Soybean recommendations for North Florida for ..
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Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00073380/00001
 Material Information
Title: Soybean recommendations for North Florida for ..
Series Title: NFES mimeo report
Physical Description: v. : ; 28 cm.
Language: English
Creator: North Florida Research and Education Center (Quincy, Fla.)
Publisher: North Florida Research and Education Center.
Place of Publication: Quincy Fla
Creation Date: 1953
Frequency: annual
Subjects / Keywords: Soybean -- Growth -- Periodicals -- Florida   ( lcsh )
Genre: government publication (state, provincial, terriorial, dependent)   ( marcgt )
serial   ( sobekcm )
General Note: Description based on: 1954; title from colophon.
General Note: Latest issue consulted: 1957.
Funding: NFES mimeo rpt.
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: oclc - 76830180
lccn - 2006229111
System ID: UF00073380:00001

Full Text

E C 15 1953

Quincy, Florida

December 9, 1953

NFES-Mimeo Report 54-2


by Thomas E. Webb
Assistant in Agronomy

Adapted Varieties.-The varieties recommended for North Florida are Jackson,
Roanoke, Dortchsoy 31, and Ogden.

The Jackson variety is well adapted to a wide range of soils and is recom-
mended for planting in any of the North Florida counties on soils suitable for corn
or other grains. Jackson is 4 to 6 inches taller than Roanoke or Dortchsoy 31.
These three varieties mature about October 20, Jackson holds its seed well and
its added height makes it more desirable for late planting such as behind oats or
lupine. O&Fden matures early, about October 1, but must be combined within two
weeks after maturity to avoid excessive shattering. All produce good seed yields
and have high oil content.

Date of Planting.-Soybeans planted May 15 to June 15 yield higher and pro-
duce a better plant size for combining. Soybeans may be planted from May 1 to
July 1. Still earlier or later plantings yield low and do not have sufficient
height for combining. Date of planting has little effect on maturity date. Forty
days' difference in planting dates delays maturity only 4 days.

Soile.--Soybeans will grow in most soil types found in North Florida except
eand. Yields depend upon fertility of these soils.

Land Preparation.--o, beans require a good seed bed. Where soybeans follow
oats, the straw must be r, uoved. Baling the straw for bedding and feed is the
most popular method of rz'noval. If it is not convenient to bale this straw, then
burning is recommended.

Fertil;fer.--The use of 400 to 500 pounds per acre of 0-12-12 or similar
analysis on good soils or following & legume crop ti recommended,. or poorer
soils 500 pounds of 4-10-7 or similar analysis is recommended. No fertilizer is
needed when soybeans follow a highly fertilized crop such as Irish potatoes,
cabbage, sweet corn or other early spring vegetables. One ton of lime is profit-
able on most soils.

The fertilizer can be applied before planting with a spreader, at planting
time in bands 3 to 4 inches on each side of the seed, or as a sidedressing at the
first plowing.


Row Width.--Thirty- to 36-inch rows are the most economical to use. This
gives quicker ground cover for weed control, higher seed yields, and better use
of equipment.


Rate of Plantin,-..Plant 1 to 1* bushels of seed per acre. A thick stand
makes the beans easier to cultivate and gives a quicker ground cover for weed

Depth of Planting.--Cover the seed one inch deep. Plant only when there is
plenty of moisture for quick emergence. Plant beans on the level or slightly below.

Cultivating.--Use rotary hoe or weeder as soon as beans first come up.
Cultivate beans when they are 2 inches high. Plow flat or ridge beans slightly
with about three cultivations.

Havesting and Stor..e.- -The combine will do a good job of harvesting soybeans,
if the machine is properly adjusted and the soybeans are low in moisture. Harvest-
ing should begin when so;cboans contain about 12% moisture unless drier it to be

Harvesting losses are often overlooked. For every 36 to 40 seed per square
yard on the ground there is a harvesting loss of one bushel per acre. Cutting
high enough to leave 5 to 6 pods per foot of row means a loss of one bushel per

Store beans at 12% moisture or less,

Insect Control.--Several insects attack soybeans and their control is neces-
sary for top yields. Insecticide dusts, which may be applied by tractor, airplane,
or hand dusters are as follows:


Fall army worm

Velvetbean caterpillar

Mexican bean beetle


Stink bud


Toxaphene, 10%
Aldrin, 2%
DDT, 1016

Same as above

Toxaphene, 10%

Toxaphene, 10%
Aldrin, 24

Parathion, 1%
Lindane, 2%


20 lbs. per acre
20 lbs. per acre
20 lbs. per acre

Same as above

20 lbs. per acre

20 lbs. per acre
20 lbs. per acre

20 lbs. per acre
20 lbs. per acre