Evaluative instrument for technical education in Florida's community junior colleges

Material Information

Evaluative instrument for technical education in Florida's community junior colleges
Series Title:
Florida. State Dept. of Education. Bulletin
Florida -- Division of Vocational, Technical, and Adult Education
Place of Publication:
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
iii, 30 p. : ; 28 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Technical education -- Florida ( lcsh )
Community colleges -- Florida ( lcsh )
government publication (state, provincial, terriorial, dependent) ( marcgt )


General Note:
At head of title: Technical education.
General Note:
Published under the Division's earlier name, Division of Vocational and Adult Education.
Bulletin (Florida. State Dept. of Education) ;

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
09707375 ( OCLC )
79650324 ( LCCN )


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Bulletin 79H-1

September, 1961


Division of Vocational and Adult Education
Walter R. Williams, Jr., Director

Technical Education
Fred R. Thornton, Consultant

Educational Materials
Thomas W. Strickland, Specialist

375: 07o7e-9


The following pages contain a guide and form to be used in the evaluation
of junior college technical programs. Section I of this document has been
prepared to assist the evaluation committee through suggestions, illustra-
tions, and other comments to clarify and explain items that appear on the
Checklist which is included in Section II. In addition, Section III lists
items of information requested prior to the evaluation that should be pre-
pared by school administrative personnel as attachments to the evaluative
material. The evaluative instrument contained in Section II and the attach-
ments in Section III are to be completed in detail and available during the
program evaluation.

In approaching evaluation of community junior college technical programs,
the evaluator or evaluating team must have an established concept of tech-
nical education at the junior college level. Technical education is con-
cerned with development of the individual who is sufficiently versed and
competent in scientific principles, theories and practices that he can make
direct applications of them in his role as an aide to the scientist or engineer
in industrial research and production. The distinguishing feature of tech-
nical education is that the program is concerned with development of indi-
viduals whose knowledge of theory and principles carries them beyond the
skilled craftsman role in their facility for creative and versatile applica-
tions of their special talents.

Appreciation is extended to the members of the committee who assisted
with the preparation of this bulletin. Participants included: W. L. Bolin,
Dean, Technical Division, St. Petersburg Junior College; L. N. Donnell,
Director, Post High School Education, Brevard Junior College; E. E. Ek,
Director, Technical Education, Daytona Beach Junior College; W. W.
Hamilton, President, North Florida Junior College; T. A. Koschler, Dean,
Technical Education, Dade County Junior College; G. P. Land, Coordinator,
Vocational and Adult Education, Chipola Junior College; J. E. McCracken,
Dean, Technical and Specialized Education, Pensacola Junior College;
J. R. Meachem, Chairman, Engineering Technology, Palm Beach Junior
College; R. E. Morley, President, Gulf Coast Junior College; J. L. Murphy,
Director, Technical Education, Central Florida Junior College; B. R,
Tinsley, Jr., Director, Technical Education, Manatee Junior College; and
F. R. Thornton, Consultant for Technical Education, Division of Voca-
tional and Adult Education, State Department of Education.

Individuals who served as consultants to the committee were most helpful
and appreciation is also extended to these individuals: J. L. Wattenbarger,
Director, Division of Community Junior Colleges; E. L. Kurth, Assistant
Director for Program Planning and Coordination, Division of Vocational

and Adult Education, and Thurman J. Bailey, Assistant Director of Indus-
trial-Technical Education, Division of Vocational and Adult Education.

It is hoped that through the use of this bulletin the junior colleges can
identify ways and means of continually evaluating the technical education
programs. This procedure should also assist junior college adminis-
trators and instructional staff members of the technical division in the
examination of possible ways in which to expand and continue to meet
effectively the needs for technical education in the various communities
throughout the State of Florida.

This Guide is in tentative form. After it has been used for evaluative
purposes by several junior colleges and evaluating teams, the committee
will once again review the contents of this bulletin and reorganize this
evaluative material in a final document.



Foreword . . .

Table of Contents ............

I. Guide for the Evaulation of Junior College

Technical Programs .............

II. Checklist for Evaluation of Junior College

Technical Programs . .

III. Checklist of Necessary Supplementary Data




. *

. .






The Guide will assist the evaluation committee through suggestions,
illustrations, and other appropriate comments clarifying items
appearing on the Check List in Section II.

Brief comments under each division may assist in.determining the
organization, scope, and effectiveness of the junior college program
under study.


A. Provide programs of instruction of sufficient scope and quality
to prepare individuals for technical occupations

Programs should be clearly technical in nature including adequate
technical courses to provide basic skills, abilities, and know-
ledge to prepare beginning technicians in business and industry.

B. Provide instruction for individuals having special needs or
interests in technical areas

Technical courses, day and evening, should in addition to the two
year associate degree programs, include specialized instruction
in the operation and maintenance of new equipment, supervisory
jobs, assembly line techniques, and other technical areas of
instruction. Such courses often do not conform to a semester in
length or require traditional entrance requirements. These courses
are sometimes referred to as "short courses", "non-credit courses",
or "technical extension courses".

C. Provide effective guidance and counseling services for individuals
considering or engaged in technical study

Counseling and guidance functions are essential to assist qualified
students select programs, make adjustments, and progress satis-
factorily in the technical programs. The school guidance services
often need to include special tests and procedures in assisting
students in the technical division. Counselors should be fully
informed regarding technical occupations and corresponding
educational requirements.

D. Coordinate activities with community and/or student needs

Technical programs should serve the occupational needs as identified
by local, state, and national manpower requirements. Technical
offerings should reflect the dominate industries of the community
as well as the expressed needs of technicians or engineers in the
local area for special classes.

E. Provide for keeping technical programs and facilities current
with industrial developments and educational practices

Extensive use of technical advisory committees will help to
insure proper course content, appropriate laboratory equipment,
standards of performance, and scope of instruction.

The program evaluation should identify desirable changes to
keep training up dated and expanding to keep pace with
changing technologies. Outmoded practices should be discarded.


A. Identification of Technical Education Needs

Surveys should be designed to gather systematic information and
be conducted at regular intervals covering possible changes of
employment needs. The survey may include national, regional,
state, or local areas. However, surveys should be current in
order to give a positive picture of needs that do exist. Eval-
uations must be frequently re-examined for adequacy in current
applications. The exact method for determining the needs is
not as critical as the authenticity and validity of the data

1. Utilization of survey materials and information (local,
area, state, regional, and national surveys; student and
industrial needs)

Programs should be established only after all available data
are used to justify needs. Are the studies limited to
preparatory courses and/or is extension (short course)
work included? Is course work both credit and non-credit
to meet specific and general needs?

2. Recency or frequency of evaluations

Evaluation should be frequent enough to determine number of
workers, types of activities, and changes that may occur in
six or twelve months intervals. Records should be of a
permanent type with periodic follow ups.

3. Adequacy of planning data

Data should be extensive enough to present the local, state,
and national situation. If sampling procedures are used,
validation of results by statistical treatment should be
employed. Does the data contain specific criteria that
identifies the range and depth of technical knowledge needed
for the various occupations?

4. Other means of identifying needs

Needs are frequently identified by industrial visits,
participation in professional and technical community
agencies, scanning professional and trade journals, and
attendance at local, state, and national educational

B. Advisory Committees

In order to intelligently arrive at correct answers to the
various questions that normally arise in technical education,
it is imperative to have joint discussions with school officials,
college administration and representatives from the industries
involved in the geographical area. The school officials are
necessary because of the financial cost involved in technical
education. The industrial representatives should include
(1) top management, (2) personnel department, and (3) engineering-
technical areas. This representation from industry may give a
reasonably accurate analysis of the technical education necessary.
The junior college administration must coordinate the entire
program into a functional and working pattern. The effectiveness
of these committees will depend upon the accuracy'of conclusions
reached and upon the implementation of the recommendations.

1. Technical Education Steering Committee (functions, respon-
sibilities, compositions, representation, frequency of
meetings, appointment methods, recommendations, and reports)

Steering committee meetings should be conducted as frequently
as necessary to conduct business. Adequate records should
be kept by these groups sufficient to present a complete
picture of the effectiveness of the programs. Prepared
agendas are necessary along with records of business covered
during the meeting, recommendations, and implementation of
committee suggestions.

2. Committees for specific technical occupational areas
(functions, responsibilities, composition, frequency of
meetings, appointment methods, recommendations, and

The general steering committee does not have the time to
work in specific occupational areas. Special committees
should be appointed by the steering committee to function
in specific areas.

3. Implementation of committee recommendations (to whom
submitted and action taken)

Steering committee recommendations should be submitted to the
director, dean, or administrator who is responsible for the
technological programs, who in turn should submit his recom-
mendations to the president of the college for final action.


A. Program Titles and Descriptions

Course content should appropriately include what is described in
the title of the program. Titles should be such that students can
understand catalog descriptions. It is important taat prospective
employers be able to obtain from the title and descriptions an
-ccurate idea of the program. Each program should be properly
designated and described according to its purpose. Such descriptive
material should reflect the program (and college) philosophy and

1. Adequacy and accuracy of titles (description)

All course titles should be in keeping with those generally
accepted and meaningful to the community and students who
enroll in the courses.

2. Consistency with program objectives

All offerings in a program must necessarily be directed to the
stated objectives and purposes for which they are being
offered and adequate in scope and time to accomplish these

3. Program completion and designation: Associate Degrees,
Diplomas, Certificates

Associate Degree requirements should be clearly stated
together with all other institutional requirements. Diplomas
and Certificates normally awarded only for non-credit
courses at the college level.

B. Curriculum Content

The course offerings should be listed in the normal sequence of
course selection for each semester of the program. This arrange-
ment will reflect the number of lecture hours, laboratory hours,
technical subjects and other subjects that will occur in each
semester. The description of courses should indicate the areas of
content with the prerequisites and/or co-requisites which will
assist in illustrating the "level" or degree of instruction for
the subject matter. The methods for revising the curriculum and
for developing new curriculum should be available.

1. Course offerings (technical laboratory, technical theory,
mathematics, science, communications, social science, others)

Course offerings need to be clearly stated with laboratory
theory and supporting academic subjects. Electives should be
controlled to insure students selecting courses that con-
tribute to the occupational objective.

2. Organization of instructional content (student loads, and
semester distribution)

Courses should be scheduled in proper sequence and content
should assure achievement of desired program objectives.

3. Procedures for curriculum development and revision

Definite plans in written form should be available.

C. Course Description

1. Adequacy of description

Course description should be complete, accurately covering
the scope, sequence, and complexity of the materials to be

2. Prerequisites, co-requisites and sequential arrangement

It is important to list prerequisites with the course
descriptions in the catalog. The numbering of courses in the
catalog can be a clue to the sequential arrangement and should
be considered when the curriculum is being developed. Pre-
requisites and co-requisites must be clearly stated and not
be confined to only the courses offered at one college.

3. Designation of clock hours, credit hours, classroom, and
laboratory instruction

Designation of clock hours, credit hours, theory and laboratory
hours are items that must be worked out with the institution
where training is being carried on. Advisory committees can be
of invaluable aid in this matter.

D. Course Content and Method

1. Outlines, texts, instruction materials, course objectives,
and course syllabi

Course outlines should follow approved, be
complete, and duplicated in sufficient quantities to serve
all purposes for which they are to be used. Does the course
content show a good balance of theory and application in
order to prepare a student for a specified occupation? Does
the course content relate to shop and laboratory experiences
in the same area? Is the course content based on a valid
need or analysis of an occupation or cluster of occupations?

2. Student evaluation instruments and procedures

There should be constant evaluation of student progress
because of the multifold purpose it can serve. Methods
of evaluation can be initiated by informal discussion,
examination, experiments or evaluation of technical reports.
Student evaluation instruments and procedures are necessary
to determine the extent to which trainees are meeting the
stated objectives of the various programs.

E. Catalogs and Bulletins

The college catalog should include a definition of program, the
purpose and objectives of program, and course offerings in
sequence by semesters and complete descriptions. Small brochures
and listings of descriptions of courses are usually effective
in publicity, assisting in guidance and for general student
information. Special or "short" courses may not appear in
general catalog, but should be identified by some means of

1. Effective and complete presentation

It is important that technical and other specialized offerings
not designed to specifically prepare students for advanced
university study occupy appropriate space in the catalog.

2. Representation of all program offerings and services

Uses of the catalog should find sufficient information on
the programs to intelligently advise students and assist
them in selecting proper technical areas.

F. Class Schedules and Course Sequence

Class schedules may or may not be a part of the catalog. A
separate bulletin easily revised or reissued usually is more
practical. Special bulletins for new offerings are generally


A. Laboratory Equipment

Equipment should be secured that will meet the requirements as
indicated by objectives of the total training program. Laboratory
equipment should be appropriate by industrial standards and should
be of such quantity that each student will have an opportunity to
carry out experiments that the course descriptions require.

1. Selected to implement curriculum and objectives

Equipment selected is normally used as training aids rather
than for extensive use to develop specific trade skills.
It is important that the equipment selected be capable of
maintaining-accnracy and standards required by the course.
The equipment-should be appropriate as a teaching aid to
demonstrate both scientific and industrial applications.

Scientific and engineering technicians require materials
related to the particular laboratories in industry. Items
should be identified by name, company manufacturing,
catalog number, specification and/or description, and unit

2. Size of student groups to be served

Student groups in laboratories should not be so large as to
prevent individual instruction. The number of individual
laboratory items should be consistent with the number of
students in each class. This may vary among different
institutions and among different types of laboratories.

3. Representative of industrial types to be used

Since Technicians work directly in industry, it is imperative
that industrial type equipment be used in instruction. The
types of items should also be consistent with the industrial
equipment that is in current use.

4. Condition and appearance

The equipment should be in perfect operating condition at all
times if it is to be of aid in a training situation. The
equipment should be kept clean and painted parts should -show
evidence of being well kept. Condition and appearance of
the equipment should be above average since technicians are
frequently supervising the activities of skilled workers
and must set standards in this area.

5. Arrangement for accessibility, usability, and safety

Accessibility, reflection of good safety precautions,
identification of items, repair and maintenance provisions,
security procedures, and general appearance condition
should be apparent upon visual inspection.

6. Inventory and cost records

Should be similar to those found in modern industrial plants.
Acquisition cost, depreciation scales, and maintenance costs
should be maintained.

7. Selection and procurement procedures

Selection of technical equipment should be made with
extensive use of the steering advisory committee- and advisory
groups. The selection methods can include suggestions from
similar institutions, industrial recommendations, sales
representative recommendations as to current industrial
purchases, and the use of consultants. Provisions for annual
procurement in order to provide equipment that is current
and to keep the program dynamic is paramount.

8. Repair and maintenance provisions

Adequate plans must be made for the repair of equipment
to maintain it in functional operating condition.

9. Storage and security

Usually the instructor is responsible for the storage and
security of equipment. When two instructors use the same
equipment, a policy must make provisions for multiple use
by several classes. Equipment should be stored in a manner
similar to that found in industry. Frequently, equipment
is left at the place where it is used.

10. Policy governing use of equipment for non-instructional

Equipment should not be used for non-instructional purposes
when and if it interferes with the effectiveness of the

B. Laboratory Facilities

1. Adequate space for instruction, operations, and traffic flow

The selection of particular type laboratories is dependent
upon curriculum. The :actual laboratory may be designed and
constructed to conform to predetermined plans or may be
adapted by redesigning an existing'facility. In either
case, certain basic considerations should be incorporated.

The exact dimensions are variable but they are directly
dependent upon the number of students to be in the area during
the class periodss. The specification for rooms for lecture
purposes are defined in other instruments. Laboratory space
requirements are dependent upon the type, size and number of
equipment items that are required, i.e., electrical, electronic,
machine, strength of materials, drafting, soil mechanics, and
surveying instruments.

The laboratories should simulate the industrial environment,
however, they should be functional within the framework of
the total institution.

2. Provisions for efficient and flexible utility system
(electrical power, gas, air, water)

The environmental factors require careful consideration.
Flexibility in design is of paramount importance. The
need for being able to keep "current" in procedure and
content dictates this premise. The utility systems should
incorporate this flexibility. The electrical power should
provide all types and amounts of electricity required by
the curriculum. The method of installing all utilities
(electrical power, gas, air, water and vacuum systems)
should permit changes in location and quantity. The
arrival of new industries may create new demands and
necessitate revisions.

3. Environmental factors (natural and artificial light, humidity
and temperature control, ventilation and exhaust system,
acoustical and floor treatment)

The environmental factors require careful consideration. The
use of natural and artificial light should be balanced to '
permit maximum utilization of the equipment in the particular
laboratory. Controlled atmospheres (humidity and temperature)
are normally required for the proper function and to prevent
corrosion of electronic and other precision equipment.. Acous-
tical treatment of ceilings will afford more productive .
experimentation in laboratories, and will prevent disturbances
to other areas. Ventilation and/or exhaust systems should
be available; especially in laboratories where fumes due to
oil, transformer failures, gasoline, solvents, heat-treating,
in order to prevent the accumulation of dust particles. Dust
can seriously damage instruments. Good industrial laboratories
reflect these factors.

4. Storage areas with utilities as needed

All laboratories should have adequate storage areas to store
portable equipment. These storage areas should have work
benches, portable power equipment and hand tools to permit
the instructor to set up instructional projects.

Storage areas need to be large enough to house supplies,
equipment, items loaned or borrowed from industry, and such
items that are not frequently used. In many instances power,
water, and other utilities are required in the storage rooms.

Storage areas adjacent to and within laboratories are of
prime importance in equipment usage and in security. The
space allocation should permit the normal growth in the
equipment requirements due to increase in student numbers
and to new industrial developments.

5. Provisions for delivery of equipment and supplies

Each laboratory should have doors large enough to permit
the entry of large pieces of equipment. These doors should
be arranged for easy access by trucks making deliveries.

Frequently heavy equipment needs to be delivered to technical
laboratories and it is imperative that off-loading and moving
facilities be made available.

The growth in equipment requirements as well as the repeated
needs of supplies require a proper system and method for
receiving and handling shipments of materials.

6. Instructional aids (chalk boards, tack boards, audio and
visual equipment)

Tack boards and chalk boards, audio and visual aid equipment
should be available. The laboratories should provide for
all normal instructional aids.

7. Safety features (guards, fire extinguishers, panic buttons,
first aid kits)

All equipment should have factory recommended guards in place.
Panic buttons for power should be in the contract or should be
installed. These panic buttons should have pilot lights and
be easily accessible to the instructor. Fire extinguishers
should be within easy reach of any operation that may constitute
a fire hazard.

8. Accessibility of rest rooms and drinking fountains

9. Location for student accessibility, parking, and related

The factor of many "special" courses for day and evening
classes should permit the technical laboratories to be placed
on the campus in a location that will minimize inconveniences
for the traffic of auto parking, people and deliveries.
Demonstration equipment may best be utilized where related
classrooms and laboratories are adjacent.

C. Library Resources

Library resources need to he-found in the general library,
specialized books in the technical laboratories, and general
reference books in student study areas. The library should
include appropriate technical books, handbooks, periodicals
and publications for the types of technical programs that
are offered.


A. Administrative Organization

A complete organizational chart should be in existence which
visually and functionally indicates the organizational respon-
sibilities of the technical programs together with the relation-
ships that may exist with other offerings in the college. Well
qualified leadership is essential in the development and operation
of quality technical education programs.

The technical education program should be administered as a
division or a department in the individual junior college. The
type of course required may "cut across" the usual departmental

B. Supervision and Coordination

1. Supervision of instructional activities for all courses

Supervision should be extended to all technical courses and
not restricted only to those in which the supervisor or
coordinator is- qualified from experience. Steering and
advisory committees will be of assistance to supervisory

The administrative head should supervise all instructional
activities. These activities include recommendations for
changes and additions to the curriculum, recommendations
for instructor appointments, scheduling of instructor classes,
assistance in guidance and counseling of students, preparing
publications and catalog materials, and coordinating instruc-
tional content within the framework of the total technical
education program.

2. Coordination with governmental agencies, industries, civic
groups, and other schools

This should be the responsibility of the entire administrative
staff, but more specifically that of the local director of
technical education. Close contact must be maintained with
these groups and understandings of the purposes and functions
of the programs developed.

The administrative head (or supervisor) must have time
available to work with industrial organizations and govern-
mental agencies which are associated with employment of
technicians and are interested in the utilization of "special"
courses for employees. The technical program objectives should be
clearly interpreted to civic groups,_high school personnel
and related organizations.

3. Inter-departmental coordination

A definite plan of inter-departmental coordination must be
worked out in order that proper academic supporting courses
are available to students in technical programs.

The coordination of technical education with other depart-
ments is vital to the fulfillment of a balanced program.
Understanding objectives will help assure faculty support
of the technical program.

4. Day and evening programs

Coordination between day and evening programs is essential
to the use of equipment and scheduling of those students
who may be taking both day and evening courses.

The administrative head should make the selection of courses
and instructors for both day and evening classes. This will
assist in assuring quality teaching and ease in'coordinating
the total program.

C. Instruction

1. Instructor qualifications

Instructors must be properly certified and possess the ,
required technical and teaching skills to be effective. The
instructor's qualifications should be carefully evaluated, j
The preferred qualification, besides knowledge of the subject
matter, is an understanding of technical education and the
knowledge of the technician's position and requirements on
the job. Instructional personnel to be most effective must
have had actual occupational experience as engineers or

2. Employment procedures

The steering committee should have an opportunity to express
an opinion on the type of individuals being selected to teach
technical offerings. In many instances, they may be in a
position to recommend an instructor. This is especially true
in part-time courses. The dean or director should recommend
new instructional personnel.

3. Teaching loads and schedules (day and evening)

Teaching loads should be consistent with that of other personnel
serving in the college program. Where schedules include both
day and evening classes, consideration should be given to
balance the load carried by those who have to work both day
and evening hours.

The optimum utilization of instructors involves an analysis
of the total work load. This includes teaching time, grading
time for written materials including reports, repair or
maintenance of equipment, and the clock hours as well as
academic hours of classes.

4. In-service training

A continuous instructional improvement program should be
available to develop better methods of instruction. This
probably would be arranged for by the director of technical
education. A definite program of in-service training should
be provided by the institution to upgrade the entire staff.
Both formal and informal procedures should be employed.
Instructors should be encouraged to continue training or
study to improve their teaching procedures and remain
abreast of improved methods and technical information.

5. Teaching assignments in relation to qualifications

Instruction evaluation procedures should be constantly used
in order to determine effectiveness of teaching and to
detect any deficiencies in subject matter that are present.

6. Instructor evaluation instruments and procedures

A planned program of evaluation should be in evidence, and
the staff must be alert to new techniques andprocedures.

7. Membership participation and contributions in professional

Membership in appropriate professional organizations is
important in developing a good technical staff. The instruc-
tional staff should participate with, and contribute to, the
related professional societies. The technician is a semi-
professional person and will be in constant association with
these societies. These associations will assist school
personnel in identifying new developments and equipment.

D. Budgeting and Disbursements

The administrative head should be in control of the preparation
of the total technical budget and the decision of disbursements.
The origin of the requests can be developed with instructional
staff. Requests normally have to be approved by the college

The nature of technical education brings its operation more
closely to an industrial organization than any other area
within the junior college. For this reason, the demands for
instructional materials and equipment will be more expensive
and should be reflected in the budget.

1. Instructional materials

Should be discussed with and worked out by the instructor
and director and presented to the authority that passes on
these things in a given area.

2. Equipment

Adequate funds should be budgeted to keep equipment up to
date and to purchase new pieces of equipment as the program

3. Maintenance

Provisions should be made to maintain equipment in excellent
condition at-all times. Maintenance requirements will be
reflected in the flexibility of design and the frequency for

4. Travel

A reasonable amount of money for travel should be allotted
to the director or coordinator for technical education to
make possible close liaison between the school and industry.
Sufficient money should be budgeted from local, state, and
other such sources for supervisory and instructional

5. Publications

Publications pertinent to all technical areas are normally
included in the library. Other such publications that may
be used frequently in the laboratories should be made avail-
able to the instructors for use in laboratory and office.

6. Audio Visual

Adequate provisions for these aids are essential. Audio-
visual needs should be considered in budget requests.

7. Library budget should include technical reference books
and supplementary materials in all areas of instruction.

8. Instructional personnel

College budget must be adequate for both full-time and
part-time staff. A large part-time staff may reasonably be
expected to meet special needs in evening programs.

-9. Secretarial assistants

Secretarial assistants should be available where the need
is great enough to justify expenditure.- Secretarial
assistance must be adequate to keep up with industry
correspondence, steering committee meetings, course
outlines, instructional material not normally available
in textbooks.

10. Student public relations

Students should participate in student organizations and
be encouraged to attend professional type technical and
engineering meetings in the community.

E. Technical Division Report

1. Statistical data (student records: part-time and full-
time enrollment statistics, student placements, student
follow-up data, drop outs, brochures and bulletins)

All reports should be accurate, utilize modern reporting
techniques, be kept current, and be available to the
entire staff for promotion of current and prospective

The administrator of technical education should be
responsible for the preparation of reports concerning
student enrollments (part and full time), student place-
ment and follow-up, materials for bruchures and publi-
cations and related statistical data.


A. Student Entry Evaluation

Student evaluation should be made by professional guidance
personnel and should be sufficient in scope to determine areas
of probable success to the students being evaluated.

The student desiring entrance 'into technical courses must be
carefully evaluated for fulfilling prerequisite and/or co-
requisite requirements. This is necessary for new students
as well as those currently enrolled.

B. Student Counseling System

1. School-wide

It is imperative that all schools of the county school system
be thoroughly familiar with the offerings and entrance re-
quirements of the various programs. This may be accomplished
through meetings, bulletins, brochures, and special programs
planned particularly for senior high schools.

The counseling of technical students for beginning and
continuing in technical education must be coordinated with
the total college counseling program. This coordination
includes testing programs and other instruments used for
guidance purposes.

2. Technical division

The technical division should have a system to advise all
students enrolled concerning their abilities, aptitudes,
and progress in technological curriculums. The total tech-
nical instructional staff may be required to assist in the
effective guidance program.

C. Recruitment

Recruitment should follow the general pattern employed by the
county school system to acquaint students with opportunities
available, supplemented by programs such as may be conducted on
radio and television and other media.

The "recruitment" of students involves extensive publicity of
the purposes, courses and opportunities in the programs. The
information concerning technical education must be available to
high school administrators, counselors and teachers. The high
school students, in both junior and senior high, should be well
informed of the program.

D. Placement and Follow-up

All technical departments should keep accurate records on where
the graduates are located, the type of work they have been doing,
successes they have had, and additional training desired to
enable them to succeed in their chosen occupation.

The technical division should assist in the placement of students
in employment and in the follow-up analysis for the effectiveness
of the program. The instructional staff should be familiar with
industrial practices and effectively assist the prospective
employer in the analysis of selecting employees.


A. Inter-Institutional

The technical administration should be constantly aware of the
requirements and trends in other technical programs and institu-
tions. Such trends can often indicate future changes required
in the technical education.

1. Consultation

There should be evidence that personnel in the technical
division are available to lend assistance and to advise
anyone wishing information relative to their program.

Consultation with institutions having similar programs
is desirable and informative.

2. Conferences

Technical personnel should have regular meetings to plan
programs and develop a better understanding of their role
in the program.

B. Intra-Institutional

1. Departmental (mathematics, science, communications,
engineering drawing, etc.)

It is most important that proper academic subjects supporting
technical curriculums be selected and every effort made to
adjust the content of these academic subjects when possible
to be more meaningful in support of technical laboratory
courses. The technical division should be an integral part
of the total college program. Close association with all
departments will assure the acceptance of individual re-
quirements in the program.

2. Curriculum committees

It is important that technical curriculum committees be
established and that the instructors in the technical
department serve on college-wide curriculum committees.

3. Developmental planning

Constant program planning should be in operation to expand
and improve current training areas.

4. Campus activities (students and instructors)

The extent to which all instructional staff members should
engage in normal campus activities is important, and students
in technical division should not feel that they are in a
special program independent of the regular college activities.

5. Correlation between day and evening programs

There is no need to separate day and evening programs. They
should exist primarily for the purpose of permitting more
students to attend the college. Many students may take
courses during both day and evening hours. Extension courses,
with rare exception, must be conducted during evening hours.
Many students will desire to attend part time, and the evening
hours present the only time they may do so. The day and
evening programs should be considered one program with
single administration, supervision, and unified procedures
established to conduct the programs. Evening classes are
frequently referred to as extended day programs.






The following check list is to be used in the evaluation of junior colleges
technical education programs. This list of items should be used with the
detailed instruction or suggestion guide which is provided to assist the
individual or individuals conducting the evaluation. Your attention is
also called to the supplementary data identified in the checklist on page
30 that is to be made available at'the time of program evaluation. Each
item included on this check list should be answered thoroughly to supply
the requested information.


A. Do program objectives include the following:

1. Specialized programs of instruction of sufficient scope and
quality to prepare individuals for technical occupations.

2. Provisions for the instruction of individuals having
special needs or interests in technical areas.

3. Guidance and counseling services for individuals con-
sidering or engaged in technical study.

4. Procedures for coordinating activities with community
and/or student needs.

5. Opportunities for keeping technical programs and facilities
current with industrial developments and educational

B. Check any of the following which have been used in the
evaluation of specific program objectives:

1. Self-surveys

2. Consultant Services

3. Advisory Committees

4. Follow-up of Graduates

5. In-Service Programs

6. Community Surveys

7. Other

(Have available data in support of "B")


A. Does the identification of technical education needs include
the following:

1. Utilization of survey materials and information (Local,
area, state, regional, and national surveys; student and
industrial needs)

2. Information current in nature and adequate for program
planning purposes

3. Other means used in identifying technical education needs

B. Check the manner in which Technical Advisory Committees have
been used as follows:

1. Technical Education Steering Committee representation from:

a. Industry Management Personnel

b. Industry Engineering Personnel

c. Industry Technician Personnel

d. Education

e. Others (specify)

2. Have committees been utilized in specific technical
occupational areas ?

3. Supply data supporting the functions, responsibilities,
frequency of meetings, appointment methods, recommenda-
tions, and reports of advisory committees.

4. Implementation of Committee Recommendations (to whom
submitted and action taken)


A. To what extent do program titles and descriptions: indicate
the following:

1. Adequacy and accuracy of titles (description)

2. Consistency with program objectives and purposes

3. Program completion and designation (Associate Degrees,
Diplomas, Certificates, others)

B. Describe the program curriculum content including the

14 Course offerings (technical laboratory, technical theory,
mathematics, science, communications, social science,

2. Organization of instructional content (student loads,
and semester distribution)

3. Procedures followed in curriculum development and revision.

C. Do course descriptions include the following:

1. Adequacy of description

2. Prerequisites, co-requisites and sequential arrangement

3. Explanation of clock hours, credit hours, classroom and
laboratory instruction.

D. Course content and method:

1. Are copies of course outlines, texts, instructional materials,
objectives, and syllabi available

2. Describe student evaluation instruments and procedures.
(have samples available)

E. Do catalogs and bulletins include:

1. Effective and complete presentation

2. Represent all program offerings and services

3. Class' Shedules and Course Sequence.


A. To what extent have the following items been considered in
selecting, utilizing, and maintaining laboratory equipment:

1. Selected to implement technical curriculum and objectives

2. TSize of student groups to be served

3. Representative of industrial type instructional equipment

4. Condition and appearance of laboratory tools and equipment

5. Arrangement for accessibility, usability, and safety

6. Inventory and cost records

7. Selection and procurement procedures

8. Repair and maintenance provisions

9. Storage and security

10. Policy governing use of equipment for non-instruction

B. To what extent have the following factors been considered in
providing for technical laboratory facilities:

1. Adequate space for instruction, operations, and traffic flow.

2. Provisions for efficient and flexible utility system
(Electrical power, gas, air, water)

3. Environmental Factors (Natural and artificial light,
humidity and temperature control, ventilation.and exhaust
system, acoustical treatment, and floor finish)

4. Storage areas with utilities as needed

5. Provision for delivery of equipment and supplies

6. Instructional aids (Chalk boards, Tack boards, Audio and
visual equipment)

7. Safety features (Guards, Fire extinguishers, Panic buttons,
First aid kits)

8. Accessibility of rest rooms and drinking fountains

9. Location for student accessibility, parking, awd related

C. Library resources:

1. Describe the technical library materials that are available.

2. How much is spent per academic year for technical library
materials ?


A. Does the administrative organization chart clearly indicate
the functions and responsibilities of technical personnel
(Instructional and Supervisory):

B. Does the plan for program supervision and coordination include:

1. Supervision of instructional activities for all courses

2. Coordination with governmental agencies, industries, civic
groups, and other schools.

3. Inter-departmental coordination

4. Day and evening program supervision and coordination.

C. Does the instructional plans and practices include the following:

1. The faculty qualifications are listed in Section III, Item A,
in the State Accreditation Forms. The industrial experience for
each member of the technical faculty should be listed separately
here. The type of certification held by technical staff members
should be listed along with the technical or engineering oc-
cupational experiences.

Type Certificate

Occupational Exnerience

2. Teaching loads and schedules (day and evening)

3. Provisions for in-service training

4. Teaching assignments in relation to qualifications

5. Instructional evaluation instruments and procedures

6. Instructional staff membership in professional organizations.
Contributions to professional journals and other publications.


Occuvationa Experience.

D. What provisions are made to finance or budget for the following:

1. Instructional materials

2. Equipment

3. Maintenance

4. Travel

5. Publications

6. Audio Visual

7. Library materials

8. Instructional personnel

9. Secretarial and laboratory assistants

10. Student public relations.

E. Are the following records maintained and utilized in Registrar's
Office or in Technical Education Department .?

1. Part-time student enrollment

2. Full-time student enrollment

3. Student placement

4. Student follow-up data

5. Drop-outs

6. Others (specify)


A. Describe student entry evaluation and procedure.

B. What are the counseling procedures for technical students?

C. List the recruitment activities.

D. Indicate the use of placement and follow-up records.


A. Are opportunities available for faculty and administrators to
visit with other colleges and universities for the purpose
of: (explain)

1. Consultation

2. Conferences

3. Exchange of services

B. Do instructional personnel of the-Technical Department participate
in the following college activities:

1. Departmental (mathematics science,
engineering drawing, etc.) planning


2. Curriculum committees

3. College developmental planning

4. Campus activities (students and instructors)

5. Correlation between day and evening programs




Information indicated by the items listed below should be attached
to the evaluation report.

1. Community and industrial-technical survey reports

2. List of technical education steering advisory committee
members, firms represented and job titles, and other
special committees.

3. List of technical offerings including copy of curriculum,
course outlines, and other descriptive materials. (Include
day and evening, regular and short courses)

4. College administrative organization chart

5. List of technical education staff members. (Include each
individual's industrial experience, teaching experience,
and type of teaching certificate)

6. Copy of teaching schedules

7. Copy of technical division budget

8. Sample of student records including enrollments, placement,
and follow-up data of technical program graduates.