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Page i Page ii Page iii Page iv Page v Page vi Page vii Page viii Page ix Ordinances Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51 Page 52 Page 53 Page 54 Page 55 Page 56 Page 57 Page 58 Page 59 Page 60 Page 61 Page 62 Page 63 Page 64 Page 65 Page 66 Page 67 Page 68 Page 69 Page 70 Page 71 Page 72 Page 73 Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Page 83 Page 84 Page 85 Page 86 Page 87 Page 88 Page 89 Page 90 Page 91 Page 92 Page 93 Page 94 Page 95 Page 96 Page 97 Page 98 Page 99 Page 100 Page 101 Page 102 Page 103 Page 104 Page 105 Page 106 Page 107 Page 108 Page 109 Page 110 Page 111 Page 112 Page 113 Page 114 Page 115 Page 116 Page 117 Page 118 Page 119 Page 120 Page 121 Page 122 Page 123 Page 124 Page 125 Page 126 Page 127 Page 128 Page 129 Page 130 Page 131 Page 132 Page 133 Page 134 Page 135 Page 136 Orders in council Order 1 Order 2 Order 3 Order 4 Order 5 Order 6 Order 7 Order 7a Order 8 Order 9 Order 9a Order 10 Order 11 Order 11a Order 12 Order 13 Order 14 Order 15 Order 16 Order 17 Order 18 Order 19 Order 20 Order 20a Order 20b Order 20c Order 20d Order 20e Order 20f Order 20g Order 21 Order 21a Order 22 Order 23 Order 23a Order 24 Governor's orders Order 1 Order 2 Order 3 Order 4 Order 5 Order 6 Order 6a Order 7 Order 8 Order 9 Order 9a Order 10 Order 10a Order 11 Order 12 Order 13 Order 13a Order 13b Order 13c Rules Rule 1 Rule 2 Rule 3 Rule 3a Rule 3b Rule 4 Rule 4a Rule 5 Rule 5a Rule 6 Rule 6a Rule 7 Rule 7a Rule 7c Rule 8 Rule 8a Rule 9 Rule 9a Rule 9b Rule 9c Rule 10 Rule 11 Rule 11a Rule 11b Rule 11c Rule 12 Rule 12a Rule 12b Rule 12c Rule 12d Rule 12e Rule 12f Rule 12g Rule 12g Rule 12i Rule 12j Rule 12k Rule 12l Rule 12m Rule 12n Rule 12o Rule 12p Rule 12q Rule 12r Rule 12s Rule 13 Rule 14 Rule 14a Rule 14b Rule 14c Rule 14d Rule 14e Rule 14f Rule 15 Rule 16 Rule 16a Rule 17 Rule 18 Rule 18a Rule 18b Rule 20 Rule 20a Rule 20b Rule 20c Rule 20d Rule 20e Rule 21 Rule 21a Rule 22 Rule 22a Rule 22b Rule 22c Rule 22d Rule 22e Rule 23 Rule 24 Rule 25 Rule 26 Rule 26a Rule 27 Rule 27a Rule 28 Rule 28a Rule 28b Rule 28c Rule 29 Rule 30 Rule 30a Proclamation Proclamation 1 Proclamation 1a Proclamation 2 Proclamation 3 Proclamation 4 Bye-laws Page A 14 Page A 15 Page A 16 Orders of the King in Council Page A 17 Page A 18 Page A 19 Page A 20 Page A 21 Page A 22 Page A 23 Page A 24 Page A 25 Page A 26 Page A 27 Statutory rules and orders Page B 125 Page B 126 Page B 127 Page B 128 Page B 129 Page B 130 Page B 131 Page B 132 Page B 133 Page B 134 Page B 135 Page B 136 |
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CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX to the Ordinances, Or Governor's Orders, Rules and Proclamations of Si Orders of the King in Council affecting Siei enacted and made during the year 1 (Note.-The titles of enactments which are,no longer operaitve ORDINA NCES. Date of Subject. Commenceme Arms and ment) Cinematograph (Amendment) Ammunition (Amend- Exhibitions .Pensions (Non-European Officers) (Voluntary Retirement) (Amend- ment) *Pensions (European Officers) (Voluntary Retirement) Registration of United Kingdom Designs (Amendment) Freetown ment) Municipality (Amend- 11 7 Irtrgretation (Amendment) 8 (1932) Supplementary Appropriation 9 Noh-Native Poll Tax (Amendment) 10 Vaccination (Amendment) 13 July, 1933 13 July. 1933 13 July, 1933 1 January, 193 13 July, 1933 13 July 1i33 13 July, 1933 13 July, 1933 13 July, 1933 13 July. 1933 I-,. ders in Council, erra Leone and rra Leone 933. .-" Share printed in italics.) ni. Remarks. Repeals and re- places section 30 of Cap. I. Amends seclotio -'- (3) of Ordinanoe No. 12 of 1931. Amends section 2 of Ordinance No. 23 of 193R. 2 . Repeals and re- places section .4 of Ordinance No. 28 of 1928. Amends sections 9 - (3), 26 (1), 26(2). (b) and 155 of Ordinance No. 38 of 1927. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 29 of 1933. Spent. Amends section 11 ' (2) and First Schedule to Or : finance No. 28 of 1931. Amends sections 4. 6, 9 and 10 of ap. 25: repeals and - places section -. and also repeals th Y Vaccination Fees 4 Bules, 1924. | ~- -i; C. 6i P: F ~1 i: gl 28 13 July, 1933 25 13 July, 1933 28 13 July, 1933 13 July, 1933 13 July, 1933 39 13 July, 1933 43 1 August, 1933 51 To come into opera- tion on such date as the Governor may fix by a notice published in the Gazette 59 To come into opera- tion on such date as the Governor may fix by a notice published in the Gazette 62 1 January, 1934 65 24 November, 1933 Aliens (Deportation) (Amendment) Railway Superfluous Lands Folded Woven Goods 1 1 14 House Tax (Colony) (Amendment) 15 Public Health (Amendment) Sherbro Judicial District (Amend- ment) Freetown Municipality Building Scheme "Midwives Medical Practitioners. Midwives, Dentists and Druggists (Amend- ment) 0: ',(1934) Appr6priation :1 Customsi (Amendment) Repeals and replaces section 3 of Cap. 3. Repeals and re- places Cap. 71. Repeals and re- laces sections 6, 16 and 17 (6) of Cap. 96; alsa amends sections 17 (1), 17 (f), 17 (5) and 18. Repeals and re- places section 27 of Cap. 171; Amends sections 3, 6(1), 7 (1), 9 (2), 10, 13 (1), 17 and 24 of Cap. 189; re- peals and re- places- sections 4 and 5; repeals section 23; and also inserts hew sections SA -and 3B therein. Amended by Ordinance No. 31 of 11933. Amends long aid short titles of Cap, 125; also amends -sections 3, 4, 8, 9, 13 (1) and 14; repeal section 6 (4) and the Midwives Rules, 1924. Repeals section 145A of Cap. 49. 16 S19 Subject. T Commenceent. emiarks. " .. j omneet ~rY~"~-" -I II I I ii ORDINAN( CS--continued. D I MANC ES-owdimaed. 1 subject. 1i Doeate of Commencement. Remarks.. 21 Ceroners,-Amendment) Plteectorate Courts Jurisdiction 70 (Amendment) .uimmary Convictiod' Offences 72 (Ameendment) Eruit Export 74 Sorestry (Amendment) 77 Customs Tariff (Amendment) 79 L ioanL(epayment) 81 Interpretation 3 E Gbiange of'Titles 95 ffidwives (Anedment) 98 SProtectorate 100 Public Heathe i (Pi -ite&J S(Amendment) 9rDecember, 1933 9,Deoember, 1933 9 December, 1933 1 January, 1934 9 December, 1933 9 December, 1933 9 December, 1933 9 December, 1933. 9 December, 1933 9 December, 1933 9 December,33 9 December, 1983 iii~ Repeals andi re- places section 9c of Cap. 40; also amends sec- tions 24, 28, 29 30, 34, and Forms D, E;. F and G in the First Schedule. Inserts new sec- tion 47A in Ordinance No. 40 of 1932. Repeals and re- places section 39 of Cap. 201., Inserts new sec- tion 21A in Cap. 74. Amends section 2 of Ordinamne No. 1 of 1932. Repeals and e- places Cap. l t also repeals the Interpretation Ordinance (Amendmeit) Ordinance, 1929 and 1930 ; Ordin- ance No. 3 and No. 14 of 1931; No. 3 of 1932 andNo.7ofl933. Amends sectieo14. (e) of Ordinance No. 18.of 19B3. Repeals and relanes Oaps. 167 an 170{ repeals the , tectorate (Amenda-. *1t95 o) Ord s .i 1925 to 1928; the " Protect.or e- Nat iyv'e FMW. (Amen d ment) Ordinan. 1925 t 1927. and Odtpance No 24 ofM-127 also makes o inor amendment t Ordinanrce- T of 1~37. 4 of 1.41 of 1932 and 0M of 1932. Amends Beet9o tot Ordinance No Bof 1926. J 1 i II i: I * i 5 r-. s r (t :1 ; i: 1 4 , -'i *1 '..?.3 :: K~ V. -j **n rl i: + ;t " : .I ;jC ` i -' ~~ i I - -- --- - i iv ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Dat of Subject. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 6 z Probates (British and Colonial) Recognition (British Guiana) Estate of Samuel Athanasius Have- lock Thorpe Public Holiday (Empire Day) Import Prohibition Customs (Free Storage of Goods) Protectorate Health Areas (Amend- ment) House 'Tax (Extension of Time) Prospecting for Diamonds (Prohibi- tion Customs Tariff (Amendment) Probates (British and Colonial) Recognition (the Colony of Gambia) Public Motor Roads (Protectorate) Customs (Free Storage of Goods) (No. 2) Customs Inland Port (Gene) Control of Rice Ferry Tolls (Amendment) Yoni-Niawama Ferry Prisons (Masanki) Date of Commencement, 26 January, 1933 16 February, 1933 23 February, 1933 30 March, 1933 13 April, 1933 20 April, 1933 18 May, 1933 1 June, 1933 7 June, 1933 8 June, 1933 8 June, 1933 8 June, 1933 15 June, 1933 6 July, 1933 3 August, 1933 14 September, 1933 21 September, 1933 Remarks. Applies Cap. 163 to British Guiana. Spent. Revoked by Order in Council No. 12 of 1933. Amends First Schedule to Order in CQuncil No. 20 of 1931. Amends for 1933, sections 12 and 17 (1) of Cap. 96. Amends Schedules I and III to Ordinance No. 1 of 1932. Applies Cap. 163 to-the Colony of the Gambia. Revokes and re- places Orders in Council Nos. 8 of 1922 and 16 of 1927. Amends Schedule C to Cap. 49 and revokes Order in Council No. 5 of 1933. Revokq Order in Council No. 7 of 1926. Amends clause 2 of Order in Council No. 5 of 1932. .Amends Schedule to Ordinance No. 27 of 1931. z i ' ORDERS IN COUNCIL-continued. S. Subject. Protectorate Health Areas (Amend- ment) (No. 2) . Gum Copal (Export Prohibition) Pensionable Offices Customs (Legal Quays) Protectorate Health Areas (Amend- ment) (No. 3) Customs Tariff (No. 2) (Amend- ment) Siurey of Boats (Application to Freetown Harbour) SDate of S Commencement. 145 21 September, 1933 146 1 January, 1934 147 26 October, 1933 155 9 November, 1933 157 30 November, 1933 158 30 November, 1933 160 1 January, 1934 .o 1: Remarks. Amends First Schedule to Order in Council No. 20 of 1931. Revokes and re- places Order in Council No. 12 of 1932. Revokes and re- places Order in Council No. 9 of 1927. Amends First Schedule to Order in Coun- cilNo. 20 of 1931. Amends First Schedule to Or- dinance No. 1 of 1932. GOVERNOR'S ORDERS. "Subject. 8 Date of lSubject. b Commencement. Remarks. 1 Tassoh Island (Removal of Head- 161 9 February, 1933 man) 2 Forest Restricted Area (Kongbora) 162 23 March, 1933 Revokes Order No. 7 of 1919. 3 Headman and Committee (Fabaina) 163 18 May, 1933 Amends Schedule A to Cap. 91. 4 Headman and-Committee(Garahun) 164 18 May, 1933 Amends Schedule A to Cap. 91. 5 Headman and Committee (Kundaw) 165 18 May, 1933 Amends Schedule A to Cap. 91. 6 Cinematograph Exhibitions (Board 166 18 May, 1933 Revokes and re- of Control) places Order Of No. 7 of 1932. 7 RIgulation of Work by Residents 168 6 July, 1933 Amends Schedule (Fabaina, Garahun-and Kundaw) 'c to ap. 91. 8 Fugitive Criminals Surrender 169 20 July, 1933 Adds to list of (Amendment) Foreign States in clause 2 of the Fugitive Criminals Sur- render Order, ._____ C__ S_ __1_ _____ 1924. 19 20 21 229 23 * 24 I _ _ *v GOVERNOR'S ODEBRS-continued. Date ofRemarks. SSBubject. I| Commencement. Remarks. 9 Pepel Town 170 14 September, 1933 10 Lunsar Town 172 14 September, 1933 11 Headman and Committee 174 26 October, 1933 Amends Schedule (Six Miles). A; to; Sap. 91 12 Pensions (European Offiers) 175 23 November, 1933 Adds to' Sohe- (Voluntary Retirement) dule to Ordin- ance No. 4 of 1933. 13 Bash Fire Prevention (Protective 176 28 December, 1933 Addsi to Schedule Belts). (Protectorate) (Amend- to Order No. 11 ment) _of 1932. RULES. Subject. DCom te nt. Remarks. p, Commencement. ], 1 Wild Game (Amendment) 2 Public. Transport (Amendment) Services a* 4 Customs Tariff (Amendment) Immigration Restriction) Supreme Court Rules, S(Am dment) 1924,, PFoaign Tribunals Process Banded Duiker and Cobus Antelope 'Preaeition 181 19 January, 1933 182 26 January, 1983 186 16 February, 1933 23 February, 1933 2 March, 1933 2 March, 1933 9 March, 1933 Revokes and; re- places .rule 3 of the Wild Game (Amend- ment) Rules, 1927 to 1929; Amends "First Schedule to the Public Trans- port Services Rules, 1929: and 1930. Revoked by Rules No. 20 of 1933. Revokes and re- places rule 2 (1) of Rle i Schedule IV to Ordinance No. '1 of 1982w;. also amends.-rules 7 (1), 8, 17 and Foms 1. an& C in the Appendix thereto. Revokei and re- planes Order LXIV of the Suprefe Court Rues.tegll. I1 3 Arms and Ammunition (Amendment) 183 16 February, 1933. ' " t E; P i t F r:"I~ j I j - S'iSubject. CommDate of Remarks. / 5 Commencement. 9 KIroo TrIbdl Administration 10' Pbsta Offise (Amendment) 'RaA*y (Coaching Tariff) (Amend- inenti) Railway (Goods Tariff) (Amend- ment) Public Tfansport Services (Amend- mtat) iEuropeh Reserve Force iGuatoms Tariff (Amendment) (No. 2) Railway :(Goods S2Bni(No. 2) QusaSms (Transit maEit) Tariff (Amend- 235 Sheds) (Amend- Gihematograph Exhibitions ;Weetown Waterworks (Amend- SB~tSt 5 April, 1933 1 May, 1933 4 May, 1933 4 May, 1933 .4 May, 1933 8 June, 1933 22 June, 1933 13 July, 1933 27 July, 1933 238 27 July, 1933 241 24 August, 1933 Amended by Rlues No. 23 of 1933. Amends rules 132 and 133 of Rules. No. 21 of 1930. Amends rules 23, 32 and 85, and revokes and re- places rules 24 and 30 of the Railway (Coach- ing Tariff) Rules, 1924. Revokes and replaces rule655 and Schedules R, E, F, G, H and L of the Railway (Goods Tariff) Rules, 1924; also amends Schedule C, D and K and adds new Sche- dules M, N, 0, P, Q and R thereto. Amends First Schedule to the Public Trans- Sport Services Rules, 1929 and 1930. Inserts new :rule 17A in Rules in Schedule IV to Ordinance No. 1 of 1932. Inserts new rule 60B in the Rail- way (Goods) Tariff) Rules, 1924. Amends rule (4) of the rules at p. 49 of Vol. MI. Revokes and re- places rule 26A of the Free- town Water- works Rules, 1924. - S ; -- - 415 :16 ; 6 " Subject. I Date of Remarks: a Commencement. 20 A rms and Ammunition Sherbro Judicial District (Amend ment) Tariff Kroo Tribal (Amendment) 242 14 September, 1933 248 21 September, 1933 (Amendment) 250 21 September, 1933 Administration 256 12 October, 1933 24 Protectorate Land (Amendment) 25 Motor Traffic (Amendment) 26 Quarantine (Amendment) Pensions (European (Amendment) 257 I 12 October, 1933 258 2 6 October, 1933 1 January, 1934 Officers) 261 30 November, 1933 Revokes and re- places the Rules m Schedule K to Cap. 11; also revokes rules SNo. 19 of 1931 and Rules No. 3 of 1933. Revokes and re- places rule 24F of the Sherbro Judicial District Rules, 1924. Revokes and re- places rule 8 of Rules in Sche- dule IV to Ordinance No. 1 of 1932; also amends- rule 20 and inserts new- rules 21A; 21B, .21c0 nd 21D therein. Revokes and re- places rule 2 of Rules No. 9 of 1933; also revokes rule 16. Amends rules 1 and 2 of the Rules in the Schedule to Ordinance No. 16 of 1927. Aniends Forms G and H of First Schedule to Rules'No. 32 of 1930. Revokes and re- places rule 7 (1) of Rules No. 4 of 1930. Amends rule 19c of Rules in First Schedule to Cap. 146 ; also revokes and replaces the Schedule added thereto by Rules No. 12 of 1929. Customs (No. 3) ~I 3?-, RULES-continued. 4 RULES--entinued. ix ae SubjCom c ent.s. Commencement. 04 Education. (Protectorate) (Amend- ment) Public Hdalth (Protectorate) (Amendment) Railway (Telegraph)(Amendment) -* *" 1 ,anuary, 1934 267 30 Noveniber, 1933 1 January, 1934 Revokes and re- laces rule 73 o Bules No. 28 of 1930. Revokes and re- places rule 8 of Rules No. 27 of 1929. Revokes and re- places rules 6 and 7 of the Railway Tele- graph Rules, 1924. h. L BYE-LAWS. Freetown (Slaughter House) Amending Bye-Laws, 1933-Page 271 *Frpeto"w (Slaughter House) (No; 2) Amending Bye-Laws, 1933-Page 272 PROCLAMATIONS. ...... .. .D ate of S Cubjeet. Commencem t. Remarks. 1 Assumption of the Administration of 273 14 June, 1933 Spent. the Colony by His Excellency Captain Claude Edcward Cookson 2 Highways (Straying of Animals) 275 28 September, 1933 Ordinance, 1924 (Extension) 8 Prrogation of the Legislative 276 5 October, 1933 Spent. Council (Ninth Session) - 4 Legislative Council (Date' of 277 2 November, 1933 Spent. .Cosomencement of Tenth Session) ORDERS OF THE KING IN COUNCIL. Subject. Date of SnSubject. r Commencement. Remarks. 1 1Air Navigation (Colonies, Pro- 279 1 January, 1933 cto -. estates ,and Mandated Terri- S toria) (A'endment) Order, 1932 2 Copyright (Rome Convention) 283 16 March, 1933 Order, 1933 3 Portugal (Extradition) Order in 293 10 July, 1933 SCouncil, 1933 ~i^ "-? '" 4 Supplement No. 1 to the Sierra Leone Royal Gazette, Vol. LXIV No. 2852, Dated 13th July, 1933. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 1 of 1933. In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this eighth day of July, 1933. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Amend the Arms and Cap. 11. Ammunition Ordinance. 1924. [13th July, 1933.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Arms and Short title. Ammunition (Amendment) Ordinance, 1933. 2. Section 30 of the Arms and Ammunition Ordinance, Repeal and 1924, is hereby repealed and replaced by the following replacement section: of section 30 of Cap. 11. "30. (1) The Governor in Council may make rules for"Powerof the further, better or more convenient carrying out Governor in of any of the provisions or purposes of this Councilto Ordinance; and in particular, but without derogating make rules." from the generality of the foregoing, with respect to any of the following matters:--*)' (a) The appointment of persons to be the prescribed authority under this Ordinance; Rt i&fca0. h- SNo. 1 Arms and Ammunition (Amendment). 1938 (b) The prescription of forms to be used for any purpose under this Ordinance; (c) The prescription of fees to be charged and paid under this Ordinance (d) The prescription of anything which under this Ordinance requires to be prescribed; (e) The prescription of the duties and powers of any person engaged or employed in the administration of the provisions of this Ordinance; (f) The prescription of rents to be charged and payable in respect of articles deposited under this Ordinance in any warehouse; (g) The grant of licences, permits and authorisations under this Ordinance; (h) The prescription of the duties of any person to whom any licence, permit or authorisation is granted under this Ordinance; (i) The landing, storage and transport of arms and ammunition; (j) The management, use and control of public and private warehouses and withdrawals therefrom; (k) The keeping and examination of books, records and registers in connexion with the administra- tion of any of the provisions of this Ordinance; (1) The dealing in arms and ammunition. (2) Unless and until amended or revoked by the Governor in Council under this section, the rules contained in Schedule K to this Ordinance shall be in force." Passed in the Legislative Council this twentieth day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIs PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. X18129, No. 2 Cinematograph Exhibitions (Amendment). 1933 COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 2 of 1933. In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this eighth day of July, 1933. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Amend the Cinematograph Exhibitions Ordinance, 1931. Ordinance No. 12 of 1931. [ 1th July, 1933.] Date ofcom- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- S1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Cinematograph Short title. Exhibitions (Amendment) Ordinance, 1933. 2. Section 6 (3) of the Cinematograph Exhibitions Ordinance, Amendment 1931, is hereby amended by deleting the second and third lines of section 6 and the word "decision" in the fourth line and substituting (3)of Ordin- dtherword te fourdcli n s ance No. 12 therefore the following words:-" it shall signify its decision of 1931. by a certificate in the prescribed form." 4 No. 2 Cinematograph Exhibitions (Amendment). 1933 Passed in the Legislative Council this twentieth day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M-P. E145131. No. 3 Pensions (Non-European Oficers) (Voluntary Retirement) (Amendment). 1933 COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE.' No. 3 of 1933. In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this eighth day of July, 1933. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Amend European Officersl (Volun Ordinance, 11 the Pensions (Non- No. 23 of y R) 1932. Itary Retirement) [13th July, 1933.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Per (Non-European Officers) (Voluntary Retirement) (Amen' Ordinance, 1933. 2. Section 2 of the Pensions (Non-Euror (Voluntary Retirement) Ordinance, 1932, is b by inserting therein the words "and gratuit' after the word "pensions" where the same and fourth lines. No. 3 Pensions (Non.European Officers) (Voluntary Retirement) (Amendment). 1933 Passed in the Legislative Council this twentieth day of Jqne, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-tlree. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Coineilf. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of legislative Council, M1.P. 387/181, Ii3~c4 No. 4 Pensions (European Oficers) (Voluntary 1933 7 Retirement), COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 4 of 1933. In His Majesty's name I assent L to this Ordinance this eighth day of July, 1933, 0. E. COOKSON, S4 / Acting Govemror. An Ordinance to Amend the Law elating to the Grant of Pensions to Europe Officers. 1st January, 1932.] Dateofcom- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of/Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legis] ive Council thereof, as follows:- 1. (1) This Ordinance may be cit d as the Pensions (European Short title, Officers) (Voluntary Retirement) Or nance, 1933; it shall apply to application the. Colony and Protectorate, and hall be deemed to have come and com- into operation on the first day of anuary, 1932. mencement. (2) This Ordinance and e Pensions (European Officers) Construc- Ordinance, 1924, shall be re i and construed together as one tion, Ordinance. Cap. 146. 2. Notwithstanding any revision in the Pensions (European Grant of Officers) Ordinance, 1924, t the contrary, it shall be lawful for pensions to the Governor in Counci to grant pensions and gratuities officers calculated according to te principles upon which pensions and retire von- gratuities under the said Ordinance are calculated, to the officers tarily. whose names are specific in the Schedule hereto at any time after the commencement of t is Ordinance on their voluntary retirement Cap. 146, with the permission of the Governor from the service of Sierra Leone. No. 4 Pensions (European Officers) (Voluntary Retirement. 1933 Power of 3. The Governor may, with the/approval of the Secretary of Governor to State, by Order, add to the Schedule the names of any other add names to Schedule. officers. SCHEDULE. Name. Name. Aylott, Walter. 4,- /i/J5 McLeod, Torquil William/ Mo' M Pe 1.; /1 0//4 It dW e44 Trn'R / Passed in the Legislative Council this twentieth day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand i e hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESS/ON has been carefully cognpared by me with the Bill which has passed the legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the sad Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. B!67131. I No. 5 Registration of United Kingdom Designs' 1933 9 (Amendment). COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 5 of 1933. SIn His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this eighth day of July, 1933. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Amend the Registration of No. 28 of 1928. United Kingdom Designs Ordinance, 1928. [18th July, 1933.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Registration of United Short title. Kingdom Designs (Amendment) Ordinance, 1933. 2. Section 4 of the Registration of United Kingdom Designs Repeal and replacement of Ordinance, 1928, is hereby repealed and replaced by the section 4of following section :- N. t of 1s. 4. An application for registration of a design under this "Application Ordinance shall be made to the Registrar and for registra- accompanied by two representations of the design tion." and a certificate of the Comptroller-General of the United Kingdom Patent Office giving full particulars of the registration of the design in the United Kingdom and stating the date at which such design became or will normally become open to public inspection." 10 No. 5 Registration of United Kingdom Designa 1933 (Amendment). Passed in the Legislative Council this twentieth day of June,'in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Coiunil and found by pme to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN. Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. 3/28/29, No, 6 Free~town MBlrunic-ipcalty (Amen ,lInen t), COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. NQ. 6 of 1933. @ In His Majesty's name I assent tp this Ordinance this eighth day of July, 1933. C. E. OOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Amend the Freetown Ordinance No. 38 of Municipality Ordinance, 1927. 1927. [13th July, 1933.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Freetown Municipality Shoit title. (Amendr ent) Ordinance, 1933. 2. Section 9 (3) of the Freetown Municipality Ordinance, Amendment 1927, is hereby amended by deleting the words "fifty per f section 9 centum" in the fourth line and substituting therefore the words ane No. 38 " one-third ". of 1927. 3. Section 26 (1) of the Freetown Municipality Ordinance, Amendment 1927, is hereby amended by deleting the word "hereinafter" of section 26 in the fourth line and substituting therefore the word hereafter ". dance No 38 of 1927. 4. Section 26 (2) (b) of the Freetown Municipality Ordinance, Amendment 1927, is hereby amended by deleting the words and to regulate of section 26 the same" in the third and fourth lines and substituting therefore (2) (b) of the words to regulate the same and to prevent cruelty therein ". Ordinance 1927No. 38 of 1927. 193;) i1 Freetown Municipality (Amendment). Amendment 5. Section 155 of the Freetown Municipality Ordinance, 1927, of setiol is hereby amended by deleting the, last forty words and Ordinance substituting therefore the following words :-"and a deed of No. 38 of conveyance executed by the City Bailiff in pursuance of any 1927. such sale shall, upon being duly registered under the provisions of the Registration of Instruments Ordinance, 1924, confer upon the purchaser as good a title to the lands and tenements sold as the owner could lawfully convey. Provided that the President may, at any time before the sale of any lands, tenements, rents and annuities so advertised for sale as aforesaid, postpone the sale thereof either generally or to some specified day." Passed in the Legislative Council this twentieth day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by'me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. MJ0132. 1933 12 No. 6 No. 7 Interpretation (Amendment). 1933 13 COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 7 of 1933. In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance. this eighth day of July, 1933. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance o Amend the Interpretati n Cap. 103. ordinance, 1924. [13th Jtly, 1933.] Dateofcom- mencement. BE IT ENACTED: y the Governor of Sierra Le e, with the advice and c sent of the Legislative Coun il thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordi ance may be cited as the Interpretation Short title. (Amendment) Or finance, 1933. 2. Section 3 (1) of the Interpretation O finance, 1924, is Amendment hereby amend d by inserting therein the fo lowing' paragraph f sectionn 13 (1) of Cap. immediately a ter paragraph (c):- 103. Section 5 of the In- "Govern ent". (cc) The expressions government "the terpretation Government ", "the C Leone." 1929 and 1930. 14 No. 7 Interpretc ion (Amendmeet). 1933 Further 3. Section 13 (1) of t e Interpretation Ordinance, 1924, is amendment hereby further amended y deleting paragraph (e) defining the of section 13 (1) of Cap. expression Magistrate" 'uid substituting therefore the following 103. paragraph and definition: Section 5 of the Inter- "Magistrate ". "(e) he expression Magistrate" shall mean pretation the Police Magistrate of Freetown, or a (Amend- ment) Di trict Commissioner of the Colony, or two Ordinance, Ju tices of the Peace sitting as a Court of 1929 and S mmary Jurisdiction in the Colony, or a 1930. D strict Commissioner of the Protectorate." Addition of 4. The Interpretation Ordinance, 1924, is hereby amended by 16B to Cap. 10~. inserting therein, as se tion 16B, the following section :- "Power "16B. Where by any Ordinance the Governor is Governor empower to exercise any powers and/or perform uo tority any dutie he may. unless by law expressly prohibited vested in from so going, depute any person by name or the Ordinance." person or the time being holding the office designated by him to exercise such powers and/or perform such duties on his behalf, subject to such condition s, exceptions and qualifications as the Governo may prescribe by notice in the Gazette, and thereup n or from such date as may be specified in the not ce the person so deputed shall have and exercise such powers and/or perform such duties subject as aforesaid. Provided, that no such delegation of pow rs and/or duties shall have effect until notified in the Gazette. Provided also that nothing in this section contained shall authorise the Governor to depute any person to make rules under any power in that behalf conferred on him by Ordinance." Addition of 5. The Inter station Ordinance, 1924, is hereby amended by new section 23 to Cap, 103. the addition their to of the following section as section 23 :- "Appli-" 23. (1) Where by or under any Ordinance any person is cation requi ed to pay any charge or fee for any act or thing of fees, done, or document issued, or signature or seal affixed fines and forfei- to anr document, by any public officer or department, tures." or w iere any person is adjudged by any court, or othe authority duly authorised by law, to pay or forfe t any sum of money, such charge or fee and such sum of money shall be paid into the Treasury and form part of the general revenue of Sierra Leone unle s otherwise provided; and if any such charge or fee, or if any commission on money received or taken poss ssion of, realized, or otherwise dealt with, is requ red to be paid to any public officer or depart- men such officer or department receiving the same shall pay it into or account for the same in due course to th Treasury. No. 7 Interpretation Amendment). 1933 15 (2) Where by or un er any Ordinance any thing or any animal is adjudge by any court, or other authority duly authorised by lax to be forfeited, it shall, unless otherwise provided, e forfeited to the Crown ; and the net proceeds their of, if it is ordered by competent authority to be sold shall be paid into the Treasury and form part of the general revenue of Sierra Leone unless otherwise pr ided. (3) Nothing in this section shall affect any provision in any ordinance whereby any shares of fines or penalties or forfeitures, or of proceeds of forfeitures, ar expressed to be recoverable by any person, or m y be granted by any authority to any person." Passed in the Legislati e Council this twentieth day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thou and nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMP ESSION lha: been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed hlie Legislative Council and found by mn to be a true and correct copy of tl said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. Jil4130. (1932) Supplementary Appro(priation. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 8 of 1933. In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this eighth day of July, 1933. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Legalise certain Payments made in the year 1932 for the Public Service of the Colony and Protectorate of Sierra Leone in excess of the Appropriations authorized by Law. [13th July, 1933.] Date of com- mencement. WHEREAS certain expenditure has been incurred for the Public Service of the Colony and Protectorate in the year 1932 in excess of the appropriations authorized for that purpose; AND WHEREAS it is expedient that such expenditure should be sanctioned by law: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the (1932) Supplementary Short title. Appropriation Ordinance, 1933. No. 8 1933 1t (1932) Supplementary Appropriation. Sanction- for 2. The sums of money set forth in the Schedule having been expenditure expended for the services therein respectively mentioned beyond i 1932 in the amount sanctioned and appropriated by the (1932) Appropria- excess of ap- propriations tion Ordinance, 1931, the same are hereby declared to have been authorized duly and necessarily paid, laid out and expended for the Public by No. 22 of Service of the Colony and Protectorate in the year 1932, and are 3. hereby approved, allowed and granted in addition to the amount mentioned in -the Ordinance aforesaid. SCHEDULE. Head of Service. Governor ... ... Health Branch, Medical Department Miscellaneous Services Motor-bus Service ... ... Pensions and Gratuities ... Printing and Stationery ... ... Electrical Brapch, Public Works Department ...... Railway ... Public Works Extraordinary ... General Motor Repair Shop ... ... Reserve Fund ... Supplementary Appro- priation authorized. 233 - 103 4,807 109 7,577 55 s. 16 18 11 12 10 12 586 11 8 27,995 15 9 2 16 5 17 2 3 30,000 0 0 71,490 8 2 Passed in the Legislative Council this twentieth day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill: J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. B12833. 18 No. 8 1933 Non-Native Poll Tax (Amendment). COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 9 of 1933. In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this eighth day of July, 1933. 0. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Amend the Non-Native Poll Tax No. 28 of Ordinance, 1931. 1931. [18th July, 1933.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Non-native Poll Tax Short title. (Amendment) Ordinance, 1933. 2. Section 11 (2) of the Non-native Poll Tax Ordinance, Amendment 1931, is hereby amended by adding thereto the following of section 11 sentence:-" The Magistrate may issue a summons in the l2)fa form BB in the first schedule directing the debtor to attend No. 28of before him for the purposes of this sub-section ". 1931. 3. The first schedule to the Non-native Poll Tax Ordinance, Amendment of first 1931, is hereby amended by the insertion therein. immediately schedule to after form B, of the following form :- Ordinance No. 28 of 1931. No. 9 1933 19 1933 Non-Native Poll Tax (Amendment). "FORM BB. SECTION 11 (2). In the Court of Requests for the District of or In the Court of Commissioner of the District. the District No. . In the matter of the Non-native Poll Tax Ordinance, 1931.- To., of Whereas an order for payment into Court of the sum of by way of tax and the sum of by way of costs and expenses was made against you under section 10 of the above mentioned Ordinance on the day of 19 And whereas you have failed to obey the said order: You are hereby commanded in His Majesty's name to attend this Court on the day of at o'clock in the noon to show cause why you should not be committed to prison under section 11 of the above mentioned Ordinance for your failure to obey the said order: Dated the day of 19 (Signature of M1agistrate)" In the Court of Requests for the District of or In the Court of the Commissioner of the District. District No. In the matter of the Non-native Poll Tax Ordinance, 1931. To of Whereas an order for payment into Court of the sum of by way of tax and the sm of by way of costs and expenses was made against you under section 10 of the above mentioned Ordinance on the day of 19 : And whereas you have failed to obey the said order: You are hereby commanded in His Majesty's name to attend this Court on the day of at o'clock in the noon. to show cause why you should not be committed to prison under section 11 of the above mentioned Ordinance for your failure to obey the said order: Dated the day of 19 (Signature of Magistrate) Note-You may give evidence on your own behalf, and call any witnesses who may be willing to give evidence for you, to show that your failure to obey the said Order is due to lack of means to pay the sums therein mentioned." No. 9 Non-Native Poll Tax (Amendment). Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-first day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. 'THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. C.F. 761131. No. 9 1933 21 Vaccination (Amendment). COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 10 of 1933. SIn His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this eighth day of July, 1933. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Amend the Vaccination Cap. 225. Ordinance, 1924. [13th July, 1933.] Dateof com- mencemeni. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Vaccination Short title. (Amendment) Ordinance, 1933. Repeal and 2. Section 3 of the Vaccination Ordinance, 1924, is hereby replacement repealed and replaced by the following section:- of section 3 of Cap. 225. 3, (1) All Qualified Medical Practitioners shall be"Public Public Vaccinators. Vaccina- (2) It shall also be lawful for the Governor ors" to appoint, during his pleasure, to be Public Vaccinators, such other persons as may be certified by the Assistant Director of Health Service or a Medical Officer deputed by him for that purpose to have had the necessary training," No. 10 1933 23 Vaccination (Amendment). Amendment 3. Section 4 of the Vaccinatiof Ordinance, 1924, is hereby of section 4 amended by adding thereto the following proviso:- of Cap. 225. Provided that such persons as desire to be vaccinated as private patients may be charged the usual professional fees by Qualified Medical Practitioners." Amendment 4. Section 6 of the Vaccination Ordinance, 1924, of section ( is hereby amended:- of Cap. 225. (a) By the insertion therein, immediately after the eighth line, of the following figure and words- (6) The times and places of attendance of Public Vaccinators." (b) By deleting the word and figure "sub-section (5)" in the last line but two and substituting therefore the following words and figures :-" paragraphs (5) and (6) of this section." Amendment 6. Section 9 of the Vaccination Ordinance, 1924, is hereby of section 9 amended by inserting the words "who is in the Government of Cap. 225 service" immediately after the word "Vaccinator" in the atui inargilal note thereto. second line. The marginal note to the said section shall also be amended to read as follows :- Power of Public Vaccinators in Government service to enter houses, etc., and vaccinate." Amendment 6. Section 10 of the Vaccination Ordinance, 1924, is hereby of section 10 amended by inserting the words who is in the Government of Cap. 225. service" immediately after the word "Vaccinator" in the first line. Repeal of Vaccination 7. The Vaccination Fees Rules, 1924, are hereby repealed. Fees Rules, 1924. Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-first day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, i /.. o f Legislative Council- M.. M/35/32. 1933 24 No. 10 No. 11 Aliens (Deportation) (Ameindment). COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 11 of 1933. O In His Majesty's name I assent Lto this Ordinance this eighth day of July. 1933. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Govewnor. An Ordinance to Amend the Aliens (Deportation) Cap. 3. Ordinance, 1924. [13th July, 1933.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Aliens (Deportation) Short title. (Amendment) Ordinance, 1933. 2. Section 3 of the Aliens (Deportation) Ordinance, 1924, is Repealand hereby repealed and replaced by the following section :- replacement of section 3 "Expul- 3. It shall be lawful for the Governor to make an Order of Cap. 3. aliens." (hereinafter called an Expulsion Order) requiring any alien to leave the Colony and/or Protectorate within a time fixed by such Order, and thereafter to remain South of the olony and/or I-otectorate- S(a) if he deems it cmndncive to the public good to Os: /9. make an Expulsion Order against the alien, or 1933 25 Aliens (Deportation) (Amendment). (6) if it is certified to him by any Court that the alien has been convicted by that Court of any felony, misdemeanor, or other offence for which the Court has power to impose imprisonment without the option of a fine, and that the Court recommends that an Expulsion Order should be made in his case either in addition to or in lieu D ff of the seteqnce." Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-first day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. K/19133. 26 No. 11 1933 Hallway Superfluous Lands. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. SNo. 12 of 1933. In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this eighth day of July, 1933. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An. Ordinance to Authorise and Empower the Governor to Dispose of Lands of the Sierra Leone Government Railway within the Colony which have become Superfluous to the Undertaking. [13th July, 1933.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Railway Superfluous Short title, Lands Ordinance, 1933. It shall be read as one with the Railway construction Ordinance, 1924 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal and applica- Ordinance), but shall not apply to the Protectorate. tion. 2. Ilr this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires- Interpreta- tion. "Superfluous land" means land taken and appropriatedon for the purposes of the Railway under the Principal Ordinance which has ceased to be required for such purposes. No. 12 1933 27 Railway Superfluous Lands. Power of 3. (1) The Governor may grant, lease or otherwise dispose of Governor to any superfluous land or any easement, right or privilege over grant or ease, etc. or in relation to such land. (2) Any such grant, lease or other disposition may be for less than the best price or rent that can reasonably be obtained, or gratuitously, if made for any public or charitable purpose. Publication 4. A public notice referring to any land which has been beconclusive taken and appropriated for the purposes of the Railway under the evidence of Principal Ordinance, and stating that such land has ceased to be superfluity, required for such purposes, shall, on publication thereof in three successive issues of the Gazette, be deemed to be conclusive evidence that such land has ceased to be required for such Proviso asto purposes. Provided that nothing in this section shall be title, construed as affecting any question concerning the title to such land. Land not in 5. Before the Governor disposes of any superfluous land he a town or shall, unless such land be situate within a town or village, or be built upon, etc., to be land built upon or used for building purposes, first offer to sell offered to the same to the person then entitled to the land (if any) from owner of which the same was originally severed; or if such person refuse and frtwa to purchase the same, or cannot after diligent inquiry be found, originally then the like offer shall be made to the person or to the several taken. persons whose lands shall immediately adjoin the land so proposed to be sold, such persons being capable of entering into a contract for the purchase of such land; and where more than one such person shall be entitled to such right of pre-emption such offer shall be made to such persons in succession, one after another, in such order as the Governor shall think fit. Rightofpre- 6. (1) If any such persons be desirous of purchasing such emption to land, then within six weeks after such offer of sale they shall be claimed within six sigify their desire in that behalf to the Colonial Secretary; or if weeks from they decline such offer, or if for six weeks they neglect to signify offer. theii'desire to purchase such land, the right of pre-emption of every such person so declining or neglecting in respect of the land included in such offer shall cease. Evidence of (2) A declaration in writing made before a Justice of the refusal, etc., Peace by some public officer, stating that such offer was made, to exercise and was refused, or not accepted within six weeks from the right, time of making the same, or that the person or all the persons entitled to the right of pre-emption were out of the Colony, or could 'not after diligent inquiry be found, or were not capable of entering into a contract for the purchase of such land, shall in all courts be sufficient evidence of the facts therein stated. Differences 7. If any person entitled to such pre-emption be desirous of as to price purchasing any such land, and such person and the Governor to be settled by do not agree as to the price thereof, then such price shall be arbitration, ascertained by arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Ordinance, 1927. Provided that unless the Governor and such person otherwise agree in writing the reference shall be to a single arbitrator. 28 No. 12 1933 Railway Superfluous Lands. 8. Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect any lands forming Saving as to part of a public street or highway, though such lands may have streets and been taken and appropriated for the purposes of the Railway highways. under the Principal Ordinance. Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-first day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMMRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which hbs passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Counctl. M.P. Ri55,?1. No. 12 1933 29 Folded Woven Goods. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 13 of 1933. O In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this eighth day of July, 1933. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Consolidate the Laws relating to the Importation and Sale of Folded Woven Goods. [13th July, 1933.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Folded Woven Goods Short title Ordinance, 1933, and shall apply to the Colony and Protectorate. and applica- tion. 2. No folded woven goods, other than those specified in the Prohibition Schedule, shall be imported into Sierra Leone for any purpose, of the im- except for transhipment to or in transit for any other country, portation of port or place in which the manner of folding or marking such not folded goods is regulated by law, unless the same shall be folded in and marked folds of not less than thirty-six inches in length and each piece as provided shall be marked with the number of yards and inches (if any) intsOrdin- contained. Such mark shall be stamped upon the fabric of each piece. Any words, figures, marks or abbreviations of the words "yards" and "inches" which according to common use No. 13 1933 31 32 No. 13 Folded Woven Goods. 1933 or the custom of the trade are commonly taken to indicate the measure of folded woven goods may be used in such marking. No piece shall be made up so as to show more folds than the full number of yards it actually contains, any portion of a yard (over such number of yards) not to be shown as a fold. Prohibition 3. No folded woven goods other than those specified in the of sale of Schedule shall be sold, or form the subject of any contract of sale, woven goods oen soodd unless the same be folded and marked in accordance with the and marked, provisions of section 2. Penalties. 4. Any person who contravenes the provisions of either of the last two preceding sections shall be liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty of one hundred pounds for each offence 7 Z ybe forfeited. Allowance Provided that no prosecution or proceeding shall lie or be for shrink- taken under this Ordinance against any importer or holder of age, etc. folded woven goods (1) where such goods are shorter than indicated by the mark upon them by not more than 4 inches in a piece marked 10 yards or under, 5 ,, ,, ,, above 10 yards and up to 23 yards, 7 ,, 23 yards and up to 36 yards, 9 ,, ,, ,, 36 yards and up to 47 yards, 18 ,, ,, 47 yards; Last fold and (2) where the contents of a piece are properly marked as to may be less total length but the final fold only is less than thirty-six inches. than 36 inches.. On the sale or contract for the sale of any goods to which b veno of the provisions of this Ordinance apply the vendor shall be correctness deemed to warrant, within the limits provided by section 4, that of numbers the material bears on the face thereof the true and correct on material, number of yards or inches actually contained in the folded woven goods on which such number appears. Saving. 6. This Ordinance shall not exempt any person from any action, suit or other proceeding which might, but for the provisions of this Ordinance, be brought against him. Discovery. 7. Nothing in this Ordinance contained shall- (a) entitle any person to refuse to make a complete discovery, or to answer any question or interrogatory, in any action or suit; but such discovery or answer shall not be admissible in evidence against such person in any prosecution for an offence against this Ordinance; or Acts of (b) be construed so as to render liable to any prosecution servants. or punishment any servant of a master resident in Sierra Leone who bona fide acts in obedience to instructions of such master and, on demand made by or on behalf of the prosecutor, has given full information as to his master. No. 13 Folded Woven Goods. 1933 33 8. The Comptroller of Customs or any officer of Customs Comptroller may call upon the importer of any package or parcel of Customs .supposed to contain folded woven goods, other than those pmaonthe specified in the Schedule, to produce the original invoices, bills importer io of lading, bills of parcels, or other such documents showing the produce character of the goods contained in such package or parcel, and invoices,etc., the place and date of shipment thereof, aind to open such package open and or parcel, and produce the goods therein contained for inspect inspection; and such package or parcel may be detained in the packages Customs until such demands, or any of them. shall have been cntaining folded complied with. woven goods. 9. When any Magistrate is satisfied, by information on oath, Search that there is reasonable ground to believe that any goods in warrant. "Alation to which an offence against this Ordinance has been - committed, are in any house or premises, he may issue a warrant " .under his hand, by virtue of which it shall be lawful for any constable or court messenger named or included in such warrant, to enter such house or premises at any reasonable time by day, and to search there for and seize and take away such goods ; and any goods seized under any such warrant shall be brought before a Magistrate having jurisdiction in the place in which such goods or things were found, with a view to determining whether the same are or are not liable to forfeiture under this Ordinance. 10. On any prosecution under this Ordinance the Court may Costs. order costs to be paid to the defendant by the prosecutor, or to the prosecutor by the defendant, having regard to the information given by, and the conduct of the defendant and the prosecutor respectively. 11.. If any person feels agrieved by any conviction or order Appeals. made under this Ordinance by a Magistrate, he- may appeal against such conviction to tie Supreme Court or the Circuit Court, as the case may be, either upon any question of fact or upon any question of law. 12. All forfeitures incurred under this Ordinance shall be Disposal of disposed of in such manner as the Governor shall direct. forfeitures. 13. The Governor m;y award to the person prosecuting or to Application any person by whose means or aid any penalty under this of penalties. Ordinance may have been recovered, any sum not, exceeding in the aggregate one moiety of such penalty. 14. Nothing in this Ordinance contained shall be deemed to Goods in affect the importation, folding or marking of any of the various Schedule classes of goods specified in the Schedule. exempted. 15. Nothing herein contained shall affect any enactment or Folded provision of the Merchandise Marks Ordinance, 1924, except so woven goods far as that Ordinance relates to trade descriptions as to the partly measure only of folded woven goods within the scope and tempted from meaning of this Ordinance. provisions of Cap.a126. __ Folded Woven Goods. Power of 16. (1) The Governor in Council may make rules with regard Governor in to all or any of the following matters:- Council to make rules. (a) For increasing or reducing allowances for shrinkage under section 4 and generally for altering or amending the rates of allowance therein mentioned; (b) For exempting from the operation of this Ordinance any goods, or classes of goods, not specified in the Schedule ; and (c) Generally, for the further and better carrying into effect the purposes of this Ordinance. Rules to be (2) No rules made under this section shall come into force approved by before the same have been approved by a resolution of the Legislative Council. Legislative Council. (3) The Legislative Council may amend any rules made by the Governor in Council under this section or may substitute other rules therefore. Rules so amended or substituted shall be deemed to have been made by the Governor in Council and to have been approved by the Legislative Council. Repeal of 17. The Folded Woven Goods Ordinance, 1924, is hereby Cap. 71. repealed. SCHEDULE OF EXEMPTIONS. Indian bafts, cashmeres, series, alpaca, silicia, tabourettes, gold and silver cloths, tinsel woven cloths, damasks, flannels, silks, silk velvets, twveeds, handkerchief cloth, broad cloth, worsted cloth and fents (by which term is meant remnants of cloth of irregular lengths being under six yards). Provided that- (a) All pieces of handkerchief cloth, other than real Madras folded thirty-six inches to the fold, for which exemption is claimed shall have a dividing mark between each handkerchief in the length of the piece, and shall be folded in the first instance at this division. (b) Such piece shall not have the folds stitched together at the'selvage. (c) To the face of the piece as finally folded there shall be attached a ticket showing in plain figures the length and breadth of each handkerchief and the number of handkerchiefs in each piece. Provided also that the following variations shall be allowed on each handkerchief:- In width up to but not exceeding two and a half per centum below the ticketed width. 34 No. 13 1933 Folded Woven Goods. In length up to but not exceeding four per centum below the ticketed length. The total limit of variation of length on a piece of eight handkerchiefs shall not, however, exceed two per centum of the total ticketed length of the eight handkerchiefs. Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-first day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. Cra2129, 1933 .35 No. 13 No. 14 House Tax (Colony) (Amendment). 1933 37 COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 14 of 1933. In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this eighth day of July, 1933. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Amend the House Tax (Colony) Cap. 96. Ordinance, 1924. [13th July, 1933.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the House Tax (Colony) Short title. (Amendment) Ordinance, 1933. 2. Section 6 of the House Tax (Colony) Ordinance, 1924 Repeal and (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Ordinance), is hereby replacement repealed and replaced by the following section :- of Ca to 6 "6. After deducting therefrom all expenses of collection "Expendi- and other payments authorized by section 18, the ture of pro- proceeds of the house tax in each tax district shall ceeds of be expended as follows:- house tax in each (a) In the Sherbro Tax District, in accordance with district." the provisions of the Sherbro Judicial District Ordinance, 1924, and __ __ House Tax (Colony) (Amendment). (b) In the Freetown Police and Headquarters Tax District,,in accordance with the provisions ot the Headmen Ordinance, 1924, and section 7 of this Ordinance." Repeal and 8. Section 7 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby repealed replacement of section 7 and replaced by the following section :- of Cap. 96. f Cap. Consti- "7. (1) The Governor may appoint an Advisory Board tution of Board for the Freetown Police and Headquarters Tax for Freetown Police and District consisting of a President and such other Headquarters Tax District. persons resident within the said district, not exceeding twelve in number, as he may deem advisable. "Meetings (2) It shall be the duty of the Board to meet at of Board." such times and at such places within the said district' as the President shall direct. All acts of the Board and all questions coming oi arising before it may be done and decided by a majority of those members present and voting at a meeting, provided that at least one-fourth of the full number of members (including the President) is present at the meeting. Provided also that the President shall have a second or casting vote in the case of an equality of votes. "Duties of (3) The Board may in its discretion, and without Board." reference to the Governor in Council, from time to time authorise the expenditure of any sum not exceeding fifty pounds on any public work or other improvement which it deems to be for the public benefit of the inhabitants of the said district, and the Treasurer shall pay out such sums as may be so authorised so far as the moneys in his hands on account of the house tax of the said district shall admit. (4) Whenever the Board considers that any sum exceeding fifty pounds should be expended on any public work or other improvement for the public benefit of the inhabitants of the said district, it shall make a recommendation to the Governor in Council. If the Governor in Council approves such recom- mendation wholly or partly, the Treasurer shall pay the approved sum out of moneys in his hands on account of the house tax of the said district. "Savingasto (5) Notwithstanding anything in the preceding powersofthesub-sections contained it shall be lawful for the Council." Governor in Council to direct that any unallocated balance of moneys in the hands of the Treasurer on account of the house tax of the said district shall be expended on any public work or other improvement which is, in his opinion, for the benefit of the inhabitants of the said district though the Board shall have made no recommendation in that respect." 1933 38r Noi- 14 House Tax (Colony) (Amendment). 4. Section 16 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby repealed Repeal and replacement of and replaced by the following section :- section 6of Cap. 96. "Presi- 16. (1) The President of the Advisory Board shall dent of account to the Treasurer for the house tax collected Advisory in his district in such form and manner as the Board to account to Treasurer may direct, and shall pay the same to the Treasurer." Treasurer as and when required by him. " Treasurer (2) The Treasurer shall keep a separate account of to ke and all moneys received and expended in respect of the accounts Freetown Police and Headquarters Tax District on account of the house tax collected therein, and shall publish a statement of such account at the end of each financial year in the Gazette. The Treasurer shall also prepare and lay annually before the Legislative Council an abstract of such account showing both revenue and expenditure." 5. Section 17 (1) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby Amendment amended by deleting the last eight words thereof. of section 17 (1) of Cap. 96. 6. Section 17 (4) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby Amendment amended by deleting the last six words and substituting therefore of section 17 the words "such period after the date thereof as the President of (4) of the Advisory Board or the District Commissioner, as the case Cap. 96. may be, shall direct." S7. Section 17 (5) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby Amendment amended by deleting the last twenty-eight words and substituting of section 17 (5) of therefore the following :-" house tax and poundage together with Cap. 96. a sum of four shillings in each case on account of the charges and expenses attending the levy. All such moneys shall be paid to the President of the Advisory Board or the District Commissioner of the Sherbro District, as the case may be, and the overplus (if any) in each case shall be returned to the person entitled thereto. 8. Section 17 (6) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby Repealand repealed and replaced by the following sub-section:- section 17 (6) of Cap. 06, "(6) If the goods and chattels of a defaulter be not"Sale of sufficient to meet the amount due by way of tax and houses and charges as aforesaid, or if the defaulter have no goods land." or chattels which can be levied upon, or if the bailiff is unable to come at the defaulter's goods and chattels to levy upon them, then in any such case it shall be lawful for a bailiff to enter (by force if needful) the lands and tenements owned or occupied by the defaulter and to sell the same, or the defaulter's interest therein, at public auction as hereinbefore directed in case of goods and chattels, but giving thirty days' notice of every such intended sale ; and a deed of conveyance executed by a bailiff in pursuance of any 1933 39 No. 14 House Tax (Colony) (Amendment). such sale shall, upon being duly registered under the provisions of the Registration of Instruments Ordinance, 1924. confer upon the purchaser as good a title to the lands and tenements sold as the owner could lawfully grant." Amendment 9. Section 18 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended of section 18 by inserting therein the words "or allowance" immediately after of Cap. 96. the word "remuneration wherever it occurs. Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-second day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. P/35M32. 40 No. 14 1933 Public Health (Amendment). COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 15 of 1933. In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this eighth day of July, 1933. 0. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Amend the Public Health Cap. 171. Ordinance, 1924. [18th July, 1933.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Public Health Short title. (Amendment) Ordinance, 1933. 2. Section 27 of the Public Health Ordinance, 1924, is hereby epaenl of repealed and replaced by the following section :- ecio 27 of C0p. 171. No. 9 of 927. "27. (1) No person shall kill or slaughter any bull, "Slaughter- ox, cow, steer, heifer, calf, sheep, lamb, goat, kid, or ing of other ruminating animal, or any hog or pig within cattle." the limits of the city, or of any place to which the Governor in Council shall by Order appl. this section, except within such public slaughter house as shall for that purpose be appointed in manner aforesaid. Provided that within the limits of the city it shall be lawful for the City Council to issue licences to kill No. 15 1933 41 SSN .1 15 Pub lliHeath (A=n4iendmeitr). '. ;719 and slaughter certain such animals, otherwise than for sale, to such persons, at such places, and subject to such. conditions as the Medical Officer of Health may recommend. Provided also that nothing in this section shall apply to the slaughtering of sheep and goats by Mohammedans for the first four days during the festival of Bairam and for the first two days during the festival of Ramadan. (2) Any person acting in contravention of the provisions of this section shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds." .:Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-second day of June,,in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. M166132. JNq, 16 ,S'iLrll: J4dicial. istnVt.(Aneadt'). 1933 A48 COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 16 of 1933. In His Majesty's name I assent L.S. Sto this Ordinance this eighth Sr ' day of July, 1933: 0. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Amend the Sherbro Judicial Cap. 189. District Ordinance, 1924. [13th July, 1933.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Sherbro Judicial Short title, District (Amendment) Ordinance, 1933. 2. Section 3 of the Sherbro Judicial District Ordinance, 1924 Amendment (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Ordinance), is. hereby of 1etio 3 amended by deleting the first sixteen words thereof. 3. The Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by inserting Insrton of therein the following new sections immediately after section sections.3A 3 thereof:-ndB, in Cap. "3A. The District Commnissioner of the Bonthe District "District (in this Ordinance referred to as the District Commis- sioner Commissioner) shall be respoilsible for the due acoutable receipt, custody and disbursement of all moneys for the fund." No. 16 Sherbro Judicial District (Amendment). payable into the fund under the last preceding section. He shall account for the fund to the Treasurer in such form and manner as the Treasurer shall direct, and shall pay all moneys in his hands on account of the fund to the Treasurer as and when required by him." "Trea- SB. The Treasurer shall keep a separate account of all surer to eep moneys received and expended in respect of the fund, and a statement of such account shall be published by him at the end of each financial year in the Gazette, The Treasurer shall also prepare and lay annually before the Legislative Council an abstract of the revenue and expenditure, including any amount placed to reserve, of the fund." Repeal and 4. Section 4 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby repealed replacement of section os and replaced by the following section :- Cap. 1l9. "Estab-"4. (1) There shall be constituted in and for the Sherbro lishment of Judicial District a board entitled the Sherbro Judicial District District Board (in this Ordinance referred to as the Board to prepare esti- Board), which shall prepare in the month of mates, etc." November in every year estimates of revenue and expenditure of the fund for the ensuing year commencing on the first day of January. "Estimates (2) Such estimates shall be subject to the approval subject to of the Governor in Council, who may direct that any approval by Governor in unexpended balance of revenue shall be invested or Council." placed on deposit. All expenditure from the fund shall be made in accordance with the relevant estimates as approved by the Governor in Council save in cases specially sanctioned by the Governor. (3) In addition to the duty imposed by this section the Board shall exercise such powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed." Repealand 5. Section 5 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby repealed replacement of section A of and replaced by the following section :- Cap. 189. "Con- "5. (1) The Board shall consist of the District Commis- stitution of sioner, of the Medical Officer for the time being Board stationed at Bonthe, and of four unofficial members of whom two shall be appointed by the Governor and two shall be elected by the adult male persons paying house tax in the Sherbro Judicial District. (2) The appointed unofficial members shall hold office during the pleasure of the Governor in Geunil, and the elected unofficial members shall hold office until the next day of election of such. members. SProvided that all unofficial members holding office on the first day of M~arch, 1933, shall be deemed to have been duly appointed or elected, as the case may be. NU,; 16 Sherbe,. Ju&,oiazl iDivtrict (Almndment.). 3 (3) ,Thic District Commissioner shall, .byyvirtue, of his :office, be; thel President .of the. Board.- an, shall! have a casting as well as an original vote if upon any question there shall be an equality of votes. (4) It shall be the duty of the Board to meet at suchKtimes as the President directs. (5) 'N- bbsifess shall be transacted at any meeting of the Board unless at least four members (including the President) are present." 6. Section 6 (1) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby Amendment amennddd' b'-diletfig 'thb-ffilst"seventeen wordg-and substitttiig othfection,6 thbref6r th'e word( "'on' or- before thb'e flist-" day of' Oatobbr in.() )f Cp. 189 every other year beginning with the year, 1931' thb" District Commissioner " 7. Section 7 (1) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby Amendment amended by. ddletiig.'the words "the year nineteen hundred of section 7 anRiltweenIty.tfive.,andt every> subsequent year, the Commissioner of Cap. of the Bonthe District" in the first, second and third lines and substituting therefore the words "every other year, beginning with the year 1935, the District Commissioner". 8. Section 9 (2) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby Amendment amended by deleting the words "the Commissioner of the'.p8se io 9 Bouthe District" and substituting therefore the words "the 19 ap. District Commissioner". 9. Section 10 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended Amendment by deleting the words "the Commissioner of the Southern of section 10 Province" in the third line and substituting therefore the words of Cap. 189. "District Commissioner ". 10. Section 13 (1) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby Amendment amended by deleting the words "by the Provincial Commis- of section 13 (1) of Cap. sioner" in the second line and substituting therefore the words 189. "issued under section 10". 11. Sectioil 17 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended Amendment by deleting the word "Provincial" in the second line and of seio 1l8 substituting therefore the word "District ". 12. Section 23 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby repealed. Repial of Cap. 189. 13. Section 24 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended Insertion of by inserting therein the following sub-section immediately new sub-sec- after sub-section (1) :- tion 1a in section 24 of ".(1A) The Governor in Council may also make rules Cap. 189. conferring additional powers and imposing additional duties on the Board, and regulating the conduct of business at its meetings." 193M. 46 No. 16 Sherbro Judicial District (Amendment). Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-second day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me ivith the- Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. P14'31. Printed and published by the OoVNilNMaNT PRIqTER, V tiOOWvK.--ls, 3d. 1933 Supplement No. 1 47 to the Sierra Leone Royal Gazette, Vol. LXIV No. 2853, Dated 20th Juln/, 1933. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 17 of 1933. In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this twelfth day of July, 1933. 0. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Enable the Freetown to Advance Moneys Repair and Improvement of the City. City Council of for the Erection, Buildings within [1st August, 1938.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Freetown Short title, Municipality Building Scheme Ordinance, 1933. It shall be construction read and construed as one with the Freetown Municipality and date of commence- Ordinance, 1927 '(hereinafter referred to as the Principal ment. Ordinance), and shall come into operation on the 1st day of August, 1933. 2. (1) On the coming into operation of this Ordinance Establish- there shall be established a fund to be known as the Freetown ment of a Municipality Building Scheme Fund (hereinafter referred to Building Scheme as the Building Scheme Fund) which shall consist of- Fund. (a) six thousand pounds to be transferred thereto from the City Fund 48 No. 17 Freetown .1unicip/lity Building Scheme. 1933 (b) such other moneys as the City Council may, from time to time, with the approval of the Governor in Council, transfer thereto from the City Fund, and (c) such moneys as the City Council may, from time to time, with the approval of the Governor in Council, borrow at interest from the Government or any other person for the purposes of the Building Scheme Fund. (2) All moneys to be transferred from the City Fund to the Building Scheme Fund under sub-section (1) shall be deemed and taken to be duly applied for the public benefit of the inhabitants and the improvement of the City under and in accordance with section 128 of the Principal Ordinance. (3) The provisions of section 111 of the Principal Ordin- ance shall be deemed to extend and apply to all moneys borrowed for the purposes of the Building Scheme Fund under sub-section (1) (c). Administra- 3. The Building- Scheme Fund shall be administered by tion f the the City Council. Fund. Objects to 4. (1) The Building Scheme Fund shall be utilized to which fond advance moneys to the use of owners of lands or buildings may be within the City for any one or more of the following applied purposes in connection with lands or buildings within the City :- (a) The erection of new buildings; (b) The completion, extension or reconstruction of existing buildings; (c) The repair or reconditioning of existing buildings; (d) The painting and decorating of new or existing buildings; (e) The installation of electric light or power in new or existing buildings; (f) Any other works whereby such premises may be improved. (2) The City Council may also advance moneys out of the said Fund for the purpose of insuring all or any part of any premises, in respect of which advances made under sub- section (1) are outstanding, against loss or damage by fire, and all moneys advanced under this sub-section shall be deemed and taken to be payments made on behalf of the owner of the premises and at his request. Applications 5. (1) Applications for advances under section 4 (1) shall for advances, be made in the Form A in the schedule and shall be addressed to the President of the City Council who may, if he thinks fit, require the applicant to make a statutory declaration verifying the particulars stated in his application. No. 17 Freetown Municipality Building Scheme. (2) The President shall lay all such applications before the City Council, and the City Council shall consider each application on its merits and deal with the same in its absolute discretion subject, however, to the provisions of this Ordinance. 6. No advance shall be made from the Building Scheme Advances to Fund except upon good and sufficient security, and all moneys be made advanced thereout for any of the purposes specified in o, good security and section 4 (1) shall be paid direct to the contractor or other subject to person appointed by the City Council to do the work either conditions. (i) upon completion of such work to the satisfaction of the City Council's representative appointed for the purpose, or (ii) from time to time during the progress of such work but subject always to the same condition as to satisfaction. 7. All moneys advanced for any of the purposes specified Repayment in section 4 shall bear interest at a rate to be fixed by the of money y advanced City Council being not more than 8 per centum per annum, and interest compound interest, and shall be repayable at such time and thereon. either in a lump sum or by such instalments as the City Council and the applicant shall agree. 8. On the City Council deciding to make an advance and Agreements agreeing the amount thereof and the terms and conditions on to be drawn which the same is to be made with the applicant, an agree- nip and ment in the Form B in the schedule, with such variations g as circumstances may require, shall be drawn' up and signed by' the President of the City Council and the applicant. The applicant shall be entitled to a copy of such agreement. 9. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Registration of Agreements Instruments Ordinance, 1924, all such agreements, when duly to be regis- completed as aforesaid, shall be registered free of charge in teredfree the Registrar-General's Office in a special book to be kepi. for adchw out the purpose, and such book shall be open to the public for payment of inspection on payment of a fee of one shilling for each halt" any stamp hour. The Stamp Duty Ordinance, 1924, shall pot apply to duty. such agreements. 10. Upon registration of any such agreement all moneys Moneys advanced to the within-named applicant under section 4, advanced to together with interest thereon as provided, shall become a be a first first charge on the premises specified in the said agreement c'rge ines enforceable against all persons into whose hands such premises concerned on may come so long as any part of such moneys remains registration outstanding. Provided that such charge shall be subject of the to (i) all encumbrances, estates, interests, rights and servi- agreement. tudes affecting such premises and subsisting or outstanding on the date of such registration as aforesaid, and (ii) any charge arising under section 150 of the Principal Ordinance. 19A1 .49 50 No. 17 Freetown Municiptlity Building Scheme. 1933 Charge to 11. Upon payment by the owner of all moneys due and cease on owing to the City Council under any such agreement the repayment City Treasurer shall give a receipt for the same and there- Sve upon the charge created by section 10 shall be released and the Registrar-General shall, upon production to him of such receipt, endorse on the registered copy of the agreement relating to such advance a note to the effect that such charge has been released, and the Registrar-General shall sign such note. Enforcement 12. If any owner shall make default in the payment of of security. any moneys due under such agreement as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the City Council to order a sale of the premises specified therein, or any part thereof, subject nevertheless to all such encumbrances, estates, interests, rights, servitudes and charges as are mentioned in the proviso to section 10 and are still subsisting or outstanding. Provided that the City Council shall not exercise the said power of sale unless, and until a notice in writing requiring the payment of the moneys due has been served on the owner and default has been made in the payment of the same or of any part thereof for two months after such service. Sale by pub- 13. Every sale made in pursuance of the power of sale lic auction. conferred by section 12 shall be by public auction and be made by the City Bailiff. Thirty days notice of each intended sale shall be given as provided in section 155 of the Principal Ordinance and the President of the City Council may, at any time before any such intended sale, postpone the same either generally or to some specified future date. Conveyance 14. Whenever any premises shall have been sold by public of premises auction under the provisions of section 13, the President of and appli- the City Council shall convey the same by deed to the cation of purchaser, and the premises therein described shall become purchase the property of the purchaser subject only to any encum- money. branches, estates, interests, rights or servitudes to which the sale has been made subject, and the purchase money shall be applied as follows:--firstly, in or towards payment of all moneys due and owing to the City Council in respect of the premises, whether under this Ordinance or under Part VII of the Principal Ordinance; secondly, in or towards payment of all costs, charges and expenses properly incurred and incidental to the sale or any postponed or attempted sale under the provisions of section 13; and thirdly, the residue (if any) of the purchase money shall be paid to the person legally entitled thereto. Suits by City 15. All moneys due and owing by an owner of any premises Council to on account of any advance made under section 4 (1) may be recover advances, recovered in a Court of competent jurisdiction at the suit of the City Council. No. 17 Freetown Municipality Building Scheme. 16. Every person upon whose premises advances made Inspection under section 4 are charged shall be entitled to inspect all of receipts. receipts, policies of insurance and other documents in the owner of possession of the City Council relating to such advances free charged of charge. premises. 17. Nothing hereinbefore in this Ordinance contained shall City Coun- operate to prevent the City Council from taking any additional additional or collateral security for the repayment of moneys advanced or collateral by them out of the Building Scheme Fund, and the Stamp security for Duty Ordinance, '1924, shall not apply to any such repayment securities, of advances. securities. 18. All accounts relating to the Building Scheme Fund Accounts of shall be kept separately by the City Treasurer, but all the Building transactions of the said Fund shall be reflected in the general Scheme account of revenue and expenditure to be kept by him under section 31 of the Principal Ordinance, and the -provisions of sections 31 to 35 thereof shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to such separate accounts. 19. The Governor in Council may, from time to time, make Power of rules for the better carrying out of the provisions and purposes Governor in of this Ordinance. make rules. THE SCHEDULE. FORM A. THE FREETOWN MUNICIPALITY BUILDING SCHEME ORDINANCE, 1933. Application for an advance from the Building Scheme Fund by the owner of the premises commonly known as situate in the Ward of the City and numbered in the Valuation List of that Ward for the year 19 1. Name of applicant 2. Address 3. Occupation 4. Purposes for which an advance is required 5. (a) Amount (if any) which the applicant is prepared to contribute to the total cost ... (b) Amount of advance required ... Total cost ... . 1933 5*1 No. 17 Freetown Municipality Building Scheme. 6. Approximate annual income of applicant ... 7. Maximum monthly amount applicant can repay ...... . 8. Estate or interest of the applicant in the above-mentioned premises ... 9. Incumbrances thereon, if any 10. Whether or no the above-mentioned premises are insured against loss or damage by fire 11. What collateral security (if any) the applicant is prepared to offer. Dated the day of 1933. (Signature of applicant). I the said do solemnly and sincerely declare that all the particulars furnished by me in respect of the above-mentioned items 1 to 4 inclusive and 5 to 10 inclusive are correct. And I make this soleinn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act, 1835. Declared at Freelown this day of ,19 (Signature of applicant). Before me A Justice of the Peace. FORM B. THE FREETOWN MUNICIPALITY BUILDING SCHEME ORDINANCE, 1933. IT IS HEREBY AGREED by and between the City Council and (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) that the City Council shall pay out of the Building Scheme Fund to or such other person or persons as they shall appoint for the purpose of doing the works next hereinafter mentioned on the applicant's premises commonly known as situate in the Ward of the City and numbered in the Valuation List for that Ward for the year 19 1933 No. 17 Freetown Municipality Building Scwheme. Payment of the said amount may be made by instalments during the progress of the work or in a lump sum on com- pletion thereof but subject, in either case, to the work having been done to the satisfaction of the City Council's representative. And it is hereby further agreed by and between the said parties that the City Council shall advance moneys out of the said Fund for the purpose of insuring and keeping insured all or any of the buildings on the said premises against loss or damage by fire in their name in the sum of and any moneys which may be recovered under such insurance shall be applied in making good the loss or damage or in repayment of the amount outstanding on this security at the option of the City Council. And I the applicant hereby acknowledge that my said premises are charged with the repayment of all sums actually paid by the City Council in respect of the above-mentioned works up to the said total amount of and with all moneys expended by them in effecting and keeping on foot any such insurance as aforesaid, and I hereby agree that the amount outstanding from time to time on this security shall bear interest at the rate of per centum per annum until repayment thereof, which shall be made in accordance with the following table and as a debt due to the City Council:- Dated this -day of 19 President of City Council. Applicant. Witness to signatures: 1933 53 54 No. 17 Freetown Mufsicipalily Building Scheme. 1933 Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-second day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. ZI28131. 1933 55 COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 18 of 1933. SIn Ilis Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this fifteenth day of July, 1933. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Provide for the Training and Registration of Midwives and to regulate their Practice. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Midwives Ordin- Short title ance, 1933, and shall come into operation on such date as the and com- Governor may fix by a notice published in the Gazette. mencement. 2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise Interpreta- requires:-- tion. The Board means the Midwives' Board constituted under this Ordinance. Certificate means the certificate granted by the Board under this Ordinance. No. 18 Midwives. Registered means registered as a qualified midwife under this Ordinance and registered midwife " shall be construed accordingly. The Roll means the register of qualified midwives directed to be kept under this Ordinance. Penalty for 3. Any woman who not being a registered midwife takes claiming to or uses the title of qualified midwife or any name, title, midwife description or badge implying that she is registered or that without she is a person specially qualified to practice midwifery or is registration, recognized by law as a duly qualified midwife, shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding five pounds. Penalty for 4. (1) No person other than- unautho- rized (a) a qualified medical practitioner, or practice of midwifery. (b) a registered midwife (c) a person whose name is entered on the List of Unqualified Midwives under the provisions of the next section. shall habitually attend women in childbirth for reward either direct or indirect within the limits of any town or place specified and defined in the Schedule, and any person who contravenes the provisions of this sub-section shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding ten pounds. (2) The Governor in Council may, by Order, add any town or place to the Schedule or delete any town or place therefrom. Every such Order which adds any town or place to the Schedule shall define the limits of such town or place. List 5. (1) Any person may before a date to be notified by the of unquali Governor in the Gazette, which date shall be not less than six fid mid- months after the commencement of this Ordinance, apply to wives the Director of Medical and Sanitary Services to have his or her name entered on a list to be kept by the Director of Medical and Sanitary Services which list shall be called the List of Unqualified Midwives, and the Director of Medical and Sanitary Services, if satisfied that the applicant has been engaged in the practice of midwifery for a period of not less than two years prior to the date aforesaid, and is also of good character may enter the applicant's name on the List of Unqualified Midwives. (2) The Director of Medical and Sanitary Services may, if he considers it desirable in the public interest, delete from the List of Unqualified Midwives the name of any person entered therein, and may for the like reason restore any name so deleted. 1,6 Mid. 18 1933 Midwivies. 6. Any registered midwife who employs an unregistered Unregistered person not to person as her substitute shall be guilty of an offence and be employed liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding 's'est'er ten pounds. midwife. 7. Registration under this Ordinance shall not confer Registra- upon any woman any right to be registered or licensed under tionnot to the Medical Practitioners, Dentists and Druggists Ordinance, of alified 1924, or to assume any name, title or description implying medical that she is by law authorized to practice medicine or surgery practitioner. or to grant any medical certificate, or any certificate of death or still-birth, or to undertake the charge of cases of abnor- mality or disease in connection with parturition, unless as provided by rules made with respect to such cases under section 13. 8. Any woman shall be entitled to be registered as a Qualifica- midwife if- tions for registration. (a) she holds a certificate issued by the Board under this Ordinance; or (b) she holds a diploma or certificate which entitles her to be registered as a midwife in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; or (o) she produces satisfactory evidence that she has been registered as a midwife in some other British West African Colony or Protectorate in which there is for the time being any law in force for the certifica- tion or registration of midwives; provided that the standard of training and examination required in that country is, in the opinion of the Board, whose decision thereon shall be final, equal to the standard adopted by the Board; or (d) she was registered as a midwife by the Director of Medical and Sanitary Services prior to the date to be fixed for the commencement of this Ordinance. 9. Every woman registered under this Ordinance shall be Right to sue entitled to demand, sue for and recover, in any competent for fees. Court of Law, reasonable charges for any services performed as a midwife. 10. (1) On the commencement of this Ordinance there shall Constitution be constituted a Midwives' Board consisting of- of the Mid- wives' (a) the Director of Medical and Sanitary Services, Board. (b) the Assistant Director of Health Service, and (c) four other persons appointed by the Director of Medical and Sanitary Services, each of whom shall be a qualified medical practitioner or the holder of the certificate of the Central Midwives Board of England. Midwives. 1933 No. 18 (2) On the death, inability to act, resignation or absence from Sierra Leone for more than six months of any member of the Board appointed by the Director of Medical and Sanitary Services under sub-section (1) (c), the Director of Medical and Sanitary Services may appoint to the vacancy any person fulfilling the conditions imposed by that paragraph. (3) The Director of Medical and Sanitary Services, or in his absence from any meeting the Assistant Director of Health Service, shall be the Chairman of the Board. (4) The Chairman and two other members shall form a quorum. (5) The Chairman of a meeting shall have a casting vote. Secretary to 11. The Board shall from time to time appoint any person, the Board. whether a member or not, to be Secretary to the Board, and may replace at its pleasure any person so appointed. Midwives' 12. (1) There shall be kept a Roll of Midwives containing Roll. the names of all registered midwives. The Director of Medical and Sanitary Services shall be charged with the custody of the Roll. (2) Every entry on the Roll shall indicate the qualifica- tions by virtue of which registration was granted. (3) A copy of the Gazette containing the Roll of Midwives for the year and purporting to be issued under the authority of the Board shall be prima facie evidence that the women named therein are registered, and the absence of the name of any woman therefrom shall be prima facie evidence that she is not registered. (4) In a case of a woman whose name does not appear in such copy, a certificate under the hand of the Director of Medical and Sanitary Services shall be conclusive evidence of the fact and of the date of her registration. (5) A certificate under the hand of the Director of Medical and Sanitary Services that the name of a woman appearing in such copy of the Gazette has been removed from the Roll, shall be conclusive evidence of the fact that she is no longer registered and of the date upon which she ceased to be registered. Rule mak- 13. (1) The Board may make rules for all or any of the ing powers following purposes:- of Bard. (a) regulating their own proceedings; (b) regulating the course of training and the nature and conduct of examinations, and prescribing the conditions under which persons are admitted to such examinations; No. 18 Midwives. 1933 (c) regulating the issue and prescribing the forms of certificate; (d) prescribing the issue by the Board of badges for registered midwives and regulating the wearing of such badges; (e) regulating the practice of registered midwives; -(f) regulating the manner in which supervisory authorities appointed under section 18 (1), and persons or bodies of persons to whom they may delegate any of their duties under section 18 (2), are to exercise general supervision and for facilitating the exercise of such supervision; (g) prescribing the conditions under which regis- tered midwives may be suspended from practice and authorising the Board to suspend a midwife from practice for such period as the Board may think fit, in lieu of striking her off the Roll, and to suspend from practice until the case has been decided and (in the case of an appeal) until the appeal has been decided, any midwife accused before the Board of disobeying rules or of other misconduct; (h) prescribing the particulars required to be given in any notice issued under this Ordinance; (i) prescribing the fees to be paid for any matter or thing to be done under this Ordinance or any rule made thereunder, provided that no such fee shall exceed the sum of one pound; and (j) generally for any purposes incidental to any of the foregoing. (2) Rules made under this section shall be signed by Rules to be the Director of Medical and Sanitary Services and two other subject to members of the Board, and shall be subject to the approval approval of of the Governor in Council. Governor in Council. 14. The duties and powers of the Board shall be as Duties and follows :- powers of (a) to make rules under section 13 (1); Board. (b) to appoint examiners and to fix their remuneration (if any); (c) to decide upon the places where and the times at which examinations shall be held; (d) to publish annually in the Gazette as early in each year as possible the Roll of Midwives kept under the provisions of section 12; No. 18 Midwives. 1933 59 Penalty. (e) to caution or censure any registered midwife or AjtA .Z.Il iq.3 remove the name .~f F r red midwife from the Roll for malpracice,'4eg igence or misconduct, habitual drunkenness, of for disobeying any rule in force or on conviction of a criminal offence; and also to decide upon the termination of any period of suspension and upon the restoration to the Roll of any name so removed; (f) to issue and cancel certificates; and (g) generally to do any other act or perform any other duty reasonably necessary for the carrying out of the provisions and purposes of this Ordinance. Appeal 15. (1) Any woman who considers herself aggrieved by the against decision of the Board removing her name from the Roll may removal from roll. appeal therefrom to the Supreme Court within three months of the notification of such decision to her, but no further appeal shall be allowed. (2) Such appeal shall be made by notice of motion in accordance with the rules of the Supreme Court. Prohibition 16. (1) Where the Board has decided to remove from the against any Roll the name of any registered midwife, it may in addition form of prohibit her from attending women in childbirth in any other watendigi capacity, but such decision shall be subject to the like appeal child-birth under the same conditions as the decision to remove her from on removal the Roll. from roll. (2) Any woman who contravenes any such prohibition shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on summary convic- tion, to a fine not exceeding ten pounds unless she proves that she acted in a case of emergency and that she reported such case forthwith to the President of the Board. Surrender 17. Any registered midwife whose name has been removed of certificate from the Roll under the provisions of section 14 (e) shall, and badge on within fourteen days of the decision so to remove her name, removal of name from surrender any certificate and any badge issued to her by the roll. Board. Any failure to comply with the provisions of this Penalty. section shall constitute an offence punishable, on summary conviction, by a fine not exceeding five pounds. Supervision 18. (1) The Board may appoint any person or body of of registered persons to be a Supervisory Authority over any registered midwives. midwife or class of registered midwives wherever practising. It shall be the duty of every Supervisory Authority in respect of any registered midwife placed under its supervision- (a) to exercise general supervision in accordance with any rules made under this Ordinance; 60 No. 18 Midwives. S1933 (b) to investigate charges of malpractice or incompetence, negligence, habitual drunken- ness, or misconduct, and should a prima facie case be established to make a report to the Board; (c) to suspend from practice any registered midwife in accordance with any rules made under this Ordinance, if such suspension appears necessary in order to prevent the spread of infection; (d) to report at once to the Board the name of any registered midwife convicted of a .criminal offence. (2) Any Supervisory Authority may, with or without Delegation any restrictions or conditions, delegate with the approval of duies by the Board any duty imposed upon it by sub-section (1) to any Authority. person or body of persons in any particular place or area. 19. (1) Every registered midwife shall, before commencing Notice of to practice or holding herself out to practice, give notice of her intention to intention to do so to the Secretary to the Board. change of address. (2) Where any registered midwife- who has been practising in any place transfers herself to any other place for the purpose of practice there, she shall within seven days after such transfer give notice thereof to the Secretary to the Board. (3) Every notice shall contain such particulars as may be prescribed. (4) Any registered midwife who fails to comply with any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceed- ing two pounds. . 20. The Board may from time to time, by registered letter Power of addressed to any woman whose name is included in the Roll Board to at her address as appearing therein, inquire whether she has clear the ceased practice or has changed her residence; and if within roll. a period of six months from the sending of the letter no answer is received thereto, the Board may erase the name of that woman from the Roll and may cancel her certificate, but without prejudice to'the power of the Board subsequently to restore the name to the Roll and to re-issue the certificate if it appears proper so to do. 21. Any person who- Offences connected (a) procures or attempts to procure registration or a with certifi- certificate by making, producing or causing to be cates, made or produced any false or fraudulent declara- registration tion, certificate or registration, in writing oran the Roll, otherwise, or who aids and abets such person therein; or 1933 61 Midwives. No. 18 62 No. 18 (b) wilfully makes or causes to be made any falsification in any matter relating to the Roll of Midwives, shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds, or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for a period not exceeding one year, or to both such fine and imprisonment. THE SCHEDULE. The City of Freetown as defined in section 5 of the Freetown Municipality Ordinance, 1927. Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-second day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Couincl and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council M.1. M137 32. Midwives. 1933 No. 19 Medical Practitioners, Midwives, Denti.ts and 1933 Druggists (Amendmenrt). COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 19 of 1933. In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this fifteenth day of July, 1933. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Govern;r. An Ordinance to Amend the Medical Practitioners, Cap. 125. Midwives, Dentists and Druggists Ordinance, 1924. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Medical Practitioners, Short title Midwives, Dentists and Druggists (Amendment) Ordinance, 1933. and corn- It shall come into operation on such date as the Governor may mencement. fix by a notice published in the Gazette. : 2. The long title of the Medical Practitioners, Midwives, Amendment Dentists and Druggists Ordinance. 1924 (hereinafter referred to of long as the Principal Ordinance), is hereby amended by deleting titleof therefrom- Cap. 125. (a) the cornmiawhich follows immediately after the word Practitioners ", and (b) the word '" Midwives" which follows immediately after the said comma. L.s. 64 No. 19 1Medical Prw,'ttitiners, Midwives, Dentists and 1933 Druggists (Amendment). Amendment 3. The short title of the Principal Ordinance is hereby of short amended by deleting therefrom the word "Midwives" and the title of comma which follows immediately after that word. Cap. 125. Amendment 4. Section 3 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended of section 3 by deleting therefrom- of Cap. 125. (a) the comma which follows immediately after the word practitioners in the first line, and (b) the word midwives in the same line. Amendment 5. Section 4 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended of section by deleting the words and comma "medical practitioners, of Cap. 125. dentists and midwives" wherever they occur and substituting therefore the words medical practitioners and dentists ". Repeal of 6. Section 6 (4) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby section 6 (4) repealed. of Cap. 125. Amendment 7. Section 8 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended- of section 8 of Cap. 125. (a) by deleting the word midwifery" in the second line and substituting therefore the word obstetrics"; (b) by deleting the following words and comma in the fourth and fifth lines "and every person registered under this Ordinance as a midwife shall be entitled to practice midwifery,"; (c) by deleting the comma which follows immediately after the word "practitioner" in the sixth line; and (d) by deleting the words "dentist and midwife" in the said sixth line ahd substituting therefore the words "and dentist ". Amendment 8. Section 9 of the Principal. Ordinance is hereby amended of section 9 by deleting the words "a midwife" in the fifth line and of Cap. 125. substituting therefore the words "an obstetrician". Amendment 9. Section 13 (1) of the Principal Ordinance is hereby of section 13 amended- (1) of Cap. 125. (a) by deleting the comma which follows immediately after the word "practitioner in the first line, and (b) by deleting the words "dentist or midwife" in the same line and substituting therefore the words "or dentist ". Amendment 10. Section 14 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended- of Capon14 (a) by inserting the words "pretends to be or" between the word falsely" and the word takes" in the second line; No. 19 Medical Practitioners, Midwives, Dentists and 1933 65 Druggists (Amendment). (b) by deleting the words "dentistry or registration as a midwife in the fourth line and substituting therefore the words obstetrics or dentistry". Repeal of 11. The Midwives Rules, 1924, are hereby repealed. Midwives Rules, 1924. Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-first day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk- o.f Legislative Council. THIS PRINTID IMPHE&SION has been-carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. M718S2. Printed and published by the GOVERNMENT PRINTER, FRBZrOWK.--d. 67 Supplement to the Sierra Leone Royal Gazette, Vol. LXIV No. 2876, dated 24th November, 1933. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 20 of 1933. In His Majesty's name I assent s to this Ordinance this twenty- fourth day of November, 1933. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Provide for the Service of the Colony and Protectorate of Sierra Leone for the Year 1934. Date of [1st January, 1984.] commence- merit. WHEREAS it is necessary to make provision for the Service Preamble. of the Colony and Protectorate of Sierra Leone for the year 1934; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, Enacting with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, clause. as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the (1934) Appropriation Short title. Ordinance, 1933. 2. The sum of seven hundred and ninety-six thousand, three 796,326 hundred and twenty-six pounds shall be and is hereby granted to granted for His Majesty the King, His Heirs and Successors for and during the service the year nineteen hundred and thirty-four, and the same shall Colony and be applied and expended in the manner herein described and Protector- for the several services set forth in the first and second ate. schedules. (1934) Appropriation. 796,326 8. The said sum of seven hundred 'and ninety-six thousand, made a three hundred and twenty-six pounds shall be and is hereby charge onhe declared to be charged upon and made payable from and out of the the year revenue and other funds of the said Colony and Protectorate for 1934. the year nineteen hundred and thirty-four, and the payment thereof shall be taken to begin and commence on and immediately after the first day of January, nineteen hundred and thirty-four. Treasurer's 4. -The Treasurer is hereby authorized .and required from authority for time to time, upon the Warrant or Order of the Governor, payment, to pay out of the revenue and other funds of the said Colony and Protectorate for the several services specified in the first and second schedules, the sum of seven hundred and ninety-six thousand, three hundred and twenty-six pounds, which will come in course of payment during the year ending on the thirty-first day of December, nineteen hundred and thirty-four. Excess of 5. The amount from time to time paid for and in respect expenditure, of the expenditure authorized in section 2 shall not exceed in the gross the sum of seven hundred and ninety-six thousand, three hundred and twenty-six pounds from the first day of January, nineteen hundred and thirty-four inclusive, and any balances remaining unissued at the end of the year nineteen hundred and thirty-four shall lapse and not be available for making payments in the following year. THE FIRST SCHEDULE. No. OF HEAD OF EXPENDITURE. SUM VOTED. ITEM. 1 Governor ... ... ...... 5,859 2 Agriculture ... ... ... 14,644 3 Audit ... ... ... ... 5,721 4 Broadcasting ... ... ... 1,067 5 Customs ... ... ... ... 20,188 4 Education ... ... ... 41,431 7 Forestry ... ... ... 5,168 8 Geological and Mines ... ... 2,865 9 Judicial ... ... ... ... 10,809 10 Law Officers ... ... ... 4,252 11 Medical ... ... ... ... 49,793 1la Health Branch, Medical ... ... 20,082 12 Miscellaneous Services ... ... 25,428 13 Motor-bus Service ... ... ... 3,408 14 Pensions and Gratuities ... ... 54,603 S15 Police ... ... ... ... 20,324 16 Port and Marine ... ... ... 5.050 17 Post Office ... ... ... 15,472 18 Printing and Stationery ... ... 9,969 Carried forward ... 316,133 No. 20 1933 S(1934) Appropriation. THE FIRST SCHEDULE-continued. No. OFi To. HEAD OF EXPENDITURE. SUMVOTD. ITEM. VOTD. Brought forward ... Prisons ..... Provincial Administration ... Public Debt Charges ... Public Works Electricity Branch, Public Works ... Public Works Annually Recurrent ... Railway (Loss and Subsidy) ... Royal West African Frontier Force ... (Sierra Leone-Battalion) Royal West African Frontier Force (Care and Maintenance of Forts) Secretariat and Legislature ... Survey ... ...... Treasury ... ... ... Public Works Extraordinary ... Colonial Development Fund ... THE SECOND SCHEDULE. Railway ... ... 195,197 Railway ... ... 195,197 Less amount Head 24 schedule provided for in the first ... ... 55,137 316,133 9,480 57,065 43,371 23,930 8,761 23,896 55,137 35,318 2,334 10,517 8,082 9,035 210 52,997 656,266 140,060 Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-second day of November, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has -been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. B-533. No. 20 1933 69 Customs (Amendment). COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 21 of 1933. In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this twenty- fourth day of November, 1933. C. E. COOKSON, An 0 finance to Amend the Customs Ordinance, 1924. S24th November, Acting Governor. Cap. 49. 1988.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACT D by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Customs Short title. (Amendment) Ordinance, 1933. 2. The Customs Ordinance, 1924, as amended by the Customs Repeal of (Amendment) Ordinance 1932, is hereby further amended by the section 145A repeal of section 145A thereof. of Cap. 49 No. 19of 1932. No. 21 1933 71 72 No. 21 Customs (Amendment). 1933 Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-third day of November, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of. Legislative Council THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. OF. 76132. Printed and published by the GOVERNMENT PRINTRB, FREETOWN.-4d. 73 Supplement to the Sierra Leone Royal Gazette, Vol. LXIV No. 2879, dated 9th December, 1933. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No, 22 of 1933. O In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this ninth day of December, 1933. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Amend the Coroners Cap. 40. Ordinance, 1924. [9th December, 1988.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Coroners (Amendment) Short title. Ordinance, 1933. 2. Section 90 of the Coroners Ordinance, 1924, is hereby Repeal and repealed and replaced by the following section- placement of section 9c "9C. In the case of an inquest it shall not be of Cap. 40. "Viewing the necessary for the Coroner or any member of the Ordinance body." Jury, subject as hereinafter in this section 1929. provided, to view the body of the deceased; and in the case of an inquiry it shall not be necessary for the Coroner to view such body. Provided, however, that the Coroner may, if he thinks fit, view the body of the deceased at any time before it is buried and shall do so when holding an inquest under section nine of this Ordinance. Provided also that the Coroner may, in the case of an inquest and before the body of the deceased is buried, direct that the body shall be viewed by the jury and thereupon all members of the jury shall view it accordingly." Amendment 3. Section 24 of the Coroners Ordinance, 1924, is hereby of section 24 amended by deleting the words "court of oyer and terminer of Cap. 40. and gaol delivery" in the fifth and sixth lines and substituting therefore the words "criminal sessions of the Supreme Court". Amendment 4. Section 28 of the Coroners Ordinance, 1924, is hereby of section 28 amended by deleting the words "next court of oyer and of Cap. 40. terminer and general gaol delivery to be holden by the Supreme Court of the Colony" in the sixth and seventh lines and substituting therefore the words criminal sessions of the Supreme Court to which he has been or may be committed for trial". Amendment 5. Section 29 of the Coroners Ordinance, 1924, is hereby of section 29 amended by deleting the words "then next ensuing court of of Cap. 40. oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery" in the fourth and fifth lines and substituting therefore Master of the Supreme Court." Amendment 6. Section 30 of the Coroners Ordinance, 1924, is hereby of section 30 amended by deleting the last eleven words and substituting of Cap. 40. therefore the words fourpencee for every seventy-two words, or, if the Coroner thinks fit, without payment." Amendment 7. Section 34 of the Coroners Ordinance, 1924, is hereby of section 34 amended by deleting the words "after he has viewed such dead of Cap. 40. body which occur immediately after the first seventeen words Ordinance No. 14 of thereof. 1929. Amendment of 8. Form D in the first schedule to the Coroners Ordinance, form D in the 1924, is hereby amended by deleting the words and brackets "on sto ch. dul view (or on view by the said Coroner) of the body" wherever Ordinance No. they occur and substituting therefore the words "on the body." 14 of 19:19. Amendment of 9. Form E in the first schedule to the Coroners Ordinance, fir~s hedue 1924, is hereby amended by deleting the words and brackets "on to Cap. 40. view (or on view by me) of the body" and substituting therefore Ordinance No. , 14 of 1929. the words "on the body." Amendment 10. Forms F and G in the first schedule to, the Coroners of forms Ordinance, 1924, are hereby amended by deleting the words F and G in "next court of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery to the first be holden in and for the Colony of Sierra Leone Wherever they Ca 40to occur and substituting therefore "criminal sessions of the Supreme Court to be holden at on the day of 19 . 1933 714 No. 22 Coroners (Amendmnent). No. 22 Coroners-(Amendment). 1933 75 Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-third day of November, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. JI25/30. No. 23 Protectorate Courts Jurisdiction (Amendment). COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 23 of 1933. In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this ninth day of December, 1933. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Amend the Protectorate Ordinance No. 40 of Courts Jurisdiction Ordinance, 1932. 1932. [9th December, 1938.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Protectorate Courts Short title. Jurisdiction (Amendment) Ordinance, 1933. 2. The Protectorate Courts Jurisdiction Ordinance, 1932, is Amendment of hereby amended by inserting therein immediately after section 47 No40of 132. the following new section insertion of new section. "47A. (1) The Circuit Court may in any cause or matter Allowances make such allowances to assessors to cover the to assessors." expenses of their attendance as it may deem reasonable. (2) In civil causes or matters such allowances shall be paid by the successful party and shall be recoverable from the unsuccessful party as ordinary costs of suit 1933 77 18 No. 1 Protectorate Courts Jurisdiction (Amendment). 19, unless the Court shall otherwise order. In criminal causes or matters such allowances shall be paid out of the general revenue of Sierra Leone. (3) No judgment in any civil cause or matter shall be of any effect until all allowances made by the Court to any assessor or assessors in such cause or matter shall have been paid by the successful party unless the Court shall otherwise order." Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-third day of November, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. MLP. t-24-30. No. 24 Summary Conviction Offences (Amendment). 103A COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 24 of 1933. SIn His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this ninth day of December, 1933. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Amend the Summary Conviction Cap. 201. Offences Ordinance, 1924. [9th December, 1988.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Summary Conviction Short title Offences (Amendment) Ordinance, 1933, and shall apply to the and applica- Colony and Protectorate. tion. 2. Section 39 of the Summary Conviction Offences Ordinance, Repeal and 1924, is hereby repealed and replaced by the following section : seio 39 "39. Any person who shall- of Cap. 201. dDangerous (a) ride or drive any animal; or (b) propel or drive or cause to be driven any bicycle or vehicle of any description through the streets or roads in a manner dangerous to the public, shall on the first conviction thereof, be liable to a fine, not exceeding twenty shillings, and on every subsequent conviction, to a fine not exceeding forty shillings." 80 No. 24 Summary Convidtion Ofences (Amendment). 1933 Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-third day of November, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. B-29-33. No. 25 Fwrit Export, 1933 81 COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 25 of 1933. In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this ninth day of December, 1933. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Regulate the Export of Fruit from the Colony. [1st January, 1934.) Date of commence- ment. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Fruit Export Ordinance, Short title 1933, and shall come into operation on the first day of January, and com- 1934. mencement. 2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires:- Interpreta- Fruit means any fresh fruit or vegetable to which this tion. Ordinance shall be made to apply by an order of the Governor. Fruit Inspector" means any Inspector, Sub-Inspector and any other officer of the Agricultural Department, and any person appointed in writing by the Director of Agriculture to be an Inspector for the purposes of this Ordinance, and shall include the Director of Ariculture. 82 No. 25 ruwit Eveport. i9AO Rules means rules made under this Ordinance. The word export" shall apply only to fruit shipped for marketing outside of the Colony. Packing and 3. All fruit intended for export shall be packed and shipped shipping. acco c w is n e in accoi'Lil, c wr^^^' sfr*_;e^ lw ult Azzeuti 4 1 Notice of '-. 4 .. export and s give ng e r Agriculture Inspection. of the time during which it is proposed to pack fruit, and such fruit if approved for export shall be packed under the supervision of a Fruit Inspector. No fruit shall be wrapped or packed until such fruit and the containers in which it is to be packed shall have been approved by a Fruit Inspector. Duty of 5. It shall be the duty of every Fruit Inspector to satisfy Inspector. himself that fruit intended for export conforms to the requirements set out in the rules and is fit for export. Stamping of 6. On being satisfied that the requirements of section 3 packages of this Ordinance have been complied with, the Fruit Inspector aud issue of shall mark each package of fruit intended for export with Sa stamp showing that the fruit in such package has been inspected and passed as fit for export by a Fruit Inspector and at the same time shall issue a certificate in the form in the Schedule. Such certificate shall be conclusive evidence that the requirements of this Ordinance and the Rules have been complied with. Unautho- 7. No person shall export or attempt to export fruit unless rized export. all the requirements of this Ordinance and the Rules have been complied with, and no person shall wilfully tamper with any package after the same has been certified as fit for export. Power of 8. The Comptroller of Customs or other Chief Officer of Comptroller Customs at the port of exportation shall refuse to permit the of Customs. exportation of fruit not certified by a Fruit Inspector as fit for export, and may also exercise the like power whenever he has reasonable cause to suspect that any certified package of fruit has been tampered with after certification by a Fruit Inspector. Power of 9. The Governor in Council may make rules for the Governor in further, better or more convenient carrying out of any of Council to the provisions or purposes of this Ordinance, including the make rules, payment of fees. Penalties. 10. Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this Ordinance or of the Rules shall be liable on summary conviction to penalty not exceeding twenty-five pounds 4 kaf ^^^ifff,^^ -Pruit Export. THE SCHEDULE. FRUIT INSPECTOR'S CERTIFICATE. Date. Name of Shipper. No. of Packages and Identification Mark. No. of Description Fruit Per of Fruit. Case. I hereby certify that I have examined the fruit specified above and that in my opinion, it is fit for export. Fruit Inspector. Date: Place: Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-third day of November, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. A29133. i93A --~- No. 26 Forestry (Amendment). 1933 85 COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. . No, 26 of 1933. L In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this ninth day of December, 1933. 0. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Amend the Forestry Ordinance, 1924. Cap. 74. [9th December, 1988.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Forestry (Amendment) Short title. Ordinance, 1933. 2. The Forestry Ordinance, 1924, is hereby amended by Amendment of inserting therein, immediately after section 21, the following erto new section:- new sepon, "21A. Any forest officer may, without warrant, arrest "Powers of any person reasonably suspected of having 4i arrest." recently committed any offence under this Ordinance if such person refuses to give his name or address or gives a name or address which there is reason to believe is false or if .. there is reason to believe that he will abscond. l' .. ** * .. 11 Forestry (Amendment). Every person arrested under this section shall be taken before a magistrate or to the nearest police station or lock-up without unnecessary delay." Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-third day of November, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. A135133. 86 No. 26 Customs Tariff (Amendment). COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 27 of 1933. In His Majesty's name I assent @ to this Ordinance this ninth day of December, 1933. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. Ordinance An Ordinance to Amend the Customs Tariff No.1 of 1932. Ordinance, 1932. [9th December, 1933.] D aenon BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Customs Tariff Short title. (Amendment) Ordinance, 1933. 2. The definition of British Empire" in section 2 of the Amendment Customs Tariff Ordinance, 1932, is hereby deleted and the of section 2 following definition substituted therefore :- No. of 1932. 'British Empire' means the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Dominions, India, the territories administered by His Majesty's Govern- ments in the Dominions under Mandate or otherwise, the British Colonies, the British Protectorates and protected States, and the Mandated Territories of Tanganyika, the Cameroons under British Mandate and Togoland under British Mandate." No. 27 1933 87 Customs Tariff(Amendment). Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-third day of November, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. M.P. C.F. 13132. 88 No. 27 1933 Loan (Repayment). COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 28 of 1933. Q In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this ninth day of December, 1933. 0. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. An Ordinance to Make Further Provision for the Repayment of the Outstanding Loan Raised under the Authority of the General Loan and Inscribed Stock Ordinance, 1903, the General Loan and Inscribed Stock (Amendment) Ordinance, 1904, the Public Loan Ordinance, 1903, and the Public Loan (Amendment) Ordinance, 1904. [9th December, 1938.] Dateof com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Loan (Repayment) short title. Ordinance, 1933. 2. The Crown Agents on behalf of the Governor may raise Power to by the issue of a loan in London such an amount not exceeding raise loan the sum of three hundred and fifty thousand pounds sterling as may be necessary to complete the repayment of the outstanding amount of Sierra Leone Government 3J per cent. Stock 1929/54 which was raised under the authority of the General Loan and No. 28 1933 89 O W. 28 Loan (Repayment). 1933 Inscribed Stock Ordinance, 1903, the Public Loan Ordinance, 1903, the General Loan and Inscribed Stock Amendment Ordinance, 1904, and the Public Loan Amendment Ordinance, 1904, and such further sum as may be necessary to defray the expenses of issue. Loan 3. The principal monies and interest represented by the loan charged issued under the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby charged on general upon and shall be payable out of the general revenue and assets of the Colony of Sierra Leone. Application 4. The money to be borrowed under the authority of this of loan. Ordinance shall be appropriated and applied to the repayment of the Sierra Leone Government 3- per cent. Stock 1929/54. Mode of 5. The loan hereby authorised or any part of it may be raised raising loan. under the provisions of the General Loan and Inscribed Stock Cap. 88. Ordinance, 1924, or, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the said Ordinance, independently of that Ordinance, as the Governor or Crown Agents acting on his behalf, may decide. Date of corn- 8. If the loan hereby authorised shall be issued under the maineemea provisions of the General Loan and Inscribed Stock Ordinance, of contribu- 1924, then the first contribution to the Sinking Fund, as con- tion to templated by the provisions of sections 13 and 27 of the said ining Ordinance shall be taken six months after the date from which the interest on such debentures or stock shall commence to run. Loan inde- 7. 'If it should be decided to issue the loan hereby pendent of authorised independently of the General Loan and Inscribed Cap. 88. Stock Ordinance, 1924, then the following provisions shall apply :- Mode (a) So long as any portion of the loan remains outstanding of the Governor shall in each half-year ending with the f ym day on which the interest on the loan falls due, interest, appropriate out of the general revenues and assets of the Colony a sum equal to one half-year's interest on the whole of the loan outstanding, and shall remit that sum to the Crown Agents at such time as will enable them to pay thereout the then current half-year's interest on the day on which it falls due. Mode (b) The Governor shall also in each half-year ending as ofntribu- aforesaid appropriate out of the said revenues and contribu- tion to assets of the Colony for the formation of a sinking sinking fund for the repayment of the loan at par an fund. additional sum in respect of the total nominal amount of the loan outstanding, equal to one-half of the annual contribution to be decided upon by the Governor on the issue of the loan, and shall remit that sum to the Crown Agents with the remittance hereinbefore mentioned. Loan (Repayment). (c) The aforesaid contribution shall be not less than such Determina- amount as may be determined with the approval of tion of con- tribution to the Secretary of State to be sufficient to redeem the sinking loan at its due date. fund. (d) The Crown Agents shall invest so much of the money Investment so remitted to them as aforesaid as shall not be of sinking required for the payment of interest for the current un. half-year in the purchase of such securities as may be approved by the Secretary of State as a sinking fund for the final extinction of the debt and the Crown Agents shall also invest the dividends, interest or produce of such investments in the purchase of like securities and may from time to time with the approval of the Secretary of State change any such investments and shall hold such funds in trust for the repayment of the principal monies for the time being represented by the Loan. (e) In case the sinking fund provided for by this Sinking Ordinance shall be insufficient for the payment of all fund if insufficient the principal monies borrowed under the authority of tobe upple- this Ordinance at the time the same shall have become mented from due, the Governor shall make good the deficiencies general out of the general revenue and assets of the Colony. revenue. Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-third day of November, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative GConcil. M.P. B-45-33. No. 28 1933 91 |