,4 verglad s Station Mimeo Report EES65-15 February 1965
,/ ', Dehydrated sugarcane baganse; debydrate'd sugarcane'babgas6 fines,
S/ H. L. .Chapman, Jr., A. Z. Palmer, C. Ee/Haines
SJ. W. Carpenter and R. W. KidderJ
e. purpose of the experiment reported herein was to compare ground corn
cobs and shucks with dehydrated sugarcane bagasse and dehydrated sugarcane
bagasse fines when used as roughage sources in complete rations for steers
being fattened in drylot.
Experimental Procedure
Twenty-four, long yearling Angus and Angus x Hereford .steers having an
average initial weight of 620 pounds'were divided into three equal groups on
the basis of weight, grade and breed. The groups were randomly allotted to
the experimental treatments presented in Table 1. The rations were full-fed,
in drylot, for a period of 156 days, beginning July 1. At the conclusion of
the feeding period the cattle were slaughtered in the Meats Laboratory of the
University of Florida, and a detailed'study made of the carcasses. Dehydrated
sugarcane bagasse, dehydrated sugarcane bagasse fines and corn cobs and shucks
were -each included at a rate of 15% of the ration. The rest-of each ration
was comprised of 33.6% ground corn, 27.5% dried citrus.pulp, 12.5% cottonseed
meal (41%, old process), 0.4% urea-262, 1.0C mineral mixture and. 10 cane
molasses. Each steer received 24 milligrams of stilbestrol .implanted at the
beginning of the experiment plus 25,000 I.U. of vitamin A' per day, injected
at 28 intervals to..provide. the.. average dose.-..The-experimental-.animals were
weighed every 28. dys. .. ... .
........... ......Results
The average weight changes and some of the carcass data.is presented in
Table 1. Weight changes for various lengths of time on the experiment are pre-
sented in Table 2. The steers receiving the ration containing the dehydrated
sugarcane bagasse made the highest rate of gain, greatest dressing percent and
had slightly higher carcass grades than the other groups. The steers receiving
the dehydrated sugarcane bagasse pith had-a lower gain and dressing percent
while carcass grades were the same as -the group receiving the corn cobs and
shucks. The feed efficiency was best for the steers receiving the corn cob
and shucks. After the first 56 days, the relative rate of gain for the three
groups did not vary 'appreciably.
Carcass maturity, ..conformation, marbling of the rib-eye, fat over rib-eye,
estimated-percent of kidney fat, calculated yield, color of fat tissue and the
color, texture and firmness of.lean tissue was. similar-for all three groups and
the data were not included in this report. No harmful effects were realized by
the use of any roughage materials.
Dehydrated sugarcane bagasse and dehydrated sugarcane bagasse fines were
furnished by U.S. Sugar Corporation, Clewiston, Florida. Stilbestrol was
provided by Chas. Pfizer and Co., Terre Haute, Indiana, and Urea-262 by
I. E. DuPont de Nemours and Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Animal Nutritionist, MeatScientit.,.. Assistant Animal Husbandman, Assistant
Meat Scientist, Animal Husbandman, respectively.
Table 1. Average weight, carcass, feed and cost data (156 days on test).
SGround Dehydrated
corn cob Dehydrated sugarcane
and sugarcane bagasse
Roughage Source shuck bagasse fines
Number of steers 8 8 8
Final wt. (lb) 953 960 921
Initial wt. (Ib) 622 618 619
Total gain (Ib) 331 342 302
Daily gain (lb) 2.12 2.19 1.94
Warm carcass wt. (Ib) 550 560. 532
Net Dressing % a/ 58.0 58.6 58.1
Carcass grades
Choice 3 3 3
Good 4 5 4
Standard 1 0 1
Feed intake (lb/day) 20.55 22.45 21.44
Final carcass value ($) bJ 20i.80 208.88 194.76
Feed cost ($) c/ 89.12 97.36 92.98
Return above feed cost ($) 112.68 111.52 101.78
/ Net dressing percent = Warm carcass weight 2 percent
Final weight 3 percent
b/ Cattle sold on a carcass grade and weight basis. The carcass sales
weight was the warm carcass weight minus 2- percent. Prices received
were Choice, $39.50; Good $37.50; and Standard, $31.00 per cwt.
SFeed ingredient costs per ton were corn cob and shuck, dehydrated
sugarcane bagasse and bagasse fines, ?25.00; corn, $60.00; dried citrus
pulp, $37.50; cottonseed meal, $78.00; urea, $100.00; mineral, $105.00;
cane molasses, $20.00; and milling cost, $8.00.
Table 2. Total weight gain per steer, by weight periods (Ibs).
SDays on Feed
Treatment 28 56 84 112 140 156
Ground corn
cobs and shucks 50 119 189 232 297 331
sugarcane bagasse 45 129 193 255 318 342
Dehydrated sugarcane
bagasse fines 50* 113 155 222 285 302
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