List of ordinances
 List of public notices

Legislation of Sierra Leone
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00072648/00015
 Material Information
Title: Legislation of Sierra Leone
Uniform Title: Laws, etc. (Legislation of Sierra Leone)
Alternate Title: Supplement to the laws with an index of legislation in force
Spine title: Sierra Leone ordinances
Cover title: Ordinances of the colony of Sierra Leone
Legislation of the colony of Sierra Leone
Physical Description: v. : ; 25 cm.
Language: English
Creator: Sierra Leone
Publisher: s.n.
Place of Publication: Freetown
Creation Date: 1946
Frequency: annual
Subjects / Keywords: Session laws -- Sierra Leone   ( lcsh )
Genre: federal government publication   ( marcgt )
legislation   ( marcgt )
serial   ( sobekcm )
General Note: Title from cover, 19 -1921, 1929, 1931. Title from label on cover, 1922-28, 1932, 1934- .
General Note: Description based on: 1925.
General Note: Title varies slightly.
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: oclc - 41905680
lccn - 42043508
System ID: UF00072648:00015

Table of Contents
    List of ordinances
        Page i
        Page ii
        Page iii
    List of public notices
        Page iv
        Page v
        Page vi
        Page vii
        Page viii
        Page ix
        Page A 1
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        Page D 1
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        Unnumbered ( 135 )
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Full Text

.-. 1946

it Ordinnace to amena tne UDolic aeamln ru*. .124.

2* ordinance to .,r.end the Alteration or Uime ura. 1932.

3. ~rdinance to Nnend the courts urd. 1945.

4* ordinance to ,'mend the jiperial ~jatutes criminall
(LA~J) A option ura. l19j.

5. ordinance to Aeend the tensions (,uropean vrticers)
urd. 1924

6. ordinance to quend the tensions (pon-juropean
(Officers) ord. 1924.

7. urdinamce to Amend the i'ootor Trarric rac. iyj9.

8. Ordinance to agend the jeacners' superanuition inurd
Ora., 144

9* urdinance to Amend the coroners orad., ~194.

4L. ordinance to Amend the ruDlic Lands v rd, 1924

11. ordinance to jternd the ilotage urd. 1924.

1i. ordinance to provide for the preservation aZ ancient
historical, aid natural yonuents, etc.

13. Ordinance to Amend the royal west'arrican frontier
force ord. 19V4

14. Ordinance to anend the ezefence iLands Acquisition
ura. 1942*

15. ordinance to -'ronibit the presence oir nauthorised
persons within nis via esty's naval astablisnrients
in the colony.

16. ordinance for conferring on a Certain company nsn ea
the Oocony-vacuum uil uomipany Tf new iork in the
United states or .,ierica the capacity to hold
neael Property in the colony.

17. ordinance to provide ior Assistance in the oeveiopnmeat
or industries in oie;ra Leone.

ib uordinaice to provide for the naisin! or a loan for
the expansion c~ the sierra Leone Governm at
electricity pUnaertaking.

ordinance to ".ake provision for xown and country Plan-

20. oraiiance to Iiend tie Liquor Licence vra. 19z4.

I. ordinance to amena tne income .iax r.rinace, L' -

z. Grcinrnre to m,,unorise ne ,cculsiTzn or
certainn jafa usea or deal' -v;in lor
,,ar purposes.
v ordinance to enable tne Governcr in councill to
maKe nules =z r' Tne rr vention o i the
Intrcauction or -preaci of rest etc.

4. Ordiranco n~elating o i. ---ration

45. ordinance to Ajm-nd the iline'als Ord. 19)d'.

26.' ordinance to provide for the service or the
colony and Protectorate or oie:'ra Leone
for the year i 47.

27. vrcinance to make Oupplimentary provi :-ont or tne
public Oervice of tLe Colony and rro. or
sierra Leone for the year one thousand nine
hunared anm torty rive.

28 ordinance to Amend tne

29. ordinance to .amend the
urd. 1935*

30. ordinance to unend the
ora. 1i24*

31. orailnance to amend the

32& ordinance to juend the
Ordinance, 1924.

33. Ordinance to 0LLenid the
uraiinace, 1 44.

34. ordinance to -ierd the

35. ordiinance to amend the

36. Ordinance to eeanit he

criminal procedure urd. 1y1j.

appeals Zrom 1..&i.trates

jurors anda.asessors

courtss ord, 145.

!Uiui.Lhry neviJev

diseases or A,:iAl:.,s

ri.inerals ordinance, 19?7.

gost Qfrice urd. I~pa4

public health Ourcinnce,

37. ordinance to Atnendthe noyaL ,est nrrican frontier
rorce ordinance, 1924*

38. ordinance to NmenTd the pensions xuropean vfticers)
(Old conditions or service) urdinance, 19391

39. ordinance to A ,end the racess disputes vrainance,

4v, ordinance to Anenr the rublic ufricers guarantee
Fund urdinance, 1924.

4.* Ordinance tao end the eoauisi tLond and
S,,orks ordinance, 19b4.

rdiimnces contu. (iia

4?- -r21inance to moenaL tne ,,aes ,,pord.- urair1ce, gl 194.

43. r ,rainance to jimera tne unaesirao.le "-dvertisemnents
Cir a n;e, Ic 2 ) 4

1. .ne ivagistratest ;urts nules. 1'4o.
*. *-ne supreme court (,eniment) Aules. 1946.
j* xne ijerence regulations (iuo. 11), 1939.

4. Lne protectorate urainarce, 19i33.
5. Vrotectorate vr.inance, 19j3 .io. 32 oI 1933)
6. Tne protectorate urainance, 193jj

7y .Ine impounding uroi nn ce, 1 i4.

8. rThe risons ordinance, 1924. (Cap. 162)
9. The prisons ordinance, 1924
lO. The Customs Ordinance, 1924.
11. i ne Defeice egulae tions (o. 11) 1939*

12. iThe wvages boards ordinance, 1945.
13. rne explosives ordinance, 1924*
14. ne .snployers and -!.iloyed ordinance, 1934-

15. Thne *:ages boards ordinance, 1945.

lo Thne iJotor iTraffic ordinance, 1939. (vo. -4 or 1939)

14. Tne customs ordinance, 1924 (0ir. 49)
T8. The uustans ordinance, 1924 ( 4ap. 49.)

19) The petroleum (.'o. 3) ordinance, 1924 (%ap. 154)
.2. iThe tniei'aom T'ax ordinance, 1937-
21. The rejtructive pests ordinance, 192,4 -ap. j)
2z. r he I:otor Traffic ordinance, 1939. (.io. ~e oz 1939)

23. xhe public holidays ordinance, 1932 (,o. 3'/ o0 1932)
24. rne public tolid!-ys ordinance, 1932 ( No. 37 or 1932)

2$. provisional xr-les and uraers, 1945 AiR AVIani.lu-*
26. The inergency powers (Defence) Act, 1939

27. "
28. The pensions(:uropean officers) ordce, 1904, a&pI the
Pensions (ion juropean ufficers)urainanlce ,z924

29. ine pensions ('Vo- unPSiAM uwIrito) Ordainancea 194.*
30, The emergency powers (uN3!.' 1 ) ACj, 1939.
31, ih.e -r ncy yawvs ,jranuiLionai r-ovisions) ,, !96.

=- i-u- 1iC' 46u. to rlu a 1j946. ag i)

32* .ehae supplies and services (iL A0olTiUA .O;,) Act,

33. Tne Forestry ordinance, 19 4 ("A.? 74).

35* "
3 "

37, I i" ,

38* a t
39. The jogs ordinance, 19gz4 (cap. 9)4)
4ov inea hailway orcainance, 1924 (sar. bo0)
41.' ina forestry ordinance, 192 (AP 74)a
42. The prisons urainance, 14* (;p 162).
43. rne forestryy ir.ainarne, 1'4 (-AP. 74).
44. i "

45. Ine Forestry urainance, 1924 (ui-P /4).
46. 'rhe Forestry ordinance, 194.

47. rlne forestry urainance, 192 4 (uaP. 7y4),
48. ihe forestry urdinarne, 194z

49. i'te Railway ordinance 19e 4 (lA lov)

5u0 The official oaths urajinance, 194.-
51f. he uerence Keguo1tijns (io. 11) 1939q
52o. ihe Native courts jurisdiction ordinance, 1~2*

53. The Iative Courts j'urisaiiction urainance, 1932.

54. Tne railway ordinance, 1924.
55a ine Ilinerals ordinance, 1927.
56. uanr e of titless urainance, 1933*

57. emergency Laws *(ransitionsi 0 rVvisicni .s u., 19460
58. court at aucKingiam pala ce*

59s supplies anLL services (r-vdiTl3t nVaL.tin) .T, 1945.

A. ~lus u!L ,Goj i _'l .996 agei'i)

6o0. urt at. uckingnam palace.

b6 jne ueience regulations (hO. 11). lyj9.
62. .ne ijerence regulations L,. L yj .
b63. Lne .inTerpretation ordinance, i3jj.
64. 'The ,:inerals ordinance, i12y.

o0) *ne %ustomcs vrraia ice, l-94.
66 Deieronce regulations (1o. 11). 19j9.

67b 'ne uejence regulationss Iu, 11). L 39.
68. The Teolegrapins ordinance, 1924.
69. The lotor Trafic ordinance, 1939.

70. The tirth end .eatnia regulation orulini ce, i-L94
71* Tne customs *rarirri ordinance1 1932j
72 Thie Public holidays orirna ice 19tg3

73. ~nie %ourt messengers ordina;ne, 191j.
74. Trne railway ordinance, i924.

7b.? THi C OG hi art :3 1924. (a1U-. 54)

76. *The v-reeto-wn impro vemtan t a' dinrance, 194.
77 i-he kail:vay urdiLnace, 19-4.
78. The uefence _.eoulations ivO. 11 1939.

79. The ueience regulations iO. 11. 1939.
80d. It the ;ourt at nucki.iLam palace the 15th day or i 46*
61.* *ihe customs (aite"I1) eguiations, *1930
82. The ,.ages boards urdinanee, 1945.

83. Tine Railway ordinance, 19A4.
604*- t1ie Prisons urdiiance, 1924.
85. ine prisons urdinaice, 1924+*
6r T4 he electric jLight and po,;er urcin ance, ib.
87. *he ujeence rQeulations su. 11 19j9.

856 'hie jerence nagulaticrs j\O. i11 19-.

b9 I: e iags noarus ordinance, I4. 'j I, 16 or 19y)

90. ine ijeience n-,ulations (CO. 11) 139J.

9.. mne protecto raie orcian:cea i- Y

91i Fine protectorate ordinate, iL33.

yj. Ine railway vraiimn ce, 19e4.

9+, Ie 1^ elence neguations (i, Ji). 1j939

95- tLhe .erence Regaulations (aO. la). 1ij9.

9b. Myloyient or aX service -en crdiiance, 14. of 194%.

97* The Telegraph ordinance, L,9,.

9go mIne forestry oraina;ice, 1924.

99. Tihe forestry ordinance, 1i24. (uF-. .4),

jL-u il
lI0. a-

le0u. xhe Jefence 1;ulations x)o. 11 19j9.

10j. line iefernce Aeoula.tions 1i,. kL. 1)39.
Iu4. .tie ;waes boards ordinance, 19' .

1U!. *ne Aricultural rdinaace, 19*.+o

lub. `Xne agricultural orui:iiiae, e .1946.

lu7. -ne A-ricultural ordinance, 194b.

1o8. tne agricultural urcdiance, y196.

lu9. -T.re rtraaing vith tne anemy vrainance, 193 .

llu. .he uerence -,neulations jo. 11 19o9.

111. ne verence regulations (u. Al 1j39.

lli. The ueaence regulations (i\;. 11. ) 19j9.

l13. The Railway orcirnance. 192-.

114-. me ust1ns urdiniance, 19"4.

Ilib, ; ine uustons ucrinance, 19. ) 1

11b. Ine uefence regulations (iuv. 11) 19j9.

UiL :.u o_ !.. '194o. Lage 'v)

1l7. lhe Alience KeEulations (. 11). 1939.

llo. *ne pilotage %rcanance, l94.

19 'ine Xore stry vrainance, 19l .

12. rne L'orestry urainaice, iy4.

1il, ne -'orestry ordinance, ly 4.

12l. he or ...try i rcinmancoe L9.4-.

1.23. *ne forestry .rac.nance, 19i4.

124. Vne forestry urcinalce, 194.

12. one r-orestry urdiinn Ce 19 4.

126 6 i.he rora stry urcinance, 1~ 4.

12/. ine j~rence n-gulations lo. 11) L99.

120. Irne xreetown ,,aterworks urainance, 1924.


13v the uelence negula-tiors (io. 11) 1939.

1j1. ine pensions (EURnCeiily ^'rlCi) nWLl'mDI 1U2 .

132. The pensions C(on-;~uinO'i .' *Cluairo) ordinance, 19ql .

133. Tne uerence neSulations (Ro 11) 19339

134. i-ne r-orestry urdina.cae, 124. '1(9M.. 7y.)

135. ene jolaea ri oven ,ooeu urciinance, 1.y3.

136. iThe mLotor jirarric orciance, 19359

13,7. ine uirermeLa aiulations (u'. 11) l7j3y
l38* "he customs urainarce, 19,4, -lle-'a. 49-

139. ine mineralss Orcinance, 19L'y

140. L1ne ulrence regulations (ii0. 11) 1939.

141. riTne protectorate urdiinance, 1933*

142. T.he rail-way orcinaaice 19z4.

143. 'he forestry urainance, 1924 (CP. '7.
144.i rne forestry urainance, 419-4(may. /4)

145. rne tor-stry yrdinanice, 1924.

146*. ne ,,ricultural orainai ce, 194*6

14t+i. 51e ,..ili.;:Cy ordinance 1y<24

lj Lne ri'oLstry _rauinmnce, Lyr-4.

11+4 ne ,oresTry ,:rainance, 129124-

i46. Lne i'orestXry vrainawicez lyria

746 0. n e g2icc u!iural -rainance -, J64o.

i47* .ne Agri-Lcu Lura, l rainaoce J-9 L*6.

jL4U *'ie WaicuLTur i.al vrainaace, y946.

149. i'le .gric'iutLural uralnance, 1946.

Lj. hi~ae Vi'orestry vrainalce, 1924.

ij.. .ne j;erency a'is ( e j .eiljIon, i.aiwYl a -L)
Sirs nd ,egira e, yo

12. ine ,ir^'ns sad ,eax-ns degisTraatio n crulnm^ ce, 1724*


Supplement to the Sierra Leone Royal Gazette, Vol. LXX VII, No. 3897,
dated 7th February, 1946

In His Majesty's name
fifth day of February, 1946.

No. 1

I assent to this Ordinance this



Colony of Sierra Leone

An Ordinance to Amend the Public Health
Ordinance, 1924.

Cap. 171.

[7th February, 1946.] Dateof con-
BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows :-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Public Health Short title.
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1946.

2. Section 2 of the Public Health Ordinance, 1924,
(hereinafter referred to as the Principal Ordinance) is hereby

of section 2
of Cap. 171.

SNo. 1 Public Health (Amendment) 1946

(a) by the deletion therefrom of the definition of the
term house ", and the substitution therefore of
the following definition :-
House includes dwelling-house, ware-house,
/ office, shop (including work-shop), factory,
School, institution and any other building
0iQ in which persons are employed or reside and
includes any yard, garden, out-houses, and
appurtenances belonging thereto or usually
enjoyed therewith;
(b) y the addition of the following new definition :
mosquito means the insect and includes its
eggs, larvae and pupae; and
(c) by the deletion of the definition of owner and
the substitution therefore of the following defini-
tion :-
owner includes the person for the time being
,/ receiving the rent of any premises, whether
on his own account or as agent or trustee
or as receiver, or who would receive the
same if such land or house were let to a
tenant and includes the Crown and any local
or native authority."

Addition of 3. The Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
new section insertion immediately after section 30 of the following new
to the
Principal section :-
Ordinance. "30A. (I) Any person who, on any premises,
establishes without the consent of the Sanitary
Authority an offensive trade as hereinafter defined,
shall be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds.
(2) The Governor in Council may make
rules for the control of offensive trades and of trades
concerned in the manufacture, preparation, storage,
sale or distribution of food for human consumption.
(3) For the purposes of this section-
food means every article used for food or drink
by man other than drugs or water, and any
article which ordinarily enters into or is used in
the composition or preparation of human food,
and flavouring matters or condiments.
offensive trade means any of the following trades
manufactures or businesses namely-
The trade or business of a soapmaker, soap
boiler, soap refiner, tanner, leather dresser,
fellmonger, dye worker, slaughter house pro-
prietor, blood boiler, fat-extracter, fat-melter,

Io. 1 Public Health (Amendment) 1946 3

and any other trade declared by the Governor
in Council from time to time to be an offensive
trade concerned in the manufacture, preparation,
storage, sale and distribution of food means
any of the following trades businesses or
manufactures, namely-
The trade or business of mineral water
manufacturer, ice manufacturer, wine and
spirit seller, baker, butcher, hotel, boarding
house, lodging house or restaurant keeper,
cold storage establishment keeper, wine storer,
wine blender, wine bottler and any other trade
declared by the Governor in Council from
time to time to be a trade concerned in the
manufacture, preparation, storage, sale and
distribution of food.

(4) Any person acting in contravention
of any rule made under this section shall be liable to
a fine not exceeding ten pounds."
Repeal anu
4. Section 33 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby replacement
repealed and replaced as follows:- of section 33
of the
Entry and 33 (I) (a) The Sanitary Authority or any Principal
inspection Ordinance.
by sanitary person authorised by him either generally or Ordinance.
authority or specifically in that behalf in writing may, between
authorised the hours of six in the morning and six in the
evening, with or without assistants, enter and
examine any premises in order to ascertain
whether they or any thing thereon are in a condi-
tion favourable to the propagation or harbouring
of mosquitoes.
(b) The owner and the occupier of any
premises shall permit the Sanitary Authority or
any person so authorised by him as aforesaid with
or without assistants to have access thereto and to
any part thereof for the purpose of subsection (I)
(a) of this section and shall supply all such
information as the Sanitary Authority requires
and as is reasonably necessary for that purpose.
General (2) (a) The Sanitary Authority, if as a
power of h S
sanitary result of any such examination it appears to him
authority that any premises or anything thereon is likely to
to order give rise to the propagation or harbouring of
action. .
mosquitoes, may, by order in writing addressed to
the owner or occupier of such premises, direct him
within a specified time to take such specified

4 No. 1 Public Health (Amendment) 1946

measures with regard to the premises or for the
treatment, destruction or removal of anything
thereon as may bring them into a condition unlikely
to give rise to the propagation or harbouring of

(b) In particular and without prejudice
to the generality of the powers aforesaid, the
Sanitary Authority may in such order direct the
owner or occupier to drain any land or fill up
inequalities in the surface thereof or to construct
other works so as to keep the land permanently
free from standing water to the extent required
by the order, and to refrain from doing such things
or keeping such animals as may damage work done
or increase the cost of maintenance thereof.

Prohibition (3) Where on any land a stream or stand-
ucerng ing water is afforded shade by undergrowth and
Growth. other vegetation, no person shall cut down or clear,
or cause to be cut down or cleared, such under-
growth or vegetation without the previous written
sanction of the Sanitary Authority, or at the
specific request of the Sanitary Authority.

Power of (4) (a) The Sanitary Authority may, by
authority order in writing, direct the occupier of any premises
to order to cover within a specified time and keep continu-
covering of ously covered any specified vessel or receptacle,
tanks and
receptacles. including any tank, cistern, or well, on or
appertaining to the premises so that mosquitoes
shall be unable to enter such vessel or receptacle.

(b) Where any premises are unoccupied
such order may be addressed to the owner thereof
as if he were the occupier.

(5) No quarry, excavation or borrow pit
for the removal of sand, clay, gravel, soil, stone
or any other substance shall be made except with
the written permission of the Sanitary Authority.

(6) Any person who has received permis-
sion to excavate shall take all necessary steps to
avoid creating conditions or circumstances likely
to lead to the accumulation of water wherein
mosquitoes might breed, and shall carry out all
reasonable instructions of the Sanitary Authority
in this connection."

Public Health (Amendment)

5. Section 34 of the Principal Ordinance is repealed and Repeal and
replaced as follows :- of section 34
Power of 34. (I) The owner or occupier of anv Pncpal
sanitary Principal
authority premises shall take such measures as are reasonably Ordinance.
to take necessary :-
measures. (i) to destroy mosquitoes wherever found;
(ii) to collect and remove empty tins, cans
bottles or other receptacles in which mosqui-
toes may breed;
(iii) to cut down and remove any grass, bamboo
stumps, fern, under-growth or other vegeta-
tion in which mosquitoes are likely to breed
or be harboured;
(iv) to bring any water or swamp into a condition
not favourable to the propagation or
harbouring of mosquitoes;
(v) to fill with concrete or otherwise treat holes
or hollows in trees which hold or are likely
to hold water.

(2) The Sanitary Authority or any person
authorised by him either generally or specifically
in that behalf in writing may, upon such terms as
the Sanitary Authority considers reasonable, take
all reasonable measures on behalf of such owner
or occupier to carry out the provisions of sub-
section (i) of this section and the cost thereof shall
be recoverable from the owner or occupier by the
Sanitary Authority as a debt due to Government.
Provided that, if it appears to the Sanitary
Authority after due enquiry that the owner or
occupier has not the means to meet such costs, the
measures aforesaid shall be carried out at the
expense of Government."

6. Section 37 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby Repeal and
repealed and replaced as follows :- of section 37
37. The provisions of the last four preceding of thepal
s Principal
sections shall apply to an area having a radius Ordinance,
of five miles, with Fort Thornton, Free-
town, as the centre, but it shall be lawful for the
Governor in Council, by Order, to apply all or
any part thereof to any town or village, or part
of a town or village, or any area, of the Colony,
with or without conditions,"

No. I

1946 5

O No. 1 Public Health (Amendment) 1946

Repeal and 7. Sectio 39 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
of section 39 repealed and replaced as follows:-
of the.
Principal Sanitary 39 (I) (a) If the owner or occupier of any
Ordinance. authority
dia mayc. perform premises on whom an order under the provisions
work and of subsections (2) and (4) of section 33 has been
cover served fails to comply with the terms thereof, the
Sanitary Authority, or any person authorised by
him either generally or specifically in that behalf
in writing, may enter upon or into the said
premises with such assistants and things as are
necessary and may perform and do thereon or
therein all acts and things required by the said
order to be performed or done, and the cost thereof
shall be recoverable from the owner or occupier by
the Sanitary Authority.

(b) If the amount of such cost is not paid by
the party liable to pay the same within seven days
after demand, proceedings may be instituted for the
recovery of the amount as a debt to Government.

(c) Nothing in this subsection shall affect
any liability of any person to prosecution and
punishment under the provisions of subsection (2)
of this section.

Penalty (2) Any owner or occupier of any premises, on
for default. whom an order under the provisions of subsections
(2) and (4) of section 33 has been served, who
without reasonable cause neglects to comply with
the terms thereof, shall be liable to a fine not
exceeding fifty pounds.

,Persons (3) If it appears to the Sanitary Authority after
unale to due enquiry that any person has not the means to
necessary meet the necessary expenses of doing anything
expenditure. required to be done by him under the provisions
of sections 33, 34 and 39 of this Ordinance such
necessary expenses may be met in the manner
prescribed by rules under this Ordinance.

14o com- (4) No person shall be entitled to compensation
sensation. for any expense incurred or damage occasioned by
any order given or act done in pursuance of this
part of this Ordinance or any rule made thereunder
unless such damage has been occasioned mali-
ciously, negligently or ithout reasonable cause,"

No. i Public Health (Amendmenit) 1946 ,

8. Section 40 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby Repeal and
repealed and replaced as follows:- of sectmeion
of the
Mosquito 40 (I) Notwithstanding anything to the con- Principal
larva trary.contained in this Ordinance, where mosquito Ordinance.
larvae are found by the Sanitary Authority in any
collection of water, or in any well, pool, channel,
barrel, tub, bucket, or any other vessel in
any premises, the occupier or owner in occupation
of the premises on which the nuisance arises, shall
be liable, on summary conviction, to a fine, not
exceeding twenty shillings, for each offence,
whether any such notice requiring abatement of
nuisance or nuisance order, as is in this Ordinance
mentioned, is or is not served or made upon him.

Penalty for 40 (2) Any person who, without the consent
orkng of the sanitary authority, wilfully interferes with,
executed injures, destroys or renders useless any works
by sanitary executed or any materials or things placed in,
authority under or upon any premises by or under the orders
of the Sanitary Authority shall be liable to a fine of
one hundred pounds or to imprisonment for twelve
months or to both such fine and imprisonment. In
addition the sanitary authority may recover from
such person as a debt to Government all costs and
expenses incurred in re-executing the works or
replacing the materials or things so interfered
with, injured, destroyed or rendered useless.

Premises (3) (a) Where the sanitary authority or any
in manner department of Government or any local or native
deleterious authority has constructed any works with the
to anti- object of preventing the breeding of mosquitoes
works, whether before, on or after the date of the
commencement of this Ordinance, the owner and the
occupier of the premises on which such works stand
shall prevent such premises being used in any
manner whatsoever that is likely to cause or has
caused the deterioration or to lessen the efficiency of
such works.

Penalty. (b) Where any such premises are used in such
a manner as to lessen the full efficiency of such
works, the owner and the occupier of such premises
shall, subject to paragraph (d) of this sub-section be
liable to a fine of one hundred pounds or to
imprisonment for twelve months and the sanitary

Public 1fealth (Amendment) i046'

authority may enter upon the premises and execute
any necessary repairs or work thereon and
the cost thereof shall be recoverable from the
owner or occupier by the sanitary authority, as a
debt to Government.
Proviso. (c) Before any proceedings are taken under
the provisions of this section, written notice shall be
given by the sanitary authority or by the local or
native authority to the owner or occupier, as the
case may be, specifying what the Sanitary Autho-
rity requires to be done or not to be done and giving
a reasonable time for compliance therewith.
(d) If the owner of such premises is by reason
of any legal contract not being a contract made with
an intention to evade liability under the provisions
of this section, prevented from entering upon such
premises to carry out the duties and obligations
mentioned in paragraph (a) of this subsection,
he shall not be liable to any of the penalties
mentioned in paragraph (b) of this subsection,
unless it can be shown that he has contributed in
any way to the refusal or failure of the occupier to
carry out such duties and obligations."

Repeal and 9.
replacement repealed
of section 41
of the

Repeal and
of section 42
of the

power to
to approve

Section 41 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
and replaced as follows :-
41.. () This part of this Ordinance shall be
brought into operation by the Governor-in-Council
by Order from time to time, and it shall be lawful
for the Governor-in-Council, by such order,
to apply this part of this Ordinance, or any part
thereof, to any town or village, or part of a town or
village, or any area of the Colony, with or
without conditions.
(2). Notwithstanding the provisions of the
immediately preceding subsection, this part of this
Ordinance shall, until otherwise ordered by
the Governor-in-Council, apply to an area having a
radius of five miles with Fort Thornton, Freetown,
as the centre."
Section 42 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
and replaced as follows:-
42. (I) (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of
section 41 of this Ordinance, the Governor may by
notice in the Gazette declare any area specified in
such notice to be an area in respect of which an
anti-malarial scheme has been approved by him
and particulars of such scheme shall be contained
in such notice.


Public Health (Amendment)

(b) Any owner of premises included in
such area may within one month of the publica-
tion of such notice serve upon the Director of
Medical Services, (hereinafter referred to as the
Director), in writing any objections he may have
to the inclusion of his premises or any part thereof
in the proposed area and the Director shall forward
such objections with his comments thereon to the
Governor in Council whose decision shall be final.

(r) The Governor may at any time by
subsequent notice in the Gazettlle cancel any such
scheme or extend or otherwise vary the specified
area or exclude therefrom any premises previously
included therein."

Management (2) (a) Every area in respect of which a
scheme lhas been approved and the work to be done
therein for the purposes of the scheme shall be
subject to the control of the Director.

(b) The Director may, with all neces-
sary assistants workmen, and things, enter upon
the area in respect of which a scheme has been
approved and there construct such drainage and
other works as appear to him to be necessary for
the elimination of mosquitoes in that area, and for
maintenance thereof.

Passed in the Legislative Council this thirty-first day of January, in
the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-six.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIs PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with
hle Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be
a true and correct copy of the said Bill.

Flerk qf -oegislative Coungil.
1 P. 1770/30.

No. 1

1946 (9

In His Majesty's mn:le I
fifth day of February, 194(i.

No. 2

assent to this Ordinance this



Colony of Sierra Leone

An Ordinance to Amend the Alteration of
Time Ordinance, 1932

[7/lI, February, 1940'.]

No. 34 of

Date of

BE IT rNACTEI) by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Alteration of Short title.
Time (Amendment) Ordinance, 1946.

2. Section 2 of The Alteration of Time Ordinance,
1932, is hereby amended as follows-
(a) By the deletion of subsection (1) thereof and the
substitution therefore of the following subsection-

of section 2
of the
of Time

' No. 2 Alteration of Time (Amendment) 1946

(1) The time for legal, official and general
purposes shall he Greenwich Mean Time "
(b) Bv the deletion of the proviso to subsection (2)

Passed in the Legislative Council this thirty-first day of January, in
the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-six.

T. C. LUrKE,
Clerk of Legislative Council.

Tins PRINTED IMPRIh' SSION has been carefully compared by me with
the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be
a true and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

"M.P. 2780.

Il Hfis Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this
fifth day of February, 1946.


SNo. 3


Colony of Sierra Leone

An Ordinance to Amend the Courts
Ordinance, 1945
[7th 'ebruary,

No.7 of 1945.


BE IT iENAC'TI' by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative (Council thereof, as
follows :-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Courts (Amend- Short title.
ifent) Ordinance, 1946.

2. Section 24 of the Courts Ordinance, 1945 (herein- Amendment
after referred to as the Principal Ordinance), is hereby of etonu
amended by the insertion, immediately after paragraph (h) Ordinance,
in the first subsection thereof, of the following new para- 1945.
h (No. 7 of
graph:- 1945).

Courts (A mtndmint)

(j) Providing for the establishment of District
leg'istries and for the appointment and jurisdic-
l tion of District Registrars, and for the areas in
S which such District Registrars shall exercise
their jurisdiction."

3. Section 28 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
amended by the addition of the following new subsections-
Appointment (-) The Governor limay appoint some fit, nd
nTgistrates proper person for each Court to be called the
Clerk of the Court.

S" e-_he Governor may appoint one or more
e persons s e assistant clerk or clerks of any Court
in which t state of business renders such
i n\l appointment nece. y.
(5) The Clerk and the distant clerks shall be
under the immediate direction n d control of the

Anmudinent 4. Section 13 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
of section 43
of the I amended by the addition thereto of the following new
Principal subsections:-
"o nenOrd n (5) The Criminal Procedure Ordinance, 1932,
of Criminal
'o ure is hereby amended by the insertion, immediately
',. '.I. after section 135- of the following new section:-
Recovery of 13'.\. \Where, upon sunllary conviction,
iall peal- any offender shall be adjudged to pay a
i ~ )penalty, such .l ii'l, r, in case of non-payment
thereof, may without any warrant of distress
.be 1,le commlitted to prison, with or without hard
hlaloumr, for any term not exceeding the period
Specified in the following scale, unless the
penalty shall be sooner paid:-
For any penalty not exceeding ten shill-
ingls, seven days.
Exceeding teni shillings and not exceeding
ione pound, fourteen days.
Exceeding one pound and not exceeding
two pounds, one month.
Exceediin' t two pounds and not t:.,..-din.
five pounds, two months.
Exceeding five pounils and not exceeding
ten pounds, three monthls.
EIxc!ediing ten pound, six ionlthhs.

of section 28
of the Prin-

1) No. 3


Courts (Amendment)

Provided always that such imprisonment
shlll not be with hard labour, unless the
Ordinance or Statute, on which the con-
viction is fonfided, authorise's imprisonment
with hard labour, nor for a longer torm with
hard labour than is aunhorised by such
SOrdinance or Statuie."

Amendment (6) 'llh(, Prolectorate Ordinance, 1933, is hereby
of Protectorate
Ordinance, amended bv th1e insertion immediately after
1933, (No. 32 of
s9a3.) section 51 of the following new section:-
1A. All offences against this Ordinance
except the offences created by sections 9, 40,
and 41, may 1)e heard, tried and determined liy
a Magistrate; provided he is satisfied that
such offence can be adequately punished by a
fine not exceeding fifty pounds or imlprison-
ment for a period not exceedingly six months."

Passed in the Legislative Council this thirty-first day of Janualy, in
the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-.six.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

TIis PRINTI.D IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with
the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be
a true and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P. G044/2.

No. 3

1946 3

1~33 --

, In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this
fifth day of February, 1946.




No. 4


Colony of Sierra Leone

An Ordinance to Amend the Imperial Statutes No. 45 of
(Criminal Law) Adoption Ordinance, 1932

[7th February, 1946.] Date of com-
BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Imperial Short title.
Statutes (Criminal Law) Adoption (Amendment) Ordinance,

2 No. 4 Imperial Statutes (Criminal Law) Adoption 1946

Repeal and 2. Section 2 of the Imperial Statutes (Criminal Law)
oeplaceient Adoption Ordinance, 1932, is hereby repealed and replaced
of Ordinance Is follows :-
No. 45 of
o132. "Adoption 2. The Statutes of the Imperial Parliament
of imperial set forth in the first column of the Schedule are
hereby expressly declared to apply to the Colony
and Protectorate to the extent specified in the
second column of the Schedule."

Passed in the Legislative Council this thirty-first day of January, in
the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-six.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSIOS has been carefully compared by me with
the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be
a true and correct copy of the said Bill.

T. C. LUKE, .
SClerk of Legislative Council.

M.I. 6044/2.

to the Sierra Leone Royal Gazette, Vol. LXXVII, No. 3920, .

dated 30th May, 1946

In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this
30th day of May, 1946,

/ Governor.


Colony of Sierra Leone

An Ordinance to Amend the Pensions
(European Officers) Ordinance, 1924

Cap. 146.-

[1st June, 1946.] Date ofco-

BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
1, This Ordinance may be cited as the Pensions (European Short tite,
Officers) (Amendment) Ordinance, 1946, and h4ll cprme tp
operation op the 1st day of J3us 1946


2 .. No.'5

Pensions (European Officers) (Amendment).

Amendment 2. Section 3 of the Pensions (European Officers) Ordi-
of section 3
of Cap. 146. nance, 1924 (hereinafter called the Principal Ordinance), is hereby
amended by the addition of the following subsection:-
"(3) Any pension or gratuity granted under this
"s / Ordinance shall be computed in accordance with the
S provisions in force at the actual date of the European
"s. -- r officer's retirement."
epea and 3. Section 7 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby repealed
of section 7 and replaced as follows:-
of Cap. 146. "Age at 7. (1) No pension, gratuity or other allowance
which pen-
sion may be shall be granted to any European officer who has not
granted, attained the age of 50 years, or in the case of female
European officers, 45 years, except:-
(a) On the abolition of his office.
(b) On compulsory retirement for the purpose of
facilitating improvements in the organisation of
the department to which he belongs, by which
greater efficiency and economy can be effected.
(c) On medical evidence to the satisfaction of the
Governor in Council or the Secretary of State
that he is incapable, by reason of some
infirmity of mind or body, of discharging the
duties of his office, and that such infirmity is
likely to be permanent.
(d) In the case of transfer to other public service
from which an officer is permitted by law to
retire on pension, and does retire on pension,
at an age less than that above-mentioned, or
(e) In the case of removal on the ground of
inefficiency as hereinafter provided:
Provided that European officers who, without a
break in their public service, have held a pensionable
': office in the West African Colonies and, Protectorates
from a date prior to the commencement of this
Ordinance, and whose aggregate service in the West
African Colonies and Protectorates at the date of
retirement amounts to 18 years (or in the case
of female European officers, 12 years) of which
not less than 12 (or in the case of female European
officers 8) shall have been residential, shall be
regarded for the purpose of this section as having
attained the age of 50 years (or in the case of female
European officers, 45 years):


No. 5 Pensions (European Officers) (Amendment) 1946 .3

Provided also that provision may be made in Rules
made under this Ordinance for the grant of a gratuity
to a female European officer who retires with a view
to, or in consequence of her marriage, notwithstanding
that she is not otherwise eligible under the Ordinance
for the grant of any pension, gratuity or other
"(2) The provisions of the immediately preceding
subsection shall be without prejudice to the pension-
able privileges of any female European officer who
was appointed to a pensionable office prior to the date
of commencement of this amending Ordinance."

4. Section 9 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended Amendment
of section 9
by the substitution of the following paragraph for paragraph (b) of Cap. 146.
"(b) in the case of a female European officer, at any
time after she attains the age of 45 years
but without prejudice to the pensionable privileges
of any female European officer who was appointed
to a pensionable office prior to the date of com-
mencement of this amending Ordinance; and"

Passed in the Legislative Council this 23rd day of May, in the year of
Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-six.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with
the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be
a true and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk .of Legislative Council.


M.P. 1505/12

In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this

5Oth day of May, 1946.


No. 6


Colony of Sierra Leone

cp. 147. An Ordinance to Amend the Pensions (Non-
European Officers) Ordinance, 1924
Date of
commence- [lst June, 1946.]
BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows: -
Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Pensions (Non-
European Officers) (Amendment) Ordinance, 1946, and shall
come into operation on the 1st day of June, 1946.

No. I Pensions (Non-European Officers) (Amendment) 1946 5

2. Section 3 of the Pensions (Non-European Officers) Amendment C \ <
of section 3
nance, 1924 (hereinafter called the Principal Ordinance), is of Cap. 147. s"
by amended by the addition of the following subsection:-- W'
(3) Any pension or gratuity granted under this Ordi- -
nance shall be computed in accordance with the provisions r /
in force at the actual date of a public officer's retirement.",f ,v

3. Section 7 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby repealed Repeal and
replaced as follows:- of section 7
Sat 7 1\ T : .X.: ,. 11.... of Cap. 147.

which pen-
sion may be

I. ) p11ens on, gliu Ly or oLIer aill owance
shall be granted to any public officer who has not
attained the age of 55 years (or in the case of female
public officers, 45 years) except:-
(a) On the abolition of his office;

(b) On compulsory retirement for the purpose of
facilitating improvements in the organisation
of the department to which he belongs by
which greater efficiency and economy can be
effected ;
(c) On medical evidence to the satisfaction of the
Governor in Council or the Secretary of State
that he is incapable by reason of some
infirmity of mind or body of discharging the
duties of his office and that such infirmity is
likely to be permanent;

(d) In the case of transfer to other public service
from which an officer is permitted by law to
retire on pension, and does retire on pension,
at an age less than that above-mentioned;

(e) In the case of removal on the ground of
inefficiency as hereinafter provided;

(f) In the case of a court messenger, on compul-
sory retirement on the completion of any
period of enlistment as provided under the
provisions of sections 8 and 10 of the Court
Messengers Ordinance, 1931 ; or

(g) In the case of a sergeant or constable of the
Police Force, on compulsory retirement on the
completion of any term of enlistment as
provided under the provisions of sections 10
and 13 of the Police Ordinance, 1924;


" A-

6 No. 6 Pensions (Non-European Officers) (Amendment) 41946

Provided that provision may be made in Rules
made under this Ordinance for the grant of a gratuity
to any female public officer who retires with a view
to, or in consequence of her marriage, notwithstand-
ing that she is not otherwise eligible under the Ordi-
nance for the grant of any pension, gratuity or other
(2) The provisions of the immediately preceding
subsection shall be without prejudice to the pension-
able privileges of any female public officer who was
appointed to a pensionable office prior to the date
of commencement of this amending Ordinance."

Amendment 4. Section 9 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended
of section 9
of Cap. 147. by the addition at the end thereof of the words and brackets
"(or in the case of female public officers, 45 years); Provided
that nothing herein contained shall alter, affect, prejudice or
interfere with the privileges of any female public officer who
was appointed to a pensionable office prior to the date of com-
mencement of this amending Ordinance."

Amendment 5. Section 17A of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
of section 17A
of the amended by the addition of the following words at the end of
Principal paragraph 1 thereof:-
"less the amount of any debt due to the Government by
such public officer at the time of his death."

Passed in the Legislative Council this 23rd day of May, in the year of
Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-six.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with
the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be
a true and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P. 1505/12.

Supplement to the Sierra Leone Royal Gazette, Vol. LXXVII, No. 3924,
dated 20th June, 1946

In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this
17th day of June, 1946.



Colony of Sierra Leone

An Ordinance to Amend the Motor Traffic
Ordinance, 1939

No. 24 of

[24th February, 1946.1 Dateof cop-
B E IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
S1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Motor Traffic Short title
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1946, and shall be deemed to have and com-
come into operation on the 24th day of February, 1946.

No. 7

Amendment 2. Section 6 of the Motor Traffic Ordinance, 1939
of section 6
of Ordinance (hereinafter called the Principal Ordinance), is hereby amended
No. 24 of by the substitution of a colon for the full stop at the end thereof,
S and by the addition of the following proviso:-

"Provided further that it shall be lawful for a member of
His Majesty's Forces, in the course of his duty as such,
to drive a motor vehicle on the highway if such motor
vehicle is the property of the Admiralty, the War
Department or the Royal Air Force and carries an
identification number approved by the Principal Licen-
sing Authority."

Amendment 3. Section 7 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended
of section 7
of the by the addition of the following proviso at the end thereof:-
Ordinance. Provided that this section shall not apply to a motor
vehicle which is the property of the Admiralty, the War
Department or the Royal Air Force."

Amendment 4. Subsection (1) of section 8 of the Principal Ordinance
of subsection
(1) ofsection is hereby amended by the addition of the following proviso at
8 of the the end thereof:-
Ordinance. "Provided further that it shall be lawful for a member of
His Majesty's Forces, in the course of his duty as such,
to drive a motor vehicle on the highway where such
motor vehicle is the property of the Admiralty, the War
Department or the Royal Air Force and the driver
thereof is in possession of a written permit to drive
issued, in respect of personnel of the Royal Navy, by
the Naval Officer-in-Charge, Freetown (or by a person
authorised by him in that behalf), in respect of a member
of the War Department, by the General Officer Com-
manding Military Forces in West Africa (or by a person
authorised by him in that behalf) and, in respect of a
member of the Royal Air Force by the Officer-in-Charge
of the Royal Air Force Transport."

Amendment 5. Section 21 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended
ofetio21 by the addition of the following new subsection at the end
Principal thereof: -
(5) Parts I, II, ll, IV, V and VI of the Motor Traffic
Rules, 1939, shall not apply to motor vehicles which
are the property of the Admiralty, the War Depart-
ment or the Royal Air Force or to the drivers thereof
if members of His Majesty's Forces."

2 No. 7

Motor Traff~ic (Amendment)


No. 7

Motor Traffic (Amendment)


Passed in the Legislative Council this 23rd day of May, in the year of
Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-six.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with
the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be
a true and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.
M.P. 2353.

In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this
17th day of June, 1946.




No. 8

Colony of Sierra Leone

No. 1 o An Ordinance to Amend the Teachers' Superan-
1944. nation Fund Ordinance, 1944

Date of com- [20th June, 1946.]
BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows: -
Short title 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Teachers' Superan-
and applica- nation Fund (Amendment) Ordinance, 1946, and shall apply
tion. to the Colony and Protectorate.

No. 8 Teachers' Superannuation Fund (Amendment)

S2. Section 4 (aa) of the Teachers' Superannuation Fund
Ordinance, 1944, is hereby amended by the insertion of the
words and comma "or from the appointed day at the option
of such person," immediately following the words "from the
day so declared in the third line from the end thereof.

of section 4
(aa) of
No. 12 of

Passed in the Legislative Council this 23rd day of May, in the year of
Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-six.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

the Bill which has passed the Legislative
a true and correct copy of the said Bill.

carefully compared by me with
Council and found by me to be

Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P. 2207/2.


In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this
17th day of June, 1946.




?. IMs31

Colony of Sierra Leone

An Ordinance to Amend the Coroners
Ordinance, 1924
[20th June, 1946.]

B E IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Coroners (Amend.
ment) Ordinance, 1946.
2. Section 1 of the Coroners Ordinance, 1924 (hereinafter
called the Principal Ordinance), is hereby amended by the
addition of the words "and shall apply to the Colony and

No. 9

Cap. 40.

Date of

Short title,

of section 1
of Cap.' 0

No.9 Coroners (Amendment) 1946

3. Section 8 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended
by the deletion of the comma and words ", but no prisoner shall
be a juror on such inquest" and by the substitution of the
following words "where death has taken place in the Colony or
an enquiry where death has taken place in the Protectorate, but
no prisoner shall be a juror on such inquest."

4. Section 9 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby repealed
and replaced as follows:-
"Inquests 9. The Coroner of the District wherein judgment
afextuivateof death is privately executed on any offender shall,
within twenty-four hours after the execution, hold an
inquest on the body of the offender where death has
taken place in the Colony, or an enquiry where death
has taken place in the Protectorate, and the jury at
the inquest or the Coroner at the enquiry shall
enquire into and ascertain the identity of the body
and whether judgment of death was duly executed
on the offender. No officer of the gaol or prisoner
confined therein shall in any case be a juror on the
5. Section 39 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
amended by the substitution of the word "public" for the word
"Colonial" where it occurs in the third line of the proviso

6. The Enquiries (Protectorate) Ordinance,t924 is hereby
7. Forms B and C in the First Schedule to the Principal
Ordinance are hereby amended by the addition of the words "or
Court Messenger" after the word "Constable" wherever it
occurs therein.

8. Form D in the First Schedule to the Principal Ordi-
nance is hereby amended as follows:--
(1) by the substitution of the words "Colony or Protec-
torate of Sierra Leone" for the words and brackets
"Colony of Sierra Leone (to wit)" wherever they
occur therein;
(2) by the insertion of the words "or Protectorate"
between the words "in the Colony" and "of Sierra
Leone" where they occur in the third and twentieth
lines thereof.

9. Form E in the First Schedule to the Principal Ordi-
nance is hereby amended as follows:--
(1) by the substitution of the words "Colony or Protec-
torate of Sierra. Leone" for the words and brackets
"Colony of Sierra Leone (to wit)" in the first and
second lines thereof;

of section*q
of the Prin-

). W.

Repeal and
of section W\0
of the

of section st-
of the N,"

Repeal of
Cap., MI L
Amendment of
Forms B and
C in the IFirs
Schedule to
the Principal

of Form D
in the First
Schedule to
the Principal

of Form E in
the First
Schedule to
the Principal

Coroners (Amendment)


No. 9


Coroners (Amendment)

(2) by the insertion of the words "and to all Court
Messengers in the Protectorate of Sierra Leone"
between the words "Colony of Sierra Leone" and
the words "and to" in the third line thereof;

(3) by the insertion of the words "or Protectorate"
between the words "in the said Colony" and "of
Sierra Leone" in the eighth line thereof.
Amendment 10. Form F in the First Schedule of the Princi a Ordi-
of Form F
in the First nance is hereby amended as follows:-
Schedule to I
the Principal (1) by the substitution of the words "Colony or
Ordinance. Protectorate of Sierra Leone" for the words and
brackets "Colony of Sierra Leone (to wit)" in the
first and second lines thereof;

(2) by the insertion of the words "or Protectorate"
between the words "in the Colony" and "of Sierra
Leone" in the sixth line thereof.
Amendment 11. Form G in the First Schedule to the Principal Ordi-
of Form G
in the First nance is hereby amended by the substitution of the words
Schedule to Colony or Protectorate of Sierra Leone" for the words and
he principal brackets "Colony of Sierra Leone (to wit)" in the first and
second lines thereof.

Passed in the Legislative Council this 23rd day of May, in the year of
Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-six.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with
the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be
a true and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.
M.P. 3878.

8 No. 9


In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this
17th day of June, 1946.




Colony of Sierra Leone

An Ordinance to Amend the Public Lands
Ordinance, 1924

Cap, 174.

[20th June, 1946.] Date of com-
B E IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows: -
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Public Lands Short title.
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1946.

No. 10

Addition of 2. The Public Lands Ordinance, 1924, is hereby amended
new sections
to the by the insertion, immediately after section 16 thereof, of the
Public following new sections:-
Ordinance, "Matters to 16A. (1) In determining the amount of compensa-
1924 be considered
(Cap. 174). in tion to be awarded for land acquired under this
determining Ordinance, the Court shall take into consideration the
tion. following matters and no others, namely:-
(a) The market value at the date of the publication
o0 the warrant under section 4 of this

(b) any increase in the value of other land of the
person interested likely to accrue from the use
to which the land acquired will be put;

(c) the damage, if any, sustained by the person
interested at the time of the taking possession
of land by reason of severing such land from
his other land;

(d) the damage, if any, sustained by the person
interested at the time of the taking and
appropriation of the land by reason of the
acquisition injuriously affecting his other pro-
perty whether movable or immovable in any
other manner or his actual earnings;

(e) if, in consequence of the acquisition, he is
compelled to change his residence or place of
business, the reasonable expenses, if any,
incidental to such change;

(f) the damage, if any, sustained by persons
interested by reason of the imposition of any
easement or exercise of any other rights of user
on basis of amount by which the value of the
land shall have been diminished thereby; and

(g) where land is, and but for the compulsory
acquisition would continue to be, devoted to
a purpose of such a nature that there is no
general demand or market for land for that
purpose, the compensation may, if the Court
is satisfied that reinstatement in some other
place is bona fide intended, be assessed on the
basis of the reasonable cost of equivalent


to No. 10

Public Lands (Amendment)

(2) For the purpose of paragraph (a) of subsection
(1) of this section-
(a) if the market value has been increased by means of
any improvement made by the owner or his
predecessor in interest within two years before the
publication of the warrant under section 4, such
increase shall be disregarded if the improvement
was made in contemplation of proceedings for the
acquisition of the land being taken under this
(b) when the value of the land is increased by reason
of the use thereof or any premises thereon in a
manner which could be restrained by any Court or
is contrary to law or is detrimental to the health
of the inmates of the premises or to the public
health the amount of that increase shall not be
taken into account;
(c) the effect of any expressed or implied condition of
title restricting the use to which the land may be
put shall be taken into account."
"Matters to 16B. In determining the amount of compensation
be neglected
inegected to be awarded for land acquired under this Ordi-
determining nance the Court shall not take into consideration:-
tion. (a) the degree of urgency which has led to the
acquisition ;
(b) any disinclination of the person interested to
part with the land acquired;
(c) any damage sustained by the person interested
which, if caused by a private person, would
not be a good cause of action;
(d) any damage which is likely to be caused to the
land or buildings acquired after the date of
the publication of the warrant under section
4 by or in consequence of the use to which it
will be put;
(e) any increase to the value of the land or build-
ing acquired likely to accrue from the use to
which it will be put when acquired;
d() any outlay on additions or improvements to the
land acquired, which was made after the date
of the publication of the warrant under section

Public Lands (Amendment)

1946 11

No. 10

4, unless such additions or improvements
were necessary for the maintenance of any
building in a proper state of repair;

(g) any increase to the value of the land by reason
of any work done thereon by or at the expense
of the Governor in Council prior to the

(h) the special suitability or adaptability of the land
for any purpose if that purpose is a purpose
to which it could be applied only in pursuance
of statutory powers, or for which there is no
market apart from the special needs of a
particular purchaser or the requirements of the
Governor in Council."

Passed in the Legislative Council this 23rd day of May, in the year of
Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-six.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully .compared by me with
the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be
a true and, correct copy of the said Bill.

.r C. LUKE,
/ Clerk c', L/te'irlaive Council.
M.P. 6090.

12 No. 10

Public Latids (Amendment)II III


In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this
17th day of June, 1946.


No. 11 1946

Colony of Sierra Leone

An Ordinance to Amend the Pilotage
Ordinance, 1924

Cap. 155.

[20th June, 1946.] Date of com-
B E IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Pilotage (Amend- Short title.
Ordinance, 1946.

Repeal and 2. Section 2 of the Pilotage Ordinance, 1924 (hereinafter
of section 2 called the Principal Ordinance), is hereby repealed and replaced
of Cap. 155. as follows:-
"Boundaries 2. (i) The boundaries of the harbour of Freetown
of harbour.
f harbourshall be as follows:-
Starting from a point which is the most northerly
point of high water mark at Cape Sierra Leone;
thence in a straight line to the most southerly point
of high water mark on Leopard Island; thence due
east to high water mark on the Sierra Leone
Protectorate shore; thence in a general south-
easterly direction along high water mark to Tagrin
Point; thence in a straight line to the most easterly
point of high water mark on Yema Island; thence
in a straight line to the most south-westerly point
of high water mark on Tonkaw Island; thence
along high water mark on the southern shores of
Tonkaw Island to its most south-easterly point;
thence due east to high water mark on Pepel
Island; thence along high water mark on the
southern shore of Pepel Island to its most easterly
point; thence in a straight line to high water mark
at Fernando Po; thence along high water mark to
Bumpbana Point; thence along high water mark
up the north bank of Port Loko Creek to a point
500 yards above Tongbai; thence due east to high
water mark on the south bank of Port Loko Creek ;
thence along high water mark down the south bank
of Port Loko Creek to Kasanko Point; thence in at
straight line to high water mark at Tumba Point:
thence along high water mark of the Sierra Leone
and Bunce Rivers back to the Starting Point."
(2) The Governor in Council may by Order
vary the boundaries of the harbour of Freetown.

Amendment 3. Section 11 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
of section 11
of the Prin- amended by the substitution of a full stop for the comma
cipal Ordi- immediately following the words "pilot's licences" in the third
nance. line thereof and by the deletion of the remainder of the section.

Repeal and 4. Section 16 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
of second repealed and replaced as follows:-
of the Prin- "Pilotage 16. The Governor in Council may make rules:-
nance.rdi- fees. (a) for prescribing the fees to be paid to the
Government in respect of pilotage services
rendered to vessels; and

14 No. I I

Pilotage (Amendment)


'Supplement to the Sierra Leone Royal Gazette, Vol. LXXVII, No. 3925,
dated 27th June, 1946
In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this
18th day of June, 1946.



No, 12


Colony of Sierra Leone

An Ordinance to Provide for the Preservation of
Ancient, Historical, and Natural Monuments,
Relics and other Objects of Archaeolo-
gical, Ethnographical, Historical or
other Scientific Interest
Date of com-
BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Monuments and datoof coe-
Relics Ordinance, 1946, and shall come into operation on mencement
such date as the Governor shall appoint by notice published and
in the Gazette and shall apply to the Colony and Protectbrate. application.


Ilonuments and Relics

Interpreta- 2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise
tion of reuir
terms. requires-
"ancient monument means any building, ruin,
remaining portion of building or ruin, stone
circle, altar, pillar, statue, tumulus, grave, cave,
rock shelter, kitchen midden, earthwork, iron-
amelti!ig site, underground cistern, shell mound
or other site or thing of a similar kind, of
archaeological, ethnographical, historical or
other scientific interest, but does not include any
ancient working;
ancient working means any shaft, cutting tunnel
or stope which was made for mining purposes and
which has been proclaimed as 'such by the
Governor under the provisions of section 9;
ethnographicall article means ceremonial insignia
and includes any other article of archaeological,
ethnographical, historical or other scientific
interest which has been proclaimed a's such by the
Governor under the provisions of section 9;
Government means the Government of Sierra
monument means-
(a) any ancient monument;
(b) any area of land which is of archaeological
or historical interest or contains objects of
such interest;
(c) any waterfall, cave, grotto, avenue of trees,
old tree or old building; and
(d) any other object (whether natural or con-
structed by man) of archaeological, ethno-
graphical, historical or other scientific
national monument means a monument which has
been proclaimed as such by the Governor under
the provisions of section 10;
." relic means-
(a) any fossil of any kind;
(b) any ancient drawing, engraving or painting
on stone or petroglyph;
(c) any ancient implement, article or ornament;
(d) any archaeological or ethnographical contents
of any ancient mon ument or ancient working.

2 No. 12


Monuments and Relics

3. (1) As from the commencement of this Ordinance, Establish-
there shall be established a commission, to be known as the ment and
Monuments and Relics Commission and hereinafter referred of
to as the Commissior '', which shall consist of not less Commission.
than seven members, who shall be appointed by the Governor.
(2) If the Commission consists of less than nine
members, three shall form a quorum. If the Commission
consists of more than nine members not less than one-third
of the total membership shall form a quorum.
(3) The members of the Commission shall choose
one of their number as Chairman, who shall convene all
meetings of the Commission (other than the first meeting
which shall be convened by the Governor). If at any meet-
ing of the Commission the Chairman is absent, the members
present shall choose one of their number as Chairman at
that meeting.
(4) The member presiding as Chairman at any
meeting of the Commission shall have a deliberative a's well
as a casting vote.
(5) Subject to the provision .of subsection (4), a
decision of the majority of the members of the Commission
present at any meeting 'shall be deemed to be a decision of
the Commission.
4. No remuneration shall be paid to the members of Members of
the Commission, but each member may be paid from the Commission
not to be
funds of the Commission his reasonable expenses for remunerated.
travelling and 'subsistence while engaged upon the business
of the Commission at a rate which shall be prescribed by
regulation under this Ordinance.
5. The Commission shall be a body corporate having Incorpora-
perpetual succession and a common seal and capable in law tion of
of suing and being sued in its corporate name and, subject
to the provisions of this Ordinance, of acquiring, holding,
alienating, hypothecating, letting and hiring property,
movable and immovable, and of performing such acts as
bodies corporate may by law perform.
6. (1) The funds of the Commission shall consist of Funds and
grants, donations, fees and subscriptions as may from time accounts of
S. Commission,
to time be made to it or be payable to it.
(2) The accounts of the Commission shall be audited
annually by such person as the Commission, with the
approval of the Governor, shall appoint.
7. (1) The Commission may- Powers and
(a) if it has sufficient funds available for the commission.
purpose, employ a secretary and such other

No. 12

1946 3,

4 No.12 Monuments and Relics 1946

servants as may be necessary to enable the
Commission to carry out its functions and pay
their remuneration from its funds.

(b) make a list of all monuments whose proclamation
as national monuments it considers desirable;

(c) take steps to ascertain the owner of any such
(d) recommend to the Governor the proclamation of
any monument as a national monument;

(e) if it has sufficient funds available for the purpose,
purchase or otherwise acquire any monument,
relic, ethnographical article or other article of
archaeological, ethnographical, historical or other
scientific interest;
(f) assume control over any monument, relic, ethno-
graphical article or other article of archaeological,
ethnographical, historical or other scientific
interest if requested by the person having the
ownership or control thereof so to do, and as
trustee for the Government accept any such
monument, relic, ethnographical article or other
article which the owner desires to give or has
bequeathed to the Government;

(g) preserve, repair, restore or insure any monument,
relic, ethnographical article or other article of
archaeological, ethnographical, historical or other
scientific interest which is owned by it or under
its control;
(h) lend or, subject to the provisions of section 8, give
any such relic, ethnographical article or other
article to any museum or other public institution;

(i) undertake the excavation of any ancient monument
or ancient working, and by writing under the
hand of the chairman authorise any act to be done
which it may deem necessary for excavating,
exploring or safely preserving any ancient monu-
ment or ancient working or any relic wherever
situate or found and by whomsoever owned or
controlled including the placing of appropriate
(j) take steps for the erection of notices or tablets in
suitable places, giving information about histori-
cal events which occurred at such places;

4 No. 12

Monuments and Relies


No. 12 Monuments and Relics 1946 5

(k) through any of its members have reasonable
access at all reasonable times to any monument,
ancient working, relic, ethnographical article or
other article of archaeological, ethnographical,
historical or other scientific interest, or believed
to be of such interest.
(2) The Commission shall-
(a) when required by the Governor, investigate
and report upon any matter relating to any
monument, ancient working, relic, ethno-
graphical article or other article of archaeo-
logical, ethnographical, historical or other
scientific interest or believed to be of such
interest,.and upon the desirability of pro-
claiming any monument as a national
(b) on or before the 31st day of March in every
year furnish to the Governor a report upon
its work during the year which ended on
the 31st day of December last preceding and
on any other matters connected with the
preservation of monuments, relics, ethno-
graphical articles and other articles of
archaeological, ethnographical, historical or
other scientific interest which it may desire
to bring to the attention of the Governor;
(c) make a register of all national monuments and
ancient workings and of such relics, ethno-
graphical articles and articles of archaeolo-
gical, ethnographical, historical or other
scientific interest as it may have acquired or
as have been brought to its notice.

8. Save with the written consent of the Governor, the Restriction
Commission shall not alienate, hypothecate or let any monu- on power to
ment, relic, ethnographical article or article of archaeologi- alienate, etc.
cal, ethnographical, historical or other scientific interest
which is owned by it or for which it is trustee for the

9. The Governor may from time to time, on the Governor
recommendation of the Commission, by notice published in may
the Gazette, proclaim- ancient
(a) any shaft, cutting, tunnel or stope which was and
made for mining purposes to be on ancient ethnogra-
working; articles.
working; articles.

Monuments and Relics

(b) Any article of archaeological, ethnographical,
historical or other scientific interest to be an
ethnographical article.

Governor 10. The Governor may from time to time, on the
prolaim recommendation of the Committee, by notice published in,
national the Gazette, proclaim any monument to be a national
monuments, monument:

Provided that-
(i) at least one month before recommending to the
Governor the proclamation of any monument
which does not belong to the Crown, the
Commission shall notify the owner thereof in
writing that it proposes to make such recommen-
dation, and such owner may thereupon lodge
with the Commission objections in writing to
the proposed recommendation; and

(ii) in making any such recommendation the Com-
mission shall submit to the Governor proof that
the owner concerned has received the said notice
and shall also transmit to the Governor any
objections which may have been lodged against
such recommendation.

Notification 11. (1) The discovery of any ancient monument, relic
discoveries. or ethnographical article shall be notified in writing to the
Commis- Commission without delay by the discoverer thereof and also
sion's option by the owner or occupier of the land upon which such ancient
to acquire .
ownership. monument, relic or ethnographical article is discovered
upon the discovery coming to his notice.

(2) Upon receipt of any such notice as is mentioned
in subsection (1) the Commission shall have a right of
option to acquire the ownership of the ancient monument,
relic or ethnographical article so discovered upon payment
to the owner of a sum of money to be agreed upon as fair and
reasonable compensation, or failing agreement, upon payment
of such sum as may be determined or awarded by such quali-
fied person or persons as the Governor may appoint in that
(3) If within six months after the receipt of the
first notice of any discovery in terms of subsection (1) the
Commission has failed to notify the owner of such ancient
monument, relic or ethnographical article that it intends to
exercise its option, such right of option shall be deemed to
have lapsed.

6 No. 12

1946 ','

Monuments and Relics

12. No person shall, without the written consent of the No excava-
tion without
Commission, excavate any ancient monument or ancient consent of
working or, if he receives the written consent of the Commis- Commission.
sion, excavate it contrary to any conditions which may have
been imposed in such consent or by regulation under this

13. (1) No person shall, without the written consent No altera-
tion, damage
of the Commission- or removal
(a) make any alteration to or destroy or damage, or consent of
(b) remove from its original site or export from
Sierra Leone,
any national monument, monument or relic or any part
(2) Any person who desires to remove from its
original site or to export from Sierra Leone any national
monument, monument or relic or any part thereof shall,
when applying to the Commission for its consent, supply the
Commission with a drawing or photograph of the monument
or relic or part thereof in question, and shall state the exact
locality in which it is situated and the place to which and
the purposes for which he desires to remove or to export it.

(3) No person shall, without the written consent of
the Commission, alter, destroy, damage or export from
Sierra Leone any ethnographical article or any part thereof.

(4) Any person who desires to export from Sierra
Leone any ethnographical article or any part thereof shall,
when applying to the Commission for its consent, submit the
article or part thereof in question for examination by the
Commission or supply the Commission .with a drawing or
photograph of the ethnographical article or part thereof in
question, and shall state the purposes for which he desires to
export it.

14. No person shall deface, damage or destroy any Damage to
notice or tablet erected by the Commigsion under the powers erected by
conferred by paragraph (t) or (j) of subsection (1) of Commission.
section 7.

15. The Governor may make regulations generally for Regulations.
the better carrying into effect of the provisions of this
Ordinance, and in particular for prescribing-
(a) the procedure in connection with meetings of the
(b) the qualification of its members;

1946 7

No. 12

Monuments and Relics

(c) the period for which its members shall hold office;

(d) the rates of travelling and subsistence allowances
to be paid to members of the Commission; and

(e) the conditions to be imposed with respect to any
ancient monument or ancient working.

Bye-laws. 16. (1) The Commission may make bye-laws-
(a) regulating the access of the public to any monu-
ments, relics, ethnographical articles and other
articles of archaeological, ethnographical, his-
torical or other scientific interest, which are the
property of the Commission or which by agree-
ment with the owner are under its control or for
which it is trustee for the Government;
(b) fixing fees which shall be payable to the Commis-
sion for 'such access;
(c) safeguarding national monuments, ancient monu-
ments, tablets, relics, ethnographical articles and
other articles of archaeological, ethnographical,
historical or other scientific interest from dis-
figurement, alteration, destruction or export; and

(d) regulating the excavation of ancient monuments
and ancient workings and the removal of relic's
and ethnographical articles from ancient monu-
ments or ancient workings.
(2) Such bye-laws may prescribe fines not exceeding
ten pounds for contravention thereof or non-compliance
(3) No such bye-law shall take effect until it has
been approved by the Governor and published in the Gazette.

Offences and 17. (1) Any person who knowingly-
(a) fails to comply with or contravenes any provision
of this Ordinance;

(b). in any application to the Commission 'for its con-
sent in terms of section 13 makes any statement
which is false in any material respect or supplies
therewith any drawing or photograph which is
false in any material respect;

shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary convic-
tion to a fine of one hundred pounds or, in default of pay-
ment, to imprisonment for six months.

8 No. 12


Monuments and Relics

(2) If any person is convicted of an offence in terms
of this Ordinance which has resulted in damage to, destruc-
tion or removal of any national monument, ancient monu-
ment or relic or any part thereof, or any tablet erected by
1he Commission, or in damage to or destruction of any
ethnographical article or any part thereof, the Court may,
in addition to any other penalty which it may impose, order
him to pay such sum as the Court may determine for the
purpose of repairing such damage or for the value of any
article or thing removed or destroyed.

Passed in the Legislative Council this 22nd day of May, in the year of
Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-six.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with
the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be
a true and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.
M.P. 5298.

0 No. 12

1946 9

10 In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this
18th day of June, 1946.


No, 13 1946

Colony of Sierra Leone

Cap. 235. An Ordinance to Amend the Royal West African
Frontier Force Ordinance, 1924
B E IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows :-
Short title 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Royal West African
and corn- Frontier Force (Amendment) Ordinance, 1946. Sections 2 (1),
3, 4, 5 and 6 of this Ordifiance shall be deemed to have come
into operation on the 22nd day of July, 1942, and sections 2 (2),
7 and 8 on the 2nd day of December, 1944.

No. 13 Royal West African Frontier Force (Amendment) 1946 11

2. Subsection (2) of section 1 of the Royal West African Amendmenz
of sub-
Frontier Force Ordinance, 1924 (hereinafter called the Principal section (2)
Ordinance), is hereby amended as follows:-- of section 1
of Cap. 235.
(1) by the deletion in the second line of paragraph (g)
thereof of the comma and words "and also a school-
master and clerk, if enlisted "; and

(2) by the substitution of the words "non-commissioned
officer or private" for the words "or non-commis-
sioned officer" in paragraph (n) thereof.

3. Subsection (2) of section 45 of the Principal Ordinance Amendment
is hereby amended by the substitution of the following paragraph secson (2) of
for paragraph (ii) thereof: section 45
of Cap. 235.
"(ii) If the person charged is a non-commissioned officer
he may--
(a) reduce him to a lower rank or to the rank of
private, or award severe reprimand, repri-
mand or admonition;
(b) in addition to or without any other punish-
ment, order the offender to suffer any
reduction from his ordinary pay in order to
make good the amount of any loss or
damage which he may have caused, or,
where the offender has sold any portion of
his clothing or equipment, to pay an amount
not exceeding double the value of the
article sold."

4. Section 46 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby Amendment
of section 46
amended as follows: of Cap. 235.
(1) by the insertion immediately after subsection (1) (i) (b)
of the following new paragraph:-
(bb) in addition to or without any other punish-
ment order the offender to suffer any
deduction from his ordinary pay in order to
make good the amount of any loss or
damage which he may have caused, or,
where the offender has sold any portion of
his clothing or equipment, to pay an amount
not exceeding double the value of the article
sold "; and
(2) by the deletion of subsection (2) thereof.

12 No. 13 Royal West African Frontier Force (Amendment) 1946

Amendment 5. Section 48 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
of section 4 amended as follows:-
of Cap. 235.
(1) by the insertion immediately after subsection (i) (a) of
the following new paragraph:-
"(aa) in addition to or without any other punish-
ment, order the offender to suffer any
deduction from his ordinary pay in order
to make good the amount of any loss or
damage which -he may have caused"; and
(2) by the deletion in lines 19 to 21 of the comma and
words ", and may deal with minor cases of absence
without leave where under section 53 pay does not
accrue or become due, and may impose punishment
as above prescribed for such absence."

Amendomen 6. Section 78 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended
of Cap. 235. as follows:-
(1) by the substitution of the words Medical Board" for
the words "medical officer" in subsection (1) (a)
thereof; and
(2) by the addition of the following new subsections at
the end thereof-
"(4) A soldier may be discharged if he is irregularly
(5) A soldier may be discharged by order of the
Commander, Sierra Leone Area (which desig-
nation shall include the officers holding a
position analogous thereto) where his services
are no longer required."

Amendment 7. Section 101 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
of section
101 of Cap. amended by the substitution of the following paragraph for
235. paragraph (d) thereof:-
"(d) In addition to the provisions of this Ordinance,' to
native non-commissioned officers, privates and
followers when the Regiment or any part thereof
has been placed under the command of the Army
Council, pursuant to the provisions of section 3 (2)
(b) or is serving with part of His Majesty's Imperial
or Indian Forces, and any such person may be tried
either under this Ordinance or under the Army Act,
but shall not be liable to be punished twice for the
same offence. Where such a person is tried
under this Ordinance then the Army Act shall also
apply so far as it is not inconsistent with this

No. 13 Royal West African Frontier Force (Amendment) 1946 13

8. Section 102 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby Amendment
amended by the deletion of the words "at all times except in 2of section
such circumstances as are specified in section 101 in the fourth 235.
and fifth lines thereof.

Passed in the Legislative Council this 23rd day of May, in the year of
Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-six.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with
the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be
a true and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.
M.P. 1183.

In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this
18th day of June, 1946.



No. 14


Colony of Sierra Leone

No. 9 of An Ordinance to Amend the Defence Lands
1942. Acquisition Ordinance, 1942
Date of
commence- [27th June, 1946,.
B E IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows: -
Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Defence Lands
Acquisition (Amendment) Ordinance, 1946.

2. Subsection (1) of section 18 of the Defence Lands Amendment
Acquisition Ordinance, 1942 (hereinafter called the Principal of setone18
Ordinance), is hereby amended by the insertion immediately after Lands
paragraph (f) thereof of the following new paragraph:-- Ordinance
(g) Where land is, and but for the compulsory acquisi- (No 9 of
tion would continue to be, devoted to a purpose of
such a nature that there is no general demand or
market for land for that purpose, the compensation
may, if the Court is satisfied that reinstatement in
some other place is bona fide intended, be assessed
on the basis of the reasonable cost of equivalent

3. Section 19 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended Amendment
of section 19
by the insertion immediately after paragraph (g) thereof, of the of the
following new paragraph:- Principal
"(h) the special suitability or adaptability of the land for
any purpose if that purpose is a purpose to which
it could be applied only in pursuance of statutory
powers, or for which there is no market apart from
the special needs of a particular purchaser or the
requirements of the acquiring authority."

Passed in the Legislative Council this 23rd day of May, in the year of
Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-six.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with
the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be
a true and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.
M.P. 2533/1.

No. 14

Defence Lands Acqulisition (Amnendmlent)

1946 15

In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this
18th day of June, 1946.


No. 15

Date of com-


Colony of Sierra Leone

An Ordinance to Prohibit the Presence of
Unauthorised persons within His Majesty's
Naval Establishments in the Colony
[27th June, 1946.1

BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows :-
Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Naval Establish-
ments Ordinance, 1946.


No. 15 Naval Establishments 1946 17

2. In this Ordinance, except where the context otherwise Definition.
"Naval Establishment means any area in the Colony to
which this Ordinance applies in, on or near to which
His Majesty now or at any time hereafter has any
dockyard, naval barracks, victualling yard. naval
store-house, naval workshop, naval wireless station,
arsenal, wharf or mooring.
Power to
3. The Governor in Council may by Order declare any declare
area .within the meaning of the definition in the preceding sec- naval
tion to be a naval establishment for the purposes of this esablish-
ment by
Ordinance. Order in
4. (1) The Naval Officer-in-Charge of a naval establish- Pover to
ment, which is accessible by water may appoint particular places andinmt
therein for the landing from boats, places.
(2) No boats, other than boats belonging to or hired
for His Majesty's Service, shall-
(a) come to any part of such naval establishment other
than to an appointed landing place; or
(b) shall loiter on the water in or in the vicinity of such
naval establishment.
(3) The owner or any occupant of a boat, which
contravenes the provisions of this section, shall be guilty of an

5. (1) No doors or other outlets other than the public Means of
gates shall be made in any part of the fence, wall or boundary "aegress
demarcation surrounding a naval establishment without the to a naval
permission of the Naval Officer-in-Charge thereof. menit.

(2) No person shall enter, attempt to enter, leave or
attempt to leave a naval establishment except at an appointed
landing place or through the public gates, or through any door
or outlet permitted to be made under the immediately preceding
6. No person other than a member of the Royal Navy Prohibition
on duty or resident within a naval establishment or a constable naval to
on duty shall enter, attempt to enter, or be therein unless he is in establish-
possession of a permit issued by the Naval Officer-in-Charge ment.
thereof or an officer duly authorised by him in that behalf. A
permit may be withheld, granted or revoked upon such conditions
and subject to such restrictions as to period of validity or other-
wise as the Naval Officer-in-Charge of the Naval establishment or

18 No. 15 Naval Establishments 1946

the officer duly authorised by him in that behalf may think fit.
No person in possession of a permit shall be lawfully within a
naval establishment unless he shall comply with every condition
or restriction which may be imposed.
Power to 7. Without prejudice to any Court proceedings which may
remove from
a naval be taken against him, any person offending or suspected of
establish- offending against the provisions of sections 4 or 6 of this Ordi-
nance may be removed from a naval establishment by any
member of the Royal Navy on duty or by any constable on duty.
Powers of 8. Any person offending or suspected of offending against
arrest and
search. any of the provisions of this Ordinance may be arrested without
warrant by any member of the Royal Navy on duty or by any
constable on duty and may be searched and shall be brought as
soon as possible before a Magistrate together with anything found
in his possession at the time of the arrest.
Obstruction 9. Any person who wilfully obstructs any member of the
of an officer
intheexecu- Royal Navy on duty or any constable on duty acting in the
tion of his exercise of the authority conferred upon him by sections 7 or 8
duty. of this Ordinance shall be guilty of an offence.

Penalty. 10. Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of
this Ordinance shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable
on summary conviction to imprisonment for one month or to
a fine of 10 or to both such imprisonment and fine.

Passed in the Legislative Council this 23rd day of May, in the year
of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-six.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

Tills PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with
the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be
a true and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.
M.P. 7028

In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this
18th day of June, 1946.


No. 16


Colony of Sierra Leone

An Ordinance for Conferring on a Certain Company named
the Socony-Vacuum Oil Company of New York in the
United States of America the Capacity to hold
Real Property in the Colony

[27th June, 1946.] Date of com-
WHEREAS the Vacuum Oil Company of New York in the
United States of America has disposed of certain real property.
which was vested in it or acquired by it under the provisions of

No. 11 of the Vacuum Oil Company Ordinance, 1926, to the Socony-
Vacuum Oil Company also of New York in the United States of
America :
AND WHEREAS it is expedient for the purpose of removing
doubts to confer on the Socony-Vacuum Oil Company of New
York aforesaid the capacity to hold real property in the Colony:

B E IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone,
with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council
thereof, as follows:-
Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Socony-Vacuum
Oil Company Ordinance, 1946.

Incorpora- 2. For the purposes of this Ordinance, and of the acquiring,
tion of the
Socony- holding and disposing by the Socony-Vacuum Oil Company, of
Vacuum Oil New York in the United States of America (in this Ordinance
Company for
the purpose called "the Company ") of real property, as is herein provided,
of holding in the Colony, the company, whether the same be by the laws of
ty the Republic of the United States of America, a body corporate
or not, is hereby declared to be a body corporate, by the name
of "the Socony-Vacuum Oil Company" and by that name shall
have power in respect of the said real property to sue, and be
sued, in all courts of Justice in the Colony and shall have
a common seal.

Vesting of 3. All those pieces or parcels of land described in the first
lands in the
company. and second schedules to this Ordinance, together with all ease-
ments, rights, advantages, and appurtenances whatsoever to the
said lands appertaining, or with the same or any part thereof, now
or heretofore held, used or enjoyed, or reputed as part thereof,
or appurtenant thereto, are hereby vested in the company for an
estate of inheritance in fee simple.

Capacity to 4. Real property of every description in the Colony may
hold real be acquired, held and disposed of by the company; and the
property. title to such real property may be derived through, from, or in
succession to, the company, and be capable of being transmitted
to the successors or assigns of the company, whether such suc-
cessors or assigns are, or are not, aliens:
Provided that:-
(1) In case any such real property, or any title thereto,
shall be transmitted to any person who would have
been incapable otherwise than under the provisions
of this Ordinance, of acquiring, holding, or enjoying
such property, or title thereto, it shall be lawful for

20 No. 16

Soconvy-Vacuumn Oil Company


No. 16 Socony-Vacuum Oil Company 1946 21

the Governor, by a notice published in the Gazette, to
require the person, by whom such real property, or
any title thereto, has been derived through, from, or
in succession to the company, to sell, or otherwise
dispose of absolutely, the said real property, or the
title thereto, to some person capable, independently of
the provisions of this Ordinance, of acquiring, hold-
ing and enjoying the same; and from and after the
expiration of one year from the publication of such
notice, the person first above-named shall cease to
hold or be entitled to hold, the said real property or
title thereto, and the same, if not previously sold or
disposed of by such person to a person capable,
independently of the provisions of this Ordinance, of
acquiring, holding and enjoying the same, shall be
sold by public, auction by the direction of the
Governor, and the proceeds thereof, after payment
of the expenses of such sale, shall be paid to the
aforesaid person, whose property or title shall so

(2) The capacity to acquire, hold and dispose of real
property conferred by this Ordinance on the company,
shall not qualify the company, or any member or
shareholder thereof, or any other alien deriving title
through, from or in succession to the company, or
any member or shareholder thereof for any office, or
for any municipal or other franchise, nor shall it
entitle the company or any such member or share-
holder, or any such alien, to any right or privilege
as a British subject, except such rights or privileges
in respect of real property as are hereby expressly
given to the company.

5. The Governor may, if he think fit, at any time, after Limitation
the company has acquired or held real property in the Colony to of right of
the value of fifty thousand pounds sterling, by Order prescribe hold real
that the company shall not, after a date that may be fixed by property.
such Order, be entitled to acquire or hold any further real pro-
perty in the Colony, and all real property acquired by the
company, after the time fixed by such Order, which is not sold
by the company within one year next after the time fixed by such
Order, may, by the direction of the Governor, be sold by public
auction either together or in parcels, and the proceeds of the sale
thereof, shall, after the payment thereout of the expenses of
such sale, be paid to the company.

Vesting of 6. For the purpose of conveying, or otherwise disposing
property in
the Governor of, to the purchasers of such real property as may, by virtue
for sale. of this Ordinance, be directed to be sold by the Governor, any
title which any owner of the said real property may have or, but
for the defeasance or determination which may be effected by
this Ordinance of such title, might have had therein, such real
property and such title thereto shall be deemed to be vested in
the Governor.
Saving of 7. Except as is expressly enacted by this Ordinance,
the rights of
the Crown nothing herein contained shall affect, or be deemed to affect, in
and others, any manner or way, the rights of His Majesty the King, his heirs
or successors or of any other person.
Repeal of 8. The Vacuum Oil Company Ordinance, 1926, is hereby
No. 11 of
1926. repealed.
being at Water Street, Freetown, in the Colony of Sierra
Leone containing 1 rood 13J poles more or less and
bounded on the north by land formerly in the possession of
G. B. Ollivant and Company, Limited, and now in the
possession or occupation of G. B. Ollivant, Limited, 202 feet
more or less on the south by Water Street aforesaid 212 feet
more or less and on the east by land formerly in the
possession or occupation of the War Department of
His Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland and now in the possession of
the Government of Sierra Leone 155 feet more or less.

lying and being in Walsh Street, Bonthe, Sherbro in the
Colony of Sierra Leone and bounded on the north by land
the possession of which is disputed 114 feet on the south.
by land secondly and thirdly in this Schedule described 115
feet on the east by Walsh Street aforesaid 56 feet and on
the west by land formerly the property of Collier and Margai
65 feet the south-eastern corner of the said piece or parcel
of land being at a distance of 134 feet from the concrete
gutter in Medina Street.
situate lying and being in Walsh Street, Bonthe, Sherbro in
the Colony aforesaid and bounded on the north by land
firstly in this Schedule described 56 feet on the south by
land now or lately in the possession of Dennis Crispin

22 ) No. 16

Soconv-Vacuum Oil Company


Socony-Vacuum Oil Company

Williams 56 feet on the east by Walsh Street aforesaid 48
feet and on the west by land thirdly in this Schedule
described and now or lately in the possession of Sarah
Ashley 48 feet.
lying and being in Bonthe, Sherbro, and bounded on the
north by land firstly in this Schedule described 55 feet on
the south by land now or lately in the possession of Patrick
Ignatius Cole formerly known as Patrick Ashley 55 feet on
the east by land secondly in this Schedule described and
formerly in the possession of Dennis Crispin Williams 46
feet and on the west by land now or lately in the possession
of Daniel Collier 46 feet.

Passed in the Legislative Council this 23rd day of May, in the year of
Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-six.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with
the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and fouhd by me to be
a true and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P. 5752.

No. 16

1946 23

In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this
18th day of June, 1946.



No. 17

,,) L



Colony of Sierra Leone

An Ordinance to Provide for Assistance in the
Development pf Industries in Sierra Leone
[27th June, 1946.]

BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Development of
Industries (Assistance) Ordinance, 1946, and shall apply to
the Colony and Protectorate.

Date of com-

Short title.

No. 17 Development of Industries (Assistance)

2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise Interpreta-
requires- ton
Board means the Development of Industries Board
appointed under the provisions of section 3 of this
Loan includes the taking of shares or debentures
by the Board in any undertaking receiving
assistance under this Ordinance;
3. (1) The Governor in Council may, by Order estab- Governor in
lish a Board, to be known as the Development of Industries Council may
Board, which shall consist of a Chairman who shall be Board.
specially designated by name in the Order as such, and not
more than seven other members but so however that not less
than half of the total number of members of the Board shall
be Africans.
(2) The Governor in Council may at any time by Termination
Order terminate the appointment of any member of the of member-
ship of
Board. Board.
(3) In the event of any vacancy on the Board Filling of
caused by the death, resignation, termination of appoint-
ment or absence from Sierra Leone, of any member thereof,
the Governor in Council may by Order appoint any other
person to be a member of the Board.
Provided that any person appointed to fill a vacancy
caused by the absence from Sierra Leone of any member of
the Board shall relinquish his appointment forthwith on the
return to Sierra Leone of such member.
(4) The Governor shall appoint a fit and proper Appoint-
person to be the Secretary to the Board. ment of
(5) The Secretary shall keep proper minutes of all Duties of
meetings of the Board and shall keep such records and Secretary.
returns as may be prescribed by rules made under this
Ordinance and shall also communicate to persons concerned
all decisions of the Board.
4. The Chairman duly designated as such in the Chairman to
Order establishing the Board shall preside at the meetings president
Provided that when the Chairman is unable to be
present at any meeting of the Board for any cause other
than one of the causes in section 3 of this Ordinance set out,
the members present shall elect one of their number
to preside as Chairman at such meeting.
5. The Board shall meet at such times and at such Time and
places a's the Chairman shall direct, place of
6. At any meeting of the Board four members includ- Quorum.
ing the Chairman thereof, shall constitute a quorum.

1946 25

Voting. 7. All questions before the Board shall be decided by
a majority of the votes of the members, including the
Chairman, and whenever the voting is equal the Chairman
shall have a second or casting vote.
Provided that where a question is decided by means
of the casting vote of the Chairman alone no effect shall be
given to such decision until it has been confirmed by the
Governor in Council.
Provided further however that the Governor in
Council may if he sees fit so to do, send the matter decided
as aforesaid back to the Board for further consideration.

Mvembnerest 8. Any member of the Board who has any financial or
having interest
in matter other personal interest in any matter before it shall disclose
before Board
to disclose it such interest to the Board and shall take no part in the
vote"thereon. discussion on any such matter nor vote thereon.
Orn:-2& Bf e Cof. A'^-P)
Powers of 9. It shall be lawful for the Board on application
Board. therefore to grant loans, either with or without in eres ron
0 2 : 2'4g monies voted for the purpose by Legislative Council, which
shall not in aggregate exceed a sum of 10,000 in any one
year, to assist in the establishment of new, or the develop-
ment of existing industries which, in the view of the Board
will contribute to the economic development of Sierra Leone.
Provided that the Governor in Council may, where it
is shown to his -satisfaction that any person to whom a loan
has been granted under this section is unable to repay the
S,, p loan when it falls due, either extend the time for repay-
0|w. -eor remit. ament of thloan.f^ t
Board may 9 'Y^ t shall be lawful for the Board to obtain such
seek expert advice from experts or other persons as they may consider
gb v ce. necessary before granting any loan or making any grant,
and any expert or other person whose advice is so sought
shall be paid such fees as may be prescribed.

Board may 11. It shall be lawful for the Board to appoint
appointcom- Committees consisting of fit and proper persons, whether
inquire ito members of the Board or not, to enquire into and report
matters": upon the desirability of granting assistance to any industry
already established or about to be established in respect of
which application for assistance has been made.
Governor in 12. (1) The Governor in Council may make rules-
moake rules (a) prescribing the conditions under which loans may
be granted by the Board;
(b) prescribing the period for which loans may be
granted, and the method of repayment of loans;
(c) prescribing the rate of interest, where interest is
to be charged, in respect of any loan granted;

Development of Indlustries (Assistance)

26 No. 17


Development of Industries (Assistance)

(d) prescribing what accounts shall be rendered to the
Board by persons to whom loans have been
[e) providing for the appointment of Government
representatives oh the board of management of
any company receiving financial or other assist-
ance under this Ordinance;
(f) prescribing the conditions of employment in any
undertaking receiving financial or other assistance
under this Ordinance;
(g) providing for the inspection of undertakings
receiving assistance under this Ordinance;
(It) providing for the keeping of accounts of all
moneys received and paid by the Board and for
the audit of such accounts;
(i) prescribing the records to be kept and the returns
to be made to Government by the Board;
(j) prescribing the use to which repayments of loans
and payments of interest to the Board shall be
(k) prescribing the fees to be paid to experts and other
persons whose advice is sought by the Board.
(2) Rules made under this section may be made in
respect of a group of industries, or of a particular industry
or of a particular undertaking engaged in any such industry.
13. The Board shall at the first meeting of Legislative Report of
Council in each year, lay before the Council a Report on its Board to be
activities for the year ending 31st December immediately toLegislative
preceding, together with an audited statement of its receipts Council
and expenditure for the year. annually.

Passed in the Legislative Council this 21st day of May, in the year of
Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-six.

Clerk of Legislative Council

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with
the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be
a true and correct copy of the said Bill.

'. C. LUKE,
Clerk of Legislative Council.
M.P. 0880/5.

No. 17

1946 27

In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this
18th day of June, 1946.


No. 18 1946

Colony of Sierra Leone

An Ordinance. to Provide for the Raising of a Loan for
the Expansion of the Sierra Leone Government
Electricity Undertaking
[27th June, 1946.]

WHEREAS it is expedient to raise a loan of. fifty-one
thousand (51,000) pounds sterling for the purposes specified
in the schedule hereto:

BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone,
by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council
thereof, as follows:-

Date of com-

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Domestic Loans Short title.
Ordinance, 1946.
2. In this Ordinance unless the context otherwise Definition.
the expression the "Crown Agents" means the person
or persons acting for the time being as Crown Agents
for the Colonies in England.
3. The Governor or the Crown Agents acting on his Power to
raise loan..
behalf may raise by loan in London an amount sufficient to
produce as nearly as may be the sum of fifty-one thousand
(51,000) pounds sterling and such further sum as may be
necessary to defray the expenses of issue.
4. The principal monies and interest represented by the Loan
charged on
loan issued under the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby general
charged upon and shall be payable out of the general revenue revenue.
and assets of the Colony of Sierra Leone.
5. (1) Any sum raised to defray the expenses of issue Application
shall be applied only to that purpose. of loan.
(2) Save as aforesaid the money borrowed under this
Ordinance shall be appropriated and applied to the purposes
specified in the Schedule to this Ordinance.
6. The loan hereby authorised or any part of it may be Mode of
raised under the provisions of the General Loan and Inscribed iap. 8n.
Stock Ordinance, 1924, or, notwithstanding anything to the
contrarycpntained in the said Ordinance, independently of
that Ordinance, 'as the Governor or the Crown Agents acting
on his behalf may decide.
7. If the loan hereby authorised shall be issued under Date of
the provisions of the General Loan and Inscribed Stock comeice-
Ordinance, 1924, then the contribution to sinking fund, as contribution
contemplated by the provisions of sections 13 to 17 of the said nsfking
Ordinance shall commence in respect of any debentures or
stock issued under this Ordinance not later than three years
after the date from which, the interest on such debentures or
stock shall commence to run.
8. If it should be decided to issue the loan hereby Loan in-
dependent of
authorised independently of the General Loan and Inscribed Cap. 88.
Stock Ordinance, 1924, then the following provisions shall
(a) So long as any portion of the loan remains Mode of
outstanding the Governor shall in each half-year inteet of
ending with the day on which the interest on the

No.' 18

Domestic Loans

1946 29

loan falls due appropriate out of the general
revenues and assets of the Colony a sum equal to
one half-year's interest on the whole of the loan
outstanding and shall remit that sum to the Crown
Agents at such time as will enable them to pay
thereout the then current half-year's interest on
the day on which it falls due.
Mode of (b) The Governor shall also in each half-year ending
to sinking as aforesaid appropriate out of the said revenues
fund. and assets of the Colony for the formation of
a sinking fund for the repayment of the loan at
par an additional sum in respect of the total
nominal amount of the loan outstanding equal to
one-half of the annual contribution to be decided
upon by the Governor on the issue of the loan and
shall remit that sum to the Crown Agents with the
remittance hereinbefore mentioned provided that
the said contribution shall in respect of any money
raised under this Ordinance commence not later
than three years after the date from which the
interest on such money shall commence to run.

Determina- (c) The aforesaid annual contribution shall be not less
ton ofn than such amount as may be determined with the
contribution approval of the Secretary of State to be sufficient
o sinking to redeem the loan at its due date.

Investment (d) The Crown Agents shall invest so much of the
of sinking money so remitted to them as aforesaid as shall not
fund be required for the payment of interest for the
current half-year in the purchase of such securities
as may be approved by the Secretary of State as a
sinking fund for the final extinction of the debt
and the Crown Agents shall also invest the
dividends, interest or produce of such investments
in the purchase of like securities and may from
time to time with the approval of the Secretary of
State change any such investments and shall hold
such funds in trust for the repayment of the
principal monies for the time being represented by
the loan.
Sinking fund (e) In case the sinking fund provided for by this
if insufficient
to be supple- Ordinance shall be insufficient for the payment of
mented.from all the principal monies borrowed under the
genee. authority of this Ordinance at the time the same


30( No. 18

Domestic Loans

No. 18 Domestic Loans 1946 31

shall have become due the Governor
good the deficiencies out of the general
assets of the Colony.


Electricity Undertaking

Passed in the Legislative Council this 23rd day
Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-six.

of May, in the year of

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with
the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be
a true and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.
M.P. 1519.

shall make
revenue and

... ... 51,000

No. 18

Domestic Loans

1946 31


In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this
18th day of June, 1946,


No. 19


Colony of Sierra Leone

An Ordinance to Make Provision for
Town and Country Planning

(27tlh June, 1946.]
BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
Part I

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Town and Country Shorttitle.
planning Ordinance, 1946.

2, (1) I this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise Interpreta-
requires-- tion.

Date of

3 Town and -Country -Planning :

"building means any building, erection, structure or any
other building erected on or made on, in or under any
lands and includes the land in or under which the
building is situate;
" building operations include any road or other works
preliminary or incidental to the erection of buildings;
" colony means the Colony of Sierra Leone, including the
Sherbro Judicial District;
" development in relation to any land includes any build-
ing or re-building operations and any use of the land or
any building thereon for a purpose which is different
from the purpose for which the land or building was
being used until immediately before the date of the
Order declaring a Planning Area under section 6 of this
Provided that the laying down by the occupier of farm-
land to fallow, or any change of crops grown or to be
grown or in the method of their cultivation by the said
occupier shall not be deemed to be development save in
so far as the Governor or the Board may determine.
"existing building" means a building erected or con-
structed before the date of the Order declaring a Planning
Area under section 6 of this Ordinance;
" fence includes any hoarding or paling used as such,
and also banks and walls;
" hedge includes any tree or shrub forming a part of a
" land includes land covered with water and als', includes
incorporeal as well as corporeal? hereditaments of every
tenure or do: criptii:i.-and any interest therein, and also
an undivided share of land;
Municipal Area means the area within the authority
of the City Council of. Freetown or within the authority
of the Council of any city or town now or hereafter
owner '" includes joint dwner, lessee, .tenant for-life, and
any other person in the actual possession of premises or
entitled to receive the rents of premises of any tenure
or description, and the agent or attorney of such persons
S or oiy 6f them, and'any other person who has an interest
in or draws the rents;
road" means any- road whether public or private and
includes any street, square, court, alley, lane, bridge,
footway, trace, bridle path, p. ssage or highway, whether
a thoroughfare or not ;
"scheme means a scheme made under this Ordinance;
site in relation .to any buildings 'includes offices, out-
buildings, yards, courts or gardens occupied or intended
to be occupied therewith;
Town Council" means the 'City 'Council of Freetown or
the Council of any town now or hereafter established.:

34 N6. 19 -


(2) For the purposes of this'Ordinance the placing or keeping
on any land of any shed, tent or other object, whether fixed or
removable or movable or collapsible,. which is not a building shall
be a use of such land.
Part II
3. (1) There shall be established a Board to be known as Town and
the Town and Country Planning ,Board (hereinafter referred to Country
as the Board) consisting of a Predident to be appointed by the Board etab-
Governor, a representative of the Medical, Public Works and Surveys lished.
and Lands Departments, respectively, and not less than two and
not more than four other members (one of whom shall be 'an
Elected Member of the Freetown City Council), to be appointed
by the Governor for such period or periods as he shall determine,
provided that the Heads of the Medical, Public Works and Surveys
and Lands Departments, respectively, may for good cause, appoint
a person to take the place of the representative of his department
at any meeting of the Board.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the immediately
preceding subsection; the Governor may.appoint the representative
of any one of the departments therein referred to, to be President
of the Board and in any such event 'it shall be lawful for the
Governor to appoint an additional member, to the Board.
(3) The Board shall be the authority for town and country
planning in the-Colony and shall be a body corporate and shall have
perpetual succession and a common seal, which shall be officially
and judicially, noticed and the seal shall be authenticated by the
signature of the President, or the member appointed under' the
provisions of section 4 of this Ordinance to preside, and one other
member of the Board.
(4) Any member of the Board who has any financial or
other interest in any matter, before it for determination, shall
disclose such interest to the Board and shall take no part in the
discussion on any such matter, nor vote thereon.
(5) The Board may sue and be sued in its corporate name.
(6) The Board with the approval of the Governor may
appoint a suitable person to be Secretary to the Board, and may
with the like approval appoint such other officers as may be
necessary for carrying out the duties and functions of the Board.
4. All acts whatsoever authorised or required.by this. Ordi- Quorum.
nance to be done by.the Board, and all questions that may come
before the Board, shall be done and decided by the majority of
votes: ,
Provided that the Board shall not be competent to.act in any
case unless there be present .at, and throughout the meeting four
members at least, of whom one shall be either the President or one
of the members appointed in writing by the President to preside.
5. The Presidnt or member presiding shall have an original casting vote.
vote in.common, \itli the other members, and also a casting vote,
if upon any, question the' votes shall be equal.

7'6un'li anzd .Country. Planning

No. 19

1946 35

Part III
f Planning 6. (1) If the Board, after consultation in the case of Freetown
Area. with the City Council, in the case of any town hereafter established
with the Council of such town, in the case of the Sherbro Judicial
District with the Sherbro Judicial District Board, and in the case
of other parts of the Colony with the Rural Areas Council, is of
the opinion that a scheme should be made for any area and makes
representations to that effect (such representations to be accom-
panied by a plan) to the Governor in Council, the Governor in
Council may by order declare that the area specified in such repre-
sentations shall be a Planning Area:
Provided that the Governor in Council shall have power before
approving to modify the area specified by the Board's representa-
tions by adding thereto or omitting therefrom any portion or
portions of land.
(2) Such order shall come into operation upon the day oi
its publication in the Gazette and shall cease to have effect if within
three years from such date no scheme in respect of the Planning
Area or any part thereof has been approved under the provisions
of section 17 of this Ordinance.
(3) A copy of the order shall also be posted at such places
within the Planning Area as the Board shall direct.
(4) When an area has been declared a Planning. Area under
the provisions of this section, the value of any building or land in
such area shall, for the purposes of determining the amount of
compensation or betterment payable under the provisions of this
Ordinance, be deemed to be the value of the building or land at
the date of such declaration.
(5) The Governor in Council may make rules prescribing
the manner in which compensation shall be assessed and such
rules may provide for the appointment by the Governor of Com-
mittees to advise the Board as to the compensation which should
be paid in planning areas, and the Board may either award
compensation in accordance with such advice or award such other
compensation as to the Board seems fit.
(6) (a) If the person to whom compensation is payable is
dissatisfied with any compensation awarded as aforesaid, the Board
or such person may apply to the Supreme Court to determine
the amount of compensation which should be paid.
Appeal. (b) Any final judgment in any such case as aforesaid shall
be subject to the like appeal to which other final judgments of the
Court are subject, including appeal to the WeAt African Court of
Appeal and to His Majesty's Privy Council where such appeal is
allowed by law.
Prohibition 7. (1) When an order declaring a Planning Area has been
of develop- published under section 6 of this Ordinance, no person shall within
pent. the Planning Area carry out any development of land or any
construction, demolition, alteration, extension, repair or renewal
of any building until a detailed scheme is approved under section
17 of this Ordinance for the area containing such land or building :


36 No. 19

Townrl and Cou~ntry Planning

Provided that the Board may grant to any person applying
in writing therefore, permission in writing, subject to such conditions
one of which may be that in respect thereof, no compensation
shall be payable, as it may deem necessary to impose, to develop
land or to construct, demolish, alter, extend, repair or renew a
particular building lying within the Planning Area and provided
further that no such permission shall be necessary in respect of
minor repairs the total cost or value of which does not exceed the
sum of ten pounds in any one year.
(2) Every person who otherwise than under a final scheme
proceeds with or does any work in a Planning Area without such
permission as aforesaid shall be liable, on summary conviction,
to a fine of ten pounds together with, in the case of a continuing
offence, a further fine of one pound for every day during which
the offence continues after conviction.
8. (1) When an order declaring a Planning Area in respect Vesting of
of an area lying wholly or partly within municipal area has been powers in
published under section 6 of this Ordinance-
(a) the powers to undertake any of the matters described
in the First Schedule to this Ordinance which are or may
be vested in the Town Council by virtue of the Ordinance
establishing the Town Council, shall, if the Governor
so directs, be transferred to and become vested in the
Board, and shall, subject to any exercise by the Board
of its powers under section 9 of this Ordinance, be
exercised and performed exclusively by the Board in
respect of the municipal area contained in the Planning
Provided that any power vested in the Town Council
to undertake road transport services or public utility
services within the municipal area shall remain vested in
the Town Council;
(b) the Board shall, subject to any exercise by the Board of
its powers under section 9 of this Ordinance, be empowered
exclusively to administer any regulations relating to town
planning and building operations made by the Town
(c) in respect of that part of the Planning Area which lies
wholly outside the municipal area, the powers and duties
relating to buildings, roads or open spaces, conferred or
imposed upon any person under any Ordinance shall
become vested in the Board and shall, subject to any
exercise by such Board of its powers under section 9 of
this Ordinance, be exercised exclusively by the Board.

(2) When an Order declaring a Planning Area in respect of
an area lying wholly outside a municipal area is published under
section 6 of this Ordinance, the powers and duties relating to
buildings, roads or open spaces, conferred or imposed upon any
person under any Ordinance, shall become vested in the Board
and shall, subject to any exercise by the Board of its powers under
section 9 of this Ordinance, be exercised and performed exclusively
by the Board.

No. 19

Townn and Counztry Planningz

1946 37

Power of 9. The Board may delegate to a Committee appointed under
Board to section 10 of this Ordinance or to any other person, all or any of
delegate the powers and duties conferred upon it by this Ordinance, and in
authority. so doing may impose upon the Committee or upon such person or
body of persons such conditions, exceptions and qualifications
in the exercise of any powers so delegated as to the Board may
seem fit :
Provided that nothing herein contained shall authorise the
Board to delegate the power to make regulations under section 33
of this Ordinance.
Appoint- 10. (1) When an order declaring a Planning Area has been
ment of published under section 6 of this Ordinance, the Board shall appoint
Planning a committee to be called the Planning Committee.
(2) The Planning Committee shall consist of not less than
five persons appointed by the Board for such period or periods as
the Board may determine :
.Provided that where the Planning Area lies wholly or in part'
within a municipal area, the Planning Committee shall include
among its members the Medical Officer of Health of the Town
Council concerned or if there is no such Medical Officer, then a
Medical Officer appointed by the Director of Medical Services,
the Town Engineer of such Council, or if there be no such Town
Engineer, the Provincial or Executive Engineer, and not less than
two members of such Council to be nominated by the Town Council.
(3) The chairman of any Planning Committee shall be
appointed by the Board from among the members of such
Committee and he or the member presiding at any meeting of the
Committee shall have an original vote in common with the other
members, and also a casting vote if upon any question the votes
shall be equal.
(4) All acts whatsoever authorised or required to be done
by the Planning Committee shall be done and decided by the
Majority of votes:
Provided that the Planning Committee shall not be competent
to act in any case unless there be present at and throughout the
meeting three members at least, of whom one shall be either the
chairman or one of the members appointed in writing by the
chairman to preside.
(5) Any member of a Planning Committee who has any
financial or other interest in any matter coming before the Com-
mittee for determination, or who is financially or otherwise personally
interested in any recommendation which the Committee may wish
to make to the Board, shall disclose such interest to the Committee
and if it is any matter on which a vote is to be taken by tue Com-
mittee, he shall not vote on such matter.
Duties and 11. (1) (a) The Planning Committee shall furnish to the Board
powers of such particulars and information as the Board may require with
Committee. regard to the present and future planning needs and the probable
direction and nature of the development of its area.
(b) The Committee shall keep proper minutes of all 'its-
meetings, and on confirmation by the Committee, copies of suci
minutes shall be sent to the Board.

38 No. 19

Town and Counttry Planzning


No. 19 Town and Country Planning 1946 39

(2) The Planning Committee shall exercise such of he powers
of the Board as may be delegated to it under the provisions of
section 9 of this Ordinance.

Part IV
12. (1) (a) Every Planning Committee shall, at the request Planning
of the Board submit to the Board within such time as may be committee
prescribed by the Board, an outline planning scheme in respect of prepare ou t
all lands within the Planning Area, with the general object of line schemes.
securing proper conditions, of health, sanitation and communication
and amenity and convenience in connection with the laying out
and use of the land.
(b) Any outline scheme submitted by a Planning Committee
may be adopted by the Board with or without such modifications
or alterations as to the Board seems fit.
(2) Without prejudice to the powers of the Planning Com-
mittee under this Ordinance, every scheme to which this section
applies shall make provision for all or any of the following matters,
as may be prescribed by the Board :-
(a) construction, diversion or alteration of streets, main
roads and communications and general building lines;
(b) drainage, including sewage;
(c) water supply;
(d) the limitation of zones within which special trades
and industries may be carried on or which are reserved
exclusively for residential or other purposes;
(e) the imposition of conditions and restrictions in regard
to the open space to be maintained about buildings
and the particular height and character of buildings
to be allowed in specified areas.
(3) If a Planning Committee fails or neglects to submit
within the time prescribed such outline planning scheme as afore-
said, the Board may prepare an outline scheme and such scheme
shall for all the purposes of this Ordinance be deemed to be an
outline planning scheme prepared by the Planning Committee.

(4) An outline planning scheme shall in all cases be
accompanied by a plan or plans of the area.
(5) Any law relating to development, road construction
or building operations inconsistent with the provisions of a scheme
the application of which would tend to hinder the carrying out
of the scheme shall not apply to the area to which the scheme

13. (1) (a) When an outline scheme has been prepared Power of
the Planning Committee may at any time prepare for submission Planning
to .the Board a detailed planning scheme with reference to any committee
.land within the planning area, or may adopt with or without dop de-or
modifications for submission to the Board, any -lanning scheme tailed plan
proposed by all or any of the owners of such land. ning scheme

Provided that if no such scheme as aforesaid is submitted
and the Board is satisfied that a detailed planning scheme ought to
be made by the Planning Committee as regards any land within the
planning area, the Board may require the Planning Committee to
prepare and submit a detailed planning scheme within such time
as the Board shall prescribe.
(b) Any detailed scheme submitted by a Planning Com-
mittee may be adopted by the Board with or without such
modifications or alterations as to the Board seems fit.
(2) A detailed planning scheme shall in all cases be accom-
panied by a plan or plans of the area.
(3) If the Planning Committee fails to submit a detailed
planning scheme within the time prescribed by the Board, the
Board may prepare a detailed scheme and such scheme shall,
for all purposes of this Ordinance, be deemed to be a detailed
planning scheme prepared by the Planning Committee.
(4) A planning scheme prepared or adopted under this
section shall deal with the matters prescribed in section 12 (2)
and, in addition, may make provision for any of the matters
mentioned in the First Schedule to this Ordinance.
(5) A detailed planning scheme may provide for the
re-distribution of lands or for the readjustment of the boundaries
and areas of such lands.
(6) Any law relating to development, road construction,
or building operations inconsistent with the provisions of a scheme
the application of which would tend to hinder the carrying out
of the scheme shall not apply to the area to which the scheme
Obligation to 14. (1) The Board may, for any purpose arising in relation to
give informa- the making, enforcement or carrying out of a scheme, by notice in
tion to
Board. writing require the owner of any land or building in the area to
which such scheme relates or is intended to relate, to state in writing
and deliver or forward by registered post to the Board within
thirty days of the date of the notice, particulars of his estate,
interest in cr right over or in respect of, such land or building,
and the name and address, and the estate, interest or right (so far
as they are known to him) of every person who to his knowledge
has any estate or interest in or right over or in respect of such land
or building.
(2) Every person required to make and deliver or forward a
statement under this section who shall wilfully make and deliver
or forward any false statement, or fail without reasonable cause or
refuse to make and deliver or forward a statement, shall be liable, on
summary conviction, to a fine of twenty-five pounds.
Powers of 15. (1) The Board may at any time cause the whole or any
entry, ex- part of any land to be entered upon, examined and surveyed and
anunation the circumstances and requirements thereof to be investigated for
for prepara- the purpose of deciding whether or not a scheme should be made in
tion of respect of any such land or any part thereof and of making such
scheme, scheme if decided upon,

40 No. 19

Town and Country Planning


S(2) Any person authorised in that behalf in writing by the
Board may, for the purpose of any entry, examination, survey or
investigation which the Board is authorised by.this section to cause
to be made, and on production of such written authority, enter and
there do anything which such person shall reasonably consider to be
necessary for the said purpose.
16. (1) When a scheme has been framed or adopted it shall Deposit of
be deposited in such place as the Board shall decide, scheme and
notice of
(2) Notice of such deposit and of the period in which any deposit.
person may inspect and make representations respecting the
scheme shall be published by the Board in the Gazette and in
local papers circulating in the Colony, and by exhibiting
public notices in such other places in the Colony, as the Board may
(3) Any person may within two months of the date of the
notice of such deposit inspect, and make representations to the
Board respecting the scheme, and upon the expiration of such
period the Board shall forthwith submit the scheme, together with
any such representations and any recommendations thereon by the
Board, for consideration by the Governor.

17. A scheme in respect of the whole or part of a Planning Scheme to be
Area shall not have effect unless and until it is approved by order of sval by the
the Governor, and before giving his approval the Governor may Governor.
make such modifications thereof as he thinks fit.
Provided that a scheme though approved may, subject to the
provisions of section 31 of this Ordinance, be modified or revoked.

18. When a scheme has been approved by the Governor in Deposit of
respect of the whole or part of a Planning Area, a copy" of it shall scheme.
be deposited for inspection in such place within the Planning Area
as the Board shall direct.
Part V
19. Where a scheme has been approved in respect of a Plan- Provision for
ning Area, the Board shall be the authority responsible for executing execution of
and enforcing the scheme. scheme.

.. (1) Subject to the provisions of this section the Board may Power to
at any' time- enforce and
carry into
(a) remove, pull down or alter, so as to bring into conformity effect any
with the provisions of thie scheme, any building'or scheme
other work which does'not conform to those provisions,
or the removal, demolition or alteration of which is
necessary for carrying the scheme into effect, or in the
erection or carrying out of which any provision of the
scheme has not been complied with;
(b) where any building or land is being used in such manner
as to contravene any provision of the schemes, prohibit
it from being so used;'

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'1946 41

(c) where any land has been, since the date when the order
declaring a Planning Area under section 6 of this Ordi-
nance has been published, put to any use which contravenes
any provision of the scheme, reinstate the land;
(d) execute any work which it is the duty of any person to
execute under the scheme in any case where delay in
the execution of the work has occurred and the efficient
operation of the scheme has been or is likely to be
thereby prejudiced.
(2) Before taking any action under this section the Board
shall serve a notice on the owner and on the occupier of the building
or land in respect of which the action is proposed to be taken and
on any other person who, in its opinion, may be affected thereby,
specifying the nature of and the grounds upon which it proposes to
take such action.
(3) The date stated in a notice served under this section as
the date on or after which the intended exercise of the power therein
mentioned is intended to be begun shall be not less than three
months when any building is affected, and in any other case not less
than one month after the date of service of such notice, and the
Board shall not do any act or thing in exercise of such power in
relation to the building or land mentioned in the notice before
such date.
(4) Every such person who uses any building or land in a
manner prohibited under this section shall, in addition to any civil
liability, be guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction,
to a fine of twenty-five pounds.
Powers of 21. Any person authorised in that behalf in writing by the
entry, etc., Board may, on production of such written authority, enter on any
for carrying ,
out a scheme, land in a Planning Area to which a scheme relates and there make
such inspection, survey, examination and investigation and there
carry out such work as may be necessary for the purposes of the
enforcement or carrying out of a scheme.
Penalty for 22. Every person who wilfully obstructs or interferes with
obstruction. any person in the lawful exercise of any power conferred by this
Ordinance shall be liable, on summary conviction, to a fine of
twenty-five pounds.
Penalty for 23. Any person who wilfully does any act which is a contra-
contraven- vention of a provision contained in a scheme or who wilfully fails
tion of a
scheme, to comply with a provision in a scheme shall be liable, on summary
conviction, to a fine of fifty pounds and in the case of a continuing
offence, to a further fine of five pounds for evpry day during which
the offence continues after conviction.
Acquisition 24. (1) The Board may acquire such land or buildings as
pf land. may be necessary of expedient for carrying into effect the provisions
of a scheme.
Warrant for (2) Where the Board is unable to purchase by ,agreement
acquisition any land or building required for carrying into effect the provisions
bujldingsan of a scheme, the Governor in Council, upon the application of the
Board and after consideration of any representation which may
be submitted by the owner, and after such enquiry as he may thinly

42 No. 19

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i 1946

proper, may declare that any land or building shall be acquired
for town or country planning purposes as the case may be and
the Governor may thereupon by warrant under his hand and the
public seal of the Colony direct that such land or building shall be
acquired for town or country planning purposes as the case may be.
Every such warrant may be in the Form A in the Second
Schedule hereto and shall be published in the Gazette.
(3) Whenever by any such warrant as in the immediately Notice to be
preceding subsection mentioned it is directed that any land or served on
building shall be acquired for town or country planning purposes trn en-
as the case may be the Board shall cause to be served personally interested.
on the person or persons entitled to sell or interested in any land
or building specified in such warrant, or if he or they cannot be
found shall cause to be left at his or their last usual place or places
of abode or business with some inmate thereof, to be given to
such person or persons, and in case no such person can be ascertained
or found, shall cause to be left with the' occupier of such land or
building or if there be no such occupier, shall cause to be fixed on
some conspicuous part of such land or building within fourteen
days from the date of such warrant, a notice, in the Form B in the
Second Schedule hereto, or as near thereto as possible.
(4) After the lapse of twenty-one days from the publication Power to
of any such warrant in the Gazette it shall be lawful for the Board enter and
take land
with all necessary workmen and other servants, to enter upon and
such land or building and also to set out, appropriate and take so buildings.
much of such land or building, as is specified in the said warrant.
(5) When the Board shall appropriate and take any land Land to be
or building as aforesaid, the Board shall cause a notice to be posted marked out.
in some conspicuous part of such land or on such building as the
case may be, and such notice shall be in the following words,
viz :-" Taken for Town Planning Purposes" or "Taken for
Country Planning Purposes as the case may be and shall be signed
by the President of the Board. Any land or building so appropriated
and taken shall thereupon vest in the Board, free from all other
interests, liens, rights, charges and encumbrances whatsoever.
(6) Within twenty-one days of any appropriation of any Plan and cer-
land as aforesaid, the Board shall cause a plan of the land so appro- tificateto be'
priated and taken together with a certificate under the hand registered.
of the President of the Board that the land has been appropriated
and taken for town or country planning purposes as the case may
be, to be registered in the office of the Registrar-General and the
registration of such plan and certificate shall be conclusive evidence
that such land has been appropriated for town or country planning
purposes as the case may be.
(7) The provisions of this Ordinance relating to compensa- Compensa-
tion shall apply to any land or building appropriated in accordance ion to be
with this section; cases in
(8) (a) If in any case in which, according to the provisions of which the
this Ordinance, the Board is authorised to enter upon and take owner
any land or building, and the owner or occupier of any such land refuses to
or building, or any other person, refuse to give up possession thereof, possession,
or hinder the Board, their workmen or servants from entering upon etc.

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1946 43

Town and Country Planning

or taking possession of the same, it shall be lawful for the Governor
to issue his warrant in the Form C in the Second Schedule hereto,
or as near thereto as possible, directed to the Sheriff, ordering him
to deliver possession of the same to the Board and upon receipt
of such warrant the Sheriff shall deliver possession of any such land
or building accordingly.
(b) The costs accruing by reason of the execution of such
warrant, to be taxed by the Master of the Supreme Court in
accordance with the Rules of the Supreme Court subject to review
by the Chief Justice, shall be paid by the person refusing to give
possession .or hindering the Board, their workmen or servants
as aforesaid; and the amount of such costs shall be deducted
and retained by the Governor from the compensation, if any,
then payable by him to such person, and if no compensation be
payable to such person, or if the same be less than the amount of
such costs, then such costs or the excess thereof beyond such
compensation, if not paid on demand, shall be levied by distress,
and upon application to a magistrate for that purpose he shall
issue his warrant accordingly.
Provided that no costs shall be taxed under this section
unless due notice has been given to the owner or occupier or any
other person who has refused to give up possession to the Board,
or who has in any way hindered the Board, their workmen or
servants from taking possession or entering upon any land or
Land etc. to (9) Subject to the provisions of the immediately succeed-
be used for ing subsection all lands and buildings acquired under this section
Town Plan- for carrying into effect the provisions of a scheme shall. be used
urposes, only for or in connection with, the scheme for which they were so
Provided that nothing in this subsection contained shall be
taken to preclude the Board, in furtherance of any scheme, from
selling or otherwise disposing of any land acquired.
Power to sell. (10) When any scheme is revoked or abandoned, it shall
be lawful for the Board to sell or otherwise dispose of any land or
building acquired under this Ordinance, provided that the Board
shall, in the first place offer the land or building to the person
from whom it was acquired before selling it to any other person.

Part VI
Provisions as 25. Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, any person--
to compen-
sation for (a) whose property is injuriously affected by the coming
injurious into operation of any provision contained in a scheme
etc. onor by the execution of any work under a scheme, or
(b) who for the purpose of complying with any provision
contained in a scheme or in making or resisting a claim
under the provisions of this Ordinance relating to com-
pensation and betterment, has incurred expenditure
which is rendered abortive by a subsequent revocation
or modification of the scheme,

44 No. 19


No. 19 Town and Country Planning 1946 45

shall, if he makes a claim within the time limited for the purpose
by this Ordinance, be entitled to recover as compensation from the
Board the amount by which his property is decreased in value, or,
so far as it was reasonably incurred, the amount of the abortive
expenditure, as the case may be.

26. (1) No compensation shall be payable in respect of the Nocompen-
prohibition imposed by subsection (1) of section 7 of this satonin
Ordinance upon development of land or construction, demolition, classesof
alteration, extension, repair or renewal of buildings. cases.
(2) No compensation shall be payable in respect of any
building the erection of which was begun after the date of the
publication of the order declaring a Planning Area under section 6
of this Ordinance, unless such erection was begun under and
erected in accordance with the permission of the Board.
(3) No compensation shall be payable in respect of any of
the following provisions in a scheme, namely, any provision which-
(a) prescribes the location of buildings, the extent of the
yards, gardens and curtilage of buildings;
(b) imposes any health conditions in connection with
(c) limits the number of buildings or the number of buildings
of a specified class which may be constructed, erected
on or made in or under any area;
(d) prohibits or regulates the sub-division of land;
(e) regulates or empowers the Board to regulate the size,
height, spacing, design, colour and materials of buildings;
(f) controls, restricts or prohibits the objects which may be
affixed to buildings;
(g) prohibits or restricts building operations permanently
on the ground that by reason of the situation or nature
of the land the erection of buildings thereon would be
likely to involve danger or injury to health or excessive
expenditure of public money in the provision of roads,
sewers, water supply or other public services;
(h) prohibits (otherwise than by way of prohibition of building
operations) the use of land for a purpose likely to involve
danger or injury to health, or detriment to the neighbour-
hood, or restricts (otherwise than by way of restriction
of building operations) the use of land so far as may be
necessary for preventing such danger, injury or detriment;
(j) restricts the purposes for and the manner in which land
or buildings may be used or occupied, or res rves or
r allocates any particular land or all land in any particular
area for buildings of a specified class or classes or to be
used for a specified purpose ;
(k) in the interests of safety, regulates, or empowers the
Board to regulate the height and position of proposed
walls, fences or hedges near the corners or bends of
roads or at a railway level-crossing;

(1) limits the number or prescribes the sites of new roads
entering a road or the site of a proposed road;
(m) fixes in relation to any road or intended road a line
beyond which no building in that road or intended road
may project unless, within a period of two years
immediately preceding the publication of an Order under
section 6 of this Ordinance declaring the Planning Area
within which the scheme lies, the land was or formed
the site of a building;
(n) in the case of the erection of any building intended
to be used for purposes of business or industry, requires
the provision of accommodation for parking, loading,
unloading or fuelling vehicles, with a view to preventing
obstruction of traffic on any road;
(o) prohibits, restricts or controls, either generally or in
particular places, the exhibition, whether on the ground,
on any building or any temporary erection, or on any
vehicle, boat, aircraft or other movable object (whether
on land or on or in water or in the air), of all or any
particular forms of advertisements or other public
notices; or
(p) prevents, remedies or removes injury to amenities
arising from the ruinous or neglected condition of any
building or by the objectionable or neglected condition
of any land attached to a building or abutting on a road
or situate in a residential area.
(4) Where any provision of a scheme is revoked or modified
by a later scheme, no compensation shall be payable in respect of
any property on the ground that it has been injuriously affected
by any provision contained in the later scheme if and in so far as
that later provision is the same, or substantially the same, as the
earlier provision so revoked or modified; but if at the date when
the revocation or modification of that earlier provision becomes
(a) there is still outstanding any claim for compensation
duly made thereunder ; or
(b) the time originally limited for making such a claim has
not expired,
any such outstanding claim and any such claim made within the
time so limited shall be entertained and determined, and may be
enforced, in the same manner in all respects as if all the provisions
of the earlier scheme had continued in operation, unless the claim
is in respect of a restriction removed by the later scheme.
(5) Nothing contained in subsection (3) of this section
shall preclude an owner from claiming compensation for loss or,
injury arising from-
(a) being prevented by the operation of a scheme from
maintaining a building which was in existence on the
date of the publication of an order declaring a Planning


46 No. 19

Town and Country Planning

Area under section 6 of this Ordinance or from continuing
to use any such building for the purpose for which it
was used on such date; or
(b) where a permanent building which was in existence at
the time within two years immediately before the date of
the publication of an order declaring a Planning Area
under section 6 of this Ordinance has been demolished
or been destroyed by fire or otherwise, being prevented
by the operation of a detailed scheme from erecting on
the site of such demolished or destroyed building a new
building which substantially replaces such demolished
or destroyed building or from using such new building
for the purpose for which such demolished or destroyed
building was last used.
27. (1) A claim for compensation shall be made by serving Making of,
upon the Board a notice in writing stating the grounds of the claim claims for
and the amount claimed. ompensa
(2) Subject to the provisions of subsection (3) of this section,
no claim for compensation shall be entertained unless the written
notice has been served on the Board within six months after
the date on which the provision giving rise to the claim came into
operation or within such longer period as may be specified in the
scheme or, in respect of expenditure rendered abortive by the revoca-
tion or modification of a scheme, within six months after the
date on which the revocation or modification of the scheme
became operative.
Provided that on cause being shown to the satisfaction of the
Board, the period of six months herein before referred to may be
extended, but only to the extent that the time in which notice may
be given shall not exceed twelve months from the dates in this
subsection specified.
(3) Where it is alleged that property has been injuriously
affected by the execution of any work, the period within which a
claim in respect of that injurious affection may be made, shall be a
period of one year after completion of the work.

28, (1) Where by the coming into operation of any provision Recovery of
contained in a scheme, or by the execution of any work under a betterment
from owneTS
scheme, any property within the area to which the scheme applies of property
is increased in value, the Board, if it makes a claim for the purpose increased
within two years after the date -n which the provision came into in value.
operation, or within two years aft 'r the completion of the work, as
the case may be, shall be entitled t recover from any person whose
property is so increased in value 75 per cent of the amount of that
(2) A claim in respect of an increase in the value of any
property shafl be made by serving upon the person from whom the
amount alleged to be payable is claimed a notice in writing stating
the grounds of the claim and the amount claimed.
(3) Any sum recoverable under this section may be set off
ggapist' any claim to cqnopensation.

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1946 47"'

48 No. 19 Town and Country Planning 1946

(4) Where any provision of a scheme is revoked or modified
by a later scheme, no property shall be deemed to be increased in
value by any provision contained in the later scheme if and in so
far as that provision is the same, or substantially the same, as a
provision contained in the scheme so revoked or modified :
Provided that, if at the date when the revocation or modifica-
tion of such scheme becomes operative, there is still outstanding
any claim in respect of an increase in the value of any property
duly made thereunder, or the time originally limited for making
such a claim has not expired, any such outstanding claim, and any
such claim within the time so limited, shall be entertained and
determined and may be enforced in the like manner in all respects
as if all the provisions of the earlier scheme had continued in
Determina- 29. (1) Any dispute arising under this Ordinance as to-
tion of
claims and (a) the right of a claimant to recover compensation, or
recovery of
amounts due. (b) the right of the Board to recover betterment,
shall, upon application of any party concerned, be heard and
determined by the Supreme Court.
(c) Any final judgment in any such case as aforesaid shall
be subject to the like appeal to which other final judgments of the
Court are subject, including appeal to the West African Court of
Appeal and to His Majesty's Privy Council where such appeal is
allowed by law.
Moneys re- (2) Any dispute referred to the Court under the provisions
ceived by of subsection (1) of this section shall be by way of a suit by or
and expenses against the Board.
incurred by
Board. 30. (1) All such sums received by the Board in respect of
betterment or otherwise shall, unless the Governor otherwise
directs, be paid into the general revenue of Sierra Leone.
(2) All expenses incurred by the Board in the discharge of
its functions and all amounts due by it under this Ordinance shall,
unless the Governor otherwise directs, be defrayed from the gpneFra
revenue of Sierra Leone.

Part VII
Revocation 31. (1) The Board may at any time apply to the Gqvernor
ormodifica- for the revocation or modification of a scheme which has been
tone at approved under section 17 of this Ordinance on any of'the folJowing
scheme at m"nce on a i *
request of grounds :-
Board. (a) on account of the amount of the compensation which
has been awarded or is likely to be awarded n 'respect
of provisions contained in the scheme
(b) on account of practical difficulties in the execution or
enforcement of the scheme';
(c) on account of events which have occurred since thq
.ak ig of the schem e. .. .... ...

(2) When an application has been made under subsection (1)
of this section, the Governor may either revoke or modify such
scheme or refuse the application.
(3) When the Governor modifies or revokes such scheme,
the Board shall, within one month of the date of such modification
or revocation, give notice thereof to the owner of any property
affected, and thereupon any compensation already agreed upon
or awarded by the Supreme Court or the Court of appeal as the
case may be shall be discharged, but without prejudice to the right
of the owner to make a further claim for compensation in respect
of a later scheme, but subject nevertheless to the provisions of
subsection (3) of section 26 of this Ordinance.

32. (1) Any notice, summons, writ or other proceeding at Service of
law or otherwise required to be served on the Board for any of the notices, etc.
purposes of this Ordinance may be served by deliverir:g it to the
President of the Board, or by sending it by post in a registered
letter addressed to the President at the office of the Board.
(2) Subject to the provisions of subsection (1) of this section
any notice, order or other document required or authorised to be
served under this Ordinance may be served either-
(a) by delivering it to the person on whom it is to be served;
(b) by leaving it at the usual or last known place of abode
of that person;
(c) by sending it by post in a registered letter addressed to
that person at his usual or last known place of abode;
(d) in the case of a company or body incorporated in the
Colony, by delivering it to the secretary of the company
or body at its registered or principal office or sending
it by post in a registered letter addressed to the company
or body at such office ;
(e) in the case of a company or body incorporated outside
the Colony, by delivering it to the individual resident
in the Colony in charge of the operations of the company
or body in the Colony or sending it by post in a registered
letter addressed to such individual at the principal
office of the company or body in the Colony; or
(f) in the case of a partnership by delivering it to one of
the partners at the principal place of business of the
partnership, or to any person having at the time of
service the control or management of the partnership
business at such place, or by sending it by post in a
registered letter addressed to one or more of the partners,
or to the person having the management and control
of the partnership, at the principal place of business of
the partnership;
(g) if it is not practicable after reasonable enquiry to ascertain
the name or address of any person on whom it should be
served, by addressing it to him by the description of
owner or "lessee or occupier" pf the premises

1946 49

No. 19

Towen and Counltry Planning

(naming them) to which it relates, and by delivering it
to some person on the premises or, if there is no person
on the premises to whom it can be delivered, by affixing
it, or a copy of it, to some conspicuous part of the premises.
Power of 33. (1) It shall be lawful for the Board to make regulations
Board to witl respect to any or all of the following matters :-
regulations. (a) the determination and adjustments of the limits of plots
or estates within planning areas ;
(b) the procedure generally in connection with the Board
and schemes, and in particular (but not so as to exclude
others) with respect to the following matters :-
(i) the submission of claims for compensation; and
(ii) permission to develop an area and to carry cut
building operations between the date of the
publication of an order declaring a Planning Area
under section 6 of this Ordinance and the coming
into operation of the scheme for that area ;
(c) the preparation, deposit, publication and submission of
(d) the grant and exercise of all necessary powers in connec-
tion with schemes and with the preparation of schemes;
(e) the further, better or more convenient effectuation of
the provisions and purposes of schemes or of any particu-
lar scheme ;
(f) the modification and revocation of schemes ;
(g) for obtaining without charge information which may be
required for the purposes of or in connection with the
preparation or making or carrying into effect of schemes
by inspection of or obtaining copies from Assessment
Rolls, Valuation Rolls, Rate Books and other similar
documents and to search without the payment of any fees,
the registers and documents in the custody of the
(2) Such regulations may impose a fine not exceeding
twenty-five pounds or in default of payment imprisonment not
exceeding two months for the breach of any such regulations,
and in the case of a continuing offence, a further penalty not exceed-
ing one pound for each day after written notice of the offence has
been served on the offender.
(3) Regulations made under subsection (1) of this section
shall be subject to the approval of the Governor in Council; who
before approving, may amend or alter them.
(4) All regulations made under subsection (1) of this section
shall, after approval by the Governor in Council be published in
the Gazette and shall thereupon have the same force and effect as if
they had been enacted in this Ordinance, either immediately
or on and from such later date as may therein or in their regard
be provided.


50 No. 19

Town and Country Planningg

No. 19 Town and Country Planning 1946 51


1. Providing for the reservation of land for roads, the con-
struction of new roads, improvement of existing roads, establish-
ment of public rights of way.
2. Providing for the closing or diversion of existing roads and
public and private rights of way and traces.
3. Restricting and controlling the construction of new roads
and the alteration of existing roads whether by the Board or owners.
4. Regulating the line, width, level, construction and general
dimensions and character of roads whether new or existing.
5. Enabling the Board to require an owner of land as a con-
dition of his developing such land in any manner-
(a) to reserve land for such roads as it may think necessary;
(b) contribute to the cost of the construction of new roads or
the improvement of existing roads by the Board.
6. Providing for and generally regulating the construction
or execution whether by the Board, or by owners, of works incidental
to the making or improvement of any road including the erection
of shelters, provision of seats, planting or protecting of grass, trees
and shrubs on or adjoining such road.

1. Regulating and controlling, either generally or in particular
areas, all or any of the following matters :-
(a) the size, height, spacing and building line of buildings;
(b) the objects which may be affixed to buildings;
(c) the location of buildings, the extent of yards, gardens
and curtilage of buildings;
(d) the purposes for and the manner in which buildings may
be used or occupied including in the case of dwelling-
houses, the letting thereof in separate tenements ;
(e) the prohibition of building operations on any land,
or regulating such operations.
2. Regulating and controlling or enabling the Board to regulate
and control the design, external colour and materials of buildings
and fences.
3. Reserving or allocating any particular land or all land in
any particular area for buildings of a specified class or classes,
or prohibiting or restricting, either permanently or temporarily,
the making of any buildings or any particular class or classes or
buildings on any specified land.
4. Reserving or allocating any particular land or all land
in any particular area for the purpose of any industrial or trade
purpose or for any specified undertaking.
5. Limiting the number of buildings or the number of build-
ings of a specified class which may be constructed, erected or made
on, in or under any area.

6. Providing for the removal, demolition or alteration of
buildings or works which are inconsistent with or obstruct the
operation of a scheme.
7. Providing for the reservation of sites for places of religious
worship, schools and public. buildings and for places required for
public services.
8. Providing for health conditions.
9. Providing for the reservation of sites for housing schemes.
10. Providing for slum clearance in specified areas.

1. Providing for the reservation of lands as open spaces,
whether public or private, and for burial grounds.
2. Providing for the preservation of views and prospects
and of the amenities of places and features of natural beauty or
3. Providing for the reservation of buildings and objects of
artistic, architectural, archaeological or historical interest.
4. Providing for the preservation or protection of forests,
woods, trees, shrubs, plants and flowers.
5. Prohibiting, restricting or controlling either generally
or in particular places, the exhibition, whether on the ground,
on any building or any temporary erection, on any vehicle, boat,
aircraft or other movable object, whether on land, or on or in water
or in the air, of all or any particular forms of advertisement or
other public notices.
6. Preventing, remedying or removing injury to amenities
arising from the ruinous or neglected condition of any building
or fence, or by the objectionable or neglected condition of any
land attached to a building or fence or abutting on a road or situate
in a Planning Area.
7. The prohibition, regulation and control of the deposit
or disposal of waste materials and refuse.

Facilitating the construction of works in relation to lighting,
water supply, sewerage, drainage, sewage disposal and refuse disposal
or other public utility services.

1. Facilitating the establishment, extension or improvement
of systems of transport whether by land, water or air.
2. Allocating sites for use in relation to transport and providing
for the reservation of land for that purpose.
3. Providing for the establishment, extension and improve-
ment of telegraphic, telephonic or wireless communication, allo-
cating sites for use in relation to such communication and providing
for the reservation of land for that purpose.


52 No. 19

'Towzen anzd Counztry Plaim~ing

1. Declaring the persons by whom and the manner in which
the cost of the execution of works (whether of construction, demoli-
tion, removal or alteration) in pursuance of the scheme are to be

2. Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, declaring the
notices to be served for the purposes of the scheme by the Board
and the persons on whom, the manner in which and the times at
or within which such notices are to be served.

3. Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, declaring the
manner in which and the times at or within which notice for the
purposes of the scheme may be served on the Board by other persons.

4. Providing for and regulating the making of agreements for
the purpose of a scheme by the Board with owners and other persons
and by such persons with one another.

5. Dealing with the use or disposal of land acquired under
the provisions of this Ordinance.

6. Prohibiting the sub-division of land until a plan showing
the sub-division and proposed access to the land has been approved.

7. Making any provisions necessary for-
(a) adjusting and altering the boundaries and areas of any
lands, roads, rights of way or traces;

(b) effecting such exchanges of land or cancellation of
existing sub-divisions as may be necessary or con-
venient for the purposes aforesaid.

8. Providing for and regulating the construction, alteration,.
removal and use of railways, pipe lines, telegraph and telephone
lines, electric current transmission lines, drainage or irrigation
channels, aerial cable ways and their ancillary structures.

9. Preventing the pollution of streams, water courses, rivers,
wells, lagoons and harbours.

10. Works ancillary to or consequent on a scheme.

11. Any other matter (not hereinbefore mentioned) necessary
or incidental to a scheme or its administration.

The mention of particular matters in this Schedule shall not
be held to prejudice or affect the generality of any other matter.

Town and Country Planning

1946 53


Sec. 24 (2)


By His Excellency,

WHEREAS on the day of 19 the
Governor in Council declared that the land [and/or buildings]
hereinafter described, that is to say (insert description of land
[and/or buildings]), should be acquired for Town Planning purposes:
Now, therefore, I do hereby, under the provisions of the Town
and Country Planning Ordinance 1946, by this my warrant under
my hand and the Public Seal of the Colony, direct that the said
land [and/or buildings] shall be acquired for Town Planning purposes.

Dated this

day of

By Command,

Colonial Secretary.

Sec. 24 (3)

Notice is hereby given that the following land [and/or buildings]
(describe land [and/cr buildings] denoting the boundaries of the land
by physical marks wherever practicable) is [are] to be acquired
for Town Planning purposes.
Any person claiming to be possessed of, or to have any right
title or interest in, the said land [and/or buildings] or to be
injuriously affected by any such acquisition, is required, on or
before the day of (twenty-one days after the date of publication
of warrant in the Gazette), to forward to the Board a statement of
his right or interest, and the evidence thereof, and of any claim
made by him in respect of the value of such land [and/or buildings]
or of his interest therein.

Dated this

day of

Town and Country Planning Board.


54 No. 19

Town and Country Planning

Town and Country Planning

Sec. 24 (8)
WHEREAS by a warrant dated the day of
19 under the hand of the Governor and the Public Seal of the
Colony, it was directed that the following land [and/or buildings]
(described land [and/or buildings]) should be acquired for Town
Planning purposes.
AND WHEREAS twenty-one days have elapsed since the publica-
tion of the said warrant in the Gazette.
These are therefore to command you to put the Board or any
person authorized by them in that behalf, in possession of the
said land [and/or buildings].
Dated the day of 19
By Command,

Colonial Secretary.

Passed in the Legislative Council this 21st day of May, in the year of Our
Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-six.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the
Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and
correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P. 0876/25.

No. 19

1946 55