Staked tomato variety trial results
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Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00074334/00004
 Material Information
Title: Staked tomato variety trial results
Series Title: Immokalee SWFREC Reseach Report
Physical Description: v. : ; 28 cm.
Language: English
Creator: University of Florida -- Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
Agricultural Research Center (Immokalee, Fla.)
Agricultural Research & Education Center (Immokalee, Fla.)
Southwest Florida, Research and Education Center (Immokalee, Fla.)
Publisher: University of Florida, IFAS.
Place of Publication: Immokalee Florida
Creation Date: 1984
Frequency: semiannual
Subjects / Keywords: Tomatoes -- Varieties -- Periodicals   ( lcsh )
Tomatoes -- Field experiments -- Periodicals -- Florida   ( lcsh )
Genre: government publication (state, provincial, terriorial, dependent)   ( marcgt )
periodical   ( marcgt )
serial   ( sobekcm )
Issuing Body: Issued by the Agricultural Research Center in Imokalee, Fla., which changed its name to the Agricultural Research & Education Center and later to the Southwest Florida, Research and Education Center.
General Note: Description based on: Fall 1982; title from caption.
General Note: Latest issue consulted: Fall 1988.
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: oclc - 62677757
lccn - 2005229344
System ID: UF00074334:00004

Full Text

IFAS, University of Florida
Immokalee, Florida FEB G 1986


Paul H. Everett and Karen A. Armbrester

Immokalee AREC Research Report IMM84-5 August, 1984

A replicated trial was conducted at the Agricultural Research and Education
Center, Immokalee, Florida, during the spring season (Jan. May) of 1984 to
evaluate the performance of twenty tomato cultivars and/or breeding lines.
Table 1 is a list of entries and seed sources used in this trial. Hereafter,
breeding lines from Bradenton-GCREC will be identified by the first numerical
sequence only.


All entries were seeded in ToddR planter trays #150 (1.5 inch cell size) on
December 23, 1983, and were transplanted to field plots on January 25, 1984.
Field plots were arranged in randomized complete blocks with four replications
of each entry. Each plot consisted of 10 plants spaced 15 inches apart in the
row on raised plant beds spaced 6 feet on centers. Plant beds were irrigated
with an open ditch seep system with lateral ditches spaced 41.5 feet apart.
There were 5 plant beds between lateral ditches. All plots were fertilized with
7 lb of 5-16-8-1.2 + micronutrients/100 linear bed feet (LBF) applied in a 30
inch wide band on a pre-bed and bedded over to a depth of 3-4 inches, and 14 Ib
of 19-0-30/100 LBF applied on the surface of the finished bed in a narrow band
10 inches to each side of the plant row. The plant beds were fumigated with
VorlexR at 21 ounces/100 LBF and then mulched with black plastic film. Plants
were staked but not pruned. Fungicides were applied on a 5-7 day schedule
and insecticides were applied on a need basis. General weather conditions
during this trial are shown in Table 2. Insects and diseases were not a
serious problem in this test. Tomatoes were harvested on April 30, May 7, and
on May 16, 1984. At each harvest fruit were graded, sized, counted and weighed.
Per acre yields in this report are based on 7,260 linear feet of plant bed.


Table 3 shows the marketable yields for each of the 20 entries. Marketable
yields for the first harvest ranged from a high of 768 25 Ib boxes/A for
'Independence', which produced a significantly higher yield than 13 of the
remaining entries, to a low of 116 25 Ib boxes/A for entry 7078. At the second
harvest PSR72482 had the highest yield, 3033 25 lb boxes/A, closely followed by
'Atlantic City' at 2991 25 lb boxes/A. These two entries had yields higher
than 8 of the remaining entries. The highest third harvest yield came from

IProfessor and Biologist, respectively, IFAS, University of Florida
Agricultural Research and Education Center, Immokalee, Florida 33934


entry 7025 at 1344 25 lb boxes/A. None of the entries maintained its rank as
highest in yield throughout all harvests. Shamrock #1 ranked 6th in yield for
the first harvest, 5th for the second harvest and 6th for the third harvest
but ranked first in total marketable yield at 4454 25 lb boxes/A. Shamrock #1
was closely followed by PSR72482 at 4408 25 lb boxes/A. Yields from Shamrock #1
and PSR72482 were significantly better than the 6 lowest yielding entries.

Average weight of fruit for the first harvest (Table 4) ranged from 11.0 oz
for 7078 to 6.1 oz for XPH724 and 'Pirate'. Entries 7078 and 7065 ranked
significantly larger in size than all other entries. Entry 7060 ranked third
in size and was significantly larger than the remaining 17 entries.

For the second harvest fruit weights ranged from 7.6 oz for 7060 and 7065
to 5.1 oz for 'Pirate', XPH724, 'Hayslip' and 'Independence'. Entries 7065 and
7060 ranked significantly larger in size than all other entries. Entry 7078
ranked third in size and was significantly larger than the remaining entries.

The same three entries, 7078 (5.5 oz), 7065 (5.4 oz), and 7060 (5.3 oz)
ranked largest in size for the third harvest and were significantly larger in
size than all other entries.

Entry 7025 had the lowest percentage (2.9%) of cull fruit and 7065 had
the highest (21.3%) (Table 4). One of the 20 entries had cull percentage in
the 0-5% range, 13 entries were in the 5-10% range, 5 entries were in the
10-15% range, and 1 entry was over 15%.

Categories of cull fruit, by harvest, are shown in Table 5. Leaky blossom-
end-scars (BES) were responsible for the highest percentage of cull fruit in
both the first and second harvests. Entry 7065 had the highest percentage
of BES in both the first and second harvests, followed by GSV 82-021 in the first
harvest. Radial cracking (CR) was of minor importance in the first and second
harvests but was responsible for more cull fruit in the third harvest. Shamrock
#2 tended to be very pointed at the blossom end. The most severely pointed fruit
were culled as odd shaped. There was some gray wall in the first harvest for
'Independence' (7.9%), 'Atlantic City' (7.5%), and GSV 82-021 (4.8%). Yellow
shoulder, and cat facing accounted for some culls but were not a serious problem.
Entry 7078 had the highest percentage of zipper scars for the first harvest.
Other categories such as decay and scarring accounted for a considerable number
of fruit in both harvests.

Table 6 shows the percent (by weight) of the total marketable fruit in
each of four size categories for the first, second, and third harvest, and
all three harvests combined.

List of Entries and Seed Sources

Cultivar or
breeding line

Seed Source

Shamrock #1
PSR 72482
PSR 53080
Shamrock #3
XPH 724
*Atlantic City
*FTE 12
Shamrock #2
GSV 82-021

Shamrock Seed Company
Petoseed Company
Sluis & Groot
Petoseed Company
Petoseed Company
Shamrock Seed Company
Asgrow Seed Company
Asgrow Seed Company
Ferry. Morse .
Petoseed Company
Shamrock Seed Company
Goldsmith Seed Company
Abbott & Cobb

*Cultivars commercially available

__ I __

breediria- line

Table 1.

Table 2. Weather Conditions for the Season
.. Temperature "F Rainfall
Month Avg. Max. Avg. MinT. (inches)

Jan. 74 52 0.23
Feb. 77 54 3.78
March 79 56 5.14
April 83 60 0.90
May (1-16) 89 66 3.35

Table 3. Marketable Yields for 20 Tomato Cultivars or Breeding Lines

Cultivar or Marketable Yield!
breeding line 1st. Mar. 2nd Har. 3rd Har. Total
---------------------25 b boxes---------------------

Shamrock #1 572a-e 2777a-d 1103a-e 4454a
PSR 72482 526b-f 3033a 849a-f 4408a
Pirate 570a-e 2773a-d 972a-e 4315a-b
7025 321f-i 2619a-g 1344a 4284a-b
Duke 647a-b 2661a-f 907a-e 4217a-b
7067 640a-c 2940a-b 609d-f 4189a-b
PSR 53080 365e-h 2759a-e 1037a-e 4161a-b
Shamrock #3 526b-f 2326c-g 1303a-b 4154a-b
XPH 724 405d-g 2603a-g 1142a-d 4150a-b
Sunny 279g-i 2838a-c 1028a-e 4145a-b
Atlantic City 472b-g 2991a 619d-f 4082a-c
7095 584a-e 2680a-e 777b-f 4040a-c
FTE 12 423c-g 2354c-g 1237a-c 4015a-c
Hayslip 261g-i 2614a-g 1049a-e 3926a-c
Shamrock #2 328f-i 2286d-g 1186a-c 3801b-c
GSV 82-021 619a-d 2449b-g 688c-f 3756b-c
Independence 768a 2242e-g 572e-f 3584c-d
7065 291g-i 2145f-g 726c-f 3161d-e
7078 116i 2126g 716c-f 2959e
7060 177h-i 2359c-g 363f 2896e

LSD 5% 188 437 461 468

IYield per acre based on 7260 linear bed feet/acre

Table 4. Average fruit weight and percent cull fruit for 20 tomato cultivars
or breeding lines.

Cultivar or Average Fruit Weight %
breeding line 1st Har. 2nd Har. 3rd Har. Total Culls

Shamrock #1 6.5c-d 5.3d-e 4.2b 5.le-h 7.2
PSR 72482 6.6c-d 5.2e 4.3b 5.1e-h 8.9
Pirate 6.1d 5.1e 3.9b 4.8h 6.8
7025 6.4c-d 5.5c-e 4.Ob 5.0f-h 2.9
Duke 7.1c-d 5.6c-e 4.1b 5.3d-f 8.8
7067 6.9c-d 5.4c-e 4.0b 5.3d-f 7.8
PSR 53080 6.6c-d 5.8c-d 4.4b 5.4c-e 7.9
Shamrock #3 6.3c-d 5.2d-e 3.7b 4.7h 8.5
XPH 724 6.1d 5.1e 4.1b 4.8h 6.1
Sunny 6.4c-d 5.4c-e 4.1b 5.0f-h 9.5
Atlantic City 7.3c-d 6.00 4.3b 5.7c 10.7
7095 6.9c-d 5.5c-e 4.0b 5.3d-g 7.8
FTE 12 6.5c-d 5.2d-e 4.1b 4.9h 7.8
Hayslip 6.6c-d 5.1e 4.4b 4.9g-h 6.7
Shamrock #2 6.9c-d 5.8c-d 4.3b 5.3d-f 11.3
GSV 82-021 7.4c 5.7c-e 4.4b 5.6c-d 12.5
Independence 6.2c-d 5.1e 4.Ob 5.1f-h 11.9
7065 10.9a 7.6a 5.4a 7.1a 21.3
7078 11.Oa 6.8b 5.5a 6.4b 8.0
7060 9.4b 7.6a 5.3a 7.1a 12.0

1.0 0.5 0.6



Table 5. Percent cull fruit in seven categories at each harvest

Cultivar or 1st Harvest
breeding line CRI BESZ YS3 OS ZS5 CF 0O

-------- % of total number of fruit/harvest-------

Shamrock #1 --- 2.2 --- 2.5 2.2 --- 4.7
PSR 72482 --- 3.8 --- 3.4 3.8 --- 4.2
Pirate --- 5.8 --- 3.1 3.1 0.3 2.4
7025 --- 2.1 -- --- --- --- 0.7
Duke --- 7.2 --- 2.1 0.3 0.3 2.7
7067 --- 6.8 -- --- --- --- 4.8
PSR 53080 --- 4.1 --- 0.6 1.2 1.2 4.1
Shamrock #3 --- 6.3 -- 4.6 2.5 --- 5.6
XPH 724 0.5 4.6 --- 5.0 1.4 0.5 3.7
Sunny --- 5.3 --- 0.7 4.7 1.3 7.3
Atlantic City --- 4.6 --- 0.4 2.5 --- 7.5
7095 --- 5.3 -- 4.2 3.2 --- 3.5
FTE 12 --- 4.0 --- 3.0 2.0 --- 2.0
Hayslip --- 0.8 --- 0.8 5.8 --- 0.8
Shamrock #2 --- 0.6 --- 20.9 1.7 --- 2.3
GSV 82-021 0.3 11.6 --- 3.9 0.6 0.3 3.2
Independence --- 5.2 0.5 1.0 1.4 0.5 1.4
7065 --- 24.8 --- 1.5 2.9 2.2 10.9
7078 2.3 2.3 --- --- 13.6 --- 11.4
7060 --- 2.9 --- 4.3 7.1 4.3 8.6

Cultivar or 2nd Harvest
breeding line CR BES YS OS ZS CF 0
-------- % of total number of fruit/harvest------

Shamrock #1 0.1 3.3 0.5 0.6 --- --- 1.4
PSR 72482 --- 3.2 2.0 0.7 -- --- 2.0
Pirate 0.1 2.7 1.2 0.4 --- --- 0.6
7025 --- 2.3 0.1 0.3 0.4 --- 0.4
Duke --- 5.5 0.7 0.1 --- -- 1.7
7067 0.1 4.9 --- 0.1 -- --- 0.6
PSR 53080 --- 5.7 0.1 0.6 -- --- 0.7
Shamrock #3 --- 4.9 1.9 1.0 --- --- 0.3
XPH 724 0.1 2.0 1.2 0.5 --- --- 0.4
Sunny --- 3.6 3.1 0.6 --- --- 0.9
Atlantic City 0.4 4.6 1.5 0.1 --- --- 1.9
7095 0.1 4.3 --- 0.2 --- 0.6
FTE 12 --- 5.8 0.6 0.5 --- -- 0.7
Hayslip --- 2.6 1.7 0.5 --- --- 1.8
Shamrock #2 --- 4.8 2.8 1.8 -- --- 0.3
GSV 82-021 --- 4.1 4.1 0.2 --- --- 0.4
Independence --- 3.8 3.4 0.2 --- --- 0.5
7065 --- 16.8 0.6 0.2 --- --- 1.2
7078 --- 3.5 --- 0.1 --- --- 3.0
7060 --- 4.1 1.7 0.7 --- --- 6.3


Table 5 continued:

Cultivar or 3rd Harvest
breeding line CR BES YS OS ZS CF 0
----- % of total number of fruit/harvest-------

Shamrock #1 1.1 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.8 ---
PSR 72482 1.1 2.1 --- 0.2 0.2 --- 0.2
Pirate 1.0 0.1 0.1 --- 0.4 -
7025 ---- --- --- --- --- 0.2
Duke .1.0 1.4 --- 0.2 --- --- 0.2
7067 0.5 2.5 --- 0.7 0.7 --- 0.2
PSR 53080 0.4 1.3 0.6 0.1 0.1 --- 0.3
Shamrock #3 0.2 0.8 --- --- 0.5 --
XPH 724 1.6 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 --- 0.4
Sunny --- 1.8 --- 1.3 0.1 --- 0.3
Atlantic City 3.6 1.2 0.9 --- 0.2 --- 0.5
7095 0.7 --- 0.2 --- 0.6 --- 0.2
FTE 12 0.6 0.5 .0.3 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.3
Hayslip 0.6 1.3 --- 0.1 0.6 --- 0.9
Shamrock #2 1.0 1.3 0.5 1.4 --- --- 0.4
GSV 82-021 2.4 1.3 0.2 0.4 --- --
Independence '3.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 -
7065 0.7 7.2 --- 0.5 --- 0.2 1.0
7078 2.8 1.3 --- 0.5 --- --- 1.5
7060 --- 1.5 --- 0.5 1.0 --- 1.0

1Cracks (radial and concentric)
3Yellow shoulder
0Odd shape
5Zipper scars
6Cat face
70ther (decay, scars, etc.)


Table 6. Percent marketable fruit in each of four size categories for first
second and third harvest and for all three harvest combined.
1st Harvest
Cultivar or SmallI Med4 Large3 X-Large4 Large +
breeding line X-Large
Shamrock #1 3.6a-e 15.6a-c 26.3a-c 54.6c-e 80.9b-e
PSR 72482 3.7a-e 12.5b-d 22.6a-c 61.3b-e 83.9b-e
Pirate 4.0a-e 19.1a-b 26.9a-c 50.Oe 76.9d-e
7025 3.3a-e 11.8b-d 30.7a-b 54.2c-e 84.9b-d
Duke 3.6a-e 11.3c-d 26.6a-c 58.7b-e 85.3b-d
7067 3.8a-e 10.6c-d 20.1b-d 65.0b-d 85.6b-d
PSR 53080 5.6a-c 7.6d-e 21.1a-d 65.7b-c 86.8b-c
Shamrock #3 6.4a-b 14.1a-d 25.1a-c 54.5c-e 79.6c-e
XPH 724 6.8a 17.5a-c 26.4a-c 49.4e 75.8e
Sunny 2.4b-e 16.6a-c 25.7a-c 55.4c-e 81.lb-e
Atlantic City 3.0a-e 10.6c-d 16.6c-e 69.9b 86.5b-c
7095 4.0a-e lO.lc-d 20.9a-d 64.9b-d 85.9b-d
FTE 12 4.3a-d ll.Oc-d 31.0a 53.6c-e 84.6b-e
Hayslip 2.2c-e 11.8b-d 26.6a-c 59.6b-e 86.2b-c
Shamrock #2 O.le ll.Oc-d 21.7a-d 67.3b-c 89.0b
GSV 82-021 1.4d-e 11.6b-d 17.9c-d 69.1b 87.0b-c
Independence 4.3a-d 19.9a 23.9a-c 51.9d-e 75.8e
7065 O.le 0.8e 6.4f 92.9a 99.3a
7078 O.le 1.7e 11.7d-f 86.7a 98.4a
7060 O.le 3.le 7.2e-f 89.8a 97.Oa
LSD (5%) 3.4 6.4 8.9 11.5 7.7
2nd Harvest
Cultivar or Small Med. Large X-Large Large +
breeding line X-Large
Shamrock #1 4.3a-g 19.5a-e 46.9a 29.2e-h 76.1c-f
PSR 72482 5.0a-g 22.8a-b 42.8a-c 29.2e-h 72.le-f
Pirate 6.5a-c 24.7a 45.6a-b 23.2h 68.8f
7025 4.6a-g 23.2a-b 41.4a-c 30.8e-h 72.2e-f
Duke 2.7c-g 17.3c-e 42.2a-c 37.9c-e 80.0c-e
7067 5.1a-f 19.4a-e 40.Oa-c 35.5d-g 75.5d-f
PSR 53080 1.6e-g 14.6e 43.0a-c 40.9c-d 83.8b-c
Shamrock #3 5.3a-e 22.2a-c 45.6a-b 26.9f-h 72.5e-f
XPH 724 6.6a-b 22.4a-c 46.6a 24.4h 71.Of
Sunny 5.2a-f 18.6b-e 42.0a-c 34.2d-g 76.2c-f
Atlantic City 2.8a-g 14.le 36.9c 46.2c 83.lb-d
7095 4.2a-g 20.1a-d 39.6a-c 36.1d-f 75.7d-f
FTE 12 3.9a-g 23.4a-b 44.5a-b 28.1f-h 72.6e-f
Hayslip 6.1a-d 21.7a-d 44.9a-b 27.4f-h 72.2e-f
Shamrock #2 3.4a-g 16.5d-e 38.6b-c 41.4c-d 80.0c-e
GSV 82-021 3.3a-g 16.6d-e 43.8a-c 36.4d-f 80.2c-e
Independence 7.la 24.8a 41.6a-c 26.5g-h 68.1f
7065 1.2g 7.4f 22.5d-e 69.0a-b 91.4a
7078 2.5d-g 7.4f 26.9d 63.2b 90.0a-b
7060 1.4f-g 6.7f 18.6e 73.2a 91.8a
LSD (5%) 3.1 4.6 6.2 8.0 6.9

table 6 continued:

3rd Harvest
Cultivar or Small Med Large X-Large Large +
breeding line X-Large
Shamrock #1 24.5b-d 41.5a-b 25.6b-d 8.6b 34.2b-c
PSR 72482 20.7b-d 42.0a-b 28.4b-d 8.9b 37.3b-c
Pirate 29.5a-b 40.8a-b 22.9c-d 6.9b 29.8b-c
7025 27.3a-d 44.2a-b 22.6c-d 5.9b 28.5b-c
Duke 23.2b-d 43.la-b 29.0b-d 4.8b 33.8b-c
7067 27.6a-c 49.2a 18.4d 4.9b 23.3c
PSR 53080 20.0c-e 45.6a-b 28.7b-d 5.8b 34.5b-c
Shamrock #3 26.6a-d 47.7a 21.8c-d 3.9b 25.7b-c
XPH 724 24.7b-d 44.la-b 25.2b-d 6.2b 31.3b-c
Sunny 21.3b-d 39.8a-b 28.2b-d 6.4b 34.6b-c
Atlantic City 18.7c-f 41.2a-b 32.2b-c 8.0b 40.2b-c
7095 22.3b-d 42.9a-b 24.9b-d 10.Ob 34.8b-c
FTE 12 20.8b-d 43.8a-b 28.2b-d 7.3b 35.4b-c
Hayslip 18.0d-f 40.0a-b 29.7b-c 12.4b 42.1b
Shamrock #2 23.4b-d 43.6a-b 23.6c-d 9.5b 33.1b-c
GSV 82-021 17.9d-f 44.3a-b 25.9b-d 11.9b 37.8b-c
Independence 34.la 33.7b-c 24.7b-d 7.7b 32.3b-c
7065 9.0g 23.3c 35.4a-b 32.4a 67.8a
7078 ll.lf-g 28.40. 30.7b-c 29.9a 60.6a
7060 11.7e-g 22.6c 42.la 23.6a 65.8a
LSD (5%) 7.8 10.4 9.0 10.2 13.9

Combined Harvest
Cultivar or Small Med Large X-Large Large +
breeding line X-Large
Shamrock #1 9.1a-d 24.6a-e 38.8a-b 27.5f-h 66.4f-g
PSR 72482 8.0c-e 25.3a-e 37.5a-b 29.2e-h 66.8e-g
Pirate 11.2a-b 27.2a-c 38.3a-b 23.3g-h 61.6g-j
7025 11.3a-b 28.9a 35.0a-c 24.8g-h 59.8i-j
Duke 7.5c-f 22.4d-f 36.7a-c 33.4d-f 70.1d-f
7067 8.2b-e 22.ld-f 34.5b-c 35.4d-e 69.9d-f
PSR 53080 6.3d-f 21.6e-f 37.6a-b 34.5d-f 72.lc-e
Shamrock #3 11.9a 29.1a 35.8a-c 23.2g-h 59.0j
XPH 724 11.6a 27.9a-b 28.5a-b 22.0h 60.5h-j
Sunny 9.la-d 25.2a-e 37.4a-c 28.3e-h 65.7f-h
Atlantic City 5.2e-g 17.6g 34.3b-c 42.9c 77.2c
7095 7.7c-f 23.4c-f 34.2b-c 34.7d-f 69.0d-f
FTE 12 9.6a-c 28.9a 37.7a-b 23.9g-h 61.6g-j
Hayslip 8.8a-d 25.7a-d 39.9a 25.7g-h 65.6f-h
Shamrock #2 9.0a-d 24.4b-e 32.6c 33.9d-f 66.5f-g
GSV 82-021 5.6e-g 20.5f-g 36.4a-c 37.6c-d 73.9c-d
Independence 10.5a-c 25.2a-e 35.3a-c 29.6e-g 64.9f-i
7065 2.8g 10.4h-i 24.0d-e 62.8a 86.8a-b
7078 4.8f-g 12.7h 27.Od 55.3b 82.3b
7060 3.0g 8.8i 20.6e 67.6a 88.la
LSD(5%) 2.7 3.4 4.1 6.3 4.8
ISmall (7 x 7)
2Medium (6:x 7)
3Large (6 x 6)
4X-Large (5 x 6)


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