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UW W UNIVERSITY of UF LORIDA IFAS Extension loronomy otes Voeumen 32:3 MarcA 2008 Features ... Corn Early Planted Corn and Pest Risks Page 9 Forage Forage Potential of Edible Peanut Page 2 Warm Winter andyour Florida Winter Forages Page 8 Timing of Forage Fertilization Page 10 Soybeaw Implications ofIncreased Soybean Acreage Page 2 Wood Control Mexican Prickly Poppy Control Page 3 Pre-emergence Use ofProwl in Corn Page 6 Miscellaneous pH and Pesticide Stability Test your Mix Page 5 Choosing Crop Rotations When All Crop Prices Are High Page 6 SWater TestsforpH Page 7 The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Employment Opportunity- Affirmative Action Employer authorized to provide research educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, age, handicap or national origin. For information on obtaining other extension publications, contact your county Cooperative Extension Office. Florida Cooperative Extension Service/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences/University of Florida/Larry Arrington, Dean. Forage Potential of Edible Peanut Many farmers are looking into annual peanut as a hay crop. Dr. Dan Gorbet from University of Florida researched edible peanut for forage production in a 5-yr study. Different cultivars of edible peanut that included 'Southern Runner' with late leaf spot resistance, were planted in May or early June without irrigation. Yields averaged over different cultivars and 5 years were 4200 lb/acre when cut only once, (at 135-140 Sd, just prior to digging), and they were 5800 and again prior to digging). The nutritive value of the forage was higher at each cut in the two harvest system with crude protein ranging from 14 to 19.6%, and digestibility ranging from 61 to 72%. When cut only once, crude protein was lower than when cut r twice and ranged from 12.5 to 14.8%. Similarly, digestibility ranged from 55.7 to Peanut 61.3%. This study shows that edible peanut Photo: National Peanut Board can be used for forage production with yields close to 6500 lb/acre which compares satisfactorily to perennial peanut. One point to keep in mind is that growing edible peanut might have all the expenses associated with a row crop, but if in emergency situation it will provide quick forage. Dr. Yoana Newman, Extension Forage Specialist ycnew@ufl.edu Implications of Increased Soybean Acreage Increased soybean acreage means better scouting for rust- With soybean prices at historic highs the acreage is expected to increase. With 3 years of intensive research at the NFREC in Quincy, we know that when rust hits during the early bean set period, yields can be reduced by a third. Earlier infections could mean even more losses. Some of our cooperative research at NFREC has shown that a 10% leaf infection by rust can reduce photosynthesis by 75%. Therefore, soybeans (continued on Page 9) "Agronomy Notes" is prepared by: J.M. Bennett, Chairman and Yoana Newman, Extension For- age Specialist ( !i II co lll J.A. Ferrell, Extension Agronomist (i.lcc II., i i.1 i l..lll I F.M. Fishel, Pesticide Coordinator (weeddr@ifas.ufl.edu); J. Marois (jmarois@ufl.edu); Brent Sellers, Extension Weed Scientist (bsellers@ufl.edu); and D.L. Wright, Extension Agronomist (dlw@ifas.ufl.edu). Designed by Cynthia Hight (chight@ufl.edu.) The use of trade names does not constitute a guarantee or warrant of products named and does not signify approval to the exclusion of similar products. AgFronosmy Notes P Mexican Prickly Poppy Control Mexican prickly poppy (Argemone mexicana), also known as goatweed, Mexican thistle, prickly poppy, and yellow thistle, is a member of the poppy family. It is an annual or biennial plant that is found east of the Rocky Mountains, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. In Florida, it is typi- cally recognized as 'some type of thistle' until it flowers. Most believe that Mexican prickly poppy is a thistle when plants are young due to the toothed and prickly leaf margins, giving it a thistle-like appearance (See front page photo). However, one key difference is that Mexican prickly poppy exudes a yellowish milky sap when stems are broken, while thistles do not. Another difference is in the flower where Mexican prickly poppy has relatively large yellow flower (Figure 3) with 4 to 6 petals, which is quite different from the flower cluster that is common with thistles. Like thistles, Mexican prickly poppy reproduces only through seed produc- tion. Seeds are enclosed in a relatively large spiny capsule (Figure 4). Approximately 400 Soft Rush (Bull Rush) seeds can be produced in one capsule. Photo: Brent Sellers (continued on next Page) May 12-14 Southern Pastures and Forage Crops Improvement Conference, Knoxville, TN June 1-4 Florida State Horticultural Society and Crop Science Society of Florida Meeting, Marriott North, Ft. Lauderdale, FL July 13-17 Caribbean Food Crops Society Meeting Miami, FL Hosted by UF/IFAS July 13-15 Southern Peanut Growers Conference Edgewater Beach Resort, Panama City Beach, FL Agronomy Notes P Calendar Dates Mexican Prickly Poppy Control (cont...) Key characteristics for recognition: Stem: Cylindrical, whitish in color and with scattered prickles. When broken, a yellowish milky sap can be readily observed. Leaves: Leaves can be up to 8 inches long, and are typically silvery-green with white veins and deep regular lobes, the upper surface of the leaf is smooth, while the underside has a few prickles along the midrib. The edges of the leaf are often lined with many prickles. I Flowers: Flowers are yellow and approximately 2.5 inches in diameter. Seed: Seeds are produced inside a prickly capsule measuring at 1.5 inches in length. Approximately 3 to 6 openings in the F o M Flowers of Mexican prickly popp capsule allow the seeds to disperse, but mately 2.5 inches in diameter and many of the seeds can remain inside the yellow petals capsule for weeks until wind or animals Photo shake the plant. Up to 400 seeds can be enclosed by a single capsule and the seeds may stay dormant in the soil for many years. Mexican prickly poppy is poisonous to livestock. However, there are very few cases of poisoning related to this plant because it is not readily eaten. However, plants in hay have been a source of poisoning. Seeds are often considered the most toxic, but the entire plant contains toxic properties as well. Although this weed is common throughout all Florida, it is typically not a wide-spread problem weed. But for those who wish to control it, 2,4-D or WeedMaster (or other products containing 2,4-D + dicamba) are the most effective and economical herbicides for control. The application rate for each herbicide is 3 pt/acre for broadcast applications. If spot spraying is necessary, a 3% solution of either 2,4-D or 2,4-D + dicamba in water is appropriate. Remember, it is best to treat a younger plant, especially before seed set occurs to ensure that seeds are not added to the soil seedbank. Brent A. Sellers, Extension Weed Scientist Range Cattle REC, Ona sellersb@ufl.edu beea capsues o0 Miexican pncriy poppy are approximately 1.5 inches long with numerous spiny prickles. Photo: Brent Sellers Ajrosmey Notes A pH and Pesticide Stability Test Your Mix This past year, several extension agents contacted the Pesticide Information Office to in- quire about pesticide instability when mixed with alkaline water. Several relevant factors concerning the phenomenon have been known for a number of years: > It is known that, in general, there are problems of chemical breakdown with certain families of pesticides the carbamate and organophosphate insecticides are most notorious. > When mix water has pH values of 7.5 and higher, there should be concerns particularly if using to dilute pesticides known to undergo this problem. > Leaving a mixture in a tank for an extended period of time, or even overnight and less, for some pesticides, can render them ineffective. > A water pH of 5.5 to 6.5 is ideal for most pesticides. > Acidifying agents are commercially-available that will acidify the pH of the spray solution, if needed. What, apparently, is not widely known is how common the occurrence of this being a problem with pesticide application. We know that we have alkaline water in the state as the majority of groundwater withdrawn is from the Floridian Aquifer (limestone-based). In presenting this information to several large commercial applicator audiences this past fall, an informal survey showed that the vast majority of those applicators had never tested their water pH. My first and obvious thought was that they could have potential problems that they had never taken into account. The few applicators who responded positively mentioned that their water tests showed an approximate pH value of 8. Table 1 shows some examples of pesticides that can undergo alkaline hydrolysis. The half-life is the time necessary to lose 50% of its activity Table 1. Half-life (50% hydrolysis time) of selected pesticides at varying pH values. Active ingredient pH 6 pH 7 pH 8 pH 9 Azinphos-methyl 10 days 12 hours Captan 8 hours 10 minutes 2 minutes Carbaryl 100-150 days 24-30 days 2-3 days 1-3 days Carbofuran 200 days 40 days 5 days 3 days Chlorpyrifos 35 days 22 days Diazinon 70 days 29 days Dimethoate 12 hours 1 hour Disulfoton 32 hours 7 hours Malathion 8 days 3 days 19 hours Methomyl 54 weeks 38 weeks 20 weeks Phosmet 1 day 4 hours (pH 8.3) 1 minute (pH 10) Propargite 331 days 1 day Trichlorfon 4 days 6 hours 1 hour Dr. Fred Fishel Pesticide Coordinator weeddr@ifas.ufl.edu Agronomey Notes Corn production is quickly returning to Florida due to the currently high commodity prices. The vast majority will be Roundup Ready, but we commonly advise corn producers to use a more di- verse weed management program as a way to reduce risk. One of the most effective and inexpen- sive programs is Prowl + atrazine followed by glyphosate. Prowl + atrazine will provide broadspec- trum residual control of grass and broadleaf weeds and allow greater flexibility with the glyphosate applications. However, many corn producers hesitate to use Prowl because of potential injury. Prowl can cause moderate to severe root-pruning in corn if the applications are not made correctly. Therefore, the following conditions should be met to maximize crop safety. 1. Corn should be planted approxi- mately 1.5" deep to ensure the seed is well below the soil surface. 2. Do not spray Prowl until the corn has started to emerge. Applying Prowl too early can greatly increase the likelihood of injury. 3. Don't apply Prowl until after a rainfall or irrigation event. Even if the corn is emerged, if the fur- row has not been settled with rainfall, corn injury is possible. A Prowl + atrazine combination is a highly effective herbicide combination. If used properly, these herbicides will control a vast number of weeds and provide weed-free corn for several weeks. Dr. Jason Ferrell Extension Weed Specialist jferrell@ufl.edu ID Ji S l llS ll 11 11 1D II11 I When making the decision on what crop to grow on your farm for 2008, many factors have to be considered in addition to price, and that includes: harvesting and handling facilities, rotation schemes for future crops, economic risks from inputs, drought tolerance of crops if irrigation is not available, and how it fits with other crops planned in terms of time and labor for planting, and har- vest and management throughout the season. Corn usually has to be taken out with high moisture and should be dried down for top yields and quality. Soybeans, corn and wheat require storage which has decreased since the 1980's and requires a grain combine which few have been bought since the late 1970's. All of these factors are important and can make a difference in long term vi- ability of the farm. Dr. David Wright, Extension Agronomist North Florida REC, Quincy wright@ufl.edu AtomoLmiY Notes P Water Tests for pH A water test is the surest means of determining if a problem exists. The IFAS Extension Soil Testing Laboratory in Gainesville offers a water test to the public for $10.00 per sample. The form with instructions is available through all county Extension offices or can be printed directly from the ESTL website (http://soilslab.ifas.ufl.edu). A less reliable, but fast, way to determine the pH level of water is to test it with test paper. Paper test strips (Figure 1) are the least expensive; however, they can vary by as much as 2 pH points. A pH meter (Figure 2) will also provide fast results, but more reliable and consistent readings. Meters are available commercially for as little as $50 that will measure pH within 0.2 points accuracy. More expensive models have greater precision and may have the ability to conduct additional measurements such as electrical conductivity. apersiW Ni.MuEiandul.al I rdbry.. R.LK .h.Y. B]101-ULA H 2 3 4 5 6 1 pH7 8 9 10 11 12 Fig. 1. Paper test strips Fig.2. pH meter Photo: Fred Fishel Photo: Fred Fishel Summary Determining the pH of the spray mix water and adding an acidifier, if necessary, is inexpensive compared with the cost of losing a pesticide's effectiveness. There are water sources in Florida that are alkaline by nature, and the addition of an acidifying agent to the spray mix is an easy and economical way to guarantee maximum results from your pesticide applications. Label statements similar to this (Photo below) will alert the user of potential problems. More details on this subject are presented in the following EDIS Document: Water pH and the Effectiveness of Pesticides http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/PI193#TABLE 1. USE PRECAUTIONS Read all precautions and directions before using Apply this product only as specified on this label Imidan 70.W is compatible with most commonly used insecticides and fungicides, but is incompatible with alkaline materials such as spray lime, lime sulfur, and Bordeaux mixtures. These materials will reduce the insecticidal activity of Imidan 70-W. Insecticidal activity may also be reduced when the spray solution has a pH of 6 or higher. The pH of the spray solution must be corrected by the addition of a suitable buffering or acidifying agent for optimum insecticidal activity. Dr. Fred Fishel Pesticide Coordinator weeddr@ifas.ufl.edu A mrO y Notes PA Stunted rye planting in north-central Florida. Photo: Yoana Newman I_ _ This was not a good season for winter forages in general. This year again the culprit is weather. Many calls and reports this winter have been associated with stunning of winter crops (rye, ryegrass, and clovers for those that planted them). We did not observed as many fungal dis- eases as last year in winter forage grasses but there was a stunning associated with most of them. At one location near Gainesville, stunting of red and crimson clover has been correlated with sting nema- todes. Sting nematodes are ectoparasitic, meaning they live in the soil and feed on growing plant root tips. Previ- ous research with the clovers has focused on root-knot nematodes and new varieties from Florida have resistance to these pests. Warmer soil temperatures favor nematode activity, generally speaking. With the high temperatures, these cool -season plants find themselves at the mercy of many pests that are seizing the opportunity brought by weather related stress to invade. Dr. Yoana Newman, Extension Forage Specialist ycnew@ufl.edu Clovers with sting nematode infestation-associated with warm winter in FL. Photo: Ken Quesenberry UNIVERSITY of UFIFLORIDA Keeping Connected IFAS Extension UF/IFAS For a listing of our site on Insects, Mites Entomology and Nematology and other topics: newsletter available at http://pests.ifas.ufl.edu/ http://entnews.ifas.ufl.edu/ Agronomey Notes (continued from page 2...Implications of Increased Soybean Acreage) should be scouted when they start blooming and continue into the late pod fill stage. If the dis- ease is detected, it should be sprayed with a fungicide. Florida will have sentinel plots across Florida again in 2008 and the information will be posted on the http://www.sbrusa.net website. The soybean rust pathogen attacks several other legumes in North America but is prevalent on kudzu throughout Florida. It has been detected every month of 2008 in sites in North Florida where rains and mild temperatures have kept kudzu actively growing. Leaves of kudzu have shown that rust spores are still being produced. Wright and Marois Dr. David Wright, Extension Agronomist Dr. Jim Marois North Florida REC, Quincy North Florida REC, Quincy wright@ufl.edu jmarois@ufl.edu I Early Planted Corn and Pest Risks If corn is planted into cover crops, cover crops should be killed at least 2-3 weeks be- fore planting or an in-furrow insecticide should be used for control of southern corn root worm, cutworms, etc. These insects will stay in the soil for a couple of weeks as the cover crop is dy- ing and then will go to the newly emerged corn for feed- ing as soon as it has germinated. Early planted corn has a better chance of avoiding leaf and whorl feeding fall armyworm as well as damaging disease epidemics dur- ing its growth period. Planting in early March often re- sults in high yield and quality. Corn is not very suscep- J tible to frost since the growing point remains under the .- soil surface until corn reaches about 12" high. The vegetative stage of growth can be slow from early plant- ing but still fares better in most years than when corn is planted in late March and April. Stink bug should be controlled when corn starts to silk and tassel because they will cause considerable damage and may result in Corn leaf and .tilnkhig eggs. high levels of aflatoxin making it unsuitable for sale for Photo: David Wright livestock feed or in ethanol production. The problem is that the aflatoxin would stay with the dried distillers grain which is used for livestock feed. Wheat and other small grain will be maturing when corn starts silking which is attractive to stinkbugs. Very little scouting is done on corn at this time but it will be necessary to reduce aflatoxin levels in corn from Florida if it is to go into the etha- nol trade. Dr. David Wright, Extension Agronomist North Florida REC, Quincy wright@ufl.edu Agronomey Notes P STiming of Forage Fertilization The criteria for fertilization of warm-season forage species is a soil temperature above 70 F or night temperatures that are consistently 60-65 F. In general, day time soil temperatures will be slightly lower and will fluctuate less than air temperatures. Soil temperature is the & t target but it is easier to monitor air temperature readings from night news 7 updates. SThe time to fertilize warm-season grasses is when the plant roots are actively growing and able to uptake the fertilizer (soil T above 700F). With the varying weather patterns is better to target the night air tempera- ture occurring in a consistent manner for approximately 2 weeks. To rec- ommend a 'date' could be misleading because of the change we are observ- ing in weather patterns, and it could be an earlier or later than usual 'warm ,...' year'; in past years this date would have been mid May. If you fertilize your forage plants too early you are creating a cool-season weed problem because you will be feeding cool-season weeds and later creating competition for nutrients. Optimum growth for warm-season plants, in general, occurs at air temperatures in the mid 80s up to 100-1040F. Dr. Yoana Newman, Extension Forage Specialist ycnew@ufl.edu IAjgromooey Notes Pt |