A Suggested
Program of Study
for the
September, 1952
- 3 THOMAS D. BAILEY, Superintendent
Tatle al Cta1e4
FOREWORD ............. ......................................... 3
INTRODUCTION .................................................. 4
FLORIDA SECONDARY SCHOOLS ............................ 5
I. Contribution of the Florida Bulletins to the Secondary
Program of Studies .................. ...................... 5
II. Philosophy ............ .................................. 7
III. The Suggested Program of Studies for the Florida
Secondary Schools ........................................ 9
IV. State Law and State Board Regulations Relative to
Secondary Education ...................................... 17
S_ This bulletin, A Suggested Program for
Florida Secondary Schools, is a revision of
previous bulletins published in April 1942,
and revised in October 1946, and again in
.. December 1948, entitled, "Programs of Study
S Florida Secondary Schools."
S- In this publication will be found a some-
what shorter description of the suggested
program due to the fact that there is now
available a State Department of Education
bulletin on each subject area which makes
up the total program.
In addition to the suggested program for
secondary schools will be found other information for the benefit of
principals and teachers consisting of State Laws, and State Board of
Education Regulations pertaining to the secondary schools. Little space
has been given to curriculum planning and school organization because
the curriculum bulletins referred to are concerned mainly with these
two items plus the fact that curriculum planning is primarily a local
school activity and responsibility.
This bulletin is also revised with the purpose of relating its use to
the bulletin in Standards for Accreditation of Florida Schools. For this
reason each principal will find it helpful to use both bulletins in such
a manner that each will complement the other.
This bulletin may also serve each principal as an authoritative source
for legal justification of local practice in addition to a source of infor-
mation for faculty planning groups and P. T. A. meetings.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction
The December 1948, issue of the Florida School Bulletin included a
section entitled, "Programs of Study Florida Secondary Schools." Dur-
ing the past several years the Florida Program for the Improvement
of Instruction has included the production of necessary State Depart-
ment of Education bulletins. These bulletins contributed greatly to
the program for secondary schools. The following pages contain a sug-
gested program for Florida secondary schools indicating the use of the
State Department of Education curriculum bulletins.
For several months the December 1948, issue of the Florida School
Bulletin has been out of print. Many calls which could not be filled,
created an immediate problem of either reprinting the 1948 issue CT
revising it and printing it as quickly as possible.
The State Courses of Study Committee therefore recommend that
the December 1948, "Programs of Study Florida Secondary Schools"
be revised and that the information and research which had been ac-
cumulated since 1948 by the State Department of Education be utilized
in making the apparent necessary changes in order to bring the bulletin
up to date. Dr. J. T. Kelley has been most helpful in the revision of
this bulletin and his office has aided greatly in its production.
The suggested program as outlined in the following pages encour-
ages local initiative and imagination in developing local high school
curriculum study and planning. Very little space has been given to the
organization and operation of the high school since these two subjects
generally reflect the degree of local leadership and the ability of the
local community to support the high school. The State Department of
Education's staff is ready and willing at all times to give its services
to the local schools in solving the problems faced at the local level.
The departure from any acceptable plan of operation at the local
level should be justified by the faculty and principal. Educational pro-
cedures which are found to meet the needs of high school boys and
girls should be encouraged at the local level. Where these departures
seemingly have no justification as indicated by the contents of this
bulletin, correspondence with the State Department of Education is
encouraged. Any reactions to this bulletin from principals, teachers,
superintendents, supervisors, or laymen will be greatly received.
Director of Division of Instruction.
Since 1939, the State Department of Education, working cooperatively
in a coordinating capacity with teachers and principals from the
schools of Florida, the county school authorities, the institutions of
higher learning, and the many fine consultants from all parts of the
nation, has produced many curriculum bulletins which have aided
greatly in the development of the secondary school program. The pro-
duction periods varied from six weeks to as much as two years.
In most cases the bulletins represent not only the best thinking of
the participants but also the best trends which have been produced
through research and the experience of the consultants. It must be
recognized that a great number of teachers, principals, supervisors,
and county superintendents have participated in the production of
these bulletins. In many cases the experiences gained have been the
bases for changes on the part of the participant, in his working with
girls and boys, and have contributed greatly to the secondary program
in Florida.
The Florida School Bulletins, as a rule, are not courses of study.
They suggest many possibilities for the cooperative development of
curricular materials by teachers and pupils in the secondary schools.
In the main the bulletins are written for teachers but pupils may find,
in some instances, materials which will be of help in developing their
particular class activity. Bulletin No. 4B, Effective Living, varies from
other bulletins in that it is written for the teacher and in that it
offers a great deal of content material which teachers need to imple-
ment the work in the class.
In the chart, page 10, representing the program of studies, the sub-
ject areas in each block are listed in broad common terms. The number
or numbers in parentheses immediately to the right of the subject
areas indicates the number of the Florida bulletin which gives specific
references to the type of experience and the methods used in the
development of various areas with children in several situations. For
example, in the first block under the 7th grade, "English-Language
Arts (34)" is listed. This number "34" refers to the Florida bulletin
Experiencing the Language Arts. This bulletin, developed cooperatively
by teachers, principals, consultants from institutions of higher learning.
and State Department personnel indicates the materials, methods, and
possible subject matter content for the language arts area for children
in grades K-12. Therefore, 7th grade teachers who are assigned pupils
to be taught English may refer to this bulletin as a source of informa-
tion, as a direction in which the langauge arts should be developed,
as possible subject matter, and as a means of securing a list of other
materials which will aid greatly in the development of the language
arts program in grade 7.
In like manner the No. 28A opposite "Social Studies" in Block 2,
will indicate the Florida bulletin, similar to the Language Arts Bulletin,
which contains descriptions of experiences, methods, and materials used
in the development of social studies programs. Similar references are
indicated in Blocks 3-4-5-6-7. Thus far no Florida bulletins have been
produced for the activities program. However, there is one in process
of production. This bulletin will be No. 70. The numbers listed after
each activity will indicate up-to-date references which may be secured
in developing an activities program.
The June 1952, issue of the Florida School Bulletin, "State Adopted
Free Textbooks for Use in the Elementary and Secondary Schools,"
contains a list of the latest textbook adoptions by the State Board of
Education. Each principal and teacher should have a copy of this bul-
letin and, where possible, each teacher should have at least one copy
of each newly adopted textbook for her grade or class. This would
mean that each teacher would have an opportunity to become ac-
quainted with the materials contained in the state adopted textbooks.
The Courses of Study Committee in considering textbooks specifically
requested the adoption of the type of textbook which would make a
contribution to the experiences at each grade level. Teachers and prin-
cipals should secure copies of recently adopted textbooks as soon after
adoption as possible in order that the children of Florida might have
the experience with these books.
From the standpoint of implementing the curriculum of the second-
ary school the crux of the total problem lies in efficient cooperative
work of faculty and principal in facilitating the use of teaching ma-
terials and in providing the environment in which children learn. The
program of studies presented in this publication provides the frame-
work which includes important areas of subject matter necessary for
pupils at each grade level. It should be recognized that this subject
matter is not an end in itself but is a means to an end. This end
should be clear to both teachers and pupils in various class situations.
All administrative and teaching personnel who work with youth of
secondary school age should be concerned with the development of a
secondary school program which will make it possible for the individual
youth to develop to his maximum capacity. Authorities in the fields
of education, philosophy, psychology, and other sciences agree, to some
extent, that the main purpose of the school is to make possible for
the individual to develop into an acceptable citizen for the benefit of
society and himself. In order for the individual to become this accept-
able citizen the school must be concerned with the functional develop-
ment of the pupil. The functional development of the pupil involves
physical, social, educational, emotional, and spiritual growth. Optimum
social development must be accompanied by physical, spiritual or emo-
tional, and educational development. Therefore, the school must be
concerned with all aspects of growth of the individual.
The administrators must not only accept the task of directing the
growth of the individual but must also be conscious of the setting in
which the personality must be developed; namely, the school commun-
ity, the community, the state, the nation, and the world. In other words
it is not possible to develop in a school environment an acceptable
citizen, one with educational abilities and attitudes, one with whole-
some emotional and spiritual maturity without considering the com-
munity in which the individual lives. Therefore, in the United States
schools must be greatly concerned with the development of the indi-
vidual in and for a democratic society. For these reasons it behooves
each school to be very clear in its purposes.
In our democracy each secondary school should make it possible
for each individual to obtain his optimum growth in an environment
which is conducive to learning and living. Further, the school should
be a place where each individual must assume some responsibility for him-
self and his behavior in the school community and in the larger com-
munity in which he is living.
In order for the secondary school to provide maximum training for
the maximum development of the individual it must be provided for
by the organization which created it under the Constitution of Florida.
This means that ample finances, adequate school plant and teaching
materials, and sufficient faculty must be provided in order to imple-
ment the teaching program and for the stimulation of the individual
in a learning situation. The facilities must be available if the child
is to develop into a wholesome personality with social and physical
maturity, with wholesome emotional and spiritual growth, and with
maximum educational development. Therefore, it is essential that the
administrator and teachers of the secondary school, the board of
public instruction and other county school personnel, the parents, and
lay public have a clear understanding of the responsibility which they
have for programs of secondary education in their community. It will
follow then that children will have their greatest opportunity, for
maximum growth.
The Program for the Improvement of Instruction in Florida
It has been indicated in the previous paragraphs that the goals in
secondary education possibly could be developed in the direction of
optimum social, physical, educational, emotional, and spiritual growth.
The experiences which should be provided in the environment of the
school are implied by the terms which are used in the chart on
page 10.
The school, however, in order to ascertain the progress which it is
making in working with its pupil population, should develop a program
of evaluation. This program should be not only current but should be
also a part of the learning situation. This means that learning takes
place not for learning' sake but for the intrinsic value which it has
for the individual at the time he experiences the learning situations.
The school should develop, in cooperation with those concerned with
the welfare of the child, a program of evaluation which will indicate
the effectiveness of the program of studies and the way it operates in
the school.
Another outcome of the evaluation program will indicate the prog-
ress of the individual in his growth. At the same time it will make
it possible for people who are concerned about the welfare of the
child to find out whether or not they are making their contribution
for the best learning situation. For example, the evaluation should
show the administrator, the teachers, the parents, the lay public, and
the social, religious, and political agencies which have a part in edu-
cation, whether or not they are making a contribution to a situation
in which learning can take place in an optimum fashion.
For the past several years the people of Florida have been vigor-
ously working on a program for the improvement of instruction. These
combined activities have been called "A Program For the Improvement
of Instruction in Florida." The first publication of "The Program of
Studies for Florida Secondary Schools" in April 1942, reflected in a
definite way some of the program for the improvement of instruction
in Florida. The program was carried over in the revision of the 1942
program in 1946 and again in the reprint of the program in 1948.
The 1952 revision is presented in order to bring the program up to
date and to put in operation the best which can be planned for the
secondary school population in Florida.
The program of studies presented in this publication is desirable
for Florida youth in the secondary schools. It meets all prescriptions
of State Law and State Board of Education Regulations. It allows for
ample electives in many areas. In addition it places the responsibility
for administering the program on the local school organization. While
it is true that education is a function of the State, the State Depart-
ment of Education recognizes that administering and implementing
the program and the organization for providing the best environment in
which maximum learning may take place must be the responsibility of the
local school authorities and those interested in the welfare of children.
Therefore, the suggested program, as desirable as it may be, is only
one step in the improvement of instruction in Florida. Further advance-
ment must be the duty of teachers, principals, supervisors, and other
local school authorities.
Grade 7
English-Language Arts
Blk. No.
Mathematics (36) (50)
Grade 8
English-Language Arts
Social Studies (28A)
Mathematics (36) (50)
Art (37) Music (N41) Science (8)
4 Health (4B) (4D)
Everyday Living (29)
Physical Education (5)
Physical Education (5)
Grade 9
English-Language Arts
Social Studies (28A)
Mathematics (36) (50)
1. Algebra
2. Functional Mathe-
3. Fundamentals or
(Boys) Science (8) or Agri-
culture (Agr)
(Girls) **Homemaking (23)
Physical Education (5)
1. Homemaking (23) 1. Homemaking (23) Electives:
6 2. Science (8) 2. Crafts (37) 1. Art (37)
3. Typing (11) 3. Industrial Arts (12) 2. Music (N41)
4. Crafts (37) 4. Art (37) 3. Languages (52)
5. Industrial Arts (12) 5. Music (N41) 4. Busifiess Training (11)
6. Others 6. Typing (11) 5. Typing (11)
7. Languages (52) 6. Others
8. Others
Activities (70): Activities (70) Activities (70)
7 1. Clubs See Grade 7 See Grade 7
2. Student Council
3. Assembly or Home-
4. Intramural
5. Bible Reading (60)
Suggested Programs.
No. 4B-A Guide to Teaching Effective Living
No. 4D-A Program of Health Services for
Florida Schools
No. 5-A Guide to Teaching Physical Educa-
tion in the Secondary Schools (1948)
No. 8-A Brief Guide to the Teaching of Science
in the Secondary Schools
No. 10A-A Suggested Program for Florida
Secondary Schools
No. 11-A Brief Guide to Teaching Business
Education in the Secondary Schools (1948)
No. 12-A Brief Guide to Teaching Industrial
Arts in the Secondary School (1948)
No. 22A-Recommended Library Books for
Florida Schools
No. 22B-The Audio-Visual Way
No. 22C-The Materials Center
Social Studies (28A)
Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12* Blk. No.
English-Language Arts
English-Language Arts
Social Studies (28A) Social Studies (28A)
Biology (8) Physical Education (5)
Physical Education (5) Electives
Electives Electives
Electives or Study Hall or
Library (22A), (22B),
Electives or Study Hall or
Library (22A), (22B),
1. English (34)
2. Journalism (34)
3. Speech (34A)
4. Drama (34)
5. Creative Writing (34)
6. Business English (11)
7. Others
Social Studies (28A) or
Electives 2
1. Physical Education (5)
or 3
2. Health (4D) or Effective
Living (4B)
3. Others
1. Mathematics (50) or
Bookkeeping (11) 4
2. Consumer Mathemat-
ics (36)
3. Higher Arithmetic-
Functional Mathe-
matics (36)
4. Modern Family Liv-
ing (23)
Electives or Study Hall or
Library (22A), (22B),
Activities (70) Activities (70) Activities (70)
See Grade 7 See Grade 7 See Grade 7
** One credit in Homemaking shall be offered at some grade level, 9-12.
No. 23-A Guide to the Teaching of Homemak-
ing (Rev. 1953)
No. 28A-Secondary Social Studies
No. 29-Everyday Living
No. 34-Experiencing the Language Arts
No. 34A-A Guide to Teaching Speech in Flor-
ida Schools
No. 36-Functional Mathematics in the Sec-
ondary Schools
No. 37-Art in the Lives of Florida Children
No. N41-Music in Florida High Schools
No. 50-A Brief Guide to Teaching Mathe-
matics in the Secondary Schools
No. 52-A Brief Guide to Teaching Spanish in
the Secondary Schools
No. 60-Suggestions for Bible Readings in
Florida Public Schools
Agr.-State Plan for Agricultural Education
No..70-Activities in Secondary Schools
The program listed on the chart is so developed that any school
which contains grades 7-12 may use it for placement of subject in
any grade level. The subjects have been so distributed as to give a
balanced program at each grade level including state prescribed courses
and suggested electives from the various fields which authorities in
secondary education have indicated as being worthwhile for high
school youth at every grade level.
Any school might follow the suggestions indicated in this chart.
It is believed that the philosophy of both the junior high school and
the senior high school might be carried out under this program. Also,
the suggested program is adaptable to any type of a curriculum which
the principal and faculty might decide to use. That is, the program
might be adaptable for the curriculum based on child development,
the core curriculum, the experience curriculum, or any combination of
It should be noted that no reference is made on the chart to char-
acter education or safety education and at several grade levels no
reference is made to health education. It is assumed, however, that
each school which prepares it program will make adequate provisions
for those experiences which contribute to the full development of each
group and each personality.
It should be recognized that there are no entrance requirements
to grade 7. Teachers and principals who work with 6th grade children
determine those, who are to be promoted to the 7th grade. The same
holds true for entrance to grades 9 or 10. The graduation requirements
as listed, in so far as the State is concerned, must be completed before
the pupil has finished the 12th grade. In other words, when a pupil
has completed the 12th grade the graduation requirements should
have been met. Requirements for graduation are stated in State Board
Regulations, page 13, and in the Standards for Accreditation of Florida
Schools. For convenience they are listed below:
Total Total Subject Prescribed
Type Maxi- Mini- Total
of mum mum Pre- ***
School Credits Credits scribed ** Home-
Possible Acceptable Credits Eng. S.S. Math. Sc. P.E. mak-
7-12* 24 20 13 3 3 1 2 3 1
9-12 24 20 13 3 3 1 2 3 1
10-12 18 15 8 2 2 1 1 2 1
Only credits earned in 9th grade or above are counted toward meet-
ing graduation requirements
** One of the social studies must be American History or American
History and Government
*** One credit in homemaking must be offered at some grade level 9
through 12
It will be noted that in a secondary school of four grades (9-12)
the maximum number of credits possible is 24 while the minimum is
20 with 13 prescribed courses. In the three year secondary school (10-12)
it is possible to make 18 credits with a minimum of 15. Here there are
eight prescribed courses. In any secondary organization the pupil
should average 5 credits a year. Any subject or course which meets
55 minutes daily for a school year is considered a one credit course.
The successful completion of any subject or course which meets 55
minutes daily for the period of one school year will earn one credit.
Half credit courses would meet 55 minutes daily for a period of one
semester or its equivalent.
It is important to note that the suggested program offers oppor-
tunity to assign pupils to six classes or subjects a day plus an activity
period. Traditional practices in the secondary schools allowed pupils
to "take four academic subjects plus physical education" each day and
the better pupils to "take five academic subjects plus physical educa-
tion." The suggested program is so arranged that the traditional prac-
tice may be followed also. It is so arranged that each experience may
be considered of equal value and thereby noted in terms of a total
The suggested program requires little more time than the school
day as required by State Law (Sec. 227.13 (18) Florida Statutes, 1951).
The minimum length of each junior high class period should be 50
minutes in the clear and each senior high period 55 minutes in the
clear. Six periods a day are suggested for classes with an additional
period of not less than 30 minutes as an activity period. The activity
periods provide for clubs, home room, assembly, student council, and
other phases of work which all students should experience. It is quite
possible for many intramural programs to be provided during this
period. Thus all pupils would have the same opportunity to take part
in the total school program. All activities in which pupils could par-
ticipate would be scheduled after busses arrive at school in the morning
and prior to their departure in the afternoons.
Program-Grade 7
An examination of the chart will indicate that in grade 7 the
offerings are English; social studies; mathematics; physical education;
art; music; a period provided for exploratory courses in homemaking,
crafts, science, industrial arts, typing, and other; and an activities
program which includes clubs, homeroom, student council, assembly,
and intramurals. Attention is called to the numbers in parentheses in
each block, which refer to Florida bulletins which developed guides
for teaching of subject matter indicated.
It is implied that English, social studies, and mathematics meet
daily while art and music might be alternated. Suggestions that art
meet three times one week and music meet twice and the next week
reverse the number of meeting times, or that each meet for six or
nine week periods, or that each meet for a semester seems desirable.
These alternatives should be worked out for the best interest of the
school and the pupils.
In the physical education-health period the same provision might
be made. The provision for health might be cared for in line with
suggestions of Bulletin 4, Florida's School Health Program, and Bulletin
4B, Effective Living Bulletin. There is no suggestion that teachers of
health may not be provided to teach health in the school nor is
there any suggestion that health may not be taught by the physical
education or some other qualified teacher.
The idea back of the block marked homemaking-science, etc., is
to provide for many different exploratory experiences as is possible to
offer 7th grade pupils. For example, it is quite possible to offer six
exploratory courses each of which may run for a period of six weeks.
In schools which cannot provide all these experiences it might be
possible to provide at least two subjects-one each semester. These
exploratory subjects should not be offered for a period of less than
six weeks and probably not more than a period of a semester.
In the activities program such as listed in block 7 the implication
is that all pupils in grade 7 might be a member of a club, a member
of a home room, each homeroom might have a representative on the
student council, and all members of the 7th grade might participate
in the assembly and in intramurals.
The subjects in grade 7 are, for the most part, a continuation
of the experiences of grade 6. Thus teachers should be able to assist
pupils in making an easy transition from the elementary to the sec-
ondary school. Reading, writing, and arithmetic will be cared for in
grade 7. Some of the fundamentals of the secondary subjects will be
introduced in the various fields of English, social studies and math-
ematics. Details of this transition from the elementary subjects to
the secondary areas will be found in the Florida School Bulletin.
Program-Grade 8
In the 8th grade program provisions are made for English, social
studies, mathematics, and physical education on full period basis.
Science-health combination is provided for in the fourth block of
time. Where desirable, Everyday Living may be substituted for the
science-health combination. Special provision is made for the explora-
tory courses in homemaking, crafts, industrial arts, language arts,
music, typing, and other experiences. These experiences should probably
be a continuation of 7th grade experiences. The subjects may be
placed on specific time basis such as periods of six weeks or nine
weeks depending on how many types of experiences may be made
available for 8th grade pupils.
The activities periods suggest the same type of experiences as were
provided on the 7th grade level. The activities should provide for ex-
periences beyond those of the 7th grade because of the maturity of
the pupils and the experiences acquired in the 7th grade.
Program-Grade 9
With the beginning of the 9th grade attention should be given to
the selection of the subjects required for graduation. At this level
students should be provided guidance in making selections. It, there-
fore, becomes necessary that pupils, parents, and teachers know the
state requirements for graduation. It should be noted that English,
social studies, mathematics, science or agriculture or homemaking
and physical education meet the state requirements toward high school
graduation. It should be noted also that algebra, functional mathe-
matics, or fundamentals of business meet the mathematics requirements.
Under the electives any subjects or any combination of two may
be for the credit under Block 6. Art and music, business training and
industrial arts, industrial arts and crafts, or art and crafts are often
combined to meet this credit.
The activities period provides a continuation of the activities pro-
gram set up in the 7th and 8th grades. It should be noted that students
may take as many as six subjects in the 9th grade. In some cases it
may be desirable to limit students to five subjects and to use the 6
block of time for study hall and library.
Program-Grade 10
On the 10th grade level it should be noted that English, social
studies, biology, and physical education are considered as required
subjects. The electives may come from any group of subjects offered
by a particular school. The selection as to electives should be the
joint decision of pupil, parents, and teachers.
Program-Grade 11
It should be noted that on the 11th grade level three prescribed
units are listed, English, social studies, and physical education allow-
ing students three periods for elective subjects.
Program-Grade 12
On the 12th grade level it may be considered that all the areas
are electives. However, it is believed that under the English program
students may wish to elect journalism, speech, drama, creative writ-
ing, Business English, or some other of the language arts. The area
of social studies could be used to complete whatever area of social
studies that had not been completed in grades 9, 10 and 11. Under
Block 3 students could elect physical education-health or Effective
Living. Under the mathematics concentration in Block 4 bookkeeping,
consumer mathematics, higher arithmetic, functional mathematics, alge-
bra, geometry, trigonometry, or Modern Family Living would meet the
To summarize the program as provided in grade 9-12 it is easily
seen that students may carry a maximum of 6 credits a year, thereby
completing within the four year period a maximum of 24 credits.
Conditions may be such that students may find it desirable to follow
the minimum requirements thereby completing 20 credits of work for
the four years. In still other cases it may seem desirable to fit the
students program between the minimum and the maximum program.
The activities program in grades 9-12 should be developed to a
most important phase of high school training. The principal, faculty,
and students are urged to work together in developing (evolving) an
activities program which would meet the pupils' needs in any school
It should be noted, too, that this suggested program makes pro-
vision for the required subjects and also allows for the maximum num-
ber of elective subjects.
On the 9-10-11-12 grades under the electives in Block 6 it will
be noted "Electives-study hall or library" in general students should
not be regularly assigned to the library but should be permitted to
go from the study hall to the library when they have special assign-
ments or reference work to do.
In order to assume leadership in directing the development of a
curriculum of a school, in assisting in evaluating what has occurred
in a school, and in guiding the work of teachers and pupils the
principal should know State Laws and State Board of Education Regu-
lations relative to education. Several of these laws and regulations
pertaining to secondary schools are listed below:
1. Organization of Schools-Sec. 228.13 (1-2), Florida Statutes, 1951,
"Elementary schools shall comprise all classes and grades through the
sixth or, upon decision by the county board when authorized by
regulations of the state board, may include work through the eighth
grade. High or secondary schools shall include junior high schools with
grades seven to nine, inclusive; senior high schools with grades ten
to twelve, inclusive; or junior-senior high schools with grades seven
to twelve, inclusive; or, upon decision by the county board when au-
thorized by regulations of the state board, may be organized as four-
year high schools comprising grades nine to twelve, inclusive."
2. Length of School Term-Sec. 236.02 (2), Statutes of Florida, 1951,
"Operate all schools for a term of at least nine months (one hundred
eighty actual teaching days)."
3. Length of School Day-Sec. 227.13 (18), Statutes of Florida, 1951,
"A school day for any group of pupils is that portion of the day in
which school is actually in session and shall comprise not less than
five net hours; and not less than six hours including intermissions for
all grades above the third; not less than four net hours for the first
three grades; and not less than three net hours in kindergarten and
nursery school grades."
4. Length of Class Period-Standards for the Accreditation of Schools.
Minimum length of class period for the senior high school shall be
55 minutes and for the junior high school 50 minutes exclusive of
time used in changing classes or teachers. Sixty minute periods are
5. What Constitutes School Attendance-Sec. 232.02, Florida Stat-
utes, 1951, "Regular attendance at any of the following shall comprise
regular attendance at school within the intent of Sec. 232.01, Florida
Statutes, 1951: (a) a public school supported by public funds; (b) a
parochial or denominational school; (c) a private school supported
in whole or in part by tuition charges or by endowments or gifts;
and (d) with a private tutor who meets all requirements prescribed
by law and regulations of the state board for private tutors."
6. Requirements for Graduation, Standards for Accreditation of
Schools, State Board Regulations, page 13. The minimum number of
credits for graduation from a four year high school (grades 9-12)
shall be 20 with a maximum of 24. The minimum number of credits
for graduation from a three year high school (grades 10-12) shall
be 15 with a maximum of 18. Each pupil must average 5 credits per
year or carry a full load of work as determined by the principal.
Included in these requirements for graduation in grades 9-12, each
pupil should have 3 credits in English, 3 credits in social studies (one
of which must be American History or American History and Gov-
ernment), 1 credit in mathematics, 2 credits in science, 3 credits in
physical education, and 1 credit in homemaking for girls. In a school
organized on grades 10-12, students should complete 2 credits in
English, 2 credits in social studies (one of which must be American
History or American History and Government), 1 credit in science,
2 credits in physical education, and 1 credit in each of homemaking
and mathematics unless already completed in 9th grade. Any devia-
tion from the above regulation governing graduation from Florida
high schools must be approved in advance by the Florida State
Department of Education.
7. Transfer of Credits-Standards for Accreditation of Schools.
Grade placement or subject matter credit shall be accepted at face
value from other schools as shown by transcribed records or report
cards only under the following conditions: (a) If the other school is
in Florida and is accredited by the State Department of Education or
(b) if the other school is outside of Florida and is accredited by its
regional accrediting agency or (c) if the other school is unaccredited,
the principal shall determine grade placement by: examination under
his direction or probationary period to validate work.
8. Credit for Private Instruction-Standards for Accreditation of
Schools. Work done under private instruction shall not be accepted for
credit unless this credit is for music taken under private instruction
which is strictly in accordance with State Board Regulations. These
regulations are expressed in the December 15, 1938, issue of the Florida
School Bulletin.
9. Tutoring-State Board Regulations, page 53. This regulation was
adopted April 1, 1941, and provides that a person who undertakes to
tutor any child of compulsory school attendance age shall hold a valid
Florida certificate covering the subjects or grades required for that
particular tutoring. He shall be approved by the county board as a
tutor for the county in which he proposes to engage in work. He shall
keep all records required by the state and county board for pupil
accounting. The regulation provides that any person who is engaged
in private tutoring of children of compulsory attendance age who fails
to meet the requirements shall be subject to prosecution under the
terms of the compulsory school attendance provisions of the State Laws
of Florida.
10. Credit for Military Services-State Board Regulations, page 26.
"Local school officials are authorized by the State Board of Education
to grant two credits of elective subject credit in military training to
any individual satisfactorily completing one year of full service in the
armed forces. Not more than two units in military training may be
counted toward graduation from the high school."
Another regulation dealing with credit for military services may be
found on page 15-A, State Board Regulations. This regulation was
adopted February 15, 1951, which provides "the county board of public
instruction may authorize the high schools of their counties to grant
high school credits not to exceed 21/2 units to those students who are
accepted into the armed services of the United States." Principal should
read carefully the complete regulations as set up under this page.
11. Awarding Certificates of Equivalency-State Board Regulations,
page 16. This regulation was adopted March 31, 1951, and provides
"the State Department of Education is authorized to issue high school
equivalency diplomas under the following conditions:
a. Candidates must be 20 years of age or older at the time of ap-
b. The candidate must be a resident of Florida.
c. Candidate must have attained satisfactory standing on compre-
hensive examinations prescribed by the State Department of
Education and administered in approved testing centers.
d. Candidates must submit individual applications which provide es-
sential personal data, education and training records, and infor-
mation regarding residence.
e. The State Department of Education may waive the age require-
ments in case of inmates of corrective or penal institutions pro-
viding all other requirements above are fulfilled.
12. Summer School-Standards for Accreditation of Florida Schools.
The provision relating to summer schools requires that a personnel
report of teachers and principals be submitted to the State Depart-
ment of Education on forms provided by not later than the second
week of the summer school. The summer school shall be authorized
by the county board of public instruction. Credit for work in one
summer shall be limited to one-fourth of a year's normal work. The
minimum periods provide for: (a) New work shall be 120 hours required.
This may be divided into 4 hour class periods for a term of 30 days
or six weeks. No more than one credit of new work may be made
during the summer session. No combination of review work may be
made by a student who is carrying one credit of new work. (b) Review
work is work failed or work carried on for a full semester or a year
in which no grade was given. Sixty hours are required for one credit
of repeated work. This may be divided into two hour class periods for
a period of 30 days or six weeks. No shorter time may be used for
completing repeated work. A student may not make more than 2 credits
of repeated work in one summer session. Normally work done in
summer school should be that for enrichment and should not be
offered under the suggested program of studies for those pupils who
may be retarded in their school or for those pupils who wish to
accelerate their rate of progress through school. Therefore, it is
believed that the traditional type of summer school should be aban-
doned and that the programs offered during the summer school
should fit in with the county-wide provision for the eleventh and
twelfth month program.
13. Use of the New Program in the Florida Secondary Schools. Since
the suggested program for the secondary schools is not a clean break
from the program as set up in 1942, 1944, 1946, 1948, there should be
a minimum amount of trouble in making the transition from the
present program to the suggested program. Principals, teachers, and
pupils alike should understand this transition. It is suggested that
pupils who are now classified in a particular grade under the present
program should be classified in the exact same grade under the sug-
gested program and that they be able to participate in the suggested
program without any reflection on the work that they have done in
previous years in the elementary or secondary school. No particular
difficulty should arise in the pupil accounting or the records which
should be kept. In other words, a pupil who is now classified in the
eleventh grade should not be required to go back and pick up any
particular subject or experience that is called for in the ninth or tenth
grades under the suggested program but should be permitted to follow
the suggested program during their eleventh and twelfth grades in
school. The same would apply to pupils in other grades of the secondary
school. Every effort should be made for no pupil to be penalized because
of the acceptance of the suggested program of work.
14. Responsibility of Principal. The principal of the high school is
responsible to the superintendent and the board of education for the
recommendation of all pupils who are ready to graduate.
15. In-Service Education. As the legal director of the secondary school,
the principal is responsible for a program of in-service education for
the staff. This in-service education may be carried on with the co-
operation of the teacher education institutions within the State of
Florida, in conferences called by the State Department of Education,
through use of the Florida School Bulletins, through well planned pre-
school and post-school conferences, by the use of professional maga-
zines and books, by faculty group studies, and through county-wide
committees and county-wide meetings. The principal and the staff
are invited to use as many of these agencies as possible in providing
an in-service training for teachers, supervisors, and principals. The State
Department of Education is most interested and most willing to assist
faculty groups, county groups, or individual schools in carrying out
a program of in-service education or in assisting in the solution of
problems which may arise with any school organization.