Forage and grain sorghum performance trials in Florida, 1970

Material Information

Forage and grain sorghum performance trials in Florida, 1970
Dunavin, Leonard Sypret, 1930-
Prine, G. M ( Gordon Madison ), 1928-
University of Florida -- Agronomy Dept
Place of Publication:
Gainesville Fla
Department of Agronomy, Agricultural Experiment Stations, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
32, iii p. : ; 28 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Sorghum -- Field experiments -- Florida ( lcsh )
City of Gainesville ( flego )
City of Belle Glade ( flego )
Birds ( jstor )
Forage ( jstor )
Shoots ( jstor )


General Note:
Caption title.
General Note:
"December 1970."
General Note:
Chiefly tables.
General Note:
Agronomy mimeo report - University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences ; AG71-1
Statement of Responsibility:
L.S. Dunavin ... [et al.] ; manuscript editor, G.M. Prine.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
62521125 ( OCLC )


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The publications in this collection do
not reflect current scientific knowledge
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Copyright 2005, Board of Trustees, University
of Florida

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Agronomy Mimeo Report AG 71-1


December 1970




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University of Florida, IFAS
Agricultural Experiment Station
Department of Agronomy
Gainesville, Florida 32601

Agronomy Mimeo Report AG71-1 December 1970



L. S. Dunavin, West Florida Station, Jay (B)*
M. C. Lutrick, West Florida Station, Jay (G)
R. W. Lipscomb, North Florida Station, Marianna (G)
R. L. Stanley, North Florida Station, Quincy (B)
G. M. Prine,* Agronomy Department, Gainesville (B)
R. J. Allen, Jr., Everglades Station, Belle Glade (F)
V. E. Green, Everglades Station, Belle Glade (G)
R. A. Conover, Subtropical Station, Homestead (G)

In 1970, grain sorghum performance trials were conducted
at Jay, Marianna, Quincy, Gainesville, Belle Glade and Homestead.
Similarily, forage sorghum trials were conducted at Jay, Quincy,
Gainesville and Belle Glade. Trials were conducted on mineral
soils except at Belle Glade where a muck soil was used. This
report gives the results of these trials plus summaries of similar
trials in recent years.


In all trials, the varieties were replicated 6 times in
a randomized block design. Yields and other data reported at
each location are average for the 6 replications. Plots were
either 16 or 17 feet in length, with 36 or 38 inches between
rows. One-row plots were used at Gainesville and Jay, and 2-
to 4 row plots were used at the other locations.

Fertilization rates varied slightly at different locations.
Soils and fertilization rates used at each location are given in
Table 1. All entries in the trials were seeded at the rate of 10
pounds per acre except at Gainesville where 10 live seeds were
planted per foot in drill of rows 36 inches apart. Seeding dates

Manuscript Editor
*: F in parenthesis indicates cooperator worked with forage
sorghums, G indicates grain sorghums, and B indicates work
with both forage and grain sorghums.

- 2 -

for the different locations were: Jay, April 6; Marianna, June 8;
Quincy, July 7; Gainesville, April 17; Belle Glade, May 1; and
Homestead, April 23.

Grain Yields

A summary of the grain yields for the first harvest (seed
crop) of entries of the 1970 trials at Jay, Marianna and Gainesville
are recorded in Table 2. Grain yields for Quincy and Belle Glade
are presented in Table 3. Yields at Quincy were affected by the
lateness of seeding, sorghum midge and birds and at Belle Glade by
birds, so they are of little or no value for recommendation purposes.
No grain yields were taken at Homestead because of depredation by
sparrows and other local birds. No ratoon yields were taken at
any location during the 1970 season.

The grain yields of sorghum entries grown more than one of
the three years, 1968-70, are presented in Tables 4, 5 and 6 for
Jay, Marianna and Gainesville, respectively.

Plant Characteristics Other Than Yield

Disease, lodging and bird damage ratings plus plant height
and relative maturity for hybrids in trial at Homestead are reported
in Table 7. The days from seeding until 50% bloom and disease
ratings of hybrids for trials at Jay, Gainesville and Belle Glade
are given in Table 8.

The plant height at Jay, Gainesville, Belle Glade and Homestead
are listed in Table 10. Head types and ratoon regrowth ratings
are reported in Table 11. Ratings of bird damage to varieties in
trials at Jay, Belle Glade and Homestead are presented in Table 12.

Summary of Grain Trials 1968-70

Table 13 shows the yield performance of the various varieties
in Florida trials during the three-year period, 1968-70. This
table allows one to determine the number of trials in which the
grain yield of a variety was above the average yield over all entries,
and the number of trials in which the variety was one of the 5
highest yielding varieties. Three time periods are given in the
table, 1968 through 1969, 1970 and 1968 through 1970. A trial
had to have 12 or more entries to be included as a trial. The
grain yields for the 1970 trials are reported in Table 2.

Grain Sorghum for Silage

The leaf, stem, head and total yield of six grain sorghum
hybrids at Jay for the first harvest are presented in Table 14.

- 3 -

The plant heights in Table 10 can be used in estimating relative
silage yields. Usually the taller varieties produced more forage
(leaves and stems) than did shorter varieties. If the highest
quality silage is desired, one should select a short hybrid with
high grain yield. For highest silage yield select a hybrid which
is tall and has high grain yield.


The fertilization rates and soils for the forage sorghum
trials at the various locations are recorded in Table 1. The
rate of seeding the varieties in all trials, except Gainesville
was 10 pounds per acre. At Gainesville 10 live seed were planted
per foot in rows 36 inches apart. The Florida 200 A corn population
varied from 13,000 to 15,000 plants per acre. Seeding dates for
the different locations were: Jay, April 6; Quincy, July 7;
Gainesville, April 23; and Belle Glade, May 1.

Hybrid forage sorghum varieties were arranged in a randomized
block design replicated six times in all trials. Three of four-
row plots, with all measurements made on the center row or rows,
were used at most locations. Plots were 12 to 20 feet in length.
Distance between rows was either 36 or 38 inches. At Belle Glade
plots were 2 rows 16 inches apart and seeded in closely clipped
common bermudagrass sod. Insecticides and herbicides were applied
as needed to control insects and weed pests. The principal weed
control at most locations was from cultivation.

1970 Forage and Grain Yields

The dry weight and freshweight forage yields are reported
in Tables 15 and 16, respectively, for Jay, Quincy and Belle-
Glade. The trial at Gainesville was not harvested as a severe
local storm caused 100% lodging of all entries just prior to
harvesting. Grain and ratoon yields of leaf, stem and head
percentages for the trial at Jay are given in Table 17.

Summary of Forage Yields 1968-70

The head and total forage yields for the period, 1968 through
1970, are reported for Jay, Quincy, Gainesville and Belle Glade
in Tables 22, 23, 24 and 25, respectively. Only two of the three
years data were available at Quincy and Gainesville.

Table 26 shows how many times a forage sorghum entry has
been in Florida trials during the period 1965 through 1970. Also
given in Table 26 is the number of trials where the forage and
head yields of an entry was above trial average and one of the top

five highest yielding entries in a trial. The dry matter yield
of total forage and heads was used in ranking varieties except in
trials where only green (fresh) weight yield was measured.

Widely adapted and superior yielding varieties should yield
above trial average in a high percentage of trials in which they
are tested. As varieties with the highest head (grain) yield are
not usually the varieties with highest total forage yield, one
should decide whether total forage yield or head (grain yield)
is most important and use the appropriate table in selecting superior
yielding varieties.

NOTE: This will be the only detailed report of the 1970
Sorghum Trials. Save this report if you will need
it in the future as supplied are limited.


Table 1. Fertilizer and Sidedressing applied to sorghum trials
at various locations in 1970.

Fertilizer Applied Per Acre
Location Trial(s) Soil Type At Planting Sidedressing

Jay Grain Red Bay fine sand 750 Ib. 0-14-14 100 lbs. N on April 16

Forage Same 750 Ib. 0-14-14 100 lbs. N on April 16
66 lbs. N on Aug. 21

Marianna Grain Ruston loamy sand 600 lb. 4-12-12 100 Ibs. N

Quincy Grain & Norfolk fine 700 lb. 0-14-14
Forage sandy loam 150 lb. N
(Anhydrous NH3)

Gainesville Grain & Scranton loamy 700 lb. 4-8-16 100 lbs. N on May 2
Forage fine sand

Belle Glade Grain Everglades peat None None

Forage Same 450 lb. 4-8-20
15 lb. Cu

- 6 -

Table 2. Grain yield of grain sorghum hybrids planted at Jay, Marianna
and Gainesville in 1970.

Grain Yield
Hybrid Jay Marianna Gainesville

-----------------Pounds per Acre
Dekalb BR-62 (B) 5120 (5) ** 2980 ab *
Bird Go (B) 5240 (4) 2750 a-e
Pioneer 828 1970 2530 a-e
AKS 614 (B) 3840 2810 a-d

Ga 615 (B)
Dorman BR 100 (B)

Bravis (B)
Dekalb BR-64 (B)
AKS 653 (B)
AKS 663 (B)
McNair 546 (B)
Funk BR 79 (B)

Bird-off (B)
Funk G522 (Y)
ACCO R-1029
McNair 652
Bird Go A (B)
Funk G766W (W)

Funk BR-630 (B)
McNair 6901 (B)
McNair 6902 (B)
Dorman BR 105 (B)
T-E Tell
Bravis R (B)

Pioneer BR 804 (B)
Oro (Y)
Shoo-Bird (B)
AKS 68010 (B)
Bird-Off 31 (B)
Bird-Off 99 (B)

T-E Y-101 (Y)
T-E 7001S (Y)
T-E 7005S (Y)
ACCO R-1090 (Y)
Penngrain (B)
Ga. Exp. Sta. 1795E(B)
ACCO R-1093 (B)
R ; --J A n /.-A

4470 (11)

4500 (10)
5690 (1)
5470 (2)
5410 (3)



4160 (14)
4610 (9)

4130 (15)



2790 a-d


3100 a
1930 a-e

2870 abc
2560 a-e
3150 a


1600 de
2790 a-d
2320 a-e

2220 a-e
1550 e

2260 a-e
2820 abc


4900 (8)

4590 h-k
5500 abc
5180 c-h
4490 ijk
5770 ab
4910 c-k











Dird-A-Doo kb) 2350 a-e
Trial Average 4110 2510 4830
Planting Date April 1 June 8 April 16
B in parenthesis indicates bird resistance is claimed, Y = yellow endosperm
and W = white seed.
SNumber in parentheses indicates rank above trial average.
Values in same range (have same letter in common) are not significantly different
at .05 level. Only first and last range is shown when values have more than

Table 3. Grain yield of grain sorghum hybrids
planted at Belle Glade and Quincy in 1970.

Grain Yield
Hybrid Belle Glade Quincy
---- Pounds per Acre -----
ACCO R-1023 (B) 2320 a *
Bravis (B) 2290 a 740 b-h
Funk BR-630 (B) 2030 ab 800 b-g
Bird-Off (B) 2020 abc 740 b-h
Dorman BR-105 (B) 2000 abc 830 b-g
Dorman BR-100 (B) 1990 abc 820 b-g

Penngrain (B) 1990 abc 950 bed
Bird Go A (B) 1950 abc 800 b-g
Bird Go (B) 1930 a-d 920 b-e
Bird-A-Boo (B) 1920 a-d 590 g-j
Funk BR-79 (B) 1900 a-d 1030 b
AKS 614 (B) 1890 a-d

McNair 546 (B) 1860 a-d 700 c-i
Bird-Off 31 (B) 1830 a-e 1020 b
Bravis R (B) 1730 a-e 790 b-h
Shoo-Bird (B) 1720 a-f 800 b-g
Pioneer BR 804 (B) 1590 b-f 680 d-i
McNair 6901 (B) 1560 b-g 620 f-j

Funk G-522 (Y) 1550 b-g 910 b-f
Oro (Y) 1510 b-h 990 bc
ACCO R-1090 (Y) 1380 c-i
McNair 6902 (B) 1300 d-i 640 e-j
T-E Y 101 (Y) 1260 e-j 810 b-g
Dekalb BR-62 (B) 1110 f-j

T-E 7005S (Y) 970 g-k
Bird-Off 99 (B) 960 g-k 450 ij
McNair 652 930 h-k 1030 b
Dekalb BR-64 (B) 930 h-k 1310 a
T-E Tell 840 ijk 510 hij
ACCO R-1029 820 ijk

AKS 663 (B) 790 ijk 900 b-f
AKS 653 (B) 650 jkl 390 j
Funk G 766W (W) 440 kl 450 ij
T-E 7001S (Y) 390 kl
Pioneer 828 160 1 700 c-i

Trial Average 1410 780
Planting Date May 1 July 6
B in parenthesis indicates bird resistance is
claimed, Y = yellow endosperm and W = white seed
-* Values in same range (have same letter in common)
are not significantly different at .05 level. Only
first and last range is shown when value has more
than three range series.


Table 4. The grain yield of grain sorghum variety trials at Jay
for 3 seasons.

Grain Yield
Hybrid 1968 1969 1970 Average Rank
----------------- Pounds per Acre ------------------
Dekalb BR-64 4190 7430 5690 5770 1
Bird-Go 4580 6990 5240 5600 2
Funk BR-79 4500 6750 5410 5550 3
Dekalb BR-62 3900 6750 5120 5260 4
AKS 663 3070 5940 5470 4830 5
McNair 546 4160 6120 4010 4760 6
Dorman BR-100 3470 6060 4470 4670 7
Bravis 3360 5490 4500 4450 8
AKS 614 3300 5810 3840 4320 9
Pioneer 828 3530 5470 1970 3660 10

Bird-Off 5840 4500 5170 1
Funk G 522 5040 4410 4730 2
ACCO R-1029 5350 4040 4700 3
McNair 652 5640 2790 4220 4
AKS 653 5070 3270 4170 5

Ga 615 4070 6910 5490 1
Frontier 409 3560 5950 4760 2
ACCO R-1093 3440 6040 4740 3
Double TX 3640 5810 4730 4
ACCO R-109 3440 5780 4610 5
Dekalb E-57 3530 4750 4140 6
NK Savanna 3160 4700 3930 7

Trial Average 3450 5550 4110
Seeding Date Mar. 26 Mar. 28 April 1

Trial average includes yield of varieties not shown that occurred
only 1 of the 3 seasons.
See Table 2 for all variety yields in 1970.

Table 5. The grain yield of grain sorghum variety trials at
Marianna for 3 seasons

Grain Yields
Hybrid 1968 1969 1970 Average Rank
---------------- Pounds per Acre ----------------
McNair 546 4970 3980 2510 3820 1
Bird Go 4680 4010 2750 3810 2
Bravis 4750 3600 3070 3810 2
AKS 614 4360 4080 2810 3750 4
Pioneer 828 5260 3090 2530 3630 5
Dekalb BR-62 4210 3680 2980 3620 6
Dorman BR-100 4230 3700 2790 3570 7
Funk BR-79 4490 4060 2150 3570 7
AKS 663 4490 3340 1790 3210 9

Bird-Off 3950 3100 3530 1
Dekalb BR-64 3390 2870 3130 2
AKS 653 3720 1730 2730 3

ACCO R-109 5230 4340 4790 1
Ga 615 5340 3970 4660 2
Double TX 5420 3460 4440 3
ACCO R-1093 4940 3650 4300 4
NK Savanna 4090 4160 4130 5
Trail Average 4530 3760 2510
Seeding Date June 6 May 27 June 8

*Trial average includes
occurred only I of the

yield of varieties not shown that
3 seasons.

See Table 2 for all variety yields in 1970.

- 10

of grain

sorghum variety

at Gainesv


Grain Yield
Hybrid 1968 1969 1970 Average Rank

----------------- Pounds per Acre ----------------
Funk BR-79 2860 4060 5960 4290 1
Bird Go 3220 4080 5500 4270 2
Ga 615 2920 3720 5770 4140 3
AKS 663 3120 3390 5210 3910 4
Dekalb BR-64 2720 4080 4860 3890 5
Pioneer 828 2390 3850 5180 3810 6
McNair 546 2400 3440 4680 3510 7
Bravis 2130 3220 5060 3470 8
Dorman BR-100 2530 2880 4910 3440 9
Dekalb BR-62 2160 3320 4590 3360 10
AKS 614 2130 2990 4490 3200 11

McNair 652 4020 5470 4750 1
Bird-Off 3540 5430 4490 2
ACCO R-1029 3720 5100 4410 3
Funk G 522 3790 4900 4350 4
AKS 653 2850 4450 3650 5

ACCO R-109 3170 3550 3360 1
Frontier 409 2740 3500 3120 2
ACCO R-1093 2660 3180 2920 3
Double TX 1670 3970 2820 4
NK Savanna 1990 2610 2300 5
Bird-A-Boo 2240 2170 2210 6

Trial Average 2280 3280 4830
Seeding Date April 4 April 9 April 16
,... --. -- i-- i Ill fillb -

* Tri





not shown







Some characteristics of grain sorghum hybrids planted at
Homestead in 1970.

Disease Lodging Height Bird Maturity on
Variety (June 24) (Aug. 12) (inches) Damage June 24 **

Dekalb BR-62

Bird Go

Pioneer 828
AKS 614

Ga 615

Dorman BR 100
Dekalb BR-64
AKS 653
AKS 663
McNair 546

Funk BR 79


Funk G

ACCO R-1029
McNair 652
Bird Go A
Funk G 766W
Funk BR-630
McNair 6901
McNair 6902
Dorman BR 1

T-E Tell
Bravis R

Pioneer BR 804

51 1

Bird-Off 31
Bird-Off 99
T-E Y-101
T-E 7001S
T-E 7005S
ACCO R-1090

Jumbo C 1.0 .0 53 jI .u to

Trial Average 4.7 1.0 55 5.3

1:i II II mnl I-


12 -

Days from seeding until 50% bloom and disease rating for grain sorghum
hybrids at Jay, Gainesville and Belle Glade in 1970.


Belle Glade

Days to



Days to




July 6





Dekalb BR-62

Bird Go

Pioneer 828

AKS 614

Ga 615
Dorman BR 100


Dekalb BR-64
AKS 653
AKS 663
McNair 546
Funk BR 79
Funk G522
ACCO R-1029
McNair 652
Bird Go A
Funk G766W
Funk BR 630
McNair 6901
McNair 6902
Dorman BR I10

T-E Tell
Bravis R

Pioneer BR 804

AKS 68010
Bird-off 31
Bird-off 99
T-E Y-101
T-E 7001S
T-E 7005S
ACCO R-1090

Penngra in 67 1.0 61 3.7 4.8 8.0 59 2.0
Ga. Exp. Sta. 1795E 64 2.8 3.5 6.7

----- -- -=I-1~ __ -1 -- --- --

__ __ __

- 13 -

Table 9. Lodging of grain sorghum hybrids at
Gainesville and Homestead in 1970.

Lodging *
Hybrid Homestead Gainesville

Dekalb BR-62 .0 .0
Bird Go 2.7 3.2
Pioneer 828 .0 .3
AKS 614 1.7 1.2
Ga 615 3.8 2.5
Dorman BR-100 1.5 1.7
Bravis 2.7 1.2
Dekalb BR-64 .0 .0
AKS 653 .0 .0
AKS 663 .3 .0
McNair 546 .5 .0
Funk BR-79 3.0 3.7
Bird-off 1.3 3.2
Funk G 522 .0 .0
ACCO R-1029 .0 .0
McNair 652 .3 .5
Bird Go A 1.8 .8
Funk G766 W .0 .0
Funk BR-630 1.2 .2
McNair 6901 3.0 1.3
McNair 6902 2.2 .8
Dorman BR-105 2.5 2.0
T-E Tell .0 1.0
Bravis R .8 .8
Pioneer BR-804 1.2 .8
Oro .0 .0
Shoo-Bird .5 .0
AKS 68010 2.2
Bird-off 31 .7 .0
Bird-off 99 .0 .0
T-E Y-101 .0 .0
T-E 7001S .2 5.5
T-E 7005S .0 1.0
ACCO R-1090 .0 .5
Penngrain 3.3 2.5
Ga. Exp. Sta. 1795E .0
Bird-A-Boo 1.5
Jumbo C .0

Trial Average 1.0 1.0

Lodging: 0 = none, 10 = 100% of plants lodged

- 14 -

Table 10. Plant height of grain sorghum hybrids at four locations in 1970.

Plant Height (inches)
Hybrid Jay Gainesville Belle Glade Homestead

Dekalb BR-62 57 68 78 63
Bird Go 52 62 67 59
Pioneer 828 55 67 74 59
AKS 614 46 56 62 56
Ga 615 61 57
Dorman BR 100 48 59 65 55
Bravis 48 59 60 56
Dekalb BR-64 59 64 74 61
AKS 653 43 57 62 54
AKS 663 56 62 65 58
McNair 546 43 54 56 62
Funk BR 79 54 62 67 56
Bird-off 48 60 67 57
Funk G 522 42 48 53 53
ACCO R-1029 44 57 58 53
McNair 652 53 59 67 57
Bird Go A 51 57 51 56
Funk G 766W 55 60 70 59
Funk BR 630 44 53 54 51
McNair 6901 51 62 66 55
McNair 6902 48 59 62 55
Dorman BR 105 51 60 70 58
T-E Tell 47 59 61 55
Bravis R 44 55 54 50
Pioneer BR 804 45 56 60 51
Oro 42 48 54 51
Shoo-Bird 38 48 52 51
AKS 68010 59
Bird-off 31 39 50 52 53
Bird-off 99 52 67 50
T-E Y-101 43 47 53 52
T-E 7001S 52 58 66 55
T-E 7005S 46 55 63 55
ACCO R-1090 46 53 52 53
Penngrain 51 60 65 56
Ga. Exp. Sta. 1795E 53
Bird-A-Boo 56 52
Jumbo C 53
ACCO R-1093 48
ACCO R-1023 60

Trial Average 48 57 63 55
Planting Date April 7 April 16 May 1 April 23

- 15 -

Table 11.

Ratoon regrowth at Gainesville and Jay and head type
and head mold ratings at Gainesville on grain sorghum
hybrids in 1970.

Gainesville Jay
Head* Headad Ratoon*** Ratoon* -"'
Hybrid Type Mold Regrowth Regrowth

Dekalb BR-62
Bird Go
Pioneer 828
AKS 614
Ga 615
Dorman BR-100
Dekalb BR-64
AKS 653
AKS 663
McNair 546
Funk Br-79
Funk G522
ACCO R-1029
McNair 652
Bird Go A
Funk G766W
Funk BR-630
McNair 6901
McNair 6902
Dorman BR-105
T-E Tell
Bravis R
Pioneer BR-804
AKS 68010
Bird-off 31
Bird-off 99
T-E Y-101
T-E 7001 S
T-E 7005 S
ACCO R-1090
Ga. Exp. Sta. 1795E
ACCO R-1093

1 .0

1 .5






Trial Average 2.1 5.4 7.8

SVO = very open, 0
and C = compact.

= open, SO = semi-open, SC

= semi-compact,

SHead mold: 0 = none, 10 = 100% of seed moldy.
*** Ratoon regrowth: 0 = none, 10 = excellent regrowth

- 16 -

Table 12. Bird damage to grain sorghum hybrids at
Jay, Belle Glade and Homestead in 1970.

Bird Damage *
Hybrid Jay Belle Glade Homestead

Dekalb BR-62 0 6.0 9.5
Bird Go 0 2.0 3.7
Pioneer 828 9.0 1.0
AKS 614 2.1 5.0 1.7
Ga 615 2.0
Dorman BR 100 0 5.0 1.5
Bravis 0 5.0 2.0
Dekalb BR-64 0 5.0 7.5
AKS 653 0 8.0 6.0
AKS 663 0 1.0 2.5
McNair 546 0 1.0 1.5
Funk BR 79 0 4.0 4.2
Bird-off 0 5.0 2.0
Funk G 522 2.3 3.0 10.0
ACCO R-1029 2.7 5.0 10.0
McNair 652 5.7 4.0 10.0
Bird Go A 0 5.0 2.2
Funk G 766 W 2.7 9.0 10.0
Funk BR 630 0 2.0 .5
McNair 6901 0 5.0 2.5
McNair 6902 0 7.0 1.3
Dorman BR 105 0 5.0 3.0
T-E Tell 4.3 2.0 10.0
Bravis R 0 5.0 1.0
Pioneer BR 804 0 1.0 2.2
Oro 2.7 2.0 10.0
Shoo-Bird 2.7 5.0 .3
Bird-off 31 2.7 5.0 .8
Bird-off 99 6.0 10.0
T-E Y-10 0 8.0 10.0
T-E 7001 S 0 5.0 10.0
T-E 7005 S 2.3 5.0 10.0
ACCO R-1090 1.7 4.0 10.0
Penngrain 0 5.0 2.5
Bird-A-Boo 5.0 1.7
Jumbo C 1.0
ACCO R-1093 0
ACCO R-1023 5.0

Trial Average 1.0 4.7 5.3

Bird damage: 0 = none to 10 = 100% depredation

Table 13.

A summary of yield performance for the first harvest after seeding of grain
varieties in Florida trials for 1968-69 and 1970.

Number of trials* where grain yield was above average
or one of 5 highest yielding varieties in trial.
1968-69 1970 1968-70
Above Top Above Top Above Top
Source and Variety** Average Five Average Five Average Five

ACCO R-109
R-1093 (B)
Arkansas 614 (B)
653 (B)
663 (B)
68010 (B)
Asgrow Bravis (B)
Double TX
Jumbo C
Bravis R (B)
Dekalb E-57
BR-62 (B)
BR-64 (B)
Dorman BR-100 (B)
BR-105 (B)
Excel Bird Go (B)
Bird Go 3 (B)
Bird Go A (B)
Frontier 409 (B)
Grassy Grain I (B)
Funk BR-75 (B)
BR-76 (B)
BR-79 (B)

I of 2

4 of 9

2 of 2
0 of 9 1 of 1

3 of 3

0 of 3

5 of 9

9 of 9
I of 5

5 of 6
0 of 3

2 of 9 2 of 3
4 of 7 3 of 3
I of 9 3 of 3
2 of 3

7 of 9
0 of 5

1 of 6
0 of 3

3 of. 3

3 of 3

2 of 3

0 of 2

0 of 2
0 of 1

1 of 3

0 of 3

2 of 3
I of 3
0 of 3
0 of 3

2 of 3 12
0 of 3 3
2 of 3 10

8 of 12
2 of 3

1 of 12
0 of 3


Table 13. Continued.

Number of trials* where grain yield was above average
or one of 5 highest yielding varieties in trial.
1968-69 1970 1968-70
Above Top Above Top Above Top
Source and Variety** Average Five Average Five Average Five

Funk BR-630 (B)
765 W
G766 W
George Warner W723 (B)
W758 (B)
Georgia 615 (B)
McCurdy.Bird-off (B)
Bird-off 31 (B)
Bird-off 99 (B)
McNair 546 (B)
6901 (B)
6902 (B)
Niagara Oro
Shoo-bird (B)

1 of 3

2 of 3

2 of 3

4 of 4

4 of 4
2 of 2

5 of 9 1 of I
1 of 4 3 of 3
0 of 3
0 of 2
0 of 4 1 of 3
1 of 2 2 of 3
2 of 3
0 of 3
2 of 3
0 of 3

0 of 3 1
0 of 3 3
1 of 3 2
1 of 1 8

Northrup King 222A 1 of 1 0 of I I of 1 0 of 1
222G 0 of I 0 of I 0 of I O of 1
Savanna (B) 2 of 9 I of 9 2 of 9 1 of 9
280 0 of I 0 of 1 0 of 1 0 of 1
Pennington Penngrain (B) 2 of 2 0 of 2 2 of 2 0 of 2
Pioneer 828 4 of 8 2 of 8 2 of 3 0 of 3 6 of 11 2 of 11
BR-804 (B) 1 of 4 0 of 4 1 of 3 0 of 3 2 of 7 0 of 7
Taylor-Evans Bird-A-Boo (B) 1 of 7 1 of 7 0 of 1 0 of 1 1 of 8 0 of 8
09105 1 of 4 0 of 4 l of 4 0 of 4
Tell 1 of 3 1 of 3 1 of 3 1 of 3
Y101 0 of 3 0 of 3 0 of 3 O of 3
7001S I of 3 0 of 3 1 of 3 0 of 3
7005S 1 of 2 0 of 2 1 of 2 0 of 2

Some trials with less than 12 entries, or which suffered severe bird damage were not included
'B' in parentheses after name indicates bird resistance is claimed for the variety

Table 14.

The green and dry matter yields of heads, leaves and stalks of six grain
sorghum hybrids at Jay in 1970.

Green Ovendried
Hybrid Leaves Stalk Head* Total Leaves Stalk Head* Grain-*-, Total

-------------------------------- 1000 pounds per acre ----------------------------------

Bird Go 2.7 7.4 11.0 21.1 .9 1.5 6.2 6.1 8.6
Dekalb BR-64 4.8 7.1 10.1 22.0 1.4 2.0 5.1 4.5 8.4
AKS 663 4.0 6.7 10.2 21.0 1.1 1.5 4.9 4.6 7.5
Funk BR-79 3.0 7.5 10.7 21.2 .8 1.4 5.9 5.7 8.1
McNair 652 3.1 7.5 9.0 19.6 .8 1.5 4.5 4.5 6.8
ACCO R-1029 2.2 5.6 8.9 16.7 .6 1.1 4.8 4.7 6.5

* Includes Rachis and Grain
*"* Threshed grain

- 20 -

Table 15.

Total dry matter yields of forage sorghum hybrids at
Jay, Quincy, and Belle Glade in 1970.

Dry Matter Yield
Hybrid Jay Quincy Belle Glade Average

------------------ Pounds per Acre -------------------
R Patrick 55 F 10790 (3) 6490 b-e ** 11140 bc 9470 (1) *
Titan R 8850 6430 b-e 11610 b 8960 (2)
McCurdy M-69 9030 6780 bcd 91/0 b-e 8330 (3)
Funk 102 F 10120 (4) 6830 bcd 7810 cde 8250 (4)
ACCO FS-401 R 8680 6400 b-e 9580 bcd 8220 (5)
Pioneer 927 9410 5880 c-f 8420 b-e 7900 (6)
ACCO X 811 11370 (1) 4820 efg 6710 def 7630 (7)
Dekalb FS-4 11020 (2) 3490 gh 7710 cde 7410 (8)
Dekalb FS-24 9860 (5) 5480 def 6050 def 7130 (9)
TDN 9390 4500 fg 5630 ed 6510 (10)

Dekalb FS-26 8730 a 9580 bcd 9160 (1)
Pennsilage 8900 7260 def 8080 (2)
Beefbuilder T 7220 ab 8070 cde 8000 (3)
Yieldmaker 7400 abc 8280 b-e 7840 (4)
Silomaker 7190 a-d 8050 cde 7620 (5)
Silo Fill 33 6510 b-e 6720 def 6620 (6)
Dino 2860 h 3920 f 3390 (7)

Pioneer 931 17580 a 17580 (1)
Florida 200 A corn 8830 8830 (2)
NK 300 5980 c-f 5980 (3)

Trial Average 9690 6100 8520
Seeding Date April 6 July 6 May 31

SNumber in parentheses is rank of that hybrid above trial average.

SValues in same range (have same letter in common) are not significantly
different at .05 level. Only first and last range is shown when value
has more than three range series.

- 21 -

Table 16.

Total freshweight yields of forage sorghum hybrids at
Jay, Quincy, and Belle Glade in 1970.

Total Freshweight Yield
Hybrid Jay Quincy Belle Glade Average
----------- 1000 Pounds Per Acre ------------------
R. Patrick 55F 1 38.8 (3) 18. 8-2 (11) 46.1. (2) 3 .4 (1)
Titan R 30.0 18.6 (9) 44.3 (3) 31.0 (2)
McCurdy M-69 29.8 20.4 (4) 36.7 (5) 29.0 (3)
Funk 102F 33.0 19.8 (6) 31.9 28.2 (4)
ACCO FS-401R 29.6 19.1 (7) 35.2 (6), 28.0 (5)
Pioneer 927 33.9 17.5 31.3 27 16 (6)
Dekalb FS-4 39.3 (1) 10.9 31.9 27.4 (7)
ACCO X811 37.8 (4) 18.2 (10) 26.3 27..4 (8)
Dekalb FS-24 36.3 (5) 16.0 25.6 26.0 (9)
TDN 38.9 (2) 14.7 29.3 25.5 (10)
Pennsilage 36.1 (6) 8.5 29.6 24 .7 (11)

Dekalb FS-26 24.2 (1) 40.0 (4) 32.1 (1)
Beefbuilder T 22.1 (2) 32.7 (8) 27:.4 (2)
Silomaker 21.7 (3) 32.0 26.9 (3)
Yieldmaker 20.0 (5) 33.0 (7) 26.5 (4)
Silo Fill 33 19.1 (8) 25.4 22.3 (5)

Pioneer 931 47.4 (1) 47.4 (1)
Florida 200 A corn 33.4 33.4 (2)
NK 300 17.6 17.6 (3)
Dino 16.5 16.5 (4)

Trial Average 34.7 18.0 32.7
Seeding Date April 6 July 6 May 31

*Number in parentheses is the rank of that hybrid above average.

Table 17. The percentage of heads, leaves and stalks, and grain and total dry matter yields
for the first and ratoon harvest at Jay in 1970.

First Harvest Ratoon *
Grain Total Yield Total Yield
Hybrid (Ibs/A) (Ibs/A) % Head % Leaves % Stalk (Ibs/A) % Leaves % Stalk

Funk 102 F 5260 10120 59 12 29 3840 19 81
Dekalb FS-24 5020 9860 55 12 33 3500 21 79
McCurdy M69 4930 9030 56 11 33 3810 17 83
R. Patrick 55F 4840 10790 50 10 40 2960 19 81
ACCO X811 4560 11370 41 14 45 4640 11 89
Titan R 4470 8850 56 11 33 2960 20 80
Dekalb FS-4 4130 11020 39 14 47 2450 17 83
ACCO FS-401R 4020 8680 55 13 32 2780 19 81
Pioneer 927 3840 9410 51 13 36 3630 19 81
TDN 3040 9390 40 18 42 3780 17 83
Pennsilage 2740 8900 36 17 47 4010 17 83
Florida 200 A corner* 1830 8830 51 17 32

Trial Average 4060 9690 49 13 38 3490 17.8 82.2

* Grain was lost due to damage from
-** Damaged by Southern Leaf Blight.

midge and birds.

- 23 -

Table 18. The plant height of forage sorghum hybrids at Jay,
Gainesville and Belle Glade in 1970.

Plant Height (inches)
Hybrid Jay Quincy Gainesville Belle Glade

Florida 200 A corn 106 119
Dekalb FS-26 93 98 111
Silo Fill 33 76 79 101
Pioneer 931 117 127
Beefbuilder T 95 97 111
Titan R 93 85 91 110

NK 300 74 75
Silomaker 83 86 107
Yieldmaker 96 107 114
ACCO FS-401 R 81 86 93 110
Dekalb FS-4 97 74 98 87
TDN 88 73 79 88
R. Patrick 55F 101 90 99 112
Dekalb FS-24 82 74 75 98
McCurdy M69 87 91 92 112
Funk 102F 84 87 91 104
Pioneer 927 81 71 80 93
ACCO X 811 113 103 111 105
Pennsilage 85 76 97
Dino 58 63
Kenaf 113
Grazer S 114
Bird Go ** 54

Trial Average 92 83 93 103

** Grain sorghum

- 24 -

Table 19.

The days from seeding to 50% of plants starting
to flower (bloom) at Jay, Gainesville and Belle
Glade in 1970.

Days to 50% Bloom
Hybrid Jay Gainesville Belle Glade

Florida 200 A corn 79 68
Dekalb FS-26 68 48
Silo Fill 33 63 46
Pioneer 931 64 66
Beefbuilder T 65 47
Titan R 77 59 45

NK 300 59
Silomaker 61 47
Yieldmaker 62 46
ACCO FS-401R 78 61 47
Dekalb FS-4 79 66 38
TDN 83 68 47
R. Patrick 55F 80 60 46
Dekalb FS-24 79 64 48
McCurdy M 69 79 62 47
Funk 102F 80 62 48
Pioneer 927 82 65 47
ACCO X 811 84 67 73
Pennsilage 83 67 48
Dino 44
Grazer S 60
Bird Go ** 63

Trial Average 80 63 49
Seeding Date April 6 April 17 May 31

* Sorghum-sudangrass
** Grain sorghum

Disease ratings of forage sorghum hybrids at Jay, Quincy, Gainesville and Belle Glade in 1970.

Disease *
Jay Quincy Gainesville Belle Glade
Hybrid First Harvest Ratoon
At heading At harvest Nov. 6 Sept. 22 June 24 At harvest

Florida 200 A corn .5 3.6 4.0
Dekalb FS-26 5.2 3.2 4.2
Silo Fill 33 3.3 3.0 5.2
Pioneer 931 4.8 4.2
Beefbuilder T 4.5 3.8 4.2
Titan R 1.0 2.5 7.7 4.7 3.5 4.3
NK 300 4.2 2.3
Silomaker 4.5 3.3 4.3
Yieldmaker 4.0 3.2 4.5
ACCO FS-401 R 1.5 2.4 7.5 4.2 3.0 3.7
Dekalb FS-4 1.5 2.5 7.9 8.7 2.8 4.3
TDN 1.0 2.4 7.5 4.2 2.3 4.2
R. Patrick 55F 1.0 2.9 8.8 5.7 2.5 5.5
Dekalb FS-24 1.5 3.0 7.8 5.3 3.3 4.5
McCurdy M69 1.5 3.0 7.4 5.0 3.2 3.8
Funk 102F 1.0 2.8 7.1 4.2 3.0 4.5
Pioneer 927 1.0 2.5 7.3 3.7 3.0 4.0
ACCO X811 1.5 2.7 6.9 8.0 4.5 5.2
Pennsilage 1.0 2.4 7.3 2.3 3.8
Dino 6.2 7.2
Kenaf 1.8
Grazer S 2.3
Bird Go 2.8

Trial Average 1.2 2.7 7.6 5.0 3.1 4.5
Seeding Date April 6 July 6 April 17 May 31

0 = none, 10 = complete coverage of shoot.

Table 20.

* Disease:

- 26 -

Lodging and ratoon regrowth of forage
in 1970.

sorghum hybrids

Lodging Ratoon Regrowth**
Hybrid Jay Gainesville**"' Belle Glade

Florida 200 A corn .1 .2
Dekalb FS-26 .3 7.2
Silo Fill 33 .3 3.8
Pioneer 931 .2 7.8
Beefbuilder T 6.2 5.5
Titan R 1.7 7.0 5.0
NK 300 2.5
Silomaker 5.7 4.3
Yieldmaker 9.0 4.7
ACCO FS-401R 2.5 8.3 4.5
Dekalb FS-4 .4 2.7 4.2
TDN .1 .0 5.8
R. Patrick 55F 3.3 9.3 4.7
Dekalb FS-24 .9 2.2 5.5
McCurdy M69 2.7 4.0 4.8
Funk 102F 3.9 6.2 5.8
Pioneer 927 .8 .5 4.5
ACCO X811 .2 2.3 6.0
Pennsilage .2 .2 4.8
Dino 1.5
Kenaf .0
Grazer S 7.2
Bird Go .0

Trial Average 1.4 3.4 5.0

Lodging: 0 = none, 10 = 100% of
** Ratoon regrowth: 0 = none, 10 =
of regrowth.
*** Several days after these lodging
a severe storm flattened all the
had 100% lodging.

plants lodged.
excellent stand

and vigor

ratings were made at Gainesville
forage sorghums so that they

NOTE: Lodging notes were made just before harvest of seed crop.

Table 21.

- 27 -

Table 22.

The dry matter yields of heads and total forage including heads
of forage sorghum and Florida 200 A corn at Jay for 3 seasons.

Seasonal dry matter yields of heads and total forage
1968 1969 1970 Average
Hybrid Heads Total Heads Total Heads Total Heads Total

------------------- 1000 Pounds per Acre -------------------
R. Patrick 55F 4.0 5.6 28.7 4.8 13.7 4.8 21.2
ACCO FS-401R 5.4 20.9 6.5 28.0 4.0 11.5 5.3 20.1
TDN 2.8 18.6 6.4 26.2 3.0 13.2 4.1 19.3
Dekalb FS-4 6.1 6.5 21.9 4.1 13.5 5.6 17.7
Florida 200 A corn 2.7 7.9 3.3 21.0 1.8 8.8 2.6 12.6
Dekalb FS-24 5.9 36.6 5.0 13.4 5.5 25.0
NK 318S 3.7 18.2 6.5 26.5 5.1 22.4
NK 300 4.7 15.8 6.0 21.2 5.4 18.5
McCurdy M69 5.2 27.7 4.9 12.8 5.1 20.3
ACCO FS-402R 4.4 6.5 18.9 5.5
Titan R 4.4 4.5 11.8 4.5
Dino 3.3 5.5 19.0 4.4

Trial Average 3.9 18.6 5.8 25.1 4.1 12.8
Number of harvests 2 2 2

- 28 -

Table 23.

The yields of heads and total forage of forage sorghum
hybrids at Quincy for 1969-70.

Dry Matter Yield
1969 1970 1969-70
First Harvest Ratoon Season Season Average
Hybrid Heads Total Total Total Total Total

---------------- 1000 Pounds per Acre ----------------
Beefbuilder T 2.0 18.0 4.4 22.4 7.9 15.2
McCurdy M 69 3.9 16.2 5.5 21.7 6.8 14.3
Dekalb FS-24 3.1 16.9 4.3 21.2 5.5 13.4
Silomaker 3.1 14.9 4.7 19.6 7.2 13.4
Funk 102F 4.7 14.6 4.5 19.1 5.8 12.5
R. Patrick 55F 3.5 15.1 3.4 18.5 6.5 12.5
Dekalb FS-26 3.0 11.8 4.0 15.8 8.7 12.3
TDN 2.3 16.1 3.9 20.0 4.5 12.3
Titan R 4.0 13.8 4.1 17.9 6.4 12.2
Pioneer 927 1.6 15.1 3J. 18.2 5.9 12.1
ACCO FS-401 R 3.9 12.2 4.2 16.4 6.4 11.4
NK 300 4.3 10.8 3.9 14.7 6.0 10.4
Dekalb FS-4 3.7 12.0 4.0 16.0 3.5 9.8
Dino 1.9 10.1 3.2 13.3 2.9 8.1

Pioneer 931 1.7 17.6 3.9 21.5
Husky 2.2 16.6 4.7 21.3
Leafmaster 43 2.6 16.1 4.5 20.5
Milkmaker 3.5 14.9 4.7 19.6
NK 318S 4.5 14.2 4.4 18.6
Funk 262 1.9 13.1 5.2 18.3
ACCO FS-402R 2.1 10.1 3.9 14.0
Florida 200A corn 5.6 11.6 11.6

Trial Average 3.1 14.2 4.2 18.2 6.1

- 29 -

Table 24.

The yield of heads and total forage of forage sorghum
and Florida 200 A corn at Gainesville for 1968-69.

Dry Matter Yield
1968 1969 Average
Hybrid Heads Total Heads Total Heads Total

-------------- 1000 Pounds per Acre -------------
Dekalb FS-4 6.2 27.9 4.9 15.7 5.6 21.8
Titan R 8.8 24.3 4.9 13.4 6.9 18.9
Dekalb FS-26 6.3 24.5 4.8 12.7 5.6 18.6
TDN 9.4 23.7 4.4 12.2 6.9 18.0
ACCO FS-401 R 8.5 19.4 4.8 12.3 6.7 15.9
NK 318 S 6.0 18.9 3.9 11.8 5.0 15.4
NK 300 8.6 18.0 5.4 11.8 7.0 14.9
Florida 200 A corn 7.5 14.4 6.2 13.8 6.9 14.1
R. Patrick 55 F 5.9 17.8 3.8 9.9 4.9 13.9
ACCO FS-402 R 6.9 15.8 4.9 10.8 5.9 13.3
Dino 6.5 13.5 4.4 9.5 5.5 11.5

Pioneer 931 8.8 31.4
Beefbuilder T 6.7 24.6
Leafmaster 43 7.5 20.9
Yieldmaker 7.7 23.3
Frontier S-214 6.8 22.0
Milkmaker 7.5 24.1
Funk 261 S 7.9 20.5
Funk 101F 8.7 20.0
Dekalb FS-15 7.4 19.6
ACCO Aztec 6.4 23.9

Trial Average 7.1 21.0 4.6 11.8
Planting Date April 11 April 9
Harvests per Season 2 2

Trial Average includes some hybrids not shown

- 30 -

Table 25. The head and total forage yield of forage sorghums at Belle
Glade during the 3-year period, 1968-70.

Dry Matter Yield
1968 1969 1970 Average
Hybrid Head Total Head Total Total Head** Total
------------------ 1000 Pounds per Acre ------------------
ACCO FS-401 R .7 11.2 1.0 14.7 9.6 .9 11.8
Titan R .9 9.9 .9 13.1 11.6 .9 11.5
Dekalb FS-26 1.0 9.3 .6 10.0 9.6 .8 9.6
Yieldmaker 1.4 10.6 .7 10.0 8.3 1.1 9.6
Beefbuilder T .9 9.8 .7 8.5 8.1 .8 8.8
TDN .9 10.3 .8 7.4 5.6 .9 7.8
Dekalb FS-4 2.5 7.3 .8 6.9 7.7 1.7 7.3
Dino .6 5.7 .6 5.2 3.9 .6 4.9
Pioneer 931 .3 14.7 17.6 16.2
Funk 101F 1.5 11.6 .9 13.9 1.2 12.8
R. Patrick 55F 1.3 12.1 11.1 11.6
Milkmaker .5 10.7 .8 11.1 .7 10.9
NK 318 S 1.2 9.8 .9 10.8 1.1 10.3
NK 300 1.0 8.8 .8 8.9 .9 8.9
Pioneer 927 .9 9.1 8.4 8.8
McCurdy M 69 .7 8.0 9.2 8.6
Funk 102 F .8 8.4 7.8 8.1
ACCO FS-402 R .7 8.6 .9 7.3 .8 8.0
Dekalb FS-24 .7 9.6 6.1 7.9
Leafmaster 43 1.2 9.3 .7 4.9 1.0 7.1
Jumbo L .9 5.6 1.1 8.5 1.0 7.1
Plantation Pride 1.0 6.3 .5 3.2 .8 4.8

Trial Average* 1.0 9.2 .8 9.0 8.5

* Trial average includes some
once in the 3 years.

hybrids not shown which occurred only

** Head averages are over 1968 and 1969 seasons only.

- 31 -

Table 26. A summary of the head yield and total forage yield. Performance
at first harvest of forage sorghums in Florida trials for the
period 1965 through 1970.

Number of trials where yield was above
trial average or one of the top 5
highest yielding entries in trial
Heads Total Forage
Above Top Above Top
Hybrid Average 5 Average 5

ACCO Aztex 5 of 11 3 of 11 8 of 12 3 of 12
ACCO FS-401 R 9 of 13 7 of 13 9 of 15 5 of 15
ACCO FS-402 R 5 of 10 3 of 10 0 of 9 0 of 9
ACCO X811 1 of 1 1 of I I of 3 1 of 3
Advance 1071 F 1 of 7 0 of 7 0 of 9 0 of 9
Advance 1085 F 1 of 2 0 of 2 3 of 3 3 of 3
AKS Leafmaster 43 6 of 17 4 of 17 12 of 19 6 of 19
Asgrow Titan R 13 of 19 10 of 19 12 of 23 6 of 23
Asgrow Grazer S (Sorghum-Sudangrass) 0 of 1 0 of 1 0 of 1 0 of 1
Asgrow Dino 0 of 6 0 of 6 0 of 8 0 of 8
Asgrow Beefbuilder T 3 of 15 1 of 15 19 of 21 15 of 21
Dekalb FS-4 10 of 11 7 of 11 5 of 15 4 of 15
Dekalb FS-15 6 of 12 3 of 12 5 of 12 3 of 12
Dekalb FS-22 0 of 2 0 of 2 2 of 3 2 of 3
Dekalb FS-24 4 of 7 2 of 7 6 of 9 6 of 9
Dekalb FS-26 3 of 16 1 of 16 16 of 20 14 of 20
Excell Silo Fill 33 1 of 7 1 of 7 2 of 13 0 of 13
Excel Bird Go (Grain Type) 1 of 1 1 of 1 0 of 1 0 of I
Fla. AES Plantation Pride 3 of 12 3 of 12 2 of 19 1 of 19
Frontier S-214 4 of 15 0 of 15 17 of 17 12 of 17
Funk 101 F 10 of 16 6 of 16 1 of 18 1 of 18
Funk 102 F 3 of 3 3 of 3 4 of 5 3 of 5
Funk 261 S 4 of 12 1 of 12 4 of 12 1 of 12
Funk 262 0 of 2 0 of 2 2 of 2 1 of 2
McCurdy M69 3 of 7 2 of 7 6 of 9 4 of 9
Northrup-King 300 13 of 20 10 of 20 3 of 22 1 of 22
Northrup-King 320 6 of 9 3 of 9 3 of 12 2 of 12
Northrup-King 318 S 5 of 13 3 of 13 6 of 13 4 of 13
Pennington Pennsilage 0 of 1 0 of 1 0 of 2 0 of 2
Pioneer 927 0 of 2 0 of 2 1 of 4 0 of 4


- 32 -

Table 26.


Number of trials where yield was above
trial average or one of the top 5
highest yielding entries in trial
Heads Total Forage

Hybrid Above Top Above Top
Average 5 Average 5

Pioneer 931 5 of 13 5 of 13 14 of 14 13 of 14
Rudy-Patrick 55F 3 of 9 1 of 9 8 of 9 6 of 9
Taylor-Evans Silomaker 5 of 5 4 of 5 4 of 7 3 of 7
Taylor-Evans Yieldmaker 7 of 15 3 of 15 11 of 19 4 of 19
Taylor-Evans TDN 5 of 14 5 of 14 9 of 16 0 of 16
Taylor-Evans Milkmaker 9 of 17 5 of 17 17 of 20 10 of 20
U.S. Seed H.G. Beefmaster 6 of 7 3 of 7 3 of 9 0 of 9
G. Warner Husky 2 of 6 2 of 6 5 of 6 4 of 6
Florida 200 A Corn 14 of 19 14 of 19 6 of 17 6 of 17


Table A. Grain and Forage Sorghum Seed Used in Variety Trials

Variety Name
Address of Seed Supplier
Grain Forage

X 811

Leafmaster 43

1071 F
1085 F

Dekal b

ACCO Seeds
P. 0. Box 1630
Plainview, Texas


P. 0. Box 5551
North Little Rock, Arkansas

Advance Seed Company
Phoenix, Arizona
Bingham Seed Company
P. 0. Box 1166
Jacksonville, Florida


Silo Fill 33



Dekalb Agricultural Assoc., Inc.
Route 2
Lubbock, Texas 79415

Dorman and Company
P. 0. Box 303
Lubbock, Texas 79408
Excel Sorghum Company
P. 0. Box 1629
Plainview, Texas 79072

Plantation Pride

Frontier 409
Grassy Grain I

BR 75
BR 76
BR 79
BR 630
765 W
G766 W


Funk 101 F
Funk 102 F
Funk 261 S
Funk 262

Florida Foundation Seed Producers
P. 0. Box 14005
University Station
Gainesville, Florida 32601
Frontier Hybrids, Inc.
Scott City, Kansas 67871
Funk Bros. Seed Company of Texas Inc
719 26th Street
Lubbock, Texas 79404


AKS 614
AKS 653
AKS 663
AKS 68010

Ga 615


BR 100
BR 105


Bird Go
Bird Go 3
Bird Go A



Table A. Continued.

Variety Name
Address of Seed Supplier
Grain Forage

Jumbo C
Double TX
Bravis R
Bird-off 31
Bird-off 99

McNair 546
McNair 652
McNair 6901
McNair 6902

NK Savanna
NK 222 A
NK 222 F
NK 280


Pioneer 828
Pioneer BR-804


7001 S
7005 S

Titan R
Grazer S
Beefbuilder T

M 69

NK 300
NK 320
NK 318 S

Pennsi large

Pioneer 927
Pioneer 931

55 F

T-E Silomaker
T-E Yieldmaker
T-E Milkmaker

Kilgore Seed Company
(Division of Asgrow Seed Company)
Plant City, Florida 33566

W. 0. McCurdy and Sons
Fremont, Iowa

McNair Seed Company
P. 0. Box 1132
Plainview, Texas 79073

Niagara Chemical Division
FMC Corporation
Los Fresnos, Texas 78566
Northrup-King and Company
P. 0. Box 439
Atmore, Alabama 36502

Cotton Hybrids Research Inc.
P. 0. Box 290
Madison, Georgia 30650
Pioneer Corn Company
221 N. Main Street
Tipton, Indiana 46072
Rudy-Patrick Seed Division
W. R. Grace and Co.
Ames, Iowa 50012
Taylor-Evans Seed Company
P. 0. Box 480
Tulia, Texas 79088


U.S. Seeds
P. 0. Box 366
Farwell, Texas


i ii

Variety Name
Address of Seed Suplier
Grain Forage



Leafmaster 43

Ga 615
Ga. Exp. Sta. 1795E

George Warner Seed Company
P. 0. Box 1448
Hereford, Texas 79045
Arkansas Agricultural Exp. Station
Arkansas 72701

Georgia Experiment Station
Georgia 30212

