A guide to the teaching of homemaking education

Material Information

A guide to the teaching of homemaking education
Series Title:
Florida State University
Florida -- State Dept. of Education
Place of Publication:
Tallahassee Fla
State Dept. of Education
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
vi, 90 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Home economics -- Study and teaching ( lcsh )
Education -- Curricula -- Florida ( lcsh )
government publication (state, provincial, terriorial, dependent) ( marcgt )
bibliography ( marcgt )


Includes bibliographical references (p. 79-90).
General Note:
General Note:
"Florida Program for Improvement of Schools."--Cover.
Bulletin (Florida. State Dept. of Education) ;
Statement of Responsibility:
prepared at Florida State University.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
38403015 ( OCLC )


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The Teaching



Bulletin No. 23
September, 1948

COLIN ENGLISH, Superintendent






Workshop group: Bulletin Production in Curriculum Development for Home Economics Education, Florida State University.

A Guide To

The Teaching of Homemaking



Prepared at

MARIE WIIITE, Special Consultant

JOE HALL, Director
Home Economics Education

Tallahassee, Florida

COLIN ENGLISH, Superintendent


This bulletin is prepared for teachers of homemaking edu-
cation as a guide for the improvement of instruction in Florida
Schools. It is the product of the thinking of numerous groups
in education such as, administrators, supervisors, teachers,
and teacher trainers. National leaders in the field of home
economics were secured to direct and to focus the thinking of
the group.
Florida has long recognized education for homemaking as
an important part of the total education of youth and adults.
This is evidenced by the State Board Regulation passed in
1924 requiring one year of home economics for girls gradu-
ating from high school. In the April, 1942 issue of the Florida
School Bulletin entitled Programs of Study in Florida Second-
ary Schools, it was recommended that this required year of
homemaking education be taken in the 9th or 10th grades.
This guide becomes the fifth curriculum bulletin that Flor-
ida has prepared to be used by teachers in education for home-
making since the inception of the program in 1910. The cur-
riculum bulletins prepared prior to 1943 were courses of study.
This guide suggests possible scope of the program in home-
making education. It is hoped that the suggested problems and
experiences will help the teachers to plan an instructional pro-
gram that meets the needs of youth today in their participation
in home and family living.

State Superintendent


Special acknowledgment is due to Miss Marie White, Pro-
gram Planning Specialist, U. S. Office of Education, Washing-
ton, D. C., under whose expert guidance the Curriculum study
program was planned and who acted as consultant during the
October, 1947 and the 1948 workshop at Florida State Univer-
sity, Tallahassee; and to Miss Amanda Ebersole, Professor of
Home Economics Education, Drexel Institute, Philadelphia,
who served as director of the workshop in the summer of 1948.
Acknowledgment is made to the following teachers and
supervisors enrolled in the curriculum guide workshop in Flor-
ida State University, summer school 1948, and who participated
in the production of A Guide To the Teaching of Homemaking
Education: Katie Barrineau, Pensacola; Belle C. Brooks, Or-
lando; Marion D. Dekle, Malone; Edith F. Echols, Sarasota;
Allie Ferguson, Quincy; Annie Wood Finlay, Blountstown;
June F. Grave, Ft. Lauderdale; Katherine Harrison, Talla-
hassee; Lenora D'. Lawrence, Clewiston; Elizabeth H. Lewis,
Miami; Margaret B. Long, Jacksonville; Duchess Marcus, Wild-
wood; Julia McLaurin, Ocala; Cassie Mae Olson, Tampa; Freda
O'Neil, Miami; Marjorie B. Parantha, Zephyrhills; Barbara
Ruprecht, Sanford; Mattie Mae Saunders, Wauchula; Mildred
Simmons, Tarpon Springs; Ernie N. Starr, Winter Garden;
Elizabeth Stevens, Miami; Margaret Wilson, Pensacola.
The workshop group is indebted to Dr. Doak S. Campbell,
President of Florida State University, and to Dr. Margaret R.
Sandels, Dean of the School of Home Economics, for making
available its facilities and for the interest and cooperation given
by the faculty members, School of Home Economics.
Acknowledgment is made to staff members of the State De-
partment of Education, to: Miss Boletha Frojen, State Super-
visor who initiated, organized and coordinated the study; to
Miss Lucy Lang, Mr. A. J. Stevens and Mrs. Rex Todd Withers
who worked in the Curriculum Study and production of the
guide from its beginning through its completion; to Mr. Joe Hall,
Director of the Division of Instruction; to Mrs. Dora Skipper,

who gave valuable guidance throughout the study and other staff
members who visited the group and rendered assistance; to Mr.
William C. Hodges who made the photograph of the work shop
Special acknowledgment is made to members of the work-
shop group who served on the editing and steering committee,
and who gave much time beyond regular hours.
Acknowledgment is also made to Dr. Dorothy M. Leahy,
Professor of Home Economics Education, Florida State Uni-
versity, who served as leader and consultant of the Curriculum
Study Conference during the year and in Ocala; to Dr. W. T.
Edwards of Florida State University, who pointed up the
philosophy, in Curriculum development in general education,
and to those not named above who participated in one or all
of the Curriculum Planning Conferences at Florida State Uni-
versity, October 2nd to 8th, 1947; Gainesville, January 19th,
1948; Ocala, March 12th to 13th, 1948; D. R. Allen, Tavares;
Marion Barclay, Tampa; Katherine Barnes, Miami; Sadie M.
Butts, Miami; Edith Davis, St. Petersburg; Margaret Fields,
Panama City; Nettie Mae Fowler, Lake Butler; J. T. Kelly,
Panama City; Mills Lord, Live Oak; Pauline Loveland, Day-
tona Beach; Miriam H. Mitchell, Quincy; Christine L. Tull,
West Palm Beach; Alice S. Tyree, Miami; Maude Yawn, Se-
bring. Recognition is likewise due all home economics teachers
who reacted to the materials prepared by the Curriculum Plan-
ning Group in October, 1947.
Recognition is given to representatives from the Florida
Agricultural and Mechanical College: Pearl Johnson, Itinerant
Teacher Trainer, and Genevieve Wheeler, Teacher Trainer in
Home Economics Education who were present at the report
sessions and made constructive suggestions to the workshop
group for ways of increasing the usefulness of the guide to
serve all groups.
Acknowledgment is also due to the Secretaries for their pa-
tience and for the conscientious effort with which they typed
the multitudinous copies needed in such a project.
Full credit for this guide is due to the splendid cooperation
and interest of the many persons and groups who contributed
to this publication.


F or ew ord .................................... ....................................... .. ........................ ................................. I II
Acknowledgments ................ .... ..... .................. IV
Part One
Purpose and Use of Guide ............................ ........ 1
G general O verview ............................................... ............... ......... 1
Suggestions to Teachers and Administrators ................. 3
S tatem ent of B beliefs ..................................................... .......................... ... 4
D definition of Som e T erm s ................................................. ........... .......... 5
Overall Objectives for Homemaking Education Program
in F lorida ...................... .................... .......................................... ...... 7
Part Two
Suggested Organization of Curriculum in Homemaking
E education ...................... ... .......... ....... ........ .................. 8
Proposed Distribution of Time for Areas in Various
Years of Homemaking Education ............................................. 8
Homemaking Education I ...................... ......... ........... 10
Homemaking Education II ..................... ............... 40
Homemaking Education III .................. ........................... 70
Homemaking Education IV, A Special Course for
Senior Boys and Girls ...................... ......................... 75
Part Three
Instructional M materials ................. .................................. .............. 79
M materials for Teachers ................................... .. ..................... 79
B ooks ........... ...................... ............ .......... 79
Bulletins and Pamphlets ................................................ 82
SM materials for Pupils ..................... ..... ...................... ..... .... 83
B o ok s ....................................................................... ......................... .......... 8 3
State-A adopted ................................................ ... ........... 83
Other ..................................... ... .... ..... 84
Bulletins and Pam phlets ................................ .......... .............. 87
Audio-Visual Materials ............................... ....................... 89


The purpose of a curriculum guide is to give direction to a
program, to give emphasis to that which is basic in the field and
to correlate the work done in the state. The teacher uses the
guide to check her thinking and as an instrument in planning
the program to meet the needs of individuals and families in
the specific community where she teaches.
This guide has been prepared to point the way for teachers
in homemaking education to serve as a tool to them in creating
an environment where pupils may have learning experiences in
all areas of homemaking and where they may reach the high-
est degree of satisfaction and skill according to their abilities.
The objectives in all areas in this guide have been arranged
alphabetically according to groupings, i.e., abilities, apprecia-
tions, attitudes, understandings. They are not arranged in terms
of any sequence.

The function of the homemaking education program in the
school and community is to provide opportunity for pupils to
gain experiences which serve as a direct means of meeting the
day-to-day needs of home and family living.
Pupils coming into the homemaking education program for
the first time are in a period of adjustment and change as they
move from early adolescence to late adolescence. Due to the
changes in growth, the pupils may seem awkward and self-
conscious. They are eager to feel the security of being one of
the group. It is important that the teacher have a sympathetic
understanding of pupils of this age group in order to gain their
confidence and to help them to meet their needs; that she be
aware of the background of pupils in order to give effective
guidance; and that she know enough about counseling processes
to handle the more elemental situations effectively.
The teacher of homemaking education has a great challenge
and responsibility to plan and provide learning experiences which

Avill help the pupil to gain an understanding, a point of view, and
abilities and skills to meet, with some degree of satisfaction,
problems caused by changing social and economic conditions.
With such an understanding the pupil will be able to make his
best contributions to his family group and to the community.
When planning experiences which will meet the needs of the
pupils, one should take into consideration that a pupil should
start where he is, educationally, and proceed as he is able.

To have a real experience, the activities planned must be
purposeful and must be completed. The teacher will need to
keep this in mind when assisting pupils to select and plan their
learning experiences. An effective program in homemaking
education requires that experiences be provided in the school,
the home, and the community.

The teacher should become familiar with and recognize that
community interests, culture, traditions, and economic resources
are factors which should influence the instructional program
in homemaking.

In planning experiences for all areas, management, health
and safety, buying, relationships, guidance, and leadership
should be emphasized. The Future Homemakers of America
and the New Homemakers of America are integral parts of the
homemaking education program which afford opportunity for
developing leadership and for working with others, and which
provide an avenue for group planning and carrying out the
kinds of activities which the pupils will experience in the

The teacher must be aware of the changes and developments
taking place in the various areas of homemaking education.
These should serve as a challenge to her to be constantly well-
informed, to keep up-to-date materials for all areas in conven-
ient, readily accessible locations.

The homemaking department should provide an environ-
ment in which aesthetic needs and impulses of the pupils can be
satisfied and expressed and should exemplify a desirable home
situation as to beauty, convenience, and comfort.

A successful homemaking education program depends not
only on demonstrations of good standards and planned pro-
cedures of work for both pupil and teacher, but also a con-
tinuous self-evaluation of the pupil's work. Evaluation is the
process of making judgments and coming to decisions. This
should be done with the pupil rather than to him, and in terms
of his ability. It should be continuous, with the major purpose
being to improve learning.

This guide offers suggested direction for the reorganization
of the homemaking education curriculum. A program compre-
hensive in scope is planned for each year offered in high school,
particularly Homemaking Education I and Homemaking Edu-
cation II. Homemaking Education I continues to be the year
required of girls, a State Board regulation since 1924, for grad-
uation from high school. In the program of studies for high
schools in Florida, it is recommended that the required year
of homemaking education be placed early in the high school
program, preferably in the ninth or tenth grades. The first
year course is elective for boys. In this guide it also becomes
a prerequisite to all succeeding years of Homemaking Education
except Homemaking Education IV.

Homemaking Education II is designed for those interested
in greater understanding and increased abilities in homemaking.
It is required as the second year in a vocational program in
which two years is a minimum.

The offerings as indicated in the third year will meet the
needs of older girls in school. It is an elective, but the prob-
lems and experiences are progressively more advanced. The
problems and experiences should also be suggestive for pro-
grams of out-of-school groups of older youth and adults.

The suggested offerings for Homemaking Education IV are
organized so that problems and experiences are those which
begin where the pupils are and so that pupils may progress to
the greatest extent possible according to the abilities in the
time available. It is so designed that both boys and girls, re-

gardless of background, will find valuable guidance in prob-
lems pertinent to their individual needs.

The numbers listed at the end of each area refer to books,
bulletins, and audio-visual materials which should be helpful
to the teacher and pupils when considering this area. The ma-
terials of instruction are alphabetized by authors in "Part
Three" of this guide and these materials are numbered. In-
stead of giving, at the end of each area, the titles of instructional
materials suggested for each area, numbers referring to those
materials are listed. By turning to "Part Three, Instructional
Materials" and referring to the numbers listed at the end of
each area the teacher can secure the information needed re-
garding each piece of instructional material referred to by

Our statements of belief regarding homemaking education
for Home and Family Living, Education for Home Living and
Homemaking, and Homemaking as a Vocation are based on
the assumption that good homes are basic to sustaining a
I. Education for Home and Family Living
We believe that:
1. If standards of home and family living are to be raised
and maintained, education for home and family living
must be continuous from childhood through adulthood.
2. Organized educational programs for this type of edu-
cation should be provided in each community.
II. Education for Home Living and Homemaking
We believe that:
1. Education for home living and for homemaking should
be provided for boys and girls, men and women.

a. Education for home living should be a part of the
general education of all children in the elementary
b. Education for homemaking should be a part of the
general education of all youth and adults both in-
school and out-of-school.
2. Each program in home living and homemaking edu-
cation should be planned cooperatively by the teacher,
the participants, and others concerned.
3. The program in homemaking education should be a
comprehensive one including all areas or phases of
homemaking with specialization as one progresses and
one's interests and needs are specialized. It should in-
clude the skills for living-social, manipulative and
4. The program should be organized on a year-round
basis with seasonal emphasis on those aspects of home-
making that are seasonal.
5. Education for homemaking should help people:
a. To solve their own home and family problems wisely.
b. To live graciously.
c. To recognize problems that affect home and family
life both in one's community and beyond it and to
participate in an action program which has as its
goal some solutions to these problems.
III. Homemaking as a Vocation
We believe that:
1. Homemaking as a vocation merits recognition as one
having dignity and prestige.
2. The quality of homemaking influences the success of
every individual in his living as well as in his making
a living.

As a means of facilitating a common understanding of some
terms frequently used by home economists and other educators
the following definitions are given to indicate the connotation
that these terms have when used in this guide.


"Home Economics" is a term used here to designate a field
of education.
"Home and Family Life Education" is a program in which
the school, home, and community work together to equip indi-
viduals to become more effective members of the family and
community in a democratic society.
"Homemaking Education" is a program of organized ex-
periences designed to lielp in-school (secondary) and out-of-
school groups in the solution of their family living problems in
the home, school and the community, and to assist them in as-
suming responsibilities of homemaking.
"Home Living" is a program centered on home activities
and relationships that will enable the elementary pupil, accord-
ing to his individual capacities, to adjust himself to his
"Curriculum" is composed of planned experiences which the
individual has under the guidance of the school.

"Evaluation" is a means of determining the progress being
made toward the attainment of goals set up by the individual
and it should be continuous.

"Scope" indicates the range and variety of learning pro-
vided in any given lesson, unit, area or field of home economics.

"Sequence" is a regular or orderly succession of experiences
in a continued series of learning.

"Area" is a grouping of facts, generalizations, information
and experiences centered around any one aspect of homemaking.

"Phase" is a segment of an area.

"Experiences" indicate purposeful action resulting in some
sort of consequences which can in turn serve as a guide for
future behavior and which will enable the individual to refashion
the ideas that he had previous to the experience.

"Activities" are characterized by a doing. When the activ-
ity is purposeful, it becomes an experience.


"Ability" signifies the power to do based upon both ca-
pacity and training.
"Skill' denotes the ability to perform some particular thing

IIomemaking Education shares with other fields of educa-
tion the responsibility for the continuous personal growth of
the learners in the direction of independent, unbiased thinking
and purposeful action. Through provision of vital, meaningful
experiences, homemaking education helps the pupils to effect
desirable changes in their home and family living.
IIomemaking Education should assume major responsibility
in assisting individuals to make progress, according to their
maturity levels, to develop:
ability to use wisely, available human and material resources
such as time, energy, health, money, attitudes, and
ability to use effective methods and procedures leading to
development of skills in homemaking
appreciation of the importance of homemaking as a voca-
tion which requires careful preparation and continuing
training if it is to be carried on effectively
appreciation of the skills of homemaking and growth in
ability to increase competency in such skills
appreciation of beauty as it exists in the environment, and
growth in ability to create an attractive and pleasing
environment in the home, recognizing and using poten-
tial resources
understanding of their responsibilities as members of family
and community groups in a democratic society, and
growth in their ability to participate as members of such
understanding of the relationships and practices necessary
to achieve physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual
health for themselves and other family members
understanding of changing social and economic conditions
as they affect home and family living.


The proposed distribution of time to be allotted to the va-
rious areas in homemaking education indicated below, is recom-
mended by the group of homemaking education teachers who
prepared this guide.
It is recommended that, in the first and second years of
homemaking education, the large areas, CLOTHING and
FOODS, be placed in different semesters, and the shorter areas
be placed to fit the local situation.
Proposed Length
Curriculum Area of Time
Homemaking Child Development 2- 3 weeks
Education I Clothing 10-12 weeks
(required year) Food and Nutrition 10-12 weeks
Housing 3- 4 weeks
Personal Growth and
Family Relationships 4- 5 weeks
Homemaking Child Development 3- 4 weeks
Education II Clothing 10-12 weeks
Family Economics 2- 3 weeks
Food and Nutrition 9-11 weeks
Home Care of the Sick 2- 3 weeks
Housing 3- 4 weeks
Personal Growth and
Family Relationships 3- 6 weeks
All of the suggested areas in the third year of homemaking
education cannot be successfully completed on one school year
since one of the major objectives for pupils in this course will
be to develop increasing skills. Pupil needs and pupil-teacher
planning will determine the choice of areas. The length of time
allotted to any one area should not be less than six weeks nor
more than one semester.

Education III

Proposed Length
Area of Time
Child Development (to be determined
and Family Rela- in local sit-
tionships nation)
Advanced Problems in
Advanced Problems in Food
Management Problems in
the Home
Modern Housing, Furnishings
and Equipment

Areas in the fourth year in homemaking education should
be developed cooperatively by the teacher and the pupils with
the counsel and advice of others interested in such a course
and should be developed in terms of the problems which are
significant to the members of the group at the time the course
is offered. The length of this fourth year course may be either
one semester or a year depending upon the needs and interests
of individual groups. The amount of time devoted to each area
should be determined by the needs of the local situation.

Education IV
(a special course in
homemaking educa-
tion for senior boys
and girls)

Care and Guidance
of Children
Consumer Problems
Family and Social
Home Mechanics
Managing a Home
Modern Housing, Fui
nishings and Equipmi

Proposed Length
of Time
(to be determined
by local situation)



Because the field of child development is so broad in scope
and is continuously changing, and since communities vary in
viewpoint, practices and understandings in the care of children,
it is important that the teacher plan the approach and develop-
ment of this area so as to make the greatest contribution to:

stimulating interest in improved guidance of younger
improving understandings of the role of adults and older
building up desirable habits and attitudes in young children
with whom they come in contact
developing insights of how behavior is frequently built up
or reconditioned

The individual should understand the patterns of physical
growth, the social needs of the infant and small child, and that
these two processes of growth are continuous and dependent
upon environment. It is the purpose of this area to give a better
understanding of and to create greater interest in the growing
child. Major emphasis should be given to the age groups of
children with whom the pupils have contacts.

To develop:
ability to guide the social activities of the child
ability to select and improvise suitable materials for
interest in and a liking for young children
understanding of the importance of nutrition, rest, exercise
and elimination to the fundamental growth patterns of
infants and small children


How can we develop a gen-
uine interest in children?

What are the physical needs
of the small child and how
can I help him meet these

Relate stories about ones own
childhood and about other small
children pointing out amusing
and interesting incidents and
show how these enable one to
understand children better.
Select some small child from
own family or from family of
neighbor or acquaintances for
direct observation while child
development is being studied.

Discuss and list the physical
needs of the pre-school child to
determine what particular be-
havior is to be observed in re-
lation to the selected child's
Organized committees report on
the following:
1. Foods essential for a good
diet of the pre-school child.
2. Conditions which make meal
time pleasant.
3. How to introduce new foods
into the diet of a pre-school
4. The factors which influence
the choices a child makes in
Use information obtained to ob-
serve selected child, and report
findings to class. Plan ways to
improve one food practice ob-
served, and if possible assist the
mother of the child in carrying
out these suggestions.

What do I need to know if
I am a good "baby sitter?"

Discuss the need of the pre-
school child for sleep and rest.
Determine from observation of
the selected child how well he
is meeting this need. If he is
not meeting this need, discuss
how the child could be helped to
meet this need.
From general knowledge of
health practices, discuss the im-
portance of regular elimination.
. Find out and report when train-
ing in toilet habits were begun
by the observed child; if regu-
lar habits have been established,
find out how they were estab-
lished. Compare habits of the
observed child with those sug-
gested in references.
Discuss the importance of play
in the development of the pre-
school child. Observe the play
of the selected child noting the
kinds of games and activities
enjoyed. Determine how well the
child is meeting his physical and
social needs for play. Suggest
other games and activities the
pre-school child might enjoy.

From experiences of "baby sit-
ters" in the class, cooperatively
list responsibilities of a "baby
sitter." Consult mothers of
young children and girls who
have cared for children in homes
o f acquaintances. Summarize
their opinions as to desirable
precautions and rules of conduct

to be followed when taking care
of children for others.
Assemble a "toy pack" one
could carry with her if she were
going to care for a child for the
evening. Explain the reason for
selecting each toy.
Instructional Materials
The numbers below refer to instructional materials listed in
"Part Three" of this guide.

Materials for Teacher
Books: 7, 18, 19

Materials for Pupils
Books: 46, 48, 49, 51, 63, 95
Bulletins: 118
Audio-Visual Aids
Charts: 128
Films: 147


A pleasing appearance will enable pupils to make more
satisfactory individual adjustment thus aiding in developing a
feeling of security. It must be recognized that guidance and
counselling are necessary in helping the pupil to make this
Changes in styles and grooming practices of this age group
must be recognized in order to guide them in approaching their
goals in personal appearance without adopting standards of
adults. The teacher who fails to understand and accept the
current fashion of "teenagers" may be placing a barrier be-
tween pupils and herself.
The high school pupil will need guidance in developing good
clothing practices even though she may have definite ideas as
to what well dressed "teenagers" should wear. It should be
recognized that the attractiveness of the teacher and of the
department will aid in acceptance of good clothing and art
It is necessary that pupils become aware of changes taking
place in the field of textiles and clothing. Pupils should be
helped to realize that kinds of materials and special finishes
are changing. Some knowledge of old and new textile fibers,
fabrics, and finishes is necessary for intelligent buying. Because
construction methods need to be adapted to new fabrics and
changing styles, new standards may be needed for evaluating
construction skills.
It is apparent that greater emphasis will need to be placed
on development of skills, not only in clothing construction, but
also in changes and uses of equipment; and also in the selection,
purchase, care and storage of clothing. With the purchase of
new garments and fabrics, more attention will need to be given
to improved uses of the clothing dollar. In many cases girls will

need to be able to sew in order to contribute to the family income
and at the same time enjoy the satisfaction and joy of creating
and expressing individuality. Since greater skill is usually
required in the successful remodeling of an old garment, prob-
ably the pupil should do only very simple renovating. Those
pupils with a background of home experiences in sewing might
be permitted more difficult projects. It is advisable that all
pupils be made aware that refashioning of clothing is a thrift
practice worthy of their attention.
The entire clothing area should be planned cooperatively
between teacher and pupils by using immediate problems as
teaching situations which may take place in the home, school,
and community.


To develop:
ability to construct simple, attractive, well made garments
ability to evaluate performance in terms of goals set up
ability to make simple pattern alteration
appreciation of fabrics in relation to selection, construction,
and care of the individual's own garments
appreciation of the satisfactions derived through expressing
individuality in creative activities
judgment in buying, taking into consideration advertise-
ment, labeling, finishes in fabrics and construction
skills in use and care of tools and equipment needed in
clothing work
understanding of the relation of good grooming to successful
living and to develop skills in making the most of ones
understanding of the principles of line, color, and design,
and their application to clothing and accessories


How can my personal
pearance contribute to

How can I select my cloth-
ing successfully?

Develop a personal grooming
check sheet, analyze own indi-
vidual characteristics and make
plans for improvement and
check progress. Determine activ-
ities which will contribute to im-
proved personal appearance.
Observe a demonstration by a
competent person of applying
make up and of hair styling
suitable for teen-age pupils. Ex-
periment with ways of applying
make up suitable to ones self.
Study and experiment with ap-
propriate hair styling which is
becoming to different types and
decide on suitable styling for
one's self.
Discuss importance of using own
comb, hair brush, lipstick, and
powder puff and make plans to
improve habits. Report progress.
Experiment with colors to de-
termine which are most becom-
ing for each individual. Plan to
use these colors in ones ward-
robe. Select different figure
types from class members and
experiment with different lines
and design finding those most
becoming to one's self. Deter-
mine which art principles these
Select a commercial pattern for
one's self which apply these
principles of line and design.

What care should be given
my clothing to keep it ready
to wear? How can I give
such care to my clothing?

Identify the most commonly
used fabrics by classification of
swatches of material available.
Determine how the characteris-
tics of each fabric affect its use
and care.
Choose a fabric best suited for
the selected pattern.
Talk with informed persons or
read to determine buying points
to be considered when selecting
ready-made garments. Examine
ready-made garments and com-
pare with desirable points
agreed upon by the class. Make
and display charts, posters, pic-
tures of appropriate clothing
and accessories which could be
worn to community activities at-
tended by class members.
Plan individual's wardrobe for
current season, taking into con-
siderataion clothing on hand and
present needs, and determine
which articles of clothing will
be purchased ready-made and
which will be constructed.

Make plans for a clothing clinic.
Bring to class clothing which
needs repairs, or alteration and
make it ready for wearing.
Observe demonstration of laun-
dering. Carry out this expe-
rience in the home or in the class
and report progress.
Make a sewing kit for the use
of all pupils for care of clothes
at school. Arrange for sharing

the responsibility for upkeep of
Secure information for plan-
ning improvements for the stor-
age of clothing at home. Ob-
serve suitable ways of storing
clothing. Plan for and store
one's own or family clothing in a
suitable way.
How can I construct simple Observe demonstration of the
articles of clothing and parts and use of the sewing ma-
what do I need to know chine needed in making a sim-
about the use of sewing pie garment. Practice operation
equipment and pattern al- of sewing machine until able to
teration in order to do this? use on construction of a simple
garment. Assume responsibility
for use, care and storage of sew-
ing equipment and tools.
Observe demonstration of pat-
tern interpretation and altera-
tion and make necessary altera-
tions on individual pattern. De-
velop a score card or criteria for
construction that indicate what
constitutes a well-made garment.
Plan procedure for construction
of a garment including develop-
ment of good work habits and
evaluate progress as work pro-
Instructional Materials
The numbers below refer to instructional materials listed
in "Part Three" of this guide.
Materials for Teacher
Books: 3, 12
Materials for Pupils
Books: 50, 51, 52, 64, 81, 82, 94
Bulletins: 122, 126
Audio-Visual Aids
Films: 135, 140


Since adequate food and application of the principles of
nutrition help determine not only the health of an individual
but also the enjoyment which he receives from his daily living,
the study of the principles of nutrition is an important one
for the young homemaker to make.
It has been pointed out that good nutrition contributes to
good health. Pupils can make a valuable contribution to good
health by becoming better informed so that they may more
easily solve their own food problems and may help in solving
those of their families. The teacher can aid individuals to solve
these food problems by helping the pupils to make practical
application of their knowledge of nutrition.
A major aim of the food and nutrition area in the first year
of homemaking education is to develop ability in planning,
marketing, preparing, and serving simple, well-balanced meals.
It is believed that the pupils should be made aware of the im-
portance of retaining all the food values and of using the basic
principles of food preparation whenever food is prepared.
Serving a meal affords an excellent opportunity for teach-
ing and applying acceptable social patterns. The food and. nu-
trition area offers many and varied opportunities for the pupil
to develop graciousness and poise in social situations through
carefully selected learning experiences.
Because of the need for conservation of foods, it is ad-
visable that some food conservation be included in the first year
course. At the beginning of the school year it would be wise
for the teacher to acquaint herself with the foods available in
the community and to plan for the conservation of such foods.
When planning learning experiences for the food and nu-
t';ion area, the teacher needs to keep in mind the fact that
t*1",e experiences may be secured not only in school but also

in the home and in the community. With each phase of class
work it is important that guidance be given not only to the
application of the principles of management, safety and health,
but also to the wise use of resources and to the development of
satisfactory personal relationships.

To develop:
ability to apply basic food preparation principles wherever
and whenever food is prepared
ability to care for and store food
ability to plan, select, prepare, and serve in an attractive
manner simple nutritious meals
ability to select and buy nutritious food within the income
ability to use acceptable social practices in eating
understanding of desirable methods for conserving food
understanding of existing desirable food patterns in the
community and an ability to supplement these for nu-
tritional adequacy
understanding of factors which influence the nutritional
needs of individuals


Problems Determine the daily food needs
How can we improve food for each member of the class. ,
habits which will contribute Determine the foods which sup-
to our optimum physical, ply these needs using charts,
m e n t a 1, and emotional audio-visual and other teaching
health? aids.

Make a chart of food needs
through class discussion. Each
pupil check his own eating hab-
its by this chart.

How can we acquire desir-
able work habits which will
contribute to our satisfac-
tions in planning, prepar-
ing and serving simple

How can we use effectively
and care for materials and
equipment for food prepa-
ration ?

How can we plan simple,
adequate and interesting
meals for the family?

Plan cooperatively a time sched-
ule for preparing and serving
in the laboratory a specific meal
leaving the laboratory in order
at the end of the period.
Develop cooperatively work
sheets that provide for a distri-
bution of responsibilities when
working in the laboartory.
Observe how recipes are writ-
ten. Practice writing and fol-
lowing simple recipes. Build a
useful recipe file. Stress need
for accuracy in measuring in-
gredients and accuracy in fol-
lowing directions given in

Cooperatively plan in class pro-
cedures which will enable mem-
bers to become familiar with the
use and convenient placement of
equipment and materials in the
Develop a check list of ways to
prevent waste in utilities, ma-
terials and equipment.
Continually measure progress
toward preventing waste.
Develop a check list of ways of
working for maximum safety in
both school and home.
Continually determine the de-
gree to which safety practices
are carried out.

Plan adequate and interesting
meals for a family to extend
over a period of three days.

How can we achieve the
satisfaction of planning,
preparing and serving si!m-
ple attractive food for spe-
cial occasions?

How can we select and buy
nutritionally adequate meals
away from home?

How can we secure the
highest nutritive value for
every food dollar spent?

Determine how some foods could
be adapted to the needs of the
pre-school child and a sick or
convalescent patient in ones

Make an organized list of foods
to prepare these meals. List the
Florida foods available in local
markets according to season,
and plan for and prepare these
foods in class and at home.

Plan menus for occasions when
unexpected company may come.
Discuss with the family the pos-
sibility of providing an emer-
gency shelf to be used in the
quick preparation of such meals.
Plan, prepare and serve food for
special occasions at school.
Plan, prepare and serve food
for at least one meal for a spe-
cial occasion at home.
List actual breakfast and dinner
menus for three days. Using
menus from the local restau-
rants and the school cafeteria,
select luncheon menus which
with the other two meals, will
meet one's daily food require-
Set up luncheon trays, illustrat-
ing menus planned above.
Plan meals for one's family for
one day. From stores and ad-
vertisements secure prices and
estimate cost of these.

How can we make applica-
tion of the basic food prin-
ciples wherever and when-
ever food is prepared?

How can we acquire accept-
able social practices wher-
ever food is served?

Revise the menus above using
food alternates and extenders.
Estimate the cost of these meals
and compare and contrast the
expenditures. Plan and if pos-
sible, make field trips to local
markets to observe cost, avail-
ability and quality of foods
Plan and prepare simple meals
in school and at home empha-
sizing the principles of cookery
in the preparation of fruit, veg-
etables, cereals, breads, protein
foods and simple desserts.
Become familiar with the mean-
ing and application of specific
terms used in food preparation.
Plan and prepare at home dishes
for the family's meals applying
basic food principles learned at
school when preparing simple
meals. Write brief statements of
the success or failure of these
Have parents or family mem-
ber add a short comment regard-
ing the family's reaction to
these efforts.
Use attractive table settings and
correct social customs in serving
meals in the laboratory and at
Practice acceptable ways of
serving and eating of food until
these practices become habits.

How can we effectively use
home conservation and
available community resour-
ces to prevent food waste?

How can we effectively
store and care for food at
home and school?

Discuss the possibility and make
plans for exchanging with
friends and neighbors simple
foods for conservation in order
to secure variety needed for fam-
ily meals.
Discuss methods of food conser-
vation. Make a chart listing sea-
son for commonly used foods and
the methods of conservation of
such available foods. Carry out
at school and at home methods
of conservation possible in ones
community. Report to class the
results of foods conserved at
Plan for and visit deep freeze
plant or cannery to observe
methods of conservation in ones
Determine satisfactory ways of
storing food in laboratory and
home. Make charts of laboratory
storage space indicating where
foods can be advantageously
stored and cared for. Examine
charts for placing of food in
refrigerator. Practice keeping
them accordingly.
Discuss with family possible
improvement of storage and care
of food in the home. Carry out
plans thus formulated, if

How can we help create
interest in eating the right
kinds of foods at home, in
school and in the com-

How can we
new foods?

learn to like

Use audio-visual aids illustrat-
ing nutritional deficiencies prev-
alent in Florida. Discuss ones
responsibilities and possible
share in overcoming this
Secure menus from the school
lunch room and plan other meals
to be served at home, that will
supplement these to provide ade-
quate nutrition.
Secure from the Florida State
Board of Health the laws and
regulations relating to food and
food handling passed as a pro-
tective measure for the good of
the majority and discuss these
with family. Eat with younger
children in school cafeteria.

Discuss food likes and dislikes
and suggest ways of overcoming
Try a new food as one selects
lunch in cafeteria or restaurant.
Keep a record over a period of
time of new foods tried and the
success of this food adventuring.

Instructional Materials
The numbers below refer to instructional materials listed
in "Part Three" of this guide.

Materials for Teacher
Books: 14, 23
Materials for Pupils
Books: 48, 52, 56, 58, 65, 69
Bulletins: 98
Audio-Visual Aids:
Charts: 129, 130, 132
Films: 137, 142, 145, 149, 150, 153


Evidences of the ill effects of poor housing on the family
have caused housing to become of national, state and community
concern, not only as a place of shelter, but also, as a place for
creating the proper environment for the development of all
members of the family in a democratic way of living.
The shifting of homes during and since the recent war has
shown us that houses are not the whole answer to the housing
problem. An important answer is the tranquility that must
exist within the walls of the house and the rapport that must
exist within a community of houses.
The home should be a bulwark against social insecurity, a
place where the child may develop physical, mental, social, emo-
tional arid spiritual health.
The public schools have a responsibility to provide educa-
tion for improved housing. An important contribution to this
aspect of education can be made by homemaking education
through its program and its department. The homemaking edu-
cation department should exemplify characteristics of a desir-
able home situation as to beauty, convenience and comfort. The
skills in living-social, manipulative, and managerial-may be
achieved through its program.
Pupils entering their first year of homemaking education
in the high school come with varying backgrounds in educa-
tion and in home experiences; some have had an introduction
into the study of housing through the integrated course, "Every-
day Living"; some come from homes with a rich background
in housing experiences; while others come with limited expe-
riences in housing.
To develop:
ability to make simple repairs in the home

ability to share in the responsibilities of daily and occasional
care of the home
appreciation of services of modern household equipment
which can be used most efficiently in homes
appreciation of the importance of attractive home surround-
ings to family and community living
recognition of the factors in good housing which contribute
to satisfactory home life and to the development of the
members of the family
recognition of what is desirable in ones home for increased
family comfort and satisfaction, and to develop the abil-
ity to make simple alterations or rearrangements
understanding of basic principles of color and design as
applied to the home understanding of the value of order-
liness in the home


What are the essential fac-
tors in good housing and
how do they contribute to
satisfactory home life?

Use panel discussion on essential
factors in good housing and
draw conclusions as to their con.
tribution to satisfactory home
Consult an authority or read a
description of a situation show-
ing the effect of poor housing
on juvenile delinquency and
crime, disease, accidents and in-
juries, and maladjustments. Re-
port findings to class. Suggest
ways in which good housing
would tend to decrease such
Set up a case study of a family,
which is representatative of the
community, and determine its
housing needs. Discuss with ones
own family the housing needs.

How do we share in the
responsibilities of daily and
occasional care of the home?

How can we make more ef-
ficient use of our time and
energy by using modern
household equipment?

How can we keep our bcd-
room clean and orderly?

List the various housekeeping
duties which must be performed
daily and occasionally and de-
termine which of these can be
assumed by a high school pupil.
Plan and assume housekeeping
duties for a period of time in
the homemaking department.
Perform housekeeping duties
using both old and new equip-
ment; compare results of ex-
periment, as to time, energy, and

Observe demonstrations of mod-
ern equipment, and discuss
which piece of equipment could
be used to advantage in the
homemaking education depart-
ment, and in one's own home.

Discuss the major purposes of
'Ile be room, and the additional
purposes for which the bedroom
is frequently used. Determine
changes needed in one's own
bedroom to serve better these
Assemble ideas and suggestions
to improve order and arrange-
ment in one's bedroom. Check
the orderliness of our bedroom
in terms of the expression, "a
place for everything and every-
thing in its place.''

List articles in one's own bed-
room used most frequently, and
suggest proper storage for them.
List those articles used infre-

How can our homemaking
department be made more
attractive by using appro-
priate colors and design?

How can we make our bed-
room more attractive by us-
ing appropriate colors and

How can we make simple
repairs in our homes?

quently and suggest proper
storage for them. Plan for im-
proving pupil's own bedroom by
carrying out these suggestions
in own room.

Apply principles of color and
design in arranging the home-
making department for a Fu-
ture Homemaker or New Home-
maker chapter meeting, or a
social function.

Analyze the homemaking edu-
cation department in terms of
color and design and suggest
ways of making it more inter-
esting and attractive. Plan
which of these improvements
can be made by pupils. Carry
out plans.

Study art principles of line,
color and design and note how
they apply to bedrooms. Ar-
range for and visit a pupil's
bedroom in a home, and note
how these principles are applied.
Assemble illustrative material
and ideas adaptable to one's
bedroom needs. From ideas
gained from observation and
study, plan for improvements
to be made in one's bedroom.

Observe a demonstration of
home repairs which can be done
by a high school pupil and find
opportunity for making such re-
pairs. Check and report on

How can our home sur-
roundings be made more at-
tractive ?

The numbers
in "Part Three"

List the tools which should be
available for making simple re-
pairs and assemble such a kit
of tools in the homemaking de-
Observe a variety of homes in
the community and determine
what makes their surroundings

Invite agriculture teacher, or
landscape gardener, or other
person trained in that field to
discuss ways of improving home
surroundings and creating at-
tractive outdoor recreational

Instructional Materials
below refer to instructional materials listed
of this guide.
Materials for Teacher

Books: 2, 12, 20
Bulletins: 41, 44, 51

Materials for Pupils
Books: 48, 49, 51, 52, 57, 68, 72, 75, 86, 93
Bulletins: 107, 127



Family members need guidance in improving home and
family living. Each boy and girl has a right to look forward to
becoming a well-adjusted member of society thereby gaining
the security each individual needs for any degree of happiness
and contentment.
It is the purpose of this area to help the individual to become
a well-adjusted member of his family and of his community.
The homemaking education program should provide opportunity
for gaining an understanding of the basic principles of human
behavior and experiences related to actual problems of family
This area should contribute to happier, richer living, more
satisfying personal adjustment and improved family relations
and social conditions.

To develop:
ability to meet emotional needs of adolescence in a whole-
some way
increasing ability to solve his own problems of relationships
wholesome attitude toward friendships with boys and girls
and with adults
recognition of the personal qualities of a well-adjusted
understanding of his own personal development and his
changing relations to other persons
understanding of the responsibilities of various family mem-
bers and the responsibility each individual shares as a
member of the family group


What are the qualities of a
well-adjusted person? How
can I develop these qualities
to improve myself?

What physical changes take
place during teen age? How
do these changes affect re-

How can I be popular with

Develop cooperatively a check
list of desirable personal qual-
ities which can be used continu-
ously by the individual to check
qualities he needs to improve or
Make plans for improvement of
one quality at a time. Evaluate
progress made by using check
list developed above.
Analyze the effect of the physi-
cal changes of adolescence on
the emotional development of
the individual and his changing
relations to others.
Use films, illustrative materials,
and discussions to aid in under-
standing growth patterns and
the need for making continuous

Use panel discussion as a basis
for concluding what boys and
girls like in each other.
Dramatize social customs which
show how adolescents may im-
prove their relations with others.
Accumulate evidences of one's
own ability to solve problems of

List cooperatively group activi-
ties that boys and girls enjoy in
the community and discuss
which are best for developing

What responsibilities in my
home should I share?

How can I help my family
to enjoy leisure time?

Plan for and provide activities
which give opportunities for de-
veloping friendships.

List cooperatively responsibili-
ties usually carried in the home
and indicate who is usually re-
sponsible for each.
Indicate which of these respon-
sibilities are appropriate for and
can be carried by the high school
Determine which of these re-
sponsibilities can be shared by
the individual in one's own
home and make plans for shar-
ing these responsibilities.
List cooperatively activities
which families enjoy doing to-
Plan and carry out a new
leisure-time activity for one's
own family.
Plan and carry out an evening
of fun at home for the family.
Make and /carry out plans to
share the responsibilities of some
member of the family so that he
may enjoy additional leisure.
Make plans for home expe-
riences which improve relation-
ships in the family, for instance,
using the radio so that all mem-
bers of the family get satisfac-
tion from it and friction is

How do my activities in the Relate incidents which show how
school and the community opinions of others are formed.
affect the relationships of Discuss how one's activity away
my family to the commun- from home reflects on one's
ity? family.

Become informed about activi-
ties of the school, church, and
community which would be in-
teresting to one's self and to
one's family. Make plans for
helping family members to at-
tend these functions.
Instructional Materials
The numbers below refer to instructional materials listed
in "Part Three" of this guide.
Materials for Teacher
Books: 10, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

Materials for Pupils
Books: 49, 51, 63, 70
Bulletins: 97, 109, 111, 121
Audio-Visual Aids:
Films and Film Strips: 134, 138, 140, 141, 143, 144


Our changing pattern of family living emphasizes the need
for all members of the family regardless of sex, to have a
better understanding of the meaning of and to participate more
effectively in home and family life. There is increasing need
for schools to provide opportunities for boys to have courses
in homemaking education as a part of the regular school

Homemaking Education I as offered in the secondary schools
of Florida is an elective course to boys for which they may
receive high school credit. Some few schools now offer home-

making education for boys either in separate classes, or in mixed
classes, or in exchange classes.
Although Homemaking Education I is a comprehensive
course, including areas of concern and interest both to boys and
to girls, there are some problems in it that are of greater interest
to girls than to boys. In general, the objectives and problems
will be the same for both boys and girls, with the exception of the
food and clothing areas. For example, different experiences
for boys should be provided in the area of clothing during the
time that the girls are working on garment construction. In
all areas of Homemaking Education I, however, the majority
of the problems suggested in the course are as applicable to
boys as to girls; though in some few areas, the problems for
boys and girls may need to differ or different experiences may
be required for the same problem.
Homemaking education teachers should be aware of boys'
problems as well as those of the girls'. High school boys, if
they are shy and if they feel that they are not socially com-
petent may suffer more than is usually realized. Many boys
could receive group or individual help through homemaking
education classes.
In developing a functional program the homemaking educa-
tion teacher, when she has boys as well as girls in class, should
include some additional experiences which are particularly
applicable to boys.
The experiences which follow are representative of those
which have proved successful in homemaking education classes
in which boys have been enrolled.

Study simple toys that may be constructed. Mend, construct
or renovate some toys suitable for younger children in ones
own family or those of friends. Display and evaluate.
Plan for and provide, if possible, inexpensive large, play
equipment for younger children at school.

Discuss ways that boys may be of assistance and may assist
younger children in decorating the home for holidays and other
special occasions. Plan for and assume responsibility for deco-
rating on such occasions in home, school, or community.
Investigate community to find out the kinds of services pro-
vided by various community organizations and other agencies
concerned with the welfare of children. Cooperatively make
recommendations for ways of assisting these organizations in
carrying out some of the services.

Cooperatively list the items of clothing comprising ward-
robe essentials, and also other desirable items of clothing. De-
termine from clothing on hand what is needed to complete an
adequate wardrobe for one's self.

Collect labels from clothing worn by men and boys. Dis-
tinguish brand name and trade mark labels from informative
labels. Compare information on labels with clothing and textile
standards established through the Federal Trade Commission.
Determine factors to be considered when selecting and buy-
ing articles of clothing to insure maximum satisfaction for the
clothing dollar spent.
Observe demonstrations given by qualified persons on se-
lection of accessories appropriate in line, color, and design.
Develop cooperatively a check list of desirable grooming
practices. Use the list in analyzing individual grooming
practices. Make plans for self improvement. Check progress
Discuss how a neat, well groomed appearance may aid in
obtaining a position and may aid in securing future promotions.
Plan desirable ways of storing various articles of boy's
clothing and, if possible, carry out the plan.
Determine the essentials and assemble small equipment and
supplies needed for a kit which will enable one to care for one's
own clothing.

Observe demonstrations of pressing and hanging boy's cloth-
ing; of techniques, employing safety precautions, used in spot
and stain removal; of making minor repairs on boy's wearing

Make a schedule of daily and occasional care of clothing.
Follow this for a specified time and report progress.

Make a collection of fabrics suitable for boy's clothing and
examine weight, construction, special finishes, color fastness
with respect to alternate use and with prices to determine wise
choices of garments.

Observe a demonstration of cuts of meats. Select a suitable
cut for pot roast and prepare with vegetables. Practice carving
and serving.
Plan menus, and prepare food and serve meals emphasizing
differences in food needs of a boy playing football and those
of a less active boy his own age.
Plan and if possible grow a vegetable garden.
Plan a tour of various retail markets, checking sanitary
conditions, prices, and quality of foods.
Collect and exhibit menus from restaurants; compare prices
for meals from cafeteria, a la carte, and table d'hote services.
Discuss reasons for variations in cost.

Study the meaning and practice the correct pronunciation
of food terms generally used in menus and recipes.
Plan a week-end camping trip for four or more persons.
Plan the meals, organize the food list, and the equipment needed.
If possible, carry out this plan and report results.
Plan in class, prepare and serve either at school or at home
a simple stag supper for group of friends. Report results.
Plan and prepare a variety of nourishing sandwich spreads
to use when one brings guests home after school or after the

Determine generally acceptable practices used in serving and
eating food. Practice these at home and in school or wherever
food is eaten.
Observe demonstrations of changing washers in faucets; re-
pairing electric cords; replacing fuses. Make such repairs or
similar ones at home or at school, if possible.
Observe demonstration of equipment needed for the occa-
sional care of the home. Plan for cleaning windows, furniture
or floors in a specific part of the home or school. Carry out the
plan and report results.
Arrange for a talk to be given by a qualified person, or use
audio-visual aids on home landscaping to determine the kinds
of trees, shrubs, and flowers, which grow best in one's com-
munity. Decide which of these would be suitable to plant at
home or at school. If possible, plant some.
Discuss the care of the yard and the list of tools that would
be needed in caring for the yard. determine the care of and
plan for desirable storage of these tools. Plan what boys can
do at home or at school in caring for the yard and the tools
needed to care for yards. Carry out the plan over a period
of time, and report progress.
Collect special cleaning materials used for the occasional
cleaning of one's room. Determine how each is used and plan
to use some of these, if possible, in cleaning at home or at
Visit a furniture store or use audio-visual aids to compare
quality in furniture of different grades and prices. Illustrate
and discuss how some simple piece of furniture can be con-
structed, repaired, refinished, or upholstered. If possible, plan
and carry out one such project.
Discuss desirable and appropriate furnishing for a boy's
room. Discuss desirable arrangements of these to provide the
best lighting when studying, convenience in use, and attrac-
tiveness in appearance. Discuss with some family member the


possibility of such rearrangement of furnishings and if pos-
sible make these changes.
Discuss and illustrate ways of using space to better advan-
tage to secure more convenient arrangement of boy's closet.
Plan desirable storage of boy's clothing and other personal
possessions. Discuss ways of providing for storage when there
are no closets or when the existing space is inadequate.

Study the special social courtesies that are desirable to
know. Practice those which will help one to feel more secure
in social situations. Observe and analyze demonstrations of
various social situations, such as taking a girl to dinner, to the
movies; to the Junior-Senior Prom; to the Youth Center; or
to a dance.
Write for hotel reservation. Dramatize or observe demon-
stration on how to register, to check in, and check out at a
hotel, and practice when possible on band, football, or other
Select, plan for, and carry out one of the following: an
over-night motor trip, an over-night trip by train, a stay at
camp, a convention, a week-end house party, a camping or
fishing trip.
Plan for and assume responsibility for guests for short
visits, meals and week-ends at home.
Determine the responsibilities that a host has for his own
friends and for those of his parents or those of other family
members. Plan for carrying out some of these responsibilities
and report results.
Plan with father or some family member a surprise outdoor
supper for the family and carry out these plans. Report fun
to class.
Instructional Materials
The numbers below refer to instructional materials listed
in "Part Three" of this guide.
Materials for Pupils
Books: 48, 49, 52, 58, 59, 60, 71, 77, 84, 87, 90, 91



If an individual understands children he will be more ef-
fective in helping them to meet their needs, and at the same
time his satisfaction in working with children will be increased,
and his understanding of his family relationships will be im-
proved. By giving today's children better care, better parents
for tomorrow's children will result and better children and
parents will make for more democratic communities.
Young people who are interested in children and who are
ready for responsibility in the care of children are able to profit
most from instruction. It is the purpose of this area to supply
the training needed for assisting in home care of children, as
well as for a greater degree of effective participation in com-
munity projects in child care. Opportunity should be provided
for pupils to observe young children in everyday situations. A
measure of its success will be the increased amounts of intelli-
gent participation in home and community child care on the
part of young people.
To develop:
ability to select appropriate clothing for the pre-school child
desire to improve home conditions affecting children
increased ability to guide children in approved behavior
increased ability to help children form desirable habits
increased understanding of some of the factors that con-
tribute to the health and happiness of children
understanding of the desirable ways of working with children
understanding of how the child learns and ability to guide
mental development of the child
understanding of how heredity and environment affects the
physical, mental, and emotional-social development of
the child


What factors contribute to
the health and happiness of
pre-school children? How
can I understand these fac-
tors and use my understand-
ing of them to benefit

What are the food needs of
pre-school children and how
can desirable eating habits
be established?

Construct cooperatively a list of
the signs of good health in chil-
dren and check a child in your
home or neighborhood for these
Invite nurse to discuss impor-
tance of prenatal care. Discuss
the responsibilities of parents
in preparing other members of
the family for the coming baby.
Collect data on children who are
on regular and irregular sched-
ules to see if any conclusions can
be drawn to substantiate the
value of a planned daily sched-
Plan for a demonstration by a
mother, of preparation of the
formula for a baby, to empha-
size the importance of sterili-
zation, and accuracy in follow-
ing directions.
Observe children eating in the
nursery school, kindergarten,
and in home situations and note
food habits. Report results of
Discriminate between desirable
and undesirable habits observed,
and suggest ways of improving
the undesirable ones.
Select a given family menu, and
indicate which foods could be
used and what modification
would be needed to meet the

How can I help the pre-
school child to develop good
habits of rest and sleep?

What are considered to be
desirable behavior patterns
for a young child? What
factors influence the forma-
tion of habits of behavior?
How can I help young chil-
dren to develop desirable
behavior patterns?

needs of a three year old.
If possible, take charge of feed-
ing a baby brother or sister or
a friend's child for a specific
time. Report to class success in
following a schedule.
Cooperatively prepare a chart
showing the nutrients needed in
the baby's diet during the first
year. Using a baby's diet, plan-
ned by a physician, indicate in
which foods these nutrients are
Discuss the factors which con-
tribute to adequate rest and
sleep for the young child. De-
termine ways in which a high
school pupil could help to facili-
tate adequate rest and sleep for
the child.
Demonstrate how to make a
comfortable bed for a baby from
a clothes basket.
Visit a nursery school, children's
center or the home of a young
child to note the arrangement
for naps and night-time sleep.
Report observations to class. If
possible make some improvement
in sleeping conditions for a child
in one's own home.
Discuss what are desirable be-
havior patterns. Observe be-
havior of a child in a given sit-
uation. Compare child's beha-
vior with desirable behavior pat-
terns. Determine ways in which
behavior can be improved.
Invite nursery school or kinder-

What makes for adequate
personal care of a young
child? How can young chil-
dren be given adequate per-
sonal care?

What child care service can
high school pupils render?
How can I render child care
service in my community?

garten teacher to discuss how
play equipment develops a child.
Assemble an exhibit of toys
which children have enjoyed
and evaluate their educational
possibilities by a check list set
up cooperatively.
Invite a mother or nurse to dem-
onstrate bathing a baby as it
would be done in a home situa-
tion. Assist in bathing a baby
or young child at home, if
Plan the changes necessary in
the home bathroom to encourage
desirable toilet habits in a young
Assemble the minimum equip-
ment necessary for a child's
bath. Explain the use of each
Assemble and demonstrate ward-
robes for children of various age
groups. Discuss as to comfort
and style, and those which are
constructed which will enable a
child to help himself.
Guide a young child in learning
to bathe and dress himself and
to care for his clothing. Report
progress to class.
Inquire of mother in the com-
munity, "What do you expect of
a girl who takes care of your
children, by way of personal
characteristics, work expected,
and wages?" Follow this with
reports, roundtable discussion or
panel discussion to determine

the qualifications necessary for
a good baby-sitter.
List activities one could carry
on in one's own community that
would assist in the care of chil-
dren, and discuss ways in which
this service can be improved.
Cooperatively plan for class
members to observe each other
telling stories to children and
indicate points for improvement.
Arrange an exhibit of books and
records for children. Select
books and records suitable for a
four year old.
Visit a nursery school or chil-
dren's center to note the play
equipment provided for chil-
dren of age levels present. Ob-
serve way equipment is used.
Plan some suitable equipment
for a child in one's own home or

Instructional Materials
The numbers below refer to instructional materials listed
in "Part Three" of this guide.
Materials for Teacher
Books: 15, 16, 24
Materials for Pupils
Books: 46, 49, 51, 78, 92
Bulletins: 105, 106, 119
Audio-Visual Aids:
Charts: 128
Films: 151




The problems and exlpi.'?-i,.. in clothing and textiles in
the second year homemaking education classes should be planned
and built on those experiences which pupils have had at home
and in first year of homemaking education.
Pupils of this age are becoming more aware of the clothing
needs of the family-Ir.i.iliiig what clothing could be bought,
what could be constructed, what can be altered or restyled and
what distribution of the money available for clothing should be
made in relation to the total income.
The pupils may need a more thorough study of fabrics, to
help in identification of fabrics, finishes, labels, their uses and
care. This information is needed in solving individual and family
clothing problems.
To develop:
ability to make simple pattern alterations
ability to restyle, refit, and alter garments
increased ability to evaluate work accomplished in terms of
goals set up cooperatively
increasing appreciation of art principles -as applied to cloth-
ing and accessories
growing understanding of fabrics, their sources, labeling,
finishes and their selection, use, and care
growing understanding that clothing contributes to achieve-
ment of emotional security and social acceptance
higher degree of skills in garment construction and fitting
recognition of individual's need as they relate to the selec-
tion of appropriate clothing and to the value of manag-
ing money available for family's clothing


What are my clothing needs
and how can they be met in
relation to my share of the
family's dollar?

What do I need to know
about f'br,,I.'. How will
finishes, labeling, and price
influence my selection of

How can I learn more about
refitting, restyling, and al-
tering clothing for myself
or my fil iii.,

Describe members of own family
or an imaginary family, their
ages, activities, and amount of
money spent on their clothing.
Considering individual's cloth-
ing needs, determine what is
one's fair share of the family
clothing dollar.
Analyze past buying practices
and determine ways to improve
them so as to meet clothing needs
more satisfactorily.
Become familiar with fabrics by
ilr,.itif.'vin materials used in the
dresses that girls in class are
wearing. Investigate the mean-
ing of terms which indicate in-
formation needed when selecting
materials. Find out what new
textiles and special finishes are
on the market and start a col-
lection for class use.
Make simple tests to distinguish
fibers and discuss results in
terms of durability, use and
Study some desirable items
which are included in labeling.
Examine labels for this infor-
mation and use this information
in selecting clothing and ma-
Examine clothing which would
be worn with greater satisfac-
tion if refitted, restyled, or al-
tered. MIkl;.. plans for restyling,

How can I develop greater
ability in clothing construc-
tion for myself or my

How may I receive greater
satisfaction from my pur-
chases of ready-made gar-
ments and accessories?

refitting or altering a garment
for own use or for another mem-
ber of the family or community.
Carry out the restyling, refit-
ting, or altering. Evaluate
Observe demonstration on use of
attachments. Practice those
which are needed in construc-
tion of a particular garment. As
a result of information gained
from pamphlet or well informed
person, oil and adjust machines
at school or at home.
Organize a plan of work for
construction of a garment, in-
cluding a time schedule, to be
used as a guide of work. Co-
operatively develop criteria for
judging the garment to be con-
structed. Construct garments for
self or family member that re-
quire new learning and follow
plan of work set up. Evaluate.
Develop criteria for judging
ready-made garments and ex-
amine ready-made garments
using the criteria accepted by
class. Use these criteria when
selecting own garments.
Select basic dress and show how
changes of suitable accessories
make this dress more versatile.
Experiment with one's own
wardrobe in the application of
these ideas. Plan the selection
of additional garments and ac-
cessories to harmonize with


clothing on hand so that greater
satisfaction from the use of
one's wardrobe is realized.

Instructional Materials
The numbers below refer to instructional materials listed
in "Part Three" of this guide.

Materials for Teacher
Books: 3, 12
Materials for Pupils
Books: 50, 52, 80, 81, 86, 94
Bulletins: 112, 113, 123, 124, 125



With the changed pattern of family living from producing
goods and services in the home to buying goods and services
for the home, there is need for cooperative planning in the
use of the family income. The family income includes goods
produced and services of the members of the family, as well as
money income.
The homemaking education program should provide the op-
portunity for developing an understanding of the importance
of cooperative planning and the wise use of family resources.

To develop:
recognition of the need for making wise choices in the use
of one's time, energy, and money
recognition of one's responsibility for contributing to the
family income through goods produced, services rendered
or money earned
skill in the management of resources in school or out of
understanding of the importance of cooperative planning
for the use of family resources
understanding of the meaning of economic resources of the
understanding of the relation of the family income to the
basic needs of the family

Problems Experiences
What constitutes the family Discuss what is meant by money
income and how may we income, goods produced, services
contribute to it? rendered and satisfaction re-
ceived by members of the family.

How can the family re-
sources meet the basic needs
of the family?

How can planning together
as a family help us to use
our income more satisfac-

How can we manage our
money satisfactorily?

Discuss different ways in which
each member may contribute to
the family income.
Use case studies to show how
families of varying incomes use
their resources to meet the basic
needs of the family.
Have a qualified person present
ways that families of varying
incomes meet the basic needs of
the family, and determine which
of the ways presented are appli-
cable to these case studies.
By means of a panel, sym-
posium, or socio-drama show how
two different families may solve
their economic problems.
Use case studies to show how
different families, through co-
operative planning, may solve
their economic problems.
Assist in planning the budget
and keeping the accounts, of the
homemaking department, or
F. H. A., or N. H. A.
After viewing the filmstrip,
"George Clark's Cartoon on
Money Management", discuss
money management.
Keep one's own personal account
for a month. After comparing
one's expenditures for various
items, indicate changes to be
made, in order to improve money
Study recreation available in
the community, and list the free
activities and those that cost

How can we improve our
buying practices in terms of
the money which we have to

How can we use our time
and energy more effec-

money. Plan a satisfactory
leisure-time schedule for some of
these activities listed from the
standpoint of money invested.
Plan a panel discussion on eco-
nomical and satisfying leisure-
time activities and present it to
the class or invited guest.

Relate experiences of unsatis-
factory purchases, explaining
why they were unsatisfactory.
Determine ways in which pur-
chase of similar articles in the
future could be made satisfac-
Assemble similar articles of
varying quality and price. De-
termine the relation of quality
and price to satisfaction and

Use a panel, symposium, socio-
drama or class discussion to
show ways one uses one's time
and energy effectively.
Keep a record of the ways one
uses time and energy for a week,
and determine whether or not
one's time and energy has been
used to the best advantage in
terms of satisfaction. If it has
not been used to one's satisfac-
tion, determine ways for making

Instructional Materials
The numbers below refer to instructional materials listed
in "Part Three" of this guide.

Materials for Teacher
Books: 4, 5, 17
Bulletins: 38, 40, 43
Materials for Pupils
Books: 47, 49, 51, 52, 85
Bulletins: 114, 115, 116




The food and nutrition area in the second year course must
begin at the level of learning which the pupil has reached;
not the level which the teacher thinks he should have
reached. Previous learning experiences serve as a foundation
for determining the starting point of this area. The pupil will
need to progress from simple food preparation learned in the
first year of homemaking education to the preparation of meals
for the family group. An important emphasis for this year
should be planning the family's food around the needs of the
family as a unit.
How to select nutritious meals away from home as well as
how to prepare at home meals which form a part of an ade-
quate day's diet are some of the needs of the pupil which should
be considered in this second year of homemaking education.
How food contributes to optimum health and efficiency is an
understanding for which both teacher and pupil should strive.
Attention should be given to developing some skill in the
preparation of food in quantities. These skills may be acquired
through entertaining, or through cooperating with various clubs
and organizations or the school lunch program. Pupils should
gain an increasing knowledge of an appreciation for the use of
Florida grown foods, and of the food patterns of Florida cul-
tural settlements.
In considering food for the family it is expected that pupils
will recognize the need for cooperation between consumer and
retailer when purchasing food and will develop increasing
ability in planning, purchasing, and preparing family meals.
Attention will be pointed toward an enjoyment of the prepa-
ration and service of family meals and the many social implica-
tions that eating together affords.

Some points are as applicable in second year as in first
year course in food and nutrition. The teacher should be con-
stantly aware that learning experiences can be had at home
or in the community as well as at school. In each phase of
work both teacher and pupil should keep in mind the impor-
tance of the application of the principles of management, safety
and health, and also the use of resources and the development
of desirable personal relationships.

The second year of food and nutrition built on many pre-
vious experiences presents a challenge both to teacher and pupils
to be creative and artistic. Food preparation can be a satisfying
experience in self-expression.

To develop:
ability to assist in preparing and serving foods prepared in
ability to choose a suitable and adequate diet for our fami-
lies and assume some responsibilities for our neighbors
ability to plan a day's diet to meet the daily requirements
ability to plan, prepare, and serve attractive family meals
ability to self-appraise and check health and nutrition habits
appreciation of the fact that the preparation and serving of
food can be a creative, satisfying experience
appreciation of food patterns of varying cultural groups
appreciation of quality and artistic merit in dining room
equipment and accessories
understanding of the fact that food fancies, superstitions,
and fallacies are not based on scientific research
understanding of the importance of cooperation between
consumer and retailer when purchasing food
understanding of the possibilities of using the varieties of
Florida grown foods


How can we further develop
and maintain good food
habits which will contribute
to optimum health and fit-

How can we further im-
prove our skills in planning,
marketing, preparing, and
serving family meals that
are adequate?

How can we gain skills in
preparing and serving large
quantities of food?

Keep a record of all food eaten
for one week including between-
meal snacks. Compare this with
individual needs. Check the
week's record against the Basic
Compute the number of calories
required for individual needs.
Determine whether or not one's
eating habits need to be changed.
If so, make plans for improve-
Keep a weekly record at various
intervals of the food eaten by
one's family during the food
unit. Evaluate the meals in this
record to determine their nu-
tritional adequacy.
Plan cooperatively three menus
that are identical except for pro-
tein dish, and prepare and
serve in laboratory. Contrast
and compare appearance, nutri-
tive value and cost.
Make an organized market or-
der for food needed by one's
family for a week, and plan
meals based on this list.
Plan, prepare and serve family
Locate authentic sources of in-
formation about serving large
quantities of food.
Discuss setting the table for a
large group observing cleanli-

How can cooking become
a satisfying experience
through increasing our skills
in this art?

ness, orderliness, and attractive-
ness as important factors.
Illustrate a diagram of indivi-
dual place setting considering
space needed, and silver, china,
napery and glass for each indi-
vidual place setting.
Plan with a group to assist in
planning, preparing and serving
for the cafeteria or for other
large numbers of persons.
Assist in preparing and serving
food for groups such as F.H.A.,
N.II.A., F.F.A., and other
groups. Report results.

Discuss ways that one uses food
to offer hospitality and plan and
prepare food for special occa-
Plan for and give a demonstra-
tion of food accessories and
Discuss and plan food boxes
which can be used as gifts. Pre-
pare some for holiday occasions.
Discuss the role of food in deco-
rations and gaiety during a holi-
day season. Decorate at home
and school with foods to add to
the holiday spirit.
Assemble a wide variety of fla-
vorings and seasonings, and have
demonstration of the use of
By exhibit demonstrate how
china, pottery, glassware can
add to the appetizing appear-
ance of food.
Plan cooperatively, bake, and

How can we judge and se-
lect suitable and attractive
dinjing room equipment and

How can we extend our
knowledge of food prepara-
tion to include customs and
methods of other cultural
groups ?

compare results of the various
methods used in the prepara-
tion of pies, cakes, and breads.
Plan, prepare, and serve meals
which involve increasingly dif-
ficult techniques which not only
satisfy nutritive needs but also
have aesthetic appeal.
Plan the equipment and acces-
sories one needs to serve a fam-
ily dinner. Collect china, silver,
and other accessories necessary
for this meal and practice set-
ting the table for it.
Apply art principles in judging
chin a, silverware, glassware,
dining room equipment and ac-
Arrange an exhibit of table set-
tings for various occasions dis-
playing centerpieces of flowers,
fruits, or other appropriate ma-
terials using available resources.
Secure loan exhibits and dem-
onstrate that equipment and ac-
cessories may be secured for
little money and still be in good
taste if care is exercised in their
Demonstrate dishes using recipes
typical of other cultural groups
represented in the community.
Plan, prepare and serve dishes
from these recipes.
Collect typical recipes that are
examples of regional cookery in
the United States. Prepare and
serve some typical regional

How can we learn to know
and enjoy the Florida grown

How can we become skilled
in the usage of acceptable
social customs in serving
and eating food?

How can we assume respoln-
sibility in a community pro-
gram in nutrition?

Observe food purchases and
buying habits of customers and
set up criteria for good buying
Secure from State Department
of Agriculture specific informa-
tion regarding Florida foods
and where they are produced.
Collect and try out recipes that
feature Florida fruits and vege-
Try out some sea food recipes
that are new to the group.
Discuss acceptable social cus-
toms and use them whenever
serving and eating foods.
Plan and serve a buffet meal.
Plan a tea or coffee at which
the pupils act as hosts, hostesses
and guests.
Check choices of food in cafe-
teria for nutritional adequacy to
see if individuals get money's
worth nutritionally. Observe
food practices in the cafeteria
and check nutritional adequacy
of choices made.
Make food posters showing an
adequate day's diet and display
for specific age group.
Invite the nurse or doctor from
the county health office to dis-
cuss with the class deficiencies
of diet in the community. Ascer-
tain how the teacher and class
members might be of assistance
either in preventive or curative

Become familiar with the pub-
lie and private agencies in the
community that are concerned
with the study and development
of human welfare through bet-
ter nutrition.

Instructional Materials
The numbers below refer to instructional materials listed
in "Part Three" of this guide.

Materials for Teacher
Books: 1, 14, 23
Materials for Pupils
Books: 47, 52, 56, 65, 67, 88
Bulletins: 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104
Audio-Visual Aids:
Charts: 128, 131, 133
Films: 139, 146, 148




When members of the family are ill in the home, there are
certain responsibilities in relation to home care of the sick that
frequently are, or can be, carried out by family members.
Some of these responsibilities can be carried effectively by
pupils of high school age.
The purpose of this unit is to give the pupil sufficient prep-
aration to care for herself in minor illnesses, and to assist in
the care of others in the home. It is not intended to prepare
pupils for practical nursing. Responsibilities of diagnosing and
prescribing are those of a doctor.

To develop:
ability to arrange and serve an attractive tray for the sick
or convalescent
ability to share in the responsibilities for the care of the
sick in the home
ability to treat minor accidents in the home
interest in helping those who are ill in the home
realization of the importance of sanitary practices while
there is illness in the home
understanding of the importance of following the directions.
of the doctor or nurse

Problems Experiences
How can we help to care for Discuss responsibilities family
the sick in the home? members can assume in caring
for a sick person in the home,
and determine the things that.

How can we treat minor ac-
cidents in the home?

How can we make the pa-
tient's meals more attrac-
tive ?

How can we contribute to
the patient's comfort and
and happiness?

high school pupils should know
and be able to do.
Observe demonstration of the
ways of caring for the sick in
the home, which high school pu-
pils should be able to do, and
practice when possible.
Discuss minor home accidents,
and determine what a high
school pupil should know in or-
der to take care of them.
Observe illustrations and dem-
onstrations of the treatment of
minor accidents in the home,
and practice when possible.

Use illustrations and discussions
to decide how a high school pu-
pil can make an invalid's tray
more attractive.
Plan for, and arrange suitable
and attractive trays for sick or
convalescent persons.
Use demonstration, illustrations,
and exhibits to aid in deciding
what we can do to add to the
patient's comfort.
Construct simple improvised
equipment that may be used in
the home in caring for the sick.
Use a panel discussion to deter-
mine how high school pupils can
contribute to the happiness of
the patient, and practice these
when caring for the sick or visit-
ing a patient.

What are the necessary pre-
cautions in caring for pa-
tients with communicable
diseases and how can these
precautions be carried out
in the home? .

Study the community ordinances
for the protection against com-
municable diseases, and deter-
mine what high school pupils
can do to carry out these ordi-
Discuss special sanitary prac-
tices to observe during illness in
the home and decide how a high
school pupil can carry out these

Instructional Materials

The numbers below refer to instructional materials listed
in "Part Three" of this guide.
Materials for Teacher
Books: 31
Materials for Pupils
Books: 48, 49, 62, 76, 79




Housing in the second year of homemaking education should
be built on the experiences pupils have had in the first year
of homemaking education. These experiences can be provided
in the home, the school and the community.
The second year should provide an opportunity for the ap-
plication of the basic principles in art, in the rearrangement
and alteration of a given situation.
Pupils may express individuality and joy of creating through
such opportunities provided in the school or in the home.

To develop:
ability to choose desirable furnishings and equipment in a
given situation which contribute to family satisfaction
and enjoyment
ability to make home surroundings attractive
ability to make simple repairs in the home and to construct
simple home conveniences using resources available
ability to use basic principles of line, color and design and
apply these to a given situation in the home
ability to use modern household equipment which can be
used most efficiently in homes
understanding of how homes of families of varying incomes
may meet the essentials of housing
understanding of the characteristics of desirable furnishings
and equipment which contribute to family satisfaction
and enjoyment
understanding of the influence which housing has on the
home life and development of members of the family


What are some of the influ-
ences of housing on home
life in our community and
how can we contribute to
improved housing in the

How can we construct sim-
ple home conveniences from
available resources?

Discuss the conditions in the
community which influence good
housing and determine which
of these can be attained by in-
dividual families and which re-
quire group action.
Invite some leading homemakers
in the community to take part
in a panel discussion on housing
improvements needed in the
community. Secure information
about any agencies or organiza-
tions in the community for im-
proving housing conditions. De-
termine which things can be at-
tained by individual families
and which require group action.
Plan for and make a visit to
homes in the community to ob-
serve some features of good
housing such as, adequate and
safe water supply, disposal of
waste, a recreation room, and ex-
tra bedroom in the attic, a cen-
ter of interest made from an un-
used door.

Display home-constructed ar-
ticles and discuss possibilities for
constructing simple articles for
home conveniences using avail-
able resources.
Plan for and construct with ma-
terials available, some simple
convenience for the home such
as shelves, or additional storage
space, closet space, dressing

How can we use the housing
dollar to meet the needs of
good housing?

How can we increase effi-
ciency in performing house-
hold duties?

tables, book shelves, bedside
List improvements which need
to be made in order to make our
home more livable; underscore
items which would require no
expenditure of money; check
one requiring little expenditure
of money; put dollar sign ($) in
front of those which need to be
done but cost more than the
family can afford at present.
Plan cooperatively with the
family for making these im-
provements over a period of
Arrange for a symposium on the
various items of expense that
are included in housing such as
rent, maintenance, upkeep,
taxes, insurance, light and
Discuss advantages and disad-
vantages of home ownership and
renting a home.
Keep a record of certain house-
keeping duties which one per-
forms regularly. Study ways in
which the time for carrying on
these duties can be decreased
and at the same time efficiency
maintained. Carry out these
plans; record time and see if
time has been saved.
Plan for and visit well-planned
homes or the homemaking edu-
cation department to observe ar-
rangements for good routing of

How may we make a room
in our home more attrac-
tive by applying the prin-
ciples of line, color and

How can we make our home
surroundings more attrac-

Assemble ideas and suggestions
of good art principles to be used
in specific room and plan to ap-
ply these ideas to the room
Plan for and visit a home that
exemplifies good art principles;
note uses that may be made of
them in a specific room and plan
for applying the ideas to the
specific room to be improved.
Plan and sponsor a project to
improve the appearance of the
school grounds and report prog-
ress as improvements are made.
Determine which of these can be
carried over into individual

Instructional Materials

The numbers below refer to instructional materials listed
in "Part Three" of this guide.
Materials for Teacher
Books: 2, 12
Bulletins: 41
Materials for Pupils
Books: 49, 51, 52, 86, 93
Bulletins: 107




Technilogical advances have affected the traditional family
pattern in our society; in this transition to mechanization, youth
feels less secure as he attempts to adjust to these continuous
changes in the home, in society, and in the physical world. Since
marriage and the family are the cornerstones of society and
the units on which government is built in our pattern of civili-
zation, it is necessary that we do our utmost to help guide youth
toward a better understanding of his relationship to the chang-
ing demands of society as they are related to his changing pat-
terns of growth. It is important that he be guided so that he
can sense his responsibilities when his physical growth brings
him to the threshold of adulthood and his increasingly important
place in society.
It is essential that the teacher in this area have an under-
standing of and a sympathetic, tolerant, and interested attitude
toward the individual; that she be aware of his background in
order to give effective guidance; and that she know enough
about counseling processes to handle the more elemental situa-
tions effectively and be able to refer to other persons or agencies
the problems in relationship which she is not qualified to handle.

To develop:
ability to judge personal behavior in relation to social
appreciation of the increasing responsibility of the indivi-
dual as a member of the community
understanding of the importance of the qualities which lead
to becoming a well-adjusted person

understanding of the importance of planning and spending
leisure time as it affects personal growth and family
understanding of the influence or effect of management o'
the family income on family relations
wholesome attitudes toward, and acceptance of the response.
abilities of marriage and family life


What is generally accept-
able social behavior and how
can I acquire manners
which will be accepted by
the group?

How can I judge the worth
of advice on personal prob-
lems as it is offered in va.
rious mediums, such as
newspapers, magazines, and

What can I do now which
will prepare me for success-
ful marriage and home

Discuss the manners which tend
to create immediate impressions
and tell how this affects one's
judgment of new acquaintances.
Dramatize various types of so-
cial situations indicating types
of social usages appropriate to
each occasion.
Plan for and carry out a social
affair in which various usages in
social behavior are followed and
which help to develop ease and
grace in every day contact's in
one's social world.
Develop and use a simple check
list for judging various types of
advice given in solving behavior
Bring to class: cartoons, news-
paper clippings, and magazine
articles to illustrate growing in-
terest in attempting to solve be-
havior problems and show how
this has become a popular
Discuss the boy and girl rela-
tionships involved in dating,
courtship, and engagement.
Use panel discussions to show

What is the value of plan-
ning for leisure time? How
can I plan more effective
use of leisure time, and how
does the use of my leisure
affect my relationships with

that the best personality traits
rather than the usual behavior
patterns are exhibited during
Use panel discussion to consider
the need for cooperation and for
sharing responsibilities for sat-
isfactory marriage.
Analyze the average day and
week for use of leisure time to
see if it meets all of one's needs.
Discuss how benefits from leis-
ure time activities, such as rest,
self-expression, and hobbies, pro-
vide opportunities for bringing
the family together.
Plan and carry out a new leis-
ure time activity which will take
care of interests not previously

Instructional Materials
The numbers below refer to instructional materials listed
in "Part Three" of this guide.

Materials for Teacher
Books: 11, 25, 26
Materials for Pupils
Books: 45, 49, 51, 72, 73, 74, 96
Bulletins: 110




Child development and family relations in homemaking edu-
cation should supply the training needed to give intelligent
guidance to children. It is designed for those who are interested
in the child and his place in the home and community.
An important aspect of the study is the relationship of the
child to the members of the family. Consideration should be
given to the responsibilities of parenthood and relationships be-
tween parents and children. To make this course most profitable
it is essential that actual experiences with children be provided
rather than substituting experiences secured through the use of
text and notebooks.

To develop:
ability to accept responsibility in one's home for helping to
take care of the needs of children in the family
ability to help the young child to accept increasing responsi-
bility for his own care and for sharing in the various ac-
tivities carried on in the home
ability to judge conditions that are favorable to the total
development of the child personality
understanding of the adults responsibility for the behavior
of children
understanding of the family's responsibility in planning for
the new baby




Advanced problems in clothing will be influenced by the
past experiences of the pupils.
Problems selected and experiences provided should be the
result of cooperative pupil-teacher planning. They should be
determined by the individual needs of the pupil. The degree
of intensiveness and extensiveness will be determined by the
background of training and the experiences of the individual
Opportunities should be provided for specialization and for
the pupil to progress according to her interest and ability. Skills
developed may increase earning possibilities of individuals.
Opportunity should be provided for becoming informed on
recent developments in textiles.
Adequate space and equipment is essential to an effective
learning situation.
To develop:
ability to make most of one's individuality through clothing
ability to make variations of basic pattern
ability to work independently
increased ability in alteration of pattern for the individual
increased ability to apply color, line and design in clothing
and accessories
increased skill in planning for and using the clothing dollar
more intelligently
manipulative skills and techniques of clothing construction
understanding of use in acceptable short-cuts in clothing




The offerings in this area should provide opportunity to ac-
quire increased skills, develop judgment and increase one's
ability in planning and managing food problems.
Experiences should be provided in food conservation, prep-
aration, and serving of foods for large groups, preparation of
special dishes, planning for social occasions, selection of furn-
ishings and equipment used in the preparation and serving of
food. Opportunity should be provided for becoming informed
in recent developments in food and nutrition.

To develop:
ability in food conservation with an appreciation of the
economic value of food preservation
ability in the planning, selection, preparation, and serving
of food to large groups
ability to manage the food dollar more skillfully
an attitude of responsibility toward community nutrition
graciousness and poise in planning for and participating in
social functions
judgment in selection, arrangement, and use of furnishings
and equipment used in the preparation and serving of
satisfaction in the preparation and serving of special dishes




The offerings in this area should provide opportunity for the
individual to develop increasing ability, understanding and skills
in housing, furnishing, and equipment not acquired in Home-
making Education I and II. It should also provide opportunity
for the individual to creatively express personal interests and
To develop:
ability to analyze the new developments in housing and
choose those best suited to individual and family needs
ability to choose equipment and furnishings considering cost
efficiency, durability, asthetic qualities, and ease in car-
ing for them
ability to renovate and improve furnishings
increasing appreciation of home and its influence on satisfy-
ing family living
understanding of the relation of housing to citizenship; the
responsibility of the individual in developing community
interest in good housing


The experiences provided in this area should be developed
throughh pupil teacher planning and should be flexible in order
'to fit the'interests and needs of the individuals in the groups.
The use of time, energy, and money are resources requiring
emphasis for solving problems in management in family living.
The experiences provided should be within the ability of the
individual and should be progressively more complex to increase
skill. Experiences in solving present management problems will
develop ability to solve management problems in the future.
To develop:
ability to establish more efficient business methods in the
ability to make the best of one's resources
ability to make a plan, carry it through and evaluate results
ability to make and use a flexible time schedule
ability to think through and organize household tasks
appreciation of influence of one's sense of value in making
understanding of the importance of effective management
of material and human resources in the home
understanding that planning for and the use of the family
income should be a cooperative activity
Instructional Materials
The numbers below refer to instructional materials listed in
"Part Three" of this guide.
Materials for Teacher
Books: 8, 13, 15, 21
Materials for Pupils
Books: 47, 49, 52, 61, 66, 72, 89, 94
Bulletins: 98, 120
Audio-Visual Aids
Films: 148


(A Special Course for Senior Boys and Girls)
Prior to the offering of this course, the title of the course,
the name of the teacher, and the plan for the development of the
course should be filed with the State Department of .Education
for review.
By the end of the first month of the course, the proposed
problems and experiences should be submitted to the State De-
partment of Education for review.

Human relationships are of greatest significance in the home
today. Management in today's home requires skill in guiding the
development of human resources, and skill in organizing, di-
recting, and controlling material resources. Effective operation
of the home requires cooperative planning by the members of
the family.
As family members, older youth today need education which
will enable them to participate effectively in their present home
life, and to develop those attitudes and skills necessary for suc-
cessful participation in their future homes.
A happy marriage is a creative achievement to which young
adults look forward. It does not just happen. It is based on care-
ful preparation and a wise selection of one's life partner, and
requires faithful and constant effort on the part of each.
An instructional program planned for youth, both boys and
girls, should provide opportunities for experiences in the many
areas of homemaking. These include family and social rela-
tions, managing a home, modern housing, furnishings and equip-
ment, care and guidance of children, consumer problems, and
home mechanics. The course should be developed cooperatively
by the teacher and the pupils with the counsel and advice of
others interested in such a course. It should be developed in

terms of the problems which are significant to the members of
the group at the time the course is offered.
This course will be more effective in the high schools if a
comparable program of study for adults is offered in the com-
munity. prior to or concurrent with the offering of the high
school course. The program for adults however is not necessarily
the responsibility of the homemaking education teacher, but is
part of the family life education program of the community.

To develop:
ability to become increasingly self-directive
ability to select and care for clothing that meets individual
realization that marriage involves new opportunities, respon-
sibilities, obligations, and relationships
skill in home mechanics and maintenance
understanding of the factors which contribute to success in
understanding of the importance of adequate nutrition in
maintaining optimum health
understanding of the influence of adequate housing on fam-
ily and community life
understanding of the influence that spiritual and moral val-
ues held by the family have on the individual
understanding of the need for cooperation of all family mem-
bers in meeting changing family problems
understanding of problems involved in earning and spending
the family income
understanding of the ways in which experiences in the home
affect the personal development of children and youth

As teacher and students select problems for study, they
should be guided by criteria. In the selection of any problem
to be studied by any given group or groups of pupils, the fol-
lowing criteria should be kept in mind:
1. Is the problem important to this specific group of young
people at this particular time ?

2. Does it provide opportunity for some intelligent social
participation of young people-that is, does it have leads
for something they might do about the problem?
3. Does it have many related problems so that provision can
be made for the interests and needs of those young people
who do not find satisfying possibilities in the specific
problem chosen by the class?
4. Does it lend itself to a variety of learning activities, such
as taking field trips; making interviews; seeing moving
pictures; making maps, charts, posters, or pictographs;
listening to speakers; participating in panel or forum dis-
cussions; or writing a dramatic skit for stage or radio?
5. Does it call for information that is readily available?
6. Is it capable of development at the present level of com-
prehension of the pupils in the class or group ?
7. Does it involve considerable research and use of imagina-
tion so that there is provision for growing interests and
everyone has something to do ?
8. Does the problem provide a central idea that is illumi-
nated by all of the activities carried on?
9. Does it provide for experiences which give young people
the opportunity to develop behavior characteristics sig-
nificant for individuals living in a democratic society-
characteristics such as clear thinking, social sensitivity,
appreciations and creativeness, a disposition to partici-
pate with others in the solution of common problems, and
respect for individuality?1

The following definition of learning experiences will assist
in setting up criteria in selecting experiences:
Learning experiences should indicate not only the kind of
behavior involved, that is, analysis, interest, knowledge, appre-
ciation, and the like, but they should also indicate the kind of
1 Prudence Bostwick and Chandos Reid. A Functional High School Program,
New York, New York: Hinds, Hayden & Eldredge, Inc., 1947. p. 27.

content with which the-behavior will deal. The process of ex-
ploring and listing kinds of learning experiences for the curri-
culum will suggest leads regarding both content and method.2

Instructional Materials
The numbers below refer to instructional materials listed in
"Part Three" of this guide.
Materials for Teacher
Books: 9, 22
Bulletins: 39, 42
Materials for Pupils
Books: 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 72, 74, 86
Bulletins: 32
Audio-Visual Aids
Films: 136, 139, 140, 146, 148, 151, 152
2 Committee on the Cooperative Study in General Education, A Final Report of
The Executive Committee, Cooperation in General Education. 1947. American Council
on Education, Washington, D. C. p. 191.



The bibliography listed in "Part Three" is highly selective;
not more than six books, exclusive of State-adopted texts, have
been listed for any one area.
All commercial materials have been omitted, not because
there is'a lack of excellent teaching aids available from com-
mercial sources, but because there was not sufficient time to
examine and evaluate the many materials available from these
sources. It is hoped that this source field can be explored fully
when the guide is revised.
The numbers listed at the end of each area refer to books,
bulletins, and audio-visual materials which should be helpful to
the teacher and pupil in considering this area.
The materials of instruction in "Part Three" are alpha-
betized by authors, and they are numbered. Instead of giving
at the end of each area the titles of instructional materials sug-
gested for each area, numbers referring to those materials are
listed. By turning to this part of the guide and referring to the
numbers listed at the end of each area the teacher can secure
the information needed regarding each piece of instructional
material referred to by number.
Materials for Teachers
General References
Beister, Lillian L., Griffiths, William and Pearce. Units in
Personal Health and Human Relations. Minneapolis,
Minn.: University of Minnesota Press, 1947.
Educational Policies Commission. Education for all Ameri-
can Youth. Washington 6, D. C., 1201 16th N. W.: Nation-
al Educational Education Association of the United
States, 1945.
Hatcher, Hazel M. and Andrews, Mildred E. The Teaching
of Homemaking. Atlanta, Ga.: Houghton, Mifflin Co.,

Jersild, Arthur T. Child Development and the Curriculum.
New York, N. Y.: Teachers' College, Columbia University,
Pollard, L. Belle. Adult Education for Homemaking. New
York, N. Y.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1947. Revised.
Stevenson, Elizabeth. Home and Family Life Education in
Elementary Schools. New York, N. Y.: John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., 1946.
Stratemeyer, Florence B., Forkner, Hamden L. and McKein,
Margaret G. Developing a Curriculum for Modern Living.
New York, N. Y.: Bureau of Publications. Teachers' Col-
lege, Columbia University, 1947.
U. S. Office of Education. Life Adjustment Education for
Every Youth. Washington, D. C.: Federal Security

Area References
1. Administration Section of the American Dietetics Associa-
tion, under direction of Adeline Wood, chairman. Quan-
tity Food Service Recipes. Atlanta, Georgia: J. B. Lippin-
cott Co., 1940.
2. Agan, Tessie. The House. Atlanta, Georgia: J. B. Lippin-
cott Co., 1939.
3. Bendur, Zelma and Pfeiffer, Gladys. America's Fabrics.
New York, N. Y. The Macmillan Co., 1947.
4. Bigelow, Howard F. Family Finance. A Study in the
Economic Consumption. Atlanta, Ga.: J. B. Lippincott
Co., 1936.
5. Bonde, Ruth L. Management in Daily Living, New York,
N. Y. The Macmillan Co., 1946.
6. Chaney, Margaret and Ahlborn, Margaret. Nutrition. At-
lanta, Ga.: Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1943.
7. Chittenden, Gertrude E. Living with Chilrden. New York,
N. Y.: The Macmillan Co., .1944.
8. Cushman, Ella M. Management in Homes. New York,
N. Y.: The Macmillan Co., 1945.
9. Duvall, E. M. and Hill, Reuben. When You Marry. Bos-
ton, Mass.: D. C. Heath and Co., 1945.
10. Fedder, Ruth. A Girl Grows Up. New York, N. Y.: Mc-
Graw-Hill Book Co., 1948.

11. Fishbein, Morris and Burgess, Ernest W. Successful Mar-
riage. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday and Co., Inc., 1947.
12. Goldstein, H. and Goldstein, V. Art in Everyday Life.
New York, N. Y.: The Macmillan Co., 1948.
13. Gross, Irma H. and Crandall, Elizabeth Walburt. Home
Management in Theory and Practice. New York, N. Y.:
Crofts Publishing Co., 1947.
14. Heseltine, Marjorie and Dow, Ula M. Good Cooking Made
Easy and Economical. Boston, Mass.: Houghton, Mifflin
Co., 1936. Second Edition.
15. Jersild, Arthur T. Child Development and the Curricu-
lum. New York, N. Y.: Teachers' College, Columbia Uni-
versity, 1946.
16. Langdon, Grace. Home Guidance for Children. New York,
The John Day Co., 1946.
17. Lindquist, Ruth. Using and Sharing Our Home. Ann Ar-
bor, Mich.: Edward Brothers, Inc., 1947.
18. Manwell, Elizabeth M. and Fahs, Sophia L. Consider the
Children and How They Grow. Boston, Mass.: Beacon
Press, 1948.
19. Meek, Lois Hayden. Your Child's Development and Guid-
ance. Atlanta, Ga.: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1940.
20. Nickell, Paulena and Dorsey, J. M. Management in Fam-
ily Living. New York, N. Y.: John Wiley and Sons, 1942.
21. Picken, Mary Brooks. Modern Dressmaking Made Easy.
New York, N. Y.: Funk and Wagnalls, 1940.
22. Pollard, L. Belle. Adult Education for Homemaking. New
York, N. Y.: John Wiley and Sons, 1947.
23. Post, Emily. Etiquette: The Blue Book of Social Usage.
New York, N. Y.: Funk and Wagnals, 1945. New Edition.
24. Rand, Winifred, Sweeny, Mary E. and Vincent, E. Lee.
Growth and Development of the Young Child. Philadel-
phia, Pa.: W. B. Saunders Co., 1940.
25. Silver, Fern and Ryan, Mildred Graves. Foundations for
Living. New York, N. Y.: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1943.
26. Strain, Frances B. Being Born. New York, N. Y.: D. Ap-
pleton-Century Co., 1936.
27. .................................................................... N ew Patterns in Sex Teach-
ing. New York, N. Y.: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1934.


28. ....................................... Sex Guidance in Family Life
Education. New York, N. Y.: The Macmillan Co., 1942.
29. Swift, Edith Hale. Step by Step in Sex Education. New
York, N. Y.: The Macmillan Co., 1938.
30. Welsheimer, Helen. The Questions Girls Ask. New York,
N. Y.: E. P. Dutton and Co., 1939.
31. Williams, Jennie. Family Health. Atlanta, Ga.: J. B.
Lippincott Co., 1945.

General References
32. Biester, Charlotte. Opportunities in Home Economics.
Millbrae, Calif.: The National Press, 1948.
33. Bostwick, Prudence and Reid, Chandos. A Functional
High School Program. New York, N. Y.: Hinds, Hayden
and Eldredge, Inc., 1947. 35.
34. Bulletin of the National Association of Secondary School
Principals, The. The Imperative Needs of Youth of Sec-
ondary School Age. Washington, D. C., 1201 16th N. W.
Street: Vol. 31. Bulletin No. 145. March 1947. $1.00.
35. Citizenship Education Study, The. Problem Solving. De-
troit 2, Mich.; 436 Merrick: The Citizenship Education
Study, 1948. 254.
36. State Department of Education. Florida Wealth or Waste.
Tallahassee, Fla.: 1946.
37. Troyer, Maurice E. Accuracy and Validity in Evaluation
Are Not Enough. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse,
N. Y.: 1947. 504.

Area References
38. Bulletin of the National Association of Secondary School
Principals, The. Washington 6, D. C., 1201 16th Street
N. W.: Consumer Education in Your School. Vol. 31.
Bulletin No. 145.
39. ................................................. ............ Secondary School Programs
for Improved Living. Vol. 32. Bulletin No. 155. May 1948.
Committee on Consumer Relations in Advertising, Inc.
40. ....................................................... Consumer News Digest. New
York, N. Y.: 420 Lexington Ave.

41. Gutheim, Frederick. Houses far Family Living. New
York, N. Y., 10 East 40th Street: The Woman's Founda-
tion, Inc., 1948.
42. National Education Association, Educational Policies
Commission. Planning for American Youth, Washington,
D. C.: National Education Association, 1945.
43. United States Office of Education. Credit Problems of the
Family. Vocational Bulletin No. 206. Washington, D. C.:
Superintendent of Documents, 1940.
44. Wilson, Maude M. Closets and Other Storage Arrange-
ments for the Farm Home. Bureau of Home Economics
and Human Nutrition. United States Department of Agri-
culture. Washington, D. C.
Materials for Pupils
45. Geisel, John B. Personal Problems and Morale. Atlanta,
Ga.: Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1943. $1.35.
46. Goodspeed, Helen C., Mason, Esther R., and Woods, Eliza-
beth L. Child Care and Guidance. Atlanta, Ga.: J. B. Lip-
pincott Co., 1948. Revised. $1.80.
47. Gorrell, Faith Lanman, McKay, Hughina and Zuill,
Frances. Food and Family Living. Atlanta, Ga.: J. B.
Lippincott Co., 1942. $1.35.
48. Harris, Jessie W., Speer, Elizabeth Lacey and Blood,
Alice F. Everyday Foods. Atlanta, Ga.: Houghton, Miff-
lin Co., 1946. Revised. $1.41.
49. Justin, Margaret M. and Rust, Lucile O. Home and Fam-
ily Living. Atlanta, Ga.: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1941. $1.65.
50. Todd, Elizabeth. Clothes for Girls. Boston, Mass.: D. C.
Heath and Co., 1947. Revised. $2.10.
51. Trilling, Mabel B., Nicholas, Florence Williams and
Blood, Alice F. The Girl and Her Home. Atlanta, Ga.:
Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1945. Revised. $1.44.
52. Trilling, Mabel B., Nicholas, Florence Williams. You and
Your Money. Atlanta, Ga.: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1944.
53. Supplementary references, may be requested from the
list of state recommended library books.

At least one complete set of all home economics textbooks
is needed for each home economics department. However, text-
books provided for homemaking education on the high school
level will not be furnished at the rate of one copy of each dif-
ferent textbook for each pupil. The plan is to introduce all of
the textbooks listed in such a way that textbooks covering the
many areas of home economics are available for pupil use.
In order to obtain the necessary variety, texts should be
requisitioned so as to include some copies of each title. The total
number of books is not to exceed 45 for a class enrollment of 30,
or an average of one and one-half books per pupil. It is desirable
to check carefully the texts on hand to determine their recency
and usefulness in achieving the goals of the program in home-
making education. Requisition the recently adopted texts and
supplementary materials which will provide materials of instruc-
tion for a comprehensive program.
Some of the home economics textbooks contain material cover.
ing several areas in homemaking education. Some parts of the
text would be excellent to use with pupils enrolled in one course;
other parts would be valuable to use with pupils enrolled in
other courses. The textbook You and Your Money and Child
Care and Guidance might conceivably be used to good advantage
in connection with an advanced class as well as with certain por-
tions of Homemaking Education I.
54. Allen, Betty and Briggs, Mitchell P. Behave Yourself. At-
lanta, Ga.: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1937.
55. ..................................... If You Please. Atlanta, Ga.: J. B. Lippin-
cott Co., 1942.
56. Amindon, Edna P., Bradbury, Dorothy E. and Drenck-
hahn, Vivian V. Good Food and Nutrition. New York,
N. Y.: John Wiley and Sons, 1946.
57. Balderston, Lydia Ray. Housekeeping Handbook-How
to Do It. Atlanta, Ga.: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1944.
58. Betz, Betty. Your Manners Are shlrn,. New York,
N. Y.: Grossett and Dunlap, 1946.
59. Burnham, Helen A., Jones, Evelyn G. and Redford, Helen
D. Boys Will Be Men. Atlanta, Ga.: J. B. Lippincott Co.,

60. Carhart, Arthur H. The Outdoorsman's Cookbook. New
York, N. Y.: The Macmillan Co., 1944.
61. Craig, Hazel Thompson and Rush, Ola Day. Clothes With
Character. Boston, Mass.: Little, Brown and Co., 1941.
62. Delano, Jane. Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick. Amer-
ican Red Cross Textbook. Philadelphia, Pa.: Blakiston's
and Co., Inc., 1933.
63. DeSchweintz, Karl. Growing Up. New York, N. Y.: The
Macmillan Co., 1941.
64. Donovan, Dulcie Godlove, The Mode in Dress and Home.
Atlanta, Ga.: Allyn and Bacon, 1947.
65. Ducan, A. O. Food Processing. Atlanta, Ga.: Turner E.
Smith and Co., 1942.
66. Featherstone, Marion and Mack, Howerton, Dorothy. Ele-
mentary Costume Design. New York, N. Y.: John Wiley
and Sons, Inc., 1944.
67. Glass, Mary Lou. Recipes for Two. New York, N. Y.: John
wiley and Sons, 1946.
68. Greer, C. C. Your Home and You. Boston, Mass.: Allyn
and Bacon, 1943.
69. Harris, Florence L. and Henderson, Ruth Adele. Let's
Study Foods. Boston, Mass.: D. C. Heath and Co., 1945.
70. Hogue, Helen G. Bringing Up Ourselves. New York,
N. Y.: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1943.
71. Jonathan, N. H. Gentlemen Aren't Sissies. Philadelphia,
Pa.: John C. Winston Co., 1938.
72. Justin, Margaret M. and Rust, Lucile O. Today's Home
Living. Atlanta, Ga.: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1947.
73. Landis, Paul. Adolescence and Youth. New York, N. Y.:
McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1945.
74 ...................................... Your Marriage and Family Living. New
York, N. Y.: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1946.
75. Matthews, Mary Lockwood. The House and It's Care. Bos-
ton, Mass.: D. C. Heath and Co., 1940.
76. McConnell, Jean. Nurse Please! Atlanta, Ga.: J. B. Lip-
pincott Co., 1940.
77. McKown, Harry C. and LeBron, Marion. A Boy Grows
Up. New York, N. Y.: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1940.

78. Montgomery, Elizabeth R. Bonnie's Baby Brother. New
York, N. Y.: Frederick A. Stokes, 1942.
79. Olson, Lyla. Improvised Equipment in the Home Care of
the Sick. Philadelphia, Pa.: W. B. Saunders Co., 1939.
80. Potter, M. D. Fiber to Dress. New York, N. Y.: Gregg
Publishing Co., 1945.
81. Rathbone, Lucy and Tarpley, Elizabeth. Fabrics and
Dress. Atlanta, Ga.: Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1948.
82. .Ryan, Mildred Graves. Junior Fashions. New York, N. Y.:
D. Appleton-Century-Crofts Co., 1944.
83. Sbarbaro, John A. Marriage is on Trial. New York, N. Y.
The Macmillan Co., 1947.
84. Schramer, F. M. Boys' Guide to Living. Boston, Mass.:
Allyn and Bacon, 1940.
85. Schultz, Hazel. The Young Consumer. New York, N. Y.:
D. Appleton-Century-Crofts Co., 1948.
86. Silver, Fern and Ryan, Mildred Graves. Foundations for
Living. New York, N. Y.: D. Appleton-Century-Crofts
Co., 1943.
87. Stote, Dorothy, Mrs. Men Too Wear Clothes. New York,
N. Y.: Frederick A. Stokes Co., 1939.
88. Stewart, Jean J. Foods: Production, Marketing, Consump-
tion. New York, N. Y.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1938.
89. Story, Margaret. Individuality and Clothes. New York,
N. Y.: Funk and Wagnals Co., 1940.
90. Stratton, D. C. and Schleman, H. B. Your Best Foot For-
ward. New York, N. Y.: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1940.
91. Taylor, A. D. Camp Stoves and Fireplaces. Washington,
D. C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1937.
92. Tenny, H. Kent, Jr. Let's Talk About Your Baby. Min-
neapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota Press, 1940.
93. Terhune, Florence B. Decorating for You. New York, N.
Y.: Barrows, 1944.
94. Van Duzer, Adelaide Laura, Audrix, Edna M., Boben-
myer, Ethelwyn L., Hawkins, E. Maude, Hemmersbough,
Mary E. and Page Elsa P. The Girl's Daily Life. Atlanta,
Ga.: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1947.
95. Wasson, Valenta P. The Chosen Baby. Atlanta, Ga.: J. B.
Lippincott Co., 1939.

96. Wood, Mildred Weigley. Living Together in the Family.
Washington, D. C.: American Home Economics Associa-
tion, 1946.

97. American Social Hygiene Association, The. From Boy to
Man. New York, N. Y., 50 West Fiftieth Street.
98. Agricultural Extension Service. University of Florida.
Gainesville, Florida. Canning Surplus Fruits and Vege-
tables. Bulletin No. 121, 1943.
99. ..................................... Freezing Fruits and Vegetables on Florida
Farms. Bulletin No. 441, 1948.
100. ..................................... Goodly Guava, The. Bulletin No. 135,
101. ..................................... Pickles and Relishes from Florida Fruits
and Vegetables. Bulletin No. 108, 1941.
102. Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics. Unit-
ed States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
Food for Families with School Children. Bulletin No.
A1S-71, 1948.
103. ..................................... Food for the Family With Young Children.
Bulletin No. A1S-59, 1946.
104. ..................................... Money-Saving Main Dishes. Bulletin No.
A1S-69, 1948.
105. Children's Bureau. United States Department of Labor,
Washington, D. C.: Superintendent of Documents. Pre-
natal Care. Publication No. 4, 1945.
106. .................................. Good Posture in the Little Child. Publica-
tion No. 219, 1935.
107. Committee of Consultants on Housing for the Family,
108. The. Improved Family Living Through Improved Hous-
ing. New York, N. Y., 10 East 40th Street: The Woman's
Foundation, 1945.
109. Clapp, E. V. Growing Up in the World Today. New York,
N. Y., 105 East 22nd Street: New York State Committee
on Mental Hygiene.
110. Clark, Edwin. Petting: Wise or Otherwise. New York,
N. Y., 347 Madison Ave.: Associated Press. 250.

111. Dubber, Patricia. The Party Book. Service Booklet No.
126. Washington, D. C., 1013 Thirteenth Street: Wash-
ington Service Bureau, 1941. 104.
112. Federal Trade Commission. Washington, D. C.: Printing
Office. Clothing and Textile Standards.
113. ..................................... Trade Practice Rules for Shrinkage for
Women's Cotton Yard Goods.
114. National Association of Secondary-School Principals.
Consumer Education Studies. Washington 6, D. C., 1201
16th Street N. W. Investing in Yourself. No. 4, 1945. 354.
115. ..................................... Managing Your Money. No. 7, 1947.
116. ..................................... Time on Your Hands. No. 3, 1945. 354.
117. National Education Association. Using Standards and
Labels. Washington, D. C., 1201 16th Street N. W.: Con-
sumer Education Study.
118. National Safety Council. Toys and Play Equipment. Chi-
cago, Ill., 20 North Wacker Street: National Safety Coun-
119. Scott, Clarice L. and Smith, Margaret. Fabrics and De-
sign for Children's Clothes. Farmer's Bulletin No. 1778.
Washington, D. C.: Superintendent of Documents.
120. State of Florida Department of Agriculture. Canning in
Florida. New Series. No. 117, 1942.
121. Stephenson, Margaret and Millett, Ruth. As Others Like
You. Bloomington, Ill.: McKnight and McKnight, 1947.
122. United States Department of Agriculture. Superintend-
ent of Documents. Washington, D. C. Buying Boy's Suits.
No. 1877, 1941. 54.
123. ..................................... M ake-Overs. No. 230, 1943. 54.
124. ..................................... Pattern Alteration. No. 1968, 1945.
125. ..................................... Judging Fabric Quality. No. 1831. 54.
126. ..................................... Selection of Cotton Fabrics. No. 1999.
127. United States Office of Education. Better Homes for
Negro Farm Families. Federal Security Agency. Wash-
ington, D. C.: Superintendent of Document Printing Of-
fice. 154.

128. Bureau of Home Economics. Superintendent of Docu-
ments. Washington, D. C. Child Feeding Charts. Set of
eight. 254.
129. .................................... Fight Food Waste in the Home. Set of
ten 25.
130. ............................. Get the Good From Your Food. Set of
ten 254.
131. ..................................... Meat Cooking Charts. Set of seven 50.
132. ..................................... Nutrition Charts. Set of eleven 504.
133. ..................................... Poultry Cooking Charts. Set of eight 504.
134. Are You Popular? Atlanta, Ga., 2041 Audio-Visual Ed.
Service. State Department of Education. 262 Capital
135. Castle Distributors Corporation. New York 20, N. Y., 30
Rockefeller Plaza: Good Grooming. 16 mm. Sound. Col-
ored. 30 min.
136. ..................................... Making of American Homes. 16 mm. Sound.
20 min. Available only with adult showing.
137. ..................................... Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. 16 mm.
Sound. 30 min.
138. Courtesy Comes To Town. 16 mm. Sound. 22 min. Rental
fee $2.50 per day. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
139. Culinary Carving. 16 mm. Sound. 9 min. Rental fee $2.00.
University of Georgia, Athens, Ga.
140. Florida Cooperative Film Library, Gainesville, Fla.
Charm and Personality Plus Character. 16 mm. Sound.
Colored. 37 min. Loaned to members.
141. ..................................... How Do You Do? 16 mm. Sound. 18 min.
Loaned to members.
142. .................. .......Principles of Baking. 16 mm. Sound. 11
min. Loaned to members.
143. ..................................... You and Your Family. 16 mm. Sound. 8
min. Rental $1.50 per day.
144. ..................................... You and Your Friends. 16 mm. Sound. 8
min. Rental $1.50 per day.

145. Florida Cooperative Film Library or Florida School Book
Depository. Gainesville, Fla. Arranging the Buffet Table.
16 mm. Sound. 5 min. Rented or loaned to members.
146. ..................................... Dinner Party. 16 mm. Sound. 20 min. Rent-
al or Purchase. Loaned to members.
147. Florida Film Depository, Gainesville, Fla. Life With
Baby. 16 mm Sound. 18 min.
148. ................................. Meat and Romance. 16 mm. Sound. 40 min.
149. .................................. Proof of the Pudding. 16 mm. Sound and
Silent. 10 min.
150. Food and Magic. 16 mm. Sound. 9 min. Florida School
Book Depository, Gainesville, Fla.
151. Human Growth. Sound. State Health Department. Jack-
sonville, Fla.
152. Safe Housekeeping Practices. Silent Filmstrip. Purchase
Price $2.00. Society for Visual Education, Inc., 100 E.
Ohio Street Chicago, Ill.
153. Something You Didn't Eat. 16 mm. Colored. 9 min. United
States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.