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- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00073587/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- The Life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe
- Uniform Title:
- Robinson Crusoe
- Creator:
- Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731
Thwaites, William H ( Illustrator )
Miller, James, d. 1883 ( Publisher )
Annin, Phineas F. ( Engraver )
Avery, Samuel Putnam, 1822-1904 ( Engraver )
Bogert, J. Augustus ( engraver )
Edmonds, Charles, b. ca. 1823 ( Engraver )
Loomis, Pascal, 1826-1878 ( Engraver )
Loomis & Annin ( Engraver )
Bobbett & Hooper ( Engraver )
- Place of Publication:
- New York ( 779 Broadway )
- Publisher:
- James Miller
- Publication Date:
- 1875 - 1883
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 2, xxviii, 93 p., 10 leaves of plates : ill. ; 18 cm.
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Castaways -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh )
Shipwrecks -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Survival after airplane accidents, shipwrecks, etc -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Imaginary voyages -- 1879 ( rbgenr )
- Genre:
- Imaginary voyages ( rbgenr )
fiction ( marcgt )
- Spatial Coverage:
- United States -- New York -- New York
- Target Audience:
- juvenile ( marctarget )
- General Note:
- Added engraved, illustrated t.p.: Robinson Crusoe.
- General Note:
- Spine title: Robinson Crusoe.
- General Note:
- Date from publisher's address. Miller was located at 779 Broadway from the late 1870s. Cf. American literary pub. houses, 1638-1899.
- General Note:
- Some ill. engraved by: Annin-Loomis, Avery, Bobbett-Hooper, Bogert and Edmonds.
- General Note:
- Part I of Robinson Crusoe.
- Statement of Responsibility:
- by Daniel Defoe ; including a memoir of the author, and an essay on his writings ; illustrated by Thwaites.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections (special@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 27966249 ( OCLC )
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Including x Hlemoir of the Author, and an Hessay on pis WAritings.
New Pornk:
TITER PPA GH sccoioleiciete (ola oiererelo,ojsisislelctsleraieiclolelereis’si cre clereis sieleleleisieeretteioe
THE (OREW.-URAVING: THE ‘SHIP, <.0/s.0.ciells sieieie/eieis!eisie'cl ois wiotcleieiovewie cou TLD
ROBINSON SAST ASHORE ON THE ISLAND.....-.ccccececccceceees 8
ROBINSON'S HUT IS COMPLETED .......ccccccccccccccscccccecee 20
ROBINSON; CATCHES LAG TURTLE: sls/ciaisieie a> cle sisioie sais aieiediereisce nce a0
ROBINSON IN: HIS GOATSKIN: OAP<. <0. .cccccccsccccccccccccciece. - 44
ROBINSON: AND CHISHPAMELY:.;¢ <%(sie; 0icie'e:s'eisieie 01e c's .eseieieieisicie ererercleieree: eae!
ROBINSON RESOURS i PREDAY 6: «/0ie'cieis\eicieioie oisiele/e/e eiorelelsreretsisisiein sos OS
BRIDAY’S) FIRST: NOTION OF POWLING§.. .< sccsccccccccesesscssce OF
ROBINSON ESPIES AN ENGLISH SHIP......ccccccccccsccccsececce 90
ROBINSON OLINGING TO THE WREOK .....cccsccccccscccccccsees 98
Dantex Foz, or, as he subse-
quently styled himself (though
at what time and on what occa-
sion is not known), De Foe,
was born in the parish of St.
= Giles’s, Cripplegate, London,
in the year 1661. The earliest
N of his ancestors of whom there
is any account, was Daniel Foe,
a yeoman, who farmed his own
estate at Elton, in Northamp-
tonshire. He maintained a pack of hounds; from whence it
may be reasonably inferred that his means were above com-
petency. A custom of the times in bestowing party names
on brutes is thus mentioned by our author. ‘“ I remember,â€
he says, “my grandfather had a huntsman that used the
same-familiarity with his dogs; and he had his Roundhead,
and his Cavalier, and his Goring, and his Waller, and all the
generals of both armies were hounds in his pack; till the
times turning, the old gentleman was fain to scatter his pack,
ond make them up of more dog-like surnames.†It is from
his grandfather that De Foe is supposed to have inherited
landed property: for in his ‘“ Review,†a work we shall often
have occasion to consult, he says, “I have both a native and
an acquired right of election.†Our author’s father, James
Foe, followed the trade of butcher, in St. Giles’s, Cripplegate:
and these few barren facts are all that is to be gathered of
the ancestors of Daniel De Foe. ‘‘ He had,†says Mr. Wil
son, in his excellent work, “The Life and Times of Daniel
De Foe,†a work abounding with the most curious and
minute information on the period of which it treats—‘‘ He
had some collateral relatives, to whom he alludes occasion-
ally in his writings, but with too much brevity to ascertain
the degree of kindred.â€
At an early age, De Foe is said to have shown that vivac-
ity of humour, and that indomitable spirit of independence,
that remained with him through after life, “making a sun-
shine in the shady place†of a prison, and arming him as the
champion of truth in humanity in the most perilous times.
An anecdote related by our author is illustrative of the dis-
cipline that governed the home of his boyhood. During that
part of the reign of Charles II. when the nation feared the
ascendancy of Popery, and it was expected that printed
Bibles would become rare, many honest people employed
themselves in copying the Bible into short-hand. To this
task young De Foe employed himself; and he tells us that
“he worked like a horse till he had written out the whole of
the Pentateuch, when he grew so tired that he was willing
to risk the rest.†The parezts of De Foe were non-confornr
ists, and his education was consonant to the practice of that
faith. Family religion formed an essential part of its disci-
pline; and it was made matter of conscience to instruct the
children of a family and its a. in their social,
moral, and religious duties.
none the enemies of De Foe vainly endeavoured to
sink his reputation by representing him as having been bred
a tradesman, there is ample evidence to prove that he was
originally intended for one of the learned professions.* When
he had, therefore, sufficiently qualified under inferior tutors,
he was, at about fourteen years of age, placed in an academy
at Newington Green, under the direction of “that polite and
profound scholar,†the Reverend Charles Morton, who was
subsequently defended by his pupil, some aspersions having
been cast upon the character of the master by an ungrateful
scholar who had deserted to the church. De Foe writes, “I
must do that learned gentleman’s memory the justice to affirm,
that neither in his system of politics, government, and disci-
pline, nor in any other of the exercises of that school, was
there any thing taught or encouraged that was anti-monarch-
ical or destructive to the constitution of England.â€
Of De Foe’s progress under Mr. Morton, it is impossible
* “Tt is not often,†says De Foe, in his Review, vi. 341, “that I trouble you,
with any of my divinity; the pulpit is none of my office. It was my disaster
first to be set apart for, and then to be set apart from, the honour of that sacred
now to speak with any certainty. He tells us in one of his
“ Reviews†that he had been master of five languages, and
that he had studied the mathematics, natural philosophy,
logic, geography, and history: he was one of the few who,
in those days, studied politics as a science. He went through
a complete course of theology, and his knowledge of ecclesias-
tical history was also considerable. He was, however, at-
tacked by party malice as “an illiterate person without
education.†To this he calmly makes answer:—-“ Those
gentlemen who reproach my learning to applaud their own,
shall have it proved that I have more learning than either of
them—because I have more manners.†He adds, ‘‘ I think
I owe this justice to my excellent father still living (1705),
and in whose behalf I fully testify, that if I am a blockhead,
it is nobody’s fault but my own.†He proceeds to challenge
his slanderer “to translate with me any Latin, French and
Italian author, and after that to retranslate them crossways,
for twenty pounds each book; and by this he shall have an
opportunity to show the world how much De Foe, the hosier,
is inferior in learning to Mr. Tutchin, the gentleman.â€
At one-and-twenty, De Foe commenced the perilous trade
—most perilous in his day—of author; at the which he la-
boured through good and through evil report, with lasting
honour to himself, and enduring benefit to mankind, for half a
century. It is now ascertained that De Foe’s first publication
was a lampooning answer to “L’Estrange’s Guide to the
Inferior Clergy,†and bore the following quaint title:—
“Speculum Crape-Gownorum; or, a Looking-Glass for the
Young Academicks new Foyl’d; with Reflections on some
of the late High Flown Sermons: to which is added, an Essay
towards a Sermon of the Newest Fashion. By a Guide t
the Inferiour Clergie. Ridentem discere Verum Quis Vetat.
London: printed for E. Rydal. 1682.†This title De Foe
borrowed from the crape gowns then usually worn by the
inferior clergy; and, in the book, he fights the fight of the
Dissenters against what he terms the libels of the established
clergy. ‘The fertility of the subject,†says Mr. Wilson, “soon
produced a second part of the ‘Speculum;’ in which the
author deals more seriously with the government, and, by a
practical view of the effect of persecution, exposed its
We have entered more at length into the nature and pur-
pose of De Foe’s first book, than will be permitted to us by
our limits to do-with each of the works that now followed, in
rapid profusion, from the pen of our author. All that we
purpose to ourselves is, to give the strongest outlines of his
character—the principal events of his career: and, avoiding
on one hand a jejune brevity, that confines itself to mere
dates, attempt not, on the other side, a minute description of
events incompatible with our present object.
When the Duke of Monmouth landed at Lyme, De Foe
was among those who joined the standard of the hapless
nobleman. “A romantic kind of invasion,†says Welwood,
“and scarcely paralleled in history.†At the age of four-
and-twenty, we see De Foe, the author of ‘‘ Robinson Crusoe,â€
a soldier; as ready with his sword as prompt with his pen, ia
the cause of rational liberty. Of Monmouth, De Foe seems
to have had some previous knowledge, having often seen him
.at Aylesbury races, where the duke rode his own horses, a
circumstance alluded to by our author in his “Tour.†De
Foe had the good fortune to escape the vengeance visited upon
so many of the duke’s supporters, and returned in safety to
London; where, leaving the stormy region of politics, he now
directed his attention to trade. The nature of his business
has been variously represented. In several publications of
the time, he is styled a “hosier;†but, if we may believe his
own account, he was a hose-factor, or, the middle-man between
the manufacturer and the retail-dealer. This agency concern
he carried on for some years, in Freeman’s-court, Cornhill;
Mr. Chalmers says, from 1685 to 1695. On the 26th of
January, 1687-8, having claimed his freedom by birth, he
was admitted aliveryman of London. In the Chamberlain’s
oook, his name was written “ Daniel Foe.â€
When the Revolution took place, De Foe was a residen
in Tooting, in Surrey, where he was the first person who at-
tempted to form the Dissenters in the neighbourhood into a
regular congregation. De Foe was for many years a resident
in this part of Surrey; it is likely that he had a country-
house there during the time that he carried on his hose-agency
in Cornhill. De Foe was one of the most ardent worshippers
of the Revolution: he annually commemorated the 4th of
November as a day of deliverance. ‘A day,†says he,
“famous on various accounts, and every one of them dear to
Britons who love their country, value the Protestant interest,
or have an aversion to tyranny and oppression. On this day,
he (King William) was born; on this day, he married the
daughter of England; and on this day, he rescued the nation
from a bondage worse than that of Egypt; a bondage of soul,
as well as bodily servitude; a slavery to the ambition and
raging lust of a generation set on fire by pride, avarice, cruelty
and blood.†In order to do honour to the king, and add to
the splendour of the procession, on the royal visit to Guildhall,
many of the citizens volunteered to attend William as a
guard of honour on the occasion. Among these was Daniel
De Foe.
The commercial speculations of our author, though at the
first prosperous, were ultimately unsuccessful. That they
were of a various character, is evident from the fact of his
having engaged with partners in the Spanish and Portuguese
trade. It is very clear, from a passage in his “ Review,†that’
he had been a merchant-adventurer. In the number for
eanuary 27, 1711, he alludes to an old Spanish proverb,
“which,†says he, “I learnt when I was in that country.â€
at further appears, that while residing there, he made himself
a master of the language. De Foe’s losses by shipwreck ap-
pear to have been very considerable. The occupations of
trade, however, according to De Foe’s own confession, assort
ill with literary feelings. ‘A wit turned tradesman!†he
exclaims; no “‘apron-strings will hold him: ’tis in vain to
lock him in behind the counter; he’s gone in a moment.â€
He concludes :—‘ A statute of bankrupt is his Haeunt Omnes,
and he generally speaks the epilogue in the Fleet Prison, or
In allusion to the misfortunes of our author, Mr. Chalmera
observes :—“ With the usual imprudence of genius, he was
carried into companies who were gratified by his wit. He
spent those hours with a small society for the cultivation of
polite learning, which he ought to have employed in the cal-
culations of the counting-house; and, being obliged to ab-
scond from his creditors in 1692, he naturally attributed those
misfortunes to the war, which were probably owing to his
own misconduct. An angry creditor took out a commission
of bankruptcy, which was soon superseded, on the petition
of those to whom he was most indebted, who accepted a com-
position on his single bond. This he punctually paid, by the
efforts of unwearied diligence; but some of these creditors,
who had been thus satisfied, falling afterwards into distress
themselves, De Foe voluntarily paid them their whole claim,
being then in rising circumstances, in consequence of King
William’s favour.†De Foe, being subsequently reproached
by Lord Haversham for mercenary conduct, he tells him, in
1705, that, ‘with a numerous family, and no help but his
own industry, he had forced his way, with undiscouraged
diligence, through a set of misfortunes, and reduced his debts
exclusive of composition, from seventeen thousand to less
than five thousand pounds.â€
It deserves to be remembered that, in the time of De Foe,
our laws against bankrupts were as inhuman as they were
foolish. ‘ The cruelty of our laws against debtors,†says De
Foe, ‘‘ without distinction of honest or dishonest, is the shame
of our nation. I am persuaded, the honestest man in Eng-
land, when by necessity he is compelled to break, will early
fly out of the kingdom rathér than submit. To stay here,
this is the consequence: as soon as he breaks, he is proscribed
as a criminal, and has thirty to sixty days to surrender both
himself and all that he has to his creditors. If he fails to do
it, he has nothing before him but the gallows, without benefit
of clergy; if he surrenders, he is not sure but he shall be
thrown into gaol for life by the commissioners, only on pre-
tence that they doubt his oath! What must the man do?â€
We have reformed a great deal of this in our days, yet some-
thing remains undone, for the bankrupt is still too much left
at the mercy of the malevolent or ignorant creditor.
It is certain that De Foe, whilst under apprehension from
his creditors, resided some time at Bristol. “A friend of
mine in that city,†says Mr. Wilson, “informs me that one
of his ancestors remembered De Foe, and sometimes saw him
walking in the streets of Bristol, accoutred in the fashion of
the times, with a fine flowing wig, lace ruffles, and a sword
by his side: also, that he there obtained the name of ‘the
Sunday gentleman,’ because, through fear of the bailiffs, he
did not dare to appear in public upon any other day.†De
Foe was wont to visit “‘The Red Lion,†kept by one Mark
Watkins, who, in after times, used to entertain his company
with an account of a singular personage, who made his ap-
pearance in Bristol, clothed in goatskins, in which dress he
was in the habit of walking the streets, and went by the name
of Alexander Selkirk, or Robinson Crusoe! It was during
this retreat from London that De Foe wrote his celebrated
“‘Hssay upon Projects,†though he did not publish it until
nearly five years afterwards.
It appears that at this time De Foe was invited, by some
merchants of his acquaintance residing in Cadiz, to settle in
Spain, with the offer of a good commission: “ but,†says our
author, “ Providence, which had other work for me to do,
placed a secret aversion in my mind to quitting England
upon any account, and made me refuse the best offer of that
kind, to be concerned with some eminent persons at home, in
proposing ways and means to the government for raising
money to supply the occasion of the war, then newly begun.â€
De Foe suggested a general assessment of personal property,
the amount to be settled by composition, under the inspec-
tion of commissioners appointed by the king. It was, doubt
less, owing to these services, that De Foe was appointed te
the office of accountant to the commissioners of the glass duty,
n 1695: the commission ceased in 1699. It was probably
about this time that De Foe became secretary to the tile-kiln
and brick-kiln works at Tilbury, in Essex. Pantiles had
been hitherto a Dutch manufacture, and were brought in
large quantities to England. To supersede the necessity of
their importation, these works were erected. The specula-
tion proved unsuccessful, De Foe himself losing by its failure
no less than three thousand pounds. He continued the
works, it is believed, until the year 1703, when, being de-
prived of his liberty for a libel, the undertaking came to an
Towards the close of the war, in 1696-7, De Foe gave to
the world his ‘“ Essay upon Projects;†a work alike admira-
ble for the novelty of the subject, and the clearness and in-
genuity with which it is treated. The projects of our author
may be classed under the heads of politics, commerce, and
benevolence all having some reference to the public im-
provement. The first relates to banks in general, and to the
royal or national bank in particular, which he wishes to be
tendered subservient to the relief of the merchant, and the
interests of commerce, as well as to the purposes of the state:
his next project relates to highways; a third, to the improve-
ment of the bankrupt laws; a fourth, to the plan of friendly
societies, formed by mutual assurance, for the relief of the
members in seasons of distress; a fifth, for the establishment
of an asylum for “fools,†or, more properly, “naturals,â€
whom he describes as “a particular rent-charge on the great
family of mankind:†he next suggests the formation of acade-
mies, to supply some neglected branches of education; one
of these was for the improvement of the English tongue, “to
polish and refine it;†and this project combined a refurma-
tion of that “ foolish vice,†swearing: the next project of our
author was an academy for military studies; and, under the
head of “ Academies,†he suggested an institution for the
education of females:_“‘We reproach the sex every day,â€
says he, ‘ with folly and impertinence, while, I am confident,
had they the advantages of education equal to us, they would
be guilty of less than ourselves.â€
In January, 1700-1, appeared De Foe’s celebrated poem
of “The Trueborn Englishman.†It was composed in answer -
to “a vile, abhorred pamphlet, in very ill verse, written by
one Mr. Tutchin, and called ‘The Foreigners,’ in which the
author—who he then was I knew not,†says De Foe—“ fell
personally upon the king and the Dutch nation.†How many
thousands, familiar with the following now »roverbial lines '
now not that with them opens “ The Trueborn Englishman!"
“Wherever God erects a house of prayer,
The devil always builds a chapel there;
And ’twill be found, upon examination,
The latter has the largest congregation !â€
De Foe traces the rise of our ancient families to the Nor
man invader, who cantoned out the country to his followers,
and “every soldier was a denizen.†The folly of indulging
this pride of ancestry is finely painted in the following
lines :—
“These are the heroes who despise the Dutch,
And rail at new-come foreigners so much ;
Forgetting that themselves are all derived
From the most scoundrel race that ever lived.
A horrid crowd of rambling thieves and drones,
Who ransacked kingdoms and dispeopled towns;
The Pict and painted Briton, treach’rous Scot,
By hunger, theft, and rapine hither brought;
Norwegian pirates, buccaneering Danes,
Whose red-haired offspring everywhere remains ;
Who, joined with Norman-French, compound the breed—
From whence your True-Born Englishmen proceed.
And lest by length of time it be pretended
The climate may the modern race have mended,
Wise Providence, to keep us where we are,
Mixes us daily with exceeding care.â€
De Foe concludes with the following striking lines:-=
“ Could but our ancestors retrieve their fate,
And see their offspring thus degenerate ;
How we contend for birth and names unknown,
And build on their past actions, not our own,
They’d cancel records, and their tombs deface,
And then disown the vile, degenerate race ;
For fame of families is all a cheat,
“When I see the town full of lampoons and invectives
against Dutchmen,†says De Foe, in his “ Explanatory Pre-
face,†“only because they are foreigners, and the king re-
proached and insulted by insolent pedants and ballad-mak-
ing poets, for employing foreigners, and being a foreigner
himself, I confess myself moved by it to remind our nation
of their own original, thereby to let them see what a banter
they put upon themselves; since, speaking of Englishmen,
ab origine, we are really all foreigners ourselves.â€
It is to this poem that De Foe was indebted for a personal
introduction to King William. He was sent for to the palace
by his Majesty, conversed with him, and had repeated inter-
views with him afterwards. The manners and sentiments of
De Foe appeared to have made such a favourable impression
on the king, that he ever after regarded him with kindness ;
and, conceiving that his talents might be turned to a beneficial
account, he employed him in many secret services, to which
he alludes occasionally in his writings.
The effect produced upon the country by the satire was
most beneficial. De Foe himself, nearly thirty years after-
wards, writes, ‘‘ National mistakes, vulgar errors, and even
general practice, have been reformed by a just satire. Non
of our countrymen have been known to boast of being True
Born Englishmen, or so much as use the word as a title or ap-
pellation, ever since a late satire upon that national folly was
published, though almost thirty years before.â€
In 1700-1, on the meeting of the fifth parliament of King
William, we find De Foe strenuously engaged advocating the
recessity of settling the succession in the Protestant line; an
mportant object with William, as the only means of perpetu-
ating the benefits which the nation had reaped from the Rey-
olution. To this great end, De Foe devoted all his energies,
labouring with unwearied zeal in the cause. His conduct on
the imprisonment of the Kentish gentlemen, whose names
are historically associated with the presentation of the famous
Kentish petition, was marked with all the intrepidity of his
character. The Commons had imprisoned the petitioners,
who prayed the House for the settlement of the Protestant
succession, for having presented a petition “scandalous, inso-
lent, and seditious.†On this, De Foe drew up his celebrated
‘Legion Paper.†In what manner it was communicated to
the House does not appear upon the journals. It was reported
at the time that De Foe, disguised as a woman, presented it
to the Speaker as he entered the House of Commons. The
“Legion†petition rang like a tocsin throughout the king-
dom. As, however, the author remained concealed, the
Commons did not think fit to pass any particular censure
upon it. The Kentish petitioners were discharged by the
prorogation of parliament on the 24th of June: they were
subsequently feasted at Mercers’ Hall, where De Foe attended,
“Next the Worthis,†says a pamphlet of the time, “was
placed their secretary of state, the author of the ‘Legion
Paper,’ and one might have read the downfal of parliaments
in his very countenance.â€
By the death of King William, “ more mortally wounded,’
says De Foe, “ with the pointed rage of parties, and an un-
grateful people, than by the fall from his horse,†our author
lost a kind friend and powerful protector. Toward the lat-
ter part of this reign, De Foe took up his abode at Hackney,
and resided there many years. Here some of his children
were born and buried. In the parish register is the following
entry :—‘ Sophia, daughter to Daniel De Foe, by Mary his
wife, was baptised, December 24, 1701.â€
The next important work of De Foe—a work that ex-
ercised the greatest influence on his fortunes—was the
“Shortest Way with the Dissenters; or, Proposals for the
Establishment of the Church; 1702.†In this work, the
author, assuming the character of an Ultra High Churchman,
advocates the adoption of the severest measures against the
Dissenters. “’Tis vain,†writes De Foe, “to trifle in this
matter. The light, foolish handling of them by fines is
their glory and advantage. If the gallows instead of the
compter, and the galleys instead of the fines, were the reward
of going to a conventicle, there would not be so many suf
ferers.†These arguments found high favour with both the
Universities. The High Church Party never suspected the
sincerity of their partizan, and, charmed and won by the
fierce doctrines of their champion, were unsuspicious of the
satire of their extravagance. It was, however, De Foe’s hard
fate to be misunderstood by both parties. Whilst the High
Churchmen congratulated themselves on the addition of
another advocate, the Dissenters treated him as a real enemy.
The Church Party, however, fell into the trap laid for them
by De Foe; for, by expressing their delight at the fiery sen-
timents of the author, they avowed them as their own true
feelings on the question. De Foe subsequently taunts the
party thus:—‘‘ We have innumerable testimonies,†he’ says,
“with which that party embraced the proposal of sending all
the Dissenting ministers to the gallows and the galleys; of
having all their meeting-houses demolished; and being let
loose upon the people to plunder and destroy them.†In
another place, De Foe characteristically portrays the common
fate of the subtlety of wit, when judged by the multitude.
He says—‘ All the fault I can find with myself as to these
people (the Dissenters) is, that when I had drawn the picture,
I did not, like the Dutchman with his man and bear, write
under them, ‘This is the man,’ and ‘ This is the bear,’ lest the
people should mistake me; and having, in a compliment to
their judgment, shunned so sharp a reflection upon their
senses, I have left them at liberty to treat me like one that
put a value upon their penetration at the expense of my
own.†The first detection of our author is said to have been
& xvii
owing to the industry of the Earl of Nottingham, one of the
secretaries of state. When the author’s name was known,
people were at no loss to decipher his object; and those who
had committed themselves by launching forth in his praises
were stung with madness at their own folly. It was at once
resolved by the party in power to crush De Foe by a state
prosecution. In the height of the storm, our author sought
concealment; when a proclamation was issued by the Gov-
ernment, offering £50 for the discovery of his retreat, and
advertised in “The London Gazette,†for January 10, 1702-8.
It was as follows:
“Whereas, Daniel De Foe, alias De Fooe, is charged with
writing a scandalous and seditious pamphlet, entitled, ‘The
Shortest Way with the Dissenters.’ He is a middle-sized,
spare man, about forty years old; of a brown complexion,
and dark brown coloured hair, but wears a wig; a hook nose,
a sharp chin, grey eyes, and a large mole near his mouth:
was born in London, and for many years was a hose-factor
in Freeman’s Yard, Cornhill: and now is owner of the brick
and pantile works, near Tilbury Fort, in Essex: whoever
shall discover the said Daniel De Foe to one of her Majesty’s
principal secretaries of state, or any of her Majesty’s justices
of peace, so he may be apprehended, shall have a reward of
50/., which her Majesty has ordered immediately to be paid
upon such discovery.â€
% xvill
In the House of Commons, it was resolved that the book
“be burnt by the hands of the common hangman in Palace
Yard.†The printer of the work and the bookseller being
t.ken into custody, De Foe issued forth from his retirement,
to brave the storm, resolving, as he expresses it, “to throw
himself upon the favour of government, rather than that
others should be ruined by his mistake.†De Foe was in-
dicted at the Old Bailey sessions, the 24th of February, 1703,
and proceeded to trial in the following July. It may be
gathered from. his own account of the prosecution, that when
his enemies had him in their power, they were at a loss to
know what to do with him. He was therefore advised to
throw himself on the mercy of the Queen, with a promise of
protection; which induced him to quit his defence, and
acknowledge himself as the author of the offensive work.
On this, De Foe was sentenced to pay a fine of 200 marks to
the Queen; to stand three times in the pillory; to be im-
prisoned during the Queen’s pleasure, and to find sureties for
his good behaviour for seven years.
The people, however, were with De Foe. Hence, he was
guarded to the pillory by the populace; and descended from
it with the triumphant acclamations of the surrounding mul-
titude. De Foe has himself related, that “the people, who
were expected to treat him very ill, on the contrary, pitied
him, and wished those who set him there were placed in his
room, and expressed their affections by loud shouts and ac-
clamations when he was taken down.†‘Tradition reports
that the pillory was adorned with garlands, it being in the
middle of summer. The odium intended for De Foe fell
apon his persecutors, and the pillory became to him a place
f honour.
A triumphant evidence of the high spirit of De Foe—a
spirit elevated and strengthened by its unconquerable love of
truth—is manifested by the fact, that on the very day of his
exhibition to the people, he published “A Hymn to the Pil-
lory!†This poem, which successively passed through several
editions, being eagerly bought up by the people, opens nobly
as follows :-—
“Hail! hieroglyphick state machine,
Contrived to punish fancy in ;
Men that are men, in thee can feel no pain,
And all thy insignificants disdain.
Contempt, that false new word for shame,
Is, without crime, an empty name;
A shadow to amuse mankind,
But never frights the wise or well-fixed mind;
Virtue despises human scorn,
And scandais innocence adorn.â€
De Foe is now presented to us, stripped of his fortunes,
nd a prisoner. In consequence of his imprisonment, he could
no longer attend to his pantile works, which produced the
chief source of his revenue, and they were consequently
given up. By this affair he lost, as he himself informs us,
£3,500; and he had now a wife and six children dependent
upon him, with no other resource for their support than the
product of his pen. Hence the leisure of De Foe, whilst in
Newgate, was not that of idleness or dissipation. Some of
his subsequent writings leave no doubt that he now stored
his mind with those facts relative to the habits and pursuits |
of the prisoners, which he has detailed with so much nature
as well as interest. A great part of his time was devoted to
the composition of political works which our limits will not
permit us to dwell upon. It was likewise whilst in Newgate
that he projected his “ Review,†a periodical work of four
quarto pages, which was published for nine successive years
without intermission; during the greater part of the time,
three times a week, and without having received any assist-
ance whatever in its production. Throughout this work, he
carried on an unsparing warfare against folly and vice in all
their disguises: it pointed the way to the “ Tattlers,†“‘Spec-
tators,†and ‘‘ Guardians,†and may be referred to as contain-
ing a vast body of matter on subjects of high interest, written
with all the author’s characteristic spirit and vigour.
The Tories vainly endeavoured to buy up De Foe: bt
Newgate had no terrors for him, and he continued at one:
their prisoner and their assailant. Upon the accession of
Mr. Harley to office, his own politics not being dissimilar tc
those of De Foe, the minister made a private communication
to our author, with the view of obtaining his support. No
immediate arrangement, however, took place between them,
as De Foe remained a prisoner some months afterwards.
Notwithstanding, it is most likely that the Queen became ac-
quainted with De Foe’s real merits through the medium of
the minister, and was made conscious of the injustice of our
author’s sufferings, which she now appeared desirous to miti-
gate. For this purpose, she sent money to his wife and
family, at the same time transmitting to him a sufficient sum
for the payment of his fine, and the expenses attending his
discharge from prison.
On his release from prison, De Foe retired to Bury St. Ed-
munds. Party clamour, and party malice, however, pursued
him there. On the miserable libels issued at this time against
him, he says, “I tried retirement, and banished myself from
the town. I thought, as the boys used to say, ’twas but fair
they should let me alone, while I did not meddle with them.
But neither a country recess, any more than a stone doublet,
can secure a man from the clamour of the pen.†In his elegy
on the author of “The True-born Englishman,†he alludes
to the report that the Tories had exerted themselves in his
favour, He says, in answer :—
“So I, by Whigs abandoned, bear
The Saytr’s unjust lash;
Dye with the scandal of their help,
But never saw their cash.â€
lt appears that in 1705 De Foe was employed by Harley
to execute some mission of a.secret nature, which required
‘xis presence upon the continent. The mission, whatever it
was, appears to have been attended with some danger, and
to have required his absence for about two months. Harley
seems to have been so well satisfied, that upon De Foe’s re-
turn, he was rewarded with an appointment at home. In
1706, De Foe wrote voluminously on the subject of the union
with Scotland, which measure he advocated with all the
strength of his powers. This advocacy obtained for him a
confidential mission to Scotland, where he was received with
great consideration. While in Edinburgh, he published his
“Caledonia,†&c., a poem in honour of Scotland and the
Scots nation. Of the union, he says, in his “ Review,†“I
have told Scotland of improvement in trade, wealth, and
shipping, that shall accrue to them on the happy conclusion
of this affair; and I am pleased doubly with this, that I am
likely to be one of the first men that shall give them the
pleasure of the experiment.†In 1708, De Foe was rewarded
with an appointment and a fixed salary. When the union
was completed, he published “The Union of Great Britain.â€
In 1710, De Foe resided at Stoke-Newington, and appears to
have been comfortable in his circumstances. In 1712 was
closed the last volume of the “Review.†In a long preface
to this volume, De Foe has a most eloquent defence of this
work, and of the mode in which he had conducted it,
Nothing can be finer, more manly, or more conclusive. In
allusion to his sufferings during the progress of the work, he
says, “I have gone through a life of wonders, and am the
subject of a vast variety of providences; I have been fed
more by miracle than Elijah when the ravens were his pur-
veyors. I have some time ago summed up my life in this
distich :—
“No man has tasted differing fortunes more,
And thirteen times I have been rich and poor.
In the school of affliction, I have learnt more than at the
academy, and more divinity than from the pulpit; in prison,
I have learnt to know that liberty does not consist in open doors,
and the free egress and regress of locomotion. I have seen
the rough side of the world as well as the smooth, and have,
in less than half a year, tasted the difference between the
closet of a king and the dungeon of Newgate.†This preface
may be considered as a review—a summing up of the events
of De Foe’s political life, and, as such, is of the highest value
for the noble spirit of conscious truth breathing in and ani
mating every line of it. Asa piece of English, it is exquisite
for its innate strength—the beauty of its simplicity. De Foe,
however, was again doomed to taste the dungeon sweets of
Newgate, being committed there upon the foolish charge of
writing libels in favour of the Pretender.â€
After the death of Queen Anne, De Foe, who had been a
political writer for thirty years, retired from the thorny field
to the more pleasant paths of instructive fiction. Whilst
writing “ An Appeal to Honour and Justice,†he was struck
with apoplexy; he, however, recovered, and, in the eariy
part of 1715, committed to the press one of his most valuable
treatises, “The Family Instructor.†In 1719 appeared the
immortal “Robinson Crusoe!†Nearly the whole circle of
booksellers had in vain been canvassed for a publisher. Wil-
liam Taylor, the fortunate speculator, is said to have cleared
a thousand pounds by the work, which rose into immediate
popularity, despite of the rancorous assaults of the petty,
vulgar minds abounding amongst De Foe’s political enemies.
There can be no doubt that the idea of the work was first
suggested to De Foe by the story of Alexander Selkirk, which
had been given to the public seven years before. The ene-
mies of De Foe charged him with having obtained this man’s
journal, and, from its contents, producing “Robinson Crusoe.â€
The truth is, De Foe was as much indebted to Selkirk for
the materials used in his immortal work, as was Vandyke for
his portraits to the colourman who furnished him with pig-
ments. In a number of “The Englishman,†Sir Richard
Steele gave the true and particular history of Selkirk. The
place in which “ Robinson Crusoe†was composed has been
variously contested. It seems most probable (says Mr. Wil-
son) that De Foe wrote it in his retirement in Stoke-Newing-
ton, where he resided, during the principal part of Queen
Anne’s reign, in a large white house, rebuilt by himself, and
still standing in Church street. The work has been printed
in almost every written language—has been the delight of
men of all creeds and all distinctions—from the London ap-
prentice in his garret, to the Arab in his tent.
‘ Robinson Crusoe†was speedily followed by the “Account
of Dickory Crooke,†the “ Life and Piracies of Captain Single-
ton,†the “ History of Duncan Campbell,†the ‘‘ Fortunes and
Misfortunes of Moll Flanders,†the “ Life of Colonel Jacque,â€
the “ Memoirs of a Cavalier,†and that extraordinary work,
the “ Account of the Plague.†We might possibly have laid
before the reader a correct list of the multifarious productions
of our author, many of them, until of late, most difficult to
be obtained, had not the spirit of the times called for complete
editions of De Foe’s works, most welcome and valuable offer-
ings to the reading part of the nation.
The latter years of De Foe’s life must have been those of
competence—a most honourable competence—insured to him
by his works, and the rapidity with which editions followed
editions. There is, however, a too miserable proof of his
sufferings, inflicted upon him by the cruelty and undutiful-
ness of his son, who, to quote a letter of De Foe, written in
his anguish, ‘“‘has both ruined my family and broken my
heart.†De Foe adds,—-‘I depended upon him, I trusted
him, I gave up my two dear unprovided children into his
hands; but he has no compassion, and suffers them and their
poor dying mother to beg their bread at his door, and to
crave, as if it were an alms, what he is bound, under hand
and seal, besides the most sacred promises, to supply them
with; himself, at the same time, living in a profusion of
plenty. It is too much for me.â€
“For some years before his death, De Foe was tormented
with those dreadful maladies, the gout and the stone, occa-
sioned, in part, most probably, by his close application to
study, whilst making posterity the heirs of undying wisdom.
De Foe expired on the 24th of April, 1731, when he was
about seventy years of age, having been born in the year
1661. The parish of St. Giles’s, Cripplegate, in which he
drew his first breath, was also destined to receive his last. He
was buried from thence, on the 26th of April, in Tindall’s
burial-ground, now most known by the name of Bunhill
Fields. His wife died at the latter end of the following year.
De Foe left six children, two sons and four daughters, whose
descendants are living at the present time.
The character of De Foe was but the practical example of
his noblest writings. As a citizen of the world, his love ot
ruth, and the patience, the cheerfulness, with which he en
jured the obloquy and persecution of his enemies, endear him
to us as a great working benefactor to his race. His memory
is enshrined with the memories of those who make steadfast
our faith in the nobility and goodness of human nature. As
a writer, De Foe has bequeathed to us imperishable stores of
the highest and the most useful wisdom. If he paint vice, it
is to show its hideousness; whilst virtue itself receives a new
attraction at his hands. His poetry is chiefly distinguished
for its fine common sense; it has no flights—it never wraps
us by its imagination, but convinces us by its terseness; by
the irresistible eloquence of its truth. De Foe’s prose, though
occasionally careless, is remarkable for its simplicity and
strength. What he has to say, he says in the shortest man-
ner, and in the simplest style. He does not—the vice of our
day—hide his thoughts under a glittering mass of words, but
uses words as the pictures of things. It is owing to this
happy faculty, this unforced power, that De Foe occasionally
rises, as in many instances in the golden volume now offered
to the reader, almost to the sublime. In his picture of the
despair of Crusoe, we have, in words intelligible even to in-
fancy, a wondrous delineation of the soul of man in a most
trying and most terrible hour. De Foe is, in the most em-
phatic sense of the word, an English writer. Cobbett has
been compared to him; and in many of the minor parts of
authorship there is, certainly, a similitude; but Cobbett was
singularly deficient of imagination, the power which gave a
colour and a beauty to all that De Foe touched, even though
of the homeliest and most unpromising materials.
\ WAS born at York, in the year 1632, of
a reputable family. My father was a na-
tive of Bremen, who, by merchandising at
Y Hull for some time, gained a very plentiful
fortune. He married my mother at York,
and as her maiden name was Robinson, I was called Robin-
son Kreutenaer: which not being easily pronounced in
A 1
the English tongue, we are commonly known by the name
of Crusoe.
I was the youngest of three brothers. No charge or
pains were wanting in my education. My father designed
me for the law, yet nothing would serve me but I must go
to sea, both against the will of my father, the tears of my
mother, and the entreaties of friends. One morning my
father expostulated very warmly with me: “ What reason,â€
says he, “have you to leave your native country, and enter
into a wandering condition of uneasiness and uncertainty ?â€
He recommended to me Agar’s wish, “ Neither to desire
poverty nor riches;†told me that a middle state of life
was the most happy, and that high, towering thoughts of
raising our condition by wandering abroad, often ended in
confusion and disappointment. “TI entreat you, nay, I com-
mand you,†says he, “to desist from these intentions. If
you will go,†added he, “my prayers shall be offered for
your preservation, but a time may come, when desolate,
oppressed, or forsaken, you may wish you had taken your
poor father’s counsel.†He pronounced these words with
such a moving and paternal eloquence, while floods of
tears ran down his aged cheeks, that it seemed to shake my
resolutions. But this soon wore off, and a little after 1
informed my mother, that I could not settle to any business;
and begged she would gain my faiher’s consent only to ge
one voyage; which if it did not prove prosperous, I would
never attempt a second. My mother warmly expressed her
dislike of this proposal.
I was then, I think, nineteen years old, when one time
being at Hull, I met a school-fellow going with his father,
who was master of a ship, to London; and acquainting him
with my wandering desires, he assured me of a free passage,
and a plentiful share of what was necessary. Thus, without
imploring a blessing, or taking farewell of my parents, I
took shipping on the Ist of September, 1651.
After various adventures we made the Brazils, where
having dispatched some necessary business, we sailed north-
ward upon the coast, in order to gain Africa, till we made
Cape Augustine; from whence going further into the ocean,
out of sight of land, we steered as though we were bound
for the Isle Fernand de Norenba, leaving the islands on the
east ; and then it was that we met with a terrible tempest,
which continued twelve days, the winds carrying us wher-
ever they pleased. In this perplexity one of our men died,
and another and a boy were washed overboard. When the
weather cleared up a little, we found ourselves in eleven
degrees north latitude, upon the coast of Guinea. Upon
this the captain gave reasons for returning, which I opposed,
counselling him to stand away for Barbadoes, which, as I
supposed, might be attained in fifteen days. So, altering
our course, we sailed northwest and by west, in order to
reach the Leeward Islands; but a second storm succeeding,
drove us to the westward ; so that we were afraid of falling
into the hands of cruel savages, or the paws of devouring
beasts of prey.
In this great distress one of our men, early in the morn-
ing, cried out “Land! land!†which he had no sooner
said, but our ship struck upon a sand-bank, and in a mo-
ment the sea broke over her in such a manner, that we
expected we should all have perished immediately. We
knew not where we were, or upon what land we were
driven; and we could not so much as hope that the ship
would hold out many minutes, without breaking in pieces,
except the wind, by a miracle, should change immediately.
While we stood looking at one another, expecting death
every moment, the mate laid hold of the boat, and with the
help of the rest flung her over the ship’s side, and getting
all into her, being eleven of us, committed ourselves to
God’s mercy and the wild sea. When we had rowed, or
rather were driven, about a league and a half, a raging
ware, like a lofty mountain, came rolling astern of us, and
took us with such fury, that at once it overset the boat.
Men are generally counted insensible when struggling in
the pangs of death; but while I was overwhelmed with
water, I had the most dreadful apprehensions imaginable.
For the joys of heaven and the torments of hell seemed to
present themselves before me in these dying agonies. I
was going, I thought, I knew not whither, into a dismal
gulf unknown, never to behold my friends, nor the light of
this world any more! I strove, however, to the last ex-
as = LS sa
tremity, while all my companions were overpowered and
entombed in the deep; and it was with great difficulty I
kept my breath till the wave spent itself, and, retiring
back, left me on the shore half dead. As soon as I got on
my feet, I ran as fast as I could, lest another wave should
pursue me, and carry me back again. The sea came after
me like a high mountain, or furious enemy. The next
dreadful wave buried me at once twenty or thirty feet deep,
but at the same time carried me with a mighty force and
swiftness towards the shore; when raising myself, I held
out till the water, having spent itself, began to return, at
which I struck forward, and feeling ground with my feet, I
took to my heels again. I was at length dashed against a
piece of rock, in such a manner as left me senseless; but
recovering a little before the return of the wave, which, no
doubt, would have overwhelmed me, I pushed hastily for-
ward and reached the main land; when clambering up the
cliffs of the shore, tired and almost spent, I sat down on the
grass, free from the dangers of the foaming ocean.
No tongue can express the ecstacies and transports that
my soul felt at the happy deliverance. I was wrapt in
contemplation, and often lifted up my hands, with the pro-
foundest humility, to the Divine power, for saving my life,
when all the rest of my companions were drowned. 1
cast my eyes around, to behold what place I was in, and
what I had next to do. I could see no house nor people;
I was wet, yet had no clothes; hungry and thirsty, yet had
nothing to eat or drink; no weapon to destroy any creature
for my svstenance, nor defend myself against devouring
beasts ; in short, I had nothing but a knife, a tobacco pipe,
and a box half filled with tobacco. The darksome night
coming upon me, increased my fears of being devoured by
wild creatures; my mind was plunged in despair, and
having no prospect, as I thought, of life before me, I pre-
pared for another kind of death than what I had lately
escaped. I walked about a furlong to see if I could find
any fresh water, which I did to my great joy; and taking
a quid of tobacco to prevent hunger, I got up into a thick
bushy tree, and seating myself so that I could not fall, a
deep sleep overtook me, and for that night buried my sor-
rows in quiet repose.
It was broad day the next morning before I awaked;
when I not only perceived the tempest had ceased, but saw
the ship driven almost as far as the rock which the waves
had dashed me against, and which was about a mile from
the place where I was. When I came down from my
apartment in the tree, I perceived the ship’s boat two miles
distant on my right hand, lying on shore as the waves had
cast her. I thought to have got to her, but there being an
inlet of water of about half a mile’s breadth between it and
me, I returned again towards the ship, as hoping to find
something for my immediate subsistence. About noon,
when the sea was calm, resolving to get to the ship, I
stripped and leaped into the water; it was my good fortune
to espy a small piece of rope hanging so low, that by the
help of it, though with great difficulty, I got into the ship.
The provisions I found in good order, with which I crammed
my pockets, and, losing no time, ate while I was doing
other things. I also found some rum, of which I took a
hearty dram ; and now I wanted for nothing except a boat
to carry away what was needful for me.
Necessity quickens invention. We had several spare
yards, a spare topmast or two, and two or three large spars
of wood. With these I fell to work, and flung as many of
them overboard as I could manage, tying every one of
them with a rope, that they might not drive away. This
done, I went down to the ship’s side, and tied four of them
fast together at both ends, in form of a raft, and laying two
or three short pieces of plank upon them crossways, I found
it would bear me, but not any considerable weight. Upon
which I went to work again, cutting a spare topmast into
three lengths, adding them to my raft with a great deal of
labor and pains. I then considered what I should load it
with, it being not able to bear a ponderous burden. And
this I soon thought of, first laying upon it all the planks
and boards I could get; next I lowered down three of the
seamen’s chests, after I had filled them with bread, rice,
three Dutch cheeses, five pieces of dried goat’s flesh, and
some European corn; and for liquors I found several cases
of bottles belonging to our skipper, in which were some
cordial waters, and four or five gallons of rack, which 1
stowed by themselves. By this time the tide beginning to
flow, I perceived my coat, waistcoat, and shirt swim away,
which I left on the shore; as for my linen breeches and
stockings, I swam with them to the ship, but I soon found
clothes enough, though I took no more than I wanted for
B 9
the present. My eyes were chiefly on tools to work with
and, after a long search, J found out the carpenter’s chest,
which I got safe down on my raft. I then looked for arms
and ammunition, and in the great cabin found two good
fowling-pieces, two pistols, several powder-horns filled, a
small bag of shot, and two old rusty swords. I likewise
found three barrels of powder, two of which were good ;
also two or three broken oars, two saws, an axe and a ham-
mer. I then put to sea, and in getting to shore had three
encouragements. 1. A smooth, calm sea. 2. The tide
rising and setting in to shore. 3. The little wind there was
blew towards the land. After I had sailed about a mile,
I found the raft drive a little distance from the place where
I first landed ; and then I perceived a little opening of the
land, with a strong current of the tide running into it: upon
which I kept the middle of the stream. But great was my
concern, when on a sudden the fore part of my raft ran
aground, so that had I not, with great difficulty, for near
half an hour, kept my back straining against the chests to
keep my effects in their places, all I had would have gone
in the sea. But after some time, the rising of the water
caused the raft to float again, and coming up a tittle river -
with land on both sides, I landed in a cave, as near the
mouth as possible, the better to discover a sail, if any prov-
identially passed that way.
Crusoe on his Raft.
Not far off I espied a hill of stupendous height, sur
rounded with lesser hills, and thither I was resolved to go
and view the country, that I might see what part was best
to fix my habitation. Accordingly, arming myself with a
pistol, a fowling-piece, powder and ball, I ascended the
mountain. There I perceived I was in an island, encom-
passed by the sea, no distant lands to be seen, but scattering
rocks that lay to the west: it seemed to be a barren place,
inhabited only by wild beasts. I perceived abundance ot
fowls, but ignorant of what kind, or whether good for nour
ishment; I shot one of them at my return, which occasioned
a confused screaming among the other birds, and I found
it, by its color and beak, to be a kind of hawk, but its flesh
was perfect carrion.
When I came to my raft, I brought my effects on shore,
and fearing that some cruel beasts might devour me in the
night-time, I made a kind of hut or barricade with the
chests and boards. I slept very comfortably, and the next
morning got on board as before, and prepared a second
raft, far nicer than the first, upon which I brought away
the carpenter’s stores, two or three bags full of nails, a great
jack-screw, a dozen or two of hatchets, and a grindstone,
two or three iron crows, two barrels of musket-lullets,
another fowling-piece, a small quantity of powder, and a
large bag full of small shot. Besides these, I took all the
men’s clothes I conld find, a spare foretop-sail, a hammock,
and some bedding; and thus completing my second cargo,
I made all the haste to shore I could, fearing some wild
beast might destroy what I had there already. But I only
found a little wild-cat, sitting on one of the chests, which,
seeming not to fear me, or the gun that I presented at her,
I threw her a piece of biscuit, which she instantly ate and
When I had got these effects on shore, I went to work,
in order to make me a little tent with the sail and.some
poles which I had cut for that purpose; and having finished
it, what things might be damaged by the weather I brought
in, piling all the empty chests and casks in a circle, the
better to fortify it against any sudden attempt of man or
beast. After this I blocked up the doors with some boards,
charged my gun and pistol, and laying my bed on the
ground, slept comfortably till next morning.
Now, though I had enough to subsist me a long time,
yet despairing of a sudden deliverance, I coveted as much
as I could; and so long as the ship remained in that condi-
tion, I daily brought away one necessary or other, particu-
larly the rigging, sails, and cordage, some twine, a barrel of
wet powder, some sugar, a barrel of meal, three casks of
rum, and, what indeed was most welcome to me, a whole
hogshead of bread.
Thirteen days I had now been in the island, and eleven
times on board, bringing away all that was possible. As I
was going the twelfth time, the wind began to rise; how-
ever, I ventured at low water, and rummaging the cabin,
in a locker I found several razors, scissors, and some dozens
of knives and forks; and in another, thirty-six pounds of
pieces of eight, silver and gold.
iS 18
That night I slept very contentedly in my little tent, sur
rounded with all my effects; but when I looked out in the
morning no more ship was to be seen. My next thoughts
were, how I should secure myself from savages and wild
beasts, if any such were in the island. At one time I
thought of digging a cave; at another, I was for erecting a
tent; and, at length, I resolved to do both.
I found a little plain near a rising hill, the front towards
which being as steep as a house-side, nothing could descend
on me from the top. On the side of this rock was a little
hollow place, resembling the entrance or door of a cave.
Just befvre this place, on the circle of the green, I resolved
my tent should stand. This plain did not much exceed a
hundred yards broad, and about twice as long, like a de-
lightful green before my door, with a pleasing, though an
irregular descent every way to the low grounds by the sea-
side, lying on the northwest side of the hill, so that it was
sheltered from the excessive heat of the sun. After this I
drew a semicircle, containing ten yards in a semidiameter.
and twenty yards in the whole, driving down two rows of
strong stakes, not six inches from each other; then, with a
piece of cable which I had cut on board, I regularly laid
them in a circle between the piles up to their tops, which
were more than five feet out of the earth, and after drove
another row of piles, looking within-side against them, be
tween two and three feet high, which made me conclude it
a little impregnable castle against men and beasts. And
for my better security I would have no door, but entered in
and came out by the help of a ladder which I also made.
Here was my fence and fortress, into which I carried
all my riches, ammunition, and stores. After which,
working on thé rock, with what dirt and stones I dug
out, I not only raised my ground two feet, but made a
little cellar to my mansion-house; and this cost me many
days’ labor and pains. One day in particular, a shower of
rain falling, thunder and lightning ensued, which put me
in terror lest my powder should take fire. To prevent
which, I fell to making boxes and bags, in order to separ-
ate it, having by me near 150 Ibs. weight. And thus being
established as king of the island, every day I went out with
my gun to see what I could kill that was fit to eat. I soon
perceived numbers of goats, and shot one suckling, a young
kid; which, not thinking its dam slain, stood by her uncon-
cerned; and when I took the dead creature up, the young
one followed me even to the inclosure. I lifted the kid
over the pales, and would willingly have kept it alive; but
finding it would not eat, I killed that also.
It was, by the account I kept, the 30th of September,
when I first landed on this island. About twelve days
after, fearing lest I should lose my reckoning of time, nay,
even forget the Sabbath days, for want of pen, ink, and
paper, I carved with a knife upon a large post, in great let
ters, these words, “J came on shore, Sept. 30, 1659.â€
Every day I cut a notch with my knife on the sides of this
square post, and that on the Sabbath was as long again as
the rest; and every first day of the month as long again as
that long one. Had I made a more strict search I need
not have set up this mark; for, among my parcels, I found
the very things I wanted, particularly pens, ink, and paper;
also two or three compasses, some mathematical instru-
ments, dials, perspective-glasses, books of navigation, three
English Bibles, and several other good books, which I care-
fully put up. A dog and two cats on board, I made inhabit-
ants with me in my castle. Though one might think I had
all the necessaries that were desirable, yet still I found sev-
eral things wanting. My ink was daily wasting; I wanted
needles, pins, and thread, to mend my clothes, and particu-
larly a spade, pickaxe, or shovel, to remove the earth. It
was a year before I finished my little bulwark.
Having raised a turf wall against the outside of my hab-
itation, I thatched it so close as might keep it from the in-
clemency of the weather. I also improved it within, en-
larged my cave, and made a passage and door in the rock,
which came out beyond the pale of my fortification. I next
proceeded to make a chair and a table. When I wanted a
plank or board, I hewed down a tree with my hatchet,
making it as thin with my axe as possible, and then smooth -
enough with an adze to answer my designs; thus in time I
got boards enough to shelter all my stores.
But now a very strange event happened: for one day
finding a bag, which used to hold corn for the fowls, I re-
solved to put gunpowder in it, and shook all the husks and
dirt upon, one side of the rock, little expecting what the
consequence would be. The rain had fallen plentifully a
few days before, and about a month after, to my great
amazement, something began to look very green and flour-
ishing; and when I came to view it more nicely every day
as it grew, I found about ten or twelve ears of green barley
appearing in the very same shape and make as that in
I can scarce express the agitations of my mind at this
sight. Hitherto I had looked upon the actions of this life
only as the events of blind chance. But now the appear-
ance of this barley, flourishing in a barren soil, and my ig-
norance in not conceiving how it should come there, made
me conclude that miracles were not yet ceased; nay, I even
thought that God had appointed it to grow there without
any seed, purely for my sustenance in this miserable and
desolate island. And, indeed, such great effect this had
upon me, that it often made me melt into tears, through a
grateful sense of God’s mercies; and the greater still was
my thankfulness, when I perceived about this little field of
barley some rice-stalks, also, wonderfully flourishing.
While thus pleased in mind, I concluded there must be
more corn in the island, and therefore made a diligent
search among the rocks; but not being able to find any, on
a sudden it came into my mind how I had shaken the
husks of corn out of the bag, and then my admiration
ceased, with my gratitude to the Divine Being, as thinking
it was but natural, and not to be conceived a miracle;
though even the manner of its preservation might have
made me own it was a wonderful event of God’s kind
It was about the latter end of June when the ears of this
corn ripened, which I laid up very carefully, together with
twenty or thirty stalks of rice, expecting one day I should
reap the fruit of my labor; yet four years were expired
before I could allow myself to eat any barley-bread, and
much longer time before I had any rice. After this, with
indefatigable pains and industry, for three or four months,
at last I finished my wall on the 14th of April, having no
way to go into it, but by a ladder against the wall. April
17th I finished my ladder and ascended it; afterwards
pulled it up, then let it down on the other side, and de-
scended into my new habitation, where I had space enough,
and so fortified that nothing could attack me without scaling
the walls.
It was not long after that, when a horrible tempest arose,
at the same time attended with a hurricane of wind. It
continued raining all that night, and some time the next
day. As soon as the weather cleared up I resolved to
build me a little hut in some open place, walled round to
defend me from wild creatures and savages.
When I began to put my resolutions in practice, I was
ests Eee ee 19
stopped for want of tools and instruments to work with.
Most of my axes and hatchets were useless, occasioned by
cutting the hard timber that grew on the island. It took
me full a week to make my grindstone of use.
As I walked along the sea-shore, I found a barrel of gun-
powder, and several pieces of the wreck, the sea had flung
up. Having secured these, I made to the ship, whose stern
was torn off, and washed a great distance ashore; but a
rest lay in the sands.
At this time I was afflicted with an ague; thircty, yet
could not help myself to water; prayed to God in these
words: “Lord, in pity look upon me: Lord, have mercy
upon me; have mercy upon me!†After this I fell asleep
and dreamed. When I got up, my spirits were lively and
cheerful; I was very hungry; and, in short, no fit returned
the next day, but I found myself much altered for the
I had now been about ten months in the island, and, as I
never had seen any of the human kind, I accounted myself
as sole monarch, and, as I grew better, having secured my
habitation to my mind, I resolved to make a tour round my
kingdom, in order to make new discoveries.
The 15th of July I began my journey; I first went to the
creek, where I had brought my rafts on shore, and travel-
ling further, found that the tide went no higher than two
miles up, where there was a little brook of running water,
on the banks of which were many pleasant savannahs, or
meadows, plain, smooth, and covered with grass. On the
rising parts, where I supposed the water did not reach, I
perceived a great deal of tobacco growing to a very strong
stalk. Several other plants I likewise found, the virtues of
which I did not understand. I searched a long time for
D 21
the cassava-root, which I knew the Indians of that climate
made their bread of, but all in vain. There were several
plants of aloes, though at that time I knew not what they
were; I saw also several sugar-canes, but imperfect for
want of cultivation. With these few discoveries, I came
back that night, and slept contentedly in my little castle.
The next day, going the same way, but further than the
day before, I found the country more adorned with woods
and trees. Here I perceived different fruits in great abun-
dance. Melons in plenty lay on the ground, and clusters ot
grapes, ripe and very rich, spread over the trees. You
may imagine I was glad of the discovery, yet ate very
‘sparingly. The grapes I found of excellent use, for when [
had dried them in the sun, which preserved them as dried
raisins are kept, they proved very wholesome and nourish-
ing, and served me in those seasons when no grapes were
to be had. The night drawing on apace, I ascended a tree,
and slept very comfortably, though it was the first time I
had lain out of my habitation. And when the morning
came, I proceeded with great pleasure on my way, travel-
ling about four miles, as I imagined, by the length of the
valley, directing my course northward. At the end of the
valley, I came to an opening, where the country seemed to
descend to the west; there I found a little spring of fresh
water proceeding out of the side of the hill, with its crysta!
streams running directly east. And, indeed, here my senses
were charmed with the most beautiful landscape nature
could afford; for the country appeared flourishing, green,
and delightful. I then descended on the side of that
delicious vale, when I found abundance of cocoa, orange,
lemon, and citron trees, but very wild and barren at that
time. The limes were delightful and wholesome, and the
juice, mixed in water, was very cooling and refreshing. I
resolved to carry home a store of grapes, limes, and lemons,
against the approaching wet season; and returned to my
little castle, after having spent three days in this journey.
And now, contemplating the fruitfulness of this valley, its
security from storms, and the delightfulness of the adjacent
woods, I resolved to make a little kind of bower, surround-
ing it with a double hedge, as high as I could reach, well
staked and filled with bulrushes, and having spent a great
part of the month of July, I think it was the first of August
before I began to enjoy my labor.
On the 30th September, casting up the notches on my
post, which amounted to 365, I concluded this to be the
anniversary of my landing; and, therefore, humbly prox
trating myself on the ground, confessing my sins, acknow-
ledging God’s righteous judgments upon me, and praying to
Jesus Christ to have mercy upon me, I fasted for twelve
hours till the going down of the sun, and then, eating a
viscuit and a bunch of grapes laid me on the bed, and witk
great comfort took my night’s repose.
I now resumed my intention of exploring the island;
taking my dog, gun, hatchet, two biscuit-cakes, a great
bunch of raisins, with a larger quantity of powder and shot
than usual, I began my journey. Having passed the vale
where my bower stood, I came within view of the sea, lying
to the west; when, it being a clear day, I descried land,
extending from the W. to the S. W. about ten or fifteen
leagues, but could not say whether it was an island or con-
As I proceeded forward, I found this side of the island
much more pleasant than mine; the fields fragrant, adornec
with sweet flowers and verdant grass, together with severa:
very fine woods. There were parrots in plenty, which
made me long for one to be my companion, but it was with
great difficulty I could knock one down; and I kept him
some years before I could get him to call me by my name.
I continued my journey, travelling about twelve miles
further towards the east, where 1 set a great pile on the
shore for a mark. In this journey my dog surprised a kid,
and would have killed it, had I not prevented him. As 1
had often been thinking of getting a kid or two, and so
raising a breed of tame goats to supply me after my ammu-
nition was spent, I took this opportunity of beginning, and
having made a collar for this little creature, with a string
of rope-yarn, I brought it to my bower, and there inclosed
and left him; and having spent a month in this journey, at
length I returned to my own habitation, and rested myself
a week, which time I employed in making a cage for my
pretty Poll. I now recollected my poor kid I had left in
the bower, and immediately went to fetch it home. When
I came there, I found it almost starved: I gave it some
food, and it followed me like a dog; and as I constantly
E 25
fed it, it became so loving, gentle, and fond, that it would
never leave me.
The rainy season of the autumnal equinox being now
come, I kept the 30th of September in the most solemn
manner, as usual, it being the third year of my abode in the
island. I spent the whole day in acknowledging God’s
mercies, in giving him thanks for making this solitary life
as agreeable and less sinful than that of human society,
and for the communications of his grace to my soul, in sup-
porting, comforting, and encouraging me to depend upon
his providence, and hope for his eternal presence in the
world to come.
My corn having ripened apace, the latter end of Decem-
ber, which was my second harvest, I reaped it with a scythe
made of one of my broadswords. I had no fatigue in cut-
ting down my first crop, it was so slender. The ears I car-
ried home in a basket, rubbing it with my hands, instead of
threshing it; and when the harvest was over, found my
half peck of seed produced near two bushels of riee, and
two bushels and a half of barley. I knew not how to grind
my corn, neither how to bake the bread.
The want of a plough to turn up the earth, or shovel to
dig it, I conquered by making a wooden spade. The want
of a harrow I supplied by dragging over the corn a great
bough of a tree. When it was growing I was forced tc
fence it; when ripe, to mow it, carry it home, thresh it, and
part it from the chaff. And after all I wanted a mill to
grind it, sieve to dress it, yeast and salt to make it into
bread, and an oven to bake it. This set my brains to work
to find some expedient for every one of these. necessaries
against the next harvest.
And now having more seed, my first care was to prepare
more land. I pitched upon two large flat pieces of ground,
near my castle, for that purpose, in which I sowed my seed,
and fenced it with a good hedge. This took me up three
months ; by which time the wet season coming on, and the
rain keeping me within doors, I found several occasions to
employ myself, and, while at work, used to divert myself in
talking to my parrot, learning him to know and speak his
own name, Poll, the first welcome word I ever heard
spoken in the island. I had been a long time contriving
how to make earthen vessels, which I wanted extremely,
when it happened, that as I was putting out my fire, I found
therein a broken piece of one of my vessels burnt as hard as
a rock, and red asa tile. This made me think of burning
some pots, and having no notion of a kiln, or of glazing
them with lead, I fixed three large pipkins, and two or three
pots in a pile one upon another. The fire I piled round the
outside, and dry wood upon the top, till I saw the pots in
the inside red-hot, and found that they were not cracked at
all; and when I perceived them perfectly red, I let one of
them stand in the fire about five or six hours, till the clay
melted by the extremity of the heat, and would have run
to glass had I suffered it, upon which I slackened my fire
by degrees, till the redness abated, and watching them till
morning, I found I had three very good pipkins, and two
earthen pots, as well burnt as I could desire.
No joy could be greater than mine at this discovery. I
titled one of my pipkins with water to boil me some meat.
The next coneern I had, was to get me a stone mortar to
beat some corn in, instead of a mill to grind it. But all the
stones of the island being of a mouldering nature, I resolved
to look out for a great block of hard wood, which having
found, I formed it with my axe and hammer, and then, with
infinite labor, made a hollow in it, just as the Indians of
Brazil make their canoes. When I had finished this, I
made a great pestle of iron-wood, and then laid them up
against my succeeding harvest.
My next business was to make a sieve to sift my meal,
and part it from the bran and husk. Having no fine, thin
canvas, I could not tell what to do. What linen I had was
reduced to rags. At length I remembered I had some
neckcloths of calico or muslin, of the sailors, which I had
brought out of the ship, and with these I made three small
sieves, proper enongh for the work.
The want of an oven I supplied by making some earthen
pans, very broad but not deep. When I had a mind to
bake, I made a great fire upon the hearth, the tiles of which
I had made myself; and when the wood was burnt into
live coals, I spread them over it, till it became very hot;
then sweeping them away, I set down my loaves, and turn-
ing down the earthen pots upon them, drew the ashes and
coals all round the outsides of the pots, to continue the
heat, and in this manner I baked my barley loaves as well
as if I had been a complete pastry-cook, and also made of
the rice several cakes and puddings.
These things took me up the best part of a year, and what
intermediate time I had was bestowed in managing my new
harvest and husbandry, for in the proper season I reaped
my corn, carried it home and laid it up in the ear in my
large baskets, till I had time to rub, instead of threshing it.
All this while, the prospect of land, which I had seen
from the other side of the island, ran in my mind. [I still
meditated a deliverance from this place, and I began to
think whether it was not possible for me to make a canoe,
such as the Indians make of the trunk of a tree. But here
I lay under particular inconveniences; want of tools to
make it, and want of hands to move itin the water when it
was made. However, to work I went,—I first cut down a
cedar tree, which was five feet ten inches diameter at the
lower part next the stump, and four feet eleven inches
diameter at the end of twenty-two feet, after which it lessened
for a space, arfd then parted into branches. Twenty days
was I a hacking and hewing this tree at the bottom, four-
teen more in cutting off the branches and limbs, and a
whole month in shaping it like the bottom of a boat. As
for the inside, I was three weeks with a mallet and chisel
clearing it, till it was big enough to carry twenty-six men,
much bigger than any canoe I ever saw in my life, and con-
sequently sufficient to transport me and all my effects to
that wished-for shore.
Nothing remained now, but to get it into the water, it,
lying about one hundred yards from it. I proceeded to
measure the distance of ground, resolving to make a canal
in order to bring the water to the canoe, since I could not
bring the canoe to the water. But as this seemed to be im-
practicable, under the space of eleven or twelve years, I
con¢luded the attempt altogether vain. I now saw what
stupidity it is to begin work before we reckon on its cost, or
judge rightly our own abilities to go through with its per-
In the height of this work my fourth year expired, from
the time I was cast on this island. At this time I did not
forget my anniversary, but kept it with rather greater devo-
tion than before. For now my hopes being frustrated, I
x 80
looked upon this world as a thing I had nothing to do with,
and well might I say, as father Abraham said unto Dives,
“ Between thee and me there is a gulf fixed.†I was sepa-
rated from its wickedness too, having neither the lust of
the flesh, the lust of the eye, nor the pride of life; I had
nothing to covet, being lord, king, and emperor over the
whole country, without dispute and without control. Corn,
plenty of turtles, timber in abundance, and grapes above
measure. What was all the rest to me? The money I had,
lay by me as despicable dross, which I would freely have
given for a gross of tobacco-pipes, or a hand-mill to grind
my corn; in a word, the nature and experience of these
things dictated to me this just reflection: That the good
things of this world are no further good to us, than they are
for our use; and that whatsoever we may heap up to give
to others, we can but enjoy as much as we use.
These thoughts rendered my mind more easy than usual.
Every time I sat down to meat, I did it with thankfulness,
admiring the providential hand of God, who, i: this wilder-
ness, had spread a table for me.
As long as my ink continued, which, with water, I made
last as long as I could, I used to minute down the days of
the month on which any remarkable event happened.
The next thing that wasted after my ink, was the biscuits
which Ihad brought out of the ship, and though I allowed
myself but one cake a day for above a twelvemonth, yet I
was quite out of bread for near a year, before I got any
corn of my own.
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In the next place, my clothes began to decay, and my
linen had been gone long before. However, I had preserved
about three dozen of the sailors’ checkered shirts, which
proved a great refreshment to me, when the violent beams
of the sun would not suffer me to bear any of the seamen’s
heavy watch-coats, which made me turn tailor, and after a
miseradle botching manner, converted them into jackets.
To preserve my head, I made a cap of goat’s skin, with the
hair outwards, to keep out the rain, and afterwards, a waist-
coat and open-kneed breeches of the same. I contrived a
sort of umbrella, covering it with skins, which not only
kept out the heat of the sun, but rain also. Thus being
easy and settled in my mind, my chief happiness was to
converse with God, in prayer.
For five years after this nothing extraordinary occurred
to me. Though I was disappointed in my first canoe, 1
made, at intermediate times, a second, of much inferior
size, and it was two years before I had finished it. But as
I perceived it would no wise answer my design of sailing
to the other shore, my thoughts were confined to take a tour
round the island, to see what further discoveries I could
make. To this intent, after having moved her to the water,
and tried how she would sail, I fitted up a little mast to my
boat, and made a sail of the ship’s sail, that lay by me. I
then made lockers or boxes at the end of it, to put in neces-
saries, provision, and ammunition, which would preserve
them dry, either from rain or the spray of the sea, and in
the inside of the boat, I cut a long, hollow place to lay my
gun in, and to keep it dry, made a flag to hang over it,
RF 88
My umbrella I fixed in a step in the stern, like a mast, to
keep the heat of the sun off me. And now resolving to see
the circumference of my little kingdom, I victualled my
ship for the voyage, putting in two dozen of my barley-
bread loaves, an earthen pot full of parched rice, a little
bottle of rum, half a goat, powder and shot, and two watch-
coats. It was the 6th of November, in the 6th year of my
captivity, that I set out on this voyage, which was much
longer than I expected, being obliged to put farther out on
account of the rocks. After a while, however, I brought
my boat safe to a little cove, and laid down to take a wel-
come repose. When I awoke, I considered how I migiu
get my boat home, and coasting along the shore, I came to
a good bay which ran up to a rivulet or brook, where,
finding a good harbor, I stowed her as safe as if she has
been in a dry dock made on purpose for her.
One time I made a journey through the island, and
in the evening coming to my bower, I laid me down to rest.
I had not slept long before I was awakened in great sur-
prise, by a strange voice that called me several times,
‘Robin, Robin, Robinson Crusoe, poor Robin! Where
are you, Robinson Crusoe? Where are you? Where
have you. been ?â€
So fast was I asleep at first, that I did not awake
thoroughly ; but half asleep and half awake, I thought I
diyxmed that somebody spoke to me. But as the voice
repeated Robinson Crusoe several times, being terribly
affrighted, I started up; and no sooner were my eyes fully
open, but I beheld my pretty Poll sitting on the top of the
hedge, and soon knew that it was he that called me, for
just in such bewailing language I used to talk and teach
him, which he so exactly learned, that he would sit upon
my finger, and lay his bill close to my face, and ery, “ Poor
Robinson Crusoe, where are you? where have you been?
how came you here?†and such like prattle, I had constantly
taught him. But even though I knewit to be the parrot, it
was a great while before I could adjust myself, being
amazed how the creature got thither. But now being
assured it could be no other than my honest Poll, my won-
der ceased, and reaching out my hand, and calling famil-
iarly, Poll, the creature came to me, and perched upon my
thumb as he was wont, constantly prating to me with
“ Poor Robinson Crusoe! and how did I come here, and
where had I been?†as if the bird was overjoyed to see me,
so I took him home with me.
I now began to lead a very retired life, living near a
twelvemonth in a very contented —— wanting for
nothing except conversation.
My powder beginning to fail, I abuthbvedl many ways to
ensrare the goats, and see if I could catch them alive, par.
ticu.arly a she-goat with young. At last I had my desire;
for making pitfalls and traps, baited with barley and rice,
I found one morning, in one of them, an old he-goat, and in
the other, three kids, one male, the other two females. It
was some time before they would feed; but throwing them
sweet ‘corn, it so much tempted them that they began to be
tamer, I concluded, that if I designed to furnish myself
with goat’s flesh when my ammunition was spent, the tamely
breeding them up like a flock of sheep, about my settlement
was the only method I could take. I resolved to separate
the wild from the tame; and the best way for this was to
have some inclosed piece of ground well fenced, that those
within might not break out, or those without break in,
Such an undertaking was very great for one pair of hands;
but as there was an absolute necessity for it, my first care
was to find a convenient piece of ground where there was
likely to be herbage for them to eat, water to drink, and
shelter to keep them from the sun. I resolved to inclose a
piece of ground about one hundred and fifty yards in length,
and one hundred in breadth, sufficient for as many as would
maintain me till my flock increased, and then I could add
more ground I now vigorously prosecuted my work, and
it took me about three months to hedge in the first piece,
I tethered the three kids in the best part of it, feeding them
as near me as possible, to make them familiar; and indeed
I very often carried some ears of barley, or a handful of
rice, and fed them out of my hand; by which they grew so
tame, that when my inclosure was finished, and I let them
loose, they would run after me for a handful of corn, Ina
year and a half’s time I had a flock of about twelve goats,
Tivans => = ae
kids and all; and in two years after they amounted to
forty-three, besides what I had taken and killed for my sus-
tenance. After which I inclosed five pieces of ground to
feed them in, with pens to drive them into, that I might
take them as I had occasion.
@ 87
In this project I likewise found additional blessings; for
I not only had plenty of goat’s flesh, but milk too, which at
first I did not think of. And, indeed, though I had never
' miiked, or seen butter or cheese made, yet, after some
essays and miscarriages, I made both, and never afterwards
How merciful can the omnipotent Power comfort his
creatures, even in the midst of their greatest calamities!
He can sweeten the bitterest providences, and give us
reason to magnify him in dungeons and prisons!. What a
bounteous table was here spread in a wilderness for me,
where I expected nothing at first but to perish with hunger!
When I dined, I seemed a king, eating alone, none daring
to presume to do so till I had done. Poll, as if he had
been my principal court favorite, was the only person per-
mitted to talk with me. My old, but faithful dog, contin-
ually sat on my right hand; while my two cats sat on each
side of the table, expecting a bit from my hand, as a mark
of my royal favor. In this manner did I live, wanting for
nothing but conversation. One thing indeed concerned
me, the want of my boat: I knew not which way to get her
round the island. One time I resolved to go along the
shore by land to her; but had any one in England met
with such a figure, it would either have affrighted them, or
" made them burst into laughter.
Ihe cap I wore on my head was great, high, and shape
less, made of a goat’s skin, with a flap or pent-house hang-
ing down behind, not only to keep the sun from me, but to
shoot the rain off, nothing being more pernicious than the
rain falling upon the flesh in these climates. I had a short
iacket of goat’s skin, whose hair hung down such a length
on each side that it reached to the calves of my legs. As
for my shoes and stockings, they were made like buskins,
and laced on the sides like spatterdashes, barbarously
shaped like the rest of my habit. I had a broad belt of
goat’s skin dried, girt round me with a couple of thongs in-
stead of buckles; on each of which, to supply the de-
ficiency of sword and dagger, hung my hatchet and saw.
Another belt, not so broad, yet fastened in the same man-
ner, hung over my shoulder, and at the end of it, under my
left arm, two pouches, made of goat’s skin, to hold my
powder and shot. My basket I carried on my back, and
my gun on my shoulder, and over my head a great, clumsy,
ugly goat’s-skin umbrella, which, however, next to my gun,
was the most necessary thing about me. As for my face,
the color was not quite so swarthy as the Mulattoes, as
might have been expected from one who took so little care
of it, in a climate within nine or ten degrees of the equator.
At one time my beard grew so long that it hung down
about a quarter of a yard; but as I had both razors and
scissors in store, I cut it all off, and suffered none to grow
except a large pair of Mohammedan whiskers, like what I
had seen worn by some Turks at Salee, not long enough,
indeed, to hang a hat upon, but of such a monstrous size as
would have amazed any Englishman.
I had now two plantations in the island; the first, my
little fortification, with many large and spacious improve-
ments. The piles with which I made my wall were grown
so lofty and great, as secured my habitation. And near
this commodious and pleasant settlement, lay my well-culti-
vated and improved corn-fields, which yielded ‘me their
fruit in proper season. My second plantation was that near
my country-seat or little bower, where my grapes flourished,
and where, having planted many stakes, I made inclosures
for my goats, so strongly fortified by labor and time, that it
was much stronger than a wall, and consequently impossi-
ble for them to break through. As for my bower itself, I
kept it constantly in repair, and cut the trees in such a man-
ner, as made them grow thick and wild, and form a most
delightful shade. In the centre of this stood my tent. I
had driven four piles in the ground, spreading over it a
piece of the ship’s sail; beneath which I made a sort of a
couch with the skins of the creatures I had slain, and other
things ; and having laid thereon one of the sailor’s blank-
ets, which I had saved from the wreck of the ship, and cov
ering myself with a great watch-coat, I took up this place
for my country retreat. Very frequently from this settle.
ment did I visit my boat, and keep her in good order.
You may easily suppose, that after having been here so
long, nothing could be more amazing than to see a human
creature. One day it happened, that, going to my boat, I
saw the print of a man’s naked foot on the shore, very evi-
dent on the sand, as the toes, heel, and every part of it.
Had I seen an apparition of the most frightful shape, I
could not have been more confounded. My willing ears
gave the strictest attention. I cast my eyes around, but
could satisfy neither the one nor the other. I proceeded
alternately to every part of the shore, but with equal effect,
neither could I see any other mark, though the sand about
it was as susceptible to take impression as that which was
so plainly stamped. Thus, struck with confusion and
horror, I returned to my habitation frightened at every
bush and tree, taking every thing for men, and possessed
with the wildest ideas. That night my eyes never closed ;
I formed nothing but the most dismal imaginations; all my
religious hopes vanished, as though I thought God would
not now protect me by his power, who had wonderfully
preserved me so long.
In the morning I ventured out of my castle and milked
my goats, one of which was almost spoiled for want of it
I next (though in great fear) visited my bower, and milked
my flocks there also; when, growing bolder, I went down
to the shore again, and measuring the print of the foot to
mine, to see perhaps whether I myself had not occasioned
that mark, I found it much superior in largeness; and so
returned home, now absolutely convinced, that either some
men had been ashore, or that the island must be inhabited,
and therefore that I might be surprised before I was aware.
I began to think of providing for my security, and re-
solved in my mind many different schemes for that purpose.
I first proposed to cut down my inclosures, and turn my
tame cattle wild into the woods, that the enemy might not
find them, and frequent the island in hopes of killing the
same. Secondly, I was for digging up my corn-fields for
the’very same reason. And lastly, I concluded to demolish
my bower, lest, seeing a place of human contrivance, they
might come farther, and find out and attack me in my little
Such notions did the fear of danger suggest to me; and
I looked, I thought, like the unfortunate king Saul, when
not only oppressed by the Philistines, but also forsaken by
God. And it is strange, that, a little before, having entirely
resigned myself to the will of God, I should now have little
confidence in him, fearing those more who could kill this
fading body, than Him who could destroy my immortal soul
Wandering one day more to the west of the island than
ever I had yet done, and casting my eyes towards the sea
methought I perceived a boat at a great distance, but coul
not possibly tell what it was for want of my perspective
glass. I considered then it was no strange thing to see the
print of a man’s foot, and, concluding them cannibals,
blessed God for being cast on the other side of the island,
where none of the savages, as I thought, ever came. But
when I came down the hill to the shore, which was the
8. W. point of the island, I was confirmed in my opinion ;
nor can any one describe my horror and amazement, when
I saw the ground spread with skulls, hands, feet, and bones
of human bodies, and, particularly, I perceived a space like
a circle, in the midst of which had been a fire, about which
T conjectured these wretches sat, and unnaturally sacrificed
and devoured their fellow-creatures.
The horror and loathsomeness of this dreadful spectacle
confounded my senses; I returned towards my habitation,
and, in my way thither, shedding floods of tears, and falling
down on my knees, gave God thanks for making my nature
contrary to these wretches, and delivering me so long out of
their hands.
Though reason and my long residence here had assured
me that these savages never came up to the thick woody
part of the country, and that I had no reason to be appre
hensive of a discovery, yet such an abhorrence did T still
retain, that, for two years after I confined myself only to
my plantations. In progress of time my dreadful appre-
hensions began to wear away, yet I was more vigilant for
fear of being surprised, and very cautious of firing my gun,
lest being heard by those creatures, they should proceed to
attack me. I resolved, however, manfully to lose my life
if they did, and went armed with three pistols, stuck to my
girdle, which gave me a very formidable appearance.
My circumstances for some time remained very calm and
undisturbed, and when I compared my condition with
others, I found it far from being miserable. Would all per-
sons compare their circumstances, not with those above
them, but with those innumerable unhappy objects beneath
them, I am sure we should not hear those daily murmurings
and complainings that are in the world. The terror whioh
the savages had put me in, spoiled some inventions for my
own eonvenience. For now my inventions were how I
might destroy some of these cannibals, when proceeding to
their bloody entertainments, and so saving a victim from
being sacrificed, that he might after become my servant.
I think I now was in the twenty-third year of my reign,
and my thoughts much easier than formerly, having con-
trived several pretty amusements and diversions agreeably
to pass away the time. By this time my pretty Poll had
learned to speak English, and pronounce his words very
articulately and plain, so that for many hours we used to
chat together in a familiar manner, and he lived with me
no less than twenty-six years. My dog, which was nineteen
years old, sixteen of which he lived with me, died some
time ago of mere old age. As for my cats they multiplied
so fast, that I was forced to kill or drive them into the
woods, except two or three which became my particular
favorites. Besides these, I continually kept two or three
household kids about me, which I learned to feed out of my
hand, and two more parrots which could talk indifferently,
and call Lobinson Crusoe. I had also several sea-fowls,
which I had wounded and cut their wings, and grawing
" 45
tame, they used to breed among the low trees about my
castle walls, all of which made my abode very agreeable.
But what unforeseen events suddenly destroy the enjoy-
ment of this uncertain life! It was now the month of De-
cember, in the southern solstice, and time of my harvest,
which required my attendance in the fields, when going out
pretty early one morning, before it was light, there appear-
ed from the sea-shore a flaming light, about two miles from
me, at the east end of the island, where I had observed
some savages had been before, not on the other side, but to
my great affliction, it was on my side the island.
Struck with a terrible surprise, and my usual apprehen-
sions, that the savages would perceive my improvements, 1
returned directly to my castle, pulled the ladder after me,
making all things look as wild and natural as I possibly
could. In the next place I put myself in a posture of
defence, loaded my muskets and pistols, and committing
myself to God’s protection, resolved to defend myself’ till
my last breath. Two hours after, impatient for intelligence,
I ascended to the top of a hill, where, laying myself down,
with my perspective-glass, I perceived no less than nine
naked savages, sitting round a small fire, eating, as I sup-
posed, human flesh, with their two canoes hauled on shore,
waiting for the flood to carry them off again. I cannot
easily express the consternation I was in at this sight, but
when I perceived their coming must be always with the
current of the ebb, I became more easy, being fully con-
vinced that I might go abroad with security all the time of
flood, if they were not before landed. Before they went
off, they danced, making ridiculous postures and gestures,
for above an hour, all stark-naked. When I saw them
gone, I took two guns upon my shoulders, and placing a
couple of pistols in my belt, with my great sword hanging
by my side, I went to the hill, where at first I made the
discovery of these cannibals, and then saw there had been
three canoes more of the savages on shore at that place,
which with the rest were making over to the main land.
But nothing could be more horrid to me, when, going to
the place of sacrifice, the blood, the bones, and other man-
gled parts of human bodies appeared in my sight, and so
fired was I with indignation, that I was fully resolved to be’
revenged on the first that came there, though I lost my life
in the execution. It then appeared to me, that the visits
which they make to this island are not very frequent, it
being fifteen months before they came again, but still I was
very uneasy lest they should surprise me unawares.
That night I reposed myself in my canoe, covered with
my watch-coat, instead of a blanket, the heavens being my
tester. Iset out with the first of the tide full north, till I
felt the benefit of the current, which carried me at a great
ST ae
rate eastward, yet not with such impetuosity as before, as to
take from me all government of my canoe, so that in two
hours’ time I came up to a wreck. It seemed to be a
Spanish vessel, stuck fast between two rocks, her stern and
quarter beaten to pieces by the sea, her mainmast and fore-
mast were broken off short. As I approached near, I per-
ceived a dog on board, who, seeing me coming, yelped and
cried, and no sooner did I call him, but the poor crea-
ture jumped into the sea, out of which I took him up,
almost famished with hunger and thirst, so that when I
gave him a cake of bread, no ravenous wolf could
devour it more greedily ; and he drank to that degree of
fresh water, that he would have burst himself, had I suffer-
ed him.
The first sight I met with in the ship, were two men
drowned in the cook-room or forecastle, inclosed in one
another’s arms; hence I very probably supposed, that when
the vessel struck in the storm, so high and incessantly did
the waters break in and over her, that the men, not being
able to bear it, were strangled by the constant rushing in of
the waves. There were several casks of liquor, whether
wine or brandy I could not be positive, which lay in the
lower hold, as were plainly perceptible by the ebbing out
of the water, yet were too large for me to pretend to med-
dle with ; likewise I perceived several chests, which I sup.
posed t> belong to the seamen, two of which 1 got into ‘my
boat, without examining what was in them.
Searching further, I found a cask, containing about
twenty gallons of liquor, which, with some labor, I got inte
my boat; in her cabin were several muskets, which I let
remain there, but took away with me a great powder-horn,
with about four pounds of powder. I took also a fire-shovel
and tongs, two brass kettles, a copper pot to make choco-
late, and a gridiron, all which were extremely useful to me,
especially the fire-shovel and tongs. And so with this
cargo, accompanied by my dog, I came away, the tide
serving for that purpose, and the same evening I attained
the island, after the greatest toil and fatigue imaginable.
That night I reposed my weary limbs in the boat, resolv-
ing the next morning to harbor what I had gotten, in my
new-found subterraneous grotto, and not to carry my cargo
home to my ancient castle. Having refreshed myself, and
got all my effects on shore, I next proceeded to examine
them, and tapping the cask, I found the liquor to be rum.
In the chest I found a very fine case of bottles, containing
the finest and best sorts of cordial waters; each bottle held
about three pints, curiously tipt with silver. Also, two pots
full of the choicest sweetmeats, and two more which the
water had utterly spoiled. There were likewise several
good shirts, exceedingly welcome to me, and about one
dozen and a half white linen handkerchiefs and colored
neckeloths, the former of which were absolutely necessary
for wiping my face ina hot day ; and in the till I found three
bags of pieces of eight, about eleven hundred in all, in one
of which, decently wrapped up in a piece of paper, were
six doubloons of gold, and some small bars and wedges of
the same metal, which I believe might weigh near a pound.
In the other chest, which I guessed to belong to the gun-
ner’s mate, I found only some clothes of very little value,
except about two pounds of fine glazed powder, in three
flasks, kept, as I believe, for charging the fowling-pieces,
so that, in the whole, I had no great advantage by this
voyage. The money was, indeed, as mere dirt to me, use-
less and unprofitable, all which I would have freely parted
with for two or three pair of English shoes and stockings ;
things that for many years I had not worn, except those
which I had taken off the feet of the unfortunate men I
found drowned in the wreck. When I arrived at my castle,
every thing seemed safe and quiet.
Having retired to my castle after my late voyage to the
ship, my frigate laid up and secured, as usual, and my con-
dition the same as before, except being richer, though I
had as little occasion for riches as the Indians of Peru had
for gold, before the cruel Spaniards came among them,
one night in Mareh, being the rainy season, in the four-and-
twentieth year of my solitude, I lay down to sleep, very
well in health, without distemper, pain, or uncommon unea-
siness either of body or mind; yet, notwithstanding, I could
not compose myself to sleep. All this tedious time, it is
impossible to express what innumerable thoughts came into
my head. I traced the whole history of my life in minia-
ture, from my earliest remembrance of things till I came to
this island, and then proceeded to examine every thing that
had occurred since I had taken possessi¢n of my kingdom.
In my reflections upon the latter, I was comparing the
happy posture of my affairs in the beginning of my reign,
to this life of anxiety, fear, and concern, since I had discov-
ered a print of a foot in the sand. While my thoughts were
agitated, my resignation to the will of Heaven was entirely
suspended, so that I had no power to fix my mind to any
thing, but to the project of a voyage to the main land, till
nature, being, as it were, fatigued and exhausted with the
thoughts of it, made me submit myself to a silent repose.
Still bent on my deliverance from the island, I reflected
that one sure way of escaping was to get a savage ; that after
Thad ventured my life to deliver him from the bloody jaws
of his devourers, the natural sense he might have of such a
preservation, might inspire him with a lasting gratitude and
most sincere affection. I at length resolved, right or wrong,
to get one of these savages into my hands, even though I
should lose my life in the attempt. Inspired with this reso-
lution, I set my wits at work to find out what methods I
should take to accomplish my design. This, indeed, was
so difficult a task, that I could not pitch wpon any probable
means to execute; I therefore resolved continually to be in
a vigilant posture, to perceive when the savages came on
shore, and to leave the rest to that event.
Such were my fixed resolutions, and accordingly I set
myself upon the watch. I waited for above a year and a
half. This was a very great discouragement; yet the edge
of my design was as keen as ever, and the longer it seemed
to be delayed, the more eager was I for it.
I was one day seriously musing how I should attain my
end, when I was very much surprised by seeing no less
than five canoes all on shore together, on my side of the
island, and the savages that belonged to them all landed,
and out ofsmy sight. Such a number of them disconcerted
my measures; for, seeing so many boats, each of which
would contain six, and sometimes more, I could not tell
how to order my measures; and much dispirited and per-
plexed, I lay still in my castle, which, however, I put in a
proper posture for an attack; and having formerly provided
all that was necessary, was soon ready to enter upon an en-
gagement. Having waited for some time, my impatient
temper would let me bear it no longer; I set my guns at
the foot of the ladder, and, as usual, ascended to the top
of the hill; and here, by the assistance of my perspective-
glass, I observed no less than thirty in number around a
fire, feasting upon what meat they had dressed. How they
cooked it, or what it was, I could not then perfectly tell;
but they were all dancing and capering about the flames,
using many frightful and barbarous gestures.
But while, with a curious eye, I was beholding these
wretches, my spirits sunk within me, when I perceived
them drag two miserable creatures from the boats, to act
afresh the dreadful tragedy, as I supposed they had done
before. It was not long before one of them fell upon the
ground, knocked down, as I suppose, with a club or wooden
sword ; while two or three others went immediately to work
cutting him open for their cookery, while the last unhappy
captive was left by himself till they were ready for him.
The poor creature looked round him with a wishful eye,
trembling at the thoughts of death; yet seeing himself a
little at liberty, nature, that very moment, as it were, in-
spired him with hopes of life, he started away from them,
and ran, with incredible swiftness, along the sands, directly
to that part of the coast where my ancient and venerable
castle stood.
You may well imagine I was dreadfully affrighted upon
this occasion. However, my spirits beginning to recover, I
still kept upon my guard, and I now plainly perceived there
were but three men out of the number that pursued him,
I was infinitely pleased to see with what swiftness the poor
creature ran from his pursuers, gaining so much ground
upon them, that I plainly perceived, could he thus holé out
for half an hour, there was not the least doubt but he would
save his life from the power of his enemies.
Between them and my castle there was a creek, where I
much feared the poor victim would be taken, if he could
not swim for his escape. But soon was I out of pain for
him, when I perceived he made nothing of it, though at
full tide, but with an intrepid courage, spurred on by the
sense of danger, he plunged into the flood, swimming over
in about thirty strokes, and then, landing, ran with the
same incredible strength and swiftness as before. When
the three pursuers came to the creek, one of them, who I
perceived could not swim, returned to his company, while
the others, with equal courage, but much less swiftness, at-
tained the other side, as though they were resolved never to
give over the pursuit. And now or never, I thought, was
the time for me to procure me a servant, companion, or
assistant. I immediately descended my two ladders with
the greatest expedition; I took up my guns, which, as I
said before, were at the bottom of them, and taking a short
cut down the hill, I interposed between the pursuers and
pursued: hallooing alond to the latter, who, venturing to
look back, was, no doubt, as much terrified at me as I at
them. I beckoned to him with my hand to return back;
in the mean time advancing towards the pursuers, and
rushing on the foremost, I knocked him down with the
stock of my piece, and laid him flat upon the ground. 1
was very unwilling to fire, lest the rest should hear. The
other savage seeing his fellow fall, stopped as if he had
been amazed; when, advancing towards him, I could per-
ceive him take his bow from his back, and fixing his arrow
to it, was preparing to shoot at me. In this case of self-
preservation, I immediately fired at him and shot him dead,
just as his hand was going to draw the fatal string. All
this while the savage, who had fled before, stood still, and
had the satisfaction to see his enemies killed. So affrighted
was he with the fire and noise of my piece, that he stood
tixed and immovable, without either sense or motion. This
obliged me to halloo to him again, making the plainest
signs I could to him to draw nearer. I perceived he un-
derstood those tokens by his approaching to me a little
way, when, as if afraid I should kill him too, he stopped
Crusoe first sees Friday.
Full Text |
NN ‘
ss S
Including x Hlemoir of the Author, and an Hessay on pis WAritings.
New Pornk:
TITER PPA GH sccoioleiciete (ola oiererelo,ojsisislelctsleraieiclolelereis’si cre clereis sieleleleisieeretteioe
THE (OREW.-URAVING: THE ‘SHIP, <.0/s.0.ciells sieieie/eieis!eisie'cl ois wiotcleieiovewie cou TLD
ROBINSON SAST ASHORE ON THE ISLAND.....-.ccccececccceceees 8
ROBINSON'S HUT IS COMPLETED .......ccccccccccccccscccccecee 20
ROBINSON; CATCHES LAG TURTLE: sls/ciaisieie a> cle sisioie sais aieiediereisce nce a0
ROBINSON IN: HIS GOATSKIN: OAP<. <0. .cccccccsccccccccccccciece. - 44
ROBINSON: AND CHISHPAMELY:.;¢ <%(sie; 0icie'e:s'eisieie 01e c's .eseieieieisicie ererercleieree: eae!
ROBINSON RESOURS i PREDAY 6: «/0ie'cieis\eicieioie oisiele/e/e eiorelelsreretsisisiein sos OS
BRIDAY’S) FIRST: NOTION OF POWLING§.. .< sccsccccccccesesscssce OF
ROBINSON ESPIES AN ENGLISH SHIP......ccccccccccsccccsececce 90
ROBINSON OLINGING TO THE WREOK .....cccsccccccscccccccsees 98
Dantex Foz, or, as he subse-
quently styled himself (though
at what time and on what occa-
sion is not known), De Foe,
was born in the parish of St.
= Giles’s, Cripplegate, London,
in the year 1661. The earliest
N of his ancestors of whom there
is any account, was Daniel Foe,
a yeoman, who farmed his own
estate at Elton, in Northamp-
tonshire. He maintained a pack of hounds; from whence it
may be reasonably inferred that his means were above com-
petency. A custom of the times in bestowing party names
on brutes is thus mentioned by our author. ‘“ I remember,â€
he says, “my grandfather had a huntsman that used the
same-familiarity with his dogs; and he had his Roundhead,
and his Cavalier, and his Goring, and his Waller, and all the
generals of both armies were hounds in his pack; till the
times turning, the old gentleman was fain to scatter his pack,
ond make them up of more dog-like surnames.†It is from
his grandfather that De Foe is supposed to have inherited
landed property: for in his ‘“ Review,†a work we shall often
have occasion to consult, he says, “I have both a native and
an acquired right of election.†Our author’s father, James
Foe, followed the trade of butcher, in St. Giles’s, Cripplegate:
and these few barren facts are all that is to be gathered of
the ancestors of Daniel De Foe. ‘‘ He had,†says Mr. Wil
son, in his excellent work, “The Life and Times of Daniel
De Foe,†a work abounding with the most curious and
minute information on the period of which it treats—‘‘ He
had some collateral relatives, to whom he alludes occasion-
ally in his writings, but with too much brevity to ascertain
the degree of kindred.â€
At an early age, De Foe is said to have shown that vivac-
ity of humour, and that indomitable spirit of independence,
that remained with him through after life, “making a sun-
shine in the shady place†of a prison, and arming him as the
champion of truth in humanity in the most perilous times.
An anecdote related by our author is illustrative of the dis-
cipline that governed the home of his boyhood. During that
part of the reign of Charles II. when the nation feared the
ascendancy of Popery, and it was expected that printed
Bibles would become rare, many honest people employed
themselves in copying the Bible into short-hand. To this
task young De Foe employed himself; and he tells us that
“he worked like a horse till he had written out the whole of
the Pentateuch, when he grew so tired that he was willing
to risk the rest.†The parezts of De Foe were non-confornr
ists, and his education was consonant to the practice of that
faith. Family religion formed an essential part of its disci-
pline; and it was made matter of conscience to instruct the
children of a family and its a. in their social,
moral, and religious duties.
none the enemies of De Foe vainly endeavoured to
sink his reputation by representing him as having been bred
a tradesman, there is ample evidence to prove that he was
originally intended for one of the learned professions.* When
he had, therefore, sufficiently qualified under inferior tutors,
he was, at about fourteen years of age, placed in an academy
at Newington Green, under the direction of “that polite and
profound scholar,†the Reverend Charles Morton, who was
subsequently defended by his pupil, some aspersions having
been cast upon the character of the master by an ungrateful
scholar who had deserted to the church. De Foe writes, “I
must do that learned gentleman’s memory the justice to affirm,
that neither in his system of politics, government, and disci-
pline, nor in any other of the exercises of that school, was
there any thing taught or encouraged that was anti-monarch-
ical or destructive to the constitution of England.â€
Of De Foe’s progress under Mr. Morton, it is impossible
* “Tt is not often,†says De Foe, in his Review, vi. 341, “that I trouble you,
with any of my divinity; the pulpit is none of my office. It was my disaster
first to be set apart for, and then to be set apart from, the honour of that sacred
now to speak with any certainty. He tells us in one of his
“ Reviews†that he had been master of five languages, and
that he had studied the mathematics, natural philosophy,
logic, geography, and history: he was one of the few who,
in those days, studied politics as a science. He went through
a complete course of theology, and his knowledge of ecclesias-
tical history was also considerable. He was, however, at-
tacked by party malice as “an illiterate person without
education.†To this he calmly makes answer:—-“ Those
gentlemen who reproach my learning to applaud their own,
shall have it proved that I have more learning than either of
them—because I have more manners.†He adds, ‘‘ I think
I owe this justice to my excellent father still living (1705),
and in whose behalf I fully testify, that if I am a blockhead,
it is nobody’s fault but my own.†He proceeds to challenge
his slanderer “to translate with me any Latin, French and
Italian author, and after that to retranslate them crossways,
for twenty pounds each book; and by this he shall have an
opportunity to show the world how much De Foe, the hosier,
is inferior in learning to Mr. Tutchin, the gentleman.â€
At one-and-twenty, De Foe commenced the perilous trade
—most perilous in his day—of author; at the which he la-
boured through good and through evil report, with lasting
honour to himself, and enduring benefit to mankind, for half a
century. It is now ascertained that De Foe’s first publication
was a lampooning answer to “L’Estrange’s Guide to the
Inferior Clergy,†and bore the following quaint title:—
“Speculum Crape-Gownorum; or, a Looking-Glass for the
Young Academicks new Foyl’d; with Reflections on some
of the late High Flown Sermons: to which is added, an Essay
towards a Sermon of the Newest Fashion. By a Guide t
the Inferiour Clergie. Ridentem discere Verum Quis Vetat.
London: printed for E. Rydal. 1682.†This title De Foe
borrowed from the crape gowns then usually worn by the
inferior clergy; and, in the book, he fights the fight of the
Dissenters against what he terms the libels of the established
clergy. ‘The fertility of the subject,†says Mr. Wilson, “soon
produced a second part of the ‘Speculum;’ in which the
author deals more seriously with the government, and, by a
practical view of the effect of persecution, exposed its
We have entered more at length into the nature and pur-
pose of De Foe’s first book, than will be permitted to us by
our limits to do-with each of the works that now followed, in
rapid profusion, from the pen of our author. All that we
purpose to ourselves is, to give the strongest outlines of his
character—the principal events of his career: and, avoiding
on one hand a jejune brevity, that confines itself to mere
dates, attempt not, on the other side, a minute description of
events incompatible with our present object.
When the Duke of Monmouth landed at Lyme, De Foe
was among those who joined the standard of the hapless
nobleman. “A romantic kind of invasion,†says Welwood,
“and scarcely paralleled in history.†At the age of four-
and-twenty, we see De Foe, the author of ‘‘ Robinson Crusoe,â€
a soldier; as ready with his sword as prompt with his pen, ia
the cause of rational liberty. Of Monmouth, De Foe seems
to have had some previous knowledge, having often seen him
.at Aylesbury races, where the duke rode his own horses, a
circumstance alluded to by our author in his “Tour.†De
Foe had the good fortune to escape the vengeance visited upon
so many of the duke’s supporters, and returned in safety to
London; where, leaving the stormy region of politics, he now
directed his attention to trade. The nature of his business
has been variously represented. In several publications of
the time, he is styled a “hosier;†but, if we may believe his
own account, he was a hose-factor, or, the middle-man between
the manufacturer and the retail-dealer. This agency concern
he carried on for some years, in Freeman’s-court, Cornhill;
Mr. Chalmers says, from 1685 to 1695. On the 26th of
January, 1687-8, having claimed his freedom by birth, he
was admitted aliveryman of London. In the Chamberlain’s
oook, his name was written “ Daniel Foe.â€
When the Revolution took place, De Foe was a residen
in Tooting, in Surrey, where he was the first person who at-
tempted to form the Dissenters in the neighbourhood into a
regular congregation. De Foe was for many years a resident
in this part of Surrey; it is likely that he had a country-
house there during the time that he carried on his hose-agency
in Cornhill. De Foe was one of the most ardent worshippers
of the Revolution: he annually commemorated the 4th of
November as a day of deliverance. ‘A day,†says he,
“famous on various accounts, and every one of them dear to
Britons who love their country, value the Protestant interest,
or have an aversion to tyranny and oppression. On this day,
he (King William) was born; on this day, he married the
daughter of England; and on this day, he rescued the nation
from a bondage worse than that of Egypt; a bondage of soul,
as well as bodily servitude; a slavery to the ambition and
raging lust of a generation set on fire by pride, avarice, cruelty
and blood.†In order to do honour to the king, and add to
the splendour of the procession, on the royal visit to Guildhall,
many of the citizens volunteered to attend William as a
guard of honour on the occasion. Among these was Daniel
De Foe.
The commercial speculations of our author, though at the
first prosperous, were ultimately unsuccessful. That they
were of a various character, is evident from the fact of his
having engaged with partners in the Spanish and Portuguese
trade. It is very clear, from a passage in his “ Review,†that’
he had been a merchant-adventurer. In the number for
eanuary 27, 1711, he alludes to an old Spanish proverb,
“which,†says he, “I learnt when I was in that country.â€
at further appears, that while residing there, he made himself
a master of the language. De Foe’s losses by shipwreck ap-
pear to have been very considerable. The occupations of
trade, however, according to De Foe’s own confession, assort
ill with literary feelings. ‘A wit turned tradesman!†he
exclaims; no “‘apron-strings will hold him: ’tis in vain to
lock him in behind the counter; he’s gone in a moment.â€
He concludes :—‘ A statute of bankrupt is his Haeunt Omnes,
and he generally speaks the epilogue in the Fleet Prison, or
In allusion to the misfortunes of our author, Mr. Chalmera
observes :—“ With the usual imprudence of genius, he was
carried into companies who were gratified by his wit. He
spent those hours with a small society for the cultivation of
polite learning, which he ought to have employed in the cal-
culations of the counting-house; and, being obliged to ab-
scond from his creditors in 1692, he naturally attributed those
misfortunes to the war, which were probably owing to his
own misconduct. An angry creditor took out a commission
of bankruptcy, which was soon superseded, on the petition
of those to whom he was most indebted, who accepted a com-
position on his single bond. This he punctually paid, by the
efforts of unwearied diligence; but some of these creditors,
who had been thus satisfied, falling afterwards into distress
themselves, De Foe voluntarily paid them their whole claim,
being then in rising circumstances, in consequence of King
William’s favour.†De Foe, being subsequently reproached
by Lord Haversham for mercenary conduct, he tells him, in
1705, that, ‘with a numerous family, and no help but his
own industry, he had forced his way, with undiscouraged
diligence, through a set of misfortunes, and reduced his debts
exclusive of composition, from seventeen thousand to less
than five thousand pounds.â€
It deserves to be remembered that, in the time of De Foe,
our laws against bankrupts were as inhuman as they were
foolish. ‘ The cruelty of our laws against debtors,†says De
Foe, ‘‘ without distinction of honest or dishonest, is the shame
of our nation. I am persuaded, the honestest man in Eng-
land, when by necessity he is compelled to break, will early
fly out of the kingdom rathér than submit. To stay here,
this is the consequence: as soon as he breaks, he is proscribed
as a criminal, and has thirty to sixty days to surrender both
himself and all that he has to his creditors. If he fails to do
it, he has nothing before him but the gallows, without benefit
of clergy; if he surrenders, he is not sure but he shall be
thrown into gaol for life by the commissioners, only on pre-
tence that they doubt his oath! What must the man do?â€
We have reformed a great deal of this in our days, yet some-
thing remains undone, for the bankrupt is still too much left
at the mercy of the malevolent or ignorant creditor.
It is certain that De Foe, whilst under apprehension from
his creditors, resided some time at Bristol. “A friend of
mine in that city,†says Mr. Wilson, “informs me that one
of his ancestors remembered De Foe, and sometimes saw him
walking in the streets of Bristol, accoutred in the fashion of
the times, with a fine flowing wig, lace ruffles, and a sword
by his side: also, that he there obtained the name of ‘the
Sunday gentleman,’ because, through fear of the bailiffs, he
did not dare to appear in public upon any other day.†De
Foe was wont to visit “‘The Red Lion,†kept by one Mark
Watkins, who, in after times, used to entertain his company
with an account of a singular personage, who made his ap-
pearance in Bristol, clothed in goatskins, in which dress he
was in the habit of walking the streets, and went by the name
of Alexander Selkirk, or Robinson Crusoe! It was during
this retreat from London that De Foe wrote his celebrated
“‘Hssay upon Projects,†though he did not publish it until
nearly five years afterwards.
It appears that at this time De Foe was invited, by some
merchants of his acquaintance residing in Cadiz, to settle in
Spain, with the offer of a good commission: “ but,†says our
author, “ Providence, which had other work for me to do,
placed a secret aversion in my mind to quitting England
upon any account, and made me refuse the best offer of that
kind, to be concerned with some eminent persons at home, in
proposing ways and means to the government for raising
money to supply the occasion of the war, then newly begun.â€
De Foe suggested a general assessment of personal property,
the amount to be settled by composition, under the inspec-
tion of commissioners appointed by the king. It was, doubt
less, owing to these services, that De Foe was appointed te
the office of accountant to the commissioners of the glass duty,
n 1695: the commission ceased in 1699. It was probably
about this time that De Foe became secretary to the tile-kiln
and brick-kiln works at Tilbury, in Essex. Pantiles had
been hitherto a Dutch manufacture, and were brought in
large quantities to England. To supersede the necessity of
their importation, these works were erected. The specula-
tion proved unsuccessful, De Foe himself losing by its failure
no less than three thousand pounds. He continued the
works, it is believed, until the year 1703, when, being de-
prived of his liberty for a libel, the undertaking came to an
Towards the close of the war, in 1696-7, De Foe gave to
the world his ‘“ Essay upon Projects;†a work alike admira-
ble for the novelty of the subject, and the clearness and in-
genuity with which it is treated. The projects of our author
may be classed under the heads of politics, commerce, and
benevolence all having some reference to the public im-
provement. The first relates to banks in general, and to the
royal or national bank in particular, which he wishes to be
tendered subservient to the relief of the merchant, and the
interests of commerce, as well as to the purposes of the state:
his next project relates to highways; a third, to the improve-
ment of the bankrupt laws; a fourth, to the plan of friendly
societies, formed by mutual assurance, for the relief of the
members in seasons of distress; a fifth, for the establishment
of an asylum for “fools,†or, more properly, “naturals,â€
whom he describes as “a particular rent-charge on the great
family of mankind:†he next suggests the formation of acade-
mies, to supply some neglected branches of education; one
of these was for the improvement of the English tongue, “to
polish and refine it;†and this project combined a refurma-
tion of that “ foolish vice,†swearing: the next project of our
author was an academy for military studies; and, under the
head of “ Academies,†he suggested an institution for the
education of females:_“‘We reproach the sex every day,â€
says he, ‘ with folly and impertinence, while, I am confident,
had they the advantages of education equal to us, they would
be guilty of less than ourselves.â€
In January, 1700-1, appeared De Foe’s celebrated poem
of “The Trueborn Englishman.†It was composed in answer -
to “a vile, abhorred pamphlet, in very ill verse, written by
one Mr. Tutchin, and called ‘The Foreigners,’ in which the
author—who he then was I knew not,†says De Foe—“ fell
personally upon the king and the Dutch nation.†How many
thousands, familiar with the following now »roverbial lines '
now not that with them opens “ The Trueborn Englishman!"
“Wherever God erects a house of prayer,
The devil always builds a chapel there;
And ’twill be found, upon examination,
The latter has the largest congregation !â€
De Foe traces the rise of our ancient families to the Nor
man invader, who cantoned out the country to his followers,
and “every soldier was a denizen.†The folly of indulging
this pride of ancestry is finely painted in the following
lines :—
“These are the heroes who despise the Dutch,
And rail at new-come foreigners so much ;
Forgetting that themselves are all derived
From the most scoundrel race that ever lived.
A horrid crowd of rambling thieves and drones,
Who ransacked kingdoms and dispeopled towns;
The Pict and painted Briton, treach’rous Scot,
By hunger, theft, and rapine hither brought;
Norwegian pirates, buccaneering Danes,
Whose red-haired offspring everywhere remains ;
Who, joined with Norman-French, compound the breed—
From whence your True-Born Englishmen proceed.
And lest by length of time it be pretended
The climate may the modern race have mended,
Wise Providence, to keep us where we are,
Mixes us daily with exceeding care.â€
De Foe concludes with the following striking lines:-=
“ Could but our ancestors retrieve their fate,
And see their offspring thus degenerate ;
How we contend for birth and names unknown,
And build on their past actions, not our own,
They’d cancel records, and their tombs deface,
And then disown the vile, degenerate race ;
For fame of families is all a cheat,
“When I see the town full of lampoons and invectives
against Dutchmen,†says De Foe, in his “ Explanatory Pre-
face,†“only because they are foreigners, and the king re-
proached and insulted by insolent pedants and ballad-mak-
ing poets, for employing foreigners, and being a foreigner
himself, I confess myself moved by it to remind our nation
of their own original, thereby to let them see what a banter
they put upon themselves; since, speaking of Englishmen,
ab origine, we are really all foreigners ourselves.â€
It is to this poem that De Foe was indebted for a personal
introduction to King William. He was sent for to the palace
by his Majesty, conversed with him, and had repeated inter-
views with him afterwards. The manners and sentiments of
De Foe appeared to have made such a favourable impression
on the king, that he ever after regarded him with kindness ;
and, conceiving that his talents might be turned to a beneficial
account, he employed him in many secret services, to which
he alludes occasionally in his writings.
The effect produced upon the country by the satire was
most beneficial. De Foe himself, nearly thirty years after-
wards, writes, ‘‘ National mistakes, vulgar errors, and even
general practice, have been reformed by a just satire. Non
of our countrymen have been known to boast of being True
Born Englishmen, or so much as use the word as a title or ap-
pellation, ever since a late satire upon that national folly was
published, though almost thirty years before.â€
In 1700-1, on the meeting of the fifth parliament of King
William, we find De Foe strenuously engaged advocating the
recessity of settling the succession in the Protestant line; an
mportant object with William, as the only means of perpetu-
ating the benefits which the nation had reaped from the Rey-
olution. To this great end, De Foe devoted all his energies,
labouring with unwearied zeal in the cause. His conduct on
the imprisonment of the Kentish gentlemen, whose names
are historically associated with the presentation of the famous
Kentish petition, was marked with all the intrepidity of his
character. The Commons had imprisoned the petitioners,
who prayed the House for the settlement of the Protestant
succession, for having presented a petition “scandalous, inso-
lent, and seditious.†On this, De Foe drew up his celebrated
‘Legion Paper.†In what manner it was communicated to
the House does not appear upon the journals. It was reported
at the time that De Foe, disguised as a woman, presented it
to the Speaker as he entered the House of Commons. The
“Legion†petition rang like a tocsin throughout the king-
dom. As, however, the author remained concealed, the
Commons did not think fit to pass any particular censure
upon it. The Kentish petitioners were discharged by the
prorogation of parliament on the 24th of June: they were
subsequently feasted at Mercers’ Hall, where De Foe attended,
“Next the Worthis,†says a pamphlet of the time, “was
placed their secretary of state, the author of the ‘Legion
Paper,’ and one might have read the downfal of parliaments
in his very countenance.â€
By the death of King William, “ more mortally wounded,’
says De Foe, “ with the pointed rage of parties, and an un-
grateful people, than by the fall from his horse,†our author
lost a kind friend and powerful protector. Toward the lat-
ter part of this reign, De Foe took up his abode at Hackney,
and resided there many years. Here some of his children
were born and buried. In the parish register is the following
entry :—‘ Sophia, daughter to Daniel De Foe, by Mary his
wife, was baptised, December 24, 1701.â€
The next important work of De Foe—a work that ex-
ercised the greatest influence on his fortunes—was the
“Shortest Way with the Dissenters; or, Proposals for the
Establishment of the Church; 1702.†In this work, the
author, assuming the character of an Ultra High Churchman,
advocates the adoption of the severest measures against the
Dissenters. “’Tis vain,†writes De Foe, “to trifle in this
matter. The light, foolish handling of them by fines is
their glory and advantage. If the gallows instead of the
compter, and the galleys instead of the fines, were the reward
of going to a conventicle, there would not be so many suf
ferers.†These arguments found high favour with both the
Universities. The High Church Party never suspected the
sincerity of their partizan, and, charmed and won by the
fierce doctrines of their champion, were unsuspicious of the
satire of their extravagance. It was, however, De Foe’s hard
fate to be misunderstood by both parties. Whilst the High
Churchmen congratulated themselves on the addition of
another advocate, the Dissenters treated him as a real enemy.
The Church Party, however, fell into the trap laid for them
by De Foe; for, by expressing their delight at the fiery sen-
timents of the author, they avowed them as their own true
feelings on the question. De Foe subsequently taunts the
party thus:—‘‘ We have innumerable testimonies,†he’ says,
“with which that party embraced the proposal of sending all
the Dissenting ministers to the gallows and the galleys; of
having all their meeting-houses demolished; and being let
loose upon the people to plunder and destroy them.†In
another place, De Foe characteristically portrays the common
fate of the subtlety of wit, when judged by the multitude.
He says—‘ All the fault I can find with myself as to these
people (the Dissenters) is, that when I had drawn the picture,
I did not, like the Dutchman with his man and bear, write
under them, ‘This is the man,’ and ‘ This is the bear,’ lest the
people should mistake me; and having, in a compliment to
their judgment, shunned so sharp a reflection upon their
senses, I have left them at liberty to treat me like one that
put a value upon their penetration at the expense of my
own.†The first detection of our author is said to have been
& xvii
owing to the industry of the Earl of Nottingham, one of the
secretaries of state. When the author’s name was known,
people were at no loss to decipher his object; and those who
had committed themselves by launching forth in his praises
were stung with madness at their own folly. It was at once
resolved by the party in power to crush De Foe by a state
prosecution. In the height of the storm, our author sought
concealment; when a proclamation was issued by the Gov-
ernment, offering £50 for the discovery of his retreat, and
advertised in “The London Gazette,†for January 10, 1702-8.
It was as follows:
“Whereas, Daniel De Foe, alias De Fooe, is charged with
writing a scandalous and seditious pamphlet, entitled, ‘The
Shortest Way with the Dissenters.’ He is a middle-sized,
spare man, about forty years old; of a brown complexion,
and dark brown coloured hair, but wears a wig; a hook nose,
a sharp chin, grey eyes, and a large mole near his mouth:
was born in London, and for many years was a hose-factor
in Freeman’s Yard, Cornhill: and now is owner of the brick
and pantile works, near Tilbury Fort, in Essex: whoever
shall discover the said Daniel De Foe to one of her Majesty’s
principal secretaries of state, or any of her Majesty’s justices
of peace, so he may be apprehended, shall have a reward of
50/., which her Majesty has ordered immediately to be paid
upon such discovery.â€
% xvill
In the House of Commons, it was resolved that the book
“be burnt by the hands of the common hangman in Palace
Yard.†The printer of the work and the bookseller being
t.ken into custody, De Foe issued forth from his retirement,
to brave the storm, resolving, as he expresses it, “to throw
himself upon the favour of government, rather than that
others should be ruined by his mistake.†De Foe was in-
dicted at the Old Bailey sessions, the 24th of February, 1703,
and proceeded to trial in the following July. It may be
gathered from. his own account of the prosecution, that when
his enemies had him in their power, they were at a loss to
know what to do with him. He was therefore advised to
throw himself on the mercy of the Queen, with a promise of
protection; which induced him to quit his defence, and
acknowledge himself as the author of the offensive work.
On this, De Foe was sentenced to pay a fine of 200 marks to
the Queen; to stand three times in the pillory; to be im-
prisoned during the Queen’s pleasure, and to find sureties for
his good behaviour for seven years.
The people, however, were with De Foe. Hence, he was
guarded to the pillory by the populace; and descended from
it with the triumphant acclamations of the surrounding mul-
titude. De Foe has himself related, that “the people, who
were expected to treat him very ill, on the contrary, pitied
him, and wished those who set him there were placed in his
room, and expressed their affections by loud shouts and ac-
clamations when he was taken down.†‘Tradition reports
that the pillory was adorned with garlands, it being in the
middle of summer. The odium intended for De Foe fell
apon his persecutors, and the pillory became to him a place
f honour.
A triumphant evidence of the high spirit of De Foe—a
spirit elevated and strengthened by its unconquerable love of
truth—is manifested by the fact, that on the very day of his
exhibition to the people, he published “A Hymn to the Pil-
lory!†This poem, which successively passed through several
editions, being eagerly bought up by the people, opens nobly
as follows :-—
“Hail! hieroglyphick state machine,
Contrived to punish fancy in ;
Men that are men, in thee can feel no pain,
And all thy insignificants disdain.
Contempt, that false new word for shame,
Is, without crime, an empty name;
A shadow to amuse mankind,
But never frights the wise or well-fixed mind;
Virtue despises human scorn,
And scandais innocence adorn.â€
De Foe is now presented to us, stripped of his fortunes,
nd a prisoner. In consequence of his imprisonment, he could
no longer attend to his pantile works, which produced the
chief source of his revenue, and they were consequently
given up. By this affair he lost, as he himself informs us,
£3,500; and he had now a wife and six children dependent
upon him, with no other resource for their support than the
product of his pen. Hence the leisure of De Foe, whilst in
Newgate, was not that of idleness or dissipation. Some of
his subsequent writings leave no doubt that he now stored
his mind with those facts relative to the habits and pursuits |
of the prisoners, which he has detailed with so much nature
as well as interest. A great part of his time was devoted to
the composition of political works which our limits will not
permit us to dwell upon. It was likewise whilst in Newgate
that he projected his “ Review,†a periodical work of four
quarto pages, which was published for nine successive years
without intermission; during the greater part of the time,
three times a week, and without having received any assist-
ance whatever in its production. Throughout this work, he
carried on an unsparing warfare against folly and vice in all
their disguises: it pointed the way to the “ Tattlers,†“‘Spec-
tators,†and ‘‘ Guardians,†and may be referred to as contain-
ing a vast body of matter on subjects of high interest, written
with all the author’s characteristic spirit and vigour.
The Tories vainly endeavoured to buy up De Foe: bt
Newgate had no terrors for him, and he continued at one:
their prisoner and their assailant. Upon the accession of
Mr. Harley to office, his own politics not being dissimilar tc
those of De Foe, the minister made a private communication
to our author, with the view of obtaining his support. No
immediate arrangement, however, took place between them,
as De Foe remained a prisoner some months afterwards.
Notwithstanding, it is most likely that the Queen became ac-
quainted with De Foe’s real merits through the medium of
the minister, and was made conscious of the injustice of our
author’s sufferings, which she now appeared desirous to miti-
gate. For this purpose, she sent money to his wife and
family, at the same time transmitting to him a sufficient sum
for the payment of his fine, and the expenses attending his
discharge from prison.
On his release from prison, De Foe retired to Bury St. Ed-
munds. Party clamour, and party malice, however, pursued
him there. On the miserable libels issued at this time against
him, he says, “I tried retirement, and banished myself from
the town. I thought, as the boys used to say, ’twas but fair
they should let me alone, while I did not meddle with them.
But neither a country recess, any more than a stone doublet,
can secure a man from the clamour of the pen.†In his elegy
on the author of “The True-born Englishman,†he alludes
to the report that the Tories had exerted themselves in his
favour, He says, in answer :—
“So I, by Whigs abandoned, bear
The Saytr’s unjust lash;
Dye with the scandal of their help,
But never saw their cash.â€
lt appears that in 1705 De Foe was employed by Harley
to execute some mission of a.secret nature, which required
‘xis presence upon the continent. The mission, whatever it
was, appears to have been attended with some danger, and
to have required his absence for about two months. Harley
seems to have been so well satisfied, that upon De Foe’s re-
turn, he was rewarded with an appointment at home. In
1706, De Foe wrote voluminously on the subject of the union
with Scotland, which measure he advocated with all the
strength of his powers. This advocacy obtained for him a
confidential mission to Scotland, where he was received with
great consideration. While in Edinburgh, he published his
“Caledonia,†&c., a poem in honour of Scotland and the
Scots nation. Of the union, he says, in his “ Review,†“I
have told Scotland of improvement in trade, wealth, and
shipping, that shall accrue to them on the happy conclusion
of this affair; and I am pleased doubly with this, that I am
likely to be one of the first men that shall give them the
pleasure of the experiment.†In 1708, De Foe was rewarded
with an appointment and a fixed salary. When the union
was completed, he published “The Union of Great Britain.â€
In 1710, De Foe resided at Stoke-Newington, and appears to
have been comfortable in his circumstances. In 1712 was
closed the last volume of the “Review.†In a long preface
to this volume, De Foe has a most eloquent defence of this
work, and of the mode in which he had conducted it,
Nothing can be finer, more manly, or more conclusive. In
allusion to his sufferings during the progress of the work, he
says, “I have gone through a life of wonders, and am the
subject of a vast variety of providences; I have been fed
more by miracle than Elijah when the ravens were his pur-
veyors. I have some time ago summed up my life in this
distich :—
“No man has tasted differing fortunes more,
And thirteen times I have been rich and poor.
In the school of affliction, I have learnt more than at the
academy, and more divinity than from the pulpit; in prison,
I have learnt to know that liberty does not consist in open doors,
and the free egress and regress of locomotion. I have seen
the rough side of the world as well as the smooth, and have,
in less than half a year, tasted the difference between the
closet of a king and the dungeon of Newgate.†This preface
may be considered as a review—a summing up of the events
of De Foe’s political life, and, as such, is of the highest value
for the noble spirit of conscious truth breathing in and ani
mating every line of it. Asa piece of English, it is exquisite
for its innate strength—the beauty of its simplicity. De Foe,
however, was again doomed to taste the dungeon sweets of
Newgate, being committed there upon the foolish charge of
writing libels in favour of the Pretender.â€
After the death of Queen Anne, De Foe, who had been a
political writer for thirty years, retired from the thorny field
to the more pleasant paths of instructive fiction. Whilst
writing “ An Appeal to Honour and Justice,†he was struck
with apoplexy; he, however, recovered, and, in the eariy
part of 1715, committed to the press one of his most valuable
treatises, “The Family Instructor.†In 1719 appeared the
immortal “Robinson Crusoe!†Nearly the whole circle of
booksellers had in vain been canvassed for a publisher. Wil-
liam Taylor, the fortunate speculator, is said to have cleared
a thousand pounds by the work, which rose into immediate
popularity, despite of the rancorous assaults of the petty,
vulgar minds abounding amongst De Foe’s political enemies.
There can be no doubt that the idea of the work was first
suggested to De Foe by the story of Alexander Selkirk, which
had been given to the public seven years before. The ene-
mies of De Foe charged him with having obtained this man’s
journal, and, from its contents, producing “Robinson Crusoe.â€
The truth is, De Foe was as much indebted to Selkirk for
the materials used in his immortal work, as was Vandyke for
his portraits to the colourman who furnished him with pig-
ments. In a number of “The Englishman,†Sir Richard
Steele gave the true and particular history of Selkirk. The
place in which “ Robinson Crusoe†was composed has been
variously contested. It seems most probable (says Mr. Wil-
son) that De Foe wrote it in his retirement in Stoke-Newing-
ton, where he resided, during the principal part of Queen
Anne’s reign, in a large white house, rebuilt by himself, and
still standing in Church street. The work has been printed
in almost every written language—has been the delight of
men of all creeds and all distinctions—from the London ap-
prentice in his garret, to the Arab in his tent.
‘ Robinson Crusoe†was speedily followed by the “Account
of Dickory Crooke,†the “ Life and Piracies of Captain Single-
ton,†the “ History of Duncan Campbell,†the ‘‘ Fortunes and
Misfortunes of Moll Flanders,†the “ Life of Colonel Jacque,â€
the “ Memoirs of a Cavalier,†and that extraordinary work,
the “ Account of the Plague.†We might possibly have laid
before the reader a correct list of the multifarious productions
of our author, many of them, until of late, most difficult to
be obtained, had not the spirit of the times called for complete
editions of De Foe’s works, most welcome and valuable offer-
ings to the reading part of the nation.
The latter years of De Foe’s life must have been those of
competence—a most honourable competence—insured to him
by his works, and the rapidity with which editions followed
editions. There is, however, a too miserable proof of his
sufferings, inflicted upon him by the cruelty and undutiful-
ness of his son, who, to quote a letter of De Foe, written in
his anguish, ‘“‘has both ruined my family and broken my
heart.†De Foe adds,—-‘I depended upon him, I trusted
him, I gave up my two dear unprovided children into his
hands; but he has no compassion, and suffers them and their
poor dying mother to beg their bread at his door, and to
crave, as if it were an alms, what he is bound, under hand
and seal, besides the most sacred promises, to supply them
with; himself, at the same time, living in a profusion of
plenty. It is too much for me.â€
“For some years before his death, De Foe was tormented
with those dreadful maladies, the gout and the stone, occa-
sioned, in part, most probably, by his close application to
study, whilst making posterity the heirs of undying wisdom.
De Foe expired on the 24th of April, 1731, when he was
about seventy years of age, having been born in the year
1661. The parish of St. Giles’s, Cripplegate, in which he
drew his first breath, was also destined to receive his last. He
was buried from thence, on the 26th of April, in Tindall’s
burial-ground, now most known by the name of Bunhill
Fields. His wife died at the latter end of the following year.
De Foe left six children, two sons and four daughters, whose
descendants are living at the present time.
The character of De Foe was but the practical example of
his noblest writings. As a citizen of the world, his love ot
ruth, and the patience, the cheerfulness, with which he en
jured the obloquy and persecution of his enemies, endear him
to us as a great working benefactor to his race. His memory
is enshrined with the memories of those who make steadfast
our faith in the nobility and goodness of human nature. As
a writer, De Foe has bequeathed to us imperishable stores of
the highest and the most useful wisdom. If he paint vice, it
is to show its hideousness; whilst virtue itself receives a new
attraction at his hands. His poetry is chiefly distinguished
for its fine common sense; it has no flights—it never wraps
us by its imagination, but convinces us by its terseness; by
the irresistible eloquence of its truth. De Foe’s prose, though
occasionally careless, is remarkable for its simplicity and
strength. What he has to say, he says in the shortest man-
ner, and in the simplest style. He does not—the vice of our
day—hide his thoughts under a glittering mass of words, but
uses words as the pictures of things. It is owing to this
happy faculty, this unforced power, that De Foe occasionally
rises, as in many instances in the golden volume now offered
to the reader, almost to the sublime. In his picture of the
despair of Crusoe, we have, in words intelligible even to in-
fancy, a wondrous delineation of the soul of man in a most
trying and most terrible hour. De Foe is, in the most em-
phatic sense of the word, an English writer. Cobbett has
been compared to him; and in many of the minor parts of
authorship there is, certainly, a similitude; but Cobbett was
singularly deficient of imagination, the power which gave a
colour and a beauty to all that De Foe touched, even though
of the homeliest and most unpromising materials.
\ WAS born at York, in the year 1632, of
a reputable family. My father was a na-
tive of Bremen, who, by merchandising at
Y Hull for some time, gained a very plentiful
fortune. He married my mother at York,
and as her maiden name was Robinson, I was called Robin-
son Kreutenaer: which not being easily pronounced in
A 1
the English tongue, we are commonly known by the name
of Crusoe.
I was the youngest of three brothers. No charge or
pains were wanting in my education. My father designed
me for the law, yet nothing would serve me but I must go
to sea, both against the will of my father, the tears of my
mother, and the entreaties of friends. One morning my
father expostulated very warmly with me: “ What reason,â€
says he, “have you to leave your native country, and enter
into a wandering condition of uneasiness and uncertainty ?â€
He recommended to me Agar’s wish, “ Neither to desire
poverty nor riches;†told me that a middle state of life
was the most happy, and that high, towering thoughts of
raising our condition by wandering abroad, often ended in
confusion and disappointment. “TI entreat you, nay, I com-
mand you,†says he, “to desist from these intentions. If
you will go,†added he, “my prayers shall be offered for
your preservation, but a time may come, when desolate,
oppressed, or forsaken, you may wish you had taken your
poor father’s counsel.†He pronounced these words with
such a moving and paternal eloquence, while floods of
tears ran down his aged cheeks, that it seemed to shake my
resolutions. But this soon wore off, and a little after 1
informed my mother, that I could not settle to any business;
and begged she would gain my faiher’s consent only to ge
one voyage; which if it did not prove prosperous, I would
never attempt a second. My mother warmly expressed her
dislike of this proposal.
I was then, I think, nineteen years old, when one time
being at Hull, I met a school-fellow going with his father,
who was master of a ship, to London; and acquainting him
with my wandering desires, he assured me of a free passage,
and a plentiful share of what was necessary. Thus, without
imploring a blessing, or taking farewell of my parents, I
took shipping on the Ist of September, 1651.
After various adventures we made the Brazils, where
having dispatched some necessary business, we sailed north-
ward upon the coast, in order to gain Africa, till we made
Cape Augustine; from whence going further into the ocean,
out of sight of land, we steered as though we were bound
for the Isle Fernand de Norenba, leaving the islands on the
east ; and then it was that we met with a terrible tempest,
which continued twelve days, the winds carrying us wher-
ever they pleased. In this perplexity one of our men died,
and another and a boy were washed overboard. When the
weather cleared up a little, we found ourselves in eleven
degrees north latitude, upon the coast of Guinea. Upon
this the captain gave reasons for returning, which I opposed,
counselling him to stand away for Barbadoes, which, as I
supposed, might be attained in fifteen days. So, altering
our course, we sailed northwest and by west, in order to
reach the Leeward Islands; but a second storm succeeding,
drove us to the westward ; so that we were afraid of falling
into the hands of cruel savages, or the paws of devouring
beasts of prey.
In this great distress one of our men, early in the morn-
ing, cried out “Land! land!†which he had no sooner
said, but our ship struck upon a sand-bank, and in a mo-
ment the sea broke over her in such a manner, that we
expected we should all have perished immediately. We
knew not where we were, or upon what land we were
driven; and we could not so much as hope that the ship
would hold out many minutes, without breaking in pieces,
except the wind, by a miracle, should change immediately.
While we stood looking at one another, expecting death
every moment, the mate laid hold of the boat, and with the
help of the rest flung her over the ship’s side, and getting
all into her, being eleven of us, committed ourselves to
God’s mercy and the wild sea. When we had rowed, or
rather were driven, about a league and a half, a raging
ware, like a lofty mountain, came rolling astern of us, and
took us with such fury, that at once it overset the boat.
Men are generally counted insensible when struggling in
the pangs of death; but while I was overwhelmed with
water, I had the most dreadful apprehensions imaginable.
For the joys of heaven and the torments of hell seemed to
present themselves before me in these dying agonies. I
was going, I thought, I knew not whither, into a dismal
gulf unknown, never to behold my friends, nor the light of
this world any more! I strove, however, to the last ex-
as = LS sa
tremity, while all my companions were overpowered and
entombed in the deep; and it was with great difficulty I
kept my breath till the wave spent itself, and, retiring
back, left me on the shore half dead. As soon as I got on
my feet, I ran as fast as I could, lest another wave should
pursue me, and carry me back again. The sea came after
me like a high mountain, or furious enemy. The next
dreadful wave buried me at once twenty or thirty feet deep,
but at the same time carried me with a mighty force and
swiftness towards the shore; when raising myself, I held
out till the water, having spent itself, began to return, at
which I struck forward, and feeling ground with my feet, I
took to my heels again. I was at length dashed against a
piece of rock, in such a manner as left me senseless; but
recovering a little before the return of the wave, which, no
doubt, would have overwhelmed me, I pushed hastily for-
ward and reached the main land; when clambering up the
cliffs of the shore, tired and almost spent, I sat down on the
grass, free from the dangers of the foaming ocean.
No tongue can express the ecstacies and transports that
my soul felt at the happy deliverance. I was wrapt in
contemplation, and often lifted up my hands, with the pro-
foundest humility, to the Divine power, for saving my life,
when all the rest of my companions were drowned. 1
cast my eyes around, to behold what place I was in, and
what I had next to do. I could see no house nor people;
I was wet, yet had no clothes; hungry and thirsty, yet had
nothing to eat or drink; no weapon to destroy any creature
for my svstenance, nor defend myself against devouring
beasts ; in short, I had nothing but a knife, a tobacco pipe,
and a box half filled with tobacco. The darksome night
coming upon me, increased my fears of being devoured by
wild creatures; my mind was plunged in despair, and
having no prospect, as I thought, of life before me, I pre-
pared for another kind of death than what I had lately
escaped. I walked about a furlong to see if I could find
any fresh water, which I did to my great joy; and taking
a quid of tobacco to prevent hunger, I got up into a thick
bushy tree, and seating myself so that I could not fall, a
deep sleep overtook me, and for that night buried my sor-
rows in quiet repose.
It was broad day the next morning before I awaked;
when I not only perceived the tempest had ceased, but saw
the ship driven almost as far as the rock which the waves
had dashed me against, and which was about a mile from
the place where I was. When I came down from my
apartment in the tree, I perceived the ship’s boat two miles
distant on my right hand, lying on shore as the waves had
cast her. I thought to have got to her, but there being an
inlet of water of about half a mile’s breadth between it and
me, I returned again towards the ship, as hoping to find
something for my immediate subsistence. About noon,
when the sea was calm, resolving to get to the ship, I
stripped and leaped into the water; it was my good fortune
to espy a small piece of rope hanging so low, that by the
help of it, though with great difficulty, I got into the ship.
The provisions I found in good order, with which I crammed
my pockets, and, losing no time, ate while I was doing
other things. I also found some rum, of which I took a
hearty dram ; and now I wanted for nothing except a boat
to carry away what was needful for me.
Necessity quickens invention. We had several spare
yards, a spare topmast or two, and two or three large spars
of wood. With these I fell to work, and flung as many of
them overboard as I could manage, tying every one of
them with a rope, that they might not drive away. This
done, I went down to the ship’s side, and tied four of them
fast together at both ends, in form of a raft, and laying two
or three short pieces of plank upon them crossways, I found
it would bear me, but not any considerable weight. Upon
which I went to work again, cutting a spare topmast into
three lengths, adding them to my raft with a great deal of
labor and pains. I then considered what I should load it
with, it being not able to bear a ponderous burden. And
this I soon thought of, first laying upon it all the planks
and boards I could get; next I lowered down three of the
seamen’s chests, after I had filled them with bread, rice,
three Dutch cheeses, five pieces of dried goat’s flesh, and
some European corn; and for liquors I found several cases
of bottles belonging to our skipper, in which were some
cordial waters, and four or five gallons of rack, which 1
stowed by themselves. By this time the tide beginning to
flow, I perceived my coat, waistcoat, and shirt swim away,
which I left on the shore; as for my linen breeches and
stockings, I swam with them to the ship, but I soon found
clothes enough, though I took no more than I wanted for
B 9
the present. My eyes were chiefly on tools to work with
and, after a long search, J found out the carpenter’s chest,
which I got safe down on my raft. I then looked for arms
and ammunition, and in the great cabin found two good
fowling-pieces, two pistols, several powder-horns filled, a
small bag of shot, and two old rusty swords. I likewise
found three barrels of powder, two of which were good ;
also two or three broken oars, two saws, an axe and a ham-
mer. I then put to sea, and in getting to shore had three
encouragements. 1. A smooth, calm sea. 2. The tide
rising and setting in to shore. 3. The little wind there was
blew towards the land. After I had sailed about a mile,
I found the raft drive a little distance from the place where
I first landed ; and then I perceived a little opening of the
land, with a strong current of the tide running into it: upon
which I kept the middle of the stream. But great was my
concern, when on a sudden the fore part of my raft ran
aground, so that had I not, with great difficulty, for near
half an hour, kept my back straining against the chests to
keep my effects in their places, all I had would have gone
in the sea. But after some time, the rising of the water
caused the raft to float again, and coming up a tittle river -
with land on both sides, I landed in a cave, as near the
mouth as possible, the better to discover a sail, if any prov-
identially passed that way.
Crusoe on his Raft.
Not far off I espied a hill of stupendous height, sur
rounded with lesser hills, and thither I was resolved to go
and view the country, that I might see what part was best
to fix my habitation. Accordingly, arming myself with a
pistol, a fowling-piece, powder and ball, I ascended the
mountain. There I perceived I was in an island, encom-
passed by the sea, no distant lands to be seen, but scattering
rocks that lay to the west: it seemed to be a barren place,
inhabited only by wild beasts. I perceived abundance ot
fowls, but ignorant of what kind, or whether good for nour
ishment; I shot one of them at my return, which occasioned
a confused screaming among the other birds, and I found
it, by its color and beak, to be a kind of hawk, but its flesh
was perfect carrion.
When I came to my raft, I brought my effects on shore,
and fearing that some cruel beasts might devour me in the
night-time, I made a kind of hut or barricade with the
chests and boards. I slept very comfortably, and the next
morning got on board as before, and prepared a second
raft, far nicer than the first, upon which I brought away
the carpenter’s stores, two or three bags full of nails, a great
jack-screw, a dozen or two of hatchets, and a grindstone,
two or three iron crows, two barrels of musket-lullets,
another fowling-piece, a small quantity of powder, and a
large bag full of small shot. Besides these, I took all the
men’s clothes I conld find, a spare foretop-sail, a hammock,
and some bedding; and thus completing my second cargo,
I made all the haste to shore I could, fearing some wild
beast might destroy what I had there already. But I only
found a little wild-cat, sitting on one of the chests, which,
seeming not to fear me, or the gun that I presented at her,
I threw her a piece of biscuit, which she instantly ate and
When I had got these effects on shore, I went to work,
in order to make me a little tent with the sail and.some
poles which I had cut for that purpose; and having finished
it, what things might be damaged by the weather I brought
in, piling all the empty chests and casks in a circle, the
better to fortify it against any sudden attempt of man or
beast. After this I blocked up the doors with some boards,
charged my gun and pistol, and laying my bed on the
ground, slept comfortably till next morning.
Now, though I had enough to subsist me a long time,
yet despairing of a sudden deliverance, I coveted as much
as I could; and so long as the ship remained in that condi-
tion, I daily brought away one necessary or other, particu-
larly the rigging, sails, and cordage, some twine, a barrel of
wet powder, some sugar, a barrel of meal, three casks of
rum, and, what indeed was most welcome to me, a whole
hogshead of bread.
Thirteen days I had now been in the island, and eleven
times on board, bringing away all that was possible. As I
was going the twelfth time, the wind began to rise; how-
ever, I ventured at low water, and rummaging the cabin,
in a locker I found several razors, scissors, and some dozens
of knives and forks; and in another, thirty-six pounds of
pieces of eight, silver and gold.
iS 18
That night I slept very contentedly in my little tent, sur
rounded with all my effects; but when I looked out in the
morning no more ship was to be seen. My next thoughts
were, how I should secure myself from savages and wild
beasts, if any such were in the island. At one time I
thought of digging a cave; at another, I was for erecting a
tent; and, at length, I resolved to do both.
I found a little plain near a rising hill, the front towards
which being as steep as a house-side, nothing could descend
on me from the top. On the side of this rock was a little
hollow place, resembling the entrance or door of a cave.
Just befvre this place, on the circle of the green, I resolved
my tent should stand. This plain did not much exceed a
hundred yards broad, and about twice as long, like a de-
lightful green before my door, with a pleasing, though an
irregular descent every way to the low grounds by the sea-
side, lying on the northwest side of the hill, so that it was
sheltered from the excessive heat of the sun. After this I
drew a semicircle, containing ten yards in a semidiameter.
and twenty yards in the whole, driving down two rows of
strong stakes, not six inches from each other; then, with a
piece of cable which I had cut on board, I regularly laid
them in a circle between the piles up to their tops, which
were more than five feet out of the earth, and after drove
another row of piles, looking within-side against them, be
tween two and three feet high, which made me conclude it
a little impregnable castle against men and beasts. And
for my better security I would have no door, but entered in
and came out by the help of a ladder which I also made.
Here was my fence and fortress, into which I carried
all my riches, ammunition, and stores. After which,
working on thé rock, with what dirt and stones I dug
out, I not only raised my ground two feet, but made a
little cellar to my mansion-house; and this cost me many
days’ labor and pains. One day in particular, a shower of
rain falling, thunder and lightning ensued, which put me
in terror lest my powder should take fire. To prevent
which, I fell to making boxes and bags, in order to separ-
ate it, having by me near 150 Ibs. weight. And thus being
established as king of the island, every day I went out with
my gun to see what I could kill that was fit to eat. I soon
perceived numbers of goats, and shot one suckling, a young
kid; which, not thinking its dam slain, stood by her uncon-
cerned; and when I took the dead creature up, the young
one followed me even to the inclosure. I lifted the kid
over the pales, and would willingly have kept it alive; but
finding it would not eat, I killed that also.
It was, by the account I kept, the 30th of September,
when I first landed on this island. About twelve days
after, fearing lest I should lose my reckoning of time, nay,
even forget the Sabbath days, for want of pen, ink, and
paper, I carved with a knife upon a large post, in great let
ters, these words, “J came on shore, Sept. 30, 1659.â€
Every day I cut a notch with my knife on the sides of this
square post, and that on the Sabbath was as long again as
the rest; and every first day of the month as long again as
that long one. Had I made a more strict search I need
not have set up this mark; for, among my parcels, I found
the very things I wanted, particularly pens, ink, and paper;
also two or three compasses, some mathematical instru-
ments, dials, perspective-glasses, books of navigation, three
English Bibles, and several other good books, which I care-
fully put up. A dog and two cats on board, I made inhabit-
ants with me in my castle. Though one might think I had
all the necessaries that were desirable, yet still I found sev-
eral things wanting. My ink was daily wasting; I wanted
needles, pins, and thread, to mend my clothes, and particu-
larly a spade, pickaxe, or shovel, to remove the earth. It
was a year before I finished my little bulwark.
Having raised a turf wall against the outside of my hab-
itation, I thatched it so close as might keep it from the in-
clemency of the weather. I also improved it within, en-
larged my cave, and made a passage and door in the rock,
which came out beyond the pale of my fortification. I next
proceeded to make a chair and a table. When I wanted a
plank or board, I hewed down a tree with my hatchet,
making it as thin with my axe as possible, and then smooth -
enough with an adze to answer my designs; thus in time I
got boards enough to shelter all my stores.
But now a very strange event happened: for one day
finding a bag, which used to hold corn for the fowls, I re-
solved to put gunpowder in it, and shook all the husks and
dirt upon, one side of the rock, little expecting what the
consequence would be. The rain had fallen plentifully a
few days before, and about a month after, to my great
amazement, something began to look very green and flour-
ishing; and when I came to view it more nicely every day
as it grew, I found about ten or twelve ears of green barley
appearing in the very same shape and make as that in
I can scarce express the agitations of my mind at this
sight. Hitherto I had looked upon the actions of this life
only as the events of blind chance. But now the appear-
ance of this barley, flourishing in a barren soil, and my ig-
norance in not conceiving how it should come there, made
me conclude that miracles were not yet ceased; nay, I even
thought that God had appointed it to grow there without
any seed, purely for my sustenance in this miserable and
desolate island. And, indeed, such great effect this had
upon me, that it often made me melt into tears, through a
grateful sense of God’s mercies; and the greater still was
my thankfulness, when I perceived about this little field of
barley some rice-stalks, also, wonderfully flourishing.
While thus pleased in mind, I concluded there must be
more corn in the island, and therefore made a diligent
search among the rocks; but not being able to find any, on
a sudden it came into my mind how I had shaken the
husks of corn out of the bag, and then my admiration
ceased, with my gratitude to the Divine Being, as thinking
it was but natural, and not to be conceived a miracle;
though even the manner of its preservation might have
made me own it was a wonderful event of God’s kind
It was about the latter end of June when the ears of this
corn ripened, which I laid up very carefully, together with
twenty or thirty stalks of rice, expecting one day I should
reap the fruit of my labor; yet four years were expired
before I could allow myself to eat any barley-bread, and
much longer time before I had any rice. After this, with
indefatigable pains and industry, for three or four months,
at last I finished my wall on the 14th of April, having no
way to go into it, but by a ladder against the wall. April
17th I finished my ladder and ascended it; afterwards
pulled it up, then let it down on the other side, and de-
scended into my new habitation, where I had space enough,
and so fortified that nothing could attack me without scaling
the walls.
It was not long after that, when a horrible tempest arose,
at the same time attended with a hurricane of wind. It
continued raining all that night, and some time the next
day. As soon as the weather cleared up I resolved to
build me a little hut in some open place, walled round to
defend me from wild creatures and savages.
When I began to put my resolutions in practice, I was
ests Eee ee 19
stopped for want of tools and instruments to work with.
Most of my axes and hatchets were useless, occasioned by
cutting the hard timber that grew on the island. It took
me full a week to make my grindstone of use.
As I walked along the sea-shore, I found a barrel of gun-
powder, and several pieces of the wreck, the sea had flung
up. Having secured these, I made to the ship, whose stern
was torn off, and washed a great distance ashore; but a
rest lay in the sands.
At this time I was afflicted with an ague; thircty, yet
could not help myself to water; prayed to God in these
words: “Lord, in pity look upon me: Lord, have mercy
upon me; have mercy upon me!†After this I fell asleep
and dreamed. When I got up, my spirits were lively and
cheerful; I was very hungry; and, in short, no fit returned
the next day, but I found myself much altered for the
I had now been about ten months in the island, and, as I
never had seen any of the human kind, I accounted myself
as sole monarch, and, as I grew better, having secured my
habitation to my mind, I resolved to make a tour round my
kingdom, in order to make new discoveries.
The 15th of July I began my journey; I first went to the
creek, where I had brought my rafts on shore, and travel-
ling further, found that the tide went no higher than two
miles up, where there was a little brook of running water,
on the banks of which were many pleasant savannahs, or
meadows, plain, smooth, and covered with grass. On the
rising parts, where I supposed the water did not reach, I
perceived a great deal of tobacco growing to a very strong
stalk. Several other plants I likewise found, the virtues of
which I did not understand. I searched a long time for
D 21
the cassava-root, which I knew the Indians of that climate
made their bread of, but all in vain. There were several
plants of aloes, though at that time I knew not what they
were; I saw also several sugar-canes, but imperfect for
want of cultivation. With these few discoveries, I came
back that night, and slept contentedly in my little castle.
The next day, going the same way, but further than the
day before, I found the country more adorned with woods
and trees. Here I perceived different fruits in great abun-
dance. Melons in plenty lay on the ground, and clusters ot
grapes, ripe and very rich, spread over the trees. You
may imagine I was glad of the discovery, yet ate very
‘sparingly. The grapes I found of excellent use, for when [
had dried them in the sun, which preserved them as dried
raisins are kept, they proved very wholesome and nourish-
ing, and served me in those seasons when no grapes were
to be had. The night drawing on apace, I ascended a tree,
and slept very comfortably, though it was the first time I
had lain out of my habitation. And when the morning
came, I proceeded with great pleasure on my way, travel-
ling about four miles, as I imagined, by the length of the
valley, directing my course northward. At the end of the
valley, I came to an opening, where the country seemed to
descend to the west; there I found a little spring of fresh
water proceeding out of the side of the hill, with its crysta!
streams running directly east. And, indeed, here my senses
were charmed with the most beautiful landscape nature
could afford; for the country appeared flourishing, green,
and delightful. I then descended on the side of that
delicious vale, when I found abundance of cocoa, orange,
lemon, and citron trees, but very wild and barren at that
time. The limes were delightful and wholesome, and the
juice, mixed in water, was very cooling and refreshing. I
resolved to carry home a store of grapes, limes, and lemons,
against the approaching wet season; and returned to my
little castle, after having spent three days in this journey.
And now, contemplating the fruitfulness of this valley, its
security from storms, and the delightfulness of the adjacent
woods, I resolved to make a little kind of bower, surround-
ing it with a double hedge, as high as I could reach, well
staked and filled with bulrushes, and having spent a great
part of the month of July, I think it was the first of August
before I began to enjoy my labor.
On the 30th September, casting up the notches on my
post, which amounted to 365, I concluded this to be the
anniversary of my landing; and, therefore, humbly prox
trating myself on the ground, confessing my sins, acknow-
ledging God’s righteous judgments upon me, and praying to
Jesus Christ to have mercy upon me, I fasted for twelve
hours till the going down of the sun, and then, eating a
viscuit and a bunch of grapes laid me on the bed, and witk
great comfort took my night’s repose.
I now resumed my intention of exploring the island;
taking my dog, gun, hatchet, two biscuit-cakes, a great
bunch of raisins, with a larger quantity of powder and shot
than usual, I began my journey. Having passed the vale
where my bower stood, I came within view of the sea, lying
to the west; when, it being a clear day, I descried land,
extending from the W. to the S. W. about ten or fifteen
leagues, but could not say whether it was an island or con-
As I proceeded forward, I found this side of the island
much more pleasant than mine; the fields fragrant, adornec
with sweet flowers and verdant grass, together with severa:
very fine woods. There were parrots in plenty, which
made me long for one to be my companion, but it was with
great difficulty I could knock one down; and I kept him
some years before I could get him to call me by my name.
I continued my journey, travelling about twelve miles
further towards the east, where 1 set a great pile on the
shore for a mark. In this journey my dog surprised a kid,
and would have killed it, had I not prevented him. As 1
had often been thinking of getting a kid or two, and so
raising a breed of tame goats to supply me after my ammu-
nition was spent, I took this opportunity of beginning, and
having made a collar for this little creature, with a string
of rope-yarn, I brought it to my bower, and there inclosed
and left him; and having spent a month in this journey, at
length I returned to my own habitation, and rested myself
a week, which time I employed in making a cage for my
pretty Poll. I now recollected my poor kid I had left in
the bower, and immediately went to fetch it home. When
I came there, I found it almost starved: I gave it some
food, and it followed me like a dog; and as I constantly
E 25
fed it, it became so loving, gentle, and fond, that it would
never leave me.
The rainy season of the autumnal equinox being now
come, I kept the 30th of September in the most solemn
manner, as usual, it being the third year of my abode in the
island. I spent the whole day in acknowledging God’s
mercies, in giving him thanks for making this solitary life
as agreeable and less sinful than that of human society,
and for the communications of his grace to my soul, in sup-
porting, comforting, and encouraging me to depend upon
his providence, and hope for his eternal presence in the
world to come.
My corn having ripened apace, the latter end of Decem-
ber, which was my second harvest, I reaped it with a scythe
made of one of my broadswords. I had no fatigue in cut-
ting down my first crop, it was so slender. The ears I car-
ried home in a basket, rubbing it with my hands, instead of
threshing it; and when the harvest was over, found my
half peck of seed produced near two bushels of riee, and
two bushels and a half of barley. I knew not how to grind
my corn, neither how to bake the bread.
The want of a plough to turn up the earth, or shovel to
dig it, I conquered by making a wooden spade. The want
of a harrow I supplied by dragging over the corn a great
bough of a tree. When it was growing I was forced tc
fence it; when ripe, to mow it, carry it home, thresh it, and
part it from the chaff. And after all I wanted a mill to
grind it, sieve to dress it, yeast and salt to make it into
bread, and an oven to bake it. This set my brains to work
to find some expedient for every one of these. necessaries
against the next harvest.
And now having more seed, my first care was to prepare
more land. I pitched upon two large flat pieces of ground,
near my castle, for that purpose, in which I sowed my seed,
and fenced it with a good hedge. This took me up three
months ; by which time the wet season coming on, and the
rain keeping me within doors, I found several occasions to
employ myself, and, while at work, used to divert myself in
talking to my parrot, learning him to know and speak his
own name, Poll, the first welcome word I ever heard
spoken in the island. I had been a long time contriving
how to make earthen vessels, which I wanted extremely,
when it happened, that as I was putting out my fire, I found
therein a broken piece of one of my vessels burnt as hard as
a rock, and red asa tile. This made me think of burning
some pots, and having no notion of a kiln, or of glazing
them with lead, I fixed three large pipkins, and two or three
pots in a pile one upon another. The fire I piled round the
outside, and dry wood upon the top, till I saw the pots in
the inside red-hot, and found that they were not cracked at
all; and when I perceived them perfectly red, I let one of
them stand in the fire about five or six hours, till the clay
melted by the extremity of the heat, and would have run
to glass had I suffered it, upon which I slackened my fire
by degrees, till the redness abated, and watching them till
morning, I found I had three very good pipkins, and two
earthen pots, as well burnt as I could desire.
No joy could be greater than mine at this discovery. I
titled one of my pipkins with water to boil me some meat.
The next coneern I had, was to get me a stone mortar to
beat some corn in, instead of a mill to grind it. But all the
stones of the island being of a mouldering nature, I resolved
to look out for a great block of hard wood, which having
found, I formed it with my axe and hammer, and then, with
infinite labor, made a hollow in it, just as the Indians of
Brazil make their canoes. When I had finished this, I
made a great pestle of iron-wood, and then laid them up
against my succeeding harvest.
My next business was to make a sieve to sift my meal,
and part it from the bran and husk. Having no fine, thin
canvas, I could not tell what to do. What linen I had was
reduced to rags. At length I remembered I had some
neckcloths of calico or muslin, of the sailors, which I had
brought out of the ship, and with these I made three small
sieves, proper enongh for the work.
The want of an oven I supplied by making some earthen
pans, very broad but not deep. When I had a mind to
bake, I made a great fire upon the hearth, the tiles of which
I had made myself; and when the wood was burnt into
live coals, I spread them over it, till it became very hot;
then sweeping them away, I set down my loaves, and turn-
ing down the earthen pots upon them, drew the ashes and
coals all round the outsides of the pots, to continue the
heat, and in this manner I baked my barley loaves as well
as if I had been a complete pastry-cook, and also made of
the rice several cakes and puddings.
These things took me up the best part of a year, and what
intermediate time I had was bestowed in managing my new
harvest and husbandry, for in the proper season I reaped
my corn, carried it home and laid it up in the ear in my
large baskets, till I had time to rub, instead of threshing it.
All this while, the prospect of land, which I had seen
from the other side of the island, ran in my mind. [I still
meditated a deliverance from this place, and I began to
think whether it was not possible for me to make a canoe,
such as the Indians make of the trunk of a tree. But here
I lay under particular inconveniences; want of tools to
make it, and want of hands to move itin the water when it
was made. However, to work I went,—I first cut down a
cedar tree, which was five feet ten inches diameter at the
lower part next the stump, and four feet eleven inches
diameter at the end of twenty-two feet, after which it lessened
for a space, arfd then parted into branches. Twenty days
was I a hacking and hewing this tree at the bottom, four-
teen more in cutting off the branches and limbs, and a
whole month in shaping it like the bottom of a boat. As
for the inside, I was three weeks with a mallet and chisel
clearing it, till it was big enough to carry twenty-six men,
much bigger than any canoe I ever saw in my life, and con-
sequently sufficient to transport me and all my effects to
that wished-for shore.
Nothing remained now, but to get it into the water, it,
lying about one hundred yards from it. I proceeded to
measure the distance of ground, resolving to make a canal
in order to bring the water to the canoe, since I could not
bring the canoe to the water. But as this seemed to be im-
practicable, under the space of eleven or twelve years, I
con¢luded the attempt altogether vain. I now saw what
stupidity it is to begin work before we reckon on its cost, or
judge rightly our own abilities to go through with its per-
In the height of this work my fourth year expired, from
the time I was cast on this island. At this time I did not
forget my anniversary, but kept it with rather greater devo-
tion than before. For now my hopes being frustrated, I
x 80
looked upon this world as a thing I had nothing to do with,
and well might I say, as father Abraham said unto Dives,
“ Between thee and me there is a gulf fixed.†I was sepa-
rated from its wickedness too, having neither the lust of
the flesh, the lust of the eye, nor the pride of life; I had
nothing to covet, being lord, king, and emperor over the
whole country, without dispute and without control. Corn,
plenty of turtles, timber in abundance, and grapes above
measure. What was all the rest to me? The money I had,
lay by me as despicable dross, which I would freely have
given for a gross of tobacco-pipes, or a hand-mill to grind
my corn; in a word, the nature and experience of these
things dictated to me this just reflection: That the good
things of this world are no further good to us, than they are
for our use; and that whatsoever we may heap up to give
to others, we can but enjoy as much as we use.
These thoughts rendered my mind more easy than usual.
Every time I sat down to meat, I did it with thankfulness,
admiring the providential hand of God, who, i: this wilder-
ness, had spread a table for me.
As long as my ink continued, which, with water, I made
last as long as I could, I used to minute down the days of
the month on which any remarkable event happened.
The next thing that wasted after my ink, was the biscuits
which Ihad brought out of the ship, and though I allowed
myself but one cake a day for above a twelvemonth, yet I
was quite out of bread for near a year, before I got any
corn of my own.
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In the next place, my clothes began to decay, and my
linen had been gone long before. However, I had preserved
about three dozen of the sailors’ checkered shirts, which
proved a great refreshment to me, when the violent beams
of the sun would not suffer me to bear any of the seamen’s
heavy watch-coats, which made me turn tailor, and after a
miseradle botching manner, converted them into jackets.
To preserve my head, I made a cap of goat’s skin, with the
hair outwards, to keep out the rain, and afterwards, a waist-
coat and open-kneed breeches of the same. I contrived a
sort of umbrella, covering it with skins, which not only
kept out the heat of the sun, but rain also. Thus being
easy and settled in my mind, my chief happiness was to
converse with God, in prayer.
For five years after this nothing extraordinary occurred
to me. Though I was disappointed in my first canoe, 1
made, at intermediate times, a second, of much inferior
size, and it was two years before I had finished it. But as
I perceived it would no wise answer my design of sailing
to the other shore, my thoughts were confined to take a tour
round the island, to see what further discoveries I could
make. To this intent, after having moved her to the water,
and tried how she would sail, I fitted up a little mast to my
boat, and made a sail of the ship’s sail, that lay by me. I
then made lockers or boxes at the end of it, to put in neces-
saries, provision, and ammunition, which would preserve
them dry, either from rain or the spray of the sea, and in
the inside of the boat, I cut a long, hollow place to lay my
gun in, and to keep it dry, made a flag to hang over it,
RF 88
My umbrella I fixed in a step in the stern, like a mast, to
keep the heat of the sun off me. And now resolving to see
the circumference of my little kingdom, I victualled my
ship for the voyage, putting in two dozen of my barley-
bread loaves, an earthen pot full of parched rice, a little
bottle of rum, half a goat, powder and shot, and two watch-
coats. It was the 6th of November, in the 6th year of my
captivity, that I set out on this voyage, which was much
longer than I expected, being obliged to put farther out on
account of the rocks. After a while, however, I brought
my boat safe to a little cove, and laid down to take a wel-
come repose. When I awoke, I considered how I migiu
get my boat home, and coasting along the shore, I came to
a good bay which ran up to a rivulet or brook, where,
finding a good harbor, I stowed her as safe as if she has
been in a dry dock made on purpose for her.
One time I made a journey through the island, and
in the evening coming to my bower, I laid me down to rest.
I had not slept long before I was awakened in great sur-
prise, by a strange voice that called me several times,
‘Robin, Robin, Robinson Crusoe, poor Robin! Where
are you, Robinson Crusoe? Where are you? Where
have you. been ?â€
So fast was I asleep at first, that I did not awake
thoroughly ; but half asleep and half awake, I thought I
diyxmed that somebody spoke to me. But as the voice
repeated Robinson Crusoe several times, being terribly
affrighted, I started up; and no sooner were my eyes fully
open, but I beheld my pretty Poll sitting on the top of the
hedge, and soon knew that it was he that called me, for
just in such bewailing language I used to talk and teach
him, which he so exactly learned, that he would sit upon
my finger, and lay his bill close to my face, and ery, “ Poor
Robinson Crusoe, where are you? where have you been?
how came you here?†and such like prattle, I had constantly
taught him. But even though I knewit to be the parrot, it
was a great while before I could adjust myself, being
amazed how the creature got thither. But now being
assured it could be no other than my honest Poll, my won-
der ceased, and reaching out my hand, and calling famil-
iarly, Poll, the creature came to me, and perched upon my
thumb as he was wont, constantly prating to me with
“ Poor Robinson Crusoe! and how did I come here, and
where had I been?†as if the bird was overjoyed to see me,
so I took him home with me.
I now began to lead a very retired life, living near a
twelvemonth in a very contented —— wanting for
nothing except conversation.
My powder beginning to fail, I abuthbvedl many ways to
ensrare the goats, and see if I could catch them alive, par.
ticu.arly a she-goat with young. At last I had my desire;
for making pitfalls and traps, baited with barley and rice,
I found one morning, in one of them, an old he-goat, and in
the other, three kids, one male, the other two females. It
was some time before they would feed; but throwing them
sweet ‘corn, it so much tempted them that they began to be
tamer, I concluded, that if I designed to furnish myself
with goat’s flesh when my ammunition was spent, the tamely
breeding them up like a flock of sheep, about my settlement
was the only method I could take. I resolved to separate
the wild from the tame; and the best way for this was to
have some inclosed piece of ground well fenced, that those
within might not break out, or those without break in,
Such an undertaking was very great for one pair of hands;
but as there was an absolute necessity for it, my first care
was to find a convenient piece of ground where there was
likely to be herbage for them to eat, water to drink, and
shelter to keep them from the sun. I resolved to inclose a
piece of ground about one hundred and fifty yards in length,
and one hundred in breadth, sufficient for as many as would
maintain me till my flock increased, and then I could add
more ground I now vigorously prosecuted my work, and
it took me about three months to hedge in the first piece,
I tethered the three kids in the best part of it, feeding them
as near me as possible, to make them familiar; and indeed
I very often carried some ears of barley, or a handful of
rice, and fed them out of my hand; by which they grew so
tame, that when my inclosure was finished, and I let them
loose, they would run after me for a handful of corn, Ina
year and a half’s time I had a flock of about twelve goats,
Tivans => = ae
kids and all; and in two years after they amounted to
forty-three, besides what I had taken and killed for my sus-
tenance. After which I inclosed five pieces of ground to
feed them in, with pens to drive them into, that I might
take them as I had occasion.
@ 87
In this project I likewise found additional blessings; for
I not only had plenty of goat’s flesh, but milk too, which at
first I did not think of. And, indeed, though I had never
' miiked, or seen butter or cheese made, yet, after some
essays and miscarriages, I made both, and never afterwards
How merciful can the omnipotent Power comfort his
creatures, even in the midst of their greatest calamities!
He can sweeten the bitterest providences, and give us
reason to magnify him in dungeons and prisons!. What a
bounteous table was here spread in a wilderness for me,
where I expected nothing at first but to perish with hunger!
When I dined, I seemed a king, eating alone, none daring
to presume to do so till I had done. Poll, as if he had
been my principal court favorite, was the only person per-
mitted to talk with me. My old, but faithful dog, contin-
ually sat on my right hand; while my two cats sat on each
side of the table, expecting a bit from my hand, as a mark
of my royal favor. In this manner did I live, wanting for
nothing but conversation. One thing indeed concerned
me, the want of my boat: I knew not which way to get her
round the island. One time I resolved to go along the
shore by land to her; but had any one in England met
with such a figure, it would either have affrighted them, or
" made them burst into laughter.
Ihe cap I wore on my head was great, high, and shape
less, made of a goat’s skin, with a flap or pent-house hang-
ing down behind, not only to keep the sun from me, but to
shoot the rain off, nothing being more pernicious than the
rain falling upon the flesh in these climates. I had a short
iacket of goat’s skin, whose hair hung down such a length
on each side that it reached to the calves of my legs. As
for my shoes and stockings, they were made like buskins,
and laced on the sides like spatterdashes, barbarously
shaped like the rest of my habit. I had a broad belt of
goat’s skin dried, girt round me with a couple of thongs in-
stead of buckles; on each of which, to supply the de-
ficiency of sword and dagger, hung my hatchet and saw.
Another belt, not so broad, yet fastened in the same man-
ner, hung over my shoulder, and at the end of it, under my
left arm, two pouches, made of goat’s skin, to hold my
powder and shot. My basket I carried on my back, and
my gun on my shoulder, and over my head a great, clumsy,
ugly goat’s-skin umbrella, which, however, next to my gun,
was the most necessary thing about me. As for my face,
the color was not quite so swarthy as the Mulattoes, as
might have been expected from one who took so little care
of it, in a climate within nine or ten degrees of the equator.
At one time my beard grew so long that it hung down
about a quarter of a yard; but as I had both razors and
scissors in store, I cut it all off, and suffered none to grow
except a large pair of Mohammedan whiskers, like what I
had seen worn by some Turks at Salee, not long enough,
indeed, to hang a hat upon, but of such a monstrous size as
would have amazed any Englishman.
I had now two plantations in the island; the first, my
little fortification, with many large and spacious improve-
ments. The piles with which I made my wall were grown
so lofty and great, as secured my habitation. And near
this commodious and pleasant settlement, lay my well-culti-
vated and improved corn-fields, which yielded ‘me their
fruit in proper season. My second plantation was that near
my country-seat or little bower, where my grapes flourished,
and where, having planted many stakes, I made inclosures
for my goats, so strongly fortified by labor and time, that it
was much stronger than a wall, and consequently impossi-
ble for them to break through. As for my bower itself, I
kept it constantly in repair, and cut the trees in such a man-
ner, as made them grow thick and wild, and form a most
delightful shade. In the centre of this stood my tent. I
had driven four piles in the ground, spreading over it a
piece of the ship’s sail; beneath which I made a sort of a
couch with the skins of the creatures I had slain, and other
things ; and having laid thereon one of the sailor’s blank-
ets, which I had saved from the wreck of the ship, and cov
ering myself with a great watch-coat, I took up this place
for my country retreat. Very frequently from this settle.
ment did I visit my boat, and keep her in good order.
You may easily suppose, that after having been here so
long, nothing could be more amazing than to see a human
creature. One day it happened, that, going to my boat, I
saw the print of a man’s naked foot on the shore, very evi-
dent on the sand, as the toes, heel, and every part of it.
Had I seen an apparition of the most frightful shape, I
could not have been more confounded. My willing ears
gave the strictest attention. I cast my eyes around, but
could satisfy neither the one nor the other. I proceeded
alternately to every part of the shore, but with equal effect,
neither could I see any other mark, though the sand about
it was as susceptible to take impression as that which was
so plainly stamped. Thus, struck with confusion and
horror, I returned to my habitation frightened at every
bush and tree, taking every thing for men, and possessed
with the wildest ideas. That night my eyes never closed ;
I formed nothing but the most dismal imaginations; all my
religious hopes vanished, as though I thought God would
not now protect me by his power, who had wonderfully
preserved me so long.
In the morning I ventured out of my castle and milked
my goats, one of which was almost spoiled for want of it
I next (though in great fear) visited my bower, and milked
my flocks there also; when, growing bolder, I went down
to the shore again, and measuring the print of the foot to
mine, to see perhaps whether I myself had not occasioned
that mark, I found it much superior in largeness; and so
returned home, now absolutely convinced, that either some
men had been ashore, or that the island must be inhabited,
and therefore that I might be surprised before I was aware.
I began to think of providing for my security, and re-
solved in my mind many different schemes for that purpose.
I first proposed to cut down my inclosures, and turn my
tame cattle wild into the woods, that the enemy might not
find them, and frequent the island in hopes of killing the
same. Secondly, I was for digging up my corn-fields for
the’very same reason. And lastly, I concluded to demolish
my bower, lest, seeing a place of human contrivance, they
might come farther, and find out and attack me in my little
Such notions did the fear of danger suggest to me; and
I looked, I thought, like the unfortunate king Saul, when
not only oppressed by the Philistines, but also forsaken by
God. And it is strange, that, a little before, having entirely
resigned myself to the will of God, I should now have little
confidence in him, fearing those more who could kill this
fading body, than Him who could destroy my immortal soul
Wandering one day more to the west of the island than
ever I had yet done, and casting my eyes towards the sea
methought I perceived a boat at a great distance, but coul
not possibly tell what it was for want of my perspective
glass. I considered then it was no strange thing to see the
print of a man’s foot, and, concluding them cannibals,
blessed God for being cast on the other side of the island,
where none of the savages, as I thought, ever came. But
when I came down the hill to the shore, which was the
8. W. point of the island, I was confirmed in my opinion ;
nor can any one describe my horror and amazement, when
I saw the ground spread with skulls, hands, feet, and bones
of human bodies, and, particularly, I perceived a space like
a circle, in the midst of which had been a fire, about which
T conjectured these wretches sat, and unnaturally sacrificed
and devoured their fellow-creatures.
The horror and loathsomeness of this dreadful spectacle
confounded my senses; I returned towards my habitation,
and, in my way thither, shedding floods of tears, and falling
down on my knees, gave God thanks for making my nature
contrary to these wretches, and delivering me so long out of
their hands.
Though reason and my long residence here had assured
me that these savages never came up to the thick woody
part of the country, and that I had no reason to be appre
hensive of a discovery, yet such an abhorrence did T still
retain, that, for two years after I confined myself only to
my plantations. In progress of time my dreadful appre-
hensions began to wear away, yet I was more vigilant for
fear of being surprised, and very cautious of firing my gun,
lest being heard by those creatures, they should proceed to
attack me. I resolved, however, manfully to lose my life
if they did, and went armed with three pistols, stuck to my
girdle, which gave me a very formidable appearance.
My circumstances for some time remained very calm and
undisturbed, and when I compared my condition with
others, I found it far from being miserable. Would all per-
sons compare their circumstances, not with those above
them, but with those innumerable unhappy objects beneath
them, I am sure we should not hear those daily murmurings
and complainings that are in the world. The terror whioh
the savages had put me in, spoiled some inventions for my
own eonvenience. For now my inventions were how I
might destroy some of these cannibals, when proceeding to
their bloody entertainments, and so saving a victim from
being sacrificed, that he might after become my servant.
I think I now was in the twenty-third year of my reign,
and my thoughts much easier than formerly, having con-
trived several pretty amusements and diversions agreeably
to pass away the time. By this time my pretty Poll had
learned to speak English, and pronounce his words very
articulately and plain, so that for many hours we used to
chat together in a familiar manner, and he lived with me
no less than twenty-six years. My dog, which was nineteen
years old, sixteen of which he lived with me, died some
time ago of mere old age. As for my cats they multiplied
so fast, that I was forced to kill or drive them into the
woods, except two or three which became my particular
favorites. Besides these, I continually kept two or three
household kids about me, which I learned to feed out of my
hand, and two more parrots which could talk indifferently,
and call Lobinson Crusoe. I had also several sea-fowls,
which I had wounded and cut their wings, and grawing
" 45
tame, they used to breed among the low trees about my
castle walls, all of which made my abode very agreeable.
But what unforeseen events suddenly destroy the enjoy-
ment of this uncertain life! It was now the month of De-
cember, in the southern solstice, and time of my harvest,
which required my attendance in the fields, when going out
pretty early one morning, before it was light, there appear-
ed from the sea-shore a flaming light, about two miles from
me, at the east end of the island, where I had observed
some savages had been before, not on the other side, but to
my great affliction, it was on my side the island.
Struck with a terrible surprise, and my usual apprehen-
sions, that the savages would perceive my improvements, 1
returned directly to my castle, pulled the ladder after me,
making all things look as wild and natural as I possibly
could. In the next place I put myself in a posture of
defence, loaded my muskets and pistols, and committing
myself to God’s protection, resolved to defend myself’ till
my last breath. Two hours after, impatient for intelligence,
I ascended to the top of a hill, where, laying myself down,
with my perspective-glass, I perceived no less than nine
naked savages, sitting round a small fire, eating, as I sup-
posed, human flesh, with their two canoes hauled on shore,
waiting for the flood to carry them off again. I cannot
easily express the consternation I was in at this sight, but
when I perceived their coming must be always with the
current of the ebb, I became more easy, being fully con-
vinced that I might go abroad with security all the time of
flood, if they were not before landed. Before they went
off, they danced, making ridiculous postures and gestures,
for above an hour, all stark-naked. When I saw them
gone, I took two guns upon my shoulders, and placing a
couple of pistols in my belt, with my great sword hanging
by my side, I went to the hill, where at first I made the
discovery of these cannibals, and then saw there had been
three canoes more of the savages on shore at that place,
which with the rest were making over to the main land.
But nothing could be more horrid to me, when, going to
the place of sacrifice, the blood, the bones, and other man-
gled parts of human bodies appeared in my sight, and so
fired was I with indignation, that I was fully resolved to be’
revenged on the first that came there, though I lost my life
in the execution. It then appeared to me, that the visits
which they make to this island are not very frequent, it
being fifteen months before they came again, but still I was
very uneasy lest they should surprise me unawares.
That night I reposed myself in my canoe, covered with
my watch-coat, instead of a blanket, the heavens being my
tester. Iset out with the first of the tide full north, till I
felt the benefit of the current, which carried me at a great
ST ae
rate eastward, yet not with such impetuosity as before, as to
take from me all government of my canoe, so that in two
hours’ time I came up to a wreck. It seemed to be a
Spanish vessel, stuck fast between two rocks, her stern and
quarter beaten to pieces by the sea, her mainmast and fore-
mast were broken off short. As I approached near, I per-
ceived a dog on board, who, seeing me coming, yelped and
cried, and no sooner did I call him, but the poor crea-
ture jumped into the sea, out of which I took him up,
almost famished with hunger and thirst, so that when I
gave him a cake of bread, no ravenous wolf could
devour it more greedily ; and he drank to that degree of
fresh water, that he would have burst himself, had I suffer-
ed him.
The first sight I met with in the ship, were two men
drowned in the cook-room or forecastle, inclosed in one
another’s arms; hence I very probably supposed, that when
the vessel struck in the storm, so high and incessantly did
the waters break in and over her, that the men, not being
able to bear it, were strangled by the constant rushing in of
the waves. There were several casks of liquor, whether
wine or brandy I could not be positive, which lay in the
lower hold, as were plainly perceptible by the ebbing out
of the water, yet were too large for me to pretend to med-
dle with ; likewise I perceived several chests, which I sup.
posed t> belong to the seamen, two of which 1 got into ‘my
boat, without examining what was in them.
Searching further, I found a cask, containing about
twenty gallons of liquor, which, with some labor, I got inte
my boat; in her cabin were several muskets, which I let
remain there, but took away with me a great powder-horn,
with about four pounds of powder. I took also a fire-shovel
and tongs, two brass kettles, a copper pot to make choco-
late, and a gridiron, all which were extremely useful to me,
especially the fire-shovel and tongs. And so with this
cargo, accompanied by my dog, I came away, the tide
serving for that purpose, and the same evening I attained
the island, after the greatest toil and fatigue imaginable.
That night I reposed my weary limbs in the boat, resolv-
ing the next morning to harbor what I had gotten, in my
new-found subterraneous grotto, and not to carry my cargo
home to my ancient castle. Having refreshed myself, and
got all my effects on shore, I next proceeded to examine
them, and tapping the cask, I found the liquor to be rum.
In the chest I found a very fine case of bottles, containing
the finest and best sorts of cordial waters; each bottle held
about three pints, curiously tipt with silver. Also, two pots
full of the choicest sweetmeats, and two more which the
water had utterly spoiled. There were likewise several
good shirts, exceedingly welcome to me, and about one
dozen and a half white linen handkerchiefs and colored
neckeloths, the former of which were absolutely necessary
for wiping my face ina hot day ; and in the till I found three
bags of pieces of eight, about eleven hundred in all, in one
of which, decently wrapped up in a piece of paper, were
six doubloons of gold, and some small bars and wedges of
the same metal, which I believe might weigh near a pound.
In the other chest, which I guessed to belong to the gun-
ner’s mate, I found only some clothes of very little value,
except about two pounds of fine glazed powder, in three
flasks, kept, as I believe, for charging the fowling-pieces,
so that, in the whole, I had no great advantage by this
voyage. The money was, indeed, as mere dirt to me, use-
less and unprofitable, all which I would have freely parted
with for two or three pair of English shoes and stockings ;
things that for many years I had not worn, except those
which I had taken off the feet of the unfortunate men I
found drowned in the wreck. When I arrived at my castle,
every thing seemed safe and quiet.
Having retired to my castle after my late voyage to the
ship, my frigate laid up and secured, as usual, and my con-
dition the same as before, except being richer, though I
had as little occasion for riches as the Indians of Peru had
for gold, before the cruel Spaniards came among them,
one night in Mareh, being the rainy season, in the four-and-
twentieth year of my solitude, I lay down to sleep, very
well in health, without distemper, pain, or uncommon unea-
siness either of body or mind; yet, notwithstanding, I could
not compose myself to sleep. All this tedious time, it is
impossible to express what innumerable thoughts came into
my head. I traced the whole history of my life in minia-
ture, from my earliest remembrance of things till I came to
this island, and then proceeded to examine every thing that
had occurred since I had taken possessi¢n of my kingdom.
In my reflections upon the latter, I was comparing the
happy posture of my affairs in the beginning of my reign,
to this life of anxiety, fear, and concern, since I had discov-
ered a print of a foot in the sand. While my thoughts were
agitated, my resignation to the will of Heaven was entirely
suspended, so that I had no power to fix my mind to any
thing, but to the project of a voyage to the main land, till
nature, being, as it were, fatigued and exhausted with the
thoughts of it, made me submit myself to a silent repose.
Still bent on my deliverance from the island, I reflected
that one sure way of escaping was to get a savage ; that after
Thad ventured my life to deliver him from the bloody jaws
of his devourers, the natural sense he might have of such a
preservation, might inspire him with a lasting gratitude and
most sincere affection. I at length resolved, right or wrong,
to get one of these savages into my hands, even though I
should lose my life in the attempt. Inspired with this reso-
lution, I set my wits at work to find out what methods I
should take to accomplish my design. This, indeed, was
so difficult a task, that I could not pitch wpon any probable
means to execute; I therefore resolved continually to be in
a vigilant posture, to perceive when the savages came on
shore, and to leave the rest to that event.
Such were my fixed resolutions, and accordingly I set
myself upon the watch. I waited for above a year and a
half. This was a very great discouragement; yet the edge
of my design was as keen as ever, and the longer it seemed
to be delayed, the more eager was I for it.
I was one day seriously musing how I should attain my
end, when I was very much surprised by seeing no less
than five canoes all on shore together, on my side of the
island, and the savages that belonged to them all landed,
and out ofsmy sight. Such a number of them disconcerted
my measures; for, seeing so many boats, each of which
would contain six, and sometimes more, I could not tell
how to order my measures; and much dispirited and per-
plexed, I lay still in my castle, which, however, I put in a
proper posture for an attack; and having formerly provided
all that was necessary, was soon ready to enter upon an en-
gagement. Having waited for some time, my impatient
temper would let me bear it no longer; I set my guns at
the foot of the ladder, and, as usual, ascended to the top
of the hill; and here, by the assistance of my perspective-
glass, I observed no less than thirty in number around a
fire, feasting upon what meat they had dressed. How they
cooked it, or what it was, I could not then perfectly tell;
but they were all dancing and capering about the flames,
using many frightful and barbarous gestures.
But while, with a curious eye, I was beholding these
wretches, my spirits sunk within me, when I perceived
them drag two miserable creatures from the boats, to act
afresh the dreadful tragedy, as I supposed they had done
before. It was not long before one of them fell upon the
ground, knocked down, as I suppose, with a club or wooden
sword ; while two or three others went immediately to work
cutting him open for their cookery, while the last unhappy
captive was left by himself till they were ready for him.
The poor creature looked round him with a wishful eye,
trembling at the thoughts of death; yet seeing himself a
little at liberty, nature, that very moment, as it were, in-
spired him with hopes of life, he started away from them,
and ran, with incredible swiftness, along the sands, directly
to that part of the coast where my ancient and venerable
castle stood.
You may well imagine I was dreadfully affrighted upon
this occasion. However, my spirits beginning to recover, I
still kept upon my guard, and I now plainly perceived there
were but three men out of the number that pursued him,
I was infinitely pleased to see with what swiftness the poor
creature ran from his pursuers, gaining so much ground
upon them, that I plainly perceived, could he thus holé out
for half an hour, there was not the least doubt but he would
save his life from the power of his enemies.
Between them and my castle there was a creek, where I
much feared the poor victim would be taken, if he could
not swim for his escape. But soon was I out of pain for
him, when I perceived he made nothing of it, though at
full tide, but with an intrepid courage, spurred on by the
sense of danger, he plunged into the flood, swimming over
in about thirty strokes, and then, landing, ran with the
same incredible strength and swiftness as before. When
the three pursuers came to the creek, one of them, who I
perceived could not swim, returned to his company, while
the others, with equal courage, but much less swiftness, at-
tained the other side, as though they were resolved never to
give over the pursuit. And now or never, I thought, was
the time for me to procure me a servant, companion, or
assistant. I immediately descended my two ladders with
the greatest expedition; I took up my guns, which, as I
said before, were at the bottom of them, and taking a short
cut down the hill, I interposed between the pursuers and
pursued: hallooing alond to the latter, who, venturing to
look back, was, no doubt, as much terrified at me as I at
them. I beckoned to him with my hand to return back;
in the mean time advancing towards the pursuers, and
rushing on the foremost, I knocked him down with the
stock of my piece, and laid him flat upon the ground. 1
was very unwilling to fire, lest the rest should hear. The
other savage seeing his fellow fall, stopped as if he had
been amazed; when, advancing towards him, I could per-
ceive him take his bow from his back, and fixing his arrow
to it, was preparing to shoot at me. In this case of self-
preservation, I immediately fired at him and shot him dead,
just as his hand was going to draw the fatal string. All
this while the savage, who had fled before, stood still, and
had the satisfaction to see his enemies killed. So affrighted
was he with the fire and noise of my piece, that he stood
tixed and immovable, without either sense or motion. This
obliged me to halloo to him again, making the plainest
signs I could to him to draw nearer. I perceived he un-
derstood those tokens by his approaching to me a little
way, when, as if afraid I should kill him too, he stopped
Crusoe first sees Friday.
again. Several times did he advance, and as often stop in
this manner, till coming more to my view, I perceived him
trembling, as if he was to undergo the same fate; upon
which I looked upon him with a smiling countenance, and
still beckoning to him, at length he came close to me, and
kneeled down, kissing the ground, laid his head upon it,
and taking me by the foot, set it upon his head; and this,
as I understood afterwards, was a token of swearing to be
my slave forever. I took him up, and, making much of
him, encouraged him in the best manner I could.
The great astonishment that my new servant conceived,
was the manner of killing the savage at such a distance,
without a bow and arrow. First he turned him on one side,
then on another, wondering he could perceive no quantity
of blood; and after sufficiently admiring the wound the
bullets had made in his breast, he took up his bow and
arrows and came back again; upon which I turned to go
away, making signs to him to follow, lest the rest, missing
their companions, might come in pursuit of them; and this
I found he conceived very well, by his making me under-
stand that his design was to bury them, that they might not
be seen if it happened, and which I made him sensible I
very much approved of. Immediately he fell to work, and
never was a grave-digger more dexterous than he was; for
in an instant he scraped a large hole in the sand with his
hands, sufficient to bury the first in; there he dragged
him, and, without any ceremony, he covered him over; in
like manner he served the other. All this was done in lese
than a quarter of an hour. I then called him away, and
instead of carrying him directly to my castle, I conveyed
him to my cave on the farther part of the island.
Here I gave him bread and a bunch of raisins to eat, and
water to drink; on which he fed very cheerfully, to his ex-
ceeding refreshment. I then made him a bed with a parcel
of rice straw, and a blanket upon it, and pointing to it,
made signs for him to lie down to sleep; upon which the
poor creature went to take a welcome repose.
Indeed, he was a very handsome young fellow, extremely
well made, with straight long limbs, not too large, but tall
and well-shaped, and, as near as I could reckon, about
twenty-six years of age. His countenance had nothing in
it fierce or surly, but rather a sort of majesty, and, espe-
. cially when he smiled, he had all the sweetness and soft-
ness of a European. His hair was not curled like wool, as
many of the blacks are, but long and black, with the most
beautiful yet careless tresses spreading over his shoulders.
Te had a very high and large forehead, with a great vi-
vacity and sparkling sharpness in his eyes. His skin was
not so tawny as the Virginian Brazilians, or other Ameri-
cans, but rather of a bright dun olive-color, that had some-
thing agreeable in it, though not very easy to describe
His face was round and plump, with a small nose, very
different from the flatness of the negroes, a pretty small
mouth, thin lips, fine teeth, very well set, and white as the
driven snow. In a word, such handsome features, and ex-
act symmetry in every part, made me consider that I had
saved the life of an Indian prince.
As I understood him in many things, I made him sensi-
ble I was very well pleased with him; and in a little time
I began to speak to him, and taught him to talk to me
again. In the first place, I made him understand his name
was to be Friday, because it was upon that day I saved his
life; then I taught him to say Master, which I made him
sensible was to be my name. I likewise taught him to say
Yes and No, and to know what they meant. I gave him
some milk in an earthen pot, making him view me while I
drank it before him, and soaked my bread in it. I gave
him a cake of bread, and caused him to soak it likewise, to
which he readily consented, making: signs of the greatest
All that night I kept him there; but in the morning I
ordered him to arise and come along with me, with certain
tokens that I would give him some clothes like mine, at
which he seemed very glad, being stark naked.
I carried him with me to my castle, and gave him a pair
of linen drawers, which I had taken out of the poor gun-
ner’s chest, and which, with a little alteration, fitted him
very well. In the next place I made him a jerkin of goat’s
skin, such as my skill was able to manage; and indeed I
thought myself then a tolerable good tailor. I gave him
also a cap which I had made of a hare’s skin, very conve-
nient and fashionable. Thus being clothed tolerably well,
my man was no less proud of his habit than I was of seeing
him in it. Indeed he went very awkwardly at first, the
drawers being heavy on his thighs, not used to bear any
weight, and the sleeves of the waistcoat galled his shoul
ders and the inside of his arms; but by a little easing where
he complained they hurt him, and by using himself to
them, at length he took to them very well.
My next concern was, where I should lodge him; and
that I might do well by him, and yet be perfectly easy my-
self, I erected a tent for him in the vacant place hetween
my two fortifications, in the inside of the last and the out-
side of the first; and as there was an entrance or door into
my cave, I made a formal framed door-case, and a door to
open on the inside; I barred it up in the night-time, taking
in my ladders too, so that, was my man to prove treache:-
ous, there could be no way to come at me in the inside of
my innermost wall, without making so much noise in get-
ting over that it must waken me.
But there was no occasion for this precaution ; for surely
a master never had a more sincere, faithful, and loving ser-
vant than Friday proved to me. Without passion, sullen-
ness, or design, perfectly obliging and engaging, his affec-
tions were as much tied to me as those of a child to its
parents; and I might venture to say, he would have sacri- +
ficed his life for the saving of mine, upon apy occasion
One morning I took him out with me, with an intention
to kill a kid out of the flock, and bring it home and dress
61 :
it. As I was going, I perceived a she-goat lying down in
the shade, and two young kids sitting by her. Immediately
I catched hold of my man Friday, and bidding him stand
still and not stir, I presented my piece, and shot one of the
kids. My poor servant, who, at a distance, perceived me
kill his adversary, and yet did not know by what means, or
how it was done, stood trembling and surprised, and looked
so amazed, that I thought he would have sunk into the
I brought home the kid, and the same evening took off
the skin and divided the carcase as well asI could. Part
of the flesh I stewed, and then, spreading my table, I sat
down, giving my man some of it to eat, who was wonder-
fully pleased.
It was now high time I should set my servant to work,
so next day I set him to beat out sume corn, and sift it in
the same manner I had done before. And really the fellow
was very quick and handy in the execution of any thing J
ordered him to go about. I made him understand that it
4was to make bread for us to eat, and afterwards let him see
me make it. In short, he did every thing I ordered him in
a little time, as well as I could perform it myself.
I must own, that this was the most pleasant year I ever
had in the island, for after some time Friday began to talk
pretty well, and understood the names of those things which
I was wont to call for, and the places where I used to send
him. So that my long silent tongue, which had been use-
less so many years, except in an exclamatory manner,
either for deliverance or blessings, now began to be oceu
pied in teaching and talking to my man Friday, for so inno-
cent did his simple and unfeigned honesty appear to me,
that I began entirely to love him, and I spared no pains or
diligence to instruct him, according to my poor share of
knowledge, in the principles of religion, and the adoration
that he ought to pay to the true God.
You may well suppose, that by the frequent discourse we
had together, my man and I became most intimately
acquainted, and that there was but very little that I could
say but what Friday understood; indeed he spoke very’
fluently, though it was but broken English.
It was from this time I had strong inclinations to venture
over, and use my utmost efforts to join the white bearded
men, described to me by Friday as occupying the distant
coast, and who undoubtedly were Spaniards or Portuguese.
To which intent my man and I went to search for a proper
tree to fell, whereof we might make a large canoe, to
undertake the voyage, and indeed we were not long in find-
ing one fit for our purpose, there being enough wood in the
island to have built a fleet of large vessels; but the thing
we principally wanted, was to get one so near the water
that we might launch it after it was finished, and not com-
mit such a mistake as I had done once before.
After a great search for what was best and most conve-
nient, Friday, at last, whose judgment in such affairs was
much superior to mine, pitched upon a kind of wood most
fit for it. But though my man exceeded me in his knowl-
edge of the most proper tree, yet I showed him a much
better and clearer way to make a canoe than he knew
before ; for he was for burning the hollow or cavity of the
tree, in order to make this boat, but I then told him how he
might do it with tools, instructing him at the same time
how to use them, which he did very dexterously, so that in
a month’s time we finished it, making it very handsome, by
cutting the outside in the true shape of a boat. After this
it took us a full fortnight before we could get her into the
water, which we did, as it were, inch by inch, upon great
rollers; but when she was in, she would have carried
twenty men, with all the ease imaginable.
As I was very well pleased, you may be sure, at the
launching of this man-of-war of mine, I was no less amazed
to behold with what dexterity my man would manage her,
turn her, and paddle her along. Well, Friday, said I,
what do you think of it now? Do you think this will carry
us over? “ Yes, master,†said he, “me venture over well,
though great blow wind.†But my design was yet farther,
which he was insensible of, and that was to make a mast
and a sail, and to provide her with an anchor and cable.
As to a mast, that was no difficult thing to procure, so I
fixed upon a straight young cedar-tree, which I found near
the place, great plenty of it abounding in the island, and
setting Friday to cut it down, I gave him particular direc-
tions how to shape and order it, but as to the sail, that I
managed myself. I very well knew I had some old ones,
or pieces of sails enough, which had lain six-and-twenty
years by me, but not being careful to preserve them, as
thinking I should have no occasion to use them any more,
when I came to overlook them, I found them all rotten
except two, and with these I went to work, and, after a
great deal of pains, and awkward tedious stitching for want
of needles, at length I finished a three-cornered ugly thing,
like what we call in England a shoulder-of-mutton sail, to _
go with a boom at bottom, and a little small sprit at the
top, like those which our long-boats use, and which I very
well knew how to manage.
It was near two months, I think, before I completed this
work, and when all was done, I had my man to teach its
navigation, for though he very well understood how to pad-
dle a canoe along, he was an utter stranger to a sail and a
rudder, and was amazed when he saw me work the boat by
them, and how the sail jibed and filled this way or that
way, as the course we sailed changed. After some time
and a little use, I made all these things very familiar to
him, so that he became an expert sailor, except in relation
to the compass, and that I could make him understand but
little of. But as it happened, there was seldom occasion
for it, there being but little cloudy weather, and scarce any
fog in those parts; the stars were always visible in the
night, and the shore perspicuous by day, except in the rainy
season, which confined every one to his habitation. And
this season beginning to come on, obliged me to keep the
longer within-doors; but before this, I brought my new
vessel into the creek, where I had landed my rafts from the
ship, and hauling her up to the shore, I ordered my man
Friday to dig a dock sufficient to hold her in, and deep
enough to give her water, wherein she might float; and
then, when the tide was out, we made a strong dam across
the end of it, to keep out the water, by which means she
lay dry, as to the tide from the sea; and to keep the rain
from her, we thatched her over, as it were, with boughs of
trees, like a house. So we waited for the months of Novem-
ber and December, in which I designed to venture over the
As soon as the seasonable weather began to draw near, I
prepared for the voyage. The first thing I thought on was,
to lay by a certain quantity of provisions, as a sufficient
store for such an expedition, intending in a week or fort
night’s time to open the dock, and to launch out the boat
for that purpose. But one morning, as I was very busy
upon something necessary for this occasion, I called Friday
to me, and bid him go to the sea-shore, and see if he could
find a turtle or tortoise, a thing which we commonly had
once a week, as much upon account of the eggs, as for the
sake of the flesh. He had not been long gone, before he
came running back, as though he was pursued for life, and,
as it were, flew over my outer wall, or fence, like one that
felt not the ground, and before I had time to inquire the
reason of his precipitation, he cries out, “O dear, master ;
O sorrow, O sorrow! Bad! O bad!†Why, what’s the
matter, Friday? said I. “O yonder, yonder!†said he,
“there be one, two, or three canoes! two three!†Surely,
thought I, there must be six, by my man’s way of reckon-
ing; but on a stricter inquiry, I found there were but three.
Well, Friday, said I, don’t be terrified; I warrant you we
will not only defend ourselves against them, but kill most
of these cruel savages. But though I comforted him in the
best manner I could, the poor creature trembled so, I scarce
knew what to do with him. “O master,†said he, “they
come look Friday ; cut pieces Friday, cut a me up.†Why,
Friday, said I, they will eat me up as well as you, and my
danger is as great as yours. But since it is so, we must re-
solve to fight for our lives. What say you? Can you fight,
Friday? “Yes,†said he, very faintly, “me shoot, me kill
whatIcan; but there come a great many number.†That’s
no matter, said I again; our guns will terrify those we do
not kill; I am very willing to stand by you to the last drop
of my blood. Now tell me if you will do the like by me,
and obey my orders in whatsoever I command? Friday
then answered, “O master, me lose life for you; me die
when you bid die.†Thus concluding all questions concern-
ing his fidelity, immediately I fetched him a good dram of
rum. After he had drank it, I ordered him to take the
two fowling-pieces, which we always carried, and load them
with large swan-shot, as big as small pistol-bullets; then I
took four muskets, and loaded them with two slugs and five
small bullets each, charging my two pistols each with a
brace: I hung my great sword, as customary, naked to my
side, and gave Friday his hatchet, as a most excellent wea-
pon for defence.
Thus prepared, I took my perspective-glass, and went up
to the side of a hill to see what I could discover; and I per-
ceived very soon by my glass that there were one-and-twenty
savages, three prisoners, and three canoes, and that their
chief concern seemed to be the triumphant banquet upon
the three poor human bodies, a thing which by this time I
had observed was very common with them. I also re-
marked that they did not land at that place from whence
Friday made his escape, but nearer to the creek, where the
shore was low, and where a thick wood came very close to
the sea. My soul was then filled with indignation and ab-
horrence at such inhuman wretches, which put a period to
all my former thoughts in their vindication; neither would
I give myself time to consider their right of conquest, as I
had done before; but descending from the mountain, I
came down to Friday, and told him I was resolved to go
speedily to them, and kill them all, asking him again, in
the same breath, if he would stand by me; when, by this
time being rggovered from his fright, and his spirits much
cheered with the dram I had given him, he seriously
told me, as he did before, ‘‘ When I bid die, he would
And I now divided the loaded arms betwixt us. To my
man Friday I gave a pistol to stick in his girdle, with three
guns upon his shoulder, a weight too great, I confess, to
bear; but what must a poor king do, who had but one sol-
dier in the world? But to show I made him bear no more
than what I would lay on myself, I stuck the other pistol in
my girdle, and the other three guns upon my shoulders;
nay, something more, a small bottle of rum, which was soon
lightened to our exceeding refreshment. Thus we marched
out, under a ponderous load of armor, like two invincible
champions, with a quantity of powder and bullets, to stand
our battle, and load again when the pieces were discharged.
I charged Friday to keep close behind me, and not to stir,
or shoot, or attempt any thing till I commanded him, and
in the interim, not to speak so much as one word.
I soon entered the thick wood (my man Friday following
close behind), when, with all possible weariness and silence,
I marched till I came to the skirt of it, on that side which
was the nearest to them; for only one end of the wood in-
terposed between me and them. I called very softly to
Friday, and showing him a great tree that was just at the
corner of the wood, I ordered him to repair thither, and
bring me word if he could perceive their actlons. He did
as I commanded him, and came back with this melancholy
story, that they were all about their fire, eating the flesh of
one of their prisoners, and that another lay bound upon the
sand, ata little distance from them, which they designed
for the next sacrifice; and this, he told me, was not one of
their nation, but one of those very bearded men who were
driven by a storm into their country, and whom he had so
often talked to me about. You may be sure that, upon
hearing this, my soul was ready to sink within me; when,
ascending a tree, I saw plainly by my glass a white man,
who lay upon the beach, with his hands and feet tied with
things resembling rushes, being covered with clothes, and
seemed to be an European. From the tree where I took
this prospect, I perceived another tree, and a thicket be-
yond it, about fifty yards nearer to them than where I was,
which, by taking a small circle round, I might come at un-
discovered, and then I should be within half a shot of these
devourers. And going back about twenty paces, I got be-
hind some bushes, which held all the way till I came to
the other tree; and then I ascended a little rising ground, ©
not above eighteen yards’ distance, where I had a full view
of these creatures, and could perceive all their actions.
No less than nineteen sat upon the ground, close hud-
dled together, expressing all the delight imaginable at so
barbarous an entertainment; and they had just sent the
other two to murder this poor unhappy Christian, and bring
him limb by limb to their fire; for they were then going
to untie the bands from his feet in order for death, as fet-
ters are knocked off the feet of malefactors before they gc
to the place of execution. Hereupon, immediately turning
to my man Friday, Now, Friday, said I, mind what J say:
fail in nothing, but do exactly as you see me do. All
which he promising, I set down one of my muskets and
fowling-piece upon the ground, and Friday did the same
by his; and with the other musket I took my aim at the
savages, bidding him do the like. Are you ready? said I;
“Yes, master,†said he. Why, then, fire at them, said I;
and that very moment I gave fire likewise.
T only killed one and wounded two; but my man Friday,
taking his aim much better than I, killed two and wounded
three. You may be sure they were in a dreadful conster-
nation at such an unexpected disaster, and those who had
yet escaped our shot, immediately jumped upon their feet,
but were in such confusion, that they knew not which way
to run, not knowing from whence their destruction came.
We threw down our pieces, and took up others, giving a
second dreadful volley; but as they were loaded only with
swan-shot, or small pistol-bullets, we perceived only two ot
them fall, though many were wounded, who ran yelling and
screaming about like mad creatures. Now, Friday, said I,
lay down your piece, and take up the musket, and follow
me. He did so, with great courage; when showing our-
selves to the savages, we gave a great shout, and made di-
rectly to the poor victim, who would have been sacrificed
had not our first fire obliged the butchers, with three others,
to jump into a canoe. By my order, Friday fired at them,
at which shot I thought he had killed them all, by their
falling to the bottom of the boat. However, he killed two,
and mortally wounded a third. In the mean time, I cut
the flags that tied the hands and feet of the poor creature,
and lifting him up, asked him, in the Portuguese tongue,
what he was? He answered me in Latin, Christianus; but
so very weak and faint, that he could scarcely stand or
speak. Immediately, I gave him a dram and a piece of
bread, and asked him what countryman he was. He said,
Hispaniola, and then uttered all the thankfulness imagin-
able for his deliverance. Seignior, said I, with as much
Spanish as I was master of, let us talk afterwards, but fight
now. Here, take this sword and pistol, and do what you
ean. And, indeed, he did so with such courage and intre-
pidity, that he cut two of them in pieces in an instant, the
savages not having the power to fly for their lives. I or-
dered Friday to run for those pieces we had left at the tree,
which he brought me with great swiftness, and then I gave
him my musket, while I loaded the rest. There happened
fierce encounter between the Spaniard and one of the
savages; and though the former was as brave as could be
expected, having twice wounded his enemy in the head,
yet being weak and faint, the Indian had thrown him upon
the ground, and was wresting my sword out of his hands,
which the Spaniard very wisely quitting, drew out his pis-
tol, and shot him through the body, before I could come
near him, though I was running to his assistance. As for
Friday, he pursued the flying wretches with his hatchet,
dispatching three, but the rest were too nimble for him.
The Spaniard, taking one of the fowling-pieces, wounded
two, who running into the wood, Friday pursued and killed ;
but the other, notwithstanding his wounds, plunged himself
into the sea, and swam to those who were left in the canoe,
which, with one wounded, were all that escaped out of one-
The savages in the canoe worked very hard to get out of
our reach, and Friday was eager in pursuing them; and,
indeed, I was no less anxious about their escape, lest, after
the news had been carried to their people, they should re-
turn in multitudes, and destroy us. So, being resolved to
pursue them, I jumped into one of their canoes, and bid
Friday follow me; but no sooner was I in, than, to my sur-
prise, I found another poor creature bound hand and foot
for the slaughter, just as the Spaniard had been, with very
little life in-him. I unbound him, and would have helped
him up, but he could neither stand nor speak, but groaned
piteously, thinking he was only unbound in order to be
slain. Hereupon, I bid Friday speak to him, and tell him
_ of his deliverance, when, pulling out my bottle, I made the
poor wretch drink a dram, which, with the joyful news he
had received, so revived him, that he sat up. As soon as
Friday heard him speak, and looked more fully in his face,
it would have moved any one to tears to perceive his un-
common transports. He kissed, embraced him, hugged
him, cried, laughed, hallooed, jumped about, danced, sung,
wrung his hands, and beat his face and head, like a dis-
tracted creature, so that it was a great while before I eould
make him speak or tell me what was the matter; but at
last he told me it was his father.
I was infinitely moved to see the dutiful and tender affec
tion this poor savage had to his aged parent. He would
sit down by him in the boat, open his breast, and hold his
father’s. head close to his bosom, half an hour together, to
cherish him. His arms and ankles, which were stiff and
numbed with binding, he chafed and rubbed with his hands.
Perceiving what the case was, 1 gave him some rum, which
proved of great benefit to him.
, While we were thus employed, the savages were almost
out of sight; and happy it was we did not pursue them, for
there arose from the northwest such a violent storm, that I
could not suppose otherwise but that they were all drowned.
After this, I called Friday to me, and asked him if he had
given his father any bread? He shook his head, and said,
“None, not one bit; me eat a up all;†so I gave hima
cake of bread, and likewise a dram for himself, and two or
three bunches of raisins for his father. Both these he car-
ried to him, for he would make him drink the dram to com
fort him.
Then he ran for an earthen jug of water for his father,
which revived his spirits more than all the rum I had given
I then called Friday to me, and ordered him to carry the
Spaniard a cake and some water, who was reposing himself
under the shade of a tree, but so weak that, though he ex-
erted himself, he could not stand; upon which, I ordered
Friday to rub and bathe his ankles with rum, as he had
done his father’s. Every minute he was employed in this,
he would cast a wistful eye towards the boat where he left
his father sitting, who suddenly disappearing, he flew like
lightning to him, and finding he had only laid himself down
to ease his limbs, he returned to me presently, and then I
spoke to the Spaniard to let Friday help him, and lead him
to the boat, in order to be conveyed to my dwelling, where
I would take care of him. Upon which, Friday took him
upon his back, and carried him to the canoe, setting him
close by his father, and presently stepping out again,
launched the boat off, and paddled it along the shore faster
than I could walk, though the wind blew very hard; and
having brought them safe to the creek, he took them out of
the boat ; but so weak were they that I was forced to make
a kind of hand-barrow to convey them to my castle.
To get provisions for my poor weak subjects, I ordered
Friday to kill me a yearling goat, which, when he had
done, I cut off the hinder quarters, and chopping it into
small pieces, boiled and stewed it, putting barley and rice
into the broth. This I carried into their tent, set a table,
dined with them myself, and encouraged them. Friday
was my interpreter to his father, and indeed to the Spaniard
too, who spoke the language of the savages pretty well.
After dinner, I ordered Friday to fetch home all our arms
from the field of battle, and the next day to bury the dead
bodies, which he did accordingly.
I made Friday inquire of his father whether he thought
these savages had escaped the late storm in their canoe?
and if so, whether they would not return with a power too
great for us to resist? He answered that he thought it
impossible they could outlive the storm; or, if they were
driven southwardly, they would come to a land where they
would be certainly devoured.
! 17
No canoes appearing soon after, as I expected, my appre-
hensions ceased, and my former thoughts of a voyage re-
turned, especially when Friday’s father assured me I should
have good usage in his nation. As to the Spaniard, he told
me that sixteen more of his countrymen and Portuguese,
a she
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who had been shipwrecked, made their escape thither ; that
though they were in union with the savages, yet they were
very miserable for want of provisions and other necessaries.
When I asked him about the particulars, of his voyage, he
answered that their ship was bound from Rio de la Plata
to the Havana; that when the ship was lost, only five men
perished in. the ocean; the rest, having saved themselves
in the boat, were now landed on the main continent. And
what do they intend to do there? said I. He replied, they
had concerted measures to escape by building a vessel, but
they had neither tools nor provisions, so that all their de-
signs came to nothing. Supposing, said I, I should make
a proposal, and invite them here, would they not carry me
prisoner to New Spain? He answered, No; for he knew
them to be honest men, who would scorn to act so basely
to their deliverer; that, if I pleased, he and the old savage
would go over and talk with them about it, and bring me
an answer; that they should all swear fidelity to me as
their leader ; and he would not only do the same, but stand
to the last drop of his blood, should there be occasion.
These solemn assurances made me resolve to grant them
relief, and to send these two over for that purpose; but
when every thing was ready, the Spaniard raised an objer-
tion, which carried great weight with it: ‘“ You know, sir,â€
\said he, “that having been some time with you, I cannot
but be sensible of your stock of rice and corn, sufficient,
perhaps, for us at present, but not for them, should they
come over presently, much less to victual a vessel for an
intended voyage. Want might be as great an occasion for
them to disagree and rebel, as the children of Israel did
ayainst God himself, when they wanted bread in the wil-
derness; and, therefore, my advice is, to wait another har-
vest, and in the mean time cultivate and improve more
land, whereby we may have plenty of provisions, in order
to execute our design.â€
This advice of the Spaniard’s I approved extremely, and
so satisfied was I of his fidelity, that I esteemed him ever
after. We all four went to work upon some more land,
and against seed-time we had so much cured and trimmed
up as was sufficient to sow twenty-two bushels of barley and
sixteen jars of rice. As we were four in number, and by
this time all in good health, we feared not a hundred In-
dians, should they venture to attack us; and while the corn
was growing, I pitched upon some trees fit to build us a
large vessel, in case the Spaniards came over, which being
marked, I ordered Friday and his father to cut them down,
appointing the Spaniard, who was now my privy-councillor,
to oversee and direct the whole. I likewise increased my
flocks of goats, by shooting the wild dams, and bringing
home their kids to my inclosure. Nor did I neglect the
grape-season, but cured them as usual, though I had such
a quantity now as would have filled eighty barrels with
raisins. And thus all of us being employed, they in work-
ing, and I in providing for them, till harvest came, God
Almighty blessed the increase of it so mach, that out of
twenty-two barrels of barley, we threshed out two hundred
and twenty, and the like quantity of rice, sufficient to vict:
ual a ship fit to carry me and all the Spaniards to any
part of America.
Thus the principal objection being answered, I sent my
two ambassadors over to the main land, with a regal author-
ity to administer the oaths of allegiance and fidelity, and
have an instrument signed under their hands, though I
never asked whether they had pen, ink, or paper; when,
giving each of them a musket, eight charges of powder and
ball, and provisions enough for eight days, they sailed
away with a fair gale.
Scarce a fortnight had elapsed, when, impatient for
their return, I laid down to sleep one morning, when a
strange accident happened, which was ushered in by Fri-
day’s running to me, and calling aloud, “ Master, master,
they are come, they are come.†Upon which, not dream-
ing of any danger, out I jumped from my bed, put on my
clothes, and hurried through my little grove, when looking
towards the sea, I perceived a boat about a league and a
half distant, standing in for the shore with the wind fair.
I beheld they did not come from the side where the land
lay, but from the southernmost end of the island. So these
being none of the people we wanted, I ordered Friday to
lie still till I came down from the mountain, which I now
ascended, in order to discover more fully what they were,
and, with the help of my perspective-glass, I plainly per-
ceived an English ship, which filled we with such uncom-
mon transports of joy as I cannot describe, and yet some
secret doubts hung about me, proceeding from I know not
what cause, as though I had reason to be upon my guard.
It was not long before I perceived the boat approach the
shore, as if they were looking for a place where they might
conveniently land; and at last they ran'their boat on shore
upon the beach, about half a mile distant. Now I was
fully convinced they were all Englishmen, three of which
were unarmed and bound; when immediately the first four
or five leaped on shore and took those three out of the boat
as prisoners; one of whom, I could perceive, used the most
passionate gestures of entreaty, affliction, and despair, while
the others showed great concern.
Not knowing the meaning of this, I was very much as-
tonished, and I beckoned to Friday, who was below, to
ascend the mountain. ‘O, master,†said he to me, “you
see English mans eat prisoners as well as savage mans.â€
“And do you’ think they will eat them, Friday?†said 1.
“Yes,†said Friday, “they eat a all up.†‘No, no,†said L
“Friday, I am much more concerned lest they murder
them; but as for eating them up, that I am sure ‘they will
never do.â€
T lamented that I could not come within shot of them un-
perceived, and save these three men, whom I thought they
were going to kill. But some comfort it was to me, that I-
perceived they were set at liberty to go where they pleased, !
the rascally seamen scattering about as though they had a
mind to see the place; and so long did they negligently
ramble, that the tide had ebbed so low as to leave the boat
aground. Nor were the two men who were in her more
circumspect; for, having drunk a little too much liquor,
they fell fast asleep; but one of them waking before the
other, and perceiving the boat too fast aground for his
strength to move, he hallooed out to the rest, who made all
possible expedition to come to him; but as Providence
ordered it, all their force was ineffectual to launch her,
when I could hear them speak to one another, ‘“‘ Why let
her alone, Jack, can’t ye, she’ll float next tide;†by which
I was convinced they were my own countrymen. I took
two fusees on my shoulder, and gave Friday three muskets ;
besides, my formidable goat-skin coat and monstrous cap
made me look as fierce and terrible as Hercules of old,
especially when two pistols were stuck in my belt, and my
naked sword hanging by my side.
It was my design at first not to make any attempt till it
was dark; and it being now two o’clock, in the very heat
of the day, the sailors were all straggling in the woods, and
undoubtedly were lain down to sleep. The three poor dis-
tressed creatures, too anxious to get any repose, were seated
under the shade of a great tree, about a quarter of a mile
from me. Upon which, without any more ado, I approached
them, with my man following behind me, and before I was
perceived, I called aloud to them in Spanish, “ What are
ye, gentlemen ?†ee
At these words they started up in great confusion, when
they beheld the strange figure I made. They returned no
answer, but seemed as if they would fly from me. ‘Gen-
tlemen,†said I, in English, “don’t be afraid; perhaps you
have a friend nearer than you expect.†‘He must be from
heaven,†said one of them, gravely, pulling off his hat, “ for
we are past all help in this world.†“All help is from
heaven,†said I; “but, sir, as I have perceived every ac-
tion between you and these brutes since your tanding, only
inform me how to assist you, and I will do it to the utmost
of my power.â€
“ Am I talking with God or man,†said he. “Are you
of human kind or an angel?†“Sir,†said I, “my poor
habit will tell you I am a man, and an Englishman, willing
to assist you, having but this servant. Here are arms and
ammunition; tell freely your condition. Can we save you?â€
“The story,†said he, “is too long to relate, since our
butchers are so near; but, sir, 1 was master of that ship,
my men have mutinied, and it is a favor they have put my
mate, this passenger, and me on shore, without murdering
us, though we expect nothing but perishing here.†“ Are
your enemies gone?†said I. “No,†replied he, pointing
to a thicket, “there they lie; while my heart trembles, lest,
having seen and heard us, they should murder us all.†-
“Have they firearms?†said I. “They have but two
pieces,†said he, “one of which is left in the boat.†He
also told me there were two enormous villains among them,
that were the authors of this mutiny, who, if they were
killed or seized, the rest might return to their obedience.
% Well, well,†said I, “let us retire farther under cover of
the woods ;†and there it was I made these conditions with
1. That, while they stayed in the island, they should not
pretend to any authority; but should entirely conform to
my orders, and return me the arms which I should put in
their hands.
2. That, if the ship was recovéred, they should afford
Friday and myself a passage gratis to England.
When he had given me all the satisfaction I could desire,
I gave him and his two companions, each of them, a gun,
with powder and ball sufficient, advising them to fire upon
them as they lay sleeping. The captain modestly said, that
he was sorry to kill them; though, on the other hand, to
let these villains escape, who were the authors of his
misery, might be the ruin of us all. “Well,†said he, “do
as you think fit ;†and so accordingly I fired, killed one of
the captain’s chief enemies, and wounded the other, who
eagerly called for assistance; but the captain, who had re-
served his piece, coming up to him, “Sirrah,†said he,
“tis too late to call for assistance, you should rather cry to
God to pardon your villany;†and so knocked him down
with the stock of his gun. Three others were also slightly
wounded, who, at my approach, cried out for help. This
the captain granted, upon condition that they would swear
to be true to him in recovering the ship, which they sol-
emnly did; however, I obliged the captain to keep them
bound. After which I sent Friday and the captain’s mate
to secure the boat, and bring away the oars and sails;
when, at their return, three men coming back and seeing
their late distressed captain now their conqueror, submitted
to be bound also. And then it was, that, having more lib-
erty, I related the adventures of my own life, which he
heard with serious attention. After this, I carried him and
his two companions into my little fortified castle; showed
them all my conveniences, and refreshed them with such
provisions as I could afford. When this was over, we
began to consider about regaining the ship. He said there
were twenty-six hands on board, who, knowing their lives
were forfeited by the law for conspiracy and mutiny, were
so very hardened, that it would be dangerous for our small
company to attack them. This was a reasonable inference
indeed; but something we must resolve on, and imme-
diately put in execution. We, therefore, heaved the boat
upon the beach, so high that she could not shoot off at —
high-water mark, and broke a hole in her not easily to be
stopped; so that all the signals they gave for the boat to
come on board were in vain. This obliged them to send
another boat ashore, with ten men armed, whose faces the
captain plainly described, the boatswain being the chiet
officer; but he said there were three honest lads among
them, who were forced into the conspiracy. Hereupon I
gave him fresh courage. When the sailors landed, and
beheld their boat in that condition, they not only hallooed,
but fired for their companions to hear, yet they received
no answer. This struck them with horror and amazement;
and thinking they were murdered, they made as if they
would return to the ship. I could perceive the captain’s
countenance change at this; till of a sudden, three men
were ordered to look after the boat, while the other seven
leaped on shore in order to search for their companions ;
and, indeed, they came to the brow of the hill, near my
ancient castle, from whence they could see to a great dis-
tance in the woods, and there shouting and hallooing till
tired and weary, they at length seated themselves under a
spreading tree. My opinion was, that nothing could be
done till night, when I might use some artifice to get them
all out of the boat; but of a sudden they started up and
made to the seaside. I then ordered Friday and the cap-
tain’s mate to go over the creek, and halloo as loud as they
could, and so decoying them into the woods, come round to
me again. And this, indeed, had good effect; for they fol-
lowed the noise, till coming westward to the creek, they
called for their boat to carry them over, and taking one of
the men cut of her, left two to look after her, having fast-
ened her to the stump of a little tree on shore. Hereupon
immediately the captain and our party passing the creek
out of their sight, we surprised them both, by the captain’s
knocking down one and ordering the other to surrender
upon pain of death; and who, being the honestest of them
all, sincerely joined with us. By this time it was pretty
late; when the rest returning to their boat, which they
found aground in the creek, the tide out, and the men
gone, they ran about wringing their hands, crying it was
an enchanted island, and that they should be all murdered
by spirits or devils. My men would willingly have fallen
upon them, but I would not agree to hazard any of our
party. But to be more certain, Friday and the captain
crawled upon their hands and feet, as near as possible;
and, when the boatswain approached in sight, so eager was
the captain, that he fired and killed him on the spot; Fri-
day wounded the next man, and a third ran away. Here-
upon I advanced with my whole army; and it being dark,
I ordered the man we had surprised in the boat to call them
by their names, and to parley with them, which he did, and
they were at length induced to lay down their arms in token
of submission.
After this, the captain expostulated with them, telling
them that the governor was an Englishman, who might
execute them here, but he thought they would all be sent
to England, except Will Atkins, who was ordered to pre-
pare for death the next morning. Hereupon Atkins im-
plored the captain to intercede for his life, and the rest
begged they might not be sent to England. This answered
our project for seizing the ship. For after sending Atkins
and two of the worst fast bound to the cave, and the rest
being committed to my bower, I sent the captain to treat
with them in the governor’s name, offering them pardon if
they would assist in recovering the ship. Upon which
they all promised to stand by him to the last drop of their
blood, and whoever acted treacherously should be hanged
in chains upon the beach. They were all released on these
assurances, and the captain repaired to the other boat,
making his passenger captain of her, and gave him four
men well armed, while himself, his mate, and five more
went in the other boat. By midnight they came within
call of the ship, when the captain ordered Robinson to hail
her, and tell them, that with great difficulty they had found
the men at last. But while they were discoursing, the
captain, his mate, and the rest, entered and knocked down
the second mate and carpenter, secured those that were
upon deck, by putting them under the hatches, while the
other boat’s crew entered and secured the forecastle; they
then broke into the round-house, where the mate, after some
resistance, shot the pirate captain through the head, upon
which all the rest yielded themselves prisoners. And thus
the ship being recovered, the signal was fired, which I
heard with the greatest joy imaginable, nor was it long
before he brought the ship to an anchor at the creek’s
mouth, where, coming to me unawares, “ There,†says he,
“my dearest friend and deliverer, there is your ship, and
we are your servants,†a comfort so unspeakable as made
me swoon in his arms, while, with gratitude to heaven, we
were tenderly embracing each other.
Nothing now remained, but to consult what we should do
with the prisoners, whom he thought it was not safe to take
on board. Concerting with the captain, I dressed myself in
one of his suits, and sending for them, told them that I was
going to leave the island with all my people, if they would
stay there, their lives should be spared, if not, they should
be hanged at the first port they came to. They agreed to
stay. Hereupon I told them my whole story, charging
them to be kind to the Spaniards that were expected, giving
them all my arms, and informing them of every thing neces-
sary for their subsistence, after which I and my man Friday
went on board. But the next morning, two of the men
came swimming to the ship’s side, desiring the captain to
take them on board, though he hanged them afterwards,
complaining how barbarously the others used them.
Upon which I prevailed with the captain to take them in,
and being severely whipped, they proved more honest for
the future. Thus I bade farewell to this island, carrying
along with me my money, my parrot, umbrella, and goat’s
skin cap; setting sail December 13, 1686, after twenty-eight
vears, two months, and nineteen days’ residence, landing in
England, June 11, 1687, after five-and-thirty years’ absence
from my own country, cured of my rambling inclinations
and only desirous to end my days in peace