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to Teachers, Librarians, and School Administrators
in Selecting Supplementary Source Materials
COLIN ENGLISH, Superintendent
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MILTON M. CAROTHERS, State Director of Instruction
BOLETHA FROJEN, State Supervisor of Home Economics Education
REX T. WITHERS, State Itinerant Teacher-Traner of Home Economics Education
In the face of the emergency situation which now confronts the democratic countries of the
world, it would seem that the preservation of food and other vital materials necessary to defense
and even to life itself would become a matter of primary importance. In peace time or in war,
the maintenance of home and family life is essential to the preservation of democracy. No other
field in the whole curriculum of the secondary school has any greater claim upon our attention;
the opportunities for teachers in this area to contribute to personal and social well-being are almost
This bulletin should assist teachers and pupils in securing worthwhile materials with which
to enrich the day-to-day work of the classroom. The many practical suggestions concerning the
best use to be made of state adopted textbooks, of professional library books, and of the films
available for Home Economics Education should be of interest to teachers of science and social
studies as well as to teachers of Home Economics. The annotations made for the various items
contained in the bibliography have been worked out in considerable detail and this, again, should
prove of value to teachers who do not have a large number of books at their disposal for inspection.
Taken both as a subject which contributes much to general education and as a subject which
has great possibilities along vocational lines, Home Economics in all of its phases should challenge
all Florida teachers and administrators interested in improving personal-social relationships. If
they will use diligently the many suggestions contained in the material presented in this bulletin
much improvement will be made possible with regard to homemaking education in Florida schools.
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Ta4/ oa Codten
Clothing and Housing
Manners and Hospitality
Transportation and Communication
Health and Safety
Construction of Simple Toys
The Gracious Home (Manners and Personality)
Introducing Foods and Nutrition
Grooming and Dress
Planning and Furnishing the Home
Family and Other Social Relationships
Housing, Furnishings, and Equipment
Related Art
Home Economics for Boys
Foods and Nutrition
Clothing and Textiles and Related Subjects
Health and Home Nursing
Spending Wisely
Sex Education
The present trend in Home Economics Education is toward substituting a variety of well-
chosen reference books for a single basic text. This gives pupils the opportunity of becoming ac-
quainted with more than one point of view on problems under consideration. Progressive teach-
ers have become increasingly aware of the need for supplementing textbooks with adequate ref-
erence libraries.
Home economies teachers are handicapped by the inaccessibility to books for examination
before making their choices. Obtaining from publishers examination copies of a large number of
their books is an expensive and time-consuming process. Because of frequent requests for sup-
plementary teaching aids and because of the realization that it is difficult for one to keep in con-
tact with materials helpful to home making programs for different age levels, this annotated bibli-
ography has been prepared. It is hoped that this material will be useful to the experienced home
economics teacher with limited time and funds at her disposal, both of which she wishes to spend
to the best advantage; the inexperienced teacher in need of advice in the selection of source ma-
terials; and to librarians; club leaders; and others seeking source materials for use with groups
studying home and family problems.
This bibliography does not purport to be a comprehensive one. On the contrary, it is merely
suggestive of some pertinent materials available today. An extensive bibliography on any one of
the many phases of home economics could be compiled. The mere fact that certain publications
are mentioned in this bibliography, while others of a similar nature are not, carries no implication
of the relative merit of the publications. The listing of books, bulletins, and films does mean
that this material came to the attention of the Home Economics Education Division through official
reference channels or through personal reading and reference work of staff members during 1940 or
Some schools are planning their work around a core program emphasizing home and family
life, others are including in many grades units of work which deal with different areas in home
economics. In order to assist teachers planning units of instruction in home economics at differ-
ent grade levels, books have been listed which are designed for pupils at the different levels, as
well as for various units. In this list, books for various age levels have been grouped together.
However, in many instances there will be materials which can be used interchangeably for
several different age groups. But the teacher should recognize, that in order to sustain the active
interest of pupils from year to year that it is important to add new material from grade to grade.
Authors, publishers, and experts have combined their efforts to produce books on home and
family life that will be inspirational, informational, and at the same time entertaining. Responsi-
bilities within the child's ability, family life, and the right home attitudes are presented in a read-
able style.
Bulletins are listed separately to aid the teacher in ordering.
1 n B' \ PART I
Clemetdav School B/ook
Grades FOOD
2-3 Beaty, John Y. 1935 STORY PICTURES OF FARM FOODS. Beckley-Cardy Company,
Chicago. Price 76c. This contains stories of more than 100 farm foods from their production
on the farm to their appearance on the city table.
1-2 Beaty, John Y. 1934 STORY PICTURES OF FARM ANIMALS. Price 72c.
1-2 Beaty, John Y. 1936 STORY PICTURES OF FARM WORK. Price 72c.
1-6 Petersham, Maud and Miska Petersham. 1939 THE STORY BOOK SERIES. The John C.
Winston Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Each title is 60c. The series contains books
on Sugar, Wheat, Rice, Corn, Silk, Wool, Rayon, Cotton, Clothes, Food, and House attrac-
tively written and illustrated.
4-6 Rose, Mary Swartz. 1940 CEREALS (and other nutritional units) Teachers College Pub-
lications, Columbia University, New York City. Price 35c.
3-4 Rose, Mary Swartz and B. Bosley. 1940 FEEDING OUR TEETH. Bureau of Publications,
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. Price 35c. This pamphlet is plan-
ned to fit into the health program of the school, and requires no special equipment. It gives
a more comprehensive picture of nutrition than its name implies. This specific topic is em-
phasized to focus the children's attention more easily.
Note: Write to the Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York
City, for their complete list of booklets by Mrs. Rose and her co-workers.
Beckley-Cardy Company, Chicago. Price 92c. A teacher's manual is furnished without
charge when the book is ordered in class sets. This book shows how man's clothing and
shelter have always been determined by his environment, and also traces the progress of fam-
ily and community life which has resulted from more refined living and the work of many
people. Customs and clothes, as well as styles and materials used in making the clothes we
wear are discussed.
5-6 Dunlea, Nancy. 1927 THE COURTESY BOOK. Beckley-Cardy Company, Chicago. Price
76c. Good manners should be taught to very young children and should be continued on
throughout adolescence and on until they become a habit. Politeness is not natural to children
because every child is a little savage by nature. It takes constant attention to cultivate
habits of politeness, but it is a topic in which they can be greatly interested.
1-4 Leaf, Munro, 1939 FAIR PLAY. Frederick A. Stokes Company, New York, New York.
Price $1.50. The attractive illustrations add much to the value and appeal of the book.
Children enjoy it.
1-4 Leaf, Munro. 1936 MANNERS CAN BE FUN. Frederick A. Stokes Company, 443-449 Fourth
Avenue, New York City. Price $1.25. Attractively written and illustrated. Appeals to
youngsters and helps them at the same time.
1-4 Leaf, Munro. 1939 WATCHBIRDS. Frederick A. Stokes Company, New York, New York.
Price $1.00. A picture book of behavior.
1-4 Leaf, Munro. 1940 MORE WATCHBIRDS. Frederick A. Stokes Company, New York,
New York. Price $1.00. A picture book of behavior. The first one of this kind was so pop-
ular, that this second one followed to meet the popular demand.
1-3 Mason, Miriam E. HOME IS FUN The Beckley-Cardy Company, Chicago, Illinois. Price 80c.
This teaches fundamental facts about the home, the contribution of each family member;
types of dwellings; furniture in the various rooms. It meets the objectives of the Home Unit.
1 Michaels, Fannie L. 1938 A DAY IN SCHOOL. Beckley-Cardy Company, Chicago. Price
72c. This little primer endeavors to develop in the child a proper attitude toward the teacher
and others in authority in the school, and to develop an appreciation of the school and for
what it stands.
6-9 Skinner, Charles E. 1932 GOOD MANNERS FOR YOUNG AMERICANS. Beckley-Cardy
Company, Chicago. Price 75c. Problems of conduct, appearance, introductions and other
social relationships are treated in this.
1-3 Stephenson, Margaret B. and Ruth L. Millet. 1940 IS YOUR FACE RED? McKnight and
McKnight, Bloomington, Illinois. Price 35c. This book cleverly emphasizes the common,
everyday courtesies for little folks through colored drawings and easy statements. The idea
of the book is definitely appealing. On each page, twins along with other children and adults
are shown in numerous social situations. One of the twins is rude in every case. Children
using the book are to color with red the face of the one who is rude.
TION. Beckley-Cardy Company, Chicago, Illinois. Price 88c. The contents give the child
a knowledge of present-day transportation and communication, and how these have devel-
oped from primitive times. A teacher's manual will be furnished without charge when the
book is ordered in class sets.
1-6 Cady, Bertha and Vernon Cady. 1939 THE WAY LIFE BEGINS. The American Social
Hygiene Association, New York. Price-paper cover 50c; cloth $1.50. An interesting begin-
ning book in sex education.
3-8 Fowlkes, John Guy and Lora Z. Jackson and Arnold S. Jackson. THE HEALTHY LIFE
SERIES OF BOOKS. The John C. Winston Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Price range of ser-
ies is from 64c to $1.20. The books in the series are titled: Keeping Well, Success Through
Health, Healthy Living, Healthy Growing, Making Life Healthful. It is generally agreed
that one of the major functions of public schools lies in the field of health education. In these
books, care has been given to introduce basic ideas through situations which the child meets in
his daily life. "What Are Boys and Girls Made of," and "What Food Does for You" are two of
the chapter headings in Keeping Well.
1-2 Gibson, Joseph E. and Lida Thornton Meriwether. 1937 SAFETY FOR THE LITTLE
Citizens. Price 62c. (Book One and Book Two). Turner E. Smith & Company, Atlanta,
Georgia. These books have chapters on "Peter's Safe Home," "Peter Helps at Home," "Peter
Puts the Toys Away," "Mother Makes the Birthday Cake."
1-4 Leaf, Munro. 1938 SAFETY CAN BE FUN. Frederick A. Stokes Company, New York,
New York. Price $1.25. Emphasizes points children need to consider. The book is appealing
and attractive to children.
4-6 Klenke, W. W. UNIQUE SIMPLE TOYS. McKnight and McKnight, Bloomington, Illinois.
Price 50c. A group of twelve unique toys designed by a nationally known designer. The
toys are easily made from inexpensive materials and require very little equipment. Con-
struction can be accomplished at the pupil's desk and does not require shop facilities. This
work is adapted to the ability of intermediate grade children and can be constructed in the
regular classroom or home. Clear outlines of each toy with definite instructions for con-
struction and finishing are presented. Photographs showing the finished toy add value to
the book.
6-8 Klenke, W. W. UNIQUE SIMPLE TOYS, Book Two. McKnight and McKnight, Blooming-
ton, Illinois. Price 50c. This book contains patterns and clear instructions for making many
excellent toy animals. It is intended for upper grade children and hobbyists who like to make
toys which are lifelike. They require only simple tools-as coping saw, pincers, and a small
6-9 Klenke, W. W. DOLL'S HOUSE FURNITURE. McKnight and McKnight, Bloomington,
Illinois. Price 50c. This book includes attractively designed furniture for the living room,
dining room, hall, bed rooms, and kitchen in a doll's house. Patterns of each piece are
drawn to scale, making them correct proportion one to the others. Interesting pieces are given.
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Baxter, Laura and Margaret M. Justin and Lucile O. Rust. 1940 SHARING HOME LIFE. J.
B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. Price $1.68. This is an up-to-date text having material
related to all the problems and activities suggested in the Home Economics Course of Study for
Florida High Schools. The illustrations are of young people of the same age as the pupils for
whom the book is written. There are many varied activities suggested. The unit-problem organ-
ization of the book is a help to both teacher and pupil; each of the 265 problems can serve as a
daily lesson if so desired. The reading lists at the end of each unit have been compiled with
extreme selectivity. Those books listed will be found of direct and continuous assistance to pupil
and teacher.
Friend, Mata R. and Hazel Shultz. 1940 (Revised) A FIRST BOOK IN HOME ECONOMICS.
D. Appleton-Century Company, Inc., New York. Price $1.80.. This book is designed as a begin-
ning text in home economics, which may be introduced in some schools as early as the seventh grade.
The revision is created to meet the demand for a one-volume treatment of the basic content of the
three-volume series written by the same authors. Modern in presentation, illustrations, and format.
Graves, Mildred and Marjorie M. Ott. 1934 YOUR HOME AND FAMILY. Little, Brown and
Company, Boston. Price $1.40. The text is intended for use by junior high school pupils in a
one-year's survey course. The pupils are introduced to all phases of homemaking, emphasizing
the part of the junior high school girl in these family relationships. It is a text perhaps better
adapted to training in homes in higher economic levels than one usually finds in our rural areas.
The only income range mentioned is from $1,800 to $2,500 per year. A great deal of material is
condensed in this one book. Bibliographies, tests, activities, two plays are included in addition to
the regular textual material.
Kinyon, Kate W. and L. Thomas Hopkins. 1936 JUNIOR HOME PROBLEMS (Revised) Ben-
jamin H. Sanborn & Company, Chicago. Price $1.12. This book has been planned for general use
as a textbook in junior high school home economics. It contains material on family relations, fi-
nance, housekeeping, care of younger children, home nursing, hospitality and other units.
Matthews, Mary Lockwood. 1936 THE NEW ELEMENTARY HOME ECONOMICS. Little,
Brown and Company, Boston. Price $1.50. This is intended for use in classes beginning the study
of home economics. It is, however, rather advanced in content and presentation for junior high
school pupils in the seventh and eighth grades.
Talbot, Nora A. and Florence L. Lytle, Millie V. Pearson and Anna May Johnson. 1936 PRAC-
TICAL PROBLEMS IN HOME LIFE, American Book Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Price $1.32.
The book is written for boys and girls in the home in order to help them acquire right attitudes
toward homemaking. An attempt has been made to build an appreciation of the permanent values
of homemaking rather than to develop skill in homemaking activities. The material is presented
from standpoint of young people helping and sharing in home activities.
Stephenson, Margaret B., and Ruth L. Millet. 1938 HOW DO YOU DO? McKnight and Mc-
Knight, Bloomington, Illinois. Price 25c. A booklet covering everyday courtesy problems for
junior boys and girls. This book in brief, concise form gives just the kind of practical help
needed by the average young person. Throughout it is illustrated with line drawings.
Stephenson, Margaret B., and Ruth L. Millet. 1938 A TEST ON MANNERS FOR JUNIORS.
McKnight and McKnight, Bloomington, Illinois. Price 10c or $4.50 per 100. A test intended to
help young people of junior high school age check their own knowledge of everyday etiquette.
It covers points of conduct or action for the home, at dinner, towards elders, at school, at parties,
in camp, on matters of dress, letters, and conversation.
GOOD MANNERS POSTERS. F. A. Owen Publishing Company, Dansville, New York. Set of
ten posters for 80c. Most of us are visual minded. People do not always visualize things de-
scribed so these posters on correct and incorrect conduct often make a more lasting impression
than class discussion. These pictures in turn suggest other situations. Often they stimulate pupils
to make other posters for themselves.
Harris, Florence L. 1938 PATTY PANS. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, Massachusetts.
Price $2.00. A cook book for beginners.
Huseby, Irene B., and Beatrice G. Sylvester. 1940 WE, THE COOKS: A STUDY GUIDE FOR
A FIRST COURSE IN FOODS. College Entrance Book Compny, New York. Price 76c. This
book is designed to guide the pupil in the beginning foods course. The material is organized on
the basis of family needs, while blanks and detachable pages make it convenient for use as a
laboratory manual.
Kinyon, Kate W. 1937 JUNIOR FOODS (Revised) Benjamin H. Sanborn and Company, Chi-
cago. Price $1.16. This is a new edition of the earlier book, Junior Foods and Clothing. New
units on how to select utensils for the preparation of food and how to understand and develop
skill in the fundamental processes are included. The book endeavors to aid pupils in developing
better health attitudes and habits, in selecting their foods more intelligently, in improving their
knowledge of the processes carried on in the home, in acquiring skills commensurate with pres-
ent need and age of individual. The book purports to contain sufficient material for a year's
work in foods.
Maltby, Lucy Mary. 1938 IT'S FUN TO COOK. The John C. Winston Company, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. Price $2.00. This is a book written for young people. The recipes and menus
were chosen not only for their nutritional value, but also because of their appeal to young people's
food tastes. Practically all the recipes are inexpensive and make economical use of food mate-
rials, time, and effort. The easiest recipes are starred in the index. The material is presented
in a narrative form appealing to youth and it capitalizes on their interests and activities. Learn-
ing to cook will prove exciting business.
Rose, Mary Swartz. 1932 TEACHING NUTRITION TO BOYS AND GIRLS. The Macmillan
Company, New York City. Price $2.00. Every year health education is taking a more important
place in the elementary school program. Teachers are more and more frequently called upon to
assist in planning or teaching home economics in the elementary grades. The nutrition subject mat-
ter in this book has been selected with regard to common needs of growing children in American
communities and the use of foods which are generally available and economical. The aim has
been to drive home the idea that the habitual use of a few important foods as a basis of the diet-
ary is a real nutritional safeguard.
YOUNG AMERICA'S COOK BOOK. 1938 Compiled by the Home Institute of the New York
Tribune, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York City. Price $1.75. A cook book that is written espe-
cially for young people.
Kinyon, Kate W. 1937 JUNIOR CLOTHING. (Revised) Benjamin H. Sanborn and Company,
Chicago, Illinois. Price $1.16. This is a new edition of the earlier book Junior Foods and Cloth-
ing. New units on design, color, and clothing selection are given. It is designed for general use
as a text book in junior high school home economics. Activities and references are given at the
end of each unit.
Todd, Elizabeth. 1935 CLOTHES FOR GIRLS. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, Massa-
chusetts. Price $1.56. The majority of books designed for use by junior high school pupils are
of a general nature containing material relating to many areas in home economics. Clothes for
Girls is an exception. It is a specialized book adequately covering the clothing problems of the
junior high school girl. It contains material on grooming in addition to that devoted to select-
ing, caring for and repairing clothing, selecting becoming colors, suitable and becoming fabrics
and accessories for the money available. Many of the 218 illustrations are direct aids to under-
standing the subject matter of the text.
Van Gilder, Ethel. 1932 FROM THIMBLE TO GOWN. Allyn and Bacon, Atlanta Georgia. Price
$1.20. With its copious illustrations and practical suggestions, this book is intended to instruct
the pupil in simple, accurate methods of sewing. Its purpose is to explain in simple words the
best ways to do the sewing that falls to the lot of the average girl, wife, or mother. Color, choice
and care of garments are also discussed.
Allen, Edith. 1938 SIMPLIFIED MECHANICS FOR GIRLS. Manual Arts Press, Peoria, Illi-
nois. Price 68c (paper cover). Provides home economics pupils with information that will con-
tribute toward intelligent operation of the mechanical and electrical devices in the home, as well
as with an understanding of the basic principles underlying the use and care.
Conklin, Groff. 1939 ALL ABOUT HOUSES. Julian Messner, Inc., 8 West 40th Street, New
York. Price $2.00. Recommended for use in schools where housing is viewed as a social and
economic problem as well as a family one.
Gallinger, Osma Couch. 1938 THE GAME OF WEAVING. International Textbook Company,
Scranton, Pennsylvania. Price $1.00. Weaving offers a rich imaginative field for creative art
work, and all children take delight in pretty colors and textures of cloth.
Lee, Kathryn Dean. 1939 ADVENTURING IN ART. D. Appleton-Century Company, Inc., New
York, New York. Price $2.25. A nice book for related art work.
McClelland, Nancy. 1928 YOUNG DECORATORS. Harper and Brothers, New York. Price
$2.50. A family of children, their father and mother, decorate a new home. Written by an em-
inent decorator and though an old publication, it is still good. (For grades 5-8.)
Micheels, William J. and Gladys W. Babcock and Frances M. Obst. 1939 THE HOME TODAY.
Burgess Publishing Company, 426 South Sixth Street, Minneapolis, Minn. Price $1.75. An attempt
to bring into closer relationship the departments of art, industrial arts, and home economics in
the junior high school, particularly for the eighth and ninth grades.
Moore, Bernice Starr. 1938 PEOPLE AND ART. Allyn and Bacon, Atlanta, Georgia. Price $1.20.
This is a book specializing in art appreciation of our home, body, clothing and environment. The
book is designed for use by boys and girls of junior high school age. At this period, young peo-
ple often prefer gaudy decorations, cheap ornaments and loud ties and show other signs of poor
judgment in dress. One of the most worth-while features is given in the appendix. There are
found suggestions for correlating art both in actual classroom and in the form of projects, clubs
and assembly programs.
Marble, Priscilla R. and I. Duane Wilson. 1940 AUTOMOBILE SAFETY. American Book Com-
pany, Atlanta, Georgia. Price 80c. A valuable book for all young drivers. It treats a subject
often neglected.
Marble, Priscilla R. 1940. HOME SAFETY. American Book Company, New York. Price 800.
There is increased interest in the accidents for which the home is responsible. This book for ele-
mentary and junior high schools reflects this interest. Most of the points are likely to be brought
into a well-planned home economics course, but the teacher will be interested to see them separated
for her.
Allen, Betty and Mitchell Briggs. 1937 BEHAVE YOURSELF! J. B. Lippincott Company, At-
lanta, Georgia. Price $1.00. This is a book of etiquette written for boys and girls of junior and
senior high school age. It covers phases of social relationships and answers briefly but com-
pletely the many questions that young people ask about the accepted rules of everyday social be-
havior. The book developed in the beginning as a class project. The questions were asked by
school boys and girls and it is their book in that they made so many contributions.
Bennett, Margaret and Harold Hand. 1938 BEYOND HIGH SCHOOL. McGraw-Hill Book
Company, New York. Price $1.36. This book points out the opportunities open to girls and boys
when they finish high school of which college is only one.
Breen, Mary J. 1939 THE PARTY BOOK. A. S. Barnes & Company, New York. Price $2.50.
All the makings of parties that are fun from beginning to end-invitations, decorations, games,
and recipes for refreshments easy to prepare and serve-have all been brought together in this
book. Parties for every age and taste from "dress-up" parties to parties that just seem to happen
are included. Pupils would enjoy the book as well as teachers.
Ellenwood, J. E. 1938 THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME. Charles Scribner and Sons, New
York. Price $2.00. Attractively written and illustrated, this is a good book for supplementary
use in teaching family relationships. Pupils enjoy it, as well as profit from it.
Dennis, Lemo T. 1934 LIVING TOGETHER IN THE FAMILY. American Home Economics As-
sociation Publications, Baltimore. Price $1.10. Designed for use in teaching classes in family re-
lationships. It contains suggestions for discussions and case studies for pupils to suggest solu-
tions of problems described.
Dennis, Lemo T. 1934 PICTURES OF FAMILY LIFE. American Home Economics Association
Publications, Baltimore. Price $1.10. These are case studies of real people and afford pupils the
opportunity to discuss and suggest solutions for real family problems.
Goodrich, Laurence B., 1939 LIVING WITH OTHERS. American Book Company, Atlanta,
Georgia. Price $1.00. A feature of the book is the chapter of relevant readings and the frequent
use of quotations from many sources, as well as references to the lives of famous people. An eti-
quette book of much appeal.
Groves, Ernest H., Edna L. Skinner- and Sadie V. Swenson. 1941 THE FAMILY AND ITS RE-
LATIONSHIPS. J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Revised and Enlarged.
Price $1.80. This is intended for use by advanced pupils in the senior high school. It contains
questions and class activities designed to develop an appreciation of the problems of the fam-
ily. The revised copy contains new material on housing, personality, marriage, social security and
other information important to the family.
Hadida, S. C. 1932 MANNERS FOR MILLIONS. Doubleday, Doran Company, Inc., Garden
City, New York. Price $1.95. A popular etiquette book. This is a good choice for the library
as all pupils enjoy consulting it.
Jordan, Helen M. and Louisa Ziller and John F. Brown. 1935 HOME AND FAMILY. The Mac-
millan Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Price $1.60. This is not a new book, but one that has been
found to be quite valuable in teaching family relationships. "The Successful Home," "Child De-
velopment," "The Family As an Institution," and as a "Personal Problem" are some of the units
treated in an interesting way.
Marran, Kay J. 1939 TABLE GAMES. A. S. Barnes and Company, New York. Price $1.50.
Here is a book that fulfills two purposes. Table games for years have been among the most pop-
ular of indoor pastimes, but they have been played with game material which has been ready-
made. This book clearly illustrates how any boy or girl can make his or her own game and have
as much fun in so doing as in playing the game when completed. It would be an interesting hobby
or pastime.
Mason, Bernard S. and Elmer D. Mitchell. 1935. SOCIAL GAMES FOR RECREATION. A. S.
Barnes & Company, New York. Price $2.50. A splendid book for the teacher as well as pupil.
It suggests games and materials needed for social play in the party, club, playground, camp, pic-
nic, and the home. The age group by which the game is enjoyed, as well as the place in which
the game can be played (indoors or outdoors) is given to further add to its usefulness.
Meyer, Jerome S. FUN FOR THE FAMILY. Ransdell Publishing Company, Inc., Washington,
D. C. Price $1.95. Here at last is a book that satisfactorily solves the problem of rainy nights,
your parties at home and unexpected guests. With its puzzles, brain twisters, detective tests,
party games and what not, it's a book which will give many hours of fun.
McLean, Donald. 1938 KNOWING YOURSELF AND OTHERS. Henry Holt & Company, Inc.,
New York. Price $1.40. It is a baffling world into which boys and girls are graduated from
high school these days. Schools are recognizing the need of courses in mental hygiene, personal
orientation, and self-guidance. This book has been written for such a course. It is equally in-
teresting for individual reading without class work.
Reid, Lillian N. 1940 PERSONALITY AND ETIQUETTE. Little, Brown and Company, Bos-
ton, Massachusetts. Price $1.28. Every person wishes to be at ease socially, to acquire the calm
assurance and confidence that comes from knowing what to do, and how to do it in our social
world. This book does what few etiquette books do-plans and organizes activities so that the
student may put into practice (and repeated practice) the etiquette and ideals he has learned.
Its informal style and entertaining drawings add much to the usefulness and enjoyment of the
Ryan, Mildred Graves. 1940 CUES FOR YOU. D. Appleton-Century Company, New York.
Price $2.00. Student's edition, $1.50. Those who are familiar with other books by this same
author have some idea of the style in which the book is written. It contains valuable material on
social amenities presented in an interesting way. The subject matter is the result of questions
young people are always asking.
Shacter, Helen. 1940 UNDERSTANDING OURSELVES. McKnight and McKnight, Blooming-
ton, Illinois. Price 25c. A mental hygiene unit written for the high school pupil. This book is
designed to help boys and girls better understand their own capacities, interests, and person-
alities. It discusses in non-technical terms such aspects as: getting along with ourselves and
others, fears, evading problems and difficulties-how personalities develop and vary.
Stephenson, Margaret B., and Ruth L. Millet. 1936 AS OTHERS LIKE YOU. McKnight and
McKnight, Bloomington, Illinois. Price 25c. This book discusses the forms of social usage per-
taining to the experience of high school and college students. Common situations relating to
dancing, dating, dining, invitations, introductions, travel-it treats just those situations
which they contact.
Stephenson, Margaret B., and Ruth L. Millet. 1937 A TEST ON SOCIAL USAGE. McKnight
and McKnight, Bloomington, Illinois. Price 10c per copy or $4.50 per 100. A test based upon
social problems with which young people of high school age are continually confronted. Care-
fully selected questions subject the pupil to the social problems that he must solve in everyday
life. Form A-This test is to be presented to the pupil before he has studied these social prob-
lems, and Form B of the test is to follow his careful analysis of them. Several schools where
courtesy needed to be improved have given these tests to the entire student body with very
gratifying results,
Stratton, Dorothy, and Helen B. Schleman. 1940 YOUR BEST FOOT FORWARD. McGraw-Hill
Book Company, Inc., New York, New York. Price $2.00. Social usage for young moderns. Over
6,200 questions, covering every phase of social relationships were sent in to the authors. These
were used as a basis for interpreting the current social code for young people.
Van Arsdale, May B. and Mary Rebecca Lingenfelter. 1940 MANNERS NOW AND THEN.
Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York. Price $1.50. This book is rather a story of the devel-
opment of modern manners and customs out of traditions of the past. The chapters, however,
do sum up rules for behavior at home, in school, in society, and in business. The authors point
out that such graciousness as we have in our lives is a heritage from the past.
Van Duzer, Adelaide Laura and Edna M. Andrix, Ethelwyn L. Bobenmyer, E. Maude Hawkins,
Mary E. Hemmersbaugh and Elsa P. Page. 1936 EVERYDAY LIVING FOR GIRLS. J. B. Lip-
pincott Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Price $2.00. The purpose of this book is to develop stand-
ards of living and appreciations of the value of personal and social development in the high
school girl. It has an interesting chapter on entering the business world and living at home and
elsewhere. The book was originally planned for the high school senior, but has been adapted
successfully to other high school groups.
Young, William P. and Horace J. Gardner. 1936 THE YEAR 'ROUND PARTY BOOK. J. B.
Lippincott Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Price $1:00. Complete directions for party programs,
covering the red letter days of each month are given in this book. Directions for games, sug-
gestions for decorations and refreshments are also included.
Abbott, Daisy T. 1939 THE INDOOR GARDENER. The University
of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Price $1.50. Here is help
for anyone who wants to grow plants, whether in the home, office, or
S' i1 school. The book suggests what to buy and why, how to care and feed
3 house plants, and gives a good list of foliage plants for the house.
I/, \ Allen, Edith Louise. 1938 SIMPLIFIED MECHANICS FOR GIRLS.
Manual Arts Press, Peoria, Illinois. Price 68c (paper cover). Provides
home economics pupils with information that will contribute toward
intelligent operation of the mechanical and electrical devices in the home, as well as with an
understanding of the principles underlying the use and care of these devices in order to get the
most service from them.
Balderston, Lydia R. 1935 HOUSEKEEPING WORKBOOK. J. B. Lippincott Company, Phila-
delphia, Pennsylvania. Price 60c. This is a manual of directions for processes in house care and
cleaning. It contains clear, concise rules for renewal of fabrics, care of metals, floor coverings,
furniture and other information necessary to know in the care and cleaning of houses.
Burrows, Thelma M. 1938 SUCCESSFUL HOME FURNISHING. Manual Arts Press, Peoria,
Illinois. Price $2.75. To students of simple home furnishing, it shows the way to beauty and
comfort at modest expense. The book is decidedly readable and presents a range of informa-
tion that makes helpful and delightful reading for both pupils and home makers. Well illustrated.
Draper, Dorothy. 1939 DECORATING IS FUN. Doubleday, Doran, and Company, Inc., New
York, New York. Price $2.79. A most unique and delightful book on interior decorating writ-
ten in a most entertaining yet authoritative style. Line drawings show right and wrong fur-
niture arrangements. This will be a help to families whether they occupy one room or twenty.
Eberlein, H. D. and Abbot McClure and E. S. Holloway. 1937 THE .PRACTICAL BOOK OF
INTERIOR DECORATION. J. B. Lippincott Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Price $2.95. The
three writers are accepted authorities. The book covers all phases of interior decoration from
the furnishing of the small house or apartment to that of the palatial dwelling. This is an en-
cyclopedic book suited for library reference in larger schools where there are many pupils with
family incomes much above the average.
Editor of Architectural Forum. 1939 THE 1940 BOOK OF SMALL HOUSES. Simon and Schus-
ter, New York. Price $2.50. Plans, pictures and brief descriptions of houses from various sec-
tions of the country.
Ericson and Soules. 1938 PLANNING YOUR HOME. Manual Arts Press, Peoria, Illinois.
Price $2.00. This book provides home economics pupils with information on many subjects re-
lating to a proposed home. It consists of nine chapters of informational and discussional material,
including choice of style of architecture, site, room exposures, view desired, planning of floor
spaces, choice of furnishings and decorations and other topics interesting to would-be home
Graham, John, Jr. 1940 HOUSING IN SCANDINAVIA; URBAN AND RURAL. University of
North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Price $2.50. Good book, nicely illustrated.
Jackson, Alice F. and Bettina. 1928 THE STUDY OF INTERIOR DECORATION. Doubleday,
Doran and Company, Inc., Garden City, New York. Price $2.50. This book is intended for use
in upper classes of high school or in colleges. The primary purpose of this book is to further the.
movement for making the homes of America more beautiful and comfortable by helping to spread
the knowledge of the principles of interior decoration. It would be more valuable in towns and
cities than in rural communities where funds are limited.
Jeffrey, Harry K. 1924 WOOD FINISHING. The Manual Arts Press, Peoria, Illinois. Price
$1.50. While this is not a recent publication it is a good reference to have in the departmental
library. It presents to teachers, students, and amateurs reliable information regarding the most
common processes of wood-finishing, and presents this information in a practical, non-technical
manner. Preparing wood for finishing, staining, applying fillers, varnishing and polishing, sten-
ciling, enameling, and refinishing old furniture are some of the many topics discussed.
Klenke, William W. 1935 THINGS TO MAKE FOR THE HOME, (Book 4). The Manual Arts
Press, Peoria, Illinois. Price 50c. This is one of a series of ten manuals containing working
drawings and instructions for making interesting projects. Twenty-eight different articles for
the home are contained in this book. A folding luggage stand, valance boards, kitchen work ta-
bles, hanging cupboard, folding stepladder, and stepladder chair are some of the articles de-
Klenke, William W. 1935 ODD PIECES IN WOOD. The Manual Arts Press, Peoria, Illinois.
Price 50c. Another of this series gives directions, measurements, and drawings for a footstool, end
and magazine table, mantels, breakfast trays, drop-leaf tables, bird houses, and many other pieces
easily made.
Matthews, Mary Lockwood. 1940 THE HOUSE AND ITS CARE. Little, Brown and Company,
Boston, Massachusetts. Price $1.76. This revised book has been written in a form suitable for
use in the senior high school or junior college. It includes material- on house planning, decora-
tion, and furnishing, and on the management of the home. There is also a unit on the laundry.
The book is set 'up in terms of problems for pupils to solve.
Shultz, Hazel. 1939 HOUSING AND THE HOME. D. Appleton-Century Company, Inc., New
York, New York. Price $2.00. This is the one book in this field written expressly for use by
high school pupils. It is attractive in appearance and easy to use. The material contained is
suitable for use by pupils in grades nine through twelve. The book is copiously illustrated with
many excellent photographs. Many are of housing projects and gives the pupil a concept of
housing as a social problem and suggests ways in which the individual can work constructively
toward achieving better housing for himself and others. It was planned and written after an
analysis of existing state courses of study.
Woodin, J. C. 1938 HOME MECHANICS FOR GIRLS. The McCormick-Mathers Company, At-
lanta, Georgia. Price 60c. For many years there has existed in the field of secondary educa-
tion a definite need for a practical course in household mechanics for girls. The housewife can
do many duties normally turned over to the husband. Installing the proper fuse, re-gluing fur-
niture, applying paint, varnish, and enamel, care and upkeep of floors, household upholstery are
some of the topics discussed.
Asipray, Muriel. 1930 A BOOK OF DESIGNS FOR CRAFTWORK. Manual Arts Press, Peoria,
Illinois. Price 75c. Contains patterns or plates of designs which may be used for decorating
white wood work, leather work; or they may be gummed to all sorts of articles, wooden and tin
to add a decorative touch.
Biddle, Dorothy. 1934 HOW TO ARRANGE FLOWERS. Doubleday, Doran Company, Inc.,
New York. Price $1.00. A splendid book.
Gillum, Lulu W. and Mary Anna Lawrence. 1939 THINGS A GIRL CAN MAKE FOR THE
HOME. Gillum Book Company, 4801 Independence Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri. Price $1.00.
Inexpensive things a girl can make for the home from tin cans, wall paper, cardboard cartons,
crates, spools, and other odds and ends of materials.
Hine, Mrs. Walter R. 1936 NEW FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS. Charles Scribner and Sons,
New York. Price $2.75. Interesting material is given.
Klenke, William W. 1940 FURNITURE A GIRL CAN MAKE. Gillum Book Company, 4801
Independent Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri. Price $1.00. Fifty projects in furniture making any
of which the average girl can undertake. Special effort has been made to suggest low-cost ma-
terials, and in many instances, discarded packing boxes are used.
Scobee, Virginia. 1940 GIFTS A GIRL CAN MAKE. Gillum Book Company, 4801 Indepen-
dence Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri. Price $1.00. This is an effort to correlate three phases of
teaching, Art, Clothing, and Home Project work. These gifts were selected to meet some definite
need of the girls or of their homes, yet the cost has been kept to a minimum by suggesting low-
cost or waste materials that may be used.
Snow, Bonnie E. and Hugo B. Froehlich. 1922 A HUNDRED THINGS A GIRL CAN MAKE.
J. B. Lippincott Company, Chicago, Illinois. Price $2.50. This little book opens up possibilities
in the field of creative art. The handiwork offered is original; the finished results are of inter-
est and possess commercial value in some instances. An old book but possesses some interest.
rows and Company, New York, New York. Price $2.50. A book interesting to the teacher as
well as to the pupil. It contains pictures and directions for making cloth dolls, slip covers, cur-
tains, and many articles to add attractiveness to the home. The suggestions are practical and
might suggest home projects to pupils and ways of carrying them out.
Stewart, Jean. 1930 THINGS A BRIGHT GIRL CAN DO. J. B. Lippincott Company, Chicago,
Illinois. Price $2.00. Articles and accessories that a girl can make for her home.
Thatcher, Edward. 1919 MAKING TIN CAN TOYS. J. B. Lippincott Company, Chicago, Illin-
ois. Price $2.00. Using tin cans to make toys for children is explained in an interesting way.
An old book, but it deals with an unusual subject.
Trilling, Mabel B. and Florence Williams. 1936 ART IN HOME AND CLOTHING. J. B. Lip-
pincott Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Price $1.47. An old favorite which has valuable material
of interest to all homemakers.
Watt, Menie. 1927 FLOWERS IN THE HOME. The Macmillan Company, New York, New
York. Price $1.25. Written by an Englishwoman to raise money for her charities. This book
contains many worthwhile and charming ideas for flowers, their arrangement, and containers.
Clark, Thomas A. 1939 HIGH SCHOOL BOY AND HIS PROBLEMS. The Macmillan Com-
pany, Atlanta, Georgia. Price $1.50. Presents information about which boys are interested
whether or not they pretend to be. It would be of general interest to others as well as to boys.
Corner, George W. 1938 ATTAINING MANHOOD. Harper and Brothers, New York. Price
$1.00. A good book for boys to have.
Jonathan, N. H. 1938 GENTLEMEN AREN'T SISSIES. John C. Winston Company, Philadel-
phia, Pennsylvania. Price $1.50. A modern guide book for the young man about town with he-
man illustrations, which endeavors to convince the male of the species that he can wear a tie, be
courteous, and still not be a "sissy." To the contrary he becomes a person who brings pleasure
to himself as well as others when he knows and practices every day social courtesies.
Lyster, Alba M. and Gladys F. Hudnall. 1935 SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE HIGH SCHOOL
BOY. The Steck Company, Austin, Texas. Price $1.75. Many boys feel that there is so much
that the school does not touch. They are left ignorant of many things that are taken for granted.
Physical well being, how to dress, how to buy clothes intelligently, personality development, com-
mon rules of etiquette, care of the body, and choosing healthful foods are among the problems
treated in this book.
Stote, Dorothy, Mrs. 1939 MEN TOO WEAR CLOTHES. Frederick A. Stokes Company, New
York, New York. Price $1.50. A book especially designed for men and boys. Questions of ma-
terials, color, and line in men's clothing selections are discussed in an attractive and informal
Towne, C. H. 1939 GENTLEMEN BEHAVE. Julian Messner, Inc., Publishers, West 40th St.,
New York, New York. Price $2.50. Another book on social behavior written especially for
boys. Girls like it too, and it's nice for them to see the boy's viewpoint.
Booklets from Reference Library, Ladies' Home Journal, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Woodward,
Elizabeth. GENTLEMEN PREFERRED. Booklet No. 1192, 3 cents apiece.
Booklets from Reference Library, Ladies' Home Journal, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Woodward,
Elizabeth. KNOW YOUR GIRL! No. 1668, 3 cents apiece.
Booklets from Reference Library, Ladies' Home Journal, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Woodward,
Elizabeth. IF I WERE A MAN! No. 1546, 3 cents apiece.
Anyone who has read the Sub Deb page in the Ladies' Home Journal knows that Miss Woodward
is familiar with the problems confronting young people. These booklets discuss in an entertain-
ing manner timely questions that a boy wishing to be "in the know" wants answered for him.
And she does.
Clarke, Edwin L. 1940 PETTING, WISE OR OTHERWISE. American Social Hygiene Asso-
ciation Press, New York, New York. Price 25c.
FROM BOY TO MAN. 1940 American Social Hygiene Association Press, New York, New York.
Price 25c. Both of these pamphlets are good for sex instruction.
Allen, Lucy G. 1940 TABLE SERVICE. Little, Brown and Company,
Boston, Massachusetts. Price $1.75. Gives in detail rules for correct
table service. Excellent photographs and line drawings add much to
its value.
Bailey, Beth N. 1936 (Revised Edition.) MEAL PLANNING AND
TABLE SERVICE. Manual Arts Press, Peoria, Illinois. Price $2.00.
Colored and full-page pictures add to the interest and use of this book.
The title indicates the content.
Farmer, Fannie Merritt. 1936 THE BOSTON COOKING SCHOOL
COOK BOOK (completely revised). Little, Brown and Company, Boston,
Massachusetts. Price $2.50. This is one of America's most famous cook books. Changes have
been made to conform with modern fashions in food. Wherever possible, variations have been
placed with the basic recipe to which they belong. This rearrangement may encourage the users
of the book to venture away from the conventional, while feeling secure in following familiar
methods. Pupils, as well as teachers should find this book of interest.
Niles, Kathryn Bele. 1935 FAMILY TABLE SERVICE (without servants). Burgess Pub-
lishing Company, 426 South Sixth Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Price $1.45. This book
covers all details of arrangements and serving for homes without paid help, as well as fo
those who have it on special occasions. A section is devoted to semi-formal service so pop
lar in the average home. Twenty-five illustrative sketches show correct table arrangement
serving and eating usage.
Heseltine, Marjorie and Ula M. Dow. 1936 GOOD COOKING MADE EASY AND ECONOM-
ICAL. Houghton Mifflin Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Price $2.50. The revised and enlarged
edition of a firmly established cook book which has made so many friends is in keeping with
the changes that have been going on in kitchen affairs. New recipes and service sugges-
tions have been devised.
Silver, Fern. 1941 FOODS AND NUTRITION. D. Appleton-Century Company, New York
City. Price $1.72. The book is intended for use as a text in foods and nutrition classes in
senior high schools in any class from the freshman to the senior year inclusive. The style,
problems, and the interests are on the level of high school experience. The development of
the study of foods and the foods laboratory work is built around meal planning as nearly as
is practicable in a high school situation, rather than around the cooking of individual foods.
"Food Preservation" and "Camp Cookery" are two of the units treated.
ight Publishing Corporation, New York City. Price $2.50. If well-stated directions and clear
diagrams are enough to teach one how to knit even so complicated an article as a fancy stitch,
made-to-special measure garment, then anyone should be able to achieve that with the help of
this book. Many inexpensive sources of this same material can be found, and so the advis-
ability of purchasing this book would be questionable where funds are limited.
Peoria, Illinois. Price $1.25. Children in all ages, all countries and all climates have always
demanded toys. This book tells how to make them using fur cloth, silk, velvet, etc., and stuffed
with cotton or wool. A set of full-sized patterns accompanies the book of instructions. Simple
tools, good patterns, explicit directions make this book an easy one to use. Nine animals are
given including a teddy bear, a rabbit, and Mary's lamb.
GILES, NELL. 1940 SUSAN, BE SMOOTH. Hale, Cushman, and Flint, Boston, Massachu-
setts. Price $1.00. Smoothness is something which doesn't necessarily mean beauty. Lots of
beautiful girls aren't smooth. Smoothness comes from an attitude of mind toward the right
habits of grooming and is very much worth taking pains over. You can be smooth with only
fifteen minutes a day, and Susan, Be Smooth tells you how. Delightful illustrations enliven
this little book designed for all girls, but especially those under twenty, who want to be no-.
ticed-and who doesn't?
Hess, Katherine. 1941 TEXTILE FIBERS AND THEIR USE. J. B. Lippincott Company,
Atlanta, Ga. Price $2.40. Not a high school text, but a good book for reference material. It
gives the consumers' point of view.
Lester, Katherine Morris and Bess Viola Oerke. 1940 ACCESSORIES OF DRESS. The Man-
ual Arts Press, Peoria, Illinois. Price $10.00. (587 pp., 704 illustrations.) This book is dis-
tinctly in the luxury class. If the budget permits, it would be a valuable reference for the li-
brary in schools where advanced classes consider costume and designers of historical costume
true to the period. The book covers various accessories of costume for men and women from
primitive man down to modern times. It tells the story of hats and hose, ribbons and rings,
wigs and watches, and all the other accessories that fashion through the centuries has decreed
for the personal adornment of men and women.
McFarland, Freda Wiegand. 1936 GOOD TASTE IN DRESS. The Manual Arts Press, Peoria,
Illinois. Price $1.00. Every girl is interested in her personal appearance. This little book dis-
cusses questions of figure, dress, coloring, personality, as well as lines, fabrics, correct dress
for given occasionsand many other related subjects.
Machrie, Elsie and I. P. Roseaman. 1939 FELT TOYS. The Manual Arts Press, Peoria, Illi-
nois. Price $1.25. Contains patterns and complete directions for making eleven toys out of
felt. The assortment includes a ball, goose, rabbit, goose-girl, doll, and a golliwogg."
Machrie, Elsie and I. P. Roseaman. 1937 CUT WOOLLY TOYS. The Manual Arts Press, Peoria,
Illinois. Price $1.25. Full-sized patterns and illustrated descriptions of the processes of mak-
ng animal and doll toys, using cut wool. The close-cut wool suggests the furriness of the
Picken, Mary Brooks. 1940 THE LANGUAGE OF FASHION. Funk and Wagnalls Com-
pany, New York. Price $5.00. 600 illustrations to aid in presenting the 8,000 definitions
given. The first dictionary-digest of fabrics, sewing, dress, accessories, silhouettes and styles.
It is a reference book in the luxury class. It would be a splendid library reference where cloth-
ing is taught to advanced and junior college classes. The definitions are arranged in alpha-
betical order. Pronunciations are given, as well as explanations.
Picken, Mary Brooks. 1940 MODERN DRESSMAKING MADE EASY. Fink and Wagnalls
Company, New York. Price $3.50. In one volume, this book contains material on planning and
making becoming clothes, patterns, modern ready-to-wear machine sewing, exercises, colors,
and clothes, and how to look for value in ready-made clothes.
Rathbone, Lucy and Elizabeth Tarpley. 1937 CLOTHING AND FABRICS. Houghton, Miff-
lin Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Price $1.60. A text widely used in secondary schools. It cov-
ers different phases of clothing instruction. It includes material on clothing for the small
sister and brother and the baby, as well as the high school girl.
Ryan, Mildred Graves. 1937 YOUR CLOTHES AND PERSONALITY. D. Appleton-Century
Company, New York City. Price $1.72. An attractive book written for high school girls, but
interesting to others. The portfolio of costumes at the back of the book adds much to its use-
fulness. The portfolio is renewed gratis as drastic changes in styles demand it.
Story, Margaret and Catherine Oglesby. 1940 INDIVIDUALITY AND CLOTHES. Funk and
Wagnalls Company, New York. Price $3.50. The etiquette of clothes, wardrobes for the trip
south or north, for the cruise or college are given. The book contains along with many other
illustrations an excellent color chart. The illustrations are informative, helpful and profuse.
The clothes clinic and beauty essentials are interesting parts of the book.
Cades, H. R. 1932 GOOD LOOKS FOR GIRLS. Harcourt, Brace & Company. Price $2.00.
Information about care of hair and skin, the importance of sleep and health made sensible
and appealing to girls is given in this book.
Delano, J. A. 1934 HOME HYGIENE AND CARE OF THE SICK. P. Blakiston's Son and
Company, Philadelphia. Price $1.50. Written by a registered nurse, this is used by the Red
Cross as a text book.
Douglas, Mrs. G. M. 1932 HEALTH AND HOME NURSING. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York
City. Price $2.50. A scientific text useful in classes studying health and home nursing.
Lane, Janet. 1934 YOUR CARRIAGE, MADAM! John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York
City. Price $1.75. A most attractive book on posture. Young people read it and like it.
Lane, Janet. 1939 SITTING PRETTY. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York City. Price
35c. A guide to good posture written and illustrated in an entertaining manner.
Lippitt, Louisa A. 1934 HYGIENE AND HOME NURSING. World Book Company, Yonk-
ers-on-Hudson, New York. Price $1.24. A woman in the care of her health, has certain spe-
cial problems. She needs special instruction to help her in meeting them. She is responsible
not only for the nutrition of the family, but also for nursing them when illness comes. Espe-
cially is this true during our present National Defense Program when women are needed to carry
on many activities to relieve those specially trained for service where needed. The book covers
the topics needed for such instruction.
Phillips, M. J. 1934 SKIN DEEP. Vanguard Press, Inc., New York City. Price $2.00. The
truth about beauty aids-safe and harmful. A comprehensive study.
Corner, George W. 1939 ATTAINING WOMANHOOD. Harper and Brothers, New York. Price
$1.25. A companion book to the one for boys.
De Schweintz, Karl. 1939 (revised edition). GROWING UP. The Macmillan Company, At-
lanta, Georgia. Price $1.75. An old favorite recently revised, this is a splendid reference for
sex education.
Parker, Valera Hopkins." 1940 FOR DAUGHTERS AND MOTHERS. Bobbs-Merrill Company,
New York City. Price $1.50. A good book on sex education written by an understanding person.
Strain, Mrs. Frances Bruce. 1936 BEING BORN. D. Appleton-Century Company, Inc., New
York City. Price $1.75. A book excellent to have in the general library. It is checked out as
often by the faculty as by the pupils. It tells facts in an authoritative and objective manner
answering all the questions young people wonder about, but often do not feel free to ask.
Donham, Agnes. 1933 SPENDING THE FAMILY INCOME. (Revised Edition.) Little, Brown
and Company, Boston, Massachusetts. Price $1.75. Suggestions for a systematic division of the
family income in order to buy the most in health, happiness and security for the family.
Edition.) D. Appleton-Century- Company, New York City. Price $2.00. It is imperative in
the interests of progressive democracy that pupils be led into an understanding of the economic
problems that face them in their family life and as individuals. Economic security, consumer-
buyer interests, and leisure-time choices are some of the topics in this book treated in detail.
Mergendahl, Charles H. and LeBaron R. Foster. 1938 ONE HUNDRED PROBLEMS IN CON-
SUMER CREDIT. (Pollak Pamphlet No. 35.) Pollak Foundation for Economic Research, New-
ton, Massachusetts. Price 10c. Nearly everybody uses consumer credit-either wisely or un-
wisely. The problems in this pamphlet are taken from actual terms of sale, and are situations
which pupils are likely to hear about at home, and are fairly certain to meet when they become
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AGE HOUSEHOLD EMPLOYEES. Whittlesey House, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.,
New York, New York. Price $2.00. A discussion of present problems of household employ-
ment, the study which is being given them, and the steps which private and governmental
agencies are taking to lessen them. The book contains good, practical suggestions on house-
keeping and hospitality written in a pleasant style.
Corbin, Hazel. 1939 GETTING READY TO BE A FATHER. The Macmillan Company, New
York, New York. Price $1.25. This has been successfully used in adult classes for prospective
Cunningham, Bess. 1940 FAMILY BEHAVIOR. (Revised Edition.) W. B. Saunders Company,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Price $3.00. The author has made more than minor revisions in
the present edition. A chapter on "Historical Background" has been inserted, and various new
topics are introduced, such as the changing birthrate, the cost of rearing a child, the relation
between women's employment and marriage, standards of living, and divorce.
Field, Dorothy. 1939 THE HUMAN HOUSE. Houghton, Mifflin Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
Price $2.75. Every woman plans houses, and most of them feel that when their turn comes they
could build a better house than any architect. Unfortunately, when the real test comes and
they get a chance to build, all their knowledge dissolves into mists of the things they want,
but can't have with the money they have to spend. This book is an attempt to get into the
light of day and down in black and white those things which seem impossible to explain to the
architect. It is designed to aid people in working out a satisfactory floor plan for their own
living requirements. It would be useful for a class in housing or as a reference book in the
Field, Wooster-Bard. 1940 HOUSE PLANNING. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
Price $3.00. This contains excellent material relating to all phases of house planning. It is
beautifully illustrated and the book presents a most artistic appearance. The material would
be more useful for adults and teachers than to the average high school pupil, as the book was
designed for use by college classes. It would be a good reference book, however, for the library.
Gallagher, Eleanor G. 1936 THE ADOPTED CHILD. A John Day Book. Reynal and Hitchcock,
New York, New York. Price $2.50. Although the adoption of children began when the family
became a social unit and is today a part of the culture of almost every civilized nation, this
is the first American book dealing comprehensively with the subject in all its human, social,
and legal aspects. It is a subject which is timely under present warring conditions when so
many refugee children are brought into our country.
Meyer, Elizabeth Burris. 1937 DECORATING LIVABLE HOMES. Prentice-Hall, Inc., New
York City. Price $5.00. This book is in the luxury class, but represents much value to the
owner. The format of the book is most attractive. There are 175 illustrations, many of which
are colored. The purpose of the book is to acquaint the consumer with the basic facts concern-
ing the materials of decoration and the processes by which these materials may be used to
achieve the desired effects in a livable home. The author shows you to how make your house
or apartment a lovely place for living without sacrificing any of the comforts and conveniences
you've always wanted. There are chapters devoted to the buying of decorating materials and
accessories, from furniture to lighting fixtures. This would be a valuable book to have in the
library or to use for a class in interior decoration.
Price, Lita and Harriet Bonnet. 1937 MAID CRAFT. The Bobbs-Merrill Company, New York
-City. Price $1.50. Written in clear and simple style easily understood. Contains tested meth-
ods for saving time, description of proper dress and etiquette of a maid, time schedules for
work and many other topics. It brings the housewife and maid up-to-date on new methods,
renews interest and adds zest to jobs which become duller after years of routine. Good for
classes in household employment or for household management.
Hambidge, G. 1934 YOUR MEALS AND YOUR MONEY. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.,
New York City. Price $1.50. Based on research done by Hazel K. Stiebeling.
Kennedy, Ada and Cora Vaughn. 1939 CONSUMER ECONOMICS. Manual Arts Press, Peoria,
Illinois. (Secondary or junior college.) Price $1.92. The entire book is written from the point
of view of living in a democratic society. In addition to usual content, it includes a unit on
money with non-technical explanations of such concepts as gold standard; cost of living; inflation
and deflation; chapters on consumer credit; investments and insurance and a unit on housing
and house furnishings.
Langdon, Grace. 1931 HOME GUIDANCE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. The John Day Com-
pany, New York City. Price $3.50. Many books on child development tell how to meet "prob-
lems." This book aims to prevent them. It is a handbook for parents. It was awarded the
Parents' Magazine Medal as the year's (1931) best book for Parents.
Lazo, Hector and M. H. Bletz. 1938 WHO GEST YOUR FOOD DOLLAR? Harper and Broth-
ers, New York, New York. Price $1.25. Here at last is a clear and accurate analysis of costs,
work-ups, profits, and wastes in food production, processing, and distribution. The consumer
who wants to know the truth about where the food dollar goes will find this an authentic state-
ment given in this little book.
Lowenberg, Miriam E. 1939 YOUR CHILD'S FOOD. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New
York, New York. Price $2.50. This book was written for two groups of people: mothers perplexed
with problems of child feeding, and nursery school workers who are responsbile for feeding
groups of young children. Many practical suggestions and helpful ideas of use to both groups
are contained in the book.
McCollum, E. Y. and J. Ernestine Becker. 1940 FOOD, NUTRITION AND HEALTH. East End
Post Office, Baltimore, Maryland. Price $1.50. This has special appeal for the educated lay-
man who, amid the confusion of popular and advertising claims about diet, wants a brief, clear
reliable statement and explanation of the main facts about food and health.
HEALTH AND DISEASE. (Revised Edition). A. F. Pattee, Mount Vernon, New York. Price
$3.00. (880 pp.) This familiar handbook has been rewritten and revised to keep pace with
scientific progress. A new and unusual feature is the listing of foods in order of descending
vitamin potency.
Pollard, L. Belle. 1939 ADULT EDUCATION IN HOMEMAKING. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New York City. Price $2.50. It has long been recognized that education is a process contin-
uing throughout life. Education at public expense has entered into an area that recognizes an
obligation to adult citizens in providing organized educational opportunities for them, as well
as for children. This book contains suggestions for organizing classes, ways of obtaining and
holding interest of adult class members, and other information of value to the teacher of adults.
Rippergen, Henrietta. 1940 A HOME OF YOUR OWN AND HOW TO RUN IT. Simon and
Schuster, New York City. Price $2.49. The first part of the book is headed "A Home and
What Goes Into It"; the second, "What Happens in a Home"; the third, "The House with
Help"; fourth, "Food, Drink and Parties"; and the fifth, "All About Money." The appendix
gives "'Last Chance' Facts-Extra Dry" on subjects such as period furniture, wines, and vita-
Rose, Mary Swartz. 1940 FEEDING THE FAMILY. (Revised Edition.) The Macmillan Com-
pany, Atlanta, Georgia. Price $3.75. Written for the layman by an eminent authority, this is
a valuable book to have.
Scott, Louise Hollister. 1940 INCOME MANAGEMENT FOR WOMEN. Harper Brothers,
49 East 33rd Street, New York City. Price $3.00. This book shows women how to get more of
the things they want by wise buying. It is not a book on budgeting, but one to show the modern
woman how to make the most intelligent use of her money, it covers money problems confront-
ing women today in business and in the home. How to save, buy, borrow, buy on credit, se-
lect insurance, etc., are here explained. It includes instructive materials for courses in con-
sumer education.
Smith, C. B. 1938 THE NEW HOME OWNER'S HANDBOOK. Modern Age Books, New York.
Price $1.00. Contains concise information on selection of building site, landscaping, termite
protection, lighting appliances and meter reading, pIliiili. and heating and many other points
for improving one's home.
Strain, Mrs. Frances B. 1934 NEW PATTERNS IN SEX TEACHING. D. Appleton-Century
Company, New York, New York. Price $2.00. The author is widely known for her authorita-
tive books on this subject. This would be a good one for adults to know.
Swift, Dr. Edith Hale. 1938 STEP BY STEP IN SEX EDUCATION. The Macmillan Com-
pany, Atlanta, Georgia. Price $2.00. To girls and boys whose parents have neglected the sub-
ject of sex education. Four characters, father, mother, son and daughter make it possible for
the author to present information from the viewpoint of both sexes. The book is written in
question and answer style, answering the questions which normally arise in children's minds
at different ages. The last step is when Bert is nearly twenty-one and Jane about eighteen years
old. It is not "preachy" nor "flowery".
THE GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MARRIAGE BOOK. Edited by William F. Bigelow. 1938
Eleven chapters each written by an outstanding person. Prentice-Hall, Inc., New York City.
Price $1.96. In this book eleven educators have supplied clear-cut, practical answers to the
questions young people are constantly asking about marriage.
Van Blarcom, Carolyn Conant. 1940 (Revised by Hazel Corbin.) GETTING READY TO BE
A MOTHER. The Macmillan Company, New York City. Price $2.50. New, attractive photo-
graphs illustrate the informal and practical suggestions given in this book. The pictures show
the baby's development during all stages until birth.
Young, Hazel. 1940 BETTER MEALS FOR LESS MONEY. Little, Brown and Company, Bos-
ton, Massachusetts. Price $1.75. Based on common-sense principles that young housekeepers
have found helpful since Mrs. Hill published her first edition in 1901.
by the Social Welfare and Public Health Department of the American Home Economics Associ-
ation with a representative from the American Dietetic Association. Revised edition. New York:
Family Welfare Association. 1940 Price 40c (35 pp.) In preparing its lists of foods which meet
generally accepted standards for protein, minerals, vitamins, and energy at various age levels,
both physiological and psychological factors have been considered. The lists consist of foods
that are generally available and within the means of the average workingman's family. Sep-
arate lists are given for eight localities in widely separated sections of the country.
Tleache4w P4oedoaal
l and G R~eje'oefowse 3aakh
Adamic, Louis. 1940 FROM MANY LANDS. Harper and Brothers, New York, New York.
Price $3.75. A foreigner now naturalized and aiding in the naturalization of others from many
lands gives us a splendid idea of our melting pot and the way these new citizens feel about our
Adamic, Louis. 1938 MY AMERICA. Harper and Brothers, New York, New York. Price $3.75.
The author tells us what America means to him. It helps to crystallize our own thoughts of
democracy and what it stands for.
Alsop, Joseph and Robert Kinter. 1940 AMERICAN WHITE PAPER. Simon and Schuster,
New York, New York. Price $1.00. Gives in an interesting manner the inside news of events
leading up to the present crisis. Presents a view of the working of our government and the tre-
mendous pressure under which the President and State Department are working.
Black, Ruby. 1940 ELEANOR ROOSEVELT. Duell, Sloan and Pearce, New York, New York.
Price $2.50. This account is written by a newspaper woman who has "covered" Mrs. Roosevelt
since 1933. The book arranges its materials in a way to show the amazing scope and influence of
Mrs. Roosevelt's interests.
Webb, W. P. 1937 DIVIDED WE STAND. Farrar and Rineheart, New York City. Price $1.00.
Another book which will help us to understand present day affairs.
Agan, Tessie. 1939 THE HOUSE. J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Price $3.50. This book presents subject matter on a level suited to college instruction. It
would be interesting to teachers and a valuable reference for the departmental library if funds
Bigelow, Howard F. 1936 FAMILY FINANCE. J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. Price $3.00. Written from the standpoint of the individual family. This text
(college) covers such things as the family's wants, income, standards of living, purchasing,
financing, and records and accounts. Excellent for reference material.
Burgoin, Alice M. 1932 LARGE QUANTITY RECIPES. Burgess Publishing Company, 426
South Sixth Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Price $1.75. More than 450 recipes for serving
from 60 to 150 persons. Each shows ingredients, amount, and method of cooking, number of
servings, amount to serve, and cost.
Saunders Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Price $1.75. Many home economcis teachers
are called upon to teach regular classes in health in addition to the unit on "Health and Safety"
given in the required course for Home Economics I. In this book the "Learning by Doing" tech-
nique of teaching is brought out with illustrative lessons. A unit is included describing visual
aids and the teaching value of their use explained. The selection of subject matter, and the
building of units of instruction are taken up, followed by several suggestive types of lesson
plans which the authors have used successfully. This book would be of especial assistance
to new teachers as well as to those who are looking for new ideas in teaching health.
Coon, Beulah I. and Bess Goodykoontz. 1941 FAMILY LIVING AND OUR SCHOOLS. D.
Appleton-Century Company, New York, New York. Price $2.50. An excellent book to aid us
see the contributions we can make in view of the total program. Highly recommended by Miss
Marie White, Regional Agent for Southern States, U. S. Office of Education.
EDUCATION FOR FAMILY LIFE. (Nineteenth yearbook.) 1941 American Association of
School Administrators. Department of National Education, 1201 Sixteenth Street, Northwest,
Washington, D. C. Price $2.00. In this book a plea is made for educators to rethink school
activities with the needs and aspirations of home life in mind. As we help to strengthen fam-
ily life we help to build national unity and morale. Schools can help homes. Among other ma-
terials specific school activities are herein suggested.
Erwin, Mable D. 1940 PRACTICAL DRESS DESIGN. The Macmillan Company, New York,
New York. Price $3.50. The book is intended primarily as a text for college classes in pattern
making. High school teachers will find it a useful reference, but it is in no sense planned as a
text book for high school pupils. It attempts to develop some basic principles upon which any
designer, dressmaker, fitter, homemaker, or clothing teacher can rely to solve the problems of
fitting garments, making patterns, and developing them into attractive, wearable, satisfying
Gardner, Horace J. 1940 LET'S CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS. A. S. Barnes and Company,
New York City. Price $2.50. Christmas has given us more than any other day of the whole
year. At least two weeks in advance we feel the Yuletide Spirit everywhere. This book con-
tains ideas for entertaining few or many guests, games, decorations, songs (with music), plays,
refreshments, and Christmas customs. A splendid book for teacher, pupil, or general library
Gillum, Mrs. Lula. 1938 HOME ECONOMICS PROGRAMS. (Revised Edition.) Gillum Book
Company, 4801 Independence Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri. Price $2.50. Contains programs,
suggested constitution, initiation, and parliamentary law, exhibits for home economics, songs,
ideas for teas and fashion shows.
Gruenberg, Benjamin C. and J. L. Kaukonen. 1939 HIGH SCHOOLS AND SEX EDUCATION.
U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. 0. Price 20c. A definite contribution to a better un-
derstanding of sex education and its relation to schools, this publication is a revision of a pre-
vious book published by the U. S. Public Health Service and the U. S..Office of Education.
Hamrin, Shirley A. and Clifford E. Erickson. 1939 GUIDANCE IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL.
D. Appleton-Century Company, New York, New York. Price $2.75. A book of general inter-
est to all who teach in secondary schools.
D. Appleton-Century Company, Inc., New York City. Price $2.00. Although this is not one of
the most recently published books it is an excellent one to use. In connection with the text there
is a guidebook which suggests the division of responsibilities and the organization of the class
to integrate the various home experiences which can be carried on in the homemaking apart-
ment. The book is planned to guide teacher and pupils so that they can spend the time as if all
were living together in any well organized home.
Hoke, Ann. 1940 RESTAURANT MENU PLANNING. Harper and Brothers, New York, New
York. Price $3.50. Many teachers, who have had no training in institutional foods work, are
called upon to manage and plan for school lunch rooms and cafeterias. This book written by
a woman with practical knowledge of restaurant problems plus teaching experience should be
of help.
Hyde, Florence Slown and Ruth Clara Slown. 1938 SAFETY PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES.
Beckley-Cardy Company, Chicago, Illinois. Price $1.25. Each year schools participate in safety
programs. Safety patrols are organized, and chapel and homeroom exercises are held to make
everyone Safety-Conscious. Frequently home economics teachers are called on to assist in plan-
ning and carrying out these activities. This book suggests many ideas for use.
Keliher, Alice. 1938 LIFE AND GROWTH. D. Appleton-Century Company, Inc., New York
City. Price $1.20. A clear discussion of life processes-reproduction and growth, written for the
adolescent girl. The author has an understanding of the fears of adolescents, and their quest for
Kirkpatrick, E. L. 1940 GUIDEPOSTS FOR RURAL YOUTH. American Youth Commission,
744 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C. Price $1.00. In the last ten years much has been learned
and much has been published about the problems of rural youth. The programs described in
this book suggest what communities can do to improve the situation of rural youth. Topic VIII
on establishing homes is of especial interest to home economists. Other topics deal with "Time
for Play", "Young People and the Community", "Looking Ahead" as well as other important
Kotinsky, Ruth. 1934 ADULT EDUCATION AND THE SOCIAL SCENE. D. Appleton-Cen-
tury Co., Inc., New York. Price $2.00. A book for the teacher of adult education.
Kunkel, Fritz. 1936 WHAT IT MEANS TO GROW UP. Charles Scribner and Son, New
York, New York. Price $2.00. Mental hygiene.
Lamb, Marion M. 1939 YOUR FIRST YEAR OF TEACHING. Monograph 45, Southwestern
Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois. Price 20c. (35 pp.) Every first year teacher should
read this.
MENTAL HEALTH IN THE CLASSROOM. (Thirteenth yearbook). 1940 The Department
of Supervisors and Directors of Instruction of the National Education Association, 1201 Six-
teenth Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C. Price $2.00 This is written for all persons in-
terested in improving the mental health of children. It emphasizes sturdy growth and develop-
ment of normal children. It relates school practices which have been found to foster mental
health and growth. It also contains two annotated bibliographies-one for parents.and one for
W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Price $1.50. Often a nurse is called upon
to care for a patient in a home where there are few modern conveniences. The -i'-r'.-'ti'r'is
herein contained may help her to render efficient service and add materially to the comfort
and well-being of her patient. While this book is written primarily for the nurse, a teacher
can adapt many ideas for pupils to use in a class in "Home Nursing." Many devices can be
improvised for use in the school first-aid room and thereby illustrate the use as well as the con-
struction of pieces of equipment.
Peet, Louise Jenison and Lenore E. Sater. 1940 (Revised edition.) HOUSEHOLD EQUIP-
MENT. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. Price $3.00. Changes in the construction of
household appliances, the introduction of new types of li*hltii-, and other developments have
called for a rather complete revision of this book.
Prescott, Daniel A. 1938 EMOTION AND THE EDUCATIVE PROCESS. A report of the com-
mittee on Relation of Emotions to the Educative Process. American Council on Education, Jack-
son Place, Washington, D. C. Price $2.00 Put this high on your list for thorough and thought-
ful reading. Many have said it to be one of the most stimulating books on education they have
ever read. It stresses the importance of building school programs for child development, using
the term development in a broad sense to include mental, physical, and emotional growth.
Progressive Education Association. 1938 THICKER THAN WATER. D. Appleton-Century Co.,
New York City. Price $1.75. Collection of Short Stories more suitable for teachers than pupils.
Robertson, Archie. 1939 THE GOVERNMENT AT YOUR SERVICE. Houghton, Mifflin Com-
Spany; Atlanta, Georgia. Price $2.75. Teachers are called upon for many things besides actual
teaching. People frequently consider them reservoirs of information to be tapped at a mo-
ment's notice for talks or to lead discussions. With so much attention focused on our Govern-
ment at this time, it is well for teachers to be informed of the hundreds of useful services which
it offers to its citizens. Knowing about them, understanding them, we are filled anew with ad-
miration and respect for the Government which is working in so many different directions to
aid those living under its protection. The Government maintains these services for You. This
book tells how-you can use them.
Rose, Mary Swartz. 1940 FEEDING THE FAMILY. The Macmillan Company, Atlanta,
Georgia. Price $3.75. A revised, enlarged and up-to-date edition of an old favorite written
in terms understood by the housewife, the teacher would find it a valuable reference for her
departmental library.
and Sons, Inc., New York City. Price $3.00. "This book is for the administrator, curriculum
worker, or teacher within or without the field of home economies who in rebuilding the curricu-
lum would draw into it the best that each field has to offer." Among many other things, it in-
cludes chapters devoted to home economics at the elementary, junior high. school, and senior
high school levels, to boys as well as girls; to classes for adults and community programs of
family-life education. "'i-'._-_-.ri"n.. for further and continued study" contains an interesting
bibliography of books, periodicals and reports which would be of value to all those who are inter-
ested in professional growth. The extent to which home economics makes a vital contribution
to a reorganized program of education depends largely upon the degree to which those within
the field become real students of the social-educational problems of their times.
and Sons, New York City. Price $2.75. An,-,- book for teachers of home economics.
Stern, Bernard J. 1938 THE FAMILY PAST AND PRESENT. D. Appleton-Century Company,
New York, New York. (A Publication of the Progressive Education Association.) Price $2.75.
This book is primarily a source book to be used in the study of the changing form of the fam-
ily and the contemporary trends in family life.
Strachey, Mrs. St. Loe. 1940 BORROWED CHILDREN. The Commonwealth Fund, New York
City. Price 75c. A popular account of some evacuation problems and their remedies, but it
has a wider value than merely the handling of refugee children, important as that now is. A
careful study of some of these situations might be helpful involving problems of child guid-
ance and family adjustment.
The Educational Policies Commission. 1940 EDUCATION AND ECONOMIC WELL-BEING IN
AMERICAN DEMOCRACY. Price 50c. National Education Association, Washington, D. C.
A publication which adds to the information of every teacher, and gives her new ideas of our
Treat, Nola and Lenota Richards. 1939 QUANTITY COOKERY. Little, Brown and Company,
Boston, Massachusetts. Price $2.50. This is an ..l1.i..'i1 and revised edition of a book long
popular with those who plan menus and cookery for large numbers of people. So tir.-,, is the
home economics teacher called upon to assist with banquets, class parties and community affairs
attended by many people that a book of this type would be a valuable one to have in the depart-
mental library.
Whiton, Sherrill. 1937 ELEMENTS OF INTERIOR DECORATION. J. B. Lippincott Com-
pany, Chicago. Price $5.00. The purpose of the book is to guide the amateur or the student of
art to an intelligent understanding of what is good, true, and beautiful in home decoration. It
treats in an iit.I.'-i-;l:. as well as authoritative manner the subject of "Period Decoration and
Furniture", "Decorative Materials and Accessories", and "Selection, Arrangement and Harmony
of Furnishings". A valuable reference for teachers and pupils.
Wood, Edith E. INTRODUCTION TO HOUSING. Federal Works Agency, U. S. Housing Author-
ity, Washington, D. C. For sale by the superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Price
30 cents. This booklet is designed to present a simple and yet authoritative discussion of basic
housing facts and principles which are of concern to every community determined to clear its
slums and provide decent homes for families of low income.
CONSUMERS' GUIDE, CONSUMERS' COUNCIL. Agricultural Adjustment Administration,
Washington, D. C. Subscription price 50 cents a year.
CURRICULUM JOURNAL published at the George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville,
Tennessee, by the Society for Curriculum Study. Issued eight times a year. The subscription
price is $2.50 per year.
THE EDUCATION DIGEST. P. 0. Box 100, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Subscription price $2.00 a
year. Similar to Reader's Digest this publication reviews and condenses for you current articles
printed in various educational publications throughout the country. An easy and inexpensive
way for busy people to keep abreast with current trends and developments.
EDUCATIONAL METHOD, 1201 Sixteenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Subscription price,
$3.00 a year. Published monthly by the Department of Supervisors and Directors of Instruction
of the National Education Association of the United States.
EDUCATIONAL SCREEN, 64 East Lake St., Chicago, Ill. Subscription price $2.00 a year. Of
interest to the whole school this periodical contains information and articles on the use and
making of school movies as well as listing and reviewing films for use in classes.
FORECAST. The Forecast Publishing Company, 6 East 39th Street, New York, New York.
Subscription price $2.00 a year.
JOURNAL OF HOME ECONOMICS, American Home Economics Association, Mills Building,
Washington, D. C. Subscription price $2.50 a year (or $2.00 a year if paid to State Treasurer as
part of an active membership in American Home Economics Association).
MENTAL HYGIENE, 372-374 Brodaway, Albany, New York.
NATIONAL PARENT-TEACHER, Child Welfare Company, Inc., 1201 Sixteenth Street, N. W.,
Washington, D. C.
PRACTICAL HOME ECONOMICS, Lakeside Publishing Company, 468 Fourth Avenue, New
York, New York. Subscription price $2.00 a year.
PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION, published by United States Section of the New Education Fellow-
ship, 221 West 57th Street, New York. Subscription a year, $3.00.
For a list of magazines valuable to have in the departmental library see pages 173, 174
in the Home Economics Course of Study for Florida High Schools.
Aew Sdae Ae4doptied TetlAA
Us cfowame Caoonamics
The community makes the best textbook for developing a real homemaking program. In
order to enrich and broaden the information gained from the homes, textbooks and reference
materials are necessary for scientific and authoritative information. We are greatly indebted
to the State Board of Education for their action in 1938 in adopting seven new books for use
in home economies classes. This adoption of a separate text for different areas in home eco-
nomics is in keeping with the trend in home economics which has shifted from the use of one
textbook to the use of several. No textbook, however good, is available which supplies all phases
of subject matter needed for good teaching. A working library built up of one book of a
kind for every four pupils will meet better the needs of home economics education than a
single text for each pupil.
Each teacher is allowed to requisition books amounting in value to the sum obtained by mul-
tiplying thirty cents for each pupil by the total number of pupils enrolled in home economics
classes. This total sum of money can be used to purchase any of the new books listed and in
any combination desired. The allowance of thirty cents per pupil is subject to change.
It is s!.i:iste.d that teachers order at least one copy of each of the seven new books in
order to have a desk set for use. Additional copies of these books should be chosen in the fields
which are in greatest need of new material to supplement that already on hand.
Baxter, Laura and Alpha Latzke. 1938. MODERN CLOTHING. J. B. Lippincott Company,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Price $1.68. This book should be in every department. It has many
aids to teaching and learning in addition to an extensive bibliography of books, bulletins, and
pamphlets. It has score cards for garments, suggested field trips and demonstrations. Over a
hundred pages are devoted to consumer education. The problems and exercises are designed to
help each girl work out a solution to her individual clothing problems. The material and illustra-
tions are attractive and modern.
Burnham, Helen A. and Evelyn G. Jones and Helen D. Redford. 1935 THE BOY AND HIS
DAILY LIVING. J. B. Lippincott Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Price $1.80. The specific purpose
of this book is to present materials relating to home living at the secondary level. Boys must
participate in family life. Boys must choose food, clothing, and recreation. Boys must share
and cooperate to a greater or less degree in all activities of family and community life. This
book is a result of the wants that boys have indicated, and together teacher and pupils have
worked out materials which they (the boys) wished to include in their curriculum in individual
and home living. Even if teachers do not have boys in classes, it is well to have a copy of The
Boy and His Daily Living in order that sisters and other girls may see the boy's viewpoint on
family living.
Goodspeed, H. C. and Emma Johnson. 1938 CARE AND GUIDANCE OF CHILDREN. J. B.
Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Price $1.80 This book is said by the authors to
be a new and enlarged text and not a revision of the earlier book Care and Training of Children.
This text covers the infant during his first year, from two to five years, and as a family mem-
ber. New material has been added on feeding the baby, sleeping habits, exercise and play, and
social development. It is planned specifically to meet the needs of high school home economics
classes in child care and training.
Harris, Florence L. and Ruth A. Henderson. 1938 FOODS. Little, Brown and Company, Bos-
ton, Massachusetts. Price $1.76. This is written for pupils in advanced foods classes and offers
new material in an interesting way. The material on vitamins is quite noteworthy. Many varied
and extensive lists of activities are suggested for use. Score cards by which pupils can judge
their own products are given. Standards for buying foods, marketing and etiquette and enter-
taining are considered as well as meal planning and food preparation. Food is considered from
the viewpoint of the family diet as a whole rather than from the consideration of each meal
Lanman, Faith and Hughina McKay and Frances Zuill. 1937 THE FAMILY'S FOOD. J. B.
Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Price $1.68. This book is planned for use by
pupils in Home Economies I classes. The seven sets of patterns for daily meals varying in cost
to suit different incomes is particularly noteworthy. The first set of patterns is planned for the
person who has had little experience in meal preparation or who perhaps has little time for such
work. Each following pattern introduces new preparations. The family diet is the point of con-
sideration rather than the single meal.
Trilling, Mabel B. and Kingman Eberhart and Florence Williams Nicholas. 1938 WHEN YOU
BUY. J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Price $1.80. This book is intended
to provide the basic material for the study of consumer problems and the possible methods of
solution. General buying procedures are emphasized rather than information about specific com-
modities. This will need to be supplied from other sources. This book contains "special serv-
ices" wherein are given addresses from which pupils may obtain reliable consumer information.
Trilling, Mabel B. and Florence Williams Nicholas. 1937 THE GIRL AND HER HOME. Hough-
ton, Mifflin Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Price $1.60. This book should be in every department.
Unit Seven contains excellent material to use in the housing unit. The book has in addition other
interesting material including units on management of finances, housekeeping and problems, and
child care. The subject matter is presented in the form of problems for pupils to solve. Case
studies, projects, subjects for class discussion are given as further aids to teacher and pupils.
cGo-memahi^s Cccdh^
YOU AND YOUR CHILD. (Child Development). Extension Service, United States Department
of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., 2 reels, 30 minutes, Free. The purpose of this film seems to
be to present the need for study of child development to parents. Since many aspects of
child development and family relationships are shown, the film would have limited use for
high school classes in child development.
WHAT'S IN A DRESS. 15 min. 16 mm. silent-sound-loan for transportation charges. Y.M.C.A.
Motion Picture Bureau, 347 Madison Avenue, New York City. The film shows the sweat shop in
contrast to right working conditions. Labels used on garments to guarantee the buyer that the
garment was manufactured under right working conditions, are shown also. Recommended for
senior high school or adult groups.
THE STORY OF RAYON. Sound-16 mm.-40 min. Gives manufacture of rayon, from forest
to finished textiles. Excellent for science and industrial geography, as well as home economies
ADVENTURES IN MILK. 30 min. 16 mm.--sound-loan (for transportation charges) from At-
las Educational Film Company, 1111 South Boulevard, Oak Park, Illinois.
EIGHTY YEARS (history of U. S. from 1856 to date, showing inventions, etc., and describes
the fight for clean milk; cause of typhoid; present handling of milk). 35 min.-sound-non-in-
flammable-16 mm.-loan (for transportation charges) from Wm. J. Gans Company, 19 E. 47th
Street, New York City.
LESSONS IN CARVING. Film No. 1310, Akin and Bagshaw, Inc., Denver, Colorado-1 reel, 75
cents per reel. The Chef of a fashionable New York City hotel demonstrates the art of carving
Roast Beef, Duck, Ham, and Turkey. Interesting to show a boys' class.
PROOF OF THE PUDDING. This is the title of a new technicolor film produced by Paramount
Pictures Inc., for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in co-operation with the U. S. Pub-
lie Health Service as part of the nutrition education campaign of the national defense effort.
The scenario is interesting and ingenious, beginning in a zoo kitchen to show the contrast be-
tween the care with which the animals and many humans are fed, then passing to scenes in a
nutrition laboratory and ingenious animated charts of food needs, and finally showing how a
wholesome, normal family plans its food and keeps itself healthy. For the present the film is
being released to commercial theaters, and home economists who would like to have it displayed
in their communities should get in touch with local theater managers.
MEAT AND ROMANCE. Castle Productions Corporation, R. C. A. Building, Rockefeller Center,
New York City. 16 mm. sound film-40 minutes. Available at no cost other than return postage.
Produced for the National Live Stock and Meat Board with the collaboration of the Bureau of
Home Economics, United States Department of Agriculture. It gives information on how to select
and buy meat; how to cook it; how to carve and serve it and most important-its nutritive
NEW FASHIONS IN FOODS. Armour and Company, Y.M.C.A. Motion Picture Bureau, 19 South
LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois. (A $2.00 annual registration fee for the use of free films is
ROMANCE OF FOOD. Armour and Company, Y.M.C.A. Motion Picture Bureau, 19 South La-
Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois. 15 minutes, sound, free. This is a commercial film showing how
meats are selected, graded, and prepared for market by Armour and Company, but guides are
given for purchase of only the best grades of Armour's meat. Very similar to New Fashions in
Foods, by the same company.
STORY OF BANANAS. 20 minutes, 16 mm. sound-loan (for transportation charges) or 35
minutes-sound non-inflammable-loan (for transportation charges). 1937 Can be obtained from
Pan-American Union, Washington, D. C.
THE FEET is a new picture which can be obtained from the Children's Bureau of the De-
partment of Labor, Washington, D. C. This shows the details of structure and arrangement;
the best mechanical use of the foot; the points of a good shoe and harmful effect of improper
shoes. This film was made in cooperation with the American Posture League.
FLOWER ARRANGEMENT. Technicolor film which may be obtained through local Coca Cola
dealers or from Coca Cola Bottling Works, Atlanta, Georgia. (They also have free colored
booklets on flower arrangements.)
FURNITURE MAKING. Film No. 379, Akin and Bagshaw, Inc., Denver, Colorado, 1 reel, 75c
per reel. Important period styles in furniture including Tudor-Elizabethan 1509-1603, Louis
XIV 1643-1715, Early American 1620-1720, and Georgian Period 1760. Also shows a modern
furniture factory.
HOME ECONOMICS. Film No. 82, Akin and Bagshaw, Inc., Denver, Colorado, one-fourth reel.
The boys in the manual training class prepare the tables and cupboards for the classroom. Then
the girls are shown in the different stages of the meal preparation and cooking. Finally all
enjoy the fruits of their labor.
TABLEWARE. Film No. 1260, Akin and Bagshaw, Inc., Denver, Colorado, 2 reels-75c per reel.
Tableware, which through the ages has grown from a luxury to a civilized necessity, may now
be produced through continuous process machinery. This film shows pottery ingredients, weighed,
mixed, sifted and prepared for modeling. Cups are made, fitted with handles. Decoration of
dishes and ware prepared for final firing in kiln is shown.
SLIP COVERS. The Bureau of Home Economics of the Department of Agriculture has pre-
pared two films on how to make slip covers for chairs. Each consists of 65 pictures and is
available for 55e. One deals with slip covers for upholstered chairs while the other one deals
with those for straight chairs. Both films not only reveal how to make the covers, but also how
to choose the materials for them. They are designed for work with consumer groups by ex-
tension workers of the Department of Agriculture.
THE MAGIC FLAME. On the history of gas, prepared for school and consumer groups by the
American Stove Company and obtainable through local gas companies or Magic Chef gas range
dealers. (A sound slide film.)
WILL AND WAY. Akin and Bagshaw, Denver, Colorado. Two reels at 75c per reel. This firm
has many others as well. This particular film is suitable for use in the Housing Unit. Shows
the complete remodeling of an old farmhouse into a modern home. Every step of the process
is outlined in detail.
POWER AND THE LAND. R. E. A. Office, United States Department of Agriculture, Wash-
ington, D. G. A sound film requiring about 36 minutes in time to show. Good to show in
communities considering R. E. A., or who have been granted R. E. A. service.
NEW ADVENTURE, THE. Produced by Household Finance Corporation. Two reels, 40 min-
utes, sound. Obtained from Y.M.C.A. Motion Picture Bureau, 19 South LaSalle Street, Chicago,
Illinois. (A $2.00 annual registration fee for the use of free films is charged.) The film con-
trasts the problems of the family with a budget and the family without a plan of spending.
The general idea is good and the film could be used to advantage with senior high or adult
BEYOND THE RAINBOW. (Black and white and color film showing dye industry.) 44 minutes,
16 mm. sound-loan (for transportation charges). Calco Chemical Company, Motion Picture
Laboratories, Bound Brook, New Jersey.
NEW ROMANCE OF GLASS. 20 minutes, 16 mm. silent-sound-loan (for transportation
charges). Y.M.C.A. Motion Picture Bureau, 347 Madison Avenue, New York City.
Akin and Bagshaw, Inc., Denver, Colorado, issues a catalog of 16 mm. Rental Films. They
will gladly send the catalog upon request. Many films showing textile processing are listed.
A pamphlet entitled "Free Industrial Films" is available through the General Extension
Division, University of Florida, Gainesville. It lists films on many subjects which can be used
in the classroom, for assembly programs, P.T.A. meetings, etc., and suggests the grade levels
for which they are best suited. The description includes also a brief comment on the film.
The only charge is transportation from Gainesville and return.
Becchett, Anna M. I SEE. (A home economist reviews modern visual teaching aids. A list
of films for each unit is given, together with description of film and name and address of the
distributor.) Practical Home Economics, October, 1937.
Films, Incorporated, 330 West 42nd Street, New York, has obtained exclusive rights to the
Paramount short subject series Popular Science, and those on Unusual Occupations. Both are
produced in color. The subjects have wide general appeal.
The Visual Aid Department of University of Florida has films for lending schools. Write for
their catalog. Among them are The Romance of Rayon, and the Story of Shoes which are inter-
esting to home economics classes.
The Educational Film Institute of New York University, 71 Washington Square, South, New
York City, has films of interest to home economists. Write for their listings.
Following is a list of publications of the American Council of Education, 744 Jackson Place,
Washington, D. C., related to motion pictures.
liminary report of the Committee. 1937
PRACTICE. By Edgar Dale and Lloyd L. Ramseyer. 1937.
No. 3-A SCHOOL USES MOTION PICTURES. By the Staff of the Tower Hill School. This
evaluation-center report is helpful in suggesting ways and means by which motion pictures can
be adapted to the modern school curriculum. 1940. $1.00.
No. 4-FILMS ON WAR AND AMERICAN POLICY. By Blake Cochran. Detailed descriptions
of a selected group of films bearing upon war issues and American national defense. 1940.
jecting the film, planning the projection room, selecting the projector-these are some of the prac-
tical problems discussed in this report based on the experience of the public schools in Santa
Barbara, California. 1940. 50c.
Brooker, Blake Cochran, and Robert S. Sackett. Basic criteria that may be applied to the use
of motion pictures in the school curriculum. (1941, being published; 80c.)
No. 7-STUDENTS MAKE MOTION PICTURES. Tells how Denver high school students pro-
duced their own films and report on their educational value. (1941, being published; $1.00.)-
The Household Finance Corporation, 191 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, has free films for
classes and consumer study groups. These films are based on the booklets they send out. No
personal comment can be given concerning them as the editor has never had an opportunity to
preview them.
&4JUletUi#, Pp mphl4et" ad C"ka
CAREER CHART from Mademoiselle. Street and Smith Publishers, Inc., 79 Seventh Avenue,
New York City. Interesting to use in classes of seniors or for vocational guidance. Additional
interest is created if pictures of real people successful in that particular field are put in the dif-
ferent careers given.
Charts which may be secured from: United States Bureau of Home Economics, Superintendent
of Documents, Washington, D. C.-
Child Feeding Charts
Clothing Selection Charts
Household Refrigerator Charts
Meat Cooking Charts
Nutrition Charts
Bulletins often furnish up-to-date material at very little or no cost. Our own State has excel-
lent material available often upon request.
State Department of Education has prepared a group of bulletins centered about the Florida pro-
gram for improvement of schools. Bulletin No. 10, A Guide to a Functional Program in the Sec-
ondary School is only one of the bulletins interesting and helpful to teachers.
175 has list of periodicals and addresses for sources of free and inexpensive materials. This can
be obtained from Rose Printing Company, Tallahassee, Florida. Price 60e.
State Home Demonstration Department, Extension Division, Tallahassee, Florida, has the fol-
lowing list of bulletins of particular value to our State. Contact your home demonstration
agent for these before you write the State Extension Office. A Food Supply Plan for Florida
Farm Families. (This gives the food required for good nutrition and how to provide it on the
BAKING WITH FLORIDA CITRUS FRUITS from the wealth of delicious citrus fruits, growing
even in the northern sections of the State, and with pecans and black walnuts yielding bounti-
ful crops yearly, Florida families should be interested and eager to make the delicious citrus
cakes and fancy breads which can be baked so perfectly with them.
THE HOME IMPROVEMENT FILE contains the following material:
State College for Women, Tallahassee, Florida. (Free upon request.)
From the Agricultural Extension Service, Gainesville, Florida, these bulletins can be procured:
Bulletins on Landscaping and on plant materials suited to the different sections of Florida can
be obtained also for the asking.
The United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
MENUS AND RECIPES FOR LUNCHES AT SCHOOL-Miscellaneous Publication No. 246.
DIETS TO FIT THE FAMILY INCOME-Farmers' Bulletin No. 1757.
CLOSETS AND STORAGE SPACES-Farmers' Bulletin No. 1865-Good.
FARM OUTLOOK FOR FARM-FAMILY LIVING FOR 1941, United States Department of
Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Bureau of Home Economics, Washington, D. C.
Price 5c.
U. S. Department of Agriculture, Miscellaneous Publication No. 375-1940 Family Income and Ex-
penditures, Southeast Region, Part 1, Family Income (Urban and Village Series). Price 20c. To
obtain a picture of family-consumption patterns by income levels, the study of consumer pur-
chases was designed to meet that need.
Home Economics Educational Bulletins can be procured from the Superintendent of Documents,
United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. (Send money, stamps are not
Price 20c.
United States Office of Education. YOUTH SERIES. Bulletin No. 18. 1936. Can be purchased
from Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.
Part I -How Communities Can Help. Price 10c.
Part II -Leisure for Living. Price 15c.
Part III-Education for Those Out of School. Price 10c.
Part IV-Vocational Guidance for Those Out of School. Price 10c.
Part V -Finding Jobs. Price 10c.
Part VI-Community Surveys. Price 15c.
U. S. Department of Interior, Office of Education. 1940 Credit Problems of Families. (This
can be obtained from Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C.) Price 20c. If home
economics is to deal realistically with the various aspects of family living in this age, it must
provide for a study of family financial planning.
SUB-DEB BOOKLET LIBRARY by Elizabeth Woodward. Reference Library, Ladies' Home Jour-
nal, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 3c for each booklet. These booklets cover such subjects as
entertaining, dates, personality, beauty, child care, gardening, art problems in home and clothes.
The Home Service Center, Woman's Home Companion, 250 Park Avenue, New York City, has
booklets and leaflets ranging in price from three to fifteen cents. They treat such subjects
as food, equipment, laundering and house furnishings.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York City furnishes free upon request booklets on
health, home nursing, diets, and disease.
HOME ECONOMICS WITHOUT A LABORATORY. Pamphlet No. 3. Price 25c. Bureau of
Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. One of the teachers' Lesson
Unit Series established in order that teachers might share with one another those discoveries
which promise to make both teaching and learning happier and more effective.
For Grade 5-CLOTHING PAMPHLET No. 704. Price 25c. Bureau of Publications, Teachers
College, Columbia University, New York City.
For Grade 6-SAVING PAMPHLET No. 34. Price 20c. Bureau of Publications, Teachers Col-
lege, Columbia University, New York City.
THE BULLETIN BOARD AS A TEACHING DEVICE. By B. J. R. Stolper. Price 18c. (8 pp.)
Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City.
VITAMIN LESSON PLANS including poster illustrating vitamin deficiencies and an authentic
chart of food sources of vitamins will be sent free of charge by writing the Wisconsin Alumni
Research Foundation, Madison, Wisconsin.
TION IN HOME ECONOMICS. Prepared by the Wisconsin State Department of Public Instruc-
tion and the Wisconsin Home Economics Association. These are issued by John Callahan,
State Superintendent, Madison, Wisconsin. A set of booklets treating the areas of Foods and
Health, Clothing and Related Art, Family Relationships can be purchased for 50 cents.
33 -
Household Finance Corporation, Chicago, Illinois. Booklets on MONEY MANAGEMENT,
ACCESSORIES can be obtained upon request.
HOMEMADE TOYS AND PLAY EQUIPMENT. 1940 Extension Division, Michigan State Col-
lege, East Lansing, Michigan. Extension Bulletin No. 216. Illustrations accompany the numer-
ous suggestions made in this bulletin concerning ways simple playthings may be made at home
for the young child.
TOYS AND EQUIPMENT THAT CAN BE MADE AT HOME. 1937 Extension Service, Univer-
sity of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. One copy free. (70 pp:) An excellent mimeographed bulletin giving
designs and specifications for some toys and small play equipment which can be made at home.
It also includes some suggestions for "adapting a house to the needs of young children."
ARE WE WELL FED? A report on the Diets of Families in the United States. Misc. Publica-
tion 430. Hazel Stiebeling, Family Economics Division, Bureau of Home Economics, U. S. Dept.
of Agriculture. 1941. For sale: Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Price 15c.
A most recent report based on a study of food consumption made by the Division of Economics
of the U. S. Bureau of Home Economics.
PAN-AMERICANA. Charts, exhibits, films, pictures, slides, and publications available from va-
rious sources and useful in teaching classes in junior and senior high school and junior college
are listed in a 29-page mimeographed list compiled by Dr. Lili Heimers, director of the Visual
Aids Service, State Teachers College, Upper Montclair, New Jersey. One copy is available free
to libraries and schools in New Jersey; others may purchase the list from the College for 50
cents in cash (no stamps).