Gator dentist today

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Gator dentist today University of Florida College of Dentistry Alumniae Magazine
Portion of title:
Gator dentist
University of Florida. College of Dentistry
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Gainesville Fla
University of Florida, College of Dentistry
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Subjects / Keywords:
Dentistry -- Study and teaching -- Periodicals ( lcsh )
Dentistry -- Periodicals -- Florida ( lcsh )
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gator d dentist
A Publication of the University of Florida College of Dentistry Fall2007

D ,

Gator Dentist Today
FALL 2007

Published annually for
the alumni, faculty, staff,
students and friends of
the University of Florida
College of Dentistry

Teresa A. Dolan, D.D.S., M.RH.

Communications Director
Lindy McCollum-Brounley

2007 2008 Editorial Board
Barry Setzer, The Academy
of Alumni and Friends
Teresa A. Dolan, Dean
Tom Fortner, Health Science Center
News and Communications
Kathy Galloway, Research
Jay Garlitz, Alumnus
Sue Guido, Alumni Affairs
James Haddix, Faculty
Cathy Jenkins, Development
Bill Martin, Alumnus
Will Martin, Faculty
Melanie Ross, Health Science Center
News and Communications
Ted Spiker, UF College of
Journalism and Communications
J.R. Taylor, Alumnus

Sam Brill
Lindy Brounley
Anney Doucette
Sarah Kiewel
Linda Kubitz

JS Design Studio

Storter Childs Printing

For additional copies, contact:
UF College of Dentistry
Communications Office
P O. Box 100405
Gainesville, FL 32610-0405
(352) 273-5782
FAX: (352) 392-3070
(352) 273-5800

UF | College of Dentistry


The death of Deamonte Driver, a 12-year-old
Maryland boy who contracted a fatal brain infection
from a dental abscess, is a dramatic example of the
plight of millions of American children who never
receive regular, preventive dental care. Despite public
programs in place to provide for them, children like
Deamonte are seen every week in hospital emergency
rooms across the state.
With Deamonte's tragic death as our cover
story (see page 6), this issue of Gator Dentist Today
is dedicated to examining barriers to accessing den-
tal care for Florida's vulnerable populations. The
lead stories also highlight some of the people within our state's dental community
who have made personal and professional commitments to be a part of the solu-
tion to the access to care problem.
UFCD also seeks to be part of the solution through the education of future
dentists whose dental educations include rotations through Statewide Network for
Community Oral Health dental safety net clinics here at the college and in partner
clinics statewide. These clinical experiences underscore our students' understanding
that it takes everyone's effort to make a difference in opening access to dental services.
Groundbreaking for the college's newest addition to the Statewide Network for
Community Oral Health, the UF Naples Children's Dental Clinic (see page 11),
takes place Oct. 30. Construction and programming of the clinic is supported
through a unique public-private partnership between the University of Florida
College of Dentistry, the Naples Children and Education Foundation, Collier Health
Services Inc., and Edison College.The Naples Children and Education Foundation's
gift to UFCD of $5.65 million, which received a state match of $4 million through
the Alec P Courtelis Facilities Enhancement Challenge Grant, is a great start to the
college's effort in the University of Florida Capital Campaign, which kicked-off Sept.
28. The $8-million clinic will serve the dental needs of at-risk Collier County
children during 15,000 patient visits each year, and we are very proud to be a part of
this innovative solution working in collaboration with our community partners.
The launch of the University of Florida Capital Campaign couldn't be more
timely, given the fact that the college is experiencing the greatest demand for
dental education in its history during a time of shrinking state support for higher
and professional education. We need the support of alumni and friends more than
ever as we strive to build our faculty endowment and address the needs of our
aging facility in terms of renovation and new space.
The applicant pool seeking a dental education is enormously talented, and they
deserve the best dental education we can provide.

Best Regards,

-- ---
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Teresa A. Dolan, D.D.S., M.PH.
Professor and Dean

Deamonte Driver died for lack
of a dental home.

Stripping away the layers impacting
access to care for special needs

Operative icon, Marc Gale retires.

From bench to chairside, translational
research spans the gap.

4 In Brief
13 Education
24 Students
29 Faculty
30 Alumni

continuing dental
See back cover for course list.

Deamonte Driver, the
Maryland 12-year-old
who died this year of
an infection caused by
an abscessed tooth,
desperately needed a
dental home. Read his
story on page 6.


Dental Diversity

UF one of top producers of Hispanic Dentists

Hialeah Dental Clinic Turns

V Opened in 1997 to serve the
large Hispanic population in
south Florida, the UF
College of Dentistry Hialeah
Dental Clinic celebrates its
10th anniversary this year. In
the past decade, the clinic has conferred
nearly 150 dental certificates from the
Advanced Education in General Dentistry
(AEGD) and Internationally-Educated Dentist
(IEDP) programs. Besides training programs,
the clinic also provides dental care to low and
moderate-income residents in Miami-Dade,
Broward and Monroe counties with the sup-
port of more than 60 volunteer dentists.
The vision of the Hialeah Clinic became a
reality due to the collaboration among Hialeah
Hospital, the City of Hialeah, state
legislators, University of Florida, and leaders
within the south Florida dental community.
With this team in place and the educational
mission established, funding was approved
to extensively renovate and equip donated
facilities that would become a modern
20-operatory clinic. The clinic has become
a model for quality dental education with
laboratory facilities and central sterilization.
Always on the technological edge, the clinic
was recently equipped with digital radiography
and a videoconferencing capability to facilitate
in house seminars and distance learning.
Today the Hialeah Dental Clinic sees
approximately 250 patients weekly, and more
than 85 percent of them speak Spanish as
their primary language. That's why the IEDP
and AEGD programs are especially impor-
tant-each year eight internationally-trained
dentists and four dental residents receive
training at the clinic, and many of them are
from Caribbean and Latin American coun-
tries. They later apply for board licensure
to practice in Florida, broadening access
to dental care for the state's growing and
culturally diverse population.
For more information, visit


The University of Florida College of
Dentistry has been ranked the No. 3 pro-
ducer of Hispanic dentistry first profession-
als out of 56 dental institutions in the
nation by Diverse: Issues in Higher
Education magazine.
The college was ranked No. 15 for
overall minority dental graduates, No. 12
for African-American dental graduates and
No. 23 for Asian-American dental first
The Diverse rankings use U.S.
Department of Education data for the
2005-06 academic year to rank the top
100 minority graduate degree-producing
American institutions in the categories of
master's, doctoral and first professional
degrees awarded. Groups designated as
minority include African Americans,
Asian Americans, Hispanics and Native
Americans but do not include foreign
minority students.

UF was ranked No. 9 for total minority
doctorate degrees conferred in the health
sciences and tied for No. 26 for Hispanic
medicine first professionals.
For more information on UF's minority
graduate and doctoral degree rankings, visit *


IL ,

[ ,,
Thomas D. Taylor, D.D.S., M.S.D., professor
and head of the department of oral rehabili-
tation, biomaterials and skeletal development
of the University of Connecticut School of
Dental Medicine was the college's 2007
Kaplan Scholar. Taylor lectured to senior
D.M.D. students and prosthodontic residents
during his January visit to UFCD, hosted by
the department of prosthodontics.


The Campaign for the
University of Florida
What is Florida Tomorrow? Florida Tomorrow
is about all the ways the University of Florida is
changing the world for the better, starting in
Florida and extending throughout the United
States and far beyond. Florida Tomorrow is a
belief that our land grant mission gives us the
responsibility to use teaching, research, and serv-
ice to solve the greatest challenges of our time
and to inspire and nurture the next generation of
great leaders. In the health professions. In the
arts. In education. In business. In government.
Florida Tomorrow is a comprehensive cam-
paign that will raise more than a billion dollars to
impact every corner of the university and extend
to every corner of the earth. It is an opportunity to
invest in dreams-dreams that, because of the
University of Florida, truly have the possibility of
becoming realities.
At UFCD our dream is to be the benchmark
against which other dental schools compare
themselves. Our capital campaign goal is
$15 million, which will build our faculty endow-
ment, build new space, and build our future.
For more information about Florida
Tomorrow, visit


Expect BIG changes from small science

Nanotubes, nanotransporters, nanochips,
nanoparticles, nano this, nano that....
With nanometers at one billionth of a
meter, nanotechnology is what some have
labeled the science of small. But, to many, the
probability of nanotechnology producing itty-
bitty nanobots that help heal the body from
the inside out seems even smaller. Have you
heard the one about teeny-weeny nanogenera-
tors that produce electricity from vibrations
made by the flow of blood through vessels?
How about the big-fish story of an inexpen-
sive and efficient plastic solar sheet made of
nanofibers to capture the energy of the sun on
virtually any surface?
It's no tall tale... these developing nan-
otechnologies are already here, and hundreds
more are soon coming. Now, it's up to the
scientists and engineers to put nanotechnology

to work to improve the human condition across
the globe and to create a sustainable society.
That was the message of Sir Harold
Kroto, Nobel laureate, fellow of the Royal
Society, professor of chemistry and biochem-
istry at Florida State University, and co-discoverer
of the carbon molecule that established the
foundation for modern nanoscience C60
Buckminsterfullerene, otherwise known as the
Kroto's was the keynote address of the
College of Dentistry's 5Lh Annual Research
Day held April 13. Delivered to a standing-
room-only audience in the Cancer and
Genetics Research Compound, Kroto's
presentation is available online for viewing
on dentistry's Web site, located at www. *



Deamonte's family was poor and living in a homeless shelter.
He and his four brothers, though enrolled in the state's Medicaid
program, never had primary dental care providers and suffered from
untreated dental disease. In trying to access dental care for her chil-
dren, Deamonte's single mother, Alyce, became hopelessly mired in
the confusing bureaucracy of the Maryland Medicaid HealthChoice
managed health program. Dental providers participating in the pro-
gram were sparse, and the wait times for appointments, even for
urgent care, were measured in months rather than days or weeks.
"The Driver boys all had a primary care doctor a medical
home a pediatrician who treated their childhood illnesses, gave
them their immunizations, made sure they were healthy to play
sports," said Laurie J. Norris, an attorney for Maryland-based The
Public Justice Center, during her testimony before the Congressional
Domestic Policy Subcommittee, Oversight and Government Reform
Committee's May 2 hearing on Deamonte's death.
"But the Driver boys never had a regular primary care dentist -
a dental home," she said. "An identified provider who could assess
their risk for developing dental disease by age 1, check their mouths
and new teeth every six months during toddlerhood, provide educa-
tion to their parents about preventing dental disease, instruct the
boys in how to properly brush and floss, recommend fluoride treat-
ments and dental sealants as they grew older, clean their teeth every
six months, and watch for developing cavities that could be nipped
in the bud, preventing severe disease, pain, tooth loss, and in
Deamonte's case, death."
Ironically, it was Deamonte's younger brother, DaShawn, who
seemed to be in the gravest need of dental care. His face was swollen
with six abscessed teeth, and he was suffering from terrible pain.
Deamonte never complained of dental pain but began having excru-
tiating headaches, which were first diagnosed as sinusitis, then as a
brain infection in mid-January. Deamonte died Feb. 25 after six
weeks of hospitalization, two brain surgeries and one tooth extrac-
Following Deamonte's death, the first of DaShawn's abscessed
teeth was extracted in March by an oral surgeon participating in

Maryland's Medicaid managed care program. But no antibiotics were
prescribed, and the attending oral surgeon recommended pulling
one tooth per month over the course of five months. A panicked
Alyce transferred DaShawn's care to the pediatric dental clinic at the
University of Maryland, Baltimore College of Dental Surgery where
the remaining five abscessed teeth were extracted at once.

Although Deamonte's death was an extreme outcome of prevent-
able dental disease, his family's story of dental neglect, disease, pain
and seemingly insurmountable barriers to accessing dental care can
be repeated for the families of millions of American children and
special needs patients.
Despite provision of dental care through Medicaid, access to
dental care for needy children remains dismal. Of the 28.8 million
Medicaid-eligible children nationwide, only about 30 percent have
ever received any dental care. The surgeon general's 2000 report,
Oral Health in America, estimated that 25 percent of the nation's
most vulnerable children carried 80 percent of the burden of
untreated dental disease, and that poor children were twice as likely
as their more affluent counterparts to suffer from untreated dental
This trend is confirmed as continuing by the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention announcement in April that, despite across the
board improvements in America's oral health, tooth decay in children
aged 2 to 5 years old increased by 15 percent during the period
between 1999 and 2004. The CDC's report, Trends in Oral Health
Status-United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2004, also stated that den-
tal disease is untreated in 74 percent of the children experiencing it.
Clearly, society is failing these kids, despite federal and state pro-
grams in place to provide for them. The question is, why?

Medicaid was born of Title XIX of the Social Security Act of
1965. Through Medicaid, the federal government subsidizes state
medical health for certain vulnerable, low-income populations


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through matching funds but allows states broad discretion in estab-
lishing eligibility qualifications and service coverage.
Nonetheless, in order to receive federal matching funds, state
Medicaid programs must meet certain federally mandated service
requirements. This includes dental care for children, aged 0 to 20,
through the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment
(EPSDT) program, which provides for preventive health services equal
to the access to care received by privately insured children. The State
Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), established under Title
XXI of the Social Security Act in 1997, gives states funding with the
option of broadening health care coverage, including dentistry, for
uninsured, Medicaid-ineligible children from low-income families,
although it does not specifically mandate dental services as a required
benefit. Disabled adults also receive full dental services through
Medicaid. For non-disabled adults, Medicaid covers only emergency
services related to extraction of abscessed teeth, and, for a qualifying
few, dentures and denture-related services.
According to state figures, Florida's 2004 Medicaid expenditures
provided health coverage for nearly 1.5 million low-income and foster
children in the state. Only about 25 percent of these children ever
received dental care, and of the state's $12.8 billion Medicaid budget,
less than 1 percent of expenditures on services went to dental care of
any kind for children and adults combined. These figures almost
exactly mirror national averages of Medicaid expenditures on dental
care, wherein dental services represent only 1 percent of the $258 bil-
lion national Medicaid budget.
Why is it that such a tiny fraction of Medicaid is spent on dental
services when dental disease in poor children is so widespread?
Presumably, children have the opportunity to receive dental care
through Medicaid, and Medicaid would fund the services if they were
provided. Yet, in 2005, of Florida's nearly 9,500 practicing dentists,
less than 1 percent were active as Medicaid providers. That same year,
42 percent of the state's 4,761,499 children were enrolled in Medicaid
or HealthyKids (SCHIP) and eligible to receive dental treatment, but
the ratio of covered children to Medicaid dental providers was a stag-
gering 2,213 children for every enrolled provider dentist.

"25 percent of the nation's

most vulnerable children carry

80 percent of the burden

of untreated dental disease."

Regardless of the reasons at the core of these disparities, Florida is
among a growing number of states forced to defend its Medicaid pro-
gram in federal court. In a class action suit brought against the state's
Medicaid administering agencies the Florida Agency for Health
Care Administration, the Florida Department of Children and Family
Services, and the Florida Department of Health on behalf of the
state's 1.6 million Medicaid-eligible children, claims are made that the
allowable reimbursements do not cover costs of delivering medical and
dental care and the reporting requirements to receive payment are
burdensome. The plaintiffs in the suit, which was filed in November
of 2005 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of
Florida in Miami, include the Florida Chapter of the American
Academy of Pediatrics, the Florida Academy of Pediatric Dentistry,
and the families of six children enrolled in Medicaid who experienced
significant hardship when attempting to obtain access to care through
the program.
"Deamonte's tragic and unnecessary death due to inability to
receive proper care should be viewed as morally unacceptable in this
country," said Florida Academy of Pediatric Dentistry President Peter
B. Claussen, D.D.S., a Panama City, Fla. pediatric dentist. "It is
unconscionable to have children wasting away in one of the wealthiest
nations in the world due to inadequate funding of health care pro-
grams such as Medicaid."
Claussen said the Florida Academy of Pediatric Dentistry has
repeatedly requested the Florida Legislature to adequately fund
Medicaid and other health access programs for Florida's children.
But funding has actually decreased over the years due to legislative
inaction, inflation, and the increase in the state's Medicaid-eligible
"The Florida Academy of Pediatric Dentists felt obligated on
behalf of Florida's children to seek judicial relief through the federal
courts," Claussen said. "We believe that the courts will follow what
has been the ruling in other states and mandate adequate Medicaid
funding in Florida, and we look forward to the day when every child
in Florida can have adequate access to dental care, notwithstanding
their economic situation."


The class action suit alleges that the state has not been effective in
complying with federal law in regards to its obligations to provide eli-
gible children with "primary, preventive, acute and specialty care and
services which are necessary to their good health and development" as
required by the Title XIX Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and
Treatment Services program.
"The Florida Dental Association has committed $100,000 over
a three-year period in support of this lawsuit," said Florida Dental
Association President Nolan W Allen, D.D.S., a general dentist
practicing in Clearwater, Fla. "We're trying to get an increase in reim-
bursements to increase the number of providers willing to participate.
Right now, the state ranks 49th in reimbursement rate, and we're at
the 25th percentile of the usual and customary rate."
Allen notes the FDA has lobbied for years for significant increases
in the reimbursement rate and says the state's managed dental care
program is further exacerbating the access to care problem for children
receiving dental services through Medicaid.
"We're going backwards at this point with the state's managed
dental care program. Fewer children are being screened and fewer chil-
dren are being treated within the program," Allen said. "That's why the
FDA is supporting this lawsuit, because it's the right thing to do for
our kids."
The suit, which is now being heard after the state's failed dismissal
attempt earlier in the year, seeks a judgment forcing the state to provide
reimbursement for services adequate to assure providers will participate
in the program; to "bring" health care services to the children through
education, cooperative partnerships with other agencies serving children
to boost enrollment; and in providing scheduling, transportation and
case management assistance to assure families are able to make and keep
health appointments for their children. Finally, the suit petitions the
court to require the state Medicaid program to assure that any health
maintenance organizations that participate in Florida's medical assistance
program like Atlantic Dental Inc., the state's prepaid managed dental
care plan pilot project in South Florida have the ability to effectively
deliver health care to all the children enrolled to receive it.
"As a pediatrician and secretary of the Agency for Health Care
Administration, it is clear to me that ensuring access to dental care for

Florida's children must continue to be a priority for the agency,"
said Andrew C. Agwunobi, M.D., secretary for the Agency for
Health Care Administration, the agency responsible for administer-
ing Medicaid and a co-defendant named in the suit.
The agency acknowledges access to dental care and other
specialty areas is problematic for children nationwide and in the
state, especially those living in rural areas, but points to recent
agency efforts to address the issue here in Florida.
"The agency has already implemented pilot strategies to attempt
to improve access to dental care and has placed improving access to
specialty care, including dental care, as one of our top priorities for
the next few years," Agwunobi said. "However, we cannot solve
this issue single-handedly. Achieving this goal requires collabora-
tion. The providers, the state and all other stakeholders, including
beneficiaries themselves, must work together to improve access to
specialty care."

Many dentists provide pro bono services to needy patients, and
private practitioners are credited by the state for providing 58 per-
cent of all dental care to Florida residents at or below 200 percent
of the Federal Poverty Level. Additionally, according to state fig-
ures, more than 1,400 dentists participating in Project Dentists
Care, Inc. extended 19,000 volunteer hours to provide dental care
to low-income Florida residents. Organized dentistry estimates this
to be more than $4 million in reduced fee and pro bono care.
While the profession has made strides in increasing volun-
teerism, an economic solution to balance the operating expenses
of a typical practice with continuity of care for needy patients is
still the ideal rather than a practical model. The need for low cost
dental care far outstrips the availability offered by the profession
and the questions remain, "Does my practice work hard enough in
providing a dental home for vulnerable children like Deamonte
Driver? Or, does the business plan of my practice turn a blind eye
to their needs?"
Each dentist holds the answers to those difficult questions in his
or her own heart. *



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Opening Doors to Dental Care

UF children's dental clinic to serve

at risk children in Collier County
Thousands of disadvantaged children will soon benefit from a
$5.5 million gift to the University of Florida College of Dentistry
that will fund the construction and operation of a state-of-the-art
pediatric dental facility in Collier County.
The gift was announced last December by trustees for the
Naples Children 8 Education Foundation, the founder of the hugely
successful Naples Winter Wine Festival. The exclusive event, fea-
turing international celebrity chefs and prestigious vintners, has
raised nearly $40 million for local children's charities since its
inception in 2000 and is billed as the "most successful charity wine
event in the world."
The foundation's gift is the result of a needs assessment by the
UF Lastinger Center for Learning, commissioned by the foundation
in 2005. As a result of the findings, the foundation, whose vision is
to make a profound and sustaining difference in the quality of life
of Collier County children, devised four strategic initiatives Early
Learning, Medical/Oral Health, Out of School Programs and Social
Welfare aimed at filling gaps identified in services for underprivi-
leged and at-risk children.
According to the Lastinger study, more than 25,000 Collier
County children are eligible for dental care through Medicaid,
but less than 14 percent actually receive any care.
"One of the study's most alarming findings is that there is
an oral health crisis among Collier County children," said Bruce
Sherman, NCEF Grant Committee chair. "We know from the
Surgeon General's report that children with painful dental
problems are less successful in school and later in life.
Above: The UF Naples Bringing a top-notch pediatric dental
Pediatric Dental Clinic program to Collier County will help close
will be located on the the gaps in oral health, with Edison
Collier County campus of College's East Naples campus ideally
Edison College, serving located near the greatest population of
the largely disadvan- at-risk children."
taged and minority popu- Of the foundation's gift to the UF
nation of East Naples. College of Dentistry, $4 million was

matched through the Alec R Courtelis Facilities Enhancement
Challenge Grant Program and will fund the construction and equip-
ping of the UF dental facility on the Collier County campus of
Edison College. The remaining $1.5 million will cover the dental
program's start-up operational expenses.
The $8 million building, for which groundbreaking will take
place in October, is modeled after the UF dental clinic on the
Seminole campus of St. Petersburg College in Pinellas County. It
will be a two-story, 20,000-square-foot dental clinic and educa-
tion facility. The UF dental program at Edison College is expected
to open in the fall of 2008 and eventually will expand to provide
specialized pediatric dental treatment to Collier County's
Medicaid-eligible and at-risk children during an estimated 15,000
patient visits each year. The dental visits will provide a diverse
patient population to train pediatric residents and continuing
dental education in treating pediatric and special needs patients.
The project represents an innovative collaboration between
the philanthropic Naples Children 8 Education Foundation, UF,
Edison College and Collier Health Services Inc., or CHSI.
Edison College's district board of trustees approved a long-
term land lease agreement with UF to give the facility an aca-
demic home. While the first floor of the two-story building will
be dedicated to UF's clinical operations, Edison College will
share use of second floor classrooms and laboratory space.
CHSI, which has long been a UF partner in extending dental
services to Collier County residents through its community health
centers, will manage the clinic's billing and collection activities and
supply procurement. Additionally, CHSI community health clinics and
its Ronald McDonald Care Mobile will refer patients to the dental clinic.
The dental facility at the Edison site will be the UF College of
Dentistry's newest clinic in its Statewide Network for Community
Oral Health. The network comprises UF's Gainesville and com-
munity-based clinics in Hialeah, St. Petersburg and Jacksonville
as well as 14 county health department, community health center
and private not-for-profit partner clinics statewide.
This strategy of community partnerships focusing on vulnera-
ble, indigent and special needs populations has led to the UF
College of Dentistry becoming one of the largest providers of
low-cost dental care in Florida. *



Census data indicate approximately 51.2 million Americans have
some sort of disability, and about 32.5 million of those are severe
disabilities that impact an individual's ability to function independ-
ently. People with severe disabilities are more likely to live below the
poverty level and to have Medicaid or Medicare coverage.
According to state figures, more than 3 million Floridians have a
physical or mental disability. These include cognitive impairment,
autism, Alzheimer's Disease, mental illness, brain and/or spinal cord
injuries, spina bifida, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, visual or
hearing impairments, and others.
Add to that the fact that Florida is currently ranked No. 1 in the
nation for the percent of residents over the age of 65 a figure rep-
resenting 3 million Floridians. That segment of the population is
projected to swell exponentially, reaching 8.5 million people by the
year 2030, in what the Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy
at Florida State University calls a "silver tsunami" of aging Baby
Boomers. Many of these Boomers will enter the special needs cate-
gory as they become elderly, medically fragile and more problematic
to treat.
"I think that the access to care issue is really going to hit the fan
in Florida as we have more older people, who were once vibrant
adults, going into nursing homes," said Barry Setzer, D.D.S., a pedi-

chale is
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atric dentist in Jacksonville and a northeast delegate to the Florida
Dental Association's House of Delegates. "Dentistry did such a good job
of saving everybody's teeth over the last 40 years, and now these people
are going into nursing homes with their teeth. If they have their teeth, we
need to find a way to take care of them."
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 places an emphasis on
mainstreaming people with disabilities into "normal" society and makes
it unlawful for health providers to deny care to patients based on their
disabilities. Yet, medical and dental providers report they do not feel
prepared by their education and training to treat people with disabili-
ties, and reimbursement mechanisms are not always adequate to cover
the cost and extra time necessary to treat them.

The question of who will pay to support dental services is one of the
essential issues that cross-cuts access to dental care for all special needs and
vulnerable populations.
"I would say there's a problem with the system, and the immediate
way to alleviate that problem is to raise the fees the state pays for
Medicaid services," said Setzer. "Medicaid is still working from fee sched-
ules 20 years old. That's unworkable if they pay you 10 or 20 cents on the
dollar but your overhead is 67 percent. It's easier to do the work for free
and not bother with the hassle of billing it out (to Medicaid)."









experience in managing them. This can result in dentists turning
away patients that they actually may be able to treat.
"What would be great is if people in a traditional office setting
could try to treat the special needs patients they are able to treat within
the framework of their practices," said Garvey. "It's true, there can be a
lot involved in treating some special needs patients, but, quite honestly,
much of it is really easy in the sense that many people with minimal
disabilities don't require a lot of accommodation.
Setzer, who's pediatric practice sees more than 500 special needs
patients, agrees.

To increase access to care for developmentally disabled adults, the
state instituted the Medicaid Waiver program, which allows dentists to
charge their usual and customary fees for services extended to the
adult special needs population. Despite the program's good inten-
tions, enrollment is cumbersome, treatment plan approval can some-
times take months, and accommodation of unexpected but necessary
changes in approved treatment plans can be inflexible. These issues
have led some dentists to decline enrollment in or drop out of the
Medicaid Waiver program.
Although the dental profession has an obligation, both legal and
ethical, to provide care to special needs patients, it's clearly unfair to
expect dentists alone to carry the financial burden of doing so.
Raising Medicaid reimbursements and streamlining treatment plan
reporting and approval requirements for Medicaid Waiver would
help address that aspect of the access to care dilemma.
But, those improvements won't overcome another major hurdle
- concern among private practitioners regarding their ability to treat
special needs patients. Many special needs patients present with med-
ical complexities, behavior management needs and condition-specific
issues which can be daunting for dentists who have not had hands-on

People with intellectual disabilities often suffer from poor oral hygiene because
they are unable to care for themselves and are resistant to the efforts of care-
givers who try to perform daily oral hygiene procedures for them. They
require more frequent dental visits for cleaning and other preventive care.

"Many patients with Down Syndrome could be treated by a caring,
loving general dentist without too many worries about medical issues,"
Setzer said. "Some patients with autism could be seen. You could take a
child or adult with cerebral palsy and work on them, because they're try-
ing... they might be moving around but you can still work on them. It's
just a matter of being comfortable with what you have to do, to be up on
your medical, the drugs being used, and how those may interfere with the
dental treatment."
Setzer said many general dentists have the caring, patient-centered
personality necessary to treat special needs patients and encourages den-
tists to make the effort to treat them when they can.
"You just have to have that desire to want to work with these patients,
and it doesn't have to be a lot," he said. "If everyone took a few into their
practice, it would make a big difference."

Kent Weitzel, D.M.D., an Ocala, Fla. general dentist, and his wife,
Suzanne, who runs the business end of the practice, have a special passion for
treating people with special needs. Their son, Joshua, was born with pro-
found brain injuries and died last year at the age of 24 after a massive seizure.


"I feel a personal mission to provide treatment to this population,"
said Weitzel. "I've been in dentistry for 25 years and have always taken care
of special needs patients."
Weitzel understands why some dentists might be reticent to treat the
special needs population but encourages private practitioners to at least
give it a try. He believes most special needs patients can be treated in the
offices of general dentists, and only the most challenging need be referred
to a specialist.
"I think part of the problem is that dentists are unsure about taking
care of this population. It does take some education to know what to do
under specific situations, and to know your own limits, when to say, 'I
can't see this patient,' said Weitzel.
He suggests continuing education courses to help with that, but he
and Suzanne also welcome interested dentists and dental students into
their practice and hope people will view them as a resource for information
on how to accommodate treatment for this underserved population.
"If dentists would accept special needs patients as a very modest por-
tion of their practice, maybe even as small as 1 percent, it would take care
of a lot of the access to care problems we see with this population," said
Dental education also has a role in expanding access to care. Surveys of
private practitioners indicate a willingness to treat special needs patients,
but they don't feel adequately trained to do so. Other studies have demon-
strated that dentists who have completed a general practice residency are
more likely to treat special needs patients and patients in non-traditional
settings, such as nursing homes.
"I think dentists shy away from providing care to special needs patients
either because they're anxious or because they're not well equipped," said

Teresa A. Dolan, D.D.S., M.EH., a professor and dean of the UF College
of Dentistry. "I think we need to do more to overcome those barriers and
introduce practice strategies that make sense and would work within the
comfort zones of the dentist and the dental hygienist, because it's really the
dental team that has to be comfortable in meeting the needs of these
Dolan is a public health dentist with the unique perspectives of a clini-
cian who has served in the trenches of delivering care to special needs
patients and a dental educator who wrestles with how to effectively incor-
porate special needs dentistry into the college's D.M.D. curriculum.
"Just as in private practice, there are challenges associated with treating
special needs patients in the dental school environment," Dolan said. "It's
not that we shouldn't live up to our obligations to meet the needs of these
patients, but they do require more clinical expertise, some specialized
equipment, and it is usually essential to have a dental assistant chairside,
which our student dentists don't have."
But, she's quick to point out, that doesn't mean it can't be done.
Student dentists are already exposed to pediatric, special needs and com-
munity dentistry during their rotations, but Dolan would like to see that
exposure expanded with an elective course for students who have a strong
desire to pursue training in special needs dentistry. She envisions students
enrolled in the elective gaining hands-on experience working with Garvey
and Burtner at Tacachale and in the private dental offices, like Setzer's and
Weitzel's, serving the population.
"We have an elective on our books, but we need to offer it often
enough so that students have an opportunity to gain this specialized clini-
cal knowledge," Dolan said. "It would provide those students who are par-
ticularly motivated to learn about how to provide care to special needs

continued on page 34...




"We've put together a team of clinicians, immunologists, pathologists,
and microbiologists," Aukhil said. "Our goal is to collect blood samples,
plaque samples, gingival crevicular fluid, and, of course, clinical measure-
ments of bone loss and so forth."
The clinicians in this multidisciplinary group include Aukhil, Luciana
Machion-Shaddox, D.D.S., Ph.D., an assistant professor ofperiodontology
with research interests in the relationship between periodontal disease and
diabetes mellitus, and Ingvar Magnusson, D.D.S., Ph.D., a professor of
oral biology and a seasoned periodontist with published research on the
disease progression and treatment of periodontal disease.
Research infrastructure recruit, Shannon Wallet, Ph.D., an assistant
professor of periodontology, is the team's immunologist with expertise in
inflammatory responses and oral systemic health as it relates to diabetes.
She and collaborator Michael Claire-Salzler, M.D., a professor of patholo-
gy, immunology and laboratory medicine in the College of Medicine, are
conducting immunoassays on the blood samples to tease out the genes and
molecules involved in how the host cells respond to bacterial insults.
Clay Walker, Ph.D., a professor of oral biology, is the team's microbiol-
ogist, sussing out which strains of bacteria and enzymes play a dominant
role in the children' disease.
Once the team has gathered the clinical, microbiologic, and biochemi-
cal data on the children, a disease pattern is likely to emerge which will
dictate what treatment strategies can be used to address it, Aukhil said.
Because the disease pattern disproportionately affects African-American
children in Leon County, Aukhil intends to submit a grant proposal to
NIDCR to fund a broader study of similar patterns of pediatric disease
affecting other African-American communities in the state. Geneticists are
likely to be included in that study.
"It's very important for clinicians and basic scientists to interact," said
Aukhil. "There must be a dialog between the two which makes sense and
has applications. That's what we're trying to do. This is a classic example of
a translational theme of research."

There's no doubt that the cadre of translational researchers
hired through the NIDCR (U24) research infrastructure award

serves as a sort of intellectual bridge between the college's clinical and
basic science research enterprises.
"We view the U24 at Florida as a good investment in the future
of dental and craniofacial research," said Kevin Hardwick, D.D.S.,
M.P.H., NIDCR's chief of research training and career development.
"The school already had a solid research base but was able to leverage
the U24 funds to develop its mid-level faculty to build a more cohesive
research program that extends across the various departments in the
dental school.
"The approach has really been encouraging to these faculty mem-
bers, allowing them time to focus on their research," Hardwick said.
"I think the school's research program is stronger because of this."
The free flow of people, ideas and research missions facilitated by
the new, more dynamic interdisciplinary mix of research faculty has
blossomed into surprising interactions between clinicians and basic
scientists that directly lead to improved patient care.
"I'll use Valeria Gordan as an example; she's an associate
professor of operative dentistry enrolled in the Pipeline Program,
said Burne.
Gordan received salary support through the Pipeline Program,
enabling her to enter the College of Medicine's NIH-funded K30
training program, which will result in a master's in clinical investigation.
Her research interests are applying basic science findings in cariology to
the management of clinical caries, and she has applied for NIH grants
toward that end.
"We now have a clinical faculty member who has submitted two
competitive NIH grant proposals in a three-month time frame to use
Real-Time Quantitative PCR, gene expression profiling and measure-
ment of biochemical activities in plaque from caries-active and caries-free
subjects to understand why some people get caries," said Burne. "This
is exactly the type of research that will lead to new discoveries and treat-
ments for oral diseases."
"We're in much better shape as a college to expand this type of
research as a result of support from the U24," he said. *
Visit:. ...' '.. !. '. to view the new faculty recruits and
mentoredPipelinefaculy facilitated by the U24 award.


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2007 Dental Fall Weekend

NOVEMBER 15-17, 2007 Gainesville, FL FL Gators vs. FAU Owls

* Continuing Dental Education with Linda Miles!
"Teanm Building: Accountability. Motivation. Attracting and Retaining
Great Employees. Leadership at all Levels. (6 CEUs). Air.l o :. .:i rl' l
I. Sr-d y llin :Pregame i BIuI I : .n O 1 HII! Gator FootballI imrin:Iii I
:1..1 : n .l' I I- I nl .1" 1 1 n rlli i I: l ln 11 l ( InS I: ; 'll'Inl l i' I l I I I Il Vil *:
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C ais s Reunions! _._r. n:,i3 Er.:,i3 ,.iu-: 1. m odi3 ,:l ,, -. rl~e, .:a n._,,._s

Saturday Pre-game Brunch! Gator Football!
, I 1.1. 1 13h11 11 1 ..i_: l ,. .', ...1 1.1 1 1 II C)I ,%


October 26, 2007
Pedogator Alumni E Friends
7 Don Aw.. -. .il..
H/uII[i, I MAI IIII unii I

November 16 17. 2007
Dental Fall Weekend
HIlIIn I_IU iiiiyiOr, IA, FIoIIIII

H Il ,II II i ,ii i A. FI II.I -I I

F I.F.i L) i .1 11i ll F FAi
E.E.i ii d

December 10. 2007
Society ol Senior Faculty
Holiday Luncheon
H II II lhIni, li I, F IIi IIi

January 26, 2008
Freshman Family Day.
Class ol 2011
I IF. 0
For more inlornation:
.C.1w.13.n1 ue '-unl*.,

r C II. I I l .I .. .I3

3.I. III. .. .IIZ .I II31 i.l 1 1 i a li l inn n

A message from the

Academy of Alumni E Friends

president, Barry Setzer

E:i..l "1. i :.i 1t D 1.1 rir

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Class Notes

William Marchese practices general dentistry in
Starke, Fla. He is proud to have his son, Adam
Marchese (05), as an associate to his dental practice.
Craig Bridgeman practices restorative dentistry in
Boone, NC. His son, Rob, graduated from
University of North Carolina Dental School in 2006
and has joined him in his restorative dentistry
practice. Craig was proud to eulogize Dr. Jose
Medina during the Aug. 2 memorial service com-
memorating Dr. Medina's life.

awarded the "Best of Orlando" dentist award the
past three years in a row. Yvonne is an accredited
member of the American Academy of Cosmetic
Dentistry and is a fellow of Academy of General
Alberto de Cardenas practices general dentistry in
Miami Lakes, Fla. In 2003, he constructed his own
office building where he opened a state-of-the-art
dental clinic.

Jack McDonald returned to medicine in 1988 and
is a diagnostic radiologist with a specialty in
breast imaging. He practices in Denver, Col. Jack
went to Latvia on a missionary trip last year, fol-
lowed by a vacation in Italy. During his time off,
he enjoys the great outdoors and racing his road
Cyclocross and mountain bikes. Daughter,
Caitlin, will be married next year and daughter,
Megan, who was born while he was in dental
school, was married last year.

Stuart Dropkin practices cosmetic and restora-
tive dentistry in Winter Park, Fla. He and wife
Christy will celebrate their eighth wedding
anniversary in September and are expecting
the arrival of their third grandchild. Stuart and
Christy traveled to Iceland in May, and plan to
visit Chile and Easter Island in February of next
year. Along with travel, Stuart enjoys golf,
poker and lawn maintenance.

C.R. (Bob) Fort practices general dentistry in Fort
Meade, Fla. He has been married to his wife, Carol,
for 33 years, has two grown sons, two grandsons,
and feels that "life is good." Bob has taken trips to
Hong Kong, and Beijing, China. He enjoys bicy-
cling, playing tennis, and fishing. Bob is active in
church, is an officer in a local dental association,
and is a study club member.
David S. Sarrett is a professor of dentistry and
associate vice president for health sciences-aca-
demic affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University.
He is the editor for the new ADA Professional
Product Review, a program he helped develop
while serving on the ADA Council on Scientific
Affairs. His daughter, Courtney, is a second-year
dental student at VCU and his son, Drew, is a first-
year law student at George Mason University.
Andrew I. Cobo practices general dentistry in Lake
Panasoffkee, Fla. He has taken trips to Hawaii, and
often travels to Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana. He
enjoys hunting and fishing, and spending time with
his eight "beautiful" grandchildren.
Yvonne M. Rausch practices general dentistry in
Orlando, Fla. Last summer, Yvonne traveled by
boat to Uruguay, and took a cruise on the Canal du
Midi in France. She enjoys gardening, raising
orchids and renovating property. She has been

Good Fella's... Make that, "Fellows"

The Academy of General Dentistry Convocation was held June 30 on the USS Midway in
San Diego, Cal., during the academy's 55th annual meeting. Honored during the convocation
and standing "in uniform" on the flight deck in front of an A-7 Corsair II attack jet, AGD fellows
Gary Nawrocki ('80), Scott Jackson ('95), Marci Beck ('84), Remedios "Mitzi" Santos ('83), and
Laurence Grayhills ('85), are joined by AGD diplomats Bill Britton (back row, left) and Charles
Benner (second from right). The group completed UF's two-year AGD mastership preparation
course, involving earning 600 CDE credits and demonstrating a life-long pursuit of education
in the art and science of dentistry. The course is a postgraduate course in comprehensive
dentistry that meets one weekend per month in Gainesville. Classes consist of lectures, dis-
cussion, in-office projects, literature review, and intensive hands-on participation. For more


Bruce E. Carter practices general dentistry in
Lawrenceville, Ga. He is the founder of "Brighter
Smiles for Brighter Futures." The organization raised
$110,000 for breast cancer this year and $650,000
since its inception in 2001.
Mary Hencinski practices general dentistry in
Freeport, Fla. and is celebrating the one-year anniver-
sary of her new office building. Last summer, Mary
traveled to Poland with her husband, Marcus, where
she met more than one hundred of his family mem-
bers, most of whom spoke no English.
Steven R. Bateh practices general dentistry in
Jacksonville, Fla. In his free time, Steven enjoys his
family and volunteering at church. His daughter,
Brittany, started her freshman year at UF this summer.
Craig Malin practices endodontics in Carlsbad, Cal.
Daughter Kelli graduated from high school in 2006
and will cheer for the University of Arizona. In sum-
mer 2006, he and his family took a cruise to Italy,
Greece and France.
Greg Huang lives in Bellevue, Wa. and is an associate
professor in the department of orthodontics at the
University of Washington.
Stanley H. Asensio lives and works in Orlando, Fla.
where he practices general dentistry with advanced
training in orthodontics, cosmetics, sedation and
forensics. He participates in the UF/UAB Dental
Practice-Based Research Network to improve clinical
dentistry, and was a recent dentist of the month and
cover story for the Orlando magazine. He is married
to Linda and they have a son, Stanley. Dr. Asensio is
an active community and school volunteer, and also
enjoys professional sport fishing with his nationally
recognized team, Caliente.
Michele Conti- Zrulluck practices general dentistry in
Titusville, Fla. She and her husband, Larry, are the
proud parents of a baby girl born March 3.
Margaret Hartwig practices dentistry in Warner
Robins, Ga. This year, she and her husband, George,
celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in
Bermuda; their daughter, Eva, graduated from high
school and their youngest, Ilona, is entering high
school. Margaret wants her classmates to know that
she is supporting the Claire Pitts Brown Endowed
Scholarship ("we still miss her") and asks them to
join her.
Michael McCorkle practices general dentistry in
Orlando, Fla. Mike is a member of the American
College of Dentists. He recently enjoyed a great trip
to Bermuda with the Florida Academy of Dental
Practice Administration. Mike and his wife, Corina,
have a daughter, Morgan (17), a high school senior
and a state pole vaulting champion. Their son,
Colton (13) is in the 8th grade and has earned a sec-
ond degree black belt. Mike and Corina also enjoy
playing golf.
T. Merrell Williams practices periodontics in Tampa,
Fla. He is a diplomat of the American Board of
Periodontology. Merrell traveled to South Africa and
Zambia for two weeks for missionary work. He also
enjoys collecting coins and paper money.
David J. Ferlita is current president of the Atlantic
Coast District Dental Association. For the last five
years, David has served as president of the FDA
Project Dentists Care, a statewide dental volunteer
network that provides dental care for underserved
citizens and coordinates the Give Kids A Smile pro-
gram. David and Christine, along with their children
Taylor (8), Bailey (6), and Dawson (3), love returning
to Gainesville to cheer on the Gators!
Robert Perdomo III practices dentistry in Coral
Gables, Fla. He and his wife, Arev, celebrated the
birth of their fifth child, Samuel Luis, on March 29.
Arev and Samuel Luis are both in excellent health and
doing well.

Kristin M. Shinnick practices general dentistry in
Shalimar, Fla. Her husband, Joseph, a retired Air
Force pilot, is now a pilot for FedEx. Kristin and
Joseph have two daughters. The family has visited
Australia, Japan, Italy, the South Pacific, and Kristin
made a trip to Guatemala for missionary care. She
enjoys the beach, boating, diving, arts and crafts,
baking and dancing.
Jeff Gully practices general dentistry in north
Jacksonville. His wife Michelle, a registered dental
hygienist, is now a stay at home mom to their sons
Grayson (3) and Max (8). Jeff has made his annual
trip to the Keys in August for lobster season, in which
he had "lots of fun!" Jeff and Michelle are wrapping
up the restoration of their early 1900s house in
Riverside, Fla. It has taken them three years to com-
plete, while having babies in between and "living
through the chaos."

Richard D. Morales II has a solo private prac-
tice in general dentistry and fixed prostho-
dontics/reconstructive therapy in South
Miami, Fla. Richard and his family went on a
skiing trip to Breckenridge, Col. in April.

David Rowe and wife, Penny, were married April 14.
David practices general dentistry in Port Charlotte,
Fla. and is a fellow in the Academy of General
Dentistry, an associate fellow in the American
Academy of Implant Dentistry, and is near the com-
pletion of the Master of the Academy of General
Dentistry program at UFCD.
Amy Fine Anderson recently purchased and com-
pletely remodeled a building in St. Petersburg, Fla.
for her orthodontics practice. She and husband,
Chris, have two sons, Tate (6) and Sawyer (2). The
family uses the extensive counter space of the new
office for scrap booking on the weekends.
Susan Barr Jones practices general dentistry in
Lumberton, NC. She is an avid marathon runner and
has completed three marathons in Vermont as
friends and classmates, Amanda Nevin and Natalie
Accomando cheered her on. She plans to run the
Disney Marathon in 2010! Susan is the mother of
sons Hunter and Colin and a baby daughter, Bailey
Nora, born March 5.
Nick DeTure specializes in periodontics and implants
and practices in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. He and his wife,
Connie Aresehault, are the proud parents of Austin
Nicholas, born May 21, on their one-year anniversary.
Nick is a diplomat of the American Board of
Periodontology, and served as the president of the
Broward County Dental Association in 2006.
Sharon Day-O'Steen practices general dentistry, in
DeBary, Fla. Sharon has earned certification in Botox
and Resylane treatment.

Jennifer Brown-Jackson has been in private solo
practice in general dentistry for eight years, but is
now building a new dental office with six operatories
and is excited about going digital. She is most proud
of her "biggest accomplishment being a mother to
Madison (5), and Savannah (2), and a wife to hus-
band, Scott."
Maria-Cristina Castellvi-Armas is an American Board
of Orthodontics certified practicing orthodontist and
an associate professor at the orthodontic graduate
program at the University of Puerto Rico. She mar-
ried in 2005 and honeymooned in Italy. Last year
she visited Frana, Belgium for an Orthodontics
Convention. On her time off she enjoys her beach
house in Rincon, Puerto Rico.
Mike Fowler and his wife, MarLee, have two daugh-
ters and a son on the way. Mike practices general
dentistry in Melbourne, Fla. and was the 2006 presi-
dent of the Brevard County Dental Society.
Michele Conti-Zrullack practices general den-
tistry in Titusville, Fla. and has a baby daughter,
born March 5.
David Petrilli is a private practice partner with Drs.
Caldwell, Bills and Petrilli in Charlotte, NC. He enjoys
Gator sports, golf and skiing on Lake Norman. David
is married with a son, Grant (2) and a baby-daughter
Kate, born in May.
Cynthia Dickson Haug has been practicing family
and cosmetic dentistry for six years in Jonesville, Fla.
She has two children, Pexton and Sim. Cynthia loves
the beach and has visited Las Vegas and Amelia
Thomas Doan practices general dentistry in
Lakewood Ranch, Fla. He and his wife Linda are the
proud parents of daughter, Mischa (9 months) and
are expecting a second child next year. Thomas is a
recipient of the Partners for Peace Award from the
American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and also
received a community service award from the
Sarasota County Dental Association. His favorite
hobby is Japanese swordsmanship.
Axel McGuffie practices general dentistry in Marco
Island, Fla. He is a fellow in the Academy of General
James E. Oxer enjoys his practice, Sunshine Family
Dentistry, in Lake Placid, Fla. He and wife, Monique,
and children, Tanner (8) and Melina (6) enjoy sports
and travel. James loves flying, softball, basketball,
fishing, and has completed his first triathlon-"without
dying!" Last year the family traveled to Japan and
this year to the Bahamas and Jamaica.
James T. Cannon practices general dentistry in
Osprey, Fla. James moved his practice to a new
office building in April. He completed levels I and II in
advanced dental education at The Pankey Institute.
James and his wife, Stephanie, vacationed in Alaska
this summer. They have a daughter, Gabrielle (2).
Darren Huddleston practices general dentistry in
Grants Pass, Or. He recently built a new office build-
ing for his practice and other businesses. Darren
received an appointment to serve on the Oregon
Board of Dentistry, and he is as an examiner for the
Western Regional Board Exam. Darren and wife,
Heidi, have two children, Kiersten (7) and Scott (4).
He and his family enjoy river rafting.
Chris Ross specializes in endodontics and practices,
along with Rodney Anthony '86, at Bay Area
Endodontics in Clearwater, Fla. Chris earned a certifi-
cate in endodontics and a Master of Science in oral
biology in June from the University of Louisville. He
was a featured speaker at the 2006 annual session of
the American Association of Endodontics in Hawaii,
where he delivered a presentation on oral research.
Vivian (Terhune) DeLuca practices comprehensive
and esthetic dentistry in Tampa, Fla. Vivian was



E. Monroe Farber. a Florida visionary
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Cathy Taylor I:.i i .: h,.: i l 1.:I I i .'i

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S 1 :1 1. .. .I.:. .. ii.:. .:1 j l I I .I 2

S I I I I i,, .. 23

Formula for Fun

Dental researcher lives life in the fast lane

One might take a look at clinical psy-
chologist Joseph L. Riley, III, Ph.D., an
associate professor of community dentistry
and behavioral science in the College of
Dentistry, and think he'd be a sedate, quiet
sort of fellow with a sedate, quiet sort of
hobby ... like clipping Bonsai to the lilting
sounds of classical music.
Think again. Riley's hobby is all about
speed, the smell of hot asphalt, and the roar
of 117 horses chomping at the bit to burn
rubber on a fast course. We're talking
Formula Ford car racing, baby, and at
speeds up to 140 mph, it's not for the faint
of heart.
For 56-year-old Riley, who owned a
chain of foreign auto part stores in the
Orlando area for 20 years before entering
academia, Formula Ford auto racing seemed
the perfect hobby to occupy his spare time.
"Cars are kind of my thing," Riley said.
"In my youth, I wanted to be a professional
race car driver and started racing when I
was 21. But I blew up the engine in my car
after about a year, started a business and put


Riley, on the winner's podium at right, placed third
during the final race, but still took home the SARRC
racing on the back burner. So in some ways,
this is unfinished business."
Formula Ford cars are open wheel, single-
seaters slung low and without the aerodynam-
ic wings seen on the Formula One cars. The
newer car chassis have springs and shocks that

are covered by the car body to reduce drag,
but Riley's car is a classic 1975 Titan chassis
with outboard suspension that places him at a
5 mph disadvantage at higher speeds a dis-
advantage that disappears below 100 mph. So
his competitive edge at lower speeds is driving
skill and the mechanical preparation that went
into the car before the race.
"My car is in my garage, and I do all the
work on it," Riley said. "I don't actually
build the engine itself, I send it off to a pro-
fessional engine builder, but I put it in my
car and do all the maintenance, all the setup
work on the chassis, put the car on my trail-
er and drive it to the race."
Riley must be doing something right.
He won the 2006 championship for the
Southeastern Division of the Sports Car
Club of America, competing against drivers
with newer, more aerodynamic cars, called
Swifts. The Swifts car bodies have covered
springs and shocks, and are the car to beat
at Formula Ford races.
"The good news is that the guys who
have Swifts didn't run enough races, and
they were unreliable," Riley said with a
laugh. "The young guys are crazier, they go
off track ... So they had won some races,
but I had won six races before I went to the
championship race, and I only had to finish
fourth to be series champion."
Riley placed third, his Titan kept pace
with the newer Swifts to take home the
SCCA Southeastern Division Formula Ford
Although he's modest about his achieve-
ment, Riley is accustomed to being at the
top of his game. In what he calls "another
life," Riley was a nationally ranked triath-
lete. Now, he's the recipient of dentistry's
University Research Foundation
Professorship Award, which consists of a
one-time $3,000 grant to support his ongo-
ing research and $5,000 each year over the
next three years as a salary supplement.
Riley and his wife, Denise, a nurse prac-
titioner in the department of neurology, are
delighted with the recognition, and Riley
plans to use the award to support his
research on cultural differences in pain man-
agement behaviors, a subject he finds even
more exciting than car racing.
"Research is just as thrilling as an auto
race," Riley said. "If you put in the prepara-
tion time and pay attention to details, the
payoff is exciting your paper is published,
your grant is funded or you win a race." *


Larkin Bids


Gross anatomy

prof retires

Every fall since 1972, Lynn Larkin, Ph.D.,
professor emeritus of anatomy and cell biolo-
gy, has welcomed a class of freshman dental
students into his anatomy course. In fact,
Larkin has taught gross anatomy to every UF
dental student since the college's charter
class-that's nearly 2,100 dentists.
But, the class of 2010 was the last of den-
tistry's freshman classes Larkin would teach
the differences between a sphenoid and a
mandibular notch. On June 30th, Larkin is
retiring from his 39-year teaching career.
"I've really enjoyed teaching here," Larkin
said. "There are lots of things to like in
Florida, and the students are bright and fun
to be around."
Originally from Ohio, Larkin earned his
Ph.D. in anatomy from the University of
Colorado Medical Center in Denver, Colo. in
1967. After one year post-doctoral work in
Boulder, Larkin came to teach in the depart-
ment of anatomy and cell biology at the UF
College of Medicine, and he never left. In
1997 Larkin retired as professor emeritus but
was hired on a yearly basis to teach dental stu-
dents at the College of Dentistry.
"Each school has its own personality. The
physician assistant students are older and
more experienced, while most of the dental
students are just out of college and very social.
It's a fun group."
Though fun, anatomy is not an easy class
to teach. It's difficult to visualize the tissues
underneath the skin and you'll need the mem-
ory of a spelling bee champion to remember
all the terms. To help students grasp perceptu-
al knowledge of the human body, Larkin
developed a syllabus looking more like a "col-
oring book." It's a workbook that contains all
the lecture diagrams. As the semester goes
along, the instructor discusses and labels each
diagram in different colors while students do
the same on their copies. It keeps the students

involved and the lecturer on track. The colors
they use-red, brown, and, of course, orange

and blue.
During his 35 years of
teaching at the college,
Larkin has won dentistry's
Teacher of the Year Award
twice, in 1992 and 1994. He
is one of the few outside fac-
ulty members that have been
given this prestigious award.
Larkin has educated two gen-
erations of Florida dentists,
including Dennis

Larkin ha
of the Yeai
twice, one
few outside
members t
been giv

Connaughton of the Delta Class ('79) and
daughter Kelly Connaughton, class of 2008,
who are both impressed by his approachable
"To me it's hard to get excited about
working on cadavers at 8 o'clock in the morn-
ing, but knowing that Dr. Larkin was going to
be there made that journey a lot easier," Kelly
Connaughton said. "If it were anybody else, I
don't think I would have the same experi-
Kelly's father, Dennis, took Larkin's class in
1975. Interestingly, Connaughton now teaches
anatomy class at Brevard Community College

in Cocoa, FL. When asked about Larkin's teach-
ing style, "relaxed" was the word that came to
Connaughton's mind.
IS won "Dr. Larkin was always
Teacher smiling, always with a good
r Award attitude. He never made us feel
intimidated to approach him
e of the and ask a question. It was a
e faculty very relaxed lab session and a
hat have lot of it had to do with Dr.
en this Though a professor of the
; award, classic Gray'sAnatomy, Larkin is
not a fan of TV Land's "Grey's
Anatomy" on ABC. He said even if he watches
the show, it's not for the anatomy in it. But he
did find the "goofy interns getting into trouble
show" on Comedy Central amusing ("Scrubs").
Having retired in 1997 and working six
months out of the year since then, Larkin said
he has had a taste of retirement.
"I've been practicing for 10 years," Larkin
teased. "And I know I won't miss getting up at
6 for the 8 o'clock class."
No more skulls or skeletons, Larkin will be
working on his old cars or boating on the
Suwannee River. To him, life after anatomy
class is-enjoyable. *


I* a




-sr -.i

Unconquerable Soul

Marc Gale retires from operative dentistry

At his retirement reception last year, Marc
Gale, an associate professor of operative den-
tistry, stood up before the audience gathered to
honor him, unfolded his notes, adjusted his
glasses and somberly launched into a speech
about his career in dental education.
"For me, this has been a journey," he read.
"A journey is defined as 'travel, or passage, from
one place to another'.... In other words, a
"I will say that my 34 years at this dental
school have definitely been a trip," Gale
quipped with a grin.
With impeccable comedic timing and in
typical fashion, Gale's force of personality took
possession of the room, engaging his audience
in the same way generations of dental students
have been engaged since the Charter Class first
fell under his spell in 1972.
Over the years, more than 2,000 dental
students have developed their knowledge base
and honed clinical skills under his tough but
fair tutelage. His quick, sarcastic wit suffers no
fools but is leavened with genuine care for his
students. He makes a point to know each stu-
dent, by name and by deeds.

"I think that teaching is a burning in your
belly," Gale said. "It's no different than teach-
ing in high school, or middle
school, or elementary school. "Why d
Why do those people choose
teaching? There is something people
within each person that says, teaching
'This is how I want to con- somethi
tribute to society.' "
Gale's contribution has each pe
been enormous, touching the says, 'Th
lives of students and fellow
I want to
"Dr. Gale has been an to soc
integral part of my academic
life at the college, beginning with his service on
the search committee that hired me in 1989,"
said Dean Teresa A. Dolan. "It's been a fun ride
working with him over the years on student
affairs and other programs, and most recently
on fundraising to assure the continued excel-
lence of dental education at UF."
Dental education was the furthest thing
from the mind of this self-described, "nice
Jewish boy from Boston" when he graduated
with his dental degree from Tufts University in




a 'i


1967. Gale's intention, after completing a
two-year stint in the Army as a captain in the
Dental Corps, was to complete an orthodontics
residency program and open a swank ortho
practice on Park Avenue in New York City.
He wrote a former Tufts professor and
mentor, Dr. David A. Grainger, asking for a ref-
erence for his residency application. What he
received instead was an invitation to come to
the University of Florida as a faculty member of
a new dental school where Grainger served as a
professor and chairman of operative dentistry.
"Dr. Grainger was really an icon, and
everyone kind of feared him. He said they were
opening a new dental school in Florida and this
would be a great opportunity," said Gale. "So, I
finally made the decision to come down here
and try teaching. It was an exciting time."
Gale found himself surrounded by giants of
dental education at the University of Florida,
all working together to hammer out an innova-
tive, technology-based, self-paced curriculum.
As a junior faculty member in their midst,
Gale was awed by the figures whose names had
been on the text books he'd studied when he was
in dental school. These included Jose Medina
and Bill Collett from the University of
Maryland; Harold R. Stanley from the National
Institute of Dental Research; Bruce Bell from
Tufts; Davis Henderson from the University of
Kentucky; Floyd Peyton from the University of
Michigan; and Richard Mackenzie and John
Bowman from the University of Pittsburgh.
But not even awe could suppress the irre-
pressible Marc Gale.
"When I arrived, I was a brash young
man," Gale said with a laugh.
th e "My first day, there was an all
choose day faculty meeting. Being the
There is new guy on the block and sit-
ting in a room with people I
g within considered to be idols in den-
;on that tistry, a normal person would
Sis how have just sat there and listened.
Of course, I would have none
tributee of that, so I dove right in there
ty.' and haven't shut up since!"
Somehow, despite the
bluntness of his freely expressed opinions, Gale
has survived seven university presidents and
seven dental deans, and has become somewhat
of an idol himself.
"During the course of my first week here at
the dental school, I came to realize that not only
did Dr. Gale know my name, but he also knew
about my past education, my family, my inter-
ests," said Manav Malik, who graduated magna
cum laude this May. "And that is what makes
Dr. Gale so unique. He views each student as a

dynamic individual, truly cares about students and
always seeks to understand them more fully."
In student circles, Gale is known for laying down
the law, administering it fairly, and making no excep-
tions. But his counsel when students get down on
themselves is gentle and generous.
"Most dental students try to make everything
perfect," said Gale. "But, perfection is not repeatable.
It is an unattainable goal that will make you neurotic
and it will depress you. So, I encourage students to
strive for excellence. Excellence is the best you can do
on any given day."
Teaching is Gale's passion, and although he
enjoys retirement, he devotes a day each week to
teaching operative dentistry. Finally being free to
focus only on teaching-without juggling committee
meetings, administrative duties, and other responsi-
bilities-has broadened his perspective on the chal-
lenges today's faculty face as dental educators.
"We have great faculty, but I do think the pres-
sures placed on them are far different than when we
first started this dental school," said Gale.
As members of a public university with top tier
aspirations, clinical and instructional faculty are
expected to pursue at least some research to meet pro-
motion and tenure requirements. That, combined
with the necessity of augmenting salaries through fac-
ulty practice, can, in Gale's opinion, become a dis-
traction from their primary roles as educators.
In addition, recruiting young dentists to the
ranks of dental educators is difficult due to the dis-
parities in what dentists can earn in practice versus
what one may earn as junior faculty.
"Many of our students who just graduated in
May are going out and getting salaries as new dentists
that are more than my salary after 34 years at the
dental school," said Gale. "Now, that puts it into per-
According to Gale, faculty endowments are one
way to remove salary pressure from faculty so that
they can focus on teaching, and to attract the best
and brightest to pursue careers in dental education.
An endowed professorship in his name was estab-
lished with several key gifts from alums to honor his
legacy of excellence in dental education, and
$201,000 in pledges toward the $600,000 endow-
ment goal has been received.
Gale hopes the professorship will attract future
dental educators into the profession he has found so
rewarding. As an associate professor emeritus of oper-
ative dentistry, Gale reflects on the many wonderful
people he's taught and doesn't regret a single day of
his teaching career.
"Teaching is challenging," said Gale. "But to
watch their faces when it really starts to click in,
you realize you've made an impression on some-
one's life."
"For me, this has been a wonderful journey. I feel
blessed." *


Teachers of the Year

Dental faculty named 2007 teachers of the year


Student comments regarding

* "He is very enthusiastic about the
subject.... Also very willing to help
with long study sessions and lots of
availability for questions."
* "He is a library of dental knowledge."
* "Genuinely concerned for the stu-
dents. He was very approachable
and always available for extra help
outside of class time."
* "Dr. Soderholm really challenges
your logic/science skills. (His class)
prepares you on how to determine
what materials should be used and
how to determine their validity."

Student comments regarding

* "You have the best and most clear
teaching/lecturing skills!"
* "Excellent at letting us know
what is expected and excellent
at speaking and lecturing
in class."
* "Dr. Gremillion sincerely cares
about the students and it shows.
He's awesome!"
* "Enthusiasm. Concern for
students. Knowledge."
* "He is amazing in every aspect....
It was an honor to be a part of
his course."

Each year dental students in the sophomore, junior and senior
classes are asked to nominate their favorite course instructors for
University of Florida Teacher of the Year Awards. The classes nomi-
nate professors for the basic and clinical sciences based on their inno-
vation in course design and/or instruction and effectiveness in teach-
Once the ballots were tallied this year, Karl-Johan Soderholm,
L.D.S., M.Phil., Odont. Dr., a professor of materials science, and Henry
A. Gremillion, D.D.S., a professor of orthodontics and director of the
Parker E. Mahan Facial Pain Center, stood out as the clear winners of
the college's 2007 Teacher of the Year awards-Soderholm as the
basic science teacher of the year, and Gremillion as the clinical sci-
ence teacher of the year. Both were recognized during the university's
Faculty Awards Banquet in April with award plaques and checks in the
amount of $2,000.
Student comments regarding each instructor gleaned from anony-
mous course evaluations demonstrate the impact each instructor's
integrity and commitment to dental education made on the student
learning experience. *



Gator Bytes

* Faculty

* Kenneth Anusavice, D.M.D., Ph.D., associate
dean for research and a professor and chair-
man of the department of dental biomaterials,
was honored as the 24th recipient of the
Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics
Foundation Distinguished Lecturer Award.
Given to Anusavice last December during the
academy's annual meeting, held at Lincoln Park
Center in New York City, the award recognizes
Anusavice for his exceptional didactic skills as a
dental educator.
* Jaana Autio-Gold. D.D.S., Ph.D., an assistant
professor of operative dentistry, has been
appointed the college's coordinator for preven-
tive dentistry. In this role, Autio-Gold will work
with faculty to develop and implement evi-
dence-based clinical curriculum in preventive
dentistry, and to assure vertical integration of
preventive dentistry through all four years of
the D.M.D. curriculum.
m Linda Bartoshuk, Ph.D., an internationally
known researcher in the chemical senses of
taste and smell, has been appointed a presi-
dential endowed professor of community
dentistry and behavioral sciences in the
College of Dentistry. Bartoshuk is a fellow of
the National Academy of Sciences and the
only woman NAS member at UF Bartoshuk
was the first to discover that burning mouth
syndrome, a condition predominantly experi-
enced by postmenopausal women, is caused
by damage to the taste buds at the front of
the tongue and is not a psychosomatic con-
dition, as many believed.
* Paul Blaser, D.D.S., M.S.D., a clinical profes-
sor of operative dentistry, has been appointed
chair of operative dentistry after serving nearly
two years in an interim capacity. Blaser earned
a master's of science in dentistry from Indiana
University School of Dentistry and a doctor of
dental surgery degree from Case Western
Reserve University Dental School and. A retired
U.S. Air Force colonel, Blaser has been a faculty
member at the college since 1993 and brings
notable expertise in operative dentistry and
course development to the position.
m D. Lawrence Brock, D.M.D., assistant clinical
professor of periodontology at the University of
Florida College of Dentistry, was honored with
the 2007 Educator Award from the American
Academy of Periodontology. Brock was cited
for his contributions to the department as inter-
im director of the post-graduate program while
teaching in the undergraduate arena, as well as
his recent board certification in periodontology.
m Robert A. Burne, Ph.D., a professor and chair
of oral biology, was one of 52 UF faculty hon-
ored with the 2007 Faculty Achievement
Recognition Award. Burne received his award
during the April 4th awards reception held at
the Samuel L. Har Museum of Art and spon-
sored by the University of Florida associate
provost for faculty development.
m Frank Catalanotto, D.M.D., a professor of
community dentistry and behavioral science
with a joint appointment in the department of
oral biology, was elected to the executive com-
mittee of the board of directors of Oral Health

Arthur Nimmo, D.D.S., FA.C.R, a pro-
fessor of prosthodontics at the University
of Florida College of Dentistry, and
Margot L. Van Dis, D.D.S., M.S., a profes-
sor of oral and maxillofacial radiology at
the Indiana University School of Dentistry,
completed their six-year terms of service
on the American Dental Association
Consultant Review Committee for the
National Board Dental Exam last fall.
As consultants, the duo reviewed
every question on Part II of the National
Board Exam for content, format, grammar
and verification of radiographs and clinical

America. He also serves as chairman of the
OHA communications committee.
* Matthew Dennis, D.D.S., a clinical associate
professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery and
diagnostic sciences, has been awarded the
Florida Dental Association's Dental Educator
Award. Dennis was nominated by student mem-
bers of the Gainesville chapter of the American
Student Dental Association based on his out-
standing contributions to the quality of dental
education. He received the award in June dur-
ing the Florida National Dental Congress, held in
Orlando, Fla. This was the second time Dennis
was honored with the award, which he first
received in 2004.
* M. Franklin Dolwick, a professor of oral and
maxillofacial surgery, received the 2006
Distinguished Alumni Award from his dental
alma mater, the University of Kentucky College
of Dentistry. Dolwick was tapped to receive the
distinguished alumni award because of his inter-
national preeminence as an oral and maxillofa-
cial surgeon and researcher. His and co-investi-
gator Richard Katzberg's pioneering report on
their investigation of temporomandibular joint
disorders using magnetic resonance imaging in
the American Journal of Roentgenology has
become one of the journal's top 100 most-cited
articles of the past 100 years.
m Carol Haggerty, D.D.S., M.S., M.PH., a clinical
assistant professor of community dentistry and
behavioral science, earned her Master of Public
Health from University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill in August, and was inducted this
April into UNC's Theta Chapter of Delta Omega
Honorary Society in Public Health. Her induction
to the society was in recognition of her out-
standing devotion to and work in dental public
* Marc W. Heft, D.M.D., Ph.D., a professor of
oral and maxillofacial surgery with joint appoint-
ments as professor of neuroscience and profes-
sor of clinical 8 health psychology, is president
of the American Association of Dental Research.
Heft will serve as the 36th president of the
AADR during his 2007-2008 term, which began

photographs in the clinical cases. All U.S.
dental students take Part II of the National
Board Dental Exam in their senior year
prior to completing state boards to
become licensed to practice dentistry.

at the conclusion of the March AADR annual
meeting held in New Orleans, La.
* Richard Lamont, Ph.D., a professor of oral biol-
ogy, is the editor of a new microbiology textbook,
Oral Microbiology and Immunology, printed by
ASM Press. The book is one of the first of its kind
to focus primarily on the knowledge and under-
standing of the oral ecosystem and its unique
role in human health and disease. Intended for
dental students, dental practitioners and health-
care professionals, it details the ecology, viru-
lence, molecular biology and immunogenicity of
oral bacteria, viruses and fungi and examines
their interface with host cells and secretions.
* Samuel Low, D.D.S., M.S., M.Ed., associate
dean for faculty practice and continuing educa-
tion, has been elected secretary-treasurer of the
American Academy of Periodontology. As secre-
tary-treasurer, Low will become president of the
organization in 2010. Low also has been
appointed associate dean for continuing educa-
tion and strategic partnerships. This represents
a new and important initiative for the college of
providing a faculty liaison for the college's exist-
ing and developing relationships with profes-
sional organizations, the state legislature and
corporate sponsors.
* William Martin, D.M.D., M.S., a clinical assis-
tant professor with joint appointments in the
department of oral and maxillofacial surgery and
diagnostic sciences and the department
prosthodontics, and clinical director of The
Center for Implant Dentistry, became board cer-
tified in prosthodontics in 2006 and is now a
diplomat of the American Board of
m Marc E. Ottenga, D.D.S., a clinical associate
professor of operative dentistry, received the
Faculty Award from the American College of
Dentists in recognition of his outstanding repre-
sentation of ethics and professionalism as a fac-
ulty member of the University of Florida College
of Dentistry.
m K. David Stillwell, D.D.S., a clinical associate
professor of operative dentistry, is president-
elect of the Florida Academy of General



Dentistry. The Florida Academy of General
Dentistry is the state's largest general dentist
constituent group and consists of more than
1800 members. The academy serves the state's
general dentists through advocacy and continu-
ing education, and members are inducted based
on demonstrated commitment to improving
patient care through life-long learning.
m Scott L. Tomar, D.M.D., Dr.PH., a professor
and chairman of community dentistry and behav-
ioral sciences, has been elected vice president of
the American Association of Public Health
Dentistry during the association's May annual
meeting held in Denver. Tomar will automatically
be named the organization's president in 2009.
The association is the world's largest multidisci-
plinary professional organization focused on
improving public oral health.
* Charles Widmer, D.D.S., M.S., an associate
professor of orthodontics and the director of clin-
ical research in the Parker E. Mahan Facial Pain
Center, has been reappointed for a second two-
year term on the National Institute of Dental and
Craniofacial Research Special Grants Review
m Roger D. Wray, D.D.S., a clinical associate
professor of community dentistry and behav-
ioral science, has been appointed program
director of the University of Florida College of
Dentistry Faculty Practice. Wray previously
served as residency program director for the
college's clinical program in Apopka. As direc-
tor of Faculty Practice, Wray will be responsible
for its day-to-day operations, including faculty
and staff supervision, financial planning and
quality assurance. Wray will also teach in the
college's D.M.D. program.
m Three University of Florida College of Dentistry
faculty members have been elected to member-
ship to the national dental honor society,
Omicron Kappa Upsilon. Calogero Dolce, D.D.S.,
Ph.D., an associate professor of orthodontics,
Nicklaus J. Minden, D.M.D., M.B.A., M.Ed., an
associate professor of operative dentistry, and
Arthur Nimmo, D.D.S., EA.C.P, a professor of
prosthodontics, were inducted into the organiza-
tion last month by Xi Omicron section president
and UF associate professor of oral and maxillofa-
cial surgery Carol Stewart, D.D.S., during the sec-
tion's annual meeting in Gainesville. Members
are selected on the basis of outstanding contribu-
tions to the art, science or literature of dentistry.
* Three pediatric dental faculty members have
earned board certification from the American
Board of Pediatric Dentistry. These diplomats
include Daniela Silva, D.D.S., M.S., and Flavio
Soares, D.D.S., M.S., both assistant professors
of pediatric dentistry, and Marcio Guelmann,
D.D.S., associate professor and chairman of
pediatric dentistry. Their diplomat status
demonstrates successful completion of an
advanced educational program accredited by
the American Dental Association Commission
on Dental Accreditation and completion of the
board's examination process.

* Promotion & Tenure

Madhu Nair, D.M.D., Ph.D., a professor of oral
and maxillofacial surgery and diagnostic sci-
ences, has been granted tenure; Cliff Star,
D.M.D., has been promoted to the rank of clinical
professor; William Martin, D.M.D., has been pro-
moted to clinical associate professor.

* New Voice for Faculty Affairs

William P McArthur, Ph.D., a professor of oral
biology and director of the University of Florida's
Periodontal Disease Research Center, has been
appointed the College of Dentistry's associate
dean for faculty affairs, effective June 29. In this
new position he will advise faculty and college
and campus administrators on matters affecting
faculty and will provide administrative support
for the faculty's role in shared governance.
The position is the result of an administrative
reorganization that encompasses recent addi-
tions of the associate dean for clinical affairs
and associate dean for continuing education
and strategic partnerships and the elimination
of the senior associate deanship. The new
administrative structure is intended to be more
adaptive to the highly competitive nature of
recruiting and retaining excellent dental faculty,
and to UF's still-developing efforts toward
shared governance.
McArthur has a long and distinguished
career at the college as a professor and

researcher. He
received his doctoral
degree from Purdue
University in 1969,
was a postdoctoral
fellow at New York
University Medical
School and held a
faculty position at
the University of
Pennsylvania before
coming to UF as an Arthur
associate professor of
basic dental sciences in 1981. McArthur
previously served as interim chair of the
department of basic dental sciences and
was the first assistant dean for research of
the college. He was instrumental in shaping
the basic science curriculum for the col-
lege's D.M.D. program and is currently lead-
ing the college through its self-study for
accreditation process.

* New Periodontology Program Director
Tord M. Lundgren, L.D.S., Odont. Dr., is appointed clinical professor and grad-
uate program director of periodontology. Lundgren comes to UF from Loma
Linda University School of Dentistry, where he served as professor and pro-
gram director of the clinical periodontology program. He earned his dental
degree and certificate in periodontics from University of Umea, Sweden, a cer
tificate in periodontics from Loma Linda University, and his doctor of odontol-
ogy from University of Malmo/Lund, Sweden. He has led a distinguished
career as a dental practitioner, educator and leader in organized dentistry.

* New Faculty
Sang-Joon Ahn, Ph.D., is appointed research assistant
professor of oral biology as of Oct. 20. He earned is
doctorate degree in plant pathology (bacteriology)
from University of California-Riverside, and has served
as a post-doctoral associate in Dr. Burne's laboratory
since 2003. His research in Dr. Burne's laboratory has
included dissecting molecular genetic control of the
maturation of pathogenic biofilms, stress responses,
competence and autolysis in Streptococcus mutans.
Andrew G. Jakymiw, Ph.D., is appointed research
assistant professor of oral biology. Jakymiw was most
recently a post-doctoral associate in the department,
with a project focus of GW bodies and mammalian
RNA interference. He earned his doctorate in bio-
chemistry and molecular biology from the University
of Calgary, and is a member of the American Society
for Cell Biology.
Lakshmyya Kesavalu, B.VSc., M.Sc., S.C.C., is
appointed associate professor of periodontics. Dr.
Kesavalu comes to the college from University of
Kentucky, where he was an associate research profes-
sor in the department of oral health science. Dr.
Kesavalu earned his veterinary medicine degree from
Madras University, Madras, India, and his master's in
medical microbiology from All India Institute of
Medical Sciences in New Delhi, India. Dr. Kesavalu's
research interests include periodontal microbial patho-
genesis, host response and genomics, and periodon-
tal disease models.
Theofilos Koutouzis, D.D.S., M.S., is appointed visiting
assistant professor of periodontics. Dr. Koutouzis' one-
year appointment began Sept. 1, and he comes to the
college from private practice. Dr. Koutouzis earned his
dental degree from Aristotle University in Thes/niki,
Greece, and specialist training in periodontics from
Gothenburg University in Sweden.


Shannon Pop, Ph.D., was appointed assistant pro-
fessor of periodontics as of Sept. 1. Dr. Pop comes
to the college after completing her post-doctoral fel-
lowship at the University of Pittsburgh School of
Medicine. Dr. Pop earned her doctoral degree in
oral biology from the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill. Her area of research emphasis includes
the interactions of the diabetic host with mucosal
pathogens and how these interactions contribute to
the disease process of diabetes as well as how dia-
betic host responses differ from that of a non-dia-
betic host. In addition, she is interested in how
these potentially aberrant innate immune responses
may affect other disease processes classified as
secondary complications of diabetes, such as peri-
odontitis, cardiovascular disease and arthritis.
Rosalia Rey, D.D.S., has been appointed clinical assis-
tant professor in the Internationally-Educated Dentist
Program (IEDP). Rey is a 1998 graduate of the col-
lege's IEDP, where she was recognized with the
Outstanding Student Award. She earned her dental
degree from Colegio Odontologico Columbiano in
Columbia, South America, and a certificate in ortho-
dontics for general dentistry from the Institute for
Graduate Dentists in New York. She comes to the col-
lege from 10 years in private practice in the Lake
Mary/Orlando area.
Christopher J. Spencer, D.D.S., has been appointed
clinical assistant professor of orthodontics, joining
the Parker E. Mahan Facial Pain Center as a fulltime
faculty member. Previous to this, he served as a vis-
iting clinical assistant professor after having com-
pleted his fellowship in the Facial Pain Center last
year. Spencer earned his dental degree from the
University of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of
Dentistry in 1978.



Fifth Annual UFCD

Research Day

Friday, April 13, 2007

DMD Student Oral and Poster
Presentation Division
First Place
Cara Clark, clinical science, "Decreased
Retronasal Olfaction is Associated with
Decreased Oral Sensation." C.J. Clark*, D.J.
Snyder, FA. Catalanotto and L.M. Bartoshuk
Second Place
Del Greenhalgh, basic science, "Effect of P.
gingivalis on ATP Activated P2X7 Receptor
Expression in Gingival Epithelial Cells." D.
Greenhalgh*, L. Yao anad 0. Yilmaz
Third Place
Yue "Maggie" Wang, basic science, "Topology
Mapping of LevQ, LevT and LevS of
Streptococcus Mutans." Y. Wang*, L. Zeng
and R. Burne

MS/Resident Oral and Poster
Presentation Division
First Place
Eric Berry, clinical science, "Enamel Surface
Hardness after Exposure to Acidic Drinks and
Brushing." S.E. Berry*, C. Shen and R.G.
Second Place
Amanda Velazquez, clinical science,
"Restoring Proximal Lesions in Primary
Molars: Does Age and Lesion Stage Influence
Success?" A.P Velazquez*, D.R. Silva and M.
Third Place Tie
Mindy Hall, clinical science, "Incidence of
Adverse Reactions Following Septocaine Use
in Children." M. Hall*, A. Adewumi, M.
Guelmann, J. Riley
Third Place Tie
Aaron Carroll, clinical science, "A Long-Term
Comparison of Treatment Impacts Between
Invisalign and Fixed Appliance Therapy."
A.W Carroll*, S.E McGorray, R. Womack, C.
Dolce, T.A. Dolan and T.T. Wheeler

PhD/Post-doc Oral and Poster
Presentation Division
First Place
F. Bridgett Rahim-Williams, clinical science,
"Functional and Emotional Impacts of Orofacial
Pain Among Middle and Older-aged Adults
with Diabetes." FB. Rahim-Williams*, J. Riley,
III and J.M. Nogle
Second Place
Shangli Lian, basic science, "Short Interfering
RNAs Induce Target-dependent GW Body
Assembly." S. Lian*, M.J. Fritzler, J. Katz, T
Hamazaki, N. Terada and E. K.L. Chan
Third Place
Kaleb Pauley, basic science, "Effects of Innate
Immune Signaling on GW Body Assembly."
K.M. Pauley*, M. Satoh, Y. Li, WH. Reeves and
E. K.L. Chan
Pictured: Second year pediatric resident and second
place winner in the MS/Resident division, Amanda
Velazquez, reviews her poster abstract with Ulrich
Foerster, a clinical associate professor of oral and
maxillofacial surgery and diagnostic sciences, in the
Founder's Gallery. Dentistry's April 13 Research Day
featured a keynote address by Nobel Laureate, Sir
Harold Kroto, oral presentations, division awards and
poster presentations. (PHOTO BY SAM BRILL)


UFCD Dental Ambassadors
take a bow

The Ambassadors organized the 2nd annual Acid
Etch Talent and Comedy Sketch, held May 8, show-
casing the talents of dental students and faculty -
including 1st place winners, Erin Smith and her
Freshman Rappers, who performed "Floss it right,
floss it right, floss it tight." Videotaped class skits
added to the fun, and more than 200 people filled the
auditorium to enjoy the show.
The judges, Drs. Marc Gale, Ariela Notzer and
Boyd Robinson, provided witty feedback to each per-
former, while the repartee of MCs Maggie Novy and
David Yates kept the comedic dialog buoyant. Diverse
acts such as guitar performances, vocalists, piano,
percussive perfect pizza-making, acts of magic and
vaudevillian song and dance routines graced the
stage. For videotaped performances, check out Acid
Etch Online, at

Senior Awards
The College of Dentistry honored graduating
students with senior awards during the col-
lege's annual Senior Banquet, held May 12 in
the J.W. Reitz Union Grand Ballroom. For the
complete award listing and photo gallery, visit

High Honors Magnaa cum laude" were bestowed on
Andrew Deitrich, Manav Malik, Angela Matrisciano
and Maggie Novy.

Honors "cum laude" were bestowed on Glenn Cohen,
Karly Fabres, Allison Harris and Dan Stewart.

3.* L

* 2007 Hinman Scholars

Dental juniors Lindsay Ringdahl and David Yates are
the college's 2007 Hinman Scholars. Ringdahl and
Yates received their $3,000 cash awards during the
March Hinman Dental Society meeting in Atlanta, Ga.


* Multicultural Award

Dental senior Sanjie Jackson was honored with a Multicultural Award by
the UF dean of students office during the April awards ceremony. Jackson
was recognized with the award for her academic excellence and student
leadership activities.

* Scholarship

Dental senior Maggie Novy is the recipient of the 2007 American Dental
Education Association/Listerine Preventive Dentistry Scholarship. The
$2,500 scholarship award was presented during the March ADEA annual
meeting held in New Orleans, La.

m Fellowship

Freshman dental student Yue Wang received a $3,000 American
Association of Dental Research (AADR) research fellowship, which is
intended to encourage the recipient to consider a career in oral health
research. The AADR awarded 19 research fellowships to dental students
nationwide during the association's March meeting in New Orleans, La.





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Continuing Dental Education OCTOBER DECEMBER 2007

College of Dentistry
P.O. Box 100405
Gainesville, FL 32610-0405


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gatordentist A Publication of the University of Florida College of DentistryFall 2007TODAY APLACE TO CALLHOMEDeamonte Driver


FROM THE DEAN Gator Dentist TodayFALL 2007Published annually for the alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends of the University of Florida College of Dentistry Dean Teresa A. Dolan, D.D.S., M.P.H. Editor Communications Director Lindy McCollum-Brounley 2007 2008 Editorial Board Barry Setzer, The Academy of Alumni and Friends Teresa A. Dolan, Dean Tom Fortner, Health Science Center News and Communications Kathy Galloway, Research Jay Garlitz, Alumnus Sue Guido, Alumni Affairs James Haddix, Faculty Cathy Jenkins, Development Bill Martin, Alumnus Will Martin, Faculty Melanie Ross, Health Science Center News and Communications Ted Spiker, UF College of Journalism and Communications J.R. Taylor, Alumnus Photography Sam Brill Lindy Brounley Anney Doucette Sarah Kiewel Linda Kubitz Design JS Design Studio Printing Storter Childs Printing For additional copies, contact: UF College of Dentistry Communications Office P. O. Box 100405 Gainesville, FL 32610-0405 (352) 273-5782 FAX: (352) 392-3070 (352) 273-5800


The death of Deamonte Driver, a 12-year-old Maryland boy who contracted a fatal brain infection from a dental abscess, is a dramatic example of the plight of millions of American children who never receive regular, preventive dental care. Despite public programs in place to provide for them, children like Deamonte are seen every week in hospital emergency rooms across the state. With Deamonte’s tragic death as our cover story (see page 6), this issue of Gator Dentist Today is dedicated to examining barriers to accessing dental care for Florida’s vulnerable populations. The lead stories also highlight some of the people within our state’s dental community who have made personal and professional commitments to be a part of the solution to the access to care problem. UFCD also seeks to be part of the solution through the education of future dentists whose dental educations include rotations through Statewide Network for Community Oral Health dental safety net clinics here at the college and in partner clinics statewide. These clinical experiences underscore our students’ understanding that it takes everyone’s effort to make a difference in opening access to dental services. Groundbreaking for the college’s newest addition to the Statewide Network for Community Oral Health, the UF Naples Children’s Dental Clinic (see page 11), takes place Oct. 30. Construction and programming of the clinic is supported through a unique public-private partnership between the University of Florida College of Dentistry, the Naples Children and Education Foundation, Collier Health Services Inc., and Edison College.The Naples Children and Education Foundation’s gift to UFCD of $5.65 million, which received a state match of $4 million through the Alec P. Courtelis Facilities Enhancement Challenge Grant, is a great start to the college’s effort in the University of Florida Capital Campaign, which kicked-off Sept. 28. The $8-million clinic will serve the dental needs of at-risk Collier County children during 15,000 patient visits each year, and we are very proud to be a part of this innovative solution working in collaboration with our community partners. The launch of the University of Florida Capital Campaign couldn’t be more timely, given the fact that the college is experiencing the greatest demand for dental education in its history during a time of shrinking state support for higher and professional education. We need the support of alumni and friends more than ever as we strive to build our faculty endowment and address the needs of our aging facility in terms of renovation and new space. The applicant pool seeking a dental education is enormously talented, and they deserve the best dental education we can provide. Best Regards, Teresa A. Dolan, D.D.S., M.P.H. Professor and DeanFROM THE DEAN CONTENTSfeatures 6A PLACE TO CALL HOME Deamonte Driver died for lack of a dental home. 14PEELING THE ONION Stripping away the layers impacting access to care for special needs patients. 18PROFILE Operative icon, Marc Gale retires. 21BUILDING BRIDGES From bench to chairside, translational research spans the gap.departments4 In Brief 13 Education 24 Students 29 Faculty 30 Alumnicontinuing dental educationSee back cover for course list. ONTHECOVER Deamonte Driver, the Maryland 12-year-old who died this year of an infection caused by an abscessed tooth, desperately needed a dental home. Read his story on page 6.LINDA DAVIDSON/THE WASHINGTON POST


The University of Florida College of Dentistry has been ranked the No. 3 producer of Hispanic dentistry first professionals out of 56 dental institutions in the nation by Diverse: Issues in Higher Education magazine. The college was ranked No. 15 for overall minority dental graduates, No. 12 for African-American dental graduates and No. 23 for Asian-American dental first professionals. The Diverse rankings use U.S. Department of Education data for the 2005-06 academic year to rank the top 100 minority graduate degree-producing American institutions in the categories of master’s, doctoral and first professional degrees awarded. Groups designated as minority include African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans but do not include foreign minority students. UF was ranked No. 9 for total minority doctorate degrees conferred in the health sciences and tied for No. 26 for Hispanic medicine first professionals. For more information on UF’s minority graduate and doctoral degree rankings, visit AMERICAN COLLEGE OF DENTISTSMembers of the American College of Dentists visited UFCD March 30 to meet with junior dental students to discuss ethical situations they may come across during their future in dental careers. The annual event includes lectures and break-out sessions, in which the dental juniors enjoy in-depth group discussions with their peers and ACD discussion leaders. Opened in 1997 to serve the large Hispanic population in south Florida, the UF College of Dentistry Hialeah Dental Clinic celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. In the past decade, the clinic has conferred nearly 150 dental certificates from the Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD) and Internationally-Educated Dentist (IEDP) programs. Besides training programs, the clinic also provides dental care to low and moderate-income residents in Miami-Dade, Broward and Monroe counties with the support of more than 60 volunteer dentists. The vision of the Hialeah Clinic became a reality due to the collaboration among Hialeah Hospital, the City of Hialeah, state legislators, University of Florida, and leaders within the south Florida dental community. With this team in place and the educational mission established, funding was approved to extensively renovate and equip donated facilities that would become a modern 20-operatory clinic. The clinic has become a model for quality dental education with laboratory facilities and central sterilization. Always on the technological edge, the clinic was recently equipped with digital radiography and a videoconferencing capability to facilitate in house seminars and distance learning. Today the Hialeah Dental Clinic sees approximately 250 patients weekly, and more than 85 percent of them speak Spanish as their primary language. That’s why the IEDP and AEGD programs are especially importanteach year eight internationally-trained dentists and four dental residents receive training at the clinic, and many of them are from Caribbean and Latin American countries. They later apply for board licensure to practice in Florida, broadening access to dental care for the state’s growing and culturally diverse population. For more information, visit BRIEF4UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY 10Hialeah Dental Clinic Turns Dental DiversityUF one of top producers of Hispanic Dentists


BuckyballExpect BIG changes from small science Nanotubes, nanotransporters, nanochips, nanoparticles, nano this, nano that. With nanometers at one billionth of a meter, nanotechnology is what some have labeled the science of small. But, to many, the probability of nanotechnology producing ittybitty nanobots that help heal the body from the inside out seems even smaller. Have you heard the one about teeny-weeny nanogenerators that produce electricity from vibrations made by the flow of blood through vessels? How about the big-fish story of an inexpensive and efficient plastic solar sheet made of nanofibers to capture the energy of the sun on virtually any surface? It’s no tall tale these developing nanotechnologies are already here, and hundreds more are soon coming. Now, it’s up to the scientists and engineers to put nanotechnology to work to improve the human condition across the globe and to create a sustainable society. That was the message of Sir Harold Kroto, Nobel laureate, fellow of the Royal Society, professor of chemistry and biochemistry at Florida State University, and co-discoverer of the carbon molecule that established the foundation for modern nanoscience C 60 Buckminsterfullerene, otherwise known as the “Buckyball.” Kroto’s was the keynote address of the College of Dentistry’s 5thAnnual Research Day held April 13. Delivered to a standingroom-only audience in the Cancer and Genetics Research Compound, Kroto’s presentation is available online for viewing on dentistry’s Web site, located at www. (PHOTO COURTESY OF HAROLD KROTO)IN BRIEFGATOR DENTIST TODAY | FALL 20075The Campaign for the University of FloridaSir Harold KrotoWhat is Florida Tomorrow? Florida Tomorrow is about all the ways the University of Florida is changing the world for the better, starting in Florida and extending throughout the United States and far beyond. Florida Tomorrow is a belief that our land grant mission gives us the responsibility to use teaching, research, and service to solve the greatest challenges of our time and to inspire and nurture the next generation of great leaders. In the health professions. In the arts. In education. In business. In government. Florida Tomorrow is a comprehensive campaign that will raise more than a billion dollars to impact every corner of the university and extend to every corner of the earth. It is an opportunity to invest in dreamsdreams that, because of the University of Florida, truly have the possibility of becoming realities. At UFCD our dream is to be the benchmark against which other dental schools compare themselves. Our capital campaign goal is $15 million, which will build our faculty endowment, build new space, and build our future. For more information about Florida Tomorrow, visit Thomas D. Taylor, D.D.S., M.S.D., professor and head of the department of oral rehabilitation, biomaterials and skeletal development of the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine was the college’s 2007 Kaplan Scholar. Taylor lectured to senior D.M.D. students and prosthodontic residents during his January visit to UFCD, hosted by the department of prosthodontics. KAPLAN SCHOLAR


GATOR DENTIST TODAY | FALL 20077Deamonte Driver, age 12, underwent emergency brain surgery at Children’s National Medical Center after an infection from an abscessed tooth spread to his brain. He is pictured here on Jan. 28, shortly after the first of his two surgeries, with his mother, Alyce Driver. Deamonte is showing his scalp incision, made from one ear to the other. He died Feb. 25 after a second brain surgery failed to clear the infection.Photo: Linda Davidson/The Washington Post.


Deamonte’s family was poor and living in a homeless shelter. He and his four brothers, though enrolled in the state’s Medicaid program, never had primary dental care providers and suffered from untreated dental disease. In trying to access dental care for her children, Deamonte’s single mother, Alyce, became hopelessly mired in the confusing bureaucracy of the Maryland Medicaid HealthChoice managed health program. Dental providers participating in the program were sparse, and the wait times for appointments, even for urgent care, were measured in months rather than days or weeks. “The Driver boys all had a primary care doctor a medical home a pediatrician who treated their childhood illnesses, gave them their immunizations, made sure they were healthy to play sports,” said Laurie J. Norris, an attorney for Maryland-based The Public Justice Center, during her testimony before the Congressional Domestic Policy Subcommittee, Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s May 2 hearing on Deamonte’s death. “But the Driver boys never had a regular primary care dentist a dental home,” she said. “An identified provider who could assess their risk for developing dental disease by age 1, check their mouths and new teeth every six months during toddlerhood, provide education to their parents about preventing dental disease, instruct the boys in how to properly brush and floss, recommend fluoride treatments and dental sealants as they grew older, clean their teeth every six months, and watch for developing cavities that could be nipped in the bud, preventing severe disease, pain, tooth loss, and in Deamonte’s case, death.” Ironically, it was Deamonte’s younger brother, DaShawn, who seemed to be in the gravest need of dental care. His face was swollen with six abscessed teeth, and he was suffering from terrible pain. Deamonte never complained of dental pain but began having excrutiating headaches, which were first diagnosed as sinusitis, then as a brain infection in mid-January. Deamonte died Feb. 25 after six weeks of hospitalization, two brain surgeries and one tooth extraction. Following Deamonte’s death, the first of DaShawn’s abscessed teeth was extracted in March by an oral surgeon participating in Maryland’s Medicaid managed care program. But no antibiotics were prescribed, and the attending oral surgeon recommended pulling one tooth per month over the course of five months. A panicked Alyce transferred DaShawn’s care to the pediatric dental clinic at the University of Maryland, Baltimore College of Dental Surgery where the remaining five abscessed teeth were extracted at once.A NATIONAL SHAMEAlthough Deamonte’s death was an extreme outcome of preventable dental disease, his family’s story of dental neglect, disease, pain and seemingly insurmountable barriers to accessing dental care can be repeated for the families of millions of American children and special needs patients. Despite provision of dental care through Medicaid, access to dental care for needy children remains dismal. Of the 28.8 million Medicaid-eligible children nationwide, only about 30 percent have ever received any dental care. The surgeon general’s 2000 report, Oral Health in America, estimated that 25 percent of the nation’s most vulnerable children carried 80 percent of the burden of untreated dental disease, and that poor children were twice as likely as their more affluent counterparts to suffer from untreated dental disease. This trend is confirmed as continuing by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announcement in April that, despite across the board improvements in America’s oral health, tooth decay in children aged 2 to 5 years old increased by 15 percent during the period between 1999 and 2004. The CDC’s report, Trends in Oral Health StatusUnited States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2004 , also stated that dental disease is untreated in 74 percent of the children experiencing it. Clearly, society is failing these kids, despite federal and state programs in place to provide for them. The question is, why? FLORIDA MEDICAID DENTAL SERVICESMedicaid was born of Title XIX of the Social Security Act of 1965. Through Medicaid, the federal government subsidizes state medical health for certain vulnerable, low-income populationsEAMONTEDRIVER, THE12-YEAR-OLDMARYLAND BOYWHODIEDINFEBRUARYFROMABACTERIAL BRAININFECTIONTHATSPREADFROMAN ABSCESSEDTOOTH, ISATRAGICEXAMPLEOFA CHILDWHONEEDEDAPLACETOCALLHOME.D8UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY


through matching funds but allows states broad discretion in establishing eligibility qualifications and service coverage. Nonetheless, in order to receive federal matching funds, state Medicaid programs must meet certain federally mandated service requirements. This includes dental care for children, aged 0 to 20, through the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) program, which provides for preventive health services equal to the access to care received by privately insured children. The State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), established under Title XXI of the Social Security Act in 1997, gives states funding with the option of broadening health care coverage, including dentistry, for uninsured, Medicaid-ineligible children from low-income families, although it does not specifically mandate dental services as a required benefit. Disabled adults also receive full dental services through Medicaid. For non-disabled adults, Medicaid covers only emergency services related to extraction of abscessed teeth, and, for a qualifying few, dentures and denture-related services. According to state figures, Florida’s 2004 Medicaid expenditures provided health coverage for nearly 1.5 million low-income and foster children in the state. Only about 25 percent of these children ever received dental care, and of the state’s $12.8 billion Medicaid budget, less than 1 percent of expenditures on services went to dental care of any kind for children and adults combined. These figures almost exactly mirror national averages of Medicaid expenditures on dental care, wherein dental services represent only 1 percent of the $258 billion national Medicaid budget. Why is it that such a tiny fraction of Medicaid is spent on dental services when dental disease in poor children is so widespread? Presumably, children have the opportunity to receive dental care through Medicaid, and Medicaid would fund the services if they were provided. Yet, in 2005, of Florida’s nearly 9,500 practicing dentists, less than 1 percent were active as Medicaid providers. That same year, 42 percent of the state’s 4,761,499 children were enrolled in Medicaid or HealthyKids (SCHIP) and eligible to receive dental treatment, but the ratio of covered children to Medicaid dental providers was a staggering 2,213 children for every enrolled provider dentist. Regardless of the reasons at the core of these disparities, Florida is among a growing number of states forced to defend its Medicaid program in federal court. In a class action suit brought against the state’s Medicaid administering agencies the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration, the Florida Department of Children and Family Services, and the Florida Department of Health on behalf of the state’s 1.6 million Medicaid-eligible children, claims are made that the allowable reimbursements do not cover costs of delivering medical and dental care and the reporting requirements to receive payment are burdensome. The plaintiffs in the suit, which was filed in November of 2005 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida in Miami, include the Florida Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Florida Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, and the families of six children enrolled in Medicaid who experienced significant hardship when attempting to obtain access to care through the program. “Deamonte’s tragic and unnecessary death due to inability to receive proper care should be viewed as morally unacceptable in this country,” said Florida Academy of Pediatric Dentistry President Peter B. Claussen, D.D.S., a Panama City, Fla. pediatric dentist. “It is unconscionable to have children wasting away in one of the wealthiest nations in the world due to inadequate funding of health care programs such as Medicaid.” Claussen said the Florida Academy of Pediatric Dentistry has repeatedly requested the Florida Legislature to adequately fund Medicaid and other health access programs for Florida’s children. But funding has actually decreased over the years due to legislative inaction, inflation, and the increase in the state’s Medicaid-eligible population. “The Florida Academy of Pediatric Dentists felt obligated on behalf of Florida’s children to seek judicial relief through the federal courts,” Claussen said. “We believe that the courts will follow what has been the ruling in other states and mandate adequate Medicaid funding in Florida, and we look forward to the day when every child in Florida can have adequate access to dental care, notwithstanding their economic situation.” percent of the nation’s most vulnerable children carry80 percentof the burden of untreated dental disease.”GATOR DENTIST TODAY | FALL 20079SURGEON GENERAL’S 2000 REPORT, ORAL HEALTH IN AMERICA,PHOTO BY LINDA KUBITZ


The class action suit alleges that the state has not been effective in complying with federal law in regards to its obligations to provide eligible children with “primary, preventive, acute and specialty care and services which are necessary to their good health and development” as required by the Title XIX Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Services program. “The Florida Dental Association has committed $100,000 over a three-year period in support of this lawsuit,” said Florida Dental Association President Nolan W. Allen, D.D.S., a general dentist practicing in Clearwater, Fla. “We’re trying to get an increase in reimbursements to increase the number of providers willing to participate. Right now, the state ranks 49th in reimbursement rate, and we’re at the 25th percentile of the usual and customary rate.” Allen notes the FDA has lobbied for years for significant increases in the reimbursement rate and says the state’s managed dental care program is further exacerbating the access to care problem for children receiving dental services through Medicaid. “We’re going backwards at this point with the state’s managed dental care program. Fewer children are being screened and fewer children are being treated within the program,” Allen said. “That’s why the FDA is supporting this lawsuit, because it’s the right thing to do for our kids.” The suit, which is now being heard after the state’s failed dismissal attempt earlier in the year, seeks a judgment forcing the state to provide reimbursement for services adequate to assure providers will participate in the program; to “bring” health care services to the children through education, cooperative partnerships with other agencies serving children to boost enrollment; and in providing scheduling, transportation and case management assistance to assure families are able to make and keep health appointments for their children. Finally, the suit petitions the court to require the state Medicaid program to assure that any health maintenance organizations that participate in Florida’s medical assistance program like Atlantic Dental Inc., the state’s prepaid managed dental care plan pilot project in South Florida have the ability to effectively deliver health care to all the children enrolled to receive it. “As a pediatrician and secretary of the Agency for Health Care Administration, it is clear to me that ensuring access to dental care for Florida’s children must continue to be a priority for the agency,” said Andrew C. Agwunobi, M.D., secretary for the Agency for Health Care Administration, the agency responsible for administering Medicaid and a co-defendant named in the suit. The agency acknowledges access to dental care and other specialty areas is problematic for children nationwide and in the state, especially those living in rural areas, but points to recent agency efforts to address the issue here in Florida. “The agency has already implemented pilot strategies to attempt to improve access to dental care and has placed improving access to specialty care, including dental care, as one of our top priorities for the next few years,” Agwunobi said. “However, we cannot solve this issue single-handedly. Achieving this goal requires collaboration. The providers, the state and all other stakeholders, including beneficiaries themselves, must work together to improve access to specialty care.”ARE WE DOING ENOUGH?Many dentists provide pro bono services to needy patients, and private practitioners are credited by the state for providing 58 percent of all dental care to Florida residents at or below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. Additionally, according to state figures, more than 1,400 dentists participating in Project Dentists Care, Inc. extended 19,000 volunteer hours to provide dental care to low-income Florida residents. Organized dentistry estimates this to be more than $4 million in reduced fee and pro bono care. While the profession has made strides in increasing volunteerism, an economic solution to balance the operating expenses of a typical practice with continuity of care for needy patients is still the ideal rather than a practical model. The need for low cost dental care far outstrips the availability offered by the profession and the questions remain, “Does my practice work hard enough in providing a dental home for vulnerable children like Deamonte Driver? Or, does the business plan of my practice turn a blind eye to their needs?” Each dentist holds the answers to those difficult questions in his or her own heart. “Does my practice work hard enough in providing a dental home for vulnerable children?”10UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA COLLEGE OF DENTISTRYPHOTO BY LINDA KUBITZ


Opening Doors to Dental CareTThousands of disadvantaged children will soon benefit from a $5.5 million gift to the University of Florida College of Dentistry that will fund the construction and operation of a state-of-the-art pediatric dental facility in Collier County. The gift was announced last December by trustees for the Naples Children & Education Foundation, the founder of the hugely successful Naples Winter Wine Festival. The exclusive event, featuring international celebrity chefs and prestigious vintners, has raised nearly $40 million for local children’s charities since its inception in 2000 and is billed as the “most successful charity wine event in the world.” The foundation’s gift is the result of a needs assessment by the UF Lastinger Center for Learning, commissioned by the foundation in 2005. As a result of the findings, the foundation, whose vision is to make a profound and sustaining difference in the quality of life of Collier County children, devised four strategic initiatives – Early Learning, Medical/Oral Health, Out of School Programs and Social Welfare – aimed at filling gaps identified in services for underprivileged and at-risk children. According to the Lastinger study, more than 25,000 Collier County children are eligible for dental care through Medicaid, but less than 14 percent actually receive any care. “One of the study’s most alarming findings is that there is an oral health crisis among Collier County children,” said Bruce Sherman, NCEF Grant Committee chair. “We know from the Surgeon General’s report that children with painful dental problems are less successful in school and later in life. Bringing a top-notch pediatric dental program to Collier County will help close the gaps in oral health, with Edison College’s East Naples campus ideally located near the greatest population of at-risk children.” Of the foundation’s gift to the UF College of Dentistry, $4 million was matched through the Alec P. Courtelis Facilities Enhancement Challenge Grant Program and will fund the construction and equipping of the UF dental facility on the Collier County campus of Edison College. The remaining $1.5 million will cover the dental program’s start-up operational expenses. The $8 million building, for which groundbreaking will take place in October, is modeled after the UF dental clinic on the Seminole campus of St. Petersburg College in Pinellas County. It will be a two-story, 20,000-square-foot dental clinic and education facility. The UF dental program at Edison College is expected to open in the fall of 2008 and eventually will expand to provide specialized pediatric dental treatment to Collier County’s Medicaid-eligible and at-risk children during an estimated 15,000 patient visits each year. The dental visits will provide a diverse patient population to train pediatric residents and continuing dental education in treating pediatric and special needs patients. The project represents an innovative collaboration between the philanthropic Naples Children & Education Foundation, UF, Edison College and Collier Health Services Inc., or CHSI. Edison College’s district board of trustees approved a longterm land lease agreement with UF to give the facility an academic home. While the first floor of the two-story building will be dedicated to UF’s clinical operations, Edison College will share use of second floor classrooms and laboratory space. CHSI, which has long been a UF partner in extending dental services to Collier County residents through its community health centers, will manage the clinic’s billing and collection activities and supply procurement. Additionally, CHSI community health clinics and its Ronald McDonald Care Mobile will refer patients to the dental clinic. The dental facility at the Edison site will be the UF College of Dentistry’s newest clinic in its Statewide Network for Community Oral Health. The network comprises UF’s Gainesville and community-based clinics in Hialeah, St. Petersburg and Jacksonville as well as 14 county health department, community health center and private not-for-profit partner clinics statewide. This strategy of community partnerships focusing on vulnerable, indigent and special needs populations has led to the UF College of Dentistry becoming one of the largest providers of low-cost dental care in Florida. Above: The UF Naples Pediatric Dental Clinic will be located on the Collier County campus of Edison College, serving the largely disadvantaged and minority population of East Naples. GATOR DENTIST TODAY | FALL 200711UF children’s dental clinic to serve at risk children in Collier County


GATOR DENTIST TODAY | FALL 200713 A GROWING ISSUECensus data indicate approximately 51.2 million Americans have some sort of disability, and about 32.5 million of those are severe disabilities that impact an individual’s ability to function independently. People with severe disabilities are more likely to live below the poverty level and to have Medicaid or Medicare coverage. According to state figures, more than 3 million Floridians have a physical or mental disability. These include cognitive impairment, autism, Alzheimer’s Disease, mental illness, brain and/or spinal cord injuries, spina bifida, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, visual or hearing impairments, and others. Add to that the fact that Florida is currently ranked No. 1 in the nation for the percent of residents over the age of 65 a figure representing 3 million Floridians. That segment of the population is projected to swell exponentially, reaching 8.5 million people by the year 2030, in what the Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy at Florida State University calls a “silver tsunami” of aging Baby Boomers. Many of these Boomers will enter the special needs category as they become elderly, medically fragile and more problematic to treat. “I think that the access to care issue is really going to hit the fan in Florida as we have more older people, who were once vibrant adults, going into nursing homes,” said Barry Setzer, D.D.S., a pediatric dentist in Jacksonville and a northeast delegate to the Florida Dental Association’s H ouse of Delegates. “Dentistry did such a good job of saving everybody’s teeth over the last 40 years, and now these people are going into nursing homes with their teeth. If they have their teeth, we need to find a way to take care of them.” The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 places an emphasis on mainstreaming people with disabilities into “normal” society and makes it unlawful for health providers to deny care to patients based on their disabilities. Yet, medical and dental providers report they do not feel prepared by their education and training to treat people with disabilities, and reimbursement mechanisms are not always adequate to cover the cost and extra time necessary to treat them.AT WHAT COST?The question of who will pay to support dental services is one of the essential issues that cross-cuts access to dental care for all special needs and vulnerable populations. “I would say there’s a problem with the system, and the immediate way to alleviate that problem is to raise the fees the state pays for Medicaid services,” said Setzer. “Medicaid is still working from fee schedules 20 years old. That’s unworkable if they pay you 10 or 20 cents on the dollar but your overhead is 67 percent. It’s easier to do the work for free and not bother with the hassle of billing it out (to Medicaid).”Tim Garvey at the Tacachale Dental Clinic. Tacachale is the state’s largest residential community for people with developmental disabilities.


14UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA COLLEGE OF DENTISTRYTo increase access to care for developmentally disabled adults, the state instituted the Medicaid Waiver program, which allows dentists to charge their usual and customary fees for services extended to the adult special needs population. Despite the program’s good intentions, enrollment is cumbersome, treatment plan approval can sometimes take months, and accommodation of unexpected but necessary changes in approved treatment plans can be inflexible. These issues have led some dentists to decline enrollment in or drop out of the Medicaid Waiver program. Although the dental profession has an obligation, both legal and ethical, to provide care to special needs patients, it’s clearly unfair to expect dentists alone to carry the financial burden of doing so. Raising Medicaid reimbursements and streamlining treatment plan reporting and approval requirements for Medicaid Waiver would help address that aspect of the access to care dilemma. But, those improvements won’t overcome another major hurdle concern among private practitioners regarding their ability to treat special needs patients. Many special needs patients present with medical complexities, behavior management needs and condition-specific issues which can be daunting for dentists who have not had hands-on experience in managing them. This can result in dentists turning away patients that they actually may be able to treat. “What would be great is if people in a traditional office setting could try to treat the special needs patients they are able to treat within the framework of their practices,” said Garvey. “It’s true, there can be a lot involved in treating some special needs patients, but, quite honestly, much of it is really easy in the sense that many people with minimal disabilities don’t require a lot of accommodation.” Setzer, who’s pediatric practice sees more than 500 special needs patients, agrees. “Many patients with Down Syndrome could be treated by a caring, loving general dentist without too many worries about medical issues,” Setzer said. “Some patients with autism could be seen. You could take a child or adult with cerebral palsy and work on them, because they’re trying they might be moving around but you can still work on them. It’s just a matter of being comfortable with what you have to do, to be up on your medical, the drugs being used, and how those may interfere with the dental treatment.” Setzer said many general dentists have the caring, patient-centered personality necessary to treat special needs patients and encourages dentists to make the effort to treat them when they can. “You just have to have that desire to want to work with these patients, and it doesn’t have to be a lot,” he said. “If everyone took a few into their practice, it would make a big difference.”WE CAN DO MORE Kent Weitzel, D.M.D., an Ocala, Fla. general dentist, and his wife, Suzanne, who runs the business end of the practice, have a special passion for treating people with special needs. Their son, Joshua, was born with profound brain injuries and died last year at the age of 24 after a massive seizure. “IFDENTISTSWOULDACCEPTSPECIAL NEEDSPATIENTSASAVERYMODEST PORTIONOFTHEIRPRACTICE...IT WOULDTAKECAREOFALOTOFTHEACCESSTOCAREPROBLEMS WESEEWITHTHISPOPULATION.”KENTWEITZEL, D.M.D.Kent Weitzel People with intellectual disabilities often suffer from poor oral hygiene because they are unable to care for themselves and are resistant to the efforts of caregivers who try to perform daily oral hygiene procedures for them. They require more frequent dental visits for cleanings and other preventive care.(PHOTOS COURTESY OF PAUL BURTNER)


GATOR DENTIST TODAY | FALL 200715“I feel a personal mission to provide treatment to this population,” said Weitzel. “I’ve been in dentistry for 25 years and have always taken care of special needs patients.” Weitzel understands why some dentists might be reticent to treat the special needs population but encourages private practitioners to at least give it a try. He believes most special needs patients can be treated in the offices of general dentists, and only the most challenging need be referred to a specialist. “I think part of the problem is that dentists are unsure about taking care of this population. It does take some education to know what to do under specific situations, and to know your own limits, when to say, ‘I can’t see this patient,’ ” said Weitzel. He suggests continuing education courses to help with that, but he and Suzanne also welcome interested dentists and dental students into their practice and hope people will view them as a resource for information on how to accommodate treatment for this underserved population. “If dentists would accept special needs patients as a very modest portion of their practice, maybe even as small as 1 percent, it would take care of a lot of the access to care problems we see with this population,” said Weitzel. Dental education also has a role in expanding access to care. Surveys of private practitioners indicate a willingness to treat special needs patients, but they don’t feel adequately trained to do so. Other studies have demonstrated that dentists who have completed a general practice residency are more likely to treat special needs patients and patients in non-traditional settings, such as nursing homes. “I think dentists shy away from providing care to special needs patients either because they’re anxious or because they’re not well equipped,” said Teresa A. Dolan, D.D.S., M.P.H., a professor and dean of the UF College of Dentistry. “I think we need to do more to overcome those barriers and introduce practice strategies that make sense and would work within the comfort zones of the dentist and the dental hygienist, because it’s really the dental team that has to be comfortable in meeting the needs of these patients.” Dolan is a public health dentist with the unique perspectives of a clinician who has served in the trenches of delivering care to special needs patients and a dental educator who wrestles with how to effectively incorporate special needs dentistry into the college’s D.M.D. curriculum. “Just as in private practice, there are challenges associated with treating special needs patients in the dental school environment,” Dolan said. “It’s not that we shouldn’t live up to our obligations to meet the needs of these patients, but they do require more clinical expertise, some specialized equipment, and it is usually essential to have a dental assistant chairside, which our student dentists don’t have.” But, she’s quick to point out, that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Student dentists are already exposed to pediatric, special needs and community dentistry during their rotations, but Dolan would like to see that exposure expanded with an elective course for students who have a strong desire to pursue training in special needs dentistry. She envisions students enrolled in the elective gaining hands-on experience working with Garvey and Burtner at Tacachale and in the private dental offices, like Setzer’s and Weitzel’s, serving the population. “We have an elective on our books, but we need to offer it often enough so that students have an opportunity to gain this specialized clinical knowledge,” Dolan said. “It would provide those students who are particularly motivated to learn about how to provide care to special needs “I WANTSOMETHINGTHATI CANGIVEBACK.”BILLTRAUXBill Trauxcontinued on page 34


“We’ve put together a team of clinicians, immunologists, pathologists, and microbiologists,” Aukhil said. “Our goal is to collect blood samples, plaque samples, gingival crevicular fluid, and, of course, clinical measurements of bone loss and so forth.” The clinicians in this multidisciplinary group include Aukhil, Luciana Machion-Shaddox, D.D.S., Ph.D., an assistant professor of periodontology with research interests in the relationship between periodontal disease and diabetes mellitus, and Ingvar Magnusson, D.D.S., Ph.D., a professor of oral biology and a seasoned periodontist with published research on the disease progression and treatment of periodontal disease. Research infrastructure recruit, Shannon Wallet, Ph.D., an assistant professor of periodontology, is the team’s immunologist with expertise in inflammatory responses and oral systemic health as it relates to diabetes. She and collaborator Michael Claire-Salzler, M.D., a professor of pathology, immunology and laboratory medicine in the College of Medicine, are conducting immunoassays on the blood samples to tease out the genes and molecules involved in how the host cells respond to bacterial insults. Clay Walker, Ph.D., a professor of oral biology, is the team’s microbiologist, sussing out which strains of bacteria and enzymes play a dominant role in the childrens’ disease. Once the team has gathered the clinical, microbiologic, and biochemical data on the children, a disease pattern is likely to emerge which will dictate what treatment strategies can be used to address it, Aukhil said. Because the disease pattern disproportionately affects African-American children in Leon County, Aukhil intends to submit a grant proposal to NIDCR to fund a broader study of similar patterns of pediatric disease affecting other African-American communities in the state. Geneticists are likely to be included in that study. “It’s very important for clinicians and basic scientists to interact,” said Aukhil. “There must be a dialog between the two which makes sense and has applications. That’s what we’re trying to do. This is a classic example of a translational theme of research.”A TRANSFORMATION OF CHARACTER AND FUNCTIONThere’s no doubt that the cadre of translational researchers hired through the NIDCR (U24) research infrastructure award serves as a sort of intellectual bridge between the college’s clinical and basic science research enterprises. “We view the U24 at Florida as a good investment in the future of dental and craniofacial research,” said Kevin Hardwick, D.D.S., M.P.H., NIDCR’s chief of research training and career development. “The school already had a solid research base but was able to leverage the U24 funds to develop its mid-level faculty to build a more cohesive research program that extends across the various departments in the dental school. “The approach has really been encouraging to these faculty members, allowing them time to focus on their research,” Hardwick said. “I think the school’s research program is stronger because of this.” The free flow of people, ideas and research missions facilitated by the new, more dynamic interdisciplinary mix of research faculty has blossomed into surprising interactions between clinicians and basic scientists that directly lead to improved patient care. “I’ll use Valeria Gordan as an example; she’s an associate professor of operative dentistry enrolled in the Pipeline Program,” said Burne. Gordan received salary support through the Pipeline Program, enabling her to enter the College of Medicine’s NIH-funded K30 training program, which will result in a master’s in clinical investigation. Her research interests are applying basic science findings in cariology to the management of clinical caries, and she has applied for NIH grants toward that end. “We now have a clinical faculty member who has submitted two competitive NIH grant proposals in a three-month time frame to use Real-Time Quantitative PCR, gene expression profiling and measurement of biochemical activities in plaque from caries-active and caries-free subjects to understand why some people get caries,” said Burne. “This is exactly the type of research that will lead to new discoveries and treatments for oral diseases.” “We’re in much better shape as a college to expand this type of research as a result of support from the U24,” he said. Visit to view the new faculty recruits and mentored Pipeline faculty facilitated by the U24 award. “THEPLANNINGGRANTPROVIDEDTHE OPPORTUNITYFORTHECOLLEGETO REFLECTONITSHISTORYANDRESEARCH ACCOMPLISHMENTS, WHICHENABLED ATHOUGHTFULARTICULATIONOFA VISIONFOROURFUTURE.”18UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY


Tamara-Kay (T.K.) Tibby, D.M.D., loves kids. At home she plays with her adorable two-year-old daughter and at work she helps to maintain a healthy smile on children’s faces. A senior dentist with the Palm Beach County Health Department Dental Program, Tibby’s fluent Spanish and soothing voice make her a favorite dentist among young patients. But it took a detour in her career path for Tibby to rediscover her true calling. After graduation from the UF College of Dentistry in 2000, Tibby went on to complete her pediatric residency at Children’s Hospital Boston. In July 2002, she returned to her hometown and started working at both the county health department’s dental clinic and in private practice. In February 2005 a car accident left her with serious injuries, and she began practicing part-time in both settings. After almost two years of extensive physical therapy, Tibby felt she needed to cut back her working hours and make a choice between private practice and dental public health. Though the compensation and working conditions in private practice were more appealing than those offered in a public setting, Tibby quit private practice in December of 2006 and started working at the Palm Beach County Health Department only. Having six dental facilities throughout the county, the dental department provides preventive, restorative and emergency dental services to a largely Hispanic pediatric patient base in the Palm Beach area. Most of her patients are minorities, immigrants or low-income residents who face considerable social and economic barriers to care. Coming from an immigrant family herself, Tibby feels their pain. “My family came to America when I was three,” Tibby said. “We are Jamaicans so we spoke English, but I just couldn’t imagine if we didn’t, how difficult it would be to navigate through the health care system here. I feel the responsibility to help immigrant families. I want them to have the best care possible.” Now on a busy day, Tibby sees 15 children at the West Palm Beach clinic, with ages ranging from 2 to 13. Occasionally she has children as young as 18 months in the chair. Due to lack of knowledge on oral health and limited access to dental care, children from vulnerable populations develop dental problems much earlier than others. Tibby works to counterbalance this through her involvement in the WIC-Dental Early Intervention Pilot Program. The program provides free oral health examinations and fluoride varnish treatment for the patients, and teaches parents the importance of a balanced diet, oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups for their children. In her office Tibby has a television continuously playing kids’ TV shows. One patient Tibby has seen for five years used to get hysterical and throw up before a dentist visit. But now when she comes to the office, her favorite TV show is playing, the doctor talks to her in Spanish, and the once scary experience of visiting the dentist is completely transformed into one that is pleasant and entertaining. “Usually kids have a fear of dentists, but if you approach them in a way that’s fun and provide dental care that prevents them from needing future treatment, they love it,” said Tibby. “I want them to have the best dentist. That’s why I always knew that I was going to be a public health dentist. That’s my calling.” Answering that call, Tibby has worked at the clinic for five years. Her former colleague, Jason Wanuck, D.M.D., a classmate of Tibby’s, also worked at the clinic for two years before opening his own practice. Wanuck said Tibby’s dedication to public health care is rare among dental professionals nowadays. “She could do fantastically in a private setting, but she felt it’s her primary interest to work with public health dentistry,” Wanuck said. “She has left private practice altogether to go into public health. It’s wonderful.” Tibby couldn’t agree more. “As far as what I’m doing with my life, I’m completely satisfied,” said Tibby. “I’m happy with where I am, and I know that’s where I need to be.” Yan Yang ALUMNI YOUNG AT HEARTT.K. Tibby, D.M.D.Class of 2000Family: Mother of adopted daughter, Tyana Renee (2) Practice: Senior dentist at the Palm Beach County Health Department Dental Clinic, July 2002present Studies: Pediatric residency at Harvard School of Dental Medicine/Children’s Hospital Boston 2000-2002GATOR DENTIST TODAY | FALL 200719PHOTO BY GREGORY ALLEN HOWARD


A message from the Academy of Alumni & Friends president, Barry SetzerDear alumni and friends: As we enter a new fiscal year, I am pleased to announce the installment of several new officers of the Academy of Alumni and Friends Board of Directors: Steve Bogdanoff, Class of 1980, is now our vice president and president elect; Eva Ackley, Class of 1981, is elected secretary/treasurer; and Gerald Weaver, Class of 1979, is appointed north east District representative. With the installation of new officers, I was reminded of the AA&F mission of promoting strong ties between Florida’s dental community and the UF College of Dentistry to advance dental education and the dental professional. As a dental practitioner and a friend of the college for more than 30 years, I know our association is succeeding in its purpose. Measurements of success are defined by our memberships’ participation in organized dentistry, campus events, continuing education, and by our contributions of time and resources to the college. I am proud the Academy of Alumni & Friends’ accomplishments. It is a pleasure to report that our 20062007 AA&F annual giving campaign, the AlumniAffairs and Student Activities Fund, raised nearly $100,000 to sponsor 29 student dental organizations and events. These events include the Coating and Professionalism Ceremony, tutoring, evening SIM labs, ADA ethics/success workshops, the activities of the Dental Ambassadors, Dental Fall Weekend, Freshmen Family Day, and Senior Banquet, to name just a few. Support of these important student activities is a meaningful accomplishment and one that is definitive of our purpose. I encourage each of you to support these endeavors through your own contribution to the 2007-2008 AlumniAffairs and Student Activities Fund . Thank you for staying in touch and I look forward to seeing you in Gainesville for Dental Fall Weekend 2007! GO GATORS!!! Barry P . Setzer, D.D.S. President, Academy of Alumni & Friends, 2007-2008 2007 Dental Fall WeekendContinuing Dental Education with Linda Miles!“Team Building: Accountability, Motivation, Attracting and Retaining Great Employees, Leadership at all Levels.” (6 CEUs). Author of three best-selling books and recipient of the Hinman Society 2005 Distinguished Service Award, Linda Miles, CEO of Miles & Associates, a premier speaking and consulting business, has enjoyed 28 years of speaking and consulting success in 50 states and four continents. She is known as a speaker who truly understands the business and people skills of dentistry. Miles is a 25-year member of the National Speakers Association, a member of the Institute of Management Consultants, the Academy of Dental Management Consultants, and the American Academy of Dental Practice Administration. She serves on the editorial advisory board of Dental Practice Report, and is a featured columnist in ACCESS magazine, an ADHA publication.JOIN US FORClass Reunions!Beta Class, Eta Class, Mu Class, Rho Class, Chi Class and the Class of 2002Saturday Pre-game Brunch! Gator Football! For more information, visit ALUMNI EVENTSOctober 26, 2007 Pedogator Alumni & Friends 7:30am-5:00pm Hilton University of Florida Continuing Education Century B & C Business Meeting Luncheon Albert’s Restaurant November 16 17, 2007 Dental Fall Weekend Hilton University of Florida: November 16 CE, Reception and Reunions Hilton University of Florida: November 17 Business Meetings UFCD Campus: November 17 College Tours, BBQ and Gator Football: FL/FAU December 10, 2007 Society of Senior Faculty Holiday Luncheon Hilton University of Florida December 10, 2007 January 26, 2008 Freshman Family Day, Class of 2011 UFCD Date and Time TBA For more information: contact Sue Guido, Alumni Affairs Director, at 352-273-5781, or email , or visit www .NOVEMBER 15-17, 2007 Gainesville, FL FL Gators vs. FAU Owls ALUMNI20UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY


Class Notes1976 William Marchese practices general dentistry in Starke, Fla. He is proud to have his son, Adam Marchese ( 05), as an associate to his dental practice. Craig Bridgeman practices restorative dentistry in Boone, NC. His son, Rob, graduated from University of North Carolina Dental School in 2006 and has joined him in his restorative dentistry practice. Craig was proud to eulogize Dr. Jose Medina during the Aug. 2 memorial service commemorating Dr. Medina’s life. 1978 C.R. (Bob) Fort practices general dentistry in Fort Meade, Fla. He has been married to his wife, Carol, for 33 years, has two grown sons, two grandsons, and feels that “life is good.” Bob has taken trips to Hong Kong, and Beijing, China. He enjoys bicycling, playing tennis, and fishing. Bob is active in church, is an officer in a local dental association, and is a study club member. David S. Sarrett is a professor of dentistry and associate vice president for health sciences-academic affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University. He is the editor for the new ADA Professional Product Review, a program he helped develop while serving on the ADA Council on Scientific Affairs. His daughter, Courtney, is a second-year dental student at VCU and his son, Drew, is a firstyear law student at George Mason University. 1980 Andrew I. Cobo practices general dentistry in Lake Panasoffkee, Fla. He has taken trips to Hawaii, and often travels to Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana. He enjoys hunting and fishing, and spending time with his eight “beautiful” grandchildren. 1981 Yvonne M. Rausch practices general dentistry in Orlando, Fla. Last summer, Yvonne traveled by boat to Uruguay, and took a cruise on the Canal du Midi in France. She enjoys gardening, raising orchids and renovating property. She has been awarded the “Best of Orlando” dentist award the past three years in a row. Yvonne is an accredited member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and is a fellow of Academy of General Dentistry. 1982 Alberto de Cardenas practices general dentistry in Miami Lakes, Fla. In 2003, he constructed his own office building where he opened a state-of-the-art dental clinic. 1983 Jack McDonald returned to medicine in 1988 and is a diagnostic radiologist with a specialty in breast imaging. He practices in Denver, Col. Jack went to Latvia on a missionary trip last year, followed by a vacation in Italy. During his time off, he enjoys the great outdoors and racing his road Cyclocross and mountain bikes. Daughter, Caitlin, will be married next year and daughter, Megan, who was born while he was in dental school, was married last year. The Academy of General Dentistry Convocation was held June 30 on the USS Midway in San Diego, Cal., during the academy’s 55th annual meeting. Honored during the convocation and standing “in uniform” on the flight deck in front of an A-7 Corsair II attack jet, AGD fellows Gary Nawrocki (), Scott Jackson (), Marci Beck (), Remedios “Mitzi” Santos (), and Laurence Grayhills (), are joined by AGD diplomates Bill Britton (back row, left) and Charles Benner (second from right). The group completed UF’s two-year AGD mastership preparation course, involving earning 600 CDE credits and demonstrating a life-long pursuit of education in the art and science of dentistry. The course is a postgraduate course in comprehensive dentistry that meets one weekend per month in Gainesville. Classes consist of lectures, discussion, in-office projects, literature review, and intensive hands-on participation. For more information, visit (PHOTO COURTESY OF LAURENCE GRAYHILLS)Good Fella’s Make that, “Fellows”GATOR DENTIST TODAY | FALL 200721 Stuart Dropkin practices cosmetic and restorative dentistry in Winter Park, Fla. He and wife Christy will celebrate their eighth wedding anniversary in September and are expecting the arrival of their third grandchild. Stuart and Christy traveled to Iceland in May, and plan to visit Chile and Easter Island in February of next year. Along with travel, Stuart enjoys golf, poker and lawn maintenance. ALUMNI


1985 Bruce E. Carter practices general dentistry in Lawrenceville, Ga. He is the founder of “Brighter Smiles for Brighter Futures.” The organization raised $110,000 for breast cancer this year and $650,000 since its inception in 2001. Mary Hencinski practices general dentistry in Freeport, Fla. and is celebrating the one-year anniversary of her new office building. Last summer, Mary traveled to Poland with her husband, Marcus, where she met more than one hundred of his family members, most of whom spoke no English. 1986 Steven R. Bateh practices general dentistry in Jacksonville, Fla. In his free time, Steven enjoys his family and volunteering at church. His daughter, Brittany, started her freshman year at UF this summer. Craig Malin practices endodontics in Carlsbad, Cal. Daughter Kelli graduated from high school in 2006 and will cheer for the University of Arizona. In summer 2006, he and his family took a cruise to Italy, Greece and France. 1987 Greg Huang lives in Bellevue, Wa. and is an associate professor in the department of orthodontics at the University of Washington. 1988 Stanley H. Asensio lives and works in Orlando, Fla. where he practices general dentistry with advanced training in orthodontics, cosmetics, sedation and forensics. He participates in the UF/UAB Dental Practice–Based Research Network to improve clinical dentistry, and was a recent dentist of the month and cover story for the Orlando magazine. He is married to Linda and they have a son, Stanley. Dr. Asensio is an active community and school volunteer, and also enjoys professional sport fishing with his nationally recognized team, Caliente. Michele ContiZrulluck practices general dentistry in Titusville, Fla. She and her husband, Larry, are the proud parents of a baby girl born March 3. Margaret Hartwig practices dentistry in Warner Robins, Ga. This year, she and her husband, George, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in Bermuda; their daughter, Eva, graduated from high school and their youngest, Ilona, is entering high school. Margaret wants her classmates to know that she is supporting the Claire Pitts Brown Endowed Scholarship (“we still miss her”) and asks them to join her. Michael McCorkle practices general dentistry in Orlando, Fla. Mike is a member of the American College of Dentists. He recently enjoyed a great trip to Bermuda with the Florida Academy of Dental Practice Administration. Mike and his wife, Corina, have a daughter, Morgan (17), a high school senior and a state pole vaulting champion. Their son, Colton (13) is in the 8th grade and has earned a second degree black belt. Mike and Corina also enjoy playing golf. 1991 T. Merrell Williams practices periodontics in Tampa, Fla. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology. Merrell traveled to South Africa and Zambia for two weeks for missionary work. He also enjoys collecting coins and paper money. 1993 David J. Ferlita is current president of the Atlantic Coast District Dental Association. For the last five years, David has served as president of the FDA Project Dentists Care, a statewide dental volunteer network that provides dental care for underserved citizens and coordinates the Give Kids A Smile program. David and Christine, along with their children Taylor (8), Bailey (6), and Dawson (3), love returning to Gainesville to cheer on the Gators! Robert Perdomo III practices dentistry in Coral Gables, Fla. He and his wife, Arev, celebrated the birth of their fifth child, Samuel Luis, on March 29. Arev and Samuel Luis are both in excellent health and doing well. 1994 Kristin M. Shinnick practices general dentistry in Shalimar, Fla. Her husband, Joseph, a retired Air Force pilot, is now a pilot for FedEx. Kristin and Joseph have two daughters. The family has visited Australia, Japan, Italy, the South Pacific, and Kristin made a trip to Guatemala for missionary care. She enjoys the beach, boating, diving, arts and crafts, baking and dancing. 1995 Jeff Gully practices general dentistry in north Jacksonville. His wife Michelle, a registered dental hygienist, is now a stay at home mom to their sons Grayson (3) and Max (8). Jeff has made his annual trip to the Keys in August for lobster season, in which he had “lots of fun!” Jeff and Michelle are wrapping up the restoration of their early 1900s house in Riverside, Fla. It has taken them three years to complete, while having babies in between and “living through the chaos.” David Rowe and wife, Penny, were married April 14. David practices general dentistry in Port Charlotte, Fla. and is a fellow in the Academy of General Dentistry, an associate fellow in the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, and is near the completion of the Master of the Academy of General Dentistry program at UFCD. 1996 Amy Fine Anderson recently purchased and completely remodeled a building in St. Petersburg, Fla. for her orthodontics practice. She and husband, Chris, have two sons, Tate (6) and Sawyer (2). The family uses the extensive counter space of the new office for scrap booking on the weekends. Susan Barr Jones practices general dentistry in Lumberton, NC. She is an avid marathon runner and has completed three marathons in Vermont as friends and classmates, Amanda Nevin and Natalie Accomando cheered her on. She plans to run the Disney Marathon in 2010! Susan is the mother of sons Hunter and Colin and a baby daughter, Bailey Nora, born March 5. Nick DeTure specializes in periodontics and implants and practices in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. He and his wife, Connie Aresehault, are the proud parents of Austin Nicholas, born May 21, on their one-year anniversary. Nick is a diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology, and served as the president of the Broward County Dental Association in 2006. Sharon Day-O’Steen practices general dentistry, in DeBary, Fla. Sharon has earned certification in Botox and Resylane treatment. 1997 Jennifer Brown-Jackson has been in private solo practice in general dentistry for eight years, but is now building a new dental office with six operatories and is excited about going digital. She is most proud of her “biggest accomplishment being a mother to Madison (5), and Savannah (2), and a wife to husband, Scott.” Maria-Cristina Castellvi-Armas is an American Board of Orthodontics certified practicing orthodontist and an associate professor at the orthodontic graduate program at the University of Puerto Rico. She married in 2005 and honeymooned in Italy. Last year she visited Frana, Belgium for an Orthodontics Convention. On her time off she enjoys her beach house in Rincon, Puerto Rico. Mike Fowler and his wife, MarLee, have two daughters and a son on the way. Mike practices general dentistry in Melbourne, Fla. and was the 2006 president of the Brevard County Dental Society. 1998 Michele Conti-Zrullack practices general dentistry in Titusville, Fla. and has a baby daughter, born March 5. David Petrilli is a private practice partner with Drs. Caldwell, Bills and Petrilli in Charlotte, NC. He enjoys Gator sports, golf and skiing on Lake Norman. David is married with a son, Grant (2) and a baby-daughter Kate, born in May. 1999 Cynthia Dickson Haug has been practicing family and cosmetic dentistry for six years in Jonesville, Fla. She has two children, Pexton and Sim. Cynthia loves the beach and has visited Las Vegas and Amelia Island. Thomas Doan practices general dentistry in Lakewood Ranch, Fla. He and his wife Linda are the proud parents of daughter, Mischa (9 months) and are expecting a second child next year . Thomas is a recipient of the P artners for Peace Award from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and also received a community service award from the Sarasota County Dental Association. His favorite hobby is Japanese swordsmanship. Axel McGuffie practices general dentistry in Marco Island, Fla. He is a fellow in the Academy of General Dentistry. James E. Oxer enjoys his practice, Sunshine Family Dentistry, in Lake Placid, Fla. He and wife, Monique, and children, Tanner (8) and Melina (6) enjoy sports and travel. James loves flying, softball, basketball, fishing, and has completed his first triathlon-“without dying!” Last year the family traveled to Japan and this year to the Bahamas and Jamaica. 2000 James T. Cannon practices general dentistry in Osprey, Fla. James moved his practice to a new office building in April. He completed levels I and II in advanced dental education at The Pankey Institute. James and his wife, Stephanie, vacationed in Alaska this summer. They have a daughter, Gabrielle (2). Darren Huddleston practices general dentistry in Grants Pass, Or. He recently built a new office building for his practice and other businesses. Darren received an appointment to serve on the Oregon Board of Dentistry, and he is as an examiner for the Western Regional Board Exam. Darren and wife, Heidi, have two children, Kiersten (7) and Scott (4). He and his family enjoy river rafting. Chris Ross specializes in endodontics and practices, along with Rodney Anthony , at Bay Area Endodontics in Clearwater, Fla. Chris earned a certificate in endodontics and a Master of Science in oral biology in June from the University of Louisville. He was a featured speaker at the 2006 annual session of the American Association of Endodontics in Hawaii, where he delivered a presentation on oral research. 2001 Vivian (Terhune) DeLuca practices comprehensive and esthetic dentistry in Tampa, Fla. Vivian was22UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Richard D. Morales II has a solo private practice in general dentistry and fixed prosthodontics/reconstructive therapy in South Miami, Fla. Richard and his family went on a skiing trip to Breckenridge, Col. in April.


Gator Nation members (from left) Kenneth Schweibert (), former UFCD faculty member Ray Webber, James Edwards (), Don Tillery. Jr. (), Tom Floyd (), Ray () and Peggy Della Porta, and kneeling, Gary Herbeck (), reconnect and re-energize during UFCD’s reception at Florida National Dental Congress. More photos of Gator dentists at FNDC, held June 14 – 16 at the Gaylord Palms Resort in Orlando, Fla., can be viewed at IN MEMORIAME. Monroe Farber, a Florida visionary Dr. E. Monroe Farber, one of the founding fathers of the University of Florida College of Dentistry and the Academy 100, passed away at the age of 95 on May 17. His wife of 70 years, Martha Innskeep Farber , preceded him in death nearly two years to the day in May of 2005. Dr. Farber was a vibrant man who will be remembered for a career of service and dedication to dental education and to the dental profession. His distinguished career spans three quarters of a century, during which he served as the 81st president of the Florida Dental Society, now known as the Florida Dental Association, and was the founding president of the Academy 100. Robert Fitzgerald, influential caries researcher One of the dental profession’s most influential and distinguished researchers, Robert James F itzgerald, Ph.D ., died Jan. 18 at the age of 89 at the V.A. Medical Center in Miami, Fla. Fitzgerald, with fellow research investigator Paul Keyes, was the first to conclusively demonstrate the essential role of S. mutans bacteria in dental caries development, and the first to document the infectious transmission of dental caries. Reported in the Journal of the American Dental Association in 1960, this research is considered to be among the most important influences on the course of modern dental caries research. Jose Medina, former dean Jose E. Medina, D.D.S., former dean of the University of Florida College of Dentistry and UF assistant vice president for facilities planning and operations, died July 19. He was 81. Medina, who arrived at the College of Dentistry in 1967 as associate dean and a professor of clinical dentistry , served as dean from 1969 to 1974, the college’s formative years. He supervised the development of an innovative, self-paced dental curriculum and spearheaded faculty recruitment initiatives. Under Medina ’s watch, the college’s first class of dental students was admitted in 1972 and, in the summer of 1974, three members of that charter class were the first students in state history to deliver dental care to Florida residents. Medina helped shape the character of the Health Science Center campus. He was appointed director of health center space planning and utilization in 1974, and was promoted to UF assistant vice president for facilities planning and operations in 1976, a position he held for 10 years. Medina was instrumental in guiding facilities planning and implementation during the historic “Project I” expansion of the Health Science Center campus. Project I encompassed construction of the Dental Sciences Building, the Communicore Building and facilities to house the College of Veterinary Medicine. He retired from the university in 2000 as a professor of operative dentistry. Medina’s teaching career spanned more than 50 years, and he was a mentor to students, practitioners and dental educators worldwide.GATOR DENTIST TODAY | FALL 200723 married in 2005. She and husband, Anthony, honeymooned in Paris, Greece and Venice. Vivian received a fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry at the June FAGD commencement in San Diego, CA. William Pantazes earned a Masters of Science in craniofacial pain from Tufts University, and practices general dentistry in Largo, Fla. Cesar M. Pareja practices general dentistry in Melbourne, Fla. 2002 Amy Crary Lindstrom graduated from the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies and opened her own practice in general, cosmetic and neuromuscular dentistry in Stuart, Fla. in 2004. She is married to Brendan and they have two children, twins Benjamin and Emily born in April. 2003 Kelly L. Borders practices general dentistry in Plant City, Fla. Amy Bryan Peters married Greg Peters on Dec. 29 and is currently a real estate agent for ERA Fernandina Beach Realty. 2004 Sara Droker recently bought an existing general dentistry practice in Ormand Beach, Fla. She and her husband, Marcus, enjoy spending time with their two daughters, Ilari (2), and Haley (7 months). Frank Lozano completed prosthodontic residency in June and practices prosthodontic dentistry in Gainesville, Fla. He went to Switzerland in January to tour the Straumann implant production facilities. Frank and his wife, Melody, are settling into their new home and are expecting their first child in September. 2005 Michael C. Foreman graduated from the endodontic program at Saint Louis University in Jun and opened his endodontic practice in Lake City, Fla on Aug. 6. Michael enjoys spending time with family and friends and is the proud father of Emma Beth, born Jan. 30. He also enjoys fishing, hunting, and hiking, and hiked in the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park last year. Kawveh Nofallah practices general dentistry in Lakeland, Fla. In his free time, Kawveh enjoys sports and fishing, and he recently traveled to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Cathy Taylor practices general dentistry in Gainesville, Fla. She and husband Andrew will welcome their first child, a girl, in November! 2007 Angela Matrisciano practices general dentistry in Naples, Fla. She enjoys motorcycle riding, hiking, watching movies, and wedding planning. Angela went on a European cruise to Spain, France, and Italy. 2006 J. Cary Bonham and his wife, Amy Bonham, () are in private practice with Cary’s father, Chris Bonham, in Largo, Fla. Cary took the Costa Rica Invisalign study club for his Invisalign certification. Cary and Amy also traveled to Colorado, Utah and Lake Alberta. In his free time, Cary enjoys skiing, boating, fishing, hunting, running, climbing, and bike racing. Cary and Amy won first place in the Swamp Stomp 30-hour Adventure Race. FNDC 2007ALUMNI


One might take a look at clinical psychologist Joseph L. Riley, III, Ph.D., an associate professor of community dentistry and behavioral science in the College of Dentistry, and think he’d be a sedate, quiet sort of fellow with a sedate, quiet sort of hobby like clipping Bonsai to the lilting sounds of classical music. Think again. Riley’s hobby is all about speed, the smell of hot asphalt, and the roar of 117 horses chomping at the bit to burn rubber on a fast course. We’re talking Formula Ford car racing, baby, and at speeds up to 140 mph, it’s not for the faint of heart. For 56-year-old Riley, who owned a chain of foreign auto part stores in the Orlando area for 20 years before entering academia, Formula Ford auto racing seemed the perfect hobby to occupy his spare time. “Cars are kind of my thing,” Riley said. “In my youth, I wanted to be a professional race car driver and started racing when I was 21. But I blew up the engine in my car after about a year, started a business and put racing on the back burner. So in some ways, this is unfinished business.” Formula Ford cars are open wheel, singleseaters slung low and without the aerodynamic wings seen on the Formula One cars. The newer car chassis have springs and shocks that are covered by the car body to reduce drag, but Riley’s car is a classic 1975 Titan chassis with outboard suspension that places him at a 5 mph disadvantage at higher speeds a disadvantage that disappears below 100 mph. So his competitive edge at lower speeds is driving skill and the mechanical preparation that went into the car before the race. “My car is in my garage, and I do all the work on it,” Riley said. “I don’t actually build the engine itself, I send it off to a professional engine builder, but I put it in my car and do all the maintenance, all the setup work on the chassis, put the car on my trailer and drive it to the race.” Riley must be doing something right. He won the 2006 championship for the Southeastern Division of the Sports Car Club of America, competing against drivers with newer, more aerodynamic cars, called Swifts. The Swifts car bodies have covered springs and shocks, and are the car to beat at Formula Ford races. “The good news is that the guys who have Swifts didn’t run enough races, and they were unreliable,” Riley said with a laugh. “The young guys are crazier, they go off track So they had won some races, but I had won six races before I went to the championship race, and I only had to finish fourth to be series champion.” Riley placed third, his Titan kept pace with the newer Swifts to take home the SCCA Southeastern Division Formula Ford Championship. Although he’s modest about his achievement, Riley is accustomed to being at the top of his game. In what he calls “another life,” Riley was a nationally ranked triathlete. Now, he’s the recipient of dentistry’s University Research Foundation Professorship Award, which consists of a one-time $3,000 grant to support his ongoing research and $5,000 each year over the next three years as a salary supplement. Riley and his wife, Denise, a nurse practitioner in the department of neurology, are delighted with the recognition, and Riley plans to use the award to support his research on cultural differences in pain management behaviors, a subject he finds even more exciting than car racing. “Research is just as thrilling as an auto race,” Riley said. “If you put in the preparation time and pay attention to details, the payoff is exciting your paper is published, your grant is funded or you win a race.” Formula for FunDental researcher lives life in the fast laneBY LINDY MCCOLLUM-BROUNLEY Riley, on the winner’s podium at right, placed third during the final race, but still took home the SARRC championship. (PHOTO COURTESY OF JOSEPH RILEY) Riley’s No. 15 Formula Ford racecar jockeys for position during the South Atlantic Road Racing Championships (SARRC) Invitational Championship Race, held Sept. 24, 2006 at Roebling Road Raceway in Savannah, Ga.(PHOTO COURTESY OF JOSEPH RILEY)24UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY


GATOR DENTIST TODAY | FALL 200725Every fall since 1972, Lynn Larkin, Ph.D., professor emeritus of anatomy and cell biology, has welcomed a class of freshman dental students into his anatomy course. In fact, Larkin has taught gross anatomy to every UF dental student since the college’s charter classthat’s nearly 2,100 dentists. But, the class of 2010 was the last of dentistry’s freshman classes Larkin would teach the differences between a sphenoid and a mandibular notch. On June 30th, Larkin is retiring from his 39-year teaching career. “I’ve really enjoyed teaching here,” Larkin said. “There are lots of things to like in Florida, and the students are bright and fun to be around.” Originally from Ohio, Larkin earned his Ph.D. in anatomy from the University of Colorado Medical Center in Denver, Colo. in 1967. After one year post-doctoral work in Boulder, Larkin came to teach in the department of anatomy and cell biology at the UF College of Medicine, and he never left. In 1997 Larkin retired as professor emeritus but was hired on a yearly basis to teach dental students at the College of Dentistry. “Each school has its own personality. The physician assistant students are older and more experienced, while most of the dental students are just out of college and very social. It’s a fun group.” Though fun, anatomy is not an easy class to teach. It’s difficult to visualize the tissues underneath the skin and you’ll need the memory of a spelling bee champion to remember all the terms. To help students grasp perceptual knowledge of the human body, Larkin developed a syllabus looking more like a “coloring book.” It’s a workbook that contains all the lecture diagrams. As the semester goes along, the instructor discusses and labels each diagram in different colors while students do the same on their copies. It keeps the students involved and the lecturer on track. The colors they usered, brown, and, of course, orange and blue. During his 35 years of teaching at the college, Larkin has won dentistry’s Teacher of the Year Award twice, in 1992 and 1994. He is one of the few outside faculty members that have been given this prestigious award. Larkin has educated two generations of Florida dentists, including Dennis Connaughton of the Delta Class () and daughter Kelly Connaughton, class of 2008, who are both impressed by his approachable personality. “To me it’s hard to get excited about working on cadavers at 8 o’clock in the morning, but knowing that Dr. Larkin was going to be there made that journey a lot easier,” Kelly Connaughton said. “If it were anybody else, I don’t think I would have the same experience.” Kelly’s father, Dennis, took Larkin’s class in 1975. Interestingly, Connaughton now teaches anatomy class at Brevard Community College in Cocoa, FL. When asked about Larkin’s teaching style, “relaxed” was the word that came to Connaughton’s mind. “Dr. Larkin was always smiling, always with a good attitude. He never made us feel intimidated to approach him and ask a question. It was a very relaxed lab session and a lot of it had to do with Dr. Larkin.” Though a professor of the classic Gray’s Anatomy, Larkin is not a fan of TV Land’s “Grey’s Anatomy” on ABC. He said even if he watches the show, it’s not for the anatomy in it. But he did find the “goofy interns getting into trouble show” on Comedy Central amusing (“Scrubs”). Having retired in 1997 and working six months out of the year since then, Larkin said he has had a taste of retirement. “I’ve been practicing for 10 years,” Larkin teased. “And I know I won’t miss getting up at 6 for the 8 o’clock class.” No more skulls or skeletons, Larkin will be working on his old cars or boating on the Suwannee River. To him, life after anatomy class isenjoyable. Gross anatomy prof retiresBY YAN YANGEDUCATIONLynn LarkinLarkin has won dentistry’s Teacher of the Year Award twice, one of the few outside faculty members that have been given this prestigious award.PHOTO BY ANNEY DOUCETTELarkin Bids Farewell


At his retirement reception last year, Marc Gale, an associate professor of operative dentistry, stood up before the audience gathered to honor him, unfolded his notes, adjusted his glasses and somberly launched into a speech about his career in dental education. “For me, this has been a journey,” he read. “A journey is defined as ‘travel, or passage, from one place to another’. In other words, a TRIP!” “I will say that my 34 years at this dental school have definitely been a trip,” Gale quipped with a grin. With impeccable comedic timing and in typical fashion, Gale’s force of personality took possession of the room, engaging his audience in the same way generations of dental students have been engaged since the Charter Class first fell under his spell in 1972. Over the years, more than 2,000 dental students have developed their knowledge base and honed clinical skills under his tough but fair tutelage. His quick, sarcastic wit suffers no fools but is leavened with genuine care for his students. He makes a point to know each student, by name and by deeds. “I think that teaching is a burning in your belly,” Gale said. “It’s no different than teaching in high school, or middle school, or elementary school. Why do those people choose teaching? There is something within each person that says, ‘This is how I want to contribute to society.’ ” Gale’s contribution has been enormous, touching the lives of students and fellow faculty. “Dr. Gale has been an integral part of my academic life at the college, beginning with his service on the search committee that hired me in 1989,” said Dean Teresa A. Dolan. “It’s been a fun ride working with him over the years on student affairs and other programs, and most recently on fundraising to assure the continued excellence of dental education at UF.” Dental education was the furthest thing from the mind of this self-described, “nice Jewish boy from Boston” when he graduated with his dental degree from Tufts University in 1967. Gale’s intention, after completing a two-year stint in the Army as a captain in the Dental Corps, was to complete an orthodontics residency program and open a swank ortho practice on Park Avenue in New York City. He wrote a former Tufts professor and mentor, Dr. David A. Grainger, asking for a reference for his residency application. What he received instead was an invitation to come to the University of Florida as a faculty member of a new dental school where Grainger served as a professor and chairman of operative dentistry. “Dr. Grainger was really an icon, and everyone kind of feared him. He said they were opening a new dental school in Florida and this would be a great opportunity,” said Gale. “So, I finally made the decision to come down here and try teaching. It was an exciting time.” Gale found himself surrounded by giants of dental education at the University of Florida, all working together to hammer out an innovative, technology-based, self-paced curriculum. As a junior faculty member in their midst, Gale was awed by the figures whose names had been on the text books he’d studied when he was in dental school. These included Jose Medina and Bill Collett from the University of Maryland; Harold R. Stanley from the National Institute of Dental Research; Bruce Bell from Tufts; Davis Henderson from the University of Kentucky; Floyd Peyton from the University of Michigan; and Richard Mackenzie and John Bowman from the University of Pittsburgh. But not even awe could suppress the irrepressible Marc Gale. “When I arrived, I was a brash young man,” Gale said with a laugh. “My first day, there was an all day faculty meeting. Being the new guy on the block and sitting in a room with people I considered to be idols in dentistry, a normal person would have just sat there and listened. Of course, I would have none of that, so I dove right in there and haven’t shut up since!” Somehow, despite the bluntness of his freely expressed opinions, Gale has survived seven university presidents and seven dental deans, and has become somewhat of an idol himself. “During the course of my first week here at the dental school, I came to realize that not only did Dr. Gale know my name, but he also knew about my past education, my family, my interests,” said Manav Malik, who graduated magna cum laude this May. “And that is what makes Dr. Gale so unique. He views each student as a Unconquerable SoulMarc Gale retires from operative dentistryBY LINDY MCCOLLUM-BROUNLEY26UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA COLLEGE OF DENTISTRYEDUCATION“Why do those people choose teaching? There is something within each person that says, ‘This is how I want to contribute to society.’ ”PHOTO BY ANNEY DOUCETTE


Teachers of the YearDental faculty named 2007 teachers of the yearEach year dental students in the sophomore, junior and senior classes are asked to nominate their favorite course instructors for University of Florida Teacher of the Year Awards. The classes nominate professors for the basic and clinical sciences based on their innovation in course design and/or instruction and effectiveness in teaching. Once the ballots were tallied this year, Karl-Johan Soderholm, L.D.S., M.Phil., Odont. Dr., a professor of materials science, and Henry A. Gremillion, D.D.S., a professor of orthodontics and director of the Parker E. Mahan Facial Pain Center, stood out as the clear winners of the college’s 2007 Teacher of the Year awardsSoderholm as the basic science teacher of the year, and Gremillion as the clinical science teacher of the year. Both were recognized during the university’s Faculty Awards Banquet in April with award plaques and checks in the amount of $2,000. Student comments regarding each instructor gleaned from anonymous course evaluations demonstrate the impact each instructor’s integrity and commitment to dental education made on the student learning experience. dynamic individual, truly cares about students and always seeks to understand them more fully.” In student circles, Gale is known for laying down the law, administering it fairly, and making no exceptions. But his counsel when students get down on themselves is gentle and generous. “Most dental students try to make everything perfect,” said Gale. “But, perfection is not repeatable. It is an unattainable goal that will make you neurotic and it will depress you. So, I encourage students to strive for excellence. Excellence is the best you can do on any given day.” Teaching is Gale’s passion, and although he enjoys retirement, he devotes a day each week to teaching operative dentistry. Finally being free to focus only on teachingwithout juggling committee meetings, administrative duties, and other responsibilitieshas broadened his perspective on the challenges today’s faculty face as dental educators. “We have great faculty, but I do think the pressures placed on them are far different than when we first started this dental school,” said Gale. As members of a public university with top tier aspirations, clinical and instructional faculty are expected to pursue at least some research to meet promotion and tenure requirements. That, combined with the necessity of augmenting salaries through faculty practice, can, in Gale’s opinion, become a distraction from their primary roles as educators. In addition, recruiting young dentists to the ranks of dental educators is difficult due to the disparities in what dentists can earn in practice versus what one may earn as junior faculty. “Many of our students who just graduated in May are going out and getting salaries as new dentists that are more than my salary after 34 years at the dental school,” said Gale. “Now, that puts it into perspective!” According to Gale, faculty endowments are one way to remove salary pressure from faculty so that they can focus on teaching, and to attract the best and brightest to pursue careers in dental education. An endowed professorship in his name was established with several key gifts from alums to honor his legacy of excellence in dental education, and $201,000 in pledges toward the $600,000 endowment goal has been received. Gale hopes the professorship will attract future dental educators into the profession he has found so rewarding. As an associate professor emeritus of operative dentistry, Gale reflects on the many wonderful people he’s taught and doesn’t regret a single day of his teaching career. “Teaching is challenging,” said Gale. “But to watch their faces when it really starts to click in, you realize you’ve made an impression on someone’s life.” “For me, this has been a wonderful journey. I feel blessed.” GATOR DENTIST TODAY | FALL 200727EDUCATIONStudent comments regarding Soderholm:“He is very enthusiastic about the subject. Also very willing to help with long study sessions and lots of availability for questions.” “He is a library of dental knowledge.” “Genuinely concerned for the students. He was very approachable and always available for extra help outside of class time.” “Dr. Soderholm really challenges your logic/science skills. (His class) prepares you on how to determine what materials should be used and how to determine their validity.”Student comments regarding Gremillion:“You have the best and most clear teaching/lecturing skills!” “Excellent at letting us know what is expected and excellent at speaking and lecturing in class.” “Dr. Gremillion sincerely cares about the students and it shows. He’s awesome!” “Enthusiasm. Concern for students. Knowledge.” “He is amazing in every aspect. It was an honor to be a part of his course.” Soderholm Gremillion


28UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA COLLEGE OF DENTISTRYFacultyKenneth Anusavice, D.M.D., Ph.D., associate dean for research and a professor and chairman of the department of dental biomaterials, was honored as the 24th recipient of the Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics Foundation Distinguished Lecturer Award. Given to Anusavice last December during the academy’s annual meeting, held at Lincoln Park Center in New York City, the award recognizes Anusavice for his exceptional didactic skills as a dental educator. Jaana Autio-Gold . D.D.S., Ph.D., an assistant professor of operative dentistry, has been appointed the college’s coordinator for preventive dentistry. In this role, Autio-Gold will work with faculty to develop and implement evidence-based clinical curriculum in preventive dentistry, and to assure vertical integration of preventive dentistry through all four years of the D.M.D. curriculum.Linda Bartoshuk, Ph.D., an internationally known researcher in the chemical senses of taste and smell, has been appointed a presidential endowed professor of community dentistry and behavioral sciences in the College of Dentistry. Bartoshuk is a fellow of the National Academy of Sciences and the only woman NAS member at UF. Bartoshuk was the first to discover that burning mouth syndrome, a condition predominantly experienced by postmenopausal women, is caused by damage to the taste buds at the front of the tongue and is not a psychosomatic condition, as many believed.Paul Blaser, D.D.S., M.S.D., a clinical professor of operative dentistry, has been appointed chair of operative dentistry after serving nearly two years in an interim capacity. Blaser earned a master’s of science in dentistry from Indiana University School of Dentistry and a doctor of dental surgery degree from Case Western Reserve University Dental School and. A retired U.S. Air Force colonel, Blaser has been a faculty member at the college since 1993 and brings notable expertise in operative dentistry and course development to the position. D. Lawrence Brock , D.M.D., assistant clinical professor of periodontology at the University of Florida College of Dentistry, was honored with the 2007 Educator Award from the American Academy of Periodontology. Brock was cited for his contributions to the department as interim director of the post-graduate program while teaching in the undergraduate arena, as well as his recent board certification in periodontology.Robert A. Burne , Ph.D., a professor and chair of oral biology, was one of 52 UF faculty honored with the 2007 Faculty Achievement Recognition Award. Burne received his award during the April 4th awards reception held at the Samuel L. Harn Museum of Art and sponsored by the University of Florida associate provost for faculty development.Frank Catalanotto, D.M.D., a professor of community dentistry and behavioral science with a joint appointment in the department of oral biology, was elected to the executive committee of the board of directors of Oral Health America. He also serves as chairman of the OHA communications committee.Matthew Dennis, D.D.S., a clinical associate professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery and diagnostic sciences, has been awarded the Florida Dental Association’s Dental Educator Award. Dennis was nominated by student members of the Gainesville chapter of the American Student Dental Association based on his outstanding contributions to the quality of dental education. He received the award in June during the Florida National Dental Congress, held in Orlando, Fla. This was the second time Dennis was honored with the award, which he first received in 2004. M. Franklin Dolwick, a professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery, received the 2006 Distinguished Alumni Award from his dental alma mater, the University of Kentucky College of Dentistry. Dolwick was tapped to receive the distinguished alumni award because of his international preeminence as an oral and maxillofacial surgeon and researcher. His and co-investigator Richard Katzberg’s pioneering report on their investigation of temporomandibular joint disorders using magnetic resonance imaging in the American Journal of Roentgenology has become one of the journal’s top 100 most-cited articles of the past 100 years. Carol Haggerty, D.D.S., M.S., M.P .H., a clinical assistant professor of community dentistry and behavioral science, earned her Master of Public Health from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in August, and was inducted this April into UNC’s Theta Chapter of Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health. Her induction to the society was in recognition of her outstanding devotion to and work in dental public health.Marc W. Heft , D.M.D., Ph.D., a professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery with joint appointments as professor of neuroscience and professor of clinical & health psychology, is president of the American Association of Dental Research. Heft will serve as the 36th president of the AADR during his 2007-2008 term, which began at the conclusion of the March AADR annual meeting held in New Orleans, La. Richard Lamont, Ph.D., a professor of oral biology, is the editor of a new microbiology textbook, Oral Microbiology and Immunology, printed by ASM Press. The book is one of the first of its kind to focus primarily on the knowledge and understanding of the oral ecosystem and its unique role in human health and disease. Intended for dental students, dental practitioners and healthcare professionals, it details the ecology, virulence, molecular biology and immunogenicity of oral bacteria, viruses and fungi and examines their interface with host cells and secretions.Samuel Low, D.D.S., M.S., M.Ed., associate dean for faculty practice and continuing education, has been elected secretary-treasurer of the American Academy of Periodontology. As secretary-treasurer, Low will become president of the organization in 2010. Low also has been appointed associate dean for continuing education and strategic partnerships. This represents a new and important initiative for the college of providing a faculty liaison for the college’s existing and developing relationships with professional organizations, the state legislature and corporate sponsors. William Martin, D.M.D., M.S., a clinical assistant professor with joint appointments in the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery and diagnostic sciences and the department prosthodontics, and clinical director of The Center for Implant Dentistry, became board certified in prosthodontics in 2006 and is now a diplomate of the American Board of Prosthodontics.Marc E. Ottenga, D.D.S., a clinical associate professor of operative dentistry, received the Faculty Award from the American College of Dentists in recognition of his outstanding representation of ethics and professionalism as a faculty member of the University of Florida College of Dentistry.K. David Stillwell, D.D.S., a clinical associate professor of operative dentistry, is presidentelect of the Florida Academy of GeneralGator BytesFACULTY Arthur Nimmo, D.D.S., F.A.C.P., a professor of prosthodontics at the University of Florida College of Dentistry, and Margot L. Van Dis, D.D.S., M.S., a professor of oral and maxillofacial radiology at the Indiana University School of Dentistry, completed their six-year terms of service on the American Dental Association Consultant Review Committee for the National Board Dental Exam last fall. As consultants, the duo reviewed every question on Part II of the National Board Exam for content, format, grammar and verification of radiographs and clinical photographs in the clinical cases. All U.S. dental students take Part II of the National Board Dental Exam in their senior year prior to completing state boards to become licensed to practice dentistry.Dental duo review National Board Dental Exam questions


Sang-Joon Ahn, Ph.D., is appointed research assistant professor of oral biology as of Oct. 20. He earned is doctorate degree in plant pathology (bacteriology) from University of California-Riverside, and has served as a post-doctoral associate in Dr. Burne’s laboratory since 2003. His research in Dr. Burne’s laboratory has included dissecting molecular genetic control of the maturation of pathogenic biofilms, stress responses, competence and autolysis in Streptococcus mutans. Andrew G. Jakymiw, Ph.D., is appointed research assistant professor of oral biology. Jakymiw was most recently a post-doctoral associate in the department, with a project focus of GW bodies and mammalian RNA interference. He earned his doctorate in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of Calgary, and is a member of the American Society for Cell Biology. Lakshmyya Kesavalu, B.V.Sc., M.Sc., S.C.C., is appointed associate professor of periodontics. Dr. Kesavalu comes to the college from University of Kentucky, where he was an associate research professor in the department of oral health science. Dr. Kesavalu earned his veterinary medicine degree from Madras University, Madras, India, and his master’s in medical microbiology from All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi, India. Dr. Kesavalu’s research interests include periodontal microbial pathogenesis, host response and genomics, and periodontal disease models. Theofilos Koutouzis, D.D.S., M.S., is appointed visiting assistant professor of periodontics. Dr. Koutouzis’ oneyear appointment began Sept. 1, and he comes to the college from private practice. Dr. Koutouzis earned his dental degree from Aristotle University in Thes/niki, Greece, and specialist training in periodontics from Gothenburg University in Sweden. Shannon Pop, Ph.D., was appointed assistant professor of periodontics as of Sept. 1. Dr. Pop comes to the college after completing her post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Dr. Pop earned her doctoral degree in oral biology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her area of research emphasis includes the interactions of the diabetic host with mucosal pathogens and how these interactions contribute to the disease process of diabetes as well as how diabetic host responses differ from that of a non-diabetic host. In addition, she is interested in how these potentially aberrant innate immune responses may affect other disease processes classified as secondary complications of diabetes, such as periodontitis, cardiovascular disease and arthritis. Rosalia Rey, D.D.S.,has been appointed clinical assistant professor in the Internationally-Educated Dentist Program (IEDP). Rey is a 1998 graduate of the college’s IEDP, where she was recognized with the Outstanding Student Award. She earned her dental degree from Colegio Odontologico Columbiano in Columbia, South America, and a certificate in orthodontics for general dentistry from the Institute for Graduate Dentists in New York. She comes to the college from 10 years in private practice in the Lake Mary/Orlando area. Christopher J. Spencer, D.D.S., has been appointed clinical assistant professor of orthodontics, joining the Parker E. Mahan Facial Pain Center as a fulltime faculty member. Previous to this, he served as a visiting clinical assistant professor after having completed his fellowship in the Facial Pain Center last year. Spencer earned his dental degree from the University of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry in 1978.FACULTYGATOR DENTIST TODAY | FALL 200729Tord M. Lundgren, L.D.S., Odont. Dr., is appointed clinical professor and graduate program director of periodontology. Lundgren comes to UF from Loma Linda University School of Dentistry, where he served as professor and program director of the clinical periodontology program. He earned his dental degree and certificate in periodontics from University of Umea, Sweden, a certificate in periodontics from Loma Linda University, and his doctor of odontology from University of Malmo/Lund, Sweden. He has led a distinguished career as a dental practitioner, educator and leader in organized dentistry. LundgrenWilliam P . McArthur, Ph.D., a professor of oral biology and director of the University of Florida’s Periodontal Disease Research Center, has been appointed the College of Dentistry’s associate dean for faculty affairs, effective June 29. In this new position he will advise faculty and college and campus administrators on matters affecting faculty and will provide administrative support for the faculty’s role in shared governance. The position is the result of an administrative reorganization that encompasses recent additions of the associate dean for clinical affairs and associate dean for continuing education and strategic partnerships and the elimination of the senior associate deanship. The new administrative structure is intended to be more adaptive to the highly competitive nature of recruiting and retaining excellent dental faculty, and to UF’s still-developing efforts toward shared governance. McArthur has a long and distinguished career at the college as a professor and researcher. He received his doctoral degree from Purdue University in 1969, was a postdoctoral fellow at New York University Medical School and held a faculty position at the University of Pennsylvania before coming to UF as an associate professor of basic dental sciences in 1981. McArthur previously served as interim chair of the department of basic dental sciences and was the first assistant dean for research of the college. He was instrumental in shaping the basic science curriculum for the college’s D.M.D. program and is currently leading the college through its self-study for accreditation process. McArthurNew Periodontology Program DirectorNew FacultyNew Voice for Faculty AffairsDentistry. The Florida Academy of General Dentistry is the state’s largest general dentist constituent group and consists of more than 1800 members. The academy serves the state’s general dentists through advocacy and continuing education, and members are inducted based on demonstrated commitment to improving patient care through life-long learning.Scott L. Tomar, D.M.D., Dr.P .H., a professor and chairman of community dentistry and behavioral sciences, has been elected vice president of the American Association of Public Health Dentistry during the association’s May annual meeting held in Denver. Tomar will automatically be named the organization’s president in 2009. The association is the world’s largest multidisciplinary professional organization focused on improving public oral health.Charles Widmer, D.D.S., M.S., an associate professor of orthodontics and the director of clinical research in the Parker E. Mahan Facial Pain Center, has been reappointed for a second twoyear term on the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research Special Grants Review Committee.Roger D. Wray, D.D.S., a clinical associate professor of community dentistry and behavioral science, has been appointed program director of the University of Florida College of Dentistry Faculty Practice. Wray previously served as residency program director for the college’s clinical program in Apopka. As director of Faculty Practice, Wray will be responsible for its day-to-day operations, including faculty and staff supervision, financial planning and quality assurance. Wray will also teach in the college’s D.M.D. program.Three University of Florida College of Dentistry faculty members have been elected to membership to the national dental honor society, Omicron Kappa Upsilon . Calogero Dolce, D.D.S., Ph.D., an associate professor of orthodontics, Nicklaus J. Minden, D.M.D., M.B.A., M.Ed., an associate professor of operative dentistry, and Arthur Nimmo, D.D.S., F.A.C.P ., a professor of prosthodontics, were inducted into the organization last month by Xi Omicron section president and UF associate professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery Carol Stewart, D.D.S., during the section’s annual meeting in Gainesville. Members are selected on the basis of outstanding contributions to the art, science or literature of dentistry.Three pediatric dental faculty members have earned board certification from the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. These diplomats include Daniela Silva, D.D.S., M.S., and Flavio Soares, D.D.S., M.S., both assistant professors of pediatric dentistry, and Marcio Guelmann , D.D.S., associate professor and chairman of pediatric dentistry. Their diplomate status demonstrates successful completion of an advanced educational program accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation and completion of the board’s examination process.Promotion & TenureMadhu Nair, D.M.D., Ph.D., a professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery and diagnostic sciences, has been granted tenure; Cliff Star , D.M.D., has been promoted to the rank of clinical professor; William Martin , D.M.D., has been promoted to clinical associate professor.


Fifth Annual UFCD Research Day Friday, April 13, 2007DMD Student Oral and Poster Presentation DivisionFirst PlaceCara Clark, clinical science, “Decreased Retronasal Olfaction is Associated with Decreased Oral Sensation.” C.J. Clark*, D.J. Snyder, F.A. Catalanotto and L.M. BartoshukSecond PlaceDel Greenhalgh, basic science, “Effect of P. gingivalis on ATP Activated P2X7 Receptor Expression in Gingival Epithelial Cells.” D. Greenhalgh*, L. Yao anad . YilmazThird PlaceYue “Maggie” Wang, basic science, “Topology Mapping of LevQ, LevT and LevS of Streptococcus Mutans.” Y. Wang*, L. Zeng and R. Burne MS/Resident Oral and Poster Presentation DivisionFirst PlaceEric Berry, clinical science, “Enamel Surface Hardness after Exposure to Acidic Drinks and Brushing.” S.E. Berry*, C. Shen and R.G. JerrellSecond PlaceAmanda Velazquez, clinical science, “Restoring Proximal Lesions in Primary Molars: Does Age and Lesion Stage Influence Success?” A.P. Velazquez*, D.R. Silva and M. GuelmannThird Place TieMindy Hall, clinical science, “Incidence of Adverse Reactions Following Septocaine Use in Children.” M. Hall*, A. Adewumi, M. Guelmann, J. RileyThird Place TieAaron Carroll, clinical science, “A Long-Term Comparison of Treatment Impacts Between Invisalign and Fixed Appliance Therapy.” A.W. Carroll*, S.P. McGorray, R. Womack, C. Dolce, T.A. Dolan and T.T. Wheeler PhD/Post-doc Oral and Poster Presentation DivisionFirst PlaceF. Bridgett Rahim-Williams, clinical science, “Functional and Emotional Impacts of Orofacial Pain Among Middle and Older-aged Adults with Diabetes.” F.B. Rahim-Williams*, J. Riley, III and J.M. NogleSecond PlaceShangli Lian, basic science, “Short Interfering RNAs Induce Target-dependent GW Body Assembly.” S. Lian*, M.J. Fritzler, J. Katz, T. Hamazaki, N. Terada and E. K.L. ChanThird PlaceKaleb Pauley, basic science, “Effects of Innate Immune Signaling on GW Body Assembly.” K.M. Pauley*, M. Satoh, Y. Li, W.H. Reeves and E. K.L. Chan Research Day30UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA COLLEGE OF DENTISTRYSTUDENTSPictured: Second year pediatric resident and second place winner in the MS/Resident division, Amanda Velazquez, reviews her poster abstract with Ulrich Foerster, a clinical associate professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery and diagnostic sciences, in the Founder’s Gallery. Dentistry’s April 13 Research Day featured a keynote address by Nobel Laureate, Sir Harold Kroto, oral presentations, division awards and poster presentations. (PHOTO BY SAM BRILL)


STUDENTS2007 Hinman ScholarsDental juniors Lindsay Ringdahl and David Yates are the college’s 2007 Hinman Scholars. Ringdahl and Yates received their $3,000 cash awards during the March Hinman Dental Society meeting in Atlanta, Ga. Multicultural AwardDental senior Sanjie Jackson was honored with a Multicultural Award by the UF dean of students office during the April awards ceremony. Jackson was recognized with the award for her academic excellence and student leadership activities.ScholarshipDental senior Maggie Novy is the recipient of the 2007 American Dental Education Association/Listerine Preventive Dentistry Scholarship. The $2,500 scholarship award was presented during the March ADEA annual meeting held in New Orleans, La.FellowshipFreshman dental student Yue Wang received a $3,000 American Association of Dental Research (AADR) research fellowship, which is intended to encourage the recipient to consider a career in oral health research. The AADR awarded 19 research fellowships to dental students nationwide during the association’s March meeting in New Orleans, La. COMMENCEMENT 2007!New dentist, Esmeralda “Esmy” Chiang, was cheered by her family during dentistry’s May 18 Commencement Ceremony, held at the Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. During the ceremony, dentistry graduated 79 new dentists, 12 internationally-educated dentists, and 46 graduate and advanced education students. To view the complete online commencement photo album, visit Ringdahl Yates Jackson Novy Wang GATOR DENTIST TODAY | FALL 200733The Ambassadors organized the 2nd annual Acid Etch Talent and Comedy Sketch, held May 8, showcasing the talents of dental students and faculty including 1st place winners, Erin Smith and her Freshman Rappers, who performed “Floss it right, floss it right, floss it tight.” Videotaped class skits added to the fun, and more than 200 people filled the auditorium to enjoy the show. The judges, Drs. Marc Gale, Ariela Notzer and Boyd Robinson, provided witty feedback to each performer, while the repartee of MCs Maggie Novy and David Yates kept the comedic dialog buoyant. Diverse acts such as guitar performances, vocalists, piano, percussive perfect pizza-making, acts of magic and vaudevillian song and dance routines graced the stage. For videotaped performances, check out Acid Etch Online, at Senior Awards Honors “cum laude” were bestowed on Glenn Cohen, Karly Fabres, Allison Harris and Dan Stewart. High Honors “magna cum laude” were bestowed on Andrew Deitrich, Manav Malik, Angela Matrisciano and Maggie Novy. UFCD Dental Ambassadors take a bowThe College of Dentistry honored graduating students with senior awards during the college’s annual Senior Banquet, held May 12 in the J.W. Reitz Union Grand Ballroom. For the complete award listing and photo gallery, visit


As state dollars for dental education diminish, the University of Florida College of Dentistry depends more and more on the generosity of its alumni and friends to support educating the state’s future dentists and dental specialists. These gifts are applied to faculty endowments, student scholarships, and improving college facilities. Your support helps assure the college graduates the best and brightest dental clinician-scientists to join the ranks of dental professionals in our state. Ways you can help. Outright gifts include one-time cash gifts or pledges paid over a five-year period. Gifts of stocks, bonds, and real estate can be beneficial to the college while realizing significant tax benefits for you, the donor. Cash gifts and pledge payments are even more convenient when made using Master Card, VISA, Discover, or American Express. Bequest gifts are those made by provision in your will. These can include monetary gifts as well as gifts of stocks, bonds or real estate. A life insurance bequest is another way of making a bequest, as suggested by UFCD Charter Class member, Bill Martin: “I am grateful for the abundance in my life and my dental education has enabled me to have a career and a lifestyle that are fulfilling. I feel it is my responsibility to “give back” to the University of Florida College of Dentistry for providing that education, because there is no other investment I’ve made that has yielded a better return than my tuition dollars. I chose to give back by taking out a life insurance policy for $100,000 and making the college the beneficiary. I know my small annual investment in the policy premium will make a difference for future UFCD students and faculty. Cathy Jenkins made the process so easy, and I urge all UFCD graduates to take advantage of this opportunity to give back.” Bill Martin, Charter Class Make a gift to the future.How to make a giftLearn more ways of enhancing dental education through your charitable support. Many giving options provide for the future of dental education while providing excellent financial benefits for donors. We are happy to discuss giving options that make financial sense for you. Contact: Catherine Jenkins, Development Director, UF College of Dentistry, P. O. Box 100217, Gainesville, FL 32610 352-273-5779 email:


NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 94 GAINESVILLE, FL College of Dentistry P.O.Box 100405 Gainesville, FL32610-0405 Craniofacial Pain and Pathofunction Part IV: Mini-Residency Oct. 3 5, 2007 Henry Gremillion, D.D.S., M.A.G.D. and Christopher Spencer, D.D.S. Gainesville, Fla. Avoiding Lawsuits in Your Dental Practice: Protecting Yourself from Employee Liability Oct. 5, 2007 Annelise Ydstebo Driscoll, Ph.D., M.B.A. Gainesville, Fla. ADVANCED SKILLS for the Dental Team: Nitrous Oxide Psychosedation Oct. 5 6, 2007 Franci Stavropoulos, D.D.S. Gainesville, Fla. Orthodontic Intervention in Esthetic & Restorative Dentistry Oct. 6, 2007 Mark S. Coican, D.M.D., M.S. Gainesville, Fla. Canada/New England Fall Color Cruise: Pediatric Dentistry Oct. 6-13, 2007 Robert Primosch, D.D.S., M.S., M.Ed. Basic Radiology Skills for the Dental Auxiliary: Certification Training Oct. 19 20, 2007 James Pettigrew, D.M.D.; Madhu Nair, D.M.D., Ph.D.; Glenda Guarino; Mae Bell Wilson Gainesville, Fla. Effective Periodontal Therapy Through a Workshop in Technology Oct. 20, 2007 Samuel B. Low, D.D.S., M.S., M.Ed. St. Petersburg, Fla. Pharmocology: Latest Information to Keep your Practice Current & Save Patients' Lives Oct. 26, 2007 Robert L. Wynn, Ph.D., lead author of Drug Information Handbook for Dentistry Orlando, Fla. Bahamas Cruise: Day of Core & Required Courses Nov. 1 4, 2007 Nicholas Grimaudo, D.M.D., Ph.D. Cruise UF CDE Study Group Nov. 9, 2007 Michael Koczarski, D.D.S.; Thomas McGarry, D.D.S.; and Cherilyn Sheets, D.D.S. Gainesville, Fla. In Search ofThe Best Materials for Impressions, Crowns & Bridges Nov. 16, 2007 Robert S. Cowie, D.D.S., F.A.G.D. St. Petersburg, Fla. Craniofacial Pain and Pathofunction Part II: Oral Facial Pain-Advanced Diagnosis Nov. 29 Dec. 1, 2007 Henry Gremillion, D.D.S., M.A.G.D.; Frank Dolwick, D.D.S., Ph.D.; John Neubert, D.D.S., Ph.D. Gainesville, Fla. Introduction to Cerec 3D Cad-Cam Technology Nov. 30 Dec. 1, 2007 Amer Abu-Hanna, D.D.S., M.S. and Mark Davis, D.D.S. Gainesville, Fla. The SECRET WEAPON of Champion Dental Assistants: Expanded Functions for DAs Nov. 30 Dec. 16, 2007 UF Faculty Gainesville, Fla. Safe Management of the High Risk Geriatric Patient Dec. 7, 2007 John Thomas, D.D.S., M.S. Gainesville, Fla. Basic Radiology Skills for the Dental Auxiliary: Certification Training Dec. 7 8, 2007 James Pettigrew, D.M.D.; Madhu Nair, D.M.D., Ph.D.; Glenda Guarino; Mae Bell Wilson Gainesville, Fla. Advanced Techniques for the Accomplished Dental Hygienist: Airpolishing & Ultrasonics Dec. 14, 2007 Robbi Hoskins, R.D.H.; Lorie Primosch, R.D.H., B.S., M.I.L.Sc., M.Ed.; Sharon Cooper, R.D.H., M.S., M.Ed., B.S. Gainesville, Fla. The Dentist and Sleep Disorders: A Multidisciplinary Approach Dec. 14 15, 2007 Charles D. Smith, D.D.S. Gainesville, Fla. Courses Eligible for TEAM Discount of $25 per registrantCALL TOLL-FREE 1-888-550-4590 or Register ONLINEat – DECEMBER 2007 Continuing Dental Education