Anna Maria Island Community Center Jan. 22. "Corals: Underwater Construction Workers" at Mote Marine Laboratory Jan. 22. Boat smart class at the Anna Maria Island Power Squadron Jan. 22. Guided nature walk at Crowley Museum & Nature Center Jan. 22. Trip to the Gulf Coast Museum of Art departing from Education Center, Longboat Key Jan. 22. Catfish dinner at the American Legion Post No. 24 Jan. 22. Orchid show and sale at the Manatee Civic Center Jan. 22-23. Auditions for "Beau Jest" at the Island Players Jan. 23. Sarasota Opera Studio artists at First United Method- ist Church Jan. 23. "Sneak a Peek at the Ballet" at the Education Center, Longboat Key Jan. 24. Internet class at the Island Branch Library Jan. 24. "The Luck of the Draw" dessert card party at St. Mary Star of the Sea Church, Longboat Key, Jan. 25. Anna Maria Elementary School groundbreaking cer- emony Jan. 25. "Plein Air Painting Myakka" three-day workshop at the Crowley Museum & Nature Center Jan. 26-28. PAGE 16 N JAN. 12, 2005 N THE ISLANDER Open 7 Days LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Thurs. Sun. Retail Seafood Market KITCHEN z F- - LU LL In Lil I- z LIn u z a. - o c 4 0: cr) j C, LL AL S *' i 4.'- U. g4 I,, - '1.~ -~ - "'" ) 8 2) .*' 12 '5 O C a: 44 I' W b Wi-- Iz -QJ U Z t1Oj7r .i 2 do < La 12 Er -4 0. F- CE E 1 0 0-L w ` In > a - '~ommm C) .z 0) < < :)() The Islander TOU RSTS MAY BE ..... __ LOOKING FOR YOU! Ad THE "BEST NEWS" Help 'emout H! SINCE 1992 Call 778-7978 to learn how www.iislander .org to get the best .ie results for your ad dollars. Tres CONTINENTAL BISTF--- Award-VWinning ;,i ting vwithouIt surfsif pricing! Br .L:f I..unch and DU! iner BRUNCH/LUNCH Wed.-Sat. 11-2:30 BREAKFAST SUNDAY 8-2:30 DINNER Wed.-Sun. from 5:30 p.m. (Closed Mon./Tues.) B4 5406 Marina Drive Holmes Beach 778-5320 Try our "NOT SO AWFUL" WAFFLE A light multi-grain waffle, served with berry butter Only $2.50 REAL COFFEE & REALTY 9908 Gulf Drive Anna Maria (941) 779-0034 I- 45 GVIII OFNEI GOM b 1~R~3~,:~J~=~Lhs~bl$811~ ; I$"'J"BL"-a;i~J29%~,~ --~s~ r~L ~T~' 1' fJ' it E I C8 I Iq~ I . ._-1 ? ' :i? .....-. "' A %*1 !97 .m...;A_- Ocp ,A:Fai' B B'E. N SEAFOOD I HOME OF THE MANGO-MACADAMIA ENCRUSTED GROUPER FREE 2 GLASSES OF WINE or a piece of Key Lime Pie with any two regular priced dinners, with this ad. Open Daily Live Music Fri, Sat EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Everyday 3:30-5:30 pm S Buy one entree ,get second entree HALF-OFF ii inc. 3-j v i puc hi: i f ; . f'] Where the locals and the stars love to dine! Denzel Washington said: "Great food! 103 Gulf Drive Bradenton Beach .779-1930 ^-^" w1r .^r ^ 0O 0m4 C-) <0 N m -j mm OLLJ < 7,L1J0 o -J 0 ~ I< < Lu -T N 0M m.t< uj - z z a- C ox o 1- 1-- 3: LL j'T U I>OIO 01" C.. m < O C 041 0-T -M 0.j vi mCn M < < z Ujw~ UJ _j a:~8 le 0 < U 5rJ(0L z i-i icc EL Ul) w in S0 LIr IT m O-) C i ', N -'j CJi : -LI 'T C ~m mmmM z WLu F-I < (LU 0- a: Er O C M C. C 0T z O< J<< C'j C'i l cli nma nZ I 0 CD wa CL Z <- m mm .- C 0,i] 0 Wmmmoamc jm m ;:Zrn: j :wOCjC O: - : N C 0 EL C) ;r~mmmm mmmcmm mmrT mmm Om0mw0< < -J .0 0 LE1-: ri < mcn--JCrzWC/ Oco in U3 a: 0 t z 0 L U ;M) o ~ 00 0mm>ouo .u 3L ca CO:z omm-< < uV)-l T <_ C/) 0 0 0 LU 00 irIr S = 0 UJ > < V) 0 'Coo U)nOO 9c L > ul <(Lmmowx MOI a< > zj < w CC 0L< < << < < < -0 0 N -16. MXX X-XX M t-F '.0 0 im pq ww :o AlU. U. U- .:L INSHORE SPORTFISHING CHARTER BOAT Co pleat Ang/e Capt. Steven Salgado Heads Up! "More than a mullet wrapper" hats $12 TIfI Islandier 5404- Marina Drive Homes Beach FL 34217 941-778-7978 Fax 778-9392 -r f, A IE [ T11"f1: f On a traditional ww w 50-lbot Schooner Dolphin Sails, or a 36W.Catainaran Simsct Sails. Egnionlt Key 0 'fo ." Dail9 departures from the ,,--'r '.- Seafood Shack Marina fA- Resenrations 713-8000 JiFRIANIS CROw or7614779 [C JANE E's BAKERY i s now open! Come on in Sfor fine-tasting goodies and S0 coffees! Located at Ginny's at the old IGA 9807 Gulf Drive Anna Maria Opens at 7 am If ,1-. -f Visit ^ 2_- Ginny's Antiques __ and Art 5602 MVarina Drive Holmes Beach 779-1773 Opens at 9:30 am . 1 1, V Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 7 Days "Fresh Fish' Specials Daii\ Ice-Cold Beer & Wine THE ISLANDER N JAN. 12, 2005 0 PAGE 17 Tnte? LsI Onamnt'urperc and id fie cOdes, rmugS L7t Veprr th1s Side 01 Hedlen Pal Gceer, Propr st-rcs - ,C.-e , .:.PEN i :uc'i.Li' CLOSED TUES. 59TH & MARINA DR.* HOLMES BEACH 778-2501 'C an cj ma 0g UN .- <910 Wznoo PAGE 18 0 JAN. 12, 2005 M THE ISLANDER Publix cools off A&E to avenge B.ball preseason loss By Kevin Cassidy Islander Reporter Publix defeated Air & Energy 30-20, thanks in part to a 10-4 second-quarter scoring run by Publix which broke open a close game on Saturday, Jan. 8, in Division I basketball action at the Anna Maria Island Community Center. Four points apiece from the inside-outside scor- ing combination of Justin Dearlove and Egan Fridenberg fueled the Publix scoring run as they avenged a 34-23 loss in the preseason tournament finals to A&E. A 12-6 run extended the Publix lead to 26-14 through three quarters before coach Keith Dearlove went into a "four covers" offense to deny A&E the ball ** and any chance of staging a late-game rally. Justin Dearlove finished with a game-high 10 points, while Fridenberg provided a low-post presence with eight points. Breann Richardson scored six points while Ben Valdivieso added four points and Brooke Fitzgerald finished with two points in the victory. Corbin Kitchen paced Air & Energy with 10 points, while Garrett Secor scored six points in the loss. Jordan Sebastiano and Kevin Callahan completed the A&E scoring with two points apiece. Publix 42, LPAC 35 Justin Dearlove exploded for 10-third-quarter points to effectively ice the game for Publix during its 42-35 win over Larry Pearson Air Conditioning in Di- vision I action on Thursday, Jan. 7. Dearlove, who fin- ished with a game-high 18 points was supported by teammate Ben Valdivieso's eight points and six points .apiece from Egan Fridenberg and Breann Richardson in the victory. Donna Barth and Brooke Fitzgerald completed the Publix scoring with two points each. LPAC was led by Whitney Bauer's 11 points and eight points from Matt Shafer in the loss. Other scor- ers for LPAC include six points from Broderick West and four points from Ryan Guerin. Two points. apiece from Jarot Nelson and Jason Rappe completed the scor- ing for LPAC. Observer 42, A&E 28 Longboat Observer rode a balanced scoring attack that saw seven players score at least two points during its 42-28 victory over Air & Energy Tuesday, Jan. 4, in Division I basketball action. Grant Lukitch paced the winners with 16 points, while Celiea Ware chipped in with 11 points in the victory. Billy Alstrom's four BUY Cl BREAKFAST GET Egan Fridenberg shoots over the attempted block by Garrett Secor during Publix' 30-20 Division I victory. Islander Photo: Kevin Cassidy points, three points from Kyle Aritt and two points apiece from Daniel Riley, Forrest Schield and Nash Thompson completed the Observer scoring. Corbin Kitchen's 10 points and six points from Garrett Secor paced Air & Energy in the loss. Jordan Sebastiano and Will Osborne added four points each while Kevin Callahan and Amanda White finished with two points each. Duncan 27, Galati 22 Fifteen points from Chirs Callahan and 10 points from Ashley Waring helped Duncan Real Estate sink Galati Marine on Wednesday, Jan. 7, in Division II basketball action at the Center. Alexis Mitchell scored two points to complete the scoring for Duncan in the victory. Martine Miller's 15 points paced the Galati Marine scoring, which also received two points apiece from Sheldon Phillips and Connor Cloherty and one point from Kayla Aritt in the loss. Oyster Bar 22. Danziger 17 Sarah Howard poured in nine points and Matt Bauer added six points in the Anna Maria Oyster Bar's Jan. 7 victory over Danziger Allergy & Sinus in Division III action. Molly Slicker's two points and one point from F--- -_ ^ EAT-IN OR Sn Any Size Pizza. I I 1 FREE DELIVERY! I S OMA PIZZA I & ITALIAN RESTAURANT I Specializing in Veal Chicken Fish Pasta Makers of the World's Largest Pizza Open 7 Days 11AM to Midnight )I 201 N. Gulf Dr. Bradenton Beach -L 778-0771 or 778-0772 - L. JJ! -- ---- Blake Rivers contributed to the Oyster Bar victory. Glenn Bower's six points and four points from Emma Barlow led Danziger in the loss. Raphael Kasser added three points, while Dylan Riley and Wyatt Easterling com- pleted the scoring with two points apiece. STGC 15, Danziger 11 Chandler Hardy's five points paced a balanced scoring attack for Steve Titsworth General Contractors during its 15-11 Division II victory Wednesday, Jan. 5. Molly McDonough and Ally Titsworth added four points each, while Emily White added two points to the victory total. Danziger Allergy & Sinus's Glenn Bower scored six points to lead all scorers, while teammates Emma Barlow and Dylan Riley added two points each. Matt Danziger scored one point to complete the Danziger scoring in the loss. Duncan 12, STGC 11 Chris Callahan scored four points in the fourth quarter to rally Duncan Real Estate past Steve Titsworth General Contractors 12-11 on Monday, Jan. 3 in Division II basketball action. Alexis Mitchell scored eight points to lead all scorers in the Duncan victory. Molly McDonough scored five points and Ally Titsworth added four points for STGC in defeat. Kelly Guerin chipped in with two points to complete the scor- ing for STGC. Oyster Bar 16, Galati 8 Anna Maria Oyster Bar doubled up the score against Galati Marine in Division II basketball action on Monday, Jan. 3. Matt Bauer led the way with eight points, while Sarah Howard added four points. Kelly Dodson and Zach Evans completed the Oyster Bar scoring with two points each in the win. Martine Miller scored six points and Sheldon Phillips added two points for Galati in the loss. Dips 21, Paradise 5 Dips Ice Cream rode the one-two scoring punch of Johnny Mattay and Zach Guerin to an easy Division III victory over A Paradise Realty on Saturda\. Jan. S. PLEASE SEE SPORTS, NEXT PAGE THURS JAN 13TH! Fit to Eat Deli-Style Restaurant 5315 Gulf Drive SiI Nexl lo Wjac.hi.a Bank Grea 778-0411 Great Homemade Soupsi Plus, Curried Chicken Salad & Craisin-Pecan \% -Chicken Salad that our customers say are "the best" L Y's GouRmE TAKE-Our DEu -STi CATERING 525 ST. JUDES DRIVE LONGBOAT KEY (5600 BLOCK GULF OF MEXICO DRIVE) Now OPEN EVERYDAY BRUNCHY LUNCHES AND DELIGHTFUL DINNERS GoURMETTAKE-Ou DEU*' STusHCATERING old Florida Stfle An Anna Maria Island Landmark Est. 1952 Tues-Sat 1 lam-8pm Sun 12-8pm Closed Mon Eat in Take out Across from the Manatee Public Beach 3901 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 778-7769 a.p. BeLL fisH compaNyiNc. Fresh Seafood Since 1910 Great selection of locally caught Grouper, Snapper, Shrimp, Panfish and much more. Planning a fishing trip? Call about our o big selection of frozen bait! DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAY 2 See you at our docks! 794-1249 4600 124th St. W. SCortez, FloridAZ -..._. - i, - Sports CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 Mattay finished with a game-high eight points, while Guerin added seven points. Joseph Darke, Connor Field and Justin Gargett completed the scoring with two points apiece. Paradise Realty was led by Josh Schmidt's five points in the loss. Bistros 16, Harry's 12 The Bistros gave Harry's Continental Kitchens a cu- linary lesson with a 16-12 victory on Saturday, Jan. 8, in Division III basketball action. Hailey Dearlove led the way for the Bistros with eight points, while teammate Becca Butler added seven points. Stephanie Pumell completed the Bistros scoring with two points in the win. Zach Facheris and Savannah Schield led Harry's with four points each, while Danny Krokroskia and Taylor Wilson completed the scoring with two points each in the loss. Jessie's 16, Harry's 7 Daniel Pimental scored six of his game-high eight points during the second and third quarters to help rally Jessie's Island Store past Harry's Continental Kitchens on Thursday, Jan. 6, in Division III B-ball action. Julian Botero added six points, while Max Miller finished with two points in the victory. Cliff Pascal's four points and two points from Tay- lor Wilson paced Harry's, which also received one point from Savannah Schield in the loss. Bistros 18, Paradise 2 The Bistros burned A Paradise Realty 18-2 on Thursday, Jan. 6, behind 14 points from Hailey Dearlove and four points from Becca Butler. Josh Schmidt averted the shutout for A Paradise Realty with two points in the first quarter. Dips 10, Jessie's 7 Justin Gargett scored six points ard Johnny Mattay added four points during their three-point Dips Ice Cream Division III victory over Jessie's Island Store Tuesday, Swww.I^. Islnt.url e. e "' WS~~I 0 SCHNITZELIAUS The Best German Restaurant on Florida's West Coast FRIDAY SPECIAL OVEN-FRESH BAVARIAN HAXEN Reservations a must! 778-1320 HOURS: MON SAT 5-9:30PM Anna Maria Island Centre 3246 E. Bay Drive Holmes Beach AUTHENTIC CREEK DINNER THURSDAY JAN 20 6 PM At the Church of Annunciation 4408 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach SChoice of Lamb Shank or Greek Chicken Roasted Potatoes and Vegetables Greek Salad and Baklava Purchase Tickets in Advance $15 Carry-out Available BYOB CALL 778-1638 FOR MORE INFO Jan. 4. Julian Botero led Jessie's with four points, while Grant Bower finished with three points in the loss. West Coast 64, Glass & Screen 58 Clay Orr poured in 36 points to lead West Coast Air Conditioning past Anna Maria Glass & Screen on Saturday, Jan. 8, in Premier League action. The high- light of the game was Taylor Manning's half-court, buzzer-beating shot that completed the scoring for West Coast. Manning finished with four three-pointers for a total of 16 points. Brian Czireky added seven points and Eric Fridenberg scored five points to com- plete the scoring for West Coast. Zach Schield scored 22 points and Da% id Buck scored 21 to lead Anna Maria Glass & Screen in the loss. Matt McDonough added seven points and Chad Reed scored four poiniS.t while Eric Distelhurst and Derrick Gargett added t\\o points apiece for Glass & Screen. IRE 45, ReNlax 38 Twenty-two points from Tyler Bekkerus and 13 points from Josh Elsenheimer lifted Island Real Estate past ReMax Gulfstream Realty on Saturday, Jan. 8, in a Premier League battle of Realtors. Ian Douglas chipped in with 10 points, while Phelps Tracy and Nick Sato each added two points to complete the scoring. Spencer Carper scored 15 points and Luis Leon and Franklin Moore scored eight points apiece to lead ReMax in the loss. Mikey Schweitzer chipped in with four points while Kevin Greunke finished with three points for ReMax. Glass & Screen 64, ReMax 28 Anna Maria Glass & Screen foreclosed on ReMax Gulfstream Realty with a 64-28 thumping on Wednesday, Jan. 5, behind 26 points from David Buck and 11 points from Derrick Gargett. Chad Reed added eight points and Matt McDonough scored seven points for Glass & Screen, which also received six points apiece from Zach Schield and Eric Distelhurst in the blowout victory. Franklin Moore's 14 points and six points from Spencer Carper paced ReMax in the loss. Luis Leon added four points, while Mikey Schweitzer finished OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Kitchen 11:30am-10pm Full Bar 11:30am til late nite Full food and liquor service and daily Specials that'll BLOW YOU AWAY! 778-5788 5346 Gulf Drive, in the S&S Plaza THE ISLANDER JAN. 12, 2005 U PAGE 19 with three points for ReMax. Islander helps Magic mates to first season victory Island resident Martine Miller helped the Manatee Magic Ul 2 Division I girls soccer team avenge a 3-2 sea- son opening loss to Valrico. Miller scored with about three minutes left in the game to put the Magic up 2-0. Alyssa Allen scored the game-winner in the opening minutes of the second half for the Magic, which received a stellar effort from goalie Shannon Morrish. Miller and herjvlagic mates are back in action next Saturday, Jan. 15, when they travel to Monroe Middle School in Tampa for a 9 a.m. kickoff against the Tampa Knights. Anna Maria Island Community Center basketball schedule Premier (age 14-17) Jan. 12 8p.m. ReMax vs. IRE Jan. 15 noon West Coast Air vs. IRE Jan. 15 1 p.m. ReMax vs. AM Glass & Screen Jan. 17 8 p.m. Westcoast Air vs. AM Glass & Screen Division I (age 12-13) Jan. 13 8 p.m. Publix vs. Longboat Jan. 15 4 p.m. LPAC vs. Publix Jan. 15 5 p.m. Observer vs. A&E Jan. 18 8 p.m. LPAC vs. Observer Division II (age 10-11) Jan. 12 7 p.m. STGC vs. Galati Jan. 14 7 p.m. Duncan vs. Danziger Jan. 14 8.p.m. STGC vs. Oyster Bar Jan. 17 6 p.m. Duncan vs. STGC Jan. 17 7 p.m. Oyster Bar vs. Galati Division III (age 8-9) Jan. 13 6 p.m. Paradise vs. Harry's Jan. 13 7 p.m. Bistros vs. Dips Jan. 15 2 p.m. Dips vs. Harry's Jan. 15 3 p.m. Bistros vs. Jessie's Jan. 18 7 p.m. Jessie's vs. Dips Instructional League (age 5-7) Jan. 12 6 p.m. Kumon vs. Rotten Ralph's Jan. 14 6 p.m. Cannons vs. Island Starter Jan. 15 10 a.m. Cannons vs. Ocean View Jan. 15 11 a.m. Kumon vs. Island Starter Jan. 18 6 p.m. Island Starter vs. Rotten Ralph's 3232 East Bay Drive L A Next to Walgreens 778-7878 -ANY 3 $i 99 FOOT-LONG SU BS- I TRY YOUR irUB ins .upon L .. TOAST i l Capalbo's HOUSE OF PIZZA LUNCH PIZZA BUFFET $4.89 *DINNER PIZZA BUFFET $6.09 Dinner buffet includes pizza, soup and salad bar! 792-5300 10519 Cortez Rd. W. Mon-Sat 11 am-10 Opm Sunday noon-9 'GREEK ITALIA RESTAURANT ; " great foocfwit a SMediterranean fair IR GLASS OF HOUSE WINE IFE with entree purchase I F E Must present Ir: coupon IE I Open for Dinner 4:30 9:30 7 Days 792-5332 I L6777 Manatee Ave. W. in the Northwest Promenade . . .. .. . ,= PAGE 20 M JAN. 12, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER Critters are coming right into your very own bed It looks like critters are taking over our human world. Here are a few pet tales for you wags to won- der about. Pet-owner sleepovers About 40 percent of dogs now sleep in bed with their owners, up from 34 percent in 1998, according to the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association. Apparently it's not all that unusual and historically something that has taken place since we lived in cold caves and huddled with half-wild dogs for warmth. I've got a buddy who often refers to those extra- cold evenings as a "three-cat night" in bed: remember That an average pet temperature is about 103 degrees, so they tend to throw out a lot of heat. Dog sleep patterns at night vary. Some breeds, those bred to burrow for varmints like terriers and dachshunds, will tend to race down to the foot of the bed under the covers to spend the night quietly cocooned. Others will perch at the foot of the bed, alert for any strange noise. There are some problems, of course. The Mayo Clinic reports that 22 percent of the patients they treat in their sleep disorder center are awake due to their pets being in bed with them. Cat owners are especially prone to being awakened by their nocturnal prowling bed buddies, who like to roam the house or dream of chasing little critters. All that movement makes for a restless night. And then there's the snoring. The folks at the Mayo Clinic report that 21 percent of dogs and 7 percent of cats snore. There are also flea problems, shedding prob- lems ... but all that is nothing for a loving pet owner and his or her darling little Muffy or Spot. Indian Ocean animals take to the hills A few buddies pointed out that there were virtually no dead animals seen in any of the footage from the tsunami that killed more than 150,000 people in the rim of the Indian Ocean Dec. 26. Another of those urban legends, perhaps? Nope. According to a news article in the Washing- ton Post, an environmentalist in Indonesia said the wildlife impact by the big waves was "limited." Packs of dogs raced away from shore to upland areas way before the tsunamis hit. In Sri Lanka's Yala National Park, hundreds of critters from elephants to monkeys, deer to water buffalo, leopards to snakes S sped from the low-lying areas. In southern India, mating flocks of flamingoes took to the sky well before the water rose and inundated the region. And in western Thailand, elephants broke their chains to reach high ground more than an hour before the tsunami waves arrived and devastated the region. Scientists believe that animals' have a hyper sensi- tivity to sound and vibrations and that the massive earthquake that caused the tsunami quite literally shook the animals' world. Elephants are particularly sensitive to vibrations. Scientists have noted that the big animals are known to lay their trunks down on the ground to apparently "feel" for vibrations and can even figure out from which direction the problem emanates, hence their de- cision to run in the opposite direction. Perhaps the oft-talked of tsunami early warning system should just be a few elephants scattered around the shoreline intensively monitored, of course. Dog show this weekend The AKC/Eukanuba National Championship dog show will be held in Tampa this weekend, with the show presented live on television on the Animal Planet network starting at 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. More than 2,400 animals are entered in the show, which will be held at the Tampa Convention Center and at the St. Pete Times Forum. The doors open at 8 a.m. for anyone who wants to go see all the mutts, with tickets at $25 for both days or $18 for a one-day admission. For more information, go to www.akc.org. Giant rats are coming?! Yet another exotic, invasive species is threatening Florida. The African Gambian pouch rat has infested the lower Florida Keys and scientists are fearful the big rodent may make its way to Key Largo and then to the Everglades. The rat is sort of a 800-pound gorilla in the rodent family, growing to 9 pounds and reaching the size-of a small raccoon. They eat almost everything including the eggs of the endangered native silver rice rat, and they're so big that birds of prey aren't interested in them. 'Cats just look at them with their ears down, accord- ing to reports, then skulk away. There apparently is a solid report of a breeding colony of the rats on Grassy Key and unconfirmed re- ports of the animals on Key Largo. Apparently eight Good luck this weekend, Twisster, a 4-year-olgS' etland sheepdog, will be . competing in the agility championship in Tampa this weekend. The sheltie allows owner Brenda Twiss to take care ' of him in their Anna Maria home. The American Kennel Club's National Agility 4 Championship will be the first time in.the "big leagues" for Twisster, Twiss said. "We've only been doing it two years," she added. "We don't have any aspiration to place, but I believe we're good enough to at least Twisster compete. The agility trials are only part of the weekend's festivities, with the AKC/Eukanuba National Champi- onship dog show slated to be televised on the Animal SPlanet television network both Saturday and Sunday nights. "Keep your fingers crossed for us," T\\ is said with a laugh. UNCLE PETE WANTS YOU TO DRIVE A CLEAN CAR! 24-hour self-serve car wash Complete auto detailing Quick lube ERICAN CAR WASH 5804 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach 778-1617 MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED rats were released five years ago, and have been hav- ing up to four litters every nine months, with up to six offspring in each litter. Wildlife experts have no idea how many rats may be out there now. The rats are also apparently very friendly around other critters, too, although the males will fight each other. They are described at making "great pets," and somebody probably thought that eight rats were too many to have around the house and let them go out in the wild. Oh, and they got their name because of the pouches in their cheeks in which they stuff food, mak- ing them look like some little fat-faced furry friend that has been described as "charming." Jeez, just what we need, a charming exotic rat that is threatening the ecosystem of the Everglades. Florida's exotic wildlife According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Con-. servation Commission, an exotic species is "one that was introduced by human activity and is free-ranging in an area to which it was not native in pre-Columbian times." There are 277 reported exotic critter species in the state. Of that total, 24 species are expanding, 12 spe- cies are stable, eight species are declining, 188 species have unknown population levels, and 44 species have no current population. At last some good news: Of the critters that are breeding, 102 species have been breeding at least 10 years but not necessarily consecutive years, 23 less than 10 years and 150 species are not reported breed- ing in the wild in Florida. However, 60 species have established themselves with solid breeding populations for more than 10 years, 14 species are present and breeding but for less than 10 years, 97 species are present but not confirmed to be breeding, which means the population persists only with repeated introductions or escapes of indi- viduals. And they're everywhere in our 67 counties in Florida, with 17 species statewide, five species occur in 51 -66 counties, seven species occur in 21-50 coun- ties, 10 species occur in 11-20 counties, 30 species occur in six-10 counties, 104 species occur in two to five counties, and 99 species occur in one county. Sandscript factoid In Manatee County, we've got our share of exot- ics, including: Giant Toad, Bufo marinus; Cuban Treefrog, Osteopilus septentrionalis; Brown Anole lizard, Anolis sagrei; Mediterranean Gecko, Hemidactylus turcicus; Indo-Pacific Geck, Hemidactylus garnotii; Bibron's Gecko, Pachydactylus bibroni; Scarlet Ibis bird, Eudocimus ruber; Greater Flamingo, Phoenicopterus rubber; Muscovy Duck, Cairina moschata; Common Peafowl, Pavo cristatus; Ring- necked Pheasant, Phasianus colchicus; Rock Dove, Columba livia; Eurasian Collared-Dove, Streptopelia decaocto; White-winged Dove, Zenaida asiatica; Peach-faced Lovebird parrot, Agapornis roseicollis; Red-crowned Parrot, Amazona viridigenalis; Blue- crowned Parakeet, Aratinga acuticaudata; White- winged Parakeet, Brotogeris versicolurus; Yellow- chevroned Parakeet, Brotogeris chiriri; Budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus; Monk Parakeet, Myiopsitta monachus; Black-hooded Parakeet, Nandayus nenday. .Also Cockatiel, Nymphicus hollandicus; House Sparrow, Passer domesticus; European Starling, Sturnus vulgaris; Nine-banded Armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus; Feral Dog, Canis familiaris; Coyote, Ca- nis latrans; Feral Cat, Felis catus, Jaguarundi, Herpailurus yagouaroundi; Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes; Feral Pig, Sus scrofa; House mouse, Mus musculus; Black Rat, Rattus rattus; and the Norway Rat, Rattus norvegicus. Anno Mdorio, Moon Dale I ,r. I I ,,, i' *** AM HIGH AM LOW '" 'I'. U' I'' II~ -' ~,. I I. II .f iii -Cooi'.: Hi~r. Td..I 7 ,--nfui.:I aler 7ZslonaTiaes PM HIGH PF - *5 1" : ' - J _. THE ISLANDER M JAN. 12, 2005 M PAGE 21 Warmer weather brings grouper closer to shore By Capt. Mike Heistand Recent unseasonably warm air temperatures ap- pear to have driven fishers out of the house and onto the water, with good results. Grouper and snapper fishing offshore is in full steam, with lots of reports of grouper coming in from less than 100 feet of water in the Gulf of Mexico. There are also many reports of grouper hanging out by the shipping channel in Tampa Bay. Backwater fishing for sheepshead remains the No. 1 action report, with trout catches a close second. There are also a few flounder and mangrove snap- per being caught off the piers. Capt Larry McGuire of Show Me The Fish Charters said he has been consistently putting his cli- ents on lots of gag grouper to 20 pounds, even on four- hour trips. He said his charters are are also catching red grouper, mangrove snapper to 5 pounds, lane snapper, yellowtail snapper, triggerfish, amberjack and sea bass. He said he's been fishing out to 100 feet in the Gulf off Anna Maria Island & Longboat Key, using live shrimp and pinfish, as well as frozen sardines as bait. : Bill Lowman at Island Discount Tackle said in the bays sheepshead are the best bet, as well as trout and redfish, but offshore action was excellent for grou- per and snapper in less than 100 feet of water. There are lots of reports of fishers limiting-out on grouper to 25 pounds in size. Bob Kilb at the Rod & Reel Pier said action there includes good catches of sheepshead, sea bass, snapper and a few nice-sized permit. Cliff Alcorn at the Anna Maria City Pier said fishing is getting better by the day, with sheepshead being the No. 1 catch there. Other good catches include black drum, a few redfish, flounder and mangrove snapper. Dave Johnson at Snead Island Crab House said big trout and redfish were caught in Terra Ceia Bay, plus grunts, snapper, sheepshead and lots of legal-size grouper coming from the ship channel in Tampa Bay. Capt. Rick Gross on Fishy Business out of Catchers Marina in Holmes Beach said his charters caught grouper to 15 pounds offshore just 9 miles out in the Gulf last week, as well as some legal-size grou- per caught near Port Manatee. Other action included sheepshead and lots of trout. At Perico Island Bait and Tackle, trout fishing has been good for this time of year, with warmer weather helping a lot. A few sheepshead were reported caught ih Palma Sola Bay, plus near all the local bridges and piers. At Sunshine Bait & Tackle, there are reports of lots of small grouper coming from the Sunshine Sky- way Bridge and pier system, most of legal size, as well as redfish in Terra Ceia Bay and sheepshead around the docks. Capt. Tom Chaya on the Dolphin Dreams in Holmes Beach out of Catchers said trout fishing for him is excellent right now, with some fish caught in Palma Sola Bay reaching better than 24 inches in length. Redfish and sheepshead are also thick around almost all the docks in the bays. Capt. Zach Zacharias on the Dee-Jay II out of Annie's Bait & Tackle in Cortez said he's putting his EARLY RISER SPECIAL $,Mn Mon Fri .+TAX 7-8am $50 Until Noon +TAX GREEN FEE AND CART $43 Noon-2 pm TAX GREEN FEE AND CART 25 After 2pm + TAX GREEN FEE AND CART E t 0[-- Brdno.F Ca -9432 Te Tj imes NOWT_ 7 charters onto trout to 24 inches in length, plus floun- der and snook in the backwaters. Offshore, in about 40 feet of water in the Gulf, he's catching snapper, sheep- shead and grunts. On my boat Magic, we've caught sheepshead up to 6 pounds while fishing about 6 miles out in the Gulf, plus mangrove snapper and lots of grunts. Inshore ac- tion continues to feature redfish to 26 inches and lots of trout. Good luck and good fishing. ~9~j~i.. e i First offshore venture Oscar MacLain, 10, visiting from Leeds, England, caught these two nice mangrove Snapper and 6 .i a couple -, gag grouper J : .-. wiwhile " fishing with S Capt. Larry McGuire. It !. was Oscar's El fir st off- shore Fishing trip. The action cah came in about 100 .. off the I- 't'i I Island, with Be pinfish and shrimp working 7 best as bait. Capt. Mike Heistand is a 20-year-plus fishing guide. Call him at 723-1107 to provide fishing report. Prints and digital images of your catch are also wel- come and may be dropped off at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or e-mailed to news@islander.org. Please include identification for persons in the picture along with information on the catch and a name and phone number for more infor- mation. Snapshots may be retrieved once they appear in the paper. On tour Islanders Marguerite and Bob Carrick board the bus atA.P. Bell Fish Co. in Cortez to continue on the Manatee County Farm City Tour. The tour and the agricul- tural/urban festivities were instructive and enjoyable, they said. Islander Photo: Courtesy Kitty. Van Zile ---------- We UNkl EAO IM 2 DrutP SEA FISHING -... --. Sailing Daily ... 9am-3 pm 75-' SEA FOn For Reservations a~5i-1930 wo w.:h-0* I PAGE 22 M JAN. 12, 2005 M THE ISLANDER Isiantd Biz :.1:~.~:..;: .;-~. ..::I. A_ b.i~:1~ ... Fit to Eat is one Melinda 1,dinpariello and Terry Weaver of the Fit to Eat Deli in the Island Fitness Center building at 5317 Gulf Drive in Holmes Beach will celebrate the store 's first anniversary on Thursday, Jan. 13. Islander Photo: Rick Catlin A fit one The Fit to Eat Deli in the Island Fitness Center building in Holmes Beach will hold its first anniversary Thursday, Jan. 13 with a buy-one -breakfast, get-one- free special, along, with other specials throughout the day. And breakfast is served all day, said owners Melinda Larnpariello and Terry Weaver. "'People have been wonderful and we just' wanted .to show. our appreciation for their support," said Melinda. "We've got a wonderful menu with fresh- made salads, sandwiches and lots of other good things to eat.." IndPed. Fit .to Eat Dleli is not your average delica- tessen. Chef Terry serves up fresh tamales, burritos., salads. \ raps -~including vegetarian- along with VERY NICELY REMODELED DUPLEX IN HOLMES BEACH Concrete block, with new air condition 'ng and kitchens. 213R/M13 each side with bright interiors, convenient to everything. Priced right won't last -at $565,000. Seasonal- Rental Available Now: 2BR, one block from beach. Totally remodeled, includes washer and dryer. $2, 0001month. CaU C~1Anne Hutber, Realtor Jbr v-_Mno or Lnjb P (94:1) 713-9835 smoothies, Cuban sandwiches, gourmet pizzas, finger foods, cappuccinos and beer and wine all that plus the special of the day and M/elinda' s fresh homemade soup. "We'd like everyone to come join our celebration," said Melinda. Fit to Eat Deli is located at 5317 Gulf Drive in Holmes Beach in the Island Fitness Center building. Restaurant hours are 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Sunday. For more information, call 778-0411. Gulf, honors Gulf-Bay Realty of Anna Maria recently named Shannon McConnell as its top selling agent for De- cember 2005, while the top listing agent was Kimberly Clark. For more information on Gulf-Bay Realty, call 778-7244. Griffith-Cline returns to roots Griffith-Cline Funeral and Cr~emation Services recently announced that full ownership of the company has returned to the Griffith family after 25 years as an affiliate of Service Corporation International. The new, independent status is effective immediately, company president Ken Griffith said, and includes the- company's three area locations, including the 6000 Marina Drive location in'Holmes Beach.. For more information on Griffith-Cline, call 748- 1011. .Tops at Wagner Wagner Realty has announced that the top listing agent at the Anna Maria Island office for December 2004 was Dave Moynihan, while Cathy Meldahl took the same honors at the. Longboat Key office. The sales leader at the Island office was Joe Corbo and Peggy Henger and Mary Wickersham took that award at the Longboat Ke\ oc-ffice. I In the closed volume' category, Becky Smith grabbed the Island office prize, while Jack McCormick was tops on Lon~gboat, Key. For more information on Wagner Realty, call 778- 0000 or 383-5577. San ~Remzo Shores Isl and real estate transactions 763-765 Jacaranda, Anna Maria, a 2,125 sfla / 2,237 sfur 6bed/3bath duplex built in 1971- on a 75xl 00 lot, was sold 12/ 17/04, Verini to Hayworth, for $428,000; list $489,000. 1325 N. Gulf Drive, Bradenton Beach, a 6,033 sfla .7,822 sfur multi-home bayfront property~with pool buiilt in 1976 on an 18-,816-sf lot was sold 12/22/04, Tortuga Inves- tors LLC to Tortuga Partners LLC, for $3,565,00 '0. 201 35th St. Holmes Beach, a 4,565 sfla / 5,650 sfur multi-unit-property with pool built in 1969 on a 1 00xl 00 lot was sold 12/22/04, Gulf Beach Management Inc. to AMBP Properties LLC, for $2,100,000. 14005 Fifth Ave., Holmes Beach, a 2,200 sfla / 2,804 sfur 3bed/3bath/2car home built in 2003 on a 50xl 00 lot, was sold 12/22/04, Gaprop Inc. to. Daunta, for $879,000; list $899,000. 501 Key Royale Drive, Homes Beach, a 1,759 sfla / - 2,887 sfur 3becf/2bath/lcar canalfront home built in 1991 on a 165x102 lot, was sold 12/22/04, Hietala to Key Royale Drive LLC., for $650,000. 212 81 st St., Holmes Beach, a 1,825 sfia / 2,410 sfur 4bed/2bath duplex built in 1967 on a 90-by 90-foot lot, Was sold 12/20/04, Hayes to O'Nleill, for $520,000; list $550,000. .207 75th St., Holmes Beach, a 1,593 sfla / 1,953 sfur 4bed/2bath duplex built.in 19.68 on a 8,146-sf lot, was sold 12/20/04, Dujardin to Diaz, for $487,0100; list $499,000. 521 Blue Heron Drive, Anna Maria, an irregular 16,030- sf lot was sold 12/20/04, Whiteside to Payne, for $350,000. 115 Third St., Bradenton Beach a 1,009 sfla / 1,125 sfur 2bed/2bath condo built in 2004 was sold 12/21/04 Old Bridge Village LLP to Teitelbaum Investors LLC, for $250,000. ~510 & 512 58th St., Holmes Beach, a 1,482 sfia / 5,364 sfur 3bed/4bath/2car canalfront home with a pool built in 1955 on a 154xl 17 lot with adjoining 44xl 07 lot, was sold 12/29/04, Jones to AKR Development for $1,200,000. 1 13 81st St., Holmes Beach, a 1,289 sfia / 1,701 sfur 2bed/2bath home built in 1969 on a 64x8O, was sold, 12/28/ 04, Maranville to Hayes, for $625,000. 514 71.st St., Holmes Beach, a 1,397 sfla / 1,813 sfur 2bed/2bath canalfront home built in 1962 on a 95x103 lot, was sold 12/30/04, Loove to Newhart for $600-,000. 2510 N. 17th St., Bradenton Beach, a 1,425 sfla 2bedi/2bath new construction condo built in 2004 was sold 12/27/04, AM[ Bayshore Development LLC to Davis for $575,000; list $575,000. 6200 Flotilla Drive, Holmes Beach, a 1,622 sfla /1,793 sfur 3bed/2bath condo built in 1M7 was sold 12/30/04, Skalny to Rice for $515,000. 308 63rd St., Holmes Beach, a 1,232 sfla /1568 sfuir 2bo'd/l bath/2car home bull in 1971 on a 9,191 sq/ft lot, was sold 12/28/04, Fairchild to Lee for $475,000. 6500 Flotilla Drive, Holmes 'Beach, a 985 sfla / 1,377 sfur bayfront condo built in 1979 was sold 12/30/04, Rice to Kulhmann for $460,000; list $495,000. S3705 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach, a 1,146,sfla/ 1,247 sfur a 2berjlbnaih condo built in 1980 Sold 12/b/04, Ca'-po to Hamilton for $235,000. Compiled by Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at Gulf- Bay Realty, of Holmes Beach. He can be reached at (941) 713-4755 direct, or at Gulf-Bay (941) 778-7244. Current- Island real estate transactions may also be viewed on the Web at islander.org. Copyright 200'5. VILLAGE GREEN VELLA $265,000 Large 213R/213A unit with a den, family room and Florida room. Two-car garage ant d steps to pool. VIEWS OF TAMPA IBAV $525,000 k Enjoy the Island breeze from the large screen porch of this 213R/213A homre. ~ Open plan with new carpet and paint..New ~ roof. Great location close to post office, ~8~ shopping and the fishing pier. 6016 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton (941) 751-1155 (800) 778-8448 Visit our Web site at www.floridamoves. com ~'"':Pr"` I :.r, I , ..~-? ~a~-~~ ri ~F'*:..~:, i~S~ ?41 ~d ~~~~ W1 -asiwnmgnorg ffw. BEACH CITY MARKET & GRILLE c 1 I'l' !i.. ic 1 f ~~911 _____~ ~rc* "' i~p~ a~c~ I,-1 ;on Ksd ir~ .... .. . Ti N ot Ii r% ~ 1 i tI Ili ilk .... -~ I- ., L 111- Ill- ill 1, jl ill novatcivo ap proa~h to markir.-I. i i igW ?~C ~()111 ~S l~\i ~cl .t( Web sitte oil tile islandr coillpiete w iuih virtual l tour; anilld par!ticiplale ill propel~rties on o m-2-11 Homl tilt oractivo I I I i l-Illatioll C'eliter' as I vell iis; utilize toclcvbsik'm and p trint ods.< vOU ot, mi Y vrhink -tiuit isi~anli iw~ili is,i ivcauso of mirlni I mdi a Servinq the- Islanrd frC-IT% the SafTIO [OcCatiof) Sirl-C-0 1970. '-1104" 1%ldildl L-111 ( 01 I111 It & t I 1tIld e IAI 11 ON GULF DRIVE. EQUIPMENT, BUILDING AND REAL ESTATE. $845,000. I .-,...,, -! M. iisj. : Reach Richard tollfree: (877) 778-6066 See more photos: www.reach richard.com 4215 Bamboo Terrace Bradenton $5509000 Beautifully remodeled 3BR/2BA, San Remo Shores canal home with many upgrades. New kitchen with ele gant wood cabinets, stainless steel appliances, 18-inch ceramic tile~in l-iving areas. Brazilian hardwood floors in all bedrooms. New boat lift on one of West Bradenton's deepest canals. This home has it all. Open House Jan. 9, 2005. Call Team Pinnacle 877-469-4753 _I jwaaj~gF: \ Island Aiussie Geoff WallI The art of the deal for you www,AaussieGeo9ff.com RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE INC. THE ISLANDER 0 JAN. 12, 2005 0 PAGE 23 A EAS I ID I FTO MULTIPLE AWARD-WINNING local barrier island panoramas. Highest quality photographic fine-art prints. Online store: www.PhysicalSystems.com. Galleries: Restless Natives, Artists Guild, Longboat Key Art Center, Sarasota Art Center. ONE YEAR OLD GE dishwasher and GE smooth surface stove. Great for rentals! $40 each. (941) 778-0805 or 778-0904. WANTED: Three-wheel bike in good condition. Call (941) 778-6791. SPIRAL STAIRCASE, 4 by 10 feet, $500; Murphy bed, $250; five piece entertainment center, $650; dining room table, $100; new loveseat, $125; ga- rage door, $50. (941) 737-1121. ISLAND PLAYER'S PECAN SALE: Mammoth halves! New crop. $7 lb. Now available at The Is- lander newspaper. Proceeds benefit the Island Players. 10 PUTTERS: Some from the 1920s and 30s. $100. (941) 798-8342. FREE DELIVERY to your home or condo: Shrimp, crabs, native fish. Prompt delivery to your door. Call James Lee, (941) 795-1112 or 704-8421. ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open Tuesday, Thurs- day, Friday, 9:30am-2pm. Saturday, 9am-noon. Always sales racks. Pine Avenue, Anna Maria. (941) 779-2733. LOTS OF STUFF: Antiques, two televisions, North- western BR11 putter. 8am-2pm Friday-Saturday Jan. 14-15. 4518 119th St. W., Cortez. ONLINE SERVICE: Did you know you can place classified ads and subscribe online with our se- cure server? Check it out at www.islander.org, where you can read Wednesday's classified at noon on Tuesday. Tli Islander The best news on Anna Maria Island is now online: www.islander.org NIKI'S ANTIQUE MALL has two prime dealer spaces available Feb. 1. Stop by 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach or call Jean (941) 779-0729. Open seven days. ANNA MARIA ISLAND SCREENSAVER! Experience the Island on your computer desktop. Available at The Islander, or purchase online or order by mail. $12 PC or $15 Mac. www.robertsondesignstudio.com. AMI KIWANIS CLUB fruit orders benefit Island chil- dren. Order delicious oranges and grapefruit pack- ages for shipment to friends and family from mem- ber Rich Bohnenberger, (941) 778-0355. Order through May 2005. PILATES AND YOGA at Anna Maria Art League. Pilates, Monday, 9-10am; Yoga, Thursday, 9- 10:15am. Beginning to intermediate. $6/class. Drop-ins welcome. Instructor Preston Whaley Jr. (941) 778-3996. NEED A GIFT? Artists will design and create unique art, stained glass, paintings, painted furniture and more! Restless Natives, Island Shopping Center, 5314 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 779-2624. BAY PALMS WATERFRONT Bright and open floor plan. Spacious 3BR/ 3BA pool home features 2 Master suites, 2 A/C units, split bedroom design. Over- sized 2-car garage. Large seawalled canal lot with boat dock. Heated caged inground pool. No Bridgesto bay. Just steps to beach. Asking 789,900. "SEABREEZE" $791,000. Only steps to the beach access, this beautiful 3BR pool home, boasts hardwood floors, granite counters, gourmet kitchen, spa tub, oversized, 2-car garage with plenty of storage space. Currently under construction Buy it now before the prices go up. IB267055 )s ul te )d .... ,!fl: ,: . b , separate laundry room, oversized d lF 2-cargarage with plenty of storage .. ,l space. Just completed and ready for you to move into now. IB267502 ,'f. ROSA DEL MAR m. IPi Luxurious Gulffront condos from $1,700,000. Imagine : '' ', watching the orange glow of ," .the sun as it sets over the Sazure waters of the Gulf of Mexico, while relaxing on L your 30 foot balcony. These 1900 sf units boast 3 BR/2.5BA, hardwood and marble floors, granite counters, gourmet kitchen, tray & coffered ceilings, central vacuum, private elevator, 2-car secure parking and much more. Currently under construction Buy it now before the prices go up. Stop by our offices at 2510 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach or 401 South Bay Drive, Anna Maria. www.GulfAndBayParadise.com, IB258448. Call Dr. Nelson Neal 941-544-8987 orTeres H aies 941-302-30100 SCodwell Banher, SL Arj'nands CArckri 1 2, -_N I-99)0 aE~fg-g^^J-~g~gM g~~q~ifi~ly~i,^*&--&*'fgg5'E''a.F'Jfl~ia~^.-KL^gE~~iJ--a,-^. atj.^*^-'- ^'i^'FTV S-tw, F7 Ff^- Vume -Call Travis and Smith Group ,W ABA 941-758-7777 n -r--I _--I AI- Join the Top Producing Real Estate Company in. Manatee County... PI/MGGulfstream Realty ifor fo r 7': ,' .. ,.- .. :.. :. ..... C .:.... :. . Please call Jeff Prater for a confidential appointment, 941-778-7777. Remax Gulfstream Realty 401 Manatee Avenue Holmes Beach , i B,_ ":.- ' I /""~it CAN BE! Steps to the beach, S tao. U 2BR/1BA, available February and April. $2,000 per month. "SEAMIST"$799,000. Only step to the beach access, this beautif 3BR pool home, with prival master suite, boasts hardwoc floors, granite counters, spa tul r ~-~nrr~aspe~,, ~ ~-..,~os~i~s~srasa ~ -BCa~- L--C4~-P-r L4111~ ~~-~-~L-l~bll ~~L~E~ ~~l~-~Bbk-~ ~ I~ PAGE 24 0 JAN. 12, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER ANONEET Conined OS.AN FUNDKIS FR IRE11 ontinue BUTTERFLY PARK BENEFIT: Purchase a person- alized brick in the Anna Maria Island Butterfly Park. Two lines, $40. Three lines, $50. Pick up form at The Islander or call (941) 518-4431 for more infor- mation. FREE GUN LOCK. Yes, free. Just for the asking. Courtesy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conserva- tion Commission. Free at The Islander newspaper office, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Don't be sorry, be safe. LONGBOAT KEY HISTORY "From Calusas to S Condominiums" by Ralph B. Hunter. Signed copies available at The Islander, 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-7978. CRITTER SITTER nine years in pet care. 24 years as an Island resident. Lots of TLC for your beloved pets with in-home visits. (941) 778-6000. ADULT CATS in desperate need of loving homes. All are current on vaccines. All applicants screened. Please call (941) 922-0774. FREE TO APPROVED home! Two black cats, fixed, litter trained. Five month-old male. Four-year- old female. Lovable people cats! (941) 778-8677. 1993 MERCURY SABLE: green-blue, air condition- ing, cassette player, air bags. Loaded, well main- tained, in perfect condition, never been in accident; 111,000 miles. $3,300. (941) 794-1333. 2001 PT CRUISER: 50,000 miles. Purple, sunroof, ice-cold air, leather interior. Garage kept. $9,500. (941) 778-3875. 1990 ECONOLINE 150 VAN, cold air conditioning, has towing package. Ready for travel. Runs great! $1,800, or best offer. (941) 778-1102. ,,, .; : : .' --^-i "' .-^ Sue Carlson Top Lister '. I"' and Selling Agent for 2004 "I thank all my wonderful customers for putting their faith in me to help them sell or find their place in paradise! Thank You!" 411 Pine Avenue Anna Mrias 941-720-2242 LOST BLUE FIBERGLASS dinghy: 9.6 feet with black mercury, 3.3-hp. FL registration # FL 2804MT. (941) 224-6036. MODULAR FLOATING DOCK systems: Custom drive-on docking solutions by Versa Dock. Mainte- nance free, 20-year warranty. (941) 685-7648. www.versadock.com. 1996 GRADY WHITE: 24-foot voyager T-top. Cabin, two 130-hp Yamahas, low hours. Lift kept. $35,000. (941) 778-1620. 1995 EVINRUDE 200 HP. All cables, control box, key switch, propellor. Lbss than 100 hours on re- build. $3,500. (941) 723-1107. MOORING WANTED to rent on Island for a 14-foot Hobie Cat. (941) 778-1074. 2002 SEA RAY 192 Bow Rider. Excellent condition, kept on lift, detailed and serviced regularly. 19-foot; 190-hp stern drive, custom seat, bimini top, canvas covers, etc. $14,800. Call (941) 778-6234 leave message or e-mail kendra@presswoodlaw.com. 1994 FOUR WINNS 325 Cruiser. Loaded with options. New canvas, bottom paint and carpet. Sleek black and white. $37,900. (941) 778-0805 or 778-0904. BOAT LIFT AVAILABLE for rent: Access to Gulf, north end of Anna Maria. Call for more details. (941) 778-2778. LET'S GO FISHING! Call Capt. Mike Heistand on the charter boat "Magic." Full or half day backwater fishing. USCG licensed. Ice, bait, tackle provided. (941) 723-1107. CHILD SITTER AND PET SITTER. Ninth-grade male looking for a job. Available after school and weekends. Call Zachary, (941) 779-9783. UPDATED 2BR/1BA IN A SUPER LOCATION. GREAT RENTAL INCOME. $499,000. jr . *t Reach Richard tollfree: (877) 778-6066 See more photos: www.reachrichard.com ~ -e.- I a 'U-- u NEED A CHILD or pet sitter? Call one number and get connected to three wonderful sitters! Tiffany, Kari, Holly. (941) 778-3275 or 779-0793. BABYSITTER: RED CROSS babysitting and first- aid certified. Enjoys playing with kids. Call Alexandra, (941) 778-5352. SPENCER'S SKIM SCHOOL for beginners and in- termediates. Free skimboard use with lessons. $10 per half-hour lesson, three lessons recommended. Local teen, team competitor. Call (941) 778-0944. PETSITTER, DOG WALKER, 12-year-old mother's helper, odd jobs. Call Kendall at (941)'779-9783 or 779-9803. BABYSITTER WITH EXPERIENCE and CPR li- cense, 13 years old, friendly and responsible. (941) 778-2469. 13-YEAR-OLD girl will babysit all ages in your home. Reasonable rates and knows CPR. Call Jes- sica Lord, (941) 747-2495. RETIRED NURSE/caregiver available. No lifting. References, reasonable. (941) 746-9246. REAL ESTATE: Tired of paying office fees? Two experienced agents needed for fast paced, high traffic Island office. Top splits, sign-on bonus. Call Wedebrock Real Estate today! "Personalized, not Franchised". Call Joe Pickett, (941) 383-5543. SALES ASSOCIATES NEEDED, fast paced office in prime location. No fees, great splits. Call Jesse or Robin, (941) 778-7244. QUALIFIED CHEF/SOUS chef for busy continental restaurant serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. Ap- ply at Ooh La La! Bistro, 5406 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, or call, (941) 778-1102. NOW HIRING ALL positions. Rotten hours, rotten pay. Apply at Rotten Ralph's Waterfront Restau- rant, 902 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria or call (941) 778-3953. FOR SALE: Enjoy the stunning Gulf views and glorious sunsets from this; I ' 2BR/2.5BA townhouse. The beach is located directly across the street. Soar- -:;... : .. ing ceilings in master bedroom, walk-in , closet, updated fixtures, hurricane .. window film, and storage galore. Enjoy ' the private heated pool while sitting on your garden terrace. $449,500. Paul T. Collins, PA JM 9-41-054-5454 P _r'.:],__ l_,_,,,ll .. : i',-ri A .:ri ,t Pro parties S. .-. WHAT AN INVESTMENT! S ...OVER $900/WEEK INCOME. V. r" ... .- i. Spectacular W. Bradenton S'', Lakefront home, 4BR/3BA k ,with two master suites. Heated pool, turnkey furnished. $375,500. ANNA MARIA WATERFRONT . -,1 "M 2BR/1BA condo with boat '- slip. Totally renovated. ." Everything brand new. TI ' $395.000. Island Aussie Geoffrey Wall, G.R.I. P.A. NIwo wn~Wd'r in 3 ,:. _-,., ,, "' (941) 545-0206 l,?r: ^,/nenatonal jRe~a EsiA .,, A -:,v- Wayne Harris, P.A. S "(941) 713-4134 ri J t' 3 a prpSl, ; www.AussieGeoff.com Quality H I-i:i~ ~h~c r'; a THE ISLANDER M JAN. 12, 2005 M PAGE 25 H ,L -WANEDCntinedConinue 1 ,M ,igu DISHWASHER/SERVER with experience only. Also, busperson. 5610 Gulf of Mexico, Longboat Key. (94,) 383-0013. BOOKKEEPER POSITION available for busy, friendly Island business. Flexible hours, full or part time, some remote work from home a possibility. QuickBooks experience required. Call Carol, (941) 778-6066. PROPERTY CARETAKER NEEDED: Full time. Possible living accommodations. Perfect for semi- retired handy person. Fax resume: (941) 866-9010. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Tingley Memorial Li- brary, Bradenton Beach. Check books, re-shelve, assist library patrons. Come in or call Eveann Adams, (941) 779-1208. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Meet interesting people, learn the history of the Island. Anna Maria Island Historical Museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. (941) 778-0492. MAN WITH SHOVEL Plantings, natives, cabbage palms, patio gardens, trimming, clean-up, edgings, more. Hard-working and responsible. Excellent ref- erences. Edward (941) 778-3222. LET US DRIVE YOU! Shopping, medical appoint- ments, airports, cruise ports. Flat rates. Sunshine Car Service. Serving the Islands. (941) 778-5476. COMPUTER OBEDIENCE TRAINING. Is your computer misbehaving? Certified computer service and private lessons. Special $30/hour. Free advice. (941) 545-7508. ISLAND PRESSURE CLEANING for great results, wash away mildew, dirt, salt. Thorough, reason- able, reliable. Free estimates, licensed, insured. (941) 778-0944. CONNECT-ICON Your local computer specialist. Experienced certified technician for communication electronics offers wireless and cable networks, up- grades, maintenance, repairs, tutoring and training. Call Robert, (941) 778-3620. CHECK US OUT AT www.islander.org ! NOTARY PUBLIC: Civil marriages and renewal of wedding vows, sunset beach setting or wherever. Norman R. Veenstra, (941) 778-5834. CALL DAN'S RESCREEN for your free estimate to- day. Affordable rates, quality work guaranteed. Pool cages, lanais, windows, doors. Call (941) 713-5333. SCOTT'S HANDYMAN SERVICES: Remodeling and repair. Free estimate, many references. Island resident. (941) 713-1907 cell, (941) 778-5427 home. E-mail: geraldscottfulton @hotmail.com. ABOUT GROUT: All repairs and installation. Done right! Grout cleaning, sealing, staining. Showers, kitchens, pools, re-caulks. Call Jeff, (941) 545-0128 or 569-8888. TREE SERVICE: Stump grinding, topping, trimming, removals. Palm trimming. 15 years locally working on Anna Maria. Phil Brewer, (941) 545-4770 or 778-7790. COMPUTER REPAIR: Maintenance, upgrades, security, spyware removal, tutoring. Call Ron Lee, anytime day or night, seven days a week. WILL CLEAN, COOK, run errands. Experienced. (941) 794-0494. PHOTOGRAPHER FOR HIRE: Kelly Ragan. Cus- tom portraits, weddings, beach photography. Infor- mation at Restless Natives, (941) 779-2624. MURALIST, Mark Burdette. Custom murals, interior or exterior, landscapes and more. Information at Restless Natives, (941) 779-2624. MUSIC LESSONS! Flute, saxophone, clarinet. Begin- ning to advanced. Contact Koko Ray, (941) 792-0160. BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigera- tion. Commercial and residential service, repair and/ or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and per- sonalized service, call William Eller, (941) 795-7411. RA005052. ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional cre- ates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www.jackelka.com. (941) 778-2711. NADIA'S EUROSAGE Relaxing, healing massage in the comfort of your home. Call today for an ap- pointment, (941) 795-0887. MA#0017550. TILE AND MOSAIC custom installation, 20 years experience. References available. For a reasonable price call Sebastian, (941) 704-6719. AUTO DETAILING BY HAND Spotless inside and out. I can save you time and money. Island resident, references. For pricing, call (941) 713-5967. CONNIE'S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, land- scaping, cleanup, hauling and more! Insured. (941) 778-5294. ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER service and repair. If it is broken, we can fix it. Free estimates. Senior discount. Call (941) 778-2581 or 962-6238. CLOUD 9 LANDSCAPING: Quality lawn landscape maintenance, shell, planting, clean-ups, palms trimmed. Free estimates. References, insured. Call (941) 778-2335 or 284-1568. JR'S LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE Lawns, native plants, mulching, trimming, hauling, cleanup. Island resident 25 years. Call (941) 807-1015. PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN and in- stallation. Huge selection of plants, shrubs and trees. Irrigation. Everything Under the Sun Garden Centre, 5704 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. (941) 778-444,1. SHELL DELIVERED and spread. $35/yard. Haul- ing: all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free es- timates. Call Larry at (941) 795-7775, "shell phone" (941) 720-0770. KARAZ LANDSCAPE Lawn Service. Mulch, clean- ups, power washing, tree trimming and more. City of Anna Maria resident. Cell (941) 448-3857. NATURE'S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residen- tial and commercial. 30-years experience. (941) 748-3356. ISLANDER CLASSIFIED: The best news in town and the best results from classified ads and service advertising! The Islalder Friends and family that live afar will surely appreciate keeping in touch with what's happening on Anna Maria - it's like a 'ettre- fFrorl home. Kc.p iri t,;'l.;,h i.'ith ;-i gift *'subscription. You can charge your subscription to MasterCard or Visa by phone or visit us at 5404 Marina Drive, Island Shopping Center, Holmes Beach. 941-778-7978 Camellia Properties Vacation Rentals & Property Management www.camelliaproperties.com More than 35 Gulffront rentals to choose from. Call us last! Best rates on the beach! eCC-fI .. 4 LaCosta Condominium Marbella Condominium Family Friendly Gulffront Luxury 2-Bedroom Condominiums 2 & 3-Bedroom Condominiunis One-Week Minimum Call For Rates and Availability 866-661-6622 or 778-8000 4 l ..P / Beach City Market . I Property Building & Equipment $ $845,000) E-mail: J.n7,Jori4Re,alEsraie.: 'in E-m._ zl: J,: n,.5' J,:rj4 R ea IE sra le.,~: or SALES & RENTALS 419 Pine Ave., Anna Maria FL 34216 PO Box 2150 (941) 778-2291 EVENINGS 778-2632 FAX (941) 778-2294 ""' hSBW Sa VILLAGE OF ANNA MARIA 2BR/2BA waterfront home with 28 ft x 14 ft, heated, caged pool, overlooking the natural navigable waterway. Boat dock, brick fireplace, Palladian & bay windows, fully equipped kitchen with expansive breakfast bar, his & hers vanities, shady cabana, outside shower, plus bonus room. Easy care oyster shell landscaping, vinyl siding, just steps to the bay & gulf. $745,000. '4' AHOY MATE! DROP ANCHOR HERE! Spacious 3BR/2BA waterfront pool home overlooking ultra wide, seawalled canal with boat dock. Sparkling white kitchen with Corian countertops, heated caged pool with tiled hot tub & waterfall, 2-car garage, and much more! Priced at $675,000. VI) TOUR Visit our Web site at STUNNING WATERFRONT POOL HOME Captivating 3BR/2BA completely refurbished hideaway on deep water canalfront, with spacious waterside family room, beamed cathedral ceilings & wood burning fireplace, gourmet kitchen, Corian countertops, custom made birchwood cabinets, stain- less steel appliances, beadboard ceiling, brand new seawall, dock, boat lift, blue lagoon pool w/waterfall & rock surround, tropical landscaping, handsome brick paved, circular driveway, and bright southerly exposure. $949,500. 111 -> BAREFOOT LIVING ON THE BAYOU Newly refurbished 2BR/2BA hideaway offers porcelain floors, blue Corian countertops, French doors leading to poolside cabana, navy blue bottom gas heated saltwa- ter pool with hot tub & waterfall, boat dock with gulf and bay access, and so much more! $749,000. Swww.betsyhills.com ^ ,8~, I;-- -- _-- I ,, 3 --e~- -- I I -- -C II r -r ~arYrrC I:1 PAGE 26 0 JAN. 12, 2005 K THE ISLANDER 1,S L A DE "LASSIFIED STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Installs, clean- ups, shell, rock, palms, aquascapes, tree work. Truck for hire, move anything. Shark Mark (941) 727-5066. VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, inte- rior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island references. Dan or Bill, (941) 795-5100. JOE UNGVARSKY CONSTRUCTION Remodeling contractors. In-house plan designs. State licensed and insured. Many Island references. (941) 778- 2993. License #CRC 035261. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING free esti- mates. 35-year Island resident. Call Jim Bickal at (941) 778-1730. CHRISTIE'S PLUMBING Island and off-Island ser- vice since 1975. Repairs and new construction. Free estimates, no overtime charges. Now certify- ing back flow at water meters. (FL#RF0038118) (941) 778-3924 or 778-4461. TILE TILE TILE. All variations of ceramic tile sup- plied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, (941) 726-3077. ROOFING REPAIRS and replacements. Remodel- ing, repairs, additions,-screen rooms, kitchens, baths. Free estimates. License #CGC061519, #CCC057977, #PE0020374. Insured. Accepting MasterCard/Visa. (941) 720-0794. CUSTOM RENOVATION/RESTORATION expert. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. In- sured. Member of Better Business Bureau. Paul Beauregard, (941) 779-2294. MORE CLASSIFIEDS equals more readers. Kathy Geeraerts, Realtor 778-0455 S reen REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA S www.greenreal.com You Pick: Family Compound, Second Home or Vacation Retreat Offering two lakefront properties in Anna Maria KEN & TINA DBA Griffin's Home Improvements Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and shutters. Insured and licensed, (941) 748-4711. TILE, CARPET, LAMINATE supplied and installed. Why pay retail? Island resident, many references. Free estimates, prompt service. Steve Allen Floor Coverings. (941) 792-1367, or 726-1802. MASON: 27 YEARS of experience. All masonry work and repair. Cinderblock work, brick work, glass block work, paver and brick driveways. Call Chris, (941) 795-3034. License #104776. Insured. MORENO MARBLE & TILE Installation and resto- ration. Quality work. Over 20 years experience. In- sured. Call Javier at (941) 685-5163 or 795-6615. JERRY'S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry work, handy- man, light plumbing, electrical, light hauling, pres- sure washing and tree trimming. Call (941) 778- 6170 or 447-2198. HANDYMAN SERVICE: Bill MacCaughern. Re- pairs, renovations, kitchens, bathrooms, decks. Masonry, tile, painting. 30 years experience. Yes, I do show up! (941) 778-3904. PERFECTIONIST PAINTING and power washing. Interior/exterior painting! From $1 sf, plus materials. Free estimate. Established 1985. Call Kirt D. Sweatt anytime, (941) 702-0993. RANDY'S REMODELING: Demo, carpentry, drywall finishing and texture. Free estimates. (941) 778- 0540 or 320-2506. JIM MELANSON Painting interior, exterior, pressure cleaning. Free estimates, 18-year Island resident. Call Jim, (941) 718-9053. REDONE INSIDE AND OUT, HEATED POOL, NEW LANDSCAPING, 2BR/2BA, VIEWS! $695,000. STEVE'S REMODELING & repair service. Free estimates, 35 years experience. (941) 795-1968. CARL V. JOHNSON JR. Inc Building contractor. New homes, additions, renovations. Quality work and fair prices. Call 795-1947. Lic#RR0066450. PAINTING AND HOME repair: Local references, free estimates. I take pride in my work. Your satis- faction guaranteed. Call John (941) 778-3713. WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS, shutters and more. Lifetime warranty. Call Keith Barnett for a free in- home consultation. Island references, 15 years ex- perience. (941) 778-3526 or 730-0516. AUTUMN, WINTER, SPRING rentals available weekly, monthly, seasonal. Wedebrock Real Estate Co., (941) 778-6665 or (800) 749-6665. VACATION RENTALS: 2BR apartments across from beautiful beach, $375 to $500/week. Winter and spring dates available. Almost Beach Apart- ments, (941) 778-2374. VACATION & SEASONAL Private beach. Units are complete. Rates seasonally adjusted. $425-$975/ week, $975-$2,975/month. (800) 977-0803 or (941) 737-1121. www.abeachview.com. NORTH SHORE DRIVE beachfront. Four spacious 3BR/2BA homes. Please call.(813) 752-4235, or view Web site: www.AhhSeaBreeze.com POOL HOME AVAILABLE for vacation let. Near Holmes Beach, 3BR/2BA with all amenities. Man- aged by Coastal Properties Realty, (941) 794'-1515. FIND IT! BUY IT! SELL IT FAST! In The Islander. Water Views from Every Room! Condo with Dock i sa- 3 Reach Richard tollfree: (877) 778-6066 See more photos: www.reachrichard.com ; ^^^^^^^^^^^*'' Large and immaculate 3BR/ 2BA end unit. Enjoy sunsets, pool, spa, tennis courts, close to beach and shop- ping, carport. $545,000. SOne-of-a-Kind Dollhouse Immaculate Updated Well Maintained Heated, caged pool with jacuzzi, beautiful mainte- nance-free landscaping, close to beaches and golf course. $639,900. Call Piroska Planck, 730-9667 Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate Inc. 300 North Shore Dr 4BR/2.5BA du- plex with five-car garage. Private open decks, large picture windows, great views of lake. Asking $750,000. MLS cOCK. L.oneo auplex. Extras! AsKing 5u0V2I. $850,000. MLS 502321. | Call Stephanie Bell, (941) 920-5156 or Frank Miliore, (941) 778-230. Call Stephanie Bell, (941) 920-5156 or Frank Migliore, (941) 778-2367!. WEST OF GULF DRIVE -131 WhiteN C REDUC D Ave. Duplexon corner lot, two-car ga& s o B l"l. -''. of decks, over 3,900 sf. under roof. 150 steps to beach access. Would also make a great single-family home! Ask- Sing $685,000. For more details call Stephanie Bell, Broker, 778-2307 or 920-5156. MLS103353. EB Fabulous energy ef- .. ficient Key West- style duplex -con- structed on 18-foot lj l pilings. Private court- yard entry includes a small heated pool. I t a Each suite offers 3BR/2BA, yellow S- -I pine and Mexican tile floors, gourmet kitchen with maple cabinets, central vacuum, high-speed internet wiring, one-car garage and fire alarm/ sprinkler system. Office loft in upper suite opens to sun deck with Gulf and bay views. $975,000. * ANNUAL RENTALS AVAILABLE * SEASONAL RENTALS 2BR/1 BA condo, 2905 61st St., $1,800/month 2BR/2BA villa, 428 62nd St., $2,000/month 2BR/2BA duplex, 207 70th St., $2,500/month Marina Pointe Realty Co. SERVING THE AREA SINCE 1970 MLS REALTORS 5910 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach, FL 34217 Call (941) 778-0777 or Rentals 778-0770 1-800-741-3772 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Web site: www.smithrealtors.com Ii~t Nl~t -"t, ; t, ,ip~ ~:. ;. :4 Mr~.:~ ~'~~""" PB~~''' .3g, -4~y ~ i~e~~i .... i ii ~;:"~~! ilsit~~~s I:.~~~ :,a~ '"' .~' ~~ 314 Pine Avenue Anna Maria (941) 779-0732 Toll Free (866) 779-0732 DUPLEX 2BR/1BA and 2BR/2BA, screened porch and one-car garage each side. Asking $555,900. Please call Michel Cerene, Broker, 778-0777 or 545- 9591 eves or Mike Carleton, 737-0915. SPECIAL OFFER Moti- vated seller offers one year maintenance free on this 2BR/2BA condo with a lake view. Completely updated, screened lanai. $335,000. Please call Victor Rosenfeld, Realtor, 778-0777 or 920-1693 eves. 302 North Shore Dr 3+BR/3BA with 1 BR/1 BA apartment. Five-car garage, one short block to beach, direct beach access, peeks of Gulf. Seawall and jill" . .... - -- -- smithl THE ISLANDER M JAN. 12, 20.05 5 PAGE 27 SLN-DR CLSSI I E..D... NORTH SHORE DRIVE beachfront. Four spacious 3BR/2BA homes. Please call (813) 752-4235, or view Web site: www.AhhSeaBreeze.com CORTEZ COTTAGE fully furnished, nice breezy, quiet area. Seasonal, $1,700/month, $600/week, $100/night. (941) 778-8168 or 794-5980. www.divefish.com. SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, 4BR (two master suites)/3BA, house on canal. Two minutes to beach. Heated pool, dock, cable TV, washer/ dryer, garage, designer furnished with tropical yard setting. One of the finest rentals on Island. $1,600/ weekly or $6,000/monthly. Call 713-0034 or e-mail: gamiller@tampabay.rr.com. FULLY FURNISHED VILLA in beautiful Mt. Vernon, two miles to beaches. 2BR/2BA, no pets, nonsmok- ing, age 55-plus. Minimum three months. Peak sea- son, $2,500/month; annually, $1,500/month. (941-) 721-1784. RENTALS RENT fast when you advertise in The Islander. S 29Years ofProfessionalService - YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REAL ESTATE SHOPPE. Experience Reputation Results HOLMES BEACH DUPLEX Separate 2 BD/2BA units attached at roof with LIFT. Fireplace in 1,364 square foot owner's side. Updated features. Great value at $784,500. BAYFRONT TOWNHOUSE VILLA 3BR/3BA, tile floors, garage, heated pool/gazebo, upgrade appliancespristine setting. Enclosed balconies plus third balcony. $470,000. I,,, RECT GULFFRONT 1BR/1BA, owner financing. $549,000. 4 UNITS ANNA MARIA Some with bay view. One 2BR, three IBR, room for pool. Great investment. $870,000. Owner financing. KEY WEST-STYLE 3BR/2.5BA, fireplace, ceramic floors, oak stairs, 30-foot covered deck, four-car garage, storage rooms. $785,000. VACATION, SEASONAL & ANNUAL RENTALS Featuring 101 Palm Luxury Villas Other Properties Available 5508C MARINA DRIVE 778-0807 800-956-0807 yrealt7@aol.com *www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com NCWRTIEN C 14RIKME LIVE THE FLORIDA LIFESTYLE in this beautifully maintained island home. Many features, offered at $569,000. -.. - 3BR/2BA home nestled away on a natural canal. Offered at $650,000. reen REAL ESTATE OF ANNA MARIA 941 778-0455 Ken Jat 9906 Gulf Drive Kathy C Anna Maria Mauree www.greenreal.com LaRae S.r .-i-i-.,o-. . a- ckson, 778-6986 3eeraerts, 778-0072 en Dahms, 778-0542 Regis, 779-1858 5BR/4.5BA: WALK TO Bean Point beach. Available January. www.abeachhouse.com. (941) 725-1074. ELEVATED 2BR/2BA.BEACH house, undercover parking, close to beach, nicely furnished. 210 81st St., Holmes Beach. $2,250/month. (813) 962-0817. NEW FURNISHED 2BR/2BA 55-plus, across from beach. Furnished, annual $1,150/month. Also avail- able seasonal. (941) 725-1074. VACATION OR SEASON, Anna Maria Gulffront apart- ments, 1, 2, 3BR. Porches, sundecks, laundry. Im- maculate, tropical setting. No pets. (941) 778-3143. VACATION RENTALS: Available now through April. Weekly or monthly. Fran Maxon Real Estate, (941) 778-2307. www.franmaxonrealestate.com. CORTEZ VACATION COTTAGE. Renovated, light and open, nonsmoking,. no pets. $800/week, $1,700/month. (941) 795-8077. RENT it fast with an ad in The Islander. LTD MORTGAGE INC. The Oldest Mortgage Co. on Anna Maria Island Linda G. Davis Ted E. Davis Licensed Mortgage Brokers Conforming and jumbo loans. 1st and 2nd mortgages. SNo closing cost home equity lines of credit. 100% purchase money mortgages. SResidential and commercial mortgages. Private money available for those hard-to-place loans. (941) 779-2113 |, | 502 72nd Street Holmes Beach THOUSANDS OF HOr.1ES ONE ADDRESS WWW.MICHAELSAUNDERS.COM .. .-fc^ .; PRIVATE RIVERFRONT ESTATE. DRAMATIC PANORAMIC BAY & IN- Approx. 300 ft. of water frontage on TERCOSTAL VIEWS! 3BR/3BA Key 1.6 acres. Granite kitchen counterswo..,ay.~ ome offering 3100 SF, ex- guest quarters, pool bar, elevator & tended lanai with pool/spa & private private ,dock. $2,999,999. Cindy dock. $1,500,000: Leah Secondo, Pierro, 748-6300 or 920-6818. 99843 748-6300. 500489 - .- ,c '" S,.* :. .i I N ANNA MARIA ISLAND 4BR/4BA home UPDATED & REMODELED 4BR/4BA offers a private master suite w/kitchen- canal front home w/large open deck, . ette, balconies on each floor & court- oversized heated pool w/spa & private yard w/heated pool. $1,495,000. 748- dock w/boatlift. $750,000. 748-6300. 6300. Kathy Valente, 685-6767 or Anka Victoria Horstmann, 518-1278 or Eshak, 504-6374. 105783 Joanne Jenkins, 228-7878. 503137 SERENE 10-Acre waterfront estate on Terra Ceia Island. Breathtaking views from all decks & nature preserves. $1,950,000. Ruth Lawler, 748-6300 or 587-4623. 502892 DIRECT BEACHFRONT CONDO! 3BR turnkey furnished penthouse w/3 balconies & full Gulf views. $1,690,000. Victoria Horstmann, 748-6300 or 518-0278. 503067 PANORAMIC BAY VIEWS from nearly every room of this 3BR/3BA home w/dockl $1,195,000.748-6300. Sandy Drapala, 725-0781 or Kathy Marcinko, 713-1100. 502259; ISLAND INVESTMENT. 4-unit building grandfathered-in on corner 90X100 lot. Only 2. 1/2 blocks to Gulf of Mexico. $599,000. Ruth Lawler, 748-6300 or 587-4623. 501426 RANCH located on a deep sailboat water canal w/easy access to the Gulf. Caged pool & maintenance free yard. $525,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. 503395 GULF FRONT 1BR/1.5BA condo on Anna Maria Island w/breathtaking sunset views. $469,000.748-6300. Sandy Drapala, 725-0781 or Kathy Marcinko, 713-1100. 501461 CHARMING ISLAND RETREAT Double lot w/serene lagoon. Classic 1950's bunga- low w/Mexican tile. $447,500. Ruth Lawler, 748-6300 or 587-4623. 500427 GREAT ISLAND LOCATION! Updated 1-2BR/2BA townhouse w/private patio. Pride of ownership shows. $340,000. Barbara Westendorf, 748-6300 or 685-6109. 501694 ESTABLISHED NW neighborhood offers this 2BR ranch home w/1572 SF. Newercar- pet, tile & paint. $189,000. Kathy Valente, 748-6300 or 685-6767. 503427 .40 MNTE VEU WS: 9BADNO, F 329,.9174.60 /11M SEASONAL RENTALS: 2BR/2BA Baywatch condo, heated pool, waterview, $1,000/week, $3,000/month; Perico Bay Club, 2BR/2BA, pool, tennis, small pet OK, $2,600/month; Bayou, 2BR/1BA, across from beach, $2,500/month. SunCoast Real Estate, (941) 779- 0202. www.suncoastinc.com. ANNUAL UNFURNISHED: Bradenton Beach 3BR/ 2BA modern duplex on Intracoastal. Dock and dav- its. Inside washer and dryer, large rooms. First, last, $1,100/month. (727) 784-3679. GREAT SUNSET VIEWS. Two 2BR apartments on Gulf Drive, Bradenton Beach. Call (941) 914-4646 PANORAMIC BAYFRONT RETREAT: Monthly seasonal rental. Large 2BR/1BA newly renovated and fully equipped. $2,800/month. (352) 267-9187. MT. VERNON LAKEFRONT furnished 2BR/2BA villa located in bird sanctuary on Sarasota Bay. Only two miles from Gulf beaches. Pool, tennis, clubhouse. No pets, nonsmoking, 55-plus. Avail- able three-twelve months. Boat dock (up to 23 feet) included, based on availability. $2,600/monthly, plus electric and tax. (941) 794-5011. ANNA MARIA ISLAND SIICoast REAL ESTATE LLC PLAYA ENCANTADA 2BR/2BA Elegant condo in superb Gulf-front com- plex. Furnished, renovated kitchen, storm shutters, saunas. Gorgeous beach, jacuzzis, tennis, secured heated pool, under-building parking. Holmes Beach. $699,900. GULF PLACE CONDO 3BR/2BA Turnkey furnished. Gulffront complex. Open plan, breakfast bar, dining room, walk-in clos- ets, screened porch, washer/dryer. Gorgeous beach, heated pool, tennis. Great rental. $1,050,000. KEY WEST-STYLE WITH BOAT DOCK 3BR/2.5BA plus den/office. Charming home, large lot, fenced yard. Breakfast bar, dining room, large master bedroom and bath with Jacuzzi tub, screened porch, balcony. Deeded boat slip with private dock. Holmes Beach. $699,900. HOLMES BEACH DUPLEX 2BR/1BA each. Very close to beautiful beach. One- car ga rage, pa3 io. One unit turnkey furnished. Appli- ances both sides. Utility with washer/dryer, residen- tial area, room for pool. $675,000. ISLAND TRIPLEX 2BR/1.5BA plus 1BR/1BA and 2BR/1BA. Great in- vestment! Watch the sunset as you collect rent from these charming units. Easy to see, call for appoint- ment. Just steps to beautiful beach. $749,000. BAY HOLLOW- PRIVATE DOCK 2BR/2BA, updated condo with deeded boat dock. Eat-in kitchen, wood-burning fireplace, walk-in clos- ets, Jacuzzi tub. Carport and heated pool. $359,900. SHELL POINT CONDO 2BR/2BA, could be 3BR. Large den with closet, in- door utility room, washer/dryer and sink. Walk-in closet, ceramic tile, close to heated pool. Tennis, put- ting green, carport. Central location, near library, shopping and restaurants. $379,900. ANNUAL RENTALS From $700 / month SEASONAL RENTALS Condos/Homes: $500 week / $1,000 month 779-0202 (800) 732-6434 ANNA MARIlA I M SiLSCoast REAL ESTATE LLC Island Shopping Center 5402 Marina Drive Holmes Beach, Florida 34217 www.suncoastinc.com PAGE 28 I JAN. 12, 2005 1 THE ISLANDER Sandy's Lawn Service Inc. La n Celebrating 20 Years of SQality & Dependable Service. I Service Call as for your landscape am345 ardlscape needs. Licensed & Insured H[ H PhI NTIH Residential Commercial Check our references: "Quality work at a reasonable price." licensed/Insued Serving Anna Morio Iand Since 1986 7618900 Paradise Improvements 778-4173 Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist Replacement Doors and Windows Steven Kaluza Andrew Chennault Fully Licensed and Insured Island References LicCBC056755 WAGNER REALTY 2217 G DMniVe Qml*l BDAD1OMIO BaaCL 3M INCE 199 IHAOLD IMAL REALTO. Office: (941) 778-2246 792- 8628 E-mail: haroldsmall@wagnerreally.com S"HARON VWT.T.A1RF %fs.p Realtor Direct (941) 920-0669 www.rentalson piiamainrin com R"( lXGulfstream Realty ' ELITE CAB 539-6374 Serving Manatee County, Sarasota/Bradenton & Tampa Airports ELENI ROUSONELOS Certified fitness trainer In-home services Affordable rates No excuses I'll come to you! (941) 224-7506 11.1 SCREEN isisimii1 RESCREENING POOL CAGES, LANAIS, ETC. (941) 962-0395 Free Estimates 3-Year Warranty with Complete Rescreens We use only professional equipment and f1 qualy Phifer screen MC & Visa Accepted Financing Available SUNSHINE MARBLE RESTORATION Highest quality work at lowest price point RESTORATION CLEANING HONING * PUSHING SEALING BATHROOMS, FLOORS, VANITIES, KITCHEN COUNTERS, SHOWER STALLS, MARBLE, TERRAZO, GRANITE, TRAVENTINE, LIMESTONE No job too large, no job too small! We do it all... call the marble master at: 941-400-7317 IS ANDERC ASSFIDS RENALS oninedI ENALSCnine SEASONAL PERICO BAY Club 2BR/2BA villa, January, $2,500; Palma Sola Townhouse, January, $1,500/month, February, $2,500/month. Call Real Estate Mart (941) 756-1090. ANNUAL: UNFURNISHED 2BR/2BA duplex, el- evated, new carpet and paint, walk to beach. First, last, security. $800/month. 779-1112. CHARMING BEACH Cottage. 2BR/2BA. Steps to Gulf. Available January, February, March. Call (941) 778-7351. SEASONAL: 2BR/2BA ELEVATED duplex. Washer/dryer, dishwasher, new paint and carpet, walk to Gulf, two-month minimum. Available Jan. 15-Feb. 15. $1,900/month. (941) 779-1112. BEAUTIFUL BRADENTON BEACH condo: Just remodeled and furnished, 2BR/2BA, beach ac- cess, pool, tennis. Available February on. $1,075/ week, $3,300/month. Also available long term. (941) 355-4027. ANNUAL RENTAL, 2BR/2BA with Florida room, washer/dryer hookup, dishwasher, carport, close to beach, beautiful apartment. $975/month. Dolores M. Baker Realty, (941) 778-7500. AVAILABLE 2005 WINTER vacation rentals: Perico Bay Club, $2,900/month; Coral Shores, 2BR/2BA with pool on canal, $3,500/month; San Remo Shores, 3BR/2BA with pool on canal, $3,800/month; Gulffront duplex, 3BR/2BA, $1,300/week; Mariner's Cove condo, $3,400/month; Alecassandra Villa, 1BR/1BA, $2,100/month; Bridgeport, 2BR/2BA, $2,900/month. Please call Cristin Curl at Wagner Realty. (941) 778-2246. www.wagnerrealty.com RENTALS AVAILABLE: Utilities included, unfur- nished. Efficiency, $690/month; 1BR/1BA, $735/ month; 2BR/1BA, $950/month. Call (941) 524-5205 between 9am-7pm. SEASONAL WATERFRONT, 1BR or 2BR like new! $1,800 and $2,900/month. Call (941) 779-9074 or (703) 587-4675. LONGBOAT KEY 2BR/2BA 1,400-sf condo with panoramic views of bay. Available Jan. 15 through April 15. (941) 587-1456. PRICELESS BAY VIEW in the Moorings at Holmes Beach. Second-floor condo. 2BR/2BA, nicely ap- pointed. March $3,000/month. (941) 778-8364. HOLMES BEACH DUPLEX: 2BR/1BA, one block to beach. Year lease, washer and dryer hookup, all tile. $825/month. Call (813) 244-4944. ANNUAL: Steps to beach, clean, unfurnished 2BR/ 1BA, half duplex. Washer/dryer. 2818 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. $775/month, first, last, security. (941) 730-0977 or 778-5810. SEASONAL RENTAL: Holmes Beach, furnished 1 and 2BR condos. Cable, microwave, washer/dryer. Block to beach and shopping. From $1,800/month. (407) 846-8741. BEACH FRONT CONDO: Monthly or bimonthly. Heated pool, Jacuzzi, tennis courts. (941) 794-8877 or 730-5393. 101 PALM: Luxury villas. 1BR and 2BR. $3,000-$4,000. T. Dolly Young Real Estate, (941) 778-0807. KING BEDROOM efficiency for rent. Night, week- end, weekly, seasonal. Private entrance, private deck. Nonsmoking, close to beach. Call 778-3433 or 773-0010. WINTER SPECIAL! Steps to beach. Large 1BR/ 2BA, courtyard, washer/dryer, cable, telephone. $1,995/month, $650/week. Call (941) 778-1098. THE ISLANDER. The best news on Anna Maria Is- land since 1992. SEASONAL 2BR/2BA CONDO: Great view, newly furnished. Available monthly, April-December. View details at http://dale60540@tripod.com or call (630) 670-6730. ANNUAL RENTALS: 2BR/2BA single-family home in northwest Bradenton, $1,200/month; elevated 2BR/2BA single-family home with garage and car- port, $1,200/month; Three 2BR/2BA single family canal homes, from $1,600-$2,100/month; 1BR/1BA Renaissance condo, eighth floor city view in Sarasota, $1,200/month. Call Island Real Estate, (941) 778-6066. GULFVIEW: Available the month of April. Beautiful 2BR/2BA condo, recently refurnished. Martinique North, 5300 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. No pets. $800, plus security deposit. (941) 778-6786. ANNUAL ISLAND RENTALS: 2BR/2BA duplex across from beach. Furnished/unfurnished. Great location. $995/month. Call Mike Carlton, Smith Re- altors, (941) 737-0915. WEEKLY/MONTHLY Holmes Beach rental. Ground-floor 2BR. Available January, February, March. Across from Gulf. Pool, laundry, private courtyard. $650/week. (517) 694-3288. SEASONAL SPACIOUS 2BR/1BA, Bayview old Florida-style ground floor duplex, ceramic floors, laundry, patio. Walk to beach. $2,000/month. (941)779-9470. DON'T FORGET! The Islander has "mullet" T- shirts. Stop in our office at 5404 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach or order online www.islander.org. Junior's Landscape & Maintenance Lawn care PLUS native plants. -.- mulch, trip, hauling and cleanup. -- - Call Junior, 807-1015 - Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators Next class: Jan. 24th *National Certification Financial Assistance Job Placement in your area 800-383-7364 Associated Training Services www.Equipment.School.com M UNCAN Real Estate, Inc Liz Codola Realtor 941-779-0304 www.teamduncan.com -sip. *Mr ^ "'"Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content t Available from Commercial News Providers" * Ow pu. Illllillr . SEASONAL RENTALS: one month or more. Westbay Point and Westbay Cove. Tennis, heated pools, close in. Old Florida Realty Co., (941) 713- 9096 or 778-3377. SEASONAL WATERFRONT Cortez 2BR/1BA condo. Newly remodeled and furnished, no pets, nonsmoking. $1,500/month. Dockage available. (321) 663-4446. MARTINIQUE SOUTH: Seasonal rental. Now showing for 2006. 2BR/2BA, two-car garage. Excel- lent condition. $3,400/month. Call (941) 795-7089. HOLMES BEACH: 2BR/1BA ground-level ranch-style duplex, furnished. Close to beach. (941) 778-3506. HOLMES BEACH: Unfurnished 2BR/2BA,. Steps to beach. Excellent condition, very clean. Washer/dryer, refrigerator, stove, dishwasher. Nonsmoking. Annual, $1,000/month, plus utilities. (941) 778-5356. BLOCK TO BEACH and bay. 55-plus. Furnished 1BR/1BA and 2BR/1BA in mobile home resort. Seasonal $995 and $1,195/month. Annual $795 and $895/month. (941) 778-3051. ANNUAL RENTAL: Elevated 2BR/2BA duplex. Three-car garage, two blocks to beach, unfur- nished. Office (941) 778-3377 or 713-9096. BRADENTON BEACH 2BR/1BA Gulffront apartment. Furnished, nicely decorated. Available February 2005. $2,500/month or $700/week. (941) 779-1215. EL CONQUISTADOR COUNTRY Club: 2BR/2BA, clay tennis courts, cathedral ceilings, nice view. El- evator, storage plus bikes. Seasonal or annual. Reasonable for 2005-06 season. (941) 778-3926. PERICO BAY CLUB villa: Seasonal or annual. Fur- nished, 2BR, two-car garage, sunny end unit with screened porch and deck. Call (941) 387-9702. ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/1 BA duplex apartment on Anna Maria. Large screened lanai, half block to bay. Washer/ dryer hook-ups. $800/month. Fran Maxon Real Estate. (941) 778-2307. PERFECT ISLAND RETREAT: Seasonal rental, Holmes Beach, 2BR/1BA, close to beach. $2,000/ month. Owner/agent Jay Heagerty, Wagner Realty. (941) 727-2800. ROOMMATE WANTED: MALE or female. 2BR/ 2BA. Block to beach. Sixth Avenue. $400/month, plus deposit and half utilities. (941) 737-1121. SEASONAL SPECIALS: Island duplexes and homes, $1,800-$2,700/month; Sunbow Bay, $2,500/month; Waterfront pool homes, $3,000- $4,000/month. Call for weekly rates, Duncan Real Estate. (941) 779-0304. SEASONAL OR WEEKLY cottage-style rentals. 1BR/1BA or 2BR/1BA with pool. Walk to beach, shopping, restaurants. (941) 778-3875. Web site 2spinnakers.com DIRECT 50x100 FOOT Gulffront lot in Holmes Beach with DEP permitted. Plans.for 2,400 sf liv- ing area, four-car garage home. $1,650,000. (941) 778-1086. DIRECT GULFFRONT FOR Sale by owner, $1,490,000. Best opportunity in Holmes Beach' 3BR/1BA bungalow, 1,328 sf. Concrete-pier foun- dation. Zoned R-4. Total lot size 50x100 feet. 3306 Fourth Ave., Holmes Beach. Contact Ken Ward, (813) 892-3690. FOR SALE BY OWNER: Westbay Point & Moorings hard-to-find ground-floor end unit. 2BR/2BA condo. Excellent condition. $379,900. Call (941) 756-4860. NORTH END Anna Maria, 2BR/2BA, fireplace, sundeck. Close to Gulf beach. $496,000. (941) 778-2665. ANNA MARIA Ground-floor 2BR/1BA with two-car garage, 100 feet to beach. Bayview, large lot, fur- nished. Concrete block. (941) 778-7703. MOUNT VERNON: 2BR/2BA, lakefront condo with partial bay view, enclosed lanai, new appliances and air conditioning. Minutes to beach. 55-plus commu- nity. $239,000. (941) 795-4030. HOUSE DEALS ON, off, near the Islands. West Bradenton; Northwest Bradenton, minutes to beach, heated pool, sauna, hot tub, $324,900; Ellenton, close-in'country living, custom 3BR/2BA with two-car garage, 3/4-acre wooded lot, $325,000; Longboat Key, English cottage with unique artist loft, Abbaco architecture, 15-foot loft ceilings, two-car garage, hot tub, $650,000. Call Fred Flis, Real Estate Mart (941) 756-1090. 2BR/2BA-3BR/2BA DUPLEX: 2511 Avenue C, Bradenton Beach. Gulf and bay views. 5,208 sf un- der roof. One block to beach. Appointment only. Call (941) 778-2953. 2BR/2BA CONDO: Great view. 3601 E. Bay Drive. Cove at Sandy Point. Furnished. $295,000. Call (815) 872-0747. REDUCED! Triplex steps to beach! 3BR/1BA, 2BR/ 1 BA and 1BR/1 BA super rental or second home, close to everything. $589,000. Deborah Thrasher RE/MAX Excellence. E-mail DebMThrash@aol.com. (941) 518- 7738 or 383-9700. THE ISLANDER. The best news on Anna Maria Is- land since 1992. F------------------------------------------------------ HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE: NOON MONDAY EVERY WEEK for WEDNESDAY'S PAPER: Classified advertising must be paid in advance. We accept ads by fax with credit card information, 778-9392, at our Web site (secure server) www.islander.org, and by direct e-mail at classifieds@islander.org. Office hours: 9 to 5, Monday-Friday, (Saturday 10 to 2 as needed). CLASSIFIED RATES BUSINESS OR INDIVIDUAL: Minimum rate is $10 for up to 20 WORDS. Additional,words: Each additional word over 20 is 500, Box: $3, One- or two-line headlines, line rate plus 250 per word. WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD AND VISA! You can charge your classified advertising in person or by phone. We are sorry, but due to the high volume of calls we can not take classified ad copy over the telephone. To place an ad by phone, please be prepared to FAX or e-mail your copy with your credit card information. (see below) USE THIS FORM FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: One word per blank space for minimum charge 20 words. - -- - - - - - - - --- - 2 31 Run issue date(s) Amt. pd Date Please indicate: Ck. No. or Cash I For credit card payment: [iJ E LI z No. Exp. Date Name shown on card: Billing address zip code: House no. or post office box no. on bill SE-Mail address: [for renewal purposes only] I The Islander Fax: 941 778-9392 5404 Marina Drive Th e Islan der Phone: 941 778-7978 Holmes Beach FL 34217 E-mail classifieds@islander.or - - - - - - - IS ANDERC ASSFIDS RNALSCotiud CRNALSCotiue Join us in our Bucs Coffee Garden and Cigar Lounge 9am-2pm & 5:30-9:30pm Senior Dscount 129 Bridge Street Bradenton Beach & PRESSURE CLEANING Jmzister Call Toll free: 866-Rev-Jill www.UniqueCeremonies.com Awnings Canvas Boats Driveways Brick pavers Docks Commercial and Residential Lic #91876/Insured 941-518-5252 THE ISLANDER N JAN. 12, 2005 E PAGE 29 Pir/V JVG lm,,,ARdte effenary/ "Professional Excellence" Residential-Commercial Interior & Exterior Serving the Islands since 1969. 778-5594 AfterCall Licensed and Insured t 778-3468 America's Best Lawn Care Inc. Professional Affordable Insured Free Estimates 224- 1153 BAY WEST E LAUNDRY On vacation orjust hate doing laundry? Why bother? BAY WEST WILL PICK-UP. LAUNDER AND DELIVER. Full Service WashlDry/Fold/lron PU/Delivery Self Service Cool & Clean 627 59th St W. Bradenton 794-5053 James King Painting & Renovation For all your home improvement needs (941) 778-8431 Licensed & Insured Pointing & Pesure Washi Quality Craftsmanship Residential Repaint Specialist Condominium Interiors Pool Deck & Driveway Coatings 22-year Manotee Co. resident Uc. & Ins. 23 Years Exp. FERRGOOD LLC 792-7549 713-3485 . .-. . COISTRICTION ieCWICKERSHAMS 'C- ---T. REMODEL *ADDITIONS CUSTOM HOMES LinsmeCGC43 383-9215 nd PAGE 30 l JAN. 12, 2005 0 THE ISLANDER I-S L _ND__R__LA__SI _ EXCHANGE: BRADEN Riverfront. Contemporary, all new, 1717 sf home is offered in exchange for similar waterfront home or condo on the Island. (941) 778-4495. WATERFRONT HOMES and lots: bay lot, $639,000; one near tip lot, $459,000; three homes from $349,000, all seawalled, deep water, no bridges. Also, bayfront tip lot and direct bayfront top- floor penthouse flagship condo. (570) 943-2516. WATERWAY CONDO. Furnished, totally remodeled! Gorgeous views. Boat docks, pool, tennis, Jacuzzi. What a steal! $360,000. Deborah Thrasher RE/MAX Excellence. E-mail DebMThrash@aol.com. (941) 518-7738 or 383-9700. ST. PETE BEACH, 73rd Avenue triplex, investment, two large studios, 1BR. Laundry on premises. $339,500, firm. (941) 518-5364. LOT IN CITY of ANNA Maria. By owner. One block to Gulf beach. 52 by 145 sf. $399,000. Brokers pro- tected. (941) 739-1882. BAYFRONT HOME with mother-in-law. 4BR/3BA with lot across street on Sarasota'Bay with boat docks. Lots of potential! $899,000 Deborah Thrasher RE/MAX Excellence. E-mail DebMThrash@aol.com. (941) 518-7738 or 383-9700. BEACHHOUSE WEST of Gulf Drive on huge lot; Duplex 90-by-100 lot, half block to beach, $695,000. Also, Gulfview house, half block to beach, heated pool, $850,000. Call (941) 778-8660. S. Tutewiler S Top Producing Realtor 941-705:-0227 Toll Free 1-866-587-8559 GailTuteRE@aol.comn WOW! WHAT A VIEW! Expansive gulf view from this magnificently upgraded condo at Summer Sands. 1909 sf living area, 3 walk-in closets, completely new open kitchen, wood floors. Bayfront pool and hot tub, private beach. Must See! $899,900. BAYVIEW BARGAIN: Upstairs 2BR condo with views of the bay, just steps to the beach. Turnkey furnished. Beautiful pool and park area on the bay. Just $249,000. 5400 CONDOS: Wonderful gulf views from this 2BR/2BA condo. Turnkey furnished with the Florida look. Carport, 2 pools, clubhouse. $599,000 Contract Pendlng. 3224 EAST BAY DRIVE EALE Y HOLMES BEACH RUAlESTATE COMPANY DUPLEX FOR SALE: Open daily from 10am-5pm. Located north end of Anna Maria Island. Close to the Rod & Reel Pier. 704 Gladiolus Ave. Call (941) 812-9593. FOR SALE BY owner: Elevated custom built home west of Gulf Drive. 2-3BR/2BA. Excellent condition. $699,500. Call (941) 778-3203. OPEN HOUSE: Sunday, Jan. 16, 1-4pm. Beautifully remodeled, custom kitchen and bath, private deck and garden. 1BR/1BA villa. 431 62nd St., Holmes Beach. BAYFRQNT CONDO FOR sale: 2BR/2BA. Golf course, pool, beautiful sunsets. $290,000. Call (941): 722-4800. OWN YOUR OWN piece of the Island! 1 BR/1BA, new appliances, newly decorated. 55-plus. Sandpiper Mobile Resort, Bradenton Beach. (941) 779-1371. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. Winter season is here! Must see the beautiful peaceful mountains of western North Carolina mountains. Homes, cabins, acreage, investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty, GMAC Real Estate, Murphy, N.C. www.cherokeemountainrealty.com. Call free bro- chure, (800) 841-5868. COSTA RICA: One-acre parcels can be subdivided into four one-fourth acre lots. Beautiful central Pa- cific views, roads, water, electric. $19,500 acre. (800) 861-5677. 2BR/1BA Condo in Bradenton Beach right on the beach. Recently remodeled, tile floor, new appliances, new AC. Great Rental. Hurry, won't last long. Priced to sell, $499,000.00. Call Ted Schlegel (941) 518-6117 or Barry Gould (941) 448-5500. '" 1 AU4 -/- .-" 3001 GULF DRIVE*HOLMES BEACH, FL 34217 - ILANVD -- PHONE: 941.778.6849*TOLL FREE: 800.778.9599 VACATION FAX: 941.779.1750 PROPERTIE LLC Licensed Real Estate Broker Ann Coron wwwislandvMacaionpromperties.c m-s @m sl[ lI'luIio l roe ies[^corn WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA Mountains. Where there is cool mountain air, views, stream, homes, cabins, acreage. Call for free brochure of mountain property sales. (800) 642-5333. Realty Of Murphy, 317 Peachtree St., Murphy, N.C. 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com. ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA area. Spec- tacular mountain view and river lots. Paved roads, clubhouse and more. New release! Possible $5,000 discount! Bear River Community. Call (866) 411-5263. LOTS STARTING at $39,000 with deeded boat slip in exclusive waterfront community on South Carolina lake. Featuring clubhouse, pool, tennis, marina, nature trails, putting green. Great financ- ing. Harbour Watch. (800) 805-9997. www.lakemurrayliving.com. MOUNTAIN GOLF HOMESITES! Prestigious com- munity weaving throughout dye designed 18-hole championship course in breathtaking Blue Ridge Mountains of South Carolina. Call for package (866) 334-3253, ext. 759. BUILDING SALE! Rock bottom prices! Final clear- ance. Beat next price increase. Go direct, save. 20x26. 25x30. 30x40. 35x50. 40x60. 45x90.. 50x100. 60x180, others. Pioneer, (800) 668-5422. STEEL ARCH BUILDINGS! Genuine SteelMaster Buildings, factory direct at huge savings! 20x24, 30x60, 35x50. Perfect Garage/workshop/barn. Call (800) 341-7007. www.SteelMasterUSA.com. LOOKING FOR A GOOD DEAL? You can read Wednesday's classified at noon Tuesday at www.islander.org. And it's FREE! 3BR/3BA AND 2BR/1 BA, UPDATED, HEATED POOL, BEAUTIFUL! $825,000. See more photos: www.reachrichard.com --1 ^-^ "k See more photos: www. reachrichard.com RUNAWAY BAY Great rental condo over- BRIDGEPORT Serene bay views from the BAY LAKE ESTATES Must see 4BR/3BA looking a lake close to the pool and beach. tropical quiet setting furnished 2 BR/2BA home, great for entertaining. Screened pool on Nicely updated kitchen, ceramic tile upgrades, bay side unit. Steps to whitesandy beach, large deck. Large corner lot. Great neighbor- new carpet and many new appliances Turnkey shopping and dining' Asking $439,000. hood. Only minutes to the beach. $399,000. furnished and ready to rent or live in. f 379.00,i Call Cindy Grazar, 504-6176. Lynn Hostetler, 778-4800. Denny Rauschl, 725-3934. f fp WESTBAY POINT & MOORINGS 2BR/2BA upstairs with covered parking space. Pool, ten- nis and hot tub close by. Tiled entry and kitchen. Glass-enclosed lanai. $460,000. Dick Maher or Dave Jones, 778-4800. TRIPLEX Breezy and beachy income produc- ing triplex across from the beach. Upstairs is a cozy 1BR/1BA with a great reading porch and massive sun deck. Downstairs are two 2BR/1BA units. Ample parking, tons of Mexi- can tile, newer kitchens and baths make this one a must see. $659,000. Nicole Skaggs or Jane Grossman at 778-4800 or 795-5704. ISLAND AMBIANCE Large 2BR/2.5BA is- land home in very desirable north Holmes Beach. Spacious floor plan lends itself to ad- dition, seller has specs for the same. Newer windows, appliances and huge two-car ga- rage make this one a must see. Asking $469,000. Call Jane Grossman or Nicole Skaggs, 778-4800. ........ .... - : s ..e.. .. n a i Flr. n, .. : .. ,.. RE -, ---- . .,'.,, ARE rs Il .a...;.n . iu' -uCu 6 -,. ,cn I -, -.I Fi-..16 941 778-2259 Fax 941 778-2250 E-mail amrlly,@,gte.net Web site www.annamariareal.com - 111 ,, I LI I I II THE ISLANDER 0 JAN. 12, 2005 0 PAGE 31 Advertising works fast in The Islander. GREAT VIEW!! 2BR/2BA, sauna, fireplace, spacious wrap-around deck with views of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, downstairs office. 2408 Avenue A, $579,000. d t dialdebbie@diamondshores.com S Office: 779-1811 A, Cell: 400-1172 K ""w w'wsrls. wi Simply the Best DOLLHOUSE Totally renovated. Perfect 2BR/1BA starter, retirement, or rental home. A darling nest for the winter nnuwhird. $137.000. BAYFRONT Wonderful open water view with 100- foot dock, boat lift and deep water, lush vegetation. Large 3BR/2BA home with decks, two-car garage. Rehab or build new. $1,250,000. GULF SANDS CONDO Comer unit directly on the Gulf with great views. 2BR/2BA completely remod- eled with tile floors throughout, all new furniture and turnkey. Great price at only $749,000. BAYFRONT Panoramic view of the bay. Very pri- vate, lush landscaping. 2 BR/2BA. Hardwood Floors. Very large master BA with jacuzzi and walk in shower. Big garage and workshop, screened porch facing the bay. Dock with 10,000 Ib davits. $1,390,000. BRAND NEW DIRECT GULF VIEW Striking un- obstructed view across from the Gulf and beaches. 3BR/3BA, two-car garage. $1,200,000. p .;tt'" .4 ,.'. " .- " BAYFRONT R2 with deep water. 2,444 sf house; 2BR/2BA with large Florida room and guest house. New air conditioning, new tile floor, fresh paint. $1,350,000. -W-- w>. GULF FRONT 6 UNITS Beautifully remodeled apts. From 3 BR/3BA to one bedroom. Small heated pool. Turnkey furnished. $3,000,000. "La Plage" Anna Maria's newest luxury Gulffront condos ... All Gulffront, security gates, enclosed ga- rages, pool/spa, high ceilings. 3BR/2.5BA, up to 4,200 sf. Starting at $1,475,000. 100+ Gulffront rental units with hun- dreds more just steps from the beach. Mike 800oo-3 Norman 941-7 N o Ilr m a 1n 3101 GU Realty INC HOLM www.mikenormanrealty.com b7-1617 78-6696 LF DRIVE ES BEACH j . k Da, _ VERY UNIQUE 4BR/3.5BA home, located on the north end of Anna Ll Blandford Maria Island, close to the white sandy Realtor Miami Beach. FL beaches of the Gulf of Mexico. $545,000. MLS#501965. Dulg Booih Realtor Brockport, NY t-" >, 6 Evan & Melinda Bordes Realtor Atlanta, GA Marianne Correll Realtor Vineland, NJ Bob Fittro Realtor Wachula, FL Wendy Foldes Realtor Binghamtom, NY *.( ^- Richard Freeman Realtor Boulder, CO 4t . AlanGalletto Broker/Associate Rochester, NY Jon Kent- Broker/Associate Sparta, NJ F-i Tom Nelson Realtor Marshall, MI r Nick Patslos SBroker/Associate ,. Chicago IL ChrtsshaIu John van Zandt Realtors Anna Maria, FL Marilyn Trevethan Realtor Milwaukee, Ml Waters Edge #210S (New)...... $930,000 Tiffany Place (New) .............. $679,000 4212 Redfish Ct............... $575,000 Waters Edge #109S ......... $859,000 La Casa Costeria ....... $1.2 to $1.74 Million Sandcastle #7 .............. $1,492,000 Sandcastle #8 ............... $1,705,000 Tiffany Place #213................. $825,000 Bradenton Beach Club Unit C .. $1,600,000 5400 Gulf Drive #36.............. $899,000 209 So. Bay Blvd (Lot)........... $695,000 2418 NW 90th St. .............. $3,599,000 5400 Gulf Drive #32.............. $560,000 6804 Gulf Dr. $695,000 510 68th St. $679,000 3603 4th Ave. .............. $1,099,000 100 7th St So.(Duplex) .... $750,000 402 Magnolia Ave............ $539,500 4002 6th Ave.................. $699,000 Bradenton Beach Club #239... $779,500 Bradenton Beach Club #207... $779,500 Bradenton Beach Club #33......$599,000 Bradenton Beach Club #36......$599,000 405 73rd Street ........... $649,000 3707 Gulf Drive (Multi-plex) ........ $1,799,900 2109 Avenue C $499,000 408 Poinsettia Ave ........... $525,000 317 Spring Ave................ $550,000 5701 Carissa St (Duplex) $825,000 7002 Holmes Blvd ........... $699,000 424 62nd St $245,000 801 Fern ........................ $749,000 5906 Gulf Dr. #210 ......... $930,000 210 3rd St W #8204 ............. $297,000 210 3rd St W #8402 ......... $348,000 11204 Longwood Ct ............... $382,000 921 Waterside Ln $315,000 1267 Spoonbill Land. Cir ........ $305,000 813 Waterside Ln $319,999 1264 Spoonbill Land. Cir........... $339,000 982 Sandpiper $269,900 Restaurant Business Only ....... $299,000 Business and Real Estate..... $1,599,000 1701 Gulf Drive $845,000 5804 Marina Dr $1,950,000 Business and Real Estate (New)... $1,995,000 Stop by and use our talking-window 24-hour information center. \ of Anna Maria Inc. -. )778-7244 %'*y tde ^uMMtCedt 4tale4 SPERICO BAY CLUB Florida living at it's best. Come see the waterviews! 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished Sunit, with a screened-in lanai, '-...-* one-car garage, and a deck Overlooking the lake. This jji perfectly maintained gated .:immujnity orilrs tenni- cCurt pools, spas, bikepaths and much- more. This won't last at $327,000. RUNAWAY BAY I BR 1 BA turnkey furnished condo that is just steps to the Sr whaie sandy beaches of Anna -I "'a M ,a, [,Island. Great rental- "" i:' .. pro,,erty. Currently rented for '- ,. .-.. hdal ofjJanunary.allof Fe.truary and March. Runaway Bay offers a heated pool, clubhouse, tennis courts, shuffleboard and a dock with terrific bay views. $345,600. E ISLAND GETAWAY: Completely remodeled, 2BR/ 2BA half duplex. Turnkey : furnished with new everything throughout gives ':. :' this unit a seaside retreat *''',Q* theme. This property is in an *t.l attractive location in Holmes Beach with a view of Spring Lake and is only a block to the beach. Not a drive-by. $377,600. THIS 2BR HOME is just steps from the beach and on the west side of Gulf Drive! Build up for views of the Gulf or just enjoy this income property as it is. On a large lot with room for a pool. $429,000. SPANISH MAIN: Beautifully maintained, updated villa. Pool, clubhouse, boat docks, putting green, in a very active boating community. One of the best buys on Longboat Key, 55-plus community. $295,000. J CANALFRONT ON S LONGBOATKEY SCanalfront home close to the beach! 3BR/2BA elevated home Longboat Key just two blocks from the beach. Wood and tile floors S. throughout. Walk out of your door and on to your boat-easy access to the bay and Gulf. Build up for bay views! Call today for your viewing appointment. $625,000. CALL TODAY! 1 (800)771-6043 (941)778-7244 5309 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach www.gulfbayrealty.com quo PAGE 32 M JAN. 12, 2005 M THE ISLANDER qb -, _ v : -- r "Copyrighted Material SyndicatedConten't" Available from Commercial NewsProviders" or I Wantto keep in touch? Subscribe to the "best news!' Call 941778-7978 and charge it to Visa or MasterCard. 2217 GULF DR. N. AGN AITY BRADENTON BEACH WAlGNER.l (941) 778-2246 e-mail: amita'waanerrealtv.com web site: www.waanerrealtv.com (800) 211-2323 ~I,, PALMA SOLA BAYFRONT Spectacular bay views, custom 3-4BR/4.5BA home oak floors, hickory cabinets, brick fireplace, large screened porch, pool & dock. Near Gulf beaches. Dave Moynihan. 778-2246. #503181. $1,495,000. CORAL SHORES CANAL HOME Pier of room in this 3BR/2.5BA treasure. C thedral ceilings, loft, fireplace, family roc with great views. Lush landscape s rounds pool. One-year warranty. J Corbo. 778-2246. #105417. $599,900. nty ;a- om ur- oe - SOUTH BEACH VILLAGE Condominium Townhomes on Anna Maria Island. Eight Key West style units with 3300 sf under roof, 3BR/ 2.5BA, 2-car garage. Designer furnished, gulf and bay views, with beach access. Stan Rutstein. 727-2800. #104439. $1,250,000. :4.4i ~Ki, FABULOUS ISLAND DUPLEX Newly remod- eled Holmes Beach duplex. 2BR/1BA each side, close to beach. A is rented to an annual tenant, B furnished perfect island retreat. Owner/Agent. Jay Heagerty. 727-2800. #501361. $599,000. BIMINI BAY VISTA Sensational view of Bimini Bay. Pristine home features lanai with pool. Updated throughout. Deep water docking for multiple boats. Karen Day, 778-2246. #502323. $1,189,000. ISLAND WATERFRONT Canal front 2BR/2BA residence third back from the bay with lovely bay views. Near beach. Newer seawall cap, roof and A/C. Tile floors throughout. Dave Moynihan. 778-2246. #503490. $535,000. DIRECT GULFFRONT!! Enjoy sunset views from screened lanai that also overlooks pool. Unit has never been rented. Turnkey fur- nished. 2BR/2BA + laundry. Karen Day. 778- 2246. #503615. $989,000. GULFFRONT CONDO 1BR/1BA directly on the beach. Totally remodeled, ceramic tile, crown molding, new central air. No rental re- strictions. Betty Arnold, 761-3100. #501251. $399,900. A A -iBB Ai~~~~9 8' V ft(PC/~;f ,,, .-~ab~ia~ I ~stisBC ""3% |