Recent herbicide research information

Material Information

Recent herbicide research information
Series Title:
Everglades Station Mimeo Report
Orsenigo, J. R
Everglades Experiment Station
Place of Publication:
Belle Glade Fla
Everglades Experiment Station
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 leaf : ; 29 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Herbicides -- Application -- Florida ( lcsh )
Field crops -- Weed control -- Florida ( lcsh )
Weeds ( jstor )
Herbicides ( jstor )
Celery ( jstor )


General Note:
"May, 1958."
General Note:
Caption title.
Statement of Responsibility:
J.R. Orsenigo.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
65212434 ( OCLC )


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Everglades Station-Mimeo Report 59-22

J. R. Orsenigo

1. CABBAGE; direct-seeded, pre-emergence weed control:
Grass weeds have been controlled best by "Randox", but, mixtures of
"Randox" and "Vegedex" have given good control of all weeds. Highest yields have
been obtained with "Randox" alone or with the combinations. Fewer weeds have been
present at harvest in chemically weeded plots.
RECOMMENDATIONS: will include either "Randox" or "Vegedex" at 4, 5, or 6 lb/A
alone or mixed half-and-half to total 4, 5, or 6 lb/A active ingredient.

2. CELERY; immediate post-setting herbicides:
Mixtures of "Randox" and "Vegedex" totalling 4, 5, or 6 Ib/A active
ingredient have given good weed control and produced yields as good as the culti-
vated check in respect to: length of outer petioles, number of petios, number
and weight of marketable plants per plot, and grade-size distribution
In other experiments "Eptam 6E" and a Geia triazine have not given as
good weed control as "Randox" or "Vegedex" however, plant measurements:and yields
have not varied greatly among the four chemicals.
RECOMMENDATIONS: will be amended to include "Randox" at 4 to 6 Ib/A active

3. CELERY; repeat applications of "Randox" and "Vegedex" for prolonging weed
Generally, weed control from repeat applications of these chemicals
was better in treatments made at three weeks after setting than at four weeks
whether early weed control came from herbicides or hand weeding.
"Randox" at 5 Ib/A caused some celery leaf curling when applied semi-
directionally at three or four weeks after setting. These symptoms did not appear
to be influenced by earlier herbicidal treatment and they persisted for several
Plant measurements and yields have not yet been taken in this experiment.

4. CELERY; control of emerged weeds at two to four weeks after setting:
The experimental NIA 4562 at 3 and 4 Ib/A has given excellent control
of emerged grass and broadleaf weeds at two to four weeks after setting celery.
No harmful effect has been noted on length of outer petioles, number of petioles,
number and weight of marketable plants per plot, or grade-eize-distribution. 1This
herbicide has been mixed satisfactorily with "Vegedex" for prolonged weed control.
Older celery may be stunted somewhat at high rates of application.
It is expected that small quantities of this herbicide will be re-
leased in the fall of 1959 for restricted grower evaluation trials. At that time
limited-use recommendations will be made.

5. CONTROL OF NUT GRASS: "Eptam 6E" at 12 and 18 Ib/A active ingredient obtained
nutgrass suppression or control when incorporated into the soil immediately after
spraying with a tined weeder or a rototiller. Two applications 30 days apart were
superior to one treatment. Crabgrass control was almost complete while nutgrass
density was reduced 80 to 90 percent. At six months after application the
18 Ib/A rate continues to afford considerable nutgrass suppression.
This herbicide will be investigated for band application treatments
for corn in nut-grass infested fields.

Everglades Station Mimeo Report 59-2, and the Extension Circular
entitled: "Chemical weed control in vegetable crops". (Currently in press, but
to be released in mid-1959.)

250 copies Belle Glade, Florida

May 6, 1958