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- Permanent Link:
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- Title:
- Latinamericanist
- Alternate title:
- University of Florida latinamericanist
- Alternate title:
- Latin americanist
- Creator:
- University of Florida Center for Latin American Studies
- Place of Publication:
- Gainesville, Fla
Gainesville, Fla.
- Publisher:
- Center for Latin American Studies,
- Publication Date:
- Fall 2007
- Frequency:
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- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- v. ;28-36 cm.
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Periodicals -- Latin America ( lcsh )
Study and teaching (Higher) -- Periodicals -- Latin America -- Florida ( lcsh )
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- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
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University of Florida Center for Latin American Studies I Volume 38, Number 2 I Fall 2007
Dr. Helen Safa
Awarded LASA's Highest Honor
D r. Helen I. Safa, Professor Emerita ofi,..,l.i...1...- and Latin
American Studies at the University of Florida, was presented the
Kalman Silvert award of the Latin American Studies Association
(LASA) at its International Congress in Montreal, September 5-7, 2007.
The Silvert award recognizes senior members of the profession who have
made distinguished lifetime contributions to the study of Latin America
and the Caribbean. The prize is named after the first president of the
5,700 member association.
Among the panelists at the Congress plenary in Dr. Safa's honor, were
Carmen Diana Deere, Director of the UF Center for Latin American
Studies, two of her former students A. Lynn Bolles who received her
degree while Safa was at Rutgers University and Nathalie Lebon, a UF
Ph.D., and colleague Jorge Duany from the University of Puerto Rico.
Dr. Safa joined the faculty of the University of Florida in 1980 as the
Director of the Center for Latin American Studies (1980-85). She was a
core faculty member of the Center and the Department of ,.. ild 1. I!.1._-
until her retirement in 1997.
Dr. Safa was President of LASA from 1983-85, and also served on the
Executive Committee several times. Among her initiatives as LASA
President was the first formal academic exchange program between U.S.
and Cuban scholars, funded by a grant from The Ford Foundation. She
was also instrumental in the founding and growth of the Gender and
Feminist Studies Section, which helped transform LASA from a largely
North American male organization in the 1960s and early 1970s into the
more diverse organization it is today. She serves on the editorial board of
the Latin American Research Review, among other journals.
Dr. Safa began her career as a Latinamericanist in Puerto Rico, where
she subsequently pursued research for her masters' thesis and doctoral
dissertation. Her doctoral studies at Columbia were partially funded by a
scholarship from the University of Puerto Rico. Considered to be one of
the pioneers in the field of urban iiii........1.- her early research
resulted in The Urban Poor of Puerto Rico (1974).
Her continued interest in the Caribbean is reflected in UF's Caribbean
Migration Program, which in the 1980s brought students and faculty
from the Caribbean to the University; and a fellowship program on
Afro-American identity and cultural diversity which culminated in a
major conference and a special issue of the journal Latin American
Perspectives (1998) on Race and National Identity in the Americas.
Throughout her career, Dr. Safa has pursued an interest in the causes
and consequences of
inequality, focusing on class
issues in her early work on
poverty and urbanization,
moving to gender in the 1970s
and 1980s, and in her most
recent work in corporating
race. The Myth of the Male
Breadwinner: Women and
Industrialization in the
Caribbean (1995) compares
women industrial workers in
Cuba, Puerto Rico and the
A Dr. Helen Safa.
Dominican Republic. Her
interest in the social impact of
women's paid labor force participation is reflected in her earlier
co-edited publications with June Nash, Sex and Class in Latin America
(1976) and Women and C i ... in Latin America (1986), while her
participation in the international women's movement contributed to
another credited publication with Eleanor Leacock entitled Women's
Work (1986).
In addition to her books, Dr. Safa has published over 60 articles and
book chapters on issues of poverty and urbanization, migration, gender
and development, social movements, mestizaje, and family structure. Dr.
Safa has been honored as a founder of Puerto Rican ,d s. ...1.._- by the
Puerto Rican Association of,,.ai.l.... ... .._- and the American t ..... 1..-
Society. She received the 2003 Conrad Arensberg award from the Society
for the,.,1,....1.._ of Work of the American Anthropological
Association. At UF, the Center for Women's Studies and Gender Research
awarded her its 2006 Uppity Woman Award.
UF Center Director Carmen Diana Deere noted at the 2007 LASA
Congress plenary in Safa's honor that, "It is precisely because our Helen
is an Uppity Woman that we are gathered here today, to recognize her
notable scholarly contributions to the field of Latin American Studies
and her years of distinguished leadership and committed service to the
Latin American Studies Association. It is worth noting that Dr. Safa is
only the third woman to receive the Kalman Silvert award among 17
inside: p2 Direor's
p3 Ralph della
P3'Cava Gift
p6 Faculty p 1 Center
aNews & Pn programs
Publications in LA
Among my priorities has been to increase the opportunities for student
study abroad in Latin America and the Caribbean. Mark Thurner of the History
Department will be leading the Center's first semester-length group study
abroad program to the University of Costa Rica in San Jos6 in Fall 2008. In
addition, we have signed a new reciprocal exchange agreement with the
Catholic University of Peru which will allow up to four UF students a year to
study at that institution in Lima and bring PUCP students to UF
I am also pleased to report that two UF faculty members have received
i FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Secondary Education, DOE) awards for
Dr. Carmen Diana Deere
student exchanges with Brazilian universities. Emilio Bruna (LAS/WEC) is
leading a program on Energy, the Environment and Sustainable Development in collaboration with the
Federal Universities of the Amazon and of Rio de Janeiro. Nick Comerford's (Soil and Water Science)
program focuses on Rainforest Ecosystems Services in collaboration with the Federal Universities of
the Amazon, Vigosa, and Parana. U.S. students interested in learning Portuguese are eligible for FIPSE
scholarships to spend a semester at one of these universities.
The Latin American Studies Association Congress in Montreal this year was quite special, since
Helen Safa was the recipient of the Kalman Silvert award, the Association's highest honor (see cover).
Also, UF alum Orlando Fals Borda was the recipient of the LASA-Oxfam America Martin Diskin
Memorial Lectureship award (p. 18). Twenty-seven UF faculty members and graduate students
participated on the program (p. 12). With support from our Title VI grant and state funds we were able
to partially fund the travel of 16 faculty members. With income from the new Safa Graduate Student
Travel Fund endowment and the LAS Alumni Travel Fund, we were pleased to partially fund the travel of
three graduate students to present papers at the Congress.
The Center's Fall reception this year was co-hosted with the College of Fine Arts and held at the
Harn Museum of Art in conjunction with the exhibition "Cuba Avant-Garde." The reception was
preceded by a talk by one of the artists, Glexis Novoa, on "Living in Miami and Havana." Soon after, we
celebrated the opening of another exhibition at Smathers Library on Brazilian Padre Cicero (p. 3). A
third exhibition focused on Latin America adorned the Grinter Gallery this fall, "A Private Eye: Latin
American Prints from the Efrain Barradas Collection," (p. 4).
The Fall semester featured two symposia and a large number of invited speakers from Latin America.
The graduate students in the Department of Romance Languages and Linguistics hosted their third
Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Hispanic/Latin American Literature, Linguistics and Culture in October.
The Department of Political Science, along with UF's three Title VI area studies programs, hosted a
workshop on "Democratization by Elections," which brought prominent political scientists to campus in
December, including Latinamericanists Jonathan Hartlyn (UNC), Jennifer McCoy (Georgia State) and
Gerardo Munck (USC).
The Center co-sponsored two lectures on the women's movement in the region with the Center for
Women's Studies and Gender Research -by Rhoda Reddock, Director of the Center for Gender and
Development Studies at the University of the West Indies in Trinidad and Tobago, and sociologist
Neuma Aguiar, (p. 3). Two indigenous leaders from Pastos, Colombia spent a week at the Center, with
former Senator Efr6n Felix Tarapues Cuaical lecturing on religiosity and ecological sustainability in the
Nudo de los Pastos. The Spring 2008 semester promises to be as rich and varied in Latin American and
Caribbean events.
1 Dr. Helen Safa -LASA's Highest Honor
3 Dr. Aguiar lecture, Ralph della Cava gift
Volume 38, Number 2
Fall 2007
Elizabeth Lowe Editor
Hannah Covert Copy Editor
Center for Latin American Studies
319 Grinter Hall
PO Box 115530
Gainesville, FL 32611-5530
2007-2008 Faculty Advisory Council
Carmen Diana Deere (LAS/FRE), Chair
Florence Babb (Women's Studies and
Gender Research)
Grenville Barnes (SFRC)
Efrain Barradas (LAS/RLL)
Richmond Brown (LAS)
Hannah Covert (LAS)
Berta Hernandez (Law)
Eric Keys (Geography)
Gerald Murray (Anthropology)
Jeffrey Needell (History)
Richard Phillips (UF Libraries)
Marianne Schmink (LAS/Anthropology)
12 LASA International Congress
13 Outreach News
4 Hammock with a History, Latin Amer. Prints 14 Student News
5 Jacare Brazil, Center's 57th Annual Conf.
6 Faculty News and Publications
7 New Center Affliates
16 Center Programs in LA
17 UF in Merida
18 Alumni News and Notes
UF Center for
Latin American Studies
19 Thanks to Donors, Giving to Center
10 Recent Faculty Books
Distinguished Brazilian Sociologist
Lectures on Comparative Women's Movements
The Center for Latin American Studies and the Center for Women's
Studies and Gender Research co-hosted a lecture by Dr. Neuma
Aguiar, a prominent sociologist at the Federal University of Minas Gerais
in Brazil, in October 2007. Dr. Aguiar's lecture, "Comparative
Perspectives on the Women's Movements in Latin America, Asia and
Africa at the End of the 20th Century," was held at Ustler Hall (home of
the UF Center for Women's Studies and Gender Research). The lecture
drew a crowd that included students and faculty interested in Brazil,
women's studies, and sociology.
Dr. Aguiar discussed the role of feminism and sociology in the context
of the developing world during the late 20th century. She talked about
debunking the myth, very prevalent outside of the U.S., that feminism is
a Western concept, and that it has nothing to do with the lives of women
in developing countries. Dr. Aguiar challenged this statement by
declaring that there are different feminisms, which manifest in different
forms for different societal structures. She stressed that these movements
are local in character, and work differently in the differing patriarchal
societies in which they operate.
Dr. Aguiar then went on to compare feminist movements around the
world, including those in Brazil, Peru, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Kenya
and Morocco, to name a few. Due to her own life-long involvement,
leadership and scholarship in women's movements, Dr. Aguiar was able
to offer an interesting and candid view of the state of these movements
and what their role for the future might be. By offering a brief historical
overview of world-wide women's movements, Dr. Aguiar was able to
both discuss the ramifications of these groups in sociological terms, and
show that crises will not stop the women of the world from organizing
and changing society for their and their children's benefit.
Dr. Aguiar is the director of the Center for Quantitative Research in
Sociology and the Quantitative: 11i.. .1.1.. Program in the Social
Sciences at the Federal Univeristy of Minas Gerais. She is the author of
Desigualdades Socials, Redes de Sociabilidade e Participadao Politica
(Social Inequalities, Social Networks and Political Participation). She is an
expert on gender and society, with an emphasis on gender and social
stratification; time use research; and women's movements in developing
countries. In 2007 she was awarded a grant by the Interdisciplinary
Institute for Higher Studies at the Federal University of Minas Gerais to
organize a collection of her writings published outside of Brazil. In
addition, she was recently awarded the Florestan Fernandes Prize, by the
Brazilian Society of Sociology, for her life-time contributions to the field
of sociology. She holds a Ph.D. in sociology from Washington University
in St. Louis.
-Contributed by Molly Dondero, MALAS student
The Ralph della Cava Gift on Padre Cicero and Popular
Religion in Northeast Brazil
Significant gift to the University of Florida Latin American
Collection was donated by Ralph della Cava and includes books,
journals, and newspapers, as well as rare archival materials on the social,
religious and political history of Northeast Brazil. Among its most
valuable materials are hundreds of late 19th century and early 20th
century archival and printed sources that document the life and times of
Padre Cicero Romao Batista (1844-1934) and the popular religious
movement that he inspired. A sampling of the holdings include
published and unpublished monographs, special format items
(broadsides, separate newspaper issues and flyers), posters, photographs
of archives, handwritten notes from Padre Cicero and taped interviews
with his contemporaries. The collection is the product of forty years of
Professor della Cava's research in northeastern Brazil and is a testimony
to his efforts to provide a reliable account of a complex historical figure
and an important period of Brazilian history.
Ralph della Cava is Emeritus Professor of History, Queens College,
City University of New York and currently Adjunct Senior Research
Scholar, Institute of Latin American Studies, Columbia University. He is
the author of Miracle at oaseiro among many other books and articles
on religion, politics and society in Brazil, Latin America, Western and
Central Europe, and the former Soviet Union.
A Jacar6 Brazil performs at UF Libraries.
A Ralph della Cava presenting the Padre Cicero gift to the UF
Libraries, Fall 2007.
A Hammock with a History
This article was contributed by Susan Milbrath, Curator of Latin American Art and A.I,,, /.; ,, Florida Museum of Natural History. It
recounts the acquisition by the Florida Museum of a unique Brazilian artifact.
Last June, Bonnie Georgiadis of Tarpon Springs showed us an antique
hammock she had acquired from her great uncle, Ed Backus, who
was the American consul to Brazil under Presidents Hayes, Garfield, and
Arthur. For decades it had hung in the family's Villa Plumosa Hotel in
Tarpon Springs, but now needed a new home. Carmen Diana Deere
(LAS) facilitated the initial contact and came with Bonnie to see what we
might be able to tell them about the hammock. Sonia Pessoa, a Brazilian
graduate student working with Michael Heckenberger ( .,11 ,! ...1.._- ),
joined us to offer her expertise on contemporary Amazonian material
culture. When the hammock was unrolled we were intrigued by a fringe
of lace-like fiber interwoven with feathers, a decorative floral design that
included iridescent plumage. The hammock, woven with palm fiber on a
loom, was not a style that Sonia had seen before, but she remembered
photos of similar hammock in one of my books. To our delight, a
catalogue documented two related pieces with very specific collection
information. One was purchased in the 19th century in Manaus, Brazil,
and the other was "made by the Indians of Rio Negro, a tributary of the
Mecta [Meta] en the republic of Colombia," according to the Museo de
America catalogue entry (p. 100 of Arte Plumdrio Amazonico, 1984). The
entry notes that it had been sent from Bogoti to Madrid in April 1872,
and concludes that both hammocks were made by Arawak Indians of the
Rio Negro, who were in the area of Manaus in the 19th century. Forming
part of the border between Colombian and Venezuela, the Rio Negro
then passes into Brazil and joins the Amazon just beyond Manaus. This
river route helps explain the why three different countries are mentioned
in the catalogue entry.
Contemporary ethnographic accounts describe Arawak hammocks
woven on looms in northwest Brazil, and the lii, ,.....t of South
American Indians (1963:127) also notes that among the Central Arawak
"there is much trade in hammocks with the Whites." Apparently this
trade is a long-standing tradition, because the 19th century Arawaks
responded to the European-American tastes, weaving hammocks with
garlands flowers made of delicate feather work designed to please foreign
buyers. Today such a hammock would never make it through customs,
since import of rare Amazonian feathers are prohibited under the
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
Consul Backus received the hammock as a diplomatic gift, around the
time the King of Portugal recognized his service to Brazil by appointing
him "Commendador" on August 17, 1905. More than a century later,
thanks to Bonnie Georgiadis and Carmen Diana Deere, the Florida
Museum of Natural History can offer a new home to the Consul's
"hammock with a history."
A Detailed view of the palm fiber hammock interwoven with feathers,
recently acquired by the Florida Museum of Natural History.
A Private Eye: Latin American Prints from the Efrain Barradas Collection
UF's Grinter Gallery presented "A Private Eye: Latin American Prints
from the Efrain Barradas Collection" from September 4, 2007 to
January 11, 2008. Printmaking has played an important role in Latin
American arts since the 19th century. Some countries, such as Mexico
and Cuba, have developed a strong graphic tradition, but the medium is
popular in all of Latin America. The unique Barradas collection is not a
comprehensive example of prints from all of Latin America, but one that
represents the collector's taste and knowledge of Latin American art.
Still, this selection shows that Latin American artists have made of prints
another important reflection of their social and historical reality.
Barradas is Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures and Latin
American Studies at UF His current research concerns the uses of
popular culture in Latin American literature and art and the
iconography of Mexican artists.
Jacare Brazil
Fall 2007 Concert
J acare Brazil's Fall 2007 concert, Jacare Sinf6nico, featured Latin
American Artists in Residence Julio Cesar de Figueiredo (piano) and
Roberto Sion (saxophone and flute). Directors Welson Tremura
(LAS/Music) and Larry Crook (Music) were joined by David Waybright
(Music) and the University of Florida Wind Symphony. The first half of
the concert featured UF's Wind Symphony performing Latin American
music with voice, accompanied by Julio Cesar de Figueiredo. This
world-renowned pianist and arranger performed Paul Basler's Carnival
and the Paulistana Suite, a homage to the city of Sao Paulo. Roberto
Sion, one of Brazil's premier saxophonist and flutist, performed after
intermission accompanied by Jacare Brazil's percussionists and
instrumentalists for a session of Brazilian Jazz.
The concert revealed a new side of Jacare Brazil as it explored a
different range of musical sonorities with emphasis on instrumental and
symphonic repertoires among various Brazilian traditions. The ensemble
increased and expanded its instrumental possibilities by combining
traditional music with the sounds of a symphonic wind ensemble. This
unique blend created an exciting texture and provided new grounds for
A Welson Tremura, singers and musicians performing in the Fall 2007
Jacar6 Brazil Concert.
the exploration of sounds. The symphonic wind ensemble added a new
dimension to Jacare Brazil's performance repertoire by expanding its
palette of instrumental possibilities.
-Contributed by Welson Tremura, Assistant Professor, LAS/Music
Center's 57th Annual Conference
Uniting for Solutions. Multi-Sector Partnerships and Strategic Communications in the Americas:
Business, Community, Government
Hosted by the University of Florida's Center for Latin American Studies and
the College ofJournalism and Communications
February 7-8, 2008
J. Wayne Reitz Union University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
This conference will provide a multidisciplinary perspective to inform
the stages of successful alliance formation and social change initiatives.
The combined magnitude of the social, political and economic challenges
facing Latin America calls out for collaboration among business,
government, nonprofits and civil society to build multi-sector alliances
to affect social change. In order to achieve synergy, the creation of
alliances between organizations focusing on corporate social
responsibility, philanthropy, strategic planning and sustainability requires
agreement on common symbols and key messages, and clear expressions
of collective commitment and contributions. Strategic communication
refers to the combined use of advertising, public relations, print and
broadcast journalism, new media, and alternative or community media
to align and maintain multi-sector partners working under the same
vision and goals.
2008 Latin American Business Symposium
and Career Workshop
The fourth Latin American Business Symposium and Career Workshop
will take place on the UF campus November 7-8, 2008. The event will
mark the tenth anniversary of the Center's Latin American Business
Environment Program (LABE) with the theme, "Business in Latin
America: The Past 10 Years, the Next 10 Years." It is open to students,
faculty, members of the business community, and interested public.
The Retirement Celebration for Terry McCoy, Director of LABE and
former Director of the Center, will be held in conjunction with the
symposium on Saturday, November 8. Save the date!
New WID Collection at UF Library
The UF Library has recently established a collection on Women in
Development (WID). Several prominent Latinamericanists at UF
have worked in this area, notably Helen I. Safa, Professor Emerita of
. Il. I. .. ....I_ L- AS, who has donated all her primary research materials
to the collection. This collection will be digitized, making it available on
the web to scholars worldwide. Joining Dr. Safa in this effort is Anita
Spring, another UF anthropologist who specializes in women and
development in Africa. Anne Chaney recently donated her sister Elsa's
documents, research materials and books, which will constitute the
initial, important resource for this collection. Mary Elmendorf's papers,
given to the library in the 1980s and already catalogued, will be linked to
this collection.
To facilitate the process of digitization and cataloguing of this
material, Dr. Safa has made an outright gift of $10,000 to the UF library,
and has established another $15,000 in a challenge grant to be matched
by contributions of $500 or more. Anne Chaney has already donated
$1000 to this challenge grant. The Library welcomes other research
contributions to make this a truly outstanding collection. Requests for
information on adding to this collection or making a donation should be
directed to the director of development at the UF Library, at
(352) 273-2505.
Faculty News and Publications
EAndres Avellaneda (RLL), Politica y
literature: Antes y despues de Cortizar. Revista
del CELEHIS, 13(16) 2006: 121-134; El
discurso de represi6n cultural (1960-1983).
Escribas, 3 2006: 31-44; Cabecitas y oligarcas:
Literature argentina de los 40. Hispamerica:
Revista de literature, 104 2006: 111-119.
*Florence Babb (Women's Studies) gave a
seminar on "Antropologia y turismo: El caso de
Peru" at Universidad Nacional de Ancash
Santiago Antunez de Mayolo, Huaraz, Peru in
July 2007. In September, she gave a guest
lecture on "Feminismo, Identidad,
Didspora-Un comentario sobre las pricticas
transnacionales," for the art exhibition Cara a
Cara/Face to Face: Diilogos y Confrontaciones
Fronterizas, Narraciones de G6nero, Raza,
Inmigraci6n y Didsporas at the Centro
Cultural Espanol in Miami.
EEmilio Bruna (WEC/LAS) delivered an invit-
ed paper on "Top-down Effects in Neotropical
Savannas" in July at the Annual Meeting of the
Association for Tropical Biology &
Conservation in Morelia, Mexico. Publication:
Changes in Tree Reproductive Traits Reduce
Functional Diversity in a Fragmented Atlantic
Forest Landscape (with L. C. Girao, A. V. Lopes,
and M. Tabarelli). PLoS ONE, 9 2007: e908.
ECarmen Diana Deere (LAS/FRE) served as
the Chair of LASA's 2007 Nominations
Committee and continues as a member of
LASA's Finance Committee. She is also serving
on the Advisory Board for the University of
Wisconsin BASIS/AMA CRSP project of the
US Agency for International Development, and
served as consultant for the World Bank
project on Collecting Data on Individual
Assets. Publication: Agrarian Reform and
Poverty Reduction: Lessons from Brazil (with
L. Medeiros). In H. Akram-Lodhi, J. Borras
and C. Kay, eds., Land, Poverty, and Livelihoods
in an Era of Globalization: Perspectives from
Developing and Transition Countries. London:
Routledge, 2007.
*Kitty F. Emery (FLMNH) presented papers
on Mesoamerican zooarchaeology at the
Annual Chacmool Conference, Calgary, Alberta
(with L. Brown, E. Anderson, E. Thornton, and
M. LeFebvre) in November 2007 and at the
Annual Meetings of the Society for American
Archaeology, Austin TX (with L. Brown) in
April 2007. Publications: Assessing the Impact
of Ancient Maya Animal Use. Journal of Nature
Conservation, 15(3) 2007:184-195; Bone Tool
Manufacturing in Elite Maya Households at
Aguateca, Guatemala (with K. Aoyama).
Ancient Mesoamerica, 18(2) 2007:69-89; Soil
Carbon Isotopes at Motul de San Jose (with E.
Webb, H. Schwarcz, C. Jensen, R. Terry, and M.
Moriarty). Geoarchaeology, 22(3)
2007:291-312; Soil Resources of the Motul de
San Jose Maya: Correlating Soil Taxonomy and
Modern Itzi Maya Soil Classification within a
Classic Maya Archaeological Zone (with C.
Jensen, M. Moriarty, K. Johnson, R. Terry, and
S. Nelson). Geoarchaeology 22(3) 2007:
EFrancisco Escobedo (SFRC) presented a
paper on the variability of ecosystem services
along urban gradients in Chile at the Emerging
Issues along the Urban/Rural Interface II
conference in Atlanta in April 2007.
Publication: Analyzing the Cost-Effectiveness
of Santiago, Chile's Policy of Using Urban
Forests to Improve Air Quality (with J. Wagner,
D.J. Nowak, C.L. de la Maza, M. Rodriguez, and
D.E. Crane). Journal of Environmental
Management, 86 2008: 148-157.
*Joan Frosch (Theatre & Dance) won the
2007 UF International Educator of the Year
Award in the Senior Faculty category.
*David Geggus (History) spoke on recent
research on Toussaint Louverture at an
international colloquium on the French
Atlantic at FSU in November 2007.
Publications: Print Culture and the Haitian
Revolution: the Written and the Spoken Word.
In Liberty, Egalite, Independencia: Print Culture,
Enlightenment, and Revolution in the Americas,
1776-1838. Worcester, MA: American
Antiquarian Society, 2007; Toussaint
Louverture and the Haitian Revolution. In R.
W. Weisberger, ed., Profiles of Revolutionaries in
Atlantic History, 1750-1850. New York:
Columbia University Press, 2007; Toussaint
Louverture avant et apres le soulevement de
1791. In F Midy, ed., Memoire de revolution
d'esclaves a Saint-Domingue. Montreal:
CIDHICA, 2006.
E Susan D. Gillespie ( .nil....!..1.. )
presented an invited paper entitled, "El modelo
de las'casas' en la estructura political maya" at
Faculty News ... continued on page 7.
Faculty News and Publications continued from page 6.
the Congreso Internacional de Mayistas in
Merida, Mexico in July 2007. She also
presented an invited paper entitled "Inside and
Outside: Residential Burial at Formative Period
Chalcatzingo, Mexico" at the Annual Meeting
of the Society for American Archaeology in
Austin in March 2007. Her invited paper
entitled "'Were They Mad?' Memory, Visibility,
and Ritual Deposition at La Venta Complex A"
was presented at the Theoretical Archaeology
Group meeting at the University of Exeter in
December 2006. Publication: Toltecs, Tula, and
Chichen Itzi: The Development of an
Archaeological Myth. In C. Kristan-Graham
and J. K. Kowalski, eds., Many Tollans: Chichen
Itza, Tula, and the Epiclassic-Early Postclassic
Mesoamerican World. Washington DC:
Dumbarton Oaks, 2007.
*Elizabeth Ginway (RLL) participated in the
roundtable "As Mulheres Presentes na
Literature Fantistica" with authors Helena
Gomes and Finisia Fideli at the Fantasticon
held in Sao Paulo, Brazil in July 2007. She also
presented "Finisia Fideli: Finding the Female
Voice in Brazilian Science Fiction" at the
International Conference on the Fantastic in
the Arts in Ft. Lauderdale in March 2007. She
delivered the Luso-Brazilian Keynote
Luncheon address "The Body Politic in Latin
American Science Fiction: Implants and
Cyborgs" at the Kentucky Foreign Language
Conference in April 2007. She was interviewed
for an Internet television program "HQ & Cia"
in Portuguese in Sao Paulo in June 2007.
Publications: Do implantado ao ciborgue: O
corpo social na ficcao cientifica brasileira.
Revista Iberoamericana, octubre-diciembre 221
2007: 787-99; Recent Brazilian Science Fiction
and Fantasy Written by Women. Foundation
99, Spring 2007: 49-62. Her short introduction
"Finisia Fideli, encontrando a voz na ficcio
cientifica brasileira" appeared online in Terra
Magazine's features of regular columnist
Roberto de Sousa Causa on Nov. 3, 2007.
SM.J. Hardman (Linguistics) gave a
demonstration of the "Aymara on the Internet"
project at the "Toward the Interoperability of
Language Resources" workshop at Stanford
University in July 2007 with Howard Beck
(Agricultural & Biological Engineering), Sue
Legg (LAS) and Elizabeth Lowe (LAS).
MMirian Medina Hay-Roe (McGuire Center
for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, FLMNH)
delivered an invited paper on "Behavioral and
Ecological Studies in Heliconius Butterflies" in
May at the Conference on Neotropical
Lepidoptera at the Smithsonian Tropical
Research Institute, Panama. Her invited paper
on "Comparative Processing of Cyanogenic
Glycosides and a Novel Cyanide Detoxification
Enzyme in Heliconius Butterflies (Lepidoptera:
Nymphalidae)" was presented in June at the
United States Army Medical Research Institute
of Chemical Defense in Maryland.
Publications: Pre and Postzygotic Isolation
and Haldane Rule Effects in Reciprocal Crosses
of Danaus erippus and Danaus plexippus
(Lepidoptera: Danainae), Supported by
Differentiation of Cuticular Hydrocarbons,
Establish their Status as Separate Species (with
G. Lamas, and J. Nation). Biological Journal of
the Linnean Society, 91(3) 2007: 445-453;
Spectrum of Cyanide Toxicity and Allocation
in Heliconius erato and Passiflora Host Plants
(with J. Nation). Journal of Chemical Ecology,
33(2) 2007: 319-329.
SEric Keys (Geography) was awarded an NSF
Geography and Regional Science Small Grant
for Exploratory Research (with colleagues from
UF and other institutions) to study the impacts
of Hurricane Dean on southeastern Mexico in
September 2007. Keys and Corene Matyas
(Geography) led a team of 11 graduate
students and faculty on a week long rapid
assessment of hurricane damage and social
EKaren Kainer (SFRC/LAS) delivered an
invited paper on "Integrating Local
Stakeholders into Conservation Research"
(with M. DiGiano, A. Duchelle, L. Wadt, E.
Bruna and J. Dain) in July at the Annual
Meeting of the Association of Tropical Biology
and Conservation in Morelia, Mexico. She
presented two invited papers in Spanish on
"Variation in Brazil nut production in Western
Amazonia" and "Natural regeneration of Brazil
nut in Western Amazonia" (with L. Wadt) in
June at a Bolivian "experts" workshop on best
Faculty News ... continued on page 8.
Sm Ni
Affiliate Faculty
Center for Governmental Responsibility
Thomas Ruppert (Costa Rica)
Food and Resource Economics
Carmen Carrion-Flores (Mexico)
Alfonso Flores-Lagunes (Mexico)
Health Services Research, Management
& Policy
Robert Weech-Maldonado (Latino Studies)
IFAS International Programs
Walter Bowen (Andes, Brazil)
Silvio dos Santos (Brazil)
Jeanne-Marie Stacciarini (Brazil, Latino Studies)
Lucilene Amaral (Brazil)
Moore Visiting Fellow
Leonardo Pacheco (Brazil)
Moore Visiting Fellow
Ludmila Ribeiro (Brazil)
Visiting Scholar
Rosa Julieta Vargas (Bolivia)
Moore Visiting Fellow
Faculty News and Publications continued from page 7.
management practices for Brazil nut
management. The event was hosted by the
Forestry Directorate of the Bolivian Ministry of
Biodiversity, Forest Resources and the
Environment, CIFOR (International Center for
Forestry Research) and PROMAB (Bolivian
Amazon Forest Management Program) in
Cobija. Publications: Explaining Variation in
Brazil Nut Fruit Production (with L. Wadt and
C. Staudhammer). Forest Ecology and
Management, 250 2007: 244-255; Population
Structure of Carapa guianensis in Two Forest
Types in the Southwestern Brazilian Amazon
(with C. Klimas and L. Wadt). Forest Ecology
and Management, 250 2007: 256-265;
Evaluating Future Crop Tree Damage in a
Certified Community Forest in Southwestern
Amazonia (with C. Rockwell, C. Staudhammer,
and C. Baraloto). Forest Ecology and
Management, 242 2007:108-118; Ecological
Limitations of Reduced Impact Logging at the
Smallholder Scale (with C. Rockwell, N.
Marcondes, and C. Baraloto). Forest Ecology
and Management, 238 2007: 365-374.
I Martha Kohen (Architecture) attended the
Association of Collegiate Schools of
Architecture Directors meeting in November in
Minneapolis. She is collaborating on the
preparation of the General ACSA Convention
to be held in Houston in March 2008 where a
joint meeting will take place between the heads
of Latin American Schools and their North
American counterparts.
SElizabeth Lowe (LAS) organized a virtual
panel using videoconferencing for the
Conference of the American Literary
Translators Association in Dallas in November
2007 with the Institute Tecnol6gico de
Monterrey, Mexico, featuring writers Miguel
Covarrubias and Jose Eugenio Sinchez. At the
same conference she gave an invited lecture on
Gregory Rabassa, who was being honored by
the Association for lifetime achievement in
literary translation.
I Maxine Margolis ( '.,il........ ,_- was an
invited speaker at Columbia University's Brazil
Seminar in January 2007 with a paper titled
"Transnationalism and 9/11: The Case of
Brazilian Immigrants in the United States." She
also presented an invited paper at the Bildner
Center for Western Hemisphere Studies at The
City University of New York in May 2007
entitled, "Brazilian Immigrants in the United
States: A Case Study of Transnationalism." She
gave an invited lecture at Denison University in
October 2007 on "Becoming Brazucas:
Brazilian Identity in the United States."
Publication: Becoming Brazucas: Brazilian
Identity in the United States. In J. Falconi and J.
Mazzotti, eds., The Other Latinos: Central and
South Americans in the United States.
Cambridge, MA: David Rockefeller Center for
Latin American Studies, Harvard University,
MSusan Milbrath (FLMNH) presented a paper
on the influence of Central Mexico in
Postclassic Mayapan at the Annual Meeting of
the American Society for Ethnohistory at
Colonial Williamsburg in November 2006. She
also presented a paper on Venus calendars in
Mesoamerica at the Annual Meeting of the
Society for American Archaeology in Austin in
April 2007. Her invited lecture on "Postclassic
Maya murals at Murals at Mayapan: A Window
into the Mesoamerican World View" was
delivered at the Fourth Annual Tulane Maya
Symposium in New Orleans in February 2007.
Publications: Ethnoastronomy in Cultural
Context. Cambridge Archaeological Journal
16(3) 2006:364-368; Astronomical Cycles in
the Imagery of Codex Borgia. In C. Ruggles
and G. Urton, eds., Cultural Astronomy in New
World Cosmologies. Boulder: University Press of
Colorado, 2007.
EJuan-Carlos Molleda (Public Relations)
gave a paper (with B. Martinez and A.M.
Suirez) on "Building Multi-Sector Partnerships
for Progress with Strategic Participatory
Communication: A Case Study from
Colombia" at the 2007 Convention of the
Association for Education in Journalism and
Mass Communication in Washington, D.C. He
presented an invited keynote lecture entitled,
"La reputaci6n de las empresas" at the Primer
Congress Internacional de Relaciones Publicas
in October 2007 in Mexico City.
E Gerald Murray ( ,.i,.i.. ...1.._- ) delivered a
paper entitled "Santa, Scrooge, and the NGO:
The Issue of Subsidies in the Implementation
of Development Projects" at the Meetings of
the Society for Applied,,.,il,. .i!.1.._ in Tampa
in March 2007. He appeared twice on
Dominican TV programs to discuss his recent
book on the Dominican education system.
IAlfonso Perez-M6ndez (Architecture)
presented a paper at the ACSA Conference in
Austin in October 2007 entitled, I q*I.1.*,o
Water in Rural Placemaking." He was invited
by the Instituto Nacional de las Bellas Artes de
Mexico to present his book, Las Casas del
Pedregal, 1947-1968 (co-authored with A.
Aptilon, Editorial Gustavo Gili, 2007), with a
lecture and round table at El Palacio de Bellas
Artes in Mexico City. He was also invited by
Radio UNAM to participate in a talk show on
his book. Publication: The Cultural Context of
the Houses of el Pedregal, Arquine.
International Journal ofArchitecture, 41,
Autumn 2007: 98-113.
EJeffrey D. Needell (History) was awarded the
Warren Dean Memorial Prize for 2006-2007 by
the Conference on Latin American Studies
2008 annual meeting for his book The Party of
Order: The Conservatives, the State and Slavery
in the Brazilian Monarchy, 1831-1871. Stanford:
Stanford University Press, 2006. The Warren
Dean Memorial Prize recognizes the book or
article judged to be the most significant work
on the history of Brazil published in English
during the two years prior to the award year.
The same book was also awarded the Roberto
Reis BRASA Book Award, which recognizes
"the two best books in Brazilian Studies that
contribute significantly to promoting an
understanding of Brazil."
MStephen Perz (Sociology) received a Faculty
Achievement Award from the Office of the
Associate Provost. He delivered an invited
paper on "Land-use Decision-making and the
Future of Amazonia" for the Climate Change
and the Fate of the Amazon conference at Oriel
College, University of Oxford in March 2007.
Publications: Spatial Processes in Scalar
Context: Development and Security in the
Brazilian Amazon (with C. Simmons, M.
Caldas, S. Aldrich, and R. Walker). Journal of
Latin American Geography, 6(1) 2007: 125-148;
Unofficial Road Building in the Brazilian
Amazon: Dilemmas and Models of Road
Governance (with C. Overdevest, E. Arima, M.
Caldas, and R. Walker). Environmental
Conservation, 34(2) 2007: 112-121;
Socio-spatial Processes of Unofficial
Faculty News... continued on page 9.
Faculty News and Publications continued from page 8.
Road-building in the Amazon: Socioeconomic
and Biophysical Explanations (with M. Caldas,
E. Arima, and R. Walker). Development and
C'li,, .. 38(3) 2007: 529-551; Theorizing Land
Cover and Land Use Change: The Peasant
Economy of Amazonian Deforestation (with
M. Caldas, R. Walker, E. Arima, S. Aldrich, and
C. Simmons). Annals of the American
Association of Geographers, 97(1) 2007: 86-110;
Road Investments, Spatial Spillovers, and
Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon (with A.
Pfaff, J. Robalino, R. Walker, S. Aldrich, M.
Caldas, E. Reis, C. Bohrer, E. Arima, W.
Laurance and K. Kirby). Journal .I i ... ....i
Science, 47(1) 2007: 109-123.
UStephen Powell (Law) presented a paper in
April 2007 on "MERCOSUR Trade and
Business Opportunities and Needs" at the Legal
and Policy Issues in the Americas Conference
in Gainesville. He also presented a paper on the
"Lessons of NAFTA Chapter 19's Unique
Dispute Settlement System" at the May 2007
Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero
Conference in Buenos Aires on Commercial
Defense, Safeguard, and Escape Clause
Measures. He delivered a version of the NAFTA
Chapter 19 paper at the Annual Congress of
L'Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats
in Toronto in August 2007.
*Maria Rogal (Art and Art History) presented
a paper on "Beyond the Border: Experiential
Fieldwork and Ethnography Enriches the
Design Practice" at the Design/Culture:
Icograda World Design Congress in Havana in
October 2007.
E Helen Safa I .il.i.. I...l.._- i S.) was invited
to the 50th anniversary of FLACSO-Ecuador in
October 2007 to participate in a dialogue with
Maxine Molyneux on Gender and Citizenship.
She delivered a paper in Spanish entitled,
"Equality in Difference: Afrodescendent and
Indigenous Women's Struggle for Citizenship
in Latin America." Publications: Racial and
Gender Inequality in Latin America:
Afro-Descendent Women Respond. Feminist
Africa: Diaspora Voices, 7 2006: 49-66;
Globalizaci6n, desigualdad e incremento de los
hogares encabezados por mujeres. In M.L.
Femeninas, ed., Perfiles del Feminismo
Iberoamericano Vol. 3. Buenos Aires: Catilogos,
E Marianne Schmink (i .' .1i.1...l...1. )
Cows versus Rubber: Changing Livelihoods
among Amazonian Extractivists (with D.
Salisbury). Geoform, 38 (6) 2007: 1233-1249.
E Anita Spring ( i.,l......! .1.._- was selected
President-elect of Culture and Agriculture, a
section of the American Anthropological
Association (AAA). She presented a paper
entitled, "Ester Boserup's WID Paradigm Based
on Agriculture: Can We Revise it Now?" at the
annual meeting of the AAA in Washington in
December 2007.
Neill W. Macaulay, Jr.
Professor Emeritus of Latin American History,
passed away on October 28, 2007. Born in
Columbia, SC in 1935, he earned his B.A. at
The Citadel (1956) and then served two years
with the U.S. Army in Korea. In 1958, he
joined the 26 of July Revolutionary Movement
of Fidel Castro in Cuba. Disillusioned by the
turn of the revolution, he returned to the U.S.
in 1960 and earned a M.A. at the University of
South Carolina (1962) and a Ph.D from the
University of Texas (1964). He began teaching
Latin American history at the University of
Florida in 1964, retiring in 1986. He was the
author of The Sandino. ill., (1967), A Rebel in
Cuba (1970), The Prestes Column (1974), and
Dom Pedro (1986). He co-authored (with
David Bushnell) The Emergence of Latin
America in the Nineteenth Century (1988).
UFAc gon m
Florida Museum of Natural History
Food and Resource Economics
Latin American Business Environment Program
Latin American Studies
MA in Latin American Studies
Partnership in Global Learning
Romance Languages and Literatures
School of Forest Resources & Conservation
School of Natural Resources & Environment
UF Foundation
Wildlife Ecology & Conservation
Recent Faculty Books
llatal knantmr
1 'L F I ,-1 ,.
This edited volume describes the "'"- I
changes in the Gulf South in the
eighteenth century from a number
of disciplinary perspectives. The essays support the importance
of this region of the American South in U.S. colonial history.
A Carmen Diana Deere
Routledge Press, 2007
Women and the
Distribution of Wealth.
This co edited collection focuses
on documenting the gender
distribution of wealth and
addressing how and why it matters.
The essays include historical,
comparative, analytical, and
policy-oriented work in a variety
of geographical contexts.
A Elizabeth Lowe
University Press of Florida, 2007
Translation and the Rise of
Inter-American Literature.
This book, co-authored with Earl
E. Fitz, touches on issues of
language, culture and national
identity in the Americas,
combining theories and histories
of literature, translation, reception
and cultural studies. Fitz and Lowe
argue that the role of the translator
is an essential part of the reception
process of Latin American literature.
A Thomas Oakland
Sage Publications, 2006
Handbook of International School Psychology.
This reference book, co-edited
with Shane Jimerson and Peter
Farrell, provides a description
of the specialty of psychology
devoted to the global provision of
services to children and youth,
their teachers, and parents. Authors
from 43 countries provide
information and insights regarding
the numerous facets of school
psychology. The book includes chapters on Peru, Puerto Rico,
Jamaica, Brazil, Venezuela, and Brazil.
A David Pharies
University of Chicago Press, 2007
A Brief History of the
Spanish Language and
Breve historic de la
lengua espafiola.
This book includes development
of the language beyond the
Iberian Peninsula, especially
in the Americas.
A Leah Rosenberg
Palgrave MacMillan, 2007
Nationalism and the Formation of
Caribbean Literature.
This book tells the story of how
intellectuals in the English-speaking
Caribbean first created a distinctly
Caribbean and national literature.
A Richmond Brown
University of Nebraska Press, 2007
Coastal Encounters: The
Transformation of the Gulf
South in the Eighteenth
PURC/IADB Benchmarking
Workshop for Water Utilities in
Central America
Utility managers, policy-makers, and regulators from Central
America learned about sustainable and cost-effective
benchmarking procedures, and reviewed resource allocation issues
associated with water utilities in Central American nations during this
workshop delivered by the UF Public Utility Research Center (PURC)
and the Inter-American Development Bank in San Jose, Costa Rica in
October 2007. The workshop identified the strengths and weaknesses of
current data collection procedures. It also served as a forum for
obtaining feedback on PURC's benchmarking work and for developing
institutional mechanisms for maintaining a regional database. The
Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) funded PURC to assemble
the data, conduct an analysis of utility performance, and organize the
workshop in San Jose. The 40 attendees included data providers from
Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, and El Salvador,
a legal consultant from Bolivia, a regulator from Belize, and
representatives from the IADB, The World Bank, and The United
Nations. More information can be found on the Water Initiatives page of
the PURC web site: http://www.cba.ufl.edu/purc/research/water.asp.
LAS Course Development Grants
Six affiliate faculty members received Latin American Studies Course
Development Grants to develop new courses with 100% Latin
American content. The grants may be used for travel related to course
development activities, software, course materials, or student OPS
assistance. Funding was provided by the Center's Title VI National
Resource Center grant from the US Department of Education. The
grantees and their courses are as follows:
Susan Gillespie (Anthropology): Maya Civilization
Elizabeth Ginway (RLL): Latin American Science Fiction and
Juan-Carlos Molleda (Public Relations) and Marilyn Roberts
(Advertising): Latin American and U.S. Hispanic
Communications Industries
Gerald Murray (Anthropology): Anthropology of Cuba,
Hispaniola and Puerto Rico
Augusto Oyuela-Caycedo (Anthropology): Origins and
Development of Latin American Agriculture
Charles Perrone (RLL): Jorge Amado and the Bahian
A Participants of the PURC/LADB Water Utilities workshop.
2007 Latin American Business
Environment Report Released
Copies of the 2007 LA Business Environment Report, which reviews
developments relevant to business in the region over the past year
and assesses the outlook for the region and the 18 largest economies in
2008, are available electronically at:
http://www.latam.ufl.edu/LABER2007.pdf or by contacting Terry McCoy
at tlmccoy@latam.ufl.edu.
Schoarl Pu
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FL 2007
University of Florida at the
LASA 2007 International Congress, Montreal
The .-,ll...... UF faculty and graduate students participated at the LASA Congress in Montreal, September 5-7, 2007.
Jose Alvarez (FRE), panel organizer, "Retos Tecnicos, Econ6micos y
Sociales de la Reestructuraci6n de la Agroindustria Azucarera de Cuba."
Leslie Anderson (Political Science), panel organizer and chair,
"Environmental Activism, Citizen Rights and Social Justice," and
presenter, "Idealism and Realism as Democracy Consolidates: Electoral
Issues and Citizen Concerns in Nicaragua's 2006 Election."
Tom Ankerson (Law), presenter, "It's Not Just About the Conservation:
The Role of'Proto-tenure' in Development, Social Justice, and
Conservation in the Maya Forest."
Andres Avellaneda (RLL), presenter, "Periodismo y literature en tiempos
de c6lera."
Florence Babb (Women's Studies and Gender Research), panel
organizer, "Afro-Latin and Indigenous Peoples: Races and Ethinicity in
Latin American and Caribbean Tourism," and presenter, "Cultural
Tourism in Post-Conflict Chiapas and Andean Peru."
Efrain Barradas (LAS/RLL), presenter, "Belkis Ramirez entire el texto y la
imagen," and discussant, "Variations on a Theme: Narratives of Return in
the Cuban and Dominican Diasporas."
Gregory Bates (LAS), presenter, "The Inter-American Convention
Against Corruption: A Commentary on Trade & Human Rights."
Hannah Covert (LAS), panel organizer and chair, "Evaluation Practices at
Latin American Studies Centers."
Carmen Diana Deere (LAS/FRE), panel chair and discussant, "Genero y
Justicia: Dinimicas hist6ricas y contemporineas en America Latina;"
panelist, Kalman Silvert Award Plenary.
Joan Flocks (Law), presenter, "Responses to International Environmental
Tace Hedrick (English), panel organizer, chair, and discussant, "Blackness
and Comparative Racial Politics in U.S. Afro-Latina/o, African
American, and Latin American Writing and Culture."
Deicy Jimenez (RLL), presenter, "Mestizaje y Revoluci6n: La mulatez
cubana en la poesia de Exilia Saldaia."
Osvaldo Jordan (Political Science), panel organizer, "New Forms of
Ilvia Larragan Osceola (Teaching & Learning), presenter, "Critical Issues
in Bilingual Education Today: A Case Study of a Texas Rio Grande Valley
Two-Way model School District."
Ana Margheritis (LAS/Political Science), presenter, "Argentina's Foreign
Policy, Democracy, and Inter-American Relations."
Terry McCoy (LAS/Political Science), panel organizer and chair (with
Meredith Fensom), "Law and Economics in Latin America."
Sean O'Neil (Religion), panel chair, organizer and presenter, "New
Evangelisms" and "Latin America's Via Media?"
Antonio de la Pefia (Anthropology), presenter, "Ethnography, History and
Social Network Analysis: An Alternative to the World Bank's Social
Capital Applications."
Maria Rogal (Art & Art History), panel chair, "Afro-Latin and Indigenous
Peoples: Races and Ethnicity in Latin American and Caribbean Tourism,"
and presenter, "The Maya Imaginary: Cultures of Consumption in the
Helen Safa (LAS/Anthropology), panel organizer, "Race and Ethnicity in
the Caribbean Women's Movement;" and discussant, "Holistic Vision of
the Caribbean;" chair and discussant Kalman Silvert Award Plenary
Marianne Schmink (LAS/Anthropology), presenter, "Challenges of
Grassroots Conservation Initiatives: Extractive Reserves in Acre."
Martin Sorbille (RLL), presenter, "Psicoandlisis y political en Tiempo de
Manuel Vasquez (Religion), presenter, "Rligi.i. medidnica entire
imigrantes brasileiros na area metropolitan de Atlanta: Relacges de
gbnero e poder."
Philip Williams (Political Science), presenter, "Constructing Mexican
Identities in Metro Atlanta."
Day of the Dead Observance at the
Florida Museum of Natural History
The Dia de los Muertos Celebration was a big success! Close to
300 guests spent the evening of November 1 at the Florida
Museum of Natural History (FLMNH) to honor the Mexican
tradition of remembering the spirits of deceased loved ones. UF
professor and Center affiliate, Susan Gillespie ( .,,11 ... .1-..-' ,
opened the evening with a presentation on the Aztec notion of
souls and the pre-Colombian roots of the holiday. David
Steadman, Curator of Cii .l.1.._- for the museum, gave a
virtual bird-watching trip through the Mexican desert.
In addition to the talks, visitors of all ages gathered to admire
the festive altar adorned with memorable photos, flowers,
favorite foods and other small offerings. Other activities
consisted of the craft tables where age did not limit those who
participated in coloring Mayan-inspired masks, making giant
tissue paper flowers and cutting papel picado designs. The
museum was a wonderful setting for this special co-sponsored
event by the FLMNH, the Center, the student group, Mexicans in
C-., ,'. A ii., and Chipotle Restaurant.
In respect for the significance of this holiday to Mexican
culture, the Center for Latin American Studies Outreach
Program has created a Day of the Dead traveling suitcase. This is
a great tool for cross-cultural education at all levels. Please visit
A Day of the Dead altar at Florida Museum of Natural History.
the Outreach website for details (http://www.latam.ufl.edu/out-
-Contributed by Mary Risner, Associate Director, Outreach
FL 20071
Student News
A New MALAS students at the August 2007 orientation.
MALAS Graduates 2007
August 2007
Jessica Joy Gonzalez Thesis: "The Role of the Catholic
Church in Colombian Social Development Post World War
Margaret J. McCleland Thesis: "Gender and Family
Roles in George Lopez: A Textual Analysis and Audience
Priscilla M. Medina Thesis: "Milk Production in Canete,
Peru: Research on Child Nutrition and Health."
Luciana da Cunha Monteiro Thesis: "Cross-Dressed
Poetics: Lessons and Limits of Gender Transgressions in
Brazilian Popular Music."
Jacob Schultz Thesis: "Contemporary Brazilian Trade
Policy: Content, Processes, and Politics."
December 2007
Juliana Azoubel Thesis: "Frevo and the Contemporary
Dance Scene in Pernambuco, Brazil: Staging 100 Years of
Jessica Bachay Thesis: "Banking on Remittances to
Mexico: Business Opportunities and Challenges
Megan Barolet-Fogarty Thesis: "The Female
Sterilization Controversy: Framing Reproductive Rights at
the Intersection of Race and Gender in Brazil."
MALAS Graduates continued on page 15.
MALAS Graduates continued from page 14.
Lourdes I. Catala Thesis: "The Framework Convention on
Tobacco Control: Effects of International Tobacco Regulation in
Brazil, 1990-Present."
Ma ry Mitc hell Waters Thesis: "From Partnership to Collapse:
Argentina and the International Monetary Fund through
Economic Crisis and Recovery."
Undergraduate Minor and
Certificates in Latin American Studies 2007
The following students completed an undergraduate minor or certificate
in Latin American Studies, or both, in Fall 2007.
Kathy Mari, Spanish
Nicole Rohrmann, Public Relations
Ana Segura, Political Science
Marina Spewak, Family, Youth & Community Services
Celia Tobin, Photojournalism
Paul Weaver, Business Administration
Two TCD Students Awarded
Grassroots Development
Two Ph.D. students enrolled in the Center's TCD Program were
awarded prestigious Grassroots Development Fellowships from the
Inter-American Foundation (IAF) in July 2007. The Fellows were
selected on the strength of their academic record, the quality of their
research proposals, and their potential contribution to grassroots
development, and will conduct dissertation research in Latin America
during the coming year. Nationwide, only 11 students were awarded IAF
Fellowships this academic year.
Christine Lucas (WEC) will pursue research on the management of
forest resources in the Brazilian Amazon under the supervision Emilio
Bruna (LAS/WEC). Mason Mathews (SNRE) is advised by Marianne
Schmink, TCD Director, and will be carrying out field research on social
networks in Amazonia.
The IAF was created in 1969 by the United States Congress to fund the
self-help initiatives of the organized poor in Latin America and the
Caribbean and the groups that support them. Together the IAF and its
grantees have improved conditions for hundreds of thousands of poor
families in communities throughout the hemisphere.
UF Graphic Design Project
in Mexico
Maria Rogal (Art and Art History) had a Fulbright in Yucatan,
Mexico during the 2006-07 academic year. In spring 2007, her
students in the UF graphic design studio ("Mint") and colleague Doug
Barrett traveled to Mexico to work on a project with a cooperative of
honey farmers in the southern part of the state, near the archeological
site of Uxmal. Their project was to design honey labels for the Lol-Bal
Ch6 honey cooperative in Santa Elena.
The cooperative of 40 honey farmers / ml
just finished building a new processing ..
and bottling factory with government / I[A
grants. Now the cooperative is preparing IP I t1I1I 1
to bring their honey directly to market. ..-LU r.u
They hope to export their product to '
Europe and the U.S. in the near future.
The objective of the graphic design students was to design labels that are
modern, sophisticated, and culturally responsible. In conversation with
their clients, they decided to share labels with potential consumers for
feedback by conducting a survey that gave them information on how to
make their designs more culturally appropriate. All the labels are
bilingual (English and Spanish). Images of the labels are located online
at: http://mintinmexico.ufdesigners.com/honey june07/.
A Students observing the honey harvest at Santa Elena, Yucatan.
Doctoral Teaching Awards
he Center for Latin American Studies is pleased to announce the
recipients of the 2007 Latin American Studies Doctoral Teaching
Awards. The two awardees, both PhD candidates, will each develop and
teach an upper-level undergraduate interdisciplinary seminar (LAS
4935) in the spring and fall 2008. The winners and the seminars are:
Fleming Daugaard-Hansen (Anthropology)
Transnational Migration in the Americas
Osva ldo Jordan (Political Science) Racial and Ethnic
Politics in Latin America
FL 20071
Center Programs in Latin America
Latin American Business Study Tour to Brazil
The Latin American Business Study Tour, now in its seventh year, returned to
Brazil in October 2007. The one week, two credit tour annually rotates among
Brazil, Argentina and Chile. This year's tour, which was led by Andy Naranjo
(Finance) and Terry McCoy (LAS) and hosted by the Catholic University of Rio de
Janeiro (PUC Rio), featured an outstanding mixture of academic lectures on
Brazilian finance and economics and visits in the greater Rio metropolitan region
to the National Development Bank, the national oil company PETROBRAS, the
mining company CVRD, and the production facilities of the Globo media
conglomerate, among others. The 23 student participants came from UF's MBA,
MAIB and Masters in Finance programs. The next tour will go to Chile in March
2008. The Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) in
UF's Warrington College of Business Administration co sponsors the A Terry McCoy (LAS) and Andy Naranjo (Finance) with Latin
study tour. American Business Study Tour students in front of the National
Development Bank in Rio de Janeiro, October 2007.
2008 Business in Brazil Program
The Center's Business in Brazil summer study program, another Center joint undertaking with CIBER and PUC Rio, is changing its format. For its
eighth year, the program will take place during four weeks in June instead of six weeks in July and August as was the case since its inception in 1999.
The first three weeks will be in Rio and combine lectures in English by PUC professors on finance, marketing, human resources, business ethics and
outlook for the Brazilian economy along with visits to companies based in the Rio and Portuguese language instruction oriented to the needs of
business students. While in Rio, students live with local host families. For the final week, the program shifts to Sao Paulo, the finance and industrial
heart of Brazil. There students will visit the stock and futures markets, investment banks, consumer goods and heavy industries. The program is open
to advanced undergraduates and graduate students from UF and other universities with business-related majors. For more information contact Terry
McCoy (tlmccoy@latam.ufl.edu) or Mary Risner (mrisner@latam.ufl.edu).
2008 Semester in Costa Rica
The Center for Latin American Studies has developed a new semester-length study abroad program for undergraduate students at the Universidad de
Costa Rica (UCR) in San Jose. The program will be directed by Mark Thurner, Associate Professor of History, and will be UF's first semester-length
group program in Latin America. All program participants will enroll in intensive Intermediate or Advanced Spanish (taught by UCR faculty) and in
Latin American History and Culture (taught by Dr. Thurner). Program participants will also enroll in 1 or 2 elective courses taught in English
through UCR's Academic Program for International Students. It is anticipated that 15 students will participate in the inaugural program in Fall 2008.
Undergraduate students from any major with one year of Spanish language study (or the equivalent) are welcome to apply.
For further information on the 2008 semester in Costa Rica, contact Angela Grindal, Study Abroad Adviser, at adikeman@-f ,. ;,ji ,i., or
Mark Thurner, Program Director, at Inril,,,, i r..I) ,' l dJi
Partnership in Global Learning
The UF Partnership in Global Learning (PGL) was established by the Center for Latin American Studies with a grant from the Lucent Foundation in
1999. PGL is an international e-learning consortium that has the mission to build and sustain public-private partnerships between universities,
schools, government agencies and companies for the production and distribution of e-learning solutions and infrastructure in the areas of teacher
training, research and corporate training. PGL is comprised of five charter universities, including UF, the Universidad Tecnol6gico de Monterrey,
Mexico; Pontificia Universidade Cat6lica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil; and the Fundacao Getulio Vargas in
Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In October 2007, PGL sponsored a panel at the International Conference on Technology and Educational
Innovation at the Unversidad Technol6gico de Monterrey with presentations on the PGL instructional design module, the Aymara on the Internet
project, the Chiapas Online Learning Project, Ontology-Driven Interoperability of Learning Objects, and Rapid Prototyping of Learning Objects.
Participants from UF included PGL Director Elizabeth Lowe (LAS), PGL Research Director Sue Legg (LAS), and Fedro Zazueta (Academic
Technology). Howard Beck (Agricultural & Biological Engineering) participated by videoconferencing. More information on PGL can be found at:
UF Summer Study Abroad
Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
The "UF in Merida (Mexico)" Summer Program, established in 1985,
is the oldest UF Overseas Study Program in Latin America, and
includes summer, semester and year-long exchanges with the
Autonomous University of Yucatin. Over the last 23 years, more than
600 UF students have participated in the Merida programs, most of
them taking advantage of the summer programs in .,il, I...1.._- or
Tropical Ecology. The program has recently added short term study trips
to Merida in collaboration with the Colleges of Medicine, Public Health,
Dentistry, and Veterinary Medicine. These short term experiences are
now part of the Health Sciences Global Health initiative to develop a
certificate in international health.
Students on the summer program earn 9 credit hours, including 5
credits of,..Al i.1.._- or 5 credits of Tropical Ecology, and 3 credits of
Spanish languageA..A i,. .!...1.._- and Ecology classes are taught in
English by faculty members from both UF and the Autonomous
University of the Yucatin (UADY). Spanish classes are taught by UADY
faculty members.
The.,n ..!.1...-.._- course addresses topics including Mesoamerican
archaeology, Mayan linguistics, colonial history, sociology and cultural
,ii, i..!...1.._- in Yucatan, and emerging urban issues. The Tropical
Ecology course covers topics including climate and karst geology, and
explores ecosystems such as freshwater cenotes and lakes, coastal lagoons
and mangroves, marine reefs and beaches, and several tropical forest
types. Both courses involve classroom lectures and weekly field trips. The
,.Al..'! .1....- and Ecology classes are offered in the morning and
Details for the 2008 summer B program in Merida, Mex
Dates: June 25-August 2, 2008
Cost: $3960 (includes 9 credit hours, room and board w
family, all excursion costs, and administrative fees.) Do
not include airfare or incidentals.
Scholarship deadline (February 1, 2008):
see www.abroad.ufic.ufl.edu or visit UFIC in 170 Hub.
afternoon, respectively. All students are welcome to attend both classes.
Field trips generally run from Thursday through Saturday. Students visit
contemporary Mayan villages, artisan's workshops, ancient Mayan
archaeological sites, local markets, colonial churches, haciendas, caves,
coral reefs, cenotes, springs, tropical forests, indigenous agricultural
systems, sea turtle nesting beaches, and mangrove ecosystems. The
,l.,1n..! ...1.._- and Ecology groups take joint field trips to kitchen
gardens [solares], a colonial fort in Campeche, and the spectacular
archaeological site of Palenque in the state of Chiapas. Mark Brenner, the
coordinator of the Tropical Ecology program, has ongoing research on
ancient climates and climate change in the region. Allan Burns, the
coordinator of the. .,11 .1.._i program, is a specialist on
contemporary Mayan communities and social change in Mexico and
Central America.
Outside of class, students enjoy immersion in the local language and
culture. Merida is a modern city of nearly one million people. It is one
of the safest cities in the world and has a rich history. Students take
advantage of abundant cultural offerings, including museums, live
music, theater, crafts, markets, and local cuisine. They are encouraged to
meet and interact with local students, artists, musicians, vendors, and
laborers. UF students live with local families in Merida, attend classes at
UADY, and travel widely throughout the Yucatin Peninsula during
weekly, class-related field trips. Interactions with local people provide
students with abundant opportunities to practice their Spanish language
skills. The beach at Progreso is only a half-hour bus ride away!
There are no pre-requisites for this program, nor is the program
limited to any major. Graduate students with interest in the region also
regularly attend the program. Scholarships are available for students who
can demonstrate financial need.
Application deadline (March 3, 2008). Apply online at: www.abroad.ufic.ufl.edu
Program Coordinators:
Dr. Allan Burns (Anthropology): afburns@anthro.ufl.edu, (352) 392-2230
Dr. Mark Brenner (Ecology): brenner@ufl.edu, (352) 392-7226
UFIC Study Abroad Advisor: Angela Grindal, agrindal@ufic.ufl.edu, (352) 273-1506
FL 20071
Stephen Fafulas (BA Spanish & LAS
Certificate 2005) is currently enrolled in
the graduate program in Hispanic
Linguistics at Indiana University,
Bloomington, and employed as a Spanish
instructor. He spent 2006 in Buenos Aires,
Argentina, as a Rotary Ambassadorial
Caleb P.S. Finegan (PhD History 1999) is
Associate Professor of History at Indiana
University of Pennsylvania. He recently
won a Distinguished Faculty Award for
"providing students at IUP with valuable
opportunities for service." Dr. Finegan
established the Latin American Studies
minor at IUP in 2002.
Bolivar Fraga (MALAS 1997) after serving
as a US Air Force intelligence officer,
completed a Masters in Social Work and a
MA in Pastoral Studies (2006) in a dual
degree program offered by St. Louis
University and the Aquinas Institute of
Theology. He is now a faith-based
community organizer with Metropolitan
Congregations United (MCU) in St. Louis,
MO. MCU works for systemic change in
education, health care, economic
development, and immigration reform.
Jose "Tito" Gobbi (MALAS 1994, PhD
Interdisciplinary Ecology 2006) works at
the Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia
Agropecuaria (INTA) in Argentina on
quantification and valorization of
ecosystem services in the Chaco Region.
Darrin G. Gulla (BA Economics & LAS
Certificate 1994) received his PhD in
Economics in 2005 from the University of
Georgia. He is currently a Lecturer in the
Department of Economics at the
University of Kentucky.
Eugenio Hernandez (BA Spanish & LAS
Certificate 1978; JD 1983), earned a MA in
Latin American Studies from Georgetown
University and after completing a JD
degree at UF, became a founding partner
of Avila, Rodriguez, Hernindez, Mena &
Ferri in Miami. He specializes in the field
of immigration, nationality and consular
Aleyda V. Kasten (BA Spanish & LAS
Certificate 1979) is a Senior Advisor with
the U.S. Agency for International
Development in Washington, D.C.
Marixa Lasso (PhD History 2002) is
Assistant Professor of Latin American
History at Case Western Reserve
University. Her book, Myths of Harmony:
Race & Republicanism during the Age of
Revolution. Panama 1795-1831, was
recently published by University of
Pittsburgh Press.
Elva Gonzalez Manzanero (BS Marketing
& LAS Certificate 2002) earned an MA in
Latin American Studies at FIU, writing a
thesis on the role of Venezuelan President
Hugo Chivez as a factor in the changing
demographics of South Florida. She works
for a marketing and production company,
ICO UGO Productions, which develops
marketing campaigns aimed at South
Florida's Hispanic community. She
recently married and is expecting her first
Juan Carlos Marino (BA Political Science &
LAS Certificate 1972) is Vice President of
Investments at Merrill Lynch in Coral Gables,
FL, covering Latin America.
Nita Mathis (BA Education & LAS Certificate
1977) is an ESOL Support Teacher for the
Suwanee County Schools in Live Oak,
Maggie McCleland (MALAS 2007) is
working as the Volunteer Coordinator at the
New Tampa YMCA.
Geraldine Slean (MALAS 2005) started a
new job as the program coordinator for
Stanford's Center for Latin American
Francisco Kennedy A. de Souza (MALAS
2006) is pursuing a PhD at Indiana
University. He is working with the
Anthropological Center for Training and
Research on Global Environmental
Angela Stuesse (i ,. 11,...i..... & LAS
Certificate 1998) is a Weatherhead Fellow
this year at the School for Advanced
Research in Santa Fe, NM. A doctoral
candidate in the Department of
S,., 11n.....1.._ -. University of Texas at
Austin, she is completing her dissertation
on the role of undocumented workers in
the chicken processing industry in the U.S.
Orlando Fals Borda (PhD Sociology
1955) was the recipient of the 2007
LASA-Oxfam America Martin Diskin
Memorial Lectureship. This
distinguished award is presented at
each LASA International Congress to
an individual who combines a
commitment to both activism and
scholarship. Dr. Fals Borda was
recognized as being one of the
founders of Participatory Action
Research (PAR), an interdisciplinary
and "collaborative effort between
community activists and researchers
to'listen to people's knowledge' and
engage in a dialectic of action and
reflection towards transformation." He
also founded the Sociology Faculty at
the National University of Colombia.
Among his best known works are The
C l(hlll-n' of Social C'i.w,,.' (1985),
Conocimiento y Poder Popular:
Lecciones con Campesinos de
Nicaragua, Colombia y Mexico (1986),
and Action with Knowledge: Breaking
the Monopoly with Participatory Action
Research (1991). He is Professor
Emeritus of the Instituto de Estudios
Politicos y Relaciones Internacionales
of the Universidad Nacional de
Colombia, and has been honored
previously by an honorary degree
from the Universidad Central de
Venezuela, the Bruno Kresky Human
Rights award, the Paul Hoffman
United Nations award, and the
Malinowski Award of the Society for
Applied,., il, .. ...1..-
The Center for Latin American Studies would like to
express its gratitude for the generosity of those who
have responded to our mailings and the University of
Florida Foundation's annual appeal. Their donations go
towards the Latin American Studies Fund and/or the
Latin American Studies Graduate Student Travel Fund.
Gracias to the following people:
Donald and Lygia Sharkin Bellis
Brian Bombassaro
Margaret Boonstra and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Courneya
Renier Cruz
Darrin G. Gulla
Eugenio Hernandez
Stephen M. and Lisa M. Knight
Bonnie Lincoln
Elizabeth Lowe and Terry McCoy
Juan Carlos Marino with a matching gift from
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Ricardo Muratti
Janet B. and Todd Romero
Jose M. and Ann S. Sariego
Florida Tomorrow and I
n September 2007, the University of
Florida publicly launched its
capital campaign -Florida Tomorrow
-with the announcement of an ambi-
tious $1.5 billion goal. Florida
Tomorrow aims to attract the
much-needed financial resources that
will enable UF to strengthen its role as
an academic and research leader in
Florida, the nation, and the world.
For UF's Center for Latin American
Studies, one of the nation's
preeminent area studies programs,
Florida Tomorrow represents an
important opportunity in its history.
By more actively pursuing financial
support, the Center can further
enhance its renowned areas of
excellence -and advance regionally
focused, interdisciplinary programs
across campus.
The increasing influence and
impact of Latin America on the state
of Florida and the U.S. is increasingly
apparent. It is essential for UF to
continue to build the academic and
research programs that will prepare
students for interaction with this
important region.
Support at all levels -from smaller
annual gifts to the creation of
endowed chairs and funds is needed
and welcome. In combination, such
gifts will allow the Center to initiate
and expand research and training
programs on a broad range of themes.
By consolidating world-class
programs in Latin American,
Caribbean and Latino Studies, the
Center will help position Florida at
the center of intellectual, political,
economic, and cultural exchange with
Latin America for years to come. Your
gift will assist the Center in achieving
this important goal and continuing its
role as an academic leader for tomor-
row and beyond.
Please make your campaign gift to
the Center for Latin American
-Contributed by Janet Bente
Romero, Associate Director of
Development and Alumni Affairs
We rely on contributions from our friends and alumni to support certain special activities such as student travel to conferences
and seed support for larger fund-raising efforts.
If you would like to make a donation to the Center, please fill out the form below.
My gift is to benefit:
O The Latin American Studies Fund (011147)
O LAS Alumni Graduate Student Travel Fund (012521)
Home Phone:
E-mail address:
Gift Amount:
0 $500 O $250 O $100 O $50 0 $
Remember to enclose your company's MATCHING GIFT
FORM! It can double or triple your gift!
Method of payment: ABZF
0 Check Enclosed (Make check payable to: UF Foundation, Inc.)
Credit Card 0 Discover 0 VISA 0 Master
Card Card Number:
Expiration Date (MM/YY):
Name as it appears on the card:
Credit Card billing address (if different from one at left):
Please return to:
University of Florida Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 14425, Gainesville, FL 32604-2425
t N
FL 20071
Center for Latin American Studies
319 Grinter Hall
P.O. Box 115530
Gainesville, FL 32611-5530
Non-Profit Org.
Permit No. 94
Gainesville FL
Full Text |
Dr.Helen I.Safa,Professor Emerita ofAnthropology and LatinAmerican Studies at the University ofFlorida,was presented theKalman Silvert award ofthe Latin American Studies Association(LASA) at its International Congress in Montreal,September 5,2007.The Silvert award recognizes senior members ofthe profession who havemade distinguished lifetime contributions to the study ofLatin Americaand the Caribbean.The prize is named after the first president ofthe5,700 member association.Among the panelists at the Congress plenary in Dr.Safa’s honor,wereCarmen Diana Deere,Director ofthe UF Center for Latin AmericanStudies,two ofher former students A.Lynn Bolles who received herdegree while Safa was at Rutgers University and Nathalie Lebon,a UFPh.D.,and colleague Jorge Duany from the University ofPuerto Rico.Dr.Safa joined the faculty ofthe University ofFlorida in 1980 as theDirector ofthe Center for Latin American Studies (1980).She was acore faculty member ofthe Center and the Department ofAnthropologyuntil her retirement in 1997.Dr.Safa was President ofLASA from 1983,and also served on theExecutive Committee several times.Among her initiatives as LASAPresident was the first formal academic exchange program between U.S.and Cuban scholars,funded by a grant from The Ford Foundation.Shewas also instrumental in the founding and growth ofthe Gender andFeminist Studies Section,which helped transform LASA from a largelyNorth American male organization in the 1960s and early 1970s into themore diverse organization it is today.She serves on the editorial board ofthe Latin American Research Review,among other journals.Dr.Safa began her career as a Latinamericanist in Puerto Rico,whereshe subsequently pursued research for her masters’thesis and doctoraldissertation.Her doctoral studies at Columbia were partially funded by ascholarship from the University ofPuerto Rico.Considered to be one ofthe pioneers in the field ofurban anthropology,her early research resulted in The Urban Poor ofPuerto Rico(1974).Her continued interest in the Caribbean is reflected in UF’s CaribbeanMigration Program,which in the l980s brought students and facultyfrom the Caribbean to the University;and a fellowship program onAfro-American identity and cultural diversity which culminated in amajor conference and a special issue ofthe journal Latin AmericanPerspectives(1998) on Race and National Identity in the Americas.Throughout her career,Dr.Safa has pursued an interest in the causesand consequences ofinequality,focusing on classissues in her early work onpoverty and urbanization,moving to gender in the 1970sand 1980s,and in her mostrecent work in corporatingrace.The Myth ofthe MaleBreadwinner: Women andIndustrialization in theCaribbean(1995) compareswomen industrial workers inCuba,Puerto Rico and theDominican Republic.Herinterest in the social impact ofwomen’s paid labor force participation is reflected in her earlier co–edited publications with June Nash,Sex and Class in Latin America(1976) and Women and Change in Latin America(1986),while her participation in the international women’s movement contributed toanother co–edited publication with Eleanor Leacock entitled Women’sWork(1986).In addition to her books,Dr.Safa has published over 60 articles andbook chapters on issues ofpoverty and urbanization,migration,genderand development,social movements,mestizaje,and family structure.Dr.Safa has been honored as a founder ofPuerto Rican anthropology by thePuerto Rican Association ofAnthropology and the American EthnologySociety.She received the 2003 Conrad Arensberg award from the Societyfor the Anthropology ofWork ofthe American AnthropologicalAssociation.At UF,the Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Researchawarded her its 2006 Uppity Woman Award.UF Center Director Carmen Diana Deere noted at the 2007 LASACongress plenary in Safa’s honor that,“It is precisely because our Helenis an Uppity Woman that we are gathered here today,to recognize hernotable scholarly contributions to the field ofLatin American Studiesand her years ofdistinguished leadership and committed service to theLatin American Studies Association.It is worth noting that Dr.Safa isonly the third woman to receive the Kalman Silvert award among 17honorees.†LATINAMERICANISTtheUniversity of Florida Center for Latin American Studies |Volume 38, Number 2 |Fall 2007Dr. Helen SafaAwarded LASA’s Highest HonorDirector’sCorner inside: p2Ralph dellaCava Giftp3FacultyNews &Publicationsp6CenterPrograms in LAp16Dr. Helen Safa. PHOTO COURTESY OF LASA UFLAS_NL_Fall07.qxp 1/31/08 12:31 PM Page 1
Among my priorities has been to increase the opportunities for studentstudy abroad in Latin America and the Caribbean. Mark Thurner of the HistoryDepartment will be leading the Center’s first semester–length group studyabroad program to the University of Costa Rica in San Jos in Fall 2008. Inaddition, we have signed a new reciprocal exchange agreement with theCatholic University of Peru which will allow up to four UF students a year tostudy at that institution in Lima and bring PUCP students to UF.I am also pleased to report that two UF faculty members have receivedFIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Secondary Education, DOE) awards forstudent exchanges with Brazilian universities. Emilio Bruna (LAS/WEC) is leading a program on Energy, the Environment and Sustainable Development in collaboration with theFederal Universities of the Amazon and of Rio de Janeiro. Nick Comerford’s (Soil and Water Science)program focuses on Rainforest Ecosystems Services in collaboration with the Federal Universities ofthe Amazon, Viosa, and Paran. U.S. students interested in learning Portuguese are eligible for FIPSEscholarships to spend a semester at one of these universities.The Latin American Studies Association Congress in Montreal this year was quite special, sinceHelen Safa was the recipient of the Kalman Silvert award, the Association’s highest honor (see cover).Also, UF alum Orlando Fals Borda was the recipient of the LASA–Oxfam America Martin DiskinMemorial Lectureship award (p. 18). Twenty–seven UF faculty members and graduate students participated on the program (p. 12). With support from our Title VI grant and state funds we were ableto partially fund the travel of 16 faculty members. With income from the new Safa Graduate StudentTravel Fund endowment and the LAS Alumni Travel Fund, we were pleased to partially fund the travel ofthree graduate students to present papers at the Congress.The Center’s Fall reception this year was co–hosted with the College of Fine Arts and held at theHarn Museum of Art in conjunction with the exhibition “Cuba Avant-Garde.â€The reception was preceded by a talk by one of the artists, Glexis Novoa, on “Living in Miami and Havana.â€Soon after, wecelebrated the opening of another exhibition at Smathers Library on Brazilian Padre C’cero (p. 3). Athird exhibition focused on Latin America adorned the Grinter Gallery this fall, “A Private Eye: LatinAmerican Prints from the Efra’n Barradas Collection,â€(p. 4).The Fall semester featured two symposia and a large number of invited speakers from Latin America.The graduate students in the Department of Romance Languages and Linguistics hosted their thirdInterdisciplinary Colloquium on Hispanic/Latin American Literature, Linguistics and Culture in October.The Department of Political Science, along with UF’s three Title VI area studies programs, hosted aworkshop on “Democratization by Elections,â€which brought prominent political scientists to campus inDecember, including Latinamericanists Jonathan Hartlyn (UNC), Jennifer McCoy (Georgia State) andGerardo Munck (USC).The Center co–sponsored two lectures on the women’s movement in the region with the Center forWomen’s Studies and Gender Research by Rhoda Reddock, Director of the Center for Gender andDevelopment Studies at the University of the West Indies in Trinidad and Tobago, and sociologistNeuma Aguiar, (p. 3). Two indigenous leaders from Pastos, Colombia spent a week at the Center, withformer Senator Efrn Flix Tarapues Cuaical lecturing on religiosity and ecological sustainability in theNudo de los Pastos. The Spring 2008 semester promises to be as rich and varied in Latin American andCaribbean events. Director’s Corner Dr. Carmen Diana Deere 2007 Faculty Advisory Council Carmen Diana Deere (LAS/FRE), ChairFlorence Babb (Women's Studies andGender Research)Grenville Barnes (SFRC)Efra’n Barradas (LAS/RLL)Richmond Brown (LAS)Hannah Covert (LAS)Berta Hernndez (Law)Eric Keys (Geography)Gerald Murray (Anthropology)Jeffrey Needell (History)Richard Phillips (UF Libraries)Marianne Schmink (LAS/Anthropology) 1Dr. Helen Safa LASA’s Highest Honor 3 Dr. Aguiar lecture, Ralph della Cava gift 4Hammock with a History, Latin Amer. Prints 5 Jacar Brazil, Center’s 57th Annual Conf. 6Faculty News and Publications 7 New Center Affliates10 Recent Faculty Books 12 LASA International Congress 13Outreach News 14Student News 16Center Programs in LA 17UF in Mrida 18Alumni News and Notes19Thanks to Donors, Giving to Center LATINAMERICANISTtheVolume 38, Number 2Fall 2007Elizabeth Lowe Editor Hannah Covert Copy EditorCenter for Latin American Studies319 Grinter HallPO Box 115530Gainesville, FL 32611-5530352-392-0375www.latam.ufl.eduCONTENTSNATALIE CAULA UFLAS_NL_Fall07.qxp 1/31/08 12:31 PM Page 2
FALL 20073 The Center for Latin American Studies and the Center for Women’sStudies and Gender Research co–hosted a lecture by Dr.NeumaAguiar,a prominent sociologist at the Federal University ofMinas Geraisin Brazil,in October 2007.Dr.Aguiar’s lecture,“ComparativePerspectives on the Women’s Movements in Latin America,Asia andAfrica at the End ofthe 20th Century,â€was held at Ustler Hall (home ofthe UF Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research).The lecturedrew a crowd that included students and faculty interested in Brazil,women’s studies,and sociology.Dr.Aguiar discussed the role offeminism and sociology in the contextofthe developing world during the late 20th century.She talked aboutdebunking the myth,very prevalent outside ofthe U.S.,that feminism isa Western concept,and that it has nothing to do with the lives ofwomenin developing countries.Dr.Aguiar challenged this statement by declaring that there are different feminisms,which manifest in differentforms for different societal structures.She stressed that these movementsare local in character,and work differently in the differing patriarchalsocieties in which they operate.Dr.Aguiar then went on to compare feminist movements around theworld,including those in Brazil,Peru,India,Malaysia,Singapore,Kenyaand Morocco,to name a few.Due to her own life–long involvement,leadership and scholarship in women’s movements,Dr.Aguiar was ableto offer an interesting and candid view ofthe state ofthese movementsand what their role for the future might be.By offering a briefhistoricaloverview ofworld–wide women’s movements,Dr.Aguiar was able toboth discuss the ramifications ofthese groups in sociological terms,andshow that crises will not stop the women ofthe world from organizingand changing society for their and their children’s benefit.Dr.Aguiar is the director ofthe Center for Quantitative Research inSociology and the Quantitative Methodology Program in the SocialSciences at the Federal Univeristy ofMinas Gerais.She is the author ofDesigualdades Sociais,Redes de Sociabilidade e Participao Pol’tica(Social Inequalities,Social Networks and Political Participation).She is anexpert on gender and society,with an emphasis on gender and socialstratification;time use research;and women’s movements in developingcountries.In 2007 she was awarded a grant by the InterdisciplinaryInstitute for Higher Studies at the Federal University ofMinas Gerais toorganize a collection ofher writings published outside ofBrazil.In addition,she was recently awarded the Florestan Fernandes Prize,by theBrazilian Society ofSociology,for her life-time contributions to the fieldofsociology.She holds a Ph.D.in sociology from Washington Universityin St.Louis.Contributed by Molly Dondero, MALAS studentDistinguished Brazilian SociologistLectures on Comparative Women’s Movements The Ralph della Cava Gift on Padre C’ceroand PopularReligion in Northeast BrazilAsignificant gift to the University ofFlorida Latin AmericanCollection was donated by Ralph della Cava and includes books,journals,and newspapers,as well as rare archival materials on the social,religious and political history ofNortheast Brazil.Among its most valuable materials are hundreds oflate 19th century and early 20th century archival and printed sources that document the life and times ofPadre C’cero Romo Batista (1844) and the popular religiousmovement that he inspired.A sampling ofthe holdings include published and unpublished monographs,special format items (broadsides,separate newspaper issues and flyers),posters,photographsofarchives,handwritten notes from Padre C’cero and taped interviewswith his contemporaries.The collection is the product offorty years ofProfessor della Cava's research in northeastern Brazil and is a testimonyto his efforts to provide a reliable account ofa complex historical figureand an important period ofBrazilian history.Ralph della Cava is Emeritus Professor ofHistory,Queens College,City University ofNew York and currently Adjunct Senior ResearchScholar,Institute ofLatin American Studies,Columbia University.He isthe author ofMiracle at Joaseiroamong many other books and articleson religion,politics and society in Brazil,Latin America,Western andCentral Europe,and the former Soviet Union. Ralph della Cava presenting the Padre C’cero gift to the UFLibraries, Fall 2007. Jacar Brazil performs at UF Libraries. UFLAS_NL_Fall07.qxp 1/31/08 12:31 PM Page 3
4THE LATINAMERICANIST A Hammock with a HistoryLast June,Bonnie Georgiadis ofTarpon Springs showed us an antiquehammock she had acquired from her great uncle,Ed Backus,whowas the American consul to Brazil under Presidents Hayes,Garfield,andArthur.For decades it had hung in the family’s Villa Plumosa Hotel inTarpon Springs,but now needed a new home.Carmen Diana Deere(LAS) facilitated the initial contact and came with Bonnie to see what wemight be able to tell them about the hammock.Sonia Pessoa,a Braziliangraduate student working with Michael Heckenberger (Anthropology),joined us to offer her expertise on contemporary Amazonian materialculture.When the hammock was unrolled we were intrigued by a fringeoflace-like fiber interwoven with feathers,a decorative floral design thatincluded iridescent plumage.The hammock,woven with palm fiber on aloom,was not a style that Sonia had seen before,but she rememberedphotos ofsimilar hammock in one ofmy books.To our delight,a catalogue documented two related pieces with very specific collectioninformation.One was purchased in the 19th century in Manaus,Brazil,and the other was “made by the Indians ofR’o Negro,a tributary oftheMecta [Meta] en the republic ofColombia,â€according to the Museo deAmrica catalogue entry (p.100 ofArte Plumrio Amaznico,1984).Theentry notes that it had been sent from Bogot to Madrid in April 1872,and concludes that both hammocks were made by Arawak Indians oftheR’o Negro,who were in the area ofManaus in the 19th century.Formingpart ofthe border between Colombian and Venezuela,the R’o Negrothen passes into Brazil and joins the Amazon just beyond Manaus.Thisriver route helps explain the why three different countries are mentionedin the catalogue entry.Contemporary ethnographic accounts describe Arawak hammockswoven on looms in northwest Brazil,and the Handbook ofSouthAmerican Indians(1963:127) also notes that among the Central Arawak“there is much trade in hammocks with the Whites.â€Apparently thistrade is a long–standing tradition,because the 19th century Arawaksresponded to the European–American tastes,weaving hammocks withgarlands flowers made ofdelicate feather work designed to please foreignbuyers.Today such a hammock would never make it through customs,since import ofrare Amazonian feathers are prohibited under theConvention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).Consul Backus received the hammock as a diplomatic gift,around thetime the King ofPortugal recognized his service to Brazil by appointinghim “Commendadorâ€on August 17,1905.More than a century later,thanks to Bonnie Georgiadis and Carmen Diana Deere,the FloridaMuseum ofNatural History can offer a new home to the Consul’s “hammock with a history.†Detailed view of the palm fiber hammock interwoven with feathers,recently acquired by the Florida Museum of Natural History.This article was contributed by Susan Milbrath,Curator ofLatin American Art and Archaeology,Florida Museum ofNatural History.Itrecounts the acquisition by the Florida Museum ofa unique Brazilian artifact. UF’s Grinter Gallery presented “A Private Eye:Latin American Printsfrom the Efra’n Barradas Collectionâ€from September 4,2007 toJanuary 11,2008.Printmaking has played an important role in LatinAmerican arts since the 19th century.Some countries,such as Mexicoand Cuba,have developed a strong graphic tradition,but the medium ispopular in all ofLatin America.The unique Barradas collection is not acomprehensive example ofprints from all ofLatin America,but one thatrepresents the collector's taste and knowledge ofLatin American art.Still,this selection shows that Latin American artists have made ofprintsanother important reflection oftheir social and historical reality.Barradas is Professor ofRomance Languages and Literatures and LatinAmerican Studies at UF.His current research concerns the uses ofpopular culture in Latin American literature and art and the iconography ofMexican artists.A Private Eye: Latin American Prints from the Efra’n Barradas Collection UFLAS_NL_Fall07.qxp 1/31/08 12:31 PM Page 4
FALL 20075 Jacar Brazil’s Fall 2007 concert,Jacar Sinf—nico,featured LatinAmerican Artists in Residence Julio Cesar de Figueiredo (piano) andRoberto Sion (saxophone and flute).Directors Welson Tremura(LAS/Music) and Larry Crook (Music) were joined by David Waybright(Music) and the University ofFlorida Wind Symphony.The first halfofthe concert featured UF's Wind Symphony performing Latin Americanmusic with voice,accompanied by Julio Cesar de Figueiredo.Thisworld–renowned pianist and arranger performed Paul Basler's Carnivaland the Paulistana Suite,a homage to the city ofSo Paulo.RobertoSion,one ofBrazil's premier saxophonist and flutist,performed afterintermission accompanied by Jacar Brazil's percussionists and instrumentalists for a session ofBrazilian Jazz.The concert revealed a new side ofJacar Brazil as it explored a different range ofmusical sonorities with emphasis on instrumental andsymphonic repertoires among various Brazilian traditions.The ensembleincreased and expanded its instrumental possibilities by combining traditional music with the sounds ofa symphonic wind ensemble.Thisunique blend created an exciting texture and provided new grounds forthe exploration ofsounds.The symphonic wind ensemble added a newdimension to Jacar Brazil’s performance repertoire by expanding itspalette ofinstrumental possibilities.Contributed by Welson Tremura, Assistant Professor, LAS/MusicJacar BrazilFall 2007 ConcertHosted by the University ofFlorida’s Center for Latin American Studies andthe College ofJournalism and CommunicationsFebruary 7,2008J.Wayne Reitz Union – University ofFloridaGainesville,FloridaOverviewThis conference will provide a multidisciplinary perspective to informthe stages ofsuccessful alliance formation and social change initiatives.The combined magnitude ofthe social,political and economic challengesfacing Latin America calls out for collaboration among business,government,nonprofits and civil society to build multi–sector alliancesto affect social change.In order to achieve synergy,the creation ofalliances between organizations focusing on corporate social responsibility,philanthropy,strategic planning and sustainability requiresagreement on common symbols and key messages,and clear expressionsofcollective commitment and contributions.Strategic communicationrefers to the combined use ofadvertising,public relations,print andbroadcast journalism,new media,and alternative or community mediato align and maintain multi–sector partners working under the samevision and goals.Center’s 57th Annual ConferenceUniting for Solutions. Multi–Sector Partnerships and Strategic Communications in the Americas:Business, Community, Governmentwww.latam.ufl.edu/news/conf08reg Welson Tremura, singers and musicians performing in the Fall 2007Jacar Brazil Concert .2008 Latin American Business Symposium and Career WorkshopThe fourth Latin American Business Symposium and Career Workshopwill take place on the UF campus November 7,2008.The event willmark the tenth anniversary ofthe Center's Latin American BusinessEnvironment Program (LABE) with the theme,“Business in LatinAmerica:The Past 10 Years,the Next 10 Years.â€It is open to students,faculty,members ofthe business community,and interested public.The Retirement Celebration for Terry McCoy,Director ofLABE and former Director ofthe Center,will be held in conjunction with the symposium on Saturday,November 8.Save the date! UFLAS_NL_Fall07.qxp 1/31/08 12:31 PM Page 5
6THE LATINAMERICANIST FACULTY Faculty News and PublicationsAndrs Avellaneda (RLL),Pol’tica y literatura:Antes y despus de Cortzar.Revistadel CELEHIS,13(16) 2006:121;El discurso de represi—n cultural (1960).Escribas,3 2006:31;Cabecitas y oligarcas:Literatura argentina de los 40.Hispamrica:Revista de literatura,104 2006:111.Florence Babb (Women’s Studies) gave aseminar on “Antropolog’a y turismo:El caso dePerâ€at Universidad Nacional de Ancash –Santiago Antnez de Mayolo,Huaraz,Per inJuly 2007.In September,she gave a guest lecture on “Feminismo,Identidad,Dispora–Un comentario sobre las prcticastransnacionales,â€for the art exhibition Cara aCara/Face to Face:Dilogos y ConfrontacionesFronterizas,Narraciones de Gnero,Raza,Inmigraci—n y Disporas at the CentroCultural Espa–ol in Miami.Emilio Bruna(WEC/LAS) delivered an invit-ed paper on “Top-down Effects in NeotropicalSavannasâ€in July at the Annual Meeting oftheAssociation for Tropical Biology &Conservation in Morelia,Mexico.Publication:Changes in Tree Reproductive Traits ReduceFunctional Diversity in a Fragmented AtlanticForest Landscape (with L.C.Giro,A.V.Lopes,and M.Tabarelli).PLoS ONE,9 2007:e908.Carmen Diana Deere(LAS/FRE) served asthe Chair ofLASA’s 2007 NominationsCommittee and continues as a member ofLASA’s Finance Committee.She is also servingon the Advisory Board for the University ofWisconsin BASIS/AMA CRSP project oftheUS Agency for International Development,andserved as consultant for the World Bank project on Collecting Data on IndividualAssets.Publication:Agrarian Reform andPoverty Reduction:Lessons from Brazil (withL.Medeiros).In H.Akram–Lodhi,J.Borrasand C.Kay,eds.,Land,Poverty,and Livelihoodsin an Era ofGlobalization: Perspectives fromDeveloping and Transition Countries.London:Routledge,2007.Kitty F. Emery(FLMNH) presented paperson Mesoamerican zooarchaeology at theAnnual Chacmool Conference,Calgary,Alberta(with L.Brown,E.Anderson,E.Thornton,andM.LeFebvre) in November 2007 and at theAnnual Meetings ofthe Society for AmericanArchaeology,Austin TX (with L.Brown) inApril 2007.Publications:Assessing the ImpactofAncient Maya Animal Use.Journal ofNatureConservation,15(3) 2007:184;Bone ToolManufacturing in Elite Maya Households atAguateca,Guatemala (with K.Aoyama).Ancient Mesoamerica,18(2) 2007:69;SoilCarbon Isotopes at Motul de San Jose (with E.Webb,H.Schwarcz,C.Jensen,R.Terry,and M.Moriarty).Geoarchaeology,22(3)2007:291;Soil Resources ofthe Motul deSan Jos Maya:Correlating Soil Taxonomy andModern Itz Maya Soil Classification within aClassic Maya Archaeological Zone (with C.Jensen,M.Moriarty,K.Johnson,R.Terry,andS.Nelson).Geoarchaeology22(3) 2007:337.Francisco Escobedo(SFRC) presented apaper on the variability ofecosystem servicesalong urban gradients in Chile at the EmergingIssues along the Urban/Rural Interface II conference in Atlanta in April 2007.Publication:Analyzing the Cost–EffectivenessofSantiago,Chile’s Policy ofUsing UrbanForests to Improve Air Quality (with J.Wagner,D.J.Nowak,C.L.de la Maza,M.Rodr’guez,andD.E.Crane).Journal ofEnvironmentalManagement,86 2008:148.Joan Frosch (Theatre & Dance) won the2007 UF International Educator ofthe YearAward in the Senior Faculty category.David Geggus (History) spoke on recentresearch on Toussaint Louverture at an international colloquium on the FrenchAtlantic at FSU in November 2007.Publications:Print Culture and the HaitianRevolution:the Written and the Spoken Word.In Liberty,galit,Independencia: Print Culture,Enlightenment,and Revolution in the Americas,1776.Worcester,MA:AmericanAntiquarian Society,2007;ToussaintLouverture and the Haitian Revolution.In R.W.Weisberger,ed.,Profiles ofRevolutionaries inAtlantic History,1750.New York:Columbia University Press,2007;ToussaintLouverture avant et aprs le soulvement de1791.In F.Midy,ed.,Mmoire de rvolutiond'esclaves Saint–Domingue.Montral:CIDHICA,2006.Susan D. Gillespie(Anthropology) presented an invited paper entitled,“El modelode las ‘casas’en la estructura pol’tica mayaâ€at Faculty News continued on page 7. New WID Collection at UF LibraryThe UF Library has recently established a collection on Women inDevelopment (WID).Several prominent Latinamericanists at UFhave worked in this area,notably Helen I.Safa,Professor Emerita ofAnthropology/LAS,who has donated all her primary research materialsto the collection.This collection will be digitized,making it available onthe web to scholars worldwide.Joining Dr.Safa in this effort is AnitaSpring,another UF anthropologist who specializes in women and development in Africa.Anne Chaney recently donated her sister Elsa’sdocuments,research materials and books,which will constitute the initial,important resource for this collection.Mary Elmendorf’s papers,given to the library in the l980s and already catalogued,will be linked tothis collection.To facilitate the process ofdigitization and cataloguing ofthis material,Dr.Safa has made an outright gift of$l0,000 to the UF library,and has established another $15,000 in a challenge grant to be matchedby contributions of$500 or more.Anne Chaney has already donated$1000 to this challenge grant.The Library welcomes other research contributions to make this a truly outstanding collection.Requests forinformation on adding to this collection or making a donation should bedirected to the director ofdevelopment at the UF Library,at (352) 273. 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FALL 20077 the Congreso Internacional de Mayistas inMrida,Mexico in July 2007.She also presented an invited paper entitled “Inside andOutside:Residential Burial at Formative PeriodChalcatzingo,Mexicoâ€at the Annual Meetingofthe Society for American Archaeology inAustin in March 2007.Her invited paper entitled “‘Were They Mad?’Memory,Visibility,and Ritual Deposition at La Venta Complex Aâ€was presented at the Theoretical ArchaeologyGroup meeting at the University ofExeter inDecember 2006.Publication:Toltecs,Tula,andChichn Itz:The Development ofanArchaeological Myth.In C.Kristan–Grahamand J.K.Kowalski,eds.,Many Tollans: ChichenItza,Tula,and the Epiclassic–Early PostclassicMesoamerican World.Washington DC:Dumbarton Oaks,2007.Elizabeth Ginway(RLL) participated in theroundtable “As Mulheres Presentes naLiteratura Fantsticaâ€with authors HelenaGomes and Finisia Fideli at the Fantasticonheld in So Paulo,Brazil in July 2007.She alsopresented “Finisia Fideli:Finding the FemaleVoice in Brazilian Science Fictionâ€at theInternational Conference on the Fantastic inthe Arts in Ft.Lauderdale in March 2007.Shedelivered the Luso–Brazilian KeynoteLuncheon address “The Body Politic in LatinAmerican Science Fiction:Implants andCyborgsâ€at the Kentucky Foreign LanguageConference in April 2007.She was interviewedfor an Internet television program “HQ & Ciaâ€in Portuguese in So Paulo in June 2007.Publications:Do implantado ao ciborgue:Ocorpo social na fico cient’fica brasileira.Revista Iberoamericana,octubre–diciembre 2212007:787;Recent Brazilian Science Fictionand Fantasy Written by Women.Foundation99,Spring 2007:49.Her short introduction“Finisia Fideli,encontrando a voz na ficocientifica brasileiraâ€appeared online in TerraMagazine’s features ofregular columnistRoberto de Sousa Causa on Nov.3,2007.M.J. Hardman (Linguistics) gave a demonstration ofthe “Aymara on the Internetâ€project at the “Toward the Interoperability ofLanguage Resourcesâ€workshop at StanfordUniversity in July 2007 with Howard Beck(Agricultural & Biological Engineering),SueLegg (LAS) and Elizabeth Lowe (LAS).Mirian Medina Hay–Roe (McGuire Centerfor Lepidoptera and Biodiversity,FLMNH)delivered an invited paper on “Behavioral andEcological Studies in Heliconius Butterfliesâ€inMay at the Conference on NeotropicalLepidoptera at the Smithsonian TropicalResearch Institute,Panama.Her invited paperon “Comparative Processing ofCyanogenicGlycosides and a Novel Cyanide DetoxificationEnzyme in Heliconius Butterflies (Lepidoptera:Nymphalidae)â€was presented in June at theUnited States Army Medical Research InstituteofChemical Defense in Maryland.Publications:Pre– and Postzygotic Isolationand Haldane Rule Effects in Reciprocal CrossesofDanaus erippus and Danaus plexippus(Lepidoptera:Danainae),Supported byDifferentiation ofCuticular Hydrocarbons,Establish their Status as Separate Species (withG.Lamas,and J.Nation).Biological Journal ofthe Linnean Society,91(3) 2007:445;Spectrum ofCyanide Toxicity and Allocationin Heliconius erato and Passiflora Host Plants(with J.Nation).Journal ofChemical Ecology,33(2) 2007:319.Eric Keys(Geography) was awarded an NSFGeography and Regional Science Small Grantfor Exploratory Research (with colleagues fromUF and other institutions) to study the impactsofHurricane Dean on southeastern Mexico inSeptember 2007.Keys and Corene Matyas(Geography) led a team of11 graduate students and faculty on a week long rapidassessment ofhurricane damage and socialassessment.Karen Kainer (SFRC/LAS) delivered aninvited paper on “Integrating LocalStakeholders into Conservation Researchâ€(with M.DiGiano,A.Duchelle,L.Wadt,E.Bruna and J.Dain) in July at the AnnualMeeting ofthe Association ofTropical Biologyand Conservation in Morelia,Mexico.She presented two invited papers in Spanish on“Variation in Brazil nut production in WesternAmazoniaâ€and “Natural regeneration ofBrazilnut in Western Amazoniaâ€(with L.Wadt) inJune at a Bolivian “expertsâ€workshop on best FACULTY Faculty News and Publications continued from page 6.Faculty News continued on page 8. Affiliate Faculty Center for Governmental ResponsibilityThomas Ruppert (Costa Rica)Food and Resource EconomicsCarmen Carrion–Flores (Mexico)Alfonso Flores–Lagunes (Mexico)Health Services Research, Management & PolicyRobert Weech–Maldonado (Latino Studies)IFAS International ProgramsWalter Bowen (Andes, Brazil)MusicSilvio dos Santos (Brazil)NursingJeanne–Marie Stacciarini (Brazil, Latino Studies)V isitors Lucilene Amaral (Brazil)Moore Visiting FellowLeonardo Pacheco (Brazil)Moore Visiting FellowLudmila Ribeiro (Brazil)Visiting ScholarRosa Julieta Vargas (Bolivia)Moore Visiting Fellow Welcome New Center Affiliates and Visitors! UFLAS_NL_Fall07.qxp 1/31/08 12:31 PM Page 7
8THE LATINAMERICANIST FACULTY Faculty News and Publications continued from page 7.management practices for Brazil nut management.The event was hosted by theForestry Directorate ofthe Bolivian Ministry ofBiodiversity,Forest Resources and theEnvironment,CIFOR (International Center forForestry Research) and PROMAB (BolivianAmazon Forest Management Program) inCobija.Publications:Explaining Variation inBrazil Nut Fruit Production (with L.Wadt andC.Staudhammer).Forest Ecology andManagement,250 2007:244;PopulationStructure ofCarapa guianensis in Two ForestTypes in the Southwestern Brazilian Amazon(with C.Klimas and L.Wadt).Forest Ecologyand Management,250 2007:256;Evaluating Future Crop Tree Damage in aCertified Community Forest in SouthwesternAmazonia (with C.Rockwell,C.Staudhammer,and C.Baraloto).Forest Ecology andManagement,242 2007:108;EcologicalLimitations ofReduced Impact Logging at theSmallholder Scale (with C.Rockwell,N.Marcondes,and C.Baraloto).Forest Ecologyand Management,238 2007:365.Martha Kohen(Architecture) attended theAssociation ofCollegiate Schools ofArchitecture Directors meeting in November inMinneapolis.She is collaborating on the preparation ofthe General ACSA Conventionto be held in Houston in March 2008 where ajoint meeting will take place between the headsofLatin American Schools and their NorthAmerican counterparts.Elizabeth Lowe (LAS) organized a virtualpanel using videoconferencing for theConference ofthe American LiteraryTranslators Association in Dallas in November2007 with the Instituto Tecnol—gico deMonterrey,Mxico,featuring writers MiguelCovarrubias and Jos Eugenio Snchez.At thesame conference she gave an invited lecture onGregory Rabassa,who was being honored bythe Association for lifetime achievement in literary translation.Maxine Margolis (Anthropology) was aninvited speaker at Columbia University's BrazilSeminar in January 2007 with a paper titled“Transnationalism and 9/11:The Case ofBrazilian Immigrants in the United States.â€Shealso presented an invited paper at the BildnerCenter for Western Hemisphere Studies at TheCity University ofNew York in May 2007 entitled,“Brazilian Immigrants in the UnitedStates:A Case Study ofTransnationalism.â€Shegave an invited lecture at Denison University inOctober 2007 on “Becoming Brazucas:Brazilian Identity in the United States.â€Publication:Becoming Brazucas:BrazilianIdentity in the United States.In J.Falconi and J.Mazzotti,eds.,The Other Latinos: Central andSouth Americans in the United States.Cambridge,MA:David Rockefeller Center forLatin American Studies,Harvard University,2007.Susan Milbrath (FLMNH) presented a paperon the influence ofCentral Mexico inPostclassic Mayapan at the Annual Meeting ofthe American Society for Ethnohistory atColonial Williamsburg in November 2006.Shealso presented a paper on Venus calendars inMesoamerica at the Annual Meeting oftheSociety for American Archaeology in Austin inApril 2007.Her invited lecture on “PostclassicMaya murals at Murals at Mayapan:A Windowinto the Mesoamerican World Viewâ€was delivered at the Fourth Annual Tulane MayaSymposium in New Orleans in February 2007.Publications:Ethnoastronomy in CulturalContext.Cambridge Archaeological Journal16(3) 2006:364;Astronomical Cycles inthe Imagery ofCodex Borgia.In C.Rugglesand G.Urton,eds.,Cultural Astronomy in NewWorld Cosmologies.Boulder:University Press ofColorado,2007.Juan–Carlos Molleda (Public Relations)gave a paper (with B.Mart’nez and A.M.Surez) on “Building Multi-Sector Partnershipsfor Progress with Strategic ParticipatoryCommunication:A Case Study fromColombiaâ€at the 2007 Convention oftheAssociation for Education in Journalism andMass Communication in Washington,D.C.Hepresented an invited keynote lecture entitled,“La reputaci—n de las empresasâ€at the PrimerCongreso Internacional de Relaciones Pblicasin October 2007 in Mexico City.Gerald Murray (Anthropology) delivered apaper entitled “Santa,Scrooge,and the NGO:The Issue ofSubsidies in the ImplementationofDevelopment Projectsâ€at the Meetings ofthe Society for Applied Anthropology in Tampain March 2007.He appeared twice onDominican TV programs to discuss his recentbook on the Dominican education system.Alfonso Prez–Mndez (Architecture) presented a paper at the ACSA Conference inAustin in October 2007 entitled,“MappingWater in Rural Placemaking.â€He was invitedby the Instituto Nacional de las Bellas Artes deMxico to present his book,Las Casas delPedregal,1947(co–authored with A.Aptilon,Editorial Gustavo Gili,2007),with alecture and round table at El Palacio de BellasArtes in Mexico City.He was also invited byRadio UNAM to participate in a talk show onhis book.Publication:The Cultural Context ofthe Houses ofel Pedregal,Arquine.International Journal ofArchitecture,41,Autumn 2007:98.Jeffrey D. Needell (History) was awarded theWarren Dean Memorial Prize for 2006-2007 bythe Conference on Latin American Studies2008 annual meeting for his book The Party ofOrder: The Conservatives,the State and Slaveryin the Brazilian Monarchy,1831-1871.Stanford:Stanford University Press,2006.The WarrenDean Memorial Prize recognizes the book orarticle judged to be the most significant workon the history ofBrazil published in Englishduring the two years prior to the award year.The same book was also awarded the RobertoReis BRASA Book Award,which recognizes“the two best books in Brazilian Studies thatcontribute significantly to promoting anunderstanding ofBrazil.â€Stephen Perz (Sociology) received a FacultyAchievement Award from the Office oftheAssociate Provost.He delivered an invitedpaper on “Land–use Decision–making and theFuture ofAmazoniaâ€for the Climate Changeand the Fate ofthe Amazon conference at OrielCollege,University ofOxford in March 2007.Publications:Spatial Processes in ScalarContext:Development and Security in theBrazilian Amazon (with C.Simmons,M.Caldas,S.Aldrich,and R.Walker).Journal ofLatin American Geography,6(1) 2007:125;Unofficial Road Building in the BrazilianAmazon:Dilemmas and Models ofRoadGovernance (with C.Overdevest,E.Arima,M.Caldas,and R.Walker).EnvironmentalConservation,34(2) 2007:112;Socio–spatial Processes ofUnofficial Faculty News continued on page 9. 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Road–building in the Amazon:Socioeconomicand Biophysical Explanations (with M.Caldas,E.Arima,and R.Walker).Development andChange,38(3) 2007:529-551;Theorizing LandCover and Land Use Change:The PeasantEconomy ofAmazonian Deforestation (withM.Caldas,R.Walker,E.Arima,S.Aldrich,andC.Simmons).Annals ofthe AmericanAssociation ofGeographers,97(1) 2007:86;Road Investments,Spatial Spillovers,andDeforestation in the Brazilian Amazon (with A.Pfaff,J.Robalino,R.Walker,S.Aldrich,M.Caldas,E.Reis,C.Bohrer,E.Arima,W.Laurance and K.Kirby).Journal ofRegionalScience,47(1) 2007:109.Stephen Powell (Law) presented a paper inApril 2007 on “MERCOSUR Trade andBusiness Opportunities and Needsâ€at the Legaland Policy Issues in the Americas Conferencein Gainesville.He also presented a paper on the“Lessons ofNAFTA Chapter 19's UniqueDispute Settlement Systemâ€at the May 2007Universidad Nacional de Tres de FebreroConference in Buenos Aires on CommercialDefense,Safeguard,and Escape ClauseMeasures.He delivered a version ofthe NAFTAChapter 19 paper at the Annual Congress ofL'Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocatsin Toronto in August 2007.Maria Rogal (Art and Art History) presenteda paper on “Beyond the Border:ExperientialFieldwork and Ethnography Enriches theDesign Practiceâ€at the Design/Culture:Icograda World Design Congress in Havana inOctober 2007.Helen Safa (Anthropology/LAS) was invitedto the 50th anniversary ofFLACSO–Ecuador inOctober 2007 to participate in a dialogue withMaxine Molyneux on Gender and Citizenship.She delivered a paper in Spanish entitled,“Equality in Difference:Afrodescendent andIndigenous Women's Struggle for Citizenshipin Latin America.â€Publications:Racial andGender Inequality in Latin America:Afro–Descendent Women Respond.FeministAfrica: Diaspora Voices,7 2006:49;Globalizaci—n,desigualdad e incremento de loshogares encabezados por mujeres.In M.L.Femeninas,ed.,Perfiles del FeminismoIberoamericano Vol.3.Buenos Aires:Catlogos,2007.Marianne Schmink (LAS/Anthropology)Cows versusRubber:Changing Livelihoodsamong Amazonian Extractivists (with D.Salisbury).Geoform,38 (6) 2007:1233.Anita Spring (Anthropology) was selectedPresident–elect ofCulture and Agriculture,asection ofthe American AnthropologicalAssociation (AAA).She presented a paper entitled,“Ester Boserup's WID Paradigm Basedon Agriculture:Can We Revise it Now?â€at theannual meeting ofthe AAA in Washington inDecember 2007.Neill W. Macaulay, Jr.Professor Emeritus ofLatin American History,passed away on October 28,2007.Born inColumbia,SC in 1935,he earned his B.A.atThe Citadel (1956) and then served two yearswith the U.S.Army in Korea.In 1958,hejoined the 26 ofJuly Revolutionary MovementofFidel Castro in Cuba.Disillusioned by theturn ofthe revolution,he returned to the U.S.in 1960 and earned a M.A.at the University ofSouth Carolina (1962) and a Ph.D from theUniversity ofTexas (1964).He began teachingLatin American history at the University ofFlorida in 1964,retiring in 1986.He was theauthor ofThe Sandino Affair(1967),A Rebel inCuba(1970),The Prestes Column(1974),andDom Pedro(1986).He co–authored (withDavid Bushnell) The Emergence ofLatinAmerica in the Nineteenth Century (1988). FALL 20079 FACULTYFaculty News and Publicationscontinued from page 8. Florida Museum of Natural HistoryFood and Resource EconomicsLatin American Business Environment ProgramLatin American StudiesMA in Latin American StudiesPartnership in Global LearningRomance Languages and LiteraturesSchool of Forest Resources & ConservationSchool of Natural Resources & EnvironmentUF FoundationWildlife Ecology & Conservation UF Acronymns FLMNHFRELABELASMALASPGLRLLSFRCSNREUFFWEC UFLAS_NL_Fall07.qxp 1/31/08 12:31 PM Page 9
10THE LATINAMERICANIST FACULTY Elizabeth Lowe University Press ofFlorida,2007Translation and the Rise of Inter–American Literature.This book,co–authored with Earl E.Fitz,touches on issues oflanguage,culture and national identity in the Americas,combining theories and historiesofliterature,translation,reception and cultural studies.Fitz and Lowe argue that the role ofthe translator is an essential part ofthe reception process ofLatin American literature. Richmond BrownUniversity ofNebraska Press,2007Coastal Encounters: The Transformation of the Gulf South in the Eighteenth Century.This edited volume describes the changes in the GulfSouth in theeighteenth century from a number ofdisciplinary perspectives.The essays support the importance ofthis region ofthe American South in U.S.colonial history. Thomas Oakland Sage Publications,2006Handbook of International School Psychology.This reference book,co–editedwith Shane Jimerson and Peter Farrell,provides a description ofthe specialty ofpsychology devoted to the global provision ofservices to children and youth,their teachers,and parents.Authors from 43 countries provide information and insights regarding the numerous facets ofschool psychology.The book includes chapters on Peru,Puerto Rico,Jamaica,Brazil,Venezuela,and Brazil.Recent Faculty Books David Pharies University ofChicago Press,2007A Brief History of the Spanish Language and Breve historia de la lengua espa–ola.This book includes development ofthe language beyond the Iberian Peninsula,especially in the Americas. Leah Rosenberg Palgrave MacMillan,2007Nationalism and the Formation of Caribbean Literature.This book tells the story ofhow intellectuals in the English–speaking Caribbean first created a distinctly Caribbean and national literature. Carmen Diana DeereRoutledge Press,2007Women and the Distribution of Wealth. This co–edited collection focuses on documenting the gender distribution ofwealth and addressing how and why it matters.The essays include historical,comparative,analytical,and policy–oriented work in a variety ofgeographical contexts. UFLAS_NL_Fall07.qxp 1/31/08 12:31 PM Page 10
FALL 200711 PURC/IADB BenchmarkingWorkshop for Water Utilities inCentral AmericaUtility managers,policy–makers,and regulators from CentralAmerica learned about sustainable and cost–effective benchmarking procedures,and reviewed resource allocation issues associated with water utilities in Central American nations during thisworkshop delivered by the UF Public Utility Research Center (PURC)and the Inter–American Development Bank in San Jos,Costa Rica inOctober 2007.The workshop identified the strengths and weaknesses ofcurrent data collection procedures.It also served as a forum for obtaining feedback on PURC’s benchmarking work and for developinginstitutional mechanisms for maintaining a regional database.The Inter–American Development Bank (IADB) funded PURC to assemblethe data,conduct an analysis ofutility performance,and organize theworkshop in San Jos.The 40 attendees included data providers fromNicaragua,Honduras,Guatemala,Costa Rica,Panama,and El Salvador,a legal consultant from Bolivia,a regulator from Belize,and representatives from the IADB,The World Bank,and The UnitedNations.More information can be found on the Water Initiatives page ofthe PURC web site:http://www.cba.ufl.edu/purc/research/water.asp.LAS Course Development GrantsSix affiliate faculty members received Latin American Studies CourseDevelopment Grants to develop new courses with 100% LatinAmerican content.The grants may be used for travel related to coursedevelopment activities,software,course materials,or student OPS assistance.Funding was provided by the Center’s Title VI NationalResource Center grant from the US Department ofEducation.Thegrantees and their courses are as follows:Susan Gillespie (Anthropology): Maya CivilizationElizabeth Ginway (RLL): Latin American Science Fiction andFantasyJuan–Carlos Molleda (Public Relations) and Marilyn Roberts(Advertising): Latin American and U.S. HispanicCommunications IndustriesGerald Murray (Anthropology): Anthropology of Cuba,Hispaniola and Puerto RicoAugusto Oyuela-Caycedo (Anthropology): Origins andDevelopment of Latin American AgricultureCharles Perrone (RLL): Jorge Amado and the BahianImaginaries2007 Latin American BusinessEnvironment Report ReleasedCopies ofthe 2007 LA Business Environment Report,which reviewsdevelopments relevant to business in the region over the past yearand assesses the outlook for the region and the 18 largest economies in2008,are available electronically at:http://www.latam.ufl.edu/LABER2007.pdfor by contacting Terry McCoyat tlmccoy@latam.ufl.edu. August 30Amy GorelickSr. Acquistions Editor, University Press ofFlorida. “From Proposal to Publication: An Introduction toScholarly Publishing.â€September 20Lance GravleeAssistant Professor, UF Anthropology. “CulturalConstruction of Ethnicity in Puerto Rico: Implications for theConcept of Race.â€October 4Belio Martinez, Jr.Assistant Professor, UF Public Relations.“Building Multi–Sector Parterships for Progress with Strategic,Participatory Communication: A Case Study from Colombia.â€October 18Paul DosalProfessor of History, University of South Florida.“Manhunt: The Covert Campaign to Capture Che Guevara inBolivia.â€November 1Jesse AaronAssistant Professor, UF RLL, Spanish.“Endangered Ways of Speaking: Tradition and Innovation inNew Mexican Spanish.â€FALL 2007 Colloquium Series Participants of the PURC/LADB Water Utilities workshop. UFLAS_NL_Fall07.qxp 1/31/08 12:31 PM Page 11
12THE LATINAMERICANIST Jos lvarez (FRE),panel organizer,“Retos Tcnicos,Econ—micos ySociales de la Reestructuraci—n de la Agroindustria Azucarera de Cuba.â€Leslie Anderson (Political Science),panel organizer and chair,“Environmental Activism,Citizen Rights and Social Justice,â€and presenter,“Idealism and Realism as Democracy Consolidates:ElectoralIssues and Citizen Concerns in Nicaragua's 2006 Election.â€Tom Ankerson (Law),presenter,“It's Not Just About the Conservation:The Role of‘Proto–tenure’in Development,Social Justice,andConservation in the Maya Forest.â€Andrs Avellaneda (RLL),presenter,“Periodismo y literatura en tiemposde c—lera.â€Florence Babb (Women’s Studies and Gender Research),panel organizer,“Afro-Latin and Indigenous Peoples:Races and Ethinicity inLatin American and Caribbean Tourism,â€and presenter,“CulturalTourism in Post-Conflict Chiapas and Andean Peru.â€Efra’n Barradas (LAS/RLL),presenter,“Belkis Ram’rez entre el texto y laimagen,â€and discussant,“Variations on a Theme:Narratives ofReturn inthe Cuban and Dominican Diasporas.â€Gregory Bates (LAS),presenter,“The Inter–American ConventionAgainst Corruption:A Commentary on Trade & Human Rights.â€Hannah Covert (LAS),panel organizer and chair,“Evaluation Practices atLatin American Studies Centers.â€Carmen Diana Deere (LAS/FRE),panel chair and discussant,“Gnero yJusticia:Dinmicas hist—ricas y contemporneas en Amrica Latina;â€panelist,Kalman Silvert Award Plenary.Joan Flocks (Law),presenter,“Responses to International EnvironmentalJustice.â€Tace Hedrick (English),panel organizer,chair,and discussant,“Blacknessand Comparative Racial Politics in U.S.Afro–Latina/o,AfricanAmerican,and Latin American Writing and Culture.â€Deicy Jimnez (RLL),presenter,“Mestizaje y Revoluci—n:La mulatezcubana en la poes’a de Exilia Salda–a.â€Osvaldo Jordan (Political Science),panel organizer,“New Forms ofMulticulturalism.â€Ilvia Larragn Osceola (Teaching & Learning),presenter,“Critical Issuesin Bilingual Education Today:A Case Study ofa Texas Rio Grande ValleyTwo–Way model School District.â€Ana Margheritis (LAS/Political Science),presenter,“Argentina’s ForeignPolicy,Democracy,and Inter–American Relations.â€Terry McCoy (LAS/Political Science),panel organizer and chair (withMeredith Fensom),“Law and Economics in Latin America.â€Sean O’Neil (Religion),panel chair,organizer and presenter,“NewEvangelismsâ€and “Latin America's Via Media?â€Antonio de la Pe–a (Anthropology),presenter,“Ethnography,History andSocial Network Analysis:An Alternative to the World Bank's SocialCapital Applications.â€Maria Rogal (Art & Art History),panel chair,“Afro-Latin and IndigenousPeoples:Races and Ethnicity in Latin American and Caribbean Tourism,â€and presenter,“The Maya Imaginary:Cultures ofConsumption in theYucatn.â€Helen Safa (LAS/Anthropology),panel organizer,“Race and Ethnicity inthe Caribbean Women’s Movement;â€and discussant,“Holistic Vision ofthe Caribbean;â€chair and discussant Kalman Silvert Award PlenaryMarianne Schmink (LAS/Anthropology),presenter,“Challenges ofGrassroots Conservation Initiatives:Extractive Reserves in Acre.â€Mart’n Sorbille (RLL),presenter,“Psicoanlisis y pol’tica en Tiempo derevancha.â€Manuel Vsquez (Religion),presenter,“Religio medinica entre imigrantes brasileiros na area metropolitana de Atlanta:Relaes degnero e poder.â€Philip Williams (Political Science),presenter,“Constructing MexicanIdentities in Metro Atlanta.â€University of Florida at theLASA 2007 International Congress, MontrealThe following UF faculty and graduate students participated at the LASACongress in Montreal,September 5,2007. UFLAS_NL_Fall07.qxp 1/31/08 12:31 PM Page 12
FALL 200713 OUTREACH Outreach News New Acquisitions for Outreach Lending LibraryThe Outreach Lending Library recently added 47 new items toits collection.A main focus ofthese acquisitions was the environment,with the Library adding 15 new video resources tosupport the TCD Program.Recent purchases include the PlanetEarthseries from BBC–Discovery,the Decade ofDestructionseries about the Amazon,two IMAX features on the GalapagosIslands and wildlife,a National Geographic special on jaguars,and several new shows from The Living Edens: The Lost Worldseries on Venezuela and Peru to Patagonia.The Library also increased its holdings for K audiences.Five new resources on foreign language in elementary schoolsand a holiday video on Cinco de Mayo were added.For generalaudiences,new Spanish and Portuguese–language movies includeWhiskey,Nada+,Buena Vista Social Club,Mi Mejor Enemigo,Cuba Feliz,and The House ofSand.The Library’s holdings on economics,development andhuman rights were enhanced by seven new items includingresources from the Ethical Marketstelevision show,Cashing in onEcotourism,and video debates ofthe U.S.–Costa Rica Free TradeAgreement.The Library also added ten new history resourcesthat include biographies ofDiego Rivera and Frida Kahlo,ThePinochet File a book ofpreviously censored documents recently released by the U.S.government,The History Channelspecials Hispanics in Americaand Mexico: Courage and Conquest,as well as resources about Incan mummies and Mayan astronomy.The Outreach Lending Library includes resources such asvideos,books,maps,suitcases about Latin American countries,music and more covering Latin America.The new items,as wellas previous acquisitions,can all be viewed in the Library's onlinedatabase at:http://www.latam.ufl.edu/outreach/catalog/catalog.aspContributed by Mary Risner, Associate Director, Outreach Day of the Dead Observance at theFlorida Museum of Natural HistoryThe D’a de los MuertosCelebration was a big success! Close to300 guests spent the evening ofNovember 1 at the FloridaMuseum ofNatural History (FLMNH) to honor the Mexicantradition ofremembering the spirits ofdeceased loved ones.UFprofessor and Center affiliate,Susan Gillespie (Anthropology),opened the evening with a presentation on the Aztec notion ofsouls and the pre–Colombian roots ofthe holiday.DavidSteadman,Curator ofOrnithology for the museum,gave a virtual bird–watching trip through the Mexican desert.In addition to the talks,visitors ofall ages gathered to admirethe festive altar adorned with memorable photos,flowers,favorite foods and other small offerings.Other activities consisted ofthe craft tables where age did not limit those whoparticipated in coloring Mayan–inspired masks,making gianttissue paper flowers and cutting papel picadodesigns.The museum was a wonderful setting for this special co–sponsoredevent by the FLMNH,the Center,the student group,Mexicans inGainesville,and Chipotle Restaurant.In respect for the significance ofthis holiday to Mexican culture,the Center for Latin American Studies OutreachProgram has created a Day ofthe Dead traveling suitcase.This isa great tool for cross–cultural education at all levels.Please visitthe Outreach website for details (http://www.latam.ufl.edu/out-reach/outreachlib.html).Contributed by Mary Risner, Associate Director, Outreach Day of the Dead altar at Florida Museum of Natural History.MARY WARRICK UFLAS_NL_Fall07.qxp 1/31/08 12:31 PM Page 13
14THE LATINAMERICANIST STUDENTS Outreach News, con’t. Portuguese Faculty from Across FloridaGather to Discuss New PortugueseTextbookThe Center for Latin American Studies Outreach Program organized the first meeting ofK Portuguese faculty fromthroughout the state ofFlorida on May 3,2007.Twenty–four facultymembers,TAs and supporters gathered at Valencia CommunityCollege in Orlando to preview a new Portuguese textbook,Ponto deEoncontro.The book has been adopted and is being used inPortuguese language instruction at UF and other institutions offering Portuguese.In addition to the textbook presentation,the meeting laid thefoundation for future collaborations among Portuguese faculty.Atthe meeting,the faculty established the gathering as an annual eventwhere they will work to share resources and course materials.Alist–serve was was established to keep the faculty in touch with eachother.Attendees will also promote a large Portuguese showing fornext year’s American Council on the Teaching ofForeign Languages(ACTFL) conference,which will be held November 20-23,2008 inOrlando.The group was honored by the attendance and participation ofAmbassador Joo Almino,Consul General at the Brazilian Consulatein Miami.Other special guests were Professor Luci Moreira ofCharleston College (co-author ofnew text) and members oftheCentral Florida Brazilian Chamber ofCommerce.Institutions represented were FSU,FIU,UF,Valencia Community College,Cypress Creek High School,and Dr.Phillips High School.The eventwas co–sponsored by Valencia Community College and PrenticeHall.Parties interested in the Portuguese textbook viewed at themeeting can visit http://www.prenticehall.com for further information.Anyone interested in working with this group ofPortuguese faculty can contact Mary Risner at risner@latam.ufl.edu. Dr. Charles Perrone introducingAmbassador Joo Almino at the statewidePortuguese Faculty meeting in Orlando,Florida.Student NewsMALAS Graduates2007August 2007Jessica Joy Gonzalez Thesis:“The Role ofthe CatholicChurch in Colombian Social Development Post World WarII.â€Margaret J. McCleland Thesis:“Gender and FamilyRoles in George Lopez:A Textual Analysis and AudienceStudy.â€Priscilla M. Medina Thesis:“Milk Production in Ca–ete,Peru:Research on Child Nutrition and Health.â€Luciana da Cunha Monteiro Thesis:“Cross-DressedPoetics:Lessons and Limits ofGender Transgressions inBrazilian Popular Music.â€Jacob Schultz Thesis:“Contemporary Brazilian TradePolicy:Content,Processes,and Politics.â€December 2007Juliana Azoubel Thesis:“Frevo and the ContemporaryDance Scene in Pernambuco,Brazil:Staging 100 Years ofTradition.â€Jessica Bachay Thesis:“Banking on Remittances toMexico:Business Opportunities and ChallengesMegan Barolet–Fogarty Thesis:“The FemaleSterilization Controversy:Framing Reproductive Rights atthe Intersection ofRace and Gender in Brazil.â€MALAS Graduatescontinued on page 15. New MALAS students at the August 2007 orientation. UFLAS_NL_Fall07.qxp 1/31/08 12:31 PM Page 14
FALL 200715 STUDENTSMALAS Graduatescontinued from page 14.Lourdes I. Catala Thesis:“The Framework Convention onTobacco Control:Effects ofInternational Tobacco Regulation inBrazil,1990–Present.â€Mary Mitchell Waters Thesis:“From Partnership to Collapse:Argentina and the International Monetary Fund throughEconomic Crisis and Recovery.â€Undergraduate Minor andCertificates in Latin American Studies2007The following students completed an undergraduate minor or certificatein Latin American Studies,or both,in Fall 2007.Kathy Mari, SpanishNicole Rohrmann, Public RelationsAna Segura, Political ScienceMarina Spewak, Family, Youth & Community ServicesCelia Tobin, PhotojournalismPaul Weaver, Business AdministrationTwo TCD Students AwardedGrassroots DevelopmentFellowshipsTwo Ph.D.students enrolled in the Center’s TCD Program wereawarded prestigious Grassroots Development Fellowships from theInter-American Foundation (IAF) in July 2007.The Fellows were selected on the strength oftheir academic record,the quality oftheirresearch proposals,and their potential contribution to grassroots development,and will conduct dissertation research in Latin Americaduring the coming year.Nationwide,only 11 students were awarded IAFFellowships this academic year.Christine Lucas (WEC) will pursue research on the management offorest resources in the Brazilian Amazon under the supervision EmilioBruna (LAS/WEC).Mason Mathews (SNRE) is advised by MarianneSchmink,TCD Director,and will be carrying out field research on socialnetworks in Amazonia.The IAF was created in 1969 by the United States Congress to fund theself-help initiatives ofthe organized poor in Latin America and theCaribbean and the groups that support them.Together the IAF and itsgrantees have improved conditions for hundreds ofthousands ofpoorfamilies in communities throughout the hemisphere.UF Graphic Design Project in MexicoMaria Rogal (Art and Art History) had a Fulbright in Yucatn,Mexico during the 2006 academic year.In spring 2007,herstudents in the UF graphic design studio (“Mintâ€) and colleague DougBarrett traveled to Mexico to work on a project with a cooperative ofhoney farmers in the southern part ofthe state,near the archeologicalsite ofUxmal.Their project was to design honey labels for the Lol–BalCh honey cooperative in Santa Elena.The cooperative of40 honey farmersjust finished building a new processingand bottling factory with governmentgrants.Now the cooperative is preparingto bring their honey directly to market.They hope to export their product toEurope and the U.S.in the near future.The objective ofthe graphic design students was to design labels that aremodern,sophisticated,and culturally responsible.In conversation withtheir clients,they decided to share labels with potential consumers forfeedback by conducting a survey that gave them information on how tomake their designs more culturally appropriate.All the labels are bilingual (English and Spanish).Images ofthe labels are located onlineat:http://mintinmexico.ufdesigners.com/honey_june07/.Doctoral Teaching AwardsThe Center for Latin American Studies is pleased to announce therecipients ofthe 2007 Latin American Studies Doctoral TeachingAwards.The two awardees,both PhD candidates,will each develop andteach an upper–level undergraduate interdisciplinary seminar (LAS4935) in the spring and fall 2008.The winners and the seminars are:Fleming Daugaard–Hansen (Anthropology)Transnational Migration in the AmericasOsvaldo Jordan (Political Science) Racial and EthnicPolitics in Latin America Students observing the honey harvest at Santa Elena, Yucatn. UFLAS_NL_Fall07.qxp 1/31/08 12:31 PM Page 15
16THE LATINAMERICANIST Center Programs in Latin AmericaLatin American Business Study Tour to BrazilThe Latin American Business Study Tour,now in its seventh year,returned toBrazil in October 2007.The one–week,two–credit tour annually rotates amongBrazil,Argentina and Chile.This year’s tour,which was led by Andy Naranjo(Finance) and Terry McCoy (LAS) and hosted by the Catholic University ofRio deJaneiro (PUC–Rio),featured an outstanding mixture ofacademic lectures onBrazilian finance and economics and visits in the greater Rio metropolitan regionto the National Development Bank,the national oil company PETROBRAS,themining company CVRD,and the production facilities ofthe Globo media conglomerate,among others.The 23 student participants came from UF’s MBA,MAIB and Masters in Finance programs.The next tour will go to Chile in March2008.The Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) inUF’s Warrington College ofBusiness Administration co–sponsors the study tour.2008 Business in Brazil ProgramThe Center’s Business in Brazil summer study program,another Center joint undertaking with CIBER and PUC–Rio,is changing its format.For itseighth year,the program will take place during four weeks in June instead ofsix weeks in July and August as was the case since its inception in 1999.The first three weeks will be in Rio and combine lectures in English by PUC professors on finance,marketing,human resources,business ethics andoutlook for the Brazilian economy along with visits to companies based in the Rio and Portuguese language instruction oriented to the needs ofbusiness students.While in Rio,students live with local host families.For the final week,the program shifts to So Paulo,the finance and industrialheart ofBrazil.There students will visit the stock and futures markets,investment banks,consumer goods and heavy industries.The program is opento advanced undergraduates and graduate students from UF and other universities with business–related majors.For more information contact TerryMcCoy (tlmccoy@latam.ufl.edu) or Mary Risner (mrisner@latam.ufl.edu).2008 Semester in Costa RicaThe Center for Latin American Studies has developed a new semester–length study abroad program for undergraduate students at the Universidad deCosta Rica (UCR) in San Jos.The program will be directed by Mark Thurner,Associate Professor ofHistory,and will be UF’s first semester–lengthgroup program in Latin America.All program participants will enroll in intensive Intermediate or Advanced Spanish (taught by UCR faculty) and inLatin American History and Culture (taught by Dr.Thurner).Program participants will also enroll in 1 or 2 elective courses taught in Englishthrough UCR’s Academic Program for International Students.It is anticipated that 15 students will participate in the inaugural program in Fall 2008.Undergraduate students from any major with one year ofSpanish language study (or the equivalent) are welcome to apply.For further information on the 2008 semester in Costa Rica,contact Angela Grindal,Study Abroad Adviser,at adikeman@ufic.ufl.edu orMark Thurner,Program Director,at mthurner@history.ufl.edu.Partnership in Global LearningThe UF Partnership in Global Learning (PGL) was established by the Center for Latin American Studies with a grant from the Lucent Foundation in1999.PGL is an international e–learning consortium that has the mission to build and sustain public-private partnerships between universities,schools,government agencies and companies for the production and distribution ofe–learning solutions and infrastructure in the areas ofteachertraining,research and corporate training.PGL is comprised offive charter universities,including UF,the Universidad Tecnol—gico de Monterrey,Mxico;Pontif’cia Universidade Cat—lica do Rio de Janeiro,Brazil;Universidade Estadual de Campinas,Brazil;and the Fundao Getlio Vargas inSo Paulo and Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.In October 2007,PGL sponsored a panel at the International Conference on Technology and EducationalInnovation at the Unversidad Technol—gico de Monterrey with presentations on the PGL instructional design module,the Aymara on the Internetproject,the Chiapas Online Learning Project,Ontology–Driven Interoperability ofLearning Objects,and Rapid Prototyping ofLearning Objects.Participants from UF included PGL Director Elizabeth Lowe (LAS),PGL Research Director Sue Legg (LAS),and Fedro Zazueta (AcademicTechnology).Howard Beck (Agricultural & Biological Engineering) participated by videoconferencing.More information on PGL can be found at:http://www.pgl.ufl.edu. Terry McCoy (LAS) and Andy Naranjo (Finance) with LatinAmerican Business Study Tour students in front of the NationalDevelopment Bank in Rio de Janeiro, October 2007. UFLAS_NL_Fall07.qxp 1/31/08 12:31 PM Page 16
FALL 200717 STUDENTSUF Summer Study Abroad Mrida, Yucatn, MexicoThe “UF in Mrida (Mexico)â€Summer Program,established in 1985,is the oldest UF Overseas Study Program in Latin America,andincludes summer,semester and year–long exchanges with theAutonomous University ofYucatn.Over the last 23 years,more than600 UF students have participated in the Mrida programs,most ofthem taking advantage ofthe summer programs in Anthropology orTropical Ecology.The program has recently added short term study tripsto Mrida in collaboration with the Colleges ofMedicine,Public Health,Dentistry,and Veterinary Medicine.These short term experiences arenow part ofthe Health Sciences Global Health initiative to develop a certificate in international health.Students on the summer program earn 9 credit hours,including 5credits ofAnthropology or 5 credits ofTropical Ecology,and 3 credits ofSpanish language.Anthropology and Ecology classes are taught inEnglish by faculty members from both UF and the AutonomousUniversity ofthe Yucatn (UADY).Spanish classes are taught by UADYfaculty members.The Anthropology course addresses topics including Mesoamericanarchaeology,Mayan linguistics,colonial history,sociology and culturalanthropology in Yucatan,and emerging urban issues.The TropicalEcology course covers topics including climate and karst geology,andexplores ecosystems such as freshwater cenotes and lakes,coastal lagoonsand mangroves,marine reefs and beaches,and several tropical foresttypes.Both courses involve classroom lectures and weekly field trips.TheAnthropology and Ecology classes are offered in the morning and afternoon,respectively.All students are welcome to attend both classes.Field trips generally run from Thursday through Saturday.Students visitcontemporary Mayan villages,artisan’s workshops,ancient Mayan archaeological sites,local markets,colonial churches,haciendas,caves,coral reefs,cenotes,springs,tropical forests,indigenous agricultural systems,sea turtle nesting beaches,and mangrove ecosystems.TheAnthropology and Ecology groups take joint field trips to kitchen gardens [solares],a colonial fort in Campeche,and the spectaculararchaeological site ofPalenque in the state ofChiapas.Mark Brenner,thecoordinator ofthe Tropical Ecology program,has ongoing research onancient climates and climate change in the region.Allan Burns,the coordinator ofthe Anthropology program,is a specialist on contemporary Mayan communities and social change in Mexico andCentral America.Outside ofclass,students enjoy immersion in the local language andculture.Mrida is a modern city ofnearly one million people.It is oneofthe safest cities in the world and has a rich history.Students take advantage ofabundant cultural offerings,including museums,livemusic,theater,crafts,markets,and local cuisine.They are encouraged tomeet and interact with local students,artists,musicians,vendors,andlaborers.UF students live with local families in Mrida,attend classes atUADY,and travel widely throughout the Yucatn Peninsula during weekly,class–related field trips.Interactions with local people providestudents with abundant opportunities to practice their Spanish languageskills.The beach at Progreso is only a half–hour bus ride away!There are no pre–requisites for this program,nor is the program limited to any major.Graduate students with interest in the region alsoregularly attend the program.Scholarships are available for students whocan demonstrate financial need.Details for the 2008 summer B program in Mrida, MexicoDates: June 25–August 2, 2008Cost: $3960 (includes 9 credit hours, room and board withfamily, all excursion costs, and administrative fees.) Doesnot include airfare or incidentals.Scholarship deadline (February 1, 2008): see www.abroad.ufic.ufl.edu or visit UFIC in 170 Hub.Application deadline (March 3, 2008). Apply online at: www.abroad.ufic.ufl.eduProgram Coordinators:Dr. Allan Burns (Anthropology): afburns@anthro.ufl.edu, (352) 392230Dr. Mark Brenner (Ecology): brenner@ufl.edu, (352) 392UFIC Study Abroad Advisor: Angela Grindal, agrindal@ufic.ufl.edu, (352) 273 University of Florida students on the 2007 Mrida program.MARK BRENNER UFLAS_NL_Fall07.qxp 1/31/08 12:31 PM Page 17
18THE LATINAMERICANIST Stephen Fafulas (BA Spanish & LAS Certificate 2005) is currently enrolled inthe graduate program in HispanicLinguistics at Indiana University,Bloomington,and employed as a Spanishinstructor.He spent 2006 in Buenos Aires,Argentina,as a Rotary AmbassadorialScholar.Caleb P.S. Finegan (PhD History 1999) isAssociate Professor ofHistory at IndianaUniversity ofPennsylvania.He recentlywon a Distinguished Faculty Award for“providing students at IUP with valuableopportunities for service.â€Dr.Fineganestablished the Latin American Studiesminor at IUP in 2002.Bolivar Fraga (MALAS 1997) after servingas a US Air Force intelligence officer,completed a Masters in Social Work and aMA in Pastoral Studies (2006) in a dualdegree program offered by St.LouisUniversity and the Aquinas Institute ofTheology.He is now a faith–based community organizer with MetropolitanCongregations United (MCU) in St.Louis,MO.MCU works for systemic change ineducation,health care,economic development,and immigration reform.Jos “Tito†Gobbi (MALAS 1994,PhDInterdisciplinary Ecology 2006) works atthe Instituto Nacional de Tecnolog’aAgropecuaria (INTA) in Argentina onquantification and valorization ofecosystem services in the Chaco Region.Darrin G. Gulla (BA Economics & LASCertificate 1994) received his PhD inEconomics in 2005 from the University ofGeorgia.He is currently a Lecturer in theDepartment ofEconomics at theUniversity ofKentucky.Eugenio Hernndez(BA Spanish & LASCertificate 1978;JD 1983),earned a MA inLatin American Studies from GeorgetownUniversity and after completing a JDdegree at UF,became a founding partnerofAvila,Rodriguez,Hernndez,Mena &Ferri in Miami.He specializes in the fieldofimmigration,nationality and consularlaw.Aleyda V. Kasten(BA Spanish & LAS Certificate 1979) is a Senior Advisor withthe U.S.Agency for InternationalDevelopment in Washington,D.C.Marixa Lasso(PhD History 2002) isAssistant Professor ofLatin AmericanHistory at Case Western ReserveUniversity.Her book,Myths ofHarmony:Race & Republicanism during the Age ofRevolution.Panama 1795,was recently published by University ofPittsburgh Press.Elva Gonzalez Manzanero(BS Marketing& LAS Certificate 2002) earned an MA inLatin American Studies at FIU,writing athesis on the role ofVenezuelan PresidentHugo Chvez as a factor in the changing demographics ofSouth Florida.She worksfor a marketing and production company,ICO UGO Productions,which developsmarketing campaigns aimed at SouthFlorida’s Hispanic community.She recently married and is expecting her firstchild.Juan Carlos Marino (BA Political Science &LAS Certificate 1972) is Vice President ofInvestments at Merrill Lynch in Coral Gables,FL,covering Latin America.Nita Mathis (BA Education & LAS Certificate1977) is an ESOL Support Teacher for theSuwanee County Schools in Live Oak,Florida.Maggie McCleland (MALAS 2007) is working as the Volunteer Coordinator at theNew Tampa YMCA.Geraldine Slean (MALAS 2005) started anew job as the program coordinator forStanford's Center for Latin AmericanStudies.Francisco Kennedy A. de Souza (MALAS2006) is pursuing a PhD at IndianaUniversity.He is working with theAnthropological Center for Training andResearch on Global EnvironmentalChange.Angela Stuesse (BA Anthropology & LASCertificate 1998) is a Weatherhead Fellowthis year at the School for AdvancedResearch in Santa Fe,NM.A doctoral candidate in the Department ofAnthropology,University ofTexas atAustin,she is completing her dissertationon the role ofundocumented workers inthe chicken processing industry in the U.S.South. &NEWS NOTESALUMNI ALUMNIOrlando Fals Borda (PhD Sociology1955) was the recipient ofthe 2007LASA-Oxfam America Martin DiskinMemorial Lectureship.This distinguished award is presented ateach LASA International Congress toan individual who combines a commitment to both activism andscholarship.Dr.Fals Borda was recognized as being one ofthefounders ofParticipatory ActionResearch (PAR),an interdisciplinaryand “collaborative effort betweencommunity activists and researchersto ‘listen to people’s knowledge’andengage in a dialectic ofaction andreflection towards transformation.â€Healso founded the Sociology Faculty atthe National University ofColombia.Among his best known works are TheChallenge ofSocial Change(1985),Conocimiento y Poder Popular:Lecciones con Campesinos deNicaragua,Colombia y Mxico(1986),and Action with Knowledge: Breakingthe Monopoly with Participatory ActionResearch(1991).He is ProfessorEmeritus ofthe Instituto de EstudiosPol’ticos y Relaciones Internacionalesofthe Universidad Nacional deColombia,and has been honored previously by an honorary degreefrom the Universidad Central deVenezuela,the Bruno Kresky HumanRights award,the Paul HoffmanUnited Nations award,and theMalinowski Award ofthe Society forApplied Anthropology. UFLAS_NL_Fall07.qxp 1/31/08 12:31 PM Page 18
FALL 200719 My gift is to benefit: The Latin American Studies Fund (011147) LAS Alumni Graduate Student Travel Fund (012521)Name__________________________________________Address________________________________________City/State/Zip____________________________________Home Phone:______________________________________E-mail address:____________________________________Gift Amount: $500 $250 $100 $50 $__________________Remember to enclose your company’s MATCHING GIFTFORM! It can double or triple your gift!Method of payment: ABZF Check Enclosed(Make check payable to: UF Foundation, Inc.) Credit Card Discover VISA MasterCard Card Number:__________________________________Expiration Date (MM/YY): ____________________________Name as it appears on the card:________________________Signature:__________________________________________Credit Card billing address(if different from one at left):__________________________________________________City/State/Zip:______________________________________ ALUMNIWe rely on contributions from our friends and alumni to support certain special activities such as student travel to conferencesand seed support for larger fund-raising efforts.If you would like to make a donation to the Center, please fill out the form below. Giving to the Center for Latin American Studies Thanks To Our Donors The Center for Latin American Studies would like toexpress its gratitude for the generosity of those whohave responded to our mailings and the University ofFlorida Foundation’s annual appeal. Their donations gotowards the Latin American Studies Fund and/or theLatin American Studies Graduate Student Travel Fund.Gracias to the following people:Donald and Lygia Sharkin BellisBrian BombassaroMargaret Boonstra and FamilyMr. and Mrs. Paul A. CourneyaRenier CruzDarrin G. GullaEugenio HernndezStephen M. and Lisa M. KnightBonnie LincolnElizabeth Lowe and Terry McCoyJuan Carlos Marino with a matching gift from Merrill Lynch & Co.Ricardo MurattiJanet B. and Todd RomeroJos M. and Ann S. Sariego Please return to:University of Florida Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 14425, Gainesville, FL 32604-2425 Florida Tomorrow and LAS In September 2007,the University ofFlorida publicly launched its capital campaign – Florida Tomorrow– with the announcement ofan ambi-tious $1.5 billion goal.FloridaTomorrow aims to attract themuch–needed financial resources thatwill enable UF to strengthen its role asan academic and research leader inFlorida,the nation,and the world.For UF’s Center for Latin AmericanStudies,one ofthe nation’s preeminent area studies programs,Florida Tomorrow represents animportant opportunity in its history.By more actively pursuing financialsupport,the Center can furtherenhance its renowned areas ofexcellence – and advance regionallyfocused,interdisciplinary programsacross campus.The increasing influence andimpact ofLatin America on the stateofFlorida and the U.S.is increasinglyapparent.It is essential for UF to continue to build the academic andresearch programs that will preparestudents for interaction with thisimportant region.Support at all levels – from smallerannual gifts to the creation ofendowed chairs and funds is neededand welcome.In combination,suchgifts will allow the Center to initiateand expand research and trainingprograms on a broad range ofthemes.By consolidating world–class programs in Latin American,Caribbean and Latino Studies,theCenter will help position Florida atthe center ofintellectual,political,economic,and cultural exchange withLatin America for years to come.Yourgift will assist the Center in achievingthis important goal and continuing itsrole as an academic leader for tomor-row and beyond.Please make your campaign gift tothe Center for Latin AmericanStudies.Contributed by Janet BenteRomero, Associate Director ofDevelopment and Alumni Affairs UFLAS_NL_Fall07.qxp 1/31/08 12:31 PM Page 19
Non-Profit Org.U.S.POSTAGE PAIDPermit No. 94Gainesville FL Center for Latin American Studies319 Grinter HallP.O. Box 115530 Gainesville, FL 32611-5530 UFLAS_NL_Fall07.qxp 1/31/08 12:31 PM Page 20