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C i.. Inl His Mlijst's( name I assent to this Ordiianice this first day of April, 1931. C. E. ('OOKSON, Acting Governor. AN ORDINANCE for taking a Census of the Colony and Protectorate. SDatf of [: $ lyrii" I con.IB 1 S ent. WHEREAS it is His Majesty's gracious pleasure that a census of the British Empire be taken in the year 1931. BE If THEREFORE ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony of Siera. Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Counci4hereof, as follows :- 1. T's Ordinance may be cited as the Census Ordinance, Short title 1931, ail shall apply to the Colony and Protectorate. and application. 2. S ect to the provisions of this Ordinance a census of Census to be the Colo and Protectorate shall be taken in the year 1931, taken in and the census Day shall be the 26th day of April, 1931, or 131. such other date as may be fixed by the Governor in Council. 4C11ss Ordinance, 1931. eQ OLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 1 of 1931. 2 Census Ordinance, 19 1. No. 1 of 191. 3. (1) It shall be lawful for the Governor to appoint a Census Officer who. subject to the control of the Governor, Appoint- shall have the general supervision and management ,of the mensus census, and shall appoint a sufficient number of persons duly Officer, qualified to act as enumerators for taking the census, and enumerators also any other officers necessary for the purpose of carrying and other this Ordinance into effect. officers. Appoint- (2) Notice of the appointment of such census officer - ments to be and enumerators and any other officers shall be published in gazetted. the Gazette. Forms to be 4. The C'enius Officer shall cause to ble prepared and prepared printed, for the use of the persons to be employed in taking and issued. the census, sucl forms and instructions as he may deem necessary and in particular schedules to le filled up with such . details as the Governor may consider necessary in order to insure as far as possible, the completeness and accuracy of the census returns. Penalty for 5. The enumerators and other persons employed under refusal to e this Ordinance shall have authority to ask all persons all inloi nation. such questions a; may be necessary for obtaining any of the particulars required by this Ordinance, and every person refusing to answer, or knowingly giving a false answer to any such question shall for every such refusal or false answer be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds. Penalty for 6. Every person who- refusal to fill schedule. (a) without lawful excuse refuses or neglects to fill in any schedule of details as and when lie may be required by the Census Officer, or any officer acting ''on his behalf so to do; or *" (b) fills in any such schedule with details which he knows to be false :. '.hall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds. o n b 7. If any enumerator duly appointed under this Ordinance enumera- refuses or neglects to perform any of the duties required of tors. him by this Ordinance, or knowingly makes or suffers any . other person to make a false entry in any return. or makes any other return than such as lie ought to make from the information actually received by him. such enumerator shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds for every offence. Recovery of 8. All penalties inflicted by this Ordinance shall be penalties. recoverable upon summary conviction before the Police Magistrate or a District Commissioner. Abstract of 9. Upon the completion of the census, the Census Officer returns to be shall cause an abstract of the returns to be made, and such laid before Council. abstract shall be printed and laid before Legislative Council, before the end of December, 1931. Ce sus Ordinance, 1931. 3 -" No. 1 of Passed in the Legislative Council this eighteenth (lay of March, 1931. in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and - thirty-one. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. Tils PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. Printed and published by the GOVERNMENT PRINTER, FREETOWN-L 864. M.P. Zj1331. Price 4. To be purchased from the (Government Printer, or from the Crown Agents for the Colonies, Millbank, London, S.W.I. Marampa Railw(fy and Harbour Works Construction *Ordinance, 1931. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 2 of 1931. I In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this first day of April. 1931. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. AN O nRDINANCE to empower the Sierra Leone Development Company, Limited, to construct and own a Jetty and Shipping Installation at Pepel Point on Pepel Island in the Port Loko Creek, and a Railway from that point to the vicinity of Maranipa in the Port Loko District ; and to regulate the User, Maintenance and Operation of such Jetty, Shipping Installation and Railway. Date of [7th April. 1931.] commence- ment. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Leg'islative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Marampa Railway and Short title Harbour Works Construction Ordinance, 1931, and shall apply to and applica- the Colony and Protectorate. tion. 2 Marainpa Railway atnd Harbour W11'*'ks Cons'truction No. 2 of Ordinance, 1931..' 1931. 2. In this Ordinance. unless the context otherwise r.,euires :- Interpre- "The Company" means and includ-s lth S-ierra Leoini station. Development Company. Limited. inc reported and registered in England under the 'inilpani- Act. 1 -".. and its success ors and assi-gn li -inc Britih -h-nu'j-c or companies inclor ,rated and( rergi-tered1 ini (;r at Britaiii or Sierra Leone. "Pepel Point means the point of ltat nmi:u on P'.-11-l island in the Port Loko creek in the Pirt Lko Di-~rict of the Northern Province of the Pro'ltectn rae. Maranpa means tihe clii 't-,lm nt iii:tt inai- in th- P'.rt Loko District aforesaid. "Lands" include Crown land' lplulic. tii; a. cOln n, and waste lands. places, streets,. liihwvay r--ads. ways. pathways, and all messages and 1 .1oipre I1 ii-re-lit ie.:-iI whatsoever, but does not include the for shIre ( ir ,-d if a navigable creek. Railway means a raihlwa or ilrliway. \\ hther wrked by steam (or other\\ i-e, to !je c, istrur:-i. establish or maintained under the prii-iotis f ili (h i Ordin:c-e. and includes unle.-s sjecifical'v -xclep-td a;1 ahnd-s. works, bridges. statiis. hoiuset., termini and r,,iii ng- stock required for or in connee:ion wiilh :he ,hp:.-r-i,,n and maintenance of a railway. "The Company's Engineer" means the oftficter froin time to time appointed 1)i the Con1iiainy. xxidh the appr ,val of the Governor, to stuperine'td tl(e ('lonstrut:'in and maintenance of the railw\ay t, I.- c, n-tirui': und.r thisi Ordinance. SGoods" include things o(f every kind ce-y 11,.d u01,n or by a railway. Rolling-stock" includes locomiotivN einuineti. iii'.Is. tenders, carriages, wagons, trucks and trollies of all kinds. "Traffic" includes rolling-stocl of evcryv dlecription as well as passengers, anlimlals and g ls. "Vessel" includes ship. boat. lighter. andi any kinl oIt craft, and whether pl.pelh.l l y I>.a or o:'eVrwise. Power for 3. (1) It shall i)e lawful for iO (' IjLitany t" construct. ,i- Companyto an([ maintain a jetty and shipping installarin at Pepld l,,in: construct with all other necessary anil cionvenient workss cIionneI-CedC1 t-r-,- Jetty, etc., at Pepel with or incidental thereto including bIii!in-.. ore bunk--,rs. point, plant, machinery, power stations, yards, embankmjii ts radis. Marampa Railway and Harbour Works Construction 3 a.Ordinance, 1931. No 2 of 1931. approaches and similar works in accordance with the plans, - specifications and particulars deposited in the office of the Colonial Secretary. (2) The said plans, specifications and particulars shall be open to inspection by any member of the public at the office of the Colonial Secretary on payment of a fee of two shillings. 4. The Company shall have the exclusive right of loading Company to and unloading vessels at the said jetty and shipping installation, have exclu- and it shall not be lawful for any person to use or enter upon the sve frigt to said jetty or other works as aforesaid, o. to moor any vessel thereto without the consent of the Company's duly authorized representative. Providedl that all vessels in the service of the Colonial Government, and all ollicers of the Colonial Government in the exercise of their duties shall, in so far as shall be reasonable, having regard to the nature of the works and the Company's operations, have full and unrestricted use and right of access at all times to the said jetty and other works as aforesaid. 5. The Company, if required to do so by the Governor, shall Company to erect on a suitable site near the said jetty and shipping installation, erect to be approved by the Comptroller of Customs, a suitable office Customs and quarters for thee use of a Sub-Comptroller of Customs or such Pepel point. other Customs officer or officers as the Comptroller of Customs if required. may think fit to station at Pepel point. Any such offices and quarters shall be erected by the Company in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Director of Public Works. 6. (1) It shall be lawful for the Coiinany to construct, own Power for and maintain a railway from lPepel point to its iron ore Company to concessions at Mlaraimpa on the lines and according to the levels construct shown on the plans and sections deposited in the office of the rway. Colonial Secretary, with all proper bridges, viaducts, stations, sidings, approaches, junctions, roads, buildings, yards, telephone anl telegraph lines, power stations, power lines, pipe lines and other works and conveniences connected therewith or incidental thereto. Provided that it shall lie lawful for the Company to deviate from the line and level of railway shown on the deposited plans, but so that no such deviation shall extend beyond the limits of deviation shown on the said plans save as may be allowed by the Governor in Council on the deposit of additional plans as aforesaid and within the limits of deviation shown on such additional plans. Provide also that the bridge to carry the said railway over the Port Loko Creek at or near Port Loko shall be of a height of at least fourteen feet above high water at spring tides, and shall provide a safe and adequate footpath across the s:aid creek for pedestrians only apart from the railvay track. (2) The said plans and sections shall be open to inspection by y any member of the public at the police of the Colonial Secretary on payment of a fee of two shillings. 4 Maramtpa Railwcay and Harbour Works Construction No. 2 of Ordinance, 1931. 1931. 7. The Company inmy utilise and occupy such part of the No compen- foreshore and bed of the Port Loko creek or any other creek or station for waterway as it requires for the construction, establis-hrrent. werks constructed maintenance andl use of the said jetty, shipping installation and on foreshore other works at Pepel point, and of the said railway within the said or bed of limits f de\ nation in accordance with the deposited plans, without creeks. payment of any consideration there for andl without incurring any criminal or civil liability in respect of any interference with public or private rights over and in the said creeks, waterways and foreshore. Power to 8. The Company may also construct a causeway or embank- construct iment over and in the creek known as the Sankin creek between causeway Pepel island and the main land in accordance with the deposited across Sankin creek. plans, but there shall be a right of compensation in respect of any interests in the said Sankin creek injuriou-ly affected by the said causeway or embankment. Such compensation shall be assessed in accordance with the provisions of sections 15 to 17. Power to 9. It shall be lawful for th. Company's Engineer. with all enter and necessary workmen and other servants, at all times to enter upon take lands. and to set out and appropriate, either for permanent or t- mporary use, any lands required for or in connection with the construction, establishment, maintenance and use of the said jetty. shipping installation and railway, including any temporary works in connection therewith. Marking out 10. \Vhen the Company's Engineer shall set out. appropriate lands by and take any lands for the purpose of the said jetty. shipping Company's installation or other works or railway, lie shall cause such lands to Engineer. e s be marked out and a notice to be posted on some conspicuous part thereof in these words :-"Taken for the Pepel point Shipping Installation or Taken for the Marampa Railway." as the case may be, and such notice shall be signed by the Company's Engineer. All such lands when so set out. appropriated and taken shall, unless only a shorter title is required and taken, be vested in the Company for a term of nine hundred and ninety-nine years free from all other estates and all liens, rights, charges and incnmbrances whatsoever but subject to the provisions of sections 33, 34 and 35. Provided that no lands outside the areas, lines and limits of deviation shown on the deposited plans shall be set out, appropriated and taken under this and the last preceding section without the consent of the Goxverlnor in Council first had and obtained. Plan and 11. Within one month after any such appropriation the certificate to Company's Engineer shall cause to be registered in the office of be registered, the Registrar-General a plan of the lands so set out, appropriated and taken as afo-esaid, together with a certificate under his hand to the effect that the same ha\v been taken and appropriated for thle purposes of the said installation or railway. as the case may le, and setting forth the term of years for which the same have been so taken. Marampa Railway and Harbour Works Construction 5 Ordinance, 1931. No. 2 of 1931. 12. When any lands have been taken and appropriated for - the purposes of the said installation or railway as aforesaid, Registration the registration of a p)ltn of such lands., together with the of pns, tc., certificate in the office of the Registrar-General as in the last evidence of preceding section mentioned, shall be conclusive evidence that land taken. such lands have been set out, appropriated and taken for tile said installation or railway, as the case may be, under the provisions of this Ordinance. 13. If, in any case in which, according to the provisions of Refusal by this Ordinance, the Company's Engineer is authorized to enter owner to upon and take any lands required for the said jetty, shipping give up installation or other works, or railway, the owner or occupier of possession. any such lands cr any other person shall refuse to give up possession thereof or shall hinder the Company's Engineer, his agents, servants or workmen, from entering upon or taking possession of the same, the District Commissioner shall inquire into the matter and, if satisfied that such lands are required for the said jetty, shipping installation, or other works or railway, he shall issue his warrant in the form in the schedule, and the court messenger or other officer of the District Commissioner's Court to whom such warrant is entrusted for' execution shall deliver possession of the lands in question to the Company's Engineer. 14. (1) The Company's Engineer, his agents, servants, Powers of workmen and other persons authorised by him shall be, and are Company's hereby empowered to do all or any of the following things :- Engineer his agents and (i) From time to time, as he may think necessary, to enter workmen. upon any lands or the foreshore or bed of a navigable creek or waterway for the purpose of making surveys or taking levels for the said jetty, shipping installation or other works or railway or doing anything necessary under this Ordinance with a view to taking and appropriating any lands; (ii) In or upon the lands set out, appropriated or taken for the said jetty, shipping installation or other works or railway, or upon any lands within one hundred feet thereof, to bore, dig, cut, trench, embank, sough, and drain ; and to remove, or lay out, and also to use, cut, work, and manufacture any earth, stone, rubbish, trees, gravel, or sand, or any other material or things whatsoever which may be dug or obtained, and which may be necessary or proper for making, maintaining, altering, repairing, or working the said jetty, shipping installation, or other works or railway or any part thereof, or which may obstruct the making, maintaining, altering, repairing, or working of the same respectively; (iii) To lay down, make, erect and construct in, under, upon, across, or over the said jetty, shipping installation or other works or railway, or any part thereof, or any lands, or any roads, streets, dams, ways, lanes, or other 6 Maramnpa Railway and Harborr Works Construction No. 2 of Ordinance, 1931, 1931. public passages (or pla.-es. hills. valleys. ri\ ers. creeks. brooks. streams, or other waters wha-soeveti such inclined planes, tunnels, embankments, bridges. arches, piers, roads, ways. l:passages. conduits. chains. culverts. cuttings, fences. rails. sleepers. tele-i'aph aoil telephone poles, wires and lines. powerr lines, pipe lineseswhares, warehouse. toll-liouses. landing places. machinery, and buil lings of whats<'-ver kind or description, and all such other \-,orks and convenience as shall be necessary or expledient fr the establishment. maintenance, or repairing or using of the said jei;y. shipping installati n or other wo, ks or railway : (iv) And also to alter and divei-t the cour.-se ,f any rivers. creeks, trenches, brooks. >tre.un. or w\atercourses. if necessary. for constructing, manai:.aining and repairing tunnels, bridges, passages. or other wo rks ov.-r or -under the same, and to divert or alter. as well temporarily as permanently, Thie course of any such rivers, creeks, streanml or w.at- courses. trenches. roads, streets, damns, or way in order the rtmre conveniently and ecnonomially. av regards the cn- struction of the said railway. to carry the same over. or under, or by the side of, the said railway as shall be necessary for the estalli.hment. maintenance. or repairing or using of the s'!i railway : (v) And also to make roads, w ays, creeks, watercourses. soughs, drains, trenches. or conduits in. to. through. over, or under any lands f,,r the purpose of bringing or conveying aty lpassen1ge'rs goods. animals. ,r carriage.s to or from the said jetty. shipping installation. or other works or rail way. or cn vtyx ing water from 4r to the same, or to obtain access to. or egress from. any mine, forest, quarry. or kiln; (vi) And also to erect and construct such houses, ware- houses, offices, and other buildings. yards. stations. wharves, engines, machinery, apparatus. a 'd other works and conveniences as the C(ompany's Engineer shall think proper: (vii) And also from time to time to alr-r. repair. or discontinue the before e-mentioned works, or any of them, and to substitute others in their stead : (viii) And also from time to time to erect such construction camps at convenient sites on lands close to the said jetty, shipping installation and other works and railway for the purpose of housing and providing_ for the Company's agents. servants and workmen as the progress of work on the said jetty, shipping installation and other works and railway shall r-' .uire. Provided that the sites to be chosen for :such cln- struction camps shall be as healthy as circumstances permit; Maranmpa Railway and Harbour Works Construction 7 Ordinance, 1931. No. 2, of 1931. (ix) And to do and execute all other matters and things - necessary for making and maintaining, altering, repairing, and using the said jetty, shipping installa- tion and other works and railway. (2) The Company's Engineer, his agents, servants, work- men and other persons authorized as aforesaid, shall do as little damage as may be in tle exercise of the several powers to him and them hereby granted. 15. (1) The owners iad occupiers of, and all other persons Compen- interested in any lands which mniy be appropriated and taken, station for or used and occupied, for the purpose of the said jetty, shipping lands taken, installation and other works and rail\\ay and the construction, injuriously maintenance or repair thereof. or which may be injuriously affected. affected by the exercise of any (f the powers hereby conferred upon the Company's Engineer. shall be entitled to, and shall receive compensation for, the value of the lands so taken or used, and for all damages sustained by such owners, occupiers and other persons 1b reason of the exercise as regards such lands of the powers granted by this Ordinance ; the amount of such compensation to lbe ascertained and determined as hereinafter provided. (2) The owners of all such lands shall be deemed to be the tribal authorities of the respective chiefdoms in which they are situate. (3) Lands shall be deemed to be injuriously affected if they be so cut through and divided by the taking and appropria- tion as aforesaidl of a part thereof as to leave either on both sides, or on one side of the r,,ilwniy, a portion of land which is practically useless I(n lie owne r o occupier for the purpose for which such lands have been customarily used. So also if a part only of any house or other building is taken and appropriated as aforesaid, the owner man( o-'cupier of such house or building shall be entitled to compnin station as though the whole house or building had been taken, the Comlpany being entitled, in such case, if it so elects. to take o er the whole house or building. 16. It shall be lawful for the Comlpany's Engineer, for and on Compen- behalf of the Company, to contract and agree with the owner or station may be occupier of, or any other person interested in any lands which agreed on. may be appropriated or taken or used or occupied for the purposes of the said jetty, shipping installation or ot her works or railway, or injuriously affected by the exercise of any of the powers hereby vested in the Company's Engineer, for the compensation to be allowed and 1paid to such owner, occupier, I'o other person, either in respect of the actual value of such lands, or in'respect of damnnges incurred by reason of the exercise of any of the said powers ; and any sum or sums so agreed on as last aforesaid or which shall be awarded under the provisions of the next succeeding section shall be paid by the Company. 8 Marampa Railway and Harbour Works Construction No. 2 of Ordinance, 1931. 1931. 17. The District Commissioner after due notice to the Cases of Company and all other persons interested shall assesss and disputed com- pensation, determine, in a summary manner, all claims for compei;sation etc., how when the amount to be paid cannot be agreed on under the las, settled preceding section, or when sep;trate and conflicting claims which cannot be adjusted by or between the parties themselves are made in respect of the same lands. Such an award shall be enforceable in the like manner, and subject to the like appeal as a decision of a District Commissioner in a civil case. Railway not 18. (1) Before the said railway or any p ,rtion thereof shall to be opened be opened for the public conveyance of animals. goods or for public passengers the Company shall give the Gov,,rncor at least two traffic without months' notice in writing of the date of the proposed opening. Governor's permission. and shall obtain the Governor's permission in writing. (2) If permission shall have been given for the opening of the said railway or any portion thereof for the conveyance of goods only, further permission shall be required for the conveyance of passengers and the provisions of sub-section (1) shall apply in regard to such further permission. (3) If the said railway or any portion thereof be openedd for the public conveyance of goods and/or passengers without such permission as aforesaid, the Company shall Ibe guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction thereof, to a tine not exceeding twenty pounds for every (lay during which the said railway, or any portion thereof, shall continue open as aforesaid without such permission. (4) Sections 20, 21, 23 and 24 of the Pro!prietary Railways Ordinance, 1924, shall, save as herein provided, apply to the said railway if at any time opened for public trallic. (5) Nothing in this section (including sections 20(. 21. 23 and 24 of the Proprietary Railways Ordinance. 1924) shall be deemed to prevent the Company from using the said railway for. or giving preference or preferential rates to. tlhe conveyance of its own goods, agents, servants, and workmen at any time. or those of any subsidiary or associated Company or its or their contractors or sub-contractors respectively, or of gods required fr the purposes of or in connection with the business or un lertaking of the Company by or for its own agents, s-r'vants and workmen or those of any subsidiary or associated Company. or its or their contractors or sub-contractors. For the purposes of this sub- section an associated company shall be deemed to be a company in which the Company or its shareholders or both hold at least one-fourth part of the share capital or rice mrrisa. (6) Save as provided in this Ordinance to the contrary the Company shall not be bound to use the saiA railway for conveyance of any goods or passengers other than goods or officials of the Company, nor shall it be bound to open the said railway for public traffic. Marampa Railway and Harbour Works Construction 9 .Ordinance, 1931. No. 2 of 1931. 19. Officials of the Colonial Government shall be entitled to - travel by the Company's trains on the said railway in pursuance Government officials of their duties, provided that they accept such accommodation as may use may be available. The Company shall not, unless and until the railway. said railway is open to public passenger traffic, make any charge for the carriage of such officials, and shall not up to such time be liable in any way whatsoever for the care and safety of such officials. If and when the said railway is open to public traffic, the Company shall be entitled (subject to any rebate which may be agreed) to charge the same fares for officials as it charges for any other fare-paying passengers, and shall be liable for the care and safety of such officials to the same extent as the Company will be liable for the care and safety of any other fare-paying passengers. 20. (1) The Governor may appoint any qualified person to Inspection by inspect the said railway, or any portion thereof, or any rolling- persons stock used on the same, and if such person shall be of opinion Governor, that the use of the said railway, or any portion thereof, or any and power of specified rolling-stock will be attended with danger to the lives of Governor the Company's agents, servants or workmen, he shall report in to close the writing the grounds of such opinion. Such report shall in the railway. first instance be furnished to the Company's Engineer, and if he fails to remedy the cause of complaint with all reasonable speed whether by discontinuance of the use of the said railway or any portion thereof or any specified rolling-stock or by repair or otherwise, then such report shall be forwarded forthwith by such person to the Governor. The Governor, after giving the Company's Engineer or other representative a reasonable opportunity of being heard, may thereupon order that the said railway, or any specified portion thereof be closed, or that the use of any specified rolling-stock he discontinued, or that the said railway, or specified portion thereof, or the specified rolling- stock be used on such conditions only as the Governor may see fit to prescribe. In case of emergency any such inspector may order the closing for a period not exceeding fourteen (lays of any portion of the said railway, or the discontinuance for a similar period of the use of any rolling-stock without previous reference to the Governor, but the procedure hereinabove in this sub-section provided shall be followed before the period of such closing or discontinuance can be extended. (2) An order made under sub-section (1) shall set forth the grounds on which it is founded. (3) The said railway, or any specified portion thereof, closed under this section shall not be reopened until the cause of complaint has been remedied and a reasonable opportunity has been given for inspection. (4) No rolling-stock, the use whereof has been ordered to be discontinued under this section, shall be again used until the cause of complaint has been remedied and a reasonable opportunity has been given for inspection. 10 Marampa Railway and Harbour Works Construction No. 2. of Ordinance, 1931. 1931. (5) So long as the said railway is not opened to public passenger traffic, nothing in this section shall compel the Company to observe a higher standard of working user. safety and equipment than is usual in mineral railways. (6) The Company or any person acting in convention -,of any lawful order of the Governor. or of an in-spcror. u11lr this section shall be guilty of an offence and liablle. on summary conviction thereof, to a penalty not rxceedling fifty oundls for every day during which such contravention knowingly continu-is. Powers of 21. Every inspector appointed under the last preceding inspectors. section shall have power- (i) to enter upon and inspect the said railway an I all the stations, w, or b1uildings. offices. stock plant. and machinery belonging thereto : (ii) by summons under his han to require Ith attendance of any pertion who is e'li'ar-d in the management of th.- -aid railway in Sierra L-eone. or who is in the serve eri or employee nt of the Company in Sierra Leone, and whom he thinks fit to call before him and examine on oath for the purpose of the inspection he is appointed to make. and to require from any such person answers Ior returns to such inquiries as lie thinks fit to make for the purpose ; (iii) to require and enforce the pr dluction of all books. papers, and documents relating it the said railway he considers expedient for the said purpose. Disobedience 22. Any person who, without reasonable excuse. proof to or whereof shall lie on him, either-- obstruction of an inspector. (a) being summoned under the last lprceldi:g section fails to attend before an inspector or (b) refuses to answer any question put to him by an inspector, or to make alny return or produce ally book, paper or document require by an inspector : or (c) prevents or impedes an inspector in the execution of his duty, shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction thereof, to a penalty not exceeding ten ponds, and in the case of a continuing offence to a further penalty not exceeding ten pounds during every dcay that such offlence continues. Removal of 23. (1) In either of the following cas-es namely- trees (a) when there is at any time danger that a tree standing dangerous to . or obstructing near the sail railway after it is contructe, mayv fall the working on it so as to obstruct trallic, or damage any telegraph of the or telephone wires or posts; railway. Marampa Railway and Harbour Works Construction 11 ,Ordinance, 1931. No. 2 of 1931. (b) when a tree obstructs the view of any fixed signal; the Company may, with the consent of the District Commissioner, fell the tree or deal with it in such a manner as will avert the danger or remove the obstacle. (2) In case of emergency the powers conferred by sub- section (1) may be exercised without the previous consent of the District Commissioner. (3) When a tree. felled or otherwise dealt with under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), was in existence before the said railway was constructed, or the signal was fixed, the District Commissioner may. upon the application of the persons interested in the tree, after due notice to the Company, award to those persons such compensatiIo as he thinks reasonable. (4) Such an award shall be enforceable in the like manner and subject to the like appeal as a decision of a District Commissioner in a civil case. 24. It shall be lawful for the Company, its agents, servants, Power of workmen and other persons authorized by it, in case of any entry on accident or slip happening or being apprehended to any cutting, adjoining lands in case embankment, or other part of the said railway after construction, of accident. to enter upon any lands adjoining the said railway for the purpose of repairing or preventing such accident, and to do such works as may be necessary for the purpose : Provided that- (i) such work shall be as little injurious to the said adjoining lands as the nature of the accident or apprehended accident will admnit of, and shall be executed with all possible despatch ; (ii) compensation shall be made to the owners or occupiers of such lands for the loss or injury or inconvenience sustained by them respectively by reason of such works, the amount of which compensation shall, in case of dispute, be settled in accordance with the provisions of section 17 ; (iii) lands required permanently for such works may be acquired in the same manner as lands required for original construction, but no lands shall be taken permanently unless acquired under sections 9 to 12 or by private treaty. 25. (1) The Company shall convey by any train, entirely Conveyance at the risk of the Colonial Government, all such mails as may be of mails. tendered for conveyance by such trains, whether such mails be under the charge of a guard appointed by the Postmaster- General, or not, and notwithstanding that no notice in writing requiring mails to I)e conveyed by such train shall have been given by the Postmaster-General. 12 Marampa Railway and Harbour Works Construction No. 2 of Ordinance, 1931.. 1931. (2) The Company shall be entitled, if it so ieqluires. to reasonable remuneration for any services performed by it whih respect to the conveyance of mails, and such reIunmnerati n shall be paid by the Treasurer. In case of a differences of ipini,.n as to the amount of such remuneration, the question shall be settle by petition to the Supreme Court. Rights of 26. The Company shall be bound, on being so required in Colonial writing by the General Manager of the Sierra Leono (0Gve.rnntlit Government tovconstruct Railway, to allow any person aut toti ed h s il ail Geni-al telegraph Manager, with workmen and servants, at all reasonable tima lines, etc., to enter into and upon its lands, forming part ot the -aid railway on lands and to set up or lay down on such lanis adjoining the line of said adjoining the railway, and when so set up or laid down. to mai:nr in and use telegraph or telephone lines, or any apparatus for wireless telegraphy, for His Majesty's service, and to give him and them every reasonable facility for any of such lprpos'es. subject to such reasonable remuneration as lmay lhe aarcted upon between the Company and the said General Manlager, andi in cas- of difference of opinion, the amount of such remluneratiin shall i- settled by petition to the Supreme Court. On any liv-rsio,;. widening or other alteration to the said rail ay, th- -aid Gen.eral Manager shall, if and when required liy the Com!any. make any consequential diversion in such telepralph and telephone lines or any apparatus for wireless telegraphy. Power of 27. (1) If any insurrection, rebellion, or ,ththr emergency Government shall arise in which the Governor consihdrs it expedient for the in emergency to take public service or welfare, that the Colonial Government should possession of have control of the said railway, the Governor may. by w arrant railway. under his hand, empower any person n imed in .anch warrant t, take possession of the said railway and of the lbuil ing-s. w..rks andi plant belonging thereto, and t, n-, t iIe- same ir His Majesty's service at such time. and in such manner. a- the- Governor may direct; and the Company an I all its octters and servants shall obey the directions of tlhe GoVernor as to the user of the said railway and of the buildings. works anl plant belonging thereto for His Majesty's service. (2) A warrant granted by the Governor in pursuance ,f this section shall remain in force for one month only. but may be renewed from month to month so lung as. in the opinion of the Governor, the emergency continues. (3) There shall be paid to the Co(inpany such rfcompns-- and compensation for the use of the said railway and for any loss or injury it may have sustained by the exercise of the G(;vernoir' powers under this section, as may be agreed upon eitwjen the Governor and the Complany r,. in case of lifftrnce of i nc opinion, as may be s(ttl,'d by petition to the Stupremiii Court. (4) When the said railway and buildings, wo rks or plant are taken possession of in the name or on behalf of His Majesty in pursuance of this section, all contracts and engagements Maramnpa Railway and Harbour TVorks Construction 13 Ordinance, 1931. No. 2 of 1931. between the Company and its officers and servants, or between the - Company and any other person, in relation to the working or maintenance of the said railway, buildings, works or plant, or in relation to the supply of such plant, which would, if such possession had not been taken, have been enforceable by or against the Company shall during the continuance of such possession be enforceable by or against the Colonial Government. 28. (1) The Company shall post up in a conspicuous position, Publication at such place or places on the line as the bye-laws shall o bye-laws from time time prescribe, a copy of all bye-laws approved etc. by the Governor in Council under section 37, and a notice specifying every rate for the time being charged by it for the carriage of passengers, animals or goods if ihe said railway should at any time be opened by the Company for public traffic. (2) If the Company fails to comply with the provisions of this section it shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction thereof, to a penalty not exceeding five pounds for every day such offence continues. 29. (1) When in or about the said railway or any of the Reporting buildings, works or plant belonging thereto, or any place, whether railway open or enclosed, occupied in connection therewith, any of the accidents. following accidents shall take place in the course ot working the said railway, that is to say- (i) any accident attended with loss of life or personal injury to any person whomsoever ; (ii) if the said railway be opened for public traffic, any collision where one of the trains is a passenger train; (iii) if the said railway be opened for public traffic, any train carrying passengers accidentally leaving the rails; (iv) any accident of a kind not comprised in the foregoing descriptions, which may be specified by any Order of the Governor in Council, the Company's officer working the said railway shall send notice of such accident, and of the loss of life or personal injury (if any) occasioned thereby, to the Governor. (2) Such notice shall be in the prescribed form and shall contain the prescribed particulars, and shall be sent at the earliest possible opportunity after the accident takes place. (3) The Governor may from time to time, by Order, direct that notice of any class of accidents shall be sent to him by telegraph, and may revoke any such Order. Notice of every such Order shall be published in the Gazette, and while it is in force notice of every accident of the class to which the Order relates shall be sent to the Governor by telegraph at the earliest possible opportunity after the accident takes place, 14 Maranipa Railway and Harbour Works Construction No. 2 of Ordinance. 19.3J1 1931. (4) It shall be the duty of every officer of the Company to use his utmost endeavours to ensure compliance with the provisions of this section, and every such officer who neol-~rs or fails to discharge his duty in that respect .-lill be hguilt-y of an offence and liable, on summary conviction thereof. t, a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds. Compulsory 30. Whenever any person injured by ai accident on ihe said medical railway claims compensation on account (, any injury, any C',urt examination of persons o any person having ly law. or by consnt -f t-e parti.-. injured in authority to determine the claim, may o.-.li that the pv.rson railway injured be examined by some qualified imetiical practitii.ner accident, named in the order, and not bing a witness on eith:' sAide. and may make such order with respect to the costs of the examiii:atilii as it, or he, thinks fit. Returns. 31. The Company's otficer working the >aid railway -al:l send in such periodical returns in connection the'rewith as may be prescribed. Conveyance 32. (1) If the said railway shall b opfne for public ratfic. of explosives, explosives and other dangerous goods shall only be carrie.t in such conditions, and subject to such rul-. as to packin:. conveyance and otherwise as may. for the time bein-t. ,e in fnree with reference to explosives and other danglerol go s i conv I-yed by the Sierra Leone Government Railway. (2) The Company or any person contr.tveniing the provisions of this section shall. for every offence. lhe liable- on summary conviction thereof, to a penalty not exceeding vne hundred pounds. Railway not 33. (1) The Company shall not sell. mnorta.ge. wrant. cons-y. to be sold, to be sept assign, underlet or part with the possession ir control of the -aid to a British railway, or any part thereof, or any interest tilhereil to anly perIsoii subject or except a British subject or a company ilnclrporated and company. registered in Great Britain or Sierra Leone. (2) All the provisions of this Ordinance relating to th-. Company, including the provisions of this seT:in. -hall. -1 far a- applicable, apply to every person acquiring an initre-t in the said railway, and all hye-laws made under section 3;7 with reference tI the said railway shall continue in flrce until altered or r.v .kedi. (3) Nothing in this section shall operate to prevt-nt the Company from issuing First Mortgage Debentures chargin' its undertaking with the repayment of any sium or sums it milney and interest thereon advanced to it Iqy te (C'i mnial (Govi.-rnm--nt in pursuance of an agreement t dated thl 7th ldy .f (clt b-r. l:'3i. and made between the Comnpany. thle African and EIastern Trad- Corporation, Limited, the Northern Mercantile and Inv--tni-nt Corporation Limited and the Crown Age-nts fur the Colonies for and on behalf of the Colonial Government. Marampa Railuay and Harbour Works Construction 15 Ordinance, 1931. No. 2 of 1931. 34. (1) If at any time- Discontinu- ((t) the construction of the said railway shall be dis- ance of continued for a continuous period of twelve construction months. or or working of railway. (b) after the said railway shall have been opened for public traffic, working of the said railway shall have been discontinued for a continuous period of six months, such discontinuance in either case not being occasioned by unremunerative prices for minerals or other circumstances beyond the Company's control, the Governor in Council may order that no further construction or working, as the case may be, shall be undertaken so long as such order remains in force. For the purposes of this section want of funds shall not be deemed a circumstance beyond control. (2) Any person contravening the provisions of this section shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction thereof, to a penalty not exceeding fifty pounds, or to imprison- ment, with or without hard labour, for a period not exceeding six months, and all plant, materials and things used in the com- mission of any such t.II. i... shall he liable to forfeiture. (3) If the Company shall have so discontinued the Option of construction or working, as the case may be, of the said railway Government it shall be lawful for the Governor to notify the Company that to acquire. it is the intention of the Colonial Government to acquire the said railway at a fair price and, in such case, the amount to be paid by the Colonial Government therefore shall, in case of difference of opinion, be settled by petition to the Supreme Court, which shall sit with at least two independent qualified assessors one to be nominated by the Governor and the other by the Company. (4) For the purpose of this section the expression "railway" shall be deemed also to include the said jetty and shipping installation and all other works constructed by the Company under this Ordinance and all plant, machinery, tools, stores and loose effects in, on or about the said railway, jetty, shipping installation and other works. 35. (1) If the Company desires to abandon the said railway, Abandon- or any part thereof, it shall give six months' notice in writing meant of to the Governor of such its desire, railway. (2) An advertisement of such notice shall be published in the Gazelle, at the expense of the Company, warning all persons having any claims or demands against the Company by way of compensation, or otherwise, to transmit to it at its usual place of business in Sierra Leone a statement of such claims or demands, and a copy of such advertisement shall at the like expense be posted up for one month at the Court House of the District Commissioner of the Port Loko District. 16 Marampa Railway and Harbour Works Cons.truction No. 2 of Ordinance. 1931A 1931. (3) At any time within three months after the receipt of Option ofent such notice it shall be lawful for the Governr' to notify the to acquire Company that it is the intention of the Colonial Government to on abandon- acquire at a fair price and work the said railway. or part thereof ient. referred to in such notice, which it is desired to 1aandon. and in such case the amount to be paid )y the Colonial Government therefore, shall, in case of difference of opinion,. le settledd byI petition to the Supreme Court, which lihall sit with at leas~ two independent qualified assessors. one to he nominated by the Governor and the other by the Company. (4) During the last mentioned period of tliie- months the Company shall not remove any part of the said railway or take up rails or dismantle any other works in connection therewith. but thereafter the Company shall be entitled to remove. take up or dismantle the same, or otherwise to evacuate all n'poprty of whatsoever kind or description fixed or unfixed Ielonging t0 or under the control of the Company. (5) At the expiration of eighteen months after the receipt by the Governor of the Company's notice of abandonment. all the powers of the Company with reference t, the construction or working of the said railway, or portion f said railway. referred i to in such notice, and all the Compan 's interest in the lands whereon the said railway, or portion of railway. has been constructed, or would, but for the abandonment, have been constructed, shall cease and all rules made nmder section 37 shall cease and determine either wholly, or so tar as relates to the portion of the said railway abandoned, as the case muy bx-. (6) For the purpose of this section. if notice of abandln- ment of the whole of the said railway shall have been given. the expression "railway" shall be deemed also to inc lude the said jetty, shipping installation and all other works constructed by the Company under this Ordinance and all plant, machinery, tools. stores and loose effects in, on or about tile said railway. jetty. shipping installation and other works.. Application 36. The provisions of sections 28 to 36 and 39 to 45 of the of penal Railway Ordinance, 1924, shall apply to like offences against the provisions of Cap. 80o. said railway. Power of 37. (1) The Company may. from time to time. make. alter. Company to 37 make suspend or revoke bye-laws with regard to all or any of the bye-laws. following matters : (a) The guidance and conduct of the officers, servants. and workmen employed in the construction, maintenance and working of the said railway ; (b) Preventing the commission of any offences or nuisances in, on, or about any of the stations, works, plants. or premises of the said railway ; Maraimpa Railway and Harbour Wlorks Construction 17 SOrdinance, 1931. No. 2 of 1931. (c) The prevention of trespasses upon, or injury to, the - roadways, stations, works, plant, buildings or premises attached or belonging to the said railway ; (d) In case the said railway is opened for public traffic, regulating the charges to be paid by, and the conduct of, persons travelling upon the said railway ; and the charges to be paid for the carriage of animals, produce and goods, and the condition under which they will be carried. Provided that in no case shall the minimum rate authorised for the conveyance of passengers be more than that for the time being in force upon the Sierra Leone Government Railway; (e) Further or better effectuating any of the purposes of this Ordinance; and may attach a penalty, not exceeding ten pounds, to the breach of any such rule. (2) Every such bye-law, or the alteration, suspension or revocation thereof, shall be subject to the approval of the Governor in Council, and shall come into operation upon being published in the Gazette (such publication to be at the expense of the Company) and shall thereupon be binding upon all persons concerned. Provided that the Governor in Council shall have power to suspend and revoke any such bye-law after it has been so made and approved. (3) All penalties imposed under the bye-laws made under this section shall be recoverable upon summary conviction, and shall form part of the general revenue of the Colony. 38. The Governor in Council may make rules for the Power of following purposes :- Governor in Council to (i) Preventing accidents, and ensuring the safety of the make rules. general public and of persons working and using the said railway; (ii) Regulating the taking of water for the purposes of the said railway from any spring, stream, river, lagoon or other natural water supply ; (iii) Preventing damage to lands adjoining the said railway ; (iv) Prescribing the form of and the particulars to be contained in notices of accidents furnished under section 29 ; (v) The furnishing of periodical returns in connection with the working of the said railway; and 18 Maraumpa aoiliray anid Harboio r 1orl;, Con.'tru4crtion No. 2 of Ordinancc, 1931. 1931. (vi) Generally fr carrying out the p1i vi--iins of this Ordiiaince, and may fix a penalty, not exceeding fifty p. min is. ', ilp'.]i-,l- Inent with or without hard lali.ur fira ip [ r I n \ct e-X(:i. l-x month-, for tile blrea.I of a'ly n r l Pivi d- i 1 ,: '.o, i:.. in this section shall impn l tit, Co, .anv ;. -..-r- \- a Li er standard of workillng. user, salf tv ;(11td e[ iji,.nt ;l' i u-ial in mineral railways, so lin.gi, a- the sai railway i- 11't Iq- n to pluilic passenger trallic. Cap. I06 not 39. Save as hereinefore expr xpessly prc videdl in se-erion 1S to apply to the provisions of the Proprietary R-tilwavs Ordlinanlie. L424, the CLiiipany i i . or its under shall not apply to the Company ,ir the said jetty. .--hiaping taking, installation or othtir works or railway to 1,e con l'leh-d- l J,- the Company under this Ordinance. Majority of 40. The rights granted to the Companl y thi i Ordinance Company's are subject to the following over-ri[dina conditions :- cirectors and all (a) hle majority of the directors of the C'.mplany -hall i:e to British British subjects ; and subjects. (b) All the Company's llicials empllytedl in the working of the said railway shall be riti.-hl subjct- ,' British protected persons. Provided that the (Governor in Cuntcil miay in special circumstances and subject to such terms and colitiil.s a. he llay think fit to impose, waive condition (h) in iiidiviual case-. Penaltics for 41. (1) In the event of any breach of coldiion i/ laid contravening down in section 40, the governorr may order tliat ;lie said railway provisions of ]he closed or may issue a w\\rant luder s-ction : 27. thie ,r'j\ i-i-ions scctin 40. whereof shall thereuponi apply except that 1n reltcom nse or compensation whatsoever .hall be payable tl the- CoUmlan fr the use of the said railway or any 1,iss or ilijury it may sut:ainll b' reasons of the e':ercise of thie Goxvernr's iiiw\r.'- unlidr this subl-section. Moreover, thlie Company ior ainy xiron ;c:itn. ill coiitravention of any lawful ordet-r of thl ,-v- ni' undet r -,;,is sun-section shall be guilty of an ofIt'ence and iia!bl. 1n11 sunilm ary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding fifty p tii.nds for ev.r day during which such contravention slall knonwilily continue. (2) In the event of any breach ,f condition (i,) laid down in section 40), the Governor nay give the Com)pany written n liice to dismiss the official or officials who arte nor British subl-azs or British protected persons within a period tt time 1t: be specified in such notice, and should the Company fail to co mpily with the terms of such notice it shall be guilty of an oteiice and liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty not exceed ing fifty pounds for every day during which such failure shall continue. Marampa Railway and Harbour Works Construction 19 ordinance 1931. No. 2 of 1931. THE SCHEDULE. FORM OF DISTRICT COMMISSIONER'S WARRANT. In the Court of the District Commissioner of the Port Loko District. To and all other officers of the Court. WHEREAS certain lands, namely (describe the lands) have been duly taken and appropriated for the railway to be constructed from Pepel point to Marampa by the Sierra Leone Development Company Limited under the Marainpa Railway and Harbour Works Construction Ordinance, 1931: This is to command you to enter upon and deliver possession of the said lands to the said Company within days from the date hereof. Dated this day of 193 District Coim issioner. Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-fifth day of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. Printed and -.,I1, 1..1 by the GOVERNMENT PRINTER, FREETOWN-L 872. M.P. C.F. 79:0. Pri. !'. I be purchased from the Government Printer, or from the Crown Agents for the Colonies, 4, Millbank, London, S.W.I. Initeirpetition (Ameiidmel, ) Ortdinance. 1931. COLON Y OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 3 rf1931. In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this first day I of April, 1931. SI C. E. COOKSON, SActing Governor. ii AN OnINANC' to An 1n(l the Interpretation cap. 103. Ordinance, 19 24. | [1st Janutary, 1931.] Dateof com- mencement. 1 E IT ENACTED by tle Governi of the Colony of Sierra Leone, with the a:lvice and coni t of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be c d as the Interpretation (Amend- Short title ment) Ordinance, 1931, and sh be deemed to have commenced and com- and come into operation on th rst day of January, 1931. mencemeit. 2. Section 13 (1) of the interpretation Ordinance, 1924, is.Amendment of section 13 hereby amended by the lition thereto of the following (1) of Cap 1iragraph :-103. No. 1 |f of 1930. "(q) Wherever the pressions 'Central Province' or 'Northern, Centl and Southern Provinces' occur the expressions Z'outhern Province' and 'Northern and Southern -ooinces' shall be deemed to be respectively su ituted therefore " I: 2 Interpretation (A imenmient) Or'dinance,. 1931. No. 3 of 1931. Passed in the Legislative :Council this twenty-fifth day ot March, in the year of Our |jord one thousand nine hundri and thirty-one. J. L. JOHN, C ler: <,f Legi.slatjtie ( 'i ,i'!. THIS PRINTED IMPRESS SN has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which lcts passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true d correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, i* 'll'ii of Le/is.la 'iii ',l cil. Printed and published by the (OVERNMENT PRINTER, FREETOWN-L ; 2. 3.P. J'24 3. Price 4l. To be purchased from the Government Printer, or froln the Crown Agents for the Colonies, 4, Millbank, London, SW.I. Domestic Loans Ordinance, 1931. w-^ COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 4 of 1931. OIn His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this sixteenth day of May, 1931. C. E. COOKSON, Acting Governor. AN ORDINANCE to Provide for the Raising of a Loan of 150,150. [I6th May, 1931.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Domestic Loans Short title. Ordinance, 1931. 2. The Governor, or the Crown Agents acting on his behalf Power to may raise by loan in London an amount sufficient to produce as raise loan. nearly as may be the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and fifty pounds sterling and such further sum as may be necessary to defray the expenses of issue. 3. The principal monies and interest represented by the loan Loan issued under the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby charged charged on upon and shall be payable out of the general revenues and assets general of the Colony. revenue. 4. The money to be borrowed under the authority of this Application Ordinance shall be appropriated and applied to the reimbursement of loan. of surplus balance funds expended on the construction of roads in the Protectorate. 2 Domestic Loans Ordinance, 1931. No. 4 of 1931. 5. The loan hereby authorized, or any part of it, may be raised under the provisions of the General Loan and Inscribed Mode of Stock Ordinance. 1924, or, notwithstanding anything to the raising loan contrary contained in the said Ordinance. independently of that Cap. q8. Ordinance as the Governor, or the Crown Agents acting on his behalf, may decide. Date of 6. If the loan hereby authorized shall be issued under the commence- provisions of the General Loan and Inscribed Stock Ordinance, ment of contribution 1924, then the contribution to the Sinking Fund as contemplated to Sinking by the provisions of sections thirteen to seventeen of.the said Fund. Ordinance shall commence in respect of any debentures or stock issued under this Ordinance not later than three years after the date from which the interest on such debentures or stock shall commence to run. Loan 7. If it should be decided to issue the loan hereby authorized indepe dent independently of tile General Loan and Inscribed Stock of lap. Ordinance, 1924, then the following provisions shall apply :- Mode of (a) So long as any portion of the loan remains outstanding, payment of the Governor shall in each half-year ending with the interest. day on which the interest on the loan falls due, appropriate out of the general revenues and assets of the Colony a sum equal to one half-year's interest on the whole of the loan outstanding,' and shall remit that sum to the Crown Agents at such time as will enable them to pay thereout the then current half- year's interest on the day on which it falls due. (b) The Governor shall also in each half-year ending as aforesaid appropriate out of the said revenues and assets of the Colony for the formation of a sinking fund for the repayment of the loan at par an additional sum in respect of the total nominal amount of the loan outstanding, equal to one-half of the annual contribution to be decided upon by the Governor on the issue of the loan, and shall remit that onribution sum to the Crown Agents with the remittance herein- to sinking before mentioned ; provided that the said contribution fund. shall in respect of any money raised under the Ordinance commence not later than three years after the date from which the interest on such money shall commence to run. Determina- (c) The aforesaid annual contribution shall be not less tion of annual than such amount as may be determined with the contribution approval of the Secretary of State to be sufficient to to sinking redeem the loan at its due date. fund. Investment (d) The Crown Agents shall invest so much of the money of sinking so remitted to them as aforesaid as shall not be fund. required for the payment of interest for the current half-year in the purchase of such securities as may be approved by the Secretary of State as a sinking fund Domestic Loans Ordinance, 1931. 3 No. 4 of for the final extinction of the debt, and the Crown 1931. Agents shall also invest the dividends, interest or - produce of such investments in the purchase of like securities and may from time to time with the approval of the Secretary of State change any such investments and shall hold such funds in trust for the repayment of the principal monies for the time being represented by the loan. (e) In case the sinking fund provided for by this Ordinance Sinkingfund shall be insufficient for the payment of all the ifinsuffi- principal monies borrowed under the authority of this cient to be supplement- Ordinance at the time the same shall have become edfrom due, the Governor shall make good the deficiencies general out of the general revenues and assets of the Colony. revenue. Passed in the Legislative Council this fourteenth day -of May in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. Printed and published by the GOVERNMENT PRINTER, FREETOWN-L 898. 35015-5-31. M.P. B-8-31. Price 4d. To be purchased from the government Printer, or from the Crown Agents for the Colonies, 4, Millbank, London, S.W.1. (1930) Supplementary AP./,,; ii,,i;,,, Ordinance, 1931. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 5 of 1931. O In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this thirteenth day of Anuust, 1931. ARNOLD HODSON, (Toverno'. AN OR INANCE to Legalise certain Payments made in the year 1930 for the Public Service of the Colony in excess of the Appropriations authorized by Law. [29th Aug ust, 1931.] Date of com- mencement. \WHEREAS certain expenditure has been incurred for the Preamble. Public Service of the Colony in the year 1930 in excess of the appropriations authorized for that purpose; AND WHEREAS it is expedient that such expenditure should be sanctioned by law : BE IT THEIEFOIOIC ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the (1930) S~ulplementary Short title. A pproprlintion Ordinance. 1931. 2 (19.-30) S'"qpi:clantur y Aippjlip'ri.tin O/rdi7w1.',', 19J1. No. 5 of 1931. 2. The sums of money set forth in the Schedule having been S expended for the services therein respectively mentioned b-yondl Sanction for the amount sanctioned and appropriated by the (193l0)) Appropria- expenditure t in 1930 in tion Ordinance, 1929, the same are hereby declared t, h .-e be.-n excess of ap- duly and necessarily paid, laid out and expended for tit S-trrvice propriation of the Colony in the year 1930, aind are hereby approved, allowed authorized and granted in addition to the I1amounrt mentioni.lD i th- by No. *2"2 of - 1 i1"j. Ordinance aforesaid. SCHEDULE. ead of Service. Supplementary AIppo- priation authl,,izi .l. Charge on account of Public Dbt( ... l.1' 14 11 Pensions ... ... ... ... 7,22.5 13 1 Judicial ....... ... 2 14 .3 Railway ... .. .. ... ... ) I t General Mot-or 1 -pair' >hi ... ... 2".1 7 Special Expendrit ure fromi Suirplu.- Balances ... ... ... ... 472 1; . Depreciation of llvestinents- ... ... 2 11 11 Motor-bus Service (Capital Expnditu rc' 591 11 4 General Motor Repair Shop (Capital Expenditure) ... .. ... 2l,; 1 11 4s5.3S 1 9 Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-ninth day of July, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred an.I thirty-one. J. L. JOHN. (I / ,. ,,r" L, ,isl'' ire C',, ncil. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION lha b-.-n c y urk ,l cominpiact by) me with the Bill which has pass;-d the Le.gislativ- C, oucil and found by me to le a true and correct copy of tlit. sai. Bill. J. L. JOIN. Printed and puhblisiie liv tlh (iOVERNME'r 1 I'RrNPER. FRIiETf\\X--L13 l, --1i 31.P B I-31. Price 4a. To hI plrclh:s-;ed IL tile (iovornlent Stationery Store, Freet.wn. or frnm the Crown Agents for the Colonie. 4, Millbink, London, S.W.!. (CO)NY OF STIEl'A 1,O)NI. No. (; of 1931. LIn Hlis Majiesty's name I assent to this )Ordiinanc this thirteenth day of August, 1931. ARNOLD HODSON. Uovei'l- w. AN ORDINAN(CE to Ameni d the Ediuction No.:O)of 1929. Ordinance, 1929. [291// A iHtstl, 19.31.] Date of com- nencemlent. BE IT ENACTID by the Governor of tli Colony of Sierrat Leone, with the advice and consent of tlhe Legislative Council thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as thce Education (Amendment) Short title Ordinance, 1931, and shall apply to the Colony and( Protectorate. and applica- tion. 2. Section 2 of the Education Ordinance, 1929, is hereby Amendment amended by the addition thereto of the t vo following of section 2 definitions:- o Ordinance No. 30 of 'Colony' for the purposes of this Ordinance does not 1929. include the Sherbro Judicial District. 'Protectorate' for the purposes of this Ordinance includes the Sherbro Judicial District niotwithstanding section 2 sub-section 2 of the Protectorate Ordinance 1924." Ediiicwation (A memndmnt) Ordianc,r., 193 l. 2 Educatiin (Amelndment) Ordinance, 1931. No. (; of 1931. Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-ninth day of July, ii the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one. .. L. JOHN. THIS PRINITEl) IMI'IHSSsItoN Ihs heen carefully compared iy me with the Bill which ha;s pa-ssed the Le-islative Council arlnd found by ie to hi, a true and correct copy of the idI Bill. J. L. JOHN, Cl,'/1/ / f Leisl.atite I_.',gi- il. Printed and published by the UOVERNMENT PRINTER. FREETOWN-L i'. 37 56-31. M.P. E'2l1. Price 4d. To be purchal-el from the (ovcrnmient Printrr. or tromi the Crown Agents for the Colonies 4, Millbank, London, S.W.1. JF~tlic feloth (PioU'ctorate) (.1 'endno',W ) Ordnio pile, 19f:3 1. COLONY 1OF SIElRA LEONE. No. 8 9f 1,}1. In His Majesty's name I assent Q to this Ordinance this thirteenth day of August. 19i1. ARNOLD HODSON. iof'Hootr. AN OIDINANCE to Amend the Public Healt1h SO "-';f 1926. (Protectorate) Ordinance, 1926. [29thl Ai pls/, 1. 1.] Date of com- menceincit. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor Of the Colony of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :-- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as, the Pubilic Tualth Short title. (Protectorate) (Ameindlment) Ordinanc-, 193.1. Stl1l, it tti in ol 2. Wherever in the Public Health (Protectorate) Ordinance, expro..Mon "h al h :I arac:" 1926;. tle expression helth district" ccus the cxpression,,on i-he-, - health area" shall be substituted therefore. (l,'t n' 2-i 01 l26-. 3. The Public Health (Protectorate) Ordinance, i'26, is ni(n, amended byv the insertion after secti n of thile following "n'c'''''''' section :- Nu. i i. "(;\. (1) When lny case of epidllmiic or epizootic disease in int,,,ri domestic animals lias o Turretd, the ()overn0or may, ' by Onrer, declare suci, ii';t,' of country :iiout the place iln which uch (;i hlas olacn cued as-i necessary f'or the pIro'r ('contol of unci disease to lo Ie m1 ili-cted arme, 2 Public Hea lth (Protectoruat) (Amendmen,) O,dinaice. 191. No. 8 of 1931. (2) The Governor may by such Order nominate any person or persons to be the Health Authority for the infected area thereby declared. (3) Any rules made under this Ordinairc- dealing with the control of domestic animals. or withi epidemic or epizootic diseases in domestic animals. shall apply within an infected area as if such infected area were a Health area and as it the Health Authority of such infected area w.'re the Health Authority of a Health area. Provided that nothing in this section contained shall in any way affect the rights, powers and duties of the Health Authority of any Health area contained within an infected area." Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-ninth day ,f July. in the year of Our Lordl one ltho(ianlid nine hund1r-d and thirty-one. J. L. JOHN. (-'levi ,r, LeP''l./tic'-e ( ",,' /. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, ('Ylrk of Legisla/tire Couniil. Printed d nd published h the GOVEKINME NT PIINTER. FREETOWN-1L I1it. :iL'57 -31. M.1 M . Price 4t. To be ipurch:v Led from tihe I(+ovtwrnhlnIt I'nnter, or from Thl Crown Agent, for the Colonies, 4., 3MlliNnk. London. S.1. 1. Births and Deaths Registration (Amendment) Ordinance, 1931. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 9 of 1931. SIn His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this thirteenth day of August, 1931. ARNOLD HODSON, Governor. AN ORDINANCE to Amend the Births and Cap. 16. Deaths Registration Ordinance, 1924. [29th A ugust, 1931.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Births and Deaths Short title. Registration (Ame edment) Ordinance, 1931. 2. The following definition in section 2 of the Births and Amendment Deaths Registration Ordinance, 1924 hereinafter referred to as of section 2 the Principal Ordinance), is hereby deleted: of Cap. 216. No. 28 of 19219. "Health District" means a town or place which has been declared to be a health district under the provisions of section three of the Public Health (Protectorate) Ordinance, 1926." 2 Births and Dea(thsl R ':/istrtioi (A,,ejtilmi',t) Ordii,'w v 19l . No. 9 of 1931. 3. The following definition is hereby inserted in see'rin 2 of the Principal Ordinance immediately after the detini:ionl f Further District :- ame ndment of rectin 2 Chiefdom means any one of the chiefldoms ,;ec-IcfIe in of Cil. 16. the third column of Schedule B to the P're-c' '. e 1930. (Administrative Divisions) Order in Council. 1'.',. Amendment 4. Section 4 of the Principal Ordinalnce is hel'reb--y .::i: of section 4 "by deleting[ the words' health district wherever the -am: .n,:i '- of Cap. l1. and substituting therefore the words "* hiefdtm o r I-trT '. a chiefdom." Amendment 5. Section 3'SA (2) (c) of the Principal Orlinance i- h-reu of section amended Ib deleting the wnornls health disrriec" wh-evr t-i- 3$ (2) (c) of, c t iin t. SCap. 1;. occur and substitutin- theretfr the words e'hi.m r No. 28 of chiefdom." Amendment 6. The headini to Part VI of th- Principal Or i::an.- :s of he:idin hereby chanedl from ** P1rmissive Reeistrati'l t, "Oti -:.'. to P art VI Registration." of Cap. 16. Amendment 7. Section 41 of the Principal Ord finance is her:,y aien -;; I of ectio. 1 by deleting the words *- health district'" wherever they -v enr ,'. No. 2$ of substituting therefore the words -- chiefdom or patr ,r a chi- a in. 1929. Addition of 8. The following sub!,-sectiio is hereby aldd.-1 to s-ctijn 44 f etw i.,- the Principal Ordiinance :- S Ctllll 1 ) section 44 of (3) The Registration of Births and Deaths Ruh-s. 1.24. Cap. '. shall be deemed to have been made by the O.,v-:iior in Council, with the approval of the L:i-,-t:.ve Council, under sub-section (1) of this seei ,n. atnd may be amelnded, varied or revoked iby other rul'-s made and approved thereunder.' Amendmnct 9. The Registration of Births and Deaths Rules. 1'24. are of the, Rei-.tration hereby amtendld in accordance with the provix ,ns ,* :. i of Births Schedule. and Deaths ultes, 1J24. THE SCHEDULE. (i) Wherever the expression "* Regi-trar-Generld 'c-ur' in the Registration of Births and Deaths Rules. 1024. :he same is hereby deleted and the expressing "c'hii-f Registrar is substituted therefore. (ii) Rule 2.of the said Rules is hereby repealed. (iii) The marginal note and first six lines of rule 3 of the said Rules are hereby deleted and the following wo tds and figures are substituted therefore :- "Compulsory There are four systems of registration- and optional regstation." (1) Compulsory registration in the case of ail persons born or dying in the Colony. Births and Deaths Rlyistrrtion (Amendment) Ordinance, 1931. 3 No. 9 of (2) Compulsory registration in the case of all non- 131. natives born or dying in a district in the Protectorate created under section 3 of the Ordinance. (3) Compulsory registration in the case of all natives born, or all natives dying, or all natives born or dying within a chiefdom or part of a chiefdom in the Protectorate declared under section 38A(2) of the Ordinance. (4) Optional registration in the case of all natives born or dying in the Protectorate to whom section 41 of the Ordinance applies." (iv) Rule 3 of the said Rules is hereby also amended by deleting the first five words of the seventh line and substituting therefore the words under the last system." (v) Rule 3 of the said Rules is hereby further amended by deleting the figures and letters 11 a.m:-3 p.m." in the form of notice set forth and substituting therefore the figures and letters "' a.m.-2 p.m." (vi) The following words at the end of rule 11 (2) are hereby repealed :- "This -ub-section does not apply to permissive registration." (vii) Rule 13 of the said Rules is hereby repealed and the following rule is substituted therefore : 13. Still-births shall not be registered except in those districts and places to which Part IV of the Ordinance applies." (viii) Rule 16 (2) of the said Rules is hereby amended by deleting the words five days" in the first line and substituting therefore the words three days or seven days, as the case may be." ix) Rule 16 (2) of the said Rules is hereby further amended by repealing the following words at the end thereof :- "This sub-section does not apply to permissive registration." Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-ninth day of July, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. 4 Births and Deaths Registratrion (AniendPn1", Ol, di'iwaie. 19031. No. 9 of 1931. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Le-isative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN. Clerk of Leqislatite Council. Printed and publlbed by the GOVERNMIENT PRINTER. FREETOWN.--L .';. :i*: 3. M P. M 31. Price 4d. To be purchased tit the Government St: ionery Str.re. Lr ,-,- ur :ro!- :Ce Crown Agents fcr the Colonite, 4. Millbank, Lonaon. .\\.1. Stahmp Duty (Amendment) Ordinance, 1931. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 10 of 1931. SIn His Majesty's name I assent 0 to this Ordinance this twenty- fifth day of August, 1931. ARNOLD HODSON, G(overnlo. AN ORDINANCE to Amend The Stamp Duty Cap. 199. Ordinance, 1924. Date of [29th August, 1931.] commence- ment. j1E IT ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may he cited as the Stamp Duty (Amend- Short title. ment) Ordinance, 1931. 2. The Stamp Dnty Ordinance, 1924, is hereby amended by Amendment the addition thereto of the following section :-of Cap. 199i by addition 33. Any person who- of new section. (a) Gives any receipt liable to duty and not duly Penalty Penalty stamped ; oror r failure to give duly (b) In any case where a receipt would be liable to stamped duty, refuses to give a receipt duly stamped ; or receipt." 9 No. 10 of ,Staqj DIutY (.AImvin/,,lu) Or)lot'u,' li j1. l'l (c) Upon a paymentt to the amlountt of t\-, p-l,-ll.n- or nupwardi gives a receipt 'or a sum ittn; l:ollulntin to two potlds.or O separates or divides til ai'n:tillil paid. with intent to evadel the duty- shall 1e liable to a tine not exceeling t-rn ioniis.'" Passed in the Legislative C'itucll this t\\t.lty-uintii day r, July, in the year of Our Lord one thousand iiine hundr.l :d at thirty-one. J. L. JOHN. C'l'ork Ir l'yis/itrt. I "',o 'il. TITIo PRINTED IMPRESSION has been careftily} compar,-d bi me with the Bill which has passed tie Lt.-islativ- C'ouniil and :found byI me to be a true andl correct copy ft' the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Printed and plih-l tdi 10 y the r(OVE\RNMENT 1'RINI'ER. FiREETOWN.-- L S,1. :l _'5-3-1. '., 1 :.*I 1I'n' Il. 'Tou I l lrcil:Is'dil I'rni tL o th u i. trnmn' t ini te1'r or I1 11 ltt Crown Agentt or to Ilt Colonit- 4,k,Millbnk, Ln md o. S.W.I. Foreshores Ordinance, 1931. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 11 of 1931. In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this twenty- fifth day of August, 1931. ARNOLD HODSON, Governor. AN ORDINANCE to provide for Reclamations and to Validate and Facilitate Leases or Grants of Foreshores and the Erection of Wharves thereon. Date of [ist .4 ugust, 1931.] commence- meut. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may he cited as the Foreshores Ordinance, rt title 1931, and shall come into operation on the first day of August, mencement. 1931. 2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherw-ise requires- Iterpreta- Wharf" includes ever pier, dock, wharf, quay, jetty, landing stage.t a- wall, embankment, revetment, or other structure any description whatsoever erected upon the fore ore or extending into the territorial waters of th olony. / 2 For '.'hores Ordinance. 1931. No. 11 of 1931. 3. The Governor may- Powers of (a) construct wharves along or out from thel fore.hor f the the Colony or in the sea-b ed adjacent thi-r-i : Governor. (b) reclaim any part of the foreshore or sea-ld in -he Colony or in any tidlal river, creek or chann.-l :1 : (c) erect buildings upon any areas of land r-claii- ::.m the sea : (d) dredge the sea-lbe in the Colony ,r in any Li river. creek or channel therein (c) alienate, lease or otherwise ise pose of any part : v reclaimed area. Declaration 4. (1) The Governor may. by proclamatinn iulshedi i: h- regarding t. iazt'. declare any lailns ftllrmei i)b t re.:lamnatioi ,f anyv reclaimed lands, of the fireshorel id tli, (',ol ny. 1r aul\ ;lra i >f l;t!,.l :ii .- iI from thi sea o in aln tidal river. creek n, chl l :- t lanol. alnl thwlereulin >uti land -ihall in :-,lii:i.l v.- : - Criwnii freed anl i li-elha'.ed -t m all iulite :ii t i\ix -; - which minay lhav\e exi't-l (,I.r tn .lainel 1)- 1r -lCI f'Q.- h -. beId ,r bed of any tidal river, creek (2) A plan of the Aiid land bearin'_- a ceti.i: :h - declaratioin n ler thte hanlld ,o tithe )it'. L : i S,-rv. "- re' ist'red.in tlie-ollce ,11 thle lt itr ur -(i,-, .i No action 5. (1) No p rson slna l 1, Intitled to ,'i an. .. : for damage proceed[inog shall he br]iu llit ;iainCt the (ivr-l.ni-.v prior to perslnl to recover ant cl ienat i i llr e ix '- i i -t-r; comlence- i ment of with a liltice or' private ri'ht. or ii r-l -t f any ia.- ,. : Ordinance. any interest therein which have i e)n ilnjrii'nlv .nti '.-e ..-e - erection of any wharf or lImildingl on the t'orelr orr a- tlie Colony ior ill any trial river. creek or channel th ren!i r1 to the conllenceienit of this Ordinance. (2) Thle power of thle Governor t, order the re:n;,: ;. any wharf under the provisions of this Ordinance si i e affected by this section. Construction 6. itro andi after ith date of the cinnitenc it ..i of wharves Ordinance, no person shall erect, rte-ereet, alter' r -xt-i. I prohibited what on the foreshore or in the sea-lbed of tlie C ny r : .- accrd ilce bed of 1any tidal river, channel or creek ther-in exce- .: ill with the accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance or the t-u- .Lf provisions any lease or grant which may have been imadte i,v lth of the Government before tie (commenlll emlent if this lOrdinance. Anl Ordinance. person who shall erect, re-erect. alter or extend any wharf in Penalty. contravention of this section shall be guilty ,fI an i'tte~ and shall be liable, on sunlmary conviction theref. to a tii;e .:t exceeding one hundred pounds and in addition thereto ni.,v ibe required by the Governor to remove such wharf at his own expense. Fori'shores Ordinwice, 1981. 8 No. 11 of 7. Where any lease or grant has, prior to the cotnnencement 1931. of this Ordinance, been made y tile Government of any land - being part of the foreshore or sea-bed within the territorial Validation waters of the Colony, and any whal'f or other work or buildings rfe; orm has been erected thereon, such lease or grant shall lie deemed to grants. be a valid conveyance and to have conveyed the foreshore ori sea- bed. thereby expressed to be demise or granted, free and discharged from all Ipullic rights \which have existed or been claimed over such foreshore or sea-bed before the making of such gralt or lease. 8. (1) The owner of every wharf existing at tle conmmence- Procedure menu't of this )Ord ili:ice shall, within three Imonjths after tlhe a to exit- om e t ng wharves. comillencelment tlereolf- (i) If he( ho11ls an authority fori lie m'etion ani continuanici of the whlarf containedi in a lease or igant from t(e G(overnment of the foreshlore or sea bed, Ipodlue 1o the Director of ,Suirveys sucht lease or grant or a certified copy thereof. (ii) If he does not hold any such lease or grant but produces an aiuthoity illn writing fIom thle (Govetlrnment for tlhe eretion of such wiharf. apply to tle GoMvernor for a I' asi of the foreshore or seia-bed n which such wharf has been erected, and altso for authority ftr the coiltiiliane ofit the said wharf, and furnish the Governor with a statement iin writing setting forth the following particulars :- (a) The name and address of tl, owner : (b) A description of the whalr : (c) The situation of the wlarf : (d) The purpose for which tlie wliarf is used ; (/) Whether the wharf is used solely for the purposes of the ow(lner : (I) I persons oilier than the owner are prrmitited to use th, x\ lari, whether any charge is made by tlit owner fior such use, and the amount of the charge : (q) Tlhe late when the wllarf was first erected and, if re-erected, altered or extended, the date of the last re-election, alteration or extension ; (h) The nature of the authority given for the erection of the wharf, lie date thereof and the person by whom atindi the person to whom such authority was given; (i) The grounds, if any. ,on which lie claims a right to continue to use and maintain the wharf, and for what term of duration such right is claimed. 4 Foi'rexhlo 'res O: di'iin 'i: ', l.9:1. No. 11 of 1931. (2) If the owner of a wharf establi- hs a legal or ni:.e title to the co itnarce of such wharf. lhe shall I, en1:ii- to receive from the GovenrND r a lease of tli t'ore.hlir and se: -i -di on which such wharf lhas lt1-ln erected I. pr 1-ervin:. a i-e wn-r suh legll o t.j it;Ibl rihl t iilih r.u'air to i,.- 1-- :i';ti tin:i ;-: mlce thereof and I t he re-etectim ;ti i'iei and i .x;'-' in th-'-,f as the owner hail anquired lIet[re th,. ei"ni-n-e>-:-.nt (f this Ordinance. Suc-I lease shall be nrain il I inrlr l.the 1.wvi -i'N ,if section 11, but shall not be subject ti the preliminary procedure contained therein or require a declaration iy nte Governor in Council: Provided always that thli on\vn.r of any wharf who lhas received a leasIe or grant prior ,in Ithl cinllllelii-- ment of this Ordinance conitaining an m0thrity fr thei eree:i, n ,f a wharf shall not Ihe rlejnuireil t obtain a ft'ili lease until i- expiration of the term contained therein. Removal of 9. If the owner of any wharf exi'tin at the c!nen :u'-! wharves o f this Ordinance does not. within the tim..l rescriibe in s-e:i.i- l. when section 8 is not c either- plied with. (a) produce an authority from the Givirnmnent fr ih- erection tand c('tiilualce 'f .ch wharf contai n-1 it a le.ise tw 1t-ant ()or (b) aply to tlie hov>-riio, for a ika. i.-r thf provii,.ns of the la t precediiig -ietii, the Governor may, by notice in writing,. require tihe owi1ner to remove such wharf within such time as may l-,e specified in the notice. Failure of 10. If the owner of a wharf existing at the conilnenocment of owner to this Ordinance allplies for a lease of the ftreshi.r, or wea-bed- on est~il,lishi 1 iilut to a which such wlarf has been ero'ected 1dt ;iiutljhlrity for the wharf. continuance thereof, and fails to es tabishi any I ea:l ,r equitable right to such continuance, tlhe G vernor im;ay- (a) by notice in writing requir- tile ownir I,, r-emi-,vt -uch wharf \widin siiuch time a i may be -pec-itied in the notice ; or (b) grant the owner a lease of the fire-hore or sea-b-id on which such l\-wharf has beien erected, anll authritv to continue to use andt maintain tlie same. subject to the provisions of section 11. Power to let 11. (1) The Governor imay make such leases of the foreshore foreshore and sea-bed in the Colonyl or in any tidal river. creek or channel and sea bed therein as are declared bly the (Govertnor in Council not to create a substantial infringement of public rights. Preliminary (2) Before any suclh declaration is made by the Governor procedure. in Council the substance of any such lease, with a sufficient description of the property intended to be demise, shall be inserted in every ordinary issue of the (GaZ/tte during a perildl of three months, together with a notice calling upon all persons having objections to the making of such lease to send in their Foreshores Ordinance, 1931. 5 No. 11 of objections in writing to the Colonial Secretary before the 1931. expiration of the said period of three months, and all such objections shall be duly considered by the Governor in Council. (3) Every such lease shall specify the purposes for which Effect of the land is required and shall be deemed to convey to the lessee leases under this the foreshore or sea-bed, expressed to be thereby demised, free Orinance. and discharged from all public rights and privileges which have existed or may be claimed in or over such foreshore and sea-bed so far as is necessary for carrying out the said purposes, and shall contain such terms and conditions as the Governor may think proper or as may be prescribed by rules made under section 14. 12. (1) The Governor may cancel any lease made under this Cancellation Ordinance whensoever he may think proper in the public the lealsc interest: Provided that where a wharf has been erected on the interest. land demised, the owner of such wharf shall be entitled to compensation unless express provision to the contrary is Proviso. contained in such lease. (2) When the amount of such compensation is not agreed Compelnsa it shall be determined by the Supreme Court in the liketii."' manner as the amount of compensation is determined under the law for the time being regulating the acquisition of land for public purposes. 13. (1) Any person acting on the authority of the Governor Removal of wharf I), may remove a wharf or any portion thereof, and for such purpose Governor. may enter upon any land in any of the following cases :- (a) Where the owner is required by or under this Ordinance to remove a wharf and refuses or neglects to do so within the time specified. (b) Where, after the commencement of this Ordinance, the wharf has been erected, re-erected, altered or extended without any authority or contrary to the provisions of any lease granted either before or after the commence- ment of this Ordinance. (c) Where the lease containing authority for the erection or continuance of a wharf has been cancelled under the provisions of this Ordinance. (d) Where the lease or other authority for the wharf has expired. (2) Except in the case where a lease has been cancelled under section 12, the costs and expenses of and in connection with such removal shall be defrayed by the owner of the wharf and may be recovered from him at the suit of the Director of Surveys in any Court of competent jurisdiction in the Colony. 14. The Governor in Council may make rules for the better Power to carrying out of the provisions and purposes of this Ordinance. make rules. NO. 11 o 1931. 15. Nothing in this 0 finance shall be deemed to be in derogation of any of the wers or rights of the Crown in respect Saving as to of the foreshore ter al waters of the Colony, foreshore 4 5. (OC rights.. - Exemption 16. Nothing in this Ordinance contained shall in Kny way of the Sierra affect the rights of the Sierra Leone Developnment Company Leone Limited to utilise and occupy the foreshore and bed of the evelop- Port Loko Creek, or any other creek or waterway, under th- Company provisions of the Marampa Railway and Harbour Works from the Construction Ordinance, 1931. provisions of the Ordinance. Passed in the Legislative Council this twenty-ninth day of July, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one. J. L. JOHN. Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared bv me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legi.slatie Coun'il. Printed and published by the GOVERNMENT PRINTER. FREETOWN-L 8kJ. 3s'12.5'.31. M.P. H 11 1. Price ti. To be purchased from the Government Printer, or from the Crown Agents for the Colonis, 4, Millbaink, London, S.W.I. 6 -IT t tI Faroshores Ordinanrce, 19-31. o COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 12 of 1931. In His Majesty's name I assent ( to this Ordinance this twenty- fifth day of August, 1931. ARNOLD HODSON, Governor. AN OlDINANCE for the better Regulation and Control of Cinemlatograph and similar Exhibitions, and for purposes connected therewith. [29th Atugutt, 1931.] Date of comnmence- meent. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Cinematograph Short title Exhibitions Ordinance, 193l1. and shall apply to the Colony and and applica- Protectorate. t. 2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires- Interpreta- tion. Board means the Board of Control appointed under Board. section (; : "Exhibition" means a cinematograph exhibition, and Exhibition. includes any other similar exhibition; "Premises includes buildings and lands. Cinenatograph tKrlbitions Ordinaiire, 193)I1. Premises 2 Cinematograph E.xhibitions Ordinance, 1931. No. 12 of 1931. 3. (1) No person shall conduct, present, or give, or allow to be conducted, presented, or given, any exhibition for the purposes Exhibitions of which inflammable films are used. except in promises license not to be given except under a licence granted by the prescribed authority for that on licensed purpose under this Ordinance, and in accordance with the premises. provisions of such licence and with themondlitions and restrictions. if any, set forth therein. ((2) No licence shall be granted in respeAAf any premises unless the prescribed authority is satisfied tha lpremi* safe and otherwise suitable for the purposes the prop l exhibition. (3) The prescribed authority may- (a) refuse to grant any such licence, or (b) grant the same subject to such conditions and restrictions as the said authority lmay see ti: to impose, and (c) may at any time vary or revoke any such licence : and in each case without being required to assign any reason for so doing. Provided that an appeal shall lie to the Governor from any decision of the prescribell authority under this sub-sectiin. and provided further that lie decision of the (;Glernor thereon -hall be final. Supervision 4. Where thle prescribed authority hal _;-anted a lic-nce at exhibi- upon the condition that the exhibition hail i cn.tucite un er tions to . ensure safe- the superintendelnc( of smie public ollicerl. it shall in such ty from fire. case be lawful for such lipublic ofticer at atli time to o-,er such exhibition to cease. or to give any otili-r iirection which lie may think necessary for the purpose of ensu-ing. tihe safety fr..m fire of the premises in which the exhibition takes place or of the people attending the exhibition. Duty of 5. (1) The occuplier (which expresSion in this section includes occupier of a reference to the Iperson manallging oa r rece-ivinii tlh rent thler-n i premises in . which it is press at whit at pich it is proposed to ive an exh tiii)itiin shall proposed to ascertain whether the said premin.es ha,- bieen duly licensed as give an aforesaid. exhibition. (2) The said occupier shall notify the plrescribed authority if and so soon as lie has reason to ,liee that there is an intention to proceed with the exhibition either x-without a licence granted as aforesaid, or with such licence. hut contrary to any of the conditions imposed thereby. Censorship 6. (1) No person shall present or exhibit. or allow to i.e of films. presented or exhibited,. any film pictures or I their similar optical effects unless the same shall first have been apprv ed and pass-,e by the Board of Control alppoillted ullnder the next succeedlin., sub-section. (2) It shall be lawful for the Governor by Order to appoint a Board of Control for the purpose of viewing, examining, and censoring films intended for use in connection with an exhibition. Cin/emittoqirplh iExhibitions Ordinance, 19l1. 3 No. 12 of The Board shall be constituted in such manner as the Governor 1931. shall direct, and shall by virtue of this enactment be invested - with all legal powers necessary for the proper performance of its -duties and functions. (3) Whenever the Borfd shall pass and approve any film, -a i t l.,1 s;,gtyrito dJ-ooio:- iu t!ie pre"d."'ud fcrpm' udad ,la 't^^" r TheI may pass and approve part of a film whilst __ 3/ dis moving an Ier part thereof, and may give such directions 33 in the matter ald may so act as it shall think proper for the purpose of giving effect to its decision. (4) A film or part of a film which has been passed and approved by the Board of Control may, subject always to the provisions of this Ordinance relating to the premises in which an exhibition is or may be given, be exhibited in any part of the Colony or Protectorate. (5) When the Board has refused to pass and approve any film or part of a tilm, it may retain such film or excise and retain such part of a filn until it is exported from the Colony or otherwise disposed of in accordance with the directions of the Board. 7. No person shall display or cause to be displayed any ertse- picture, photograph, poster or figure advertising any cinemato- films not to graph display unless the same has been approved by the Board be exhibited .and marked by it in the manner prescribed. unless authorized. 8. Any District Commissioner or Police officer may at any Power of :time enter any premises in which an exhibition is being given, entry. ,or in which he has reason to believe that an exhibition is being or about to be given, with a view to seeing whether the provisions of this Ordinance and of any licence granted there- ,under have been complied with, and generally also for the purpose of inspection and control. 9. Any person who- (i) in any way, whether by act or omission, contravenes Offences and or fails to comply with any provision of thispenalties. Ordinance, or (ii) in any way, whether by act or omission, disobeys or fails to comply with the lawful order of the prescribed authority or of any officer charged with the execution of, or concerned in the enforcement of, any of the provisions of this Ordinance, or (iii) in any way hinders or obstructs any such authority or officer, shall be guilty of an offence, and on summary conviction thereof shall be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds, and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding two pounds in respect of each day during which the offence continues. 4 Cinematograph Erhibitioins Or'ditan-ce. 19-31. No. 12 of 1931. 10. The restrictions set forth in this Ordinance shall not apply to an exhibition given in private premises to which the Ordinance public are not admitted on payment or otherwise. not appli- cable'to private 11. (1) It shall be lawful for the Goverrnor in Comncil t exhibitions, make rules for the further, better, or inire convenient Rules. effectuation of any of the provisions or purposes of this Ordinance, and in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, with respect to any of the following matters :- Authorities. (a) The appointment of a person or persons to 1e the prescribed authority for any purpose ui.di'r ;his Ordinance ; Fees. (b) The prescription of fees to be charged an d paid under this Ordinance : Forms. (') The prescription of forms to be used for any plrp. se under this Ordinance; Licences. (d) The procedure with respect to th application for. and to the grant of, licences under section 3. an the conllitions and restrictions relating theretto: Matters (e) The prescription of anything which under this prescribed. Ordinance requires to be or nmay be prescribed : and, Powers ad (.) Tle prescription of the ditites and Ipiwers of any duties. person engaged or employed in thi- ahinillni-taii-n or enforcement of the provisims 4f this Or'inance-. (2) RHules made under this section siilll, while in force, have the same effect as it enactedl in this (Ordina:nce --hler inllllnediatel or on anll from such otler late as mllay therein lor in their regard be provided. Burden of 12. In any prosecution under this Ordinance the onus of proof, proving tha t at the time of the alleged off ce he had complied with tje law llie rc L' 11 ? . Repeal of 13. The Cinematograph Ordinance, 1'i24, is hereby repalel. Cap. 27. Passed in the Legislative Conncil this twenty-ninth day of July, in the year of Our LordI one thousand nine huI n dreI and thirty-one. J. L. JOHN, {'i ,'k ,,r' Llri/.,! tic', C_',i,,,, ,I'if. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully comlpalr-l bv me with the Bill which has passed th,- Le.islative C (.uic and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the -aid Bill. J. L. JOHN, Cl'ri ,!" Lvi.ilitis'e Ce 'n !. Printed and published by the GOVERNMENT PlitlN1'E. I"IiEETOWN-L I -i .--:~.i E _* Price 44. To be iip rclhila-ed Irom the l;\ illen T '-n rltelr. Ir I ir.l i: Crown Agent lor the Colonie 1, 1, Milink, Lal ln, :.W.v1. L4-. f 1% Court Mcssenrncrs Ordinance, 1951. COlA)NY OF STERlA L ;(NlK . No. 13 of 1931. lit I s [ i.-:.'- name I assent to this Ordinance this twenty- fiftlh lay of August, 1931. .AINOl 1 )IHODSON, frioW% Iecgc ^ s9&AdeC ft//f Gvuernor. AN OR)INAN(E to Ia1ke i provision for the Organis~ation, Discipline. Powers and Duties of the Force of Court Miess(eners in the Protectorate. [u J/i Aiewust. 1981.] Dateof com meuccmellnit. iE IT ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony of Sierra Leone. with the advice mld colselnt of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Court Messengers Short title Ordinance, 1931, and shall apply to the Protectorate and to and applica- the following parts of the Colony, namely, Sherbro Island tio". and the Turtle and other islands adjacent thereto, and York Island. 2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise Interpreta- requires :- tion. The Force means a Force of Court Messengers established under this Ordinance. Court Messenger means any member of the Force. Province means each tract of country declared by Order in Council under the Protectorate Ordinance, 1924, to be the Northern and Southern Provinces of 2 No. 13 of 1931. General duties of Court pnesshengers. ~6- Strength and distri- bution of Force 1 "41. Court Mescngears Ordinaance, 1931. the Protectorate, and the Southern Province shall be deemed to include those parts of the Colony to which this Ordinance applies. " District means any tract of country in either Province declared to be a district by Order in Council ainder the Protectorate Ordinance. 1924. CONSTITUTION AND GOVERNMENT. 3. (1) There shall be established in the Protectorate a Force of court messengers which shall be employed : (i) In the prevention and detection of crime, tlc arrest and punishment of offenders, the preservation of peace, the protection of property, and the due enforcement of all Ordinances with which they are directly charged. (ii) In assisting, in such manner as may be required by a Provincial or District Commissioner, in the administration of a Province or any District therein. (2) Where in any law, state or Ordinance in force in the Protectorate or thal part of the Colony to which this Ordinance applies any duty is im osed or any authority con- ferred on a constable, such duty hall be performed and such a authority may be exercised by court messenger: and in , any writ, summons, warrant or order of a court authorising or commanding a constable wit in the Protectorate or that part of the Colony to which this Ordinance applies to do any act, the expression constable sha e deemed to include court meseii er. : 4.- (1) The Force shall (onsist of such nulbl)er of court messengers as the Governor shall from time to time decide, and shall be distributed in the Provinces in such manner as the omBI r shall from thpe t t t i direct. and in the Districts in such manner as the m 1 iCommiissioners shall from tini,- to time direct. (2) Unless otherwi e ordered by the Governor the Force shall be divided into thl' following grades, which shall stand with each other in orde4 of precedence and command as they are named :-- (a) Staff Se eant-Majors SI (b) Sergean4-Majors ji (c) Sergea s (d) Corpor ls (c) Court tlessengers '1 (f) Probationer Court Messengers. i~~ Court Messengers Ordinance, 1931. 3 No. 13 of 5. All the provisions of this Ordinance shall extend to all 1931. persons who, at the commencement thereof, shall be serving in the Force of court messengers regulated by the Ordinance Application repealed by section 39 as if such persons had been appointed ance to under this Ordinance, and service under such repealed Ordin- persons ance shall, for the purposes of pay, rewards, pensions and already gratuities be deemed to be service under this Ordinance. serving. 6. (1) In each Province, subject to the general control of Adminis- the Governor, the Provincia Commissioner shall be charged tratiolt of with the superintendence of the administration of the Force. the Force. (2) In each District t e District Commissioner shall be r charged with the command ind administration of the Force in that District subject, h ever, to any orders which may from time to time be given by the Provincial Commissioner. (3) The Provincial C commissioners shall be responsible for the control of all expend ture in connection with the Force i in their respective Province and the District Commissioners '44 shall be respectively account ile for all public stores belonging to the Force and under the immediate control. ENLISTMENT, DISC ARlGE AND SERVC. 7. (1) Court messengers shall be enlisted by a l Enlistment Commissioner or, with his consent in writing, by ak Yovincial Commissioner. or District (2) A Paramount Chief, with the advice and concurrence Commis- renee osloners. of his principal cp *ll i, may nominate suitable men at tlie request of a Commiissioner. Chifs nay (3) If any such nominee be accepted and enlisted, the nominate. Paramount Chief who nominated him shall receive from Government such sum as may be prescribed for each complete C~ -. year of satisfactory service performed by such nominee. 8. Every court messenger shall be enlisted to serve in the Period of Force for a period of six years, or for such less period as may enlistment from time to time be fixed by the Governor. For the first 'od proba three years of such service a court messenger shall be on service. probation, and if at any time during such period of probation he sha ~f be found un f p his duties, he may be discharged by a Rwinal or 2m Commissioner and shall thereupon cease to belong to the Force or have an iim against the Government. Provided always tlat a Commissioner Z shall obtain the approval of lw : Commissioner before discharging any court messenger on probation as aforesaid. 9. Every court messenger shall, on being enlisted, make Declaration and sign the following declaration on oath in such manner as of. allegiance he shall declare to be most binding on his conscie te an( sucl and faithful oath and declaration shall be made before a or serce itiot Commissioner who shall date it and sign it as having been made before him. 4 Court Messrengrig O'rdinance, 1931. No. 13 of 1931. 1, A.I., do hereby solemnly and sincerely declare and promised hat I xill he faithful and bear true allegiance to lis lMajesl tie King, his heirs and successors, and the Gov..ernimluii of Sierra Leone, for a period of years and for such other period (or periods as I may re-engage to serve, anil will obey all orders of the Governor and tihe ollicers placed over mie. and subject myself to all Ordinances and rules relat iig To coilrl llesseligeri now in force or which may from time to iime le in force during the said period or period<. Re-uengage- 10. 11 Any c ,rt lmessetng, r of good character who has ment. completed, or is within six mon1110111hs of conplt lhis period of enlistment m1v., with the ;plroval orf at _n-t Coinnis- sioner, re-engage for a si secondi period oft six or three years at his own option, anid imay similarly ri ilgage for a third or faolrth or any subsequllent Jeriod n1ilo lie has completed a total period of eigl eeon years se('rice, reckoning from the time of his enlistment. (2i UIpon coimpi li;ig such peri,! of eighteen years he may, if lie so desires, liand \\wir the applroval of a Lo-i4na-l Coiimissioner, con liliIe in tle Foirce i tile same Ilnner in all respects as if his term of service \were still unexpired, except that lie lmay claims aind obtain his discharge at the expiration of three months after lie has given notice to a i T.tvtit Comlmissioner of his v.-ish to l discharged. (3) If a court messenger ottffers to re-engage within six mouths after having received his discharge lie will. if his offer of service is accepted, on re-in11igagim1lict lie entitled to any good conduct badges which he may have earned, and to the rank which he was holding: at the liie of his discharge. provided there is a suitalile va:icanc inl the establishment of that rank at tihe lime he re-engalges. (4) No court messenger llmy re engage after a period of six months has elapsed since his discharge. but if any court messenger is permitted to re-enlist s.lbsequentlv to such period then it shall be discretioinarv witli tr!e Commis- sioner re-enlisting him, or with whose conllseit he is re-enlisted. to allow such court messenger to retain all or some of the good conduct badges which lie may have earned during his previous service, and to receive the extra pay in respect of such badges. The question of tlie reinstatement of a re-enlisted court messenger in the rank he held prior to his discharge will also ibe left to the discretion of such Tri.qvnl Commissioner. (5) Any coulrtl Iles'segller whose period of service expires during a state of war. insurrection or public disturbance may be detained and his service ,rlolonged for such period, not exceeding twelve months, as the Governor may direct. Court Messengers Ordinance, 1931. No. 13 of (6) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2) no court 1931. messenger may resign, or withdraw himself from his duties, unless express1I al kwed to do so by the PIi-meiral- Commis- sioner of the *U e im which he is serving. 11. Any court messenger manwtL 1 d 1 cl Ygd at any time Discharge by a P..rim*i Commissionerl l f 1 ie~i,:anction of the when unfi for service Governor- or on dis- (i) when pronounced by a medical officer to be mentally missal, etc. or physically unlit for further service in the Force; (ii) when sentenced to be dismissed from the Force for misconduct; (iii) when convicted of a felony or misdemeanor; ,f F r (iv) when considered by the IV1 r Commissioneito (' .OIC ' be inefficient as a member of the Force; or il/41 (v) on the reduction or reorganization of the establish- ment of the Force. 12. Every court messenger who shall nol forthwith, on his Delivery up discharge, deliver up all the clothing, arm, r, accoutrements of accoutre- and necessaries which may hav, eee supplied to him for the ments, eic., execution of his duty to the ,tu 't commissionerr under whom he is serving, shall be deemed to have committed an offence against this Ordinance and shall be liable, on summary conviction thereof, to imprisonment with or without hard labour for a period not exceeding three months. DBistnt Commissioner inma also issue a warrant to search for and seize all such clothing', a arms, accouti:;ienlel and necessaries which shall not have been delivered up as aforesaid. 13. Any person, not being a court messenger, who shall Unlawful have in his possession any article being part of the clothing possession"of n 1accoutre- accoutrements, or necessaries supplied to any court messenger, meuts. and who shall not be able satisfactorily to account for the possession thereof, shall he lial)] ,, on snumiary conviction, to a fine not exceeding twenty live pounds or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for a period not exceeding three months. GOOD CONJ~>('T PAY. 14. (1) Every regular con t messenger below tle rank of Good con- sergeant who shall have serve for three years and during the duct pay. last two thereof shall not hav incurred a sentence- (() of imprisonment : (b) of confinement to cells or the court messengers' lines for llore' iln seven days ; or (c) of a fine exceed ng five shillings; shall be entitled to wear ( e good conduct badge and to receive extra pay at the ra e of one penny a day; and for every further period of three years which he shall have served Q- / / ^. Q. 6-^^e-, " 6 Court MesseCniers Ordinance. 1931. No. 13 i of 1'n3. under like conditions he shall lie entitled to wear an additional good conduct badge and to receive extra pay at tihe rate of one additional penny a day for each badge. Provided always that no court messenger shall draw more Ihlan three pence good conduct pay per day. (2) Forfeiture of one good conduct badge and of one penny a day good conduct pay shall be entailed 1by and deemed to be part of every sentence- (a) of imprisonment; (b) of confinement to cells or the court messengers' lines for more than seven days; or (c) of a fine exceeding five shillings: and every such forfeiture shall be entered on the offender's defaulter sheet and record. Provided always that in any case of an aggravated offence a P4erviiteil Con lissioner mla deprive any such court messenger as aforesaid of all or any of his good conduct badges and good conduct pay. (3) If any such court messenger as aforesaid shall have forfeited one or more good conduct badges the Governor may, on the recommendation of a it mii ('Conmmissioner, restore to such court iiies.senger av'. nlle or mort of 4-uch foirfeitrd badges as reward for such signal act or acts of good service performed by him as in the opinion of the Governor may seem to merit recognition. Provided that a AP4in~l Conmis- sioner may, if he thinks fit, restore one good conduct badge to any such court messenger as aforesaid when he shall have served with uninterrupted good conduct as defined in subt section (1) for at least two years from and after the completion of his punishment for the offence which entailed the loss of his good conduct badge or badgles and Ihis return to duty. OFFENCES. Offences. 15. Any member of the Force who- (a) begins, raises, abets, countenances, or excites mutiny; or (b) causes or joins in any sedition or disturbance what- soever; or (c) being at any assemblage tending to riot, does not use his utmost endeavour to suppress such assemblage: or (d) coming to the knowledge of any mutiny or intended mutiny or sedition, does not without delay give information thereof to his superior officer; or (() strikes or offers violence to his superior officer, such officer being in the execution of his duty; or (f) deserts, or aids or abets the desertion of anv member of the Force; Court Messengers Ordinance, 1931. 7 No. 13, of shall be liable, on summary conviction thereof, to imprison- 193L ment, with or without hard labour, for any period not - exceeding six months. Any court messenger may be proceeded against for desertion without reference to the time during which he may have been absent. Provided that a court messenger shall not be convicted of desertion or of attempting to desert unless the Court shall be satisfied that there was an intention on the part of such court messenger either not to return to the Force, or to escape some particular important service. 16. Upon reasonable suspicion that any person is a Arrest of deserter any court messenger or other person may arrest him ldeerters. and bring him before the District Commissioner's Court having jurisdiction in the place he was found. The said Court may either deal with the suspected deserter, or remit him to the District Commissioner's Court having jurisdiction in the place in which he deserted. OFFENCES AGAINST DISCIPLINE. 17. Any member of the Force charged with any of the Offences following offences :- against disci- pline. (1) Disobeying lawful orders given him by his superior in rank, whether verbally or in writing, or by authorized signal on parades; (2) Disrespect in word, act or demeanour to his superior in rank; (3) Using abusive or insulting language to, or quarrel- ing with, any member of the Force; (4) Behaving in an offensive or tyrannical manner towards an inferior in rank; (5) Forcing a sentry; (6) Pawning, selling, losing by neglect, wilfully damaging or failing to report any damage to any of the articles of clothing, arms, accoutrements or necessaries issued to him, or Government property committed to his charge; (7) Inattention or other misconduct on parade; (8) Being late for duty or parade; (9) Parading for duty dirty or untidy in his person, arms, clothing or accoutrements; (10) Drunkenness on or off duty; (11) Drinking intoxicating liquor when on duty; (12) Entering any place licensed for .the sale of intoxicating liquors when on duty, except when his presence is required there in the execution of his duty; 8 Court lc.srs(gfcrs. Ordindncr'. 1931. No. 13 of 1931. (13) Smoking when on duty: (14) Failure to work his Ieat properly, or being irregular on beat or sentry : (15) Idling, sitting, or lying down without cause, or sleeping when on duty: (16) Leaving his beat. point, or other place to which he has been ordered, without permission or without sufficient or proper reason : (17) Being under arrest or confinement and leaving or escaping front his arrest or conllinleent before lie is set at liberty by proper ;iatho rity; (18) Using unnecessary violence to. or ill-using any person in his custody: (19) Negligently permitting a prisoner to escape: (20) Neglect of duty; (21) Knowing where (iny uffntlt'ei i t,, 1- found. and failing to report the same or to exert himself to make the offender amemnble to the law: (22) Making or signing anm false, statement in any official record or document: (23) Prevaricating before any Court oi' at any inquiry: (24) Overholding any complaint or report against any member of the Force: (25) Neglecting or refusing to a-ist in the arrest of any member of the Force charged with any offence: (26) Making any frivolous or vexatious complaint: (27) Receiving any bribe, or accepting directly or indirectly any gratuity, present, subscription, or testimonial without the knowledge and permission of the District commissionerr under whom he is serving: (28) Incurring any debt without any reasonable prospect or intention of Ipaying the -ame or. having incurred any debt. making io reasonable effort to pay the same; (29) Divulging any matter or thing which it is his duty to keep secret; (30) Conveying information directly or indirectly to any person of any warrant or stulimons which has been issued or is about to be issued against such person; (31) Being absent without leave; (32) Malingering or feigning sickness, Court AlMssengers Ordinance, 1931. 9 No. 13 of (33) Concealing any venereal or contagious disease or 1931. neglecting or failing to report the fact if he is suffering from such disease; (31) Gambling, or permitting, or failing to report gambling in the court messengers' lines; (35) Being wanting in civility to any member of the public; (36) Any act, conduct, disorder or neglect to the prejudice of good order and discipline though not specified in this section; shall on conviction thereof, before a District Commissioner, be liable to such punishment, according to the degree and nature of the offence, as may be awarded in accordance with the next two sections. 18. (1) A ati Commissioner shall examine into the Punish- truth of any charge under section 17, and if his decision is ments which against the accused, may impose on him any one or more of re d. the following punihlnments:- -(i) In the. case of a staff sergeant-major, sergeant- major or sergeant- (a) a fine not exceeding forty shillings; (b) reduction in rank; (c) dismissal; (d) stoppage of increment; (e) reprimand; Provided that a sentence of reduction in rank or stoppage of incremen_ 'l .lre the confirmation of the Pr' i / ei Commissmonfl_ 7 el dieflece of dismissal shall require the confirmation f the Governor. (ii) In tile case of a corporal or court messenger - (including a probationer court messenger)- (a) imprisonment for a period not exceeding seven days; (b) line not exceeding twenty shillings; (c) confinement to the court messengers' lines for a period not exceeding fourteen days, such confinement involving the taking of all duties in regular turn and employment on fatigue duties; (d) reduction in rank; (e) dismissal, subject to the approval of the ( Zd'J ( em) ei' Commissioner; (f) reprimand or admonition, provided that'in the case of admonition no entry shall be made in the defaulter sheet. 10 No. 13 of 1931. Damage to or loss of equipment. Power of suinionllgil witnesses. Ordinary course of law not affected. Court messengers convicted before a Court not t( .ruinished I 4R Execution o sentence of im prison- ment under section 18 Pay not to accrue during absence without leave, imprison- ment or detention. Court iMcs.engcr.n Ordinance, 1931. (2) Any punishment imposed by a District Commissioner under this section may be mitigated or remitted by the Provincial Commissioner. 19. If any court messenger sells, loses by neglect. or wilfully or negligently injures ;iany arms, accoutrements. clothing or necessaries isstid for tll, us- of tihe 1Fre. he may, in addition to any other punishment, lie ordered to make good the amount of such loss or damage by stoppages out of his pay. 20. Every Jiitr'4 ('Comissioner inquiring into any alleged offence under section 17 shall in any matter touching such inquiry have the samIe power of summoning and examining witnesses on oath or ani'rmation and enforcing the production of documents as a District Commissioner's Court under the Protectorate Courts iJurisdiction Ordinance. 1924, or any Ordinance amending i)r replacing the same. In every such inquiry the prlocedinm'gs and evidence shall be recorded in writing. 21. Nothing in this Ordinance sill lie construed to exempt any court messenger from leinll proceeiled against by the ordinary course of law when accused of a ofn offence punishable under any other Ordinance or law. 22. If any court messenger shall have been convicted in a Court of ithe District (oiimmissioimeror tile circuit Court of any crime or offence, lie shall no(t lh, ial i to be punished for the samese crime o oofl'e1ice udlller this (Orlinan, ;i tlirwise than by loss of pay and lby reduction in rank or by isismissal from the Force. f 23. Any sentence of imlprismllment awarded under section 18 (1) shall be served in a ga1rd room or other suitable place of detention and not in a prison; it shall involve :- (a) Deprivation of pay for the period of imprisonment: (b) Employment on fatigue duties; and (c) Forfeiture of one good conduct badge and one penny a day good conduct pay. 24. (11 No pay slhall necrue to any court messenger in respect of any day during which hel is absent on desertion or without leave,. or undergoing any sentence of imprisonment. whether imposed under section 1i5 or section 18 ill, or is under detention awaiting any trial which results in his conviction. either for any offence against discipline or for any other offence of whatsoever nature. (2) No period of such absence, imprisonment or detention shall be reckoned as one day for the purposes of this section unless the absence. imprisonnlent or detention has lasted for six consecutive hours or upwards, whether wholly in one day, or partly in one day and partly in another. Court Messcihcrs Ordinance, 1931. 11 No. 13 of (3) When any period of such absence, imprisonment or 1931. detention exceeds six conlscu(ive hour s as aforesaid, but does - not exceed twventy-four hours, it shall not lie reckoned as more than one day,; but if such period exceeds Itwenty-four hours, every period of twetlly-four hours or part thereof, after the first period of twenty-four hour.-, shall be reckoned as one day. 25. All fines imposed upon couri (lllt m(essenigers for offences Fines to be under this Ordinancle, slhll Ib, reI(covere('d b)y stoppage froni tlie re\ovured by offender's paiy due ;It lit e lillm of (co(mitiing i sulchl oIl'ence, anld shloppage of thereafter accruing due. Thle amount of stoppage in respect p*y' of any line shall be in lthe discretion of the Dlistrict Commis- sioner, but iln no case exceedillg one third of t1ie daily pay of the offender, anld whenevler Ilmore than one order of stoppage is in force against the same person, so Imucli only of his pay shall lie stopped as shall leave himi a residue of at least one third of his daily pay excluding good conduct pay. When more than one order of stoppage is made upon the same person, tile orders later in (ate shall, if necessary, be postponed as to their enforcement until the earlier orders are discharged. REWARDS TO CO( lT MESSEN ERS. 26. (1) It shall ble lawful for a Provincial Commissioner Rewardsand to grant monetary rewards and gratuities to court messengers gratuities. for good conduct or servi'\Oe, or for (woudls or injuries received while upon service oir luty, or oithrw ise. Provided that any monlletary reward or graluity exceeding live pounds shall require (lie sanction orf lie (ovelnror in Council. All such suIs of llmonley as may from i 1ieo lime be granted under this sub-section shall be paid out of tlie revenues of the Colony. (2) All monies now standing to lilte credit of a fund Fines and entitled The Court Messengers Reward Fund," and all pay forfeiture forfeited by and all tines inllicted on court messengers under to be paid this Ordinance, shall !le paid into general revenue. revnlue ENLISTMENT AND SERVICE OF SUPERNU- MERARY AND SPECIAL COURT MESSENGERS. 27. (1) If in any case application is made to a Provincial Power to Commissioner by any person for court messengers to be enlist super- employed in his service and on special duties, the Provincial nmierary court Commissioner may, with the sanction of the Governor, enlist messengers. men as supernumerary court messengers who shall be employed on such special service only. (2) Thie men so enlisted tmid employed shall have all the powers, privileges and protection, and shall be liable to perform the same duties, and shall be amenable to the same 12 Court Messengers Ordinance. 1931. No. 13 of 1931. penalties and subordinate to the same authorities as any regular court lmessenger. 'Providted always that n1o sulpllnu inerary court messenger shall have any claim to. a Iensin or gratuity in respect of his service as such. (3) The pay and expenses of such supernumerary c'ulrt messengers shall be defrayed ,y tIhe person reI~ iring their services, and such pay shall lie ;t a rate to lie lixed Ib the Provincial Co miiisiioner with tile ;aijii"Nval ", tii- Governor; and sclih person slall also defray tihe cost of uniform and any oiher reasonable expenses which thie 4 vi r n111"r ny decide upon as necessary o ble paid. Such pay and expenses shall be paid monthly, in advance, into the Treasury to the credit of general revenue. (4) Any sum payable under this section may be recovered in the Circuit Court or a Court of the District Commissioner fronl the person liable to pay the same. (5) Whenever it is desired by any person availing him- self of the services of such supernumerary court messengers to have such services discontinued, he shall give one mo,,nth's notice to the Provincial Commissioner. Provided that the 'Pr "incial Commissioner may, in his discretion, dispense w-ith such notice. Power to 28. (1) W'henever it shall be made to appear to a appoint Provincial Conlnmissioner that anyi tllmult, riot or disturbance special court of the peace has taken pIlac or mayl reisonnably lie apprehendled essenger, in any district in his province, and that the court inessenger- ordinarily employed in that district are not sufficient for lihe preservation of the peace, the protection of the inhabitanus and the security of property, the Provincial Conmissiiner may authorise the Di ,trict (tmini-sion, 'r. ,, eb ,li-trit. t, appoint by writing under his hand in the form contained in S -- A tl first Schedule aily persons Ba in jiali to aQct / as special court lmesselgers il such lmalilner, for sutl tiJl.. I 1 J and within such limits as lie shall deem necessary. I " (2) Every special court messenger so appointed bh;.ll have all the powers, privileges and protection. and shall Ie liable to perform the same duties, and shall be aniena1bl, to tile same authorities as any regular ciomrt mlessenger. Provided always that no special court messenger shall have any claim to a pension or gratuity in respect of his service as such. (3) If any person being appointed a special court messenger as aforesaid shlll. without sullicient excuse, neglect or refuse to serve as siu h or to oibey such la wfull orders or directions as may be given to hi for the performance o his duties, he shall le guilty of an ottence and liable, on sumimair conviction thereof, to a line not exceeding live ,pounds or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding two months. Court Messengers Ordinance, 1931. 13 No. 13 of (4) Should any difficult arise in obtaining special court 1931. messengers, the District commissionerr may call upon a chief or headman to ftlrnisli him with the names of lit and proper persons so to serve, and in the event of his neglecting or refusing to do so such chief or headman shall he guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction thereof, to a tine not exceeding fifty pounds. 29. The Governor may provide for the use of special court Governor to messengers' staffs, weapons and other necessary articles of ILpride equipment at the public expense. ClecessaIi t. I e IllIuil lm ent. 30. The District Commissioner is hereby empowered to District suspend or determine the services of any court messenger so C""""is- appointed, and shall forthwith transmit notice thereof to the ",l')'end or Provincial Commissioner with the reasons for such suspension determine or determination. the services of special 31. Every special court messenger shall, within one week court after the determination of his otlice, deliver over to such person lessesiger. at such time and place as may be directed by the District Delivery of Commissioner his form of appointment and every staff, staff etc., on ; termination weapon and other article which may have been provided for of office. him under this Ordinance. Any such special court messenger who neglects or refuses to make such delivery shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction thereof, to a tine not exceeding five pounds. 32. Whenever any special court messenger is called out Renmunea- or employed on active duty he shall be paid for his loss of time, tion of and expenses, such sum as the Governor in Council may deem secial' court saIcit. messengers. 9 H -Qe.s.-jtO %917 t eCcje ;?-y MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. / 33. Any person who assaults, obstructs, resists, or aids, Assaulting or or incites any other person to assault, or obstruct, or resist insisting any court messenger acting in tile execution of any duty shall court be guilty of an olfence and liable, on summary conviction '"ess"Cgers thereof, to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds or to imprison ment, with or without hard labour, for a period not exceeding six months. 34. It shall not be lawful for any person not serving in Unautho- the Force to wear any uniform of the Force, or any dress rise( persons bearing any of the distinctive marks of any such uniform. not to wear If any person contravenes the provisions of this section he uniform. shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction thereof, to a fine not exceeding ten pounds and in default of payment to imprisonment, with or without hard labour for a period not exceeding two months. 35. Any person who, not being a court messenger, or being Personating a deserter from the Force, puts on a court messengers' uni- court form or any dress bearing the distinctive marks of such messengers. uniform for the purpose of thereby doing or procuring to be done any act which he would not be entitled to do or procure 14 No. 13 of 1931. Pay of court messengers not to be withheld on account of civil liabilities. Exception. I i.13 .C I'v ^- Court Messengers Ordinance, 1931. to be done of his own anthtlrity. or for any either unlawful purpose, shall lie guilty ;ian oilnce anc ;il liable. on summary conviction thereof, to linlle not exceeding li ifly pounds or i-, imprisonmnent, with or without hard( lalour, for ;a period 1nt exceeding six months. 36. The pay of any court messenger shall not ie withheld upon any civil process except in respect of any debt or liability which he miny have incurred within three years next before his enlistment, ind fLt such debt or liability when constituted by the decree il ihe Circuit 'Court or a District Commllissioner's Court his l a maly lie withlield to an extent not exceeding one third hereoff. The court makiniig such decide shall give Intice thereof to tle District (Cominissioner in charge of the detachment t t1o which the judgment debtor belongs, and tliherlupoll tie ailllount ordered 1 shall lie stopped out of the judgment debtor's pay until tle amount of the decree is made good. Provided always that a Provincial Commissioner may lix a limit to the amount to Ie recovered from such judgment debtor's pay in respect of any such judg- ment debt as aforesaid. Cryig down 37. A IDistrict Cmnissioner in charge of any detachment credit. of court messengers shall, u.on their first arrival at any place where they are tio 1be stationed or so often as lie may think tit. cause public prochlmation to ble made that if tie inlablitants suffer court mness(lgers to contract debts, such lelits are not recoverable by legal process from their due or accruing pay. Power of 38. (1) The Governor in Council may nmake rules for the Governor to better or nuore colvenient carrying into effect of any of tin make rules, provisions and purposes of this (Ordinance and in particular (but without derogating front the generality of tlie foregoing provision) in respect of all or any of tlhe following matters:- (a) The grades into which the Force shall be divided; (b) The duties on which the different grades of the Force shall be employed; (c) The discipline, good order and guidance of the Force; (d) The pay and allowances of members of the Force; (c) The inspection of the Force; (f) The clothing, equilpment and stores (,f the Force. and the periodical inspection tof thle .ame: (g) The promotion of efficiency aIming supernu- 1marary and special court messengers; (h) The general government, of the Force: (j) Certificates of conduct and discharge . (k) The administration of the court messengers reward fund; and Court Messengers Ordinance, 1931. 15 No. 13 of (1) The amounts payable to Paramount Chiefs 1931. under section 7 (3). (2) Except in so far as they may be varied or revoked, or revoked and replaced by rules made by the Governor in Council under this section, the rules in the second Schedule shall be in force aln shall be deemed to have been made under this Ordinance. 39. The Court Messengers Ordinance, 1924, is hereby Repeal of repealed. Cap. 42. THE FIRST SCHEDULE. Section 28 APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL COURT MESSENGERS. () To A.B. of I the undersigned, C.D., District Commissioner of the district do under the power and authority vested in me by the (Courl Messengers Ordin- ance, 1931, hereby appoint you to be a special court messenger for the said district. Dated this day of 19 (Signed) District Comn nissioner. THE SECOND SCHEDULE. Section 38 1. PLoToti u'il ll be made by the P rtv tIn+t Commis- (2) sioners~l'eT y nirTmna.ke selections as far as possible from the Promotions. rank next below that to which the promotion is made, but they may promote specially deserving men to a higher grade than the next above the one in which they are serving. A proba- tioner may be promoted after three months service on the recommendation of the District Commissioner under whom he is serving. 2. A Paramount Chief shall receive the sum of one pound Payments to in respect of each person nominated by him under section 7 (2) Paramount for each complete year of satisfactory service performed by Chiefs under such nominee. section 7. 3. Vacation leave on full pay may be granted to court Vacation messengers by the District Commissioner under whom they leave. are serving, provided that the exigencies of the service so allow, in accordance with the following scale :- Staff Sergeant-Majors 15" days per annum Sergeant-Majors Sergeants Other ranks ,, 4. Leave on medical certificate, to be signed by a Medical Sick leave. Officer, may be granted to court messengers for a month on full pay by Ilte District Commissioner r under whom they are serving and for a longer period( by the Provincial Commis- sioner subject, however, to sucl conditions as to pay as he shall think fit. 1IG Court Messengers Ordinance. 1931. No. 13 of 1931. 5. The composition of tie Force, and the I'pay ainl S allowances thereof, shall be such as are piroidedl for Iy tlih Cominposition Awpropriation Ordinance for the time beinl in force. 1a9 tflldi.f 'aAy - Fe. The following details give the orders of dress for Staff Dress. / S:ge l:elt n ;ljors, Serge;lnt-[Majors. Sergeant. Corpori'als /and other ranks:- V Full Dre. Drill Older. Field Drs-. Fatigue Dre-. Cap Jumper Knickers Belt Medal rilbhons Cape when Souwester J needed, Cap Blue flannel shirt Cu:lmerbanld Knickers Belt Haversack Medal ribljon Cape I wlihe Souwester Jneeded St<" Badges of rank and good conduct badges to be worn on all . C occasions. e( 73.. (7 .' / i ^r ,1 .'\r-i.Tu, 73 q V i, _. Letters and 7. (1) All rankskwill wear the letters C.M. and their badges of, numIbers on their slhonldersl (2) All ranks titled tlereto will wear their badges of S,, iank on their right arms. 8. The following shall be the nominal scale of issue of dress and equipment :- Article. 1 belt 1 whistle 1 blanket 1 cape- waterproof 2 culnlllerlhalnds 2 fez cals 1 haversack 2 serge jumpers 2 serge knickers 1 blue flannel shirt 1 soulwester 1 tassel Chevrons Scale of I-sue. every two years every t-wo( y-ears every year every two years every year as needed. Article, 9. A court messenger shall not he entitled to take away ret muable by d".l'irgel. with him any of lhe articles described in rule S on his Couel discharge. 1) e.-engers. Certificates 10( Court messenllers \wh Io have served for more tlian three of discharge. ears shall he granted certificates on their discharge in accordance with their conduct during their periods of service. Cap Tassel Jumper Knickers Belt Medals Cap Blue lannel Shirt KnIckers Issie oI clolhing ,and equl)ipinen . Cowrjt lec.'syagcr.s Ordinance, 1931. 17 No. 13 of 11. Such certificates shall state the dates of enlistment and 1931. 'discharge, and in describing conduct the following terms shall be employed:- Forms f certificate. (a) Exemplary (not to be given to men of less than fifteen years service). (b) Very good. (c) Good. (d) Fair. (c) Indifferent. (f) Bad. Provided that terms (a), (b) and (c) shall not be employed where a court messenger has been dismissed for misconduct or has been frequently guilty of misconduct, or has been guilty of any serious misconduct within nine years of his discharge. 12. As soon s may be after the end of each month, each Return of ,District Commissioner shall furnish to the Treasurer a fine's. etc. return of all lines and forfeitures imposed upon members of thle Force in his District during the month. 13. The Treasurer shall, from time lo time, make payments Payment of by way of reward to members ol the Force in the following rewards. cases, that is to say:- (a) Where the Governor authorises such payment; (b) Where a payment not exceeding live pounds is authorized by the Commissioner of the Province in which tle member of the Force is serving, and the making of such payment would not result in the exceeding of the amount which may for the time being have been fixed by the Governor as the amount up to which payments on the authority ol such Provincial Commissioner may be made by the Treasurer without the Governor's approval. 14. Every aiitliorization of a pa yment under these Itules C(nditiorn, shall le lbsed ol one or more of the following conditions :- f grant of rewards. (a) Wounds or injuries received on service or otherwise in the course of duty; (b) Special acts of bravery, namely :- (i) Saving or attempting to save life; (ii) Saving or attempting to save property from loss by fire, theft, shipwreck or in other circum- stances attended by danger; (c) Valuable intelligence acquired by personal risk, hardship, or unusual skill; (d) Other special or meritorious service. IS Ccourt Mcsxscngiclcrs Ortdinance, 19.!1. No. 13 of ],.1, Passed in the Legislative Council this twemt y-ninth day of July in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred alnd thirty-one. J. L. JOHN. ('leIrk of Legislatire Council. Tnis PRINTED IMPRESSIOIN has been carefully collpared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. I. J. L. IOHYN. C'lerik of Lcqi-,ativc (Coticil. Pjintd and published bythe G00', B0'3M1 T PRTNPER. FREFFoWN L 1 1. ;L '.P J i Price 9d. To he purvh, tef Irom tile (4 Ft ct-it wi ril'ir. I,1 twumi zh Crowun Awent- for the Colonie-, 4, llihnk-, Lonilun i. [te r'prefi tito (Amendmen ) ( No. 2) Ordinn n( 19.1. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 11 of I '.l1. In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this twenty- seventh day of November, 1931. ARNOLD HODSON, Uovernor. A N On) I AN('E to Ai /wnd the Interpretation cap. 1:3. Ordinance, 1924. [7th DIecember9, 1931.] Date of commlence- I m it. JBE IT ENACTED 1y the Goveri with the advice and c thereof, as follows : 0or of the Colony of Sierra Leone, sent of the Legislative Council 1. This Ordinance nmav be cited as the Interpretation Short title. (Amendment) (No. 2) Ordinan e, 1931. 2. Section 13 (1) of the interpretation Ordinance, 1924, is Amendment hereby amended by deleting the definition of "Governor in of section Council" and substituting thel for the following definition:- 13(1) of Cap. 103. "(c) The expression governorr in Council shall mean the Governor acting with the advice of the Executive Council, but not necessarily in such Council assembled." 2 ft'fiTe 'tni't Hiht (An, No. 14 of 1931. Passed in tihe L.eisl;i: in the year of (On Lor THIS PRINTED IMI'1P me with the Bill whi and found by me to said Bill. S *ndi i'HiiI) I \'n. -'2; ()Or! ,l .i /''.'. ve Council thii t-.ith lay .r Nx'-mi.- Ie thul-an'l I in iini I'a, ;I l :'i ': - J. L. JOHN. SION has been carefully compared ov h has passed the Legislative Council be a true andl correct copy of the J. L. JOHN. Clerk of LvyislatIuri F'o,,il. Printed and published by the GOVERNMENT PRINTER, FREETOWN-L e31. 350 14 :zi3 31 P J Price 4d. To be purchased from the governmentt Prm er. or !rom *he Crown Agents for the Colonies. 4, Mlllbank.London S.W.1. [iiiigritioui Res.trictiotn (Aiiendmni t) (r'diini,,. l!).31. COOA)NY OF' SIERRA LEONE. SIn His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this second lday of December, 1931. ARNOLD HODSON, Governor. No. II of AN O)D)INAN CE to Anmend the Imnmigration 1930" Restriction Ordinance, 1930. [7th December, 1931.] Date of commence- ment. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Immigration Restric- Short title. tion (Andmdment) Ordinance, 1931. 2. Section 21 (b) of the Immigration Restriction Ordinance, Amendment 1930, is hereby amended by deleting the words the Colony in of action 21 (b) of the second and third lines and by substituting therefore the words Ordinance " Sierra Leone." No. ii of 1)30. Passed in the Legislative Council this tenth day of November, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one. J. L. JOHN, clerk of Legislative Council. 2 [nmig/5'rtioi Rfestriction. (Amn elit) r) ldini c,'. I'.il No. 15 of 1931. THIS PRINTED -IMPRESSION has hlwen ,-arftuly coin:.a'.-i ,.- me with the Bill which has passel th,. I islativw (',,el ... found bhy n- to be a true and cri-.ti .-)\ ,f th, -,iil Bili. J. L. JOHN. Printed and published by the GOVERNMENT' PRINTEI, FREETOWN-L *67. 3:,0 271 1. M.P. C.F. :. " Price 4d. To be purchased froln the loverlnmnt P rinIr. or fr'. :ih- Crown Agents lor the Colonies. 4, Millb:nk. L.ndoi. S.W.I. Mlaglistrates' Courts (Amendment) Ord'innce, 19-.1. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 10 of 1931. In Ils Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this twenty- eighth day of November, 1931. ARNOLD HODSON, (iiovernor. AN O DvINANCE to Amend the Magistrates' cp. 8. Courts Ordinance, 1924. Date of [1st Decemntber, 1931.] commence- ment. IIE IT ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Magistrates' Courts Short title. (A amendment) Ordinance, 1931. 2.- Section 49 of the Magistrates' Courts Ordinance, 1924, is Amendment of section 49 hereby amended by deleting the words "as if it were duly of Cap. 118. stamped" in the thirteenth and fourteenth lines and substituting therefore the words "as if such fees and costs had been duly paid." 3. Section 50 of the Magistrates' Courts Ordinance, 1924, is Repeal of section 50 of hereby repealed. Cap. 118. Passed in the Legislative Council this tenth day of November, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty- one. J. L. JOHN, (lerrk of Legislative Council. 2 No. 16 of 1931. THiS PRINTED IIPHESISION lks heii c;i~fullr c 'f';t' me with the Bill \\which ha-s pa-.el Otti- L ilaai ( *hlicil st found bv Ine to Ihe a truc and ci ri-ctt c}py 4 th'- f til Bill. J. L. JOHN, ('11,PA 1T Ltq/isialO/- di~i'r. Printed ind imbliheil lby the iO)\EIRNMENT PRIN FEll FIl ETOWN-L .*L-. ? 1. M' P Price 4d. To lie purchlill :t thet Govelrnnient Silttni,'v *' trE. Fr- '. r :r ';e Crown Agcnt lior the Colon:e 1, Mllba:.k, Ln l:.:. W 1. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 17 of 1931. @ In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this twenty- eighth dlay of November, 1931. ARNOLD HODSON. eovmOol,. AN ORDINANCE to Amend the Courts of cap 43 Requests Ordinance, 1924. s l )t tDi, lar. 1 .j l.] I).atc of COl-- nm ence- BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony of Sierra Leone. with the advice and consent of the Legislative Conneil thereof, as follows:-- 1. This Ordinance may ie c(itel as the Courts of PeinesZts short litlle (Amendmenlt) Ordinance. l1931. 2. Section 21 of the C'oolts of' I>e(.quests )rdi nance. 19'24. is Aimnciilmnt hereby amended- 4"f SctioAi 2L i C;>p 43 (a) by inserting the word i* 1ailiffs" inmnediately after the word "* courts in the second line. alnd (2) by inserting the word b;ailiffs" innnedli;tely after T lle world clerks in the third line. 3. Section 22 'of the Courts of liequests Ordinance. 1924. is Aieidimcnt lii-r e amended as follows :- u section 22 of Cap 13- a() Hy re-numnlering it 22 (1)" )an: (eletine ttheref rom te lIo t t \ oenI words. tmi0s (?/ (,-h1wwbw'0) 01'(11nmicr. 19""]. 2 No. 17 of 1931. .1 L .JUHNU no lsii I e Bill Ow I oi t ti i- -3 I t I in111 tiN tle V o- tl ()II itite t i,]I, .N I I. I ;1;l J.L. JOH-N, Prmf-l iui~lI) Llbli ihl 1 1) :11 .(11 1- N 4 ,' PrI1 4, T' - Crown 4 L co(Thts o/' 1Pi? 10st( (Aue,,/r uf (jrljuq i,,'p-. I*. (b) By adding theretu, th.- i ,.n~. section (2) (2) All such fees. the 01)pJI' ulilpaiun I iich i- i- L otherwise speciried. shIt 1), p- 'iiilT, reveonue. (c) By adding, thereto the tollonxift sub-n ct.i as s -x section (3) :- 3) -No fees tii be takeii il v-pecr or c-- under this Ortlhitoo ic N -tije -, Uc:t- I be payable by au N li o (io~urtinilj ill fl tiN~- ); :11 ~l ttIm I I dN -i] '1~ i* II Protectorat( Conurt,; Ji ri.dlction (Amndnment) Odrinatce. 19-. .... ,, f9 '/ 4i - COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 18 of 1931. In His Majesty's name I assent SL.S. j \,.. /P to this Ordinance this twenty- eighth day of November, 1931. ARNOLD HODSON, Governor. AN ORDINATNCE IO Amend the Protectorate Cap. 169. Courts Jurisdi tion Ordinance, 1924. SDate of [lst December, 1931.] commence- Sment. BE IT ENACTED by tho Governor of the Colony of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance tnay be cited as the Protectorate Courts Short title. Jurisdiction (Amendment) Ordinance, 1931. Repeal and replacement 2. Section 77 of the Protectorate Courts Jurisdiction Ordinance, action 77 1924, is hereby repealed and replaced by the following section :- of Cap. 169. 77. (1) The fees to be taken in the Circuit Court and Fees in the the Court of a District Commissioner respectively Circuit Court shall be settled by the Governor in Council, anda and the tible of such fees shall be constantly fixed up in Dirs t he some visible and open part of the room or place Commis- where a Judge of the Circuit Court or a District sioners." Commissioner shall sit to hear and determine causes. The Governor in Council may vary and alter all or any of such fees in such manner as he shall think fit. "2 Protectorate Courts .Jurisdi'tioii (Amendmen? i) No. 18 of Ordinance. 1981. 1931. (2) All such fees. the alppropriation of which is not otherwise -pecified. shall le paid into general revenue. (3) No fees shall ie taken in respect of any proceed- ing in the Circuit Court or the Court of a Dis rici Commissioner where such ices would be payable by any Government department. Provided. howev-r. that when any person is ordered to pay the costs cf the Crown or any Goverinnll t department in .Iny case, whether civil or criminal. all tees which would have been payable but for the provisions of this sub-section: shall be taken as paid and shall be recoverable from such person." Passed in the Legislative Council this tenth day of Novemb-r. in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one. J. L. JOHN. Clerk of Legislative Council THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully cnmiart'e by1 me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council anid ifou.d by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN. Clerk of Legislative Council. Printed and tpublihlnd by ihe (OVERNIIMENT PRINTEt i, I-IEEroWN.-Li, 1, .i 35.i1 1i 31. .AP. J it . Priet 4d. To lie purchll asked t the G ouer ninnt Srt: oery Stlore. iFr'etownI. or :roum -e Crown Agents for the Colonies, 4, .lLlbank, London. S.W.1. Pies-ion8 (Yon-Eur-ojj- 0. e) 'd o oitnt) Ol)dinituc' 19.'1. COLONY Y O01' SIERRA. LEONE. No. 19 of 1931. In Hi Majet's namiie I i.-nt Sto this Ordinance this twenry- eighth day of November, 1931. ARNOLD HODSON, Governor. AN Ou R N v to AmIend lie Pensions cp. 147. (Non-European (liicers) Ordinance, 1924. [7th December, 1931.] onlce- mont. j IE IT ENACTIED by Ihe tiGv, 'ior of the Colony I3 Sii'a Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows : 1. This Ordinance maiy be cited as the Pensions (No- Short title. European OGlicorli) (Amenndmniet) Ordinance, 1931. 2. Section 11 of the Pensions (Non-Europ'ranl Ollicers) Rep,!al Ind Ordinance, 192-1 (hereinalter rel'efrred to as llie Principal replacement Ordinance), is hereby repealed and replaced by the following "t sectioo section :- Cap. 147. 11. y ,,. f.. cer to whom a ,ension and "Effect of ty .nde this Orinance is re-employ- Ja) t 1 io ,ih r i loice in the Colony, and inent on u sequenti retir4: in circamit'ances in which hle peiio11 l bei( uted a; IInsion and grainity, ]h mu:y- be ) grant, in lieu oi his previous pension and gratuity, S'ni"' osivo Ns (Nuoi-E/ lr/,. rilI IrhI, I. i l,, iIN/, of I,,> I(1 No. 19 of 1931. a pension i Iand gratuity coiluted as if the aeri.,d ... 1 - his service in the (,Colony had been c ,tint ou-.t .... such pension anid gratuity may i ia, l .n hit - pelisiolil)le emoliiint-s (,n his i l'reNiou- or !inal retirement froln the sevie- ): the C'loiny. which=vxr mre the greater : ProvIidll hiat thile Lratnity ,. aii to him on final rceirem eint -lhal be r -hl -l by t-1 amnout of the gratuity already paid." Repeal of sectionn 12 of 3. Section 12 )t the Principal Urdinance i heresy repI ai.. Cap. 147. Amendment 4. Section 15 of the Principal Ordinance is heel i aimen_[ded Of secltion 18 deleting the words "'subject to teit plrovisioni- ot -ection 11" f Cap. 147. from paragraph (1) of the proviso thereto. Passed in the Legislative (',,uincil tinl- enih d.. ay ,.i Nve,:n i r. in tile year of ()ni1 Lordl one thousand nine hun iredi -,nd thirty-one. J. L. JOHN. i'/Ir/, nr L fj ls/rdi ,, ,,,.'( 1,*.. THIS PIHINTED IMPRESSION has 1be,-n carefully ,nu1pale-d i\, an.- with the Bill uhici ha. passed- tihe Legilati (.uI cii ..:.. foulld by mie to be a trune anlll ciworrec copy iof the -aild Bill. J. L. JOHN. I '/ft'/, 11r L I'; . l ,' I ',,n ,, PIliii i u l pulh-ha d hA li- ToVEi\'lMEXr PiaNtER. F!tEI OW \I-L 4\1 '. lP. B- : Pl'i e4a To bI!l urcla-ed frol the a ov( Imta iiii Pa er. or IO"' Crown Agent- for ihe Coloin:-. I Millbank. L-rdln. .W,1. Stamps (Demonetization) Ordinance, 1931. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 20 of 1931. In His Majesty's name I assent Sto this Ordinance this twenty- eighth day of November, 1931. ARNOLD HODSON, Governor. AN ORDINANCE to Provide for the Demoneti- zation of Postage and Revenue Stamps. [7th December, 1931.] Date ofn ment. WHEREAS it is expedient as occasion requires to demonetize stamps used for denoting the duty of postage and/or revenue : BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows ;- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Stamps (Demonetiza- Short litle tion) Ordinance, 1931, and shall apply to the Colony and and applica- Protectorate. tion. 2. Whenever the Governor determines to discontinue the Notice of use of any die hitherto used for postage and/or revenue purposes discon- and gives public notice thereof, then, whether a new die has been tinuance provided or not, from or after any day to be stated in the notice and stamps. (that day not being within three months after the notice is published), such die shall not be a lawful die for denoting the payment of any duty of postage or revenue; and if any stamp printed from such die be used thereafter for denoting the payment of any duty of postage or revenue, the postal matter or instrument to which such stamp may be affixed shall be dealt with as though such stamp were not affixed. 2 No. 20 of 1931. Stamps (Demonotizalmii) O'rd'inalii'. 1931. Passed in the L-oislaive Council this t-nh iay or ,-': Ir, in the year of Our Lord one thou-and iiine hun.ird al d thirty-one. J. L. JOHN. Cle:'k of Legislative C'ou ild. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared 1-y me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative C('uncil and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bin. J. L. JOHN, Cl,''r of LIci.slativi Conwil. Printed and published by the (OVERNMENT I HINLR. FREEL WN-L '-: I-. K P. : Price id. To be pu1rn -ed tr'm the v ll *- ''. r. I i, :. i Crown -genti ior the Colouiii ,. -i. it ak. L :idjn. >. 1. Destruction of Locusts Ordilna icc, 1981. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 21 of 1931. .In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this twenty- eighth day of November, 1931. ARNOLD HODSON, Governor. AN ORDINANCE to make Provision for the Destruction of Locusts. [7th December, 1931.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Destruction of Locusts Short title Ordinance, 1931, and shall apply to the Colony and Protectorate. and application. 2. Whenever the Governor is satisfied that the agricultural Power to andjor arboricultural crops of any part of the Colony or declare Protectorate are in danger of damage by locusts, he may, by tocuhicareas Order, declare that in such area or areas as he shall specify a rules shall state of danger to agricultural and/or arboricultural crops by apply. locusts exists, and for so long as any such Order shall remain in force all rules made under this Ordinance, save such as may be expressly excepted by any such Order, shall apply to such area or areas. 2 Dl -stri'cdit i of Lorilsts jiO l ioisn i 'i31 No. 21 of 1331. 3. Th' (;ivriior in k otu cil in.al ak m i.-' r; all ior any e t of thil followi'iN m iii~,i ,i :- \iiw,1er tio make< rules. (1) |n.ipli, elir, iulic alliewr- thler-t aiuth,.ir ,.l iy the D irfci tor 01 i ,' i, hlltur' u *,, ]iiir" "v-', ,/i ~. c,'.U'l; 1i anil p iiersons l i i1!_' ;l' 'lil r !m u! ->.n1 i: ,r lIn, l l tn t kt e -^ ebi !!i.; r!.- :' : e ,:,.!.;i, :i 2 ;a'., ', ainl \ i ll' l 1;i) i irl" I (' I) : i.i III) i -, l .' '.. i l ii' i i 1'1 1i1 Ii .. D I- 1- - (iGovirno" in CninV il l undir 1 i[ Ili- il r t rul inll tih chlno' lll .Ihall )' in '.f ;i]i n 'hall l n -. -:eILa. to }n \v be' n maIe r 'li s- tin. SCHEDULE. Appoint- . (m)et of The Director of Agriculture may appoint in writing any Locust public officer as Locust Officer to act under these s rules. Officers. Des'triction qf Locuss Ordinance, 1981. 3 No. 21 of 3. Every owner or occupier or person having the charge or 1931. nanagenmitt of land on which agricirltural or arboricultural crops arl standing shall report the existence of egg-layiln locusts, Ownersand 1 i1 ocv~on.piers of locust eggs or locust hoppers on such land or any uncultivated cilr oft land in the vicinity, as soon as he becomes aware of the fact, to report the nearest Locust O(licer. and shall inmmiii iately take such presence of lleasres to combat tlI/or destroy the pest as Imay have been or I.l"s.s and may be notified tio hiin bh the Director of Agricelture or a eures to Locust Officer. -t'trov 4. Every' such owner ,, ir occupied' or perIson having the charge (tniers and or manalgeinent of land as aforesaid shall. 1 1 the verbal or ccI'ulpier of written e''Jiplst of a Locust Ollicer'. immlleiatelt Irender tit' latter land ti, a"ist all assist:icce within his power ii I- gard t- i i ,u 'irryi' ofIi. I lmessag(,s tal(ott loeusts. or the detection ant[d ,dettlleioln oti locnst .,,, i .-eis aml tihe killing' ,i lohicuts. VWhere sucnth io".,n I 'Wr innupier i i.'a. of or person leaving th 'i.. iairge0 or nanagen ,ent of land has latboutIr; in his 'iemploymet ior ttnder his control or. heint' a Tribal Authority. i elmpoereld vby active customary law to call upon lnmemberl)s ofi trie tril omtmunitv to work )toitn thie land. such person or Tribal Authliorty sl hal place at tlih disposal of the Locust Otliter'. as soon aIs may be. as lIiany liabourerih s ais thle Locust Ollicer mayl re quire or aks inay ibe available to assist t,'he latter in carryin- out meatsues to combat :an(tor ilestroy the pest as aforesaid. 5. In ihi'iutih of action beina taken as prescribed y rules 3 Liuistt and 4, a Lo(Iust Olticer may un1tdertalk the necessary me:sures OIIiciurs may to co llat andfl(lor dlnestiro the lpslt, or such measutresi as can ll e take (ost of any itea tes I takenl shall lie recoverable': in a sulinitary loist in lalolner from t such owner, occupier or person hlvilng the charge dei;litu of or lmatnagemelntl of the land as afo'rsaid, action byy ownoiS or oucitpilcrs. S)ffences and (a) by act or omission contrat'venes any of these rules ; or penalties. (1) neglects or refuses to comply with any lawful request, direction 1or notice theretnder : or (c) iby word or dteed wilfully obstructs, Ielays (or hinders, or attempts to obstruct, delay or hinder any measures necessary for combating and destroying the pest, shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on sinmary conviction, to a fine of fifty pounds or imprisoninent, with or without hard labour, for a period of six months. Passed in tthe Legislative Council this tenth day of November, in the year of Out' Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Leqiqlative Council. 4 Dp..tr,'tifn',, f J,,n/ .i O,'rh'ini, ', 1 !. No. 21 of 1931. THis PRINTED IMPRESSION 1ias been carefully coliipale !y me with the Bill which has passed the Lei.islative Co('n i! and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the .sail Bill. J. L. J1OH1N. Clerk of Legis.latic. L ',;,,':7. Printed and publi C( wn A 'enlT lur I, i .I -. 1 (l I .i 'k. L I ' (1932) Appropriation Ordinance, 1931. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 22 of 1931. In His Majesty's name I assent Sto this Ordinance this nineteenth day of November, 1931. ARNOLD HODSON, Over n or. AN ORDINANCE to Provide for the Service of the Colony and Protectorate of Sierra Leone for the Year 1932. Date of [1st January, 1932.] commence meant. W\HEREAS it is necessary to make provision for the Service Preamble. of the Colony and Protectorate of Sierra Leone for tle year 1932; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony Enacting of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative clause. Council thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the (1'.i.' ) Appropriation Short title. Ordinance, 1931. 2. The sum of nine hundred and seventy-four thousand six 974.(fl,5 hundred and fifty-six pounds ll and isshall 1,e indi h leiy 'anted granted for to His Majesty the King, Ilis Ieirs and Sinccss(rs for le me and during the year nineteen hundred an! thirty-two, and Coloi\ ndt the same shall be applied and expended in the manner herein Prottctor- described and for the several services set forth in the first and ate. second schedules. 2 No. 22 of (1932 Appropriatiion Ordinli,-e. 19"1. .. 3. The said sum tf nine hun dred and seventy-four thi'usand ix 1111undred andtl fiftv-six pounds hail be and i- :-r S decla'redl to be char-,.,i upon an'l mae payable- from ..1 C-i o,-f mlte i tht'e revenue and otier funds of the aid Clny (1 n l Pi: ''. cihargeoi lthe Ir e y it e r niineteen ihunired ani thirty-t\\. an; l th-- :'. i.! t rvIuIii 'or tIheeofl .shall le taken to egie and mi11 I nnII eC on a l inlinU-'i.:-iy tI, a fter he' fir st day Of .lannarv. Ililietelen hunire- anl thirt-,. 4. The Trea-urer is hereIby auth i ri et anil requi:- :-1m lile to t imeI'. 1ion)! t tlie HIaati )i "- h ', n O hl . TLo ] \u oV o(L lf it) I ti vi anJ nth In o t ah t,, V 1al i'irer s lAl ori \ it l' ;l role i'ora' i e it i e iio Se eVi t ;al ler\'l ee. in cour-e of pyin. t lurih: Ilihe year enin, l ,,i :t i ..:".-fi:st day of ])L eil)er nilt(,een hundreds and thirt\-tv,. 5. The amount, from lime to time paid fl' and i -:r of the expenditure authorized in section 2 shall noIt x-c .- in Exccs of the ros he tlhe sin oft nUine hundred and seventh y-tour :i.- 'ind expenditure. six lhulred andt iifty -six pounds f'roI tli tilr.: ..., f January nineteen hundred and thirty-twvo inclusive. Il aI tv balances re aintin-' uni-tlued at the end of i Vear ::, :- un hundred and thirty-two shall lapse and not he avail li-- for making payments in the following year. THE FIRST SCHEDULE. I lE AD (OF EXPENDITT Governor ... ... Agriculture ... Audit Customs .. Education .. Forestry Geological and Mines Judicial Law Officers ... Medical ... Health Branch, Medical Miscellaneous Services Motor-hus Service ... Pensions and Gratuities Police Port and Marine Post Office Printing and Stationery Carried forward SU.M VOTED. .. 21.457 42.,'43 52.1 517.2t 4.8 4 7 :1, 2 S No. (r' ITEM. 2 4 6 7 8 9 I0a 11 12 13 ; 14 15 1 7 17 (19.32) Apjpropjiation Ordinance, 1931. 3 No. 22 of THE FIRST SCHEDULE--c;,ntfined. 1931. No. ()F IIE.A OF ExilXPENDiTTR. SUM VYOTED. Brought forward ... 32S,1 18 Prisons ... ... ... . 19 Provincial Adlninistration ... ... (0.7 22 20 Public Debt Charges ... .. 4. 21_ Public Works ... ... ... 3 00 21a IEl'ctricity Branch, Public Works ... S.I7 22 IPublic Works lRecurrent ... ... 24.2 23 lH ilwv;i ... ... ... .. 49.949 24 l{ oyal VWest African Frontier Force .. ,., 24a Roya;l West African Frontier Force (Care ani[ Maintenance of Forts) 2.453 25 Scretariat anid Legislature ... ... 10. 50 2 Surver ... ... ... ... 7.397 27 T easu ... ... ... ... 1 PuiilciC Works Extraordinary 200 29 Special Expenditure from Surplus Balances... .. ... 30 Colonial Development Fund ... 200.)000 812.741; THE SECOND SCHEDULE. Railway ... ... 211,859 Less amount provided for Head 23 in the first schedule ... ... 49,949 1;1,910 Passed in the Legislative Council this seventeenth day of November, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. Printed and published by the GOVERNMENT PRINTER, FREETOWN-L 952. 350-14-10-31. M.P. B/29131. Price 4i. To be purchased from the Government Printer, or from the Crown Agents for the Colonies, 4, Millbank, London, S.W.1. 2 PIolic' (. Ill o ine' I l) t)fdiy lci !"1 'l. No. 23 of 1931. (ii) saving or attempting to save property from los by fire, theft, shipwreclk or in other ciin umr stances attended 1hiv danger. (c) Valuable intelligence acquired i- personal risk. hardship, or unusual skill. (d) Any other special or meritorious service. Provided that any monetary reward or gratuity exceed- ing five pounds shall require the sanction of the Governor in Council. "Pa bhle out (2) All such sums of imon e a;s may from time iit of general time be granted under slllu section (1i shall I.i revenue. t paid out of the general revenue of the Colony. " lines and (3) All moneys standing to the credit of a fund forlciures to entitled the Police Rew:ard Fund on hll - b paid(into first day of December. 1931, and all pay for eenuer ,, feited by and lines inflicted on reemihers of the Police Force on or after that date under this Ordinance shall be paid into the general reventui of the Colony." Repeal ,and 3. Section 30 (6) of the Police Oridinance. 1921 is eii'y (t repact'n repealed and replaced by the following sub-section : 31 (6) of (6) No superltnumerary constable sIh1ll have any claim ap. 156. to a pension by reason of his enti nl !int under tlii- Ordinance." Alncndmncnt 4. Section 3( (6) of the Police )Orlinance. 1924, is hierei of section amended by inserting tie word "monel ar.'y" 1 immedimtel 3 Ca) ,f before the word ewathe wd rewa ithe second line. Pa-ssi in thei Legislative (Couiciil this svventetnth ,li-y i Nov(leibel. i till year of Onr Lr ,II e rthinsanul ninrl hu:.l,., ind thirty-one. J. L. .1OItN, THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has hieei carefully co0111pled liy me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found by me to lie a true and correct ( copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN. Cleci: of LEqi.dlatirr (C'ioncil. -Pr'tted anil, uibl.shet bv th e (GOVaItN MI NT PN I NTEI.:L FREET)\-'N L :'i. 1J 1 1" I.. -M I K ., Plir e l'i. To ie u'ri l.ll t 'l eil f lt'lO ii l 1 ,)\V l'ni I l'll P n'r ..1. 1,r ;r,' he (C r-' ,n ."T'll i r thle Coln, -. M illh nk. L.. i ,-.\V ' House Tax (Colony) (Amendment) Ordinance, 1931. ;"< COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 24 of 1931. LIn His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this twenty- eighth day of November, 1931. ARNOLD HODSON, (Joel'rnor. AN ORDINANCE to Amend the House Tax Cap.96. (Colony) Ordinance, 1924. [7th December. 1931.] Date of comllence- meniit. 11 IT ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislativ4 Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the House Tax (Colony) Short title. (Amendment) Ordinance, 19i31. 2. Section 4 of the House Tax (Colony) Ordinance, 1924, is Amendment hereby amended by adding thereto the following words:- of section 4 " If th-e remedies hereinafter provided against occupiers and f Cap.96. owners shAll have failed to realise any amounts due for house tax it tlw end of any one year, all such amounts shall be carried fr\\adil t the account of the next year's rate to be levied. collected and paid therewith, and so from year to year as long as anyi such arrears remain unpaid. Provided that no proceedings shall I- taken to recover any amount due for house tax which is nore than four ears in arrear, but all such amounts shall be written of1' ;s irrecoverable. 2 Hoiust Tax (Colow/) (AinenidInwt) Onli't,,,,. 7.; No. 24 of 1931. Section 17 (1) of the House Tax (Cluei\ Oriinanc". 1924. c- iis hereby amendle by inserting the worl< -, nr any pa;st year" Amofi nIme imllm iately after the w orld t ar" in t li ixth liMi . of section 17 (1) of Cap. 9id. Validation 3. All ieave of hi us tax Ie, tI [ i -, of past unler thIl prnviions oit th- Il-us Tax i ,, ,i:\ I ",:.. -. 2. 4. collection in ani ear ol r yearl-- at ter th ea' ii 1'. a i .- ' of areas of paya le shall be [eemtild t, Ih\r' ],- IL a h lo u se t'x ,v ,,:fa . under. e\i~ l ani collected theretnllll r. Cap. 1)1. P'ass('( in the Ia-mgislatix r- Cunlrei 1i i- -- -I t.'- -, -Novumeril~-. ill tie y ear (f ()ur Lord ow diwi' i, I-~. J. L1. JOH-N. J7. L. JOHN.IT ]"aO,-d ],,I Auctioneers (Amendment) Ordinanice, 1931. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 25 of 1931. SIn His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this twenty- seventh day of November, 1931 ARNOLD HODSON, Governor. AN ORDINANCE to Amend the Auctioneers Cap. 14. Ordinance, 1924. [ 7th December, 1931.] Date of con- meucement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Auctioneers Short title. (Amendment) Ordinance, 1931. 2. Section S (1) of the Auctioneers Ordinance, 1924, is hereby Amendment amended by deleting the words "in such form as the Governor of section 8 shall direct" an l substituting therefore the words "-in the form (1)of set forth in Schedule C to this Ordinance". Cap. 14. Amendment of 3. The Auctioneers Ordinance, 1!24, is hereby amended by I'.W'1l Ihe adding thereto the following new sections :-- h'reo -ectionf. 19 (1) The Court convicting an Auctioneer of any offence Suspension against the provisions of this Ordinance may, in lieu or revoca- of or in addition to any other penalty to which he tion of licence.' 2 A,'tiom'erx (A.1,,ilio"d t '),rdini,.'/ 1981. No. 25 of 1931. may he li:li. iniak ain ordelr sending or revoking his licence. and his licence --hall Le suspended or revoke I :ccordinilhy. (2) Every such order io suspen-ioi or revocation shall forthwith be l'reorted to the Tlreasurer. "Enforce- 20 (1) It shall be lawfu l flor a Judge lf the tupireme Court. merit of bond." upon ain i .' /u/ fe moii I-- (i) by the Aittuinex-iiieral. all--inii a ibreacl:h of any of tile c'l itioleiol,- o! it Oilttlctti-11" !11,l1. ,,l" of toe conditions othe an motiio.r bond. o (ii) by any |irx'on ,ir ]r-~nl aill inx : :i ir--ich : any sulIl ion ;liion- wi'.'r'el iy -'nv i,:'. ,n ,r' 1.-... .n has or have s iltt'ereld l ,ie l : i.i. e. to issue a summit on. ,o tlhe auctioneer andil l -ll re-i ,:ili! u1.1n them to show cause wliy the suaid bond hwtuld ni-,I: 1- nrrced, against them on thle rollunds sl't forth in tii tli htiavi: ii -u of the motion. (2) If upon the heavinig of Ihli -a;id -umil;, -C The ,Judt e ._hiall LuiM, ju lL'lniint in LtavNo .r : .\.::,-,>.:--y- Gelnt'ral r' olthir applicant. hie inav- ((u) :ori'ler pay ni; i it ot the -i1a ,.: _l ne .... r-c rd i, thle said bondl in wkhl r in onl.t:':, t:.e proceeds f lthe ,enforce in. t ,, ~i,.-i ,,l.[d-r :,- accruie to the general revenlil- t -he .1 l (' nlv : x , way of debt. amaio-'. cost: 'r x"o --~- : o0 ') ord '-ir pay ieni ; liie wi '.e : t 1. of m.-.ne all e, prote', s of thle en' t'l)'ein ]nt 4[ -uch or.di er I i e:-uViln all p,'rsns \\-hw hall b0' I rov, -l t0 have sur-'red los oI damage I y rlteasoln if the breach of any of the conditions olf te said bond a, s tl, him shall soe1m just. Ay balance lremlainli over after such Deduction and division as afielsaid Ti accrue to the general revenue of the Colony. (3) All mIanter' arising under this -.ctiuon and section 21 shall be within the summary jurisdiction of the Supreme Court." "Enforce- "21. In case an auctioneer -hall have given security by iecriet by deposit in the public chest in lieu of a bond. the sum deposit." by so deposited shall be liable to be dealt with in the same manner as that provided in regard to the sum of money * secured by an auctioneer's bond by section 201 (omitting therefromn all reference to sureties and substituting for the expression -a breach of any of the conditions of an auctioneer's bond the expression a breach of any of the provisions of this Ordinance). " Auctioneers (Amendment) Ordinance, 1931. 3 No. 25 of 4. The following Schedule is hereby added to the 1931. Auctioneers Ordinance, 1924:- Addition of new Schedule to Cap. 14. SCHEDULE C. Section 8(1). BOND. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we of Freetown, in the Colony of Sierra Leone, Auctioneer, and also of Freetown, are held and firmly bound to our Sovereign Lord the King, His Heirs and Successors, in the sun of two hundred pounds of good and lawful money olf the Colony of Sierra Leone, to be paid to our said Sovereign, His Heirs and Successors, for which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each and every of us jointly and severally for and in the whole, our heirs and executors and administrators, and every of them firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of 193 WHEREAS the above-bounden has applied for a licence under the Auctioneers Ordinance, 1924, to authorise him to officiate as an auctioneer under the provisions of the said Ordinance from the day of 193 till the day of next thereafter, and the said application has been approved, and the above-bounden have been also approved as the sureties of the said NOW, THEREFORE, the conditions of this obligation are such, that if the above-bounden do and shall, in all things, conform to all and every of the provisions contained in the said Ordinance, and do and shall conduct himself honestly, faithfully and uprightly in the office of auctioneer during the period of his licence, then this obligation to be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. SIGNED, Sealed and Delivered at the Colonial Treasurer's Office, Freetown, the day and year above written in the presence of Passed in the Legislative Council this seventeenth day of November, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one. J. L. JOHN, Clerk of Legislative Council. 4 No. 2., so 19.9) 1. Auictionl(ve) (Amienidmmieflt) (9,di,,winc. 1 21 THis PRINTED IMPRESSION IMSA- I' "K i.Th\' a nie with the Bill \\ licli has p ~. ilii L--Aw 'i i .i found 1)V me to liea tine aidwli N""T mg of Ow -d IA. J. L. JOHNS. Printed and puezinv i Crown Ag iit- li iii i in 1, M 11i' iik. L, -,A - '1 T 1 : Aku Mohammedan Burial Board Ordinance, 1931. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 26 of 1931. In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this twenty- eighth day of November, 1931. ARNOLD HODSON, Governor. AN ORDINANCE to Vest the Aku Mohammedan Cemetery at Fourah Bay in a Burial Board, and to make Provision for its Management and Control as a Cemetery. Date of [7th December, 1931.] commence- ment. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows: 1. This Ordinance may he cited as the Aku Mohammedan Short title. Burial Board Ordinance, 1931. 2. The portion of land at Fourah Bay commonly known as TheAkuMo- the Aku Mohammedan Cemetery and described in the Schedule hammedan is hereby vested in the burial board to be appointed under this cemetery to be vested Ordinance, which board shall be responsible for its management in a burial and control as a cemetery. board. 3. The board shall consist of six Mohammedans to be Appoint- appointed by the Governor who shall, when making any such ment of the appointment, consult the Imam for the time being of the Fourah board. Bay Mosque. 2 A4/;i M /,li/tiirlian linriil li Or ii ni ,. 19-31. No. 2; of lui31. 4. The Imam te F-oura'n ilia M-... t-. if a mem-,-r of --- the board. slih ll ,' o i' ', he chairman. lut if he 1-- n t,, a Chairman of In-i)mb-r. ih' wanit -hai! eleet a chairman from ;tht-r ,v. -wn the boari. Mumur, l' iir,[ld lht if the Immber- o thll board are unable to conie to ;I decision. tilh chairman -ihall ,be nlomilna;,ed by the Govern r. Resiignationi 5. Any member of the 1 t Ird may r-ian fi-in th,? !i.ard at fromi lthe any time by giving one monti h' no1tie,- in writing of his i;-te :i. n board. so to do to the chairman. Fillinl" of ti 6. O( 1" oi''ii 1'ra I iif ti vacni 'y i i \ .Ile ih '.'-- a: ,'- vacac,,,ie-. otherwvise. th ch1 i limaln shall f',rt} ',I ih v. ;,':,l r;.- -.i, -- :1-.- Governor \vho -Iihali .l rn r uprn, minak .- J, .-; -Il i ,l-:- I::.-: -:. rill the a' l -y. A \'-,:ncy :hall h1- I ', ,.'I': -. if MIany n IIl IIeI r o I 'f t oI i'l i< a)oh- ): 1I'n ,In Th-- ( I ) -, I:' t c( )l iLiIIII II s t r.ii l i 1 IorI d hian \. 1I :111 \ti w l I ;l!ar 1, i: . NTUctini,-i of 7. The hioardl shall inme:t as ofti na-. iin lt-h .i -i ta he- the ioard. chairman. i.s ,necess:-ary ft' tlhe transaction oh -i: Quiorl111 at 8. \t all i n t ils tl ie loritl aml n -r a i imii('ti s of three llm emlil '-I< l -i ich b o dl iall 1- : :. I ; -1:1.; ' iBo>rdi mi;ly 9. Th i h ;,:ird may -ne anI i u .-i -h- -: smm :d Ie Aku Ml'anun,',lain burial Board. Appoint- 10. 'The bular shall appoint, nd may lreile n l\,- l i-. Ieon iof a elerk to the hoard and may pay >nch clerk ra !iiir[u:in clerk to the as may 1we rc\,aololp : provihled that schY app.,i:m:n-. r.-mnial ho"rd, and r-'eiuntll'ra i hall b subjl' le to ti approval of h- C'iief Registrar of Ilir' i,, aun D. athl>. Duties of 11. The de ti.' otf ahl. clei.rk hiall Ihe-- tw cleAkm (Q) to attnd all mitinL< ,f ( lhe board : (b) to be pre-tent at all burials takin_ place in the- said Cele etry : (c) to issue buria! permits in thle manner h--rinatier precrilbed :mnd to account t" th- board for all f-s received by him in payment fr the said permits : (d) to execmute all lawful orders oft' the board : (6) to execute all orders ,_iven by the Health D--par;nnt vwih relation to tili- -anitary condition of the_ said celletery- : (.f) to keep a Burial Iegi.ter Book in the manner herein- after provide. Conditions 12. No burial shall take place in the said cemetery unless and ndtier which until a burial permit has been obtained from the clerk, who is bum nials my take place. hereby authorised and required to issue such permit upon production of a burial certificate or Coroner's order and upon payment of the appropriate fee. Aku/' Mohammineln BtBrial Board Ordinance, 1931. 3 No. 26 of 13. (1) A fee of two shillings and sixpence in the case of an 1931. adult, and of two shillings in the case of a child undei the - apparent age of sixteen years, shall be payable for a burial Burial permit: provided that the board may, in any case. remit all or Ipermit fees. any part of such fee. (2) The amount received by the board in fees shall be applied by it in payment olf the remuneration of the clerk to the board, in the repalir and upkeep of the said cemetery, and as to the balance, if a:n\ in such manner as the board in its discretion shall se fit. 14. (1) The Chief Registrar of Births and l)aths shall, on Recistration application, supply the clerk to the bo):ard with a IBria;l Register i' hurials. Book in which shall be entered, numbered iln surcessive order in each year, the name, sex, place of abode a d aIlpaont age of all persons buried in the said cemetery and the day, month and year of such burial. (2) \'lWhe llach such Burial Register Book is filled up. the clerk to tlh, hoar(I shall deliver the same into tle custody of the Chief lI'gistrar of Births ald )Deaths, and tthereupon such book shall 1e deemed to be a Burial liegister Book prescribed by the Ihorials IRegistration (Flretowin) Ordinance. 1 124. f.,' all the purposes of that Ordinance. 15. Ii the clerk to the buriaiil board wilfully permits any Default of burial to take place in the said cemetery for which a permit clerk. has not Iirst been obtainedl, or wilfully omits to make any entry required by section 1-1 (1), or wilfully makes or concurs in making- any false entry, he shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on sumlnnary conviction, to a fine not exceedillg live pounds or to imprisonment, with or without hard lalour. for a period not exceedling two months. 16. All burials under this Ordinance shall be conducted in a Offences decent and( olrderly manner; and Ivery person guilty of any elig to riotous, violent t ,I indecent behaviour at aly burial under this Ordiinance, or wilfully obstructing such burial or any religious service thli'eat, shall be guilty ofl an offence andi liable, on summary conviction, to a line not exceeding fifty pounds or to impiisonmentl with io without hi d llabour. fr a period not exceeding six m1nlthls. 17. (f) Any person who knowingly attends or takes part in Failure to any burial in the said cemetery for which a burial permit has not apply for been obtained, shall be guilty of anl offence and liable, on summary burinl permit. conviction, to a fine not exceeding live pounds, or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for a period not exceeding two months. (2) Any person wlho takes part in or attends any such burial as is mentioned in sub-section (1). shall be deemed to have known that no burial permit had Ih,'n octlined unless he shall satisfy the court to the contrary. 4 No. 22 of 1931. Aku Moiuhaminedan Burial Joiuid Ordinani-. 1931. THE SCHEDULE. All that piece or parcel of land situate at K i ii 'i u:r-- :n the City of Freetown bounded on the North by an ii 'e-uliir line forming the boundaries of private prqperties .5 13 i- in l-]:i, on the South by Crown Land 4d' fet in ,leIith -n thi ,t iy Kennedy Street aforesaid 2S8 feet in length. and on the \VWst by an irregular line forming the boundaries of private properties 340 feet in length. Passed in the Legislative Council this eighteenth dayi of November, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one. J. L. JOHN. Clerk of LeqiSlatirv C', ocil. THIS PRINTED IMPRESSION has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative C 'uncil and found by me to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. J. L. JOHN. Printed and published by the GOVEILRNENT PRINTER. FREETOWN.-L955~. ) 21' >31. M.P. M 11i1. Price 4d. To be purchased at tte Government St Ltionery Sore. Freetown. or :romr r-e Crown Agents for the Colonies, 4. Mlllbank. London. S.W.1. Ferries Ordinance, 1931. COLONY OF SIERRA LEONE. No. 27 of 1931. In His Majesty's name I assent to this Ordinance this sixteenth day of December, 1931. ARNOLD HODS ON, AN ORDINANCE to Regulate Existing Public Ferries in the Protectorate and to Provide for the Establishment of New Public Ferries Therein. [24th December, 1931.] Date of com- mencement. BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony of Sierra Leone, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Ferries Ordinance, Short title 1931, and shall apply to the Protectorate. atd applica- tion. 2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires :- Definitions. "Motor vehicle" means a vehicle propelled by mechanical power, but does not include a vehicle drawn by a motor-vehicle. |