Cabbage bactericide trial no. 3, Winter 1964

Material Information

Cabbage bactericide trial no. 3, Winter 1964
Series Title:
Everglades Station Mimeo Report
Wehlburg, Cornelis, 1903-
Everglades Experiment Station
Place of Publication:
Belle Glade Fla
Everglades Experiment Station
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
2 p. : ; 29 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Cabbage -- Diseases and pests -- Control -- Florida ( lcsh )
Bactericides -- Testing -- Florida ( lcsh )
Surfactants ( jstor )
Calumets ( jstor )
Cabbages ( jstor )
non-fiction ( marcgt )


General Note:
"April, 1965."
Statement of Responsibility:
C. Wehlburg.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
64201337 ( OCLC )


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Everglades Station Mimeo Report EES65-23 April 1965


C. Wehlburg-/

Badger Market was seeded October 27, 1964,.using hot water-trated s .
The plots consisted of 2 rows 30 feet long and 3 feet apart. Spra 11,yse 6
separating the plots were 12 feet wide. '-

Germination was good and subsequent growth satisfactory.

Fertilizer of a 0-16-8 analysis was applied at a rate of:500 pounds-per
acre before seeding. Herbicide application of Vegadex plus Randox was made the
same day that the field was seeded. :

Foliar insecticides were applied once or twice a week for a total of 20
applications. No special fungicides were applied for the control of downy
mildew as the bactericides that were used contained'sufficient chemicals to con-
trol this fungus. The weather was extremely dry during six weeks after seeding
and this could...also .have been.a suppressing. downy..mildew.

The.bactericides were applied once a week before thinning and twice a week
after the rows had been thinned to a-stand, for of 20 applications.

Materials Used

Basic copper Basic copper sulphate, 53% metallic copper, Phelps Dodge Co.

Miller 658 Copper-zinc-chromate complex, Miller Chemical and Fertilizer

Calumet copper 20 M Copper dimethyl carbamate, Calumet & Hecla.

Sperlox Copper 7% metallic copper compound, Standard Spray and Chemical Co.

Dithane M45 80% coordination product of zinc ion and manganese ethylene
bisdithio-carbamate, Rohm and Haas Company. *

Dithane M22 80% manganese ethylene bisdithio-carbamate, Rohm and Haas Co.

Daconil 2787 tetrachloroisophthalonitrile, Diamond Alkali Co.

Plyac Emulsifiable non-ionic spreader-sticker, Allied.Chemical Co.

,Sun.Wax Experimental wax emulsion, Sun Oil Co.

Surfactant W.K. Surface-active agent, DuPont de Nemours t Company

Associate Plant Pathologist Everglades Experiment Station Belle Glade Florida
Associate Plant Pathologist, Everglades Experiment Station, Belle Glade, Florida

Results.- DuPont Surfactant W.K. at a rate of 16 ounces in 100 gallons water was
far more effective in wetting the cabbage leaves than Plyac (8 oz,/100 gals.) or
Sun Wax (2 qt./100 gals.).

Sperlox Copper at a rate of 14 pounds in 100 gallons water was extremely
phytotoxic. Even after the concentration had been reduced to 7 pounds in 100
gallons water the plants remained stunted and never produced heads.

Calumet Copper at a rate of 2 pounds in 100 gallons water was.also phyto-
toxic but less than Sperlox Copper.

The frost during the night of January 18, with a low of 260F. for several
hours, affected the cabbage plants badly. The plants in the check plots suffered
less than those that had been treated.

On February 9 and again on February 17, twenty cabbage heads in each plot
were rated for Bacterial Spot according to a scale of 0 = no spots to 5 = ex-
tremely heavily spotted. The results are presented in the following table:

Concentration Ave. disease rating
Treatments in lbs./100 gal. Additive Feb. 9 Feb.17

Basic copper + M45 4 + 1 1/2 Plyac 1.26 2.52
Basic copper + M22 4 + 1 1/2 Plyac 1.13 2.02
Basic copper + M45 4 + 1 1/2 Surfactant W.K. 0.93 1.76
Basic copper + Daconil 2787 4 + 1 1/2 Surfactant W.K. 0.75 1.31
Basic copper + M45 4 + 1 1/2 Sun Wax 0.91 1.21
Miller 658 2 Surfactant W.K. 0.75 1.86
Miller 658 + M45 2 + 1 1/2 Surfactant W.K. 1.11 1.88
Calumet copper 1 Surfactant W.K. 1.05 2.122/
Calumet copper 2 Surfactant W.K. 0.55-/ 1.66-
Calumet copper + M45 1 + 1 1/2 Surfactant .K. 0.862 1.81/
Calumet copper + M45 2 + 1 1/2 Surfactant W.K. 0.55- 1.52--
Check 3.21 3.77

/ Cabbage plants stunted, heads

smaller than normal.

Discussion.- Single degree of freedom comparisons were used to ascertain the
significance of the differences between the treatments. The chemical treatments
were highly significantly better than the untreated check. Differences between
chemical treatments were not statistically significant. It should be noted,
however, that the addition of Surfactant W.K. instead of Plyac increased the
effectiveness of the basic copper + maneb treatment.

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