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Development of Integrated Cowpea Production Systems in Semiarid Botswana
Anonymous. 1984. Description of Course Variety ER7. Crops Research Bulletin
No. 2. Gaborone, Botswana: Ministry of Agriculture.
Burke, D. W. 1985. Cowpea Germplasm Evaluations under Dryland and Irrigated
Conditions at Sebele. Botswana Cowpea Project Research Report No. 10. Fort
Collins, CO: Colorado State University, College of Agricultural Sciences.
Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin, Administrative Officer, Shepardson Building,
CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
1985. Response of Different Cowpea Genotypes to Aphid-Borne
Mosaic Virus Strains at Sebele in 1984-85. Botswana Cowpea Project Research
Report No. 11. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University, College of
Agricultural Sciences. Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin, Administrative
Officer, Shepardson Building, CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
1985. Cross Pollinations in the Development of Multi-Purpose
Drought and Disease Resistant Cowpeas for Botswana. Botswana Cowpea Project
Research Report No. 13. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University, College
of Agricultural Sciences. Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin, Administrative
Officer, Shepardson Building, CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
1985. Seed Yield Comparisons of Early-Maturing Cultivars ER7
and CB5 in Dryland and Irrigated Plots. Botswana Cowpea Project Research
Report No. 15. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University, College of
Agricultural Sciences. Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin, Administrative
Officer, Shepardson Building, CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
1985. Testing for Drought Tolerance in Cowpeas with Respect to
Soil Topography and Water Runoff. Botswana Cowpea Project Research Report No.
16. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University, College of Agricultural
c-iences. Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin, Administrative Officer,
Shepardson Building, CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
_____. 1985. Objectives and Procedures in Evaluation of a Cowpea Geno-
type Collection for Disease Resistance and Drought Tolerance. Botswana Cowpea
Project Technical Memorandum No. 1. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State Univer-
sity, College of Agricultural Sciences. Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin,
Administrative Officer, Shepardson Building, CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
1985. Travel Report: A Visit to the International Institute
of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria. Botswana Cowpea Project Technical
Memorandum No. 3. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University, College of
Agricultural Sciences. Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin, Administrative
Officer, Shepardson Building, CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
Burke, D. W., K. Conniff, P. Ditshipi and C. J. de Mooy. 1986. Ashy Stem
Blight, A Serious Disease of Cowpeas in Botswana. Plant Disease 70:603.
1985. Macrophomina phaseolina Caused Severe Damage to Cowpeas
in Botswana in 1984-1985. Botswana Cowpea Project Research Report No. 5.
Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University, College of Agricultural Sciences.
Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin, Administrative Officer, Shepardson Building,
CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
Burke, D. W. and C. J. de Mooy. 1986. Cowpea Crosses in the Field under
Semiarid Conditions in Botswana. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement
Cooperative 29:99.
1985. Bacterial Blight of Cowpeas in Dryland and Irrigated
Plots in Botswana.. Submitted to Plant Disease.
1985. Bacterial Blight of Cowpeas in Dryland Drought and Under
Sprinkler Irrigation. Botswana Cowpea Project Research Report No. 4. Fort
Collins, CO: Colorado State University, College of Agricultural Sciences.
Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin, Administrative Officer, Shepardson Building,
CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
Burke, D. W., C. J. de Mooy and K. Conniff. 1986. Disease Resistance, A Vital
Factor in Drought Tolerance of Cowpeas. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement
Cooperative 29:108-109. Also available as Botswana Cowpea Project Research
Report No. 8. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University, College of
Agricultural Sciences. Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin, Administrative
Officer, Shepardson Building, CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
Burke, D. W. and P. Ditshipi. 1985. Serological Assay of Seed-Borne Cowpea
Virus Occurring in Plantings at Sebele in 1984-85. Botswana Cowpea Project
Research Report No. 12. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University, College
of Agricultural Sciences. Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin, Administrative
Officer, Shepardson Building, CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
Burke, D. W., P. Ditshipi, C. J. de Mooy and G. I. Mink. 1986. Virus Diseases
of Cowpeas in Dryland and Irrigated Plots in Botswana. Plant Disease 70:801.
1985. Incidence of Virus Diseases of Cowpeas in Dryland and
Irrigated Plots in Botswana. Botswana Cowpea Project Research Report No. 3.
Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University, College of Agricultural Sciences.
Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin, Administrative Officer, Shepardson Building,
CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
Conniff, K. 1987. Cowpea and Sorghum Intercrop Systems in Semi-Arid
Botswana: Assessment of Yield, Growth and Crop Water Use. Ph.D.
Dissertation, Colorado State University, Department of Agronomy.
1986. Intercropping Research in Botswana. Botswana Cowpea
Project Research Report No. 19. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University,
College of Agricultural Sciences. Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin,
Administrative Officer, Shepardson Building, CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
Conniff, K., C. J. de Mooy and D. W. Burke. 1986. Effects of Genotype, Plant
Spacing and Intercropping with Sorghum on Ashy Stem Blight of Cowpeas. Annual
Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 29:97. Also available as Botswana
Cowpea Project Research Report No. 7. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State Uni-
versity, College of Agricultural Sciences. Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin,
Administrative Officer, Shepardson Building, CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
deMooy, B. E. 1987.
CL] Walp.), Vol. 3.
of Botswana.
Botswana Cowpea Germplasm Catalogue (Vigna unguiculata
Gaborone, Botswana: Ministry of Agriculture, Government
1986. Methods for Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.)
Germplasm Collection, Maintenance and Evaluation. Botswana Cowpea Project
Research Report No. 20. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University, College
of Agricultural Sciences. Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin, Administrative
Officer, Shepardson Building, CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
1986. Botswana Cowpea Project/SAFGRAD Breeding Lines. Botswana
Cowpea Project Research Report No. 18. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State Uni-
versity, College of Agricultural Sciences. Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin,
Administrative Officer, Shepardson Building, CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
1986. Botswana Cowpea Project/IITA Breeding Line. Botswana
C.owpea Project Research Report No. 17. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State Uni-
versity, College of Agricultural Sciences. Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin,
Administrative Officer, Shepardson Building, CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
1986. Evaluation of Cooking Time and Quality of Seven Diverse
Cowpea Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) Genotypes. Manuscript. Fort Collins,
CO: Colorado State University, Department of Agronomy.
S1985. Variability of Different Characteristics in Botswana
Cowpea Germplasm. Submitted to Tropical Grain Legume Bulletin, IITA, Ibadan,
1984. Cowpea Germplasm Collecting in Botswana.
Resources Newsletter 59:16-19, FAO, Rome.
Plant Genetics
1984. Botswana Cowpea Germplasm Catalogue (Vigna unguiculata
[L] Walp.), Vol. 2. Gaborone, Botswana: Ministry of Agriculture, Government
of Botswana.
1984. Botswana Cowpea Germplasm Catalogue (Vigna unguiculata
LL] Walp.), Vol. 1. Gaborone, Botswana: Ministry of Agriculture, Government
of Botswana.
de Mooy, B. E. and C. J. de Mooy. 1986. Effects of Leaf Harvesting Practices
on Yield and Yield Components of ER7 Cowpea in Semiarid Botswana. Manuscript.
Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University, Department of Agronomy.
.1986. Resistance of Botswana Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.)
Walp.) Landraces to Aphids (Aphis craccivora) during Seedling Stage. Manu-
script. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University, Department of Agronomy.
de Mooy, C. J. 1987. Description of Cowpea Varieties Rogonawa and
Moragonawa. Crops Research Bulletin No. 3. Gaborone, Botswana: Ministry of
Agriculture, Government of Botswana.
1985. Improving Cultural Practices and Agricultural Implements
for Cowpea Production in Semiarid Botswana. Research Highlights 11(4). East
Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, Bean/Cowpea CRSP Management Office.
1985. Report on Cooperative Cowpea Variety-Spraying Trials.
Botswana Cowpea Project Research Report No. 14. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado
State University, College of Agricultural Sciences. Available from Ms. Maxine
Tamlin, Administrative Officer, Shepardson Building, CSU, Fort Collins, CO
1985. Revision Agrifacts B 1/1: Cowpeas, Their Culture,
Varieties, Pests, Diseases and Storage. Botswana Cowpea Project Research
Report No. 1. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University, College of
Agricultural Sciences. Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin, Administrative
Officer, Shepardson Building, CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
de Mooy, C. J. and B. E. de Mooy. 1985. Search for More Suitable Cowpea
Varieties for Semiarid Conditions in Botswana. Research Highlights II(1).
East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, Bean/Cowpea CRSP Management
de Mooy, C. J., T. Nkago, E. Mosarwe and D. W. Burke. 1986. Effect of Soil
Water Conservation Measures and Irrigation on Incidence of Ashy Stem Blight of
Cowpeas in Botswana. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 29:98.
Also available as Botswana Cowpea Project Research Report No. 6. Fort Collins,
CO: Colorado State University, College of Agricultural Sciences. Available
from Ms. Maxine Tamlin, Administrative Officer, Shepardson Building, CSU, Fort
Collins, CO 80523.
Karel, A. K. 1985. Report on a Visit to USAID Cowpea CRSP in Botswana to
Advise on Insect Pest Problems. Botswana Cowpea Project Research Report No.
2. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University, College of Agricultural
Sciences. Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin, Administrative Officer, Shepardson
Building, CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
Karel, A. E. and H. Mokgweetsi. 1985. Objectives and Procedures of Entomo-
logical Trials. Botswana Cowpea Project Technical Memorandum No. 2. Fort
Collins, CO: Colorado State University, College of Agricultural Sciences.
Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin, Administrative Officer, Shepardson Building,
CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
Manthe, M. E. 1987. The Effect of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.)
Blends on Yield and Yield Components in Semi-Arid Botswana. M.S. Thesis,
Colorado State University, Department of Agronomy.
Montshiwa, P. 1986. Minimum Tillage in Botswana. Botswana Cowpea Project
Research Report No. 21. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University, College
of Agricultural Sciences. Available from Ms. Maxine Tamlin, Administrative
Officer, Shepardson Building; CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
de Mooy, C. J. 1987. The Cowpea CRSP Field Research Program in Botswana:
Objectives and Resuslts Obtained during 1986-87. Presented at Field Visit by
MIAC Board of Directors to Department of Agricultural Research at Sebele,
February 10.
1987. Cowpea Variety Improvement Research. Department of
Agricultural Research Field Day, Goodhope, Botswana, February 17.
1987. Results Obtained from Field Trials in the Botswana
Cowpea CRSP Project. Department of Agricultural Research Field Day, Sebele,
Botswana, February 20.
1986. Aims and Achievements of the Botswana Cowpea Project.
Seminar for DAFS Personnel, Pelotshetlha Rural Training Center, August 4.
S1985. Plans for Cowpea Research by Bean/Cowpea CRSP During FY
86. Presented at Annual Meeting of Department of Agricultural Research,
Sebele, September 19.
___. 1985. Results Obtained with Cowpea Research During FY 85.
Presented at Annual Meeting of Department of Agricultural Research, Sebele,
September 18.
1985. Cooperative DAFS/CRSP Cowpea Variety Trials. Presented
at Extension Crop Officers' Conference, Rural Training Center, Sebele, June 24.
S_1985. Cowpea Variety Improvement. Presented at ALDEP Southern
Region In-Service Training Course, Rural Training Center, Sebele, June 5.
1985. Objectives and Results of Field Experiments. Presented
at Agricultural Research Department Field Day, Sebele, February 11.
S1985. Ecological and Physiological Requirements of Cowpeas.
Guest lecture to Course 408--Applied Biology, University of Botswana, March 12.
1984. Results Obtained by the Botswana Cowpea Project.
Presented at Extension Crops Officers' Conference, Ministry of Agriculture,
Gaborone, Botswana, December 4.
____. 1984. Cowpea Research in Botswana. Paper presented at World
Cowpea Research Conference, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture,
Ibadan, Nigeria, November 4-9.
S1984. The Bean/Cowpea CRSP in Botswana. Seminar for the
Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, August 24.
__. 1984. Variety Trials for Botswana. Presented at Department of
Agricultural Field Services, Southern Region Meeting, Pelotshetlha, Botswana,
May 21-25.
1984. Early Maturing Cowpea Varieties. Presented at Department
of Agricultural Field Services, Gaborone Region Meeting, Sebele, Botswana,
February 27-29.
de Mooy, C. J. and K. Conniff. 1986. Results Obtained from Cowpea Field
Trials at the Agricultural Research Experimental Farm, Sebele, during 1985-86.
Presented at Field Day, Department of Agricultural Research, Sebele, March 21.
de Mooy, C. J., B. E. de Mooy and C. Riches. 1985. Outlook for Cowpea
Production in Botswana. Paper presented at World Cowpea Research Conference,
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria, November 4-9.
de Mooy, C. J. and J. Paterson. 1986. In-Service Short-Course on Research
Findings with Cowpeas for AD's from Northern Region, Denman Rural Training
Center, Sebele, June 19-20.
for AD's from
for AD's from
June 12-13.
for AD's from
for AD's from
June 2-3.
1986. In-Service Short-Course on Research Findings with Cowpeas
Western Region, Denman Rural Training Center, Sebele, June 16-17.
1986. In-Service Short-Course on Research Findings with Cowpeas
Kgatleng-Kweneng District, Denman Rural Training Center, Sebele,
1986. In-Service Short-Course on Research Findings with Cowpeas
Southern Region, Denman Rural Training Center, Sebele, June 9-10.
1986. In-Service Short-Course on Research Findings with Cowpeas
Pelotshetlha/Kanye Area, Denman Rural Training Center, Sebele,
Paterson, J. 1987. Report on Results Obtained from Cowpea Field
Activities in the Botswana Cowpea Project. Annual Meeting of the
of Agricultural Research, Sebele, Botswana, September.
1985. Cowpea Pests and Diseases. Paper presented at AD's
In-Service Training Course, Kgatleng and Bamalate/Tlokweng, March 26.
1985. Cowpea Pests and Diseases. Paper presented at AD's
In-Service Training Course, Kweneng North and South, March 19.
USAID. 1984. The Cowpea CRSP Program in Botswana. Presentation in US
Economic Assistance to Africa Film produced by AID/Washington.
Insect Pathogens in Cowpea Pest Management Systems for Developing Nations
Anderson, T. E. and D. W. Roberts.- 1983. Compatibility of Beauveria bassiana
Isolates with Insecticide Formulations Used in Colorado Potato Beetle
(Coleoptera: Chrysomedidae) Control. Journal of Economic Entomology
Carruthers, R. I. and R. S. Soper. 1986. Fungal Diseases. In J. R. Fuxa and
Y. Tanada (eds.) Epizootiology of Insect Diseases. London/New York: John
Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Daoust, R. A., B. P. Magalhaes, P. M. Fernandes, M. G. A. Lima, R. M. Pereira,
D. W. Roberts, C. Czepak and E. Ferreira. 1984. Control Microbiologico de
Pragas. Relatorio Cientifico: Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Arroz e Feijao.
Goiania, GO, Brazil: Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria, pp. 351-372.
Daoust, R. A. and R. M. Pereira. 1986. Stability of Entomopathogenic Fungi
Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae on Beetle-Attracting Tubers and
Cowpea Foliage in Brazil. Environmental Entomology 15:1237-1243.
1986. Survival of Beauveria bassiana (Deuteromycetes:
Moniliales) Conidia on Cadavers of Cowpea Pests Stored Outdoors and in
Laboratory in Brazil. Environmental Entomology 15:642-647.
Daoust, R. A. and D. W. Roberts. 1983. Studies on the Prolonged Storage of
Metarhizium anisopliae Conidia: Effect of Temperature and Relative Humidity
on Conidial Viability and Virulence Against Mosquitoes. Journal of
Invertebrate Pathology 41:143-150.
1983. Studies on the Prolonged Storage of Metarhizium
anisopliae Conidia: Effect of Growth Substrate on Conidial Survival and
Virulence Against Mosquitoes. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 41:161-170.
982. Virulence of Natural and Insect-Passaged Strains of
Metarhizium anisopliae to Mosquito Larvae. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
Daoust. R. A., D. W. Roberts and B. P. das Neves. 1985. Distribution, Biology
and Control of Cowpea Pests in Latin America. In S. R. Singh and K. 0. Rachie
(eds.) Cowpea Research, Production and Utilization. Chichester, England:
John Wiley & Sons Ltd., pp. 249-264.
Daoust, R. A., D. W. Roberts and R. S. Soper. 1983. The Enzootic and
Epizootic Occurrence of Diseases in Insect Species Associated with Cowpeas in
Central, North and Northeast Brazil. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement
Cooperative 26:86-87.
Daoust, R. A., M. G. Ward and D. W. Roberts. 1983. Effect of Formulation on
the Virulence of Metarhizium anisopliae Conidia. Journal of Invertebrate
Pathology 41:151-160.
1982. Effect of Formulation on the Virulence of Metarhizium
anisopliae on Mosquito Larvae. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 40:228-336.
Fernandes, P. M., M. R. Albertoni and R. A. Daoust. 1983. Patogenicidade de
Metarhizium anisopliae ao caruncho Callosobruchus maculatus do caupi (Vigna
unguiculata). Boletim do Grupo Pesquisadores de Controle Biologico 4:171-179.
Ferreira, E. and B. P. Magalhaes. 1984. Eficiencia da joaninha Coleomegilla
maculata como predador. Pesquisa em Andamento 44:2, Empresa Brasileira de
Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EMBRAPA), Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Arroz e Feijao
Jackai, L. E. N. and R. A. Daoust. 1986. Insect Pests of Cowpeas. Annual
Review of Entomology 31:95-119.
Lord, J. C., B. P. Magalhaes and D. W. Roberts. In press. Biological Control
of Cowpea Pests in Brazil. In E. E. Watt and J. P. P. Araujo (eds.) Cowpea in
Brazil. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria,
and Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EMBRAPA), Brasilia, Brazil.
1987. Effects of the Fungus Beauveria bassiana (Bal.) Vuill.
Behavior, Oviposition and Susceptibility to Secondary Infections of Adult
Cerotoma arcuata (Olivier, 1791) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Anais da
Sociedade Entomologica do Brasil 16(1):187-197.
Loria, R., S. Galaini and D. W. Roberts. 1983. Survival of Inoculum of the
Entomopathogenic Fungus, Beauveria bassiana, as Influenced by Fungicides.
Environmental Entomology 12:1724-1726.
Magalhaes, B. P., J. C. Lord, R. A. Daoust and D. W. Roberts.. 1986. Efeito de
Beauveria bassiana sobre Cerotoma arcuata (Olivier, 1791) (Coleoptera:
Chrysomelidae) apos exposicao de esporos do fungo a tuberculos de taiuia
(Ceratosanthes hilariana). Anais da Sociedade Entomologica do Brasil
Magalhaes, B. P., J. C. Lord and D. W. Roberts. In .press. Control biologico
de pragas do caupi no Brasil. In E. E. Watt and J. P. P. Araujo (eds.) Cowpea
in Brazil. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture '(IITA), Ibadan,
Nigeria, and Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EMBRAPA), Brasilia,
Magalhaes, B. P., J. C. Lord, D. W. Roberts and R. A. Daoust. 1986. Efeito de
Beauveria bassiana sobre Cerotoma arcuata apos exposicao dos esporos a tuberculos
de taiuia (Ceratosanthes hilariana). Anais da Sociedade Entomologica do Brasil
Magalhaes, B. P., J. C. Lord, S. P. Wraight and D. W. Roberts. In press.
Pathogenicity of Beauveria bassiana and Erynia radican to the Coccinellid
Predators Coleomegilla maculata and Eriopis connexa. Journal of Invertebrate
1986. Patogenicidade de Beauveria bassiana e Erynia radicans
aos predadores Coleomegilla maculata e Eriopis connexa. EMBRAPA-CNPAF
Pesquisa em Andamento 57:1-3.
Magalhaes, B. P. and E. D. Quintela. 1987. Parasitism Rates of Urosigalphus
chalcodermi Wilkinson on Chalcodermus bimaculatus Fiedler and of Celatoria
bosqi Blanchard on Cerotoma arcuata Olivier in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.)
Walp.) in Goias, Brazil. Anais da Sociedade Entomologica do Brasil
Martins, J. F. da S., C. Czepak, B. P. Magalhaes, E. Ferreira and J. C. Lord.
1986. Efeito do fungo Metarhizium anisopliae sobre Tibraca limbativentris,
percevejo do colmo do arroz. EMBRAPA-CNPAF Pesquisa em Andamento 59:1-5.
Martins, J. F. da S., B. P. Magalhaes, J. C. Lord and E. Ferreira. 1986.
Efeito dos Fungos Beauveria bassiana e Metarhizium anisopliae sobre
Lissorhoptrus tibialis, gorgulho aquatico do arroz. EMBRAPA-CNPAF Pesquisa em
Andamento 60:1-6.
Martins, J. F. da S., B. P. Magalhaes, J. C. Lord, E. Ferreira and F. J. P.
Zimmerman. 1987. Effect of the Fungus Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.)
Sorok. on the Rice Stink Bug Oebalus poecilus (Dallas, 1851) (Heteroptera,
Pentatomidae). Anais da Sociedade Entomologica do Brasil 16(1):81-91.
May, P. H., S. M. Teixeira and A.C. de Santana. In press. Economics of
Cowpea in Brazil. In E. E. Watt and J. P. P. Araujo (eds.) Cowpea in Brazil.
International Institute'of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, and
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EMBRAPA), Brasilia, Brazil.
Messias, C. L., D. W. Roberts and A. T. Grefig. 1983. Pyrolysis-gas
Chromotography of the Fungus Metarhizium anisopliae: An Aid to Identification.
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 42:393-396.
Nishida, R., H. Fukami, Y. Tanaka, B. P. Magalhaes, M. Yokoyama and A.
Blumenschein. 1986. Isolation of Feeding Stimulants of Brazilian Leaf Beetles
(Diabrotica speciosa and Cerotoma arcuata) from the Root of Ceratosanthes
hilariana. Agricultural and Biological Chemistry 50(11):2831-2836.
Roberts, D. W. 1984. Fungal Disease in Leafhopper Control. Research
Highlights 1(3). East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, Bean/Cowpea
CRSP Management Office.
Roberts, D. W. and R. A. Humber. 1981. Entomopathogenic Fungi. In G. Cole,
T. and B. Kendrick (eds.) The Biology of Conidial Fungi, Vol. 2. New York:
Academic Press, pp. 201-236.
Rombach, M. C., R. M. Aguda and D. W. Roberts. In press. Production of
Beauveria bassiana (Deuteromycotina, Hyphomycetes) in Different Liquid Media
and Subsequent Sporulation of Dry Mycelium. Entomophaga 33(4).
Shadduck, J. A., D. W. Roberts and L. Lause.
Metarhizium anisopliae: Preliminary results.
1982. Mammalian safety tests of
Environmental Entomology
Soper, R. S. 1985. Pathogens of Leafhoppers and Planthoppers. In
Nault and J. G. Rodriguez (eds.) The Leafhoppers and Planthoppers.
York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., pp. 469-488.
L. R.
Teetor-Barsch, G. H. and D. W. Roberts. 1983. Entomogenous Fusarium Species.
Mycopathologia 84:3-16.
Wraight, S. P. and D. W. Roberts. 1987. Insect Control Efforts with Fungi.
Developments in Industrial Microbiology 28:77-87.
Anderson, T. E. and D. W. Roberts. 1983. Compatibility and Use of Beauveria
bassiana--Insecticide Combinations. XVI Annual Meeting Society for Invertebrate
Pathology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, August 7-11 (Abstract, pp. 29-32).
Cai, B.-L., D. W. Roberts and R. A. Humber. 1984. Biological Characterization
of Erynia delphacis Isolates from the South of People's Republic of China.
XVII Annual Meeting Society for Invertebrate Pathology, University of
California, Davis, CA, August 5-9 (Abstract, p. 26).
Daoust, R. A. 1985. The Research and Training Program Established at CNPAF
on the Microbial Control of Cowpea Pests Through the Bean/Cowpea Collaborative
Research Support Program. Paper presented at Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de
Arroz e Feijao (CNPAF), Goiania, Goias, Brazil, January 12.
1984. Entomopathogenic Fungi and Their Potential for the
Control of Agricultural Pests, with Specific Reference to Cowpeas in Brazil.
Paper presented at Escola Superior de Agricultura de Lavras, Lavras, MG,
Brazil, December 19.
1984. The Status and Potential for the Use of Entomopathogens
in Brazil. Paper presented at Agroceres Ltda., Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil,
November 30.
.1984. Conducting Insect Pathology/Microbial Control Short
Courses. Workshop Keynote Speaker at the XVII Annual Meeting Society for
Invertebrate Pathology, University of California, Davis, CA, August 5-9.
Daoust, R. A., P. M. Fernandes, B. P. Magalhaes and M. Yokoyama. 1984. Patho-
genicity of Beauveria bassiana Applied to Cowpea Foliage and Curcubitacid Tubers,
Cayaponia sp., to Adult Diabrotica speciosa and Cerotoma sp. (Coleoptera:
Chrysomelidae) in Brazil. XVII Annual Meeting Society for Invertebrate
Pathology, University of California, Davis, CA, August -9 Abstract, pp. 40-41).
Daoust, R. A., R. M. Pereira and D. W. Roberts. 1985. The Survival of Conidia
of Entomogenous Fungi on Insect Cadavers, Cowpea Foliage and Beetle-Attracting
Tubers in Brazil. XVIII Annual Meeting Society for Invertebrate Pathology,
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada, August 4-8 (Abstract, p. 32).
Daoust. R. A., D. W. Roberts and B. P. das Neves. 1984. Cowpea Entomology in
Latin America. Paper presented at World Cowpea Research Conference,
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria, November 4-9.
Daoust, R. A., D. W. Roberts and R. S. Soper. 1983. Fungal Diseases of Cowpea
Pests in North, Northeast and Central West Brazil. XVI Annual Meeting Society
for Invertebrate Pathology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, August 7-11
(Abstract, p. 42). Also available in Portuguese as Ocorrencia de enzootias e
epizootias em espdcies de insetos associados com caupi, nas regioes Norte,
Nordeste e Brasil Central. Boletim do Grupo Pesquisadores de Controle
Biologico 4:15-16.
1982. Surveys for Insect Pathogens on Pest and Non-Pest Species
of Cowpea-Associated Insects in Brazil, with Particular Emphasis on Fungal
Disease Agents. Resumos da 10 Reuniao Nacional de Pesquisa Caupi, Centro
Nacional de Pesquisa de Arroz e Feijao/EMBRAPA, Goiania, Goias, Brazil,
October 17-22, pp. 56-59.
Fernandes, P. M., S. B. Alves, J. C. Lord and B. P. Magalhaes. 1987.
Influencia da temperature, umidade relative do ar e concentracao de inoculo na
sobrevivencia de Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. no interior de cadaveres de
Cerotoma arcuata 01iv. (Col: Chrysomedidae). Abstracts of the 11th Congresso
Brasileiro de Entomologia, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July, Vol. 1:195.
Fernandes, P. M., S. B. Alves, J. C. Lord and B. P. Magalhaes. 1987.
Influencia da temperature, umidade relative do ar e concentracao de inoculo na
patogenicidade de Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. a Cerotoma arcuata Oliv.
(Col: Chrysomedidae). Abstracts of the 11th Congresso Brasileiro de
Entomologia, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July, Vol. 1:196.
Fernandes, P. M., R. A. Daoust, B. P. Magalhaes and M. Yokoyama. 1984.
Patogenicidade de Beauveria bassiana aplicada sobre folhas de caupi (Vigna
unguiculata) e tuberculos de Cayaponia sp. a Diabrotica speciosa e Cerotoma sp.
IX Congress Brasileiro de Entomologia, Londrina, PR, Brazil, July 22-27
(Abstract, p. 174).
Holdom, D. G. and R. S. Soper. 1987. Field Studies on Rice Planthoppers and
Their Fungal Pathogens in Indonesia. Abstracts of the 20th Annual Meeting of
the Society for Invertebrate Pathology, Gainesville, FL, July 20-24 (Abstract
Lima, M. G. A. de, R. A. Daoust and R. S. Soper. 1984. Patogenicidade de
fungos a Elasmopalpus lignosellus e outros lepidopteros pragas do caupi (Vigna
unguiculata Walp) pulverizados diretamente numa torre calibrada. IX Congresso
Brasileiro de Entomologia, Londrina, PR, Brasil, July 22-27 (Abstract, p. 178).
Lima, M. G.A., J. C. Lord and A. I. Ciociola. 1987. Influencia da radiacao
solar na sobrevivencia de Vairimorpha (Nosema) necatrix (Protozoa: Microspora)
em foliolos de caupi. Abstracts of the 11th Congresso Brasileiro de
Entomologia, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July, Vol. 1:161.
Lima, M. G.A., J. C. Lord and D. W. Roberts. 1987. Influencia da radiacao
ultraviolet na sobrevivencia e patogenicidade de esporos binucleados e
uninucleados de Vairimorpha necatrix e Spodoptera latifascia. Abstracts of
the 11th Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
July, Vol. 1:162.
Lord, J. C. 1985. Protozoan Pathogens of Insects. Insect Pathology Seminar,
Escola Superior de Agricultura de Luiz Queiroz, Piracicaba, SP, June.
Lord, J. C., B. P. Magalhaes and R. A. Daoust. 1986. Fatores que influenciam
a eficiencia de Beauveria bassiana para control crisomelideos. Paper
presented at Second National Mycology Conference, Recife, Brazil, November 1-5
(No abstract published).
Lord, J. C., B. P. Magalhaes and D. W. Roberts. 1986. Effect of Beauveria
bassiana Infection on Feeding Behavior Oviposition and Development of Secondary
Infections in Cerotoma arcuata. In R. A. Samson, J. M..Vlak and D. Peters
(eds.) Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Invertebrate Pathology. Wageningen,
The Netherlands: Foundation of the Fourth International Colloquium of
Invertebrate Pathology (Abstract, p. 253).
Lord, J. C., B. P. Magalhaes and D. W. Roberts. 1986. Alimentacao e
oviposicao de Certoma arcuata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) infetado por
Beauveria bassiana (Hyphomycetes). Proceedings of the Congress of the
Entomological Society of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 2b-31
(Abstract, p. 183).
Magalhaes, B. P. 1985. Microbial Control of Bean and Cowpea Pests. Insect
Pathology Seminar, Escola Superior de Agricultura de Luiz Queiroz, Piracicaba,
SP, June.
Magalhaes, B. P., L. G. Leite, E. D. Quintela, S. M. Santos and D. W. Roberts.
1987. Patogenicidade de Beauveria bassiana e Metarhizium anisopliae, produzidos
em diferentes substratos, sobre Cerotomo arcuata. Abstracts of the 11th Congresso
Brasileiro de Entomologia, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July, Vol. 1:187.
Magalhaes, B. P., J. C. Lord and D. W. Roberts. 1986. Patogenicidade de
Beauveria bassiana e Erynia radicans aos predadores Coleomegilla maculata e
Eriopis connexa. Proceedings of the Congress of the Entomological Society of
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 26-31 (Abstract, p. 185).
Magalhaes, B. P., J. C. Lord, S. P. Wraight and D. W. Roberts. 1986.
Pathogenicity of Beauveria bassiana and Erynia radicans to the coccinellid
predators Coleomegilla maculata and Eriopis connexa. In R. A. Samson, J. M.
Vlak and D. Peters (eds.) Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Invertebrate
Pathology. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Foundation of the Fourth
International Colloquium of Invertebrate.Pathology (Abstract, p. 706 ).
Magalhaes, B. P. and E. D. Quintela. 1987. Niveis de parasitismo de Celatoria
bosgi Blanchard sobre Cerotoma arcuata Olivier e de Urosigalphus chalcodermi
Wilkison sobre Chalcodermus bimaculatus Fiedler, na cultural do caupi, em Goias.
Abstracts of 2nd Reuniao Nacional de Pesquisa de Caupi, CNPAF/EMBRAPA, Goiania,
Goias, Brazil, October 19-23, p. 16.
_. 1987. Niveis de parasitismo de Urosigalphus chalcodermi
Wilkison sobre Chalcodermus bimaculatus Fiedler e de Celatoria bosqi Blanchard
sobre Cerotoma arcuata Olivier em caupi (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) em
Goias.. Abstracts of the 11th Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, Campinas,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, July, Vol. 1:236.
Magalhaes, B. P., E. D. Quintela, L. G. Leite, S. M. Santos and D. W. Roberts.
1987. Virulencia de Beauveria bassiana e Metarhizium anisopliae produzi dos
em diferentes substratos, sobre Chalcodermus bimaculatus e Cerotoma arcuata,
pragas do caupi. Abstracts of 2nd Reuniao Nacional de Pesquisa de Caupi,
CNPAF/EMBRAPA, Goiania, Goias, Brazil, October 19-23, p. 14.
Martins, J. F. da S., C. Czepak, B. P. Magalhaes, E. Ferreira and J. C. Lord.
1986. Efeito do fungo Metarhizium anisopliae sobre Tibraca limbativentris,
percevejo do colmo do arroz. Proceedings of the Congress of the Entomological
Society of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 26-31 (Abstract, p. 202).
Martins, J. F. da S., B. P. Magalhaes and J. C. Lord. 1987. Patogenicidade
dos fungos Beauveria bassiana e Metarhizium anisopliae sobre Tibraca
limbativentris, percevejo do colmo do arroz. Abstracts of the 11th Congresso
Brasileiro de Entomologia, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July, Vol. 1:188.
Pereira, R. M. and D. W. Roberts. 1987. Dry Mycelium Preparations of the
Entomogenous Fungi Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana. Abstracts
of the 20th Annual Meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology,
Gainesville, FL, July 20-24 (Abstract 73).
Quintela, E. D., J. C. Lord, S. B. Alves and D. W. Roberts. 1987.
Persistencia de Beauveria bassiana (BaTs.) Vuillemin (Hyphomycetes) em solo
tropical. Abstracts of the 11th Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, Campinas,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, July, Vol. 1:190.
1987. Estabilidade de Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuillemin
(Hyphomycetes) em solo do cerrado. Abstracts of 2nd Reuniao Nacional de
Pesquisa de Caupi, CNPAF/EMBRAPA, Goiania, Goias, Brazil, October 19-23, p. 18.
Quintela, E. D., B. P. Magalhaes, J. C. Lord and D. W. Roberts. 1987.
Persistence of Beauveria bassiana in Tropical Soil and Pathogenicity of
Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae to Chalcodermus bimaculatus.
Abstracts of the 20th Annual Meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology,
Gainesville, FL, July 20-24 (Abstract 58).
Quintela, E. D., B. P. Magalhaes and D. W. Roberts. 1987. Virulencia de
Beauveria bassiana e Metarhizium anisopliae ao Chalcodermus bimaculatus, pragas
do caupi, em laboratorio e casa telada. Abstracts of 2nd Reuniao Nacional de
Pesquisa de Caupi, CNPAF/EMBRAPA, Goiania, Goias, Brazil, October 19-23, p. 17.
1987. Patogenicidade de Beauveria bassiana e Metarhizium
anisopliae ao Chalcodermus bimaculatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), praga do
caupi. Abstracts of the 11th Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, Campinas,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, July, Vol. 1:191.
Roberts, D. W. 1986. Biocontrol of Cowpea Pests. Presentation for the
Symposium on Environments: Conference on Contemporary Brazil, State University
of New York, Albany, NY, October.
1985. Current Status of Fungi for Insect Control. Entomology
Department Seminar, CSIRO, Canberra, ACT, Australia, August 24.
S1985. Insect Control with Microbial Agents. Paper presented
at Faculty of Agriculture seminar, University of Sydney, Australia, August 1.
1985. The Role of Biotechnology in Developing Microbial Agents
for Insect Control. School of Biotechnology Seminar, University of New South
Wales, Sydney, Australia, July 29.
1985. Insect Control with Microorganisms. Radio interview (30
min.) by J. Leeming, Cornell University Radio-TV Film unit (edited tape
distributed to many US stations.), February 18.
1985. Methods and Programs for Control of Insect Pests with
Microbial Agents. Paper presented at Soil. Conservation Society of America and
Cornell University Agronomy Club, Ithaca, NY, February 9.
1985. Insect Pathology: Boyce Thompson Institute Activities
in Brazil and the Philippines. BTI Seminar, Ithaca, NY, January 30.
1984. Insect Pest Control with Microbial Agents:' Promise and
Problems. Paper presented at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Madurai,
Tamil Nadu, India, October 30.
_. 1983. Insect Control with Microbes in Several Regions
Worldwide. CNPAF-EMBRAPA Seminar, Goiania, Brazil, November.
1983. An Overview of the Use of Fungi Worldwide for the Control
of Insect Pests. Chair presentation at Symposium on Recent Advances in
Entomogenous Fungi: 3rd International Mycological Congress, Tokyo, Japan,
August 28-September 3.
1982. Diseases of Rice Insect Pests. Presented as Working
Paper No. AGP:IPC/11/WP/14 to the 11th Session of FAO/UNEP Panel of Experts,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 5-10.
Roberts, D. W. and J. R. Aist (eds.). 1984. Infection Processes of Fungi. A
Bellagio Conference Report, March 21-25, 1984. New York, NY: The Rockefeller
Roberts, D. W. and A. W. Sweeney. 1982. Production of Fungi-Imperfecti with
Vector Control Potential. Proceedings of the 3rd International Colloquium on
Invertebrate Pathology, Brighton, England, September 6-10, pp. 409-413.
Roberts, D. W. and S. P. Wraight. 1987. Actualities in Microbial Control of
Insects: Utilization and Strategies. Presentation for the Conference on
Microbial Control: 11th Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, Camperas, Sao
Paulo, Brazil, July.
1986. Current Status of Fungi Worldwide for Insect Control.
Paper presented at Symposium on Recent Advances in Insect Pathology:
Entomological Society of America, Eastern Branch Annual Meeting, Williamsburg,
VA, October 6-9 (No abstract published).
Roberts, D. W. and S. P. Wraight. 1986. Current Status of the Use of Insect
Pathogens as Biocontrol Agents in Agriculture: Fungi. In R. A. Samson, J. M.
Vlak and D. Peters (eds.) Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Invertebrate
Pathology. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Foundation of the Fourth
International Colloquium of Invertebrate Pathology, pp. 510-514.
Wraight, S. P., R. A. Daoust, B. P. Magalhaes and D. W. Roberts. 1983.
Preliminary Laboratory Studies of a Recently Isolated Mononematous Hirsutella
Species from Empoasca kraemeri. XVI Annual Meeting Society for Invertebrate
Pathology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, August 7-11 (Abstract, p. 46).
Wraight, S. P., S. Galaini-Wraight, R. I. Carruthers and D. W. Roberts. 1986.
Field Transmission of Erynia radicans to Empoasca fabae Leafhoppers in Alfalfa
Following Application of a Dry, Mycelial Preparation. In R. A. Samson, J. M.
Vlak and D. Peters (eds.) Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Invertebrate
Pathology. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Foundation of the Fourth
International Colloquium of Invertebrate Pathology (Abstract, p. 233).
Wraight, S. P., S. Galaini-Wraight, D. W. Roberts and R. I. Carruthers. 1985.
Epizootiological Investigations of Erynia radicans in an Empoasca kraemeri
Population in Central Brazil. Poster presentation at XVIII Annual Meeting of
Society for Invertebrate Pathology, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada,
August 4-8.
Wraight, S. P., S. Galaini-Wraight, S. M. Santos, B. P. Magalhaes and D. W.
Roberts. 1987. Comparacao entire o desenvolvimento de epizootias de Erynia
radicans em populacao de Empoasca kraemeri em areas tratadas e nao tratadas de
caupi. Abstracts of 2nd Reuniao Nacional de Pesquisa de Caupi, CNPAF/EMBRAPA,
Goiania, Goias, Brazil, October 19-23, p. 15.
Wraight, S. P., R. S. Soper and D. W. Roberts. 1983. In vitro Culture and
Bioassay of Erynia radicans (Entomophthoraceae) Isolated from Empoasca
kraemeri. XVI Annual Meeting Society for Invertebrate Pathology, Cornell
University, Ithaca, NY, August 7-11 (Abstract, pp. 43-44).
Identification of Superior Bean/Rhizobia Combinations for
Utilization in Cropping Systems Suitable to Small Farms in Brazil
Araujo, Richardo Silva. 1985. Fixacao de nitrogenio em feijao. Ciencia Hoje
Araujo, R. S., R. A. Henson, E. Lopes, J. Maya-Flores and F. B. Dazzo. 1987.
Potential Role of Maize Genotype in Establishment of Rhizobial Populations in
Maize/Bean Relay Cropping. Agronomy Abstracts 177.
Araujo, R., J. Maya-Flores, D. Barnes-McConnell, C. Yokoyama, F. B. Dazzo and
F. A. Bliss. 1986. Semi-Enclosed Tube Cultures of Bean Plants (Phaseolus
vulgaris) for Enumeration of Rhizobium phaseoli by the Most-Probable-Number
Technique. Applied and Enviromental Microbiology 52:954-956.
Attewell, J. and F. A. Bliss. 1985. Host Plant Characteristics of Common
Bean Lines Selected Using Indirect Measures of N2 Fixation. In H. J. Evans,
P. J. Bottomley and W. E. Newton (eds.) Nitrogen Fixation Progress.
Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, pp. 3-9.
Bliss, F. A. 1987. Host Plant Genetic Control of Symbiotic N2 Fixation in
Grain Legumes. In W. H. Gabelman and B. C. Loughman (eds.) Genetic Aspects of
Plant Mineral Nutrition. Dordrecht, Th'e Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff
Publishers, pp. 479-493.
Bliss, F. A. and J. C. Miller, Jr. In press. Selecting and Breeding Grain
Legumes for Enhanced Nitrogen Fixation. In R. J. Summerfield (ed.) World
Crops: Cool Season Food Legumes. Boston, MA: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Bliss, F. A., J. C. Rosas, D. A. St. Clair and K. A. Kmiecik. 1985. Methods
for Selecting Common Bean Plants with Ability to Fix Increased Amounts of
Atmospheric Nitrogen. HortScience 20:544 (Abstract).
Henson, R. A., R. S. Araujo and C. C. da Silva. 1987. Host Plant Selection
for N2 Fixation in Beans. Agronomy Abstracts 184.
Miranda, B. D. 1987. Breeding Value, Inheritance and Response to Indirect
Selection for N? Fixation in Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Ph.D.
Dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Miranda, B. D., P. A. A. Pereira, J. Attewell, D. Wolyn and F. A. Bliss.
1986. Genotypic Variability and Combining Ability for Nodule Number in Common
Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Agronomy Abstracts 74.
Nchimbi, Susan F. 1984. A Comparison of the Performances of Genotype
Mixtures and Pure Stands of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). M.S. Thesis,
University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Pereira, P. A. A. 1987. Improvement of N? Fixation in Common Bean
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) at Different Levels of Available Phosphorus. Ph.D.
Dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
1985. A Sand Alumina System to Assess Differences among Bean
Genotypes for Nitrogen Fixation and Plant Growth at Various Levels of
Phosphorus Availability. M.S. Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Department of
Pereira, P. A. A., R. S. Araujo, R. E. M. da Rocha e S. Steinmetz. 1984.
Capacidade de genotipos de feijoeiro de fixar N2 atmosferico. Pesquisa
Agropecuaria Brasileira 19:811.815.
Pereira, P. A. A. and F. A. Bliss. In press. Nitrogen Fixation and Plant
Growth of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) at Different Levels of
Phosphorus Availability. Plant and Soil.
Pereira, P. A. A., R. A. Henson, R. S. Araujo and F. A. Bliss. 1986.
Selection for Improved Nitrogen Fixation among Inbred Backcross Lines of Black
Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Agronomy Abstracts 77.
Pereira, P. A. A., R. E. M. da Rocha
feijoeiro em monocultivo e associado
Agropecuaria Brasileira 19:951.954.
Rosas, J. C.
Estimates of
and F. A. Bliss. 1986.
Nodulation and Nitrogen
and R. S. Araujo. 1984. Nodulacao do
com fileiras de milho maduro. Pesquisa
Host Plant Traits Associated with
Fixation in Common Bean. HortScience
St. Clair, D. A. 1986. Segregation, Selection and Population Improvement for
13N-Determined Dinitrogen Fixation Ability in Common Bean (Phaseolus
vulgaris L.). Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
St. Clair, D. A., J. C. Rosas, F. A.
1985. Evaluation of N2 Fixation and
15N-Depleted (NH4)2SO4 and Acetylene
20:586 (Abstract).
Wolyn, D. J. and F. A. Bliss. 1986.
Root Nodulation in Nitrogen Fixation
Bliss, J. D. DuBois and R. H. Burris.
N Partitioning in Common Bean Using
Reduction Assay. HortScience
The Roles of Leghemoglobin and Lateral
in Common Bean. HortScience 21:855
Araujo, R. S. and R. A. Henson. 1987. Sobrevivencia de Rhizobium phaseoli em
sementes de feijao inoculadas com goma arabica, sacarose ou agua. 2nd
National Bean Research Meeting, Goiania, Goias, May 10-15.
Araujo, R. S., R. A. Henson, J. Maya-Flores
de estirpes de Rhizobium phaseoli no campo.
Meeting, Goiania, Goias, May 10-15.
and F. B. Dazzo. 1987. Avaliacao
2nd National Bean Research
Araujo, R. S., J. Maya-Flores, D. Barnes-McConnell, C. Yokoyama, F. B. Dazzo,
R. A. Henson and F. A. Bliss. 1985. Use of the Enclosed Tube Cultures to
Enumerate Rhizobium phaseoli by the MPN Plant Infection Technique. Poster
presentation at the 10th North American Rhizobium Conference, Hawaii, August
Bliss, F. A. 1986. Breeding Progress for Increased Nitrogen Fixation in
Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Symposium on Genetic Enhancement of
Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation, New Orleans, LA.
S_1985. Host Plant Genetic Control of Symbiotic Plant Response
in Grain Legumes. Paper presented at the 2nd International Symposium on
Genetic Aspects of Plant Mineral Nutrition, Madison, WI, June.
1985. Breeding for Enhanced Dinitrogen Fixation Potential in
Common Bean. In P. Ludden and J. Burris (eds.) Nitrogen Fixation and CO0
Metabolism: Proceedings of the 14th Steenbock Symposium, June 17-22, 1984.
New York: Elsevier Publishing Co, pp. 303-310.
1983. Breeding Methodology for Improving BNF. Paper presented
at the BNF Student Trainee Workshop, Madison, WI, July 18-20.
Burton, J. 1983. Preparation and Handling of Inoculant. Paper presented at
the BNF Student Trainee Workshop, Madison, WI, July 18-20.
Dazzo, F. 1983. Rhizobium phaseoli, the Microsymbiont. Paper presented at
the BNF Student Trainee Workshop, Madison, WI, July 18-20.
Graham, P. 1983. Host Plant-Rhizobia Interactions. Paper presented at the
BNF Student Trainee Workshop, Madison, WI, July 18-20.
S____1983. Factors Affecting BNF. Paper presented at the BNF
Student Trainee Workshop, Madison, WI, July 18-20.
Henson, R. A. 1987. Observacoes sobre o efeito de adubacao nitrogenada na
produtividade e seus components em feijao. 1st Brazilian Plant Physiology
Conference, IAPAR, Londrina, Parana, February 22-27.
1986. Reposta do feijoeiro a inoculacao e.adubacao nitrogenada.
Anais da XII Reunico Latin Americano sobre Rhizobium, Instituto Agronomico,
Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, October 21-26, 1984 (Abstract, pp. 336-345).
Henson, R. and R. S. Araujo. 1987. Selecao de genotipos de feijao para
fixacao simbiotica de nitrogenio. 2nd National Bean Research Meeting,
Goiania, Goias, May 10-15.
1984. Fixacao de N2 no Sistema de Substituicao
Milho/Feijao. Paper presented III Reuniao Nacional de Pesquisa com Feijao (P.
vulgaris) em Consorcio, EMCAPA, Cariacica, Espirito Santo, June 4-6.
Henson, R. A., R. S. Araujo, P. A. A. Pereira, F. B. Dazzo and F. A. Bliss.
1985. Symbiotic N2 Fixation in Maize/Bean Relay Cropping. Oral
presentation at the 10th North American Rhizobium Conference, Hawaii, August
Pereira, P. A. A. and F. A. Bliss. 1985. A Sand-Alumina System to Assess
Differences Among Bean Genotypes for Nitrogen Fixation and Plant Growth at
Various Levels of Phosphorus Availability. Poster presentation at the 2nd
International Symposium on Genetic Aspects of Plant Mineral Nutrition,
Madison, WI, June.
Pereira, P. A. A., R. E. M. da Rocha and R. S. Araujo. 1986. Avaliacao do
nodulacao do feijoeira em monocultivo e em plantio apos a maturacao
fiscologica do milho. Anais da XII Reunico Latin Americano sobre Rhizobium,
Institute Agronomico, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil October 21-26, 1984
(Abstract, pp. 340-345.)
Rosas, J. C. 1983. Experimental Design, Field Plot Methods. Paper presented
at the BNF Student Trainee Workshop, Madison, WI, July 18-20.
Rosas, J. C. and F. A. Bliss. 1985. Improvement of the Nitrogen Fixation
Potential of Common Bean in Latin America. Biotechnology in the Americas II.
Applications in Tropical Agriculture. San Jose, Costa Rica: Interciencia
Symposium, June 1985.
Rosas, J. C., J. Kipe-Nolt, R. A. Henson and F. A. Bliss. 1986. Estrategias
de mejoramiento para incrementar la capacidad de fijacion de nitrogeno del
frijol en latinoamerica. 13th Latin American Rhizobium Conference, Panama
City, Panama, October 19-24.
St. Clair, D. 1983. Methods for Assessing BNF. Paper presented at the BNF
Student Trainee Workshop, Madison, WI, July 18-20.
Improved Techniques for Development of Multiple Disease Resistance
in Phaseolus vulgaris L.
Faria, J. C. 1987. Inoculacao sequencial de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris
L.) para avaliacao da resistencia a quatro doencas (Sequential Inoculation of
Common Bean [Phaseolus vulgaris L.] for Evaluation of Resistance to Four
Diseases). Submitted to Fitopatologia Brasileira (Available from J. C. de
Faria, CNPAF, Goiania, Goias, Brazil).
1986. A Methodology for Multiple Disease Resistance Testing in
Common Beans. Phytopathology 76:1135 (Abstract).
1985. Susceptibilidade a Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (Sacc.
and Magn) Scrib induzida por Uromyces phaseoli var. typical Arth em feijoeiro
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Fitopatologia Brasileira 10:256 (Abstract).
Faria, J. C. and M. J. 0. Zimmermann. 1987. Control do mosaico dourado do
feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) pela resistencia varietal e inseticidas
(Control of Bean Golden Mosaic Virus in Common Bean [Phaseolus vulgaris L.] by
Varietal Resistance and Insecticides). Submitted to Fitopatologia Brasileira
(Available from J. C. de Faria, CNPAF, Goiania, Goias, Brazil).
Faria, J. C., M. J. 0. Zimmermann, A. Bianchini and F. A. Paiva. 1986.
Seleciao de cultivares de feijoeiro para resistencia ao virus do mosaico
dourado (Selection of Bean Cultivars for Resistance to Bean Golden Mosaic
Virus). Fitopathologica Brasileira 11(2):325.
1986. Nursery Management to Select Beans for Resistance to
Bean Golden Mosaic. Phytopathology 76:1073 (Abstract).
Gilbertson, R. L., E. Carlson, R. E. Rand, D. J. Hagedorn and D. P. Maxwell.
1986. The Use of Dry Inoculum of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli for
Testing for Common Blight Resistance and Xanthomonas Colonization of Bean
Cultivars. Phytopathology 76:1079 (Abstract).
1986. Survival of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli in Bean
Stubble and Debris with Three Tillage Systems. Phytopathology 76:1078
Gilbertson, R. L., D. J. Hagedorn, E. Carlson and R. E. Rand. 1986. A New
Technique for Testing Beans for Resistance to Common Blight. Annual Report of
the Bean Improvement Cooperative 29:27-29.
*This project was combined with the Brazil/University of Wisconsin/Bliss
project as of May 7, 1986.
Gilbertson, R. L., D. J. Hagedorn, D. P. Maxwell and S. A. Leong. 1987.
Molecular Epidemiology of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli and X.
campestris pv. phaseoli var. fuscans. Submitted to Molecular Parasite:Plant
Interactions (Available from D. P. Maxwell, Department of Plant Pathology,
University of Wisconsin-Madison).
Gilbertson, R. L., R. E. Rand, E. Carlson and D. J. Hagedorn. In press. The
Use of Dry Inoculum for Evaluation of Common Bacterial Blight Resistance in
Beans. Plant Disease.
Gilbertson, R. L., R. E. Rand and D. J. Hagedorn. 1987. Survival of
Xanthomonads in Bean Debris with Three Tillage Systems. Submitted to Plant
Disease (Available from D. J. Hagedorn, Department of Plant Pathology,
University of Wisconsin-Madison).
Hagedorn, D. J., D. A. Inglis, E. Carlson and D. P. Maxwell. 1985. Use of
Detached Trifoliolate Leaves for Simultaneous Inoculations of Bean with
Multiple Pathogens. Phytopathology 75:1362 (Abstract).
Havey, M. J. 1985. Techniques for Selection of a Rate-Reducing Resistance to
Anthracnose in Brazilian Land Races of Dry Beans. Agronomy-Abstracts 57.
1986. A Partial, Potentially Race-Nonspecific Resistance to
Anthracnose in Brazilian Land Races of Dry Beans. Phytopathology 76:1092
S1986. Resistencia parcial a antracnose no feijao coletado no
Brasil. Fitopatologia Brasileira 11:297 (Abstract).
Havey, M. J., J. C. de Faria, D. P. Maxwell and D. J. Hagedorn. In press.
Partial Resistance to Anthracnose in Brazilian Land Races of Dry Beans Shows
Race Specificity. Euyphytica.
Inglis, D. A. and D. J. Hagedorn. 1987. Temperature Relations of Isariopsis
griseola Cause of Angular Leafspot of Beans. Submitted to Plant Disease
(Available from D. J. Hagedorn, Department of Plant Pathology, University of
Inglis, D. A., Hagedorn, D. J. and R. E. Rand. 1987. Use of Dry Inoculum to
Evaluate Beans for Resistance to Anthracnose and Angular Leaf Spot. Submitted
to Plant Disease (Available from D. P. Maxwell, Department of Plant Pathology,
University of Wisconsin-Madison).
Rava, C. A. 1985. Fontes de resistencia, variabilidade do patogeno e
hereditariedade da reacao a Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (Smith) Dye
ern Phaseolus vulgaris L. Ph.D. Dissertation, Universidade Federal de Vicosa,
Minas Gerais, Brazil.
S1984. Patogenicidade de isolamentos de Xanthomonas campestris
pv. phaseoli. Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira-Brasilia 19(4):445-448.
Rava, C. A. and R. S. Romeiro. 1985. Avaliacal de sessenta cultivares de
feijao quanto a resistencia a Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli em condicoes
de campo e case-de-vegetacao. Fitopatologia Brasileira 10:330 (Abstract).
1985. Variabilidade de isolamentos de Xanthomonas campestris
pv. phaseoli quanto a patogenicidoade em cultivares de Phaseolus vulgaris.
Fitopatologia Brasileira 10:325 (Abstract).
1985. Determinacao do binomio dosagem-concentracao de inoculo
para testar vagens destacadas de feijoeiro quanto a resistencia a Xanthomonas
campestris pv. phaseoli. Fitopatologia Brasileira 10:328 (Abstract).
Sartorato, A. and C. A. Rava. 1984. Especializacao fisilogica de Isariopsis
griseola Sacc. em Phaseolus vulgaris L. Summa Phytopathologica 10(1.2):58-59
Sartorato, A. and C. A. R. Seijas.
Golden Mosaic Virus in Dry Beans.
Cooperative 28:26-27.
1985. An Approach to Control of Bean
Annual Report of the Bean Improvement
Seijas, C. A. R., A. Sartorato and J. R. P. Carvalho. 1985. Yield Losses
Dry Bean (Phaseolus vul aris L.) Caused by Angular Leaf Spot (Isariopsis
griseola Sacc.). Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 28:5-6.
Faria, J. C. 1987. Identification of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Germplasm with Tolerance to Bean Golden Mosaic Virus under Greenhouse
Conditions. Paper presented at Congresso Brasileiro de Fitopatologia, 20.
Fitopatologia Brasileira 12(2):149.
1987. A Methodology to Evaluate Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
for Multiple Disease Resistance. Workshop presented at Reuniao Nacional de
Pesquisa de Feijao (National Bean Research Meeting), 2, Goiania, Brazil
(Abstract 88).
S1984. Identification of Common Bean Germplasm with Low Bean
Common Mosaic Virus Seed Transmissibility. 1984 Annual Meeting, American
Phytopathological Society, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, August 12-16 (Abstracted
in Phytopathology 74:818).
Faria, J. C. and M. J. 0. Zimmermann. 1987. Nursery Management to Select
Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for Tolerance to Bean Golden Mosaic. Paper
presented at Congresso Paulista de Fitopatologia, 10, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo.
Summa Phytopathologica 13(1-2):25.
Faria, J. C., M. Zimmermann and D. P. Maxwell. 1986. Evaluation of Bean
Germplasm for Resistance to Brazilian Bean Golden Mosaic Virus. Bean Golden
Mosaic Virus Workshop at the American Phytopathological Society Annual
Meeting, Orlando, FL, August 10-14.
Gilbertson, R. L., J. C. de Faria and D. P. Maxwell. 1986. Inability to
Mechanically Transmit a Brazilian Strain of Bean Golden Mosaic Virus. Bean
Golden Mosaic Virus Workshop at the American Phytopathological Society Annual
Meeting, Orlando, FL, August 10-14.
Gilbertson, R. L., D. J. Hagedorn, E. Carlson and R. E. Rand. 1985.
Epiphytic Colonization of Phaseolus vulgaris by Xanthomonas campestris pv.
phaseoli and Subsequent Common Blight Development. Fallen Leaf Lake
Conference, South Lake Tahoe, CA, September 20-23 (Abstract 17).
Gilbertson, R. L., S. A. Leong, D. J. Hagedorn and D. P. Maxwell. 1987.
Molecular Epidemiology of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli and X.c. pv.
phaseoli var. fuscans. American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting,
Cincinnati, OH, August 2-6 (Abstract 247).
Havey, M. J. 1986. Resistencia parcial a antracnose no feijao coletado no
Brasil. Seminar presented on research results to staff of CNPAF.
Inglis, D. A. and D..J. Hagedorn. 1984. Temperature Requirements by
Isariopsis griseola (IG) for Infection and Disease Development on Red Kidney
Beans. 1984 Annual Meeting, American Phytopathological Society, Guelph,
Ontario, Canada, August 12-16 (Abstracted in Phytopathology 74:856).
Inglis, D. A., Hagedorn, D. J. and R. E. Rand. 1984. Using Dry Inoculum in
the Field for Testing Beans for Resistance to Angular Leaf Spot. 1984 Annual
Meeting, American Phytopathological Society, Guelph, Ontario, Canada,
August 12-16 (Abstracted in Phytopathology 74:884).
1983. A New Technique for Testing Beans for Resistance to
Anthracnose and Angular Leaf Spot. Proceedings of the 1983 Biennial Meeting
of the Bean Improvement Cooperative and National Dry Bean Council,
Minneapolis, MN, November 7-10 (Abstract).
Maxwell, D. P. 1986. Overview of Bean/Cowpea CRSP:. University of
Wisconsin-Brazil. Presentation to scientists at the National Center for
Horticultural Research, Brazilia, Brazil, December 11.
1986. Bean Golden Mosaic Virus. Workshop presented at
American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, August 10-14.
1985. Opportunities for Cooperative Research on Bean Golden
Mosaic Virus. Guatemala Workshop on Bean Golden Mosaic Virus, Guatemala City,
Guatemala, October 27-November 1 (organized by CIAT).
Melo, P. E. and J. C. Faria. 1987. Use of Sand Blast Injury in the
Inoculation of Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) with Xanthomonas
campestris pv. phaseoli. Paper presented at Congresso Brasileiro de
Fitopatologia, 20. Fitopatologia Brasileira 12(2):156.
S_1987. Field Inoculation of Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris
L.) with Common Blight Bacteria Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli. In
Reunicao Nacional de Pesquisa de Feijcao, 2, Goiania, Goias. Resumos,
EMBRAPA/CNPAF, 1987. Resumos no. 88 (EMBRAPA/CNPAF Documentos 20).
Pest Management Strategies for Optimizing Cowpea Yields in Cameroon
Chalfant, R. B. 1985. Entomological Research on Cowpea Pests in the USA. In
S. R. Singh and K. 0. Rachie (eds.) Cowpea Research, Production and
Utilization. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., pp. 265-271.
Fery, R. L. 1985. The Genetics of Cowpeas: A Review of the World
Literature. In S. R. Singh and K. 0. Rachie (eds.) Cowpea Research,
Production and Utilization. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., pp.
1985. Improved Cowpea Cultivars for the Horticultural Industry
in the USA. In S. R. Singh and K. 0. Rachie (eds.) Cowpea Research,
Production and Utilization. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., pp.
Messina, F. J. 1987. Genetic Contribution to the Dispersal Polymorphism of
the Cowpea Weevil. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 80:12-16.
1984. Influence of Cowpea Pod Maturity on Oviposition Choices
and Larval Survival of a Bruchid Beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus. Entomologia
Experimental et Applicata 35:241-248.
Messina, F. J., J. L. Barmore and J. A. A. Renwick. 1987. Oviposition
Deterrent from Eggs of Callosobruchus maculatus. Journal of Chemical Ecology
1987. Host Selection by Ovipositing Seed Beetles: Pattern of
Input from Separate Sense Organs. Entomologia Experimental et Applicata
Messina, F. J. and J. A.
Callosobruchus maculatus
in Response to Crowding.
A. Renwick. 1985. Dispersal Polymorphism of
(Coleoptera: Bruchidae): Variation Among Populations
Annals of the Entomological Society of America
S1985. Mechanism of Egg Recognition by the Cowpea Weevil
Callosobruchus maculatus. Entomologia Experimental et Applicata 37:241-245.
S1985. Ability of Ovipositing Seed Beetles to Discriminate
Between Seeds with Differing Egg Loads. Ecological Entomology 10:225-230.
Bruchidae) in
1985. Resistance to Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera:
Selected Cowpea Lines. Environmental Entomology 14:868-872.
*This project was reorganized as the Cameroon/Purdue University/Murdock
project as of October 1, 1987.
1983. Effectiveness of Oils in Protecting Stored Cowpeas from
the Cowpea Weevil (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Journal of Economic Entomology
Messina, F. J., J. A. A. Renwick and J. L. Barmore. 1985. Resistance to
Aphis craccivora (Homoptera: Aphididae) in Selected Varieties of Cowpea.
Journal of Entomological Science 20:263-269.
Ta'Ama, M. E. 1985. A New Look at the Importance of Cultivars in Cowpea
Research: Evidence from Northern Cameroon. Research Highlights 11(5). East
Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, Bean/Cowpea CRSP Management Office.
Ta'Ama, Moffi. 1985. Effect of Sorghum-Cowpea Mixed Cropping on Insect Pests
of Cowpea and Yield in Northern Cameroon. Paper presented at the 1985
Southeastern Branch Meeting of the Entomological Society of America,
Greenville, SC, January 28-31.
1984. Performance of Cowpea Cultivars in Northern Cameroon.
Paper presented at the National Cereals Research and Extension Project
Conference, IITA, Nigeria, March 4-9.
1984. Performance of Cowpea and Sorghum Cultivars for Mixed
Cropping. Paper presented at the National Cereals Research and Extension
Project Conference, IITA, Nigeria, March 4-9.
1984. Cowpea/Sorghum Mixed Cropping. Paper presented at the
National Cereals Research and Extension Project Conference, Yaounde, February.
1983. Yield Loss Studies in Cowpea in Northern Cameroon.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America,
Detroit, MI, November.
Biology, Epidemiology, Genetics and Breeding for Resistance to
Bacterial and Rust Pathogens of Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Adams, M. W., D. P. Coyne, J. H. C. Davis, C. A. Francis and P. H. Graham.
1985. The Common Bean. In R. L. Summerfield (ed.) Grain Legume Crops.
London, UK: Longman, 433-476.
Aggour, A.,
Reaction of
Isolates of
D. P. Coyne and A. Vidaver. In press. Comparison of Disease
Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Inoculated by Different Methods with
Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli. HortScience (Abstract).
Aggour, A., D. P. Coyne and A. Vidaver.
Resistance to Xanthomonas campestris pv.
L.). HortScience (Abstract).
In press. Genetics of Breeding for
phaseoli in Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris
Anonymous. 1987. PC-50: Neuva variedad de habichuela roja. Santo Domingo,
Dominican Republic: Projecto Titulo XII.
Arnaud-Santana, Eladio. 1985. Genetic Variation, Inheritance and
Relationship of the Reaction to Common Blight (Xanthomonas campestris pv.
phaseoli [Smith] Dye) and Number of Days to Flowering in Dry Beans (Phaseolus
vulgaris L.). M.S. Thesis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Aruna-Kumari, A. and A. K. Vidaver. 1986. Identification of Xanthomonas
campestris pv. phaseoli Mutants with Altered Pathogeneicity Using a Detached
Bean Leaf Bioassay. Phytopathology 76:1136 (Abstract).
Beaver, J., C. Paniagua, D. P. Coyne and G. Freytag. 1985. Yield Stability
of Dry Bean Genotypes in the Dominican Republic. Crop Science 25:923-926.
Beaver, J. S., C. V.
Reaction of Dry Bean
Dominican Republic.
Paniagua, J. R. Steadman and R. Echavez-Badel. 1984.
Genotypes to Natural Infection of Foliar Diseases in the
Journal of Agriculture, University of Puerto Rico
Business Farmer (Scottsbluff, NE).
Local Industry. May 1984, p. 4.
1984. Foreign Bean Research Plays Part in
Campbell, C. L..and J. R. Steadman. 1985. The Relationship of Schlerotinia
sclerotiorum Ascospore Germination on Bean Blossoms to Disease Development in
a Bean Canopy Microclimate. Phytopathology 75:1369 (Abstract).
Campbell, C. L., J. R. Steadman and D. P. Coyne. 1985. Use of Dry Bean
Canopy Architecture Components to Predict White Mold Disease Potential.
Phytopathology 75:1376 (Abstract).
Cantizano, Maria. 1985. Resultados escuesta aplicada a productores de la
provincia de San Juan de la Maguana, Muncicipio de Vallejuelo. SEAReport.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: Secretaria de Estado de Agricultura.
Coyne, D. P. 1985. Tackling World Hunger and Malnutrition through
Horticultural Research, Graduate Education, Extension and Management in
Cooperation with U.S. Universities (American Society for Horticultural Science
Presidential Address). HortScience 20: 805-808.
Coyne, D. P., J. R. Steadman, D. S. Nuland and C. L. Campbell. 1986.
'Monument' Small White Dry Bean. HortScience 21(3):542.
Deschamps, H. 1987. Hospedantes alternas del mosaico dorado de la habichuela
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.). M.S. Thesis, University of Puerto Rico, MayagUez
_____. 1986. Hospederos del virus del Mosaico Dorado de la Habichuela
en la Republica Dominicana. Memoria de la Reunion Cientifico Anual 1986 de la
Sociedad Puertorriqueno de Ciencias Agricolas, p. 13.
Echavez Badel, R. and J. S. Beaver. 1986. Resistencia de la habichuela
(Phaseolus vulgaris) a Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. Memoria de la
Reunion Cientifico Anual 1986 de la Sociedad Puertorriqueno de Ciencias
Agricolas, p. 15.
SIn press. Dry Bean Genotypes and Macrophomina phaseolina
(Tassi) Goid in Inoculated and Uninoculated Field Plots. Journal of
Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico 71(4).
In press. Testing Resistance and Susceptibility of Beans
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to Ashy Stem Blight [Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi)
Goldj. Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico 71(4).
Finke, M. Luann. 1985. The Inheritance and Association of Resistance to Rust
(Uromyces phaseoli) and Foliar Abnormalities in Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris
L.). M.S. Thesis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Finke, M. L., D. P. Coyne and J. R. Steadman. 1986. The Inheritance and
Association of Resistance to Rust, Common Bacterial Blight, Plant Habit and
Foliar Abnormalities in Phaseolus vulgaris L. Euphytica 35:969-982
Finke, M. L., D. P. Coyne, J. R. Steadman and A. K. Vidaver. 1985. The
Inheritance and Association of Resistance to Bean Rust (Uromyces phaseoli) in
Dry Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Annual Report of the Bean Improvement
Cooperative 28:55-56.
1984. The Inheritance and Association of Resistance to Bean
Rust (Uromyces phaseoli) and Common Blight (Xanthomonas campestris pv.
phaseoli) in Dry Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). HortScience 20:594 (Abstract).
Fujimoto, Debora K. 1985. Analysis of Strain Variation in Xanthomonas
campestris pathovar phaseoli (Smith) Dye. M.S. Thesis, University of
High Plains Journal (NE). 1984. Dry Bean Research Provides Many
International Benefits. May 1984, p. 6B.
Ishimaru, C., A. K. Vidaver and D. P. Coyne. 1986. Log Normal Distribution
of Epiphytic Xanthomonas campetris pv. phaseoli. Phytopathology 76:1136
Jimenez, J. 1987. Evaluation of Growing and Storage Conditions on
Imbibition, Germination and Cooking Time of Dry Bean Seeds. M.S. Thesis,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Journal-Star Agribusiness (Lincoln, NE). 1984. Research Project Could
Produce Rust-Resistant Bean Varieties. March 15, p. 9A.
Leyna, L. H. and D. P. Coyne. 1985. The Effect of Inoculation Methods,
Pathogenic Variability and Inoculum Concentrations on Reactions and Genetics
of Resistance to Isolates of Leaves and Pods of Dry Beans (Phaseolus
vulgaris). Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 28:70-71.
1983. The Effect of Inoculum Concentration on Reactions and
Genetics of Resistance to Isolates of Xanthomonas campestris pv Phaseoli in
Leaves and Pods of Dry Beans Phaseolus vulgaris. HortScience 18:321-327.
Lindgren, D. T. and J. R. Steadman. 1987. Evaluation of a New Fungicide for
Control of Bean Rust. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative
Lindgren, D. T. and J. R. Steadman. 1985. The Effect of Fungicide
Formulation, Rate and Timing in Control of Bean Rust in Southwest Nebraska.
Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 28:19-20.
McElroy, J., D. P. Coyne and D. Fujimoto. 1986. Genotype by Strain
Interaction for Disease Reaction in Phaseolus vulgaris L. to Xanthomonas
campestris pv. phaseoli. HortScience 21(3):874 (Abstract).
Mateo, Manuel de Jesus Solano. 1986. Heritalities and Correlations for Yield
Components and Morphological Traits of Bean Populations Derived from Crosses
between Determinate and Indeterminate Genotypes and Evaluated in Tropical
Environments. M.S. Thesis. University of Puerto Rico, MayagUez, Puerto Rico.
Oviedo, F. 1986. Efecto de fotoperiodo sobre la reaction a Xanthomonas
campestris pv. phaseoli en cinco genotipos de habichuelas (Phaseolus vulgaris
L.). Tesis de Grado Ingeniero Agronomo, Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez
Urena, Santo Domingo, Republica Dominica.
Ramirez, Mejia S., Wenceslao. 1986. Pathogen Variability of Bean Rust
(Uromyces var. appendiculatus (pers.) Unger from the Dominican Republic and
the Effect of Rust on Yield Components of Pinto Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).
M.S. Thesis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Schuster, M. L. 1983. Variability of Dominican Republic Xanthomonas phaseoli
Isolates in CIAT Phaseolus vulgaris Cultivars. Manuscript. Lincoln, NE:
University of Nebraska, Horticulture Department.
Schuster, M. L., D. P. Coyne, T. Behre and H. Leyna. 1984. Sources of
Phaseolus Species Resistance and Leaf and Pod Differential Reactions to Common
Blight. HortScience 18:901-903.
Schuster, M. L. and C. C. Smith. 1983. Variability
from Dominican Republic. Manuscript. Lincoln, NE:
Horticulture Department.
Shaik, M.
1985. A Simple Technique
Annual Report of the Bean
of Xanthomonas phaseoli
University of Nebraska,
to Isolate Bean Rust Spores from Single
Improvement Cooperative 28:128-129.
Shaik, M. and J. R. Steadman. 1986. Correlations between Leaf Age and
Susceptibility of Phaseolus vulgaris L. to Uromyces appendiculatus (Pers.)
Unger var. Appendiculatus. Phytopathology 76:105.
1986. Variation in a Rust-Resistant Reaction of Phaseolus
vulgaris L. Due to Leaf Age. Phytopathology 76:958.
_. 1985. Correlations between Virulence Frequency of Uromyces
appendiculatus (Pers) Unger var. appendiculatus and Pustule Size in Phaseolus
vulgaris L. Phytopathology 75:966 (Abstract).
Stavely, J. R., G. F. Freytag, J. R. Steadman and A. F. Schwartz. 1983. Bean
Rust Workshop. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 26:iv-vi.
Steadman, J. R., D. W. Hindman and D. P. Coyne. 1984. Reaction
Pathogen Isolates from the US and Dominican Republic on New Bean
Lines. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 27:225
of Rust
Steadman, J. R.,
Disease Progress
Bean Improvement
D. T. Lindgren and W. Ramirez. 1986.
and Yield Components in Pinto Beans.
Cooperative 29:89-90.
Relationship of Rust
Annual Report of the
Steadman, J. R.,
Variation in the
in the Dominican
W. Ramirez, D. W. Hindman and D. P. Coyne. 1985.
Bean Rust Fungus Uromyces phaseoli and Sources of
Republic. Phytopathology 75:1179 (Abstract).
Steadman, J. R., W. Ramirez, M. Shaik, D. Hindman and D. P. Coyne. 1986.
Variation in Virulence of the Rust Pathogen in the Dominican Republic and High
Plains of the US: Implications for Control. Annual Report of the Bean
Improvement Cooperative 29:6.
Zaiter, Haytham Z. 1987. Genetic Variation and Inheritance of Resistance for
Leaf Iron-Deficiency Chlorosis in Dry Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Ph.D.
Dissertation, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Zaiter, H. Z.,
Inheritance of
Journal of the
D. P. Coyne and R. B. Clark. In press. Genetic Variation and
Resistance of Leaf Iron-Deficiency Chlorosis in Dry Beans.
American Society for Horticultural Science.
In press. Temperature, Grafting Method and Rootstock Influence
on Iron Deficiency Chlorosis of Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Journal of the
American Society for Horticultural Science.
! |
In press. Temperature, Grafting Method and Rootstock Influence
on Iron Deficiency Induced Chlorosis of Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).
HortScience (Abstract).
1986. Genetic Variation and Inheritance to Leaf Iron Chlorosis
in Dry Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). HortScience 21(3):890 (Abstract).
Zaiter, H. Z., D. P. Coyne, R. B. Clark and David Nuland. 1986. Field,
Nutrient Solution and Temperature Effect upon Iron Leaf Chlorosis of Dry Beans
(Phaseolus vulgaris). Journal of Plant Nutrition 9(3-7):397-415.
.1986. Genetic Variation in Field and Nutrient Solutions and
the Effect of Temperature for Leaf Chlorosis in Dry Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris
L.). Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 29:34.
Claflin, L. E., M. D. Sasser and A. K. Vidaver. 1985. MXP, a Semi-Selective
Medium for Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli No. 648. Abstracts of American
Phytopathological Society Meeting, Reno, NV, August 11-15.
Coyne, D. P. 1987. Research and Extension's Role in the Future of Dry Bean
Production Symposium. Invited presentation at the 1987 Biennial Meeting of
the Bean Improvement Cooperative and National Bean Council, Denver, CO,
October 27-29.
1986. The Title XII Bean/Cowpea Collaborative Research Support
Program (CRSP). Summary Report of a Conference on Research and Development of
Vegetables in the Tropics. Winrock International, January 9-12 (Abstract, pp.
Finke, Luann M., D. P. Coyne, J. R. Steadman and A. K. Vidaver. 1984. The
Inheritance and Association of Resistance to Bean Rust (Uromyces phaseoli) and
Common Blight (Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli) in Dry Beans (Phaseolus
vulgaris L.). Paper presented at the 81st Annual Meeting, American Society of
Horticultural Scientists held in conjunction with the Canadien Society of
Horticultural Science, Vancouver, Canada, August 3-9.
Fujimoto, D. K. and A. K. Vidaver. 1985. Analysis of Strain Variation in
Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli. International Conference on Plant
Pathology Bacteria, College Park, MD, June 2-7 (Abstract VI).
Leyna, H. K., D. P. Coyne and M. L. Schuster. 1983. The Effect of
Inoculation Methods and Inoculum Concentrations on Reactions and Genetics of
Resistance to Isolates of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (Phaseolus
vulgaris). Proceedings of the 1983 Biennial Meeting of the Bean Improvement
Cooperative and National Dry Bean Council, Minneapolis, MN, November 7-10
(Abstract, p. 14).
Mateo Solano, M., J. S. Beaver and F. Saladin. 1987. Heritabilities and
Phenotypic Correlations for Seed Yield and Seed Yield Components of Bean
Populations Derived from Crosses between Determinate and Indeterminate
Genotypes. Paper presented at the Symposium on Breeding for Higher Yields in
Common Bean: XXXIII Annual Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo
Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA),
Guatemala City, Guatemala, March 31.
Paniagua, C. 1984. Summary of Results of the CRSP Project in the Dominican
Republic, 1981-1983 (translation). Paper presented at the 30th Annual Meeting
of the Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos
Alimenticios, Managua, Nicaragua, April 30-May 4.
Saladin, Freddy.
in the Dominican
Cali, Colombia.
1984. Development, Evaluation and Utilization of Germplasm
Republic. Presentation at CIAT Conference, November 26-30,
Saladin, F. G. and G. M. Adames. 1987. Determinacion de eficiencia de
algunos fungicidas en el control de la Mustia hilachosa del frijol. Presented
at the XXXIII Annual Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para
el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), Guatemala City, Guatemala,
March 30-April 4.
Steadman, J.
Common Bean.
Lincoln, NE.
1986. Biological Approaches to Controlling Sclerotinia on
Presented at the Soil Organisms and Plant Health Symposium,
Zaiter, H. Z., D. P. Coyne, A. K. Vidaver and J. R. Steadman. In press.
Differential Reaction of Tepary (Phaseolus acutifolius) Bean Lines to Strains
of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli. 1987 Biennial Meeting of the Bean
Improvement Cooperative and National Bean Council, Denver, CO, October 27-29
Zapata, M.
August 1-6
and A. K. Vidaver. 1987. Differentiation of Xanthomonas
pv. phaseoli into Pathogenic Races Based on the Tepary Bean
American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH,
(Abstract 178).
1987. Tepary Bean Cotyledon Bioassay for the Differentiation
of Races of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli. American Phytopathological
Society Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, August 1-6 (Abstract 470).
Improvement of Bean Production in the Dominican Republic
through Breeding for Multiple Disease Resistance
Beaver, J., C. Paniagua, D. Coyne and G. Freytag. 1985. Yield Stability of
Dry Bean Genotypes in the Dominican Republic. Crop Science 25:923-926.
1983. Yield Stability of Dry Bean Genotypes in the Dominican
Republic. Agronomy Abstracts 42.
Beaver, J. S., C. V.
Reaction of Dry Bean
Dominican Republic.
Paniagua, J. R. Steadman and R. Echavez Badel. 1984.
Genotypes to Natural Infection of Foliar Diseases in the
Journal of Agriculture, University of Puerto Rico
Martinez Cruz, M. 1984. Estudio del
nodulado (Meloidogyne incognita). M.S. Thesis,
Sciences, Mayagiez Campus, University of Puerto
las cuatro razas del nematodo
College of Agricultural
Mateo Solano, M. 1986. Heredabilidades y correlaciones para components de
rendimiento y caracteres morfologicos en poblaciones de habichuela derivadas
de cruzamientos entire genotipos determinados e indeterminados evaluadas en
ambientes tropicales. M.S. Thesis, College of Agricultural Sciences, MayagUez
Campus, University of Puerto Rico.
Adames, C. 1985. Estudio sobre control economic de roya de frijol.
presented at the 3rd Latin American Phytopathological Congress, Santo
Dominican Republic, August.
Beaver, J. S. 1985. Breeding Disease Resistant Beans for the Caribbean.
Invited paper presented at the Caribbean Food Crop Society Meeting, St. Croix,
Virgin Islands, October.
the XXXI Annual
Mejoramiento de
1985. Cruzamiento de frijol en el campo. Paper presented at
Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el
Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), San Pedro Sula, Honduras,
at the Bean Research
The Use of Statistics in Bean Research. Paper presented
Workshop, CESDA, San Cristobal, Dominican Republic,
*This project was combined with the Dominican Republic/University of Nebraska/
Coyne project as of May 7, 1986.
Bird, J., J. Escudero, H. Deschamps, M. Martinez y R. Hansen del Orbe. 1985.
Incidencia y distribution de geminivirus en la Republica Dominicana. Paper
presented at the 3rd Latin American Phytopathological Congress, Santo Domingo,
Dominican Republic, August.
Concepcion Tio, S. 1985. Estudio sobre la incidencia de enfermedades en las
diferentes zonas productoras de Frijol. Paper presented at the 3rd Latin
American Phytopathological Congress, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, August.
Echavez Badel, R., G. F. Freytag and J. Steadman. 1983. Evaluation and Selec-
tion of Bean Germ Plasm Resistant to Rust (Uromyces phaseoli). XXIX Annual
Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de
Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), Panama City, Panama, April 5-8 (Abstract in
Echavez Badel, R., J. R. Steadman and J. S. Beaver. 1984. Resultados del
vivero cooperative de la roya del frijol. Paper presented at the XXX Annual
Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de
Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), Managua, Nicaragua, April 30-May 4.
Escudero, J. and J. Bird. 1985. Valor diagnostic de las inclusiones
inducidos por los viruses fitopatogenos. Paper presented at the 3rd Latin
American Phytopathological Congress, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, August.
Godoy, G. 1985. Prueba de inoculation a nivel de campo para selection de
germoplasma resistente a Macrophomina phaseoli (Tassi.) Goid. Paper presented
at the 3rd Latin American Phytopathological Congress, Santo Domingo, Dominican
Republic, August.
Martinez, M. A. and J. Roman. 1984. Desarollo progresivo de 4 razas del
nematodo nodulador (Meloidogyne incognita) entres lines de frijol comun
(Phaseolus vulgaris). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Caribbean
Division of the American Phytopathological Society, San Jose, Costa Rica,
Morales, M. 1985. Avance sobre la Investigacion del Virus del Mosaico Comun
de la Habichuela (Phaseolus vulgaris) en la Republica Dominicana. Paper
presented at the 3rd Latin American Phytopathological Congress, Santo Domingo,
Dominican Republic, August.
Paniagua, C. V. 1984. Results of the Title XII Bean/Cowpea CRSP Project in
the Dominican Republic during the Period 1981-1983. Paper presented at the XXX
Annual Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento
de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), Managua, Nicaragua, April 30-May 4.
Pimentel, Elfrida (ed.). 1984. Fijacion Biologica de Nitrogeno en la Agricul-
tura. Proceedings of the First Regional Caribbean Seminar on Biological Nitro-
gen Fixation, INDOTEC, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, August 6-10, 1984.
Santo Domingo, DR: INDOTEC.
Sanchez, A. 1984. Weed Control of Beans in the San Juan de la Maguana Valley
of the Dominican Republic. Paper presented at the XXX Annual Meeting of the
Program Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos
Alimenticios (PCCMCA), Managua, Nicaragua, April JU-May 4.
Agronbmic and Sociological Aspects of Bean Yield
Anonymous. 1982. Caracteristicas de los pequenos productores en zonas
Imbabura: Informe preliminary. Manuscript. Quito, Ecuador: Proyecto
S1982. Encuesta a productores, parroquia Pimampiro, Ibarra.
Manuscript. Quito, Ecuador: Proyecto Cornell/INIAP.
Arevalo, Venus. 1985. Sistemas de production y tecnologia del frejol
arbustivo en Pimampiro (Farming Systems and the Technology of Bush Bean
Production in Pimampiro). Documento de Trabajo 85.SE.4. Quito, Ecuador:
Proyecto INIAP/Cornell.
1983. Informe preliminary de la encuesta sobre la production de
frejol en la zona de Pimampiro en Imbabura. Bean/Cowpea CRSP Ecuador Project
Working Paper 83.1S. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, International
Agriculture Program, October.
Barba, Diana. 1985. Diagnostico de la Parroquia Monte Olivo (Agro-
Socioeconomic Diagnosis of the Township of Monte Olivo). Documento de
Circulacion Restringida 85.PRE.7. Quito, Ecuador: Proyecto INIAP-Cornell.
Barba, Diana y Wesley Kline. 1985. Guia de entrevistas para la zona de Monte
Olivo (Interview Guide for the Monte Olivo Zone). Documento de Circulacion
Restringida 85.PRE.8. Quito, Ecuador: Proyecto INIAP-Cornell.
Barba, Diana y Jorge Uquillas. 1986. Monte Olivo: Caracteristicas del sector
agricola (Monte Olivo: Characteristics of the Agricultural Sector). Documento
de Circulacion Restringida 86.PRE.12. Quito, Ecuador: Proyecto INIAP-Cornell.
Barba, Diana, Jorge Uquillas, Van Crowder, Ely Zambrano, Edmundo Cellavos,
Patricio Andrade, Arturo Villafuerte y Wesley Kline. 1986. Parroquia Monte
Olivo: Resultados del sondeo agro-socioeconomico (Township of Monte Olivo:
Results of a Agro-Socioeconomic Survey). Documento de Circulacion Restringida
85.PRE.lO. Quito, Ecuador: Proyecto INIAP-Cornell.
Barril, Alex. 1983. El credit agropecuario en el Ecuador: Antecedentes y
comentarios sobre el acceso al sector campesino. Manuscript. Ecuador: Centro
Sur de Desarrollo Agropecuario (CEPLAES).
1983. El credit agropecuario en el Ecuador y su access al
sector campesino: Estudio de caso en el Canton Pimampiro, Provincia de
Imbabura. Manuscript. Ecuador: Centro Sur de Desarrollo Agropecuario.
*This project ended September 30, 1986.
Barsky, Oswaldo. 1986. Los process de Mercadeo y comercializacion de frejol
en Pimampiro, Ecuador (The Process of Marketing and Commercialization of Dry
Beans in Pimampiro, Ecuador). Documento de Trabajo ASE.1O. Quito, Ecuador:
Proyecto INIAP-Cornell.
1983. Estudio de los process de mercado y comercializacion de
frejol en la zona de Pimampiro, Ecuador. Manuscript. Ecuador: Centro Sur de
Desarrollo Agropecuario.
S_1983. Information estadistica sobre la production de
leguminosas y de frejol en Ecuador. Manuscript. Ecuador: Centro Sur de
Desarrollo Agropecuario.
Campbell, Carolyn. 1985. Infant Feeding Practices in a Transitional Urban
Migrant Community and Their Relationship to Infant Growth and Morbidity.
Ph.D. Dissertation, Cornell University, Department of International Nutrition.
__. 1985. Rationale and Methodology for Including Nutritional and
Dietary Assessment in Farming Systems Research/Extension. Bean/Cowpea CRSP
Ecuador Project Working Paper 85.3E. Ithaca, NY: INIAP/Cornell Project.
Carillo, Romulo, Napoleon Chavez, Alfredo Ugalde y Marcin Carillo. 1985. El
area central del Valle del Rio Portoviejo: Informe del trabajo de campo (The
Central Area of the Portoviejo River Valley: Report of Field Research).
Documento de Circulacion Restringida 85.PRE.4. Portoviejo, Ecuador: Proyecto
Chavez, Napoleon, Jorge Uquillas y Miguel Guerro. 1986. La comercializacion
de leguminosas en el Valle del Rio Portoviejo (Commercialization of Legumes in
the Portoviejo River Valley). Documento de Trabajo ASE.9. Portoviejo,
Ecuador: Proyecto INIAP/Cornell.
Dillon, P. 1982. Informe sobre las comunidades del sur de Otavalo.
Manuscript. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Department of Rural Sociology.
Espinosa, Patricio and Patricia Garrett. 1986. The Relevance of Gender in
Farming Systems Research: Experiences in Ecuador. Manuscript. Ithaca, NY:
Cornell University, International Agriculture Library.
Francis, Joe D., Richard J. Harris and Dan E. Moore. 1984. Some Methodo-
logical Considerations in Studying Inequality. Bean/Cowpea CRSP Ecuador
Project Working Paper 84.5E. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, International
Agriculture Program, July. Available in Spanish as Bean/Cowpea CRSP Ecuador
Project Working Paper 84.5S.
Garcia, A. B. 1983. El credit agropecuario en el Ecuador: Antecedentes y
comentarios sobre el acceso al sector campesino (primera parte). Documento
para proyecto Cornell-INIAP-CEPLAES. Quito, Ecuador.
Garrett, Patricia. 1986. Viable Objectives for Smallholder Programs:
Variation by Social Strata. Agricultural Administration 22(1):39-55.
1986. Social Stratification and Multiple Enterprises: Some
Implications for Farming Systems Research. Journal of Rural Studies 2(3):
1985. Viable Objectives for Smallholder Programs: Variation
by Social Strata. Bean/Cowpea CRSP Ecuador Project Working Paper 85.1E.
Ithaca, NY: INIAP/Cornell Project. Replaces Bean/Cowpea CRSP Ecuador Project
Working Paper 84.6E.
___. 1985. Appropriate Technology for Smallholders: Some Implica-
tions of Social Stratification and Multiple Enterprises for Farming Systems
Research. Bean/Cowpea CRSP Ecuador Project Working Paper 85.2E. Ithaca, NY:
INIAP/Cornell Project. Replaces Bean/Cowpea CRSP Ecuador Project Working
Paper 84.1E.
1985. Tecnologia apropriada para pequenos Propietarios:
Algunas implicaciones de la estratificacion social para la investigation en
sistemas de production. Documento de Trabajo 85.SE.3. Quito, Ecuador:
Proyecto INIAP/Cornell.
S1985. Social Science in the Bean/Cowpea CRSP. The Rural
Sociologist 5(4):290-295.
1985. Tecnologia apropriada para pequenos propietarios:
Algunas impliciones de la estratificacion social para la investigation en
sistemas de production agropecuaria. Estudios Rurales Latinoamericanos 8(2).
1985. Viable Objectives for Smallholder Programs: Variation
by Social Strata. Manuscript. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, International
Agriculture Library.
S1985. Appropriate Technology for Smallholders: Some
Implications of Social Stratification and Multiple Enterprises for Farming
Systems Research. Manuscript. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, International
Agriculture Library.
1984. The Relevance of Structural Variables for Farming
Systems Research. Rural Sociology 49(4):580-589.
___. 1984. Appropriate Technology for Smallholders: Some Implica-
tions of Social Stratification for Farming Systems Research. Bean/Cowpea CRSP
Ecuador Project Working Paper 84.1E. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Inter-
national Agriculture Program, February. Available in Spanish as Bean/Cowpea
CRSP Ecuador Project Working Paper 84.1S.
1984. Agricultural Research and Development: Viable Objectives
for Smallholders. Bean/Cowpea CRSP Ecuador Project Working Paper 84.6E.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, International Agriculture Program, April.
Available in Spanish as Bean/Cowpea CRSP Ecuador Project Working Paper 84.6S.
1983. Farming System Research: An Introduction to the
Literature. The Rural Sociologist 3:229-232.
Garrett, P., P. Dillon and C. Staver. 1982. Interview Guide. Ithaca, NY:
Cornell University, Department of Rural Sociology.
Garrett, Patricia and Patricio Espinosa. 1986. Phases of Farming Systems
Research: The Relevance of Gender in Ecuadorian Sites. Bean/Cowpea CRSP
Ecuador Project Working Paper 86.1E. Ithaca, NY: INIAP/Cornell Project.
Garrett, Patricia, David Golden and Joe D. Francis. 1985. The Measurement
and Analysis of Inequality Using Microcomputers. Social Science Microcomputer
Review 4(2):194-206.
_. .1985. The Measurement and Analysis of Inequality Using Micro-
computers. Bean/Cowpea CRSP Ecuador Project Working Paper 85.5E. Ithaca, NY:
INIAP/Cornell Project.
Garrett, Patricia y Donna Goldstein. 1985. Algunos aspects metodologicos de
la investigation preintervencion en sistemas de production agropecuaria:.
Seleccion de tecnicas apropriadas para la recoleccion de datos (Some Methodo-
logical Aspects of Preintervention Farming Systems Research: The Selection of
Appropriate Techniques for Data Collection). Documento de Trabajo 85.SE.2.
Quito, Ecuador: Proyecto INIAP/Cornell.
_____. 1984. Some Methodological Issues in Pre-Intervention Farming
Systems Research: Selecting Appropriate Techniques for Data Collection..
Bean/Cowpea CRSP Ecuador Project Working Paper 84.4E. Ithaca, NY: Cornell
University, International Agriculture Program, June. Available in Spanish as
Bean/Cowpea CRSP Ecuador Project Working Paper 84.4S.
Garrett, Patricia, Jorge Uquillas and Carolyn Campbell. 1986. Interview
Guide for the Regional Analysis of Farming Systems. Bean/Cowpea CRSP Ecuador
Project Working Paper 86.2E. Ithaca, NY: INIAP/Cornell Project.
Golden, David. 1985. Tabular Data Analysis (TABDAT): A Pascal Program to
Calculate Two Measures of Inequality. Software to be distributed through
Social Science Microcomputer Review.
1985. Tabular Data Analysis (TABDAT): A Pascal Program to
Calculate Two Measures of Inequality. Bean/Cowpea CRSP Ecuador Project
Working Paper 85.4E. Ithaca, NY: INIAP/Cornell Project.
1983. Proposed System Improvements for the Apple II Computer.
Manuscript. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Department of Rural Sociology.
1983. Program to Calculate Gini Coefficients: Microsoft Basic
Compatible, Designed for Apple II CP/m. Bean/Cowpea CRSP Ecuador Project
Working Paper 83.3E. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, International
Agriculture Program, October.
Goldstein, Donna. 1984. Sharecropping and Accumulation in the Northern
Ecuadorian Sierra. Bean/Cowpea CRSP Ecuador Project Working Paper 84.3E.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, International Agriculture Program, February.
Available in Spanish as CRSP Bean/Cowpea CRSP Ecuador Project Working Paper
Hall, Judith. 1986. Reduction of Dry Bean Storage Losses of Small Farmers in
the Highlands of Ecuador. M.S. Thesis, Cornell University.
1986. Reduccion de perdidas por almacenamiento de frejol seco
en la sierra Ecuatoriana (Reduction of Losses during Storage of Dry Beans in
the Ecuadorian Highlands). Documento de Circulacion Restringida 86.PRE.13.
Quito, Ecuador: Proyecto INIAP-Cornell.
1986. Produzca semilla de frejol de buena calidad (Produce
Good Quality Dry Bean Seed). Boletin Divulgativo No. 179. Quito, Ecuador:
Departamento de Comunicacion Social y Relaciones Publicas del INIAP.
Hinostrosa, Francisco, Osvaldo Vargas, Lenin Linzan y Winston Alcivar. 1985.
La desembocadura del Rio Portoviejo: Informe del trabajo de campo (The Mouth
of the Portoviejo River: Report of Field Research). Documento de Circulacion
Restringida 85.PRE.6. Portoviejo, Ecuador: Proyecto INIAP/Cornell.
Kline, Wesley. 1985. Agronomic and Sociological Interaction in Field
Research. Farming Systems Support Project Newsletter 3(4):10-11.
Maldonado, Luis, Wesley Kline, Miguel Guerra y Angel Veles. 1985. El Valle
del Rio Chico: Informe del trabajo de campo (The Valley of the Rio Chico:
Report of Field Research). Documento de Circulacion Restringida 85.PRE.3.
Portoviejo, Ecuador: Proyecto INIAP/Cornell.
Osvaldo, B. and D. Goldstein. 1983. Metodologia desarrollada para la
investigation de los pequenos productores de la parroquia de Pimampiro.
Manuscript. Quito, Ecuador: Proyecto INIAP/Cornell.
Palacios, Juan J. and Patricia Garrett. 1985. Guia basica para el analysis
de information censal agropecuaria (Basic Guide for the Analysis of
Agricultural Census Data). Documento de Trabajo 85.SE.1. Quito, Ecuador:
Proyecto INIAP/Cornell.
1984. Estructura de la produccion-agropecuaria en la provincia
de Imbabura: Un analysis estadistico. Bean/Cowpea CRSP Ecuador Project
Working Paper 83.2S. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, International
Agriculture Program, February.
1983. Guia basica para el analysis de information censal
agropecuaria. Bean/Cowpea CRSP Ecuador Project Working Paper 83.2S. Ithaca,
NY: Cornell University, International Agriculture Program, Octubre.
Staver, S. 1982. Un comentario sobre la technologia mejorada del PIP de la
Provincia de Imbabura. Manuscript. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University,
International Agriculture Library.
Uquillas, Jorge. 1985. Guia de entrevistas (Interview Guide.) Documento de
Circulacion Restringida 85.PRE.2. Quito, Ecuador: Proyecto INIAP/Cornell.
Uquillas, Jorge, Venus Arevalo y Napoleon Chavez. 1985. Resumen del
diagnostic agro-socioecondmico de Manabi (Summary of the Agro-Socioeconomic
Diagnosis of Manabi). Documento de Circulacion Restringida 85.PRE.I. Quito,
Ecuador: Proyecto INIAP/Cornell.
Uquillas, Jorge, Venus Arevalo, Napoleon Chavez y Jose Arroyabe. 1985.
Diagnostico agro-socioeconomico de la provincia de Manabi (Agro-Socioeconomic
Diagnosis of the Province of Manabi). Documento de Trabajo 85.SE.6. Quito,
Ecuador: Proyecto INIAP/Cornell.
Uquillas, Jorge, Diana Barba, Patricia Garrett y Ely Zambrano. 1985.
Estrategias de reproduccion de la economic campesina en Imbabura (Strategies
for the Reproduction of Peasant Economies in Imbabura). Documento de Trabajo
85.SE.5. Quito, Ecuador: Proyecto INIAP/Cornell.
Uquillas, Jorge, Flor M. Cardenas, Diana Barba, Ricardo Limongi y Gonazalo
Estrella. 1985. Santa Ana: Informe del trabajo de campo (Santa Ana: Report
of Field Research.) Documento de Circulacion Restringida 85.PRE.5.
Portoviejo, Ecuador: Proyecto INIAP/Cornell.
Uquillas, Jorge yPatricia Garrett. 1986. Analisis regional de los sistemas
de production agropecuaria en Manabi, Ecuador (Regional Analysis of the
Agricultural Production System in Manabi, Ecuador). Documento de Trabajo
ASE.11. Quito, Ecuador: Proyecto INIAP-Cornell.
1985. Guia de entrevistas para el analysis regional de los
sistemas de production agropecuaria (Interview Guide for the Regional Analysis
of Farming Systems). Documento de Trabajo 85.SE.8. Quito, Ecuador: Proyecto
Uquillas, Jorge, Patricia Garrett y Carolyn Campbell. 1986. Guia de entrevistas
para el analysis regional de los sistemas de production agropecuaria (Interview
Guide for the Regional Analysis of the Agricultural Production System). Docu-
mento de Trabajo ASE.8. Quito, Ecuador: Proyecto INIAP-Cornell.
Uquillas, Jorge, Wesley Kline, Romulo Carillo, Napoleon Chavez y Lenin Linzan.
1986. 2nd Edition: Caracteristicas agricolas y sociales del Valle del Rio
Portoviejo (Agricultural and Social Characteristics of the Portoviejo River
Valley). Documento de Trabajo ASE.7. Quito, Ecuador: Proyecto INIAP/Cornell.
S1985. Caracteristicas agricolas y sociales del Valle del Rio
Portoviejo (Agricultural and Social Characteristics of the Portoviejo River
Valley). Documento de Trabajo 85.SE.7. Quito, Ecuador: Proyecto
1985. Farming Systems in the Portoviejo River Valley of
Ecuador. Manuscript. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
Villasis, Cristobal, Wesley Kline y Arturo Villafuerte. 1986. Informe 1986
aspects agronomicos en la production de frejol area de trabajo: Pimampiro
(1986 Report of Agronomic Aspects of Dry Bean Production in the Area of
Pimampiro). Documento de Circulacion Restringida 86.PRE.14.
Espinosa, Patricio. 1983. Informal Presentation of the INIAP/Cornell
University Farming Systems Activities at the Farming Systems Research
Symposium, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, November.
Garrett, Patricia. 1985. Phases of Farming Systems Research: A Synthesis of
INIAP and ICTA Procedures Formulated during Project Seminar. Paper presented
at the Bean/Cowpea CRSP Socioeconomic/Agronomic Workshop, East Lansing, MI,
October 11-12.
1985. Aspectos socioeconomicos de la production y tecnologia
agricola. Paper presented at the joint INIAP/ICTA Workshop on Farming Systems
Research, Quito, Ecuador, August.
1985. Marcos conceptuales: Los Dominios de Recomendacion.
Paper presented at the joint INIAP/ICTA Workshop on Farming Systems Research,
Quito, Ecuador, August.
1984. Metodologia para la investigation en sistemas de
production. Invited lecture delivered at the Universidad Tecnica de Manabi.
Portoviejo, Ecuador, November.
_. 1984. El Proyecto INIAP/Cornell: Metodologia para la
investigation sistemas de production. Invited lecture delivered at the
Estacion Experimental Portoviejo of the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones
Agropecuarias (INIAP), Portoviejo, Ecuador, November.
1984. Agricultural Research and Development: Viable Objectives
for Smallholder Programs. Paper presented at the Kansas State University
Farming Systems Conference, Manhattan, KS, October.
S1984. Bean/Cowpea CRSP Ecuador Project Activities. Presenta-
tion at the Pan-CRSP session, Rural Sociological Association Meetings, San
Antonio, TX, August.
1984. Report on Bean/Cowpea CRSP Activities in Ecuador.
'Presented to emeritus faculty, Cornell University, Spring.
1983. Methodological Issues in Farming Systems Research.
Farming Systems Research Symposium, Kansas State University, November.
1983. Methodological Issues in Farming Systems Research.
Presentation to the Farming Systems Research Seminar, International Agriculture
Program, Cornell University.
1983. Identifying Appropriate Target Populations. In C. B.
Flora (ed.) Proceedings of Kansas State University's 1982 Farming System
Symposium: Farming Systems in the Field: Farming Systems Research Paper No.
5. Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University, pp. 221-225.
Garrett, Patricia and Patricio Espinosa. 1986. Phases of Farming Systems
Research: The Relevance of Gender in Ecuadorian Sites. Paper presented at
the Conference on Gender Issues in Farming Systems Research and Extension,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, February.
Garrett, Patricia and Donna Goldstein. 1986. Sharecropping, Accumulation and
Class Formation: Interfaces between Macro and Micro Historical Processes in
Pimampiro, Ecuador. Presented to the Rural Sociology Department, Cornell
University, May.
Garrett, Patricia and Jorge Uquillas. 1985. Phases of Farming Systems
Research: A Synthesis of INIAP and ICTA Procedures Formulated during Project
Seminar. Paper presented at the Bean/Cowpea CRSP Socioeconomic/Agronomic
Workshop, East Lansing, MI, October 11-12.
Hall, Judith. 1986. Problems de almacenamiento con frejol en la zona de
Pimampiro (Dry Bean Storage Problems in the Pimampiro Area). Seminar given to
the INIAP Experiment Station staff, Santa Catalina, Ecuador, March.
S_. 1986. Reduction of Dry Bean Storage Losses in the Highlands of
Ecuador. Seminar given to the Vegetable Crops Department, Cornell University,
Kline, Wesley. 1986. Farming Systems Research: Cornell-CRSP Experience in
Ecuador. Seminar given to the International Agricultural Program, Cornell
University, February.
1986. Resultados de ensayos y recomendaciones para production
de frejol en la zona de Pimampiro (Research Results and Recommendations for
Dry Bean Production in the Area of Pimampiro). Presentation at the Dry Bean
Field Day, Pimampiro, Ecuador, July.
Linzan, Lenin y Wesley Kline. 1986. Situacion de la leguminosas haba y caupi
en el Valle del Rio Portoviejo (The Situation of Lima Beans and Cowpeas in the
Portoviejo River Valley). Presentation at the "Learn-by-Doing Course" funded
by FAO, Manabi, Ecuador.
Uquillas, Jorge. 1986. Aspectos sociologicos de la production de frejol en
Pimampiro (Sociological Aspects of Dry Bean Production in Pimampiro).
Presentation at the Dry Bean Field Day, Pimampiro, Ecuador, July.
1985. Tecnicas de investigation:. Sondeo vs entrevistas
estructuradas." Lecture delivered at the joint INIAP/ICTA Workshop on Farming
Systems Research, Quito, Ecuador, August.
Uquillas, Jorge and Napoleon Chavez. 1985. La investigation agro-socioeconomica
sobre leguminosas en el Ecuador: Imbabura y Manabi. Paper presented at the
Andean Regional Meeting of Legume Researchers, Quito, Ecuador, July.
Uquillas, Jorge and Patricia Garrett. 1986. Regional Analysis, Farming Systems
and Social Science: Bean/Cowpea CRSP Experiences in Manabi, Ecuador. Presenta-
tion at Social Research in International Development: A Cross-CRSP Conference,
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, October.
S1985. The Design of Farming Systems Research: Multidisciplinary
Collaboration in Ecuador and Guatemala. Paper presented at the Bean/Cowpea CRSP
Socioeconomic/Agronomic Workshop, East Lansing, MI, October 11-12.
Villasis, Cristobal. 1986. Nuevas variedades de frejol para la zona de
Pimampiro (New Varieties of Dry Beans for the Pimampiro Area). Presentation
at the Dry Bean Field Day, Pimampiro, Ecuador, July.
Wallace, Donald. 1985. Bean Yield by Whole Plant Systems Compared with Bean
Production by Whole Farming Systems. Paper presented at the Bean/Cowpea CRSP
Socioeconomic/Agronomic Workshop, East Lansing, MI, October 11-12.
Wallace, D. H., R. F. Sandsted and H. R. Capener. 1984. Report on Bean/Cowpea
CRSP Activities in Ecuador and Guatemala. Workshop presented to bean
researchers, Cornell University, May.
Wallace, D. H., R. F. Sandsted, H. R. Capener and P. Garrett. 1983. Report
on Bean/Cowpea CRSP Activities in Ecuador and Guatemala. Presentation to a
joint International Agriculture Program and Department of Plant Breeding
Seminar, Cornell University, Spring.
Agronomic, Sociological and Genetic Aspects of Bean Yield and Adaptation
Aldana, Fernando. 1985. Studies of Two Levels of Resistancef to Halo Blight
of Bean Evaluated in Growth Chamber and Field Conditions. M.S. Thesis,
Cornell University, Department of Plant Breeding.
Gniffke, P. A. 1985. Studies of Phenological Variation in the Common Bean
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as Modulated by Mean Temperature and Daylength. Ph.D.
Dissertation, Cornell University.
Masaya, P. N. 1984. Report for Physiological Genetic Studies in Guatemala.
Annual Report of the ICTA-Cornell University CRSP Project. Guatemala City,
Guatemala: Instituto de Ciencias y Technologia Agricola (ICTA).
1983. Physiological and Genetic Aspects of Maturity, Yield and
Adaptation of Beans. Annual Report of the ICTA-Cornell University CRSP
Project. Guatemala City, Guatemala: Instituto de Ciencias y Technologia
Agricola (ICTA).
1983. Results of 1982 on the Study of Relationships between
the Time of Maturity (and Flowering) and the Adaptation and Yield of Climbing
Beans Intercropped with Maize in Highlands of Guatemala. Guatemala City,
Guatemala: Instituto de Ciencias y Technologia Agricola (ICTA).
Masaya, P. N. and D. H. Wallace. 1984. Aggressiveness of Climbing Bean Is
Correlated with Characteristics of Maturity. Bean Improvement Cooperative
Annual Report 27:198-199.
1984. The Effect of Elevation (Temperature) on Number of Days
to and Node of Flowering in Beans. Bean Improvement Cooperative Annual Report
More, T. A., A. F. H. Muhammad, K. S. Yourstone and D. H. Wallace. 1985.
Photoperiod x Temperature x Genotype Effects on Day to Flowering of Bean
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.). III. Days to Flower of Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
as Directed by Genotype and Modulated by Daylength, Mean Temperature and
Diurnal Temperature Difference. Manuscript in preparation. Ithaca, NY:
Cornell University, Department of Plant Breeding and Biometry.
Muhammed, A. F. H. 1983. The Effects of Temperature and Daylength on Days to
First Flower and Maturity in Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). Ph. D. Dissertation,
Department of Plant Breeding and Biometry, Cornell University.
Netherly, Patricia. 1984. Agriculture in the Chimaltenango Region and Its
Relevance to the Bean/Cowpea CRSP. Manuscript. Ithaca, NY: Cornell
University, International Agriculture Library.
Wallace, D. H. 1986. Temperature Maximization of Gene-Directed Daylength-
Modulated Phenotypic Difference in Days to Flowering of Beans (Phaseolus
vulgaris L.). Manuscript. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Department of
Plant Breeding and Biometry.
S1985. Physiological Genetics of Plant Maturity, Adaptation and
Yield. Plant Breeding Review 3:21-167.
1983. Physiological-Genetics of Maturity, Adaptation and Yield.
Guatemala/Cornell CRSP Technical Report. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University,
Department of Plant Breeding and Biometry.
S1983. Researchable Problems Related to Breeding for Maturity,
Adaptation and Yield. A Cornell Perspective Project Paper. Ithaca, NY:
Cornell University, Department of Plant Breeding and Biometry.
Wallace, D. H. and G. A. Enriquez. 1980. Daylength and Temperature Effects
on Days to Flowering of Early and Late Maturing Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 105:583-591.
Wallace, D. H., P. A. Gniffke and P. N. Masaya. 1987. Photoperiod,
Temperature and Genotype Effects on Days to Flowering of Bean (Phaseolus
vulgaris L.). Manuscript. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Department of
Plant Breeding and Biometry.
Wallace, D. H., P. N. Masaya and P. A. Gniffke. 1984. Temperature x
Photoperiod, Adaptation and Yield in Phaseolus vulgaris. Vanguard I(1). East
Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, Bean/Cowpea CRSP Management Office.
Wallace, D. H., K. S. Yourstone and P. N. Masaya. 1988. Control by a
Photoperiod Gene over Partitioning to Reproductive vs. Vegetative Growth of
Determinate Bean and the Effects on Days to Flowering and Maturity, Harvest
Index and Yield.. Manuscript in preparation. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University,
Department of Plant Breeding and Biometry.
Gniffke, P. A. 1985. Modeling Development of Bean Plants under Different
Daylengths and Temperatures. Mini-Workshop at the American Society of Plant
Physiology Meeting, Providence, RI, June.
Masaya, P. N., S. Ajquejay and D. H. Wallace. 1985. Control genetic del
tiempo de floracion y de la capacidad de accumulacion de peso total en'dos
variedades de Frijol indererminado. Paper presented at XXXI Annual Meeting of
the Programa Cooperativo Centroambricano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos
Alimenticios (PCCMCA), San Pedro Sula, Honduras, April.
Masaya, P. N. and D. H. Wallace 1984. Aggressiveness of Climbing Bean Is
Correlated with Characteristics of Maturity. Paper presented at the Bean
Improvement Cooperative Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, November 7-10.
1984. The Effect of Elevation (Temperature) on Number of Days
to and Node of Flowering in Beans. Paper presented at the Bean Improvement
Cooperative Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, November 7-10.
Masaya, P. N., D. H. Wallace, M. Guzman, S. Ajquejay and F. Monzon. 1985.
Control genetic del tiempo de floracion del frijol comun (Phaseolus vulgaris
L.) en tres diferentes regimenes de temperature. Paper presented at XXXI
Annual Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento
de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), San Pedro Sula, Honduras, April.
Masaya, P. N., J. W. White, D. H. Wallace and R. Rodriguez. 1987. Early
Generation Selection for High Yield in Beans Using Physiological Components of
Yield as Selection Criteria. Paper presented at the Symposium on Breeding for
Higher Yields in Common Bean: XXXIII Annual Meeting of the Programa
Cooperative Centroamnricano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios
(PCCMCA), Guatemala City, Guatemala, March 31.
Monterosso, Victor Armando. 1985. Aspectos agronomicos de la production de
frijol. Paper presented at XXXI Annual Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo
Centroam6ricano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), San
Pedro Sula, Honduras, April.
Reyes, Mamerto. 1985. Aspectos sociologicos y economics de la production en
frijol en Chimaltenango, Guatemala. Paper presented at XXXI Annual Meeting of
the Programa Cooperativo Centroam6ricano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos
Alimenticios (PCCMCA), San Pedro Sula, Honduras, April.
Wallace, D. H. 1987. Control by a Photoperiod Gene in Bean over Partitioning
to Reproductive versus Vegatative Growth. Presented to Plant Biology
Seminars, Cornell University, October 17.
1987. Improving Efficiency of Breeding for Higher Yield by
Selecting for Photosynthetic and Partitioning Rates. Presented at a Workshop
on Photosynthesis and Yield, Cambridge University, England, July.
1985. Genotype x Daylength x Temperature Effects on Days to
Flowering. Mini-Workshop at the American Society of Plant Physiology Meeting,
Providence, RI, June.
1985. Genotype x Daylength x Temperature Effects on Days to
Flowering. Vegetable Crops Department Seminar at Cornell University, Spring.
_. 1985. Genotype x Daylength x Temperature Effects on Days to
Flowering. Plant Breeding Department Seminar at Cornell University, Spring.
Wallace, D. H., P. N. Masaya, K. S. Yourstone and B. T. Skully. 1987. Yield
System Analysis for Improving Efficiency of Breeding for Higher Yield. Paper
presented at the Symposium on Breeding for Higher Yields in Common Bean:
XXXIII Annual Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el
Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), Guatemala City, Guatemala,
March 31.
Wallace, D. H., R. F. Sandsted and H. R. Capener. 1984. Report on Bean/Cowpea
CRSP Activities in Ecuador and Guatemala. Workshop presented to bean
researchers, Cornell University, May.
Wallace, D. H., R. F. Sandsted, P. Garrett and H. R. Capener. 1984. Report
on Bean/Cowpea CRSP Activities in Ecuador and Guatemala. Presented to
Department of Plant Breeding, Cornell University, May.
Wallace, D. H., K. S. Yourstone and P. N. Masaya. 1987. Determining
Physiological Bases for Yield Differences in Yield Trials. Presented at 1987
Biennial Meeting of the Bean Improvement Cooperative and National Bean
Council, Denver, CO, October 27-29. Discussed further at the Annual Meeting
of the Western Region Research Project W-150: Breeding Beans for Yield, Pest
Resistance, Nutrition and Culinary Quality, Denver, CO.
1987. Daylength Modulation of Partitioning to Yield and Its
Control by a Single Photoperiod Gene of Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Agronomy, Atlanta,
GA, December.
Yourstone, K. S. 1984. Applications of the MSTAT Microcomputer Procedures to
Plant Breeding. Plant Breeding Department Seminar at Cornell University, Fall.
Yourstone, K. S. and D. H. Wallace. 1987. Photoperiod and Temperature
Effects on Rate of Node Development of Five Indeterminate Bean Genotypes.
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Agronomy, Atlanta,
GA, December.
Improvement of Bean Production in Honduras
through Breeding for Multiple Disease Resistance
Del Rio, L. 1987. Microflora de la semilla de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
en Honduras. M.S. Thesis, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus.
Diaz Donaire, R., D. W. Unander and J. S. Beaver. 1985. Yield Stability of
Dry Bean Cultivars in Honduras. Agronomy Abstracts 52.
Freytag, G. F., M. J. Bassett and J. Lopez Rosa. 1987. Six Bean Populations
Developed in Puerto Rico from Interspecific Crosses (Phaseolus vulgaris x P.
coccineus). Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 30:16-17.
Freytag, G. F., M. J. Bassett and M. Zapata. 1982. Registration of XR-234-1-1
Bean Germ Plasm. (Reg. No. GP-42). Crop Science 22:1268-1269.
Lopez Rosa, Julio. 1984. Five Improved Multiple Disease Resistance Lines
Released. Research Highlights (1)2. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State
University, Bean/Cowpea CRSP Management Office.
Zapata, M. 1982. Virulencia de [Xanthamonas phaseoli (E. F. Smith) Dowson] y
[X. phaseoli var. fuscans (Burkh) Starry Burkh] agents etiologicos de los
tizones comun y fusco de habichuela (P. vulgaris) en (P. coccineus) en Puerto
Rico. M.S. Thesis, College of Agricultural Sciences, MayagUez Campus,
University of Puerto Rico.
1985. Effect of Pure and Mixed Suspensions of Virulent and
Heterologous Isolates of Xanthomonas campestris on the Infectivity of the
Inoculum on Two Species of Phaseolus. Journal of Agriculture, University of
Puerto Rico LXIX(2):191-199.
Zapata, M., G. F. Freytag and R. E. Wilkinson. 1985. Evaluation for Bacterial
Blight Resistance in Beans. Phytopathology 75:1032-1039.
Alan, J. 1985. Chemical Control of Foliar Bean Diseases. Paper presented at
the XXXI Annual Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo Centroam6ricano para el
Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), San Pedro Sula, Honduras,
Brunner, B. R. and J. S. Beaver. 1987. Estimation of Outcrossing of Beans in
Puerto Rico. Paper presented at the 1987-Biennial Meeting of the Bean
Improvement Cooperative and National Bean Council, Denver, CO, October 27-29.
Castano, J., J. Zepeda and S. Zuluaga. 1987. Epidemiology y control de roya
del frijol (Uromyces appendiculatus [Pers.] Ung.) mediante mezclas en
cuarenteno, varieded endemica de Honduras. Paper presented at the XXXIII
Annual Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo Centroam6ricano para el
Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), Guatemala City, Guatemala,
March 30-April 4.
Del Rio, L. Y P. R. Hepperly. 1986. Supresividad de Rhizoctonia solani
(Kuhn) en Cuatro Tipos de Suelo de Puerto Rico. Memorial de la Reunion
Cientifico Anual 1986 de la Sociedad Puertorriquena de Ciencias Agricolas, p.
Diaz Donaire, R. 1984. Review of the Escuela Agricola Panamericana/-
University of Puerto Rico, Title XII Bean/Cowpea CRSP Research Activities in
Honduras. Paper presented at the Biological Nitrogen Fixation Workshop,
Tegucigalpa, Honduras: Escuela Agricola Panamericana, July.
Diaz Donaire, R. and S. Zuluaga. 1985. F.ilosofia, objectives, y estratagias
del proyecto Bean/Cowpea CRSP EAP/UPR. Paper presented at the First Annual
National Bean Research Meeting, Comayagua, Honduras, June.
Echavez Badel, R. 1983. Respuestas del frijol al tratamiento con fertilizante
en tres suelos de Puerto Rico. XXIX Annual Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo
Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), Panama
City, Panama, April 5-8 (Abstract in Spanish).
Echavez Badel, R., J. S. Beaver and G. F. Freytag. 1985. Linea de frijol
blanco resistente a la roya y a la mancha angular y tolerante al tizon comun.
Paper presented at the XXXI Annual Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo
Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), San
Pedro Sula, Honduras, April.
Echavez Badel, R. and G. F. Freytag. 1982. Field Resistance to Angular Leaf
Spot of Bean Advanced Lines Developed in Puerto Rico. XXVIII Annual Meeting
of the Programa Cooperativo Centroam6ricano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos
Alimenticios (PCCMCA), San Jose, Costa Rica, March 21-26 (Abstract in Spanish).
Echavez Badel, R., G. F. Freytag, J. S. Beaver and J. D. Kelly. 1984.
Resistencia de campo al tizon comun del frijol de lines avanzadas
desarrolladas en Puerto Rico. Paper presented at the XXX Annual Meeting of
the Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos
Alimenticios (PCCMCA), Managua, Nicaragua, April 30-May 4.
Freytag, G. F., R. Echavez Badel, J. S. Beaver and M. W. Adams. 1983.
Advances on the Improvement of Beans for Multiple Disease Resistance and Plant
Type in Puerto Rico. XXIX Annual Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo
Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), Panama
City, Panama, April 5-8 (Abstract in Spanish).
Freytag, G. F., M. Zapata and R. Echavez Badel. 1983. Advances on the
Improvement of Beans for Resistance to Bacterial Blight (Xanthomonas) in Puerto
Rico. XXIX Annual Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo Centroamdricano para el
Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), Panama City, Panama, April 5-8
(Abstract in Spanish)
Lazu, J., E. C. Schroder and J. S. Beaver. 1986. Evaluation of Phaseolus
vulgaris L. Genotypes for Biological Nitrogen Fixation with Rhizobium
phaseoli. Memoria de la Reunion Cientifico Anual 1986 de la Sociedad
Puertorriquena de Ciencias Agricolas, p. 23.
Zapata, M. and G. F. Freytag. 1983. Evaluation of a Selected Population of
Phaseolus coccineus Inoculated with the Causal Virus of Bean Golden Mosaic,
Common Bean Mosaic and Cowpea Mosaic in Puerto Rico. XXIX Annual Meeting of
the Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos
Alimenticios (PCCMCA), Panama City, Panama, April 5-8 (Abstract in Spanish).
1983. Selected Clones of Phaseolus coccineus with Multiple
Virus Resistance. Paper presented at the 1983 Meeting of the Bean Improvement
Cooperative, Minneapolis, MN, November 7-10.
1983. Transmission of Bean Golden Mosaic Virus by Grafting.
Paper presented at the 1983 Meeting of the Bean Improvement Cooperative,
Minneapolis, MN, November 7-10.
Zapata, M., G. F. Freytag, J. H. Lopez Rosa and P. L. Melendez. 1983.
Virulence of X. phaseoli (E. F. Smith) Dowson and X. phaseoli var. fuscans
(Burkh.) Starr & Burkh. on the Foliar Tissue and the Pods of PhaseoTus
coccineus L. XXIX Annual Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano
para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), Panama City, Panama,
April 5-8 (Abstract in Spanish).
Zuluaga, S., J. Castano, C. Elvir y C. Cruz. 1986. Efecto de la roya
(Uromyces phaseoli (Reben) Wint.) sobre el rendimiento y sus components en
variedades hondurenas de frijol. Paper presented at the XXXII Annual Meeting
of the Programa Cooperativo Centroamdricano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos
Alimenticios (PCCMCA), San Salvador, El Salvador, March.
Zuluaga, S., C. M. Elvir, C. Rodriguez and J. D. Erazo. 1987. Investigaciones
sobre la tolerancia a sequia en frijol en Honduras. Trabajo presentado en la
Reunion de Trabajo de Tolerancia a Sequia en frijol en America Latina, CIAT,
Call, Colombia, Octubre 21-23.
Improved Biological Utilization and Acceptability of Dry Beans
Acevedo, E. and R. Bressani. 1987. Contenido de Fibra Dietetica y Valor
Nutritivo de Frijoles Crudos y Procesados. Manuscript. Guatemala City,
Guatemala: Instituto de Nutricion de Centro America y Panama (INCAP),
Division of Agriculture and Food Science.
Agbo, G. N., G. L. Hosfield, M. A. Uebersax and K. Klomparens. 1987. Seed
Microstructure and Its Relationship to Water Uptake in Isogenic Lines and a
Cultivar of Dry Beans (Phaseolus vulagaris L.). Food Microstructure
Aguilera, J. M., E. B. Crisafulli, E. W. Lusas, M. A. Uebersax and M. E. Zabik.
1984. Air Classification and Extrusion of Navy Bean Fractions. Journal of
Food Science 49:543-546.
Artz, W. E. 1984. Interaction of Procyanidin and Protein. Ph.D. Disserta-
tion, Washington State University.
Artz, W. E., P. Bishop, A. K. Dunker, E. G. Schanus and B. G. Swanson. 1987.
Interaction of Synthetic Procyanidin Dimer and Trimer with Bovine Serum Albumin
and Purified Bean Globulin Fraction G-1. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemists
Artz, W. E., B. G. Swanson, B. J. Sendzicki, A. Rasyid and R. E. W. Birch.
1986. Protein-Procyanidin Interaction and Nutritional Quality of Dry Beans.
In R. L. Ory (ed.) Plant Proteins: Applications, Biological Effects, and
Chemistry. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, ACS Symposium Series
312, pp 126-137.
Aw, Tak-Ling. 1983. Influence of Tannin on Phaseolus vulgaris Protein
Digestibility and Quality. M.S. Thesis, Washington State University.
Aw, Tak-Ling and B. G. Swanson. 1985. Influence of Tannin on Phaseolus
vulgaris Protein Digestibility and Quality. Journal of Food Science 50:67-71.
Ballarin, Marco. 1982. Testing for Fusarium Root Rot Resistance in Dry Beans
in Southwestern Colorado. M.S. Thesis, Colorado State University, Department
of Agronomy.
Benzinger, J. H., M. E. Zabik and M. A. Uebersax. 1983. The Effect of Hull
Incorporation on Texture and Color of Extruded Navy Bean Puffs. Cereal Foods
World 28:477.
Birch, R. E. W. 1985. Black Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), Bean Broth and Growth
of Preschool Guatemalan Children. Ph.D. Dissertation, Washington State
Bolles, A. D. 1983. Effect of Selected Genetic and Processing Variables on
Processed Bean Quality. M.S. Thesis, Michigan State University.
Bonorden, W. R. and B. G. Swanson. In press. Characterization and
Quantitative Determination of Heat Stability of Black Turtle Soup (P.
vulgaris) Lectins. Phaseolus Information Exchange.
Braham, J. E. and R. Bressani. 1985. Effect of Bean Broth on the Nutritive
Value and Digestibility of Beans. Journal of the Science of Food and
Agriculture 36:1028-1034.
Bressani, R. 1987. Effect
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of Bean Broth Addition on the Nutritive Value of
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1985. Protein Quality and Nutritional Value of Beans.
Research Highlights (11)6. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University,
Bean/Cowpea CRSP Management Office.
1984. Nutritive Value of Cowpea. In S. R. Singh and K. 0.
Rachie (eds.) Cowpea Research, Production and Utilization. Chichester,
England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., pp. 353-359.
Bressani, R. and J. E. Braham. 1987. Selected Chemical Components and
Nutritive Value of Bean Broth. Manuscript. Guatemala City, Guatemala:
Institute de Nutricion de Centro America y Panama (INCAP), Division of
Agriculture and Food Science.
Bressani, R., L. G. Elias, A. Wolzak, A. E. Hagerman and L. G. Butler. 1983.
Tannin in Common Beans: Method of Analysis and Effects on Protein Quality.
Journal of Food Science 48:1000-1001, 1003.
Bressani, R., L. Estrada-Ligorria and A. Garcia-Soto. 1987. Some Agronomic
Characteristics of Canavalia spp. Submitted to Journal of the Science of Food
and Agriculture.
Bressani, R., A. Garcia Sota and L. Estrada. 1987. Preliminary Study on the
Factors Which Determine Bean Cooking Broth Nutrient Composition. Submitted to
Qualitas Plantarum: Plant Foods for Human Nutrition.
Bressani, R., R. Gomez Brenes, A. Garcia Sota and L. G. Elias. 1987. Chemical
Composition, Amino Acid Content and Protein Quality of Canavalia sp Seeds.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 40:17-23.
Bressani, R., E. Hernandez and J. E. Braham.
Content and Intake of Bean Polyphenolics on
Subjects. Submitted to Qualitas Plantarum:
1987. Relationship between the
the Protein Digestibility in Human
Plant Foods for Human Nutrition.
Bressani, R., E. Hernandez, D. Navarrete and J. E. Braham. 1984. Protein
Digestibility of Methionine Supplemented Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) in
Adult Human Subjects. Archives Latinoamericanos de Nutricion 34(4)640-653.
Bressani, R., D. de Mora and R. Gomez-Brenes. 1987. Evaluacion de dos
Metodos para Establecer el Contenido de Polifenoles en Frijol Crudo y Cocido y
Efecto sobre la Digestibilidad de la Proteina. Submitted to Archivos
Latinoamericanos de Nutricion.
Bressani, R., D. A. Navarrete and L. G. Elias. 1987. Culinary Practices and
Consumption Characteristics of Common Bean at the Rural Home Level. Submitted
to Ecology of Food and Nutrition.
1984. The Nutritional Value of Diets Based on Starchy Foods and
Common Beans. Qualitas Plantarum--Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 34:109-115.
Caviness, G. 0. 1985. Phenotypic Variation of Flavonoids in Plants and Callus
Cultures of Phaseolus vulgaris. M.S. Thesis, Washington State University.
Caviness, G. 0., E. G. Schanus and B. G. Swanson. 1987. Phenotypic Variation
of Flavonoids in Plants and Callus Cultures of Phaseolus vulgaris. Submitted
to Journal of Agricultural Food Chemists.
Coffey, Donald. 1985. Studies of Phytohemmagglutinin, the Lectin of
Phaseolus vulgaris L. Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State University,
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition.
Coffey, D. G., M. A. Uebersax and G. L. Hosfield. 1983. Evaluation of
Hemagglutinating Activity of Low-Temperature Cooked Kidney Beans (Phaseolus
vulgaris). Cereal Foods World 28:574.
Coffey, D. G., M. A. Uebersax, G. L. Hosfield and J. F. Brunner. 1985.
Evaluation of the Hemagglutinin Activity of Low Temperature Cooked Kidney
Beans. Journal of Food Science 50:78-81, 87.
Elias, L. G., A. Garcia Soto and R. Bressani. 1986. Metodos para establecer
la calidad tecnologica y nutricional del frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris).
Publication L-33. Guatemala City, Guatemala: Instituto de Nutricion de
Centro America y Panama (INCAP), Division of Agriculture and Food Science.
Franco, J., A. Garcia-Soto and R. Bressani. 1987. Factores Fisicos y
Quimicos en el Frijol y su Relacion con la Tasa de Absorcion de Agua.
Manuscript. Guatemala City, Guatemala: Instituto de Nutricion de Centro
America y Panama (INCAP), Division of Agriculture and Food Science.
Garcia, A. and R. Bressani. 1985. Efecto de la radiacion solar sobre algunas
caracteristicas fisico-quimicas del grano de frijol (P. vulgaris). Turrialba
Ghaderi, A., G. L. Hosfield, M. W. Adams and M. A. Uebersax. 1984.
Variability in Culinary Quality, Component Interrelationships and Breeding
Implications in Navy and Pinto Beans. Journal of the American Society of
Horticultural Science 109:85-90.
Gomez Brenes, R. A. and R. Bressani. 1985. Desarrollo, construction y
evaluacion de un aparato para medir la dureza y el tiempo de coccion de granos
de frijol (P. vulgaris). Archives Latinoamericanos de Nutricion 35:654-658.
Gomez Brenes, R., D. R. de Mora and R. Bressani. In press. Contenido de
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digestibilidad in vivo e in vitro de la protein. Archivos Latinoamericanos
de Nutricion.
Hernandez, R. F. 1983. Odor and Analysis of Geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol
in Processed Dry Beans. M.S. Thesis, Washington State University.
Hosfield, G. L., A. Ghaderi and M. A. Uebersax. 1984. A Factor Analysis of
Yield and Sensory and Physicochemical Data from Tests Used to Measure Culinary
Quality in Dry Edible Beans. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 64:285-293.
Hosfield, G. L., M. A. Uebersax and T. G. Isleib. 1984. Seasonal and Geno-
typic Effects on Field and Physicochemical Seed Characteristics Related to Food
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Acevedo, E. and R. Bressani. 1987. Contenido de Fibra Dietetica y Valor
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Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), Guatemala City, Guatemala, March 30-April 4.
Arqueta, C. E., M. R. Molina y R. Bressani. 1984. Propiedades nutricionales
y reologicas de frijoles negros (Phaseolus vulgaris) duros procesados por
extrusion. Paper presented at VII Congreso Latinoamericano de Nutricion,
Brasilia, Brazil, November.
Arqueta, C. E., J. C. Rosado, M. R. Molina y R. Bressani. 1984. Propiedades
nutricionales y funcionales de harinas precocidas de frijol negro (Phaseolus
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y secador de rodas. Paper presented at VII Congreso Latinoamericano de
Nutricion, Brasilia, Brazil, November.
1984. Evaluacion de dos process para preparar harinas precocidas
de frijol (P. vulgaris) parcialmente extendidas con soya y caupi. Paper
presented at the Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de
Cultivos Alimenticios Meeting, Managua, Nicaragua, April 30-May 4.
Artz, W. E., P. Bishop, A. K. Dunker, E. G. Schanus and B. G. Swanson. 1985.
Interaction of Procyanidin and Protein. 45th Annual Meeting of the Institute
of Food Technologists, Atlanta, GA, June (Abstract 332).
Aw, Tak-Ling and B. G. Swanson. 1983. Digestibility and Quality of Phaseolus
vulgaris Globulin in the Presence of Bean Tannin. Institute of Food
Technologists Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 19-22 (Abstract 94).
Birch, R. E. W., B. G. Swanson, R. M. Koes and P. Finney. 1985. Tempeh
Fermentation and Protein Quality of Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). 45th Annual
Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, Atlanta, GA, June (Abstract
Bliss, F. 1983. Breeding Beans for Greater Utilization. Paper presented at
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Meeting of the Bean Improvement Cooperative and National Bean Council,
Minneapolis, MN, November 7-10.
Braham, J. E., R. Bressani and R. Gomez Brenes. 1985. Efecto del caldo de
frijol sobre el valor nutritivo de la digestibilidad de esta leguminosa. Paper
presented at XXXI Annual Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo Centroam6ricano
para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), San Pedro Sula,
Honduras, April.
_____. 1984. Efecto del caldo de frijol sobre el valor nutritivo y la
digestibilidad de esta leguminosa. Paper presented at VII Congreso
Latinoamericano de Nutricion, Brasilia, Brazil, November.
Bressani, R. 1984. Necesidades de investigation para elevar la calidad
nutricional del frijol comun (Phaseolus vulgaris). Paper presented at the
Workshop on the Bean Program of Region VI, Guatemala (Jutiapa), sponsored by
Institute de Ciencias y Tecnologia Agricola, Jutiapa, Guatemala, October 15-26.
1983. Nutritional Quality of Dry Beans. Proceedings of the
1983 Biennial Meeting of the Bean Improvement Cooperative and National Dry
Bean Council, Minneapolis, MN, November 7-10 (Abstract, pp. 71-72).
Bressani, R. and L. G. Elias. 1986. Seed Quality and Nutritional Goals in
Pea, Lentil, Fababean and Chickpea. Research Conference on Pea, Lentil,
Fababean and Chickpea, Spokane, WA, July.
Bressani, R., L. G. Elias and L. Estrada. 1986. Factores que determinan la
composicion quimica del caldo de coccion del frijol. Paper presented at the
XXXII Annual Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el
Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), San Salvador, El Salvador,
Bressani, R. and C. Mena de Godinez. 1987. Evaluacion de Aceptabilidad de
Mezclas de Caupi/Arroz. Presented at the XXXIII Annual Meeting of the
Program Cooperativo Centroamiricano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos
Alimenticios (PCCMCA), Guatemala City, Guatemala, March 30-April 4.
Caviness, G. 0., C. W. Nagel, W. N. Loescher, E. G. Schanus and B. G. Swanson.
1986. Phenotypic Variation of Flavonoids in Beans, Phaseolus vulgaris. Paper
presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists,
Dallas, TX, June 15-18.
Cruz, K., M. Zapata, L. Telek and G. F. Freytag. 1983. Determinacion de
taninos en semillas de una poblacion seleccionada de Phaseolus coccineus.
Paper presented at the Memoria de la Reunion Cientifico Anual 1983 de la
Sociedad Puertorriquena de Ciencias Agricolas, San Juan, PR.
De Leon, L., L. G. Elias and R. Bressani. 1987. Intercambio Ionica: un
Mecanismo Responsable del Ablandamiento del Frijol Comun (P. vulgaris)
endurecido durante su coccion con soluciones salinas. Presented at the XXXIII
Annual Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo Centroam6ricano para el Mejoramiento
de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), Guatemala City, Guatemala, March 30-April 4.
Deman, H., R. Sibrian y L. Elias. 1984. Practices en la coccion del frijol
comun (Phaseolus vulgaris) usando cocinus mejoradas de lena tipo lorena en al
area rural de Guatemala. Paper presented at VII Congreso Latinoamericano de
Nutricion, Brasilia, Brazil, November.
Elias, L. G., R. Bressani y R. Sibrian. 1985. Efecto de la edad y del nivel
de protein sobre la digestibilidad aparente del frijol comun (P. vulgaris).
Paper presented at XXXI Annual Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo
Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), San
Pedro Sula, Honduras, April.
S1984. Efecto de la edad y del nivel de protein sobre la
digestibilidad aparente del frijol comun (P. vulgaris). Paper presented at
the VII Congreso Latino Americano de Nutricion, Brasilia, Brazil, November.
Elias, L. G., A. Garcia Soto and R. Bressani. 1986. Metodos fisicos, quimicos
y nutricionales para establecer la calidad tecnologica y nutricional del
frijol. Paper presented at the XXXII Annual Meeting of the Programa
Cooperative Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios
(PCCMCA), San Salvador, El Salvador, March.
Elias, L. G., 0. Martinez, R. Sibrian and R. Bressani. 1984. Estudios sobre
el mecanismo de endurecimiento del frijol. Aplicacion de un metado de
almacenamiento acelerado. Paper presented at the XXX Programa Cooperativo
Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios Meeting (PCCMCA),
Managua, Nicaragua, April 30-May 4.
Elias, L. G., S. H. Orozco, 0. Martinez, R. Sibrian and R. Bressani. 1984.
Efecto genetic y ambiental sobre algunas caracteristicas nutricionales y
technological del frijol comun (P. vulgaris). Paper presented at VII Congreso
Latinoamericano de Nutricion, Brasilia, Brazil, November.
Garcia-Soto, A., J. Sosa, L. G. Elias and R. Bressani. 1987. Evaluacion del
Proceso de Endurecimiento del Grano de Frijol Bajo Condiciones de
Almacenamiento de Pequeno Agricultor. Presented at the XXXIII Annual Meeting
of the Programa Cooperativo Centroamnricano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos
Alimenticios (PCCMCA), Guatemala City, Guatemala, March 30-April 4.
Gomez Brenes, R. A. and R. Bressani. 1984. Desarrollo, construction y
evaluacion de un aparato para medir el tiempo de coccion del frijol y del maiz.
Paper presented at the XXX Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el
Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios Meeting (PCCMCA), Managua, Nicaragua,
April 30-May 4.
Hernandez, R. F. and B. G. Swanson. 1983. Geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol in
Processed Dry Beans. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, New
Orleans, LA, June 19-22 (Abstract 286).
Hosfield, G. L. 1985. Current Research Effort on Dry Edible Beans by the
Agricultural Research Service of USDA. Proceedings of Technical Conference on
Dry Bean Research, San Francisco, CA, February, pp. 31-48. Available from
Food Processors Institute, 1401 New York Avenue NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC
Hosfield, G. L. 1983. The Culinary Quality of Dry Edible Beans: A Breeding
Perspective. Proceedings of the 1983 Biennial Meeting of the Bean Improvement
Cooperative and National Dry Bean Council, Minneapolis, MN, November 7-10
(Abstract, pp. 5-6).
1983. Processing and Cooking Qualities of Dry Beans. Paper
presented at the Symposium on Dry Bean Nutrition and Cooking Quality: 1983
Biennial Meeting of the Bean Improvement Cooperative and National Bean Council,
Minneapolis, MN, November 7-10.
Hosfield, G. L., M. A. Uebersax, M. R. Bennink, R. A. Tomkinson, D. G. Coffey
and N. N. Wassimi. 1987. Genetic Variability Factors Limiting the
Digestibility of Dry Beans in Human Diets. Proceedings of the Ist
International Symposium on Horticulture and Human Health, American Society for
Horticultural Science, Arlington, VA, April 12-15.
Hughes, J. S., H. P. Rasmussen and B. G. Swanson. 1984. Food Microstructure:
Review of Water Imbibition in Legumes. Paper presented at the Annual Scanning
Electron Microscopy Meetings, Philadelphia, PA, April.
Hughes, J. S. and B. G. Swanson. 1986. A Scanning Electron Microscope Study
of Lentil Seeds (Lens culinaris). Paper presented at the 1986 International
Food Legume Research Conference, Spokane, WA, July.
Melgar, M., A. Garcia Sota, V. Najera and R. Bressani. 1986. Variabilidad de
algunas caracteristicas agronomicas, nutricionales y tecnologicas de cinco
variedades de frijol negro, bajo diferentes condiciones ambientales. Paper
presented at the XXXII Annual Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo
Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), San
Salvador, El Salvador, March.
Mena de Godinez, C. 1986. El problema de la digestibilidad de la protein
del frijol en la cadena alimentaria. Memorias del II Congreso de Ingenieria
Agronomica y de Alimentos APADI 86, Guatemala, August.
Mena de Godinez, C. and R. Bressani. 1987. Estudios de Digestibilidad de la
Proteina del Frijol, Comparando Resultados de Humanos y Ratas, con Ensayos in
vitro. Presented at the XXXIII Annual Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo
Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA),
Guatemala City, Guatemala, March 30-April 4.
Mendoza de Bosque, C., S. Linares, L. G. Elias and R. Bressani. 1987.
Interrelacion entire Caracteristicas Fisicas, Quimicas y Nutricionales de 20
Variedades de Frijol Comun (P. vulgaris). Presented at the XXXIII Annual
Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de
Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), Guatemala City, Guatemala, March 30-April 4.
Molina, M. R., M. A. Baten and R. Bressani. 1986. Efecto de ones sobre el
tiempo de coccion del frijol negro (P. vulgaris). Paper presented at the XXXII
Annual Meeting of the Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento
de Cultivos Alimenticios (PCCMCA), San Salvador, El Salvador, March.
1984. Efecto del endurecimiento del frijol negro (P. vulgaris)
y de algunos tratamientos para prevenirlo sobre caracteristicas de las harinas
precocidas elaborados. Paper presented at the XXX Programa Cooperativo
Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios Meeting (PCCMCA),
Managua, Nicaragua, April 30-May 4.
Molina, M., G. de Masaya, M. A. Baten and R. Bressani. 1984. Efecto del
almacenaje y tratamientos preventivos de endurecimiento sobre contenido de
polifenoles y de diversas fracciones proteicas en dos variedades de frijol
negro (P. vulgaris). Paper presented at the XXX Programa Cooperativo
Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos Alimenticios Meeting
(PCCMCA), Managua, Nicaragua, April 30-May 4.
Nzuzi, L. and B. G. Swanson. 1986. Indices of Dry Bean Cooking Time: Sodium
Chloride Solutions, Storage Conditions, Phytic Acid and Calcium Concentrations.
Paper presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the Canadian Institute of Food
Science and Technology, Calgary, Alberta, June.
Senazicki, B. J. and B. G. Swanson. 1984. Influence of Procyanidins and the
Gastrointestinal Tract of the Rat. 1984 International Chemical Congress of
Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, HI, December (Abstract 04P47).
Sibrian, R., L. Elias, D. J. Estrada y R. Bressani. 1984. Geometria en la
evaluacion de la ca lidad del frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris) en la dieta
Centroamericana. Paper presented at VII Congreso Latinoamericano de Nutricion,
Brasilia, Brazil, November.
Swanson, B. G. 1987. Pea and Lentil Protein Functionality. Presented at the
78th American Oil Chemists Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 17-21.
1985. History and Development of Off-Flavors in Dry Beans.
Proceedings of Technical Conference on Dry Bean Research, San Francisco, CA,
February, pp. 3-5. Available from Food Processors Institute, 1401 New York
Avenue NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20005.
1983. Production, Storage and Dry Bean Quality. Proceedings
of the 1983 Meeting of the Bean Improvement Cooperative and National Dry Bean
Council, Minneapolis, MN, November 7-10 (Abstract, pp. 54-55).
Swanson, B. G., W. E. Artz, B. J. Sendzicki, R. E. W. Birch and A. Rasyid.
1985. Protein-Procyanidin Interaction and Nutritional Quality. Paper
presented at Agricultural and Food Chemistry Division Symposium: Annual
Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Chicago, IL, September.
Swanson, B. G. and T-L. Aw. 1983. Digestibility and Quality of Phaseolus
vulgaris Globulin in the Presence of Bean Tannin. Proceedings of the 1983
Biennial Meeting of the Bean Improvement Cooperative and National Dry Bean
Council, Minneapolis, MN, November 7-10 (Abstract 18, p. 51).
Swanson, B. G. and R. F. Hernandez. 1983. Geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol in
Processed Dry Beans. Proceedings of the 1983 Biennial Meeting of the Bean
Improvement Cooperative and National Dry Bean Council, Minneapolis, MN,
November 7-10 (Abstract 19, p. 52).
Swanson, B. G. and J. S. Hughes. 1986. Microstructural Comparison of Common
Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and Lentil (Lens culinaris) Seeds. Paper presented
at the 29th Annual Conference of the Canadian Institute of Food Science and
Technology, Calgary, Alberta, June.
1985. Changes in Microstructure of Phaseolus vulgaris during
Maturation. Paper presented at Annual Scanning Electron Microscopy Meetings,
Phoenix, AZ, April.
Swanson, B. G. and S. L. O'Bannon. 1984. Simulated Bulk Storage and the
Quality of Dry Beans. 44th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food
Technologists, Anaheim, CA, June (Abstract 404).
Swanson, B. G. and A. Rasyid. 1984. Protein Quality of Soybean, Red Bean and
Corn Tempeh. 44th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists,
Anaheim, CA, June (Abstract 310).
Uebersax, M. A. 1985. Quality Aspects of Moisture, Soaking and Blanching in
Dry Bean Processing. Proceedings of Technical Conference on Dry Bean Research,
San Francisco, CA, February, pp. 7-22. Available from Food Processors
Institute, 1401 New York Avenue NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20005.
Improvement of Drought and Heat Tolerance of Bean Cultivars
in Semiarid Regions of Kenya
Baird, L. M., G. Sarath
Flowering on the Growth
of Rhizobium phaseoli.
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of Bean Plants Inoculated with an "Ineffective" Strain
Botanical Gazette 144:225-230.
Baird, L. M. and B. D. Webster. 1982.
Made Effective: Impact of Source-Sink
Agronomy Abstracts 91.
An "Ineffective" Strain of Rhizobium
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1982. Effects of Prevention of Flowering in Phaseolus
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Physiology Supplement 69:157.
1982. Morphogenesis of Effective and Ineffective Root
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Beaver, R. J. and J. A. Mosjidis. In press.
Analysis of Generation Means. Euphytica.
Important Considerations in the
Bouscaren, S. J., I. R. Lazcano-Ferrat and J. G. Waines. 1987. Effect of
Temperature on Root Length under Water Limited Conditions for Phaseolus
acutifolius and P. vulgaris. Bean Improvement Cooperative 30:83-84.
Bouscaren, S. J., J. G. Waines and L. A. Boykin-Bouscaren. 1983.
and Use of Teparies in Sonora, Mexico. Desert Plants 5:38-42.
Cory, C. L., G. Sarath, J. G. Waines and B. D. Webster. 1984. S
Phaseolus vulgaris and P. acutifolius for Drought Tolerance. Beai
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screening of
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Cory, C. L. and Barbara D. Webster. 1984. Assessment of Drought Tolerance ii
Cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris and P. acutifolius. HortScience 19(3):68.
Garvin, D. F. 1987. The Inheritance and Linkage of Isozyme Genes in Tepary
Bean, Phaseolus acultifolius A. Gray. M.S. Thesis, University of California-
Garvin, D.
F. and J. G. Waines. 1987. Aconitase Variation in Phaseolus
Bean Improvement Cooperative 30:17-18.
Manshardt, R. M. and J. G. Waines. 1983. Isozyme Variation and the Origin of
Domesticated Tepary Beans (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray). Bean Improvement
Cooperative 26:18-19.
*This project ended June 30, 1987.
Mosjidis, J. A., J. G. Waines and R. Walko. 1986. Prediction
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1986. Pod and Seed Set of Phaseolus vulgaris L.
of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 29:105.
1985. Determination of Pollen
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Annual Report
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HortScience 20:444-445.
1986. Flower and Pod Set of Phaseolus vulgaris L. under
Controlled Environment Conditions. HortScience 21:989-991.
Sage, T. L. and B. D. Webster. 1987. Ontogenetic Changes and Assimilate
Partitioning in Aborting and Nonaborting Seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris L.
Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 30:82.
1986. Patterns of Flowering and Fruiting in Plants of Phaseolus
vulgaris L. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 29:106.
1986. Flowering and Fruiting Patterns of Phaseolus vulgaris L.
Botanical Gazette 148(1):35-41.
1986. Source/Sink Relations of Aborting and Nonaborting
Reproductive Organs of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Plant Physiology 80:72.
Reproductive Units of
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Phaseolus vulgaris L. Plant Physiology 75(S):161.
1984. Transport Pathway of Sucrose into Embryos of Phaseolus
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Sarath, G. 1984. Aspects of Nodule Development and Hormone Interaction in
Phaseolus vulgaris L. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California-Davis.
Sarath, G. and B. D. Webster. 1987. Aspects of Nodule Function and Plant
Development. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 30:18.
_. 1984. The Effects of Growth Regulators on Assimilate Partition-
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Adams, M. W. 1987. Structure of Variability in Bean Landraces in Malawi.
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Ayeh, Eric. 1987. Estimating Superior Yield Performance in Genotype from
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Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan, Department of Human Nutrition.
None listed.
*This project ended September 30, 1985.
Appropriate Technology for Cowpea Preservation and Processing
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Schaffner, D. W. 1985. Fermentation of Aqueous Plant Seed Extracts by Lactic
Acid Bacteria: Batch Fermentation, Semicontinuous Fermentation, and Functional
Properties of Freeze-Dried Products. M.S. Thesis, University of Georgia, Athens.
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Extracts by Lactic Acid
R. Beuchat. 1986. Fermentation of Aqueous Plant Seed
Bacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology
1986. Functional Properties of Freeze-Dried
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Abbey, B. H., R. D. Phillips and K. H. McWatters.
of Legumes and Oilseeds in Africa. Food Uses of
a short course presented in conjunction with the
Oil Chemists' Society, Honolulu, HI, May 12-14.
Powders of
Journal of Food
1986. Preparation and Uses
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Ayernor, G. S. and P. 0. Ngoddy. 1984. Cowpeas in Postharvest Systems in
Nigeria. Paper presented at World Cowpea Research Conference, International
Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria, November 4-9 (Program and
Abstracts, p. 63).
Baker, E. A., R. D. Phillips and N. L. Canolty. 1983. Protein Quality of Raw
Cowpea Flour. 43rd Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, New
Orleans, LA, June 19-22 (Abstract 190).
Beuchat, L. R. 1983. Mycological Quality of Cowpeas during Long Term Storage.
26th Annual Conference of the Canadian Institute of Food Science and
Technology, Ottawa, Ontario (Abstract 50).
Beuchat, L. R., K. H. McWatters, M. S. Chhinnan, R. D. Phillips and R. E.
Worthington. 1985. Cowpea Storage Studies. Paper presented at Workshop on
Utilization of Grain Legumes and Grain: Groundnut, Cowpea, Bean, Sorghum,
Millet, Experiment, GA, June 13.
Beuchat, L. R., T. Nakayama, R. D. Phillips and R. E. Worthington. 1985.
Comparison of Soybeans, Peanuts and Cowpeas as Substrates for Preparing Natto.
Paper presented at 83rd Annual Meeting of the Southern Association of
Agricultural Scientists, Orlando, FL, February 2-5 (Food Science and Human
Nutrition Section Abstracts, p. 18).
Bulgarelli, M. A., L. R. Beuchat, H. N. Ene-Obong and K. H. McWatters. 1987.
Microbiological Quality of Cowpea Paste Used to Prepare Nigerian Akara. 47th
Annual Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, Las Vegas, NV, June 16-19
(Abstract 142, p. 112).
Chhinnan, M. S. and A. S. Bakshi. 1984. Finite Element Analysis to Model
Moisture Transfer in Rewetted California Blackeye Peas during Drying. Paper
presented at the 1984 Winter Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural
Engineers, New Orleans, LA, December 11-14 (ASAE Paper 84-6516).
Chinnan, M. S., K. H. McWatters, L. R. Beuchat, R. D. Phillips and R. E.
Worthington. 1986. Cowpea Processing, Utilization, and Nutrition. In D. G.
Cummins (ed.) Proceedings of a Workshop on Storage, Utilization, and
Nutritional Aspects of Grain Legumes and Grains, University of Georgia College
of Agriculture Experiment Stations Special Publication 39:26-28.
Chinnan, M.S., K. H. McWatters, P. 0. Ngoddy and D. 0. Nnanyelugo. 1987.
Improving Cowpea Processing Technology for Enhancing Cowpea Utilization. 7th
World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Singapore, September 28-Octo-
ber 2 (The Book of Abstracts, p. 115).
Chhinnan, M. S., K. H. McWatters, V. N. M. Rao and R. D. Phillips. 1983.
Rheological Properties of Cowpea Paste. Proceedings of the Sixth International
Congress of Food Science and Technology, Dublin, Ireland, 2:132-133.
Chinnan, M. S., R. D. Phillips and V. N. M. Rao. 1986. Microcomputer Based
Control of Instron for Textural Studies of Cowpeas. Paper presented at 1986
Summer Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, San Luis
Obispo, CA, June 29-July 2 (ASAE Paper 86-6006).
Falcone, R. G., R. D. Phillips, M. S. Chhinnan and R. L. Shewfelt. 1983.
Textural Characteristics of Extruded Cowpea, Sorghum and Peanut Blends. 68th
Annual Meeting, American Association of Cereal Chemists, Kansas City, MO,
October 30-November 3 (Abstract 181).
Hudda, L. B. and M. S. Chhinnan. 1984. Mechanical Dehulling of Cowpeas Using
Wet and Dry Methods. 81st Annual Meeting, Southern Association of Agricultural
Scientists, Nashville, TN, February 5-8 (Abstract, Food Science and Human
Nutrition Section Program, p. 4).
1984. Improving Dry-Dehulling Efficiency of Cowpeas (Vigna
unguiculata) by Wetting and Drying Pre-treatments. 44th Annual Meeting,
Institute of Food Technologists, Anaheim, CA, June 10-13 (Abstract 175).
1983. A Quantitative Method to Determine the Degree of
Decortication in Grain Legumes. 43rd Annual Meeting, Institute of Food
Technologists, New Orleans, LA, June 19-22 (Abstract 205).
Hung, Y. C., K. H. McWatters and M. S. Chinnan. 1987. A Microscopical Method
to Study the Whippability of Cowpea Paste. 47th Annual Meeting, Institute of
Food Technologists, Las Vegas, NV, June 16-19 (Abstract 224, p. 130).
King, J., D. 0. Nnanyelugo and H. N. Ene-Obong. 1984. Seasonal Variations in
the Dietary Contribution of Cowpeas in Southeastern Nigeria. Paper presented
at World Cowpea Research Conference, International Institute of Tropical
Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria, November 4-9 (Program and Abstracts, p. 64).
McWatters, K. H. 1987. Functional Characteristics of Cowpea Flours in
Foods. 78th Annual Meeting, American Oil Chemists' Society, New Orleans, LA,
May 17-21 (Abstract 122 Journal of American Oil Chemists' Society 64:647).
_. 1985. Utilization of Peanut and Cowpea Flours in Selected
Fried and Baked Foods. Paper presented at the 190th American Chemical Society
National Meeting, Chicago, IL, September 8-13 (Division of Agricultural and
Food Chemistry, Abstract 124).
1985. Physical and Sensory Characteristics of a Deep-Fat Fried
Product Processed from Stored Cowpea Seeds. Paper presented at the 66th Annual
Meeting of the Georgia Home Economics Association, Athens, GA, March 28-29
(Poster Session Abstracts 1:2).
1984. Functionality of Cowpea Meal and Flour in Selected Food
Applications. Paper presented at World Cowpea Research Conference, Interna-
tional Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria, November 4-9
(Program and Abstracts p. 47).
S1984. Potential Applications for Utilizing Legume Flours in
Foods. 65th Annual Meeting, Georgia Home Economics Association, Jekyll Island,
GA, April 12-13 (Abstract 1:3).
McWatters, K. H. and A. L. Branch. 1987. Effect of Storage on Functional
Properties of Cowpea Meal and Sensory Quality of Akara, a Meal-Based Food.
7th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Singapore, September 28-
October 2 (The Book of Abstracts, p. 135).
McWatters, K. H., M. S. Chinnan and R. D. Phillips. 1986. Influence of
Pretreatment of Cowpeas on Dehulling Efficiency and Functionality of Cowpea
Meal. Paper presented at 71st Annual Meeting of the American Association of
Cereal Chemists, Toronto, Canada, October 5-9.
Miller, J. 1986. Thiamin, Riboflavin, and Niacin in Cowpeas and in Flour
Made from Them. Paper presented at 46th Annual Meeting of the Institute of
Food Technologists, Dallas, TX, June 15-18 (Program Abstract 24, p. 100).
Nnanna, I. A., T. Damola, R. D. Phillips and R. L. Shewfelt. 1987. Isolation
and Purifcation of Phytase from Germinated Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). The
Georgia Nutrition Council Annual Conference, Pine Mountain, GA, February- 2-26
Nnanna, I. A. and R. D. Phillips. 1987. Oligosaccharide Reduction and Other
Compositional Changes during Germination of Cowpea. The Georgia Nutrition
Council Annual Conference, Pine Mountain, GA, February 25-26 (Abstract).
1987. Optimizing Germination Conditions for Maximum Hydrolysis
of Oligosaccharides in Cowpea. 47th Annual Meeting, Institute of Food
Technologists, Las Vegas, NV, June 16-19 (Abstract 10, p. 82).
Nnanyelugo, D. 0., P. 0. Ngoddy, E. C. Okeke, A. C. Uwaegbute and V.
Ndubuaku. 1987. Use of Cowpea Products in Primary Health Care. A series of
lectures delivered at the Training of Trainers Workshop, IMO State Ministry of
Health and Africare International, Owerri, Nigeria, August 31-September 11.
Nnanyelugo, D. 0., A. C. Uwaegbute and J. King. 1985. In Search of an
Appropriate Low Cost Local Weaning Food in Nigeria. Paper presented at the
XIII International Congress of Nutrition, Brighton, U.K., August 18-23 (The
Book of Abstracts, p. 159).
Nnanyelugo, D. 0., A. C. Uwaegbute and V. Ndubuaku. 1987. Medical and Health
Problems Associated with Processed Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). 7th World
Congress of Food Science and Technology, Singapore, September 28-October 2
(The Book of Abstracts, p. 77).
Obizoba, I. C., D. 0. Nnanyelugo and J. King. 1986. Consumption Patterns and
Health Considerations Associated with Legume Utilization in Nigeria. In D. G.
Cummins (ed.) Proceedings of a Workshop on Storage, Utilization, and
Nutritional Aspects of Grain Legumes and Grains, University of Georgia College
of Agriculture Experiment Stations Special Publication 39:9-10.
Phillips, R. D. 1986. Effect of Extrusion Cooking on the Nutritional Quality
of Plant Proteins. Paper presented at 71st Annual Meeting of the American
Association of Cereal Chemists, Toronto, Canada, October 5-9.
Phillips, R. D., B. W. Abbey and I. A. Nnanna. 1987. A System for
Determining Flatus (Hydrogen) Production in Laboratory Rats. 47th Annual
Meeting, Institute of Food Technologists, Las Vegas, NV, June 16-19 (Abstract
153, p. 114).
_. 1987. A System for Determining Flatus (Hydrogen) Production in
Laboratory Rats. The Georgia Nutrition Council Annual Conference, Pine
Mountain, GA, February 25-26 (Abstract).
Phillips, R.
1984. Novel
World Cowpea
D., E. A. Baker, M. B. Kennedy, M. S. Chhinnan and V. N. M. Rao.
Foods Made from Cowpeas by Extrusion Cooking. Paper presented at
Research Conference, International Institute of Tropical
Ibadan, Nigeria, November 4-9 (Program and Abstracts, p. 49).
Phillips, R. D. and G. P. Burch. 1984. Effects of Extrusion on Solubility and
Electrophoretic Behavior of Cowpea Proteins. 75th Annual Meeting, American Oil
Chemists' Society, Dallas, TX, April 29-May 3 (Abstract in Journal of American
Oil Chemists' Society 61:682).
Phillips, R. D. and K. H. McWatters. 1983
on Functional Properties of Cowpea Flour.
Food Technologists, New Orleans, LA, June
1. Effect of Extrusion and Drum Drying
43rd Annual Meeting, Institute of
19-22 (Abstract 101-102).
Schaffner, D. W. and L. R. Beuchat. 1986. Functional Properties of Freeze-
Dried Powders of Unfermented and Fermented Aqueous Extracts of Legume Seeds.
Paper presented at 46th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists,
Dallas, TX, June 15-18 (Program Abstract 322, p. 166).
1984. Lactic Acid Bacterial Fermentation of Aqueous Extracts
from Plant Seeds. Paper presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the
Southeastern Branch of American Society for Microbiology, Clearwater, FL,
October 25-27 (Abstract, p. 21).
Uwaegbute, A. C. and D. 0. Nnanyelugo. 1987. Usage Patterns of Cowpea (Vigna
unguiculata) in Infant Feeding in Anambra State of Nigeria. 7th World
Congress of Food Science and Technology, Singapore, September 28-October 2
(The Book of Abstracts, p. 155).
Worthington, R. E. and K. H. McWatters.
Treated with Vegetable Oils to Prevent
Proceedings of the Sixth International
Dublin, Ireland, 2:209-210.
1983. Sensory Quality of Cowpea Seeds
Insect Infestation during Storage.
Congress of Food Science and Technology,
A Program to Develop Improved Cowpea Cultivars, Management Methods
and Storage Practices for Semiarid Zones
Bosque-Perez, N. A., T. F. Leigh and K. W. Foster. 1982. Oviposition,
Survival, Growth, and Observed Population Increase of Lygus hersperus
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Entomology 75:997-1001.
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Dow el-Madina, I. M. and A. E. Hall. 1986. Flowering of Contrasting Cowpea
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Ehlers, J. D. 1984. Assessment and Utilization of Exotic Cowpea Germplasm to
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University of California-Davis.
Elowad, Hassan 0. A. 1984. Early and Late Nitrogen Fertilization and the
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Dry Field Conditions. Field Crops Research 15:229-244.
Elowad, H. 0. A., A. E. Hall and W. M. Jarrell. 1987. Comparisons of Ureide
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Kwapata, M. B. and A. E. Hall. 1985. Effects of Moisture Regime and
Phosphorus on Mycorrhizal Infection, Nutrient Uptake, and Growth of Cowpea
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Nielsen, C. L. 1983. Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) Response to High
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Nielsen, C. L. and A. E. Hall. 1985. Responses of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata
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Patel, P. N. and A. E. Hall. 1986. Registration of Snap-Cowpea Germplasms.
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the annual research meeting in Senegal, September 9-24 (Available from Dr. A.
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University of California-Riverside).
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(Available from Dr. A. E. Hall, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences,
University of California-Riverside).
Hall, A. E. 1987. Leaf Carbon Isotope Ratio May Be Useful for Selecting
Crops with Higher Water-Use Efficiency. Presented to Second Annual Symposium,
Southwest Consortium on Plant Genetics and Waters Resources, Tucson, AZ, May
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University of California-Riverside, February 16-20 (Available from Dr. A. E.
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1987. The Role of US Universities in International
Development: Cowpeas in the Sahelian Zone of Africa. Center for Advanced
Studies in International Development Seminar, Michigan State University,
January 8.
__. 1986. Breeding for Heat Tolerance: An Approach Based on Whole
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International Horticultural Congress, University of California, Davis, CA,
August 10-18.
1986. Breeding Crop Varieties with Improved Adaptation to
Semiarid Environments. Poster presented at the First Annual Southwest
Consortium on Plant-Water Interactions Conference, Los Alamos, NM, March 27-28.
1985. Breeding for Heat Tolerance--An Approach Based on
Whole-Plant Environmental Physiology. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of
the Plant Growth Regulator Society of America, Boulder, CO, July 29-August 1.
1984. The Role of Cowpea in Agricultural Systems in the Western
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1985. Characters that Confer Drought Resistance in Cowpea.
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Hall, A. E. and P. N. Patel. 1986. Cowpea Improvement for Semiarid Regions
of Sub-Saharan Africa. Invited paper presented at an International Drought
Symposium of Organization of African Unity and SAFGRAD, Nairobi, Kenya,
May 19-23.
1986. Cowpea Seed Production in Senegal. Special Report to
USAID Mission/Senegal, University of California, Riverside, CA, October.
Massaly, Famara. 1987. Rapport sur production de semences de niebe et etudes
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Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California-Riverside).
Mutters, R. G. and A. E. Hall. 1986. Does Photoperiod Influence Sensitivity
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August 10-18.
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1986. Project CRSP/NIEBE-principaux resultats obtenus sur la
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Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California-Riverside).
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resultats de 1985. Report to project annual meeting, UCR, January 27-31
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University of California-Riverside).
Ndiaye, M., D. Seck and N. Cisse. 1986. Reunion annuelle de programmation du
project CRSP/NIEBE/SENEGAL, UC Riverside rapport de mission du 26 Janvier an
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L'Amelioration du niebe pour la zone Sahelienne: Cas du programme national
Senegalais. Paper presented at World Cowpea Research Conference,
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria, November 4-9.
Seck, Dogo. 1987. Operation stockage CRSP (Niebe): Rapport preliminaire
1986-87. Report to project annual meeting, University of
California-Riverside, February 16-20 (Available from Dr. A. E. Hall,
Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California-Riverside).
Breeding Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for Disease, Insect and Stress
Resistance and Determination of Socio-Economic Impact
on Smallholder Farm Families
Due, J. M. Forthcoming. Intrahousehold Gender Issues in Farming Systems in
Tanzania, Zambia and Malawi. In S. Poats (ed.) Gender Issues in Farming
Systems Research and Extension. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
1987. African
Between Tanzania and Zambia.
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Journal of Rural Studies 3(1):23-29.
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Incomes in Zambia and Tanzania. Culture and Agriculture
Women Made Visible: Their Contributions to Farming
Incomes in Zambia and Tanzania. Illinois Agricultural
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Due, J. M. and P. Anandajayasekeram. 1984. Contrasting Farming Systems in
Morogoro Region, Tanzania. Canadian Journal of African Studies 18(3):583-591.
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IL: University of Illinois, Department of Agricultural
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Agricultural Economics, 80 pp.
1982. Women and Productivity in Two Contrasting Farming Areas
of Tanzania. Illinois Agricultural Economics Staff Paper No. 82-E-228, 23 pp.
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Region, Tanzania. No. 84.2. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania:
Salaam, Economic Research Bureau.
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No. 83.3. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: University of Dar es Salaam, Economic
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Due, J. M., E. Manday, M. White and T. Rocke. 1984. Beans (Phaseolus
vulgaris) in the Farming Systems in Arusha Region, Tanzania, 1982. aAE-4567.
Urbana, IL: University of Illinois, Department of Agricultural Economics.
Also available as Technical Report No. 3. Morogoro, Tanzania: University of
Dar es Salaam, Department of Rural Economy.
Due, J. M., E. Mbiha, T. Rocke, M. White and R. Schwartz. 1986. Farming
Systems Data and On-Farm Trials of Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), Mgeta and Kilosa
Areas, Tanzania, 1985." Technical Report No. 5. Morogoro, Tanzania: Sokoine
University of Agriculture, Department of Rural Economy. Also available as
aAE-4620. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois, Department of Agricultural
Due, J. M., N. Mollel and V. Malone. 1987. Does the T & V System Reach
Female-Headed Familes? Some Evidence from Tanzania. Agricultural
Administration and Extension 26:209-217.
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Household Income in Zambia. The Ahfad Journal: Women and Change 3(2):52-61.
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Illinois Research 27(1):22-24.
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Tanzania. Illinois Agricultural Economics Staff Paper 85-E-328. Urbana, IL:
University of Illinois, Department of Agricultural Economics.
Due, J. M., J. Rugambisa, N. Tilahun and Renee Schwartz. 1987. Beans
(Phaseolus vulgaris) in the Farming Systems in Tanga Region, Tanzania, 1985.
aAE-4626. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois, Department of Agricultural
Economics. Also available as Technical Report No. 6. Morogoro, Tanzania:
Sokoine University of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics.
Due, J. M., M. White and T. Rocke. 1986. Farming Systems in Three Different
Areas of Tanzania 1980-82. Zimbabwe Journal of Economics 1(4):13-21.
1985. Beans in the Farming Systems in Two Regions of Tanzania,
1980-82. aAE-4602. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois, Department of
Agricultural Economics. Also available as Technical Report No. 4. Morogoro,
Tanzania: Sokoine University of Agriculture, Department of Rural Economy.
Gillard-Byers, T. E. 1984. The Allocation of Resources in the Non-Mechanized
Small Farm Household of Dumula, Mkundi and Magole Villages and the Kilosa
District, Tanzania: A Nutrition Based Approach. Ph.D. Dissertation,
University of Illinois at Urbana.
Hongo, H. and A. K. Karel. 1986. Effect of Plant Extracts on Insect Pests of
Common Beans. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie 102:164-169.
Karel, A. K. 1985. A Bibliography of the Bean Flies Ophiomyia phaseoli
(Tryon), 0. centrosematis (de Meij) and Melanagromyza spencerella (Greathead)
(Diptera: Agromyzidae). Bean/Cowpea CRSP Monograph No. 2. East Lansing, MI:
Michigan State University, Bean/Cowpea CRSP Management Office.
1985. Yield Losses from and Control of Bean Pod Borers, Maruca
testulalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and Heliothis armigera (Lepidoptera:
Noctuidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 78(6):1323-1326.
1985. Integrated Pest Control in Common Beans, Phaseolus
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1985. Integrated Pest Management on Beans in East Africa.
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1985. Host-Plant Resistance in Common Beans to Foliar Beetle,
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S1984. Insect Pests Control: A Tool for High Grain Legume
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1984. Effect of Insecticide Applications on the Insect Pests
and Yield of Common Beans, Phaseolus vulgaris L., in Tanzania. Annual Report
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S1983. Effect of Time of Planting on Insect Pests and Yield of
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1983. Investigations on the Effect of Time of Planting on
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Karel, A. K. and A. Autrique. Forthcoming. Insects and Other Pests of Beans
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Colombia: Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical.
Karel, A. K. and A. P. Maerere. 1985. Evaluation of Common Bean Cultivars
for Resistance to Bean Fly (Ophiomyia phaseoli Tryon). Annual Report of the
Bean Improvement Cooperative 28:15-16.
Karel, A. K. and R. D. R. Matary. 1983. The Effect of Insecticide Application
and Plant Populations on Insect Pests and Yield of Intercropped Maize and
Beans. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 26:43-45.
Karel, A. K. and J. J. Matee. 1986. Yield Losses in Common Beans Following
Damage by Beanfly, Ophiomyia phaseoli Tryon (Diptera: Agromyzidae). Annual
Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 29:115-116.
Karel, A. K. and R. M. K. Mghogho. 1985. The Effects of Insecticide and
Plant Populations on the Insect Pests and Yield of Common Bean (Phaseolus
vulgaris L.). Journal of Economic Entomology 78(4):917-921.
Karel, A. K. and C. L. Rweyemamu. 1985.
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Use of Chemical and Microbial
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Protecting Beans
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Cooperative 28:3-5.
Mabagala, R. B. 1987. Development of an Improved Semi-Selective Medium for
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Mabagala, R. B. and A. W. Saettler. 1987. Pod Reaction of Parental Bean
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under Laboratory Conditions. Submitted to Bean Research in Tanzania
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Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824).
Matee, J. J. and A. K. Karel. 1984. Investigation on Chemical Control of
Beanfly (Ophiomyia phaseoli Tryon) on Common Beans. Annual Report of the Bean
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Mayona, C. M. 1982. Nitrogen Phosphorus Fertilization in Phaseolus vulgaris
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Mills, L. J. and M. J. Silbernagel. 1987. A Screening Technique to Combine
Resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola and Necrotic Isolates of
Bean Common Mosaic Virus in Phaseolus vulgaris L. Submitted to Plant Disease
(Available from L. Mills, Washington State University, Irrigated Agriculture
Research and Extension Center, PO Box 30, Prosser, WA 99350).
1985. A Dual Screening Technique for Halo Blight and Bean
Common Mosaic Virus in Beans. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement
Cooperative 28:76-77.
Mollel, N. M. 1987. Administrators' and Extension Agents' Opinions of the
Failure of the Training and Visit (T & V) System of Agricultural Extension in
Muhega District, Tanga Region, Tanzania. Submitted to Agricultural
Administration and Extension (Available from N. Mollel, Department of
Agricultural Economics, University of Illinois, 305 Mumford Hall, 1301 West
Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801).
1987. An Evaluation of the T & V System in Tanga Region,
Tanzania. Submitted to Journal of Rural Studies (Available from N. Mollel,
Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Illinois, 305 Mumford
Hall, 1301 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801).
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Nchimbi, S. F. 1984. A Comparison of the Performances of Genotype Mixtures
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Rugambisa, J. 1985. Structural Change in the US Soybean and Soybean Products
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Rwamugira, W. P. and A. K. Karel. 1984.
to Beanfly (Ophiomyia phaseoli Tryon).
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Varietal Evaluation of Common Beans
Annual Report of the Bean Improvement
Saettler, A. W. and R. B. Mabagala. 1987. Studies on Bacterial Blight
Resistance. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 30:46-47.
Seenappa, M., C. L. Keswani and M. Matiko. 1981.
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Aspergillus Infection and
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Shao, F. M. and J. M. Teri. 1985. Yield Losses in Phaseolus Beans Induced by
Anthracnose in Tanzania. Tropical Pest Management 31:60-62.
Silbernagel, M. J. 1984. New Bean Technology for Detection and Identification
of International Seed Borne Viruses. Research Highlights I(5). East Lansing,
MI: Michigan State University, Bean/Cowpea CRSP Management Office.
1983. Silbernagel on Work-Study Visit to CIAT. Annual Report
of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 26:vii.
1982. The Tanzanian-Washington State Title XII Bean CRSP.
Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 25:30-31.
Silbernagel, M. J. and R. M. Hannan. Forthcoming. Utilization of Genetic
Resources in the Development of Commercial Bean Cultivars in the U.S.A. In P.
Gepts (ed.) Genetic Resources, Domestication, and Evolution of Phaseolus
Beans. The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff.
Silbernagel, M. J., L. J. Mills and W.-Y. Wang. 1986.
of Bean Common Mosaic Virus. Plant Disease 70:839-841
The Tanzanian Strain
Silbernagel, M. J., S. Wang and L. J. Mills. 1983. New Strain of BCMV from
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Wang, W.-Y. 1985. Production and Characterization of Hybridoma Cell Lines
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1983. Serology of Bean Common Mosaic Virus. M.S. Thesis,
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Due, J. M. 1987. Women and Technology in African Smallholder Agriculture.
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1985. Women Made Visible: Their Contributions to Farming
Systems and Household Incomes in Zambia and Tanzania. Paper presented at the
Second Annual Meeting of the Association for Women in International
Development, Washington, DC, April 25-27.
Hongo, H. and A. K. Karel. 1983. The Effect of Some Plant Extracts on Insect
Pests of Common Beans. Paper presented at Second Bean Researcher's Conference,
Morogoro, Tanzania, September. Also presented at XVII International Congress
of Entomology, Hamburg, Germany, August 20-26, 1984.
Karel, A. K. 1986. Response of Ootheca bennigsena (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
to Extracts from Neem. Proceedings of the 3rd International Neem Conference,
Nairobi, Kenya.
______. 1983. Integrated Pest Management on Beans in East Africa.
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Grain Legumes, Goiania, Brazil, April 3-9.
._____ 1983. Integrated Pest Control on Beans, Phaseolus vulgaris
L., in Tanzania. Proceedings of the X International Congress of Plant
Protection, Brighton, England, November.
S1982. Insect Pest Complex of Common Beans, Phaseolus vulgaris
L., in Tanzania. Paper presented at the Bean Researchers' Meeting, University
of Dar es Salaam, Morogoro, Tanzania, August 23-24.
1982. Evaluation of Bean Varieties from CIAT for Yield and
Adaptability in Tanzania. Paper presented at the Bean Researchers' Meeting,
University of Dar es Salaam, Morogoro, Tanzania, August 23-24.
Karel, A. K. and D. M. K. Mushobozy. 1986. Effect of Plant Population on
Insect Pests and Yield of Common Beans Intercropped with Maize. Proceedings
of the International Conference on Tropical Entomology, Nairobi, Kenya,
August 31-September 5.
Karel, A. K., B. J. Ndunguru, M. Price, S. H. Semuguruka and B. B. Singh.
1981. Bean Production in Tanzania. Potential for Field Beans in Eastern
Africa: Proceedings of a Regional Workshop, Lilongwe, Malawi, March 1980.
Cali, Colombia: Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, pp. 122-154.
Karel, A. K., M. E. Quentin, and D. L. Mathews. 1983. Alternatives to the
Conventional Use of Chemical Pesticides. Proceedings of Resource Efficient
Farming Methods, Morogoro, Tanzania, May, pp.104-111.
Mills, L. J. and M. J. Silbernagel. 1987. A Proposed Rating System on a 1-9
Scale for Evaluating Halo Blight Symptoms on Beans. Poster presentation at the
1987 Biennial Meeting of the Bean Improvement Cooperative and National Bean
Council, Denver, CO, October 27-29.
1985. A Dual Screening Technique for Halo Blight and Bean
Common Mosaic Virus in Beans. Poster presentation at the 1985 Biennial Meeting
of the Bean Improvement Cooperative and National Bean Council, Portland, OR,
November 4-8.
1985. A Screening Technique to Combine Resistance to Halo
Blight and Bean Common Mosaic Virus in Beans. Paper presented at the Northwest
Vegetable Disease Conference, January.
Minjas, A. N. and M. P. Salema (eds.). Forthcoming. Bean Research, Volume
2. Tongea, Tanzania: Benedectine Publications (Proceedings of the 6th Bean
Research Workshop, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania,
October 1-3, 1987).
S_1986. Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Bean Research in
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Tanzania. Morogoro, Tanzania: Sokoine University of Agriculture,
August 27-28, 1984.
Quentin, M. E. 1984. Resistance of Three Varieties to Ophiomyia phaseoli,
Maruca testulalis and Acanthoscelides obtectus. Paper presented at Sixth
Biennial Plant Resistance to Insects Workshop, Charleston, SC, February 21-23.
Quentin, M. E. and J. R. Miller. 1986. Oviposition Preference and Larval
Survival of the Bean Bruchid Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say) on Commercial Dry
Beans. Paper presented at the Entomological Society of America National
Conference, Reno, NV, December 7-11.
1985. Host Finding Behaviour of the Dry Bean Bruchid
Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say). Paper presented at the Entomological Society
of America National Conference, Hollywood, FL, December 8-12.
Salema, M. P. and A. N. Minjas (eds.). 1987. Bean Research, Volume 1.
Tongea, Tanzania: Benedictine Publications (Proceedings of the 5th Bean
Research Workshop, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania,
September 9-12, 1986).
Silbernagel, M. J., L. J. Mills and W.-Y. Wang. 1984. Tanzanian Strain (T-l)
of Bean Common Mosaic Virus. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting Pacific
Division American Phytopathological Society, Pasco, WA, June 25-27.
Phytopathology 74:1141 (Abstract).
Wang, W.-Y., G. I. Mink and M. J. Silbernagel. 1982. Comparison of Direct
and Indirect Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) in the Detection of
Bean Common Mosiac Virus. Paper presented at 74th Annual Meeting of the
American Phytopathological Society, Salt Lake City, UT, August 8-12.
Phytopathology 72:954 (Abstract 194).
Wang, W.-Y., G. I. Mink, M. J. Silbernagel and W. C. Davis. 1984. Production
of Hybridoma Lines Secreting Specific Antibodies to Bean Common Mosaic Virus
(BCMV) Strains. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting Pacific Division
American Phytopathological Society, Pasco, WA, June 25-27. Phytopathology
74:1142 (Abstract).