SNorth Florida Research and Education Center
Quincy, Florida ..
Agronomy and Plant Pathology Departments Cntral Science
UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Gainesville, Florida Library
SEP 19 1989
Quincy NFREC Research Report NF-89-8
University of Florida
Sunland A New High Yielding Triticale for the Southeast a
R.D. Barnett, P.L. Bruckner, A.R. Soffes, P.L. Pfahler, H.H. Luke and R.O. Myer
'Sunland' is a new triticale released in 1989 by the University of Florida and the
University of Georgia. Sunland is the third triticale released by the University of
Florida. 'Beagle 82' was released in 1982 and 'Florida 201' was released in 1986.
Sunland is a spring type, photoperiod insensitive triticale originating from the cross
B-2736, Merino "S"/Juanillo, made at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
(CIMMYT) in Mexico. The cultivar is an early maturing type with yield and test weights
superior to Beagle 82 and Florida 201. Sunland has excellent resistance to bacterial leaf
blight and moderate resistance to leaf rust. Sunland has some resistance to Hessian Fly
(race D) but could be damaged if a heavy infestation occurs.
Sunland is a hexaploid (2X=42) with long broad leaves, large stems, and long bearded
heads. The heads have long rough awns, are white chaffed, and have a distinctive nodding
appearance at maturity. Plant height is rather tall averaging about 4' in Florida field
tests. It is usually about 6-8" taller than Florida 301 wheat. Sunland has moderate
lodging resistance and is relatively strong strawed. The lysine and protein content is
similar to Beagle 82 and superior to Florida 201. Sunland has been included in five years
of yield trials in Florida and four years of yield trials in Georgia.
It has consistently performed well with high yields, heavy test weight and excellent
disease resistance. Sunland is several days later in heading than Florida 201 which
should make it less likely to be damaged by a late season freeze. It is not as winter
hardy as the Florida wheats but is more winter hardy than Florida oat varieties. Sunland
should be grown in a manner similar to other triticales. It would not be as good as the
other small grains for a winter grazing crop but would make a good one-cut silage crop.
Planting dates between December 1 and January are recommended for grain production in
north Florida. The ideal planting time would be the first week in December.
Foundation seed of Sunland will be available from the Florida, Georgia, and South
Carolina Foundation Seed Programs in 1989. We will not apply for plant variety protection
for this new variety.
Dr. Barnett is Professor of Agronomy at the University of Florida, North Florida Research
and Education Center, Quincy, Florida. Dr. Bruckner is Assistant Professor at the
University of Georgia, Coastal Plain Experiment Station, Tifton, Georgia. Dr. Soffes is a
Biological Scientist at the North Florida Research and Education Center, Quincy, Florida.
Dr. Pfahler is Professor of Agronomy, Agronomy Department, Gainsville, Florida. Dr. Luke
is a Visiting Professor of Plant Pathology, Plant Pathology Department, Gainesville,
Florida. Dr. Myer is Associate Professor of Animal Science at the Agricultural Research
and Education Center, Marianna, Florida.