A preliminary report on the value of Zymo-Pabst in fattening rations fed to steers, on pasture

Material Information

A preliminary report on the value of Zymo-Pabst in fattening rations fed to steers, on pasture
Series Title:
Everglades Station Mimeo Report
Chapman, H. L ( Herbert L. ), 1923-
Haines, C. E
Everglades Experiment Station
Place of Publication:
Belle Glade Fla
Everglades Experiment Station
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
3 leaves : ; 29 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Beef cattle -- Feeding and feeds -- Florida ( lcsh )
Dietary supplements ( lcsh )
Average total cost ( jstor )
Enzymes ( jstor )
Food rationing ( jstor )


General Note:
"February 23, 1960."
General Note:
Caption title.
Statement of Responsibility:
H.L. Chapman, Jr. and C.E. Haines.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
65174580 ( OCLC )


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Everglades Station Mimeo Report 60-15 February 23, 1960

A Preliminary Report on the Value of Zymo-Pabst
in Fattening Rations fed to Steers, on Pasture 1/ 2/


H. L. Chapman, Jr., and C. E. Haines 3/

Zymo-Pabst is a multiple-enzyme supplement. Its enzyme activity is of
bacterial and plant origin. It contains enzymes which assist in the break-
down of proteins and starched. It is available commercially as a dry, free-
flowing powder which can be mixed into concentrate feeds. Results of research
with enzymes as feed-additives have been variable. However, there have been
some indications that Zymo-Pabst has been of value to cattle being fattened in
dry lot. The purpose of this study was to investigate the value of the enzyme
preparation to steers being fed a concentrate mixture on pasture.


This study was conducted as a field study, in cooperation with a local
cattle feeder. The enzyme preparation was simply superimposed upon the stan-
dard feeding program followed by the producer in his grass-fattening operation.

One hundred long-yearling steers of Brahman x English breeding and with
an average initial weight of 718 pounds, were divided into two groups of 50
steers each. They were allotted to the experimental treatment at random and
fed for a 91-day period. The concentrate feed was a commercially prepared
mixture normally used in the feeding program of this feeder. The feed ingre-
dient composition is presented in table 1.

1/ Zymo-Pabst was furnished by Pabst Brewing Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

2/ The cooperation of Mr. Chris Figuero of Seralles Ranch, Belle Glade,
Florida in the conduction of this experiment is great l iated.
Also, the authors wish to acknowledge the assistance5e'tfto ed
Mills, Deerfield Beach, Florida in mixing the expe 'tal rations

3/ Associate Animal Nutritionist and Assistant Anima 4 ba ,gn, Eve;
glades Experiment Station, Belle Glade, Florida. -'.-.

Table 1. Ingredient composition of experimental concentrate
rations (lbs.)

No Zymo Pabst Zymo-Pabst

Hominy feed 300 300
41l cottonseed meal 450 450
Soybean meal 150 150
Dehydrated paragrass 160 160
Citrus pulp 500 500
Gr. snapped corn 1500 1500
Wheat bran 300 300
Urea-262 60 60
Calcium carbonate 60 60
Defluorinated Phosphate 30 30
Blackstrap molasses 1100 1100
Ultre-life concentrate 50 50
Zymo-Pabst r

Total 4660 4660

The only difference in the two feed mixtures was that Zymo-Pabst was
included in one ration to furnish an average daily intake of 3 grams of
the enzyme preparation per animal. During the first 30 days of the
experiment the steers received an average daily feed intake of four pounds.
At the end of thirty days the average daily intake was increased to 8
pounds per animal. The enzyme was kept constant at the 3 gram daily average

Each group of fifty steers were placed in a fifty acre pasture.
The pastures were a mixture of Roselawn St. Augustine and Bermuda grasses,
and were comparable in quality. The steers were fed once, daily, in
wooden feed troughs. They were weighed at thirty day intervals.


As shown in table 2, the steers receiving the no-Zymo-Pabst ration
had an average daily gain of 1.16 pounds, as compared to 1.23 pounds for
the steers receiving the enzyme preparation.

Table 2. Summary of weight gain and feed consumption for steers
receiving Zymo-Pabst as compared to those not receiving
the enzyme mixture. (91 days on experiment)

No Zymo-Pabst Zymo-Pabst

Average initial Weight (lbs.) 713 721
Average final weight (Ibs.) 819 833
Average total gain (Ibs.) 106 112
Average daily gain (Ibs.) 1.16 1.23
Average total feed consumption (Ibs.) 608 608
Average daily feed cons. (Ibs.) 6.68 6.68

Average feed/lbs. gain (Ibs.) 5.76 5.43
Average cost of feed/lb. ($) .029 .029
Average feed cost/lb. of gain ($) 16.7 15.7
Average enzyme cost/day (0) -- 1.25
Average enzyme cost/lb. gain (1) --- 1.01
Average total feed cost/lb. gain 16.7 16.7

Less feed was required per pound of gain for the animals receiving
Zymo-Pabst. The cost of the 3 grams of Zymo-Pabst was 1.25 cents per
steer daily on the basis of these gains and the enzyme cost there was
no difference in average total feed cost per pound of gain between the
two treatments. This was 16.7 cents, for each test group.

EES 60-15
300 copies