Lake Weir, Florida

Material Information

Lake Weir, Florida Amaskohegen (Bright moon lake) : with practical articles from successful men on Florida products and how to raise them : full information on how to make an orange or lemon grove
Shackleford, Thomas Mitchell
Place of Publication:
Times-Union Power Printing Office
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
96 p. : front (fold. map) ; 22 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Weir, Lake (Fla.) ( lcsh )
non-fiction ( marcgt )


Statement of Responsibility:
by T.M. Shackleford.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
021876950 ( ALEPH )
13362515 ( OCLC )
ACX9040 ( NOTIS )
01013466 ( LCCN )

Full Text

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It related of the King of Slam that when the fint Brit-
ira minister -ppsed t hb court hewa. requated by the King
to describe the maomer, customs and climate of England. The
King liteed attentively to the minister's description of Eng-
land until he began to peak of the formation of ice and the
frai m s of river. This appeared so un r"iable and
imparbhe to the King, that he interrupted the minister sad
told hin tha# hea e ad been guilty of telling one meoh Sae-
hood, he beUtMd hi eattire dmiptdon to be fe. The King
my have medt ad morieati guage than this;
if uo, he is under obligati to me br expreing his thought in
"dilpoUMa" lague."
Write of dhoy sketch.., comrpondents who view every-
thing through rmonlomed glm, mad poties having Florida
badh fr ale, have o ofte pictured Florida U the land "where
the flowers over blmom, the bemm ever uhine," that it i "dii-


of the real Flid, Man
d a perfct Utopia or
id hICm the rusl Fl
- I.d. Smce wk
aad piuroru hard.
.Ul Ifttlir CSatoM Si

blow of tle.m maof 1
ct-B to

- -

d the BstM e to frm corret
7y ome to Florida expecting
El rado and a dip-
oridai so dimret rom
an early train or bMt ibr
a ."gnd humbug." To

S .attered by oneN r
ecn a',onbIe to -Jia

r r *1 l

fr one whe ha


*^ ,I I r iii i .1 -. '



^ p 4
. i $
V.* /f*
4r '. '


the attrM iont and advatag. of the real Florida,
forget their preconeivwed idml, ad the their uarpri
light u great u wm thedr 15ami-et ThuI
la mswilp fromone itreaity of the arc to the ot

gradu ally


e topi ng at e ean of truth. Inalmo every
muiy ther ae m. t ote or two atf-op'immotd "d
pOMM'w h know ao re about everything than ay ra
They can tell you all about Florida, and specially ib this
seMf, i .veneve in the State. The-y .M
vi ready to tell you that Florid i a swamp and the oumge 1
nea humbug. A vote. expression with them ib I
not live i Florida, if you would give me the whole Sb
Th fted pe m are respectflly invited to .mi
home. Thsee no rom Sir them on Lake Weir. '1
Oe ounty in'Florida doem not onmtitute the lit
may bp te of ohe portion of the Start may net otb~bd


t n




i not, true of other portidan

Florlda tB

and otain o mil, climate, beauty, etc., of various t i
mdatio. Tbi book doe. not claim to treat of Fia
geamma bat simply of the lake Weir country. Lake WCr
not d e The edit "In the sweat of thy faee aibt& thu
eat bred," ha not yet been revoked, and we sti kn Mb woa ,

even o Lake W r. I have endeavored
diadvautagei a well m our advantage.
My preds would be incomplete, if I
how ths book originated. For the last
have liea writg at4l drnt times for "
'lWd at Wi Avile, Tia over ihe stinat
UiU4 of lettes ducwrpulre crib Lake I
aw) written ocoauo nal lake *&Je ite.
em., I have received ormanJ ltte. of
.ac Whir, that the ida of hating a hb
wpaph ali esaodietmbatsd oalf
wbgarQnc wta womi -of thi oltd.. hersi
ryta PdMabwit, of iinig mueh a book,
tIIi piYnowtO ptu s ofiqaitr.
^xitit d *T^.-*^^1-,

to srtat

did not stnohy amd
two or tliry man I
The ArtncisM pub
ire of "Ps T os'
Wda^.reoay. Eb
for otbcr p1en: '
inqu i ia roard to
Aricafal d dM pe
to m id. U
about atvlhLe>
I1*d thIY D^
- *-t I f v

S *'"A-- V' 7:!

i f, J if I


- 1 --^



*I; "*


bit. I hb' -pmd ts or. e Lake Wair or albewurs .i
ridik Myb d .ta writing ad pablshg thi book i. tww-
*,.; tbm *at m y t to Lake Wer, madt the ainail n-
tanr it my ug bring Wt,.& .mea."
m UWSMPSYa.~lb.ila#.r.~ta kiniiLid I.~ t
gethaluag Uptk 1. tMot mud infrtloan, and key
t~biot hr tMer vaubM e. conMibatioas, I rarn my moet

M~l It^ 1kte ca pt~iti ft^s.^ wom-
Mte-to lr. H.^fard-te irttf ^SP^- f:'
Ijfc W air ,e< tiby *6 t r. H WWfuM wie
*^ iMr. m'tLo thi e pripiond t..' LmpS Dr.M.
Apr, M3 E. r Lttotey, W. H. La -o* (pwjm John
t a mrfit Dr.atn ThPM iEw Ths ttitbW hawtMf
havrin a.ttded me AajcW kon sdulcasti.
I wrouldab aItate ths th, eontraWted mtLh es Rot 0rom
theti.t,: ts kt U vfta. bM po4 iFrl1n w. 41 have h.4 srufl
M M a rn dpctiWla of tuo a r.





History and Description of Lake Weir...
Description of Groves and ReMdene (
Description of Smith's, Bowers,' Silver
and Lake Fay, with Grove am
Soil, Climate and Trasportation.........
Lake Weir a a Health mort, Viewed
point of a Physicaa-
From Dr. Ru in Thomon .................
From Dr. L. M. Ayer.......................
From Dr. T. J. Myer.......................

.0 .... ... O ..
fn Lake V
and Fig
1 Reuiden

Oms on

.. ..t.h. ......... ...

from the Stand-

.... I. a... *I ".

From Dr. E. C. Hood............................................
Lake 'Weir from a Bminem Stamdpoint-W. Davis Turn-
ley .......................0. ".. "..".. .." .*****"**'"" *"* "
SoMial Aspects of Lake Wei-E. P Turnley...............
Lake Weir as a Permaent Home-Gen. R. Bullock......
Sunlight and MoOallg on LakIe Weir..................
& ak Mwquitoe, GartEtc.................................
Lake Weir l as Pnit Cuatre-C-pt Jno. L. Carney......
How to Make an Orange or Lemon Grove-E. L. Carney.
Market on ake Wdr-Alfred Ayer...........
Grape Culture on Lake Weir-r. D. 8 Chase............
Pineapple Cultuhra-Mrn i B. licker ........................
Prim of Land .................................................

TO the d er. .......................................................
Addonda........... .... . .. .. ... -* -* *****












In the southern portion of Marion county, Florida, .ies a
lake of wondrous beauty. Even the untaught emineles were
captivated by its loveline, and they named it in their muasial
language Ampa oe:i, meaning Bright Moon Lake. Butyear
ago the name was changed to Lake Weir, in honor of Lieutem-
ant Weir, of the United State Army, who was killed near its
borders by the 8eminola during one of their war with the
United Statessilt is to be regretted that these Indian names,
around which cluter so many legends and traditions, should be
changed. Bright Moon aIde wt a trvorite resort with the
smdonoif' and it said that one of their villages wr loaeted
ar it. Broken pieoe of pottery, sow and spear heads ad

Uthr Indian nrlc tr
ts.i an.d g ee of a
IdSteunoto be
tf*Onbdd a bIdiu.
^^FW^^^W s ty^ (L'LLJ db




B till omMiomUly picked up. Dee, wild
ll kiud& ne plMtlfil, and specked trout
take' f ta tSe.e at .plemi. What
uik tham tokera met h abMil lake
S.add m~u d ~r net a b,, 0,.
w, w byluimekytem ppiryh, rad the
5r. dtrdm hr down uto the ertEadu.
Ijs Jri set dUwa .orpu oT murveyvs
*lrrtd into the itiroi F Feid md
ut.DI ad usF At atL time b.

. J*A.



islands in the lake formed part,of the mainland and Little Lake
Weir was entirely separated from Lake Weir proper, All old

Government maps so represent it.
Lake Weir then was almost c

a half miles long and four wide
and Little Lake Weir became
lake. But when. they united, p
and now forms six islands. I
lake lying to the west of the is
original by the appellation of:
easily pmas from one portion o
Weir now is about four miles w

long. That portion
mile wide and two lon


circular, being about four and
In procem of time Lake Weir
ited and now form only one
of the mainland was detached
n yet all that portion of the
Ids is distinmiguhed from the

,f the
ide a

Lake Weir, thou
lake to the other
nd from .five toaec

gh boat
ir. Lake
yen miles

known as Little Lake Weis, ip about one
Lg. Lake Weir is situated on the narrow-

eat part ofthe peninsula of Florida, being only forty ails s
the Gulf of Mexico, sixty miles from the Atlantic Oeema,
lying om the twenty-ninth parallel of latitude. The water is
rally almost s clear as crystal and on a clear, cala day
a emily -me the fsh swimming in it several, yards fo
shoa Bo pure and so little buoyancy has the water 1
swimming in it difcult. When calm and smooth the lak
beumtfi. I have seen it when its srface was undisturbed 1

single ripple. somtime,s
frtion flight, mirrors o
that se encased in solid
prfet minor of the sky a
of gcLSad crimon, pink
fikthfbdly .pitured in the
sky. I do not know, but

FIriida than
met are m
whir till, it
the .wit een
beaohand ur

e is

owing to a peculi rdection and re-
f various simes are formed in the lake
I silver. I have seen the lake fmt a
Lbove. The beautiMul blue, with trips
and yellow inatrealated ,a i, was so
lake, that the water nwme a second
I thiak the sky i of tdper blue ia

in our Northern States I know our Florida rnm-
brkil mt sad gorgeo. If the lake s beautifiMl
bgad wh rough and urging. I likUto th
ted vwae "dah thlr proud fois" apim, the
sa iato pieow a they trike the uaoufediopgfih

What a duil, m tauaao mad Sthry ak.. wava aftr wap
btak upO. the beah I USil with tinhest fewy ye, aa..
titl whit. beach .ulacd th lakb, adiag a p d*. a-
rrlty arml it; bat the wabs. gmduay .uri" upoethe
,beakb uS they rpt it ,la might SE ate l.,b.uhq yJn



the wa-. ter has been receding and we hope moon to have our
drive again.*
With the exception of the islands and hammock, peninsula,
whbrh ooMato of about four hundred acres, moot of the land sur-
rounding Lake Weir is pine hnd. Occaional strips of hammock,
of from one to six or seven acres in area, fringe the margin of
the lake elewhere. Hammock, or lummock, as the word is cor-
reitly spelt, is mid to be the Indian word for hard wood and,
when applied to land, means land covered with hard wood, such
a liveuak, water.oak, magnolia, gum,hickory, bay, etc.
The land encircling the lake is elevated and rolling. Some-
times it deeaends to the water's edge and then 'agsin breaks off
abruptly into bluffi, from five to thirty feet in kight. The water
is from one to thirty-five feet in depth.
The largest iblad in the like,ow known Leamon Island,
was called by the Seminole fihura Island of Many Flowers.
It now has an areas of about evetynfvre arer, which at one time
was entirely oovred with wild outrage trees. TheiSlad is beau-
tifaly situated in Lake Weir, braking of abrptlyon one, side
into a high bluf. I can eauily-imagine the beautiihl scene pre-
sented by the island when all the orange trees were in bloom and
loading the air with their rioh perfume. But, unfortunately fbr
the loven of the MLf i nature and still m6re so for the
punbmr, OoL Wiujis bo ght the. islad ad' had all of'.te

crau tree oat down .in order that he might cultivate the
ain n-shbd cotton. .Of corse, we all know now that Col.
gin threw away a fortune whoe he aut down the orange
Bat at that time orange culture wsa newdeparture in FL
and tho oldest inhabitants hid no hit& in it whatever.. In
inttmrough this s&ton not very many year ago, whik
ciiSdlonlm ly have found ome few orange tre -growi

d many

,. S A



Ml gpar, if yo had stopped to inquire about the
riWfsol orange gm you would probably have
metal they wesmar onagns With so little Avor
of the dtunsm raid orange powing that thM teMo

at WMrn take OA tarble to bd the mur .orange trees mgrow
ur tbe InKL Be t theo ald MrtI via dovo a einamri
alr oflmpdanatrk to FMdia yrmy aeseding atin -ome
e tus .ium:,a do.wn iato. thk Stmioa ad bea planting

* t


* i

out orange groves. At first they were laughed at for their folly
by the natives and men who had resided in the country for year.
But in a few years they beheld these new settles gathering
bountiful and remunerative harvests from their labors and4hen
they realized that they had been standing on the whing gate "
and had neglected to wish. While they might have secured an
independence in the way of money, they had failed to take that
"tide in the affairs of men which leads on to fortune." For-
tunately, the golden opportunity had not passed, and with a late,
though commendable zeal, they sought to atone for pat failure
by future diligence. Through such ignorance or "lack of fith,"
the grove on Lemon Island, one of the largest natural orange
groves in Florida, was destroyed.
Orange Island, the second in area, comprises about forty-
five acres, and is now connected with Lemon Island, so that in

dry weather you can easily walk from one to the other. Fortu-
nately, the hand of the destroyer was stayed and the wild orange
trees on this island were not cut down. The two islands next in
size are much smaller than Orange and Lemon Island and were

also covered
low and ma
ber of bird
Col. 8.
on Lake W
the bedflt*
stands. W
young man
could fid i
what a Floi
and fishing.
and hearty
M&i Lake
1861 he sml
who. bought

1 with aour orange trees. The remaining two are
rahy and are called Bird Islands from the large num-
s that congregate on them.
F. Halladay, of North Carolina, was the first settler
eir. fie obtained a grant of land under "the armed
acti" and settled herein 1843. HS hus, jtood.on
Iillurn were the reTsdene of br. Thompson Ow
hen asked why he located at a place smo emote from
as Lake Weir then was, he replied tbst he ws a
then, and that Lake Weir was the only .ake he
n Florida which came up to hi ro ti e as of
rids lake ought to be. He also ejojd' heit hunati
Col. Haladay is till living, hg rched ha
old age, and always speaks enthudaiMtlly of Brihk
SAt pr4, ble isreding in Alhu CounMMty. 1
l-his land on 044 Weir toCol Ja $Wia
;it fora comta plantation.. e a.M ji S
whr the meda of no uidC

wbere the feudemd of .Clirt. O ey now Ctii+' .... "
Lke Wi ir long ..en biedin astci flqId
a a plehP_i .u tl .U.,imlht ,.I

1 '

..*'m'uoarY onr naa..WsIB.?

when "cotton wa king," the weil .e cotton apd auga
for miles around would come to Lake Weir with the
and pend the wmmmera Some had sbine erected
brought their tents with them and camped out. No
or inducements were offered them, but natural beauty
ne and estirf freedom from malaria, and fine sport
of hunting and fishing. I have talked with some of t
ens and sportsmen, who are still living in this section

and they all speak in terms of the
beauty and healthfulness of Lake
sport they have enjoyed upon its ib
tifil, and could frequently be seen
coming to thqlake for water. Wi
kinds of Southern game were to be
yet, deer and other game abound
lake. The lake was then, aud i
fish, consisting of trout, bretm, ]
water ballet. I have uen trout ti
mmaa afen totmdt. and larer



Lake Wei
and most



and some
, healthfil-
in tde way
hese plant-
of country,

highest priie.of the great
Weir, and tell of what rare
,rders. Deej were still plen-
from the surrounding hills,
ld: turkey., -ducks and all
found in abundance. Even
only a few miles from the
even yet, well stocked with
perch, pike, cat, and fresh

ken Am it that wdghed as
one have been maght. It

nmon thing to catch trout weighing seven or eight
But I am digreming. These citizens, who came to
ir and spent their summers, were among the wealthiest
influential clam of people in Florida. They would

cometo Lake Weir year after year, admire its great beauty and
healthfulnem and enjoy their sport, but they never thought of
buying any land there. But little of the land was specially
apted to the cultivation of cotton or sugar cane, therefore
they rganld it as comparatively worthless. At that time maet
of the lamd surrounding Lake Weir was Government land, and

abjle to hommeteadig, or oale at the vet
per an But no one cared to own it.
ae of the favorite pastimes of those
mer E was driving around the lake on
light I have not yet pictured Lake
A poa picture would give you but a

- a

ry low price


If the reader will visit
mon timing over the wates
waves amd throwing a

of I1.26

who spent the sum-
the beach by moon-
Weir by moonlight.
a imperfect idea of
Lake Weir and aee
and watch the moon-
silver sheen over all


the landscape, he, too, will erxlaim that" this, beutiihl sheet of
water was fitly named Bright Moon Lake.
SWhile immigrants were rapidly settling up the country ly-

ing on the St. whnms and Indian Rivers; and along the variou
railroads, and were'writing back to their friends golden dMcE p-
tions of-their homes in the "Land of Flowers," Lake Weir re-
mained comparatively an unknown country. This was on ac-
count of its isolation and lack of transportation and traveling
facilities, having no connection with the "great world outside."

The first orange grower, who settled on Lake Weir, was
Capt. John L. Catney, a prominent citizen and cotton planter
of Rutherford County, Tennessee. He also owned large planta-
tions in Arkanas and Mississippi. Becoming tired of -plahting
cottb year after year, and losing money, he determined to ae-
lect another vocation. ,His attention was attracted to Florida
Maid tile reputed profits of orange culture. He visited Florida
fie in the mammer of 1878 and spent about six months in travel-
ing though the State and closely examining the country before
locating.. Captivated by the natural beauty and healthfulness
of Lake Weir, he decided to make his future home there, and
moved down with his family in the spring.of 1874. In order
to theronghly test the climate and healthfulness, he rented a

place and engaged
tirely satisfied and
advantages of Lke
also a Tennesean,
gather with Hamn
dred acres, for which
other lands lying

in farming a year before purchasing. En-
still more strongly impressed with the many
Weir, in connection with his broth-in-law,
he purchased Orange and Lemon Island, to-
ock Peninsular, embracing about fbur hun
;h he paid $5.00 per acre. He aibpurchased
on the Lake. Althougui her purohMed the

lands at a low "-price, it
ed with them that he
persons have told me that
when he located on Lake
bad judgment. We will
hib. amondihg as they

was t


inthewildwo de" thebt land


m -

bought by all peons acquaint-
made a foolish trade. Several
felt sorry for Captain Carney
and thought he had mnimrttd
a rSIpctve view ad'look at
.en. He had locat e a "sake
on it being by Aae r the rid

t in tbhe obutry.' H ad had noast uei bonwas r. &s
from the amtwt'n, a vory por air r atj .ihtsl.
from Oe] Mbb ancoryotwn 'ad pimti,- the ame dil

HBmaOY or LAKE ,wmL. 16

from Silver Spring, his nearest ambat landing, and bout
sixty mile from the nearest railroad He had come to lake
Weir to egae in orange culture, a sine of which he knew
nothing from experience, and, moreover, a buins. in which the
old citizens ef the county had no faith. He. had invested m t
of his little capital in land, for which there was no deuwnd then,
and had but little money left. Even at bert, itwould be veral
years before his orange trees would.bring him any return. Add
to all this the fact that his transportation and traveling facilities
were to remain in dati quo for several yeau. His chance for
financialsuccess seem rather gloomy, do they -not?
Acting upon the advice of his brother, Mr. E. L. Carney, of

MurfeeSboro, Tenn., came to Lake Weir otbhe 10th day of
March, 1876. Before noting to Florida be had been engqed
in clerking in a dry goods home at Murfraesbor. He also de-
cided to make his future home on the beautiful L4ke Weir and
to engage in orange culture. He brought with him a capital of
les than five hundred dollars.. Shortly aAfte coming down he
homesteaded a tract of land lying on the lake and containing

one hundred and sixty sream

He made a most excellent uelec-

During the frst year he engaged in farming, meeting.with
about the pme eucces that would have crowned his 4bta in
Tennessee i the spring of 1876 he started an. orange grove
on his hopmmestsd,eeting with many revere e before he succeeded
in establihing it. Owing to their lack of experience and igno-
rance of the busine., oat of five hudred trees he and his brother
put out that year very few lived. There was no one in .the
neighborhood who knew any more About orange culture than
they did. They had to learn from experience, and they paid
dearly for their tuition, both in time and money.
Aer thoroughly testing the climate, (Cptan .Carney wrote
a smim of lottw for the prsM, in whlh he described the natural
beauty and. otbhe mtion aud dvantage of Iake Weir.
Being written in a ehuming style, his let were xtsndvely
cpied, and led to ideal orpo oe Through
the. prblhbod Jmrsr o frp Crepm sand his priv tn
.to Miendk a nmber i f at s wer induaed to oome down and
look at L Weir. they onoe ame ad aw its -.arin



beauty, and had any intation of floating : in Florida; they were
almost sure to settle on Lake Weir. They might travel eke*
where, and visit other plaes, but, "haunted" by the.memory of
its wondrous beauty, they would generally come hack to Bright
Moon Lake and locate. In this way the number of citizens in-
creased on Lake Weir every succeeding year. They came in

slowly or. the fist few years, but
growth and improvement of Lake
magical. As other citizens came i
back .glowing descriptions to the
them to eome down and locate.

Ten years ago there were no
but .two or three.: rude. houses on
thousand people dwell upon its sh
ity, over 150,000 orange and lema

during the let five years the
Weir has been rapid-almost
n and settled, they would write
ir friends and induce some of

citizens, no orange tree and
Lake Weir. Now o verone
Iores or in its immediate vrion-
on trees have been planted out

in groves, and quite a number of handsome residence, taty cot-
tages and beautiful houses have been erected. Lands ,have in-
reased in value at the rate of from one hundred to one thoue
mand per oenta year. And I will state just here that I do not
know of a inale purchaser of land on Lake Weir, no matter

- -

.~ -M a -l

what prioe hepaid, who could not have sold aterwards at a
handsome pmtit. But those who bought land-and have not sod
any of it could ell at a much higher figure to-day than at any
time previous. I shall have more to say on this subject in another
part of the book and.ahall verify my statements with &faet and
figures. But I make the amertion now, without anypbr of con-
tradiction, that no person has bought land or Mttldo Lake
Wfeir who has not hstered his condition, nmMcisl~', sad i n-ot
worth" monreto-dy tian when he came hure. We.taUW mf'om
the article of Dr. D. 8. hase that grape culture ha boa tEd
on LIake Weir with extrairdimry somes. Mnr AJfred Aer ia,
hi article on Market (aid aing o LaIke Wifr alariysws
that the ultOre of'early negutable ']er for NOlt ma L
can be rried om with e kianedal mult. M B. Mh
damtatim from her experiae that be cukurw od: iaq|m
on lake Weir will pay.- COt .Ja L. Oaruy, ah
omas power of this:MaBeimo, tdue af "L as W ar M tA
Omtnr" ?i'i i tabo7 that oQ60A ems gs r: bins tM
we pluartd ou.oato-Iak.. We.risty 'ity A n, ulate


410 pe tree fr orange or laeon tre in fll bearing itby no
mneams a large iamatO. I know of tree on Lake Weir, not is
All bearing,.th.tyieid double $10wowtLhdfriuityar.. pow:of
Mold orange 'tree in the State that yield far mern than this. An
orange trse in U being ought to bear at lest 2,000 oranges
every year. There are excepmnl tree in Florida that bear
10,000 ad.12OQDO oangea I know ofanold tee.not morethan

ive miles .om the lake, o


that avmeages yield. of 6,000
(amney informed me that theon
him two oent an orange. Allo,
tree and estimating the at onl]
turn of S10 per te. Facts w(
Multiplying 160,000, the nihmb

by Mr-Dillard, of Whiteville,
oranges per year. Mr. E. L.
ages he shipped last year.netted
ring only 1,000 to a full-bearing
r one cent an orange give a re-
uild warrant a larger erMimate.
r of.trees. br.10. the estimate


per tree;, and you have a resuol
One million and a half of dolu
unity of .ake Weir. Thib
early vegetables, pineapples,

It of S1500,000. iJ
ir lowing every ye
doa .not include
limes and other

ust think of it!
r ito the comrn-
the sales from
fruits. Lemo

Island contains a forty-fe are lemon grove; as ye the. larett
]aoem grove in Florida. Fifteen acre of this grove bdlounp to
.Mr E. army, twenty anre to CoL 8. E. Eagleton and tea
acre to Mr. Alfred Ay.r A member of the tree are begiuieg
to bear. Mr. c auy l M a teM are orage grove on Leamo
Mdad and Mr.Ayh-ea.m uagegoteothe e. Orange
wiand etainm a e.rty e cer riag ormanmegrovwowed equally
by CoLL B. E. gleton and Mr. E. L. anq. .
I should have mentioned before hmt ih the sprg of. 1898
Mr. E. L. Oraey bought -m Capt Carney and hir patner
Orange and Lemon Islalnd ad mnot of Hamuook peniulau.
Hemae d a mall ear paym t ad gve hisn mAi for the bal-
anrae (due. apL Ce My nid dn m 4o rk a Orange Ilad
ad had budded a nr M. Osmey. eroted ae mall
ihon QOMa iar le d movIad veraiorder to begia. or
ain ,ams. naiB many mx ahm-m d had .ua dieulyi
to ouvien hetL m. DO" Mr we iwd a iL" .b -sMmg
aa irso vil, 'domh'bI energy and sa g rog Uno ltie, he
tIled on da d b yi fJ, awver Brmrtinmg t rih lot .rnjdmian-
laB. Bwaegunaadhmpp rfaktiuajiinf ame, bu Ike at b'a fto
~i Cta~pur aad koO1i ftretae*MAa A hba mhmmOm&fi1UJah .



would sell part of his land and pay them of In 1879 he sold
an undivided half interest in the two islands to Col. 8&E. Eagle
ton, another Rutherford County maa, though engaged in mer-
chandising for a-number of years in the City of Philadephia.
In 1880 Mr. Carney began planting out Lemon Island in trees.
He would budd the sour orange trees on Orange Islad with
lemon buds and then transfer them to Lemon Island. He also
budded and sold.a great many trees to persons who had settled
on Lake Weir and. wanted to put out groves. While developing
the two Islands he was also planting out both an orange and
lemon grove on his homestead. On account of his inexperience
he lost fully two-thirds of all he put out at first, but, instead of
becoming discouraged and abandoning the fruit businm,
planted the mixing trees and pushed ahead. In the summer of

1882 he and Col.
the two islands.
orange trees and
valuable tracts o
next winter ship
When all three
income of one hu
me that Orange

in te income to
Mr. Carney bids
one of the Souat

. Eagleton dissolved partnership and divided
Mr. Carney now has in all forty-three acre in
twenty-two acres in lemon trees, besides several
f land. He is entirely out of debt and will
at least $10,000 worth of oranges and lemons.
of his groves are in full bearing he will have an
ndred thousand dollars. Capt. Carney informed
Island alone in less than five years would briny


Col. Eagleton and Mr. E. L. Carney of $40,000.
I fir from the start that he has made to become
h's leading capitalists. When he first came to

Iake Weir he was twenty-three years of age and is now only
thirty-one. He is now the same modest, unassuming getlman
he has ever been. It was only by repeated and penitent ques-
tioning that I obtained from him the information neesary for
this article. He did not seem to think that he had aocmplished
any more than any other capable and industriousr maa could
have done. He likes orange and lemon culture and is well
posted on every thing connected with' it. In his artitk on How-
to Make an Orange or Lemon Gave he will give useMM an.
count of his experience and tell us hs ides omtnakig a
I know that thi sketch of Mr. amrey'tlife on Lake WAernk
like tale from the Arabin Nightu, but I have raded stetly
to 6a,: md a '.ttew-te ft, yo know.'" Mr. Oaney homatd
ib fortuano by pmnateat as brd work, by doing :whswt he


HmrTlY OF LAKE wmI. 1t

did well, and never dodging the toaghplaces.. He has obtained
no me than he derre. In thelanguage of Rip Van Winkle,
" may he live long ad prosper." ..
I had intended reserving this sketch of Mr. Carney's success
for another part of the book, but it is o closely connected with
the history ot Lake Weir, I have thought it best to introduce it.
here, as showing the rapid development of .this. section. Now
almost every State in the Union,.and country in Europe. is rep-
resented on Lake Weir. We shall me from'Mr. Edwin P. Turn-
ley's article, on the "Social Aspect. of Lake Weir,'" that the set-.
tlerhere comprise the very best clam of citizens. Among the
number are men who have already accumulated hadsome for--
tunes or cothpetenies in businem, and, with a4ove and appreci--
ation for the beautiful said artistic, have withdrawn from the
busy thoroughfares of life to spend their remaining years in that.
Where the tints ot the earth and the lhu of the sky,
In color, though varied, n beauty may vie."
Some spend only the winte- hre and return to their North-
ern homes in the summer. Other are men of small or moderate
means, who desire fortune and are. willing to work for them.
Still others .are peons of delicate constitutions, whom the chill-
ing winds of the North, laden with ice and snow, together with
that terrible foe, consumption, have driven to brighter and sun-
nier lands in search of health and strength. They come .to
Bright Moon Lake, and in this land of sunshine, fruits and flow-
en, if not too far gone, soon recover their wanted vigor and elss-
ticity. Never have I dwelt in a community whore such perfect.
peace and harmony and good will prevailed as on lake Weir..
Lake Weir now has three postofces-Lake Weir, Stanton
and South Lake Wefr-four thriving stores, and two large saw-
mills. Handsome churches- and gd .schoolhoumses are being
erected, land is being bought, cleared ad planted out in groves
at a rapid rate; itiwns are .coming in, and spirit of general
prosperity and impnavemet pervades the entire community.
All this has been accoplished in the latter years, without the
aid of any ailroads and in spite of great diMdvantagesin trav-
eling and trmasptatlon facilitie Fancy lake front and build
in, ite a ahai dvatd ht iah m-rimuand bk lota are raniddl

incremaing in value. Now that L Weir ha bne railroad and
will soon have two others, who Oa predict the future of this
beautiful lake, marginedd by fruit of gold "?

*- I -- i n-fl


e < ,



Hammock peninsula lie between the waters of Lake Weir
and Little lake Weir. Juq at the joint of it is situated the
frty-eight-acre lot of Mr. W.T. adford, of Kentucky. He
has thirty-two acres in grovq aanidr 1 s t a handsome winter
residence on his lot this fall. is known as Magnolia.
We come next to the Summer Lea Grove of Mr. W. S.

Harlan, a native of Pennsylvania, but a resident of Lauderdale
County, Tennesee, from early boyhood. He came to Lake Weir
in the winter of 1881 to take charge of the grove of Messrs.
Thomson and Cooper. He brought but little capital with him.
Soon after coming he purchased twenty-one acres of land front-
ing on Little Lake Weir, for which he paid $600. In June,
1882, he mld four acres of this land for $400. Mr. Harlan now
has out about 600 orange and 600 lemon trees; 300 orange trees
wev put out in January, 1882, the balance from time to time.
He Ih done maot of the work on the place himself, and now has

a noat

m~lde u

litte cottage and a beatihfl grove. His total expense
g land, houe, tree and work hired, have not exceeded
SIs Juune, 1888, he refused an offer of $6,000 for his
I bqu. been thus explicit in describing Mr. Harlan's
_edinr to show what has been done here in les than

three yen by a man with little capital.




Lying next to Summer Lea Grove, is the LowPresure Grove-
of Mr. Marcellus T'urnley. It contains thirteen acres, all 'in
orange trees andis calledLow Pressure Grove, from the fact that

s i I 2 a a '*

many ox tme trees were planted out m the woods -beore the land
was cleared. Next in order, is Hesperia, the residence and grove
of the author. He has just "ten acres enough," fronting beau-
tifully on Little Lake Weir. His little cottage of five rooms is
situated on a knoll, being one of the most elevated places on
Lake Weir, There is a gradual slope from the house in every
direction and a fine view is afforded across both Lakes, and also
of the surrounding country. His house has a double front, front-
ing on each lake.' It is surrounded by a natural grove of trees,
consisting of the nimajeetic live-oak, with its wide spreading
branches, the large water-oak with its vernal .fiehnem, the sym-
metrical magnolia, with its beautiful and fragrant blossoms, the
holly with its richly colored berries, the tall and uiraoefil hick-

ory, and the red and white
and festooned by Nature,

bay. M
with gr

any of the trees are draped
ey Spanish moee, reaching


some of the boughs almost to the ground; Others are al-
covered with wild-grape-vine and Virginia creepers, aad
of the pollards are so completely enveloped that they re-
le pillars of "living green." About sitty feet from the
of the house, toward-Little Lake, stands a grand old live-oak,
its gnarled and contorted'limba reaching out i t every di-

reaction. The trees afford a dense, IMky shade, and the houe
being situated on an eminence between the lakes,' e nearly .a-
ways have a gentle breeze. A broad avenue lae from the
yard in front of the house to the margin" of IUttle Lake, omea
two hundred yardsdistant. On either side ofthe aveunemay er-
ang and leuMon trees are growing. I haveout two jauakdh wafgb
and one hundred lbd fty lemon trees,iand will pt oat qebr tre

next winter. My trees were
have done exoeptionally well
already beginning to bear a
place some grape-fruit trees, i

setout i January, ISM. Thet
, and some of the lemon tums ar
little. I also have growtg oan my
Ig trees, and .vertfnuriulesi ef

grape. H spe is as yet "a diamond in
just now, it partake more of: the rough
till pure diamond fbr all' that. I p


the rog'," Bd
tu'bf th deimd,
a oftin my wim




and I hope to make it almost as beautiful a Claude
description of his iminary home on Lake Como.
I paid $50 per acre for my place, in the woods
proved, two years ago last February. Last winter I
offer for it of (460 per acre.


and unim-
refused an

Adjoining Huperia is the three and one-fourth acre grove
of Capt. H. A. Wiley, of Woodbury, Tenn. It also fronts on
Little Lake Weir, and has a fine building aite. Capt. Wiley
intends building a winter residence this fall. An uncleared
tract of land, comprising twenty acres and belonging to the
heirs of T. M. Keeble, come next. Just back of Hesperia and
Capt. Wiley's grove is the residence of Mr. W. H. Shackleford,
of Coffee county, Tenn. He and I bought twenty acres of land
together and divided it equally last winter, at which time he
sold three and one-quarter acres to Capt Wiley for $400 per


He now has nearly



icres, mosto

put out in orange and lemon trees next winter.
deuce you have a magnificent view acrom Lake
view of Little Lake Weir. He ha a beautify
the Keeble. tract is situated the sven-acre gro
Wright, of Murfreesboro, Tenn. He 'came to
eral year ago a hometeded 160 acre, but
seven acres improved. He has an elevated -bu
fine lake view. Adjoining the Keeble tract, a
onLittle Lake Weir, Emerald Hill, the be
Mr. E.L. arney. .He. ha out thirteen awo

,aven. am in lemo.
bear. Be. abo will
lu.proved what ea
rgy jnd the .fe nu
amr the lake, hi
ill," ha. the na
.IUtLs lke aepd ru
Humperi ad W. B



if which will be
From his reai-
Weir and a fine

home. Ba<
re of Mr. T4
Lake Weir
* as yet has

k of


ilding site and a
nd also fronting
autifthl grove 4f
Sin orange and

IMany of the trees are beginning to

erect a handsome reidenee. Mr. Carney
a be aooomplished by using the lever of en-
n of od judgment. When viewed from
* piao strikingly rmsemblei an "Emerald
me. An avenue begin at the margin of
ms beta the Low PrPmurs Grove and
L 8hacklekudn plaoeeuntil it strike the ave-

am running between th plaem of W.. H Shackleford, the
Kaooel hein and t F. W aght on one uid, and the place ef
M]mm ThoiMon mad. Cooper and Ed. Turnly on the .other
dde. 'Th a ume ni to. the public rod leading to
"Wlhmuile. Lying hack of Summer Lea Grove, Low



Premure Grove and W. H. I lsefird ple. is. Edo.
vold, a hundred-are tract owned by Mam. Ta asd
Cooper, of Hinds County, Misimippi. This treat runs down t
Lake Weir, breaking off abruptly into a bold bluff twen4y fwet
in height. This tract has a total lake rontrg of very near
thre-quartere of a mile, in some plae. dueMgding gdually to
the water's edge; in others, breaking of abruptly, as named
above. Sixty seres of this tract are planted in grove, oantain-
ing about 1,800 sweet seedling trees, which wete planted at in-
tervals, beginning in February, 1881, and iniahed in the winter
following. They were of all sizes, up to one and a half inches

in diameter. The balance of the grove wm plated in sour
seedlings in 1882 and 1883, and are now being budded with goo
varieties of oranges and Sicily lemons. The grovi aim contains
200 sour-bearing stumps, which are budded with the Sicily
lemon. The ten acres along the lake front are not pldted in
grove form, being intended for building itm for the owner, wit
space upon which to grow grape, guava, pineapple amd the
many other fuits which may do well for family me, as well 'a
the flower garden and shade treem. The proprietors wished to

*void the error, t

a -. -


in Florida.

residence with orange trees, thus, in time,

of convenient place for
~~- .-5

ha bu
at one

ion, so necessary
lilt his residence o
is densely shaded
oaks. From this
sweep the expm

, of surrounding the
depriving themlve.

planting the mall hforl bor aem-
to health and cbmfrt Dr. Thoumso
n the most elevated portion of the bluZ,
by magniflomt live rks, hickorieu id
point the view is truly grand, asking in
m of water, whose eve ndiSg As

releve it of the charge of monotony, rvayiag, ai dis,
almost hourly, from the mirror-like suroe aof the Lput-
ling wavelet, when lovingly earned by Mmth be.. in the
bright slight, the Mam-spped v w re dly puig eobA
ots.r when lMbed by ind. and drive by tbe ape. the --
white amid Mb with a soSd nio m,, if It me as ime
ooeei. And iore pitMue till is the uase -s w a
thj bito, wk hem a ihta t iem l.oon a -o I,
*Ind rprea if~ Sy *hewpr tm nrippliag warn. Dr. fl
Sn Tbemos ud Jdge t or. 'p tksas h
thi imn of 1880eo. Jude Cooptr hs u hilt yae. KM

* .




not add tht
Weir." n
Next in


the Doctor nd his family are charmed with $heir
and delighted with their home on Beatiil Lake

order is the place khc

This is the residence and grove
ville, Tennesee, who purchased
The tract consists of forty acres,
lemon trees; twenty acres of whi,
and ten heres each to his sons,

wn as B qchIrs' Retrat.'"
Mr. Ed. Turnley, of Clarks-
ie land in Decemi, 1881.
planted out in Qrale and
belongs to Mr, Ed. Turnley,
H. and E P. Tiurnley. Mr.

Ed. Turnley and his family spend only the winters here, while

Mesrs. J. H. and E. P. Turnley remain here the year
..They are so popular and universally liked that their ho
aoqbired the name given above. Though not fronting
lake, they have a good view of it. We come next to the
ful gpove and handsome residence, just recently finished, a
taih John L. Carney, the pioneer otange-grower of this
His phtbe is appropriately namedd Grand View. There i

more beauttifl place
well constructed, han
rounded by the finest
Between his house an
twelve-acre seedllig
With the Captain, ".h

me has
on the
of Cap-
snot a

on Lake Weir than thi. His house is
dsomely painted anr hr ecl sr-
natural grove of forest tree os Q*e lake..
d the margin of the lake is ituated his
orange grove, now coming into btatKng.
iith has changed into might, and hope into

glad fruition." From hi residence you
through his hammock trees and orange
its surroundings. A nice avenue, lined
you from the front of the house to the

have a magnufilot view
grove of Lake Wair ad

I with

bananat, conduta
Standing in frost

of this beautiful residence, feasting your eyes upon
and attractions which Nature has lavished upon this
"And, watching ech whit: eloudlet
Float slimSY aad slow,
You tbl k a pLee of Haven
eta ourea'h Mbtow."
We would Ile to Mlinr t GOAd View, but muo
if we would Me the otklr *b itfi l spot. in a fowvc
Adjoining Grand View the' ten-acre grove of
Baker, of Kentacky, which w jir p out hat wintf

d ithe -r-o dtl -th fa

the charms

it haten oI
y land."
Mr. C. .
wr; but Mr.
lng grove.
i. Follow-
,ad nmve


of General Robert Bullock.


He has a seventeen-aore grove; put

four year ago and already
is built near the margin of t
Saffrded. Part of his land is
on, with the exception of

rnung the snor
; General Bullo

County, and is residing in
manent home on- Lake W
comes next. It fronts on

the public road. to Bower
some of which are bearing.
to build soon. He has loc
opening a select school fo
'will be located the Baptist
coming winter. General ]

to the Lake
within the
fronting on
Messre. T. l
Lake Weir l
Lying i


beginning to
;he lake and, o
hammock and
occasional stri]
-I l 11

bear fruit.
f course, a
part pine.
pa of ham-

out about
His hbuse
fine view is
_From now
mock that
At present

Church. which is


as donated
Library, w
on General
store, und

Bullock h

Weir Public Hall and
next few weeks. Also,
the public road, is his

F. and Harry
post office.
next upon the


to be erected this
a lot on his land
which will be built
J Bullock's land,
ler the charge of

Here, also, is located the

lake is the grove and residence of Dr.

L. M. Ayer, of Charleston, South Carolina. This contained eight
acres in grove, now coming into bearing. Dr. Ayer's fine soc-
cess with his trees shows what can be done on pine land. He
came here in January, 1876, and has been an earnest worker for
the advancement and upbuilding of Lake Weir. Adjoinsig the

home of Dr. Ayer is the pretty grove and attractive rmidece of
Dr. E. C. Hood, of Columbus, Georgia, who purchased it in the
winter of 1882. "He has eight aes in grove, frotnlng on the
lake. The land, instead of descnding gradually- to the margin
of the lake, ends abruptly in a bluff, ten feet or more in height.
The house is built on the bluff, and is surrounded by a pove of
live-oaks. The bluffommands a mot excellent lake y. A
lar ive-ok, that once stood on the verge' af the 1b4C lt has
now Adle down aerom the .beach, has oa adil )lhgd orn-

aeetad wit it.

I h Mid that a tribe of bmIn*. ea dwelt

on mi M they wil ak el W*ir,ad ht rt;
tt1kZS a -. La Sal t al 1 a, -AJ A. Jr-.tA

iE oi we lake, me lana is pine lana.
ck is Circuit Court Clerk of Marion
Ocala, but he will soon make his per-
eir. The grove of Dr. T. W. Tobey
Lake Weir, and also extends across
a' Lake, containing in all 700 trees,
. He has no house as yet, but expects
ated on Lake Weir for the purpose of
r voung ladies. On or near his land


-- -- --w

-- w ___ I__ n



of the Chief of the tribe living on

Lake 'Weir.


Tradition says

that his love was
his lady love he
maiden's father.
and the Chief of


was s
the A

young Chief should
oil, called by the Cl
this young warrior
Council had assemb
which followed, our
the bonds of her lo
Moon Lake and ma


During one of


his interviews with


by the Indian

* enmity existed between -the two tribes,
Lmaskohegan tribe determined that the
Pending the assembling of time CoMn-
to decide the question of life or death,
Stied to this live-oak tree. When the
and sill were intent upon the discussion
ian maiden dexterously managed to cut
who glided into the waters of Bright

de his escape.

Next to Dr. Hood's place is
Messrs. Leavell and McIntoeh,
neither of whom has yet made hi
to the grove of Mr. Alfred Ayer,
one of the early settlers on Lak
thirty ac ea, fifteen of which are
Ayer will put up a nicehouse on
At present he is residing further
owns twenty-eight acres of land
homesteaded, twelve acres of this
large three-story residence of Dr.
phia, Pennsylvania, is the next h<

Situated the small
of Newberry, South
s home here. We <

, of South
e Weir.
in grove.

The tract
In a short

grove of
)me next
who was
time Mr.

this land and move into it.
down the lake. Mr. Ayer also
on Lemon Island, which he
being planted in :grove. The
Ju. M. Eagleton, of Philadel-
>use we strike on the lake. -Dr.

Esgleton purchased this land in 1879 and has spentseveral win-
ters here. His house is furnished with both gas and water-works.
At present it is occupied by Mr. Geo. E. Campbell, Dr. Eagleton
residing in Philadelphia. He has twenty acre in orange and
lemon trees. A natural forest grove stands in front of his house.
The land slopes gently to the water's edge and the view is good.
Keeping along the lake shore wesoon reach the tasty cottage of
Ohmbli Samuel E. Eaglten, a native of Rutherford County,
'Teuame, but for a number of year engaged in merchandising
in Philadelphia. He ame to Lake Weir in Octobae 1878.
Hir home plae conesis of ten a all in grove. He sh. owns
a twty acre lemon grove on Lemon Ilad and a twenty mea
ange grove on Orange IEt d. Late Weir has no [mn devoted
admire tbs Colonel E leton. Mr. eo. E. Campbe ,Ruth.

id( Camtt. -Tma

owns the 'nsit

ina .

amtainlnr :d


and a half acres in orange and-lemon trees.
on it as yet, but will build in a few months.

He has- no house
Mr. Campbell came

here in January, 1881, and homaeeeaded apla on Bower'a Lake,
putting a good house and starting an orange grove on it, which
he still owns. Mr. H. P. Eagleton owns the next Jot, containing
the same number of -acres as Mr. Caimpbell's tract. Mr. Eagle-
ton caine down from Murfreesboro, Tennessee, in May, 1876.
Mr. W. C. Eagleton, the owner of the place beyond this, has
truly a lovely home. The view from his residence is one of the
most varied and far-sweeping views to be obtained anywhla on

the lake. His house also
He homesteaded his place
grove of large, thrifty tre
five yards from the lake a
Edgar Eagleton has a ten

also fronting on the
the grove of Mess.
acres in large trees.
this place is the foe



furnished witb~gas and waterworks.
1876 and now has a twenty acre
His house is situated about seventy-

md is surrounded by forest trees. Mr.
acre grove adjoining his father's and
Farther down on the lake is situated
and McIntoshcontaining. twenty-five
Ayer is living on this place. Next to

ir acre grove of Mr.

William McGahagan,

who also has
is the resident
law. There
to Mr. Jas. J
description en
Lake Weir a
residence of

a residence here. Lying back of these two places
ce of the genial Dr. T. J. Myers, a South Carolin-
are no improved places on thelake from.this point
osselyn's place, at which point Mr. E. N. Perrin's
ids. We will now return to the point of IMttle
od take a view of the country from there to the
Mr. C. Porter, where Mr. Perrin's description be-

The west and south-west sides of Little lake Wi

have but few improved places on them,
some pretty lots and fine building. sites.
Carlisle, Willis Willowby coloredd), and

others, have place. more or mle
orwage-grove The flat. p-
is the ruidnce and grave EdMr
Carolina. H He a fi. mrov
hi. suee Next, is tm hops

nd ougkt

though .tl
a. Q od
perhaps nw
and oontpai
on L.aker
Willianq, S

atftMr. -n *M

u, yet,

, J. B.
ar .trwo

the popular mzkman

piptPP~pot Mr.
^^W^^S^^^^^^^^- S^^^^^ *^^f ^-^

tot WIdtwyille, use $brsgeI.l
rftephboi p thk point, w |HqpfM^
J@tLt Ioflk. A AU. &. X^




- T V r.



here in J-lne, 1882.

Of eMnae he- could -not rest

temptation to plant out orange treWs. Who would not like to
own an orange grove on Lake-Weir ? This scope. of country ..
thickly settled and dotted with a number of tasty cottages and
thriving orange and lemon groves.. It is settled principally by
people from the Northern State and is in a high state of. culti-
vation. Generally, the lots areemall, varying fromn one to ten
acres. It is much easier for Northern and Eastern men to take
a small acreage of land and cultivate it well and tloroughl than

it is for people from
been accustomed to
small places well cu
By referring to the

the Southern and Western Statee, who have
large farms and plantations. In Florida
Itivated, in my opinion, is the true policy.
map of Lake Weir, you can form some idep

of how thickly settled this country is, though

many of

were too small to be represented on a a map, the scale of
two inches to the mile. This settlement extends back
lake for some distance'and is rapidly increasing. Lack
prevents me from giving a more detailed account of the
places. With best wishes for the future prosperity of tl


the lots
which is
from the
of space
his thriv-

community, we pws on, stopping next at the

residence of the publica.pirited Mr. J. H. Albiton, from South
Manchester, Conneticut. He came to Lake Weir in February,

1878, homestead
mile from the la
and lemon trees.
a gmve. He hi
on the lake. E

Not fir

Mr. Ocar
Wokdr hm ri

Led his
ke, and

present place, not quite one-fourth of a
I now ha six mand a half acres in orange
Albiston is a strong advocate of mulching

s one of the prettimt young grove to be found
Ie is also having an artesian well bored on his
distant and' fronting on the lake is the grove of
ri, a native of Sweden, but coming to Lake
ink. He has a rmidenee and about one thousand

oranp iMt e hia
the btmka l home c8 D, 8.
Mai d Wdr in6 ie ll
.tdd hi plaea It
but doae mot quite reah ijt.

place. Paing on, we arrive at
Ohae,*rom New Hnamphire, who
of 1876, at which time he home-

sxtends nearly to
No place on LIa

high a of Mattfrtio than Dr. Chie's. As
by An abl tsbb ably written rtide on "Grape
hMr t ostiiurdiumy Maos i rabny grapes.
at daett hti iu n mrmia M s of the TTnion

e Weir is in a
you will me,
Culture," he
He ha lived
hit ftr lidth_





climate and' fruit-growing, prefers Lake

Weirto any point

which he has resided. He began toimprove his place five year
ago last February. He obtained nearly all of the materials for
his house on his own place, including lumber, lime for plastering
and bricks fof chimneys. All the lumber used in his house is
heart pine, selected for its beautiful grain. The house is nicely
painted butside,'and all the inside work,including floors, mantel-
pieces, etc., is oiled. Dr. Chase has a thriving orange grove,
all kinds of fruits that will grow here, and a fine vineyard on
his place. Mrs. Chase has a fine collection of flowers, of which
she kindly furnished me the following list: Mook lemon, mag-
nolia, fuscata, heliotropes, empatoriums, carnation pinks, golden
pyrethrums, thirteen varieties of jasmine, mockorange, ancubas,
including gold-durt tree of Japan, Japan lilies trumpet lily,
even varieties of hibiscus, poinciana gilliesii, royal poinaettias.
pulcherrima, several varieties berberry, including japosica,
several pams, three varieties of dentizias, seven varieties of spi-
Srea, century plants, variegated weigeia roeea, sev'ml varieties
ofsn< w-ball, tea-scented olives, purple fringe tree, also the white,
burning bush, allamanda, ampelopsis bertchii, bonvardias, gera-
niums, emphorbia splendens, California fern, ice plant, oc.
taureas, cinerarias, camelias, enyonymus (silnr), cerodendronms
daphne, chrysanthenms (Chinese), india-rtbber tree, lantanas
(white, buff and orange), lahnstinuj, plumbago, larpents, sal-.

vias vincas, sweet violets, pansies, yneas,- Spanish
arbor vitae,' petunias, quite a number' of varieties of


vines, and last, bht not least, one hundred and twenty-five varie-
ties of ever-blooming roses, -some of the finest of which are Mare-
chal Niel, Pqele des Jardens, Mablmau n, Nip heo Mai Qqil-
lot, Mme. Margottin, Letty Colea, Sombimil Mal. Iambud,
Michael Saunder, Ia France, Beauty of St4a4d Ga. Jo
quimenot, and several budded ru oamtaiing several oQeLq mo
one bush. Also double white and pink oleanders d wbte 4u



rape nasrtle.
The raret stve, ree-hoe ad -hot-h plska4 thb
h, together with tropical pIliA ms qq- pQi|1ag
(ihas' yardIa tbe open aqi* wih *ithh9u* .i.a nfa

qar. *ogr oef&.' Wsk Cm&iwr." piuqg&ie-tt

' *"I' '-^ *


OF LAKE *m1a.

ws formed by Mi. ]i B. Foea, from


R. I.,

i the

spring of l881. Mr. Foster ame he in February, 1876, home-
eteaded-a place and put out a twenty-two awe orange grove,
which know beginning to bear. The "Lake Weir Company"
was formed: with a capital of W50,000 and. chartered uwder the
laws of Rhode Island, Mr. Foster putting in one hundred a1d
fifty-two acres of land containing grove for.a cgtain portion of
thestock, Most of the stock-holdem of- this company live in
Westerly, BR. I. The officers are as follows ;
Pruident-Charles E. Hill, New York City.
Viee-Prwident--I. B. Crandall, Westerly, Rhode Island..
Secretary-J. B. Foster, Westerly, Rhode Iland.
Treasurer-Henry Foster, Independenoe, Kansas.
Manager of Grovue-E. B. Foster, South Lake Weir, Florida.
This company now has out 100 acres in, orange and lemon
trees, containing 7,500 orange and 2,600 lemon trees. They also
have five acres in nursery stock, two years old. This is the
largest grove on the lake. The manager, Mr. E. B. Foster, is a
thorough business man, and will make a success of the groves.
On the southwest corner of the Lake Weir Company's is
located the store of W. P. Foster & Bro., and alm South Lake
Weir postoffice. 411 the people living from Mr. Ed. Williams'

place to this point, and
mail at this office. Mrs.
is from New Hampshire
in consumption, came to

for some distance beyond it, get their
B. B. Ricker is the postmistress. She
. Her husband, who was far advanced
Lake Weir in .November, 1877, and his

wife and child followed him in. May
a desirable .place and proceeded to

have a

They homesteaded
house built and to

put out-an o
Ricker died,
charge of her
has succeeded
Lake Weir;
parties, all of
on her ple
sides $bopial

thFl s n
the ati~

C -

range grove. Some months after coming here Mr.
since which time Mrs. Bicker has had the entire
place'and grove. She now lsu out 600 trees, and
in making one of the best groves, for its age, on
She also has charge of 1,000 trees for three other
which are in a thrifty condition. She also has out
pears, plums, peache, grape and pinmepples, be-
fruit trees of different kinds. 8he has had fine
pineapple. fM eis no better postauc. in
Mn~. Bickp Adjoib g ad. lying northeast of

Sthe "ake Weir

pmy" $ the fortyocre rove


of the Akron Oranm Gove," belonging to a company of stock-
holdem living in Akron, Ohio. This gaoe is under the eaint
management of Mr. E. Gillett, who i succeeding admirably with
it. Beginning at the northeast corner of Dr. Chase's land, which
front. on the public road, and proceeding eastward, you have on
the right hand side of the road almost a continuous grove for a
mile or more. The settlement of South Lake Weir i composed
of most excellent citizens, and is in a thriving and prosperous
condition. The people are enterprising and publioepirited.
They have wisely laid off quite a number of broad avenues, pub-
lie roads and drive. The citizens are devoting much attention
to home ornamenting and beautifying. A bright future awaits
South Lake Wet. I regret that I could not minutely deibe

every grove and residence, but that was idpomsible.
We will now entrut ourselves to the guidance of Mr. Ern-
't N. Ptrtin and complete our circuit of the Lake. -

I *
. *.$


I .\



S _


I .

A t* -

,* A

t 4

*f *

*r ,, t^
-- 4

f *; p' -: t

*. .4:: --

'%E V *



e oe

<. *, l *rf ^..

It i allowed by common
mout beautiful lake in Florida.

onmat that Lake Wdr is tke
This is aiming a great deal,

since Florida I full of lakes, and many of them a remarkable
for their beauty and pieturmquene. Were the appreciation
and admiration of Lake Weir contned to thee dwelling upon
its shore, all that we might my of its varied charm could have
Ibut little weight with the general public. But when travelers
and stangep u om the four quarters of the globe, gaming for
"the first time upon the wide sweep of ia water, Sand arrested
and peil-bound, a with the force of a new revelation; where
thee who visit it shori deatr wlly to return again and again,
Md delight in giving the moacei tm' eCc accounts of ib emvi-
la, on-e i fbreed o believe htunr is something undal and
xtordnay ty a r'yd bere6 nhi blows over it. And trly
thre is. Whatever of rivalry may exit between the north and
Momho there i no t to the general oharac-
abled of the Lake m a whole. Indeed, the two ides may ad-
ti e adhY a they certainly do, r the dem ,e which
gtowd mdd their individuality, we r th. eon-
.mon oe the hammo land on- the nth mide ae
a ,memr a Md e bheatifhl in their grand Im-triMe,
ithd sid MSbid the ah rSe have a or am d-
ats ri* d e htea vs.. Pand or iurny .Swhg als.
Sr~ hbaiflh fla na m e..o. Paalmrl fr 0 tomQ(

. ...

- .



with the strip of land
Beginning from Mr.

of which

we propose to .trt

in this

Porter's place, after paripg a broad

bay, the shore land
steep bluffs forming

gradually rises until it culminates
the front of Mr. Moon's property.

in the
This is

undoubtedly one of the finest stretches of shore land on the lake.
Leaving the Guion and Jillett blufi, and passing another small
bay, we come to the Rapallo property, which has half a mile of
splendid shore land, not so high, however, as Mr. Moon's. Capt.
Lytle's hammock and grove form a break here in.the general
monotony of pine land. The features of this picturesque place
suggest many sites on the north side. With a bay between, Mr.
Henry T. Spooner's property follows next. This has a superb
lake front, with blufs some thirty feet in height. A continuous
line of blufs stretches then for more than a mile, as far as Mr.
James Joselyn's. These include property belonging to the Per-
rin and Spooner families, the Baron Von Feilitsch, the Count
Vincent d' Equevilley, Mesars. Hodgson, Waite, Snow and Ger-
ald. On Mr. Hodgson's extensive property, known formerly as
the Anthony plaoe,is the spot originally set apart for the lake
hotel, a commanding height overlooking the entire sweep of
Lake Weir.
To Mr. C. L. Porter, from New Hampshire, belongs the.
honor of being the first settler on the south shore of lake Weir.
He came down and located here on the 4th day of July, 1874,
and was followed by his wife and family in February, 1876. At
an early date the Porters wrote letters for the press, calling at-
tention to this section of the State. Traveler, losing their way
in the pine woods, often dipped in upon them for shdelt and
were invariably obarmed with the lake. Mr. Porter jutly lay.
claim to having brought most of the present reidents, either dbi
reetly or indirectly, to the southern shores of Lake Weir. He
and his fbaily have resided here continuously for the Jest nine
ysra Lbtve enjoyed most excellent -ealth, though they had,
mude iknpa previous to coming here. Mr. Porter mad his .s
haves. abot thirty ayre in grove, owning f.o slwLr
in Lake Wet,a4 hvlmig mPorn imona thwai mgLt--lj -l
year ago he aoid .&r 86 per sam, but wify tem j0
s adlf heh ird dx acrs .a th by to r.r.5iq


m m

I 'r v. 7 t*, --w r r ,l,- 0, .


for 600 per acre.
and largest on the

His hadsome new heow, one of the
lake, was completed last January.

painted Oriental drab with.olive trimming Ms. Porter
fine collection of towers, somewhat similar to that of Mrs.;
She my .she had rather protect the tender plants frm the
cold we have here than to shield the hardier Northern

It is-
has a

from the rays of the sun. So much for the tropical climate
Lake Weir. In March, 1875, the Jomaun brothers, James i
Charles, from Brookfid,"r Maua'h-ual, homesteaded and
prove% places on the lake. In 1880 James Jouelyn sold to
Henry P. Gerald two and a half acres of his old grove w
thirteen acre of unimproved land for $1,300. In May, 18
Mr. Joesselyn mold the remainder of his 150 acres, toget
with all improvements, to Mr Hodgson for 13GO.00, who boi
also at the same time thirty-two acres of the Anthony dl

which will be put out in tr
Von Feilitach bought ten
This was divided into two
five acres sold to the Bare
de Equevilley, for $1,250
J. B. Wilbur and E. B.
same time in 1878. Mr
from Pennsylvania, and
Rhode Island. Mars. 1

in traveling over Flori4
out locating, when they
they had heard before.
nea, they immediately


eee next winter.
acres from Mr.


'In 1882 the' Bron
Anthony for $2,000.

equal divisions the- same smaon and
n's brother-in-law, che Count Vincent

Mears. F.
Foster came 1
Buffum is
Mears. Wi



and )

da and were about
happened to visit
Fascinated witl
decided to settle u

C. B&uua Jno. Moon,
> Lake Weir about the
rom Maine, Mr. Moon
bur and Foster from
(oonD spent some time
it to return home with-
it Lake Weir, of which


now has a pretty home and a

it beauty and J
pon its inviting sl



orange and lemon grove, many of the trees bearing. He
has a large store and does a prosperona business. Captain

H. Lytle, from Teanemee, located on Lake Weir in Nove&
1878. He now hba out, in connection with his sons, over
ae in orange ad lemoi trees. Capt. Lytle's home grove
teams age aJar. &BuAm' and about the mmune size. It
hamdt lad, however, of the bet quality, while Mr.
fturn pov i *ad a pNf I- d. About Smgtaber, 1
the (Mi. bukeb* b on New York City, append or the-
TbkrhsMt land, ten ares a aser dt smile baek

is of
is on



th shore, at ten dollh per acre.-P kb wsa; orange
and lemon trees in about equal' pmrpoaions. Tl--Thesj hio
ome five hundred tree' in each rov ,rangiag*.rd oie and a five year eld. A little ov a year ago theypurhedf'tVe
acre lake frost. from Mr. Moon at sevety collasper mea Sad
on. them, each has made himself a pleasant home with tflne jar-
den. The house of Mr. H. C. Ouion- i a nemt, one stoy buildhk,
containing three omntad a kitchen. The mreoptio roobm baa
high ceiling, hadromely paneled in oiled pi. *The rddMaen

of Mr. T. F
Anne style,

O Guion1 completed laet Ma
with red roof and olive tril

y, is built in the Queen
Kminpg. It bnra one of

the most showy mad aotableott overlooking Lake Wdar.
To prove the vlune of water protection and the excellence of his
location, Mr. H. C. #uion lutinmee a sugar apple and a srppS-
di]Uo, both tender tropical plant, which have stood the coldet
winter known here in five year without being touched by frost.
The same uneCm ha attended him in his efforts to rtime the
tmarind and ruava. As an illustration of the, mdden rhe in


real -tab o

note the experimee
ago he purohaed six
tfty dollar an are.
John M. Wiley, of
cah. Immediately i
north is the property

n thesoutl
of Mr..H.
and a half
In Mayv


Buffalo, N.
adjoining M
of Mesrs..

side of Lake Weir, we might
C. Guion. A year and a half
acres fronting on Lake Weir, at
last, this was old to the Hon.
Y., for t'bl nMdrad dolrs
r. T. F. Ou '. p iw the
E. & W. W. O illtt

brotbhe and ame to LasI Weir from Aknm, Ohio, in

-- a -

ter of 1877-78. Mr.. E Gillett, the manager of the "Ak
Orange Grove Compary," has been able, yto rabe
the pineapple, guara, Peen-to peach and Jpa es. p*i2on
He also has charge of the grove of the iHe. DMri hm,
deeoMeed. Pming aong the lakeuhore in s nMor taii y dl-

region for a distance of about two mile.
daoe of Mr, ]. T. 8poonr. This getlbe
N. Y. EsHaa to thelike ammaOr yr
E. Spo8er, t fnt of the yo o
bometad in 1876 em Silver akm, haLs
Wer. H mow ha.e bla n tn t ab
MVhm. H. P.spOmu'n tSb mCrtwb
-,Porr, all .I.4ae pewv( aI, m elabh


mnl qf


to bs








lad i In the winter of 187&-79,'Mir.
Perrin w.Mwlduced, -tkqh Mr. A. E. spoo to visit lake
Weir. Ona later visit he brought a mll teer up the Oqea-
waeh, Siuw tM Jacksonville, carried it aroaW the country
some fHr al, and pied it in the wean of Lake .Weir. In
1881, athe.aml ofIJudge Charle RBapallo, of New York,
this gentleman purchased land oh the:lake and erectc a flne
steam sw mill at the. place now known ab Stanton. A steam-
boat of larger proportions was constructed to run in connection
with the mill, and to-day no lees than two steam whistles en-
liven the quietness of our lake scenery. With the advent of the
Florida Southern Railroad, fresh life and energy will be infused
into our community, and the businem interests of the south shore
will be materially advanced. The Perrin family have in .all,

shout seventy-ve aci
thirty acre, are plan
hundred and seventy
with. the exception of
tendency to-day is to
the lake fronm for fui
of Mr. Jame Mn

res of land, fronting on the lake, of which
ted in groves. Judge RappaHlo has one
acres of continuous lake front, unimproved,
the saw-mill and a twenty acre grove. The
plant groves on the back land and reserve
ture places of residence: ,if the properties
and Judge Charles A: Rapallo, both so

extMmive, can be given up in the end to parties proposing to
build handsome villas rather than t multiply the now almost
oemamo-plase orange gr6ve, a-illiant ture may be predicted
tr the aouthmi sihore of IAeWde. In natural attractions it
I i own against any lake soe on in the State. With the
pr menagemet, 'there Tan te no limit to the improvement
of Its land and its ultimate arer of beat y-and usiealnes.
Ewmuwr N. Painr.
Btanton has been laid off to sme.extent into a town, and
already hba two store, a po, s mill, and a number oi

taty oottsu mad uabome r
wm.rmed ia buor df Major Hary T.
K amcky, the aS.f do" huWsM.

It we mistake not, it
tumafom, of Frankfort,
B." Major Stanton is

ast of th6 Pool, Mr. tltos Ilran besring I
MIu. ,l Pwb h. dM g. of tahe cir a

pms. aHe il dylod in his.aulply of brihi
busbls sMuw. B. O ad E. Peia. Santon i

hbis name.
t a. lrge
e eof the
wby Ms
tHiy 9p








in progress with the communities of Lake Weir andSouth Lake
Weir. Indeed, how could it be otherwise, with the the influen-
tial Judge Perrin and his accomplished ions, the energetic and
progressive Mr. Bufium, the determined and publiospirted Cap-
tain Lytle, and many other substantial and enterpriasing tiens
dwelling in the community ? I conclude by propomng the toast,
SSuccess to Stanton."






of lan


,ying north of Lake Weir, and separated from it by a strip
id about onp-fourth of a mile in width, is Bowers' Lake.
Weir Avenue runs between Bpwers' Lake and Lake Weir.
a' Lake is about one and one-half miles long and one mile
Pauing along Lake Weir Avenue we come first to the
of Mr. C. F. Benson, from Atlanta, Georgia. He came to
Weir in March, 1877. He now has a thriving grove of
rage and lemon trees, and also one-half interest in a
of ten acres adjoining his place, the other half belonging

L. J. Trottie, of Atlanta, Georgia.

Mr. Benson also has

charge of tenure grove belonging to Mrs. Mattie R. Beal, of
Augusta Ga. Mr. Beonn's house fronts on Lake Weir
Avene. Heha mecetly added several rooms to his house, and
Shas a plemant and attractive home. His place is known as
TIcn Hill. Mr. Beson is the potmater and justice of the
pmue for Lake Wedr. Near lemon Hill is situated the public
e]Mdi bmildbi We ome tt the grove of Mr. M.F. Hood,

by^^ ^^j^^^^

ptve of

m.1 Helsd 1ee in 1882, and pprkamd
0 orange m 00QO lemon eea PIming
ft omLake Weir to Bowra' Lke, which



have been derpibed, we arrive at the gove of Dr. ames Mdln-

tomh, of Newberry, South Carol
charge of Dr. L. M. Ayer, and
Near by lies Pine Island, the pi
containing a young orange grove
ful young orange grove of Mr. G
.erford County, Tennessee. He 2
comber, 1880, and. erected a nic
aeres planted in grove, and has
Mr. Campbell is a firm believer i
tree, claiming that" mulching is
ground from the hot aun, in t
weather, and in that in decaying
distant from the place of Mr. Ca
James T. Henderson & Co. Mr.
Tenneseeans, and established th4
are doing a large busine. El
Irvine and the Jett brothers, a
have recently bought and impr

ia. Thi grove under the
I is in a lourisbing condition.
operty of Dr. Ayer, sad also

. Next
orge E.

in order is the beauti-
Cmpbell, from Ruth-

bomesteaded this place in De--
e cottage on it. He has fifteen
had fine sumeee with his tree..
n pnulohing orange and lemon
beneficial in that it shields the
hat it retains moisture in dry
it enriched the soil." Not far
ampbell is the steam aw-mill of
Hendeson and his parten are
eir mill here last April. They
Rider J. M. Streator, Mr. James.
11 from Clarksville, Tennesee,


place on Bowers' lake.

Connected with Bowers' Lake is Smith's Lake. This lake is
nearly round, being about one and one-half miles long br one
and one-half wide. In June, 1876, Mere. T. M. Rickads, J. T.
Hall and B. N. Redding, of Mimouri, were piloted by Captain
John L. Carney over vacant, unimproved country in the vicin-
ity of Lake Weir, and located two mile north, on Smith's Lake.

In January, 1877, they brought their families from
and built houses and put out grove. These were the A
on Smith's Lake. Sine then it has been settled .
B. F. Smoot, J. T. Hall, J. P. Frame, John NDtv%
yards, Henry Rickards, W.L.Holmes, R. M.W ul
ably one or two others, have thriving groves, tutj a
cottages and reidence on or near it. Mr. Rickarl4 I
privately named his place Eden Gade. Naught bIs t
peae and happine. Mr. Rickle has jurt comrl
ti all ou, tning ,even rooms aid psald
white trimuihp Mr. Hall hua aio jJu hiI

*- A^A


SW bfle

Geemal aobet Bullok own an iklnd j) AStS 34% a.B
EIlskE's iZnd,on whic U ated a twetystlaae


and lemon grove. Thds pove b under the charge of Mr. T: F.
Wright; and mnuy of the tree are now coming into bearing.
Near Eden 'Garden is Candler, a station on the Florida
Southern Railroad, and named after the President of that road.
On September 4th, of this year, it was surveyed and laid off in-
to a town. Half way from Lake Weir to the'Oeklawash -river

is Lake
long by
tudes o
lakes a
Silver a
They .
way, ax

-Fay. This is a pretty, clear-water lake about on' mile
thxe-foUrths of a mile wide. Mr. W. H. Turnley and
tm olarksville, Tenn.,were the first to disturb the soli-
f this attractive little lake. They located thert a few
ago, have already erected house, and-will aoon start'an
grove. All the people living on Smith's and Bowers'
md Lake Fay get their ciil at Lake Weir. post-offe.
mad Fig Laker. lie bout one mile east of Lake Weir.
mivemy nearly the same ishe, being about one mile each
id both are pretty lake. They ar areummndd by flour-

ishing gotve,
tie oan theme
spe preveiti
situaed in the
Lake Weir.

and have many. and varied
two lake get their mail
I a more tailed descriptio
Lake Weis country, and

I attraotom. The met-
at Staten. Ladk of
nar Aj! taea ltka are
are jurt as healthy a

x .A,.l t.

0 '

:-. .




As remarked elsewhere, mst of the land surrounding Lake
Weir is pin6 land. Some of the Sinat orange'and lemon groves
in this vicinity are growing on pine land. Of course,'the land
has to be fertilized. Probably seven-eighths of all the orange
grove in Florida are planted on pine land. Each cluss island
has iti advocates, some preferring the pine land, and otbrn the
hammock land, for groves and residences. One thig'hs certain,
an orange or lemon grove can be made on either ihe or ham-
mock land. All the lands in this vicinity are of a freetdne
character, there being no marl or limestone lahds This belog
true, I do not think there is any difference in the healthfhhs
of the two oles of land The hammock soil heri ofa giy-e
ish, sandy character. The soil of all the lands sppe fWt one
unfamiliar with it poor and unproductive; hut ito aiieae is
deceptive, as the growth on. it, both wild aad' eualttfd, will
show. Until one gets accustomed to it, walk i's piumaat on
account of the sandy soil; but the entire abae of mud, now
and slush will more than compensae fia the premmen of the

sand. Walkia
terms rtn thai
em the bad.


ig and driving are more pleasant inmm
it any other timea- the rain compcbt
We will diamia the subject of soil

our oilhas proved to be adap to be dated the

see how

M t -* r ''** '- ** -
.iCHst f Lae Wefr frsimply dehlut tWf&* ^ d
it could be *urpmufed AluoM.t ddbl hrateeI'S



__ -



Gulf and Ocean, we receive all the

breees without any
claim to be "below
fall, but as yet have
little damage. We

of their harshnum
the frost line."
inflicted no serio
do claim that on

benefit of the bracing sea-
m and coldness. We do not
Light frote occasionally
us hurts and have done but
account of our great eleva-

tion, and our water protection, we are lem liable to have forest
and injurious cold snaps than some portions of Florida far south
of us. Facts warrant me in saying that frosts have fallen south
of us when none fell at Lake Weir. I have seen a heavy frost
on the ground not more than four mile from Lake Weir when
there was no sign of frost here. Does this look unreamoable ~-
It would be pruamptao for me to endeavor to iapnr upon
my reader the advantages of water protection. I need only tell

him that Lake Weir is situated on the top c
running tblrgh Penimnsuir Florida, thus con
and watyr protection. Fro this fact the rea
owq, conlusions. Do ot. be deeeived about.
Froats fall aometimee in every portion of Fro
the farther eouth you go, provided you have).
and water prpteetion, or very nearly the same,
ity there will be of t falling. Some of ou
on orange ultre ll s tat h are
ta geo wrnge trpaadae sb,4 m fimJ o ial

f tl
ft *

* .
r 1

bow ti s, but ill let the ngdeu decide ihe q
self. Our winter are mild and pleasant, though
whan you will enjoy sitting by aheehrl fire.
exceptioal days, but they come mmetimes, and
prepared for them. Our summers are not unple
ever known the thermometer to register higher
it very rarely marks that high. The great heat

ae water-hed
an draw hon
ta drawhis

e,"lcrt line."
e. Of coure,

brt authorities
'no disadvaa-
I annotsay
itio for him-
theu are days
True, tIee are
it i bt to be
ant. I have


of the

tempered by our delightful and never-fpillng sea breeds.
nights are almost invariably cool and pleasant, and co
generally dairnble. I have xperlenepd very fdi
hot, mrdry night. on Lake Wei., Can you realize it?
Lake Weir people, eve 'in idummer, coolly enjo;
delicious sea-breeM frefh from the Gulf or Ocean, while
people living hundnds of mile north of us are complain
the latolerabe eat. 4 wealthy gentleman, who ha mild

98,o a'd


r our
e the
ing of
led on

14Ta We&r several yan, owning a reidene and three fine




groves here, informs me that


Weir is the most pleasant

summer ri
sorts, but
!1 t-t .



esort he has found yet. He had tried Long Branch,
Cape May, Newport, and various other summer re-
for health and climate preferred Lake Weir to them



ii. Old u rlonriians amsen tnat mere never nas been a case o0
unstroke in Florida. For a residence all the year round I pre-
er Lake Weir to any place with which I am acquainted.
We now have good transportation and traveling
nd will soon have better. The Peninsular Florida Rail
Low running within three miles of the west side of Lake Wir,
nd will probably build a branch road to the lake Jefore the
nd of the year. The Florida Southern Railroad is now graded
nd ironed nearly to the east side of the lake, and is being
rapidly pushed forward to completion. It will run right by the

*rl A A

lake and through Stanton, and will have at least two stations on



Cars will

be run

within a few weeks, probably 1
the press. General Gordon's ]
constructed from Jacksonville
these two roads. The Ocklaw
tant ftrmothe nearest part of
reaction. The Ocklawaha is i

ning regularly over this road
the time this book comes from
international Railroad, now being
I Tampa, will run right between
is River is only three mile dis-

the lake, lying in a north-east di-
lavigable clidr to its source, and

steamers ply on it every winter. The Rapallo, a handsome little
steamer, floats in Lake Weir waters, and supplies the local de-
mand for transportation.
What more could be asked in the way of transportation fa-











When we come to exa
Weir, we are met on all side

mine into the healthfulness of Lake
a with the most remarkable evidences
i *

of its reputation in this repe, extending far back into the ant -
bellUy days, when it was the custom of many to seek its shots
in the summer months for the preservation of their health.
This reputation was local, of course, and reached no further
probably than the inhabitants of the surrounding, regions, who
were largely planters, engaged in cultivating sugar-cane and
long cotton. They may have had a poor opinion of Lake Weir
lands for agricultural purposes, but their appreciation of its ad-
vaItage a a health resort during the times when they wdre sub-
ject to malarial influences on their plantations, was very great,
and thh heeling was shared by1 the inhabitants .of the adjacent
towns. After the war, when the sttat..began to attract
the attention of those who were desirous of embarking in
the ositiation of the orange, as well as of, escaping the rigous

of a der climate, Lake Weir was not
a sbare of new settlers The.e have co1
thie MpMH--from the ooldest regions
fr the Wert, the.Middle States, and
Seth. Many of the new comem wwre

overlooked, but received
me from every point of
of the North and East,
various portims of the
in march of relief from


diseases already developed, as well as from kthem of dimse,
which were latent, it is true, but liable to be started into activity
by the influence of unfavorable cans, climatic and otherwise.
Families came, embracing in their number the aged, accustomed

to fixed ways of living,


cate health, all contributing
tecedents, as to physical vigoi
whence they came, were as v
Thus we see that, as far as p
lation went, Lake Weir was
ness subjected' to the severest
gether have begun the battle


most of them--clearing

Iren of all
to make up
r, manner ol
various as it

ages sad women in deli-
a population whose an-
f living, and places from
is possible to conceive.

monal characteristics of
) have its reputation for
eats. These )ebple so g
f life, for it is in truth a
the forest,' makingg t]

the popu-
ahered to-
he ground,

planting groves and doing all things needsary to be done in a
new country. This involves physical 'labor and expout.e to

many W'ho were not accustomed to it, having been engaged, pre-
vious to moving here, in planting,' merchandising, practicing the
profeiMons and many'forms of office tork, and this, tooin a cli-
mate'sdppMd tr ~'b onsaiited br' physical labor by the white
race.' Th;p, gl n; there' is gmeat carelessnes in tiw matter of
diet ashd'tob mueh relian'ceupon banned gbods, thftb tera balng
largely u ed'becatse of their' convenience and aiolbeche of
inability and' indicsition td obtain a regular apply of fash
meats, ilttry," "zj, fresh bitter and mili. It is well uader-
uiodd thit g~er ~bre in the matter of dally ftod it motial to
tae "rref4tion bt hihlth in wapn olhhbtA than in .d. Many
of our yun'men"'eep achelor'sdl;'dolng thdr oawn .d g,
and grove :wot as w1l, with the itult in many aM if-
ferent prepartion ct their 'od. tere we have ai
of' --rcumuaitbe apply judt sued Ce the rd m
h death: ':he 'M allft bger of an at -
Woi rM fqib~i~Atfelter at& &rt o ti&aei

p~Qi ~t~o ai^: w, 3 9a a^ 4 ti

U, -~I~ -U-I


and justly so.


8. we might hahe had much sick-

ness and. iany deaths on Lake Weir, without fairly earaiag the
reptataon of being an unhealthy locality under proper and le-
gitimsatE $rcumatnea. And yet what do we see It is an un-
quMtionaNe aot that the health of this people is far beyond that
of people living in long-ettled localities elsewhere, which have
a justly earned reputation for good health. The aged, iwteld
of sccrumbing to the changes in their accustomed modes of liv-
ing, involved in a removal to this section, have gained a hew
hold on life; children retain their health and roes even through
the hea of summer (the writer canshow four, from font to nine

years old, who have. been on the
who will compare favorably in
from any section, although their
been suited to the preservation 3

exceptional vigor. I
no ilteu or that then
haven much fewer
normal, and those of a
couatrie And as to
arento be easily traced

lake through two summers, and
point of health with children
rmroundiup at ipmes have not
f halth),and the adults enjoy

do not mean to ay that there is absolutely
B have been deaths, .Qf the latter there
* thiu, the table qf mortality indite as
Scharacter to be.epeoted ia the wealthiest
actual illness, the cspa I .Mve; pnet with

to grate.mpn

wdene aiti

poae, or to asme coswtut tional qr pelosl.y
The former readily yield to iampl e or
medicine at all, rest and qqiet beiag usry i.
ter, under the influence of lop rra nduprn,
ane or anally diappey. TMre i rhaj, i
eb.aI I verily believe, if all thy practice ol
caootrsted In the hands of a dognt ph fiiap,

My tor him to bring.on gu o
a.P There occur, not4 unb7
epidmc ofrio frn
lm ulhier mea, mad an ot
Whoe not witmeped, in
k ct & k T & jr

Sthe i

pe in di or ex-
acquird trble.
better i11 to no
iffcient the at-
a e. d in. abey-
Bl r tm redi-
r lAe, idrIwas

roylde or abb old
#iesr locrlitie,
ye ipqh tacuble
* ? 1 *.-



c d



forms of malaria, bilious, remittent, pernicious,


other fevers common at times in the Western and
ern States, and not confined to the notoriously
portions of those regions. Look at New England
Northern Sttes with consumption yearly claiming
numberlesm victims. How many comnamritiee in all
expanle of territory- can fairly claim freedom fr
infintam (summer complaint),- that terror of pare
eveJywhere? S.o of other troubles,,equally as well
of whih .may prevail without earning for the Jocalit]

station fqr unheslthfulneam I
exclusively to that clam of dii
ehces of climattand locality,
ever man may; be found, ad 1
roundingps,uoh as small-pox,
without wihingitoa indulge in
caditing the health record of


not t

other I

tentiao to the act--and a fact capal
his omaunit ot Lake Weir, whici

nearly twety wiles, pl
began to collect aewly t
from spidewi of any ki
low Ave, dyneatery or o
appeal at timeesi. the m

,pqlatioa of
en years ago,
ind, either of
other forms ol
oet favored

and other
its alamst
our broad
om cholera
ints almost
known, aill
y a reputa-

to be understood as referring
, resulting largely from ioflu-
) such as may prevail wher-
y independent of local. e
rae sealed fever, etc. No<

rimoas with the view of dip-
localities, I wish to call .at-
Aie .of demonstratiou-that
i embrace a lake shorm of
over one thousand, which
Shas been absolutely. Ae
* malaria, typhoid and. yg)-
f disease, which are wont to
communities, Nor am. I

pe1! n ly aXog uanAof even sporadic gur of thee disease,
which a igifed hea. When we come ti.look for the cu of
this ioi#duemUtar aty from such epidtf.aeeo t.pre-
seat thewelvea w. ewy hand. to
Florid, ethbre nrkcal and belong w *W r. Itjs ot
nOceBeyntooe-an rau er to the form ,eu the advan-
tagspef Ekoidnre knOwi to thousands from experkaee, and,
the albjas ku beenstnped by.abl writer, who had time and
epnb todefoto its expsiMion. Where eLe caa be found the
wigtipii e3VlAlmvelo ped as it Mi with the wemn
GOlf ttnm with itplmall tbwrwomtrisl.o vauiwo, it. bW y,
bhmieit ,t4e ik.ion, to ,P rot-door. IAfe, the-Snc0. of
-da-- 'ng he APqUfcJ gf ,,' *Ii th w mi dry
meon, qjMMIlP DMRMri~ ti% sI comhimig to p4 e lcM.
the UtyIf Ax^W R4 the 'ltpa.hf 4*fHI44p o Mu 9O9



pie of the higher latitude? All this is familiar to the intelli-
gent, but of Lake Weir not so much is known, and I will refer
briefly to such points as seem to account for its pre-eminent poi-
tion as a prospective health centre. A glance at the map of
Florida will show that Lake Weir is situated on that' portion of
the backbone of Peniniular Florida, from which the waters low

in opposite directions
coochee to the north

pdint the
above the
ing porus
ing its col
lands are

waters flow
sea level.
'aborbs all

,' the Oeklawaha to the north, the Withla-
est and west, and notmrmy miles below this
r southward. Here is proof of elevation
The local drainage is pefeet, -the Moil be-
the water deposited by rdin, thus preveat-

election in pool, where malaria my be generatedL The
high and rolling, the hills andvalleys are covered with

pine forests, and nothing detected upoc a general view of
the country which would suggest disease. The water wne in
the smallest lakes, which may. cover only a few oem,.seam free

from any quality of
upon the surface, suw
summer sun in other
their waters, laden w
Its source of supply
ing the absence of vi

impurity. No green covering is oe aien
ch as isfrequent upon still water under -a
States. There are no crbeeh diELargiug
'ith decaying vegetation, itM Lake Weir
is subterranean, if not'artesian, thus iusr-
etgable matter. It is mhre' s hefe sprdnn


of purest freestone water than a lake, having no minerals -or
salts of any kind in solution ot suspension." Many of the inhab-
itants derive their whole supply of water for drinking and other
purposes therefrom and eaMider it niuMrpas The character
of the soil and ubsoil -ha much -ta do witir the. hitkh of a
country, and here s lad -Lake Weir owes mulh of its freedom
from disease to the mmehaanical rudtare 4f the sril, as well as to
the absenOe of the socalled, marl from the asboil. There is also

but little lime rock in the formation.

Thew lime ma hzarl lands

whether pine or hammock,ams not o healthy *as i~he them
hfatu areas' lem prominent, ha fr the eMse about' I ake Wekr,
where the 'lsttt entire abMente of evidence.'ou dt' bhasai
marked its.hlMlth record. Therels- an almost esuOtl reeze
fina.wn q ..t,,oAftud blay, never irmd: or rlnCtig to
the waieit kim in the VWit e ahtond 4 ad it. f ing
Is tame i, t-t -tlb the th mar* rr botve

i .ty:

comat mally frw tht dlSe of the At-



lantic or Gulf, blowing over the pine forests, thu having
the bracing quality of the salt air modified by the eminoub ex-
halations from the pines. In the daytime the prevailing winds
are from the Ocean, after night-fall the direction is reversed and
the wind comes from the Gulf. Our nights are cool and pleasant
in the summer, thus insuring healthful sleep, which is a most
important factor in enabling the system to preserve its -equipoise.
In this we have a great advantage over localities in most of the

States, where sultry nights ft
frequently finds the quite as

)rbid restful sleep and the morning

tired as

night. These and many other natural
account for the healthfulness of Lake
communities have never denied in the
for immigration. And here will flow u
of. health seekers in the years to come,
portation and hotel facilities we can of
throng, making of beautiful Lake Wei

m ever

beginning, of the
tages combine to
which even rival
eager competition
increasing stream
with good trane-

rer accommodations to the
ir a Mecca, towards which

each winter the footsteps of the weary invalid will turn for as-
sured relief. RUFFIN TAomvox, M. D.
Lake Weir.

The benedial eitcts of the climate of Florid to thee uf-
fering with throat and lung diseame are so maivenmlly admitted
and have so many. living witomeue that it would muakrs
waste of time4o adimuu th fact. Has Lake We)(ay attrae-
tions ovei other portiomaodfFlorida in, general, and oTw the high
rge lads of the iaturiov in paticnla, to o .s to thoM uting
with phnnauy dme M?' It Ared-m from malarial fbdv,
permitting the aM aettler to Jv he both daring winter and
summer, Is a ftlg neommemdation. It oflra at ot*.uater
advaatages of boati flMting, botkigaud bthmig,* qniy
to miamb a3tidl idhute h4r asd mid to S lat
exmr&bL,' ,h4iuf m the .I Stlgi wimd* f S.t o.uMt,
atd n.r-th. si n amoaphat*a d amp, 1t prsie laada


The healing aroma, coming from the pine forests, seems to purify
the atmosphere. Last, but not least, the cheerful, happy, ihope-

ful people dwelling on Lake Weir prevent the
valid is frequently persuaded and encouraged
an orange grove or truck patch, the exercise,

tion of which
is a fact that
turn deranges
fering with- ci
be liable to

is' better than all th
all disease vitiates c
I all the other organl
consumption, settling
complicate it with

e nostrmes of
or poisons thi
a of the body.

blues, and the
into putting
labor and atl
the druggist.
e blood, and i
Hence one'I

t in

in a malariall section, would
some form 'of malarial fever;

therefore the place naturally most healthy would be worthy of
consideration by the invalid. Having had some of the practice
of Lake Weir and vicinity for a number of year, as weH asn of

the country for many miles 'beyond, I
of malarial fever that originated on t

or affected any of those who
mean to distinguish thee who
joining lakes all the year from
year on the heavy hammock or

have li
live on
those w

nnnot recall a single case
e pine lands of the lake,
lived exclusively here. I
Lake Weir and the ad-
ho spend a portioc~vf the
lands away frott the lake

and return here in
lot to witness some
nary diseases, which
the same has been se
Charles Horie, who
had a large experience

the summer. It has naturally fallen to my
almost miraculous recoveries from pulmo-
were attributed to this special locality; but
en in almost every part of the State. Dr.
made a specialty of pulmonary diseases, and
ce in many localities of Florida, expressed

as his opinion that the ridge, or bckbon,"/ running down
peninsula of Florida was the best locality fbit oonmamptiv.
thought the dry, pare atmosphere and ldrge pinm frbeats had
culHr curative effects ob the lung Thei: pie kills of the
terorr are fast growing into favor wth phylcan,-who are I


directly interested elsewhere LaketWerk, but a huge basin of
pure, clear, soft water, located uprn theelry top'of! tha high
ridre ceantry. As stated Wbre :I btlfar the. tnmedle kkse
g a to be atirel exempt sod tiaalvent.'r I .b-e a
tended a few eams of feter oriiauhg amwng rt M arlyM lean
in'the hammock i f thlw hte d'Bs Meyw km.- ei-
tifrdy wMskh S u nMpyne ph iti. anadr
.ljtsdgejL ti oom-t 4M otaA aahlaeatar amI mubir
rt The tWaitttlm nulb~aniaftdihm r- rteLs e daUb i but a


small clearing, while all around grew dense forests.

rainy season of the
wet, seldom drying di

as the timber was
the sun and put i
It is also an admi
by passing over a
malaria so far for
find very general


During the

summer months the earth and trash kept
during the period of four months, As soon
down and burned and the land exposed to
state of cultivation, all fevers disappeared.
fact that malaria loses its poisonous effect
ly of clear water. We have at least escaped
period of eight years. There is an idea I
ing visitors to Florida, that new settlers are

more liab
settlers, w
verse of
effects, by
the liver
well is thi
people su2
ilies away
have corn
coming he

le to suffer from diseases of a malarial nature than old
rho, they claim, have become acclimated. The very re-
this in true. Malaria is a poison, accumulative in its
degrees poisoning the organs of the body, especially
and spleen. The longer one remains under malarial
ithe more liable is he to suffer from their effect& So
is fact known in Florida, that in localities where the
bfer from malarial fevers, many persons take their fam-
every alternate summer, and find that they can with
spend one summer at home. But three cases of asthma
e under my observation. These were all benefitted by
ere; the attacks were less severe,.and the intervals much
The benefits were gradual, and the patients continued

to improve every year. Both the
have a marked beneficial effect (
idea to say that1 pine lands are
.are sickly. Either the pine or ha
limestone sub-stratum, and much

rain, will
the hamm
lands are

produce malarial fevers

climate and mode of li here
n neuralgia. ft is mistaken
healthy and hamaro$_ lands
mmock land, having a rock or
of it exposed to the gun and
, the pine but little less than

ock. It is also an error to say that the high, rolling
healthy and the flat, low lands sickly. The hammock

and pine lands just mentioned are usually high, broken lands;
while the class of land. kpown as fiat woods, having a subsoil of
clay somn few inches beneath the surioe, is comparatively healthy.
High, rolling, sandy land, having a sub-stratum of yellow dirt,
nd then .stratum of lay, from a few feet to gte d.pthb
low the uiface, rank fst in piat of hea These opinions
wa formed after lmrjy eight years practice ip t!ij motion, being
intimate) with the peoql, both e native -loMid-
am aaot roe o life ad abmt ,thberops




raised, and how cultivated. I have written t
at large more than for the medical profession.
Respectfully, L. M.
lake Weir.

Mr. T. M. Shackleford:

his for the people



DEAR SIR :-In reply to your inquiries, permit me to say
that I have been a resident of this State quite thirty years,
during which time I have resided in the counties of Alachua,
Marion, Sumter, Orange aid Hernando. At present I reside on
Lake Weir, at which place I have been located for the last ten
years, engaged in the practice of medicine, doing my practice on
the Ocklawaha river and in the low hammock away from the
lake. The practice on Lake Weir is very little, as we have had

no sickness of any consequence, though
thickly than the surrounding country. I
pend upon the practice of medicine on
port, I would goon starve out. In a
through the Stah I have found very few

V -- w-C --
diseases of a mi
the summer res

rial character.
o of the planter

and lime lands for miles around.
ful spots as well as the healthiest
have seen and experienced. I h
and as I have been engaged in th
my residence in the Stite, I h
experience in the treatment of th
jee. And I must say, in all asn
a free' frm all diseas& of a m
during da'ssanos of the year, as
lint and Virginia. Lake Wel

it is settled up
n fact, if I bad t
Lake Weir for a
II my perambula
localities exempt

Lake'Weit has been for


o dc-

s living on the low hammock
It is one of the most beauti-
Section of Florida, so far as I

ie p
e dl

r is

seen Florida all through,
racticeof medicine during
certainly had some little
iseasea to which'we arJ sub-
thst t consider Lake Weir
ial nature, and as healthy
Smontaina of North Caro-

spe ally

adapted to

Northern invalid
ph. ei'dry and
Ure emouroM for
bathing, even in

during winter as a healt resort. The
soothing, the temperbtukl alway pldam
spot ih shing and hunting ntM
winter, is dengBtfrt to piNonu whoe

ant and
4. The


will admit of it. We have ne o-ol, bleakkwinds
no hot, dry, sultry days in summer,. I hope you
from designating the sickly localities. I think it
me to my that I consider Lake Weir and theo
diately as the healthiests, moet plkaan
sirable country for all .the purpose~ of life that
True, the game is getting somewhat samroe, and a
hunting is not so good a formerly, but all new e
enough game to keep 'them exerced.. As tl
know about that as well as I do.

La.e Wir.Augut 17t, .188

ha whiat and*
will 'cs me
; lis enough for-
eomatry .hmn-
t and nost de-
I hare found.
omequently the
emers can find
he fishing, you

Yours, truly,
T. J. Myram, M. D.

f f


COLUMBUS, GA., Augurt 2, 188.
T M. Sak d, o:
D ia SBt :-Your fivor of the 23d ult. has bee nodrved.
You request me to write an article for your book, deulciptive of
"lake Weir as a Health Reort," viewing it from the rtad-
point of a phyaieD, and in doing 90 to rner the following
question : Where did you graduate in medidane ad -whe
(2) what tik yaou Lake Weir ft.r relief d huag, bron-
chial and kidy diawe, reum and neamln r" To
the firs qut I answer that I gr duatm d i adime, at the Univenity of Kesuty ia tb yew 1840. To
the meond question I. amswi that, haring spat ,sr two win-
tenrsad part of.oae ummier Florids, my OpteWies for
obervation bave been oomwhit limited, thledht. fl anwer
skall be brbtis
.It i a well known fact amogpyaiq ias that a. pro-
portia f .the diemaw to which human flk h ,o-

.duod by

yow irtl

reat sod uMddeaslu ir
. trniar qsat tt d4IrMM

* neMbJlly trat t-he dhuew

to wkicbqa u

ir -in

wi -


and extreme caunge, of.the weather are continually

as is the cue in the higher latitud.
an equable stmopbere, such m South ]
quently, accomplish more, far mowze,
moat akillkl. medical treatment in a
Lake Weir, it is unurpaed for purity


Therefore, a residence in
Florida preseate, will fre-
br the sufibrer than the
higher latitude. As for
of air, beauty of scene-

ry and excellence of society by any place I have evtr seen.
Being surrounded by a pime forest, whom healing aroma isbeing
continually diflfied by the soft brems- of an equable and dry
atmosphere, makes it a delightfitl home for the sick and the
well. With such favorable surroundings, if not too far exhaust-
ed, why should not the feeble one reach and relise, as many
have done, that Lake Weir is indeed the "inhrvlik' paradise"?
It is a pace where he can spend not only his winters, but his
summer alo, no malarial poison lurking in the atmosphere to

vitiate the blood and engender disease. Sue
I see it and homtly believe it tob .
Hertily ommending yoUr enterprise
much nMoeDC, IW m

Yours, truly,

s Lake Weir, as


EtC. kp, M. D.

All of thee physidm an graduate in medidne and stand
high ian the proion. *
-'la clleetinag iuormation Br- tb oeknk I mad. it a special
point to ask all of the ctisewm living oa r in the vtidnity of
Lake Weir, "What do you Mae of the healthfilneas of Lake
Weir I saw many of the otes in pma, and sent printed
raul' ooantaining this qaie toM those I did not me. In
every htuw they replied that enjoyed filly as good or
better health on Lake Wir thea'tMl did at tbrierArme homes,
There are families who have leen living here or verbal years
and have never had oemion c ta it the ,rvie. of a physi-
aoi,. Hog they had much idbs wbm hviag elmsebeh

tke WA o- show
hks..ived in vt riop
anl ywm il the (Ctt
nI ajoyf d such

porkn oftTe- u, kMng ,q t 9e-
Mlland Mmat a,-bt mna uIwhaee
Etsbet h& I bsehoiute I-have




been living on Lake Weir.
purchased my present home
and returned to Tennessee.
wife in December, 1882.
troubled with nasal catarrh
medicines, and have been
cians. I am now almost ei


I came here first in January, 1881,
e (Hesperia), remained seven months,
I returned to Lake Weir with my
For the last fifteen years I have been
i, and have vainly tried many patent
under the treatment of able physi-
itirely cured, and think a few months

longer in Florida, on Lake Weir, will make the cure a perma-
nent one. I was also frequently troubled with neuralgia in Ten-
nessec, probably produced by the catarrh. I have not had a sin-
gle attack of neuralgia or sick headache since I have been on
Lake Weir. I have .taken no medicine of any kind for my dis-


been subject every summer for the last six or

seven years to violent attacks
similar to hay fever." In the

with bron
but to no
without th
aore throa

chitis and sore throi
purpose. She had
, but obtained relief
ae use of any medici
t since. This umi

has not had even

of hay asthma, a disease somewhat
winter she was frequently troubled
at. She had tried mady remedies
I a very sore throbht when we left
Shortly afer reaching Lake Weir,
ne, and has not been troubled with

ner, for

the slightest attack of

the first time(


in years, she
All this has

been accomplished simply
ing its balsamic, health-givi
To those persons who
I would say, "Let us hear
" Throw physic to the dogs,

by living on Lake Weir anm
ing air.
suffer with lung and throat
the conclusion of the whole
" and come to Lake Weir.

1 breath-


My wife has


That which most characterizes the American
energy, Business is the chief employment of this
progressive nation. With all their appreciation

people jis.
for other

things, (for ours is indeed a cosmopolitan mind,) "what, doth it
profit ?" is the great question, and this is the q uestinwhich Ir
in a brief manner, propose to answer in regard to Lake Weir.
Our universally admitted advantages of health, beauty of loea-
tion and society are apt to throw into comparative. obscurity
this topic of the general head-Inducements.
In fact, thoee who, by reason of location in a rival commu-

nity, haye a prejudi<
must admit its health
so poor"; thinking
capital, who come to
money. Now, to th
say "Cpme." Come
if you are not ready
thriving community


Lake Weir, finding that they
etc., say, "Ah! but its lands are

by this report to
Florida for some
e industrious, on
first yourself, and
to admit that o
as well as a choice

turn away all but men of
other reason than to make
lerly, moral poor man we
! see for yourself, and then,.
urs is a prosperous and

e o:

take your


elsewhere. We invite investigation, and are willing to abide by
the verdict of intelligent business men. I know that some are
ready to my that, if our lands are reputed poor, they must to
some extent be poor; that where there is smoke, some fire must
be; that people form opinions at the suggestion of truth. Well,
to such of them as are influenced by no second motive, we are



willing to frankly admit that ours are not as good farming lands
as some of the low-lying, unhealthy hammocks that are to be so

carefully avoided by all, except the most hale.
places better adapted to the growth of cotton
chills than Lake Weir, we will not deny; for

purpose of this bool

if anything,
told, it shall
the best place
in the State,
paid, is now
our midst.
action, would(



k to give information and
makes against our reputat
. "Honesty is the best poli
though ours is not the beet




That there are
, corn, cane and
it is the avowed
tell the truth, and
ion, ought to be
cy,"-Lake Weir,
farming country

annually planted


profitably engaged in, and will continue to pay in
But what man, unless something else determines his
d leave the great wheat farms of the Northweat, the

corn and tobacco fields

of Tennesee and Kentucky,

or the rice

plantations of South Carolina, and come to any portion of
Florida to farm ? While we can very favorably compare with
the Eastern and some of the Southern States in this line, it can-
not be denied that Florida is far below some of the States of the
Union for general farming purposes. But, for raising oranges
and other members of the citrus family, we challenge the com-
petition and admiration of the world. And what Florida is in
this respect to the rest of the world, Lake Weir is to Florida--
the pride of orange men. What has lust been said applies to
farming in general. Truck farming is fast developing-yea, has

already developed-into c
most industrious State. TI

ne of the leading industries
ie time is not far distant when

of this

da will far excel all other States in the producing and

of early vegetables. Now in this Lake
satisfactory report. Large quantities of
cumbers, etc., are shipped annually. M
great quantities and of the finest flavor;
engaged in their shipment. Several are
planting this winter, when we shall havy
ties. When the Florida Southern Its
completed to the lake, which will be in a

Weir can she
tomatoes, uqu
elons are aso
but a yet no

)w a most
uMhea, cu-
raised in
one has

contemplating a large
B better railroad facili-
ilroed shall havy been
t few weeks, the oppor-


tunities for rapid shipment will be 'f ly iwd, aom-
sequently thi branch ofiaud wilin prwilb oult lyS argued.
To there oommrn zukolay intmd e d every lubmeat
to ooma to thiu neihborood. At pramt the ars around the

qm qmp


lake four stores of general

them being also a w
offices. Quite a toy
ing for its public sqi
Southland, with a n
numerous smaller b
and thrifty groves o
from being a city c
the advantages of b
this one of the most
two railroads shall e
we shall have all th
and our present e



two saw-mills,

ell appointed planing mill, and
rn is springing up around Lake
uare the most beautiful lake in a


one of

three j
Weir, t
11 this su


ew and jaunty steamer for its omnibus, and
oats for private carriages. The numerous
)f oranges, lemons and limes will prevent this
compacted together closely, liae others; but
oth the city and country will unite to make

charming places on
embrace us and two
at is desired in the
encouraging business

the continent. When
steamers ply between,
way of- transportation,
out-look will, of course,

be more encouraging.









Viewed from a social stand-point, Lake
tractions. The most of 'the people who

*. / -
Weir has many at-
have settled on its

in the
Out of
of con


came from old and long settled corn
main, well educated, cultured, ref
h gathered together from many
es, they dwell together on Lake Wei

ined and
r in peace

'the one thousand or more people who
Weir and in the immediate vicinity, ni

They are,
States and
and unity.
settled on
all are en-

in fruit-growing. Satisfied with their bsinees, and full
fidence for theia-future, a more hopedfl, prosperous and

people cannot Jt found.

dustrious and
cial ties are

strong. Ini
*. i

ited. I
a new

intercourse witn one another, a:
formalities of .older places. Her
recognition is a good character.
the society; with it he wil
preset improvements on the lak

The citizens are energetic in-
n each of the settlements the so-
community the people, in their
re not fettered by many of the
e the principal' requirement for
Without this one cannot enter
11 find a hearty welcome. The
:e will not furnish entertainment

for those who are strictly society people. Their expectations and
demands cannot be fully met until hotels and public buildings
are constructed in the most approved methods of modern archi-
tecture, and controlled by talent that undentands the art of
making one comfortable and contented. Glimpses of thee have
already bin obtained, and it is mid that in the near Atture

they will

The entertainments gien by the

become litie.




young ladies and gentlemen are equal

in elegance and refine-

ment to those of any of the country towns and villages North or
South. The advantages Lake Weir affords for individual enter-
tainment and culture are daily improving. There is already
started the nucleus of a public library; a lot has been secured,
and a building of modest pretensions will soon be erected. Fif-
teen hundred volumes have been donated, and those who have





Dr. Those. W. Tot
a missionary to Cl
College at Rome,
for a limited num
wife, who was alu


rise are confident that the number will soon
hands. There are three public schools on or
are under the charge of competent teachers.
a minister of the Baptist Church, formerly
a and late professor of languages in Shorter
orgia, will in October next open a seminary

ber of yo
Sa teach

ung ladies.
er in Short

the beginning of what we hope ma
learning equal to any in the South.

y I

the lake: The Pioneer Reading Clu
South Side Reading Club," and The

He will be assisted by his

er College. This i
soon be an institul
There are five clul
b," of the east side,
Lake Weir Reading


B only
ion of
N" on
" The

" The Stephens Debating Club and The Horace Club," of the
north-west side. The purpose of the reading club is social and
literary enjoyment. The debating club is intended to provide
the young men with opportunities to familiarize themselves with
questions of local and national interest, to become more profi-
cient in the art of speaking and versed in the laws that govern

legislative assemb
Club is composed
now has seven me
every Sunday on s
ganized, and will

lies and
of those
mbers en
ome prt

literary institutions. The Horace
who wish to review the classics, and
rolled. Religious services are held
of the lake. The Baptists have or-

this winter erect a handsome church edifice.

The Rev. Mr Nash, of Ocala, pr
and Dr. Tobey also preaches for
byterians expect to build a churi
employed Rev. Henry Yerger t
bers of the Christian Church ha
congregation, and will also build
J. M. Streator is their pastor in

eache. for them once a month,

them oc
ch in the
o preach
ve organ
a boume

Rev. Mr. McMahon, of the Cumberland

preaches once a month.

Rev. Samuel 8

cfsionally. The Pres-
near future, and have
for them. The mem-
sized themselves into a
of worship moo. Elder
On the mouth ride the
I Presbyterian Church,
tcot, of the Methodist

charge of the
be increased t
near the lake;




Church, has



on the north side, and

preaches in the communityy opcazionally. Thus Lake
be well provided with churches and ministers.

"You never will find.
Thonuh you travel afar,
From the old Rocky Mountains
To where pyramids are,
A place more delightful,
Created to cheer,
Than a home on the bluff
That look over Lake Weir.
"They are beautiful spot.
In a beautiful clime,
Where the health-giving breezes
Are almost divine.
As they come with their kisses
To comfort us here
In our dwellings that stand
On the shares of Lake Weir."
E. i

Weir will






The following lett
the court of Marion co
nent citizens, requires

Mr. T. i3. Sharkleford,

cation a description
I heartily approve
attracting attention
tion, has been little


er from General Robert Bullock, clerk of
runty, and one of Florida's moat promi-
no comment:
OCALA, FLA., August 13, 1883.
Lake Weir, Fla.:
I understand you are preparing for publi-
Lake Weir, its resources and advantages.
the enterprise, as it will be the means of
a section that heretofore, from its isola-
own. I first became acquainted with Lake

Weir more than thirty-five years ago, and from my first

it I passionately admired it for its
one family inhabited its shores w
richer portions of Marion county'
an occasional settler. Thoee who
tions of the county, suffered more

surpassing beauty alone

hen I
or less

in t

Lake V
le more


sight of
e. But
As the
;ile por-

the inseparable concomitants of all
more malignant type were rarely k
Weir, without exception, escaped

and fever-whereby it
section absolutely free
the summer months as
Within the last six or
with a clan of the vei
United States, who lit

soon acquire
from malaria
a place of i
eight year.

new countries. Diseases of a
known. The settlers on Lake
this universal plague-chill
ed the reputation of being a
a, and was resorted to during
health and escape from chills.
Lake Weir has been settled

ry best people from all sections of the
re together in harmony and good feelings.



Alout four years ago I determined to make an orange grove
at some healthy point, and, having an intimate knowledge of a
very large portion of the orange belt, I cast about for a point


whole field, I made my selection
first love, where I have succeed
they were pretty extravagant.
made up my mind to make Lake
to invest every dollar in its land


a ca

at Lake W
ed beyond i

that I

entirely satisfied, since the Florida Sout
in Lake Weir on its route to the Gulf,


reful survey of the
eir, the place of my
my expectations, and
s experience, I have
permanent home and
command, as I am
iRailway has taken
t property will con-

tinue to advance in value in the vicinity for an indefinite period.
The Peninsular Florida Railroad has realized ere this that it
made a great mistake in not touching Lake Weir. Indeed, I am
told that the company is now seriously considering the proposi-
tion of extending a spur of its road to the lake. No one can

doubt this who knows of
trees, now in bearing and
very large number of the

the many hundreds of acres of orange
coming into bearing, on its shores. A
business men and others of Ocala will

establish homes on
'there, or before anm
With the best

the lake as soon as the
other summer comes.
wishes for the success c
Very truly, yours,

railroad is completed

if your work, I am,

. R. B'I.I.ocE.


offering the most




One afternoon in last June, while engaged at

work among

my orange trees,


the sun


scarcely a breath of air stirring,
with dark clouds and the distant
drops of rain began to fall, slowly
in number until a heavy rain was
tily to the house. Safe within the
the rain fall with a glad heart.

the sky
at first,

down his fiercest rays,
suddenly was overcast
was heard. Soon big
then rapidly increasing
down. I retreated has-
of my porch, I watched

No rain had fallen for some

days, and all vegetation was parching and suffering for lack of
water. How eagerly the thirsty orange and lemon trees lied

up their drooping h
Looking towards the
it. It was enveloped
falling on it, causing

heads and drank in the falling rain-drops!
lake, I found I could no longer see across
I in clouds and mist. With the rain-drops
the white-capped waves to rise and break

into pieces, it was not unlike

the ocean.

The rain



for several hours, ceasing a short while before sunset.

and I walked doi
the range grove
was sill overcast
doing his best to
in piercing throu
the clouds soon

wn the avenue leading from the house
Sto the margia'of Little Lake Weir.
with leaden-colored clouds, though the
break through. Occasionally he would
gh for a moment, but it was for a mome
veiled his face again. The orange tr

My wife
The sky
sun was
nt only;
Bes were

dripping with moisture and glistening with rain-drops, and when-
ever they were kissed by the sunbeams, appeared freeh and ra-






diant. Even the rugged oaks,
ning down their bark, seemed
All vegetation was grateful for 1
fresh and pure. The lake was
Directing out eyes to the east
The colors were more brilliant
seen them before. This rainbow s

logical story of the American In
ending struggle for supremacy be
the spirit of darkness. Since the
of his clouds, prevented the spirit
his rays directly down, the latter, I
edge of the -laws of refraction an<

had hung this beautiful bow
rupted my mythological refle
the western horizon. The sun

ing through the clou
with crimson and go
he sank from sight
prevailing color was
Within this color sti
son and gold were
striking contrasts!
til it became almost

went, no
forms the
drals and

w deepening
clouds ass
palace th
and richly

he a


d th




rills of water run-

have awakened to
refreshing rain. Tb
smooth as a sheet
beheld a beautiful
d gorgeous than I

suggested to my mind th

idians in regard to
tween the spirit of
spirit of darkness,
of light or sun froi
availing himself of


in the sk
actions by
had at lei
e western
sun was

ras painting
rich pink,


action in proud
:y. But my wi
calling my att
ngth succeeded
sky was now "a
fast setting, bh

, a gorgeous
verging upon


new life.
Le air was
of glass.
had ever
e mytho-
le never-
ight and
y means
is knowl-
ife inter-
ention to
in break-
ll aflame
ut before
re. The
ge color.

rips of azure, deep blue, royal purple, crim-
intercalated. What rich colors and what
How they tinged the waters of the lake un-
"a second sky"! How the colors came and
ig, now paling! What weird and various
umed! What wondrous castles and cathe-

ey wrou

and n


clearly the towers and
windows stood forth !

The sun is a royal painter. No wonder Fancy riled the
and claimed me as her vassal. Lower and lower sank th
until he was just above the tops of the pine trees on the
side of the lake, and was iilding them with his waning
Just at this time a boat left the shore and the boatman
whistling a pretty air that harmonifed well with the see
thought of Venice and the songs of the gondoliers. I kn
Italian sunset is famed "in song and story." Poets have s
it and painters have endeavored to paint it, but.! eannol
ceive how even the Italian Inei could ni Peh a sum

e sun
1e. I
iw the
ung of
t on.
met a

we gazed upon that June evening on Bright Moon ake. True,



it has not yet been permitted me

to visit

the classic shores

Italy, but I doubt whether I could find even there sunnier shores.

or more mellow-tinted

skies than


here in


While gazing at this beautiful sunset,

thought of some of the

descriptions of Hugh Miller, the poet-geologist, and wished that
he, too, might behold it, so that he might make a word painting

of it.

But that cannot be.

painting of the picture awaits

the coming of a John Burroughs or an Edith Thomas.
We remained at the lake even after the picture had faded

and the


of darkness



we sat


thinking of the


picture and listening to the


of the crickets and
and stars appeared,

the croaking of the frogs.

throwing their

Soon the moon

light upon the waters, which

mirrored and reflected it again.


"The silver moon's enamoured i eam
Steal softly through the night,"
I glided into a dreamy mood and sat there silently.


companion interrupted

me by

asking me

for the verses



Now, I have no poetical claims whatever to amsert, and

fear that I am

but an



hut the


were these:
With sweet delight, this rare June night,
I gaze on moon and stars so bright,
And sweetly dream beneath their beam
And revel in their golden gleam.
A gentle breeze comes from the seas
And kisse orange-laden trees;
Magnolins rare and flowers fair
With balmy odors weight the air.
A crystal sheet lies at my feet,
While silver waves the margin greet;
The moonbeams throw far down below
Their light on sands as pure as snow.
lAThe bright Lake Weir so calm and clear,
Invites me to approach more near;
Fair Orange Isle seeke to beguile
Me with its moaf enchanting kmlle.
I wiatfhi stand upon the strand
To-night in Flora's happy- land ;
And sweetly drpam while bright stars beam
And revel in their golden gleam.

Whippoorwills al fromin pin trees tall,
Andlily tthe wterts fail .
I loose my bopt and idly dloat
And n on have left the shore remote.





The idea is prevalent among people of other States that
Florida is the home and favorite haunt of all kinds of poison.
ous snakes, deadly reptiles and troublesome insects. Especially
is this thought to be true of the interior portion of the State.
Not satisfied with picturing Florida as an overflowed, malarial,
unhealthy.swamp, they have now filled it, in imagination, with
all kinds of pests and plagues. The seven plagues of Egypt
dwindle into insignificance in comparison %ith the numerous
plagues of Florida. Only a few days since I received a letter of
inquiry in regard to Lake Weir, in which the following questions
were asked:
How many chills does a fellow have and how often is he
snake bitten before he becomes acclimated How many nights
in the year can he sleep without a mosquito'bar ? I am told that
yOu raise enough snakes on a quarter section of land to fence it

The last suggestion is a good one.

It solves the problem of

how to have good and at the same time cheap fence. The
barbed wire fence will sopn become a thing of the past. A
snake fece! The very name is suggestive. We will use a
black racer for the bottom rail and a rattlenake for the top.
Sectirity, protection, economy r three in one. A., eterprising
South FlIrida man is already enriching and fertfi ig.bis land
with dead mosquitoes. Now .o epc fence it It with snakes.
reat are the resourn of Floida. Snake fences vill put an
end to watermelon stMling and prove a barrier in the way of

our bormwiang neighbor.

We shall start a snake farm and grow



rich selling snakes for fence purposes. Henceforth1 ur wat
word shall be Snake fences and reform." We will vote for
man who is not in favor of snake fences and does not so p
claim himself on the stump. Down with monopolies and hun
for snake fences! There is but one small difficulty in our w
If snake fences are built on Lake Weir, the snakes will have

be imported here.

But that is a small matter.


My correspond-

ent writes from Tennessee, and if he wishes to locate
Weir and must have a snake fence, I can refer him to
in his own State where snakes can be found by making

on Lake
g a thr-

ough search for
and bring them
earnest and wan
and au serieux.
the coating is so

tse "th


In this way he can collect a lot of sna
with him. But my correspondent is

e unvarnish
first, Truth

deep that I am al

her "naked simplicity," the dress

I a

e and poor, old-faphi
m truly sorry that I
snake story, as this
this, my reputation i

I could secure a hearing.

oned Trut
cannot tell
is the "sna
For truthful



ed truth." Then jesting aside
has been varnished so often and
Afraid if Truth is presented in
will be considered unftshion-
h be requested : to withdraw.
I the reader at least one Flor-
tke season." If I oould only


les wo

Candidly, then,

of any kind in this section of Florida thai
country of Tennessee with which I am ao
different States, living here say the same
in clearing up or working new ground a
killed. I have never heard of any person
this vicinity being snake bitten. I am not
with the State to speak for Florida in gen

personal knowledge can speak only as to
In the summer time we are troubled
in the day-time and mosquitoes at nigi
- *j


uld be stablisbhd and
there are fewer snakes
n in any portion of the
quainted. Others, from
thing. Occasionally
snake is found and
on Lake Weir or in
muciently khquainted
eral, and of my own
She Lake Weir country.
with two pests, gnats
t. But I have been

trouble more with mosquitoe in INashville, Chattanooga, or
Memphis than I have ever bWen on Lake Weir. I am informed
that the gnats are not so troublesome here as they, are in other
States. By providing your house with wire-gauze doors and win-
dows, as'many do, you can keep out the gnats and mosquitoes
and dispense with miesqdto bMn. We have very few house-flies

and no mnd-flie.

So much for the reptiles and inects of Lake







Beauty, health, climate and I
the many settlers who have locat
moet beautiful lake of Florida-i
the cultivation of the orange and
Weir the well deserved, technical

soil, realized and enjoyed by
ed on this, the acknowledged
rith the great succeees attending
lemon-have given to Lake
name in fruitfrowers' phrase-

ology, of a fruit-centre. Geographically situated on the
elevated water-shed of the peninsula, almost equi-dibtant
the Gulf and Atlantic, and midway north and south of
singularly favored portion of Florida, known a the ormage
makes Lake Weir the centre of the fruit region. Yet hts
graDhical location does not entitle nor does it uive to Lake

the appellation of a-fruit centre.
proportion by Nature of the four
healthfulness, climatic influences
to the purpose for which Nature
demonstrated by practical results
Lake Weir to-day recognized as
elements to constitute a fruit-ce


The blending in such perfect
essential qualifications-beauty,
I and a soil peculiarly adapted
designed it-orange grove--
, now being enjoyed-haa made
posessing more r tAe essential
atre than any other place in

Florida. But a few years ago Lake Weir was only known as a
'lake of beauty and the recognized summer sanitarium of the
Florida Peninsula, resorted to by the wealthy citizens living in
other les healthy portions of the country. At that time the
great staple products of the South, o6tton and spgar, hqd do-
minion through the length and breadth of this ooentry. A
mans social status, almost his responsibility, depended upon the

aeteave acreage of hisb



But today,




these great products, that once held




muscle of this fair land, have bec
now scarcely have a follower, ex4
ally or mentally incapacitated
and slavishness of agriculture to
newer civilization of horticultur
ricultural to the horticultural pu
tended with such unparalleled
alize the great results, evidenced


as a thing of the past and
those who are either physi-
throwing off'the drudgery
on the higher, nobler and

The change froi

irsuits has been s
success that one
through the area

o rap
of t

belt. Just at the time, when orange growing had
ciently developed in Florida to encourage the idea of
tency in well directed labor in that direction, the \id
gration came pouring into the peninsula. Lake We
count of its attractions, drew to its shores a number
homeseekers, whose education and nature qualified th
preciate the beautiful as well as the useful. And, as
corner beheld for the first time the limpid waters of L
with its pure, white sand beach, fringed with the maj
magnolia and wide-spreading limbed live-oak, drap
tropical garb of long mosm, which, swayed by the gen



- -

that blew over the lake'4 sunny face, gave to Lat
and singular beauty-a beauty not grand and
like the lofty ptaks of the Alleghanies, but a b
subdued, like the sweet face of innocent child
that poets sung of in fairy land, but only realize
have seen Lake Weir.-standing on ope of those
gentle slopes, that overlook the lake, as he vi
beautiful gem, in all that constellation of lakes
gion of peninsular Florida--he could not but
and feel that "here on this beautiful lake shore
be." And, when the new settler wrote back to
telling of the wondrous climate and the resour
yet undeveloped, others came, until to-day on i
slopes are the happy homes of as refined, intellig
table people as can be boasted of in any other
the world. But a few years elapsed after the ii
located qd made permaePst homes before it h
monstrated that the loqlity of Lake Weir pose
entials necea ry for ueosftul fruit-growing.


e W

n the ag-
id and at-
hardly re-
:he orange
been suffi-
a compe-
e of immi-
eir, on ac-
r of those
em to ap-
. the new
ake Weir,
estic pine,
wed in that
title breeze
eir a weird

beauty soft and
iood-a beauty
d by those who


blufi or
the moet

of the lake re-
say "Eureka I"
my home shall
his old home,
ees that lay as
these blufi and
ent and hospi-
older portion of
rst settlers had
iad beome de-
seedall the e-
Not only on ac-

9 !


count of ii
ness, but i
times occu
localities 4
tests and

in the
ing of
titled i



ts beautiful surroundings and its recognized healthful-
ts great freedom from those disastrous colds that some-
ir, destroying the hopes of fruit-growers in less favored
of Florida. When these facts were verified by actual
experience, and the settlers, feeling a perfect security
ure. with duty performed. settled down into that feel-

, p

. -

contentment and faith in their work and

with a


to make Lake Weir just what its natural advantages en-
t to be-a fruit centre; when the demands of that society,


adding al
ever drea
man and
Lake We


wealth; whe

settled on the shores of Lake Weir, established
hools and social life with all pleasant surroundings,.
these to Nature's gifts and making life as pleasant as
?d of in Utopian world; when the brain of the white
e brain of the black man had twined the beauties of
without marring its attractions, into channels of
n energy had crowned with the orange and lemon

those bluffs and slopes overlooking the 1
the Seminoles' Amaskohegan: when the

sent their
gold of th
growers; v

that were
future no'
life on ou
Lake of t


bright, crystal waters of
golden fruited trees had

harvest of health-giving fruit into the cities, and the
e cities had returned to fill the hands of the fruit-
rhen residence here had brought the rosy dimple to
's cheek; when the youthful step had returned to
and the brows that had baen clouded and the cheeks
furrowed by life's battle in other places had been
by the pleasant every day, and bright hopes of the
r realized ; when all this had been accomplished by
r beautiful lake, then Amahageyna, the Bright Moon
he Indian, now the Lake Weir of civilization, accept-

ed as rightfully its own the appellation, a fruit-centre.







This question would, indeed, be a knotty one, were I to un-
dertake to go into full details so as to fill every man's bill ex-
actly, who has or proposes to have an orange or lemon grove in

the State. I
groves in the
or are likely
have thriven

will venture
State that
to get it;
as well as tl

to s

y th
lave <

ere are no two accomplished
exactly the same treatment,
than likely they would not
done with the same manage-

ment. Two pieces of land, either hammock or pine, to all out-
side appearances may be exactly the same class of land, same
kinds of timber and surface soil, yet they may be quite different
as to subsoils. Clay, marl, red, yellow or white sand, and some-
times hard-pan, may underlie one and not the other. And, with
the soils all the same, the lands, in all probability, will not have
the same exposures, wind-breaks, etc. Each and all of these
lands would require some different management from the other.
So I will not attempt to say how every grove in the State, county.
or even in a very small section of the county, should be worked;
but will give a few general suggestions .and leave each man to
fill in or take out, as it is likely to suit his own individual case
To parties who already own lands my advice as to selection
of lands for groves is not apt to have much bearing. They
would say my neighbor, A or B, has one or two fine trees
about his house and his soil is similar to mine, at least as far as



appearances go (and grant that it is .so in reality), and I will
risk it, forgetting that those fine special trees get such attention

and protection that would be im
of any size. So it is only parties
are likely to need any information
importance and necessity. In se
first for a healthy location, the g
without health life is not enjoys
city, so that your family will be
the transportation, so that when
you will not have long distances
then, to the surroundings of the
ural beauty, is capable of being
think so much about beauties in
jority of cases a home, too; the
be pressing too strongly on youi
begins to pan out its hundreds as



turn your

possible to be given to a grove
; who are yet to buy lands that
n on this point, first as to both
electingg land for a grove, look
greatest of all considerations, for
hble anywhere; then, to the so-
k pleasantly situated; next, to
your grove comes into. bearing
to haul to a station or landing;
land, if it has not already nat-
made attractive. You may not
starting a grove, and in the ma-
hog and hominy question may
r mind. Yet, when your grove
id thousands of boxes of golden
attention to ornamenting and

beautifying. M
have been fairly
humus, with a si
depth, with no
than otherwise,
the underlying c
water would fin

y first choice of soils, when the above.questions
settled, would be a soil as rich as possible in
ubsoil of yellow sand from five to twenty feet in
objections to it being deeper. LaUd rolling
so as to give natural drainage, rapoing that
,lay or other hard base, upon which the surface
ally sink, would have the same incliantin as the

surface above. Lands with clay or marl within eighteen inches
or two feet of the surface are claimed by some to hold manures

better than
the sand is t
wash on the
soil, as some
lemon trees
have to go t
doubts trees
deep sandy
try to reach
and, if he
he will he a

deeper soils. To this I do not agree. The deeper
before striking hard soil, the le.m liable the soil is to
surface, and, if the manure washe. down into the
claim, then I have no fears that my orange and
will not get the benefit of it all, as the roots do not
through clay, marl or hard pan to reach it. Whoever
getting the benefit of any manures applied upon
soils, on account of their supposed leeching, let him
the taproot of a tree standing /r eight or ten years;
rill tackle this job on a July day, I will guarantee
atbfled loon before he reaches the end of the tarot





that no food would ever escape,
those thousands of .little feeders.

eral farming I do nol
orange or lemon tree
watermelon vine. T
storms and severe dri
rooted trees. I 'have

however- deep
'For gardens,

t object to clay near
is different from a c4
rees upon these deei
oughts better than the
seen this thoroughly

it might
truck and


the surface, but ain
)rn stalk, tomato or
p subsoils will stand
more shallow surface-
tested several times in

my eight years' experience in orange
bought your land, the next thing to
make ready for putting out trees.
mock land and are in no hurry aboui
if 'you wish to grow your own stock,

be dor
If you
t getting

re is to
g your
it wou]

After having
clear it and
bought ham-
trees out, or
Id be best to

deaden your forest 1
ginning to clear it
hammock, with ne
tion, then it would
trees per acre as a

trees one and a half or
up properly. If your
either plenty of altitude
be well enough to leave
protectionn against cold;

are below the fero line."
consequently will sap your
other hammock, trees The
tree. and would be quite o


V "' '

The live-oak
young trees
magnolia is


metal as well

two years before be-
land is extra strong
e nor water protec-
three or four forest
it matters not if you
is of a slow growth,

than moet of the
'meatest hammock
I as useful in the

grove. Hammock so deaaenea is much more easily cl
terwards, and but a few of the tree ever sprout or sucI
wards, which is a consideration in a new hammock grove
in clearing hammock land, cut the timber, roll the logs
brush, shrub the ground, then burn everything. A be
in the long run, though it does not look so neat for seven
is to cut your timber, and not cut the logs too long,
brah and shrubs, then stake off your ground' where y
and tree are to be. Now pile the logs between every
fourth row of trees and let them remain a vear or ti

a leisure time, if you should ever

orange or lemon grove, change logs to
tree, and 'you will be astonished every
yor' logp' whit an amount of the v<
you have on the ground. About the third
of the logswill about swap you out, and you

ftwlive-oaks andbeart bay left.

Theywil I

eared af-
ker after-
re. Many,
I, pile the
tter plan
ral years,
burn the
our rows
third or

find that time with


the next row of
time you change
Mry bet fertilizer
or birth changing
will have only a
stay with you and






Ro; t

76 rw

something that you
and by." If it is pine
would rather cut cleu

suitable for
a mill. W
excellent p.
it saves a
well, when
as before.


is this



s always swer by "is the sweet by
mld that you have invited in, then I
an and burn everything, that is not
rails, or mill timber, if you are near
es are able, in first starting a grove, an
, especially where pine land is used;
and work that cannot be done as

trees are set and roots running all through the soil,
Instead of cutting the trees off above ground, cut be-

low (two feet or more, as it may suit) thi
lateral roots on the same side. Probably
cut half way through the taproot the tree
now, by placing a short log close up to the
lever power, and the tree in falling flirts n
of the ground. Most of the hammock sl

e taproot, and all the
by the time you have
will be ready to fall;
tree it acts with great
iany big side roots out
tump. will rot after a

few ears,
pine rathb
off your g
the groun
line by a

, but pine
er than hi
round, as.
d; if you


the holes d
them settle
trouble in
or too low.
get out the
take all tr

will not
with the
do not,

, is why it is mol
in this way in cl
hammock, drive
they are liable

re necessary to
tearing. Now
the stakes wel
to be moted

1 into

arelesa hand in digging the holes. Have, if pobdle,
lug several months before ready for use, so as to let
. back to the level as near as possible, and it will save
planting your trees, being less liable to plant too high
Dig holes six or eight feet across the top, use a long
or grubbing hoe, and have an old axe along, so as to
larger rooted. Loosen up the ground thoroughly, and
3e or vine roots out. If you have any well-rotted sta-

ble manure put a small
soil; if not, home-mad'
half pounds of weak (bu
commercial fertilizer.
election of trees for the
in our State papers, mai
ery-man or party here,
or from the experience
apples, etc., in the more
ern States The first s1
ond will not do to rely

quantity in each hole
e manure; then from
it I reckon most all of
The next question of
grove. This question

and mix well with
one .to one and a
it is weak enough)
importance is the
has been discussed

nly from two standpoints. By some nurs-
who had a oertaln dlal of trees for sale,
of parties had in planting out peaches,
northern, and frequently the most north-
andpoint needs no pointers, and the seo-
upon altogether, for an orange or lemon




grove. For it frequently happens that parties who have owned
and understood the working of orchards of apples, pears, etc., in

the other States, move here anm
willing to unlearn many things

all probability;
nothing abou
nearly all, of 1
stock both fo
better, and th
prettier and
budded trees
pla .ted trees
inches in dia
from one-four



has never seen
the theoretical
ese parties have
the lemon and

d are out-stripped, until they a
by the regular Cracker, who,
an apple or pear tree, and kno'
I part of fruit-growing. All,
advocated planting small budd
orange, claiming the fruit to

Le trees to be much longer lived, and to prod
better tree generally. Now, my experience
has been with all sizes. I have budded and 1
from one-fourth of an inch up to six and
meter, arid have budded and left standing
th of an inch uD to fifteen inches in diameter

they are all bearing. My preference
with finances, in putting out a new gr
be a good large stock from two to foul
a g-eyish bark, and from a not over-st

now, if
ove of bu
r inches


uce a
. and

not over-flushed
added tree, would
in diameter, with
nursery, and the

soil similar to that upon which I wanted to plant. If able, I
would prefer a tree just coming into bearing, though the stock
might be an inch or so larger, even if I paid from $5 to $10 per
tree, and could get them close by. One of my neighbors, who has
about 95 large bearing trees, which he bought and at out this past
spring, paying $6 per tree for them, says he will get about ten
boxes of good oranges from them this fall,and in two more years
they will certainly pay for themselves and all expenses of culti-
vation, etc., up to that time. Four years ago this past spring I
planted about 700 unbudded sour trees, all the way up in size
from an inch to six or eight inches in diameter. The larger
ones were in condition to be budded the same summer, and the
other were a year, and some two years, before they would take
a bud. Some of these larger trees bore last year a box per tree.
The smaller ones will be from two to three years yet in doing
the same. If one is not able to buy these larger trem in start-
ing a grove, then, of ooune, he has to "cut his aP ent accord-
ing to hi cloth," and take smaller trees, and be a little longer
tipe getting a bearing grove. Most all sweet ddling orange
trees in the State produce a very payable orange, and many of




them as fine or finer than tl
would advise farmers, or othel
knack at working with trees, i
premises, or small groves, to
the seed of the best sweet seed
grown and vigorous, from fou



se the s
ng to be
to six y

id budded varieties
who have not a nal
out trees around
weet seedling tree
had; to get trees
ears old, if able; if

s. I

then even begin from the seed, as
trees. If in after years any speci
and you know that it brings better
as prolific, as good shippers, etc.,

I have done with many of my
al fine variety is introduced,
prices than your fruit, is just
then, with your trees already

standing, it will be ea
to year and insert bu(
ought to begin to pay
Very few of the regular
sweet seedling trees.
seed, plant and bud
sweet seedling trees in

sy to cut off' the tops gradua
Is of this better kind. The t,
again in three years from tl
r nurserymen in the State adv<
It is much better to get the
them, than to get the fruit
I the State and plant the seed.

.ly from year
rees so cut off
he cutting off.
ocate planting
sour or other
from the best
Most of the

fruit of such trees is spoken for a year or so ahead by some neigh-
borhood nurseryman.
The lemon sprouts badly from the seed, and the only way to

get reliable, and uniform frui
seen used stocks of almost all
that arc common to the State

t is to bud

the species of
>r budding th

prefer the sour orange stock for this purp
makes more of a tree on this stock with 1l
than upon some of the other stocks, and e'
All things considered, from the 16t5 o
of February is the best time for general p
every month in the year, and, where there
to be put out and extra attention can be
can select your own time and overcome tl
care. Get your tpes from the parties or I
you, provided they have the kind wanted.
in their permanent places just as aoon
out of the ground. Avoid, if pouible,
very windy dayw. Keep tream and roots f




I have used and
the citrus family,
e lemon into, but
to all others. It
of a bush about it

ven on its own.
hf January to the 15th
planting. I have tried
are only a 6w trees
given them, then you
he objections by extra
urserymea nearest to
Iet the tree be put
pcuibleoafter coming
planting out tree on
e siagnexpoe to

wind or om. I oxnider the wind u bad u thas a in damaging
tree out of the ground. Keep the roots dap until 'yeo get




them in the ground again. Be very particular that you do not
get the tree too deep; nine out of ten new beginners will put

them so.

It would be better to get some man

who understands

the business to do the work for you than to run the risk of mak-
ing a let of it. The trees should be put from one to one and a
half inches above the general surface level; they will finally
settle to about the level. All broken or hackled roots should be
cut off smoothly with a knife before being planted out. The
lateral roots should be spread out nicely, so that they will be as
near like they were before their removal from the nursery as
possible. When the tree is about halfway filled in, pour in a
bucket of water, and, if water is plentiful, put in two bucket,
to settle the roots well.. When you finish putting dirt around
the tree, pour in enough water to settle it well. After the water
has dried out, rake dry dirt up to the tree, so As to be three or
four inches deep on top of the roots; make a rim around this
dirt, a little beyond where the tree roots extend, so that it will

save t

the ground
he trouble o
watering. I
around the
r attention.

f pull
put n
tree a




e tree in a
the dirt from
or mulch of
pour the wat
cer holds all t

saucer sh
i the tree
illst an
er in, an
he water

ape. -
v kind
d it n
and tlh


ow, 1
i th
n th

celd n10
e mulch

does not let the sun bake the dirt around the tree. If the trees
grow very vigorously, then enlarge the digging around the trees,
so as to let the yoidng roots have plenty of loose dirt to run in.

Next season
down by rai
down to the
able orange
much water

, if the mulch is not all rotted and the saucer washed

ns, then take out the mi
level of the ground. Thb
land of giving a young
; nor trees of any age, as

ulch and
ere is no
tree, the
for that

work the saucer
danger upon suit-
first year out, too
, only trees after

the fist year do not require to be
yet they would certainly do much
ings other than from the clouds,
The great necessity fDr some way
with plenty of water in blooming
the fruit from cracking, is not yet

watered to keep life in them,
better to have extra drench-
many times during the year.
of supplying our fruit trees
season and farther on, to keep
seen by our fruit-growers, but

it will eMrtaily force itself upon the fruit sections at nO distant





Some plow the

groves the first year out.

Where ground is

very rooty a jumping coulter is used in front of the bull-tongue
or twister on the same stock. Others use the hoe only, the first
year, to keep gras and weeds down, and by the next year many
of the small roots have rotted and the land is more easily
plowed. I am not as much of an advocate now as formerly of
planting pes in the grove between the rows as a fertilizer. If
planted at all, it would be the second and third years. During
the first year let the sourness be worked out of the new land.

The two fo
during the j
they begin t
for this purl
will have fil
they should

rear and
o run.

years peas can be planted several
turned under the best you can, just
The Georgia clay stock running pea

pose. After the third yea
led the ground pretty we
do, and it will be impoesil

to turn under pea-tines
tree roots. I object to le
remain until fall; for it b
makes the destruction of
plow in again, enough to
the vines. And you are
weeds, in spite of all you

without disturb
Cutting the vine
rings the tree
orange roots v
over-balance t
sure to get a
can do.


r the young tree roots
i1, if trees have done as
,le to plow deep enough
bing many of the orange
s cover the ground and
roots near the surface and
ery great when you put the
the benefit derived from
big seeding of gram and

Unless you have started your grove upon extra good
land, the trees will have to be fertilized. My experience
fertilizers has been very limited, but, from what I can

natural, home-made manures, or those composted
of which you know the ingredients, are to be much
any ready-mixed commercial fertilizers.

Be careful not to let your trees get a

, rich

at home and
preferred to

stunt, which they

more likely to dp the first year; for it is a hard matter to ever
get them into a vigorous growth again. If you have used sweet
seedling., do not have but one stem or body to the tree, and
keep ill waterhoots off near the ground; Prune very little
until the tree are almost ready to ber, the prune up four or
five feet, or as you like, and, if neoeary, thin out mall dead
branhes insda if you are making a budded grove, yeu will
have to beginprunig early to make pretty symmetrial trae.
They re more inclined to make straggling, lopsided tire the



If your trees have buds in



much the better, but, if you have just put out the stock and in-
tend budding afterwards, my plans are as follows: I like a
stock of about fbur feet in height to start with. When the
stocks are from one-fourth up to one inch in diameter, it" is well
enough to put the bud in the main body, if the tree'has not been
kept'vigorous and'not allowed to become hard and bark-bmtnd.

Most of the trees of this size put out in groves a
the following year after put out. Very little is
ding trees of this kind the first year, unless
vigorous. Where the stock is from one inch up
prefer budding into a new shoot near the top
three of such shoots having been permitted to
for this purpose. All the balance of the shoots
ing been kept off throws all the sap into these sp

buds are much more ]
ter growth than when
the stock, the sooner
have more vitality 1
buds as possible and

where th
the slot
When thi
cross line

e eye
out th<
Sbud i
is cut

ble to sour and
not. The sprig
and, where tree

likely to take in such wood
budded into the main set
you will get buds to take.
than smaller trees. I uw
only use sprig buds to

buds cannot be used. Fc
e tree in T shape, but wii
s put in, this sheds the water
above, instead of below, and
die; that is where you do no
bud does not take so well, m
s are to be removed, is much

th !

re best budded
gaitjed in bud-
they are extra
in diameter, I
of stock, two or
grow especially
on the tree hav-
ecial shoots, and
and make 6-
Lk. The larger
in them; they
e as many eye
save wood, or
ye buds I cut
the T inverted.
re than when the
Sbud is le lia-

t use wax, a


akes an uglier
more liable 1

I do
to be

broken out than an eye bud. I like good round wood for bud-
ding; about the sie of a lead pencil is the beat sine fr most
purpose. Beginning with the butt end of the twig, so as to get
the bud it the tree with the eye up, I ty to cut buds about an
inch long e ing the wood antil t begins to get angular for eye
buds; the balance of the limb I either use for sprig buds or
throw away, depending to a certain extent how jarse budding
wood is. If budding sprig buds during the rainy smac, I
pud the sprig up and around the tock, inste of down-

ward, m i. generally pradliced.
catch water and woar the lbd.

Thib avoids reading sapocket to
In budding frim February to




October, I find February, August and September to be the met
successful months. I never use wax or waxed cloth, strings or

rags for ties for eye buds, but
after having been dried by sur
ant. .They are not so liable to
thrifty trees as strings, nor i
waxed rags. Force out your 1
five or six inches above the bu
natural eyes of the stock that
not force the buds out by the

let them remain dormant
by forcing out late in the
much before winter, and,
catch the buds napping.
five to eight inches and is

if it

use the heart leaves

of palmetto,

1 or fire enough to make them pli-

water-sob buds
as troublesome
)uds by topping
id, and with a k

are above
first of Au
start them
ner or fall
should be
ioon as the



as rags,
and ex]
off tree
nife cut
nud. If
it would

to cut into
pensive as
or shoots
out all the
you can-
be best to

early the next spring;
they cannot harden up
a cold one, it might
bud has come out from

I liable to be blown off, cut off the

two or three inches.
several branches.
long, cut them off.

This hardens up the bud and it p
As soon as these get from eight to tel
Continue this cutting back for four

ruts out
n inches
or five

times, or through the first year.
the buds to stakes and makes a
like a seedling. If the stocks
top and leave in nursery longer
If you do, then leave them for

It saves trouble in tying up
close and symmetrical top, more
should be in the nursery do not
than ten days before taking up.
another season, and two years

would be better. I think this accounts for many budded trees,
with buds from a few months to a year old, not doing so well,
taken from nurseries when the buds have been forced out by tak-

ing the top off th
before taking up
or three-fourths (
on the opposite si
the stock above t
out the,bhd reul

ie stock.
trees, th
)ff a tew
ide from
hle bud,
ta of an

of the trouble in working
for any other reaon, it m
tirely, then,. when topped
spade and cut mat of the

If you are anxious to force out buds
len, if you will cut the stock two-thirds
inches above the bud and bend it down
the bud and take all the eyes out of
you will generally force the bud with-
entire top-off. However, if on account
r bent down trees when in a nurerv.or

its you betterto top of t
take s luge tree chisel o
lateral rots arumd the 1

he ock en-
'r loug urp
tem, jt asif

you were taking the tM up, but leave th tapMJOt mask Haithy
trees ame all well kala -m to topa and rotaMd iwhm you at


the tops off and leave them without cutting the roots any, the
roots will die off, so as to restore the equilibrium between the top
and roots, and in so doing will, to a certain extent, become dis-
eased. When root-pruned as above, or taken up and trans-
planted, the top and roots are nearly balanced and they are soon
ready to assist each other in their natural way, without any
shrinkage of sap-vessels in the tree or roots, when there is too
much top for the roots, or gorging of sap-vessels when there are
too many roots for the top.
Now, by the time you have worked with your grove long
'enough to have given most of the suggestions in this article a
practical test, your grove will have been success or failure; and
by that time you will have learned many practical things and
unlearned many more pet theoretical ideas, that you once had
about making a grove, etc. You will then be so elated over
your success, or dejected over your failure, that farther sugges-
tions in either case from any source would-be of little use.
Lake Weir.
In conversation with Mr. Carney, he informed me that an
orange grove in full bearing ought to yield a return of $1,000
per acre. Instead of being an unreasonable, extravagant esti-
mate, he says that this is a moderate and reasonable one. He
has trees not in full bearing that produce 1,000 oranges to the
tree. As remarked before, Mr. Carney's oranges have netted
him, on an average, two cents per orange. This gives hihn a re-
turn of $20 per tree for his oldest trees. I know that this ap-
pears to be a fancy calculation, but Mr. Carney demonstrates
every year that it i real and practicable. He does not claim
that every orange grove in Florida will pay this well, but that,
all the conditions to orange enlture being favorable, with good
trees and a choice variety of omages to start with, by giving
them proper care and attention, an orange grove can be made to
pay this well. He has no fears whatever of the over-production
of aeoie oranges and the consequent decrease in prices. But he
would earnestly advise-these who are about'to start an orange.
grove, to plant none but the wry bed varieties of orange, if they
wihk to always receive fancy prim for their fruit. I have not



the space here to discuss this question of the over-production of
oranges, but will state that I filly agree with Mr. Carney upon
this subject. The reader will find this question ably discussed
by other writers.
Lemon culture is quite as profitable as orange culture. The

lemon tree is tenderer than the orange tre
grown as far north; consequently, the area in
be devoted to lemon culture is smaller than
The lemon tree is a more rapid grower and
than the orange tree. Mr. Carney is one o0
lemon culture in Peninsular Florida, and is

the culture of lemons for profit.

He informed

cannot be

Florida that can
the orange area.
a heavier bearer
'the pioneers in
i firm believer in
me that he had a

lemon tree on his homestead that was put out four years ago last

winter, a dormant bud and a one-inch tree. Last
gathered one thousand lemons from it. Of course th
done exceptionally well, and will not do to be taken
age tree. The forty-five acre lemon grove on Lemon

twenty-five acre lemon grove of "
and various other smaller lemon
Weir country is not too cold for le
When our orange and lemon
handsome returns and our truck
strange that we should prefer arb
agriculture ?



mon cul


winter he
is tree had
as an aver-
Island, the

prove that the
are bringing in
paying so well,


is it

oriculture and horticulture to




For want of proper transportation, market-gardening on Lake

Weir has thus far been carried on only to
Enough, however, has been accomplished
yond any doubt that, with two railroads giv
transportation, vegetables can and will be
forth to great advantage and profit. The

a limited extent.
to demonstrate be-
ing us cheap, quick
grown here hence-
light, loamy ham-

mock land on the lake
soil, and the wonderful
without any fertilizers,
to vegetable growing.

is the garden
I growth tha
proves that
And, when

ker's beau-ideal of vegetable
it all vine crops make on it,
it is pre-eminently adapted
properly enriched, the pine

lands have produced as fine vegetables as any m
boast. All authorities on market-gardening tell u
soil is naturally rich enough to produce first-class
without manure." Peter Henderson, the great New
dener, in his book on "Gardening for Profit," tells us t
plies from" a thousand to twelve hundred pounds of
guano or seventy-five tone of stable manure to one

that too on land that he has bee.enriohing at the same
many years. Thus we see that natural fertility is of se
consideration. Peter Henderson also tells us that "uD

a market-gardener's
proximity to cities;
even $100 rent per ac
the same clam of lan

success depeuds almost
that "a gardener had


better p

re for land near a good market,
d a few miles off for nothing."

market can
s that "no
York gar-
bat he ap-
acre," and

rate for
ipon his
$50 or



than have
Water is to


the Florida gardener what
for his chances of success v
and facilities for applying
ing crop. About three in
and vegetables .are grown
about two out of.five years



is to his Northern brother;

according to his proximity to
abundance of water to his grow-
e years the seasons are propitious,
over the State to perfection; but
dry spell strikes the crops just at

the critical period, when they are beginning to put on fruit,, and
all such vegetables as nuoumbers, beans, &c., very soon succumb
and often prove a total failure. But, with plenty of manure and
plenty of water, succe is as certain as taxes, and a Florida
Revenue Collector never fails to pay his annual respects. Sever-
al years ago, when we had to depend on the Ocklawaha steamers
for transportation, Captain Carney planted one-third of an' ace
in tomatoes and netted seventy dollars from the same. Carney's
suceem shook us all up, like a galvanic battery, and even the
old fogies began to prick up their ears; for our groes were
young an, paying nothing, but sucking up what little capital
we had. It was certainly a hMrd time then, for it was often dif-
feult for ua to Nl where the neft barrel of flour was coming
from. We thought Carney had solved the problem, and cone-
quently the next year everyone rushed into vegetables. How-
ever, we reversed Peter Henderson's mode of applying manaue,
and, instead of applying seventy-fve tons to one aore, we applied
one ton to seventy-five acres. Yet, surprising to msay,weallmade
good crps of very. fine vegetables. Everyone had sa pile on his
face, and wme old bachelors actually bought Sunday clothes
and got married on the strength of their prospects But, alas!
the steamboat gave the death blow to all our hopes. Imtead
of two boats a week, we had what the Irishman called a try-weekly
steamer, whioh wat down 4ae week and tried to get ach the
next. We made the. vegatabl nd shipped them by the hun-
dred crate, but they wen many weeks getting to market, and,
conaequatly, we realized no money. Market-gardening was, of
ooMne,. abandoned, and the newly married -ouples had nothing
to live o but love and gophen. ILIt year the Tropical PM.B-
mslar Bmiad was eompletd to within thra mile of Iake
Wiram mamy planted .vegta su spin one a l scale- with
firemua. Frop iE to-10 per lore was mtted oa tomtoes.



One gentleman planted an acre of cucumbers near the lake
and rigged up an inexpensive, rude affair, with which he could
water his patch fron the lake, and.-netted over two hundred dollars
on his patch, while other cucumbers unwatered proved a complete
failure on account of the drought. He knew little or nothing
about gardening, and made several mistakes, applying oaly a
few dollars' worth of very poor commercial fertilizers, and mak-
ing the ground up into high beds or ridges, thereby causing the
water to run off almost as fast as applied. Early cucumbers sell at
from $4 to $6 per crate, and one acre, properly fertilized, worked

and watered, will
cumbers. There
gardener, with pl
net one thousand
Weir, because it
are lees liable to
a few miles from
rises from it that
a cold snap, wheJ
south of us. Foi

make several hundred crates of

first-class cu-

is no doubt in my mind that an experienced
entry of fertilizers and water, can, on Lake Weir,
dollars per acre on cucumbers. I say on Lake
is an acknowledged bet that tender vegetables
be injured by a cold snap on the lake than even
it. The lake being very deep, a warm vapor
often carries tender vegetable safely through
n they are injured, and even killedimany miles
r example, in 1877, orange trees at Tampa were

reported badly nipped by the cold, when the tenderest lemon
buds on Lake Weir showed no sign of cold. It is, therefore, safe
to calculate that the gardener on Lake Weir would get his ten-
der vegetables into market a week or ten days before his neigh-

bors, and early vegetables always commm

matoe are 1
urs, like cu
wth proper
Snap beans
over with in
ket on Lai
some of the

the staple crop, for, while the
cumben, onion, etc., they car
management, to pay from (5(
pay about like tomatoes, and
two months. I have sea no
ke Weir, but my neighbor, ]


for home use, and
both the red and
reutd three acres
tmnatocs sand water
his rop. Mr. T.

and fancy prices. To-
y never ps fancy fig-
n be safely counted on,
) to $150 net per acre.
the ereop is made and
onions gmwn for mar-
Dr. Thomion. planted


uda onion seed, of Dr. Tucker's inlportation,
raised some of the finest onions I evft saw, of
white variety. Lost fall the Rev. Mr.'Scott
of hnd on Lake Weir, which he planted in
rmulomn. Hetold me that dhe nettd 00O on
F. Wright, Judge Beoen, and ma y others

h.e UCoeeeded quite well at market gardening any I have






mentioned, but the above is sufficient to show what can be done,

is written in no manner of boasting, for we
e a botch of it. An experienced gardener w
efforts, and be sorely puzzled to know how,
ovation and rough handling, we could clear e
has certainly bestowed her richest blessings

with a
in the
or gen
he can

lavish hand.

What more could a market |

way of land and location than one of the
tle slopes that surround this lovely lake

from which he
render himself

seasons, and can enjoy

eases, with facilities <
tables selling for as
of excellent schools, <
full of money, and
romping around hin
that has been asked

can draw a never-failing
independent of the fickl
perfect health, free from
cheap and quick transpol
uch per crate as oranges,
urches and good society,


have certainly
would laugh at
with our rude
expenses. Na-
on Lake Weir
gardener want
beautiful blufBs
clear, crystal
ipply? Here
and capricious
l malarial dis-
tion, and veg-


his happy, healthy, roey-cheek
In conclusion, I will answer

hundreds of times.

"How can

his pockets
ed children
a question
a man sup-

port himself
orange grove
"I don't knoi
eight years, sl
and Florida
ferent answer

buy ten a

orange or lemon
enough energy ti
between the tree
for himself and
does not deserve

and family on Lake Weir until he can bring an
into bearing?" Heretofore the answer has been,
w. If you have not money enough to live on for
tay where you are." But the Tropical Peninsular
southern railroads enable us now to give a very dif-
. Plant vegetables. If a man has enough money
crest on Lake Weir, clear, fence and set it out in

trees, and build a cottage, and then has not
o plant melons, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.,
rows, and derive therefrom a handsome living
family, he is certainly a worthless fellow, and
to live anywhere.














T. M. SaEdford, Eq. :

DnR SIn :--At your request, I
briefly my experience in cultivating
Five years ago, last fall, in 1877, I bi
Concord vines with me from Nebraui
ing spring, as soon as. the bruah a
away, planted them where they now
gw th without fertilizers. The vine
te and the cuttings planted out.
in Florida, with proper care, cuttings
you may count on more than double
a given number of cuttings that you


The vines were

end you a few line giving
the grapq here on the lake.
pugbt a ew., and
Ls, and early in the Bllow-
nd timber could be cleared

stand. They made a fair
i w well cut back j the
And here let me may that
of the vineroot freely, and
the number of vines from
.can either in the North or
ilied and well cultivated,

and gave us a few grapes the second year, and have continued to
bear heavy crops ever since. In the meantime, I added other
varieties, of which I will speak hereafter. For fertilizer, the
swe inga of the yard and cow stable are excellent. Ashe are
also g6od. Of the various commerdal fertilizer, I prefer bone
duat, containing from two to tlree per cent. of ammonia, applied
at the rate of from three hkmdnpd to ive hundred pounds per

be obtain

cultivated 'I.
, the sulphte,
xd with 1ad
soil jut biiAW

I. needed
oe e the piuiate
I plAter, or lime, and
a rid, will iAsre.

and mhbe cannot
, of potah. made
I scatteed lightly
sit thee .It


lightly ferti


must be used with caution.

The Scuppernong family of grapes

do well here with little care, requiring
'only moderate cultivation and an arboi
planted five years ago I gathered the o
"of the ripest, four bushel., and did z
grapes from the vine, the others being


cut f

They make excellent jelly,


little or
r to run o
their day,
lot take


to n

no pruning and
n. From a vine
August the 6th,
one-half of the
nature more fil-
very fine, when

- ripe, canned in the usual way. I am often asked i
gathered two crops of grapes in one year ? This
some others I will answer by copying from notes
by me, a portion of which have already appeared
ida Dispatch. During the first week of January,

om my vines three varieties

of ripe grapes, the

if I have

which I
in The
1882, I

ware, and a variety the name of which is unknown to me.
grew during the fall and matured the first of January, no
appearing to hurt them. In May and June following, not-
tanding the sharp drought, I gathered a very heavy crop
the same vines, including also the Hartford Prolific, Dela-
White Sweetwater, Concord, Goethe, and others, and later,

Agawam, Morton's Virginia and Reissling. The earlier varie-
tie shed their leaves after fruiting, and rested about six weeks
in July and August, during the rainy season, then started out
fresh again and bloomed freely. Some vines matured the i Lt
of .November from thirty to forty bunches, some a very cwlvd
others none. My vines are growing on pine land, with no extra
care, excepting good cultivation. I have never seen vines fruit
'better, either in the North or West, or produce larger or finer
bunches, and though they are cut back to two, or at most three,
buds every winter, they are apt to overbear. The leaf-roller is
the principal enemy we have to contend with, and on the thick-

leaved varieties must be cloely watched. The
are from layers and cutting but I have grafted

most of my vines
the black Ham-

burg, Muscat
Riesling all
made a vety 1
^om twenty 1

of Alexand
on the wil4 "
remarkable g
tothirty feet
aidahe oTh
jAfah med no

White Sweetwater and
>t, and the moit of them
mending out a main cane
inst eason, .beid nu-

prevet it. Ti. *Whiie
d heanly in le than





eighteen months from the graft, and, indeed, some have borne a
few bunches the same season the graft was inserted. Both the
White Sweetwater and Reissling have produced heavy crops

again this season; one vine of the Reissling,
having one hundred and twenty-five bunches

a smool
and inI
scion ii
stock v
and, if

were allow

Iwed to mature,

In grafting, I

th place on the stock and cut it off squan
below the surface of the ground, split it
sert one, or, if the stock is large, two,
as in ordinary cleft grafting," enclosing
n soft clay, using no wax, and covering

ith earth, leavi
but partially c
the work is ca

ng one
covered .

bud ju
I prel



refully done

moist, the graft will be almost sure to
wild vine in @witr, spring, or early a
vine to grow, and graf the following
variety. My experience in grafting the
fiee me in saying that I believe it to be
obtaining strong vines and fine fruit

If this article has the effect of inducing
vate this delicious fruit for the uue of
I feel well repaid for the hour devoted to
Very reepectfilly,

thirty months
)n it, the mo
select, if pose

Three or

st of

in the middle
the stock and
clay, scion and

at the surface

e of the

ir to graft in January,
1 the clay kept slightly
grow. I plant a small
summer, where I wish a
winter with some choice
grape islimited, but justi-
by far the best way of
in the shortest possible

even one reader to
his own family, I

South Late

Weir, August 14th,



, i



In the cultivation of the pine-apple the first thing to be
done is to mellow and enrich the land. The pine-apple needs a
strong fertilizer, such as guano, or bone and potash, or both. It

has been stated that the pine-apple is
fore would grow on poor land. This
pine-apple is a gross feeder, and the
counts for the small apples which so
say again, fertilize heavily, if you wi

largely an air pant, there-
is clearly a mistake, m the
absence of plant food ac-
many have raised. So I
sh large fruit. Plant the

suckers i
apart to
they must

beds of
allow of
not be

two or three rows, of ufficient di4
emy cultivation with hoe and rake
permitted to become choked with we

Water, when set out,
drought should follow

If the

the he
heart, a
able to
tion ag





all that




is needed,


suckers are small they must be mu
vy, beating rains from washing the
this retards all further growth. But it

unless a severe
watered gain.
Iched to keep
earth into the
would be prefer-

have sucker large enough to do without mulching.
in this action they mut be provided with slight pr

ainat fret.

A slight frae

1 with long, coon mal
This should not be
When the fruit has $

little offhoot around the


two to three feet high,
or palmetto leaves, is f-
til all danger of front is
**e little sise there will sp-
of the apple, also crownl

at the bea of the brown. Thee ahould be broken 4 .m they
are of ao me for future planting, and lemon the d of the fruit




Suckers come from the old plant near the ground, which, with
the crown of the apple, is all that should be planted. Suckers
are the best, and will bear sooner than the crown. They should
be removed from the parent plant when a foot to sixteen inches
in height.
MRs. B. B. RiCKER.
south Lake Weir.


It is imposible for me to give the reader much information
in regard to the price of lands on or around Lake Weir. The
prices vary much, according to the lake frontage of the land,
its proximity to the lake, desirability of the building site on it,
etc. I will simply state that property in this section is rapidly
increasing in value, and refer the reader for additional informa-
tiCdto those parties advertising in the book that they have lands
for sale.






Lake Weir needs several

points on the lake. They
Northern States during I
open the year round. A i
sort than Lake Weir cann
people living in the State

large hotels, located at different

would be killed with people from the
the winter, and would pay to be kept
more pleasant and desirable winter re-

Lot be 1

Found in Florida. A number
like to spend their summerson


Lake Weir, provided they could obtain comfortable and pleasant
accommodations. Several good private boarding-housm would
also pay well. At present there is not a single hotel on Lake
Weir, though there is talk of one or two being erected this oi.
ing fall.
Lake Weir needs a large sanitarium, under the charge of
competent and skilled physicians. As a health resort, Lake
Weir is unsurpassed.
Lake Weir needs telegraphic and telephonic communication
with the outside world.
Livery stables, good market-houses, more storm, dairy farms
and an ice factory would all pay well on Lake Weir. True, there
is talk of an ice factory and a livery stable being established
here soon, but two of each fi prove profitable.





In conclusion, I wish to have a pleasant little chat with my
reader before bidding him a final good-bye.
I hope that my work has not been in vain, and that you
have derived some pleasure, if not benefit, from the penal of
my little book. I have endeavored to be candid and clear in all
of my statements, and trust that you will not fail to understand
me, whether you agree with me or not.
If you have enjoyed reading my little hook, and wish to tell

me of it, I shall be
tiwal information upc
and I will do my bet
where, I have located
to ngage in the pract
Heuperia, on Lake W<

glad to hear from you. If you wish ddi-
m any point, write me, enclosing stamp,
to furnish it to you. As you will me elae-
at Brookville, Hermndo county, Florida,
ice of my profemion. But I will reserve
Br, for my permanent home in after years.

If you are an invalid, I would my, when winter's icy and
chilling wiads visit your Northern homes, follow the example of
the birds, Nature's sweetMet musicians, and turn your course
muthward. Come to Bright Moon Lake and breathe its balmy
and health-giving air.
If you m a tourist or sportama, I would may, Lake Weir
offers you many attractions.
If you are thinking of locating in Florida, I would say,
Lake Weir offers you healthfalnea, natural beauty, good orange

land, excellent social,

school and church privileges, and good



Since the above was put in type a private letter from Mr.
E. B. Foster, of S:uth Lake Weir, who is spending the'summer
at Westerly, Rhode Island, informs me that he has perfect ar-
raagmeents fbr the erection of a hotel at South Lake Weir. The
dimensioM will be 80 by 85 feet, and it will accommodate about
forty guests. It will be completed and thrown open to the pub-
lic early in the coming winter. It is located on the first lot wert
of Mr. Harry Guion's, on a fine bluff one-half a mile fiom the
station on the Florida Southern Railroad. Beibre another sa-
son it will be greatly enlarged. I am unable to give further -is
formation about the hotel now, but the reader may rest assured
it will be a sucoen for Mr. Foster makes a success of evwythtij
he undertakes.
I also understand that the Florida Southern Railroad in-
tend erecting at an early date on the northeast side of lAke
Weir, near Dr. T. J. Myers' residence, a large buiMtng to be
used asa restaurant and dancing hall. This is to be erected
especially for the beeudt of excursion parties and tourit who
wish to visit Lake Weir.
gain we y,Come and me Bright Moon Lake, the most
beautiful lake in the South. "





If you wish
or lemon groves,
circulars, terms a
in South Florida
exactly what you
sale, write for my

to buy land, improved or unimproved, orange
at any point in South Florida, write to me for
nd full information. No matter at what point
you wish to buy lands, write to me and state
wish. If you have lands in South Florida for
terms. I shall keen my business well adver-

tised and shall deal fairl

money to lend on
There are no usury
forced for any rate
the legal rate of in
be loaned for high
on improved prope
times the amount o

y .and honestly wi
estate in Florida,

laws in Florida, and
of interest agreed upon.

th all. If you have
write for my terms.
contracts can be en-
Eight per cent. is

teret in this State, but money
r rates of interest and secured
rty and orange groves worth

,f mortgage.

A mortgage on

can frequently
by mortgagee
two or three
a Florida or-

ange gro
every yei
safely at
will pay
safety of
a postage
you wish
and vanlu

ve is safer and better than a mortgage on real estate
B, because an orange grove increases so rapidly in value
ir. If you have money to lend and wish to invest it
a good per cent. for either a long or a short time, it
you to write to me. I think I can satisfy you as to the
real ertte mortgages in Florida. It will cost you only
e stamp to write and find out whether I can or not. If
to borrow money and can finish gilt-edged, first-cla
on real estate in FloridSand can satisfy me as to titles
e. it will omy you to write to me. My motto is justicee

to alL". With regard to
to General J. J. Finley
la.; Captain John L. (
Fl.; Ex-Governor A. 8
M. Bright, Fayetteville,
etteville, Tenn. If you
for reply,


my campetenoy and reliability, 2
and General Robert Bullock,
Carney, 6r any. citizen of Lake
.Marks, Nashville Tenn.; Hon.
Tenn., and First National Btnk
write me, do not fail to enclose
Very resp ctally,

[ refer


-T. Lr. Sa CtoKPORD,
Brooklville, Fla.









MNONEY, LOA$ and LAv OFFIE, at Stanton, Ma-

rion County













section of Florida.
The value of the securities taken on our

loans have more than doubled

within the

past two (2)


, and

large increase


without doubt

, continue for several

years in future.
.. a-- -


Our lanU& were all

purchard before


of the Florida Southern Railroad, and we offer them

in large or

small tracts



the present

Market Value.


* 0. 4u S. I?. B-U-F
1 I


Stanton, Marion County, Florida.


/ Si





Er oID .A.



BRcOYc3v.T ,





For any

Information in Regard



Puttiug out Groves,

Prices of Lands









wteir, Marion County


a few








sS. ouAti m&WAOX
M M *0 19 i


SmhINRt ad MII



* jracr

AR TICL 93 8.



We have the moet complete Book Bindery in the StWWe. Can Bule. Number or
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wt WEsBLumH 't

A Mrf Weeklny Arlculturnl Journal, at only *0 perOar. Devoted to South*
ern IrtU Frult Orownug, Market OGrdefi, et. TcI. paper haa tie lanet
olrculiaoo at l plftllhd I r'FlOd. Spo_ opis tiee. Writs fbr a oy.
Itg i eMerJ ooded wn do the nee Job PrlaUxn theo 8t We have a1 the
BoMn maohir and all new type. Coia print smtallemt Vsitliw Card to
the largest Poter. Prindag of Pampbeta a penalty. Send tdr prlai.


FLORIDA, (el *tb).............
TUREK the latest and bet.. I
TLEBRS (Barbour, profue-
ly UtaarM)..............
(L a r) .. ............ .....

TL MDA ........ ........
WIl T' T Ux.L...,.. .1
SOU FR 'r ,TO(|l- I
DAVIS OBe .11b1gRW.

oor I
Price S 00



Price 1 50
Price 10
Price 365

(Nw .edlt, emlarug. mul

TUNt (n, editiona. a-
Ihued and Imro ed).........PrlIe
ORANGE IN M B-lihar- m
ted (AdaM d)........... .Price

field)........... ....... ...l.Pri



19M.with DMO..............Price 0
S, u .... ..P.. .rke 1
I FLOHIDA (WhknM)....Price 50
A *.... ....-*.... .....* .... .Prl T

OF 8'. JOHNS BIVK. ...Price
..LAWi Or OBmI,

r* THE 'S aWME
FLORIDA. Its lnae. oil
and produUons (by Samuel
C. Upbm ............. ...]
3l3UT HOLE.. ......
I p m 90OmIDO

Prce 3 00


Any of the abo boo nalrd on re

Souvemr of
Sotlh (o

rlal as eoond views b hfad es loth as,
of thetlme Flont.
TLY)wi~l-'At weektS Uehfdlim Tr
maal pom kFro WDo. oEnm immlh I I
w, ND', per sA........ ....

iAlla of


la lqRdIa


hae a cop.

-~ ..... ....... e
sl Jl Re e made Cto
r...... ........ ..........*. 1s 00
e, JdeSe of the i'raec. OCr

(tdlM cot- a w to W nm.) 1610, 14f. pr mam
Illxl, lo. pe rmm ; 2thIS, Io. perrrten.


I 1



. v










Catalogues and Prioe LiU. furnished on application.

Special prioee to Dealers.








PU RCHIASE---4,000,000






ornmlenmt Prise



-per Acre.

In Looks of Not kLe Thmn SO Nor More Than 40 Aroe.
and are adapted to Oran Lamonm, IUmes. Plnapples reams. ttuar Cane.
rlAy Veletabls, etc, and are bCy ta the county. o JoMb VolMo. Bre-
ard. Orange. 8urmter. Levy. Hermando. Hfliborow Polr Ma e sd ooe.
Our Lands are aillir rapidly I hoeoua of dmUte loaded on them
during the pat six monou. Do not delay it you wnt t low priea.
Land Com lemer, JashI lIe, Psa.




ST.BR.-BB. Pea .a
tAMILt'ON f 'lTON, VMs IrnsAt. T. W. PALM3, Secretary.
LA IDU H BD, ira e wO N
W^WWuin cc4Ow oranges, lit, PIumpwis baoana, Co-

oInaa eo., in ne com
ka, Krnad,

KIhhWriMK3 0

a U


adi mr.

k a*W to PS per a Macdi to basUon amtLqai.
TY (:""M I'"l" "..' ._".""""""""* "
S e.A rie ........ .. ..****...**** *** **-................ *****- o e.




pn e








344S GrnwIo Street.

I Lr

New York


R. 8. Conover, Panasoffkee Lake; J.

T. Harris.

Citra, Fla.


A. Pike, Panasoffkee Lake

R. J.


& Co.

, Bankers, N.


























LlSJ, .,

HENRY 8. LY, Treasurer.
W. F. 8ULXsacR B.


JTf lj *^A ^^lacI3





,r rly *qrawbena



a a*odeiat.9

, p, eao a. f. 1bny Ot te

rt --M- b--, Nuhvll, Tm@i or any Agnt of South-
ern Bpr- Company.



aed rpqyr4 Melee.