Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://original-ufdc.uflib.ufl.edu/UF00073686/00038
Material Information
- Title:
- Alumni CLAS notes news from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Florida
- Creator:
- University of Florida. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Place of Publication:
- Gainesville Fla
- Publisher:
- College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Creation Date:
- 2008
- Frequency:
- Semiannual[1995-]
Quarterly[ FORMER <1991->1994] semiannual regular
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- v. : ill. ; 28-44 cm.
- Genre:
- serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- Began with: fall 1991?
- General Note:
- Title from caption.
- General Note:
- Latest issue consulted: fall 2001.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
- Resource Identifier:
- 52363295 ( OCLC )
2003229973 ( LCCN )
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The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences occupies a
beautiful section of campus that captures the ori-
gins and history of the university in its buildings and
landscaping. Thanks to the generosity of alumni and
donors, many of the original architectural structures
have had their grace and grandeur restored. Because
of its importance to the entire campus, we modify Z
the historical district rarely. And when we do, we do
so carefully.
In February, CLAS celebrated the completion of a mar-
velous new building, Jim and Alexis Pugh Hall, whose style
respects and complements that of its neighbors. Its placement
between Newell and Dauer Halls creates a new plaza and focal T 9
point, where none existed before. Thanks to the generosity of
Jim and Alexis Pugh, the Department of African and Asian thea
Languages and Literatures, the Samuel Proctor Oral His-
tory Program, and the Bob Graham Center for Public Service
have a new state-of-the-art home. Please visit www.ufl.oxblue. the campus in considering problems ham Center for Public Service, students
com/grahamcenter to view a live shot of the building and see a facing the nation. So far this spring, the will have the opportunity to learn about
time-lapse film of its construction, center has hosted Bob Graham, Dr. Jo- those challenges and to work shoulder-
CLAS formally opened the Graham Center in March. seph Nye, Pulitzer Prize winner David to-shoulder with current leaders to help
Inspired by the work of former Florida Governor and U.S. McCullough, Senators Chuck Hagel address them. By any measure, our stu-
Senator Bob Graham, the center prepares students to assume and Jay Rockefeller, and former Secre- dents are among the most talented in
leadership roles in addressing state and national issues. It fo- tary of State Madeleine Albright. the nation. If we can turn their atten-
cuses on public leadership and public service through course- The college's primary mission is to tion to address boldly our most pressing
work and practical experience, U.S. relations with neighbors in prepare our students to assume leader- problems, we will have helped our na-
Latin America and the Caribbean basin, and homeland securi- ship roles in resolving the challenges fac- tion take great strides forward.
ty. Through its distinguished speaker series,the center engages ing the nation. Through the Bob Gra- -Joe Glover, Interim Dean
A* ps i *c. I mn t *G o p a
Hof an oh B are e d in \ l atest
CelebratingCiics...........................8 boosb L aun
B An a r c of poliica g*t joined in t g opening
of thBob Graa CetrfrPb licSevic.To orrw.................................1
^ l~ w ? T ~j n 'fe x p l o r e s t h e J e w i s h i d e n t i t y o f a G r e e k h i s t o ri a n.'^ "
Almn Spoll~fl tf~lgh ................................ 1
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences occupies a
beautiful section of campus that captures the ori-
gins and history of the university in its buildings and
landscaping. Thanks to the generosity of alumni and
donors, many of the original architectural structures
have had their grace and grandeur restored. Because
of its importance to the entire campus, we modify Z
the historical district rarely. And when we do, we do
so carefully.
In February, CLAS celebrated the completion of a mar-
velous new building, Jim and Alexis Pugh Hall, whose style
respects and complements that of its neighbors. Its placement
between Newell and Dauer Halls creates a new plaza and focal T 9
point, where none existed before. Thanks to the generosity of
Jim and Alexis Pugh, the Department of African and Asian thea
Languages and Literatures, the Samuel Proctor Oral His-
tory Program, and the Bob Graham Center for Public Service
have a new state-of-the-art home. Please visit www.ufl.oxblue. the campus in considering problems ham Center for Public Service, students
com/grahamcenter to view a live shot of the building and see a facing the nation. So far this spring, the will have the opportunity to learn about
time-lapse film of its construction, center has hosted Bob Graham, Dr. Jo- those challenges and to work shoulder-
CLAS formally opened the Graham Center in March. seph Nye, Pulitzer Prize winner David to-shoulder with current leaders to help
Inspired by the work of former Florida Governor and U.S. McCullough, Senators Chuck Hagel address them. By any measure, our stu-
Senator Bob Graham, the center prepares students to assume and Jay Rockefeller, and former Secre- dents are among the most talented in
leadership roles in addressing state and national issues. It fo- tary of State Madeleine Albright. the nation. If we can turn their atten-
cuses on public leadership and public service through course- The college's primary mission is to tion to address boldly our most pressing
work and practical experience, U.S. relations with neighbors in prepare our students to assume leader- problems, we will have helped our na-
Latin America and the Caribbean basin, and homeland securi- ship roles in resolving the challenges fac- tion take great strides forward.
ty. Through its distinguished speaker series,the center engages ing the nation. Through the Bob Gra- -Joe Glover, Interim Dean
A* ps i *c. I mn t *G o p a
Hof an oh B are e d in \ l atest
CelebratingCiics...........................8 boosb L aun
B An a r c of poliica g*t joined in t g opening
of thBob Graa CetrfrPb licSevic.To orrw.................................1
^ l~ w ? T ~j n 'fe x p l o r e s t h e J e w i s h i d e n t i t y o f a G r e e k h i s t o ri a n.'^ "
Almn Spoll~fl tf~lgh ................................ 1
Every international student at the University
of Florida has a unique story about moving
to Gainesville, though many share some
common elements: Wandering through the
massive campus in the midst of the oppres-
sive August heat, gawking at the size of the
Swamp (the football stadium, not the restau-
rant), and marveling at the number of alliga-
tors sunbathing in Lake Alice.
For those of us who arrived for the Fall 2007 semester,
we have not only had to learn the intricacies of Gainesville and
Florida culture, but have been confronted with perhaps the
grandest political spectacle in the world-the race to occupy
the White House.
Growing up in New Zealand, I was somewhat of an
Americaphile. When the other kids were playing rugby, which
is closer to a religion than a sport, I was playing basketball.
When we had to do a project on someone we admired, I chose
Robert Kennedy, not famed New Zealand mountaineer Sir
Edmund Hillary. Thus, from a young age, I became interested
in the exhausting, bewildering, lavishly funded and intricate
contest for the Oval Office.
Arriving in the U.S. 15 months prior to the national elec-
tion-an election, as the mass media continually reminds us,
that is set to be the most interesting in years-I have become a
full-blown campaign news junkie. However, as an outsider still
perplexed by some of the details of the American political sys-
tern, I remain intrigued by the essential
question that remains to be answered in
November: In terms of skills and char-
acter, what makes a president?
So, I turned to some of the experts
in the College of Liberal Arts and Sci-
ences who could provide insight into
what specific personality traits are need-
ed to lead the United States.
My journey took me to the office
of Political Science Professor Richard S.
C,., 1..,, ....1,... of a number of works on
U.S. presidents, including The Historical
Dictionary of the Reagan-Bush Era and
The Presidency, Congress, and Divided
Government. He said if there's a com-
mon factor linking the past occupants of
the Oval Office, it is the basic ability to
appeal to voters coupled with an inher-
ent desire to succeed.
"To a large degree, most of our
presidents have been able to connect
with people, and they possess a drive
and a search for excellence," Conley said,
adding it is also worth remembering the
"human" factor of the race to the White
House. "Sometimes, people who crave
the spotlight like politicians do are try-
ing to fill a void in their own personal-
ity," he said. "And presidents, like all of
us, have to conquer their own demons
when they're in office."
Conley refers to the late James
Barber, former Duke University politi-
cal scientist known for his work explor-
ing the psyche of presidential hopefuls,
when discussing the leadership traits
not always apparent to the public on
the campaign trail. "Richard Nixon, for
example, destroyed his opponents-he
vilified people, and made lists of his en-
emies," Conley said. "Ronald Reagan,
on the other hand, was an eternal opti-
mist and he really didn't like to hear bad
news. He would say, 'I just don't want to
hear this.' Reagan's staffers learned this
about him, and at times they would keep
bad news from him."
The next expert on my list, Ste-
phen C. Craig-professor and chair of
the political science department and
director of the UF graduate program
in political campaigning-said that
while each candidate claims they will
follow through with their pledges, he
warns voters to be wary of expecting
too much from campaign promises.The
highly valued characteristic of following
through on election assurances is
a wholly problematic proposition
after winning an election.
"You can never anticipate
what a president is going to be like
when he or she gets into office,"
Craig said. "You can try and look
at what they say and predict what
they'll do, but it's almost impos-
sible to know."
Even if the president-elect
attempts to stay faithful to the sub-
stance of his or her rhetoric, Craig
said the promises made by can-
didates may not be what swayed
voters in the first place. Quoting
the title of a February 11 issue of
Newsweek, Craig said, "When it is
head versus heart, heart wins."
In the Newsweek feature,
various experts from a range of
disciplines described the ways in
which the emotional appeal of a
candidate will always trump the
more logical analysis of a poli-
tician's "platform," citing the in-
nately human tendency to follow
one's gut. "That doesn't mean vot-
ers don't care about Obama's war
vote or McCain's support of the
war surge," wrote reporter Sharon
Begley. "They do-but not be-
cause these positions would affect
them. Instead, voters evaluate how
a position makes themfeel."
Craig identifies the presiden-
cies of Ronald Reagan and George
W. Bush as examples of the exis-
tence of this often intangible "feel"
factor among U.S. voters. "After
the Carter administration, Ronald
Reagan made Americans feel very
proud again," he said. "In 2004,
George W. Bush made people feel
more secure." Professor Conley
agrees that "feel" will be a decid-
ing factor come November. "With
Bush, the message is sent that ev-
ery day there is a threat. That every
day, there is the possibility that the
sky will fall down," Conley said.
"People may be tiring of that mes-
To consider what it takes to
be president in the hyperactive
media culture that permeates all
aspects of American life in the 21st
century, we may first want to go
back and visit one of the watershed
media moments in the history of
the republic's national electoral
process-the 1960 televised presi-
dential debates.
For a moment, imagine that
we have been transported to the
mid-part of the 20th century: a
time of black and white television,
limited network channels, and ba-
sic sound and low definition im-
ages. You are one of 70 million
Americans-the largest audience
in television history up to that
point-tuned in on a late Septem-
ber evening to watch the first-ever
televised debate between two men
vying to occupy the most powerful
political position in the world.
The candidate on the audi-
ence's right, Richard Nixon, the
once little-known Republican
from California who is currently
serving as the country's vice presi-
dent, has bluntly ignored the advice
of his campaign team by not wear-
ing make-up-his pale face and
"five o'clock shadow" facial stubble
more noticeable on television than
it might have otherwise been. The
candidate on the left, the young
senator from Massachusetts, John
Fitzgerald Kennedy, is fresh from
campaigning in a convertible in
the Californian sun-his tan adds
to the contrast between his oppo-
nent's drawn, haggard appearance
and the handsomeness that is al-
ready part of the Kennedy legend.
As Professor Richard Con-
ley reminds me, the outcome of
the Nixon/Kennedy debates was a
pivotal moment that affirmed the
emergence of an important new
campaign tool. The research sur-
into the annals of media studies
history: those who listened to the
first debate on the radio picked
Nixon as the winner, while those
who watched the television broad-
cast of the event overwhelmingly
sided with Kennedy.
To get some perspective
on the i.,,, ...... of the 1960
Nixon/Kennedy debate and the
importance of physical appear-
ance in the age of visually based
multi-media outlets like YouTube
and MySpace, I consulted History
Professor David Colburn, former
provost of UF and director of the
university's Reubin O'D Askew
Institute on Politics and Society
since 1994. P..l1... i., on visual
mediums and the Nixon/Ken-
nedy debates, Colburn predicts
rounding the debates has moved that, "Today, we probably wouldn't
elect Abraham Lincoln or George
Washington with his wooden
Looking back over the
achievements of various admin-
istrations, Colburn sees one ma-
jor trend that has shaped the role
of the Commander-in-Chief,
whether Republican or Democrat.
"I think that the best presidents
have had the best cabinets," he
said. "Abraham Lincoln was said
to have had the best cabinet in the
history of the presidency." How-
ever, he said this does not change
the influence that the president
can wield. "The power of the of-
fice is quite stunning."
But attempting to harness
such power in what Colburn calls
the "CEO approach" has often
proven to be a mistake. "The one
To a large degree, most of our
presidents have been able to
connect with people, and they
possess a drive and a search for
-Richard S. Conley
Professor of Political Science
leadership style that hasn't really worked
is the CEO approach, particularly by
Republicans," he said, pointing to the
Hoover presidency as an example. "It
doesn't encourage the important ex-
change of ideas. It is more like, 'I'm in
Like Colburn, English Profes-
sor Ronald Carpenter emphasized the
necessity of fostering the effective ex-
change of ideas and communicating
those ideas to the American public. A
specialist on public discourse, Carpenter
believes that a successful president needs
to be a conduit of the greater abstract
desires of Americans. "I think Ameri-
cans expect leaders capable of articulat-
ing the sentiments and strong feelings
that Americans have-their beliefs,"
said Carpenter.
Author of Choosing Powerful Words:
Eloquence that Works and History as
Rhetoric: Style, Narrative, and Persuasion,
Carpenter argues that the importance of
oratorical skill is not only a necessity on
the campaign trail, but is what provides
the substance of great presidential lega-
cies."People know words from Lincoln's
Gettysburg address," Carpenter said.
"They can quote an exact sentence from
Franklin Roosevelt, and Kennedy would
not have attained his acclaim but for the
eloquence for which he is I i1l ,1 Ij lyre-
Referring to Ronald Reagan's early
acting career, Carpenter emphasized not
only the importance of the "right"words
but the ability to present them on tele-
vision. I' i.. 11 learned how to deliver
lines to a camera in Hollywood," Car-
penter said. "If he flubbed his lines and
they had to do the shot again, the female
actor could leave the set and he would
deliver the lines again, by himself, to the
camera." Sophisticated communication skills have always been
integral to engendering the trust and support of the American
people, argues Carpenter, and television changed the dynam-
In addition to the importance of capturing the public's
attention through the Internet, both the news media and the
candidates themselves have consistently trumpeted the diver-
sity of this year's cast of presidential hopefuls. While histori-
cally presidents have not been diverse in terms of race and gen-
der, Conley points out that presidents have traditionally come
from "diverse backgrounds."
From Lyndon B. Johnson, who came from very humble
roots, to the wealthy family of Bush presidents, Conley argues
the second half of the 20th century has produced a list ofpresi-
dents with vastly different personalities-making it difficult to
identify those traits all presidents appear to share. So instead of
trying to compile a precise checklist of presidential leadership
qualities, Craig believes the essential questions voters need to
answer for themselves are simple: "Who's got the vigor to be
president and who's ready for the job?"
As the academic year comes to an end and the heat and
humidity once again descend upon Gainesville, international
students like myself firm up our summer plans-which for
many will include trips back home, where our friends and
family will want to know about our studies in America. Ques-
tions about who will be the country's next leader will inevitably
arise, so we cannot help but keep one eye on the other side of
summer and the imminent election.
While cynics say the electoral process is too drawn out
and the incessant media coverage borders on hysteria, the
campaign provides us, both international students and Ameri-
cans alike, with a rare insight into this nation's collective psyche
as reflected in the appeals of the politicians. At best, during
the race for the highest office in the land, America's hopes
and dreams, fears and insecurities, are played out in the public
sphere for all of us, citizens and foreigners alike, to witness. I
for one cannot wait to see what happens next.
-Christopher Garland
I :1
In the heart of the University of Florida, nestled between 98-year-old Newell and
72-year-old Dauer Halls, there's a new kid on the block energizing the historic
district of campus. Jim and Alexis Pugh Hall was dedicated on February 9 and has
become a focal point of campus activity.
Equipped with the latest technology and features of our ti..... h.. 4 1.1 ,11 11- 1. '- .....
facility honors its stately neighbors in its exterior design-blending 1... I ..... 1..I.. .... 1 I, ..... I.l
in a style that is all its own. It should be no surprise, then, to lea, I ... .. i "' ..1, I ...
was commissioned by one ofthe state's most p r..,,,,.. I .. 1.i, i. i,.... I. .i I'n ....
his wife Alexis, who has led a distinguished career developing mu i iii,,l, I... n, I.. ,1,.
"We are most impressed with the design," said Pugh, a 19( i III ...1. ..... ...i ....
alumnus, in praise of the design team Ponikvar & Associates an.i Il.. i .... -
struction."It's a new building in the old part of campus with a tinrr .1.. ....
fits in nicely among the beautiful old buildings."
The Pughs were looking for a way to contribute to the un, I. I ..
they learned former Florida Governor and retired U.S. Senator P. .1.. I I I,,
a 1959 political science alumnus, was planning to establish the E. .1. I I
Center for Public Service at UF. Graham and Mr. Pugh were. ii ..ii, .
brothers in Sigma Nu during their undergraduate years, and even 1 ..... I 'I.1 h
knew he would find a way to some day give back to his alma mate
"This was a natural way to support Graham-my friend of 5(.. -5 ( 1
the creation of a place for students to study functioning democrat. _... ...... .
Pugh said. "I hope between Bob Graham, Alexis and I, we can ,, i, ......
students with this in ...Ii... .i building and Bob's vision and lega
In addition to housing the Graham Center, Pugh Hall is al ..
home to the Department of African and Asian Languages and
Literatures, which promotes a better understanding of non-West-
ern languages and cultures, and the Samuel Proctor Oral History
Program, which preserves eyewitness accounts of Florida history.
These three programs unite in the College of Liberal Arts and
Sciences' mission to advance the understanding of our world and
our place within it.
Classes began meeting in Pugh Hall at the beginning of
the spring semester in January, and more than 200 people gath-
ered to celebrate its grand opening a month later. Mr. and Mrs.
Pugh surprised the audience during the ceremony by pledging
another $1 million to name the '".I. i'., .i.. 1 in..,' n. .1. 11 ....... of 1
former Florida Governor Buddy MacKay, and his wife Ann. All
who participated in the event noted the humble generosity of the
"The word philanthropist is a very important word," said UF
President Bernie Machen."It means to do good with the resources
they have on this earth, and that's what they have done." I
-Buffy Lockett
"Poor public leadership is
damaging to the future of
our country.
The next generation can-
not simply sit back and
wait for change-we must
actively participate and
provoke change."
-Logan Perel
After reading Senator Bob Graham's 2004
book Intelligence Matters, Logan Perel knew
he wanted to dedicate himself to a life of
public service. Luckily, the Delray Beach
native didn't have to go far to pursue the
kind of training he will need as a future
policy maker. The Bob Graham Center for
Public Service has launched a certificate
program in public leadership aimed at train-
ing tomorrow's public leaders and Perel was
one of the first students to enroll.
"Poor public leadership is damaging to the
future of our country," said Perel, a political science
major. "The next generation cannot simply sit back
and wait for change-we must actively participate
and provoke change."
Through coursework and practical experi-
ence, Graham Center students gain the skills and
knowledge necessary for effective and ethical lead-
ership careers. The certificate has been designed
to complement major programs offered across the
unive, i,.. i,, ,l..li. 1,... natural sciences, humani-
ties, social sciences, journalism, and business. Its
alumni are expected to go into a wide variety of
fields, in addition to law, politics and government
"Many students will be working in the pri-
vate sector, but questions of governing and public
policy touch all our lives and this program can give
students some of the tools they need to understand
these issues," said David Hedge, political science
professor and academic programs director for the
Graham Center. "The idea is that the problems
governments face are not one-dimensional. We
need to look at policy problems from different per-
spectives and draw upon various disciplines."
Jessica Hand, a political science major purs-
ing a minor in agriculture and natural resource
policy, said she decided to enroll in the program
to prepare for a future in county or city politics.
"I intend to pursue a master's degree in urban and
regional planning and then return to my home-
town to work as a public planner," Hand said. "I
also would like to run for a county office, because
I feel that there is currently a lack of leadership in
:4rfp 1
the local government where I am from. I
believe that earning this certificate is the
first step towards preparing me to fill that
Political science and history double
major Sara Meerow believes the program
will prepare her for law school. "I enrolled
because I am interested in public policy,
wanted to hone my leadership skills and
intern in politics, and because I have al-
ways admired Bob Graham," she said.
To apply, students must have a mini-
mum 3.25 GPA and have already com-
pleted the university's general education
requirements. Once enrolled, they are ex-
pected to earn 18 hours of credit in pub-
lic affairs courses, including Writing for
Public Leadership, Florida Since 1845,
Economics and Public Policy, and Current
Controversies in Public Policy. They also
must complete a public affairs internship.
Outside the classroom, Graham students
benefit from the diverse list of speakers the
center brings to campus-rubbing elbows
with local, state and national leaders (see
page 8).
"The theory that is taught in class is
complemented by the experiences of the
speakers that the Graham Center brings
in," said Ben Cavataro, a political science
major and religion minor. "I joined the
program to learn from both theorists and
The center is in the process of de-
signing bachelor's and master's degree
programs in public policy. For now, Hedge
says the certificate in public leadership will
continue to evolve according to student de-
mand and interest. Although the program
has only been in place for a year, two dozen
students have been recruited and are taking
policy courses and serving as interns at the
local, state, national, and even international
levels. "The students are amazing," Hedge
said. "These are very bright individuals
who care deeply about critical policy is-
-Buffy Lockette & Heather Read
laying golf with Tiger Woods, sipping tea with the Queen of England and having din-
ner with Nelson Mandela are experiences most of us can only dream about. For Eng-
lish alumnus Doug Band, personal adviser to former U.S. President Bill Clinton, they're
perks of the job. But while he may have enjoyed having Paul McCartney sing to him on his
30th birthday, he keeps his ego in check,"Often I think people get caught up in positions like
these and forget what this is all about: making a difference and helping people."
on the sidelines
of history:
Band has worked for Clinton for more than 12
years, starting out as a White House intern in 1995
shortly after receiving a B.A. in English from UF
the same year. He worked his way up through the
ranks, becoming the youngest deputy assistant ever
to serve a president before concluding his last year in
the Oval Office as the President's Aide. Along the
way, he managed to earn a law degree and a master's
in liberal arts from Georgetown University, taking
night classes while working fill-time at the White
"You break into this kind of work by believ-
ing in the inherent value and good of public service,"
Band said. "You get out of it what you put into it,
which is a valuable lesson I learned at UF. Hard
work, determination and being driven to help other
people have been key factors in getting to where I
Today Band is regarded as Clinton's closest
adviser-his right-hand man, so to speak. He man-
ages every aspect of the former president's life, from
meetings with world dignitaries to joining him on
family vacations. If you see Clinton in the news, you
are highly likely to catch a glimpse of Band in the
background. He's even pictured on the back cover of
Clinton's 2004 autobiography, My Life.
Over the years Band has racked up many
stamps in his passport-visiting 92 countries, 750
cities and every state in the U.S. He lives out of a
suitcase, traveling at least 200 days a year, and has
grown accustomed to 18-hour workdays. His itiner-
ary is so jammed packed, in fact, he had to complete
the interview for this story via BlackBerry on a flight
back from London. While this grueling schedule
might seem like a small price to pay in exchange
for the opportunity meet the occasional rock star
like U2's Bono, the reason Band sticks around goes
much deeper.
"The thing I most enjoy in my job is helping
people," he said. "I have been able to remain behind
the scenes, making a difference and changing peo-
ple's lives."
As the mastermind of the Clinton Global Ini-
tiative, Band has helped raised $30 billion in the
past three years alone to be used around the world to
combat global warming, alleviate poverty, improve
education, fight AIDS and address other press-
ing health concerns. He presented the idea to the
Clintons in 2002 and they let him plan, develop and
initiate the project, which has become the center of
Clinton's White House afterlife.
Essentially the architect of Clinton's post-pres-
idency, Band is called upon by other retiring world
leaders, including British Prime Minister Tony Blair,
for advice on making the transition back into pri-
vate life. As Clinton himself recently commented to
Alumni CLASnotes through e-mail, "I couldn't have
done half of what I have done in my post-presidency
without him."
Band was born and raised in Sarasota, Florida.
The youngest of four sons, he followed in the foot-
steps of two of his older brothers, Greg and Roger,
when he became a student at UF. Greg Band earned
a law degree from the university in 1990 and prac-
tices in Sarasota. Dr. Roger Band received a B.S. in
microbiology in 1994 before earning an M.D. from
Thomas Jefferson Medical College in 2001. He joins
Doug and Clinton on international trips as Clinton's
road physician.
As an undergraduate, Band served as vice pres-
ident of Sigma Phi Epsilon, president of the Inter-
Fraternity Council and a member of Florida Blue
Key. He also interned in D.C. for Congressman Dan
Miller, R-Fla. Myra Morgan, Director of External
Relations in the UF Division of Student Affairs, has
known Band since he was an undergraduate and re-
mains one of his close friends and mentors. "He was
always a kid who had great ideas and a great vision,"
she said. "I wasn't exactly sure what he was going to
be, but I knew we'd all look back one day and say
'Wow, we knew him when."'
Though his career often keeps him a world
away from UF, Band is very proud of his alma ma-
ter. He visits campus as often as he can, flying down
to meet his brothers for at least one Gator football
game each season. Proud of the high quality of stu-
dents UF produces, he regularly introduces fellow
alumni to Clinton-like in March, when seven UF
alumni attended the launch of Clinton Global Ini-
tiative University in New Orleans. Band was also
highly influential in getting Clinton to come to UF
as an ACCENT speaker in 2003.
"I don't think there are words to describe my
time at UF," Band said. "It is not just an institution
of higher learning, it's a community, a family-one
that helped further the principles, ethics and morals
that I had been taught all of my life."
Morgan and a delegation of his childhood and
college friends flewto Paris in August to attend Band's
wedding to successful handbag designer and entre-
preneur Lily Rafii. Dozens of Gators joined Bill and
Chelsea Clinton in celebrating the couple's nuptials.
The newlyweds can't wait to start a family of their own,
but when asked whether the firstborn will be named
after one of the Clintons, Band said, "Not a chance! It's
going to be Albert or Alberta of course, at least that's
what I'm trying to ease my wife into."
-Buffy Lockette
I I.
-Peid n Bil Clno POO
Harold Klapper (B.A., Political Sci
ence, 1959) is on counsel at Boies Schil
ler & Flexner, a litigation firm in New
York City. He holds the honor of being
the first National Debate Champion at
Charles E. "Abe" Abramson (B.A.,
History, 1963) is a commercial real
estate broker who has just completed
six years on the Medical Staff Ethics
Committee at Missoula, Montana's
Saint Patrick Hospital and Health Sci
ences Center, where he continues to
serve on the Joint Institutional Review
Board. He is also a founding trustee of
the Missoula Public Library Founda
tion and serves on Montana's Board of
Realty Regulation.
Shere Hite (B.A. and M.A., History,
1967 and 1969) has published several
books over the years, including TheHite
Report: A Nationwide Study of Female
Sexuality and The Hite Report on Male
Sexuality. She lives in London and is a
newspaper columnist for several public
cations around the world.
John Arthur Marshall (B.S., Geol
ogy, 1963) is president of the Arthur
R. Marshall Foundation, established to
honor the late Arthur R. Marshall (B.S.
I 1953), an ecologist and Ever
glades restoration pioneer. The found
tion celebrated its 10th anniversary in
Darrell A. Simmons (B.A., English,
1961) has published a novel, Daily
Double Cross.
Joseph HornThomas (B.A. and M.A.,
History, 1962 and 1969) is an adjunct
history professor on Edison College's
Lee Campus in Fort Myers, Florida,
where he serves as faculty adviser to the
Omicron Epsilon Chapter of Phi Theta
Billy M. Thornton (B.A., Mathemat
ics, 1963) holds an M.S. in systems
engineering from the University of
Arizona and a Ph.D. in industrial en
gineering from Texas A&M Univer
sity. He recently retired from Colorado
State University, where he served as a
business professor for 26 years.
PatriciaJ. Amick (M.S., Physics, 1978)
was recently promoted to Technical
Fellow in the area of Electronics Manu
facturing at the Boeing Company. She
also received an international electron
ics industry award this year.
Colette Mullaney Bancroft (M.A.,
English, 1975) is the book editor of the
St. Petersburg Times.
Steven "Ed" Cox (B.A., English, 1977)
is a high school English teacher in the
Oviedo, Florida area.
Fred Gahr,Jr. (B.A., '. I I ..1973)
has converted to the S1,1 I .,I way of
life and is now known as Gurukirn S.
Khalsa. He is co-owner and national
sales manager of Soothing Touch, a
Santa Fe, New Mexico based manufac
turer of massage and spa products.
David Jaffee (B.A., Political Science,
1977) is assistant vice president for un
dergraduate studies and a professor of
----1 --v at the University of North
I r,. I,
BarryM. Kay l I'. I ..1977)
has been named president of the
Chamber of Commerce of Hollywood,
Florida. He holds an optometry degree
from the Pennsylvania School of Op
Kenneth F. Kiple (Ph.D., History,
1970) recently retired as a distinguished
university professor of history from
Bowling Green State University. He
has authored or edited a dozen books,
including the recently published The
Movable Feast: Ten Millennia of Food
Col. Michael L. Neveaux (B.S., Math
ematics, 1970) spent five years in active
duty as an Army aviator, retired after 24
years in the U.S. Army Reserves, and
has spent 34 years as chief pilot of the
Los Angeles Police Department's Air
Support Division.
JoyceM.Romanski I \ I.. I, I ..
1979) went on to pursue a master's in
English education and an educational
specialist degree in curriculum and in
struction from UF She taught for 25
years at North Marion Middle School
in Citra, Florida and recently published
a novel for adolescents, Redfield Alma
Mater: No More Teachers' Dirty Looks.
She also teaches composition at Central
Florida Community College.
Bob Andelman (B.A., Film Studies,
1982) authored Will Eisner: A Spirited
Life in 2005 and is the producer of the
Mr. Media podcast.
David R.Atherton (Ph.D., Chemistry,
1984) is principal materials scientist at
Exide Technologies, a leading acid bat
tery manufacturing company. He re
sides in Johnson City, Tennessee.
TinaBrier (B.A., History, 1982) earned
a law degree from Fordham University
in 1989 and is chief contract negotiator
and director of classified personnel for
the Berkeley Unified School District in
Berkeley, California.
Michael A. Downs (B.A., Econom
ics, 1980) is president and CEO of
the United Church of Christ Pension
Board, which serves 22,000 cler" and
staff employees and manages bil
lion in assets.
Scott Gordon (B.A., Criminal Justice,
1987) recently promoted from an over
seas assignment in Bangkok, Thailand
to become the resident agent in charge
of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Admin
istration's Tacoma Resident Office in
Ray de Lugo, Jr. (B.A., Political Sci
ence, 1984) works for Blue Cross Blue
Shield of Florida in the Jacksonville
corporate headquarters as the senior
commodities consultant. He is work
ing in the Purchasing Division focusing
on construction, facilities and contract
Lisa Cohen Minnick (B.A., English,
1988) is an assistant professor of Eng
lish language and linguistics at Western
Michigan University. Her book, Dialect
and Dichotomy: Literary Representations
of Speech was named a Choice Out
standing Academic Title in 2006.
Jack Morey (B.S., Economics, 1987)
has been included for the second con
secutive year on Bank Investment Con
sultant Magazine's list of top 50 bank
financial advisers in the nation. Work
ing at SunTrust Investment Services
in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, he has
been educating clients for over 12 years
on investment planning and preparing
for their financial futures.
Donovan D. Mouton (B.A., Political
Science, 1980) is a program director
with the One Economy Corporation,
managing the Kansas region, including
the growth and development of its web
media properties and on-the-ground
digital inclusion programs. Prior to
joining the corporation, he served as
Director of Urban Affairs and Public
Advocacy under Kansas Ci. r.
Mayor Kay Barnes.
John M. Roberts (M.A., Political Sci
ence, 1988) has been appointed to the
policy committee of the Corporate
Executive Board, a Washington, D.C.
based business adviser firm.
Dawn Marie Rubio (B.S., '. I. I
1985) received a law degree from UF in
1988 and is an attorney and the prin
cipal court consultant for the National
Center for State Courts.
James D. Scott (B.S., Z 1 _.. 1989)
earned a master's in education trom UF
in 1991, as well as a Pharm.D. in 1994.
He received tenure and was promoted
to associate professor at the Western
University of Health Sciences' College
of Pharmacy in Los Angeles, Califor
R. Keith Stayer (B.A., Political Science,
1988) is a vice president and private
banker for Synovus Bank of Jackson
ville in Jacksonville, Florida.
Monica Sutton (B.A., .. I. I
1982) is test administrator at the Lang
ley Air Force Base Education Center,
where she was recently recognized as
employee of the month for the entire
base. She also works for Hospice at
Riverside Hospital.
DebThalasitis (B.A. and M.A., Politi
cal Science and Public Administration,
1980 and 1981) is assistant town man
ager of Marana, Arizona, a high growth
communityjust outside of Tucson.
Michael Tichenor (B.A., Political Sci
ence, 1986) has been promoted to the
Juvenile Division in the Miami-Dade
County State Attorney's Office.
John V. Tucker (B.A., "I,, .i,.
1988) received a law degree from UF in
1991 and practices with Tucker & Lu
din, PA. in Clearwater, Florida, where
he is the managing shareholder. He was
recently elected to the Board of Trust
ees of the National Multiple Sclerosis
Society's MidFlorida Chapter.
Kerry S. Waldron (B.A., Political Sci
ence, 1986) recently published a moti
national book, Loving Life and Living
Large. A Commonsense Approach to Suc
Todd H. Albert (B.S., Geography,
1998) was awarded a NASA Gradu
ate Research Fellowship in 2001 and
an Innovative Research Program grant
in 2002. He received his Ph.D. in 2007
and is now teaching at Bowling Green
State University.
Joseph N. Alexander (B.A., Criminal
Justice, 1996) is a civil litigator with
Potter, Clement, Lowry & Duncan in
Mount Dora, Florida.
Armando A. Olmedo Arias (B.A.,
History, 1992) is vice president and se
nior legal counsel for Univision Com-
munications, Inc. In March he received
a "People of the Year" award from the
Organization of Iberoamerican Jour
nalists in Madrid, Spain.
Douglas A. Barlow (B.S., Physics,
1996) is an assistant professor of phys
ics at Westmont College. He got mar
ried in December of 2007 to Evelyn M.
Calhoun. The couple reside in Santa
Barbara, California.
Lindsey Keller Berjansky (B.A., So
ciology, 1996) has received a master's
in counseling and development from
George Mason University and a doc
toral degree in clinical psychology from
George Washington University.
Mike Campbell (Ph.D., :- I I I..
1998) is on the faculty of the University
of the West Indies in Cave Hill, Bar
bados, where he lectures in behavioral
sc;.,, .. 1, ... 1, 1 ,, il,.. hoolof
JorgeA. Cervera (B.A., English, 1992)
is sales/product manager and website
copywriter for HeadPhone.com, the
world's largest online headphone
shop and headphone audio manufac
turer, based in Bozeman, Montana.
Caryn Slovenski Clark (B.A., Eng
lish, 1994) is a voice-over actress and
can be heard all over the country on
radio and television commercials, as
well as in corporate and web narra
Leanne Dolin (B.S., History, 1998)
earned a law degree from UF in 2001
and works as a staff attorney for a trial
judge in Atlanta. Three of her cases
have been nationally televised.
Howard L. Glass (B.S., I I I
1993) received a law degree from the
University of Houston in 1997 and
practiced law from 1997-2000 before
returning to Florida to teach.
Tracy S. Greenberg (B.A., Criminal
Justice, 1996) received a law degree
from the University of Texas in 1999
and is on the corporate counsel of
Marriott International, Inc.
Yoni Leviatan (B.A., Criminology,
1999) is an accomplished indepen
dent recording artist. His debut al
bum, Extra Credit, was released in
2007 and he has licensed songs to
MTV, Oxygen Network and PBS.
He is currently touring the II..
circuit. Visit his fan club at www.
Claire K. Mazur (B.A., Sociology,
1997; M.A., Political Science, 1999)
is a Chief Legislative Analyst with
the Florida Legislature.
Lowell Nieporent (B.A., Geogra
phy, 1997) has received an M.S. in
instructional systems design from
Florida State University.
Peg O'Connor (B.A., Criminology,
1993) earned a master's in sociology
and a law degree from UF in 1998.
Having completed a three-year clerk-
ship with U.S. DistrictJudge Stephan
P. Mickle, Northern District of Flor
ida, she is now in private practice fo
causing on high-level criminal defense
John Par6 (B.A., Political Science,
1991) holds a law degree from
George Washington University and
serves as Deputy Attorney General
for the Central Florida Region for
Florida's Attorney General.
Teresa Schaller (B.A., Criminal Jus
tice, 1995) has received an M.B.A.
from Florida Atlantic University
with a certificate in international
business management.
Jennifer Schultz (B.A., German,
1992) earned a master's in education
from UF in 1994 and an education
specialist degree from Georgia State
University in 2007. She was recently
awarded the Florida Language Asso
citation Foreign Language Teacher of
the Year Award for Georgia.
RobertJ. Sniffen (B.A., Political Sci
ence, 1990) is founder and managing
partner of Sniffen Law Firm, P.A. in
Tallahassee. The firm represents em
players in labor and employment law
matters, and also represents clients in
commercial and administrative liti
gation, property taxation, construct
tion litigation and license defense
Kristen Williams (B.A., Political
Science, 1999) works in medical sales
in Jacksonville, Florida. She recently
competed in the Dexter Jackson
Classic Women's Figure Show and
placed fifth. She was also selected as
Miss December for the 2008 Lex and
Terry Calendar.
Bret William Adams (B.S., Physics,
2007) is a patent examiner in the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office in Al
exandria, Virginia.
Brooke Bass (B.A., Economics,
2002) earned an M.S. in business
administration in 2005 and recently
opened Keller Williams Gainesville
Realty in Haile Plantation. The
Wall StreetJournal and REAL Trends
named her one of 2007's Top 200
Real Estate Professionals.
Rachel Bird (B.A., Sociolo_. _, -",
received an M.A. in education policy
studies from George Washington
University in 2006 and is currently
the policy and research coordinator
for the Strong American Schools
campaign in Washington, D.C.
Jerome V. Cerdan (B.S., Microbiol
ogy and Cell Science, 2001) com-
pleted a doctorate in dental medicine
at Temple University in May 2006
and is serving as a dentist in the U.S.
Navy, based in Okinawa,Japan.
Christina Chambers (B.A., Political
Science, 2007) received a B.S. in pub
lic relations from UF and is work
ing at an Orlando public relations
Scott Chase (F \ TTi. r. -.' 'ii is
metro aquatics director at the North
Central Florida YMCA in Gaines
Tracie Nicole Cohens (B.A., Sociol
o._ ,, 4, received a master's degree
in counseling and works in Gaines
ville as a clinical behavior specialist,
helping individuals who are develop
mentally disabled.
Patrick Cosgriff (B.A., Political Sci
ence, 2001) holds an M.B.A. from
UF and is currently managing con
sultant for IBM's Global Business
Victoria Eads (B.A., Religion, 2006)
is pursing a nursing degree in Texas.
She has been invited to join Sigma
Theta Tau and was voted by her in
structors to be one of 40 undergradu
ate and graduate students to join
Who's Who of America's Colleges.
Jason Donald Graham (B.A., Clas
sical Studies, 2001) has completed an
M.B.A. at Rollins College.
Bridget Felicetty Healy (B.A., Eng
lish, 2004) is pursing duel master's
degrees in public administration and
non-profit management at the Uni
versity of Central Florida. She also
works part-time as manager of new
business development at the universe
ty's Community Service Center.
Andrea Hobbs (B.S., I'.. I..
2005) received her master's and edu
cation specialist degrees in school
psychology from Florida State Uni
versity in April 2008.
Derrick "Hoeby" Hoeben (M.FA.,
Creative Writing, 2007) is an assis
tant professor of English at Francis
Marion University in Florence, South
Carolina. He recently published flash
fiction stories and is working on a
Laura Santurri Holmes (B.S., Psy
chology, 2001) earned an M.S. in
occupational therapy from Florida
International University in 2004
and works in pediatric occupational
Travis Horn (B.A., Political Science,
2000) earned a law degree from UF
in 2005 and has accepted a position
S dI. \.,, -i I ... I : -... Patsko,P.A .,
serving the Tampa/ St. Petersburg
Harrison Hove (B.A., Political Sci
ence, 2005) received a B.S. in meteo
rology from Florida State University
in 2007 and is the weekend meteo
rologist at KLFY TV, the CBS affili
ate serving Lafayette, Louisiana.
Aisha Khan (B.S., i, r I, I .
and Cell Science, 2006) ,. i ,r
medical student at Nova Southeast
ern University.
Chastity (Baker) Kolb (B.A., So
cinln,"-, 2005) is a legislative analyst
: Ii.. New York State Assembly,
working in the areas of social services,
children and families, election law,
and real property taxation.
Alexis Bramlett Lombard (B.A.,
Sociology, 2006) is a second-year law
student at Barry University School of
Law in Orlando, Florida.
Brianne N. Loomis (B.A., Com-
munication Sciences and Disorders,
2002) received a doctorate in audiol
ogy from Northwestern University in
2006 and is a pediatric audiologist for
The Hearing Centers in Tennessee.
She is also the proud mother of one
year-old Aine Lea Douglas Loomis.
Kathryn D. Masters (B.A., Anthro
pology and Political Science, 2004)
had a busy year in 2007, earning a
law degree from George Washington
University, getting sworn in to the
Virginian bar, and marrying Austin
Michele Murphy (B.A., Criminol
ogy, 2004) graduated from Harvard
University's law school in 2007 and
is an associate at Simpson Thacher &
Bartlett in New York City.
Lan Nguyen (B.A., Sociology, 2003)
recently earned an M.B.A. from Na
continued on page 16
English alumna Barbara J.
Stephenson has been nominated
by President George W. Bush to serve as
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten-
tiary of the U.S. to the Republic of Panama.
She is currently awaiting Senate confirma-
"When I started my diplomatic
career-and Ijoined A-100, the name of the
entering class for new diplomats, the very
next day after I defended my doctoral dis-
sertation at the University of Florida-expe-
rienced, senior diplomats came in to talk to
us about the dream of making ambassador
one day, noting how few of us would make
it," said Stephenson. "I am deeply grateful
to the President and the Secretary of State
for the unforgettable honor of nominating
me to be ambassador to Panama, a country
I came to love during my first diplomatic
assignment 20 years ago."
A career member of the Senior Foreign
Service, Stephenson currently serves as
Deputy Coordinator for Iraq at the Depart-
ment of State. Prior to this, she served as a
Principal Officer in Belfast and as a Political
and Economic Officer in Panama. She holds
a bachelor's, master's and Ph.D.-all in Eng-
lish-from the University of Florida.
Look for a full feature on Stephenson
in the Fall 2008 issue.
send us your updates
Let us know what you're up to by completing an
update form online at www.clas.ufl.edu/alumni/.
Want to promote your new book? E-mail the cover art
and jacket information to editor@clas.ufl.edu.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Where Are They Now?
Charlotte Mather: First Women Elected President of Student Government
Charlotte Mather made UF history in 1983 when she became the first woman ever elected stu-
dent body president at the university. Now, 25 years later, the political science alumna is using
her legislative experience as Vice President of Government Relations and Community/Public
Affairs for Broward Health.
"Winning that election showed me I could accomplish whatever I wanted with hard
work, dedication and ".... ,' said Mather. "The odds were against me because no organized
updates from
...continued from page 15
tional University, specializing in human resource management.
John Pasden (B.A., East Asian Languages and Literatures, 2000) lives
in China, where he has become fluent in Mandarin and teaches English
classes. He will soon graduate from East China Normal University with
a master's degree in applied linguistics. He also works for ChinesePod, an
educational podcast company, and serves as senior product manager for its
corporate parent, Praxis Language.
DahliaReed iT \ TTi. r. holds a master's degree in Jewish stud
ies from Oxford University and a master's in international affairs from
the George Washington University. She lives in Washington, D.C. and
works as a legislative aide for U.S. Senator Evan Bayh (D-Ind.), focusing
on defense and foreign policy issues.
Robert Saccenti (B.A., English, 2002) is currently living in Los Angeles,
working as an art director on the CBS television show Big Brother.
EmmySchiel (B.A., Political Science, 2006) is pursuing a master's degree
in accounting at Nova Southeastern University.
Randall Stephens (Ph.D., History, 2003) is an assistant professor of
history at Eastern Nazarene College and a 2007-2009 Young Scholar
of American Religion at Indiana University-Purdue University, India
napolis. Harvard University Press recently published his book, The Fire
Spreads. Holiness and Pentecostalism in theAmerican South.
Dr. Lauren Stem (B.S., Zoolo. ,", 1 earned her M.D. from the Uni
versity of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in 2005 and is in the
last year of her residency at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City,
h.^-. h .;1 ill ^ b f~ll fh i i NF-, hn, ;^ ^ M l, 1^ r ff i^T
groups would support a woman, but I was so fo- VIJuly 2008.luv lvllulluitllu
caused and so were my supporters that we just be-
cused and so were my supporters that we just beStephanie Sullivan (B.A., English, 2006) works in foundation relations
lived we were going to win. A lot of great people in the Office of Development at Rollins College I... .. t.. r \.
worked hard on that campaign, and it takes a team in art history from Florida State University.
to accomplish the goal." Kimberly Treadwell (B.A., English, 2007) is a legal administrative as
Mather's team in the North Broward Hos- sistant at Steptoe &Johnson LLP, one of Washington D.C.'s largest law
pital District handles legislative affairs, corporate
S JessicaTudor (B.A., Anthropology, 2005) lives in San Francisco, Califor
sponsorships, community relations, public rela- nia, where she works as an archaeological field technician in the cultural
tions, and multicultural affairs. Before she went to resource management: .. I. -I... ,'l; to graduate schools in archae
work for the organization in 1996, she served in ology and is engaged to be married.
several roles including legislative assistant to Flori- DavidE.Winchester(B.S. and B \ i. r i, i _. ..i i ...2000)
da Se. Tom McP e e d r of te is preparing to complete a resident ... ...r, ,I ... .. .... 11 Ibe re
da Sen. Tom McPherson, executive director of the turning to UF to start :, r. ,,I i..ll .I,1, in July 2008.
Broward Legislative Delegation, and government Michelle Zambrana (B.A., English, 2007) is the National Institute of
relations director for a Fort Lauderdale law firm. Justice Research Project Coordinator at Florida International University's
She received an M.B.A. from Nova Southeastern Stempel School of Public Health.
University in 2007. i .
-Buffy Lockette
a lu* 0m0n i. *I .
M. 6gs 1982. *6ork 0f .* 00 0 a M American
light 0* he *60 of Lw ** Pc .H b B. 6. 0 T b :
game idus. .. rd 0 le
0.^ .luksta, B.A.^ History, 000ls B.A., E 6 1 00. 0 1969
CLAS would like to thank the Sheikh family of Merritt Island, Florida for
endowing the Izzat Hasan Sheikh Professorship. The fund will allow the UF
Department of Religion to hire a professor in Islamic studies and honors the
memory of the family's matriarch, Izzat Hasan Sheikh.
"The Sheikh family is thrilled to have this opportunity to honor the
memory of Izzat Hasan Sheikh by promoting the objective study of the
Islamic world, its religious beliefs, social and moral values, cultural traditions
and contemporary challenges and opportunities," said Asifa Sheikh, who
earned a law degree from UF in 1986. "We believe, in establishing this pro-
fessorship, that understanding, tolerance and cooperation spearheaded by
scholarly inquiries are essential conditions for breaking down barriers of mis-
conception and discrimination, and advancing the welfare of all peoples."
CLAS would also like to recognize the following friends for their kind
* Julianne and Troy Davis, who donated $110,000 to establish an endow-
ment to fund the Dyslexia Center Intensive SummerTreatment Program in
the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
* Bob and Barb Dellecker, who have given more than $29,000 over the
past two years to the Department of Zoology for the purchase new lab
* Dr. Howard and Mrs. Brenda Sheridan, who gave $300,000 to the
Department of Chemistry to be used for scholarships, fellowships, and the
purchase of new equipment
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Sciences depends on gifts from alumni i Enclosed is my gift of $ L My company matches gifts; form is enclosed.
and friends to cover needs as basic as
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ceremony. We also need help providing ame(s) as you wish to e isted Please enclose a check made payable to the University
student scholarships and fellowships, of Florida Foundation, or submit your credit card
presenting lecture series, and sending If you have a degree from UF, please list degree and year information below.
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Peter Ter, a political science major, springs to his feet in the
living room of his cozy University Heights apartment and
goes straight to his large bookshelf. For Ter, books are one
of life's most valuable objects. "All of my friends joke with
me,"he said, thumbing through a bookfor one of his favor-
ite photographs. "They say that I will want to be buried
with my books." Ter's passing reference to death harkens
back to an earlier part of the conversation. Just moments
before, Ter had reflected on the origins of his long journey
to the United States and how he became a student at the
University of Florida. "If it hadn't been for the support of
the United Nations,"Ter said."l would be dead."
One of Sudan's lost boys, Ter was removed from his home by the
bloody civil war that has raged in Sudan for the last 20 years and which
continues to this day in Darfur. He recalls the day that he was separated
from his parents. Playing with friends, he looked up to see planes flying
above the village where he lived. The next thing he remembers is the
bombs dropping through the sky, destroying the life he knew. "I ran with
a group ofpeople away from the village," Ter said. "Because I was young,
someone held my hand."
After a torturous barefoot trek, Ter ended up in a refugee camp
in Ethiopia for three years. Forced again to move due to civil war,
Ter returned with other refugees to the jungles of southern
Sudan. It was not long before the government of Sudan began
bombing the refugees, causing them to flee their own country
once more. Ter lived in another refugee camp from 1992 to
2001, this time in northern Kenya. The conditions that
characterized life in the camps were abysmal. Disease,
malnutrition and death were constants.
Despite surviving on one small meal a day,
Ter is thankful for one part of life in the refugee
camps. Practicing his writing in the dirt, Ter
began to learn English. From there, his passion
for education was born. Ter was one of the
lucky ones: two ofhis brothers were forced
to become child soldiers. Lured from
the camp by false promises of escape to
the U.S., Peter's brothers were handed
AK-47s and told to fight for their
homeland. At the time, Peter was not
yet eight years old-too young to join
the Sudanese army.
Today, the 22-year-old Ter speaks
eloquently about world and American history,
as well as discussing the politics ofhis homeland;
in the future, he hopes to work as a diplomat.
"Because of all the things I saw in Africa-war, killing,
starvation, disease and a lot of injustice-when I came to
the U.S., I became very interested in politics. I also started
reading a lot of history."
The fruits of the liberal arts education that Peter has received at
UF are evident in the ease with which he moves between subjects-one
minute he is explaining the enforcement of Shariah law in Sudan, the
next he is considering the difficulty of shaping effective U.S. foreign
policy. However, Ter's own history is never far from his mind. "A piece of
paper and a pen can change someone's life," he said. "I remember when
UNICEF brought books in to the camp...I was elated."
A t)
I m-wwm
Red State
Flond an d 1 Pboltcs since 1940 J-j
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2014Turlington Hall
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Gainesville FL 32611-7300
October 3-4
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U Homecoming Weekend*
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alumni COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS & SC IEN C ES, UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA SPRING 2008 CLAS notes journey to the white house
About CLAS The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Florida is the largest college on campus, with more than 700 faculty members responsible for teaching the majority of the university’s core curriculum to at least 35,000 students each year. CLAS has more than 12,000 undergraduate students pursuing a variety of disciplines through its 42 majors and 42 minors. Ad ditionally, nearly 2,000 graduate students are attaining advanced degrees in the college. About Alumni CLASnotes Alumni CLASnotes is published twice a year by the University of Florida College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for its alumni and friends. Please send all cor respondence to Editor, CLAS Dean’s Office, PO Box 117300, University of Florida, Gaines ville FL 32611-7300 or editor@ clas.ufl.edu. Interim Dean Joseph Glover CLAS News & Publications Buffy Lockette, Editor Jane Dominguez, Designer Jeff Stevens, Web Master Owen Fasolas, Intern Christopher Garland, Intern Heather Read, Intern Aubrey Siegel, Intern CLAS Development & Alumni Affairs Cynthia Butler, Senior Director Cody Helmer, Director Norman Portillo, Director An international student explores what it takes to become president of the United States, page 4 . on the COVER Thy M. Nguyen is arguably one of the University of Florida’s most successful young alumni. Graduating a mere seven years ago, she has earned an M.A. in strategic studies and international economics from Johns Hopkins University, and landed a job as a Foreign Affairs Officer in the Bureau for International Security and Nonproliferation. In between assignments in Austria, Vietnam, China, and Japan, she debriefed Alumni CLASnotes on her life at the U.S. State Department. ACn: What does an average day look like for you? TN: A typical day starts off with checking diplo matic reporting that has come in overnight from around the world concerning the key countries and issues I cover. Then I check to see whether I have been assigned to draft any briefing materials for my bureau leadership or depart ment principals to prepare them for meetings, hearings, and high-level visits. Generally this includes briefing papers, press guidance, pre sentations and the like. If there is some kind of crisis—such as when North Korea tested a nuclear device in October 2006—then the pace and scope of work can increase exponentially, and that’s when you reacquaint yourself with what it was like to pull an all-nighter in college. ACn: How did CLAS prepare you for a career in public service? TN: During my freshman year, I took a course with Dr. Leann Brown, who taught the Intro duction to International Relations course that really piqued my interest in inter national relations. I also took a course with Dr. Richard Nolan on U.S. Foreign Policy, and the lectures and discussions we had on the Cold War in particular were the first time I really had a sense of American politics and policy in a global con text. You learn these things in one form or another in high school, but my sense of awareness of, and apprecia tion for, the art of diplomacy and leadership and the impact it had on world history didn’t really happen until my studies in CLAS. ACn: What advice would you give a student wishing to follow in your footsteps? TN: If you want to be involved in U.S. diplomacy, I think it’s very helpful to have a solid grasp on U.S. and world his tory, international affairs, international economics, and at least one foreign society or culture. Most people who work in a policy capacity at the State Department have lived or worked overseas. But you know, there’s nothing that says there’s only one right way to get into foreign policy or, more broadly, international relations work. As long as you’re learning, having fun, and have a sense of what you want your next step to be, you’ll be in good shape, whatever career you choose. CLAS act Thy M. Nguyen B.A., Political Science, 2001JANE DOMINGUEZ 2 Spring 2008 Alumni CLASnotes , College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Florida
in this issue a note from Dean CLASact ............................................................... 2 Foreign Affairs Officer Thy M. Nguyen gives an insider’s look at the U.S. State Department. Journey to the White House .............................. 4 Join international student Christopher Garland on his quest to discover the skills and attributes needed to navigate the American presidency. Celebrating Civics ............................................... 8 An all-star cast of political greats joined in the grand opening of the Bob Graham Center for Public Service. A Home for Public Service ................................. 9 Doors open to Jim and Alexis Pugh Hall, home to the Depart ment of African and Asian Languages and Literatures, Bob Graham Center for Public Service, and Samuel Proctor Oral History Program. Leading Tomorrow .......................................... 10 Some of the university’s brightest undergraduates prepare for careers in public service. Alumni Spotlight ............................................. 12 English alumnus Doug Band serves as President Bill Clinton’s top adviser. Updates from CLASmates ............................... 14 Whether serving as legal counsel for Univision, flying helicop ters for the Los Angeles Police Department, or designing sets for the Big Brother television series—your college friends are leading remarkable careers. Alumni Bookshelf ............................................ 16 Image management, Generation X parenting, and the lives of athletes—these and other issues are explored in the latest books by CLAS alumni. CLAS Tomorrow ............................................... 17 Invest in the heart of the Gator Nation by participating in the Florida Tomorrow campaign. Campus Views .................................................. 18 A political science undergraduate shares his story of growing up in the Sudan, while a classical studies doctoral student explores the Jewish identity of a Greek historian. Mark Your Calendar ......................................... 20 Events that may persuade you to revisit your alma mater. the The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences occupies a beautiful section of campus that captures the ori gins and history of the university in its buildings and landscaping. Thanks to the generosity of alumni and donors, many of the original architectural structures have had their grace and grandeur restored. Because of its importance to the entire campus, we modify the historical district rarely. And when we do, we do so carefully. In February, CLAS celebrated the completion of a mar velous new building, Jim and Alexis Pugh Hall, whose style respects and complements that of its neighbors. Its placement between Newell and Dauer Halls creates a new plaza and focal point, where none existed before. Thanks to the generosity of Jim and Alexis Pugh, the Department of African and Asian Languages and Literatures, the Samuel Proctor Oral His tory Program, and the Bob Graham Center for Public Service have a new state-of-the-art home. Please visit www.ufl.oxblue. com/grahamcenter to view a live shot of the building and see a time-lapse film of its construction. CLAS formally opened the Graham Center in March. Inspired by the work of former Florida Governor and U.S. Senator Bob Graham, the center prepares students to assume leadership roles in addressing state and national issues. It fo cuses on public leadership and public service through course work and practical experience, U.S. relations with neighbors in Latin America and the Caribbean basin, and homeland securi ty. Through its distinguished speaker series, the center engages the campus in considering problems facing the nation. So far this spring, the center has hosted Bob Graham, Dr. Jo seph Nye, Pulitzer Prize winner David McCullough, Senators Chuck Hagel and Jay Rockefeller, and former Secre tary of State Madeleine Albright. The college’s primary mission is to prepare our students to assume leader ship roles in resolving the challenges fac ing the nation. Through the Bob Gra ham Center for Public Service, students will have the opportunity to learn about those challenges and to work shoulderto-shoulder with current leaders to help address them. By any measure, our stu dents are among the most talented in the nation. If we can turn their atten tion to address boldly our most pressing problems, we will have helped our na tion take great strides forward. —Joe Glover, Interim DeanJANE DOMINGUEZ Spring 2008 Alumni CLASnotes , College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Florida 3
tem, I remain intrigued by the essential question that remains to be answered in November: In terms of skills and char acter, what makes a president? So, I turned to some of the experts in the College of Liberal Arts and Sci ences who could provide insight into what specific personality traits are need ed to lead the United States. My journey took me to the office of Political Science Professor Richard S. Conley, author of a number of works on U.S. presidents, including The Historical Dictionary of the Reagan-Bush Era and The Presidency, Congress, and Divided Government. He said if there’s a com mon factor linking the past occupants of the Oval Office, it is the basic ability to appeal to voters coupled with an inher ent desire to succeed. “To a large degree, most of our presidents have been able to connect with people, and they possess a drive and a search for excellence,†Conley said, adding it is also worth remembering the “human†factor of the race to the White House. “Sometimes, people who crave the spotlight like politicians do are try ing to fill a void in their own personal ity,†he said. “And presidents, like all of us, have to conquer their own demons when they’re in office.†Conley refers to the late James Barber, former Duke University politi cal scientist known for his work explor ing the psyche of presidential hopefuls, when discussing the leadership traits not always apparent to the public on the campaign trail. “Richard Nixon, for example, destroyed his opponents—he vilified people, and made lists of his en emies,†Conley said. “Ronald Reagan, on the other hand, was an eternal opti mist and he really didn’t like to hear bad news. He would say, ‘I just don’t want to hear this.’ Reagan’s staffers learned this about him, and at times they would keep bad news from him.†The next expert on my list, Ste phen C. Craig—professor and chair of the political science department and director of the UF graduate program in political campaigning—said that while each candidate claims they will follow through with their pledges, he warns voters to be wary of expecting too much from campaign promises. The highly valued characteristic of following journey to the white houseINTERNATIONAL STUDENT EXPLORES THE MA K ING OF AN A MERICAN PRESIDENT Every international student at the University of Florida has a unique story about moving to Gainesville, though many share some common elements: Wandering through the massive campus in the midst of the oppres sive August heat, gawking at the size of the Swamp (the football stadium, not the restau rant), and marveling at the number of alliga tors sunbathing in Lake Alice. For those of us who arrived for the Fall 2007 semester, we have not only had to learn the intricacies of Gainesville and Florida culture, but have been confronted with perhaps the grandest political spectacle in the world—the race to occupy the White House. Growing up in New Zealand, I was somewhat of an Americaphile. When the other kids were playing rugby, which is closer to a religion than a sport, I was playing basketball. When we had to do a project on someone we admired, I chose Robert Kennedy, not famed New Zealand mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary. Thus, from a young age, I became interested in the exhausting, bewildering, lavishly funded and intricate contest for the Oval Office. Arriving in the U.S. 15 months prior to the national elec tion—an election, as the mass media continually reminds us, that is set to be the most interesting in years—I have become a full-blown campaign news junkie. However, as an outsider still perplexed by some of the details of the American political sys 4 Spring 2008 Alumni CLASnotes , College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Florida
through on election assurances is a wholly problematic proposition after winning an election. “You can never anticipate what a president is going to be like when he or she gets into office,†Craig said. “You can try and look at what they say and predict what they’ll do, but it’s almost impos sible to know.†Even if the president-elect attempts to stay faithful to the sub stance of his or her rhetoric, Craig said the promises made by can didates may not be what swayed voters in the first place. Quoting the title of a February 11 issue of Newsweek , Craig said, “When it is head versus heart, heart wins.†In the Newsweek feature, various experts from a range of disciplines described the ways in which the emotional appeal of a candidate will always trump the more logical analysis of a poli tician’s “platform,†citing the in nately human tendency to follow one’s gut. “That doesn’t mean vot ers don’t care about Obama’s war vote or McCain’s support of the war surge,†wrote reporter Sharon Begley. “They do—but not be cause these positions would affect them. Instead, voters evaluate how a position makes them feel .†Craig identifies the presiden cies of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as examples of the exis tence of this often intangible “feel†factor among U.S. voters. “After the Carter administration, Ronald Reagan made Americans feel very proud again,†he said. “In 2004, George W. Bush made people feel more secure.†Professor Conley agrees that “feel†will be a decid ing factor come November. “With Bush, the message is sent that ev ery day there is a threat. That every day, there is the possibility that the sky will fall down,†Conley said. “People may be tiring of that mes sage.†To consider what it takes to be president in the hyperactive media culture that permeates all aspects of American life in the 21st century, we may first want to go back and visit one of the watershed media moments in the history of People know words from Lincoln’s Gettysburg address, they can quote an exact sentence from Franklin Roosevelt, and Kennedy would not have attained his acclaim but for the eloquence for which he is still highly regarded. —Ronald Carpenter Professor of English Spring 2008 Alumni CLASnotes , College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Florida 5
the republic’s national electoral process—the 1960 televised presi dential debates. For a moment, imagine that we have been transported to the mid-part of the 20th century: a time of black and white television, limited network channels, and ba sic sound and low definition im ages. You are one of 70 million Americans—the largest audience in television history up to that point—tuned in on a late Septem ber evening to watch the first-ever televised debate between two men vying to occupy the most powerful political position in the world. The candidate on the audi ence’s right, Richard Nixon, the once little-known Republican from California who is currently serving as the country’s vice presi dent, has bluntly ignored the advice of his campaign team by not wear ing make-up—his pale face and “five o’clock shadow†facial stubble more noticeable on television than it might have otherwise been. The candidate on the left, the young senator from Massachusetts, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, is fresh from campaigning in a convertible in the Californian sun—his tan adds to the contrast between his oppo nent’s drawn, haggard appearance and the handsomeness that is al ready part of the Kennedy legend. As Professor Richard Con ley reminds me, the outcome of the Nixon/Kennedy debates was a pivotal moment that affirmed the emergence of an important new campaign tool. The research sur rounding the debates has moved into the annals of media studies history: those who listened to the first debate on the radio picked Nixon as the winner, while those who watched the television broad cast of the event overwhelmingly sided with Kennedy. To get some perspective on the significance of the 1960 Nixon/Kennedy debate and the importance of physical appear ance in the age of visually based multi-media outlets like YouTube and MySpace, I consulted History Professor David Colburn, former provost of UF and director of the university’s Reubin O’D Askew Institute on Politics and Society since 1994. Reflecting on visual mediums and the Nixon/Ken nedy debates, Colburn predicts that, “Today, we probably wouldn’t elect Abraham Lincoln or George Washington with his wooden teeth.†Looking back over the achievements of various admin istrations, Colburn sees one ma jor trend that has shaped the role of the Commander-in-Chief, whether Republican or Democrat. “I think that the best presidents have had the best cabinets,†he said. “Abraham Lincoln was said to have had the best cabinet in the history of the presidency.†How ever, he said this does not change the influence that the president can wield. “The power of the of fice is quite stunning.†But attempting to harness such power in what Colburn calls the “CEO approach†has often proven to be a mistake. “The one 6 Spring 2008 Alumni CLASnotes , College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Florida
Christopher Garland is a graduate student in the Department of English.JANE DOMINGUEZ leadership style that hasn’t really worked is the CEO approach, particularly by Republicans,†he said, pointing to the Hoover presidency as an example. “It doesn’t encourage the important ex change of ideas. It is more like, ‘I’m in charge’.†Like Colburn, English Profes sor Ronald Carpenter emphasized the necessity of fostering the effective ex change of ideas and communicating those ideas to the American public. A specialist on public discourse, Carpenter believes that a successful president needs to be a conduit of the greater abstract desires of Americans. “I think Ameri cans expect leaders capable of articulat ing the sentiments and strong feelings that Americans have—their beliefs,†said Carpenter. Author of Choosing Powerful Words: Eloquence that Works and History as Rhetoric: Style, Narrative, and Persuasion, Carpenter argues that the importance of oratorical skill is not only a necessity on the campaign trail, but is what provides the substance of great presidential lega cies. “People know words from Lincoln’s Gettysburg address,†Carpenter said. “They can quote an exact sentence from Franklin Roosevelt, and Kennedy would not have attained his acclaim but for the eloquence for which he is still highly re garded.†Referring to Ronald Reagan’s early acting career, Carpenter emphasized not only the importance of the “right†words but the ability to present them on tele vision. “Reagan learned how to deliver lines to a camera in Hollywood,†Car penter said. “If he flubbed his lines and they had to do the shot again, the female actor could leave the set and he would deliver the lines again, by himself, to the camera.†Sophisticated communication skills have always been integral to engendering the trust and support of the American people, argues Carpenter, and television changed the dynam ics. In addition to the importance of capturing the public’s attention through the Internet, both the news media and the candidates themselves have consistently trumpeted the diver sity of this year’s cast of presidential hopefuls. While histori cally presidents have not been diverse in terms of race and gen der, Conley points out that presidents have traditionally come from “diverse backgrounds.†From Lyndon B. Johnson, who came from very humble roots, to the wealthy family of Bush presidents, Conley argues the second half of the 20th century has produced a list of presi dents with vastly different personalities—making it difficult to identify those traits all presidents appear to share. So instead of trying to compile a precise checklist of presidential leadership qualities, Craig believes the essential questions voters need to answer for themselves are simple: “Who’s got the vigor to be president and who’s ready for the job?†As the academic year comes to an end and the heat and humidity once again descend upon Gainesville, international students like myself firm up our summer plans—which for many will include trips back home, where our friends and family will want to know about our studies in America. Ques tions about who will be the country’s next leader will inevitably arise, so we cannot help but keep one eye on the other side of summer and the imminent election. While cynics say the electoral process is too drawn out and the incessant media coverage borders on hysteria, the campaign provides us, both international students and Ameri cans alike, with a rare insight into this nation’s collective psyche as reflected in the appeals of the politicians. At best, during the race for the highest office in the land, America’s hopes and dreams, fears and insecurities, are played out in the public sphere for all of us, citizens and foreigners alike, to witness. I for one cannot wait to see what happens next. —Christopher Garland To a large degree, most of our presidents have been able to connect with people, and they possess a drive and a search for excellence. —Richard S. Conley Professor of Political Science Spring 2008 Alumni CLASnotes , College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Florida 7
celebrating civicsG RAHAM LAUNCHES PUBLIC POLICY CENTER “All great public universities have a noted public policy center,†said University President Bernie Ma chen during the dedication ceremony. “Now we join them.†Following his retirement from public office in 2005, former Florida governor and U.S. Senator Bob Graham—who earned a bachelor’s degree in politi cal science from UF in 1959—announced his desire to create a public leadership center at his alma mater. Named in his honor, the Graham Center for Public Service exists to foster public leadership and exam ine issues related to the Americas and homeland se curity. “The primary mission of the Graham Center will be to prepare current and future Floridians for effective and honorable public service,†Graham said. “The center is accomplishing this through the extensive educational resources of the University of Florida, internships and other forms of experience learning, and exposure to persons who exemplify civic and public service.†The center currently offers an undergradu ate certificate in public leadership, which enrolled its inaugural class of students in January 2007 (see page 10) , and is developing bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in public policy. The center has also partnered with the Lou Frey Institute of Politics and Government at the University of Central Florida to promote civics education in Florida’s K–12 class rooms. “I think it is a great idea to bring together stu dents to discuss policy issues and give them an un derstanding of the good things government can do,†said former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Al bright during a visit to campus hosted by the center March 26. “It is very reflective of Senator Graham and his interests.†As the Albright visit indicates, the center serves as a magnet that attracts big names in American politics and public policy to Florida. This spring, a distinguished list of political leaders has kept the spotlight on the university. Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner David McCullough, author of Truman and John Adams , gave a public lecture centered on America’s educational system, while scholar Donald Critchlow, author of The Conservative Ascendancy: How the GOP Right Made Political History , discussed civic engagement and modern conservatives. Just in time for the 2008 presidential election, the center has organized a lecture series on The Path to the White House. U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel, RNeb., and U.S. Senator Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., laid out “The Next President’s Agenda†in a public forum in March. A month later, New York Times Magazine reporter Matt Bai and Democratic campaign worker Joe Trippi debated “Media and the Presidency.†Looking ahead to the fall, Democratic Na tional Committee chair Howard Dean will discuss the “2008 Primaries†on September 5, while Florida Governor Charlie Crist will speak on “The Next President and Florida†on October 3. All events are free and open to the public, and alumni are encour aged to return to campus and attend. “The center’s ability to achieve its objectives will be based on a strong foundation of support from students, faculty, alumni and the entire Gator Na tion,†said Graham. For more information on the center, visit www. graham.centers.ufl.edu. —Buffy Lockette “ “ I think it is a great idea to bring together students to discuss policy issues and give them an understand ing of the good things government can do.†—former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright RAY CA R SON An all-star cast of political icons recently gathered on campus to celebrate the grand opening of the Bob Graham Center for Public Service. Three former Florida governors, a Pulitzer Prize winning historian and two U.S. Senators were among the participants in a week of festivities held to formally kick off the new center March 3 –6. Bob Graham overlooking Pugh Hall’s grand lobby. 8 Spring 2008 Alumni CLASnotes , College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Florida
DOORS O PEN TO Jim and Alexis RAY CA R SON In the heart of the University of Florida, nestled between 9 8 -year-old Newell and 7 2-year-old Dauer Halls, there’s a new kid on the block energizing the historic district of campus. Jim and Alexis Pugh Hall was dedicated on February 9 and has become a focal point of campus activity. Equipped with the latest technology and features of our time, the 40,000-square-foot facility honors its stately neighbors in its exterior design—blending the modern and traditional in a style that is all its own. It should be no surprise, then, to learn the new campus treasure was commissioned by one of the state’s most prominent building professionals, Jim Pugh, and his wife Alexis, who has led a distinguished career developing multi-family housing across the nation. “We are most impressed with the design,†said Pugh, a 1963 UF building construction alumnus, in praise of the design team Ponikvar & Associates and Charles Perry Con struction. “It’s a new building in the old part of campus with a timeless design, so it fits in nicely among the beautiful old buildings.†The Pughs were looking for a way to contribute to the university when they learned former Florida Governor and retired U.S. Senator Bob Graham, a 1959 political science alumnus, was planning to establish the Bob Graham Center for Public Service at UF. Graham and Mr. Pugh were fraternity brothers in Sigma Nu during their undergraduate years, and even then Pugh knew he would find a way to some day give back to his alma mater. “This was a natural way to support Graham—my friend of 50 years—and the creation of a place for students to study functioning democratic governance,†Pugh said. “I hope between Bob Graham, Alexis and I, we can inspire some students with this magnificent building and Bob’s vision and legacy.†In addition to housing the Graham Center, Pugh Hall is also home to the Department of African and Asian Languages and Literatures, which promotes a better understanding of non-West ern languages and cultures, and the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program, which preserves eyewitness accounts of Florida history. These three programs unite in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences’ mission to advance the understanding of our world and our place within it. Classes began meeting in Pugh Hall at the beginning of the spring semester in January, and more than 200 people gath ered to celebrate its grand opening a month later. Mr. and Mrs. Pugh surprised the audience during the ceremony by pledging another $1 million to name the building’s auditorium in honor of former Florida Governor Buddy MacKay, and his wife Ann. All who participated in the event noted the humble generosity of the Pughs. “The word philanthropist is a very important word,†said UF President Bernie Machen. “It means to do good with the resources they have on this earth, and that’s what they have done.†—Buffy Lockette celebrating civicsG RAHAM LAUNCHES PUBLIC POLICY CENTER Alexis and Jim Pugh pose in front of their namesake. Spring 2008 Alumni CLASnotes , College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Florida 9
leading tomorrow After reading Senator Bob Graham’s 200 4 book Intelligence Matters , Logan Perel knew he wanted to dedicate himself to a life of public service. Luckily, the Delray Beach native didn’t have to go far to pursue the kind of training he will need as a future policy maker. The Bob Graham Center for Public Service has launched a certificate program in public leadership aimed at train ing tomorrow’s public leaders and Perel was one of the first students to enroll. “Poor public leadership is damaging to the future of our country,†said Perel, a political science major. “The next generation cannot simply sit back and wait for change—we must actively participate and provoke change.†Through coursework and practical experi ence, Graham Center students gain the skills and knowledge necessary for effective and ethical lead ership careers. The certificate has been designed to complement major programs offered across the university, including the natural sciences, humani ties, social sciences, journalism, and business. Its alumni are expected to go into a wide variety of fields, in addition to law, politics and government work. “Many students will be working in the pri vate sector, but questions of governing and public policy touch all our lives and this program can give students some of the tools they need to understand these issues,†said David Hedge, political science professor and academic programs director for the Graham Center. “The idea is that the problems governments face are not one-dimensional. We need to look at policy problems from different per spectives and draw upon various disciplines.†Jessica Hand, a political science major purs ing a minor in agriculture and natural resource policy, said she decided to enroll in the program to prepare for a future in county or city politics. “I intend to pursue a master’s degree in urban and regional planning and then return to my home town to work as a public planner,†Hand said. “I also would like to run for a county office, because I feel that there is currently a lack of leadership in “Poor public leadership is damaging to the future of our country. The next generation can not simply sit back and wait for change—we must actively participate and provoke change.†—Logan Perel RAY CA R SONGR A H A M C ENTER S T U DENT S P RE PA RE F OR PUBL I C S ERVI C E 10 Spring 2008 Alumni CLASnotes , College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Florida
the local government where I am from. I believe that earning this certificate is the first step towards preparing me to fill that void.†Political science and history double major Sara Meerow believes the program will prepare her for law school. “I enrolled because I am interested in public policy, wanted to hone my leadership skills and intern in politics, and because I have al ways admired Bob Graham,†she said. To apply, students must have a mini mum 3.25 GPA and have already com pleted the university’s general education requirements. Once enrolled, they are ex pected to earn 18 hours of credit in pub lic affairs courses, including Writing for Public Leadership, Florida Since 1845, Economics and Public Policy, and Current Controversies in Public Policy. They also must complete a public affairs internship. Outside the classroom, Graham students benefit from the diverse list of speakers the center brings to campus—rubbing elbows with local, state and national leaders (see page 8) . “The theory that is taught in class is complemented by the experiences of the speakers that the Graham Center brings in,†said Ben Cavataro, a political science major and religion minor. “I joined the program to learn from both theorists and practitioners.†The center is in the process of de signing bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in public policy. For now, Hedge says the certificate in public leadership will continue to evolve according to student de mand and interest. Although the program has only been in place for a year, two dozen students have been recruited and are taking policy courses and serving as interns at the local, state, national, and even international levels. “The students are amazing,†Hedge said. “These are very bright individuals who care deeply about critical policy is sues.†—Buffy Lockette & Heather Read Mastering Politics In addition to the Graham Center’s new undergraduate certificate in public leadership, the UF Department of Political Science offers a Master of Arts degree in political science with a special emphasis on political campaigning and practical politics. The goal of this bipartisan program is to provide students with knowledge and skills relevant to a wide variety of political roles, including: running for public office, campaign management, opinion polling, media, public relations, political and private-sector fundraising, grassroots mobilization, lobbying and issue advocacy, international consulting, and serving as an aide to government officials. The program is designed to provide students with the basic skills, insights and experiences critical for success in the ever-changing profession of politics and political consulting. Unlike other programs in professional politics, the University of Florida’s M.A. in political campaigning combines the best of both academic study and practical experience. By incorporating academic study in the fields of voting behavior, political participation, public opinion, and political communications; students are presented with a sound theoretical basis that can be used to better understand the “how and why†of political campaigns. Alumni include Florida’s former Assistant Secretary of State David Rancourt (M.A., 1990) and Shannon McAleavey (M.A., 1994), Vice President of Government Relations at Walt Disney World. U.S. Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., who earned an M.A. from the program in 1990, said it gave her a strong foundation for her career in public service. “My degree certainly caught the eye of elected officials when I first looked for a job,†Schultz said. “And the experiences I had as a student, particularly the opportunity to wage a mock campaign, helped give me the confidence I needed to run for office myself.†For more information about the program, visit www.polisci.ufl.edu/campaign. Retired U.S. Senator Bob Graham chats with a group of students enrolled in the center’s public leadership program. Spring 2008 Alumni CLASnotes , College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Florida 11
Band has worked for Clinton for more than 12 years, starting out as a White House intern in 1995 shortly after receiving a B.A. in English from UF the same year. He worked his way up through the ranks, becoming the youngest deputy assistant ever to serve a president before concluding his last year in the Oval Office as the President’s Aide. Along the way, he managed to earn a law degree and a master’s in liberal arts from Georgetown University, taking night classes while working full-time at the White House. “You break into this kind of work by believ ing in the inherent value and good of public service,†Band said. “You get out of it what you put into it, which is a valuable lesson I learned at UF. Hard work, determination and being driven to help other people have been key factors in getting to where I am.†Today Band is regarded as Clinton’s closest adviser—his right-hand man, so to speak. He man ages every aspect of the former president’s life, from meetings with world dignitaries to joining him on family vacations. If you see Clinton in the news, you are highly likely to catch a glimpse of Band in the background. He’s even pictured on the back cover of Clinton’s 2004 autobiography, My Life . Over the years Band has racked up many stamps in his passport—visiting 92 countries, 750 cities and every state in the U.S. He lives out of a suitcase, traveling at least 200 days a year, and has grown accustomed to 18-hour workdays. His itiner ary is so jammed packed, in fact, he had to complete the interview for this story via BlackBerry on a flight back from London. While this grueling schedule might seem like a small price to pay in exchange for the opportunity meet the occasional rock star like U2’s Bono, the reason Band sticks around goes much deeper. “The thing I most enjoy in my job is helping people,†he said. “I have been able to remain behind the scenes, making a difference and changing peo ple’s lives.†As the mastermind of the Clinton Global Ini tiative, Band has helped raised $30 billion in the past three years alone to be used around the world to combat global warming, alleviate poverty, improve education, fight AIDS and address other press ing health concerns. He presented the idea to the Clintons in 2002 and they let him plan, develop and initiate the project, which has become the center of Clinton’s White House afterlife. Essentially the architect of Clinton’s post-pres idency, Band is called upon by other retiring world leaders, including British Prime Minister Tony Blair, for advice on making the transition back into pri vate life. As Clinton himself recently commented to Alumni CLASnotes through e-mail, “I couldn’t have done half of what I have done in my post-presidency without him.†Band was born and raised in Sarasota, Florida. The youngest of four sons, he followed in the foot steps of two of his older brothers, Greg and Roger, when he became a student at UF. Greg Band earned a law degree from the university in 1990 and prac tices in Sarasota. Dr. Roger Band received a B.S. in microbiology in 1994 before earning an M.D. from Thomas Jefferson Medical College in 2001. He joins Doug and Clinton on international trips as Clinton’s road physician. As an undergraduate, Band served as vice pres ident of Sigma Phi Epsilon, president of the InterFraternity Council and a member of Florida Blue Key. He also interned in D.C. for Congressman Dan Miller, R-Fla. Myra Morgan, Director of External Relations in the UF Division of Student Affairs, has known Band since he was an undergraduate and re mains one of his close friends and mentors. “He was always a kid who had great ideas and a great vision,†she said. “I wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to be, but I knew we’d all look back one day and say ‘Wow, we knew him when.’†Though his career often keeps him a world away from UF, Band is very proud of his alma ma ter. He visits campus as often as he can, flying down to meet his brothers for at least one Gator football game each season. Proud of the high quality of stu dents UF produces, he regularly introduces fellow alumni to Clinton—like in March, when seven UF alumni attended the launch of Clinton Global Ini tiative University in New Orleans. Band was also highly influential in getting Clinton to come to UF as an ACCENT speaker in 2003. “I don’t think there are words to describe my time at UF,†Band said. “It is not just an institution of higher learning, it’s a community, a famil y —one that helped further the principles, ethics and morals that I had been taught all of my life.†Morgan and a delegation of his childhood and college friends flew to Paris in August to attend Band’s wedding to successful handbag designer and entre preneur Lily Rafii. Dozens of Gators joined Bill and Chelsea Clinton in celebrating the couple’s nuptials. The newlyweds can’t wait to start a family of their own, but when asked whether the firstborn will be named after one of the Clintons, Band said, “Not a chance! It’s going to be Albert or Alberta of course, at least that’s what I’m trying to ease my wife into.†—Buffy Lockette Alumni Spotlight . . . on the sidelines of history: ENGLISH A LUMNUS DOUG B A N D SE RV E S A S CLINTON’S T OP A D VIS E R P laying golf with Tiger Woods, sipping tea with the Queen of England and having din ner with Nelson Mandela are experiences most of us can only dream about. For Eng lish alumnus Doug Band, personal adviser to former U.S. President Bill Clinton, they’re perks of the job. But while he may have enjoyed having Paul McCartney sing to him on his 3 0th birthday, he keeps his ego in check, “Often I think people get caught up in positions like these and forget what this is all about: making a difference and helping people.†12 Spring 2008 Alumni CLASnotes , College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Florida
“I couldn’t have done half of what I have done in my post-presidency without him. â€PHOTOS COU R TESY WILLIAM J. CLINTON PR ESIDENTIAL LIB R A R Y–P resident Bill Clinton Spring 2008 Alumni CLASnotes , College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Florida 1 3
updates from CLASmates 1950s Harold Klapper (B.A., Political Sci ence, 1959) is on counsel at Boies Schil ler & Flexner, a litigation firm in New York City. He holds the honor of being the first National Debate Champion at UF. 1960s Charles E. “Abe†Abramson (B.A., History, 1963) is a commercial real estate broker who has just completed six years on the Medical Staff Ethics Committee at Missoula, Montana’s Saint Patrick Hospital and Health Sci ences Center, where he continues to serve on the Joint Institutional Review Board. He is also a founding trustee of the Missoula Public Library Founda tion and serves on Montana’s Board of Realty Regulation. Shere Hite (B.A. and M.A., History, 1967 and 1969) has published several books over the years, including The Hite Report: A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality and The Hite Report on Male Sexuality . She lives in London and is a newspaper columnist for several publi cations around the world. John Arthur Marshall (B.S., Geol ogy, 1963) is president of the Arthur R. Marshall Foundation, established to honor the late Arthur R. Marshall (B.S. Biology, 1953), an ecologist and Ever glades restoration pioneer. The founda tion celebrated its 10th anniversary in March. Darrell A. Simmons (B.A., English, 1961) has published a novel, Daily Double Cross . Joseph Horn Thomas (B.A. and M.A., History, 1962 and 1969) is an adjunct history professor on Edison College’s Lee Campus in Fort Myers, Florida, where he serves as faculty adviser to the Omicron Epsilon Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa. Billy M. Thornton (B.A., Mathemat ics, 1963) holds an M.S. in systems engineering from the University of Arizona and a Ph.D. in industrial en gineering from Texas A&M Univer sity. He recently retired from Colorado State University, where he served as a business professor for 26 years. 1970s Patricia J. Amick (M.S., Physics, 1978) was recently promoted to Technical Fellow in the area of Electronics Manu facturing at the Boeing Company. She also received an international electron ics industry award this year. Colette Mullaney Bancroft (M.A., English, 1975) is the book editor of the St. Petersburg Times . Steven “Ed†Cox (B.A., English, 1977) is a high school English teacher in the Oviedo, Florida area. Fred Gahr, Jr. (B.A., Psychology, 1973) has converted to the Sikh/Yogic way of life and is now known as Gurukirn S. Khalsa. He is co-owner and national sales manager of Soothing Touch, a Santa Fe, New Mexico based manufac turer of massage and spa products. David Jaffee (B.A., Political Science, 1977) is assistant vice president for un dergraduate studies and a professor of sociology at the University of North Florida. Barry M. Kay (B.S., Psychology, 1977) has been named president of the Chamber of Commerce of Hollywood, Florida. He holds an optometry degree from the Pennsylvania School of Op tometry. Kenneth F. Kiple (Ph.D., History, 1970) recently retired as a distinguished university professor of history from Bowling Green State University. He has authored or edited a dozen books, including the recently published The Movable Feast: Ten Millennia of Food Globalization . Col. Michael L. Neveaux (B.S., Math ematics, 1970) spent five years in active duty as an Army aviator, retired after 24 years in the U.S. Army Reserves, and has spent 34 years as chief pilot of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Air Support Division. Joyce M. Romanski (B.A., Psychology, 1979) went on to pursue a master’s in English education and an educational specialist degree in curriculum and in struction from UF. She taught for 25 years at North Marion Middle School in Citra, Florida and recently published a novel for adolescents, Redfield Alma Mater: No More Teachers’ Dirty Looks . She also teaches composition at Central Florida Community College. 1980s Bob Andelman (B.A., Film Studies, 1982) authored Will Eisner: A Spirited Life in 2005 and is the producer of the Mr. Media podcast. David R. Atherton (Ph.D., Chemistry, 1984) is principal materials scientist at Exide Technologies, a leading acid bat tery manufacturing company. He re sides in Johnson City, Tennessee. Tina Brier (B.A., History, 1982) earned a law degree from Fordham University in 1989 and is chief contract negotiator and director of classified personnel for the Berkeley Unified School District in Berkeley, California. Michael A. Downs (B.A., Econom ics, 1980) is president and CEO of the United Church of Christ Pension Board, which serves 22,000 clergy and staff employees and manages $3.2 bil lion in assets. Scott Gordon (B.A., Criminal Justice, 1987) recently promoted from an over seas assignment in Bangkok, Thailand to become the resident agent in charge of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Admin istration’s Tacoma Resident Office in Tacoma, Washington. Ray de Lugo, Jr. (B.A., Political Sci ence, 1984) works for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida in the Jacksonville corporate headquarters as the senior commodities consultant. He is work ing in the Purchasing Division focusing on construction, facilities and contract management. Lisa Cohen Minnick (B.A., English, 1988) is an assistant professor of Eng lish language and linguistics at Western Michigan University. Her book, Dialect and Dichotomy: Literary Representations of Speech was named a Choice Out standing Academic Title in 2006. Jack Morey (B.S., Economics, 1987) has been included for the second con secutive year on Bank Investment Con sultant Magazine’s list of top 50 bank financial advisers in the nation. Work ing at SunTrust Investment Services in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, he has been educating clients for over 12 years on investment planning and preparing for their financial futures. Donovan D. Mouton (B.A., Political Science, 1980) is a program director with the One Economy Corporation, managing the Kansas region, including the growth and development of its web media properties and on-the-ground digital inclusion programs. Prior to joining the corporation, he served as Director of Urban Affairs and Public Advocacy under Kansas City, Missouri Mayor Kay Barnes. John M. Roberts (M.A., Political Sci ence, 1988) has been appointed to the policy committee of the Corporate Executive Board, a Washington, D.C. based business advisery firm. Dawn Marie Rubio (B.S., Psychology, 1985) received a law degree from UF in 1988 and is an attorney and the prin cipal court consultant for the National Center for State Courts. James D. Scott (B.S., Zoology, 1989) earned a master’s in education from UF in 1991, as well as a Pharm.D. in 1994. He received tenure and was promoted to associate professor at the Western University of Health Sciences’ College of Pharmacy in Los Angeles, Califor nia. R. Keith Stayer (B.A., Political Science, 1988) is a vice president and private banker for Synovus Bank of Jackson ville in Jacksonville, Florida. Monica Sutton (B.A., Psychology, 1982) is test administrator at the Lang ley Air Force Base Education Center, where she was recently recognized as employee of the month for the entire base. She also works for Hospice at Riverside Hospital. Deb Thalasitis (B.A. and M.A., Politi cal Science and Public Administration, 1980 and 1981) is assistant town man ager of Marana, Arizona, a high growth community just outside of Tucson. Michael Tichenor (B.A., Political Sci ence, 1986) has been promoted to the Juvenile Division in the Miami-Dade County State Attorney’s Office. John V. Tucker (B.A., Philosophy, 1988) received a law degree from UF in 1991 and practices with Tucker & Lu din, P.A. in Clearwater, Florida, where he is the managing shareholder. He was recently elected to the Board of Trust ees of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Mid-Florida Chapter. Kerry S. Waldron (B.A., Political Sci ence, 1986) recently published a moti vational book, Loving Life and Living Large: A Commonsense Approach to Suc cessful Living . 1990s Todd H. Albert (B.S., Geography, 1998) was awarded a NASA Gradu ate Research Fellowship in 2001 and an Innovative Research Program grant in 2002. He received his Ph.D. in 2007 and is now teaching at Bowling Green State University. Joseph N. Alexander (B.A., Criminal Justice, 1996) is a civil litigator with Potter, Clement, Lowry & Duncan in Mount Dora, Florida. Armando A. Olmedo Arias (B.A., History, 1992) is vice president and se nior legal counsel for Univision Com munications, Inc. In March he received a “People of the Year†award from the Organization of Iberoamerican Jour nalists in Madrid, Spain. Douglas A. Barlow (B.S., Physics, 1996) is an assistant professor of phys ics at Westmont College. He got mar ried in December of 2007 to Evelyn M. Calhoun. The couple reside in Santa Barbara, California. Lindsey Keller Berjansky (B.A., So ciology, 1996) has received a master’s in counseling and development from George Mason University and a doc toral degree in clinical psychology from George Washington University. Mike Campbell (Ph.D., Psychology, 1998) is on the faculty of the University of the West Indies in Cave Hill, Bar bados, where he lectures in behavioral science and psychology in the School of Clinical Medicine and Research. Jorge A. Cervera (B.A., English, 1992) is sales/product manager and website copywriter for HeadPhone.com, the 1 4 Spring 2008 Alumni CLASnotes , College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Florida
world’s largest online headphone shop and headphone audio manufac turer, based in Bozeman, Montana. Caryn Slovenski Clark (B.A., Eng lish, 1994) is a voice-over actress and can be heard all over the country on radio and television commercials, as well as in corporate and web narra tions. Leanne Dolin (B.S., History, 1998) earned a law degree from UF in 2001 and works as a staff attorney for a trial judge in Atlanta. Three of her cases have been nationally televised. Howard L. Glass (B.S., Psychology, 1993) received a law degree from the University of Houston in 1997 and practiced law from 1997–2000 before returning to Florida to teach. Tracy S. Greenberg (B.A., Criminal Justice, 1996) received a law degree from the University of Texas in 1999 and is on the corporate counsel of Marriott International, Inc. Yoni Leviatan (B.A., Criminology, 1999) is an accomplished indepen dent recording artist. His debut al bum, Extra Credit, was released in 2007 and he has licensed songs to MTV, Oxygen Network and PBS. He is currently touring the college circuit. Visit his fan club at www. songsofyoni.com. Claire K. Mazur (B.A., Sociology, 1997; M.A., Political Science, 1999) is a Chief Legislative Analyst with the Florida Legislature. Lowell Nieporent (B.A., Geogra phy, 1997) has received an M.S. in instructional systems design from Florida State University. Peg O’Connor (B.A., Criminology, 1993) earned a master’s in sociology and a law degree from UF in 1998. Having completed a three-year clerk ship with U.S. District Judge Stephan P. Mickle, Northern District of Flor ida, she is now in private practice fo cusing on high-level criminal defense issues. John Par (B.A., Political Science, 1991) holds a law degree from George Washington University and serves as Deputy Attorney General for the Central Florida Region for Florida’s Attorney General. Teresa Schaller (B.A., Criminal Jus tice, 1995) has received an M.B.A. from Florida Atlantic University with a certificate in international business management. Jennifer Schultz (B.A., German, 1992) earned a master’s in education from UF in 1994 and an education specialist degree from Georgia State University in 2007. She was recently awarded the Florida Language Asso ciation Foreign Language Teacher of the Year Award for Georgia. Robert J. Sniffen (B.A., Political Sci ence, 1990) is founder and managing partner of Sniffen Law Firm, P.A. in Tallahassee. The firm represents em ployers in labor and employment law matters, and also represents clients in commercial and administrative liti gation, property taxation, construc tion litigation and license defense matters. Kristen Williams (B.A., Political Science, 1999) works in medical sales in Jacksonville, Florida. She recently competed in the Dexter Jackson Classic Women’s Figure Show and placed fifth. She was also selected as Miss December for the 2008 Lex and Terry Calendar . 2000s Bret William Adams (B.S., Physics, 2007) is a patent examiner in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in Al exandria, Virginia. Brooke Bass (B.A., Economics, 2002) earned an M.S. in business administration in 2005 and recently opened Keller Williams Gainesville Realty in Haile Plantation. The Wall Street Journal and REAL Trends named her one of 2007’s Top 200 Real Estate Professionals. Rachel Bird (B.A., Sociology, 2004) received an M.A. in education policy studies from George Washington University in 2006 and is currently the policy and research coordinator for the Strong American Schools campaign in Washington, D.C. Jerome V. Cerdan (B.S., Microbiol ogy and Cell Science, 2001) com pleted a doctorate in dental medicine at Temple University in May 2006 and is serving as a dentist in the U.S. Navy, based in Okinawa, Japan. Christina Chambers (B.A., Political Science, 2007) received a B.S. in pub lic relations from UF and is work ing at an Orlando public relations agency. Scott Chase (B.A., History, 2002) is metro aquatics director at the North Central Florida YMCA in Gaines ville. Tracie Nicole Cohens (B.A., Sociol ogy, 2004) received a master’s degree in counseling and works in Gaines ville as a clinical behavior specialist, helping individuals who are develop mentally disabled. Patrick Cosgriff (B.A., Political Sci ence, 2001) holds an M.B.A. from UF and is currently managing con sultant for IBM’s Global Business Services. Victoria Eads (B.A., Religion, 2006) is pursing a nursing degree in Texas. She has been invited to join Sigma Theta Tau and was voted by her in structors to be one of 40 undergradu ate and graduate students to join Who’s Who of America’s Colleges. Jason Donald Graham (B.A., Clas sical Studies, 2001) has completed an M.B.A. at Rollins College. Bridget Felicetty Healy (B.A., Eng lish, 2004) is pursing duel master’s degrees in public administration and non-profit management at the Uni versity of Central Florida. She also works part-time as manager of new business development at the universi ty’s Community Service Center. Andrea Hobbs (B.S., Psychology, 2005) received her master’s and edu cation specialist degrees in school psychology from Florida State Uni versity in April 2008. Derrick “Hoeby†Hoeben (M.F.A., Creative Writing, 2007) is an assis tant professor of English at Francis Marion University in Florence, South Carolina. He recently published flash fiction stories and is working on a novel. Laura Santurri Holmes (B.S., Psy chology, 2001) earned an M.S. in occupational therapy from Florida International University in 2004 and works in pediatric occupational therapy. Travis Horn (B.A., Political Science, 2000) earned a law degree from UF in 2005 and has accepted a position with Austin, Ley, Roe & Patsko, P.A., serving the Tampa/ St. Petersburg area. Harrison Hove (B.A., Political Sci ence, 2005) received a B.S. in meteo rology from Florida State University in 2007 and is the weekend meteo rologist at KLFY-TV, the CBS affili ate serving Lafayette, Louisiana. Aisha Khan (B.S., Microbiology and Cell Science, 2006) is a first-year medical student at Nova Southeast ern University. Chastity (Baker) Kolb (B.A., So ciology, 2005) is a legislative analyst for the New York State Assembly, working in the areas of social services, children and families, election law, and real property taxation. Alexis Bramlett Lombard (B.A., Sociology, 2006) is a second-year law student at Barry University School of Law in Orlando, Florida. Brianne N. Loomis (B.A., Com munication Sciences and Disorders, 2002) received a doctorate in audiol ogy from Northwestern University in 2006 and is a pediatric audiologist for The Hearing Centers in Tennessee. She is also the proud mother of oneyear-old Aine Lea Douglas Loomis. Kathryn D. Masters (B.A., Anthro pology and Political Science, 2004) had a busy year in 2007, earning a law degree from George Washington University, getting sworn in to the Virginian bar, and marrying Austin Barile. Michele Murphy (B.A., Criminol ogy, 2004) graduated from Harvard University’s law school in 2007 and is an associate at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett in New York City. Lan Nguyen (B.A., Sociology, 2003) recently earned an M.B.A. from Na English alumna Barbara J. Stephenson has been nominated by President George W. Bush to serve as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten tiary of the U.S. to the Republic of Panama. She is currently awaiting Senate confirma tion. “When I started my diplomatic career—and I joined A-100, the name of the entering class for new diplomats, the very next day after I defended my doctoral dis sertation at the University of Florida—expe rienced, senior diplomats came in to talk to us about the dream of making ambassador one day, noting how few of us would make it,†said Stephenson. “I am deeply grateful to the President and the Secretary of State for the unforgettable honor of nominating me to be ambassador to Panama, a country I came to love during my first diplomatic assignment 20 years ago.†A career member of the Senior Foreign Service, Stephenson currently serves as Deputy Coordinator for Iraq at the Depart ment of State. Prior to this, she served as a Principal Officer in Belfast and as a Political and Economic Officer in Panama. She holds a bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D.—all in Eng lish—from the University of Florida. Look for a full feature on Stephenson in the Fall 200 8 issue. send us your updates Let us know what you’re up to by completing an update form online at www.clas.ufl.edu/alumni/. Want to promote your new book? E-mail the cover art and jacket information to editor@clas.ufl.edu. We look forward to hearing from you! continued on page 16 Tony Blair & Barbara J. StephensonCOU R TESY BA R BA R A J. STE P HENSON Spring 2008 Alumni CLASnotes , College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Florida 1 5
Where Are T hey N ow? Charlotte Mather: First Women E lected P resident of S tudent Government Charlotte Mather made UF history in 1983 when she became the first woman ever elected stu dent body president at the university. Now, 25 years later, the political science alumna is using her legislative experience as Vice President of Government Relations and Community/Public Affairs for Broward Health. “Winning that election showed me I could accomplish whatever I wanted with hard work, dedication and belief,†said Mather. “The odds were against me because no organized groups would support a woman, but I was so fo cused and so were my supporters that we just be lieved we were going to win. A lot of great people worked hard on that campaign, and it takes a team to accomplish the goal.†Mather’s team in the North Broward Hos pital District handles legislative affairs, corporate sponsorships, community relations, public rela tions, and multicultural affairs. Before she went to work for the organization in 1996, she served in several roles including legislative assistant to Flori da Sen. Tom McPherson, executive director of the Broward Legislative Delegation, and government relations director for a Fort Lauderdale law firm. She received an M.B.A. from Nova Southeastern University in 2007. —Buffy Lockette 2008 alumni bookshelf City in Amber by Jay Atkinson, M.A., English, 19 8 2. This work of historical fiction shines the spot light on the city of Lawrence, Mas sachusetts, a planned industrial city built around the cloth and garment industry. The reader will be pleased and surprised to find nearly mystical threads connect ing generations: Ah, that’s what happened to those solid gold cuff links! Nobody’s Perfect! A Critique of Modern American Society by Richard W. Glukstad, B.A., History, 19 7 1. This book is a constructive critique of America, done out of patrio tism and love of country. It is not intended to be a complete make over of America, but rather a way to save what’s great and enhance what may be improved. Image Collections: From Chauvet-Pont-d’Arc to Flickr by Howard Greisdorf, B.S., Psychology, 196 3 . Human beings have always had a penchant for collecting images. This book pres ents an interdisciplinary approach to the principles, practices and belief systems underlying catego rization and image management. My Mother Wears Combat Boots: A Parenting Guide for the Rest of Us by Jessica Mills, B.A., English, 1992. Disap pointed by existing parenting books, the author tackles the issues faced by a new generation of parents. Based on extensive research and much trial and error, this book delivers advice for par ents of all stripes. Sporting Lives: Metaphor and Myth in American Sports by James W. Pipkin, Jr., B.A., English, 1966. This book fol lows well-know athletes from the echoing green of eternal youth to the sometimes cult-like and isolated status of fame, shedding light on the day all athletes dread: when their bodies betray them and the cheering stops. Then Sings My Soul: The Scott Kelly Story by Dorothy W. Smiljanich, B.A. & M.A., English, 1969 & 19 7 1. This biography of a Florida Senator from Polk County who was nearly elected governor in 196 4 and 1966 offers insight into the public and private sides of his fascinating, sometimes troubled life. updates from CLASmates ...continued from page 15 1983COU R TESY CHA R LOTTE MATHE RU F ARC HIVES tional University, specializing in human resource management. John Pasden (B.A., East Asian Languages and Literatures, 2000) lives in China, where he has become fluent in Mandarin and teaches English classes. He will soon graduate from East China Normal University with a master’s degree in applied linguistics. He also works for ChinesePod, an educational podcast company, and serves as senior product manager for its corporate parent, Praxis Language. Dahlia Reed (B.A., History, 2002) holds a master’s degree in Jewish stud ies from Oxford University and a master’s in international affairs from the George Washington University. She lives in Washington, D.C. and works as a legislative aide for U.S. Senator Evan Bayh (D-Ind.), focusing on defense and foreign policy issues. Robert Saccenti (B.A., English, 2002) is currently living in Los Angeles, working as an art director on the CBS television show Big Brother . Emmy Schiel (B.A., Political Science, 2006) is pursuing a master’s degree in accounting at Nova Southeastern University. Randall Stephens (Ph.D., History, 2003) is an assistant professor of history at Eastern Nazarene College and a 2007–2009 Young Scholar of American Religion at Indiana University-Purdue University, India napolis. Harvard University Press recently published his book, The Fire Spreads: Holiness and Pentecostalism in the American South . Dr. Lauren Stern (B.S., Zoology, 2001) earned her M.D. from the Uni versity of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in 2005 and is in the last year of her residency at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, where she will become a fellow of the Division of Nephrology effective July 2008. Stephanie Sullivan (B.A., English, 2006) works in foundation relations in the Office of Development at Rollins College. She is pursuing an M.A. in art history from Florida State University. Kimberly Treadwell (B.A., English, 2007) is a legal administrative as sistant at Steptoe & Johnson LLP, one of Washington D.C.’s largest law firms. Jessica Tudor (B.A., Anthropology, 2005) lives in San Francisco, Califor nia, where she works as an archaeological field technician in the cultural resource management field. She’s applying to graduate schools in archae ology and is engaged to be married. David E. Winchester (B.S. and B.A., Microbiology and Sociology, 2000) is preparing to complete a residency in internal medicine and will be re turning to UF to start a cardiology fellowship in July 2008. Michelle Zambrana (B.A., English, 2007) is the National Institute of Justice Research Project Coordinator at Florida International University’s Stempel School of Public Health. 16 Spring 2008 Alumni CLASnotes , College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Florida
R aised to D ate G oal Faculty Support $7,229,338 $16,800,000 G raduate Support $1,469,059 $3,600,000 Undergraduate Support $122,793 $600,000 Campus E nhancement $6,869,000 $11,000,000 Program Support & R esearch $21,145,288 $33,000,000 Total $36,835,478 $65 million The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences depends on gifts from alumni and friends to cover needs as basic as hosting our spring commencement ceremony. We also need help providing student scholarships and fellowships, presenting lecture series, and sending our faculty to conferences. A donation of any amount would be greatly appreciated and is tax deductible. Please send the following coupon to: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences University of Florida Foundation PO Box 14425 Gainesville, Florida 32604 Dial (352) 392-5474 for assistance. Enclosed is my gift of $ __________________________ ______________________________________________ Name(s) as you wish to be listed ______________________________________________ If you have a degree from UF, please list degree and year ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Preferred mailing address City, State ZIP Home telephone ________________________________ Business telephone ______________________________ E-mail ________________________________________ My company matches gifts; form is enclosed. ______________________________________________ Company name Please enclose a check made payable to the University of Florida Foundation, or submit your credit card information below. Charge $ ______________________________________ to: Mastercard Visa American Express Discover ______________________________________________ Card number ______________________________________________ Expiration date ______________________________________________ Signature Date we need your support! APBH College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Florida Tomorrow Campaign Goals 6 5 million 3 6. 8 million We are over halfway to our goal! T o learn how you can help, contact the CLAS D evelopment O ffice at (352) 392-5474 or visit www.floridatomorrow.ufl.edu/CLAS/. CLAS would like to thank the Sheikh family of Merritt Island, Florida for endowing the Izzat Hasan Sheikh Professorship. The fund will allow the UF Department of Religion to hire a professor in Islamic studies and honors the memory of the family’s matriarch, Izzat Hasan Sheikh. “The Sheikh family is thrilled to have this opportunity to honor the memory of Izzat Hasan Sheikh by promoting the objective study of the Islamic world, its religious beliefs, social and moral values, cultural traditions and contemporary challenges and opportunities,†said Asifa Sheikh, who earned a law degree from UF in 19 8 6. “We believe, in establishing this pro fessorship, that understanding, tolerance and cooperation spearheaded by scholarly inquiries are essential conditions for breaking down barriers of mis conception and discrimination, and advancing the welfare of all peoples.†CLAS would also like to recognize the following friends for their kind support: • Julianne and Troy Davis , who donated $110,000 to establish an endow ment to fund the Dyslexia Center Intensive Summer Treatment Program in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders • Bob and Barb Dellecker , who have given more than $29,000 over the past two years to the Department of Zoology for the purchase new lab equipment • Dr. Howard and Mrs. Brenda Sheridan , who gave $ 3 00,000 to the Department of Chemistry to be used for scholarships, fellowships, and the purchase of new equipment anyone can make a difference Spring 2008 Alumni CLASnotes , College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Florida 1 7
Peter Ter, a political science major, springs to his feet in the living room of his cozy University Heights apartment and goes straight to his large bookshelf. For Ter, books are one of life’s most valuable objects. “All of my friends joke with me,†he said, thumbing through a book for one of his favor ite photographs. “They say that I will want to be buried with my books.†Ter’s passing reference to death harkens back to an earlier part of the conversation. Just moments before, Ter had reflected on the origins of his long journey to the United States and how he became a student at the University of Florida. “If it hadn’t been for the support of the United Nations,†Ter said. “I would be dead.†One of Sudan’s lost boys, Ter was removed from his home by the bloody civil war that has raged in Sudan for the last 20 years and which continues to this day in Darfur. He recalls the day that he was separated from his parents. Playing with friends, he looked up to see planes flying above the village where he lived. The next thing he remembers is the bombs dropping through the sky, destroying the life he knew. “I ran with a group of people away from the village,†Ter said. “Because I was young, someone held my hand.†After a torturous barefoot trek, Ter ended up in a refugee camp in Ethiopia for three years. Forced again to move due to civil war, Ter returned with other refugees to the jungles of southern Sudan. It was not long before the government of Sudan began bombing the refugees, causing them to flee their own country once more. Ter lived in another refugee camp from 1992 to 2001, this time in northern Kenya. The conditions that characterized life in the camps were abysmal. Disease, malnutrition and death were constants. Despite surviving on one small meal a day, Ter is thankful for one part of life in the refugee camps. Practicing his writing in the dirt, Ter began to learn English. From there, his passion for education was born. Ter was one of the lucky ones: two of his brothers were forced to become child soldiers. Lured from the camp by false promises of escape to the U.S., Peter’s brothers were handed AK-47s and told to fight for their homeland. At the time, Peter was not yet eight years old—too young to join the Sudanese army. Today, the 22-year-old Ter speaks eloquently about world and American history, as well as discussing the politics of his homeland; in the future, he hopes to work as a diplomat. “Because of all the things I saw in Africa—war, killing, starvation, disease and a lot of injustice—when I came to the U.S., I became very interested in politics. I also started reading a lot of history.†The fruits of the liberal arts education that Peter has received at UF are evident in the ease with which he moves between subjects—one minute he is explaining the enforcement of Shariah law in Sudan, the next he is considering the difficulty of shaping effective U.S. foreign policy. However, Ter’s own history is never far from his mind. “A piece of paper and a pen can change someone’s life,†he said. “I remember when UNICEF brought books in to the camp...I was elated.†—Christopher Garland campus viewsS U D ANESE “LOST BOY†FIN D S R E F U G E AT U F JANE DOMINGUEZ 1 8 Spring 2008 Alumni CLASnotes , College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Florida
Righteous Warrior: Jesse Helms and the Rise of Modern Conservatism. From an early age, Jesse Helms believed in extreme con servative causes, doctrinaire Christian worship and a mistrust of outsiders. Taking on everyone and everything that didn’t tow the conservative party line, he literally became the center of the U.S. conservative movement. History Professor William Link tells the life story of Jesse Helms and, sub sequently, the story of a conserva tive revolution that finally captivated America at the end of the 20th cen tury. —St. Martin’s Press, 2008 From Yellow Dog Democrats to Red State Republicans: Florida and Its Politics Since 1940. Likely to raise hackles among Democrats and Republicans alike, this dynamic history of modern Florida argues that the Sunshine State has become the political and demograph ic future of the nation. History Profes sor David Colburn reveals how Florida gradually abandoned the traditions of race and personality that linked it to the Democratic Party. As the story of one of the most influential states in the nation, the book redefines Florida politics. —University Press of Florida, 2007 campus views F AC ULTY READ S The University of Florida has awarded the nation’s first Ph.D. in classical stud ies pursued online to David McClister of Tampa, who successfully defended his dissertation on February 11 and gradu ated during the university’s commence ment ceremony in May. The classical studies distance learning graduate program was established at UF in 2001 to address the needs of Latin teachers nationwide. It is the only program of its kind in the nation and is the only online Ph.D. offered at the university. The College of Pharmacy has awarded 1,245 Doctor of Pharmacy, or Pharm.D., degrees online since 1994 and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the College of Public Health and Health Professions has awarded 1,164 Doctor of Audiology, Au.D., degrees online since 1998. McClister enrolled in the program in 2003. As the father of four children and a full-time professor of biblical studies at Florida College, McClister said the program allowed him to pursue the highest degree attainable in his field without putting his life on hold. “I was already in a tenure-track position at Florida College and knew that progress toward a doctoral degree would be an important part of my tenure application,†said McClister. “However, taking a leave of absence for a couple of years and moving away was simply not going to be feasible either for the department or for my family. I needed an arrangement where I could work toward an advanced degree and at the same time continue teaching and not disrupt our family life too much.†For his doctoral research, McClister studied the Greek works of Jewish historian Josephus, who wrote during Rome’s first century. “David has produced an excellent and truly original dissertation exploring primarily how and why Josephus constructs Jewish identity, and also the way this construction of ethnicity interacts with other dominant Mediterranean cultures such as the Greeks and the Romans,†said UF Associate Professor of Classics Konstantinos Kapparis, who served as McClister’s faculty adviser. “I was impressed by the high standard of his work.†McClister plans to continue teaching at Florida College and hopes to publish his dissertation, as well as future research. In addition to his Ph.D., he holds a B.A. in classical civilization and an M.A. in biblical studies from Loyola University, Chicago. For more information on the program, visit www.classics.ufl.edu/ distance/intro.html. —Buffy Lockette Father of Four Earns Ph.D. Online Classic Success StoryCOU R TESY DAVID MCCLISTE R Spring 2008 Alumni CLASnotes , College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Florida 19
mark your calendar! College of Liberal Arts and Sciences2014 T urlington H all P O Box 117300 G ainesville FL 32611-7300 editor@clas.ufl.edu www.clas.ufl.edu JANE DOMINGUEZ CLAS Commencement Ceremonies May 3 www.clas.ufl.edu/events/commencement Stephen Craig, Political Science Professor and Chair, Visits DC Gator Club June 10 www.ufalumni.ufl.edu/Outreach Anthony Falsetti, Director of the C.A. Pound Human Identification Laboratory, Visits Philadelphia Gator Club June 21 www.ufalumni.ufl.edu/Outreach Summer Holocaust Institute for Teachers June 16-20 www.jst.ufl.edu/shift Gator Football Takes On University of Hawaii in Season Opener August 30 www.gatorzone.com The 2008 Primaries, featuring Democratic National Committee Chair Howard Dean September 5 www.graham.centers.ufl.edu/ The Next President and Florida, featuring Florida Governor Charlie Crist October 3 www.graham.centers.ufl.edu Lenguaje & Espacio/Language & Space: Fourth Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Hispanic/Latin American Literatures October 3-4 http://plaza.ufl.edu/vjordan/ColoquioIV/ColoquioIV.html UF Homecoming Weekend October 25 www.ufhomecoming.org