Florida 402 - a new full-season forge rye

Material Information

Florida 402 - a new full-season forge rye
Series Title:
Research report (North Florida Research and Education Center (Quincy, Fla.))
Barnett, Ronald David, 1943-
North Florida Research and Education Center (Quincy, Fla.)
Place of Publication:
Quincy Fla
North Florida Research and Education Center
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 leaf : ; 28 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Rye -- Varieties -- Florida ( lcsh )
City of Quincy ( flego )
City of Gainesville ( flego )
Commercial production ( jstor )
Forage ( jstor )
Rye ( jstor )


General Note:
Caption title.
Statement of Responsibility:
by R. D. Barnett ... et al..

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
71143584 ( OCLC )


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Central Science
North Florida Research and Education center nce
Quincy, Florida

Agronomy and Plant Pathology Departments JUN 07 188
Gainesville, Florida I
University of Florida
Quincy NFREC Research Report NF-88-4 rI:

Florida 402 A New Full-Season Forge Rye

R. D. Barnett, Agronomist, Quincy, P. L. Pfahler, Agronomist, Gainesville, H. H.
Luke, Plant Pathologist, Gainesville, and A. R. Zimet, Agronomist, Quincy

Rye continues to be the most popular cereal for winter forage programs. The
past several years we have had problems with cold damage to oats and Hessian fly
damage to wheat which has caused Florida producers to depend on rye more for
winter grazing. Rye has the ability to grow and produce forage at lower tempera-
tures, on light sandy soils with minimum fertilization and management, with less
damage from pest, and with greater winter hardiness.

Florida 402 was tested experimentally as FL EXP-201ES-79-1. It originated
from a phenotypic recurrent selection program began in 1973 using a Gator/Explorer
interpollinated blend as the original base population. We went through six cycles
of selection selecting for resistant to early seedling diseases, late maturity,
rust resistance, and forage potential. During the last year of selection which
was in 1979 individual spaced plants were selected. The individual plants were
planted in isolation plots in subsequent years and have been maintained in isola-
tion during the increase phase. Florida 402 resulted from the increase of one of
these single plants selected in 1979.

Florida 402 has a more prostrate growth habit than Florida 401 during early
growth stages. The leaves are narrower than Florida 401 and it tillers more. It
is later in maturing and normally heads about two weeks later than Florida 401.
The seed of Florida 402 are slightly smaller than Florida 401 but are uniformly
light brown in color whereas Florida 401 has a mixture of seed colors. Florida
402 has excellent winter hardiness and quite likely will be adapted further north
than Florida 401. It has good resistance to leaf rust and no other disease
problems have occurred during the time it has been selected and increased. Some
chlorophyll deficient striped plants were found in the 1987 foundation seed
production field but they occurred at a frequency of less than 0.1%. Forage
yields of Florida 402 has been good at a number of locations and it has provided
forage over the entire season. This rye will work very well in blends with
Florida 401. Also it will be better suited to dual-purpose forage and seed
production than earlier maturing varieties.

When we released Florida 401 we recommended that it be planted in mid-December
for seed production but since Florida 402 is later maturing it probably should be
planted around December 1 for optimum seed production. It tillers a great deal
and will lodge if excessive fertility levels are used.

Approximately 40 acres of Florida 402 were grown in 1987 to produce foundation
seed, so there will be a limited quantity of foundation seed available to seed
growers in 1987. Requests for foundation seed should be made to the Florida
Foundation Seed Producers, Inc., P. 0. Box 309, Greenwood, FL 32443 (Phone
904/594-4721). Variety protection is not contemplated.