Suggestions for Bible readings in the Florida public schools

Material Information

Suggestions for Bible readings in the Florida public schools
Series Title:
Its Bulletin no. 60, rev
Florida -- State Dept. of Education
Place of Publication:
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
22 p. : ;


Subjects / Keywords:
Schools -- Florida
government publication (state, provincial, terriorial, dependent) ( marcgt )


Bulletin (Florida. State Dept. of Education) ;
Statement of Responsibility:
Developed in 1940 by an elementary curriculum committee in cooperation with groups interested in religious instruction.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
01737777 ( OCLC )


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Suggestions for


in the
Florida Public Schools

Bulletin No. 60 (Rev)
January, 1953


Developed in 1940 by an
in Cooperation with

Tallahassee, Florida
THOMAS D. BAILEY, Superintendent

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Suggestions for


in the
Florida Public Schools

Bulletin No. 60 (Rev)
January, 1953

Developed in 1940 by an
Sin Cooperation with -

Tallahassee, Florida
THOMAS D. BAILEY, Superintendent

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The State Department of Education, in cooperation with educa-
tional leaders and groups interested in religious education, prepared
and published in the fall of 1940 in bulletin: Suggestions for Bible
Readings in Florida Public Schools, a graded series of topical units
organized in week by week sequences.

The bulletin has been revised and re-published in the hope that it
will be of help to teachers, not only in conforming to statutory require-
ments for reading the Holy Bible, but also in meeting the needs of
boys and girls for high moral, ethical, and spiritual concepts and

A criticism of contemporary education-for the most part undocu-
mented, but none the less persistent-is that the public schools have
failed to develop in pupils a set of values to carry with them through
life. I do not believe that the criticism generally has substance in fact
but its presence clearly indicates that we should examine our policies,
practices, and procedures, and appraise them in terms of the life
orientations which grow out of the school experiences of boys and girls.

It is our hope that this bulletin may prove to be both usable and
useful in furthering the growth and development of our children and

State Superintendent of Public Instruction


The Bible is universally recognized as an inexhaustible source of
inspiration and guidance in seeking a better and fuller life. It is re-
quired reading in Florida public schools.
Because teachers are frequently carrying heavy teaching loads,
they have not always been able to find the time to determine carefully
the selections to be read so that.the readings will be on the maturity
level of the group. In working out the selections listed herein the
committees kept in mind three general principles: (1) begin with the
children where they are, as to age and interest, (2) use material that
is of interest in itself and that can be used without sectarian comment,
and (3) use passages which have value for life situations. The read-
ings have been prepared for an eight month period. During the re-
maining time pupils may wish to select and read the most interesting
passages from the readings of the previous eight months.
The readings contained on the pages which follow are in no sense
restrictive. They are merely for convenience and are not meant to be
followed as a rigid pattern. To meet the needs of any class or school
group, teachers and pupils should feel free to add selections not listed
and to omit any which are listed. Schools may wish to use this list
simply as typical of a list which the school could develop for its own
use. The use of maps and globes with Bible readings would not consti-
tute sectarian comment and could be used to give more meaning as to
the place or settings of the Bible readings.
The bulletin, Moral and Spiritual Values, published in 1951 by the
Educational Policies Commission, will be of great help to teachers and
school administrators who wish to make a specific study of this impor-
tant part of their total program. The bulletin is an excellent source
of guidance for additional activities.
Principals and teachers who invite local or visiting persons to
participate in exercises of a religious nature should assume responsi-
bility for the character of such programs in keeping with Florida law
and acceptable practice in the school community. The attitudes of all
religious groups in the community should be respected.

General Suggestion for Readings in Grades 1-3
Teachers may find it advantageous to select readings from various
Weekly Topics instead of following the general sequence of the out-
lines of the program, in order to better integrate them with activities of
the unit on which they are engaged at the time. Primary teachers
should familiarize themselves with the program of all three grades-
first, second and third-in order to be able to select readings from
grade programs other than their own when they apply better to the
existing need of some problem in character-building or in unit activi-
ties. If some of the readings seem too mature for the age level of a
particular class, they may be omitted and suitable substitutions made
from a lower grade program. All selections are based upon the King
James Version.
The listed readings are made short in order that the small child
may not become confused by too many words. Some of the verses
are repeated during the year so that the child may become familiar with
them. Where verses or parts of verses are omitted, this has been done
because they were considered too. difficult to understand or needed too
much explanation. Omissions which have been suggested do not de-
stroy the thought of the text. Where two or more references are
given the teacher may use one or all of them. The symbols "a," "b,"
"c," etc., denote parts of a verse.

Unit 1-Making Friends
1st Week
a. Mark 10:13-16
b. John 15:14
c. 2nd Timothy 2:24-Begin-
ning with "Be gentle-"
d. Luke 19:1-6
e. Ephesians 4:32

2nd Week
a. Proverbs 15:1
b. Matthew 7:12
c. 2nd Kings 4:8-11
d. Proverbs 17:17a
e. David's way of making new
friends. 1st Samuel 18:1-4

Unit 2-Living Together in
3rd Week
a. When Jesus was a little boy.
Luke 2:40-52
b. Proverbs 20:11
c. God's love for children.
Luke 18:15-16
d. Learning to share. John
e. Ephesians 6:1-2
4th Week
a. Learning to obey. 1st Sam-
uel 17:17-18, 20a
b. Learning to be kind. Luke
c. Ephesians 4:32
d. Learning to give. Luke
e. Matthew 10:8b

FIRST GRADE (Continued)

Unit 3-A Happy Family
5th Week
a. Ruth 1:14, 15a, 16, 18-19a
b. Ephesians 6:1
c. Pleasing God in my home.
Hebrews 13:1-2a
d. How Daniel grew strong.
Daniel 1:8, 11-15
e. 1st John 3:22
Unit 4-God's World
6th Week
a. Psalms 148
b. Ecclesiastes 3 :lla
c. Wonders of God's World.
Psalms 104:16-17, 19-20
d. Keeping God's World Beau-
tiful. Genesis 1:11-12,
e. Helpers in God's World.
John 1:3
Unit 5-Praising God and
7th Week
a. He is our Friend. Genesis
28:11-13, 15-16, 20-22
b. He is always ready to listen.
1st Samuel 3 :la, 2a, 3a, 4-10
c. Many people need to thank
God. Exodus 23:14, 16, 19a
d. Psalms 86:12. Psalms
e. Thanking God every day.
Psalms 95:1-7
8th Week
a. Psalm of Praise. Psalms
100:5 (entire Psalm may be
b. Our Daily Bread. Ruth
c. Psalms 100

d. Sharing Food. Leviticus
e. Giving Thanks. Deuteron-
omy 26:10-11
Unit 6-Psalms of David
9th Week
Psalms 23 (To be read every
day this week)
10th Week
a. Psalms 24:1-6
b. Psalms 34:1-15
c. Psalms 95:7a
d. Psalms 103:1-5a
e. Psalms 121:1-5a
llth Week
a. Psalms 15:1-2
b. Psalms 19:1
c. Psalms 19:14
d. Psalms 117
12th Week
Psalms 1 (To be read every
day this week)
Unit 7-The Meaning of
13th Week
a. Luke 2:8-14
b. Matthew 2:1-12
c. The Gifts of the Wise Men.
Matthew 2:11
d. Matthew 25:40; Luke
e. Acts 20:35b
Unit 8-The Child Jesus
Grows Up
14th Week
a. Matthew 2:12-13a, 14, 19-
21, 23a
b. Luke 2:40-51
c. Luke 2:52
d. Luke 4:14, 15
e. John 3:16

FIRST GRADE (Continued)

Unit 9-Jesus, The Great
15th Week
a. The Good Shepherd. Luke
b. The Good Samaritan. Luke
c. Sermon on the Mount. Mat-
thew 5:1-9
d. How to Become One of
Christ's Friends. John
e. Luke 10:27
16th Week
a. Matthew 18:21-22
b. Matthew 19:16, 17b, 19-21
c. Brotherly Love. John 13:34
d. Sermon on the Mount. Mat-
thew 5:1-16
e. The Great Commandment.
Matthew 22:37-39
17th Week
a. Matthew 22:37
b. Matthew 22:39
c. Matthew 7:1
d. John 15:12
e. Matthew 10::S8

Unit 10-The Lord's Prayer
18th Week
Matthew 6:9b-13

Unit 11-Some Bible Stories
About Children
19th Week
a. David and the Bear. 1st
Samuel 17 :34-36a
b. David Sent to Carry Food
to Brother.- 1st Samuel

c. David and Goliath. 1st
Samuel 17:20a, 22-23a, 24,
d. David Shows Courage. 1st
Samuel 17:32-33, 36a, 37
e. David Slays Goliath. 1st
Samuel 17:38-40, 45-46a,

20th Week
a. Josiah, the Boy King. 2nd
Kings 22:la-2
1. Moses Adopted by Pha-
raoh's Daughter. Exodus
c. Joseph's Coat. Genesis 37:3,
d. God Calleth Samuel. 1st
Samuel 3 :la-10
e. The Child Jesus. Luke

Unit 12-Some More Bible
21st Week
a. The Healing of the Waters.
2nd Kings 2:19-22
b. How the Ravens Fed Eli-
jah. 1st Kings 17:1-6
c. The Good Samaritan. Luke
d. The Good Shepherd. John
e. The Story of Simeon. Luke
22nd Week
a.. Christ Calms the Storm.'
Mark 4:35-39
b. Christ Heals Simon's Wife's
Mother of Fever. Luke

FIRST GRADE (Continued)

c. Jesus Teaches from a Boat.
Mark 4:1-2a
d. Christ Walks on the Sea.
Matthew 14:25-31a
e. Christ's Love for Little
Children. Mark 10:13-15
Unit 13-God's Loving Care
of All
23rd Week
a. Psalms 104:14
b. Psalms 4:8
c. Psalms 123:3
d. Deuteronomy 8:7-8
e. Psalms 102:2
24th Week
a. Psalms 104:10-11a
b. Psalms 104:18
c. Matthew 6:26
d. Luke 12:6-7
e. Luke 12:24
Unit 14-Some of God's Gifts
25th Week
a. Genesis 1:1, 3-5 (Our
b. Genesis, 1:16-18 (Sun,
Moon, Stars)
c. Genesis 1:11-12 (Grass,
d. Genesis 1:20-21 (Birds,
e. Genesis 1:25 (Animals,
26th Week
a. Leviticus 26:4 (Rain)
b. Psalms 104:10 (Springs)
c. Genesis 8:22 (Seedtime,
d. Ecclesiastes 1:5 (Sunrise,
e. Psalms 118:24 (The day ..

Unit 15-Our Beautiful World
in Springtime
27th Week
a. Genesis 2:9a (Trees, differ-
ent kinds)
b. Genesis 1:11-12 (Trees and
c. Psalms 104:10-14 (Grass,
d. Ecclesiastes 1:5-7 (Sun,
wind, rivers, sea)
e. Psalms 126:3 (The Lord
Hath Done Great Things)

28th Week
a. Matthew 6:26, 28, 29
b. Song of Solomon 2:11-13a
c. Parable of the Sower, Mat-
thew 13:3-9
d. Genesis 8:22
e. Ecclesiastes 3:11a Psalms
65:9, 10, 13

29th Week
a. Jesus Visits Jerusalem.
Matthew 21:1-14
b: Psalms 145:2
c. Resurrection. Luke 24:1-6a
d. Resurrection. Luke 24:22-23
e. Resurrection. Luke 24:34-
36, 46

Unit 16-Praise and Thanks to




FIRST GRADE (Continued)

31st Week

a. Psalms 118:1
b. Psalms 100:4c-5a
c. Psalms 105:1



32nd Week
a. Proverbs
b. Proverbs
c. Proverbs
d. Proverbs
e. Proverbs


1st Week-God, Our Heavenly
a. Isaiah 63:16b
b. Matthew 5:48
c. Psalms 25:1
d. Matthew 6:9-10
e. Psalms 19:1

2nd Week-The World We
Live In
a. Genesis 1:1-5
b. Genesis 1:6-9
c. Genesis 1:9-10
d. Genesis 1:14-18
e. Psalms 24:1-2

3rd Week-Some of God's
Gifts To Us
a. Genesis 1:27 (Life)
b. Genesis 1:11-12 (Trees and
c. Genesis 1:20-21 (Birds and
d. Genesis 1:25 (Animals, bugs,
e. Leviticus 26:4 (Rain)

4th Week-More of God's
Gifts To Us
a. Ecclesiastes 3:11la
b. Song of Soloman 2:11-13
c. Genesis 8:22

d. James 1:17
e. Psalms 126:3

5th Week-How to Make the
World a Happy Place to Live In
a. Psalms 37:3
b. Philippians 2:14
c. Ecclesiastes 9:10
d. Psalms 19:14
e. Matthew 7:12

6th Week-Making a Happy
a. Proverbs 20:11
b. Exodus 20:12
c. Ephesians 6:1
d. Hebrews 13:2
e. Ephesians 4:32

7th Week -Honesty
Zachariah 8:16a
Leviticus 19:11
Colossians 3:9a
Deuteronomy 6:18a
Psalms 119:30a

8th Week-Kindness
Ephesians 4:32
Psalms 117
Proverbs 3:3a-4
Matthew 7:12
Proverbs 20:11

Unit 17-The Proverbs of

15:1, 3
22:1, 2, 6

SECOND GRADE (Continued)

9th Week -Obedience
Exodus 24:7
Deuteronomy 5:32-33
Ephesians 6:1
Exodus 20:12
Isaiah 1:17

10th Week-Happiness
Proverbs 15:1
Proverbs 15:13
1st Timothy 6:17
Psalms 122:1
Psalms 126:3

11th Week-God's Care
Psalms 104:16-18
Genesis 1:29-30
Psalms 104:10-14
Psalms 23
Ephesians 4:6a

12th Week-Thankfulness
Psalms 92:1 Psalms 95:1-7
Psalms 116:1-2 Psalms 126:3
1st Thessalonians 5:16-18
Psalms 100
Psalms 136:1

13th Week-Thankfulness
Psalms 105:1-7
Psalms 106:1-3
Psalms 106:47-48
Psalms 136:1-9
Psalms 138

14th Week-Friendliness
Proverbs 17:17
Matthew 22:39
Matthew 7:12
John 15:14
John 15:17

15th Week-Sharing With
a. Leviticus 19:9-10
b. John 6:5-13
c. Luke 21:1-4
d. 1st Timothy 6:17
e. Hebrews 13:2

16th Week-The Story of Jesus,
the Great Teacher
a. Luke 2:1-20 (omit last phrase
in verse 5)
b. Luke 2:41-46, 51
c. Luke 2:52
d. Matthew 2:1-12
e. Repeat Luke 2:1-20

17th Week-Some Things We
Like to Remember About Jesus
a. Luke 11:1-4
b. Luke 2:52
c. Luke 6:31
d. Matthew 5:16
e. John 15:12

18th Week-What the Bible
Teaches About How to Live
a. Matthew 7:12
b. John 13:34
c. Proverbs 20:11 Deuteronomy
d. Zachariah 8:16a
e. Proverbs 16:32 (a)

19th Week-Some Stories from
the New Testament
a. Luke 10:30-37
b. John 10:1-5
c. Luke 18:15-16
d. Luke 2:8-14
e. Matthew 2:9-11

SECOND GRADE (Continued)

20th Week-Songs We Find in
the Old Testament
a. Song of Solomon 2:11-12
b. Psalms 24:1-10
c. Psalms 100:1-5
d. Psalms 19:1-14
e. Psalms 23

21st Week-Prayers We Find
in the Bible
a. Matthew 6:9-15
b. Psalms 19:1
c. Psalms 19:14
d. Psalms 136:1-9
e. Psalms 150:1-6

22nd Week-Children of Long
a. 1st Samuel 16:10-13 (omit last
sentence) (David)
b. Genesis 37:13-28 (continued
next day in Chap. 39)
c. Genesis 39:1-6
d. Exodus 1:8-10, 22; Exodus
2:1-10 (Moses)

23rd Week-Verses We Like
to Remember
a. Luke 2:52
b. Ephesians 4:32 (a)
c. Psalms 19:1
d. Mark 12:30-31
e. Luke 2:14

24th Week-More Verses to
,: 1; Remember
a. Psalms 23:1
b. Psalms 122:1
c. Isaiah 1:16-17 (a) omit last of
d. Ephesians 4:25a
e. Psalms 121:5a

25th Week-Wonderful Things
in God's World
a. Psalms 104:1a, 10-25, 31, 33,
b. Repeat Psalms 104:1a, 10-25,
31, 33, 35b
c. 1st Chronicles 16:8-10
d. Song of Solomon 2:11-12
e. Isaiah 40:8

26th Week-Giving Gifts
a. 2nd Corinthians 9:7
b. Matthew 5:42-43a
c. Matthew 7:12 or 10:8b
d. John 3:16; Acts 20:35
e. Exodus 35:4-9

27th Week-Doing Things for
a. Matthew 25:35-40
b. Acts 20:35
c. Hebrews 13:2(a) or Isaiah
d. Ephesians 4:32
e. Luke 6:31

28th Week-God's Care
a. Matthew 6:26
b. Psalms 121:5(a)
c. Psalms 23 (entire)
d. Psalms 4:8
e. Psalms 33:5; Psalms 126:3
29th Week-Review of Favorite
Verses Learned During the Year

30th Week-God's Care Over
All His Works
a. Psalms 104:1-13
b. Psalms 104:13-14
c. Psalms 104:16-22
d. Psalms 104:23-25
e. Psalms 104:32-35

SECOND GRADE (Continued)

31st Week-God's Care Over
All His Works-(Continued)

i. Psalms 95:1-7
b. Psalms 100
:. Psalms 116:1-2

d. Psalms 23
e. Psalms 117

32nd Week-Review of Favorite
Readings of the Year


1st Week-Beautiful and
Wonderful World
a. Job 37:14b, 16b, 19a
b. Psalms 48:9, 74:16-17
c. Psalms 24
d. John 16:27; Psalms 19:1
e. 1st John 3:1a

2nd Week-Sunshine and Water
a. 2nd Samuel 23:4; Ecclesiastes
b. Psalms 104:10-13
c. Psalms 104:24
d. 1st Timothy 6:17 (Last nine
e. Psalms 118:23-24; Psalms

3rd Week-God's Care of
Little Creatures
a. 1st Kings 4:33-34
b. Psalms 33:5b, 92 :a
c. Proverbs 30:24-28
d. Luke 12:6-7
e. Luke 12:24

4th Week-The Wonder and
Beauty of the Sky
a. Psalms 92:5; Job 37:14
b. Psalms 74:16; Genesis
c. Psalms 19:1

d. Psalms 36:5; Job 9:4a, 9a-10
e. Psalms 42:8
5th Week-Thanking God for
Our Beautiful World
a. 1st Timothy 6:17
b. Psalms 118:23
c. Psalms 48:9
d. Job 37:14
e. Psalms 104:24; Ecclesiastes

6th Week-Growing at School
a. Luke 2:40
b. Luke 2:52
c. Psalms 1:1-2a; Ecclesiastes
d. Ecclesiastes 2:13
e. Psalms 24:3-4a

7th Week-Making a Happy
a. Joshua 24:24b, 15 (last clause)
b. Proverbs 20:11; Exodus 20:12
c. Psalms 34:13-15
d. Proverbs 3:27; Ephesians 4:32
e. Proverbs 3:27; Ephesians 4:32

8th Week-Jesus and the
a. Mark 5:21-24
b. Mark 10:13-16
c. Luke 8:40-42; Luke 8:49-56
d. Luke 18:15-17
e. John 6:5-12

THIRD GRADE (Continued)

9th Week-How Some Bible
People Thanked God
a. 2nd Chronicles 5:13-14
b. Nehemiah 12:27; 38, 40a, 43
c. Psalms 23
d. Psalms 33:5b
e. Psalms 65 :la, 5b-13

10th Week-How We May
Show Our Thankfulness
a. Psalms 95:1-2; 6-7
b. Psalms 101 :l-2a, 3a, 4
c. Psalms 117
d. Matthew 25:34-40
e. Psalms 105:1-3
11th Week-Why We Keep
a. Mark 4:1-2a; 10:13-14
b. Mark 10:46-52; 12-37b
c. Acts 10:34-35
d. Acts 10:38
e. John 14:27
12th Week-The Christmas
Luke 2:8-20
Repeat each morning inviting
children to join you as you read.
13th Week-Giving Gifts
a. Matthew 2:1-11
b. Matthew 25:40
c. 2nd Corinthians 9:7
d. Mark 12:41-44
e. St. John 3:16

14th Week-Keeping the
Christmas Spirit
a. Matthew 19:19
b. John 13:34
c. John 15:12
d. Matthew 7:12
e. Matthew 7:1

15th Week-Bible People Make
Happy Homes
a. Genesis 13:1-12
b. Deuteronomy 6:4-7
c. Ruth 2:1-18
d. Genesis 24:42-46
e. Proverbs 15:1

16th Week-God is Dependable
a. Genesis 8:22; 2nd Samuel 23:4
b. 1st Chronicles 16:7-14,
23-25a, 34
c. Psalms 65:9-13
d. Psalms 119:64, 147:16-17
e. Song of Solomon 2:11-13a

17th Week-God is Dependable
a. Matthew 24:32, 5:45
b. Psalms 104:1, 14, 24 (24)
c. Matthew 6:25-34
d. Job 37:9, 14b, 15-16
e. Psalms 103:17-19

18th Week-Being Friendly and
a. Luke 2:40, 51a, 52
b. Proverbs 15:13; 15:18
c. Psalms 141:3-4a
d. Proverbs 3:3a, 4
e. Proverbs 3:27; 10:12

19th Week-Working with God
a. 1st Corinthians 3:9a; Matthew
b. Matthew 10:42, 12:12b
c. Matthew 25:14-23
d. Matthew 25:34-40
e. Galations 6:2, 6:9-10

THIRD GRADE (Continued)

20th Week-Some Bible Letter
a. James 1:17a; 1:22a; 1:17
b. 1st Peter 4:7; 2nd Peter 3:18
c. 1st John 1:9; 3:1a; 3:7a
d. 1st John 3:18; 4:18a
e. 3rd John 1:1la
21st Week-More Messages
from Bible Letter Writers
a. Romans 2:10-11
b. 1st John 4:7-8
c. Romans 12:3a; 10, 15, 17b
d. Romans 12:20-21
e. 1st Corinthians 10:12-13
22nd Week-The Resurrection
a. Matthew 21:1-11
b. Matthew 28:1-10

23rd Week-The Wonderful
a. Ecclesiastes 1:4-7; 3:1 la
b. Song of Solomon 2:11-13a
c. Genesis 2:9a; Exodus
d. Deuteronomy 11:13-15
e. Jeremiah 5:24b; Psalms

24th Week-In the Beginning
God Made the World
a. Genesis 1:1-13
b. Genesis 1:14-23
c. Genesis 1:24-31
d. Genesis 2:1-17 (Omit 11-14)
e. Genesis 2:18-24
25th Week-Some Good Old
Testament Stories
a. Jacob's Dream. Genesis
28:10-16; 29:1-20
b. Elisha's Room. 2nd Kings

c. Elisha Restores a Boy. 2nd
Kings 4:14-22, 25-26, 29, 31-
33, 36-37
d. David Plays Before Saul. 1st
Samuel 16:17-23
e. The Captive Maid. 2nd Kings

26th Week-Some Good New
Testament Stories
a. The Good Samaritan. Luke
b. The Man at the Pool of Beth-
esda. John 5:1-9
c. Help Others. Matthew
d. The Good Shepherd. John
e. The Boy Jesus Visits the
Temple. Luke 2:41-52

27th Week-More New
Testament Stories
a. The Flight Into Egypt. Mat-
thew 2:13-21
b. Jesus Teaching from a Boat.
Mark 3:7, 9-10; 4:1-2a
c. The Boy Jesus at Nazareth.
Luke 2:22-39
d. Jesus Doing Good on the Sab-
bath. Luke 13:10-17
e. The Prodigal Son. Luke

28th Week-An Alphabet of
Bible Verses to Live By
a. A soft answer turneth away
wrath, but grievous words stir
up anger. Proverbs 15:1
b. Bear ye one another's burdens
and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2

THIRD GRADE (Continued)

c. Children, obey your parents
for this is right. Ephesians
d. Do all things without mur-
murings. Philippians 2:14
e. Even a child is known by his
doings. Proverbs 20:11

29th Week-Continuing the
Bible Alphabet
a. Freely ye have received, freely
give. Matthew 10:8
b. Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace, goodwill
toward men. Luke 2:14ab
c. Honor thy father and thy
mother. Exodus 20:12a
d. I am with thee, and will keep
thee wheresoever thou goest.
Genesis 25:15a
e. Judge not, that ye be not
judged. Matthew 7:1

30th Week-Continuing the
Bible Alphabet
a. Keep thy tongue from evil,
and thy lips from speaking
guile. Psalms 34:13
b. Look not upon the wine when
it is red, when it sparkleth in
the cup. Proverbs 23:31
c. My heart hath trusted in Him,
and I am greatly helped.
Psalms 28:7b
d. Now we that are strong ought
to help the weak. Romans
e. O, Jehovah, Thou art our
Father. Isaiah 64:8a

31st Week-Continuing the
Bible Alphabet
a. Praise Jehovah all ye nations,
for his loving kindness is great
toward us. Psalms 117:la-2a
b. Quicken me in Thy ways,
Psalms 119:37b
c. Remember thy Creator in the
days of thy youth. Ecclesias-
ties 12:la
d. Speak ye the truth each one.
Ephesians 4:25a
e. This is the day the Lord hath
made. We will rejoice and be
glad in it. Psalms 118:24

32nd Week-Continuing the
Bible Alphabet
a. Use hospitality one to another.
1st Peter 4:9
b. Very pleasant has thou been
unto me. Thy love to me was
wonderful. 2nd Samuel 1:26b
c. Whatsoever ye would that men
should do unto you, even so
do ye unto them. Matthew
d. Except a grain of wheat fall
into the earth and die, it abid-
eth by itself alone; but if it
die, it beareth much fruit.
John 12:24b
e. Ye are my friends if ye keep
my commandments. John 15:4
(People) Zealous of all good
works. Titus 2:14b

General Suggestions for Readings in Grades 4-6
The readings suggested have been selected from various lists of
Bible readings for junior age, compiled by experts in the field. Each
pupil might have a Bible of his own with good, bold print. Some of
the children at this age level may wish to choose verses to memorize,
marking them with pencil and reviewing them frequently. When the
readings seem, in the opinion of the teacher, too mature for the
fourth-grade children, it is suggested that the teacher make substi-
tutions from the programs of Bible Readings for the second and
third grades. Children's translations have been made by Sherman,
Kent, and others. The translations in modern speech, such as those
of Goodspeed, Moffatt, etc., may be found very helpful.


1st Week-Our Bible and
Jesus' Bible
a. What Psalmists (Bible Sing-
ers) wrote about the Bible
Psalms 19:7-11; Psalms
119:16, 18, 105, 129, 130,
What Paul wrote to Timothy
about the Bible
2nd Timothy 3:15-17
b. These rules are ones Jesus
learned in his Bible
Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Exodus
20:3-17; Leviticus 19:18,
Jesus shows interest in the
teachings of his Bible
Luke 2:40-52; Matthew
c. The Hymn Book Jesus Used
(Psalms). We use some of
these hymns
Psalms 105:1-5; Psalms
100; Psalms 23; Psalms
117, 118:1, 2, 21-26; Psalms
46: Psalms 91

d. What Joshua said about the
Bible. Joshua 1:8, 9
What Jesus said about the
Bible. John 6:39
What John said about the
Bible. John 20:31
Interpreting the Bible to oth-
ers. Acts 8:26-39; Romans

2nd Week-How People in Other
Days Have Thought of God's
Great World
a. Hymns to Creation. Psalms
104; Genesis 1
b. God's ways. Isaiah 55:6-11;
Psalms 19:1-4; 95 :1-7a
c. What Jesus said of God and
His World. John 4:24; Mat-
thew 6:25-34; John 3:16

3rd Week-How People Live and
Work Together
a. Worshipping together. Joshua
24:14, 15, 24-26; Psalms

GRADES 4-6 (Continued)

b. Working together. 1st Cor-
inthians 12:12-31a; 2nd Tim-
othy 1:1-3; Mark 4:13-19;
Mark 6:30-32
c. Some working rules. 1st Cor-
inthians 13; Philippians 4:8;
Proverbs 16:22

4th Week-The Story of Jesus
a. Jesus is born in Bethlehem.
Luke 2:8-20; Isaiah 9:6
b. Simeon sees Jesus. Luke
c. The Wise Men bring gifts.
Matthew 2:1-12; Matthew
d. Jesus' home in Nazareth. Luke
2:39-52; Luke 4:16
e. Some songs used on the way to
Jerusalem. Psalms 121, 122;
Psalms 24:3-8

5th Week
a. The Story of John, the Bap-
tist. Luke 1:5-22; Luke
1:60-80; Mark 1:1-9
b. Jesus in the Wilderness. Luke
4:1-14; Hebrews 4:15, 16;
Matthew 3:1-17; Matthew
6:13; Matthew 26:41; He-
brews 2:18; Psalms 139

6th Week-Jesus Begins His
a. Winning followers. Matthew
4:13-22; John 1:35-49; Mark
3:13-20; Mark 1:28-39; John
13:35; 1st John 4:7, 8; Psalms
15; John 14:21a; John 9:1-9
b. Wins a woman and her
friends. John 4:1-15, 21, 24

7th Week-Stories of Jesus at
a. Praying, teaching, and healing.
Mark 1:35-45; Mark 2:1-12;
Luke 4:31-34
b. Sabbath Day happenings. Luke
6:1-10; Mark 2:27, 28; Mark
3:1-6; Matthew 12:12
c. Friends of Jesus. John
15:12-17; Mark 3:13-19; John
17:6, 20

8th Week-Jesus' Work
a. What happened at Naazareth.
Luke 4:14-30
b. What it means to follow
Jesus. Mark 8:34-37; Mat-
thew 5:10-12
c. The nobleman's son. John
d. The Jews misunderstood. John
6:66-68; John 7:1-17; Mark
9:23, 24

9th Week-Stories Jesus Told
with Hidden Meanings
a. The story of a Father's love.
Luke 15:11-24; 1st John 1:9;
2nd Corinthians 9:7; Romans
b. Being neighborly. Luke
c. A good shepherd. Luke
d. Story of the wise and foolish.
Matthew 25:1-12
Story of the talents (money).
Matthew 25:14-29; Matthew

GRADES 4-6 (Continued)

10th Week-Teachings of Jesus
That Were Learned and
a. Mark 9:33-37; Luke 6:27-37;
John 13:34, 35
b. Matthew 18:21-39; Matthew
c. Matthew 22:37-39; Luke
d. Matthew 6:9-19; Matthew

11th Week-Jesus Shows His
Kindness and Power
a. He dines in Simon's home.
Luke 7:36-50
b. Peter makes a confession.
Matthew 16:13-18
c. Jesus heals a blind man. Luke
d. Jesus makes a visit. Luke
e. A King comes to Jerusalem.
Luke 19:28-40; (Philippians
1:27a; John 13:35)

12th Week-Jesus Shows His
Love and Courage
a. Traders driven out of the
Temple. Mark 11:15-18;
Mark 14:1, 2
b. Jesus grieves over Jerusalem.
Matthew 23:36-39
c. He tells the parable of the
vineyard. Mark 12:1-12
d. His last Passover, the Lord's
Supper. Mark 14:12-26
e. He teaches His friends to
share and serve. John
12:1-17; John 14:21

13th Week-"Greater love hath
no man"-
a. The trial. Mark 14:43-64;
Mark 15:1
b. The crucifixion. Mark 15:20;
21, 26, 27, 33, 39-47
c. The great teaching followed.
Matthew 5:45-48; Luke
23-34a; Acts 7:59, 60
d. A glad morning. Luke 24:1-6
e. Jesus' teaching, for all the
world. Matthew 28:18-20

14th Week-Stories of Great
Men and Women from Jesus'
Bible. Abraham, an Early
Hebrew Leader
a. He starts out to a new land.
Genesis 11:26 to end; Genesis
b. Lot makes a choice. Genesis
c. Abraham pleads for Lot. Gen-
esis 18:16-32
d. Lot's escape. Genesis
e. Abraham sends for a wife for
his son. Genesis 24:10-59;
(Psalms 24:1-5)

15th Week-Joseph, Who Lived
a Life of Cheerful Trust in God
a. Joseph's jealous brothers sell
him to traders. Genesis 37
b. Joseph taken to Egypt. Gen-
esis 39:1-6
c. He is put in prison. Genesis
39:20-23; Genesis 40:1-23
d. He explains the King's dreams.
Genesis 41 (Proverbs 17:22;
Psalms 27:11-14)

GRADES 4-6 (Continued)

16th Week-Joseph, the
a. Joseph's brothers go to buy
corn. Genesis 42
b. They go again to Egypt. Gen-
esis 43
c. Judah pleads for Benjamin.
Genesis 44
d. Joseph forgives his brothers.
Genesis 45 (Proverbs 16:3;
Luke 11:4; Matthew 18:21,

17th Week-Moses, a Very
Great Leader
a. The baby in the bulrushes.
Exodus 1:8-12, 22; Exodus
b. Moses sent to help his people.
Exodus 3:7-10; Exodus
c. The Israelites go out of Egypt.
Exodus 12:31-33; 40-42
d. They are saved. Exodus
14:5-7, 13-14; 21-22 (Psalms
33:12, Psalms 31:1-3; Exodus

18th Week-Moses, the
a. Moses on the mountain. Exo-
dus 24:3-8, 12-18
b. Moses brings the laws, Ten
Commandments, to his people.
Exodus 19:25; Exodus 20:1-
c. Joshua and Caleb. Numbers
13:1, 2, 25-33; Numbers 14:1-
10a, 22-24; Deuteronomy
34:4-12 (Proverbs 29:18;
Psalms 19:7-14; Mark 13:31)

19th Week-In the days of the
a. Gideon called to help. Judges
6:2, 6, 11-14; 6:16a
b. Gideon selects an army, be-
comes a judge. Judges 7:2-
22;. 8:28
c. The parable of Jotham. Judges
d. Ruth, the faithful. Ruth 1:1,
4-19; 2:2, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 23;
Ruth 4:14-17; Ruth 1:16; (1st
John 4:7; Proverbs 31:30)
20th Week-In the days of the
a. Samuel hears a message. I
Samuel 3:1-14
b. Samuel selects a King. I Sam-
uel 8:4-9; 1 Samuel 9:1-17
c. He selects another King. I
Samuel 16:1-13; I Samuel
d. Jonathan's love for David.
I Samuel 19:1-10; I Samuel
20: 1-28; I Samuel 20:39-42;
I Samuel 3:10; I Samuel 16:7
(I Corinthians 10:12; Ephe-
sians 4:32a)
21st Week-David, a Very
Great King
a. David spares Saul. I Samuel
24:1-11; 16-22a; I Samuel
b. David shows kindness to Jona-
than's Son. II Samuel 9
c. Absalom rebels against his
father. II Samuel 15:1-10;
II Samuel 18:1-10, 19, 32, 33
d. David, "the sweet singer". II
Samuel 22:1-7, 29, 31, 32, 50,
51; II Samuel 23:1-3

GRADES 4-6 (Continued)

22nd Week
a. Solomon's wise choice. I Kings
b. Solomon builds the Lord's
House. I Kings 5:1-12; I
Kings 6:1, 7, 14
c. Naaman's little maid. II Kings
d. Hezekiah trusts in God. II
Kings 18:1-6, 18, 28-37; II
Kings 19:1, 2, 6, 7, 9-20, 32-
36; (Job 28:28; Psalms 111:
10; Proverbs8:11; Psalms91)

23rd Week-Last Days of
a. Josiah repairs the Temple and
Law is found. II Kings 22:
b. The Book of the Law is read.
II Kings 23:1-6, 21-25
c. The great prophet. Jeremiah
6:6-10a; 26:8-19; 24
d. The Hebrews taken captive. II
Kings 25:1-12. Ecclesiastes
12:1; Amos 5:14; Jeremiah
1:7; Jeremiah 7:23

24th Week
a. Nehemiah returns to rebuild
Jerusalem. Nehemiah 1:1-11;
2:1-9; 2:12-18; 6:15-16
b. The feast of tabernacles kept.
Nehemiah 8:1-8
c. Daniel among the captives.
Daniel 1:8-20; (I Corinthians
9:25a; Deuteronomy 6:4-9;
Joshua 1:9; I Corinthians 3:9-
17; Micah 6:8)

25th Week-Jesus' Disciples
and His Church
a. The Comforter Jesus prom-
ised. John 16:7
b. What happened on Pentecost.
Romans 8:14-17; 26, 27;
Acts 2
c. Two courageous disciples.
(Acts 3:1-6); 4:1-22. (John
14:26; Luke 11:13; James
1:22a; Matthew 7:12)

26th Week
a. The Church cares for its poor.
Acts 4:32-35; Acts 6:1-3;
Luke 21:1-4
b. The Church sends out mission-
aries. Acts 13; Acts 10:24-48;
Acts 11:22-26
c. Mark 16:20; Matthew 28:19,
20; Psalms 86:9; I John 3:16

27th Week
a. Paul, a very great worker.
Acts 20:25-37; Philippians 4:
b. The story of a shipwreck.
Acts 27; (John 5:17; Philip-
pians 4:11; I Timothy 6:6-10;
Psalms 37:7-9, 16, 39, 40)

28th Week-Letters of
Long Ago
a. A letter to a church, by Paul.
Philippians 4
b. A letter to a disciple, by Paul.
II Timothy 1:1-14
c. A plea for a runaway slave.
Philemon. (Omit 12 and 20b)
d. A chapter from John's great
letter. I John 4:7-11, 18a, 21

GRADES 4-6 (Continued)

29th Week-Hymns of Praise
a. David praises God. II Sam-
uel 22:1-4, 7; Psalms 24; I
Chronicles 16:1, 7-12, 25-36
b. King Hezekiah praises God.
II Chronicles 29:27-31
c. John the Baptist's father
praises God. Luke 1:67-80
d. Jesus' mother praises God.
Luke 1:46-56
e. Simon praises God. Luke
2:25-32. I Thessalonians 5:15-
18; Revelations 4:11; Hebrews
13:15, 16

30th Week-Great Men Pray
a. David prayed. Psalms 54
b. Hezekiah prayed. II Kings
c. Daniel prayed. Daniel 9:17-23
d. Peter prayed. Acts 10:9-24
e. Jesus "was constant in prayer."
Matthew 14:23; Mark 1:35;
Luke 9:18; Matthew 26:36;
Matthew 11:25 (Hebrews 4:
16; Philippians 4:6; Psalms

31st Week-Old Teachings
that are Always New
a. Jesus teaches who are blessed.
Matthew 5:1-13
b. Jesus teaches not to be angry.
Matthew 5:21-24
c. Jesus teaches about love. Mat-
thew 5:43-48
d. Jesus teaches trust in God.
Matthew 6:29-34; Matthew
e. Jesus. tells the story of two
houses. Matthew 7:21-29;
Acts 20:35; Mark 10:44; Ro-
mans 13:10

32nd Week
a. The Bible teaches to be honest.
Ephesians 6:5-7; II Kings 12:
15; II Timothy 2:15; Deuter-
onomy 26:13-16
b. The Bible teaches to be truth-
ful. Psalms 15; Zachariah
8:16; Proverbs 12:22
c. The Bible teaches to help peo-
ple. Acts 9:26-28; Romans
d. The Bible teaches to help make
a peaceful world. Matthew
5:9; Romans 12:9-21

General Suggestions for Readings in Grades 7-12

Pupils in grades 7-12 could, with the help and guidance of the
teachers, select their own Bible readings. If a guide is needed in
terms of a calendar or a general theme, the International Sunday
School Lessons might be used. Newspapers generally carry these
lessons weekly; however, they may be secured in advance from pub-
lishers of biblical literature.

The actual selection of Bible readings for pupils in grades 7-12
offers an excellent opportunity for group cooperation. Each home-
room might have a committee which would select Bible readings for
at least a month. In this manner, with the changing of the committees
each month, every pupil in the room would have an opportunity to
serve on the committee and to become familiar with many passages
not formally presented in class.

If the report of the various committees could be kept by the
homeroom secretary, the teacher might, over a period of years, develop
some excellent monthly programs of Bible readings.

Through cooperation with students who participate in the selec-
tion of Bible readings the teacher should have many opportunities
to encourage ethical and moral relationships and to help develop
wholesome attitudes and behaviour.



Bower, W. C. The Living Bible. Harper, 1946.
Fosdick, Harry E. The Pilgrimage to Palestine. Macmillan, 1949.
Smither, Ethel L. The Use of the Bible with Children. Abingdon-
Cokesbury, 1949.


The Bible:

King James Version
American Revised
Revised Standard Version (1952)
New Standard Reference
Westminister Study Edition

New American Revised
Revised Standard Version (1946)

King James-Literary ed.
Moulton, E. The Modern Reader's Bible.

Macmillan, 1951.

The Bible to be Read as Literature-arranged and edited by
Ernest S. Bates. Simon and Schuster, 1936.