Control of insects attacking cabbage and southern peas

Material Information

Control of insects attacking cabbage and southern peas
Series Title:
Everglades Station Mimeo Report
Genung, William G., 1915-1982
Everglades Experiment Station
Place of Publication:
Belle Glade Fla
Everglades Experiment Station
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
5 p. : ; 29 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Cabbage -- Diseases and pests -- Control -- Florida ( lcsh )
Cowpea -- Diseases and pests -- Control -- Florida ( lcsh )
Cabbages ( jstor )
Insecticides ( jstor )
Cutworms ( jstor )


General Note:
"April, 1965."
Statement of Responsibility:
W.G. Genung.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
64200209 ( OCLC )


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-' Everglades Station Mimeo Report EES65-27 April 1965


W. G. Genung/ ,

Partial results of current experiments and results o st test s m ted
since the previous Everglades Experiment Station Field Day ,given h~i
insect control on cabbage and table legumes. The severe fre of Janu 1965
killed snap beans and so seriously damaged cabbage that the dat e mid-
winter experiments are rather meager.

General Tests

These trials were all randomized complete block experiments. Plots were
25 feet long,and four rows wide (three feet between rows). There was an un-
planted buffer area of twelve feet between plots and between blocks. Copenhagen
market cabbage"arid California blackeye variety southern- peas -were used as the
test crops. There were four replications of each treatment. Materials were
applied in about 100 gallons of water and at 200 psi at weekly intervals. Re-
sults with cabbage looper, bean leafnincr, diamond back moth, and various
species of aphids are reported herein. The materials used, formulations, amounts
of actual insecticide applied and degree of control of the various insects are
given in Tables 1 to 4.

Cutworm Insecticide Trials

In addition, the results of two insecticide trials on cutworm in cabbage
are given. The experiments were also randomized complete block tests. Plot
size, number of replications, spacing and spray gallonage and pressure were as
in the above tests in the first experiment. In a second experiment, also on
cabbage, plots were ten feet long with two rows each and were replicated three
times. The same spacing between plots and blocks was used as in the above
experiments. Sprays were also similarly applied. The materials used, formula-
tions, amounts of actual insecticide applied and degree of cutworm control based.
on the number of surviving larvae are given in Tables 5 and 6. The results are
from a single application to an established infestation.

SFlooding for Cutworm Control

The question of flooding for control of subterranean cutworms has been
raised at various times so that field observations and laboratory experiment
results might be of interest here. It was observed in the field, under natural
flooding, that very heavy mortality of granulate and black cutworms occurred
under 24 hours of inundation. If vegetation or trash were present a few worms
survived by crawling onto this material. Possibly, air pockets would aid a few
worms to survive for a while also.

1/ Associate Entomologist, Everglades Experiment Station, Belle Glade, Florida.


A laboratory experiment with seven treatments and four replications was set
up using pint jars half filled with soil. Four late instar cutworms were placed
in the soil in each jar and water added to 1-1/2 inches above the soil. An un-
flooded check was also maintained. No evidence of larval cannibalism was noted
in the containers. The treatments consisted of various time increments of flood-
ing from 2 48 hours. On expiration of the time allotted the larvae were re-
moved and held for recovery. No recovery was noted after 16 hours. The results
are given in Table 7.

Table 1. Control of green peach aphid and cabbage looper on cabbage, January
1965, with various insecticides. Average number of surviving aphids
and loopers per ten head sample after fifth weekly application.

Ave. No. Ave. No.
Insecticide Form, Amt./Act/A Aphids Loopers

Niagara 10242 WP 0.50 0 0.25
GC 6506 E 0.50 34 0
Thiodan + 0.75
Methyl parathion 0.375
Bayer 44646 WP 1.00 212 0
B.T. + Liq. + 1 pt. + 217 1.0
Toxaphene EC 1.00
DDT + EC + 0.50 +
500 0.25
Guthion EC 0.50
B.T. Liq. 1 qt. 633 0,75
B.T. + Liq. 1 qt. + 92 175
Corn Oil 1 qt.
Check 1310 11.25

Table 2. Control of green peach aphid and diamond back moth larvae on cabbage,
April 1965, number surviving aphids and number surviving larvae after
first application, on six plants per plot prior to thinning.

-Ave. No. .Ave. .No .
Insecticide Form. Amt./Act,/A Aphids Diamond Back Moth

SD 9129 EC 0.50 1.25 0.75"
Niagara 10242 WP 0.50 4.00 0
GS 13005 WP 1.50 7.00 0
GC 6506 EC 0.50 17.77 0
Demeton EC 0.33 13.25 1.50
Bayer 44646 WP i.00 53.25 0
Toxaphene EC 1.00 41.25 0
B.T. 90TS Liq. 1 qt, 47.77 1.00
Check 48.00 14.25

Table 3. Aphid control on southern'peas, April 1965, number surviving aphids
After first weekly-appl-iation on six-post seedling plants per plot..



Amt. Act./A

Ave. No. tpnicds
Black G.P.

Niagara 10242
GS 13005
GC 6506
Toxaphene +
Bayer 44646
B.T. 90TS
SD 9098

EC +
Sp, conc.

a/ Probably the cowpea aphid.

b/ Green peach aphid.


2.00 +
1 qt.




Table 4. Control of various insects, spring 1964, number of surviving aphids,
percent curculio infested peas, number of stinkbugs, and number of
Liriomyza leaf mines, on southern peas.

Cowpea Stink Leaf
Insecticide Form. Amt./A Aphid Curculio bug mines

Trithion E .1.00 0.50 2.00. 3.25 83.50
Diazinon E.Sol. 0.50 0.50 2.25 7.75 42.50
Cygon E 0.25 0.75 2.75 2.50 10.50
Dibrom Emuls. 2,00 1.50 8.00 4.75 95.00
Thiodan Misc. 1.00 19.00 1.50 2.00 106.00
Toxaphene EC 2.00 90.75 1.25 2.75 135.50
TDE EC 2.00 121.25 9.00 2.75 117.25
Check 548.00 11.50 20.00 97.50

Table 5. Control of cutworms under 6 plants, May 1964, number surviving larvae
after single application to cabbage.

Ave. No.
Treatment Form. Amount/A. Surviving larvae/6 plants

TDE 1WP 2.00 0.7
TDE EC 2.00 1.3
Toxaphene + EC 2.00 1.3
DDT EC 1.33
Toxaphene EC 3.00 4.7
GS 13005 WP 1.00 4.7
DDT EC 2.00 6.0
Sevin WP 2.00 12.7
SD 7438 EC 1.00 14.0
UC 8503 EC 1.00 23.7
Check 37.7


Table 6. Control of,cutworms, May
application to cabbage.

1964, number surviving larvae after single

Treatment Formulation Amount/A Surviving larvae/10 plants

GS 13005 WP 2.64 1.75
TDE EC 3.00 2.25
Kepone 1% bait 0.73 4.00
SD 7438 EC 2.00 5.75
SD 7697 EC 1.50 7.75
Check -42.50

Table 7. Degree of survival of granulate cutworm after various flooding periods.

Flooding Increment Total Survival Ave. Survival

2 hours 16 4.0
4 hours 14 3.5
8 hours 8 2.0
16 hours 2 0.5
24 hours 0 0
48 hours 0 0
Check 16 4.0

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