ATW 270- a soft red winter whaet for the southern U.S.

Material Information

ATW 270- a soft red winter whaet for the southern U.S.
Series Title:
Research report (North Florida Research and Education Center (Quincy, Fla.))
Barnett, Ronald David, 1943-
Luke, H. H ( Herbert Hodges ), 1923-
Soffes, Ann Rachel, 1957-
North Florida Research and Education Center (Quincy, Fla.)
Place of Publication:
Quincy Fla
North Florida Research and Education Center
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 leaf : ; 28 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Wheat -- Florida ( lcsh )
City of Quincy ( flego )
North Florida ( flego )
Commercial production ( jstor )
Educational research ( jstor )
Agronomy ( jstor )


General Note:
Caption title.
Statement of Responsibility:
R.D. Barnett, H.H. Luke, and A.R. Soffes

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
71154068 ( OCLC )


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I FAS North Florida Research and Education Center
/ Z 6Fj 1A Quincy, Florida
Agr nomy and Plant Pathology Departments
I.C l. eeSr le, Florida
-/ ,/ Library
Quincy NFREC Research Report NF-90-15 AP 1 in

ATW 270 A Soft Red Win er Wr t .. fr the So then U.S.
R.D. Barnett, Agronomist, 'iMn P.YL. PP9 AlhIerjfJgron mist,
Gainesville, H.H. Luke, Plant Patholog--it,-Gainesvile, and
A. R. Soffes, Agronomist, Quincy.

ATW 270 is an early maturing soft red winter wheat developed by the
University of Florida at the North Florida Research and Education Center at
Quincy in cooperation with the Agronomy and Plant Pathology Departments in
Gainesville. ATW 270 was tested experimentally as FL7927-G29 and is a full
sister to Florida 303. It resulted from a cross made at Quincy, Florida, in
1979, between a bronze chaffed sister of Florida 302 and Coker 797. ATW 270
originated from a single plant selected in the F3 generation. It was grown as
an F4 plant row and appeared to be uniform and stable. Yield performance
evaluation began in the F generation. The line performed well in yield
trials between 1984 and 1986. It was included in the Uniform Southern Soft
Red Winter Wheat Nursery in 1988 and 1989. It was included in state variety
trials in Georgia and South Carolina in 1987 and practically all southern
states in 1988 and 1989.

Exclusive rights to produce, market and distribute ATW 270 were granted to
AgraTech Seeds, Inc., 244 Perimeter Center Parkway, N.E., P. O. Box 2210,
Atlanta, Georgia 30301 (404/393-5410) in 1989. AgraTech Seeds, Inc., is a
wholly owned subsidiary of Gold Kist, Inc., headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.
Application for plant variety protection has been filed with the USDA Plant
Variety Office, specifying that seed of ATW 270 is to be sold by variety name
only as a class of certified seed. A good supply of certified seed will be
available for planting during 1990. All foundation and registered seed
production will be in Florida, but certified seed will be produced throughout
the market area.

ATW 270 is awnless and has bronze chaff. It is several days later in
maturity than the Coker 797 parent, but is about one week earlier than Florida
302. It has short, broad leaves that are blue green in color, as compared to
Florida 301 which is yellow green in color. ATW 270 has a fairly heavy
"bloom" (white, waxy covering) on the leaves, stems, and heads. When grown
under North Florida conditions, it is about three inches shorter than Florida
302 at maturity. It produces high yields and has a good test weight. It has
been tested for soft wheat quality, and has excellent milling and baking
characteristics. When released, it had excellent resistance to leaf rust and
powdery mildew. However, subsequently, some mildew-and a little leaf rust has
been observed. It obtained most of its disease resistance from Florida 302.
As Florida 302's disease resistance breaks down, so will AW 270's. It is
susceptible to Hessian fly and wheat soil-borne mosiac virus.

ATW 270 is uniform and stable. Less than 1% of the plants were rogued
from the breeders seed field in 1988. It does contain several off-type
plants. An occasional bearded, and an occasional white chaffed plant, may be
found. Also an occasional taller plant may also occur. However, these
off-type plants have occurred at less than 1% in subsequent generations.