Table of Contents
 Orders in council
 Governor's orders
 Magistrate's orders


Legislation of Sierra Leone
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00072648/00009
 Material Information
Title: Legislation of Sierra Leone
Uniform Title: Laws, etc. (Legislation of Sierra Leone)
Alternate Title: Supplement to the laws with an index of legislation in force
Spine title: Sierra Leone ordinances
Cover title: Ordinances of the colony of Sierra Leone
Legislation of the colony of Sierra Leone
Physical Description: v. : ; 25 cm.
Language: English
Creator: Sierra Leone
Publisher: s.n.
Place of Publication: Freetown
Creation Date: 1934
Frequency: annual
Subjects / Keywords: Session laws -- Sierra Leone   ( lcsh )
Genre: federal government publication   ( marcgt )
legislation   ( marcgt )
serial   ( sobekcm )
General Note: Title from cover, 19 -1921, 1929, 1931. Title from label on cover, 1922-28, 1932, 1934- .
General Note: Description based on: 1925.
General Note: Title varies slightly.
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: African Studies Collections in the Department of Special Collections and Area Studies, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: oclc - 41905680
lccn - 42043508
System ID: UF00072648:00009

Table of Contents
    Table of Contents
        Page i
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    Orders in council
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    Governor's orders
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    Magistrate's orders
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Full Text


SCHRONOLOGICAL INDEX to the Ordinances, Orders in Council,
Governor's Orders, Magistrate's Orders, Rules and Proclamations
of Sierra Leone, Imperial Statute and Orders of the King in
Council, etc., affecting Sierra Leone, enacted and made
during the year 1934.
((Note.-The titles of enactments which are no longer operative are printed in italics.)


Subject. DCoae n Remarks.
a 14

1 I Customs Tariff (Amendment)

Importation of Textiles (Quotas) 21

Wireless Telegraphy (Amendment) 26

Arms and Ammunition (Amend- 28

Undesirable Advertisements 30

Fangay Amendment) 32

Crown Lands Conservancy(Amend- 34

(1933) Supplementary Appropriation 36

Medical Practitioners, Dentists and 38
Druggists (Amendment)

10 April. 1934

16 June, 1934

23 June, 1934

1 January, 1934

23 June, 1934

23 June, 1934

23 June, 1934

23 June, 1934

23 June, 1934

Repeals sections 4
5 (1) (c) and
Second Schedule
of Ordinance
No. 1 of 1932;
amends sections
13, 15, 16, 17 (3),
the Third and
Fourth Sche-
dules, and also
repeals and le-
places the First

Amended by Or-
dinance No. 24
of 1934.

Repeals and re-
places section 5
(1) of Cap. 239.

Inserts new sec-
tion 29A in
Cap. 11.

Amends the long
title and sections
1. 5, 6 and 7 of
Cap. 67.

Repeals and re-
places sections 4
and 8 (2) of
Cap. 45.

Inserts new sec-
tions 13B and 13c
in Cap. 125 : also
repeals and re-
places section 14.


ii ORDINANCES-continued.

Subject. Commencement.

10 Protectorate (Amendment)

Light and Harbour Dues (Amend-

Freetown Municipality (Amend-

13 Fruit Export (Amendment)

14 (1935) Appropriation
15 W wireless Telegraphy (Amendment)
(No. 2)

16 Currency Notes (Repeal)

17 Protectorate Vagrancy

18 Stamp Duty (Amendment)

19 Frederick Albert Mathias Pension

20 Prisons (Amendment)

21 Public Health (Amendment)

40 9 December, 1933

23 June, 1934

46 23 June, 1934

50 23 June, 1934

1 January, 1935

7 December, 1934

7 December, 1934

7 December, 1934

7 December, 1934

14 September, 1934

7 December, 1934

7 December, 1934

Repeals and re-
places sections
5 (2) and 34 of
Ordinance No. 32
of 1933 ; inserts
new Part 11A
and section 33A ;
also amends sec-
tion 52 (2) and
the Fourth and
Fifth Schedules

Amends section 2
of Cap. 109 ; also
repeals sections
12 and 13 and the
Schedule there-
Amends sections 8
(2), 21 (4), 53, 59,
63 (2) (b) and 163
of Ordinance
No. 38 of 1927;
also repeals and
replaces sections
9 (3), 67, 69 (4)
(a), 165 and 168.

Amends sections 2,
3, 4 and 10 of
Ordinance No. 25
of 1933; also
inserts new sec-
tion 3A therein.


Amends sections 1,
4 and 5 of
Cap. 239.

Repeals Cap. 46.

Adds new section
14A to Cap. 199.

Amends section 11
(1) and inserts
new section 30A
in Cap. 162.
Amends section 19
and inserts new
section 19A in
Cap. 171 ; also
amends clause 2
of the Public
Health (Swine)
Order in Council


ORDINANCES-continued. iii


Sierra Leone Royal Naval Volun-
teer Reserve Force

Non-Native Poll Tax (Amendment)

Importation of

Textiles (Quotas)

Court Messengers (Amendment)

Roger Ernest Page Pension

Customs (Amendment)

28 1 Pawnbrokers

Royal West African Frontier Force

Employers and Employed

Criminal Proce.lure (Amendment)

Date of

To come into
operation on
such date as the
Governor by
notice in the
Gazette shall

1 January, 1935

77 16 June, 1934

79 7 December, 1934

81 12 October, 1934

83 7 December, 1934

85 1 January, 1935

107 7 December, 1934

109 1 January, 1935

156 7 December, 1934


Amends tempo-
rarily sections
3 (1) and 4 of
Ordinance No. 28
of 1931.

Amends section 1
of Ordinance
No. 2 of 1934.

Repeals and re-
places section 4
(2) of Ordinance
No. 13 of 1931;
amends section
27 (1) and inserts
new section 6A

Repeals and re-
places section
223 of Cap. 49;
also repeals sec-
tion 224,

Makes minor
amendments of
Cap. 189, Ordin-
ance No. 38 of
1927 and the
Sherbro Judicial
District Rules,

Repeals and re-
places section 53
of Cap, 235.

Repeals Caps. 9,
120 and 133.

Repeals and re-
places section 11
(iii) of. Ordin-
ance No. 38 of

I _- '--I-- ---~--~--



Protectorate (Administrative
sions) (Amendment)


2 I'Public Hloliday (Empire Day) 159
3 Public Health (Infectious'Diseases) 160

Brima Nomo Banishment

Fodi Kabineh Banishment

Momo Kaneh Banishmcnt

Brimah Kraji Banishment

Ibrahim Fogbawa Banishment

Control of Rice (Revocation)



(Transit Sheds) (Amend-

12 Pensionable Offices

13 HItuse Ta.r (Extension of Time)

14 Customs Tariff (Amendment)

Manufactured Gold (Export Pro-

Freetown Municipal Council
(Arrears of Rates)

Prisons (Batkanu)

Protectorate Health Areas (Amend-

Freetown Cattle Market

Freetown Municipal
(Arrears of Payments)


Date of
Commence iment,

1 February, 1934

1 March, 1934

8 March, 1934

1 March, 1934

1 March. 1934

1 March, 1934

1 March, 1934

1 March, 1934

8 March, 193-4

172 26 April, 1934

173 26 April, 1934

3 May, 1934

182 3 Ma,, 1934

184 14 June, 1.)34


23 June, 1934

5 July, 1934

192 23 August, 1934

193 20 September, 1934

194 18 October, 1934

195 8 November, 1934


Amends Schedule
B to Order in
Council No. 21
of 193U.

Extends section
43 of Cap. 171 to
human rabies.

Revokes Order in
Council No. 14
of 1933.

Amends Schedule
to the Customs
(Transit Sheds)
Order in Coun-
cil, 1924.

Revokes and re-
places Order in
Council No. 24
of 1929.

Revokes and re-
places Order in
Council No. 20
of 1933.


Amends First
Schedule to
Ordinance No. 1
of 1932.

Amends First
,' Order in Council
No. 20 of 1931.







- I I-




1 Fruit Export

2 Official Oaths

3 Pensions (European Officers)
(Voluntary Retirement)

4 European Reserve Force

5 Bush Fire Prevention (Protective
Belts) (Protectorate) (Amend-

6 Fugitive Criminals


7 Pensions (European Olticers)
(Voluntary Retirement) (No. 2)


Date of Remarks.
Commencem t Remarks.

1 February, 1934

1 February, 1931

1 February, 19:3 Adds officer to
Schedule to
Ordinance No. 4
of 1933.

22 February, 1934

17 May, 1934 Amends Schedule
to Order No. 11
of 1932.

13 September, 1934 Amends clause 2
of the Fugitive
Criminals Sur-
render Order,
15 Nove'ubr, 1'934 Addition to Sche-

dule to Ordin-
ance No. 4 of


Subject. )ate o Remrks.

1 Dogs (Prevention of II/rfrop;hobia 213 25 February, 1934 Revoked by Ma-
(Rabies)) gistrato's Order
No. 2 of 1934.

2 Dogs Prevention of Hydrophobia 215 25 August, 1934 Revokes Magis-
(Rabies) ) Revocation) trate's Order
No. 1 of 1931.



Railway (Coaching Tariff) (Amend-

Customs Tariff (Amendment)

Fruit Export

General Mineials (Amendment)

Railway (Goods Tariff) (Amend-

Pensions (European

Ollicers) 229

Animals Diseases (Control of Dogs) 231

Importation of Textiles (Quotas) 233

Animals Diseases (Control of Dogs) 234

bo Date of

217 8 February, 1934

218 8 February, 1934

224 1 June, 1934

226 26( April, 1934

227 24 May, 1934

7 June, 193-1

11 June, 1934

23 August, 1934

25 August, 1931


Inserts new rule
33A in Railway
(Coaching Tariff)
Rules, 1924.

Revokes and re-
places Rule 20 of
the Customs
Tariff Rules,
1932; inserts new
rules 21A, 21B,
21c, 211) and
Lists I and II
therein : also
revokes rules 3
and 4 of Rules
No. 22 of 1933.

Amends Second
Schedule to the
General Minerals
Rules, 1928 to

Revokes and re-
places rule 55
and amends Sche-
dule G to Rail-
way (Goods
Tariff) Rules,

Revokes and re-
places rule 19 of
the rules in the
First Schedule to
Cap. 146.

Revoked by Rules
No. 9 of 1931.

Re evokes Rules
No. 7 of 1934.

---- -~I- --s~--Y I -i-- -~--

RITLES-continued. vii
- -- -D'ite of


Supreme Court (Amendment)

Kroo Tribal

Date of

13 September, 1934

Administration 236 20 September, 1934

Animals Diseases (Control of Dogs)
(No. 2)
Matrimonial Causes

Supreme Court
Probate Fees

29 September, 1934

11 October, 1934

Non-contentious 2401 11 October, 1934

Road Traffic (Freetown Cattle)
Native Courts
British Nationality and Status of
Aliens (Fees) (Amendment)
Motor Traffic (Amendment)

General Minerals (Amendment)
(No. 2)

Pensions (European
(Amendment) (No 2)

Officers 256

Education (Colony) (Amendment)

Births and Dea
Circuit Court
Customs Tariff
(No. 2)

iths Registraion 259


18 October, 1934
25 October, 1934
31 October. 1934

253 1 January, 1935

254 22 November, 1934

6 December, 1934

6 December, 1934

6 December, 1934

6 December, 1934
1 January, 1935
31 December, 1934


Revokes and re-
places item 43
of Appendix M
of the Supreme
Court Rules,
Revokes rule 18
and adds new
rule 18 to Rules
No. 9 of 1933.

Amends Order
LIX rule 1, ana
Appendix M of
the Supreme
Court Rules,
Revokes Schedule
B to the Pro-
bates (British
and Colonial)
Rules, 1924.

Amends Schedule
to Cap. 20.
Amends Schedule
II to Rules
No. 32 of 1930.
Revokes and re-
places rule 5 of
the General
Minerals Rules,
1928 to 1930 ;
also revokes
Rules No. 23 of
Amends Rule 19
(3) of Rules in
Schedule I to
Cap. 146.
Amends Rules 61
and 62 of Rules
in Second Sche-
dule to Ordinance
No. 30 of 1929.
Amends Schedule
N of Cap. 16.

Revokes and re-
places List I to
the Customs
Tariff Rules,

26 Wireless Telegraphy (Licences)

1 January, 1935


West African Court of Appeal (Amendment) Rules, 1934............p, 315



Prevention of Hydrophobia

Importation of Textiles (Quotas)

Assumption of the administration of
the Colony by His Excellency
Thomas Nelson Goddard, M.B E.

Importation of Textiles (Quotas)

Assumption of the administration of
the Colony by His Excellency
Thomas Nelson Goddard, M.B.E.

Prorogation of Legislative Council
(Tenth Session)

Assumption of the administration of
the Colony by His Excellency
Hilary Rudolph Blood, C.M.G.

Assumption of the administration of
the Colony by His Excellency
Thomas Nelson Goddard, M.B.E.

Legislative Council (Date of com-
mencement of Eleventh Session)

Date of Remarks.

24th February, 1934 Spent.

16 June, 1934 Spent.

27 June, 1934 Spent.

322 1 January, 1935

323 20 October, 1934

325 25 October, 1934

326 27 October, 1934

328 2 November, 1934

330 8 November, 1934








British Nationality and Status of
Aliens Act, 1933

Foreign Marriages (Amendment)
Order in Council, 1933

West African (Appeal to Privy
Council) (Amendment) Order in
Council, 1934

West African Court of Appeal
(Further Amendment) Order in
Council, 1934

British Protected Persons Order,

60 Date of
S Commencement.

331 17 November, 1933

333 9 October, 1933

335 1 April, 1934

336 1 April, 1934

338 14 May, 1934


Repeals and re-
places section 10
of 4 and 5 Geo.
5c. 17.
Revokes and re-
places article 10
of the Foreign
Marriages Orders
in Council, 1913
and 1925.

Amends West
African Court
of Appeal Order
in Council, 1928.

No. 1 Customs Tariff (Amendment). 1934

No. 1 of 1934.

SIn His Majesty's name I assent
to this Ordinance this tenth
day of April, 1934.

Governol 's Deputy.

An Ordinance to Amend the Customs Tariff Ordinance
No. 1 of
Ordinance, 1932. 19l.

[I0Oth April, 1934.] Date of com-
mencemen t.
BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Concil thereof, as
follows :-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Customs Tariff Short title
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1934, and shall come into operation on and com-
the tenth day of April, 1934. mencement.
RepeaLt of
2. Section 4 of the Customs Tariff Ordinance, 1932 (herein- ;ectioI 4 of
after called the Principal Ordinance), is hereby repealed. No. lof 1932.
Repeal of
3. Section 5 (1) (c) of the Principal Ordinance is herebysection 5 (1(c
of Principal
repealed. Ordinance.
4. Section 13 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended of section 13
by the deletion of the letters "sclion" il the last line of Principal
and the substitution therefore of the word "section." Ordinance.
5. Section 15 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended Amendment
by the deletion of the word "third" in the third line f section 15
and the s tittion therefore of th word "con.rincipal
and the substitution therefore of the word "second." Ordinance.


2 No. 1 Customs Tariff (Amendment). 1934

Amendment 6. Section 16 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended
of section 16 in te following respects-
of Principal
Ordinance. (a) by the deletion from the second line of sub-section (1) (a)
of the words "first, second and third" and the
substitution therefore of the words first and
second ", and
(b) by the deletion from the marginal note of the figures
and word 1, 2 and 3 and the substitution therefore of
the figures and word 1 and 2."

Amendment 7. Section 17 (3) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
of section 17
3) of amended by the deletion of the word fourth in the third line
principal and the substitution therefore of the word third."
Repeal and
replacement 8. The first schedule to the I'rincipal Ordinance is hereby
of first sche-
dule to Princi- repealed and replaced by the schedule to this Ordinance.
pal Ordinance.
Repeal of
second 9. The second schedule to the Principal Ordinance is
schedule to hereby repealed.
Renumera- 10. The third schedule to the Principal Ordinance is hereby
tion and renumbered the second schedule, and is further amended by
of third substituting 0 10s. td." for 1 10s. 0d." as the duty
schedule to for palm kernels.
Renumera- 11. The fourth schedule to the Principal Ordinance is hereby
tion of renumbered the third schedule.
schedule to

0o, C ft O^GCustoms Tariff (Amendment). 3


SGoods Unit. refer- General
't~o < ential Tariff
S/ Tariff.
/ s. d. s. d.
1 Air craft and accessories ... ... -- aree percent.
ad valorem
2 All goods imported in special /
circumstances for objects of a /
general public character, or for /
an enterprise deemed to be /
beneficial to the Colony or I
Protectorate, with the approval /
of the Governor in Council but
subject to such terms and cond
tions, if any, as he may thi
fit to impose. Free Free

3 All goods imported by:
(a) The Inspector-Geneal of
the Royal West frican
Frontier Force .And his
staff officers br their
private use whetp on inspec-
tion duty within the Colony
or the ProteCorate. Free Free
(b) Boundary an other Special
Commissiorrs and their
assistants,_ and officers
specially/ appointed for
service gnerally in British
West frica whose duties
require them to travel
between the various British
Wes' African possessions,
for heir private use when
onjduty within the Colony
or Protectorate. r
S- Free Free
4 All goos imported for the sole use
of auy mess or officer or member
of Ahe crew of any ships of
HiJ Majesty's Navy on the
Cast of Africa, upon proof
ing made to the satisfaction
f the Comptroller of Customs
that the same are bona fide
imported for the sole use of
any such mess. officer or member. ee Free
F ree JFree
All goods officially imported by,
or for the use of:
(a) His Majesty's troops. Free Free
(b) His Majesty's ships, or for
any officer or member of the
crew serving on one of
His Majesty's ships. Free Free
(c) The Colonial Government.
Free Free

4 No. 1


Customs Tariff (Amendment). 1934


6 All goods imported by officers of
any body of Boy Scouts or Girl
Guides recognized by the
Colonial Government, which are
required solely for the use of
such scouts, guides or their

7 All goods imported for the official
use of any foreign Consulate,
and the luggage and personal
effects of the Consular represent
tative of any foreign country,
or his family, or suite, if such
Consular representative is not
engaged in any other business or
profession in the Colony or
Protectorate, provided that a
similar privilege is accorded by
such foreign country to the
British Consulate therein.

8 All non-consumable goods such
furniture, plate, glass or cutler
and any other goods whatsoe r
approved by the Governor in
Council, when such non-on
sumable goods or such her
goods are imported for thb sole
use of any mess or cant en, or
garrison or regimental institute,
belonging to officers or warrant
officers, sergeants or rnk and
file of His Majesty's jrmy, or
the Sierra Leone Ba alion of
the Royal West Africa4 Frontier
Force, and when it ls certified
by the officer comnianding the
corps having sucli mess or
canteen, or garrison or regimen-
tal institute, thatAhe same are
imported solely for the use of
any such mess or canteen, or
garrison or regimental institute,
and that they r any of them
shall not be solL or applied for
any purpose save as herein-
before mentioi(ed.

9 All materials ;imported for the
purpose of scientific research in
the Sir Alffed Jones' Tropical

10 All perishab provisions imported
on ice or in refrigerating

11 Animals atd birds, living



- Free











No. 1 Customs Tariff (Amendment). 1934 5

Item PGoo. refer- general
No. Goods. Ui. ential ariff.
s. d
12 Apparel:
(a) Cardigans, jerseys and pull-
overs ... ... ... Each 0 6 0 1 6
o per or 60 per
,at. ad cent, ad
alorent calorem
ichever whichever
is the is the
higher higher
(b) Shirts ... ... .. 0 0 6 0 1 6
or 20 per or 60 per
cent. ad cent, ad
valorem valorent
whichever whichever
is the is the
higher higher
(c) Singlets ... ...... 0 0 2 0 0 6
or 211 per or 60 per
cent. ad cent. ad
S valorem valorem
whichever whichever
is the is the
higher higher

13 Appliances, apparatus and ma-
terials (excluding tools and
implements) not being subject
to a specific import duty, prov
to the satisfaction of
Comptroller of Customs to e
imported exclusively for us in
any process for the separ ion
of metals from ores, soil or their
natural matter with the
Colony or Protectorate. Free 10 per cent.
ad valorem
14 Arms, ammunition and e losives:
(a) Arms:
Swords, bayonets nd similar
weapons ... ... ... Each 0 6 3 0 12 6
(b) Firearms:
(i) Rifles ad guns, other
than rcussion, air
and fl't-lock ... ... 2 0 0 4 0 0
(ii) Perc sion and air
guns ... ... ..1 0 0 2 0 0
(iii) Re vers and pistols 1 0 0 2 0 0
(iv) Fli -lock guns ...0 3 0 0 6 0
(c) Amm ition:
(i) artridges, loaded
a. For rifle, revolver
or pistol .. ... 100 0 10 0 1 0 0
b. Other ... ... 0 5 0 0 10 0
( Cartridges, unloaded 0 1 2 0 2 4
( ) Percussion caps ... 0 1 0 0 2 0
v) Shot, slugs and pellets Lb. 0 0 6 0 1 0

(d) Explosives :.
(i) Dynamite and cognate
substances .. ... 0 0 2 0 0 4
(ii) Gunpowder ... ... 0 0 6 0 1 0
(iii) Fireworks .. ... 0 1 0 0 2 0

stormss Tariff (ende)
Customs Tariff (Amendment).
















For use in coaling vessels

(b) For use ink the exportation
of West African produce

Beads, other thin real coral ...

Beer and ale. stout and porter
containing ;not more than 10
per century by weight of pure
alcohol ...

Bicycles ...... ...

Biscuits id tins ...

Blades, safety razor

Blue .. ... ...

Books, stationery and apparatus
generally for the use of educa-
tionl establishments, chemicals
required for tuition purposes,
and goods required for outdoor
gan s, when certified by the
hea of the establishment that
sucoi goods are intended exclu-
siv ly for the use of such
establishment, and admitted as
suh by the Comptroller of

Unit. Prefer- General
enitial Tariff

Arms, accoutrements, equipment
and uniform, the property of
officers of His Majesty's Army
or Navy, the Royal West African)
Frontier Force, or the Civi'
Service, or of any Colonia
Force oF constabulary, volup-
teers, or police, imported Sy
such officers for their persj al
use as required by the reg'la-
tions of their respective ser ces.
The professional robes all
officers of the Colonial Srvice
who are barristers-at-llw or
advocates of the Scotti Bar.
Artificial limbs ...

Artificial poppies for/ sale on
Armistice Day.

(a) Pitch
(b) Tar ... ... .





S. d.

10 per ceut.
ad ialorein

10 per cent.
ad calorem

0 0 0 0 0oi
0 0 11 0 0 3

0 0 6

0 3 6

0 o 5

0 1 0

0 7 0

0 0 10

Free 10 per cent.
ad valorem,

No. 1

Imp. gall.


100 lb net


Imp gall.


100 11).


100 lb



Customs Tariff (Amendment).


Boots, shoes and slippers:
a) Boots and shoes, leather
including rubber wellington ...











shoes other than

(c) Slippers ... ..

Bread, otherwise know as trade
'biscuits (not tinned) .. ...

Bullion ...
Buoys, chains, anchors and sinkers
for mooring ve els.
Butter and but r substitutes:
(a) Butter ...
(b) Butter substitutes-West
Afric ... ...
(c) Other utter substitutes in-
clud g oleomargarine ..

Candles, including night lights
and t ers ... .

Carries carts and wagons:

( otor-vehicles, including
accessories, tools and im-
Splements (but not spare
parts) imported with such
vehicles and included in
the purchase price of the
(b6) Trailers to be used in
connection with a motor-

Cement ......

Cheese ......

(a) Calcium carbide ...
(b) Dyes and dyestuffs
(c) West African Indigo

100 lb.

100 lb.

100 lb.

0 2 0
or 20 per
cent. ad
is the
0 0 6
or 20 per
cent, ad
is the
S0 4
or 20 per
cent. aid
is the



0 10 0

400 lb, gross 0 1 1

100 lb.


0 12 6

No. 1



(b) Boots and

s. d.

0 4 0
or 40 per
cent ad
is the
0 1 6
or 60 per
cent. ad
is the
0 1 0
or 60 per
cent. ad
is the

0 4 2

10 per cent.
ad calorem

1 5 0
0 6 8

0 12 6

10 0

20 per cent.
ad ralo emi

20 per cent.
ad valoremt
0 30

1 5 0

Customs Tariff (Amendment).

Item Goods.
No. Goods.

37 Chinaware, earthenware and
Clay pipes


Unit. /Prefer-
s,: d.
| ~


IMfp. gall.

100 ft.

0 0


01 6

) 1 0

- Tariff.

s. d.

0 0 6


0 3 U

S2 0

Church furniture, ornaments and

Cider and perry, containing not
more than 10 per centum by
weight of pure alcohol

Note.-Any such liquor containing
more than 10 per centum bg,
weight of pure alcohol shall be
charged duty as spirits.

When cider or perry is imported ,
twelve bottles of the size kno'n
as reputed quarts, or twe ,ty-
four bottles of the size k own
as reputed pints, shall be seemed
to contain two imperial gllons.

Cinematograph films ..

Clocks and watches ...

Clothing imported1 immediately
before embarkatign, which the
Comptroller of customss is satis-
fied is intended for the
importer's peronal use on a
voyage to a place outside the

Coal, coke axfd patent fuel

(a) Raw ...

(b) Ot
Mixtures f Empire and foreign
coffee ill be charged on the
percent age of each at the
appro riate rates.

Coins which are legal tender, and
banl and currency notes.




10 per cent.
ad Id aiurenl

I 0 O0i 0 0 14
0 3 0 0 6

Free Free

- .

No. 1


15 per cent. 30 per cent.
id valoren ad valorel

Customs Tariff (Amendment).


Cooper's stores, including casks,
shooks, staves and heading
hoops, rivets, rushes, tenter-
hooks and chalk, specially
imported for the packing of
West African produce.

Coral, real ... .

Cordage and twine:
(a) Cordage ... ...
(b) Twine... .

Corkwood ....

Cotton manufactures:
(a) Piece goods (including
(i) Bleached Admitted
(ii) Coloured Aditted s
(iii) Dyed ... uch b e
iv) Grey ... Comptr er
(v) Printed of toms
(b) Madras handkerch
(c) Imitation Madray hand-
kerchief ... ...
(d) Sewing ... ...
(e) Yarn ...
(f) Fents /
(g) Blankets .....

Cups, medals, s elds and other
trophies provpl to the satisfac-
tion of thb Comptroller of
Customs to j'e specially imported
as prizes or competitions in
racing, cacket, football, tennis,
golf, shloting or any other
form of ,port or athletics, or at
hortic ltural or agricultural
exhibitions, or at musical
festivals or contests. Provided
that/ no advertisement shall be
ins ribed on or attached to any
suvh article, and that this
elfemption shall not be extended
such goods when imported
/or purposes of trade.
urrants, dried

SCutlery ... ..

Dressings certified to be imported
for free distribution by mis-
sionary societies.

Filters and parts thereof and all
appliances for the filtration of

Unit. Prefer-
s. .

_- /Free


10k1 .


Sq. yd.


I 0 24

0 8 (
0 15


0 0 1
) 0 o A
0 0 11
0 0 l
0 0 2

0 0 1
0 10
0( 0 3
0 0 (;
15 per cent.
ad valorem

I- Free
Cwt. Free

15 per cent.
adl ralorei


10 per cent.
Free ad valoremr

No. 1




T. d.

10 per cent.
ad valoreni

0 16 0
1 10 0

10 per cent.
ad valorem

0 0 2
0 0 3
0 0 1I
0 0 24.

0 0 3
0 1 0
0 0 6
30 per cent.
ad valorem

0 2 0

30 per cent.
ad valorem


10 No. 1








Customs Tariff (Amendment). S

/ 1
Goods. ITiit. '


Fire engines and fire-extinguish-
ing implements and appliances,
including accessories and spare
parts, and uniforms, imported
by the City Council of Freetown
for the use of the Freetown
Fire Brigade.

Firearms, ammunition and shoot-
ing equipment imported with
the sanction of the Governor b
the Secretary of any rifle clui
the constitution and objects Pf
which have been approved by
the Governor. /

Firearms for sporting purposes
re-imported, provided tha :
(i) they have beet pre-
viously license ;
(ii) all duties ha e been
paid thereon and
(iii) they have re gained in
the possession of the
person re-i portilng 1the
same sinceisuch licens-
ing and payment of
duties. /
Fish: /
(a) Canned or otherwisee pre-
served in hbttles or jars ...
(b) Caught by ind prepared for
food upo a trawler opera-
ting from the Colony or
Protecto(ate; but not fish
which i tinned or bottled
or which has been pre-
pared or food in any other
(c) Drie salted, smoked or
pic ed, not in tins, jars
or bottles
(d) Fr h, not preserved in
a y way.

Fishing ets and gear ...
(a) Dried other than candied
or crystallised ...
(b Fresh, not preserved in any
Gla bottles, lamp chimneys and
t ble glassware.
Go ds exported for alteration or
repair. Provided that they are
e-imported within one year of
exportation and the prescribed
editions have been fulfilled.

/ K


100 lb.

100 lb.

100 lb.






0 2 6



0 4 2


15 per cent.
'Ed i'11ereem


.< d.

10 per cent
tld I'llor'emn.

10 per cent,
(td teelurewn

10 per cent.
[ll] t'iltloeet

( 10 U


0 5 0

10 per vent.

0 8 4

:0 per cent.
ad ,tlloreml

Customs Tariff (Amendment).












100 lb

Grain and flour, pulse and pre-
parations thereof:
(a) Grain :
(i) Rice
(ii) Other kinds
(b) Flour and meal:
(i) Flour ...
(ii) Other kinds
(c) Pulse:
(i) Beans, peas and barley
(ii) Other kinds
(d) Other farinaceous prepara-
tions, including macaroni,
vermicelli, arrowroot, corn-
flour, tapioca and sago ...
Ground-nuts, decorticated and
Hackles or combs for the dressing
of piassava fibre.
Hosiery :
(a) Cotton ... ... ...

(b) Artificial silk ... ...


(c) Silk ... ..


(d) Woollen ...

Ice che s and refrigerators, and
par thereof.
Impl tents and tools:
SAgricultural, except mat-
chets and cutlasses

(b) Soldering
infants' foods, admitted as such
by the Comptroller of Customs.
Instruments and appliances for:
(a) Scientific purposes and
(b) Surveying and prospecting.
(c) The professional use of
surgeons, oculists and

0 4 2
0 8 4



0 0 2
or 20 per
cent. ad
is the
or 20 per
cent. ad
is the
S0 6
or 20 per
cent. ad
CtlVlOrc' i
is the
0 0 3
or 20 per
cent. ad
caloret, e
is the









No. 1


11 -f

0 16 8

0 0 1

10 per cent.
ad valoreim
0 0 6
or i0 per
cent, ad
is the
0 0 9
or 60 per
cent. ad
is the
0 1 6
or 60 per
cent. ad
is the
0 0 6
or 40 per
cent. ad
is the

10 per cent.
ad, valorem

10 p r cent.
ad valoren
10 per cent.
ad valorei
10 per cent.
ad raloremr


British: '
Prefren- General
tial Tariff /
s. d. a.

0 1 9 3 6
0 1 YO 0 2 6

0 / 1 0 4 2

2 1 0 4 2
2 1 0 4 2

Customs Tariff (Anmendmlent).


Jams, jellies and preserved fruits:
(a) Canned and bottled, ex-

Unit. Prefen- General
Unilt. ti#._ Tariff
Ss. d. s. d.

0 1; 3 0 12 6

0 8 4 0 16 8

15 per cent.
ad rulnorein
0 8 4
0 18 8
0 18 8

30 per cent
ad valorent
0 16 8

1 17 4

cluding candied and crys- I
tallised fruits ... ... 100 lb. J

(b) Other kinds, including can-
died and crystallised fruits

Lamps and lanterns ... ...
Lard and lard substitutes ... ) h.

Lime ... ... ... Ton

(a) Agricultural ... ...

(b) Electric lighting and power
for industrial purposes w

(c) Marine ... ... ...

(d) Mining and gold dredging

(e) Other industrial and anu-
facturing ... ...

(f) Railway and Tran'ay ...

(g) Sewing machine ... ... Each

(h) Typewriters f ... ... ,,
(i) Water boring and pumping

(j) For use iniconnection with
the prepa nation of, or pros-
pecting or, any natural
product of West Africa, or
the d elopment of any
indust' in connection with
such product.

(k) Accesories, appliances and
pla r, which the Comp-
tro er of Customs is
sa sfied are for use exclu-
si fely in connection with
a y machinery detailed
above .

Note.--The term Machinery "
mea s machines consisting of a
comn nation of moving parts and
nme fhanital eleven ts which may
be jput in motion by physical or .
ml chanical force, admitted as
s1ch by the Comptroller of

No. 1




Free 10 per cent.
ad valoremn

Free 10 pe- cent.
ad valorent
Free l per cent.
ad raloremn
Free 10 per (ent.
ad galore,

Free 10 per cent.
ad valouem
Free 10 per cent
!ad valorem
0 15 0 1 10 0

1 5 0 2 10 0

Free 10 per cent.
a i aloremn

Free t0 per cent.
ad valorem

Free 10 per cent.
ad ralorem

Customs Turiy/ (Amendmenf).






Manures of all kinds; insecticides,
fungicides, vermin-killers and
disinfectants; and all other
substances which the Comp-
troller of Customs is satisfied are
imported exclusively for use as
manures, or as remedies for
diseases of, or preventive of
insect attacks on, plants and
Matches in boxes containing 80
matches or less. (Matches in
boxes containing a greater
quantity than 80 matches each
to be charged in proportion) ...

Matchets and cutlasses ...

82 Meat :
(a) Canned or bottled ...
(b) Fresh, including game a
(c) Pickled or salted, not
canned or bottled ...
(d) Smoked or cure not
canned or bottled
(e) Other, including extracts
83 Medicines and drugs excluding

84 Memorial tablets, memorial win-
dows and tomb ones, together
with the nece ary accessories.
85 Metals:
(a) Corrug d iron sheets ...
(b) Lead any form except
shots slugs and pellets ...
86 Milk, co ensed or otherwise

87 M ilk, fr h ... ... ... ...
88 Mosqui netting, including mos-
quit, nets, made up of mesh
not larger than 12 by 12 to the
sq re inch; and mosquito proof
g. ze, made up of mesh not
I rger than 18 by 18 to the
uare inch.

89 newspapers, old ......
90 IOil:
(a) Fuel
(b) Illuminating
(c) Lubricating ...
(d) Motor spirit ...
(e) Edible ... ...
Onions and garlic ... ...


Unit. Prefer-
s. d.

I -/

j/ Free

Gtss of
boxes 0 1 6
- 15 per cent.
ad valouenat

100 lb.

100 lb.


36 lb.


Imp. gall.


0 8 4

General -*

/ d.

10 per cent
ad valorem

0 3 0
O0 per cent
ad valorem

0 16 8



1 5 0
1 13 4

10 percent 20 per cent.
ad valor- m ad valorem

Free Free

4 0 0 8 0 0

7 10 0 15 0 0

Free 0 4 0
Free Free

Free o ner cent

No. 1




010 0

0 0 5
0 Q 9
0 1 0
0 0 9
0 0 8
0 0 0O

14 No. 1 Customs Tariff (Amendment). 1934

Item G U Pref en- General
No. Goorif Tariff.
s. d. a 4.
92 Outer packing in which goods are
packed and imported, such as .I
packing cases, crates, or other f
covers, and such immediate or
inner packing as may, in the
opinion of the Comptroller of
Customs, be of no commercial
value. Free Free
93 Packages, other than bags and f
sacks, ordinarily imported for /
the packing and transport of
West African produce. Free Free
94 Painters' colours and materials:
(a) Paints and colours .... ... 100 1. 0 5 0 0 10 0
(b) Paint oil, polishes and var-f
nishes .. Imp. gall. 0 0 9 0 1 6
(c) Turpentine and turpenti e
substitutes ... 0 9 0 1 6
95 Palm kernels, palm oil, kola ot-
piassava fibre and nndressedAlides
and skins ... ... .. ... Free Free
96 Passengers' baggage, being Avearing
apparel, articles of personal adorn-
ment, toilet requisites/ and any
portable articles imported in a
passenger's baggage.for on his
person, whicli he nmiigt reasonably
be expected to carrf with him for
his own regular anid private use,
and which are passed as such by
the Comptroller/of Customs, and
in which may Ve included spirits
or perfumery fAot exceeding one
reputed quavt of each, cigars
or cigarettes. not exceeding one
hundred of Jach, or any tobacco
not exceeding one pound in
weight ... .... ... .. ... Free Free
97 Patterns, mples and advertising
material of no commercial value
admitted as such by the Comptrol-
ler of customs ... ... ... Free Free
98 Persona effects when satisfactory
evid ice is given that they are
beiru re-imported after a previous
iml ration ... ... ... ... Free Free
99 Pers nal effects, landed in the
C lony or Protectorate within one
Ionth before or after the passen-
er's arrival, shall be regarded :is
ccomlnpaning the passenger. Pro-
vided that if such effects be
delayed after shipment by circun-
stances beyond the control of the
importer, the Comptroller of
/Customs may, in his discretion,
extend the period ... ... .. Free Free

Customs Tariff (Amendment).















SPrefer- General
Unit. ential Tariff

E s. i. s. d.


Personal effects, not being iiw ,is or
merchandise, of natives oF the
Colony or Protectorate i1 log in
places outside the limit of the
jurisdiction ...

Plate glass

Playing cards ... ... ... ...

Potatoes (including sweet potatoes
and yams) .

Printing machines and all appliances
(except printing paper) used in
the process of printing, and
printing ink .. ... ...

Printed literary matter, including
maps, charts, plans, scientific and
technical works in all languages.,
code books lanedprinted u'sice
all trade catalogues and price lists

Quinine ... ... .. ..

Rubber tyres for vehicles, iVeluding
inner tubes ... ... ...

Salt : /
(a) Table ... ..

(b) Other kinds ... ... ...

Seeds, plants. Iflbs, roots, shrubs
and trees, imported for agricul-
tural or horticultural purposes

Silk and artificial silk :
(t) Sifc, artificial, piece goods.
eludingg scarves

(b/Silk, artificial, fents ... ...

e) Silk, natural, piece goods ...

S (a) Toilet ...
(b) Other kinds ... ...

Specimens of natural history, min-
eralogy or botany ... ... ...

(I O 1) I0 0 0

lFh ee


Lb. 0 0 4

100 lh. 0 1 8

(wt. 0 1 9

S Free

Sq. yd. 0 0 2

Lb). 0 0 6

0 1 6

100 lb. 0 12 6

Cwt. 0 7 6


10 per cent.
iad valorem



I) I) g

1 5 0

0 15 0


Ne. 1



Pack not
53 cards (U


Customs Tariff (Amendment).



Spirits :
(a) Potalde :
(i) Brandy, gin, ruin, whisky
and other spirits or
strong waters the true
degree or strength of
which can be innmedi-
ately ascertained by
Tralles alcoholometer, of
the strength of 50 degrees
per centum of pure
alcohol by such alcoholo-

If of greater strength for
every degree over 50 de-
grees per centum by such
alcoholometer ...

If of less strength, fo/
every degree be I.... '
strength of 50 I..., .
per centum by such lico-
holometer, a reduction of
duty of ... .. ..
Provided always that the
duty shall in nYccase be
less than ... ...
(ii) Spirits being/sweetened
or mixed s6 that the
degree of strength cannot
be ascertajied as afore-
said /... ...
(b) Not potable,
(i) Methy ted, when the
Comptroller of Customs
is s: sfied that the spirit
is intended solely for
industrial purposes and
i "not intended for sale ...
(ii) ethylated, other ...
(iii Perfumed toilet prepara-
Stions, washes and denti-
I frices ... ...
/(iv) Other ... ... ..
No' ls.--Spirituous drugs and medi-
cin preparations containing not
m e than 20 per centuni by weight
o pure alcohol, to be charged at
e prescribed ad ralorem rate.
pirituous drugs and medicinal pre-
parations containing more than 20
per centum by weight of pure
( alcohol to be charged at the rate of...

Prefer General
ential Tariff
."8. d. s. d.


Imp. gall.


0 0 4

1 10 10

1 13 6

0 1 0
1 4 10

1 13 6
0 1 0

113 6

1 16 0

0 0 8


1 12 8

116 0

0 2 0
1 6 0

1 16 0
0 2 0

1 16 0

113 6

0 0 8

_ _


Nd. 1

No. 1 Customs Tariff (Amendment). 1934

Item Prefer- Gene
No Goods. Unit. ential T
s. d. s. t
Anyj liquor containing not more than
two per ceontum Ib weight of pure
alcohol shall be deemed to be on1-

ViWhen spirits are imported in cases of '
twelre bottles of the siqe ,known as C
reputed quarts, or tvenity-four bottles
of the size kuiov"n as reputed pints,
each case shall be deemed to contain i
two imperial galblous.
114 Starch ... ... ... ... ... l l 0 3 4 0 6 8
115 Sugar:--
(a) Grown and manufactured
in the British Empire ... 7 Lb. 0 0 Of -
(b) Grown in foreign countries
but manufactured in theft
British Empire ... ,, 0 01 -
(c) Grown and/or manuf
tured in foreign count s ,, 0 0 1
116 Tea ...... ... .. ... 0 4 0 0 8

117 Telegraph materials. All Jonna fide
telegraph materials iniy r.r..I for
the use of the Easterly Telegraph
Company. Limited ... Free Free
118 (i) Unmanufactud ... ... Lb. 0 1 2 0 1 6
(ii) Manufactur :
(a) Cigars ... ... ... 0 6 6 0 8 8
(b) Cigare es:
1. N exceeding a
ight of 41 ozs. per
(1) Manufactured in
f the British Em-
pire from Empire
S grown tobacco ... Per 100 0 1 6
S (2) Manufactured in
S the British Em-
/ pire from foreign
tobacco ... ... 0 2 0
(3) Manufactured in
/ foreign countries 9 2 6
Provided that with respect to
cigarettes manufactured in the
British Empire which contain a
blend of Empire and foreign
tobacco, the duty thereon shall
be at a rate proportioned to the
percentage of each tobacco, the
( percentage of Empire and
foreign grown tobacco being
charged respectively at the rates
under (1) and (2).



18 No. 1

Customs Tariff (Amendment).


2. Exceeding a weight
of 41 ozs. per 100.
(1) Manufactured in
the British Em-
pire from Empire
grown tobacco
(2) Manufactured in
the British Em-
pire from foreign
tobacco ... ..
(3) Manufactured in f
foreign countrieV
(ii) (c) Snuff ... ...
(ii) (d) Other manufactured
(1) Manufactured in
the British AEm-
pire from E pire
grown tobao
(2) Manufactur in
the Britii Em-
pire front foreign
(3) Manufaqured in
foreign countries
Provided that with respect to
tobacco manufactured in the
British Empire ich contains
a blend of Empje and foreign
tobacco, the du# thereon shall
be at a rate iroportioned to
the percentage xof each tobacco,
the percentage~ of Empire and
foreign groti tobacco being
charged iesp tively at the rates
under (1) a d (2).
Umbrellas andriarsols ...

(a) Dric canned or preserved ...
(b) Fresj. excluding sweet pota-
toe, potatoes, onions, garlic
an yams

Vessels, including lighters, boats,
canoe, and steam ;and other
launches, with their necessary
ftitts and tackle such as masts,
oars, sails, anchors and chains.
Mat rials for use in the construc-
tiot of all such vessels when
ad itted as such by the Comp-
tro er of Customs.

Vin ar ..... ...

Wat r tanks and vats and ready
made spare parts




s. d.

0 6 0

0 8 0
0- 0

0 5 0 0

4 0

0 5 0


0 0 8 0


. (d.

10 0
6 0

6 0

2 0




100 lb.

,Imp, gall.

2 1 0 4 2


l pei cent,.
ic rulorem
0 0 8

ll0 per cent.
ad ralorem


0 0

I -- ---- ; --~- I

No. 1

Customs Tariff (Amendment).


Item Goods. Unit. Prefen- General
No. G sn Tariff.
'J ,nriff.







Imp. i.ilL
r f

, s. d.

0 5 0
0 5 0
0n 0

1,000sup. ft. 0 15 01

(a) Sparkling
(b) Still

Note.-Any such liquor containing
more than 20 per centum bH/ eight
of pure alcohol shall be charged duty
as spirits.

Wood and timber, unmanutactured:
Lumber ... ... ...

Works of art, drawings, engraving#,l
photographs. also philosophical ad
scientific apparatus and appliances
brought by professional perons
for their personal use and ndft for
sale or exchange .

All edibles, groceries, provisions.
condiments and othri articles
ordinarily used as food'for human
consumption, not otherwise men-
tioned in the sched:ie. .

All goods, war..:n'il.I merchandise
not included i..a',\ other item in
this schedule. .....

Note.-In case ~if specific duties, the
rates of duty shall be charged upon
any greater;or less quantity of such
goods proportionately.

Bottles erqitaining wines, spirits and
oil., 6 ., .r ." not measu red on
,,i...,', ..*. ,*..'.i be taken to contain
as fWlows :

( Imperial quarts-a quarter of
/ a gallon.

S Imperial pints--an eighth of
S a gallon.

Reputed quarts-a sixth of
a gallon.

Reputed pints- a twelfth of
a gallon.

When battles are measured on
importation, nieaiureinents shall
be taken to the *01 of a gallon,
and duity charged accordingly.


s. d.

0 10 0
0 6 0

110 0


10 per cent.. 20 per cent
7d rclorem ad valoreo

30 per cent. 40 per cent.
td valorent ad valoremn

20 No. 1 Customs Tariff ('ni ,,,'li(,,t. 1934
Passed in the Legislative Connicdl .ftl ninth day of April, in the
year of Our Lord one thousand nine Lnn.li ,.l and thirty-four.

Clerk of' Legislative iCuncil.

THIS PRINTED IMP ON has Iben carefully compared by me with
the Bill which has p sj the Legislative Council and found by me to be
a true and correct co y af the said Bill.

"/ J. L. JOHN,
Clerk oif Legislative Council.

M.P. U.F. 18134.

Importation of Tc.rtiles (Quota.,).


No. 2 of 1934.
In His M;ilajesty's name I assent
to this Ordinance this sixteenth
day of June, 1934.


An Ordinance to Provide for the Imposition of
Quotas on Imports of Textiles from
Foreign Countries.

[16th June, 1934.] Dateofcom-
BE IT ENACTED by th, Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof,
as follows:-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the _.oL o0 xtilll hort 3t
(Quotas) Ordinance, 1934 ~cJ i a r-x "1 or .

2. In this Ordinance unless the context otherwise requires:- Interpreta-
"quota" means the quantity of textile goods or any tion.
class or classes of textile goods imaitufactnred in any
individual foreign country which may be imported
during any period in accordance with a proclamation
made by the Governor under section 3 ;
quota period lmans any period in respect of which
any quota has been fixed by the Governor under the
said section;
No.1o.f foreign country means any country or territory not
of 1 3a. being a part of the British Empire as defined in
section 2 of the Customs Tariff Ordinance, 1932 ;

No. 2

1934 21

22 No. 2 Importation of Textiles (Quotas). 1934

regulated textiles means any textile goods, and any
class or classes of textile goods manufactured in a
V, foreign country, in respect of which any quota has
02 7 been fie vernor nder section 3;

the Comptrotlhr means the Comptroller of Customs.

Fixing of 3. (L) The Governor may fix by proclamation the total
quotas. quantity of textile goods or of any class or classes of textile goods
manufactured in any foreign country which may be imported
during any period.

(2) The quota period specified in any proclamation made in
accordance with sub-section (1) may commence prior to the
coming into operation of this Ordinance: and any imports of
regulated textiles between the commencement of the period and
the coming into operation of the Ordinance may be taken into
account for the purposes of section 5.

Provided that no importation made prior to the coming
into operation of this Ordinance shall constitute an offence under
section 11.

Returns ard 4. No person shall import any regulated textiles unless he
declarations shall, at the time of importation submit to the Comptroller in the
of origin, prescribed form a return of the quantity, class, and origin of the
goods imported and a declaration of origin.

Provided that, during a period of three months after the
coming into operation of this Ordinance, imports of regulated
textiles may, at the discretion of the Comptroller, and subject to
such conditions as he may impose either generally or in any
particular case as to the subsequent submission of evidence of
origin, be admitted without the submission of such a declaration
of origin.

Records of 5. (1) The imports of regulated textiles manufactured in
importsand any foreign country shall be separately recorded by the
publication Comptroller.
(2) Any person may at any time on payment of the
prescribed fee, require the Comptroller to furnish a statement of
the total quantity already imported or licensed for import of any
regulated textiles manufactured in any individual foreign
country during any quota period and the Comptroller shall
furnish such statement accordingly.

(3) When the imports of any regulated textiles manufac-
tured in any foreign country during any quota period attain the
quota prescribed in respect of such textiles for such country in
that period, the Governor shall issue a notice to that effect in the
Gazette; and such notice shall specify the foreign country, the
regulated textiles and the quota period to which it refers.

Importation of Textiles (Quotas).

6. Upon the issue of a notice under sub-section (3) of the Prohibition
preceding section further impot is of the regulated textiles of importsin
excess of
concerned manufactured in the country specified therein shall be quota.
prohibited until the end of the quota period. Provided that
notwiithstanding anything in this Ordinance. the Governor may if
he thinks fit, in any proclamation issued under this Ordinance,
direct that regulated textiles in excess of the several quotas therein
fixed may be imported on payment of such duties in addition to
those prescribed by the Customs Tariff Ordinance, 1932, or any
other Ordinance, as may be specified in the proclamation, and
accordingly this Ordinance shall have effect subject to such

7. (1) No person shall import any regulated textiles Issue of
otherwise than in accordance with a direction given under the illl'ort
proviso to section G, except under licence issued by the licences.
(2) Every licence issued under this section shall state the
quantity, class, and country of manufacture of textile goods
which may be imnported under it and the period during which
the licence is valid.

(3) Applications for licences to import any regulated
textiles shall he made to the Comptroller and shall state full
particulars of the quantity, class, and country of manufacture of
the goods proposed to be imported under it.

(4) The period during which any import licence is valid
shall fall wholly within a single quota period.
(5) The total quantity of imports of any regulated
textiles, manufactured in any country, during any quota
period which may be authorized by import licences issued
under this section shall not exceed the quota for that country
fixed for that quota period.
(6) On the importation of any regulated textiles the
appropriate import licence shall be endorsed in the prescribed
manner, and when the total quantity of goods the importation
of which is thereby authorized has been imported, the licence
shall be surrendered to the Comptroller and cancelled.

(7) On the issue of an import licence a fee to be
prescribed shall be paid by the person to whom the licence is
8. (1) If it appears to the Comptroller that, in respect Restriction
of any particular foreign country and any quota period the of import
quantity of any regulated textiles in respect of which import licence:.
licences are likely to be applied for will exceed the appropriate
quota for that country and quota period, he may cause a
notice to be published in the Gazette to the effect that the issue
of import licences for the import of such goods will be

1934 23

No. 2

Importation of Textiles (Quotas).

(2) Any notice issued under sub-section (1) shall specify
the regulated textiles, the quota period and the foreign
country to which it relates and shall further specify a period
within which applications for import licenses for such imports
may be submitted.
(3) On the expiry of the period within which applica-
tions may be submitted, the Comptroller shall consider all
the applications received and, if the total quantity of goods
covered by such applications does not exceed the appropriate
quota, he may issue import licences in accordance with all
applications. If the total quantity of goods covered by the
applications exceeds the appropriate quota the Comptroller
shall in his discretion, subject to the approval of the Governor,
issue licences (hereinafter called restricted import
licences ") to the several applicants for quantities propor-
tionate to the volume of their previous importations or to the
quantities specified in their application or on any other basis.

(4) A restricted import licence issued at the time of the
initial issue of such licences of the same class shall be valid
until a date not less than three months before the end of the
quota period to which it relates and shall lapse if and
so far as it is not used by that date. If, at that date, the
total imports of the regulated textiles concerned is less than
the appropriate quota, the Comptroller may by notice in the
Gazette invite further applications for import licences for
the remainder of the quota period and a similar procedure
shall be followed to that followed on the initial issue of
restricted import licences.
(5) On the issue of a restricted import licence a fee
to be prescribed shall be paid by the person to whom the
licence is issued.
Transfer of 9. An import licence or a restricted import licence may,
import with the consent of the Comptroller, be transferred from the
licences. person to whom it was issued to any other person designated
by the licencee.

Date of com- 10. Sections 7, 8 and 9 shall come into operation on a
mencement date to be fixed by the Governor by notice in the Gazettc.
of sections 7
to 9.
f s ad 11. Any person who shall knowingly import any regulated
pnlties. textiles contrary to the provisions of section 4, 6 or 7 or shall
fail to comply with any conditions imposed by the Comptroller
under the proviso to the said section 4 shall be guilty of an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine
not exceeding one hundred pounds or to imprisonment for two
years or to both such fine and ilmprisonlment.

Rules. 12. The Governor in Council may make rules for giving
effect to the provisions of this Ordinance and to fix the fees


24 No. 2

No. 2 Importation of Textiles (Quotas). 1934 25

Passed in the Legislative Council this fifteenth day of June, in
the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the
Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true
and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P. C.F-57-34.

Wrless Teeagraphy (A mendment)..


No. 3 of 1934.

In His Majesty's name 1 assent
to this Ordinance this twenty-
third day of June, 1934.



Cap. 239. An Ordinance to Amend the Wireless
Telegraphy Ordinance, 1924.

Date of corn- [23rd June, 1934.]
menceme nt

BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows :-
Short title. 1. This Ordinance may he cited as the Wireless Telegraphy
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1934.

Repeal and 2. Section 5 (1) of the Wireless Telegraphy Ordinance, 1924,
replacement is hereby repealed and replaced by the following new
f ssub-seioen n-
(1) of the sub-section --
Teegrahy "5 (1) The Governor in Council may make rules-
Or1924. (a) prescribing the form and manner in which
applications for licences under this Ordinance are
to be made;




No. 3 l l'v. Telegryaphy (Awmendment). 1194 '27

(b) prescribing the fees d be paid on the grant of any
such licence ; and
(c) generally for ca1igiiaIto effect the purposes of
this Ordinance."

Passed in the Legislative Council this fourteenth day of Jane, in the
year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the
Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a'true
nd correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P. R31133.

28 No. 4 Arms and Ammunition (Amendment).



No. 4 of 1934.

In His Majesty's name I assent
to this Ordinance this twenty-
third day of June, 1934.


An Ordinance to Amend the Arms and
Ammunition Ordinance, 1924.

Date of corn- [st January, 1934.]

BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows :-
Short title 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Arms and Ammu-
and cor- nition (Amendment) Ordinance, 1934, and shall be deemed to
mencement. have come into operation on the first day of January, 1934.

Amendment 2. The Arms and Ammunition Ordinance, 1924, is hereby
of Cap. 11by amended by the insertion of the following new section
insertion of
new section. immediately after section 29 :-
"Approved "29A. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Ordinance
rifle clubs to the contrary, no licence to bear or possess a
excepted." firearm shall be necessary in the case of any firearm
used exclusively by a member of a rifle club
approved by the Governor in connection with the
target practice of such rifle club."

Cap. 11.

No. 4 Arms and Ammunition (Amendment).

1934 29

Passed in the Legislative Council this fourteenth day of June, in the year
of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the
Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true
and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P. XJ41A4.

Eml. 5

, Undesirable Advertisemte'ns.



No. 5 of 1934.

In His Majesty's name I assent
to this Ordinance this twenty-
third day of June, 1934.


An Ordinance to prohibit certain kinds of
Undesirable Advertisements.

/ [23rd June, 1934.]

BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent /of the Legislaitive Council thereof, as
follows :-
1. This Ordinance trny be cited as the Undesirable Advertise-
ments Ordinance, 1934, and shall apply to the Colony and

Interpreta- 2. In this Ordinance venereal disease" means syphilis,
tion. gonorrhoea, or soft chance.

3. (1) A person shall not by any advertisement or any public
notice or announcement treat or offer to treat any person for
venereal disease, or lpescribe or offer to prescribe any remedy
therefore, or offer to give or give any advice in connexion with
the treatment thereof----


Date of com-

Short title

on advertise-
ments, etc.

No. 5. Undesirbhle Adv rtlsements. 19314 31'

(2) On and after the first da of'July, 1934, a person shall
not hold out or recommend to h-a public by any notice or
advertisement, or by any written dc paiitid papers or handbills,
any pills, capsules, powders, loeenges, titctures, potions,
cordials, electuaries, plaisters, ungnL- nts saves, ointments, drops,
lotions, oils, spirits, medicated hrbas.aad waters, chemical and
official preparations whatsoever, (o be4 lsd or applied externally
or internally-
(a) as medicines or nyedicaments for the prevention,
cure, or relief of uny venereal disease, or
(b) as aphrodisiacs.
(3) Nothing in this section shall apply to any advertisement,
notification, announcement, recommendation, or holding out
made or published by the authority or with the sanction of the
Director of Medical and Sanitary Services, or to any publication
sent only to qualified medical practitioners or to registered
druggists. Provided that no such publication as last aforesaid
shall be communicated by qualified medical practitioners or
registered druggists to any other person.

4. If any person acts in contravention of any of the provisions Penalties.
of section 3, he shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on
summary conviction, to a fiie not exceeding fifty pounds, or to
imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for a period not
exceeding six months or to both such fine and imprisonment,
provided that a prosecution for any such offence shall not be
instituted without the consent of the Attorney-General.

Passed'ifn the Legislai Co-mncil this fourteenth day of June, in the
Sear of Our Lord one tlousamnT nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk' of Legislative Council.

THTS' PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefu4,1' compared by me with* the-
Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and fo -nd bTyme to be a true
and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.
M.P: M123134.

32 No. 6

Fangay (Amendment)


No. 6 of 1934.

In His Majesty's name I assent
to this Ordinance this twenty-
third day of June, 1934.


An Ordinance to Amend the Fangay
Cap. 67. Ordinance, 1924.

Date of cor- [23rd June, 1934.]

BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows :-
Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Fangay (Amendment)
Ordinance, 1934.

Amendment 2. The long title of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
of long title amended by inserting the words "and Protectorate" im-
of Cap. 67. mediately after the word "Colony ".

Amendment 3. Section 1 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended
of section 1 by the addition at the end thereof of the words and shall apply
Ordfinipal to the Colony and Protectorate ".


NY anrtay (A amendment)

4. Section 5 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended Amendment
by deleting the words "against him" in line 4 thereof and of section
substituting therefore the words to h1.ve been done by him with Ordinance.
any of the intents or purposes mentoited, in the said definition."
5. Section 6 of the Piri ipal Ordinance is hereby Amendment
amended- of section 6
of Principal
(a) by inserting the word "' or a District Commissioner, Ordinance.
immediately after the word Magistrate" in the
third line thereof ; and
(b) by inserting the words "or court messenger"
immediately after the word "constable" in the
fourth line thereof.

6. Section 7 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby anmelned Amendment
by inserting the words "or a court messenger" immediately of section 7
after the word Force in the first line. rdinacipe

Passed in the Legislative Council this fourteenth day of June, in the
year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with
the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a
true and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.
M.1P. Ji30r:2.

No. 6


No. 7 Crown Lands Conservancy (Anenrident)


No. 7 of 1934.

In His Majesty's name I assent
to this Ordinance this twenty-
third day of June, 1934.


Cap. 45. An Ordinance to Amend the Crown Lands
Conservancy Ordinance, 1924.

Date of com- [23,rd June, 1934.]

BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows :-
Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Crown Lands
Conservancy (Amendment) Ordinance, 1934.

Repeal and 2. Section 4 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby repealed
replacement and replaced by the following section:-
of section 4
of Cap. 45. "Licence 4. The licence to cut wood or fell or remove trees
to cut may be granted for any period not exceeding
wodd, etc."
one year. Such licence shall commence on the day
on which it is expressed to commence, and, unless
previously forfeited or otherwise determined, shall
expire on the date specified therein."


No. 7 Crown Lands Conservancy (Amendment)

3. Section 8 (2) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby repealed Repeal and
and replaced by the following sub-section :- replacement
of section
(2) For a licence to cut wood and fell trees the 8(2)of
licensee shall pay as a fee such sum, not being Orinpane.
more than one pound or less than two shillings,
as the Licensing Authority may think fair and

Passed in the Legislative Council this fourteenth day of June, in the
year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the
Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true
and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P. A-115-30.

1934 35

36 INo. 8 (1933) Supqplementary Appro'priation. 1


No. 8 of 1934.

In His Majesty's name I assent
to this Ordinance this twenty-
third day of June, 1934.


An Ordinance to Legalise certain Payments made
in the Year 1933 for the Public Service of the
Colony and Protectorate of Sierra Leone in excess
of the Appropriations authorized by Law.

Date of com- [23rd June, 1934.]

WHEREAS certain expenditure has been incurred for the
Public Service of the Colony and Protectorate in the year
1933 in excess of the appropriations authorized for that purpose :

AND WHEREAS it is expedient that such expenditure should
be sanctioned by law :

BE IT THEREFORE ENACTID by th(e Governor of Sierra Leone,
with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council
thereof, as follows:--
Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the (1933) Supplementary
Appropriation Ordinance, 1934.


No. 8 (1933) Supplementary Appryiriation. 1934 37

2. The sums of money set forth in the Schedule having been Sanction for
expended for the services therein respectively mentioned beyond expenditure
the amount sanctioned a al appropriated by the (1933) Appropria- cess f3 ap-
tion Ordinance, 1932, the same are hereby declared to have been propriations
duly and necessarily paid, laid out and expended for the Public authorized
Service of the Colony and Protectorate in the year 1933, and are y No. 28 of
hereby approved, allowed and granted in addition to the1932
amount mentioned in the Ordinance aforesaid.


Head of Service. Supplementary Appro-
priation authorized.

s. d.
Broadcasting ... ... ... 256 8 9
Miscellaneous Services ... ... 3,339 4 2
Pensions and Gratuities ... ... 9.490 19 8
Port and Marine ... ... ... 39 7 6
Post Office ... ... ... 693 7 1
Railway ... ... ... ... 29,128 8 4
Royal West African Frontier Force ... 62 5 1
(Care and Mjaintenance)
Secretariat and Legislature ... ... 95 19 9
Survey ... ... ... ... 80 12 8
Investments, loss on sale of ... ... 136 6 8

Total Expenditure from General Revenue 43,322 19 8

Loan Fund Account ... .. 271 12 0

Grand Total ... ... 43,594 11 8

Passed in the Legislative Council this fourteenth day of June, in the
year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with thev
Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true
and correct copy of the said Bill.
Clerk of Legislative Council.

MLP. B!28133.

38 No. 9 Medical Practitioners, Dentists and Druggists



No. 9 of 1934.

Inl His Majesty's name I assent

to this Ordinance this twenty-

third day of June, 1934.


An Ordinance to Amend the Medical Practitioners,
Cap. 125. Dentists and Druggists Ordinance, 1924.

Date of com- [23rd June, 1934.]

BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows :-
Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Medical Practitioners,
Dentists and Druggists (Amendment) Ordinance, 1934.

Amendment 2. The Medical Practitioners. Dentists and Druggists
of Cap. 125 Ordinance, 1924, is hereby amended by the insertion therein,
by insertion immediately after section 13A, of the following new sections:-
of two new
sections. "Power 13B. The Governor in Cooncil may order the removal
ofovernor in from the register of the name of any medical
ordu'er to practitioner or dentist who-
*removal of (a) is deceased; or
names from
register." (b) is no longer practising medicine, surgery, obstetrics
or dentistry in the Colony and Protectorate of
Sierra Leone ; or

No. 9 Medical Practitioners, Dentists and Druggists 1934 39

(c) has not supplied to the R'.:istru'i an address
through which letters o, telenra-ns addressed to
him at such address will be delivered to him;
(d) fails to acknowledge within twelve months of the
date .f despatch the receipt of a regist.'red letter
addressed to him at the last address supplied by
him to the Registrar;
(e) has obtained registration by a fraudulent or
incorrect statement;
(f) has been registered through error as to his
qualifications for registration.
"Alter-13c. The Registrar shall from time to time insert in the
nations in, register any alteration which may come to his
and erasure knowledge in the name or address of any registered
of names
from the medical practitioner or dentist, and shall erase from the
register." register the names of all such registered medical practi-
tioners or dentists as are ordered by the Governor in
Council to be struck out or removed :
Provided that any names so struck out or removed
may at any time be restored to the register without
fee by direction of the Governor in Council."
3. Section 14 of the Medical Practitioners, Dentists and Repeal and
Druggists Ordinance, 1924, is hereby repealed and replaced by the replacement
following new section :- of eCap. 12
'Penal "14. Any person who shall wilfully and falsely
pretend to be a medical practioner or dentist or take
or use the name or title of a medical practitioner or
dentist or any name, title, addition, or description
implying that he is registered under this Ordinance, or
that be is recognized by law as a medical practitioner
or dentist, shall be liable, on conviction, to a penalty
not exceeding fifty pounds for each offence, and to a
further penalty of five pounds a day during the con-
tinuance of such .II .! ...-, or, in default of payment, to
imprisonment for a period not exceeding twelve months.

Passed in the Legislative Council this fourteenth day of June, in
the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me wi!h the
Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true
and correct copy of the said Bill.
Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P. M14'3i.

Protectorate (Amendment).


No. 10 of 1934.
In His Majesty's name I assent
Sto this Ordinance this twenty-
third day of June, 1934.


No. 32 of An Ordinance to Amend the Protectorate
1933. Ordinance, 1933.

Date of com- [9th December, 1933.]

1E. IT ENACTED Iby the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as

Short title 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Protectorate
and cont- (Amendment) Ordinance, 1934, and shall be deemed to have
meneme. come into operation on the ninth day of December, 1933.

Repeal and 2. Section 5 (2) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
replacement repealed and replaced by the following new sub-section :-
of section 5
(2) of Ordin-
ance No. 32 "(2) An Assembly shall meet at such times and places
of 1933. as a Provincial Commissioner shall direct.

Insrtion of 3. The Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
new Part IA insertion of the following heading and section between
in Principal Parts II and III of the said Ordinance:-


40 No. 10

No. 10 Protectorate (Amendment). 1934 41



Election7A. (1) Whenever the office of any chief shall become
of chiefs. vacant the Tribal Authority of the chiefdom
of which he was chief shall elect a chief to be
in charge of the chiefdom and such chief shall
generally maintain order and good government
among the natives residing or being in the area
over which the Tribal Authority exercises

(2) Whenever the office of any chief becomes vacant
by death or otherwise r f lt whcs

0 th.~ n -.awr, and the Tribal Authority fails,
neglects or refuses to elect a new chief within
a period of twelve months after having been
directed so to do by a Provincial Commis-
sioner, then and in such case it shall be lawful
for the Governor subject to the approval of
the Secretary of State to appoint a person to
be chief in his place."

4. Part V of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended Amendment
by the addition thereto of the following section:- of Part V of
Occasion." 33A. Notwithstanding anything in this Part by addition
al licence contained it shall be lawful for a District Commis- of new
to sell sioner to issue an occasional licence in the Form AA section.
spirits. in the Fourth Schedule, or as near thereto as
circumstances permit, to any person to sell spirits
on special occasions. Every person applying for
an occasional licence shall at the same time pay
to the District Commissioner a fee of ten shillings."

5. Section 34 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby Repeal and
repealed and replaced by the following section :- replacement
of section 34
6 of-the
"Deposi- 34. (1) It shall be lawful for the Governor, upon Ordinance.
tion of the receipt of a report from a Provincial Commis-
chiefs. sioner that the conduct of any chief has been of a
kind subversive of the interests of good govern-
ment, to appoint a Commissioner to inquire into
the matter, and also in his discretion to appoint
one or more chiefs to act as assessors to such
Commissioner, and every such Commissioner shall
have the same powers as a Commissioner appointed
under the Commissions of Inquiry Ordinance, 1924,
or any Ordinance substituted therefore.

Protectorate (Amendment).

(2) The Commissioner shall make a report to the
Governor containing a full statement of the evidence
taken and of his opinion thereon. Each AXsscM .r
shall sign the report, or state in writing to the
Governor his dissent therefrom and the reasons for
that dissent.

(3) It upon review of the report aforesaid the
Governor is of opinion that the chief should be
deposed, the Governor may, with the approval of
the Secretary of State, depose such chief, and may,
pending notification of the Secretary of State's
decision, suspend the chief from the exercise of his
office and jurisdiction and appoint a regent in his
place. In the event of the chief being suspended as"
aforesaid the Governor may also order him to reside
at some specified place within the province pending
such notification as aforesaid, and any failure on
the part of the chief to obey such an order shall
constitute an offence punishable, on conviction, by
a fine not exceeding ten pounds or by imprison-
ment, without hard labour, for a period not
exceeding two months.

(4) If upon review of the report aforesaid the
Governor is of opinion that the chief should be
punished but not deposed, or if the Secretary of
State does not approve of the deposition of the
chief, the Governor may impose a fine, and any fine
so imposed shall thereupon become due and shall be
recovered in the same manner as a fine imposed by a
Court of law.

(5) It shall be lawful or the Governor to order
any chief, who has beie deposed under the provi-
sions of this section, to reside in any specified
town or chiefdom j the Protectorate which may
be named in theoorder, and any failure on the
part of tlh chief' to obey such an order shall consti-
tute an olfen i punishable, on conviction, by a fine
not exceeds g one hundred pounds or by imprison-
ment, w hout hard labour, for a period not
exceedi g two years."

of section 52 6. Section 52 (2) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
(2) of amended by the substitution of the figures 1930 for the
Principal figures 1931 occurring in the sixth line therof.



42 No. 10

No. 10 Protectorate (Amendment). 1934 4A

7. The Fourth Schedule to the Principal Ordinance is Amendment
hereby amended by the insertion therein, immediately after of Fourth
SSchedule td
Form A, of the following form :- Principal
FORi AA. Ordinance.
Occasional Spirit Licence.
(Section 33A).
An Occasional Licence is hereby granted to
on the occasion of to sell spirits
at between the hours of
and on the day of 19
to be drunk in or at such locality and not elsewhere.
Fee payable: 0 10s. Od.
Dated this day of 19


District Commissioner."

8. The Fifth Schedule to the Principal Ordinance isAmendment
hereby amended by the substitution of the figures 40 for Schedule to
the figures 41 occurring therein. Principal

Passed in the Legislative Council this fourteenth day of June, in the
year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the
Bill which, has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true
and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.
M.P. P/5 5/33.

44 No. 11 Light and Barbour Dues (Amendment). 1934


No. 11 of 1934.
In His Majesty's name I assent
to this Ordinance this twenty-
third day of June, 1934.


Cap. 109. An Ordinance to Amend the Light and Harbour
Dues Ordinance, 1924.

Date cor- [23rd June, 1934.]

BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Light and Harbour
Dues (Amendment) Ordinance, 1934.

Amendment 2. The definition of "Harbour of Freetown in section 2 of
of section 2 the Principal Ordinance is hereby deleted and the following
of Cap. 10w. definition substituted therefore :-

Harbour of Freetown means the Freetown Harbour as
specified and delimited in the Ports and Inland Waters
Ordinance, 1930 ".
Repeal of
sections 12 and
13 of Principal 3. Sections 12 and 13 of the Principal Ordinance are hereby
Ordinance. repealed.
Repeal of
incipalto 4. The Schedule to the Principal Ordinance is hereby repealed.

No, 11 Light and Harbour Dues (Amendment). 1934 4,

Passed in the Legislative Council this fifteenth day of June, in the
year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with
the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to
be a true and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P. H/6133.

4d No. 12 Preetown Municipality (Amendment).


No. 12 of 1934.

In His Majesty's name I assent
@ to this Ordinance this twenty-
third day of June, 1934.


No. 38 of An Ordinance to Amend the Freetown
Municipality Ordinance, 1927.

Date of com- [23rd June, 1934.]
BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as

Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Freetown
Municipality (Amendment) Ordinance, 1934.

Amendment 2. Section 8 (2) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
of section amended by the deletion of the word seven" and the
8 (2) of
Principal substitution therefore of the word eight."
Repeal and 8. Section 9 (3) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
replacement repealed and replaced by the following new sub-section:-
of section
9 (3) of "(3) Two Councillors shall be elected by the electors
Principal to represent the Central Ward and one Coun-
Ordinance cillor to represent each of the other two Wards:
No. 6 of Provided always that if the number of electors
1933. who vote at an election in any Ward is less than


No. 12 Freetown Municipality (Amendment).

one-third of the total number of the electors of
such Ward, the election shall be null and void,
and the Governor in Council shall appoint an
African to represent that Ward in the Council
and in the case of the Central Ward may
appoint two Africans."

4. Section 21 (4) of the the Principal Ordinance is hereby Amendment
amended by the deletion of the word three where it first of section
occurs in the seventh line of the sub-section and the substitu- 214) of
tion therefore of the word four." rinnce.

5. Section 53 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby Amendment
amended by the deletion of the words of a Councillor for of section 53
and the substitution therefore of the word in." of Principal
6. Section 59 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby Amendment
amended- of section 59
of Principal
(a) by the insertion after the word nomination Ordinance.
where it occurs in the first and third lines of the
words for any vacancy ";
(b) by the deletion of the words to represent the
Ward on the Council and by the substitution
therefore of the words to fill the vacancy."
7. Section 63 (2) (b) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby Amendment
amended by the deletion of the words than one candidate of section 63
and by the substitution therefore of the words candidates (2)(b) of
than there are vacancies to fill." ordinance.
8. Section 67 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby Repeal and
repealed and replaced by the following new section :- replacement
of section 67
"rower of 67. If the number of electors who have voted at of cinl67
Governor in the election is less than one-third of the total Ordinance.
Council to
ouni to number of electors on the Ward Roll, the
when less election shall be null and void and the Return-
than one- ing Officer shall forthwith publish the fact and
third of notify the Colonial Secretary for the informa-
electors tion of the Governor, and the Governor in
Council shall thereupon appoint an African to
represent the Ward in the Council or in the case
of the Central Ward may appoint two Africans."

9. Section 69 (4) (a) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby Repeal and
repealed and replaced by the following:- replacement
of section 69
"(a) Voting for more candidates than vacancies." (4) (a) o
10. Section 1(63 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby Ordinance.
amended by adding thereto the following new sub-section:- Amendment
of section
"(5) Upon the hearing of objections to the Valuation 163 of
List, the Town Clerk or such other person as Principal
the President may direct shall take down in ordinance .
writing a full record of the proceedings including
the evidence of all witnesses examined on oath,"

1934 47

48 No. 12 Freetown Municipality (Amendment).

Repeal and .11. Section 165 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
osefl e nt repealed and replaced by the following new section :-
165 of "Correction 165. The Council may, whether any objection be
Principal of valuation or be not made to any such Valuation List, and
Ordince lists." either before or after any meeting for hearing
objections, make such corrections in names,
descriptions and particulars in any Valuation
List, upon such information as to them may
seem sufficient; and when the Council have
heard and determined all such objections as
aforesaid, and have made such corrections as-to
them may seem proper, they shall approve the
same under the corporate seal exhibiting the
date of such approval."

Repeal and 12. Section 168 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
of section repealed and replaced by the following new section :-
168 of "Appeal 168. (1) Any person who is aggrieved by the
Principal against decision of the Council on the hearing of his
Ordinance. decision of
Council." objection may within fourteen days after the
publication of the notice of the deposit of such
Valuation List, approved as aforesaid, appeal to
the Supreme Court in its summary jurisdiction.

(2) Such person shall give to the Council seven
clear days' notice in writing of his intention to
appeal and the grounds thereof.

(3) Upon notice of appeal being given to the
Council, they shall forward forthwith to the
Registrar of the Supreme Court a copy of the pro-
ceedings against which the appeal is brought,
certified under the hand and signature of the
President to be a true copy, together with all
original documents connected therewith and the
grounds of appeal.

(4) The Court shall hear and determine the
appeal, and either allow or disallow the same or
make such order in the premises as shall be just.

(5) The Court shall, subject to this Ordinance,
have the same powers, jurisdiction and authority
with respect to any appeals and the proceedings
thereon and the costs, as if the appeal were an
appeal from a decision of the Police Magis.


No. 12 Freetown Municipality (Amendment).

1934 49

Passed in the Legislative Council this fifteenth day of June, in the
year.of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with
the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a
true and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P. F. 18/30.

50 No. 13

Fruit Export (Amendment).


No. 13 of 1934.

In His Majesty's name I assent
to this Ordinance this twenty-
third day of June, 1934.


o. 25of An Ordinance to Amend the Fruit Export
Ordinance, 1933.

Date of com- [23rd June, 1934.]
BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Fruit Export (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1934.
Amendment 2. Section 2 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended
of section 2 by the insertion immediately after the definition of "Fruit
of Principal
Ordinance Inspector" of the following definition:-
"Licensed packing house" means a packing house
licensed under this Ordinance.

Amendment 3. Section 3 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended
of section 3 by the addition of the following sentence:-
of Principal
Ordinance. No fruit shall be packed for export elsewhere than in
a licensed packing house."


Fruit Export (Amendment).

4. The Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the Addition of
addition thereto immediately after section 3 of the following to"e section
section :- Ordinance.
"Power "3A. (1) It shall be lawful for the Governor on being
to satisfied that any building is suitable for use as
packing a packing house in which to pack and store fruit
house for export to grant a licence to any person to use
such building as a packing house.
(2) The Governor may in his absolute discretion
grant or refuse any such licence without giving
any reason for so doing.
(3) A licence granted uider this section shall
continue in force for one year from the date of
(4) No such licence shall be transferred without
the written permission of the Governor first had
and obtained."
5. Section 4 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended Amendment
by the deletion of the words Any person intending to export of section 4
fruit from the Colony" and by the substitution therefore of the of Principal
words "The person in charge of a licensed packing house."

6. Section 10 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended Amendment
of section 10
by substituting a comma for the fullstop at the end thereof and by of Principal
adding the words and in addition thereto, if the holder of a Ordinance.
licence granted under section 3A, to forfeiture of such licence."

Passed in the Legislative Council this fifteenth (lay of June, in the year
of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the
Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a
true and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P. AI29/33.

No. 13

1934 51

52 No. 14

(1935) Appropriation.


No. 14 of 1934.

SIn His Majesty's name I assent
to this Ordinance this third
day of December, 1934.

Acting Governor.

An Ordinance to Provide for the Service of the
Colony and Protectorate of Sierra Leone
for the Year 1935.
Date of
commence- [1st January, 1935.]
Preamble. WIIEREAS it is necessary to make provision for the Service
of the Colony and Protectorate of Sierra Leone for the year
Enacting BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone,
clause, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof,
as follows :-
Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the (1935) Appropriation
Ordinance, 1934.

754,221 2. The sum of seven hundred and fifty-four thousand,
Tranted for two hundred and twenty-one pounds shall be and is hereby granted
et evi to His Majesty the King, His Heirs and Successors for and during
Colony and the year nineteen hundred and thirty-five, and the same shall
Protector- be applied and expended in the manner herein described and
ate. for the several services set forth in the first and second


(1985) Appropriation.

3. The said sum of seven hundred and fifty-four thousand, 754,221
two hundred and twenty-one pounds shall be and is hereby made a
declared to be charged upon and made payable from and out of the chargeon the
revenue for
revenue and other funds of the said Colony and Protectorate for the year
the year nineteenihundred and thirty-five, and the payment thereof 1935.
shall be taken to begin and commence on and immediately after
the first day of January, nineteen hundred and thirty-five.

4. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and required from Treasurer's
time to time, upon the Warrant or Order of the Governor, authority for
to pay out of the revenue and dther funds of the said Colony payment.
and Protectorate for the several services specified in the first and
second schedules, the sum of seven hundred and fifty-four
thousand, two hundred and twenty-one pounds, which will come
in course of payment during the year ending on the thirty-first
day of December, nineteen hundred and thirty-five.

5. The amount from time to time paid for and in respect Excess of
of the expenditure authorized in section 2 shall not exceed in expenditure.
the gross the sum of seven hundred and fifty-four thousand,
two hundred and twenty-one pounds from the first day of
January, nineteen hundred and thirty-five inclusive, and any
balances remaining unissued at the end of the year nineteen
hundred and thirty-five shall lapse and not be available for
making payments in the following year.



Governor ...
Customs ...

Geological and Mines
Judicial ...
Law Officers ...
Medical ...
Health Branch, Medical
Miscellaneous Services
Motor-bus Service ...
Pensions and Gratuities
Police ... ...
Port and Marine ..-
Post Office
Printing and Stationery

Carried forward




No. OF









No. 14

(1935) Appropriation.


No. OF

Less amount
Head 24

provided for
in the first
... ... 58,835

Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-seventh (lay of November,
in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the
Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true
and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P. B-50-33.


Brought forward ...

Prisons ...
Provincial Adminiistratioin
Public Debt Charges .
Public Works ... ...
Electricity Branch, Public Works
Public Works Annually Recurrent
Railway (Loss and Subsidy)
Royal West African Frontier Force
(Sierra Leone Battalion)
Royal West African Frontier Force
(Care and Maintenance of Forts)
Secretariat and Legislature
Survey ...... ...
Treasury ... ....
Public Works Extraordinary .
Colonial Development Fund


Railway ... ... 192,155










54 No. 14

No. 15

Wireless Telegraphy (Amendment) (No. 2).

1934 55


No. 15 of 1934.

SIn His Majesty's name I assent
to this Ordinance this sixth
day of December, 1934.

Acting Governor.

An Ordinance to Amend the Wireless Cap. 239.
Telegraphy Ordinance, 1924.

[7th December, 1934.] Date of com-

BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows :-

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Wireless Telegraphy Short title.
(Amendment) (No 2) Ordinance, 1934.

2. Section 1 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended of section 1
by the addition thereto after 1924 of the words and shall of Principal
apply to the Colony and Protectorate Ordinance.
3. Sections 4 and 5 of the Principal Ordinance are hereby of sections 4
amended by inserting after the word Colony where it occurs and 5 of
in each section the words or Protectorate ". Principal

56 No. 15 Wireless Telegraphy (Amendment) (No. 2).


Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-eighth day of November, in
the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the
Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true
and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P. R/31133,

Currency Notes (Repeal).

1934 .57


No. 16 of 1934.

In His Majesty's name I assent
to this Ordinance this sixth
day of December, 1934.

Acting Governor.

An Ordinance to Repeal the Currency Notes
Ordinance, 1924. Cap 46

Date of com-
[7th December, 19,4.] menceoent.
BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows :-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Currency Notes Short title
(Repeal) Ordinance, 1934, and shall apply to the Colony and and
the Protectorate. application.
2. The Currency Notes Ordinance, 1924, is hereby repealed. of Cap. 46.

Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-eighth day of November, in
the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the
Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true
and correct copy of the said Bill.
Clerk of Legislative Council.
M.. B/10/33.

No. 16

Protectorate Vagrancy.


No. 17 of 1934.

In His Majesty's name I assent
to this Ordinance this sixth
day of December, 1934.

Acting Governor.

An Ordinance to Control Vagrancy and to Provide
for the Repatriation to their own Chiefdoms
of Natives convicted before Certain
Courts in the Protectorate.

Date of com-

[7th December, 1934.]

BIE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows :-
Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Protectorate
Vagrancy Ordinance, 1934.
Definitions. 2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise
Native" shall have the same meaning as in the
Protectorate Ordinance, 1933.
District Court means a Court of a District Com-
missioner as constituted by the Protectorate Courts
Jurisdiction Ordinance, 1932.
Native Court means a Court of a Native Chief as
constituted by the Protectorate Courts Jurisdic-
tion Ordinance, 1932.


58 No. 17

Protectorate Vagrancy.

3. Any native belonging by native law or custom to one Native
chiefdom who remains in any part of another chiefdom continously
without regular employment for more than twenty-one days deemed
and without any members of the chiefdom in which he is then vagrant.
resident being willing to answer for him in accordance with
native law or custom, or who fails to give a satisfactory
account of his means of subsistence, shall be deemed an idle
and disorderly person and shall be liable on summary
conviction by a native court to imprisonment for any period
not exceeding one month.

4. It shall be lawful for any chief, sub-chief, or headman Right to
or for any court messenger to interrogate any native whom interrogate
they may find in any chiefdom other than that to which the
native by native law or custom belongs, or that in which he is
domiciled, as to his means of subsistence, his present place of
abode and the chiefdom to which he belongs, and, on his
failing to answer, or if his answers be unsatisfactory, to take
him to the Paramount Chief of the chiefdom in which he was
found with a view to his being charged under the last
preceding section.

5. If any native is convicted in the Circuit Court or in Circuit or
any District Court of any offence and such native was not District
born in the chiefdom in which the offence was committed and Courts, may
has not resided there for a continuous period of two years repatriation
previous to his being brought before the Court, then the Court of convicted
may on the application of the Paramount Chief concerned natives.
order that such native shall, in .addition to any punishment,
be repatriated to the chiefdom to which it appears he properly
belongs. Such order may be in the form set out in the Schedule
to this Ordinance.

6. (1) If any native is convicted in any native court of Native
any offence which such Court is competent to try, and such Court may
native was not born in the chiefdom in which the Court has repatriation
jurisdiction and has not resided there for a continuous period of convicted
of two years previous to his being brought before the Court, natives.
then the Court may recommend to the District Commissioner
of the district in which the chiefdom is situated that such
native shall, in addition to any punishment, be repatriated
to the chiefdom to which it appears he properly belongs.

(2) Such native shall be sent forthwith to the District
Commissioner with as fullta record of the proceedings as the
circumstances permit.

Power of
7. The District Commissioner shall, when a native is District
brought before him by virtue of the provisions of section 6, Comnis-
review the proceedings held in the Native Court and if make an

1934 59

No. 17

60 No. 17 Protectorate Vagrancy. 1934

satisfied that any recommendation made under the provisions
of that section has been properly made, may by an order
which imay be il the f'oPm set out, in the Sched- ule to this
Ordinance, direct that such native shall, within a period to
be specified in the order, be repatriated to the chiefdom
named in the order.

Execution. 8. Any repatriation order made under this Ordinance
shall be carried out by such persons and in such manner as
the District Commissioner shall direct, and all persons in
Immunity. any way concerned in carrying out any such order shall be
held harmless and no action at law shall be maintainable in
respect of any act done in pursuance of any such order.
Expenses of
repatriation 9. All expenses incurred in the execution of a repatriation
to be paid order made under this Ordinance shall be paid out of
from general
revenue, general revenue.

Penalty in 10. If a native who has been repatriated under the
cas_ of a provisions of this Ordinance shall return to the chiefdom
repatriated from which he has been repatriated within a period of two
returning to years, without the consent of the Tribal Authority of such
the chiefdom, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall on convic-
chiefdom. tion before a District Commissioner be liable to imprisonment
for a period not exceeding three months, with or without
hard labour.

Penalty for 11. Any person halbouring ;i native or assisting, aiding
harbouring, or abetting a native to return to the clhiefdom from which
etc. he has been repatriated and knowing that such native has
been repatriated under the provisions of this Ordinance, and
that the period specified in section 10 has not expired, shall
be guilty of an offence a;d liable on conviction before a
Direct Commissioner to ; line not exceeding forty shillings
or to imprisonment Ifor a period not exceeding three months,
with or without hard labour.


AViiEltEAS of
was on the day of convicted in
the (Court held at of the
offence of andt was sentenced

AND WHEREAS 1the said was not born in the
Chiefdom in the District
and has not resided there for a continuous period of two
years but has his usual place of residence (or was born) in
the Chiefdom in the District:

Protectorate Vagrancy

THEREFORE, I HEREBY (OiDEI( that the said
shall within days from the date of this Order
be repatriated to the said Chiefdom
in the District.

Dated at

day of

Judge of the Circuit Court.
District Corn m i.sioner.

Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-eighth day of November,
in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

'iJrrk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the
Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true
and correct copy of the said Bill.

P ierk of Legislative Council.

M.P.C.F. 2-33,

No. 17

1934 61

62 No. 18

Stamp Duty (Amendment)


No. 18 of 1934.

In His Majesty's name I assent
to this Ordinance this sixth
day of December, 1934.

Acting Governor.

Cap. 199 An Ordinance to Amend the Stamp Duty
Ordinance, 1924.

Date of com- [7th December, 1934.]
BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows :-

Short title. 1. This Ordinance may he cited as the Stamp Duty
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1934.

Addition of 2. The Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
new section insertion therein immediately after section 14 of the following
14A to Cap.
199. apnew section:-
Effect of "14A. A bill of exchange which is presented for
non-compli- acceptance, or accepted, or payable, outside
Ordinance in Sierra Leone shall not be invalid by reason only
case of cer- that it is not stamped in accordance with this
tain bills of Ordinance, and any such bill of exchange which
exchange." is unstamped or not properly stamped may be
received in evidence on payment of the proper
duty or penalties as prescribed by section 14."


No. 18 Stamp Duty (Amendment). 1934 63

Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-eighth day of November, in
the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the
Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true
and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P. B-27-34.

64 No. 19

Frederick Albert Mathias Pension.


No. 19 of 1934.

In His Majesty's name I assent
to this Ordinance this sixth
day of December, 1934.

Acting Governor.

An Ordinance to Make Special Provision
in regard to the Pension of Frederick
Albert Mathias.

Date of com- [14th September, 1934.]
BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as

Short title, 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Frederick Albert
application Mathias Pension Ordinance, 1934, and shall apply to the Colony
and cor- and Protectorate. It shall be deemed to have come into operation
mencement. on the fourteenth day of September, 1934.

Authority 2. Notwithstanding the Pensions (European Officers)
for payment Ordinance, 1924. a gratuity of 521. 10s. 10d. and an annual
of special pension at the rate of 135. 12s. Od. shall be charged on and
gratuity and
pension to payable out of the general revenue of Sierra Leone to the said
Frederick Frederick Albert Mathias, formerly a Colonial Treasurer of the
Albert Colony, and such pension shall take effect as from the fourteenth
Mathias. day of September, 1934.


No. 19 Frederick Albert Mathias Pension.

Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-eighth day of November, in
the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the
Bill which has passed the Legislative Counclil and found by me to be a true
and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P. P.F.583.

1934 65

66 No. 20

Prisons (Amendment).


No. 20 of 1934.

In His Majesty's name I assent
to this Ordinance this sixth
day of December, 1934.

Acting Governor.

Cap. 162. An Ordinance -to Amend the Prisons
Ordinance, 1924.

Date of cor- [ 7th December, 1934.]

BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone. with the
advice and consent of ile Legislative Council thereof, as
follows :-
Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Prisons (Amendment)
Ordinance, 1934.

Amendment 2. Section 11 (1) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
section 11 (1) amended by the addition of the following proviso:-
"Provided that any prisoner who is suffering from any
contagions or infectious disease and whose removal is
urgent ma;y be removed and kept in custody as
aforesaid on the warrant of the Superintendent."


Prisons (Amendment).

1934 67

3. The following new section is hereby inserted in the Insertion of
Principal Ordinance, after section 30 : new section
in Cap. 162.
"30A. Provision may be made by rules under the last
"Remission preceding section for enabling a prisoner sentenced to
imprisonment, whether by one sentence or cumula-
tive sentences for a period of six months or over but
not exceeding two years to earn by special industry
and good conduct a remission of a portion of his
imprisonment, and on his discharge his sentence
shall be deemed to have expired."

Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-eighth day of November
in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the
Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true
and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P. K-82-30.

No. 20

Public Health (Amendment).


No. 21 of 1934.

In His Majesty's name I assent
to this Ordinance this sixth
day of December, 1934.

Acting Governor.

Cap. 171. An Ordinance to Amend the Public Health
Ordinance, 1924, to allow the keeping of Pigs in
Kissy and Waterloo Villages and to prohibit the
keeping of Cattle in Freetown.

Date of cor [ 7th December, 1934.]

BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Public Health
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1934.

Amendment 2. Section 19 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
of section amended in the following particulars :-
19 of the
Principal (a) by deleting from sub-section (1) paragraphs (a) and
Ordinance. (b) and the letter and brackets (c);

(b) by deleting from sub-section (2) the words and
shall have the same force and effect as if it were
incorporated in this section."


68 No. 21

Public Health (Am endmenl,

3. The Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the Addition of
addition of the following new section :- new section
"Prohibition 19A. A person shall not keep cattle or horses
o! keeping
ci;ttle in Cit.. within the City as from the thirty-first day of
March, 1935. For the purposes of this section the
definition of Cattle in section 2 of the
Principal Ordinance shall be read as if the words
and comma sheep, goats and were omitted."
4. Clause 2 of the Public Health (Swine) Order in Amendment
Council, 1924, is hereby amended in the following par 'ofPullic Health
ticulars :-Order in
(a) by deleting paragraphs (1) and (2); Council,
(b) by renumbering paragraph (3) as paragraph (2);
(c) by inserting the following new paragraph (1) :-
'(1) The village of Leicester or the neighbourhood
thereof, commonly known as the Parish of Saint
Andrew other than that portion of it lying to the
South-east of the right of way from Kortright to
the summit of Leicester Peak."

Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-eighth day of November, in
the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the
Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true
and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

.LI'. M19132.

No. 21

1934 69

70 No. 22

Sierra Leone Royal Naval Volunteer
Reserve Force.


No. 22 of 1934.




In His Majesty's name I asent
to this Ordinance this sixth
day of December, 1934.

/Acting Governor.

An Ordinance to Provide for the Establishment
of a Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Force in
Sierra Leone.

BE IT ENACTED by the Gvernor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows :-
Short title, 1. This Ordinance m@ be cited as the Sierra Leone Royal
application Naval Volunteer Reserfe Force Ordinance, 1934, and shall
and com-
mencement. apply to the Colony ind Protectorate. It shall come into
operation on such dste as the Governor by notice in the
Gazette shall appoint.
Interpreta- 2. In this Or finance, unless the context otherwise
tion. requires-
"The Fo e means the Sierra Leone Royal Naval
Volu eer Reserve Force raised under this Ordin-



" Actual service has t.
Royal Naval Reserv
incorporated in the N

e same meaning as in
Volunteer Act, 1859,
,val Forces Act, 1903.


the 22 Vie. c. 40.
as 3 Ed. VII.
c. 6.

3. It shall be lawful for fhe Governor to raise and Governor
maintain a force of volunteers fof the Naval Defence of Sierra may raise a
Leone within or without its limits to be called the Naval Force.
Sierra Leone Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Force." The
Force may also be employed for ihe prevention or suppression
of internal disorder within Sie ra Leone.
4. The Force shall be raise and maintained out of the Force to he
general revenue of Sierra Leo e. o general
I revenue.
5. Every member of the Fqrce shall be entered for a term Period of
of three years, and shall during such term be subject to the service.
provisions of this Ordinance, jand at the expiration of every
third year of the period of hih service as a volunteer he shall
be entitled to claim his discharge : Provided that if he is
then in actual service his right to claim his discharge shall
be suspended until the cessation of such service.
6. The Force shall consist of such units as the Governor Force to
may from time to time by notification in the Gazette appoint, consist of
7. The Force shall consist of such numbers of officers and Constitution
men as the Governor may from time to time decide. The of Force.
officers of the Force shill receive their commissions or
warrants from the Governor, and such commissions or
warrants shall not be defined to be vacated by the death or
retirement from office ofj the Governor by whom the same
were issued.
8. The Governor may at any time dispense with the Governor may
services of any member of the Force. dispense with
9. The Governor maf cause any member of the Force to Instruction.
be instructed, trained abd exercised on shore or on board any
ship or vessel or partly on shore and partly on board any
ship or vessel within o without the limits of Sierra Leone.
Provided that no menlber of the Force shall under this
Ordinance be required to attend instruction training and
exercise for more thal" twenty-eight days in any one year.
10. The government, organisation, administration and Organisa-
training of, and the'qualifications for entry into and condi- tion,
tions of service in the Force shall be prescribed by Rules conditions
made by the Governor. Such Rules may in particular service,
petc., to be
provide for all or fany of the following matters or things, prescribed
namely :- by Rules.
(a) The nunferical establishments of units of the Force,
and th grades, ranks and ratings therein;
(b) the training and inspection of the Force, the
formation of training camps, the establishment of
depots or stations of the Force, and the holding
of exercises for the Force;

No. 22

Sierra Leone Roya Naval Volunteer
Reserved Force.

72 No. 22 Sierra Leone Royal Naval Volunteer 1934
Reserve Force.

tc) the attendance at course of instruction of members
of the Force; /
(d) the seniority of officers of t4l Force, and the
appointment to, promotion to ind tenure of com-
missioned or warrant rank in the Force;
(e) the advancement to or reversion from petty officer
rating of men of the Force;
(f) the conditions as to physical fitness and efficiency
on which members of the Force may continue to
serve in the Force after completing their first term
of service;
(g) the requisitioning of goods or accommodation in
time of war or emergency;
(h) the calling into actual service of the members of
the Force;
(i) the issue and care of arms, accoutrements,
ammunition, supplies, clothing and equipment for
members of the Force;
(j) returns, books, forms and correspondence relating
to the Force;
(k) the establishment and conduct of institutions for
providing recreation and refreshment to members
of the Force;
(1) the grant of pay and allowances to members of
the Force;
(m) generally for the better carrying out of the provi-
sions of this Ordinance.

Obstructing 11. Any person wio wilfully obstructs any portion of the
the Force. Force or any member thereof in the performance of any
service or duty under this Ordinance or Rules made under
section 10 of this O finance shall be guilty of an offence.

Aiding or 12. Any person/who-
memberof (a) agrees ith, or induces or attempts to induce any
Force to member of the Force to neglect or to act in conflict
dereliction with hi duty as a member of the Force; or
of duty.
(b) who is a party to, or aids or abets, or incites to
the c mission of, any act whereby any lawful
order iven to any member of the Force or any law
or ru e with which it is the duty of any member
of thi Force to comply may be evaded or infringed;
(c) who supplies or is a party to supplying any member
of the Force with intoxicating liquor when such
member is on duty and prohibited by rules or
instructions from receiving or taking intoxicating
shall be guilty of an offence.

No. 22 Sierra Leone Royal Naval Volun er 1934 73
Reserve Force.

13. Any member of the Force who fails with ut just cause Failure to
(the proof whereof shall lie upon him) to atten at any time attend train-
or place lawfully appointed by proper authority for instruc-ing in Force.
tion, training or exercise shall be guilty of an o ence.

14. Any member of the Force who, without proper Wrongful
authority and permission, gives, sells, pledges, lends, or disposal of
otherwise disposes of any arms, ammunition, accoutrements, property.
clothing, supplies or any other article entrusted to or held
by him for the service of the Force shall bi guilty of an
offence, and, in addition to any other penalty which may
be imposed under this Ordinance he may be ordered by the
court convicting him to make good the los4 or deficiency,
caused by such gift, sale, pledge, loan or other disposition.

15. Any person who on discharge from the Force fails or Wrongful
neglects to render up any arms, ammunitii0i, accoutrement, detention of
clothing, supplies or other article supplied tofhim as a member property.
of the Force on demand being made to hpin by the proper
authority shall be guilty of an offence, and pn addition to any
other penalty which may be imposed undbr this Ordinance
he may be ordered by the court convicting;him to make good
the loss or deficiency caused by such failure or neglect.

16. (1) Any person who is guilty of a~s offence under this Penalties.
Ordinance- for which no special penalty Is provided shall be
liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding fifty
pounds, and in default of payment, to imprisonment without
hard labour for a term not exceeding three months.

(2) Any member of the Force who is convicted of an
offence under section 13 of this Ordinance may, in addition
to or in lieu of any other penalty, be committed to detention
at any depot, training camp or station of the Force, for the
purpose of undergoing instruction, training or exercise during
such detention; and any member of the Force who, having
been committed to detention under this sub-section escapes
therefrom or fails to return thereto or fails properly to carry
out the instruction, training or exercise given under such
detention, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable
to imprisonment without hard labour for a term not exceeding
one month: Provided that in the committal of an offender
to detention under this sub-section the period of detention
shall not necessarily be continuous, nor shall it exceed in
any one sentence of commitment, a total number of days'
detention in excess of twice the total number of days on which
such member has unlawfully failed to attend the instruction,
training or exercise.

74 No. 22 Sierra Leon Royal Naval Volunteer 1934
reserve Force.

Passed in the Legislative Council t is twenty-eighth day of November, in
the year of Our Lord one thousand n in hundred and thirty-four.

Bill which has passed the Legislativ(
and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

carefully compared by me with the
Council and found by me to be atrue


Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P. S.F,7/3M.

Non-Native Poll Tax (Amendment)


No. 23 of 1934.

In His Majesty's name I assent
to this Ordinance this sixth
day of December, 1934.

Acting Governor.

An Ordinance

to Amend Temporarily the
Poll Tax Ordinance, 1931.

[1st January, 1935.] Dateof com-

BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Non-Native Poll Tax Short title,
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1934. It shall come into operation on date of com-
the first day of January, 1935, and shall expire at midnight on mencement
the thirty-first day of December, 1935. and expiry.

2. For the period of the operation of this Ordinance, section Amendment of
section 3 (1) of
3 (1) of the Principal Ordinance shall be amended by the Principal
substitution of the word ".four" for the word "two" in the Odianced
second line thereof, during 1935.

No. 28 of

No. 23

1934 75

No. 23 Non-Native Poll Tax (Amendment).


Amendment 3. For the period of the operation of this Ordinance,
of Principal section 4 of the Principal Ordinance shall be amended by the
Taxdoubled substitution of the words "two pounds" for the words "one
during 1935. pound in the eleventh line thereof.

After 4. On the expiration of this Ordinance the Principal
expiration Ordinance shall, unless and until repealed, continue in full force
of this
Ordinance, and effect as though this Ordinance had never been enacted but
Principal subject, nevertheless, to such amendments (if any) as may be
Ordinance tomade therein from time to time by any other Ordinance.
continue in Provided that the expiration of this Ordinance shall not affect
full force
and effect the previous operation thereof, or the validity of any action
taken, judgment obtained or punishment incurred during or
in respect of the period of its operation under the Principal

Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-eighth day of November, in
the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the
Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true
and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P. C.F. 76131.

No. 24 Importation ofq Textiles (Quotas) (Amendment).


No. 24 of 1934.

SIn His Majesty's name I assent
L.. to this Ordinance this sixth
day of December, 1934.

Acting Governor.

An Ordinance to Amend the Importation of
Textiles (Quotas) Ordinance, 1934. No.2 of 1934.

[16th June, 1934.] Date of com-
BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, mencement.
with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council
thereof, as follows :-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Importation of Short title
Textiles (Quotas) (Amendment) Ordinance, 1934. and shall be and com-
deemed to have come into force on the 16th day of June, 1934. mencement.
2. Section 1 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended Amendment
of Section 1
by the addition thereto after 1934" of the words "and shall of Principle
apply to the Colony and Protectorate." Ordinance.

Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-eighth day of November,
in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerkl of Legislative Council.

1934 77

78 No. 24 Importation of Textiles (Quotas) (Amendment). 1934

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION hIs been carefully compared by me with the
Bill which has pas.sed the Lgisltive Council and found by me to be a true
and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.


Court IMessengers (A amendment).

No. 25 of 1934.

In His Majesty's name I assent
to this Ordinance this sixth
day of December, 1934.

Ac ting Governor.

An Ordinance

to Amend

the Court Messengers No. 13 of
[ 7th December, 1934.] Date of com-

BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows :-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Court Messengers Short title.
(Amendmendm t) Ordinance, 1934.
2. Section 4 (2) of te Principal Ordinance is hereby Repeal and
repealed and replaced by the following sub-section :- replacement
"(2) Unless otherwise[ ordered by the Governor the of ecton
Force shall be ( divided into the following grades, Principal
which shall sta d with each other in order of Ordinance.
precedence and co mand as they are named :-


(a) Commissi ner
(b) Assistant Commissioners
(c) Staff Ser ,ant-Majors
(d) Sergeant- majors
(e) Sergeants
(f) Corporal
(g) Court M ssengers
(h) Probatio er Court Messengei


No. 25

1934 79

Court Messengers (Amendment).

Insertion of 3. The Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
new section insertion of the following new section immediately after
in Principal section 6 :


of section
27(1) of
Prii cipal

6A. Notwithstanding the provisions of the last section,
"Powers in any District in which court messengers are under
of the immediate control of the Commissioner or an
sooner or Assistant Commissioner, theACommissioner or the
Assistant Assistant Commissioner shall be charged with the
Commis- command and administration of that section of
sioner. the Force in that District which shall have been
allotted to him by the fa~iAiia Conmmissioner;,,and
shall have the same powers and duties as a District
Commissioner under this Ordinance.

4. Section 27 (1) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
amended by the addition thereto of the following proviso :-
Provided that a Provincial Commissioner may with the
sanction of the Governor permit members of the
Force to be employed on such special service instead
of supernumerary court messengers as aforesaid and
any person employing such members of the Force
shall defray their pay and all other charges and
expenses consequent on their employment as if they
had been enlisted as supernumerary court messengers
under this section."

Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-eighth day of Noveinber,
in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with
the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a
true and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

X. I CF, 20134

No. 25


Roger Ernest Page Pension.

1934 81

No. 26 of 1934.

In His Majesty's name I assent
U to this Ordinance this sixth
day of December, 1934.

Acting Governor.

An Ordinance to make Special Provision in regard
to the Pension of Roger Ernest Page.

[12th October, 1934.] Date of com.

BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, ;s
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Roger Ernest Page Short title,
Pension Ordinance, 1934, and shall apply to the Colony and application
Protectorate. It shall be deemed to have come into operation n cement
on the twelfth d:;y of October, 1934.

2. Notwithstanding the Pensions (Kuropean Oti -ers) Authority
Ordinance, 1924, a gratuity of 37 13s. lld. and an annual for payment
pension at the rate of 10 .s. Id. shall he charged on)r of special
payable out of the general revenue of Sierra Leone to the said pension to
Roger Ernest Page, formerly an Assistant Colonial Secretary of Roger
the Colony, and such pension shall take effect as from the ErnestPage.
twelfth day of October, 1934,

3. L,a k A.A

No. 26

82 No. 26 Roger Ernest Page Pension. 1934

Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-eighth day of November.
in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with
the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a
true and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

M.P, P.F. 706.

No. 27 Customs (Amendment.) 1934 93

No. 27 of 1934.

@ In His Majesty's name I assent
to this Ordinance this sixth
day of December. 1934.

Acting Governor.

An Ordinance to Amend the Customs Cap. 49.
Ordinance, 1924.

[7th December, 1934.] Date of com-

BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows :-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Customs (Amend- Short title.
ment) Ordinance, 1934.

2. Section 223 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby Repeal and
repealed and replaced by the following section:-- oplaceteint
,Search of 223 (1) If any officer of Customs or of police, '223 of Cap.
persons sus- 49.
pectedof or any court messenger, or other person acting
vugled in their aid or duly employed for the preven-
goods con- tion of smuggling shall have reasonable cause
eaed .upon to suspect that any person is unlawfully
carrying or has any goods subject to the control
of the Customs or any prohibited imports or

Customs (Amendment.)

exports secreted about him the following
consequences shall ensue :-
ti) The officer, court messenger or other
person acting in their aid or duly
employed for the prevention of smuggling
may detain and search the suspected

(ii) Before the suspected person shall be
searched he may require to be taken
before the Comptroller or other chief
offictr of Customs, or before a Justice
of the Peace or a District Commissioner
who shall, if he sees no reasonable cause
for search, discharge such person, but
if otherwise, direct such person to be
searched, and if a female she shall not
be searched by any other than a female.

(2) If any person shall obstruct any officer,
court mesenger or other person in the perform-
ance of any of the above duties, such person
shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine
not exceeding one hundred pound"
(3) ^3 ^^l/u/
siealn Section 224 of the Prin pal Ordinance is/hereby
of Cap. 49. repealed.

Passed in the Legislative Council this thirtieth day of November,
in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.

Clerk of Legislative Council.

THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the
Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true
and correct copy of the said Bill.

Clerk of Legislative Council.
M.P. P/17/34.

84 No. 27


No. 28 of 1934.

In His Majesty's name I assent
Sto this Ordinance this sixth
day of December, 1934.

Acting Governor.

An Ordinance to Regulate the Business
of Pawnbroking.

[lst Janua~r, 1935.] Date of com-
BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Pawnbrokers Short title.
Ordinance, 1934, and shall come into operation on the first and
day of January, 1935. meence-
2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise ptrpreta
Pawnbroker includes every person who carries on
the business of taking goods in pawn;
"Pledge means an article pawned with a pawn-
Pawner means a person delivering an article for
pawn to a pawnbroker;
Shop includes a dwelling-house and warehouse or
other place of business, or place where business is

No. 28


1934 85

86 No. 28

Unfinished goods or materials includes any goods
of any manufacture or of any part or branch of
any manufacture, either mixed or separate, or
any materials whatever plainly intended for the
composing or manufacturing of any goods, after
such goods or materials are put into a state or
course of manufacture, or into a state for any
process or operation to be performed thereupon or
therewith, and before the same are completed or
finished for the purpose of wear or consumption.


Extension of 3. (1) The following persons shall be deemed to be
Ordinanceto persons carrying on the business of taking goods in pawn-
keepers of
certain every person who keeps a shop for the purchase or sale of
shops. goods or for taking in goods by way of security for money
advanced thereon, and who purchases or receives or takes in
goods and pays or advances or lends thereon, any sum of
money not exceeding twenty pounds with or under an agree-
ment or understanding expressed or implied, or to be from
the nature and character of the dealing reasonably inferred,
that those goods or chattels may be afterwards redeemed or
repurchased on any terms.

(2) Every such transaction, article, payment, advance
and loan shall be deemed a pawning, pledge, and loan
respectively within this Ordinance.

Executors, 4. The provisions of this Ordinance relating to pawn-
etc., of pawn- brokers shall extend to and include the executors or
brokers, administrators of deceased pawnbrokers, except that an
executor or administrator shall not be answerable for any
penalty or forfeiture personally or out of his own estate,
unless the same is incurred by his own act or neglect.

Agents, 5. For the purposes of this Ordinance anything done
servants, or omitted by the servant, apprentice, or agent of a pawn-
apprentices, broker in the course of or in relation to the business of the
etc., of pawn-
brokers, pawnbroker shall be deemed to be done or omitted (as the
case may be) by the pawnbroker; and anything by this
Ordinance authorized to be done by a pawnbroker may be
done by his servant, apprentice, or agent.

Assigns, 6. The rights, powers and benefits by this Ordinance
executors, reserved to and conferred on pawners shall extend to, and
etc.,n o be deemed to be reserved to and conferred on, the assigns
of pawners, and to and on the executors and administrators
of deceased pawners; but any person representing himself
to a pawnbroker to be the assign, executor, or administrator
of a pawner shall, if required by the pawnbroker, produce to
the pawnbroker the assignment, probate, letters of adminis-
tration, or other instrument under which he claims.



7. This Ordinance shall apply- Application
(1) To every loan by a pawnbroker of five pounds of Ordiance
in respect of
or under; loans.
(2) To every loan by a pawnbroker of above five
pounds and not above twenty pounds, except as
otherwise provided in section 20.

Nothing in this Ordinance shall apply to a loan by a
pawnbroker of above twenty pounds or to the pledge on which
the loan is made, or to the pawnbroker or pawner in relation
to the loan or pledge; and notwithstanding anything in this
Ordinance, a person shall not he deemed a pawnbroker by
reason only of his paying, advancing, or lending on any terms
any sum or sums of above twenty pounds.

General Obligations of Pawnbrokers.
8. A pawnbroker shall keep and use in his business such Pawn-
books and documents as are described in the First Schedule brokers to
in the forms therein indicated or to the like effect, and shall keep books,
etc., as in
from time to time as occasion requires enter therein, in a schedule.
fair and legible manner, the particulars indicated in and in
accordance with the directions of that schedule, and shall
make all inquiries necessary for that purpose.

If a pawnbroker fails in any respect to comply with the
requisitions of this section he shall be guilty of an offence.

9. A pawnbroker shall always- Pawn-
(a) keep exhibited in large characters, over the outer brokers to
door of his shop his name with the wordkeep names
over doors,
Pawnbroker "; and andtables of
rates, etc.,
(b) keep placed in a conspicuous part of his shop (so exhibited in
as to be legible by every person pawning or redeem- shop.
ing pledges, standing in any box or place provided
in the shop for persons pawning or redeeming
pledges) the same information as is, by the rules
of the First Schedule, required to be printed on a
If a pawnbroker fails in any respect to comply with the
requisitions of this section he shall le guilty of an offence.

Pawning, Redemption and Sale.
10. A pawnbroker shall, on taking a pledge in pawn, give Pawn-
to the pawner a pawn-ticket, and shall not take a pledge in tickets to be
pawn unless the pawner takes the pawn-ticket. given for
11. (1) A pawnbroker may take profit on a loan on a Profit and
pledge at a rate not exceeding that specified in the Second charges
Schedule, allowed to

No. 28


1934 87

(2) A pawnbroker may demand and take the charges
specified in the Second Schedule, in the cases and according
to the rules therein stated and prescribed.

(3) A pawnbroker shall not, in respect of a loan on
a pledge, take any profit, or demand or take any charge or
sum whatever, other than those specified in the Second

(4) A pawnbroker shall, if required at the time of
redemption, give a receipt for the amount of loan and profit
paid to him; and such receipt shall not be liable to stamp
duty unless the profit amounts to two pounds or more.

Ledges 12. Every pledge shall be redeemable within twelve
redeemable for
one yearwith months from the day of pawning, exclusive of that day; and
seven days of there shall be added to that year of redemption seven days
grace. of grace, within which every pledge (if not redeemed within
the year of redemption) shall continue to be redeemable.

Pledges for 13. A pledge pawned for ten shillings, or under, if not
ten shilligs or redeemed within the year of redemption and days of grace,
under not
redeemed in shall, at the end of the days of grace become and be the
time forfeited. pawnbroker's absolute property.

Pledges 14. A pledge pawned for above ten shillings shall further
above ten continue redeemable until it is disposed of, as in this Ordin-
shillings dance provided, although the year of redemption and days of
until sale. grace are expired.
Sale by auc. 15. (1) A pledge pawned for above ten shillings shall
tion of when disposed of by the pawnbroker be disposed of by sale
pledges by public auction, and not otherwise; and the rules contained
above ten in the Third Schedule shall be observed with reference to
the sale.

(2) A pawnbroker may bid for and purchase at a sale
by auction, made or purporting to be made under this Ordin-
ance, a pledge pawned with him; and on such purchase he
shall be deemed the absolute owner of the pledge purchased.

Offences by 16. If an auctioneer does anything in contravention of
auctioneers, the provisions of this Ordinance relating to auctioneers, or
fails to do anything which he is required by this Ordinance
to do, he shall te guilty of an offence.

Power to 17. At any time within three years after the auction at
inspect sale which a pledge pawned for above ten shillings is sold, the
book. holder of the pawn-ticket may inspect the entry of the sale
in the pawnbroker's book, and in the filled-up catalogue of
the auction (authenticated by the signature of the auctioneer)
or in either of them.



883 No. 28

18. (1) Where a pledge pawned for above ten shillings Pawnbroker
is sold, and appears from the pawnbroker's book to have been to account
sold for more than the amount of the loan and profit due at hi hrusee
the time of sale, the pawnbroker shall, on demand, pay the years subject
surplus to the holder of the pawNn-ticket, in case the demand to set-off.
is made within three years after the sale, the necessary costs
and charges of the sale being first deducted.

(2) If on any such demand, it appears from the
pawnbroker's book that the sale of a pledge or pledges has
resulted in a surplus, and that withlin twelve months before or
after that sale the sale of another pledge or other pledges
of the same person has resulted in a deficit the pawnbroker
may set off the deficit against the surplus, and shall be liable
to pay the balance only after such set off.

19. If with respect to pledges for loans of above ten Offences as
shillings a pawnbroker- to pledges
(1) does not bona fide, according to the directions of for above
this Ordinance, sell a pledge pawned with him; or
(2) enters in his book a pledge as sold for less than
the sum for which it was sold, or fails duly to enter
the same; or
(3) refuses to permit any person entitled under this
Ordinance to inspection of an entry of sale in the
pawnbroker's book, or of a filled-up catalogue of
the auction (authenticated by the signature of the
auctioneer), to inspect the same; or
(4) fails without lawful excuse (the proof whereof shall
lie on him) to produce such a catalogue on lawful
demand; or
(5) refuses to pay on demand the surplus to the person
entitled to receive the same:
he shall in every such case be guilty of an offence and liable
on summary conviction thereof to forfeit to the person
aggrieved a sum not exceeding ten pounds.

20. Notwithstanding anything in this Ordinance a Special
pawnbroker may make a special contract with a pawner in contracts.
respect of a pledge on which the pawnbroker makes a loan of
above five pounds, provided always that;
(1) the pawnbroker at the time of the pawning shall
deliver to the pawner a special contract pawn-ticket
signed by the pawnbroker;
(2) a duplicate of the special contract pawn-ticket shall
be signed by the pawner.
The provisions of this Ordinance, save as far as the
application thereof is excluded by the terms of the special
contract, shall apply thereto.

No. 28


1934 89

90 No. 28

A special contract pawn ticket, or the duplicate shall not
be subject to stamp duty.
Delivery up of Pledge.
Holder of 21. The holder for the time being of a pawn-ticket shall
pawn-ticket be presumed to be the person entitled to redeem the pledge,
entitled o and, subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, the pawn-
broker shall accordingly (on payment of the loan and profit)
deliver the pledge to the person producing the pawn-ticket,
and he is hereby indemnified for so doing.
Production 22. A pawnbroker shall not (except as in this Ordinance
tof ake provided) be bound to deliver back a pledge unless the pawn-
redemption, ticket for it is delivered to him.
Liability of 23. Where a pledge is destroyed or damaged by or in
pawnbroker consequence of fire, the pawnbroker shall nevertheless be
fire. liable, on application within the period during which the
pledge would have been redeemable, to pay the value of the
pledge, after deducting the amount of the loan and profit,
such value to be the amount of the loan and profit, and
twenty-five per cent. on the amount of the loan.
A pawnbroker shall be entitled to insure to the extent of
the value so estimated.

Compen- 24. If a person entitled and offering to redeem a pledge
depein i on shows to the satisfaction of a magistrate that the pledge has
of pledge. become or has been rendered of less value than it was at the
time of the pawning thereof by or through the default, neglect,
or wilful misbehaviour of the pawnbroker, the magistrate
may, if he thinks fit, award a reasonable compensation to the
owner of the pledge in respect of the damage, and the amount
awarded shall be deducted from the amount payable to the
pawnbroker, or shall be paid by the pawnbroker (as the case
requires) in such manner as the magistrate may direct.

Protection 25. The following provisions shall have effect for the
of owners protection of owners of articles pawned, and of pawners not
owners not having their pawn-tickets to produce:-
pawn- (a) Any person claiming to be the owner of a pledge
tickets. buL not holding the pawn-ticket, or any person
claiming to be entitled to hold a pawn-ticket, but
alleging that the same has been lost, mislaid,
destroyed, or stolen, or fraudulently obtained from
him, may apply to the pawnbroker for a printed
form of declaration, which the pawnbroker shall
deliver to him;
(b) If the applicant delivers back to the pawnbroker
the declaration duly made by him, and by a person
identifying him, before a Justice of the Peace, the
applicant shall thereupon have, as between him and
the pawnbroker, all the same rights and remedies



as if he produced the pawn-ticket: Provided that
such a declaration shall not be effectual for that
purpose unless it is duly made and delivered back
to the pawnbroker not later than on the third day
after the day on which the form is delivered to
the applicant by the pawnbroker (exclusive of a
day or days on which the pawnbroker is prohibited
from carrying on business);

(c) The pawnbroker is hereby indemnified for not
delivering the pledge to any person until the
expiration of the period aforesaid;

(d) The pawnbroker is further hereby indemnified for
delivering the pledge or otherwise acting in con-
formity with the declaration, unless he has actual
or constructive notice that the declaration is
fraudulent or is false in any material particular.

26. In each of the following cases :- owiery to
(1) If any person is convicted under this Ordinance of opewfly
knowingly and designedly pawning with a pawn- pawned.
broker anything being the property of another
person, the pawner not being employed or
authorized by the owner thereof to pawn the same;

(2) If any person is convicted of feloniously taking or
fraudulently obtaining any goods, and it appears to
the court that the same have been pawned with a

(3) If in any proceedings it appears to the court that
any goods brought before the court have been
unlawfully pawned with a pawnbroker;

the court, on proof of the ownership of the goods, may, if it
thinks fit, order the delivery thereof to the owner, either on
payment to the pawnbroker of the amount of the loan or of
any part thereof, or without payment thereof or of any part
thereof, as to the court, according to the conduct of the owner
and the other circumstances of the case, may seem just and

27. If a pawnbroker, without reasonable excuse (the Summary
proof whereof shall lie on him), refuses or neglects to deliver order for
a pledge to the person entitled to have delivery thereof under deliveryof
this Ordinance, he shall be guilty of an offence against this person
Ordinance and a magistrate may, if he thinks fit, with or entitled.
without imposing a penalty, order the delivery of the pledge
pn payment of the amount of the loan and profit,

1934 91

No. 28


92 No. 28 Pawnbrokers. 1934

General Restrictions on Pawnbrokers.

Prohibition 28. Any pawnbroker who-
of pur-
chasing (1) takes an article in pawn from any person appearing
pledges; to be under the age of fourteen years or to be
taking intoxicated; or
pledges from
children, etc. (2) purchasers or takes in pawn or exchange a pawn-
ticket issued by another pawnbroker; or
(3) employs any servant or apprentice or other person
under the age of sixteen years to take pledges in
pawn; or
(4) under any pretence purchases, except at public
auction, any pledge while in pawn with him; or
(5) suffers any pledge while in pawn with him to be
redeemed with a view to his purchasing it; or
(G) makes any contract or agreement with any person
pawning or offering to pawn any article, or with
the owner thereof, for the purchase, sale, or
disposition thereof within the time of redemp-
tion; or
(7) sells or otherwise disposes of any pledge pawned
with him, except at such time and in such manner
as authorized by this Ordinance; or
(8) takes any goods or chattels in pawn from any
person between 6 o'clock in the evening and 6 o'clock
in the morning of the following day; or
(9) carries on business of a pawnbroker on Sunday,
Christmas day, or Good Friday,
shall be guilty of an offence.

Unlawful Paoning and taking in Pawn.

Unlawful 29. (1) Any person who knowingly and designedly pawns
pawning of with a pawnbroker anything being the property of another
goods iot person, the pawner not being employed or authorised by the
property o
pawner. owner thereof to pawn the same, shall be guilty of an offence
and liable on summary conviction thereof to forfeii; any sum
not exceeding five pounds, and, in addition thereto, any sum
not exceeding the full value of the pledge as ascertained by
the court.

(2) The forfeitures when recovered shall be applied
towards making satisfaction thereout to the party injured,
and defraying the cost of prosecution, as the court may direct;
but if the party injured declines to accept of such satisfaction
and costs, or if there is any surplus of the forfeitures, then
the forfeitures or surplus (as the case may be) shall be paid
into general revenue.