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Range Cattle Experiment Station May968 .
Mimeo Report RCS68-3. .- i Yn
Feedlot Performance of Crossbred Calves/
M. P k' 16 1863
F. M. Peacock, W. G. Kirk, J. W.--Carpenter, I
M. Koger and A. Z. Palmer/
SI.A.S. Unv. o Forida
Weanling steer calves of different breeds and breed comBinations have
been studied in drylot on full feed at the Range:Cattl'e Experiment Station
since 1952. This study has been conducted since 1962 and is presented in
two parts. The first being on Brahman-Shorthorn-crosses as an approach to
test.calves produced from a crisscross breeding program when the Brahman.and
Shorthorn breeds are used. The second is on Brahman, Angus, Charolais, and
their crosses.
Breeding of Brahman-Shorthorn cross range from 3/4 Brahman-1/4
Shorthorn with 1/8 blood variations giving 'rise to five lots of animals.
One-hundred-five calves were fed over a three-year'period for 191-day
average. The ration fed consisted of 20'parts l4%'cottonseed meal, 40
citrus pulp, 21 ground snapped corn, 13 corn meal, 5 alfalfa, and 1 mineral
plus 2 1/2 pounds pangolagrass hay daily per steer. Calves were fed once
each day and at the end of each feeding trial were trucked to Lykes Brothers
packing plant and slaughtered. Warm carcass weights were obtained and
animals were graded after 48 hours in: the cooler. Actual weight of.calves
was used as the initial weight. To obtain realistic average daily gains for
Presented at Beef Cattle-Short Course, May 2-4, 1968, Gainesville.
Associate Animal Husbandman, Animal Scientist, Range Cattle Station,
Ona; Associate Meat Scientist, Animal Genetist, and Meat Scientist,
Animal Science Department, Gainesville.
comparisons, final weights of animals in both studies were adjusted based on
a 60% cold carcass dressing percentage... Cold carcass weights in this trial
were obtained by deducting 2 1/2% from the warm carcass weight. Results of
this study are given in Table 1.
The study on performance of Brahman, Angus, Charolais, and their crosses
has been conducted for three years. This study is not complete and will be
carried on for a few more years until sufficient data are obtained to make
The calves were out of Brahman, Angus, and 3/4 Charolais to 7/8
Charolais cows and sired by Brahman, Angus, and Charolais bulls. The calves
were fed by sire groups due to lack of facilities rather than in individual
breed groups which would have been desirable..
Animals were fed a ration consisting of 19 parts 41% cottonseed meal,
48 citrus pulp, 18 corn, 9 ground snapped corn, 5 alfalfa, and 1 mineral
plus 2 1/4 pounds hay daily per steer. Calves sired by the Brahman bull ate
814 pounds of feed per 100 pounds gain while those sired by the Angus bull
required 900 pounds, and by the Charolais bull.847 pounds. Calves were
slaughtered at the Meats-Laboratory, Gainesville, where slaughter and carcass
data were obtained. Cold carcass weights were obtained after 48 hours in the
cooler. Estimated percent yield equals estimated percent of boned and
closely trimmed major cuts of round, rump, loin, rib and chuck. Performance
and carcass data by individual breed groups are given in Table 2.
Table 1. Feedlot performance, dressing percentage and carcass
grade of Brahiman-Shorthorn crossbred calves.
3/4 B- 5/8 E- 1/2 B- 5/8 Sh- 3/4 Sh-
Breeding of animals 1/4 Sh 3/8 Sh 1/2 Sh 3/8 B 1/4 B
No. of animals 21 21 21 21 21
Days on feed 191 191 191 191 191
Av. initial weight 544 519 519 541 517
Av. final weight adj. to 60 D.P. 976 978 967 954 947
Av. daily gain 2.26 2.40 2.35 2.16 2.25
Weight shrunk carcass 586 587 580 572 568
Av. carcass grade G HoGood L.Ch. L.Ch. L.Ch.
Feed/100 lb. gain 875 895 902 905 896
Table 2. Feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of
Angus, Brahman, Charolais and their Crosses.
Ax Ax Char.
Angus Brah. Char. Br. Char. x Br.
No. of aniJals 11 10 12 19 21 19
Days on feed 178 178 178 178 178 178
Beginning weight 377 448 623 466 492 560
Final adj. weight at 60 D.P. 715 797 1050 873 895 977
Adj. daily gain at 60 D.P. 1.90 1.96 2.40 2.29 2.26 2.34
Carcass weight 429 478 630 524 537 586
Dressing percent 60.51 61.60 62.31 62.46 61.65 62.54
Federal grade Ch G G+ G++ Ch- G
Fat over eye 0.41 0.29 0.24 0.40 0.33 0.29
Rib e-e area 8.73 9.25 12.40 9.94 10.30 10.61
Estimated yield 50.18 50,90 52.01 50.02 50.65 50.79
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of Florida